HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK-C-8/25/89.. "-...~ ~ IELD FIRE DEPARTMENT, ~.,-BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION Date AppLICATION ,~oplication In conformity with provisions of pertinent ordinances, codes and/or regu~lations, application .is ~nacle !'~...-. by: :: Name of Company Address ' -. ", 'i-.i' '~" to display, store, install, use, operate, sell or handle materials or processes involving or creating' ~ofl: ditions deemed hazardous to life or property as follows: p~.,v,.t,,~.~fln ,:f~ ~n~e. all 1 - lO. O00 ~a~ under're'round ~ao tank. 1 - .rsd~r[~'ound dle~el tanks ! - 550 ~al vaote oil tank and 2 - ~$0 pi lube. oil' tnnl~n. (This in at Hvster CO.) l~rnl,t,e.e i8~ary Pane s, ..... :epresentative ....... y ......... ~.. ........................... ?..~..u.~...~. .................... Permit'-d~-~ied ~ Date Fire ~,.shal FILE CONTE:]TS SUMMAR'Y PERMIT ~: ~ ] O0 gO ENV. SENSITIVITY: Activity Date # Of Tanks Comments GARY J. WICKS 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Agency OIrector ' Bakerstleld. CA 93301 (805) 861-3502 . ,,~,: ....... Telephone (805) 861-3636 STEVE McCALLEY , >.~.% ~,.~,, .~ Director R E S O U R C E M.tlAii*.H"A G. E~iM~'E N T A G E N C Y DEPARTMENT .OF, ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH .SERVICES August 25, ~989 Russ Spicer Hyster Company 2881E. Jens'en Frenso, California 93706 CLOSURE OF 5 UNDERGROUND HA2ARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE TANKS LOCATED AT 5304 ALDRIN COURT IN THE CITY OF BA~ERSFIELDi CALIFORNIA. PERMIT # A965-31/310038 This is to advise you that this Department has reviewed the pro3ect results for the preliminary assessment associated with the closure of the tanks.noted above. Based upon the sample results submitted, this Department is satisfied that the assessment is complete and no significant soil contamination has resulted from discharges from the subject tanks. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. LAUREL FUNK, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SPECIALIST cc: AMERICAN PETROLEUM SERVICE cc: GARY KRUGER American P~troi~eum ~"~'~,~ ?r)9 67.]'.",--20C"0 / .~.,.~ ............ !8...07 ,~dc~e...la].e Drive Madera, CA 93638 ·Coun f_v !Df i;::er;] Environmental Health 2700 M Street Su, ite :300 Rake~.sfield., CA 93301 ATTEN. Laurel Funk American Petroleum Service has completed an underground tank removal for Hyster Co.,located at 5304 Aldrin Court in Bakersfield,CA., "-~ ~ This job was completed June 30,i989 F~r~_ Department permit is fi-272. . Groundwater Resources Inc. performed the soil sampling. Enclosed is a copy of their report. Bakersfield/Pacific Oil took care of rihsing the tanks. The rinsate - hazardous '~ ,~.. w ........ was delivered ~o Gibson Oil ~, Regining in Bakersfield. If you have any questions please call me at ~C:,9 675-20,:}0. S i n c e r 1 V ~ ~'~qeF Dale American F'~trc]ieum Sarv.