HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN groundwater resources inc. Beverly J. Long 5400 ALDRIN CT. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 (805) 835-7700 LOS ANGELES [213) 724--3,47 i ~ 5400 ALDRIN CT. I groundwater resources inc. BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93313 General Engineering Contractor Class A/Haz License No. 520768 HAZ-MAT MANAGEMENT PLAN '1 For GROUNDWATER RESOURCES, INC. (GRI) As of NARCH 31, 1990 I I I I I I MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 9383, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 1805) $35-7700 LOS ANGELES (213~ 724-3147 Bakersfield Fire Dept. I Q~, Hazardous Materials Division 2130 "G" Street '~1 Bakersfield, CA. 93301 I HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN 1. To avoid further action, return this form within 30 days of receipt. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA I BUSINESS NAME: · GROUNDWATER RESOURCES, INC. I LOCATION: 5400 kl'.~RIN C-~. ,.. B~G~:~SFI~,D MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. ~ox 9383 i CITY' B.~d~SFI~_,D STATE: c~ ZIP' 93389 PHONE: (805).835-7700 I DUN & BRADSTREET NUMBER: 17-363-6457 SiC CODE: 8601 PRIMARY ACTIVITY: ENVIRONMENTAL ENGZNEERING '1 OW N ER: GROUNDWATER RESOUR.C~S, INC. . :1 MAILING ADDRESS; P.O. BOX 9383_. BAKERSFTI~'.n~ CA. 93389 i SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION: I CONTACT TITLE BUS. PHONE 24 HR. PHONE 1. MARVIN EASTER HAZ-MAT MANAGER 805/835-7700 (805) 83.5-.7700 I 2. TONY RAMIREZ, . . . pROJECT MANAGER, 805/835-7700 . . (805) 835-7700 I **NOTE: THE 24 HR. PHONE NUMBER IS OFFICE PHONE, THE ANSWERING SERVICE WILL KNOW HOW TO CONTACT THE ABOVE NAMED. FO! ! Bakersfield, ~pt. Hazardous Materia~ Division" m HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN ! SECTION 3: TRAINING: 'NUMBER OF EMPLOYESS: 27 EMPLOYEES · MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE: LOCATED IN ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT' Sm OFFICE · BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: TRAINING PROCEDURES .TA/~'I~ ~BGARD TO SAFETY ESTABLISHED FOR AT,T, ~MPLOYEES WORKING WITH, OR IN VICINITY OF, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: a) FAMILIARIZATION WITH ~MERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN; b) KNOWLEDGE OF PROCEDURES FOR SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, PROCEDLTRES FOR EMERGE~Y RESPONSE COORDINATION AND USE OF EMERGENCY RESPONSE ~QUIPMENT AND MATERIALS. c) AWARENESS AND COMPREHENSION OF MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS (MSDS) ALL EMPLOYEES ARE REQUIRED TO SIGN A CERTIFICATION THAT THEY HAVE REVIEWED AND UNDERSTAND THE m ~,.74ERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN AND THAT ALL QUESTIONS HAVE BERN ANSWERED SATISFACTORILY. THIS IS REQUIRED OF NEW ~gMPLOYEES AT TIME OF HIRE, AS WELL AS BY TENURED EMPLOYEES ANNU~T.T.Y. QFFICE PERSONNEL ARE TRAINED ANNUALLY IN SAFE PRACTICES, LOCATION OF MSDS BINDER AND APPROPRI~ ~MERGENCY. RESPONSE AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES. ! SECTION 4: EXEMPTION REQUEST: I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT MY BUSINESS IS EXEMPT FROM THE m REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 6.95 OFTHE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE" FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: m WE DO NOT HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. · WE DO HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, BUT THE QUANTITIES AT NO TIMEEXCEED THE MINIMUM REPORTING QUANTITIES. · m OTHER {SPECIFY REASON) SECTION 5: CERTIFICATION: · , m I, JON P. FITCH CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFOR- · MATION IS ACCURATE. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO · FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE" ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (DIV. 20 CHAPTER 6.95 SEC. 25500 ET AL.) AND THAT INACCURATE INFORMATION CONSTITUTES PERJURY. !  S~'GNATUR E TITLE DATE 2. i Bakersfield Fire Dept. · ..~. Hazardous Materials Division I HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN I Facility Unit Name: GROUNDWATER RESOURCES, INC. I NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES: SECTION 6: IA, AGENCY NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES: WHEN A RELEASE IS OBSERVED OR THREATENED THAT POSES A POTENTIAL HAZARD TO PUBLIC HEALTH AND/OR THE ENVIRONMENT, THE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS IMANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE, WILL CALL 9-1-1 AND/OR THE APPROPRIATE REGULATORY AGENCY(s). HE/SHE WILL GIVE FULL PARTICULARS. IB, EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION: A SUMMARY OF EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES ARE POSTED IIN DESIGNATED WORK AREAS (COPY ATTACHED). I C, PUBLIC EVACUATION: IF A DETERMINATION IS MADE THAT THERE IS ·A POTENTIAL FOR DANGER TO INDIVIDUALS IN THE AREA, STEPS MUST BE TAKEN TO NOTIFY APPROPRIATE AGENCIES. AFTER NOTIFICATIONS HAVE BEEN MADE, GRI, WILL PROVIDE ASSISTANCE TO SECURE THE AREA AND ESTABLISH PERIMETER CONTROL AT A SAFE IDISTANCE UNTIL SUCH TIME THAT AN AGENCY, e.g. POLICE OR FIRE PERSONNEL ARRIVES AND ASSUMES RESPONSIBILITY. D. EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN: WHEN NEEDED, THE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGER, OR HIS DESIGNEE, SHOULD CONTACT THE NEAREST EMERGENCY HOSPITAL FACILITY, AMBULANCE SERVICE, AND/ OR OTHER MEDICAL SERVICES. IF 9-1-1 IS CALLED,'COUNTY COMMUNICATIONS IWILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DISPATCHING ALL AMBULANCES AND COORDINATING RECEPTION OF VICTIMS AT'APPROPRIATE MEDICAL FACILITIES. Bakersfield Fire Dept. · Hazardous Materials Division HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN I SECTION 7: MITIGATION, PREVENTION AND ABATEMENT PLAN: A. RELEASE PREVENTION STEPS: - MATERIALS ARE STORED IN CONTAINERS COMPATIBLE TO THEIR CONTENTS. - COMPRESSED AIR CANNISTERS ARE STORED IN "CAGE" WHICH INHIBIT~ MOVEMENTS. - MATERIALS ARE STORED IN LEAST ACCESSIBLE AREA. - PRECAUTION IS TAKEN TO PREVENT MIXTURE OF PRODUCTS THROUGH PROPER B, RELEASE CONTAINMENT AND/OR MINIMIZATION:CONTAINMENT AND LABELING. - FIRE EXTINGUISHERS ARE KEPT IN VARIOUS LOCATIONS AND APPROPRIATELY IDENTIFIED. - ABSORBENT MATERIALS ARE KEPT ON HAND TO CONTAIN ANY LIQUID SPILLS. - SMALLER CAPACITY PACKAGING IS UTILIZED WHEN PRACTICAL. - NEUTRALIZATON CHEMICALS FOR BASES AND ACIDS ARE ALSO ON HAND. C. CLEAN-UP PROCEDURES', - GRI IS A LICENSED HAZARDOUS WASTE HAULER WITH APPROPRIATE WASTE DRU~ ON SITE. - DISPOSAL WOULD BE MADE AT APPROVED DISPOSAL SITE WITH APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION . SECTION 8: UTILITY SHUT-OFFS (LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY): NATURAL GAS/PROPANE: WEST SI~)E OF BUTLDING ELECTRICAL: WEST SIDE OF BUILDING WATER: EAST SIDE OF BUIgDING SPECIAL: LOCK BOX: YESr./NO) IF YES, LOCATION' SECTION 9: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION/WATER AVAILABILITY: A, PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION: PRIVATE RESPONSE TEA~ WITH APPROPRIATE SAFETY GEAR; FIRE EXTINGUISHERS; "ALL PAGE" SYSTEM THROUGH TELEPHONES. 8. WATER AVAILABILITY (FIRE HYDRANT): FIRE HYDRANTS ARE SITUATE ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE STREET, BOTH EAST AND WEST OF GRI's OFFICE. 