HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 59-91~LESOLUTION NO. 59-91 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMENDING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE AREAS. WHEREAS, from time to time it becomes necessary to change the boundaries of the service areas of the Bakersfield Municipal Water System because of growth in the area, annexations and development; and WHEREAS, it is desirable that such boundaries be a matter of record; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: Pursuant to the authority of Sections 14.04.011 and 14.06.010 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code, the boundaries of the City of Bakersfield Domestic Water Service Area are established and are hereby amended. The established and amended boundary is real property so identified on the map attached hereto and marked Exhibit A and which real property is described in the legal descriptions attached hereto and marked Exhibit B. .......... o0o .......... -1- I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on APR 2 4 19g~ , by the following vote: AYES; COUNCILMEMBERS: EDWARDS. DeMO~D, SMITH, NOES; COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSENT COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS* RRUNNI, PETERSON, McDERMOT'I'. SALVAOGIO CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED APR ? 4 1991 MAYOR of the Cmt~ o~ BakerSfield APPROVED as to form: -2- EXHIBIT A CiTY OF BAKERSFIELD DOMESTIC WATER DIVISION SERVICE AREA MAP CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE AREA BOUNDARIES LEGAL DESCRIPTION A parcel of land situated in the incorporated and unincorporated area of the County of Kern, State of California, being all or a portion of Sections 29, 35, and 36 of Township 29 South, Range 26 East, M.D.B. & M., Sections 1, 2, 12, and 25 of Township 30 South, Range 26 East, M.D.B. & M., Sections 7, 8, 14, 15, 17, 20, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, and 34 of Township 29 South, Range 27 East, M.D.B. & M., Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, and 27 and 34 of Township 30 South, Range 27 East, M.D.B. & M. more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast quarter corner of Section 2, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, M.D.B. & M., said point also being on the North right of way line of Stockdale Highway; Thence (1) East along said North right of way line to a point on the northerly prolongation of the West right of way line of McDonald Way; Thence (2) South along said northerly prolongation line and said West right of way line of McDonald Way to a point on the easterly prolongation of the North boundary line of Tract No. 1610, filed April 3, 1952, in Book 8 of maps at page 1 in the Office of the Kern County Recorder; Thence (3) West along said prolongation line and North line of said Tract No. 1610 to the northwest corner thereof; Thence (4) Southwesterly along said Tract No. 1610 to the northwest corner of Tract No. 1645 filed December 18, 1952 in Book 8 of maps at page 38 in the Office of the Kern County Recorder; Thence (5) Southwesterly along said Tract 1645 boundary line to a point on the East line of Section 3, T. 30 S., R. 27 E.; Thence (6) South along said East Section line to the East quarter corner of said Section 3; Thence (7) West along the South line of the North half of said Section 3 to the northerly prolongation of the east right of way line of New Stine Road; Thence (8) Southerly along said prolongation line and East right of way line to a point on the south line of said Section 3; Thence (9) East along said South section line to the southeast corner of said Section 3; Thence (10) South along the East lines of Sections 10 and 15, T.30S., R.27E. to a point on the northeasterly right of way line of the Farmer's Canal; D:\WP-Fi LE'~MISC~LEGALDES.Wp (Revision date. April 15, 1991) EXHIBIT B City of Bakersfield - Domestic Water System Legal Description (continued) Page 2 Thence (11) Southeasterly along said right of way line to point on the South right of way line of White Lane; Thence (12) Easterly along said South right of way line to point on the east line of the West half of the southwest quarter of Section 14, T. 30 S., R. 27 E.; Thence (13) South along said East line to a point on the North right of way line of the Southern Pacific Railroad-Asphalto Branch; Thence (14) West along said North right of way line to the West line of said Section 14; Thence (15) South along the West lines of Sections 14 and 23, T. 30S., R. 27 E. to the South line of the North half of the northwest quarter of said Section 23; Thence (16) East along said South line to a point on the westerly right of way line of the Farmer's Canal; Thence (17) Southwesterly along said right of way line to a point on the West line of said Section 23; Thence (18) South along said West section line to the West quarter of said Section 23, being the center line of Harris Road; Thence (19) East along the South