~_ce ~700F~ower Stre.t KEItN coUNTY HF~LTH OEPARTMENT HE^L~. Bnker~fleld, Cnlllornla g3305 ' - Leon M Hebe~lson, M,D, Telephone (805) 861-3636 Et~VIItONME~ IAL HEAL'Itl DIVISION Facll[~y Name ~~~~~/ [et'Il County Permit * * UNDERGROUND TANK .DISPOSITION TRACKING RECORD * * -. This-form is to be returned to the Ke,'n County Health Department within 14 _da_~ of acceptane, e of tank(s) by disposal or recycling facility. The holder of tile permit w.tth number no~ed above Is responsible for insuring that this form is completed and returned. Section 1 - To be filled o~t ~ Lank removal contz-acLor: Tank Removal Con tractor: ~C-~Z~ ~ ~~ ~ Address 1~ '3 ~.~1~'/~ ~: Phone 'Oa~e Ta,,ks Removed e/~ ~/~ ~ No. of ~anks SecLlon 2 - To be filled out ~ contractor "decon~amiua~lng tank(s): Tank Uecontamina[lon" ConLractor i~, ':' / / "'~ I ('.: '/ " , ~, c: .,., .)'~ ~'/' m ' K ". , ..... .. Ad(it'ess "', ,., -.. A' - --- .~ Phone Au~hovfzed ~epreaen~a~lve of' con[rat[or certifies by signing beIo~ [hat tank(s) have been deco. LamJtlaLed III accol'diJilua wJ.~h ~B ~OUlI~y Uepar ~menE requ~reme!l[~. Signature Tltle Section 3 - T~' b~ filled out and ~[gned. ~l a~ authorized ~resentatlve of the treatment, .s. torage,__o[' _d ::posal faclllty accepting tank(s): ' ~ake Tanks Received ~- ~' ~' Ne. a[ Ta~fl~s T. ..... ~f ~'.~: Signature Title ~~ ~ "' (Authorized Rel~ ~:'mtatlve) ............... . ...... ~. · **~,'.~. · '.** · .. ..... * .... . · * * MAILING INSTRUCTIONS: Fold n lv,~f *and staple. (Form #llblblP-1,)O ) Dig { IUG[ OFFICES 5400 ^LDRIN CT. groundwater resources inc. 8^KER~:~ELD. C~LIFORNIA 93313 General ~ngineering Contractor C~a~ ~Haz License No. 5207~ July 20, 1989 Hr. Dale Harris American Petroleum Service 17823 Wabash Madera, California 93638 Re: Soil Sampling Hyster Corporation 5304 Aldrin Court Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Harris, American Petroleum Service requested that Groundwater Resources, Inc. (GRI 3 perform the soil sampling required during the excavation and abandonment of five underground .storage tanks on June 2? , 1989 , at the Hyster facility referenced above. Please find inclosed the results of laboratory analyses and copies of the chains of custody and laboratory instruction for the soil samples. Re~esentative samples were collected out of the backhoe bucket from designated spots beneath the tanks and product lines (Plot Pith). The samples ~=~'= sealed in id-ounce wide-mouth glass jars wkth teflon lined screw-on lids . The jars were labeled and immediately stored and chilled for transportation .under chain of custody to a State certified laboratory for analysis. SampLes ['L'om beneath the various tanks and lines were analyzed as follows: Diesel tank - Department of Health Services (DHS] LUFT Manual procedures fo= BTXE and TPH (diesel), four samFles, none detected. Gasoline tank - PHS tUFT Manual procedures for BTXE and TPH (gasoline), 'four aamples, none detected. Dispenser - PHS LUFT Manual procedures for BTXE and TPH (diesel and gasoline), two samples, 12.