HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 61-91RESOLUTION NO. 61-91 A RESOLUTION APPROVING GRANT APPLICATION PROPOSAL FOR A ROADSIDE SOBRIETY CHECK- POINT PROGRAM FROM THE CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF TRAFFIC SAFETY. WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield desires to undertake a certain project known as the Roadside Sobriety Checkpoint Program funded by the California Office of Traffic Safety (hereinafter referred to as OT$). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield that Chief of Police R. A. Patterson of the Bakersfield Police Department is authorized, on its behalf, to submit the attached application to the OTS and is authorized to execute on behalf of City of Bakersfield the attached Grant Award, including any extensions or amendments thereof. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that grant funds received here- under shall not be used to supplant expenditures controlled by this body. .......... 000 .......... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on APE 241§91 , by the following vote: AYES: C, OUNClLMEMBERS: EDWARDS. DeMOND, SMITH, BRUHNI, PETERSON, McDERMOTT. SALVAOGIO NOES; COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSENT COUNC'ILMEMBERS: /vo~/~ . ASSTAIN: COUNCILMEMSERS ASSISTANT CITY CLERK an~~ficio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED APE 2 4 1991 MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: LAWRENCE M. LUNARDINI - ~ CITY ATTORNEY of the City of Bakersfield LCM/meg R RES 5 GRANT-OTS1 State of California Business, Transportation & Mousing Agency OFFICE OF TRAFFIC SAFETY TRAFFIC SAFETY PROJECT AGREEMENT PAGE I (To be Completed by Applicant Agency) 1. PROJECT TITLE P~adside Sobriety ~heckpoint Program OTS USE ONLY PROJECT NUMBER AL9114 PSP NO. 91-0~-06 REVISION NUMBER DATE PROJECT BUDGET ESTIMATE Fiscal Yr. Amount 2. NAME OF APPLICANT AGENCY City of Bakersfield 3. AGENCY UNIT TO HANDLE PROJECT Bakersfield Police Department 1990-91 $ 10,100.00 1990-91 $ 500.00 $ $ Total $ 10,500.00 4. PROJECT PEP~OD Month - Day - Year From: May 0~ 1991 To : Jtlne 30 1992 PROJECT DESCRIPTION (S-mmarize the proposed project plan covering the ob3ectives, method of procedure, evaluation a/%d end product in approximately 100 words) The ~akersfield Police Department will conduct a minimum of 18 roadslde sobriety checkpoints in the City of Bakersfield over a 12 month period. The checkpoints will: 1) utilize the latest techniques and equipment; 2) be held t2Lroughout the year at hntervals of not ~ore t~han every 21 days; and 3) be h~ghly v~sible and well publicized. FEDERAL FUNDS ALLOCATED UNDER THIS AGREemENT SHALL NOT EXCEED $10,500.00 ACCEPTANCE OF CONDITIONS - The provisions on the reverse side hereof constitute a part of this agreement PROJECT DIRECTOR B. AUTHORIZING OFFICIAL OF APPLICANT AGENCY Name: Robert A. Patterson Phone: (805) Address: 1601Truxtun Avenue 326-382I P. 0. Box 59 Bakersfield, CA 93302 Title Chief of Police Name: Clarence E. Medders Phone: (805) Address: 1501Truxtun Avenue 326-3770 Bakersfield, CA 93302 ,p.~.ved as to Fo~m: . , ~ ~;~.~ / City Attorney Title Mayor C. FISCAL OR ACCOUNTING OFFICIAL D. OFFICE AUTHOR/ZED TO RECEIV~ PAYMENTS Name: Verne Jung Title: Business Manager Phone: (805) 326-3831 ATTACHMENTS Project Description Schedule A Adm. Support ~ Contribution Schedule Detailed Budget Estimate Schedule B Budget Narrative Schedule B-l Name: City of Bakersfield Business Manager Address:p. O. Box 59 Bakersfield, CA 93302 Initial Evaluation Data Form Schedule Certification, Californla Traffic Safety Program {0TS-33) 0TS-38 (R~v 3/86) It is understood and agreed by the Project Director and Authorizing Official that any grant received as a result of this agreement is subject to all Federal and State regula- tions governing grants and to those controls expressed in the California Traffic Safety Grant Program Manuals which include, but are not limited to: Only verified participating costs resulting ties described in this Agreement will be reimbursement; from activi- eligible for Progress Reports must be submitted by the Project Direc- tor to the Office of Traffic Safety on January 15, April 15, J~uly i5, and October 15, during each year of project operation; All project accounting records and supporting documents must be retained for audit purposes for at least three years after receipt of final payment; A final project report must be submitted to the Office of Traffic Safety within 60 days after the termination