HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN 11/28/1997I Fluor Daniel GTI FR~ I Written/Submitted By: Kevin L. Hamilton, REA ~_J6'nathan D.~Pd3 I~e_rI~°. 4728 Lead Geologist Registered (3~(: q'~j.st I No. 4728 5080 C~olifornio Avenue / Suite 300 / Bol<ersfield, C;A 03300 USA (805) 328-3083 FAX (805) 328-308] I TABLE OF CONTENTS I Page 1,0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................... 1 I 2.0 BACKGROUND 1 3.0 GEOLOGY/HYDROGEOLOGY ......................................................... 1 I 4.0 ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES ........................................................ 1 5.0 SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS ................................................. 2 I 6.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ...................................................... 2 i 7.0 REFERENCES ...................................................................... 3 TABLES I Table 1. Current UST information summary. Table 2. Analytical results (in mg/kg) of soil samples-November 1997 Phase II baseline soil assessment. ! FIGURES I Figure 1. Site Location Map Figure 2. Site Map I I APPENDICES APPENDIXA. DRILLING LOGS I APPENDIX B. METHODOLOGY I B.1 Soil Borings ................................................................ B1 B.2 Soil Sampling .............................................................. B1 B.3 Laboratory Analysis ......................................................... B1 B.4 Waste Management ......................................................... B2 m APPENDIX C. LABORATORY REPORTS m I FLUOR DANIEL GTI ~ I I Phase II Baseline Soil Assessment Report Page 1 I Chevron Facilib/No. 9-4025 November 28~ 1997 I 1.0 INTRODUCTION Fluor Daniel GTI has been contracted by Chevron Products Company to conduct a Phase II baseline soil assessment at their facility no. 9-4025. The site is located at 800 34th Street in Bakersfield, California (Figures I and 2). The purpose of the assessment is to establish a baseline of soil conditions prior to property transfer. This report presents site background, assessment procedures, sampling protocol, and findings of the assessment. 2.0 BACKGROUND Dudng 1988, four steel USTs (three gasoline and one used-oil) were removed and replaced with three double-wall fiberglass, 10,000-gallon gasoline USTs and one double-wall fiberglass, 1,000-gallon used-oil UST (Figure 2 and Table 1). Following tank removal, samples were collected beneath the former tanks, dispensers, and/or product piping to determine if hydrocarbons were present. No significant hydrocarbon contamination was detected and the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department granted closure (letter dated May 1988). No other environmental acfivifies are known to have been performed at the facility. 3.0 GEOLOGY/HYDROGEOLOGY Chevron facility no. 9-4025 is located in the central portion of Bakersfield in a mixed commercial/residential area. The approximate elevation of the facility is 410 feet above sea level. Topography in the region is flat, and no natural bodies of water adjoin the site. The site overlies alluvial-fan deposits of the Kern River (CDMG, 1965). Sediments underlying the region consist of fluvial deposits including silt, sand, and gravel. Sediments encountered during drilling activities consist primarily of fine- to coarse-grained sand. An unconfined aquifer is present below the site at a depth of approximately 150 feet. The gradient of this aquifer is to the southeast (KCWA, 1995a). Shallow, perched water has not been identified in the vicinity of the site (KCWA, 1995b). Drilling logs with detailed lithologic descriptions are provided in Appendix A. 4.0 ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES Assessment activities were completed on November 20 and 25, 1997. Four slant borings (B1 through B4) were drilled to determine soil conditions in the vicinity of the dispensers and USTs. The total depth of each boring was 30 feet. Undisturbed soil samples were collected at 5-foot intervals. Specific sampling, boring abandonment, and waste-handling procedures are discussed in detail in Appendix B. FLUOR DANIEL GTI ~ Phase II Baseline Soil Assessment Report Page 2 I Chevron Facility No. 9-4025 November 28~ 1997 I 5.0 SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS Two soil samples from each of the four borings were shipped via overnight courier to Del Mar Analytical I (ELAP Certification No. 1197) in Irvine, California. Samples collected beneath the dispensers and gasoline USTs (B1 through B3) were analyzed for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX), total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHG), and methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) using EPA methods I 8020, 8015-modified and 8020, respectively. Samples collected beneath the used-oil UST were analyzed for halogenated volatile organics, total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons (TRPH), and total lead using EPA methods 8010, 418.1, and 6010, respectively (Table 2). BTEX, TPHG, MTBE, and halogenated I volatile organics were not detected. TRPH and total lead were detected in soil samples collected at a depth of 15 and 20 feet from boring B4. Concentrations of TRPH and total lead in soil ranged from 18 to 21 rog/kg and 2.4 to 2.1 mg/kg, respectively (Table 2). Laboratory reports and chain-of-custody documents I are presented in Appendix C. I 6.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS I The findings of the baseline assessment activities at Chevron facility 9-4025 can be summarized as follows: · Sediments encountered during the drilling activities consist primarily of fine- to coarse- I grained sand; · An unconfined aquifer is present below the site at a depth of approximately 150 feet; and I · Four borings were drilled and sampled to determine soil conditions beneath the dispensers and USTs. Six soil samples from three borings (B1 through B3) were analyzed for BTE×, TPHG, and MTBE. No hydrocarbons were detected. Two soil samples from boring B4 I were analyzed for halogenated volatile organics, total lead, and TRPH. Halogenated volatile organics were not detected. TRPH and total lead were detected at Iow concentrations. I I FLUOR DANIEL GTI ~ I I Phase II Baseline Soil Assessment Report Page 3 I Chevron Facility No. 9-4025 November 28~ 1997 I 7.0 REFERENCES I CDMG (California Division of Mines and Geology), 1965, Geologic map of California, Bakersfield sheet. I KCWA (Kern County Water Agency), 1995a, Improvement District No. 4, 1994 Report on Water Conditions, I --, 1995b, Water Supply Report-1993. USGS (United States Geological Survey), 1954; Rev. 1968 and 1973, Gosford Quadrangle, 7.5 minute I series. I I I I I I I I I I I FLUOR DANIEL GTI ~,~ I TABLES FLUOR DANIEL GTI ~ I Phase II Baseline Soil Assessment Report Page 5 I Chevron Facility No. 9-4025 November 28~ 1997 I Table 1. Current UST information summary. I Tank Capacity Product Stored Composition Year Number (gallons) Installed I T1 10,000 Unleaded Gasoline Double-wall 1988 Fiberglass i T2 10,000 Unleaded Gasoline Double-wall 1988 Fiberglass T3 10,000 Unleaded Gasoline Double-wall 1988 I Fiberglass T4 1,000 Used Oil Double-wall 1988 iFiberglass I I I I FLUOR DANIEL GTI ~ Phase II Baseline Soil Assessment Report Page 6 Chevron Facility No. 9-4025 November 28, 1997 Table 2. November 1997 baseline soil sampling analytical results (in mg/kg) of soil samples. See Figure 2 for bodng IocalJons. Sample Sample Benzene Toluene Ethyl- Xylenes TPHG MTBE Total Total Oil & No. Depth benzene Organic Lead Grease Halides (TRPH) B1-20 20' <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.015 <1.0 <1.0 NA NA NA B1-30 30' <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.015 <1.0 <1.0 NA NA NA B2-20 20' <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.015 <1.0 <1.0 NA NA NA B2-30 30' <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.015 <1.0 <1.0 NA NA NA B3-20 20' <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.015 <1.0 <1.0 NA NA NA B3-,30 30' <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.015 <1.0 <1.0 NA NA NA B4-10 10' NA NA NA NA NA NA Constituents 2.4 18 Not Detected B4-20 20' NA NA NA NA NA NA Constituents 2.1 21 NOt Detected FLUOR DANIEL GTI FIGURES FLUOR DANIEL GTI ~ · ?o .'11 /4 ~'. :. I CA LL¢',','AY '" '3~,1 ¢ ::' ~: t_,. ' ]/' : · ! I.............. CA~'1~ I1' /" B3;I ~' ,I " .,?' ~_2_~4.~ ' 'Watera LOCATION I ~ _ {',? ' _ .' /,.?' .... ,.'. ~---._ -~ i _ ~ /,:;': ':_ / ~'"--4;':' ...'.;'*' .... ~.'