HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN (1ST FILE)CONTINUED (See 2nd File) CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME ~40(ZtA/~ ~_)~f'rT".t~.._~ INSPECTION DATE ?(//~c~/~'~/ Section 5: Hazardous Waste Tier Permit Treatment Program [] Routine [] Combined [~ Joint Agency [] Multi-Agency [] Complaint ~} Re-inspection Onsite Treatment Unit Tier: Unit number & name: [] PBR [] CA ~CESW [] CESQT [] CEL [~l CECL OPERATION C V COMMENTS All hazardous wastes treated are generated onsite Onsite treatment notification forms available and complete Onsite treatment unit tier and/or count is correct on form b,/ Unit number is correct on notification form t~ S C~ Ara T~ Number of tanks or containers is correct on form Treatment monthly volume is correct on form Waste identification & treatment is correct on form /' Complies with residual management requirements .( ~ ~.o~on/~c~v C.s~r~,~t~,~*i- Properly closed a treatment unit Complies with tank and containment certification Developed and maintains a written inspection log Meets pretreatment standards for waste discharge v/ Developed and maintains a Closure Plan on site IPBRI Developed and maintains a Waste Analysis Plan and Waste Analysis Records [PBR] Maintains Training Records on site [PBRI Obtained local permits for treatment operations [PBR} Identifies and labels Treatment Units [PBR] C=Compliance//~/~}V~Vi°lati°n//~/<~ ~ Inspector: - - _.~ Office of Environmental Services (805) 326-3979 Busines~ SUe Responsible Party CA=Conditionally authorized CESW=Conditionally exempt specified wastestream CECL=Conditionally exempt commercial laundry CESQT=Conditionally exempt small quantity treatment CEL=Conditionally exempt limited PBR=Permit by rule White - Env. Svcs. Pink - Business Copy CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3ra Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME ~~A'f. ~,'r~L.. INSPECTION DATE Section 4: Hazardous Waste Generator Program EPA ID # ~__..A C OOO O ~ !"7-~'~--~ [] Routine [] Combined ~Joint Agency [] Multi-Agency [] Complaint [] Re-inspection OPERATION C V COMMENTS Hazardous xvaste determination has been made EPA ID Number (Phone:916-324-1781 to ohtain EPA1D #) Vr Authorized lbr waste treatment and/or storage Reported release, fire. or explosion within 15 days ofoccurance Established o~-maintains a contingency plan and training Hazardous waste accumulation time fi'ames Containers in good condition and not leaking Containers are compatible ~vith the hazardous waste Containers are kept closed xvhen not in use Weekly inspection of storage area Ignitable/reactive waste located at least 50 feet from property line Secondary containment provided X- ~&q) 1,O~'1~" S~ Conducts daily inspection of tanks k/ Used oil not contaminated with other hazardous waste I/' Proper management of lead acid batteries including labels Proper management of used oil filters Transports hazardous waste with completed manifest Sends manifest copies to DTSC Retains manifests tbr 3 years Retains hazardous waste analysis for 3 years i,/ Retains copies of used oil receipts fbr 3 years t./ Determines if waste is restricted fi-om land disposal C=C°mpliancel/0V=Vi°lati°no"} ~.~ Inspector: .. - t Office of Environmental Services ('805) 326-3979 Business S~e Responsible Party \Vhite - Env. Svcs. Pink - Business Copy CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3ra Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program [221 Routine I~l Combined ~ Joint Agency [~1 Multi-Agency _ [~l~Complaint I~1 Re-inspection Type of Tank ..b o~l /'="' Number of Tanks '7_..- Type of Monitoring Type of Piping ~ ~ OPERATION C V COMMENTS Proper tank data on file ~,~ Proper owner/operator data on file Permit tees current Certification of Financial Responsibility Monitoring record adequate and current ~ L~tc_ n.,ta~ Maintenance records adequate and current Failure to correct prior UST violations Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program TANK SIZE(S) ~-S'7~ AGGREGATE CAPACITY Type of Tank l~lL-o~/-t~a-q'fzr> 3cs f Number of Tanks OPERATION Y N COMMENTS sPcc available tx J{/ sPcc on file with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF? ~ ~tn~_..4'~, If yes, Does tank have overfill/overspill protection? C=Compliance V=Violation Y=Yes N=NO ~~-~xJkq ~k,{r-~ Inspector: ~ £/xJ~, % Omce of Environmental Services (805) 326-3979 Business Site l~esp~ns~'~clt~arty White - Env. Svcs. Pink - Business Copy  CITY OF BAKER ~A LD OFFICE OF ENVIRONME~ ~L SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Chemical Description Form (one fo~n per material ;)er building or ama) ADD I'"]. DELETE ~ REVISE ~ Page ~ of · ':' I. FAcILI~ INFORMATION '* '" BUSINESS ~ME (S~e as FACILI~ ~ME ~ DBA - ~ng Busin~ ~) c.E~,~oc~,o. ( s ~ ~ ~ -~ I~~ C~ ~0~CO.~,DE~,~C"E~'~ LO~T,O.(~) ~ ~ ~.o ~0~ '-~'X~iW'~D ~ ~ ~J ~ ~P ~ (o~.~0 203 o.~o ~ (oot~,~o "' II. CHEMIC~ INFORMA~ON 205 T~DE SECRET ~ Y~ ~ No 2~ CHEMI~L ~ME ~~ ~/~ ~/ ~C~ If Subj~ tO E~, refer tO iinst~=i~s ~7 COM~N~ME EHS' ~ Y~ ~ NO ~ ~S ~ 209 FIRE CODE ~ C~SSES (~pl~e if r~l~ by I~ fire ~i~ 210 WPE ~ p PURE ~ m M~URE ~ w WASTE 211 ~DIOA~NE ~ Y~ ~ No 212 J CURIES 213 ,,~S~L S~E D ~ SOU~ ~ UOU~ ~ g ~S ~ ~ST ~*~NE, ~ ~ FED H~RD ~TE~RIES ~ I FIRE ~2 R~ D 3 PRE~URE REL~SE ~ 4 AC~E H~LTH ~ 5 CHRONIC H~L~ 216 (~ all that apply) UNITS' ~ga ~L D d CU ~ ~ lb ~ D; TONS ' If EHS. ~nt must be in lbs. STOOGE CO~AINER ~ a ABO~GROUND TANK ~e P~STI~NONM~A~IC DRUM D i FIBER DRUM ~ m G~SS ~LE (Check ag ~at apply) ~ b UNDERGROUND T~K ~ f ~ ~ j ~G ~ n P~STIC BO~LE ~ r OTHER ~ c TANK INSIDE BUILDING ~ g ~RBOY ~ k BOX ~ o TOTE BIN ~ d STEEL DRUM ~ h SILO ~ I ~LINDER ~ p TANK WA~N STO~GEPRESSURE ~ a AMBIE~ ~ aa A~VEAMBIE~ ~ ba BELOWAMBIENT ~4 STOOGE TEMPE~TURE ~ a ~BIE~ ~ aa ~VE ~BIE~ ~ ba BELOW AMBIE~ D c CRYOGENIC 225 'o ' ...:~ ~'~:~.':~ :,'..':.:: ' '.;F:'.' ...... : ' - ............ , '::'":.;:.:.;:~2.:~=':.:?.L?~:~;~;~~ "?,~;:~:~ ...... .':'~::::/ Y=~ . :-. ,:,~-.:~ ............ . .-:.. ~R~USCOMPONE~., .... .~::~?~:.~.~,:.;~..~..~.g.~::?;~::~.~:~;~: ?:.:~;~..,-EHS .'~, 2 ~0 231 ~ Y~ ~ No 232 233 3 2~ ~5 ~ Y~ ~ No 236 237 4 238 ~9 ~ Y~ ~ No 240 241 5 242 243 ~ Y~ ~ NO 2~ 245 .: .. . · '" ;11i. SIGNATURE "'L ' PRINT ~ME & TITLE OF AUTHORIZED COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE DATE 246 DES FORM 2731 (7/98) P:~OES273 t. TV4.wpd  CITY OF BAKER~ELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMEI ITAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Chemical Description Form (one form per matenal per building or ama) ~"A~ DO ["].DELETE REVISE 20O Page of - ;'. i. FACILITY INFORMATION:''- ' BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Bus~nes~ As) 3 201 C.EM,CALLOC*T,O. ~ S"r f=/... /~-^?_-/~'~AT- ~,,J~JC.--~ (:::oP.~. C.EM,CALLOGAT,O. []"es []No 202 CONFIDENTIAL (EPCRA) II, CHEMICAL INFORMATION 205 TRADE SECRET [] Yes [] No 206 / ~ If Subject to EPCRA. refer to iinslmctions 2O7 COMMON NAME EHS° [] Yes [] No 208 CAS # 209 .*If EHS is'Yes*, all amounts below must be in .i..~.: FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (C~plete if requested by local fire chief) 210 TYPE [] p PURE ,~m MIXTURE [~] w WASTE 211 RADIOACTIVE [] Yes [] No 212 t CURIES 213 [] S SOLID ~1 LIQUID [] g GAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER PHYSICAL STATE 215 FED HAZARD CATE~RIES [] 1 FIRE l~'12 REACTIVE []3 PRESSURE RELEASE [-14 ACUTE HEALTH 4J~]5 CHRONIC HEALTH 216 (Chec~ all that apply) * If EHS. amount must be in tl3s. STORAGE CONTAINER [] a ABOVEGROUND TANK '~e PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM [] i FIBER DRUM [] m GLASS BOTTLE [] q RAIL CAR 223 (Check all that apply) [] b UNDERGROUND TANK [] f CAN [] j BAG [] n PLASTIC BOTTLE [] r OTHER [] c TANK INSIDE BUILDING [] g CARBOY [] k BOX [] o TOTE B~N [] d STEEL DRUM [] h SILO [] I CYLINDER [] p TANK WA~N STORAGE PRESSURE [] a AMBIENT [] aa ABOVE AMBIENT [] ba BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE [] a AMBIENT [] aa ABOVE AMBIENT [] ba BELOW AMBIENT [] c CRYOGENIC 225 .5"- 230 ~O~,u~ &d~_~i~-~ 2~4 235 [] Ye~ [] No 236 237 238 239 [] Yes [] No 240 241 242 243 [] Yes [] No 244 245 '..: : ::. : IlL SIGNATURE "' PRINT NAME & TITLE OF AUTHORIZED COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE ~ I~ . SIGNAj~E ' DATE 246 OES FORM 2731 (7/98) P:\OES2731 .T'V4.wpd Pacific Gas and Electric Company Kern Divisien 1918 H Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 September 1, 1998 Mr. Ralph Huey City of Bakersfield '"~.~~ ,// Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave., Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Huey: Thank you for agreeing to speak at the C.S.H.E. meeting regarding what to do when hazardous material spills or leaks out. The meeting will be held Tuesday, September at noon in the Bakersfield Memorial Hospital, Engineering Conference Room. I am looking forward to your talk. Sincerely, Denise A. Newton C.S.H.E. Secretary DAN:tar CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CLAIM VOUCHER Vendor No. I certify that this claim is correct and valid, and is a proper charge against the City Agency and account indicated. CLAIMANT'S NAME AND ADDRESS: Bakersfield Memorial Hospital AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE OF CITY AGENCY) 420 34Th Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date: 08-12-98 Initials of Preparer: CITY DEPARTMENT: FINANCE PLEASE PROVIDE SHORT EXPLANATION OF PAYME (Including Contract Number if Applicable) This business overpaid on their Hazardous Materials bill. They overpaid and now have a credit of $2,993.02 which we will be refunding. Dept. .El / Objt Project # Invoice # Amount Date of Invoice 0000 7900 $2,993.02 VOUCHER TOTAL $2,993.02 SECTION 72, PENAL CODE FINANCE DEPT. USE ONLY Section 72, Presenting False Claims. Every person who with intent to defraud, presents for allowance or for payment to any state board or officer, or any county, town, city district, ward or village board or officer, authorized to allow or pay the same if genuine, any false or fraudulent claim, bill, account, voucher, Examined &.Approved for Payment Amount or writing, is guilty of a felony. STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301-520i (805) 326-3979 DATE: 8/01/98 TO: BAKERSPIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 42O 34TH ST BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 CUSTOMER NO: 3284 CUSTOMER TYPE: ES/ 3284 CHARGE DATE DESCRIPTION REF-NUMBER DUE DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 6/30/98 BEOINNING BALANCE .00 6/30/~8 PAYMENT 2,9~3.02-- FOR QUESTIONS OR CHANGES TO YOUR ACCOUNT PLEASE CALL THE NUMBER AT THE TOP OF THIS STATEMENT. CURRENT OVER 30 OVER 60 OVER DUE DATE' 8/31/98 PAYMENT DUE: TOTAL DUE: 'CUSTOMER NO~=/';: ..'" 3284' '" .. arK' "'CUSTOMER,'TYPE: ES/ 3284~'",' ' "' .: ::" > :. ' , ' TOTAL~ DUE: $2, 993, 02~ ~R~30107 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 8/06/98 M ellaneous Receivables In( ~ry 13:21:17 Customer ID . . . : 3284 Name: BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Last statement : 8/01/98 Addr: 420 34TH ST Last invoice : 0/00/00 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Current balance : 2,993.02- Pending ..... : .00 A ACTIVE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Type options, press Enter. Combined Detail 5=Display Chg Bnk G Opt Trans Date Code Description Amount Balance Typ Cd L 8/01/98 stmrn Statements Processed 00 2993 02- 6/30/98 PAYMENT 2993 02- 2993 02- 00 Y 6/30/98 stmrn Statements Processed 00 00 6/15/98 PAYMENT 678 25- 00 00 Y 6/11/98 stmrn Statements Processed 00 678 25 6/01/98 stmrn Statements Processed 00 678 25 6/01/98 UT001 UNDERGROUND TANK ANN 198 00 678 25 A 6/01/98 SS003 COND-EX STATE SURCHA 20 75 480 25 A 6/01/98 SS002 UST STATE SURCHARGE 24 00 459 50 A + F3=Exit F12=Cancel * = Pending ~ Do hereb~ certify thet i have ;viewed ~.h~ s~schsd h~rdo~s m~efia~s man3ge- ~en~ plan ~or ~ ~'~ . and tha~ i~ a~on~ v~i~h ~ny corrections co~s[i~e a ~mple[~ and corre~ man- BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HosPIT RF-- C-E VED SiteID: 215-000-001121 JAN281998 Manager BusPhone: (805) 327-1792 Location i 420 34TH ST I~v. Map : 103 CommHaz : Moderate City : BAKERSFIELD '~l- Grid: 19D FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 04 SIC Code:8062 EPA Numb: CAL000021754 DunnBrad:95-180-2779 Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title MICHAEL WOOD / ASST DIR OF HEA PETE ARMSTRONG / ENG SUPERVISOR Business Phone: (805) 327-1792x1891 Business Phone: (805) 327-1792x1891 24-Hour Phone : (805) 327-1792x 24-Hour Phone : (805) 327-1792x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Hazmat Hazards: Fire Press React ImmHlth DelHlth Emergency Directives: WASTE TREATMENT SITE & UNDERGROUND TANK SITE: CONTACT 326-3979 FOR JOINT HAZ-MAT INSPECTION ~ Hazmat Inventory One Unified List -- MCP+DailyMax Order Ail Materials at Site Hazmat Common Name... ISpooHazlEPA HazardsI Frm I DailyMax UnitlMCP NITROUS OXIDE F P IH G 6742 FT3 Hi SANATHERM 8116 F S 600 LBS Hi SANAMINE 8963 R DH L 110 GAL Hi SANATHERN 8329 R DH L 110 GAL Hi TRIAX DESTAINER IH L 110 GAL Hi LAUNCH SOUR IH L 110 GAL Hi OXYGEN/ACETYLENE TORCH P R G Z~o ~3 Hi JPC DIESEL #2 F IH DH L 20000 GAL Mod SANATHERM 8203 - D R DH L 110 GAL Mod ASSIST BUILDER IH L 110 GAL Mod NEOSUDS PLUS - DETERGENT F IH L 110 GAL Mod FS01 BAC SOFTNER F IH L 110 GAL Mod JPC DIESEL #2 F IH DH L 3 GAL Mod OXYGEN F P IH G 450240 FT3 Low JPC DIESEL #2 F IH DH L 20000 GAL Low OXYGEN F P IH G 5800 FT3 Low CARBON DIOXIDE, OXYGEN, NITROGEN F P IH G 300 FT3 Low SANATOX 2080 R DH S 200 LBS Low COMPRESSED AIR F P IH G 4316 FT3 Min NITROGEN F P IH G 4080 FT3 Min ETHYLENE OXIDE F P' IH G 3252 FT3 Min CARBON DIOXIDE F P IH G 1120 FT3 Min LIQUID HELIUM F P IH G 976 FT3 Min ARGON P DH G 280 FT3 Min LIQUID NITROGEN F IH L 61 GAL Min i 01/14/1998 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SiteID: 215-000-001121 ~ Hazmat Inventory One Unified List -- MCP+DailyMax Order All Materials at Site Hazmat Common Name... ISpooHazlEPA HazardsI Frm DailyMax IUnitlMCP SANACOR ~ ~ 250 GAL UnR 2 01/14/1998 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SiteID: 215-000-001121 ~- Inventory Item 0001 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site NITROUS OXIDE Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: STORAGE BEHIND KITCHEN SURGERY C-SECTION ROOM #1 BEHIND KITC CAS# 1002-49-72 F STATE i TYPE PRESSURE ~ TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Gas Pure Above Ambient Ambient PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container I Daily Maximum Daily Average ~ %~ 'Z~O FT3[ 6742.00 FT3 3500.00 FT3 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. ]EHS CAS# 100.00 Nitrous Oxide [No ] 10024972 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecret EHS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount I EPA HazardsI NFPA USDOT# I MCP No No No No/ Curies F P IH / / / Hi = Inventory Item 0023 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~Ulv~vju~ ~Vl~ / ~± ~-~.J~ ~Vl~ SANATHERM 8116 Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: MAIN PLANT BOILER ROOM CAS# F STATE ~ TYPE [ PRESSURE TEMPERATURE [ CONTAINER TYPE Solid [Mixture Ambient I Ambient DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container ] Daily Maximum ] Daily Average ~'~ ~U~ 300.00 LBS] 600.00 LBS I 300.00 LBS HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. [ EHS CAS# 10.00[Sodium Sulfite No 7757837 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSeoret EHS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA I USDOT# I MOP No No No No/ Curies F / / / Hi -3- 01/14/1998 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SiteID: 215-000-001121 ~ Inventory Item 0024 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site -- COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME SANAMINE 8963 Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: MAIN PLANT BOILER ROOM CAS# 108-91-8 F STATE ~ TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE LMixture I Ambient /Liquid I Ambient I DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATIONI Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average ~~ %~ GAL 110.00 GAL 55.00 GAL HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. EHS CAS# Hexahydroaniline IYesl 108918 Diethylaminoethanol ~ 100378 2-Hydroxytriethylamine 100378 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecret EHS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# I MCP No No No No/ Curies R DH / / / I Hi ~ Inventory Item 0025 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site -- COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME SANATHERN 8329 Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: MAIN PLANT BOILER ROOM CAS# FSTATE ~ TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE I CONTAINER TYPE Liquid[Mixture I Ambient I Ambient , DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum I Daily Average 55G~~ GAL 110.00 GAL I 55.00 GAL HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. EHS CAS# 5.00 Sodium Sulfite No 7757837 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecret EHS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount I EPA HazardsI NFPA USDOT# [ MCP No No No No/ Curies R DH / / / Hi -4- 01/14/1998 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ~~~~&~~ SiteID: 215-000-001121 i~ Inventory Item 0032 ~~~ Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME TRIAX DESTAINER o Days On Site o 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: LAUNDRY DEPT o CAS# o 64-02-8 ~eeeeee~~~eee~eeeeeeee~~~~~~~eeeeeeeeeeee~~~~e~eeeeeee~~~~~eeeueeeeee~~~~e~eeeef STATE &i& TYPE &&&~&& PRESSURE ~ TEMPERATURE ~&~&~&& CONTAINER TYPE Liquid o Mixture o Ambient o Ambient o DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL Largest Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average ~oG~ ~NgX~£~ GAL o 110.00 GAL o 80.00 GAL %Wt. o °EHS° CAS# 9.00°Hydrogen Peroxide °Yes° 7722841 2.00°Sodium Polyethacrylate ONo o 0 °TSecret°EHS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP No ONo o No o No/ Curies o IH o / / / o o Hi i~ Inventory Item 0033 ~~~ Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME LAUNCH SOUR o Days On Site o o 365 o Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: LAUNDRY DEPT o CAS# o o 1309-45-1 o STATE &~& TYPE &&&~&& PRESSURE &&&~ TEMPERATURE &&~&&&& CONTAINER TYPE Liquid o Mixture o Ambient o Ambient o DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL o Largest Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average o ~o ~g-~j~¢~ GAL o 110.00 GAL o 80.00 GAL o i~~2~~~ HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. o °EHS° CAS# o 13.00°Hydrofluorosilicic Acid ONo o 16961834° °TSecret°EHS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP o No ONo o No o No/ Curies o IH o / / / o o Hi o -5- 01/14/1998 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ~~~~~ SiteID: 215-000-001121 i~ Inventory Item 0037 ~&~&~&~~ Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ~~~~~~~~~~i OXYGEN/ACETYLENE TORCH o Days On Site o 365 o Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: o CAS# o flq~T.o~¢~ $ ~ o o i& STATE &~& TYPE &&&~&& PRESSURE &&&~ TEMPERATURE &&~&&&& CONTAINER TYPE Gas o Mixture o Above Ambient o Ambient o PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER o i~~~&~&&&~~ AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average o %~t. o °EHS° CAS# o °Oxygen, Compressed ONo o 7782447° OAcetylene ONo o 74862° i&&~&~~&~&~&~&&~&&&~ HAZARD ASSESSMENTS oTSecret°EHS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP o No ONo o No o No/ Curies o P R o / / / o ° Hi ° i~ Inventory Item 0035 ~~~ Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME JPC DIESEL #2 o Days On Site o 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: Under driveway from easterly parking lot (behind engineeri° CAS# o 68476-34-6 STATE &~& TYPE &&&~&& PRESSURE &&&~ TEMPERATURE &&~&&&& CONTAINER TYPE Liquid o Pure o Ambient o Ambient o UNDER GROUND TANK Largest Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average 70 ~ ~~ GAL o 2~A~3<s 20000.00 GAL o Z ~ 15000.00 GAL i&&&&&&&~&&&&&&&&&&&&&& HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. o °EHS° CAS# 100.00°Diesel Fuel No. 2 ONo o 68476302 O O O TSecret EHS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP No ONo o No o No/ Curies o F IH DH o / / / o o Mod -6- 01/14/1998 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ~~~&~&~ SiteID: 215-000-001121 i~ Inventory Item 0026 ~&~~ Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME SANATHERM 8203-D ~~-~ ~, (~L~ ~ o Days On Site ~ o 365 Location within this Facility Unit~ Map: Grid: MAIN PLANT BOILER ROOM o CAS# O i& STATE &~& TYPE &&&~&& PRESSURE &&&~ TEMPERATURE &&~&&&& CONTAINER TYPE Liquid o Mixture o Ambient o Ambient o DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC Largest Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average 55.00 GAL o 110.00 GAL o 55.00 GAL %Wt. o °EHS° CAS# 25.00°Sodium Hydroxide, Solution ONo o 1310732 °TSecret°EHS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP No ONo o No o No/ Curies o R DH o / / / o o Mod i~ Inventory Item 0030 8~&~8888~S&8~8 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ASSIST BUILDER o Days On Site o 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: LAUNDRY DEPT o CAS# o 1310-73-2 STATE ~& TYPE &&&~&~ PRESSURE &&&~ TEMPERATURE &&~&&&& CONTAINER TYPE Liquid o Mixture o Ambient o Ambient o DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL Largest Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average o 11o. oo GAL o 80. oo GAL %Wt. o °EHS° CAS# 26.00°Sodium Hydroxide ONo o 1310732 4.50°Trisodium Nitrilotriacetate ONo o 5064313 O O O TSecret EHS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP No ONo o No o No/ Curies o IH o / / / o o Mod -7- 01/14/1998 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ~~~~~ SiteID: 215-000-001121 Inventory Item 0031 ~~~ Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ~~~~~~~~~~i NEOSUDS PLUS - DETERGENT o Days On Site o 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: ~~~~ LAUNDRY DEPT o CAS# o 67-63-0 STATE &~& TYPE &&&~&& PRESSURE &&&~ TEMPERATURE &&~&&&& CONTAINER TYPE &&&&&i Liquid o Mixture o Ambient o Ambient o DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL Largest Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average ~ ~.. GAL o 110.00 GAL o 80.00 GAL ~~~~~ HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS ~~~~~~~i %Wt. o °EHS° CAS# 5.00°Isopropyl Alcohol ONo o 67630 18.00°Polyethoxylated Nonylphenols ONo o 26027383 i~~2~2~~2~~~ HAZARD ASSESSMENTS ~2~~2~~2~i °TSecret°EHS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP No ONo o No o No/ Curies o F IH o / / / o o Mod i~ Inventory Item 0034 ~~~ Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME FS01 BAC SOFTNER o Days On Site o 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Orid: LAUNDRY DEPT o CAS# o 64-17-5 STATE &~& TYPE &&&~&& PRESSURE &&~ TEMPERATURE &&~&&&& CONTAINER TYPE Liquid o Mixture o Ambient o Ambient o DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL Largest Cgntainer o Daily Maximum o Daily Average ~o ~ ~ oAL o 110. oo oAL o 80. oo ~AL %Wt. o °EHS° CAS# 2.00°Ethyl Alcohol ONo o 64175 3.00°Alkyl Dimethylbenzylammonium Chloride ONo o 8001545 °TSecret°EHS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP No ONo o No o No/ Curies o F IH o / / / o o Mod 8 01/14/1998 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ~~~~~ SiteID: 215-000-001121 ~ Inventory Item 0036 ~~~ Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~ i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ~~~~~~~~~~i JPC DIESEL #2 o Days On Site o o 365 o Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: ~~~~ S END OF KERNVIEW BY ELEC TRANSFORMER o CAS# o o 68476-34-6 o STATE ~ TYPE ~~ PRESSURE ~ TEMPERATURE ~~ CONTAINER TYPE ~i Liquid o Pure o Ambient o Ambient o UNDER GROUND TANK o i~~g~~~~ AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION ~~~~~i Largest Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average o GAL o 3.00 GAL o Ir - m 3.00 GAL o i~~~~~ HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS ~~~i~~~~i %Wt. o °EHS° CAS# o 100.00°Diesel Fuel No. 2 ONo o 68476302° i~~~~~~ HAZARD ASSESSMENTS ~~~~~~i °TSecret°EHS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP o No ONo o No o No/ Curies o F IH DH o / / / o o Mod o i~ Inventory Item 0007 ~~~ Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ~~~~~~~~~~i OXYGEN o Days On Site o 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: REAR OF MAIN HOSPITAL BLDG o CAS# o 7782447 STATE ~ TYPE ~~ PRESSURE ~ TEMPERATURE ~~ CONTAINER TYPE ~i Gas o Pure o Above Ambient o Cryogenic o INSUL.TANK / CRYOGENIC i~~~~~~ AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION ~~~~~i Largest Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average ~-o~-o ~T~ FT3 o Z ~ % 450240.00 FT3 o %~P~O~ 225120.00 FT3 i~~~~~ HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS ~~~~~~~i %Wt. o °EHS° CAS# 100.00oOxygen, Compressed ONo o 7782447 i~~~~~~ HAZARD ASSESSMENTS ~~~~~~i °TSecret°EHS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP No ONo o No o No/ Curies o F P IH o / / / o o Low -9- 01/14/1998 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ~~&~~~ SiteID: 215-000-001121 Inventory Item 0028 ~~~ Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ~~~&~~~~~~~; JPC DIESEL #2 o Days On Site o 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: ~~~~ In driveway from easterly parking lot (behind engineering o CAS# o 68476-34-6 STATE ~& TYPE &&&~&& PRESSURE ~&~ TEMPERATURE &&~&~&~ CONTAINER TYPE ~&&&~i Liquid o Pure o Ambient o Ambient o UNDER GROUND TANK Largest Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average GAL o 20000. oo GAL o 15000. oo GAL %Wt. o °EHS° CAS# 100.00°Diesel Fuel No. 2 UNo o 68476302 °TSecret°EHS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP No UNo o No o No/ Curies o F IH DH o / / / o o Low i~ Inventory Item 0002 &~&&~&&&~&~&& Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME o OXYGEN o Days On Site o o 365 o Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: o 1E,RESP,ER,DIAG, 2E,2,PED LAB, XRAY POST PARTOM, NURSERY, 4,5° CAS# o o 7782-44-7 iS STATE &i& TYPE &&&~&& PRESSURE &&&~ TEMPERATURE &&~&&&& CONTAINER TYPE o Gas o Mixture o Ambient o Ambient o PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER o Largest Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average o ~ ~._ L3-~ FT3 o 5800.00 FT3 o 2900.00 FI3 o %Wt. o °EHS° CAS# o 100.00oOxygen, Compressed UNo o 7782447 O O O O TSecret EHS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP o No UNo o No o No/ Curies o F P IH o / / / o o Low -10- 01/14/1998 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ~~~~~ SiteID: 215-000-001121 i~ Inventory Item 0011 ~~~ Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ~~~~~~~~~~ CARBON DIOXIDE, OXYGEN, NITROGEN o Days On Site o 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: ~~~~ LABORATORY STORAGE o CAS# o 128-38-9 STATE ~ TYPE ~~ PRESSURE ~ TEMPERATURE ~~ CONTAINER TYPE ~i Gas o Mixture o Above Ambient o Ambient o PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER La~st Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average \~ ~ 7_~b-O FT3 o 300.00 FT3 o 150.00 FT3 %Wt. o °EHS° CAS# 12.00°Carbon Dioxide ONo o 124389 21.00°Oxygen, Compressed ONo o 7782447 67.00ONitrogen ONo o 7727379 °TSecret°EHS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP No ONo o No o No/ Curies o F P IH o / / / o o Low i~ Inventory Item 0027 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ~~~~~~~~~~i SANATOX 2080 o Days On Site o 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: MAIN PLANT, CHILLER ROOM o CAS# o 16079-88-2 i& STATE &i& TYPE &&&~&& PRESSURE &&~ TEMPERATURE &&~&&&& CONTAINER TYPE Solid o Mixture o Ambient o Ambient o PLASTIC CONTAINER Largest Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average \~~ Z~o ~3LBS o 200.00 LBS o 100.00 LBS %Wt. o °EHS° CAS# 92.50OBromochlorodimethylhydantoin ONo o 126067 O O O TSecret EHS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP No ONo o No o No/ Curies o R DH o / / / o o Low aeeeeeeeueeeue~eeeeueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeu~eeeeeeeeeeeeue~eeeee~eueeeeeeeeueeeee~ -11- 01/14/1998 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ~~~~~ SiteID: 215-000-001121 i~ Inventory Item 0004 ~~~ Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site i~8 COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ~~~~~~~~~~i COMPRESSED AIR o Days On Site o 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: STORAGE BEHIND KITCHEN RESPIRATORY THERAPY KITCHEN STORAGE o CAS# O STATE &~& TYPE &&&~&& PRESSURE &&~ TEMPERATURE &&~&&&& CONTAINER TYPE Gas o Pure o Above Ambient o Ambient o PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Largest Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average ~~ ~ ET3 o 4316.00 FT3 o 2150.00 FT3 %Wt. o °EHS° CAS# 100.00OAir ONo o 0 °TSecret°EHS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP No ONo o No o No/ Curies o F P IH o / / / o o Min 18 Inventory Item 0003 &~888&&&&&&&&&~ Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ~~~~~~~~~~i NITROGEN o Days On Site o 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: OUTSIDE MAIN BLDG STORAGE AREA o CAS# o 7727-37-9 STATE &~& TYPE &&&~&& PRESSURE &&&2 TEMPERATURE &&~&&&& CONTAINER TYPE Gas o Pure o Above Ambient o Ambient o PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Largest Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average ~ ~%~tC_ k~ ET3 o 4080.00 FT3 o 1080.00 FT3 %Wt. o °EHS° CAS# 100.00ONitrogen ONo o 7727379 i~~~~~~ HAZARD ASSESSMENTS °TSecret°EHS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP No ONo o No o No/ Curies o F P IH o / / / o o Min -12- 01/14/1998 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ~~~~~ SiteID: 215-000-001121 i~ Inventory Item 0005 ~~~ Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ETHYLENE OXIDE o Days On Site o o 365 o Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: LIQUID 02 RM & TOWER BASEMENT o CAS# o o 75-71-8 STATE &~& TYPE &&&~&& PRESSURE &&&~ TEMPERATURE &&~&&&& CONTAINER TYPE Gas o Mixture o Above Ambient o Ambient o PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Large, st Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average o o~~ ~ FT3 o 3252.00 FT3 o 2168.00 FT3 o i~~~~~ HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS ~~~~~~~i %Wt. o °EHS° CAS# o 12.00°Ethylene Oxide (EPA) °Yes° 75218° 88.00ODichlorodifluoromethane ONo o 75718° °TSecret°EHS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP o No ONo o No o No/ Curies o F P IH o / / / o o Min o i~ Inventory Item 0006 ~~~ Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME CARBON DIOXIDE o Days On Site o o 365 o Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: OUTSIDE MAIN PLANT STORAGE o CAS# o o 124-38-9 o i~ STATE ~ TYPE ~~ PRESSURE ~ TEMPERATURE ~~ CONTAINER TYPE Gas o Pure o Above Ambient o Ambient o PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER o i~~~~~~ AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION ~ L~est Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average o 1~ ~~ 7~s-oFT3 o 1120.00 FT3 o 1120.00 FT3 o %Wt. o °EHS° CAS# o 100.00°Carbon Dioxide ONo o 124389° °TSecret°EHS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP o No ONo o No o No/ Curies o F P IH o / / / o o Min -13- 01/14/1998 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ~&~&&~&~&~&~&~ SiteID: 215-000-001121 i~ Inventory Item 0013 ~~~ Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ~&~~~~~i~~~&i LIQUID HELIUM o Days On Site o 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: MAIN BLDG MARKETING, ICU, 4,5,6 FLOORS o CAS# o 7440-59-7 i~ STATE ~ TYPE ~~ PRESSURE ~ TEMPERATURE ~~ CONTAINER TYPE ~i Gas o Pure o Ambient o Ambient o PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER i~~~~~~ AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION ~~~~~i Lar~e~st Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average ~~ ~ FT3 o 976.00 FT3 o 976.00 FT3 i~~&~~~ HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS ~~~~~~~i %Wt. o °EHS° CAS# 100.00OHelium ONo o 7440597 °TSecret°EHS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP No ONo o No o No/ Curies o F P IH o / / / o o Min i& Inventory Item 0029 ~&&&&&&&&&&&& Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ~~~~~~~~~~i o ARGON o Days On Site o o 365 o Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: fi~~~~q o MAIN PLANT, MAINTENANCE STORAGE AREA o CAS# o o 7440-37-1 i& STATE &~& TYPE &&&~&& PRESSURE &&&~ TEMPERATURE &&~&&&& CONTAINER TYPE &&&&&i o Gas o Mixture o Ambient o Ambient o PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER o Larg~t Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average o XCo FT3 o :80.00 FT3 o 140.00 FT3 i~~~~~ HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS ~~~~~~~i o %Wt. o °EHS° CAS# o 40.00OArgon ONo o 7440371 °TSecret°EHS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP o No ONo o No o No/ Curies o p DH o / / / o o Min -14- 01/14/1998 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ~~~~~ SiteID: 215-000-001121 i~ Inventory Item 0012 ~~~ Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ~~~~~~~~~~i LIQUID NITROGEN o Days On Site o 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: fi~~~~ MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMA o CAS# O STATE ~ TYPE ~i~ PRESSURE ~ TEMPERATURE ~i~ CONTAINER TYPE ~i Liquid o Pure o Ambient o Ambient o OTHER - SPECIFY Lar~esthContainer o Daily Maximum o Daily Average .~ ~ GAL o 61.00 GAL o 30.00 GAL %Wt. o °EHS° CAS# 100.00ONitro~en ONo o 7727379 oTSecret°EHS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP No ONo o No o No/ Curies o F IH o / / / o o Min -15- 01/14/1998 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ~~~~~ SiteID: 215-000-001121 Inventory Item 0038 ~~~ Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ~~~~~~~~~~i SANACOR o Days On Site o 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: O ~n~ %L~ C~,c~ r~) cas# 0 STATE &~& TYPE &&&~&& PRESSURE &&&~ TEMPERATURE &&~&&&~ CONTAINER TYPE O O O O Largest ~ontainer o Daily Maximum o Daily Average ~C__~__ ~~250.00 GAL o 250.00 G~ o 250.00 GAL %~t. o °EHS° CAS# O O O i~&~~&~&~~ HAZARD ASSESSMENTS °TSecret°EHS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA oo USDOT# o MCP No ONo o No o No/ Curies o o / / / oo o UnR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -16- 01/14/1998 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ~~~~~ SiteID: 215-000-001121 i~ Notif./Evacuation/Medical ~~~~~~~~ Overall Site i~ A~ency Notification ~~~~~~~~~ 05/02/1991 CALL 911 OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES 1-800-852-7550 i~ Employee Notif./Evacuation ~~~~~~~ 05/02/1991 NOTIFY HOSPITAL OPERATOR - 327-1792 - SHE WILL NOTIFY PERSON IN CHARGE WHO WILL INITIATE EVACUATION PLAN. i~ Public Notif./Evacuation ~~~~~~~~ 05/02/1991 NOTIFY HOSPITAL OPERATOR - 327-1792 - SHE WILL NOTIFY PERSON IN CHARGE WHO WILL INITIATE EVACUATION PLAN. i~ Emergency Medical Plan ~~~~~~~~ 06/11/1997 EMERGENCY ROOM, MEMORIAL HOSPITAL: IF UNABLE, WE HAVE A DISASTER PLAN TO RELOCATE AT GARCES HIGH SCHOOL. -17- 01/14/1998 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ~~~~&~ SiteID: 215-000-001121 i~ Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt ~&~~~~~~~ Overall Site i~ Release Prevention ~&~&~&~~~~~~ 06/11/1997 CHANGE TO PRODUCTS CONTAINING NO HAZARD SUBSTANCES WHENEVER POSSIBLE. TRY TO STOCK MINIMUM QUANTITIES WHENEVER POSSIBLE. TRY TO MINIMIZE RISKS BY EMPLOYEE AWARENESS EDUCATION. i&~ Release Containment ~&~~&~&~~&~~&~&~ 01/26/1993 COMPRESSED GAS CYLINDERS CHAINED. HOSPITAL CLEANS UP SPILLS UP TO 5 GAL BY SPILL TEAM WITH OSHA APPROVED TRAINING. BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ~~~~~ SiteID: 215-000-001121 Site Emergency Factors ~~~~~~~~ Overall Site i~ Special Hazards ~~~~~~~~~~ 10/20/1993 RADIOISATOPES ON HAND RADIATION HAZARD. A) GAS - EAST PARKING LOT EAST OF PURCHASING WAREHOUSE B) ELECTRICAL - NORTH OF ENG. CENTRAL PLANT C) WATER - 34TH STREET IN FRONT OF NUC MEDICINE & CORNER OF 34TH & SAN DIMAS D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO i~ Fire Protec./Avail. Water &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 06/11/1997 PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - IMPERIAL ALARM - 325-8825 OR TEL TECH - 398-0586. -19- 01/14/1998 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ~~~~~ SiteID: 215-000-001121 i~'Trainin9 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Overall Site i~ Employee Trainin~ ~~~~~~~~~ 10/20/1993 WE HA.VE 1100 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY. WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE. BRIEF SUMMJ~Y OF TR. AINING PROGR. g~: EACH EMPLOYEE HAS REVIEWED A 20 MINIJTE VIDEO ON HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES, AND HAS RECEIVED A SAFETY GUIDELINE PAMPHLET AT NEW EMPLOYEE ORIENTATION AMD THEN AGAIN ON AN J~-lqlJAL BASIS. S~ILL TEAM OSHA TRAINED BY BAKERSFIELD COLLEGE LIST OF SPILL TEAM AT PBX OPERATOR'S DESK. 8PILL TEAM LEA.DERS DETERMINE SCOPE OF WORK & S~PERVlSE CLEAN-H~. MIKE WOOD, .... ~ac~n T2~2Z~ , ~'w- "' ~'~- PETE J~4STRONG. i$$$$ Held for Future Use ~~~~$~~~~~~~i £~ Held for Future ~se ~~$~$~$~~~~$$~$$~~~i -20- 01/14/1998 I ADMINISTRATION 24 LABOR & DELIVERY ROOMS 131)-141 ' 2 ADMITTING 25 LABORATORY 3 BOARD ROOM 26 LIBRARY ~. ~ __ ¢% 4 CAFETERIA 27 MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING  - ~. -- .. 5 CARDIACREIIAB 28 MEDICAL RECORDS - . -- ~. 6 CAT SCAN 29 MEDICAL STAFF OFFICE  0t1111111111111111111110/ ..--.. 7 CHAPEL. 30 MEMOR,AL,OSP,TAL,OUNDAT,ON  lll'lllTIlllllHllT .. - - 8 EAP 31 NURSERY, NICU ¢.- -~ 9 EDUCATION DEPT, 32 NURSING ADMINISTRATION ....... 10 EMERGENCY ROOM 33 OUT PATIENT SERVICES " 11 EMPLOYEE HEALTH SERVICE 34 PATIENT ROOMS 177-192 I IIII ( 12 ENDOSCOPY 35 PATIENT ROOMS 150-176 '. · EEG . 36 REItABILITATION SERVICES ' ____llllllll'lllll. l'[~,._~ 13 ENTEROSTOMAL THERAPY 37 SECURITY OFFICE " 14.FAMILY HEALTH EDUATION 38 SERVICE CENTER 15 FOUNDERS HA. LL 39 SPEECH PATHOLOGY : 16 GIFTSIIOP 40 SUB ACUTE UNIT 17 HEART HOUSE A 41 WAREHOUSE c:~ o 0 18 IIEART tlOUSE B .' lg tlOME HEALTH 20 HUMAN RESOURCES 21 IMAGING (X-RAY) NUCLEAR MEDICINE ~ ULTRASOUND C.T. MAMMOGRAPHY 22 INFORMATION DESK 23 KIDS CASTLE . [] BUILDINGS ')~ ELL'-VATOI1 :' ~t~ MAIN ENTRANCE ' ~!~!~.~ t~7 EMERGENCY ENTRANCE. ,., ~7 NORTH TOWER ENTRANCE I~I VISITORS SMOKING AREA F-1 MAIN CORRIDORS -~,~ ~ ~-~/ ., --'-- BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL: "I,.tLlllLLIIII.N.II.U.NILIIL~ ~ JANUARY 1995 420 34TH STREET 3,1TH S'IREET BAKE[ISFIELD CALIFORNIA g3301 NORTH TOWER SECOND FLOOR THIRD FLOOR FOURTH, FIFTH, BASEMENT NORTH TOWER & NORTH TOWER & & SIXTH NORTH MAIN BUILDING MAIN BUILDING TOWER BUILDING 1' CARDIAC SURGERY AND RECOVERY 2 CATH LABS 3 COMPUTER CLASSROOM 4 CRITICAL CARE 1 ROOMS 370-377 ~ BUILDINGS 5 CRITICAL CARE 2 ROOMS 380-387 8 CRITICAL CARE 3 ROOMS 390-397 · ELEVATOR 7 FAMILY CARE UNIT 8 FAMILY WAITING ROOM r---J MAIN CORRIDORS 9 OPERATING ROOM SUITES 10 PATIENT ROOMS 470-496 FOURTH FLOOR PATIENT ROOMS 570-596 FIFTH FLOOR PATIENT ROOMS 670.698 SIXTH FLOOR 11 PEDIATRICS ., 12 PHARMACY 13 PRE-OP HOLDING ' 14 RECOVERY {PACU) ( '. 1615 SLEEpRESPIRATORYT'ERAPYRooM BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL:' 17 SURGERY WAITING ROOM JANUARY 1995 420 34TH STREET 18 TELEMETRY ROOMS SECOND & SECOND EAST BAI(IEI1SFIELD CALIFORNIA 93301 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SiteID: 215-000-001121 Manager : BusPhone: (805) 327-1792 Location: 420 34TH ST Map : 103 CommHaz : Moderate City : BAKERSFIELD Grid: 19D FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 04 SIC Code:8062 EPA Numb: DunnBrad:95-180-2779 Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title MICHAEL WOOD / ASST DIR OF HEA PETE ARMSTRONG / ENG SUPERVISOR Business Phone: (805) 327-1792x1891 Business Phone: (805) 327-1792x1891 24-Hour Phone : (805) 327-1792x 24-Hour Phone : (805) 327-1792x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Hazmat Hazards: Fire Press React ImmHlth DelHlth Agency-Defined Topic Title ~ Hazmat Inventory One Unified List MCP+DailyMax Order Ail Materials at Site Hazmat Common Name... ISpeoHazlEPA HazardsI Frm I DailyMax lunitlMcP NITROUS OXIDE ~ F P IH G 6742 FT3 Hi F ~ ~-~LBS~-H~ SANAMINE 8963~/ R DH L 110 GAL Hi SANATHERN 8329~ R DH L 110 GAL Hi TRIAX DESTAINER IH L 110 GAL Hi LAUNCH SOUR IH L 110 GAL Hi JPC DIESEL #2 ~T~/ / F IH DH L 20000 GAL Mod .SANATHERM 8203-~ b~/~ R DH L 110 GAL Mod ASSIST-~UILDER IH L 110 GAL Mod NEOSUDS PLUS - DETERGENT F IH L 110 GAL Mod FS01BAC SOFTNER F IH L 110 GAL Mod JPC DIESEL #2 ~ ~ F IH DH L 3 GAL Mod OXYGEN / F P IH G 450240 FT3 Low JPC DIESEL #2 ~l~ F IH DH L 20000 GAL Low OXYGEN ~ F P IH G 5800 FT3 Low CARBON DIOXIDE, OXYGEN, NITROGEN/ F P IH G 300 FT3 Low SANATOX 2080~/~ R DH S 200 LBS Low COMPRESSED AIR~ F P IH G 4316 FT3 Min NITROGEN ~ F P IH G 4080 FT3 Min ETHYLENE OXIDE~ F P IH G 3252 FT3 Min CARBON DIOXIDE F P IH G 1120 FT3 Min LIQUID HELIUM~ F P IH G 976 FT3 Min ARGON / P DH G 280 FT3 Min LIQUID NITROGEN~ F IH L 61 GAL Min BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SiteID: 215-000-001121 Manager : SUN 1 0 1997 ~Phone: (805) 327-1792 Location: 420 34TH ST Map : 103 CommHaz : Moderate City : BAKERSFIELD By. ~Iid: 19D FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 04 SIC Code:8062 EPA Numb: DunnBrad:95-180-2779 Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title MICHAEL WOOD / ASST DIR OF HEA PETE ARMSTRONG / ENG SUPERVISOR Business Phone: (805) 327-1792x1891 Business Phone: (805) 327-1792x1891 24-Hour Phone : (805) 327-1792x 24-Hour Phone : (805) 327-1792x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Hazmat Hazards: Fire Press React ImmHlth DelHlth Agency-Defined Topic Title ~- Hazmat Inventory One Unified List -- MCP+DailyMax Order Ail Materials at Site Hazmat Common Name... ISpooHazlEPA HazardsI Frm DailyMax lUnitlMcP NITROUS OXIDE F P IH G 6742 FT3 Hi SANATHERM 8116 F S 600 LBS Hi SANAMINE 8963 R DH L 110 GAL Hi SANATHERN 8329 R DH L 110 GAL Hi TRIAX DESTAINER IH L 110 GAL Hi LAUNCH SOUR IH L 110 GAL Hi JPC DIESEL #2 F IH DH L 20000 GAL Mod SANATHERM 8203-5 R DH L 110 GAL Mod ASSIST BUILDER IH L 110 GAL Mod NEOSUDS PLUS - DETERGENT F IH L 110 GAL Mod FS01 BAC SOFTNER F IH L 110 GAL Mod JPC DIESEL #2 F IH DH L 3 GAL Mod OXYGEN F P IH G 450240 FT3 Low JPC DIESEL #2 F IH DH L 20000 GAL Low i OXYGEN F P IH G 5800 FT3 Low CARBON DIOXIDE, OXYGEN, NITROGEN F P IH G 300 FT3 Low SANATOX 2080 R DH S 200 LBS Low COMPRESSED AIR F P IH G 4316 FT3 Min NITROGEN F P IH G 4080 FT3 Min ETHYLENE OXIDE F P IH G 3252 FT3 Min CARBON DIOXIDE F P IH G 1120 FT3 Min LIQUID HELIUM F P IH G 976 FT3 Min ARGON P DH G 280 FT3 Min LIQUID NITROGEN F IH L 61 GAL Min -1- 05/22/1997 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SiteID: 215-000-001121 ~ Inventory Item 0001 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site NITROUS OXIDE Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit STORAGE BEHIND KITCHEN SURGERY C-SECTION ROOM #1 BEHIND KITC CAS# 1002-49-72 Gas Pure Above Ambient Ambient PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER AMOUNTS STORED AND IN USE Lrgst Cont.this Loc FT3 DailyMax this Loc FT3 DailyAvg this Loc FT3 6742.00 3500.00 DailyMax Stored FT3 DailyMax Open Use FT3 DailyMax Closed Use FT3 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. }- EHS CAS# 100.001Nitrous Oxide No 10024972 ~¢.~¢L. '' "~,ooD Do hereby certify that I have i, reviewe:;~ . ~ ...... ,~ous materials manage- ment p,an ¢',':rJS_61~&.&~.~ wi,, and that it along with arly corrsctiorl$ corlstJtuIe a COITiplSI{) aB{:] correct man- agemel3t plan ~or I~y lacJlJty, -2- 05/22/1997 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SiteID: 215-000-001121 ~ Inventory Item 0023 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site SANATHERM 8116 Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit MAIN PLANT BOILER ROOM CAS# E STATE ] TYPE PRESSURE i TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Mix'ture Ambient Ambient DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL ISolid AMOUNTS STORED AND IN USE Lrgst Cont.this Loc LBS DailyMax this Loc LBS DailyAvg this Loc LBS 600.00 300.00 DailyMax Stored LBS DailyMax Open Use LBS DailyMax Closed Use LBS HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. EHS CAS# 10.00 Sodium Sulfite No 7757837 -3- 05/22/1997 F BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SiteID: 215-000-001121 = Inventory Item 0024 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site SANAMINE 8963 Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit MAIN PLANT BOILER ROOM CAS# 108-91-8  STATE TYPE PRESSURE i TEMPERATURE i CONTAINER TYPE Liquid MixtureIi Ambient Ambient DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL AMOUNTS STORED AND IN USE Lrgst Cont.this Loc GAL DailyMax this Loc GAL DailyAvg this Loc GAL 110.00 55.00 DailyMax Stored GAL DailyMax Open Use GAL DailyMax Closed Use GAL %Wt. EHS CAS# Hexahydroaniline Yes 108918 Diethylaminoethanol No 100378 2-Hydroxytriethylamine No 100378 -4- 05/22/1997 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SiteID: 215-000-001121 ~ Inventory Item 0025 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site SANATHERN 8329 Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit MAIN PLANT BOILER ROOM CAS# ~ STATE ] TYPE PRESSURE i TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Liquid Mixture Ambient Ambient DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC AMOUNTS STORED AND IN USE Lrgst Cont.this Loc GAL DailyMax this Loc GAL DailyAvg this Loc GAL 110.00 55.00 DailyMax Stored GAL DailyMax Open Use GAL DailyMax Closed Use GAL HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS I %Wt.Ii EHS CAS# 5.00 Sodium Sulfite No 7757837 -5- 05/22/1997 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SiteID: 215-000-001121 ~ Inventory Item 0032 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site TRIAX DESTAINER Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit LAUNDRY DEPT CAS# 64-02-8 ~ STATE -- TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Liquid Mixture Ambient Ambient AMOUNTS STORED AND IN USE Lrgst Cont.this Loc GAL DailyMax this Loc GAL DailyAvg this Loc GAL 110.00 80.00 DailyMax Stored GAL DailyMax Open Use GAL DailyMax Closed Use GAL ~~UU~ ~U~U~B'I'~ %Wt. EHS CAS# 9.00 Hydrogen Peroxide Yes 7722841 2.00 Sodium Polyethacrylate No 0 -6- 05/22/1997 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SiteID: 215-000-001121 ~ Inventory Item 0033 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site LAUNCH SOUR Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit LAUNDRY DEPT CAS# 1309-45-1 ~ STATE TYPE PRESSURE , TEMPERATURE , CONTAINER TYPE DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL Liquid Mixture Ambient Ambient AMOUNTS STORED AND IN USE Lrgst Cont.this Loc GAL DailyMax this Loc GAL DailyAvg this Loc GAL 110.00 80.00 DailyMax Stored GAL DailyMax Open Use GAL DailyMax Closed Use GAL HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. EHS CAS# 13.00 Hydrofluorosilicic Acid No 16961834 -7- 05/22/1997 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SiteID: 215-000-001121 ~ Inventory Item 0035 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site JPC DIESEL #2 Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Under driveway from easterly parking lot (behind engineeri CAS# 68476-34-6 Liquid Pure Ambient Ambient UNDER GROUND TANK AMOUNTS STORED AND IN USE Lrgst Cont.this Loc GAL DailyMax this Loc GAL DailyAvg this Loc GAL 20000.00 15000.00 DailyMax Stored GAL DailyMax Open Use GAL DailyMax Closed Use GAL HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. EHS CAS# 100.00 Diesel Fuel No. 2 No 68476302 -8- 05/22/1997 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SiteID: 215-000-001121 = Inventory Item 0026 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site SANATHERM 8203-5 Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit MAIN PLANT BOILER ROOM CAS# ~ STATE TYPE PRESSURE i TEMPERATURE i CONTAINER TYPE I Liquid Mixture Ambient Ambient DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC AMOUNTS STORED AND IN USE Lrgst Cont.this Loc GAL DailyMax this Loc GAL I DailyAvg this Loc GAL 110.00 I 55.00 DailyMax Stored GAL DailyMax Open Use GAL DailyMax Closed Use GAL HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS I %Wt.Ii EHS CAS# 25.00 Sodium Hydroxide, Solution No 1310732 -9- 05/22/1997 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SiteID: 215-000-001121 ~ Inventory Item 0030 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ASSIST BUILDER Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit LAUNDRY DEPT CAS# 1310-73-2 r STATE -- TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE I I DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL Liquid Mixture Ambient Ambient AMOUNTS STORED AND IN USE Lrgst Cont.this Loc GAL DailyMax this Loc GAL DailyAvg this Loc GAL 110.00 80.00 DailyMax Stored GAL DailyMax Open Use GAL DailyMax Closed Use GAL %Wt. EHS CAS# 26.00 Sodium Hydroxide No 1310732 4.501Trisodium Nitrilotriacetate No 5064313 -10- 05/22/1997 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SiteID: 215-000-001121 ~ Inventory Item 0031 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site NEOSUDS PLUS - DETERGENT Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit LAUNDRY DEPT CAS# 67-63-0 Liquid Mixture Ambient Ambient DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL AMOUNTS STORED AND IN USE Lrgst Cont.this Loc GAL DailyMax this Loc GAL DailyAvg this Loc GAL 110.00 80.00 DailyMax Stored GAL DailyMax Open Use GAL DailyMax Closed Use GAL MA~A~UUU~ ~U~UB~'I'~ %Wt. EHS CAS# 5.00 Isopropyl Alcohol No 67630 18.00 Polyethoxylated Nonylphenols No 26027383 -11- 05/22/1997 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SiteID: 215-000-001121 ~ Inventory Item 0034 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site FS01BAC SOFTNER Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit LAUNDRY DEPT CAS# 64-17-5 Liquid Mixture Ambient Ambient DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL AMOUNTS STORED AND IN USE Lrgst Cont.this Loc GAL DailyMax this Loc GAL DailyAvg this Loc GAL 110.00 80.00 DailyMax Stored GAL DailyMax Open Use GAL DailyMax Closed Use GAL ~A~A~UUU~ %Wt. EHS CAS# 2.00 Ethyl Alcohol No 64175 3.00 Alkyl Dimethylbenzylammonium Chloride No 8001545 -12- 05/22/1997 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SiteID: 215-000-001121 ~ Inventory Item 0036 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site JPC DIESEL #2 Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit S END OF KERNVIEW BY ELEC TRANSFORMER CAS# 68476-34-6 ~ STATE i TYPE PRESSURE i TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Liquid Pure Ambient Ambient UNDER GROUND TANK AMOUNTS STORED AND IN USE Lrgst Cont.this Loc GAL DailyMax this Loc GAL DailyAvg this Loc GAL 3.00 3.00 DailyMax Stored GAL DailyMax Open Use GAL DailyMax Closed Use GAL HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS I %Wt. I EHS CAS# 100.001Diesel Fuel No. 2 No 68476302 -13- 05/22/1997 F BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SiteID: 215-000-001121 = Inventory Item 0007 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site OXYGEN Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit REAR OF MAIN HOSPITAL BLDG CAS# 7782447 Gas Pure Above Ambient Cryogenic INSUL.TANK / CRYOGENIC AMOUNTS STORED AND IN USE Lrgst Cont.this Loc FT3 DailyMax this Loc FT3 DailyAvg this Loc FT3 450240.00 225120.00 DailyMax Stored FT3 DailyMax Open Use FT3 DailyMax Closed Use FT3 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. Oxygen, EHS CAS# 100.00 Compressed No 7782447 -14- 05/22/1997 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SiteID: 215-000-001121 ~ Inventory Item 0028 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site JPC DIESEL #2 Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit In driveway from easterly parking lot (behind engineering CAS# 68476-34-6 Liquid Pure Ambient Ambient UNDER GROUND TANK AMOUNTS STORED AND IN USE Lrgst Cent.this Loc GAL DailyMax this Loc GAL DailyAvg this Loc GAL 20000.00 15000.00 DailyMax Stored GAL DailyMax Open Use GAL DailyMax Closed Use GAL HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. EHS CAS# 100.00 Diesel Fuel No. 2 No 68476302 -15- 05/22/1997 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SiteID: 215-000-001121 ~ Inventory Item 0002 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site OXYGEN Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit 1E,RESP,ER,DIAG,2E,2,PED LAB, XRAY POST PARTOM, NURSERY, 4,5 CAS# 7782-44-7 F STATE TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Gas Mixture I Ambient I Ambient I PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER AMOUNTS STORED AND IN USE Lrgst Cont.this Loc FT3 DailyMax this Loc FT3 DailyAvg this Loc FT3 5800.00 2900.00 DailyMax Stored FT3 DailyMax Open Use FT3 DailyMax Closed Use FT3 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. EHS CAS# 100.00 Oxygen, Compressed No 7782447 -16- 05/22/1997 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SiteID: 215-000-001121 ~ Inventory Item 0011 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site CARBON DIOXIDE, OXYGEN, NITROGEN Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit LABORATORY STORAGE CAS# 128-38-9 r STATE TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Gas Mixture Above AmbientIi AmbientIi PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER AMOUNTS STORED AND IN USE Lrgst Cont.this Loc FT3 DailyMax this Loc FT3 DailyAvg this Loc FT3 300.00 150.00 DailyMax Stored FT3 DailyMax Open Use FT3 DailyMax Closed Use FT3 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. EHSI CAS# 12.00 Carbon Dioxide IN° I 124389 21.00 Oxygen, Compressed No 7782447 67.00 Nitrogen No 7727379 -17- 05/22/1997 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SiteID: 215-000-001121 = Inventory Item 0027 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site SANATOX 2080 Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit MAIN PLANT, CHILLER ROOM CAS# 16079-88-2 F STATE -- TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Solid Mixture I Ambient I Ambient I PLASTIC CONTAINER AMOUNTS STORED AND IN USE Lrgst Cont.this Loc LBS DailyMax this Loc LBS DailyAvg this Loc LBS 200.00 100.00 DailyMax Stored LBS DailyMax Open Use LBS DailyMax Closed Use LBS HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. I EHS CAS# 92.50I Bromochlorodimethylhydantoin No 126067 -18- 05/22/1997 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SiteID: 215-000-001121 ~ Inventory Item 0004 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site COMPRESSED AIR Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit STORAGE BEHIND KITCHEN RESPIRATORY THERAPY KITCHEN STORAGE CAS# STATE T TYPE PRESSURE ~TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE / Pure Above AmbientI Ambient Gas PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER AMOUNTS STORED AND IN USE Lrgst Cont.this Loc FT3 DailyMax this Loc FT3 DailyAvg this Loc FT3 4316.00 2150.00 DailyMax Stored FT3 DailyMax Open Use FT3 DailyMax Closed Use FT3 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. EHS CAS# 100.00 Air No 0 -19- 05/22/1997 F BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SiteID: 215-000-001121 = Inventory Item 0003 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site NITROGEN Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit OUTSIDE MAIN BLDG STORAGE AREA CAS# 7727-37-9 F STATE TYPE PRESSURE i TEMPERATURE i CONTAINER TYPE Gas Pure Above Ambient Ambient PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER AMOUNTS STORED AND IN USE Lrgst Cont.this Loc FT3 DailyMax this Loc FT3 DailyAvg this Loc FT3 4080.00 1080.00 DailyMax Stored FT3 DailyMax Open Use FT3 DailyMax Closed Use FT3 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. EHS CAS# 100.00 Nitrogen No 7727379 -20- 05/22/1997 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SiteID: 215-000-001121 ~ Inventory Item 0005 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ETHYLENE OXIDE Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit LIQUID 02 RM & TOWER BASEMENT CAS# 75-71-8 Mixture Above Ambient Ambient PORT. PRESS CYLINDER Gas . AMOUNTS STORED AND IN USE Lrgst Cont.this Loc FT3 DailyMax this Loc FT3 DailyAvg this Loc FT3 3252.00 2168.00 DailyMax Stored FT3 DailyMax Open Use FT3 DailyMax Closed Use FT3 %Wt. EHS CAS# 12.00 Ethylene Oxide (EPA) Yes 75218 88.00 Dichlorodifluoromethane No 75718 -21- 05/22/1997 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SiteID: 215-000-001121 ~ Inventory Item 0006 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site CARBON DIOXIDE Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit OUTSIDE MAIN PLANT STORAGE CAS# 124-38-9 F STATE i TYPE PRESSURE i TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Gas Pure Above Ambient Ambient PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER AMOUNTS STORED AND IN USE Lrgst Cont.this Loc FT3 DailyMax this Loc FT3 DailyAvg this Loc FT3 1120.00 1120.00 DailyMax Stored FT3 DailyMax Open Use FT3 DailyMax Closed Use FT3 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. EHS CAS# 100.00 Carbon Dioxide No 124389 -22- 05/22/1997 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SiteID: 215-000-001121 = Inventory Item 0013 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site LIQUID HELIUM Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit MAIN BLDG MARKETING,ICU,4,5,6 FLOORS CAS# 7440-59-7 ~ STATE i TYPE PRESSURE i TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Gas Pure Ambient Ambient PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER AMOUNTS STORED AND IN USE Lrgst Cont.this Loc FT3 DailyMax this Loc FT3 DailyAvg this Loc FT3 976.00 976.00 DailyMax Stored FT3 DailyMax Open Use FT3 DailyMax Closed Use FT3 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. EHS CAS# 100.00 Helium No 7440597 -23- 05/22/1997 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SiteID: 215-000-001121 ~ Inventory Item 0029 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ARGON Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit MAIN PLANT, MAINTENANCE STORAGE AREA CAS# 7440-37-1 Gas Mixture Ambient Ambient PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER AMOUNTS STORED AND IN USE Lrgst Cent.this Loc FT3 DailyMax this Loc FT3 DailyAvg this Loc FT3 280.00 140.00 DailyMax Stored FT3 DailyMax Open Use FT3 DailyMax Closed Use FT3 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. EHS CAS# 40.00 Argon No 7440371 -24- 05/22/1997 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SiteID: 215-000-001121 = Inventory Item 0012 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site LIQUID NITROGEN Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMA CAS# Liquid Pure Ambient Ambient OTHER - SPECIFY AMOUNTS STORED AND IN USE Lrgst Cont.this Loc GAL DailyMax this Loc GAL DailyAvg this Loc GAL 61.00 30.00 DailyMax Stored GAL DailyMax Open Use GAL DailyMax Closed Use GAL HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. EHS CAS# 100.001Nitrogen No 7727379 -25- 05/22/1997 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SiteID: 215-000-001121 Fast Format ~ Notif./Evacuation/Medical Overall Site -- Agency Notification 05/02/1991 CALL 911 OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES 1-800-852-7550 -- Employee Notif./Evacuation 05/02/1991 NOTIFY HOSPITAL OPERATOR - 327-1792 - SHE WILL NOTIFY PERSON IN CHARGE WHO WILL INITIATE EVACUATION PLAN. -- Public Notif./Evacuation 05/02/1991 NOTIFY HOSPITAL OPERATOR - 327-1792 - SHE WILL NOTIFY PERSON IN CHARGE WHO WILL INITIATE EVACUATION PLAN. Emergency Medical Plan 05/02/1991 EMERGENCY ROOM, MEMORIAL HOSPITAL: IF UNABLE, WE HAVE A DISASTER PLAN TO RELOCATE AT GARCES HIGH SCHOOL -26- 05/22/1997 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SiteID: 215-000-001121 Fast Format ~ Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt Overall Site -- Release Prevention 01/26/1993 CHANGE TO PRODUCTS CONTAINING NO HAZARD SUBSTANCES WHENEVER POSSIBLE. TRY TO TOCK MINIMUM QUANTITIES WHENEVER POSSIBLE. TRY TO MINIMIZE RISKS BY EMPLOYEE AWARENESS EDUCATION. -- Release Containment 01/26/1993 COMPRESSED GAS CYLINDERS CHAINED. -- Clean Up 01/26/1993 HOSPITAL CLEANS UP SPILLS UP TO 5 GAL BY SPILL TEAM WITH OSHA APPROVED TRAINING. Other Resource Activation -27- 05/22/1997 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SiteID: 215-000-001121 Fast Format ~ Site Emergency Factors Overall Site -- Special Hazards 10/20/1993 RADIOISATOPES ON HAND RADIATION HAZARD. --Utility Shut-Offs 10/20/1993 A) GAS - EAST PARKING LOT EAST OF PURCHASING WAREHOUSE B) ELECTRICAL - NORTH OF ENG. CENTRAL PLANT C) WATER - 34TH STREET IN FRONT OF NUC MEDICINE & CORNER OF 34TH & SAN DIMAS D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO -- Fire Protec./Avail. Water 10/20/1993 PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - IMPERIAL ALARM - 325-8825 TEL TECH - 398-0586 FIRE HYDRANT - ?????? Building Occupancy Level -28- 05/22/1997 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SiteID: 215-000-001121 Fast Format ~ Training Overall Site -- Employee Training 10/20/1993 WE HAVE 1100 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY. WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE. BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: EACH EMPLOYEE HAS REVIEWED A 20 MINUTE VIDEO ON HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES, AND HAS RECEIVED A SAFETY GUIDELINE PAMPHLET AT NEW EMPLOYEE ORIENTATION AND THEN AGAIN ON AN ANNUAL BASIS. SPILL TEAM OSHA TRAINED BY BAKERSFIELD COLLEGE LIST OF SPILL TEAM AT PBX OPERATOR'S DESK. SPILL TEAM LEADERS DETERMINE SCOPE OF WORK & SUPERVISE CLEAN-UP. MIKE WOOD, ROD TILLERY, MIKE RIFE, PETE ARMSTRONG. Page 2 Held for Future Use Held for Future Use -29- 05/22/1997 ~10/08/93~ $'~' GREATER BAKERSFIELDMM~_E__RIAL HOSP 215-000-001121 Page 1 Overall Site with 1 Fac. Unit General Information Location: 420 34TH ST Map: 103 Hazard: Moderate Community: BAKERSFIELD STATION 04 Grid: 19D F/U: 1 AOV: 0.0 Contact Name __ Title Business Phone ---T 24-Hour Phone- B[~~?,~DIRECTOR FACILITIES (805) 327-1792 x18911(805) 327-1792 MICHAEL WOOD ASST. DIR HEALTH (805) 327-1792 x18911(805) 327-1792 Administrative Data Mail Addrs: 420 34TH ST D&B Number: 95-180-2779 City: BAKERSFIELD State: CA Zip: 93301- Comm Code: 215-004 BAKERSFIELD STATION 04 SIC Code: Owner: GREATER BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSP Phone: ( ) - Address: 420 34TH ST State: CA City: BAKERSFIELD Zip: 93301- Summary I, ~'~L ~- L,,~ Do hereby certify that ! have '. (Type or pdnt ~air, e;- - ' reviewed the attached h~ardou$ materials manage- ~ merit p,an for.