HomeMy WebLinkAboutUST-REPORT -6/28/88~. : ', v ' . .-' . ~ ~ .OAKK~trlILV FIRE"DE~:' j;21.71. :' BUREAU .OF FIRE pREVENTIoNL- ' - ~te :,..' .... ' APPLICAT~N. In conformi~'with pro, signS of.~inent ordinances,. to display, store,' ~n~toll,' U~, o~rate,, sell or handle materials or pr~s ditions ~em~ hazardom to .life.or pro~ as {ollows: '" ' Chevron U.S.A., Inc.~ 2 Annabel Lane~ Suite 200, Sn Ramon, CA 94583 87-5090 Chevron #94025', 800 34th Street, Bakersfield, CA ' ~i COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTI 2700 M Street HEALTH OFI~I~.R BIIker~ield, California ; ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION Leon M Hebertsofi, M.D. ' Meilin~ Addrm: 1415 Truxtun Avenue · · DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Bakersfield, California 9330 ~. Vernon S.' Relchard (805) 861-3636 June 28, 1988 ........ Chevron USA ................... #2 Annabel Lane, Suite 200 San Ramon, CA Attention: Jim Sampson ' ' . ':.. Re: Removal of one 500 gallon, one 5000 gallon and two 10,000 gallon' underground tanks from Stallings Chevron located at 800 34th Street in Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Sampson: ' ..' This is to advise you that this department .has reviewed the project results for the seepage investigation that was conducted at, Stalling's Chevron Station #4025, 800-34th Street in Bakersfield, California. Based upon the findings described in the reports, this department is satisfied that the assessment is complete and no significant soil contamination resulting from tank leakage exists at the site. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sin_~cerely, ~ (~ Environmental Health--list AG/dr DISTRICT OFFICES Delano . Lamont . Lake Isabella . MoJeye . Rldgecrest . Shelter . Tart / 3860 North W~nery ,.' FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93726 · ' LETTER (209) 291-7337 Date June 24, ·!988 To .. Ms. Amy Green .... · ~' Subject Chemical Analysis Results Kern County .Health Department Chevron Service Station ~ 34th & Q, Bakersfield ' Enclosed are the certified analytical reports for the various chemical analyses'';"?.': ........................ performed on. sampl es ];aken .frem .!;.he..~.bove,.refe?.enced .preject site. . these results before you could give them a go-ahead to finish the project. ..................... If you have any questions regarding this, or if we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to call our office. . Tony Martin Project Geologi st TM/mdc [] Please reply [] No reply necessary SIGNED FORM 180-2 Available f r om ~ Inc.. G'~, Ma.~. 01471. To on~e~ PHONE TOLL FR~E [ + 8~)-22S-6380 Geotechnical ConSultants, Inc. Weslc,¥ J, [~r,'~un, Cf John R. F ed eV CE James C. Stilton, CE John H. Kirk. CEG Robert D. Skaggs, CI Iohn U. Moore, CE Alex Y. Eskandau, CE Thomas E. Vahlslrom. Ch Krazan 6 Associates Exam. No. Ch881q99'- ~1~8806q) Report Date: 6/17/88 Sample Type: Soil Date Sample Collected: 6/15/88 Sample Desct-iption: 10,000 Gal Date Sample Received @ Lab: 6/1.5/88 #1 I: ~'bt 1005 hfs Date of Analyses: 6/16/88 Constituent Units Results Detection Limits -., Benzene rog/Kg ND 0.02 Toluene mg/Kg ND 0.05 Total Xylene Isomers rog,]Kg ND 0.05 Ethylbenzene rog/Kg ND ' 0.05 ND = None Detected Method of Analyses BTXE by EPA 5020/8020 GC/PID, 2nd Edition Soil Engineering · Engineering Geology · Engineering Laboratories · Chemical Laboratories' [] Fresno, California 93706 1414 Stanislaus Street Telephone (209) 485-8310 [] Visalia, California 93278 · 3901 So. Mooney Blvd., P.O. Box 3236 · (209) 732-8857 [] Bakersfield, California 93304 117 "V" Street Telephone (805] 327-0671 & Associates Geotechnical Consultants. Inc. Wesley J. Braun. CE John R. Hedle¥, CE James G. Sutlon. CE Iohn II Kirk. CI;(': Robt.,ri O. Skaggs. CE John B Moore. CE Al~..x Y [skan<lnri, Ct l'hom.ls [. Vahlsltmla. Ch Krazan 8 Associates Ex~.m. No. Ch881q99 ~2 (E~8806q) · '~ Report Date: 6/17188 Sample Type: Soil Date Sample Collected: 6/15188 - - Sample Description: 10,000 Gal Date Sample Received @ Lab: 6/15/88 #1 F 6' bt 101n hfs Date of Analyses: 6116/8'8 Constituen't Units Results Detection Limits 13 enzene mg/Kg N D 0.'02 Toluene rog/Kg ND 0.05 Total Xylene Isomers mg.,lKg ND 0.05 Ethylbenzene rog/Kg ND 0.05 ND = None Detected Method of Analyses BTXE by EPA 5020~8020 GC/PID, 2nd Edition Soil Engineering. Engineering Geology · Engineering Laboratories · Chemical Laboratories [] Fresno, California 93706 1414 Stanislaus Street Telephone (209) 485-8310 E] Visalia, California 93278 3901 So. Moone¥ Blvd.. P.O. Box 3236 . (209) 732-8857 [] Bakersfield, California 93304 117 "V" Street Telephone (805) 327-0~71 BSI( -. & Associates ". Geotechnical Consultants, Inc. Wesley I. IIraun. CE lohn R Hedlev. C[ lam,re G. Sittton. C[ I,~hn 14. Ki~k. Cf:(; Robert O. Skaggs. Cli John IL ~X~oo~u. CE Ah,~ Y L f, kam!dri. CE Thomas [. Vahl~trom. Ch Hugo Kevorkian, CE loire M. Minne¥. C[ Krazan & Associates Exam. No. Ch881q99-~3 (~E8806LI) Report Date: 6/17/88 -Sample Type- s0il~ .............................. D~t'e sam'Pl'eC01iected: 6/15188 Sample Description: 10,000 Gal Date Sample Received @ Lab: 6[15188 #~ W 2' bt 10!2 hrs Date of Analyses: 6/16/88 · Con sti tuen t U n i ts R es ul ts D erection Limits Benzene mg/Kg N D 0.'02 Toluene rog/Kg ND 0.05 Total Xylene Isomers mg,lKg ND 0.05 Ethylbenzene rog/Kg ND 0.05 ND = None Detected Method of Analyses BTXE by EPA 5020/8020 GC/PID, 2nd Edition Soil Engineering * Engineering Geology. Engineering Laboratories * Chemical Laboratories I-1 Fresno, California 93706 1414 Stanislaus Street Telephone (209)4§$-8310 [] Visalia, California 93278 3901 So. Mooney Blvd., P.O. Box 3236 · (209) 732-8857 [] Bakersfield, California 93304 117 '°V" Street Telephone (805) 327-0671 [:1 Pleasanton, California 94S66 $729-G Sonoma Drive Telephone (41 S) 462-4000 BSI'( Associates Ceotechnical Consultants. Inc. Wesley I. IJra,n. CE Iohn R. Hedle~. CE lames C. Su(Ion. CE John ti. Kirk. CEG Robert D. Skaggs. CE John II. ~toore. CE AI~.~ Y I:~kand.tri. CE Thomas E. Vahktrom. Ch Ih*go K~vorkian. CE John M. Minnev. CE Krazan g Associates Exem. No. Ch881q99 (E880Gq) . Report Date: 6117188 --Sample Ty~: ...... SOil ................. ~ ....... Date Sample Collected: .... 6/15-/88 Sample Description: 10,000 Gal Date Sample Received ~ Lab: 6/1~/88 ~1 W 6' ht 101~ h~s Date of Analyses: 6/16/88 Constituent Units Results Detection Limits Benzene mg/Kg ND 0.'02 Toluene mg/Kg ND 0.05 Total Xylene Isomers mg.,lKg ND 0.05 Ethylbenzene mg/Kg ND 0.05 ND'= None Detected Method of Analyses BTXE by EPA 5020/8020 GC/PID, 2nd Edition Supervisor Soil En§ineering * Engineedn§ Ceolo§y. En§ineerin§ Laboratories - Chemical Laboratories [] Fresno, California 93706 * 1414 5tanislau$ Street Telephone (209)485-8310 [] Visalia, California 93278 · 3901 So. Moonev Blvd., P.O. Box 3236 · (209) 732-8857 [] Bakersfield, California 93304 117 "V" Street · Telephone (80S} 327-0671 [] Pleasanton, California 94566 5729-C Sonoma Drive Telephone (415~ 462-4000 Geotechnical Consultants, Inc. Wesley I, Braun. CE John R. Hedley. CE lames C~. Sutlon. CE le~hn II, Kirk, CI (; Roberl D, Skaggs, CE John B. Moore. CE Al~.x Y [skan(I.~i. Gl: 1 II(~ma~ [, Vahl~l~mL Ch Krazan ~ Associates Exam. No. Ch881qg9 ~ 5" (E8806q) · ~ Report Date: 6/17/88 Sample Type; Soil Date Sample Collected; 6/15]88 '" Sample Description: 10,000 Gal Date Sample Received 0 Lab: 6/1~/88 · ' ~7 P ~' ht !017 hfs Date of Analyses: 6/16/88 Cort~ti tuen t U nits Results Detection Lirriits Benzene rog/Kg ND 0.02 Toluene rog/Kg ND 0.05 Total Xylene Isomers mg:lKg ND 0.05 Ethylbenzene rog/Kg ND 0.05 ND = None Detected Method of Analyses BTXE by EPA 502018020 GC/PID, 2nd Edition ~--/A rfaTy s t ....... ~ rv i so r ~, - Soil Engineering- Engineering Geology - Engineering Laboratories · Chemical Laboratories I-1 Fresno, California 93706 1414 Stanislaus Street Telephone (209) 4§$-§310 .I-I Visalia, California 93278 · 3901 So. Mooney Blvd.. P.O. Box 3236 . (209) 732-§§S7 [] Bakersfield, California 93304 · 117 "V" Street Telephone (§OS) 327-0671 J~ Pleasanl(m, California 94'~66 5779-C, ~,onnma BS[( .- & Associates Geotechnical Consultants. Inc. ': ................ ~/esley l.'Braun. CE John R. Itedley. CE .... James, G. $~ttof~. CI~ -loire H.'~ifk. CI~: " "'- ..... "-'"~='-- .... :'" -:=-:'-- ...... : Roi)er! D. Skaggs. CE lohn I~ A. loore. CI! Al,.x ~ [sk,mdari; CI: lhomds Ii. Vahl~lrom. Ch ltugo K~..vorkia~L CE John M. Minney. CE Krlazan & Associates Exam. No. Ch881499 ~ 6 ...(E88064) Report Date: 6117/88 Sample Type: Soil Date Sample Collected: 6/15/88 Sample Description: 10,000 Gal Date Sample Received @ Lab: 6/1.5/88 #2 E 6' bt 1019 hr~ Date of Analyses: 6/16/88 Constituent Units Results Detection Limits Benzene mg/Kg N D 0.'02'. Toluene mg/Kg ND 0.05 Total Xylene Isomers mg,lKg ND 0.05 Ethylbenzene rog/Kg ND 0.05 ND = None Detected Method of Analyses 13TXE by EPA 5020/8020 GC/PID. 2nd Edition ~operv~sor Soil Engineering * Engineering Geology · Engineering Laboratories * Chemical Laboratories L~ Fresno, California 93706 1414 Stanislaus Street Telephone (209) 485-8310 Geotechnical Consultants. Inc. Weslev] llfaun. CE John R. Hedlev. CE lames G Sutto~. CE I~hn II. Ki~k. CEC Robert (). Skaggs. CE ·]ohn B. Moore. CE .&l~.~ Y I skd~d.lri. CE Thomas E. Vahlslrom. Ch Huro Kevorkian. CE Iohn M. Minne¥. CE Krazan & Assodiates ~ · _x~.,,,. No. Ch881499 ~ 7 (E~8806q) Report Date: 6/17/88 Sample TyPe: -Soil ............ . ........ Da"[e'Sa~mple Coiiec~t~d .... -6)~1~)~8'-. ....... i ............ Sample Description: 10.000 Gal Date Sample Received @ Lab: 6/15188' ~2 W ~' ht 1020 hrs Date of Analyses: 6/16/88 Constituent Units Results. Detection Limits Benzene rog/Kg ND 0.'02 Toluene mg/Kg ND 0.05 Total Xylene Isomers mg//Kg ND 0.05 Ethylbenzene rog/Kg N D 0.05 ND = None Detected Method of Analyses BTXE by EPA 5020/8020 GC/PID, 2nd Edition Soil Engineering - Engineering Geology · Engineering Laboratories * Chemical Laboratories [] Fresno, California 93706 · 1414 Stanislaus Street · Telephone (209) 485-8310 ~ Visalia, California 93278 3901 So. Moonev Blvd.. P.O. Box 3236 [209) 732-8857 [] Bakersfield, California 93304 117 "V" Street Telephone(80S) 327-0671 [71 Pleasanton, California 94566 5729-C Sonoma D~ix, e Telephone (41 $) 462-4000 BSI( Geotechnical Consultants, Inc. ~',,'esley I. Br,'~un. CI~ John R. Hedley, CE James g. Sutton. CE Iohn H. Kirk. Roher~D. Ska~s, CE Johnfl, Moore. CE AlexY Eska~dari, CE ThomasE Vahlsuom,(/h · Krazan & Associates ~- ~..~ · _x~,,,. No. Ch881499 8 (~8064) Report Date: 6/17/88 Sample Type: Soil Date Sample Collected: 6/15/88 " Sample Description: 10,000 Gal Date Sample Received @ Lab: 6/1,5/88 #2 w 6' bt 1021 hfs Date of Analyses: 6/16/8'8 Constituent Units Results Detection Limits Benzene rog/Kg ND 0.02 Toluene rog/Kg ND 0.05 Total Xylene Isomers mg,lKg ND 0.05 Ethyl benzene mg / K g. N D 0.05 ND = None Detected Method of Analyses. BTXE by EPA 5020/8020 GC/PID, 2nd Edition Y ~ervisor Soil En. gineerin~ · Engineering Geology · Engineerin~ Laboratories · Chemi [I Laboratories [] Fresno, California 93706 1414 Stanislaus Street · Telephone (209) 485-§310 [] Visalia, California 93278 3901 So. Mooney Blvd.; P.O. Box 3236 * {209) 732-8857 [] Bakersfield, California 93304 - . 117 "V" Street Telephone (805) 327-0671 BSI( -, & Associates ". Geotechnical Consultants. Inc. Wesley J. Braun. CE Iohn R. tledle¥. CE latin.,, C:. Sulton. CE Iohn 14. Kirk. CEG Robert O. Skaggs. CE John B. ,~.toore. CE Al~.x Y I!skanda~. (:1 Thomas E. Vahl~trom. Ch Hugo Kevorkian. CE Krazan & Associates c ~.~. .- · __x~,,.. No. Ch881499 , 9 (~88064) Report Date: 6/17/88 Sample Type: Soil Date Sample Collected: 6/15188 Sample Description: 10,000 Gal Date Sample Received @ Lab: 611,5188 #3 E 6' ht in?? hfs Date of Analyses: 6/16/8'8. Con s ti tuen t U n i ts R es ul ts D erection Limi ts Benzene mg/Kg ND 0.'02 Toi uene mg/Kg N D 0.'05 Total Xylene Isomers mg.IKg ND 0.05 Ethylbenzene rog/Kg ND 0.05 ND = None Detected Method of Analyses BTXE by EPA 5020/8020 CC/PID, 2nd Edition Soil Engineering - Engineering Geology · Engineering Laboratories · Chemical Laboratories ' ' [] Fresno, California 93706 1414 Stanislaus Street Telephone(209) 485-8310 [] Visalia, Cali.fornia 93278 3901 So. Mooney Blvd., P.O. Box 3236 · (209) 732-8857 [] Bakersfield, California 93304 117 "V" Street Telephone (805) 327-0671 : Geotechnical Consultants. Inc. I.. Wesley j. Uraun, CE loire N, 14*~dh,v. (I james G S~ tto~. Cf I~l.~ I I. Kirk. Hugo Kevork an. CE loire ,Xl. ,Xlmm'l'. Ct: ' ' ...... K~azan 6 Associates ': -~ ' :x~,,.. No. Ch881q99-. 10 (E8806q) Repo~t Date: 6/17/88 Sample Type: Soil DateSample Collected- 6/15J88 Sample Description:' 10,000 Gal Date Sample Received ~ Lab: 6/1~/88 ,~3 W 2~ bt 1023 hr~ Date of Analyses: G/16/88 Consti tuen t Un i ts: Res ults Detection Limits Benzene mg/Kg ND 0.'02 Toluene rog/Kg ND 0.05 Total Xylene Isomers mg.lKg ND 0.05 Ethylbenzene mg/Kg ND 0.05 ND = None Detected Method of Analyses BTXE by EPA 5020/8020 GC/PiD, 2nd Edition Soil Engineering · Engineering Geology - Engineering Laboratories · Chemical Laboratories [] Fresno, California 93706 1414 Stanislaus Street Telephone (209) 485-8310 l-I Visalia, California 9327§ 3901 So. Mooney Blvd.; P.O. Box 3236 (209) 732-88S7 L--) t~akersfieldo California 93304 117 "V" Street Telel~hone (805) 327-0671 Ceotechnical Consultants, Inc. Wesley I. Braun. Cf. John R. Itedl~.y. C[ lames C. St~llo~. CE I~d~ II Kirk. CCC RoberlD. Skag~s. Cf. Iohnll. Moof~..Ct Al~.xY. Iskancar CI' Ihoma~f.,Vahl~tr(,n. Ch tlu~o Kevofkian. CE John M, ~%linney. CE Krazan ~ Associates ~ ~ I =x.,,.. No. Ch881q99 m il (E8806q) Report Date: 6/17/88 -'~;~Die_ Cype- ...................................................................... Soil Date Sample Collected: 6/15188: ............. Sample Description: 10,000 Gal Date Sample Received ~ Lab: 6115188 ~3 W 6' bt 10~S hfs Date of Analyses: 6/16/88 Constituent Units Results Detection Limits Benzene mg/Kg ND 0.'02 Toluene m§/Kg ND 0.05' Total Xylene Isomers mgTKg ND 0.05 Ethylbenzene rog/Kg ND 0.05 ND = None Detected Method of Analyses BTXE by EPA 5020~8020 GC/PID, 2nd Edition -""~u p~rv~o r ' · Soil Ensineerin§ · £nsineerin8 Ceolosy · Ensineerin§ Laboratories · Chemical Laboratories [] Fresno, California 93706 1414 Stanislaus Street Telephone (209) 485-8310 [] Visalia, California 93278 3901 $o. Mooney Blvd., P.O. Box 3236 * (209) 732-8857 [] Bakersfield, California 93304 117 "V" Slreet Telephone {805) 327-0671 [--] Pleasanlon, California 94566 5729-(: 5onoma [)riv~. Telephone (415) 462-400(') & Associates D^~ ~CEZV~D: 6/15/88 ~EPORT ~T~-: 6/17188 ~x~ SA~L~: 6/15/88 ~. SA/~PLED BY: CLI~.'m': 'Kraz~n & Associates, .Fresmo, Ca~iformia 93726 ~ ,o. sm, mu~ ZDm~IF~CAzio, 1499 -12 Waste Oil. #4 2' bt '1100 hrs .. > 1499 -13 Waste Oil #4 6' bt 1100 hrs. ._ AIL Units in mg/L unless-Otherwise 'Noted ........................................................ ' · '~' . LAB NO. LAB NO. LAB NO. LAB NO. LAB NO. 'LAB NO DETER MI NATION DETER M I N ATI ON Acidity Total (CaC03) .... Rickel Alkalinity Total (CaCO3)-- Nitrate ( Alkalinity Phth (CatO3)-- Nitrite ( Ahuninum (Al) N£t.rogen. Kjeldahl (N) Anmonia ( )- Nitrogen. Organic (N) Arsenic (As)------ Odor (TON) Barium (Ba) Oil & Crease <~{) ' !~0-' Berylium (Be) pH (Std. Units? .......... Bicarbonate (lit03) Phenolics Bio Oxygen Demand (02)---- Phosphate, Ortho ( )--- Boron (B) Phosphorus. Total ( )----- Bromide (Bt) .......... ~ Poras~-£um Cadmium (Cd) Residue. Total ~c 104°C. Calcium (Ca) ............ Total Volatile. ~50°C.----~ Carbon. T0'~L:d~gh.'tc (C)--' .. .... Total Filterable (TDS) .... Carbonate (C03) ........ Total Nonfilterable (SS)-- them. Oxygen Demand (O2)--- "Tot.Volatile N,,nf£~cerable. Chloride (Cl) ........ Selenium (Se) ChlOrine. Residual (C12)-- Silica (SiO2) Chlorophyll ( },~/£--- Silver (Ag) Chromiu~a (Cr+6) ...... Sodium (Na) ............ Ch'romium. Total (Ct) .... ~ol~ds. SeC~leable (HI/i/h)--. Cobalt (Co) Sulfate (SO4) _. - Color (APHA) .......... Sulfide (S) .,Conductivity.--- (~mhos/cm). at ~5'C. I Sulf£te (503)- Copper (Cu)-- Surfactanca (HBAS) Turbidity (NTU) Cyanide. Total (CN) ..... Zinc (Zn) ...... Fluoride (F) __ Colifom (HPN/100mi)- Hardness (CaCO3) ...... ... Iron (Fe) Fecal Coliform (HI~N/iOOml)- Lead (Pb) ........... Hagnea ium (Mt). Manganeae (Mn)-__ Ho lybder~m CMo) ....... ]~ Fresno, California 93706 lblS "[" $lr~..,..-t. Su,te 10S ! ele~one 1209) 485-3200 '~ Fresno. Calilornia 93706 1414 Stani,,laus Street Telephone(209) 485-8310 & Associates DATE RECETVED: 6/15/88 R~?OP.T m~S: 6/17/88 D~TE Sa'ruLED: 6 / 15/88 SAPfPLED BY: CLIENT ~' K razam $ Associates LAB NO. SAMPLE TDENTIFICATION ........... 3860-- N. 'Winery - :~.' .... ------'- .... -- ~- _. · . Fresno, Ca. 93726 1L199-12 Waste Oil #~, 2' bt 1100 hrs lq99-13 Waste Oil #~, 6' bt 1100 hrs. All Units in mg/L unless Otherwise Noted ':" ............... ~-E'TE~'~i-NATION ....... LAB ~NO_. _k_AB..NO. LAB. NO ........................... LAB _NO.. _LAa__MO .... LAB DETERMINATION Acidity Total (CaC03)---- Nickel (Ni) Alkalinity Total (CaC03)--' Nitrate ( ) Alkalinity Phth (taCO3)--- Nitrite ( ) '.~ Ah~minum (Al) Nitrogen, Kjeldahl (N) Arm~onia ( ) ..... Nitrogen. Or.'4anic (N) .... Arsenic (As) Odor (TON) Barium (Ba) ......... Oil & Crease ....... 50 50 Beryltum (Be) pH (Std. Units? ......... Bicarbonate (lICe3) Pheno lics ....... Bio Oxygen Demand (02)---- Phosphate, Ortho ( )--- Boron (B) Phosphorus. Total ( )----- Bromide (Br) Potassium (K) Cadmium (Cd) ........... Residue. T,~tal at 104"Cc .... Calcit~n (Ca) ............. To/al Volatile, 550'C.--- Carbon, 'Tot. Organic (C) ..... Total Filterable (TDS) .... Carbonate (C03) .......... Total Nonfilterable (SS)--' Chem.Oxygen Demand (O2)---~ "Tot.\,ola[ile N,m{iitera.ble- Chloride (C1) ......... Sel~aium (Se) .............. Chlorine, Residual (C12)--I Silica (SIC2) Chlorophyll ( ~x~3/L--- Silver (Ag) .............. Chromiu~a (Ct+6) Sodium (Na) Chromi~n, Total (Cr) .... Solids, Settleable (Mi/I/h)--. Cobalt (Co).- Sulfate (S04) ........... Color (APHA) .......... Sul fide~ Conductivity,(~mhos/cm),-at .... 2f*~.- I Sulfite (bO3) ...... ~ ..... Sur fac tents (MJiAS) - Copper (Cu)-- Turbidity ([,ITU) ......... Cyanide, Torsi (tN) ..... Zinc (Zn) Fluoride (F) ___ Hardness (CaCO3) Colifor~a (MPN/10~,,1)- iIron (Fa) Fecal Colifomn OiPN/1OOml)- Lead (Pb) ........... <3 Tax (mg/Kg) <0.2 <0.2 Magnes itm~ (Mg) Mangane,e (Mn)-- - Mercury 14ol~bde~a~_ (Ho) ................................................................ / , L/.) C~: < = Less Then, > = Gre~ler Than /,,~ , [' Fresno. Calitom~a 9 ~706 1(~45 "1." Slreel. S~.,te 11)5 1 eh.phone (2(~)) 485- ~200 L-J F~esno, Calilornia 9J7t)6 1414 Stanislaus 5l[l't'! Jules)liana (2t~.t] 41~5-8310 [] Visali'a. Cahiorn,a 9127fl 1901 $o Moon. V Ilkd . I' 0 IIux 1216 (2(~J) 732-8857 [ ] Bakersfield. Cdhfomla 93 RI4 117 "V" ~;t rt.t.t I elrl)hont' (flOg) 327-0671 - - ^ ~ ^~,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~,^ · -- $ Chain of Custody Record $oitt; En~lneer/n~ ' PARAM~ERS OTHER · DD.ESS K.