."1 · I SCALE 1:24,000 0 2,000 4,000 I SCALE FEET 0Ill lOCATION MAP FLUOR DANIEL GTI CHEVRON PRODUCTS COMPANY LOC (1=1) I 101491 FACILITY NO. 9-4025 IREV. LOCATION: FIGURE:' KLH KLH 11/97 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA I I ~ .... ~ 1i I I I I~ ® ~' ~ f B1 I I-- LEGEND & B I I Soil u , u~or:n- location. i B1 Arrow indicates I ~ ]~, direction of slant. 34TH STREET  CLIENT: CH RO PRODUCTS COmPAnY Focilit7 ~o. 0-4072 SIIE MAP ~HO~ ~1~ OTI coc~ou: 94025 (1=400)I ' 01491 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA P~: PE/RG: FIGURE: APPENDIX A DRILLING LOGS FLUOR DANIEL GTI ~ I Drilling Log I IrMJO~DA#I,I, ~r,~ Soil Boring B1 I Project Chevron 9-4025 Owner Chevron Products Company See Site Nap For Boring location Location 800 34th Street, Bakers field, California Proj. No. 101491 Surface Bev. Total Hole Depth 30 ft. Diameter 8 in. CONfilENTS: i Top of Casing __ 14afar Level [nit/al Static Screen: Dia Length Type/Size e/ drilled on south side of UST$. Approximately I0° from edge of concrete Casing: Dia Length Type usT pad. Dri~ed at a 30-degree angle. Fill Hater/al Rig/Core tVobile B-80 I Drill Co. Consol/dated Drilling Nethod Hollow Stem Au,qer Driller Tom Cole Log By Kevin Hamilton Date 11/20/97 Permit # Checked By Jon Parker License No. RG4728 --'.,; Q~' · g "c~ - Description ~ '&e Uoz ~: ~e.~ II,,~ (Color, Texture, Structure) I u) ~ , m .~ Trace < 10%, Little $0% to 20%, Some 20% to 35%, And 35% to 50% 0.0 B~-s' I Silty SAND: Very fine to medium grained sand, silt (20%), poorly graded, I - 6 - dark brown, damp, no hydrocarbon odor. · - 10 - 0.0 I~,-lo' I SAND: fine to medium grained sand, poorly graded, yellowish brown, damp, no hydrocarbon odor. -14 - .'.'.'.' - J6 -- SP no hydrocarbon odor. I i:i:i:i:i.... - 20- o.o B1-20' SAND: fine to coarse grained sand, trace very coarse grained sand, poorly graded, yellowish brown, damp, no hydrocarbon odor. ,:.:.:.:.: I 22 '.'-'.'-', I - 24 - :-:-:.:-:, 11/25/1997 lithlog-June,96 Page: 1 of 2 Drilling Log F1.UORDA#I,I. ~1',~ Soil Boring B1 Project Chevron 9-4025 Owner Chevron Products Company Location 800 34th Street, Bakersfieldr California Proi. No. I01491 =~ ~ ~ - · Description ~ -- ~~ ~O ~ ~ ~ ~ (Color, Texture, Structure) - ~ Trace < !0~, Little I0~ to 20~, Some 20~ to 35~, And 35~ to 50~ -24- 0.0 B1-2~ m ~~ SAND: fine to coarse grained sand, some very coarse grained sand, poorly graded, yellowish to orangish brown, damp, no hydrocarbon odor. - 28 - :::::::::: - 30 -- 0.0 B1-30' I ":::::::: SAND: fine to medium grained, poorly graded, yellowish brown, damp, no hydrocarbon odor. -32- -38- -40- -42- -44- '4~- -48- -50- -52- -54 - -5~- 11/25/1997 lithlog-June,96 Page: 2 of 2 m Drilling Log m FI.~DA#IEL o?m~ Soil Boring El2 m Project Chevron 9-4025 Owner Chevron Products Company See Site Map For Boring Location Location 800 34th Street, Bakersfield, California Proj. No. 101491 Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 30 ft. Diameter 8 in. COMMENTS: m Top of casing __ Water Level Initial __ Static Screen: Dia Length Type/Size 82 drilled beneath west end of of southern d/spenser island. Approximately Casing: Dia Length Type 7' from edge of dispenser island pad. Fill Material Rig/Core Mobile B-80 Drilled at'a 30-degree angle. m Drill co. Consol/dated Drillin,q Method Holiday Stem Au, qer Driller Tom Cole Log By Kevin Hamilton Date 11/20/97 Permit # Checked By Jon Parker License No. RG4728 ~ ~,,°E~ o~, o ,,o~11o Description ~ r~'~ ~u (Color, Texture, Structure) I ~ ~ ~ ~ Trace < !0%, Little 10% to 20%, Some 20% to 35%, And 35% to 50% I o.o sz-5' SAND: Very fine to fine grained sand, poorly graded, brown, damp, no m _ 6 _ hydrocarbon odor. ! I! m _ lO - o.o B2-10' SM Silty SAND: Very fine to medium grained sand, silt (10%), poorly graded, dark brown, damp, no hydrocarbon odor. m _ 12_ -14_ m o.o "-'" m SAND: very fine to fine grained sand, poorly graded, yellowish brown, damp, -'6 - iiiiilil no hydrocarbon odor. m _ 18 - sP i -24- . -...... 