line of the North half of said Section 23 to a point on the East line of the West half southwest quarter of said Section 23; Thence (20) South along said East line and continuing South along the East line of the West half of the Northwest quarter of Section 26 to a point on the North right of way line of the Arvin-Edison Canal; Thence (21) Westerly along said canal right of way line to a point on the centerline of Stine Road; Thence (22) Southerly along said centerline of Stine Road to the half section line of Section 27, T. 30 S., R. 27 E.; Thence (23) Westerly along said half section line a distance of 2640 feet, said point also being the center of section 34, T. 30 S., R. 27 E.; Thence (23a) North along half section line of section 34, R. 30 S., R. 27 E. 2640 feet to a point on the south line of section 27, T. 30 S., R. 27 E.; City of Bakersfield - Domestic Water System Legal Description (continued) Page 3 Thence (23b) West 2640 feet along said south line of section 27, T. 30 S., R. 27 E. to the East line of section 28, T. 30 S., R. 27 E.; Thence (23c) North along said East line of section 28, T. 30 S., R. 27 E. to a point at the Southeast section corner of Section 21, T. 30 S., R. 27 E. Thence (24) N.00© 35'E. along a line parallel to the centerline of Stine Road to a point on the South line of Section 2:2, T. 30 S., R. 27 E.; Thence (25) West along the South lines of Sections 21, 20, and 19 of T. 30 S., R. 27 E., to the point also being the Northeast quarter corner of Section 25, T. 30 S., R, 26 E.; Thence (26) S.00° 35'W. along the easterly boundary of said Section 25 a distance of 1320 feet; Thence (27) N.89° 50'W. along a line 1320 feet South and parallel to the North line of said Section 25 a distance of 1320 feet; Thence (28) N.00° 35'E. along a line 1320 feet West and parallel to the Easterly boundary of said Section 25 a distance of 1320 feet; Thence (29) S.89© 50'E. along the North boundary line of said Section 25 a distance of 1320 feet to a point also being the Northeast quarter corner of said Section 25; Thence (30) North along the West line of Sections 19 and 18, T. 30 S., R. 27 E. to the Southwest quarter corner of Section 7, T. 30 S., R. 27 E.; Thence (31) West along the South line of Section 12, T. 30 S., R. 26 E. a distance of 2640 feet to a point being the West line of the East half of said Section 12; Thence (32) Northerly along said West line of the East half of said Section 12 to a point being on the South line of Section 1, T. 30 S., R. 26 E.; Thence (33) West along said South line of Section 1 to the Southwest quarter corner of said Section 1; Thence (34) North along the West line of said Section 1 to a point on the South line of the North half of Section 2, T. 30 S., R. 26 E.; Thence (35) West along said South line to the West quarter corner of said Section 2; Thence (36) North along West line of said Section 2 to the Northwest comer thereof; City of Bakersfield - Domestic Water System Legal Description (continued) Page 4 Thence (37) North along West line of Section 35, T. 29 S., R. 26 E. to the North line of the South half of the North half of the Southwest quarter of said Section 35; Thence (38) East along said North line of the South half of the North half of the Southwest quarter of said Section 35 to the East line of the West half of said Section 35; Thence (39) South along said East line of the West half of said Section 35 to the North line of the South half of the Southeast quarter of said Section 35; Thence (40) East along said North line of the South half of the Southeast quarter of said Section 35 to the East line of the West half of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter; Thence (41) South along said East line of the West half of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter to the North line of Section 1, T. 30 S., R. 26 E.; Thence (42) East along said North line of Section 1 to the Northeast quarter corner of said Section 1; Thence (43) North along the West line of Section 36 and 25, T. 29 S., R. 26 E. to the North line of the South half of the South half of said Section 25: Thence (44) East along said North line of the South half of the South half of said Section 25 to the West line of the East half of the East half of said Section 25; Thence (45) South along said West line of the East half of the East half of said Section 25 to the north line of said Section 36; Thence (46) East along said North line of said Section 36 and Section 31, T. 29 S., R. 27 E. to the Southwest quarter corner of Section 29, T. 29 S., R. 27 E.; Thence (47) East along North right of way line 10.00 feet to a point on the West right of way line of Calloway Road (Co. Rd. No. 360); Thence (48) Along said West right of way line of Calloway Road, N.00° 14' 43" W., 1072.20 feet to a point on the Westerly prolongation of the South line of parcel 1 of Parcel Map 3582 recorded in Book 16 of Parcel Maps at Page 70 in the Office of the Kern County Recorder; Thence (49) S. 89° 46' 49" E., 