~AN ~ ASSOOmES. ,.C. 3S~0.0RT. W,.E.Y FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93726 PROJECT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z ', S~~~ / : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ o , OBSERVATIONS/'. S RS( ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i COMMENTS . Printed' Nam '~ - -- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SAMPLE NO DATE TIME LOCATION , R~UISU~ gY, ~// j DATE RECEIVED BY DATE RELINQUISHED BY DATE RE~IVED BY - '* ~T~, TOTAL NUMBER ' SHIPMENT Signature --// /g~ Signature Signature ~i~ature -- //1, ~N~ /~O Printed Name ', Printed Name Printed~~ ', Il /~ ORSPEcIAL SHIPMEN,HANDLINGsToRAGE REQUIREMENTS om__ com., co-- Com., ' RELINQUISHED BY DATE RECEIVED BY DATE RELINQUISHED BY DATE RECEIVED BY (laboralo~) DITE Signature Signature Signature Signature Pdnted Name ~ Printed Name Printed Name Printed Name ' Company ~ Company Company Company Ceotechnical Consultants, Inc. _:~ ~'eslev I. Braun. CE _ John R. Hedley. CE James (:..Sutton. CE John H. Kirk. CEC Robe,I O. Skaggs. CE ....... Jb~n B. MabS~'. CE::: ':~-Ale~VTE~k'affdari-CE*: .... tho~'~ E'.~h]~0~: C~" ':: -s ' ' '+-~'~:--:~' Hul:o Kevorkian. CE John ~1. Minney.'CE "-' Krazan 6 Associates Exam. No. .Ch881q93- 1 -'. (-E8806q) .'. '.~ Report Date: 6/17/88 Sample Type: Soil Date Sample Collected: 6/14/88 : Sample Description: DelLine # 1 Date Sample Received @ Lab: ,6/15/88 , lq30 hfs Date of Analyses: 6/15/88 ' 'Constituent Units Results 'Detection Limits ,; Benzene · rog/Kg ND 0.02 Toluene mg/Kg ND 0.05 Total Xylene Isomers rog/Kg ND 0.05 Ethylbenzene rog/Kg ~ID 0.05 ND = None Detected Method of Analyses- BTXE by EPA 502018020 GC/PID, 2nd Edit[on Soil Engineering · Engineering Geology * Engineering Laboratories * Chemical Laboratories [] Fresno, California 93706 1414 Stanislaus Street - Telephone (209) 485-8310 L-J Visalia, California 9327§ 3901 So. Mooney Blvd., P.O. Box 3236 (209) 732-8857 [-~ RaL'~r~fh, ht (','d;fr, rrd:, q~c~.~ 117 "V" (;tr,,,~' T,d,,~d~nn~, fl~.Og~ ~.')7-~1F, 71 BSIJ(.. " & Associates Ceotechnical Consultants. Inc. ¥¥eslu¥ I. llraun. CE John R. Hedley. CE lames G. Sutton. CE Iohn H. Kirk. ~:~.~- ........ ~obert_~Skaggs.~E . ohn IL Moore. CE Alex Y Eskan~i. CE ..... Thomas_ _ .. , ...~. Ht~go Kevorkian. CE Iohn M. ,Minney. CE Krazan ~ Associates [xam. No. .Ch881q93- 2 .(E8806q) ...q Report Date: 6/17/88 Sampl;-5~-~;; ..... Soil Date Sample Collected: 611q/88 Sample Description: DelLine ~ 1 Date Sample Received 0 Lab: 6115188 1500 hfs Date of Analyses: 6/15/88 Consti tuen t Units Results Detection Limits Benzene mg/Kg ND 0.02 Toluene mg/Kg ND 0.05 Total Xylene Isomers mg/Kg ND 0.05 Ethylbenzene mg/Kg ND 0.05 ND = None Detected Method of Analyses- BTXE by EPA 5020/8020 GC/PID, 2nd Edition st ' - - -S~6-pervlsor I k_, Soil Engineering * Engineering Geology - Engineering Laboratories · Chemical Laboratories E] Fresno, California 93706 1414 Stanislaus Street * Telephone (209)485-8310 E] Vlsalia, California 93278 3901 So. A,4ooney Blvd., P.O. Box 3236 (209) 732-8857 I-J Bakersfield, C. alitornia 93304 117 "V" Street Teleplhone (805) 327-O671 Geotechnical Consultants, Inc. Wesley I. Braun. CE John R. Hedley. CE lames G. Sutton. CE Iobn ft. Kirk. CEG Robert O. Skaggs. CE John LI. Moore. CE Alex Y. Eskandari. CE Thomas E. vahlslrom. Ch Krazan & Associates Exam. No. .Ch881493 ,-3 (E8806q) Reo'ort Date: 6/17188 Sample. Type:~ . Soil ............................. Date Sample Collected: ~6/14/88-- Sample Description: DelLine # 2 Date Sample Received @ Lab: 6115188 151~0 hrs Date of Analyses: 6/15188 Constituent Units Results Detection Limits Benzene - mglKg' ND 0.02 Toluene mg/Kg N D 0.05 Total Xylene Isomers rog/Kg ND 0.05 Ethylbenzene mg ! Kg N D 0.05 ND = None Detected Method of Analyses- BTXE by EPA 5020/8020 GC/PID. 2nd Edition : ..... .............na yst- ' ---~= .................... ---'-~ - ~- .......... is ,- ........... Soil En§ineerin§ - Engineerin§ Geology - Ensineerin8 Laboratories - Chemical Laboratories ~ Fresno, California 93706 1414 Stanislaus Street * Telephone (209) 485-8310 ~ Visalia, California 93278 3901 So. Mooney Blvd., P.O. Box 3236 · (209) 732-8857 · ~ Bakersfield, California 93304 117 "V" Street Telephone (805) 327~671 & Associates Geotechnical Cons'~ltants. Inc. Wesley J. Braun. CE John 1,1. Hedlev. CE James G. Sutton. CE John tt. Kirk. CEG · Robert D. Skaggs. CE Iohn g. Moore. CE Alex Y. Eskandari. CE Thomas E. Vahlstrom. Ch Hugo Kevo~kian. CE John M. A4inney. CE Krazan & Associates Exam. No. .Ch881q93- ;4 (~88064) Report Date: 6/17/88 Sample Description: DelLine # 2 Date Sample Received @ Lab: 6/15/88 1525 hrs Date of Analyses: 6/15/88 Constituent Units Results Detection Limits Benzene . rog/Kg ND 0.02 Toluene rog/Kg ND 0.05 Total Xylene Isomers mg/Kg ND 0.05 Ethylbenzene mg/Kg ND 0.05 ND = None Detected Method of Analyses- BTX'E by EPA 502018020 GC/PID, 2nd Edition ~'Aflalyst . ~e~vis6r ~' ' ~ Soil Engineering * Engineering Geology · Engineering Laboratories * Chemical Laboratories [] Fresno, California 93706 · 1414 Stanislaus Street - Telephone (209) 485-8310 [] Visalia, California 93278 . 3901 So. Mooney Blvd.. P.O. Box 3236 . (209) 732-8857 [] Bakersfield. California 93304 117 "V" Street Telephone (805) 327-0671 Bi](& Associates" Geotechnical Consultants, Inc. Wesley I. Braun. CE John R. Hedley. CE lames G. Sutton. CE John H. Kirk. CE(; Robert D. Skaggs. CE Iohn B. Moore. CE Ale~ Y. Eskandari. CE Thomas [. Vahlslrom. Ch Hugo Kevo~kian. CE John M. Minney. CE Exam. No. .Ch881~93- 5. Krazan ~ Associates (.E8806q) Rep'oPt Date; 6/17/88 Sample Type: Soil .Date Sample Collected: ~11~1~8 Sample Description:. DelLine ~ 3 Date Sample Received ~ Lab: 6115188 15~5 hfs Date of Analyses: Constituent Units Results Detection Limits Benzene · mglKg ND 0.02 Toluene mg/Kg ND 0.05 Total Xylene Isomers mg/Kg ND 0.05 Ethyl benzene mg / Kg N D 0.05 ND .: None Detected Method of Analyses- BTXE by EPA 5020/8020 GC/PID, 2nd Edition - ~nervisAr ~ " Soil Engineering · Engineering Geology · Engineering Laboratories · Chemical Laboratories [-I Fresno, California 93706 · 14:14 Stanislaus Street · Telephone(209) 485-8310 Iq Visalia, California 93278 3901 $o. Mooney Blvd., P.O. Box 3236 o (209) 732-8857 [] Bakersfield, California 93304 117 "V" Street Telephone (805) 327-0671 Geotechnical Cor~sultants, Inc. Wesley I. Braun. CE 'John R. Hedlev. CE lames G. Sutton. CE John Iq. ........................ Robert O _Skaggs. CE John B. Moore. CE Alex Y Eskandari CE _T.homas. E..~fahlsuom~_ Hugo Kevo~kian. CE Iohn M. Minney. Ct Krazan & Associates Exam. No. .Ch881q93- 6 [~E88064) Report Date: 6/17/88 Sample Description: DelLine # 3 Date Sample Received @ Lab: 6115188 1§00 hrs Date of Analyses: 6/15/88 C~nstituent Units Results Detection Limits .. Benzene mg/Kg ND 0.02 Toluene mg/Kg N D 0.05 Total Xylene Isomers rog/Kg ND 0.05 Ethylbenzene mg/Kg ND 0.05 ND = None Detected Method of Analyses- 8TXE by EPA 5020/8020 GC/PID, 2nd Edition Soil Engineering o Engineering Geology- Engineering Laboratories. Chemical Laboratories [] 'Fresno, California 93706 1414 Stanislaus Street Telephone (209)48S-§310 [] Visalia, California 93278 · 3901 So. Moone¥ Blvd., P.O. Box 3236 {209) 732-8857 [] Bakersfield, California 93304 117 "V" Street Telephone (80S) 327-0671 Ceotechnical Confultants. Inc. Wesley I. Braun. CE John R. Hedlev. CE lames C. Sutton. CE John H. Kirk. CEC · Robert O. Skaggs. CE John U. ~ooge. C[ Ale~ Y. Eskanda~i. CE Thomas ~. Vahlstgom. Cb - Hugo Kevork an CE John M. Minney. CE Krazan 8 Associates Exam. No. .Ch881q93 (E880~q) > Report Date: 6/17/88 Sample _~ype: _ Soil ........................ Date Sample Collected,:.. ~ 6 Sample Description: DelLine ~ 4 Date Sample Received ~ Lab: 6115188 · . 1620 hfs Date of Analyses: 6/15/88 Constituent Units Results Detection Limits Benzene mg/Kg ND 0.'02 Toluene rog/Kg BMDL 0.05 Total Xylene Isomers rog/Kg ND 0.05 Ethyibenzene rog/Kg ND 0.05 ND = None Detected BMDL = Below Method Detection Limits Method of Analyses- BTXE by EPA 5020/8020 GC/PID, 2nd Edition ............. na yst -.- - .................. ~~vis'or ....... lk.-"---' - - ' Soil En§ineerin§ - En§ineerin§ Geolo§y - Engineerin§ Laboratories · Chemical Laboratories I-] Fresno, California 93706 1414 Stanislaus Street * Telephone (209) 485-8310 [] Vlsalia, California 93278 · 3901 So. Mooney Blvd., P.O. Box 3236 (209) 732-8857 [] Bakersfield. California 93304 117 "V" Street Telephone (80S) 327~)671 Geotechnical Consultants, Inc. W['~le,,' J. Ilfau,I. CE John R. Hedley. CE James G. Sutton. CE John H. Kirk. CEG Robert O. Skaggs. CE John D. M~re. CE Ale~ Y. Eskandari. CE Thomas E. Vahlstrom. Ch Krazan S Associates Exam. No. .Ch881q93- '8 (E8806q) > Report Date: 6/17/88 ........... Sample..~ype: .... Soil ....... . ........... Date Sample. Collected_ 6llq/88 ? .'~ Sample Description: DelLine f q Date Sample Received ~ Lab: 6/15/88 16q0 hfs ~Date of Analyses: 6/15/88 Constituent Units , Results Detection Limits Benzene · mg/Kg ND 0.'02 Toluene mg/Kg ND 0.05 Total Xylene Isomers rog/Kg ND 0.05 Ethyl benzene mg / Kg N D 0.05 ND = None Dete~ted I. Method of Analyses- I 13TXE by EPA 5020/8020 GC/PID, 2nd Edition Soil Engineering * Engineering Geology * Engineering Laboratories · Chemical Laboratories [-1 Fresno, California 93706 · 1414 Stanislaus Street * Telephone (209) 485-8310 C3 Visalia, California 93278 3901 So. Mooney 81vd.. P.O. Box 3236 * (209) 732-8857 [-J Bakersfield. California 93304 117"V" Street · Telephone (805) 327-0671 Geotechnical Consultants. lac. Wesley I. Braun. CE John R. Hedley. CE James G. Sutton. CE John H. Kirk. CE(~ Robert O. Skaggs. CE John B. Moore, CE Alex Y. E skandari. CE Thomas £. Vahlslrom. Ch K~azan & Associates Exam. No. .Ch881q93- 9 (E8806q)> Report Date- 6/17/88 ......................... Sample Type: Soil .................................... Date Sample Collected:'--6/lq/88 Sample Description: DelLine # 5 Date Sample Received @ Lab: 6/15/88 1705' hfs Date of Analyses: 6/15/88 Constituent Units Results Detection Limits Benzene · mglKg . N.D' 0.02 Toluene rog/Kg ND 0.05 Total Xylene Isomers rog/Kg ND 0.05 Ethyibenzene rog/Kg ND 0.05 ND = None Detected Method of Analyses- BTXE by EPA 5020/8020 GC/PID, 2nd Edition Soil Engineering · Engineering Geology. Engineering Laboratories · Chemical Laboratories I-I Fresno, California 93706 . 1414 Stanislaus Street · Telephone (209) 485-8310 I~ Visalia, California 93278 3901 So. Moone¥ Blvd., P.O. Box 3236 · (209) 732-8857 C3 Bakersfield. California 93304 117"V" Street Telephone (805) 327-0671 C;eotechnical Consultants, Inc. Wesley J. tlraun. Ct Iohn R. Iledley. CE lames C. Sutton, CE John H. Kirk, CEG Robert O. Skaggs. CE John IL Moore. CE Alex Y. Eskanda~i. CE Thomas E. Vahistrom. Ch ............. ~ugo-~L~n~ cE ~- ..... 161TM M~inne~ CE ............ Krazan ~ Associates ~x~m. No. .Ch881qg3-10 (,~E88064) Report Date: 6/17188 . ~, Sample 'Ty~': .... S~i ..................................... Oate sa~-~l~ '~i1~'~d~'-~8'8--~x'2-~ ....... ' Sample Description: Delkine ~ 5 Date Sample Received 1720 hfs ~ate of Analyses: ~115/88 Constituent Units Results Detection Limits Benzene . mg/Kg ND 0.02 Toluene mg / Kg N D 0.05 Total Xylene Isomers rog/Kg ND 0.05 Ethylbenzene mg/Kg ND 0.05 ND = None Detected Method of Analyses- BTXE by EPA 5020/8020 GC/PID, 2nd Edition Soil Engineering · Engineering Geology * Engineering Laboratories. Chemical Laboratories [] Fresno, California 93706 1414 Stanislau$ Street - Telephone (209) 485-8310 [] Visalia, California 93278 · 3901 So. Mooney Blvd.. P.O. Box 3236 · (209) 732-8§57 L--'] Bakersfield, California 93304 117 "V" Street · Telephone (805) 327-O671 Geotechnical Consultants. Inc. ~,¥esley I. Braun. CE Iohn R. Hedley. CE James (;. Sutton. CE John It. Khk. CE(; Robert D. Skaggs, CE .John B. Moore, CE Alex Y. Eskandari. CE Thomas E. Vahlstrom. Ch Hugo Kevorkian. CE John M. Minney. CE Krazan & Associates Exam. No. .Ch881q93- 11 (E8806t4) Report Date: 6117188 Sample Type: Soil Date Sample Collected:'6/14/88 ' ~"' Sample Description: DelLine # 6 Date Sample Received @ Lab: 6115188 1615 hfs Date of Analyses: 6/15/88 ' Constituent Units Results Detection Limits Benzene · mg/Kg ND 0.02 Toluene rog/Kg ND 0.05 Total Xylene Isomers rog/Kg 284 0.05 Ethylbenzene rog/Kg ND 0.05 ND = None Detected Method of 'Analyses- BTXE by EPA 502018020 GC/PID, 2nd Edit[on Soil Engineering · Engineering Geology · Engineering Laboratories · Chemical Laboratories I-1 Fresno, California 93706 - 1414 Stanislaus Street - Telephone (209) 485-8310 I-I Visalia, California 93278 · 3901 So. Mooney Blvd., P.O. Box 3236 · (209) 732-8857 I-I Bakersfield, California 93304 - 117 "V" Street · Telephone (805) 327-0671 BSI( & Associates C;eotechnical Consultants, Inc. Wesley J. Braun, CE John R. Hedley, CE Jamt_,s C. Sllllon. CJ' John ti. Kirk. Robert D. Skaggs, CE John 13. Mool~. CE AJt,~, ¥ t.~k,lll( r (/J: I'hOlllil~J I:. U,lll s fOltl (~h Hllgo Kevorkian, Gl: Iohn &~ ,%linne¥. C[ Krazan & Associates Exam. No. ~Ch881t~9~-11 (E88064) Report Date: 6/171813 ..~ '~ Sample Type: · Soil" Date Sample Collected: _6/14/88 Sample Description: Del Line # 6 Date Sample Rec'd @Lab: 6/15/88 1615 hrs. Date of Analyses: _6/16/88 .i Constituent Units Result Detection Limit · . Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons mg/Kg 2500 1 (gasoline) Method o.f. Analysis . 'FPH by DHS extraction GC/FID .~'O'~e rv isor Soil Engineering · Engineering Geology · Engineering Laboratories · Chemical Laboratories I--I Fresno, California 93706 1414 Stanislaus Street Telephone (209) 485-8310 [] Visalla, California 93278 3901 So. Mooney Blvd., P.O. Box .3236 · (209) 732-8857 [] Bakersfield, California 93304 · 117 "V" Street · Telephone (805) 327-0671 [] Pleasanton, California 9456'6 5729-G Sonoma [)rive T~lephone (415) 462-4000 Geotechnical Consultants. Inc. Wesley I. Braun. CE John R. Hedley. CE James G. Sutton. CE John It. Kirk. CEC Robert O. Skaggs. CE John I]. Moore. CE Alex Y. E~kanda~i. CE Thomas E. Vahlslrom. Ch K~azan g Associates Exam. No. .Ch881~9~- i (E88064) ~. .~ Report Date: 6/17/88 Sample Type: ........$6i-i ............................... D~te sample C011e~[e~?-~/~-/8~ ~.' Sample Description: DelLine ~ 6 Date Sample Received ~ Lab: 6/15/88 1640 hrs Date of Analyses: 6/15188 Constituent Units Results Detection Limits Benzene · mg/Kg ND 0.02 Toluene rog/Kg ND 0.05 Total Xylene Isomers mB/Kg 195 0.05 Ethylbenzene mB/Kg ND 0.05 ND = None Detected Method of Analyses- BTXE by EPA 5020/8020 GC/PID, 2nd Edition Soil Engineering · Engineering Geology · Engineering Laboratories - Chemical Laboratories [~] Fresno, California 93706 1414 Stanislaus Street · - Telephone (209) 485-8310 O Visalia, California 93278 · 3901 So. Mooney Blvd., P.O. Box 3236 · (209) 732-8857 [] Bakersfield, California 93304 117 "V" Street Telephone (805) 327-0671 BSI( .,. · & Associates Geotechnica! Consultants, Inc. Wesley, j. Braun. CE ohn R. Hedte¥ CE lames G. Sulton. CE Iohn H. Kirk. CI:C RobL-rl D Sk,lrSs' CE JlJhn II. nloore. C[ Ah.~ Y- } ~k,tnd,lri. CE l'homas I~. Va Ilstrom Ch Kr~z~n ~ Associates Exam No. ~h881~3-.1,2 i . (E880~) S~mplo Typo: Soil . DsLo Ssmp e Colloctod: .~Jl~J88 , Ssmplo DoscripUon: DoI Line ~ ~ Ds~o Ssmple Roc'd ~ L~b: ~JlSJ88 1~'0" hrs. D~te o~An~lysos: ~/1~J88 Constituent Units Result Oetectiqn Limit ": Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons mg/Kg 11822 1 ( gasol ine) Method of. Analysis 'FPH by OHS extraction GC/FID --~S~upervisor - Soil Engineerin§ · EngineerinB Geolol~y · Engineering Laboratories. Chemical Laboratories [] Fresno, California 93706 1414 Slanislaus Slreet · Telephone (209} 485-8310 [] Visalla, California 93278 3901 So. Mooney Blvd.. PO. Box 3236 · (209) 732-8857 [] Bakersfield, California 93304 117 "V" Street Telephone (805) 327-0671 [] Pleasanton, California 94566 5729-G Sonoma Drive Telephone (415) 462-4000 Geotechnical Consultants, Inc. Wesley I. flfaun. CE John R. Hedle¥. CE James G. Sutton. CE John H. Ki~k. CEC tit,gO Kevorkian. CE John.M. ~inney. CE Exam. No. .Ch881q93- 13 Krazan ~ Associates (E880Gq) Rep'or: Date: 6/17/88 Sample Type: Soil Date Sample Collected: 6/lq/88 Sample Description: DelLine ~ 7 Date Sample Received ~ Lab: 6/15/88 165q hfs Date of Analyses: 6/15/88 Constituent U nits Results Detection Limits Benzene · mg/K.g ND 0.02 Toluene rog/Kg N D 0.05 Total Xylene Isomers mg/Kg ND 0.05 Ethylbenzene mg / Kg N D 0.05 ND -- None Detected Method of Analyses- BTXE by EPA 502018020 GC/PID, 2nd Edition Analyst ~upe~vi~b-r L ' Soil Engineering - Engineering Geology · Engineering Laboratories - Chemical Laboratories [] Fresno, California 93706 - - 1414 Stanislaus Street - Telephone (209) 485-8310 [:] Visalia, California 93278 3901 So. Mooney Blvd., P.O. Box 3236 * (209) 732-8.857 L-I Bakersfield, California 93304 117 "V" Street Telephone (805) 327-O671 / BSI & Associates" Geotechnical Consultants, Inc. Wesley J, Braun. CE John R. Hedle¥. CE lames G. Sutton. CE John tl. Kirk. CEC Hugo Kevorkian CE Iohn ~%1. Minney. CE ................. -' ' ........... Krazan & Associates Exam. No. ~Ch88'1493- 14 , (E88064) · ~ Report Date: 6/17/88 Sample Type: Soil Date Sample Collected: 6/14/88 Sample Description: DelLine # 7 Date Sample Received @ Lab: '6/15/88 170'6' h~ Date of Analyses: 6/15/88 Constituent Units Results Detection Limits Benzene · mg/Kg . ND 0.02 Toluene mg/Kg ND 0.05 Total Xylene Isomers mglKg ND 0.05 Ethylbenzene mg / Kg N D 0.05 ND = None Detected Method of Analyses- BTXE by EPA 5020/8020 GC/PID, 2nd Edition Analyst L Soil Engineering - Engineering Geology- Engineering Laboratories * Chemical Laboratories [] Fres~o, California 93706 1414 Stanislaus Street Telephone (209) 485-8310 [] Visalia, Calil~ornia 93278 3901 So. Mooney Blvd., P.O. Box 3236 (209) 732-8857 k-] Bakersfield, California 93304 117 °'V" Street Telephone (805) 327-0671 ~ = $ ... r, ,X,-,,,.-.--- ~ . ..........~d ,~ - ^ ~', ~ ~. ~, $ ~ o ~,^ ~, Chain nf ,., . .~ , ,., ,., .. R~nr,: ~. PARAMETERS OTHER v ADDRESS KR~AN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 3860 NORTH WINERY ,. ~ FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93726 : ~ (2~9)~9~-7337 ~ ~ w ~ : ~ PROJECT ~--~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ' ~  E) ~ ~R ~ ~ gg ~ ~ ~ g [ = ~ COMMENTS ~< ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .., Print dName ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z SAMPLE NO.~ DATE TI~E LOGATION ~ ~ ~INQUI~Y~ ~ DATE RECEIVED BY DATE RELINQUISHED BY DATE R~EIVEDBY .i ~ DAT~ ~ ~... 1._ ~ y~~~)/1~ ~S..HOD oFTOTAL NU"'ER Signature h ~/[~J~ Signalure Signature ~,~natu~ ~/ .