HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 44-91RESOLUTION NO. 44-91 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD APPROVING THE DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN OBSOLETE CITY RECORDS, DOCUMENTS, INSTRUMENTS, BOOKS AND PAPERS, PURSUANT TO SECTION 34090 ET SEQ. OF THE GOVERNMENT CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA - CITY CLERK'S OFFICE. WHEREAS, Section 34090 of the California Government Code provides that a City department head may destroy any City record, document, instrument, book or paper under his charge with the approval of the legislative body and written consent of the City Attorney, provided such records are at least two years old and do not fall within categories of records excepted from the operation of that Section; and WHEREAS, the City Clerk's Office has requested Council approval of a record retention schedule pursuant to which the City Clerk's Office may destroy records after specified periods, which schedule is attached hereto as Exhibit "A," and incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth; and WHEREAS, said request has been approved by the City Attorney in accordance with the procedures and requirements of the City and Section 34090 et seq. of the California Government Code. WHEREAS, it appears to the Council that the records listed on such retention schedule will not be require(] by the City after the retention period for each category of record set forth on that schedule. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield that pursuant to Section 34090 et seq. of the Government Code of the State of California, the records retention schedule attached hereto as Exhibit "A" is adopted and the Council approves destruction of City records after the periods of time shown on that schedule, and upon written approval of the City Attorney. .......... o0o .......... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on MAR 2 7 1991 , by the following vote: AVES: COUNCILMEMBERS: EDWARDS, t:O,~ $. COUNCILMEMBERS: ~!:~ [NT ~OUNCILMEMBERS: A~S~AIN: COUNCILMEMBER5 SMITH. BRUNNI. PETERSON, McDERMOTI', SALVAGGIO CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED MAR 2 '? 1991 MEDDERS MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: LAWRENCE M. LUNARDINI CITY ATTORNEY of the City of Bakersfield LCM/meg Attachment Exhibit "A" D DEST 4 RETEN-SCHD 3/18/91 - 2 - RECORDS CONTROL WORKSHEET Record Title 100 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION/SERVICES FUNCTION 10] Office General Management Group -OI General Information -02 Correspondence - Internal -03 Correspondence - External -04 Policies/Procedures 102 Office Reference Group -01 General Information -02 Chronological -03 Professional Associations /Organizations -04 Community Organizations -05 Reports -06 Newsletters/Publications -07 Public Relations -08 Demographics -09 Complaints -10 Artwork/Logo/Seal -11 Referrals ]03 Forms Management Group -0! General Information -02 Blank Forms -03 Form Letter -04 Form Master 104 Records Management Group -01 General Information -02 Certificates of Destruction -03 Directives & Procedures -04 Municipal Unified Functional Filing System -05 Inactive Records Storage Information 105 Handout Group -01 General Information -02 Ordinances/Resolutions -03 Schedules -04 Letter Handout -05 Guidelines -06 Drawings/Standards RETENTION CODE AA - After Audit AE - After Expiration C Current (Until Superseded) P Permanent R - Review Y - Year(s) NOTE: All periods represent years plus the current year, except where noted. Authorized Signatures RSA,//~-,,~_~/ D.ept. Head ' ate~ Date ~Z/~ Dat~/.,~.