date of the project; All Federal as@istance projects shall have an audit in accordance with the requirements of Public Law 98-502, also known as the "Single Audit Act of 1984". Local governments contracting for a single audit shall include a clause in the contract with the audit firm to permit access by the State to the working papers of the inde- pendent auditor. The contracts should also require that audit working papers be retained and accessible for a minimum of three years. No alteration or variation of the terms of this contract shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by the parties hereto, and no oral understanding or agreement not incorporated herein shall be binding on any of the parties hereto. The obligation of .~rant funds for successive fiscal years of multi-year projects is subject to the availability of Fed- eral funds. PROJEC~ NO. APPLICANT ~CY 15. F~ING DISPOSITIC~ ASD STAndS - By Standard & Subelement ~J%NT P~I0~ COST CATEGORY A. Personnel Costs B. Travel Expenses C. Contract~,a] Services D. Non-Exp P~ol~ E. Other Direct Costs F. Indirect Costs STASDARD SEP/PSP STATUS OF PROGRAMMED Obligated This Action $ Previously Obligated $ Total Amount Obligated $ $ COST CATEGORY A. Personnel Costs B. Travel Expenses C. Contract,,a 1 Services D. Non-Exp Property E. Other Direct Costs F. IDdl rect Costs G~ANT PERIO~ FY S~ANDARD SEP/PSP STATUS ~ PROGRAMMED F~S Obligated This Action $ Previously Obligated $ Total Amount Obligated $ $ COST CATEGORY A. Personnel Costs B. Travel Expenses C. Contractn~] Services D. Non-E~p Property E. Other DLrect Costs F. Ir~ ~ rect Costs GRANT PERIOO FY STANDARD SEP/PSP STATUS OF PROGRAMMED FUNDS Obligated This Action $ Previously Obligated $ Total Amount Obligated $ am nt S pen d $ Page 2 9. 10. (Office of Traffic r..fety Use Only) ACTIC~ NO. 1 DATE 5-10-91 Initial approval. FY 1991 408 Grant funds obligate. 11. X STANDARD 308 12. PROJECT NO. TYPE OF AG~ Initial Revision sEP/PsP 91-08-06 AL9114 Continuation # FISCAL YEAR 1991 FL~ING DISi~ISITIC~ & STATUS 13. B. C. D. E. F. State FY 1990-91 2700 101 890 (467/90) Obligated This Action P~viously Obligated Total Amount Obligated (Fen~-~al Catalog No. 20.600) $ 10,100.00 $ 0 $ 10,100.00 $ 4o0.o0 $ 10,500.00 BUDGWI' S[~9~ARY (F~,, Schedule B Detailed) - F.Y. GRANT PER/OD 1991 1991 COST CATEGORY G~ANT PERI(~3 PRICR 62~%NT TOTAL GRANT Personnel Costs Travel Expenses 200.00 400.00 Contractua] Services Other DJ_rect Costs Tndirect Costs 093091 BL~C~"I' ESTIMATE 600.00 9,900.00 9,900.00 9,900.00 10,100.00 10,100.00 10,500.00 14. A. APPROVAL ~ED BY NAME: CHAS R. ?.RnB~-l'r~ PROJECT APPROVAL & AUTHC~IZATIC~q TO EXPEN) ORq',TGA'.L'~D B. AG~ .~;~,~NT & FL~I)ING AUT~C~tIZED BY TITLE: Program Coordinator 5-1-91 OTS-38a (Rev6/86) PwI'~i~K. O'RO[E[KE Office of Traffic Safety 7000 Franklin Blvd., Suite 330 Sacramente, CA 95823 S IGNA~d~E TITLE Director ADDENDUM Project No. This project is approved subject to the following conditions: Personnel f'unded under this project shall be dedicated in total to traffic law enforcement. EXCEPT: a. In the case of a criminal offense committed in the officer's presence. b. In the case of response to an officer in distress. c. In the case of a riot where all available personnel must be committed. Equipment funded under this project is subject to same requirements as ~1 above. Fiscal year funding will be at the level shown under Project Budget Estimate and Schedule B, Detailed Budget Estimate, provided that project activities and personnel are maintained at the same level during the total term of the project. OTS-23 (Rev 5/82) SCHEDULE PROJECT DESCRIPTION BACKGROUND Studies of the effectiveness of roadside sobriety checkpoint programs indicate that: 1) checkpoint operations result in very little inconvenience to unimpaired motorists; 2) most drivers surveyed support checkpoint operations to reduce alcohol-related crashes; 3) checkpoint operations nearly always result in more significant increases in the perceived risk of arrest than do other enforcement techniques; and 4) programs involving checkpoints more frequently result in reductions in alcohol-related crashes than do other countermeasure procedures. Evidence for the effectiveness of roadside checkpoints lied the Presidential Commission on Drunk Driving in 1983 to recommend road- side checkpoint procedures as a means to increase the public's perceived risk of apprehension for DWI. Further, such evidence led the National Transportation Safety Board in 1984 to recommend that all