~ __ SHIPMENT P~~''~'' Printed Name Prinled Name 'rinl'~ i ' ~ oRSPECIAL SHIPMENT~ANDLING~ ~'ORAGE REQUIREMENTS ~o~pany : ~ Company ', Company Compa~ ~ RELINQUISHED BY DATE RECEIVED BY DATE RELINQUISHED BY DATE RECEIVED BY (,abo~ato~) DA~ I~. ~ ~ ,. J, ~ ' ~ignatum ~ Signature Signature Signature ~ - , / TI~E TIUE ~IUE TIME ~ P~nied Name Printed Name Prinled Name Prinled Name ~ Com~ny .,, Company Company tom.ny ~ ' dy Chain ofCusto Record ~ I ,o,,.En,in.~-- ,: DATE PAGE ~echnic~ Inve~ :~ PArAMETErS OTHE~ ADDRESS KR~N & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~ : 3860 NORTH WINERY / FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93726~ ' (20~9]-~37 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ OBSERVATIONS/ ..o~T ~X~~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ co~.~s SA~LERS ~I~TORE)i[ [) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g ~ ~ ~ ~ , = ~ Printed Nam~ A ~ < ~ ~ SAMPLE NO { DATE TIME LOCATION ~HOD OF ~gkaiu t ~ Signature Signature ~ ' ~ TIME TIME TIME TIME p' Printed Name Printed Name Printed~ ~ SPECt'AL SHIPMENT~ANDLIN~ / ~ ~ ~ , OR STORAGE REQUIREMENTS Company ~ Company ' Company Company ; RELINQUISHED B~ DATE RECEIVED BY DATE RELINQUISHED BY DATE RECEIVED BY (laborato~) DATE 'ISignature Signature Signature Signature ~ Pdnted Name Printed Name Printed Name Printed Name ~ ~ Company Company Company Company .~ BSI( Geotechriical Consultants, Inc. WesleyI. Braun, CE JohnR. Hedley, CE JamesG. Sutton. CE JohnH Kirk. Cl~C Robert D. Skaggs, CE John Ii. Moore, CE Alex Y Eskamlari, CE Iht)mas E. Vahlstrml~. Ch Hu~o Kevorkian, CE John M. Minney, CE Krazan & Associates 'Exam No. Ch881498 3860 N. Winery Fre§'no, Ca. 93726 Report Date · ~(E8806'4) ..................... Sample T-ype:-~ .... Soil ......................... Date~S~mple Collected .... &/1-5/88-~-' Sample Description: EXC. Pile Date Sample Received @ Lab: '6/,15/88 Composite (5) 0945 hrs. Date of Analyses: 6/16/88 Constituent Units Results Detection Limits Benzene ' rog/Kg ND 0.'02. Toluene mg/Kg ND 0.05 Total Xylene Isomers mg/Kg ND 0.05 Ethylbenzene mg/Kg ND 0.05 ND = None Detected Method of Analyses BTXE by EPA---.-~-.8020 GC/PID, 2nd Edition ...................... nays ............................ - ' Soil Engineering Engineering Geology · Engineering Laboratories * Chemical L~JboratorieS [] Fres,~o, California 93706 , 1414 Stanislaus Street Telephone (209) 485-8310 [] Visalia, California 93278 · 3901 So. Mooney Blvd., P.O. Box 3236 (209) 732-8857 [] Bakersfield, CaliJornia 93304 · 117 "V" Stree~ Telephone (805) 327-0671 [] Pleasanton, CaliJornia 94566 - 5729-G Sonoma Drive Telephone (415) 462-4000 .. ^ ~. ~ ~, ,. ^ ~ ~ o ~,^ ~-. $ Chain of Custody Reco~d ~.~or. for~ $oi,$ Tesflng~ J ~ i ~.~ ~'.~' OF so,, ~.¢~.,.,..~ DATE PAGE PARAMETERS OTH~:R ADDRESS KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~ cn 3860 NORTH WINERY FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93726 {200) 201-7337., ~ Printed Name.. ~),,,,,~ ~ ~ ~.¢~::~ ~ ~:=~ ~- ~' ~.~' :=>~ ~, ~x ,~ ~ _ SAMPLE NO · DATE TIME LOCATION i ' ; REI. JNOU~S~EDBY//' / DATE RECEIVEDBY DATE RELINQUISHED BY DATE RE.C.~IVED aY . DATE/ -TOTAL NUMBER '~'-C~['~,-~('/~' '.' .~>~/ "" ~8' / . ' 'METHOD OF SHIPMENT Signature '- ~ . ~ Signature Signature '.~ Sionature/~ / Pdn~d Name h ~.~ z,~= ~_.~? '~O Pdnted Name Prinled N,m. Prin~_.?_ t, ./ ,,~,~: y SPECIAL SHI,MENT/HANDLING~ .,~, OR.~:~ ISTORAGE REQUIREMENTS Company Company '* Company Company RELINQUISHED BY DATE RECEIVED BY DATE RELINQUISHED BY DATE RECEIVED BY (laboratory) DATE Signature Signature Signature Signature ,-- TIME TIME TIME' ] TIME Printed Name Printed Name Printed Name Printed Name i · Company Company Company C(~mpany ! ~4 . ~ KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES .]Drawing Ho. ~/ Merced Fresno Visalia Bakersfield ~]-.~-~-:2~__~_ ! o ri BSI' ^ ociat s Geotechnical Consultants, Inc. Wrc~l~y J. Braun, CE john R. Medley, CE J~m~ G- Sutton. C~ John H, K~tk, Robert D. Skaggs, CE John B. M~r~. CE Ah~x Y, ~sk ~nd~r~. (~F Thomas E. vahlstrom, ch Htl~O Kev~rklan. CE John M, Minn~y, CE KRAZAN ~'AssOcIATES EX~ NO.Ch881573-1 Report Date:6/23/88 "Sample Type soll Date Sample Collected: 6~2~./~ .... ~ ..... Sample Description:_W~._e.~d 10~' Date -'Sample Rec'd'-~-Lab:~/2Z].88.::::~:'~ deep I~30 hfs Date of Analysis:_~J~_2J88 · - Constituent Units Results. Detection Limit~ Benzene ........... rog/Kg .... NI~ 0.02 Toluene ...... rog/K9 .... ND 0.05 ...... mglKg .... 0, 1 0.0S Ethylbenzene Total Xylene Isomers-- rog/Kg .... ND --~ ....... 0.05 ND : None Detected Method of Analysis:' BTXE 'by EPA 8020 GC/PID" QA/QC Supervisor: Superviso,-: Soil F, nsineerinl~ * F.n~,ineering Ceolo[p/- En~ineerinl~ Laboratories * Chemical Laboratories ~ F~esno, California 93706 * ~414 5tanislaus Street * Telephcme (2f~) 48~,831U ~ Visalia, California 93278 , :390'1 So. Moonev Blvd,. P.O. Box 3236 . (209) 732-8857 O B.~etsfleld, California 93304 · 117 "V" Street * Telephone (~0~) 327-~71 ~ pleasanton, Ct~liforrlia 94~.66 * 5729-G Sonoma Drive , Telephone (4'l S) 462-40~ BSI4 Geotechnica] Consultants, Inc. wesley I, Of~-n. CE John R. H~I~y. CE J~me~ G. Sutton, CE J~hn H, Kirk, CEG RoBert D, S~n88~. C~ ]ohn R Mnnre,-C~ Ale<~ Y, E~.d.~d, CE Thomas E, Vahlstrom, Ch Hugo Kevorkian. CE ~ohn M Minney. C~ =-= K AZAN ASSbclAT S Report Date: ~/23/88 S~mple Type Soil Date Sample Collected: 6/21/88 Sample Description' W end I_Q~.~ Oate Sample Rec'd E) L~b:_6422,,~fl~ side 1515 h~'s Date-of Analysis:_~./~/~,8 ~ Constituent Units Results Detection Limit ._, Benzene ...... rog/Kg .... ND. 0.02, Toluene rog/Kg .... ND 0_05 ' Ethytbenzene- - ............. rog/Kg .... ND .......... 0.05 Total Xylene Isomers rog/Kg .... ND 0.0S ND = None Detected Method of Analysis:' BTXE by EPA 8020 GC/PID" Soil [n$ineorin8* Engineering Geology- Engineering Laboratories Chem~c~ I.a~o a . ~ Fresno, California 93706 * '1414 Stani~laus Street · Telephone (209) 485-8310 ~ Visalia, California 93278 390'i So. Mooney Blvd., P.O. Box 3236. * (2093 732-~57 ~ Bakersfield, California 93304 * 117 "V" Street * Telephone (805) 327-0671 ~ Pleasanlon, California 94566 - S729-C Sonoma Drive · Telephone(415) 462-4~0 BSI( & Associates Geotochnical Consultants, Inc. Robert D. Skaggs. CE John B. Moore, CE Ale~ Y. [skondari, CF Thoma~ E. vahl~tron% Ch Hugo Kcvorkian. CF John M. Minney, CE Repo}~t Date:.6/23/88 .... (~8806q) S~mple Type Soil Date Sample Collected:_~l~ ........................ Sample Bescription: ~:T.¢_ fi' deep_ ~ate Sample ~edd ~ kob:~._~l~'~[ ...... 1~50 'hfs Oate of Analysis: ~122'/8~ ..- Constituent Units Results. Detection Limit Benzene ......... mg/Kg .... .~ .,.D, 0.02 Toluene ......... rap/Kg .... ND.. 0.05 Ethylbenzene --- mglKg .... ND 0.05 Total Xylene Isomers -- rog/Kg .... ND .......... 0.0S ND = None 'Detected: Method of .Analysis:' BTXE 'by [:PA 8020 GC/PID" '~ Fresno, California 93706 * 1414 Stat~istaus Street · Telephone (209) 4fl~8310 D Vis,lin, Califo¢,lia 93278 * 3901 So. Mooney Blvd., P.O. Box 3236 , [2~] 732-B857 ~ Bakersfield, California 93304 * 117 "V" Street · Telephone (805) 3274~71 ~ Pleasanton, California 9,1566 * 5729-G Sonoma Drive * Telephone (415) 462-4~0 F',04 BSI( Associates Geotechnical Consultants, Inc. Wesley I. B~aun, CE Johll R. Hedlev. CE Jame.~ G. 5u~'ton. CE Iohn H. Kirk, CEG Robert O. Ska~ss. CE John fl. Moore, CE Alex Y. Eskondari. C~ Thoma~ E. Vahl~trom. Ch Hugo Kevorkia~l. CE John ~. Mlnney, CE . Report Date: (E8806~) Sample Type__.~.oll Date Sample Collected:~l.~ ...... Sample Description: _CTR 1515 hfs Date of Analysis: 6/22Z8_~ Constituent Units Results,. Detection Limit Benzene rog/Kg .... ND O. 02 Toluene ......... rog/K9 .... ND .......... 0, 05 ....... mglK9 .... ND ........... 0, 05 Ettaylbenzene -- Total Xylene Isomers . rog/Kg -?-LND .......... 0,05 ND = None Detected Method of Anal.y;$is: BTXE 'by EPA 8020 GC/PID"' QAIQC Supervisor: Soil Engineering* Engineering Geology · Engineering Laboratories * Chemical Laboratories E3 Fresno, California 93706 , .1414 Stani,~lao$ Street t Telephone (209] 485-8310 ~ Visalia, California 93'278 · 3903 So. Mooney Blvd., P.O, BOX ~236 - (209) 732-8857 ~ BaAersfleld, California 93304 · '117 "V" Street · Telephone (805) 327-0671 ~ Pleasanton,.Cal;fornia 94566 * 5729-C Sonoma Drive * Telephone (4'15} 462-4000 Geotechn~al Consultants, Inc. Wesley J. Braun, CE John R. Hedley, CE Jame~ C. Sutt~n, CE Iohn H. Kirk, CEG Robert D. Skaggs, CE John B. Moore, CE ' Alex Y, E~kandari, CE Th~ma~ [. vahlstrom, Ch KRAZAN O ASSOCi.ATES EXAM . (E8806~)' Report Date:~.~Z~8.___ Sample Type Soil Date Sample Coll~cted:~]~__~ .... Sample Description' E end 4' Date Sample Rec'd ~ Lab: 6/22/88 deep 150'0 hfs ' Date of Analysis: Constituent Units Results· Detection Limit Benzene rog/Kg .... ND 0.02 Toluene rog/Kg .... ND 0.0S Ethylbcnzene rog/Kg .... ND 0.05 Total Xylene Isomers rog/Kg .... ND 0.05 ND = None Detected Method of Analysis;' BTXE 'by EPA 8020 GC/PID' QA/QC Supt~rv~sor: _.~_..~.~Jpervlsor':. I . ' SO Eng neet ng, Engineering Geology* Engineering Laboratories Ch~ical Laboratories 0 Fresno, California 937'06 · 1414 Stanislaus Street * Telephone(209) 485-8310 ~ Visalia, California 93278 , 3901 So. Mooney Bird,, P,O. Box 3236 * (209) 732-88~7 ~ Bakersfield, California 9~304 117 "V" Strcet * Telephone {80S) 327-0671 ~ Plea~nton, California 94566 5729.C Sar)oma Drive. Telephone {415) 462.4000 Geotechl~ical Consultants, Inc. Weste¥ J. araun. CE John R, HedJey, CE James G. 5~tton, CE John H, Kirk, .... ~ ........ ~ ...................... Ro~r~=-S~SS~:.~E. - .-~--lohn ~-Moore, CE.~ Alex Y Es~and~ri C~ .Tboma~E~-~ah~rom, Hugo Kevorkian, C~ John M. Minney, CE EXAM NO.~h881573-6 KRAZAN & ASgOCIATES ¢ Report ~ate: (E8806~) Sample Description: E End q'__ Date Sample Rec'd "' sid'e' 1515 hfs Date of Analysis:__6_[~.2.1?J.~ Constituent Units Results. Detection Limit Benzene mg/Kg .... ND 0.02 Toluene rog/Kg .... ND 0.0S Ethylbenzene mg/Kg ND 0.05 Total Xylene Isomers , mg/Kg .... ND 0.05 ND = None Detected Method of Anal.y_sis: BTXE 'by EPA 8020 GC/PID" QA/QC Supervi'sor: ~per'vi-sor:' I- Soil Engineering - Engineering GeolOgy * Engineering Laboratories * Chemical Laboratories [i Fresno, California 93706 * 1414 Stantslaus Street · Telephone (209)485-8310 ~ Visalia, California 93278 · 3901 So. Mooney Blvd., P.O Box 3236 * (2~) 732-8857 ~ Bakersfield, California 93304 * 117 "V" S~reet Telephone (805) 327-0671 ,, ~ ^ ~ ^,;~, ~., $ ~ o ¢,^ ~. s Chain of Custodv Recon o~  ADDRE~ K~ 'N & A~CIATES, INC. ~ NO~ WINERY FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 937~ P~ECT OBSE~AT~NS,r SAM~E NO LOCA~ON RELINQUISHED B~ RECEIVED aY DATE RELINOUBHED BY Signa~re Slgna~re S~tum ~. . ~RAGE REQ~R~ENTS REUNQU~HED BY R~EIVEO BY OA~ RE~N~ISHED BY RECEIVED BY (l~teqJ ~ ~ , , P~ Na~ ! ~me Pfinled Na~ ~?oo ~ow~S~re,,t ' ~'~: ~' KL.,,'~ COUNTY HEALTH DEPA~EN~ ~, ~U~m~ g~ Telephone (~5)~1-3~6 , '' ~ EN~flONMEN~L H~L~ DIVISION ...- .,: ..A-..~. . . ~ '~ .iV ' ~..:' . . ' ~ ~ '~ :.~.-~..,. ~'><~C.:.'C::..,>.f.~ .' ~:~:~: ~:~- ?"', .' ' ~D~GRO~ T~K DISPOSITION T~CKZNG.'~ 'I..= .-:,. ~.~ ,~. ,':: :::~hls form Is to ba returned to the Kera Co~t~,:~:~Depar~eat ~ithln I4 {~'~ ¢ ::G'~' of.. acceg~ce, of__$a~ls) by dlspoaal._6~ :~ci~i'tng ' i~ :~: ~.~(.~.nol~r o~c~e .permit with n~ber noted above.-.:tgresponslble, jfo~.'tns~[ng :,'.: Da~e T~s Removed ~-/g-~ -.~.~::{~°::::~'~'.'~s ~ ' .' : ~ .., ',( :: i ..... [ ..... ; [ ........... ~tton 2 - T~ b~ flle. out ~ con recto, "dec n a I a t n ( '~' I , T~ "Decont~inatton" Contracto~ ~ ~ ~0/~ Address ~~ ~/~~~ -~,'"~'*'ehon~. . ,,, ..,, ~ Y::.' ,..~.~, ,.'.': , ,: :~ ,, ':-, ., . .:, . ...~,~:...:~?:~::~}:~'~,~f::. ~o~z~ ~ ' ~':'. .... :~. zip ~:.;::-9,T~oP · :,'""'~ '."~''~:~?'..~q~."!~ ~ ,. - ~ . _ .~ . . ,~. · :~:~:~: '-:.:.:.~.,:~:~:,ta~(s) have been decont~inated In accordance ~/th.:.Ke~n ~o~t7 Realth ':~'~> B ' .' [' .. '.. ,~,~.: .: _ .., , .. ...'~ ,~,~ ~,.. ~;G ~,::~,' 0 ~ ~ ~r:~:~-:' "~ :-.;--L ?~'~': % , - ' = ':"~": "' Recelv--~ : "Date Tanks ~. [~:~P' .. x.' '..>. .- . . · ,'~o. :... (A ) ~' ,:..>, :,-.. ... = $ ~ MAILING INSTRUCTIONSi Fold in half and staple. Postage and mat~ing label have already been affixed to outslde for your convenience. : .:':..': (Form #It~P-l§0 ) .... DISTRICT OFFICES State of Calilornia---Health and Welfare Agency ~1~ ' Department of Health Services Form Approved OMB No. 2050--0039 (Expires 9-31~ Toxic Substances Control Diviaion ~ Sacramento, California " B. State ~nerat~'a ~ US EPA ID Number C. State Tranapo~er's ID ~/~2~' 5. Tran~o~e[ C~pany Name 7. Transpolar 2 Company Name 8. US EPA ID Number E. State Transp~'s ID 9. ~ignated Famlity~ame an~S~le Address /~ . 10. US EPA ID Numb~ G. ~ate Fa~l~'a ID' 11. US ~ De~pt~n (~cludi~ Pm~ Shipping Name, ~rd ~ass, a~ ID Number)' ~. T~ ~IV~ .~ '.7'. ....... · _ .' ~*- n .* ..' . ~6. ' .... *'* ~ENERAT~'S CER~FI~O~: I hereby declare that th~ cont~s ot this consignm~nl are tully and accurately des~bed abo~ by ~ ~ippi~ '; name and are classified, packed, marked,, and labeled, and are in nil resp~s in proper ~ndition tot transpo~ hy h~ay acc~g lO appli~le ' ' I intematio~l and national government r~gulations: ............ = If I am a la~e quantiW generat~r, I ce~i~ Ihnt I have a program in place to redoce th~ volome and toxicity of wnst~ generated to th~ d~ree I have dster~ined to b~ economically practicable and that I have selected the practicable m~thod ot treatment, storage, or disposal cu~e~ available to m~ w~ich minimizes the present and future thr~al lo human health and the ~nvironment; OR, il I am a small quantity generator, I ~ve male a good . faith allo~ to minimize my waste ganeralion and select th~ ~esl waste management m~thod that is available lo me and that I can afford. Printed/Typed Name . '"~II Sig~ture . ~h ~y~iY~ T 17. Transpolar 1 Acknowledgeme~ of R~eipt of Materials R . L [ 20. Facil~y ~m u O~at~ ~ic~n ~ r~eipt of ha~s ma~fials ~ ~ thi~mn~ ~e~ aa noted in ~; 19 ..... ~ d~~ ~ Day YW I~ CASE OF AN EMERGENCY OR SPILL, CALL ~E NATIONAL RESPONSE CENTER 1-8~424-~2; WITHIN CALIFORNIA CALL 1~2-75~ :', .~ ActAvAt¥ Date # Of Tanks Comments 24 HOUR REPORT~RLE V~I~IATI ON/LOSS , · - Kern flounty Health Department : ,: . . :, .~: :. ..... ~ .:. '.. :..Attn,______ .unoer~rouno Ta~ Sectzon .... · ...... :_ · ....~ '" ': '.:~:.:.:-" ":...On"' '. ':' '"" -- /~/~~. , the abOVe factl'~tY ~ad .... ~ount of ~ount of ~ount of 'Total ~lnu~ '---,:.:'." ".': Tank ~ Daily Weekly Monthly Line a of : ..... . . Varlatlon/Lo~ Va~iation/Lo~ V~rtatlon/~ Trend , . -. ~ '.: .,:..'--.. (...' · ~ ,.':':'"' :':":..':. ~ ~, ~ ~B ... ....... ~~d. dis ensln~ p~oduct es r uired by .. Dealer Employer Identification No. (EIN) 549-40-0267 S.S. No. B029~~ DEALER LEASE Dated: August 15, 1985 PREMISES AND TERM 1. Chevron U.S.A. Inc. (~Company") hereby leases to Thomas C. Stallings CDealer"), for a term commencing on the 1st day of January, 1986 and ending on the 31st day of December, 1988 the premises located in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, described as follows: 800 - 34th St., Bakersfield, CA 93301 ..... together with ~all buildings, i.mprovements~,, fixtures, facilities and--equipment- (except-signs)--i~'~t6d~ thereon and any additions, replacements or substitutions thereto (hereinafter sometimes collectively .. '.,. referred to as the ~premises"). ..~ .." USE OF THE PREMISES ' -' 2. (a) Dealer shall use the premises only for the operation of a service station for the sale of the following merchandise and automotive services normally sold at service stations: motor fuels, motor oils, tires, batteries and automotive accessories, lubrication, tire and battery services, and minor motor vehicle repairs. Dealer acknowledges that by this Lease Company has furnished Dealer with a facility meeting the requirements of the motoring public for such merchandise and services. ' Dealer shall diligently promote the sale of such merchandise and services from the premises. Dealer recognizes and agrees that Dealer's failure to comply with the provisions of this Lease would not only impair Dealer's sales but would also adversely affect the motoring public's patronage of other retail service stations displa,ving Company's insignia. Company and its authorized representatives shall have the right at any time to enter upon the premises to perform Company's obligations and exercise Company's rights and to confirm the performance by Dealer of Dealer's obligations under this Lease. (b) Dealer shall: (1) Devote sufficient time to the personal management of the premises so as to provide for the continued proper operation thereof as a service station; and (2) Subject to any valid requirements of any applicable statute, keep the premises open for business and fully illuminated for such hours and days as are necessary to serve and develop fully the available business, and in no event less than those hours and days required 'to compete effectively with competitive service stations in the vicinity of the premises, the following being the hours and days recommended b~ Company: 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. each Monday, 6:00 · a.m. to 11:00 p.m. each Tuesday, 6:00. a.m. to 11:00 p.m. each Wednesday, 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. each Thursday, 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. each Friday, 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. eachSaturday, and 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. each Sunday; and (3) Render professional driveway and automotive service to customers by providing trained, acceptably groomed and uniformed service station personnel in numbers adeqhate to handle the available business; and (4) Operate and mahage the premises and cause customers to be treated in such a manner as to eliminate customer, complaints to the extent possible; and (5) Continuously offer for sale at the premises merchandise and automotive ............ services_normally available at service stations (as enumerated in subsection (a) above), " and in connection therewith fully Utilize all Service bays; and (6) Comply with all applicable Federal, state and local laws and regulations , relevant to the use and operation of the premises,' and supply Company with all -information which Company shall reasonably request to enable Company to comply '~ With all applicable Federal, state and local laws and regulations. ~.:~ _ ........ (c) .__. Dealer. shall not_, wi~0~t ~om~pa_n~'_s__p~r_i0r_w~.___i~tte~_ cp_n_sent,, permit the~pr~emise~,._.~-:: 'i . .::' - or any part thereof, to be used for: "'..'