4, Farm andAgticulture I-I Standard Business J~HAZARDOUS HATERI'ALS TNVENTORY NON--TRADE SECRETS h1~ _L ..... ~t 2__. SINESS NAHE:G~~~, IlfC. OWNER NAHE' NAME OF THIS FACILITY: CATION; 54GO'AI~ C~. AOORESS; ' STANDARD INO. CLASS CODE~bU 1 IY. ZIP:~~ 9~J3 CI[Y. ZIP~- DUN AND BRADSTREE[ NUHBER ................ )tie ~: ~) ~2~ PHONE ~: '- 17 - 3 6 3- 6 4 5 7 REFER TO~NSTRUCTIONS~~ROPER CODES -- Annual ~a~ure I Us Average tooa Act Act Est Un,ts on e Upe ~ress /e~ COueStoreo in kacl/~ty S~e lnstru:t~ons ~sical and Health Hazard C.A.S, Number 130~62~ Component II Hame I C.A.S, Number beck all that apply} 4 CALCIU~ CARBONATE Component I~ Name i C.A.S, Humber ] Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudde~ Release ~ l~ediate 4 HAGNE~UH OXIZE Hea~t~ o~ Pressure Hea~th :omponent ~ Name & ¢.A.S, Number [~icll i0dHe~lth~,lard C.A.S. ~ueber 497-~i9-8 Component II Na~e I C.A,S, Humber beck all that Component I~ Hame I ~.A,~, Number ] Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Oeleyed 0 Sudden Release ~ Health of Pressure Healt~ Component I~ Name I ~.A,S. Humber ~sic~l led~e~lthHazard C.A.S. Humber 7-778-543 ~ Co~ponent II ~a~e IC,A,S. Number ,heck all that apply) Component 12 Ha~e I C.A.S. Number ] Fire Hazard ~ Reactivit~ ~ Oelayed ~ Sudden Release ~[~edi~e *sEE ~SDS (ATTACBED) Hea/th of Pressure Health Co~poneflt I] Na~e I C.A.S. Humber ' I M } 55 I 55 I 55 ':~ IGAL{.365 I o6 { I ~ l~ ~ 20 {~~~ 95 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE [ ic S nd ellth ! ltd C,A.S. Hu~ber 7-681-529 CoEponentll Xsee iC,A.S, Humber Component IZ Name I C.A.S. Number ] Fire Hazard ~ Re~ctivit~ ~ Delayed B Sudd~fl Release ~ Immediate sgg MSBS ( ATTACHED)~ Healt~ of PressureHealt~ Component I~ Hame I C,A,S, ~u~ber IERGENCY C0NIACIS Pl MAR~IN EASTEP' HAZMAT MANAGER 805/835-7~0 TONY RAMIREZ PROJECT MGR. 835-7700 i[i;atioq .(Re~ ~.n~.~i~n af~pr compl~igg.all sec~{on~) ;he~.d~cvr~n~, an~ t~a~ oase~ o~.ey Inquiry 9L~nose I~lil~U~/i respons~o/e ~or obtaining ~ne Information. ] believe that the ~tiCltl title'of Ovnerloperl[Or'O8 o~nertopertcor's auc~orJle~ representa[Ive -- - Farm andAgticulture n Standard Business [.]HAZARDOUS. MATERTALS [NVENTORY NON--TRADE SECRETS USINESS NAHE: O~NER NAME' NAME OF THIS FACILITY: OCATION; ADDRESS: ' STANDARD IND. CLASS CODEY IIY. ZIP~ CITY. ZIPT- DUN AND BRADSTREET NUHBER .................. IIOUE ~ YO~NSTRU~rZDNS~~ROPER CODES -- Irons [y~e ~ax Average Annual ~ea~ure I ~ont ~ont ~ont Us [oc~tjon.~M(~. Na~es of ~ixture/Co[~onen~s :DUe ecoa Act AeC Est Un,ts on e iype Press /e[p Code tWtY See Instru:t~ons Store~ In ~acll~Cy :hysicll IOd Health Hazard C.A.S. Number 0 16 !-63-5 Component II Na~e I C.l.S. Humber (Check al1 that appllJ Co~ponent 12 Ha~e I C.A.S, Humber ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity 00elayed 0 Sudden Release ~ l~ediAte Hea/th of Pressure Health Component 13 Name I C.A.S. Nu~ber . I M I 110 I ii0 I 250 IGALI 365 I 06 I ! I i I 19 I~~~ ~95 DIESEL FUEL OIL NO.2.D ~hysicll IOd Health Ualard C.A.S. Number 068-476-346 Component II Name i C.A.S. Number (Check all that apply} Component 12 Name I C.A.S, Number ~ Fire ~azard ~ Reactivity ~ Oelayed ~ Sudden Release Hea Ith of Pressure Healt~ Component 13 Name I C.A.S. Number ~h~Jc~l and~ealth~azard C.l.S. Hu~ber 001-317-653 ,. Co~ponent II Name I C.A.S. Hu~ber (Checx all that apply} Component 12 Name ~ C.A.S. Number ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Oelayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate Hea Ith of Pressure Health Component 13 Hame i C.A.S. Number PhYsic~! ~nd ~ealth ~altrd C,A.S. Humber Co~ponen[ It Ha~e i C.i.5. Humber (Check all that apply} S~PPLIED AIR FOR Component ~2 Name 8 C.A.S. Number ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ 0elayed ~ Sudden Release ~ le~edil[e RESPIRATORS Health of PressureHealt~ Cotponent ENERGEHCY CONTACTS ~ H~e lille z4 Hr ~none ~rtifj~atioq .(Ref~ an~.~ign af~pr c~mpl~tf~g.~ sec~on~) cer[~fv under penal[~ o~aF thai i navfpersonal~y eXamln~gl~o~, ~ami~la{.~itb the Inlorma[Ion ~ub~itte~ in this end all ([ached d~c~men[~ an~ [ba[ casco on.m~ ~nquir~ df.[hose ~no~v~oua~s respons]o~e lor ob[a~ning Fha tnforma[~on. I believe [ha[ the Jbmlt[ad iMor~l[Ioo IS [rue, lccura[e, and coeHe[e. I I i EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND EVACUATION PLAN (TO BE POSTED IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE) I IN THE EVENT OF A FIRE OR DANGEROUS RELEASE OF A HAZARDOUS ISUBSTANCE, FOLLOW THESE STEPS IMMEDIATELY' I1. TURN OFF ALL MAIN UTILITY SWITCHES. I2. ANNOUNCE TO ALL PRESENT: "THERE IS A (FIRE) (DANGEROUS RELEASE OF A HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE), PLEASE LEAVE THE AREA ON FOOT IMMEDIATELY! ASSEMBLE IN THE VACANT LOT ACROSS THE STREET FOR A "HEAD COUNT"!" I 3. CALL FOR HELP BY DIALING 9-1-1 AND GIVING THE FOLLOWING IINFORMATION: "THERE IS A (FIRE) (DANGEROUS RELEASE OF A IHAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE) AT GROUNDWATER RESOURCES, INC., LOCATED AT 5400 ALDRIN COURT." IF ANYONE IS TRAPPED OR NEEDS MEDICAL ATTENTION, TELL THE ANSWERING DISPATCHER. STAY ON THE PHONE AND BE IPREPARED TO ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE SITUATION. I 4. LOOK AROUND TO ASSURE THAT ALL OTHERS HAVE LEFT THE SITE, PARTICULARLY THOSE WHO MAY NEED ASSISTANCE OR MAY NOT HAVE IHEARD THE EMERGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT. ASSIST OR DIRECT ASSISTANCE TO ANYONE HAVING DIFFICULTY LEAVING THE AREA. I 5. ATTEND ANY INJURED PERSONS AND DIRECT INCOMING ASSISTANCE TO THEM. I 6. ATTEMPT TO EXTINGUISH ANY FIRE IF YOU CAN DO SO SAFELY. I 7. REPORT TO ARRIVING EMERGENCY RESPONSE PERSONNEL TO PROVIDE THEM ANY INFORMATION OR ASSISTA'NCE THEY MAY NEED. I 8. IN THE EVENT OF A MEDICAL OR POLICE EMERGENCY, DIAL 9-1-1! I f:\amp\for\OO9.for I ® I -I I I I~ '~' I I I I I PLATE GROUNDWATER RESOURCES, INC. 5400 Aldrin Court groundwater resources, inc. Bakersfield, California FACILITY DIAGRAM environmental/geotechnical services White Lane I office building vacant lot I Aldrin Court - Reed Print GROUNDWATER RESOURCES, INC, PLATE groundwater resources, Inc. $400 Aldrln Court Bakersfield,, California 2 ~.~o~~g~o~c~ca~ ~rvi= PLO T PLAN GENIUM PUBLISHING CORPORATION 1145 CATALYN STREET CALCIITH HYDROXIDE SCHENECTADY, NY 12303-1836 USA Revision A I DATE October 1984 (5~8) 377-8855 GENIUM PUBUSHING CORP. "SECTI'(Si~"I. MATERIAL iDENT'I'FI~ATION ' " ! '. ~. Dx IG IONS: Hydrated Lime. High Calcium Hydrated Lime, Caustic Lime, Calcium Hydrate, Slaked Lime, Ca(OH)2, ASTM C259, C53, etc. GE Material D4B3, CAS /I001 305 620 MANUFACTURER: Material available from many sources, including: Ash Grove Cement Co. Harshaw Chemical Co. Warner Co.. Ind. Mineral Div. ~ P.O. Box 25900 1945 E. 97th Street P.O. Box 448 Overland Park, KS 66255 Cleveland, OH 44106 Bellefonte, PA 16823 Tel: (913) 381-8901 Tel: (216) 721-8300 (Tel: (717) 355-4761 SECTION II. INGREDIENT's AND HAZARDS ~o HAZARD DATA Typical Co_mposition :* >90 8-hr TWA 5mg/mTM Calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)2 Calcium carbonate, CaCO3 <4 I Magnesium oxide, MgO <3 Other oxides (A1203, Fe203, Si02, etc.) <3 *Commercial material prepared by hydration of lime. Rat, Oral LDs0 7.3 gm/kg I **ACGIH (1984) TLV; no specific OSHA PEL established (minimum control would be as a nuisance particulate). SECTION III. PHYSICAL DATA DecompositiOn point (-'H20), ---' ~80 Spe'~ific gravity '(H20=I) 2.3-2'.