1322.58 feet to the Southeast corner of parcel 2 of said Parcel Map D:\WP-FILE~M i SC~LEG ALDES.WP ~ ~' : (Revision date. April 15, 1991) ~. City of Bakersfield - Domestic Water System Legal Description (continued) Page 5 Thence (50) N.00° 14'01"E, 220.36 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 22 of the Sales Map of Lands of Kern County Land Company filed August 20, 1890, in the Oft'ice of the Kern County Recorder; Thence (51) N.00° 12'49" E., 646.33 feet along West line of said lot 22; Thence (52) S.89° 48' 11" E., 661.06 feet to a point on the East line of said lot 22; Thence (53) N.00° 12' 29" E., 711.23 feet to a point on the South right of way line of the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad; Thence (54) S.89° 47' 39" E., along said South railroad right of way line, 660.98 feet to a point on the North-South n~idsection line of said Section 29; Thence (55) N.00° 13' 20" E., along said midsection line, 2579.11 feet to the South right of way line of Rosedale Highway (State route VI KER 58); Thence (56) N.89° 08'14" W., along a line parallel with and 30.00 feet distant as measured at right angles from the North line of said Section 29, 1808.41 feet; Thence (57) N.00° 29'05" E., 260.00 feet; Thence (58) N.89° 08'14" W., 150.00 feet to a point on the West line of parcel 1 of Parcel Map 6521 recorded in Book 30 of Parcel Maps at Page 6 in the Office of the Kern County Recorder; Thence (59) N.00° 29'05" E., along said West line, 1134.35 feet; Thence (60) N.89° 08'14" W., 720.77 feet to the West right of way line of Calloway Drive (Co. Rd. No. 522); Thence (61) on and along :said West right of way the following courses: N.00° 29'05" E., 1307.35 feet; Thence (61a) N.00° 28'15" E., 2670.32 feet; Thence (6lb) N.00° 35'09" E., to a point on the Easterly right of way to the Friant Kern Canal; Thence (62) Northwesterly along said Easterly right of way to the North line of Section 7, T. 29 S., R. 27 E.; D:\WP.F! ~ISC~LEGALDES.WP (Revision date. April 15, 1991) City of Bakersfield - Domestic Water System Legal Description (continued) Page 6 Thence (63) East along said North line of Section 7 to the Northeast quarter corner of said Section 7; Thence (64) South along the East line of said Section 7 to the Intersection of West right of way of Calloway Drive and the Westerly prolongation of the North line of parcel 3 of Parcel Map No. 3249 as filed in Parcel Map Book 16 at Page 7 in the Office of the Kern County Recorder; Thence (65) S.88° 54'39" E. on and along said Northerly line and said Westerly prolongation thereof, a distance of 1351.50 feet to the West line of the East half of the Southwest quarter of Section 8, T. 29 S., R. 2'7 E.; Thence (66) N.00° 36'12" E., on and along said West line, a distance of 629.75 feet to the South right of way of Norris Road; Thence (67) S.88° 54'40" E., on and along said South right of way line a distance of 360.69 feet to the West line of East 300 feet of the West half of the East half of the Southwest quarter of said Section 8; Thence (68) South along said West line, to a point on the South line of the North 145.00 feet of the Southwest quarter of said Section 8; Thence (69) East along said South line 300.00 feet to a point on the East line of the West half of the East half of the Southwest quarter of said Section 8; Thence (70) North along said East line to the South line of the North 45.00 feet of the Southwest quarter of said Section 8, also being the South right of way line of Norris Road. Thence (71) S.88° 54'40" E. along said right of way line 660.69 feet to the East line of the Southwest quarter of said Section 8; Thence (72) North along said East line, 15.00 feet to a point on the South right of way line of Norris Road (Co. Rd. No. 30); Thence (73) S.88° 54'40" E., on and along said South right of way and the Easterly prolongation thereof, a distance of 2672.51 feet to the East right of way of Coffee Road (Co. Rd. No. 401); Thence (74) S.00° 32'12" W., on and along said East right of way of Coffee Road, a distance of 1298.27 feet to the North boundary of the Tract No. 3806, as filed in Map Book 27 at Page 42 in the Office of the Kern County Recorder; City of Bakersfield - Domestic Water System Legal Description (continued) Page 7 Thence (75) S.89© 12'53" E., on and along said North line a distance of 25.00 feet to the East right of way of said Coffee Road (Co. Rd. No. 401); Thence (76) S.00© 32'12" W., on and along said East right of way a distance of 1320.64 feet; Thence (77) continuing on and along said East right of way S.00© 37'57" W., 2645.30 feet to the North line of the South half of Section 16, T. 29 S., R. 27 E.; Thence (78) N.89° 09'10" W., a distance of 55.00 feet to the West quarter corner of said Section 16; Thence (79) S.00© 38'16" W., on and along West section line of said Section 16 a distance of 2644.43 feet to the Southwest quarter corner of said Section 16; Thence (80) S.89° 05'31" E.,. a distance of 30.00 feet to a point on the North