11/25/1997 lithlog-June,96 Page: I of 2 i Drilling Log I FLUOR DANIEL OT,~j~ Soil Boring B2 I Project Chevron 9-4025 Owner Chevron Products Company Location 800 34th Street Bakersfield, Cafifornia Proj, No. I0149! =... .. ,- ,- $ _o ~ Description a. E ~- m (Color, Texture, Structure) m ~o ~ (D ~ Trace < !0%, Little I0% to 20%, Some 20% to 35%, And 35% to 50% I -24- o.o ,,_,,. I :::;~:::,::~ brown.SAND:finet°c°arsegrainedsand'p°°rlygraded'yell°wisht°m°deratedamp, no hydrocarbon odor. - 28 - :::::::: I ::::::::. - 30-- 0.o B2-3o' J :::::::: SAND: fine to medium grained, poorly graded, yellowish brown, damp, no i hydrocarbon odor. I -32- I -34- I -36- I -38- I -40- i -42- -44- I -46- I -48- I ~50- I -52- I -54- I -56- IM25/1997 lithlog-Oune,96 Page: 2 of 2 Drilling Log I FI,UORDA#IEI, So/, Boring B3 I Project Chevron 9-4025 Owner Chevron Products Company See Site Map For 8or/rig location Location 800 34th Street, Bakersfield, California Prol. No. 101491 Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 30 ft. Diameter 8 in. CONfiIENTS: i Top of Casing ~ ~ater Level Initial __ Static Screen: Die Length Type/Size 8a drilled on ~¢est end of northern d/spenser/s/and. Approximately 7' from Casing: Dia Length Type edge of dispenser island. Drilled at a Fill Hater/al Rig/Core filob/le B-80 30-degree angle. I Drill Co. Consol/dated Drillinq Hethod Hollow Stem Auqer Driller Tom Cole Log By Kevin Hamilton Date 11/20/97 Permit # Checked By Jon Parker License No. RG4728 I ~ i ~ Description (Color, Texture, Structure) i ~E ~o ~e Trace < 10~, Little IO% to 20%, Some 20% to 35%, And 35% to 50% Silty SAND: Very fine grained sand, silt (30%), poorly graded, grayish brown, damp, no hydrocarbon odor. I I ~3-~o' SAND: very fine to coarse grained sand, poorly graded, grayish brown, damp, no hydrocarbon odor. I B3-t5' SAND: fine to medium grained sand, poorly graded, yellowish brown, damp, no hydrocarbon odor. I 33-20' SAND: fine to coarse grained sand, poorly graded, yellowish to orangish brown, damp, no hydrocarbon odor. I I 11/25/1997 lithlog-June,96 Page: 1 of 2 Drilling Log FI,UORDA#I,I, O?,~ Soil Boring B3 Proiect Chevron 9-4025 Owner Chevron Products Cor~pany Location 800 34th Street, Bakersfield, California Prol. No. 10149! -~ o' - "~ Description ~-~ EO e~ m (Color, Texture, Structure) - ~ Trace < I0%, Little !0~ to 20%, Some 20% to 35%, And 35% to 50% -24- Ora~e~, yellowish to moderate Brown, ~am~, no h~Orocarbon - 26- · :':':-:SP ':.:.:.:. - ~0- 0.0 ]~-~0' I":::::::: SAND: fine to coarse grained sand, some very coarse grained sand, poorly graded, yellowish to moderate brown, damp, no hydrocarbon odor. I -32- -34- -38- -40- -42- -44- -4~- -48- -50- -52- -54- -5~ - ll/25/t997 lithlog-June,96 Page: 2 of 2 Drilling Log .,UORI~A#1 Ol',~I Soil Boring B4 Proiect Chevron 9-4025 Owner Chevron Products Company See Site Nap For Boring Location Location 8O0 34th Street, Bakersfiel~ C8fifornia Proi. No. I01491 Surface Bev. Total Hole Depth 20 ft. Diameter 8 in. CONNENTS: Top of Casing Nater Level Initial __ Static Screen: Dia Length Type/Size B4 drilled on ~est end of used-oil UST. Approximately 5' from edge of concrete Casing: Dia Length Type usr pad. Drilled at ~ 25-degree engle. Fill Naterial Rig/Core Nobile B-80 Drill Co. Consol/dated Drillin,q Hethod Hollo~ Stem Au,qer Driller Tom Cole Log By Kevin Hamilton Date 11/25/97 Permit Checked By Jon Parker License No. RG4728 ~ ~ · Description ~ ~ ~ u e~ ~ (Color, Texture, Structure) - m Trace < 10~, Little I0~ to 20~, Some 20~ to 35~. And 35~ to 50~ - 10 -- 0.0 B4-10' tt~0:( 6W PEA GRAVEL--NOT NATIVE; FILL MATERIAL 0.0 84-15' I SAND: very fine [o medium grained ssnd, poorly graded, brown, damp, no - 16 - hydrocarbon odor. - 20- o.o 8a-~o' S~D: fine to meOium or~ineO no hT~roc~rbon oOor. 11/25/1997 lithlog-June,96 Page: I of 1 I I I I I I I. I I APPENDIX B i METHODOLOGY I I I I I I I I FLUOR DANIEL GTI ~ I I Phase II Baseline Soil Assessment Report Page B1 i Chevron Facility No. 9-4025 October 22~ 1997 B.1 SOIL BORINGS IA truck-mounted hollow-stem used for the assessment, collected from auger drilling rig was Samples were the borings as described in Section B.2. Upon completion, the borings were backfilled the soil cuffings and I capped with cold patch asphalt. B.2 SOIL SAMPLING I Soil samples were collected at 5-foot intervals with a split-spoon sampler. The sampler was ddven ahead of the augers into undisturbed sediments using a 140 lb. down-hole, slide-hammer. The sampler was titted I with brass sample tubes. When the filled sampler was retrieved, the tube to be submitted for analysis was separated from the other tubes with a knife and sealed in such a way that no significant headspace was left I at either end of the tube. The tube was sealed at each end with