~--.....~_._.~ ~ ~.~ and t~at it along with ~;~-~ ~ - any corre~ien$ co~tit~'~e ~ ~:n~:e~e ~n~ ce~e~ man- agement plan for my f~ci[it~. 10/08/93 GREATER BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSP 215-000-001121 Page 2 Hazmat Inventory List'in MCP Order 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Pln-Ref ~Name/Hazards ~, Form Max Qty MCP 02-001 NITROUS OXIDE Gas 6742 High · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 02-023 SANATHERM 8116 Solid 600 High · Fire LBS 02-024 SANAMINE 8963 Liquid 110 High · Reactive, Delay Hlth GAL 02-025 SANATHERN 8329 ? Liquid 110 High · Reactive, Delay Hlth GAL 02-032 TRIAX DESTAINER Liquid 110 High · Immed Hlth GAL 02-033 LAUNCH SOUR Liquid 110 High · Immed Hlth GAL 02-026 SANATHERM 8203-5 Liquid 110 Moderate · Reactive, Delay Hlth GAL 02-030 ASSIST BUILDER Liquid 110 Moderate · Immed Hlth GAL 02-031 NEOSUDS PLUS - DETERGENT Liquid 110 Moderate · Fire, Immed Hlth GAL 02-034 FS01 BAC SOFTNER Liquid 110 Moderate · Fire, Immed Hlth GAL 02-035 JPC DIESEL #2 Liquid 20000 Moderate · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL 02-036 JPC DIESEL #2 Liquid 300 Moderate · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL 02-011 CARBON DIOXIDE, OXYGEN, NITROGEN Gas 300 Low · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 02-007 CRYOGENIC OXYGEN ~ Gas 450240 Low · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 02-002 OXYGEN Gas 5800 Low ~ Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 02-027 SANATOX 2080 Solid ~00 Low · Reactive, Delay Hlth LBS 02-028 JPC DIESEL #2 Liquid 20000 Low · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL 10/08/93 GREATER BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSP 215-000-001121 Page 3 Hazmat Inventory List in MCP Order 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Pln-Ref Name/Hazards Form Max Qty MCP 02-006 CARBON DIOXIDE Gas 1120 Minimal · · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 02-004 COMPRESSED AIR Gas 4316 Minimal · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 02-005 ETHYLENE OXIDE Gas 3252 Minimal · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 02-013 LIQUID HELIUM Gas 976 Minimal · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 02-012 LIQUID NITROGEN Liquid 61 Minimal · Fire, Immed Hlth GAL 02-003 NITROGEN Gas 4080 Minimal · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 02-029 ARGON Gas 280 Minimal · Pressure, Delay Hlth FT3 10/08/93 GREATER BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSP 215-000-001121 Page 4 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-001 NITROUS OXIDE Gas 6742 High · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 CAS #: 1002-49-72 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: MEDICAL AID OR PROCESS Daily Max FT3I Daily Average FT3 I Annual Amount FT3 -- 6,742 ~ 3,500.00 ~19,066.00 Storage Press -Temp~ Location PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above AmbientlSTORAGE BEHIND KITCHEN PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above AmbientI SURGERY PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above Ambient C-SECTION ROOM #1 PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above Ambient BEHIND KITCHEN STORAGE -- Conc Components MCP ---/Guide 100.0% INitrous Oxide '~' IHigh ! 14 02-023 SANATHERM 8116 Solid 600 High · Fire LBS CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Solid Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use: WATER TREATMENT Daily Max LBS600I~ Daily Average300.00LBS [ Annual Amount2,400.00LBS -- Storage Press T TempI Location DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL Ambient~AmbientlMAIN PLANT BOILER ROOM -- Conc Components MCP ---TGuide 10.0% ISodium Sulfite IHigh | 60 10/08/93 GREATER BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSP 215-000-001121 Page 5 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-024 SANAMINE 8963 Liquid 110 High · Reactive, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 108-91-8 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Mixture'~Days: 365 Use: WATER TREATMENT Daily Max GALll0I~ Daily Average55.00GAL ] Annual Amount730.00GAL . Storage Press T Temp i Location DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL IAmbientJAmbient MAIN PLANT BOILER ROOM' -- Conc · Components I MCP --Iuide 0.0% IHexahydroanilineHigh 68 0.0% IDiethylaminoethanol. High 29 0.0% 12-Hydroxytriethylamine High 29 02-025 SANATHERN 8329 Liquid 110 High · Reactive, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use: WATER TREATMENT Daily Max GAL I Daily Average GAL 1 Annual Amount GAL 110 ~ 55.00 730.00 Storage Press T Temp Location DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC I Ambient I Ambient I MAIN PLANT BOILER ROOM -- Conc Components -. MCP ---~uide 5.0% [Sodium Sulfite IHigh ! 60 10/08/93 GREATER BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSP 215-000-001121 Page 6 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-032 TRIAX DESTAINER Liquid~ 110 High ~ Immed Hlth GAL CAS #: 64-02-8 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Mixture Days: 365· Use: WASHING Daily Max GAL Daily Average GAL Annual Amount GAL 110 I 80.00 [ 1,500.00 Storage Press T Temp Location DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL AmbientlAmbientlLAUNDRY DEPT -- Conc ~ Components MCP ---~uide 2.0%ITetras°dium Ethylenediamine Tetraacetate Minimal I 31 .9.0% Hydrogen Peroxide High ! 47 2.0% Sodium Polyethacrylate Minimal I 1 02-033 LAUNCH SOUR Liquid 110 High ~ Immed Hlth GAL CAS #: 1309-45-1 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use: WASHING Daily' Max GAL I Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL 110 I 80.00 800.00 Storage Press T Temp Location DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL I Ambient I Ambient I LAUNDRY DEPT ' -- ConcI Components MCP ---TGuide 13.0% I Hydrofluorosilicic Acid High ~ 60 02-026 SANATHERM 8203-5 Liquid 110 Moderate · Reactive, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use: WATER TREATMENT -- Daily Max GALI Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL 110 ~ 55.00 183.00 Storage~~Press T Temp Location DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC IAmbientlAmbientlMAIN PLANT BOILER ROOM -- Conc Components MCP ---TGuide 25.0% ISodium Hydroxide, Solution IModerateI 60 10/08/93 GREATER BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSP 215-000-001121 Page 7 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-030 ASSIST BUILDER Liquid 110 Moderate · Immed Hlth GAL CAS #: 1310-73-2, Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Mixture- Days: 365 Use: WASHING Daily Max GAL I Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL 110 ~ 80.00 1,320.00 Storage press T Temp Location DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL IAmbientlAmbientlLAUNDRY DEPT --ConcI Components i MCP ---~uide 26.0% Sodium Hydroxide ModerateI 60 4.5% Trisodium Nitrilotriacetate Low ~ 3 02-031 NEOSUDS PLUS - DETERGENT Liquid 110 Moderate · Fire, Immed Hlth GAL CAS #: 67-63-0 Trade Secret: No Form:.Liquid Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use: wAsHING Daily Max GALl10 I Daily Average80.00GAL I Annual Amount800.00GAL -- Storage Press T Temp Location DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL Ambient~AmbientlLAUNDRY DEPT -- Conc Components M~P ---~uide 5.0% Ilsopropyl Alcohol IModeratel 26 18.0% Polyethoxylated Nonylphenols Minimal I 27 02-034 FS01BAC SOFTNER Liquid 110 Moderate · Fire, Immed Hlth GAL CAS #: 64-17-5 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Mixture?Days: 365 Use: WASHING Daily Max GALI Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL 110 ~ 80.00 800.00 Storage Press T Temp Location DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL IAmbientlAmbientlLAUNDRY DEPT -- Conc~ COmponents ~ MCP ---~uide 2.0% IEthyl Alcohol IModeratel 26 3.0%IAlkyl Dimethylbenzylammonium Chloride ILow ~ 1 10/08/93 GREATER BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSP 215-000-001121 Page 8 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-035 JPC DIESEL #2 Liquid 20000 Moderate · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 68476-34-6 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL Daily Max GALI Daily Average GAL 1 Annual Amount GAL 20,000 ~ 15,000.00 36,000.00 Storage i Press T Temp i! Location UNDER GROUND TANK AmbientlAmbient Under driveway from easterly pa lot (behind engineering dept.) 'Conc Components MCP ---TGuide 100.0% IDiesel Fuel No.2 IModeratel .27 02-036 JPC DIESEL #2 Liquid 300 Moderate · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 68476-34-6 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type:' Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL Daily Max GAL I Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL 300 ~ 300.00 300.00 Storage IIPress T Temp UNDER GROUND TANK IAmbient~Ambient[~3ST~'~-~RNLOcatiOn VIEW-.,~ ? - Conc ComponentS__ ..... MCP ---/Guide 100.0% IDiesel Fuel No.2 ........ IModeratel 27 · 02-011 CARBON DIOXIDE, OXYGEN, NITROGEN Gas 300 Low · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 CAS #: 128-38-9 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type:Mixture Days: 365 Use: MEDICAL AID OR PROCESS Daily Max FT3I Daily Average FT3 1 Annual Amount FT3 300 ~ 150.00 600.00 Storage Press T Temp Location PORT~ PRESS CYLINDER IAbove IAmbiontlLABORATORY · STORAGE -- Conc Components ~ MCP --~Guide 12.0% Icarbon Dioxide IMinimal / 21 21.0% Oxygen, Compressed ILow 14 67.0% Nitrogen ILow 21 10/08/93 GREATER BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSP 215-000-001121 Page 9 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-007 CRYOGENIC OXYGEN Gas 450240 Low · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: MEDICAL AID OR PROCESS Daily Max FT3I Daily Average FT3 I Annual Amount FT3 -- 450,240 ~ 225,120.00 10,445,100.00 Storage I Press T Temp I Location ABOVE GROUND TANK Above ~Cryogen REAR OF MAIN HOSPITAL BLDG ABOVE GROUND TANK Above ~Cryogen REAR OF MAIN HOSPITAL BLDG INSUL.TANK / CRYOGENIC Above ~Cryogen REAR OF MAIN HOSPITAL BLDG -- Conc Components MCP --TGuide 100.0% IOxygen, Compressed ILow ~ 14 02-002 OXYGEN Gas 5800 Low · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 CAS #: 7782-44-7 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use: MEDICAL AID OR PROCESS Daily Max FT3I Daily Average FT3 I Annual Amount FT3 5,800 ~ 2,900.00 36,600.00 Storage Location , Press T Temp ~ PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Ambient~AmbientI1E,RESP,ER,DIAG,2E,2,PED LAB, XR POST PARTOM, NURSERY, 4,5,6 FLOe -- Conc Components MCP ---~uide 100.0% IOxygen, Compressed ILOw / 14 02-027 SANATOX 20'80 Solid 200 Low · Reactive, Delay Hlth LBS CAS #: 16079-88-2 Trade Secret: No Form: Solid Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use: WATER TREATMENT Daily Max LBSI Daily Average LBS ] Annual Amount LBS 200 ~ 100.00 1,200.00 Storage~~PresS~T Temp Location PLASTIC CONTAINER IAmbient~AmbientlMAIN PLANT, CHILLER ROOM -- Conc~_ Components MCP ---[Guide 92.5% 13'Bromo-l-chloro-5,5-dimethylhydantoin Low ~ 35 10/08/93 GREATER BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSP 215-000-001121 Page 10 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-028 JPC DIESEL #2 Liquid 20000 Low · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 68476-34-6 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure .~Days: 365 Use: FUEL Daily. Max GALI Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL 20,000 ~ 15,000.00 36,000.00 Storage Press T Temp ~ Location UNDER GROUND TANK AmbientlAmbientI In driveway from easterly parki lot (behind engineering dept.) -- Conc Components MCP ---~uide 100.0% IDiesel Fuel No.2 IModeratel 27 02-006 CARBON DIOXIDE Gas 1120 Minimal · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 CAS #: 124-38-9~ Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: COOLING Daily Max FT3.I Daily Average FT3 I Annual Amount FT3 -- 1,120 ~ 1,120.00 1,120.00 Storage ~ Press_~T Temp Location PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER IAbove~ ~AmbientlOUTSIDE MAIN PLANT STORAGE --Conc Components MCP ---TGuide 100.0% Icarbon Dioxide IMinimal I 21 02-004 COMPRESSED AIR '~ Gas 4316 Minimal · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: MEDICAL AID OR PROCESS Daily Max FT3'I Daily Average FT3 I Annual Amount FT3 4,316 ~ 2,150.00 13,432.00 Storage . Press T Temp Location PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above ~Ambient STORAGE BEHIND KITCHEN FIXED PRESS. CYLINDER Above ~Ambient RESPIRATORY THERAPY PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above ~Ambient KITCHEN STORAGE --.Conc; Components MCP ---lGuide 100.0% lAir Minimal I 12 10/08/93 GREATER BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSP 215-000-001121 Page 11 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-005 ETHYLENE OXIDE Gas 3252 Minimal · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 CAS #: 75-71-8 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use: MEDICAL AID OR PROCESS Daily Max FT3 I Daily Average FT3 I Annual Amount FT3 3,252 ~ 2,168.00 22,222.00 Storage Press T Temp~ Location PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above ~AmbientlLIQUID 02 RM & TOWER BASEMENT --ConsI Components i MCP ---TGuide 12.0% Ethylene Oxide (EPA) Extreme I 69 88.0% Dichlorodifluoromethane Minimal I 12 02-013 LIQUID HELIUM Gas 976 Minimal · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 CAS #: 7440-59-7 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure ~Days: 365 Use: MEDICAL AID OR PROCESS Daily Max FT3I Daily Average FT3 ] Annual Amount FT3 -- 976 ~ 976.00 5,856.00 Storage Press T Temp ~ Location PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER AmbientlAmbientlMAIN BLDG MARKETING, ICU,4,5,6 FL -- Conc~ Components MCP ---~Uide 100.0% IHelium Minimal I 12 02-012 LIQUID NITROGEN Liquid 61 Minimal · Fire, Immed Hlth GAL CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: MEDICAL AID OR PROCESS Daily Max GALI Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL 61 ~ 30.00 3,161.00 Storage Press T Temp; Location OTHER - SPECIFY AmbientlAmbientlMAGNETIC RESONANCE IMA -- Conc Components MCP --~Guide 100.0% INitrogen ILow ! 21 10/08/93 GREATER BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSP 215-000-001121 Page 12 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-003 NITROGEN Gas 4080 Minimal · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 CAS #: 7727-37-9 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: MEDICAL AID OR PROCESS Daily Max FT3I Daily Average FT3 I Annual Amount FT3 4,080 ~ 1,080.00 18,360.00 Storage Press T Temp~ Location PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above.~ ~AmbientlOUTSIDE MAIN BLDG STORAGE AREA -- Conc Components MCP ---/Guide 100.0% INitrogen IL°w / 21 02-029 ARGON Gas 280 Minimal · Pressure, Delay Hlth FT3 CAS #: 7440-37-1 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use: WELDING SOLDERING Daily Max FT3I Daily Average FT3 ] Annual Amount FT3 -- 280 ~ 140.00 280.00 Storage Press T Temp~ Location PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER AmbientlAmbientlMAIN PLANT, MAINTENANCE STORAGE -- Conc Components MCP ---~Guide 40.0% IArgon IMinimal I 12 '10/08/93 GREATER BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSP 215-000-001121 Page 13 00 - Overall Site <D> Notif./Evacuation/Medical <1> Agency Notification CALL 911 OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES 1-800-852-7550 <2> Employee Notif./Evacuation NOTIFY HOSPITAL OPERATOR - 327-1792'- SHE WILL NOTIFY PERSON IN CHARGE WHO WILL INITIATE EVACUATION PLAN. <3> Public Notif./Evacuation NOTIFY HOSPITAL OPERATOR - 327-1792 ~ SHE WILL NOTIFY PERSON IN CHARGE WHO WILL INITIATE EVACUATION PLAN. <4> Emergency Medical Plan EMERGENCY ROOM, MEMORIAL HOSPITAL: IF UNABLE, WE HAVE A DISASTER PLAN TO RELOCATE AT GARCES HIGH SCHOOL 10/08/93 GREATER BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSP 215-000-001121 Page 14 00 - Overall Site <E> MitigatiOn/Prevent/Abatemt <1> Release Prevention CHANGE TO PRODUCTS CONTAINING NO HAZARD SUBSTANCES WHENEVER POSSIBLE. TRY TO TOCK MINIMUM QUANTITIES WHENEVER'POSSIBLE. TRY TO MINIMIZE RISKS BY EMPLOYEE AWARENESS EDUCATION. <2> Release Containment CoMpRESSED GAS CYLINDERS CHAINED. <3> Clean Up HOSPITAL CLEANS UP SPILLS UP TO 5 GAL BY SPILL TEAM WITH OSHA APPROVED TRAINING. <4> Other Resource Activation 10/08/93 GREATER BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSP 215-000-001121 Page 15 00 -'Overall Site <F> Site Emergency Factors <1> Special Hazards RADIOISATOPES ON HAND RADIATION HAZARD. <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - EAST PARKING LOT EAST OF PURCHASING WAREHOUSE B) ELECTRICAL - NORTH OF ENG. CENTRAL PLANT C) WATER - 34TH STREET IN FRONT OF NUC MEDICINE & CORNER OF 34TH & SAN DIMAS D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO <3> Fire Protec./Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - IMPERIAL ALARM - 325-8825 ~TEMS - 398-0586 FIRE HYDRANT - ?????? <4> Building Occupancy Level 10/08/93 GREATER BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSP 215-000-001121 Page 16 00 - Overall Site <G> Training <1> Page 1 WE HAVE 1100 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY. WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE. BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: EACH EMPLOYEE HAS REVIEWED A 20 MINUTE VIDEO ON HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES, AND HAS RECEIVED A SAFETY GUIDELINE PAMPHLET AT NEW'EMPLOYEE ORIENTATION AND THEN AGAIN ON AN ANNUAL BASIS. SPILL TEAM OSHA TRAINED BY BAKERSFIELD COLLEGE LIST OF SPILL TEAM AT PBX OPERATOR'S DESK. SPILL TEAM LEADERS DETERMINE SCOPE OF WORK & SUPERVISE CLEAN-UP. MIKE WOOD, ~ALL ~.~THL~4, JA4~-~AAR~%Y, PETE ARMSTRONG. <2> Page 2 as needed <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use 10/08/93 GREATER BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSP 215-000-001121 ~Page 17 00 - Overall Site ~G> Training <4> Held for Future Use (Continued) 10/08/93 GREATER BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSP 215-000-001121 Page 18 00 - Overall Site <H> RMPP DATA <1> Release Containment <2> Offsite Consequences · <3> In House Capabilities <4> Plant Shutdown Instruction C L~rry Corr. President Board of Directors: Gordon K, Foster, Chairmc~n Joel D. Mack, M.D.. Vice Chairmcn Edward H. Shuier. Secretorv-Treasu-e- Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Chorle, ~ Ashmore. M.D. r'~odger L Bick. M.D. ACCREDII'ED 8Y THE JOINT COMMISSION ON ACCR;:DII'AI'ION OF HEALTHCARE ORGANIZAi'IONS Jonn M. Brock. Jr. C Larry Cart Stephen T Clifforcl I Moiling Address: I:~. Box 1888 / Bakersfielcl. CA 93303-1888 Stephen Q HelCer. 420 34th Street / Telephone (805) 327-1792 Thomas W. Smith June 24, i995 Mr. Huey Bakersfield City Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division 2150 "S" Street Bakersfield, CA 95501 Dear Mr. Huey, ' This is to inform you that 5600 San Dimas Street,.bas been made apart of Bakersfield Memorial Hospital. We would like to incorporate 5600 San Dimas Street (Kernview) into Bakersfield Memorial Hospitals Hazardous Materials Management Plan¥-"' " The 3600 San Dimas Street (Kernvie~w) is not occupied at the preSent t~e. This address w~l not be occupied for at least s~ (~) months. Thank You~ Mike Wood Assistant Director of Health Facilities " mw/aw enclosures BAkERSFIELD'CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION 2130 "G" STREET . BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 (805) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY FACILI"FY DESCRIPTION CHECKIF BUSINESS IS A FARM [ BUSINESS NAME Bakersfield Memorial Hospital FACILITY NAME Kernview CITY Bakersfield STATE California ZIP 93301 NATURE OF BUSINESS· Behavior Hosp..ital SiC OODE 8060 DUN & BRADSTREET NUMBER 95-180-2779 OWNEqlOPERATOR C.L. Carr PHONE 3'27-179-2 MAIUNG ADDRESS 42O 34th Street Bakersfield STATE California ZtP 93301 EMERGENCY CO NTACTS NAME Michael Wood TITLE Asst. Dir. of Health Facilit~m.~ BUSINESS PHONE 327-1792 ext. 1891 24-HOUR PHONE 327-1792 ext. 1891 NAME Pe'te Armstron TITLE' Engineerin~ Supervisor -- BUSINESS PHONE 327-1792 ext. 1891 24-HOUR PHONE 327-1792 ext. BAKERSI F_LD Cl.-FY FIRE DEP, ITMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY ~u~mo~amo Bakersfield ~emor~al Hosp~talAd~r~ss 620 3~th Street, Bakersfield, Ca 93301 CHEMICAL OESC~I~[ON 2) Common N~e: ~PC Diesel #2 3) OOT ~ (om~ona) Chemi~ N~e: ~e~o[eum Ey~oc~boDs .. AHM [ ~ CAS ~ ~) PHYSICAL & H~L~ PHYSICAL H~RD CA~GORIES ~re ~1 React[ye [ ~ Sudeen Relate of Pressure ( J Immediate He~lt~ (Acute) [ 5) WAS~ C~SSIF~CA~ON ,(3-~ig~t co~e ~em OHS Fo~ ~0223 USE COO~ ~ 9 M~mum D~iy Amount: 3 ~[ I~ [ I ~a ~1 ~3 [ [ ~) C~nt~ne~ Avera~eOaN Amount: ' 3 ~a~ tunes [ I b) Pressure: Annu~ Amoun~ [bb ~ c) ~OaysOnSite 365 C[rcie~ichMomns: ~AflYe~J. F, M, A. M, J. J. A. S. O. N. O 9) MITRE; ~st' COMPONE~ CAS ~ '% Che~reemosch~dous 1) Petroleum Hydrocarbons N/A cnem~ c~m~.em~ o~ ~y AHM c~m~nen~ 33 10) Loc~on South end of Kernview by electrical transfo~er~_ CHEMICAL DESCMI~ION 1) ~N~NTORYSTA~S; New{ ] AddRion{ ] Mewst~n{ ] 0e{eQon{ I Check~cnemic~isaNQN~0~S~CR~ [ 2) Common N~e; 3) ~T ~ Chemicm Name: AHM { ] CAS 4) PHYSICAL & H~L~ PHYSICAL H~RO CA~GQRIES ~re [ ] Rea~we [ ] Su~en Rele~e ot Pressure [ ] Immeai~e Heath (Acme) { ] 0elaved G) PHYSICAL STA~ Solid [ I ~quid [ ] G~ [ 1 Pure [ J gmure [ I W~te [ 1 Raaioac~e 7) AMOUNT ANO ~ME AT FAC:U~ UNITS OF M~SURE 8) STOOGE CODES M~mum Omiy Amount: ihs { I ~a [ ] ~ [ ] a) Contane~ Average OmJy Amount: c~nes [ ] bi Pressure: AnnuN Amount: c) Tem0er~ure: ~est Size ~) MI~R~ ~st CCMPON~T CAS t~e t~re~ most ~ous 1) , ¢~em~ com~nen~ or 31 10) Lo.on ce~ u~er penm~ or law, ~at I nave ~e~nmIy ex~ln~ ~a ~ t~lll~ wl~ ~e ~n/omaao~ suoml.~ onset a~cn~oocumen~. PRI~ Name & U~e of A~onz~ com~ Re~re~enmave Signature ' Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA. 93301 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN INSTRUCTIONS: 1. To avoid further action,, return this form within 30 days of receipt. ,' 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be brief and concise as possible, SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA BUSINESS NAME: Bakersfield Memorial Hospital LOCATION: 420 34th Street MAILING AQDRESS: P- o. Box 1888, Bakersfield, CA 93303-1888 CITY: Bakersfield STATE: Ca ZIP: 93301 PHONE: 327-1792 OUN & 8RAOSTREET NUMBER: 95-180-2779 S~C COOk: 8060 PRIMARY ACTIVITY: Hospital OWNER: c. L. Cart MAILING ADORE$$: 420 34th Street, Bakersfield, Ca 93301 SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION: CONTACT TITLE BUS. PHONE. 24 HR, PHONE ]. Michael Wood, Asst. Dir. of Health Fac. 327-1792 ext. 1891 Sa~e 2. Pete ArmstronK~ EnKineerinK Supervisor 327-1792 ext. 1891 ], Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 3: TRAINING: NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 14 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE: Yes BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: All employees are taught how to read MSDS and the location of the sheets. Their right to know what Hazardous Materials are in the Hospital, proper procedures on how to handle the Hazardous Materials is also taught in accordance with CAL OSHA,-OSHA, and SB 198. SECTION 4: EXEMPTION REQUEST: I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT MY BUSINESS IS EXEMPT FROM THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 6.95 OF THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE" FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS:'. WE DO NOT HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. WE DO HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, BUT THE QUANTITIES AT NO T1MEEXCEED THE MINIMUM REPORTING QUANTITIES. OTHER (,SPECIFY REASON) SECTION 5: CERT~ICATION: CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFOR- MATION IS AC~:"~"J'I'I~ATE.-I-U-NDERSTAND THAT THIS INFORMATION W~LL BE USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE" ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (DIV. 20 CHAPTER 6.95 SEC. 25500 ET AL.)'AND THAT INACCURATE INFORMATION CONSTITUTES PERJURY. SIGNATURE TITLE DATE 2. B~l~ersfielcl Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN F(=cility Unit N~:me: Bakersfield Memorial Hospital SECTION 6: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES: A. AGENCY NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES: 1. The OSHA. Trained Haz Mat Spill Team is notified. 2. Safety Officer is notified. 3. Vice President of Operations is notified. 4. C.E.O. is notified. B. EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION: 1. Employees are notified by P.A. SyStem and ALL-PAGE. 2. They are told to use the Hospital's Mass Casualty Plan for Evacuation. 3. Managers take a roll of their employees. C. PUBLIC EVACUATION: t. All patients and visitors are told what to do by employees. Spill Team will be in charge of area. O. EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN' 1. The Hospital will activate the Mass Casualty Plan. Bakersfield Fire De ~ -' Hazardous Materials Division HAZARDOUS MATER~AkS MANAGEMfNY PkAN SECTION 7: MITIGATION, PREVENTION AND ABATEMENT PLAN: :. A. RELEASE PREVENTION STEPS: 1. We have cut the numbers and types of Hazardous Materials that come into the facility. 2. We use storage pads, special plastic barrels. Ail gas is stored in specially designed areas. We have breathing equip- ment for E.T.O.. B. RELEASE CONTAINMENT AND/OR MINIMIZATION: We activate the Hazardous Materials Spill Team. This Team has · . been trained by OSHA approved instructors to handle any situation. C. CLEAN-UP PROCEDURES: i. For small spills, we have the Spill Team take care of it. For large spills, we call the correct agencies which are identified in our Hazardous Materials Management Plan. SECTION 8: UTILITY SHUT-OFFS (LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY)' NATURAL GAS/PROPANE: South-East corner of Kernview. ELECTRICAL: South end of Kernview by Memorial Hospital's WATER: South-East corner of Kernview. ...- ... .... SPECIAL: LOCK BOX: YES~) IF YES, LOCATION' SECTION 9: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION/WATER AVAILABILITY: A. PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION: Fire alarm. Main Nursing wing is sprinklerec B. W~A~TER AVbA~ILABILITY (FIRE HYDRANT)' Fire hydrants are positionea as quired b~ the Fire Department. O~Bakersfield Fire Dept. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION Date Completed I - 1'5 -'q~. Business Name: ~C~T&(' ,",'~fSF;&[~ f~.~or';c~ .J~.oSj~,'TO-.~ Location: /--/~0 ,~'/:~ ~ Business Identification No. 215-000 ]J;~! (Top of Business Plan) StationNo. ~/~... Shift Inspector '--~_ffJW~ff Adequate Inadequate Verification of Inventory Materials Verification of Quantities Verification of Location Proper Segregation of Material Comments: of MSDS Availablity Verification Number of Employees Verification of Haz Mat Training Comments: Verification of Abatement Supplies & Procedures Comments: Emergency Procedures Posted Containers Properly Labeled Comments: Verification of Facility Diagram Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: ,~ r.o-/~/,.v - 'F ........ r , . Correction Needed El Business Owner/Manager FD 1652 (Rev, 1-90) White-Haz Mat Div. Yellow-Station Copy Pink. Business Copy 01/15/93 GREATER BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSP 215-000-001121 Page 1 Overall Site with 1 Fac. Unit· General Information Location: 420 34TH ST Map: 103 Hazard: Moderate Community: BAKERSFIELD STATION 04 Grid: 19D F/U: 1 AOV: 0.0 iContact NameI Title Business Phone i 24-Hour Phone BILL RAMTHUN DIRECTOR FACILITIES (805) 327-1792 x1891 (805) 327-1792~ IMICHAEL WOOD ASST. DIR HEALTH (805) 327-1792 x1891 (805) 327-1792 Administrative Data Mail Addrs: 420 34TH ST D&B Number: 95-180-2779 City: BAKERSFIELD State: CA Zip: 93301- Comm Code: 215-004 BAKERSFIELD STATION 04 SIC Code: 8060 Owner: GREATER BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSP Phone: ( ) - Address: 420 34TH ST State: CA City: BAKERSFIELD Zip: 93301- Summary 01/15/93 GREATER BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSP 215-000-001121 Page 2 00 - Overall Site <D> Notif./Evacuation/Medical <1> Agency Notification CALL 911 OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES 1-800-852-7550 <2> Employee Notif./Evacuation NOTIFY HOSPITAL OPERATOR - 327-1792 - SHE WILL NOTIFY PERSON IN CHARGE WHO WILL INITIATE EVACUATION PLAN. <3> Public Noti'f./Evacuation NOTIFY HOSPITAL OPERATOR - 327-1792 - SHE WILL NOTIFY PERSON IN CHARGE WHO WILL INITIATE EVACUATION PLAN. <4> Emergency Medical Plan EMERGENCY ROOM, MEMORIAL HOSPITAL: IF UNABLE, WE HAVE A DISASTER PLAN TO RELOCATE AT GARCES HIGH SCHOOL 01/15/93 GREATER BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSP 215-000-001121 Page 3 00 - Overall Site <E> Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt <1> Release Prevention CHANGE TO PRODUCTS CONTAINING NO HAZARD SUBSTANCES WHENEVER POSSIBLE. TRY TO~TOCK MINIMUM QUANTITIES WHENEVER POSSIBLE. TRY TO MINIMIZE RISKS BY EMPLOYEE AWARENESS EDUCATION. <2> Release Containment <4> e cti 'n 01/15/93 GREATER BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSP 215-000-001121 Page 4 00 - Overall Site <F> Site Emergency Factors <1> Special Hazards RADIOISATOPES ON HAND RADIATION HAZARD <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - EAST PARKING LOT EAST OF PURCHASING WAREHOUSE B) ELECTRICAL - NORTH OF ENG. CENTRAL PLANT C) WATER - 34TH STREET IN FRONT OF NUC MEDICINE & CORNER OF 34TH & SAN DIMAS D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO <3> Fire Protec./Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - IMPERIAL ALARM - 325-8825 KERN SECURITY SYSTEMS - 398-0586 FIRE HYDRANT - ?????? 01/15/93 GREATER BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSP 215.000-001121 Page 5 00 - Overall Site <G> Training <1> Page 1 WE HAVE--EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE EACH EMPLOYEE HAS REVIEWED A 20 MINUTE VIDEO ON HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES, AND HAS RECEIVED A SAFETY GUIDELINE PAMPHLET AT NEW EMPLOYEE ORIENTATION AND THEN AGAIN ON AN ANNUAL BASIS. <2> Page 2 as needed ~ ~0ooA ~ <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use 01/06/93 GREATER BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSP 215-000-001121 Page 4 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in Reference Number Order / 02-001~/NITROUS OXIDE Gas 6742 High ' · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 0~- CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form:~Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: MEDICAL AID OR PROCESS Daily Max FT3I Daily Average FT3 I Annual Amount FT3 6,742 ~ 3,500.00 19,066.00 Storage Press T Temp ~ Location PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above ~AmbientI STORAGE BEHIND KITCHEN PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above ~Ambient SURGERY PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above ~Ambient C-SECTION ROOM #1 PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above ~Ambient BEHIND KITCHEN STORAGE -- Conc Components MCP ---/Guide 100.0% INitrous Oxide IHigh / 14 02-002 OXYGEN Gas 4646 Low · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 CAS #: 7782-44-7 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: MEDICAL AID OR PROCESS Daily Max FT3I Daily Average FT3 I Annual Amount FT3 4,646 ~ 2,300.00 31,036.00 Storage . Press Temp Location PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above Ambient STORAGE BEHIND KITCHEN FIXED PRESS. CYLINDER Above Ambient RESPIRATORY THERAPY PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above Ambient EMERGENCY ROOM PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above ~mbient DIAGNOSTIC SERVICES PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above Ambient FIRST FLOOR/EAST PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above ~mbient SECOND EAST/SURGERY -- Conc Components MCP ----TGuide 100.0% IOxygen, Compressed ILow ~ 14 01/06/93 GREATER BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSP 215-000-001121 Page 5 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in Reference Number Order 02-003 NITROGEN Gas 5022 Minimal · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: MEDICAL AID OR PROCESS Daily Max FT3I Daily Average FT3 I Annual Amount FT3 5,022 ~ 3,000.00 9,066.00 Storage Press T Temp ~ Location PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above ~AmbientlSTORAGE BEHIND KITCHEN PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above ~AmbientlC-SECTION ROOM #1 PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above ~Ambient~KITCHEN STORAGE ROOM -- Conc Components MCP ---7Guide 100.0% INitrogen IL°w / 21 02-004 COMPRESSED AIR Gas 4316 Minimal · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 CAS' #: Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: MEDICAL AID OR PROCESS Daily Max FT3I Daily Average FT3 I Annual Amount FT3 4,316 ~ 2,150.00 13,432.00 Storage Press T Temp ~ Location PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above ~AmbientI STORAGE BEHIND KITCHEN FIXED PRESS. CYLINDER Above ~Ambient RESPIRATORY THERAPY PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above ~Ambient KITCHEN STORAGE -- Conc Components MCP --~Guide 100.0% lAir IMinimal I 12 01/06/93 GREATER BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSP 215-000-001121 Page 6 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in Reference Number Order 02-005 ETHYLENE OXIDE/ ~ Gas 500 Minimal 0~ ~ Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 CAS #: 0 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: ~r~ Days: 365 Use: MEDICAL AID OR PROCESS Daily Max FT3 Daily Average FT3 Annual Amount FT3 Storage Press T Temp Location ~..~ -- ConcI Components i MCP ----TGuide 12.0% Ethylene Oxide~i~hlorodiflu~ Minimal I 74 q~-~-~ 88.0% Dichlorodifluoromethane Minimal I 12 02-006 CARBON DIOXIDE Gas 3816 Minimal ~ Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 CAS #: 128-38-9 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: MEDICAL AID OR PROCESS Daily Max FT3I Daily Average FT3 I Annual Amount FT3 3,816 ~ 1,800.00 12,198.00 Storage i Press T Temp i Location PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above I Ambient STORAGE BEHIND KITCHEN PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above ~Ambient C-SECTION ROOM #1 PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above ~Ambient C-SECTION ROOM #2 PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above ~Ambient KITCHEN STORAGE ROOM -- Conc~ Components MCP~---/Guide 100.0% ICarbon Dioxide Minimal I 21 01/06/93 GREATER BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSP 215-000-001121 Page 7 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in Reference Number Order 02-007 CRYOGENIC OXYGEN Gas 450240 Low · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: MEDICAL AID OR PROCESS Daily Max FT3 I Daily Average FT3 I Annual Amount FT3 -- 450,240 ~ 225,120.00 10,445,100.00 Storage i Press - Temp~ Location ABOVE GROUND TANK IAbove~ CryogenlREAR OF MAIN HOSPITAL BLDG ABOVE GROUND TANK IAb°ve CryogenlREAR OF MAIN HOSPITAL BLDG INSUL.TANK / CRYOGENIC Above CryogenlREAR OF MAIN HOSPITAL BLDG -- Conc Components MCP Guide 100.0% Ioxygen, Compressed ILow I 14 02-0~8/ ~UARTERNARY AMMONIUM ETH~~L ~~ Liquid GA~5 Moderate Form: Liquid Type: Mixtur~ ~a~365 ~e: CLEANING -- Daily Max GAL D~i/t~ Average GAL ~ Annual Amount GAL 55 I ,,~ . 30.00 ! 55.00 / \ ~ Storage ~ ~ess ~ Temp ~ Location ~ DRUM/BARREL-NONMETA~/~mbiont,~~~SEKEEPINGSTORAGE -- Conc I / ~omponents MCP ~uide 8.4% IAmmoniatSolution ~ IModeratel 60 2.5% IEthanol ~ IModeratel 26 01/06/93 GREATER BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSP 215-000-001121 Page 8 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in Reference Number Order BRAND TROUBLE SHOOTER CLEANER--/-~~ Liquid 69 High 02-009/3M CAS #: ~ Tra~et: No Form: Liquid ~ype.'~ture Days: 365 Use: CLEANING -- Daily Max~/qAL Daily Average GAL -T--- Annual .Amount GAL -- 2.. 9 I 35.00 / 414.00 ~ Storag~ x ~ Press T ~emp Location METAL CONTAINR-NOI~3RUbl ] Ambient I Ambient I HOUSEKEEPING STORAGE -- Conc I ~ \ ' Components I MCP ---~uide 14.0% 2-Butoxyeth~nol I ModerateI 26 9.0% IPropane ~ IExtreme I 22 4.0% 12-Hydroxyeth%lamine IHigh ! 60 CAS #: ~Trade ~t: No Form: Solid Type: ~/ _?ays: 365 Use: CLEANING ~ Daily Max LBS /~ Daily Average LBS - ]-- Annual Amount LBS -- 700/. ~ 350.00 . 5,200.00 ~ Storage ? I ~ress T Temp Location DRUM/BARREL-NO~TAL I A~ent I Ambient I LAUNDRY STORAGE -- Conc I Z~ ~ Components MCP ---~uide 100.0% {Sodium Hypochlorite IHigh ! 45 01/06/93 GREATER BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSP 215-000-001121 Page 9 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in Reference Number Order 300 Low FT3 02 ~/ ~__Fire~,' Pressure, Immed Hlth -011/CARBON~ DIOXIDE, OXYGEN, NITROGEN Gas Form: Gas Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use: MEDICAL AID OR PROCESS Daily Max FT3300I~ Daily Average150.00FT3 ] Annual Amount600.00FT3 -- Storage Press T Temp~ Location PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above I AmbientlLABORATORY STORAGE -- Conc ,~ Components ~ MCP ---/Guide 12.0%ICarb°n Dioxide IMinimal I 21 21.0% Oxygen, Compressed ILow ~ 14 67.0% Nitrogen ILow ! 21 02-012 LIQUID NITROGEN Liquid 61 Minimal · Fire, Immed Hlth GAL CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: MEDICAL AID OR PROCESS Daily Max GALI Daily Average GAL ] Annual Amount GAL 61 ~ 30.00 3,161.00 Storage Press I Temp[ Location OTHER - SPECIFY I.Ambient~AmbientlMAGNETIC RESONANCE IMA -- Conc Components MCP ---TGuide 100.0% INitrogen ILow ! 21 02-013 LIQUID HELIUM Liquid 93 Minimal · Fire, Immed Hlth GAL .CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: MEDICAL AID OR PROCESS Daily Max GALI Daily AVerage GAL ] Annual Amount GAL 93 i 45.00 4,810.00 Storage Press T Temp~ Location OTHER - SPECIFY AmbientlAmbientlMAGNETIC RESONANCE IMA -- Conc Components MCP --~Guide 100.0% IHelium IMinimal / 12 01/06/93 GREATER BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSP 215-000-001121 Page 10 02 - Fixed Containers on Site . Hazmat Inventory Detail,i.n Reference Number Order 02-014/OXYGEN Q~ ~L~ ~JO'~" ~ Gas 264 Low ~{~/ · Fi~e, Pressure, In~ed Hlth j FT3 ~"~ ' CAS #: 7782-44-7 '~Trade Secret:\ No~ Form: Gas Type: P~re Days.~65 Use: MEDICAL AID OR PROCESS \ -- Daily Max FT3 ~ D~ai~ly Average FT3 ~ Annual Amount FT3 . ---- Storage /.//~-"-~-Pre~.s T Temp ~ Location ~ PORT. PRESS. CYLIND/Ee Above~Ambient POST PARTUM I ove PORT. PRES~ CYLINDER I Above ~Am~ientlC-SECTION ROOM #2 PORT. PRESS.CYLINDER ]Above ]Ambient I PEDIATRICS -- Co~ CompOnents MCP ---[Guide ~.0% ,Oxygen, Compressed ~ ILow / 14 02-Ql~ / SULFURIC ACID .... /~ ' Liquid 110 High ~1 ~/ · Immed Hlth ~ ~\ ~ L~ ~/ GAL %V -- 'J~ - ~' ' ~ CAS #: ~ade Secre~9~/~ Form: Liquid Type: Pu~ /.Da'ye: 365 Use: WATER TREATMENT -- Daily Max GAL ~.[ \Daily Average GAL --q---- Annual Amount GAL ~ Storag~/ ~ Press ~ Temp ~ Location -- ~ DRUM/BA~/L~ONMETAL I Ambient I~ient I CENTRAL PLANT -- Con~ I Co~onents ~ MCP ---TGuide 10~.0% ISulfuric Acid (EPA)' ~ IHigh ~ 39 01/06/93 GREATER BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSP 215-000-001121 Page 11 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in Reference Number Order / 02-016~ODIUM NITRATE ~ %.Q Solid 700 High ~¥,· Immed Hlth .-. ~\ ~~ LBS ~:CAS #: ~ade~e/~et: ~Formi ' Solid Type : M~ure _D~/~ 365 Use: WATER TREATMENT -- Daily Max LBS \Dainty Average LBS -- q--- Annual Amount LBS 700 I~ 400.00 ! 1,500.00 ~ Storage z/Pres~T Temp ~ Location --- DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL/,Ambient~mbient,OUTSIDE ADJACENT TO BOILER ROOM -- Conc ~ C%gmponents MCP -~Guide 27.0% ISodium~trate IHigh ! 35 ! 02-017~0DIUM MOLYBDATE Solid 800 Low · I~ed Hlth LBS CAS #: ~ Tra~~: No~ Form: Solid Typ~.~ixtu~ _~/~3~65 Use: WATER TREATMENT -- Daily Max LBS ~! Da~i~Iy Average LBS -- q-- Annual Amount LBS -- . 800 '~,//' 600.00 ! 1,600.00 ~ Storage /4 Pr~s T Temp ~ Location DRUM/BARREL-NO~~ ,Ambie~AmbientlOUTSlDE ADJACENT TO BOILER ROOM -- Conc I / ~mponents i MCP Guide 85.0% IS~d~m Molybdate ~ ILOw I 7 t 02-018.~ODIUM HYDROXIDE Solid 900 Moderate · I~ed Hlth. %~ j LBS CAS #: ~ ~D~e Secre~ Form: Solid Type~ys: 365 Use.: WATER TREATMENT -- Daily Max LBS. ~W~Ba~ly Average LBS --/---Annual Amount LBS ~ Stora 900~~. ~ 80ge / , Press T Tom~ , 0.00 / Location 900.0_____~0 DRUM/BARREL-~?TAL ,Ambient,:~~IDE ADJACENT TO BOILER ROOM - Conc ~ / Components ~ ~ MCP ---~uide 24.0%~/~ium Hydroxide ~ ,Moderatel 60 01/06/93 GREATER BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSP. 215-000-001121 Page 12 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in Reference Number Order 02-019~/SODIUM HYDROXIDE ~ ~^ Solid 600 Moderate ~V .· Immed Hlth ~ ~%~ ~ LBS ~ CAS #: --~de'Se'~ cre~/~ Form: Solid Type: Mixt~e /~ys: 365 Use: WATER TREATMENT -- Daily Max LBS I /D~ly Average LBS - q--- Annual Amount LBS 600 .,/J/ ~ 500.00 . 600.00 ~ Storage /~ ~ Press T T~p I Location ~ DRUM/BARREL-NOeL IAmbientlAmbi~lOUTSlDE ADJACENT TO BOILER ROOM -- Conc / Components MCP -~Guide ~35.0% Sod£um Hydroxide ModerateI 60 / 02-0~0,/N, N. · ImmodDIETHYLETHANOLAMINEHlth ~b ~S°lid LBS800 High ~"CAS #: Trade Secret: N~// Form: Solid Type: Mix~e Da~365 Use: WATER TREATMENT -- Daily Max LBS B~i~ Average LBS -q---- Annual Amount LBS -- 800 I 600.00 / eoo.oo / \ ~ Storage ~ P~fess T~Temp I Location ~ -- Conc /~ Components MCP ---TGuide , 40.0% ]N,N-Die~lethanolamine ~ IHigh ! 29 02-~ ure~ .~~~ ~as 15000 Un rated 021 OXIDIZER ~F · Fire, Press FT3 CAS #: ~Trade Secret:~ Form: Gas Type: ~e ~: 365 Use: MEDICAL AID OR PROCESS -- Daily Max FT3 ,\x D~wily Average FT3 I Annual Amount FT3 15,000 ' 7 00.00 22,000.00 ~ Storage ~Pres~T Temp I Location PORT. PRESS. CYLI~IAbovo ~biont]STORAGE BEHIND KITCHEN -- Conc , / C~mponents , MCP --TGuide / 01/06/93 GREATER BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSP 215-000-001121 Page 13 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in Reference Number Order 02-022 EPOXIDE ~ Gas 2000 Unrated V· Delay Hlth ~ ~ FT3 ~ CAS #: ~Tra~et: No Form: Gas Type.~e Days: 365 Uso:.STERILIZ~R -- Dail~ Max FT3// \k' Daily Average FT3 --q~- Annual Amount FT3 -- ~0 I~ 1,500.00 ! 3,000.00 ~- Stor~e I Pre~ T Temp I Location -- --- PORT. P~. CYLINDER IAbovo~biontlCENTRAL SERVICE KITCHEN STORAGE -- Conc ~ Components ~ MCP ~Guide 02-023 SANATHERM 8116 Solid 600 High · Fire LBS CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Solid Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use: Daily Max LBS I Daily Average LBS I Annual Amount LBS 600 i 300.00 2,400.00 Storage Press I TempI Location DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL Ambient~AmbientlMAIN PLANT BOILER ROOM -- Conc Components MCP --iGuide 10.0% ISodium Sulfite IHigh ~ 60 BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 I DEC (805) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTOF FACILITY DESCRIPTION CHECK IF BUSINESS IS A FARM [ ] BUSINESS NAME ¢~LFC~T~(P-_ ~/~/25'~'/_.. SITE ADDRESS ¢ 2.-0 ~ 4 %14 CITY 6~ STATE ~ NATURE OF BUSINESS ~ ¢ P I T'('J,' L,. sic CODE' ~¢~/2 DUN & 8RADSTREET NUMBER MAILING ADDRESS 4Z 0 ..~,,¢-r'¢ ..~'T'~P___.,¢_.7"' CITY ~,~g(?~ t'""'IELO STATE EMERGENCY CONTACTS NAME i~/Z.~ ~/gr~'7-//-L,/t~ TITLE ~//~¢4_~/Z /~/~(~ / ZIT'/~'~ BUSINESS PHONE ~7-/~ ¢ 2 E~ /~¢/ 24-HOUR PHONE ~7' /7 ¢2 NAME ' ,/'"~/~.. ,/'//¢¢/ ~ ~ 4)~ TITLE ,/¢~/,.~'Y" /..)//2~.¢7~/'Z /'f/~'4.. Z/7",'¢/"~-'-~ Z~ BUSINESS pHONE ~27 -/7¢2_ .¢..x.TI,¢?I 24-HOUR PHONE .~,,Z. 7- / 7~'Z.. Se~ember 30, 1992 REGION V LEPC STANDARD FORM ? BAKERSlF LD CITY FIRE DEPAI MENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Page_tofJ_0 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [/J~ddition [ ] Revision [ ] Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET [~/TRADE SECRET 2) Common Name: ~4 ~ A '"'f/4 ~ ~'~ ~'~ Fl/ (~ 3) DOT # (optional) HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [*'~'" Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronic) 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE ~ J 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [If~ Liquid [ ] Gas [ ] Pure [ ] Mixture [t/~ Waste [ ] Radioactive [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY UNITS~GF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Dally Amount: f,,)OO~-~:3 lbs [/J gal [] ~t3 [ ] a) Container: Average Dally Amount: ~--~1~ ' cudes { ] b) Pressure: Annual Amount: c) Temperature: Largest Size ~3ontalner: .~'.~ ~ # Days On Site ~.~' Circle W~ich Months: ~"~, J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURE: List C(~MPONENT CAS # % WT AHM chemical components or 3) [ ] ,o) ocation Cer  CHEMICAL DESCRI~ION 1) IN~NTORY STATUS: New [~dition [ ] Revision[ ] Deletion[ ] Check Echemic~is s NON~DESECR~ ~DE SECR~ 2) Common N~e: ~,~/V~ m /~ ~ ~ ~ 3) ~T · (optionN) Chemic, Name: ~a.~ ~b~O 4~ ]Cl~ AHM[ ] CAS~ 4) PHYSICAL & H~L~ PH~ICAL H~L~ H~RD CA~GORIES Fire [ ] Reamive [~ Sudden Rele~e of Pressure [ ] Immedi~e He~th (Ac~e) [ ] ~layed He~th (Chronic) 5) WASTE C~SSIFICATION (~digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE ~ ~ 6) PHYSICALSTA~ Solid [ ] Liquid [~ G~ [ ] Pure [ ] Mi~ure [~W~te [ ] R~iosctive [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY UNITS OF M~JRE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Daily Amount: .~ l lO ~i~''' ~bs [] g~ [~ ~3 [] a) Contmner: ~ Average O~ly Amount: ~~ cudes [ ] b) Pressure: / Annu~ Amount: ~ c) Tem~r~ure: ~ ~gest Size Contaner: * Days On Site ~.~b~ Circle ~ich Months: ~J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, N, D v 9) MITRE: Dst . ~ COMPONE~ ~ chemic~ com~nents or ce~'~ under pen~ of law, ~at I have personally examined ~d am f~ili~ wi~ ~e infoma~n submi~ on.is ~ ali a~ch~ document. I believe submi,~info~a,onisl~e, accumte, andcomple,. X ~ [~A [ ~RiNT Name & Ti~e of ~u~orized Com~ny Bepresenmb've 'S~gna~m - ~ ~ ~- ' - - ' Dam BAKERS ELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY PageZ__of~O BusinessName ~[;~A~I~.S]~L~_ )~/legYlOl~l~L /~-j~ Address ~J~ 20 ~ + T~ ~ ~E~  ~ CHEMICAL DESCRI~ION 1) IN~NTO~ STA~S: New [ ~ddition [ ] Revision[ ] ~letion[ ] Check Echemi~is aNON ~DE SECR~ [~DE SECR~ [ ] 2) CommonN~e: ~~ T~e~m g~ ~q 3) ~T~(optiona) Name: ~ (,.,rT-g Re AHM [ ] CAs'* x ;//4 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYS/ICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [ ] Reactive [.,,iv/Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health(Chronic) 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION ,(3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE '~ I 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [l~"Liquid [ ] Gas [ ] Pure [] Mixture [~']/"/Waste [ ] Radioactive [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACIUTY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Dally Amount: ~ LID. 5~"ff lbs [.~gal [] ,3 [] a) Contalner: Average Dally Amount: ~(.,~ ..;~.~lln v curies [ ] b) Pressure: Annual Amount: -~ c) Temperature: Largest Size Container: # Days On Site ~" Circle Which Months: J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, N, D v ,,st c COM ON . . · CAS the three most hazardou, 1) , - .? ~.~i~,~r'~.. _ _ ( .[ [] chemical components or ,~C~O~lt~' -- ~t.~ any AHM components 2) , _ . . _ ~ 5 [ ] 3) [ ] ~.~ S,..~N~ CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY wi l~ddition [ ] Revision[ ] Deletion[ ] Check ifchemicalis aNON TRADE SECRET [/,.~TRADE SECRET [] 2) Common Name:G"/t"~ ~-'t'~e~n,1 E' a o 3 - ~' 3) mT # (optional) Chemical Name: 4) PHYSICAL a HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [ ] Reactive [,~ Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronic) [,~' 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 4 [ 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Liquid [....r" Gas [ ] Pure [ ] Mixture [,,lv/"Waste [ ] Radioactive [ ] C~EC~ ALL rP.A r APPt y 7) AMOUNTAverageMaximumAND TIMEDailyDailyATAmount:FACILITYAmount:~' ~ -~' "~ ~5'~11°~''(~p~/...~.IbsUNITS[ ] cudesOFgal MEAS~.URE[~j.[ ] ft3 [ ] 8) STORAGEa)b) Container:Pressure:CODES O/~ Largest Size Container: # Days On Site 3 (.~,~' Circle Which Months: J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, N, D the three most hazardous 1) ~) ( , · [ ] chemical components or - ~ any'AHM components 2). [ ] BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ~Addition [ ] Revision [ ] Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET [ ] TRADE SECRET 2) Commo. Name: ~ ~ ~ "TO X" Z ~3 ~ t~ 3) DOT # 'l S CJJ.¢.O- CAS,, / 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [ ] Reactive [~'"'~udden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronic) 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE fl I 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [~/"~Liquid [ ] Gas [ ] Pure [ ] Mixture [~]'~'"'Waste [ ] Radioactive [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACIliTY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Daily Amount: ~ lbs [~"'"gal { ] ft3 [ ] a) Container: Average Daily Amount: ~ ~ cudes [ ] b) Pressure: Annuai Amount: j Z. DCf.-~ c) Temperature: Largest Size Container. ~~'~ # Days On Site , CimleWhich Months: , F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, N, D M, RE: "at COM. ONENT__ the three most hazardous 1) i ~2J~ ~--~,~.0~-I;~,-~ __ I~:~,.0~'~ chemical components or ' - 3) [ ] L ~,,~0,, CHEMICAL BE$CRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New ition [ ] Revi~'o~ [ ] D~eletion [ ] is a NON TRADE SECRET [ ] TRADE SECRET 2) Common Name: ~ 3) DOT # (optional) Chemical Name: ~ AHM [ ] CAS # 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [ ] Reactive [.~ den ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronic)i~ 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION .(>digit code from USE CODE L_~ ~ 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [v~ liquid [ ] Gas [ ] Pure [ ] Mixture Iv]/' Waste [ ] Radioactive [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FAClUTY , MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Daily Amount: lbs gal [ ] 1t3 [ ] a) Container: 0'7 Average Daily Amount: ides [ ] b) Pressure: Annual Amount: c) Temperature: Largest Size Container:. # Days On Site CimleWhich F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURE: list lENT CAS # % WI' Al-;;, the three most hazardous 7~) ~ ,~-~)O - ~) ~ [ chemical components or any AHM components [ 3) r ce~fy under penafly of I~w, that I have personally examined "~nd 'am familiar w~th the infomation submitted on third all a ~tt..ached documents. I submitted information_is Izue, accurate, and complete. ~ ~ ~'~ /~ /~ [] ' P~IINT Name & Title o/Autho#z~d Company Representative Si~gna~ure -- '.- '-.. r Det~: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Page4--of/O Business Name J~/~e-f2_.s ~'i E[.~) ~OAl~L ~ Address 4Z ~'~ e~~ CHEMICAL DESCRI~ION 1 ) iNVENTORY STA~S: N . ion [ ] Revision ~ ~letion [ ] ~ Check if chemi~ is a NON ~DE SECR~ [~DE SECR~ _ _ 4) PHYSICAL & H~L~ PHYSICAL H~L~ H~RD OA~GORIES Fire [ ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Relate of Pressure ~ Immedi~e He~h (Ac~e) [ ] ~layed He~h (Chronic) 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE / ~ 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Liquid [ ] Gas ~ Pure [ ] Mixture [ hv~aste [ ] Radioactive [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACIUTY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Daily Amount:t,l?-~---/~oT{"{.~O lbs [] gal [] Average Daily Amount: Annual Amount: Largest Size Container.'~ # Days On Site ~.~" Circle Which Month,: ~IIYe~.>.~,'F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, N, D the three most hazardous 1) _ . /~__ ~ ~ ~ 4~-- chemical components or any AHM components 2) 3). [ ] lO) Location o T21/)f' ?/-4-4T 3To /f , 1) INVENTORY STATUS: Ne~ , Addition ~ Revision [ ] Deletion [ ] Check ~ chemi~ is a NON ~DE SECR~ [ ] ~DE SECR~ 2) Common Name: ~ I T~ ~ ~ S) ~T · (option~) Chemic~Name: ~ i~~ AHM[ ] CAS~ ~~_ ~7--? 4) PHYSICAL & H~L~ PHYSICAL H~L~ H~RD CA~GORIES Fire [ ] Reective[ ] Sudden Rele~e of Pressure [~' Immedi~e He~th (Ac~e) [ ] ~layed He.th (Chronic) 5) WASTE C~SSIFICA~ON .(~digit code from DHS Fo~ 8022) USE CODE ~ 6) PHYSICAL STA~ Solid [ ~ ~quid [ ] G~ [ Pure [ i~ure [ ] W~te [ [ Rsd[osctive [ [ 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY _ . UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Daily Amount: t..~_{~. ~l..e..o lbs [ ] gal [ ] 1t3 [ ] a) Container: Average Daily Amount~ -~-Lg~ curies [ ] b) Pressure: ~ ! Annual Amount: ~ ~9j6~0 c) Temperature: Largest Size Containe~ '?_,~- ~ # Days On Site '¢ .~'- Circle Which Months: ~, F, M, A. M. J, J, A, S, O, N, D MIXTURE: List COMPONENT CAS # % WT AHM the three most hazardous 1) ~,);T' o (,pc, chemical components or any"AHM components 2) [ ] [ ] ce~ unaer pen~ of law, ~at I have pe~on~ly ex~in~ ~d ~ l~ili~ w~ ~e infoma~on submi~ on ~s ~ ~1 a~ch~ document. I believe ~e PRI~ Na~e & Ti~e of ~dz~ Com~y Represen~'ve S~gna~ -- % BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Page~'of{O O~, CHEMICAL DESCRI~ION 1 ) IN~NTORY STAreS: New 1~ [ ] Revis ~ k if chemic~ is ~ NON SECR~ [ ] ~DE SECR~ [ ] 2) Common N~e: 3) ~T ¢ (option~ 4) PHYSICAL & H~L~ H~L~ H~RD CA~GORIES Fire [ ] Reactive [ ] Relate of Pressure lmmedi~e HeNth (Acute) [ ~layed He~h (Chronic) [ ] 5) WASTE C~SSIFICA~ON (3-digR code ~ 8022) USE CODE ~ ~ 6) PHYSICALSTA~ Solid [ ] Uquid [ ] G~ / Pure [ ] Mi~ure [~W~te [ ] Radio~ive [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND ~ME AT FAClU~ , ~,. 3F M~SURE/ 8) STOOGE CODES M~imumD~lyAmount: ~1~-~-~ lbs [ ] [ ] ~3 [~ a) Contaner: Average Dmly Amount: ~ JO ~ ~ [ ] b) Pressure: Annu~ Amount: ~ ~ c) Tem~r~ure: ~gest Size Cont~ner: · Days On Site ~ Circle~ich F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N. D 9) MITRE: ~st CAS~ % ~ AHM the three most h~dous L~OMPONENT 7~-Zi -~ / chemic~ com~nen~ or ~y AHM com~nen~ 7~ 7/ -- ~ ~ ~ [ ] 3) [ ] ~~" CHEMICAL DESCRI~ION 1) IN~NTORY STA~S: Ne~ ~Addition [ ] Revision [ ] Deletion [ ] Check ~chemi~ is a NON ~DE SECR~ [~DE SECR~ [.] 2) Common N~e: H ~ ~T · (option~ 4) PHYSICAL & H~L~ PHYSICAL H~L~ H~RD CA~GORIES Fire [ ] Resmive [ ] Sudden Relate of Pressure [~ Immediate Heath (Acme) [~ ~layed HeNth (Chronic) [ ] 5) WAS~ C~SSIFICA~ON .(~digit code ~om DHS Fo~ 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSlCAL STA~ Solid [ ] ~quid [ ] G~ ~ Pure [ ] Mi~ure [ ] W~te [ ] RadioamNe [ ~ AMOUNT AND ~ME AT FAClU~ [,~r_ ..... ~" UNITS OF M~SURE~ S) STOOGE CODES M~imum O~ly Amount: -~1~- . ~ lbs Il ga Il ~3 a) Contmner: Average Duly Amount: ~ .... cudes [ ] b) Pressure: Annua Amount: 5~ c) Temper~ure: ~gest Size Contmner: ~ ~--~q ~ · Da~OnSite ~ Cimle~ichMonths: (N~e~J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, N, D 9) MITRE: Ust ~.~ ~[~ CQ~ONENT_~ CAS ~~ % ~.~0~ AHM chemi~ com~nenm or ~y AHM com~nenm 2) ~' [ ] ce~W under pen~ of I~w, ~at I have ~emon~y ex~in~ ~ ~ f~ili~ wi~ ~e mfoma~on submi~ on ~is ~ ~1 a~ch~ documenm. I believe PRI~ N~e & ~e of A~odz~ Com~y Represenm6ve $ignamm Dam HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Page~ of/0 ii O~._,H~ "~'~ ~)~('~--~,~ CHEMICAL DESCR 1 ) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ~ ' Revision Deletion [ ] is a NON TRADE SECRET [~TRADE SECRET [ ] 2) Common Name: 3) DOT # (optional) Chemical Nme: AHM [ ] CAS # '7 7 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [ ] Reactive [~""~' Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronic) [~].-- 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-digit code USE CODE ;;).../"/ 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Liquid [vl/'Mixture [ ] Waste [ ] Radioactive [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACII -. EASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Daily Amount: ~ T~ [ ] gaJ [ ] a) Container: Average Daily Amount: __ cudes [ ] b) Pressure: jr Annual Amount: -- c) Temperature: Largest Size Container: # Days On Site ~ ~';5" Circle Which F, M, A. M, J, J, A, S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURE: List COMPONENT CAS # % WT AHM the three most hazardous 77{~~, -- ~ --7 /~0 ['"~ chemical components or any AHM components · [ ] [] 10) Location J~ 0 ~ CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1 ) INVENTORY STATUS: New ~ Addition [ ] Revision [..~eletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET [.~TRADE SECRET ChemicalName: g~_T~[~m ~w~~&o~_~ AHa[] CAS. 4) PHYSICAL & H~L~ ~ PHYSICAL H~L~ H~RD CA~GORIES Fire [~Rea~ive [ ] Sudden Rele~e of Pressure [ ] Immedi~e He~th (Ac~e) [ ] ~layed He~th (Chronic) 5) WASTE C~SSIFICA~ON .(~digit code from DHS Fo~ 8022) USE CODS ' t ~ ' 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] ~quid [~ G~ [ ] Pure [ ] Minute [~W~te [ ] Radioactive [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND ~ME AT FAClUW -- UNITS OF M~RE 8) STOOGE CODES M~imum Daily Amount:~O0~ I~ [ ] g~ [~ fi3 [ ] ~) Cont~ner: ~ J · Days On S~e ~ Circle~ich Months: ~llYe~J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, N, D 9) MITRE: Ust COMPONENT~ C~ · ,~ AHM chemi~ com~nen~ or ~y'AHM com~nents 2) [ 10) Location cer~ under penafly of law, that I have personally examined and am tamiliar with the infomation submi3ed on submitted information is true, accurate, and complete. PRINT Name & Ti#e of Au~horfzed Company Representative BAKERSFTELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Page'7o{O Business Name ddress ,~( ~_~ 'C:) /~/~ CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION ' 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New'~ Addition[ ] Revision[ ] Deletion[ ] Check if chemical is aNON TRADE SECRET [ ] TRADE SECRET[ ] 2) Common Name: 3) DOT # (optionai) Chemi~ Name: AHM [ ] CAS # ';'/ ~" ~ '7-- 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL . HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [ ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [/ Immediate HeeJth (Acute) [ ] Delayed Heaith (Chronic) [~'~ 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION .(3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Liquid [ ] Gas [~,~ Pure [ ] Mixture [~'~Waste [ ] Radioactive [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY UNITS OF MEASURE ~ 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Daily Amount: 1~"~)'~ lbs [] gal [] ~3 [~'T a) Contedner: Average Daily Amount: ~1~ !~.~ curies [ ] b) Pressure: Annuai Amount: ~' 4(~'/.~ c) Temperature: Largest Size Container: 'Z.~~/~' I '~OT'/'Z.4~ # Days On Site ~/z~_~ Circle Which Months:( AIIYe~.~/)J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, N, D cJ) MIXTURE: List (:::L,/~./v~ ~ COMPONENT CAS# o ~ AHM the three most hazardous 1) 7~-'~ 7- ( '-rT [ ] chemical components or any AHM components 2) [ 3) [ ]  CHEMICAL DESCRI~ION 1) IN~NTORY STA~S: New' ;Addition [ ] Revision [~ Deletion [ ] Check E chemic~ is a NON ~DE SECR~ [ ~DE SECR~ 2) Common N~,: ~ ~ ~¢~ 3) ~T * (option~ Chemic~ N~*: 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ AHM [ ] CAS. ~ ? ~Z- ~g -- 7 4) PHYSICAL & H~L~ PHYSICAL H~L~ H~RD CA~GORIES Fire [ ] Red,ire [, ] Sudden Rele~e of Pressure [/ Immedi~e He~th (Ac~e) [ ] ~layed He,th (Chronic) 5) WAS~ C~SSIFICA~ON (~digit code from DHS Fo~ 8022) USE CODE ~ ~ 6) PHYSICAL STA~ Solid [ ] ~quid [] G~ [~ Pure [] Minute [~W~te [] R~ioa~Ne [] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FAClUTY UNITS OF MEASURE_ ./- 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Daily Amount: '~:~C)00 lbs [] gal [] ~t3 f~J a) Container: Average Daily Amount: ~ ~f.