states should implement or expand their efforts to conduct road- side sobriety checkpoints. These findings have led other organiza- tions such as the National Safety Council, the International Associa- tion of Chiefs of Police, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, Remove Intoxicated Drivers, and others to encourage state and local police to frequently employ roadside checkpoints to reduce alcohol-related highway crashes. Roadside sobriety checkpoints should be integrated with a continuing, systematic and aggressive program, including vigorous enforcement, public information, and education. While they can increase DUI arrests, the primary purpose of the checkpoints is to maximize the deterrent effect and increase the perception of "risk o( apprehen- sion" of motorists who would operate a vehicle while impaired by alcohol or other drugs. For greatest effectiveness, checkpoints should be conducted frequently in multiple locations, and they should be well publicized. PROBLEM Lack of supplies, specialized equipment, and knowledge of checkpoint operation techniques hinder local agency police department's ability to conduct frequent, cost effective, roadside sobriety checkpoints. Often the necessary signing, cones to channelize traffic and lighting must be borrowed from Caltrans or the Public Works Department. Coordination with these and other police agencies makes frequent checkpoints very time consuming and labor intensive. In addition, it has been estimated up to 50% of impaired drivers, passing through checkpoints, miss detection by screening officers. The use of preliminary breath testing devices (PBT's) in conjunction with formalized training, both in the use of PBT's and the standardized field sobriety test (SFST), and written guidelines for their use could greatly increase the number of arrests at checkpoints. OTS-38b (Rev 5/82) SCHEDULE A PROJECT DESCRIPTION ATTEMPTS TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM The Bakersfield Police Department checkpoints, but infrequently and seasons. We have not used PBT's has conducted sobriety usually only during holiday in our checkpoint operations. PROJECT OBJECTIVES The primary goal of this project is to reduce the incidence of alcohol-related traffic crashes in the City of Bakersfield through the frequent use of roadside sobriety checkpoints. Specific objectives to accomplish this goal are outlined below: Starting in July 1991, to conduct a minimum of 18 roadside sobriety checkpoints during the following 12 months. Checkpoints will be scheduled at least once every 21 days. To effectively publicize each checkpoint before it is conducted and to report the results of each checkpoint through the local media. METHOD OF PROCEDURE The strategies selected to achieve these objectives are outlined below: Phase 1 - Planning and Preparation (April - June 1991) This 3 month preparation phase allows time to order and receive necessary equipment and supplies as listed in Schedule B, Detailed Budget Estimate. During this time, personnel that will conduct checkpoints will be selected and trained. Depending on the experience and expertise of the officers selected, training will include DUI detection and SFST techniques, as well as familiarization with PBT operations. In addition, OTS will provide training in the effective conducting of sobriety checkpoints. Formal, written sobriety checkpoint policies, guidelines and operational procedures will be adopted and pre-program evaluation data collected. Finally, prosecutors, judges, and other involved members of the criminal justice system will be notified of the program; their guidance will be requested and support solicited. Phase II Checkpoint Operations (July 1991 - June 1992) During this time, 18 roadside sobriety checkpoints will be conducted. To obtain maximum deterrent effect, the checkpoints will be highly visible and publicized aggressively. Checkpoints will be conducted at least every 21 days and, whenever possible, each will be conducted at multiple locations. In other words, the initial set-up will be moved at least once to a new location during the operation of each checkpoint. A systematic ~ethod of data collection will be used to monitor and ensure effectiveness of the sobriety checkpoints. OTS-38b (Rev 5/82) SCHEDULE A PROJECT DESCRIPTION Phase III- Evaluation and Reporting (September 1991 - August 1992) Quarterly progress reports will be submitted to OTS by the 15th day of the month following the end of each quarter. The quarterly