a teflon sheet, a plastic cap, and tape to secure the plastic cap. The sample was labeled to indicate date and time of sample collection, boring number and depth of the sample. The sample was placed on ice in an ice chest pending delivery to an I analytical laboratory. I Another sample tube retrieved from the sampler was field screened with a PID for volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions. To do this approximately 2/3 of the matedal in the sample tube was removed I and the tube was capped on both ends with a plastic cap. The tube was then shaken vigorously for several seconds and the inlet to the PID was inserted into a small hole in one of the caps. The PID reading was recorded on the drilling log for that sample interval. I The material from the second sample tube was described on the drilling log of the boring using visual Iclassification according to the Unified Soil Classification System. Color, grain size, and sorting charts were used to aid in the soil classitication. I Between sampling events, the sampling equipment was cleaned using a three-bucket wash system. In this system, the tubes and samplers are scrubbed in a bucket of biodegradable detergent, rinsed in a second I bucket of tap water and given a final rinse in a bucket of distilled water. B.3 LABORATORY ANALYSIS Soil samples were shipped via overnight courier to Del Mar Analytical in Irvine, California. Soil samples associated with the gasoline dispensers and USTs were extracted using EPA method 5030 and analyzed for BTEX/MTBE and TPHG concentrations using EPA methods 8020 and 8015-modified, respectively. Soil samples associated with the used-oil UST were analyzed for TRPH, total lead, and halogenated volatile organics by EPA methods 418.1,6010, and 8010, respectively. I FLUOR DANIEL GTI ~ I Phase II Baseline Soil Assessment Report Page B2 Chevron Facilit7 No. 9-4025 October 22~ 1997 Detection limits for the analytes were as follows: · 0.005 mg/kg for BTE; · 0.015 mg/kg for X; · I mg/kg for TPHG; · 1 mg/kg for MTBE; · 2.0 mg/kg for total lead; · 5.0 mg/kg for oil & grease (TRPH); and · variable detection limits for halogenated volatile organics. B.4 WASTE MANAGEMENT The soil cuttings were screened for the presence of hydrocarbons using a photoionization detector (PID). No hydrocarbons were detected. The soil cuttings were used to backfill the borings since no hydrocarbons were detected. FLUOR DANIEL GTI I I I I I I APPENDIX C LABORATORY REPORTS I FLUOR DANIEL GTI ~ BY:714 261--~741 :11-24-fl7 ; 5:12P)t :DEL .%ilR .~X),LYTICtL ~ 805 u~e )O0 .. , ~1~60ZO ~xlract~d: NOV ~4, 19~7~ 5060 Cat{tom~ Avenue, S .... . · EPA 50o0/Ck DH3 M~, ~ I ~ed: Nov 24, 1~7 ;~ Es~eri~eld. ~g~3 9 =~+ ~amn e ~' GK0~53 Repod~: NOV · ~' ' ......................... :-~"~'= ':~';~ ................. Di~TINCTION (CA DHS ~od, EPA 801515020) VOLATILE FUEL HYDROCARBONSIBT~ Laborato~ sample Volatile Fuel Ethyl T~al Number D~rlption Hyd~r~na Ben~ene Toluene Benzene Sol~ rog/Kg mgfK~ tug,Kg mgiKg [ppm) (ppm~ (ppm~ [~m~ GK~3663 Bt-~ N,B. H,D. N.D. N.D. Oilut{on: 1 Ropom~,~ ~mit: %0 0.~ D.0063 0.~060 0.0~5 GK036~ B{-3o ~.O. N.D. N.D. N.D. N,D. g{lu~ion: 1 Reponin~ Limit: t .0 0.0050 0.~50 0.0050 0.015 N D. N.D. N.O, N.D. N,D. GKO3~5~ B2.20 GK03~B B2.3~ N.O. N.D. N,O. N,D. N.D. D;lulion: 1 Repo~,g Limit: 1.0 00050 0.0050 0.0060 0.015 ' GK03651 B3.20 N.D. N.O. N.D. N.D. N.D. D~[uti~: 1 Rapping Limit: 1.0 0.0053 O.oG~ G.~05O 0.0! 5 GKD3658 S~30 ~,D, N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. Di~{0n: 1 Repo~ng L;mit: 1.0 0,0050 d.OQ60 0.O05~J 0.018 DEL MAR ANALYTICAL (E~P t'~T BY:714 261-.5741 ;11-2-1.-97 ; .5:12P3t ;DEL Del MarAn i , ical ~t~or~eme~,,. ,. - ' '" E~r~ed: N~ ~4, 1997~ :~0 Call,mia AvenUe. Suite 3C0 ~PA ~030i8020 Modified ~,~1-t$ia Me;hod: - ~ ~::Bakers~el~. CA g~309 ~ ~mnle ~' GK03653 Re-o~ed' Nov :::A~nt~n. J~ Pa~r .... ~...._..~.~_:,~::=,~.=~.,.~ ........... ........ ..... MTBE (EPA SO20 ~ODIFIED) ~ Sample RepoSing (Fpm) (ppm} GK33653 a~,20 N.D. 1.0 ~.o m GK03654 BI-3o N.D, l.O ~.o I GK03855 B2-20 N.D. 1.0 ~.0 GKO~6~ B2-SO N,D. ~.0 1.0  GKO~57 83-20 ND. 1.0 1.0 ~ GKO3~5~ ~3.3o N.D. 1 ,O 1.0 I I {~'tTBE: I , DEL ~AR A~L~TICAL (ELAP I!iliFIuorD,niel~GTI, Inc. Client,roje¢,lD: Chevron g-4025 S,m,led: Nov 25, 19973! 5080 California five,, Ste. 300 Received: Nov 26. 1997~'i~.