~". '~i~ " :- (1) The parking, storage, rental or sale of automotive vehicles, trailers or ' - equipment; or (2) The sale of garden supplies; or (3) The sale of alcoholic beverages of any kind; or (4) Video games, pinball machines, vending machines (excepting only a reasonable number of vending machines dispensing soft drinks, food, cigarettes and road maps) or any similar device; or (5) Major motor vehicle repairs, including but not limited to the replacement of or partial or complete overhaul of engines, transmissions or differentials; or (6) Sales, services or other revenue producing activities not normally offered at service stations (normal sales and services being enumerated in subsection (a) above); or (7) Any other activity of a type that might conflict with the effective operation of the premises as a service station. (d) If Company gives its consent under subsection (c) above to the use of the premises for other purposes, such consent shall be conditioned upon: (1) The use of only such part of the premises for such purposes as may be specified by Company; and (2) The payment by Dealer to Company for such use of an amount to be set forth in a "License--Non Service Station Use Agreement," whiCh Dealer hereby agrees to enter into as a condition of such consent. ASSIGNMENT-SUBLEASING 3. This Lease)s personal to Dealer, and Dealer shall not, subject to any valid requirements of any applicable statute: assign this Lease, or any interest therein (either voluntarily or by operation of !aw)_by_assig~.~ ment or other arrangements having similar effect; let or sublet any part or the whole of the premises; mortgage this Lease; become associated with any other person, directly or indirectly, as a partner or otherwise in regard to Dealer's interest or operations under this Lease; permit or suffer any lien or encumbrance to be placed upon the leasehold interest hereby created or -2- any part thereof; or permit any other person, firm or Corporation to occupy the premises or any part thereof as a tenant or otherwise. · ~. RENT 4. (a) Base Rent~ For each calendar month during the term of this Lease, Dealer shall (1) The sum of $ 2400.00 per month for the use of the motor fuel facilities on the premises (the "base monthly motor fuel facilities rent"); plus · ..i (2) The sum of $ 1000.00 per month for the use of any additional profit center .~ ~:,. (for example, service bays, convenience store or car wash) on the premises (the ~monthly '. Co) Alternative Motor Fuel Facilities Rent. The base monthly motor fuel facilities '.' rent (but not the monthly additional profit center rent) shall be subject to reduction as follows: .. " · (1) The base monthly motor fuel facilities rent Shall be reduced by a percentage ' equal to one half (1/2) of the percentage, if any, by which Dealer's motor fuel purchases from Company for resale at the premises (under the Supply Contract referred to in section 14 hereofl during the calendar month exceed the following volume (the "base monthly volume"): 24,000 gallons. However, in no event shall the monthly motor fuel facilities rent for the premises 'be reduced to an amount less than twenty-five percent- (25%) of the base' monthly motor fuel facilities rent. (This means, for example, that if Dealer's motor fuel purchases from Company during a particular calendar month exceed Dealer's base monthly volume for that month by 60% ,(that is, they equal 160% of Dealer's base monthly volume)~ Dealer's base motor f~{el facilities rent for that month would then be reduced by 30% (that is, by one half of 60%).) (2) In order to give Dealer the benefit of any greater rental reduction which Dealer might receive if the calculation contemplated by clause (1) of this subsection (b) is performed on the basis of a six-month period rather than for each calendar month, Company shall, promptly following January 1 and July 1 of each calendar year, perform the calculation contemplated by clause (1) of this subsection (b) on the basis of the entire prior six calendar months. That is, the aggregate of the base monthly motor fuel facilities rents for such six-month period shall be reduced by a percentage equal to one half (1/2) of the percentage, if any, by which Dealer's total motor fuel purchases from Company for resale at the premises (under the Supply Contract referred to in section 14 hereof) during such six-month period exceed the aggregate of the base monthly volumes for such six-month period. However, in no event shall the total motor fuel facilities rent for the premises for such six-month period be reduced to an amount less than twenty-fi~e percent (25%) of the aggregate of the base monthly motor fuel facilities rents for such six-month period. If the resulting total motor fuel facilities rent for such six-month period is less than the aggregate of the motor fuel facilities rents paid by Dealer pursuant to clause (1) of this subsection (b) for such six-month period, Company shall credit Dealer's account for the difference. All such calculations shall be prorated as appropriate for any fraction of such six-month period included within the term hereof. (3) Any quantities of motor fuels transferred by Dealer from the premises for resale at another location shall be deducted from the quantities of motor fuels purchased by-D~l~r~ from Company(underthe SupplTContract"referred-to-in section-l-4~hereofl-in .......... calculating the reduction in the base monthly motor fuel facilities rent to which Dealer may be entitled under clauses (1) and {2) of this subsection (b). If Dealer so transfers any -3- i.( motOr fuels purchased from Co, mpany, Dealer shall immediately notify Company of the quantities of motor fuels so transferred. If Dealer fails so to notify Company, then, in addition to such other remedies as Company may have, Dealer shall not be entitled to any reduction under clause (l) of this subsection (b) in the base motor fuel facility rent '~ for the month in question and shall pay to Company the full base motor fuel facilities ~i ......... ~ .- ..... rent 'for such month, and such month shall not be considered in the calculation of the adjustment contemplated by clause (2) of this subsection (b). (c) General. All rents hereunder in regard to any calendar month shall be due and payable by Dealer to Company on or before the twenty-fifth (25th) day of the following calendar month. All rents payable hereunder (and the base monthly volume) shall be prorated as appropriate for any period less than a calendar month included within the term hereof. DEALER--INDEPENDENTBUSINESS .............. ·. ' ' "- .~ ' ' - "5. (a) Dealer is eng*aged in an independent business and nothing herein contained shall .' 'i- ' .- be construed as granting to Company any right to control Dealer's business or operations or the manner in which the same shall be conducted, Dealer's obligation to Company hereunder being the performance of the terms and conditions of this Lease. Company has no right to hire or fire any employees of Dealer or to exercise any control over any of Dealer's employees, all of whom are entirely under the control and direction of Dealer, who shall be responsible for their acts and omissions. Dealer accepts exclusive liability for all contributions and payroll taxes required under Federal Social Security laws and State Unemployment Compensation laws or other payments under any laws of similar character as to all persons employed by and working for Dealer. (b) Dealer shall pay when due, or if payable or collectible by Company shall on demand reimburse Company for, all license fees and privilege, occupational, sales, use, excise or other taxes of any character whatsoever (including but not limited to any such tax imposed upon or as a result of the rent payable by Dealer hereunder) now or hereafter levied, assessed or otherwise imposed by Federal, state or local governmental authorities upon or as a result of the use or occupation of the premises by Dealer or the o~perations or improvements or property of Dealer on the premises. MAINTENANCE - UPKEEP -- REPAIRS -- REPLACEMENTS -- ALTERATIONS - CONDITION OF PREMISES 6. (a) Dealer shall maintain and operate the premises in a clean, safe and healthful mam-~er with an appearance that is inviting to the motoring public. Dealer and Company shall perform the respective maintenance and other responsibilities assigned to them in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. (b) Dealer shall not make any additions, alterations, rearrangements or improvements to the premises, or any property thereon, or remove any such property therefrom, without Company's prior written consent. Dealer shall not, without Company's prior written consent, alter, remove, cover, add to or deface any paint or signs on the premises or on any property located thereon, or add additional paint or signs to the premises or to any property located thereon. Such pumps, tanks, containers or receptacles as have been furnished to Dealer by Company and are or may be marked as such, shall be used solely for the storing, handling or dispensing of products supplied by Company. Company shall not unreasonably withhold its consent to the required identification of, and installations to dispense, products not supplied by Company which Dealer desires to sell at the premises ........................................................ . ..... -4- TERMINATION 7. (a) Dealer may terminate this Lease together with the Supply Contract referred to in section 14 hereof without cause at any time during the term hereof upon giving Company written notice of such termination. ..... =-.__ ~_ .. ~._.r _:._.: ......... "'-~- (b)- csmpafly' ~iay, ;~ih :aiidition -to '~iich 'other remedies as Company ~may (including but not limited to the right to terminate this Lease as otherwise provided herein) and subject to any Valid requirements of any applicable statute, terminate this Lease upon giving Dealer ninety (90) days' prior written notice of such termination or, if it would not be reasonable for Company to give ninety (90) days' prior written notice, at Company's election upon giving Dealer prior written notice for such lesser period as is reasonable in the circumstances, if any one of the following occurs: (I)' --Dealer bY act oi~ 6mis§i-bffbr~Ehe~ or defaults'on' any-covenant; conditiOr/or other provision of this Lease, which breach or default can be cured, and Dealer fails to cure such breach or default within ten (10) days after such written notice of termination · from Company which shall specify such breach or default; or (2) Dealer by act or omission breaches or defaults on any covenant, condition or other provision of this Lease which breach or default cannot be cured, or in the event of any breach or default by Dealer after notice of two previous breaches or defaults of any kind has been given hereunder, regardless of Dealer's curing such previous breaches or defaults; or (3) Dealer fails to exert good faith efforts to carry out the provisions of this Lease following written notice to Dealer from Company of such failure and a reasonable opportunity to exert good faith efforts to carry out such provisions; or (4) Dealer fails to pay to Company in a timely manner when due all sums to which Company is legally entitled (whether or not such sums are owed to Company under this Lease); or (5) Dealer knowingly fails to comply with Federal, state or local laws or regulations relevant to the use or operation of the premises; or (6) Willful adulteration, commingling, mislabeling or misbranding of motor fuels or other violations by Dealer of trademarks utilized by Company; or (7) This Lease, or any interest therein, is assigned or otherwise transferred contrary to the provisions of section 3 hereof; or (8) Dealer fails to comply with Company's Inventory Control and Spill Handling Procedures set forth in Company's Service Station Maintenance Guide and referred to in subsection l(a) of Exhibit A; or (9) Unlawful, fraudulent or deceptive acts or practices or criminal misconduct by Dealer relevant to the operation of the premises; or (10) Continuing severe physical or mental disability"°f Dealer of three (3) months' duration which renders Dealer unable to provide for the continued proper ....... - ......... opera~£6'n OrthO' 15remises as a sei'vice~tati~n;-or -5- (11) Failure by Dealer to operate the premises as a service station for seven (7) consecutive days, or such lesser period which under the facts and circumstances constitutes an unreasonable period of time; or (12) Conviction of Dealer of any felony involving moral turpitude; or .~d~th.~ .... Without limitation on the foregoing, it is agreed that upon' the occurrence of any of the events specified in clauses (6) through {13) of this subsection (b) it would not be reasonable for Company to give ninety (90) days' prior written notice, that ten (10) days' notice would be reasonable in such circumstances, and that in any such circumstance Company may elect to terminate this Lease upon giving Dealer ten (10) instead of ninety (90) days' prior written notice of such termination. . · : '- '-~(e) Wdmqhg-the"term -hereof Company-decides'to withdraw from marketing-rff6tor fuels through retail outlets in the relevant geographic market area in which the premises are located, " Company may terminate this Lease by giving Dealer one hundred eighty (180) days' prior written . .:. notice of such termination and otherwise complying with any applicable requirements of law, including the Federal Petroleum Marketing Practices Act. (d) Waiver by Company of one or more breaches or defaults hereunder shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other or continuing breach or default hereunder. The subsequent acceptance of rent hereunder by Company shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any preceding breach or default by Dealer regardless of Company's knowledge of such preceding breach or default at the time of acceptance of such rent. No modification of this Lease, and no waiver of any provision hereof, shall be binding on Company unless in writing and signed by Company. Termination of this Lease shall not relieve Dealer of responsibility for obligations incurred prior to termination. DESTRUCTION OR CONDEMNATION 8. If the premises or a substantial portion thereof are destroyed or taken by eminent domain (the filing of an eminent domain action shall be deemed a taking), or should the operation of the premises as a service station be prevented by any law, ordinance or act of lawful authority, either party hereto may, subject to any valid requirements of any applicable statute, terminate this Lease upon ten (10) days' written notice to the other or such longer notice as such party may elect to give, it being agreed that it would be unreasonable for Company to give ninety (90) days' prior written notice and that ten (10) days' prior written notice is reasonable. Dealer shall have no right or interest in any damages o.r compensation awarded as the result of taking by eminent domain, which shall be the sole " property of Company, except as otherwise provided in the Federal Petroleum Marketing Practices Act. If this Lease is terminated by Company because the premises or a substantial portion thereof are destroyed and Company subsequently rebuilds or replaces the 'premises for dealer operation, Company shall, within a reasonable period of time, grant to Dealer a right of first refusal of the proposed agreements under which the premises are to be so operated. DEALER EQUIPMENT 9. Upon termination of this Lease, subject to any valid requirements of any applicable statute, neither Company nor any incoming Dealer shall have any obligation to purchase from Dealer any of Dealer's inventory, tools, equipment or supplies. .... -6- / SURRENDER' 10. Upon termination of this "Lease, by expiration or otherwise, Dealer shall peaceably and quietly surrender and yield up to Company the premises and all appurtenances in as good order, condition and repair as the same were in at the execution of this Lease, or,into which they may be pu~, reasonable use and wear thereof excepted. Dealer shall, at Dealer's own expense, remove from the '- -- premisesDealer's trade-fixturesand all-other-personal~propertTowned-by-Dealer-thereonandshall --_~.- repair all damage to the premises resulting from such removal. Any property remaining on the premises after the termination of this Lease shall be deemed to have been abandoned by Dealer and !. may be used or disposed of by Company in such manner as Company may see fit. Without limitation i on its other rights, following such repossession Company .may operate the premises through its agents or employees. INDEMNITY ' 11. Dealer' shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Company, Company's parent I'- company, Chevron Corporation, the subsidiary and affiliated companies of each of them (collectively .. ,. ~Company and its affiliates"), and their respective directors, officers, agents and employees, from and .... · t. ~; against all expense (including attorneys' fees), liability and claims of whatsoever kind and nature, -: including but not limited to those for damage to property (including Dealer's property) or injury to or death of persons (including Dealer), directly or indirectly resulting, or alleged to result, from ~:. anything occurring from any cause on or about or in connection with the maintenance, upkeep, ':"' repair, replacement, operation or use of the premises, or anything located thereon. INSURANCE 12. (a) Dealer shall maintain, at Dealer's own expense during the term hereof, insurance with respect to Dealer's business, the premises and all activities on or about or in connection with the premises of the types and in the minimum amounts described generally as follows: (1) Garage Liability Insurance or Comprehensive General Liability Insurance (bodily injury and property damage) of not less than $500,000 combined single limit per occurrence, including explosion hazard, personal injury, premises-operations, products and completed operations, blanket contractual and independent .contractors liability coverages; and (2) Business Auto Liability Insurance (bodily injury and property damage) of not less than $500,000 combined single limit per occurrence on all nonowned automobiles, all tow trucks and service vehicles which are owned, hired or leased by Dealer, and all vehicles bearing the hallmark or other insignia used by Company, which are owned, hired or leased by Dealer; and (3) Environmental Impairment Liability Insurance (bodily injury and property damage) of not less than $500,000 combined single limit of liability, including gradual seepage, pollution and cleanup costs;' and (4) Full Worker's Compensation and Employer's Liability Insurance covering all employees of Dealer; and (5) Any other insurance or surety bonding that may b~' required by applicable Federal, state and local laws and regulations; and (6) Excess liability insurance of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence in excess of the insurance required under clauses (1), (2), (4) (except Worker's -7- Compensation) and (5) above, affording not less than the same coverage and including personal injury and property damage coverage. (b) The insurance required under clauses (1), (2), (3), (5) and (6) of subsection (a) above shall include Company and its affiliates as additional insureds except with regard to occurrences that are the result of their sole' negligence. (c) The insurance required under clauses (1}, (2), (3), (5) and (6) of subsection (a) above shall provide that it is primary coverage with respect to Dealer, Company and all other additional insureds. (d) The insurance required above shall provide that no cancellation or material cha~ge in any policy shall become effective except upon thirty (30) days' prior written notice to Company. . · · .. :_'- . , .;... .