HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION California RegionalcentralWatervalleyQUalitYRegion Control Board Terry Tamminen Fresno Branch Office Arnold Schwarzenegger .%,e(:l.etctt3,.fbr h~ternet Address: http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/-rwqcb5 Governor [!nvir(.lrnental 1685 E Street, Fresno, Califo[nia 93706-2020 Prr;~ecri~m Phone (559) 445-5116 · FAX (559) 445-5910 25 Fe_bruary 2004 -Regional Board Case No. 5T15000888 Mr. Bong Un Kang 2604 Oak_c_r_est Co_m:[ ........................... Bakersfield, California 93311 UNDERGROUND TANK RELEASE, KANG'S ARCO, 1102 34ru STREET, BAKERSFIELD, KERN COUNTY In a [etter dated 4 December 2003, the Bakersfield Fire Department (BFD) referred the subject case to our agency for regulatory oversight. They also provided us with a copy of Site Characterization Report (Report) dated November 2003 and prepared by Soils Engineering, Inc., Bakersfield (Soils Engineering) and other documents and correspondence. The report indicates that gasoline constituents, including the fuel oxygenate methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), le~xked fi'om the underground storage tank system at the subject facility, degrading soil and groundwater. The BFD's letter also states that you have reassumed ownership of the property and responsibility for investigation and cleanup of the leakage from the previous owner. It will be necessary for you to determine the extent of impacted soil and groundwater and rernediate these impacts. We request that you submit a work plan to investigate soil and groundwater. The work plan should propose an expanded soil and groundwater analytical program to identify potential chemicals of concern and identify sensitive environmental receptors in the vicinity. A summary of the project and the Report and our comments follow. Project Summary Based on information obtained fi'om the State Water Resource Control Board's on-line Geotracker database, the site was formerly operated as Beacon Station #571 with regulatory oversight by the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department (KCEHSD). Three 12,000-gallon gasoline USTs, eight dispensers, and associated piping are currently present on-site. Site maps associated with BFD records dating to 1991 portray USTs of the same capacity and dispensers in their cra-rent locations. Based on Geotracker data, a release from the UST system was discovered on 6 December 1989 and was investigated during 1991 and remediated during 1994. The KCEHSD closed this case on 6 November 1995. The USTs were relined in 1991. A Permit To Operate dated 1 July 1991 and issued by the BFD indicates that the facility was owned by the Nella Oil Company, Bakersfield and operated as Kang's Arco at that time. Subsequent permits indicate that the business was operated as Kang's Arco and was also operated as 34th Street ARCO during 2001. BFD records suggest that the site was owned by Bong Un Kang and Souk Ja Kang prior to 2001 and was owned by Chang Bok Kim until the Kangs reassumed California Environmental Protection Agency ~X~ Recycled Paper Mr. Bong Un Kang - 2 - 25 February 2004 ownership during 2003. The site is currently inactive due to noncompliance with the BFD's requests to implement UST system upgrades and repairs. BFD records document that total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons (TRPH) was detected at concentrations up to 1,700 milligrams per kilogram (rog/kg) by EPA Method 418.1 in samples collected by a hand auger during product line repairs on 30 November 1995. The BFD requested further investigation to determine the extent of impacted soil by a letter dated 13 February 1996. Impacted.soil was either removed or was of neglible volume, since a TRPH concentration of 35 rog/kg was detected in a confirmation sample collected on 25 March 1996. Leakage from the UST turbines was discovered and abated during an October 2001 UST interior lining . inspection. The BFD requested that the extent of the release be investigated prior to UST system .__~p._grades and re.p_~ff~b.y_a_letter_datedA_7_December~20(M-a~d-subsecl.uent~etter~. - Report Summary Soils Engineering conducted an investigation of soil and groundwater at the USTs on 22 October 2003. Soil borings B- 1 through B-4 were sampled to depths of 20 to 30 feet below ground surface (bgs) in positions surrounding the two 12,000 gallon USTs north of the dispenser canopy. Groundwater was encountered at approximately 25 feet bgs. Groundwater samples were collected from boring B-2 and B-3. Soil and groundwater samples were analyzed in the laboratory for total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-g) by EPA Method 8015M, and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) and MTBE by EPA Method 8020. MTBE detections were confirmed by EPA Method 8260. TPH-g and benzene concentrations up to 5,400 and 8.3 rog/kg, respectively, were detected in the soil samples. MTBE was confirmed at concentrations up to 32 rog/kg by EPA Method 8260. TPH-g and benzene concentrations up to 34,000 and 120 microgram per liter (gg/L) were detected in the groundwater samples. MTBE was confirmed at concentrations up to t,200 gg/L by EPA Method 8260. Soils Engineering concluded that a release had impacted subsurface soil and groundwater at the southern end of the two 12,000 gallon USTs north of the canopy. They estimated that the lateral extent of impacted soil was contained within a 15-foot radius and that the southern extent was not defined. The -extent~of-i-mp-a:cted~lWa't~TW~is-~.l~o-Wn~d~fih-edi-So'iI'E-n~ih~ering recommended additi6nal investigation to determine the southern extent of impacted soil and installation of at least three rnonitoring wells to define the limit of impacted groundwater. Soils Engineering also proposes overexcavation of impacted soils during UST system removal or installation of an in-situ soil vapor extraction system. Comments A release from the UST system was discovered in 2001 and has contaminated soil and degraded groundwater quality beneath the site. Chemicals of concern (COCs) are presently known to include gasoline constituents, specifically: benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes and the fuel oxygenate MTBE. The site is underlain by a transmissive aquifer used as a municipal water supply. A municipal well approximately 2,500 feet downgradient of the site has become inactive due to MTBE detected in concentrations exceeding California Drinking Water Maximum Contaminant Levels. We request that V:\UGTkProjectsUDW_files\2004 Con'espondence\City of Bakersfield Cases\Kang's At'co Ist Ltr 2-04.doc Mi'. Bong Un Kang - 3 - 25 February 2004 you investigate the extent of impacted soil and groundwater prior to submitting a Corrective Action Plan to mitigate these impacts. Work Plan We concur with the recommendations for additional site investigation provided in the Report. Submit a work plan to complete definition of the impacted soil and to install at least three monitoring wells. The work plan shbuld also propose investigation beneath other portions of the UST system not previously investigated. We request that you conduct groundwater monitoring on a quarterly schedule. The work plan should include the results of an investigation to identify water supply wells and other environmental receptors within 2,000 feet of the site. Please submit the work plan by 1 June 2(}04. W_e request that the work-plari Propose an expand~d-ana[ytic~.l p~'ogran-t to characterize cO'Cs in soil and groundwater, Analyses should include TPH-g by EPA Method 8015M, BTEX, and MTBE by EPA Method 8020 or 8260, the fuel oxygenates MTBE, di-isopropyl ether (DIPE), ethyl tertiary butyl ether (ETBE), tertiary amyl methyl ether (TAME), and tertiary butyl alcohol (TBA), and the lead scavengers 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCA) and 1,2-dibromoethane (EDB) by EPA Method 8260B. A limited number of' samples should also be analyzed for the chemicals usually reported in a full EPA 8260 analysis (approximately 63 to 67 analytes). Soil and groundwater samples should be analyzed for total and dissolved lead, respectively. Samples for dissolved lead should be filtered in the field prior to acid preservation or filtered in the laboratory prior to acid preservation within 24 hours of sample collection. These procedures are to be noted on Chain-of-Custody documentation. The content of the work plan should comply with the enclosed Tri-Regional Board Stc!ff' Recommendations.~br Preliminary Evah,tation and bwesrigation of Undergrozmd Storage Tctnk Sites and Appendix A-Reports Tri-Regional Boo, rd Staff Recomn~endations for Preliminczry Evaluation and hzvestig~tion ~ff' Underground Storage Tank Sites. A copy of this document is enclosed. Include a time schedule to implement the work and submit reports in the work plan. All submittals should contain the signature and seal of a California registered engineer, certified engineering geologist, or registered geologist who is in responsible charge of the field investigation and responsible for the content of the submittal. The BFD has required that you reinstall or upgrade the existing facility UST system prior to resuming fuel sales. We concur with Soils Engineering that excavation of impacted soil may be feasible during these activities. Contact us to discuss planned site construction by 1 June 2004. Construction activities need to be coordinated with site investigation and remediation. Sensitive Receptor Survey (Water Well Identification Survey) We request that you identify water wells and other sensitive environmental receptors within 2,500 feet of the site boundaries. The investigation should include examination of records available fi'om the California Department of Water Resources and local water purveyors and a drive-by reconnaissance. Provide well construction details and operation schedules, if available. V :\UGTxProjects\J DW_files\2004 Correspondence\City of Bakersfield Cases\Kang's ,ad'co 1st Ltr 2-04.doc Bong Un Kang - 4 - 25 February 2004 Identification of Other Responsible Parties -- If you have evidence to support identification of other potentially responsible parties for degradation at this site, we request that you identify them now by providing such evidence so they may be notified of the potential responsibility. Evidence should include the beginning and ending dates and type of involvement, the names and current addresses of all potentially responsible parties, and copies of any documents that would verify the terms and conditions of involvement. Cleanup Fund Notice You should be aware of legislation to assist owners and operators of underground tanks. Senator Keene's Senate Bill 2004 (Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund Program (Fund)) offers ....... se_ye_rat -foi:ms of-assista;ncer-i-ne-lu4i-ng-fi-nanciatTfor-investigati-o~r~ an-d' tle'an~ip discha~:ges. You may wish to contact the State Water Resom-ces Control Board at (800) 813-3863 about ~he Fund. An application for and information on the Fund is enclosed. If you have not already applied to the Fund, we strongly encourage you to do so. In addition, I have enclosed a copy of the Fund's &,a'cc,,%.'