~/ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1 OF 40 RSA-2/8g Suggested Retention Periods Approved Retention RSA Dept Head Manager Attorney Periods C 2Y C 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y C 2Y C 2Y 2Y C 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y ~Y 2Y 2Y 5Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 10Y R 10Y 5Y R 10Y 10Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 10Y 5Y 10Y 5Y 10Y 5Y 5Y 5Y C C C 5Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y C C C C C C C C C C C C ~ C C C C C C C C 2Y C 2Y 2Y P P 10Y P P C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Attorney Date Council Resolution No. 44-91 Date 3-27-9]. EXNIBIT A RECORDS CONTROL WORKSHEET Record Title 106 Computer Group -01 General Information 200 PLANNING FUNCTION 201 City Planning Group -01 General Information -02 Zoning Changes 202 Code Enforcement Group -OI General Information -02 Code Violations 203 General Plan Group -01 General Information -02 Elements -03 Amendments -04 Revisions -05 Specific Plan 204 Environmental Planning Group -01 General Information -02 California Environmental Quality Act -03 Air Quality -04 EIR Reports 205 Housing Group -0] General Information 300 CITY NANAGENENT FUNCTION 301 Council Group -01 General Information -02 Agenda -03 N~nutes -04 Council Packet -05 Public/Council Statements 302 Boards, Commissions and Committees Group -01 General Information -02 Planning Commission -03 Council Committee -04 Board of Building Appeals -05 Board of Zoning Adjustments -06 Central District Development Agency -07 Citizens Park and Recreation Committee -08 Historic Preservation Commission -og Civil Service Board -10 Public Facilities Corporation CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 2 OF 10 RSA-2/89 Suggested Retention Periods Approved Retention RSA Dept Head Manager Attorney Periods C C C C C C C C C C 10Y R P P P P C C C C C 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R C C C C C R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R p P p p C C C C C lOV R1or RRR 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R C C C C C C 2Y C 2Y 2Y 5Y R 4Y 5Y R 4Y 5Y R P P P P P 5¥ R 4Y 5Y 4Y 5Y 5¥ R 4Y 5Y 4Y 5Y C 10Y R C 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 4Y R 4Y R 4Y R 4Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R P 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10¥ R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R Authorized Signatures Attorney Council Resolution No. 44-91 Date 3-27-91 RECORDS CONTROL WORKSHEET Record Title CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 3 OF lO RSA-2/89 Suggested Retention Periods Approved Retention RSA Dept Head Manager Attorney Periods -11 Unreinforced Masonry Committee -12 Water Board -13 Industrial Development Authority 303 Studies and Surveys Group -01 General Information -02 City Generated Studies -03 Other Agency Generated Studies 400 FINANCIAL AND FISCAL FUNCTION IOY R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R C C C C C 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R ~8~ ~ 10Y R 10Y R 401 Accounting Group -01 General Information -02 Reports -03 Expense Vouchers 402 Audit Group -01 General Information -02 Annual Audit Reports 403 Banking Group -01 General Information -02 Checks, Cancelled -03 Bank Statements C C C C C 5Y R 5Y R 5Y R 5Y R 5Y R 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y C C C C C P P P P P C C C C §Y SY ~ ~Y 5Y 5Y ~ 5Y 404 Budget Group -01 General Information -02 Annual Budget -03 Budget Adjustments -04 Budget Working Papers -05 Capital Improvement Budget -06 Capital Improvement Budget Working Papers 405 Revenue Group -Ol General Information -02 Development Fee -03 School Facilities Fee -04 Sales Tax -05 Property Tax -06 Occupancy/Motel Tax -07 Business License C 2Y C 2Y 25Y R 10Y 25Y R 10Y 5Y 4Y 5Y 4Y 2Y 2Y 5Y 2Y 25Y R 10Y 25Y R 10Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 25Y R 5Y 2Y 25Y R 2Y C 2Y C 2Y 2Y C 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y C 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 406 Payroll Group -01 General Information -02 Time Sheets -03 Vacation/Sick Leave Reports 407 Bonds Group -01 General Information -02 Bond Issues 408 Insurance/Risk Management Group -OI General Information -02 Policies C C C C C 5Y 2Y 5Y 2Y 5Y 5Y 5Y 5Y 5Y 5Y C 2Y C 2¥ 2Y 10Y R 5Y AE 5Y AE 5Y AE 5Y AE C 2Y C 2Y 2Y C 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y Authorized Signatures RSA~ .