reports will include the data elements on Schedule C-l, Quarterly Evaluation Data Form, and the Roadside Alcohol/Impaired Checkpoint Information (form OTS-38i). Copies of these forms are attached. The quarterly reports will also include a narrative summary of project activity for the reporting period. A final report, prepared in accordance with OTS Grant Program Manual, Volume II, Chapter 7, Section 7.3 and containing all evaluation data, will be submitted not later than 60 days following the end of the project. Data Collection and Evaluation Data to be collected about each checkpoint will include: a. time, date, and location(s) of checkpoint; b. weather conditions; c. number of vehicles passing through the checkpoint; d. predetermined order of selecting motorists for screening; e. number of drivers screened; f. average time delay to motorists; g. number of drivers detained for SFST; h. number and types of arrests; i. average BAC; and j. identification of unusual incidents, such as safety problems/ other concerns. To assist in determining the effectiveness of a checkpoint operation, periodic impact analysis will include the following types of informa- tion: a. crash rate reduction; b. impaired driving offenses; c. impaired driving convictions; d. public opinion survey to determine increased perception of detection and apprehension; and e. surveys to determine motorists' approval of checkpoints. Statement of Intent It is the intent of the City of Bakersfield to continue frequent, periodic, roadside sobriety checkpoints as part of Police Department's DUI operational activity. the OTS-38b (Rev 5/82) SCHEDULE A-1 ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT STATEMENT - Explain what type of priority this project has in your jurisdiction. The City management endorses this project and the concept of frequent, effective, roadside sobriety checkpoints. AGENCY CONTRIBUTION Explain uted by what services or funds are being contrib- your agency in support of this project. The City will provide all services necessary for the operation of the sobriety checkpoints over a one year period. The estimated amount of this contribution is itemized below: Personnel Costs for the Checkpoints .................. 100% 24,950 Project Coordinator-Traffic Lieutenant ............... 100% 10,000 Clerk Typist ......................................... 100% 1,020 Vehicle Operation and Maintenance .................... 100% 4,000 Indirect Cost at 25% of All Salaries and Benefits .... 6,238 TOTAL AGENCY CONTRIBUTION 46,208 Program income generated as a result of this the City's General Fund and is not available Department. project will revert to the Police to 0TS-38c (Rev 5/82) COST CATEGORY PERSONNEL COSTS Positions and Salaries SCHEDULE B DETAILED BUDGET ESTIMATE FY-i 04/01,/91 - 09/30,/91 FISCAL YEAR ESTIMATES FY-2 FY-3 10/01/91 - 06/30/92 FY-4 Page 1 TOTAL COST TO PROJECT Employee Benefits % Total Personnel Costs B. TRAVEL EXPENSE In state per diem and travel to training sites and meetings 200.00 400.00 600.00 Total Travel Expense C. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 200.00 400.00 600.00 Total Contractual Services OTS-38d (Rev 5/82) COST CATEGORY D. NON-EXPENDABLE PROPERTY 1 fully equipped sobriety check- point trailer 2 active PBT's 1 wet simulator 2 passive PBT's FY-1 04/01/91 - 09/30/91 6,500.00 1,100.00 400.00 1,890.00 SCHEDULE B DETAILED BUDGET ESTIMATE FISCAL YEAR ESTIMATES FY-2 FY-3 10/01/91 - 06/30/92 FY-4 Page 2 TOTAL COST TO PROJECT 6,500.00 1,100.00 400.00 1,890.00 Total Non-Expendable Property E. OTHER DIRECT COSTS 9,900.00 9,900.00 Total Other Direct Costs F. INDIRECT COSTS Total Indirect Costs TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE All Categories 10,100.00 OTS-38e (Rev 10/84) 400.00 10,500.00 SCHEDULE B-1 BUDGET NARRATIVE The City requires a total of $10,500.00 to implement the roadside sobriety checkpoint program. The funds will be used as follows: Personnel Costs: None Travel Expense: The travel portion of the budget will be utilized for travel and per diem to attend a training session and a meeting with all pilot program grantees. Non-Expendable Property: The non-expendable property portion of the budget will be utilized to purchase one (1) fully equipped sobriety checkpoint trailer. This includes such items as lights, generator, cones, signs, flares, etc. Also, purchased will be two (2) active and two (2) passive preliminary breath testing devices (PBT's). This includes a wet simulator. Other Direct Costs: None Indirect Costs: None OTS-38f (Rev 5/82) gt~kn~¥ EVALtm_~I~ ~ }~ Project ~o.