·" (e) The insurance companies shall have no recourse against Company, or any Other additional insured, for payment of any premiums or assessments under any policy issued by a mutual insurance company. ' .:'" ' ·: (0 Dealer shall furnish certificates satisfactory to Company as evidence that the insurance required under subsection (a) above is being maintained. (g) Dealer shall be responsible for all deductibles in all of Dealer's insurance policies. (h) Dealer's indemnity and other obligations shall not be limited by the foregoing insurance requirements. UNDERLYING ESTATES 13. (a) Company's interest in the premises is or may be a leasehold estate derived from a third party whose interest in the premises may or may not be of record. This Lease is subordinate to all the terms and conditions of any lease (**Company's underlying ground lease") now in effect, or hereafter entered into, with such third party evidencing such leasehold estate of Company. If Company's underlying ground lease is terminated in any manner by either party thereto, Company may, subject to any valid requirements of any applicable statute, terminate this Lease upon giving Dealer ninety (90) days' prior written notice of such termination or, if it would not be reasonable for Company to give ninety (90) days' prior written notice, at Company's election upon giving Dealer prior written notice for such lesser period as is reasonable in the circumstances. Company shall in no way be liable to Dealer for such termination, whether voluntary or involuntary. Dealer agrees that Dealer shall not, by act or omission, breach any of the terms and conditions of Company's underlying gro ~und lease of which Dealer has notice. (b) In order that Company may ascertain and verify the calculation of rents under Company's underlying ground lease, if the rent thereunder is based on receipts from sales of products or services at the premises, Dealer agrees to keep accurate books and records of the quantity and dollar amount of all of Dealer's sales of merchandise and services, and of Dealer's merchandise cost prices, and to make such books and records available to Company for inspection during regular business hours. Dealer further agrees that, if requested by Company, Dealer shall give ComPany on or before the tenth (10th) day of each calendar month a written statement of all business done at the premises during the preceding calendar month in such form and detail as is necessary to substantiate the calculation of rents under Company's underlying ground lease for the preceding month. -8- SUPPLY CONTRACT 14. Concurrentiy herewith Company and Dealer ha~,e entered into a Dealer Supply Contract (the "Supply Contract") for the sale by Company and purchase by Dealer of motor fuels. Dealer, as a covenant of this Lease, agrees ~that the breach of or default on any of the terms or conditions of the Supply Contract shall constitute a breach of this Lease, and that the cancellation or termination of~ the Supply Contract shall automatically cancel or terminate this Lease without CORPORATE DEALER--OPERATOR · ~15. (a) The personal qualifications of each Company dealer are of material significance to Company, other retail service stations displaying Company's insignia, and the motoring public. When Company accommodates an individual's desire to do business in corporate form by entering into this Lease with the corporation, this is done with the understanding that, although it is only the .................. -~Orp~it-e' D~hlbr tha'~ e~jo~s right's' ~n~[e~'thi{'L~h~e~ tho~e rights are'- conditioned '6n the remaining actively involved with and responsible for the operation of the service station and . :.: retaining control of the corporation. Accordingly, if Dealer is a corporation and subject to any valid · requirements of any applicable statute, Dealer agrees that the references to ~Dealer' in clauses (9), ~ (10), (12) and (13) of subsection 7(b) hereof are amended hereby to read "Dealer or any Operator" and : that Dealer's rights under this Lease are subject to the following conditions being met throughout the term of this Lease, which Dealer shall cause the following named individual N/A ("Operator") to meet: · - (1) Operator shall perform Dealer's obligations Under clause (1) of subsection 2(b) hereof to devote sufficient time to the personal management of the premises so as to provide for the continued proper operation thereof as a service station; and (2) Operator shall own all right, title and interest, legal and beneficial, in and to a majority of the voting stock and any other stock of Dealer (as well as a majority thereof after giving effect to the conversion of all securities convertible into stock of Dealer and taking into account the issuance of any additional stock or securities convertible into stock) and Operator shall not pledge or otherwise hypothecate any such stock or securities, or permit or suffer any lien or encumbrance to be placed thereon, or grant proxies or enter into stockholder or other agreements which limit in any manner Operator's control of Dealer, or otherwise create, permit or suffer legal, beneficial or other rights or interests to exist in others with regard to any such stock or securities; and (3) Operator shall guarantee the performance of all of Dealer's obligations under this Lease. (b) The occurrence of any event, whether voluntary, involuntary, direct or indirect, by operation of law, by merger or other corporate proceedings or otherwise caused, which results in Operator having less than a majority of the 'voting and other stock of Dealer as required by clause (2) of subsection (a) above or any action otherwise in breach of clause (2) of subsection (a) above shall be construed as an assignment of this Lease for the purposes of section 3 hereof. HOLDING OVER 16. If Dealer holds over after the expiration of the term hereof with or without Company's express or implied consent, such holding over shall not create a renewal of this Lease by operation of law or otherwise, but shall create only a tenancy for month-to-month and for no longer term, upon all ............... the' terms and condition~ hereof. -9- UNDERGROUND STORAGE SYSTEMS 17. (a) If at any time during the term hereof: (1) Company, in its reasonable judgment, determines that a leak has OCcurred from any underground motor fuel storage tank and line system ("underground storage system") located at the premises and owned or supplied by Company, or that there is a .... ~- ............ -~-re-~le-~o-babiiity 6f:s~cl~-leak-ii~-~he-near ' f~t~ii~-~ih-d-'~h~ -the- ~t~d~gi'ou~d storage systems at the premises which have leaked or threaten to leak cannot be adequately repaired and need to be taken out of service or replaced; or (2) Applicable laws or regulations or any order of any governmental authority ~. require that any underground storage system at the premises owned or supplied by Company be taken out of service or replaced; but, in Company's reasonable j-tid~r/i'~t-R WoUld--no~-b'~-eommerCi'~Ily ~6~S6i~ble Tor~'cdmpany'i't0 make the substantial investment required to replace such underground storage system or systems, because of the limited tenure remaining under Company's underlying ground lease or because i'. ? Company intends in the near future to sell premises or convert the premises to a use other than the ~ sale of motor fuels, then, notwithstanding section 5 of Exhibit A, Company shall have no obligation to Dealer hereunder to replace such underground storage system or systems unless Dealer agrees in writing to reimburse Company for all reasonable expenses incurred by Company in replacing such underground storage system or systems. Unless Company expressly so agrees in writing, Dealer's '-- agreement to reimburse Company for such expenses shall not be deemed to create or imply any duty on Company's part not to sell the premises, nor shall it be deemed to create or imply any duty on Company's part to exercise any options it may have to extend Company's underlying ground lease, if any, or otherwise to secure additional tenure at the premises. (b) If Dealer is unwilling to agree to reimburse Company for the expenses referred to in subsection (a) above, then: (1) Dealer may exercise D. ealer's right under subsection 7(a) hereof to terminate this Lease; or (2) If, in Company's reasonable judgment, the leaking or suspect underground storage system or systems at the premises may safely be taken out of service and motor fuel sales at the premises may safely be continued utilizing the remaining underground storage systems at the premises, Dealer may elect to continue motor fuel sales at the premises, and in that event the base monthly motor fuel facilities rent (as well as the base monthly volume) and the monthly additional profit center rent, if any, set forth in section 4 hereof shall be reduced in the same proportior~ as the number of underground storage systems taken out of service bears to the total number of underground storage systems at the premises owned or supplied by Company; or (3) If, in Company's reasonable judgment, all of the underground storage systems at the premises owned or supplied by Company need to be taken out of service or replaced or the remaining underground storage systems cannot continue safely to be operated,. Company may, subject to any valid requirements of any applicable statute, terminate this Lease upon giving Dealer ninety (90) days' prior written notice of such termination or, if it would not be reasonable for Company to give ninety (90) days' prior written notice, at Company's election upon giving Dealer prior written notice for such lesser period as is reasonable in the circumstances. -10- PRIOR LEASES · · 18. This Lease shall not become effective if, prior to the commencement of the term hereof, Company notifies Dealer of Company's election to exercise any right Company may have to terminate any prior lease with Dealer covering the premises. In such event this Lease shall be null and void. Subject to the foregoing, effective as of the commencement of the term hereof, this Lease supersedes . and terminates all prior leases from Company and its affiliates to Dealer covering the premises, -~ ..... provid~d-that~n~sut§tanding breach'by-Dbaler of any- su~f¥~ri~r-l~h-~¥§h-~Hbe-~Ieemed-to be-a breach of this Lease and the occurrence of any event authorizing the termination of any such prior lease shall also authorize the termination of this Lease. UTILITIES 19. Dealer shall pay promptly and directly, or reimburse Company for, all charges and rentals for gas, electricity, water, sewerage and other services or utilities used in or consumed on the .. '. "- ~'e~i~[a-Pp6ktehant'thereto or in connection therewith~.--- .. - ~- ~ -. , .... 20. All notices to be given under this Lease shall be in writing and shall be posted by certified mail or personally delivered to Company at 2 Annabel Lane, Suite 200, San Ramon, CA 94583 and to Dealer at the premises or such other address as either party may designate by written notice to the other in the manner herein provided. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Lease as of the date first above written. CHEVRON U.S.A. INC. / Thomas C. Stallings Dealer The undersigned Operator hereby agrees that Operator shall perform and com~ly v/~ith the provisions of section 15 of this Lease and hereby guarantees to Company the performance of all of Operator MS-9250 (7-85) EXHIBIT A UPKEEP, MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND ' REPLACEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES -:------ :~:-::-~---4 ..... ~Except as_set forth_in sections 4 andS-of-this Exhibit.A~, Dealer-shall_at_Dealer's sole cost and expense properly maintain, perform upkeep on, repair and replace all buildings, improvements, fixtures, facilities and equipment owned or supplied by Company as set forth below and according to Company's Service Station Maintenance Guide and such other 'guides ~as may be provided and such procedures as may be prescribed by Company from time to time: a. Inventory Control and Product Spills ........ 1 ....... Check_daily_for .inventory leakage-in accordance-witk the_procedures setJ'o~h.ja '" the Service Station Maintenance Guide, as may be required by applicable laws ' and regulations, and as may be required by any permit or license issued to Company or Dealer in regard to the premises. · 2. Keep tinily inventory control records in accordance with the procedures set fOrth '~" in the Service Station Maintenance Guide, as may be required by applicable laws .~ and regulations, and as may be required by any permit or license issued to Company or Dealer in regard to the premises. Such records shall be made "- available to Company for inspection during normal business hours. · 3. Promptly notify Company and the appropriate governmental authorities if a petroleum product spill occurs at the premises and take immediate action to clean up the spill and prevent further damage in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Service Station Maintenance Guide and applicable laws ~nd regulations. 4. In view of the necessity of preventing and detecting leaks in the product handling system, the necessity of promptly and effectively dealing with any product spill and the various laws and regulations imposing specific duties in this regard on both Dealer and Company, it is essential that Dealer strictly comply with the inventory control and spill handling procedures set forth in the Service Station Maintenance Guide, required by applicable laws and regulations, and required by · any permit or license issued to Company or Dealer in regard to the premises. Any failure by Dealer to comply with such procedures shall be a noncurable breach of this entire Lease and, in addition to such other remedies as Company may have, Company shall thereafter have the right to terminate this Lease and]or to withhold product deliveries under the Supply Contract referred to in section 14 of this Lease. b. Yard 1. Inspect regularly and advise Company immediately of breaks or other failures in paving. 2. Make minor repairs to fence. c. Landscaping 1. Water, fertilize, weed, cut, remove litter from plan~;rs and landscaping, including any artificial turf. ..... 2. Repair and replace sprinkler heads. · d. Lighting 1. Replace all burned-out lamps and tubes except primary identification signs which must be reported immedia6ely to Company. 2. Advise Company immediately of any electrical malfunction. 1. Clear yard catch basins, plugged toilets and urinals. 2. Repair leaky faucets and traps. ~ 3. Drain water lines to prevent freezing· - -.. .-~ 4. Clean grease and sand traps as required. ~ 5. Repair leaks in fixed air and water-lines which can be repaired by tightening fittings, and advise Company immediately of other leaks. /- .:. . ~ :.-..- . ] 7. 'Drain and flush the hot water heater tank at least twice a year through the drain ' -' - ' valve provided to remove corrosive sediment. ' . - '. f. Heating-Air Conditioning--Evaporative Coolers · 1. Replace'filters and cooling pads as required. 2. Clean sumps. 3. Adjust pump belt tension. 4. Oil motors (equipped with cups). 5. Advise Company immediately of any malfunction. g. Glasswork 1. Clean windows regularly. 2. Remove tape, inoperative advertising posters and decals. 3. Replace rest room mirrors whenever cracked or broken. · 4. Replace all broken windows unless occasioned by act of God, such as tornado, hurricane, flood or earthquake. h. Buildings 1. Perform regularly scheduled maintenance to keep floors clean and free of grease and oil. 2. Repair any damage resulting from the addition or removal of Dealer's equipment. .., i. Lube Bays (ifapplicable) 1. Perform regularly scheduled maintenance to keep floors clean, grease and oil free. 2. Repair any damage resulting from the addition or removal of Dealer's equipment. j. Painting 1. Maintain appearance of painted surfaces by periodically cleaning and removing greasy hand prints, graffiti, etc. .-.. 2. Perform minor touch-up usir~g spray or canned paints in accordance with .......................... Company'.s_ specificat, i0ns.. .................................. : ................................. k. Tanks · · 1. Check daily for water (use water detector paste on gauge stick). 2. Empty waste oil tank. 3. Lubricate fill caps including the ".O' ring. 4. Check for proper product identification tags and advise Company immediately of missing or damaged tags. 1. Pumps and Dispensers 1. Oil electric motor (fi.equipped with oil Cups) and linkage. ' 2. Periodically check pumps for accuracy, immediately reporting out-of-tolerance · -~ conditions to Company. I "~ 3. Maintain and replace motor fuel pump hoses. _ I"' ~.'-"4. - Maintain, repair and replace motor fuel nozzles. ' .. " ~'~ ' - ' 6. Replace spin-on pump filters with filters supplied by Company once each year. ' "' ' ' :. 7. . Adjust belts as necessary. i:... 8. Replace belts when required (Company furnishes). .- 9. Clean strainers. :,~: 10. Adjust switch control rod. 11. Replace face glass when broken. 12. Tighten union on product line if leaking. !. 13. Advise Company immediately of any major malfunction. t 14. Unless otherwise expressly authorized in writing by Company, all pump meters shall be i set and calibrated in U.S. gallons. ~ m. Compressor 1. Drain water daily. 2. Add oil as needed and change every six months. 3. Regularly inspect and clean air inlet filter element. 4. Advise Company immediately of any malfunction. 5. Tighten belts as required--replace if necessary (Company furnishes). 6. Tighten packing glands on valves if leaking. !:. n. Lift (fi.applicable) 1. Tighten packing gland as required. 2. Tighten leaking pipe fittings. 3. Tighten head bolts holding superstructure to cylinder. 4. Tighten packing gland on control valve. - 5. Add oil as required. 6. Advise Company immediately of any malfunction. o. Rest Rooms 1. Clean and maintain rest room facilities and dump trash receptacles regularly. 2. Keep the rest rooms properly supplied with paper products, soaps and disinfectants. 3. Replace dispensers and trash receptacles with items of equal quality and similar construction when required. 