~ ua~gm as TPH as dieseL, all cther none detected. Lube-oil tanks (two) I' EPA procedure 418.1 for oil and ~rease, four ..qamples, aJ.! < 50 rog/leg. MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 9383, BAK[RSFiELD, CA 9338o, (805) c335-7700 LO,'q ANGEL~S (213l 724r3147 Mr. Dale Harris American Petroleum Service July 20, i989 Page Two Waste-oil tank - two samples; EPA 413.2 for oil and grease, 94.5 mg?L at 2 it., < 50 mg/L at 6 ft.; EPA 6010 for lead, 15 ma/kg at 2 ft., 20 ma/kg at 6 ft.. Product lines - EPA 418.1, four samples; PS-2 and PS-6 < 50 ma/kg; PL-2, 206 ma/kg; PL-6, 123 ma/kg. I did the sampling under the tanks and the dispenser. The product-line sampling was performed under my direct supervision. .We are pleased to have had the opportunity to serve you on this project. If you have any questions Please ~call me at our main office, (805) 835 - 7700. Very truly yours, .Re>: J. Young State Registered Geologist ~720 RJY:tab:r2/036 , Enclosures. 1) Site Plan Lab Reports 3) Chain of Custody AMERICAN PETROLEUM SERVICE.. HY:STER COMPANY ~ AI...DRIN CT. 8AKER~iFIE/.~ CA LEGEND 9:]313 % IL 3AMPLE LOCATION W-2~ SAMPLE , , ,, GW-~ D~TIFiC~TIQN ,~ [~ ~nv~ro~encal/geo;ec~lca se~lce~ I Praj~t Number: oat. ional Laborat i 3t0I - I6rh Street, Suite 107 Bakersfield, California 9330I 805/322-4250 LABORATORY REPORT ,-.~-~MFI_b. III: GRI Project. ~ 103019 ~ .... NTL LAB :ii: EAI.~.~U-11, ~ , ~ , .... ~,.rE o~Mf-I..E RECEIVED: o~/~8/89 DATE ANALYZED: 06/29/89 TEST: To~al Pebroleum Hydrocarbons ME'¢HO.O: California DOHS LUFT Manual RESULTS': Minimum Re, erring Level = 10 ug/gm LAB ~ SAr.tF'LE ID RESULTS EAI050-11 DE-2 N~ne Detected a~ Diesel ~I,:}5()-I= DE-6 None De~ected as Diesel EAIOSO-iZ DW-3 N~ne Detected a~ Diesel EAIC~50-iq- DW-6 None Detected a5 Diesel EAI050-19 D-2 12.6 ug/gm as Diesel CAI''''=''-~).~<~-=~-U D-6 None Detected a~ Diesel DAFE REPORTED: T[]XICOLOGIST: Tom Sneath .,.Nat. ional Thoma,~ C. Sne~th. 13.S. loxlcolog¥- Lab°rat ie O rs inc. 3101 - 16th Street, Suite 107 Bakersfield, California 93301 805/322-4250 LABORATORY REPORT SAMPLE ID: GRI Project ~ 103019 N.TL LAB ~: EAI050-7,8,9,10,19 & 20 .DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED: 06/28/89 DATE ANALYZED: 06/29/89 TEST REQUESTED: Total Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons METHOD: California DOHS LUFT Manual SAFIF'LE TYPE: Soils RESULTS: Minimum Reporting Level = 5 ug/gm , NTL LAB ~ SAMPLE ID RESULTS EAI050-7 GE-2 None De~ected.as Gasoline EAI050-8 GW-2 None Detected' am Gasoline EAlO50-9 GE-6 None De~ectmd as Gasoline EAI050-10 GW-6 None De{ected as Ga~oline EA~050-19 D=2 None De~ected as GasoIir, e ~A~C50-20 D-6 None Detected as Gasoi:~ne DATE REPORTED: 7/CI6/89 'FOX]iCQLOGIS'I": Tom Sneat. h ~ xlcologY Laborat ri s 0 [NC. AFFILIATED WITH ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. L~bo~.am~/ Otr~tol' 3101 - 16th Street, Suite 107 Bakersfield, California 93301 805/322.4250 Page ~ DE-6 Benzene None Detected Toluene None Detected Xyl eries None Detected - Ethyl Benzene Nane Detected EAI050-I3 DW-2 Benzene None Detected T~luene N~ne De~ec~ed Xylenes N~ne De~cted E~hyl B~nzene N~ne De~ec~ed c.m~-'~I050-I4 DW-6 ~enzene N~ne De~ec~ed_ 'F~luene N(~ne Detected Xylenes N~ne Detected E~hyI Benzene N~ne De~ected EA'[ 05C)- 19 D--2 Benzene None De~ected T~luene N~ne De'Cec~ed Xylenes None De'Eec Ced Ethyl Benzene None Detected EA