~)'~) curies [ ] b) Pressure: Annual Amount: ~_~,~ )_(~0~) c) Temperature: g=-gast Siza contai.er~..LL ~. _ C: - # Days On Site ~ ~.~<;'~ Circle Which Months: ( All Year, ), F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, N, D 9) MIX'rlJRE: LIst JOMPONENT CAS# .~ AHM chemical components or --7' / - ' any AHM components 2), [ ] PRI~ N~e & T/tie of A~odz~ Comfy Representative ~i~na~m ' ' Da~ [] Farm and Agricultur ndard Su.ine.. of Premmuro H~lth H~lth Co~onent E~R~ENC~ CONTACTS ~1 Ham Title 24 ~. Phone N~o : Title '24 ~ ~no C~tif/catl~ (~ ~ SIGN AFTER COMPLETING I eer~fy ~der p~nl~ o~ 1~ t~t ~ ~ver ~reonally ~tn~ ~d ~ f~li~ with the ~fo~at~on su~ttted in ~ie ~d all attached d~te ~d ~at ~eed ~ ~ tn~ of ~ole t~ivid~lm roo~noible ~o~ chaining tho in~o~tion. I ~lievo that ~e su~itt~ info~tion t8 t~o, a~ato, and o~pleto..'.~.~ ' N~ ~D ~FICIAL T[~ OF ~E~OP~R OR ~ER/OP~R'B A~IORE~D ~P~3~ATI~ ~e ~e ~ Average ~nual Meae~e f Da~. ~nt ' ConC ' Cent Use ~ation ~e~ :[ '"-' % ~ · N~o of M~u~/C~nente t I I, ~1, I.., I , I '1' I I I ,--. " ¢,,. of PE~Sugo '. H~lth H~lth . Co~nont I 3 N~"&'C.A.O. N~ · - c~tfleatt~ (~ ~ SIGN AFTER COMPLETIN~ ~L SECTIONS) .- I cer~Ey ~der pMnl~ et 1~ t~t I ~ver ~reonally ~ln~ ~d ~ f~li~ w~th the ~o~t~0n su~i~ted In ~l ~d ali att~h~ d~w~ ~d ~a~ ~eed ~ ~ ln~ of ~oie . ~ ..w : . -' · NON.- ~E SEC~ ' ' ', '. ~';: .' .~: ?':'~[:': .:'~;'. , · :" ' . . ~. . .~. ,,.. .... ~..~,:...~ . .,.... , . . . . ,,:~,.. : · , , .~,. ~ .;... .,,,~ , ~ATION~ ~ ~ ~' ~D~SS. -~,.. .t.,...ST~ I~:~SS CODE~ - · .,"' ~ ~ z.~zo.s ~ ~.o~ ~ ~":'". "...' .... 2 2" 3 ~ 5 "6 7 e 9 .~o h z2" ~us ~t ~ Average ~nual ~eae~e ! Da~, COnt ' Cont. ' Cont Use C~m C~e ~t ~ ~t Un,ts ~ Site ~ Press Code S~d in Faoil~t~ ' ~':' % ~/' ~s o~ H~u~/C~nents ~k all t~t apply) " ' ~' '~: '.'. .... ". ',"-.' t I ~ I ! I ....... I I .1' i I I .. Phrasal and H~lth ~za~ ~.A.B. ~er ., Co~on~t ~ I N~ ~& ~.A.B. N~ ' , ,: (C~ tht apply) · ,~.,: , . '...~. '. ,-. , · . I I ,I .I I' I" I I' I I I ... .... , .... I or Premmu~ H~lth H~lth Co~ent ! 3 N~ ~ ~.A.8. N~' , .,, E~R~E~C~' CoNTA~T~ Jl f2 N~ Title 24 ~. Phone N~o : Title 34 ~ Phone :~tf[c&[l~ (~ ~ SIGN 'AFTER COMPLETING ~L SECTIONS) .. ~r~ ~ ~FICZAL TZ~ OF ~~R OR ~OP~R*S A~RXZEO ~P~S~ATX~ Sl~ ~ fllO~O DEC 4 1992 i By. . CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CITY ATTORNEY OFF[CE OF TH~ CITY A'FrORNEY PH. 805-326-372 I LAWRENCE M. LUNARDINI I$01 TRUXTUN AVENUE FAX 805-325-9162 ASSISTANT CITY A'I'I'ORNEYS BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 ROBERT M. SHERFY DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEYS ALAN D. DANIEL ALLEN M. SHAW LOUISE T. CLOSS WALTER H. PORR JR. JOHN D. CLOSS MICHAEL (3. ALLFORD LAURA C. MARINO ADMINISTRATOR FRANCES E. THOMPSON December 3, i992 Ms. Angie Wheeler Greater Bakersfield Memorial Hospital 420 34th Street Bakersfield,~CA 93301 Re: Violations of Hazardous Materials Regulations Dear Ms. Wheeler: It has come to the attention of this office that the property identified as the Greater Bakersfield Memorial Hospital is in violation of the California Health and Safety Code regulations, pertaining to the failure to update a Hazardous Material Management Plan and inventory report since January 1989. The Specific violation of the California Health and Safety Code, as well as the remedial action necessary to correct the violation, has been detailed to you in correspondence by Ms. Barbara Brenner, Hazardous Materials Planning Technician of the city of Bakersfield, dated December 1, 1992. The purpose of this letter is to further impress upon you the need to take immediate remedial action. With that goal in mind, I must inform you that failure to correct this violation on or before January 4, 1993, may necessitate legal action, including, but not limited to, misdemeanor citations and/or injunctive relief. Ms. Angie Wheeler Greater Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Re: Violations of Hazardous Materials Regulations December 3, 1992 I thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation and, should you have any questions concerning the necessary remedial action or require further information, please contact Barbara Brenner directly at (805)326-3979. Very truly yours,. Deputy City Attorney cc: Barbara Brenner, Hazardous Materials Technician MGA:gp "WE CARE" FIRE (DEPARTMENT 2101 H STREET S. D. JOHNSON BAKERSFIELD. 93301 FIRECHIEF 0~' o~ December 1, 1992 326-3911 Ms. Angle Wheeler: NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE The following hazardous material regulation violations have been identified regarding Greater Bakersfield Memorial Hospital. 1. The hazardous materials management plan and inventory have not been updated since January of 1989. VIOLATION OF CH. 6.96 CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE 25509(a)(1-4) (a)The annual inventory form shall include, but shall not be limited to, information on all of the following which are handled in quantities equal to or greater than the quantities specified in subdivision (a) of Section 25503.5: (1) A listing of the chemical name and common names of every hazardous substance or chemical product handled by the business. (2) The category of waste, including the general chemical and mineral composition of the waste listed by probable maximum and minimum concentrations, of every hazardous waste handled by the business. (3) A listing of the chemical name and common names of every other hazardous material'or mixture containing a hazardous material handled by the business which is not otherwise listed pursuant to paragraph (1) or (2). (4) The maximum amount of each hazardous material or mixture containing a hazardous material disclosed in paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) which is handled at any one time by the business over the course of the year. VIOLATION OF CH. 6.95 CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SEC.25505 (b) In addition to the requirements of Section 25510, whenever a substantial change in the handler's operations occurs which requires a modification of its business plan, the handler shall submit a copy. of the plan revision to the administering agency within 30 days of the operational change. (c) The handler shall, in any case, review the business plan, submitted pursuant to subdivisions (a) and (b), on or before January 1, 1988, and at least once every two years thereafter, to determine if a revision is needed and shall certify to the administering agency that the review was made and that any necessary changes were made to the plan, A copy of these changes shall be submitted to the administering agency as part of this certificatiOn. (d) Unless exempted from the business plan requirements under this chapter, any business which handles a hazardous material shall annually submit a completed inventory form to the administering agency of the county or city in which the business is located. Notwithstanding any other provisions of the law, an inventory form shall be filed on or before January 1, 1988, for the 1988 calendar year, and annually thereafter. This inventory shall be filed annually, notwithstanding the review requirements of subdivision (c). The above violations must be corrected by January 4, 1992. The enclosed computer printout may be used to complete the hazardous materials management plan and inventory update. Please mark through any inaccurate information and write in the corrections. Be sure to fill in all of the blank spaces highlighted in yellow. There is a bland inventory form enclosed in case you need to add chemicals to th~ inventory. Minor inventory changes and deletions~may be marked directly on the printout. Sign the front page of the revised plan and return to this office. Failure to correct these violations will result in enforcement action. The department will schedule a re- inspection of your facility to verify compliance. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact me at 326-3979. Sincerely, Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Planning Technician cc: Ralph Huey, Hazardous Materials Coordinator Michael Allford, Deputy City Attorney .. CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT May 29, 1991 2~o~ H STREET D. S. NEEDHAM BAKERSFIELD, 93301 FIRE CHIEF 326-3911 Mr. Herman Ruddell Greater Bakersfield Memorial Hospital P.O. Box 1888 Bakersfield, CA 93303 Dear Mr. Ruddell, During the past year, I have had several phone conversations with you regarding the hospital's use of the Acutely Hazardous Material sulfuric acid. You indicated the intent to reduce the quantity in storage. It is important that the hazardous materials inventory on file for Bakersfield Memorial accurately reflects the changes which have been made. It has been over 2 years since the business plan and inventory have been revised, so I am enclosing a computer printout for general revision purposes. Please make any changes in the text directly on the printout. Inventory deletions and minor changes may also be noted on the printout. Use the enclosed inventory form for additions. Be certain that the correct % concentration is included for all materials, but particularly for the sulfuric acid and ethylene oxide. Be sure to strengthen the detail for any areas of the business plan which are highlighted. The revised business plan and inventory will be due on July 1, 1991. Please call me at 326-3979 if I can provide any assistance. Sincerely, Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Planning Technician cc: Ralph Huey Bakersfield Fire Dept. AND RISKMANAGEMENT AND PREVENTION PROGRAM CHECK LIST 3. R.M. P. P. REQUESTED 4. R.M.P.P. REVIEWED 5. R.M.P.P. APPROVED 6. R.M.P.P. INSPECTION COMMENTS: BUSINESS NAME I. DNUMBER ...', ACUTELY HAZARDOUS. MATERIALS REGISTRATION FORM ' TH:IS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE OWNER OR OPERATOR OF EACH BUSINESS IN CALIFORNIA WHICH AT ANY TIME HANDLES ANY ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATER[AL IN i QU ,ANTTFIES GREATER THAN 500 POUNDS, 55 GALLONS OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF GAS AT STP.~ THIS FORM SI-IAI.I~ BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED TO YOUR LOCAL RECEIVED ADMINISTERING AGENCY. (§25533 & 25536 Heal~ & Safeuf Code) MAY 2.2 1990 " Note Instruction~ on reverse HAT.. MAT. DiV. Business Name BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Business Site Address 420 34th STREET Business Mailing Address (if different) P.0. BOX 1888 Business Phone, (805) 327-1792 Business Plan Submission Date2 1-3o-89 Process Designation3 ' ACI,ITELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HANDLED4 -USE ADDITIONAL PAGES IF NECESSARY- i .. CHEMICAL NAME ,. QUANTITY 1,2- ' EPOXYETHANE (ETHYLENE OXIDE) 810 LBS, ACTIVE INOREDIET ' ETHYLENE oX:rDE "~o BY. 'WT. DICHLORODIFLVOROMETHANE 88% 'BY.WT. ' " , , TOTAL WT 135' LBS NE~ GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROCESSES AND PRINCIPAL EQUIPMENTS: 1 ETHYLENE OXIDE GAS' MACHINE ON pREMISIS GASSER·iS"LOCATED 'IN'A'SEPERATE ROOM WITH TIlE CONTROL PANEL ON THE OUTSIDE WALL"IN'CPD CLEAN AREA. ARTICLES ARE LOCATED-IN CLEAN A~EA, LOADED INTO THE _ THE GASSER,'DoOR cLoSED AND 'TECHNICIAN EXITS AREA, CLOSING OUTER DOOR. :THE · pRoCEss IS "THEN STARTEb BY ·PUSHING THE'APpROpRIATE BUTTON ON THE CONTROL PANEL. California Office.o:f Emergency Services FORM HM 3777 (1-15-88) .... May 9, 1990 Greater Bakersfield Memorial Hospital 420 34th Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Ruddell, After checking our files, I determined that Memorial Hospital did report ethylene oxide on the hazardous materials inventory section of it's business plan. Due to the way this chemical was entered i~to our computer, we did not pick it up as an acutely hazardous material. Attached is a registration form for acutely hazardous materials. Please fill it out, being sure to report the quantity as cubic feet of the gas. I will let you know if the reported quantity exceeds the total planning quantity for ethylene oxide. Please return the completed registration to: The Bakersfield Fire Depart~ent Hazardous Materials Division 2130 G Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Please call me at 326-3979 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Planning Techniciar~ "WE CARE" FIRE CHIEF , 326-3911 ~ , May l, 1990 Dear B~siness Manager:j ~ The following q~stionnaire is a supplement to the Acitely Hazardous '~erials Registration Form previously submitted by you~usiness as required under Section ~5534 of the Califorr,~ Health & Safety Code. This registration indicates tha~reatrer Bakersfield Memorial Hospital handles ~lfur~C~ci~an acutely hazardous material ( AHM ), in an ~----a~~bFeater than the planning quantity for this che~eical. Additic, r, al ir, forn~ation is necessary ir, order to co~plete the risk management plannir, g functions of this agency. This que~tior, naire should be co~pleted by an officer of the company or other person having substantial management control over all operations at the facility. If there is any doubt as tc, whether or'not the answer tc, a quest ior, is yes or no, the ar~swer "yes" shall be give~. With in two weeks of receipt, complete and return the questionnaire to: The Bakersfield Fire Department Nazardous Materials Divisior~ i~130 G Street Bakersfield, CA 933[)1 If you need additional information, please call 326-3979. cerel y, ~ Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Planning Technician FACILITY INFORMATION FORM Please answer each of the following questions by circling Y (yes) or N (no). 1. Is any acutely hazardous material (AHM) manufactured or used in a chemical reaction ? Y 2. Is any other flammable gas, flammable liquid or explosive material manufactured or used in /~ a chemical reaction ~ 3. Is any reaction in question 1 or 2 a moderately or highly exothermic reaction ( e.gT-klkyl~tion esterfication, oxidation, nitration, polymerization ~-~ or condensation) or one involving electrolysis ~ Y / 4. Can any unplanned release of a AHM to the atmosphere result from the malfunction of any scrubbing, treatment or neutralization system or the discharge of a pressure relief system ~ Y 5. Does any physical or chemical, process in which an AHM is produced or used involve a batch process ? Y ~. Does any physical or chemical process involve the production or use of any AHM at a pressure in of 15 psig 9 y /~N2 excess 7. In excess of 275 psig ~ Y 8. Does any physical or chemical process involve the production or use of an AHM at a temperature above 125 degrees F ~ Y 9_. In-excess of_250__degr~Ds ~ .... Y 10. Can any explosive dust be present in any closed container within 100 feet of an AHM or otherwise be present in the same building as an AHM ? Y 11. Is there any ignition source or open flame within 100 ft. of any process, storage or transfer area where a flammable or explosive AHM is present , except where there is a firewall providing protection ~ Y ~N// 12. Is any lined or non-metallic pipe used in the transfer of any AHM ? Y 13. Is any equipment or piping handling any AHM more ~-~ 10 years old ? ¥ / PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION · ( Attach additional pa.yes ii' necessary) 1. Your company's current workers compensation experience modification factor. 2. How many people occupy the building in which AHM's are used or stored ? ~ / 3. Give details of all accidents which involved any hazardous material and all other instances when the fire department has been summoned in an emergency. 4. Briefly described the operations process at your plant and the specific processes utilizing AHM's, including storage proceedures. .... " -- - -- -2- '~9~Q'~ 5. Briefly describe the equipment being used in the processes involving AH?ts. 6-.~ Report~quantity of AHM-(s), referen-ce~-in bhe cover letter, that this business handles. a) Maximum amount on hand at any one time. <~~ b) Please attach a Material Safety Data Sheet for any material that is a mixture. Do not include MSDS for pure substances. DEMOGRAPHIC DATA: State the straight line distance in feet between the business property line and each of the following. 1. Nearest school. 2. Nearest daycare center, hospital, nursing home or similar facility. 3. Nearest residence/motel etc. 4. Neares~_occqp~d.~uild~ng.' ..... ~~.~ _ Business Name: Address: ~* I certify that'the foregoing information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. 3 May 1 ~ !990 Dear Business Manager': The following questionnaire is a supplement to the Acutely Hazardous Mater~ials Registration For-m previously submitted by your business as required under Section 25534 of the California Health & Safety Code. This registration indicates that ~Greatr_~r Bake~]sfield Memorial~ Hospite~l handles ~suIfuri~~ acid, an acutely hazardous material ( AHM ), in an amount greater than the plan~ir~g quantity for this chemical. Additional information is necessary in order to complete the risk management planning functions of this agency. This questionnaire shc, uld be completed by an officer of the compar~y or other person havir~g substantial management control over all operations at the facility. If there is any doubt as to whether or not the answer to a question is yes or- no, the answer "yes" shall be given. With ir~ two weeks of receipt, complete and returr, the questi,-,nnaire to: The Bakersfield Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division 2130 G Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 If you r~eed additional information, please call 326-3979. Sincerely, Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Planning Techniciar~ CONV 01~07~0 Location: 420 34TH ST Map: 103 Hazard: Moderate Community: BAKERSFIELD STATION 04 Grid: 19D F/U: 1 AOV: 0.0 Contact Name Title Business Phone 24-Hour Phone- HERMAN RUDDELL (805) 327-1792 x1820 (805) 322-9661 ROBERT PATWELL (805) 327-1792 x1891 (805) 664-8010 Sugary - ~, / <A> Hazmat <B> Area Plan <C> Fac. Units <D> Notif/Evac <E> Mitigation <F> Site Facts <G> Training <H> RMPP Data <I> Not Used <J> Not Used <K> Held Aside <L> Incidents <M> Inspection <N> Admn <P> Print <Esc> Exit ~, ~. '5~ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS COMPLIANCE STATEMENT ~EB ~ 6 1990 ~7~<( (To be completed by Building Permit Applicant and /or Site Plan M ~7 ~T. DiV. ~ ReviewApplicant and returned to the Building Dept. or Planning Dept.) LOCAtiON q/~ 3~~ "':'.,':.':.- PLEASE READ ALL OF IHE INFORMAION CAREFULLY, FAILURE TO COMPLY WIIH IHE HAZARDOUS MAIERIALS REGULAIIONS . :,.,.::.. , MAY RESULI IN CIVIL HABILIIIES OF UP 10 $2~0.00 FOR EACH DAY IN WHICH IHE VIOLA~ON OCCURS. Will tho"Applicant or future building occupant be required to complete o H~ordous YES NO Mate[ia~ Business Plan? (NOTB If you handle, store, ~o or d~pose of, repo~able quantifies of any h~ordo~ substance, you ore ~equited by California Low to complete a H~ordous Materials Busine~ Plan, Forms can be obtained from the Bokersfle~ · Rte Depa~ment, H~ordous Mate[lab D~bion, 21~ G Street. . .... .. Typical evew day hazardous matedab you m~ find in your facil~es m~ include, ~" ' but not lim~ed to: compressed g~es; ~eb- all Wpes; so~ents: oi~ (new and '-. waste); ~inners; caustic or co.os~e mote~ls; poisonom ox toxic m~efia~; and ...:. ' .::;.":". radioactive materials .... · Will Ihe applicant or furore building occupoht De requ~eO to complete a R~k Manage-. .' YES. NO ment and Prevention Program? -- - . .... ' (NOT~ If you handle, store, use or d~pose at reportable quont~ies of any e~reme~ h~ardous substance you m~ develop a R~k Management and Prevention ProQrom. ~lS PLAN MUSI BE APPROVED BY THE LOCAL ADMINISIERING AGENCY BEFORE YOU COMMENCE OPEEA~ONS AT FACILIW. ~e list ofregulated chemicab ~ contained in Appendix A of pa~ 355 of Subchopter J of Chapter I of rdle ~ of the Code of FoOerol ReQulafio~. I~t of chemicals ~ovoilQDle at the Bakersfield Fire Department, H~atdom Mate[ia~ Div~ion, 2130 G Street. Will the applicant or future building occupant be required to obtain a permit from the YES NO Kern County Air Polution Control District? r'-] r~ Location within 1,OOO feet of outer boundry of the following: YES NO School -(any school, public or private used for the purposes of education of ~ r~ children Kindergarten or any of grade 1 to 12. inclusive) Hospital- ~-] F~ Long Term Care Facility - [~ [~ Check here if none of the above apply to this project. · . , -. ,, S,gned: ~J JL-'?¢¢~ /? c ,./[._,~--X~,& ,,. ~ Date: / (Owner, Pri~' usiness) Pl~~(~B FO 1654 TO: BUILDING DEPT, STATUS OF I-IAZ MAT REGULATIONS I. ~Required to complete a Hazardous Materials Business Plan r"l Hazardous Materials Business Plan Complete " I1. F"I Risk, Management & Prevention Program Required ~--IRisk Management & Prevention Program Requirements are being met - OK to issue permit F'-1 Risk Management and Prevention Program I~as been approvecl. OK to issue Certificate of Occupancy, III. [--I No Hazardous Material Requirements. IV. r'-] All Hazardous Materials Reporting Requirements Complete. Comments: Hazaraous Materials Oi~sion Date FO MEMORIA HAZARDOUS MATERIALS PROGRAM FIELD SCENARIO PRESENTATION 9-1-1 REQUEST: A report of a victim down is received by ECC (Emergency Communications Center) through the 9-1-1 emergency access system. The victim was reportedly struck by a bag of parathion powder which fell from a forklift at his work site. The bag was reported to have broken open on contact with the victim, leaving him exposed to the chemical. At the time of the request the victim was unconscious. EMERGENCY RESPONSE (TO A KNOWN HAZ ~/IAT SITUATION): Simultaneously, an ambulance and a Fire Department response are initiated. The incident location is such that the responding engine company arrives on scene first. Two minutes later, the ambulance arrives and the crew reports to the incident command, after placing the ambulance with the back doors toward the incident. ADDITIONAL SYSTEM RESPONSE~ (FOR THE KNOWN SITUATION): Because the situation is a known hazardous materials incident, a Medalert is requested through Control 5 to EMS, City and County Haz Mat Response Teams are dispatched, and Environmental Health is r~lotified of the response. The EMS Coordinator on call will establish communicatio~L~ with the incident commander and the ambulance crew on scene. He will continue ta monitor the situation and poll the local base hospitals for accessibility and additional medical support' (medications and supplies), if necessary. Once the polling process is completed, EMS advises that Memorial Hospital will be the receiving facility for this incident and that they are on line awaiting additional information and preparing to receive the victim. INITIAL SCENE ACTIONS (ENGINE COMPANY AND AMBULANCE CREW): The engine company's immediate priority is to keep the victim away from other people, and vice. versa. The victim was conscious upon their arrival and, through a verbal evaluation, no life-threatening injury or illness was found. The victim is requested to walk to a suitable area, remove all of his clothing, and brush/dust off as much of the dry chemical as possible. A fire hose is then utilized to flush the victim continuously until the Haz Mat Teams arrive on scene. Meanwhile, the ambulance crew prepares themselves and the ambulance to receive the victim when he is ready. Plastic sheeting is used to protect the interior of the unit. The crew removes leather products, jewelry, and contact lenses and dawns protective clothin§, gloves, masks, and goggles to protect themselves from exposure. The paramedic constantly monitors the victim situation, prepared to render assistance or advice as needed. FIELD SCENARIO (CON~D) Upon the arrival of the Haz Mat Teams, a consultation at the command post occurs to establish a specific plan of action and review available information. It is the decision of the Haz Mat Team that a Level III decontamination is required. The two-pool decontamination system is set up. (The process in real time takes a minimum of twenty minutes to do correctly.) While awaiting completion of the setup, one Haz Mat Team member acquires a computer printout of the recommended medical management for parathion exposure and/or contamination. He then relays the information to the paramedic (most qualified medical person on scene) and makes it available to the receiving facility (by phone and/or transported with the victim to the hospital). In the interim period, an officer from Environmental Health has arrived at the scene. The officer is consulted for any additional concerns about patient care and decontamination procedures. Environmental Health maintains the responsibility for testing and disposal of hazardous chemicals. The officer will test the decon runoff to determine whether it will be safe to wash down the spill or dispose of it in another manner. Environmental Health will also arrange for the removal of the product and cleanup of the spill site if a wash down is not feasible. With the decon area completed, the victim is now taken through the two-station decon process, which includes a soap and water wash down and then a rinsing process. Disposable clothing is provided and his personal effects are bagged for decontamination or disposal. The waiting Advanced Life SuPport Unit is prepared to transport the victim to the receiving facility. After reassessing the victim for any immediate medical needs (including symptoms of parathion poisoning), the hospital is contacted and any additional chemical information and patient information are relayed to the MICN and physician on duty. The hospital states that they are prepared to receive the patient through the now-secured ambulance entrance. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS PROGRAM REAL TIME SCENARIO COMPARISON The field demonstration will be time-lapsed so that only the sequence of events and the priorities are portrayed to the participants of the program. An actual event, in real time, would occur as follows (using the shortest case scenario). The demo is a known chemical incident. An incident where the product is unknown takes considerably longer. 10:07 Call received by ECC through 9-1-1 10:08 EHS, EMS, and Fire dispatched 10:11 Engine company on scene and verbally assesses the victim 10:13 Paramedic ambulance on scene; Backs in and reports to the incident command 10:16 City and County Fire Haz Mat Teams on scene 10:19 County Environmental Health on scene 10:20 Ambulance crew and unit being prepared to receive the victim; Haz Mat Teams setting up decon area 10:38 Decon process begins (minimum twenty-minute setup) 10:53 Patient loaded in ambulance, assessed; Transport initiated; Hospital advised and updated 11:05 Delivery of the victim to the facility RISKMANAGEMENT AND PREVENTION PROGRAM CHECK LIST 2. A.H.M. RECEIVED 3. R.M.r.P. REQUESTED 4. R.M.P.P. REVIEWED 5. R.M.P.P. APPROVED 6. R.M.P.P. INSPECTION COMMENTS: z~z/~/~/~/ /12~~hl /%5~p, # //J I BUSINESS NAME I . DNUMBER .,.... CITY of BAKERSFIELD ..... .~.~ ,~ "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT 2101 H STREET D. S. NEEDHAM BAK.ERSFIELD, 93301 FIRE CHIEF 326-3911 Herman Ruddell P.O. Box ]888 ' '" ' ' '"'"" ..... ..... " " .Dear Mr. Ruddell: .................. ' ....· .............. ' ............. ............... report±ng quantity of any' materiai on the EP6 lis( of Extremely Hazardous Substances. (Fed. Register 'four company' has reported handi±ng the follo~±ng 6cutely FORM6LDEHYDE ETHYLENE OX~OE "'" '""'" Pleaae ~eturn 't~'e completed hcu(ely Hazardous Materials Regi~tr'ation Form to: Baker~¢ield City Fire Department Hazandou~ Haterla!s Divis.i. on 2150 6 STreet Bakens¢ield, Ca. If you have an',/ questions regarding this form please call Duane Headows or Ralph Huey at 526-5875. S incer'e!v Ouane J .~teo~c~J5 Hazar'dou~ Material Planning ~'~¢h,n -,.~ .... l~lan DJld:vp , ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS RE( iTRATION FORM THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE OWNER OR OPERATOR OF EACH BUSINESS IN CALIFORNIA WHICH AT ANY TIME HANDLES ANY ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IN QUANTITIES GREATER THAN 500 POUNDS, 55 GALLONS OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF GAS AT STP. 1 THIS FORM SHALL BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED TO YOUR LO~'EIYED ADMINISTERING AGENCY. (§25533 & 25536 Health & Safety Code) Note Instructions on reverse IIIJlY 2 519~9 HAZ. MAT. Business Na111~ ~akersfield Hemo~ial Hospital Business Site Address 420 34th Street Business Mailing Address (if different) P.O. Box 1888 Business Phone 327-1792 Business Plan Submission Date2 1-30-89 Process Designation3 AcI, rl'ELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HANDLED4 -USE ADDITIONAL PAGES IF NECESSARY- CHEMICAL NAME QUANTITY Sulfuric Acid 110 gal. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROCESSES AND PRINCIPAL EQUIPMENTS: Used in control of "PH" of condensing water in coolin~ towers that are at ambient pressure and with a temperature range of 70°-90°F. Concentration pf sulfric Acid is @ 50-60 ppm. SIGNATURE ~-z-~~'/~2 ~ TITLE Plant Manager PRINTED NAME Robert G. Patwell DATE 5-24-89 California Office of Emergency Services FORM HM 3777 (1-15-88) INSTRUCTIONS; Superscripts: 1. Quantities for RMPP compliance arc "equal to or greargr than" ~he minimum criteria and apply to chemicals handled "at any one time". 2.:~B.usinesses handling reportable quantifies of Acutely Hazardous Materials that have not submitted a business plan MUST contact local Administering Agencies. The business plan submission date will assure the Administering Agency that a business plan has been submitted and is on t-de. This will also immediately identify businesses that have not submitted business plans. 3. "Process Designation" is provided as a reporting option (with the approval of the Administering Agency) for facilities that can most easily report by process. Thus, facility RMPP registration data could be submitted in a similar format to a business plan that is divided by process. "By process" data can initiate an emergency response to a process incident rather than a general emergency response to a major facility. Process designation can simplify inspections for major facilities and improve future emergency response._ ...... 4. Refer to the EPA list of Exlremely Hazardous Substances from the Federal Register (Volume 52, No. 77, p. 13397 et. sea_.. April 22, 1987). Each chemical has a threshold planning quantity. This list may be changed by EPA on an annual basis. Updates of this list may be available early in 1988. To comply with this element, you may attach a copy of the inventory submitted to your Administering Agency from your business plan and highlight ali Acutely Hazardous Materials. It is recommended that facilities list all exuv, mely 1~7~rdous chemicals handled in quantifies equal to or in excess of 1) 500 pounds, and 2) any EPA threshold planning quantity less than 500 pounds. 5. Do not include Trade Secret information in these descriptions. General: For emergency response purposes, it would be desirable to describe the following to the Administering Agency: 1. Batch Process: a. What raw materials? b. What OlX='ating pressure range? c. What op(rating temlxmm=e range? d. Batch capacity rating? e. Product characteristics? (e.g., chemical state, flammability, toxicity, etc.) f. Critical lxocess points and charac~s? 2. Condnuons process: (simi.'lar information as above.) ~ha'smmt to §25534, ~h~ Admini~ring Agency may req~-~ th~ ~ulani~ion of~ Ri~k Management Prevention Program (R. MPP), if tl~ ~ Ag~y ~ that ~ Inmdl~r', Ol~aation may la~ent an acutely hazardous materials accident ri~. 'I~ I~adler ~ prc~ fl~ RMPP in ~ with sul~livision (¢) [of §25534]. The RMPP shall be preparexl within 12 montl~ followin~ thc ~:l~.~t ~ by th~ .~lmini~g Agency lXtrmant to this section.~ (§ 255:t4 (,,) Health An amendment to the RMPP must be submitted to the Admin~,~tering Agency within 30 days of: 1. Any additional handling of acutely hazardous materials. 3. Change of address, business ownership, or business name. (§ 25533 (c) Health & Safety Code) · EVERY BUSINESS REQUIRED TO SUBMIT AN RMPP SHALL IMPLEMENT THE APPROVED RMPP · California Office of Emergency Services FORM HM 3777 (1-15-88) ACUTELY H ARDOUS MATERIALS RE TRA ION FORM THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE OWNER OR OPERATOR OF EACH BUSINESS IN CALIFORNIA WHICH AT ANY TIME HANDLES ANY ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IN QU ,ANTITIES GREATER THAN 500 POUNDS, 55 GALLONS OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF GAS AT STP. · THIS FORM SHALL BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED TO YOUR LOCAL~ ADMINISTERING AGENCY. ({}25533 & 25536 Health & Safety Code) Note Instructlon~ on reverse Business Name Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Business Site Address 420 34th Street'" Business Mailing Address (if different) P.o. Box 1888 Business Phone 327-1792 Business Plan Submission Date2 1-30-89 Process .Deslgnation3 ' ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HANDLED4 -USE ADDITIONAL PAGES IF NECESSARY. CHEMICAL NAME QUANTITY Formaldehyde Max. of 6 gals on hand ~ nny give¢ e~mo_ (37%) GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROCESSES AND PRINCIPAL EQUIPMENTS: Used in histology laboratory PRINTED NAME Robert G. Patwell DATE 5-24-89 California Office of Emergency Sewices FORM HM 3777 (1-15-88) ~ ... ~ ACUTELY H ARDOUS MATERIALS RE TRA ION FORM THIS FORM MUST BE COIVIPLETED BY THE OW~IER OR OPERATOR OF EACH BUSINESS IN CALIFORNIA WHICH AT ANY TIME HANDLES ANY ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IN QUA, N'ITHES GREATER THAN 500 POUNDS, 55 GALLONS OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF GAS AT STP. · THIS FORM SHALL BE COMPLETED AND SUBM]TI'ED TO YOUR LOCAL ADMINISTERING AGENCY. (§25533 & 25536 Health & Safety Co(lc) Note Instructions on reverse Business Name Bakersfield Memorial~ Hospital Business Site Address 420 34th Street Business Mailing Address (if different) P.O. Bo× 1886 Business Phone 327-1792 Business Plan Submission Date2 1-30-89 Process Desl@naflort3 ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HANDLED4 -USE ADDITIONAL PAGES IF NECESSARY- CHEMICAL N.a,~IE QUANTITY Ethylene Oxide Max. 6 bottles at any one time. GENERAL DES~:RtPTION OF PROCESSES AND PRINCIPAL EQUIPMENTS: Used for ETO sterilization PRINTED NAME Robert ~. Patwell DATE 5-24-89 California Office of Emergency Services FORM HM 3777 (1-15-88) - ' . ~2x,.~ ,,"~ RECEIVED HAE. MAT. DIV. Do hereby certify that I have reviewed the attached Hazardous Materials business plan name of business) and that it along with the attached additions or corrections consti~ ~ ~u~e a complete and correct Business Plan for my facility. signature date BUSINESS NAME GRERTER~KERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSP ID 21S-OOO-~OlI21 LOCATION 420 34TH ST HIGH HAZARD RATING 3 I. OVERVIEW LAST CHANGE 11/14./88 BY VAL JURIS CODE Z15-004 JURIS BAKERSFIELD STATION 04, MAP PRGE t03 GRID tgD ..... F~CEETTT'~UNETS"; HAZARD RATING RESPONSE SUMMARY ZA SEC 4) IMPERIAL ALARM - 3ZS~GgZE RMERICAN FIRE SAFETY CO - KERN SECURITY SYSTEMS '= 3~J8=OSG~v-'N~L"O~V~ EMERGENCY CONTACTS 2a SEC ROBERT PATWELL -, 3Z?-I79Z EXT 1891 OR~~ UTILITY SHUTOFFS 2~ SEC R) GAS - E PARKING LOT E OF PURCHASING WHSE B) ELECTRICAL -- N OF ENG. CENTERRL PLANT C.) ~ATFI ST IN FRONT OF'NUC ~DICI~"E CORNER OF ~ATH ~ SAN OIM8S D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO' ' Z. NOTIFICnTION / PUBLIC EVACUATION LAST CHANGE / / BY < NO INFORNE'I'ION RECORDED FOR THIS SECTION > PRGE I -" 1Z/lB/AB MRTERIRL SAFETY 'DRI'H'SYSTEMS,'INC. (805) G48-G80CD BUSINESS N~IME GREATER BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSP ZD NUMBER L. OCRTION 4Z~ ~4TH Sl' HIGH FI~Z~RD R~TiN6 ~. H~Z M~T TRAINING SUMMSRY LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE LA'ST CHANGE 11/14/88 BY VA/. SEC ~) EMERGENCY ROOM, MEMORIAL HOSPITAL: IF UNABLE, WE HAVE R DISASTER PLAN TO RELOCATE fit GARCES HIGH SCHOOL Pt~GE Z 1Z/19/88 1Z:Z~ Mfl'rERIfll2"ShFETIr Di~TR"S'YS'TEMS"; INC': (8'0S-)' 64B-G80~ ' BUSINESS NRME GREI~TE~KERSFIEL. D MEMORIAL HOSP lO NU~ Zt5-0~-,001 lzl LOCATION 4Z0 34TH ST HIGH H~Z~RD RATING 3 F~CII_IT% UNIT ~1 a, OVERALL HAZA~OUS MATERI~LS INVENTORY ID TYPE' NaME MRX RMT UNIT HRZRRD I_OCRTI ON CONTRI NMENT USE I PURE NITROUS OXIDE '" ZS~ FT3 MODERRTE STORRGE BE~D"~ZTCREN" PORTRBEE PR'ES'S,' ~[-.' MEDICRL RID OR PROCESS ID PERCENT CO~O~E'NTS ~DO ~ZRRD LZST Z345.~ 1¢~ NITROUS'OX~D~ - ~ ~G ~ODERRTE Z PURE OXYGEN 4Z5~ FT3 FltGH S'I'ORRGE BEHIND KITCHEN PORTRBLE PRESS, CYL. MEDICRL RID OR PROCESS ID PERCENT COMPONENTS ~C~ /~ HRZRRD LIST 23S9,~ 1~.~ OXYGEN, COMPRESSED ,~ ~ ~ HIGH ~ PURE NITROGEN ~0~ ~q q~ ~ F'r~ MOOER~TE STORAGE 8EHINO KITCHEN' PO~BiE' ~SS. CYE~ MEOICSL AI[] OR PROCESS ID PERCENT .COMPONENTS -'~ ~ ~ H~Z~RD LIST z z4.ee ee.e NITROGEN MODERATE 4 PURE COMPRESSED RIR 175~ FT2 UNKNOUN STORAGE BEHIND KITCHEN PORTABLE PRESS. CYL. M~DIC~L RID'OR PROCESS ID PERCENT COMPONENTS GG ~'~ HRZRRD LIST 331~,~ 1~,~ RIR UNKNOYN .S PURE ETHYLENE OXIDE U/12% FREON 5~ FT3 LOY STORRGE BEHIND KITCHEN PORTRBLE PRESS, CYL, NEDICRL RID OR PROCESS ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HBZRRD LIST t~8fi.~4 1~.~ FREON IZ LOW IO PERCENT COMPONENTS ~ ~ ~ '- HRZRRD LIGT 8 PURE CRYOGENIC OXYGEN ~ I Bgege FT~ HIGH REaR OF M~IN HOSP BLDG ~BOVE GROUND T~NI<S MEDICAL ~I[) OR PROCESS ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HaZaRD LIST Z359.~ l~.e OXYGEN, COMPRESSED HIGH 9 MIXTURE QUaRTERNRRY ~MMONIUM ETHANOL 55 GaL HIGH HOUSEKEEPING STORAGE DRUMS OR BaRR NON MET, CLERNING ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HRZRRD L~ST E 3 12119/88 M~I'ERI~L BaFETY'~T~'S'¥STE. MS, I~JSINESS NAME GREATER BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSP ID NUMBER 215-00~-0~t121 LOCATION 4Z0 ~4'¥H ST HIGH HAZARD RATING FACILITY UNIT 01 R. OVERALL HAZARDOUS MAI'ERIRLS INVENTORY ID TYPE NAME MAX AMT UNIT HAZARD LOC AT I ON C'ON'I"RSNMEI~ ' U S E 9 MIXTURE QURRTERNARY AMMONIUM 'ETHANOL 55 GAL HIGH // ( ¢ CONTINUED ¢'"-~ ID PERCENT COMPO~E'NTS ..... HAZARD LIST t024.00 8.4 AMMONI~'(£PR) MODERATE EP 1218.01 ..... Z;S' EO~ANOt.' HIGH  t0 MIXTURE 3M BRAND TROUBLE SHOOTER CLEANER 69 C?RL EXTREME HOUSEKEEPING STORAGE METAL CONTAINERS CLEANING ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LIST 185Z.00 ~4.0 Z-BUTOXYETHRNOL NODERA'¥E t155.0Z 9.0 PROPANE EXTREME 1t03.08 4.0 ETHANOLAMINE HIGH ~ 11 PURE HI CHLOR DRY BLEACH ~, LBS UN~NO~N L.~UNORY STORAGE DRUMS OR BARR NON MET. CLEANING ID PERCENT COMPONEi~TS HAZARD LIST 1165.~ ¥00;~'$OB~U~"RYPl~CI~EO~TB UNKNOWN ~¢/~--'7'''~'' ~ lZ ~ PURE ~115Z NEUTRALIZER '"100 LeS UNKNOWN LAUNDRY STORAGE ...... DRU~¢ OR'B~RtEr'NoN"[{ET; CLEANING ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LIST ,..~T--e'?¢~~ -4-3--- MIXTURE BLUSOUR 100 LBS UNKNOWN LAUNDRY STORAGE DRUHS OR BARR NON MET. CLEANING ID PERCENT CO~PONE~TS .... HAZARD LIST / /~4 PURE WOOD 8LCHOL, METHANOl., CRRBINOL S GAL HIGH LABORATORY STORAGE GLASS CONTAINER[S] .... MEOICAL RIB OR PROCESS ID PERCENT COMPONENTS .......... HAZARD LIST ~45,.00 ~00.e METH~NOE HIGH  15 PURE RLCOHOL.'SPIRITS OF WINE, POTATO ALCOHOL S GAL HIGH LABORATORY STORAGE PLASTIC""CONTAtNER£S] MEDICAl. AID OR PROCESS ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LIST ;~18,00 100.0 ETHYL ALCOHOL HIGH 16 PURE ACETONE-DIMETHYLKETONE,~'Z=P'ROPANONE S GEL. HIGH LABORATORY STORAGE PLRSTI'CCONTAINER[GI' 'M~B~CRL AID OR PROCESS ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LIST PAGE 4 tZ/t9/88 tZ:~3 MATERIAL S~FET¥ 'DAT~"SYS'I-EMS,"INC. ('BOS>'B~8=BB00 BUSINESS NAME GREATERI~KERSFIELO MEMORIAl, HOSP ID ZIS-<~80-OOllZ1 LOC~tTION 4Z0 34TH ST HIGH HRZBRD RATING 3 FBCILITY UNIT 81 ~ OVERALL HRZAROOUS M~TERIRLS INVENTORY ( * CONTINUED"*' ~ ['RST CRR~E- ID TYPE NRME MAX RMT UNIT HAZARD  LOC ~ T I ON CONTSI:NME~" USE IG PURE RCETONE-DI~TRYLKETONE;' Zs'P~OPRNONE 5 GAL HIGH ( * CONTINUED * ) ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LIST 1886,81 1~8 Z-PROPRNONE HIGH 17 MIXTURE CRRBONE DIOXIDE, OXYGEN, NITROGEN ~88 FT5 HIGH LRBOR~TORY STORAGE PORTABLE PRESS, CYL. MEDICAL RID OR PROCESS tO PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LIST Z324,88 G'7.8 NITROGEN MODERATE Z359.~ Z1,8 OXYGEN, COMPRESSED HIGH 1Z5;.88 12.8 CARBON DIOXIDE LOW 18 PURE NZO~ GAS, NI~~" ZZO FT~ MODERATE SURGERY ~ OTHER MEDICAL RID OR PROCESS ID ~ COMPONENTS HAZARD LIST ~8 18~.8 NITROUS OXIDE MODERATE 19 PURE OXYGEN~.- ZG4 FT3 HIGH RESPIRATORY .T~PY 0~' F~XEO PRESS,TANKS MEUICRL RiO OR PROCESS ID PERC~ COMPONENTS ....... HAZARD LIST z~sg,~.e OXYGEN, COMPRESSED .... HIGH Z~ PURE RZR (OXYGEN, NITROGEN, ETC) '" GG FT~ UNKNOWN ) { · RESPIRATORY I'HE~ 'FI)(EO"FRESS.TRNKS' MEDICAL RiO OR PROCESS I0 PERCEN~OMPONENTS ~ '- HAZARD LIST ~;~.~ ~e~e n~R --~ UNKNOWN 21 PURE LIQUID NZ'rROG~-' 6~ GR[, MODERATE M~GNETIC RESONANCE IM~ OTHER MEDICAL RiO OR PROCESS ID PERCENT COMPONENTS' HAZBRD LIST Z~Z4.ee l~.e NITROGEN NOOERAI'E Z2 PURE LIQUID HELIUM "' B3 GAL UNKNOUN MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMR "OTRER MEDICAL AID OR PROCESS ID PERCENT COMPONENTS' '- H~ZARO Lzs'r ZeZT.~O leO.e HELIUM UNKNOWN PO E oxY " ZZ FT3 EMERGE'NC~OM a~ ' P~TnBLE"PRES-S; CYL, MEDICAL AID OR PROCESS ID ~RCENT CO~ONEN'T'S .... HAZARD LIST PAGE S 12/19/88 MFYrER!A1, SRFEl~ DI~TFT' SYSI'EM~S', INC': <BOS) G48vG800''' BUSINESS NAME GREATER B~KERSFtELD MEMORIRL HOSP II] NUMBER LOCRTION 420 3zlTH ST HIGH HAZARD ~TING 3 FACILITY UNIT 01 ~'t, OVERRLL H~ZRRDOUS MRTERIRLS 'INV~NTOR% ( * CONTINUED '~ ~") ..... L~ST' '~E' i F/TS'fAB' BY" U'RL' ID TYPE NAHE MAX ~lHl' UNIT HAZARD  LOCGTION CON'F~INMENT ' ' USE Z3 PURE OXYGEN '22 FI'3 HIGH ( * CONTINUED *") ID PERCENT COMPONE~'S ....... HAZARD I_IST Z3SB~ 188.~ OXYGEN, COMPRESSED HIGH Z4 PURE OXYGEN/ ' ~/~ ' 22 FT3 HIGH DIAGNOSTIC~UICES ~ PORI'GBLE '~ESS. CYL. MEDICAL aid OR PROCESS ID P~NT COMPONENI'S H~ZARD LIST Z359.~ ~,8 OXYGEN, COMPRESSED HIGH 25 PURE ETHYL ALCOHOL' 48 GaL HIGH PURCHASING WAREHOUSE PLASTIC CONTAINER[S] BACTERICIDE ID PERCENT COMPONENTS' HAZARD LIST 1218.0e 100.8 ETHYL aLCOHOL HZGH 2G PURE OXYGEN ~ ..... 44 FT~ HIGH FIRST FLOOR/F~E~ST~ ''~ORT~BLE'BRESS. CYL.. MEDICAL ~ID OR PROCESS ID PER~~~TS H~ZRRO Ut ST ~ 3S9.8~ ~ OXYGEN;' 'COM~'SSED HI GH Z? PURE OX 44 FT3 HIGH SECOND ER~ PAT SURGER PORTABLE PRESS. CYL. MEDICAL fllO OR PROCESS ID P~CENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LIST 28 PURE OXYGEN 22 Ft'~ HIGH POST PARTUM PORTABLE PRESS. CYL. MEOICGL AID OR PROCESS ID PERCENT COMPONEN~ .... ' ~ ~- _,~ ~ H~Z~RD LIST 2359.~ 18~.8 OXYGEN, COMPRESSED ,.~ ~ q ~ [~ HIGH 29 PURE OXYGEN '" ' c~ ~ ~F'r3 HIGH NURSERY 0~' ' P~T~LE PRESS. ~ HED~RZD OR PROCESS ID PER~OMPONENTS H~Z~RD L I S'l~ 2359,e~,~ OXYGEN, COMPRESSED HIGH 30 PURE OXY~ 44 Fig HIGH LABOR ~ ~;VERY O~ PORTABLE PRESS, CYL. MEDICRL RID OR PROCESS ID P~ENT COMPONENTS HRZ~RD I.,IST 2359,~ I~.~ OXYGEN, COMPRESSED HiGH PAGE G 12/19/88 1Z:Z3 MATERIAL SAFETY' D~TESYSTEMS,'INC. (80S) G48-B8~O BUSINESS NAME GRECtTEIq~KERSFIEt. D MEMORIAl. HOSP ID Z 15'-0~--(~1121 LOCFtTION ~1,20 34~'H ST HIGH H~Z~RO R~TING 3 F~CILII'Y UNIT ~1 R. OVERALL H~Z~R~OUS M~I'ERI~LS INVENTORY ( ~ CONTINUED * > L~'~T'~ '~IGE- I 1'~1"S~ B~' ~ ID TYPE NAME MAX AMT UNIT H~ZARD  LOC~TI ON CONTAINMENT USE 31 PURE OXYGEN ~, "88 FT3 HIGH C-SECTION C-SECTION ROOU ~ PORT4BLE PRES5~ CYL~ UEDIC~L ~ZD OR PROCESS ID PERCE~UPO~NTS HRZ~RD LIST Z345~~ NITROU~ OXIDE MODERSTE ID PERCEN~OMPONENTS HnZnRO LIST 34 PURE NITRO6EN,~ ~ 2Z FT3 MODERATE C-SECTION RO0~ ~ ~ ~ PORTABLE PRESS/"CYL" '~E'DICSL ~IO OR PROCESS IO ' PERCE~OMPONENTs ' HSZ~RD LIST ~OOERRTE ~ 3Z4. ~. ~I TROGEN" 35 PURE OXYGE~ fT~ 66 FT~ HIGH C-SECTION ~M ~Z PORTaBlE P~SS. CYL. MEDICAL RID 0R PROCESS ID P~NT COMPONENTS · " H~Z~RD LIST Z359.~ l~.e OXYGEN, COMPRESSED HI~}H . ~G PURE: CARBON OlO)~OE 44 FT'~ L. OU [:-SECTION ROOM~ ~ ~- ~' PDRT~B[.E' P~S'; CY'[. MEDICAL, ~ID OR PROCESS ID PERCENI/~MP'ONENTS/ ' ' ' " HSZ~RD LIST 1ZS 1 . ~ 1~ C~RB~DI'OX'~E , ' ' LOY ' ~O RE/~NT COMPONENTS' . .~ . _. 'CYL. MEOICAL ~I0 OR PROCESS HAZARO LIST Z ~S9. G~,~ 0~. G 0~, 'COMPRESSED FIIGH ~ PURE COH~SSED ~IR 4~. FT3 UNKN0gN LnBOR ~ ~!~RY PO~nBLE 'F~SS-. CYE", ~EOICI~L AID OR PROCESS ID [~E~CENT COMP~:~ ' ....... HAZARD LIST ~ / J_ ~e~e~3g ~ PURE NIT~GEN ZZ FT] MODERRTE LABOR ~,~IVERY . PO~R~E PRESS, CYL.'"' MEDICAL RIO 0R PROCESS ID P~CEN'~OMPONENTS " ' HAZARD LIST PAGE ? 1ZI1918B 12:?.~ MRTERI~tL SAFE'f¥ 'O~TA '~/STEMS',-'![NC~ {TS059 G48-GB00 BUSINESS NAME GREATER BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSP ID NUMBER Z15-0~'-0~1 lZl LOC~TION 420 34TH ST HIGH H~Z~RD R~TING F~CILITY UNIT ~1 ~, OVERRLL H~ZBROOUS M~TERI~LS ( * CONTINUED' * ID TYPE N~ME M~X 6MT UNIT H~Z~RD LOC~T I ON C'ONT R'~" USE 39 PURE NITROGEN -TZ FT~ MODERATE ( '* CONTINUED * ) ID PERCENT COMPONENTS~''' HRZARD LIST Z~Z4.~ t~.8 NITROGEN MODERn'rE 4~ PURE OXYGEN ZZ F'F~ HIGH PEOI~TRICS p E RC~Mp ONENTS I0 B. FIRE PROTECTION / WRTER SUPPLIES ERST'CRiNGE 1t/t4/88 FlY VRL SEC 4) IMPERIAL ALARM -'3ZS;'88ZS ....... KERN SECURITY SYSTEMS'"': SEC S) FIRE HYDRANT - ? PRGE 8 IZ£19/88 1Z:Z~ MATERI~-'SRFETY"DAT~ SYSTEMS,'"INC.'('B-OS) B48-B800 .... BUSINESS NAME GREATE~KERSFtELO MEMORIAL HOSP ID ZIS-000-001 t21 LOCATION 4Z0 34TH ST HIGH HAZARO RATING EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION I EVACUATION LASI' CHANGE 11/14/88 BY VAL PAGE MATERI Al.. SPiFE'TY I]'B'TF~ SYSTEMS, -I-NC, ,' '('B~)S)' '"GzI-e-G800 BAP~RSFIELD MEMDRIAL HOSPITAL " Paqm I Date ¢1181123 EDUIPMENT INVENTORY LISTING Con No Eouioment Type Model 'Location Cost Center PUFch Date Contract Exp Manufacturer Serial Group Cost Wart Exp Manuals FH-! FIRE HYDRANT 34TH ST.DRIVEWAY 8488 / / / / ~9 ~ / I N FH-B FIRE HYDRANT N.OF F~RCHASING 848~ / / / / 89 ~ ! / N FH-3 FIRE HYDRANT N.OF OXYGEN TAI~C 84~ / / / / B9 ~ / / N FH-q FIRE HYDRANT N.PARKING LOT S. 848~ / / / / B9 8 / / N FH-5 FIRE HYDRANT N.PARK!NG LOT N. 8488 ! ! / ! 89 8 / / N BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL MASS CASULTY PLAN SEPTEMBER, 1988 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL MASS C/kSUALI¥ PL/~I PREFACE: This Mass Casualty Plan has been developed to be complimentary with the disas- ter planning efforts of the Kern County Medical Society and the Kern County Department of Emergency Services, and is designed to meet the needs of the community of the Greater Bakersfield area. Our greatest challenge will be to respond to the needs and demands placed upon us, while at the same time coping with damage and service interruptions as we may be a victim of the disaster ourselves. Key factors will be the leadership of our management staff; the resourcefulness, flexibility and innovation of each and every employee; and, a "can do" attitude for all. The Hospital's Mass Casualty Plan is separated into two Divisions. Division I considers "Med Alert" a precode triage state of readiness. Division II is in two parts. The first part addresses continued operation at the existing Memorial Hospital site in times of excessive patient loads and/or catastrophic event~ occurring in the Greater Bakersfield area. The second part considers the evacuation of the existing Memorial Hospital site and the reestablishment of medical services by Memorial Hospital personnel at one of our two pre-. assigned secondary locations, Garces High School and Bakersfield College, together With a packaged 200-bed disaster hospital. There are two annexes: (1) patient flow; and, (2) professional nursing disas- ter assignments. Bakersfie-ld Memorial Hospital Mass Casualty Plan Page 2 DIVISION I - MED ALERT A "Med Alert" is a condition of readiness or increased awareness created when it appears that: Io A "Code Triage" appears imminent and it is too early to summon per- sonnel en mass. The Nursing Supervisor, on her own assessment of in- formation available, may initiate a "Med Alert". Initial preparation will take place as follows: A.The Assistant Director of Nursing or Head Nurse will make needed staff reassignments. B. Nursing units will assess their patient populations, and (1) identify potential discharges; (2) catch up on pending patient treatments; and (3) complete uncompleted paperwork. C. Assess which physicians might be quickly available. D. OR, RR, Transport Team, Admitting, Housekeeping, Laundry, Phar- macy, and R.T. Departments which are not staffed on a 24-hour, on-duty basis will retain a skeleton crew on duty until an "All Clear" is _given. II. When requested by appropriate authority, the operator will page "Con- dition Med Alert" three times on the public address system, and noti- fy Rehab, Purchasing, Accounting, Education and Laundry by phone. III. When requested by appropriate authority, the o~perator will page "Con- dition Med Alert - All Clear" and make the same notifications in par- agraph II above. IV. Situations which may condition a "Med Alert" include: A. County EMS has activated their "Med Alert" plan. B.There is a significant increase in patient inflow and it is un- known how many more patients, if any, will arrive. Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Mass Casualty Plan Page 3 DIVISION II PART I - CODE TRIAGE Part I of this division presumes that the Hospital can continue functioning in the existing plant either fully or partially with all or most services avail- able. (For patient flow, see Annex ! attached.) I. INITIAL RESPONSE, ALL EMPLOYEES, ALL DEPARTMENTS A.' Off-Duty Employees: 1. In departments with 24-hour shiftS, report to your regular shift regardless of days off. 2. In departments without 24-hour shift responsibilities, call your Department Head or Department Supervisor to determine when to report to duty. Nursing personnel should call the nursing office. 3. If the disaster is of catastrophic proportions or normal communications are disrupted, report to the Hospital for assignment. 4. Wear your employee identification badge when reporting to the Hospital, even if arriving in street clothes, to allow for passage through security barriers. 5. Do not park in spaces marked for Department Heads in the rear parking lot or other reserved spaces. 6. All employees whether on or off duty will report to the Department Head. The Department Heads will assign duties to employees as they arrive in order to carry on normal depart- ment functions. B. All employees are cautioned to use standard operating procedures wherever possible. C. Patient care must always be administered under a physician's order. II. MEDICAL STAFF A. Community-wide Medical Staff response has been organized into teams which have been preassigned through the Offices of the Kern County Medical Society. Doctors will be contacted by the Kern County Medical Society and asked to report to hospitals as pre- assigned. Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Mass Casualty Plan Page 4 B. Memorial Hospital may attempt to contact individual physicians assigned to Memorial Hospital and also request that they report. A list of physicians who have been preassigned to Memorial Hospi- tal or who have not been assigned is on file in the Medical Staff Office. III. ADMINISTRATIO~ The major responsibility of Administration in times of disaster is public relations and release of information and for the overall oper- ation of the Mass Casualty Plan. The Administrative team of the Hos- pital, including Public Relations, will be directly responsible for release of information to the media and all outside agencies not directly related to the Hospital's Mass Casualty Plan. In this respect, Administration will function as an external communications center and command post in the administrative offices. Administra- tion will be responsible for a media center established in Cobb Hall. IV. NURSING ADMINISTRATION/NURSING SERVICE TRANSPORTATION (ALSO SEE ANNEX II) Immediately upon notification of a "Code Triage", the Charge Nurses on all Nursin§ Units will prepare a list of patients who could be discharged if beds are needed. This list will be picked up by an Admitting person. When Admitting is closed, this information will be picked up and taken to the Emergency Room by a person designated by the Nursing Supervisor. A. Assistant Director of Nursing Assignments: 1. The Assistant Director of Nursing, Surgical Services, will, remain in the Operating Suite. OPERATING ROOM AND RECOVERY ROOM Elective surgeries will be cancelled. The Operating Room and Recovery Room should staff up and arrange their staffing accordingly to support continued operation as long as neces- sary to care for patients requiring treatment. As a general rule, anesthesia services will be provided in the Operating Rooms only excepting emergency C-Sections. Anesthesia sup- port should be arranged accordingly to keep Operating Rooms in service on a continuous basis as long as necessary to met patient demands. Orthopedic Technicians will report to the Emergency Room. Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Mass Casualty Plan Page 5 OUTPATIENT SURGERY Outpatient Surgery will function as a holding area for patients received from triage and awaiting an available Operating Room. 2. The Assistant Director of Nursing, Maternal Child Health, will remain in the Maternity Pavilion. LABOR, DELIVERY AND POSTPARTUM In general, the delivery rooms will be reserved for OB ser- vices, excepting minor surgery that can be performed under local or surgeon administered blocks. In general, the only anesthesia support available in times of disaster "Code Triage" for the delivery room will be for emergency C- Sections. The Postpartum area, in general, will support perinatal services; however, at least half of the Postpartum beds should be available for medical/surgical admissions. 3. The Assistant Director of Nursing, Critical Care, will report to the Emergency Room. EMERGENCY ROOM The Emergency Room will set up for triage and treat serious patients only. Patients with non-serious injuries will be triaged in the ambulance entrance and referred to the Physi- cal Therapy Department, which will function as a minor treatment area. ~' Orthopedic technicians will supplement Emergency Department staff. CRITICAL CARE UNITS Generally the ICU/CCU units will receive critical or un- stable patients directly from the Emergency Room. Staffing should be arranged, as necessary, to maintain fully staffed 24-hour coverage. This unit will function under the direction of the Critical Care Supervisor who will al so be supervising the Emergency Room service. 4. The Assistant Director of Nursing for Medical/Surgical Care, coordinates all Supervisor, education personnel and on/off duty nursing assistants and transport personnel. Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Mass Casualty Plan Page 6 NURSING STAFF ON DUTY: a. The Nursing Office will assign one R.N. and one other nursing service employee to carry out discharge activi- ties at Kern View Hospital. b. Upon the initiation of ~'Code Triage", Nursing Personnel on the general medical/surgical floors will be divided into three teams: (a) The first team will be responsi- ble to carry out ongoing care of patients who will not be discharged. (b) The second team will assist with the discharge of patients. Dischargeabl.e patients will, as soon as possible, be mQved to Kern View Hospital's lobby together with their patient records where they will be discharged as transportation can be arranged. There will be an R.N. on duty at Kern View to secure and close out the-medical records. Upon leaving the patient at Kern View, the discharge team will return to the unit to assist with newlyadmitted patients. (c) The third team will set up for and receive newly admitted patients. Perinatal services will discharge mothers together with their babies. NURSING STAFF OFF DUTY: a. As nursing personnel report on duty to the Nursing Office; assignments to units wil_l be made according to need. b. The Joint Disaster Committee functioning under the Kern County Emergency Services' may have available additional nurses and nursing personnel and should be contacted immediately by the Vice President, Nursing or her desig- nee if additional nursing personnel is needed. c. Licensed and certified staff of physicians' offices nearby Memorial Hospital have been asked to make them- selves available as a resource that can be drawn upon by the Hospital. Depending upon the magnitude of the dis- aster, Nursing Administration will make the decision whether or not these additional personnel are needed. (Refer to Personnel Section.) TRANSPORT TEAM: Upon initiation of a "Code Triage", the Transport Team will obtain from various units all remaining gurneys and trans- port them to the Emergency Room. The Transport Team will remain in the Emergency Room area to assist with transporta- Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Mass Casual ty Plan Page 7 tion of patients to and from Ancillary Services and Surgery and as work load permits, will take patients to the floors for admission. Generally, the floors will have to support the high patient load by coming for admissions whenever pos- sible. ADMITTING OFFICE A. Activate the %elephone pyramid and if telephones are out of order, follow the staffing philosophy in the preamble of this plan. B. Notify the Medical Director of-the number of beds available and bed availability at other hospitals. The initial bed availabil- ity information will be gathered by an admitting person making rounds to the nurses' stations, When Admitting is closed, this information will be gathered by others and delivered to the Emer- gency Room and upon activating the admitting area, Admitting should obtain the necessary information from the Emergency Room. C. Coordinate with the floors the procedure for prompt discharge or transfer of patients already in the Hospital. D. Notify the Medical Director of the number of beds that can be made available. E. Admit all patients to be admitted including proper forms and in- formation. Assist in Emergency Room with patient admissions. F. Maintain Admitting Office operations with a person in that office. '~ VI. BUSINESS OFFICE AND DATA PROCESSING A. Account for charges for supplies and nursing care to patients. B. Check valuables (assign one person to be responsible for this). C. Maintain business aspect of admissions and discharges in as near- ly a normal manner as possible. D. Carry on normal Business Office functions. VIii AUXILIARY Assignment of Auxiliary personnel is the responsibility of the Per- sonnel Department. Priorities for assignment of Auxiliary Personnel are as follows: Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Mass Casualty Plan Page 8 A. One person to assist Social Service with emotional support of patients' family members. B. One person to Admitting to act as a runner/messenger. C. One or two persons to the media center (Cobb Hall) to act as media hostesses. D. One or two persons to staff the ~nformation Desk. E. The remainder of the volunteer personnel should be assigned to the Child Care Center to assist with the extra children of off- duty employees who are reporting to work. VI I I. COMMUNICATIONS The Hospital's Mass'Casualty Plan is subject to being activated internally upon order' of the Nursing Administrator in charge, the Hospital President, or any Hospital Vice President; and externally, upon information from the County EMS Agency. Upon receiving notice from appropriate authority, the Nursing Administrator or other autho- rized administrative personnel on duty will authorize activation of the Hospital's Mass Casualty Plan. The operator will page:. {1) "At- tention, Med Alert" or "Attention, Code Triage" three times. lephone this announcement to those departments and areas which have no paging system. (3) Make the "Attention, Med Alert" or "Attention, Code Triage" page on all group pagers for Engineering and Nursing. (4) Attempt to reach your supervisor as soon as possible advising her of the situation and reacting to any instructions you receives. Minimum staffing during a "Code Triage" is tw~ operators on duty. IX. DIETARY A. Arrange for staffing of personnel in accordance with the overall philosophy outlined at the beginning of this plan and as may be necessary to support the hospital's mission and role. B. Make such emergency modifications as may be necessary to feed caSual ti es and disaster workers. Regular patient meal services will continue to inpatients. The : Dietary Department should expect a heavy load of meal service i demand in the Cafeteria and should pTan accordingly. Generally ~ in times of disaster, the Cafeteria support will be 24 hours and i food service will necessarily be limited to cold items such as salads and sandwiches and hot items such as soups, stews, chili and casseroles. Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Mass Casualty Plan Page 9 X. ENGINEERING The first priority for the Engineering Department is the reestablish- ing or maintaining of hospital systems such as water, sewage, electrical power, medical gases, heating ventilation and air condi- tioning. Maintaining and reestablishing will also include a damage control function to isolate problem areas. To the extent that hospital systems are functioning, Engineering may devote additional resources as follows: A. Notify all engineers of the Mass Casualty alert. B. Initiate proper traffic flow by: 1. Stationing a man at the entrance to the Doctors' Parking Lot, ambulance entrance and exit, to direct traffic. 2. Removing all cars from the Receiving Area. C. Set up or be ready to set up a complete temporary morgue in the Engineering Building, as well as ensuring that the Hospital morgue is ready and open. D. Carry on 'normal engineering functions to keep hospital lighted and warm. XI. HOUSEKEEPING A. Arrange for staffing of personnel in accordance wi th the'overall philosophy outlined at the beginning of this plan and as may be necessary to support the Hospital's mission and role.. B. During' the first hour, most Housekeeping personnel will be assigned to their regular work assignments as need requires. As discharges occur, Housekeeping personnel will prepare, clean, and make beds in rooms of all discharged patients in preparation for patients to be admitted. i XI I. LABORATORY A. Notify Emergency Room physicians of available blood supply. B. Provide emergency diagnostic procedures on physicians' orders to include supplies, procurement and equipment responsibilities. C. Carry on normal procedures of the department. Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Mass Casualty Plan " Page 10 X I I I. LAUNDRY A. Arrange for staffing of personnel in accordance with the overall philosophy outlined at the beginning of this plan, and as may be necessary to support the Hospital's mission and role. B. Within the first hour, restock each patient unit with' a fresh laundry cart and immediately resupply the spare carts so that these will be ready for use when needed. All dirty surgery laun- dry will be processed as soon as possible. Within the second hour, Laundry can expect a large surge in dirty laundry from bed linens of discharged patients. It is essential to get the dirty laundry processed and on the clean side as quickly as possible. Because there may be fluctuating patient loads, it is critically important that the Laundry continue operating as long as neces- sary to process dirty linen to the clean si de. XIV. MEDICAL RECORDS A. Arrange scheduling and staffing coverage necessary to support the Hospital's mission and role. Follow the staffing philosophy out- lined at the beginning of this plan. B. Supervise and provide emergency charts to comply with the re- quirements of good medical care. C. Carry on normal procedures of the department. XV. PERSONNEL A. The Personnel Department will be responsi'~le to assign Auxiliary personnel as listed in VII above. The Personnel Department will supervise the procurement of temporary personnel augmenting the Hospital's regular staff, either on a volunteer or employment basis~ Personnel resources that may be drawn upon are licensed and certified employees in physicians' offices in times when phy- sicians' offices are closed due to assignment of physicians to other disaster duties. Provide for proper timekeeping and com- pensation of personnel. B. Support Emergency Room with messenger/runner services as neces- sary. XVI. PHARMACY A. Arrange schedulin9 and staffing coverage necessary to support the Hospital's mission and role. Follow the staffing philosophy out- lined at the beginning of this plan. B. Carry on normal procedures of the department. Bakersfield Memorial Hospital MaSs Casualty Plan Page 11 XVII. REItABILITATION SERVICES Personnel should respond in accordance with the general staffing policies outlined at the beginning of this plan. Assist with treatment in the minor treatment area. ×VIII. RESPIRATORY THERAPY Arrange staffing, as necessary, to maintain continuous 24-hour ser- vices necessary to support critical patients. Respiratory Therapy Department's first priority will be to support existing patients on ventilators. Any remaining personnel will report to ER to provide assistance at that location. XIX. SECURITY PATROL A. Upon notification of "Code Triage", the Security Officer shall report to the triage area and maintain order. The Security Offi- cer should attempt to reach his office as soon as possible and request such additional Security Officer, as necessary, to main- tain two officers on duty at all times. B. Upon arrival of the second Security Officer, the Hospital's pri- mary Security Officer should return to his normal security rounds and maintain the security of the building. The second Security Officer will maintain order in the triage area. XX. SOCIAL SERVICES -' Social Services Department will function in the triage area in the following responsibilities: A. Crisis intervention with family members of victims. B. Coordinate the flow of information regarding patients to family members. C. Patients in need of acute emergency psychiatric care should be referred to Kern View. XXI. X-RAY A. Provide emergency diagnostic procedures on physicians' orders to include supplies, procurement and equipment responsibilities. B. Carry on normal procedures of the department. Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Mass Casualty Plan Page 12 XXI I. MORGUE The Morgue will be expanded as necessary to the Engineering Shop. XXIII. CHILD CARE CENTER The Child Care Center's response to Hospital Code Triage will be to arrange their staffing to provide 24-hour service as necessary and receive children and family members of employees who are on duty. Children and family members of off duty personnel who are at home or may. otherwise be in the Greater Bakersfield area, are encouraged to use the Child Care Center facilities as a gathering point. The Child Care Center staff will assist in maintaining a record of all those persons in their care for the benefit of employees. Family members of off duty personnel are encouraged to report to the Child Care Cen- ter to assist in fulfilling the Center's role on a voluntary basis. The main philosophy of the Child Care Center in times of a Code Tri- age disaster, is to provide a ready resource for family members of employees who are on duty or who will need to be reporting for duty so that employees can be assured of their family members being well cared for. ~n the event that it is necessary to evacuate the hospital, the Child Care Center will evacuate w~h hospital employees to either Garces or Bakersfield College. XXIV. AMBULATORY CARE The Ambulatory Care Department will close and reassign their person- nel to staff the minor treatment area in Physi"cal Therapy. Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Mass Casualty Plan Page 13 DIVISION II PART I! - EVACUATION OF THE HOSPITAL The first part of this Mass Casualty and Disaster Plan has presumed 'that the Hospital can continue functioning with its existing plant, either fully or partially, with all or most services available. It may occur, however, that evacuation of the Hospital plant itself will become necessary as the result of external forces, such as earthquake damage or an impending flood; or internal catastrophe, such as an uncontrolled fire or danger of imminent explosion. The Kern County Emergency Services Division has designated Garces High School or Bakersfield College, Northeast of the Hospital, as our primary and alter- nate evacuation sites. Garces High School is also designated to receive a 200-bed disaster hospital. The most probable causes for evacuation of the Hospital site will be the failure of Isabella Dam or structural damage so great that the Hospital is determined to be no longer safe. I. EMERGENT EVACUATIO~ (Uncontrolled Fire or Explosion) Ao Should it become necessary to effect an emergen% evacuation of all or a portion of the Hospital, the Hospital must necessarily rely upon existing staff to use common sense and whatever means available to move patients ~ as quickly as possible to an are of safety. The person in charge of patients has full responsibility for patient safety and will issue whatever orders are necessary for~ their evacuation as needed in order to move patients away from fire or an unsafe area. Personnel are expected to use any vehi- cle or conveyance available and any number of patients to a con- veyance as may be necessary to move the patients away from the immediate danger as quickly as possible. Persons responsible for patients in units that are not in immedi? ate danger will evacuate only on orders of the Fire Captain. Up- on such order, the designated route and evacuation instructions will be issued accordingly. Once evacuated, Nursing Administration's priority will be to re- group, reorganize and reestablish patient care procedures. If it is possible to reoccupy a portion of the Hospital in a short while, then a complete evacuation of the site may mot be neces- sary. The decision to reoccupy will be made by the Hospital Fire Captain and/or Plant Manager. Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Mass Casualty Plan Page 14 B. METHODS TO BE USED IN AN EMERGENT EVACUATION 1. Ambulatory patients will move in groups of five (5) with escorts. 2. Traction, casts and critically-ill patients may be moved in the bed if deemed necessary in the judgment of the supervi- sor and Fire Marshal. 3. Infants will be transported via double bath blanket, six 16) at a time with two escorts. Infants are to be united with their mothers at the earliest possible convenience. 4. NICU Disaster Plan: a. NICU charge nurse to notify R.~. in charge. b. R.T. to notify assistant R.T. for assistance in mobiliz- ing equipment. c. Portable oxygen tanks to be brought to unit. d. Babies moved on Radiant Warmer or !solette wi th bag/mask support. e. Evacuate through West exit, San Dimas Street. f. Ambulance transport to be notified if transport from premises is necessary. g. Critical babies: 1:1 support by R.N. or R.T. h. Receiving facility - Garces High School (temporary). Note: Dr. Bhogal recommends transporting to KMC if fea- sible. i. Critical baby may be transported in transport incubator, sel f-contained unit. C. USE OF ELEVATORS AND STAIRWELLS Elevators will be used only in the event of non-fire disaster or after specific clearance has been given by the Fire Marshal. 1. Bed, gurney and wheelchair patients will use elevators, if. feasible. 2. Ambulatory patients will use stairwells, when feasible. Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Mass Casualty Plan Page 15 3. Personnel will use stairwells at all times keeping traffic between floors to a minimum. II. EVACUATION TO OT)4ER HOSPITALS (Damage Localized to BMH - Other Hos- pitals Functional) If the need to evacuate Memorial Hospital results from a problem localized to this site, patients who can be discharged, will be; the others will be transferred to other hospitals. In this case, Kern County EMS will be responsible for arranging transportation and designating the receiving facilities. PATIENT FLOW: A. Dischargeable patients to Kern View Lobby, with %heir char~cs. B. Critical patients, unstable patients and patients requiring life support will be taken, in their beds to ER and await transpor- tation. C. Nonambulatory patients ~n their beds and ambulatory patients will be moved to the back loading dock and await transportation. D. Patients are to be transferred with their charts and unit dose medi cati ohs. III. EVACUATION OF THE HOSPITAL TO THE ALTERNATE SITES AT GARCES HIGH SCHOOL OR BAKERSFIELD COLLEGE Ambulatory patients will be moved in personal ~vehicles, together with escorts whenever possible, assuming they are not dischargeable. Non- ambulatory patients will be moved in their beds and any avaiiabl-e conveyance, such as pickups belonging to employees in the parking lot which will be commandeered. Ambulance transportation will be re- quested for critical or unstable patients' transfer to Kern Medical Center or any other suitable medical site. The first priority in the evacuation of patients is patient safety. Following the evacuation of patients and providing sufficient time exists, materials and supplies will be taken to the Garces High School or Bakersfield College sites. Top priority will be supply exchange carts and medication carts from each floor. These should be brought to the back loading dock at the time patients are evacuated. The next priority will be exchange carts from the exchange cart room and the linen carts from the patient floors and the Laundry. All available clean laundry in storage in the Laundry will be transported .. in .bins. Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Mass Casualty Plan Page 16 In the category of equipment and supplies, top priority will be instruments and sterile packs. It is particularly important that Surgery personnel, Central Supply personnel and Labor and Delivery personnel evacuate wi th all available sterile packs and whatever instrumentation can be carried with them. It is necessary to bring this type of equipment because the packaged disaster hospitals were assembled in the 1950's and early 1960's and are equipped with anti- quated equipment that may or may not be usable by today's standards. If further time permits, additional equipment and supplies, such as beds, tables, cribs and bassinets will be taken also. Insofar as Ancillary Service Departments are concerned, they will need to preestablish their, own priorities for evacuation of supplies and equipment. Obviously, portable X-Ray machines have a high prior- ity as do ventilators and incubators. PATIENT FLOW: A. Dischargeable patients to Kern View Lobby. B. Patients to be transferred to KMC or other medical facility go in their beds to the ER and await ambulance lair or ground) trans- portation (beds are left in ER). C.. Patients to be moved to GarCes or Bakersfield College go to the back loading dock in their beds and are loaded onto trucks. All employee pickups will be commandeered and the Hospital truck and trailer will be used. Engineering and other male personnel will help with loading. Exchange carts, crash carts and med carts will be loaded wi th patients if room permits. D. After all patients are removed, trucks will return for supply items in the priority listed as time permits. E. Patients will be moved wi th their charts, and when feasible, wi th their medications, an extra IV and a spare change of linen. F. Each patient will have an escort, usually nursing personnel, half of whom will remain at Garces or Bakersfield College to reestab- lish patient care routines and the other half returning for any remaining patients. G. Patients will be assembled at Garces or Bakersfield College .in the Main Gym, and if additional space is needed, the Multipurpose Room and other rooms as needed. H. Garces'and Bakersfield College classrooms will be set up as 8 o~ lO-bed wards. Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Mass Casualty Plan Page 17 ANNEX I PATIENT FLOW Patient flow (for Division II, Part I) is as follows: TRIAGE occurs in the ambulance entrance under the canopy. TRAUMA AND MULTIPLE SYSTEMS care is initiated in ER rooms I & 2 and in the entrance an'teway. DEFINITIVE TREATMENT i.e. sprains, abrasions,, minor sutures, etc., is done in the Physical Th'erapy Treatment Room, Gym, and Therapy Areas. SURGERY PATIENTS are sent to Outpatient Surgery where they are held, or sent on to Surgery as schedule permits. CRITICAL SURGICAL patients are sent to ICU from ER and Surgery Recovery. CRITICAL MEDICAL patients are sent to CCU from ER. ROUTINE ADMISSIONS are sent from the ER. Floor personnel will usually pick up admissions when called. TRANSPORT TEAM will concentrate on patient movement between ER and Ancillary Services and to Surgery and ICU/CCU. OB PATIENTS will be sent to Admitting for admission. DISCHARGED patients initially are routed en mass to Kern View Lobby. Later '~i'~harges are handled according to routine procedure~ Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Mass Casualty P1 an -. Page 18 ANNEX I I PROFESSIONAL NURSING DISASTER A~SIGNMENTS The following procedure will be followed by the Nursing Service of the Hospi- tal upon receipt of a "Code Triage". FROM STAFF TO Operating Room All PersOnnel Remain at Station Station Delivery Room & LDR All Personnel Remain at Station Station IC Newborn Nursery All Personnel Remain at Station Station Postpartum & Normal Nursery Available Nurses Aides Emergency Room w/Gurneys All Med/Surgical Units Available Nurses Aides Emergency Room w/Gurneys ICU & CCU All Personnel Remain at Stati on Stati on Pediatrics All Personnel Remain at Station Station The approach route to the Emergency Room will be through 1st Floor and 1st East. Exiting through the West Exit Door at the South end of the 1st East Corridor. Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Mass Casualty Plan Page 19 USE OF ELEVATORS: Elevators are available for use during a "Code Triage". If a "Code Red" is in progress, clearance must first be obtained from the Hospital Fire Captain or Bakersfield Fire Department to determine .if a particular elevator may be used. Immediately upon notification of a "Code Triage", the Charge Nurses on all Nursing Units will prepare a list of patients who could be discharged if beds are needed. This list will be picked up by an Admitting person. When. Admit- ting is closed, this information will be picked up and taken to the Emergency Room by a person designated by the Nursing Supervisor. All personnel are cautioned to maintain normal operating procedures except when specifically required to do otherwise by this plan. EMERGENCY ROOM RESPONSE: NOTIFICATION: Notification will usually come via County radio. Notification may also be initiated whenever extraordinary patient loads are experienced. A. The Emergency Room staff shall immediately notify the Emergency Room and/or Nursing Office Supervisor on duty. B. The Nursing Supervisor in charge, upon her determination, will notify the operator to initiate a "Med Alert" or "Code Tr.iage" Procedure. C. The County Disaster Officer or his desi'gqee, will want the fol- lowing information as soon as possible: 1. Are Emergency Room staffing and supplies adequate to handle our usual category? 2. In general, Memorial Hospital is classified as being able to handle up to 20 patients without the activation of a "Code Triage". This, of course, will depend on the nature of patient injuries: D. Emergency Room or Nursing Supervisor may reassign or call addi- tional help as necessary to support a "Med Alert". (Code Triage will generate additional help automatically.) CASUALTY COLLECTION POINT: The County Disaster Plan for a major community catastrophe, calls for the establishment of casualty collection points throughout the Greater Bakersfield area. These casualty collection points are Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Mass Casualty Plan '~ Page 20 supervised by hospital Emergency Rooms. Communications are main- tained by an ambulance which will respond automatically to each hospital's Emergency Room and to each casualty collection area. Emergency Room staff is responsible for coordinating the flow of patients into hospital treatment facilities from these casualty col- lection points. Memorial Hospital may also establish a casualty col- lection point and control the flow of patients from that area, the same as it would from a remote casualty collection area. Essentially our triage function would fulfill this requirement. Casualty collection points assigned to Memorial Hospital include North High School and Bakersfield College. Additional collection points are assigned to other hospitals. To the extent that other hospitals may not be able to receive patients, Memorial Hospital may be assigned additional collection points. To the extent that Memor- ial Hospital is not functioning, its collection points may be assigned to other hospitals by County EMS. It is the intent that these collection points provide predesignated places where rescue personnel throughout the City can direct pa- tients. Paramedics at these collection points should perform a tri- age function and communicate with hospital receiving facilities regarding the numbers and extent of injuries which they are encoun- tering. It is the intent that hospital emergency facilities will control the flow in from these collection points in order that no hospital at any time is overburdened with an inundation of patients. If patient loads are such that out of the area or out of state re-. sources will be utilized, this will be coordinated through County EMS. ~ It is the hospital's Medical Director and Emergency Room Supervisor's responsibility to keep County EMs informed of the hospital's capac- ity, the number of patients it is seeing and the number of patients it has in que from its casualty collection points. REGISTRATION: A. Initial registration will take place in the ambulance entrance. B. Registration clerks will assign patient ID numbers and log num- ber, type of injury, and location of initial treatment assign- ment. C. Clerks will place ID bands on all patients. D. Clerks will send a chart with matching ID bands with each .patient, even if no personal information is obtainab eT~-t that time. Z~' ' ..... "~ I ........ I I llll '' ~ II I' I I r ..... Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Mass Casualty Plan ., Page 21 E. Registration clerks will go to the bedside to obtain information to complete the chart, including signatures for consent for treatment after all arrivals are logged and banded. TRIAGE: A.' Discharge all Emergency Room patients able to leave immediately. Reschedule for later time as necessary. B. The most experienced Emergency Room nurse on duty will assume charge of triage and direct treatment location of each patient. C. Triage is done outside in the .ambulance entrance, and gurneys, wheelchairs and additional staff from the floors will be avail- able there, 1. Floor staff bringing the gurney will remain with the patient assigned to them by the triage nurse. 2. Portable BP cuffs are available in the Emergency Room disas- ter kit and should be transported to the triage area before patients begin to arrive. D, Assignment of location for %reatment should be indicated on the chart accompanying the patient. 1. The most critical patients must be assigned to Rooms I and 2 or the anteway inside the Emergency Room. 2. Serious patients who need immediate medical attention should be assigned to the Emergency Room proper. 3. Patients who need observation and medical attention when available will be assigned to a holding and minor treatment area in Physical Therapy, attended by the floor person transporting them. (Nursing Office or Assistant Director of Nursing/Critical Care may reassign a floor nurse as Charge Nurse to the holding area.) (Rehab personnel will also assist with treatment of patients in the holding and.minor treatment areas in Physical Therapy,) EMERGENCY ROOM PHYSICIANS AND STAFF: A. On duty Emergency Room, reassigned house staff and/or called-in Emergency Room staff will be responsible for care in the Emer- gency Room proper. B. The floor personnel bringing the patient in from the triage area will remain with their patient until released by an Emergency Room staff member. Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Mass Casualty Plan Page 22 C. Immediate life-saving measures naturally take priority. D. The chart is to remain with the patient for documentation and orders. Lab and X-Ray may be started with only a number. E. Extra supplies and linen will be available on extra carts placed in the triage area or the alcove by the ambulance entrance. These will be delivered by the Laundry and Cart Room when the disaster notification is made. F. The Emergency Room physician will receive a bed availability list. as soon as Admitting has it compiled. Admitting personnel will be available in the Emergency Room to help with re§istration or admi ssi on processi n§. G. The £mergency Room physician will receive a blood availability list from the Laboratory. Emergency Room staff must all check charts before patients are admitted to the Hospital or dischargeT-~om the Hospital, for completeness of registration in- formation and consent for treatment. Signed: C. Larry ¢~r~, President" Revised September, 1988 BAKERSFIELD, CA 9330! OCT 3 .,~,~0/~ ~ ~.i~.~~''' (805) 326-3979 OFFICIAL USE ONLY Bakersfield Memorial Hospital ID# I-~ I ~ BUSINESS NAME HAZARDOUS ~IATERI ALS ~,~~' ~ BUSINESS PLAN AS A WHOLE FORM 2A ., 1. To avoid further action, return this form by 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA A. BUSINESS NAME: Bakersfield Memorial Hospital B. LOCATION / STREET ADDRESS: 420 34th Street CITY: ........ e~sf~eld, ZIP: 93301 BUS.PHONE: (805) 327~1792 SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS In case of an emergency involving the release or threatened release of a hazardous material, call 911 and 1-800-852-7550 or 1-916-427-4341. This will notify your local fire department and the State Office of Emergency Services as required by law. EMPLOYEES TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: NAME AND TITLE DURING BUS. HRS. AFTER BUS. HRS. A. Paul Welch Ph# 327-1792 Ph# 322-8919 B. Robert Patwell Ph# 327-1792,ext1891Ph# 837-2707 SECTION 3: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE A. NAT. GAS/PROPANE: East Parking lot-fenced area east of PurchasinE B. ELECTRICAL: North of Eng. Central Plant-fenced are~ C. WATER: There are 2-1 on 34th st. in front of Nuc. Medicine. 1 on corner of q&~h & gmn Dima~ D. SPECIAL: E. LOCK BOX: YES / NO IF YES, LOCATION: IF YES, DOES IT CONTAIN SITE PLANS? YES / NO MSDSS? YES / NO FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO KEYS? YES / NO - 2A - SECTION 4: PRIVATE RESPONSE TEAM FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE Imperial Alarm- 325-8825 - P. O. Box 4002,Bakersfield, CA 93387 American Fire Safety Co. 325-5577, P. O. Box 10073, Bakersfield, CA 93389-FireExting. Kern Security Systems, 3771 Ming Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93309, 398-0586 Mel Davis SECTION 5: LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE FOR YOUR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE Emergency Room, Memorial Hospital: If unable, we have a disaster plan to relocate at Garces High School. SECTION 6: EMPLOYEE TRAINING EMPLOYERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A PROGRAM WHICH PROVIDES EMPLOYEES WITH INITIAL AND REFRESHER TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS. CIRCLE YES OR NO INITIAL REFRESHER A. METHODS FOR SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS:...- .................................... ~ NO ~ NO B. PROCEDURES FOR COORDINATING ACTIVITIES WITH RESPONSE AGENCIES: .......................... Y~ NO ~(~ NO C. PROPER USE OF SAFETY EQUIPMENT: .................. ~ NO ~ NO D. EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES: ................. NO NO E. DO YOU MAINTAIN EMPLOYEE TRAINING RECORDS: ....... NO NO SECTION 7: HAZARDOUS MATERIAL CIRCLE YES OR NO DOES YOUR BUSINESS HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IN QUANTITIES LESS THAN 500 POUNDS OF A SOLID, 58 GALLONS OF A LIQUID, OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF A COMPRESSED GAS: ...... YES NO I, /~/~';~/-). ~*-t~ ~ ~ [! , certify that the above information is accurate. I understand that this information.will be used to fulfill my firm's obligations under the new California Health and Safety code on Hazardous Materials (Div. 20 Chapter 6.95 Sec. 25500 Et Al.) and that inaccurate information constitutes perjury. SIGNATU ITLE /.~-F. DATE l~ '"~g '-~7 BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPART.~FENT 2130 "G" STREET .. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ID~ BUSINESS NAME: BUSI NESS PLAN .- -SINGLE · FACILITY UNIT -- INSTRUCTIONS 1. To avoid further action, .this form must .be retu~-ned 2. TYPE/PRINT YOUR ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 8. Answer the questions below for THE FACILITY UNIT LISTED BELOW 4. Be as BRIEF and CONCISE as possible. FACILITY UNIT# FACILITY b~NIT NkME: Main Hospital Building. 'SECTION 1: MITIGATION, PRE%~NT!ON, ABATEMENT PROCEDS~RES Please see attached memo from Education Department. SECTION 2: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES AT THIS UNIT ONLY Please see attached Mass Casuality Plan. SECTION 3: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS FOR THIS UNIT ONLY A. Does this Facility.Unit contain Hazardous Materials?,... .... NO If YES, see B, If NO, continue with SECTION 4. .,:~?,:--B. Are any of the hazardous materials a bona fide Trade Secret YES · If No, complete a separate hazardous materials inventory. -- form marked: NON-TRADE SECRETS ONLY (white form #4A-1} If Yes, 'complete a hazardous materials inventory form marked: TRADE SECRETS ONLY (yellow form #4A-2) in addition to the non-trade secret form.' List only the trade secrets 'on form 4A-2. SECTION 4: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION Imperial Alarm 325-8825 .. Kern Security Systems 398-0586 SECTION 5: LOCATION OF WATER SUPPLY FOR USE BY EMERGENCY RESPONDERS SECTION B: LOCATION OF UTILITY S.~T-OFFS AT THIS UNIT ONLY. A. NAT. .~ ~ ~' GAS/P~OPANE: East parking lot-fenced area east of Purchasing Warehouse Main shut off. B. ELECTRICAL: North of Engineering Central Plant-fenced area. (Rea~ of Hospital) C. WATER: " 34th Street in front of Nuclear Medicine for old building, main. 34th & San Dimas corner for Labor & Delivery thru OB floors. D. SPECIAL: E. LOCK BOX: YES / NO IF YES, LOCATION: IF YES, SITE PLANS? YES / NO MSDS:;? YES / XO FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO KEYS? YES / NO BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT I.D! # FORM 4A-1 ge o NON--TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY. BUSINESS NA'ME: Bakersfield Memorial Hospital OWNER NAME: FACILITY UNIT #: ADDRESS: 420 3~t~ Street ADDRESS: FACILITY UNIT NAME: CITY, ZIP: .. Bakersfield~ California 93301 CITY,ZIP: PHONE ~: 327-1792 PHONE #: ~OFFICIAL ~sE CFIRS CODE ..ONLY , 1 2 3 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS % BY HAZARD D.O.T ~OOE AMOUNT, AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. CHEMICAL OR COMMON NAME CODE 'GUIDE. *Please note: this was used o:~ce for testing new boiler, Will not t~' repurc .ased M 4 4 GAL 10 99 Boiler Room 11 N-octadecylamine acetate FLLQ Formula 48-FAL Reagent Code 240 M 2 2 GAL 10 41 Boiler Room 99 iodide-iodate PSNB M 2 4 GAL 09 '~' 18 Boiler Room . 99 sulfuric acid, Reagent Code 110 CRMT ..... 77 sulfamic acid (Starch-Acid Indicator, ..... M 4 8 GAL 10 18 Boiler Room,.~ 23 starch Reagent code 230 CRMT Sodium p-((p-(dimethylamino)phenyl) M 8 ... 8 GAL 10 18 Boiier Room 99 benzenesulfonate Methyl Orange Reagent Code 160 CRMT M 4 8 GAL 10 18 Boiler Room Potassium nitrate-Reagent Code 319... Phosphate Filter Aid-Code 319 OXID M 1 1 1/2. GAL 10 . 41 Boiler Room Reagent Code 177 Total Hardness *MSDS Sheet states no ha:ardou~ ingr~Rient~, But gives notice of Indicator Buffer - Code 177 PSNB Poiso] hazard cn back!!! M 4 4 GAL 10 41 Boiler Room , 90 sulfuric acid%~olybdate Reagent Code 200 CRMT M 200 200 LBS 07 41 Boiler Room 99 sodium sulfite Adjunct SS-Cat ORMS NAME: Helen Kennedy TITLE:Engineer Control ClkS GNATURE: DATE: 7/21/87 EMERGENCY CONTACT: TITLE: PHONE # BUS HOURS: AFTER BUS HRS: EMERGENCY CONTACT: TITLE: . PHONE # BUS HOURS: PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: AFTER BUS HRS: NON--TRADE SECRETS ' HAZARDOUS MATERI ALS INVENTORY BUSINESS N~ME: Bakersfield Memorial Hospital OWNER NAME: FACILITY UNIT #: ADDRESS:_ 420 34th Street ADDRESS: FACILITY UNIT NAME: CITY, ZIP:, Bakersfield. California 93301' CITY,ZIP: PHONE ~: 327-1792 PHONE #: [OFFICIAL USE ~F~RS COOE .,[ ONLY ! 2 3 4 5 6 7 "8 9 10 TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS % BY HAZARD D.O.T CODE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE ,CODE FACILITY UNIT .... WT. CH, EMI~AL OR COMMON ,NAME CODE GUIDE M . 300 300 LBS 07 41 Bo~ler Room Formula 80-L ORMS _ *MSDS states no hazard, but mitres notice of possible poisonhazards. ~.~ M 30 150~ GAL 10 41 Boiler Room 100 n,n-diethylethanolamine Formula 445 CMLQ M 30 ,200 GAL 06 - 41 Boiler Room 59 sodium nitrite -Formula 12-L CMLQ CMLQ M 30 200 GAL 06 41 Boiler Room 69 sodium hydroxide-Formula 202 CRMT Reagent M . 4 8 GAL 10 41. Boiler Room 99 phenol red-Phenol Red T- Code 255 ORMS M ]]5 230 LBS 07 41. Boiler Room 85 bis oxide, n-alkyl kimethy1 ammonium chloride - Formula 34-A CMLQ ~***** 3500 14,000 Ft3 04 27 ~ X/-~ Storage behind Kitchen 100 nitrous oxide ~ FLGS .... EXPL P ~ 4250 17,000 Ft3 04 27 Storage behind kitchen 100 OxY.men ~ ..... g~PL-- ~ P ~ 1000 4000 F~3 04 '27 Storage behind kitchen 100 Nitrogen ~~ ... EXPL M ~ 1750 7000 Ft3 04 27 Storage behind kitchen 100 Compressed air ~ ~1~ ORMS M ~ 500 2000 Ft3 04 27 Storage behind kitchen 100 Ethylene Oxide w/12% freon ~0~'~. . EXPL X ~ 2500 10,000 Ft3 04 27 Storage behind kitchen 100' Carbon Dioxide ~.~. l,,. EXPL ***** These are tanks wh.ch hold app~ox 25( ~u FT; I have given maximum to be foun'd at"an~ one time. NAME: Helen Kennedy TITLE:Engineer Control Clk SIGNATURE: DATE: 7/~1/87 EMERGENCY CONTACT: TITI. E: PHONE # BUS HOURS: AFTER BUS HRS: EMERGENCY CONTACT: TITLE: .. PHONE # BUS HOURS: PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: AFTER BUS HRS: - 4~-1 - I.D· # FORM 4A-1 ~age ~of ~ HAZARDOUS I~IATERI ALS INVENTORY BUSINESS N~ME: Bakersfield Memorial Hospital OWNER NAME: FACILITY UNIT #: ADDRESS: 420 34th Street ADDRESS: FACILITY UNIT NAME: CITY, ZIP: Bakers£ield~ California 93301 CITY,ZIP: PHONE #: 327-1792 PHONE #: IOFFICIAL USE CFIRS CODE ONLY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS · BY HAZARD D.O.T CODE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. CHEMICAL OR COMMON NAME COD~, GUIOE ,, FLLQ =%Q9~ -~9 fl~L 02 27 Rear of Main Hosp Bld~ i00 Oxyge~ _ P 600 for abovE~rL 02 27. Rear of Main Hosp Bldg 100 Oxygen FLLQ v M 16 192~ OZS 13 03 En$ineerin~ shop 100 Aerosol silicone lubricant-Silencer ORMS loos'n -. aerosol aliphatic petroleum distillate ORMS M 16 ,192 OZS 13 03 Engineering shop 100 Coconut oil alkanolamide, didecyl M 2 8 GAL 10 08 Central Services 100 benzene sulfonic acid. sodium hydroxide - Instru-Klenz ORMS M 5 5 GAL 10 08 Central Services 20 tetrasodium ethylenediaminetetraacet..te , Manu-Klenz ORMS M 5 12 GAL 10 08 Central Services. CaCo3 Lubricant - antimicrobiologica ORMS 12.6 glycolic acid ~ M 2 24 GAL 10 08 Central Services 61 o-benzyl-p-chlorophenol ORMS M 8 2400 LBS 11 08 Kitchen 6 sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate , Tetrox (powdered hand pot & pan deter ORMS M 4 80 GAL 10 08 Kitchen MSDS sheet states no chemicals to be considered hazardous, b)wever, states may cause irritation, stomach distress, nausea or you lting! Rinse Dry Heavy Duty Rinse aid ORMS NAME: Helen Kennedy TITLE~n~ineer Control Clk SIGNATURE: DATE: 7/22/87 EMERGENCY CONTACT: TITLE: PHONE # BUS HOURS: AFTER BUS HRS: EMERGENCY CONTACT: TITLE: .~ PHONE # BUS HOURS: PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: AFTER BUS ~R$: - 4A-1 - .? BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT I.D. # FORM 4A-! Page of NON--TRADE SECRETS ' ~ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY BUSINESS NA'ME: Bakersfield Memorial Hospital O~NER NAME: FACILITY UNIT #: ADDRESS: 420.34th Street ADDRESS: FACILITY UNIT NAME: CITY, zIP: Bakar~f~a]d~ California q3'301 CITY,ZIP: PHONE #: 327-17q2 PHONE #: OFFICIAL USE CFIRS CODE ONLY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT !USE LOCATION IN THIS ~ BY HAZARD D.O.T CODE,,, AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. CHEMIQAL OR COMMON NAME CODE GUID~, concentrated glass gleaner P. 15 60 GAL 10 08 Housekeeping Storage 100 ipopropyl alcohol FLLq __ M 1 12 GAL 10 08~ Housekeeping Storage 20 alkali meta~ilicate, sodium hydroxid~ monoethanolamine, surfactant, etc. . Bravo Extra Heavy Duty Stripper. -c FLLQ M 55' ,55 GAL 07 08 Housekeeping'Storage 10.8~! ~uarternary ammonium ethanol Elimstaph #683 FLLQ M 5 10 GAL 10 08 Housekeepin~ Storage 27 modified acrylic polymer, isoparaffi~ic hydrocarbon, glycol ether, formaldeh~dePSNA Snapback Liquid FLLQ M 3 48 GAL 13 08 Housekeeping Storage 27 modified acrylic polymer, diethylene glycol monethyl ether, ammonia, zinc H 20 120 GAL 06 08, Kitchen Storage MSDS states no hazards~ However~ it. .. say to avoid breathing.concentrated , vapors~RE: eyes~ will cause severe ... irritation, may cause irritation & defatting of skin. Super Foam ORMS NAME:___~en Kennedy TITLE:Engineer Control ClkSIGNATURE: DATE: 87 EMERGENCY CONTACT: TITLE: PHONE # BUS HOURS: AFTER BUS HRS: EMERGENCY CONTACT: TITLE: PHONE # BUS HOURS: 'PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: AFTER BUS HRS: NON--TRADE SECRETS . ' HAZARDOUS MATERI ALS I NVENTORY. BUSINESS N~ME: Bakersfield Memorial Hospital OWNER NAME: FACILITY UNIT #: ADDRESS: 420 34 th Street ADDRESS: FACILITY UNIT NAME: CITY, ZIP: Bakersfield, California 93301 CITY,ZIP: PHONE ~: 327-1792 PHONE #: ICIAL USE CFIRS COOE ONLY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS % BY HAZARD D.0.T CODE AMOUNT AMOUNT ..UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. CHEMICAL OR COMMON NAME CODE GUIDE M 2 180 BOX 11 08 Kitchen 55 Sodium carbonate - soilmaster ORMS _. 3..5 sodium hydroxide ~ M 4 100 GAL 10 08. Kitchen 10 butonyethanol Greasecutter ORMS ... M 4 100.. GAL 10 08 Kitchen 30 phosphoric acid Limeaway ORMS .... M 9 L108 GAL 10 08 Housekeeping' 51 ammonium oxalate, aqua ammonia, 2-biphenylol - Easy Dab ORMS M 20 60 GAL 10 08 Housekeeping Storage ~.01 sodium hydroxide, pottassium hydroxille alkali metal silicate, chelating ageLt, surfactants~ colorants~ fragrance~ water. G P Forward Cleaner ORMS M 9 108 LBS 10 08 Housekeepin~ storage 11.74 MSDS sheet states no hazard; however ** Ma, decompose in fire to giae off toxic fumes of may irritate eyes, may cause burns, itc ~ gent, Stearns Chemical Company PSNB XI ~ 69 414 GAL 13 08 Housekeeping Storage 25 2-butoxyethanol, ,' ~, I0~/ ~__~ propellant, ethanolamine, detergent 3M Brand Trouble Shooter Cleaner PSNB M 10 1~0 GAL 10 08 Housekeeping Storage Muriatic acid, hydrochloric acid ~**No metal contact; p~oduces hydrogen gas! Muriatic acid FLLQ NAME: Helen Kennedy TITLE:Engineer Control Clk SIGNATURE: DATE: 7/23/87 EMERGENCY CONTACT: TITLE: PHONE # BUS HOURS: AFTER BUS HRS: EMERGENCY CONTACT: TITLE: ~. PHONE # BUS HOURS: PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: AFTER BUS HRS: ~ NON--TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY BUSINESS NA'ME: Bakersfield Memorial Hospital OWNER NAME: FACILITY UNIT #:~ ADDRESS: 420 34th Street ADDRESS: FACILITY UNIT NAME: CITY, ZIP: Bakersfield, California 93301 CITY,ZIP: PHONE ~: 327-1792 PHONE #: ~OFFICIAL USE CFI~S CODE ONLY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS · BY HAZARD D.0.T CODE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. CHEMIqAL OR COMMON NAME .... CODE GUIDE (64°z)1 M 20 360 BOX 1 08 Laundry storage anionic detergent, *May release CO2 gas on burning, avoid strong acids, ~' · **For fires involving this material -'~ do not enter without protective equiI.ment and self contained breathing apparat~.s Al~nnnx M ~ 100' 5200 LBS 07 08 Laundry Storage Hi Chlor Dry Bleach-MSDS requested from manufacturer, not received yet. ~% chloride~ powder ORMS M ~ 100 1200 LBS 07 08 Laundry Storage #1152 Neutralizer-MSDS requested frog manufacturer, not received yet. (Anti-chlor) ORMS M ~ 100 2400 LBS 07 08 Laundry Storame BluSour - MSDS not received from ..~ manufacturer yet. Whitener, Chlorid~S0RMS M 100 2400 LBS 07 08 Laundry Storage Sani-Fluff, MSDS not r~ceived from ~manufacturer yet. softerer, powder ORMS NAME: Helen Kennedy TITLE~ngineer Control Clk SIGNATURE: DATE: 7/23/87 EMERGENCY CONTACT: TITI, E: PHONE # BUS HOURS: AFTER BUS HRS: EMERGENCY CONTACT: TITLE: .. PHONE # BUS HOURS: PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: AFTER BUS HRS: - dA-1 - BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT ~ ~' ..~.c~ I.D. #.~ FORM 4A-1 age of NON--TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY' BUSINESS N~ME: Bakersfield Memorial HospitaDWNER NAME: FACILITY UNIT #: ADDRESS: 420 34th Street ADDRESS: FACILITY UNIT NAME: CITY, ZIP: Bakersfield, California 9330EITY,ZIP: PHONE ~: 327-1792 PHONE #: [OFFICIAL USE CFIRS CODE _.] ONLY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS · BY HAZARD D.O.T CODE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. CHEMICAL OR COMMON NAME CODE OUIDE .3 2-phenox~ethanol M 5 10 GAL 10 27 Laboratory Storage ,03 ~sod~um floride Isoton II FLLQ .22 2-phenoxyethanol M . 5 5 ~AI, lO 27' Laboratorv Storage .05 sodium floride Isoterge III FLLQ 9 sulfuric acid M ~ 5 5 . GAL 09 27 Laboratory Storage 2 chromium trixide DICHROL CRMT M 5 ,10 GAL 09 27 Laboratory Storage 100 'Wood alcohol, methanol, carbinol FLLQ M I~! 5 10 GAL 10 27 Laboratory storage 100 alcohol~ spirits o~ wine~ potato alcohol - ethyl alcohol denatured FLLQ M 5 10 LBS 10 27 Laboratory Storage !benzoic acid, 2-hydroxy-5-sulfodihy- drate, salicylsulfonic acid. Fumes of sulfur oxides~ phenol and salicylic acid occur when heated to decomposition. -5-Sulfosalicylic Aci( ORMS M 3 6 LBS 09 27 Laboratory Storage 75 1 part copper~ 12 parts sulfate, 12 parts sodium hydroxide, 4 parts sodium carbonate, 15 parts citric acid _ filler and binder. Clinitest Reagen! . Tablets PSNB M 5 25 GAL 10 27 Laboratory Storage 10-15 Formaldehyde, formalin, morbicid aci~ CMLO methanol NAME: Helen Kennedy TITLEMngineer Control Clk SIGNATURE: DATE: 7/24/87 EMERGENCY CONTACT: TITLE: PHONE # BUS HOURS: AFTER BUS HRS: EMERGENCY CONTACT: TITLE: ,~ PHONE # BUS HOURS: PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: AFTER BUS HRS: - 4A-1 - . BAKERSFIEI, D CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT i.D. FORM A-1 ON--TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY BUSINESS NA~E: Bakersfield Memorial Hospital OWNER NAME: FACILITY UNIT #: __ ADDRESS: 420 34th Street ADDRESS: FACILITY UNIT NAME: CITY, ZIP: . Bakersfield, California 93301 CITY,ZIP: PHONE ~: 327-1792 PHONE #: [OFFICIAL USE CFIRS CODE .,. I ONLY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS · BY HAZARD D.0.T .CODE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT .~T. CHEMIqAL OR .COMMON NAME CODE GUIDE M 5 25 GAL 10 27 Laboratory storage Xylene - dimethylbenzene, xTlene isomers~'~[~'~1 FLLQ M ~1 5 10 ., GAL 10 27 Laboratory Storage 100 acetone-dimethylketone, 2-pr~panone '-I" Extremely flammable FLLQ 'x M ~) 300 600 Ft3 04 27 Laboratory storage 12 carbone dioxide 21 oxygen 67 nitrogen ~ ~ EXPL NAME: H~] ~n Kannady TITLE :Eng~naar Control Clk SIGNATURE: DATE :7/24/87 EMERGENCY CONTACT: TITLE: PHONE # BUS HOURS: AFTER BUS HRS: EMERGENCY CONTACT: TITLE: .. PHONE # BUS HOURS: 'PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: AFTER BUS HRS: ~ BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT ~p ~" ,., ~ FORM 4A-1 age of ~ NON--TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY BUSINESS N~ME: Bakersf±eld Memor±al Hosp±tal OWNER NAME: FACILITY UNIT #~ ADDRESS: 420 34th Street ADDRESS: FACILITY UNIT NAME: CITY, ZIP:Bakersfield, Californ±a 93301 CITY,ZIP: PHONE ~: 327-1792, ext 1891 PHONE ~: OFFICIA~ USE CFIRS COOE ONLY 1 2 $ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS % BY HAZARD D.O.T ~ODE A~OUNT A~OUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT ... ~T. CHE~IQAL OR CO~ON NA~E CODE GUID~ M ? 364 GAL 09 27 Surgery forane (insoflurane) FLLQ ~ ? 3B4 GAL 09 27 Surgery fluothane (ha~othane) FLLQ ~ 7 364 GAL 09 27 Surgery ethrane (enflurane) FLLQ R ? 364 GAL l0 ..... 27 Surgery cidex (g~uteraldehyde) FLLQ R 14 ?28 GAL 10 27 Surgery 10 formalyn (formaldehyde) FLLQ M 1 ~ GAL 09 27 Surger~ 2 ~odine ORI~S ~ 1 1 GAL 09 27 Surgery 5 phenol .. ORI~S ~ 1 1 GAL 09 2? Surgery collodian (ether) FLLQ ~ 1 52 GAL l0 08 Surgery chlorine b~e:ach ~FLLQ , 'i NAME Helen Kennedy TITLE: Eng±neer Ctrl Clk S GNATURE: DATE: 7/27/8? EMERBENCY CONTACT: TITLE: P~ONE # BUS HOURS: AFTER BUS HRS: ~ EMERGENCY CONTACT: TITLE: ~ .. PHONE # BUS HOURS: PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: AFTER BUS HRS: - 4~-1 - · NON--TRADE SECRETS ;< .~'~'~'.-~ i HAZARDOUS ,.MATE R I ALS INVENTORY BUSINESS NA'ME: Bakersfield Memorial Hospital OWNER NAME: FACILITY UNIT #:~ ADDRESS:420 34th Street ADDRESS: FACILITY UNIT NAME: CITY, ZIP: Bakersfield, California 93301 CITY,ZIP: PHONE ~: 327-1792, ext 1891 PHONE #: [OFFICIAL USE CFIRS CODE " { - ~,[ ONLY "'1 2" i' 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TYPE MAX{ ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS' % BY HAZARD D.O.T CODE AMO.UN!T AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. CHEMICAL OR COMMON NAME CODE GUIDE ** Nuclear Medicine GAS P .25 3.0 CUR 99 27 .... , 100 Xenon-Glass vial in lead containers RADI ..... '[ T~9~M-Techictium-p'ertechaetate, sulfe{~ · Nuclear Medicine 100 :olloid, macroa~re~ate alum, medrona~e M .3 3.6 CUR 99 27 :,?' ,, · tiphosphonate, disofenin, pyrophospha e ' [liquid) RADI 1 uid) P .15 1.8 CUR 99 " 27 Nuclear Medicine 100 1-131, ~o~ne, sodium iodide RADI · (liquid) P .005 .06 CUR 99 27 : Nuclear Medicine 100 ]a-67, gallium citrate RADI (liquid) P .002 .02 CUR 99 27 ' Nuclear Medicine· ~, 100 [-123, iodine, sodium iodide RADI .... (liquid) P .010 .12 CUR 99 27 .' Nuclear Medicine ·.· 100 fl-201, Thallium, thallous chloride RADI (solid) M .0002 .0002 CUR 99 27 ~j'~uc!ear Me_d~_':ciDe .... _ 100 cs-137~ 20 ml epoxy (glass,lead) RADI (solid) M .005 .005 CUR 99 27 -Nuclear Medicine ._:~f._.~ 100 ~20ml e ox lass lead RADI **Ad( in glass vials, w:~thin lead containers, most liquid, one gasI,, two s~lids. NAME: Helen Kennedy TITLE: EnKineer Ctrl Clk .S GNATURE: DATE: 7/27/87 . EMERGENCY.CONTACT: TITI. E: PHONE # BUS HOURS: AFTER BUS HRS: EMERGENCY CONTACT: TITLE: · PHONE # BUS HOURS: PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: AFTER BUS HRS: ' BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT i.u. , FORM 4A-1 Pa e ~ NON--TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS MATERI ALS I NVENTORY BUSINESS N~ME: Bakersfield Memorial Hospital OWNER NAME: FACILITY UNIT #: ADDRESS: 420 34th Street ADDRESS: FACILITY UNIT NAME: CITY, ZIP: Bakersfield, California 93301 CITY,ZIP: 'USE PHONE ,:, 327-1792, ext 1891 PHONE #: OFFICIAL CFIRS CODE ONLY ,, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS % BY HAZARD D.O.T .CODE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. CHEMICAL OR COMMON NAME CODE GUIDE P'-- 264 13728 Ft3 03 27 , Respiratory Therapy 100 Oxygen ~ EXPL , . M~h 66 3432 Ft3 03 2.7 Respiratory Therapy 100 Air (Oxygen, nitrogen, etc) Liquid nitrogen, broughtrin once a P~" 61 3161~ GAL 99 27 ~ Magnetic Resonance Ima week, for magnet ~~ CMLQ  Liquid helium, brought in once a P 92.5 ~810 GAL 99 " 27 Magnetic Resonance'Ima week~ for magnet ~O~L~ CMLQ P 66 66 Ft3 04 27 Magnetic Resonance Ima 100 helium EXPL P ~ 22 66 Ft3 04 27 ,~Emergency Room 100 Oxygen ~ EXPL P~h 22 66 Ft3 04 27 ~Diagnostic Services 100 Oxygen ~-I EXPL M 5 50 GAL 13 29 ,~Print shoP 4 Chlorinated hydrocarbons FLLQ MSDS requested, will attach when received. *note this is ~epM in a metal cupboard.~~~ '" i40 400 GAL 10 05 , Purchasing warehouse 70 alcohol, stored for distribution FLLQ throughout the hospital. r Crash cart shared by both floo~s, ha: p Omtl 44 88 Ft3 04 27 ~ First Floor/First East 100 2 por~ tanks of Oxygen ~] EXPL ....  Second East/Out Patient Crash cart shared by both floors, ha: P 44 88 Ft3 04 27 ~ Surgerv(2West) 100 2 port. tanks of Oxygen ~~ EXPL .. NAME Helmn Wmnnmdy TITLE:Engineer Control Clk SIGNATURE: DATE:7/31/87 EMERGENCY CONTACT: TITLE: PHONE # BUS HOURS: AFTER BUS HRS: EMERGENCY CONTACT: TITLE: ~ PHONE # BUS HOURS: 'PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: AFTER BUS HRS: - 4A-1 - ~i-. .~0~,~ ' July 1979 "'~- · 'U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Fo,m Approv.~d · OMB No. 44-R~.387 .. .. Occupational ~fe~ and Health Administration' . MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Required under USDLSafety and Health Regulations for Ship Repairing, · ' Shipbuilding, and Shipbreaki~ (29 CFR 1915, 1916, 1917) · ' .' SECTION I. MANUFACTURER'S NAME ' ~ p ' EMERGENCY TELEPHO~NO. ~ ~I~, INC.' .-, :" (213) 225-4121 AOOR~ (Number, Street, ~. State. and ZIP C~bI 2~00 S~ Los 90065 ~ Fe~do . ~.~e.es, CH~M~C NAM[ AnD SYNONYMS ' ' ~afe~ ~h ~fO~r~ CHEMICAL FAMIL~ I FORMU~ ~arbon- ~iorinated M~ifi~ BlendI BlUet 5 ~ller W~h) TLV ' TLV PAINTS. PRESER~ATIVES.'~LVEN~ K (Un',l ALLOYS AND METALUC COATINGS PIGMENTS BASE.METAC '/? ~ ~A~ CATALYST t. ALLOYS ' ' ' · FILLER METAL socv~-?s' L00 500* ,~us COA?,NG O, CO,~ ~UUX ... ~.~ ~,,,,, ADDITIVES ~ ' OTHERS ' I ' OTHERS . - .' '' TLV HAZARDOUS MIXTURES OF OTHER LIOUIDS, SOLIDS, OH GASES ' ~lor~ated c~m~ are present. ~s not mnmin per~lor~ylene, cont~ less ~ 0.'08~ benzene (l~r ~tectim l.~t). ~. B~ed ~ ~CG~ ~tended ~ges, 1978 .. .- .. SECTION ill - PHYSICAL DATA ' ~: '0'.862.' VA~R PR~SURE (mm ~.) ~ 68OF 90 ay VOUUM~ (~) , · 100 " [VACatION ~AT[ "4 '~A~R DENSITY (AIR'l) ~.9 ( ~-~U.~C. 'l) ~LUBILITY IN WATER ~ ~ " 0.0~" ' '' .. . - . .' . ..~. APPEARANCE AND ODOR cle~ bl~, slightly sw~t~.sh ~or~ted ~r. SECTION IV ' FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA F~SH POINT[M~.o~"Sed)_ tO ~:':-- ~C IF~""AOUE~.. u,M,?s N/A l none uO~n~,. I EXTINGUISHING MEg. IA wate~ ~y, C02, f~, ~[ ~e~cal SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PaOCEOURES ~o~e UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS ~cl:Temely high temperatures i.e. energy sources such as 10,000 electric arc. · PAGE' (1) ontlnued on reverse side) Form OSHA-20 ~ .' Rev. May 72 ,~ ...F~.rst No. 106 · . ' ... : -,--..~. · SECTION V - HEAL HAZARD DATA i~ ." THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE See Section 11 - ' : " EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE ~. Irritation to eyes, nose and.throat¢.flryin$ of' skin. '",. Excessi.'~e inlialation c~mses headache, dizziness, nausea, .mental dullness then · ' ' '' ~RGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEOURESEYP; LUNI'A[~--;;.-------:~lusn ira t -'---.w-" ..wa-er ~K- -~.k ,-.~ .. - . . . . . :-:,,: SK'IN COlgrACTi' Wash.~th-~l. ld soap ahd water, ~ippl¥ ~skin cream;· ~TION: ,Remo~ :.to i.' ""~'" ' ' ' ' A'pl~¢' ' -' fresh air --i If breathing has'st°Pped, apply artificial re.~p$.'ratiq.n, i¢ian..~l '. ... . . '.i ' - ._"c :' .:?.... :.- . .... ; ......... S[~CTION DATA · .... , . .-;. , . VI . REACTIVITY ."- , ~,.,: ; ..... -. · . : '%'~ STAB LIYV' ':"~ ' i '" t~ "- ';. - . UNSTABL~" ,CONDITIONS TO AVOID ..... '. .. ~- ., · ' .. ~, ' . ~ ; : ! ,-, , ;. .-.~.. . . _.: .~_,..,- _ · STABLE X Heot, spar. l~ ;'-omgn £1aihe; ::exce~siVe"'mo · -'-~" ~N¢oMPA'rAmCIT¥ ~afar~r~t, to'~o~dJ ......... ' : : .' '. ' :.-.' .... '" . , -- · ' ..- ..~-ro~-~.~ ...:, Ox~.&~.:i'~n~_,_.__ ~, _o _,~ent_~.: ' ' ' -- · ',' HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PROOUC3'5 · r '- '4. ; .:...~ , Therma! decom~si::ion.~t¥.-~/ietd .phosgene, hydrogen! chloride, ~arbon ~onoxide. · *.. ' ' .... . .. CONDITIONS TO. Av~)*I~)- ' · .... · '~ - - '~ ~ ' . . ~,- MAY OCCUR 'High te._l~ H~'AR~ouS X eratures'. .,,, ~ ~ .& 't'~ ' ' ~/IL[-~NOT OCCUR ~'' ~' ' ' :',- -.: ...- ...... . _ . ':-?.":- ..:'- :..~.'. " ~ "' ~ SECTION VH': SPILL OR LEAK.PROCEDUBES. .. , Flush re'th water 'into retainin~ ~rea .or, container'.. :- . ~.: .~ - . ~..~..~. ~.-... .- ... ~ " . .. ~ re 0z~. hot' fae'tal s: Ventilate area . .. '.T- .... ,~ - * .... -,. !.,,~ ~ . :..,; .... .. .)..._-..... :~.-. ~ [... -' ...- . . : ..- · . . . '.: .:,...:. --:,.-' .... -. ' -' .. :- ' · ..h · ;' ',~. .-'.,_~, z ....¥. .... ' ' Incinerate' under .-safe condi.tions': or.--, e-of-' . accor ce ' " .... af :': ' :' : '"~i~h loc 'is te and feder re ations. ¥ .'::-.' : . .. , .~: ... W - ..- .- .'~ .7 r ~ ~'- .":~ L. ' '~' · . -L -~ ~"' .. -~, .. ~ ,' ,, :. . .. ~ = . , ...~'~ .- -*~_ .~ . . . ,.~ .~ ...-:. · ~ - .. ~' :f .- ~ · . . i.,~' " .. '"' ' SECTION VIII -SPEC, IA,L. :PROTECT,!0N, INFO"RM*~10N- :' ~- .: ..-., .'- .~ ... .. . ~ . .. _ .. .... ...-.,'..:. .... ]: ~[ESPI,R~TORY ~RO..TECTION [$£e~fy type9 ' ' . :.',n,~,,~ [--,.. ,...+. ,Sel~.confained .brea..t~ifig apparatus' .for conCen~ra{ioqs'<~,~.e':. ThY li~ni, ts , . , ::fl.' , .,~ . . LOoAL ~,,H~,UST. , _. 7' '..,, .., . · ' ',p_m~_.,~ ' ;r' · ye'NY(L~..T/IOIq General venfitatioh'.is adequat&-=''. "'-':'t z ..... i :~'~,. ~ .... . ' iMECH.I~_IC~L.{Getteral}'..~..... 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' "'~' ~ o,. · ., :- .,e . ..., ~ . 6.:.-2,.. ~ .... · ....... .- .' . . . . · -. - .. . :· " · ' " '.-- " " : '"' - ' °' ': -';,1' ,,,,. ~. '1 ,-...; . ':~.....'....: --;.- -.~ ., ~- ......... . .... -. · ..... .., .;:-:~ . ~ ....... < .--~ .- . - ' .... - - ' '' ' · NON--TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY BUSINESS NA'ME: Bakersfield Memorial Hospital OWNER NAME: FACILITY UNIT #:~ ADDRESS: 420 34 th Street ADDRESS: FACILITY UNIT NAME: CITY, ZIP: Bakersfield~ California 93301 CITY,ZIP: PHONE ~: 327-1792 PHONE #: OFFICIAL USE CFI~S CODE ONLY ! 2 3 4 5 U6ES 7 8 9 10 TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT LOCATION IN THIS % BY HAZARD D.O.T CODE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. CHEMICAL OR COMMON NAME ..CODE GUIDE p ~) 22 66 Ft3 04 27 Post Partum 100 Oxygen ~ EXPL ,p~ 22 66 Ft3 04 27 Nursery 100 Oxygen ~5~ EXPL P ~ 44 132,, Ft3 04 27 Labor & Delivery 100 Oxygen ~ EXPL C-Section Room (#1) p~'~\) 88 ,264 Ft3 04 -" 27 Labor & Delivery 100 Oxygen--~~.-~D~~ EXPL ... 59~ C-Section Room (#1) M 22 66 Ft3 04 27 Labor & Delivery 100 Nitrous Oxide EXPL ~N C-Section Room (~1) M 22 66 Ft3 04 27 Labor & Delivery 100 Carbon Dioxide ~ EXPL ~) C-Section Room (~1) P 22 66 Ft3 04 27 Labor & Delivery 100 NitroEen EXPL  C-Section Room (~2) P 66 198 Ft3 04 27 Labor & Delivery 100 Oxygen ~ EXPL ~3 C-Section Room (~2> M 44 132 Ft3 04 27 Labor & Delivery. 100 Carbon Dioxide EXPL Storage Room p~d~ 22 66 Ft3 04 27 Labor & Delivery 100 Oxygen M ~) 44. 132 Ft3 04 27 Labor & Delivery 100 Compressed Air ~%~ EXPL ? 22 66 Ft3 04 27 Labor & Delivery 100 Nitrogen ~ EXPL P~ 22 66 Ft3 04 27 Pediatrics 100 Oxygen ~~ EXPL NAME: Helen Kennedy TITLE: Engineer Control Ci~IGNATURE: DATE: 8/4/~ EMERGENCY CONTACT: TITLE: PHONE ~ BUS HOURS: AFTER BUS HRS: EMERGENCY CONTACT: TITLE: .. PHONE ~ BUS HOURS: PRINCIPAL BUS%INESS ACTIVITY: AFTER BUS HRS: . - 4A-1 - BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL, HOSPITAL Bakersfield, California INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM October 29, 1987 TO: Helen Kennedy FROM: Candace J. Meares~'~ RE: Fire and Safety Education The employees at Memorial Hospital are introduced to the fire and disaster plans during their first day of employment as a part of the general newhire orientation. A movie on fire safety is shown, and the manual is discussed. Each new employee receives his/her own copy of the fire procedure. Signed documentation of this instruction is placed in their personnel file. For ongoing education, the Education Department offers a class on fire extinguisher use and a separate class reviewing the fire procedure annually. Both of these classes are required attendance. The attendance reports are forwarded to the managers of the various departments to confirm their employees' attendance. As a part of the general newhire orientation day, Miss Everett, the Infection Control Coordinator, provides an introduction to the correct handling of infectious waste in order to prevent exposure to AIDS, Hepatitis and other blood and body fluid borne diseases. The nursing staff receives a more in-depth introduction to the specific types of isolation procedures. Each nursing employee who will be handling cytotoxic drugs receives special instruction on the safety precautions required. Signed documentation of this instruction is kept in the employee's personnel file. Electrical safety instruction is offered as a part of the newhire orientation for all new employees. Critical care employees receive additional instruction on the safe use of bedside electrical equipment. Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Mass Casualty Plan Page 22 EHERGENCY ROOM PHYSICIANS AND STAFF: A. On duty Emergency Room, reassigned house staff and/or called-in Emergency Room staff will be responsible for care in the Emergency Room prop. er. B. The floor personnel bringing the patient in from the triage area will remain wi th their patient until released by an Emergency Room staff member. C. Immediate life-saving measures naturally take priority. D. The chart is to remain with the patient for documentation and orders. Lab and X-Ray may be started with only a number. E. Extra supplies and linen will be available on extra carts placed in the triage area or the alcove by the ambulance entrance. These will be delivered by the Laundry and Cart Room when the disaster notification is made. F. Messengers or runners are available through the Personnel Depart- ment. G. The Emergency Room physician will receive a bed availability list as soon as Admitting has it compiled. Admitting personnel will be available in the Emergency Room to help with registration or admi ssi on processing. H. The Emergency Room physician will receive a blood availability list from the Laboratory. All Emergency Room staff must check charts before patients are admitted to the Hospital or discharged from the Hospital, for completeness of registration information and consent for treatment. Signed: ~'~ C. Larry C~rr, President Revised September, 1987 Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Mass Casualty Plan Page 21 C. Clerks .will place ID bands on all patients. D. Clerks will send a chart with matching numbers with each patient, even if no personal information is obtainable at---~at time. E. Registration' clerks will go to the bedside to obtain information to complete the chart, including signatures for consent for treatment after all arrivals are logged and banded. TRIAGE: A. Discharge all Emergency Room patients able to leave immediately. Reschedule for later time as necessary. B. The most experienced Emergency Room nurse on duty will assume charge of triage and direct treatment location of each patient. C. Triage is done outside in the ambulance entrance, and gurneys, wheelchairs and additional staff from the floors will be avail- able there. 1. Floor staff bringing the gurney will remain with the patient assigned to them by the triage nurse. 2. Portable BP cuffs are available in the Emergency Room disas- ter kit and should be transported to the triage area before patients begin to arrive. D. Assignment of location for treatment must be indicated on the chart accompanying the patient. 1. The most critical pa.t. ients must be assigned to Rooms 1 and 2 or the anteway inside the Emergency Room. 2. Serious patients who need immediate medical attention should be assigned to the Emergency Room proper. 3. Patients who need observation and medical attention when available will be assigned to a hol ding and minor treatment area in Physical Therapy, attended by the floor person transporting them. (Nursing Office or Assistant Director of Nursing/Critical Care may reassign a floor nurse as Charge Nurse to the holding area.) (Rehab personnel will al so assist wi th treatment of patients in the holding and mi nor treatment areas in Physical Therapy.) Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Mass Casualty Plan Page 20 CASUALTY COLLECTION POINT: The County Disaster Plan for a major community catastrophe, calls for the establishment of casualty collection points throughout the Greater Bakersfield area. These casualty collection points are supervised by hospital Emergency Rooms. Communications are main- tained by an ambulance which will respond automatically to each hos- pital's Emergency Room and to each casualty collection area. Emergency Room staff is responsible for coordinating the flow of patients into hospital treatment facilities from these casualty col- lection points. Memorial Hospital may also establish a casualty col- lection point and control the flow of patients from that area, the same as it would from a remote casualty collection area. Essentially our triage function would fulfill this requirement. Casualty collection points assigned to Memorial Hospital include North High School and Bakersfield College. Additional collection points are assigned to other hospitals. To the extent that other hospital s may not be able to receive patients, Memorial Hospital may be assigned additional collection points. To the extent that Memorial Hospital is not functioning, its collection points may be assigned to other hospitals by County EMS. It is the intent that these collection points provide predesignated places where rescue personnel throughout the City can direct patients. Paramedics at these collection points should perform a triage function and communicate with hospital receiving facilities regarding the numbers and extent of injuries which they are encoun- tering. It is the intent that hospital emergency facilities will control the flow in from these collection points in order that no .hospital at any time is overburdened with an inundation of patients. If patient loads are such that out of the area or out of state resources will be utilized, this will be coordinated through County EMS. It is the hospital's Medical Director and Emergency Room Supervisor's responsibility to keep County EMS informed of the hospital's capac- ity, the number of patients it is seeing and the number of patients it has in que from its casualty collection points. REGISTRATION: A. Initial re9istration will take place in the ambulance entrance. B. Registration clerks will assign patient ID numbers and log num- ber, type of .injury, and location of initial treatment assign- ment. Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Mass Casualty Plan Page 19 USE OF ELEVATORS: Elevators are available for use during a "Code Triage". If a "Code Red" is in progress, clearance must first be obtained from the Hospital Fire Captain or Bakersfield Fire Department to determine if a particular elevator may be used. If the main elevators are unavailable, 2nd Floor may use the elevator from Diagnostic Services to the Emergency Room. Immediately upon notification of a "Code Triage", the Charge Nurse on all Nursing Units will prepare a list of patients who could be discharged if beds are needed. This list will be picked up by an Admitting person. When Admit- ting is closed, this information will be picked up and taken to the Emergency Room by a person designated by the Nursing Supervisor. Discharge procedures are outlined under Nursing Administration. All personnel are cautioned to maintain normal operating procedures except when specifically required to do otherwise by this plan. EMERGENCY ROOM RESPONSE: '-NOTIFICATION: Notification will usually come via County radio. Notification may also be initiated wheneVer extraordinary patient loads are experienced. A. The Emergency Room staff shall immediately notify the Emergency Room and/or Nursing Office Supervisor on duty. B. The Nursing Supervisor in charge, upon her determination, will notify the operator to initiate a "Med Alert" or "Code Triage" Procedure. C. The County Disaster Officer or his designee, will want the fol- lowing information as soon as possible: 1. Are Emergency Room staffing and supplies adequate to handle our usual category? 2. In general, Memorial Hospital is classified as being able to handle up to 20 patients without the activation of a "Code Triage". This, of course, will depend on the nature of patient injuries. D. Emergency Room or Nursing Supervisor may reassign or call addi- tional help as necessary to support a "Med Alert". (Code Triage wi 11 generate additional help automatical 1 y. ) Bakersfield Memorial Hosp!ital Mass Casualty Plan Page 18 ANNEX II PROFES ;IONAL NURSING DISASTER ASSIGNMENTS / The following procedure !ill be followed by the Nursing Service of the Hospi- tal upon receipt of a "Co~e Triage". / FROM STAFF TO Operating Room All Personnel Remain at Stati on Stati on Delivery Room All Personnel Remain at Stati on Stati on Newborn Nursery All Personnel Remain at Station Station Postpartum Available Nurses Aides Emergency Room w/Gurneys 1st Floor Med/Surgical Un t Available Nurses Aides Emergency Room w/Gurneys 1st East Med/Surgical Uni Available Nurses Aides Emergency Room w/Gurneys 2nd East Med/Surgical Uni Avai'table Nurses Aides Emergency Room w/Gurneys 3rd Floor Med/Surgical Un t Available LVN Emergency Room Nurses Aides w/Gurney ICU & CCU All Personnel Remain at Station Station Pediatrics All Personnel Remain at Station Station The approach route to the Emergency Room will be through 1st Floor and 1st East. Exiting through the West Exit Door at the South end of the 1st East Corridor. Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Mass Casualty Plan Page 17 ~ ANNEX I PATIENT FLOW Patient flow (for Division II, Part I) is as follows: TRIAGE occurs in the ambulance entrance under the canopy. TRAUMA AND MULTIPLE SYSTEMS care is initiated in ER rooms i & 2 and in the entrance anteway, i.e. sprains, abrasions, DEFINITIVE TREATMENT minor sutures, etc., is done in the Physical Therapy Treatment Room, Gym, and Therapy Areas. SURGERY PATIENTS are sent to Outpatient Surgery where they are held, or sent on to Surgery as schedule permits. CRITICAL SURGICAL patient are sent to ICU from ER and Surgery Recovery. CRITICAL MEDICAL patients are sent to CCU from ER. ROUTINE ADMISSIONS are sent from the ER. Floor personnel will usually pick up admissions when called. TRANSPORT TEAM will concentrate on patient movement between ER and Ancillary Services and to Surgery ~nd ICU/CCU. OB PATIENTS will be sent to Admitting..f°r admission to L & D. DISCHARGED patients initially are routed en mass to Kern View Lobby. Later discharges are handled aqcording to routine procedure. / Bakersfield Memorial Hospli tal Mass Casualty Plan Page 16 personnel evacuate with all available sterile packs and whatever instrumentation can be carried with them. It is necessary to bring this type of equipment because the packaged disaster hospital s were assembled in the 1950's and early 1960's and are equipped with anti- quated equipment that may or may not be usable by today's standards. If further time permits, additional equipment and supplies, such as beds, tables, cribs and bassinets will be taken also. Insofar as Ancillary Service Departments are concerned, they will need to preesta§lish their own priorities for evacuation of supplies and equipment. Obviously, portable X-Ray machines have a high prior- ity as do ventilators and incubators. PATIENT FLOW: A. Dischargeable patients to Kern View Lobby. B. Patients to be transferred to KMC or other medical facility §o in their beds to the ER and await ambulance (air or ground) trans- portation (beds are left in ER). C. Patients to be moved to Garces or Bakersfield College go to the back loadin.§ dock in their beds and are loaded onto trucks. All employee pickups will be commandeered and the Hospital truck and trailer will be used. Engineering and other male personnel will help with1}ading. Exchange carts, crash carts and med carts wil 1 be 1 oad~ed Wi th patients i f room permi ts. D. After all p!atients are removed, trucks will return for supply 'items in the priority listed as time permits. E. Patients wil~l be moved with their charts, and when feasible, with their medications,It an extra IV and a spare change of linen. F. Each patient will have an escort, usually nursing personnel, half of whom will remain at Garces or Bakersfield College to reestab- lish patieni care routines and the other half returning for any remaining p~ tients. G. Patients wi be assembled at Garces or Bakersfield College in the Main Gy~, and if additional space is needed, the Multipurpose Room and ot~.~r rooms as needed. H. Garces and akersfield College classrooms will be set up as 8 or lO-bed wards Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Mass Casualty Plan Page 15 II. EVACUATION TO OTHER HOSPITALS (Damage Localized to BMH - Other Hos- pital s Functional ) If the need to evacuate Memorial Hospital results from a problem localized to this site, patients who can be discharged, will be; the others will be transferred to other hospitals. In this case, Kern County EMS will be responsible for arranging transportation and designating the receiving facilities. "PATIENT FLOW: A. Dischargeable patients to Kern View Lobby, with their charts. B. Critical patients, unstable patients and patients requiring life support will be taken in their beds to ER and await transpor- tation. C.Nonambulatory patients in their beds and ambulatory patients will be moved to the back loading dock and await transportation. D. Patients are to be transferred with their charts and unit dose medications. III. EVACUATION OF THE HOSPITAL TO THE ALTERNATE SITE AT GARCES HIGH SCHOOL OR BAKERSFIELD COLLEGE Ambulatory patients'will be moved in personal vehicles, together with escorts whenever possible, assuming they are not dischargeable. Non- ambulatory patients will be moved in their beds and any available conveyance, such as pickups belonging to employees in the parking lot which will be commandeered. Ambulance transportation will be re- quested for critical or unstable patients' transfer to.Kern Medical Center or any other suitable medical site. The first priority in the evacuation of patients is patient safety. Following the evacuation of patients and providing sufficient time exists, materials and supplies will be taken to the Garces High School or Bakersfield College sites. Top priority will be supply exchange carts and medication carts from each floor. These should be brought to the back loading dock at the time patients are evacuated. The next priority will be exchange carts from the exchange cart room and the linen carts from the patient floors and the Laundry. All available clean laundry in storage in the Laundry will be transported in bins. In the category of equipment and supplies, top priority will be instruments and sterile packs. It is particularly important that Surgery personnel, Central Supply personnel and Labor and Delivery Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Mass Casualty Plan Page 14 B. METHODS TO BE USED IN AN EMERGENT EVACUATION 1. Ambulatory patients will move in groups of five (5) with escorts. 2. Traction, casts and critically-ill patients may be moved in the bed if deemed necessary in the judgment of the supervi- sor and Fire Marshal. 3. Infants will be transported via double bath blanket, six (6) at a time with two escorts. Infants are to be united with their mothers at the earliest possible convenience. 4. NICU Disaster Plan: a. NICU charge nurse to notify R.T. in charge. b. R.T. to notify assistant R.T. for assistance in mobiliz- ing equipment. c. Portable oxygen tanks to be brought to unit. d. Babies moved on Radiant Warmer or Isolette with bag/mask support. e. Evacuate through West exit, San Dimas Street. f. Ambulance transport to be notified if transport from premises i s necessary. g. Critical babies: 1:1 support by R.N. or R.T. h. Receiving facility - Garces High School (temporary). Note: Dr. Bho§al recommends transporting to KMC if fea- sible. i. Critical baby may be transported in transport incubator, sel f-contai ned unit. C. Elevators will be used only in the event of non-fire disaster or after specific clearance has been given by the Fire Marshal. 1. Bed, §urney and wheelchair patients will use elevators, if feasible. 2. Ambulatory patients will use stairwells, when feasible. 3. Personnel will use stairwells at all times keeping traffic between floors to a minimum. Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Mass Casualty Plan Page 13 DIVISION II PART II - EVACUATION OF THE HOSPITAL The first part of this Mass Casualty and Disaster Plan has presumed that the Hospital can continue functioning with its existihg plant, either fully or partially, with all or most services available. It may occur, however, that evacuation of the Hospital plant itself will become necessary as the result of external forces, such as earthquake damage or an impending flood; or internal catastrophe, such as an uncontrolled fire or danger of imminent explosion. The Kern County Emergency Services Division has designated Garces High School or Bakersfield College, Northeast of the Hospital, as our primary and alter- nate evacuation sites. Garces High School is also designated to receive a 200-bed disaster hospital. The most probable causes for evacuation of the Hospital site will be the failure of Isabella Dam or structural damage so great that the Hospital is determined to be no l onger...~safe. I. EMERGENT EVACUATION (Uncontrolled Fire or Explosion) A, Should it become necessary to effect an emergent evacuation of all or a portion of the Hospital, the Hospital must necessarily rely upon existing staff to use common sense and whatever means available to move patients as quickly as possible to the outside of the building. Persons responsible for patients will evacuate only on orders of ' the Fire Captain. Upon such order, the designated route and eva- cuation instructions will" be issued accordingly. The person in charge of patients has full responsibility for patient safety and will issue whatever orders are necessary for their evacuation as needed in order to move patients away from fire or an unsafe area. Personnel are expected to use any vehi- cle or conveyance available and any number of patients to a con- veyance as may be necessary to move the patients away from the immediate danger as quickly as possible. Once evacuated, Nursing Administration's priority will be to regroup, reorganize and reestablish patient care procedures. If it is possible to reoccupy a portion of the Hospital in a short while, then a complete evacuation of the site may not be neces- sary. The decision to reoccupy will be made by the Hospital Fire Captain and/or P1 ant Manager. Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Mass Casualty Plan Page !2 XX I I. ~ORGU£ The Morgue will be expanded as necessary to the En§ineering Shop. XXIII. CHILD CARE CENTER The Child Care Center's response to Hospital Code Triage will be to arrange their staffing to provide 24-hour service as necessary and receive children and family members of employees who are on duty. Children and family members of.off duty personnel who are at home or may otherwise be in the Greater Bakersfield area, are encouraged to use the Child Care Center facilities as a gathering point. The Child Care Center staff will assist in maintaining a record of all those persons in their care for the benefit of employees. Family members of off duty personnel are encouraged to report to the Child Care Cen- ter to assist in fulfilling the Center's role on a voluntary basis. The main philosophy of the Child Care Center in times of a Code Tri- age disaster, is to provide a ready resource for family members of employees who are on duty or who will need to be reporting for duty so that employees can be assured of their family members being well cared for. In the event that it is necessary to evacuate the hospital, the Child Care Center will evacuate with hospital employees to either Garces or Bakersfield Col 1 ege. Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Mass Casualty Plan Page 11 XVI I. REHABILITATION SERVICES Personnel should respond in accordance wi th the general staffing policies outlined at the beginning of this plan. Assist with treatment in the minor treatment area. XVIII. RESPIRATORY ltlERAPY Arrange staffing, as necessary, to maintain continuous 24-hour ser- vices necessary to support critical patients. Respiratory Therapy Department's first priority will be to support existing patients on ventilators. Any remaining personnel will report to ER to provide assistance at that location. XIX. SECURITY PATROL A. Upon notification of "Code Triage", the Security Officer shall report to the triage area and maintain order. The Security Offi- cer should attempt to reach his office as soon as possible and request such additional Security Officer, as necessary, to main- tain two officers on duty at all times. B. Upon arrival of the second Security Officer, the Hospital's pri- mary Security Officer should return to his normal security rounds and maintain the security of the building. The second Security Officer will maintain order in the triage area. - XX. SOCIAL SERVICES Social Services Department will function in the triage area in the fol 1 owl ng responsibil i ti es:" A. Crisis intervention with family members of victims. B. Coordinate the flow of information regarding patients to family members. C. Patients in need of acute emergency psychiatric care should be referred to Kern View. XXI. X-RAY A. Provide emergency diagnostic procedures on physicians' orders to include supplies, procurement and equipment responsibilities. B. Carry on normal procedures of the department. Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Mass Casualty Plan Page 10 B. Within the first hour, restock each patient unit with a fresh laundry cart and immediately resupply the spare carts so that these will be ready for use when needed. All dirty surgery laun- dry will be processed as soon as possible. Within the second hour, Laundry can expect a large surge in dirty laundry from bed linens of discharged patients. It is essential to get the dirty laundry processed and on the clean side as quickly as possible. Because there may be fluctuating patient loads, it is critically important that the Laundry continue operating as long as neces- sary to process dirty linen to the clean side. XIV. )IEDICAL RECORDS A. Arrange scheduling and staffing coverage necessary to support the Hospital's mission and role. Follow the staffing philosophy out- lined at the beginning of this plan. B. Supervise and provide emergency charts to comply with the re- quirements of good medical care. C. Carry on normal procedures of the department. XV. PERSONNEL A. The Personnel Department will be responsible to assign Auxiliary personnel as listed in VII above. The Personnel Department will supervise the procurement of temporary personnel augmenting the Hospital's regular staff, either on a volunteer or employment basis. Personnel resources that may be drawn upon are licensed and certified employees in physicians' offices in times when phy- sicians' offices are closed due to assignment of physicians to other disaster duties. B. Support Emergency Room with messenger/runner services as neces- . sary. XVI. PHARMACY A. Arrange scheduling and staffing coverage necessary to support the Hospital's mission and role. Follow the staffing philosophy out- lined at the beginning of this plan. B. Carry on normal procedures of the department. Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Mass Casualty Plan Page 9 electrical power, medical gases, heating ventilation and air condi- tioning. Maintaining and reestablishing will also include a damage control function to isolate problem areas. To the extent that hospital systems are functioning, Engineering may devote additional resources as follows: A. Notify all engineers of the Mass Casualty alert. B. Initiate proper traffic flow by: 1. Stationing a man at the entrance to the Doctors' Parking Lot, ambulance entrance and exit, to direct traffic. 2. Removing all cars from the Receiving Area. C. Set up or be ready to set up a complete temporary morgue in the Engineering Building, as well as ensuring that the Hospital morgue is ready and open. D. Carry on normal engineering functions to keep hospital lighted and warm. XI. HOUSEKEEPING A. Arrange for staffing of personnel in accordance with the overall philosophy outlined at the beginning of this plan and as may be necessary to suPport the Hospital's mission and role. B. During the first hour, most Housekeeping personnel will be assigned to their regular work assignments as need requires. As discharges occur, Housekeeping personnel will prepare, clean, and make beds in rooms of alT' discharged patients in preparation for patients to be admitted. X I I. LABORATORY A. Notify Emergency Room physicians of available blood supply. B. Provide emergency diagnostic procedures on physicians' orders to include supplies, procurement and equipment responsibilities. C. Carry on normal procedures of the department. XI I I. LAUNDRY A. Arrange for staffing of personnel in accordance with the overall philosophy outlined at the beginning of this plan, and as may be necessary to support the Hospital's mission and role. Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Mass Casualty Plan Page 8 C. One or two persons to the media center (Cobb Hall) to act as media hostesses. D. One or two persons to staff the Information Desk. E. The remainder of the volunteer personnel should be assigned to the Child Care Center to assist with the extra children of off- duty employees who are reporting to work. VI I I. CO~4UN ICATIONS The Hospital's Mass Casualty Plan is subject to being activated internally upon order of the Nursing Administrator in charge, the Hospital President, or any Hospital Vice President; and externally, upon information from the County EMS Agency. Upon receiving notice from appropriate authority, the Nursing Administrator or other autho- rized administrative personnel on duty will authorize activation of the Hospital's Mass Casualty Plan. The operator will page: (1) "At- tention, Med Alert" or "Attention', Code Triage" three times. (2) Te- lephone this announcement to those departments and areas which have no paging system. (3) Make the "Attention, Med Alert" or "Attention, Code Triage" page on all group pagers for Engineering and Nursing. (4) Attempt to reach your supervisor as soon as possible advising her of the situation and reacting to any instructions you receives. Minimum staffing during a "Code Triage" is two operators on duty. IX. DIETARY A. Arrange for staffing of personnel in accordance with'the overall philosophy outlined at the beginning of this plan and as may be necessary to support the hospital's mission and role. B. Make such emergency modifications as may be necessary to feed casualties and disaster workers. Regular patient meal services will continue to inpatients. The Dietary Department should expect a heavy load of meal service demand in the Cafeteria and should p anl~-~ccordingly. Generally in times of disaster, the Cafeteria support will be 24 hours and food service will necessarily be limited to cold items such as salads and sandwiches and hot items such as soups, stews, chili and casserol es. X. ENGINEERING The first priority, for the Engineering Department is the reestablish- ing or maintaining of hospital systems such as water, sewage, Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Mass Casualty Plan Page 7 the floors will have to support the high patient load by coming for admissions whenever possible. V. ADMII-[ING OFFICE A. Activate the telephone pyramid and if telephones are out of order, follow the staffing philosophy in the preamble of this pl an. B. Notify the Medical Director of the number of beds available and bed availability at other hospitals. The initial bed availabil- ity information will be gathered by an admitting person making rounds to the nurses' stations. When Admitting is closed, this information will be gathered by others and delivered to the Emer- gency Room and upon activating the admitting area, Admitting should obtain the necessary information from the Emergency Room. C. Coordinate with the floors the procedure for prompt discharge or transfer of patients already in the Hospital. D. Notify the Medical Director of the number of beds that can be made avai 1 able. E. Admit all patients to be admitted including proper forms and in- formation. Assist in Emergency Room with patient admissions. F. Maintain Admitting Office operations with a person in that office. VI. BUSINESS OFFICE AND DATA PROCESSING A. Account for charges for s,,upplies and nursing care to patients. B. Check valuables (assign one person to be responsible for this). C. Maintain business aspect of admissions and discharges in as near- ly a normal manner as possible. D. Carry on normal Business Office functions. VII. AUXILIA]~Y Assignment of Auxiliary personnel is the responsibility of the Per- sonnel Department. Priorities for assignment of Auxiliary Personnel are as follows: A. One person to assist Social Service with emotional support of patients' family members. B. One person to Admitting to act as a runner/messenger. Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Mass Casualty Plan Page 6 E. EMERGENCY ROOM The Emergency Room will set up for triage and treat serious patients only. Patients with non-serious injuries will be tri- aged in the ambulance entrance and referred to the Physical Ther- apy Department, which will function as a minor treatment area. Orthopedic technicians will supplement Emergency Department staff. F. CRITICAL CARE UNITS Generally the ICU/CCU units will receive critical or unstable patients directly from the Emergency Room. Staffing should be arranged, as necessary, to maintain fully staffed 24-hour coverage. This unit will function under the direction of the Critical Care Supervisor who will also be supervising the Emergency Room ser- vice. G. Nursing Staff Off Duty: 1. As nursing'personnel report on duty to the Nursing Office; assignments to units will be made according to need. 2. The Joint' Disaster Committee functioning under the Kern County Emergency Services may have available additional nurses and nursing personnel and should be contacted immedi- ately by the Vice President, Nursing or her designee if additional nursing personnel is needed. 3. Licensed and certified staff of physicians' offices nearby Memorial Hospital have been asked to make themselves avail- able as a resource that can be drawn upon by the Hospital. Depending upon the magnitude of the disaster, Nursing Admin- istration will make the decision whether or not these addi- tional personnel are needed. (Refer to Personnel Section.) H. Transport Team: Upon initiation of a "Code Triage", the Transport Team will obtain from various units all remaining gurneys and transport them to the Emergency Room. The Transport Team will remain in the Emergency Room area to assist with transportation of patients to and from Ancillary Services and Surgery and as work load per- mits, will take patients to the floors for admission. Generally, Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Mass Casualty Plan Page 5 2. Upon the initiation of "Code Triage", Nursing Personnel on the general medical/surgical floors will be divided into three teams: (a) The first team will be responsible to carry out ongoing care of patients who will not be dis- charged. (b) The second team will assist with the discharge of patients. Dischargeable patients will, as soon as pos- sible, be moved to Kern View Hospital's lobby together wi th their patient records where they will be discharged as transportation can be arranged. There will be an R.N. on duty at Kern View to secure and close out the medical records. Upon leaving' the patient at Kern View, the dis- charge team will return to the unit to assist with newly- admitted patients. (c) The third team will set up for and receive newly admitted patients. Perinatal services will discharge mothers together with their babies. C. OPERATING ROOM AND RECOVERY ROOM Elective surgeries will be cancelled. The Operating Room and Recovery Room should staff up and arrange their staffing accord- ingly to support continued operation as long as necessary to care for patients requiring treatment. As a general rule, anesthesia services will be provided in the Operating Rooms only excepting emergency C-Sections. Anesthesia support should be arranged accordingly to ~keep Operating Rooms in service on a continuous basis as long as necessary to meet patient demands. Orthopedic Technicians will report to the Emergency Room. OUTPATIENT SURGERY: '- Outpatient Surgery will function as a holding area for patients .received from triage and awaiting an available Operating Room. D. LABOR AND DELIVERY AND POSTPARTUM In general, the delivery rooms will be reserved for OB services, excepting minor surgery that can be performed under local or sur- geon administered blocks. In general, the only anesthesia sup- port available in times of disaster "Code Triage" for the deliv- ery room will be for emer§ency C-Sections. The Postpartum area, in general, will support perinatal services, however, at least half of the Postpartum beds should be available for medical/sur- gical admissions. Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Mass Casualty Plan Page 4 County Medical Society and asked to report to hospitals as pre- assigned. B. Memorial Hospital may attempt to contact individual physicians assigned to Memorial Hospital and also request that they report. A list of physicians who have been preassigned to Memorial Hospi- tal or who have not been assigned and have been asked to consider Memorial Hospital for assignment is on file in the Medical Staff Office. I I I. ADMINISTRATION The major responsibility of Administration in times of disaster is public relations and release of information. Administration is also responsible for the overall operation of the Mass Casualty Plan. The Administrative team of the Hospital, including Public Relations, will be directly responsible for release of information to the media and all outside agencies not directly related to the Hospital's Mass Casualty Plan. In this respect, Administration will function as an external communications center and command post in the administrative offices. Administration will be responsible for a media center establi shed in Cobb Hall. IV. NURSING ADMINISTRATION/NURSING SERVICE (ALSO SEE A~NEX II) A. Assistant director of Nursing Assignments: 1. The Assistant director of Nursing, Surgical Services, will main in the Operating Suite. 2. The Assistant Director of Nursing, Maternal Child Health, will remain in the Maternity Pavilion. 3. T~e Assistant Dire~'tor of Nursing, Critical Care, will report to the Emergency Room 4. Education Department employees will report to the Nursing Office for reassignment as directed. 5. The Assistant Director of Nursing for Medical/Surgical Care, and all other Assistant Directors of Nursing, will report to the Nursing Office to await assignment. B. Nursing Staff On Duty: 1. The Nursing Office will assign one R.N. and one other nurs- ing service employee to carry out discharge activities at Kern View. Hospital. Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Mass Casualty Plan Page 3 DIVISION II PART I - CODE TRIAGE This part presumes that the Hospital can continue functioning in the existing plant either fully or partially with all or most services available. (For patient flow, see Annex I attached.) I. INITIAL RESPONSE, ALL EMPLOYEES, ALL I)EPARll4ENTS A. Off Duty Employees: 1. In departments with 24-hour shifts, report to your regular shift regardless of days off. 2. In departments without 24-hour shift responsibilities, call your Department Head or Department Supervisor to determine when to report to duty. 3. If the disaster is of catastrophic proportions or communica- tions are not available, report to the Hospital for assign- ment. 4. Wear your employee identification badge when reporting to the Hospital, even if arriving in street clothes, to allow for passage through security barriers. 5. Do not park in spaces' marked for Department Heads in the rear parking lot or other reserved spaces. 6. All employees whether on or off duty will report to the Department Head. The Department Heads will assign duties to employees as they arrive in order to carry on normal depart- ment functions. B. All employees are cautioned to use standard operating procedures wherever possible. C. Patient care must always be administered under a physician's order. A. Community-wide Medical Staff response has been organized into teams which have been preassigned through the Offices of the Kern County Medical Society. Doctors will be contacted by the Kern Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Mass Casualty Plan Page 2 DIVISION I - MED ALERT A "Med Alert" is a condition of readiness 'or increased awareness created when it appears that: I. A "Code Triage" appears imminent and it is too early to summon personnel en mass. The Nursing Supervisor on her own assessment of information available may initiate a "Med Alert". Initial preparation will take place as follows: ~- A. The Assistant Director of Nursing or Head Nurse will make needed staff reassignments. B. Nursing units will assess their patient populations, and (a) identify potential discharges; (b) catch up on pending patient treatments; and (c) complete uncompleted paperwork. C. Assess which physicians might be quickly available. D. OR, RR, Transport Team, Admitting, Housekeeping, Laundry, Phar- macy, and R.T. Departments which are not staffed on a 24-hour, on-duty basis will retain a skeleton crew on duty until an "All Clear" is given. II. When requested by appropriate authority, the operator will page "Con- dition Med Alert" three times on the public address system, and noti- fy Rehab, Purchasing, Accounting, Education and Laundry by phone. III. When requested by appropriate authority, the operator will page "Con- dition Med Alert - All Clear" and make the same notifications in par- agraph II above. ..~. IV. Situations which ma~ condition a "Med Alert" include: A. County EMS has activated their "Med Alert" plan. B. There is a significant increase in patient inflow and it is unknown how many more patients, if any, will arrive. BAKERSFIELD I~lqORI/~. HOSPITAL RLSS CASUALTY PLAN P REFACE: This Mass Casualty Plan has been developed to be complimentary with the disas- ter planning efforts of the Kern County Medical Society and the Kern ~County ,Department of Emergency Services and is designed to meet the needs of the com- munity of the Greater Bakersfield area. Our greatest challenge will be to respond to the needs and demands placed upon us while at the same time coping with damage and service interruptions as we may be a victim of the disaster ourselves. Key factors will be the leadership of our management staff; the resourcefulness, flexibility and innovation of each and every employee; and, a "can do" attitude for all. The Hospital's Mass Casualty'Plan is separated into two Divisions. Division I considers "Med Alert" a precode triage ,state of readiness. Division II is in two parts. The first part addresses continued operation at the existing Memorial Hospital site in times of excessive patient loads and/or catastrophic events occurring in the Greater Bakersfield area. The second part considers the evacuation of the existing Memorial Hospital site and the reestablishment of medical services by Memorial Hospital personnel at our preassigned sec- ondary location, Garces High School, together with a packaged 200-bed disaster hospital. There are two annexes: (1) patient flow; and, (2) professional nursing disas- ter assignments. B AK E RSF X ELD MEMOR I AL HOSP I TAL MASS CASULTY PLAN SEPTEI~ER, 1987 ~ .'/'/~ -~. ~ C. Larry Corr. President ~, ~. Board of Directors. ? Gordon K. Foster, Chairman Joel D, Mack, MD., Vice Chairman Edward H. Shuler, Sec~eta~/-~easu~e~ · ' Gene A. Anderson, M.D. Bakersfield Memorial Hospital John M. Brock, Jr, C. Larry Carr , FULLY APPROVED BY THE JOINT COMMISSION ON ACCREDITATION OF HOSPITALS Walter H. Condley Robed C. Marshall, M.D. Mailing Address, P.O. Box 1888 / Bakersfield, CA 93303-1888 Thomas ~,V Smith 420 34th Street / Telephone (805) 327-1792 D. Linn Wiley June 23, 1987 .] Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Material s Coordinator City of Bakersfield Fire Department 2101 H Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Huey: I am responding to your undated letter explaining that about five weeks ago you mailed a packet of information detailing the requirements for compliance with the new California law concerning hazardous materials. It is correct that as of this date you have not received our response. I find that we must seek an extension of three months time required to respond to your request for the following reasons: 1. The request for Memorial Hospital and for Memorial Hospital's Urgent Care Center were both referred to Mr. John Brewer our Chief Engineer, who is the person responsible for the areas in which you seek infor- mation. Mr. Brewer for personal reasons resigned recently. His last day of work was Friday, June 19, 1987. I was informed on Monday, June 22nd that he had not yet responded to your request. 2. Your requests among other things ask for location on the site of specific materials such as oxygen for example. In the five weeks that we have had your request, the location of our oxygen storage has changed. Additionally, the locations of our nitrous oxide is about to change. Our construction project is so near completion that many changes are occurring right now that affect the storage and location of materials you seek. It would be much more meaningful if our response was delayed a sufficient amount of time to show the perma- nent locations of where these materials will be. We are in the process of recruiting to fill Mr. Brewer's vacancy. Unfortu- nately with the press of construction demands at this time, I have no one else in the organization who is capable of handling your request. Your understanding and patience is appreciated. ~. ~ffiliate of Volunta~ ~osp~tals oI America, Inc.~ ~ CITY of BAKERSFIELD BUSINESS NAM~:~~L ~/~ O~N~R NAME: LOCATION:'~ ~ ~ ADDRESS.. STANDARD IND, CLASS CODE CITY, ZIP: ~~~/~ ~ ~/ CITY, ZIP: DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER  k all t~t a~ly) ~ilth of P~re ~lth ..................../' ~lth of P~,~ ~lth ......... .... H~ Ith of PrHsure Health for obtaining t~ mf~tt~. I ~l~ev, t~t t~ su~tt~ ln~oe~t,~ ~s tr~. accurate. ~nd P CITY of BAKERSFIELD BUSINESS NAS~,:/~/9~O~.~tn~.~ ~5~/~& OWNER SAME: NAME OF T~ FACILITY:___._ ---- CrTY. ZIP:~~V~t~I~_ (~ ~53D/ CITY, ZIP: DUN AND BRADSTREET V.o.E ,: ~'~7- 77~ v.o.z ,: _ _ - _ _ _ - ~ ~ X~U~ZO~ ~R PROP~ COD~ (~ C~e Mt ~t Est Un,~s ~ Site I~ ~s I~ ~... 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CLASS CZTY, ZZP:q~~~'t~I~ ~ ff~/ CITY, ZIP: DOS AND BRADSTRSET NUMBER (~e C~e ~t bt Est Units m Sl~e I~ ~s iw ~ ., St~ tn F~tlt~y ~ ~ In~t~tt~ k ~11 t~t ~ly) .--~ ~ ~ /~ ~--a F~riHazird ~--~ ~ttv~ty L--~ ~lo~ ~ ~ ~ ~l~e ~ i~tate , ~alth of P~re ~lth ............................. ~t l] ~&C.A.S. ~.L...~I_.~ .... 1 .............. 1_.~_..1~.~ ...... 1_~~~.~~ ~_ (~k all t~t a~ly) ~l~h of P~s~ ~lth ....... ~_L I I ~1 I ,, [ ! I I I ...' "' P~tcal ~ ~lth ~zo~ C.A.S. ~ ~t II h i C.A.S. ~ (C~k ell t~t apply) ~t 12 Nm i C.A.S. ~ _ _ ,-: ~-: ~-~ Health of P~su~ H~lt~ ............ -~ t L L tJ ~ , t~ ,~J~ ~] .................. "' Health of Pr~suee Health .... ------ Certlficati~ freed and siEn after comple(JnE ali sections) I certify ~der ~lty of lev t~t I ~ve ~rs~ellye=aem~ ~d lB f~il~ir elth t~ tflforNt~m su~ttt~ ~fl this ~ all ettK~ ~ts. ~ t~t ~sff W for ob(lining t~ iflt~tt~. [ ~l~eve t~t t~ su~tt~ iAtO~tim ~! tr~, accurate, and c~ete~ ~ . ~ ~'~8'~TT~i;I't;Ila'~T'~'~;;;~;'O;'~;;7~;;~; ::::::::::::::::::::::: S;~;t~;e .................................... CITY of BAKERSFIELD 0 N (~e C~e bt ~t Est Units m Site l~ ~l l~ ~ St~ in F~illty ~ ~ I~t~ti~ m/ with Of IHealth of Hea Ith of Pr~sure Naa Ith ~t 13 ~&C.A.S. ~r ~NERGENCY' C~TACTS II for ogtamtng t~ inf~Mtt~. I MI*eve tMt t~ suMittK ~nfo~tt~ ~s tr~, accurate, and cMolete. CITY of BAKERSFIELD N 0 CITY, ZIP:~~~/~ F~ g~50/ CITY. Z[P: DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER ~ ~ I~U~IO~ ~R PROP~ CODES /  k all t~t 4~ly) I ~llth of P~e ~lth .... ~lth of Pm~ With P~tc~l ~ ~lth ~t~ C.A.S. ~ H~4 Ith o~ P~suq HN Ith 'I[~GENCY C~IACTS I1 Certfficlti~ (Read and sikh after coepletJnE all sections) or o~tainin~ t~ inf~Mti~. [ ~lievp t~t tM suMitt~ into~ti~ ~s tr~, accurate, and cMolete. LIQUID AIR CORPORATION INDUSTRIAL GASES DIVISION Material Safety Data Sheet PRODUCT NAME Oxygen TELEPHONE (415) 977-6500 EMERGENCY RESPONSE INFORMATION ON PAGE 2 LIQUID AIR CORPORATION TRADE NAME AND SYNONYMS CAS NUMBER One California Plaza, Suite 350 [~×yg en 7782-44-7 2121 N. California Blvd. CHEMICAL NAME AND SYNONYMS Walnut Creek, California 94596 0xyg e n ISSUE DATE OCTOBER 1, 1985 FORMULA MOLECULAR WEIGHT CHEMICAL FAMILY AND REVISIONS CORPORATE SAFETY DEPT. 02 31 . 9 9 9 Q× i d i ~ ~ r HEALTH HAZARD DATA TIME WEIGHTED AVERAGE EXPOSURE LIMIT None established (ACGIH, 1984-85). Oxygen is the "vital element" in the atmosphere in which we live and breathe (approximately 21 molar % of the atmosphere). SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE Breathing high concentrations (greater than 75 molar percent) causes symptoms of hyperoxia which include cramps, nausea, dizziness, hypothermia, ambylopia, respiratory difficulties, bradycardia, fainting spells and convulsions capable of leading to death. For additional data on hyperoxia as it relates to oxygen pressure and ezi~osure duration, refer to L'Air Liquide's Encyclopedie des Gaz. TOXICOLOGICAL PROPERTIES The property is that of hyperoxia which leads to pneumonia. Concentrations between 25 and 75 mol'ar percent present a risk of inflammation of organic matter in the body. Listed as Carcinogen National Toxicology Yes [] I.A.R.C. Yes [] OSHA Yes [] or Potential Carcinogen Program No [] Monogr. aphs No [] No [] RECOMMENDED FIRST AID TREATMENT PEOHPT HED[¢AL ATTENT[0N IS HANDATORY IN ALL CASES OF OVEREXPOSURE TO OXYGEN. RESCUE PERSONNEL SHOULD BE COGNIZANT OF EXTREME FIRE HAZARD ASSOCIATED WITH OXYGEN-RICH ATMOSPHERES. Conscious persons should be assisted to an uncontaminated area and breathe fresh air. They should be kept warm and quiet. The physician should be informed that the victim is experiencing (has experienced) hyperoxia. Unconscious persons should be moved to an uncontaminated area and given assisted respiration. When breathing has been restored, treatment should be as above. Continued treatment should be symptomatic and supportive. Judgements as to the suitability ot information he,in Ior purchaser's purposes are necessarily purchaser's responsibilit~ Therefore, although reasonable care has been taken in the preparation ot such information, Liquid Air Corporation extends no warranties, makes no representations, and assumes no responsibility as to the accuracy or suitability ot such information for apphca[~on to purchaser's intended purposes or consequences of its use. Since Liquid Air Corporation has no control over the use of this product, it assumes no liability for damage or loss of product resulting from proper (or improper) use or application of the product. Data Sheets may be changed from t~me to t~me. Be sure to consult the latest edition. LAC 05127 Page HAZARDOUS MIXTURES OF OTHER LIQUIDS, SOLIDS, OR GASES Oxygen vigorously accelerates combustion. Contact with all flammable materials should be avoided. Some materials which are not flammable in air will burn in pure oxygen or oxygen-enriched atmospheres. PHYSICAL DATA BOILING POINT I LIQUID DENSITY AT BOILING POINT -297-'-35°F (-182'97°C) 171'23 lb/fi3 (1141 kg/m3) VAPOR PRESSURE @ 70°F (21.1°C) above the GASDENSITYAT70°Flatm critical temp. of -181.433°F (-118.574°C/ .0828 lb/ft3 (1.326 kg/m3) SOLUBILIT¥1NWATER @ 68°F (20°C) Bunsen ' FREEZlNGPOINT coefficient = .0310 -361.838°F (-118.574°C) APPEARANCE AND ODOR Colorless, odorless and tasteless gas. Specific §ravity @ 70F (Air=l.0) is 1.11. FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLASH POINT (METHOD USED) I AUTO IGNITION TEMPERATURE I FLAMMABLE LIMITS % BY VOLUME N/A N/A N/A EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Copious quantities of water for fires with IELEcTRIcALcL~smF~cAT~oN oxygen as the oxidizer, I Nonhazardous ' SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES If possible, stop the flow of oxygen which is supporting the fire. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS Vigorously accelerates combustion. REACTIVITY DATA STABILITY CONDITIONS TO AVOID Unstable Stable X INCOMPATIBILITY (Materials to avoid) All flammable materials HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS None HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION CONDITIONS TO AVOID May Occur Will Not Occur X SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED Evacuate all personnel from affected area. Use appropriate protective equipment. If leak is in user's equipment, be certain to purge piping with an inert gas prior to attempting repairs. If leak is in container or container valve, contact the closest Liquid Air Corporation location. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD Do not attempt to dispose of residual or unused quantities. Return in the shipping container properly labeled, with any valve outlet plu~s or caps secured and valve protection cap in place to Liquid Air Corporation for proper disposal. For emergency disposal, contact the closest Liquid Air Corporation location. EMERGENCY RESPONSE INFORMATION IN CASE OF EMERGENCY INVOLVING THIS MATERIAL, CALL DAY OR NIGHT (800) 231-1366 OR CALL CHEMTREC AT (800) 424-9300 -- SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMA N Page 3 RESPIRATORY PROTECTION (Specify type) '~ N/A ~ VENTILATION LOCAL EXHAUST To prevent accumulation SPECIAL To prevent accumula- above 25 molar percenl;, . tion above 25 molar MECHANICAL(Gen.) OTHER · ' percent PROTECTIVE G'OV£S AS required; any material EYE PROTECTION Safety goggles or glasses OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Safety shoes, safety shower SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS* SPECIAL LABELING INFORMATION DOT Shipping Name: Oxygen or Oxygen, compressed DOT Hazard Class: Nonflammable gas DOT Shipping Label: Oxidizer I.D. No.: UN 1072 SPECIAL HANDLING RECOMMENDATIONS Use only in well-ventilated areas. Valve protection caps and valve outlet threaded plugs must remain in place unless container is secured with valve outlet piped to use point. Do not drag, slide or roll cylinders. Use a suitable hand truck for cylinder movement. Use a pressure reducing regulator when connecting cylinder to lower pressure (<3000 psig) piping or systems. Do not heat cylinder by any means to. increase the discharge rate of product from the cylinder. Use a check valve or trap in the discharge line to prevent hazardous back flow into the cylinder. For additional handling recommendations consult L'Air Liquide's Encyclopedia de Gaz or Compressed Gas Association Pamphlet P-1. SPECIAL STORAGE RECOMMENDATIONS Protect cylinders from physical damage. Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area away from heavily trafficked areas and emergency exits and away from full or empty stor.ed cylinders which contain flammable products. Do not allow the temperature where cylinders are stored to exceed 130F (54C). Cylinders should be stored upright and firmly secured to prevent falling or being knocked over. Full and empty cylinders should be segregated. Use a "first in-first out" inventory system to prevent full cylinders being stored for excessive periods of time. For additional storage recommendations consult L'Air Liquide's Encyclopedia de Gaz or Compressed Gas Association Pamphlet P-1. SPECIAL PACKAGING RECOMMENDATIONS Carbon steels and low alloy steels are acceptable for use at lower pressures. For high pressure applications use stainless steels, copper and its alloys, nickel and its alloys, brass, bronze, silicon alloys, Monel~, Inconel®or b~ryllium. ~ad and silver or lead and tin alloys are good gasketing materials. Teflon~and Kel-F~'are the preferred nonmetal gaskets. Special Note: It should be recognized that the ignition temperature of metals and nonmetals in pure oxygen service decreases with increasing oxygen pressure. For additional information refer to L'Air Liquide's Encyclopedia des Gaz. OTHER RECOMMENDATIONS OR PRECAUTIONS Oxygen should not be used as a substitute for compressed air in pneumatic equipment since this type generally contains flammable lubricants. Equipment to contain oxygen must be "cleaned for oxygen service." See Compressed Gas Association Pamphlet G-4.1. Compressed gas cylinders should not be refilled except by qualified producers of (~ compressed gases. Shipment of a compressed gas cylinder which has not been filled .' by the owner or with his (written) consent is a violation of Federal Law (49CFR). ? *Various Government agencies (i.e., Department of Transportation, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Food and Drug Administration and others) may have specific regulations concerning the transportation, handling, storage or use of this product which may not be contained herein. The customer or user of this product should be familiar with these regulations. Page 4 '~ LIQUID AIR CORPORATION / INDUSTRIAL GASES DIVISION t ADDITIONAL DATA "' QUI, 9ENTIFIER (In Plant Common Name), ~' Material S ety Data Sheet I Manufacturer's Emergency Name Garratt-Callahan Company TeleohoneNo. Use Number Below Ad.ss 111 Rollins Road Other (415) 697--5811 ln[ormation Millbrae, CA 94030 cam (Business Hours) Signature of .ere~n ~/~ ~ .~. Da. /F~-- SECTION ! - ~DENT~TY Cerumen Name: (~'~ on label) C~s No. ~,~ ~ & S~o,~l Formula 34-A mixture Chemical Chemical Name mi xture Family mixture Formula mixture SECTION 2 - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS Pr/ncipal Hazardous Component(s} (chemical & common name(s)) % Threshold Limit Value lunits; n-alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chlorides 12.5% CAS No. 68391-01-5 (quaternary ammonium compound) none bi~ (tri-n-butyltin) oxide 2.5% CAS No. 56-35-9 (TBTO, organo-tin) none SECTION 3 - PHYSICAL & CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Fire & Explosion Data) BoilLug Specific Vapor romt circa 210°F Gra~ty(H,O=l) 0.99 P~.u~lm~Hg) unknown Percent Volatile 8 5 Vapor Evaporation Ra~ by Volume (%) Density (Air = 1) unknown ( ]3~u~kc = < 1 Solubil/ty Reactivity in m Water comp le te Water none Appearance anaOdor Colorless, clear to cloudy liquid. Aromatic odor. Flash Flammable Limits Lower Extinguisher Aut~Ign/tion Point none in Air % by Volume N/A Upper Media N/A Temperature N/A Special Fire Fighting Procedures none Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards none SECTION 4- PHYSICAL HAZARDS Formula 34-A ~ Stab/l~tyUnstable D Conditions Stable ~ to Avoid Incornpatahllity {Materials to Avoid} none ~ Hazardous Decomposition Products none Hazardous May Occur ffJ Conditions Polymerization Will Not Occur ~j~ to Avoid SECTION 5 - HEALTH HAZARDS Threshold L~t V-'ue none established .. Signsand [.Acute Severe eye & skin dau~age. Toxic if -~wallowed. Symptoms of Exposure Overexposure (See attached label. ) 2. Chronic Overexposure not known Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure not known Chemical Listed as Carcinogen NationalToxicology Yes [3 I.A.R.C. Yes Iq OSHA Yes [3 or Potential Carcinogen Program No ~ Monographs No [~ No X] OSHA Permissible See ACGIH Threshold See Other Exposure Exposurel,imlt Section 2 LimltValue Section 2 I,!mitUsed Emergency and First~dP~ Also see "First Aid in Poisoninq" page sent with MSDS. 1. Inhalation Does not emit fumes. 2. Eyes FlUsh with water mcr at least 15 minutes. Call a doctor. See attached label. 3. Skm Flush with water for at least 15 minutes. Call a doctor. See attached label. ~tio, immediately. ~ee a~a~h~ ~a~el. water. Call a physician 4.Drin m'l eg whi s 1 t'n or SECTION 6 - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION Respiratory Protection ~sp~ Tn~) not needed Ventilation Local Mechanical Special Other normal ~oo~ Exhaust (General) Protectivo Ey~ Chemical worker ' s goggles or G~ov~ Rubber P~on face mask, Other Protective Clothing or Equipment Rubber apron SECTION 7 - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS AND SPILLILEAK PROCEDURES Precautions to be Taken in Handling and Storage Store in a cool, dry area. Other Precaution. See attached label facsimile. Steps to be Taken in Case Material is Released er Spilled Contain with absorbent. See attached label facsimile. MethodsWasteDisposal Approved waste management facility. IMPORTANT Do not leave any blank ~paces. If required information i~ unavailable, unknown, or does not apply, so indica~. CU-F1 Printed by INTER'~G. CHICAGO, IL 60646 1-800-621-5808 {[~j~ S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc. O t EOR Raci.,. W ,consin 5. 03-5m [IIJSX Phone: (414) 631-2777 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SECTION I -- PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION Product Name: I Product Code: SNAPBACK LIQUID ! 14110-004 Chemical or Common Name: Date Issued: Supercedes: Prepared by: Gordon B. Bradshaw NA 12/14/84 NA Materials Data Coordinator SECTIONII--INGREDIENTINFORMATION ,, We~ht% E~Llmh Modified Acrylic Polymer 2-4 Surfaotants 1-4 Isoparaffinic Hydrocarbon 10-15 Glycol Ether under 2 Wax under 1 Fragrance under 0.5 Formaldehyde (CAS #50-00-0) under 0.2 2 ppm (ceiling) Water balance ! . SECTION III -- PHYSICAL DATA Mi.[ky, thin liquid with Appearance/Odor: m i I d o d o r Specific Gravity (H20 = 1): 1 o 0 I Vapor Pressure (mm Hg.): ~ D Percent Volatile Dy Volume (%) ~ A r Solub~hty in Water: Complete Vapor Density (A,r 1) ND Freezing Point (' F): N D Boiling Point (' F): ~ 0 0 pH: 7 · 9 -- 8 · 8 Evaporation Rate (Butyl Acetate -- 1) N D SECTION IV -- FIRE AND EXPLOSION INFORMATION 152 (TCC) I ND Flash Point (°F) (Method Used): I Flammable Limits Extinguishing Meclia [~ Fo~m ["Xl Co~ [] Dry Chore,ca, [] Wat,, Fog [] Ct'ne, Note: All fires may produce irritating/poisonous gases. E~?al F~re Fjal3tmoProceclures: , re f3. sht;ers Should wear self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing. Unusual F,re and Exolos~on Hazards' Vapors may accumulate in confined spaces (e.g., pits, sumps, sewers) and inadequately'ventilated areas. SECTION V -- HEALTH HAZARD DATA PRIMARY ROUTES OF ENTRY: Eye Contact X Skin Contact Z Ingestion X Inhatation~ ^ND SYMPTOMS Direct contact of product with eyes can cause irritation. Prolonged or repeated contact of product with skin can cause irritation. If taken lnternaliy, aspiration o£ liquid product can cause chemleai pneumonl%ts. FIRST AID PR~EDURES ~-lush eyes w~th water for 15 minutes. If lrrl~atton persists, seek medlcai aid. Wash skin. wl~h plenty of water. I~ irritation persists, seek medieaI aid. If product ts awallowed, do no~ induce voml~tng. Seek medtcaI aid at once. SECTION VI -- REACTIVITY DATA Stab~t~ty Unstable Concht~onstoAvo~d NoI'~e knowri to S.C. J . StaPle ~( None known to SCJ Incompatabdity (Materials to avoid) None known to SCJ Hazardous Decomposition Products Con0d~ons to Avoid Hazardous May Occur None known to S. Polymerization Will Not Occur X SECTION VII-- SPILLORLEAKPROCEDURES Steps to be Taken in Case Material is Released or Spilled Do not let spilled or leaking material enter watercourse. May be toxic to aquatic life. Eliminate all ignition sources. Absorb with oil-dri or similar inert material. Sweep or scrape up and containerize. Waste O~sposal Information No speclal method. Observe all applicable Federal\State regulations and Local ordinances regarding disposal of non-hazardous materials. Snapback L J.q u'J.~ SECTION VIII -- SPECIAL P~OTECTION INFORMATION 1 ti 1 1 0 Respiratory Protection (Specify type): NO spec~Lal requLrements under normal use conditions. General room vent~Llal;3Lon actequate. ventilation: ~uooer, ~vc or other t,~perv~Lous -,aterlal. Protective Gloves: Eye Protection: use good personal hygiene Practices. Launder contaminated Other Protective.Measure,s: equzpmen~; Del'ore reuse. SECTIONIX~SPECIALPRECAUTIONS PrecautionaryLa~ling CAUTION: Keep away from open flame or spark. Keep out o£ reach of children. Contains naphtha; if swallowed, do not induoe vomiting, call a hospital emergency room or a doctor at once. ~herHandlingandStorageConditions Store in a cool, dry place with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. Keep from freezing. Product residue may remain on\tn empty containers. A~l precautions £or handling the produc~ must be used in handling the empty container and residue. SECTION X ~ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION For information on appropriate emergency procedures phone: (414) 631-2000. NA NA-Not Applicable, NSR-No Special Requirement, ND-Not Determined for this proc~uct The information herein is given in good faith. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made. Any use of these data and information must be determined by the user to be in accordance with applicable Federal, State, and local laws and regulations. The informati.;)n contained in this form is confidential and is submitted solely for your organization's internal use. S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc. Racine, Wisconsin 53403-5011 ' Phone: (414) 631-2777 MATE ,IAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SECTi~)N I-- PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION Pr(x:luctpLAzAName: I Procluct C.~,17 0 - 0 01 Chemical o~ Common Name: Date Issued: i SUl~rCeCles: i Prepared by: Gordon B. Bradshaw NA 03/15/8~ 01/11/85 Materials Data Coordinator SECTION II -- INGREDIENT INFORMATION Wel~t% Ezpo~u~ UmH ~oaizlea Acrylic Polymer 10-15 Waxes 2-4 Diethylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether 2-4 Ethylene Glycol 2-Ethyl Hexyl 1-3 ., Ether Ammonia (CAS %7664-41-7) under 0.2 25 ppm ~ Surfactants under 1 Zinc Metal Complex under 0.5 Formaldehyde (CAS %50-00-0) under 0.1 2 ppm (ceiling) Water balance SECTION III --' PHYSICAL DATA .i.~/,Appearance/Oclor:upaque, o~'-wnlce solution with mild odor SpeciflcGravity(H20=l): i . 0 Vapor Pressure (mm Hg.): NA Percent Volatde by Volume (%}: N A Solubility in Water: Compl e t e Vapor Density (Air ,= 1): NA Freezing Point ( ' F). N D Boiling Point ( ' F): N D pH: 9 . 0 -9. 5 Evaporation Rate (Butyl Acetate -- 1) ND SECTION IV -- FIRE AND EXPLOSION INFORMATION NA I NA Flash Point (°F) (Method Used): Flammable Limits S~QAI Fir~ F~hti~r~edu~$: '~o~ma£ ~-lre ~[ghting procedures may be used. Cool and use caution whe~ approaching or handling fire-exposed containers. U~u~,reandExplo$,onHazar~$ cazner may burst in heat of fire. k. R-tO6OHRe~ 3 - 8/~4~ ".. i~ Plaza · " SECTION VIII -- SPECIAL PW2'TECTION INFORMATION 1417 0 Respiratory Protection (SpecJty type): No special requi_-_-ments under normal use conditions. Ventilalion:Genera! room ventilation adequate. ProtectiveGIoves: If prolonged or repeated contact is possible: Rubber, PVC or other impervious material. Eye~otec~ion: No special requirements under normal use conditions. O~her Protective Measures: Use good personal hygiene practices. Launder contaminated equipment before reuse. SECTION IX -- SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PrecautionaryLabeting Keep from free~'.ing.. Other Handling and Storage Conditions Wash thoroughly after handling. Keep from freezing. Keep out of reach of children. SECTION X -- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION For information on appropriate emergency proceOures phone: (414) 631-2000. NA-Not Apphcable, NSR-No Spec,al Requirement, ND-Not Determined for th~s product ,:', 'he information herein is given in good faith. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made. Any use of these data and ,:'formation must be determined by the to be in accordance with applicable Federal, State. and local laws and user regulations. ' - R-106 {3) (Rev U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR '. Oue Ne e~.alJl~ · Oc~up.tlon¥ Sal~ty ~nd Health Admlni~tralion ......... ..-- (':' MATERIAL' SAFETY DATA SHEET ~ SECTION I .- AI~O P~OI)U~, IIIC, , , ' ~ T~AO[ NAM~ ANO ~YNONYM~ .......... , ........ DEFO~ING AGENT 'I PROPRIET~Y MIXTURE . ~ ..... . .SEC~.ION... _.... II · HAZARDOUS .......... INGREDIENTS ' I- l ~L ~LLOY~ ANO M~TAL[IC vEl41CL~ THIS FO~LA CONTAINS WATER CONDITIONERS ~D ~TI-FO~ING AG~TS Tt~T ARE CONSIDERED NON-~ZA~OUS AND NON-TOXIC · ... SECTION III . PItYSICAL DATA nO,L,N~ ~,N~ ('r.I 228 s.~c~.~c o.~v~rvgH~O~H 1.24 vA.on .n~SSu~t Imm H~.l N.A. Iv vocuM[ 141 85% 1 ¢OLUnItltYINWA1~" 1100% in a .1 proportions C. I;ECTION V · tlEAL111 ttAZARD DATA · :/; ,,,,,,.s,,o,.o u-,, v^,.ut AVOID BREATHING CONCENT[~TF, D VAPORS E~ES: C'ONY?NT~E WILL CAHSE' SEVERE IRRITATIO~ SKT~: CONCENTRATE ~U CAUSE IRRITATION AND DEFATTING OF SK~, EYES: FLUSH WITH WATER, WASIt WITH VERY DILUTED BORIC ACID S~LUTION. IF IRRITAITON _ PERSISTS CALL A PHYSICI~. SKIN: FLUSH WITH WATER THOROUGHLY- ~IS SHOULD SUFFICE -, .. SECTION VI · REACTIVITY DATA - ~A(A~OOU~ OE~OMPOglTION ~ WILL ~OT OCCU~ · W^$1'E O,S.O$~t. SURFACTANTS ARE COMPLETELY . SURPASSES AL1, GOVERNMENTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR .... ' BIODERADEABILITY. FLUSH OR HOSE DOWN WITH LARGE QUANTITIES OF WATER. ~: - . , , . - · .· ' ...... INFORMATION" ' ' - ,, ' SECTION VIII - SPECIAL PROTECTION I REQUIRED IN CONFINED 'SPA~CES' PnOT~:CTIVf. ~t. OVF.~ F.Y~. P"OT~.CTIOt4 RECOMMENDED-USE SOLVENT RESISTANT TYPE oTH~n ~'.OT ECllv~ NONE-RECO~DIENDED HAND LOTION AFTER USAGE SECTION IX · SH~CIAL PRECAUTIONS STAHDARD INDUSTRIAL ?P, ACTTCESz ALWAYS ?RACTTCE SAYTEY FIRST. THERE ARE NO !N11.F. AgH~_ . }LAZARDS:T~I' STORING OR HA~DI, ING THIS PRODUCT. O I HF. I~ 926733 *MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET* · .... ' ~AGE 10F'~-2 MEDICAL EMERGENCY ONLY, 24 HOUR SERVICe: 1-800-328-0026 ECOLAB INC. PRODUCT INFORMATION: 1-612-293-2233 ST. PAUL MN 55102 DATE OF ISSUE: MARCH 5, 1987 ~JiL~ IDENTIFICATION / 1.1 PRODUCT NAME: GREASECUTTER 1.2 PRODUCT TYPE: HIGH ALKALINE OVEN CLEANER/DEGREASER 2.0 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS / TWA (MG/M3) · ~ % PEL OTHER 2.1 SODIUM HYDROXIDE (~AUSTIC SODA) 1310-73-2 3.