/id Cc;rrective Action, A Tank Owner's G~dde. The guide contains information on choosing a consultant and obtaining a good bid (three bids are usually required to be eligible for reimbursement under the Fund). Staff administering the Fund hats indicated that all costs for corrective action must meet the requirements of Article 11, Chapter 16, Underground Storage Tank Regulations (Article 11). For your co.?entente, a copy of Alticle 11 is enclosed. Landowner Notification Our records indicate that you are the "primary or active" responsible party for the subject site. Under the "landowner notification" of Health and Safety Code, Section 25299.3'7.2 (information concerning Assembly Bill No. 681 enclosed), ail current record owners of fee title to the site are required to be noti f'ied of your proposed actions relating to investigation, cleanup, and closure of this site. By 1 June 2004, please provide t~s with a complete mailing list of all record fee title owners. You are to certify in writing that the list is complete and contains the names and add~'ess of all record fee title owner's. You may use. the enclosed foj'm_~f9r_the latter p~rp.o~e._ If.yo_L!g~_e.th_q9__nl_y_xe._c_o_rd_fee.titl~ owner .... please so state in your certified list of record fee title owners. You shall copy all futm'e correspondence to us regarding this site to the record fee title owners and they shall be encouraged to comment on your proposed actions to cleanup and close this site. Also, if ownership of fee title to the site changes prior to closure, you shall within 30 days of recording a change in ownership provide us with a complete mailing list of ali new record fee title owners and certify that it is complete. V:\UGT\ProjectsklDW_files\2004 Correspondence\City of Bakersfield Cases\Kang's Arco 1st Ltr 2-04.doc Mr. Bong Un Kang - 5 - 25 February 2004 Please contact this office at least five days prior to fieldwork. If you have any questions regarding this correspondence, please contact me at (559) 445-5504. . . D. WHIThNG Engineering Geologist R.G. No. 595i _ Enclosures: Tri-Regional Boc~rct Sta, ff'Recommendations.~br Prelimin, ary Evaluation and Investisarion qf Underground Storage Tank Sites Appendix A-Reports - S~.ccessf[d CorrectiYe Action, A Tank O~w~_ers Gaide Cleanup Fund .Application Article 11, Hecdth and Sqfety Code Axsembly Bill No. 68I c: Ms. Barbara Rempel, SWRCB, UST Cleanup Fund, Sacramento, w/o enclosures,x Mt.Howard H. Wines BI, Bakersfield Fire Department, Bakersfield, w/o enclosures",~ Mr. Chang Bok Kim, Bakersfield, w/o enclosures Fiie: U ST/Kern/Kang' s Arco, [ 102 34'~ St., Bakersfield/ST1500088 V:\UGTXPrqiects\JDW_files\2004 Correspondence\City of Bakersfield CasesXKang's Arco 1st btr 2-04.doc I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. I SITE CHARACTERIZATION REPORT I For I FORMER ARCO SERVICE STATION I 1102 34th Street I Bakersfield, California I Prepared For: i Mr. Bong Un Kang 2604 Oakcrest Court i Bakersfield, CA 93311 I File No. 03-10486 I Prepared By: I I Soils Engineering, Inc. 4400 Yeager Way I Bakersfield, CA. 93313 1 I November 2003 I I 4400 YEAGER WAY ° BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA93313 ' PHONE(661)831-5100 · FAX:(661)831-2111 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. November 17, 2002 File Number 03-10486 Mr. Howard Wines Bakersfield Fire Department - Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA. 93301 Subject: Site Characterization Report Former Arco Service Station 1102 34th Street Bakersfield, CA. Mr. Wines: This~ Site Characterization Report (Report) is submitted by Soils Engineering, Inc. (SEI) following the receipt of analytical results of soil and groundwater samples collected from four (4) soil borings at the former ARCO service station at 1102 34th Street in Bakersfield, CA. (site). The soil borings were located adjacent to the three (3) existing underground storage tanks (UST's) at the subject site (see Plate 1 for Location Map and Plate 2 for a Plot Plan). The environmental investigation was conducted in accordance a Site Characterization Workplan dated October 8, 2003, which was approved by the Bakersfield Fire Department - Office of Environmental Services (BFD-OES). BACKGROUND (3) 12,000 gallon gasoline are present at petroleum hydrocarbons Three UST's the site. Elevated (1400 parts per million (ppm) Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) as gasoline) were detected in soil samples collected adjacent to the west end of the two (2) northwestern UST's in November 2001. during a test of the UST's interior liners. The BFD-OES has requested that an assessment of this release of petroleum hydrocarbons be investigated prior to any UST upgrade project being conducted at the site. SEI prepared a Site Characterization Workplan dated October 8, 2003 describing the proposed assessment activities to be conducted at this location, which was verbally approved by the BFD- OES prior to conducting the assessment. FIELDWORK CONDUCTED Mark Borings & Notify Underground Service Alert Underground Service Alert (USA) was contacted to identify utility locations 48 hours prior to conducting the drilling. I 4400YEAGER WAY ° BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93313 ° PHONE (661) 831-5100 ° FAX: (661) 831-2111 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site Characterization Report File Number 03-10486 Former ARCO Service Station November 17, 2003 1102 34th Street, Bakersfield, CA. Page 2 Drilling of 4 Soil Borings An SEI owned and operated Hollow-stem auger drill rig (CME-75) was utilized to advance four (4) soil borings to depths of 20 to 30 feet below ground surface (bgs) at the locations shown on the attached Plot Plan, Plate 2. The first soil boring (B-l) was drilled on the northside of the two (2) western UST's near the turbine. Soil boring B-2 was placed adjacent to the western end of the western UST's. Soil Boring B-3 was placed on the south side of the western UST's and soil boring B-4 was placed at the eastern end of the western UST's just west of the eastern UST. An SEI geologist, supervised by a California registered geologist directed the drilling and sampling process. Soil samples were collected at 5-foot intervals beginning at 5' bgs. and evaluated in the field for petroleum hydrocarbons (staining and odor), soil type and photo-ionization detector (PID) readings. A soil sample from each sampling interval was sealed, labeled and placed into an iced cooler. If gasoline impacted soil was evident at the bottom of a soil boring (20 feet), additional drilling beyond 20' bgs. was conducted to define the vertical extent of the contamination or until groundwater was encountered. This occurred at soil borings B-2 and B-3, which were both drilled to a depth of 30'. The soil borings were backfilled with bentonite and capped with concrete to match existing surfaces. Contaminated cuttings were placed in DOT-approved drums and will be removed during future disposal/recycling activities. Collection of Groundwater Samples Groundwater samples were collected at soil borings B-2 and B-3 after encountering groundwater at a depth of approximately 25' bgs.. A disposable bailer was utilized to retrieve a water sample from within the hollow-stem augers and the water within the bailer was decanted into three (3) 40 ml VOA's, sealed, labeled and placed into an iced cooler. Groundwater samples were not collected at soil borings B-1 and B-4 since gasoline-impacted soil was not evident at 20' bgs. at these locations. I Analytical Testing Selected soil and groundwater samples were shipped within a sealed cooler with blue-ice by overnight delivery to Positive Lab Service in Los Angeles, CA. along with chain-of-custody I documents for chemical analysis. The soil samples were analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg) by EPA Method 8015m and for volatile organics (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX) and MTBE) by EPA Method 8020B. The two I(2) groundwater samples (B-2 and B-3) were analyzed for (TPHg) by EPA Method 8015m and for volatile organics (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX) and MTBE) by EPA Method 8020B. Soil and groundwater samples reported to have MTBE concentrations I present were verified by EPA Method 8260B. FINDINGS 1 I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site Characterization Report File Number 03-10486 Former ARCO Service Station November 17, 2003 1102 34th Street, Bakersfield, CA. Page 3 Description of Soil & Groundwater Conditions The general lithology encountered at the site consisted of sandy silt (ML) in the top 8' underlain by silty sand (SM) to a depth of approximately 13' bgs., followed by well-sorted sand (SW) to a depth of 30' bgs.. No significant petroleum staining or gasoline odor was observed in soil samples from soil borings B-1 and B-4. Slight petroleum odor and trace gray staining was observed in soil sample B-2 ~ 20'. Significant gasoline odor and gray staining was observed in soil boring B-3 from a depth of 5' to 25' bgs.. The highest PID reading recorded was 18,250 parts per million (ppm) in soil sample B3 ~ 10'. Groundwater was encountered at a depth of approximately 25' bgs. in borings B-2 and B-3. No free-product was observed in the water samples collected at borings B-2 and B-3. Analytical Results of Soil & Water Samples Table 1 presents the analytical results of soil and groundwater samples collected during this investigation. The highest TPHg, benzene and MTBE concentrations reported were in soil sample B3~10' at 5400 ppm, 830 parts per billion (ppb) and 3200 ppb, respectively. Soil samples B3~20' and B3~25' also had significant gasoline constituents reported. Minor TPHg (0.83 ppm), xylenes (12 ppb), and MTBE (47 ppb, confirmed at 2.7 ppb) were reported in soil sample B2~20'. No TPHg or benzene concentrations were reported in the soil samples analyzed borings B-4. MTBE was reported at a concentration 31 ppb soil sample from soil B-1 and of in B4~20' and confirmed at 1.93 ppb. The water sample B-2 had 1600 ppb TPHg, 25 ppb benzene, 17 ppb toluene, 57 ppb ethylbenzene, 250 ppb total xylenes and 160 ppb MTBE (130 ppb confirmed) reported. The water sample B-3 had 34000 ppb TPHg, 120 ppb benzene, 1900 ppb toluene, 1000 ppb ethylbenzene, 6300 ppb total xylenes and 1500 ppb MTBE (1200 ppb confirmed) reported. I CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusions I Based on analytical testing of soil and water samples and field observations the following conclusions are presented: I 1) A release of gasoline has occurred at the southern side of the western UST's, which appears to have contaminated soil beneath the site to a depth of approximately 25' bgs. at significant concentrations. The lateral extent of the gasoline impacted soil I to be less than 15' in radius based on the soil sample results in soil borings B- appears 1 and B-4. The lateral extent of the vadose plume is not defined adequately to the south and may proceed beneath the dispenser islands. See Plate 3 for an estimated I plume area diagram and Plates 4 and 5 for cross-sections at the site. i SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site Characterization Report File Number 03-10486 Former ~IRCO Service Station November 17, 2003 II 02 34th Street, Bakersfield, CA. Page 4 2) Groundwater beneath the site appears to be impacted with gasoline constituents in the areas of soil borings B-2 and B-3. The extent of the groundwater plume has not been defined. Recommendations The following are SEI's recommendations for the site. 1) Additional soil borings south of boring B-3 may be warranted to define the lateral limits of the vadose plume. This would need to be conducted with a low profile drilling rig or by hand auguring since it is under the dispenser canopy. 2) During the removal/upgrade of the UST's at the site additional over-excavation of the southern portion of the UST's to a depth of approximately 25' could be conducted to remove the gasoline-impacted soil. Soil sampling and analysis of the base and sidewalls of the proposed excavation to confirm the successful removal of the gasoline-impacted soil to regulatory action levels for soil would also be conducted. Gasoline-impacted soil removed from the excavation would be disposed/recycled at a State permitted facility. Backfilling and compaction of the proposed excavation to grade would be with clean imported fill. Vapor-extraction of the vadose plume is an alternative remedial option. 