I050-20 D-o Benzene N~ne De~ected ]-~luene N~ne Detected Xylenes None Detected Eihyi Benzene N~ne Oe~ecied DATE REPORTED: 7/06/89 TOXICOLOC-)IST: Tom Sneath ~ ional ' · · ' Thoma. C. Iox e. olnov Laborat ie 0 r S INC. 3tOt - [6th Street, Suite [07 Bakersfield, California 9330t 805/322-4250 LABORATORY REPORT SAMPLE ID: GRI Project # 103019 NTL LAB ~: EAI050-7 to -14,'-19 & -2(} DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED: 06/28/89 DATE ANALYZED: 06/29/89 TEST' RE_c.!UESTED: BTX METHOD: EPA 8020 SAMPLE TYPE: Soils RESULTS: Min:Lmum Reporting Level = 0.1 ug/gm LAB ff SAMPLE ID CONSTITUENT RESULTS EA 1050-7 GE-2 Benzene N~ne Detec't~d 'Foluene None Oe'~ected Xy~enes None Oetec{ed Ethyl Benzene None Decec'~ed EAl050-8 GW-2 Benzene None Oe~mcted Toluene None De~ec~zed Xylenes None De~cted E'tzh'yl Benzene None Oe~ecte~ EA1050-9 GE-6 Benzene None Detmc~zed Toluene None Oe'~acteO Xylenes None De,meted .E~hyl Benzene None Om~ected EA ~[(}50-10 GW-6 Benzene None Detected Toluene None De'cmc'~ed Xylenes None Detected Ethyl Benzene None Oe'~ected EAI:}5()-iI DE-2 Benzene . None Detected Toluene None Oe~zected Xylenes None Detec{ed Ethyl Benzene None Der. et{ed Page 1 of 2 ~Nat. ional · Thoma~ C. Sheath, B.S. loxlcolog~ Laborat i ~'-~'~'~'"'~' or t38 I~c. 3101 - 16th Street, Suite 107 Bakersfield, California 93301 805/322-4250 LABORATORY REPORT SAMF'LEi iD.~ GRI I::'rojec'!': :1~ 103019 (sm,a below) I',ITL LAB ~: EAIO50-'L, -rEST REQUES'FIED: Oil .& Grease ME'FHOD: EPA 41.7..2 LAB ,~ SAMPLE ID RESULTS F(E?.*,ARKS: T~es't::_- per'~c, rmed ab Zalco Labor'a~_orie~, Inc. TOX!.CI]LOGiS'T': Tc, m Snea'bh~',~ ~at. ional ~_.c.~_~.,.~. -loxlcolOgy ~-"--- Laborat i ~.,..~ c.,~.,~.~. 3101 - 16th Street, Suite 107 Bakersfield, California 93301 805/322-4250 L~-~EORATGI'~ ~ R~PGR'I- SAMPLE ]:O: GRi[ 6'rojec~: :~ 1,:}3019 (se~ below) NTI_ LAB :~: EAI050-1~ -.~ DATE SAMPLE RECEZVED: (.)o/.~8./u¢. TEST REOUESTED: Total Lead I*.E,zULT=: Miriimum Reporting Level = .~.5 rog/Kg I_AB ~ SAMPLE ID RESULTS GA I "' ="' "" .... ~,.~-.a OE-6 2,:"~ cng/Kg DATE REF'OF,'.T~D:: C)7/.. TOXiCOL. OGI~T: Tom S~aeath loxlcology· Labo'ratories ~,..~ c. ~.~,.,~.~,. [~'~C. AFFILIATED WITH ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. ~o~ 3101 - 16th Street, Suite 107 Bakersfield, California 93301 805/322-4250 LABORATORY REPORT SAMF'LE rD: GRi~r Pr(~jec~ ~ 103019 r4TL LAB :i:~: EAI050 (~ee below) DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED: 06/28/89 TEST I;'.EE~UESTED: Petroleum Hydrocarbons ~'~E]'HOI): S~3xhlet Ex~racted/41S. t EAiOSO-Z 0(2-2 50 ,r,g./K,~ <ppm EA~050--4 OC--6 50 rr, g/l-::;~(~O,T, iEA 105C:,-6 OW-6 ~ ] _ _ ~l. mQ ,,' Kd ppm F~-..:= 5(] mg/,-..g ppm ~A 105C~- 17 F'L-2 206 ,rig .,'Kg p p,n .~ G ROUNDWATE R _~ ~8 ~o ~t,-~ e~,d., Suite ~oe . R E50URCE ~ B~ke,~e~. ~l~n~ 83313. ~. (805] 835-7700 ~ ~ersfield INDUSTRIES CHAin O~ CUSTODY RECORD ~ ._ !213) 724-3147 -- ~s ~aeles (Si~,n~ture) P~JECT'HUII~E;~ > ~ l~~ J j G ROUiSlDWATE R 5elO ~sb-i~ ~3~,d.. Suite toe RE.SOURCE ~e~neu. c~n~ (805J 835-7 ~00 ~ ~e;~eld IA~DUSTRIES C~N O~ CUSTODY RECORD ~213) 724-3147 ~to: ~ ~~~ S~L[rS: (Sig~ur~) P~JECT r~or~er CC~dDIT~,P~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~HPL[~[ s~LELOcATION k,CEPr .