--5'-- --'2-- 2 C 2.2 BUTOXYETHANOL (BUTYL CELLOSOLVE) 111-76-2 (SKIN) 10 240 125 THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS NO OTHER COMPONENT CONSIDERED HAZARDOUS ACCORDING TO THE CRITERIA OF 29 CFR 1910.1200. ~ ~.0 PHYSICAL DATA / 3.1 APPEARANCE AND ODOR: CLEAR YELLOW ORANGE LIQUID; SLIGHT GLYCOL ETHER ODOR 3.2 SOLUBILITY IN WATER: COMPLETE 3.3 PH: 100% PH = 13.2-13.8 3.4 BOILING POINT: >212 DEGREES F SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 1.035-1.040 4.0 FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA / 4~1 SPECIAL FIRE HAZARDS: NONE 4.2 FIRE FIGHTING METHODS: PRODUCT DOES NOT SUPPORT COMBUSTION. 5.0 REACTIVITY DATA / 5.1 STABILITY: STABLE UNDER NORMAL CONDITIONS OF HANDLING. KEEP FROM FREEZING. 5.2 CONDITIONS TO AVOID: DO NOT MIX WITH ANYTHING BUT WATER. REACTS VIOLENTLY WITH ACIDS. REACTS WITH SOFT METALS SUCH AS ALUMINUM AND ZINC. 5.3 DO NOT USE ON SURFACES ABOVE 130 DEG F; IRRITATING VAPORS MAY OCCUR. ~.~ SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES / USE PROPER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 6.1 CLEANUP: RINSE SMALL AMOUNTS TO DRAIN WHERE POSSIBLE. 'DIKE OR DAM LARGE SPILLS; PUMP TO CONTAINERS OR SOAK UP ON INERT ABSORBENT. FLUSH RESIDUE TO SEWER WITH PLENTY OF WATER; RINSE AREA THOROUGHLY. 6.2 WASTE DISPOSAL: UNUSED PRODUCT AS A WASTE IS CORROSIVE (D002) ACCORDING TO RCRA CRITERIA. CONSULT STATE AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES FOR RESTRICTIONS ON DISPOSAL OF CHEMICAL WASTE. UNK = UNKNOWN AT THIS TIME PEL = PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE LIMIT TWA = TIME WEIGHTED AVERAGE STEL = SHORT TERM EXPOSURE LEVEL C = CEILING LIMIT, NOT TO BE EXCEEDED PRODUCT: GREASECUTTER PAGE 2 OF 2 ECOLAB INC. 926733 MEDICAL EMERGENCY ONLY, 24 HOUR SERVICE: ,1-800-328-0026 7.0 HEALTH HAZARD DATA / DANGER ~-~.1 EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE: SKIN AND EYES: CAUSES SEVERE CHEMICAL BURNS. EYE CONTACT MAY ~AUSE BLINDNESS. HARMFUL 'CONTACT MAY NOT CAUSE IMMEDIATE PAIN. ++ IMMEDIATE WATER FLUSHING IS VITAL IN CASE OF EYE CONTACT. ++ IF SWALLOWED: HARMFUL OR FATAL. CAUSES CHEMICAL BURNS OF MOUTH, THROAT AND STOMACH. IF INHALED: DAMAGES AIRWAYS AND LUNGS, DEPENDING UPON AMOUNT AND DURATION OF EXPOSURE. EFFECTS CAN VARY FROM SLIGHT IRRITATION TO BRONCHITIS OR PNEUMONIA. -PEOPLE WITH ASTHMA OR OTHER LUNG PROBLEMS MAY BE MORE SUSCEPTIBLE. 7.2 OTHER DATA: BUTOXYETHANOL PENETRATES THE SKIN EASILY. FREQUENT OR HEAVY CONTACT MAY DAMAGE KIDNEYS, LIVER, BLOOD AND/OR MARROW. CAUSES CORNEAL (EYE) DAMAGE. 8.0 FIRST AID / ~. 8.1 EYES: IMMEDIATELY FLUSH WITH PLENTY OF COOL RUNNING WATER. REMOVE -_ C--~ACT LENSES. CONTINUE FLUSHING FOR AT LEAST 15 MINUTES, HOLDING EYELIDS APART TO ENSURE RINSING OF THE ENTIRE EYE. CALL A PHYSICIAN IMMEDIATELY. 8.2 SKIN: IMMEDIATELY FLUSH SKIN WITH PLENTY OF COOL RUNNING WATER FOR AT LEAST 15 MINUTES WHILE REMOVING CONTAMINATED CLOTHING AND SHOES. WASH CLOTHING BEFORE REUSE. 8.3 IF SWALLOWED: RINSE MOUTH AT ONCE; THEN DRINK 1 OR TWO.LARGE GLASSES OF WATER OR MILK. DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. NEVER GIVE ANYTHING BY MOUTH TO AN UNCONSCIOUS PERSON. 8.4 IF INHALED: IMMEDIATELY MOVE TO FRESH AIR. CALL A POISON CONTROL CENTER OR PHYSICIAN IMMEDIATELY '9.0 SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION / 9.1 RESPIRATORY: VENTILATE TO MAINTAIN EXPOSURE BELOW TLV(S). USE A NIOSH/MSHA APPROVED ORGANIC VAPOR RESPIRATOR IN HIGH CONCENTRATIONS OF BUTOXYETHANOL. AVOID INHALATION OF VAPOR OR MIST. 9.2 WEAR RUBBER GLOVES OR GAUNTLETS; SPLASHPROOF GLASSES, GOGGLES OR FACESHIELD; RUBBER APRON OR OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT AS NECESSARY TO PREVENT CONTACT WITH SKIN, EYES OR CLOTHING. 9.3 AVOID CONTACT WITH USE-SOLUTIONS OF THIS PRODUCT AS THESE MAY ALSO BE HAZARDOUS. ~0.0 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/PRECAUTIONS / 10.1 DOT CLASS: CORROSIVE MATERIAL NA 1760 10.2 KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT WITH RESPECT TO THE FORMULA USED TO MANUFACTURE THE PRODUCT. AS DATA, STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS CHANGE, AND CONDITIONS OF USE AND HANDLING ARE BEYOND OUR CONTROL, NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS MADE AS TO THE COMPLETENESS OR CONTINUING ACCURACY OF THIS INFORMATION. 942805 *MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET* PAGE 1 OF 2 MEDICAL EMERGENCY ONLY, 24 HOUR SERVICE: 1-800-328-0026 ECOLAB INC. PRODUCT INFORMATION: 1-612-293-2233 ST. PAUL MN 55102 DATE OF ISSUE: MARCH 17, 1987 -1.0 IDENTIFICATION / 1.1 PRODUCT NAME: SOILMASTER ' 1.2 PRODUCT TYPE: POWDERED ENZYME SILVERWARE PRE-SOAK 2.0 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS / TWA (MG/M3) ~ % PEL OTHER 2.1 SODIUM CARBONATE (SODA ASH) 497-19-9 ~ NONE UNK 2.2 ENZYME (PROTEASE) 68909-17-1 <1 * '1.2 X 10-3 MG/M3 THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS NO OTHER 'COMPONENT CONSIDERED HAZARDOUS ACCORDING TO THE.CRITERIA OF 29 CFR 1910.1200. ~'.0 PHYSICAL DATA / 3.1 APPEARANCE AND ODOR: LIGHT BLUE POWDER; NO SPECIFIC ODOR. 3.2 SOLUBILITY IN WATER: COMPLETE 3.3 PH: 1% = 10.8-11.3 4'.0 FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA / 4.1 sPECIAL FIRE HAZARDS: NONE 4.2 FIRE FIGHTING METHODS: PRODUCT DOES NOT SUPPORT COMBUSTION. 5'10 REACTIVITY DATA / 5.1 STABILITY: STABLE UNDER NORMAL CONDITIONS OF HANDLING. 5.2 CONDITIONS TO AVOID: DO NOT MIX WITH ANYTHING BUT WATER. 6.0 SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES / USE PROPER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 6.1 CLEANUP: PICK UP WITHOUT RAISING DUST. FLUSH AREA WITH WATER. 6.2 WASTE DISPOSAL: CONSULT STATE AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES FOR RESTRICTIONS ON DISPOSAL OF CHEMICAL WASTE. UNK = UNKNOWN AT THIS TIME PEL = PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE LIMIT TWA = TIME WEIGHTED AVERAGE STEL = SHORT TERM EXPOSURE LEVEL C = CEILING LIMIT, NOT TO BE EXCEEDED PRODUCT: SOILMASTER - PAGE 2 OF 2 ECOLAB INC. · 942805 MEDICAL EMERGENCY ONLY, 24 HOUR SERVICE: ,1-800-328-0026 T.~0 HEALTH HAZARD DATA / .. CAUTION 7.1 EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE: SKIN AND EYES: CAUSES IRRITATION AND POSSIBLE SKIN'RASH~ IF SWALLOWED: HARMFUL. CAUSES IRRITATION, STOMACH DISTRESS. IF INHALED: IRRITATING TO LUNGS AND AIRWAYS, DEPENDING ON AMOUNT AND DURATION OF EXPOSURE. PEOPLE WITH ASTHMA OR OTHER LUNG PROBLEMS MAY BE MORE SUSCEPTIBLE. 8'.0 FIRST A~ID / 8.1 EYES: FLUSH IMMEDIATELY WITH PLENTY OF COOL RUNNING WATER. REMOVE· O~ACT LENSES. CONTINUE FLUSHING FOR 15 MINUTES. 8.2 SKIN: FLUSH SKIN WITH PLENTY OF COOL RUNNING WATER. WASH ' ' THOROUGHLY WITH SOAP AND WATER. 8.3 IF SWALLOWED: RINSE MOUTH; THEN DRINK 1 OR 2 LARGE GLASSES OF ' WATER. DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. NEVER GIVE ANYTHING BY MOUTH TO AN UNCONSCIOUS PERSON. IF IRRITATION OR DISCOMFORT PERSISTS, CALL A PHYSICIAN. 9.0 SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION / 9.1 RESPIRATORY: AVOID BREATHING DUSTS OR MISTS CONTAINING PRODUCT. 9.2 SKIN: RUBBER GLOVES - PROTECTIVE CUFF OR GAUNTLET TYPE RECOMMENDED. 10.0 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/PRECAUTIONS / 10.1 DOT CLASS: NOT DOT REGULATED. 10.2 KEEP PRODUCT DRY. DO NOT STORE IN A WET OR MOIST AREA. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT WITH RESPECT'TO THE FORMULA USED TO MANUFACTURE THE PRODUCT. AS DATA, STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS CHANGE, AND CONDITIONS OF USE AND HANDLING ARE BEYOND OUR CONTROL, NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS MADE AS TO THE COMPLETENESS OR CONTINUING ACCURACY OF THIS INFORMATION. ' S.C. Johnson & Sorer, Inc. ' nson Racine, Wisconsin 53403-5011 ~JaX , Phone: (414) 631-2777 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SECTION I ~ PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION " I Pr~uct Code: Product Name: G P Forward Cleaner 14520-003-005 Chemical or Common Name: Date Issued: Supercedes: Prepared by: ~ord on B, Brad shaw NA--' 11/19/84 9/20/84 MATERIALS DATA COORDINATOR SECTION II -- INGREDIENT INFORMATION · Weight % , Exposure Limit Sodium Hydroxide~¢'A_~ )iSID-~-5) 1 - 3 -- 2mg/~ (ceiling) Potassium Hydroxide('c~'~)~fo-~-~.~ under 0.1 2mg/M~ (ceiling) Alkali Metal Silicate 3 - 6 Chelating Agent under 1 Surfactants ...... 3 - 6 Colorants under 0.1 Fragrance under 0.1 Wa t er ba lance SECTION III -- PHYSICAL DATA Appearance/Odor: Clear ~ green liquid Specific Gravity (HsO~ 1): 1o 0 Vapor Pressure (mm Hg.): ~A Percent Volatile by Volume (%): NA Solubility in Water: Comp let e Vapor Density (Air = 1 ): NA Freezing Point ('F): ~m Boiling Point ('F): '~ 200° pH: 12 , 5 Evaporation Rate {. .) = 1 ND SECTION IV -- FIRE AND EXPLOSION INFORMATION ,Flash Point: (Method Used) MA I Flammable Limits NA Extinguishing Media [] Foam [] Co, [] Dry Chemical [] Water Fog [] Other NA NOTE: Ail fires may produce irritating/poisonous gases. Special Fire Fighting Procedures: Fire fighters should wear self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing. Cool and use caution when approaching or handling fire-exposed containers: Unusual Fire end ExDIoaion Hazards: Corrosive Material (See Sections VI, VIII) R-106 ('1) (Rev. 3 - 8/84) G P Forward SECTION ¥ -- HEALTH HAZARD DATA PRIMARy ROUTES OF ENTRY: Eye Contact M; Skin Contact x Ingestion__Inhalation ~ION~ AND SYMPTOMS 'Direct contact of product with eyes can cause severe irritation and permanent damage. Prolonged or repeated contact of undiluted product with skin can cause irritation. FIRST AID PROCEDURES . . , . . Flush eyes with water for 15 minutes. If irritation persists, seek medical aid. Wash skin with' plenty of water., If irritation persists, seek medical aid. SECTION VI -- REACTIVITY DATA Stability Unstable Conditions to Avoid Stable X ' None known to S.C.J. Incompatability(Mater~al$toavoid) Strong acids (e.g., muriatic acid) Hazardous Decomposition Products None known to S.C.J. Hazardous May Occur Conditions to Avoid Polymerization Will Not Occur X None know11, to S. C. ,,T. SECTION VII -- SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES Steps to be Taken in Case Material is Released or Spilled Do not let spilled or leaking material enter watercourse. Neutralize with Sodium Bicarbonate. Absorb with oil-dri or similar inert material. Sweep or scrape up and conta inet iz e. Waste Disposal Information HAZARDOUS WASTE - Corrosive - (D002). Dispose of by chemical treatment or land disPosal at a permitted facility in accordance with all Federal/State regulations and local ordinances regarding disposal of hazardous wastes. R-106(2l(Rev. 3 - 6/84J : " ~ G P'Forward, SECTION VIII -- SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION Respiratory Protection (Specify type): Ventilation: NSR ProtactivaGIova$: Rubber, ?¥C or other impervious nmterlal FyeProtection: Chemical workers splash-proof goggles where mist'lng, splashes, spray, Other Protective Measures: Use good personal hyg'lene practices, launder contam'inated equipment Before reuse. · SECTION IX -- SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS Precautionary Labeling Caution: Eye irritant. For industrial use only. Do not get in eyes. Other Handling and Storage Conditions , Kee~ out of reach of children. Store in cool, dry place with adequate ventilation. Prod ,ct residue may remain on/in empty containers. Ail precautions for handling th~ product must be used in handling the empty container and residue. Keep from freezing. Wash thoroughly after handling. SECTION X -- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION For information on appropriate emergency procedures phone: (414) 631-2000. NA NA-NOt Applicable, NSR-No Special Requirement, ND-Not Determined for this product informatior, herein is given in good faith. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made. Any use of these data and information must be determined by the user to be in accordance with applicable Federal, State. and local laws and regulations. The information contained in this form is confidential and is submitted solely for your organization's internal use. R-106 (3) (Re,~, 3 - 8/84) Easy Dab - Page 2 Sn~,TIO,. V HEALT~i ,'~A.~A:,D DATA T,,R,.S,,OLD LIHIT VALUE: HOT ,~)~,.~ELI~D m.~m~mc - -m~r o~., ?3 rT ~ T~T '~ITT. - ~:.,~ .... OF OVER ~,.,,.,~ .... : , . CAUSE ~,:. -"~'- ~ ". · I,,G~o~ ,,- CAUSE SEVERE~.:o,~,~'~ ..... ~, DISTLESS, TOXIC :~EAC, IOI.. ..... ~ AID ,~.OC~DU,,-S: · ..... EYES: ,LU .... '.'fITI: EATER FOX 2T .... ~:,I~.. ~.~:u~ 15 ~IUUTES 'DO .NOT~RU~., E~,:~ G2T :~EDICAL AID FO2 ~'~ '~' ~...OLLI~.x CRZ]'[E. IF IRRITATIOi. PELSISTS, GET ~'IT[! '"~.,~,~.. AI[D APPLY ....... EEDICAL ADVICE. I~ I:.G,~,:T,.D. II;DUCE VOi[ITi![G %]iTi'[ I2ECLC SYRUP, 0ii IF :._T AV;,.ILADLE USE Fi~:CER Il7 THXOAT. GIVE LA.,~:..QU' '~'~ ..... .... ITL.~'~ OF '.iATE,~--. GET .... ~. .... CAL AID. ....... '.. /. ' .....' .....' - ~zulIO~ Vi REACTIVITY DATA · ' CO~T~_O ..... TO ~ ....... , .............. : AVOID AC;PS [.,~.~.~,,o m~O~'?OSTmTO~r ...... ~. ~,,~,~,[ OXIDES, ;I" . ............... · ~ ,. ;ONI/,, ....... . ..... ~ ..... ~.~.. (;./.Y OCCUR/WILL HOT OCCUR): WILL ,~0, OCCUR COIm ~,~-.'= ,.: .... ~ ..... TO AVCID: .. ,., . SECTION VII SPILL 0E LEAK PROC.~DURE STEPS TO ~E ._, ~..~... III CASE ,~.m~or~, IS ............... ~,,~ OR SPILLED: . "~ '~T Pi:TM-' ,.,hq, VACUU?[, OR SUITAELE A~,SO,;~>A~ , n~oo'*~T',VnTZE BY' iiOPPIIfC, ......... ~'~,~II"I~m [[ATEEIAL TO "'~m~ D!~no~T LOCAL, e .--~:.-,STF'mT~-''. VIIi e°~IAL , ............... GLOI..~o: , REQUIRED OT"~ ~e'~"~'~Tw~ ~F.-UiP~ rE,.m~ ~C,,~-,~ ' ................... ......... · .~:NOT .... SECTIO]7 IX SPECIAL PEECAUTiOJ;S TA,~EI', HAI'[DLING Ai~D ~T0~,~,G: ...... ~I,E~I.~ 40° PP. ECAUT~0ES TO BE " "' IE ~ T', ~n~ ~,~ ...... AND 120UF. -~:~.. PRECAU~ZONS: FOR SALE ~0, USE AIID S ....... ~ EY s~RvicE PERSONNEL O~'L~' IT .,. ~. IS A VIOLATIOI'[ OF FEDERAL LA!.' TO USE THIS PRODUCT Il: A .......... INCO~'S o~ I,:,,AI.T ,.~,,'~ ,~ -A~=LII,G KEE2 OUT OF REACH OF EASY DAB .......... ,..A.~RIAL SAFETY- DATA- SHEET SI.UILAR TO OSHA FORI~ 20 - -. . · .' SECTION I .~'!AUUFACTUEERS ~'^'~"' ~:ATIONAL CHEU. ICAL LABORATORIES OF PA, ADD ...... SS: 401 ~O~,E TEl.,T,, STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA 19123 'E?ERGE~CY'TELEPHOi'~E NU?[BER: (215) 922-1200 CHE~.~ICAL ~A~E .AI"~ ~"~ ~'~ ~'~; ~ ~ ~ ~' TR~E,T""''~,,,,'~ AND · SYifOHYii$: EASY DAB CHEI~ICAL FA!~ILY: CLEAIFER FOR!~LA: "N/A BLENDED 'PRODUCT ......... · ........................ SECTION II HAZARDOUS IIfGREDIENTS ........... , .... TLV Ui~ITS A?!~?O?IU~: OXALATE (CASf:' NOT EST.) ' PROP. NOT EST. AOUA. .~ ~"~"~r ~ ( CAS[~~ .......~,., ~ ~ , 1336-21-6) PROP. 25Ppm 2-BIPHEr~YLOL (CASf[~ 90-~.3-7) "" PROP. " 2700m2/kg ' .................. SECTION III PHYSICAL DATA .,BOILING POINT(°F):APPROX .212 ..... SPECIFIC..GRAVITY: ~-1.207 VAPOR PRESSURE: EQUAL ' TO ~'~' ,~.., ,~ VOLATILE BY WEIGHT: 51 VAPOR n~",e~mv:' EOUAL T0 ~,~o H20 · ..,=~,, EVAPORATIOK RATE: = TO SOLU~ILITY IN ,.,a~o;,,_=.~=,.- 72f' pH: 9.0 A, PEA~,,. AND ODO,~: OPAOUE, VISCOUS, GREEN SUSPENSION., A~2~ONZA AND SASSAF',~AS ODOr. ... SECTION IV FI~E A~D EXPLOSIOK DATA FLASN POI~'fT: NO~fE (TOC) '- ' FL/~U[AELE LI~-I[TS: T,~ ~ T ' EXTZ,,GUISHZRG ~[EDIA: NONE '~SPECIAL FI~E FIGHTING ~ROCEDU~ES: NO~ UNUSUAL FIRE A~D EXPLOSION HAZARDS: NONE NOTE NOT EST..=I?OT ESTA2LISHED ~.::.' .... PROP. -P.,O. ,,I~TAE. 915496-01 *MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET* PAGE 1 OF 2 MEDICAL EMERGENCY ONLY, 24 HOUR SERVICE: 1-800-328-0026 ECOLAB INC. PRODUCT INFORMATION: 1-612-293-2233 S?._..PAUL MN 55102 DATE OF ISSUE: FEBRUARY 26, 1987 1.0 IDENTIFICATION / .... 1.1 PRODUCT NAME: LIMEAWAY 1.2 PRODUCT TypE: AQUEOUS ACIDIC CLEANER/DELIMER 2.0 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS / '~' TWA (MG/M3) % PEL OTHER 2.1 PHOSPHORIC ACID 7664-38-2 ~ '-1-- I STEL = 3 THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS NO OTHER COMPONENT CONSIDERED HAZARDOUS ACCORDING TO THE CRITERIA OF 29 CFR 1910 1200 '3.0 PHYSICAL DATA / 3.1 APPEARANCE AND ODOR: CLEAR GREEN LIQUID, MILD ORGANIC ODOR 3.2 SOLUBILITY IN WATER: COMPLETE 3.3 PH: 100% = 1.0-1.5; 1.0% = 2.0-3.0 3.4 BOILING POINT: 212 DEG F SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 1.20-1.30 4.0 FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA / 4.1 SPECIAL FIRE HAZARDS: NONE 4.2 FIRE FIGHTING METHODS: PRODUCT DOES NOT SUPPORT COMBUSTION. 5.0 REACTIVITY DATA / 5.1 STABILITY: STABLE UNDER NORMAL CONDITIONS OF HANDLING. 5.2 CONDITIONS TO AVOID: MIX ONLY WITH WATER. CAN REACT VIOLENTLY WITH ALKALINE MATERIAL OR METALS. DO NOT MIX WITH CHLORINATED DETERGENTS OR SANITIZERS - WILL CAUSE HAZARDOUS VAPORS. '6.0 SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES / USE PROPER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 6.1 CLEANUP: RINSE SMALL AMOUNTS TO DRAIN WHERE POSSIBLE. DIKE OR DAM LARGE SPILLS; PUMP TO CONTAINERS OR SOAK UP ON INERT ABSORBENT. FLUSH RESIDUE TO SEWER WITH PLENTY OF WATER; RINSE AREA THOROUGHLY. 6.2 WASTE DISPOSAL: CONSULT STATE AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES FOR RESTRICTIONS ON DISPOSAL OF CHEMICAL WASTE. UNUSED PRODUCT AS A WASTE IS CORROSIVE (D002) ACCORDING TO RCRA CRITERIA. UNK = UNKNOWN AT THIS TIME PEL = PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE LIMIT TWA = TIME WEIGHTED AVERAGE STEL = SHORT TERM EXPOSURE LEVEL C = CEILING LIMIT, NOT TO BE EXCEEDED PRODUCT: LIMEAWAY PAGE 2 OF 2 ECOLAB INC. 915496-01 MEDICAL EMERGENCY ONLY, 24 HOUR SERVICE: 1-800-328-0026 7~.~ HEALTH HAZARD DATA / DANGER 7.1 EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE:~ SKIN AND EYES: CAN CAUSE SEVERE IRRITATION, POSSIBLE CHEMICAL BURNS. IF SWALLOWED: HARMFUL. CAN CAUSE CHEMICAL BURNS OF MOUTH, THROAT AND STOMACH. IF INHALED: VAPORS CAUSE IRRITATION, INCLUDING A BURNING TASTE, SNEEZING, 'COUGHING AND DIFFICULTY BREATHING. PEOPLE WITH ASTHMA OR OTHER LUNG PROBLEMS MAY BE MORE SUSCEPTIBLE. 8.0 FIRST AID / 8.1 EYES: FLUSH IMMEDIATELY WITH PLENTY OF COOL RUNNING WATER. REMOVE CONTACT LENSES. CONTINUE FLUSHING FOR 15 MINUTES. 8.2SKIN: FLUSH SKIN WITH PLENTY OF COOL RUNNING WATER. WASH THOROUGHLY WITH SOAP AND WATER. 8.3 IF SWALLOWED: RINSE MOUTH; THEN DRINK 1 OR 2 LARGE GLASSES OF WATER. DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. NEVER GIVE ANYTHING BY MOUTH TO AN UNCONSCIOUS PERSON. O 8 .4 IF INHALED: MOVE IMMEDIATELY TO FRESH AIR. CALL A POISON CONTROL CENTER OR PHYSICIAN IMMEDIATELY 9.0 SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION / ~.. · 9.1 RESPIRATORY: AVOID MISTING CONDITIONS OR DUSTS. 9.2 SKIN: RUBBER GLOVES - PROTECTIVE CUFF OR GAUNTLET TYPE PREFERRED. 9.3 EYES: SPLASHPROOF GLASSES, GOGGLES OR FACE SHIELD. 9.4 OTHER: AVOID CONTACT WITH USE SOLUTIONS OF THIS PRODUCT, AS THESE MAY ALSO BE HAZARDOUS. 10.0 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/PRECAUTIONS / 10.1 DOT CLASS: CORROSIVE MATERIAL NA 1760 KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT WITH RESPECT TO THE FORMULA USED TO MANUFACTURE THE PRODUCT. AS DATA, STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS CHANGE, AND CONDITIONS OF USE AND HANDLING ARE BEYOND OUR CONTROL, NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS MADE AS TO THE COMPLETENESS OR CONTINUING ACCURACY OF THIS INFORMATION. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Fo,m OMB No. ~4-R1387 Occupational Safety and Health Administration MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Required under USDL SBfet¥ and HeBIth Rqulation$ for Ship Repairing0 : Shipbuilding, ~nd Shipbreaking (29 CFR 1915, 1916. 1917) SECTION I Hey. ]./81 MANUFACTURER'S NAME I EMERGENCY TEI. EPHONE NO. ~tearns 0henLtcal CorporationI 608-244-47~1 AOO_ R_.E...S$ (lVumber. $.~et, City, Stnt¢, end Z~ C~e,l MadisOn ,_.. 4Zuu uycamore xvenue,y.o. Box ~216, Wisconsin 5~704 C~.MICAL. NAME._ANO .~.YNONYMS I TJ]ADE.r4AME ~,N~_$YN_ONy..~$ eanln~ yowuer I yowaerea ~OWl 0Aeaner " CHEMICAL FAMILY I FORMULA Anlonlc DeterKent SECTION II - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS PAINTS, PRESERVATIVES, & SOLVENTS % TLV TLV {I,~nj~) ALLOYS AND METALLIC COATINGS % (Unit~) PIGMENTS BASE METAL CATALYST ALLOYS VEHICLE METALLIC COATINGS FILLER METAL SOLVENTS PLUS COATING OR CORE FLUX ADDITIVES OTHERS ) "JT H E R ~ ' TLV. '*~__ HAZARDOU~ MIXTURES OF OTHER LIOUIDS, ~LID$, OR GA~E$ '% Sod~ Ash 1~ !'74 10 m, SECTION III - PHYSICAL DATA ~o, UN~- PO,.T P~RCENT0 VOLATILE VAPOR PRESSURE (mm fig.) N/A .v vOLUME (~) N/A EVAPO RATIOq%I RATE ~LUBILITY IN WATER a~rec~iable A~RANCZ A~O O~a bluleh wh~e nowder ~ECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION H~ARD DATA S~CIAL FIRE FIO~INQ PROC[DUR~ ~O~ : UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION ~flDS ~7 Aeeop~oee t~ f~e ~o glTe o~f ~oAo ~ea oZ PAGE ill ~nti~ ~ ~ ~) Fora ~HA-20 Rev. MIY 72 SECTION V - HEALTH/HAZARD DATA THRESHOLD LIMITVALU& .. 10 m~/cu 11~ (inert or nuisance duet) -FECTS OF OVEREXP~'URE y ~rrtt~te '-eyes ~d ~coue ~em~r~ee. ~ay cause ,~ater for at least 15 minutes. 0~l p~etcl~, Skin Contact: T~ed~ate[y flush with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Contact p~eicl~. ~n~es~io~. ~swalIowe~, ~o n~ ~uce vomi~$n~. ~l ~elc~. SECTION VI - PEACTIVlTYDATA STABLE . iNCOM~ATABILITY (~tt~J~ tO ~0~ ~bo~ ~oz~Ge [~e~e~ o= co~ec~ ~ ~s~e~ . HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION. PRODUCTSNo=e' ' HAZARDOUS .... MAY occur CONDITIONS TO AVOID ~LYMERIZATION , '* ** _ ,. WILL NOT OCCUR SECTION VII - ~ILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES - 5TE~ TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL 15 RELEASED OR 5PIL~O ~tert~ le btode~adable. "~y be eewered. Flush well with wa~r. : "' ~TE D~AL METHOD S~gest dtepos~ ~ approprla~ d~p site. SECTION Viii -.SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION R~.~PIRATORY PROTECTION (Specify V~I~TION I' LOCAL EXHAUST ~ S~ClAL MECHANICAL (G~fl~l) PRoT.~cT~v~ aLOVES ~bber or platte '1 ~E PEOTECTION S~e~ gl~eee OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT ~0~ PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORING OTHER ~h,oont~m~ate~ ol0~h~g before rede. ~E (21 -' F~ ~HA-~ ~0 e~-~: ~.MayT2 ~ ~,,. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Fo,m OMB No. 44-R13&7 Occupational Safety and Health Administration htATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET .Required under USDL Safety and Health Re§ulations for Ship Repairing, Shipbuilding, and Shipbreaking (29 CFR 1915, 1916, 1917) SECTION I N~ANUFACTMR£R'S NAME I EtVlERGENCY 'rELY, PHONE NO. --- Puro ChemicalI 533-1790 AD~a~S} (A'.1.nber, Street~Cit)', State, #nd_ZIP Codtc) zoo- bocust Street, St. bouis, Ho. 63103 ' CHEMICAL NAME. AND SYNONYMS [ TI~DE I~IAM. F-.AND. SYI~Q~IYMS~ ~ ,3.3.. Hydrochloric Acid, Murzac~.c ac~o ~-~-~J.~ CHE.M,I CAL, FAMILY FORMULA Mzneral Acids [ Hcl SECTION II - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS TLV I TLV PAINTS, PRESERVATIVES, E SOLVENTS % (Units) ALLOYS AND METALLIC COATINGS % (Un, its[. PIGMENTS BASE METAL I CATALYST ALL~)Y5 VEHICLE METALLIC COATINGS FILLER METAL SOLVENT5 PLUS COATING OR CORE :FLUX ADDITIVES OTHERS OTHERS TLV HAZARDOUS MIXTURES OF OTHER LIQUIDS, SOLIDS, OR GASES % I (Units} SECTION III - PHYSICAL DATA BOILING POINT (OF.) Decoaposes SPEC,F,C GRAV,T¥ (--=O=]) 3_ ,0~ PERCENT, VOLATILE VAPOR PRESSURE {mm Hg.) BY VOLUME (%) EVAPORATION RATE VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=l} 1 ( __ =1) SOLUBILITY IN WATER 100~4[~ APPEARANCE AND ODOR SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA EXTINGUISHING MEDIA SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Non- flammable UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS Eeacts wiCh meCa].s to produce hydrogen ~as, ~htch ts flamaable. PAGE (1) (Continued on reverse side) Form OSHA-20 Rev. May 72 SECTION V - HEALTH HAZARD DATA. T E~HOLD MIT VALU ~lmar~y an ~rriCant EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSUR~ None - Avoid breathing vapors E&~ERGENC¥ AND fIRST AID PROCEDURES Dilute with water - neutralize with sodium bicarbonate - eyes - see a physician, ....... SECTION VI - REACTIVIYY. DATA STAB,L,T¥ UNSTABLE ~L~~Z~c~VO~y ocher cleansers avoid · - STABLE X contact with metals corrosive - IN~Q~PATAB. ILI~Y {Mater./als tqavoidj ~ meca~ contact H~ZAR~O~S DECOMPOSiTiON PRODMCTS CONmT~ONS TO AVO~D .aZ~.~OUS ~aV OCCU" ~LYME RIZ~TtON W~LL NOT OCCOR X SECTION VII - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL I$ RELEASED OR SPILLED Dilute with water - neutralize with either sodium carbonate or ~~onate WASTE DI.POSAL METHOD " SECTION Viii - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION fSp¢ciJ~t' typc) VENTILATION ~OCAL EXHAUST X SPECIAL MECHANICAL [General} OTHER PRO~C~tVE GLOVE5 I EYE PROTECTIONYes OTHER ~ROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT SECTION IX - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORING Avoid contact with skin & eyes. " OTHER PRECAUTION5 ~AGE [2) Form OSHA-20 $P0 ~30.540 ~ I~ev. May ~2 Material Safe~/Data Shee! U.S. DeparZrnent of Labor Re<3uired un,er USDL Eatery and Heallh Regulahons Occupal~onal gaiety .=nd Hea~tn _ to, Shipya¢cl Employment (29 CFR 191 §) OMB NO. 1218-0074 Expir~on {}ate 05/3t/86 PREPARED 1/10/86 Section I Manutacturer'$ Name Emergency Telephone Numl3er ALCONOXr INC. (212) 473-1300 AOd~ess (Numt3e~. Slreet. Cily. Stale. and ZiP Code) Chemical Name - 215 PARK AVENUE SOUTH andSynonyms N.A. T~ade Name //7' NEW YORK, N.Y. 10003 anclSynonyms ALCONOX Chemical Formula C~o~-I3 dGSot-II E&3ol-~,-5,-~-~' Family ANIONIC DETERGENT N.A. Section II - Hazardous Ingradlenta .,~ ~'l-- Paints, Pre~rvatlvaa. and Solvents % TLV(Units) Alloys and Melalllc Coatings % TLV (Units) Pigments Base Metal NONE NONE Catalyst Alloys NONE NONE Vehicle Metallic Coatings NONE ' NONE Solvents i Fiile~ Melal NONEI Plus Coating or Core Flux NONE AOOihves O[,hers . . NONE NONE ~ ~ers NONE '~zardoua Mixtures ot Othe~ Liquids, Sollda or % TLV (Units} NONE Section III - Physical Data Boiling Point (' F) Specific Gravity (H~O--1) N.A. N.A, Vapor P~essure (mm HE.) Percent Volatile by Volume (%) N.A. N .A. Vapo~ Oensi~f (AIR=t) FvapOraI~On Ra;e . - N.A. -t) N.A. Solubility in Water APPRECIABLE ^P~ea'anc~andOd°'WHITE POWDER iNTERSPERSED WITH CREAM COLORED FLAKES - ODORLESS Sectlo~'t IV - Fire and Explosion Hazard Data Flash Point (Method Usecl)NONE ramma~31e Limits N. A. ILet N.A. IUel N.A. Extingu~ningMeclia WATER, CO2, DRY CHEMICAL, FOA~, SAND/EARTH Special F~-e Figmi~;; Procedures · (~.--:_ FOR FIRES INVOLVING THIS MATERIAL, DO NOT ENTER WITHOUT PROTECTIVE EQUIPMEN'~ AND SELF CONTAINED BREATHING APPAP. ATUS I Unusual Fire and E. xplosion Hazards NONE Page 1 (Continue<; on Reverse Side) I:o~m O5~A-20 (Rev 3/64I Se'etlon V - Health Hazard Data Th~,f..,:;mol~l L~nl~l Valu~ NO DATA AVAILABLE - TREAT AS NUISANCE DUST Ellects o Ove~ex~su,~ PROLONGED EXPOSURE TO DUST MAY IRRITATE MUCOUS MEMBRANES Emergency First A~I P~oceau~es EYES - FLUSH WITH PLENTY OF'WATER FOR 15 MINUTES, SKIN-FLUSH WITH PLENTY OF WATER. INGESTION - DRINK LARGE QUANTITIES OF WATER TO DILUTE MATERIAL. GET MEDICAL ATTENTION FOR DISCOMFORT. Section VI - Reactivity Data ~labd,ly Unstal31e Conctmons to Avoid NONE Sla~e X Incomoala0d,ly (Matenals to Avo,0I AVOID STRONG ACIDS Hazar0ousDecomDos,,,onP,oCucts MAY RELEASE CO2 GAS ON BURNING Hazardous May Occur ![ tConcht,:)ns to Avo,O Polymer,za;,on NONE Will Not Occur 1 X Section VII - Spill or Leak Procedures S~e;~s~ooeTakenmCaseMater,al,sRe~ease~o~Sp,lleo MATERIAL FOA/~[S PROFUSELY, SHOVEL AND RECOVER .- . 'AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. RINSE REMAINDER TO 'SEWER. MATERIAL IS COMPLETELY BIODEGRADABLE. Waste DiSpOSal Me(nccl SMALL QUANTIT'~ES MAY BE DISPOSED OF IN SEWER. LARGE QUANTITIES SHOULD BE DISPOSED OF ACCORDING TO LOCAL REQUIREMENTS FOR NON-HAZARDOUS DETERGENT Section VIII - Special Protection Inlormatlon Resp,,a(onf Prolecm3n ($peoty TypeI DUST MASK Vent,let,on tL°cal ExhauSt- NORMAL t'Special N. A. N.A. N.A. I Mechanical (General) I Other Protec~we Gloves I Eye Protect,on USEFUL - NOT REQUIRED I USEFUL - NOT REQUIRED. Other Prolect~ve Equ,~men! NOT REQUIRED Section IX - Special Precautions Precaul~On$ lo Oe Taken ,n HanChng and SIonng SHOULD BE STORED IN A DRY AREA TO PREVENT CAKING Ome, P,ecaut,ons NO SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS OTHER THAN THE GOOD INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE AND SAFETY PRACTICES EMPLOYED WITH ANY INDUSTRIAL CHEMICAL. Page 2 Fo~m OS~A.20 (Rev MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 13,181 O6/21/86 SEQ. NO. 3357 SECTION VIII- SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: N/A VENTILATION - LOCAL: N/A VENTILATION - MECHANICAL: -~.---~ .... VENTILATION - SPECIAL: OTHER N/A PROTECTIVE GLOVES: NO EYE PROTECTION: NO SECTION IX - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS HANDLING AND STORAGE PRECAUTIONS: NORMAL HANDLING - HANDLE AS NORMAL MATERIAL. ND EATING WHILE HANDLING. USE GOOD HOUSEKEEPING AND PERSONAL HYGIENE. I SECTION X - OTHER INFORMATION £. THIS PRODUCT SAFETY DATA SHEET IS OFFERED SOLELY FOR YOUR INFORMATION CONSIDERATION & INVESTIGATION. COULTER DIAGNOSTICS PROVIDES NO WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND ASSURES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE DATA CONTAINED HEREIN. THE STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE OFFERED FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. WE MAKE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND ASSUME NO LIABILITY IN CONNECTION WITH ANY USE OF THIS INFORMATION. NOTE: NA OR N/A DENOTES NOT-AVAILABLE OR NON-APPLICABLE 3PGMSD ROB 1'1, i ~ PAGE 2 *% ~. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 13,181 --~'~"~ '~-- 06/21/86 THRESHOLD-LIMIT-VALUE: SODIUM FLORIDE - SEVERE SYMPTOMS FROM I GRAM (OR MORE THAN 2 LITERS). _-,-~FFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE: INGESTION - NAUSEA & VOMITING - IF I GRAM IS INGESTED. EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES: IN CASE OF EYE AND/OR SKIN CONTACT, FLUSH AFFECTED AREAS THOROUGHLY WITH PLENTY OF COLD WATER FOR AT LEAST 15 MINUTES, IN CASE OF INGESTION, GIVE VICTIM LARGE DOSES OF EFFERVESCENT CALCIUM GLUCONATE SOLUTION TO DRINK (6 TABLETS DILUTED IN COPIOUS AMOUNT OF WATER OR MILK), (BRAND NAME CALCIOFON, CALQLUCON, EBUCIN, GLUCAL OR GLUBIOGEN) IMMEDIATELY CONTACT PHYSICIAN OR COMPANY NURSE, SECTION VI - REACTIVITY DATA INDICATORS: STABILITY - STABLE POLYMERIZATION - MAY NOT OCCUR CONDITIONS TO AVOID: NONE INCOMPATIBILITY (MATL TO AVOID): NONE HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION OR BY PRODUCTS: NONE POLYMERIZATION CONTIONS TO AVOID: N/A SECTION VII - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES OR DISPOSAL MATERIAL RELEASE OR SPILL PROCEDURES: *FLUSH WITH WATER TO APPROVED OUTSIDE DRAINAGE. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: *DISPOSER MUST COMPLY WITH FEDERAL, STATE & LOCAL DISPOSAL OR DISCHARGE LAWS. PAGE 1-' MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 13,181 06/21/86 3358 SECTION I - NAME AND PRODUCT ...... ----- --'...-.- · .t~ MFG NAME AND ADDRESS CHEMICAL NUMBER: COULTER DIAGNOSTICS,INC, ITEM NUMBER : 179G30 7381 EMPIRE DR, VNDR CATLG NBR : 8546755 ENTRY DATE : 05-02-86 FLORENCE CHANGE DATE : KY 41042 EMERGENCY PHONE:305 8228250 TRADE NAME SYN : N/A CHEMICAL FAMILY : CLEANING SOLUTION SECTION II - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS: SOLVENTS : 2-PHENOXYETHANOL .22% ADDITIVES: SODIUM FLORIDE .05% SECTION III - PHYSICAL DATA S/tO = SEE SECTION X BOIL. SPECIFIC VAPOR MELT. VAPOR EVAP. SOLUBLE PERCENT POINT GRAVITY PRESS. POINT DENSITY RATE IN WATER VOLATILE 100 C N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N?A N/A N/A APPEARANCE AND ODOR: CLEAR LIQUID - PERFUME BASE SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLASH POINT: NONE FLAMMABLE LEL: N/A FLAMMABLE UEL: N/A EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: NON-COMBUSTIBLE SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: WEAR SELF-CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS APPROVED BY NIOSH-'~ UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: " NONE IPGMSD RDB 11~ MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 2,046 '-~..~06/21/86 3356 - SECTION I - NAME AND PRODUCT ,------~ .--,' .:~'. ..... I MFG NAME AND ADDRESS CHEMICAL NUMBER: COULTER DIAGNOSTICS,INC. ITEM NUMBER : 375212 740 WEST 83RD STREET VNDR CATLG NBR : 8546719 ENTRY DATE : 08-12-85 HIALEAH CHANGE DATE : FL 33014 EMERGENCY PHONE:305 8228250 TRADE NAME SYN : ISOTDN II (20 LITER) CHEMICAL FAMILY : DILUENT SECTION II - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS: NONE GREATER THAN SOLVENTS .... 2-PHENOXYETHANOL .3% CAS #: 122-99-6 ADDITIVES...SODIUM FLUORIDE .03% CAS #: 7681-49-4 i .. SECTION III - PHYSICAL DATA S/lO = SEE SECTION X BOIL. SPECIFIC VAPOR MELT. VAPOR EVAP, SOLUBLE PERCENT POINT GRAVITY PRESS. POINT DENSITY RATE IN WATER VOLATILE 100C I N/A N/A 99% NA N/A NA BUTYL ACETATE APPEARANCE AND ODOR: CLEAR LIQUID SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLASH POINT: NONE FLAMMABLE LEL: N/A FLAMMABLE UEL: N/A EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: ANY SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: .,.-'~ .. ~ NONE ~'~ ,.~ UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: NONE ' '~U~ 1986 ~ 1PGMSD RDB 11/ - '" -' PAGE 2 .. ~ MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 2,046 ~, ~ 06/21/86 '~ THRESHOLD-LIMIT-VALUE: N/A --~"FFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE: EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE: SODIUM FLUORIDE-SEVERE SYMPTOMS FROM INGESTION OF LESS THAN ONE (1) GRAM, (2 OR MORE LITERS OF THIS PRODUCT). DEATH FROM 5-10 GRAMS (12 OR MORE LITERS OF THIS PRODUCT). MAY CAUSE NAUSEA, VOMITING, - ABDOMINAL PAIN, STUPOR, WEAKNESS, TREMORES, RESPIRATORY AND CARDIAC FAILURE. EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES: IN CASE OF PROLONGED SKIN CONTACT, FLUSH AFFECTED AREAS THOROUGHLY WITH PLENTY OF COLD WATER. IN CASE OF INGESTION, GIVE VICTIM APPROPRIATE DOES OF EFFERVESCENT CALCIUM GLUCONATE (IN COPIOUS AMOUNTS OF WATER OR-MILK). CONTACT A PHYSICIAN. SECTION VI - REACTIVITY DATA INDICATORS: STABILITY - STABLE POLYMERIZATION - MAY NOT OCCUR CONDITIONS TO AVOID: NONE INCOMPATIBILITY (MATL TO AVOID): NONE HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION OR BY PRODUCTS: POSSIBLE CHLORIDE SCALE. POLYMERIZATION CONTIONS TO AVOID: N/A SECTION VII - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES OR DISPOSAL MATERIAL RELEASE OR SPILL PROCEDURES: FLUSH WITH WATER TO APPROVED OUTSIDE DRAINAGE, SEE DISPOSAL PROCEDURE BELOW. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: DISPOSER MUST COMPLY WITH FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL DISCHARGE REQUIREMENTS. ~, MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 2,046 06/21/86 SEQ. NO. 3355 (-.' SECTION VIII- SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: NA VENTILATION - LOCAL: NA VENTILATION - MECHANICAL: ..... N/A VENTILATION - SPECIAL: N/A OTHER N/A PROTECTIVE GLOVES: NO EYE PROTECTION: NO SECTION IX - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS HANDLING AND STORAGE PRECAUTIONS: NONE SECTION X - OTHER INFORMATION TRANSPORTATION DATA AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: DOMESTIC (D.O.T.) PROPER SHIPPING NAME: BALANCED ELECTROLYTE SOLUTION HAZARD CLASS: NONE UN/NA: N/A LABELS: NONE INTERNATIONAL PROPER SHIPPING NAME: BALANCED ELECTROLYTE SOLUTION HAZARD CLASS: NONE UN/NA: N/A LABELS: NONE COULTER SAFETY INFORMATION: CODE: O=NONE; 1=SLIGHT;. 2=CAUTION; 3=SEVERE HEALTH - 2 FLAMMABILITY - 0 REACTIVITY - I CONTACT - 1 LABORATORY PROTECTION EQUIPMENT FOR NORMAL USE: STANDARD LABORATORY PRACTICE, E.G., LAB COATS AND SAFETY GLASSES. PRECAUTIONARY LABEL STATEMENTS: DO NOT INGEST, FOR IN VITRO'DIAGNOSTIC USE. THE STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE OFFERED FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. WE MAKE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND ASSUME ND LIABILITY IN CONNECTION WITH ANY USE OF THIS INFORMATION. NOTE: NA OR N/A DENOTES NOT-AVAILABLE OR NON-APPLICABLE ' ;::' At~bq~ne Exposure LtmtC~: ' -OS~ Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL): ~.,' ,':~ ' . ..'.; : tract and Xun~m. and thlm ~an alma bo an'entry route '.. :'. · :"':' :' Coughtns. choking and di[flculty tn bra.thin8 can :~. ' *..-. ' ..' · ,. Chromic: 0.05 m~m .~.. , . , ..;. Toxic. 'corrosive. l~ swallowed., the soluCto~ can cause :' < - : Doc~enC Reco~enoatton: ' '. :. ~. J: serious t~tttacion and possible ct.sue d~ma~e in the ~ '='~ :~"".~'~ ~:;~':; 25 u~m .(~A) cotlLn~ Itmtc 50 u~m /15H.. throat, esopheSus and stomach, Excessive tn~escton can -'"' ?: ~ :~ ~ ...... ~ ~ . . . lead to general 8ast~olntelttnal distress, abdominal ": "~ '~ r chromium presents an addltlonaX ~aza;d. ;.': ~'~ ' ' ' · ' "-:'~:"" ' Co keep employee exposures belay thl At~borne . '... '. Limits.. ~cmX exhaust ventilation Is ~eneratly ... Skin Contact: Irritant. Causes ~nflammatton o~ the ,ktn. lesions if nec removed promptly. Absorption of contaminant mt ti. sou~;e, prevenCtnE dispersion of doc~enC, "Industrial Ventilation, A Hanuat of Pe~sonal Reaptra~o~l If tho TLV t, excemded a full facepiece chemical:''/:: ~onlc Exposure: ~rolonsed o~ frequent ooncacC may oause de,matters. , (NIOSH Approved) ea~c~tdge rmspt~aCo~ ~y be vo~n. In ~onoral. up to ch~omt~ lbiorptton. . . '~' ~:~ tJmll the TLV o~'~he maxt~ use concentration . . " " . specified by ch, ~esp~raco~ supplier, vhtcheve~ 1~ A~SravaCtsn of ' "" ' " " : ', ~'< " less. AlCe~Ctvely. a supplied air fu~t P~e-exlsCtn~ Conditions: Persons vtch p~e-extsctn5 ,kin ~lso~ders o~ 5ye ~empt~aCo~ o~ al~Xtned ~od may be p~oblems o~ Impaired ~e~pt~a~ory function may be mo~e ' ' . tncludin8 Impervious boot., apron, o; cove;slim, · : .... :- ~ ' ' .:::, .'.', . .: . needed In m;emm oE unusual expo.ute. .. ' Uso~chemlcoi .,a~eCy'~o~g~es and/oF 8 fuLL ~aci shield ?.~ l~a~acton:' ' Remove Co f~e,h air. 1~ not bra,ChinS, stye a~ctftctai ' ' ..~ · where splashtn8 ts pass,bYe.Cone,cc lenses should ' ~ :':" Ca~resPt~a~i°fl'a phystcian.l~ breaching ts difficult, give oxysen. - ~ ;'"" '~ ~: ~:'% , ' be worn when vorktn5 wtch chis mace~aL-: .. , - , · · . ~. ~oep ,in a tl~tly closed container, ~ltored'~in~a coo[,~dry, ventilated'aria '~'"-,' ..... ' ............. . .... ,,.~ Protect asatnsC physical damasa Separate from combustible, orRantc or ochec , .......... ' ...... ~'* ~eadtly oxidizable maCertats Do not store on vood. n floors Vear specla1 .:); : contaminated clochtn- and shoes' Wash clothtn" before ']' ' protective equipment (Sec. 6) for ~inta/nence ut,aK-in or whelm exposures may .. · ': r~u~ ~AI1 .' .h"~i~.~ ~...~f:~. ' .... ~' ~ "~:~ exceed esCablt~od exposure levels ~gash hands, face, forearms and neck vhen · ~ , ;..' exl~ing~es~rfcted areas..'Shover, dispose'or outer'clothin&; chan&e to clean f,.~ .. ~.', lifting louor and tipper eyelids occasl,~ .dry''( (;e~ ' · ". hands before eating and do not eat, drink, or s~ke tn workplace. : ,;'~',. C. ~OX'ICil'Y ~A'rA (HTE{:S, 198Z) '~ ' The-information contained heroin is :provided in' good' faith' and 'is bel/~ved'~o' ' ~":' bo correct os of the date hereof. Ilovevo~, Haltlnck~odc, Inc. makes no repre- .. For chromJt~ oxide: Ttll~OrJgonLc dace c~ted. R~'.produccIve afl.cLx (lath tiled. '[:d ,enCaCio~ as Co tho comps,hen, tv,ness or accuracy ag the information. ]C ts '~.'.: '~....' II~xav~ienc Chromt~.~ colapu.nds are Its~ed ~s curcin~'tts by the NuLlo~.~l Toxicology t~.~ expected thac individuals ~eceLvtn~ ~he ln~ormac~on vi11 exercise ~he~r ~n-. Pro,ram (HTP) and by ~he [nce~'nhtton~ agency Jar Research on (:enter (IARC). ' ~: depend.nc Judgment ~n deCermtntn~ tt~ appropriateness ~or a parcicu~a~ . - . ' ~' Carcino6enic ~ecermhmcion - Animal /]nadequale ~ata (IARC 2~ ]o2 80) :~.~....purpose. Accordin~y. Hal~Jnckrodc~ ]nc. vii1 nec be ~esponstble gar da~el .:'.:..' ':. Ilexav~le,C Chromium (:amp.md,:' Su~lcienc ,vide.ce for ca~ctn, g~niclry In ~hor~. car.. :'i~.~" o~ any kind resulting from the use ' lung ca.er among yorker. J. the chromace-p~odu(:i.g I.dustry mz(I,puhdlbiy' also amen5 ,.. H~CI~A~ILITY, FITNESS FOR A PART]CU~ PURPOSE'OR OF ~Y O~IER' I .~,~ ~: .;' chrnmium platers and chromium '~1 Joy vorkors. There i~ atso a ~ug}~.sC[Olt ~,f Increns~d ?:. HATUSE ARE ~DE IIt:REUNDER UITII RESPECT TO ~IE IH~TIOH SET FORTH ' ' lnc[dance o~ cance~ ar o[h.r ~sites. Iloveve~, the chromJula cumpounds r~ponsJl)te cannot ~'* IIEREI~ OR TO TIlE P~ODUCT TO UIIICH THE ]H~T~ON REF~S. ". *.* · · ' · ":~'' ~ ......~ ............ ~ ~ ..... '~"~ '".~ ~,~U~]nformation.~, ;.':/':.'.,~: ~=.~,."~-:L':.~ ..~? .~'~<! ::~,~,.~..~ ~.:.c.~.~.:... ~: .... ~ah~ll~ ]~EHZ~TCA~]O~;, . ' '.~ /.u ....... ~ .....' ~"~. ~:F'~ ~:.'~.~: ~ ~/~ .~::/ '~ '~" ~.~' ~:::~<~ ~ ~:~' ~.:: ~' ~ ~.'.~:? >- . .... ; ...... ~= .~ .......... ~'~ ':~"?~'~' ~ %: ~;, ~ · '~ ~-~'~ ox~reue~-vloie~ co~us ~lon.,~' Sy~n~s: DL~h~om~te clean~n~ solution ~= · '~, '.-~.. :,;, . HsZardous ln&cedLenrs: " Chemical Formula:' 'Hoc applicable co mLxtu ??~:~ "::~;'%;::~.";~ ~/~?~.~'~ ,~"~.' d~ixi~?~" ~ '~' -;'..:~ .... ~ ", -~.'~ ~Ss 7664-93-9 SulEurlc acid :~.,~<~,... ..... ~T,:~.?~ ~,,- %,~ ~.~ ~. ~...:,;,~.,. :,~ ~-. ~ ~.. ,...;.~,~.~; .,,,.,~.~..~.~,;~ ..:;,.~.: -::~ . - PRECAUTIORARY HEASTJ~S , ~ " ~SpecLi1 ln~ormacion:~'~ '.~-~ (~'~".~'ln the~event o~"O fi~, vear~ull'~p~ctive' t ' - " elothinS ~nd NiOSH-approved self-con~ained breach] DANGF~I HAY BE FATAL IF SUAL~KD. I~L:IF IN,LED OR ABSORBED THROUCH SKIN:' ~":' .~?.~'.~: ":~;-~ :.: .'. ~,;'~'~'~L~',.:~C.~>~.~ a ' .. · - pparacuo-vfch full facepfece operated in ~tJSE~ S~E~ SURNS. ~NTAINS H~VA~ CilROHIUH. ~SURE ~Y C~TE A CANCER pressure de.nd or other poslcLv~ pressure ~de. RISK, .'.. , · .... :.~:~ Avoid contact vl~h eyes, skt~ dud clothin~.'"~ . ' )" ~: : ~; ........... . Reactivity DaCe ~ ......... .SE~iO~']~? '~:.~'i~-.~;~'~?'~.'~:: Vail, thoroughly dicer handling. ' " '= ~", ' · ~o not store near c(.mbus~lble mater*als. ~ " ::~ " ~;' .'" ' ' ~: '*"' '~ ~,.~..,, ........... ~.~ ,~.~-=~,>.~.~==:~: ~tore tn a ci6hcly c~osed concatner. .r ~.'.~Scabtllty: ~.'' '": ~:~ Stable under ordinary~condlrlons o[ use and Avoid broathlns vapor. . ~:~ This substance is classified as a POISON under the Federal Caustic Po*son Acc. ':"' = .~":".~ ~ ~.~'~' ~,~ '*:'",':~:'~ ~::: .... .~ . :. · .:,.. ,~:.~ .~t~ +~e~.-,~..~ ~,,.=~' ,~.., .~ . . ~.,~.~-~.;~' ENERCENCY/FIRST AID .~"~'" *'~ ~ ..... ' ~ .... :L. Hazardous Decomposition '~,~ .... ~ ~-:~-=,'~ ~'~-,:::'~.~;:* -~'~-~.~,~ '=~ '~"/ * ......... '.' ....::==~' ..J Products:. ~, .... ,~de~.o~.s~fur and ~e contained metal ~:'~,~ If s~lloved, DO ClOT INDUCE VOHITING! Give larso quantities 6f'~ater:or ';~'tlk' If *~ ~?'*'"~"':~' "~ ~.-~-~'~ ~.~*:. ~ ~:'. ~. ..~ . , '/~?.'~ available. 'Never ~tve anything by mouth co an unconscious person. If inhaled, ~::=:.~ ~..*=* '/~c~t,~.c{~,,~.* ='..~;~.~'c'~ remove re fresh air. If .o~ breaching, 6tva artificial respiration. I~ breachi.~ -==~-~'c'~<~' ~"~ =,~ ~*~,c~':=:~?~/ ~{~'=~=~-~:,"~ is difficult, stye oxygen. In case of contact', f~ned/acely flush ~ktn or eye~ u/ch Hazardous Polymor'tzacion: ~i. This~ subsca6Co~d~eA:;t~"'~ol.~e~tze'~'~':?J:~;'~"?: .' plenty of wirer for ac ledsC 15 minutes. In all cases c~lt e physicia~: ;.~:., .'. ~ ...... ::: SEE SECTION 5. '- '"' '""~ ';.::'- ' ' . ~: ~ ?"~"*'" ~"~ ~'~"~'~'~: ' ~; :'~"' ~'~ :'~ ~;~'~'~,~t'~' '~,~:'~ ~':~.~,~:.:. :d,,~.~V~.'. ,:"~ ' / =' "' 'd: ~' ....... : . ~', Incompatibilities: .'~' Strong bases and reducing a~enCs, alkali and :"~ · ~T. Ilazard Class: Corrosive Nit'ariel '" ' ' ' ',' ..... ' ......... ~" ' .... ~ ' ~' 'alkaline earth 'm~taIle~:hydrtdos, ha~oga~' hll~'dos Pilvsieal Da~ ' SEXTON I '. . - ',:,. =.'. "~ '. . : : '.: ~'~<.. ~ ~;~.~ ~.c~ *~'.:..~'~'.'.; ~.T~.~:..~'~.~..~i Appearance: R~d-oranse, oily liquid. ' ":'-":" :,~ .:":~'~ ','. ':'/ ..... ~' "::. ~tk/s~lll Disposal ln~orma~io~'~/:~E~lON ~,~ ? ~'~? ~=~ ~:~'~ Solubility: alsclble vtch eater, *" '= '' '"'~:" ' " ' '~' ~"~ :~'~:. Ventilate area et leek or spill. Clean-up poEsonnel require prater*lye ....... ' '"~' "' ='~""'"'= ..... ~.' Contain and r~cov~r tlquid when poa~lble.~7-,' ~oiltn~ Poin~: Above t]5'C (275'F) Vapor Den{icy (Alt-llaNo Info'maC'on '?'~ . . ~ .... found. ~.~, ~rser Spills: absorb with vermiculite]~ dry~ sand, ~-~rt~; or ~lmil~r malrriat for Netting Point: ca. -64'C (-83'F ' ":'; Vapor. PreaSure~*H6)~N& inf~'~atton ~:~:. Sprinkle spill area ~ith bicarbsnste~oFsSda:ash?-Pick up a.d combine with cleanup .... ...-... ., .... . , , - .. . . . .~:.~,:,~,.~: ~:,.: ;'~::~ ....-. ~ ..~. ~:. . ~ ~,,?...'~,,>~, ;:/ .found, Density; 1.~5 :, .............. :~ residues. ', '.:~::~ .~'~',.~'-.., ,~'.:, ~.:. = . ..... ' ~ Not Flush To' Sewer.' Do not conCacc vtth or6~mtc materin) '~ : ~ ~'~ ~Es~s'ure~ ~mi)l [~nc5~ 51'th~io~al, scate~'~ fe'~ral rei~ulacions.' ': A.' Exoosure/llealth £ffectq "" ' :~';'~'~'"'; "~:-'~"' " , ' ,.'-' ,-~,~-f .'-~. : ~;c, :/.-- ~ . · - , ~ ',Airborne ~Exposure l.imita:,~:~. '-OSHA Formislfbl~ ~posure L~C (PEL): · ~, I~ala~lon: A slight Irritant co the mucous membranes, 'Toxic :~ .... ~ ........ ' . ' ~ ~ ' ~-: , " 200 ppm (~A) " · ' '~ *" ' o~C/c no~e, Once ibiorbod lace ~ho body, LC Lo very [, ~ ,~..:~,~, ,~. ~ b~- ~o:~..~ ~. 0 '"' ' ' ' ' ' ........ :" ': include headache, dFov8laess, nausea, vomiting, blurr~d '~::',.~.:...':~ ~.~ .~' ~:~:?;~ ~...,.~ ...... · , ,. '-~ '. ~,~ ..~ · ~ ~. ~.% .. vision, blin'dnels, come, and death. A person may ~eC h':, :~'-~ ~:~,~ ~ ;~ ~ ~?~' ' ~'~'~;J' ~;~'~ ~ '~'~:'~'~u~ ~'i~--~'-.. ;' A system sE ~oca~ and/oF 8ene~a~ exhaus~ ' ~%~;."~':~ .'~ ~-~ ~ ' ~ -.' - ' ~ ' ~o' keep emp~ozoe exposures be~ov ~he A~bo~ne Exposure ]n~os~on: Toxic. ~pcoms paFe~Xo~ ~a~a~on. Can ~n~ox~ca~e ;. . and =susa b~ndnoso, Usual ~aCa~ dose: ~00'-~2~ . . ' pFe~errod because A~ can. concro~he en[sifons o~ '" ": ~ ·" u~l~ers. · . .~. ' L~m~o. ~caA exhaus~ ventilation fs 8eneFa~ ..... Skin Contact: · Hethyl alcohol is a defatc/nS asent and may cause skin ':;' *: ~.m &eneraA Wot~ area., rlease re,et .to ;thd ACGIH co become dry and cracked. Skin absorption can occur; "~' ;- ;~".~ ~'~::: Reco~ended ~ractices", moi~ ~ecen~ edition, ~o; s~p~oms mmy parallel i~ilmcion exposure, de,ails. Eye Contact: .. Irritant. Continued exposure may cause eye lesions. ....... . Personal .Respiracors~ ..,.~':'~: I~ che~TLV~s~e~d~d'~ ~' ~ ' ''~ ~ .... ' ~ull Eacepiece chemical' ~ronic ~posure: Harked lnpairmon~ of ~.~0n and enlarsemenc 'of '~he (NIOSH Approved) carcrid8e respirator ma~ be worn, In saneral, up co.100 ' ~ liver has been reported ..... "'"~ times ~he TLV or the maxim~ use concentration Repeated oF prolonsed exposure ma~ cause skin ......... · ~ ~i~l~:b~ ~ 'r~spira~or:supplier, Irritation. ,. - .... .~u-~. ~ ~Lcernaczve~y, ~ supplied air full facepiece'~.. " ' ' 2~';~; ."'"~ ~'"= ~?'"~'~"~;~ respirator or airlined hood ma~ be worn. - · A~SFava Clem of ~re-exis~nj Conditions: Persons rich pre-exiscin~ skin disorders or e~e Skin Protection: ~uooer or noopre'ne 81oves and additional pro,action problems or impaired ~[ver or kidney function ma~ bo lflclud~ns ~mpe~louo booco, apron, or coveralls. -, more susceptible Co the effects of the substance. ;' '~":;~:~:'~'-=:'-/' '. ~ . need~ in'areas'o~ unusual exposure. FIRST . . . E~e Protection: se cnemLca~ safety ~8l~s. ' Contact l~nseo should nec be yom when workinS with thio ~acerlal,., .-~.:.~v l~alac~ofl: Remove ~o fresh air. I~ nec breachlns, ~ive artificial ~eve~ 8[va any~h~n~ by mouth ~o an. unconscious pe~on. '.~*" .: ". .- '' Calx physician l~edtaceXy, ~oraea and Special ]n~orma~[o~ ~ECTIOq~ ..~:...~. ~... '* ::-' Skin Exposure: Remove any contaminated clochin~, ~a~h skin with soap Protect a&a~nsc physiC*el dama-e Ou~-~ ~'-'.~:'--~*~ ~ ~'~<'~':*?" ~?;~'?~' or mild detergent and water ~or at least X5 minutes. ' o ..... , v~ uu~acneo storage Is preferred. Inside , ' storage should be In a standard fishable liquids scorase room or cabinet. .'- Get medical aC~enCton If irritation develops o~ Separate from oxidfz~nS materials. Storage and use areas should be No Smokin persists, areas. Spark-proo~ cools and explosion.proof equipment should be used Ln scorase and handlLnS area; ~.~'~;~ - -~-.~;~ ~ ............ "~.- Eye Exposure: Uash eyes ~lth plenty o~ vaCe~ ~oF aC least ~5 minu~es, ' XiEc~n8 lover and upper eyelids occasionally. Oec ' ~ .. · '~ ,- ~'.?. t~c'=? ..'~;~; ~,~' .~. ~,<-<~.,~',~ ~OXIC]~ DATA (RTECS, X982) The ~nEo~maClon contained herein is p~ov~ded tn 8sod Earth and ~s believed to ' /: '- be correct as o~ ~he dace he~eo~, ilovev~F, HaXXlnckrodc, .Xnc. makes no rep,s- . : .' .'. :' r~ ~50:5628 m~8. ~enCaclon as ~o the comprehensiveness o~"~ccuFa~y or;~ho' Information. · ]C ~abbX~: 20 ~8. expected ~ha~ individuals rdceiv~n8 Che"lnEoFma~ton ~XL. exe~cXse:~hOXF: ~n- ~'~,. · - . .~.;' Aqua~lc Cox~c~Cy Fa~n~ T~ 96: ~eF X,O00; purpose. Accord~nsly, HalX~nckrodc, Xno~vlXX not be'~espons~bXe EoF damages · .:=:: :' ' Hula,leu daca cited. ... dopenden~ ]ud~man~ In de~arm~ntn8 its appropriateness ~0~ ~ pa~C~cuXa~ .... ~' ~ - ~ ~ ..:* - Reproductive e~ec~s da~f c~ed. :"~ ''*~ ~" ;':' sE any .kind ~osuX~lw~8 E~om the use sE oF reliance upon such ln~o~ma~ o . HO . HERCI~TABILI~,"FITHESS ~E A PARTICU~ ~OSE OR ~'~T~R .:,¥:~.~:..::*,,.,~..,':'. ,. ~ HAVRE .ARE ~DE IIEREUNDER ~ITll RESPE~ TO THE IN~TIO~ SET FORTH .. -.. '~: . ~. ~;--~. ~' ,. '~?:"' ': Hacerial Sa~e~v ~aCa Shee~ ' ~.,~.~?.Fi~e and Exolosion ~ ~ ,.~ ....... -*-'~ SE~IOH 2 ~ ¥ ........ .'~ · ' '?:'~' ' .... ~5 ..... .~- ~-<~" ." ' ~ ~"~ ..... ~ ,~ 'Y~ ~'~ ' ' ~:'.' ~:~:*~:~.~':'.~ ~:~'~ ' ~'~' , , S~enc~ ~roduccl Division ~'~/~ *..VC~:.;:~:~.~.'~'~?~.~*~ ?~'.~TL.*:~ *~El~h~o~nC= 11 C.(52 ~)~(CC).-=*: ' , L~.. ~:. .~:::.'**:*'~.' ~RODUCT ]DEHT]E]CAT~OH: . d:~,~.~.~,:..~.,:~.:..~?L~,,..?.~..~*~...~.,: ....... ., =;. .:..,..-.... .:**,... *: : ,. · .~. ~ *~,),.,~..~.; ..~.~:~:~: c:,~:.: ~:," :,:~ '.-~ .Explosion: · : ':7~-~. "' "'*- '' .' Above ~laah ps,nC, vapoE-aic mixcUgel ira explos~& ;'~'%';' "* ' ' " ~ ' '- ~ ' · *' "' ¥" ~ '" .... ~'.~"~:~"' .-:,T-,"'. + '" .?," .'. .., v~Ch~n ~l~able l~m~a noted above, nathan1, carbine1 ',~.~./:~:? *~'.~' ~?"~..~:~:';'? '~'?~'~:"~ "::', ...'~ Hodo~aCo explosion ~z~rd and dangerous ~re haz~z '. . *. ~%~,~: .: ~:>~;~. c~'~= .~.:~?"?hon exposed.go' heat., sparks .or fl~el : .".-.: Hizardou~ Ingredients: ; ~e=tc~t ro~uZa: C,30, ~': ~' ~ ' :'~"> T:~*~.~t~e ~cLn~u~ahLn~ ~d~a':" *~,~ Vace~ s~ay,"'~'~he=Lcal, alcohol ..... ~o~'.or clubsn ..'... :' ~ '7':'.:~.~ :7'~:..~ ....... ~' '~ ~'~ ...... ~ .... . . ...... '?- ' ; "::~::~. Special InfomaC~on: ' ..'.'::* '=' -': In the event og a ~lro,'rvear full p~oceccive.' f]z... :,,~.~:.: ::':: ~. , .;~,c~.;.~ ~.. ~=:': ;,'< ;,~a . . . . ..: *'. · ...' .... clo~n~ and ~IOSH-appgoved self-contained breach~ : ~i~- .. .. .' ?;t'; ...~ . ~...- apparacu~ vith ~ull faceplece opera~ed In ~o.. /L"' =', D~GERI ~Y B~ FAT~ IF SVA~VED. ~L IF l~. F~I ' '.-~/.'· . ' * ' ~. . ~:'~o~'prosburo do~ o= ocher positive pressure mode3 ~Y ~USE BLXHDNESS. ~US~ X~X~TXON. .. :~, ~ ::~,%,~,,:,,~..: ~;~*:: -,-:~-%.-~ * ' ' .: "-' '""'?'~'v'~:~bso'vaC°r'spr~y~:ro'bl~nkeC' ~lre,' coo1. rigs exposed · u'- ' ' '' ?'" ~ : ~ '~',~*~ :~ ' '" ' ~ '. containers, and to fL~h non-t~nired spills or · ' . ' '. ***.*-%'~'vapogs sway ~rom giro;. Vapora can rlov 81ong~ ~,'~',.9:~, Keep ovay from heat, sp8gb and El~o, ' ' ' ' ~ ~' * " . ~:~.,~,~ ...... {~,. . **. , . . .-... :; surfaces to d~lgang 16niCLon source end.fins5 beck ~*' .~ Avoid~breachinS vapor. " - · .':,-- . '., .* .:' ..... · *:*: ,'* ' · ..... ' Keep container closed. ..~:.?~':" ' .:~: ;"" * ~ :'"'" '" '* "" **"/'~:~' '~:~ ..... ' .... :.:,.., ~.',"*- ' ' , '+ ~'~ ', ~t'-' ,,.,,"i I.'-~ ~,~',~tO~ ., ordi~ CondiCio~ of uss and 'iTl::' ' .. , ' : · · + . ' ' ~.;k ' ' ' ' · , ~ , ': '. : ' ."' · , i. ':.:: : ?": ':: ~G~/FIRST AID ~'~. ~--~ .......... r ...... n ' .~.'~,." . ., . ~, ~,7.' ~* ~::~;}~7 ,=~ "~'~' ?l~-"~'~'~e'"T°~ ' ' . .. .... ¥.'. rroauc~s: - c , ~" ~ Ca,ben oxides' and fo~ldehydo. ~y ~fom -rhea:henCe '"' If avalloved, induce voaiCtn~ tmedtlcely by giving cvs glasses of racer and ..... ~ . , .. '- ~ ~ ..... , ~ -~..~'~ '~. ~,~ :-%- .'-' person. It l~aled, remove to f~osh al~, If nec breaching, give ~rtiftctil. : .L~e:,r. a nazag~ousl Pelletization: . ~ '.,' ~il's~aC.a~o does ~C pol~eIize.-' - . · ~ ?.p!?ct~n. If breathing t, difficult. ,tv. oxygen. · In c,,..of>concacC.~.''~'~ .... ~=;~ .. ' t~ooxacety flush skin or eyes vt~ plonCy of rater for aC loa~ 15 mt~uCe8, ' .'::;~... ~::' .' SEE SE~ION 5. ' "' '~: ~ '" ' ; "' ::.. .... :.~' c~*- .."-',,:: :.:;¢ IncompatibilitieS: ~':~-~"$t~6n~ oxtdtng agente such as nttr~ten, perchlo~at Physical Data SE~ION ~ ,.::. ~";~ :';'~'~' '~'"~' ~: "~" '~'~ :' '' ' ' "1~'~'~' ~:-~-;~ <'~'~ ~'e*~"[~';<'" ~= ~:~'~:~,?:~c/ Appearance: Ciea~, colorless liquid. .,~:.i~.-:' ;'-:.~'~:*::~."~' ¢~,~, i'. ..... "~ ........ ~. ' · ', ' .' .. . ..... ..,, .... ~'~ .~.~, ~ ':,~ ~ "~ ~'" ...... :~ '~,;?:' ~=,.~ .~' VanCtlaCe ~rea o~ leak or spill, Remove all sources o~ l~nicion. Clean-'up ;: Odor: ~lrlc~eris~lc odor ~.~ ~' ~ ~"' *' ' ' ~ "- '?~i: .. ~.~ personnel require projective clo~hin~ a~.rospir~o~ protection fro~ ,.~ , ~....:~': ...... .,.,~.~,......r. ,,.. ' '~9' Contain ~nd ~ecover liquid vhe~ p~SSibl~':~~, Collect' as hazardous vases and ~omize ' Va~;"De-;l~y~,, ,, (Al~-l' : ..... "' ' ''~' In a suitable R~ approved c0nbug~[og Ch~o~,~ 0~abso~b v[~h. ve~lcull~e, d~ ;; Botltn~ Potnc: 6~,5'C '(1~8'F) ..... . g):l;i,' ~?' ,."(68 ~",~. sand, earch or similar material 'for 'dtspOsal"as hazardous vasce In a R~ approved : F).%~.~Repo~cable ~anCiCy-~(RQ)(~A/CERC~) : 5000 Xbs. ,Specific G~vity; 0.8 ~ Evaporation Raco:(B~c-l): 5.9 : ""-'-~':': : .~ ..~ ' I-~ : ".:~,a~ ~sU~5'~'compltanc~gi'th:l~cal, scace'and fedoraX ~ogulactons. -. -, _~ . ::~'. ~,: ~- '.. ~,.:~ ~:. . ~ * . ' " .~- A. R~hA~ch E[[~ / · "Airborne Exposure I.tmtci: .OSI~ Parers'i/bls Exposure LfBLt (~EL): · " 1,000 ppm (~A) rot E~hyl Alcohol ..... Inhalation: Exposure n~y cause frr/CaCton re the oucous meabrones ~ ~" 100 ppm (~A) Ho~hyl IsobuCyl ~eCono . . ' ' ' · -AGGlil Thre8ho~d LLBL~ V~lue (TLV): ' ' hlsh concentration uny cause dr0~slnes*, lo.s o~ -'/"~ ~',~,:~,* ~:,::~,f~'.~,.- ;~f'ete ~r~:.~% ~-~ 1,O00 ppm (~A)'For EU~yl Alcohol ~: ~,~ ~,..IngeaClon: . Can cmiso gastritis, vomiting, central ne~ous system ..' Ventilation Sys~om: ' ' '.- A system of later and/or genera~ exhaust ~a race.ends depression ~tth headache, dizziness, and dulh~es.. ,. · ' * "' ~ ~ - ' ~ .~_ ~ ~ '~ ~o ~eep enployee exposures belo~ the Airborne Exposurg ' .. ~.%*' ? .... ~. ~?~ ~ ..: '~ [~';'~'~ :'~ ' ~":Ltuit.;~ ~cal exhaust ventilation fs generally' ' ;'=:~=:~ ~ Skin CoflrocC: Hay tunes irritation, ~rnlonsed con~ncc nay ~roduco ' ' ':,' ;'~'~'~"~'* ~'~'~"~'~_:~. "~' ~'.':~ preterred beciuse'=~ can control th~ 'emissions or the .- , .~,,: ~ ~,~ ~,~ .~.~- ~;,~ ~,.~,a '~' contaminant .oC~ICS' 8~urce', preventln& dlsperafbn of :,.:,, .... d/scoloraCion. ~'" = '~'~ ....... ~ ~',":"~" ~"~'~' :~?'~)~fnCo' the'general'~ork a~ea.:' Please ~t~-Co tl,e A~ll~ ,.~<,. , E~o Coat,cC;. ~:,H~y cause severe irritation, Splashes m~y cause "~, '~"":~?~'= ~ ''~ '~r:. ~'~ :?:~ ~doc~enc? "Indusc'rlaX VonCttoCton, A'Hanual of temporary pein end blurred vision, ..., ~..,:~,~:,.~}.~ ~ ?~c~..?.~.:~,,,T<,~ Recommended Prlcclcese, moa~ recent edttlon~, for.: ' ..... decarlo/ ' ':'~:~'? Chr~fllc Expos.re: Prolonged exposure may cause dryin& and cr~cktn~ or '.;. ~- :.. _~ ?.,. , '*.. skin.inJuc~ HaYand pencreaCitis.atfecC the serous, system. H~y cause ~lver,... ~/regional ResPirators '' ~ Xr"~t,~':T~ %0' e'xe~e~od ~" [u~t :- .:, , · · :' (NlOSII Approved) carcrtd&o respirator may be yarn up &o the ma~imn use ~" Aggravation of ' ' :;:', .,:.: ;='><."~ .~..~:~. concentration ~pecifled by'the respirator supplier. .' ,~ ~ . Pre-exf~clnS Conditions: Persons with pro-existing skin disorders or eye "z. ' ~-'AtternaCively, a supplied a~r ful~ faeeplece ~espi~ate : .....,~. p~ob~eun, or Impaired kidney or respiratory function ..~ ~.. or atrXinod hood may be uorn. . ... subsCa~e. :: " *'' '": '; ~'::~;'.~ Skin Protection:' "Olovei and lab co~c;;'~Pr~, 'o/ 6~er~ljl;='~'~e'~''. l~.llclo.: . , Remove to fresh air. If nec breathtn&, give Artificial . Eye ~rotectlon: :~. '. O~o chemical safety So~gles. Concoct lenses ~hould " ' respiration. 1[ brea~hlnB la difficult, stye oxysen : :~' '~ ;~ ': .' ~ be yarn' vhon"votkln~ v~ch this' m~terlal. ' .... .' Ca~l a physician. ' ' . , . . ' '.'~.,. ' ' .. ,: glasses et vicar, o~ milk If ~vallable and Icickln8 'r. "*~*' . ,:O.?.C~ '?~V l~J~f~ ~S}~' ' . . ' ~' ~lnger do~ throat. Calx a physician l~n~dlately. ',, .. ~,=~ ~¥~ ~= ~=.~.~ ~t~. ~, ~..=.<.,~. ~.~ .'. Skin Ex'mu(e: Remove any contaminated clothing. Vosh skin with esop ' ~)~;Y~Y'~: '~ ~,~ '? ~;')'~ ~:~'~'"~' ~"~'T '2 ' t '~' ~'~ ':-' or mild detergent and rater for at least 15 minutes. · , SI:ore.and Snecla~ormflrlon '- SE~YON 7 ; ~), C -' ~ ~ ~'< ~--~+ ' ' '* GcC mealiest attention If 'lrrltatlo~ devolflp~ or ..~ ~' :: :: * · "' '~" ' ~' ~ ~ ~ '"'= '" ~"~ "~' '~ ~' ' . persists. : .~..' Protect a&afflsC physical damage. Store in o cool, dry veil-ventilated loeaCion~" . · away from any area where the fire hazard may be acute. Outside or detached storage lftcinB lover asia upper eyelids occaslonatly, Get · ~rounded for transfers to avotd'st~C[~ ~parb',~ ,'Sc~rage'.and.u~o area~sh0uld be No":. modtc. X attention l~e(liaColy~. . . bmoklfl& areas. Use non-eparklnS:Cypo ~oo18 oi~ equipage, ~"/, ~- c~ y,~ ~..~. 'Fo~ ethyl alcohot: ' ~' ' * ' "": ' ~" ' : The ht[ormaCfon contained herein ts provided tn good faith and is believed co :'.' . ~.~..lnh~la~lon Bec ~SO: 20,000 ppm/IOII :;,- ho corree~ as of tho date horeo~.;,..llo~ever,. NiXlfnckrodc, Inc., makes no repro-. O~'~1 Rat I~50:~O60 m~/~g .. sontn~fon as to tho comprehensiveness o~ accuracy o~ ~ho lnfornaclon.. ,.lc Hutation ¥ofuroflcus cited. "' e~pucced that Individuals recel~/n~ ~he lntocmoclo~ "'IXI' exercise choir fn- IYrltatlon data: akin rabl,l~ 4OOm& open mild ,: purpose. Accordingly, Nalltnckrodt~ ~nc. viii not be responstbXe for dameges ~? r?:. eye rabbit lOOn~21dl aowre of any khLd resulting from the uso_of or rellance ,upon such ;ln[ot'aacgon. .=t "..' IIO REPRESENTATIOIIS, OReUARL~HTAES~*E~TIIER ~PBESS OR'IHPLIEO, OF ' * ' For ~aro~elm: ., . NERCIIAttTABII.XTY, FITtJEaS ~R A ~TICU~'~UREOSE OR OF A~ OTUER, * * :' O&'a~ rabl~it I.lJSO: 28gm/kg ~ ' : =. NATURE ARE HADE IIEREUNOER ~ITII EESPKCT. TO Tile IIlFO~TION SET FOR'~I,~.L, Fu~' ~ethyl Isobuty~ ketene: Oral tat ~50:2080 m~k~ "'~ IIERE~N OR TO TIlE PRODUCT TO UIIICI[~TIIg'1NFO~TZON' ~EFERS, ' '~*'~ . ; :, . ':~:" ~', .=.~ :.~'.:.:.... / . . i'* ~ ~,-~- .~hec~ ,,~*'. Fire and Exoloston ~- .. SECTION :~ ,:.~ .~. ,. iii~ii . - ' .. 'i' Information - ' . ' ~;, ~or&ency Telephon~ N~ber a-~ - ' ,' ~' ' . '~";'~' Science Eroducte Division .. :":' .~ : ~..-' ." .,'~.,. *: .... ~-z~'Flash point. 13 C (55 F).(closed cup) :- C.C. Box H ..','- -'", '5, .~ :..- . ,:.- ~' ~.--~ A to Ignition' temperature' 422 C.' Farls, Kentucky &0361 =.. : %::. ",~ ::~.' ~.:.~ ' . . : Flama~lo limits la att, t by volume: · -'.' :-.  ' ~" '- ';~' '~: :" ':' '~: ~?.':' ~ .... ~"'-:~'.' DangeroUs fire 'hasacd vhb~ '~X~Oaed Co heat or flam~' ~l{ODU~ IDENTIFICATION: ' '' ~ '~-,~' '~,~',~., ~,~ ~=~ 'c~;~,~* ~ ~' ~ : ~';~-~fi-'~-~ ~ ~-~'~ . ~':"' /" ~ ~ ' . ~,'- &xptos~on: ' :. ~ ' ' L~ ~. .'.~Above tzaan polnC, vaoot-att mixtures are explosive ~"*'?' Synogy~::AlcohoL; sptrSt'a 'o~ vine; potato alcohol ' · . ,,. ~ ~ .. ~, ~.,---v~thtn [~a~able ~tmtt. noted above . , .= ..'- ~:~:.~:::::~.:,." For~i~ ~S "o'.~"6a-17-~ HoZecu~ar ~etShc: ~6,O~ . ' ' ~:~'"~'? ttte~'~' '/~;~'~"'~' =?~'~'~'~"~;'"~:+:~'~'~"~'~'aed~.'~ , ' '?'~'~ ....;+~"~:~ ....... .. ~~ O~ll~O ~tSn&utshtn8 -' Dry chemical, ~oam ct carbon dioxide' 'gater'~ lin~ntm:~, ~emlcal~ ...... Formula: . :~ . . · I?.- g~NINGI F~B~I I~L If SWA~g~ ~ IN~D;' ~ ~us~ :EYE I~XTATION...=~ ....... · .... ~,': SPeCial Informations.. - · ?.. ,~ In the. event of a :Ire, year [utl protective · · ~, -. Keep avay [rom heat, sparks and ~lame. ~ ' , " ' ., . .'. ,.' ~.L '..'.' '. ' ~ appara:us vtth fu~ facepteee operated ' ~::-~.., ..', gasp container closed ' ~ ". ~ ~ -.'~=~.,' '::'":, .. ". pressure demand or other positive Uae ~lth adequate ventilation. ':: Vapors aaa flow along surfaces to distant :'~'~:'~'~' gash thoroughly after handXIng. ' ' ' ' ~ '" ' : '~ ; ~' ;' ;; <' ' ~.':,',: .'? " source and flash back.". "'~'~"f:"" Avoid contact vlth eyes~ skin and c[othta&. .,:..-.~ ~; ~,~:~ ,t~.,.,. ~. :.=. ~;'[-~>'= ~ ~v~' ~:.~' ' ~.,,, ..:~.= -~ · :-' ':' ' Avoid breatbln~ vapor. ' ..... ' ?. · ,., .... ,. ,, EHERGEN~/FIRST AID ~":: . ?.~ ~:L: ,?:~?~'L-,.:~-,., ~" .~~',, ,,.~ ;.;;~ ~ ~, : ~ ,:., .,.:,.~ ~ ~<~ ~.;:;"~": ~ ': ~:= Sclbillty~... ~ . v~ -:.:~ ~ ,~ :',:..:'~ '~':~''*: ""' ' Stable.. under~=~,..~'."' ....... ,-..r~rdtnary'*'-'--.., .;"" ~'..condtcfona.of..~. .""