line of Section 21, T. 29 S., R. 27 E.; Thence (81) S.00© 25'39" on and along said East line 2660.94 feet to the East-West midsection line of said Section 21; Thence (82) N.89~ 44'05" W., along said East-West line 30.00 feet to the West quarter corner of said Section 21; Thence (83) along West line: of said Section 21, S.00° 26' 12" W., 2549.22 feet, more or less, to the North right of way line of Rosedale Highway (State Route VI-KER-58) as shown on State Highway Map No. 7-1, filed in book 4, Pages 96 and 97 in the Office of the Kern County Surveyor; Thence (84) along said North right of way line of Rosedale Highway Easterly through said Section 21 and Section 22, T. 29 S., R. 27 E. to the West line of the East half of said Section 22; Thence (85) Northerly along the last named West line of Section 22 and Section 15, T. 29 S., R. 27 E. to the center of said Section 15; Thence (86) Easterly along the North line of the South half of said Section 15 and the North line of the South half of Section 14, T. 29 S., R. 27 E. to a point on the Northerly right of way line of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad; Thence (87) Northeasterly along the last named railroad right of way to a point on the Westerly right of way line of State Route VI-KER-99; D:\WP -FILI~M ISC~LE, GALDES.WP (Revision date. April 15, 1991) City of Bakersfield - Domestic Water System Legal Description (continued) Page 8 Thence (88) Southerly along the last named westerly right of way line to a point on the said right of way described from the following: Commencing at the center of said Section 14; thence S.00° 21' 15" W. a distance of 26.30 feet to a point on the Westerly right of way line of State Route VI-KER-99, said point on the Easterly boundary line of the Fairhaven Water District; thence S. 23° 25'51" E. a distance of 360.75 feet; thence S.37°18'26" E. a distance of 183.65 feet to a point on a nontangent curve concave to the Northeast which bears S.44° 42'45" W. a radial distance of 1085 feet from the center of said curve; thence Southerly along the last named curve through a central angle of 18° 00'49" and arc distance of 341.12 feet; Thence (89) departing said Westerly right of way line along a direct line to the Northeast corner of the land described in the deed to the State of California, recorded October 1, 1964, in Book 3771, page 3'74 in the Office of the Kern County Recorder; Thence (90) S.80° 57'12" E. a distance of 463.98 feet; Thence (91) S.56° 05'11" E. a distance of 71.99 feet; Thence (92) S.14° 39'38" E. a distance of 75.31 feet; Thence (93) Southerly along a direct line to the Northerly terminus of Course No. 2 of parcel 1 of that certain Grant Deed from R. S. Haberkern to Reed Properties recorded October 9, 1979, in Official Records Book 5235 at page 137 in the Office of the Kern County Recorder; Thence (94) S.04° 51'31" W. a distance of 48.61 feet; Thence (95) S.49° 51'15" W. a distance of 195.44 feet; Thence (96) S.52° 41'03" W. a distance of 46.80 feet; Thence (97) N.43° 37'02" W. a distance of 218.37 feet to a point on a nontangent curve concave to the Southeast which bears N.79° 42'02" W. a radial distance of 115 feet from the center of said curve; Thence (98) Southerly along the last named curve through a central 12o27'20" an arc length of 25 feet; Thence (99) S.02° 09'24" E. a distance of 44.62 feet; City of Bakersfield - Domestic Water System Legal Description (continued) Page 9 Thence (100) N.89° 44'32" W. a distance of 233.95 feet more or less to a point on the Westerly right of way line of State Route VI-KER-99; Thence (101) Southerly along the last named Westerly right of way line to a point on the Northerly right of way line ,of State Route VI-KER-58 (Rosedale Highway); Thence (102) Easterly along the last named Northerly right of way line and the Northerly right of way line of State Route VI-KER-178 (24th Street) to a point on the South levee of the Kern River; Thence (103) Southwesterly along the last named South levee to a point on the West line of Section 26, T. 29 S., R. 27 E.; Thence (104) South along said West line of Sections 26 and 35 to the Northeast quarter corner of Section 2, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, M.D.B. & M., said point also being on the North right of way line of Stockdale Highway to the Point of Beginning. EXCEPTING THEREFROM any portion lying within the following described parcel: Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of East line of Section 4, T. 30 S., R. 27 E., M.D.B. & M., with the South right of way line of Stockdale Highway; Thence (1) South along said East line of said Section 4 to a point on the existing corporate boundary line of the City of Bakersfield; Thence (2) Westerly, Northerly, Easterly and Northeasterly along the vahous courses of said Corporate Boundary to a point on the South right of way line of Stockdale Highway; Thence (3) East along said South right of way line to the Point of Beginning. (Revision date . April 15, 1991)