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (LAB ''s Itc.) , i~/>~/~ _ p .... '- ' --I: ) I · / I_1 .-~ Form Approved OMB No. 2050---0039 (Expires 9-30-91) and Front of Page 7 Toxic Substances Control Division Please 3Tint or type, (Form d~aigned for uae on elite (t2-pitch typewriterj, Sacramento, California ,~ UNIFORM HAZARDOUS ~t. Generator's US EPA Il:) No. DocumentManlfeStNo. I 2. Paget Information in the shaded areas WASTE MANIFEST I"*!': !~ !'"1 ~1 ,t! ~"t !"zl\ .,;of isnot reguiredbyF:ederallaw. 3. Generator's Name and Mailing Address J A. State Me u ..~ ~ -'" ';' J'? '-' ~ "~-'- - '' ..... ~ ..: ~ /~: B. State Generator'$ =D 4. Generator's Phone( '?C ~r "· .~ . ..': .... "' , · ..~ ,L;. · I,"~tAI,'-! -'J< 1:~ t , ! r~-. ~/. ~J 5. Transpoder 1 Company Name 6, US.EPA ID Number C. State Tranapon'ar'a ID ¢.~½~ j ).,.,.~..,. i /:¢' ' "?'" '/' ' ..~ 7. Tr~-nsporter 2 Company Name 8. US EPA lO Numl~er I=. State Transpor~er's ID O~ 9. Designated Facilily Name and Site Address fO. ' ' LIS EPA lO Number G. Stale Facility's ID ~-, Z,...:., d', / r I',/ ~"'"'22' J"'.~,,'.,l ,q,I :-I.~'!~'.'!':~,l., 171 7 ~ ~1 ~, ¢,:_1 ~,", b:.~., u..;";'-'.; H. Faci,ity's Phone~ .0==I ?:~ t:.,.:. -A, /../ ~,. .,-.? : i;.-(..~,-~.l.l-f.;.l~lq:l.~,? ~ .-- 12. Containers 1:3. Total 14. I. ,'~ ,? I t. US DOT Description (Including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, and ID Number) Quantity Unit Waste No. ~~ No. Type WI/Vol State ,,.)cI a. -- - . .....~ . ._~ EPA/Other O ,., .,,,,/<.: --/-/.,, ~'_,~,. J ~,~... ~-Vx -: ..'::- .- ~:Ic k '7~.,' I, I A.; ~ "' xP.~' ,,~ O b. [ State ~ EPA~Other ~ c. Slate -.,~.-. ' "'"'~ '-T--' · EPA ! Other ~ ' i ! State ,"1 i t EPA / other J. Adclitional,Oescriptione for Materials Listed Above ~ K. Hsnoting Coaea tOT Wa~stea Lieteo Above , °1 F-- ~5. Special Handling Instructions ana Additinnal Informaun. Z' GENERATOR'S CE;:ITIFIC.~TION: I here0y declare thai[ IBc contents of this cortsi,.]nmenr are fully and accurately described ~.Dove By Oroper snipDinQ name I a.d are classitieo, pacxeO, marxed, and labelea, encl are ~n all resoecta in proper condition ior transport ~y highway according to anpilcaDte !nternational and ~.. it I am a large quantity generator, I comfy that: have a ~roqram tn place to reduce the volume ancl toxic!fy of waste 3enerated to the degree I have determined ' a= '-3'.:'C'~"., -:-'""" .:_._._.-- .,../-.~-.,. ,- ,,.--.>--..,---':~-- i~ 4' 5::~ 7! .; / ,, ."; LU ~ r tZ. Transporre~jd AcJ<nowledgemenr ot Recent ct Materials /"- '-// ~/' A Pr,ntedlTyped Name ,~i,:'Jnatur~.c __~"_. -~' '--__ Mort,ti Day Yoer o!"~ ~s ': ...- .' / .',, -'-. ,.: ~'~:" :':"""------~ , / ._ Jr. ~;' i .""' .'l ' "_.'_'.  O 18. TransPorter 2 Acknowledgemem Ct Flec~lct of Ma;eriats ' R T Printed/Typed Name Signature Month Day r'~.