~ Bakersfield, CA 93309 Sample De$cript: Soil Extracted: Nov 26, 1997 Attention: Jori Parker First ~mple~: GK04334 Analyzed: Nov 26, 1 RepoSed: Nov 28, LEAD (EPA 6010) Laborato~ ' Sample RepoSing Sample Number Description Limit Result mglKg mg/Kg (ppm) (ppm) GK04334 B4-15 2.0 2.4 GK04335 B4-20 2.0 2.1 Analytes repo~ as N.D. were not present at or above the reporting limit DEL MAR ANALYTICAL (E~P ~ 197) Project Manager ~;!15080 California Ave., $1e. 300 R~¢eived: Nov 26, I Bakersfield, CA 93309 Analysis Method: EPA 418.1 (I.R. with clean-up) Extracted: Nov 28, 1997 Attention: Jori Parker First Sample #: GK04334 Analyzed: Nov 28, 1997 Reported: Nov 28, 1997::!:i I TOTAL RECOVERABLE PI=TROLI::UM HYDROCARBONS (EPA 4'!8.'!) Laboratory Sample Sample Reporting Dilution Number Description Result Limit Factor I Soil mgtKg ms/Kg (ppm) (ppm) i GK04334 84-15 18 5.0 1,0 GK04335 94-20 21 5.0 1,0 I I I I I I '1 I I I Analytes reported as N.D. were net present at or ~l~ove the reposing limit. Dilution factors are due to matrix effects and other factor,s. I DEL MAR ANALYTICAL (ELAP #t197) ~, Project Manager .... An:ak ........... ,,,..,,.. :.,,,,,: :-: ~1 I ~ lull 11/~1 ~ ~ivui  ,, m.b~. ~T..:L., =.~,..,. ,.T..~.I ........ ,.,.~ ~,.,.~ ..... ~.. 2 ~,~.~..:..~ .,,.I I :.~:..:::::..:~::.. ~. ;~.':.'.~..': '?":"::'::': :: :: :': ' ~ ::: :' ~ '7'."', ........ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~:':~: :~: ~:: ~:-~.:.~ ~,~.:;~ ...... "'~'~ > '~ ~."":~ ::'~::;::: ::::: :: ~: ~: · ::: :,;--:'.:~-::~ :' ~; ~: ':::~::: :~: :: :;,~: :~::::,~;~ ~ :::~: ~ ~)'Fiuor b~ni'~'~i', Inc~ .................... d'l'ient Project ID: Chevron 9-4025 ' Sampled: Nov 25, 1997.{::~ :~:5080 California Ave., Ste. 300 Received: Nov 26, Bakersfield, CA 93309 Sample Descript: Soil, B4-15 Extracted: Nov 26, 199 :~Affention: Jon Parker Lab Number' GK~334 ~alyzed: Nov 26, 1997;~) RepoSed: Nov 28, 1997~.~. ;?:; :::. ;:: ~;~: ~.:::.?:~.)?~? :~: ~'~:::;::~ :; ::: ;:; :{.~ (~'~ ~;:;:::::: ::~:~ ~';~: :~ ~:~.~::~:::.: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~: :~; ;: ~;~ :: :~: :~:;:~ ~E~ ~:~ )~:~::~:::: :::~ ;~ ~ ~:.:;: ~ :~ ~:~)~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ,:~:¥~)~;~?~:~ ~ ;~:~:~;:'::::~:~:~: .~ ~ ~:~ ~'~:~ ~ ~.~ ?.::~: ~)~:~ ~::~ ~{ ~ ::. ~ :¥:q:~::: :~ ~. ~:~ ::: ~:¥¥:?.,;:;.F~ ~.: ~ ~ ;~;~:, ~:~:~ :~: ::~:::~'~ HALOGENATED VOLATILE ORGANICS by GC (EPA 5030/80~0) ~ Analyte RepoAing Limit Sample Result pg/Kg pg/Kg (ppb) (ppb) Bromodich~rome~ane ............................................5.0 ..................................... N.D. Bromoform ............................................................... 5.0 ..................................... N,D, Bromomethane ........................................................ 5.0 ..................................... N,D. Caren tetrachloride ................................................ 5.0 ..................................... N.D. Chlorobenzene ......................................................... 5.0 ..................................... N.D. Chloroe~ane ........................................................... 25 ..................................... N.D. Chloroform ............................................................... 5,0 .................................... N.D. Chlorome~ane ........................................................ 5,0 ..................................... N.D. Dibromochlo~methane ............................................ 5.0 ..................................... N.D. l:2-Dichlorobenzene 10 ..................................... N.D. 1,3- Dichlorobenzene ................................................ 10 .. .................................... N,D, 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ................................................ 10 ..................................... N.D. Dichlorodifluoromethane .......................................... ~0 ..................................... N.D. 1,1-Dichloroethane ................................................... 5,0 ..................................... N.D. 1,2-Dichloroethane ................................................. 5.0 ..................................... N,D. 1,1-Dichloroethene ................................................... 5.0 ..................................... N.D. cis-l,2-Dichloroe~ene ............................................. 