3) At least three (3) groundwater monitoring wells should be installed at the site to define the limits of the gasoline impacted groundwater plume and to determine the groundwater gradient at the site. These groundwater monitoring wells should be installed and sampled per local, State and Federal regulations. Possible locations of the monitoring wells are shown on Plate 3. The northern monitoring well may need to be installed after the UST upgrade project is complete so that they are not destroyed during the over- excavation project. Remediation of the groundwater plume may be required once it is adequately defined. LIMITATIONS This Site Characterization Report was prepared for the exclusive use of Mr. Bong Un Kang as it relates to the property described. The discussion and conclusions presented in this report are based on: I - The test borings performed at this site. - The observations of field personnel. - The results of laboratory tests performed by Positive Lab Service Of Los Angeles, I California I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site Characterization Report File Number 03-10486 Former ARCO Service Station November 17, 2003 1102 34th Street, Bakersfield, CA~ ~ Page~5 - Our understanding of the regulations of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Bakersfield Fire Department - Office of Environmental Services, the DTSC and the EPA. Possible variations in the soil or groundwater conditions which may exist beyond the points explored in this investigation might effect the validity of this report unless those variations or conditions come to our attention and are reviewed and assimilated into the conclusions and recommendations of this report. Also, changes in the hydrologic conditions found could occur with time due to variations in rainfall, temperature, regional water usage, or other factors, any of which could affect this report. The services performed by SEI have been conducted in a manner consistent with the levels of care and skill ordinarily exercised by professionals currently practicing under similar conditions in California. The absence of contamination on or beneath the property cannot be guaranteed by this report. SEI is not responsible for any contamination or hazardous material found on the property. No other warranty expressed or implied, is made. Please call Soils Engineering, Inc. at (661) 831-5100 if you have any questions concerning this Report. Sincerely, .. ~ o e J. ec .G.,REAII, C.E.G. Enwronmental D~ws~on Manager Enclosures Location Ma Plate 1 o. 20074 : p, Plot Plan, Plate 2 %\~\ _ .-,/,, Exp Date ~t Soil & Groundwater Plume Areas, Plate 3 ~,~p. Date ~ Cross-section A to A', Plate 4 '~.~?e" ~~'. Cross-section B to B', Plate 5 · '~---,w&._~_~3~':~ Appendix A: Analytical Reports "' Appendix B: Boring Logs cc: Mr. Pierce Kang, 2604 Oakcrest Court, Bakersfield, CA. 93311 N SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. ARCO SERVICE STATION PLATE 4400 Yeager Way 1102 34th St. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, CA. · (661) 831 - 5100 PROJECT: 03-10486 Location & Hospital Map Residential Fence 12,000 Gallon UST's B-Ir,,. B-2"h---~ [-[ 0 ~Taved ARCO /. STORE Un ~ave~ Dispensers ~Soil Boring Location I~PP pp · Approx. Scale ' 34th Street ' 1-=2o, SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. ARCO SERVICE STATION PLATE 4400 Yeager Way 1102 34th St. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, CA. t~ (661) 831 - 5100 PROJECT: 03-10486 Plot Plan N Residential ~ Fence ~' 12,000 Gallon UST's B-lr~,,i ~no , avedt 72~ , , ,~_.~..~, ~ B7 .... , '" - ......... ~ g~ i~i'~''''~':'' ARCO -3 i Ping : ......... , [~ M,' M Estt~ated '..~ .~ x Groundwater Plume "---- ?" TPHg >1 ppm s,i. te Vadose Plume ~anopy TPHg >1 O0 ppm Dispensers Possible Monitoring Well Location .~ Soil Boring Location jpp ........ Cross-section Line (A to A', B to B') p;,i Approx. Scale ' I 34th Street ' i,,=20, SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. ARCO SERVICE STATION PLATE 4400 Yeager Way 1102 34th St. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, CA. t'~ (661) 831 - 5100 O PROJECT: 03-10486 Soil & Groundwater Plumes North B-1 B-3 Dispensers Si Ith 0' Western UST Area D II 20 '[~ ~ II 3~0, Sandy Silt e 10' ' ................................ ~'t1:'5 ............................. k.u~·~'~i) .................... '* ........... P Silty Sand i<0.005 1 25 "~--~-0.831 i 182so t <0.005 Silty Sand , 3.2 h ..................................... ' .............................................................................. ~' ...... xL:~ ................................................ .1~ ............ II 3o : '"z:~:::: ................................. II.....snso ................... .~.andy Silt · 1000 B SAND <0.5 SAND (SW) , e 20' <0.0051 40 · <0.5 ~110750 Cu~rre <0'005 · <0.5 · o 25' nt · Water 1800", 1~,3.5,0~ w Water Elevation · <0.5 /~'. · i~t. ... ....., $ 0.120 <0.5 ~[r ~ 1.5 I 320 u Estimated r TPHg Vadose Plume >100 ppm 40' U~OEND Borin~ # Approx. Scale 1" = 10' TPHg Benzene I" ~ ~1 Contaminated MTBE PID I~ .. a Vadose Zone Conc. Conc. Ppm ppm ARCO SERVICE STATION PLATE SOILS ENGINEERING 1102 34th St. 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA. Bakersfield, CA 93313~ · PROJECT: 03-10486 Cross-section A to A' Building West B-2 B-4 E,ast 0' Western UST Area e D .................... Sandy Silt ...... I 1'"'5'"0'"' Gas ~J s _ P Silty Sand <0.005 1 55 · . -,,:i:.!!:.:.LT' <0.005 1 1 100 · .... ~ ............................................... <0.005 ...................... t <0,..0...0...5.~ .................... . ................................. . . ~ ~ ':::2~ ....................................... ...... Sand(sP) II120 1175 · . ..,. · SAND (SW) · <0.5 B SAND 0.83 , e 20' <0.005 1270: · <o.oo511200 I Cun~rre 0.0027 ' " 0.002 o 25' nt Water II lSO .. w Water Elevation 1.6 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '';~ ' ' ' ' ~ S 0.025 / 30' o.~6 ii / u Estimated r TPHg Vadose Plume >100 ppm c 40' e LEGEND Boring # Approx. Scale 1"=10' TPHo Benzene ~' ' ~1 Contaminated MTBE PID I... a Vadose Zone Conc. Conc. Ppm ppm ARCO SERVICE STATION PLATE SOILS ENGINEERING 1102 34th St. 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA. Bakersfield, CA 93313 PROJECT: 03-10486 Cross-section B to B' SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Appendix A Analytical Report I ,41 POSITIVE LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTI'Ft'CATE OF ANALYSTS I Soils Engineering Znc. ~0/29/03 File# 73443 I 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 9331.3 Kang ARCO No. 03-10486-P Attn: Robert Becker I Phone: (661) Fax: (661) 831-2111 83~;.5100 Sample#: 20032190-001 Collector: Client Method: Via: UPS I Received: 10/23/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 10/22/2003 9:20:00 AH Type: Soil Z.D.: B1@10' I :.P ~ r.~..m..e.t..e..r. .................................... ~[e. pl:.T,e~.t...~.e.t....h.p.P ............. Re.s.u.it ......... Up.it ....... p~.L. Prep Date: 10/24/2003 Analysis Date: 10/24/2003 TPH-Crasolh~e EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND mg/kg 0.5 i Benzene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 Toluene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 Ethyl benzene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 Xylene(Total) EPAS030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 10 I MTBE EPA 5030B 8021B/g015B ND u g.~:g 5 Surrogates EPA 5030B 802IB/8015B * Tdtluorotoluene EPA 5030B 8021B/g015B 65 Percent I Sample#: 20032190-002 Collector: Client Method: Via: LIPS Received: 10/23/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 10/22/2003 9:43:00 AM Type: Soil I I.D.: Bl@20' ..Par~me~.e.r .............................. ,..ereplTe.$~.H. ethod. ........... Result Unj~.., ...... P(~L Prep Date: 10/24/2003 Analysis Date: 10/24/2003 I TPH-Gasoline EPA 5030B 802.1B/8015B ND rog/kg 0.5 Benzene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 Toluene EPA 5030B 8021B/g015B ND ug/kg 5 i Ethyl benzene EPA 5030B 802 lB/8015B ND ug/kg 5 Xylene (Total) EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 10 MTBE EPA 5030B 8021 B/go 15B ND ug/kg 5 Sun'ogates EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B * ~.~..s...0...~.~....... ~.9.!~.~(~.~.~...?".~. ~.~:~. Sample#: 20032190-003 Collector: Client Method: Via: UPS Received: :[0/23/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 10/22/2003 ~0:23:00 AM I Type: Soil I.D.: B2@10' .~P .a.r.a..,m:e.~.e..r ............................... .P:. r.ep/.T,e.~.t.. H~t..h...o..d ................ ~.e~.u...!.t.. .................. ~.!.t. ............ ~..0.L I Prep Date: 10/24/2003 Analysis Date: 10/24/2003 TPH-(~dsoline EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND rog/kg 0.5 Benzene EPA5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 I Toluene EPA. 5030B 8021B/8015 B ND ug/kg 5 Ethyl benzene EPA 5030B 802 lB/g015B ND ug/kg 5 Xylene (Total) EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 10 i M1BE EPA 5030B 802 lB/8015B ND ug/kg 5 SmTogates EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B * I 20032190-003 I I POSITIVE LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTZFZCATE OF ANALYSTS Soils Engineering Inc. 10/29/03 File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 Kang ARCO No. 03-10486-P Attn: Robert Becker Trifluorotoluene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B 81 Percent Sample#: 20032190-004 Collector: Client Method: Via: UPS Received: 10/23/2003 Sampling Date/lime: 10/22/2003 10:50:00AM Type: Soil I.D.: B2@20' .:P.a..ra...m.e~r ................................... ~r..eplTe. s:t. He..th.od. .............. !~..es.....u.~ ................... U..n!t .......... P.o..t, Prep Date: 10/24/2003 Analysis Date: 10/24/2003 TPH-Crasoline EPA 5030B 8021B/g015B 0.83 rog/kg 0.5 Benzene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 Toluene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 Ethylbenzene EPA5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 Xylene (Total) EPA5030B 8021B/8015B 12 ug/kg 10 MTI3E EPA 5030B 8021B/g015B 47 ug/kg 5 Surrogates EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B * Sample#: 20032190-005 Collector: Client Method: Via: UPS Received: 10/23/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 10/22/2003 12:15:00 PM Type: Water I.D.: B-2 Prep Date: 10/24/2003 Analysis Date: 10/24/2003 TPH-Odsoline EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B 1600 ug/1 100 Benzene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B 25 ug/l 0.5 Toluene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B 17 ug/1 0.5 Ethyl benzene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B 57 ug/1 0.5 Xylene(Total) EPA5030B 8021B/8015B 250 ug/l l MTBE EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B 160 ug/1 1 Surrogates EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B * * Tfilluorotoluene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B 133 Percent Sample#: 20032190-006 Collector: Client Method: Via: UPS Received: 10/23/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 10/22/2003 1:28:00 PM Type: Soil I.D.: B3@10' .Pa. ram,.te? Pr. epl.Te..s..t...H e..~..h, pd.. ~.e.~.p!t. Unit. P~L Prep Date: 10/24/2003 Analysis Date: 10/24/2003 TPH-Crdsoline EPA 5030B 802 lB/8015B 5400 mg/kg 50 Bel~ene EPA5030B 8021B/8015B 830 ug/kg Toluene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B 49000 ug/kg 500 Ethyl benzene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B 50000 ug/kg 500 Xylene(Total) EPA5030B 8021B/8015B 330000 ug/kg 1000 MTBE EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B 2200 ug/kg 500 2 20032190-006 ! POSITIVE LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 I CERTZFZCATE OF ANALYSTS · Soils Engineering ThC. 1.0/29/03 File# 73443 I 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield~ CA 93313 Kang ARCO No. 03-1048§-P Attn: Robert Becker I Phone: (661~ 831-5100 Fax: .