~ar , · j 19. Discrepancy indication ~paca COUNTY OF KERN0 · Environmental Health Services Department ZTOO ,,-~- s~ s~,- ~00. Baimrsfleid, CA 93301 (805) 861.3636 ' (805) 86t-~499 Fax Number ~ ~\ PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE PERMIT NUMBER A965-31 OF UNDERGROUND HA~,ARDO~S SUBSTANCEs STORAGE FACILITY FACILITY NAME/ADDRESS: OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: Hyster Co. Hyster, Co. American Petroleum Service 5304 Aldrin Court 2881 E, Jensen 17823 Wabash Road Bakersfield, CA Ba~o~r_~~, CA Maderra, CA 93638 License ~ 486423 Phone: 209-486-6950 Phone: 209-673-6086 PERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF PERMIT EXPIRES September 26, 1989 ! TANK(S) AT ABOVE APPROVAL DATE June 26, 1989 Laurel Funk ................................ POST ON PREMISES ........................... CONDITIONS AS FOLLOW: 1. It is the responsibility of the Permittee to obtain permits which may be required by other regulatory agencies prior to beginning work. Permittee must notify the Hazardous Material Management Program at (805) 861-3636 two working days prior to tank (removal) to arrange for required inspection(s). 2. Permittee mus~ obtain a City Fire Department permit prior to initial closure action. 3. Tank closure activities must be per Kern County Environmental Health and Fire Department approved methods as described in Handbook UT-30. ' PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE PERMIT NUMBER A965-31 OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS ADDENDUM SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY 4. Soil Sampling Any deviation from sample locations and numbers or constituents to be sampled for which are described below and in Handbook #UT-30 must receive prior approval by the Environmental Health Department. a. -(Tank size less than 1,000 gallons)-a minimum of two samples must be retrieved beneath the center of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. b. (Tank size from 1,000 to 10,000 gallons)-a minimum of four samples must be retrieved one-third of the way in from the ends of the tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. 5. Soil sampling (piping area) a minimum of two samples must be retrieved at depths of approximately twc feet and six feet for every 15 linear feet of pipe run and also near the dispenser area(s). 6'. Sample Analysis a. All (leaded/unleaded) gasoline samples must he'analyzed for benzene, toluene, xylene, and total petroleum hydrocarbons. b. All diesel samples must be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbon · - and benzene. c. All waste oil samples must be analyzed for total organic halides, oil and grease, and lead. d. All clean oil samples must be analyzed for oil and grease, Total Halogena~ed Hydrobarbons, and lead. 7. If any contractors other than those listed on permit and permit application are to be utilized, prior approval must be granted by the specialist listed on the permit. 8. Tank removal contractor must have a qualified company employee on-site supervising the actual tank removal. 9. Copies of transportation manifests must be submitted to the Health Department within five days of waste disposal. 