~ .... Water solubility, g/lO0 sat. solution: jlH of saturated solution at 25 C - 12.5 I at O C 0.185 Molecular weight Ca(OH)2 74.1 at 25 C 0.159 at I00 C 0.017 [ I IAppearance & Odor: Crystals or soft, white powder or granules. Odorless. SECTION IV. FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA Lower Upper FIo~h, Poinlr and Melhod Aulalqnilion I'emp. Flummabilily limil~, in Air ,/A N/A N/A .... i Extinguishing media: This material is not combustible. Use extinguishing media which is appropriate for the surrounding fire. When heated above 580 C, material can decompose to produce CaD. When this material is involved in a fire situation, firefighters should wear full protective clothing, and i use eye protection and self-contained breathing apparatus. SECTION V. REACTIVITY DATA .... I i'i]is is '~'~'table solid in a sea~ed contliner at ro~m'"tempera'i'u~e'. When expos~'d'to-th~"'al~ lC will slowly absorb carbon dioxide to tom calcium carbonate. When heated at tempera- tures above 580 C, it loses water to form calcium oxide or lime. Calcium hydroxide is a strongly alkaline material which is incompatible with acidic · materials. It forms salts with nitroparaffins in the presence of water which are explosive when dried. It can cause the explosive decomposition of maleic anhydride. Boiling elemental phosphorus in a calcium hydroxide solution can liberate spontaneously flammable phosphines. It liberates NH3 from amraonium salts. co,,,.,.,., ~, ,,,.~ ~..o,. ,.,,,,,,.~, co.w.-.,o~ GENIUM PUBLISHING I 'l I NO. 39 sEcTION VI. H~A[TH H~ZARDiNFORMATION I TLV 5 mg/m3 Ipresence moisture, a moderately caustic irritant and can be This material in the of is damaging to human tissue. Excessive skin contact will irritate the skin and produce dermatitis. Eye contact gives a burning sensation with severe irritation and possible idamage. Inhalation in particulate form is irritating and can be damaging to the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. Do not ingest. FIRST AID: E~e Contact: Promptly flush with plenty of running water, including under eyelids, for iat least 1~ minutes; then, get prompt medical attention. Skin Contact: Wash exposed skin with plenty of water. Remove contaminated clothing promptly. Get medical help if exposed area is large or if irritation persists. Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. Contact physician immediately. I I~p_t:i~: Dilute by giving 2 glasses of water or milk to drink, followed by fruit juice or diluted vinegar to neutralize the alkali; then consult physician. I'sEcTION Vii. SPILL, LEAK, AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURES Those inVolved in clean up of spills should use protective equipment (See Sect. VIII). Pick up spilled powder avoiding dustinM conditions and place in a clean steel. for reclaim or disposaf: ~afet'y pefsohneA should~e involved when large spills occur.' ITraces of residue can be flushed to the sewer with much water dilution. DISPOSAL: Consider the following methods of disposing of scrap material: Use to waste acid; spread on surface or ground in an isolated, protected area to react with CO2 ifrom the air to form CaCO3 (limestone); or disperse in water, neutralize with hydro- chloric acid, precipitate with soda ash and flush to sewer with much water to keep below 250 mg NaC1/liter. Follow Federal, State, and Local regulations. ISECTION VIII. SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION ?roy±de generai ventilation and iocal exhaust ventilation for dust cont~o! (or mist con- trol ±E used as a Nater dispersion) to meet T~¥ requirements. Yent dust to appropriate collector. Provide approved dust or mist repirators or self-contained respirators for Inon-routine or emergency use above the TLV. Wear rubber gloves, protective clothing, long sleeve shirt with buttoned collar, apron, safety glasses or goggles, face shield, etc. to prevent skin or eye contact with this imaterial as required for the conditions under which it is used. ~se of protective creams on areas of skin exposed to dust has been recommended. An eyewash station and safety shower must be readily available where this material, or its water dispersions, are used. iRemove severely contaminated clothing promptly and launder before reuse. SECTION IX. SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS AND COMMENTS Store in a~ool, dry area in tightly closed containers. P~o~ect containers from physical Idamage. Keep away from acidic materials and other incompatibles (See Sect. V). Prevent contact with clothing or with the body, or inhalation of dust or solution mist. Use due caution in mixing with water and handling the alkaline water dispersions of this material (milk of lime). Follow good personal hygiene practices. Wash thoroughly Iafter handling. I SOURCE(S) , , , , , 20,47 DATA CODE: 1 2 4-9 1 1 14 MIS/CRD .oa ...............~. ....... . .... .,.....~ ,x,,o.,... .............. APPROVALS: i ~,~.~oc~*~,~.o~~ I D S HYGIENE/SAFETY -~/ ~ata~aa~ MEO~CAL REVIEW: 27 Sepcembe~ 1986 i G~IUM PUB~SHING GENIUM PUBLISHING CORPORATION 1145 CATALYN STREET SODIUM CARBONATE, SCHENECTADY, NY 12303-1836 USA ANHYDROUS I (518) 377-8855 OINIUMI~IUSHING¢OEP. Revision A DATE December '1984 SECTION I. MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION I '~ATERIAL NAME: ~0DiUM cARBONATE, ANHYDROUS* OTHER DESIGNATIONS: Soda Ash, Na?C03, ASTM D458, GE Material D4DS, CAS #000 497 198 MANUFACTURER: Material is availaSle from several suppliers, including: Allied Chemical Corp., Industrial Chemicals Div., Ashland Chemical Co., BASF Wyandotte Corp., i Industrial Chemicals Group, Stauffer Chemical Co. *Other forms are available: Monohydrate, Na2CO3.R20; Decahydrate, Na2CO3'IOH20, which is also called Ssl Soda or Washing Soda. SECTION II. INGREDIENTS AND HAZARDS % HAZARD DATA I Sodium Carbonate, Anhydrous ca 99 No'TLV Established* Rat, Oral *Control at least as a nuisance particulate: Current OSHA LD50 n~4000 mg/kg** I PEL val~es are' 15 mg/m~-~t°tal dus~) or~5 mg/m3 LDLo 4000 mg/kg*** (respirable dust); ACGIH (1984) 10 mg/m~ (total dust) Rabbit, Skin or 5 mg/m3 (respirable dust). 