4. Advise Company immediately if major maintenance is required for facilities. A-3 p. Miscellaneous 1. Maintain, repair and replace all locks and keys. 2. Lubricate overhead door' tracks. Replace broken or frayed pull ropes. 3. Replace electrical fuses (household screw type only). 4. Maintain fire extinguishers in a serviceable condition at all times, recharging as required and order free replacements from Company. 6. Maintain, repair and replace ai~ and water hoses and hose bibs. 7. Maintain and repair oil cabinets and driveway bell signals. 2. Dealer acknowledges having thoroughly inspected the premises and that the same are on the date hereof complete and in good order, condition and repair. 3. Dealer shall maintain, perform upkeep on, repair and replace when necessary all equipment, 4. Upon reasonable notice by Dealer to Company, Company agrees (except where occasioned by ~: the negligence or willful misconduct of Dealer or Dealer's agents or employees) to make all .. ',; major repairs to and to replace when necessary only the following listed facilities and i. equipment owned or supplied by Company: Air compressor; heating, air conditioning and evaporative coolers; air and water dispensers; auto lift; fire extinguishers; motor fuel pumps, lubricating oil tanks; painting-, paving and driveways; piping; signs; wiring; roofs, plumbing, walls, fences and foundations of buildings. Dealer shall immediately discontinue use of any such facilities or equipment needing repair or replacement. Company shall endeavor to cause such work to be done in a manner so as to minimfze interference with the operation of Dealer's business on the premises. Dealer shall not be responsible for the payment of any rent to Company for the period when such work makes it impractical for Dealer to offer motor fuels for sale to the motoring public at the premises, but Co .mpany shall not be responsible for any sales or profits lost by Dealer as a result of such interruption of Dealer's business. : 5. Subject to subsection 17 of this Lease, Company agrees (except where occasioned by the negligence or willful misconduct of Dealer or Dealer's agents or employees} to make all major repairs to and to replace when necessary the underground motor fuel storage tank and line systems ("underground storage systems") located on the premises and owned or supplied by Company. Dealer shall immediately discontinue the use of any underground storage system needing repair or replacement. Company shall replace the underground storage systems owned or supplied by Company whenever Company determines, in Company's sole judgment, that any such underground storage system has leaked or that there is a reasonable probability that such underground storage system may leak in the near future and that such underground storage system cannot adequately be repaired. Whenever Company elects to repair or replace one or more such underground storage systems, Company, in its sole discretion, shall have the right to repair or replace any and all other underground storage systems located on the premises and owned or supplied by Company. Company shall endeavor to cause such work to be done in a manner so as to minimize interference with the operation of Dealer's business on the premises. Dealer shall not be responsible for the payment of any rent to Company hereunder for the period when such work makes it impractical for Dealer to offer motor fuels for sale to the motoring public at the premises, but Company shall not be responsible for any ...... sales or profits lost by Dealer as a result of such interruption of Dealer's b_usiness. ~ 6. In making're~airs and replacements hereUnder or at any other time, Company, in its sole discretion, may make reasonable substitutions, alterations and rearrangements to improvements, equipment, fixtures and facilities owned or supplied by Company, and may elect to alter, repair or replace' improvements, equipment, fixtures and facilities then in good operating order. 7. If Dealer at any time fails to perform any of Dealer's maintenance or other obligations · . ...... -~ --.=- --=- -.~=-~. -~ - :hereunder,_ Company shall have_the.right, butnotthe obligation,..w, ithout notice.or demand to ........... Dealer to perform such obligations and to be reimbursed therefor by Deale~r upo~ demand b'y ....... i ........ . Company. 8. Dealer hereby acknowledges understanding of the above and receipt of Company's Service "'Station Maintenance Guide. s S lings Dealer ..................................... MS.9268(7.85) ............ II',11'"',!'-~' ;.-.: [;: f'] l ~ 11'5 'T'~" ,", ,]:' I;? ?-' ~I- T i'~,I'~ l\ "' 'F % I '5 1371 ~ ~, I1;;' C? ~! ,~: .~, = .......... GOUGH iqi-.~ i _13 R F".:; ~ .... !_b,.~,~ AFTER ~ STARTED DO~,~ THE REC:ONCiLi~T~DNS FOR FOUR ...,~E ..... I.l .... ~ ...... f .... I~,,, ~ ~L-', = H FEW P,,Q,: ..... ftc, W · . ,, '=THE:- BEF~=~}4D ~FTER G~tJ6~Tr,.iG: ........... i T~LKED Wi'TH TQM *~':__~m- ~ND .'F~'~"=E:E~,.,.,. LE~,tMN-~' ¢ ' REGARDING THIS AND W~S .... G'rVEN PERIdISSIDN TO ~,m.='='m'=RA~,m,=._,,,~=~,.=.,= THE GAUGINGS FOR THE FOUR :E;'F~'FiONS THaT I DQ. .[ T~' '-?EU- ~ '~0!%,'*-~, .T~E ........ C~NAS ON THURSDAY, ~F'RIL 2], lqF;:~ IN REGARD TO THE = '=' mC' ,N._,P~_.TI~I~ THaT W~:E; PERFORMED ON .-,= 4/~U ....... ~T TOM ST~LLINGS CHEVRON, 800'34TH STREET (PERMIT ~060018C). JDE RECOMMENDED THaT I SEND YOU ~ · -'. LE T-T'E~~' T-H~=F'' ~='nt "~ - CQULD ~VDTD Miqr ~t,R'T~m' FRQm,~E~ .... IN TO THiS WITH INSPECTIONS THERE WAS ALSO MENTION OF THE TIGHTNESS TESTS THAT ARE TAKEN AT THE .=,TAT~,N.:,. I HAD PREVIOUSLY INFORMED THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT OF OUR ,'-T-Ii *' N c, cr:Ac,~ TO nc'mAnNING A · : ..... AT!O,.! i ..... OF THE TE::;T~=; p:p~R~,~4un AND I ALSO GAVE A F'HONE NUMIE:ER AT THE SAME TIME OF A MAN NAMED TIM ~HO ~OUi_O · T ~,t~' . E:E ~E TO HE~P ~N OE:T~N~,~= THE ~N~ORM~T~ON THaT ~S NEEDED Z TO~D ..O= THAT Z ~OU~D CHECK ~TH CHE~_,~ ~ND ~ZND THE NUMS~ THaT COULD PUT YOU D~SECT~Y ~r,~ TOUCH ~TH SOMEONE S~D~N~ TH~S. Z ~S TOLD ~Y . '- .... )c,.=,o-._..=.~4 ~ND SHE .=~4 YOU THE CHEVRON D~I_ERS ARE NOT ~VEN ~ c:OPY ~F:' A~,~,-n... , ~. _ . ~,=HT ........... T?STS PERFORmeD. ..... ~,.,¢,,Ii~q~ I'N REGARD TO THE 'i-T~' ~¢E ~RE ONLY NQTZFZED E=Y PHONE ~F ~ ='-' . ~H,_~:E ZS ~ PRDE',LEM. Z ~r'1 F'REF'AF;'ZIxlG THE .-,=pn,,¢-~ ~T ~*':' FOR Cn~ i ~'~T*'~R CHE~RO,, h~ ..... ~,~.zL. T T ,~,.,._, THE ' ~4 ' U'-' '~ ~=' ~'~ ..... T '.E;TF~EET / PERMIT ~n'qOA2:::¢: STATZOt'...:,: 1 ) KEN McCDY CH ...... O,-~ / 3]C~A ~*~_LE:E; ...... 2) RAY SUTTiqN~.,¢'~-.~==~=:'n*'~,=,,,,=,,, ," ':¢Tnn .... RQSED~LE HZ<:,-,W~,~'~ ~ ~**** ,/ F'FF? T'F ............. ~::',FiPr)] ] C, :3)' TQM STALLZi'qGS ¢.u=~¢=,m, P, Cm, ,-.T ....T · ............... / :::&TH / ,-,- ................... , 4 '~ .......... :,, K~=~, F'ERM Z T .,~-,~,.-~,-~ .~ ,:,n c.~=~ ¢= TP~'~ CHF~JR'nixl / '?Tn, n OSWELL / F'ERMZ~ :bODOO22E:. I ,,,,yE ALSO =E=f~ GIVEN PERMTSSZ~' . .... ~ ...... ~ ~ ~ND BRING ' "~'~'~ ' .._ b~, T~ i]D THE'-:;F' ~ MY ,,Q,,b. . T~::,, TQ E~E:H F~E:ZLZTY ~T ~-~n , THFF~= ZS ANY ='='r'F:' THE FND ~qF THE ,~h,,T,.n. ]:F' Ym~ 'D SEE THE ........................... ~ .......... AND ~. .... NEED r,r-.~-n~, ...... ~, 'r ¢.'~" 'r ~" ,-"'. MF Alt!PC Z C~N LEEMAN. .......... · -, ...... , ........ :.. t ,_ t::?! . ~,h:::..:::, ::: !::::.::!..-. ?.:-.r':.-_ ..... ~..:_.-',HAVE E;EEN G.T.V'EN PERM.,T_SSiON TO n,",:.c,¢:'¢::.,',,c,n, "re...,'.:: :,:'::'n :r. ...... ~ r-, /' --:"""-:= .... "' .... '"; ......... ."*.?.'~, ~-",~':'.-L"F: F'!:.tFi:i'fi !' i:::;:::; '!' i"-i[",! TO on .-n - '"t/-E'I'-I'I'F I',Ir"I',TI. 4-' i";.'F'CF~NC: .T L :[ AT 'r ON:--_; isn'T MY HOME, I L--"O'tt"Tl"i"-:i /",1 I ='c'"'-'~Tnt?.=; MONTHS ~"i' THE FAC': .~'1 i.._ .,'(. 'TY. T. HOPE TH.'AT THIS ~.t'r~ ~ CLEAR UP ANY' !"I;['"' "~'"-"='-=-'~"'""'~* ...... ~ .... :.,'~.:, ! .~-i.',.L-"l~'.~':':':' OR Iv~ *l* ,..-.*r'-m~v~wn ~,.: C-!?'..?.[:!;**c ~. .~ ..---, ",'- L.L."-,t .-'~' m,.-'.,.'-.~ ::::,~=c:*,.-., T :.- .......... ........... ~ ........... -,:lC:AT;!: .... ..., .... ...,,.. .................... , .............. YOU' F:EEL..T!-.-iAT '/C.'(..': NEED M, ORE II''ll::'?~'t:;'''ivh?''-rTF'l''='i OF',.' HAVE Arq',,." ~..-.,=,r-,,-,~ ,,_-..~.~,::. ,.,::~ =..-:... .... ~- ...... r',. ......................................... .~.:,c. F'EEL.F' F-?EE. 'TO. ,... ~,-. ,-'"" '" ~ ~ ,~"~,,_ AT EITHER MY I'-IOMF-L,,"~='. ~'],' t¢(_3RK ~.¢n~.,,~.- -' 5;F.','i~¢'-:":',974 / WDRK '- ',F:,71-~ ',:_",6.'':. ........... S'.",t".C i:.:~:':,] .Y, ' C ,'..] i i:: !Ti . 'n .:=;. .=; 'i'. -I' ~" 2700 M STREET ,;OUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMEN, . ,=^,~H O~=~C~R MAILING ADDRESS -' Leon M Hebertson, M.D. 1415 TRUXTUN AVENUE .. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 .-' DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (805) 861-3636 Vernon S. Relchard PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE PERMIT NUMBER A684-06 OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY ~ACII~ITY NAME/ADDRESS: OWNER (S) NAME/~J)DRESS: CONTRACTOR: Stallings Chevron Chevron USA Calif. Petroleum Equipmeht Service Station S4026 S2 Annabell Lane P.O. Box 9364 800 34th Street San Ramon, CA Fresno, CA Bakersfield, CA License Ho. 432813 Phone # (415) 838-5229 Phone #(209) 291-7337 PERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF PERMIT EXPIRES ,,. August 20r 1988 4 TANK(S) AT ABOVE APPROVAL DATE .~ay 20, 1988 . · .APPROVED BY __ Amy E G~een . .' ....... POST ON PREMISES ..... .............. CONDITIONS AS FOLLOW: 1. It is the responsibility of the Permittee to obtain permits which may be required by other regulatory agencies prior to beginning work. 2. Permittee must obtain a City Fire Department permit prior to initiating closure action. 3. Tank closure activities must be per Kern County Health department approved methods as described in Handout #UT-30. 4. A minimum of two samples must be retrieved beneath the center of the 500 gallon tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. A minimum of - four samples must be retrieved one-thrid of the way in from the ends of each 5,000 and lO,000 gallon tank at depths o~ approximately two feet and six feet. 5. A minimum of two samples must be retrieved at depths of approximately two feet and six feet for every 15 linear feet of pipe run and also near the dispenser area(s). '-- 6. All samples retrieved beneath the gasoline tanks must be analyzed for benzene, toluene, xylene, and total petroleum hydrocarbons. All samples retrieved beneath the waste oil tank must be analyzed for total organic halides, oil and grease, and lead. · ?. '-If any contractors other-than t'hose listed on permit and permit application are to be utilized, prior approval must be granted by the specialist listed on the permit. DISTRICT OFFICES Delano · Lamont · Lake Isabella · Mojave Ridgecrest · Shafter · Taft " CC CC ~ERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE -- PERMIT NUMBER A684-06 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS ADDENDUM ~UBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY t. Copies o~ transportation manifests' must be submitted to the Health Department within five days of waste disposal. -I-. All applicable 'state laws for hazardous waste disposal, transportation, or treatment must be adhered to. The Kern County Health Department must be ..... not~fied-before- movin8 ~nd/or~-d~.spo~in6~f-any-contaminatedsoit. .0, Permlttee Is responsible for making sure that "tank disposition tracking record" Issued with this permit Is properi~ filled out--and returned within I4 days of tank removal. .I, Advise this office of the time and date of thee proposed sampling with 24 hours ndvanoe notloe. .2, Results must be submitted to this office within three days of analysis completion. ! ~CCEPTED BY DATE - --.-' c, omm "etro,eum ** ( ,-;ipment, Inc. [<ern County ~Environmental Health Attn: Amy Green 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, Ca. 93305 Re: Application for Stalling's Chevron Station 34th & Q St. n~.~~ Ca. suh?.itted A~ri! 19, 1988. Dear Amy , As per our telephone conversation of May 10, 1988 I have enclosed copies of our Contractor's Lic. ~432613 showing the expiration date of Dec. 31, 1988 and copies of our Worker's Compensation Certificates of Insurance. In reference to your questions on the rinsing of the tanks, as stated in section ' ' ' ' ' E on the Applzcat~on for Pem~t for Permanent Closure/Abandonment, the tanks will be steam and pressure washed, the rinsate will be vacuumed out and transported to the Chevron Asphalt Plant by Erickson & Co. Sa~p!ing at the 13 locations indicated on the plans su.hnitted with our application for the permit will be handled by ~o~-azan & Associates. It is ou~.- understanding that l(ern Co,.mty is requiring two samples per location, one at two foot depth and the second at six foot depth. If you ~il! refer to the plans originally submitted you will find measurements for piping runs, based on a scale of !0:1. P.O. BOX 9364 · Fresno, California 93792 · 209/449-0404 · Contractors License No. 432613 We ~ould like to advise you that (/~evron wishes to install three'ne~ tanks into the existing tank hole, providing contamination is not present. We ~gould appreciate it if the Authority to Construct would be ready to be picked up upon clearance of the Abandonment Permit so that delays may be kept to a minimum and construction can proceed on schedule. Should there be any additional delay wi~h the processing of the Authority to Construct please advise us so the abandonment can .be coordinated. If there are any other questions we can help you with, please don't hesitate to call. Sincerely, ~. , Romerta ~.~Elhenie California Petrole~n EquiD~ent, Inc. elqC. cc. Rick Stauber, Krazan & Associates Jim Sampson, C~evron, USA I. ~m ~ ~ -Chevron U~ ~ ~l .~~ ~ Bob S~olz (415) 838-530~ & OF~T~ L ~ON FOR II Wit California State ~ Local OrdlnanCes~ k ~0 REOUE~EO . Bob Stolz ,. Engtn~r Chevron U~ 3-25-87 TUT ~D WHEN '-2 ~nabel Lane Suite 2~ San Ramon~ Ca -838-5302~ L ~0 IS PAriNG Chevron USA.. BOB StolT Enqlneer (415) '838-5302 FOR THIS ~i e::-:= ~--= ........... ~ AnH~el C~ ,Suite 2uu- u~amon, Ca .... ~83 · '"== - .. ... -' t UNDERGROUND-. WATER o,p~h m ~GEMENTS E,,, ~ ~ qop o~ ~ ~, T~. How,~ ~ ~ ~,; co~. Ho ~d. '~-,~,- M~ ~lm Kerr IQ. CONT~O~ ~STI ~N~I~EGKIN~. INC, MECHAniC. P. 0. Box 10~ql -- '~"~ Bakersfield CA 93389-09ql 11. O~ER INFORMATION ...... OR RE~KS ' ' ' · ' ~ ~;dl~ ~ ~ ~;:~ ~;~ Ol~ N ~ ~ ~ Idvi~ when I~ .~ii~O k ~ pq~lg ~ complll~ ~ofl ~ obllmfl ~. Tests ~-e 1L ~ST RESULTS .... * Toflk Idefl~f~t~ ~ht * ~ikc ~: I,.. :-. :: y Dele Tested -.~3 i~;.~e ........ /es -. oo,~ - ~ll II tO c~i~ hi ~1~ ~k lylt~l wi~ Illl~ ~ h dmt(f.) [how~ Thole ~cll~ ~ ~ghl" milt ~t cdttfl8 ulMbllah~ b. 1~ CER~FI~ON me Ntt~ [0-~(~ 7~d ~. u~ ESTI r;:C:)NE~'-iNG, INC. RqS, ]726, ]T&l .__ Paul Hascorro P. O Box 1,. , Bakersfield, CA 93389-ogq! ~.. s~cm. co,mNms ~o raoc~ou~s vo 21. 1tMriI'.MUHi/VQtUIi~ IL4~OII lei TO TIS/THIS I1. TiNt MIA~nIMINTS [~a~ Arrive t~<t locatiofl ,-~..~ Primo primed S running :'~<'~Ist Sensor Readinq , 12.0 · "~'- , .:' Drop to 12" Iow level F~S SER~ /~J~' rech r~D HcGLU~ ,, :ERr q14811421 ~'--~ ' .~ ~ ~ FUEL 1L ~ ~Nm~ MO fnKl~mS TO TEST TM TMK OBS APl Gravity}~ b~~--~bM~M~lm Corr. AP! Gravity 11. 1[M~TURi~U~ I~ (,) TO TIS/TH~ T~K IL TA~ WASURfMI~S FN I~ ~U~l / ~ ~ . ~ ~ ,:.. ~brt.~ ....... -i ~ ~.,~de,~ ~/~ .~'~M~ M ........____/:. .. .t ~ [~[~.~u~ ,,.../' zt )~> x,~~ ., ~Im 1delld', ............. ~ ................... MdIIII ,M~-- ~-~ .; '" ~/'{/ /?~ Arriv~ t~<t location ~:~' Pumo primed S runnin~ ~."'., 1st Sensor ~eadinq ' ~2~0 '. · ,~'.., Start HI level test . 1 -(:~.. q2.0 ~7.~ ~,:~ ~lC0ntinued Hi level test 2 .:,'<~2.0 -v~.~ · ~- ~, 7 t2.0 ,~j · ,..., 8 'q~ o12.0 .. :;?:~ Dro~ to 12" Iow level 12.0 .,::~,;<Start Iow level test ~ ,*~.~ 12.0 ' :" ~nntln~i~ law l~u~l test 2 ~,:J 12.0 *ri ~': · - ............................... ~ ~5,'~ 1'~.0 .~.-,o :'-,:'~--,Yd 03~} ~:---.~,~'T'O -.:. 5 ~:.~12.0, rech ~RED McCLUR$ x~R~ ~14811421 ~---~~-- · . --o ~ FUEL - .. .. WATGR t~ ~ ~.m~ ~o ra~mms TO.SV Tm T~K OBS APl Gravity~4F Temp. TP' b~--~.~~~..~ Corr. APl Gravity 21. I[MK~TURi~U~ f~OR (I) TO TIST TH~ T~ 16. TANK ~ASUflfM[~S F~ ~. ~~e ........ ............ - ~ [~[~ ~M ~ zt ~ ~/~-- x, ~ ?~' .... '~ '' ~ ~/' WMN ................................... ' ~. ~ ~i :''' , ' '- ~ ~ ]~ Arrive t.~t location ~: ~ Pumo primed G ~unning -'~ :.1st Sensor ~eadlnq' ' 12~0 '. ~,"~ '. ~.:~ Start HI level tesl " 1 /"~' ~2.0 ,,~ .. Continued HI 'level' test2 ',":".:'~2.0 3 '", ~2.0 - ~:- ~ ~,~. .... , 5 ."J, ': ~2, 0 ":'" 7 "~ q2.0 - ' 8 ~ 12.0 -,'. - , _:, '~ ' "' ~'":' ~ ~:'.: '~: ~rop to 1 2" Io~ level 1 2.0 .... 3tart low level test .1 /: - 12.0 "'--) ':' ~- ~'1'~' .-'; -' ~qtl-~,~ l~w l.v.I test 2.. /-{.0 12.0 3 ,',~ I? n ~ '-. .... ~ ~ --:- ~":.:~, ~ · ":'.' ,- 5 /.~- 12.0 Fech F~D KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT / PTA DIVISION OP ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH j APPLICATION DATE . - . -- ' 1700 FLOk~ER STREET, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93305 · O~ TANKS TO 88 ABANDONRD (805) 861-3636 LENGTH OP PIPING TO ABANDON APPLT CATT ON FOR PERMIT FOR PERIVL~NENT CLOSURE/ABANDONMENT OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY THIS APPLICATION IS FOR r~ REMOVAL, OR D ABA~DONMENT IN PLACE (pILL OUT ONE APPLICATION PER EACILITY) PROJECT CONTACT PRONE , ISHC/T/~ (RUeAL LOC~TIONS ONLY) ~: ~: DAYS- ~ ~'-?¢ 9 q ' I .~ ~ ,'ACILITY N,~E ~' ,~DRESS IN"REST CROSS S~EET ~ ' j .~"~'<../,~ , -~ 2~.~ ITANK REMOVAI'- CONTRACTOR ADDRESS ... /~'~4.~, IeH°ME ieEoPOS~ P.OJE~ ~,~ ~ J,.[,~o~,. [~.~, I,O~'~ ~o.e~.~.~.~*- -..-...  PRBLIMI~Y Site MSESS~NT CONT~CTOR ~DRES$ j.','. PHONE ~RK~ CO~SATION ~ INSURER P~ON~ ~ ~- I~ i'~ /~~ /~ ~i~ /' ~ )~,~ ~RY t~t ~ILL ~YZK S~PLBS ~DRESS PHONg CH~ICAL C~OSITION O~ ~TERIAL$ STORED o~ T~K · VOLUME CH~ICAL'STORED (NON-CO~ERCIAL N~S) ~T~ ~ CH~ICAL PREVIOUSLY STOREI ~ATBR TO ~ACZLITY PROVZDHD BY . JD~BI~I'iI TO GROUNDMATER ~ C~/ ~/,~t~'~ "'J 1~' ~ ~EST NATER ~g~ - GIV8 DiET. CE ~D DESCRIBE TYPB I~'~IT~I~ 600 gBgt " ! >~'.,.-~.. . r0T~ N~BER OF S~LES T0 BE ~ALYZED IS~PLES WILL BE ~ALYZED FOR: )ESCRIBE HO~ RESIDUE IN T~K(S) ~D PIPING IS TO BE REMOVED AND DISPOSED DP (INChUDK ~8~RTATION ~O DISPOSAL COMPANIES): . TANR(II PIPIH6 a · PLEASE PROVIDE INPO~TION REQUESTED O~ REVERSE SIDE OP THIS SHEET THIS FO~ ~S BEEN CO~LETED UNDER PENAL~ OF PERJURY AND T0 THE BEST 0F MY ~OMLE~E 18 ~UB ~D ~g~. ~ ........ P~DVIDE DRAWING OF PHYSI( __ __ OF .FACILITY USING SPACE BELOW. AT.T. OF THE FoLTg3WING INFQRMATION MUST BE INCLUDED IN ORDER FOR APPLICATION TO BE ' PROCESSED: .. -- __ TANK(S), PIPING & DISPENSER(S), INCLUDING LENGTHS AND DIMENSIONS PROPOSED SAMPLING LCCATIONS DESIGNATED BY THIS SYMBOL "~" __ NEAREST STREET OR INTERSECTION .. '~-- ANY WATER W~.Lq OR SURFACE WATERS WITHIN 100' RADIUS OF. FACILITY / ......... NORTH ARROW ......... ~ ....................... --: _:_~__ ~- .