~ Agency: Bakersfield Police Dm.mt. Base Year lit Calendar Year 2nd Calendar Year 3rd Calendar Year ACCIDENTS All O~her i~F'8 2 2 5 5 Toru. 3 4 6 6 Hit & ~ 1 0 0 0 ~Ju~= 46 39 28 22 All O~er PCF's 241 264 227 252 TO~ 287 303 255 274 ~lt ~ ~ 15 23 17 24 ~l~t~e (~loo - o3o0~ 4 8 6 7 Patrol ~isdeme~or ~ 578 457 415 371 11 0 0 20 Checkpoint Arrests TO~ ~TS 589 457 415 ~ql A~rage ~ ~t~ . 15 . 15 . 15 ~ 16 ~ ~eat~l~ Citatlon~ 548 580 101~ 1228 Child ~mt~a~t Citations 211 182 26~ 304 ~ltrol O~er ~azmrd Citmt~onm 852[ 6856 672J 7755 Gr~t Officers O~er Hazard 104 i 37 22( 279 Ci~tioal TOT~ .~n CI~A~O~S 939( 7755m 823"g5661 OTS-SSh (TEST 3/91) -- Instructions on Reverse C~TIFICATION KQUAL OPPORTUNITY ASSUI~ANCE Pursuant to the requirements of Title VI provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the certifying applicant acting through its chief administrative officer, desiring to avail itself of the benefits of Chapter l, Title 23, United States Code, and as a condition to obtaining the approval of the Secretary of Transportation and Governor of California of any highwa~ safety projects as provided for i~ Title aS. United States Code, Section 10S(a), hereby gives its assurance that all provisions of Equal 0pportuni=y Assurance with regard to =he Highway Safety Program will be complied with fully. HINOlI,.TTY AND VOHEN BUSINESS (1) 'Policy. It is the policy of the Office of Traffic Safety and the certifying applicant that m~ority and women busL~ess enterTrices as defined i~ ~9 CF~ Part Z3 shall have the maximum opportunity to participate Ln the performance of contracts financed in whole or in part with Federal funds under thio agreement. Consequently, the ~FBE requirements of &9 CF~ Part 23 apply to this agreement.' (2) '~"~BE 0billetlon. The certifying applicant or its contractor agrees to ensure that minority and women business enterprises as defined in %9 CF.~ Part Z3 have the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts and subcontracts financed in whole or in part with Federal funds provided under this agreement. L% this regard =he certifying applicant and all contractors shall take all necessary and reasonable steps in accordance with ~9 C~'~ Part Z3 =o ensure that minority and women business enterprises have =he maximum opportunity to compete for and perform contracts. The certifying applicant and its contractors shall ~ot discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin. or sex in =he award and performance of DOT assisted contracts." SECTION §O&, ~FwA~ILITATION ACT OF 1973 ?orstan= to Section 50a of the ~ehabilitaticn Act of 1973, no qualified handicapped ~erson ~ha!!, because a certifying applicant's facilities are inaccessible =o or ~,-usabla by, handicapped persons, be denied =he benefits of, be excluded from participation in. or other~ise be sub~ected to discrimination under any pro,ram or activity funded under the Highway Safety Act of 1966 (U.S. Code. Title aS. Section %0Z at. ~eq.). HATCR ~CT All employees of =his certifyim~ applicant whose primcipal emploIment is in connection with any Highway Safety ~ro]ect financed in whole or in part by loans or ~rants u~der the Highway Safety Act of 196~ have been ~ade aware of ~he provisions of Section lZ(a) of the Hatch Act [§.U.$.~. NON-D~PLICATION OF GHA~T F~ND EXPENDITURE The certifying applicant has no ongoin~ or completed projects under a~reement ~ith TOPICS, CC~J (~.~AA), HE~, or other Federal fund sources, which duplicate or overlap any work contemplated or described in ~h~s Traffic Safety Project. OTS-S3 (~ev 11/90) It is further agreed that any pending or proposed request for other Federal grant funds which would duplicate or overlap work under this Traffic Safety Project. will be revised to exclude any such duplication of grant fund expenditures. It is understood that any such duplication of Federal fund expenditures subsequently deternined by audit will be subject to recover~ by the Office of Traffic Safety. LOBBYING ~FST~ICTIONS The undersigned certifies, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, that: (1) No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any pereon for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of an7 agency. a Member of Congress. an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement. and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. (Z) If any funds other tham Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid =o any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress ia connection with this Federal contract, grant. loan. or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form-LLL, 'Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying'. in accordance with its instructions. (3) The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all subawards at all tiers (including subcon=facts, subgran=s, and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) and that all subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. This cer=ification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for makLng or entering into this transaction imposed by Section 1352. Title 3I. U.S. Code. An7 person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penair7 of not less than $10.000 and not more than SI00.000 for each such failure. Signature 5-2-91 Date R. A. PATTERSON, CHIEF OF POLICE Type Name and Title BAKERSFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT Car~if~fing Applican~ agenc~ ~I! ~ DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE CER'DI=ICATION The contractor or grant recipient named above hereby certifies compliance with Government Code Section 8355 in matters relating to providing a drug-free workplace. The above named contractor or grant recipient will: Publish a statement notifying employees that unlawful manufacture, di3tribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited and specifying actions to be taken against employees for violations, as required by Government Code Section 8355(a). 2. Establish a Drug-Free Awareness Program as required by Government Code Section 8355(b), to inform employees about all of the following: (a) The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, (b) The person's or organiz,'ttion's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace, (c) Any available counseling, rehabilitation and employee assistance programs, and (d) Penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. 3. Provide as required by Government Code Section 8355(c), that every employee who works on the proposed contract or grant: (a) Will receive a copy of the company's drug-free policy statement, and (b) Will agree to abide by the terms of the company's statement as a condition of employment on the contract or grant. CERTIFICATION I, the official named below, hereby swear that I am duly authorized legally to bind the contractor or grant recipient to the above described certification. I am fully aware that this certification, executed on the date and in the county below, is made under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of CalifQrma. ~ DA~ EXECU~D MAY 2, 1991 R. A. PATTERSON CHIEF OF POLICE KERN ~i~ mn~ndm~nt approved by Co~ il on 2/12/92. State of California Business, Transportation & Housing Agency OFFICE OF TRAFFIC SAFETY 0TS USE ONLY PROJECT ~ER AL9114 PSP ~0. 91-08-O6 TRAFFIC SAFETY PROJECT AGREEMENT ]~EVISION NUMBER 1 DATE 11/26/91 PAGE 1 (To be ampleted by Applicant Agency) 1. PROJECT BUDGET ESTINATE Fiscal Year Amount 1990-91 $ 8,546.69 1991-92 5,253.31 Roadside Sobriety Cehckpoint Program 2. NAMEOFAPPLICA~AGE~CY City of Bakersfield 3. ~ERCYO~IT~O~P~ Bakersfield Police Department TOTAL $ 13,800.00 4. P~ PERIOD Month - Day - Year From: May 1, 1991 TO : August 31, 1992 5. PROJECT DF~O~ (Summarize the pro~s~ project pl~ covering the objective, me~ of procure, evaluation, ~d end produ~ in approximately 100 wor~.) The Bakersfield Police Department will conduct a minimum of 18 roadside sobriety checkpoints in the City of Bakersfield over a 12-month period. The checkpoints will: 1) utilize the latest techniques and equipment; 2) be held throughout the year at intervals of not more than every 21 days; and 3) be highly visible and well publicized. 6. ME}It. F{]]~)S AIJ23C. AYED O]{DER ~}[IS A{ Rl{t.t )0~ EX<~J~U $ 3,300. O0 7. AcrEPlAiCE OF COMDITIOMS - The provisions on the reverse side hereof constitute a part of this Agreement. A. P~ DI]~R Name: Robert A. Patterson Phone: (805) lddre~: 1601 Truxtun Avenue 326~3821 P.O. Box 59 Baker~field~ CA 93302 Chtef of Police Signature Title FISCAL OR ACCO~ OFFICIAL Name: Address: .ignature Title Verne Jung 1601 Truxtun Avenue Bakesfield, CA 93302 Business ManaR7 Phone: (805) 326-3831 AUTHORIZING OFFICIAL OF APPLICANT AGI~ Signature Title Clarence E. Medders =u,ne. (805) 1501 Truxtun Avenue 3=~-_.,0 B/~ejsfield, CA 93302 Mayor OFFICE AUTHORIZED TO REC~VK PAYMENTS Name: City of Bakersfield 1501Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93302 Address: C~S-38 (Rev 9/91)