500 mg/24H Moderate Irritation I **Stauffer Chemical Co. Rabbit, Eye ***RTECS (1980) 100 mg/24H Severe Irritation I SECTION III. PHYSICAL DATA Melting point, deg C 851 Specific gravity @ 68F 2.53 .... Boiling point Decomposes Molecular weight 106 I Water solubility g/100 ml H20: pR @ 25 C, 1% aqueous soln. -- 11.3 At 0 C 7.1 10% aqueous soln. -- 11.6 At 100 C 45.5 i Appearance & Odor: White, hygroscopic powder or granular solid; odorless. Note: The decahydrate begins to lose water at or below its melting point (34 C) and the ~nohy~%~t~ at about 50 C. Both will become anhydrous sodium carbonate when heated ~ ~ve ~uo ~. ,,,, SECTION IV, FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA ~ower Upper I Flash Point and Method Autoi~nition T~mp. Flammobility Lim~l~ in Air N/A N/A N/A - - This is a noncombustible material. Use e~tinguishing media appropriate for the surround- I lng fire. Involvement in a fire causes decomposition yielding carbon dioxide. No unusual fire or explosion hazards; no special firefighting procedures. Firefighters must wear full protective gear and use self-contained breathing apparatus with a full facepeice when this material is involved in a fire. SECTION V. REACTIVITY DATA This is a stable material in closed containers at room temperature. It is reported to begin to decompose as iow as 400 C on heating to give carbon dioxide and NaD. It will react with fluorine gas at room temperature, generating incandescent temperatures. It can produce an explosion if it contacts red-hot aluminum metal. Hot conc. solutions I are mildly corrosive to steel. It is an alkaline material that is incompatible with strong acids. (Releases CO2 gas). In combination with calcium hydroxide it will yield caustic soda (NaOH). Reacts slowly with moisture and CO2 to form sodium bicarbonate and various hydrates. NO. 48 SECTION VI. HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION J TLV (See Sect II) Exposure dust or mist (from solutions of this alkaline material) can cause to airborne irritation of eyes, skin, and upper respiratory tract. Excessive contact is know~ to have caused "soda ulcers" on hands and perforation of the nasal septum. Sensitivity reactions may occur from prolonged and repeated contact. Slightly toxic by ingestion, but large amounts can be corrosive to the GI tract producing abdominal pains, vomiting and -d-i~rr~ea. Concentrated solutions in prolonged contact with skin or eyes can destroy tissue. FIRST AID: Eye Contact: Promptly flush eyes with plenty of running water for 15 minutes or more includin~ under eyelids. Consult a physician if irritation persists. Skin Contact: Wash affected area of skin well with soap and water. Get medical help --if'irrita~ion persists. Remove contaminated clothing. Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. Restore and/or support breathing. Consult physician for observation and treatment. In~: If victim is conscious, give 2-3 glasses of milk or water to drink to dilute. Do not induce vomiting. Contact physician promptly. If vomiting occurs, give more flui¢ . SECTION VII. SPILL, LEAK, AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURES jNotifY safety personnel for large spills. Avoid producing dusty conditions. Scoop up solid for recovery or disposal. Flush residues and liquid spills to holding area for neutra- lization before discharge. Those involved in clean-up need protection against skin contact or inhalation of dust or mist. Flush residue with copious amounts of water. DISPOSAL: After neutralization with, for example, d£1ute HC1, and fucther dilution, liquid wastes can usually be flushed to drain ~rlth much water. Follow Federal, State, and Local regulations. Solid scrap can be reserved for neutralization of acidic wastes. SECTION VIII. SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION Use general and local exhaust ventilation to meet Tb¥ £or nuisance dust and to prevent irritating concentrations of dust or mist in the workplace. Ventilation requirements will depend on the process. An approved self-contained respicator with full facepeice is recommended for nonroutine or emergency conditions for inhalation protection. (OSHA allows use of other approved respirators as conditions warrant.) Use protective rubber gloves, boots, apron and other suitable clothing as needed to prevent skin contact. Wear safety glasses with side shields, safety goggles or a face shield. Provide an eyewash station near areas of use; a safety shower is needed where large amounts of material (especially as solutions) are handled. If clothing becomes contaminated with this material, remove and launder before reuse. SECTION IX. SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS AND COMMENTS Store in tightly closed container in a clean, dry, well-ventilated area away from strong acids. Protect container from physical damage. Affinity for moisture and CO2 can cause lumping and reduction of alkalinity in storage. Avoid contact with skin and inhalation of dust or mist. Do not ingest. Follow good hygienic practice. Wash thoroughly after handling. Do not eat, drink, or store food in areas of handling or use. It is a primary skin irritant. DATA SOURCE(S) CODE: 1-12,14,37,48 BdO .............. .~b,¥.. ..... .--~ ..... ~,lx)~e~ ...... ,y APPROVALS: MIS/CRD ~ ~ ,~1 '"'~'~'~'"~#~'~ MEDICAL REVIEW: December 1084 J GENIUM PUBLISHING No. 68 GENIUM PUBLISHING CORPORATION (Dry) 1145 CATALYN STREET . SCHENECTADY, NY 12303-1836 USA UBLISHING CORP (518) 377-8855 Date July 1980 SECTION I. MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION ~ATERIAL NA~U{: CALCIUM HYPOCHLORITE (Dry) OTHER DESIGNATIONS: Calcium Oxychloride, C~(OC1)2, CAS #007 778 543, HTH (Trade name) MANUFACTURER: Available from several sources, including: Canadian Industries Limited Olin Corporation Chemicals 120 Long Ridge Road Box 10 Stamford, CT 06904 Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3C 2R3 Phone: (203) 356-2345 SECTION ]I. INGREDIENTS AND HAZARDS x HAZARD DATA Calcium Hypochlorite * No TLV Established · Concentration usually stated in terms of weiRht % of avail- able chlorine. (See ASTM D2022) HTH (high-test hypo- chlorite) contains about 70% availa-B-fe chlorine. Solid materials with less than 39% available chlorine Rat Oral include chloride of lime and bleaching powder; these ' contain much chloride ion and water and possibly other LOs0 850 mg/kg impurities, for example: Ca (OC1)C1.2H20. The presence of magnesium hypochlorite in material of high available chlorine level may reduce its stability. III, PHYSICAL DATA "SECTION Boiling point, deg C N/A Specific gravity 2.35 Vapor pressure, mm Hg N/A Melting point, deg C -- decomposes @ 100 Solubility in water, 20 C, % by wt - 14 Molecular weight 142.98 Appearance and Odor: White non-hygroscopic granules or tablets having a strong chlorine odor. Flash Point and Method Autoignttion Temp. Flammability Limits In Air Use a water spray to cool fire-exposed containers of this material and drench area with large amounts of water from a safe position. When containers are heate~ a fire situation, they are subject to violent ruptureI Contamination or mixing with foreign materials (combustibles, grease, chemicals, etc.) can cause fires of great intensity. Fi~efiRhters need to use self-contained breathinR apparatus and full protective clothing for fires involving this material, especially tn enclosed areas. SECT]ON V, REACT]VITY DATA Calcium hypochlorite is stable at room in suitable closed containers when temperature kept dry and free from contamination. It does not polymerize. It is a powerful oxidizing agent which can readily ignite combustibles. Violent re- actions or explosions can occuT, fo~ example w£th amines, carbon tetrachloride, char- coal, ethyl alcohc~l, metal oxides, mercaptans, organic sulfides, sulfur, turpentine, and strong reducing agents. A mixture with glycerine can ignite spontaneously. Ma- terial containing over 60% available chlorine will ignite on contact with lubricating oil (addition of about 20% or more of water will prevent this). In the absence of combustibles and other chemicals, when heated above 100 C, it can unde' go exothenr~ic decomoosition, evolving oxygen. On contact with acids it forms hypoChloroul c~, ~ ,~.,~ ~,~ c~-,~ 'GENIUM PUBLISHING · m F ....... No. ,68 /SECTION VI. HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION I TLV None Established | I [~li tissUe contacted can be i'rricated'and/or da~aged by this Strong oxidi;ing agent, [ degree of injury depending on the dose, available chlorine level, and exposure time. m | Skin contact can produce vesicular eruptions and eczematoid dermatitis. Eye contact 1 { can result in severe eye damage. Inhalation of dust irritates the r~spirato.ry tract / m [ and may cause pulmonary edema. Ingestion irritates mouth, throat and stomach, and [ ! uastric acid wtll liberate hvpochlorous acid. Fatalities can rmsult frog ~vgre [ ,,i~a~Vs o£ local injury, shock, toxemia, hemorrhage, wall perforation a oos~ru'ctzon~ E_~y~iCon~act: Immediately flush with lots of running water for ~5 minutes. Ca~l physi~an. m [ Skin Contact: Immediately remove contaminated clothing. Flush affected area with ! . ~a~er: Get~medical help if contact area. was large or if s.