(661) 831-2111 Surrogates EPA 5030B 8021B/g015B * Trilluorotoluene EPA 5030B 802 lB/8015B 106 Percent Sample#: 20032190-007 Collector: Client Method: Via: UPS Received: 10/23/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 10/22/2003 1:43:00 PM Type: Soil I I.D.: B3@20' ,e~r~.m.e...t~r. ................................ .P... r~pl.Te~$.t.H.~t h.0d.. ................ ~e.~.~.!.~ .................. un!~ ............. ..P.~.k i Prep Date: 10/24/2003 Analysis Date: 10/24/2003 TPH-Crasoline EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B 1000 mg/kg 50 Benzene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 500 Toluene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B 6100 ug/kg 500 I Ethylbenzene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B 8900 ug/kg 500 Xylene (Total) EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B 55000 ug/kg 1000 MTBE EPA 5030B 802 lB/g015B ND ug/kg 500 I Surrogates EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B * ..t..~!~!.o..r.~!.~.!~?!.~~ ..E...P.~....S..9..~ ~.L...~.~.2....!.~../..~...o.!..~.~ .................................................. .9.,0., ~:~!. ...................... Sample#: 20032190-008 Collector: Client Method: Via: UPS Received: 10/23/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 10/22/2003 1:55:00 PM I Type: Soil I.D.: B3@25' I :Pa..r.a..m.~ter ....................... Preo. IT:est. H...e.t.hqd .............. !~...e.s....u.!..t .................... U..n.!~. ............. P..O...L Prep Date: 10/24/2003 Analysis Date: 10/24/2003 TPH-Oasol/ne EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B 1800 mg/kg 50 I Benzene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 500 ~roluene EPA 5030B 8021 B/go 15B 10000 ug/kg 500 Ethyl benzene EPA 5030B 8021B/g015B 15000 ug/kg 500 Xylene (Total) EPA 5030B 8021B/g015B 80000 ug/kg 1000 I MTBE EPAS030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 500 Surrogates EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B * T~4dluomtoluene EPA 5030B 8021 B/go 15B 102 Percent I Sample#: 20032190-009 Collector: Client blethod: Via: UPS Received: 10/23/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 10/22/2003 3:00:00 PM lype: Soil I I.D.: B4@10' Para.meter .......... ........ .. . PreplTestH.eth~d,:. Result . .U~jt. ........... P,,O.L Prep Date: 10/24/2003 Analysis Date: 10/24/2005 I 'lT'H-(kdsolh~e EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND rog/kg 0.5 Benzene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 Toluene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug~g 5 i Ethyl benzene EPA 5030B 802 lB/8015B ND ug/kg 5 Xylene (Total) EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 10 3 20032190-009 ! .dr POSITIVE I~~ 781 Fast Washin§ton Blvd., Los ^ngele$, CA 90021 LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTZFZCATE OF ANALYSZS Soils Engineering Znc. 10/29/03 File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 Kang ARCO No. 03-10486-P At/n: Robert Becker Phone: (661) 831-5100 Fax: (661) 8~..3...1-.2. i...i. 1 :.:-%'::~:!-?Y.:~:~: :.::~: g:':!~:~:~:!:?.!~:!:!ff.':!:!:!:::!:!$%5: '<.::T::!'?~?~T~.:~$~%%%~:!::~:~:.~:!:!:~::~:!~:!:!:!:~:~:~:!:~:~:!~:!:~:~:::~$ ?:*:':':':':':+:':':':':':~ .:.:~-:.:,..:,.,.../../.*:+..:.:.x <*:<...:.:.:.:.:.:<.:e..,...*../../.*/.**<...../.,,, <, < ,*~::: :~::!:: ::: ;.'...<.::::: ::: ::: :::::::a:: ::::::::::::::: ';'::: ::::: ::>'. :::: ::::::::: :::: >':: ::><. ::: MTBE EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 Surrogates EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B * Sample#: 20032190-010 Collector: Client Method: Via: UPS Received: 10/23/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 10/22/2003 3:15:00 PM Type: Soil I.D.: B4@20' ..P.a..r~.m~e..r ................................... P.. r~pl..T...e..st.....M...e..t;hp~ ...... Re.s..u!.t Unit. PQL Prep Date: 10/24/2003 Analysis Date: 10/24/2003 TPH-Crasoh~e EPA 5030B g021B/8015B ND mg/kg 0.5 Benzene EPA 5030B 802 lB/8015B ND ug/kg 5 Toluene EPA 5030B 802 lB/8015B ND ug/kg 5 Ethyl benzene £PA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 Xylene (Total) EPA 5030B g021B/8015B ND ug~kg 10 MTBE EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B 31 ug/kg 5 Surrogates EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B * Trilluorotoluene EPA 5030B 802 lB/8015B 80 Percent Sample#: 20032190-011 Collector: Client Method: Via: UPS Received: 10/23/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 10/22/2003 2:08:00 PM Type: Water I.D.: B-3 ..Pa..r~.m.eter ................................... Pr~pl.~est. Het.h...o. ~ .............. R.e.~.~..!t ................... Up!..t., ........... Prep Date: 10/28/2003 Analysis Date: 10/28/2003 TPH-Crasoline EPA 5030B 802t B/8015B 34000 ug/1 2500 Benzene EPA5030B 8021B/g015B 120 ug/1 13 Toluene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B 1900 ug/1 13 Ethyl benzene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B 1000 ug/1 13 Xylene (Total) EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B 6300 ug/1 25 MTBE EPA5030B g021B/g015B 1500 ug/1 25 Sum)gates EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B * * ........................ t. Sample#: 20032190-012 Collector: Method: Received: 10/23/2003 Sampling Date/Time: Type: Soil I.D,: Method Blank (Soil) .P ,a..r.:a...m..e.ter ................... er.e.p/. s.t..M,.etho, d ........... R.e.s...U.!..t .................. ..U..n.. it~ .............. p:...O....L. Prep Date: 10/24/2003 Analysis Date: 10/24/2003 TPH-~lsoline EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND rog/kg 0.5 Benzene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 Toluene EPA 5030B 8021 B/g015B ND ug/kg 5 Ethyl benzene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 4 20032190-012 POSITIVE LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSTS Soils Engineering Inc. 10/2g/03 File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 933Z3 Kang ARCO No. 03-10486-P Attn.' Robert Becker Phone: (661)831-5100 Fax: Xylene (Total) EPA 5030B g021B/g015B ND ug/kg · MTBE - EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 Surrogates EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B * Tfitluorotoluene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B 82 Percent Sample#: 20032190-013 Collector: Method: Received: 10/23/2003 Sampling Date/Time: Type: Water T.D.: Method Blank (Water) Pr.e. pl. Te..s.t..H.e. thp.d.,..... Re.~.u!t Prep Date: 10/24/2003 Analysis Date: 10/24/2003 TPH-Crasoline EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/1 100 Benzene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ltg/1 0.5 Toluene EPA 5030B 8021B/g015B ND ug/1 0.5 Ethyl benzene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/1 0.5 Xylene (Total) EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/1 1 MTBE EPA 5030B 8021B/g015B ND ug/1 1 SmTogates EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B * * Tritluorotoluene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B 82 Percent ..'. / ~ ,;, ?,/' ND: Not Detected . ';/~ / / '/' NA= Not Applicahle _/ C* / 't~tno,'ized/;'~, atm'c(s) PQL = Practical Quantitation Linfit / Enviromental Lahoratoo, Accreditation Progam Cegificate No. 1131, LACSD No. 10138 Any remaining sample(s) lbr testing will be disposed of 30 days l}om receipt date unless notified. 5 20032190-013 ! POSITIVE I~~' 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 QUALITY CONTROL DATA CLIENT: Soils Engineering Inc. BATCH No: 32978015/8021-1 REPORT NO: 20032190 DATE EXTRACTED: 10/24/03 DATE ANALYZED: 10/24/03 MATRIX: SOl L METHOD: EPA 8021 B QC SAMPLE: 20032190-001 SAMPLE AMT AMT SPK REC RESULTS SPIKED REC. % ACCEPT PARAMETER UGIKG UG/KG UG/KG REC RANGE (%) RPD BENZENE S 0 40 20.8 52% DS 0 40 26.6 67% 52-120 25% LOS 100 85.2 85% 68-118 TOLUENE S 0 40 21.3 53% DS 0 40 26,7 67% 47-118 23% LCS 100 81.9 82% 64-115 ETHYLBENZENE S 0 40 20.7 52% DS 0 40 24.7 62% 38-114 18% LCS 100 80.9 81% 62-122 XYLENES S 0 120 62 52% DS 0 120 72 60% 37-119 15% M+P XYLENES LCS 200 161 80% 61-121 O-XYLENE LCS 100 80.9 81% 63-128 MTBE S 0 40 38.7 97% DS 0 40 38.7 97% 33-143 0% LCS 100 81.9 82% 75-120 SURROGATE S 30 20.1 67% TRI FLUOROTO LU EN E DS 30 21.4 71% 41-140 7% LCS 30 25.0 83% 80-120 S = Spike DS = Duplicate Spike LCS = Laboratory Control Sample LCSD = Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate RPD = Relative Percent Difference ND = None Detected I POSITIVE I W~ 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 QUALITY CONTROl DATA I;LIENT: Soils Engineering Inc. BATCH No: 32978015-1 REPORT NO: 20032190 DATE EXTRACTED: 10/24/03 tATRIX: Soil DATE ANALYZED: 10/24/03 ETHOD: EPA 8015B QC SAMPLE: 20032190-001 ! SAMPLE AMT AMT SPK REC  RESULTS SPIKED REC. % ACCEPT ARAMETER rog/kg rog/kg mg/kg REC RANGE (%) RPD IASOLINE S 0 1.820 1.618 89% 52-129 LCS 0.910 0.952 105% 75-137 I S = Spike DS = Duplicate Spike LCS = Laboratory Control Sample LCSD = Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate I RPD = Relative Percent Difference ND = None Detected ! I POSITIVE I ~~ 781East Washin§ton BlvO., Los Angeles, CA90021 LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 I QUALITY CONTROL DATA CLIENT: Soils Engineering Inc, BATCH No: 32978015/8021-11 i REPORT NO: 20032190 DATE EXTRACTED: 10/24/03 MATRIX: Water DATE ANALYZED: 10/24/03 METHOD: EPA 8021B QC SAMPLE: LCS/LCSD-32978021-1 SAMPLE AMT AMT SPK REC RESULTS SPIKED REC. % ACCEPT PARAMETER UG/L UG/L UG/L REC RANGE (%) RPD BENZENE LCS 100 101.1 101% LCSD 100 103.8 104% 69-121 3% TOLUENE LCS 100 98.1 98% LCSD 100 103.7 104% 66-120 6% ETHYLBENZENE LCS 100 97.3 97% LCSD 100 99.0 99% 63-127 2% M+P XYLENES LCS 200 203 101% M+P XYLENES LCSD 200 207 103% 60-127 2% O-XYLENE LCS 100 101.7 102% O-XYLENE LCSD 100 103.8 104% 65-125 2% MTBE LCS 100 94.1 94% LCSD 100 107.2 107% 60-124 13% SURROGATE LCS 30 32.5 108% TRIFLUOROTOLUEN E LCSD 30 33.4 111% 77-126 3% I S = Spike DS = Duplicate Spike I LCS = Laboratory Control· Sample LCSD = Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate RPD = Relative Percent Difference i ND = None Detected POSITIVE LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 QUALITY CONTROL DATA CLIENT: Soils Engineering Inc. BATCH No: 32978015/8021-11 I REPORT NO: 20032190 DATE EXTRAGTED: 10/24/03 MATRIX: Water DATE ANALYZED: 10/24/03 METHOD: EPA 8015B QC SAMPLE: 20032187-001 SAMPLE AMT AMT SPK REC RESULTS SPIKED REC, % ACCEPT % PARAMETER UG/L UG/L UG/L REC RANGE (%) RPD GASOLINE S 0 1820 1682 92% DS 0 1820 1548 85% 52-129 8% LCS 910 1045 115% 75-137 S = Spike DS = Duplicate Spike LCS =Laboratory Control Sample LCSD =Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate RPD = Relative Percent Difference ND -- None Detected POSITIVE LAB SERVICE /:~l 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 QUALITY CONTROL DATA CLIENT: Soils Engineering Inc. BATCH No: 33018015/8021-1 REPORT NO: 20032190 DATE EXTRACTED: 10/28/03 MATRIX: Water DATE ANALYZED: 10/28/03 METHOD: EPA 8021B QC SAMPLE: LCS/LCSDo33018021-1 SAMPLE AMT AMT SPK REC RESULTS SPIKED REC. % ACCEPT PARAMETER UG/L UG/L UG/L REC RANGE (%) RPD BENZENE LCS 100 104.0 104% LCSD 100 104.7 105% 69-121 1% TOLUENE LCS 100 100.8 101% LCSD 100 103.8 104% 66-120 3% ETHYLBENZENE LCS 100 100.4 100% LCSD 100 104.9 105% 63-127 4% M+P XYLENES LCS 200 210 105% M+P XYLENES LCSD 200 214 107% 60-127 2% O-XYLENE LCS 100 105.4 105% O-XYLENE LCSD 100 108.3 108% 65-125 3% MTBE LCS 100 99.3 99% LCSD 100 95.9 96% 60-124 4% SURROGATE LCS 30 32.0 107% TRIFLUOROTOLUENE LCSD 30 33.2 111% 63-137 3% S = Spike DS = Duplicate Spike LCS = Laboratory Control Sample LCSD = Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate RPD = Relative Percent Difference ND = None Detected POSITIVE ~[~' 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 QUALITY CONTROL DATA i CLIENT: Soils Engineering Inc. BATCH No: 33018015/8021-1 REPORT NO: 20032190 DATE EXTRACTED: 10/28/03 MATRIX: Water DATE ANALYZED: 10/28/03 METHOD: EPA 8015B QC SAMPLE: LCS/LCSD 33018015-1 SAMPLE AMT AMT SPK REC RESULTS SPIKED REC. % ACCEPT % PARAMETER UG/L UGIL UGIL REC RANGE (%) RPD IGASOLINE LCS 910 1001 110% LCSD 910 1061 117% 65-147 6% S = Spike DS = Duplicate Spike LCS =Laboratory Control Sample LCSD =Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate RPD = Relative Percent Difference ND = None Detected 781 Easl Washington Blvd.. Los Angeles, CA 90021 DATE: , GE.