--' ~;,' use'~' ~f''and,ltorage. ~':..:... If svallovod, Induce vomiting l~edtatlty by giving t~o gXasses of rater a.d . ~'. · '*' , . ....... '..: ~'~:. aclckln~ [lager do~n throat. Never gtw anything by mouth to an unconscious . ,~:~. Ilazardous Decomposition . . ,~. ~ .- . . .~ ,., ..~. ~.. ~, .?~" person. If l~aled, remove to fresh air. XE not breathing, give artt[letaX : Products: <~' :"; ;: '*?' ~ay 'produce carbon monoxide and carbon' dioxide respiration. ]E breathtn[ Il dl~tlcu~:, &tvs oxygan.;. In case o[ contact, .. ~.,:= .' bested to decomposition'. -'?. · . .:/. -J:~ l~edlately flush skin or eyes vtth'pleflCy cE rater torsi least'IS minutes ..ln,~ :?' all cases call a ph~slc~+n ........ :,,.,~...~=~,,.,.: ..... ..~,::~ ~:~: ~'~;' .:..?~~''='.-.~ .......... ~' ~'~'~ ~'<~..~., ~ .~ ~'~.,=~,, ,~,.~.~.,~ ~'~' :~:':=~' '~:?:.~ SEE SEGTIO~'5~ '~' ' . . .... ... -~. . . .. . .~:~.:.. Ilaznrdous Potymo~t~atton: wttt ~c occur .... ' :~.;~.' · ~. ~ ~T Ilazard Class: FlaMable Liquid . . ~ ~ :c -~.~ · . ~ ~. , .,, >'~ ln~mpacfblllcl'el?:~~': .. Strong" ~:~:~oxldisers," ..... heat'~'"":and "'sources .-:~?: ~al'~O~ta sECTIoN I ...... ' ..... .~' ~'~ ':~ ~"~": ~'/ '~: ~ ~ ~?~: -'L ~?:' :':~ ' ' ....... ~e " · ' ' .':~.:;'.'~:, ~' ?":/ -,. ~ Appeata~e Clear, colorless liquid ~ ~ ~ ~.'.'~ ' ' ...... '.: ..... ~:~'."~' "?~.' ':??~'; ............ ~': ~'~' : .~': Ventilate area of-leak or april Ramove~'~iLs~G~', o~ Solnblllty~ "Infinite In rater. ' . ..... "'" '~::' .... ' .............. ~ ..... '..~. In ' "pp I ' ' ;' ' ~' ",s "i '' .r l.c ~ · . , . .. .......... ~ , ... ~ sand, earth or similar material for disposal as hazardous Oaate · Bolling ~olnt: 78"C (172 ~*F} ,' .... .:" ", Va~o~?0ensttv'(Al~LD'l '6'.'."' ,?."='~, -,.~' faeiltt~ Co not flush to ,everl '"~[ ............ :~''.~'~:'~' f:~"~_~"= .: : ' :'~' :':~'~:.;?~:': . .~... .,, ~apot eressu~e.(~,ll&):67 ~ 25'C (I7'F} ~. - ' ~ .... , ...... . ...... ~-:,-~.~c. . · Ensure temples.ce vlth local; state and' ~ederaT regulations., "' "~" ? ' ~ ~ '' ~ ~' ~ ~ ~' ..... ~'z ....~'~'~.~" '-~= v'~'~'=2~ ~ ..... . "' ' . . ,--~<~..L~ ~-,q'/.~. ~:~l'4~v~~.,, -.~ ~ , ~,~,~. ~..,.....,....-'~.=..~., ~,-~'~'~" ,.~ , :, ?:,. . . CLINITEST CHEMICAL PRINClP~ ~_ OFTHE PRocEDURE: Copper sulfate i~ cUNrl'EST reacts ~th reducing substances · in urine convening cupric suffate to cuproua oxide. The resultant color, which vade$ ~ the amount of reducing . .~. f.of. ~.reac~3.-. ri_to .take place. Heat .,:equ. ~ed is furnished by me mac~on (~ sodium hydroxide mm wa[er aha v,m c3mc acid..~od,um carbonate and atnc acid help to dissolve We tablet. REAGENTS: I part copper sulfate, 12 ~ sodium bydmxide. 4 parts sodium c~rbonate, 15 pmls citric acid. · : SPECIMEN COLLECTION AND PREPARATION; C~INITEST should be used on fres~ urirm since gluCOSe and ~ ~ sugar.., am c~.. ed by bacteria. Refrig .erst. e u '.ri~. specim..ens if ~ey cannot be tested immeai- '- · · PROCF. DURE: MU.ST BE FOLLOWED EXACTLY. See clim<:tions on o~er side. .- . ~r~_ ~'J'~_ ~_ _ ~mg~ orange. ~o a dmk bmwa or gree?.~.brown. In m= case. record ~e result as ~ ~o cc~c~ um ~ux~am3 pmcecmm ~ as ovar 5% sugar if usmcj t~e 2-Omp Mett,,od, and do not compare final to~Ctmrt. .... . < . ..... . ........ ..... . Itm ~ Cok~ C~art. Cok~ blodc~ for ttm standard procedure m.e designated ns Negmfve, '/'.,%, ,,,~%, · ' ....... __: ' ~= .................. ~% anc~ ~ Color bkx~s ~' me 2-Omp Me~'~,a am,cledgnated as Ne<j~,. Trace, ,,~%, ~%, 2%, 3% and 5"/... · .. v- ~? '·~ .... ~--~- .,--~? ,~ ................ .-:· UMITATION~ OI=THE PROCEDURE: CUNITEST is not specific fo~'gluco~e ~ ~'il react ~ sufficient quan' '"" : .... , · . .. :~ =,. ~. . · i<now~ ~o inter,'ere ~t lucose levels of ........... -Ct.lNr'n=~-r m.~__,.,- ............ .. t*/paqu meg~ ). e affects .,...... . .. .... IRC PERFORMANC~.C~&RACTEP,~'~C~ ~ __=,~___,racy Of.C~.. NrrEST u.~ng me' standam'(~! , ' . ..... ata~ -'---~ ................. . ~ Color Ctmn. To obtain · , --. ,m.,~,~33 m~ zip coae to OITN, P.O. Box 3105. EBd~rt, Indiana 46515. :'. ......... ' ..... ' .,. . . ~vs~c~L E~z~ds~ '~Z~S~ t~Lets~ ~e ~ffb~y'~e~s~t~ 'to moUSSe . . · ~' ~e~L~ E~z~ds: ~':~OZSON:: ~US~S S~ ~S': .......... '~:.:.-'?-::".~,,./~ :~:;::.::~.:~:;:. ' ~. -' sk~,. jeyes; ,~cous L:m~ranes. ~d clo~g..::>Not:..for" '~te~al, use'~.',: .. ' ; ]~.~I~S~=~tablets~.~e highly · sensitive ~to' mois~e ;..fr~~ air'?or?~a~er. ~. -" · (.., ..... -.-: .' ~CesSive- mois=e, ~y. 'cause~ a' ch~cal";reaC~on.::~8 .... ~.~ . , :-%.~- ~t~ ;~~.:; Pr~/;-Route- o f~ ~ = "~:{ Not; applic~le '~ ~ ~ For '~-,-~- ~,,m~.~'y~,(~ff~.;-:,,~~'. : ~&~_~.. ~.~ ~.,~, ~, l~ ~.,~.~,~ ~, .~ ~,:. ~..v:~r:~C~':~l?~ =~.:%L~.~::~,~:;~:~.1~%~ ~ ' )... ]] ei~er?.glHss,~bottle or~;foil, :.if .'stor~,~a=:' t~era~res . ~ -.. )'.-..~:(86~F):~' ~.~ Do~,.~°t?refriger~gL ~-;-.:O~ce~%~qla~Lbottl~:'i~:::.0P~'~.~-~ili~ .- . : -,.:.'...: . ~is .s~ong~y,:de~d~"'o~'~.~ot~'~fr~~mo~sture,'::]~T~'lets.~ shou18, be '. . ,.' - / ' ~ ..:.: . ........ '::, ..:.j .":.used bn:-:a:,=e~".~asis%:~j'n0~'~ ~t0=ad:~fo~'~tend~.:.perioSs::~f,.~t~e . ..~. . ...) : , .: : ,...... ~ .-~:.:;:.%.~:....:.:~&' u .after ~e'"'~ttle ~s: ope~ . Recap..,~e ~bottla :~ightly.;-~iately4 after ..-,-;.~. ...... :.. .. <. :...... ...... not O~.~t.!9~ ~..a,. ~e~,.,locat~o~.,:).~,Mois~e-.causes,;~I~ST-~.t~lets . ' ' , ,:o~ water -o=.~; '~11~ phys~c~ ':'~--~i~eiY;~(.~~':~Z~i~· . '- . ' '- &at~. ~S -- Flush wi~ ~ater fo= iS ~nut~W.'~ G6~ p'=0H~t ,:~i~al . . ....,.. O~er ~nfo~ation,= Sea copy of product.inse~, on o~er,,side. ~nua~ Re?o~ on Carc~o~&h~'(Iatest e4it~0n} 'or has' been..fo~d, to,.~ a. ~tential carc~ogen in, ~e ~nte~at!onal .Agen~,for.-Resea~Ch'.'6ntcancer -.:. · .(I~C) Monoqraphs .~.(lates~editions} ',.:~r- by~ OS~', .:- , : ":";'. '-- Da~e 'of Preparation= Apr~l, 1986 - ~ ' ' ' ' ' ~'~ ...... .. ' .. ,' ". ";'.. ;.'-. N~er Address and Telephone N~er of Hanufacturer: '""..:(': '' '  ;~: ~es Division, Hiles La~ratories, Inc. -- P.O. Box 70 ~.,~ : . Elkhart, ~ndiana 46515 ~'~ :~,~.~.,~=~,.-..: ' '~ . ~ ~- ..).;: .... :': Customer Se~ice ~-a00-3<e;e~00- - .. ' .:- ;~:' .'"~".':'..: ':;.~:.:?:.-:: prepared ,by: Rosanne Savo~,..~.. (219).., .......... 262-7572 ::' '. ...... ,j~ .' -.; j , :~, ..--. ._ : . . . . . : ',..- :.' ,..:.. · :. · .:~ ~-. , .-' : . · .;. . · ...... -......::. "'."- ; .:-:.. Material Safety Data Sheet DENTIFIER ,In Plant Common Name} Manufacturer's Emergency - -- · .'--. Name Garratt-Callahan Company 'rel~oho~e~o. Use Number Below ^dd~.~ 111 Rollins Road O~h~ (415) Information Millbrae, CA 94030 c~u~ (Business Hours) Responsible for Preparation Prepared ,January 8, "~ECTION 1 - IDENTITY Common Name: (used on iabeD . ~ns No. ~ . m~de~&S~ony~} Iodide-Iodat~ - Codo 240 rn-~r~-~ir~ · C~h~m-iC~A Chemical Name mixture , Fam~y mixtUre Fo~n~a mixture .. SEmi'ION 2 - ItAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS Principal Hazardou~ Component{s} {ehemiod & common n~,ne{.,I} % Threshold Limit. VsIuo None SECTION 3 - PHYSICAL & CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Fire & Explosion Data) Boiling Specific . Vapor Point circa 212OF Gra~dty(H,O=l)Clrca i Pressure (mm H~ unknown Percent Volatile 9 9 Vapor ~%t4on Rate by Volume (%} Density (A~ = 1) unknown ( ~ ~"~'- = 1} < 1 Solubility Reactivity in m Wa~ complete Water none Appearance andOdor Colorless, odorless, clear liquid. Flash . Flammable Limits ~/~ Lower Upper Extinguisher xv/~ Auto-Ignition N/A Po/nt none m Air % by Volume~/~'x Med/a L~/.,-x Temperature Special Fire Fighting Procedures none Un.~-.I Fire and Explosion Hazards none CU-F1 Prinled bv INTEREG. CHICAGO, IL 606a6 1-8~'t-621-5~OR SECTION 4 - PHYSICAL HAZARDS Code 2 4 0 Stability Unstable C} Conditions .... , Stable _~ to Avoid lncompatability {Materials to Avoid} none Decomposition Products none Hazardous May Occur D Conditions Polymerization Will Not Occur ~ to Avoid SECTION 5 - HEALTH HAZARDS Threshold LimitValu. none established .- Si~and LAc.ts May irritate eyes Symptoms of Exposure Overexposure 2. Chronic Overexposure riO data Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure no data Chemical Listed as Carcinogen National Toxicology Yes .~} I.A.R.C. yes FI OSHA Yes Iii or Potential Carcinogen Pro,ram NoXl Monographs No Xl No -~ . OSHA Permissible see ACGIH Threshold see Other Exposure Exposurel,imit Section 2 LhnJtValue Section 2 Emergency and F~tAidpr~ures Also see-"First Aid in Poisoning" page sent with MSDS. 1. Inhalation Does not emit fumes. 2. Eyes Flush with water. Call a doctor if irritation persists. 3. Skin Flush with water. 4. Ingestion SECTION 6 - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION Respiratory Protection ~sp~,y ~ not required Ventilation Local Mechanical Special Other normal room Exhaust (Gen~al) ' - Protective Eye Chemical worker's goggles or Gloves' Protection Robber face mask. Other Protective Cloth~g or Equipment Rubber apron SECTION 7 - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS AND SPILIgLEAK PROCEDURES Precautions to be Taken in Hanming and Storage Store in a cool, dry area. Other Pr~autio~ 'None (Note: This is a'testing reagent sold only in Steps to be Taken in Case MaterialisReleasedorSpflled Contain with absorbent or flush to drain with water. WasteD{sposal Approved waste management facility. Methods IMPORTANT Do not leave any blank spaces. If required information is unavailable, unknown, or does not apply, so indicate. CU-F1 Printed by INTEREG. CHICAGO. IL 60646 1-8(X}-621-5808 QUIC---~ENTIFIER (In Plant Common Name) Material Safety Data Sheet Reagent Code 110 Manufacturer's Emergency Nme Garratt-Callahan Company Telephone No. TT.~ N-tuber Below ^dee,, 111 Rollins Road Other ~nformatio. (415) 697-5811 Millbrae, CA 94030 c~ "(Business Hours) Si~a~ure of Per~n ~/~ ~ D a~ R~nsiblefor~ep~ation ~ ' ~P~ ,7~.l~x~ ~, ] q~ -"~ION 1 - IDE~I~ Common Name: lu~ on la~l) C~ No. m~S~o.~ 0.1ff Sulfuric ~cid - Code 110 mix~ure Chemlc~l Che~ N~e mixture F~y mixture Fo~,,l~ mixture SE~ION 2 - ~RDOUS INGR~IE~S ~cip~ H~OUS ~m~nen~s) ~c~ & ~on n~s}) % Threshoid I Jmlt. V~ue none SECTION 3 - PHYSICAL & CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Fire & Explosion Data) Boiling Specific Vapor Point circa 212OF Ora~ty(H'O=l~circa 1 Pr~s~e(mmH~ unknown P~nt Volatile Vapor E_yvapqration Rate by Volume (%) 9 9 Density i~ = 1) unknown tJ~uAc_ = 1) < 1 Solubility Reactivity in i. Water complete Water l~oearance none Odor Colorless Flash ~ Fl~iu,mble Limits Lower Extinguisher Auto-Ignition Poi.t none in A~ % by Vo~um~/A Upp~ M~ N/& ~em~tu~e N/A Special Fire Fighting Procedures none Unusual Fire and Explosion H~-a~s none CU-F! Pdnted ~ INTEREG. CHICAGO. IL 60646 1-800-621-,5808 SECTION 4 - PHYSICAL HAZARDS Cod~. ] ], 0 Stability Unstable ~1 Conditions Stable [~to Avoid . .. I ncompatability (Materials to Avoid} none Hazardous Decomposition Products none Hazardous May Occur [] Conditions Polymerization Will Not Occur ~ to Avoid SECTION 5 - HEALTH HAZARDS Threshold Lm~tV-,ue none established , Signsand 1. Acute May irritate eyes Symptoms of Exposure Overexposure ' 2. Chronic Overexposure no data Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure no data Chemical Listed as Carcinogen National Toxicology Yes ID I.A.R.C. Yes [] OSHA Yes [2 or Potential Carcinogen . Program No [~ Monographs No ~ No ~ OSHA Permissible see ACGIH Threshold See Other Exposure E,posureUmit Section 2 Lm~tValue Section2 'JmitUsed Emergency and First Aid Procedures Also see "First Aid in Poisoning" paqe sent with MSDS. 1. Inhalation Does not emit fumes. 2. Eyes Flush with water. Call a doctor if irritation persists. 3. Skin Flush with water. 4. Ingestion Drink water and induce vomitina. Call a doctor. SECTION 6 - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION Respiratory Protection (Specify Type) not required Ventilation Local Mechanical Special Other n~rm~ ] mom Exhaust (General} Pro,tire Eye Chemical worker's goggles or Oloves Rubber Protection face ma.~lc. ' Other Protective - o ,- Clothing or Equipment Rubber apron '' "" SECTION 7 - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS AND SPILL/LEAK PROCEDURES Precautions to be Taken in Handh.'n.' g and Storage Store in a cool, dry area. Other P-~autio~ .None (Note: This is a ,testing reagent sold only in small bottles.) Steps to be Taken in Case Material is Releasod or Spillod Contain with absorbent or flush to drain with water. Waste Disposal Methods Approved waste management facility. IMPORTANT Do not leave any blank spaces. If required information is unavailable, ,mknown, or does not apply, so indicate. CU-F1 Pdnted by INTEREG, CHICAGO, }L 60646 1-800-621-5808 · ' · QUIC~iln Plant. Common Name) Material Safety Data Sheet Reagent Code 230 Manufacturer's Emergency Name Garratt-Callahan Company Telephone No. Use Number Below ^dmz, 111 Rollins Road Other (415) 697--5811 Information Millbrae, CA 94030 , ~m (Business Hours) Signature of Person ~/,~.~. ~ Date Responsible fer Preparation ~ ' Prepared December 20, 1985 -,--~JECTION 1 - IDENTITY ~', Common Name: (used on label) Starch-Acid Indicator C~ N~ (Trade Name & Synonyms) Code 230 ' 'mixture ....... Chemical Chemical Name m~xture " F~y mixture Formula mixture SECTION 2 - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS PrLn~pal Hazardous Component~s} {chen~cs] & co=unon names)) % T~hold Liner V-~ue sulfamic acid CAS No. 532-94-6 77% none established starch CAS No. 9005-84-9 23% .* *TLV_10 mg/m3 as a nuisaDce dus%. but n~te. ghat ~hiSl~Oduct is s°ld in ~ oz. oottles~ SO nuisance aus~ is nlgnly un~e _ SECTION 3 - PHYSICAL & CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Fire & Explosion Data) .. Boii/ng Specific - Percent Volat/le Vapor E~.~_p?~t!on Rate. by Volume {%} N/A Density (~ = ~ N/A .... ~uuau_ = 1~ N/A. ' ..... Solub~ty Reactivity in mWa~ moderate _ Water none Appearance ~dOdo~ white odorless powder Ext/ngu/sher N/A Auto-Ignition N/A Flash Flammable Limits "kT/~ Lower Upper Media Temperature Po~t none ~ A~r % by Volume~/~-~ S]~. iai Fire F~h~P,o~du~ none Unusual F/re and Explosion Hazards none SECTION 4 - PHYSICAL HAZARDS Reagent Code 2 3 0 Stability Unstable C] Conditions Stable ~ to Avoid ..... Incomparability {Materi"lst°^v°id! Corrosive to metals on prolonged contact. Hazardous Decomposition Products none Hazardous May Occur /~ Conditions Polymerization Will Not Occur ~ to Avoid SECTION 5 - HEALTH HAZARDS Threshold · un~tval.e See Section 2 . S~msand l. Acuta Will burn eyes & irritate skin Symptoms of Exposure Overexposure 2. Chronic Overexposure no data .. Medical Cond/tions Generally Aggravated by Exposure no data ' · Chemical Listed as Carcinogen National Toxicology Yes or Potential Carc/nogen Program No ~ Monographs No ~ No ]%5] OSHA Permissible See ACGIH Threshold See Other Exposure Exposure !.im!t Section 2 L~t Value Section 2 IJn~t Used Eme~ ~eucy and : r~,~mdPr~ed=es. Also see "First Aid in Poisoning" page sent with MSDS.: I. Inhalation Does not emit fumes. 2. Eyes Flush with water. Call a doctor. Flush with water. Call a doctor if irritation persists. 4. Ingestion . Drink water or milk. Do not induce vomiting. Call a doctor. SECTION 6 - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION Resp/ratory Protection ~Sp~yTy~ Not normally needed. NIOSH dust mask if dust arises. Ventilation Local Mechanical Special Other normal room Exhaust (G~) .... Protective Eye Chemical worker' s goggles or G~oves Rubber ....... Pro~c~on face mask. · .......... Other Protective ., Clothing or Equ/pment Rubber apron · ...' '' SECTION 7 - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS AND SPILI3LEAK PROCEDURES r~-~autlons to be Taken /n Handling and Storage Store in a-cool, dry area. Otherpm~autions · None (Note-. This is a, testing reagent sold, only in 4 oz. bottles. ) Steps to be Taken in Case Matarial is Released or Spilled Sweep up. wests Disposal Methods Flush to drain with plenty of water. IMPORTANT Do not leave any blank spaces. If required information is unavailable, unknown, or does not apply, so indicate. CU-F1 Printed by INTEREG, CHICAGO. IL 60646 1-800-621-5808 ~ Q IFIER (In Plant Common Name) Material Safety Data Sheet Reagent Code 160 Manufactu ' Emergency Name ~farratt-Callahan Company relephoneNo. Use Number Below ^4m~, 111 Rollins Road Other I~o~ation (415) 697--5811 Millbrae, CA 94030 c.,,. (Business Hours) S/~nature of Person Dat~ Responsible for Preparation ' Prepared 1-- 9-- 8 6 :' '-SECTION 1 - IDENTITY ..... - ...................... Common Name: (used on label) . · C,~ No .... _ .......... . ..... {TradeName&Synonymsl MethYl Orange - Code 160 5'47'58-0 ......... '~ ........ . :...'-' Ch~ SOdiUm p- ( (p- (dimethylamino) phenyl) Che~ .... .:' -'...(::~. ...... Name azo) banzmnasulfonaem Family BeP. zene deri'.'ati'.-c " Formnls ...... : ~ ,.~ 4--IN '"" ' ': ' CldH1 O~S-Na .... - ....... SECTION 2 - HAZAHDOUS INGREDIENTS Principal Hazardous Component(s) (chemical & common name(s)) % Threshold Limit Value (units) NOne ,..,.,..: ,,. ~ ....... , ,. .. , .:-: :.: :.:..:.' ..-:,:.... ::,-.:.:::.......- ·., :.,. ': -,, ., ' ' ;:.;--':-.-' "',:, :, :.,':;".' "-.',7:~ .... -...,. ... ........ : .:7:~.,.-:..:. · .,~ ....... £..-.2:iz ....... ~,.:; .'. L,... :-, '... . ,..~ ...... L'.. , 'ir.~:/.':: i.J.i/' :.,.:...:.~:..~: . . · ..: .... ... . : .';:. ,. ..... · .:.~'. ....... ,: 'SECTION ~ - PHYSICAL & CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Fire & Explosion Data) ' : :,,-,'u:;.:,',.' . ,.. - BOirU~ ..:....e:.::; .....k-:..~-..-'- Specific .. Vapor :.~.':..,..-C'a . -~ . ,' · .:, Poi~ CirCa 212o . GravitylH,O=l) %1.0 Pressure (mm H~) ',N/A , ,Percent Volatile ......... ... Vapor ,... ...... Evaporation Rate. , : ....... .. ' ...... '..: ...... ' -. - .... · ,' · ' · by Volume (%} 99 Oen~it~(~ = '.. Solubility Reactivity in ..... ' ~- wa~ ....... Complete ................................ Water .... None ...................................... ~ .............. Appearance .......... ·-,~-, .~ ~; .d _ ~...'~ .:. ~..., ...... andOdor Clear, odorless, and orange liquid. ' ........... : ...... Flash Flammable Limits _ Lower Upper Extinguisher Auto-Igrdtion i :' ' ' ' · Poin~ None in.~Ur%b~,Vo~ume N/A Media N/A -. 'remper.ture None ' Sp~i., F~ r%~ m~ None '-' - '" .;: .. ,.'._ ....... . .:'. ..;...-:.::.; . :: .. ',.. · . . .' .......:- Unusual Fire and - · Explosion Hazards None, weak aqueous solution. CU-F1 Pdnted by INTEREG. CHICAGO, IL 60646 t-800-621-5808 SECTION 4 - PHYSICAL HAZARDS Code 160 Stability Unstable [] Conditions Stable I~ to Avoid lncompatability {Materials ~o Avoid} None Hazardous Decomposition Products ' None Hazardous May Occur [] Conditions Polymerization Will Not Occur ~] to Avoid SECTION 5 - HEALTH HAZARDS Threshold Um~t V-~ue Not established Signs and - 1. Acute Symptoms of Exposure Ove~xposu~ None 2. Chronic Overe.posure None . - Medical Conditions Generally A~avated hr Exposure None reported Chemical Listed as Carcinogen National Toxicolog~ Yes [] I.A.R.C. Yes [] OSHA Yes [] or Potential Carcinogen. Program No [] X Monographs No {2x No []X OSHA Permissible See ACGIH Threshold See Other Exposure Exposure Limit ~ectiol~ 2 LinfitValue Section 2 L/m/tUsed Emergency and F~tmdPr~ Also see "First Aid in Poisoninq" page sent with MSDS. 1. Inhalation No fumes emitted. 2. Eyes Rinse with watar: call a phygician if i rr~s~.~_d_ 3. S~n Rinse with water. 4. lngestioll Induce vomiting, call a physician. SECTION 6 - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION Respiratory Protection (s~ ~ None Ventilation Local Mechanical Special Other Normal Exhaust (General} Protective alove~ Rubber ~h~oetection Chemical worker' s goggles or face mask Other Protective . .'. ~. x . Clothing or Equipment Rubber apron ..... SECTION 7 - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS AND SPILL/LEAK PROCEDURES Precautions to be Taken in HancUlng and Storage Store in a cool, dry area. Other Pr~ution~ None Steps to be Taken in Case Ma~alis~le~odorspmod Rinse down sewer or use an absorbent and sweep up. Methods Approved waste management facility. . IMPORTANT Do not leave any blank spaces. If required information is unavailable, unknown, or does not apply, so indicate. CU-F1 Printed by INTEREG, CHICAGO, IL 60646 1-800-621-5808 .... ~IC--~EN~-IEIER {In Pla~ C~mmon l~amel Material Safety Data Sheet ,:' Reagent Code 319 Manufacturer's Emergency Name Garratt-Callahan Company Telephone No. Use Number Below ^dm~s 111 Rollins Road oth~ (415) 697-5811 Information Millbrae, CA 940.30 c-,,- (Business Hours) Responsible for Preparation ' C.~';-W--~' Prepared 1 0 -- 1 0-- 8 6 ~SECTION 1 - IDENTITY Common Name: (used on label) Cas No. m.de~ame&S~o,~l PhosPhate 'Filter Aid - Code 319 Mixture Chemical Chemical Name Family Mixture Mixture Formula Mixture SECTION 2 - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS Principal Hazardous Component(s) (chem/cal & common name(s)) % Threshold Limit Value Potassium nitrate CAS No..7757-79-1 75% " None SECTION 3 - PHYSICAL & CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Fire & Explosion Data) Bo/ling Spec/ftc Vapor Point N/A aravit~ ~H,O=~) N/A Pressure ~..'. ~g~ N/A Percent Volatile Vapor Evaporation Pate by Volume {%~ N/A Density ~ = l) N/A I--BU~ = ~ N/A -' Solubility Reactivity in in Water Appreciable None Water Appearance andOdor Odorless gray powder. Flash Flammable Lira/ts- Lower Upper Extinguisher Auuyignition Point ~7rt~r~C]w~tn A/r % by Volume ~JT1]fTIOWn Media Any ,Temperature Unknown Special Fire FightingP~dum, Potassium nitrate is an 0xidizinq agent; however, this product is supplied only in 4 oz. bottles, so the quantity is insufficient to present a serious hazard in case of fire. Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards None SECTION 4 - PHYSICAL HAZARDS '. Code . 319 · .. Stability Unstable [] Conditions Stable CKto Avoid ' None .-. Incomp-t-~h/l/ty ' ' IMaterials to Avoid} ' None Ha2ardous Decomposition Products Will release oxides of nitrogen if burned Hazardn-~ May Occur I-I Conditions Polymerization Will Not Occur ~ te Avoid None SECTION 5 - HEALTH HAZARDS Threshold u~t V-,ue None established. Si~s and 1. Acute SymptemsofExposum Overexposure Dust can irritate eyes or nose. 2. Chronic Overexposure NO data M_~iic~I Cond/tions Generally Aggravated by Exposure NO data Chemical Listed as Carcinogen National Toxicology Yes [] I.A.R.C. Yes or Potential Carcinogen Program No /2 X' Monographs No ~ OSHA Yes No ~X OSHA Permisslhl9 ~ee ACGIH Threshold See Other Exposure Exposure Limit Section 2' LimitValue S~t~Tl ~. l.imltUsed Emergency and F~st~idProcedures Als° see "First Aid in Poisoninq" paqe sent With MSDS 1. lnh-!ation Remove to fresh air. Consult a doctor if irritation persists. 2. Eyes Flush with water. Consult a dOctor if irritation persists. 3. S~n Flush with water. Consult a 'doctor if irritation Dersi~qts 4. Ingestion _ Drink water and induce vomiting. Call a ~h~sician. SECTION 6 - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION Respiratory Protection {SpecifyType} NIOSH dust mask if dust is a problem. Ventilation Local Mechanical Special Other Normal room Exhaust (General} Protective Eye Chemical worker's goggles or Gloves Rubber m~tion face mask. Other Protective Clothing or Equipment Rubb,er apron SECTION 7 - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS AND SPILL~EAK PROCEDURES Precautions to be Taken in Handling and Storage Store in a cool, dry area. Other Precautions None Steps to be Taken in Case Material is Released or Spilled Sweep up. Waste Disposal Methods Flush to drain with water. IMPORTANT Do not leave any blank spaces. If required information is unavailable, unknown, or does not apply, so indicate. CU-F1 Printed by INTEREG. CHICAGO. IL 60646 1-800-621-5~08 Material S Data Sheet Reagent Code 177 Manufacturer's Emergency _ __ -? .-. _ Nme Garratt-Callahan Company Teleoh°neN°' Use Number Below ^d~s 111 Rollins Road Other Information (415) 697--5811 Millbrae, CA 94030 c~$ (Business Hours) Responsible for PreparatAon · Prepared December 20 r 1985 · SECTION 1 - IDENTITY Common Name: Cused on ia~l~ota] Hardness Indicator ~ No. ~adeName&S.~.~) Buffer - Code 177 mixture Chen~cal Chem~c~d N~ mixture ~my mixture Formula mixture SECTION 2 - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS ~incipal Hazardous Component(s) (chemical & common name(s)) % Threshold Limit Value (un/ts) none SECTION 3 - PHYSICAL & CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Fire & Explosion Data) ~oiling Specific Vapor Poin,~ N/A ~ra~ty ~,o=~) N/A ~su~ Hg~ N/A Percent Vol.tile Vapor Evaporation Rate byVolu~e~ N/A Oe.~ityl~ = ,~ N/A ~-- '~ N/A Sol.hillty Reactivity in in Water comp le te Water none Appearance andOdor odorless purple powder Flash Flammable L~ N' ~ L.~ Upper Extinguisher ' Aut~lgnition Point none ~ Air % by Volume /~ Medda N/A N/A Temperature Special Fire Fighting Procedures none Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards none (~.llA:l Pnn?swt hv INTI:Rt:(~ ~HICA(~C) II ~r~;4~ SECTION 4 - PHYSICAL HAZARDS nea~ene Code 177 Stability Unstable [] Conditions Stable ~ to Avoid ' "~' ' Incomparability {Materials toAvoidl none Hazardous Decomposition Products none Hazardous May Occur ~ Conditions Polyraerization Will Not Occur ~3~ to Avoid SECTION 5 - HEALTH HAZARDS Threshold ,.~mit v-,ue none established Sigus and 1. Acute Sy~ptom, of S~o,u~ O~e~xpo~re Powder could irritate eyes. 2. Chronic Overexposure no data ...... Medical ConcLitions Generally Aggravated by Exposure no data Chem/cal Listed as Carc/nogen National Tox/cology Yes [] I.A.R.C. Yes D OSHA Yes [] or Potent/al Cardnogen Program No OSHA Perm/ssible See ACGIH Threshold See Other Exposure . Exposu~T.im!t Section 2 L~tValue Seckion 2 L~tU~ed Emergency and ~t~JdP~du~ Also see "First Aid in PoiSoninq'' paqe sent with MSDS.' 1. Inhalation .- Does not emit fumes. 2. Eyes Flush with water. See a doctor if irritation persists. 3. Skin Flush with water. --' 4. Iugestion Drink water and induce vomitinq. SECTION 6 - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION Respiratory Protection (s~ Tn~l none Ventilation Local Mechanical Spe~al Other Y1C}i~I~ ] ~om Exhaust (Gener-{I me,tire Eye Chemical worker' s goggles or a~o~es Rubber P~tiou face mask. Other Protective · C~o~g or Eq,~p~.t Rubber apron SECTION 7 - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS AND SPILL/LEAK PROCEDURES Precautions to be Taken i-Hanmi-caudStorage Store in a cool, dry area. Other P~au~o~ -None (Note: This is a.testing reagent sold only in 4 oz. bottles.) Steps to be Taken in Case Materialis Released or Spilled~ t~cwee" up Waste Disposal - Methods Flush to drain with water. IMPORTANT Do not leave any blank spaces. If required information is unavailable, unknown, or does not apply, so indicate. CU-F1 Printed by INTEREG, CHICAGO, IL 60646 1-800-621-5808 QUICK IDENTIFIER (In Plant Common Name) Material Safety Data Sheet Reagent Code 200 Manufacturer's Emergency Name Garratt-Callahan Company Telephone No. Use Number Below ^dm~s 111 Rollins Road Other (415) 697-5811 In format/on Millbrae, CA 94030 ~. cmm (Business Hours) Signature of Person //~f~. ~ ~,~m Date Responsible for Preparation ' Prepared December 20, 1985 b,.- ' _-~ECTION 1 - IDENTITY Common Name: {used on label) Molybdate Reagent (Trade Name & Synonyms) Chemical Chemical Nme mixture F~my mixture Fo, mala mixture SECTION 2 - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS Principal Hazardous Component(s) {ahem/cai & common nameis)) % Thresbo!,l Limit Value (un/ts) sulfuric acid CAS No. 7664-93-9 7.8% 1 mg/m3 SECTION 3 - PHYSICAL & CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Fire & Explosion Data) Boiling Specific Vapor PoRt circa 212oF Gravity(H,O=l} >1 Pressure (mm Hg) unknown Percent Volatile Vapor Eygppr~tj.on Rate by Volume (%) 90% Density(Air= 1) unknown I ~uz-x~ = 1) <l Solubility Reactivity in m Water complete Water May generate some heat. Appearance andOdor colorless odorless liquid Flash Flammable Limits - -- Lower Upper Extinguisher Auto-Ignition Point none m Ah' % by VolumeN/A Media N/A Temperature N/A Special F~e Fight/rig Procedures none " Unusual Fh'e and Explosion Hazards none SECTION 4 - PHYSICAL HAZARDS Reagent Code 200- Stability Unstable [~ Conditions Stable ~ to Avoid I ncompatability (M,~ri~teAvoid) Corrosive in contact with metals. Hazardous Decomposition Products May evolve hydrogen gas. Hazardous May Occur{~ Conditions Polymerization Will Not Occur Qi to Avoid SECTION 5 - HEALTH HAZARDS Threshold LimitValue See Section 2 Signs and 1. Acute Symptoms of Exposure OverexpOsure Will burn eyes and skin. 2. Chronic Overexposure no da~_a Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure no data Chemical Listed as Carcinogen National Toxicology Yes C] I.A.R,C. yes CI OSHA Yes [] or Potential Carcinogen Program No ~ Monographs No [~ No X] OSHA Permissible See ACGIH Threshold See Other Exposure ExposureLirnit Section 2 l,imitValue Section 2 LhmitUsed Emergency and FirstAidProcedures Also see ."First Aid in Poisoning" page sent with MSDS. 1. Inhalation Does not emit fumes. 2. Eyes Flush with water and call a doctor. 3. Sk~ Flush with water and call a doctor. 4. Ingestion Drink water or milk. Do not induce vomiting. Call a doctor. SECTION 6 - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION Respiratory Protection (Specify Type) not needed Ventilation Local Mechanical Special Other normal room Exhaust (General) Protective Eye Chemical worker's goggles or Gloves Rubber P~tion face mask. Other Protective Clothing or Equipment Rubber apron SECTION 7 - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS AND SPILL/LEAK PROCEDURES Precautions to be Taken in Handling and Storage Store in a cool, dry area. Other ~ecautions , None (Note: This is a. testing reagent sold only in quart and gallon containers. ) ' Steps to be Taken in Case Material is Released or Sp/lled Contain with absorbent. Neutralize with bica'rbonate of soda. Waste Disposal Methods Ma;, be flushed to drain with !_~_rge o~o,3n~.~ nF w~t-~r_ IMPORTANT Do not leave any blank spaces. If required information is unavailable, unknown, or does not apply, so indicate. , CU-FI Printed by INTEREG. CHICAGO. IL 60646 1-800-621-5808 ~IFIER {In Plant Common Name) Material Safety Data Sheet Adjunct SS-Cat Manufacturer's Emergency Name Garratt-Callahan Company Telephone No.Use Number Below ^d~es, 111 Rollins Road Other (415) 697--5811 Information Millbrae, CA 94030 c~s (Business Hours) Hesponsible for Preparation Prepared ----F~ECTION 1 - IDENTITY Common Name: (used on label) ~adeN~.&S~o,~ Adjunct SS-Cat cns No. 7757-83-7 Chemical Chem/cai Name sodium sulfite F~y Fo~,,,~ inorqanic sulfite Na2SO3 SECTION 2 - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS Prindpal Hazardous Component(s} (chemical & common nameis)) % Threshold l,lmit Value (unit=) none SECTION, 3 - PHYSICAL & CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Fire & Explosion Data) Boilin~ Pomt~ N/A S~c Vapor Gra~ty (H,O= 1) '2.6 P~e (m~ H~ N/A Percen~ VoI.til. by Volume (%) N/A Vapor Density (A/r = 1) N/A EvAporation Rate ~ ~¢ = ~ N/A Solubility Reactivity in mw.t~ appreciable . Water May generate heat. Appearance andOdar odorless off-white crystals Flash Flammable Limits Lower Extinguisher Po/nt none ~ Air % by Volume N/A Upper Auto-lgn/tion Me~a N/A N/A Temperature Special F~e F%h~in~u~ Self contained breathing apparatus may be needed if sulfite decomposes in heat. Unusual Fire and ~plo~o..a~s Will emit SO~ fumes if heated to decomposition CU-F1 Printed by INTEREG, CHICAGO. IL 606.46 1-800-621-5808 SECTION 4 - PHYSICAL HAZARDS .~ Adj unct SS-Cat Stability Unstable [] Conditions Stable ~ to Avoid Incompatability ~Ma~-',~^void~ Acids may release sulfur dioxide. ·Strong oxidizers may generate heat. Hazardous DecompositionProducte If heated to decomposition, emits SO~ Hazardous May Occur _[]. Conditions Polymerization Will Not Occur~. to Avoid SECTION 5 - HEALTH HAZARDS Threshold l.lmit Value none . Signs and . L Acute Symptoms of Exposure Overexposure Dust may irritate eyes. 2. Chronic Overexposure no data Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure no data " Chemical Listed as Carcinogen Nations} ToxicololD' Yes .~ I.A.R.C. Yes ID OSHA Yes .~ or Potential Carcinogen Program NoKI Monographs No (~ No OSHA Permissible ~ee ACGIH Threshold See Other Exposure Exposurel,imit Section 2 !.~.~tValue Section 2 u~tUsed Emergency and First Aid Procedures Also see "First Aid in Poisoning" page sent with MSDS. 1. Inhalation Dust may irritate eyes or lungs. Remove to fresh air. 2. Eyes Wash-with water. Consult physician if irritation persists. Wash with water. Consult Dhysician if irritation persists. 4. Ingestion Give water or milk. Induce vomiting. Call a physician. SECTION 6 - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION Resp~atory Protection ~Sp~yTn~) NIOSH dust mask. Ventilation Local 1~ dUSt lSMechanical Spe~al Other normal room Exhaust a problem iG~-,~ . Protective ~oetection Chemical worker's goggles or Gloves Rubber ' 'face m~sk. Other Protective , . Clothing or Equipment Rubber apron. SECTION 7 - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS AND SPILL/LEAK PROCEDURES Precautions to be Taken in Handling and Storage Store in a cool, dry area. Other Precautions Steps to be Taken in Case Material is Released ar Spilled Shovel up and put into empty conta'iner. Meth~sW"teDmpo'al Approved waste management facility. IMPORTANT Do not leave any bl~nk spaces. If required information is unavailable, unknown, or does not apply, so indicate. CU-F1 Printed by INTEREG, CHICAGO. IL 60646 1-800-621-5808 ~® Haterial Safety Data Sheet '" " '" Fire and Explosion SECTION 2 ; ~ergency Telephone N~ber Information Nallinckrodt Inc. 31~-982-5000 Fire: '.' · No~ co~ldered to be a fl~e hazard. Science Produc~s Division · ": i Peris, Kentucky 40361 Effective Da~e: 0]-30-85 Explosion: '. Not co~ldered. Co be ~n explosion hazard. L ;. t '~. Firs ExcinSuishins Hadia: 'Use any u,a~ suitable for ex~lnsuishins surround: "'~n~ acid. 2-hydroxy-5-sulfo-, dlhydrate; Salicyisulfonic Acid /.: ..' ~ash ~horou~h17 afCe~ handlin~; ..~' ' ~ . :. . flazardous Decomposition ~- e~oduccs: ~es oi sulfur oxides, phsnol, and sat~c711~ In case of con,act, l~edia~ely flush skin or eyes with plenc7 of.'wa~er ~or ac " Haza~do~ Pol~erl~l~lon: ~lll no~ occur. SEE SE~ION 5. ~,~ Incompa~/bilicies: ' .. · Scron~ mineral acids. - ~. ~T Hazard Class: HoC Resulated 't'- · /':' ~;~.. ~pllls: $~eep up and containerize for recl~ation or disposal. Vacu~in~ o~ vet ' Odor: · Odorless. . '; ~. ... ~.~ sveepin~ ~y be ~ed to avoid d~t dispersal. HeltinS Point: 120'C (2~8'F) Vapor Pressure (~ HS):No lnfo~atio~ ,~i,~,:~;qEn~ura~Compl!ance with locai~ta~e and ~ade~al ~esulacions; '~ ....... ~' '"" ' ' ' Occunattonal Control Neas~[~§ SECTION 6 ' · .: Health Ilazard Information SECTION 5 .. ' ' .:. ' "' · . Airborne Exposure Limits: . ' None established. . ' '.'~/ Inhalation: Irritatin& to the mucous membranes,. Symptoms may Ventilation ~7stcm:: '{[~7'.".:.~.q.. . .'/. ' A local exhauet aystem vhich captures the con~eminant" ' ~.~: . include ,ore throat, coushin,. ' . .... :,. ..... at its source l, recommended to prevent dispersion of ".'~ . · ETe P~o~ac~lon: .:, · ' ' Uae chemical aa~aC~ ~o~lee and/or a full f~ce shield .:. Chronic ~xposu~e: ' No lnfo~lon found ........ t~ '.' ?-'~' -~?'~:' .'. vhere aplashin~ Is possible Contact lenses should ~ · I~alation: '~ · ' Remove to fresh lit. Ii not breathtn~, ~lve ar~lficial Sto~a~e and ~ecial lnfo~a~lon" SE~ION 7 '' " ': .: . ' . be' correct.as o~the ~Ce he,eof. Hoverer, Hallinckrod~, Ina. makes no repre- ".: " ' ' ' sensation as ~o"~he' ~omprehe~ivenesl or accuracy of the lnfo~aCion. I~ l! .. ~ ')':...~./- Skin Exposure: ~ash exposed aras rich soap and va~er. Gtc medical . expected ~hac Individ~ls racaivini the infection will exercise ~hel~  advice If ir~lZa~lon develops. ' dependent Jud~enC In de~e~lntng [~l appropriacenes~, for a particular - ' .. '' ' ' : purpose. Accordingly, ~llinck~odC, Inc. ~ill no~ be raspo~lble for ~mases .-' ',>.,.L'  Eye Exp?sure: ~ash Chorou~ly ~lch runnin~ wa~a~. Ge~ medical advice o~ any kind resul~lnS from ~he uae of or reliance upon such lnfo~aCion. ' · . · L:~,-~ .. . . ~ ~-' ~ ~.~.~ ·. . ~. ., . .,~ .... ..~.~,; ........ .,,:.'. ~"- .'~ ~'~' . '. ..,?. . . . , Airborne Exposure 'Lt~cs: -OS~ ~etmL~tb~e ~xposute Limit (~EL): .... Inhalation"-' ~ ~ An irritant o~ the mucous membranes. Hay cat,se lore ) ppm (~A): 5 ppa (Cetltna) Zn&e*tton: S~atto~tn8 gan eau,e levete a~domtnat patn. vlotant Ventilation System: A *yatee of 1oc~1 exhaus~ ~a race.ended to keep vom~tin8 and diarrhea. Ha~ be f~t~l or cause blindness, e~pioyee exposures belo~ the Airborne Exposure Limits. ~..~,... ~ ~ ~, ~-~ .~ ~ :. ,Oeath~ie:froe circulatory 'railure. -- .'. ~ca~ exhaust ventilation ts immorally preferred ' -" because lC can contro~ the emissions o~ the dust st ;~ Skin Contatt:~'L*:~? ~'* ~:~ Irrtta~t'a~y ~aUIo redneoi~.petfl, skin burns. ,'.~e ., vapor ac its eource, preventfn8 dispersion o~ it into methanol component may be absorbed thtou&h I~in ~lth ~* *' ; the 8eneta~ vor~ area. tleise ' . s~pcoms para~lelln& [nAelclon exposure, Vision : , dec.eat, "~nduscr~a~ Ventilation. A ' :: .~:~ ~,. : '. : .....:s-':' ~-- ~<~. -.Impairment is I major conce~nL ." .-" ~'' .. "; ': ' Reco~eflded ~tactlces', most recent edition, EoF ~, ~., .: ~?,': ,;,,:.~ ,:-.~: yp t ns~tvtcy ~eidln8 to contact dermatitis," ' . (NIOSll Approved) (ulZ.(acaplece respirator, altZtned hood. or" ' -,* ~ .~ . :.~...:~.~,t. '~....,.~: .~poll/bly o['an'ecgeaatotd nature and Zar n ell edema se~f-contatned breathtn& apparatus. ' 'A--tar -' -'*-,~' ~:--.:~A "~ ~*:*~d Y~,~ ~:,;,; '"~' · ' Skin Protection: ' ~eat t~pa~lous protective clothing, [nc~udtn8 boots. ' "* ~:.tre-extsttfl~ Co~ditiofli: "fersons rich pre-extscin~ eye problems, or impaired ~loves. lib co.c, apron or coveralls co prevent skin · ; ~{vet. kidney or respiratory ~unct/ofl may be more contact. . susceptible to the e((eets o~ the substance. ': a. r~RST AID '~ ~,.'.:~..~ ~.~.~ · · ,:i/~*,- Eye Protection: Use chemical safety goggles and/oF ~, . ;,~..' .' ' ~":'~':~'~ .J ~here splishtn8 Is poas~b~i.ConticC ~enses should not l~alatiofl; · ' .... {: be yarn vhen vorkinA v/th this mater/al. ~.~.~.:, ~. · .~ ~-.~ X;:~'~r ?>~'~?~ ~.~' Remove to trash 'lit. If flo~ breathin8, Sike ' . ' *' respiration, l~ b~eathing is difficult, give oxygen. ' Ca{~ a physician. · .... ,'' ,~>~: . ~ ..... ~ - ~.. ~aifltaln eye rash gountain and quick-drench facilities . .; : · : in york area. lfl~esCfon: ...~-..~:.: :,,~'I~ svi~loved,' i'nduee vomttln8 fMed~ately b~ S~vin8 tvs . , : · .. . ,,~ .; ~...=,: ?.;: ~.:.~ ~ Aliases o~ rater and st/ckln~ f/nsct do~ throat. i Never 81ve inythtflA by mouth to an unconscious person. " "' ' ' CII1 physician L~edLately ......~ .... ~':~*':~ .... ' ~'/"~'~ v:'~"~'~ '~:* ' '* ' ~:? Storaee and Soeetol Information '::" ~:~Sktn ~sure: ,:,:.~..:.~...?~ln.ease or contact, ~edtiCely rluah akin utch p~enty '' of racer for.ac leait 15 minutes vhtte reaov/~K Keep In a tllht~y cJo~ed container ~rote ..... · ....... · · contaminated clothing and shoee. Wash clothing be~ote or detached state · fa - " .... A preEetred. Inside statism should be ~.,.,~,~ ~., ~..,,~ .~:: :,.~'. reuse..:'~otouAhly clean shoes before reuse. Get q Las statism toss or cabinet. Sealtite FrflA n. ldl.a ....... .~.., '..~; eedtcal-,aCtencton /~edtate~y. .. ........... *"6 weLe~AIil, use areal ~houJd be Ne Smokln8 areal, ~ear speetl~ protective equipment (Sec, 6) Esr matntaJnenee break. In or ~here exposures Bay exceed e~tib~lahed ex eau ' Eye gxposute:':~ .~, ~. ~ash eyes vLth plenty o~ vicar for az least IS minutes, lev " els ~ash hands, face, forearms and neck rhea exftLfl& restricted ar:aa.t~hover, ~tfttn~ Zover and upper eye,ids-occasionally, Cat dispose o( auger c~othing, change to clean garments at the end of the day. Avoid ned[caA'attefltion lnedtately.~.~ "* ' .... . . , cross.contamination o( street clothes. Wash hands be(ate eating and do not eat. C.' ~ox~c~'oA~x ..:~....(,zcs, zg~2),?:~T/.L ........ '..~ .:.-~.-~' . ........ ~,"~ '. Oral tit ~50:a00 a~&. ',- lnhitaCton,rat ~50:590'~8/03 .... ~ :', '. '~'.:~ The tnEormlcion contained herein il provide~ tn 8sod Fitch and Il believed to .'./ :,:. ?in ?bb~t ~: 220 aA~8.' Mutation reretencei c~ted.'~:~'' '".7~: ~: ":' ~ "~ be correct al sE the date hereoF. Hoverer. ~allincktodt, Inc. makes ne repre-  ~epro~uctLve. e:~ecc8 c~ted....~.~. T~ortiefllc.effectt cited ' ,:r~ .",,:~ ~ :'.~*~% ~[~-'~ .lsentation as to the comprehensiveness or accuracy o( chi inEoraacton..~lc ~qul~c toxicity tatln8: T~96:100-~0 ppa; .:*:.' ~";*" * -":;*~ :~'~-=~"? ' ";~:'"~:~:, ~"' expected thac lnd~vidua~s race[yin8 ~he fn~orastion ~A~ e~ercfse .their In* ~arczno&enLc detetnfnecLon (roral~dehyde sas): . .-' ........ ~, ,-~'~ ..... % ~::.,-..~:~; :. dependen~ JudAaen~ In deCerminin& Lts .pproprlsCeness rot . pirtLculid ,,:, :. '. Su~lcLenc evLdence tn lntm~s * Znid.qulte evide~c~-L~ h~ns (Z~C~Supp~emenc'~i· purpose, AcceFdtn~ly, ~sl~tnckrod~, Inc. vll~ nec be responslb~e,~or d u .' .: .: Z082). ' . ' . %~.. '... :' ,,.,,..... ;~ ~,..,,;;~...-..~.-~.~.~' si lay kind resultin8 (rom the use oF or reliance upon such tn~ornacton~ '; '"~' Listed Is a carcinoaen by*.che* National- Toxfcoloay Pro&ram (~p) 3rd Annual Report.* ; NO REPRESENTATIONS. OR ~A~IES, EI~ ~eRESS ~R IHPLIE0. or Hethanol: mutation re~otencel eLcad and reproductive ettecti cited. ~. HERCH)~TABILI~, FITNESS FOR A P~T]CU~ PURPOS~ OR OF ~ OTHER . :~:". ' ~:.. ,~.. . ~.¥.. ' NACRE ~K ~DK HKREUNOER UITII RESPECT TO ~E INACTION SET ~RTH · . , · . · ~H OR TO TII~ ~RODUCT TO ~ICll TIlE IH~TION REFERS, ...., :,;:. _ ,.,,,,,,,,.,.,,,,,,,,,.,..,,,,,,,,.,,.,,**,,,.,,,..,,,,,,**.,,,,,,,,,,,, -~.. '..:~ .. ..' ,., ".~ :~ '::" ., . ,. ,'.'. '~. · ..: -.., :' · ,.:..., ,... ~: . ; · -'. L': ~ ; ~:~'::~': '* ~' ~'~ · !' · Hsterlll -~sfatv Olta sheet ~' . :/,i~ .'.'.' ' Fire end £xolosioB '. /":f: S£C~IOH 2 · ' :... ' . · , ~ ....-~. ~er~ency. T~ephon~. ~ber ; · . .... Ha~ZinckrodC~ne. ' : . 3X&.982.S000 ~rsr.: ,. Combuactblo Ltqutdl , ,~ .~r, . ~,[ .~ . '/"~":'~-"~ ' " ~-'.-'~::~ ."~ '.,~ ':' "~arla, Kentucky' &0361 . .' .~ ~.~ ~::,:..,~:~ :,~.~,.~ ~ ~Fla~able~.ltutts tn air. ~ by vol~e.'' :' :~. ~?:....:/, E~octive. ~a~e: 08-23-1~. ' " "~ ' . .; ' ~ ., -. · :.'. "'..~:~'"',: '.'"' "~'" .'~ '~:~%::~:.., ~%~L~GoI:~VaPotlzel readily frPm solution o,d ts 'flaa~ohle:~?''::'.' ~' tn air. - : .L?~'.' ~',T ' ..'~:,~ ~:~ ~,~ .~;+-'.~a'~t.'~-~':'~ . '- ., ~'~7 ": Synonyms:- ~orBilin= morbictd icid ' ;' ~-:~. ~;' ";V ' ' - '' '" : .... -'~i.:? '' "'" . ':." . ;~'- ~.', , . . , -: ~ .... ~ ~ . . . du es Ire explosive ., . '.' ~:;'.: .· ,:. ,:~-: ;.~:~.~,;pressure-deulnd'or other positive pressure Bode~''' KeJp o~8~ ~rom he,~, sparks end fl~e.' ".- ~ ,. :..,,~,<-~:~ ~,~.L: '' '.;/~.~ '. .. ..... ~.' '.. ' , exposures end ~o d~Xuto spl~o.~o.non.f~sb~e Av2td breochinS vopo~. "~' : '. :,~.,.~ ., ~.~. L...-,, .~% ~..~,~ mixtures. -*.,,,~'-~ Keep co~cll~lF clolld. '-'a~' ' ....'" ~ ~ ..... ~' ~*' '. ' ~ - . rash thorou&hly after hi~Xtnl.' . .. .' -' .... '' ........ "' .' '", '. ', ' · . .'...:'=.. - ., · Stability= ..;'~9 ~:~..~:! :~.;.,:~i,..:.:Szabli under'ordtna~ ' ~.;:.a · ~;' ';' . In all cases calia physician.; ' :~'~..-~ ...... "~ Ir ovalloved, induce voutktnA inodtacoly by giving tva Slass.s el racer and ' .c,.,,,~l~. ~a..,'~:l~=~'ik.~l~, ~ll t:F~~-~'~'~ ~. . .. -,., .... . .~,l~l,~,e:~ ~ ;.~ sticking finger do~ throat. Never Stye anything by mouth co afl unconscious Hazardous Decomposition'.' . ~ · ' .. . -. ', ~ '. ' ',:14~.- -,~ .; ".person. If t~alod, renovo Co fresh att. l~ nec breaches[, give artificial traduces: , :~:~,~:,~ :,~=.Ir involved, tn a~firo, trrtcaCtn$ ~ou~ resptrnzion. If breaches[ ts difficult, give oxygon.' In cas~ of eon~ac~. -'~ .,~?~=: '~" 'i~ ...... "~i '> t~ediaCely f~ush skin or eyes rich plenty o~ rater ~or at least X} minutes, , :% ', ? , ;~ , fo~aXdehyde and'carbon monoxide nay be released -:' .... SKE S~CTIO~ 5. : " ' Hazardous Polymerization: ' ' · Trtox~echylene precipitate can be forced on:long .j-' '" ~T Hazard Class: O~-~ ' :!'.'..a~- ~..':~ '.I. id~' ~i~=,~., i,'~; ~,~:,;~ ~-': ~"~' ~':"~ "'/ " ' . '' 'a-*' . Physical ~lea ' SE~ION [, .. : ~ .... i~. ~.:i~;.~r~ :.,' .~.:~- ;' -:? Incompatibilities:, ,::: ',~i" ~Incospatiblo~vtth oxtdtzin[ agents and llkilt.l. ~ , Appearance: Clear. colorless liquid. -~; ' ';" "":" = :":' ":""~' ~ ~'~'~' ~'~ ~' '::' ' ' :~"" .... '~' ' ...... :; ' "" : . ~, =.: .;,~ ......... :.:?. ..... : :'~"' .......... ".~ '~'.i:::'T~;~:~ iel=ts=~plOlively vtth nttt~isn dioxide at ea 1[ Il" .' ' "" '"' '~: '"' ~ '"": /"~" ' ' ' [" ~.' - .... . .~' '~:~"~ t,~ ,.-r.~perchlortc acid-aniline uixCu~esl nitro.ethane ' ." ' ' Odor: tun&ont. : ' ' "' ': .... ~ ' · ' , .... ~' ~'" ,' ~ .i,~:~K'.,i: '~:~' i~-', ,~'..:, =',: Leak/Spill Dis~osnl lnforma~toB -..~SKCTION 6 ~=~% :._. ;:-~ .: . Solubility: infinite In voter - ..... ~' ; .'~a~:~'..~-; '~': ~ ~ · ._.. .... ', ,' '~' ' ...... ,..~ ~',', ,." -~;:"' !Ventilate cron mi lbak or spell. ~emovo alt sources or iSnt~tOn; Clean.up porsonn;~ Bol~ifl[ fotn~: 96'C (20}*F) Vapor Density (Atr-1):~..Oi' ~requLre protective clothing and respiratory uro~ection from va-ore ~-- .... ~-~-="="'~;' ''~ .tratn,d or qusltrled personnel should handle tho euorle~y. ~ . ' = . HelttflA ~otnc: *15'C (~*F) ........ Vapor. Pressure' (~ HS):No i~ormaCion 'Do.neC flush to sever or surfaco vatero.,Can bo .absorbed on inert' u'acertal and "'~: . ,,:.,-.,., .. , ~ found. ~dtspos~d as hazardous vasc~.;ln a ~ap~rov~d facility or dissolved tn an'''~ '=~ .' ' · , ..... : ~ :,' -. , '. ,,' =- ":' .~pp?priace conbusc~b~o so~on~'and'ac0atzod:,tn O-RC~ approved ch~utcsl .... "~'ff~'~'~. , -: Specific Gravity (vator-l)~ 1.08 ' i Evaporation RaCe:No tn[ornacion found. .~LncineraCor equipped vtch'an'a[cerbutnor.,~ ~ ~0~ .-~,..,.~ ~c-,:~~ ~?~-'.~: ~'~'~' = :" " '-~' .- ,4'-~.~ '~'~ ,%o~?~,~=~ :-,~'~v,~'~ . ~ '_ ..'~.~',.. : ',.~ j-~.'. '-~:.,:.~ ~ ~ . . .~ .. ~ ..... ~-; . -..~ ..... . . · ~ ~ i · '~ ~, ,':'~'~~'" "~,: ~'. ':.'"" ~',.,::.. .'~' ; ~... ~ [''~ . .. ". . , }:,:.., : , , .. · , % ~* / ..~... -: .:.. -- .... Material Safety Data Sheet O~)Name~ · Manufacturer's Emergency Name Garratt-Callahan Company Telephone No. Use Number Below ^d~es, 111 Rollins Road Other Information ( 415 ) 697- 5811 Millbrae, CA 94030 ch (Business Hours) Signature of Person ~~ ~~ Date /~__ Responsible for Preparation ' Prepared SECTION 1 - IDENTITY Common Name: (used on label) C~s No. m~e N.me & Sy.o.ym,~ Formula 202 mixture Chemical Chemical Name mixture Fa~ly Formula m ~ ~ ~ I!_~9 mixture SECTION 2 - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS Principal Hazardous Component(s) (chemical & common name(s9 % Threshold Limit Value mnitsl sodium hydroxide CAS NO. 1310-73-2 24% 2 mg/M3 ceiling (caustic soda, lye) SECTION 3 - PHYSICAL & CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Fire & Explosion Data) Bo~ing Point circa 200°F S~ic v.por Gravity(H,O=l) 1.26 Pressure (mm Hg) unknown P,u~t Volatile Vapor Ev~or~tion Rate by Volume (%) 69 Density(Air=l) unknown , ~c =n <1 Solubility Reactivity in mw~ complete water will generate heat Appearance andOdor dark viscous liquid with musty odor Flash Flanunable Limits Lower Extinguisher Auto-Ignition ~oint none ~ Air % by Volume N/A Upper Media N/A Temperature N/A Special Fire Fighting Procedures none Unusual Fire and ExplosiouHazards Product is corrosive if drum bursts. CO-F1 Printed bv INTEREG. CHICAGO. IL 60C~6 1-800-621-5808 SECTION 4 - PHYSICAL HAZARDS Formula 2 0 2 .~> Stability Unstable {~ Conditions Stable ~ to Avoid lncompatability (Materials to Avoid} ac ids .(, . Hazardous none Decomposition Products Hazardous May Occur ~ Conditions Polymerization Will Not Occur ~X to Avoid SECTION 5 - HEALTH HAZARDS Threshold None established for product. Limit Value Signs and 1. Acute Symptoms of Exposure Overexposure Severe burns of eyes and skin. 2. Chronic Overexposure no data Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure no data Chemical Listed as Carcinogen NationalToxicology Yes I.A.R.C. Yes [~ OSHA Yes or Potential Carcinogen' Program No OSHA Permissible S~ ACGIH Threshold S~2~ Other Exposure Exposurel.lmlt Section 2 l.lmltValue Section 2l'imltuse4 Emergency and Also see "First Aid in Poisoning" page sent with MSDS F~st ;Ad ~ocedures 1. Inhalation Does not emit fumes. 2. Eyes Wash with copious amounts of water. Call physician immediately. 3. Sk~ Wash with copious amounts of water. Call physician immediately. 4.~ngestion Do not in~u~e vomiting. Drink juices or carbonated soft drinks. Call physxclan. SECTION 6 - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION Respiratory Protection IS~yTn~) Does not emit fumes. Ventilation Local Mechanical Spe~al Other normal room Exhaust (Gen~-~) P~tive ~e~o. Chemical worker' s goggles or Gloves ~,hh~r face mask. Other Protective ~ - ClotMng or Eqnipment Rubber apron SECTION 7 - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS AND SPILL/LEAK PROCEDURES ~ecaufions to be Taken in Hand~ing and Storage Store in a cool, dry area. Other Precautio~ none Steps to be Taken in Case MateHal~ReleasedorSpflled Caution, slippery. Dike and contain with absorbent. Small amounts may be flushed to drain. Waste Disposal Methods Approved waste manaqement facility. IMPORTANT Do not Ieave any blank spaces. If required information is unavailable, unknown, or does n~t apply, so indicate. CU-F1 Printed by INTEREG, CHICAGO, IL 60646 1-800-621-5808 ~(In Plant Common Name) Material Safety Data Sheet ' Manufacturer's Emergency ~ Name Garratt-Callahan Company Telephone No. Use Number Below Adm~s 111 Rollins Road Other (415) 697--5811 Information Millbrae, CA 94030 cam (Business Hours) Signature of Person ~//~ Date Responsible for Preparation Prepared January 8, 1986 SECTION 1 - IDENTITY Common Name: (used on label) Cas No. ~eN~&S~o.~ Phenol Red T - Code 255 mixture Chen~c-1 Chemical Name m!×ture Family 'mixture Formu~ mixture SECTION 2 - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS Pr/nc/pal Hazardous Component(s) (chemical & common names)) % Threshold L/mit Value (units) none SECTION 3 - PHYSICAL & CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Fire & Explosion Data) Boiling Specific Vapor Point circa 212°F Gra~t¥(H,O=l)circa i P~ss~e(mmHg) unknown Percent Volatile Vapor E~vapo_ration __Ra~. by Volume (%) 99 Density (A~ = 1} unknown I I~ll .~,~ Solubility Reactivity in in Water corl~p'~ e te Water none Appearance andOdor Colorless, odorless, red liquid. Flash Flammable Limits Lower Extinguisher _ Aut~lgnition Point none m Air % by Volum~/A Upper Media N/A Temperature N/A Special Fire Fighting Procedures none Unusual Fire and ' Explosion Hazards none CU-F1 Pdnted by INTEREG, CHICAGO, IL 60646 1-800-621-5808 SECTION 4 - PHYSICAL HAZARDS ': Code 2 5 5 Stability Unstable [-] Conditions Stable ]~ to Avoid Incompatability IMaterials to Avoid) none Hazardous Decomposition Products none Hazardous May Occur [] Conditions Polymerization Will Not Occur ,~ to Avoid SECTION 5 - HEALTH HAZARDS Threshold u~tv-'.e none established Signs and 1. Acute Symptoms of Exposure Overexposure May irritate eyes. 2. Chronic Ova,posse no data Me~cal Conditions Gensrs]ly Aggravated by Exposure no data Chem/cal Listed as Carcinogen National ToxicoloKy Yes iq I.A.R.C. Yes [2} OSHA Yes Iq or Potential Carcinogen Program No ~ Monographs No Cx No ~[ OSHA Permissible ~ o e ACG IH Threshold.q e e Other Exposure Ex~Umlt ~.~ction 2 ,,,m!tValue Section 2 LimitU~ed Emergency and F~t~dpr~d~s Also see "First Aid in Poisoninq" paqe sent with MSDS. 1. Inhalation Does not emit fumes. 2. Eyes Flush with water. Call a doctor if irritation persists. 3. Skin f ....?' Flush with water. ~- 4. Ingestion Drink water and induce vomiting. Call a doctor. SECTION 6 - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION Respiratory Protection ~Sp~y ryp~) not required Ventilation Local Mechan/cal Special Other no~-mal room Exhaust (General) Protective Eye Chemical worker ' s goggles or Gloves Rubber Protection face mask. Other Protective Clothing or Equipment Rubber a~)ron SECTION 7 - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS AND SPILL/LEAK PROCEDURES Precautions to be Taken ~Hand~ngandStorage Store in a cool, dry area. Other Pr~tions None (Note: This is a ,testing reagent sold only in small bottles.) Steps to be Taken/n Case MateHal~Releas~orSpmod Contain with absorbent or flush to drain with water. Waste Disposal Methods Approved waste management facility. IMPORTANT I)o not leave any blank spaces. If required information is unavailable, unknown, or does not apply, so indicate. CU-F1 Pdnted by INTEREG, CHICAGO, IL 60646 1-800-621-5808 QUI IFIER (In Plant Common Name) Material Safety Data Sheet Manufacturer's Emergeh~y N~e Garratt-Call'ahan Company Telephone No. Use Nuinber Below *da, 111 Rollins Road oa~ (415) 697-5811 Information Millbrae, CA 94030 cmm '(Business Hours) Signature of Person ~1' ~ ~~ Date Responsib~fo~Prep~o. ~/(~ , ~p~d "1/22/86 SECTION 1 - IDENTITY " Common Name: (used on label) Cas No. Chemical Chemical ' Form~a nd. xture SE~I'ION ~ - HAZARDOUS INGREDI~I'S '" Prindpal H~trdou$ Component~$} {chemical &eommon nam~l~l} % Threshold Limit Value {unit~} sodium nitrite CAS No. 7632-00-0. ':' ...,.'~27% .... '-.'none' ., - Cl ................ .: L"'.'2.'~ ~' ' ' ' ' · " ' '.- '. :' ....... ""-" ' ............. . ......... ~': . ~..'..: .... -..,.' ............ :.2~..~i. ~ ~.'._ . ..... ..~,.. Point Circa 212OF ........ :---',V Gra~ty(H,O=D 1'166 ' ~ure(mm~ .... Circa" 760 .' Percent Volat~e ~.% ~ __Ral~ .................. '.' byVolume(%) 59 ........... (Air'= 1} unknown .......... <l ................ ~ ................. ~""~ .... ' ...... Solubility Reactivity in .... Appearance .. - '.i ..', . ,. .dOdo, yellowish liquid with suifur/rubbe~ odor '- Flash Flammable Limit~ Lower Upper Ex--her Auto-I~nitJon . Point none m Ah- % by VokunenOne Media any Temperature none Spec/al F/re Fi~ht~ Procedures none Explo~onHaz~ds May release NOx if heated to dryness and decomposition. SECTION 4 - PHYSICAL HAZARDS Formula 12-L Stability Unstable [] Conditions Stable ]~ to Avoid I ncompatabilJty (Materials to Avoid) strong acids Hazardous if heated to dryness and decomposition. Decomposition Products May release NOx Hazardous May Occur [] Conditions Polymerization Will Not OccurX~ to Avoid SECTION 5 - HEALTH HAZARDS Threshold '.'mltV-me None established for mixture. · S~nsand l. Acuto May irritate skin or eyes Toxic by ingestion Symptoms of Exposure Overexposure ' 2. Chronic Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure ' Chemical Listed as Carcinogen National Toxicology Yes [] I.A.R.C. Yes [] OSHA Yes El__ or Potential Carcinogen. Program No ~ Monographs No iX No OSHA Permissible nolle .~-or ACGIH Threshold none for Other Exposure ' ' ' . ... Exposure Limit mixture u~t Value mixture Limit Used Emarge.c~aud Also see "First Aid in Poisoning" page sent with MSDS First Aid Procedures · , · 1. Inhalation Does not emit fumes. ZEyes .o Wash with water. Call a doctor if irritation persists. 3. s~ .Wash with. water. Call a doctor if irritation persists. " 4. Ingestion Toxic by ingestion due to nitrite. Induce vomiting. Call physician. SECTION 6 - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION -' · Respiratory Protection ~s~) Not normallY needed. ................ Ventilation Local - Mechanical Special Ot~el' normal 'room' Exhaust ......................... . (General) ............................................................. Protective . Eye chemical Worker ' s goggles or Gloves "["'"'Rubber ........... ~: ....................... P~oU~ion face mask.' ................................ ~ ........ Other Protective .; o . Clothing or Equipment SECTION 7 - SPECIAL PRECAUTION~ AND SPILL/LEAK pROCEDURES ................ .'. - Precautions to be Taken ...... - --.,...~ i- Handling --d Storage Store ih''a cool, dry area. Other Precautions None Steps to be Taken in Case Mate~al~Re~e~dorSpZed Dike and contain with absorbent. Waste Disposal Mem~m Approved waste management facility. IMPORTANT Do not leave any blonk spaces. If required information is unavailable, unknown, or does not apply, so indicate. CU-F1 Printed tn/INTEl:lEG, CHICAGO. IL ~ 1-800-621-5808 '~ ~' ~E Q R (In Plant Common Name) Material Safety Data Sheet Formula 445 Manufacturer's Emergency Name Garratt-Callahan Company Telephone No. Use Nu~er Below ^dd~s 111 Rollins Road Other (415) 697-5811 Information Millbrae, CA 94030 c~ (Business Hours) Responsible for Preporation ~e'-~' Prepared November 12, 1985 SECTION 1 - IDENTITY Common Name: (used on label! Cas No. ~-~e ~& S~o.~ Formula 445 100-37-8 ~hem/cal Chenfical N~ N, N-die thyle thanol amine F~y alkanolamine s Formula (C?H5) ?NC?H~OH SECTION 2 - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS Prin~pal Hazardous Component~s} (ch~nical & core,non N,N-diethylethanolamine, 40% 10 ppm (skin) 2-(diethylamino) ethanol SECTION 3 - PHYSICAL & CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Fire & Explosion Data) Boiling Specific Vapor Point 210°F Grav/ty(H,O=l} 0. 952 P~(mm~ unknown Percent Volatile Vapor ~~' < 1 by Volume (%) 10 0 Density ~ = ~) unknown = Solubility Reactiv/ty in in Wa~ complete Wa~r A~/~arance andOder water-white to pale yellow liquid with am/ne odor Flash Flammable Limits Lower Extinguisher Aut~Ignition Voint none in Air % by Volume N/A Upper Med/a N/A Temperature N/A Special F~e F~h~du~ Because heat will release ammoniacal vapors, SCBA may be needed. Unusual F/re and Explosion H~zards (' none \ CU-F1 Printed by INTEREG. CHICAGO, IL 60646 1-800-621-5808 SECTION 4 - PHYSICAL HAZARD~ Formula 445 Stability Unstable ~ Conditions Stable ~ to Avoid lncompatabRity JMateri.ls~oAvoid} strong acids or oxidizing agents Hazardous Heating to decomposition may produce carbon monoxide a Decomposition Products nitro ~n Hazardous MayOccur ~ Co)n~itions oxides. Polymerization Will Not Occur ~ to Avoid SECTION 5 - HEALTH HAZARDS Threshold L~mltV-,ue 10 ppm (skin) for active material Si~nsand l. Acu~e _I.rrit.atio.n. of s.kin. ~ eyes Nausea Vomiting. Symptoms of Exposure Overexposure · · 2. Chronic ~ Overexposure not known Medical Cond/tions Generally Aggravated by Exposure not known Chemical Listed as Carcinogen National Toxicology Yes O I.A.R.C. Yes or PotentialCarcinogen Program No ~ Monographs No OSHA Permissible ACGIH Threshold See Other Exposure Exposure l,imit See Limit Value S~tion 2 S~¢~io~ 2 LimitUsod Emergency and F~stAidProcedures Also see "First Aid in Poisoning" page sent with MSDS 1. Inhalation Remove to fresh 'air Call physician if symptoms persist. 2. Eyes Wash with w~er. Call physician if irritation persists. Sk~ May be toxic by skin absorption. Wash with water & call physician. 4. Ingestion Induce vomiting. Call physician. SECTION 6 - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION Respiratory Protection (Sp~T~) SCBA in high concentrations. Ventilation Local Mechanical Special Other normal room Exhaust (Gen~-~) yes Pro~ve ~oe~o. Chemical worker's goggles or ~lo~ Rubber face mask. Other Protective Clothing or Equipment Rubber apron SECTION 7 - sPECIAL PRECAUTIONS AND SPILL,LEAK PROCEDURES Precautions to be Taken mH--a~;-~andSt~rage Store in a cool, dry area. Oth~ DO not use in a confined space Precautions . ' Steps to be Taken in Case Mato~al~Relem~4orSpm~ Ventilate area. Contain with absorbent. WasteDisposal Approved waste management facility Methods ' IMPORTANT Do not leave any blank spaces. If required information is unavailable, unknown, or does not apply, so indicate. CU-F1 Printed by INTEREG, CHICAGO, IL 60646 1-800-621-5808 QUICK IDENTIFIER (In Plant Common Namel Material Safety Data Sheet Formula 80-L Emergency t/ N~e Garratt-callahan Company Telephone No. Use Number Below Address 111 Rollins Road oth.~ Information (415)697-5811 Millbrae, CA 94030 cmm (Business Hours) Signature of Person .~/] ~.~ ,4' %k ~ Date Responsible for Preparation//~~ ~ . Prepared ~ November 27, 1985 SECTION 1 - IDENTITY Common Name: (used on label) Cas No. ~aae N~ & S~o.~) Formula 80-L mixture Chemical Chemical Name mixture , F~y mixture Formula mixture SECTION 2 - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS Principal Hazardous Component(s) (chemical & common name(s)) % Threshold !,imlt Value (units) none SECTION 3 - PHYSICAL & CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Fire & Explosion Data) Boiling Point 'N/A Sp~qc Vapor ~av~y ~H.O=~) N/A P~s~ ~m H~ N/A Pe~c~t Volatile Vapor Evaooration Rate by Volume (%) 0 Density (A~ = ,) N/A , '~,~A~_ =~ N/A Solubility Reactivity in in Water approx. 15% w~te, none Appearance .~dOao, Essent±ally odorless mixture of brown powder and white qranules. Flash none Flammable Limi~ Lowar Upper Extinguishar Auto-Ignition in A~ % by Volume N/A Media N/A Temperature N/A Polut S~al F~ F~h~ ~ none Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards none SECTION 4 - PHYSICAL HAZARDS Formula 8 0- L Stability Unstable [] Conditions Stable ~[ to Avoid lncompatability (Materials to Avoid) none Hazardous none Decomposition Products Hazardous May Occur [] Conditions Polymerization Will Not Occur X] to Avoid SECTION 5 - HEALTH HAZARDS Threshold L~t V-'.e none established Signs and 1. Acute Symptoms of Exposure Ove~xposure May irritate eyes. Dust may irritate nose or lungs. 