~mptoms persis~.. ~ I ~nna/ation: ~emove to fresh air. Support breathing if needed. Get medica± nexp. l ! ~ Promptly rinse mouth with water and then give large amounts of milk or I [ water to drink, followed bY milk of magnesia. Contact physician or hospital. Do/ not induce vomiting unless instructed by physician. , , m {sEcTION'' VII, SPILL, LEAK. AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURES [ [N~'t~f~ Safety personnel of Spills. "RemoVe'combustibles-add' ignition s6urces. Those in-~ I volved in clean up need protection against contact with solid or inhalation of dust. [ m / Prevent generation of dust. Prevent direct discharge into sewers or waterways. , [Recover uncontaminated solid material in clean, dry containers. Other s~illed mater~az! [ is co~eredwith~e, ak reducing agent, slurried with water, and then flushed with water[ [ to ~ suitable holding tank. Wash spill site well with soap solution containing a [ / weak reducing agent. ' m [DISPOSAL: Use reducing agents to destroy "available chlorine." Adjust ~H of reduced [ l~q'u'ld to neutral and decant. Discharge neutral liquid, diluting with much water. [ Dispose of neutral sludge (if any) in a landfill. Follow Federal, State, and Local /regulati°ns' (C°ntact supplier f°r detailed pr°cedures')_ m / SECT]ON VIII, SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION ~Suppliers 'indicate no ventilatlo~ requirements in handling this material, but d~sd~ges~ m ! a dust mask be used for respiratory protection. [It is recouauended that sufficient ventilation be provided to prevent.any irritation frq~ | dust inhalation and' to disperse Qny hypochlorite decomposition products. An.apprpve~] [ Fespirator wxth a dust filter and cartridge or canister for chlorine absorption ! oe available. .. [Use neopvepe rubber gloves, chemical goggles, and protective outer wear to prevent con-[ m [ tact with the eyes, skin or clothing. [Eyewash stations, safety showers and washing facilities should be available to handling , / and use areas. m SECTION IX, SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS AND COMMENTS / / [Stor~ inI closed co~tainers in a cool, dry, well-ventilated l°w firehrisk area, away fro~ [ combustible and incompatible materials (see Sect. V). Prevent contamination of ma- [ te[ial. Protect containers from physical damage. Do not drop, roll, or skid con- m [ tanners. [This material is a powerful oxidizing agent; use with cautiqn! M/x only with water. [Water solutions are not stable, but undergo a slow decomposition. [Prevent contact with eyes, skin, mucous membranes, and clothing. Do not ingest.' V I m [ ~.,~.~'~.,~.~%~.~.~T.~,.~.~.~,.,~.,~-~,.,~ [ Industrial Hygiene'f~ I . ' ! ~._~,,~,,~vm, m~y~,,~v~m~,~,~po~m~, m~ ~,,u oa,~W I(~ /'J~o~O J m / ~i'~'~'~"- i , . MEDICAL REV, IEW: 5 Auguflt 1980 GENIUM PUBLISHING ! m MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET lll m) .o. m GENIUM1145PUBLISHINGcATALYN CORPORATIONsTREET ~ ~mm SODIUM IIYPOCHLORITE SCHENECTADY, NY 12303-1836 USA AQUEOUS SOLUTION (5-l. 2%) (518) 377-8855 GENIUMPUBUSHINGCO~P. DATE Febrnary ).9~3 m JSECTION I. MATERIAL IDE'NTiFICATI6N MATERIAL N~ME: SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE, AQUEOUS SOLUTION (5-1~{) OTHER DESIGNATIONS: Soda Bleach Liquor Bleach Solution, Hypochlorite Solut~n. NaO~ m Solution, SUNNY SOL Bleach (Jones Chemicals), Household Bleach (i.e. CLOROX~-~, PURE~,) MANUFACTURER: Available from many suppliers, including: Canadian Industries Limited Jones Chemic~ls, Inc. 10 un~ Sol ~ ~ox IU m Montreal, Quebec H3C 2R3 Tel: (716) 538-2311 SECTION II. INGREDIENTS A~D HAZARDs ' % HAZARD DATA Sodium hypochlorite (CAS #007 681 529) ~a 5-12 No TLV Established m Water, sodium chloride and sodium hydroxide (if present ~alance in excess). (Excess NaON will pose an increased alkalinity Rat, Oral hazard.) (12% Solution) m ~Solution concentration can also be stated in terms of "available chlorine" which is. about LD50 ca 12 mg/kg 95% of NaOC1 content by weight. *5% soln is reportec to be muc___~h less toxic. SEdTION HI. PHYSICXL' m ___ Sect v) specific gravity Boiling 'point decompJses '(see (2b/4c)": Vapor pressure, 20 C, mm Hg 17.5 5.25% (Household bleach) - 1.09 Water solubility complete 8.0% 1.15 m pH ("neutral" solution)* 9-10 12.0% 1.21 Molecular weight 74.4 Freezing point, 12.0%, deg C - ca -25 Appearance & Odor: Clear, pale yellow or greenish liquid with a chlorine odor. I *Some products may contain an excess of NaOH and have a higher pH. SECTION IV. FIRE AND EXPLOSION DAT~ Lower Upper Flesh Petal and Method Autoiqnilion Temp. Flommabllit¥ Lim~l~ in Air Nonflammable UJe Jxtinguishing'media that is appropriate for surrounding fire. Use Water spray f~om a" safe distance to cool fire-exposed containers, to dilute liquid, and control vapors. It m is an oxidizing agent, vigorous reactions can occur with oxidizable materials in a fire situation. It can be decomposed by heat. Chlorine liberated on contact with acid. iIf safe, remove containers from fire area to prevent pressure rupture. Firefighters should wear full protective clothing and self-contained breathing apparatus. m (Protection is needed against corrosive fumes and liquid if released.) SECTION V. REACTIVITY DATA ~nhydrou~ material is unstable, but these wate~ solutions can be satisfactorily stable for I months under proper storage conditions. Rate of decomposition increases with the concen- tration and with the temperature. (12% NaOC1 solution decomposes slow.l~ at 40 C to yield NaC1 and NaC103). Exposure to sunlight accelerates decomposition. It is incompatible with acids (liberates chlorine), ammonia, urea, oxidizable materials, m and metals such as nickel, copper, tin, manganese cause and iron (which liberation of oxygen). Cepyrl~h~ ~'J I~14 ~al~m ~blbJ~if, C~pur~ ~,,~.~.. ~,~, ~',.