~ OF LA~ SERVICE (2~3)7~.s3~2 FAX(213)745-6372 LO~IBOOKNO ..... FILENO, ~BNO, CLIENT NAME: ~ ~ ~ ANALYSES ' ~O~R ~MP~ 'PROJECT NAME: ~?.~ ~ P"OJECTNO. o~y~d P.O. NO./~d--~ PRESER~O: TAT(Ana~alTumAroundT[me) , O=Sa~eDay~ f =24Hou~,,2=48Hour;,,, {Etc.] N=NO~AL ~ ~ ~NTAINER ~PES: ~; Bra~, G = Glass, P = Plastic, V = VOA ~, O = O~m: NO.' SAMPLED SAMPLED SAMPLE. DESCRIPTiON . w~ ~ ~LU~ Om~. TAT , ~ COMMENTS: ~ V*~ x¢ 7~ ~ ~. ~ ~o~~ x~ ~/ ~/ ~/ y:{ 'g . ) - , - ~ · additional s~age lime is ~equesle~. Re,~~~. ' -. ..E'~~'-~,~~,,~]'"" · ' . I (fl ~~~ 3. Storage fi~e requested: ......... S~ECIAL IN~T~TIONS'. -~ / ~ By Dale - ~ C~Y I I1'1 II I' - III I II _ I ......... _ _ ,', POSITIVE GHAIN OF ~USTOD¥ AND ANALYSIS REQUEST LAB SERVICE (al3)7~.5312 FAX (213) 7~-6372 LQGBOOKNO, RLENO.. ~SNO. ~4~~ CLIENT NAME: ~ ~ ANALYSES REQUESTED: NRBI~ PRESER~O:, TAT[Aeal~icalTumAm..dTime) 0=SameDa~ 1 =24 .o.,; 2= 48Hour; [.c,)N=NO~~ ~ ~' CONTAINER ~YPES: B = BraSs. G = Gl,ss. P - Plastic. V = VOA ~al. 0 = O~a: ~ ~ °~ ~-~ SAMPLE DATE TIME MATR= CO~AI~~ SAMPLE CONDITION/ NO. SAMPLED SAMPLED SAUPLE. DESCRi~ION w~ mc ,c~; o~.. TAT . ~. COMMENTS: I ~B ~PY ! POSITIVE I ~~' 781East Washin§ton Blvd., Los An§eles, CAg0021 LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 i CERTZFZCATE OF ANALYSZS Soils Engineering Inc. 11113/03 File# 73443 I. 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 No. 03-10486 Attn: Robert Becker I Phone' 661~) 831-5100 Fax: 661) 831-2111 Sample#: 20032250-001 Collector: Oient Method: Confirmation 11/3/03 Received: 11/03/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 10/22/2003 10:50:00 AM I Type: Soil I.D.: B2 @ 20' Prep D~t~: 11/1H2003 Aualy$|~ l)~t~: 11/11/~2003 MTBE EPA 5030B EPA 8260B 2.7 ug/kg 2 I Surrogates EPA 5030B EPA 8260B Dibromofluoromethan¢ EPA 5030B EPA 8260B 102 Percent Toluene D-8 EPA 5030B EPA 8260B 108 Percent 4-Bromofiuorobcnzcnc EPA 5030B EPA 8260B 112 Percent I Sample#: 20032250-002 Collector: Oient Method: Confirmation 11/3/03 Received: 11/03/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 10/22/2003 12:15:00 PM Type: Water I I.D.: B2 I Prep Date: 11105/2003 Analysis Date: 11105/2003 MTBE EPA 5030B EPA 8260B 130 ug/i 4 Surrogates EPA 5030B EPA 8260B * Dibromofluoromethane EPA 5030B EPA 8260B 110 Percent Toluene EL8 EPA 5030B EPA 8260B 95 Percent 4-Bromofluorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8260B 84 Percent Sample#: 20032250-003 Collector: Client Method: Confirmation 11/3/03 I Received: 11/03/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 10/22/2003 1:28:00 PH Type: Soil ~.O.: B3 @ 10' I ~P.a..r~me~er, .P, replY, e~t Heth~! Rea~u.l~ U.ni~ PQ.L Prep Date: 11/11/2003 Analysis Date: 11/11/2003 MTBE EPA 5030B EPA 8260B 3200 ug/kg 100 I Surrogates EPA 5030B EPA 8260B * Dibromofluoromcthanc EPA 5030B EPA 8260B 88 Percent Toluene 13-8 EPA 5030B EPA 8260B NA Percent I 4-Bromofluorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8260B NA Percent I I I 20032250-003 I POSITIVE LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSZS Soils Engineering Inc. 11113103 File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way No. 03-].0486 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attn: Robert Becker Phone:.. (661~) 831-5100. Fax.: (661) Sample#: 20032250-004 Collector: Oient Hethod: Conflrmal~on 11/3/03 Received: 11/03/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 10/22/2003 3:15:00 PM Type: Soil X.D..' B4 ~ 20' Prep Date: 11111/2003 Analysis Date: 1111112003 MTBE EPA 5030B EPA 8260B 1.9J ug/kg 2 Surrogates EPA 5030B EPA 8260B Ditnomofluoromethanc EPA 5030B EPA 8260B 10g Pcrccnt Toluene D-8 EPA 5030B EPA 8260B 105 Pcrccnt 4-Bromofluorobcnzenc EPA 5030B EPA 8260B 115 Pcrccnt Sample#: 20032250-005 Collector: Oient Method: Confirmation 11/3/03 Received: 11/03/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 10/22/2003 2:08:00 PM Type: Water Z.D.: B3 Prep Date: 1110512003 Analysis Date: 1110512003 MTBE EPA 5030B EPA 8260B 1200 ug/! 20 Surrogates EPA 5030B EPA 8260B * Dibromofluoromcthanc EPA 5030B EPA 8260B 108 Pcrccnt Toluene D-8 EPA 5030B EPA 8260B 96 Pcrcent 4-Bromofluorobcnzcnc EPA 5030B EPA 8260B 80 Percent Sample#: 20032250-006 Collector: Method: Received: 11/03/2003 Sampling Date/Time: Type: Soil Z.D.: Mettmd Blank (Soil) Prep Date: 11/11/2003 Analysis Date: 11/11/2003 MTBE EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 2 Surrogates EPA 5030B EPA g260B * Dib~omofluoromcthanc EPA 5030B EPA 8260B 113 Percent Toluene D-8 EPA 5030B EPA 8260B 98 Percent 4-Bromofluorobcnzcnc EPA 5030B EPA 8260B 107 Pcrccnt I 2 20032250-006 I I pPO$1TIYE , 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTTF1'CATE OF ANALYSZS Soils Engineering Znc. 11/13/03 File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 No. 03-10486 Attn: Robert Becker Phone: ~661~ 831-5100 Fax: ~661~) 831-2111 Sample#: 20032250-007 Collector: Method: Received: 11/03/2003 Sampling Date/Time: Type: Water Z.D.: Method Blank (Water) Prep Date: ]1/05/2003 Analysis Date: MTBE EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug,/! 4 Surrogates EPA 5030B EPA 8260B * Dibmmofluoromcthanc EPA 5030B EPA 8260B 10l Percent Toluene D-8 EPA 5030B EPA 8260B 101 Percent 4-Bmmofluorobenz~nc EPA 5030B EPA 8260B 101 Percent · NA = Not Applicable ),r PQL = Practical Quamitation Limit i I Environmental Laboratory Accreditatio~ Program Certificate No. 1131, LACS D No. 10138 !,i Any remaining sample(s) fo~ testing will be disposed of 30 days from receipt date unless notified. I i 3 20032250-007 POSITIVE LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 QUALITY CONTROL DATA CLIENT: Soils Engineering Inc. BATCH No: 33158260M2-1 REPORT NO: 20032250 DATE EXTRACTED: 11/11/03 MATRIX: Soil DATE ANALYZED: 11/11/03 METHOD: EPA 8260B QC SAMPLE: LCS/LCSD33158260M2-1 SAMPLE AMT AMT SPK REC RESULTS SPIKED REC. % ACCEPT PARAMETER UG/KG UG/KG UG/KG REC RANGE (%) RPD 1,1 DICHLOROETHENE LC$ 20 22.0 110% LCSD 20 18.4 92% 67-139 18% BENZENE LCS 20 22.6 113% LCSD 20 21.0 105% 80-130 7% TRICHLOROETHENE LC$ 20 23.3 117% LCSD 20 22.2 111% 85-132 5% TOLUENE LCS 20 22.1 110% LCSD 20 20.7 103% 82-125 7% CHLOROBENZENE LCS 20 22.0 110% LCSD 20 21.0 105% 85-127 4% MTBE LCS 20 18.4 92% LCSD 20 18.6 93% 56-130 1% TOLUENE D-8 (SURROGAT LCS 10 9.74 97% LCSD 10 9.71 97% 88-106 0% S: Spike DS: Duplicate Spike LCS: Laboratory Control Sample LCSD: Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate RPD: Relative Percent Difference ND: None Detected POSITIVE o.,,,, o,: ous-,-o,.,,,.. ,,.,,...s,s ..ou.s-,- · _'V' ?. ~as~wa~,~o~,,,.,~.. ~o~^~,~s, o^~o0~ o^~: /o/22/~^~ '-LAB' SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-0372 LOG BOOK NO. FILE NO. LAB NO. CLIENT NAME: ,~ :.~ ~ ANALYSES REQUESTED: AIRBILL NO:.__ ~' COOLER 'lEaP://=7"~" PROJECT NAME: ~/j~ .~£C0" PROJECT NO. (~.~'~/~,)~d P.O. NO./x<::2r./~c=,d_{~ PRESERVED:~ ADDRESS' / / ~, .... '"~',, ~,o~c~,^,^~,: f . /~ ~, ~- ~,o,~ ,o:(~/)~.7 ,..r/oo ~^x ,o(~,)<r//.2/ / ~ ' ~ !,~.~s: TAT (Analytical Turn Around Time) 0 = Same Day; 1 = 24 Hour; 2 = 48 Hour; (Etc.) N = NORMAL [~ { I,~/ CONTAINER TYPES:' B = Brass, G = Glass, P = Plastic, V = VOA Vial, O = O~her: , ,. SAMPLE DATE TIME MATRIX ~ CONTAINER ~ ,,, SAMPLE CONDITION/ NO. SAMPLED SAMPLED SAMPLE. DESCRIPTION W~T~. SO,.~LUOO~ o'r.~. TAT , ~.,* COMMENTS: I~:~ £Zc~.. io' .. · 1. Samples returned to client? YES Rel,nqu,sh~b._~l.~tu re and ~,lte~ ..R~mved By: {Sign. atff~/.~ Printed. Name} /~f/~/i~t.~/~.~te: Time:, _.. '*:;'~/~' '¢ f d/'~' ...... ~:~-/~"_('~ 2. Samples will not be stored over 30 days, unless · ~ . , ' additional storage time is requested. Rehnqu,she~'.~~~~.(Srgnature and ~N~ '- ~-~~~~/~" .~e,~.~gnature an~Printed ~m~) ....... /~ /~"~'T~ ' : 3. Storage time requested: days S~ECIAL INSTR~TIONS: '//~/' ~ ~By' Date ~B COPY r~' __u,,n POSITIVE CHAIN OF CUSTODY AND ANALYSIS REQUEST /O]~z[O~ 7__o LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 LOG BOOK NO..~ FILE NO LAB NO. .";~,0'.~1//~ CLIENT NAME: 5 ~ ~.~' ANALYSES REQUESTED: AIRBILL ~:. PROJECT NAME: ~.v,.~ ~760 PROJECTNO. ~)~/oy~P.O. NO. /OyPd-P ~ PRESER~D: TAT (Anal~ical Turn Around Time) ' 0 = Same Day; 1 = 24 Hour; 2 = 48 Hour; (Etc.) N~ NORM~~' ~ ~ ~ .~O,~.¢- CONTAINER ~PES: B = Brass, G = Glass, P = Plastic, V = VOA ~al, O = O~or: -. -~ o~ ~ [~ SAMPLE DATE TIME MATRIX CO~AINER ~ SAMPLE CONDITION/ NO. :SAMPLED SAMPLED SAMPLE DESCRIPTION W*TE, SO,L ~LUOG~ Om~, TAT , TYP[ ~ COMMENTS: Rehn~u,shed By IS*gnat~ Prmte~)/~ - ~ce,ved By: (~natu~ and P~inted Name),.r~ ........ _ ......... Date'. Time: 1. Samples returned to client? YES Retmqu,sheO-B~S,gnature and PrmteO~me) Date: / mim~: ' ~ .... ,",' ' ,'" "~ '" ,, additional storage time is requested. Rehn~u,s~y [S,gnalu~nd P~me) ...... :_ --;~ Rece,ved By: Signature'a.d.Prinied Name Date: / Ti~ SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Appendix B Boring Logs I ANALYSES SAMPLE Boring Abandonment I Lab Field ,~ SOIL DESCRIPTION TPHg PID Benzene I MTBE (ppm) ........................ -- _- - sand, sli odor due to asphalt, no staining.. I[ ] __ 20 --5-l_ Bl~5' ML Sandy Silt- It yelsh brn, damp, soft, minor v fn gr Clean ! Z -- _ sand, no odor, no staining.. 'l CuttingsI -- - - z :- ] _ <0.5 25 -10- I BI~10' ~. '-SM Silty Sand-ltyelshbrn, dry, fntomedgr, I -- <0.005 2 Z - i no staining or odor. I [ - <0,005 -- _ _ ,:C:-.> I . -- 30 -15- I Bl@15' '.."~:~".. SW Sand-ltyelshbm, dry, fntocoarsegr, somefn :e'.'.~ _ _ _ ::%..~ gravel, med dense, no odor, no staining.. ':~:y,': I __ __ -- :~-.-.> :,~:Y.': Bentonite <0.5'-- 40 -20- i Bl~20' q.':"? -- -- - ::~x~SW Sand - as above. <0,005 I -- <o.o.:: -25- I Z Z Z -30- I : --:_ I _ :35- I - -4ffz I 2 ~45-- I - -51}- ~ DATE: 10/22/03 I Drilling Method: 8" Hollow-stem Auger I Geologist: C. Carrisalez Depth To Water: NA I PROJECT NAME: Former ARCO Service Station PLATE SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. SITE NAME: 1102 34th St. 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, California I Bakersfield, CA 93313 BORING LOCATION: Northside of Western UST's, E. Of Building Project Number: 10486 B-1 BORING LOG DATE: 11/17/03 D~. lof 1 I I ANALYSES SAMPLE Boring Abandonmenl Lab Field o ~ ~ ~ -, SOIL DESCRIPTION ~PHo PID I Benzene MTBE (ppm) [ppm] ~ ~ .'= I !Concretei -- __ -0 _ ~ ML Sandy Silt - ak yelsh brn, damp, minor v fa gr i ~ _ - - sand, sli odor due to asphalt, no staining.. , 50 -$-I B2~5" ML SandySilt ltyelshbm, damp, soft, minorvfngr sand, no odor, no staining.. Clean ~ _ _ _ !l, Cmtmg~, - - - _ I [ _ <0.5 55 -10-I B2~10' -'7 SM SiltySand-ltyelshbrn, moist-damp, fntomedgr, ~ [ <0.005 - - "- no staining or odor. -- <0,005 -- - -- - - ::," ':':i j -- 75 -15-1 B2~15' ::,C:':.! SW Sand - It yelsh brn, dry, ~ to coarse gr, some fn -- - - 'ii:3: gravel, med dense, no odor, no staining.. , - _ _ :..-~ :.';.! Bent°nitel ~.83 2V0 -20-1 B2@20' i);~:' SW Sand-It gry, fn to coarse gr, moist, minor petrol ~ - <0.005 - - :,C:'-.: I J 0.0027 -- -- :..'J:5! odor, gray-blue staining. _2- ~ _25_ ~:');~:. -- 1.6 1,0 - - 1 B2~25' :,,.. 7, SW Sand - It gry, fn to coarse gr, wet, minor petrol -- - - '."~:Y:~ odor, gray-blue staining. _ 0.025 _ _ ..~,":'.?, -- 0.130 '..'J .. i":' Water -30'- ,.~, .... I _: 5-- I _ I _ :40: I 2 --45E DATE: 10/22/03 I Drilling Method: 8" Hollow-stem Auger Geologist: C. Carrisalez Depth To Water: 25' I PROJECT NAME: Former ARCO Service Station PLATE SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. SITE NAME: 1102 34th St. 