10. All applicable state laws for haZardous waste disposal, transportation, or treatment must be adhered to. The Kern County Environmental Health Department must be notified before moving and/or disposing of any contaminated soil. PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE PERMIT NUMBER A965-31 OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS ADDENDUM SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY 11. Permittee is responsible for making sure that "tank disposition tracking record" issued with this permit is properly filled out and returned within 14~days of tank removal. 12. Advise this office of the time and date of the proposed sampling with 24 hours advance notice. 13. Results must be submitted to this office within three days of analysis completion. LF:cas ., \Hyster.co\6-26-89 PgOVIDE DRAWING OF PHYSICAL L~YCUT OF FACILIT~f USIL ~ PRu, iDED BELCW. 'AI_~.QF THE FOLLGWING INFORMATICN MUST BE INCLUDED I'~ ORDER FOR APPLICATION TO BE PROCESSED: TANK(S), PIPING & DISPENSER(S}, INCLUDIN( LENGTHS AND DLMENSIONS PROPOSED SAMPLING LOiATIONS DESIGNATED B] THIS SYMBOL "Q" NEAREST STREET OR INTERSECTION ANY WATER WEI,T.q OR SURFACE WATERS WII"HIN 100' RADIUS OF FACILITY NORTH ARRCW APPLI CATI ON FOR PERMI'T FOR CLOSURE/ABANDONMENT OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBST'ANC~S STORAGE FACILITY ~ ~PROdECT CONTA~ ~PHONE ~ I TAN. REMOVAL CO~RACTOR ~DRES. ~pHON. COMP~SAT I ON ORKER'S COMPENSATION · ~.~ O ~, ~ ~ INSURER PHONE LA~RATORY TIiAT WiLL AN~YZ; SA~PL~ ~.~ ~DRESS PRONE CHEMICA~ COHPOSITION OF MATERIA~ STORED ~ES~IBE IIOW RESIDUE IN /~KlS) ~D PIPING IS ~ BE R~O~D AND DISPOSE~OP (]NCLU~ ~NSPO~ATION AND DISPOSA~ CDNPANIESI: , · ' Of.E.'.:i~ F~VTD2 INFORMATION REgUEgTED O~ ~EVEf';}~ SIDE O~ TIllS ~IIE~ BEPOR~ 9UBHi~NG APPL{CAT[ON FOR THIS FORW ,,aS BEEN "OMPL~TED ~ER PENAL~ OF PERJU~ AND Tf~ TIlE BEST OF ~ ~OML~DGE IS ~UE AND CORRE~. r HYSTER COMPANY ..... ' ...... Fac. Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~ Hazmat Inventory List of 5 Materials ............ " . .'~ IKeYl Hazmat Name /Hazards i Form IDly Max/UnitlMCP/Ref#1 1 30 WT ENGINE OIL Liquid 250 Minimal Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 02-003! 2 10 WT HYDRAULIC OIL Liquid 250 Low Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 02-004! 3 ENGINE WASTE OIL Liquid 805 Low Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 02-005I 4 OXYGEN Gas 560 Low Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 02-006! 5 ACETYLENE Gas 260 High Fire, Delay Hlth FT3 02-007I I <N> Add New Hazmat <Key> Modify Existing Hazmat <O> Find/Order/Focus <PgUp/Dn> Scroll <R> Delete a Material <C> Fac. Units <P> Print <Esc> Exit CITY of BAKERSFIELD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Fare and Agriculture I-I Standard Business FI '. NON--TRADE SECRETS BUSINESS NAME: OWNER NAME: ' NAME OF THIS FACILITY: LOCATION; ADDRESS: ' CITY. ZIP: CITY. ZIPS' STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: ~ixture/Coeoonents ... ecoa .... See Instructions Code code Ami Amc EsL un,ts on e ~ype ~ress /e~a Stored In ~aCl/t:y Physical and ~e~lth Hazard C.A.S. Humber Component II H~ee I C.A.S. Humber .. ~Fire Hazard U Reactivity ~e~ n Sud~npressureRelease a Im~i~¢~Comp°nent 