5.0 ..................................... N.D. trans-l.2-Dichloroethene. 5.0 ..................................... N.D. 1,2-Dichloropropane ................................................ 5.0 .................................... N.D. cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 5.0 ..................................... N.D. trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ....................................... 5.0 ..................................... N.D. Methylene chloride ................................................... 20 .................................... N.D. 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ....................................... 5.0 ..................................... N.D. 1, t ,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ........................................ 5.0 .................................... N, D, Tetrachloroethene .................................................... 5,0 ..................................... N,D, 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ............................................... 5.0 ..................................... N.D. 1,1 ~2-T richloroethan e ............................................... 5.0 ..................................... N.D. Tdchloroethene ..................................................... 5,0 ..................................... N.D. Tri~loro~uoromethane ............................................ i0 ..................................... N,D, Vinyl chlodde 5,0 N.D. ~nalge~ ~pod~d a~ ~.D. were not ~re~ent ~t or ab*~ th~ ropo~ DEL MAR ANALYTICAL ~4 ~97) (ELAP Standard ~ou~: Proj~t Manager ~ ~hlor~3-fluorobenzene (80-~ ~0) 102% ~::.i5080 California Ave., Ste. 300 Received: Nov 26, ~997 ]:: Bakersfield, CA 93309 Sample Descript: Soil, B4-20 Extracted: Nov 26, 1997[!i; I Attention: Jon Parker Lab Number: GK04335 Analyzed: Nov 26, 1997 .. Reported: Nov 28, 1997 :;;~.:~.!p.::':~ ~:~:~:.-. :::::~ ::::!:'~:::i !.i?i,..: !:-::!!?~:~!:!~!:~ !~¥,::!:: ?!:.::,~i~:¥..:!:!:::i:~::!;:.;-;:!~::~!:~!.i~ :~:~:::~!.i~i.+.!t:[:;:~::?:::~.:. :.:~!.+: :;: :i+i i.i:!~::~:: {:i.! ~: :~ :.!.;.::: ':.i~%¥:i:i:: ~!~;.; .':E~: !~:!!:.!!i!i ..': :i~:.--i i:i i: :i::.--i'::ii~.:::::!:! :::?.::id' ~-:;:;~.:;.::.:~:::,,..-. ;:;~[::;:::.~::;:;~; ~.~.~ ;[;;~ :~.~:~; ;T~::~;,'.;~.~ ~ ~:..':..~;i::; ..'.; ;::;::;.!; .;??;.;..::: :::.::?:::.? ¥:['~!! I HALOGENATED VOLATILE ORGANICS by GC (EPA 503018010) Analyte Reporting Limit. Sample Result. pg/Kg pg/Kg i (ppb) (ppb) Bromodichloromethane ............................................ 5.0 .................................... N,D, l~romoform ............................................................... 5.0 ..................................... N,D, I Bromomethane ........................................................ 5.0 ..................................... N.D, Carbon tetrachloride ................................................ 5.0 ..................................... N.D, Chlorobenzene ........................................................ 5.0 ..................................... N.D. I Chloroethane ........................................................... 25 ..................................... N.D, Chloroform ............................................................... 5.0 ..................................... N.D. Chloromethane ........................................................ 5.0 ..................................... ND. Dibromochlorornetha ne ............................................5,0 ..................................... N.D. I 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ................................................ ..................................... 10 ND. 1.3-Dichlorobenzene ................................................ 10 ..................................... N.D. 1.4-Dichlorobenzene ................................................ 10 ..................................... N.D. I Dichlorodifluoromethane .......................................... 10 ..................................... N.D. 1,1 -Dichloroetha ne ................................................... 50 ..................................... N.D. 1 =2-Dichloroetha ne .................................................. 5.0 .................................... N.D. i l,l-Dichloroethene ................................................... 