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, California I Bakersfield, CA 93313 BORING LOCATION: Westend ofWestem UST's, £. Of Building Project Number: 10486 B-2 BORING LOG DATE: 11/17/03 I pi. 1 of I I ANALYSES SAMPLE i Boring Abandonment SOIL DESCRIPTION NUMBER ! Sandy Silt - dk yelsh bm, damp, mod fn gr sand, sli odor due to asphalt, no staining.. B3~ 5' Sandy Silt - It yelsh brn, damp, soft, mod fn gr sand, mod to strong petrol odor, trace staining.. B3@10' Silty Sand - It blue gry, moist, fn to med gr, minor silt, gry-blue staining, very strong gasoline odor. Sandy Silt - blue gry, damp, soft, strong petrol odor, gry staining. B3~15' Sand - It yelsh bm, moist, fn to coarse gr, some fn gravel, med dense, strong odor, trace staining.. Bentonite B3~20' Sand - It gry, fn to coarse gr, moist, strong petrol odor, gray staining. B3~25' Sand - It gry, fn to coarse gr, wet, strong petrol odor, gray-blue staining. B3~30' Sand - It gry, fn to coarse gr, wet, slight petrol odor, trace gray-blue staining. I 'l I DATE: 10/22/03 I Drilling Method: 8" Hollow-stem Auger Geologist: C. Carrisalez Depth To Water: 25' I PROJECT NAME: Former ARCO Service Station PLATE SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. SITE NAME: 1102 34th St. 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, California i Bakersfield, CA 93313 BORING LOCATION: Southside of Western UST's, N. Of Dispensers ro e umU r: ,04 6 B--3 BORING LOG DATE: 11/17/03 pi. 1 of 1 1 ANALYSES SAMPLE Boring Abandonmenl o ~ ~ ~ ., SOIL DESCRIPTION TPHg PiD Benzene MTBE (ppm) (ppm} ~Concrete~ - - 0'"_ ~ ML S~dy Silt- dkyelsh bm, damp, minor v ~ gr r.......................... ~ - - - sand, sli odor due to asphalt, no staining.. _ _ _ I - ~...: - - ,~ ~ 95 - ~ - I B4~ 5' :9:~ SW Sand- dk yelsh brn, moist, fn to coarse gr, meal ! ~ _ ~.. :, dense, no odor, no staining.. - - :'¢:5': Clean i _ Cu~ings [ - - - _ _ j I - <0.5 100 ~ B4~lO' ,,.:.SW S~d-medyelshbrntoredishbm, moist,~nto ,'~,~ co~se gr, reed dense, no odor, no staining.. ~ - <0.005 - - ~ <0.005 - - .:...: _ ~ ~ ...~?.~ dense, no odor, no staining.. _ _ ;~:~ Bentonite <0.5 200 -20--1 B4~20, '.'" .... ~, SW Sand - It g~, reed to v coarse gr, tr gravel ,moist, <0.005 ~ 0~0019 _ _ v sli odor, Tr gray staining. ~ -2~ i i l - _ 2 - -50- DATE: 10/22/03 Drilling Method: 8" Hollow-stem Anger Geologist: C. Carrisalez Depth To Water: NA PROJECT NAME: Former ARCO Se~ice Station PLATE SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. S~T~ NAME: 1102 34th St. 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, California Bakersfield, CA 93313 BORING LOCATION: E~tend of Western UST's, West OrE. UST Project Number: 10486 B-4 BORING LOG DATE: 11/17/03 p~. p1010052.jpg (1280x960x24b jpeg) SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. SITE CHARACTERIZATION WORKPLAN For ARCO SERVICE STATION 1102 34th Street in Bakersfield, California Prepared For: Mr. Bong Un Kang 2604 Oakcrest Court Bakersfield, CA 93311 I File No. 03-10486 I Prepared By: I i Soils Engineering, Inc. · 4400 Yeager Way I Bakersfield, CA. 93313 I I October 2003 1 I 4400 YEAGER WAY ' BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93313 ° PHONE (661) 831-5100 ' FAX: (661) 831-2111 ! I October' 8, 2002 File Number 03-10486 Mr. Howard Wines Bakersfield Fire Department - Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA. 93301 Subject: Site Characterization Workplan Arco Service Station 1102 34th Street Bakersfield, CA. Mr. Wines: This Site Characterization Workplan (workplan) is submitted by Soils Engineering, Inc. (SEO and describes the scope of work which will be conducted at the idle ARCO service station adjacent to the underground storage tanks (UST's) located at the subject site (see Plate 1 for Location Map). SEI proposes to advance an estimated 4 soil borings to a depth of 20 feet in the area of the two (2) northwestern UST's to collect soil samples for chemical analysis. Additional soil borings and deeper investigations may be warranted if the original 4 soil borings do not adequately define the vertical and lateral extent of the petroleum hydrocarbon plume at this site. The environmental investigation will be conducted in accordance with the Bakersfield Fire Department - Office of Environmental Services (BFD-OES) requirements for site characterization investigations. BACKGROUND Three (3) 12,000 gallon gasoline UST's are present at the site. Elevated petroleum hydrocarbons (1400 parts per million (ppm) TPH as gasoline) were detected in soil samples collected adjacent to the west end of the two (2) northwestern UST's in November 2001 during a test of the UST liners. The BFD-OES has requested that an assessment of this release of petroleum hydrocarbons be investigated prior to UST upgrade project being conducted at the site. any Depth to water in this area of Bakersfield is estimated to be approximately 30 to 40' bgs. according to historical water levels at the site in the 1990's. The following scope of work is proposed at the site. ! I 4400 YEAGER WAY * BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA93313 · PHONE(661)831-5100 · FAX:(661)831-2111 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site Characterization V~orliplan File Number 03-10486 ARCO Service Station October & 2003 1102 34th Street, Bakersfield, CA. Page 2 PROPOSED SCOPE OF WORK Mark Borings & Notify Underground Service Alert Underground Service Alert (USA) will be contacted to identify utility locations 48 hours prior to conducting the drilling. of 4 Soil to 20 feet Drilling Borings A Hollow-stem auger drill rig will be used to advance an estimated 4 soil borings to an estimated depth of 20 feet below ground surface (bgs) at the locations shown on the attached Plot Plan, Plate 2. The first soil boring (B-l) will be drilled adjacent to the northern UST near the turbine to evaluate the vertical extent of the gasoline impacted soil beneath the UST. The other three (3) soil borings will be placed adjacent to the southwestern UST turbine, at the eastern end and the western end of the northern UST's to evaluate the hydrocarbon plume laterally. A California registered geologist will oversee the drilling process. Soil samples will be collected at 5-foot intervals beginning at 5' bgs. and evaluated in the field for petroleum hydrocarbons (staining and odor), soil type and photo-ionization detector (PID) readings. A soil sample from each sampling interval will be sealed, labeled and placed in an iced cooler. If contamination is evident at the bottom of a soil boring (20 feet), additional drilling beyond 20' bgs. will be conducted to define the vertical extent of the contamination (at least 5 feet beyond contamination). If the four (4) proposed soil borings do not define the lateral extent of the hydrocarbon plume, additional soil borings will be conducted in appropriate areas to define the lateral extent. In addition, proposed soil boring locations may be altered in the field to better define the areas or depth of hydrocarbon impacted soils based on subjective observations (staining, odor, PID readings, etc.) in the preceding soil borings. The borings will be backfilled with bentonite or bentonite containing slurry to match existing surfaces. Borings encountering groundwater (not expected) will be abandoned with bentonite chips up to 5' above the depth of water. Contaminated cuttings will be stockpile on and covered by plastic sheeting or placed in DOT-approved drums and will be removed during future disposal/recycling activities. Analytical Testing Selected soil samples (estimated at 2 per boring) will be analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg) by EPA Method 8015m, for volatile organics .(benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX) and MTBE) by EPA Method 8020B. Any detection of MTBE will be verified by EPA Method 8260 if warranted. I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site Characterization Vt/orkplan File Number 03-10486 ARCO Service Station October 8, 2003 1102 34th Street, Bakersfield, CA~ ~ Page~3 Site Characterization Report A Site Characterization Report will be prepared after receiving the analytical results describing the field work conducted with analytical results of soil samples, cross-sections of identified plumes, boring logs, and conclusions and recommendations for the site. HEALTH & SAFETY PLAN SEI has prepared a Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan for the field work which will be conducted. In general, all employees that will work at the site will have received the Health and Safety training required by OSHA for hazardous waste site operations (29 CFR 1910.120). Gasoline fuel constituents are the identified hazardous substances at this site. Highly volatile components, such as benzene, pose the greatest health hazard. Because of the outdoor location and the intermittent nature of drilling operations, it is not considered likely that personnel will be exposed to elevated levels of hydro,c,,arbon vapors for any length of time. Under these conditions personnel will work under "Class D protection. A PID or FID will be used to monitor ambient concentrations of organic vapors. Personnel will have access to air-purifying respirators (APR) with organic vapor canisters that can be donned if conditions warrant. A detailed site specific Health and Safety Plan, will be distributed t,o, and adhered to by all contractor personnel, subcontractors, and all site visitors. A "tailgate safety meeting will be held at the site prior to commencing operations during which all site hazards and the Health and Safety Plan will be reviewed. See attached Site-Specific Health and Safety Plan for more detail. ilease call Soils Engineering, Inc. at (661) 831-5100 if you have any questions concerningthis Workplan. _ ~ Envlronmenta1 Di~isionManager ~~y Enclosures: Location Map, Plate 1 Plot Plan, Plate 2 Appendix A: Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan cc: Mr. Pierce Kang, 2604 Oakcrest Court, Bakersfield, CA. 93311 I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. ARCO SERVICE STATION PLATE 4400 Yeager Way 1102 34th St. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, CA. = (661) 831 - 5100 PROJECT: 03-10486 Location. & Hospital Map I Residential Fence ,+, 12,000 Gallon UST's ~ O O [13 ~ 0 U~npaved ARCO /xF p STORE Unpaved ~,/~ /~anopy Dispensers' 4~}- Proposed Soil Boring Location 19th Street Not To Scale SOILS ENGINEEmNG, INC. ARCO SERVICE STATION. PLATE 4400 Yeager Way 1102 34th St. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, CA. /~ (661) 831 - 5100 PROJECT: 03-10486 .Plot Plan SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Appendix A Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. i HEALTH & SAFETY PLAN I ARCO Service Station 1102 34th Street Bakersfield, CA. I SECTION 1 I FACILITY BACKGROUND I 1.1 SITE DESCRIPTION The idle ARCO service station is located at 1102 34th Street at the northwest comer of I the Street and 34th Street in CA. The site has been service Jewett Bakersfield, (site). a station for many years. The site has three (3) 12,000 gallon gasoline UST's and i associated dispensers currently idle. 1.2 SITE HISTORY I The site has been a service station for many years. In the early 1990's a leak was discovered and remediated with closure granted in 1995. Depth to groundwater was I between 32' and 37' in 1992. In November of 2001 gasoline impacted soil was discovered during a test of the interior lining of the UST's. A soil sample collected on the western end of the two (2) northern UST's had 1400 parts per million (ppm) TPH as I gasoline reported. The eastern UST has shown no sign of leakage. The Bakersfield Fire Department required that the turbines and dispensers be upgraded and the leak be investigiated. The station has been closed down pending the updgrade of the UST I system. I PROJECT SCHEDULE AND SCOPE OF WORK I 2.1 PROJECT SCHEDULE i The field activities will follow those outlined to perform a Site Characterization of the site. They are scheduled to be completed within one to two working days followed by chemical analysis and the preparation of a Site Characterization Report describing the i findings of the field work with remedial options for the site to obtain closure. I I 4400 YEAGER WAY ' BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93313 · PHONE (661) 831-5100 ° FAX: (661) 831-2111 I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. I Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan File No. 03-10486 Site Characterization Activities October 8, 2003 i 1102 34th Street, Bakersfield, CA. Page No. 2 2.2 scoPE oFwom Mark Borings & Notify Underground Service Alert Underground Service Alert (USA) will be contacted to identify utility locations 48 hours prior to conducting the drilling. Drilling 4 Soil Borings to 20 feet A Hollow-stem auger drill rig will be used to advance an estimated 4 soil borings to an estimated depth of 20 feet below ground surface (bgs) at the locations shown on the attached Plot Plate 2 to define the vertical and lateral extent of the Plan, gasoline impacted soil. The borings will be backfilled with bentonite or bentonite containing slurry to match existing surfaces. Borings encountering groundwater (not expected) will be abandoned with bentonite chips up to 5' above the depth of water. Contaminated cuttings will be stockpile on and covered by plastic sheeting or placed in DOT-approved drums and will be removed during future disposal/recycling activities. Analytical Testing Selected soil samples (estimated at 2 per boring) will be analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg) by EPA method 81015m, for volatile organics (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX) and MTBE) by EPA Method 8020B. Site Characterization Report A Site Characterization Report will be prepared after receiving the analytical results describing the field work conducted with analytical results of soil samples, cross-sections of identified plumes, boring logs, and conclusions and recommendations for the site. I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan File No. 03-10486 Site Characterization Activities October 8, 2003 1102 34th Street, Bakersfield, CA. Page No. 3 SECTION 3 KEY PERSONNEL AND RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 PERSONNEL Key personnel in charge of site activities for SEI Project Manager Robert J. Becker Project Safety Officer Thomas Bayne Site Safety Officer Robert J. Becker Field Personnel To be designated 3.2 RESPONSIBILITIES Soils Engineering, Inc. has been given the responsibility for the preparation of this Health and Safety Plan, and is to monitor compliance of its personnel and those of its subcontractors. Soils Engineering, Inc. personnel responsible for the distribution and monitoring of this site health and safety plan will be the Project Safety Officer, and the Project Manager. The Project Safety Officer is responsible for delivering the plan and any addenda to the Project Manager, and for advising the Project Manager and Site Safety Officer on health and safety issues. He has the authority to monitor compliance with the provisions of this plan, suspend work or modify work practices for safety reasons, and to dismiss individuals whose conduct on the site endangers the health and safety of others. The Project Manager is responsible for distributing the plan to Soils Engineering, Inc. field personnel, and its subcontractors and each firm with personnel working on site. The Project Manager responsible for of Soils Engineering, Inc. field personnel's is also review compliance with its medical examination requirements, providing the appropriate safety equipment for personnel protection, and verify that all required health and safety documentation is submitted to the Project Safety Officer. The authority of the Project Manager is the same as the Project Safety Officer. The Site Safety Officer is responsible for assisting the Project Manager with on-site implementation of the Site Health and Safety Plan. His responsibilities are as follows: I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. I Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan File No. 03-10486 Site Characterization Activities October 8, 2003 : · 1102 34th Street, Bakersfield, CA. Page No. 4 1 I 1) Maintain safety equipment supplies. I 2) Perform air quality measurements as required or needed. 3) Direct decontamination operations and emergency response operations I in accordance with the information provided in this document. 4) Establish the work zone markers and signs. ! 5) Report all accidents, incidents and infractions of safety rules and requirements to the Project Manager. The Site Safety Officer has the authority to suspend work anytime he determines that the · provisions of the Site Health and Safety Plan are inadequate to provide a safe working I environment. He is to notify the Project Manager of individuals whose on-site presence jeopardizes their health and safety, and the health and safety of others. I SECTION 4 JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS I 4.1 CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS The chemical hazards at this site are the presence of gasoline constituents in the I subsurface soil. Specific compounds such as benzene, toluene, xylenes and ethylbenzene are known to be present in gasoline at moderate concentrations. Benzene is a known carcinogen and precautions are necessary to limit exposure to this compound. Material I data sheets (MSDS) for these compounds are in Attachment A. NOTES I 1) - Inhalation lng - Ingestion i Abs - Absorption through the skin 2) TLV-TWA - Threshold Limit Value-Time Weighted Average) I 3) ACGIH - American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan File No. 03-10486 Site Characterization Activities October 8, 2003 1102 34th Street, Bakersfield, CA. Page No. 5 I 4.2 INHALATION HAZARD The vapor and dust concentrations that might be encountered during excavation and I sampling procedures may exceed currently recommended exposure limits in which case respiratory protection must be used in the work area. Engineering and administrative controls will be employed if required to abate windbome dust. These will include items I such as water spray from a 500 gallon tank and/or administrative controls such as reducing site activities that produce windbome dust. I 4.3 DERMAL EXPOSURE HAZARD Contact of sufficient duration to cause significant absorption of toxic components is I highly unlikely. Repeated daily or prolonged contact over a period of time may however, lead to absorption through the skin, irritation and dermatitis. For this reason direct skin i contact shall be avoided by wearing protective gloves and clothing. However, if contact does occur, the exposed areas shall be washed with soap and water and rinsed thoroughly. i 4.3.1 Eye Contact If eye contact is made with any chemical materials at the site, the eye shall be flooded with water for at least 15 minutes. Medical I attention shall be obtained as soon as possible. I 4.3.2 Skin Contact Skin exposure shall be treated by washing with soap and water. Any contaminated clothing shall be removed and affected areas washed with I soap and water. I 4.4 OTHER HAZARDS Attention must be paid to other possible hazards on the site including, but not limited to: I improper use of hand tools i rotating machinery such as pumps dehydration of the personnel tripping on objects or open ditches i falling objects from the overhead work lack of oxygen through blockage of the mask overhead power lines I 1 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan File No. 03-10486 Site Characterization Activities October 8, 2003 1102 34th Street, Bakersfield, CA. Page No. 6 I 4.5 HEAT 'STRESS PREVENTION The SSO shall monitor ambient temperature and use the following work/rest regimes as a I guide. For ambient temperature below 80°F, standard rest breaks (e.g. 15 minutes every 4 hours) I should be used. For temperature above 80°F, the following regime should be followed. Temperature Work Rest Comments (a) I 80 to 85°F 2 hr. 5 min. Review heat stress in a safety meeting. 1 '1 Schedule a beverage break every 2 hrs., i at a minimum. 80 to 90oF 2 hr. 15 min. Seated rest. Drink at I least 8 ounces at each break. Above 90oF 1.5 hr 15 min. As stated above. Rest I area to be shaded. I SECTION 5 JOB HAZARD SUMMARY I Exposure to chemical hazards may occur when contaminated soils are brought to the I surface excavation activities. As each of task risk during or boring begins, the potential of exposure increases. Consequently, level C personal protective equipment shall be i available at the site. If monitoring of the breathing zone establishes another action level, the personal protection level may be upgraded. Nearby residents or workers are at a sufficient distance that they shall be at no significant risk. The SSO shall determine if i any further action is required. I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan File No. 03-10486 Site Characterization Activities October 8, 2003 1102 34th Street, Bakersfield, CA. Page No. 7 SECTION 6 EXPOSURE MONITORING PLAN 6.1 EXCAVATION & SOIL BORINGS The exposure monitoring activities shall be conducted or directed by the SSO during those activities that require such monitoring. At a minimum, the breathing zone shall be monitored for excavation and activities. This shall be organic during sampling vapor accomplished by use of a Foxboro OVA, HNU or Eagle LEL portable analyzer. An LEL explosive meter shall be used to warn of any explosive hazards during these activities. 6.2 ACTION LEVELS Actions levels for explosive hazards are set at 25% of the lower explosive limit (LEL). In the event that enough combustible vapor is present to sustain readings at or near 25% of LEL work shall cease until an evaluation is perform by the SSO and a determination can be made. Action levels for organic vapors in the breathing zone shall be based on readings obtained by the portable equipment mentioned. The PID instrument determines the total organic vapor present in the breathing zone. Readings of 0 to 300 ppm (TWA for gasoline is 300 ppm) shall be considered level D without respirators. Readings of 300 ppm or greater for 5 minutes or longer shall trigger an action level to upgrade to level C or modified level D with respirators. SECTION 7 PERSONAL EQUIPMENT PROTECTIVE I The respiratory and skin protection requirement shall be initially set at level "D" without respirators. This indicates that inhalable airborne substances are known, and I concentrations of chemicals in the atmosphere are not expected and are well below TLV- STEL levels. The use of the following personal protection equipment is mandatory. I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. I Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan File No. 03-10486 Site Characterization Activities October 8, 2003 i 1102 34th Street, Bakersfield, C~4. Page No. 8 I 7.1 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED FOR FIELD PERSONNEL Hard hat I - Boots (with steel toes) Nitrile, or equivalent, work gloves Eye protection I 7.2 LEVEL C PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT I - Half-mask air purifying respirator with organic vapor cartridge when necessary. I - Tyvek protective coveralls - Gloves (latex and/or Nitrile) I 7.3 EQUIPMENT TO BE USED OR AVAILABLE ON SITE: I - First-aid kit with eyewash - Fire extinguisher I - Construction tape and barriers to delineate work zone · - A vehicle must be kept on site when personnel are working - A cellular or public phone to be available on site for communication purposes I with off site facilities. - Eagle LEL meter - Sanitation facilities portable or public I SECTION 8 I SITE CONTROL I 8.1 WORK ZONE I The site area shall be controlled to reduce the possibility of exposure to chemical and/or mechanical hazards present at the site. I Work areas shall be delineated to protect the general public from exposures and hazards. If level C protection becomes necessary then zones and access points shall be clearly I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. I Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan File No. 03-10486 Site Characterization Activities October 8, 2003 i 1102 34th Street, Bakersfield, CA. Page No. 9 I indicated. A restricted area for contamination reduction shall be maintained at the exit to the exclusion zone. Protective clothing and equipment as required by this health and safety plan shall be worn at all times in the exclusion zone and shall only be removed in I the designated decontamination corridor at the exit. The areas outside the contamination reduction area, is considered a clean area. I SECTION 9 I DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURES Decontamination of equipment shall be conducted when necessary. However, if it I becomes necessary to upgrade to a Protect level greater that "D", then an Exclusion Zone shall be established and an area in the Contamination Reduction Corridor (CRC) shall be used as 'a decontamination area. The CRC controls access into and out of the Exclusion I Zone and confines personnel and equipment decontamination activities to a limited area. The CRC boundaries shall be marked and all personnel entering and leaving the site must I do so through this corridor. I 9.1 DECONTAMINATION OF PERSONNEL IN LEVEL C Exit from the exclusion zone through CRC shall include the following steps: I 9.1.1 While in the Exclusion Zone near the CRC. I Deposit equipment used on site. Outer boot and glove wash. Outer boot and glove rinse. 'l Tape removal if used. Boot cover removal. Outer glove removal. 9.1.2 Exit the Exclusion Zone to the Contamination Reduction Zone i I for further decontamination. I Remove garment I Wash inner glove Rinse inner glove Face piece removal I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan File No. 03-10486 Site Characterization Activities October 8, 2003 1102 34th Street, Bakersfield, CA. Page No. 10 - Inner glove removal 9.1.3 Exit the Contamination Reduction Zone to the Support Zone. - Wash face and hands. I 9.2 DECONTAMINATION OF EQUIPMENT I Insofar as possible, measures shall be taken to prevent contamination of equipment. Any delicate instrument, which cannot be decontaminated easily should be protected while it is being used. It should be bagged and the bag taped and secured around the instrument. I Openings made in the for intake. are bag sample Larger equipment shall be decontaminated with water or steam under pressure. These I activities shall be conducted on an impermeable surface such as plastic. The rinsate shall be collected and stored in fifty five (55) gallon drums. The drams shall be label as to its i contents and staged for disposal or recycling. SECTION 10.0 I GENERAL SAFE WORK AND STANDARD OPERATING PRACTICES I Site health and safety plan implementation will be the responsibility of SEI. If Soils- I Engineering, Inc. health and safety personnel find that the H&S plan is not being implemented by the subcontractors, the subcontractors will be instructed to suspend further work. A meeting to evaluate the noncompliance will be scheduled with the I subcontractors Project Manager. During the meeting the personnel will reach an agreement to either; I * Revise the Health and Safety Plan, · Modify the Health and Safety Plan, I · Request review by an Industrial Hygienist, I * Leave the Plan unchanged. I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. I Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan File No. 03-10486 Site Characterization Activities October 8, 2003 i 1102 34th Street, Bakersfield, CA. Page No. 11 I The subcontractor will then implement the Plan as modified. I 10.1 SITE SAFETY ORIENTATION MEETING All field personnel from Soils Engineering, Inc. and the subcontractors must attend a I safety orientation meeting before commencing the field work. The meeting will be scheduled and conducted by the Site Safety Officer and is to include an overview of the site history, the potentially hazardous compounds, their potential mode of ingress into the I equipment requirements, emergency response equipment. body, protective and All individuals who do not have respirators and who may be required to wear them, will not be allowed on the site until they are provided with and fit tested for respirators by their I respective employers. I 10.2 ACCIDENT / PERSONNEL EXPOSURE REPORTS I The Site Safety Officer must be informed of all exposures to potentially hazardous material and all accidents whether or not any injury was caused. After investigation of the cause of the accident, he will take all immediate possible steps for the mitigation or I the repeat of the accident and proceed with the preparation of an accident report. In the event of a serious or fatal injury resulting from accidents on the site, the relevant CAL/OSHA requirements for accident reporting must be met. The Project Manager will I " also be informed at the earliest possible time. I 10.3 PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES No eating, drinking, or smoking is allowed in the restricted zone, and only alloWed off the site after personal decontamination has taken place. Removal of personal protection equipment and respirator required by articles of this plan, inside the contamination zone is prohibited. Under special circumstances, and after consultation with the Project I Manager and/or the Project Safety Officer, the Site Safety Officer may lower the level of protection required and allow the disuse of specific items of personnel protection. I Movements on the site singly and out of the sight of the rest of the personnel is prohibited. 1 I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan File No. 03-10486 Site Characterization/lctivities October 8, 2003 1102 34th Street, Bakersfield, CA. Page No. 12 10.4 TAIL GATE MEETING A Tail Gate Meeting will be held every morning before the start of work and is to be attended by all personnel on-site. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the days work, potential hazards, and specific health and safety procedures to utilized during the day. The minutes of the meeting will be prepared by the Site Safety Officer. 10.5 VISITOR CLEARANCE Visitors to the site must inform the Site Safety Officer or the Project Manager upon their arrival on the site and must be informed of the contents of this report and fully equipped before entry is permitted. Visitors will be required to be escorted in the exclusion zone and must comply with escort directions at all times. Non-compliance with escort directions will not be tolerated, and violators will be required to leave the restricted access zones immediately. I SECTION 11 SANITATION Sanitation facilities for site personnel will include the following: 1. Accessible, near-by restrooms 2. Washing facilities 3. Potable water 4. Electrolyte drink (Gator Aid) SECTION 12 CONTINGENCY PLANS AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES Soils Engineering, Inc. requires the utmost care and safety for all of its employees. And therefore attempts to maintain all employees in a current status of emergency training. , SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. I Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan File No. 03-10486 Site Characterization Activities October 8, 2003 i 1102 34th Street, Bakersfield, C.4. Page No. 13 I 12.1 PHYSICAL INJURY In the event of an accident resulting in a physical injury, apply first aid and call I paramedics. Severely injured personnel are to be transported only by paramedics and/or ambulance personnel. At the hospital, a physician's attention is mandatory regardless of how serious the injury appears. I The Project Safety Officer and the Project Manager are to be notified by the Site Safety Officer, as soon after the injury as practical, regarding the nature of the accident. A I written is also to be prepared and submitted by the Site Safety Officer. report i 12.2 FIRE, EXPLOSION, AND PROPERTY DAMAGE i In the event of a fire or explosion notify the fire department immediately by dialing: 911 The Project Safety Officer and the Project Manager are to be notified by the Site Safety I Officer as soon as practical and a written report prepared. I 12.3 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS Fire Department 911 Police Department 911 Paramedics 911 SEI (661) 831- 5100 I 12.4 WORK SITE ADDRESS I 1102 34th Street Bakersfield, CA. I 12.5 HOSPITAL ADDRESSES AND ROUTES Plate 1 is a local map showing the route to the hospital from the site. I Hospital Address Memorial Hospital 420 34th Street, Bakersfield, CA I phone (661) 327-4647 ! I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. I Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan File No. 03-10486 Site Characterization Activities October 8, 2003 i 1102 34th Street, Bakersfield, CA. Page No. 14 I Route: Go east on 34th Street from site approximately 1.5 miles and turn left into Hospital Emergency entrance at 420 34th Street. SECTION 13 TRAINING REQUIREMENTS I Training on the hazards at the site will be conducted at the start of the project and as conditions and personnel change. This plan will be reviewed with project personnel prior I to their entry onto the site. In addition, Soils Engineering, Inc. provides and encourages ti-aining opportunities such as CPR, First Aid, and 1910.120 annual refresher and i supervisory training. The initial training will include the following subjects at a minimum: I · 1. Nature of the hazards, including the location of the site Material Safety Data Sheets for chemicals at the site. I 2. A description of the levels of personal protection at the site, and the condition for selection of each level. I 3. Emergency procedures. I 4. Demonstration of respiratory protective equipment. 5. Review of safe work practices at the site, and identification of I forbidden practices. Safety Meetings will be conducted daily at the site to review work plans and safety I practices associated with them. These meetings will be conducted by the SSO, attendance by all Soils Engineering, Inc. employees, subcontractors, and visitors to the site will be mandatory. I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. I Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan File No. 03-10486 Site Characterization Activities October 8, 2003 i 1102 34th Street, Bakersfield, CA. Page No. 15 I SECTION 14 MEDICAL SURVEILLANCE PROGRAM I To meet with the criteria set forth in 29 CFR 1910.120 Soils Engineering, Inc. has I implemented a medical surveillance program which includes all employees that work at or visit hazardous waste sites. I' SECTION 15 DOCUMENTATION I All required records of individual employees are maintained at SEI's central location in Bakersfield, California. The records include but are not limited to: medical surveillance, itraining, and respiratory testing. <' This Site Safety Plan Is Hereby Approved and Acknowledge by SEI's Acting Health and I Safety Officer. I I 1 I I I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. I Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan File No. 03-10486 Site Characterization Activities October 8, 2003 i 1102 34th Street, Bakersfield, CA. Page No. 16 I SIGNATURE PAGE The following signature verifies that I have read the attached Site-Specific Health & I Safety Plan and that I will carry out the reconunended scope of work in accordance with this Health and Safety Plan. I Name Date ! I I ! 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