~,~ ~ ~,~,~,~. GENIUM PUBLISHING I I I NO. ]15 SECTION VI. HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION TLV None Established ToXicity due to alkalinity, possible chlorine generation, and the Oxida~ properties. I Ingestion of a few ounces at 12% conc. can cause corrosion of mucous mem~rahes, perfora- tion of esophagus and stomach, and laryngeal edema; may lead to convulsion, coma, death. IAt 5% cone. effectn ar~ much less damaoinq.) Inhala~iQn of mist or ~ume~ can cause bron- chial irritation, cough, difficult breathing, stomat~t~s, nausea, aha puJJnonary eaema. Additional effects have included circulatory collapse and delirium. Liquid contact can I produce irritation of the the eyes or skin with blistering and eczema (especially at 12%) FIRST AID: ontact: ~.. Irrigate eyes with running water f~r at least 15 minutes, including under eyelids. Then contact physician at once (ophthalmologist preferred). Skin Contact: Remove contaminated clothing. Flush affected areas with copious amounts of I water, or Shower. If irritation persists or if large areas of body are affected, contac~ physician. Treat burns as needed. Inhalation: Remove to fresh air and obtain medical help. Ingestion: Have physician contacted immediately. Rinse mouth with water. Give large quantities of water or milk to drink. Induce vomiting. Repeat. Do not use acidic anti- dotes or sodium bicarbonate. An ounce of 1% sodium thiosulfate or milk of magnesia is I helpful. SECTION VII. SPILL, LEAK, AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURES I Notify safety personnel of major spill. Clean-up personnel need protection against contact with liquid and inhalation of mists and fumes. Contain spill and pick up when possible for recovery or disposal. Keep concentrated hypochlorite solutions out of sewers and i waterways. Do not use combustible absorbents (such as sawdust) to pick up hypochlorite solutions. ~mall spills and residues can usually be flushed to a suitable holding area, and then with high dilution to the sewer. i DISPOSAL: When necessary hypochlorite can be neutralized with weak reducing agents, and then the waste landfilled. Follow Federal, State and Local regulations. EPA (tWA) RQ is 100 lb. (40 CFR 117). tl~ochlorite can be harmful to aquatic life SECTION VIII. SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION I Provide general and local exhaust ventilation in the workplace to maintain fumes and mists at a minimum. (Workers should not have irritation effects from exposure.) Respiratory devices should be available for use in non-routine or emergency situations. Use canister- i type respirators suitable for chlorine (See MSDS 53) with mist filters. %void eye contact by use of chemical safety goggles. Use rubber gloves, apron, and other protective clothing appropriate for the work situation to prevent skin contact. Clothing contaminated with liquid to be removed promptly and rinsed with water. Launder I before reuse. Eyewash fountains, washing facilities and safety showers should be available in areas of handling and u~e. SECTION IX. SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS AND COMMENTS Store in closed, Ven'~d containers in a cool, (below 8'5F), dry, well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight, heat and incompatible materials (see Sect VD. Keep separate from I acids and o~ganics. Use adequate ventilation. Protect containers from physical damage. Do not mix with acidic cleaning agents which can liberate chlorine gas ~ Avoid inhalation of vapors, mists and fumes. Prevent eye and skin contact. I DOT Classification: ~% Available Chlorine,* ORM-B I.D. No. NA 1791 Label: None ~(49 CFR 172.101) >7% Available Chlorine, CORROSI%;E. I.D. No UN 1791 Label: CORROSIVE ~% Ayah/abLe Chl6~ine is about 7.35% NaOC1. +Incompatible with bowl cleaners containing IDATASOURCE(S) CODE: 1,3-11,14,25,34,37,48,49 bisulfates. ~ ................. ~.,.,,o,~, ............ ,o,~ ....... ',~,~ .............. APPROVALS: ~,S/CRO j,,~,,,.~~ cna~,'s .,,e.~ea u.,~s m '~ c~we~.ces o, .,s u~ MEOICAL REVIEW: 9 Marc~ 1983 GENIUAI PUBLISHING ! Material Safety Data Sheet No. MONOETHANOLAMINE Genium Publishing Corporation i 145 Catalvn Street Schenectady, NY I,.303-1836 USA Issued: June 1979 (,518) ,3 7 7- S 8 ,$ ,S , o~uu.uaus~co... Revised: April 1986 .... SECTION 1. MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION ' MATERIAL NAME: MONOE'rHANOLAMINF OTHER DESIGNATIONS: 2-Aminoethanol, beta-Aminoethyl Alcohol, bcta-Ethanolamine, <~0~ Ethylolamine, bcta-Hydroxyethylamine, 2-Hydmxycthylamine, C2HTNO, CAS #0141-43-5. HMIS MANUFAqS['UREIUSUPPLIER: Available from many suppliers, including: H: 2 Dow Chemical USA, 2020 Dow Center, Midland, MI 48640; Telephone: (517) 636-1000 F: 2 R 1 Olin Corp., 120 Long Ridge Rd., Stamford, CT 06904; (203) 356-2000 R: 0 I 4 PPE* S 2 *See Sect. 8 K 2 SECTION 2. INGREi)IENTS AND HAZARDS % ' ItAZARD DATA Monocthanolamine, CAS t~14143-5 99 8-hr. TWA: 3 ppm or It mg/m3. Rat, Oral, LDs0: NH2 - CH2 CH2 OH 2100 rog/kg Rat, Skin, LD50: 1500 mg/kg * Current (1985-86) ACGIH TLV and OSHA PEL. Rabbit, Eye: 763 gg, Severe ;'"W SLC ION 3. PHYSICAL DATA Boiling Point, I arm ... 338'F (170°C) Viscosity @ 2.5'C, cps ... 19 Vapor Pressure @ 20'C, mm Hg ... 0.4 Melting Point ... 51'F (10.3°C) Water Solubility ... Miscible Pcment Volatile by Volume ... ca 100 Vapor Density (Air = 1) ... 2.1 Molecular Weight ... 61.1 Evaporation Rate (BuAc = 1) ... <1 pH (1% aq. soin.) ... 11.5 Specific Gravity (H20 = 1) ... 1.02 Appearance and odor: Colorless hygroscopic liquid with a mild ammonialikc odor. Thc odor recognition threshold for monoethanolamine is 2 to 3 ppm. SECTION 4.'FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA LOWER UPPER Flash Point and Method Autoignition Temp. Flammability Limits in Air 185'F (85'C) 1436.'F {780'L-~ % by Volume 5.5 (talc.) 17 (cst.) ILXTINGU1SIt!NG MEDIA: Carbon dioxide, alcohol type of foam, dt7 chemical. Do not use a solid stream of water because the stream will scatter and spread the fire. Use water spray to cool fire-exposed tanks/containers, to dilute liquid to less flammable solutions, and to flush spills tram sensitive exposures. UNUSUAL FIRE/F_.XPLOSION HAZARDS: This OSHA class IIIB combustible liquid is a moderate fire hazard when exposed to heat, sparks, or open flame. Its vapor forms explosive mixtures with air. SPECIAL FIIIE-FIGH'rING PROCF_.DURES: Fire fighters should wear self-contained breathing apparatus with facepieces and fully ph~tecfive clothing when fighting fires involving monoethanolamine. SECTION 5. REACTIVITY DATA Monoethanolarmne is stable in closed containers at room temperature under normal storage and handling conditions. It does not undergo hazardous polymerization. This material is incompatible with strong oxidizing agents and strong acids. It will attack some forrr[q of plastics, rubber, and coatings. Avoid contact with heat, sparks, or open flame. Thermal decomposition or burning may produce toxic vapors and gases such as carbon monoxide and oxides of nilxogen. CAn~yl~hl ~ 1986 Oemum Publia~u'qt cea-nmcrcia] us~ c~ rc-ln'Oduction w~dut O~e publiaha¢l I~on la ~'ohfl~l~d. I No. 418 4/86 MONOETHANOLAMINE SECTION 6. HEALTH ItAZARD INFORMATION Monocthanolarranc is not listed as a carcinogen by thc NTP, IARC, or OSHA. Monocthanolarmnc vapors arc irritating to thc eyes, nose, and upper resph'atory tracL Excessive exposure to this vapor may causc irntation of thc lungs and dcpn:ssion of thc central nervous system. The unpleasant odor, however, makes exposun: of this natun: unlikely. Thc liquid is moderately m'itating la the skin and severely irritating to the eyes. Repealed an~or prolonged contact with the skin may cause redness and swelling. Contact with the eyes may cause burns. It may be absorbed through the skin in toxic amounts. Ingestion of monoethanolamine may cause damage to the gastrointestinal tract Chronic overexposure to monocthanolamine may cause skin imtation and lung, kidney, and liver injury. FIRXF AID: .