2. Chronic Overexposure no data Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure no data Chemical Listed as Carcinogen National Toxicology Yes [2] I.A.R.C. Yes [] OSHA Yes [] or Potential Carcinogen Program No IX Monographs No ~. No ]~ OSHA Permissible See ACGIH Threshold See Other Exposure ExposureLh~t Section 2 I.!mitValue Section 2 IAr~tUsed Emergency and F~rst~dProcedures Also see "First Aid in Poisoning" page sent with MSDS. 1. In~dation Remove from dusty area to fresh air. Call a doctor if irritation persists. 2. Eyes Flush thoroughly with water. Call a doctor if irritation pers~ .~ts. S. Skm ?lu~.h .t.horoughly .with water. Call a doctor if ~ Irritation perslsc~. 4. Ingestion Drink two qlasses of water and induce vomiting. Respiratory Protection ~Sp~fyTyp~ NIOSH dust mask if dust is a problem. Ventilation Local Mechanical Special Other normal room Exhaust . (General) Protective Eye Chemical worker ' s goggles or alo~e~ Rubber l~otec~on face mask. Other Protective Clot~ng or Equipment Rubber apron ' SECTION 7 - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS AND SPILL~EAK PROCEDURES Precautions to be Taken LuHandHngandSterage Store in a cool, dry area. Other Precautions none Steps to be Taken in Case Material is Released or Spilled Sweep up. Waste Disposal Methods Approved waste management facility. IMPORTANT Do not leave any blank spaces. If required information is unavailable, unknown, or does not apply, so indicate. CU-F1 Printed bv INTEREG. CHICAGO. It ~ O IDENTIFIER (In Plant Common Name) · Material Safety Data Sheet . Manufacturer's Emergency Name Garratt-Callahan Company Telephone No. Us~-~r Bolow-'''':'- Ad~, 111 Rollins Road Other (415) 697--5811 Information Millbrae CA 94030 , cmm _ (Business Hours; Signature of Person ~/f~~ Date Responsible for Preparation ~.~j~. Prepared August .21 ~ 198 6 IDENTITY Common Name: (used on label) Cas No. f~adeName&Sy~onyms) Formula 48-FAL " 2190-04-7 Chen~cal Chef. cai Name n-octadecylamine acetate Famay fatty amines Formula RNH2CH3CO2H . . SECTION 2 - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS Pi~ncipal Hazardous Component(s) (chemical & common name(s)) % Threshold L/m/t Value (unit~) n-octadecyla~ine acetate 11% none CAS No. 2190-04-7 SECTION 3 - PHYSICAL & CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Fire & Explosion Data) Boiling Specific Vapor Point Above 212 °F Graxdty(H'O=l)0. 967 mess~e(m~H~ Percent Volatile Vapor .F~ .a?%ra_~on Rate by Volume (%} 7 9 Density (A~ = 1l unknown .~ ~ = 1) < 1 Solubility Reactivity in '-Water emulsifies 'Water none Appearance a. dOdor Creamy white emulsion. Sliqht amine odor. Flash Flanunable Limits . Lower Upper Extinguisher Auto-Ignition Point none '" Air % by Volumi.lnKnown M~dia any Temperature none F~ght'"g Procedure~ none Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards none CU-F1 Printed by INTEREG, CHICAGO. IL 60646 1-800-621-5808 SECTION 4 - PHYSICAL HAZARDS : '-'- Formula 4 8-~FAL Stability Unstable O Conditions Stable Xf] to Avoid '" .... .. Incomparability (Ma~eris~s to Avoid) Strong acids and oxidizers. Hazardous Decomposition Products none . Hazardous May Occur C] Conditions Polymerization Will Not Occur X] to Avoid SECTION 5 - HEALTH HAZARDS Threshold UmitV-~ue" none established Signs and !- Acute Symptoms of Exposure Ove~xposure Alkaline material, 'mildly irritating to skin or eyes. ~. Chronic ~=posu~ none .. ,. Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure unknown ' · Chemical Listed ns Carcinogen - National Toxicology Yes ID I.A.I%.C. Yes 12] OSHA Yes f-1 ' or Potential Carcinogen Pro~rnm No X[] Monographs No l~ N°x{2] OSHA Peru~ssible See ACGIH Threshold See Other Exposure Expos~,.~m~t Section 2 ,.,m~tValue Section 2 ,.,m~tu~ ~'' Emergency and F~st~dm~=~ Also see "First Aid in Poisoning" page sent with MSDS. 1. [~!ation Does not emit fumes. If odor is a problem, get to fresh air.' 2. Eyes Wash out of eyes with water. Severe eye irritant. Call a doctor. Wash off skin. Primary skin 'irritant.' Call a doctor. ~.~,~tion Induce vomiting and. drink citrus juices. Call a doctor. SECTION 6 - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION ' ' Respiratory Prot~'tion ~Sp~ ~y~l none needed " Ventilation Local Mechanical Special Other none E~aust none (a~,~ none none none Oloves .:. ~o~ction Chemical worker's goggles or Other Protective Clothing or Equipment Rubber apron : ° '' " SECTION 7 - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS AND SPILL/LEAK PROCEDURES Precautions to be Taken in Handling and Storage Store in a cool, dry area. Other .~autions Normal qood practice. Steps to be Taken in Case M,~al'-,~dorSpm~ Shovel into polyethylene bags or fiber containers. Wash area with nonionic detergent. Waste Disposal ~'th~' Approved waste manaqement facility. Consult local authorities. IMPORTANT Do not leave any blank spaces. If required information is unavailable, unknown, or does not apply, so indicate. CU-F1 Printed by INTEREG, CHICAGO. IL 60646 1-800-621-5808 ii!= U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR OMB NO. 44.R]387 " Occupational Safety and Health Administration -- MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET .... , Required under USDL Safety and Health Regulations for Ship Repairing, Shipbuilding, and Shipbreaking (29 CFR 1915, 1916, 1917) SECTION I MANUFACTURER'S NAME .... I EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NO. Walter G. Leqge Company, Inc.J - ADDRESS {Nu~nber. Street. Citr. State. a,td ZIP Code] 122 East 42nd Stree~ New York, N.Y. 10168 CHEMICAL NAME AND SYNONYMS I TRADE NAME AND SYNONYMS N/A Mixture~ Elimstaph CHEMICAL FAMILY quarternary Ammonium I FORMOL~/A SECTION II . HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS ..- .. TLV TLV PAINTS, PRESERVATIVES, & SOLVENTS % (Units) ALLOYS AND METALLIC COATINGS % (Units) PIGMENTS ~[on( BASE METAL CATALYST ~ lo'n( ALLOYS ~0,n VEHICLE Water 89. ].49~/ METALLIC COATINGS ion FILLER METAL  SOLVENTS Ethanol 2 5 ~ PLUS COAT,NG OR CORE FLUX ~on_ ADDITIVES loft( OTHERS ..' ~ OTHERS TLV HAZARDOUS MIXTURES OF OTHER LIQUIDS, SOLIDS, OR GASES % (Units) · SECTION III - PHYSICAL DATA BOLLING POINT (OF.) 2120F SPECIFIC GRAVITY [HzO:I) 1. 015 VAPOR PRESSURE (mm Hg.) ~k~/A PERCENT. VOLATILE BY VOLUME (%) 91.6 VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=I) ~T/~ (EVAPORATION RATE=l) SOLUBILITY IN WATER Infinite APPEARANCE AND ODOR Clear ~ Sliqht aromatic odor SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA EXTINGUISHING MEDIA N/A SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES N/A UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS N/A PALl: Ilt (Conhnued on rever~e side) Form OSHA-20 I SECTION V - HEALTH HAZARD DATA I May cause skin and eye irritation -- I EME.GENCY AND F, RST A,D P.OCEDU.ES Flush eyes and skin with quantities of water. If ~rr~tat~on-pers~sts em]] phy.~a~an. If --drink milk, eg9~ whites or .qelat:in. Call a physician STABILITY COe, IDITIONS. TO AVOID UNSTABLE ' STABLE 3(3( -- INCOMPATABILITY []1,~42t'~'/'~15 l'o HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS CONDITIONS TO AVOID HAZARDOUS MAY OCCUR POLYMERIZATION WILL NOT OCCUR SECTION VII - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED .,' Flush with water and dry WASTE OlSPOSALMETHOD According to local provisions SECTION VIII - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION [,.~)¢¢/.f'.y t.}/pC/ No~e VENTILATION LOCAL EXHAUST None SPECIAL None MECHANICAL (GCn¢/'¢21J . OTHER None None PROTECTIVE GLOVES I EYE PROTECTION YesI Goggles with concentrate OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT SECTION IX - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORING None OTHER PRECAUTIONS PAGE (2) Form OSHA-20 GPO Ixr'~-S'K) Rev. May 72 It. KOENSTAMM.and CO., INC. BLUSOUR BLUSOUR is a souring compound (soap and alkali neutralizing agent) combined with a fluorescent fabric brightener and a laundry blue. The use of BLUSOUR gives increased brilliancy to all white fabrics and to colored fabrics containing any white areas. BLUSOUi~ is safe to all colors and all classifications of work. BLUSOUR is recommended where a plant desires a souring agent having both a fluorescent brightener and a laundry blue. It 'is to be added "dry" to the washwheel. BLUSOUR is compatible with all fabric softeners, mildew preventatives, bacteriostatic agents and starches, and also with bluing solutions. BLUSOUR is a blue free flowing fluoride powder. BLUSOUR also contains an organic dispersing agent which acts to suspend unrinsed soap or synthetic detergent and soil, thus adding to the clarity of the washed load. WHERE TO USE The BLUSOUR operation is conducted following the last rinse, at a water level of 5 to 8 inches, temperature of 60 to 100°F., for at least 5 minutes, after the addition of the BLUSOUR. BLUSOUR can be used in all types of commercial or professional washwheels, including washer-extractors; however, under no circumstances should it be used in those machines having porcelain enamel on the interior or exterior. Those machines, having porcelain enamel in their construction, are mostly home type washers. (Continued on Reverse Side) Form. No. A-137 (Rev. 8/1/79) HOW TO USE For adequate souring, sufficient BLUSOUR is added to the washwheel to give the following suggested pi-{ values for these classifications of work: ~ Classification pH 1. Hospital, Motel, Hotel, ~and Other Commercial or Institutional Flatwork 5, 5,6.5 2. Family Flatwork and Terry Weave Fabrics 5.0-6.0 3. Shirts and Other Finished Wearing Apparel such as Linen Supply Garments 4.0-5.0 (Use Atlas Sour Indicator to determine pH of treated fabrics.) In most cases, the amount of BLUSOIJI{ to give the recommended pH's will vary from about 1 to g ounces for Hospital, Motel, Hotel and Commercial or Institutional Flatwork; 2 to'3 ounces for Family Flatwork and Terry Weave Fabrics; to about 3 to 4 ounces for Shirts (Starched or Unstarched) and other Finished Wearing Apparel. All quantities quoted are for each 100 pounds of 10ad (clean, dry weight). . . High bicarbonate wa~ers and/or large concentrations of u~rinsed alkali ~n the last rinse will require amounts of sour different from those noted above secure the desired pi-/. PACKAGING BLUSOUR. is packed in 125 pound net, fiber kegs. ' >iJ':c. ~ ,' ~"" ' "' :':~?. ' '' ~ -.~-:,"t. , ~ c. ..... ~'..?' ,. ~ . · , .: ~ ', ........ ' ......... - "-~';' "'?'" ' ( 415 ) 88'L 21.' :.2;:: ~ ..... .............. .' ~D~(~r~~,C~.~A~ANDZ~O0~ .'c .,:. ~ . . . . .... . . :. %~25~-~-~t-J~-~r-&~'e'. ........ L:. San ~eandro,' CA 94577 - ................. ?~,.~ ....... r..... ""., . '.,.._. "- '-- , , ,., , ~ ,, ~ , :,.;:..~.-- ~u~ ~ ~ '. .'.. .~:.'J ',~: ".' 'j~:?' · .~c~ ~T~ '"'j- -:' ..;~(:~ ,:' i '." , ' '.. ~'.:' · :-' · '..:!~": ..~'.T'. ?'7:: ~ ":'~ "." ': :~.-;'; -. :?t,:~?.'.:.,.~;?~::~ :%.. :. /,'.;~,:: ,.:...":":"::~>.. ,~'.?. '::.-:;:.;:/s.'.-%r~5~" .'; .. : . .... :':. ,'~. :': ~~N {H ~ ~H~/C~ DATA .. .2."~. {-~_:~: ,,, ~)' ',,, · "'.,. N/A ~,~:~ ~ ~,a,~ - . . o 0.7~ .... "' ' e, ~ a m~ ~/m3 2.5 "' . . : ::d ;- ..........~..: , , ,, . ?..~ ".~.V~:'~ , __ .... : ....... ~ ........... , .~:', -:. :, T=~": · ,./,'.-, J'. ~ .,.~".' ' . . - ::~.-.~: .... ---: .......... _, , ......... , ,,,,,:. .... .,, , :. ,,, ' · ':_::.'::*~:. ,, ';' 8E ON H~D' DATA "''~?::;: .... ~ '~' ' ~F~m ' L ..? .....:,.:-- ......:,.. ...'. ...- · .:',... , . . ... ..: a~ ~m~ ~m~a ~~: : :?:: : - " · "-" .}.. , . 14 '' * ' Avoid exp~uro to ekln and ey~ from mis~ and spi~he~ 8eif-c0ntain~ breathing app~atus ~o,uld ~ worn. ' .:u~ .,: · . , ,- --.,.. , ..:p. ,.,~:,~/,[~, '.:.:..' .. . . '..; :...: '. ...... .... .,,..,,.. ..: ':,- -..,~ . ~.,~..,. ~...,...~'~.-~' ,:..." .,, ...... ~ ... ",j' ,:: ::..':, '. '.':.;-, ' .. ' . . .,..,,,~. &~ ,.' · ,. , , :, .,.. ,,, , .~ ,'?~:', ~.. '~ . ..~:-.. . ,,.; · . .;.:?;. ,.. , : :,~., '.'..:~-.. C~n ~lt with me~l~ to Pm~U~e Nyd~gen, ~ ~amn~ablo ~a~. g¢~lo~ te ~1¢~. W~a~ p~r ~fe~ c~othlng. ~ _~ ~ __. 8~IO~ V- H~[Y~~nD DATA ~ , ." ",-. :'. . '' .' .'.' "EF~C~ ~ ~d~~ . : ,, .,%,, .b.- . ~ ,~ E~ Can~~e~. . ,, ..., ' , ~;~ , EM]i~GENCY AND FIRST AID P~OCEDt~RE~ ~' Im~iate~ flush ~th plenW of ~nnlng w~ter for ~t least 15 mlnutps hoid~ng the ~elld~ o~n ~ ~d. ~li a physician ~t ~ce. ". ~n: Re~ con~minated ~o~ln~ u~e~ the ~hower: .~mmedlatel~ flush s~in wi~ p~en~ of ~nning ~Q~tion: ' induce vomiting. ~mm~lately ~ la~a qu~ntit~es of wa~.T~ke !mm~ia~l~ toa .". ' ~ '* ' .' ' ' ' ' ~*- ~' ; .~,.,~': 'u'~.~ q: .F- ' ~~ .~ .... ~~ ...,. ~A~ Y~ · ~~ Y~ ~l~:w[-~~ X ~~ ~ A~ '. :: ~ . ~' ~ ' :~ :~ .._.... . .... ," ..' .:-~..?,,'. ' ~ . * ...... ~.. ....... .:,.,,... ...... ~,~ .: .....~' · , .. ~A~ ~ ~ A~) .:'... ~ .' -..-.. ~ .~, · *.:./., ~.. ,. . ·., . .... .. · F~ large sp~, a~m the ;~11 on ine~ ma~del a~ shOv~ in~'s~t~blewa~e d~ ~n~l...~ pm~y identlfl~, end ship ~~ ~~ NIOa~ESA ~pprov,e~ respirator ...... ... of w~te~ to ~voi~ .... ::.. '~ .~.... .,... · :;.: ~ ,. . -.' ~.:.:~ .. , . · · .. · , , ..... . ..~ ,~ · #1152 NEUTRALIZER #1152 NEUTRALIZER is a chlorine' neutralizer of the sulfite type. #115Z NEUTRALIZER does not contain a fluorescent brightener. #1152 NEUT1R. ALIZER has no effect on the alkaline condition of the washing process. ~1152 NEUTILALIZER is a brownish colored powder. WHERE TO USE #1152 NEUTRALIZER is a neutralizer for the chlorine that might be in the laundry rinse water or that which might have been absorbed by the washed fabrics. It is effective on chlorine absorbed by both natural and synthetic fibers. As it is designed only to neutralizer chlorine, ~llSZ NEUTRALIZER should ~be used after the use of the chlorine bleach, whether it is a liquid or dry t~leachi~g c~rml~oumd (imorganic .or owgamic). We would recommend that, where possible, the #115Z NEUTRALIZER be used in the second or third rinse...#115Z NEUTRALIZER should not be used in with a bluing solution. ' ' #llSZ NEUTRALIZER should not be used in or after the souring operation. #1152 NEUTRALIZER can be used in all types of commercial or professional washwheels, including washer-extractors. HOW TO USE #115Z NEUTRALIZER is added "dry" to the washwheel, but it can be made into a solution, if desired or needed. #115Z NEUTRALIZER - use 1 1/Z to 2 ounces of dry #llSZ NEUTRALIZER to each 100 pounds of fabric (clean, dry weight) in the washwheel in the second or third rinse. Run the #115Z NEUT1R2kLIZER operation for at least 4 minutes. Temperature in this operation can range from 80 to 160°F, as desired. (Continued on Reverse Side) Form No. A-140 PACKAGING #1152 NEUTKALIZEI~ is packed in 100 pound net, multi-walled paper bags. i ~-;--,:.:.. ........... ~,~','.~: ....... . ..... .'-~....: ~¥: 4 ..?:? ,-~, : ..' ~:,... : ..... .., ..... .......... .... . '-~.'~' '...:-:; ...... :... . ... . " "' '' MCTION - ' - ' " ' ~n8' i A.~ Ex*LOS"oN .... , , wear ae~-concaxne{x .'~Al'... ~![l~:[~'~y~:~l~l!~g°~a,use decomposition Co Coxtc fumes of sulfur ; . . :,..:..l~ .... · :.. ".' .: ...-~..:... ,.~. ?;.:.'...~, ,:.. ;}:..! . ~. , v ,:.,..~,_~ .,....,.:,. :,'/'~,: '_" ,..:~,....~,.:...:. . General Offices/3M 3M Center St. Paul. Minnesota 55144-1000 (612) 733-1 ! 10 MAIERZAL SAFETY DATA SHEET O[VZSIOtJ: BUILDING SERVICE & CLEANING PRODUCTS TRADE NAIIE: 3H Brand Troul)le Shoo,er Cleaner · 3M I.D. flUt4BER: 61-$000-0513-~ '. ISSUED:. HDV 1~ 1985 SUPERCEDES: January~ 1081 DOCUHEtJT: 10-2816-2 1. IHGREDIENTS CAS Number Percent Exposure Limit-Source Ha~or - 70-75 N/A 2-Bu~oxye~hano! 111-76-Z ~.~obutane/ __ 7~-38-~ 1~1-~3-$ ' De'JergenS, thickner, fragrance - Source Of Exposure Limit: i - ACGIH Threshold Limit Valuel Z - Federal OSHA Permissible Exposure L[m[tt 3 - 3H Exposure Guidelinesi ~ - Recom- mended Guide By Chemical Hanufacturer~ 5 - t~one Established. Abbreviat[ons: N/A - Not App[icable~ N/D Not Determined. ..... Boiling Po/hr: ZIZ F Solubility In'Hater: Complete Vapor Prcc~ure: N/D Specific Gravi~y(Hater=l): 0.999 Vapor Den=[~y(Air=l) N/D Percent Volatile: 98 Evapora*ion Rate: N/D V[scos[~y: N/D pH: 11.8 Appearance And Odor: X FIRE A~D EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA Flash Poi~lTest Ne~hod): Liquid 196 F (C.C.), Propellan* < 0 F Flammable Limits: .LEL = N/D UEL = N/D Extinguishing Hed[a: Carbon cl[oxide~ foam, dry chemical.. Special F/re Fighting Procedures: Treat as a pressurized container. Unusual Fire And Explosion Hazards: Combustible. Treat as a pressurized con*ainer. General Offices/3M 3M Center St. Paul, Minnesota 55144-1000 (612) 733-1110 · HATER~AL SAFETY DATASHEET HSDS: 3H Brand Trouble Shoote~ Cleaner. -. Page 3H I.D. NUI~ER:' 61-5000-0313-4 Issued: Nov 1,1985 ~. REACTIVITY DATA Stability: Stable Conditions ~o avoid= Do not s~ore above /ncompatibi[i~y - Ha~erials To Avoid= N/A Hazardo~= Polymerization: Hay Not Occur Conditions To Avoid: N/A Hazardous Decomposition Products: CO, carbon dioxide and smoke particles. S. ENVIRONHENTAL INFORNATION Spill Response: Zf cans rup~ure~ extincj~ish all ignition sources. Observe precautions 'from other sections. Collect spi[led material. Hash do,n area Recommended Disposal: Do not puncture or incinerate in a household incinerator. Incinerate properly in an incinerator ~ha~ can handle aersol cans safely. Empty container may be sanitary landfilled. Can contents may be bled into ~aste~ater ~reatment system. Since recjula~ion very, consul~ applicable regulations or authories before disposal. Environmenta~ Data: N//D U.S. EPA Itazardous Haste Number/Code: D00! Empty Containers Should Be Treated As Hazardous Haste: No. 6. SUGGESTED FIRST AID Eye Contact: Flush eyes ~ith plenty of ~ater for at leas~ 10 minutes. If irritation persis~s~ call a physlcian. Skin Contact: Hash affected area ~ith soap and Hater. I~halation: Provide fresh air. Ingestion: Oo not induce vomiting. Cai! a physician. 7. PRECAUTIONARY INFORMATION Keep a~ay from heat, sparks and flame. Avoid direc~ eye contact. Avoid prolonged and repeated breathing of vapors. Avoid prolonged and repeate skin con~a¢~. Contents under pressure. Oo not puncture~ incinerate or store above ~gO F {q9 C}. Keep out of reach of children. General Oflices/3M 3M Center St. Paul, Minnesota 55144-1000 (612) 733-1110 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET HSDS: 3H Brand Trouble Shooter Cleaner Page 3 3H I.D. NUHBER: 61-$000-313-~ ISSUED: Nov 1, 1985 8. HEALTH HAZARD DATA -. Eye Contact: Hay cause eye irritation. Symptoms may incZude tf'ansient conjunctival irritation and minima! corneal opacity. SKin Contact: Hay cause irrita*ion. Hay be absorbed ~hrough ~he skin. Inhalation: High concentra(ions of vapors may be irr[*a*[ng. Symptoms may include coughing, headache, nausea, vomitJng~ diz. z[ness~ and d~scomfort *o the nose~ throat~ and chest. Ingestion: Hay cause gastrointestinal irritation. Symptoms may include headache, abdominal pain, nausea, vomlting~ and ~eakness. The information on this Data Sheet represents our current data and bes~ opinion as to ~he proper use in hand]ing of this produc~ under normal conditions. Any use of the produc~ which is not in conformance ~ith this .:. Data Sheet or ~hich involves using the product in combination ~ith any .... ~...:~. other product or any other process is ~he responsibility of ~he user. SITE/FACILITY DIAGRAM FORM NORTH SCALE: BUSINESS N~ME: FLOOR: 07 Bakersfield Memorial Hospital DATE: / / FACILITY N~ME: Boiler Room~ Engineer Shop and Tank Room ~ (CHECK ONE) SITE DIAGR.~M X FACILITY DIAGR.~M From 4A-1 .(Page 2 of 12) l(Inspector's Comments): -OFFICIAL USE ONLY- - SA - S[T£ DIAGRAM (Req~ Items) ~'~ '~ ~ 1. Address: Identify the 9. Luck (key) Box principle buildings by the Street nuabers, la. MSDS Storage Box 2. Street(s), Alleys, 11. Railroad Tracks Driveways, and Parking Areas adjacent to the 12. Fence or Barrier property, include the a. Wire street names. b. Masonry 3. Store Orains, Culverts, Yard Drains c. Wood 4. Drainage Canals, Ditches, d. Gates Creeks, 13. Powerlines 5. Buildings a. Frame construction 14. Guard Station b. Masonry construction 15. Storage Tanks: Identify the c. Metal construction capacity in gui. a. Above ground d. Access Door b. Underground 6. Utility Controls s. Gas 16. Diking or Berm 'b. Electricity l?. Evacuation Route c. Water 18. Evacuation Area: Identify the ?. Fire Suppression Systems: location where a. Fire Hydrants employees will meet. b. Fire Sprinkler 19. Outside Hazardous Connections Masts Storage c, Fire Standpipe 20. Outside Hazardous Connections Material Storage d. water Control Valves 21. Outside Hazardous for protection systems Material Uae/Handling e. Fire Pump 22. Type of Hazardous Material/Waste Stored 8. Fire Department Access or Used (See Below) TYPE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIA~ F - Flammable E - Explosive L - Liquid R - Radlologlcal C - Corrosive 0 · Oxidizer O - Oas P - Poison Water Reactive T - Toxic S - Solid H - Cryogenic O · Waste B - Etiological Example: Flasmable Liquid - FL FACILITY DIAGRAM (Required items in addition to the above) 1. Risers for Sprinklers 8. Fire Eacapea Partitions 9. Air Conditioning Units 3. Stairways: Indicate the 10, Wlnd~e levels served from highest to lowest. 11, Inside Hazardous Masts Storage 4. Escalator: Indicate the levels served from 12. Inside Hazardous htEhest to lamest. Material3 Storage 5. Elevator 13. Inside Hazardous Materials Uae/Handling 8. Attic Access 14. Sewer Drain Inlets ?. Skylights Bra vo SECTION VIII -- SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION 1 14 5 R 5 ~.-' .' RespiratoryProtecbon($pecifytype): No special requirements under normal use conditions. Ventilation: General room ventilation adequate. Protective Gloves: [{ U b b e r . Eye Protection: FOr undiluted product: Chemical workers splash-proo£ goggles where e~/e contact may be a problem, Other Protective Measures: Use good personal hygiene practices. Where gross eye\skin contact may be a problem, wear\use appropriate protective equ~'.pment. SECTION IX -- SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS Precautionary Labeling WARNING.' Eye irritant. Hay cause burns. Harm£ul it' swallowed. Keep out of reach of children. Contains caustic alkali. Can cause eye damage. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. When handling concentrate, wear eye protection and rubber gloves. Other Handling and Storage Conditions Product residue may remain on\in empty containers. All precautions £or handling the product must be used in handling the empty container and residue. Keep £rom £reezing. Keep out o£ reach o£ children. Wash thoroughly a£ter handling. SECTION X m ADDITIONAL INFORMATION For information on appropriate emergency procedures phone: (414) 631-2000. NA-Not Applicable. NSR-No Special Requirement, ND-Not Determined for th~s product The information herein is given in good faith. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made. Any use of these data and information m~$t be determined by the user to be in accordance witl3 aDphcable Federal, State, and local laws and regulations. Bravo SECTION V HEALTH HAZARD DATA PRIMARY ROUTES OF ENTRY: Eye Contact X Skin Contact ~X Ingestion X Inhalation X SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS .... - Direct contact of product with eyes can cause severe irritation and permanent damage. Direct contact of product with skin can cause irritation. If taken internall, y, product may cause corrosive damage to mouth, throat or stomach. Product spray mist or fog may cause irritation to nose, throab and lungs if adequate ventilation is not employed. FIRST AID PROCEDURES If eye contact occurs, fld'sh eyes with water for 15 minutes, then get prompt medical aid. Wash ~k~n with plenty of water. If irritation persists, seek medical aid.! * ' If product is swallowed, dr~ink large amounts of water or milk and seek medical aid. If difficulty or discomfort in breathing is experienced, remove to fresh air and get medical attention. SECTION VI -- REACTIVITY DATA Conditions to Avoid Stability Unstable None know13 to SCj Stable X , incompatability (Materials to avoid) Strong acids (e.g., muriatic acid). Aluminum, tin, zinc, and copper alloys . ' Hazardous Decomposition Products When exposed to fire, produces normal products of combustion. Conditions to Avoid Hazardous May Occur NO n e k n own t o S C J Polymerization Will Not Occur X SECTION VII -- SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES Steps to be Taken in Case Material is Released or Spilled Absorb with oil-dri or similar inert material. Sweep or scrape up and containerize. Rinse affected area thoroughly with water. Waste Disposal Information For undiluted product: Disposal is regulated under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act as a corrosive waste. Disposal of regulated quantities should be by neutralization at a permitted facility in accordance with all Federal\State regulations and .-"'* local ordinances regarding disposal or' corrosive wastes. ~-~ Waste from normal product use may be sewered to a public-owned treatment works (POTW) in compliance with applicable Federal, State, and local Pretreatment requirements. .. lo,.nson s.c. Jo,nson & so,. Racine, Wisconsin 53403-5011 UJaX Phone: (414) 631-2777 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SECTION I -- PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION Product Name: ~ Product Code: BRAVO EXTRA HEAVY DUTY STRIP'PER!1 14585-002 Chemical or Common Name: Date Issued: Supercedes: ~ Prepared by: '- Gordon B. Bradshaw NA 06/07/85 NA Materials Data Coordinator SECTIONII--INGREDIENTINFORMATION Weight % Exposure Limit ~lkali Metasilieate 3-6 Sodium Hydroxide (CAS #1310-58-3) 3-5 2 mg\m3 Monoethanolamine (CAS #141-43-5) 3-6 3 ppm Surfactant 1-3 Chelating Agent under 1 Fragrance under 0.2 Water balance SECTION III -- PHYSICAL DATA Clear liquid with citrus Appearance/Odor: O d o r Specific Gravity (H~O = 1): 1 . 1 Vapor Pressure (mm Hg.): N D Percent volatile by Volume (%): N A Solubility in Water: C O m p i e t e vapor Density (Air: 1): ~ D Freezing Point ('F): ND Boiling Point (° F): above 200 [pH: 1 2.8 m i n (undiluted) Evaporation Rate (Butyl Acetate = 1) [J A SECTION IV -- FIRE AND EXPLOSION INFORMATION Flash Point (°F) (Method Used): N A I Flammable Limits ~'1A Extinguish,ng Media [] Foam [] Co, [] Ory Chem,cal [] Water Fog [] Other S~cial Fire Fighting Procedures: --ormal fire fighting procedures may be used. Unusual Fire and E~plos~on Hazards: Corrosive Materi~l (See Sections VI, VIII). \ R-106 (1) {Rev 3 - 8t84) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ..Occupati0~nal Safety and Health Administration ' 'MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Required under USDL Safety and Heqlth Regulations for Ship Repair;n§, · Shipbuilding, and Shipbreakin9 (29 CFR 1915, 1916, 1917l " SECTION I MANUFACTURER'S NAME I EMERG.ENCY TELEPHONE NO. Wepak CorporationI (704) 33425781 ADDRESS {Number. Street, City, State. a,d ZiP Code/ P.O. Box 36803 Charlottet NC 28236 CHEMICAL NAME AND SYNONYMS I TRADE NAME AND SYNONYMS Isopropyl AlcoholI CONCENTRATED GLASS CTJF.~NER CHEMICAL FAMILY I FORMULtA Alcohols SECTION II - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS TLV TLV PAINTS, PRESERVATIVES. & SOLVENTS % (Unhsl ALLOYS AND METALLIC COATINGS % (Units) PIGMENTS BASE METAl. CATALYST ALLOYS VEHICLE METALLIC COATINGS ,SOLVENTS FILLER METAl. PLUS COATING OR CORE FLUX ADDITIVES OTHERS OTHERS ?LV HAZARDOUS MIXTURES OF OTHER LIQUIDS, SOLIDS, OR GASES % (Units) [soprop¥1 Alcohol 34, SECTION III - PHYSICAL DATA BOILING POINT (oF.) SPECIFIC GRAVITY (H20-1) o 91 VAPOR PRESSURE (mm Hg.) PERCENT. VOLATILE aY VOLUME (%) 34. VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=/) EVAPORATION RATE (, =1! SOLUBILITY IN WATER ,Complete APPEARANCEANOODOR Clear blue color liquid; Alcohol odor. SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA EXTINGUISHING MEDIA SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES None None PAGE (1) (Continued on reverse side) Form OSHA-20 Re~. May 72 SECTION V - HEALTH HAZARD DATA EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE None expected except for giddiness. EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES .... Eye & Skin Contact: Flush with w~r, ._ If Swallowed: "~nhalation: Move to fresh air. SECTION VI - REACTIVITY DATA STABIL'I'I'Y UNSTABLE CONDITIONS TO AVOID STABLE INCOMPATABILITY (,tlattr~al$ to m'uklJ · HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS CONDITIONS TO AVOID HAZARDOUS MAY OCCUR POLYMERIZATION WIL1 NOT OCCUR STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED Small sp±lls should be flushed with larcje quantities of water. T.arge spills should be collected £or d~s~osal. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD Incinerated where ~ermitted under appropriate Local~ State & Federal regulations. SECTION V!ll - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION [Specify type/ VENTILATION LOCAL EXHAUST I SPECIAL MECHANICAL [(~Ctl~rO/J Ii OTHER I PROTECTIVE G~OVE5 J EYE PROTECTION I ~eco~e~e~ ~HER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT SECTION IX - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORING General Warehousing OTHER PRECAUTIONS PAGE (21 GPO Form OSHA-20 I~lv. May 72 958892 *MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET* '~---~'~ PAGE 1 oF"-~ 8 MEDICAL EMERGENCY ONLY, 24 HOUR~SERVICE: 1-800-328-0026 ECOLAB INC. PRODUCT INFORMATION: 1-612-293-2233 ST. PAUL MN 55102 DATE OF ISSUE: MARCH 24, 1987 ~1~ IDENTIFICATION / 1.1 PRODUCT NAME: TETROX -~ 1.2 PRODUCT TYPE: POWDERED HAND POT AND PAN DETERGENT 2.0 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS / TWA (MG/M3) ~ % PEL OTHER 2.1 SODIUM DODECYLBENZENESULFONATE 25155-30-0 --6-- NONE UNK ' THIS'PRODUCT CONTAINS NO OTHER COMPONENT CONSIDERED HAZARDOUS ~ ACCORDING TO THE CRITERIA OF 29 CFR 1910.1200. 3.0 PHYSICAL DATA / 3.1 APPEARANCE AND ODOR: BLUE-GREEN POWDER; NO SPECIFIC ODOR. 3.2 SOLUBILITY IN WATER: COMPLETE · 3.3 PH: -1% = 9.0-10..5 %.0 FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA / O ~ ~ SPECIAL FIRE HAZARDS: NONE ~ FIRE FIGHTING METHODS: PRODUCT DOES NOT SUPPORT COMBUSTION. ~.0 REACTIVITY DATA / i 5.1 STABILITY: STABLE UNDER NORMAL CONDITIONS OF HANDLING. 5.2 CONDITIONS TO AVOID: DO NOT MIX WITH ANYTHING BUT WATER. ~.0 SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES / USE PROPER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 6.1 CLEANUP: PICK UP WITHOUT RAISING DUST. FLUSH AREA WITH WATER. 6.2 WASTE DISPOSAL: CONSULT STATE AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES FOR RESTRICTIONS ON DISPOSAL OF CHEMICAL WASTE. UNK = UNKNOWN AT THIS TIME PEL = PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE LIMIT TWA = TIME WEIGHTED AVERAGE STEL = SHORT TERM EXPOSURE LEVEL C = CEILING LIMIT, NOT TO BE EXCEEDED PRODUCT: TETROX ~ PAGE 2 OF 2 ECOLAB INC. " 958892 MEDICAL EMERGENCY ONLY, 24 HOUR SERVICE: ,1-800-328-0026 ~0 HEALTH HAZARD DATA / CAUTION 7.1EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE: EYES: MAY CAUSE IRRITATION. IF SWALLOWED: MAY CAUSE STOMACH DISTRESS, NAUSEA OR VOMITING. 8.0 FIRST AID / 8.1 EYES: FLUSH IMMEDIATELY WITH PLENTy OF COOL RUNNING WATER. REMOVE CONTACT' LENSES. CONTINUE FLUSHING FOR 15 MINUTES. 8.2 IF SWALLOWED: RINSE MOUTH; THEN DRINK 1 TO 2 LARGE GLASSES OF WATER. DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. NEVER GIVE ANYTHING BY MOUTH TO AN UNCONSCIOUS PERSON. IF IRRITATION OR DISCOMFORT PERSISTS, CALL A PHYSICIAN. ° 9.0 SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION / ( 9.1 NO REQUIREMENTS BEYOND STANDARD INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE PRACTICES. IN ' CASE OF DRY SKIN, APPLY HAND CREAM OR LOTION. .. ~. '10.0 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/PRECAUTIONS / 10.1 DOT CLASS: NOT DOT REGULATED. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT WITH RESPECT TO THE FORMULA USED TO MANUFACTURE THE PRODUCT. AS DATA, STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS CHANGE, AND CONDITIONS OF USE AND HANDLING ARE BEYOND OUR CONTROL, NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS MADE AS TO THE COMPLETENESS OR CONTINUING ACCURACY OF THIS INFORMATION. ,, MATERIALJJ ;AFETY DATA SHEEi ' September 30, 1986 1115-12-10-85 DATE PRODUCT CODE NUMBER 1 I I 5 X Manu-Klenz SUBSIDIARY' O-F MERCK & CO., INC. '"' SECTION I ] MANUFACTURER'S NAME Calgon Corporation, Commercial Division ITELEPHONEEMERGENCYNo. (3141(412) 862-2000777_8000 ADDRE~§' 7501 Page Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri 63166 CHEMICAL NAME Industrial Warewashing Detergent FORMULA Multicomponent Liquid AND SYNONYMS I. SECTION II HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS % TLV (Units) PRINCIPAL HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (S) CAS # ! BY WEIGHT ORAL LDso DERMAL LDso ACGIH OSHA OTHER Chemical Name Coconut Oil Alkanolamide None None Common 61789-19-3 ( 10 ~ 10 g/kg ~ 2 g/kg Listed Listed N/A Name Cocoamine Chemical Name Dodecyl Benzene Sulfonic Acid None None Common 27176-87-0 ( 16 650 mg/kg 1250 mg/kg Listed Listed N/A Name Sulfonic Acid Chemical Name Sodium HYdroxide 140-340 (~ 1310-73-2 ~ 2 mg/kg 1.35 g/kg 2 mg/m3 2 mg/m3 N/A ommon ame Caustic Soda Name Common Name Chemical Name Common Name (~) Ceiling limit J SECTION III PHYSICAL DATA J BOILING POINT (°F) Similar to Water SPECIFIC GRAVITY (H20 = 1) 1.025 PERCENT VOLATILE VAPOR PRESSURE (mmHg.) Similar to Water BY VOLUME (%) ~ 5 VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=l) Similar to Water pH (as isl 9.1-10.1 O SOLUBILITY IN WATER Complete OTHER N/A APPEARANCE AND ODOR Light green viscous liquid with mild perfume odor N/A = Not applicable ~ = Greater than ~ = Less than ~ = Approximately While this information and recommendations set forth herein are believed to be accurate as of the date hereof, CALGON CORPORATION MAKES NO WARRANTY WITH RESPECT HERETO AND DISCLAIMS ALL LIABILITY FROM RELIANCE THEREON. Page 1 of 4 SECTION IV FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLASH POINT (Method Used) Product is not flammable or combustible. EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Product is not flammable or combustible. Use media appropriate for the primary source of fire. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Use caution when fighting any fire involving chemicals. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS .... None SECTION V HEALTH HAZARD DATA EFFECT OF OVEREXPOSURE A. ACUTE 1. INGESTION Based on available information for the hazardous ingredients, this product would not be expected to be toxic if ingested. Gastrointestinal discomfort or irritation (including nausea and vomiting) may occur if the product is swallowed. 2. INHALATION With anticipated usage, this product would not be expected to pose an inhalation hazard. 3. DERMAL EXPOSURE {Primary Route of Exposure) a. TOXIC This product would not be expected to be toxic if absorbed through the skin. b. IRRITATION Repeated or prolonged exposure to concentrated products may result in irritation or dermatitis. c. SENSITIZATION No information was found to indicate that the product would result in allergic skin reaction. Page 2 of 4 1115 9/30/86 The product may produce irritation on contact with the eye. CHRONIC, OTHER No data were available to indicate that this product may result in additional adverse health effects with chronic or subchronic exposure. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical aid. Not applicable ~u'~l ST'~ON Not applicable Not applicable ~,, 1115 9/30/86 page 3 of 4 SECTION VI REACTIVITY DATA STABLE X CONDITIONS None known STABILITY UNSTABLE TO AVOID INCOMPATABILITY (Materials to Avoid) Strong oxidizers and acids HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS None known SECTION VII SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES REPORTABLE QUANTITIES (RQ) NOTIFY EPA OF PRODUCT SPILLS IN LBS. OF EPA HAZARDOUS N/A EQUAL TO OR EXCEEDING SUBSTANCES IN PRODUCT 1. 2. N~A LBS. 3. STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED Absorb on absorbant material and place in sealed container for disposal. OR SPILLED For small spills or spill residue, wash site with water and flush to sewer. Caution should be used as spill surfaces (floors) may become slippery. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD Dispose of in accordance with federal, state and local regulations. I SECTION VIII HANDLING & STORAGE PROTECTIVE GLOVES Good hygienic practice would include EYE PROTECTION Thel use of rubber gloves for repeated or prolonged exposures Chemical splash goggles OTHER PROTECTIVE CLOTHING Not required RESPIRATORY PROTECTION Not required VENTILATION LOCAL EXHAUST OTH ER Not required MECHANICAL N/A (General) Recommended STORAGE & HANDLING WARNING! (Contains Sodium Hydroxide, CAS No. 1310-73-2, Dodecyl Benzene Sulfonic Acid, CAS No. 27176-87-0 and Coconut Alkanolamide, CAS No. 61789-19-3) May cause eye irritation. Avoid contact with eyes. Wear chemical splash goggles when handling concentrated product. Good hygienic practice would include the use of rubber gloves for repeated exposures. Wash thoroughly after handling. Keep container closed when not in use. OTHER PRECAUTIONS None .' N/A = Not applicable Page 4 of 4 PREPARED BY S. Wainwright 1115 9/30/86 '- MATERIA '"°"" DATA SHEE1 SAFETY : DATE April 5, 1985 '"~'"~" PRODUCT CODE NUMBER I 0 PROOUCT NAME INSTRU-KLENZ SUBSIDIAR¥OF MERCK & CO.;-IN(~; " ~ SECTION I IEMERGENCY MANUFACTURER'S NAME Calgon Corporation, Commercial Division ITELEPHONE NO. (314) 862-2000 (412) 777-8000 :'~" ...ADORESS ' ·. .- 7501 Page Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri 63166 :'::'... CHEMICAL NAME I ,, ..:,.::!,.,:~ AND SYNONYMS Liquid Detergent FORMULA Mulficomponent Liquid ;'~" ':..!:/.' SECTION II HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS "? '"' % TLV (Units) . ***: PRINCIPAL HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (S) CAS # BY WEIGHT ORAL LDs o DERMAL LDs · ~ - ACGIH OSHA OTHER : '" · Chemical ~-. , N.m~ Terra,odium Ethylenediaminetetraacetate Flats ~ Not .. Common Narr~ Tetramdium EDTA 64-02-8 20 303.0 rog/kg Available N/A N/A N/A ~hemlcll Common Name Chemical Name Common O Name Chemical Name Name Chemical Name Common Name LAB Results on 39% Tetrasodium Ethylenediaminetetraacetate I SECTION III PHYSICAL DATA I BOILING POINT (o F) ~ 212 1.130 - 1.150 SPECIFIC GRAVITY (H= O=1 ) VAPOR PRESSURE (mmHg.) Similar to Water PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME (%) '~ 80 VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=l) Similar to Water 1% Solution pH 10.8- 11.0 SOLUBILITY IN WATER Complete OTHER APPEARANCE AND ODOR Clear straw-colored liquid with mild chemical odor Whi/e this inforrnat/on and recornmendat/ons set forth herein are believed to be accurate as of the date hereof, CA L CON CORPORA T/ON MA KE$ NO WA RRAN TY WI TH RESPECT HERE TO AND DISCLAIMS ALL L/ABILITY FROM RELIANCE THEREON. Page 1 of ~ FLASH POINT (Method Used) Not Flammable; Aqueous Solution *' EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Product is not flammable. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES- Exercise caution when fighting any chemical fire. A self-contained breathing apparatus is essential. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS : ' None SECTION V HEALTH HAZARD DATA EFFECT OF OVEREXPOSURE A. ACUTE -.. 1. INGESTION The product is practically non toXic through ingestion. The acute oral LD50 (rats) for the product is ~ 5 g/kg. 2. INHALATION The product is an aqueous solution. It would not be ~ considered hazardous by inhalation. '- 3. DERMAL EXPOSURE a. TOXIC Acute dermal*LD50 . not available. The product would not be expected to be toxic through dermal absorption. b. IRRITATION The product is not a primary skin irritant. The primary skin irritation index (rabbits) was found to be only 1.34/8. SENSITIZATION Sensitization testing on the product is not available. However, human patch testing on the neutral salts of EDTA at 0.25% concentration produced no skin irritation. Allergy tests run on a 0.1% solution of the disodium salt of EDTA on guinea pigs showed no indication of a reaction. Page 2 of 4 INSTRU-KLENZ 1086 4/5/85 4. EYE IRRITATION Causes eye irritation. Instillation of 0.1 mi of the product in rabbit eyes (no wash) produced corneal opacity in 2/6 eyes which cleared in 1 eye and persisted in the other eye on Day 3. Iritis seen in 4/6 eyes cleared by Day 3. Moderate conjunctival irritation seen in all eyes improved to slight irritation_on Day 3. The scores on Day 1 ranged from 4-20/110. - -- & SUBCHRONIC, CHRONIC, OTHER No applicable information was found concerning adverse health effects resulting from subchronic and chronic exposure to the product and/or ingredients. fIRST AID EYEIn case of contact, flush with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. If irritation develops, call a physician. ~ SKIN Not Applicable. i c. INGESTION Not Applicable. i .i *' ~.~ D. INHALATION Not Applicable. INSTRU-KLENZ 1086 4/5/85 ~ Page 3 of .~' SECTION VI REACTIVITY DATA STABLE X CONDITIONS STABILITY UNSTABLE TO AVOID ". INCOMPATABI LITY (Materials to Avoid) Acids, strong oxidizers ........... HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS Contact with aluminum may produce hydrogen. SECTION VII SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES REPORTABLE QUANTITIES (RQ) IN LBS OF EPA HAZARDOUS NOTIFY EPA OF PRODUCT SPILLS SUBSTANCES IN PRODUCT 1, N/A EQUAL TO OR EXCEEDING 2. N/A .LBS. 3. STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED Dispose of in accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Dike area OR SPILLED to contain as much spilled material as possible, Remove any remaining material by absorbing on vermiculite or other suitable absorbing material and place in a sealed metal container for disposal, WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD · .. Dispose of in a landfill or incinerate in accordance with local, state and federal regulations. .. SECTION VIII HANDLING&STORAGE PROTECTIVE GLOVES IEYE PROTECTION Not Required safety glasses OTHER PROTECTIVE CLOTHING Not Required ~-' RESPIRATORY PROTECTION Not Required VENTILATION LOCAL EXHAUST Not Required OTHER MECHANICAL None Normal (General) Not Required STORAGE & HANDLING Avoid contact with eyes. · Keep container closed. Wash thoroughly after handling. OTHER PRECAUTIONS None Page 4 of 4 PREPARED BY Janet Mostowy INSTRU-KLENZ 1086 4/5/85 4. EYE IRRITATION Causes eye irritation. Instillation of 0.1 mi of the product in rabbit eyes (no wash) produced corneal opacity in 2/6 eyes which cleared in 1 eye and persisted in the other eye on Day 3. Iritis seen in 4/6 eyes cleared by Day 3. Moderate conjunctival irritation seen in all eyes improved to slight irritation on Day 3. The scores on Day 1 ranged from 4-20/110. ~ -- & SUBCHRONIC. CHRONIC, OTHER No applicable information was found concerning adverse health effects resulting from subchronic and chronic exposure '*_.-~-'~ "-'~ - to the product and/or ingredients. FIRST AID J. EYE In case of contact, flush with'plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. If irritation develops, call a physician. t~. SKIN Not Applicable. I " ~.. C. INGESTION Not Applicable. ~'~ D. INHALATION Not Applicable. ~.-- INSTRU-KLENZ 1086 4/5/85 Page 3 of ~, MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET : ' LOCS'N' PAGE : 01 THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN I'~ BASED ON DATA CONSIDERED ACCURATE IN LIGHT OF CURRENT FORMULATION. HOWEVER, NO WARRANTY IS EXPRESSED DR IMPLIED REGARDING THE ACCURACY OF THIS DATA '- ~ -: .~.- OR THE RESULTS TO BE OBTAINED FROM THE USE THEREOF. SECTION I - GENERAL INFORMATION ~[~i~[[-~[~'g-~¢~ ........................................................ TRADE NAME & SYNONYMS N/A LOOS'N' CHEMICAL FAMILY FORMULA ALIPHATIC PETROLEUM DISTILLATE X<--MIXTURE MANUFACTURERS NAME: P & M MFG., DIV. OF PLUMBMASTER, INC. ADDRESS (NUMBER. STREET, CITY,STATE & ZIP CODE) P.O. BOX 2132 IRVING, TX 75062 RICHARD STOLLEY/T.S.CHEM 83101 214-438-4144 EXT. 013 SECTION II- HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS ~ ........................................... ..... ~[ !~[~[~! ! HAZARD ~-'-~: .... T--';E[: .... T'--~[; ..... ALIPHATIC PETROLEUM DISTILLATE COMB. 100 PPM 1. 500MG/M3 1 8030-30-6 ETHYL ACETATE FLAMMABLE 400 PPM 2. 400 PPM 2. 141-78-6 SECTION II! - PHYSICAL DATA BOILING PT.(FAHRENHEIT) 1160 : SPEC GRAVITY (H26=1) -;~6 ............... ~;;;~';~[[fi~-~'~;'T~>~ ..... ~-~[6~'--~;~[~ ............................... LOOS'N' (CONTINUED) SECTION III - PHYSICAL DATA PAGE : 02 VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=l) IN/E I ODOR ~VINEGAR PERCENT. VOLATILE 150 I EVAPORATION RATE BY VOLUME (%) ~ ~ (BM AC = 1 ) SOLUBILITY IN WATER I NEGLIGIBLE SECTION IV - FlEE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD EXTINGUISHING MEDIA "ALCOHOL" DRY WATER X<--FOAM <--FOAM X<--C02 X<--CHEMICAL <--SPRAY <--OTHER SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES SPRAY WATER ON AEROSOL CONTAINERS TO COOL THEM, AVOIDING RUPTURING. WEAR SELF-CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS W~TH A FULL FACEPIECE OPERATED IN PRESSURE-DEMAND OR OTHER POSITIVE PRESSURE MODE WHEN FIGHTING FIRES. UNUSUAL FIRE & EXPLOSION HAZARDS VAPORS ARE HEAVIER THAN AIR AND MAY TRAVEL ~0 AREAS DISTANT FROM HANDLING POINT. FLAME EXTENSION: · 18" BURNBACK: 5 - 6 INCHES SECTION V - HEALTH HAZARD DATA NOT ESTABLISHED FOR MIXTURE. SEE SECTION II. - ACUTE - (SHORT TERM EXPOSURE) SEVERE IRRITATION TO EYES, REDNESS. TEARING AND BLURRED VISION CAUSES IRRITATION, DEFATTING OF SKIN. EXCESSIVE BREATHING OF VAPORS CAN LEAD TO NASAL AND RESPIRATORY IRRITATION. DIZZINESS WEAKNESS NAUSEA AND POSSIBLE UNCONSCIOUSNESS. EVEN ASPHIXIATION. SWALLOWING CAN C~USE NAUSEA, CRAMPS, VOMITING AND DIARRHEA. ASPIRATION OF MATERIAL INTO THE LUNGS CAN CAUSE CHEMICAL PNEUMONITI5 WHICH CAN BE FATAL. - CHRONIC - (LONG TERM EXPOSURE) '' CAUSES MARKED IRRITATION TO EYES AND MAY CAUSE CORNEAL CLOUDING.EXCESSIVE OVEREXPOSURE TO SKIN CAN CAUSE DERMATITIS AND CHAPPING. HIGH CONCENTRATION LODS'N' (CONTINUED) SECT[ON V - HEALTH HAZARD DATA PAGE : 03 ~[~-~[~'['~[~;;~'~'[~'~[G~-~6~'iN T.E LIVER AND KIDNEYS. TARGET ORGANS: LIVER AND KIDNEYS PRIMARY ROUTE OF ENTRY: X<-- INHALATION ~-- IN~,ESTION <-- ABSORPTION EMERGENCY & FIRST AID PROCEDURES INHALATION : GET PERSON OUT OF CONTAMIANTED AREA TO FRESH AIR. IF BREATHING HAS STOPPED, ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION SHOULD BE STARTED. OXYGEN MAY BE ADMINISTERED, IF READILY AVAILABLE. SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION IMMEDIATELY. · .................................................................... ;L~-~-~ .... ':'..-- EYE CONTACT: FLUSH WITH LARGE AMOUNTS OF WATER FOR 10 MINUTES, LIFTING UPPER AND LOWER LIDS OCCASIONALLY. GET MEDICAL ATTENTION IF IRRITATION PERSISTS. · TREATMENT IS ~DST EFFECTIVE WITHIN ONE MINUTE. SKIN CONTACT: THOROUGHLY WASH EXPOSED AREA WITH SOAP AND WATER. REMOVE CONTAMINATED CLOTHING. LAUNDER CONTAMINATED CLOTHING BEFORE REUSE. APPLY EMOLLIENT RICH CREAM. ....... i~¢i6~'~ .............................................................. DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. KEEP PERSON WARM, QUIET AND GET MEDICAL ATTENTION. ASPIRATION OF MATERIAL INTO THE LUNGS DUE TO VOMITING CAN CAUSE CHEMICAL .... ' " PNEUMONITIS WHICH CAN BE FATAL. - - ...... ~;;~-~-~n~;::;:~-, ..................................................... GASTRIO LAVAGE IS INDICATED. DD NOT INDUCE VOMITING. CHRONIC POISONING HAS PRODUCED SECONDARY ANEMIA, LEUCOCYTOSIS AND CORNEAL SWELLING AND F~TTY DEGENERATION OF VISCERA. SECTION VI - TOXICITY INFORMATION ALIPHATIC PETROLEUM DISTILLATE UNK-MAN LDLO = 1176 MG/KG 4. ORAL-RAT LDSO = 28 G/KG ORAL-RABBIT LDSO = 28 G/KG 4. ETHYL ACETATE EYE-HMN = 400 PP~ 3. ORAL-RAT LDSO = 11G~I/KG 3. [HL-RAT LDSO = 1600 PPM/BH SECTION VII - REACTIVITY DATA IX<--STABLE <--UNSTABL I CONDIDTIONS TO AVOID STABILITY ~ ................................................................. AVOID HEAT SPARKS AND OPEN FLAME INCOMPATIBILITY (MATERIALS TO AVOID) STRONG ACIDS, BASES AND OXIDIZERS, NITRATES {CONTINUED) SECTION VI~ - REACTIVITY DATA PAGE : O~ HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS CARBON MONIXIDE UPON BURNING I WILL NOT ~AY I CONDITIONS TO AVOID HAZARDOUS i_~_~]OCCUR <--OCCUR POLYMERiZATiONI ........................................................... ~N/A SECTION VIII - SPILL DR LEAK PROCEDURES STEPS TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED AEROSOL CONTAINER SO SPILL UNLIKELY. IN CASE OF LEAKAGE, PICK UP WITH AN ABSORBANT SUCH AS PAPER, VERMICULITE, ETC. TO CONTAIN SPILL. DO NOT FLUSH TO SEWER. PLACE INTO LABELED CONTAINERS AND SEAL. DISPOSE OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS. WET VACUUM AREA AFTER ALL TRACES HAVEBEEN CLEANED UP, WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD DO NOT INCINERATE OR PUNCTURE CAN. DISPOSE OF CAN ALONGWITH CONTAMINATED ABSORBANT IN APPROVED SANITARY LANDFILL. NEUTRALIZING AGENT N/A SECTION IX - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION REQUIRED VENTILATION LOCAL EXHAUST VENTILATION SUFFICIENT TO MAINTAIN WORKPLACE CONCENTRATION BELOW PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE LIMITS. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION TYPICAL USE OF THE PRODUCT DOES NOT REDUIRE THE USE OF A RESPIRATOR. USE NIOSH APPROVED MASK IF MISTING. IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY, THE FOLLOWING RESPIRATOR IS RECOMMENDED: 1000 PPM: CCROVF 5000 PPM: GMOV/SAF/SCBAF 10,000 PPM: SAF = PD PP CF ESCAPE: GMOV/SCBA ' ' PROTECTIVE GLOVES NEOPRENE OR NITRILE RUBBER GLOVES SHOULD BE WORN. '. EYE PROTECTION ' CHEMICAL GOGGLES SHOULD BE WORN DEPENDING ON SEVERITY OF EXPOSURE. (~.~g62-291gg -HOOOtllO) iOAT ......................................... ~ SUPERSEDES VAPOR ........... DENSITY (AIR,I) ~...t~/~3/8S ~ ~O/~e/SS ! P, P ~OO% IR/A I OLARITY IOPAQUE ~ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ , ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ........................................... ................................................................................ FLASH POIHT (METHOD USED) MANUPAD?URERS NAME: 400 C.O.D. i PLAMMABLE LIMITS ) LEL N/A ! uEL H/A ........................................................................ ................................................................................ EXTXNOUISHINO MEDIA "ALCOHOL" DRY WAFER ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ .................................................... . ......................................................... C"EMICAL NA.E (INOREDIE,~S~ I"ZO O T'PE ~ ~LV' '''i''';~; .... ~''-~;;; ..... ' ..................... ................................................................................ ................................................................................ EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE ................................................................................ - ACUTE - (SHORT TERM EXPOSURE) ................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................ .................................................................... ~. ............................................................. ................................................................................ ................................................................................ #/A ................................................................................ EYE PROTECTION ....................................... ................................................................................ OTHER PROTECTION , ' ................ ? ........................ iX('-STABLE (--UNSTABL I CONDIDTIONS TO AVOID ~) ' STaBiLITY I ................................................................................... ~_~ .......................................................... ................................................................................ STORE AT MODERATE TEMPERATURES. I ~'LL NOT MAY ;CONDIT[ONS TO AVOID .............................................. ................................................................................ SHIPPING NAME ,,~ STEM (OONTI HUED) ~ON II - TRANSPORI ATION * USE) PAGE : 05 HAZARD CLASS ~ ZD HUMBER I REPORT ~TY , LABELS I LIMITED ~TY DO~ ................................................................................ sPs CO"~AINER , NET E~PLOSIUE WT. ~i' AEROSOL PROPELLANT(S) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IN CASES WHERE HIGH TEMPERATURE OR FLAMING OCCUR, AS WITH ALL PETROLEUM BASED PRODUCTS WEAR THE APPROPRIATE NIOSH APPROVED R ESPIRATDR. BE AWARE THAT PETROLEUM VAPORS ARE HEAVIER THAN AIR AND MAY ACCUMULATE IN LOW AREAS OR AREAS ]NADE~UAT£LY VENTILATED. N/A CARBON DIOXIDE AND C~RBON M ONOX]DE. P & N MFG,, DIV, OF PLUMBMASTER, INC. ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR PERSONAL INdURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE TO VENDEES, USER OR THIRD PARTIES CAUSED BY THE MATER~AL, SUCH VENOEES OR USERS ASSUME ALL RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH THE USE OF THE MATERIAL, ~ [ ~ MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET : SILENCER PAGE : 01 ~ i 12/12/a5 ' I 12/18/86 THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS BASED ON DATA CONSIDERED ACCURATE IN LIGHT OF CURRENT FORMULATION, HOWEVER NO WARRANTY IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED REGARDING THE ACCURACY DF'THIS DATA OR THE RESULTS TO BE OBTAINED FROM THE USE THEREOF. SECTION I - GENERAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME & SYNONYMS TRADE NAME & SYNONYMS N/A SILENCER CHEMICAL FAMILY FORMULA AEROSOL SILICONE LUBRICANT X<--MIXTURE ~[~;~6~[--~[~7 ............................................................ P & M MFG., DIV. OF PLUMBMASTER, INC. . _.__;__..= ..... ------- '------- ------- ----- ---ADDRESS-(NUMBER.-STREE+;-~+~-~+~+~-;-~;-66~~ P.O. BOX 2132 IRVING, TX 75062 PREPARED BY: J PRODUCT CODE NUMBER J EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER DON POKRAS/T.S. CHEMIST 83201 214-438-4144 ........... EXT. 013 SECTION II- HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS 1,1,2 TRICHLORD- 1.2.2-TRIFLUORO[¢~[~ ......................................................... ANEST.ETIC lO~PPM ~ IO00PPM = 7~-13-1 SECTION III - PHYSICAL DATA BDILING PT.(FAHRENHEIT)1112.3 I SPEC GRAVITY (~;;~ .... T;~ ............... VAPOR PRESSURE (MM HG). J362 J COLOR JWATER-WHITE SILENCER (CONTINUED) SECTION III - PHYSICAL DATA PAGE : 02 ..... .... ............................ ~H ~ 1~$~ .............. ~ ..... ~-~£;~'~;~ ......................... PERCENT. VOLATILE 1100 I EVAPORATION R&TE 112 BY VOLUME (%) -.. ~ ~ (BU AC = 1 ) ~ so[6~E~'~'~;~E~ .... ~--~E~E~[E ........................................... 'G~ .............. f--~:~ .......................................... SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD ....... T-;;:::::;:-;::::: ........ .... .... ?-"G~[ .............................................. i ! i,~/~ EXTINGUISHING MEDIA "ALCOHOL" DRY WATER <--FOAM <--FOAM <--CD2 <--CHEMICAL <--SPRAY <--OTHER SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES NONE UNUSUAL FIRE & EXPLOSION HAZARDS UNDER SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF HEAT, HYDROCHLORIC AND HYDROFLUORIC ACID CAN BE FORMED. SECTION V - HEALTH HAZARD DATA THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE : NOT ESTABLISHED FOR MIXTURE. SEE SECTION II. EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE ....................................................... - ACUTE - (SHORT TERM EXPOSURE) THROAT IRRITATION, DERMATITIS, DROWSINESS. - CHRONIC - (LONG TERM EXPOSURE) CONTINUED OVEREXPOSURE CAN CAUSE ANESTHESIA. ALSO CAUSE ARRHYTHMIA IN ANIMAL STUDIES. E~&~[~';-[~;~-2~';~[E~6[[; ................................................ INHALATION : · REMOVE PATIENT TO FRESH AIR. GIVE MOUTH-TO-MOUTH RESUSCITATION IF BREATHING HAS STOPPED GIVE OXYGEN AS NECESSARY. DO NOT GIVE ADRENALIN (EPINEPHRINE). CALL i PHYSICIAN. SILENCER (CONTINUED) SECTION V - HEALTH HAZARD DATA PAGE FLUSH WITH LARGE AMOUNTS OF WATER, LIFTING EYELIDS OCCASIONALLY. IF EYE SYMPTOMS PERSIST, CONSULT PHYSICIAN. SKIN CONTACT: WASH WITH WATER AND USE AN EMOLLIENT IF DRYNESS OCCURS. IMMEDIATELY GIVE 2 TO 4 GLASSES OF COLD"WATER AND INDUCE VOMITING. '. SEE A PHYSICIAN IMMEDIATLEY. NOTES TO PHYSICIAN : SECTION VI - TOXICITY INFORMATION 1,1,2 TRICHLORO I 2,23TRIFLUOROETHANE ORL-RAT LDSO 43oleg . IHL-HMN TCLO:4500PPM:CSN 4. SECTION VII - REACTIVITY DATA ~X<--STABLE <--UNSTABL [ CONDIDTIONS TO AVOID STABILITY I ................................................................. CONTACT WITH REACTIVE METALS AND NAKED FLAMES OR HOT SURFACES. INCOMPATIBILITY (MATERIALS TO AVOID) MAY REACT VIOLENTLY WITH POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS HYDROGEN FLUORIDE, HYDROGEN CHLORIDE AND CARBON MONOXIDE. I WILL NOT MAY I CONDITIONS TO AVOID HAZARDOUS i X <--OCCUR <--OCCUR POLYMERiZATiONI ................................................................. SECTION VIII - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES STEPS TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED AEROSOL CONTAINER SO SPILL IS HIGHLY. PICK UP WITH CLOTH AND USE KEROSENE CLEANER TO PICK UP RESIDUE. BE CAREFUL TO AVOID SLIPPING. · ~S I LENC~R . (CONTINUED) SECTION VIII " SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES PAGE : 04 WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD WRAP IN NEWSPAPER AND DISPOSE OFIN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL FEDERAL,STATE AND LOCAL POLLUTIONREGULATIONS. NEUTRALIZING AGENT N/A SECTION IX - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION REOUIRED VENTILATION GENERAL EXHAUST IS MORE THAN ADEQUATE. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION TYPICAL USE OF THIS PRODUCT DOES NOT REOUIRE THE USE OF A RESPIRATOR. IN AN EMERGENCY SITUATION USE THE FOLLOWING RESPIRATORS: 4500 PPM SA~SCBA ESCAPE GMOV/SCBA PROTECTIVE GLOVES RUBBER, SYNTHETIC, ELASTDMERS, PVC OR OTHER PLASTICS SHOULD BE WORN WHEN HANDLING. EYE PROTECTION GOGGLES OTHER PROTECTION N/A SECTION X - STORAGE AND HANDLING INFORMATION STORAGE TEMPERATURE I INDOOR ~HEATED ~REFRIGERATEDI OUTDOOR 120 F.<--MAX 32 F.<--MIN i { ~ PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING & STORING STORE IN A COOL DRY PLACE. KEEP OUT DF REACH OF CHILDREN. OTHER PRECAUTIONS READ ENTIRE LABEL BEFORE USE. ~:/"~ .: SECTION XI - TRANSPORTATION * (FOR FUTURE USE) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: (CONTINUED) SECTION IX - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATIOPAGE : 05 OTHER PROTECTION N/A STORA*E T*MPE.ATURE I 1ND°°R i.RATED IREP"I*ERATEDI OUTDOOR 120 F.<--MAX 0 F<--MIN PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING & STORING STORE AT TEMPERATURES < 120 F. TO PREVENT POSSIBILITY OF RUPTURE. OTHER PRECAUTIONS KEEP OUT OF REACHOF CHILDREN. READ ENTIRE LABEL BEFORE USE. DELIBERATE CONCENTRATION AND INHALATION OF VAPORS CAN BE FATAL. SECTION XI - TRANSPORTATION * (FOR FUTURE USE) <--49 CFR <--IMCO <--TARIFF 6 D <--IATA <--MILITARY AIR (AFR 71-4) SHIPPING NAME HAZARD CLASS ~ ID NUMBER I REPORT QTY LABELS I LIMITEDOTY UNIT CONTAINER DOT SPS CONTAINER I NET EXPLOSIVE ~T. AEROSOL PROPELLANT(S) SECTION XII - REFERENCES 1. VENDOR'S MSDS SHEET. 2. NIOSH POCKET GUIDE TO CHEMICAL HAZARDS, 1978. LOOS'N' (CONTINUED) SECTION XII - REFERENCES PAGE : 06 N. IRVING SAX. NOTE: N\A- REPRESENTS THE NON-APPLICABLE NATURE OF THIS SECTION WITH RESPECT TO THIS PRODUCT. N\E- REPRESENTS THE FACT THAT THE INFORMATION HAS YET TO BE ESTABLISHED. P & M MFG., DIV. OF PLUMBMASTER, INC. ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR PERSONAL INdURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE TO VENDEES, USER OR THIRD PARTIES CAUSED BY THE MATERIAL. SUCH VENDEES OR USERS ASSUME ALL RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH THE USE OF THE MATERIAL. SILENCER (CONTINUED) SECTION XI - TRANSPORTATION * (FOR FUTURE SE) PAGE : OE [;;[i~[~E'~E~6[[¢i~[ ...................~- ..................................... <--49 CFR <--l~CO <-.-TARIF~ 6 D <--IATA <--MILITARY AIR (AFR 71-4) [~;;;~-~;[ .................................................................... LA~ELS ........... ~'[i~¢E~-~¢; ........ ':'-- "-' UNIT CONTAINER DOT SPS CONTAINER I NET EXPLOSIVE ~T. AEROSOL PROPELLANT(S) SECTION XII - REFERENCES ENVIRONMENT, 2ND EDITION, ACGIH, 1985. 2.N~OSH POCKET GUIDE TO CHEMICAL HAZARDS,1978. 3.VENDOR'S MSDS. 4.DANGEROUS PRDPERITES OF INDUSTRIAL MATERIALS, 6TH EDITION N. IRVING SAX. NOTE: N/A- REPRESENTS THE NON-APPLICABLE NATURE OF THIS SECTION W~TH RESPECT TO THIS PRODUCT. N/E- REPRESENTS THE FACT THAT THE INFORMATION' HAS YET TO BE ESTABLISHED P & M MFG.. DIV. OF PLUMBMASTER, INC. ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR PERSONAL INUURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE TO VENDEES. USER OR THIRD PARTIES CAUSED BY THE MATERIAL. SUCH VENDEES OR USERS ASSUME ALL RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH THE USE OF THE MATERIAL.