~/ Dt. Head . ,anaqer A · Date Z/~'/¢~ Dat~.~_~. ~/ Attorney Council Resolution L~ No. 44-91 Date ,.gq_q~ Date 3-27-91 RECORDS CONTROL WORKSHEET Record Title 500 PERSONNEL FUNCTION 501 Personnel Data Group -01 General Information -02 Individual Personnel Data File -Actiye Employees -03 Indiwdual Personnel Data File -Term!nated Employees -04 Indiwdual Personnel Data File -Temporary Employees 502 Personnel Management Group -O1 General Information -02 Job Description -03 Rules/Regulations -04 Fair Labor Standards Act 503 Personnel Recruitment Group -01 General Information -02 Position Information -03 Position Recruitment 504 Personnel Medical and Compensation Group -01 General Information -02 Workers Compensation -03 Deferred Compensation -04 Dental Plan -05 Leave 505 Personnel Retirement Group -01 General Information -02 ICMA Retirement System -03 PERS Retirement System 506 Personnel Education and Training Group -01 General Information -02 Workshops/Seminars 507 Personnel Safety Group -01 General Information -02 Accident Reports 508 Salary and Wage Group -01 General Information -02 W-4 Statements 509 Labor Relations Group -01 General Information -02 Employee Bargaining Units -03 Management & Confidential CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 4 OF iO RSA-2/89 Suggested Retention Periods Approved Retention RSA Dept Head Manager Attorney Periods C C C C C C C C C C 25Y 15Y 25Y 15Y 25Y 10Y 10Y 10Y 10Y 10Y C 2Y C 2Y 2Y C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C ~ 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C ]OY R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R C C C C 10Y R C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 2Y C 2Y 2Y C C C C 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R C 10Y R C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 5Y 5Y 5Y Authorized Signatures RSA,~'~4~/ De t. Had Man r Date Zy~,,/¢~ Date/y.~ ;?/ Da At~ey Council Resolution No. 44-91 Date 3-27-91 RECORDS CONTROL WORKSHEET Record Title GO0 INVENTORY/PURCHASING/CONTRACTING FUNCTION 601 Purchasing Group -01 General Information -02 Bids -03 Purchase Order -04 Warrant Request 602 Contracting Group -01 General Information -02 Consulting Services -03 Bids -04 Service Contracts 603 Equipment and Furniture Group -01 General Information -02 Inventory -03 Office Equipment 700 LEGISLATIVE AND LEGAL FUNCTION 701 Legislative Group -01 General Information -02 Ordinances -03 Resolutions -04 State/Federal Legislation -05 Ordinance Work Papers -06 Resolution Work Paper -07 Zoning Resolutions -08 Subdivision Resolutions 702 Elections Group -0] General Information -02 General Municipal Election -03 Special Municipal Election 703 City Attorney Group -01 General Information -02 Legal Opinions 704 General Legal Group -O1 General Information -02 Agreements/Contracts -03 Claims By/Against The City -04 Certificates of Publication -05 Abatements -06 Litigation -07 Summons/Subpoenas 705 Land Documents Group -01 General Information -02 Deeds/Quitclaim Deeds -03 Easements CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 5 OF 10 RSA-2/89 Suggested Retention Periods Approved Retention RSA Dept Head Manager Attorney Periods C 2Y C 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y C C C C C 5Y R 5Y R 5Y R 5Y R 5Y R 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y C C C C C C 2Y C 2Y ~y C C C 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R C C C C C P P P P P P P P P P C 2Y C 2Y 2Y 5Y 4Y 5Y 5Y 5Y 5Y ~ 5Y 5Y P P P P P p P P P P C 2Y C 2Y 2Y 5Y 7Y 7Y 7Y 7Y 7Y 7Y 7Y 7Y c R c R 5Y R 5Y R 2Y 5Y R C 2Y C 2Y 2Y 10Y AE 10Y AE 10Y AE 10Y AE 10Y AE IOY 4Y ~y 4Y 4Y 10Y 10Y 10Y 10Y 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R C C C C C P P P p P P P P P P Authorized Signatures Attorney Council Resolution ~,~/1 No. 44-91 Date (_~t_~ Date 3-27-91 RECORDS CONTROL WORKSHEET Record Title -04 Abandonments/Vacations -05 Assessment District -06 Annexations -07 C C & R's -08 Sphere of Influence 706 Agencies Group -01 General Information -02 Federal Agencies -03 State Agencies -04 Regional Agencies -05 County Agencies 707 Permits Group -0] General Information -02 Encroachment Permits 708 Fair Political Practices Commission Filings Group -01 General Information -02 Conflict of Interest -03 Statements of Economic Interest {721) Reports -04 Statements of Economic Interest (730) Reports -05 Campaign Statements - Successful - Unsuccessful 709 Grants Program Group -01 General Information -02 Federal Grants -03 State Grants 800 ENGINEERING, BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION FUNCTION 801 General Engineering Group -01 General Information -02 Bids 802 Subdivision Group -01 General Information -02 Major Subdivisions -03 Minor Subdivisions 803 Capital Improvement Projects Group -01 General Information 804 General Engineering Projects Group -01 General Information CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 6 OF lO RSA-2/89 Suggested Retention Periods Approved Retention RSA Dept Head Manager Attorney Periods P P P P P 10Y AE P P P P P P P P P C C C C C 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R c c 5Y 2Y 5Y 5Y 2Y 5Y 2Y 5Y 5Y 5Y R 5Y 5Y R 5Y R 5Y 2Y 5Y 2Y 5Y C C C C C 5Y AE p p p p C 2Y C 2Y 2Y C C C C C 5Y AE 4Y 5Y AE 4Y 5Y AE 5Y AE 7Y 5Y AE 7Y 7Y C p P p P 5Y 5Y 5Y 5Y C C C C C 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R C 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y C C C C C 25Y R p P p P 25Y R p p p P C C C C C C 2Y C 2Y 2Y 805 Special District Projects Group -01 General Information C 2Y C 2Y -02 Assessment District Projects 10Y R P p P -03 Maintenance District Projects 10Y R P p p 2Y P P Authorized Signatures Attorney Council Resolution .~^~:: ~ No. 44-91 Date ~-3~-~1 Date 3-27-91 RECORDS CONTROL WORKSHEET Record Title CI1Y OF BAKERSFIELD 7 OF lO RSA-2/89 Suggested Retention Periods Approved Retention RSA Dept Head Manager ,Attorney Periods -04 Grade Separation District Projects 10Y R P -05 Underground Utility District Projects 10Y R P 10Y R P P 10Y R P P 806 Storm Drainage/Flood Control Group C C C -01 General Information C C -02 Project 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 807 Building Group -01 General Information C 2Y -02 Projects 10Y R 10Y R 900 ECONOMIC/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & REDEVELOPMENT FUNCTION C 2Y 2Y 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 901 Economic/Community Development Group -01 General Information C 2Y 2Y 2Y -02 10Y R 10Y R ~OY R 10Y R 10Y R Programs -03 Organizations 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R -04 Projects 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 902 Redevelopment Group -01 General Information C 2Y -02 Property Acquisition/Management 10Y R 10Y -03 Project Areas 10Y R 10Y -04 Special Events/Activities 10Y R 10Y -05 Agreements/Contracts 10Y AE 10Y -06 Resolutions p p -07 Deeds p p -08 Agenda Packets 5Y R 4Y -09 Boards, Commissions & Committees 10Y R 10Y -10 Reports 10Y R 4Y -11 Financial Documents 10Y R 10Y -12 Agenda 5Y R 4Y -13 Minutes p p C 2Y 2Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R R 10Y R iOY R 10Y R R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R AE 10Y AE 10Y AE 10Y AE P P P P P P 5Y 4Y 5Y R 4Y 10Y R 10Y R 4Y 4Y 4Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 5Y 4Y 5Y P P P 1000 REAL ESTATE FUNCTION 1001 City Property Group -01 General Information C P -02 Surplus Property 10Y R P -03 Property Acquisition 10Y R P 1002 Unincorporated Property /Areas Group -01 General Information C P P P P P P P P C C C C C Authorized Signatures RSA~.