~: Immediately flush eyes, including under the eyelids, with running water for a~ least 15 minutes. Get medical help.* ~KIN CONTACT: immediately flush skin with running water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated shoes and clothing. Wash exposed area thoroughly with soap and water. Get medical help if irritation persists or if a large area has been exposed.* INHALATION: Remove victim to fresh air. Restore and/or support breathing as needed. Keep him warm and quiet Get medical help.* R:LG,F.,~TI.Q~: Give victim wau:r or mil~ as quickly as possible. Do not induce vomiting. Contact a poison control center. Never give anything by mouth to a person who is unconscious or is convulsing. * GET MEDICAL ASSISTANCE -- In plant, paramedic, community. Get medical help for further ucatment, observation, and support after first aid. SECTION 7. SPILL AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURES Notify safety personnel ol~ large monocthanolaminc spills or leaks. Remove all sources of heat and ignition. Provide maximum explosion-proof ventilation. Limit access to sp/ll =ca to necessary personnel. Remove any leaking containers ua a safe place, if feasible. Cleanup personnel need protection against contact with liquid and inhalation of vapor (see sect. g). Absorb small spills wil~ paper towel or vermiculite. Conta/n large spills and collect thcm, if feasible, or absorb them on vermiculite, sand, clay, or other absorbent material. Place waste solvent or absorbent into closed containers for disposal (using nonsparking tools). Neua'alize mace residues or small spills with sodium bisulfite and flush them to a drain with copious amounts of water. ~ Place monocthanolamine waste in a suitable container for disposal by a licensed contractor or mix it with a flammable solvent and burn it in an approved incinerator equipped with an afterburner and a scrubber, Dispose of absorbcnt in a safe manner. Follow all Federal, stale, and local regulations. SECTION 8. SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION Provide general and local exhaust ventilation to mcct TLV requh'cments. Ventilation fans and other electrical service must be nonsparking and have an explosion-proof design. Exhaust hoods should have a face velocity of at least 100 Ifm (linear feet per minute). For emergency or nonroutine exposures where the TLV may tn: exceeded, use an appropriate NIOSH-approved respirator with a full faccpieee. Safety glasses or goggles should be worn in all work areas. Impervious gloves, face shield, apron, boots, body-covering suit, and other appropriate protective clothing and equipment should be available and worn as necessary to prevent contact with skin. eyes, and clothing. Remove contaminated clothing inunediately and do not wear it again until it has been properly laundered. An eyewash station and safety showers should be readily available in use or handling =cas. Contact lenses pose a special hazard; soft lenses may absorb irritants and all lenses concentrate them. SEC~'ION 9, SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS AND COMMENTS. ' ' closed containers m containers from physic~ damage. Store this material away from oxidizing agents, acids, heat, sparks, or open flame. The storage =ca must meet OSHA requirement for class IIIB combustible liquids. Usc material only with adequate ventilation. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothing. Do not inhale or ingest it. Wash thoroughly after handling i~. Ground and bond metal containers and equipment when making transfers to prevent static sparks. Do not smol~e in =cas when: this material is handled or stored. Follow good industrial hygiene practices when handling this compound. Emptied containers retain hazardous product residues; handle them accordingly. Individuals who work with monocthanolamine should be given preplacement and periodic medical examinations, with emphasis on the respiratory system and kidney and liver functions, DOT Classification: t:~a~nttwab~c~p~.c°~,~,~t_ UN No. 2491 Data Source(s) Code: 1-12, 16, 18, 20, 23, 25, 34, 81. CR .luagernentsa~mthe~uita~ilityorinr°nmtionherem/'orpurchaaet~purpo~a Approvals ~ ~.d'~o. t/~'). am n 'cCc.'asanly pun:ha~r's responsibility. Thetefot~ although reasonable, cam .V,~ ;"" ff ' hag been taken m me preparation ofs~h information, Genium Publishing Corp. lndusL Hygiene/Safety ~ //. ~'~, extends no warranties, maitre no mpresenmUons and assumes no responsibility m to tht: accuracy or suitability o f such in formalmn for applicaLion to pun:haaet'. ~.-~ ~ ,~.,~,~mo~,o, ro~o.~-~,~or~-.~ , Medical Review,, ." _ ~t~c,.,~P~.~Cs~,~ Copyright © April 1, 198~ u~ cn r~-produet~on withe&ti fl~ Dutlli~t~'! pt, tttli~lJ~ ia I I NO. 470 GENIUM PUBLISHING CORPORATION DIESEL FUEL 0IL NO. 2- D 1145 CATALYN STREET SCHENECTADY, NY 12303-1836 USA ~ m (518) 377.8855 G[NIUM PUBLISHING CORP. Date October 198 SECTION i. MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION 4ATERIAL NAME: DIESEL FUEL OIL"N'O. 2'D m DESCRIPTION: Mixture of petroleum hydrocarbons; a distillate oil of low sulfur content OTHER DESIGNATIONS: ASTM D975, CAS l/ 068 476 346 MANUFACTURER: Available from many suppliers I Sg~TiON' I[, INGREDIENTS AND HAZARDS x HAZAmD OArA m Diesel Fuel Oil No. 2-D Complex mixture of paraffinic, olefinic, naphthenic >95 S-hr TWA 5mg/m3. and aromatic hydrocarbons** (mineral oil mist) I Sulfur content <0.5 Benzene*** <100 pp~l *Current OS~b% standard and ACGIH (1981) TLV **Diesel fuels tend to be low in aromatics and high in I paraffinics. A min. Cetane No. of 40 is required (ASTM D613). ***A iow benzene level reduces carcinoge, nic risk. Fu~l <)ils cam be exempted under the benzene standard I (29 CFR 1910.10283 , SECTION Ill. PHYSICAL DATA ~goiii/~g point range, d~g F,' Ca 340~'~75 Specific gravity (H~0:[) .... <0.86 Solubility in water negligible Cloud point (wax), aeg C --- Ca 0 I Viscosity at 40 C, cst 1.9-4.1 Appearance and Odor: Clear, bright liquid with a mild petroleum odor. ! I SEC'TION IV, ~'IRE AND EXPLOSION DAYA COWER UPPER -Flas'h Point an.d.. Method Autoi~ntt'i__on__TeMp.'l Flanm~abili~y Li~'~t~''I~ Air 125F ...... min (PM) >500F I % by volume 0.6 7.5 I Extinguishing Media: Dry chemical, carbon dioxide, foam, water spray. Use a water sprayi to cool fire exposed containers. Use a smothering technique for extinguishing fire of this combustible liquid. Do not use a forced water stream directly on oil fire as this will only scatter the fire. Material is a OSHA Class II combustible liquid. I Firefighters should wear self-contained breathing apparatus and full protective cloth- ing. I SECTION V, REACTIVITY DATA This is a stable material in closed containers at room temperature under normal storage and handling conditions. It does not undergo hazardous polymerization. i Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents; heating greatly increases fire hazard. Thermal -oxidative degradation may yield various hydrocarbons and hydrocarbon deriva- tives (partial oxidation products), CO2 and CO and SO2. co...,, ¢ ,~ ~- ..