5.0 ..................................... N.D. cis-1 =2-Dichloroeth ene ............................................. 5.0 ..................................... N.D. trans-l,2-Dichtoroethene ......................................... 5.0 ..................................... N.D. 1,2.Dichloropropane ................................................ 5.0 .................................... N.D. I cis-l,3-Dichloropropene ........................................... ..................................... 5.0 N.D. trans-l,3~Dichloropropene ....................................... 5.0 ..................................... N.D. Methylene chloride ................................................... 20 ..................................... N.D. I 1,1, l~2-Tetrachloroethane ..................... 5.0 ..................................... N.D. 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethan e ........................................5 0 ..................................... N.D. Tetrachlo roethene .................................................... 5. ~ .................................... N D. i 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ............................................... 5.0 ..................................... ND. 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ............................................... 5.0 ..................................... N.D. Trichloroethene ........................................................ 5.0 ..................................... N.D. Trichlorofluoromethane ............................................ 10 ..................................... N.D. I ~ Vinylchlodde ............................................................ 5.0 ..................................... N.D. I IAnalytes reported as N.D. were not present at or above the reporting limit, IDEL MAR ANALYTICAL (ELAP #1197) 'Project Manager ~-Chloro-3-fluorot3enzene (80..120), 103% m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m · . ~:.::~ P.OJECT N^ME /~//I/' q° Z/OZ 5' Assz~,/_~,,C~',~ABORATORY NAME Del /V~r o ' - - / CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY -- ~ PROJECT I.D. No. CONTRACT NUMBER ~ · RECORD ['O ' O X ~ PROJECT CONTACT {NAME) ~ ~~ COLLECTION DATE ~ ~ ANALYSES TO BE PERFORMED ~ ~ ~ CHEVRON CONTACT (NAME) ~1 ~ ~W~ ~ ~ ~ RELINQUISHED BY (Signature) ORGANIZATION DATE~IME RECEIVED BY (Signature) ORGANIZATION DATE~IME TURN AROUND TIME RELINQOISHED BY (Signature) ORGANIZATION DATE~IME RECEIVED BY (Signature) ORGANIZATION DAT~IME 5 ~YS ' RELINQUISHED BY (Signature) ORGANIZATION DATE~IME RECEIVED FOR ~BORATORY BY (Signature) DATE~IME sw FORM E-1-Sg i. ~ , :..:.' < -~..&~ ' ..~ > m ~ ' (PHONE) ~ B2~ ~ ANALYSES TO BE PERFORMED ~Z RELINQUISHED BY (Signature) ORGANIZATION DATE~IME RECEIVED BY (Signature) ORGANIZATION DATE~IME TURN AROUND TIME / .,.,.. , / ~ . (CIRCLE CHOICE) RELINQUISHED BY (Signature) ORGANIZATION DAT~IME RECEIVED BY (Signature) ORGANIZATION DATE~IME 5 ~YS ~ HRS 10 ~YS RELINQUISHED BY (Signature) ORGANIZATION DATE~IME RECEIVED FOR ~BORATORY BY (Signature) . DAT~IME r -- ~ PROJECT I.D. No. :/~/~ / CONTRACT NUMBER CONSULTANT NAME'FZ~ P/I~'/~L G FI COLLECTED BY (NAME) · 0 X '~ ., ' PROJECT CONTACT (NAME) ~ ¢~ ~ COLLECTION DATE //' ~D ~7 ' .. > m < (PHONE} ~ ~Z~ ~8~ ANALYSES TO BE PERFORMED ~ ~ CHEVRON CONTACT {NAME) 6 ~ MATRIX <d - >~ o - z Om Z RELINQUISHED BY (Signature) ORGANIZATION DATE~IME RECEIVED BY (Signature) ORGANIZATION DATE~IME TURN AROUND TIME RELIN~Oi~'~ED ~Y (Signature) ORGANIZATION DATE~IME RECEIVED BY (Signature) ORGANIZATION DATE~IME ~ 5 ~YS ~ HRS · 10 ~YS RELINQUISHED BY (Signature) ORGANIZATION DATE~IME ~ECEIVED FOR ~BORATORY BY (Signature) DATE~IME · Z , . '~' ~.. 'PROJECT CONTACT (NAME) ,~ ANALYSES TO BE PERFORMED ::.':'-':;':.: ': '::." '..:. ':"'.'-:~'. ~ ": ' , . ~. ~ ~ .' '.~ CHEVRON FACILITY,No. ~' ~ ~ ' , ' cHEVRON'CONTACT .(NAME) z ~ m ' ~z ~ ~ ~ RELINQUISHED BY (Signature) ORGANIZATION DATE~IME RECEIVED BY (Signature) ORGANIZATION DATE~IME ' TURN AROUND TIME .~, . /~/ //.~ "/ ,~ (CIRCLE CHOICE) RELINQUISHED BY (Signature) ORGANIZATION DATE~IME RECEIVED BY (Signature) ORGANIZATION DATE~IME ~ 5 ~YS RELiNQUiSHED BY (Signature) · · ORGANIZATION DATE~IME RECE VED FOR ~BORATORY BY (Signature) .-. '" DATE~IME: . / '~', .' :/.':~/~,' ;, '