1~ Name, ,.A.S. Number ....... Coeaonent 13 Name I C.A.S. Humber Physical lcd Health Hazard C.A.S: Number Component II Na~e I C.A.S. Number (Check al/ that ~tre Nazard ~ Reactivity ~elayed a Sudden Release a lamedia. L~c°.p°nent Name Nueber uealth of PressureHealth Component U Name I C.A.S, Number Physical and Health Hazard C,A.S. Number ComponenL II Name I C,A.S, Number {Check 811 that 4~ply) ~ire Hazard ~ ReactivityHea~n~¢a['e'd ~ Suddenof PressureRelease ~ lmqpdi~eHealtn Component 12 Name I C.A,S. Number Component 13 NAme I C.A,S. Number Physical and Health ~azard C,A,S, Number. Component II Name I C,A,S. Number ICheck 4// that apply) ~ire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~Q~layed ~ Sudden Release ~ [m~i~Component I~ Name I C,A.S.'Number Health of Pressure Component 13 Name I C.A,S. Number E~EREEHCY CONTACTS fll fl2  erti[jgatioq .(Repd an¢.~ign after compl¢tiilg.¢ll sec~i,on~) at~aqned,d0cgment~, an~ t~at based on ay inquiry ~t.tnose InDiVIDUalS responsible for ootalnlfl9 tam IflformacIon. I believe that the su~mlt~eo information IS true, accurate, and complete. ~~fic~al title of o~nerto0erator uR o~nattoperator's authorized re0resefi:atlve ~ure O~t~f~- CITY of BAKERSFI'ELD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Farm andXgticulture [1 Standard Business I-] NON--TRADE SECRETS. Paqe BUSINESS NAHE: ~r' Lf'",'~(tl~(~ OWNER NAME: ~-\~:~e_¢ ~Om~ NAHE OF THIS FACILITY: lrans [y~e ~ax Average Annual Hfia~ure I ~ont ~ont ~ont Us locatjon. Whe[q. [w~y mes of ~ixture/Co~onents Code (oDe Ant ACt Est un,ts on e )ype ~ress )emp Co~e ~tored ~n ~ac~ilty See Instructions Physical and ~e~lth ,azard C,A,S, Huaber CoaponenL II ~aae t C,A,S, Huaber .. (Check all that apply) Component 12 Name I C.A,S, Number ~ Fire Hazard ' ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ ImmediAte Health of Pressure Health Component la Nmme I C.A.S. Number Physical ~od Health~azard C.A.S. Humber Comp0nen[ II ~a~a I C,A,S. Number (Check all that apply) Coeponent I~ Nmme I C.A.S. Number ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Oelmyed ~ Sudden Release ~ ImmdiAt~ Health of PressureHeamt~ Component 13 Nmee I C.A.S. Number Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S, Number //)7-~)- / Component II Name I C,A.S, Number ~ire Hazard ~ Reac[iviLy ~eJ~ a Sudden Release U "~i~ C°'p°nen' ,2 Naae, C.A.S. Number of Pressure ComponenL 13 Hm I C.A,S. Humber Physical(Check al/andthatHealthapply)Hazard C,k,S, Humber. Component II Name I C,A,S, Number /~ ~D ~0~ __ ~Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~~ ~ Sudden Release ~mediatec°'p°nent Hm t C,A.S, Humber of Pressure Health. .- Co~ponent 13 Name I C,A,S. Number E~ER~ENCY CONTACTS fll ~2 ~me Title 2~e ~e TiTTe cer[tfy unoer penai[~ o~a~ th~[ i navepersonajly, examln~qQqoQm tamilla(.vitbthernto[maHpn ~ubmitted iff this,Qnd all at~acned docwmen[), mn~ t~ac oaseo on.my inquiry 9f.tnose imvloua/s respomD/e For obtaining [ne Information. [ believe that the ,' suomltteo information IS crum, accurate, and toepiece. ~~r~Ftitle of owner/ooerator u, owner/operator's authorized representative. Signature