-,-r~---- ----'- ,.,, .-rc, -- ------ .......... ~-'F --' :' ''--~ '~ '--:""' .... '~'-' · .. / ~ TOP.~F I~ S. NO I OF f I'~:~':".o' .~,;o' ------ ' .... ' ' .24 HOUR REPORT.~BLE VA_RI ATI ON/LOSS NOTI FI CATI ON Kern County Health Department 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Attn:" Underground Tank Section · FaCilitY: Facility Address: ~ ~~ ~~~~ .. ~a~e Of.-Person ~i!ing Report:' On · ~ (date.:: and tl~e) :-. inventory va~iation/~ ~ha~ exceeded ~epo~table limits as described below: ~" -. Amount of ~ount of Amount of Total Minuses 'Tank · DaLly Weekly Monthly Line 3 of Variation/Loss V~r~.tion/Loss Vartation/~ Trend Analy~is' / ~' / . ....-..... //. t' . ' i". ' . . '"' . I haves' ~ ' -' ~'~""'-~ ~uct and. beton procehure~ required by '- the ' - .'. This notification 'is in addition to the phone call I previously placed. L LIQUID CONSTRUCTION, INC. July 17, 1987 :~-:-*=:' ...... Bob-Stottz --- Chevron U.S.A., Inc. 2 Annabel Lane, Suite 200 San Ramon, CA 94583 Re: Chevron #94025, 800 34th Street, Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. Stoltz: On July 14, 1987, a Petro Tire System Test was performed at the above-referenced location. The test was performed by George Yarbrough, LCI Technician. The NFPA Code 329.02 criteria for a tight system is a maximum loss of .05 gallons per ~hour. Because of the almost infinite variables involved, this is not intended to be a mathematical tolerance and is not the permission of actual leakage. During the standpipe test procedure the internal liquid hydrostatic pressure applied to the underground tank system is generally two to three times greater than normal liquid storage pressures. This increase in hydrostatic pressure will amplify the indicated rate of leak accordingly. SY STEM TE ST Tank No. 1 - North East Size - 1,000 gallons Product - Waste Oil The test showed a plus .013 gallons per hour. Based on the above criteria we find that the tank tested mathematically tight. This concludes our. test and findings. If you have any questions regarding the results, please contact me. It is your responsibility to notify your local County Health Department, Environmental Health, within thirty (30) days of the results of this test. The notification is required by the California Administrative Code, Title 23 Waters, Chapter 3 Water Resources Contol Board, Sub-chapter 16 Undergound Tank Regulation, Article 4.30. We have enjoyed working with you on this project. If you need any further information, please feel free to contact our Office. Sincerely ~eorge -~arDr~ugn Tank Testing Technician GY/meo 1054 North 'O' Street · Post Office Box 1220 · Tulare, California 93275 · (209) 688-1980 Data ',.,.,rt'for Tank System Ti§ia..._ss Test petro TL_fe PLEASE PRINT TANK TESTER 1. OWNER P,o..r,y E] Chevron, 2 Annabel Caner Suite 200, San Ramon, CA 94583 Trunk(s) Chmvron~ ? Annabel T.~nm. .~t,~n ?AA; Ran TMepAone 2. OPERATOR Chevron /~9~025, 800 ~4th St~ee~ ~akersS~e~d: TEST (Ex,lin Fully) 4. WHO REQUESTED Bob Stoltz Che~on U.S.A.. Ina. TEST AND WHEN Che~on~ 2 Annabel Lane, 'Suite 200, San Ramon, 5. WHO IS PAYING Che~on U.S.A., Inc. Bob Stoltz ~ ~ ~ SMm Zl~ 6. TANK(S) INVOLVED ~/ x/o~ ~/ /ooo ?, .~F~ ~r'~ Locmmn Cov~r Fill~ Vents 7.DATAINSTAL~ON ~ ~,~. ~c~e~c I- ~ '~ I~/~ ~7~_~ : ~ _ ~" ~/~,'/~ 8. UNDERGROUND WATER D,m. tO ,~ Wl,~ ,,~ ~ ~ ~ °) I ~ I " TIn~ to ~ fill~ __ hr.. Date ~ang~ ~ 9. FILL-UP Te~iflal ~ ot~ ~nt~ 10. CONTRA~OR, MECHANIC. 11. OTHER INFORMATION OR REMARKS Teetl wec~ magi off t~e ii.vi tlflk lylteml in K~ with t~t WUml ~ fM ~ro ~t~ 1Z. TEST RESULTS .. w~ ~ ~ tilt C~nl ~th mull ii fol~.: Tank Identlf~ltion T~ht Leakage I~lcil~ Dill T~I~ / ~ Thil il to cm'tlfy that theil tlflK lylteml wa t#ted on tho date(e) shown. Thom tncllc~t~cl am'"Tlgnt" n~t me 13. CERTIFICATION me Nmlm~l Fire Promctl~ AM~'mtl~ Plmph~( 329.. "~ ///~'/_~, ~//~///' b3.~ P.O. Box 1220 Tulare, CA 93275 ~al NO ~ TI~M tecnn,c,dn* ~ 14. Chevron #94025, 800 34th Street ' cl~ s,,,, ~'"°'"" ' Add,Il! 1'4o. ine St~,I~II~! ~ IS. lANK 10 1EST I,. ~PACIIY ~1 Sl.l~flCh'~ See S~flon"DETtRMIHIHO IAHK CAPACITY" 17. ~IL~.UF ~ ~Iup. STlCK BEFORE AND AFIER EACH COM~flTMEHT DROP O~ EACH MEIEREO DELIVERY OUAHTIIY , /~,~ : )/ Pr~uel In ruff link (up lo VAPOR RECOVERY SYSIEM I& SPECIAL CONOITlOflS AND P~OCEOUR~S 10 1EST 1HIS TANK ., ' I SIs mlnull IKlknl ipplklMI. Chick blow end feared ~edu~e In I~ ~ W~. ~ ~nk ~ High water ~b. I. rink excavation ~ Lln~,) ~,flg ,.,t~ wl,h.LYLLT 21. TEMPEflAIUflEIVOLUME FACTOR {a);0 IEST Tiffs TANK 19. TANK M~SUFlEMENTS FUrl ts I~H warmer? I J ~Idef? I i ~' F .Plodud In link ~' f Fin.up P,~ud on buck ~' F [,pe~ed Change clfcul.tlon' ~~ Bofl~ of ~nk to Or~e .................... ' " 2Z. The~iF~flKr flidl~ after ' A~ a4' ~ r L M .k sill ~ ~ ,, 23. Olglll ~r 'F M flngl of ex~t~ ehi~- ...,... . · ~o,., ,.e,. ,o .,..~. Ap~.,~,. ........ /~ ~-" -~ r) ~/~ . _. ~ .~ ~_~ 24. ~ ~_ _ x 20. EXIEFlSIOH HOSE SE~ING ~ tot~ qu.nflly tn , ." furl Mnk (11 M 17) In~ ~ ~ 'F "' 1~i top to g~' .................................. ~ .,~ ,..~ ,oD .... ~ ................... ~ " 25. 0 ~ ~ + - ............. volume ChlqI ~f 'F (14) Olglll '11 ~i~ pi~ t. IIKI i~vl l~ldl, vie top of flfl, , CORRECTED APl G~VITV : ~ ~, ~ ~ '~ PER~IT CHECKLIST "~ ~ .-x"~'~_-~."xl' _ t ..... ....-, ": .... ~-~ , . Permit # This checklist is p¥ovided to ensure that all necessary packet enclosures were received and that the Permittee has obtained all necessary equipment to implement the first phase of monitoring requirements. Please complete this form and'return to KCHD In the self-addressed envelope provided within 30 days of receipt. Check: ~'-'~---'VeS'-- N~ .......... A. The packe~ I received contained: 1) Cover Letter, Permit Checklist, Interim Permit, Phase I Interim Permit Monitoring Requirements, Information Sheet (Agreement Between Owner and Operator), Chapter 15 (KC0C #0-3941), Explanation of Substance Codes, Equipment Lists and Return Envelope. 2) Standard Inventory Control Monitoring Handbook #UT-10. ........................... with the following forms: ................................................. a) "Inventory Recording Sheet" b) "Inventory Reconciliation Sheet with summary on reverse" c) 'Trend Analysis Worksheet" 3} Modified Inventory Control Monitoring Handbook #UT-15 with form: 'Quarterly Modified Inventory Control Sheet" with "Quarterly' Summary on reverse" 4) An Action Chart for each inventory method (to post at facility) J B. I have examined the Information on my Interim Permit, Phase I Monitoring .. Requirements, and Information Sheet (Agreement between Owner and Operator), and find owner's name and address, facility name and address, operator's name and address, substance codes, and number of tanks to be accurately listed (if "no" Is checked, note appropriate corrections on the back side of this sheet). C. I have the following required equipment (as described in Handbooks under "Before Starting") '~' 1) Acceptable gauging instrument ~ 2) "Striker plate(s)" in tank(s) _./' 3) Water-finding paste ~" D. I have read the information on the enclosed "Information Sheet" pertaining to Agreements between Owner and Operator and hereby state that the owner of this facility is the operator (if "no" is checked, attach a copy of agreement between owner and operator). " E. I have enclosed a copy of Calibration Charts for all tanks at this facility (if tanks are identical, one chart will.suffice; label chart(s) with corresponding tank numbers listed on permit). _- F. As required on page 6 of Handbook #UT-10, all meters at this facility' have had calibration checks within the last 30 days and were calibrated by a registered device repairman iL out of tolerance (all meter calibrations must be recorded on "Meter Calibration Check Form" found in the Appendix of Handbook). '.:. G. Standard Inventory Control Monitoring (Handbook-{UT-lO) and Modified Inventory Control Monitoring (Handbook #UT-15) were started at this faclllty'ln accordance with requirements described od tnteFlm permit conditions. _ ' ' Date Started . 7 /// ' f~ /,? ~ t~/~ Date: 6' . :. ~..,," ' ' "; .i,,.:,:,-~/~-,." -..('; ' .':.' ..;,6, ,~.~....:.: soob · -" CAPACITY j.~ ~/~ ,:'.D: HI :: . ~..',..: .:: :::~'h' ~.~ ",..' ?T"DIPSTIO< READING (INCHES) TO GALLONS ~ :~:":- "' Dipstick Gallons DipstiCk ,Gall°ns, D[~tick, Gallons DipsliCk Gallons O~pstick Gala)ns Dipstick . - 14% $92 28 '~ 1,302 ~2",~ 22~'61 56,'~ 3222 70"4 hlq3 84 ~ ~,899 i ~4~ ..... 50~ 28'~ 131~ 42'~ 22631 5.6'V~]239 '/0 ~Z~158 8a'~ ~.9~,b ~4~ "5].7.28~" ].335 ~2,~ ..228].! 56'~ 3256 70 ~ h].?~'84;~ ~,021; ~'..].0 · ' ~5 529 '2~.- '].35].a3, 2208,57 ..32?37]. ~].89 85" h932 ~:,,.]-~ ~ '~5~,2.2;~.'~ ].367 '4:~,~. 23].6 57 ,~i_.~290714.~. ~20# 85;'~ 19 :. 15 ~ 555 r~9'.v,.. 1383 ~ ..23335'7 v, 3308 7i',~~219 85,~ ~953 23,~-'15:~ 568 29~ 1399 a3~ "235157..~. 332~ 71 ~ ~:~ 608 30:~ 1~8 .44'~ 2~ 587, ;.33~6 72 ~ ~27q 86 ~ ~,. ~'~:*~:¢.~:.-.,.~9~7..c.~ 63~.~-- ~8~ ~5 2~38.5'~ ~h.~6 7~' ~o8 8~*~':'~-::'.. ~alU f;56.-.:.:' 17 ~: 688:-. ~1".~ lhg? 4~'~ ,Z~'5~:~ ~? 73 ~.':-8~23~''{ ~+- . . . ~:',:~ ~:., 18 ,~'~689 '~2'::~'~':1~u6 ' ~ '2'507 .~0 , ~'78 ~ 7¥ -; ~6788J.... '5o52' ~:~'.'."t83~:~18~ 703 ~.~.1~ 4~, 252'56~g 3~'74'~ ~,-9~d 1.8 ~. ?x? .32':~. 158o ad~ 2~260.~ 35~27~' ~ ~6 'l~SJ~-;:, ~?0 ~:Z05.:1~ ;: ?~ 3~:,~. 1613...,..a7 : 2577;~'~ 1 35~5 75, ~:~2~: 8~;:~., ~1137~'~..~ ~-.- ~:.~58 ' ~.~:~': ~ ~630 .... ~?'~ ~ 2595 [~.~ ~ 3562 75 ~,'::~39:: 8~:~::; ,"'~m ::~'" 800.;: 3~-~. 16e0 a'8, i':26~8~ 62.. 3612 ;76 .' ~8~. '~o. '~::i ~,:~,.::.Z~.~:~;2.0.~.: '...8x~?~4~- ~697 ~-~ 'i 266~i ~ 3629 ;'~'~ ~ugS,~.",:~e ~.~i,~l'.-::~: '858, '.35: i?~? .~18.[::~ L, 3679. 73:~*.~S36::.';~X~'?~, ~83~.-=2t,:~ 873 :35',~:4 176~ ~9~ 2735;S3'~ 3695',- :J9~ .. ~ ..... ~ ~:.::.~2- 21~, :'888 35.~':.-17814g~ ~2753 63'~r , 3712"77:~ .~ ~ ~-~,~ -": ,~2 ',~a, ,., [~1,7.'[. ,:3 ~7;: 27872770 ,~63'~ 372837hh.: ." 7778_~. ' ~ .~577~:? :~ 591 [~'~;~. :~ ?'~: '~ ' ~69./'~ f:~2~'" 2.2:.~-:: :~9~?' ~S'~' ~8~ s~ ~l28~: ~ ~, 3777'~'-'78~.. "~618. :.~2-~,:. ~,~:j:~-"3s[>~2~'::,~..9?6' ~:',~"~:=~883 .si 28'57...~5' ~8~0 ~ :::"~6~ ,-~- ..-.-. "qgl' 37.:~';' I900 51~ Z8~;,.65'~ 3826 7.~.¥ ~6~7-~-9~:~ :::29~:12~?:.'''-, 1036 38: . 19~2 .52 ~927.66'. ,38~ 8a ~ ~69~ 9aF~:;:: ~":~0~i',2~'~ 1052 38'~:'. -1969 5~' 29B5~-66'a [3890 SO,/,' ~909.9~'4_ ' -- '~ :.~.-*"3~5~.- .,, 24 ,.~: :~:067.:38.,~.. 1986 ~/, . 2~62 ~.66',, ~906" 89, ~.72i 9~.~.:'~ ~:~s2~ ~ 1083~ 38~ :2003 5~:~' 2980 66'~ 392! ~, ;'~'~ ~:~,' 2020 ~'~.'~: i5~., ~ '1098 39.,..,.:~ ::2997 ~7 '3937'~ 81-L ~ ~746 95~.:9: :~.7~',~ ~5:~;.~i1~5 "3'9.~,2828 5S.~ 30~.9 .67~,~ 3986: 81~:~ ~783: ~5,~.~ ~}~;~3:~&~?. 2.6:(~ ..1160 ~6: ~.. 2030 : 54..3066 '~.'68 - ~002. i'"~2 ?:,f~794i~.~?~/. ~ ~.~~..:,~a ~;~0 ~,.': ~06Z .s:..~:. 3083. ~,~z, ~018.;,. 82~, ~8e~:~ ~ 5~.,::.!~:.~;~.~~:..~ ~gZ]' ~0-~,'.: Z0'95' S4'~ 310I," ~8~ ~:~40:~' ~2..,,.... ,~8 :~..~: , ._ ,;,> . _ , ; - ...~, ..,: a~,, , aI59.~ ~.~.,s~ -,3~.35 ~ ,~oEs ..... ~ '-,:L~Sh~ .:~Y-~.' 1700 Flower Street '% KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT HEALTH OFFICER Bakersfield, California 93305 ' ' Leon M Hebertson, M.D. Telephone (805) 861-3636 ' * ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH ~ Vernon S. Re,chard I NTERI ~I PERil T PER--II T~e060018C TO OPERATf : I S S gE D: APRIL 1, 1987 E XP T RE S : APRIL 1, 1990 ~JNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS ~SUBS-TANCES' STORAGE FACILITY NUMBER OF TANKS= 4 FACILIT,Y: [ OWNER: STALLING'S CHEVRON I CHEVRON U.S.A., INC. . , 800 34TH STREET ~ '2 ANNABEL LANE, STE. 200 BAKERSFIELD, CA TANK # AGE(IN YRS SUBSTANCE CODE PRESSURIZED PIPING? I , 3 15 MVF 2 YES 9. 3.5 MVF 9. YES 4 15 WO 2 NO NOTE: ALL INTERIM REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED BY THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY MUST BE MET DURING THE TERM OF THIS PERMIT NON--TRANSFERABLE *** POST ON PREb/I SES · '..'.. . . , ' .... 'i ' : :.'**. ~..'-, ./.' .' '~."*'-' I~A~ 3 0 1987 .... ' '.." :'" ": · .,. ..... . .-.'/ '-' DATE PE~IT MAILED:; . .''; DATE PER,.fIT CHECK LIST RETURNED: ., · . - .... .:.* i ' "~.>' ..... i: "' ' ' '"' · . :. -..' .... .. ....,~.:..... · ,' ,' .. ; '.' '. "' . . - ' ,,..'~. ,5~, ' .' Pe r mi t _Q,]e s t I o nna I r e {" Normally. permits are sent to facility Owners but since many Owners live outside Kern County, they may choose to have the permits sent to the Operators of the facility where they are to be posted. Please fill in Permit ~ and check one of the following before returning this form with payment: 1. Send all information to Owner at the address listed on' invoice (if Owner is different than Operator, it will be Owner's responsibility to provide Operator with pertinent information). 2. Send all information to Owner at the follOwing corrected address: 3. Send all information to Operator: Name: Address: (Operator can make copy of permit for Owner). Division ot Enviror~ental He~ ~ /' Application 1700 'Flo~e£' Street, Bakersfield, L~ 93305 , ~~S SUBST~C~ ~E F~ILI~ ~ of A~liCation (ch~k): ............ ~ of B~iness (c~ck)~ ~l~ne SMt$on ~er (de~ri~) ' ' ~s T~k(s) ~cat~ on ~ ~ri:ultural Fa~? ~Y~ ~ Zs ~nk(s) Us~ ~rily for ~ric~tural ~r~ses? ~Yes ~ · T ~ R SEC (R~al ~tio~ ~ly) C. ~tractor ~A ~ ~tra~or's ~rker~s NA l~rer Pro~ E. T~(s) S~re (~eck all ~t a~ly)c T~ ~ ~s~ Pr~ ~tor Vehicle Onlea~ R~ular P~l~ Die~l ~s~ (1~ different) G. ~ra~er o~ tr~ corr~ ~ · TANK # ( ' ( (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM F~.'-- TANK) ~7-~3'-- FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES H. '1. Tank is: [-]vaulted ~Non-Vaulted [~Double-Wall ~Single-Wall 2. ~ Material ---~Ca~ Steel [] Stainless Steel [] Polyvinyl Chloride [] Fiberglass-Clad Steel Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [] Concrete [-] Alu~in~m~ [] Bronze []Unknown [] Other (describe) 3. Primary Containment Date Installed Thickn,e~s, (Inches) Capacit_y (Gallons) Manufacturer · 4. Tank Secondary Contair~ent ['1Double-Wall [] Synthetic Liner [] Lined Vault ~ None []t~nknown []Other (describe): Manufacturer: " []Material Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) 5. Tank ,Interior Linin~ ~-~Rubber []Alkyd []Epoxy []Phenolic []Glass []Clay ~%~lined [][~known ~[]Other (describe): 6.-·-Tank-Corrosion Protection --]~Galvanized -~-f~-~ass-Clad []Pol~thylene Wrap []Vinyl []Tar or Asphalt []Unknown []None []Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: []None []Impressed Current System ~Sacrifi¢lal 9/lade System ~--~ribe System & Equipment: 7. Leak Detection, Monit0rin~, and Interception a. Tank: []Visual (vaulted tanks only) [q Groundwater Monitoring' Well(s) []Vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) []U-Tube Without Liner []U-Tube with C~npatible Liner Directing Flow to Monitoring []Vapor Datector* [] Liquid Level Sensor* [] Conductivit~ Sensor" [] Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank · []Liquid Betrieval & Inspection Fr~n U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space ~Daily C~lu~irg & Inventory Reconciliation []Periodic Tightness Testing [] None [] Unknown 0 Other b. Piping: ~Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized []Monitoring S~p with Race~¥ [']Sealed Concrete Rsce~y []Half-Cut C~mpatible Pipe Race~ay [] Synthetic Liner Race~ay ~]None [] Unknown [] Other · Describe Make & Model: ~£~ 8. Tank Tightness ]~-~--This Tank Been Tightness Tested? ~Yes []No []U~known Date of Last Tightness Test .~-~-~ Results of Test ~-~77' Test Name ~ 7;~(~ Testing Ccmpany 9. Tank ~ Tank Repaired? []Yes []No L~]Unknown Date (s) 'of Repair (s) Describe Repairs 10. Overfill Protection ~Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors r~vel []Tape F~oat Gauge []Float Vent Valves [] Auto Shut- Off Controls B Capacitance Sensor []Sealed Fill Box []None []Unknown Other: List Make & Model For Above Devices · ' 11. Piping a. Underground Piping: ~Yes []NO [qUnknown Material Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer ~Pressure r~suction C]Gravity Approximate Length of 'L~ipe b--~--Underground__Riping~_Corrosion_Protect ion ~: ~Galvanized []Fiberglass-Clad r']Im[xessed Current ~Sacrificial Anode r'lPolyethylene Wrap []Electrical Isolatio¢~ []Vinyl ~rap []Tar or Asphalt []Unknown []None []Other (describe): · c. Underground Piping, SeCondary Containment: []Double-Wall []Synthetic Liner System ,~None []Unknown r~Other (describe): Facility Name Permit NO. TANK # ~- (Finn OUT HEPARATE FORM E~'~ TANK) H. 1. Tank is: ~Vaul't~'d []Non-Vaulted [~Double-Wall ~-]Single-Wall · 2. ~ Mater ia'l D Carbon Steel [-] Stainless Steel [-]Polyvinyl Chloride []-]Fiberglass-Clad Steel [] Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [] Concrete [~ Al~in~ ~-] Bronze ~]Unknown D Other (describe) 3. pr imar~; Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) Manufacturer 4. Tan~Secondary C~h'tainment .......... []Double-Wall ~ Synthetic Liner [] Lined Vault ~'None []unkno~ []Other (describe): Manufacturer: ~lMaterial Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) 5. Tank Interior Linin~ ---~bber ~alkyd ~poxy []~henoli¢ ~Glass []Clay ~unlin~ []~kno~ ~Other (describe): ,.~ ......... 6 ...... Tank Corrosion .Protection --]~Galvanized ~ass-Clad ~Pol~thylen~ Wrap ~Vinyl Wra~ng ~Tar or Asphalt []unknown []Non. []Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: []None []Impressed Current S~stem ~Sacrif~¢~al Describ~ System & ~-qui~ent: 7. Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception a. Tank: []Visual (vaulted tanks only) []Ground~ter Monitori~' Wmll(s) ~Vadose Zone Monitoring ~ll(s) Ilia-Tube Without ~ner []~3-Tube with C~.,.pat~ble L~ner Dir~ting Flow to Monitorin~ [] Vapor Dat~tor* ~ Liquid ~.vel Sensor* [] Conductivity sensor' [] Pressure Sensor ~n Annular Space of Double Wall Tank [] Liquid ~trie~al & Inspection From [;-Tube, Monitoring ~1! or Annular Space ~Deily C~u~ing & Inventory Reconciliation D Periodic T~ghtness ?resting b. Piping: ~Flow-Restricting L. ak Detector(s) for Pressurized ~Monitor~ng S~p w~th Hace~sy []Sealed Concrete Race~¥ []Half-Cut C~mpat~ble Pipe Race~¥ []Synthetic Liner Race~y []~one ~en Tightness Tested? ~]¥es [[]No [][~nknown Date of Last Tightness Test ~-~3~-~___ Results of Test Test Name ' ~.~,r~-f~fr__ Testing Company . ~,~ 9. Tank ~ ' ~ Repaired? []Yes ~No ~]Unknown Date(s) of ~epair(s) Describe Repairs 10. Overfill Protection ~-~rator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors ~vel i. ~Tape F~oat C, at~Je [~Float Vent Valves [] Auto Shut- Off Controls [']Capacitance Sensor [-]Sealed Fill Box [']None [-]t~nknown ~Other: List Make & Model For Above Devices 11. Piping a. Underground Piping: ~Yes []No []Unknown Material Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer ~Pressure []Suction [[]Gravity Approximate Length of Pipe b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection_:.