~, co..o..,~. GENIUM PUBLISHING I A~y cOOUlnerclsl ~ ,~th~lt p~bU~ber'l III~CI~ pI'll'lllll~III~lII b prd~lblled. NO. 470 Inhalation of excessive concentrations of vapor or mist can be irritating to the r~spi-- rarefy passages and can cause the following symptoms: headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and loss of coordination. Prolonged or repeated skin contact may cause irri- tation of the hair follicles and block the sebaceous glands. This produces a rash of acne pimples and spots, usually on the arms and legs. (Good personal hygiene will pre- vent this). Chemical pneumonitis may result when ingestion occurs and oil is aspirated in the lungs. FIRST AID: E_ye Contact: Flush thoroughly with running water for 15 min. including under cyelids. Skin Contact: Remove contaminated clothing. Wipe excess oil off with a dry cloth. Wash affec~J area well with soap and water. Inhalation: Remove to. fresh air~ Restore and/or support breathing as required. Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting. Seek medical assistance for further treatment, observation and support. SECTION VII, SPILLj LEAK~ AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURES Notify safety personnel of leaks or spills. Remove sources of heat or ignition. Provide adequate ventilation. Clean-up personnel to use protection against liquid contact and vapor or mist inhalation. Contain spill by diking. Small spills cat be contained by using absorbants, such as rags, straw, polyurethane foam, activated carbon, and sand. Clean up spills promptly to reduce fire or vapor hazards. DISPOSAL: May be disposed of by a licensed waste disposal company, or by controlled in- cineration or burial in an approved landfill. Follow Federal, State and Local regulations. Report large oil spills. SECTION VIII, SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION Provide adequate ventilation where operating conditions (heating or spraying) may treat excessive vapors or mists. Use explosion-proof equipment. Provide approved respirator) apparatus for nomroutine or emergency use. Use an approved filter & vapor respirator when vapor/mist concentrations are high. Wear protective rubber gloves and chemical safety glasses where with liquid or high mist cont. may occur. Additional Contact suitable protective clothing may be required depending on working conditions. An eye- wash fountain and washing facilities to be readily available near handling and use areas. Launder soiled or contaminated clothing before reuse (at least weekly laundering of work clothes is recommended) . ' SECTION IX, SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS AND COMMENTS Sto;e in closed containers in a c~ol. J'~y, well-ventilated'area away'from sources of open flame, heat, strong oxidizing agents, and ignition. Protect containers from physical damage. Use non sparking tools and explosion-proof electrical equipment. Prevent static electric sparks. Avoid prolonged skin contact and breathing of vapors or mists. No smoking in areas of use. Follow good hygienic practice in the use of this material. Do not wear oil contaminated clothing. Do not Jut oily rags into pockets. Wash ex- posed skin areas several times a daywith soa~ and warm water when working with this material, DOT Classification: COMBUSTIBLE DATASOURCE(S) CODE:I,6,7,12, ~ APPROVAL$:MIS~,~10/~ CRD, ~' · ........... ~ ........ ,,.~, ........ ~ ........................... ~ ......... ~ Industrial Hygiene~~ , ................................................ ~ .......... ,~,~ ....... ~,. and Safety /m-~ MEDICAL REVIEW: ~ .... 21 October 1981 GENIUM PUBLISHING I NO. 1082 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET GENIUM PUBLISHING CORPORATION PROTEXULATE 1145 CATALYN STREET SCHENECTADY, NY 12303-1836 USA I (518) 377-8855 ~ENlUMPUmLI$t"IINGCORP, Dace October 1977 SECTION [, MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION MATERIAL NAME: PROT EXIILAT E I OTHER DESIGNATIONS: Calcium Carbonate, Whiting, Chalk, Calcite, CaCO3 CAS fi001 317 653 MANUFACTURER: Pluess-Staufer, Inc. i One World Trade Center, Suite 2173 New York, NY 10048 Phone: (212) 466-0550 SECT[ON [[, INGREDIENTS AND HAZARDS x I'tAZARD DATA I Calcium carbonate Ca 100 TLV 10 mg/m3 Silica (quartz) <1 as nuisance particulate I (ACGIH 1977) I Manufacturer indicates this material contains no asbestos or magnesium silicate. SECT[ON [[[, PHYSICAL DATA Thermal decompositioo, deg C >825 i Solubility in water, % 0.001-0.002 (Soluble in acids; reaction!) Specific gravity (H20=l) 2.7-2.95 Molecular wt - 100.09 I White which is odorless and tasteless. Appearance & Odor: powder SECTION IV, FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA LOWER UPPER Substance is a non-combustible solid which requires no special fire fighting I procedures. No fire ur explosion hazards associated with this product. SECTION V, REACTIVITY DATA I This material is a stable solid (like limestone). Hazardous polymerization will no~ occur. It is soluble in acids with the evolution of carbon dioxide. I 825 C this material and liberates carbon Heating at high temperatures decomposes dioxide. Cop~rl~hl ~'~ 1~14 C~ltlum PublL,.Jtln~ Cor~x~rMIo~ m No. 1082 SECTION VI HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION i ~ TLV lOmB/m3 (as OUlsonce) ' pa,r~lcu~ate m Material is not toxic, It is a con-non air contaminant - no toxic effects from calcium carbonate are noticed where air contains contaminate to excess. Person m subjected to large amounts of this dust will be forced to leave area because Qf nuisance conditions, coughing, sneezing, nasal irritation from dust. FIRST AID: Contact: Wash areas of skin and and eyes with plenty of water. Get medical m assistance where irritation persists, Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. m This material is listed on FDA GRAS List. SECTION VII. SPILL~ LEAK~ AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURES Sweep or vacuum material from spillage into a waste container for disposal. Avoid m conditions. This material can be disposed of as inert solid in a land- dusting fill or by other procedures which are acceptable under Federal, State and local regulat ions. ! SECTION VIIl, SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION m ~ approved dust respirator face mask can be used for respiratory protection when needed. General and local exhaust ventilation should be employed to keep dust below mvalue of 10 mg/m3, Gloves or protective clothing are usually not necessary but may be desirable in specific work situations, mEye protection (goggles) may be needed to avoid particulate irrita~ion of the eye. mlm SECTION IX, SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS AND COMMENTS Excessive particulate in workplace air must be. avoided even though it is inert and non toxic, (Particulate can carry bacteria into the air passages and lungs, producing infection and bronchitis.) Be sure proper ventilation and respiratory and eye protection are used under dusting conditions. Material is supplied in multi-plypaper bags for ease in handling. AppRovED: (~ ( Industrial Hygienist and ~,c.o~,., ,~o.~,,,y ,~...,~. ,..~..~ ~.,..~ ~.. ,.~.. ~ ,~ ~.p~,.,~ ~ Chemical Safety Coordinato~, ~ ~ ,~.~,,,~., ,o ,~ ~,.~y. ,~,,.~,,~ ~ ,~. ,.,~,~ ,~ ,~,~ ~. GE Elect tonics Laboratory .... "'"'~' ...... ~ .... ' ..... Syracuse, ~ 13201 GfNIUM PUBLISHING