~_~ D~p~at.j~j~,~M~n~L~ Attorney Council Resolution No. 44-91 Date 3-27-91 RECORDS CONTROL WORKSHEET Record Title 1100 TRAFFIC/TRANSPORTATION/PARKING ENGINEERING FUNCTION 1101 Traffic Studies Group -01 General Information 1102 Streets/Highways/Bridges Group -01 General Information -02 Bridges -03 Highway/Freeway -04 Street 1103 Traffic Accidents Group -01 General Information 1104 Traffic Control Group -01 General Information 1105 Parking Group -01 General Information 1106 Street Closure Group -01 General Information 1107 Public Transportation Group -01 General Information -02 Bus Service -03 Airports -04 Railroad/AMTRAK -05 Caltrans 1200 PUBLIC UTILITIES FUNCTION 1201 Franchise Group -01 General Information -02 Gas & Electric -03 Telephone & Telegraph -04 Cable TV System -05 Water System 1202 Water System Group -01 General Information -02 Rate Schedule -03 Project -04 Water Meter 1203 Wastewater Treatment Group -01 General Information -02 Treatment Plant 1204 Energy Resources Group -01 General Information CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 8 OF lO RSA-2/89 Suggested Retention Periods Approved Retention RSA Dept Head Manager Attorney Periods C 2Y C 2Y 2Y C C C C C 1O R lO , lO , 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R tOY R 10Y R C C C C C C 2Y C 2Y 2Y C 2Y C 2Y 2Y C C C C C C 2Y C 2Y 2Y 5Y 5Y 5Y 5Y 5Y SY 5Y 5Y 5Y 5Y 5Y 5Y ~ 5Y 5¥ 5Y 5Y 5Y 5Y C 4Y C 4Y 4Y 5Y 4Y 5Y 4Y 5Y 5Y 4Y 5Y 4Y 57 5Y 4Y 5Y 4Y 5Y 5¥ 4Y 5Y 4Y 5Y C 2Y C 2Y 2Y C C 10Y R C C 10¥ R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R C C C C C 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R C 2Y C 2Y 2Y Authorized Signatures RSA ~,? pt. e~ ~Ma r Attorney Dat Date ~.~_~ Council Resolution No. 44-91 Date 3-27-91 RECORDS CONTROL WORKSHEET Record Title 1205 Sewer System Group -01 General Information -02 Projects -03 Sewer Connections 1206 Solid Waste Management Group -01 General Information -02 Landfill Site -03 Recycling Program CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 9 OF lO RSA-2/89 Suggested Retention Periods Approved Retention RSA Dept Head Manager ,Attorney Periods C 2Y C 2Y 2Y 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 5Y R 5Y R 5Y R 5Y R 5Y R C 2Y C 2Y 2Y 10Y 10Y 10Y 10Y 10Y C 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 1300 PUBLIC SAFETY 1301 Police Services Group -01 General Information -02 Projects 1302 Fire Services Group -01 General Information -02 Weed Abatements 1303 Emergency Plan Group -01 General Information -02 Emergency Preparedness Plan 1304 Hazardous Material Management Group. -01 General Information -02 Storage Tanks -03 Hazardous Waste Management 1400 CULTURE, EDUCATION, HEALTH & RECREATION FUNCTION 1401 Schools Group -01 General Information -02 School District -03 College/University 1402 Parks and Recreation Group -01 General Information -02 Bike/Pedestrian Trails -03 City Parks -04 Convention Center 1403 Senior/Child/Handicapped Group -01 General Information -02 Day Care 1404 Drug Control Program Group -01 General Information C 2Y C 2Y 2Y 10Y R 5Y 10Y R 5Y 10Y R C 2Y C 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 4Y 2Y 4Y c c c C C C C 2Y C 2Y 2Y 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R C 2Y C 2Y 2Y 5Y R 5Y 5Y 5Y 5Y 5Y R 5Y 5Y 5Y 5Y C 2Y C 2Y 2Y ]OY R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R 10Y R C 2Y C 5Y 5Y 5Y ~ 2Y 5Y C C C C C Authorized Signatures Date 7/'~7/p~ Date/~j~j Attorney Council Resolution ~ No. 44-91 Date /_~q-El Date 3-27-!)1 RECORDS CONTROL WORKSHEET Record Title 1405 Health Services Group -01 General Information -02 Ambulances -03 Animal Control -04 Hospitals 1406 Library Services Group -01 General Information 1407 Cultural/Historical Group -01 General Information -02 Sister City -03 Art Program -04 Theater CITY OF BAKERSFIELD iO OF iO RSA-2/89 Suggested Retention Periods Approved Retention RSA Dept Head Manager Attorney Periods C C C C C 5Y 5Y 5Y 5Y 5Y 5Y 5Y 5Y 5Y 5Y 5Y 5Y 5Y 5Y 5Y C 2Y C 2Y 2Y C 2Y C 2Y 2Y 5Y 5Y 5Y 5Y 5Y 5Y 5Y 5Y 5Y 5Y 5Y 5Y 5Y 5Y 5Y Authorized Signatures RSA Date Attorney Council Resolution ~c~/ No. 44-91 Date ~-~'~l Date 3-27-91