~ ~Gal'Qanl-ze~ []Fiberglass-Clad []Im[xessed Current ~sa6f'ific-ial []Polyethylene Wrap ~Electrical Isolation [-]Vinyl Wrap []Tar or Asphalt []Unknown [']None [']Other (describe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: []Double-Wall []Synthetic Liner System ~Ndne []Unknown []Other (describe): Facility Name Permit No. ~/~d,/~//~_~ TANK ~ I ( (FILL OUT HEP~TE FO~ ~ T~K) 'FOR ~ SE~ION, ~ECK ~L;. ~PROPRIATE ~XES H.1. Tank is: ~Vaui{ed ~n-Vault~ ~uble-Wall ~Si~le~all 2. ~ ~teri~l ~C~ Steel ~ S~inless Steel ~l~inyl C~oride ~ Fi~rglass~l~ Steel ~Fi~rglass-Reinforc~ Plastic ~Concrete ~ ~in~ ~Bronze ~k~ ~Other (de~ri~) 3. Pri~r~ Contai~nt ~ ~te Ins~ll~ ~ic~ess (Inches) Ca.city (~llons) ~nufacturer 4. Tank Secondary Contai'~ent-' -- ~l.-Wall ~tnetic Lin. r ~5i~ Vault ~n. ~Other (descri~): ~ufacturer: ~t. rial Thic~ess (Inc~s) Ca.city (~ls.) 5~ Tank ,Interior _~_~.~ Ta~ Corrosion.Protection ~ri~ S~t~ & Equi~ent: '.' 7.. ' Leak ~tection, ~nitori~, and a. Ta~: ~Vis~l (vault~ t~ks only) ~Grou~ter ~nitori~' ~ll(s) ~ ~V~ose Zone ~nitori~ ~ll(s) ~~ Wl~ut ~ner  -~ wi~ C~tible L~ner Dir~ti~ Flow ~ , Va~r ~t~tor* ~ Lipid ~.1 ~r" ~ Co~tivit~ - ~ Pressure ~r in ~ular S~ of ~uble Wall T~ ~ Liquid ~tri~al & Ins~ction Fr~ U-T~, Monitori~ ~11 ~ ~ily~i~ & I~entory Re~nciliation ~Peri~ic Tigh~e~ Testi~ ~None ~o~ ~er b. Pipit: ~Fl~Restricti~ ~ak ~t~tor(s) for Pressuriz~ ~nitori~ ~p ~ ~ce~y ~al~ ~crete ~ce~y ~lf~t C~tible Pi~ ~ce~y ~t~tic Li~ ~y ~N~e 8. ~en Tigh~ess ~st~? ~Yes ~ ~o~ -. ~te of ~ T~htne~ Test ~' ~F-~3 Results of Te~ Test ~e ~~~ ~sti~ C~ny ~~. 9. Tank ~ ~ Re~ir~? ~Yes ~ ~kno~ ~ te (s) of ~i r (-s) · ~ri~ Re. irs --. 10. ~erfill Pro~ction ~rator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors ~vel -., ~Ta~ F~t ~e ~Fl~t Vent Valves ~ Auto Shut- Off Controls  ci~nce ~r ~al~ Fill ~x ~ne Other: List ~ & ~el F~ ~e ~ic~ 11. Pipi~ a. ~dergro~d Pipit: ~Yes ~ ~o~ ~terial Thickne~ (i~hes) Di~eter ~nufacturer ~essure ~i'on ~Gravity ~proxi~te ............... b.. __U~ergr0~ ~ipig Corrosion Prot~tion : ~lvaniz~ ~Fi~rglass<l~' ~'~ ~ ~r?~h{ ~Polye~yle~ Wrap ~Electrical I~lati~ ~Vinyl Wrap ~Tar or ~lt ~Un~o~ ~None ~her (de~ri~): c. Undergro~ Pipit, Seco~ary Contai~nt: ~l~all ~~etic Liner ~st~ ~ne ~kno~ ~Other (de~ri~): TANK ~ (FILL OUT ,SEPARATE FORM F~ TANK) c/~5'- FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ;~%.T. APPROPRIATE--BO;~ES }~. 1. Tank is: ~-]Vaulted ~Non-Vaulted [~Double-Wall ~Single-Wall 2. ~ Material-~ _~ . . [] y Chloride [] Fiberglass-Clad Steel Carbon S~eel i~Stainless Steel Polyvin 1 D Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [] Concrete [~ A/'~l~inLml [] Bronze []Unkrlown [] Other (describe) ' · 3. Primary Containment D~te Installed Thickness (Inches)~'~' Capacity (Gallons) Manufacturer .......... _4,____Tank Seconda r~. Conta inment []Double-Wall []Synthetic-finer •Lined vauit ~N0n:~--i-I'-~nk~-~-=~-~---- .............. []Other (describe): Manufacturer: •Material Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) 5. Tank Interior Lining - -- , ---[~l~ubber •Alkyd •Spoxy •~henolic •Glass []Clay ~unlined I-Iunkno~ , []Other (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection I::~ ................ --~G~lvanized ~ass-Clad .~•~ol~thylene Wrap OVinYl~.WraF~ing. ~. •Tar--0f~-J%sphalt .... ~[2]Unknown []None []Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: []None []Impressed Current System ~acrifl¢ial 7~lode System De~ribe System & Equipment: 7. Leak Detection, Monitorir~, and Interception a. Tank: []Visual (vaulted tanks only) []Groundwater Monitorirl~' Well(s) []Vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) O U-Tube Without Liner i~U-Tube with Compatible Liner Directir~] Flow to Monitorii~ We.ll(s)m Vapor Detector* [] Liquid Level Sensor* [] Conductivity Sensor* [] Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank' Liquid Betrieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Monitori~ Well or ~Jlnular Space  ge~y Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation •Periodic Tightness Test~r~3 None [] L~known ~'~ Other b. Pipirz3: Flow-Restrictir~ Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized •Monitoring S~p w~th ~ace~ey []Sealed Concrete Race~y l'~Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Race~ay I'~ Synthetic Liner Race~ay ~None [] Unkno~ [] Other *Describe Make & Model: 8. Tank Tightness ]~-~-Th~$ Tan~ Been Tightness Tested? []Yes []No ~Unkno~ Date of Last Tightness Test Results of Test Test Name Testing C~mpany 9. Tank ~ . ~ Repaired? ~'lYes []No ~Unknown Da te (s) of Repair (s) Describe Repairs 10. Overfill Protection -- ~Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors ~evel [~Tape F~oat Ga~e []Float Vent Valves []Auto Shut- Off Controls Capacitance Sensor []Sealed Fill Box []None []L]nkno~ Other: List Make & Model ~r A~e De~ices a. Underground Piping: ~Yes []No []Unknown Material Thickness (inches) D~ameter ManufactUrer []Pressure ~Suct'ion ~Gravity Approximate Length 6f Pipe ~ b' Underground Pipin~ Corrosion Protection : ~Galvanized []Fiberglass-Clad I-~Imp~essed Current ]~Sacrificial Anode .......... r'[]Polyethylene Wrap [qEle~trica-i' Is61ation- ~[]V-in¥1 Wrap [~Tar' or-'Asphalt []Unknown [~None []Other (describe): c. Underground Pipits, Secondary Contairl~ent: []Double-Wall l~Synthetic Liner System ~None []Unknown []Other (describe): KRA'ZAN. & ASSOCIATES, IN C. ;oils Engineering Compaction Testing Engineered Septic Systems Construction Testing Geotechnicai Investigations October 9, 1986 Prof. No. T86-062 ~hevron USA, Inc. "Q Annabel 'Lane, Suite 200 ~: San Ramon, CA 9¢583 Gentlemem In accordance with your authorization~ we have completed underground tank tests at the above-referenced project on October 2~ 1986. The results of these tests are summarized as follows: Tank No. Tank Size Tank Contents Test Result (GPH) I 10,000 gal. Regular Gasoline -.021/pass 2 10,.000 gal. Unleaded Gasoline * 3 5,000 gal. Premium Unleaded · Tests terminated Testing of the unleaded and premium unleaded tanks was terminated due to leakage of the vapor recovery lines at the dispenser islands, below the concrete -- and dispenser levels. ._ Review of the Kern County Water Agency map entitled "Depth to Ground Water, Unconfined & Equivalent ?/ells used for Control, Spring 1985," indicates depth to ground water at the project site is approximately 200 feet. Therefore, the tests were performed without elevating the standpipe to compensate for shallow groundwater conditions. The criteria established of +_.050 gallon/hour is a mathematical calculation i.. ....... based on-actual-liquid volume-change-and temperature--change,----and is-not ...... "' intended as a permission of a leak. Main Office: Fresno/Clovis · 3860 N. Winery · Fresno, Cafifornia 93726 · (209) 291-7337 Bakersfield (805) 393-2343 [ ] Visa/ia (209) 625-8251 {3 Merced (209) 383-3993 ~. " Page 2 .. Proj. No. Tg6-xxx If you have any questions or if we can be of further assistance, Please do not hesitate to contact our office. 'c':-= ........... : ..... ~-~ ........... ~ .................................. R~spectf~ill'y: Submitted~ ............ ==- --~ KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES~ INC. · .~ Michael Erwin " .:~ :'-' Principal Engineer · :.: ME/j sp/ko RCE # I 8625 " :] c plus invoice herewith .. KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES~ INC. \ ' JRAzAN & ASSOCI 'ES, INC 1~. CIIEVRON STATION # 17/0 ,'' t I'"T~TS. TANK 10 lIST ' 16, CAPACITY - t ; :~)'~ ~ -~ '~:~ ~" em""""~'. · ~;"~."0-, ~ i II. S~ECIAL CONOIIIONS ANO PnOCEOURtS TO lEST TI,S I~K 2gPI. ~.~ · ~ ~ F vamnntcovEaY SYSlEU ' . 21. TEMPERAIUfl[IVOLUME FACTOR {el TO liST TItI~ TANK 16, TANK MEATUflEMENTS FOR ' ,..~,..,,~ ~..~ .......... ~q~ ZI. 3L Arrived at site, load dimensions, Install' t~s~ ada ~ump up and rundng, ci . .. RAzZ N' & .... ASSOC rE.S, ~NC. .. ,,. CIIEVRON STAT'ION # ~ I$. TANK 1'0 1E~T tL CAPACITY · ~k.N~ .~-'7. ............ S,~': ....". .................... ~ ~,5~ ~ .......... ~J ?'Prkr.-Hnfa Ftll .~_~'-' II. TEMPEflATUflEIV~UME FACIOfl lea TO 1EST IIIIS IMtK . . .. ~..~..,..~ ,~ .......... 20, [XI[NSION IlOSE SETrfNQ ' j~ ~ 14.~ x ~ ,.... ......................................... Zl. Arrived at si~e, ]oad d~ dimensions ~]nsta]l test ada Pump up and running, ci /  IS. TANK tO TES~ lS. ~PACITY ~ ~ ~.r~ ........ - ~:~ '"'"'" ........... '""'"' '~." ............. ' ...... ~ ........................ o u ............ ~,~ ~,~.F~ ~ ' : ' I ' ''~ '~ '~'~" ~ -~ · · ~: . ~ . . '?~, I:- ' ' . I~ IL S~ COHDITIONS AND PR~EDURES TO TEST THIS TAN~ Ap ~ ...... ~ .... ~ VA~R ~ECO~RY SYSIE~ ~ · . II. TEMPE~iURE~OLUME FACTOR (.I I0 liST THIS g II, T~HX MEASUflEM[NTS FOR 20. E~ENSION leSE $E~INO ./~ 14. x il. Arrived at site, load d~ dimensions, Install test ada Pump up and running, ci : A&A  ' 5630 District Blvd. #103 December 9., 1986 .Chevron U.S.A.., Inc. 8 Annabel Road., Suite 800 ATTN: Mark Nelson RE: #40P5 800 34th Street., Bakersfield., CA On November P6.~ 1986., a Petro Tite System Test was performed at the above-referenced location. The test was performed by John Ross., A ~.- A Technician., Certification #414811893. The NFPA code 389.08 criteria for a tight system is a maximum gain or loss of .05 gallons per hour. Because of the almost infinite variables' involved., this is intended to be a mathematical tolerance and is not the permission of actual lemkage. During the Stand-pipe procedure., the internal liquid hydrostatic pressure applied to the underground tank system is generally two to three times greater than normal liquid storage pressures. ThSs i~c'rease in hydrostatic pressure mill amplify the indicated rate of leak accordingly. SYSTEM TEST TANK NO. 1 - North SIZE - 1.,000 Gallo'n Steel Tank PRODUCT - Waste Oil The test showed a leakage of -.c~06 Oallons per hour.. Based on the above criteria, we 'r-i;~d the system mathematically Tight. ' This concludes our test and findings on November 86, 1986. If you have any que.~s'bic, ns regarding the results, please contact me. It is 'yo~_~r respc,~sibility to notify your lc, cai County Health 'Departme'nt, Environmental Hea'lth, within thirty (30) days of the results of this test. ~his notification is required by the California Administrative Cc, de~ Title 23 Watecs, Chapter 3 Water Resources C.ont r o i Board, Sub-chapter 16 Underground Tank Regulatic:ns,' Article 4.30. We have enjoyed working, with you on this project. If you need any further information., please feel free to contact our office. Sincerely., Jo h ~].~Ro ss Pr~j e~ t Manager - E~c 1 osure · ,.i A DD]!ESS: # O] TANKS '/ · ~ $ EA TESTER ASSIGNED: TYPE OF EQUIPMENT: . '~ [i TANK#1 rANK#2 TANK#3 TANK#4 TANK#5 TANK#6 TANK#7 INV. UNLEADED SUPER UNLEADED PREMIUM UNLEADED REGI~L^R · I DIESEL TYPE OF PUHP ' I ~ SPLASH '' PERg. TUBE :-i RE~DVE.TuBESPLASH REP IR TI~E 0 $ [~ PER ttO~R STA DBY TI~E ~ · .? AMO NT OF GAS NOT RECOVERED: $ ~ PER' GALLONS ; RET ~ST: YES "' '. ~.i~ '- ~'. ,i ",: ~ i~'/":'..' .'..'i., ~'.":'"" '"~" '~ '". i ..... ._ ....'. :..L.~..::~ :'.'.' ;:.,'~ ~': ~" '..d' .' ~-' v ~/ ~': ~ ~ .' ............ ~'"" / ~ ...... "-'~ ; 17. FI~-UP FOR TEST m ~ I~ ~ ~ T~k Olam~ff ~ ~ P~t In full tank (up to fill piN) i~ ~ 18. SPECIAL CONDITIONS AND PROCEDURES T0 TE~ THIS TANK ~ ~ ~Vi~ ~ O T~. ~O O VA~R RECOVERY SYSTEM : ~ ~. ~.~ ~ Z1. TEMPERATURE/VOLUME FACTOR (a) TO TEST THIS TANK ~ ~ ~ 19. TANK M~SUREMENT~ FOR ,sT~rm.T:. ~er~ ~'F ProoummTln~'F F,~OP~um~Tmck~'F Ex~ChanglI-Or-I · " : ~ ~ ~ .~_,--,o~......'. .............. . ~ .. /5o~q ., ~ ~ , , /~ ... ~ ~ z,. ~Ns~oN HOSE Sm~N~ ~ ~4. ~ ~ ,ooO~ ~ . ~ ~,.. ......... ~. zs. ~.9o~ $71~ .._+ '°1~1°7°~g ~,.,. 26. .. ~ 30. .~o,ost~ 31. mv~ ~a~m M. ~,~ co.~ I ~NTAOL 27~ 21. ] Z~. s~ t~ 3L ~ ~ ~ ~ 35. 36. T~a-~rt ~ff ~ ~ fi'11 o m ~~ ~pr~,,,~&~ ':~ 42 .~o -,1~o o~7 +7 f,l~7 -.~7 'i ,~ ~ ~ 6 ~1,~42 ~qo 39o I-,eSo o~ f~ +,1o7 -.ly7 -- -1 9 ~2 /:J ~, ~0 42 12 ~2 T-5 SE~tI~ ~7 ~ , , ' ' ~ ~.c.y1 .~?~'"~'~. ,. ~ c,~-, _ ~,,, ~ ...... ~ ....... . ~ 17. FI~-~P EOa TESt ~ ~ ~ ~ ... a..o~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ,k S~E~L CONDITIONS ~D PROC[DU~ES i0 TEST THIS TANK i ~ S~e I ~ ~ ~ 21. iEMPE~TUR[IVOLUME FACIDR (1) 10 1EST THIS TANK ~ ~ ~ A~L ................... - ~ ~ ]4. x ~oo . ~ ~ 20. ~ENSION HOSE S~ING J ~ ~ ~ ~--''--' ....... ~ .......................... :.: ~ o , ........ '"'-- Z~. _- z~ ~.o~~. - -' ':'.': ~ ~., ,..mr.I ,,u iU,, " I .~ i .I ' I I I , I I ,~ . I I I -..,; I ~'=- ~ I I I " '" I ' '~' ' KER '."NTY AIR POLLUTION CONTR .131STRICT ...... " 2700 "M" Street. Suite 2'/,, Bakersfield, California 93301 ,..,,~hone: (805) 861-3682 APPLICATION FOR: A~thority to Construct Unlead fueling system. , [~ Authority to Construct (ATC) ' [] Permit to Operate (PTO) [] Banking Certificate [~ ATC- Modification [] PTO- Modification [] Transfer of Location I [] ATC -- Renewal [] PTO - Transfer of Ownership ........ AN-APPL]L'-ATii)N IS REQUIRED FOR EACH SOI]'~(~E--~FER'ATrON--A~EFINED'-IN--RUI:E-'102; SECTION cc,' ...... ~---~'--- 1. PERMIT TO BE ISSUED TO: ,Name of organization to operate the following equipment: (]~eVron , USA Project Eng. Jim Sampson 1-415-838-5229 2, MAILING ADDRESS: #2 Annabel Lane, Suite #200 San Ramon, CA. Zip Code: 94583 --3,- --I-OCA-TION AT 'WH1CH*"THE EQUIPMENT'qS"TO 'BE-OPERATED:' 800 34th @ Q Street Bakersfield, Ca. 4. GENERAL NATURE OF BUSINESS: Retail Service Station ' 5, EQUIPMENT FOR WHICH APPLICATION IS MADE: See Attachments Provide additional information as required by District "Instructions", 6. TYPE AND ESTIMATED COST OF AIR POLLUTION CONTROL EQUIPMENT: $4500.00 (Unleadi 7, TYPE AND ESTIMATED COST OF BASIC PROCESS EQUIPMENT: No Processing 'equipment located at facility 8. SIGNAT.~RE OF APPLICANT: _ /~ TITLE OF SIGNER: ~,~ ~f. ~{ ~o~t ~ntractor 9. TYPE O~ PRINT NAME OF SIGN~: DATE: [~ PHONE NO.: Bryce Rusc~aupt 4/22/88 ~ 1-209-449-0404 DATE RECEIVED Validation (For APCD Use O,Iy) FILING FEE: $ .RECEIPT NO,: DATE: A~ Quality 580 9149 011 (Rev. 3/88) .. Chevron U.S.A. Inc. co-n-t¢ cl-- > APPROP.. WC-8447-C Cosueat Number C16CWC-0055-8 Chevron U.S.A. Inc. hereafter referred to as COMPANY, and the undersigned, hereafter identified is CONTRACTOR, hereby mutually agree on Alt)rtZ 7 ,19' 88 , that CONTRACTOR shall perform for COMPANY, at ir near 800 - 34Ch SC., Bakersfield , County of Kern .Stateof California , the work set forth in Specification No. HOS 243 & Scope of ,dated March 17, 1988 and entitled Work and Plans . _.-.:--;-~-_-~:_ _Remove and- replace-al.l_ateel__ tanks, with 3 IOH and llH FRP DBL wail tank. -~Remove and replace all lines with FRP Line wi~h double containment FRP Trench replace al singles on eel[ serve islands wil:h duel dispena. 5 each. as an i?provement to real property of COMPANY by affixing thereto whatever materials it's involved thereii! so as to become an integral part of such real property, under the Terms and Conditions hereof, and in accordance with the above specification, . . w. hic~ Ternls and Conditions.and, Soecificalioo.attach~Ll~r,J~-~re-nor, oLfhi, a ........ 'Zarma and Conditions (G0-27') Certtf: :ace o£ ~ioneearegaceo 'jracLJ.~.c'].eb T~'U'-"27~-Z)J Iiitiit~[/~"l'~n lle~om and Control AcC. of :,.; ~_ _1. .9. . 8. 6_ _( ~ ddendum A) I Contractor _I,_~qp_o~i~ion_65 warnin8 L~.t._.l:er~_.(6ddenduJ B) 3/23L88 ...... COMPANY shall pay CONTRACTOR, in accordance with statements prepared by Contractor a compensation of ~TX'['~' SIX TTIOUSAND THI~I[F.. HUNDI~ED FORT1' [l':[Tr~ ])OLZ,A~ ~ NO/IO0 ($66,~/~ .00) The work shall be commenced May 2, 1988 diligently prosecuted, and completed May 20, 1988 . · ' A payment and performancel~t~.in terms and executed by a surety company satisfactory to COMPANY shall be furnished to COMPANY in the sum of ...... (No bond required unless an amount is entered above.) ~}~PETROLEUM ~'~nd W~tne~ ~ g~-~ A 4~./( [' ' ti' ~ / ~/~ COMPANyNUMBER Oil BOTH COPIES AND RETUI~t PU"EXECUTiON PRIOR TO START OF N R OR'S t License No  CO T ACT Sate ' ~ - - / wORK ORiGiNALWILLTHENBERETURNEOlO (Where required by State Law) ~ CONI~CIO~ - CommuflicatioQ~ to CQNTRAC~R s~vld be [ddressed to the %Communicltiq~ to ~P~Y sh~ld be directed tb the P.O. Box 9364 2 ~nabel ~ne, Suite 200 Fresno, CA 93792-9364 San ~a, ~ 94583 Facilil~ Core,Isled [ ~p~in~en~ or Foreman I qemarks Note: If CONTRACTOR is incorporated, ex~ution shall be by an authorized officer of the corpaatioA ~d corporate seal affix~ and attested to by the S~reta~. If CONTRACTOR is not incorporated, signatures should be wltnm~ by an ~ployee of COMPANY, if practicable; if not, by a disinterested party. GO.279-WOI (CD-1-77) Printed in U.S.A. Petroleum Equipment, Inc. · KERN COUNTY APCD APPLICATiONs . ~;i! Stalling (hevron ~4025 ""-~.~, ..... ...,~ 800 34th @ Q Street '!.j.~i"~q Note: This application is for single UNLEAD t~'~t'~ ~ retail fueling points. · ~ 1. FUel Storage Tank Equipment: ":~ ~4 1 ea 10,000 gallon Xerxes double wall fiberglass ~ank · .. ~. 1 ea OPW ~636-TT-4 fiberglass adaptor and cap · ' · . 1 ea OPW #1611~AV-3 vapor recovery adaptor and cap ........................ ~'~ ...... ~ea ....... OPW-~61-T~4;'xt2'*=~aluminum fill tube 1 ea OPW #233-SD extractable vent valve with ball float · 1 ea Pomeco #111VE overfill containment box ~ 2. Piping: Ail new piping is to be installed (vent, vapor, and Product). New piping will be exclusively Ameron Ciba 2" fiberglass pipe with a fall of 1/4" per foot to tank. Swing joints and risers will be galvanized and · wrapped with 20 mil tape. All vapor and product piping will be installed " into a Fiber~ench liner system and backfill will be 3/8" pea gravel. 3. Operating Schedule: A: Daily - Monday through Sunday - 6:00 am through 10:00 pm. .i.-~ B: Holidays - Open ,except (hristams and New Years. · :~ 4. FUel Sales: .~ A: Average fuel sales per grade per year 45t,691 ~ B: Average fuel sales per grade per month 37,640 ~al -.~ C: Average fuel sales per grade per day 1,237 ma,lo z.' D: Expected increase due for additional equipment --10%. ~ 5. Fuel Supplier: (hevron ', USA ~ P.O. Box 5528 · :~.~.~ Oildale, Ca. 93308 Terminal' Supervisor: Don Stewart !~ ' 1-805-393-7650 ~ 6. Dispensing Equipment: · ~'.~'~ j~ A: Full Service Island (existing equip~.nt at - ~ '2 ea Single Hose Bennet Dispenser M~del ~4514  2 ea Emco Wheaten Nozzle 2 ea Pomeco High Hose Retractor Model 100 i 2 ea Product and Vapor hose Model Number Varie~ · 4 ea Pomeco ~all Swivel Assy '2 ea Wedgon 45 Cabinet Swivel Assy B: Se--l-~ervice Isl.and (new equipment for s~ation) 2 ea Dual Hose Bennet Dispenser . ~ 4 ea OPW Model #11VF-22 Coaxial Nozzle Assy ,,:~ 4 ea Pomeco Hose Retractor Model #100BC  4 ea Pemeco b~xum Hose Clamps 4 ea O1~ Base With Swivel Model #38CS ...... ~- 4 e~ .....Coodyear-Mmxum ~Coaxiat-Hose--Assy ~O-'- 6" im~length P.O. BOX 9364 · Fresno, California 93792 · 209/449-0404 · Contractors License No. 432613 I~. ISIP PLAN ~l~iP RECEIVE~ITEDIAGRAM ~ FACILITY DIAGRAM l,, AUG 3 1990 / ~- N~r~. Name ~f Are~: