HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit .~ CONDITIONS~OF iPER. MIT ON REVERSE SIDE '~ i~ This Den. it hi i.sued for the followina: [] Hazardous Materials Plan - [] Underground Storage of HazardOus Matmlals Permit ID #:: 015-000-000689 [] Risk Management Program TWS INDUSTRIES [] H.z.r~ou. w..t.O.-S,.T...t...t ./ LOCATION: 5441 ALDRIN CT A i OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES' " 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Approved by: "(..Ra[pfHu~,D'~,~--'~.~) ~ssue Da~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 Officeofevimnmen~Services Voice (661) 326-3979 FAX.(661) 316-0576 .'..:--'~...'-ExpirationDate: 'June 30. 2003 Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE ............... ,,,,~,~.,,~,~=,~,,~,,,,~,,,~,;,:~,,,=,=,,, ................ This permit is issued for the following: ~,~,i~i'~"i' i} ?~'"~':~:i ?': ;i?~:,;~i~i~emround Storage of Hazardous Materials THE W.~O{ SHOP LOCATION 5441 ALDRIN U",.."'.:~i ] .,~ ............. :::~j' ,' ~ ,. ~. ~:'~ [~' ~ :~ .., ,~ ~' ~, ,~ ~ ~ .,' . ' ' r:~ i' ] h.. "~."~ a.... '.% '~:~, ~.....,... ,~,~. ,~" .... B~er~field Fke D~ment Approv~ by: ff ~ph HU~~ O~CE OF E~R O~AL S~ ~CES 1715 Chewer Ave., ~rd ~loor B~e~el~ CA 9~01 Voice (805)~2~3979 Expiration Date: June~0~ 2000 F~ (80S) 326~S76 ITE DIAGRAM 12[] FACILi'TY DIAGRAM See Attached .... 80S-~97.- 52 74 ' '" ~ Fire / Emt~rgency EvaCuation ~outes "'/-W 5.,/' 'r~c~TP, ~6~ Business Name: ~ Area Map # Name of Area: 8U(LDING I SECT(ON A W~K IN ~C~Y  ~ ~CO~Y 0 ACCOUNTING ~' ACCOUNTS ACCO~NG RECEIVABLE ~O~E ~RAGE ~ OOR , ENTRY TO CLOS~ GENERAL OFFtCE REcEmON DEPARTMENT ~ LJBRARY P~t' ~ ~I~Y ~IT PRIMARY EXIT SECONDARY EXIT(S) iTE DIA~'RAM ~ FACILTTY DIAGRAM ' ' ,'.la:'-.h ~i'ame a~ Ar~a: Building I, Section A Fire / Emergency Evacuation Routes Business Name: ~ /1 ~ Area Map # of J' ~. , Name of Area: BUfLDING 1 SECTION 8 NORTH AAW CHEMICALS ~ DOOR ] DOOR 2 SECONDARY EXIT RESTROOM ,AQLL UP CONFERENCE ROOM EQUIPMENT STORAGE OVERHEAD STORAGE gR~taAR'f ED~"[ DOOR 1 WALK tN SECONOARY EXfT IDOOR ~ PRIMARY ~ SECONDARY ~,T(S) Fire / Em~gency EvaCuation l~outes '~ Name of Area: BU~LD{NG I SECTfON C NORTH SHIPPING DEPARTMENT I DOOR MAINTENANCE AREA LA~EL ROOM ' ~3 ~yl ~ ~ DOOR I PRIMARY ~iT ~ SECONDARY ~IT(S) Fire ! Etl~ergency Evacuatior~outes Business Name: -'T'-~ ~ ~---f3~5"~7"1 e5 ,, Area Map # of / Name of Area: BUILDING 1 SECTION 0 NORTH RAW CHEMICALS SECONDA.~Y [NOT OFFICES LAB O m ~g OFFICES MIXER 0  CHEMICAL AND ~W _ · ~5 PRODUCT STORAGE ~ J DOOR R~ UP p~R EMERGENCY RESPONSE AGENCY 911 OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES 1-800-852-7550 1-916-427 4341 i. The ex~ct location of the release or threatened release. 2. The name of the person reporling the release or threatened release. 3. The hazardous materi~.ls.'involved in the release or threatened release. 4. An estimate of the qu~ntitxj of haz~-rdous materials involved. 5. If known, the potential hazards presented by the h~tzardlgus material involved in the release or threatened release. Emergency Response Assistance 1. Thc m~mbers of the ~mergency response team will stand by to assist the emergency agency and offer thc b~tcfit of their special knowtcdg~ of thc facility and [ts contents. 2. Thc following mcrnbem of the production management will stand by to offer technical a~,,icc to lhc emergency response agency personnel if necessary: ' A. Jess R. W'm~crs B. Brenda Bynum D. Diane Rosales Medical Assistance I. All employe~s affected by exposure to thc hazardous matcriah relcascd chafing thc spill/release or injured from thc fire should bc transported to the hospital, which Js the most appropriate facility for the treatment of chemical-related injuries. A copy of thc appropriate MSDS should accompany thc affected porson(s) to thc hospital. A. Diane Rosales CUST E & NO. -~.~~-- i MISCELLANEOUS RECEIVABLES ADJUSTMENT DATE -Z'l/'-/~ -~'CLOSEADDRESS NEWACCOUNT ; ACCT CHANGI~ · FINANCE CHARGE CUSTOMER NAME MAILING ADDRESS SITE ADDRESS PARCEL NUMBER (1F APPUCABLE) ADJUSTMENT I CHG DATE i CHARGECODE I ADJUSTMENT.AMOUNT I REMARKS: r od[ 'v' ... 7"14,"S /N P U 5 T ,~ i £ S /AI C. , ' 80.~-,,3'9'Z- 5'2 7'4 , ;-' ~. : I ' ;FIFIE/EMEIlGENCY EVACUA~OH., I~OUTE$' III Accounting · Order Desk //'Reception II II;~_~.~ ". ' j! · ''/ Il Ilr t.il Executive Il {]' II Executive Ii? ~ u ,, I.c~ Off~ce Closet ' FIRE/EMERGENCY EVACUATION ROUTES · .." PO0/~ 2 ~ou.*~,, I I .' I I f~/~ ~ ~ ~ '. -3u.$' ne'~s ~fm.~: TIlE WAX $1107 .~. ~E(; OIIDI~[II¥ : *~ ' FIIRE/EMEI~[~IEHCy IEVACUA'~OI~I., ROUTES ~' '* IFIIRE/F. MEIIC.~I~.I~ICY EVACUA~ON,, I{ouTE$ WAX Area Hau. ;~ 6 c2?. 10 '~'/47. z:?~...t~....o,...,,, ........ I- ~.S, T-O ~'. ~- ~. IS . I)tll~lttl'l Y II[IT' '. FlflE/EMEII~.~ENCY EVACUATION ROUTES SITE DIAGRAM CE] FACILITY DIAGRAM Bus,ness ,~Iame: THE WAX SHOP /lame o~ Ar~_a:5441 A£dr~n Bu~£dx~ng I and See Attached . ....... T14,'$ IA/ ~ U 5 7'tei£$ /NC. ...... 80.5'-,3'97- 5'.,2 HMMP P LA~ SITE DIAGRAM CZ] FACTLITY DIAGRAM Bus'.ness ,'lame: THE WAX SHOP Ar~a. Map ~_/~--~ North ~lame. o~ ~r~a: BuZ~ding l,'Sect~on A HMMP P'LA\~, MA, r SITE DI~I~GRAM E~ FAC"~ITY DIAGBAM I~ :lame: THE W~X RHOP . Ar~a Map a 5 of .... North Name o~ Ar~a: Bu~gdlng 1, S~ction B ~I. tMMP P LAN MAP' SITE DI,/~GRAM EZ]' FACI~I:TY,' DIAGRAM 3~s~ess Name: THE WAX SHOP : A.-~a Map ~' 4 o~ ---_-- Nor'~h. Name: of Ar~a: Bu~fdZng 1,. Section C · I Too L · I · 0 0 0 ~HMMP PLA~MAP SITE DIAGRAML"-I FACILITY DIAGRAN1 Fr'_ Business :lame: THE WAX SHOP Area Map ;t 5 of tlcr-.h flame of Area: Bui~d~ng 1, Section D ITE DIqI~GRAM E--I LITY DIAGRAIVl THE WAX SHOP A=~m Map Name of A=~m: Buildin~ I, Section E ~z~ -/~ . ~...~ .... ~- o~ ........ l . .. ~I-]MN'IP P LA. MAP F ACT]..I T Y DIAGRAM SIT E DIAGRAM THE WAX SHOP Ar_~a Hap = 7 of Name o~ Ar~.a: Bu4:~din~ I, Sect/~on F DIVISION OF TWS INDUSTRIES, INC. Sherry Matteucci Executive Vice President 5441 Aldrin Court Bakersfield, CA 93313 Toll Free 800-323-9192 (CA) 805-397-5274 ~1 HOSPITAL ~ ~-I 2215 Truxtun Ave., P.O. Box 119 J.C. SAT'I'£R~-'~, ~.$. CLINICAL CHEMI~ MEDICAL TECHNOLOG~ {805) 327 HMMP PLA~ MAP SITE DIAGRAM E-1 FACILITY DIAGRAM Bu$Sness ~lame: THE WAX SHOP Area Mag ~ 7 of. 10 ~lor-.h ~lame o~ Ar~a: Bu~d~n~ l, Sect.~on F M M P P L A~ MAP SITE DIAGRAM ED FACILITY DIAGRAM ~-- Business Name: THE WAX SHOP A~r~a Hap ~ 8 o~ 10 '~' ~lar--h Name of Ara-a: Building 2, Sec~o~ A HMMP PLAII~ MAP SITE DIAGRAME2 FACILITY DIAGRAM 3ushness ~'iame: TIlE WAX SHOP Ar_~a Map ~ 9 o~ 10 --/~_~' Nor-~h ~Iame of Ar~a: Bu~din~ 2~ ~ec~on C HMMP PLA~Ii MAP SITE DIAGRAM C-'I FACILITY DIAGRAM IX'- Bu.$!~ess Name: THE WAX SHOP A:'~a Map ~ 10 of 10 --/~_--:' Nor-.h Name of Ar~-a: BudfdZng 2, Set,don F MMP PLA~ MAP SITE DIAGRAM [Z] FACILITY DIAGRA/Vl F"'I THE WAX SHOP Ar~a Hap ~ 1 o~ 10 Name of Ar~a:5441 Afdrgn Ba~ding 1 and 5501 Afd~i~ Building f See A~tachcd .. ....... TH/~ IiV£U~ TRI£$ iAIC. ....... 80.5'-,7,9-Z- 5'2. 7'4 ~ ,.-- PRINT ' HM M PP L A~ MAP SITE DIAGRAM F"'I FACILITY DIAGFIAM :lame: THE WAX SHOP Area Map ~ 6 of ~///_~- Ncr-~h Name of Ar~-a: Bu,~£d.~n~ 1, Sec~:.~on E HMMP PL, MAP SITE DIAGRAM t"'--'l FACILITY-DIAGRAM .fT" Name: THE WAX S~{OP Ar~_a Map ~ 7 of --C~-~ Nc3r--h Name of Ar~.a: 8u.i_£d,i.n[1 1, Sec/:~on F ,~ F- { t..~ 15, [--t c.V..~. {"' '< o A u c'lT." , -5 .~ O:' O C) o IT E DIAGRAM [~ L DIAGRA/Vlpr ,'lame: THE WAX SHOP Ar~a ~ag ~ $ o~ Name of Ar~a: Buifdlag 1, SecfYo~ D HMMP PLA~ MAP SITE DIAGRAM EZl FACILITY DIAGRAM ,[%. THE WAX SHOP ar~a Hag a 4 of ~_~xx~ ,*lor-.h ~lame o5 Ar~.a: Buil~ding 1, Section C 1-oo HM b"IP P L MAP SITE DIAGRAM C[l FACILITY DIAGRAlVl I~ 3us 12. ess :lame: THE WAX SHOP ~-_~--~ Nar'.h Name of Ara_a: Bu~fd2ng 1, Section · .7 POOR 2 r~o,,ou¢, i I  ~ ~-- ' ~ r",/ , .., ~. ~ ¢ ~//., ,0 0 0 , I [ ," .' 0 ' ' ' COs 0 , 0I '" ~ ' . .' ' ..~. Ov ~EA ~o~ ~ . . ,/~ ,"; . ' ' ~ I/. IPAI~./~~ ~ I ~-~ HMMP PLA~ MAP SITE DIAGRAM [Z] FACILITY DIAGRAM Business :;ame: THE WAX SHOP A:'~_a Map "~' Nar~h Name of Ar~.a: BuZ£d~ng 1, Sec~Zon A ' ~" FIRE/EMErGENCY EVACUA.~. ION ROUTES* SECONDAIIY E~IT(S) ] '-~.'J 7.':'.--,.__ ]-' I' I'--'~!,~i:' Accounting Order Desk ~ RecepLion ti. Kitchen General Bathroom' Office Executive u Office '. ~ FIRE/F-ME~GIiNCY I~VACU ./~ION ROUTES' Ar~a Map ~.~,i /I '-- :!: -7' I I OV~I/~tlD. ~0~ II :' *' FIRE/I~ME~GISNCY I~VACU ,AJlON ROUTES" TIlE (~AX SilO? ,\rea Hag ~ 4 o~ I0 Hame o~ Ar~a: , Bu,~fd~.n9 I Section C I , 'i,:: i ;'~:' ~: ( ' I-- ~' ~,, ~ , , , ,~ P2 C 0 Iii D AII;Y' Hap # $ o~ I0 TIlE WAX SIIOP Ar~a Ha? · 6 o~ 10 --///~ ~lor':h llame of. Area: Bm~.~d.~t~B 1, Se¢.tJon E : *,*"IFItlE/EMF~G~HCY IEVACU/~IO. IlOUTE$ , , TIIE WAX SIH~P " Arsa Map · 7 off I0 --- ,Io~ .h Hame of Ar~a: Bu.~.~d.~H9 I Sec.t.[o, F MMP PLA~ MAP SITE DIAGRAM ~FACILITY DIAGRAM 5u$iness }tame: THE WAX SHOP Ar-~a Mag ~ ~ of 10 :__/L ~lor:h }lamo o~ Ar~a: Building 1, Se. etgon A HMMP PLAJ MAP SITE DIAGRAM ~ FACILITY DIAGRAM Bus'.ness :lame: THE WAX SHOP Area Map ~ ..... ~ off lO ~ North ~lame of Ar~.a: Btti,~d,ing l: Seo:t,ion B HMNIP PLAl~ MAP SITE DIAGRAM EZ] FACILITY DIAGRA/Vl[7x'- Business Name: THE WAX SHOP Ar~a Map z 4 of 10 ~-6u Nar'~h Name of Ar~a: Bul~di. ng l, Section C I '~.. 0 0 0 0 ~ ' O t-\ o' 1.. I/~.~., (, 'r ~ v,; i~ ,¥'-ro ~,! ¢'-, (., ~ ~ 0 O' ~ 0 0 I ....... HM MP P LA~ MAP SITE DIAGRAM L--1 FACILITY DIAGRAM Bus;.ness Name: TJJE WAX SHOP Ar~a Map ~ 5 o~ 10 --_/~ Nor-~h Name of Ar~a: Bu~fd~g 1, Sec~o~ D HMMP PLA~II MAP ",, SITE DIAGRAM EZ] FACILITY DIAGRAM Bus,ness Name: THE WAX St{OP Ar~a Map '/ --G-~ Nor'~h ~lame o~ Ar~.a: Bu~fd~n~ I, Section E 7-14/$ /A/ ~ U,5 7-1~ / £ $. //V C. . 5'44l PHON~' CO, -P'OO'IpM£NT' OM£r=A ~,..~01 5441 '////// ~ ~ ~ · A / ~ '--/ ~_,,., ,,]~ " , I ~t -i I ~ ......... -, , , , , ,- , h, O,I .... I , I I FINANCE DEPARTMENT P.O. SOX 2057 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93303 R~URN SERVICE REQUESTED STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT PAGE 1 CiTY OF BAKERSFIELD ? 0 BOX · DATE: 2/01/04 TO' TWS iNDUSTRiES - ANNUAL ~iLL FOR THE FISCAL YR. 7/1-&/30/03. iF ~P~iVE IN ERROR- ~ ....... CURRENT OVER 30 OVER 60 OVER 90 i~67.00 ......... qxn~xnl PAYMENT nuc' 1,~67.00 TOTAL DUE: PLEASE DETACH A}4D SEND THIS COPY WITH REMITTANCE DAT~: ~/01/04 D'U~ DATE: 3/@~/04 NAME; TWS CUSTOMER NO: 3005/30~ TYPE: ~- ENVIRONMENTAL ~RVI ~n ~OX -o=- TOTAL ~--~. ~t~67~00 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3r~ Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME'S, D ' 5 -~0{'{-~7~ ~c~ INSPECTION PATE ADDRESS ~5c]~( ~L-~Z~ CF. "A I, PHONE NO. FACILITY CONTACT_ ~ {,tJtM-'r'e'7}O~ BUSINESS ID NO. 15-210- INSPECTION TIME_. ~/T~ ~3 NUMBEROF EMPLOYEES Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program '~ Routine [~ Combined I~ Joint Agency l~ Multi-Agency L~ Complaint ~ Re-inspection OPERATION C V COMMENTS Appropriate permit on hand Business plan contact information accurate ~ ~. ~ [~ ~O ~,~ Visible address O~~~ ~ ~i~ ~~. Co~ect occupancy Verification ofinvento~ materials ~1~ ~ , Verification of quantities ~ ~1~~ Verification of location ,~~ t j ~~~ Proper segregation of material Verification of MSDS availability ~ 1~ {.O~r Verification of Haz Mat training ~; ~ ~ 0 ~ Verification of abatement supplies and procedures ~ ~~~,, ,0~ Emergency procedures adequate Containers properly labeled f ~ ~a Housekeeping ... ~ ~Ut~ ~, Fire Protection ~ ~ M~ /~l O6~ ,,, Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand C=Compliance V=Violation ~0~ ~ ~ ~~' Any hazardous waste on site?: ~Yes ~No A~/~ ~. ~/~ Explain: ~ ~~ ~O ~ Questions reg~ding *is inspec~on7 Please call us at (661)326-3979 Business Si~~sible Pa~y whi~c - Env. Svcs. Yellow - Station Copy Pink - Business Copy Inspector: IMPORTANT DO NOT DISCARD January 18, 2002 STRATA PRODUCTS 5441 ALDRIN COURT #g FIRE CHIEF BAKERSFIELD CA 93313 RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Dear Business Owner: 2 t 01 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 325-3941 California Law requires that all Businesses, which at any time during FAX (661) 395-1340 the year handle reportable quantities of hazardous materials, file a Hazardous SUPPRESSION SERVICES Materials Business plan, including inventory of hazardous materials, with the 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 local administering agency. Your business has filed such a plan. VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 This same regulation requires that these businesses review the PREVENTION SERVICES business plan submitted to determine if revisions are needed, and to certify to 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 the administering agencies that the review was made and that any necessary VOICE (661) 326-3951 changes were made to the plan. To facilitate this review we have enclosed a FAX (661) 326-0576 computer print-out of the plan you have submitted. Please review this plan in E.VIRONMENTAL SERVICES its entirety and make any necessary revisions on the print-out. 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661)326`3979 When the review and revisions are completed sign the first page of the FAX (661) 326-0576 plan in the appropriate space certifying that the plan is complete and correct. TRAINING DIVISION Return the business plan along with any revisions to this office within 30days 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93306 of receiving these forms. If you have any questions or if we can be of any VOICE (661) 3994697 FAX(661)399-5763 assistance please do not hesitate to call 326-3979. Sincerely yours, Ralph E. Huey Director of Environmental Services CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME 7'~ ~ INSPECTION DATE ADDRESS ~--~/ j~¥jJSte~/~)'ff_.~-__~.A/./c~'3 PHONENO., FACILITY ~"ONTAC'I:_O'--~'~' /d_}.t~_. (-~'~/BUSINESS ID NO. 15-210- INSPECTION TIME , .~.~' ~ t txr NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program Routine [21 Combined [21 Joint Agency [~l Multi-Agency I~l Complaint [21 Re-inspection OPERATION ,, C,V! COMMENTS Appropriate pemfit on hand (~/L~/~] ~ Business plan contact information accurate IX) ~"~5 7-D J'~" Visible address t./ Correct occupancy 1.. J Verification of inventory materials /~ ~ ~ Verification of quantities Verification of location I~,' Proper segregation of material I./' Verification of MSDS availability ~ f Verification of Haz Mat training 1.f Verification of abatement supplies and procedures Emergency procedures adequate L,J Containers properly labeled ~,~' Housekeeping % '/ Fire Protection ~,'~ Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand t,,~ C=Compliance V=Violation AnY hazardous waste on site?:Explain: [~Yes ~No White- Env. Svcs. Yellow- Station Copy Pink- Business Copy Inspector: / TWS INDUSTRIES SiteID: 015-021-000689 Manager : BusPhone: (661) 397-5274 Location: 5441 ALDRIN CT A Map : 123 CommHaz : Moderate City : BAKERSFIELD Grid: 15D FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 13 SIC Code:7542 EPA Numb: DunnBrad: Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title JESS R WINTERS / OWNER BRENDA BYNUM / OPERATIONS MANA Business Phone: (661) 397-5274x Business Phone: (661) 397-5274x 24-Hour Phone : (661) 838-5273x 24-Hour Phone : (661) 398-2394x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Hanmar Hazards: RSs Fire Press React ImmHlth DelHlth Contact : Phone: (661) 397-5274x MailAddr: 5441 ALDRIN #A,B,C,D,E,F CT State: CA City : BAKERSFIELD Zip : 93313 Owner JESS R WINTERS Phone: (661) 397-5274x Address : 5312 CAMERON CT State: CA City : BAKERSFIELD Zip : 93313 Period : to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparer: TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs: Yes Emergency Directives: ~ Hazmat Inventory One Unified List --Alphabetical Order Ail Materials at Site Hazmat Common Name... ISpooHazlEPA HazardsI Frm I DailyMax [UnitlMcP 2-BUTOXYETHANOL R-71 F DH L 415 00 GAL UnR 450 THINNER R-144 F DH L 365 00 GAL Mod ALUMINA OXIDE R-168-169 DH L 2056 00 LBS Min AMYL ACETATE RF-4 F DH L 400 00 GAL Mod CALAMIDE C R-107 F DH L 450 00 GAL Hi CALSOFT LAS-99 R-106 F IH DH L 480 00 GAL Hi CAM POLISH wa-4 F DH L 40 00 GAL Mod CARNUBA WAX R-150 S 550 00 LBS UnR CASTOR OIL R-155 DH L 420 00 GAL Min CLEANER R DH L 250 00 GAL Mod CLEARCOAT WS-1C DH L 800 00 GAL Low FORMULATION AID R-151 F DH L 165 00 GAL Mod GLYCERINE, R-122 DH L 365 00 GAL Low ISOPROPANOL R-63 F DH L 355 00 GAL Mod KAOPOLITE, SF R-117 DH S 1200 00 LBS UnR -1- 01/14/2002 f TWS INDUSTRIES SiteID: 015-021-000689 = Hazmat Inventory One Unified List --Alphabetical Order All Materials at Site Hazmat Common Name... ISpooHazlEPA HazardsI Frm I DailyMax IUnitlMCP LEATHER CLEANER DH L 345 00 GAL Hi LEATHER CONDITIONER DH L 345 00 GAL Low MONOETHANOLAMINE R-105 F R IH DH L 460 00 GAL Hi MORPHOLINE R-112 F IH L 461 00 GAL Low NONIONIC SURFACTANT, R-134 DH L 480 00 GAL Low NONYLPHENOXYPOLY(ETHYLENEOXY)ET E P IH L 460 00 GAL Ext ONE STEP WS-18' DH L 200 00 GAL Mod ORGANOPHILIC CLAY R-135 DH S 500 00 LBS Min OXIDIZED HYDROCARBON WAX R-149 DH S 550 00 LBS UnR PHOSPHORIC ACID R-102 R IH DH L 700 00 GAL Mod POLISH COMP 5000 DH L 200 00 GAL Mod POLISH COMP 600 DH L 345 00 GAL Mod POLISHING COMPOUND DRX-1000 F DH L 345 00 GAL Low POLISHING COMPOUND DRX-1500 F DH L 345 00 GAL Low POLISHING COMPOUND DRX-2000 F DH L 345 00 GAL Mod POLISHING COMPOUND DRX-3000 F DH L 345 00 GAL Low POLISHING COMPOUND DRX-800 DH L 345 00 GAL Low POLYSILOXANE EMULSION R-118 DH L 880 00 GAL Min SAFE CUT WS-19 DH L 100 00 GAL Low SILICON DIOXIDE R-147 DH S 1000 00 LBS Min SILICONE DIOXIDE F IH DH L 300 00 GAL Mod SNOW FLOSS R-111 DH S 1500 00 LBS Min SOLVENT BLEND, R-125 F IH DH L 345 00 GAL Mod STRATA GUARD F DH L 582 00 GAL Mod SUPER FLOSS R-114 DH S 1000 00 LBS Min SUPER GLAZE PLUS WS-1P DH L 85 00 GAL Low SUPER GLAZE WS-1 F DH L 345 00 GAL Mod SYRUP 20 RS-20 F DH L 110 00 GAL UnR TALL OIL R-148 F R DH L 365 00 GAL Low URATHANE SPRAY WS-30 F DH L 55 00 GAL Mod WASH & SHINE WS-8 DH L 420 00 GAL Hi WHITE MINERAL OIL R-153 DH L 55 00 GAL Min 2 01/14/2002 STAT.=MENT DF ACCOUNT i DATE: 9/01/00 TO: TWS INDUSTRIES PO BOX 10226 ~,AK~RS, IE~D, CA 93389 CUSTOMER NO' 3055 CUSTOMER TYPE: FINANCE DEPARTMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD P.O. BOX 2057 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93303 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED MO "'"'~-'D, l FOR QUESTIONS OR CHANQES TO YOL NUMBER AT THE TOP OF TMIS STAT~ CURRENT OVER 30 OVER ~0 ~ tl,l,,,,th,,lhll,,,,,il,,,I,II IIh,,,,ll,,,hllh,,,l,hh,:l,hl,i,,,I,,,l/I HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ~NVENTORY t ) IN~OR¥ STATUS: N~-w [_ Ch~ N~ 3) WAS~ C~~N (~t ~ ~ D~ F~ ~) USE CODE ~) ~0~ ~ ~ AT FAC~ ~ OF ~~- 8) ~' fOrGE ~~ ~ / c 10~A~ON · RAZARDOU$ i~ATERIALS DI'VENTOR¥ ,~s~c~srx~ ~[ ] ~d[ ] ~[ ] ~[ ] ~[ ] w~[ ] ~~[ 1' ': ~o~ ~ ~ AT FAC~ ~ OF ~~ S) ~Q~GE COD~ ~~y~t L~[ ]~[ ]~[ ] a)C~ Av~e ~ ~ C~ [ ] b) ~ I)~~O.?YSTATUS:.N~-w{ [Addition[ II~-visim[ IDel~im[ ] ~~~aNONT~~[ .]T~~[ ] 5) WAS~ C~S~nOS (3~t ~ ~Dm F~ ~) USE CODE / ~ 7) ~O~ ~ ~ AT FAC~ ~ OF ~~ S) ~O~OE COD~ ~) ~: ~ CO~~ ~l % ~ ~c~m= F~[X]~[ ]S~~of~[ ] ~~(~)[ 1~~(~)~1 / ~ ~O~ ~ ~ AT FAC~ ,, ~ OF ~~ 8) STO~G~ COD~ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS I)RCCENTORYSTATUS:N~.~[ ]Addition[ ]l~*vim~[ ]Dcl~i~[ ] Chw. kffchemicali~iNONTrad~S~-~t[ ~) ~ ~ CO~~ 6) ~s~ STA~ ~ [ ] ~a [ ~ ~ [ ] ~ ~] Av~e ~x ~ c~ [ ] O)L~A~ON ' HAZARDOUS MATERIALS hNVENTORY 1) ORySTATUS:N~w[ l~U~[ I~[ ~ ~o~ ~ ~ AT ~AC~ ~ OF ~~ S) STO~ COD~ Av~ ~y~ ~[ ] b)~ / ~y~~ ~) [ ] D~ORYSTA~:N~[ 1~[ ]~[ 1~[ ] ~ff~~aNONT~~[ ]T~~[ .~) W~ C~~=ON (~t ~ ~ D~ F~ ~=) ~s[c~ ST.~ ~d [ ] ~d [~ ] ~ [ ] ~ [ ~O~ ~ ~ AT FAC~ / ~ OF ~~ ~) STOOGE COD~ Av~ ~y ~ C~ [ ] b) ~ / BAZARDOus MATERIAL~ E~VENTORY l) YSTA~$:'N~[ ]A~[ ]~m[ ]~[ ] C~ff~~aNONT~~[ ]T~d~f l 6) P~SIC~STA~ ~[ ] ~d[~ ~[ ] ~[~ ~[ ] W~[ ] ~~[ ] ch~ ~~ ~ ..... 2). [ ] ~) W~ C~~ON (~t ~ ~ D~ F~ ~) ~E CODE / ~ 7) ~O~ ~ ~ AT FAC~ / ~ OF ~~ 8) STOOGE COD~ ~/ /,~ ~ tLAZARDOUS MATERIALS ~VENTORiF t)~RYSTATU$:New[ lAddi~ion[ lRevi~i~m[ ~lDel~f~ ~.~ifch,:mi~aiNONT~~ 2) Common Name!, I 4 ) ~i~"~ H~ ~~ ~ / 5) W~ C~S~CA~ON (~t ~ ~ D~ F~ ~) USE: CODE ~ S~ C~ ~o%~A~o~ ~, - ~ 1) YSTA~:N~[ 1~[ 1~[ 1~[ ] ~~~aNONT~~[ Cb~ N~ · ~) W~ ~~ON (~t ~ ~ D~ F~ ~) ~E CODE · ') ~O~ ~ ~ AT FAC~ ~ OF ~~ 8) STQ~OE L~[ ]~[~[ ] A~e ~y ~ C~[ ] 5)~ :~: L~ ~ _ ~ CO~~ my~m~mm 3) - - O ' O U .icve ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . : -' ' · '"' :- .:.:':- '" 5) WAS~ C~~:ON (3~, ~ ~ D~ F~ ~) ~E CODE / ~ ' 7) ~o~ ~ ~ AT FAC~ ~ ~ OF ~~ S) STO~O~ COD~ ~~~ ~ ~ L~[.~]~[ ]~[ ] ,)C~ Av~ ~y ~ ~ [ ] b) ~ / 9) ~ ~ CO~~ ~i % ~ I)~O~YSTA~:N~[ ]~[ ]~[ ]~[ ] ~~~aNONT~~[ ]T~~[ ] S) W~ C~~ON (~t ~ ~ D~ F~ ~) ~E CODE :)~SXC~STA~ ~[ ] ~[~] ~[ ] ~[vl ~[ ] W~[ ] ~~[ ] ~ ~o~ ~ ~ AT :AC~ _ ~ O: ~~ S) ~o~: COD~ ~) ~: L~ CO~~ ~ % ~ ~~~ 1) ~ [ ] ~ ~ ~m~u ~) [ ] I~ZARDO US ~ATERIALS LNVENTORY 4) Ph~i~ & H~ ~~ s> wAS~ C~S~UO~ ~, ~ ~ D~ ~ ~) US~ CODS / ~ [ 7) ~O~ ~ ~ AT FAC~ ~ OF ~~ 8) STOOGE COD~ / ~ 9) ~' ~ CO~~ ~{ % ~ .~ ~~~ ~) [ ] i) YSTA~:N~[ 1~[ 1~[ 1~[ ] ~~~a~ONT~~[ ]T~~[ ] ch~ ~ · ~ [ ]~ c~ ~ Y~ ~'~ . ~c~ F~[ ]~[ ]S~~of~[ ] r~-~{,,-~(~)[ ]~H~(~)[ ] 1 : ~) W~ C~~ (~t ~ ~ D~ F~ ~) ~E ~ODE { ~)~S[C~STA~ ~[:~<] ~[ ] ~[ ] ~[ ] ~[ ] ~[ ] ~~[ ] ~ ~0~ ~ ~ AT ~AC~ ~ O~ ~~ ~) ST U~O~ COD~ ~~~ ~-~'~ ~'~ L~[ ]~[ ]~[ ] ~)C~ A~ ~X ~ C~ [ ] b) ~ ~ D~ ~ Sim ~(,~- C~e ~~ ~ Y~, I, F, ~.~ ~ I, I, ~ S, O, N, D . ~m~~ l) · [ ] ~ ~m~ ~ 2) [ ] ~ ~ ~m~a ~) [ ] -. . :.- ..--:. ~. ., I~z.-kRDoI. IS MA~'LNVENTORY · I)INVENTORYSTATUS:New[ ']Addition[ }R~si~m[ ~Dele~ion[~)~]Clur. kifchemicalisaNONTrad~Se~-et[ ]Trad~Se~et[ ] ~y~~ a) [ ] 5) W~ C~~ON (~t ~ ~ D~ F~ ~) ~ CODE 7) ~O~ ~ ~ AT FAC~ ~ OF ~~ 8) STOOGE COD~ ~m~y~mt L~[ ]~[ ]~[ ] a) C~ Av~e ~y ~ Cm~ [ } b) ~ ~ ~ ~) T~ I O)L~A~ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ~'qVENTORY __.~page~_~..~ o~__~.~ 5) WAS~ C~~ON (3~9~ ~ ~ D~ F~ ~n) US] CODE / ~ Av~ ~y~ ~[ ] b)P,~ f ~ S~ C~ ' . c) T HAZAI~OUS MATERIALS. ~VENTORY 5) WAS~ C~~ON (3~t ~ ~ D~ F~ ~) USE CODE 7) ~O~ ~ ~ AT FA~ ~ OF ~~ 8) STOOGE COD~ ~m~y~ L~[ ]~[ ]~[ ] a)C~ ' ~O~ ~ ~ AT FAC~ ~ OF ~~ 8) STO~OE COD~ Av~e ~ ~ C~ [ ] b) ~ I~4~IDOUS MATERIALS ~V~NTO~Y CHEMICAL D~~ON ] C~~~aNONT~~[ ]T~d~[ ] ~) w~s~ c~s~o~ O~t ~ a~ Dm r~ ~) ~E CODS { 6) P~IC~ STA~ ~ ~O~ ~ ~ AT FAC~ ~ OF ~~ S) ~O~OE COD~ Av~ ~y~ · ~[ ] b)~ ' 1)~STA~:N~[ ]~[ ]~ ff~~aNONT~~ ~ ~O~ ~ ~ ATFA~ ~ OF ~~ 8) STOOGE COD~ ~ O)L~A~ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALs E~fVENTOItY 5) W~ C~CA~ON (~t ~ ~D~ F~ ~) ~E CODE '~ ~0~ ~ ~ AT FAC~ ~ OF ~~ 8) STOOGE COD~ Av~e ~y ~ C~ [ ] b) ~ B..~Z4,RDOUS MATF~S I2'VVENTOR~y ~, ,, 6) P~SIC~STA~" [ ] U~d[ ] ~[ ] ~ ~[ ] w~[ ]~ ~.[ ] ~~ ~y ~ L~ [ ] ~ [ ] ~ [ ] a) c~ Av~ ~y ~ C~ [ ] b) ~ O)L~A~ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS I~VENTOI~Y I)INVElqTORYSTATU$:Nmv[ ]~[ ]~m[ ]~1~[ ] C~ff~~NONT~~[ ]T~~[ ] 5) W~ C~S~ON (3~t ~ ~ D~ F~ ~)' ~E~CODE ' ~ ~ ~o~ ~ ~ AT ~AC~ ~ Or ~~ 8) STO~O~ COO~ { Av~ ~y~ ~[ ] b)~ ~~ 5~ ~) T~ ~)~ ~ ' ~ co~~ ~ ~ . ~~~ ~) '~~ . . , ,. /~ ~'~~~.. ~) ~.'~t~ ~~: ~a ~'~Z-o /o, . [ ] ~ .- / '~ V ' ~[ ] C~ ' Ch~ N~ 4) ~ & H~ ~~ ~..~c~ F~[ ]~[ ]s~~of~[ 1~~(~)[ ]~~(~)[~] { ~)~S[~A~ ~[ ] ~d~] ~[ ] ~[ ] ~~ W~[ ] ~~[ ] 7) ~O~ ~ ~ AT FAC~ ~ OF ~~ 8) STOOGE COD~ Av~e ~y ~ C~ [ ] M ~ /. ~ s~ c~ ~ ~ C { ~ Da~ ~ $i~ ~ ~5~ C~e ~ ~: ~ Y~, $, F, ~ & ~ $, $, ~ 8, O, N, D { ........... O~A'TU$ ON 1)[I'~tENT :Ne.v[ ]Addition[ JRevimm~l~ckifchcm/calisaNONTmdeSecret[ ]TradeSecr~[ ] Chemical Name: ~ [ ] ~ # 4 ) Physical & H~alih PHYSICAL HEALTH S) W~ C~S~CA~ON (3~x ~ ~o~ D~ F~ ~)' USE CODE 7) ~O~ ~ ~ AT FAC~ ~ OF ~ ~ 8) STO~OE ~OD~ Ch~N~ ~[ ] C~ ~) W~ C~~ON (~t ~ fi~ D~ F~ ~) ~E CODE ~ ~0~ ~ ~ AT FAC~ ~ OF ~~ 8) ~O~GE COD~ Av~ ~y ~ C~ [ ] b) ~ ~ ~ ~) T~~ ~ S~ C~ , ~L~A~ON ~ STA 1, - c~=~ a) Physical ~ Hazard Cathodes Fire [ ] Rea~ve [ ] s} w~STE CL~SS~C^T~O~ S}~IC~SrA~ ~[ ] ~d~] ~[ ] ~[ ] ~~ w~[ ] ~~ ~ ~Si~ ~ ~ C~ ~~ ~ Y~, ~, F, ~ ~ ~ L L ~ S, O, ~, D a ~[ ] C~ Ch~ ~ . .~/.,~ s> w~ c~~=o~ A~ ~y~ C~[ ] b)~ J Da~ ~ Si~ 9)~: ~ ~ ~ ~CO~~,., . ~ . ~ %~ under penalty oflaw, that I hav~ im'sonally _,~,,~i,..~ and, am fmRiar with th~ int'ormedon (m tlds end ell etmcbat d_-'~_ ,~,,~)- I Nam~ & Titl~ of Authoti~d Company ~tativ~. (_/ .. $ilt~, .._ : ' Dat~ '. .... . ,. .... HAZARDOUS MA. ~.TE.RIALS ~NVENTORY ] ~c~ ~[ l~[ {s,~~o~[ {~~m(A~)[ ~) WAS~ C~~ON - (]~t ~ fio~ D~ F~ ~) USE CODE S)~C~STA~ ~] U~[ '] ~[ ] ~[y] ~[ ] W~[ ] ~~[ ] ~ ~O~ ~ ~ AT ~AC~ ~ OF ~~ ~) STO~O~ COD~ Av~ ~y~ ~[ ] b)~ ~ ~ V ~ ~. ~) T~ 9) ~ ~ CO~~ ~ % ~ me~~~ ~) [ ] ~~ ~) [ ] ~--~ C~. ~ [ ] ~ [ ] S~ ~ o~ [ ] ~ ~ (~) [ ] ~~ (~) [ ] ~) W~ C~~UO~ (~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~) ~ COU~ ~ ~O~ ~ ~ AT FAC~ ~ OF ~~ 8) STOOGE COD~ ~D~y~i L~[ ]~[ ]~[ ] a) C~ Av~g ~y ~ C~ [ ] b) ~ ~ ~ c) T~~ ~ S~ C~ ~ Da~ ~ Si~ C~e ~ ~: ~ Y~, ~, F, ~ ~ ~ ~, A ~ S, O, N, D 9) ~: L~ ~y ~ ~m~ 3) ~ %~'~ [ ] i 0)L~A~ON '~ N~e & Title of A~ C~ ~~ ....' ' -~ Si~ ........... HAZARDOUS MATERIALS LNVENTORY 6) P~SIC~STA~ ~d[ ] ~d[..~] ~[ ] ~[ ] ~~] W~[ ] ~e[ ] 7) ~O~ ~ ~ AT FAC~ ~ OF ~~ 8) ~O~OE COD~ A~~y~ ~[ ] b)~ I) RYSTA~:N~[ 1~[ 1~[ 1~[ ] ~ff~~aNONr~~[ ]T~~[ ] ~~y~ ~o L~[ ]~[~]~[ ] a)c~ Av~e ~y ~ C~ [ ] b) ~ ' 1 lt~&RDOUS ~TERIALS ~NVENTORY :~N~,,- . .. ~{ ] ~ 5) W~ C~S~ON (3~t ~ ~ D~ F~ ~) USE CODE ~0~ ~ l) STA~:N~[ 1~[ ]~[ 1~[ ] ~ff~i~aNONT~~[ ~7~- t~ 3) ~T ~ (~fi~) c~ ~: ~ ( ]' ..c~ ~ 5) W~ C~~ON , , , (~ ~ ~ D~ F~ ~) ~E CODE ~)~stc~s~x~ ~na[-] ~a[k] ~[ ] ~[ ] ~[~ w~ ~ ~o~ ~ ~ AT ~AC~ ~ O~ ~~ S) STOmaS ~~D~y~ /D~M. L~[ ]~[~]~[ ] a)C~ A~e ~y,~ C~m [ ] b) ~ ~ ~ ~ c~ c) T~~ ~ s~ c~ / o ~ ~ D~ ~ Si~ 3 ~ C~~~ ~y ~ ~m~ )) ,, t CKEMIcAL DESCRIPTION I)~,ENTORYSTATUS:New[ ]A~li~i~a[ JRm'mi~m[ ]D~l~i~m[ ] Che~ffd~mic. sJ~s~NONTrade~[. ]Tra~[ ] 5) W~ C~~ON (3~t ~ ~ D~ F~ ~) USE, CODE ~ ~ ~) T~ ) ~O~ ~ ~ AT FAC~ ~ OF ~~ 8) STQ~OE COD~ Av~ ~ ~ c~ [ ] b) ~ ~~ I N D U S T R I E S September 24, 1999 Bakersfield Fire DepatXment City of Bakersfield Office of En~/romnental Se~Mces 1715 Trttxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: Ra- lph E. Hu~' Dkeclor, Office of E. nviro_n_menta! Sea'vices Reccntgr, The Wax Shop name and some of the formulas were purchased by Turtle W~tx, Inc. We will matmfactm'e products ur. der Tl~e Wax,: Sb. op name for 90 day. s. Tl~e irffotxaation included in the December 1998 plan will not change until thc end of the year, 1999. TWS h~dustries will still continue to manufactm'e for p~'ate label customers zmd om' new product !in~,Strata Products. If you haYe any questions, please call me ~al 39%5274, e~. 17. Brenda Bynum Plant Operations P.O. Box 10226. Bakersfield, CA 93389-0226. (661) 397-5274. (661) 397-6817 fax OF 'A RELEASE OR A THREATENED RELEASE EMERGENCY RESPONSE AGENCY 911 OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES 1-800-852-7550 1-916-427'4341 1. The exact locati~)n of the release or threatened release. 2. The name of the person reporting the release or threatened release. 3. The hazardous materials 'involved in the release or threatened release. 4. An estimate of the quantity of hazardous materials involved. 5. If known, the potential hazards presented by the hazardous material involved in the release or threatened release. ITE DIAGRAM EEl FACIEITY DIAGRA/Vl ,F"- ~us~-ess ~'fam~: A_-ea Na~ = .... I a.¢ /0 ~cr~h ~lame of kr~_a:5441 Aldrin Building I and See Attached ITE DIAGRAM CI FACILITY DIAGRAM ' ' Na.-':-h ~l~me afl ~ze~: Building I, Section A Fire / Er~rgency Evacuation '~outes Business Name: ~_.. Area M~ # Name of Area: BUILDING I SECTION A WALK IN SECONDARY ACCOUNTING I ACCOUNTSREcEA/ABLE ACCOUNTING ~/STORAC~EC~ GARAGE ? 'r ~ OOR ENTRY GENERAL OFFICE  ART ROOM OEP t~TMENT <~ EXECUTIVE OFFICE '~.~..J{DOOR [ MARKETING DEPARTMENT AREA t LJBRAR¥ CLOSET PRIMARY EXIT SECONDARY EXIT(S) 12/98 SITE DIAGRAM EZI FACIEITY DIAGR..AM~ Fire / Emergency Evacuation Routes Business Name: ~~- -~-' ,c~J~°~(~ RAW CHEMICALS ~ DOOR ) DOOR 2 SECONDARY EXIT CONFERENCE ROOM RESTROOM ;~OLL UP I EQUIPMENT STORAGE OVERHEAD STORAGE PRIld~AR¥ EYJT DOOR 1 WALK tN , SECONOARY EXfT I i · ~ e PrIMarY EXIT i~ SECONDARY EXIT(S) '~ 12/98 ITE DIA~RAM [--I FAC! TY DIAGRAIVl ~ BUS i2. e~s ,'lame: ~ ....- Area Map ~ .... ? ~ _/0 ' Building I,. Section C Fire / Err~rgency Evacuation~outes Name of Area: BUfLD[NG 'f SECTION C NORTH RAW CHEf.ALS DOOR 4 SECONDARY EXIT PRODUC.,~' S SHIPPING DEPARTMENT "~ ~0o~ MAINTENANCE AREA ~ PRIMARY ~lT SECONDARY EXIT(S) ITE. DIAGF~A,"vl E[] FAC'ILITY DIAGRAM .[-.r · Fire / L:~hergency Evacuatic~l~ Routes ~.~# 10 o~10 Name of Area: BUILDING 1 SECTION D NORTH RAW CHF_..M~,C~,LS SF__CONE)A~Y ~ESTROOfv OFFICES LAB '-"~DOo~. I DOO~ I MIXERS © © m LAB OFFICES [--CHEMICAL AND RAW _ PRODUCT STORAGE ::o I DOOR ~ SECONDARY EXIT I ROLL UP DOOR · PRI, MAP. Y PRIMARY EXIT O SECONDARY EXIT(S) 12/98 Emergency Response Assistance 1. The m~mb~rs of lh~ emcrgency responsc tcam w~l stand by to assist the emergency agency and offer thc bcucfit of thc/r spccia[ knowtcd~ of thc facfli~ and ils coutcuts. 2. The following memb~rs of the production m,~nag~ent w;dl stand by to offer technical · /v/cx to the emergency .r~ponse agency p~rsonn.d fi' B. Brenda Bynum C. ~ohn Sat~l~c D. D/an¢ Rosales Medical Assistance TRq~-~T~LX--SH~P SiteID: 215-000-000689 Manager : -' BusPhone: (805) 397-5274 Location: 5441 ALDRIN CT A Map : 123 CommHaz : Moderate City : BAKERSFIELD Grid: 15D FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 13 SIC Code:7542 EPA Numb: DunnBrad: Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title JESS R. WINTERS / OWNER BRENDA BYNUM ../ OPERATIONS MANA Business Phone: (~J) 397-5274x Business Phone: (~/) 397-5274x 24-Hour Phone : (~/)~!-SSLq.~ 24-Hour Phone : (.~)L~ ~x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Hazmat Hazards: RSs Fire Press React ImmHlth DelHlth Contact : Phone: ( ) - x MailAddr: 5441 ALDRIN #A,B,C,D,~', CT State: CA City : BAKERSFIELD Zip : 93313 Owner JESS R. WINTERS Phone: (805) 397-5274x Address : 5312 CAMERON CT State: CA City : BAKERSFIELD Zip : 93313 Period : to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparer: TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs: Yes Emergency Directives: = Hazmat Inventory One Unified List --Alphabetical Order Ail Materials at Site Hazmat Common Name... ISpeoHazlEPA HazardsI Frm I DailyMax IUnitlMCP 2-BUTOXYETHANOL R-71 F DH L 415 GAL UnR 450 THINNER R-144 F DH L 165 GAL Mod ALKALI SURFACTANT, R-133 DH L 450 GAL Mod ALUMINA OXIDE R-168-169 DH L 2056 LBS Min ALUMINUM OXIDE DH S 1400 LBS Min AMYL ACETATE RF-4 F DH L 400 GAL Mod ANHYDROUS ALUMINUM SILICATE R-1 DH S 6000 LBS Min ANIONIC SURFACTANT R-123 DH L 450 GAL Mod BUMPER BLOCK WS-21 DH L 345 GAL Mod CALAMIDE C R-107 F DH L 450 GAL Hi CALSOFT LAS-99 R-106 E F IH DH L 480 GAL Hi CAM POLISH WS-4 F DH L 55 GAL Mod CARNUBA WAX R-150 S 1045 LBS UnR CARSONOL SES-S R-109 F IH DH L 450 GAL Mod CASTOR OIL R-155 DH L 420 GAL Min -1- 08/25/1999 ~H~--W~L%~-S~ SiteID: 215-000-000689 = Hazmat Inventory One Unified List --Alphabetical Order Ail Materials at Site Hazmat Common Name... ISpocHazlEPA HazardsI Frm (DailyMax IUnitlMCP CLEARCOAT WS-1C DH L 200 GAL Low DETERGENT W-il0 F DH L 345 GAL Mod FOAM 2 W-102 DH L 90 GAL Low FORMULA 1001 W-105 L 500 GAL Mod FORMULA 529 WS-5 R DH L 345 GAL Hi FORMULATION AID R-151 F DH L 110 GAL Mod GLYCERINE, R-122 DH L 551 GAL Low HEXYLENE GLYCOL F IH L 425 GAL Low HIGH GLOSS PROCTECTANT WS48 DH L 345 GAL Low ISOPROPANOL R-63 F DH L 355 GAL Mod KAOPOLITE, SF R-117 DH S 1000 LBS UnR LEATHER CLEANER DH L 345 GAL Hi LEATHER CONDITIONER DH L 345 GAL Low LRV PROTECTANT WS-2 F DH L 200 GAL Mod MARINE ONE STEP CLEAN WS-39 DH L 345 GAL Mod MICROCRYSTALLINE SILICA R-124 DH S 5000 LBS Min MONOETHANOLAMINE R-105 F R IH DH L 460 GAL Hi MORPHOLINE R-112 F IH L 461 GAL Low MUD GUARD WS-51 DH L 345 GAL Mod NONIONIC SURFACTANT, R-134 DH L 480 GAL Low NONYLPHENOXYPOLY(ETHYLENEOXY)ET E P IH L 460 GAL Ext OILY FILM REMOVER WO-34 F DH L 345 GAL Mod ONE SHOT WS-3 DH L 200 GAL Low ONE STEP WS-18 DH L 345 GAL Mod ORGANOPHILIC CLAY R-135 DH S 500 LBS Min OXIDIZED HYDROCARBON WAX R-149 DH S 550 LBS UnR PHOSPHORIC ACID R-102 R IH DH L 700 GAL Mod POLISH COMP 5000 DH L 345 GAL Mod POLISH COMP 600 DH L 345 GAL Mod POLISHING COMPOUND DRX-1000 F DH L 345 GAL Low POLISHING COMPOUND DRX-1500 F DH L 345 GAL Low POLISHING COMPOUND DRX-2000 F DH L 345 GAL Mod POLISHING COMPOUND DRX-3000 F DH L 245 GAL Low POLISHING COMPOUND DRX-800 DH L 345 GAL Low POLYSILOXANE EMULSION R-118 DH L 880 GAL Min POLYSILOXANE R-146 DH L 440 GAL UnR PRE WAX CLEANER WS-12 DH L 1000 GAL Low PROPANE F P IH G 890 FT3 Hi RTU GLASS CLEANER W-118 F DH L 55 GAL Mod SAFE CUT WS-19 DH L 345 GAL Low SEAL MINERAL OIL R-166 F DH L 55 GAL UnR SILICON DIOXIDE R-147 DH S 1000 LBS Min SLICK STUFF WS-20 DH L 345 GAL Min SNOW FLOSS R-Iii DH S 1800 LBS Min SODIUM LAURYL SULFATE R-176 F DH L 460 GAL Min SODIUM XYLENE SULFONATE DH L 55 GAL Min SOLVENT BLEND, R-125 F IH DH L 880 GAL Mod SUPER FLOSS R-114 DH S 1000 LBS Min -2- 08/25/1999 F%~}~-~9~-8~Dg~ SiteID: 215-000-000689 = Hazmat Inventory One Unified List --Alphabetical Order All Materials at Site Hazmat Common Name... ISpooHazlEPA Hazardsl Frm DailyMax IUnitlMCP SUPER GLAZE PLUS WS-1P DH L 200 GAL Low SUPER GLAZE WS-1 F DH L 345 GAL Mod SYRUP 20 RS-20 F DH L 110 GAL UnR TALL OIL R-148 F R DH L 400 GAL Low TRUCK WASH W103 DH L 200 GAL UnR UPHOLSTERY CLEANER W-108 DH L 100 GAL Hi URATHANE SPRAY WS-30 F DH L 55 GAL Mod WASH & SHINE WS-8 DH L 450 GAL Hi WASH & WAX W-109 DH L 200 GAL Hi WHITE MINERAL OIL R-153 DH L 55 GAL Min WHITE WALL CLEANER R IH L 55 GAL Mod WIRE WHEEL CLEANER W-116 IH DH L 100 GAL Mod -3- 08/25/1999 i THE WAX SlIf~P ~~~~~~~~ SiteID: 215-000-000689 i~ Notif./Evacuation/Medical ~~~~~~~~Overall Site i~ Agency Notification ~~~~~~~~~ 04/29/1996 O o IN THE EVENT OF A FIRE OR A SPILL, RELEASE OR THREATENED RELEASE, REGARDLESS o OF SIZE, INVOLVING A HAZARDOUS MATERIAL, THE EVENT WILL BE REPORTED o IMMEDIATELY TO THE SENIOR PRODUCTION PERSON IN THE FACILITY. O o THE SENIOR PRODUCTION PERSON WILL DETERMINE IF THE FIRE OR SPILL, RELEASE OR o THREATENED RELEASE IS REPORTABLE. IF IT IS DETERMINED TO BE REPORTABLE THIS o PERSON WILL IMMEDIATELY REPORT THE FIRE, RELEASE, OR SPILL TO THE EMERGENCY o RESPONSE AGENCY BY CALLING 911. HE/SHE WILL ALSO NOTIFY THE ADMINISTERING o AGENCY. THE INFORMATION TO BE GIVEN TO THE EMERGENCY RESPONSE AGENCY IS o CONTAINED ON THE POSTER ADJACENTTO THE TELEPHONE AT THE EMERGENCY RESPONSE o CENTER. THE EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM ANDA PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT PERSON WILL o BE NOTIFIED, IF NOT ALREADY PRESENT. O o INFORMATION TO BE REPORTED:' O o 1. THE EXACT LOCATION OF THE RELEASE OR THREATENED RELEASE. o 2. THE NAME OF THE PERSON REPORTING THE RELEASE OR THREATENED RELEASE. o 3. THE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVOLVED IN THE RELEASE OR THREATENED RELEASE. o 4. AN ESTIMATE OF THE QUANTITY OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVOLVED. o 5. IF KNOWN, THE POTENTIAL HAZARDS PRESENTED BY THE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL o INVOLVED IN THE RELEASE OR THREATENED RELEASE. O i~ Employee Notif./Evacuation ~~~~~~~ 04/29/1996 O o 1. SHOULD~IT BECOME NECESSARY TO EVACUATE THE FACILITY, THE ORDER WILL BE o GIVEN VIA THE INTERCOM OR THE BULLHORN THAT IS STORED IN THE EMERGENCY o RESPONSE EQUIPMENT ROOM. O o 2. UPON RECEIVING THE ORDER TO EVACUATE, EMPLOYEES WILL SHUT DOWN THEIR o MACHINES AND IMMEDIATELY PROCEED TO THE NEAREST EXIT AS PER ATTACHED PLANS. O o3. ALL EMPLOYEES WILL REPORT TO THE UNPAVED AREA ON THE EAST SIDE OF THE o BLDG. A SENIOR MANAGEMENT PERSON WILL ACCOUNT FOR ALL EMPLOYEES FOLLOWING o THE EVACUATION IN ORDER TO'ENSURE THAT ALL PRESONNEL HAVE SAFELY EXITED THE o PREMISES. O o 4. A SENIOR MANAGEMENT PERSON WILL ACOUNT FOR ALL EMPLOYEES FOLLOWING THE o EVACUATION IN ORDER TO ENSURE THAT ALL PERSONNEL HAVE SAFELY EXITED THE o PREMISES. · O -42- 08/25/1999 i ~ ~~~~&~~~~~ SiteID: 215-000-000689 Notif./Evacuation/Medical ~~~~~~~~ Overall Site i~ Public Notif./Evacuation ~~~~~~~~ 04/29/1996 1. THE MEMBERS OF THE EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM WILL STAND BY TO ASSIST THE EMERGENCY AGENCY AND OFFER THE BENEFIT OF THEIR SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE OF THE FACILITY AND ITS CONTENTS. 2. THE FOLLOWING MEMBERS OFTHE PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT WILL STAND BY TO OFFER TECHNICAL ADVICE TO THE EMERGENCY RESPONSE AGENCY PERSONNEL IF NECESSARY. ~iLLi~4 ~.LAL~OY ~ B. DIANE TSF~A~S~ ~O~A ~ C. JOHN SATTERLEE D. LA~KY ~ ETE~J%N i~ Emergency Medical Plan ~~~~~~~~, 04/29/1996 1. ALL EMPLOYEES AFFECTED BY ESPOSURE TO THE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS RELEASED DURING THE SPILL/RELEASE OR INJURED FROM THE FIRE SHOULD BE TRANSPORTED TO THE HOSPITAL, WHICH IS THE MOST APPROPRIATE FACILITY FOR TREATMENT OF CHEMICAL-RELEATED INJURIES. A COPY OF THE APPROPRIATE MSDS SHOULD ACCOMPANY THE AFFECTED PERSON(S) TO THE HOSPITAL. 2. THE FOLLOWING STAFF MEMBERS ARE TRAINED IN FIRST AID AND CPR: A. DIANE ROSALES -43- 08/25/1999 i~ Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt ~~~~~~~ Overall Site i~ Release Prevention~~~~~~~~~&.03/28/1995 COINCIDENT WITH REPORTING, EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM MEMBERS WILL IMMEDIATELY COMMENCE CLEANUp AND CONTAINMENT OF THE FIRE, SPILL OR RELEASE AND CARRY OUR ALL NECESSARY ACTION TO MITIGATE THE FIRE OR RELEASE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THEIR INSTRUCTIONS AND THE WRITTEN PROCEDURES. i~ Release Containment 1. THE MEMBERS ~OF THE EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM WILL STAND BY TO ASSIST THE EMERGENCY RESPONSE AGENCY AND OFFER THE BENEFIT OF THEIR SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE OF THE FACILITY AND ITS CONTENTS. 2. THE FOLLOWING MEMBERS OF'THE PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT WILL STAND BY TO OFFER TECHNICAL ADVICE TO THE EMERGENCY RESPONSE AGENCY PERSONNEL IF NECESSARY. ~. P~Y V!LLF, GAS C. JOHN SATTERLEE i~&.Other Resource Activation -44- 08/25/1999 THE WAX~HOP ~&~&~&~&&~~&&~&&~&~&~&~ SiteID: 215-000-000689 Site Emergency Factors ~~~~~'~~~ Overall Site ~ee~e~e~ee~ee~ee~ee~eee~ee~ee~ee~e~eeeeee~e~ee~ee~eee~eee~eeeee~e~ Utility Shut.Offs ~~~~~~~~~ 08/06/1990 A) GAS - NORTHEAST CORNER 5441 ALDRIN CT. UNIT A' B) ELECTRICAL - NORTHEAST CORNER (SAME) C) WATER - NORTHEAST CORNER (SAME) D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO , i&&&& Fire Protec./Avail. Water &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&~&&&&&&~&&&&&&&&&& 08/06/1990 PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - ALL BUILDINGS ARE EQUIPPED WITH AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS AND APPROPRIATE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. FIRE,HYDRANT - ALDRIN CT. IN FRONT OF BUILDING 2. -45- 08/25/1999 THE WkX SFR)B ~&~&~&~&~&&&&&~&~&&~&&~~&&~ SiteID: 215-000-000689 i~ Training &&&&&&&~&&&&&~&&&&&&&&&&&&~&~&~&~&~&~&&&&&&&&& Overall Site i~ Employee Training~&~&~&~&~&~&&~~~&~&~&&&~&~ 10/22/1992 WE HAVE 25 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE 1) POSTING OF NOTICES AND SIGNS INCLUDING NOTICE FURNISHED BY THE U.S. DEPARTMENT oF LABOR. 2) TRAIN ALL EMPLOYEES AND NEW EMPLOYEES BEFORE INITIAL ASSIGNMENT, WHENEVER A NEW HAZARD IS iNTRODUCED AND A REFRESHER COURSE ON THE FOLLOWING: A) REQUIREMENTS OF THE H.C. STANDARD.. B) ANY.OPERATIONS IN THEIR WORK ARE WHERE HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS ARE PRESENT. C) SAFETY EQUIPMENT REQUIRED. D) LOCATION AND AVAILABILITY OF HAZARD COMMUNICATION PROGRAM AND MSDS SHEETS. E) LABELING SYSTEM (HMIS) FOR HAZARDS AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT (VIDEO). F) PREVENTION, MINIMIZING AND CLEAN UP PROCEDURES .FOR HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS. G) EVACUATION PLANS AND EMERGENCY PLANS. 3) COMPLETE DOCUMENTATION OF ALL TRAINING. 4) INJURY AND ILLNESS PREVENTION PROGRAM INCORPORATED. i~ Held for Future Use -46- 08/25/1999 November 9, 1995 Car Care Products A~: ~~ ~te~ Coor~tor 2101 H St B~emfiel~ CA 93301 De~ Due to changes in personnel and products that have been added and deleted, a complete inventory is being submitted. Please find an updated Emergency Response Plan too. Should you require any additional information upon review of the enclosed documents, please do not hesitate to contact me at (805) 397-5274. Sincerely, William Malloy Production Manager WM/bm · P.O. Box 10226, Bakersfield, California 93389-0226 'i~ 1-800/323-9192 ~ 805/397-5274 C~ 805/397-6817 77:e iV'ax Shop is a Division of TWS Industries, Inc. EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN Reporting and Notification 1. In the event of a fire or a spill, release or threatened release, regardless of size, involving a hazardous material, the event will be reported knmediately to the senior production person in the facility. 2. The senior production person will determine if the fire or spill, release'or threatened release is reportable. If it is determined to be reportable this person will imm. ediate _ly report the fire, release or spill to the emergency response agency by calling 911. He/She w~ also notify the administering agency. The information to be given to the emergency response agency is contained on the poster adjacent to the telephone at the emergency center. The emergency response team and a production management person will be notified, if not already present. Mitigation 1. Coincident with reporting, emergency response team members will mediately commence cleanup and containment of the fire, spill or release and carry out all necessary, action to mitigate the fire or release in accordance with their instructions and the written procedures. Evacuation 1. Should it become necessary to evacuate the facility, the order will be given via the intercom or the bullhorn that is stored in the emergency response equipment room. 2. Upon receiving the order to evacuate, employees will shut down their machines and mediately proceed to the nearest exit as per attached plans. 3. All employees will report to the unpaved area on the east side (see attached map) of the building. 4. A senior management person will account for all employees following the evacuation in order to ensure that all personnel have safely exited the premises. Emergency Response Assistance 1. The members of the emergency response team will stand by to assist the emergency agency and offer the benefit of their special knowledge of the facility and its contents. 2. The following members of the production management will stand by to offer technical advice to the emergency response agency personnel if necessary: A. William Malloy B. Diane Rosalcs C. John Satterlee D. Larry Peterman Medical Assistance 1. All employees affected by exposure to the hazardous materials released during the spill/release or injured from the fire should be transported to the hospital, which is the most appropriate facility for treatment of chemical-related injuries. A copy of the appropriate MSDS should accompany the affected person(s) to the hospital. 2. The following staff members are trained in First Aid and CPR: A. Diane Rosales B. James Baldwin C. Viola Pitcher EMEI~ENCY REPOI~TIHG OF *A RELEASE OR A THREATENED RELEASE EMERGENCY RESPONSE AGENCY 911 OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES 1-800-852-7550 1-916-427-4341 INFORMATION TO BE REPORTED: 1'. The exact location of the release or threatened release. 2. The name of the person r'eporting the release or.. threatened release. 3. The hazardous materials 'involved in the release or threatened release. 4. An estimate.of the quantity of hazardous materials involved. 5. If known, the potential hazards presented by the hazardous material involved in the release or threatened release. . ,~,~'/N~ /_o7 . © l. ~ ' ~D /~ ..... , '~D G ....~. . i . ~M P TY ~ ' ' ~-I ~ - Accounting K~ tchen  General BathrocmI Office CONFERENCE ROOM ROOM STORAGE ..... X i >q PRIMARY EXIT' 0 SEC,ONDAI'{Y EXIT(SI FllaE/EMEil~llANCY iEVACUA,i~IoN ROUTES A:'-.a Hag ~ 5 ac" 10 DOOR 6 ROLL UP OFFICES LAB '?ROOM · OFFICES gms ".",.ess :lame '. TIlE W^× SIIOF' Ar~a Hap ---_///~ II~rzh llame af ,\r~a: Bu.~.&t.b~ I, Sec.t.~on E CHEMICAL STORAGE FINISHED PRODUCT CHEMICAL STORAGE ~ LABELING Y7 ~. ~T-.'7:-,::: ~1 ROOM ...............[i '~ r" ~2 LABELING M ROOM II m~sT-, ~ ~ DOOR 7 ROLL-UP - 0 PillltilAIlY li][1'I" . SECONDARY EXIT DOOR , BATH- ~ ROOM ROLL UP ECOR DOOR AREA MAP # 9 OF 10 NORTH NAME OF AREA: BUILDING 2, SECTION C ITE DIAGRAM {~I ITY DIAGRAM Name: THE WAX SHOP Name ~f Ar~_a:5441 A£drin Building I and See Attached ITE DIAGRAM EEl FACTLITY DIAGRAM L.~ Name: THE WAX SHOP Ar~a Map ~-~! Nor-~h ~lame o~ Ar~a: Bui£ding l,'Sgction A ~I--1M M P P'LA~MAP SITE DIAGFIAM (ZZI FACILITY DIAGRAM I~ ,'fame: THE WIX SHOP Ar_~a Map ~_ 3 of' -' _ Mor-~h ~/ame af Ar~.a: guZ~dZ~g I, S~c~9~1 ~ ..7 POOR 2 I ~'. ~ .' .' IVALK'IN~ P~ I _HM MP P LAN., MAP SITE DI,L~FIANI~ U-] FAC TY DIAGR'A.M Ex'- THE WAX SHOP . Ar~_a Ma.~ ~ 4 o~' A --//_~' Nor-~h Name of Ar~_a: Building I,. Section C ~~I b'I P P L AN~MAP SITE DIAGRAM (ZZI FACILITY DIAGRAM _rTz' THE WAX SHOP , --_/~' ~lorr.~ ~Iame o~ Area: BuL~d~ng I, Sec~40n D LITY DIAGRA/~I ~ SITE DIAGRAkl['-I THE WAX SHOP i : Ar~a Map ~ 6 ~ _ ' ~l~r~.~ ~/ame of Ar~-a: Building I, Section E ~-t~Ib'IP P LAN~M?kP SITE DIAGRAM E] FACILITY DIAGRAM B~$;..ness :~am~: THE WAX SHOP Ar_~a Map ~ 7 of . Name o: ~r~a: Building I, Section F · ® Q .. CITY OF BAKERSF I ET.D }~ZA}{DOU$ MATERIALS INVENTORY NON - TRADE SECRET BUSINESS NAME: THE WAX SHOP OWNER NAME: JESS R. WINTERS NAME OF THIS"'FACILITY:THE WAX LOCATION: 5441 ALDRIN CO[IRT ADDRESS: 5312 CAMERON COURT STAND~qD IND. CLASS CODE: 3998 CITY, ZIP: BAKERSFIELD, ..CA 9331 3 CITY, ZIP: BA~F.R.qPTET.D. ~A 933~q DUN AND BR/LDSTREET NUMBER/FEDERAL ID # PHONE #: 805-397-5274 PHONE .#: 805-834-344~ 95-- - 37_0_ -3D23_ _ REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPER CODES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 i1 12 13 14 Trane Type Max Average Annual Measure # Days Cont Cont Cont Use Location Where % by Names of Mixture/Components Cods Code Amt Amt Amt Units o. Site Type Press Temp ~sI Stored in Facility w~ .... -'7 See I~structions Ph~lcal and H~lth Hazard C.A.S. Nu~er 1-1 l~ Component,~ 1 Na~ & C.A.S. N~er of Pressure ~lth Health Component ~ 3 N~ & C.A.a. Nu~er Flre Hazed ~ Sudden ~lease ~ R~etivity ~ I~tate ~Delay~ Compon t t. 2, Nam G 9..A.a. Nu~er of Pressure Health Health Compone S. N~er / (Chs~k all t~t spply) of Pressure Health Health Component ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.S. N~er - ~ U E~RGENCY CONTACTS ~I,WILLI~ MALLOy,p~D[ICTT~N ~_ 397-4'356 %2JES~ 9_ WTNTR~. ~WN~ Rq4-q449 Na~ Title 24 ~. Phone N~e Title 24 C~tflc~tton (~ ~D SIGN AFTER COMPLETING ~L SECTIONS) · I certify ~der p~nlty of law that ~ hayer ~r~onally ~tn~ and ~ f~tliar with the tnfo~atton submitted in this ~d all attauhed d~ent~ ~d ~a~ ~sed on ~ in~t~ of those /ndlvldual~ res~tble for obtaining the info~tlon. I believe that the ~ubmttted info~ation t~ true, acc~ate, and complete. WILLIAM MAL~OY , PRODUCTION MANAGER ~ ~ ' //-I0-~ I~%ZARDOU$ MATERIALS INVENTORY Farm and Agriculture ~ Standard Business ,. Page~ NON - TRADE SECRET BUSINESS NAMEs THE wAx sHop OWNER NAME: JESS R. WINTERS NAME OF THIS"' FACILITY :T~E WAX .qHoF , LOCATION: 5441 ALDRIN CO[IRT ADDRESS: 5312 CAMERON COURT · STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: 3998 CITY, ZIP: BAKERSFIELD, CA 9331 3 CITY, ziP: BAKERSFIELD. CA 9330q DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER/FEDERAL IE PHONE #: 805-397-5274 PHONE ,#:' 805-834-344~ 95-- - 37_0_ -3~Z3_ _ REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPER CODES ' Trane Type Max Average Annual Measure # Days Cent Cent Cent Use Location Where % by Names of Mixture/Componen~s Code code Amt Amt Amt Units o~ Site Type Press Temp Code Stored in Facility wt Se? Instruations Component ] 2 ~ame & C.A.S. Number of Pressure Health Health ComponentS3 Name .8. Number q 0 -60-7 · - of Pressure ~salth ~ealth Component ~ 3 Na~ ~ C.A.8. Nu~sr Componon~ C.A.B. Nu~o~ Physical and .,lth ,.zard C.A.S. Nu~er ~/~ Component , 1 Na~ ,~.A.S. Nu~er of Pressure Health Health Component ~ 3 Na~ ~ C.A.B. Nu~er E~RGENCY CONTACTS ~l~I~ ~Yt PR~DTICTTON M~R_ ~Tr.~L ~2 ,TESS R_ WTNTERg. ~WN~R Na~ Title 24 ~. Phons N~o Title 24 ~ Phc C~ttgte.tton (~D AND SIGN AFTER COMPLETING ~L SECTIONS) certify ~dsr p~nlty of law that I hayer ~rsonally ~in~ and ~ familiar with tho lnfo~ation submitted in this and all attached d~ents and ~at ~sed on ~ ia~i~ of th( -~I~ ~L~Y, PRODUCTION MANAGER ~ I(- [ O- ~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD IIAZARDOUS MA~RI/kLS INVENTORY .' Farm and Agriculture Standard Business Page~ NON - TRADE SECRET BUSINESS NAME: THE wAx sHop OWNER NAME.. JESS R. WINTERS NAME OF THIS'"FACILIT¥:TNF. WAX LOCATION: 5441 ALDRIN COURT ADDRESS: 5312 CAMERON COURT STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: 3998 CITY, ZIP: BAKERSFIELD, CA 9331 3 CITY, ZIP.' BAKER.qFTET,Dr C_A q3~0q DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER/FEDeRAL PHONE #.- 805-397-5274 PHONE ,#:' 805-834-3449 95-- - 37_0_ -3D23_ _ REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPER CODES ' 1 2 3 4 5 6 . ., 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 Trane Type Max Average Annual Measure # Days Cent Cent Cent Use Locatfon Where Names of Mixture/Components Code Code Amt Amt Amt Un frs on' Site T~pe Press Temp Code Stored in Facility See In ;ions and Health Hazard C.A.B. Humber · N/~ Component # 1 Ba~e ~ C.A.S. (Ch.ck all that apply} Component ~ of Pressure Health Health Component 3 Name & A.S. Number Physical and Health Hazard C.A.8. Number ~A' Componon Na & S Number Fire Hazard [] Budden Release [] of Pr~ssur~ Health Health Component # 3 Ha3~e ~ C.k.B.. umoer of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Nam~ & C.A.S. Number Physical end Health ~azard C.A.H. Number Component # 1 Name & C.A.S. Number Component ~ 2 of Pressure Health Health Component ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.B. N~er E~RGENCY CONTACTS ~i_WI~--~y PROD[ICTT~N ~c~: 397-J356 _ ~2 Na~ Title 24 Hr. Phone C~t~f~cat~on (~AD AND SIGN AFTER COMPLETING ~L SECTIONS) · certify umder p~nlty of law that I hayer ~rsonally ~am~n~ and ~ f~il~ar with the info~ation submitt~d ~n this and all attached d~ents and ~at ~sed on ~ ia~ of ~nd~v~d~als res~ns~bl~ for obta~ni~g the ~nfo~t~on. I bel~ev~ that the ~u~tted Information ~ true, accurate, and c~plet~. ~~ ~y PRODUCTION MANAGER CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ]~ZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY. ~ Farm and Agriculture ~ Standard Business .. Page_/__oft NON TRADE SECRET NAME OF THIS'"FACILITY:THF. WAX BUSINESS N~ THE WAX SHOp O~N~R N~ JESS R. ~INTERS LOCn~ON~ 544~ ALDRIN COU~T ADD.SS: 53]2 CAMERON COURT ST~D~D ~ND. CLASS CO~E~ 3gg8 CITY, ZIP~ BAKERSFIELD~ CA 9333 3 CITY, ZIP~ BhYE~FTEL~. ~A q3~Oq DUN ~D B~ST~ET NUMBEh/FEDE~ ID' PHON~ ~ 805-397-5274 PHONS.~: 805-834-344~ ~ - ~7~_ -3~_ _ ~R TO INSTRU~IONS FOR PROPER ~DES 1 2 3 4 5 6 ., 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Tr~s ~e ~x Average ~nual Measure ~ Day~ Cent Cent Cent Use Location Where % by Na~ of Mlxture/Com~nentm Coda C~e ~t ~t ~t Units on' Site , T~pe Prass Temp Cod~ Stored in Facility wt S~truottons s~ al and H~alth ~azard C.A.S. Nu~or Component ~ 1 Na~ & C.A.S. Nu~er of Pressure H~alth Health Component ~ 3Na~ & C.A.S. Muter (Cheek all thst apply) Component ~ 2 Na i C.A.S. N~er of P~ou.ur~ [lealth ~ealth Component ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.S. Nu~er (Ch~ek all'that apply) ' . · ~ - ' ~ ' ' Component , 2 Na~C.A... ,umber Componant ~ 2 ~oj e~A.S. N E~RgENC~ cONTACTS %1~I~~ PRQD[ICTTQN ~GR_ ~4~ ~2,TEgS R_ WTNTERg.' OWNER Na~ Titla 24 ~. Phons ~s Title 24 ~ Phon C~tlflcat~o, (~AD ~D SIGN AFTER COMPLETING ~L SECTIONS) certify under p~nlty of law that I hayer ~rsonally ~n~ and am familiar with the ~nfo~ation submitted im th~s and all attached d~ents and that ~,ed on ~ ~n~ of thoi ~nd~v~d~als rss~ns~ble for obta~n~ng the ~nfo~t~on. I b~lieve that the submltted ~fozmat~on ~ t~8, accurate, and c~pl~te. WI~I~ ~Y PRODUCTION MANAGER ~ //-/0- CITY OF' BAKERSFIELD ]~%ZARDOU$ MATERIALS INVEN"rORY ~ Fa~ and Agriculture ~ Standard Business Page~/o~ NON - ~E SEC~T BUSINESS'N~= THE WAX SHOP OWNER N~: JESS R. WINTERS N~ OF THIS"'FACILITY:TH LOCATION: 5~41 ALDRIN COURT ADD.SS: 5312 CAMERON COURT ST~D~ IND. CLASS CODE: 3998 CIT~, ZIP~ BAKERSFIELD, CA 9331 3 CITY, ZIP: BA~ERKF/EI.D. ~A q3~q DUN ~D B~DST~ET NUMBER/FEDE~ ID PHONE ~ 805-397-5274 PHONE ,~:' ~ 805-834-344~ ~ - ~7~_ -3D~_ _ ~R TO INSTRU~IONS FOR PROPER ~DES I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Tr~s ~e ~ Average ~nual Measure ~ Days Cent Cent Cent Use Location Whsr~ % by~ N~s of M~ture/Com~nents Code C~e ~t ~t ~t Units on Stt~ T~pe Pre,s T~mp. Code Stored ~n Facility wt S~e Instructions (Che~k all that appl~} -- Component ~.2 Ra~ s .C.A.S. N~er ~ Fire Hazed ~ Sudden Release ~ Reactivity ~ I~dtate ~elay~d Component ~ 2Na~ & C.A.S. N~er of Pr~sur~ H~alth Health Component i 3~_~.~Na~ & C.A.8. Nu~or ~~~~'~:'J Fire Hazed ~ Sudden Release ~ R~ctivtty ~ I~late ~olay~ Compon.nt ~ 2 Na~ & C.A.a. of Pro~0uro ~oalth ~oalth Component ~ 3 ~ G C.A.~. Number ~f Pr~ssurs ~salth ~salth Component ~ 3 Na~ · C.A.a. Nu~er E~ROENcY CONTACTS ~i~I~ ~., PRODIICTION MGR_ 397~ . ~2 .TESS R_ WTNTRR~.' DWNRP Na~ Title - 24 ~. Phone N~o Title 24 Hr terrific, riCh (~AD ~D SIGN AFTER.' cOMpLETING ~L SECTIONS) certify ~der p~lty of law that I hayer ~rsonally ~n~ and am familiar w~th th~ .~nformat~on .ubm~tt.d ~n th~. and all attached d~ent, and that ~..d o~ ~ndlvid~alo r~s~n.~bl~ for obtaining tho ~nfo~tion. I believe that tho .ubmlttod tnfo~fltion i. t~o, accurate, and c~ploto. WI~ ~Y PRODUCTION MANAGER ~ [1- fO- ~G :1 AL OF OR CITY OF BJtKERSF I ELD ]~%ZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY ~ Farm and Agriculture ~ Standard Business Page~ of NON TRADE SECRET NAME OF THIS'" FACILITY :THE WAX SHOP BUSINESS NAME.' THE wAx sHop OWNER NAME: JESS R. WINTERS LOCATION: 5441 ALDRIN CO[IRT ADDRESS.. 5312 CAMERON COURT STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE.' 3998 CITY, ZIP: BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 CITY, ZIP.' BAKER.qF/F.T,D. C_A 939~9 DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER/FEDERAL ID! PHONE #: 805-397-5274 PHONE .#.'' 805-834-344~ 95_ - 37_0_ -3D23_ _ REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPER CODES ' I 2 3 4 . 5 6 . ., 7 8 9 10 !1 12 13 14 Trane Type Max Average · Annual Measure # Days Cent Cent Cent Use Location Where % by Names of Mixture/Components ~ Fire Razard [] Sudden Release ~ Reactivity [] Immediate ~/Delayed Component # 2 N~m~ . C.A.S. Number of Pressure Health Health Component ~ 3 N~ & C.A.S. Nu~sr Physical and ~*alth ~azard, C.A.S. Nu~or Component ~ & C.A.S. N~or (Cheuk all.that .pply) ~ ~O - ~ of Pr~ur~ H~alth H~alth Component { 3 Ha~ ~ C.~.H. Humor Physical and ~lth ~azard C.A.S. Nu~sr Component } 1 Na~& C.A.S. Nu~er of Pres~uze Health Health Component ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.S. Nu~er ~R~ENCY CONTACTS ~iWI~ ~Y .', PRQDIICTTQN M~R_ ~97~356. ~2,IES~ R_ WTNTRR~r QWNRR a~4-3449. : Na~ Title 24 ~. Phon~ N~e Title 24 ~ Phon C~ttflcat~on (~ AND SIGN AFTER COMPLETING ~L SECTIONS) · . certify ~dor p~mlty of law that I hayer ~rsonally ~in~ and am familiar w~th tho info~ation .ubm~ttod in thi~ and all attached d~onts a~d that ~.d o~ ~ ~n~J~ of ~ho ~nd~v~duals res~nsJbl, for obta~ning the ~nfo~t~on. I b.lJeve that tho submitted info,at,on ~. t~o, acc~at., and c~pl~to. ~LLI~.~L~OY , PRODUCTION MANAGER /~- CITY OI-~ BAKERSFIELD IIAZARDOUS MA~RIALS INVENTORY ~ Farm and Agriculture ~ Standard Business .. Peg oft~ NON - TRADE SECRET BUSINESS NAME: THE wAx sHop OWNER NAME: JESS R. WINTERS NAME OF THIS'"FACILITY:THE WAX LOCATION: .. 5441 ALDRIN COURT ADDRESS: 5312 CAMERON COURT STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: 3998 CITY, ZIP: BAKERSFIELDt CA 9331 3 CITY, ZIP: 'BAKER,qF/ET.D. CA Q330Q DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER/FEDERAL ID PHONE #: 805-397-5274 . PHONE .#:' 805-834-344~ 95-- - 37_0_ -3D23_ _ REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPER CODES I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ~ Trane T~pe , Max Average Annual Measure # Days Cent Cent Cent Use Location Where % by Names of Mixture~Components Code Code Amt Amt Ami Unite o~ Site Type Press Temp Code Stored in Facility wt See Instruction~ p~(;al and .ealth Retard C.A.S. Number N/~ Component # 1 Name & C.A.S. Number /Y of Pressure Health H~alth Component ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.S. Nu~sr 2hyateal and ~lth Bazard C.A.~. N~sr Component $ 1 Na~ & C.A.S. N~er ~ Fire ~,z~d ~ Sudden Rel,aas ~ Reactivity ~ I~ediate ~;.layed Component ~ 2~ON~mo/~_~_& C.t.S.?Nu~er ~, of Pressure Realth Dsalth Component ~ 3 Na~ ~ C.A.S. Nu~sr E~RGENC~ CONTACTS ~iWI~_. ~T,TO~'_ , pRODHC~Ta~ ~a~_. 397-~356 ~. ~2 .... : ~'24 Na~ Title 24 Hr. Phone N~o Title C~tifl~atton (~AD AND SIGN AFTER. COMPLETING ~L SECTIONS) I ~or~ify ~dor p~nlty of law that I hayer ~rsonally ~in~ and am familiar with the lnfo~attofl submitted in this and all attached d~onts and that ~sod on ~ in~i~ of those individuals res~nsible for obtaining tho info~tio~. I believe that the su~ltt,d info~atton is t~e, a~ato, and CITY OF BAKERSFIELD HAZAPd)OUS MATERI~J~S INVENTORY ,~7~ /~ ~ Farm and Agriculture ~ Standard Business .. Page of NON - TRADE SECRET BUSINESS NAME: THE WAX sHop OWNER NAME: JESS R. WINTERS NAME OF THIS"' FACILITY :THE WAX LOCATION: 5441 ALDRIN CO[IRT ADDRESS: 5312 CAMERON COURT STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: 39ge CITY, ZIP: BAKERSFIELD CA 93313 CITY, ZIP: BAKER.qFIET.D CA 93309 DUN ~uND BRADSTREET NUMBER/FEDERAL ID lr4EF]~:R TO INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPER CODES i 2 3 4 5 6 . .. 7 8 9 10 11 12 %13yb 14 Trane Typ9 Max Average Annual Measure # Days Cent Cent Cent Use Location Where Names of Mixture~Components Code Code Amt Amt Amt Units on'Site Type Press Temp Code . Stored in F. acility wt S~e nI stru~tions ,l Oio'al anO ~ealth ~azard Co~o~, Nul~ber /~]/~ Comporlent , 1 Name & C.~.~. NiHllber ~ ~ .n that ap~,l~,; ~ 7-&~--O V V (Cheek U  Component ~ 2 Nam~ & C.A.S. Ntu~bor of Pressur~ Health Health Component ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.a. Number Phy*tcal and H~lth Hazard; C.A.S. N~or Component ~ 1 Na~ & C.A.a. N~or (Cheek all.t~t apply) Fire Hazed ~ Suddon Release ~ R~ctivity ~ I~iats ~ O~lay~ of Pr.saute ~salth Health Compo~snt ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.a. Numar Physical and H~lth ~azard C.A.S. Humor Component { 1 Ha~ & C.A.a. (Chook all t~t apply) Componont ~ 2 Namo ~ C.A.a. N~er ~ Fixe ~az~d ~ ~udden Rolea.e ~ Reactivity ~ I~tata ~ Deleyed , of Pressure Health Health Component ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.S. Nu~er E~RGENC~ CONTACTS ~] ~~'~, P~OD[ICTT~N M~_ _~97-4~6~ ~2 JESS R- WINTR~. ~WNER Na~ Title 24 ~k'. Phone N~e Title 24 ~ Phon~ C~ttttc. tton (~ ~D SIGN AFTER COMPLETING ~L SECTIONS) ~ertify under p~nlty of law that I hayer ~rso~ally ~amin~ and am familiar with the tnformatto~ submitt.d tn this and all attached d~ents and ~at ~s.d on ~ in~i~ of thom ~I~ M~LrOY, PRODUCTION MANAGER , . ~. . ~ · CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ]L%ZARDOUS MA~RIALS INVENTORY ~ ,q /~ ~ Farm and Agriculture ~ Standard Business .. Page of NON - TRADE SECRET BUSINESS NAME: THE wAx SHOP OWNER NAME: JESS R. WINTERS NAME OF THIS"'FACILITY..THF. WA)f .qH~ LOCATION:' 5441 ALDRIN CO[JNT ADDRESS: 5312 CAMERON COURT STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: 3998 CITY, ZIP: BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 CITY, ZIP: BAKERSFiRi. Dr CA Q3~g DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER/FEDERAL ID PHONE #: 805-397-5274 PHONE .#:' 805'834-3449 95-- - 37_0_ -3~)23_ _ REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPER CODES ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 Trana Type Max Average Annual Measure # Days Cent Cent Cent Use Location Where Names of Mixture/Components 'Code Code' Amt Amt Amt Units on' Site Press Tam Stored in Facility See Instructions , ack all that apply} D Component # 2 Name & C.A.S. Number ~ Fire ,azard ~ Sudden Re'ease ~ Reactivity [] Immediate elayed of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Name & C.A.S. Number .nd ealth ar.r C.A.S. umber ///- Com eeent, I amm, C.A.S. Physical (~heck all that apply~ of Pressure ~alth Health Component ~ 3 Na~ ~ C.A.~. Numar ,hystoal and ~salth ~azard, C.A.8. N~sr 7~' ~ Component, 1 Na~ & C.A.S. N~sr (Check all.that apply] ' ; - ' Fire Sudden Release R~ct~v~ty of Pressure Health Health Component ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.S. N~er (chs~k all that apply) Component ~ 2 Na~ & C.A.8. N~er of Pressure Health ~ealth Component ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.S. Numar E~RGENCY CONTACTS ~1 WTf,L Y_~ PROD[ICTT~N M~= ~9~-4~56__ ~2 JES~ ~- WTNTRRK; ~WN~ R%4-%a49 Na~ Title 24 Hr. Phons N~s Title 24 ~ ~hoae certify ~der p~nlty of law that I hayer ~rsonally ~amin~ and ~ familiar with the tngomatton submitted tn this and all attached d~ments and that ~sed on ~ndlviduals res~nsible for obtal~ing the info~t~o~. I believe that the submitted lnfo~ation I, t~e, ~ate, and complete. - ~LL~ ~Y PRODUCTION MANAGER ~ ~ '[ C I TY OF B~I~E RS ~ I ELD I~XZARDOUS FL~IIIALS INVENTORY NON - TRADE SECRET BUSINESS· NAME: THE wAx sHop OWNER NAME: JESS R. WINTERS NAME OF THIS" FACILITY :THR WAY ,~N~ LOCATION: 5441 ALDRIN CO[JRT ADDRESS: 5312 CAMERON COURT STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: 399B CITY, ZIP: BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 CITY, ZIP: BAKER,qFTF. T.D. CA 93309 DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER/FEDERAL IE PHONE #:_. 805-397-5274 PHONE .#:' 805-834-3449 95-- - 37_0_ -3D23_ _ REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPER CODES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 Trana Tlrpe Max Average Annual Measure # Days Cent Cent Cent Use Location Where Nan. s of Mixture/Components Code Code Amt Amt Amt Units ' Site Press Te~ Code Stored in Facility Instructions stcal and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number Component # 1 Name & C.A.S. Number all that .pplyl g?- o of Pro~auro Health B~alth Component g 3Na~ & Iff-  · Component ~ 2 N~ & C.A.B. N~er of Pressure Health Health Component ~ 3 Na~ ~ C.A.B. Numar Phyla.1 and ~lth ~,zard, C.A.a. Nu~er Component~- _ , ~ __[1 Na~ & C.A.S, N~sr Component Numar of Pressure Health Health Component t ~. Numar of Pr~a~ur~ ~o~lth ~o~lth Oomponont ~ . Na~ Title 24 Hr. Phon~ N~e '' Title 24 ~ Phon~ eertif~cat~on (~AD ~D SIGN AFTER COMPLETING ~L SECTIONS) under p~lty of law that I hayer ~rsonally ~amin~ and ~ familiar with the Info,at,on submitted ~n this and all attached d~ents and that ~sed on ~ ~n~i~ of tho ~nd~vid~als ~es~ns~bls for obtaining the info~t~o~. I believe that the submitted informat~on i. t~e, accurate, and ~LLIm ~Y PRODUCTION MANAGER ~ DATK CITY OF BAKERSF I ET.D . ImZAaDOUS MaTEnZALS NVE TORy / NON - ~E BUSINESS N~ THE wAx sHop OWNER N~: JESS R. WINTERS N~ OF THIS'"FACILITY:TN LOCATION, 5441 ALDRIN COHRT ~D~SS: 5312 CAMERON CQU~T · ST~D~ IND. CLASS CODE~ 3998 CITY, ZIP~ BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 CITY, ZIP: BA~RRSFTET.D. CA PHONE %~ 805-397-S274 PHONE.~, 805-834-344~ ~R TO INS~U~IONS FOR PROPER ~DES ' 1 2 3 4 5 6 . ., 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 Tr~s ~e ~ Average ~nual Measure ~ Days Cent Cent Cent Uss Location Where N~s of M~ture/C~nSnts Code C~e ~t ~t ~t Un~ts on Site Press 'Ten Code Stored and..lth Hazard C.A.S. N, sr ,~- f/--~ Component , i N~ & C.A.S. N~ all that of Pressure H~lth Health Component ~ 3 Ph~lcal and M~lth Hazard C.A.S. N~er Component ~ 1 Na~ & C.A.M. (Check all that apply) ~ Fire .az~d ~ Sudden ~lease ~ R~otivit~ ~ I~ediate ~elayed Co.orient $ 2 N~ & C.A.a. N~er of Pressure ~lth ~ealth Component ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.S. Nu~er F~r. Haz=d ~ Sudden ~lea.. ~ R~ctivity ~ I~iat. ~Delay~ of Pressure Health Health Component ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.S. N~er (Check ell that apply) D Component ~ 2 liamo & C.A.S. Number hr. 12/ Sudd.e [] of Pressure Health Health Component ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.S. N~er E~RGENCX CONTACTS ~i~WI~ ~I,IQ~ ~RODUCT/~N MCR_ ~~6_ ~ ~2_,7ESS R_ WTNTR~a;' Title 24 ~. ~hone R~e Title 24 ~ Phone C~tl~iea~on (~ ~D SIGN ~TER COMPLETING ~L SECTIONS) ~ert~fY ~der ~nltF of law t~t I hayer ~rsonally ~n~ and ~ famll~ with the info,at,on submitted in this ~d all attached d~ents i~d~v~4uals res~ble for obta~n~ng the ~nfo~t~on. I believe that ~e su~tt.d info,etlon ~s t~e~acc~ate, and ~ ~ PRODUCTIO~ MANAGER ~~~ ~ Fa~ and Agriculture ~ Standard Business .. Page~of~ NON - T~E SEC~T BUSINESS N~: THE wAx SHOP OWNER NA~: JESS R. WINTERS NA~ OF THIS'"FACILITY:THR WA~ LOCATION, 54~1 ALDRIN CO[IRT ADD.SS: 5312 CAMERON COURT ST~D~ IND. CLASS CODE: 3998 CITY, ZIP{ BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 CITY, ZIP: BASERSFTE[.D. CA 93309 DUN ~D B~ST~ET NUMBER/FEDE~ ID PHONE {~ 805-397-5274 PHONE ,{:' 805-834-344~ ~R TO INSTRU~IONS FOR PROPER ~DES 1 2 3 4 5 6 . .~ 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 ~e ~ Average ~nual M~asure ~ Days Cent Cent Cent Us~ Location Where Na~s of M~ture/Com~nents Code C~e ~t ~t ~t Units on' Site Pre~s 'Temp Code Stored in ~struct: and Health ~azard C.A.S. Number //~-~/-- ~ Component # i Name & C.A.S. Number (Cheek all that apply) Component ~ 2 Name & C.A.S. Number of Pr~sur~ Health Health Component ~ ] Na~ ~ C.A.S. Nu~er N~bor (Chs~k ,ll,t~t apply) ' : , - Component ~ 2 Na~ ~ C.A.S. Nu~sr of Pro~sur~ B~alth H~alth Component I 3 Na~ ~ C.A.S. Numar Phy.ie~l ~nd H.alth H~z~rd C.l.S. Humor ~ Comport.hr { 1 Na~ i C.A.H. {Ch~ok ~11 thlt ~pply) Component { 2 Na~ i C.A.8. of Pressure Health Health Component ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.S. E~BGENCY CONTACTS %I.wI~ ~y P~ODI]CTT~N ~c~_ _ 397=~35~ ~2 .TESS R_ WTNTRR.q;' ~WNRR N~ Title 24 ~. Phon~ N~e Title 24 C.rttflcatlon (~ ~D SIGN AFTER COMPLETING ~L SECTIONS) certify uRder p~lty of law that I hayer ~rsonally ~amin~ and am familiar with the info~ation ~ubmitted im this and all attachsd d~snts ~d ~at ~s~d on ~ tn~i~ of tho ~LLI~ ~Y PRODUCTION MANAGER ; t- lO~ ~"Fa~ and Agriculture Standard ~usiness .. Page NON - ~E BUSINESS N~ THE wAx sHop OWNER N~: JESS R. WINTERS. N~ OF THIS"'FACILITY:T~E WAX LOCATION~ 5~41~ALDRIN CO[~T ~D~SS: 5312 ~AMERON COURT ST~D~ IND. CLASS CODE: 3998 C~TX, ZI~ .... ~AKERSFIEL~ CA 93313 CITX, ZIP: BAKR~FIRLD. CA g~3~9 ~u~ PHONE ~, 805-397,5274 PHONE .~: 805-834-344% ~R TO INSTRU~IONS FOR PROPER ~DES I Z 3 4 5 ~ 7 8 9 10 11 i2 ' , ~3 ~4 .... Tr~ ~e ~ Average ~nu~ Measure ~ Days Conk Conk Conk Uss Location Where % by N~s of M~ture/d~neats Code C~e ~ , ~t ~t , Units o~ Site ~ Pre.s 'T~ Code Stored in Facllit~ of Preseurz H~lth H~alth Component I 3 ~ & C.A.S. e Component ~ . N~er of Zressure H~lth Health Component [ 3 N~ & C.A.S. Nu~er of Pressure Health Hsalth Component J 3 Na~ & C.A.B. [] Farm and Agriculture ~ Standard Business .. Pag f NON - TRADE SECRET BUSINESS NAME: THE wAx sHop OWNER NAME.' JESS R. WINTERS NAME OF THIS'"FACILITY.-THR WAX LOCATION, 5441 ALDRIN CO[IRT ADDRESS: 5312 CAMERON COURT · STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: 3998 CITY, ZIP.' BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 CITY, ZIP: BAKE~.qFTELDt CA 933~q DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER/FEDERAL. ID # PHONE #: 805-397-5274 PHONE ,#.'' 805-834-3449 95-- - 37_0_ -33)2.3_._ REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPER CODES ' I z 3 4 5 6 · ., ? 8 9 10 11 12 . 14 Trane Type , Max Average Annual Measure ~ Days Cent Cent Cent Uss Location Where Haa~e of Mixture/compOnents Code Code Amt Amt Amt Units on' Site Press Te~ Code Stored in Facllit See instructions ail that apply) ~ Fire Hazaxd ~ Sudden Release ~ R~activity ~ Imodiate ~/Dolayed Component , 2 N~ & C.A.B. N~er of Pressure H~lth Health Component ~ 3 N~ & C.A.S. N~er (Check all that apply) ~ Fire Haz=d ~ Sudden ~lease ~ R~ctlvity ~ I~edlate ~elayod Co~onent ! 2 ~ i C.A.B. Naor of Pressure H~lth Health Component ~ 3 Na~ & C,A.8. Numar all.that apply) : Hazard [] Sudden Release ~ llsactivity [] Imsdtste ~elayod ..~ Component # 2 Name & C.A.S. Number O£ Pressure Health Health Component ~ 3 ~ame & C.A.S. Number (Cheek all that apply) Component ~ 2 Name & C.A.B. Number ~ Fire Hazard ~ Sudden Release [] Reactivity ~ I~ediato ~ Delayed of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Name & C.A.S. Number EMERGENCX CONTACTS #1~WIL_L_I. AM_MALLOy pR~DIICTTGN MCR -]97--4·3-56-- #2 ,TESS R_ WTNTW. R.q_; GWNR~ a~l-~llq ; N~ Title 24 ~. P'.one N~e ' Title 24 ~ ~h~e C~tifi~a~on (~ ~D SIGN ~TER COMPLETING ~L SECTIONS) . I ~ertlfy ~der p~nlty of law t~t I hayer ~rsonally ~in~ and ~ f~ili~ with tho Info,atica submitted tn this ~d all attached d~onts ~d ~at ~aod on ~ ~i~ of ~ose ~tndivlduals res~lble for obtaining the info~tion. I believe that ~o submitted info--etlon is t~e, aud,=ate, and c~plote. i~ PRODUCTION MANAGER ~ [~- (0-qff . ~ Fa~ and Agriculture ~ Standard Business .. NON - ~E SEC~T BUSINESS N~, THE wAx sHop OWNER N~: JESS R. WINTERS N~ OF THIS'" FACILITY :T~~ WaX LOCATION, 5441 ALDRIN COURT ADD~BS~ 53.12. CAMERON COURT ST~D~ IND. CLASS CODE. 3998 CITY, ZIP, BAKERSFIELD, CA 933i 3 CITY, ZIP: BAKERSFTRLD. flA 933fl9 DUN ~D B~ST~ET NUMBER/FEDE~ PHONE {{ 805-397-5274 . PHONE .{~' 805.834-344~ ~ - ~7~_-3~_._ ~R TO INSTRU~IONS FOR PROPER ~DES 1 ~ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 ~e , ~ Average ~nual Measure ~ Days Cent Cent Cent Use Location Where N~S of M~ture/C~h~nts Code C~o ~t ~t ~t Un,ts on' S~te Press 'Tam Code Stored ~n Fac~l~t~ See Instructions and ~l~h ~azard C.A.S. N~er ~ ~ Componen~ ~ i ~ & C.A.S. N~ all that ~ppl~) Component ~ 2 N~ & C.A.S. N~er of Pressure H~lth Health Component ~ 3 Nm & C.A.S. ~er (Cheek all that apply) ' ~{ '2- Fire Hazard ~] Sudden Release [] l~ctvtt~ ~ I~odtato ~Delayod Co~onon~ I;~/~'O~ C.A.8. of Pre~uz~ H~lth Health Component ~ 3 H~ C.A.a. (cheek all.t~t epply) · - ~ ~ Component [ 2 Na~ & C.A.a. ~az~d ~ Sudden ~l.ase ~ R~otivtty I~iate ~Dslay~ of Pressure Health ~oalth Component ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.S. of Pressure H~lth H~lth Component ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.S. ~ Title 24 ~. Phone N~e ' Title 24 ~ Phone ~tl~lea~on (~ ~D SIGN ~TER. COMPLETING ~L SECTIONS) sorrily ~der p~nlty of law that I hayer ~rsonally ~in~ and ~ f~lll~ with the info,etlon submitted ~n this ~d all attached d~ents ~d~vldual~ zee~ible for obtaining the ~n[o~tion. I believe that ~9 ~u~ltt~d lnfo~ation i~ t~e, acetate, and ~~ ~Y PRODUCTION MANAGER ~~ ~ ~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY ~_o /__~ -~i_"F,rm and Agriculture ~ Standard Bu,iness Pag f NON - TRADE SECRET ~USINESS NAME: THE wax sHop OWNER NAME.. JESS R. WINTERS NAME OF THIS'" FACILITZ :THE WAX LOCATION, 5441 AI.DRIN CO[I~ ADDRESS: '5312 CAMERON COURT - STANDAILD IND. CLASS CODE: 3998 CITY, ZIP: BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 CITY, ZIP: ~AK~.R.qF/RI.rl. CA q33~q DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBE~/FEDRRA~. 'iD # - PHONE #.' 805-397-5274 PHONE.#: 805-834-344~ 95_ 37_0 -3~23_._ REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPER CODES ' .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 . ., ? 8 9 10 11 12 14 Trane Type Max Average Annual Measure # Days Cent Cent Cent Use Location Where Names of Mlxture/Co~Onentu Code Code Amt Amt Amt Units o~ Site Press Code Stored tn Factlit~ See Instructions H~alth Hazard C.A.S. Number Component # 1 Name & C.A.S. Number Phlnsland (Ch~al! that appl~) ~ Fire aazard ~ Sudden Release ~ Reactivity ~ Imm,dints ~Oolayod Component [ 2 Name & C.A.S. Number of Pressure Health Health Component ~ 3 Name & C.A.B. Humber Physical and H~alth Hazard C.A.S. Number ~0 . ' ~ Component Il' I Nam~ & C.A.S. Number · (Cheek all that apply) ~ ~ire aazard ~] Sudden ~lease ~ R~ettvtt~ ~ I~odtate ~Dolayod Co~onont ~ 2 ~ & C.A.B. N~or of Pressure H~lth H~alth Component ~ 3 Ha~ & C.A.8. Nu~r (Check all .that apply) of Pressure Health Health Component ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.S. H~er of Pressure H~lth H~lth Componen~ [ 3 Na~ & C.A.S. N~er E~RGENC~ CONTACTS ~1 WI~ ~T,TOy . ~RODIICTT~N ~C~ 397_~3~"- ~2 JEss . N~ Title 24 ~. Phone ~e. Title 24 ~ Ph~e tiZl~a~on (~ ~D SIGN ~TER. COMPLETIN~ ~L SECTIONS) [oertify ~der p~nlty of law t~t I hayer ~rsonally ~in~ and ~ f~lllar with the info~atlo~ submitted In this ~d all attaohed ~divid~ls res~ible for obtainieg the imfo~tion. I believe that ~ su~lttod lnfo~atlon lo t~e, acc~ate, and c~p1~te. ~=~ ~T,TOY PRODUCTION MANAGER %~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD HAZAI{DOUS MATERI/kLS INVEh"~OIiY / 7 '-]"Farm and Agriculture ~ Standard Business .. '' Page~of / NON - TRADE SECRET , BUSINESS N/IF/E, THE wAx sHop OWNER NAME.. JESS R. WINTERS NAME OF THIS"'FACILITY:THE WAX LOCATION, ~441 ALDRIN CO[]~T ADDRESS: 5312 CAMERON COURT . STANDA/~D IND. CLASS CODE== 3998 CITY, ZIP, BAKERSFIELD, CA 9331 3 CITY, ZIP'._BAKER.qFYV. T.D. CA 933~q DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER/FEDERAl. ID PHONE #: 805-397-5274 PHONE.#==' 805-834-344~ ~5_ - 37_0_ -3J)23__ REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPER CODES I Z 3 4 . 5 6 . .~ 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 Trane Type Max Average A~nual Measure m Days Cent Cent Cent Use Location Where N~s of Mixture/Components Code Code Amt Amt ' Amt Unite o~ Site T~e Press 'Tamp . Code Stored in SSs in~truUtIo~ Phys~ and (C~ all that apply) _ .~,~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ Component # 2 Name & C.A.a. Mumbor ire Release H otl it of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Name & C.A.S. Number Physical end Health Hazard C.A.a. l~umbsr - - Component [ 1 Nam~ & C.A.fl. llumber (Check all that apply) ~ Fire Hazard [] Sudden Release ~ Reactivity [] I~odtato ~/Delayod Component I 2 Name i C.A.a. Number of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Name & C.A.S. Number ,Ph tcal Health Ha,ard, H .r / 3 Component, 1 , ~] ~ · · [] ~ Component # 1 Nem~ & C.A.S. Number Hazard Sudden Release Heactivtty Imodtate ~'~Delayed of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Hame & C.A.S. Number · (Cheek all that apply} Component ~ 2 Name & C.A.S. Number Fire Hazard Sudden Releaae Reactivity Immediate L~ Delayed Of Pressure Health Health Component $ 3 Name & C.A.B. Humber EMERGENCY CONTACTS #1 WILLIAM MALLOY : PR~DIICTT~N MCR_ --397---4356 #2 ,TES,q R_ WTNTV. R..q _' ~WNV.~ a~-q~49 . Name - Title 24 Hr. Phons - Name ' Title 24 Hr Phone artificer/on (P~AD AND SIGN AFTER. COMPLETING ALL SECTIONS) oertl£y ~nder peanlty of law that I hayer personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this and all attached documents and that baaed on my /nq~tr~ of those ~dividuals respor'"ible for obtaining the ln£ormatio~. I believe that tho submitted information is true, ~urate, and comDl ~ AltD L/FFICIAL TITLI{ OF OWNRP~OPERATOH OR OWNRR~OP~iATOH'S AI~I~IORi~ED REPRI~EN'IiATI¥~ ,~C~NA~'UIMi -"~ DATII "Farm and Agriculture ~ Standard Business NON - TRADE SECP. ET 3USINESS NAME: THE WAX SHOP OWNER NAME: JESS R. WINTERS NAME OF THIS"'FAGILITY:THE WAX ~OCATION, 5441 ALDRIN COH~T ADD.SS: 5312 CAMERON CQURT ST~D~ IND. CLASS CODE~ 3998 ~ITY. ZIP, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 CITY, ZIP:~ DAKERSFIELD~ CA 933~g DUN ~D B~ST~ET NUMBER/FEDE~ ~HONE ~ 805-397-5274 PHONE .~= O05-S34-3~g ~ - 37~_ -3D~_._ ~R TO INS~U~IONS FOR PROPER ~DES Tr~s ~e ~ Average ~ual Measure ~ Days Cent Coat . Cent Use Location Whore ~% ~by N~e of M~ture/C~nen~s ~lth Hazard C.A.S. ~er -- -- ~ Component I i ~ & C.A.S. N~~ that apply) Component [ 2 N~ f C.A.S. ~ Fire Hazed ~ Sudden Release ~ R~=ttvtty ~ Imitate ~ Dolay~ Of Pressure H~lth Health Component ~ 3 N~ & C.A.S. N~er Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number N~ Componsn # 1 Name & . N~er (Cheek ,11 that apply} / ' ' ~n Component~ C. . N~or of Pressure H~lth Health Component . . . Nu. er Physioal and ~lth Hazard; C.A.S. N~or Component i 1 ~a~ & C.A.~, N~or (Check all.t~t apply) Component ~ 2 Na~ & C.A.~. N~er of Pressure Health Health Component i 3 Na~ & C.A.S. N~er ~h~[cal and H~lth ~aza~ C.A.8. ~er Component J 1 ~ G C.A.S. (Ch~ck all t~t apply) Component ~ 2 Na~ & C.A.8~ N~er of Pressure Health Health Component ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.S. ' ~m Title 24 ~. Phone N~e , ' Tltl~ 24 ~ Phone ~tlCl~aUon' (~ ~U SIGN ~TEK. cOMPLETING ~L SECTIONS) · . [~rtlf~ ~4ar p~nltF of la~ t~t I hayer ~rsonally ~in~ and ~ fallt~ with tho lnfomatlon submitted in thl~ ~d all attaohed divld~ls res~lble for ob~lning the lnfo~tion. I believe that ~o ou~tttod Info,etlon ia t~e, acetate, and c~ploto. ~~' ~Y, PRODUCTION MANAGER //-/O- DAI~ "-~" '~'. HA~,ARDOU$ MATERIALS INVENTORY NON - TRADE SECRET '~i,i!'.BUSINESS NAME:THE WAX SHOP OWNER NAHE: JESS R. WINTERS NAME OF THIS'"'F!ClLITY..THE WAX SHOP : ?i LOCATION: 5441 ALDR/N CDI~T ADDRESS: 53]2 CAMERON C~OURT STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: 998 CITY, ZIP.' BAKERSFI~D, cA~9331~ .. CITY, ZIP:BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 : DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER?FEDERAL ID PHONE #: 805-397-5274 PHONE ,#: R05-834-3319 - - ;i?'".' REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPER .CODES Trans Type Max Average Annual Measure- # Days Cunt Cunt Cunt Use Location Where % by Names of Mixture/Componen s Code Code Ami Amt Ami Units on 8ire Type Press Temp Cods Stored in Facility wt ~./~Se~tio~ , · "[~ Fir~ aazaxd ~ Suddsn Relsase ~ Reactivity ~ Immediate ~/Dslayed Component ~2 Name7~.~ ~ C.A.S. &Number ~ ~. i.'" of Pressure Health .ealth Componsnt #, Name & C.A.S.~042-~z-~N~ber ~ ~ O~ of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Name & C.A.B. Numbsr ,  Fi~ HaZ=d '~ Sudden ~leas. ~ R,ctivity ~ I~iat. ~O.lay~ . . , -.,. /. °f Pressure Health H~lth Co~onent ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.S. N~ i;~i~al and H~lth '~z.~ C.A.S. N~er l~4~--t Co, orient , i N~ & C.A.S. N~ ~?: (Check all t~t apply) '-i ' · . Co~onent ~ 2 Na~ & C.A.8. N~er · ~;; '_ of Pressu~ H~lth H~lth Co~onent ~ 3 N~ & C.A.S. N~er ,,.E~RGENCY CONTACTS %iwTIw.TAM MAIJ~y ~ODU~ION ~. 397-a3S6 ~2 ,~SS 9- ~S O~ '~'.,:,.]~,~ '., N~ Title 24 ~. Phone N~e Title '24 ~ Phone C~ifi~a~ (~ ~ SIGN AFTER COMPLETING ~L SECTIONS) ~ 'c~i~ ~der'p~l~ of ~ t~t I ~ver ~rsonally ~in~ ~d ~ f~ll~ with the info~ation su~itted in ~is ~d all attached d~ts ~d ~at ~sed on ~ tn~i~ of ~]~.~,:ludivtd~ls res~le' for obtaining the info~tton. I believe that ~e su~itted info~ation is t~e, acc~ate, and c~ple~e. ~:,' ~~ ~nroY' PRODUCTION MAN GER . . : ' 1(_/~. ?~ .... HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY ~ Farm and Agriculture [] Standard Business Page__of__ NON TRADE SECRET 'BUSINESS NAME: THE WAX SHOP OWNER NAME: JESS R. WINTERS NAME OF THIS FACILIT¥:-~iE WAX SHOP LOCATION: 5441 ALDRIN CO[AT ADDRESS: 5312 CAMERON COURT STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: 3998 CITY, ZIP: BAKER,qFIE~,D. CA qqqlq CITY, ZIP: BAKERSFIELD~ CA 93309 DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER/FEDERAL ID PHONE #: 805-397-5274' - PHONE ,#: 805-834-3319 _ _ - _ _ _ - REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPER CODES 1 2 3 4 5 6 ., 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 Type Max Average Annual Measure ~ Days Cent Cent Cent Use Location Where Names of Mixture/Ccmlponents Code Code Amt Amt Amt Units on Site Type Press Code Stored in Facility See Instructions · Component ~ 2 Name--Vv~----& C.A.S. NUmber of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Name & C.A.S. Number Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number N~ Component # 1 Name & C.A.S. Number of Pressure H~lth Health Co~onont ~ 3 N~ ~ C.A.a. N~er Ph~t~al an4 ~lth ~za~, C.A.S. N~er Component ~ 1 Na~ &~.A.S, N~er Co~onsnt ~ 2 Na~ & C.A.S. N~er Fl' HaZed '~ Sudden ~lease ~ R~CtiVity ~ I~iate ~ Delay~ ~6--gl--~-- of Pressure Health Health Co~onent ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.S. N~er N~er Nu~er T~tle :~j.~e~t~ (~ ~ SIGN AFTER COMPLETING ~L SECTIONS) · :]~JI ~e~ ~der p~nl~ of 1~ t~t I hayer ~rsonally ~n~ ~d ~ f~l~ w~th the ~nfo~at~on submitted ~n ~is ~d all attached d~ents : .'.%';'~ res~ible obtaining the infomtion. I believe that ~e su~itted info~ation is tree, acc~ate, and emplete. P.O. [S~ ~022~, Da[~ersfie~d, CA ~33~9o0226 (~5)397-5274 - August 1, 1994 F~X (g05) 3~74817 Bakcrsficld Fire Depa~mcnt ~ Attn: Hazardous Materials Coordinator 2101 H Str~ ~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Sir: Due to changes in personnel and products that have been added and deleted, a complete inventory is being submitted. Please find an updated Emergency Response Plan too. Should you require any additional information upon review of the enclosed documents, please do not hesitate to contact me at (805) 397-5274. ~ames Baldwin P d ti M nag ro uc on a JBIcc enclosures The H/e~ Shop is e Division oi 7'FVS Industries, Inc. - · ' EMERGENCY Reporting and Notification ~0~ ~ 1. In the event o~f a fire or a spill, rdease or.threatened release, regardl~s of size, involving a hazardoUs .material, the event' will be reported immediately to the senior production` person in the facility.. 2. The senior production person will determine fi. the fireor sp~ release or threatened release is reportable~' Ifit i~.determined to be reportable this person will !mmediatety' report the fire,. release.Or spill to the emergency response agency by calling 911. He/She will also notify the administering agency.. The information lo be given to the emo'g~y r~ponse agency is contained on the poster adjacent to the telephone at'the emergen~ Center..The emergency response team and a production management person will be notified, if not already. Present. Mitigation,,, '2-~. 1. Coinddent with reporting, emergency response team members will "-/ immediately commence cleanup and containment'of the fire, spill' or release and carry out all necessary action to mitigate the fire or release in accordance with their instructions and the written procedures. Evacuation · 1.. · Should it become nec~sary to evacuate the facility, the order will be given via the intercom orthe bullhorn that is' stored in. the emergency response equipment room. 2.. Upon receiving'the order to evacuater emplo?es will shut down their machines and immediately proceed to the nearest exit as per attached plans'.: :3. All employees will report to the Unpaved area On the east side .(see attached'map) of the building. 4. A senior n~agement person will account/~all employees' following the evacuation in order to ensure that all personnel have safely exited the premises. Emergency Response Assistance 1. The members' of the. emergency response team will stand by to ~~ assist the emergency agency and offer the benefit of their ~ sPecial knowledge of the facility and its contents. 2. The following members of the.production management will stand by to offer technical advice to the emergency response agency personnd if necessary. A. James Baldwin B. Randy Villegas C. John Satterlee Medical Assistance - ,./i ~'~ 1. All employees affected by exposure to the hazardous materials -/ released during the spill/releaSe or injured from the fire should be transported to the hospital, which is the moSt. appropriate facility for treatment of chemical-related injuries..A copy of the appropriate MSDS should accompany the affected person(s) to the hospital. 2..The following staff members are trained in First Aid and CPR: A. '.Diane Rosales B. James Baldwin C. Viola Pitcher ME~G NCY REPO~TING · OF A .RELEASE OR A THREATENED RELEAS EMERGENCY RESPONSE AGENCY 911 OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES 1-800-852-7550 1-916-427-4341 II I III INFORI~IATION TO BE REPORTED: 1, The exact location of the release or threatened release, 2. The name of the person r~eporting the release or.~ threatened release, The hazardous materials involved in the release or threatened release, 4, An estimate.of the quantity of.hazardous materials involved, 5, If known, the poten:tial hazards presented by the hazardous material involved in the release or threatened release. HAZARDOUS MATgRIAL$ INVENTORY Farm and .Agriculture Standard Business Page NON- TRADE SECRET BUSINESS NAME: THE wAx sHop OWNER NAME: JESS R. WINTERS NAME OF THIS'FACILITY:THF. WAX LOCATION: 5441 ALDRIN CO(IRT ADDRESS: 5312 CAMERON COURT STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: 3998 CITY, ZIP: BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 CITY, ZIP: BAKERS~TRT,D. CA 9330q DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER/FEDERAL ID PHONE #: 805~397-5274 PHONE .#:' 805-834-344~ 95_ - 37_0_ -3_Q23_ _ REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPER CODES ! 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Trans Type Max Average Annual Measure # Days Cont Cost Cost Use Location Where %,by Names of Mixture/Components Code IHC°de [.~Amt I ~Amt [~,~Amt [ ~Units [ on site,~ ~[Type Press Temp/[ ~ ['/~e[ Stored in Facility %//w~ ~J~ ~-- S.. I~}.tructions ~eck all that apply) ' of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Name & C.A.S. Number~~'4~'/ ~ Phy~ical(Check alland H. lththat apply)Hazard C.A... ,umber--/"', ,, Com~one~t./~.~l_,N_ .a~&...C.A_.S.6~7~ ~& Number of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Name & C.A.-q. Number Physical and Health Hazard, C.A.S. Number N/~ Pl~"~ Componen. t # i Name & C.A~S.. Number of Pressure Health Health omponent #'3 Name & C.A.S. Number / Phlmt~al and lt~lth Hazard CoAoS. lq'm~her Co~ponent # 1N~m~ & CoA.S. Mun~r ~ ~.~ (Check all that apply) - / / of Pressure Health Health Component # ~ Name & C.A.S. Number -- ~ ~ i' 'EMERGENCY CONTACTS #1JAMES BALDWIN: P~ODHCTION ~C~: 589-55~9 #2 JF..q,q ~_ WINT~.~.q. 6~WN~.~ Name T~tle 24 ~. Phone N~e Title 24 ~ Phone c~t~Z~cation (~ ~D SIGN AFTER, COMPLETING ~L SECTIONS) I certify ~der p~nlty of law t~t I hayer ~rsonally ~[n~ ~d ~ f~il~ w~th the ~nfo~ation submitted in th~s ~d all attached d~ents ~d ~at ~sed on ~ in~ of ~ose ~ndiv~d~ls res~le for obtaining the ~nfo~t~on. I believe that ~e su~tted ~nfo~at~on ~s t~e, accosts, and c~plete. CITY OF BAKERSF I ET.D IIAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY ., Farm and Agriculture Standard Business '. Page.~ of/~ NON - TRADE SECRET BUSINESS NAME: THE wAx shop OWNER NAME.- JESS R. WINTERS NAME OF THIS"FACILIT¥:THF. WA~ LOCATION: 5441 ALDRIN CO[IRT ADDRESS.' 5312 CAMERON COURT ' STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: 3998 CITY, ZIP: BAKERSFIELDt CA 9331 3 CITY, ZIP: BAKF. R.qFTV. T.D. C_A 9_q_q0q DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER/FEDERAL ID PHONE ~: 805-397-5274 PHONE .#: 805-834-344~ 95_ 37_0_-3_0~_3_._ REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPER CODES ! 2 3 4 5 6 . .~ 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 Trans Type Max Average Annual Measure # Days Cont Cont Cont Use Location Where Names of Mixture/Components Code Code Ami Ami ' Ami , Units o~ Site Type , Press Tamp Code Stored in Facility See Instructions ~-~ I ~'~ I ¢~L I a~~' Im.,~l , I ¥ 179 I id/~ PoO~ 1, I~ ..~-_ -_' ~ical end Hea~th Hazard C.A.S, llumber Component ill i Hame & C.A.S__ N~ber [ Component . Number of Pressure Health Health Componen S. Number Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number ~//A . Component~ I Name. & C~.S..~Number F~re Haz=d ~ Sudden ~lease '~ R,.tSvity ~ I~ate ~.layed Co - of Preseure H~ltb Health Component ~ 3 N~ & C.A.S. Nu~er Fire Hazed ~ Sudden ~lea., ~ R~etivity ~ Imitate ~Delay~ Component 1.2~10[_~¢_0 of Pressure Health Health Component $ 3 Na~ $ C.A.fl. ~er Physical and Sealth Hazard C.A.S. Number ~'/A Component # i Name&~.A.S. Number ~ch.c~ .n t~.t .ppiS, 2 717g - fT- ~ Dela Component # 2 Hame & C.A.S. Number ~ Fire Hazard ~ Sudden Release ~ Reactivity ~ I~mediat. yeti /~/- Ca' ~ of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Name & C.A.a. Number EMERGENCY CONTACTS #1JAMES BALDWIN: PRODffCTT(~N MC.~: 589-5559 #2 JES.q ~- WTNTR~.q;' (]WNW.~ Rq4-qA4q N~ Title 24 Hr. Phone Name Title Certification (READ AND SIGN AFTER COMPLETING ALL SECTIONS) · . T certify under peanlty of law that I hayer personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this and all attached documents and ~hat based on my inqtliry of those ,~ndividuals responsible for obtaining the information. I believe that the submitted information is true, accurate, and complete. i ' JAMES BALDWIN, PRODUCTION MANAGER -/,~ ' ~/~ 'HAME AND OFFICIAL TiTL~ OF OWNER/OPERAIX)R OR OWNER/OPERATOR'S AUthORIZED I~i~RE~ENT3~TIVE ~GI~ATURE DA~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Farm and Agriculture ~ Standard Business .. Page~ of NON - TRADE SECRET BUSINESS NAME: THE wAx sHop OWNER NAME: JESS R. WINTERS NAME OF THIS"FACILITY:TNE WAX LOCATION: 5441 ALDRIN CO[I~'P ADDRESS: 5312 CAMERON COURT STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: 399~ CITY, ZIP: BAKERSFIELDt CA 93313 CITY, ZIP:. BAKER.qFTRT.D: CA q330q DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER/FEDERAL ID PHONE #: 805-397-5274 PHONE ,#: 805-834-3449 95-- 37~ -3D23_ _ REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPER CODES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Trans Type Max Average Annual Measure # Days Cont Cont Cont Use Location Where % by Names of Mixture/Components Code Code Amt Amt Amt Units on site Type Press Temp Code Stored in Facility A~t _ SeeIn~truc~tons ~Check all that apply, ~&~C~_A?.~N!er ' ~ Fire Hazard U Suddenaeleese l~R.activity ]~1 I,ediat. ~Deleyed C°'p°nsnt #~.~- O .~ ~ Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number N~r- P~' 2 ~ Yt ~.~ ~ ~m~ ~:] Fire Hazard [] Sudden Release [] Reactivity [] I~edJate ~/Delayed /~/~g V--~'/H ~b ; of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Name & C.A.S.. u er Physical and Health Hazard, C.A.S. Number /~/~-- Component,INa.& C.A.,o Number /~ ~] Fire Hazard [2~] Sudden Release ~/Reactivity [~I~Sdiate [~Delayed Component #2 : . Number ~ 2 of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 ~ame i C.A.S. Number / ' Physical and Health ,azard C.A.S. Number Component # i Name& ¢.A.S. Number ~ ~ ~o~T~F,.~.~.~ ,ir..arard m Sud .e Rel.... [] R.ctivity U D.leyod .7aao-a - ' q 90 4-f2- EMERGENCY CONTACTS #iJAMES BALDWIN. P~OD[ICTTON MC~_ 589-5559 #2 - Name Title 24 Hr. Phone Name Title 24 Hr Phone certification (READ AND SIGN AFTER. COMPLETING ALL SECTIONS) I certify under peanlty of law that I hayer personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this and all attached documents and that based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the information. I believe that the submitted information is true, ~ccurate, and complete. ! JAMES BALDWIN, PRODUCTION MANAGER~ 'NAM~ AND OFFICIAL TITLI~ OF OWNER/OPERATOR OR OWNER/OPERATOR'S AUthORIZED REPRESF/TP3LTi¥E ~ ~C~NAXURE DATI~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY NON - TRADE SECRET BUSINESS NAME: THE wAx SHOP OWNER NAME: JESS R. WINTERS NAME OF THIS<FACILITY:THE WAX .qH~ LOCATION: 5441 AI,DRIN COURT ADDRESS: 5312 CAMERON COURT. STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: 3998 CITY, ZIP: BAKERSFIELD, CA 9331 3 CITY, ZIP: 'RAKF. R.qFIF. T.D: CA 933~q DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER/FEDERAL ID PHONE #.' 805-397-5274 PHONE .#: ' .805-834L3449 95-- - 37_0 _ REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPER CODES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11" 12 1~ 14 Trane Type Max Average Annual Measure ~ Days Cont Cont Cont Uss Location Where % by Names of Mixture/Components ,,. 1 Name & C.A.S. Number ~tcal~check a11and Healththat apply)Hazard C.A.S. Number Component. 7¢z-¥7- of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Name & C.A.S. Number Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number Component #~OVi ~7-S (Check all that apply) Component # 2 Name & C.A.S. Number ~ Fire Hazard [] S~dden Release ']~'~ Reac~ivity [] I/~nedtate [] Delayed of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Name & C.A.S. Number Physical and Health Hazard,(Check all.that apply) , C.A.S. l~umber · F~ Component # l~~.~A~.N~er. . -- . ~' ~. ~~~~ ~ Fire Hazard [] Sudden Release m Reactivi~y ~ I~sdiate ~/Delayed " Component # 2 Na~ , C.A.S. ~umbe, of Pressure Health Health Component , ~N~ & C.t~>umber~o~/- -- ~/: ~. (Check all that apply) ~'/'7 -%/7- ~' Component i/ 2 ~/~_& C..A.S. Number EMER~ENC~ CONTACTS #1'~AMES BALDWIN. P~On[]CmT~ ~C.~_ 589~'5559 #2 J~..m~ R_ WTNm~.~.~;r aW~F.~ a34-~44q ,, Ha~ Title 24 Hr. Phone Name Title 24 Hr Phone certification (READ AND SIGN AFTER. COMPLETING ALL SECTIONS) I certify under p~anlty of law that I hayer personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this and all attached documents and thai; baaed on my incrdiry of thoa~ ' individuals responsible for obtainin~ the information. I believe that the submitted information ia true, accurate, and complete. i JAMES BALDWIN, PRODUCTION MANAGER "~AME ASD OFilClAh TIThl/ OF OWl/HR/OPERATOR OR OWNI/R/OPHItATOR*S AUI~tORIZED REPRF_klF_21TATIVE fS~[(~lt URE DATE CITY OF~ BAKERSFIELD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY ., I--] Farm and Agriculture ~ Standard Business .. Page6~a~_. NON - TRADE SECRET BUSINESS NAME: THE wAx sHop OWNER NAME: JESS R. WINTERS NAME OF THIS"FACILITY:TMF. WAX LOCATION: 5441 ALDRIN CO[JRT ADDRESS: 5312 CAMERON COURT . STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: 3998 CITY, ZIP: BAKERSFIELD, CA 9331 3 CITY, ZIP: RAKER.qFTF. T.Dr CA q~N~ DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER/FEDERAL ID PHONE #: 805-397-5274 PHONE ,#: 805-834-3449 95_ - 37_0_ -3~23_ _ REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPER CODES i I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 ~ Trane Type Max Average Annual Measure # Days Cent Cent Cent Use Location Where Names of M/xture/Components Code Code ~mt Ami ' Ami . Units on site. Ty~e Press Temp Cede Stored in Facility See Instructions ~'~Check all that apply) ' Component # 2 & C.A.S.N.umber of Pressure Health Health Component# 3~--C'~S~umber Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number M/~ Component C . umber · ~D Component # 2 & C.A.S. Number ~ Fire Hazard [] Hudden Release '~ Reaotivity [] I,ediate elayed of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 . u~er "I Physioal and~ealth Hazard& C.A.~. Number ~/~ ' ~u~i~ Component # i Name & C.A.S, Number F,re Hazard [] Sudden Re,ease m React.'[V.'[~y [~ In~ediate ~De,ayed ~/ · ' . of Pressure Health Health Component #Na~ ; C.A.S. Number ~ Fire ]lazard [[~ Sudden Release [] Reactivity ~ Inmodiat. ~Dolayed Component #2~gT¢2.~Z'-iN'me & C.A.a. Number of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Name & C.A.S. Number EMERGENCY CONTACTS #iJAMES BALDWIN: D~OD[]CTTf~N ~C~R: 589-5559 #2 JF..q.~ ~_ WTNT~.D,q;~ (~WN~.~ RqA_q~AQ Name Title 24 Hr. Phone Name Title 24 Hr Phone C.rtifieatton (BEAD AND SIGN AFTER. COMPLETING ALL SECTIONS) ' ' ! ~ertif¥ under peanlty of law that I hayer personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this and all attached documents and that based on my inquiry of thee individuals responsible for obtaining the information. I believe that the submitted information ia true, accurate, and complete. i' JAMES BALDWIN, PRODUCTION MANAGER ~ ' '~AM~ A~I) OFPZCXAL TiTLE OF t~4NER/OPERATOR OR (~;NHR/OPF~%I~)R'S AU~OB/ZED REPRESENT;%T£¥~ AZURE DATE CITY OF B/kI(E RSF I ELD ~AZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY ., ,,.,~ [] Farm and Agriculture ~ Standard Business '. Page~of/__~ NON - TRADE SECRET BUSINESS NAME.' THE wAx sHop OWNER NAME: JESS R. WINTERS NAME OF THIS'"FACILITY:TNF. WAW LOCATION.- 5441 ALDRIN CO[IRT ADDRESS: 5312 CAMERON COURT STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: 3998 CITY, ZIP: BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 CITY, ZIP: 'BAKF. R~qFTF. T.D: O_A q3.qdq DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER/FEDERAL ID PHONE #: 805-397-5274 PHONE .#: 805-834-3449 95-- - 37_0, -3_0~_ _ REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPER CODES I 2 3 4 5 6 , ., 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 Trans Type Max Average Annual Measure # Days Cont Cont Cont Use Location Where Names of Mixture/Components Code Code Amt Amt ' Amt Units on Site Type Press Temp Code Stored in Facility See Instructions Component # 2 umber ' of Pressure Health Health ddm~o'~en~ # 3 Name & C.A.S. Number .I1/, Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number /'V /#~- * Components# 1 Nam~ & C.A.8. Number~ N~er of Pressure H~lth Health Co~onent ~ 3 N~ & C.A.S. Nu~er Ph~tcaZ and B~lth Haza~,, C.A.S. N~er ~/~ Component ~ 1 Na~O --~ ~ & C.A.S, N~er · Co~onent ~ 2 N~ & C.A.S. N~er Fire Hazed ~ Sudden ~lease ~ R~ctivtty ~ I~late ~elay~ 2~2~--0~--[ of Pressure H~lth Health Component ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.S. N~er of Pressure H~lth Health Component ~ 3 N~ & C.A.S. N~er E~RGENCY CONTACTS %iJAMES BALDWINr PR~D[ICTT~N MCR. 589-5559 N~ Title 24 ~. Phone N~e Ti%la 24 ~ Phone C~tiftcation (~ ~D SIGN AFTER. COMPLETING ~L SECTIONS) cert~f~ ~der p~nlty of law t~t I hayer ~rsonally ~tn~ ~d ~ f~tlt~ with the tnfo~atton submitted t~ this ~d all attached d~ents individuals res~tble for obtatnt~g ~he tnfo~tton. I believe that ~e su~1tted tnfo~atlon ts t~e, a~ate, and c~plete. ' JAMES BALDWIN, ~RODUCTION MANAGER CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ~ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY ., Farm and Agriculture ~ Standard Business .. Page~ of NON - TRADE SECRET BUSINESS NAME: THE wAx sHop OWNER NAME: JESS R. WINTERS NAME OF THIS"FACILIT¥:THR WAX LOCATION: 5441 ALDRIN CO[IRT ADDRESS: 5312 CAMERON COURT STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: 3998 CITY, ZIP.' BAKERSFIELDt CA 93313 CITY, ZIP: BAKERSFTRI.D: CA q33oq DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER/FEDERAL ID # PHONE #: 805-397-5274 PHONE ,#: 805-834-3449 95-- - 37_0_ -3-02~3_ _ REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPER CODES 1 2 3 4 . 5 6 . ,, ? S 9 10 11 12 14 ~ Trane Type Max Average Annual Measure # Days Cent Cent Cent Use Location Whore Names of Mixture/Components Code Code Amt Amt Amt. Units o~ Site, Type Press Temp Cod~s Stored in Facility See Instructions Oical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Humber Component # 1 Hame & C.A.S. iNumber ~Chock all that apply) N~am~.~Z',~A~..~. ~N~.un~e Component, 2 ~ ,ire Hazard [~I Sudden .eleas. ~ ~eactivity I~] ,=odiate I]~ Deiay~ r of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Name & C.A.S. Number Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number Component # 1 ~Iame & C.A.S. Number (Check a11 that apply) ~&~C.A~S~ N~umb Component # 2 .' mm. Hazed [] Sudd.n lea.. eacti ity [] =ediat. elayod 0-7 · .r of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Name & C.A.S. Number (Check ali.that apply) ' '/- -~(M3~- 3,0- ~ . · Component # 2 NaT/I C.A.S. Number Fire Haz=d [] S,,dden ~iease FI aeaoti~ity ~ Z=~iat. ~ O.iay~ of Pressure Health Health Component ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.S. N~er Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number ~//~- Component # i Name& C.A.S. Number (Cheek .ii that apply) ///' Component # 2 & C.A.S. Number ~ Fire Hazard ~ Sudden Heleeae ~'~Reactivity ~'/l~m~diato ~ Oelay~ . S. N~er E~R~ENCY CONTACTS ~iJAMES BALDWIN~ PRODIIC~T~N M~: 589-5559 ~2 N~ Title 24 ~. Phone N~e Title 24 ~ Phone C~tification (~ ~D SIGN AFTER. COMPLETING ~L SECTIONS) ' ' ~osa' certify ~der p~nl~y of law t~t I hayer ~rsonally ~in~ ~d ~ f~ili~ with the info~atton submitted in this ~d all attaohed d~ents ~d ~at ~sed on ~ in~i~ of individ~ls res~ible for obtaining the info~tion. I believe that the su~itted info~ation ia t~e, accosts, and c~plete. JAMES BALDWIN, ~RODUCTION MANAGER CITY OF B/tKERSF I E~-D HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY [] Farm and Agriculture ~ Standard Business .~ Page of NON - TRADE SECRET BUSINESS NAME.. THE wAx sHop OWNER NAME: JESS R. WINTERS NAME OF THIS"FACILITY:TNE LOCATION: 5441 ALDRIN COIIRq~ ADDRESS: 5312 CAMERON COURT · STAND/~RD IND. CLASS CODE: 3998 CITY, ZIP: BAKERSFIELD, CA 9331 3 CITY, ZIP: RAKF. R.qFIRI.D; ~_A 933~Q DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER/FEDERAL ID PHONE #: 805-~97-5274 PHONE ,#:' 805-834-3449 95_ - 37_0 REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPER CODES I 2 3 4 5 6 . ~ 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 Trane Type Max Average Annual Measure # Days Cent Cent Cent Use Location Where Names of Mixture/Components Code Code Am: Am: ' Am: Units on Site Type . Press Temp Code Stored in Facility , all that apply)''' ~ Sud en .lea.. mH cti lty [] = iate Delay Component # H,,-'er of Preeeure Health Health Component # 3 Name & C.A.a. Number Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number Component # i Nam9 &C.A.S. Number (Check .n that mpply) 0 7-~ De Component # 2 Hame &C.A.S. Humber ~ Fire Hazard ~2] l~udden Release [] aeactivity [] z=~liate iayed /1[- ~6-~-- of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Name & C.A.H. Number Physical and Health Hazard, C.A.S. Number Component # 1 Name & C.A.S, Number (Check all.that apply) Component # 2 Name & C.A.B. Number Fire Hazard [] Sudden Release ~ Reactivity [] I~ediat. ~ Delayed of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Name &C.A.S. Number Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number Component # 1 Name &C.A.S. Number (cheek all that apply) Component # 2 Name &C.A.S. Number ID Pit..,,ard ~ Sudden H,l.,.. [] ,eactivity ~ ~=edi,te [] D.l,~ed of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Nam~ &C.A.S. Number EMERGENCY CONTACTS #1JAMES BALDWIN: PRCIDIIC~T~M ~C~: 589-5559 #2JE.q.q R_ WTN~.I~;' Name Title 24 Hr. Phone Name Title 24 Hr Phone Certification (READ AND SIGN AFTER· COMPLETING ALL SECTIONS) I ~ertify under peanlty of law that I hayer personally examined and am familiar with the Information submitted in this and all attached documents and that based on ~ inquiry of thos~ ~individuale responsible for obtaining the information. I believe that the submitted information is true, accurate, and complete. JAMES BALDWIN, PRODUCTION MANAGER / CITY OF BAKERSFIELD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY ~ ~ Farm and Agriculture ~ Standard Business Page7 of NON - TRADE SECRET BUSINESS NAME: THE wAx sHop OWNER NAME: JESS R. WINTERS NAME OF THIS"'FACILITY:TNF. WAW .q140~ LOCATION: 5441 ALDRIN CO[IRqTM ADDRESS: 5312 CAMERON COURT STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: 3998 CITY, ZIP: BAKERSFIELD, CA 9331 3 CITY, ZIP: BAKRR.qFTF. T.D: CA q330q DUN Ai~D BRADSTREET NUMBER/FEDERAL ID PHONE #: 805-397-5274 PHONE ,#:' ~05.834-344q 95_ - 37_0_ -3_02~3_ _ REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPER CODES I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 Trane Type Max Average Annual Measure # Days Cont Cont Cont Use Location Where Names of Mixture/Components Code Code Amt Amt Amt Units on site Press Stored in Facility See Instructions all that apply) :~ ~/D Component #2 Hame& C.A.B. l/umber zirm Hazed ~ "udde. Reiease ~] aeactivity [] I~ediate elayed of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Name & C.A.S. Number (Check all that apply) ~ Fire Hazard [] Sudden Release [] Reactivity [] I~nediate ~/Delayed Component # 2 Name & C.A,S. Number of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Name & C.A.B. Number Physical and Health Hazard, C.A.B. l/ er 7L ¢'3~'i,' Component # 1 Name & C.A,B, Number ~ (Check all.that apply) ' - ' : [~ t ed , Component # 2 Name & C.A,S. l/umber Fire Hazard [] Budden Release ~ H.ctiVi y ~]/I. iate ~/Delayed I ~ ' , of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Name & C.A.S. Humber . Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number -~ Component # i l/ame & C.A.B. l/umber 7 (Check all that apply) ~ Fire .azard ~ Sudd,n Relea,. ~/Heactivity ~ Immediate ~Delayed Component # 2 Name& C.A.S. Number of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Name & C.A.B. Number EMERGENCY CONTACTS #1JAMES BALDWIN: PR~DIICTT~N MaW: 589-5559 #2 JR.q.q ~_ WTNT~.R..q;' ~WN~.~ R3A-qa&Q Hame Title 24 Hr. Phone l/ame Title 24 Hr certify under peanlty of law that I haver personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this and all attached documents and that based on my inquiry of thos individuals responsible for obtaining the info--tion. , believe that the eubmitted information ia ~ ~~~ F/-~/ true, urate~ and coi~plete. ~ JAMES BALDWIN, PRODUCTION MANAGER - '~M~ AND OFFICiA~ TITh~ OF ~Wl/~R/OPKRATOR OR OWN~R/OPKRATOH'S A~HORIZED RE~R~SENTAT£V~ DATe 8I~D HAZARDOUS NATERIALS INVENTORY Farm and Agriculture Standard Business Page~ of~ NON - TRADE SECRET BUSINESS NAME-. THE wAx sHop OWNER NAME: JESS R. WINTERS NAME OF THIS FACILITY:THE WAX LOCATION: 5441 ALD~IN COURT ADDRESS: "5'312 CAMERON COURT STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: 3998 CITY, ZIP: BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 CITY, ZIP: BAKF. R,qFIRI.D. CA 93_q~9 DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER/FEDERAL ID PHONE #: 805-397-5274 PHONE ,#:' 805-834-344~ 95_ - 37_0_ -3~23_ _ REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPER CODES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 Trane Type Max Average Annual Measure # Days Cont Cont Cont Use Location Where Names of Mixture/Components Code Code Amt Amt Amt Units on Site Type Press Code Stored in Facility ~e Instructions ica1 and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number Component # i Name & C.A.S. Number ~ Fire Hazard ~ Sudden Release ~ Rsactivity ~ Immediate ~Oelayed Component7~&~'C73--' ~umber of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Name & C.A.S.~umber I ml ;/o I ~o Ilo.o I &,~l 13~rl 7 I / I ~ I./Zl Physio.1 and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number ~0~--I- gO'7 . Component #1 Name & C.A.$. Number (Check all that apply) I/{- ~zl-",.  ' Component # 2 Hame & C.A.S. Number Fire Hazard ~l Sudden Release '~ ReactiVity [] I~ediate ~ Delayed of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Name & C.A.S. Number I ~ I '.;;o I ~0 127~ I ~At I 3~,&'l .7 I / I .~ I/FI Physical and Health Hazard, C.A.S. Number Component ~1 Na~e &_C.A.S. Number Fire Hazard [] Sudden Release ]-~ Reactivity ~/Immediate ~'~elayed Component , Number of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 ~ame & C.A.S. Number la, i~vol ~m~o I./0,,~o I/~ I ~&&l/ll I I Y I/fl - Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number /O f~-~'" ~-~-- ~ Co.ponent , i Name, C.A.~. Humber ~ Fire Hazard ~ Sudden Release ~ Reactivity ~ Iledtate ~/Delayed Component #/~j~_~.g.72 N~met C.A.S. Number of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Name & C.A.S. Number EMERGENCY CONTACTS #iJAMES BALDWIN: PRODHCTTON MCR: 589-5559 #2,7F..qS R_ WTNTER.q:~ Name Title 24 Hr. Phone Name Title 24 Hr Phone · Certification (READ AND SIGN AFTER COMPLETING ALL SECTIONS) I oertify ~u~der peanlty of law that I hayer porsonally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this and all attached documents and that based on ~y ~nquiry o~ those! ' ' ~ndlviduale responsible for obtaini~g the information. I believe that the submitted information is true, accurate, and complete. .i JAMES BALDWIN, PRODUCTION MANAGER HAI~I~ AND OFFICIAL TI~L~ OF OWI~R/OPERA/~R OR OWNER/OPERATOR'S AtrI~IORIZED RE~RESFATIL~TIVE ~C~N~TURE ~'~ DA~ SI(;NI/D I [] Farm and Agriculture L~ Standard Business Pag of NON - TRADE SECRET BUSINESS NAME: THE wAx SHOP OWNER NAME: JESS R. WINTERS NAME OF THIS'" FACILIT]~ :THE WAY LOCATION: 5441 ALDRIN COU~T ADDRESS: 5312 CAMERON COURT STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: 3998 CITY, ZIP.' BAKERSFIELDt CA 93313 CITY, ZIP: BAKE~,qvIF. T,D: O_A 93_q0~ DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER/FEDERAL ID PHONE #: 805-397-5274 PHONE.#:' 805.834-3449 95_ - 37_0_ -3_02_3_ _ REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPER CODES 1 2 3 4 5 § 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Trane Type Max Average Annual Measure ~ Days Cont Cont . Cont Use Location Where ~ by Na~es of M~xture/Com~onents ~'[Check all that apply) Component # 2 Name & C.A.S. Number ~ Fire Hazard ~ Sudden Release ~ React~vity ~/Immed~ate [~ Delayed of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Name & C.A.S. Number ? ' Ph,~c.1 and Health Hazard C.A.S. Humber ~ ~/~'~_ S--¢--~ Component # i Hame, C.A.S. Nm~ber AC ~, (/~b~ ' · m9 e ~ Name & C.A.S. Number 3 ~ Fire Hazard [] Sudden Release U Reactivity ~-~ Immediate ~Delayed /~0Z-~O'~ ' of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Name & C.A.S. Number Physical and Health Hazard, C.A.S. Number -- Component # ~ Name a C.A.S. Number (Check all.that apply) . . Component ~ 2 Name & C.A.S. Humber  Fire Sa--az~ [] Sudden Release ~ Reacti. it)/ [] I~ediate ~ Delayed of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Name & C.A.S. Number Physical and He. lth Ha,.,,~i C.A.S. Hu,~er /b/O~ Component ~ i ~,, & C.~,.S. ~ber (Check all that apply) ' Componsnt # 2 Name & C.A.8. Number ,ire H.zard Sudd.n Re/ea.. l~eactivity Immediate ~Delayed of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Name & C.A.S. Number EMERGENCX CONTACTS #i,~,AMES BALDWIN. PROD[iCT~a~ ~C.~ 589-5559 #2 JESS ~_ W~N~W.~a.' aWNWm a~a_~4q_ Name Title 24 Hr. Phone Name Title 24 Hr Phone ce~tiZication (READ AND SIGN AFTER. COMPLETING ALL SECTIONS) I certify under peanlty of law that I hayer personally examined and am familiar with the ~nformat~on submitted tn this and all attached documents and that based on my inquiry of those. ~ndividuals responsible for obtaining the information. I believe that the submitted ~nformat~on is true, accurate, and complete. ~ JAMES BALDWIN~ PRODUCTIO~ MANAGER ~(~'~: NAME AND Of I?ICIAL TITLE OF OWNCR/OPERATOH OR OWNER/OPERATOR'S AUthOR/ZED REPRF~ENTATiVH ~G~A2~URE DAIS SIOlq~D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVE~TORY / NON - ~g SEC~T , BUSINESS N~ THE wAx shop OWNER N~: JESS R. WINTERS N~ OF THIS'"FACILITY=TH~ LOCATIONz 544~ ALD~IN C~[I~T ~D~SS= 53~ 2 CAMERON CQU~T · ST~D~ iND. CLASS CODE= CITY, ZIP~ BAKERSFIELD~ CA 933~ 3 CITY, ZIP= BA~T~L~:. cn 9~Oq DUN ~D B~T~ET N~BER/FEDE~ ID PHONE ~z 805-397-S274 PHONE.%=' 805-834-3~9 ~ - ~7~_ -3~_._ ~R ~ INS~U~IONS FOR PROPER ~DES ' I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Tr~s ~e ~ Average ~nual Measure ~ Days Cont Con~ Cont Use Location ~ere '% by N~ o~.M~ture/C~nen~s cod~ C~e ~ ~t ~t unSts on s~te ~ Press ' Te~ Code Stored in Fac~l~t~ ~ See In~t~uCk~ons ,h~al all t~t apply) ~ F~ Haz=d ~ Sudden ~lease ~ R~ct~v~ty ~ I~at. ~Delay~ Co~on~t ~ 2 N~ · C.A.S. oE Presau~ H~lth H~lth Componen~ ~ 3 N~ & C.A.S. N~er ~Cheok all t~2 apply) of Pressure H~lth H~lth Co~on~t ~ 3 N~ & C.A.S. Nu~ ' of Pressure H~lth H~lth Compon~ ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.S. · (Cheek all t~t apply) of Pressure H~lth H~lth Compon~t B 3 N~ & C.A.S. N~ E~RGENCX CONTACTS ~IJAMES BALDWIN. D~OD[]CmT~ MOD 589-5559 %2 .TREE ~_ WTN~ERg_" hW~ RRA-q44q N~ Title 24 ~. Phone N~e Title 24 C~f1~on (~ ~D SIGN ~TER. COMPLETING ~L SECTIONS) ~ Certify ~der p~nl~y of law t~t I ~ver ~rsonally ~ ~d ~ f~11~ with the lnfo~a~on su~d In ~ts ~d all at~aohed d~ ~d ~a~ ~sed on ~ndlvtd~ls. res~le for ob~nln~ the lngo~tton. I believe t~t ~e su~ltted Info,at,on ts t~e~acu~ate, and c~plete. ' JAMES BALDWIN, ~RODUCTION MANAGER . CITY OF BAKERSFIELD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY NON - TRADE SECRET BUSINESS NAHE: THE wAx shop OWNER NAME: JESS R. WINTERS NAME OF THIS'"FACILITY:TNR WAY LOCATION: 5441 ALDRIN C~II~ ADDRESS: 5312 CAMERON COURT · STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: 3998 CITX, ZIP: BAKERSFIELD~ CA 9331 3 CITY, ZIP:. BA~F.R.~PT~.Y.D: O_A 9330q DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER/FEDERAl. PHONE #. 805-3~7-~274 PHONE .#: 805-834-3449 95-- 37_0 -3.0~3_._ REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPER CODES i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Trans Type Max Average Annua/ MeasUre *'# Days Cont Cont Cont Use Location Where %.~ Name~ of M/xt. ure/~Onez~.ts Code. Code Amt Am1: ' Amt Units on Site T~(]~e Press Tem~ Cods Stored tn Factltt~/~c. , . See all that apply) - ' ' [~' Fire Razard [~ Sudden aeleeae ~ Reactivity [~ l~edtate ~/Delayod Component J 2 Same ~ C.&.S. ~umber of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Name & C.A.B. Number [~/~De Component .S Number of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Name & C.A.S. Number (Chaok ell.that apply) ~ ...... ~] Fire Hazard [] Sudden Release [21 Reactivity [] Ilm~ediate ~Delayed Component # 2 Name & coAoso Number of Pressure ~ealth Health Component i 3 Name & C.A.S. Number [~/ Fire Hazard ~ Sudden Release [] Reaottvlty ~ I~mmdlate [~Delayed Component J 2 Same & ff.l.B. Number of Pressure Health Health Component J 3 Name a C.A.S. Number EMERGENCY CONTACTS #IJAMES BALDWIN: D~qf~IICTTC~ Ma~ -_~ #2 JF, S.q ~_ WTNT~..~_' ~W.~.~ R~a=~44g .* Certification (READ AND SIGN AFTER. COMPLETING ALL SECTIONS) z ~ertlfy under Pesnlty of law tha~ I hayer personally examined end am familiar with the Information submitted in l~his aild all atta0hed donuhen~ and ~hat baaed on individuals responsible for obtaining the tnfoL~ation. I believe that the submitted information ia true, a~ate, and complete. { JAMES BALDWIN, PRODUCTION MANAGER -~'~ NAHg AND OEPI. C~J~ T~TI~ OF t;WRER/OPKRATOR OR OWNER/OPHRATOR'8 AU~%IORlZ~D Rg~Ek"I:A.TiVE ~'J~C.~A/'URE ~ [~] '--~'Farm and Agriculture ~ Standard Business Pag f NON - TRADE SECRET BUSINESS NAME: THE wAx sHop OWNER NAME: JESS R. WINTERS NAME OF THIS"FACILITY:THF. W~ LOCATION: 5441 ALDRIN COTI~T ADDRESS: 5312 CAMERON COURT . STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: 3998 - CITY, ZIP.' BAKERSFIELDt CA 9331 3 CITY, ZIP:. BA~fR~.qPTF.?.D: CA q2~0q DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER/FEDERAl. ID PHONE ~: 805-397-5274 PHONE .#: 805-834-3449 9~_ 37_Q. -3~23_ ._ REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPER CODES i 2 3 4, 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 13 14' Trane T~pe Max Average Annual Heasure # Days Cent Cent Cent Use Location Where % by ]{ames of M/xture/C'"~pOnen.te Code Code Amt Amt Amt Units on site Press Cods Stored in Faciltt~ 'wt See Instructions . all that apply) of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Name & C.A.S. Number / · 0 (Cheek all that apply) ~ rite Hazard [] Sudden Release ~ Reaotivity [] I~.ediste ~slsyed Component # 2 ]{ams & C.A.S. ]{umber of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Name & C.A.S. Number (Cheak all.that apply) ~_,*re Hazard [] Sudden Release ~- l{eac,iVi~y ~ :Immediate ~Delayed ' Component # Z Name & C.A.S. l~,mber O ' · of Pressure Realth Health Component ~ 3 Name & C.A.S. Number · (Check all that apply) Component ~ 2 ]{ams ~ C.A.S. ~u'~ber ~ Fire Hazard ~ Sudden Release ~ Reactivity ~ I~ediate ~ Delayed of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 N~me & C.A.S. Number E~ERGENCX CONTACTS #1JAMES BALDWIN. P'~c)r}[IC*TTC~ M~9_ ~ ~2 ,'[EEE ~_ WINT~.9~_' ~W~.9 Name Title 24 Hr. Phone ]{ams Title 24 Hz Certt~lcat/on (READ AND SIGN AFTER. COMPLETING ALL SECTIONS) · ~ cert~f~ ~nder peanlty of law that I hayer personally examined and am familiar w~th the ~nfozmat~on submitted ~n this and sll attached do~ttments and that based on ~ 4"q~iry of ~ndiv~dumls resporm~ble for obtain~ng the ~nforma~ion. I believe that ~he submitted ~n£ormation ~s true, and JAMES BALDWIN, PRODUCTION MANAGER 1~ &SD C~FZCIAI, ~1'1I'1,~ OF Ot, lt,~R/OPERA:Z"OR OR Ob/HER/OPERA.TOll'S AUTHOI~I. ZED REPRE~EITI~%.TZVz~ / S.,~GttA/~llg DA/'S 8ZGI4ED CITY OF BAKERSF I ET-D [~] ~--~'F~rm and agrtcultur.~-- Standard Busines. ., Pag NON - ~E SEC~T BUSINESS N~ THE wAx SHOP OWNER N~= JESS R. WINTERS LOCATION~ 5441 ALDRIN COU~ ~D~SS= "5'312 CAMERON COURT ST~D~ IND. CLASS CODE~ 3998 CITY, ZIP= BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 CITY, ZIP: BA~TRLD: ~A q~q DUN ~D B~ST~ET N~BER/FEDE~ PHONE ~ 805-~7-5274 PHONE.~' 805-834-3449 ~R ~ INS~U~IONS FOR PROPER ~DES ~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Tr~s ~e ~ Average ~nual Meas~e ~ Da~ Con~ Con~ Cone Use Location Where % ~ ~S of ~ture/C~e~ts C~o C~e ~ ~t ~t , Untts o~ Site ~ Press Tem~ Code Stored ~n Factllt~ Componen~ 9 2 ~ FIr. ~az=d ~ Budden ~leas. ~ R.ct~vtty ~ I~tat. ~ Delay~ of Preasu~ H~lth Health ComponenC ~ 3 N~ & C.A.S. N~er (C~ok all t~ apply) (Cheek all.t~ apply) t ........... 1~ Haz=d ~ Sudden ~leasa ~ R,c~tvtty ~ l~late ~elay~ of P~aure H~lth H~lth Compon~t J 3 NaM & C.A.S. N~er (Cheok all ~ apply) ~ Ft, Haz=d ~ Sudden ~leaa. ~ R.c~ivity ~ I~lat. ~Delay~ Component [ 2 of Pressure a~lth a~lth Co~on~t I 3 E~R~ENC~ CONTACTS ~IJAMES BALDWIN. PRODI/C~T~ ~C~_ ~ %2 .TRSS R~ WT~m~_' ~W~ R~4_~Ad~. : N~ TItle 24 ~. Phone N~e Title 24 c~tl~t~ (~ ~D SIGN ~TER ~MPLETING ~L SECTIONS ) ~ oer~fy ~der p~nlty of 1~ t~t I ~ver ~rs~ally ~tn~ ~d ~ f~ll~ with ~he info,etlon subtend tn hdlvtd~ls ~ss~le i~ ob~i~n~ the inf~tion. I believe t~t ~s suited tniomation ts ta~, aco~ate~ a~ c~plate. JAMES BALDWIN, PRODUCTION MANAGER C I'I~Y Ot~' BAKERSFIELD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY fl-~'~'Farm and Agriculture ~ Standard Business .. Page/_~_of NON - TRADE SECRET BUSINESS NAME: THE wAx shop OWNER NAME: JESS R. WINTERS NAME OF THIS"'FACILITY:THF. Wh~ .q~oP.- - LOCATION.- 5441 AI,DRIN COURT ADDRESS.- 531 2 CAMERON CQUt~T . STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: 399a CITY, ZIP.' BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 CITX, ZIP: BAKER.qPTRT,D: CA 933.qq DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER/FEDERAl. ID # PHONE #.' 805-397-5274 PHONE .#:' 805-834-3449 95-- - 37_0 -3_0~.3_._ REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPER CODES .. I 2 3 4 5 6 . ., ? 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Trane Type Max Average ~%nnual Heaeure # Days Cent Con~. Cent Use Location Where % by Namea of Mlxtnre/Co~l~nenf. e Cod. Cod. Amt Amt Amt Un/ts on site ~_ Press ' T~ Code Stored tn Factllt, ,~c See Instruction. . ~ F:Lro Hazard J~ Sudden Roleame ~ RexctSvity [] Innediate ~Delayod Component # :2 H~ t C.A.S. Hun~er of Pressure Health Health Component # 2 Hame & C.A.S. ~umber / Phystoal and Health Hazard C.A.a. Humber ~0 . ' ~ . Component # 1 ~ame & C.A.S. Number .' ~Check al1 thai; apply, of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Name & C.A.a. Number / (Check all.i;hai; apply) ~ ~ v · · Component f 2 Name i C.A.a. Number Ire Hazard [] Sudden Release ~ Reaoi;tvtty ~ I~ediate ~ Delayed of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Name & C.A.S. Number - Physical and Reslth Baza~d(check all that apply, C.A... Humber ~ f ~ ~q"- d0-- O Component, I Na~e &_CoA.S.S~_ ~/'~/Number X ~~ ~ Fire Hazard ~ Sudden Releaae [] Reactivity ~ lmee~tate ~/Delayed Component # 2 Name & C.A.S. Number of Preeeure Health Health Component ~ 3 Name & C.A.S. Number EFIERGENC¥ CONTACTS #I~T~MES BALDWIN. PROD[ICTTf~M MC.~ -_~_~9.=~.~.~-_ #2 JE.q.q R_ WT~T'R.'~R_' c~WN'a.~ aq&_qa&q ..... ; Hame Title 24 Hr. Phone Name Title 24Hr certiflcatiun (READ AND SIGN AFTER. COMPLETING ALL SECTIONS) ! oerttfy under peanlty of law that I hayer personally examined end am £amllier with the information submitted tn ~hie end all attached docamente and thai; baaed on my ~nquiry of thoa'~ illdividtlala responsible for obtaining the Information. I believe that the submitted Information is true, acourate, and co.plate. . JAMES BALDWIN, P. RODUCTION MANAGER ~ CITY OF BAKERSF I ET-D HAZARDOUS MATERIALS IN~ENTORY NON - TRADE SECRET BUSINESS NAME: THE wAx sHop OWNER NA~E: JESS R. WINTERS NAHE OF THIS"'FACILITY:TFIF. WA~ .qNC)~ · LOCATION: 5441 ALDRIN CO[IRT ADDRESS: 5312 CAMERON COURT · STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: 3998 CITY, ZIP: BAKERSFIELDe CA 9331 3 CITY, ZIP:. BA~FJ?RVTF. T.D: CA -- PHONE #: 805-397-5274 PHONE .#: 8QS-R_~4-344g 95_ 37_0_-3~)~_3_ _ Pi;FEB TO INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPER CODES ' Trans Type Max Average Annual Measure # Days Conk Conk Conk Use Locak$on Where Names of Mixture/Components cods Code Amk Ami Amt Un,ts on s~ke Type Press Tem~ Cod~ Stored ~n Fac~l~t~ Spa F~re Hazard ~ Sudden Release ~ Reactivity ~ I~ed~ate [--]/Delayed of Pressure Health Health Componen~ # 3 Name & C.A.a. Number Physical and Health Hazard C.A.a. Number ' . Component # 1 Name & C.A.S. Number (Cheok all that al~ply) ~ Fire Hazard [] Sudden Release ~-~ Reaokiviky [] I~ediate ~/Delayed Component; ~ 2 Name & C.A.a. Number of Presaure Health Health Componen~ # 3 Name & C.A.a. Number and Bealkh Hazard, C.A.a. Number / ~--I-- ~/' 3 Componenk # I Name, .C~.A.Sm Number : Component # 2 Name & C.A.S. Number l' ~re Bazard ~ Sudden Release [-~ Reao~iv~y ~-~ I,ed~ate ~Delayed ' · · of Pressure Health Health Componenk J 3 Name & C.A.a. Number (Chenk all that apply) ~ Fire llazard ~ Sudden Release ~ Renok$vit]~ ~ Iw.ed~ake ~DDelayed Componenk # 2 ~ame , C.A.S. Humber of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Name & C.A.a. Number EHERGENCX CONTACTS #1JAMES BALDWIN. D~?(~D[;CTTm~ ~c~ 589-5559 #2JF. R.q ~_ WTNT~.~..q;' mW~-~ : Nam8 ' Title : 24 Hr. Phone Name Tit;la 24 Hr carti~icatio~ (READ AND SIGN AFTER. COMPLETING ALL SECTIONS) certify under ~eanlky of law that I hayer personally examined and am familiar with the ~nforma~on submitted in this and all akka~hed documents and that; based on my lu~uir~ of those ~Qdiv~duals responsible for obka~n~n~ the ~n£ox~al;~on. I believe that; the submi~ted ~n£ormation ~a true, ~urake, and c~mple%e. ~ A~qD O~F~C~ ~TLE OF OWN~R/O~ERATOR OR OWNBR/O~ERA~OR S ArC, lOB/ZED I~:%1L~E/T/~TZV~E DATK ~"Farm and Agriculture ~ Standard Business .. Pag f NON- TRADE SECRET BUSINESS NAME.. THE WAX shop OWNER NAME.' JESS R. WINTERS NAME OF THIS"'FACILITY:THP. WAY LOCATION'. 5441 ALDRIN Cf)Tl~'P ADDRESS'. 5312 CAMERON COURT ST~D~ IND. CLASS CODE~ 3998 CIT~, ZIP~ BAKERSFIELD~ CA 93313 CITY, ZIP:. RA~WT~LD~ ~A 9~q~ DUN ~D B~ST~ET N~BER/FEDE~ PHONE %~ 805-397-S274 PHONE .~ 805-834-3449 ~ 27~ -3~_ _ ~R ~ INS~U~IONS FOR PROPER ~DES ~ 2 3 4 5 6 . ., 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Tr~s ~e ~ Average ~nual Meas~e J Days Cent Cent Con~ USe Location ~ere % by N~s of M~ture/C~nents C~e C~e ~ ~ ~t Units o~ S~te Press Code Stored in Fac~11t~ ' See I~struc~ons , all t~t apply) Component ~ 2 ~ ~ C.A.S. ~ Ft~ Hazed ~ Sudden ~leaae ~ R~ctivtty ~ I.~iato ~ Delay~ of Pressure H~lth Health Co~onen~ ~ 3 N~ & C.A.S. N~er Ph~oal and H~lth ~rd C.A.B. N~ Componen~ ~ I N~ & C.A.S. N~ (C~ok all t~ appl~) Co~onent ~ 2 N~ & C.A.S. ~ Fire ~z~d ~ Sudden ~lease ~ R~lvtty ~ I~late ~ Delay~ ' of Pressure H~lth H~lth Co~on~t ~ 3 N~ & C.A.S. Nu~ Ph~ioal and H~lth ~zard& C.A.8. N~er Component ~ i N~ & C.A.S, N~ (Che~k a11.~ apply) . · Co~on~t ~ 2 N~ i C.A.S. N~er l Hazed ~ 8,dden ~lease ~ R,otivity ~ I,~iate ~ Delay~ Of Pressure H~lth H~lth Compon~t ~ 3 N~ & C.A.S. N~ Ph~tcal and R~lth ~za~ C.A.B. N~er Componen~ J 1 N~ & C.A.S. (Cheek all t~ apply) Compon~ J 2 N~ & C.A.B. of Pressure H~lth H~lth Co~on~ [ 3 N~ a C.A.S. N~ E~RGENC~ CONTACTS ~iJAMES BALDWIN. P~ODIICTT~ ~C~: ~ ~2 ,TE~E ~_ WT~_' ~W~ R~449 N~ Title 24 ~. Phone N~e Title 24 ~ Pho~ c~zi~ (~ ~D SIGN ~TER. COMPLETING ~L SECTIONS) I o~tify ~der ~nlty of law t~t I hayer ~ra~ally ~in~ ~d ~ f~li~ with the info~ation su~itted in ~is ~d all attaOhed d~en~ ~d ~at ~aed on ~ ~ of ~ose ~ivid~ls res~le f~ ob~l~ug ~he info~tion. I believe that ~e audited lnfo~atlon is t~e, acetate, and c~plete. 08/18/92 THE WAX SHOP 215-000-000689 OCT f0 7992 e 1 Overall Site with 1 Fac. Unit General Information ~ Location: 5441ALDRIN CT A Map: 123 Hazard: Moderate I Community: BAKERSFIELD STATION 13 Grid: 15D F/U: 1AOV: 0.0 Contact Name Title Business Phone 24-Hour Phone] JESS R. WINTERS OWNER (805) 397-5274 x (805) 834-3449! BOB MIERS OPERATIONS MANAGER (805) 397-5274 x (805) ~-t¥~/~z3q~ Administrative Data Mail Addrs: 5441ALDRIN CT #A,B,C,D,E,F D&B Number: City: BAKERSFIELD State: CA Zip: 93313- Comm Code: 215-013 BAKERSFIELD STATION '13 SIC Code: 3998 Owner: JESS R. WINTERS Phone: (805) 397-5274 Address: 5312 CAMERON CT State: CA ' City: BAKERSFIELD Zip: 93313- Summary 08/18/92 THE WAX SHOP 215-000-000689 Page 24 00 - Overall Site <D> Notif./EvaCuation/Medical <1> Agency Notification IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY INVOLVING THE RELEASE OR THREATENED RELEASE OF A HAZARDOUS MATERIAL, CALL 911 AND 1-800-852-7550 OR 1-916-427-4341. THIS WILL NOTIFY THE LOCAL FIRE DEPARTMENT AND THE STATE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES. Also see attachment A and B <2> Employee Notif./Evacuation NOTIFICATION WITHIN SITE LOCATION WILL BE DONE BY INTERCOM, INTER FACILITY PHONE OR MESSENGER IF NECCESSARY. EVACUATION PROCEEDURES ARE AS PER TWS SAFETY TRAINING PROGRAM AND PER FACILITY DIAGRAMS AND SITE DIAGRAMS. Also see attachment B <3> Public Notif./Evacuation THE EMERGENCY RESPONSE COORDINATOR OR CORPORATE OFFICIAL WILL CALL 911 AND 1-800-852-7550 OR 1-916~27-4341 AND NOTIFY THE FIRE DEPARTMENT OF ANY PUBLIC EVACUATION NEEDED. <4> Emergency Medical Plan FOR MEDICAL TREATMENT CALL VALLEY INDUSTRIAL MEDICAL GROUP (805) 327-2225 OR MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN ~ei)ortinga~d Notification 1. In the event of a fire or a spill, release or threatened release, regardless of size, involving a hazardous material, the event will be reported immediately to tile senior production person in the facility. 2. The senior production person ~i.ll determine if the fire or spill/ release or threatened release is reportable. If it is determined to be reportable this person will immediately report the fire, release or spill to the emergency response agency by calling 911. lie/She ~ill also notify the administering agency. The information to be given to the emergency response agency is contained on the poster adjacent to the telephone at the emergency response center. The emergency response team and a production management person will be notified, if not already present. ~litigation 1. Coincident ~ith reporting, emergency response team members will. immediately commence cleanup and containment of the fire, spill or release and carry out all necessary action to mitigate the fire or release in accordance ~ith their instructions and the written procedures. Evacuation 1. Should ].t become necessary to evacuate ~he facility, the order ~]ll be given via the intercom or the bullhorn that is stored in ~he emergency response equipment room. 2. Upon receiving the order to evacuate, employees will shut down their machines and immediately proceed to the nearest exit as per attached plans. 3. All employees ~ill report to the unpaved area on the east side (see attached map) of the building. 4. A Senior management person ~qill account for all employees following the evacuation in order to ensure that all personnel have safely exited the premises. Emergency Response Plan Page 2 Emergency Response Assistance 1. The members of the emergency response team will stand by to assist the emergency response agency and offer the benefit of their special knowledge of the facility and its contents. 2. The following members of the production management will stand by to offer technical advice to the emergency response agency personnel if neccessary. a. Sherry Matteucci b. Bob Miers c. John Satterlee Medical Assistance 1. All employees affected by exposure to the hazardous materials released during the spill/release or injured from the fire should be transported to the hospital, which is the most appropriate facility for treatment of chemical-related injuries. A copy of the appropriate MSDS should accompany the affected person(s) to the hospital. 2. The following staff members are trained in First Aid and CPR: a. Diaue Rosales ' b. Cathy Carlson c. Sherry Matteucci ~ EMERGENCY REPORTING OF A RELEASE OR A THREATENED RELEASE EMERGENCY RESPONSE AGENCY 911 OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES 1-800-852-7550 1-916-427'4341 INFORMATION TO BE REPORTED: 1. The exact location of the release or threatened release. 2.-The name,, of the person r'eporting the release or. threatened releas0. 3. The hazardous materials involved in the release or threatened release. 4. An estimate,of the quantity of:hazardous materials involved. 5. If known, the poten~t!al hazards presented by the hazardous material involved in the release or threatened release. HMMP PLA~Ii MAP SITE DIAGRAM [~] FACILITY DIAGRAM gus 2ness }Iame: THEf WAX SHOP Ar~a Ha.= = I of --//_~' ~r-.h l~lame o~ Ar~-a:5441 A~dr~n Bu~£d~ng I and r See Attached 08/18/92 THE WAX SHOP 215-000-000689 Page 25 00 - Overall Site <E> Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt <1> Release Prevention ALL OR ANY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ARE STORED IN APPROPRIATE CONTAINERS (STEEL DRUMS) OR TANKS. ALL PRODUCTS ARE KEPT ACCORDING TO COMPATABILITY OR REACTIONARY SEPARATION. " -" '. ALL DEPARTMENT PROCEDURES ARE ACCORDING TO LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. All chemicals are inspected' in receiving and properly placed on pallets for storage in a designated area. All flammables are grounded. Storage areas are inspected daily for leaks. <2> Release Containment Coincident with reporting, emergency response team members will immediately commence cleanup and containment of the spill or release. Cobra coil will be used to contain a release by making a dam to hold it from spreading. <3> Clean Up SMALL SPILLS IF~'ANy WILL BE HANDLED BY E~ERGENCY RESPONSE MEMBERS . AND LARGE SPILLS IF ANY, WILL BE HANDLED BY TWO PERSONNEL AND KERN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE AND K.E.S. WILL BECOME PRIMARY AUTHORITY FOR HANDLING AND DISPOSAL. Small spills after being contained will be pumped into salvage drums stored in the emergency response equipment room and disposed of as hazardous waste. <4> Other Resource Activation 08/18/92 THE WAX SHOP 215-000-000689 Page 26 00 - Overall Site <F> Site Emergency Factors <1> Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - NORTHEAST CORNER 5441ALDRIN CT. UNIT A B) ELECTRICAL - NORTHEAST CORNER (SAME) C) WATER - NORTHEAST CORNER (SAME) D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO <3> Fire Protec./Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - ALL BUILDINGS ARE EQUIPPED WITH AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS AND APPROPRIATE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. FIRE HYDRANT - ALDRIN CT. IN FRONT OF BUILDING 2. <4> Building Occupancy Level 08/18/92 THE WAX SHOP 215-000-000689 Page 27 00 - Overall Site <G> Training <1> Page 1 WE HAVE 25 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE 1) POSTING OF NOTICES AND SIGNS INCLUDING NOTICE FURNISHED BY~ THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR. , 2) TRAIN ALL EMPLOYEES AND NEW EMPLOYEES BEFORE INITIAL ASSIGNMENT, WHENEVER A NEW HAZARD IS INTRODUCED AND A REFRESHER COURSE ON THE FOLLOWING: A) REQUIREMENTS OF THE H.C. STANDARD. B) ANY OPERATIONS IN THEIR WORK ARE WHERE HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS ARE PRESENT. C) SAFETY EQUIPMENT REQUIRED. D) LOCATION AND AVAILABILITY OF HAZARD COMMUNICATION PROGRAM AND MSDS SHEETS. E) LABELING SYSTEM (HMIS) FOR HAZARDS AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT (VIDEO). F) PREVENTION, MINIMIZING AND CLEAN UP PROCEDURES FOR HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS. G) EVACUATION PLANS AND EMERGENCY PLANS. 3) COMPLETE DOCUMENTATION OF ALL TRAINING. 4) Injury and illness prevention program incorporated. <2> Page' 2 as needed <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use CITY OF BAKERSFIELD IIAZ/~,IX)US MATERIALS INVENTORY Farm and Agriculture [] Standard Business .. Page / of~ NON - TPu%DE SECRET BUSINESS N;~E: THE WAX SHOP OWNER N~/~E: JESS R. WINTERS NAME OF THIS'FACILITY: THE WAX SHOP LOCATION: 5441 ALDRIN CT. ~J)DRESS: 5312 CAMERQN CT. . STAND~u~D IND. CLASS CODE:3998 CITY, ZIP: RAK~R~FTFI~: ~A 9~1~ CITY, ZIP: na~r~T~ ~ ra ~A9 DUN ~D B~ST~ET NUMBER/FEDE~ ID PHONE ~: (805) ~o~ ~27'. PHONE.~' ,~ ............ - - · ~R ~ INSTRU~IONS FOR PROPER ~DES Tr~e ~e ~ Average ~nual Measure ~ Days Cont Cont Cont Use Location Where N~s o[ H~ture/C~nents Cods C~e ~t ~t " ~t Un,ts on Site Press Cods Stored tn Facility See Instructions m~cal and H~lth Hazard C.A.S. ~u~or ~/~ Component f 1 Na~ & C.A.S. N~ of Pressure H~lth Health Component ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.S. '" Co~onent ~ 2 N~ & C.A.S. N~er Of Pressure B~lth ~lth Co~onent ~ 3 N~ & C.A.S. N~er  of Pressure Health Health Como . ~ ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.B. N~er  a Component ~ 2 Na~ & C.A.S. of Pressure Health Health Co~onen~ ~ 3 N~ & C.A.B. N~er E~RGENC~ CONTACTS $1 ROBERT D. HIERS OPERATIONS MGR 588-1'428 ~2 JESS R WINTERS OWNER' 83fl-Jarl9 ~ Title 24 ~. Phone N~e ~1%1~ 24 ~ ~hon~ c~if~ca=~o. (~ ~D SIGN AFTER. COMPLETING ~L SECTIONS) I certify ~der p~nlty of law that I hayer ~reonally ~in~ ~d ~ f~l~ w~th the ~nfo~at~on submitted ~a ~s ~d all attached d~ents ~d ~nd~v~d~ls res~ble for obtaining the ~nfo~t~on. I believe tha~ the su~tted ~nfo~at~on ~s t~e, aco~ate, and c~ple%e. ; ROBERT O. M:IERS OPERATIONS MANAGER ~ 10-16-92 CITY OF BAKERSF I ET.D HAZAIU)OUS MATERIALS Farm and ~lcul2u~e ~ S2andard Bus,ness ., Pa~e~ f/~ NON - ~E SEC~T BUSINESS N~ IHE WAX SNOP OWNER N~ JESS R. WINTENS N~ OF THIS'"FACILITY: THE WAX SHOP LOCATION~ 5a41 ~[DRIN Cl. ~D~SS: 5312 CAM[RON Cl. . ST~D~ IND. CLASS CODE~ CITY, ZIP: RAKFR~FIFI D: ~a 95~]5 CITY, ZIP~ na~FRSTT~ n; Pa ~5~Aq DUN ~D B~ST~ET NUMBER/FEDE~ ID ~R ~ INSTRU~IONS FOR PROPER ~DES Tr~s ~e ~ Average ~nual Measure ~ Days Cont Cont Cont Uss Location Where N~s of M~ture/Com~e~s Code C~e ~t ~t '' ~t Un,ts on Site Code Stored ~n Fac~lit See Instruct~ons  (Check all t~t epply) (Check all that ,ppl,) ' ' ' & ~7~2-qF' ~ of Pressure H~lth H~lth Co~onent ~ 3 N~ i C.A.B. N~er  ' . of Pressure H~lth H~lth Component ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.B. N~er Physical and ~lth Bazard C.A.B. N~er ~/~ Componen~ ! 1 ~ i C.A.a. N~er (Check all t~t apply) ~7/~--~-- ~ Component ~ 2 Na~ ~ C.A.B. N~er of Pressure H~lth H~lth Co~onent ] 3 N~ & C.A.S. N~er E~R~ENCX CONTACTS ~1 R08ERI 0. MIER5 0PERAIION5 MG~ 588-1'428 %2 JESS R WINTERS 0WNSR N~ Title 24 ~. Phone N~e Title 24 ~ Phonu Ce,,"tc,~o, (~ ~O SIGN AFTER. COMPLETING ~L SECTIONS) ' · X ~ezt~fy ~4er p~nlty of law that I hayer ~rsonally ~tn~ and ~ f~ll~ w~th the ~nfo~at~on .u~tt~ed ~n ~s ~d all attmohed d~ents ~d ~at ~.e4 ~ndtv~dua~s =es~ble for ob~n~.~ ~he ~nfo~t~on. I believe ~hat the .u~tted ~nfo~atton ~s t~e, acu~ate, and ROBERT O. H:IERS OPERATIONS MANAGER . 10-16-92 H~ ~D ~FIC$~ TI~ OF ~NB~OP~R OR ~NB~OP~R'8 AVI~ZEU ~'~TIVE 5IG~ DA~R CITY OF BAtiERSF I ELD HAZ~US NATERIAL-~ INVENTORY ~ Farm and Agriculture [] Standard Business Page 3 o£/~ NON - TRADE SECRET BUSINESS NAHE: THE WAX SHOP OWNER NAME: 3ESS R. WINTERS NA/4E OF THIS'FACILITY: THE WAX SHOP LOCATION: 5441 AtDRIN CT. ADD,SS: 5312 SAMERQN CT. STANDi~ IND. CLASS CODE: 3998 CITY, ZIP: RAKFR~FIFIr): cA 9~1~ CITY, ZIP: ~a~q~-~n, ra q-~-~n9 DUN AND BRADSTP~EET NUMBER/FEDERAL ID PHONE #~ t~n~% xa~ ~o~,, PHONE.#~' ,on:% ....... ,.n - - ~R TO INS~U~IONS FOR PROPER ~DES I 2 3 4 5 6.. ., 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 14 . Tr~ ~e ~ Average ~nual Measure J Dsys Cont Cont Cont Use Location Where f by N~e of ~ture/C~nents Code C~e ~ ~t "* ~ Units on Site ~e Press Tem~ Code Stored tn Facility ~ / ~ See u I/ ool I ooo I GAL J ~6S kg/ l I 4 I¢ l BLDG. 1, SEC. D, E, F ~ ~a~m~&/~.~-/~ .... Ph~i*al and R~lth Hazard C.A.8. N~er ~{~ Component ! 1 N~ & C.A.S. N~er ~ X/~ /~OXd~ (Check all tha~ apply) ~ 7~' ~' ~ .-, & - ~ Fire Haz~d ~ Sudden ~lease ~ R~cttvtty ~ I~iate elay~ /~{.~_ / / of Pressure H~lth Health Co~onent ~ 3 N~ & C.A.S. /.  " of Pressure Health Health Component [ ] Na~ & C.A.S. Of Pressure H~lth Health Co~onent ~ 3 N~ & C.A.B. N~er ~0'~[ ~ ~': E~RGENC~ CONTACTS ~1 ROBERT O. MIERS OPERATIONS MGR 588-1428 ~2 0ESS R WINTERS OWNER ~34-3449 H~ Title 24 ~. Phone N~e Title 24 ~ Phone Csrtiflca~ion (~ ~D SIGN AFTER. COMPLETING ~L SECTIONS) ~ certify ~de~ p~nlty of law that ~ hayer ~raonally ~in~ ~d ~ f~lll~ with the tn[o~ation aubmitted in this ~d all attauhed d~ta ~d ~a~ ~sed on ln~ividuals res~ible ~or obtainin~ the lnfo~tion. I believe that the su~itted info~ation is t~e, acc~ate, and u~ple~e. R08ERT O,' ~iERS 0P~T~0N5 M~N~GER 10-16-92 CITY OF BAKERSF I ET.I) IIAZARDOUS NATERIALS INVENTORY Farm and Agriculture [] Standard Business .. Page ~ NON - ~IADE SECRET BUSINESS NAIiE: TNE WAX SMOP OWNER N/h~IE: JESS R. WINTERS NAME OF THIS"FACILITY: TH~ W~X LOCATION: 5441 ALDRIN CT. ~D~SS: 5312 CAMERON CT. ST~DA~ IND. CLASS CODE: ~998 CITY, ZIP: RAKFR~FI[I D~ ~ 9~]~ CITY, ZIP: Ra~q~T~ n pa g~0~ DUN ~D B~ST~ET NUMBER/FEDE~ ID PHONE ~: (805) 397-.527'~ PHONE.~' (805) ~34 3'~'~9 --- ~R TO INS~U~IONS FOR PROPER ~DES Tr~s ~e ~ Average ~nual Measure ~ Days Cost Cost Cost Use Location Where N~s of M~ture/C~nents Code C~e ~t ~t '" ~t Units on Site Press Tomp Cods Stored tn Facility See Instructions and H~lth Hazard C.A.S. Nu~er I//W Component , I Ns, & C.A.S. N~ Ph~cal Component { 2 N~ & C.A.S. N~er of Pressure H~lth Health Component ~ 3 Ha~ & C.A.8. W~tT~ '" ~ Co.orient ~ 2 Na~ ~ C.A.8. of Pressure H~lth H~lth Co~onent ~ 3 ~a~ & C.A.B. N~er ~0 J &l~Om J GAL I~ BLDG. I SEC D F ~ Fire Hazed ~ 8,dden Release ~ R~cttvlty ~ l~6iate ~Delay~ /~ ~_~-~ ' of Pressure Health Health Component ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.S. Physical and H.lth Hazard C.A.S. N~or F/.~ &/l~A component [ i N-- & C.A.B. (Check all t~t apply} ~ ~ 7~ ~ ' ~' ~  Component ~ 2 N~ & C.A.8. N~er of Pressure H~lth H~lth Co~onent [ 3 N~ & C.A.S. E~RGENCX CONTACTS ~1 ROBERT O. MIERS OPERATIONS MGR 588-1428 ~2 JESS R WINTERS OWNER 834-~ N~ Title 24 ~. Phone N~ Titl~ 24 ~ Certifica~o. (~ ~D SIGN AFTER. COMPLETING ~L SECTIONS) I certify ~der p~nlty of law that ~ hayer ~rsonally ~in~ ~d ~ f~lli~ with the info~ation su~itted in this ~d all attached d~ents ~d ~at ~aed on ~ in~i~ of ~' lndivid~ls res~ible for obtaining the info~tion. I believe that ~ su~ltted info~ation is t~e, acc~ate, and c~plete. ' i ROBERT O.' MI'ERS OPERATIONS MANAGER , 10-16-92 CITY OF BAKERSF I ET-D t~Z~NDOUS ~h%~RIALS INVE~fORY Faz~u and Agriculture ~ Standard Business .. Page~of~ NON - ~E SEC~T BUSINESS N~ THE WAX SHOP OWNER N~ 3ESS R. WINTERS N~ OF THIS'FACILITY: THE WAX SHOP LOCATION~ 5~41 ALDRIN CT. ~D~SS: 5512 CANSRON CT. · ST~D~ IND. CLASS CODE, 3998 PHONE ~ (80~) ~77 ~27~ PHONE.~:.' (~gS) S~ ~'4'49 --- ' ~R TO INS~U~IONS FOR PROPER ~DES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1~ ~2 14 Tr~s ~e ~ Averaee ~nual Measure ~ Days Cent Cent Conk Use Location Where N~s of M~ture/C~nents Code C~e ~t ~t '' ~t U~its o~ Site ~e Press Temp Code Stored in Fac~lit~ See Instruct;  Component ~ 2 Of Pressure H~lth Health Compono Na~ & C.A.S. N~er (Chsok all tha~ apply) ~q of Press~re H~lth H~lth Co~onent ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.S. N~er ] 565 BLDG I SEC G~L Ph~ical and B~lth Raz.~ ... C.A.B. N~er .... & ~-~ ~- O component, (Check all~t~ apply) ~~ ~ ~a Co.shear ~ 2 re Hazed ~ Sudden Release ~ R~ct~vity ~ I~iate ' of Pressure Health H~lth Component ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.S. N~er ~ ~ J G~L 365 BLDG, i SEC D Physical and H.lth Hazard C.A.8. N~er ~&& ~ ZF- ~ Component B 1 N~ & C.A.S. N~er (Check all t~t  Component ~ 2 Na~ & C.A.8. N~er ~ Fir. Hazed ~ Sudden Relea.. ~R. ctivity ~.~iate ay~ .. of Pressure Health H~lth Co~onent ~ 3 N~ & C.A.B. N~er E~RGENCY CONTACTS ~1 ~08[~I 0. ~IS~S 0P[~IIONS MG~ 588-'1428 ~2 JESS ~ WINIE~S OWNER 8~a-~9 Nm Title 24 ~. Phone N~e Title 24 ~ Phon~ Certification (~ ~D SIGN AFTER. COMPLETING ~L SECTIONS} ' I ~ert~fy ~der p~nlty of law that I hayer ~rsonally ~n~ ~d ~ f~ll~ w~th the ~nfo~at~on su~ltted ~n th~s ~nd~v~duals res~ble for obta~n~n~ the ~nfo~t~on. I believe that the su~tted ~nfo~at~on ~s t~e, acc~te, and c~plete. ' ROB['RT ~. HI'ERS OPERATIONS HANAGER 10-16-92 N~ ~U ~FZC&~ TIT~ OF ~NE~O~R OR ~N~OP~E'~ A~I~RIZEU ~'~TLVE ~I~U~ DATK 810NE~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD HAZARDOUS ~h%~R I~LS Fargo and Agriculture ~ Standard Business .~ Page ~ NON - ~E SEC~T BUSINESS N~ THE WAX SHOP OWNER N~: 3ESS R'. WINTERS N~ OF THIS"FACILITY: THE WAX SHOP LOCATION~ 5441 A~ORIN Cl. ~D~SS: 5312 C~MERQN CI ST~D~ IND. CLASS CODE~ 3 ;98 CITY, ZIP~ BAK~RgFIEI D. CA gJ~]] CITY, ZIP~ ma~RgFT~ n Pa gzzno DUN ~D B~ST~ET N~BER/FEDE~ PHONE ~ (805) 397 ~27h PHONE,~' (805) ~'~ ~'~'~9 --- ~R ~ INS~U~IONS FOR PROPER ~DES Tr~s ~e ~ Average ~nual Measure I Days Cont Cont Cont Use Location Where % by N~s of M~tuze/C~nents Code C~e ~ ~t '" ~ U.it. on Site ~ Press Temp Code ,tored in ~.~ilit~ ~ Wt See Instructions Ph~ic,l and S~lth Hazard C.A.S. N~er /~/- ~3--~ Component ~ 1 Ha, & C.A.S. (Check all t~t ~tre ~az~d ~ Sudden ~elease ~cttvtty ~~tate ~ay~ Component , 2 ~ & C.A.S. ~er Of Pressurm H~lth Health Component ~ 3 Na~ ~ C.A.S. N~er of Pressure a~lth Health Co~on~nt I 3 N~ & C.A.S. N~er " of Pzesaure Health Health Component ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.B. N~er of Pressure H~lth H~lth Co~onent ~ 3 N~ & C.A.~. N~er E~RGENC~ CONTACTS ~1 ROBERT O. MIERS OPERATIONS MGR 588-i'428 ~2 JESS R WINTERS OWNER 834-3449 N~ Title 24 ~. Phone N~e Title 24 ~ Phone Cert~=.t*o. (~ ~D SIGN AFTER COMPLETING ~L SECTIONS) certify ~der p~nlty of law that I hayer ~rmonally ~n~ ~d ~ f~li~ w~th the ~nfo~at~on submitted ~n th~s ~d all attached d~ts ~ ~at ~sed on ~ ~n~ individuals res~ble for obta~niug the ~nfo~t~on. I believe that the su~tted ~nfo~at~on ~s t~e, accpaC, and ROBERI O. M:IERS OPERATIONS MANAGER 10-16-92 C T ~I~Y OF BAKERSFIELD I~ZARDOU$ MATERIALS INVENTORY ~ Fa~ and Agriculture ~ Standard Business .. Page~ of~ NON - ~E SEC~T BUSINESS N~ THE WAX SHOP OWNER N~: 3ESS R. WINTERS N~ OF THIS'FACILITY= THE WAX SHOP LOCATION~ 5441 ALDRIN CT. ~D~SS: 5~12 ~AMERQN CT, ST~DA~ IND. CLASS CODE~ 3998 CITY, ZIP~ RAKER~F~: ~a 9~1~ CITY, ZIP: ma~g~n ca ~znQ DUN ~D-B~ST~ET NUMBER/FEDE~ ~R TO INS~U~IONS FOR PROPER ~DES 1 2 3 4 5 6., .. 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 Tr~ ~e ~ Average ~nual Measure ~ Days Conk Conk Conk Use Location Where N~s of M~ture/C~nents Code C~e ~t ~ '*' ~t Un/ts on Site Press Code Stored tn Factltt~ See Instructions . 3 ~00 )65 BtOO 1 F Component ~ 2 N~ · C.A.a. of Preasure aal~h Health Component ~ 3 N~ . ~'~ IzO [ GAL [ ~65 ]0~ [ ] [ a ]/~[ BLDG. 1, SEC. D, E Ph~ioal and S~lth Hazard C.A.S. a~er /l~--~/'~ Co,ponsnt ~ I N~ & C.A.S. N~er {Cheek all tha~ appl~) --~ '" -- ~= Co.orient , 2 NB, & C.A.B. FAre Hazed ~ Sudden ~lease ~ R~ctivtty ~iate ~ Delay~ of Pressure H~lth Health Co~onent ~ 3 N~ & C.A.S. ~ ~OO 365 BLDG 1 SEC D F Component ~ 2 Na~ & C.A.8.  ' . of Pressure Health Health Component B 3 Na~ & C.A.~. N~er u J e' 13 01 /7 o j/=ooo BLDG 1 SEC D (Cheek all t~t apply] Component ~ 2 Na~ & C.A.B. N~er ~ Fire .az=d ~ Sudden Release ~ R,ctivit, ~ I=~*ate ~elay~ .... of Pressure Health Health Co,orient ~ 3 N~ & C.A.B. N~er E~RGENCX CONTACTS ~1 R08ERI D. MIEN5 0PE~IION5 MG~ 588-1a28 ~2 J555 R WINISR5 0WNSR 834- N~ Title 24 ~. Phone N~e Title 24 ~ Phon~ Cer~if~ca~o, (~ ~D SIGN AFTER. COMPLETING ~L SECTIONS) ~ ~ert~fy ~de= p~nl~y of law that I hayer ~rsonally ~n~ ~d ~ f~l~ w~th the ~nfo~at~on subm~ed ~n th~s ~d all attaohed :' lndlvld~ls rea~lble for obtaining the lngo~tton. I believe that ~e su~ltted lnfo~atton ts t~e, acc~ate, and c~plete. ' ' ; ROBE'RI O. MI'ERS OPERATIONS MANAGER 10-16-92' N~ ~D ~FICI~ TZ~ OF ~OP~R UR ~NB~UP~R'8 A~'~RIZEU ~F~'~TIVg 81GN~ DATg CITY OF BAKERSFIELD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY ~ Farm and Agriculture [] Standard Business .~ Page ~ of/' NON - ~q~ADE SECRET BUSINESS NAI~: THE WAX SHOP OWNER NAME.' JESS R'. WINTERS NAME OF THIS"FACILITY: THE WAX SHOP LOCATION.' 5441 AhDRIN CT. ADDI~ESS.. 5312 CAMERON CT. STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: 3998 CITY, ZIP: B~K~R_qFIFI n: P_a g~]~ CITY, ZIP: Ra~q~T~ n ca ~zn~ DUN AND BRADSTELEET NUMBER/FEDERAL iD PHONE #: (805) ~o~ ~o~,. PHONE,#:' ,o~ ............ - - · REFER TO INS~qlUC~IONS FOR PROPER (X)DES ! 2 3 4 5 6 , ? 8 9 10 !! 12 14 T~Fpe ~ Average Annual Measure # Days Cent Cent Cent Use Location Where H~e of Mtxture/Componeute Code Code Amt Amt ' Amt Units on Site Press Code Stored in Facilit~ See Instructions GAt ~65 BtDG. 1 SEC F Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number ~/~ Component # 1 Same & C.A.S. Number l(Cheok all that apply) De Component ~ 2 Name a C.A.S. Number Fire Hazard ~ Sudden Helease ~ Reactivity ~ I~ediate layed of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Name & C.A.S. Number Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number ~/~ Component # 1 Name & C.A.S. Number (Cheek all that epply) /~ F' &~' 7 '" ~ Component ~ 2 N~ & C.A.a. Number ~] Fire Hazard [~ Sudden ~eleaee [] Reactivity [] I.ediete..ley.d of Pressure H~alth Health Component # 3 Ha~ & C.A.a. Physleal and Health Hazard; ... C.A.a. Number ~'~/'~ Component # 1 Name & C.A.S, Nu~er ~ Fire Hazard ~ Sudden Release ~ Reactivity [] I~ediat. ~Delayed Component ~ 2 Name & C.A.a. Hu~er " . of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Hame & C.A.a. Nu~er Physical and Health Hazard C.A.a. ,umber / ~1~- ~"~ Component # 1 Hame , C.A.a. number ICheo~ e!l that mppiy) /~P~-~' 7 De Component ~ 2 Name a C.A.a. Muter ~ Fi~ ~aza~d ~ 8udd.n Relea.. [] Reactivity ~ Imnodiat. layed .. .. of Pressure Health Health Compo~ent f 3 Hame & C.A.H. Humor EMEROENC¥ CONTACTS #1 R08ERT D.. MISR5 OPERATIONS MCR 588-'1'~28 %2 3~55 a WINIERS .OWNER 8}~- N~ Title 24 ~. Phone N~e. Title 24 ~ ~n~ Cer~f~=,~o, (~ ~D SIGN AFTER. COMPLETING ~L SECTIONS) certify ~der p~nlty of law that I hayer ~rsonally ~in~ ~d ~ f~lllar with the Info.etlon su~itted in this ~d all attaohed d~ento ~d ~at ~ndivid~le ree~ble fo~ shrining ~he info~ion. ~ believe ~ha~ ~he su~i~ed ~nfo~a~on ~a ~e~ aco~a~e~ and c~ple~e. ' ROBERT O.M.IERS OPERATIONS MANAGER - 10-16-92 CITY OF BAI(ERSF T ELD IIAZAIll)0U$ P~TEIIIALS INVE~IIY [] Farm and Agriculture [] Standard Business Page NON - TRADE SECRET BUSINESS N/~E: THE WAX SHOP OWNER NP~E.- 3[SS R. WINTERS NP/~E OF THIS"FACILITY: THE WAX SHOP LOCATION: ~441 ALDRIN CT. ADDRESS: 5J12 CAMERO~ CT, STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: J998 CITY, ZIP:._ RAKFR~FTFI D: ~A 9~1~ CITY, ZIP.' Ra~q~IFI R~ CA o~no DUN AND BP~STREET NUMBER/FEDE~J%L ID PHONE · PHONE, : - - REFER TO INS~UCTIONS FOR PROPER CODES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll 12 14 Trane Type Max Average Annual Heasure # Days Cent Cent Cent Use Location Where Names of Mixture/Components Code C. ode Amt Amt '" Amt Units on Site Press Code Stored in Faoilit See Instructions [Physical and Health Hazard ' C.A.S. Number ~ ~7~- ~"- O Component f 1 Name & C.A.". Number e (Cheok all t~t epply) gq~J-- 9~ ~ ~/Ftro Hazaxd ~ Sudden Release ~ Reactivity ~ ln~ediate [~Delayed Component # 2 Hame ~ C.A.fl. Humber of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Hame ~ CoA.S. Humber u i . I I .o I n~[ I ~5 I , I ,,I/~1 B,0~. ~, SEC. D, E, Physt.al and Health Hazard C.A.B..umber & ~I~'/~' & Component /it 1 Hame , C.A.a. Humber (Check all that mpply) -'- ~ Component # 2 Hame & C.A.S. Humbe~ [~J Plre Sazerd [] Sudden Release ~ Reactivity [] lmediat...layed of Pressure Health Health Component B 3 Name & C.A.B. Number . (Check all,that apply) ' " ' [] -- r~ component ~ 2 Hame & C.A.a. Humber ! ~ Fire Hazard E] Sudden Release E1 Reactivity I~medtate L-~ Delayed ~ ' . of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 ~ame & C.A.a. Humber I I I I/ 1 SEC. 0,.E, Physioal and HeaAth Hazard C.A.a. Humber /~/~:~FF-. ~ &' ~-- component IlI 1 Hame & C.A.a. Humber (Check all that apply) / ~ ~/~:~ ~ &~ - 7 Component # 2 Hame &CoAoSo Humber ~ Fire Hazard ~ Sudden Release [] Reactivity ~ l~edlate ~D~layed .. of[ Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Name & C.A.B. Number EMERGENCY CONTACTS #1 ROBERT O. MIERS OPERATIONS MGR 588-"1'428 #2 0ESS R WINTERS OWNER 834-344 Name Title 24 Hr. Phone Hame Title 24 8x Phone · '. Certification (P, EAD AND SIGN AFTER. COMPLETING ALL SECTIONS) ! certify under peanlty of law that I hayer personally examined and am familiar with the Information submitted tn this and all attaohed documents and that based on my inquiry of thee 1ndtviduale responsible for obtaining the information. I believe that the submitted Information ts true, acourate, and ocmplete. i ROBERI 0. I~I'ERS OPERAIIONS ~ANA~ER 10-16-92 HAH~ AHD OFFICIAI~ TI//~ OF OWHER/OP~-qA/~H OR O~HHR/OPERA/~H'8 A~I'I~J~/ZEV llEPRF~F~TATIVE SI~A'I'U~ PATH / CITY OF BAKERSFIELD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVEN'I~RY Farm and Agriculture [] Standard Business .. Page~Oof NON - TRADE SECRET BUSINESS N~.. THE WAX SHOP OWNER N;~ME: 3ESS R.' WINTERS N~uME OF THIS"'FACILITY: THE WAX SHOR LOCATION.' 5a41 ALDRIN CT. ADD,LESS.. 5312 CAMERON CT. ST~D~ IND. CLASS CODE~ 3 ;98 CIT~, ZIP~ 8AKERSFI~ D. ~a 9~l~ CITY, ZIP~ 2D~D~T~ D. P~ 95~9 DUN ~D B~ST~ET NUMBER/FEDE~ ID PHONE ~ ~nn~ ~a~ ~,. PHONE.~' ~ o=,. ~ - - - ~R TO INS~U~IONS FOR PROPER ~DES 1 2 ~ 4 5 ~ .. ., 7 8 9 10 11 ~2 13 ~4 Tr~s ~e ~ Average ~nual Measure ~ Days Cent Cent Cent Use Location Where % by N~s of M~ture/C~nents Code C~e ~t ~t ' ~t Un,ts on S~te ~e Press Temp Code Stored ~n Fac~/~t~ / wt See Instructions__ of Pressure H~lth Health Componen~ ! 3 Na~ & C.A.S. ~er u I ,I/¢oo I ~&o I1~oooiGAL I 3651o~l ~ I 4 ItFIBLDG. 1, SEC. D, E, F ~ ~ror~l~&t] Ph~t..l and H~lth Hazard C.A.8. N~er ~/ ~ Component ~ I N~ & C.A.B. N~er fig ~Z/&~ ~eT~~ (Cheek all tha~ apply} ~q~2- '" ~ ~ ~ ~ Co~onen~ ~ 2 ~a~ S C.A.S. ~u~er ~ ~~W~/ff~ of Pressure H~lth Health Co~onent ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.8. N~er u I" I~o I =~o I~ool ~ 1~6~ 10il ~ I 4 I/gl~0~. ~. s~c. o, E, ~ ~ ~,l,t, la~,~e. Ph~ioal and S~lth Saza~; ... C.A.8. N~er (0 ] I ~ ~' &2 -- q Component ~ INa. S C.A.S. N~er (Check all~t~t apply) · '- - Co~onent ~ 2 Na~ & C.A.S.  ' of Pressure H~lth Health Component ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.B. N~er (Chs~k a~ t~ appl~) e Component ~ 2 .a~ S C.A.S. ~ Fire .arid ~ Sudden Release ~ R.cttvity ~ I~lat. lay~ ... .. of Pressure H~lth Health Co.orient ~ 3 N~ & C.A.S. N~er E~RGENCY CONTACTS ~1 a08Ea7 0. MIER5 0PER~IIONS ~aa ~88-1a28 ~2 JHS5 R WINIEa5 OWNER . N~ Title 24 ~. Phone N~e Title 2t ~ Phone Certification (~ ~D SIGN AFTER. COMPLETING ~L SECTIONS) I certify ~der p~nlty of law that I hayer ~rsonally ~i~ ~d ~ f~lll~ with the lnfo~atio~ submitted IR this ~d all attaohed d~enta ~d ~at ~sed o~ ~ An~i~ Andivld~ls res~ible for obtaining the lnfo~tion. X believe that the su~itted Anfo~ation is t~e, acc~ate, and u~plete. ; ROBE'RI O. MIERS OPERATIONS MANAGER . 10-16-92 R~ ~ ~FICI~ TAT~ OF ~N~OP~R OR ~NB~UP~R'8 AVI~ORAZEU ~P~TA'fAVE S~ ' DAT~ BIG~U CITY OF B2~I(E RSF I ELD ~AZARDOU-~ MATERIAL-~ INVENTORY ~ Farm and Agriculture [~ Standard Business .. Page I/ of/~ NON - T~ADE SECRET BUSINESS NAME: THE WAX SHOP OWNER NAME: 3ESS R'. WINTERS NAME OF THIS"'FACILITY: THE WAX SHOP LOCATION: 5441 ALDRIN CT. ADDRESS: 5312 CAMERON CT. STANDAI~D IND. CLASS CODE: 3999 CITY, ZIP: RAKFRSFTF~ D: RA 9~1~ CITY, ZIP: na~nnqn~n: n. na ~nQ DUN PHONE ~: (805) ~97 5274 PHONE,~:' (~95) ~4 ~'~4~ --- ' ~R TO INS~U~IONS FOR PROPER ~DES 1 2 3 4 5 6 . 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Tr~s ~e ~ Average ~nual Meas~e [ Days Cont Cont Cont Use Location Where % by N~s of M~ture/C~nents Code C~e ~t ~t '' ~t Units On Site ~pe Press Temp Code Stored tn Factl~t~ / ~ See Instructions of Pressure H~l~h Health Component ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.S. N~er of Pressure H~lth ~lth Co~onent ~ 3 N~ & C.A.B~N~er j of P=essure Health H~lth Component J 3 Na~ & C.A.B. N~er Physical and ..lth Hazard C.A.B. N~er 7 ~' ~F' & Component , I N-- & C.A.8. N~er (Che=k all t~ apply)  Component I 2 Na~ & C.A.B. of Pressure Health Health Co~onent J 3 N~ & C.A.B. N~or E~RGENC~ CONTACTS Jl ROBERT O. MIERS OPERATIONS MGR 588-1428 ~2 0ESS R WINTERS OWNER 8~4-3449 N~ Title 24 ~. Phone N~ Title 24 ~ Phon~ c.=t~fica~on (~ ~D SIGN AFTER. COMPLETING ~L SECTIONS) I certify ~der p~nlty of law that I hayer ~zsonally ~n~ and ~ f~ll~ w~th the Info,at,on submitted ~n th~s ~d all attaohsd d~ents ~d ~nd~v~duals res~ble for obta~n~n~ the ~nfo~t~on. I believe that the su~tted ~nfo~atlon ~s t~e, acu~ate, and ROBERT O. MI'ERS OPERATIONS MANAGER 10-16-92 II~Z/~OOU$ [~TERIM,$ ~ Fam and Agriculture [] Standard Business .. Page/~ NON - HqlADE SECRET BUSINESS NAIiE: THE WAX ;SHOP OWNER N/~iE: 3ESS R. WINTERS NAHE OF THIS'FACILITY: THE WAX SHOP LOCATION: 5441 ALDRIN CT. ;~DRESS: 5J12 CAMERON CT. STAND,ltD IND. CLASS CODE: J998 CITY, ZIP: RAKER_qFIF~ D: £A 9]~!~ CITY, ZIP: na~q~T~l n FA 95~R9 DUN ~D B~ST~ET NUMBER/FEDE~ ID PHONE ~ {89~) P97 ~27". PHONE.~= (~05) ~'4 ~9 --- ~R TO INSTRU~IONS FOR PROPER ~DES 1 2 ~ 4 5 6. 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 Tr~s ~e ~ Average ~n~al Measure ~ Days Cont Cont Cont Use Locatlon Where N~s of M~ture/C~Rents Code C~e ~t ~t ' ~t Un,ts on S~te ~ Press Temp Cods Stored in Fac~l~t~ See Instructions (Chec~ a~l that apply) Component ~ 2 H~ & of Preesure H~lth Health Component ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.S. N~er ~ Fire Hazed ~ Sudden ~leas. ~ R~Cg~Vtt~ ~ I~ed~ate ~.lay~ Component ~ & C.A.S. N~er of Pressure H~lth Health Co~onent ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.S. N~er Ph~!oal and "~lth Saza~, '.. C.A.S. N~er ~/~ Component ~ I Na~ & C.A.S, N~er Phy. i.al and H.lth Hazard 0.A.S. N~er ~/~. Component , 1 N--& 0.A.S. of Pressure Health Health Co~onent ~ 3N~ & C.A.8. N~er E~RGENCY CONTACTS %1 ROBERT D. MIERS OPERATIONS MGR 588-1'a28 %2 3ESS R WINTER5 .834-3449 N~ Title 24 ~. Phone N~e T~tle 24 ~ Phone Certification (~ ~D SIGN AFTE~ COMPLETING ~L SECTIONS) ~ ~ert~fy ~deT p~nlty of law that I hayer ~rsonally ~n~ ~d ~ f~l~ w~th the info~t~on su~itted ~n ~is ~d all individuals zes~ib/e for obtaining the ~nfo~t~on. I believe that the su~ltted info~ation ~s t~e, acu~, and c~plete. ~ ROBE'RI D. M'IERS OPERATIONS MANAGER ~ 10-16-92 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD HAZ/L~/)OUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Farm and Agriculture [] Standard Business Pagef~of[~ NON - ~{ADE SECRET. SHOP BUSINESS N/~tE.. THE WAX SHOP OWNER N/~'/E.' 3ESS R. WINTERS NAME OF THIS'FACILITY: THE WAX LOCATION-. 5441 ALDRIN CT. ADDRESS: 5512 CAMERON CT. STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: 3998 CITY, ZIP: RAKFRqFTEI D: C_A 93~] 5 CITY, ZIP: ~a~u~qulu~ n pa gS~nQ DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER/FEDERAL ID I~EFER TO INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPER CODES 1 2 3 4 5 6' · ., 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Tr~S ~e ~ Average ~nual Measure ~ Days Cont Cont Cont Use Location Where % by ~s of, M~ture/Com~nents Code C~e ~t ~t *' ~t Units on Site ~pe Press Temp Code Stored tn Factltt~ / ~ See Instructions --, . Component { 2 N~ a C.A.a. N~er of Pressure H~lth Health Componsn~ ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.a. N~er (Che:k all tha~ applx) O ~ · ' ~ Component ~ 2 N~ & C.A.B. N~er of Pressure a~lth Health Co~onent ~ 3 aa~ & C.A.a. ~ Ph~ical and ~lth Bazar, '.. C.A.S. N~er ~/~ Component I I Na~ & C.A.S. N~er · .. , Co,orient ! 2 Na~ & C.A.B. ~er ·  of Pressure Health Health Component ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.a. N~er Physical and B~lth Sazard C.A.S. N~er ~/~ Component ~ i N~ & C.A.S. N~ q7 (Cheek an t~t apply; ' - ~ ~ - ~ ~-0 e Component ~ 2 Na~ & C.A.B. N~er of Pressure Health Health Co~onent ~ 3 N~ & C.A.a. N~er E~RGENC~ CONTACTS %1 ROBERT D. MIER5 OPERATIONS HGR 588-1'428 ~2 JESS R WINTERS OWNER N~ Title 24 ~. Phone N~e Title 24 ~ Phons Ce~tiflcatio, (~ ~D SIGN AFTER. cOMPLETING ~L SECTIONS) I certify ~der p~nlty of law that I hayer ~rsonally ~in~ ~d ~ ~lliar with the lnfo~ation su~itted in ~is ~d all attached d~enta ~d ~at ~sed on ':' individuals res~ible for obtaining the lnfo~tion. I believe that ~e su~itted lnfo~ation is t~e, accosts, and c~plete. '' CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Ih%Z~IDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Farm and Agriculture Standard Bueiness .. Page/_~of/~ NON - TRADE SECRET BUSINESS N~/4E: THE WAX SHOP OWNER N~b~E: 3ESS R. WINTERS N~/~E OF THIS"FACILITY: THE WAX SHOP LOCATION: 5441 ALDRIN CT. ADDBESS: 5512 CAMERON CT. STAND~uqD IND. CLASS CODE: 3998 CITY, ZIP: RAKERKFIFI D: £~ 9~|~ CITY, ZIP: Ra~q~T~ n ca o~nq DUN AND Bt~%DSTREET NUMBER/FEDERAL ID ~R TO INSTRU~IONS FOR PROPER ~DES I 2 3 4 5 6 .. ,, 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 Tr~s ~e ~ Average ~nual Meas~e ~ Days Cont Cont Cont Use Location Where ~s of M~ture/Com~nents Code C~e ~t ~t " ~t Units on Site Press ~tored tn Fac: See Instructions F h~ical and S~lth Hazard C.A.S. Nu~er ///' 7~ *~ Component ~ 1 {Check all that apply) i,e Hazed ~ Sudden Release ~ R~cttvlty ~ I~iate ~la~ Componen~ ~ 2 ~ & C.A.S. ~or of Pressure H~lth Health Component ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.S. N~er Ph~lcal and ~lth Hazard C.A.8. N~er ~/~ Component ~ I N~ & C.A.,. N~er (Cheok all t~ apply) "~ ~a Co~onent ~ 2 N~ & C.A.S. N~er of Pressure H~lth Health Co,orient ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.S. Nu~er Ph~leal and S~lth Saza~; '.. C.A.8. N~er ~/~ Component 8 ~ Fire Hazed ~ Sudden Release ~ R~ctivtty ~ I~late ~lay~ ~onent I 2 Co  of P~easure Health H~lth Component ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.S. Physloal and H~lth Hazard C.A.S. N~er .... ~/~ . Component , 1 (Cheok all t~t apply) ///' Fire Hazed ~ Sudden Release ~ R~,tivit~ Im~iate ~Delay~ '. o~ Pressure ~ealth Health Co~on~t ~ 3 ~ & C.A.S. N~er E~RGENC~ CONTACTS ~1 ROBERT O. MIER5 OPERATIONS MGR 588-1'428 ~2 JESS R WINTERS OWNER .83~-3~49 N~ T~tle 24 ~. Phone N~e T~tle 24 ~ Phone C~tlfleation (~ ~D SIGN AFTER· COMPLETING ~L SECTIONS) certify ~der p~nlty of law that ~ haver ~rsonally ~in~ ~d ~ f~lliar with the info~ation submitted in individuals res~ible for obtaining the tnfo~tion. I believe that the su~ttted info,etlon is t~e, acc~at~ and c~plete. ROBERT O. MIERS OPERATIONS MANAGER . 10-16-92 CITY OF BAKERSF I ET--D BAZA~US ~Y%~RIALS I~/Eh'~ORY/ ' Fa~ and Agriculture ~ Standard Business '. Page/~of~ NON - ~E SEC~T BUSINESS N~ THE WAX SHOP OWNER N~ JESS R. WINTERS N~ OF THIS'FACILITY~ THE WAX SH P LOCATION: 5a41 ALORIN CT. ~D~SS= 5~12 C~MERON .CT.. ST~D~ IND. CLASS CODE~ CITY, ZIP~ BaK~R~FIFI ~: ~a g~l~ CITY, ZIP~ ~a~~ n ~a ~n~ DUN ~D B~ST~ET NUMBER/FEDE~ ID ~R ~ INS~U~IONS FOR PROPER ~DES " Tr~s ~e ~ Average ~nu~ Meas~e I Days Cent Cent Cent Use Location Where ~%. by N~s of M~ture/Com~nent~ (Che~k all that apply] - ' ' ~/~ of Pressure H~l~h Health Co. on.n: ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.8. N~sr P~ual and H~lth ~azard C.A.a. N~er Component I I N~ & C.A.a. N~er .... (Cheo~ all that apply) ~ Component I 2 ~ & C,~.8. ~ Fire Saz~d ~ Sudden ~l.ase ~ R~htv*tr ~ ~edtat. O Delay~ , , Of Pressure H~lth ~ealth Co~o~ent J 3 Na~ & C.A.a. Numar ''. ~ Co. orient ~ 2 ~a~ & C.A.S. ~er ' of Pressure Health Health Component ~ 3 Na~ & ~A.8. R~or (Cheuk all ~t appl~)''' ~ -- y Componen~ ~ 2 N~ a C.A.8. of Pressure H~l~h H~lth Co~onen~ J 3 N~ a C.A.S. N~er E~RGENCY CONTACTS ~1 ROBERT O. MIERS OPERATIONS MGR 588-1'428 ~2.JESS R WINTERS OWNER .,8~4 ROBERT O. MIERS OPERATIONS MANAGER __ . 10-16-92 CITY OF BAEEESF I ET-D ~AZA~DOUS MATERIALS INVENTOEY ~ Farm and Agriculture [] Standard Business .. Page/~ of~ NON - ~qlADE SECRET BUSINESS N~ THE WAX SHOP OWNER N~ JESS R. WINTERS N~ OF THIS"'FACILITY= THE WAX SHOP LOCATION~ 5441 ALDRIN CT. ~D~SS: 5~12 CAMERON CT. ST~D~ IND. CLASS CODE~ 3998 CITY, ZIP: RA~FRSFI~;O: RA 9~]~ CITY, ZIP: ma~7~n~ n~ ca Q~nQ DUN ~D B~ST~ET NUMBER/FEDE~ ID ~R ~ INS~U~IONS FOR PROPER ~DES I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 · r~S ~e ~ Average ~nual Heasu~e ~ Days Cent Cent Cent Use Location ~here N~s el ~tu~e/C~nents Code C~e ~t ~t ~t Units on Site Press Code Stored tn iacilit~ See Instructions and R~lth Hazard C.A.S. Nu~er /~O ~--/~--~ Component ~ 1 ~a~ & C.A.S. Nu~ (Check all t~t apply) ~ Fire Hazed ~ Sudden R. lease ~ a~etlvity ~ I=~iate ~olay~ Component ~ 2 of Pressure H~lth Health Component ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.S. N~er Physical and H~alth Hazard C.A.a. Number ~- ~7"'-~* Component m i Name & C.A.a. Number (Check all that apply) " ~ Component # 2 Name & C.A.a. Number ~ Fire Hazard ~ Sudden Release [] Reactivity [] Immediate..layod of Pressure Health Health Component ~ 3 Name & C.A.S. N,,mher Physical and Health Hazard; C.A.a. Number ~/~'~--? Component ! 1 Na~ i C.A.S. Nu~er (Check al'l..tha~ apply) ' .. · ~ Component # 2 Name & C.A.a. Humber ~ Fire Hazard ~ Sudden Release ~ Reactivity [] Immediate-- .~layed ~ . of Pressure Health Health Component ~ 3 Name & C.A.S. Number Physical and Health Hazard C.A.a. Number ~/'W Component ~ 1 Hame & C.A.S. Number (Check all that appl~}  Component ~ 2 Hame & C.AoS. N"mher ~ Fire Hazard ~ Sudden Release [] Reaoti, ity ~ Immediate ayed of Pressure Health Health Co, orient # 3 Naa~ & C.A.a. Nu~er EMERGENCY CONTACTS #1 R08ERT D. MIER5 OPERATIONS MGR 588-1'428 %2 JESS R WINTERS OWNER Hame Title 24 Hr. Phone Hame Title 24 Hr Phone' Cartificatio, (BEAD AND SIGN AFTER. COMPLETING ALL SECTIONS) certit~ under peanlty of law that ! hayer personally ~xamined and am £amlliar with the in[oz~ation submitted in this and all attached documents and that based on m~ Individuals responsible for obtainin~ the Information. I believe that the submitted lniomatton is true, accurate, and complete. ' ROBERT O ' MiERS OPERATIONS MANAGER 10-16-92 flA~[~ AND OFFICIAL TITI~ OF fJ~flItR/OPERATOR OR OWHEI1/(JPI~I)II'S AWIIIORIZED i~I~R.q~NTATIV~ SlC~NAXURK DJ%TK CITy OF BAKERSFIELD IIAZARDOUS HA~RIALS ~ Fa~ and Agriculture ~ Standard Business .. Page~7 of~ NON - ~E SEC~T BUSINESS N~ IH[ W~X SHOP OWNER N~ 315S R. WINI[~5 N~ OF THIS"FACILITY= YH~ W~X SH0~ LOCATION: 5441 ALDRIN CT. ~D~SS: 5312 CAMERON CT. . ST~D~ IND. CLASS CODE: ~98 CITY, ZIP~ R~KER~FIFI D: ~ 9~1~ CITY, ZIP~ ~a~~ n~ ~a ~n~ DUN ~D B~ST~ET NUMBER/FEDE~ ID ~R TO INS~U~IONS FOR PROPER ~DES ~1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ~4 Trane ~e ~ Average ~nual Measure ~ Days Cont Co~t Coat Use Location Where N~s of M~ture/C~eBts Code C~e ~t ~t ~t Units on S~te Press Code Stored ~n Fac~l~t~ See Instructions Ph~ical and ~lth Hazard C.A.S. Nu~e= ~/~ Component ~ 1 Na~ ~ C.A.S. N~er ~ ~ Fire Baz~d ~ Sudden Release ~ R~ctivtty ~ I~iate ~ Delay~ ~-~/-~ .] of Pressure H~lth Health Componen~ ~ 3 ~a~ & C.A.B. I ' [ (Cheok all t~ apply) · ~: ~' of Pzessuze B~lth Beal~h Co~onent ~ 3 ~a~ · C.A.B. ' ' lPh~toal and ~lth ~aza~, ' .. C.A.S. N~er Component ~ I ~a~ & C.A.S. .. ~ (Check akl~t~t apply} ' . ~-- -- / -- ~ ~ '- · ~ ' ~ Component , 2 Na. & C.A.S. '. ~ . ~ F~re Hazed Sudden Release R~ct~v~ty I~ate ~ Delay~ " of Pressure Health Health Component ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.B. N~er Physical and H~lth ~azard C.A.S. N~er Component ~ 1 ~ & C.A.S. ~er (Check all t~ apply) Component ~ 2 Na~ & C.A.S. N~er of Pressure Health Health Co~onent ~ 3 N~ & C.A.S. N~er E~RGENCY CONTACTS ~1 ROBERT O. MIERS OPERATIONS MGR 588-1'428 ~2 3E5S R WINIER5 OWNER 834-~449[ N~ T~tle 24 ~. Phone N~e Title 24 I certify ~de= p~nlty of law that I hayer ~rsonally ~in~ and ~ f~ili~ with the tnfomatton su~itted in this ~d all attached d~ents ~d ~ag ~sed on ~ tn~ oE ~o Individuals res~ible for obtaining the tnfomtton. I believe that ~e au~ltted lnfomatton ts t~e, acc=~e, and c~plete. ; ROBERT D. HiERS OPERATIONS MANAGER . 10-16-92 N~ ~D OFFICI~ TI~ OF ~HE~OP~R OR ~NB~OP~DR'8 A~I~RI~D ~P~O~TXVE Sl~ DATE RECEIVED 0 CT 1 ~ 1991 Afls'd ............ P.O. Box 10226, Bakersfield, CA 93389-0226 (805)397-5274 FAX (805) 397-6817 October 10, 1991 Mr. Ralph Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator Fire Department 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Huey: We have enclosed an inventory list of additions to our inventory, per section 25510, Health and Safety Code. If you should require any additional information, please feel free to contact me or our Safety Officer, Bob Miers. Sincerely, Sherry L. Matteucci Executive Vice President SLM/cb The Wax Shop is a D/vision of TWS Industries, Inc. OITY of BAKER~SF.L ELD HAZARDOUS MATERIAL8 INVENTORY Farm and Xgticulture Fl Standard Business I~ NON--TRADE SECRETS P~e 1 of 3 BUS[NESS NAI~E.:_ T.he Wax Shop OWNER NAHE: Jess R. Winters NAME OF THCS FAC[LTTY: .The Wax Shod LQCATIC)N' b44], A/~rin [:t ADDRESS; b312 ISameron L;t STANDARD IND, CLASS CODE.~ ....... ~_9_~ ' CITY~ ZIIS: Bak~rsfl~ld CA gR;~I.R GITY, ZIPid~ak~r~fi~]d. CA 93.RR9 DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER PHONE #: [onc~' on:; c67~ PHONE fi' ' ' '' - - '"'""' ""' "'-'~ REFER 7'O-('~PC~Z)T~4OaI~S-1q2R-PROPER CODES - - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 CodeTrans ~oaeT'yqe Amt~ax Ave. rageAmc Annum 1Est Heasur eUnltS on! ~lce'OY'S COntType CentPress CentTemp UScoleStoredL°cat i on_~he[ eln Fac1/lty [~byt NamesSeeef P i xtur e/C:~oonents ] nsc ruct ~ens -~1 ~1 ~oo I s6o I ~so ~ 14 IPolis~l ~]d~ ~,.sec. C.D.E.[ ~hysical and Health Hazard C.A,S. Number N/A Component I1 Hame I C.A,S. Humber IC~eck ail that apply) #64742-47-8 25. Li gh~ -Petrol eum Di sci l l ate Component 12 Name & C.A.S. Number lire Hazard [] Reactivity [](Delayed Fl Sudden Release [] Immediate 20 Quartz Silica Heaith of Pressure Health #14808-60-7 Component 13 Hame S C.A.S. Number #68855-54-9 5 Diatomaceous Earth ^1 I s6o I 37so I ail 1 0, 31 I 4 sec. Physical ~pd Health Hszard C,X.S. Number N~A Component II Name I C.A,S. Number ~64742-47-8 25 Light Petroleum Distillate Component 12 Name & C.A.S. Number ~ Fire Hazard ~ ReacCiviCy ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate ~14808-60-7 10 Diatomaceous Earth Hem ICh of Pressure Health Component 13 Name & C.X.S. Humber ~64402-68-4 5 Anhydrous A1 umi num Si 1 i cate Physical end Health Hazard C,A,S. Number N/A Component Il Name & C,A.S, Number [Check ali that 4~ply) ~64742-47-8 15 ;Light Petroleum Disti 11 ate Component 12 Name & C,A,S. Number ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~De]a~ed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate 20 Anhydrous Aluminum Si.licate Health of Pressure Health ~64402-68-4 Component 13 Na~ &C.A.S. Number 10 iMid Petroleum Distillate ~64475-85-0 99 I -- ~ ~ ~ 1100 } 560 ~ 3750 }Gal ~ 365 ~10,13~ 1 ~ 4 ¢ol~sh~ Bld~ 1, Soc. Physical mhd Health Hazard C,A.S. Number N/A Component II Name I C,A.S. NuAber {Check ~11 Chat apply} ~64742-47-8 20 Light Petroleum Distillate ~ ~i~e H4zard ~ Reactivity ~ Oelayed ~ Sudden Release ~ [m~i~ Component 12 Name & C.X.S. Numbe~ Health of Pressure ~64402-68-4 10 Anhydrous A~ uti nut Si 1 i cate Component 13 Name & C.A.S. Numbe~ ~1302-78-9 3 Hyd~oGs Aluminum Silicate EMERGENCY CONTACTS ~ Bob:~ers ?~rations ~'~;...397-3869 fl~ Jess R. Winters T~er 834-3449 [erCi[i¢~Cioq ,(Re~d an~.~fgn after completf~g .~ 7 7 secCf~ns) certify unoer penalc~ o~a~ ChAt J flave personaj~LexsmlnqOaq~ ~m rami~ar.~itb the information ~u~mitted iff this ~nd a[~ached.d0cvmeAts, afl~ [~a[ Daseo off. my inquiry F. cAose ]flOlYlOUa/s responsfDJe rot obtaining the lmoreaClon. J be)~eve that the sUOmltteo IntormaCIoQ IS [rue, accurate, eno comp/ace. Sherry L. Mattuec~J:~ Executive Vice President ~~~(~ ;~f~l title of o~n.r/ooerator u~ owner/operator's 'a~Chorized re;resen~cJve CITY ct-' BAKERBF.LELD HAZARDOUS MATER'r'ALS TNVENTORY Far~ and Jkgticulture [] standard Business ~ NON--TRADE SECRETS Page 2 el~ 3 BUSINESS NAME: The Wax Shop OWNER NAME: Jess R. Winters NAME OF THIS FACILITY: The Wax Shop LOCATION: 544t Aidrln (]~ ADDRESS; b3£2 Eameron t]~ STANDARD IND. CLASS CODEi 3qq8 '._ OILY, ZIP: Bakmrti'i¢ld CA q.3;~13 ' I ClTY~ ZIP:J]akmr~fiPId £A q33F)q DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER---' PHONE ~: n:~ '~n'7 ~'~7:4' '' ' PHONE #: .... - - ....... . RE?ER coo s -- lrans l_yee Max Average Annual Measure ! O. ys Cent Cent Cent Use Location,~he{e tw~i ;la~.es of ~xturJ .... on.nts Code code A~ A~,t Est Un,ts on ~te lype Press femo Code S~ored ~n ~acl/~t7 ' See Instructions ( A ) M ) 440 ) 220 t 2600 i Gal 365 ) 06 ) 1", 4 18 ) Bldg 2, Sec. F Formulation Aid, ,-151 Phv~ica)(C..eck a/landth~tHealthap~lyl~azard C.A,S. Number N/A Co~ponent#8052_41_3)i Ne.ne & C.A.S. Nu.-,ber SO . Mineral SPirits Fire Hazard l'1 Reactivity )D~ Delayed i-1 Sudden Release [-) I~,,,qedi~te Co,r,~onent (2 Name & C.A.$. Humber i Health of Pressure Health #67;63-0 10 ~sopropanol Component )2 Hame I C.A.$. Humber #61788-62-3 10 Alkylmethyl Amines / U) M ( 1500 )' 880 ) 12,000 )Gal ) 365 ) 06 1 4 I 18 ) Bldg 2, Sec. F Solvent Blend, ,-125 I//''' Physical and ~ea)~h Hazard C.A.S. Number 64475-85-0 Component I1 Name & C.A.S. Nu.nber (Check ail t~at apply) #64742-48-9 99 Naphtol Spirits, 66/3 ~ Fire Hazard [') Reactivity ~ Delayed F1 Sudden. Re)ease [-1 Immediate Component 12 Hame I C.A.S. Number 1 Super High Flash Naphtha Health or i'FBSSUFe Healt~ ¢64742-95-6 Component 13 Name & C.A.S. Number A I P I 1000 t 500 ] 2000 I lbsI 365 I 12 t i [ 4 I 18 I Bldg 1, Sec. D Hydrous Aluminum Silicate~-143 PhYsical ~nd Healt! Hazard C.A.S. Number 1302-78-9 Component Il Name ~ C.A.$. Nu:ber (Check al) that a,:17) D Fire Hazard r') Reactivity ~( DelaYed [3 Sudden Reid,se.. F1 Immediate Component 12 Name & C.A.S. Humber ~) Health of Pressure Health -- Co~ponent 13 Na~e t C.A.S. Number ,/ 440 ) 220 I 2000 )Cai) 365 ) 06 I 1 I 4 I 18 )Bld§ 1-~ Bld§ 2-F [0[ Pol,¥siloxane, .-146 N/t Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number 63148-62-9 Component II Name & C.A.S. Number (Check ail that apply) ~ [] Fire Hazard [] Reactivity [] Delayed [] Sudden Release [] Immediate Component $2 N~me & C.A.$. ~um~r r~ " / Health of Pressure Health Component )3 N~me S C.A.S. Number I - - EMERGENCY CONTACTS ~l BobMiers _Operations Mcr. 397-3869 ~2 Jess R. Winters Q_v(ner 834-3449 ~e TllSe 24 Hr Phone )F~e Tic)e 21-'Rr ~none iertification (Re~d a.nd_sign after completi.ng,all secti,ons,) .certify under penalty o)' }al tnqt I~avePersonaul. examlnqO ~qo)m ~a=il~mr. yitb the intormatlon ~u~:itted in this and all at~acned.dQcuments, anQ tba~ :ase: on my ~nquiry QL~nose lnOl¥iOUalS responsible ~or obtaining the ~mormat~on. ! believe that the submitted Inter,etlon ls true, accurate, eno complete. Sherry L. Mattueccij Exec. tive Vice President ,~~f~c~a) citle ot ownerlooer~tor DH Owner/ope~'a~or's aut~orlzea represencac~ve ~9na~e CITY of BAKER SFIELL) Farm and XgCicuiCure 0 Standard Business ~HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY NON--TRADE SECRETS Page 3 0f 3 BUSINESS NAHE: The Wax Shop OWNER NAHE: Jess R. Winters NAHE OF THIS FACILITY: The Wax Shoo LOCATION: 544i Aiarln ct ADDRESS: 5J±Z cameron [~ STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE~ 3gq~ ' CITY. ZIP: BakPr~tieid. CA q3313 CITY, ZiP:£akPr~fi~ld CA q33Q~ DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER PHONE fi: fon:~ ~Q~.~7~ PHONE ~: ] 'O' '' - - 'Trans !you ~ax Xy?rage Annual Heasure I @ys Cent Cent Cent Use Lucation_~hece JCode cooe ~eC ^mc Est Units an ~Ce Type Press Tame Code Stereo la Facility ~c' See Instru:t~ons I A I" 440 I 22o I 88ol Galt 365 106,0~ I j 4 j 18 IBldg l-D, Bldg 2-F rhvsic~i end Hem!Ch ~azsrd C.X.S. Humber 8002-26-4 Component I~ Hame & C.X.S. Humber Resin Acids (Check all that a~pilj #8050-09-7 Co:eanent 12 ~a:e & ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~](Delayed ~ Sudden Release [] Immediate Health of Pressure Health ' Component 12 N~me & C.A.S. Number A j P j 6600 j 3300 J 12,000 Jlbs J 365 j 12 i 4 118 Bldg l-D, Bldg 2-F lOOj Silicon Dioxide, R-147 ( I ' PhYSical 8nd Health Nazard C.A.S. Number 14808-60-7 Componen: II Name & C.A.S. Number Jj (Check ail tha: apply) ~ Fire Hazard ~ ,"" Rea~lVl,y ~ Delayed D Sudden Release ~ Immediate Component 12 Name ~ C.A. Number Heaith of Pressure Health Component I3 Name & C.A.S. Nu=ber PhYsical tnd Health H~zsrd C.X,$, Humber Component I1 Name & C,A.S. Number (Check all that 0 Fire Hazard ~ ReactiYit) ~ DelaYed ~ Sudden Release ~ ImmeUiate Component 12 Na~e & C.A,S. Number Health of Pressure Hem)th Component f3 Name & C.A.$. Number PhYsical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number Component I1 Name I C.A.S. Number (Check ali Chat app1x) 0 Fire Hazard 0 Reactivity [] Delayed [] Sudden Release [] ImmediateC°=p°nent 12 Name & C,A.S. Number : x~-' HeaI~h of Pressure Health Component 13 ~ame ~ C.X.S. ~u~ber i - ' ENER~ENCY CONTACTS ~ Bob M~ers 1901~r~tions Nar. 397-3B6g ~2 Jess ~. Winters ~ner 83~-344g Certifjc~tian (Read and_~ign after completi~g,all sections) I.certlfy under oenalty of~w Ch~t I~avepersonaHy. examlnqgaqo lm ramim~ar, yitb the intormatlon Submitted in this 4nd all ac~ached,docvments, anQ t~t based on.q inquiry ~.cnose lno~v~ouais responsio)e toy obtaining the ~nTormaC~on. I believe that the suomltteo lntOrmatlofl 15 true, accurate, and comp/ece. Sherry L. Mattuecci~ Executive Vice President ~%t~ ~C~'~CS~flfll-- --- ~~T}ciml ~:le of o~nerloDera:or u~ ownerlopera~or s au:morized represen~a~lve . C I T'Y o f B A K E RS F 1 E L U RECEIVED HAZARDOUS HATERIALS INVENTORY JUL ] 1 1991 Fare and ~,Dticulture FI ~t~ndard Business ~ NON'TRADE SECRETS Page i of 19 :BUSINESS NA~E~ Th~ Wax Shop OWNER NAME: Jess R. Winters NAME OF THIS FACIL~'_~i~' Shoo LOCATION: 54qZ A1arin'u[ ' ' ADDRESS: b312 gamero~ C~DUN AND RADS REEl EASTANDARDB~ND'T~L6~SNUMB[iCOD--' ..... ~__'__ ~IlY. ZIP: Bakersfield- ~A ~33i3 CITY. ZIP:~mkmr~fi~ld CA ~33~g PHONE ~: r~nE~ ~ n ~ : ~ ~ ~' ' I ' PHONE fl' - ' ....... R FER CODES -- Trans Tyoe Hax Average Annual Measure I ~y~ Cent Cent Cent Use Location ~he[e Code Code Xm[ Am[ EsL Units on ~[e Type Press TemD Code Stored tn Fac~l~ty u I ~ I 4,000 I 2,soo 160,000 I GALl'36s Izo,z3t z I , I BBWaxla]dg 1, Sec, D,E,F Super Glaze, WS-1 ;~vsical and Health Hazard C,A.S. Humber N/A Component I1 Name S C.A.S. Number (Check ail Chic ~OOlyJ 64742-48-9 69 NapHtho!. Spirits 66/3 ire H~z~rd ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ I=medi~teC°mp°nenL ~2 Name & C.A.S. Number i Super High Flash Naphtha HeaiCh of Pressure HealCh ComponenC 13 Name I C.A.S. Number A [ M 11,0001 500 i6,000 IGAL[ 365 I 10'I I I 4 199 s~ Bldg 1, Sec C,E,F Clearcoat, WS+lC ..... po! i ' , · Fhvsical grid HealCh Hazard C.A,S, Number N/A Component Il Hame & C,A.S. Humber tCheck 4/I Chat 64742-47-6 ~20 Light Petroleum Distillate ~ Fire ~azard ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ I~medieteCo~ponent 12 Name & C.A.S. Hu~ber HeN)Ch of Pressure Heal th Component 13 Hame & C.A.S, Humber ) D ) M ) 0 I 0 I 0 J GAL( 0 ) 10 t i [ 4 )~!is~ N/A Airplane Polish,.WS-21/~ PhYsical end Health Hazard C.A.S. Number N/A Component~)l Name & C.A.S. Mu=bar 10 Amsco Solv. 1297 (Check al) that aP~)y) ~8008-20-6 ' Component f2 Name & C.A.S. Number ~.~Fire Hazard ~ Reactivit~ ~ De)ayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate Health of Pressure He~lth Component t3 Name & C.A.S. Number --,{ ~ { 1,9.00 I 500 J6,00~ I. GAL) 365 110,13l i I 4 (~l~s~ Bld9 1, Sec C,E,F Super Glaze Plus. WS-1P~,j PhYsical ~nd Health Hazard C.A.S. Number N/A Component l1 Name & C.A.S. Number (Ch:ck. ~1~ that ~pply) 64742-47-6 20 Light Petroleum Distillate ~ Fire H~z~rd ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ SuddenRelemse ~ Immedi~teC°mp°nent ~2 Name & C.A.S. Number Health of Pressure Health ..... Ca~ponent f3 Name ~ C.A.S. Number ' ' EHERGENCY CONTACTS ~I Bob iMi~ers T~rations ~-. 397-3869 ~2 Jess R. ~inters .O~ner 834-3449 ;erCif~catfon (Read and sign after compl~tipg,all secti~n~) '. carL)fy under penalty o flaw Chat I havepersonauy, examlnqo~qo)m tamil~ar.yitb the )nTormac~on fu)mitted in this 4nd all Lttached documents, mnO thmt bmseU ofl.~) ~nquiry Dc.chose inDiviDuals responsio~e for obca~ninq the ~ntor~atlon. I believe that the s true, accurace, and comp/ace. ) Sherry L. Mattueccij Executive Vice PresSdent, ~~~~rture~ ~F)~i~) title of owner/ooer~tOr UN owner/operator's au:mor~ze~ re~resen~cive ' ' C]]T'Y of' BAKFR SFI ELD HAZARDOUS MATERTALS TNVENTORY Farm and AgLiculLure F! Standard Business ~ NON--TRADE SECRETS Page 2 of 19 US.I_N_E_S.S. NAF~E.'... The Wax Shop 9_WN__ER__N_AME: ~ess R. Winters NAHE_O_F_THIS F6.CIL__ITY_i__The Wax Shod Ut;Al/UN: b~l Aldrin C~ AUUN~: b312 cameron Ut STANDARD IND. CLASS {SUCk: 39B~L_ ' CIIY~ ZIP: Bnk~r_~fimld F.A c}3Rl~ CITY. ZIP:Rnkmr~fimld. CA c)33F1ct DUN AND BRADSTREEI NUMBER ........ PHONE #' F~n~-~n~ :6~ .... PHONE #' '' - - t 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 g 10 11 12, 13 14 iTr~ns lyqe ~ax AYerage Annu81 Neasure ! .Oys Cent Cent Cent Use Location ~he~e I~ bY ,~la~.es cf PixLure/C:~..onenCs iCode Looe AmC AmC EsL Units on ~lCe Type Press Tome Code SLored in FacileLy ~C' See InsCru:t~ons u I ~Iz,400 I 7oo I10,000 I GALI 365 107,Z01 I I 4 I 08 I Bldg. 1, Sec. C,E,F LRV Protectant, WS-2 ~hvlical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Humber N/A Componen~ I1 Name ~ C.A.S. Number ' - (C..ec~all ~a~p~lyJ 30 Silicone N/A ire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate Component t2 Name & C.A.S. Number Health of Pressure Health 67:63-0 8 Isopropanol Component ~3 Name & C.A.S. Number U ~ M J 400 ~ 275 ~1,000 ~GAL~ 365 ~ 10 ~ 1 ~ 4 ~ 08 I Bldq. 1, Sec. C,E,F Tire Dressina. WS-2NS Physical smd Health Hazard C.A.S. Number N/A ComponenL l1 Name & C.A.S. Number (Check a11 Lh~[ appiyj 56-81-5 25 Glycerine 16 Isopropanol Health of Pressure HealthComponenL f367-63-0Name ~ C.A.S. Number / U J "I 550t 275 I 1,000 I GALI 365 I 10 I i L 4 I08 IBid,. Sec. C,E,F, LRV Cream, Physical and Health Razard C.A.S. Number N/A Component Il Name ~ C.A.S. Number (Check all that N/A 20 Silicone ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reac[ivi:Y ~ De]axed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate Component 12 Name & C.A.S. Number Heal~h of Pressure Health ComponenL 13 Name & C.A.S. Number ~ ~ ~ ~ 850 ~ 27S I$,000' ~gk ~ 365 113.10~ 1 I 4 ~2]~S~ B]d~ 1, Sec C,[,F One Shot, ~S-3 PhYSical and Health Hazsrd C.A.S. Number N/A Component I1 Name I C.l.S. Number (Check ail Lha= apply) 64742-47-6 20 Light Petroleum Distillate ~ Fire Hazard ~ ReacLivit~ ~ Oetayed ~ Sudden ~elease g ImmediateC°mp°nenL 12 Name ~ C.A.S. Number ~ . Heal[h of Pressure Health Component 13 Nsme ~ C.A.S. Number - - EMERGENCY CONTACTS ~1 Bob iMi~ers _Operations Mqr. 397-3869 ~2 Jess R. Winters g~ner 834-3449 ~eTT[Ie ~ne R~eTILle CerLi~jcation (~e~d end ~i~n ~fte~ oomp7~tiog,~ll sectigns) I.cer~fy under penalty ofH~ ~hq: Z hav~person~Jly, eX~mlnq~eqo jm tami~sr, viL~ Lhe ~nlorma:tan Submitted in LhJs ~nd a:~acned.d~cgmen:s, ~n~ L~ac aasea on.my ~nquiry 9t. cnase ~na~v~au~s responsio~e rot obtaining ~he ~ntorm~:~on. I believe L~L Lhe ~su~m~t:ea l~f0rB~LlO~ lS true, mccur~e, Bna coBp/ece. i .Sherry L. Mattuecci~ Executive Vice P~esident ~ _..~~~ ~~ciai [i~ie of owner/o~erator u~ owner/oper~or s authorized re~resenE~cive CITY of' BAI~ER~FIELD HAZARDOUS MAT ERTALS T NVENTORY Farm and XgticulCure ~ Standard Business ~ NON--TRADE SECRETS Page 3 of 19  ~ NA~L. The Wax Shop Q~H~B_BAHE: Uess R. W~nters NAHE OF TH~S FACIL~TY: The Wax Shod U~A/1UN: b~l Aldrqn Ut AUUK~55: b~IZ (:ameron (:t STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE~ ~ ' ~ ~IP: BakersfiPId. EA 93313 CITY, ZIP~r~ ]p .... DUN AND BRADSTREET NUHBER ~mu,: ,: fon~ ~ :a~n PHONE ~: (R~/R~-~AAQ - - ~ ~ ....... REFER TO~~~S-~R--PROPER CODES - - I 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12. 13 14 Trans Tyoe ~ax Average Annual He,sure I ~ys Cent Cent Cent Use Location?ace ~ bY ~laees cf Uixture/CceoonenCs Code Code AeC Amt Est Units on 51tm Type Press Te~o Code Stored in ~aCl/Ity ~t' See Instru:tlons ' - ' lg9 ?h B]d9 l, Sec C,B,E,F CA~ Po]~sh, ~S-4 u l u l 7001 35015 000 FAt I 365 I10,131 Z I 4 po]~o Fhvsical and Health Hazard C.X.S. Humber N/A Component II Ha~e ~ C.X.S. Hu~ber (Check all Chat aoplyJ 65 Nap~tho!'Spirits 66/3 64742-48-9 Comoonen~ 12 Na=e& C.A.S. Number / ire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate · 25 Silica He~ith of Pressure Health 14808-60-7 Component f3 Hame & C.X.S. Humber u ,soo t soo i 6,ooo I. o I I t I c,E, Physical end Health Hazard C.A.S. Number N/A ComoonenC l1 Name I C.A.S. Number (Check 4/I that Apply) ~4~-43-5 3 ~onoe~hanolam~ne Co=ponenC 12 Na~e & C.X.S. Humber ~ ~re ~zard ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ ~==ed~eCe 3 Tr~sod~um Phosphate Health of Pressure Health ~0~0~-89-0 Component 13 Ha~e & C.X.S. Humber ~-76-~ 3 2-au~ox~e~hanol U ~ M ~ 330 I 180 I 500 I GALt 365 I zot i L 4 108 IBldq 1, Sec C,E,F Wheel Ezee, WS-6 Physical and Health H~zard C,A,S. Number N/A Componen~ fl Name & C.A.S. Number ~Check all Chat apply) 11 Phosphoric Acid 7664-38-2 Component 12 Hame & C.X.S. Number D ~ire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Belayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate 2 Nonslphenol +9EO Pol~ethoxl lte Health of Pressure Health 9016-45-9 Component f3 Name & C.A.S. Humber 111-76-2 2 2-Butoxyethanol ~1 ~ ~ 400 ~ 250 ~ 500' }~gk~ 365 ~ 10 ~ 1 ~ 4 ~ 08 lBld, 1, Sec C,[,F ~hite ~all Plus, ~S-7 Physical end Health H~zard C.X.S. Humber N/A Component I1 Name I C.X.S. Humber {Check ~11 Chat 5 2-Butoxyethanol 111-76-2 Component 12 Ha~e & C.X.S. Humber , ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ [mmediate 2 Caus~d Soda Health of Pressure Health 1310-73-2 Component 13 NAme & C.A.S. Humber - ' 6834-92-0 2 Crustamet EHER~EHCY CONTACTS ~1 BobiMiers _O~erations ~r: 397-3869 fl2 Jess R. Winters _O~ner 834-3449 ~erCifj~Cioq ,~Repd and.~ign after comp7etimg,a77 secCimns) ~.cer~ry under pe,4~c~ o~)a~ th{c J navePersonaHy, examlnqO~qo{m rami~]ar.~iC~ the ~nTormaClOn ~u~mitted in Chis 4nd 411 at,ached.documents, an~ tpac eased on my inquiry gr.cnose lnOIVlOu~/s responsible rot obcalnin9 the lnrormaClofl. I believe Chat the su~mltted information lS crum, Accurate, and comp/ace. Sherry L. ~attuecc~; Executive Wce PFes~dent ~~ '- /~7~7/ ~~f~ciaI title of ovnertooerator UH ownerloperacor s authorized representative~b~gna~ure C]"T'Y of BAKER FIELIJ HAZARDOUS HATER'rAgS 'r NVENTORY Farm and Agriculture [] Standard Business ~ NON--TRADE SECRETS Page 4 of 19 BUSINESS NAME: The Wax Shop OWNER NAME: Jess R. Winters NAME OF THIS FACILITY: _The Wax Shod LOCATION: hq41 A]drin Ct ADDRESS; b~lZ cameron ct STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: .~gg~ ' CITY. ZIP: Bakersfield_ CA 93313 CITY. ZIP:Rak~r~fi~ld CA q33(lq DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER .... PHONE fi: [Qn:~ ~o? 5274 PHONE #'~ -L~Q.5.Y..J~IA=..~._4.9- ' '' -- - - REFER IO ,z~v~'I rFoG I~uNS-I:-O~ROPER CODES 1 \ 2 3 4 5 6 T B 9 lO 11 12, 13 Code CO~e XeC AmC Est Units on 51Ce Type Press Te~D Code SCored in Facility See ]nsCru:t~ons / u J M~} 800 I 500 I 12,000 I GALl 365 I 10 I 1 t 4 I 08 I Bldg 1, Sec C,E,F Wash & Shine, WS-8 Fhsical 4nd Health Hazard C.X.S. Number H/A Component I1 Hame & C.X.S. Humber (CMeck 4/l that apply) 13 Dod~cylbenzene Sulfonic Ac'd C 27176-87-0 ireHzard ~ Reactivity ~,~elayed ~ Sudden Release ~ I:mediate ' 2 Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulfat Health of Pressure Health 9004-82-4 , Component I3 Name ~ C.A.S. Number 141.-4~-5 2 Monoethanol amine A t MI 550 .I 275 i z,ooo I GALI 365 107,101 I I 4 I 08 I Bldg 1, Sec C,E,F Truck Wash, WS-8TW Physical Bnd He~ILh N~z~rd C.A.S. Number N/A Camponent I1 Name & C.A.S. Number 4 TKPP (Check ~/I ~h~ ~pll) 7320-34-5 Component 12 Name J C.A.S Number g Fire ~z~rd ~ Reactivity ~Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ I:mediate ' 2 Cr~S%amet He~l~h of Pressure Health 6834-92-0 Camponent 13 Name & C.A.S. Number 9016-45-9 2 Nonylphenol +9 EO Polyetho~lat ~ U"J M J 800 J 400 12,000 I GALI 365 I zol z [ 41o8 J Bid9 1, Sec C,E,F Window Sheen, WS-9 Physical end Health Hazard C.A.S. Humber N/A Component II Name & C.A.S. Number 20 Isopropanol (Check 8/t that 4~p]y) 67-63-0 ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate Component 12 Name & C.A.S. Number .~~,~ Health of Pressure He~lth Component f3 Name & C.A.S. Humber !Physical 8nd Health Hazard C.A.S. Humber N/A Component l1 Nsme I C.A.S. Number ~ (Check ~11 that ~pply) 64741-4-9 20 Mineral SPirits ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Oelayed ~ Sudden Release 0 Immediate Component 12 Name & C.X.S. Number /" He~Jth of Pressure Health Component f3 H~me & C.X.S. Humber - ' E~ER~ENCY CONTACTS ~1 Bob1MSers ,~rations Mgr. 397-3869 fl2 Jess R. Winters ~ner 834-3449 Certification (Read and sign after compl~ti~g.all secti.ons) I certl~ under ~.nalty o flaw :hat[ havepersonaHy examln~n~v~ua~sO~ a m t~mi~iar.~ith [he inlor~at~on ~u~mitted in this tnd attached'.doc~me,t~, an~ (hal base8 on ay tnquiry gl.those responsiole for obtaining the ~nrorma:~on. I believe that the submitted lnform~[Io~ lS true, accurate, Ina comp/ace. Sher~s L. Mattuecci, Executive Vice P~esident ~-~ ~ ~~cial cIcie of owner/operator UH owner/operator s authorized reoresen[aCive CIT'Y of BAKERSFIELD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Farm and Agriculture [') Standard Business ~ NON--TRADE SECRETS Page 5 of 19 BUS_I.N_E_S~.S. NAF3~:.. T.he Wax Shop OWNER NAME: Jess R. Winters NAHE OF THIS FACILITY: The ~Ax~,Shop LOUA/IUN: b~Z~l A/drin C~: ADDRESS: b312 Cameron Ut STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE.= CITY~ ZIP: Bakersfield_ F.A g'~313 CITY, ZIP:lqaker~field, C.A g33flg DUN AND BRADSTREEI NUMBER .... Ptt0hlE #: ,'on~ '~n? :,~--//] ' PHONE #' ' '' - - Trans Tyo, e I~ax Av.erage Annual Neasure ! .Oys Cont. Cont. Cont. Use Location Where '. by ,'la,,es cf ~ixture/:~;onents Code ~ooe AmC AmC Est. Un,ts on ~te lype Press Te~u Code Store~ ~n Fac~t~ty it' See tnst. ru:t~ons uI MI sso I 27s I l'Z°° I GALl 36S t Z01 z l 4I OS I gldg 1, Sec C,E,F De-Solve, WS-11 Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Humber N/A CoLponent, I1 Hame & C.A.S. Humber (C,~eck ali that apl~l~) ,;"~:~'~_2.,~Z~ 90 Ligt~t~ Pe.l~roleum Distillate ComoonenL 12 Name & C.A.S Number ireHazard ~ Reactifity [] Delayed [] Sudden Release [] Immediate ' ' 10 Cal imulse Health of Pressure Health 26264-05-1 Component )3 Name & C,A,S, Number Physical ~nd Health Hazard C,A,S. Number N/A Component l! Name & C.A.S. Humber (Check all that apply) 64742-47-6 20 Li,qht Pertroleum Distillate E] Fire Hazard E~ Reactivity ~ Oelaved [] Sudden Release Fl Immediate Component f2 Name & C.A,S. Number Health of Pressure Health Component f3 Hame & C,A,S, Number PhYsical(check a/ImndthatHealthapply)Hazard C,A,S, Hu:ber N/A Co~ponent67_63_OII Hame I C,A.S. Nu~ber 97 Isopropanol ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ DelaYed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate Component 12 Na~e & C,A,S, Number Health of Pressure Hen)th ' Component ~3 Hame & C,A.S, Hu~ber _ I ,I soo t 40o I ,soo' I GALI 305 110 I 1 I 4 t08 )Bldg 1, Sec,]C,E.F EAMMate. WS-16 Physical ~nd Heml:h N~z~rd C.A.S. Number N/A ComponenL I1 Name & C.A.S. Number (Check all that apply) 7664-38-2 ~14 Phosphoric Acid Component f2 Name & C,A.S. Number D Fire Hazard ~Reactivity ~qelaye.d D Sudden Release ~Immediate 5 2-Bu~6~yethanol Health of Pressure Health 111-76-2 Co~ponent f3 Hame & C,A,S. Humber - ' EHERGEHCY CONTACTS fll Bob'iMi~ers Operations ,0r.397-3869 fl2 Jess R. Winters Owner 834-3449 ~eTT~le - ~~e R~eTttle [erti.f'igztJoq ,(Re, Ct an.d.~ign afb,er' compT~ti.ng .~ I I secti.on~,) car.city unoer pena~cx o~la)~ thelc i nave personaHy, examlnqO aqo)m tamil~ar.¥itb the jnlormaclon submitted in this and all at,cacned.docvmencs, and that basea on my Inquiry 9r.cnose lnalVlOUa/s responsin~e Tot obtaining the lntormmtlOfl. I believe that the suomlttee Inlormat]on lS true, accurate, mno comp/ace. ~~F~fA) tttie of owner/oPerator Uk owner/opermtof s autnorizeo reoresen[aCive ~9naCure ~ned C]'T'Y of' BAKERSFJ. ELD Farm and Agriculture F1 Standard 8usifless k']HAZARDOUS HATERTALS l- NVENTORY NON--TRADE SECRETS Page 6 o¢ 19 BUSINESS NAHE: The Wax Shop OWNER NAME: Jess R. Winters NAME OF THIS FACILITY: The Wax Shod LOCATION: 5441 Aldrlq gl; ADDRESS: 5312 Uameron ~ STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE~ ~ · CIlY~ ZIP: Bak~r~fi¢ld EA q3313 CITY. ZIP:~ak¢r~fiPld ~A g33Qq DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER ..... PHONE fl: /on:~ ~? =~?~' ' PHONE fl: f~nK~q~L~q' '' - - ~ ~ ~ ....... REFER TO~~~S-~R--PROPER CODES - - I 2 3 4 5 6 I 8 g 10 11 12- 13 14 Trans ,Tyqe Wax Average Annual Measure I Qys Cent Cent Cent Use Location ~hece I by )lames cf uixture/Coe~onents Code cope Ant Ant Est Units on ~lte lype Press TemD Code StorecI in Facility Wt' See Instru:t~ons u l "l I330 12,500I GALl 365 t10 I I I 4108 I Blag 1,Sec C,E,F Brake Thru, WS-18 v/ 5- Physical end Health Hazard C.A.S. Humber N/A Component II Hame I C.A.S. Humber · (Check all that apply) 111-76-2 9 2-Butoxyethanol  ]mm~ire Hazard [] Reactivity ~ Delayed [3 Sudden Release [] Immediate Component 12 Name & C.A.S. Number 0:~_© L~ Heaith of Pressure Health 7320-34-5 4 TKPP Component f3 Hame & C.A.S. Humber 9004-82-4 2 Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulfate,,,,,, u l .tz,2001 5000 I GAClt 365 IZ0,Z31 Z I , 4 ~olishl Bld9 1, Sec C,E,F Safe Cut, WS-19 ~/ Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number N/A Component l1 Name & C.A.S Number (Check al) that apply) ' 20 Light Petroleum Distillate Component 12 Name & C,A.S. Number FI Fire Hazard I-1 Reactivity I~ Delayed [] Sudden Release FI Immediate Health of Pressure Health_ _. ~ Component 13 Name & C.A.S. Number OJ--£,q~t U I M )1,500 I 775 112,000 I GALI 365 I 10 I i [ 4 I 08 I Bldg 1, Sec C,E,F Slick Stuff, WS-20 //~'<- )Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Humber N/A Component I1 Name & C.A.S. Number (Check al) that aOl)ly) I Silicone Component 12 Name & C.A.S. Number F1 Fire Hazard [] Reactivity ~ Delayed FI Sudden Release FI Immediate (::)~'()[: Hem lth of Pressure Heal th Component f3 Name & C.A.S. Number -I"1 o I o I o' I SAL1 o I 4 I oal "/A Laundry Mate, HC-1 PhYsical and Hem)th Hazard C.A.S. Number N/A Component I1 Name & C.A.S. Number (Check al1 that apply) 64-17-5 3 Ethyl Alcohol [] Fire Hazard [] Reactivity ~ Oelaved [] Sudden Release [] Immediate Component 12 Name & C.A.S. Number 2 ~Triet. ga'nol Amine Health of Pressure Health 102-71:-6. _ Component ~3 Name & C.A.S. Humber 3 Wi tce'ami de EMERGENCY CONTACTS #1 BobiMi.ersTT~o0p-erati°ns Mo~. 397-3869 #2 Jess R Winters T~n~er 834-3449 IT)m,, - ~-1:[ r---P~'~ A ~'T'~ ~ ' ~T"I~ r Fl~f~nP ertifiatioq.(Re~3¢t and sign after compl~t icg,a 11 secti.ons) certify unaer pane)c) o~)a~ Chqt I havepersona|ly, examlnq~qo)m Tamil~ar,~itb the )nlormation Submitted in this ~nd all )t~acned.d~cumeflts, anQ C~ac eased on.my ~nquiry ~r, cnose ~now~oua)s responsio)e ~or obtaining the information. I believe that the sUemltted lnformatlOfl lS crum, Accurate, and complete. Sherry L. Mattueccii Executive Vice PKesident ;i~r~c'['f~l [Isle of OwnertoDerator UH owner/opera~or s authorized re~resen~cive CITY ol-' BAKERSFIELD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TNVENTORY NON--TRADE SECRETS Page 7 of 19 BUSINESS NAHE: The Wax Shop OWNER NAHE: ,]ess R. Winters NAME OF THIS FACILITY: The Wax Shod CIlY~ ZIP: Bakersfield CA 9,3313 '' ' CITY. ZIP~]Sak~r~f~ld CA ]r~ns lyre ~x Average Annual ~easure Igys Cant Con: Cant Use Location?ace ~y. Naees cf uixture/C:r~onents Code Coae AeC AeC Est Units on 5~Ce Type Press Te~o Code SLore~ ~n ~ac~/~ty See r~vsical end He~lth Hazard C.A.S. Humber N/A Component I1 Hame & C.X.S. Humber 2 Solvent 529-66 ICheck ail that apply) 64742-9-6-7 ire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ I~mediate Co~oonent 12 Ha~e & C.X.5. Humber Health of Pressure He~tth Co~ponent 13 H~e & C.A.S. Hu~bsr Physical and Health Hazard C.l.S. Number 68476?30-2 Component ll Name t C.X.S. Num~er ~Fire H~z~rd ~ Reactivity ~ Oetayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate Component f2 Name I C.X.S. Humber Health of Pressure Health Component 13 Name ~ C.X.S. Humber ; D ~ M ~ 0 I 0 } 0 I GALI 0 I 10 I 1 [ 4 .I la I N/A Wire Wheel Conc, R-60 .. 7664-38-2 28 Phosphoric Acid Component 12 Hame & C.A.S. Humber ~ ~ire Hazard ~ Reactivitl ~ Oe)ared ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate 4 Ammonium Bifluoride' HeaTCh of Pressure He~lth ~34[-49-7 "' Co~ponent f3 Ha~e & C.X.S. Humber ~ 766~-39-3 ~2 Hydrofluoric r'--I, ~, I 0 I 0 I,, O' I GALI 0 t 101 I 4 ~ ~8 I N/A Window C]eaner Conc, R-61 PhYSicAl ~nd HeAlth H~z~rd C.X.S. Number N/A Cemp~nenC Ii Hs~e & C,X.S. Number ;40 ~sopropanol (Chec~ ell Ch4C a~HY) 67-63-0 Component 12 N~me & C,X.S. Hu~ber ~ . ~Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Oelayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate ~ ' Health of Pressure Health Component f3 NAme & C,A.S. Number - ' EHERGENCY CONTACTS fll Bob~H~ers T~l~rations Mgr. 397-3869 fl20ess R. ~nters T~er 834-3449 ertifi~ztiaq ,(Re~d and ~ign after completiog,all secti~n~) :cached.d~cveenLs, an~ Chat based on my inquiry 9Lcnose 1flOlVlOUa/S responsible Tar oOc~ln~n9 cae ~ntormatlon. [ believe th~t the ~baILted Information IS true, 4ccurate, lng co~p/ece. Sher~s L. Mattuecci; Executive Vice P~esident ~~ ~~cure . ~~hctal cIcte of o~Aertooe'rator u~ o~fler/operaCOr S authorized represenDci~e C]'T'Y ot" BAKEREF.I. ELD HAZARDOUS MATERZALS ZNVENTORY Farm and Xgticulture [] Standard Business [3 NON--TRADE SECRETS Page 8 oi 19 BUS[NESS NAZI:.. The Wax Shop OWNER NAHE: Jess R. Winters NAHE OF THIS FACILITY: The Wax Shod LOCATION: 5441A'ldr, n C~ ADORESS: b31Z Cameron Ct OUN ^ND RADS REE, UHBERSTANO^RDBINO'TCL~ESNCOOE; .... 3_93E ' CITY. ZIP: BakPr~fiPId, FA 9~313 CITY. ZIP:~ak~r~fiPId PHONE #: (pn=~ ~n~ =77~ ' PHONE #' ' ' '' - - '~, ....... REFER YO~)~T'}4Oa~S-~:~R-~ROP[R CODES -- Trans [yqe ~ax Average Annual Heasure I ~¥s Cent Cent Cent Use Location Xhere ~ by HaRes of uixture/C:e~onents Code coed AeC ^mt Est Units on 51Ce Type Press Tamp Code StereO in Facility ~t' See Instructions ~hYsical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number N/A Component I1 Hame I C.A.S. Humber {Check all Chat applyJ a'nol 67-63-0 Component 12 Name I C.X.S. Humber Fire Hazard [] Reactivity [] Delayed ~ Sudden Release Fl Immediate Health of Pressure Health Component 13 Hame & C.X.S. Humber u t "1 ~o I ~o I~,~oo Is^El 3~5 ~, Sec F. R-63 PhYsical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Humber 67-63-0 Component 11 Hame & C.A.S. Humber (Check ali that apply) Component ~2 Hame & C.A.S. Number [] Fire Hazard [] Reactivity [] Delayed [] Sudden Release [] Immediate Health of Pressure Health Component f3 Hame I C.A.S. Humber D I MI 0 I 0 I 0 I G^Lt 0 White Wall Cleaner, Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number N/A Component l1 Name & C.A.S. Number (Check all that a~ply) 111-76-2 2- Component 12 Hame & C.A.S. Number F1 Fire Hazard )([~ Reactivity ~3( Delayed [] Sudden Release ~ Immediate Caustic Soda Health of Pressure Health 1310-73-2 Component f3 Hame & C.A.S. Number 6834-92-0 Crystamet Physical end Health H~zsrd C.A.S. Huaber N/A Component l1 Ha~e I C.A.S. HuAber (Check a11 that apply) 111-76-2 2- Co,pone(lC 12 Hame & C.A.S. Number ~ Fire Hazmrd ~ Reactivity ~ Oelmved ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate ~ono(t5anol Amine HeaTth of Pressure Health 141-43-5 Co~ponent 13 Hame & C.A.S. Humber - ' 27176-87-0, 6R~Ra-??-5 Cml Soft Las 99 EHERGENCY CONTACTS ~1 Bob'i~i~ers _O~erations Ngr. 397-3869 fl2 Jess R. Hinters _O~ner 834-3449 Certification (Read and sign after completing.all secti~n~) [.certify under penalt~ ofJa~ Ch~t [ havepe[sonaH~.examinq~lqo~m tamil~ar.~itb the ~ntormaclOn submitted iff this 4nd a11 attached documents, an~ Chat oaseo on.my inquiry gT. cnose lflOlylOUl/S responsiole Tor obtaining the lnTormatlOn. [belteve that the ~submlCted information Is Crud, Iccurace, mae coAp/ece. Sherry L. Mattuecci; Executive yice President,representative ~at~re ~.~~(~) ~ttle of owner/operator DH owner/opermcor s 8ucnorizeo CIT'Y of BAKER ;FIELi9 HAZARDOUS HATER:]ZALS ZNVENTORY Farm and Xgticuiture D Standard Business ~ NON--TRADE SECRETS Page 9 oi 19 BUSINESS NAHE: The Wax Shop OWNER NAME: Jess R. Winters NAME OF THIS FACILITY: The Wax ShoD CITY, ZIP: Bak~r~tiPId EA 93913 CITY, ZZP:~ak~r~fi~ld £A 933~9 PHONE fi- n:~ ~m~ :&?N PHONE #' ' ' '' - - 1 2 3 ~ 5 6 I 8 9 10 11 12. 13 Tr~ns Ty~e ~4x Average Annusl Heasure I ~y~ Cent Coat Cent Use Location ~hece ~ bY ~la,es cf uizture/C~onents Code Code AeC AmC Est Units on 51ce Type Press le~o Code SCored In Facl/1ty ~C' See Instructions u l~l ~65 I 110 I 330 I GALI 3S5 1061~ 1~1~ IBldg 2, Sec F 10, Z-Butox~eChano], R-71 ~Ysical ~nd ~eelCh Hazard C.A,S. Number 111-76-~ Component II Ha~e ~ C.X.S. Humber - ICheck ali Chat apoly) Com0onenC f2 Name & C.A.S. Humber ire Hazard 0 RNcCiviCy ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate Health of Pressure Health Component 13 Hsme ~ C.A.S. Humber D I P I o I o I o I SALI 0 I 06 I Z I 4 I N/A 101 Wit'ceamidej R-81 PhysicAl 8nd Health HAzard C.A.S. Number N/A Component I1 Hame & C.A.S. Humber (Check 4ll that Co,portent 12 Ne~e & C.X.S. Number ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Relemse ~ I~mediate ,. Health of Pressure Hoe]th Component f3 Hame & C.A.S. Nu~ber D ) P I 200 I 200 I 200 l lbs I 365 I 06 I I [ 4 18 I N/A 98 Caustic Soda, R-100 PhYsical end Health H~zard C.A.S. Number 1310-73-2 Component fl Hame & C.A.S. Number (Check all that apply) Component 12 Ha~e & C.A.S. Number ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~Immediate Health of PKessuKe Health Component ~3 Name & C.A.S. Humber PhYsical 8nd Health ~alard C,A,S, Nu~ber Component I1 Ha~e & C,A.S. NuAber (Check all that apply) ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Oelayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Im~ediateC°~p°nent I~ Ha~e & C.A.S. Number ~ Health of Pressure Health Component ;3 Hame ~ C.A.S. Humber - ' EHERGEHCY CONTACTS fll BobiMi:ers _O~erations H97. 397-3869 fl2 Jess R. ,inters _O.ner 834-3449 ~meTTcIe ~~e N~eTlue ~r ~none Certification (Read and sf~n after compT~Cf~g,~71 sections) I.cer~f) under pena]~ of)a~ that [ hav)personaJl),examlnqO~qo ~ rami)~ar,~itb the,~nlormat)pn submitted in this 4nd alt SUDmltteo IAfOrmaClOn IS true, accurate, ano comp/ace. ~)~cia) title of Ownerlooerator UH owner/operator s auC~orizeo represen[aCive blgnature CIT'Y of BAKERSFIELD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Farm and Agriculture E] Standard Business k-'l NON--TRADE SECRETS Page 10 _ of 19 BUSINESS NA~E% The Wax Shop OWNER NAME: Jess R. Winters NAME OF THIS FACILITY: The Wax Shod LOCATION: 5441Aldrqn Ut ADDRESS: b31Z gameron g~ STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE( 3.SL~ CIIY. ZIP: BakPr~fiPId_ FA g3313 CITY. ZIP:.Bak~r~fiPid. FA g33~9 DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER .... '~' ....... REFER ~O~-~F~~S-FIgR--~ROPER CODES -- 1 2 ~ 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12- 13 ~ixture/~o~onents Tr6ns [¥qe ~ax Average Annual Heasure otn ~ys Cant Conb Cant Use Location ~here ~byt !lameSsCf°° Code coae Ami ^mt Est Un,ts 5~te Type Press ~emo Code Store~ ~n Facility ~nstructlons PI I 100 1300 I bsl 365 I ze I 11 4 }18 I N/A 99i Ammonium J~ifluoride R-lO1 PhYsical and Health Hazard C.A,S, Number 1341-49-7 Component fl Name & C,A.S. Number - (Check ail that ire Hazard ~ Reactivity [~ Delayed [] Sudden Release [] ImmediateC°mp°nenL ~2 Name & C.A.S. Number Health of Pressure Health Component 13 Name S C.A.S. Number / u t p I 16s I 80 I 220 I GALl 36S I OZ I Z I 4 I Za I~dg 2, Sec. 'F 75 Phosphoric Acid, R-IO~//~, PhYsical and Health Hazard C,A.S. Number 7664-38-2 Component l1 Hame & C.A.a. Number (Check all that apply) Component 12 Name & ¢.A.S. Number El Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity [] Delayed F1 Sudden Release ~ Immediate Health of Pressure Health Component 13 Name & C.A.S. Number Dt P ! 300 I 200 I 400 I lbs} 365 I 12 J 1 [ 4 I 18 I N/A 100 Crystamet, R-lO3 Physical and Health Hazard C.A,S, Number 6834-92-0 Component fl Name & C,A,S, Number (Check all that apply) Component ~2 Name & C.A,$. Number J-] Fire Hazard [] Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release F1 Immediate Health of Pressure Health Component f3 Hame & C.X.S. Humber :1,1 ~00 I 200 I 400' Il,si 365 112 II I 4 18 I N/A 100 TKPP, R-104 V/' PhYsiCal end Health Hazard C.A.S. Number 7320-34-5 Component I1 Name & C.A.S. Number (Check all that apply) Component 12 Name & C.X.S. Number ~ . L] ~ire N4zard F1 Reactivity [] Oelayed [] Sudden Release [] Immediate r ' Health of Pressure Health Component 13 Name & C.X.S. Humber - ' ~EMER~ENCY CONTACTS #1 Bob';~ers Operations Hgt. 397-3869 fl2 Jess R. W~nters O~ner 834-3449 j NameTT~Ie-- 2T-1~r--~e R~eTltle 2T-~T Fhone ertijcatioq ,~Re/3¢~ and s fan after comp let i~g,a 7 1 sect i,on~) .cer~]ry unoer pena~c~ o:r!aF that ! have pe[sonaHLexamlnqO~qo ~m tami~ar,~it~ the, intorma[lon ~u~mitted in this lnd all at,ached.documents, an~ that Dosed on my inquiry 9Lcnose ~nu~v~aua~s responsio~e ~or ooca~nin9 the information. ! believe that the suomltted information is true, accurate, and complete. ~~T~ctat tttle of o~nerlooerator uH o~ner/operator's authorized reoresen~acive Sl~ature CITY ol-' BAKI::R SF J. ELL) ./ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Far= and Agriculture [-1 St~nclard Business J~ NON--TRADE SECRETS Page 11 of 19 BUSINESS NAIVE: T.he Wax Shop OWNER NAHE: Jess R. Winters NANE OF THIS FACILITY: The Wax Shop :LOCATION: 5441 Aldrin"gt ADDRESS; b312 uameron L;~:DUN AND RADS REET UH@ERSTANDARDBIND-TOLASSNCODE: .... CI]Y~ ZIP; SakpY'nfiPld, £A 933]3 CITY. ZIP:.Bak~fiP]d £A q33D9 ..... PHONE ~: ' /~nH% ~n~. n97~ PHONE #: ...... - Tr~ns TyD. e ~ax Average Annual Heasure I .Oy.s Cent Cent Cent Use Lec~tion.~he[e ~ bY .~lar. es cf code coae X,t AmC Est ~n~ts on ~lce Ty~e Press Te~ Cede Stereo ia ~aCl/ity lC' See lnstru:t~ons ',U: J P i 80 I 55 '1',220 I GALl,,',365 .... 1.06, J , 1, J 4'j' 18 j Bldq 1, Sec D " 1~ Monoethanol.a~!ne,. R]~'0'5 F~vsic~l and Hemlth Hazard C.A.S. Humber 141-43-5 Component I1 Name & C.A.S. He~lth of Pressure Heslth .p, J M J 165 j 80 .i 44O I GALJ 365 I.o~ l, z I 4118 I Bldq.2,.S.~c.F. Calsoft Las-99. R-106 Physical ~nd He41Lh Hdzard C.A.S. Humber 27176~87~0%' 68584-22~5Com~onenC Il H~me & C.A.S. Humber {Check a]l Chac apply) ' 27176-87-0 97 Dodecs!ben.ze~e Sql. fonic Acid Componen~ 12 Name & C.A.S. Number ~ F~re Hazard ~ Re~ct~fity ~Dela~ed ~ SuddenReleese ~ Immediate i Sulfuric Acid Health of Pressure Health 7664-93-9 ' ' Component ~3 Name & C.A.S. ..... 7446-09-5 O.1 Sulfur Dioxide U [ M j 110 . J. 55 J 220 J. GALl 365 J 07 J '1' [ 4 J18 j Bld~. !, .Sec D Cal.aqide C., R-lO7 Physical Bnd He8lLhHazard C.A.S. Number 8051-30-7 ComponenC ll Name & C,A.S. Number 111-42-2 111-42-2 8 Diethanolom.ine .... ,~ Component 13 Hame & C.X.S. Humber J 1501400 J'~bsj 365 112 J I J 4 J~sj N~A 1~ Trisodiumnhos~h~t~. end Health H~z~rd C.X.S. Humber 10101-89-0 Component 11 Name I C.A.S. Humber ~Chec~ 4/1 th~C apply) ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Oelayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate Component 12 Hame I C.A.S. Humber ~: He~[Ch of Pressure He, ICh .......... ' ....  Component ;3 Nsme & C.X.S. Humber - ' ~ert~fj~tJoq ,~Re~d end sign after completi~g,~ll secCipn~) t.ce~tuy unoer penaIc~ or,aw that [ have personaj~y, examlnqgaqo Im tamJllar.~it~ the ~n[ormaClOn ~u~mitted Jn this 4nd 'attaChed.documents, 8n~ t~at baseo on.my inquiry ~t.cnose 1flolvloua/s responsio/e ~or obt~lfliflg the information. X believe that the su:m~tteo 1AtorB~tlOfl lS true, accurate, aha complete. ~herry L. Mattuecci~ Executive Vice President. , ~~~ ~~j~t [icJe of ownertoDerator'uH owner/opkrato~'s ~u[norize'd reoresenCacive ~cure O]'TY ot" BAKERSF/ELD HAZARDOUS MATERTAL8 ZNVENTORY Far"n and Agt, icult, ure E] Standard Business J~ NON--TRADE SECRETS Page 12 of 19 BUSINESS NAFJE.:_. T.he. ~/ax Shop OWNER NAME: Jess R. Winters NAHE OF THZS FACILITY: The ~/ax Shod LOCATTON; 5441 A/drill (il: ADDRESS; bJlZ Cameron (:~ STANDARD TNB. CLASS CODE.= ~b~L~F~ ' CITY. ZIP: Bak~r~fimld CA q3313 CITY. ZlP:J3akPr~fimld. C.A 933(19 DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER ......... PHONE fi: rc~n[:~ -~o'7 :,~?,~ PHONE fi'.. f~nc;~:~z~..~z~(:~' '' - - '~"' ....... "' REFER TO~J'~CSrFR~eT~FS-7=OR--PROPER CODES I 2 3 4 5 6 I 8 9 10 11 12. 13 Trans Tyqe )4ax Ave. rage Annual Heasure I .Oys Cont Cont Cent Use Location ~he:e ~ bY ~lares cf' ,ixture/CceDonents Cede coee AeC AmC Est LlnltS on ~lt.e Type Press Temo Code Stored la Facility Wt' See Instru:tlons u l.I I ss 133o I GALl 36S 107 I I 4 I ZaSec D Carsonol SES-S,R-109 J:hvsical end Hee]th Hazard C.A.$. Number N/A Component I1 Ha.ne I C.A.S. Humber (Check ali th4t applyJ 60 SodiUTn]aury] Ether Sulfate 9004-82-4 Comoonent 12 Hame & C.A.S. Humber IXl Fire Hazard [] Reactivity )J[~ Deteyed [] Sudden Releese [] I~.medi~te ' 15 Eth.vl A]cohol Hem it.h of Pressure Health 64-17-5 Component 13 H~me & C.X.S. Humber u t P I 1;.zool 600 i zs,000 I~T31 3~S I 0~ I ~ I 4 119 t Bldq 1, Sec B ~0( Propane FhysicAl and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number 74-98-6 Component I1 Name & C.k.S. Number {Check 411 that apply) IL7) Fire Hazard [] Reactivity [] Delayed [] Sudden Release ~ I~:ediat. e CoAp°nent 12 Hame I C.A.S. Hu~.ber Health of Pressure Health :!ii Ce.~ponent 13 Name & C.X.S. Hu..,ber ._'?- J M J 80 J 55 J 110 I GALI 365 J n~ j 1 [ 4 J 18 J Bld9 1, Sec .D Eso Lemon #1049, RF-3 Physical and Wealth Hazard C.A.$. ltu.~ber N/A Component I1 ii,me t C.A.$. ~lu~er Companent 12 N~me C.A.S. ~ Fire Hazard g Reactivity ~'~qelay~p ~ Sudden Release ~ [=mediate Hea~cn of Pressure Health Component 13 Hame & C.X.S. Humber ~J ~J o I o I o' l GALl 0 106 I ~ I ~l~8l ~/A Bubble Gum. RF-4 Physical mnd Health H~zmrd C.A.S. Number N/A Component ~1 Na~e ~ C.A.S. Number (Check all that 64~17F5, 67-56-1 m95 Ethanol ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate Co~ponent'12' -Hame & C.A.S. Hu~ber ~ .. Health of Pressure Health Component 13 Hame & C.A.S. Humber ' ' ~E~ER~HCV COHT~CTS ~ ~ob .~ers ~[r~ons ~r. ~-~ ~ aess ~. ~n~ers T~er ~-~ mcertifjcation (Read and sign after completfpg,all sectipn$) I cer~¢y under pena)~) of)a~ th{t I havepersonaJl),examinqO~qo)m ramim~ar,~it~ the inlor~auon Submitted in this mhd all at~ac~ed,dQcgments, anQ t~a~ oaseo on q tnquir) gL[nose lnow]oua)s responsiome rot obtaining the ]ntormat~on. I believe that the suDmltteo ]ntoraatlo~ is ;rue, accurate, and SherrY,~' Nattueccij Executive Vice President ~ ~~-- ~Q~F~ title Ot owner/oPerator U~ owner/operator s authorized represen~uve CITY of BAKER[SFIELD HAZARDOU8 MATERZAL8 INVENTORY [arm and Agriculture [] Standard Business I~ NON--TRADE SECRETS Page 13 of 19 BUSINESS NAH_E.:.. The Wax Shop OWNER NAHE: Jess R. Winters NAME OF THIS FACILITY: The Wax Shoo LOCATION: 5441 Aldr3n (it ADDRESS: b3iZ uameron C~ DUN AND RADS REE, UMB~-ST'~NDYSBDB-IN-D'-T-CL--A-SSN~Q-D-E~- .... 3_~L___'_. CITY~ ZIP: Baker~fiPId 0. A 93313 CITY~ ZIP:JS~kPr~fi~ld £A g33(lq PHONE #: [on:~ ~n~ ~6~' ' PHONE #' - ' '' - - Trams Tyqe )~ax Ave. rage Annual Heasure I ~Oy.s Cent Cont ConC Use loca, tion.~heEe ~ See Instru:t~ens Code ~ooe Act AmC Est UA1Cs on ~lce Type Press Te~e Code Stored la Facility y ,'laP. es of ,ixture/C:~=onents 'o I I oIo I AII o to6t 1181"/A F.~vsic~l ~nd I~e~l~h N~z~rd C.A.S. Number N/A Component I1 Na~e ~ ¢.A.$. Number ' IC.~eck all tl~at: ~pplyj 111-76-2 2-Butox'tethano'l Component; 12 Na~e & C.A.$. Number i~ Fire Hazard !-i Reactivity ltl(Delayed El Sudden Release [] i=mediate He~ ICh of Pressure Heal Component 13 N~e & C.X.S. ~lu~het u t MI 55 I ss i...'ss I GALI 365 I 06 I 1 I 4 18 t Bldg 1, Sec C wheel Ezee Syrup, RS-6 PhysicAl 8nd Health Hazard C.A.$. Number N/A Component Il Name I C.A.S. Humber .(Check 4ll that apply) 2-Butoxyethanol [] Fire Hazard l-) Reactivity )[][ Delayed F1 Sudden Release [] I~mediate Component HeaTth of Pressure Health Co,~ponent 13 Hame & C.A.S. Humber Physical end Health Hazard C.A.$. Hu:ber N/A Component l1 Hame I C.A.S. Nu~ber (Check all that apply) 111-76-2 ~ Fire 'Hazard Fl Reactivity F~ Delayed [] Sudden Release I~ Immediate Component 12 Name & C.A.$. Number Hem ICh of Pressure Hem]th Component 13 Name I C.A.S. Number 0 I 0 I 0' 0 N/A Glass Guard Syrup, RS-15 PhYsicAl ~nd Health Hazard C.A.S. Humber N/A Component I1 Name & C.A.S. Humber (Check all that apply) 63148-62-9 Silicone Component [_] Fire Hazard [] Reactivity Ill Oelmyed [] Sudden Release [] Immediate r - Hem ICh of Pressure Heal th Component 13 Hame & C.A.S. Humber - ' EMERGENCY CONTACTS #1 Bob .Miers _Op. erations Mqr. 397-3869 fl2 Jess R. Winters _0~ner 834-3449 CerCi/i~atioq ,(Re~d and sign af~.er compl~ti.ng,~ll secti.ons~) I.cer.clry uneer penalc)~ o:r ]a)~ thqt I havepersonalfy, examlnq~ar)o)m Tami)~mr.¥itb the )nlor=aclon Submitted in this and all atcacned.documents, an(I t.~ac cased on my ~nquiry 9~.cnose ~now~ouaLs responsio)e tot obtaining the lnrormat~on. ! believe that the /subm~tteo Iflfor~atlOfl IS true, accurate, and comp)ace. oSher.rj/ L. Mattueccij Executive Vice President ~i~)~t'~ciat title of owner/oPeratOr UH owner/operator's au[horizon representative ~ gnacure l)il~.rsl'~r, eo CITY ot" BAi~F_,RSF.LFLU HAZARDOUS MATERT'ALS TNVENTORY Farm and XgCiculCure F! Standard Business ~] NON--TRADE SECRETS Page 14 of 19 BUSINESS NA~:.. The Wax Shop OWNER NAHE: Jess R. Winters NAHE OF THHS FACHLITY: 7heWax Shod CITY, ZIP: Bakersfield EA 93313 CITY. ZIP:JSak~r~fi~id CA g33~q PHONE fl: ron~ on~_K~?~ ' PHONE fi' ' ' '' - - REFER ~QJt-~I~)TF~Tr~Z~$-7~QF¢-'F~ROPER CODES -- "ixture/C:~enentS]nstru:t~on$/ Trans [y~e ~x Average Annual ~ea~ure t ~¥s Cent Cent Cent Use Location ~here ~b~t ~Za"esscf~o Code ceee XeC AmC Est Units on ~Ce Type Press Te:o Cede SCorea in Facility u I ~1 220 I ~zo t ~0 I GALl 365 I 0~ t ~ I 4 l la I~]ag l,Sec C Brake Thru Syrup, RS-18 Fhvsic~l and Health Hazard C.A.S. Humber N/A Component Il Name & C.A.S. Number ICheck ali Chic applyJ N/A I Car~ono!-SES-S Com~onenC Name & C.A.$. Humber [] Fire Hazard E) Reactivitl [] Delayed D Sudden Release [] I~mediate Health of Pressure Health Component 13 Name & C.A.S. Number u t . I z7s I zso i sso I GALI365I zo I z l "1 ~8 I B~dg ~,Sec D Slick' Stuff S]rup, RS-ZO ;Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number N/A Component I1 Hame & C.A.S. Humber (Check ali that apply) 63148-62-9 12 Silicone Fl FiFe Hazard F1 Reactivity [~ Delayed F1 Sudden Release [] I::ediate Component f2 Ha~e & C.A.S. Humber Health of Pressure Hem)th COmponent ~3 Name & C.A.S. Humber DJ Ht 300 I ~SO I ~,ZO0 II"st 365 Ill t 1L 4I 18I N/A 99 Carbopol, R-110 PhYsical Bnd HeBlthHazBrd C.A.$. ~u~b~r 9003-01-4 Componen~ I1 ~e ~ ~.A.S. (Che~ ali Lh~ ap~ly) 79-10-7 0.1 Acr.¥1ic Acid Companent 12 Nsme & C.A.$. g Fire Hazard [] Reactivity [~ Belayed El Sudden Release [] Immediate 0.3 Benzene Health of Pressure Health 71-43-2 Component )3 Name & C.A.S. ~u~ber / ~_1P.-I 5,000 I 2,500 1 20,~oollbs I 3~s I 12 I i I 4t 18 I Bldg 2, Sec F Snow Floss, R-111 PhYsical ~nd Heat~h ~a~ard C.A.S. ~umber 68855-54-9 Component I1 Na~e & C.A.S. Number (~heck al1 ~ha~ apply/ 60 Crus~alline Silica 14464=54-9 Componen~ 12 Name & C.A.$. Number I1 Fire ~azard [] Reactivity ~ ~el~ed E] Sudden Release [] Immediate 3 quar~-~-' Hesl~h of Pressure Health 14808-60-7 ' Companen~ 13 Nsme & ¢.A.S. Nu~ber ' ' EHERGENCY CONTACTS #1 BobMi}ers _O~erationsH~?. 397-3869 ~2 Jess R. Winters gNner 834-3449 ~'~'TT~e T4-1:[F-Pli~e R~e T~CI e Z'I'-Rt ~none !Certification (Read and sion after completing all sections) r cer~]fv o~der Aenal~v ofla~ Chat !hAv~personally exsmin d~ d m familiar ~i[ the information Submitted in Chis end !t~F~:dq~,_~n~_C~_ba~..~.~y !~gu![z_~.~hose ~n§tw~uats responsible for obCa~nin9 the ~nrormat~on. ! bel,eve Chat Lhe s true, ~_________~~~~ Sherr~ L. Mattuecci~ Executive Vice President ~ .~)~[~c[~l Title of 0vnerlooerat0r UH owner/operator s authorized representative ET~a-t, ure O~[.r~T~neo CITY of' BAKERSFIELD HAZARDOUS MAT ERTALS TNVENTORY Farm and Agriculture F1 Standard Business I~ NON--TRADE SECRETS Page 15 o¢ 19 LB_US~I._N_ES~.S. NAM. E.:.. T.he Wax Shop OWNER NAME: Jess R. Winters NAME OF THIS FACILITY: The Wax Shoo gA/IUN: 5~ Algr Ct ADDRESS; 5312 cameron Ut STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE.= 3qgM ' C~IY~ ZIP: Baker~f3e]~ £A g3313 CITY. ZIP:RakPr~fiPld C.A g33~g DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER .... PHONE f: fonc:~ 0o'7 :,~?~' ' PHONE #' - ' '' - ' - REFER ~O~-~~~$-I:-OR--~ROPER CODES -- I 2 3 ~ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12, 13 I~ lrans [yqe Hax Average Annual Heasure I ~y~ Cont Cent Cent Use Location ~here ~ bY }la,es cf uixturelCcr~onents Code ~ooe AeC AmC Est Units on bite Type Press Temo Code Store~ in Facility ~t' See Instructions Fhvlical and Health Hazard C.A,S. Number 110-91-8 Component II Hame I C.A.S. Number (C,,eck ali that applyJ Component 12 Name & C.X.S. Number [] Fire Hazard [] Reactivity [] Delayed I-1 Sudden Release ~ Immediate Health of Pressure Health Component 13 .Name & C.A.5. Number ~ I.I ~o I ~o i 20 IGAL 3~5 t~0t I I 4 118 I N/A Formaldeh, R-113 Physical and Health Hazard C,A.S. Number 50-00-0 Component I1 Name & C.A.S. Humber (Check 4il that apply) 50-00-0 Formal dehyde Component 12 Name & C.A.S. Number {~ Fire Hazard F1 Reactivity [] Delayed [] Sudden Release )[~ Immediate Methyl Alcohol ' Health of Pressure Health 67-56-1 Component f3 Hame & C.A.S. Number u I P t 3,000J 1.800J 7.500 Ilbs J365 I z~l~ L 4 J18 t Bldg 2, Sec F Floss R-114 Physical mnd Health Hazmrd C.A.a, Humber 68855-54-9 Component II Hame & C.A.a. Number (Check all that apply) 14464-46-1 Crustal 1 i ne Si 1 i ca Component 12 Hame & C.A.S. Number F1 Fire Hazard [] Reactivity ~DelaYed [] Sudden Release [] Immediate Quartz HeaTth of Pressure Health 14808-60-7 Component ~3 Hame & C.A.S. Hut, bar 0 I 0 j 0 ' IGALJ 0 j06 J l J4 J18 I N/A Amsco Solv, R-115 PhYsical end Health Hazard C.A.S. Number 64742-95-6 Component l1 Name & C.X.S. Number (Check all that apply) 95-63-6 Component 12 Hame & C.A.a. Nu=ber ~. ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ DelaYed Fl Sudden Release [] Immediate Xylen~ Health of Pressure Health 1330-20-7 Component 13 Name & C.A.a. Number - ' 98-82-8 Cumene EMERGENCY CONTACTS ~l Bob,Mi~ers _O~erations M§?.. 397-3869 ~2 Jess R. Winters J~ner 834-3449 ~ TYtie ~4-ti~--Pl~e R~e /tHe 2T-Hr ~n0ne I~erti[j~atioq .(Re~ ~.~ign after completing,all secti,onq) at~acned.o~cvmeflcs, anQ C~c Dosed on.my ~nquiry 9r. cnose ~nalwaua)s responsiole for Detaining [ne information. I believe that the sUOmltteo Information lS crud, accurate, and comp/ere. E~)~tic(al title et ownerloDerator UH owner/opera[or s authorized representative ~Lr)-lT)ned CITY of BAKkRSFIELD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Farm andAgticulture F1 Standard Business ~ NON--TRADE SECRETS Page 16 of 19 .BU~S~T_NE.~S.S. NAI~E~:.. T.he..Wax Shop OWNER NAME: Jess R. Winters NAME OF THIS FACILITY: The Wax Shoo .LUCA, IUn: bq~l A/arin ut ADDRESS: b'312 l;ameron CITY, ZIP: Baker~fimld CA q3313 CITY. ZIP:.Bak~rgfi~ld (iA q33(lq '' :PHONE #: (~0~)-3~? 5~7~ ...... PHONE ff' - .... - - Irons !yqe ~x Average Annual ~easure I ~ys Cont Cont Cont Use Loc~tion ~h~[e ~ by ~la~,es of ~ixtur~/Co~onents Code Looe AmC AmC Est UniCa on ~Ite lype Press Temo Code Slore~ In Facl/tCy WC' See Instru:tlons ~hv~ical ~nd Ne~ith Nazsrd C.A.S. Number 8032-32-4 Component I1 N~e t C.A.S. Number · IC,,eck ali that applyl Component 12 H~e & C.X.S. Humber ~ Fire H~z~rd ~ Reactivity ~Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate Health of Pressure Healt~ U } P I 4,0001 2,500} 10,000 II'bs I 365 [ 12 I 1 ~ 4 }18 I Bldg 2, Sec F ~9 Kappolite, SF R-117~'~ ' Phvsic~1 mhd Heaith H~zard C.A.S. Number 66402-68-4 Component ~ Name & C.A.S. Number .(Check ~11 LMt ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Delaved ~ Sudden Release ~ ImmediateC°mp°nenl ~2 Hame ~ C.A.S. Number Health of Pressure Health Component 13 Hame & C.A.S. Humber U. tM t440 t 220 13,000 IGAL I 365 106 I 1 l 4 118 I Bld~ 2, Sec F lm Polysiloxane. emulsion, R-1~8 e ] Phys ica 1~ (Che:k ~11end Ch~CHealth~l II'Hard C.A.S. Number N/A Component Component 12 Name I C.A.S. Nu~er ~ D ~ire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Oele~edHeaiCh ~ Suddenof Pr~ssureRelease ~ Immedi~teHealth ~'-~ :l Co~ponenC f3 H~me I C.A.S. Hu~ber ~1 M .I 80 }. 40 I 110' IGAL I 365 I 06 I 1 I 4 t18 I Bldg 1, Sec D. Anionifi Surfactant, R-12~'-~ PhYsical and Health ~aTard C.A.S. Humber 26264-05-1 Component I1 Hame & C.A.S. Humber {Check a)l that app)y/ 26264-05-1' 9C Dodecylbenze Sulfonic Acid Component C.A.S. Humber ~ Fire Hlzird ~ Reactivity ~ Oelayed ~ Sudden Release Health of ~ressure Component 13 Hame & C.A.S. Humber - ' [E~ER~EHCY CONTACTS ~1 o~ ,Mi, ers _O~erations Mq~. 397-3869 ~2 Jess R. Winters ,O~ner 834-3449 ertif~atioq ,(Re~ a.n~.~ign af~pr compl~tigg,~11 sections) .certify ufloer penalty o~]a~ Ch{c jnavepersonauLexamln~olqo {m rami a]ar.{iC~ Che. jntormaC}pn ~u~mJtted in Chis tad all .c[acned.docvmencs, an~ Cbac based o~.my inquiry ~r.cnose 1AOlYIOUa/S responsioJe ~or Detaining cna Information. I believe that the u~m1CCed Information is true, accurate, lac comp/ace. ;~T~t~i t~tie bt ovner/oDdrator UH owfl~r/'operacor s 'aUthorized representative CITY of BAKERSFIELD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Farm and Agriculture [] Standard Business ~ NON--TRADE SECRETS Page 17 of' 19 BUSINESS NAM_E_:__ The Wax Shop OWNER NAME: Jess R. Winters ~NE RRFDT~INSD F~LOIAsLIsTYc~DE.The Wax Shod LOCATION: 5441 Alarin (it ADDRESS', bJlZ Cameron Ct D . ~ 3_~L_L_~_ CITYL ZIP: Bak~r~tiPId O.A ~-r:J3nkPr~fiPId. CA q33~lq uu,~ all~ onaUOlnC:l NUMBER Tr~ns Tyqe Xax Ave. rage Annual Heasure I .Dys Cent Cent Cent Use Loc~tion ~here ?Yt .qar. es of ,ixture/C:~,,onents Code code AmC AmC Est Units on ~lte Type Press Tome Code Stored tn Facl/~Cy See Instru:t.~ons U,~ J M I 5,0001 2,500J 500 jlbs J 365 J 12 J i J 4 J18 I Bldg 2, Sec F Microcrystalline Silica, R. 12. Physical and Health H~z~rd C.A.S. Number 1317-95-9 Componen~ I1 H~me I ¢.A.S. Number 98.~ Silica .Quartz (Check all that applyl 14808-60-7 Component 12 Hame & C.A.S. Humber F1 Fire Hazard [] Reactivity J~](Oeleyed Fl Sudden Release [] Tmmediate Health of Pressure Health - Component 13 H~me & C.A.$. Humber u I ,6501 sso i ,000 IGAL I 365 t061 14 IBldg 2, Sec F Solvent Blend, R-125 Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Humber 64475-85-0 Component l1 Hame & C.A.S. Number (Check ali that apply) 64742-48-9 99 Naphthol Spirits~ 66/3 Component 12 Name & C.X.S. Hubba? ~ Fi?e H~za?d ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate I Super High Flash Naphtha Health of P~essure Health 64742-95-6 Component f3 Hame & C.X.S. NuAbe~ ~ )~_ U J M I 60 J 40 I 55 I~A,: t 365 I 06 t 1 l 4 118 I Bldg 1, Sec D Alkai Surfactant, R-133 Physical Bnd HeBlth WBz~rd C.A.S. ~u:be~ 64972-19-6 Component 11 N~m~ t ~.A.S. Number (Check all that apply) Alkyl Acid ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate Component 12 Name & C.A.S. Number Hea ICh of Pressure Hea I th Component ~3 Name & C.A.S. Number ~lM I 4,0001 2,5001 ~0,000 Jibs I 3~s I 11 I I I 4 t18 J Bldg 1, Sec D Nu White Buffin~ Comp., R-)~i 'Physical ~nd Health H~z~rd C.A.S. Number N/A Component I1 Name & C.A.S. Number ICheck ali that appll) 14808-60-7 75 Silica g Fire Hazard ~ Re~ctivit? ~Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate Component 12 Name & C.A.S. Number ; . Hea ICh of Pressure Heal th Component f3 Hame I C.A.S. Number ' ' EHEROEHCY COHTACTS ~l Bob.Viers _Q~erations ~g.r. 397-3869 fl2 Jess R. Winters .O~ner 834-3449 :~eFtif)~atioq .{Re~d end sign ~fG~r com~leti~g.~ll sectipn~} J. cer~ ]CY ?eLF ~ena ~c) o~)a) Ch~t I have personam 7.exam1 nqQ~qo )m ram i ) ~ a ~. y itb the. ~ nl o[ma c) pn ~ubmi tied i n th i s ~nd al 1 at~acAeo.oocvmencs, 4nQ C~mc Dosed on my inquiry Qhcnose inDiviDUalS responsible Tot Detaining cae Information. I be)love that the suemltteo 1AlOrmatlOfl 1S true, accur4te, 8AO comp/ecL. .................. ~ ~ x~~ Ex. .t v. ~~r~c title of ownerloDerator u, owner/operator s 8u~orizea representative e CITY of' BAKE. R FJ. ELD HAZARDOUS MAT ERTALS T' NVENTORY Farm and Agticulture [l Standard Business !~ NON--TRADE SECRETS Page 18 of 19 BUSINESS NAIVE:. The Wax Shop OWNER NAME: Jess R. Winters NAME OF THIS FACILITY: The Wax Shod LOCATION: 5441 Aldrirl Cji; ADDRESS; 53iZ Uameron Ut STANDARD IND, CLASS CODE~. ~ ' :CIlY~ ZIP: Bakersfield CA 93313 CITY. ZIP:j~akP_~field CA 933(1q DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER ,,,v~, ....... -- REFER 7'O-~I75S)7-F~IaOaI~$-lS-OR--PROPER CODES - - iCode Coed XmC Amc Est UflltS on ~Ce Type ~ress Te~o Code SCore~ in F~cl/~ty ~t' See IflsCru:tlofls ,, u} 4o I 55 ,, IGALI 365 I 06. I 1' I .4 I18 I BJ..dg..~, Sec D Nonion~c Surfactant, R-134 F~sic~i 4nd ~e~ith Hazard C.X,S. Humber .9016-~5~9 Component I1 Hame & C.X,S. Humber 95 Non~Tphenol +9 EO Polyethe~la~ {Check ~tl that apply} 9016-45-9 ' ' ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~Detayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate Component f2 Hame & C.A.S. Number ~ Component f3 Name & C.A.S. Humber He, iCh of Pressure HeslLh U f N .... I 440 I 165 i 880~ [GAL 1'36'~ I 06 I .1 I 4 !18 I Bldg. 1, Sec D 'GlY'cerine, R-122 Physical end Health Hazard C,A,S. Number 56-81-5 ComoonenC II Name & C.A,S. Number .{Check ail Chat 4~lyj 56-81-5 9~. Glycerine . . . ( ~ Fire Hzzard ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate He~lth of Pressure HealthComponent f2 Hame & C.A.S. Number Component f3 Hame & C.A.S. Hu~ber. 'A' ~ M )1,500I 500 ~ 10,000 llbs 'l 365 I !2 I 1 [ 4 118 ) Bldg 1, Sec D '" Organophilic"Clay.,R-135 Physical end Health Hazard C.A.S. Humber 121888-66-2 Component l} Name & C.A.S. Number {Check a)) th~C ~)y) 14808_60_7 <1 Quartz .. D Fire N~zard D Reactivity ~ Delayed D Sudden Release D Immediate Component 12 Name & C.A.S, Number Health of PressureHealth 14464-46-1 (.1 Cris~balite ~-, .... Component 13 Name I C.A.S. Nu~ber ),,s,oool 2,soolzo,ooo I III I 4 118.. I Bldg 2,..Sec F 99 Anhydrous Alum'inure Silica~ ~'140: ~)sic~) mhd He~lth~a~ard C.A.S. Number 66402-68-4 Component 11 Na:~ ~ C.A.S. Check al) that ~ Fire Hazard ~ Remctivit) ~ Oe)mved ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate Component 12 Name & C,A.S. Number ~.. He~[th of Pressure Health - Component 13 HAme & C.A.S. Humber - ' ~er~i[i~atioq ,(Re~d and.~ign after completiDg,~ll s~cti~n~) [.c!r~ny unoer pena~[) o)}af thlt l navepersonal~),examlnqo~qo~m rami)~ar.~it~ [ae inlorma:~on ~u~mitted in this lnd all a[~(c~ed.docVment~, anQ t~m[ ~mseu on.mf ~nquir7 ~r.[nose ~no)v)oua~s responsioie for ob[aining the ~nrorma[lon, I be);eve that the .:,uo~itteo ,n,ormmc,on 1, ,rue, accurate, ,,, co,p,ece. ~herrs L. Mattueccij Executive Vice President~~ ~;~~ctai [itie of' ~nefio~erator u~ ownerioPer~tOr~s au~florize~ re~resen[~Hve ClI'Y ot' BAKEP, SF.LELD HAZARDOUS NIAT ERTALS T NVENTORY Farm andAgticulture l-I Standard Business ~ NON--TRADE SECRETS Page 19 _ of 19 BUSINESS NAIVE: . T.he Wax Shop OWNER NAME: Jess R. Winters NAME OF THIS FACILITY: . The Wax ShOD iLOCATION: 544i Alclrin ct ADDRESS; 5S12 UameroI3 uti STANDARD IND. CLASS COD_E: 2L9_5~ ' CIlYL ZIP: Bak~r~fiP_ld £A 9,g.gl.~ ' CITY. ZIP:~akPr~fi~ld [:.A q33f)9 ' DUN AND BRADSTREEI NUMBER ..... Trans Tyoe I~ax Ave. r.a~e Annual Measure I .Dys Cent Cent ConC Use Location_Whece ~ See Instructions / Code Code AmC Amc Est Units on 5~Ce Type Press Temo Code SCore~ ~n Facility y N~mes cf ~fxture/C:r~oneflCs AI I Z,STSl 660 t s,ooo IGAL,,I 36S I06 t 1: t 4 I18 I Bld9 2, Sec F Pol-ish Syrup, RS-1~3 ~C~eck ali :ha: apoly} ' 450; Thi~,ner Comoonen: 12 Name ~ C.X,S. Number ~ Fire ~z~rd ~ Re~cdv~Cy ~elayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate ' .., ,~~  ~eal:h of Pressure Health Component I~ ~e & C,A.5. ~umber Physical and Heal:h Hazard C,A.S. Number . N/A ..... Component I1 Name & C.A.S. Number , (Check all ~ha~pply) 64742-47-6 98 Light Petroleum Distillate ' Component ~2 Name & C.A.S. Number ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~Oelayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate 2 Alkybenzens Health of ~ressure Health 68515-25-3 ~ Component 13 Name ~ C,A.S. Number II ,, A ~ P t165 I S5 1660 IGAL I 36S 106 I 1 [ 4 118 I Bld9 1. Sec C/Bldg 2Ia Polysiloxane. R-146 Physical ~nd Health M&z~rd C,A.S. Number 63148-62-9 Co:ponen~ II Name & C.A.S. Number Sec F Component 12 Name I C.A,S. Number Health of Pressure Health ....... Component t2 Name ~ C.X.S. Number M' I 80 I 40 IllO ' IGAL i 365 I 06 ! I I 4 118 I .Bld9 1, Sec D Primar.y Hmyl Acetate, 'h~sical ~n~ H~i;h Nmzard C.A.S. Number N/A Component Il Name & C.A.S. Number ,(Check ail that apply) 628-63-7 60 Primary Amyl Acetate ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Oel~yed ~ Sudden Release D Immedi.a~eC°~O°nent~i2 Name & C,A.S. Nu:ber :35 2-Men'gl Butyl Acetate, Health of Pressure Component I~ Name ~ C,A.S, Number 3~ 3-Methyl Butyl Acetate ] ~MERGENCY CONTACTS ~1 Bob .Miens _O~erations M~. 397-3869 ~2 Jess R. Winters ~ONner 834-3449 Cent~flc~tzon (Read amd_szgm after compl~tz~g,~ll 1.qer~ffy under penaltx o[)a~ %hq: I AavepersonaHy. examlnqo~qo {m ramim]ar,~i~O :he,)nKormaupn Submittal in ~his and all a:~Cned,docgmen~s, eno :~a: eased on. my inquiry gr,:nose ~no~v~oua/s responsible rot ooc~}ning :ne ~nrorma:]on. I believe that the :~fld~i [~tle Ot o~ner/'oo~rnt~r uR o~ner/oper~[or s au[~oriZe~ representative ~ , ACUTELY ZARDOUS MATERIALS R STRATION FORM This form MUST be completed by the owner or operator of EACH business in California which, at any time, handles' :Acutely Hazardous Material in quantifies, or in a mixture, equal to or greater than the Federal Threshold Planning Quantities for-Extremely Hazardous Substances. Submit this completed form to your local Administering Agency. (§25533 & 25536 Health & Safety Code) Note ~strnctions on reverst BUSINESSS1TE. ADDRESS 5441 Aldrin Court Bakersfield, CA 93313 BUSII~~~G~D~$(~er~t) P.O. Box 10226 Bakersfield~ CA 93389-0226 Revision t BUSINESS PHONE (805) 397-5274 BUSINESS PLAN ~I~i~ DATE~ 07-30-91 ....... . ...... .-.---,~a~~-~_~(~l~O1~' . ".-i ...... :';-":-"~ .... ~'-': .......... -': ....................... "-- ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATF, RIALS HANOI.ED' -USE ADDITIONAL PAGES IF NECESSARY- CHEMICAL NAME ~ 1% Sulfuric Acid 165 gal x 1% = 1.65 gal GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROCESSES AND PRINCIPAL EOUIPMENT': Formulatinq and bottlinq aftermarket car care products.' Sulfuric Acid i~ ~ 1~ mixture in a soap that is diluted and neutralized in formulations. I't is mixed 'in a mixing tank where it is dil-uted and'- neutralized. Cailforuia. Offic~ of Emergen~ S~rvk~s FORM HM 3777 (11 - 12 - 89)' 1-3 INSTRUCTIONS; Superscripts: :. "" 1. Please contact your local Administering Agency if you handle quantities of Acutely Hazardous Materials above state thresholds and have not submitted a business plan (Remember that California Acutely Fla?ardous Materials are identical to EPA Extremely Hazardous Substances). 2. "Process Designation" is provided for facilities thai with Administering Agency approval, would most easily be -__ ~. repor~.xl by process. For a business thai reports the business plan data by process,.~suixlivisionof facility RMPP regisuafion dam in similar format to the business plans. This format could simplify facility inspections and future emergency response. 3. Use the EPA list of Exffemely 14aTardous Substances from the Federal Register, 40 CFR 355 (Sections 302 and 304) (Note: This list may change on a yearly basis. Be sure the list used for compliance is the updated list. An updated list can be oimdned from EPA or the State of California Environmental Affairs Agency.) If appropriate, ~h a copy of the~kn, v. ,e~j .l!ry,~tlbtnitted to your Administering Agency in your business plan) with all Acutely 4. Do not include Tmd~ Secret information in these descriptions. General: For emergency response purposes, ff these elements am aPl~priate, it would be desirable m describe the following to the Administering Agency: 1. Batch Process: a. Wh~ mw mate~ial~? b. What operating pressure range? c. What operating temperature range? d. Batch opacity rating? ~. Product chamctemtics? (e.g., chemical state, flammability, t~xicit~, e~c.) L Critical process points and characteristics? 2. Continuous process: (similar information as above.) NOTE: "Pursuant Io §25534, the Administering Agency my require the submission of a Risk Management Prevention Program (RMPP), if the Administering Agency determines that the handler's operation my present an acutely hazardous materials accident risk. The handler shall prepare the RMPP in accordance with §25534 (c) of the Health and Safety Code. The RMPE shall be prepared within 12 months following the request made by the Administering Agency purmant to this section." (§ 25534 (c) Health and Safety Code) An.amendment to the RMPP must be submitted to the Administering Agency within 30 days of.' L Any-additional .handling of acutely haTardous materials. 2. Any maumal or. substantial alterations to business activities. ....................... 3.-- Change of address, bnsiness ownership,_or_business name. (§ 25533 (c)_Health &Sa~.. _~ · _ _ · EVERY BUSINESS REQUIRED TO SUBMIT AN RMPP SHALL-IMPLEMENT THE APPROVED RMPP ° 89 80373 P.O. Box 10226, Bakersfield, CA 93389-0226 (805)397-5274 FAX (805) 397-8817 July 31, 1991 Ms. Barbara Brenner R~C~IVED HazardousFire DepartmentMaterial Planning Technician JUl3; 199! ~ioi "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Ms. Brenner: Enclosed are the "Acutely Harzardous Materials Registration Forms", Facility Risk Index and a yearly updated inventory list. The inventory list, as per our phone conversation, is a complete inventory list. If you have any questions, please give me a call at 397-5274. Sincerely, Bob Miers . The Wax Shop is a Division of TWS Industries, Inc. s0pl0hl2v3T RISK RANKING - THE WAX SHOP - 1% SULFURIC ACID FACILITY RISK INDEX 2.5 X 3 = 7.5 INSPECTION HISTORY 3 X 3 = 9 POPULATION EXPOSED 2 X 2 = 4 MCP 4 X I = 4 TOX FACTOR 0.0 X 1 = 0.03 165 GAL X 15.35 LB/GAL (.01)/1000=.03 TOTAL = 24.53 FACILITY RISK INDEX RATING THE'WAX SHOP W = Activities or conditions that increase the likelihood of a release. 3 x .5 = 1.5 (NO. OF YES ANSWERS ON THE QUESTIONNAIRE 1-13. Add 1 yes to each facility for storage and minimal X = This factor reflects a company's claim (safety) history. 0.95 (WORKER COMP FACTOR, MAXIMUM EXPECTED IS 1.5) Y = Self reported' accident / safety record. 0 (REASONABLE=0, INADEQUATE=0.25, GROSSLY INADEQUATE=0.5) Z = A discretionary catagory used to account for factors not directly addressed in the questionnaire. 0 (OTHER COMPLICATING FACTORS MINIMAL=O, CONSIDERABLE=0.5, SUBSTANTIAL=l.0) FACILITY RISK INDEX = 2..45 RATING FI = W + X + Y + Z RATING RATIONALE: Risk increases with increasing process complexity and potential for human error. POPULATION EXPOSED - RATING 1. IS TOXIC MATERIAL APT TO BECOME AIRBORN RAPIDLY i.e. A GAS, FINE DusT, HIGHLY VOLATILE LIQUID NO=I YES= 2 IF ANSWER TO #1 IS NO, PROCEED TO #6 IF ANSWER TO #1 IS YES, ESTIMATE THE EVACUATION RADIUS, USING THE BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. GRAPH MODEL, AND ANSWER QUESTIONS 2-5. 2. iS THERE A SCHOOL WITH IN THE EVACUATION RADIUS ~ NO=O, YES=I 3. IS THERE A NURSING HOME OR HOSPITAL WITH IN THE EVACUATION RADIUS ~ NO=O, YES=I 4. IS THERE RESIDENTIAL HOUSING WITHIN THE EVACUATION RADIUS ? NO=O, YES=I 6. IS THE POPULATION DENSITY OF THIS AREA HIGHER THAN THE AVERAGE DUE TO ALOT OF MULTiSTORY BUILDINGS NO=O, YES=I 6. WHAT IS THE OCCUPANCY OF THE BUILDING THAT AHM IS STORED OR HANDLED IN ~ LESS THAN 5 PEOPLE=I 6 - 25 PEOPLE =2 26 - 50 PEOPLE =3 MORE THAN 50 PEOPLE =4 TOTAL POPULAT'ION EXPOSED RATING = 2 ~' RECEIVED .. JUl. 5 1 1991 FACILITY INFORMATION FORM HAM. MAT. DIV. Please ans~er each of the following questions by circling Y (yes) or N (no). 1. Is any acutely hazardous material . manufactured or used in a chemical reaction ? t~/ N 2. Is any other flammable gas, flammable liquid ~ or explosive material manufactured or used in chemical reaction 9 y 3. ts any reaction in question 1 or 2 a moderately . or highly exothermic reaction ( e.g. alkylation esterfication, oxidation, nitration, polymerization or condensation) or one involving electrolysis 4. Can any unplanned release of a AHM to the atmosphere result from the malfunction of any scrubbing, treatment or neutralization system or the discharge of pressure relief system o y 5. Does any physical or chemical process in which an AHM is produced or used involve a batch process ? ~/ N 6. Does any physical or chemical process involve the production or use of any AHM at a pressure in excess of 15 psig o y In excess of 275 psig ? Y 7. 8. Does any physical or chemical process involve the prod.uction or use of an AHM at a temperature above 125 degrees F ? Y 9. In excess of 250 degrees ? Y !0. Can any explosive dust be present in any' closed container within 100 feet of an AHM or otherwise be present in the Same 'building as an AHM ? Y 11. is there any ignition source or open flame within 100 ft. of any process, storage or transfer area where a flammable or explosive AHM is present , except where there is a firewall providing protection '~ Y 12. Is any lined or non-metallic pipe used in the transfer of any AHM o y / ..~ 13. Is any equipment or piping handlin~ any AH~ more 10 ~ears old '~ Y PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION : ( Attach additional pages ii' necessary) 1. Your company's current workers compensation experience modification factor. 95% 2. How many people occupy the building in which AHM's are used or stored 3. Give details of ail accidents which involved any hazardous material and ail other instances when the fire department has been summoned in an emergency. Hose vibrated loose from p~mp while transferring white-~all concentrate, approximately 55 gals spilled onto the concrete floor. We diluted with water and dammed up the spill in the driveway, then neutralized with phosphoric acid and pumped into 55 gal drums. We then had the drums properly disposed of by Ashland Chemical Company. 4. Briefly described the operations process at your plant and the specific processes utilizing AHbl's, including storage proceedures. Formulating, and bottling aftermarket car care products. Sulfuric acid is a 1% mixture in a soap that is diluted and neutralized:in formulations. It is stored in 55 gal polyethylene drums in a storage building. -2- 5. Briefly describe the eq/uipment being used in the processes. involving AHM/s. Mixed into a stainless/steel mixing tank where it is ....... diluted and neutralize~l - 6. Report. quantity of AHM( ), referenced in the cover ~. · I letter, that this business handles. a) Maximum amount on hind at any one time. 165 galsx 1% = 1.65 gals b) Please attach a Mat rial Safety Data Sheet for any material that is a mixture. Do not include MSDS for pu~e substances. DEMOGRAPHIC DATA: State the straight line dis ance in feet between the business property line and ~ach of the following. 1. Nearest school. 7,920 ft 2. Nearest daycare center, hospital, nursing home or similar facility. 1~300 ft 3. Nearest residence/motel etc. 10~560 ft 4. Nearest occupied buildir~g. 450 ft . . Business Name: The Wax Sh0~ Address: 5441 Aldrin Court l Bakersfield, CA 93313 ~ ~ ' ~ information is true and I certify that the zore~oln~ correct to the best of my knewledge. S igna tuts: ~/~y/-~~~ (~_ ~ Titl.e: Operations Manaqer Date: 07-30~91 i~qTERIAL SAFETY DATA SI-feET Page J of 3 PlLOT CHEMICAL COMPANY EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NO. 11756 BURKE STREET (213)723-003G SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA. ~0670 U.S.A. ~CT~ON ~ -PROD~T ~O~AT]ON Pilot Product Name: ~L~ ~S-~ File:LAS-99 Chemical or Common Name: Dodecylbenzene sulfonic acid; Benzenesulfonic acid~ ClO_16-alkyl derivatives. Chemical Family: Alkylbenzene sulfonic acid C. A. S. No.: 27176-87-0, 68584-22-5 Formu 1 a ~ C 12H25 (C6H4) 03SH SECTION II - RqZRRDOUS IN6REI)IENTS Name: CAS No.(s): PEL/TLV: Dodecylbenzene sulfonic acid 27176-87-0 Unknown 97 Sulfuric Acid 7664-93-9 lmg/m~ TWA(OSHA) 1 Sulfur Dioxide 7446-09-5 2ppm TWA(ACGIH) 0.1 ~RROSIVE ORGANIC LIQUID Sulfuric acid and sulfur dioxide ire identified as EXTREMELY P~ZARDOUS SUBSTANCES under SARA Title III, Section 302. Sulfuric acid is identified as a TOXIC CHEMICPi subject ot the reportin~ requirements of Section 313 of the Emergency Planning ~r,d Community Right- To-Know Act of 1~86 and of 40 CFR ~72. · This information must be included in all MSDSs that are copied and distributed for this product. SECTION l:I - PHYSICAL DATA Boiling Point: > 300°C. Vapor Pressure: Unknown F Vapor Density (Air=l) Not applicable. L~quid Density: 8.8 Lbs/Gal. ~ % Volatile by Volume: 0.5 Evaporation Rate: Unknown H R pH of Liquid, Typical: < 2.0 Solubility ir, Water: Soluble ir, all proportions, may gel. Appearance: Clear to slightly hazy brown liquid. Odor: Sharp SO2 odor. N.F.P.A. CA'SOFT LAS-99 Page 2 of 3 LAS-99 SECTION IV - FIRE & EXPLOSION DATA Flaah Point: > 300°C, T.O,C. Extlngulahlng ~edla: ~ater, ~oam, C02, or dry chemical. Fire Fighting Procedures: Cool the material with It burns only when hot, Fire & Explosion ~azsrda: None SECTION V - REACTIVITY DATA Stability: Stable Conditions to Avoid: Product Is a corrosive acid tf al~ed with water. Product generates best with alkaline materlalSo Incospatabillty: Alkalis Hazardous Deco~poaitlon: None Nszardous Polymerization: ~111 not SECTION VI - HEALTH HAZARD DATA TLV; Unknown Hazard Type: Corro8ive Liquid Oral Nus LDSO: 1407 ag/Kg Carcinogen Status: Non-Carcinogenic Chronic E{fects: Unknown E£{ects o£ Overexposure: LAS-99 is a strong and irritating organic acid. Avoid contact with akin or eyes, may cause burns. Do not swallow. Breathing o£ vapors nay cause sickness, ~neezing, or irritation to the nose, throat, and lungs. Persons with akin allergies or respiratory problems should avoid contact. ~erqency Procedures: ~noeation (S~allovlnq): Give 2 to 3 cups o{ dilute sodium carbonate or bicarbonate 'solution to drink, do not Induce vomiting. Semk aedlcal Inhalation (Braathtnq): ~ove away {ros vapors to {rash air source. Rest until normal breathing is restored. I~ breathing has stopped, admlnletmr arttftcal respiration and oxygen. Seek ~edlcsl assistance. Skin Contact: ~aah area vlth running water for 5 to 10 alnutes, Contaminated clothing should be ~sshed before reuse. EYe Contact: ~aah eyes lasedlately with running water, including under eyelids for 15 minutes. Get lmaedlate ~edicsl attention. . . '~L~OFT LA$-99 Page 3 of SECTION Vii - SPILL OR L£A~ PROCEDURES Proper Shipping Name: Dodecylbenzene aulfonic acid (Domestic), ~- Alkyl Aryl Sulfonlc acid, liquid ¢International). DOT Hazard Class: Corrosive ~ateriel NA 2584 (Doaeatic) Corrosive ~aterlal UN 2584 (International) EPA Reportable Ousntity: 1000 Lbs. CAUTION - SLIPPERY ON WET SURFACES Ste.p~ t_Ro b_~ taken i_!~ material i_A ~eaked or e_pilled: Recover all usable material. Soak up balance with mend or dirt. May be neutralized with soda ash, TSP, or bicarbonate of soda. Waste disposal ~ethod: Product ia biodegradable. Haul to approved Class One dump. ~sah away residue with Iota of water. If 5eutralized, ~a¥ be disposed o£ aa non-hazardous. SECTION VIII - SPSCIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION Respiratory Protection: Avoid.breathing vapors aa they are irritating ~ulfur dioxide. Ventilation: Yea if in confined area. ~..~-, Eye Protection: Safety glasses or goggles. Protective Gloves: Yes Other Protection: An acid gsa respirator may be used If vapors are unavoidable. SECTION IX - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS Precautions t_R b~e taken'l_Dn handllnq and storlnq: Spilled ~ateriel ia slippery on walkways and highways. Foams profusely when hit with a stream of water. Store in iron, stainless steel, or acid resistant ~lberglasa t~nke. Other precautions: In case of large spill by truck or rallcar, call Pilot Chemical .. or call CHEMTREC ~-800-424-9300. Prepared by: B.F. Cruickahank Date: 05/06/85 Revised by: B.F. Cruickshank Date: 12/19/88 The above data is for information purposes only and ia accurate to the best of Pilot Chemical's knowledge. No guarantee or liability la expressed or Implied. ~~ Bakersfield Fire Dept. RISK MANAGEMENT AND PREVENTION PROGRAM CHECK LIST 1. A.H.M. REQUESTED 2. A.H.H.' RECEIVED 3. R. H. P. P..REQUESTED 4. R.M.P.P. REVIEWED 5. R.M.P.P. APPROVED 6. R.M.P.P. INSPECTION COMMENTS: FIRE DEPARTMENT 2101 H STREET D. S. NEEDNAM May 2 1, 19 9 1 BAKERSFIELD, 93301 FIRE CHIEF 326-3911 Mr. Bob Miers Operations Manager The Wax Shop P.O. Box 10226 Bakersfield, CA 93313 -. ' ...... Dear Mr. Miers, The enclosed "Acutely Hazardous Materials Registration Form" must be completed by any business, handling above the minimum reporting quantity of any material on the EPA list of Extremely Hazardous Substances. (Fed. Register Vol. 52, No 77, P. 13397). Your company has reported handling the following Acutely Hazardous Materials: 930 GAL, 1-2% HYDROFLUORIC ACID (WS-6, R-60)Ck~ ~[~ 440 GAL, 1% SULFURIC ACID (CALSORT LAS-99) 110 GAL, 37% FORMALDEHYDE (R-113)~k¢~c& ~[ The attached Facility Risk Indexes must also be completed for each.of the materials listed. Please return the completed Acutely Hazardous Materials Registration Form and the Facility Risk Index by June 21, 1991 to: Bakersfield Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division 2130 G Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 The Facility Risk Index is designed to distinguish those facilities that use Acutely Hazardous materials in processes form those who are involved in limited precesses or storage. If you have any questions, please call Barbara Brenner at 326-3979. Sincerely Yours, Barbara Brenner Hazardous Material Planning Technician 3 Bakersfield Fire Dept. ~-~ Hazardous Materials Divisio~ \~ / -"-'- 2130 "G" Street ~ ~3~ ~'f '~ ' B~ersfield, CA. 93301 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN INSTRUCTIONS: 1. To avoid further action, return this form within 30 days of receipt. 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1' BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA LOCATION: 5441 A~dr~ Cour~ gakersf~e,~d, CA 933~3 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 10226 CITY' Bakersf,Ee,~d STATE: CA ZIP'93389 PHONE: 1805) 39~-5274 DUN & BRADSTREET NUMBER' SIC CODE' 3998 PRIMARY ACTIVITY: Light Manufacturing o~ Ca~ Ca~e P~oduc~s OWNER' Jess R. Winters (805) 834-3449 MAILING ADDRESS: 5312 Cameron Ct. Bakersfield, CA 93309 SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION: CONTACT TITLE BUS. PHONE 24 HR. PHONE 1. Bob Miers 0perations Mgr. 397-5274 397-3869 2. Jess R. Win~ers Owner 397-5274 834-3449 FO15~ Bakersfield Fire Dept. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION Date Completed Business Name: '~~ ~-'~//~,~ "~~ Location: ,,.~--4./~ ~// ,~ '~(' '~ ~2'- ~'EI~ ~? 5 199! Business Identification No. 215-000 0 o o (~ ;~'~ (Top of Business Plan) ,4ns'd ............ Station No. I/,.~ Shift ,X~ Inspector ~"~~/~ Adequate Inadequate Verification of Inventory Materials ~ Verification of Quantities ~ Verification of Location ~ Proper Segregation of Material ~ Comments: Verification of MSDS Availablity ~ l/N umber of Employees ~-.~-- - ff.,~ . Verification of Haz Mat Training ~ . Comments: Verification of Abatement Supplies & Procedures ~// Comments: Emergency Procedures Posted ~ Containers Properly Labeled ~ Comments: Verification of Facility Diagram ~ Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: Violations: All Items O.K. ~X~ -~F~'~ / ~/.f'~,.,.~L-..-~ Correction Needed Busine's£ ~)w~'~r/M~nager FD 1652 (Rev. 1-90) White-Haz Mat Biv. Yellow-Station Copy Pink-Business Copy "WE CARE" 02/12/91 THE WAX SHOP 215-000-000689 Page 2 Hazmat Inventory List in MOP Order 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Pln-Ref Name/Hazards Form Quantity MCP Reactive, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth / GgL Hlth, Delay Hlth ~ GAL ' 02-~529 CONC R69 O/~ Liquid 350 High  Delay Hlth GAL ..- 02-~OALSOFT LAS99 R106 Liquid 440 High / ~ Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth ~/< GAL 02/~ OARBOPOL ~/~ Solid 200 High Delay Hlth LBS 02-O~J~'~ CULAMIDE C R107 Al/ Solid 900 High J Fire, Delay Hlth LBS Zmmed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL -~ MONOETHANOLAMINE R105 ~~Hlg Solid 1,8~0 High Fire, Reactive, Immed Hlth, De h LBS 02,~2~ PROPANE ~/< Gas 2,568 High Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT5 02-0~529 SYRUP RS5 ¢/~ Liquid 220 Moderate // Fire, Delay Hlth GAL ~ AMMONIUM BIFLUORIDE ¢/~ Solid 600, Moderate Reactive, Delay Hlth LBS . O,~Q~ BUBBLE GUM RF4 ~ Liquid 110 Moderate · Fire, Delay Hlth GAL ~.Q~ BUTOXYETHANOL R71 ~ Liquid 110 Moderate .. Fire, Delay Hlth GAL  CAM MATE WS16 /~// Liquid 800 Moderate Reactive, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth~//.~_~ " GAL O~ CARSONOL SES S Ri09 ~ Solid 1,350 Moderate Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth LBS  CAOSTIC SODA RiO0 ~~ Solid 1,000 Moderate Reactive, Immed Hlth LBS 02/12/91 THE WAX SHOP 215-000-000689 Page 5 Hazmat Inventory List in MOP Order 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Pln-Ref Name/Hazards Form Quantity MOP ~ DE SOLVE WSll , O~ Liquid 500 Moderate Fire, Delay Hlth GAL Fire, Delay Hlth GAL  FORMULA 529 ~~ Liquid 1,000 Moderate Reactive, Delay Hlth GAL Fire, Delay Hlth GAL  Q~ ISOPROPANOL R-65 ~ Liquid 440 Moderate Fire, Delay Hlth .../ GAL ~ Delay Hlth ~ ' ~/ ' -- ~ GAL  LRV PROTECTANT ~~& Liquid 700 Moderate Fire, Delay Hlth GAL Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth ' GAL  PHOSPHORIO AOID R102 mY Liquid 585 Moderate  ctive, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL  Delay Hlth GAL WHITE WALL CLEANER R64 uid 330 Moderate Reactive, Immed Hlth, Delay Hit GAL ~ Reactive, Immed Hltl], Delay Hlth ' GAL  WHITE WALL SYRUP RS7 ~~ Liquid 220 Moderate Fire, Delay Hlth ~~ GAL ~WINDOWOLEANERCONOR61Fire, Delay Hlth ~ Liquid185 GAL Moderate Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 02/12/91 THE WAX SHOP 215-000-000689 Page 4 Hazmat Inventory List in MOP Order 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Pln-Ref Name/Hazards Form Quantity MOP Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL TIRE DRESSION, WS-2NS Fire, Delay Hlth ~ Liquid 275 GAL Moderate ~/~ Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 02-O~BRAKE THRU WS18 l~ Liquid 610 Low ._J ~ Deiay Hlth , O GAL CRYSTAMET Ri03 Solid 1,000 Low Reactive, Delay Hlth LBS ~ '/'/Fire, Delay Hi th /¢_ GAL Delay Hlth LBS ~ Delay Hl~h G~L Delay Hlth G~L ~~KAOPOLITE'SFR-tlTDelay Hlth )~ Solid 500 LBS Minimal LRV CREAM WS2P Liquid 550 Minimal Delay Hlth GAL ~ SLICK STUFF SYRUP RS2ODelay Hlth ~/~ Liquid 275 ,GAL Minimal O~SLICK STUFF WS20 ~ ~ Liquid 550 Minimal Delay Hlth ~ GAL ~ SNOW FLOSS R-111Delay Hlth ~ Solid 6,000LBS Minimal 02/12/91 THE WAX SHOP 215-000-000689 Page 5 Hazmat Inventory List in MOP Order 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Pln-Ref Name/Hazards Form Quantity MOP Delay Hlth LBS O~MURPHOLINE'"~ R-112 Liquid 110 Unrated Fire, Immed Hlth ~ GAL 02~~ ALKALIDelay H1SURFAOTANT'th R~iSS ~/~ Liquid 110 GAL Unrated 02-~NONIONIC SURFACTANT, R-154 ~// Liquid 110 Unrated ~ D~ay ~lth ~ . GAL . P.O. 8ox 10225, E~skersfield, CA 93389-0225 (805) 397-5274 FAX (805) 397-6817 RECEIVED January 31, 1991 0 1 H~. MAT DI~ Hr. Ralph Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator Fire Department 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Huey: We have enclosed an inventory list of additions to our inventory, per section 25510, Health and Safety Code. If you should require any additional information, please feel free to contact me or our Safety Officer, Bob Miers. Sincerely, Sherry L. Matteucci Executive Vice President SLM/cb The Wax Shop is a Division of TWS Industries, Inc. CI-i'Y of BAKEH~PlbLU HAZARDOUS HATERIALS INVENTORY Farm and Acjticulture F1 Standard Business [] NON--TRADE S. ECRETS ~ao.e 1 of 3 BUSINESS NAHE: The,.Wax Shop OWNER NAME._ Jess R: .Winters NAME OF THIS FACILITY: The Wax Shop iLOCATION: 5441 Aidrin Cuurt ADDRESS: 53i2 Cameron Court STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE.=' 3~.96 CITY~ ZIP: Rakmrsfield. CA g3313' CITY. ZIP: R~k~fi¢l~ CA q2ghQ DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER .... PHONE ~: (~n~/ ~7-~27~ PHONE ~: f~n~:~6 ...... - - ' -- - ' ....... REFER TO~~~S-~R-'PROPER CODES - - lrans [y~e Hex Ay?rage Annual Measure I ~ys ConC Con: Cont Use Location.Whece Code LoDe Am: Am: ~sC Units on 5~te ,lype Press lemo Code Stored ]n ~ac~/~ty See Instructions II A I MI/B0 ! 330 I 3000 I ga]l 365 I 06 I 1 .... I 4 118l.. Bldg. 2, Sec. F ~ Polysiloxane EmulsionR-11 FhysJcBI ~nd ~e~th Hazard C.A.S. Number N/A Co:cohen[ I1 Name t C.A.S Number ,Check ~11 7 apply, '  re~ard. ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ SuddenRelease ~ ImmediateC°mp°nenC 12 Name & C.A.S. Number Health of Pressure Health Comoonent 13 Name ~ C.A.5. Number ~t "~ o I o I o I¢~'~1 365 I o6 I z i 4 118 iIB]Og. 1,Sec. D I I 'LR'V Syrup,RS-Z P~sica] a~Health Hazard C,A.S. Humber N/A Component tl Nz~e ~ C.A.S. ~u~ber . ~1 that apply) N/A 3 Silicone Componen: 12 NB=e & C.A.S. Number ~ Fire Hazard ~ ReacLivi:y ~ Oetayed ~ SuddenRelease ~ Immediate Health of Pressure He~th Component ~3 Ha~e ~ C.A.S. Humber 0 ~ 55 I 220 I g811 365 I 06 I 1 l 4 [ 18 I Bldg. 2 Sec. F Anionic Surfactant R-123 PhYsics1 ~nd ~slth ~z~rd C,A,S, Humber 26264-05-1 Componen: I1 N~me & C,A.S, Number (Chemk a11~a:~pply) ~26264-05-1 ~ Dodecylbenzenesulfonic Acid / Component ~2 Name & C.A.S. Number ~ ~e~zard ~ Re~c:ivity ~Oel~ed ~ Sudden~ele~se ~ Immediate ~64-17-5 4 Ethyl Alcohol Hea ICh of Pressure Health Component 13 H~m~ & C.A.S. Hu~Uer -t~ I ~ } o I o I ~I 3s~ I o71 ~..I ~ ~s 1~]~*' 2, sec. ~ ~ 4~i, ~-7o PhYsiCal end Health Hazard C A.S Nu~ber N/A Component I1 Ha~e I c.A.a. Hu~ber {Ch~ck ~/~ that ~ppl~ ~ ~' ' /'~' Component 12 H~me & C.A.S. Hu=ber ~ Fire Haz~U~LRe~ ~ Delayed 0 Sudden Release ~ Immediate ~~-~ Co~ponent ~3 HAAe & C.A.S. Humber Health of Pressure Health Bob ~iers operations ~sr. 397-3~69 ~2~ess R.~in~ers o~ner 834-3449 EHERGENCY COHTACTS Certification .(~e~ end si~n efter oOm~l~tfpg.~ll ~] certify under penalt~ oYlaw that [ h~v~personallv eXa~ln~qo~ T~il~sr.~it~ the ~n~or~c~ofl ~u~iLte~ in'~his.~nd ~t~aded.dOcv~en~, an~ t~at based on ~y inquiry 9f. those lnolvloua~s responsio~e ~or obtaining the ~n~or~at~on. I Uel~eve that the su~,,tte~ ,ntorm, c,on is true, ,ccur,te, ,no co,p,ece. Cll'Y o1" BAKbHSPIbLU HAZARDOUS HATER'I-ALS ZNVENTORY Farm and Agriculture [] Standard Business [] NON--TRADE SECRETS Page 2._ of 3 BUSINESS NAME: The Wax Shop OWNER NAME: Jess R. Winters NAME OF TH:[[; FACIL]:TY: The Wax Shop LOCATION: '5~,z~1 A]drtn Court ADDRESS: 53i2 gameron Ct. STANDARD ]:ND. CLASS COOE=. ~YgU C]:TY~ ZIP: uaKerstie]d, t;A Y33i3 CITY. ZIP: BaKersfield gA 935UY DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER- ' PHONE #: t~n:~ "~Q7-gQ7A PHONE #'.. (~TFET--~.~Z~-.'~z~-- ' - - I 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 I0 11 12 13 rqns [yfie ~ax Average Annual Heasure I ~y~ Cent Cent Cent Use Locatjon. Whece t bY Naees cf uixt,Jre/Cc~onen[s oae cooe ~et Amt Est Un,ts on 5~te Jype Press Temo Code Stored in ~aCi/lty ~t' See Instructions 'A'I " S000I.~soo I ~000 I~sl 3~s I ~ I ~ I 4 I 18. Bid9. 2, Sec. F Microcrystalline Silica R-124 PH~sical and~ealth ~azard C.A,S, Number 1317-95-9 Co~ponent II ~a~e ~ C,~,~. Number ' ~.: (Chec~haC apply) 14808-60-7 ~.5 Silica Qua~ re Hazsrd ~ Re[ctivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ [mmedi~[eC°mp°nenL 12 Name I C.A.S. Number Heal:h of Pressure Health Componen: ~3 Name ~ C.A.5. Number AI M I/ 880 I 440 i 8800 I gal} 365 106,13~ 1 I 4 I 18 Bldg. 2, Sec. F Solvent Blend, R-125 ,Physical.[Check all t~:and H~althapply)Hazard C.A.S. Number 64742-48-9,64742_95_6 ComponenL64742_48_gll Name & C.A.S. Number ~50 Naphthol Spirits ' ~F'~ard/ ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release '~ ImmediateC°mp°nenL ~2 Name & C.A.S. Number (50 Amsco Solv. Real:h of Pressure RealLh ~742-95-6" Component ~3 N~me & C.A.S. Number 95-63-6 1 Trimethylbenzene B ~ ~ ~ .0~ 0 ~ 0 ~ ~a]~ 365 ~ 06 ~ 1 [ 4 } 18' }8]d~. 2, Sec. F 24- gmsco So]v, Physical ~nd Heslth ~zsrd C.A.S. Number 64742-95-6 Component I1 Name t C.A.S. Number (Check all th[t ~ly) 95-63-6 29 Trimethslbenzene %/ Component 12 N~me & C.A.S. Number ~ Fire Ha~ ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate 1330-20-7 2-5 ~ylene CompenenC f3 HzAe & C.X.S. Humber 98-82-8 ~-4 Cumene ~ M } 1~} 55 } 330 365 F Alkali Surfactant, R-133 PhYSiCal and He~ Hazard C.A.S. Number 64972-19-6 Component I1 Name & C.A.S Number [~[a~[uc~ COUl~cls ~l~Bob~ ~Sers · ~~ 3~7-386~ ~2 dess R. ~Snters O~ner 834-3449 Certifi;~tio~ .~Re~ and_sfgn afCer c0~7~Cf~,~11 s~cCf~n~) I cer~dy under penalc~ o~a~ th~t I have persona)ly, exa~lnqOaqo ~ tamillar.~it~ the,)nxor~ac)pn Su~itte~ in'th~s and at~aCned.docveenc~, an~ :pac oasee on.my ~nqutry 9t.cnose ~no~v~ua~s responsio~e tot ooca~nin9 one ~ntor~a:~on. ~ bel~ev~ that the sUemlCceo intoreaclon 1s crue, accurate, ano coep/ece. 'ZSherry L. Ma tteucci, Executive Vice President ~¢~~ ~ Fare and Agriculture FI Standard Business riHAZARDOUS HAT ER1-ALS ZNVENTORY. NON--TRADE SECRETS Paqe 3 of 3 .B~US~.I_N.E~S.S. NA_M.E:.. T.he W. ax Shop OWNER NAHE: Jess R. Winters NAHE OF THIS FACILITY: The Wax Shop !LVL;A/J. UN; b~Gi A/dr]n L:Our~; . ADDRESS; 53i2 k;ameron Courl; STANDARD [ND. CLASS COOT'.' ;5998 OILY. ZiP: Bakerstle'/d, UA H.t.tl.t CITY, ZiP~k~_~rst]e]d CA ~L~JL)9 DUN AND BRADSTREEi NUHBER-- ~ ""~ ~ ....... REFER TO'r~Z/~ZrFR'Cf~'PJ-EYI~S-F-OR-PR(2PER CODES -' - lr~,ns lyqe Annual ! .0¥.~ Cont Cont C~nt Use ~vera~e Ne~ure Loc~tion uixt,Jre/Com~onencs Code CoDe Ami/ Amt Est Units on ~lce lype Press Ie~o .... Code Stored in Facility ' See Instructions A 1. M ) 1'.0 I 55 I 330 1 gal) 365 ) 06. ) 1 I 4 ) 18 I Bldg. 2, Sec. F ,~)~K==,- Nonionic Surfactant, R-134 ' I ~nd Hemlth Hazmrd Number 9016-45-9 Phvslca ali thai. ag C.A.S. Component Il Name ~ C.A.S. Number ~j.~e Hazard [] Reactivitl )[~ Delayed Fl Sudden Release [] Immediate Cor,¢onent 12 Na~e & C.A.S. Number HeaJth of Pressure Health .~ Component f3 Name ~ C.A.S. Number A t M I 8?5 . , , Tire Dressing, ~S-2NS Physical )_nf/He~lthapply).~aIard C.A.S. Number N/.A 20 Isoprol3anol (Check ely that . Component I1 Nsme & C.A.S. liumbar '/ 67-63-0 Component 12 Name ~ C.A.S. Number )~](t~ H~zard El Reactivity )[~ Delayed [] Sudden Release [] I~mediete 20 Glycerine Health of Pressure Health 56-~81-5 ....... Component 13 Name & C.A.S. Number A ).M I}11'0 t 5~ "l 330 l gall 365 I 061 I [4 118 tBldg... 2, Sec. F Glycerine,. R-122 ... IPhvsical and H~lth H.a)ard C.A.S. Number 56-81-5 Component I1 Name & C.A.S. Number (Chec~yat apply) 56-81-5 96 Glycerine El Fir~Hazard F1 Reactivity [] Delayed [] Sudden Release El Immediate Component )2 Name & C,A.S. Number Health of Pressure Health Component 13 Name & C.A.S. Nu.,,ber PhYsical )nd Health Hazard C,A.S. Nuaber Component II Name t C.A.S. Number (Check all that apply) Component ~2 Name & C.A.S. Number ~ . E) Fire Hazard ['l Reactivity [-) Delayed [] Sudden Release [] Immediate ~ ' Hca lth of Pressure Hca Ith Component 13 Name & C.A.S. Number - EHERGENCY CONTACTS #1 Bob Niers .... Operations Ngr. 397-3869 ~2 Jess R. Winters Owner 83'4-'3449 ='ertif)~atioq ,(Re~d and_sign after completiog,all secti,ons) ~rt]~y under ~ena~) of)ar that I havepersona~lv examlnqeaqoQm tamii~ar, yit~ the information su~itted in'this ~nd all ~d.dQcu~encs, an~ t~ac cased on.my Inquiry ~r.~hose inDiviDuals responsiD)e rot ob:a]ning the lnror~a:]on. I beY)eve that the ,i~)~ry L. Matteucci, Executive Vice President ~ ~ ~l[ld"Ot ownerlooerator u~ owner/ope~~[~i~~B[~ive. P.O. Box 10226, Bakersfield, CA 93389-0226 (805) 397-5274 FAX (805) 397-6817 September 6, 1990 Mr. Ralph Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator Fire Department 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Huey: We have enclosed an inventory list of additions to our inventory, per section 25510, Health and Safety Code. If you should require any additional information, please feel free to contact me or our Safety Officer, Bob Miers. Sincerely, Sherry L. Matteucci Executive Vice President SLM/cb The Wax Shop is a Division of TWS Industries, Inc. CiTY of 15 ' LRE;FIELU HAZARDOUS MATE LS INVENTORY Farm and Agriculture [-I Standard Business [] NON--TRADE SECRETS PaDe 2 of 2 USINESS NAME: The Wax Shop OWNER NAME- Jess R...'c~i~ters NAME OF THIS FACILITY: T~£ Wax _qho~ Q_C.A. TI(~_N;. 544/ A~drx]n cour~ . . A__D_D.R. ESS_;.__~2 rnmoao, Pm STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE.: ' ~nno ' .L[Y.~ atP': /~arze_rsa,~e_~d. CA 9.5~_L5____ [~.l,,.Y.~ .az~':?j~~~_9~n~ DUN AND BRADSTREE! NUMBER ...... ~-~o- ........ --,, , REFER TO-71~;I"RO'CT~CIN~-FOR-PROPER CODES - - I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0 1t 12 13 Trails !y~e Max Ay.er.age Annual Measure I ~Oy.s Cont Cont Cont Us Location. Whel:e. ~wbt Code ~oae Amt Amc Est Units on ~lce Type Press lemp ColeStored ~n Pacl/iCy y Ha~eSseeOf Uixt,dre/Co~onentSlnstruct~ons A ] P I 2500 I 850 I io2oo l lbs[ 365 112 ] I I 4 I 18 [ Bldg. 2, Sec F I0~ Super Floss R-.I. 14 ~,sica l(c~eck allendth~t~ealth~pply|Hazard ¢.~.S. Number 68855-54-9 Component ~ '14464-46- 1~ame I C.~.S, Number (6~ ~r~s~:al£ine. Silica [_1 Fire Hazar~ [] Reac~ifit~ l~D. elayed~ealth [3 Sudd~of Pressure~elease [] l~media~eHealth Component ~2 Name14808_60_T& C.A.S, Number Component ~ Name I C,A.S, Number nI M I II00 I 330 I 3960 I GalI 365 Sec F nmsco So£v R-II5 Ph,sical ~d Health Hazard C.A.S. Number 64742-95-6 Component ~ Name & C.~.$. Number 24- .ICheck all that april) 95-6346 29 Tr~y_~benzene I~ ~ire Hazard FI Reactivity ~ Oela~ed FI Sudden ~elease I~ Immediate Component ~ Name & C.*.S. Number 2-5 Xylene He~Itb of Pressure Ne~It~ 1330-20-7 Component ~ Na~e I C.A.S, Number I-4 98-82-8 Cum~e A I P I 110 I 331 I 550 I Gall 180 I 6 I I [ 4 I 18 I Bldg 2, Sec F I00! Napatholite 66/3 R-I16 Physical ~nd H~It~ Hazard C,~.$. Number 8032-32-4 Co~ponent ~ Na~e & C,~.S, Number (Check all that ~[:=~ire Hazard [] Reactivity ~Delayed [] Sudden ~elease ~ Immediate Health of Pressure Health Component, I3 Name & C.A.S. Number .,,, PhYsical And Health .Hazard C,A,S. Number 66402-68-4 Component l1 Name I C.A,S. Number {Check a/1 that apply) Component 12 Name & C,A.S. Number L] Fire Hazard [] Reactivity ~qela~ed [] Sudden Release [] ]mmedi.at.e Health of Pressure Health Component 13 Name & C.A,S. Number EHERGENCY CONTACTS #1 Bob Mlers O. perat~ons Mgr. 397-3869 #2 Jess R. WZnters Owner 834-3449 erti.i;ati0q ,(Re, gl a..n.d.~ign after compT~timg,a77 secci.ons.) cerc. try un,er pena~c~ or.lal~ cnejc J navqpersonaHy, examlnfi~aqa~m ra~i~ar.¥it{i the jntormaclon ~u~mitte~l in this and all at.cacned.d~cl/menc.s, an(I t.hat oase~ on.my inquiry Df. chose lnOlVlOUa~S responsio/e Tot obcainin9 the Information. ! believe that the sunmltteo lntormatlofl is true, accurate, aha comp/ecu. 9-7-90 RECEIVED C 1TY -':o'r"""'" 'u, llr-r ,Sr I ELD i 2. t990 HAT E R'"/: A L S Farm and Agriculture ["l Standard Business ElHAZARDOUS TNVENTORY NON--TRADE SECRETS [.J,,6~(.~,4AT. Dlv. BUS[NESS NAHF' The Wax Shop Ok/NER NAHE: Jess R. Win~ers NAHE OF THIS FACILITY: The Wax Shop LC)CAT[ON; 'F',~4i A~d~zin C~.. ADDRESS: 5~12 Cameron c.[. ' STANDARD ]:ND. CLASS [(~.~,I.Y.~ .Z, IP: Rnl~a~.,,7, Ja£d_ Cl~ .9~1~ TY IP~ ' d P,~ o3-30-9------ DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER ..... lrans lyre Hax Average Annual Measure I OYSeSi[ Cont Con[ Cont Us Location.Whe[e. %wbyt Code cooe Ami Ami EsL Un[ts on lype Press iemp Co~eStored in ~aclltcy See Instructions A I M'. I ~00 I '00 I~000 I"~Xt ~6~ I ~ I ~ I 4 ] 18 I B~dg. 2, Sec F 99~ Carbopo~ R-110 Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number 9003-01-4 Component II Name i C.A.S. Number 0.1 Ac~:"~ic Acid ~e]l~h of Pres~r~ Heal~b 71-43-2 0.3 Benzene ~o~pone~ ~ Na~e ~ ~.~.S. Nu~be~ Al P [ 6000 [ 1500 [18000 [lbsI 365 I12 I I I 4 [ 18 [Bldg. 2, Sec F 100 Snow Ftoss R-111 ~bv~i~] ]~ ~]~ ~z]r~ ~.~.~. ~u~ber 68855-54-9 Co~po~en~ II N~e ~ C.~.~. Number ~60 Crystalline Silica ~ .~hec~ [Ii ~b~ ~p~l~] 14464-54-9 Co~po~en~ ~ Na~e ~ ~.~.S. Number ~3 ~]l~b ~f Pre~su~,,~,~, 14808-60-7 A ~ P [ 110 [ 50 [ 600 [ Ga~[ 365 [ 6 [ I [. 4 [ 18 [ B~dg. 2, Sec F )99 Murpholine R-IJ~ Physic[[ ]n~ ~ ~]~r~ ~.~.~. ~u~b~r 110-91-8 Co~pone~ II Na~e ~ C.~.8. ~u~ber · (Check ali that apply) Component 12 Name ~ C.A.S. Number ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Oelayed ~ Sudden ~elease ~ [m~edi~t~ Health of Pressure Health Component 13 Name & C.A.S. Humber AIM' I 110 I40 I480, I~=~l'~ I~ I ' I 4 118 I Bldg., ~ec F Formaldehyde R-113 Physical And Health Pa~lrd C.A.S, Number 50-00-0 Component II N~me I C,A,S, NuAber (Check all Chat apply) CompoflenL 12 Name & C,A.S. Number ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~Oelayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Health of Pressure,,~,,,,, ~7-5~- ~ ._.~ Componen[ 13 Name I C.A.S. Number ENERGENCY CONTACTS ~1 Bob M~ers Opera~ions Mgr. 397-3869 fl2Jess R. W~n~ers Owner Sherry L. Matteucci, Executive Vice Presiden~ ~~~~~ ~ 9-7~90 ~ "" ~ " - ' ' "" /ooerator o~ o~ner/or''~ ~' "= "'- ~ '~¢'~'""~'I"" ~i~,~ -- F!~ ~d /qlti¢~lt, u~ ['] Sl:~d]~d Business E]HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY ¢, NON--TRADE SECRETS BU~'INESS NAME. Th~_ Wax Shop OWNER NAME: Jess R. Winters NAME OF THIS FACILITY: The LO~ATION: 5441 Ai~rZn C't. ADDRESS: qq[9 rn,,~o~,r,, j~.~ STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: .(Check ail ~ha~ a~plyj ~8008_20_6 ..... Component Na=e Number Component f3 Name & C,A,S. Number A I M I' 700 'l .350 19,000 IGal I 365 I .~0 I '1 I 4 I' '08 't Build. 1, i;C C,.E,F " LRV Protectant, ws-'2 Physical and Hesl:h Hazard C.A.S. Number N/A Component II N~me ~ C,A,S. Number .(Check all tha[ mC~IyJ ~67-63-0 8 , ,,Isoprapanol ...... Component ~2 N~.qe ~ C,A,S, Number ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~elayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate Health of Pressure Health Component f3 N~e & C.X.S, Physical and Hellth Hlzlrd C.A.S. Number N/A Component Il Name I C,A,S. Humber (Che:~ all th4c~pply) ~I0101-89-0 ,~ TrZsodi~ phosphate 0 Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~Oelayed 0 Sudden Rel~ase ~ Immediate Component f2 Ha~e & C,A.S. Hu~ber 1 Mondethandi~ine Hea/t~ of Pressure Heal t~ ~ 747 - 43- 5 ...... Ha~e & C,A,S, Hu~ber i 2-Butoxye~hano~ IPhvsical ,nd Health Hazard C.X.S. Number N/A Component II Name t C.A.S. Nu~ber 1I Phosphoric Acid (Check all that ap~17) ~7664_3~_2 ................  ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivit) ~ Delayed 0 Sudden Release ~ I~mediate Co=ponent 12 Na~e & C.A.S. Number I Ammo~Z~ Bifl~oride Health of Pressure Health Component f3 Hame & C,A.S. Number .. ~7664-39-3 I Hydro~tour~ Acid EHE~GENCY CONTACTS ~I Bob MiCrs Operations Mgr. 397-3869 ~2 Jess R. w~n~ers 0whir 834-3449  erti~i~atio~ .(Re~ an~.~i~n after complcti~g,~ll secCi~n~) c~rtH) unoer p~n~lt) oFlaw that ~ nave~ersonai(Y exam)neq~no~m ~ami)~ar ~ith [~e ln[ormaHon su~mi[ted in this )nd a~ached.docvmen[), anQ t~m[ based on.m) tnquir7 gl.those ~ndiv~duais responsib)e for ob[a)nin~ the ~n~ormat)on. I be)~eve thai the CI'i'Y of BAKI--R SFI ELD Farm and Agriculture F1 Standard 9usiness )~HAZARDOUS. HATERZALS iNVENTORY NON--TRADE SECRETS S NA · The Wax Sho BUSINES ME ....... P OWNER NAME-Jess R. Winter~ NAME OF THIS FACILITY: Th~ W~ L CATION' 54~1 A~qr · g'~ ADDRESS; ~512 c~,~nn C,t STANDARD IND. CLASS COOE~ ~lY. ZI~: ~a~ers~,r~. UA ~J~iJ CITY. ZIP-:B~F,tA~H n~'o~Jlo DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER .... CODES 1 2 3 4 ~ 6 ) 8 ~ 10 11 12 13 lrans ~yqe ~ax Average Annual Heasure I Qy~ Cont Cont Cone Use Location Whece % by )lames cf ' , ~ ~ Code ~ooe A~t A~ Est Un,ts on ~lce Type Press femD Code Stored in Facility wt' See Instructions Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number N/A Co~onenc I1 Na:e ~ C.A.S. Number ~ (Check ail that ap~ly) ~117-76-2 5. 2-Bu~oxu.ethanol ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~Deiayed ~ Sudden Release ~ I~mediat~ C°mp°nenC )2 Na:e ~ C.A.S. Number Health of Pressure Health ~1310-73-2 2 Sodium Hudroxide Component 13 Name S C.A.S. Number 2 Sodi~ Me,silicate Pgntalll~.~ Physical lnd Health ~azard C.A.S. Number N/A Componen~ l1 Name I C.A.S. Number 73 Do~cylbenzene $~fonic AcZ~ .(Check ail that app))) ~7776-g7-~, ~6~5~4-~-5 Component 12 Name $ C.A.S. Number 3 Carsonol SES-S ~ ~ FireHaz~rd ~ R~ctivit7 ~Delmved ~ Sudden~elease ~ I:~ediat~ ~9002-82-4 :' Of PreSSUre Health Health Component )3 ~a~e i C.A.S. ~u~beF 3 MonoethanoZ~lne A ~ M ~600 ~ 300 ~ 2,000 Gal .[ 365 I 10 ~ I L 4 )08 ~ BuZ~d I..S~c C,~,F.. Window Sheen, WS-9 Physical ~ndHe)IthHazard C.A.S. Number N/A C0~ponent ~ Na~e i C.A.S. Number ~67-63-0 IS Isopropanol Co~ponen~ ~2 ~ame i C.A.S. ~ F~re~azmrd ~ ~eactivit) ~ela)ed ~ Sudden Release ~ I~ediate Health of Pressure Health Component 13 Na~e ~ C.A.S. Nu=ber Physical ~nd Hemlth ~mzmrd C.A.S. Number N/A Component l1 ~a~e ~ ~.A.S. ~u~ber ~28 Pale (~heck a)l that m~17) ~68476-30-2 Component 13 Name t C.A.S. Number ¢I 11-76-2 8 2-ButoxyethanoZ EHERGENCY CONTAOT8 ~1~,,Bob Miers Operatio~T~)~ MQr. ~F~=397-3869 ~2Jess~ R. Winters ~r 8~J~J~ ~ertifi~ioq' ,(Re~ an~.~ign after compl~tiog,all secti~n~) cerCzry unaer penaic) oF~a~ Chqc ~navepersonall~ exa~lnqosqa)m ramiiiar,yiLb the intor~ac~on Su~aiLted in this and all ~t~aCed.docgments, mnQ t~m~ oasea on.~y ~nquiry 9[those ~namaua(s responsio)e tar obLalning the ~nror~a~ton. I believe that the ~~f~11 ~i~Je of owner/ooer~Or uN owner/ooera~or's'au6horizeo re~resen~ve~~ ~--- CITY of' BAKI-R FIELL) Farm and Agriculture El Standard Business ~HAZARDOUS NATERTALS TNVENTORY NON--TRADE SECRETS BUSI_NES_S NAME: T~,e Wax Shop OWNER NAME: Jess R. Winters NAME OF THIS FACILITY: ~_~g_Wax gho~ LQCAIION: 5J41 Aldrrn C~ ADDRESS; 53IZ Cam~,tom C~. STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: J~8- ' ~IlY~ ~IP: B. 6o,~tz/o~ m~ 93313 CITY. ZIPS g~mh~AX~Yd CA g~09 DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER ...... PHONE : ~O~'[-~_T~f~ -"" PHONE ~: - ~nc~U'~'-~a .... - - REFER TO~N~~N~R-PROPER CODES - - 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 8 9 10 11 12 Trans ]ya, e ~ax Average Annual Measure ! .Dy? Cant Cant Cant Use toc~tjon xhe[e (Check ~1 Ch4C rudely) ~67-6S-0 ~Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate Component 12 Name & C.A.S. Number He~ith of Pressure Health Component f3 Name & C.A.S. Number Physical ~nd Health Hazard C.A.S. Number W/A Comoonen[ I1 Name I C.A.S. Number tChecX 411 that a~ly) ~7664-38-2 8 Phosphoric Acid · Com~onen~ 12 Name & C.A.S. Number ~ Fire Hazard ~Re4cCiviCy ~Delaved ~ Sudden Re~e~se ~ Immediate I Ammeui~ BiFluoride HeaTCh of Pressure Hea]~ ~ 1341-49-7 Component f3 Name] C.X.S. Number ~ .... ~7664-~9-3 )I Hyd,~o.ar~o, rrc Acid Physical and He~lCh H&zsrd C.A.a. Number N/A Component l1 Na~e & C.A.S. Number (Check all Chat 4~ply) ~732~-34-5 4 TKPP O.~Jre ~zard ~ ~eacCiviCy X~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immedi~teC°m~onenC 12 N~:e & C.A.a. Nu~er ' - He~TCh of Pressure He~ICh ~dg%4-9~-O A I M I 2~s I ~4o 16so' l gall ~6s i~,~ol ~ I 4 I 08 t Build 1, C,E,F EZ Clean, WS-iO Physic~l lfld Health H~z~rd C.A.a. Number N/A Component I1 Name I C.A.S. Number (Check 411 that apply) 20 Mineral Spiri~ ~64741-4-9 Component 12 Ne:e & C.X.S. Number ~ ~ire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~elayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate He,iCh of Pressure Health Component f3 Name I C.A.S. Number EMERGENCY CONTACTS fl] ~o6 MZ~r~ Op~dm~ Ng~. ~gY-~dg f12~ R. ~Zn~ O~m~ ~me TTC 1 e ~ ~' ~e ~erCi(i~cioq ,CReed and.~ign after completi(~g,all secCi~ns) aC~aCnee.~cveencs, and C~ac oase~ on.my inquiry gt.cnose lnoiv1eua/s responsiole tar obcalnin9 cae lntormaClOn. ~ believe ChNC the suomItCe~ 1AtOrmatlofl Is crud, 4ccurace, 4n~ ~~ficf~l title at o~nerloDer~cor UH owner/operator's 8u[horized rear~sen~c]ve~~' CITY of BAKERNFIFLU Farm and XgLiculCure FI Standard Business )1~3[HAZARDOUS MAT ERTALS T NVENTORY NON--TRADE SECRETS Pa~e 4 of 15 BUSINESS NAME: The Waz Shop OWNER NAME: Jess R. Winters NAME OF TNIS FACILITY: The Wax Shop LOCATION: 5441AZdr~n ~ ADDRESS; 5312 C~m¢~ ~ STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE~--~ CITY. ZIP: R~6o~,~yo?d C~ 95575 ClTY. ZIP: R~6o~Z/S~M ~ o~Oq DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER ....... PHONE #: [8~.~-~7~ " PHONE #: - (~:~-~i-~-~c~'~' '-'~ - - -- REFER TO--ZN..q"TC:F~C'C'~Z"O'i¥$~R-PROPER CODES - - Tr~ns Tyoe ~ax AYera~e Annual Heasure ! ~y~ Cont Cent Cont Use Loc~Cion_~he[, ~ b~ tla~es cf ~ixLurelC~onen~s Code Code AmC Xmt Es~ Units OF 51ce Type Press TemD Code Store~ in FaCl/lty WC' See ~nstruct~ons A J M 1620 I 275 17,000 IGal I 365 113,101 I I 4 199Wa~ auiZd i, Sec C,S,F Super Zaze PZu , ws-lP Physical 4nd Health Hazard C.X.S. Humber N/A Component I1 Na:e& C.X.S. Humber 8 AMSCO SOLV 1297 /C~ec~ al1 ChaC apply) #8008-20-6 ComponenC ~2 Hame & C.X.~. Humber ~ C~XFire Hazard [-1ReacCi¥iLy ~<Delayed [] Sudden Release [] Immediate Health of Pressure Health -- Component I~ Hame I C.X.S. Number ~hYsical and Health Hazard C.X.$. Humber N/A Component II Hame & C.A.S. Number (Check all that apply) W/A ~ SZlicome Component 12 Ha:e& C.A.S. Number I-/ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~<~elayed [] Sudden Release [] Health of PressureHealth -- Component 13 Hame & C.X.S. Humber Physical 8nd H~mlth Hazlrd C.A.S Number N/A Component I1 Name I C.A.S. Number 10 AMSCO SOLV 1 297C''~ (Che:k all Chic apply) ' #$005-~0-5 Component 12 H~me & C,X.S. Humber r~XFire Hazard El ReacCiYity X~ Delayed [] Sudden Release [-] ImmediaCe Health of Pressure Health Component 13 Hame I C.A.$. Number 1~11 AIM 1',¢~5 I ~'S It,s00 Ioa~ I ¢65 I 06,'~' I 5 ~o£isht Build 1, Sec C,E,F Cam Polish, WS-4 Physical and Health Nazard C.A.a. Number N/A Component II Name & C.A.S. Number I~6 AMSCO SO~V 1297 (Check 411 Ch4C apply) Component 12 Ha=e& C.X.S. Number ~ Fire Hazard F1 Reactivity ]~(~elayed [] Sudden Release [] Immediate He, iCh of ~ressure Health Component 13 Hame & C.X,S. Number EMERGENCY CONTACTS ~lRlme Bo6 ~ie~s ~]~C~a~ions ~r. ~-~r--~eSgT-$~g fl2Je~H~e R. WZn~ O~ erCii{aCioq ,~Re~a~f and_sign after compT~ti~g,mll cerc1Ty uneer pefl4~c~ oT!4~ Ch{t ! ~avepersonally ex4~In~ogqo~m ~amiil~r.~iC~ the intormac]on Submitted in Chis.and 41! aC~athed.doc~menc~, and C~ac oaseo on.my ~nquiry ~f.{hose IAalYIOUa/$ responsio/e rot obtaining :he Information. ! believe CaaC the suomltteo Information IS crud, accurate, apo comp/etd. ' Sherry L. Matteucci / Exec~Zive Vice President ~~~ ~ ~i~*.~'"fFT-~f~c"Cfit [1cie df o~ner/ooertcor'o~ o~ner/o~eracor's authorized reoresen~Cive -S'3~a-Cure CITY ot' BAKI:::R FI ELL) Far~ and A!~ticulture ~ Standard liusiness .[](HAZARDOUS HAT ERIALS INVENTORY NON--TRADE SECRETS ~a 5 of BUSINESS NA~' Thc Wax Shop OWNER NAHE: Jess R. Wind,rs NAHE OF THIS FACILITY: The Wax Shop LOCATION' '~447.TAid,zin C~ ADORESS; ~ ~,~, p~ STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: CITY~ ZI~' B~¢~AA~¢~d 'PA 9~1~ CITY. ZIP:' R~A~7~Z'- ~ Q~9 DUN AND BRADSTREET NUHBER ...... ~ .... ~'~ REFER TO~N~U~S ~R-P~OPER CODES -- Code cBoe Xat Xat Est Un~ts on ~te f~pe Press lama Code Stored ~n F~c~l~ty See Instructions A I M i620 I 275 I 11,000 IGalt 365 113,10} 1t 4 99 ' . ~Com~odnd Build 1, Sec C,E,F, Dark Maoic. WS-12 ~ (Check ~il Lh~ ~p~ly) I0 AMSCO SOLV 1297~ ~8008-20-~ Component Number ~ire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~el~yed ~ Sudden Release ~ ~mmediate ~e~ith of Pressure Health .... Component ~3 N~me & C.A.~. ~umber . gg Physical and ~ellth ~lz~rd C.A.S. Number N/A Component I1 ~e t C,~.S. ~unber .(Check all that ap~lyj 8 AMSCO SOLV 1297 ~8008-20-6 Component 12 Ha~e t C.A.S. Number ~ Fire H~z~rd ~ Re~ctifity ~ Belayed 0 Suddpn. Release 0 I~mediate He~ [th at ?ressure Hea 1 th Component ~3 Na~e ~ C.A.S. Hu~ber ~Check ~11 that a~l~) ,)I Silicone A j M 1220 J II0 J 220 'JGal J 365 j13,1oJ 'i I 4 J 08 J. Build I, Sec C,E,F Laund~, Ma~¢, HC-I ~64-17-5 Alco___ 3 Ethy~ Nu=ber ~ Fire ~a~ard ~ Re~ctJYity ~ Oela~ed ~ SuddenRele~se ~ Health of Pressure.c.,~. ~I02-71-6 2 T~Ze~nano~ Amine EHERGENCY CONTACTS ~I Bob VierS' Opera~ons Mgr. 397-3869 ~2 jess R' Winters Owner 834-3449 Re $ign after comDletfpg..~/l sections) ~it~ the inJor~at~on submitted in ~h~s.~nd [.cer~(y,under . . th4t I n~YepeTsonaJly, ex~mlnqdeqd 9m t~m~l ...... sea on.my ~nqu~ry 9t.c~ ~ s responsib that the s true, ~ccur~te, ~na co,plate. CI'I'Y ot-' BAKEHSFIELI) Farm and~gticulture ~ Standard Business )~];~AZARDOUS MAT ERZALS TNVENTORY NON--TRADE SECRETS Page BUSINESS NA~/ .The.Wa~.Shop OWNER NAHE: ]eSs ~. WZnters NAME OF THIS FACILITY: The Wax Shop LQCATION: - A~C~ C~ AODRESSip ........ ,o~, g STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE~ Tr~ns [7qe ~x Average Annual ~easure ! ~ys ¢ont Con~ Coot Use Location ~he[~ ~Wb¥~ !la,es of ,ixture/~o~onen~s Code code Amt Amt Est Un,ts on ~te T~pe Press Temo Code Stored in Facility ' See Instructions i~hvsical ~nd Health Hazard C.A.S. Humber N/A Component I1 Name ~ C.A.S Humber - , (Check ali that aoply) ' 2 So£~ent 529-66 ~64~42-96-7 Health of Pressure Component 13 Hame & ¢.A.S. Humber , Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Humber ~/A ComPonent I1 Hame & C.A.S. ~umber (Check all t~at apply) ~$005-20-6 70 A~SCO SOLF 7297 Xl~ ~ire Hazard' 0 Reac~iY]ty ,~](Delayed [] Sudden Release FI Im~.i~C°'p°nent '2 Hame & C.A.S. ,umber ~,~...~_~ Health of Pressure,ea~n · ' IComponent 13 Ha~e & C.A.S. Nu=ber PhYsical ~nd Health Hazard C.A.S. Humber Component Il Ha~e I C.A.S. Humber (Check all that apply) Component 12 Ha~e & C.A.S. Humber 0 ~ire Hazard 0 Reactivitl )-) Oelayed [] Sudden Release 0 Immediate Health of Pressure Health Component 13 Ha~ & C.A.S. ~u~ber ~hvsical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number Component I1 Hame & C.A.S. Humber ~hec~ all that appll) Component 12 Hame & C.A.S. Humber 0 Fire Hazard [] Reactivity [] Oelayed [] Sudden Release [] Immediate Health of Pressure Health .... Component ~3 Hame i :.A.S. Humber EMERGENCY CONTACTS Certification (Read and $iqn after compl~tiog,all secti,ons) I cer[)/y under penal~ of!a) that Ih ay)persona/Iv examlnqoaqa)m ramil)ar.vit~ the information ~u~aitted in this and all at~acned,docvmenc$, an~ t~at Dosed on.my ~nquiry 9f. Lhose lna~vlaua~s responsio)e rot obtaining the ~nrormat)on. I bel)eve that the suomltteo Information lS true, accurate, and Sherry C. Matte.cci / £~e¢.~Zve VZce Pre~Zdent ~L~~~~. ~~Ficial title of o,~erloo~r~tor o~ b~ner/oper~tor:s authorized r~resentative ~§nature · CITY of BAKERNFIELi.) HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Far~ and Agriculture FI Standard Business 0 NON--TRADE SECRETS P,~ ~.e BUSINESS NAME: T~¢ fdn~ ~Go~ OWNER NAME: Je~4 R. Win~e~s NAME OF THIS FACILITY: The W~x Shop L~CATION: ~447: A~fl~4~ F~ '.- AOORESS; ..... ~7¢ ~o,~e~ ~ STANDARD INO. CLASS CODE:. 3~ ..... CITY. ZIP: R.bo~ ~ZYoFd PA "9~3~ CITY. ZIP:- R~B~,iZ')'¢~ P~ o~nq DUN AND BRADSTREET NUHBER ....  v ~[ares cf Uixture/C:~onenCs Trans [y~e ~ax Average Annual ~easure I ~f~ Cent Cent Cent Use location Xhere Cede cooe Ant AeC Est U~CS on ~ce Type Press Te~o Code Stored ~n Facility ' See Instructions ~ I P 1165 I 55 1330 IGA1 I 365 I 06 ~ I I 4 I 18 I Build 2, Sec F 10( JPC 450 Pale Oil, R-59 ~hv~icai and Health ~azard C.A.S. Humber 68476-30-2 Component I1 Ha~e & C.A.S. Humber (C~ec~ 4~] ~4C aooly) ~xFire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~Oelayed ~ Sudden Release ~ I~ediateC°mp°nent 12 Na~e & C.A.S. Humber He~ ich of Pressure He~ I Ch Component 13 HaAe & C.A.S. Humber A I M 1330 I 130 I 2,500 Gal ~ 365 I 10 [ 1 I 4 t 18 I Build 1,,Sec C Wire Wheel Conc, R-60 Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number N/A CoaoonenC fl Hame I C.A.S. Humber (Check all that 4pp]yJ ~7~-3~-~ ~ Pho~ho¢~c CoAponenc 12 Ha=e & C.A.S. NuAber ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ ~ela~ed ~ Sudden Release ~IA~i~ 4 Ammoui~ Bifluoride Hea ICh of Pressure ~ 7347 -49-7 . Component 13 Ha=e & C.A.S. Humber )2 Hydrofluoric Acid ~7664-39-3 Physical and Health Hazard C.X.S. Hu~bor N/A Component I1 Name & C.A,S, Hu~ber ~Che:~ ~/I that a0ply) ~67_63_0 40 Iso~r0pan~l ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ I~:ediateC°mP°nent 12 Name I C.A.S. Hu~ber He~lth of Pressure Health / Component 13 Name& C.A.S. Humber .Physical and Health,aT,rd C.A.S. Humber N/A Component II Name & C.A.S. Humber ; ~Chec~ 4)) that app)y) ~67-63-0 40 ~opropano~ C0~onen~ 12 Here & C.X.S. Number ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~elayed ~ Sudden ~elease ~ IAmediate Hea/C~ of Pressure HealCh Component 13 H~e & C.A.S. HuAber 'Bob Miers Op~ratio~ M~r. 397-'3869 fl2 Je~s R. Wintcrs Owncr 834-3449 EHERGENCY CONTACTS certify unaer penalc~ oriaW thqt I aavepersonaHy examlnq~aqa~m raaillar wit~ the inTormac]on ~uUmitted in this and all aC~acned.docvmencs, an~ t~at base~ on.ay inquiry 9f.those in~lvloua/s responsible Tor obtaining the lnTor~aC1on, i believe that the SUO~lttea Intoreatlo~ Is true, accurate. Ina coeo/ece. ~~f~l title of ownerlooer~[or UH o~fler/operator'~ aUthOrized reDreSenfiUve ~fi~ CITY of BAKF__KSFIELD Far~ and ABLiculture F1 Standard Business JO[HAZARDOUS HATER'I-ALS TNVENTORY NON--TRADE SECRETS BUSINESS NAYlF_: ,T~e,Waz Shop OWNER NAME: Jess R. Wimter4 NAME OF THIS FACILITY: The Wax Shop LOCATION: ~447 ~.t~ Ct ADDRESS; ~SJZ L'Am~on C~ STANDARD IND. CLASS COOE~--~qq~ CZ]Y~ Z[P: dc~Zg~, CA ~7~ CITY. Z[P:- ~g~4¢,4&~E. C[ ~5~0~ DUN AND BRADSTREET NUHBER PHONE ~: ~5 ~ cobh ' PHONE ~: - _ ~ e __- - I 2 3 4 S 6 I 8 g 10 I1 T2 Trans fyoe Hax Av~raBe Annual Measure I ~fs ConL ConL Cont Use Loc~tjon Whece ~l~ ~lames cf uixtur~/C:m:onents Co~e come Amc Ami Ese Un,ts on 5~te Type Press rem: Code ~Lorea ~n fac~l~ty · See Instructions / U I P I440 I 220 I 1,200 IGal I 365 I. 06 I I I 4 } 18 I Build 2, Sec F 95 Isopropanol, R-63 Physical ~nd Health Nazard C.A.S..Number 67-53-0 Componen: II Name & C.A.S. Number (Check ail :ha: Component ~2 Name & C.A.S. Number ~ir~ Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ De~ayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate ' Health of Pressure Health ComDonent 13 Name I C.A.S. Number A I M I~° -'1 ~6~ I ~,~oo I~z I ~6~ I ~o I ~ I ~ t ~* t s~z~ ~, s~ c ~a~ ~z~ oz~, ~-~4 9hvsicaljcheck allandthatNealLhapplyj~azard C.A.S. Humber N/A CamponenL ~71111-76-2Name ~ C.A.S. Number 6 2-Butoxyethanol ComponenL 12 Name & C.A.~. Number ~ Fire Ha:ard ~ Re~c:iYity ~OetavedMea[Lh ~ Suddenof PressureRelease ~ Im¥~,,:~,~. ~7~70-7~-~ 4 C~ Component !3 Name t C.A.S. Number ~6834-9~-0 ~ Or ~stamet B ~ M ~ J' J 0 j O' 'IGal ~ 0 I06 I I L 4 ~ 18 ~ N/A [thanol, R-65 Ph~}:~l ~nd ~Ith ~z~ C.X.S. ~u:~r N/A Component ~ ~ame ~ C.A.~. (Che:~ ail Dar ~64_~7_5 77 Component 12 Name C.A.S. ~umber ~Fire H~zard ~ Reactivity ~O. elayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate uealt~ of Pressure Health ~67-56-1 77 M~hq~ Component )3 Na~e ~ C.A.S. ~u~ber (Check al1 that apply) ' ~xFire Hazmrd ~ Reactivity ~Delayed D Sudden Release ~ I~q~dijAeC°=ponenC 12 Name & C.A.S. Number He~ [C~ of Pressure Healc~ :omponent 13 Name & :.A.S. Number ~EMERGENCY COHTACTS ~1 8o6 ~Z6~j Op6~onJ ~. 397-5969 ~216sJ g. ~m~6~J O~m6~ g~4-~44~ ~ . ~ee ffCle 2~-P~ g~ fiCle  ertiCj~atioq .(Re~ ~n¢.¢¢~n ~F~¢¢ compTe~fO¢,¢ll sectLons) cer~(y,unaer ~ena~Z oF)a) thqt I nave personauy, examlnqQ~qa)m famiilacyitb the ~nlo(~a~)pn Submitted in this 8nd all at~aCea.aocvmen~s, an~ ~a~ oasea on.my ~nquiry Or.chose lna~vtauams responsl~/e rot obcaln~n~ one Information. I believe that the suomltcea information is true, accurate, aha caep(ece. ~~fi:tai citJe of ownerlao(¢ator u~ Owner/operator's auCharizea reo~tive 9 · cL'rY ot-' BAKERSFIELD Far~ and AgCiculture n S[andard Business )~HAZARDOUS HATERTAgS TNVENTORY NON--TRADE SECRETS Paqe 'BUSTN~SS NAMe' T~e ~ Sho~ LOC~T~ON: ~?¢4; A~rixL Ct OWNER NAHE: ]ess R. Win~ers NAHE OF THZS FAC[LZTY: The W~ Shop PHONE #: ["~nql goT2q~TA __ PHONE ~' - : ' - ' ~ -- - - Ir{ns [yqe ~ax Average Annual ~easure I ~ys ConL ConL ConL Use Lac~Ljon ~ixture/~onent~ JCaae ~oee AmC Amc Est Un]Cs on ~lCe Type Press Temo Code SCored in FacialLy See Ins:ructions f Al M 1350 I 175 11,300 IGal I 365 I I 1 t 4 ~ 18 I Build 1, Sec C 529 Conc., R-69 (Check all Ch4C apply) ,I 11-76-2 2-Bdtox~ethanol ~ F~e H~z~rd ~ Re~cCiviCy ~D. elayed ~ Sudden Release ~ ~=medi~Ce ' ~141-43-5 Monoethanol Amine He4JCh of Pressure Cal Soft LAS Physical and HealLh Hazard C.X.S. Number N/A Co~oonenC 11 Hame & C.X.S. Humber CoApone~C 12 NaAe I C.X.S. Humber 0 ~ire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~Oela7ed 0 Sudden Release 0 Health of ~ressure Component 13 Name & C.X.S. Humber (Check ali Ch{c Health of Pressure He,iCh PhYsical and Health ~azard C.l.S. Number N/A Component II Nlme I C.l.S. Number IChec~ 411 that a~ply) Co~penen~ I~ Ha~e & C.X.S. Humber ~ ~ire Hazard 0 Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Re]ease 0 HeaTCh of ~ressure Health Component 13 HaAe I C.X.S. Humber E~ER~EHCY CONTACTS ~I~e Bob Miers O~erationsfTc1e. Mot. ~e397-3869 fl2~ssaa~e R. W~t~ :erCi~i~Cioq ,~Rep~ and_sfgn a~Cec compleCf~g.a1~ secCf~nS) c[~aCned.Q~c~me~c~, ~n~ Cp4c oaseo off.ay inqu~ry ~f.[hose ineIV1eu4IS responsible for obc~1~i~9 cae 1~torma[1on. [ bel~eve ChaC [he ~emlCCeo. 1~ToraacIQ~ IS cr~e, acc~race, ~ co~plece. Sherry L. Matt~ucci / Exeeutiv~ Vice President ~~~~~ CZTY of' BAKF_.R,SFZFLU HAZARDOUS MATERZALS ZNVENTORY Farm and Xgticuiture I-) Standard Business ~ NON--TRADE SECRETS Page ]0 of 15 BUSINESS NAME' The Wax Shop OWNER NAME: JesS~R. Win~ers NAME OF THIS FACILITY: Thc Wax Sho~:- LOCATION; b~4i A~driA"C£ AOORESS' ~3[ ~=~ Cgme o~ ~ ._ STANDARDDuN AND BRADSTREETIND' CLASSNuMBERCODE=. .... I I '~'~ ...... ........ REFER TO~STRUCTZD~S-~ROPER CODES -- I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Code cooe Amt AmC Est Units on 51Ce Type Press Te~ Code Stored iff P~Cl/lty ' See A ~l .P..11000 I 50~' 1600 .ILbs I. 365 I 06 I I I 4 I'i"8 I Buitd 2, Sec F 98 Ca~tic Soda, R-100 ~hysic~l end ~eAl~h ~azard C.A.S. Number 1301-73-2 CoApone~ l] Na=e S C.A,S. Number [Check 4/l"Ch4C a~ply/ ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ I~mediate Health of Pressure Health Component ~3 Hame ~ C.A.S. Humber A (P i 600 '1 300 I 1,000 [L.b~.I 365 I I2 I I I 4 I t8 I BuZ/d 2, Sec F 99 Ammouium Bif~uorZd~, R-101 Physical and ~e~lt~ Hazard C.A.S. au~ber 1341-49-7 Co~onen~ II ~a~ ~ ~,~.~. ~u~r (Check al1 that Apply) ~ ~ Fire Hazard ~Reactivity ~Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ IAmediaCe CoAponenC Ha~e C.A.S. Humber Hea ICh of Pressure Health Co~ponenC 13 Hame & C.A.S. Humber Physical end Health Hazard C.A.a. Mu:bar 7664-38-2 Component fl Name I C,A,S, Number (Check ali thmt Component 12 Hame ~ C.A.a. Humber ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~Immediate .... Health of Pressure Health Co~ponent ~3 NaAe ~ C.A.S. Nu~ber iPhysicAl )nd Health ~ailrd C.A.S. Number 6834-92-0 Component I1 Na~e & C.A,S. Number ICheck all Chat appIH ~/~ H~/ ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~Detayed ~ Sudden Release ~ ImmediateC°=p°nentl2 Na~e & C.A.S. Nu~ber Health of Pressure Health . Co~ponent 13 Hame & C.A.S. Humber - - EHERGENCY CONTACTS ~.~fgn after completiDg.all secCf,on~) ~ j navepersona)mv exm~lnqomQo )~ ~a~i)~mr with the inlor~tlon )u~mitted in this )nd mll seo on.m~ ~nquir~ ~f, those ~nolvioua.)s responsible for obtaining the ~ntor~at~on. I bel)eve that the s true, accurate, and complete. CITY oi" BAKi-RSFJ. ELI) Far~ and ~,gticu)Cure F1 $~andard Business ii, HAZARDOUS MAT ERTALS T NVENTORY NON--TRADE SECRETS Pa~.e 17' of 7'5 BUSINESS NAME,.: The,~,a~cSho]o OWNER NAHE' Jess R. Winter.,3 NAHE OF THTS FACILITY: ThesWax Shop LOCATION: ~441 AZ. ur.elL Ct AOORESS; ' 55t~ C. am~.'~on C.f_ STAN0^RO ]:NO. CLASS CODE: ~,I,T~,Y,~ Z, IP: Ba~,~z~d. CA ~5515 ~.IT_.Y.~ .Z. IP.'_~-~rs~e~._CA ~5.to9 DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER ...... I~05 .... 5~7~ REFER TO-~NLS~'U~UCT'.TiDN$-FOR--PROPER CODES -- ITrelns l'l~e )4ax Average Annual Hea~ure I ~Oy.s Cent Cent Cent Use _ Locatjon_~heEe '()~? :la'.es of ~ixt,Jrel::.,=onents ICode Coae AmC AmC Est UnTCs on 51ce Type Press )'emD Code SCoreR in FaCT/Itl See Ifls['.ruct~¢ns Physical end Health .Hal~rd C.A.$. Number 7320-54-5 Component II Name & C.A.S. Humber U Fire Hazard Reactivity ~elayed Sudden Release I~mediate Hea Lth of Pressure Health Component )3 Hame & C.A.S. Mumbo? A I P Izg6° ,':1 9~0 I 4,600 ILbs I 365 I 06 I 1 I 4 I ~8 I Build 2, Sec F 10 Mo~thanol~ine, R-105 ~hysic~l 10d Health Hazard C,~,S, Number 141-43-5 Cempenen~ Il NAme & C,A,S. Number (Chec~ 4// Chat Competent 12 Na[e t C.X.S. ~ FireHaz~rd ~Re~cCiviCy ~ela~ed ~ SuddenRelease ~ [~medieCe He8ith of Pressure Health Co,~ponenC 13 Name I C.A.S. Humber ~hysic~l gndHe81thHazard C,X,S. Number 27175-~7-0 Component I1 Na~ I C,X,S, Number (Check al1 that 4p~ly) 68584-22-5 ~27176-87-0 97 Dodecy~benzeee S~fonic Ce~e~enc 12 NaAe & C.X.S. ~ ~ire H4~4rd ~ ReacCifi~ X~ ~e14yed ~ Sudden Release ~ ~mmedi4Ce ~7664-93-9 I Sulfuric Acid Health of Pressure Health Component 13 Name t C.A.S. Number ~7~4~_09_5 m i S~fur DioxZde~ A t M I~00 I 4~0 I~,~00 I~ I ~ ) 0~ I ~ I ~ t, ~ t ~ ~, S~ ~ C~m~ C, ~-~o~ ;~hysic~l lnd He81Ch ~zard C,~,S, Number 8051-30-7 Component II Name t C,X,S, IChec~ ~/1 Ch4C 4ppi/) 111-42-2 ~111-42-2 8 Diethanol~ine Co~one~c 12 HaLe & C.X.S. ~ ~re Ha~td ~ Reactivity ~ 0elAyed ~ Sudden Release D [AmedieCe He,ICh of ~ressure Health Component f3 Hsme ~ C.X.S. Number Bob MZ~rs Operations Mgr. 397-3869 ~2 Jess R. Winter~ Owner 834-3449 EMERGENCY CONTACTS l~me TTCie ~~' ~e Ti[lo 2~ ~aone ertiigCioq .CRe~ and.~igm after compl~ti~g.mll ~ecCi~n~) cerc]~y unaer penalc) o~)aw Chqc ~ navepersonaHy examlneQlnaam rami[lar with Cmo inlormaclon Su~miCted in this 8nd all at~ached.doc~menc), 4nQ ~at basra on.my ~nquiry 9f.those Individuals responsible for obtaining the ]nTormatlon. I believe that the suDmltCea 1AIOF~aClOA lS CrUm, accurate, 8AQ campmece. Sherry L. MatteuccZ / E~ecutZve glee Pr~Zdent ~,, .~ G~~CfAI CICIe ef e~ne~Jeoer4ce~ u~'~ner/eperscor's 8ucH~r~ze~ ~e~resenCac1ve~~ CITY of BAKERSFIELD Fara andXgticulture El Standard Business ~HAZARDOUS HATERTALS INVENTORY NON--TRADE SECRETS BUSINESS NAME~,., T.~q [Vax Shop OWNER NAME: J~s R. Winters NAME OF THIS FACILITY: The Wax CITY. ZI~:' BaAer~'~Z~d CA 93'3/~ CITY. ZIP: ..... Ba~rsA~la, CA V}bUY Oum Amu unAu~/n::~ mumucn ..... ~'' A I P I800 J, 400 I 600 ILbs I 365 I 12 I 1 I 4 I ¢8 I Buil~ 2, Sec F 10, Tr~odi~phos~hate, R-IO8X/ Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Humber 10101-89-0 Comoonent Il Hame i C.X.S. Humber [ChecX ail that apply} He, iCh of Pressure Health Ce~ponenC 13 Name & C.X.S. Number ICheck al1 that a~Vly/ ~9004_82_4 ...... Health of Pressure ~eaith ~64- I7-5 Physical ~nd Heslth Ha:ard C.X.S, Number 74-98-6 Component I1 Name I C.A.S. Number {Che:k ~11 Chat 4~1~) Co:ponenC 12 N~me & C.X.S. Number ~XF~re Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate He4 ICh of ~ressure Health ' ' Ce~ponen~ 13 Hame t C,X.S. Hu~ber PhYsical ~nd Health Hazard C,A.S. Hu,ber N/A Co~ponen~ I1 Ha~e & C.A.S, Humber (Chec~ 411 Chat 4pp]y} ..... ~ Fire Hazard 0 Reactivity ~ Oelayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate Health of Pressure Health '" Component 13 Naae & C.A.S. Number ..... B°b Miers O~erations M~r. 397-3869 fl2 Jess 'R. 'Wint6rs Ow~6r 834-3449 EMERGENCY CONTACTS ~l~e TT~ie ~~e',, ~e /1[)~ [erti[itioq,(Re~ ~pd.~ign after compl~ti(~g ,a I I secti~n~) cer~uf unoer ~enal[) o))a) [~)[ ~ nave oersonaH~ exaalnQQ~qo)m ra~i~ar, yit~ the in~oraa~on ~u~i[ted in this ~nd all [~ached.d~cvaen[¢, mn~ [)~[ ~ase~ on.a~ ~quir7 ~f.those ~nomoua~s responsible rot ob[a~ning t~e ~ntoramt~on, I believe that the ~. Sherry L. Matt~ccZ / Executive Vice P~esZde.t CITYof BAKi--R FIELU Farm and Agriculture 0 Standard 8usiness~HAZARDOUS HATERTALS TNVENTORY NON--TRADE SECRETS Pa~,e 15 of ~5 BUSINESS NAHEL The Wa~ Shop OWNER NAME: Jess R. winters NAME 0F THIS FACILITY: The Wax Shop ¢ LOCATION: 544i A~,[~ C~ ADDRESS: ~Jj~ C~z~qm C~ STANDARD IND. CLASS C0DE) ~8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 IZ 13 frans [y~e ~ax Averaqe Annual Heasure ! ~ys Cent Cent Cent Use Location ~here Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Humber N/^ Component Il Hame S C.X.S. Humber 95 Ethanol (Check alt that apply) #~-77-$, Component Name C.X.S. Number I~Lx~ire Hazard 0 Reactivity ,~Oelayed [] Sudden Release 0 ]~mediate Heatth of Pressure Health Comoonent 12 Name J C.X.S. Humber Physical and Health Hazard C.A.a. Number Component l1 Name I C.A.S. Number (Check al1 that appl~) Component 12 Hame t C.A.S. Number 0 Fire Hazard 0 Reactivity [] §elaved 0 Sudden Release 0 immediate Health of Pressure Health Component 13 Hame I C.A.S. Humber Physical and Health Hazard C.A.a. Humber Component 11 Hame I C.X.S. Number ICheck all that apply) Component 12 Hame I C.X.S. Number 0 Fire Hazard [] Reactivity 00elayed [] Sudden Release 0 Immediate Heait~ of Pressure Health ,., Component 13 Name & C.A.S. Number PhYsical and Health Hazard C.A.a. Number Component II Hame I C.l.S. Number ~Chec~ ail that apply) Component IZ Name & C.A.S. Number ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Oelaved [] Sudden Release [] Immediate Health of Pressure Healt~ Component 13 Name I C.X.S. Number Bob Miers Operations Mgr. 397-3~69 , fl2Jess R. Win~ers Owner 834-3449 EMERGENCY CONTACTS at~ac~ed.doc~me~s, a~ thc ~aseo o~.ay ~nquir~ ~L[~ose l~o~uua~s responsible ~or ob[a~in~ ~e Information. ! belleve that the Sherry L. Matt~ucci / Executive Vice President ~i~~-~__~ cI'rY of BAKF_,R,.SFIELD Farm and ~9ticulture ['] Standard ~usiness [~HAZARDOUS MAT ER'TAtS TNVENTORY NON--TRADE SECRETS ~BUSINESS NAHE. The Wax Shop OWNER NAME: ~ss R. Winter~ NAME OF THIS FACILITY: The Wax Shop ' PHONE ~: (~n:) ~5~_:~74 PHONE #' - .... ' ........ - - ......... REFER ~O'--[N~Cg[-'~I~¢~:'OR-7:ROPER CODES -- 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Code ~o~ Aat Am~ Es~ Units on ~]Le lype Press Temo Code SLored in ~ac]/~cy ' See Instructions /' A I M 1660 I 330 13,000 IGA.l I 365 I 06 I I i 4 I 18 I Build 1, Sec D .... LRV Syrup, RS-~ F~¥sical and ~eal~h HaZard C.~.$. Hu~er N/A . ¢o~0o~ent I1 ~ame ~ ¢,~,S, Hu~er IChec~ ali ~h~ a~ly) N/A 3 Si~cone Physical ~,d ~ealth ~azard C.X.$. Humber N/A ComoonenL Il Na~e I C.A.S. ~u~Ber (Chec~ al1 that apgly) #I11-76-2 36 2-Butoxyethanol Health of Pressure Health Component ~ Na~e & C.A.$. Humber A'. I M 1330 I ~0 1770 I~t ~6~ 1o6 I 1 [ 4 I18 I Bui£d 1, Sec D Whee~ Ezee Syrup, RS-6 V/ Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S, Number N/A' Com~nent I1 Name I C.A.S. ~umber (Check all that aDDI7) ~111-76-2 .? 2-Butoxyethano~ Component ~ Name & ¢,A.S. ~ ~ire Hazard I'] Reactivity ,[](Delayed ['1 Sudden Release [-1 Immediate Health of Pressure Health Component ~3 Name & C.A.$. Number A I M~ [220 I 110 I 330' IGal'l 365 I 06 I I .j 4I 18 I Build 1, Sec D White Wall Sqrup, RS-7..~,// PhYsical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number N/A Component I1 Name & C.X.S. Number (Check all that applyJ ~111-76-2 36 2-Butox~ethano~ I~]XFire Hazard [] Reactivity ~0elayed El Sudden Release [] Immediate Health of Pressure Health Component 13 Name ~ C.A.$. Number EHERGENCY CONTACTS #1 Bob ~Z~r~ Op~A~o~ ~gr. $~7-~$&9 ~2Je~'E ~i~z~ O~e~ ertifjgaLiaq .(Re,ald and_sign a?~er cornple~iog,al1 .cer~lu.unoer penalc~ o?!a~ thqt I havepersonaily examlnqO~qo{m ramillar.~it~ the intormat)pn su~=itted in this ~nd all c~a~eo.oOc~menc~, eno tpac oaseo' on.my inquiry gl?Dso lnOlVlOUa~S responsible Tot obtaining cae Information. ! believe that the Uemltteo inTormaciofl is crum, 4ccurate, aAo comp/eom. Sh¢~r~ L. Matt~ucci / Executive Vice Pres~,t -['.~~%~~ ~T~hc'Tfi] ttt)e of'owne'r/ooerator u~ o~ner/o~eraCOr's authorized reoresen~t]ve~ C 'I'Y ot-' BAKF_.H F.I. ELL) HAZARDOUS HATERTALS TNVENTORY Farm and X¢icuiture El Standard Business NON--TRADE SECRETS BUSINESS NAME: The Wax Shop OWNER NAME: Jess R. Winters NAME OF THIS FACILITY: The Wax Shop LOCATION: 544/ AZdrx~ (~ ADDRESS; ;~3/~ C~m~,~q~ ~ _ STANDARD IND. CLASS COOE~ CIlY, ZIP: b;c~eZd, CA ?J.~13 CITY. ZIP:_ B~[~,.~J~)~E~ CA ~$JO~ DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER ..... A t M I~o I SS t~0 teaZ I 365 t 06 I I I 4 I ~* I ~-~ s~ ~vsic~i(Chec~ ~ll~"d[h~[~al[ha~l~jHazard C.A.S. ~u~b~r N/A Co~o~en[ I1 ~t~ t C.~.S. ~u~bar 5 ~ Fire Hezerd ~ RetctiviLy ~Delayed ~ Sudden ~ele~se ~ I~medfaLeC°mp°nent 12 Na~e t C.A.S. Number Re~ith of Pressure Heslth Component 12 ~a~e S C.A.S. ~umber Physic~ltCheck 4/landthacHeAlthagplyiHazard C.X.S. Number N/A Component I1 N/ANaAe I C.A.S, Humber I Il Carsonol/~' -s / ~ Fire Hazard B Resctivity ~Oelayed ~ SuddCnRelease ~ Immediate Component 12 N~e I C.X.S, ~u~ber He8 ICh of Pressure Hoe ICh / Physical lnd HeslCh Hazsrd C.X.S, Number N/A Component Il Name I C,X.S. Hu~ber (Check ail Ch4C 4pply) N/A 12 Silicone Component 12 Na~e & C.A.S. ~u=ber ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~Oei~ed ~ Sudden Release ~ [~medi~te Hea/Ch of Pressure He,iCh CoaponenL 13 H~e & C.X.S. Hu=ber Physical lnd Heslth Hazlrd C.A.S. Number Component I1 Na~e I C.A.S, Humber (Chec~ 4)1 that 4pp]y) Component 12 Ha~e & C,A.S, Humber ~ Fire H4z4rd ~ Reactivity ~ OelaTed ~ Sudden Release D Immediate He41th of Pressure HealtA Component 13 N~me & C.X.S. Humber E~ER~EHCY COHTACTS l~=e f~le ~e ~e Tt[le Certification .(Rep¢ and_sign after completfog.all secti~n~) [ tort]fy under penaic~ oy)a~ Ch~C Z~avepersonaHy exaAlnqOaqo~m ramillar.~it~ the information ~u~itCed in Chis tnd all aC~acned.dOc~aencs, 4n~ C~4c o4sea on. Dy tnquiry 9f.[hose InalvleUa~S responsio/e ~or obLalnin9 the InfOrmation. [ believe Chat Lhe suo~lCCee lnTormBClOn Is true, 4ccursce, Aha camp/eta. Sherry L. Mar~zucc~ / Exeeut~ve Vice Pr~ad ent ' . . ~~JcJSt C~le 0t o~ner/oaer~Or u~ o~ner~oger~Or'~ ~u[~orJze~ re~resen~H~e Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials DivisiO HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 3: TRAINING: NUMBER OF EMPLOYESS: 24 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE: 62 BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: TRAINING I. Posting of notices and signs including notice furnished by the U.S. D~partment of Labor. 2. Train all employees and new employees before initia£ assignment, whenever a new hazard is introduced and a refresher course on the following: a. Requirements of the H.C. Standard. b. Any operations in their work are where hazardous chemicals are present. c. Safety equipment requi~ed. d. Location and availability of Hazard Communication program and MSD Sheets. e. Labeling system (HMIS) for hazards and safety equipment (Video). f. Prevention, minimizing and clean up procedures for hazardous chemicals. g. Evacuation plans and emergency plans. 3. Complete documentation of all training. SECTION 4: EXEMPTION REQUEST: I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT MY BUSINESS IS EXEMPT FROM THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 6.95 OF THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE" FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: WE DO NOT HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. WE DO HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, BUT THE QUANTITIES AT NO TIMEEXCEED THE MINIMUM REPORTING QUANTITIES. OTHER (SPECIFY REASON) SECTION 5: CERTIFICATION: I, ~---~'~~- i~~ CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFOR- MATION IS ACCURATE. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE" ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (DIV. 20 CHAPTER 6.95 SEC. 25500 ET AL.) AND THAT INACCURATE INFORMATION CONSTITUTES PERJURY. SIGNATURE TITLE DATE F01590 Bakersfield Fire Dept. " Hazardous Matarials Divisi, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN Facility Unit Name: The Wax.'~Shop SECTION 6: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES: A. AGENCY NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES: In case of an emergency involving the release or threatened release of a hazardous material, ¢a£I 911 and 1-800-852-7550 or 1-916-927-4341. This will notify the local fire department and the state office of emergency services. B, EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION: Notification within the site locatio~wil£ be done by intercom, inter facility phone or messenger if necessary, evaluation procedures are as per TWS Safety Training Program and per faci£ity diagrams and site diagrams. C, PUBLIC EVACUATION: The emergency response coordinator or corporate offic~a£ will ca~£ 911 and 1-800 852~7550 or 1-91.6-927-4341 and notify the Fire Department of .. any public evacuation needed. D. EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN' For medica£ treatment ca~ Va~ey Industria~ Medica£ Group (805] 327-2225 or Memoria£ Ho~pita£. Bakersfield Fire Dept. _ Hazardous Materials Divisio~ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 7: MITIGATION, PREVENTION AND ABATEMENT PLAN: A. RELEASE PREVENTION STEPS: All or any hazardous materials are stored in appropriate containers or tanks. Al£ products are kept according to comparability or reactionary seperation. A£1 storage is done according to TWS Safety Program. All department procedures are according to local, state and federal regulations. B. RELEASE CONTAINMENT AND/ORMINIMIZATION: Containment will be handled by TWS designated personnel according to TWS Safety Program, using appropriate materials, (i.e. e~virguard available in the areas. C. CLEAN-UP PROCEDURES: Sma£1 spills if any will be handled by TWS designated personne£ and large spilss if any will be handled by TWS personnel a~d Ker~ Enviro- mental Service and K.E.S. will become primary authority for handling and disposal. SECTION 8: UTILITY SHUT-OFFS (LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY): NATURAL GAS/PROPANE: -0- ELECTRICAL: Northeast corner ox 544.7 & 5501 A£drin Ct #A Same WATER: SPECIAL: LOCK BOX: YES/'N~ IF YES, LOCATION: SECTION 9: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION/WATER AVAILABILITY: A. PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION: A£~ bui£dings are equipped with automatic sprinklers and appropriate fire extinguishers. B. WATER AVAILABILITY (FIRE HYDRANT): Fire hydrant £ocated on A£d~4~ 4, DIVISION OF TVVS INDUSTRIES, INC. Nay 10, 1990 Mr. Ralph Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator Fire Department 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Huey: We have prepared a yearly update of our inventory of Hazardous Materials and have completed all forms provided to us. We have implemented a new HC Labeling System (HMIS) and updated our training procedure to include new guidelines we received from Label Masters. At the time of your inspection, we were receiving new chemicals to prepare for a new process of formulation we had not previously performed and were in the process of re-organizing our inventory and storage facilities. We have now updated our inventory. Some of the new additions are due to the new rating system (i.e., eye irritant - health 1; flash points over 200°F - fire hazard - 1) while others are due to new processes. The following are in response to the designated violations outlined in your letter: 1. We have updated our inventory to include all new Hazardous Materials and quantities and will update any new additions or deletions in the future per California Health and Safety code. 2. We have updated all quantities of Hazardous Materials in our inventory and will update per California Health and Safety code. 3. We have implemented a labeling system (HMIS) for all of our Hazardous Materials (see example A). 4. We have updated our training program to insure that a~ employees receive thorough and on-going training regarding the labeling system, required safety equipment, detection of hazardous chemicals, physical and health hazards of all chemicals, emergency procedures, and the location and importance of MSDS sheets and other hazard information. P.O. BOX 10226 · BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389-0226 · TOLL FREE 1-800-323-9192 · IN CALIFORNIA (805) 397-5274 Mr. Ralph Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator May 10, 1990 Page 2 5. Medical gas cylinders have been returned to the vendor and will no longer be on our property. If you should require any additional information, please feel free to contact me or our Safety Officer, Mr. Bob Miers. Your assistance in helping us to upgrade our safety programs and procedures in light of the recent changes to California Health and Safety codes is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Sherry L. Matteucci Executive Vice, President SLM/cb APRIL i3 i990 DEAR MS. MATTEUCCI NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE IN THE INSPECTION OF YOUR BUSINESS THE WAX SHOP' LOCATED AT 5441 ALDRIN CT., BAKERSFIELD, CA 933i3 ON APRIL il,THE FOLLOWING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGULATION VIOLATIONS WERE IDENTIFIED: l) SEVERAL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS PRESENT IN REPORTABLE QUANTITIES, ]'HAT WERE NOT INCLUDED ON YOUR INVENTORY. VIOLATION OF CH. 6.95 CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SEC..-~'-'~=r'~.,~. 5 <a) Any business, except as provided in subdivisior~ (b), which handles a hazardous ~aterial or ~ixture cor~tainir, g a hazardous material which has a quantity at any one tirade during the reporting year equal to, or greater than, a total weight of 500 pounds, or a total volume of 55 gallons, or 200 cubic feet at standard temperature and pressure for a co~pressed gas, s~all establish and impter~ent a business plan for er~ergency response to a release or threatened release of a hazardous material in accordance with the standards in the regulations adopted pursuant to Section 25503. VIOLATION OF CH. 6.96 CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE 25509(A)(1-4) The annual inventory for~ shall include, but shall not be l i~ited to, information on all of the following which are handled in quantities equal to or greater than the quantities specified in subdivision (a) of Section 25503.5: (1) A listing of the chemical name and common names of every hazardous substance or chemical product handled by the business. (2)' The category of waste, including the general chemical and r~ineral composition of the cor~cerrbratior~s, of every hazardous waste har~died by tile business. (3) iq listing of the cnemicai na[~e a',qa c'c, mmor~ names c,f every c, ther hazardous material c.~~ h~ixtu~e ~ontair~ing a hazardous material har~aled by the business which is not otherwise listed pursuant to paragraph (1) or (~). (4) The maximum amc, ur~t of each hazardous material or mixture containing a hazaraous ~a~e~-ial disclosed ir~ paragraphs (1), (2), ar~a (3) which is handled at any one time by the business over the course of the year. ~) QUANTITIES REPORTED IN CURRENT INVENTORY ARE INCORRECT. VIOLATION OF CH. 6.95 CALIFORNIA HEA~TH AND SAFETY CODE SEC. 25505 (b) In additior~ to the requirements of Section 25510, whenever a substantial change in the handler's ope~-atior~s occurs which requires a modification of its business plar~, the handler shall submit a copy of the plan revisior~ to the administerir~g ager~cy within 30 d.ays of the operatic, r~al change. (c) The handler shall, ir~ ar~y case, review the business plan, submitted pursuant to suOaivisic, r,s (a) arid (b), c,r~ or before Jar~uary 1, 1988, arid a~ least once every two years thereafter, to determine if a revision is needed and shall certify to the admir~isterir~g ager, cy that the review was mace and that any necessa~-y changes were made to the plar~, A copy of these char~ges shall be submitted to the administering agency as part of this cert i f i cat i c,r~. (d) Ur~less exempted from the buSir~ess plar~ req. uirements under this chapter, any business which handles a hazardous material shall annually submit a completed inventory lc, re to the administering agency of the county or city in which the business is located. Notwithstanding any c, ther provisions of the law, an inventory form shall be filed or~ or before Janua'ry 1, ~988, f,:,~- the 1988 calendar year, and annually thereafter. This inventory shall be filed annually, notwithstanding the review requirements of subdivisi,:,n (c). 3) TANk, S AS WELL AS 55 GALLON DRUMS CONTAINING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS WERE NOT PROPERLY ~ABELED. VIOLATION OF OSHA 1910. 1200 (~) The chemical manufacturer, ir~p,:.~te~', c,r dist~-ibuto'r~ s~a!l er, su~-e tha'b eac~ conta.~r, er of haza'~dous ~_~her~ica].s leaving the wc,~-kplace is taOele~, ta~[~ed c,? ~a~ked with the followir~g ir~fc,~.~,'~ati,],r~: (i) Ider~tity c,f the haza~(~c, us ,~her~i~ai (~s). (ii)App~opriate hazard wafflings; a~d (iii)Nar~e and a~dress of the chemical manufacturer, iraporte'r~, or other res~or~sible party. (4) Except as provided in pa~agraphs (S) and (4) the er~ployer shall ensure that each containe~~ of hazardous cher~icais in the workplace is labeled, tagged, or ~arked with the following inforr~ation: (i) Identity of the haza~dous che~ical (s) contained therein; and (ii)Appropriate hazard wa~nings. (5) The er~ploye~~ r~ay use s~gns, placards, process sheets, batch tickets, operating procedures, or other such w~itten ~ateriats in lieu of affixing labels to individual stationary process cor, tainers, as long as the alte~-native ~ethod identifies the containers ~o which is applicable and conveys the inforr~ation required by pa~agraph (2) of this section to be on label. The written ~aterials shall be readily accessible to the er~ployees in their work area throughout each work shift. (7) The er~ployer shall not rer~ove of deface existing labels on inco~ing containers of hazardous cher~icals, unless the container is i~mediately marked with the ~equi~ed info~r~ation. (8) 'rhe e~ployer shall ensure that labels or other ~'o~r~s of wa~nings a~e legible, in English, and p~orair~ently displayed on the cor~tainer, o~~ readily available in the work area throug~hout each work shift. Er~ployers having er~ployees who speak other languages r~ay add the inforr~ation in their language to the r~aterial p~esented, as lc, rig as ~he infc, rr~atior~ is presented in English as well. 4) HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TRAINING DOES NOT APPEAR TO BE ADEQUATE VIOLATION OF OSHA 1910. 1200 (g) The er~ployer shall r~aintain copies of ~he ~equired ~aterial safety data sheets lc, 7~ each haza~dous che~ical in the wo~'kplace, and shall ensure that they are ~eadiiy accessible dur. ing eac~ work shift to empl,'-,yees when they are in theist work area(s) (h) (1) INFORMATION. Er,~plc, yees shall be infc,~r~led of: (i)The requi'r~e.~:~er, ts of tnis sect it, tm (ii)Any opemations in their work area wneme hazardous che~icals are present; and, (iii)The location and availability of the written hazard cor~unication progra~, including the required list(s) of hazardous cher~icals, and n~aterial safety data sheets required by this section. VIOLATION OF OSHA 1910. ~200(H) (2) Training. Employee training shall include at i east: (i)Methods and observations that r~ay be used to detect the presence or release of a hazardous cher~ical in the work area (such as monitoring conducted by the e~ploye~-, conti~uous r~o~itoring devices, visual appearance or odor of hazardous cher~icals when being released, etc. ); (ii)The physical and health hazards of the chemicals in the work area; (iii)The r~easures employees can take to protect ther~selves frcm~ these hazards, including specific procedures the e~ployer has impler~ente~ to protect er~ployees fror~ exposure to hazardous cher~icals, such as appropriate work practices, e~ergency procedures, and personal protective equipr~ent to be used; and, (iv)The details of the hazard cor~r~unicatic, n prograr~ developed by the er~ployer, including an explanation of the labeling syster~ and the r~aterial safety data sheet, and how employees can obtain and use the appropriate hazard information. 5) COMPRESSED GAS CYLINDERS NOT PROPERLY CHAINED OR RESTRAINED VIOLATION OF UFC ~4. 107 (a) General. All core, pressed gas cylinders in service or in storage shall be adequately secured to prevent falling or being knocked over. EXCEPTIONS: (1) Ccm~presseO gas cylinders the process of exa~ination, servicing and refilling a~e e)<empt f~,-_',r,1 this secti,"-,r~. ("-~) Pledical gas cylinder's may i~e stc,~-~ed an~ useci ir~ the hc, r.~.zc, r,'i':al p,z, sitic, r~ i'r~ ac'cz,z,~-'aar~e ~..,~ith The above violatic, r,s must be c,:,t'~'ected by P~RY 11. 1990 ]'he depat-tment will schedule a t-e-inspection ,:,f you~- facility to ve~-ify ~c, mpliar~e. If you have ar~y q~.,,estic, r~s t-e.q, at-dir~.q this r~,:,ti~e~ please eonta~t Ralph Huey at 3~6-3979. Since~-ely~ a ~~~ i r~at c,~- ~~-dc, us ~ate~'ials Coc,~'d Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Inspection Date Completed Business Name: '-i~' ~/S /~ o~v, Jr r,e S: Plan ID # 215-000-00 o 6~ (Top right comer Business Plan) a.on o. Adequate Inadequate Verification of Inventory Materials Verification of Quantities Verification of Location [] [] Proper Segregation of Material Verification of MSDS Availability [] [] Number of Employees Verification of Haz Mat Training Comments: Verification of Abatement Supplies & Procedures [~ [-] Comments: Emergency Procedures Posted Containers Properly Labeled Verification of Facility Diagram ~ [--] Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: Violations: FD 1652 (Rev. 3-89) White-Haz Mat Div. Yellow-Station Copy Pink-Business Office reat western hemical Phone: (503)228-,2600 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (Approved by U.S. Department of Labor "Essentially Similar" to Form LSB-OOS-4) .~'~'~' .. PRODUCT NAME: SOLVENT GW 325 ~... Rev. 7/25/86 PAGE1 CHEMICAL NAME: N/A ~_. "~ ' :::'-~'-~ ...... MOLECULAR WEIGHT: 138 FORMULA: Proprietary . SYNONYMS: BOILING POINT, 760 mm, Hg 310-370OF FREEZING POINT Unknown SPECIFIC GRAVITY (H20 = 1) .0. 780 @ 20°C VAPOR PRESSURE AT 20°C : 5' mm Hg SOLUBILITY '. VAPOR DENSITY (air = 1) 4.8 IN WATER, % by wt. S]ight . - PER CENT VOLATILES EVAPORATION RATE .' BY VOLUME 100% (Butyl Acetate = 1) -' 0, 22. APPEARANCE AND ODOR Clear, co]or]ess liquid; hydrocarbon odor, MATERIAL' % TLV (Units) Paraffin Hydrocarbon (CAS #8002-74-2) 99 150 ppm ( NOTE: Neither this product nor any of its ingredients are li ~ed as confirmed or suspected carcinogens by OSHA, NIP, or I^RC. III. FIREAND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA -' [test method(s)] 101 TCC TEMPERATURE · EXTiNGUiSHING Carbon dioxide, foam, dry chemical water spraY. MEDIA ' SPECIAL FIREFIGHTING Self-contained breathing apparatus for confined spaces. PROCEDURES UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS Vapor is highly flammable and may accumulate in confined spaces. EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER 1-800-424-9300 CHEMTREC While Great Western Chemical Co. believes that the data contained herein are factual and the opinions expressed are those of qualified experts regarding the results of the tests conducted, the data are not to be taken as a warranty or representation for which Great Western Chemical Co. assumes legal responsibility. They are offered solelV for your consideration, investigation, and verification. Any use of these data and informatio¢~ must be determined by the user to be in accordance with applicable Federal, State, and local laws and regulations. GREAT WESTERN CHEMICAL CO. · 808S.W. 15thAVENUE · PORTLAND, OREGON 97205 PRODUCT NAME: SOLVENT 325 PAGE 2 IV. HEALTH HAZARD DATA . -.. THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE 150 ppm for 8-hour 'exposure (suggested) Irritation to skin, eyes, and mucous membranes; nausea, dizziness EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE upon inhalation; harmful or fatal if swallowed. EYES:. Flush with water for 15 minutes. Seek medical attention if irritation persists. SKIN: Wash with soap and water. Remove and launder contaminated clothing. INGESTION:' DO NOT EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES INDUCE VOMITING. Seek medical attention. INHALATION: Move to fresh air. Perform artifical respiration if necessary. V. REACTIVITY DATA STAB ILI TY U N STAB LE STAB LE CO N D ITIONS X TO AVOID Extreme heat, sources of ignition. .' INCOMPATIBILITY (materials to avoid) Strong ox id i zing mater i al s, HAZARDOUS Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide. DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION May Occur Will not Occur CONDITIONS X TO AVOID None. VI. SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES Contain spill and prevent from entering sewer. STEPS TO BE TAKEN IF MATERIALISRELEASED Extinguish all sources of ignition. Absorb and recontainerizeo OR SPILLED Dispose of absorbent in a licensed hazardous waste landfill. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD Observe all Federal, State, and local regulations. VII.SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION Organic vapor cartridge on respirator. (specify type) LOCAL EXHAUST May be needed for confined areas SPECIAL None VENTILATION MECHANICAL Preferred None (general) OTHER EYE PROTECTIVE GLOVES Rubber or synthetic PROTECTION Goggles OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Apron, boots, eyewash, safety shower VIII. spECIAL PRECAUTIONS Keep out of reach of children. For industrial use only. PRECAUTIONARY LABELING Flammable. Wear gloves and goggles when handling. Do not Use near sources of ignition. Use only in well-ventilated area. 'Store in a cool, dry area, away from sources of OTHER HANDLING AND STORAGE CONDITIONS ignition. Vent slowly to relieve pressure. 550 1/82 Great Western Chemical Co. 808 S.W. 15th Ave. Portland, Oregon 97205 Dear Sir: The Hazardous Materials Division, Bakersfield Fire Department, City of Bakersfield has been assigned as the administering agency for the "Hazardous Materials Release Response Plans and Inventory" -- Chapter 6.95 of the '. ' California Health & Safety Code. This along with the Federal "Superfund Amendments and Regulation Act of 1986" commonly ..' , known as (SARA) require the disclosure of trade secret ... ~ . ~ information to a governmental administering agency. ~ .... ""~'"'~ TWS Industries in Bakersfield handles the following material manufactured by your company: Solvent GW 325 Please send the Chemical breakdown by weight % for this materials to: Hazardous Materials Division Bakersfield Fire Department 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Thank you for your Cooperation. Sincerely yours, Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/eg B ness Phone: (503.)228-2600 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (Approved bv U.S. Department of'Labor "Essentially Similar" to Form LSB-OOS-41 PRODUCT NAME: ~~.2,~ Rev. 7/25/86 PAGE 1 CHEMICAL NAME: N/A CHEMICAL FAMILY: So]vent FORMULA: Proprietary MOLECULAR WEIGHT: 138 ' SYNONYMS: Non e I. PHYSICAL DATA BOILING POINT, 760 mm, Hg 310-3700F FREEZING POINT Unknown · SPECI'FIc GRAVITY (H20 = 1) 0· 780 @ ?00C VAPOR PRESSURE AT'20°C 5 mm Hg VAPOR DENSITY (air = 1) 4.8 SOLUBILITY IN WATER, % by wt. $] ight ' PER CENT VOLATILES EVAPORATION RATE ByVOLUME 100% (Butyl Acetate = 1) 0.22 " APPEARANCE AND ODOR Clear, colorless liquid; hydrocarbon odor. II. HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS MATER IAL % TLV (Units) Paraffin HydrOcarbon (CAS #8002-74-2) 99 150 ppm NOTE: Neither this product nor any of its ingredients are l i led as confirmed or suspected carcinogens by OSHA, NTP, or [ARC. III. FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLASH POINT { I 'AUTOIGNITION I 5000F [test, method(s)] 101OF TCC TEMPERATURE FLAMMABLE LIMITS IN AIR, % by volume LOWER . 1·0~ ' ·UPPER 6.0% EXTINGUISHING Carbon dioxide, foam, dry chemical, water spray. MEDIA ' , SPECIAL FIRE'FIGHTING Self-contained breathing'apparatus for confined spaces· · PROCEDURES uNUSUAL FIRE AND .. EXPLOSI.ONHAZARDS Vapor is highly flammable and.may accumulate in confined spaces '(~i]~.. EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER 1-800-424-9300 · CHEMTREC ' While Great Western Chemical·co. believes that the data contained herein are factual and the opinions expressed are those of qualified experts regarding the results of the tests conducted, the data are not to be taken as a warranty or representation for which' Greet Western Chemica. I Co. assumes legal responsibility. ' T. hey ere offered solely for your consideration, investigation, and verification. Any use of these data and information must be determined by the user to be in accordan~:e with applicable Federal, State, and local laws and regulations.. ......... , ........... ~O5 ...... GREAT WESTERN cHEMICAL CO. · 808 S.W. 15th AVENUE ° PORTLAND~ OREGON 97 · ,,~, PRODUCT NAME: SOLVEI 325 PAGE 2, ~ IV. HEALTH HAZARD DATA :'? THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE ~50 ppi for 8-hour exposure (suggested). Irritation to sl~in,·eyes, and mucous .membranes; nausea, dizziness EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOS'URE upon inhalation; harmful or fatal.if swallowed EYES: Flush with water for 15 minutes, Seek medical attention if irritation persists. SKIN: Wash with soap and water. Remove and launder contaminated clothing. INGESTION: DO NOT EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES INDUCE VOMITING: Seek medical attention. INHALATION: Move to fresh air. Perform artific'al respiration .. if necessary. V. REACTIVITY DATA. STAB I LITY UNSTABLE STAB LE CONDITIONS X TO AVOID Extreme heat, sources of ignition. INcoMPATIBILITY (materials to avoid) Strong oxidizing.materials, - HAZARDOUS Carbon dioxide, 'carbon monoxide. DECOMPOSITION P'RODUCTS HAZARDOUS POLYMER IZATIONI May Occur Will nOtxOCCur I' ToCONDITIONSAvo!D None. ;'  -;.'~ VI. SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES COntain spill and prevent from entering sewer. STEPS TO BE TAKEN IF MATERIAL IS RELEASED Extinguish all sources .of ignition. Absorb and recontainerize. OR SPILLED Dispose of absorbeni~ in a licensed hazardous waste landfill. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD , Observe all Federal, State, and local regulations. VII. SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION Organic vapor cartridge on respirator. ,(specify type) LOCAL EXHAUST Nay be needed for confined areas SPECIAL None VENTILATION MECHANICAL Preferred i None (general)' ' OTHER EYE PROTECTIVE GLOVES Rubber or synthetic PROTECTION Goggles I , OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Apron, boots, eyewash, safety shower VIII. sPECIAL PRECAUTIONS " Keep out of reach of children. For industrial use only, PRECAUTIONARY LABELING Flammable, Wear gloves and goggles 'when handling. (:'..,.;:.!.~ Do not use near. sources of ignition. · ¥" Use only in well'vent.ilated area. "Store in a cool, dry area, away:from source's of OTHER HANDLING AND STORAGE CONDITIONS ignition. Vent slowly to relieve p¢essure. 550 1/82 Great Western Chemical Co. 808 S.W. 15th Ave. Portland, Oregon 97205 Dear Sir: The Hazardous Materials Division, Bakersfield Fire Department, City of Bakersfield has been assigned as the administering agency for the "Hazardous Materials Release Response Plans and Inventory" -- Chapter 6.95 of the California Health & Safety Code. This along with the Federal "Superfund Amendments and Regulation Act of 1986" commonly known as (SARA) require the disclosure of trade secret information to a governmental administering agency. TWS Industries in Bakersfield handles the following material manufactured by your company: Solvent GW 325 Please send the Chemical breakdown by weight % for this materials to: Hazardous Materials Division Bakersfield Fire Department 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Thank you for your Cooperation. Sincerely yours, Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/eg G Co. CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 808 SOUTHWEST FIFTEENTH AVENUE PORTLAND, OREGON 97205 (503) 228-2600 October 1, 1987 Mr. R. g. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator Bakersfield Fire Department 2310 G Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Subject: Material Safety Data Sheet conveyance Dear Mr. Huey: Enclosed are the current Material Safety Data Sheets that you recently requested from Great Western Chemical Company. The safe use of our products is of paramount concern. Great Western Chemical Company's MSDS's provide the necessary information to your personnel that will enable the safest possible handling of our products. The Material Safety Data Sheets included are: Solvent GW 325 Should any of the material that you requested be temporarily unavailable, they will be forwarded under separate cover. Documents unavailable at this time are: None We appreciate your interest in our p~oducts and wish to assure you that we will continue to comply to high standards of quality and safety. Environmental Compliance Manager DMR:jw Enclosure(s) BAKERSFIELD, COLORADO SPRINGS, EUGENE, FRESNO, HELENA, IDAHO FALLS, LOS ANGELES, MILPITAS, NAMPA, NORTH HOLLYWOOD, PASCO, PORTLAND, RICHMOND, SALT LAKE CITY, SANTA ROSA, SEATTLE, SPOKANE, STOCKTON, TEMPE, VANCOUVER, B.C. BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPAR'FbIENT RECEIVED , 3oS E .T JUL 1987 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 ~ ~-\~0 Aol~'d ............ OFFICIAL USE ONLY ID# BUSINESS NAME HAZARDOUS MATERI ALS BUSINESS PLAN AS A WHOLE FORI~ 2A INSTRUCTIONS: 00 689 . " 1. To avoid further action, return this form by 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA ~ ~ f~ 7~q~ ~/d~.~/. ~/~¢ji'>, A. BUSINESS NAME: TWS INDUSTRIES~ INC. B. LOCATION / STREET ADDRESS: 5##1 ALDRIN CT. t/A, B, C, D, E, F. & 5501 ALDRIN CT. #F CITY: BAKERSFIELD ZIP: 93313 BUS.PHONE: (805) 397-5274 SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS In case of an emergency involving the release or threatened release of a hazardous material, call 911 and 1-800-852-7550 or 1-916-427-4341. This will notify your local fire department and the State Office of Emergency Services as required by law. EMPLOYEES TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: NAME AND TITLE DURING BUS. HRS. AFTER BUS, HRS. A. JESS R. WINTERS Ph# 397-527# Ph# 83q-3##9 B. SHERRY L. MATTEUCCI Ph# 397-5270 Ph# 397-$303 BRENDA BYNUM 397-5274 324-5336 SECTION 3: LOCATION 0F UTILITY SHUT-OFFS FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE SHUTS OFF 5501 also A. NAT. GAS/PROPANE: NORTHEAST ~OR. NER 5~1Aldrin ~n,,r* llni* A B. ELECTRICAL: , SAME C. WATER: 5AM~ D. SPECIAL: ~ E. LOCK BOX: YES ~ IF YES, LOCATION: IF YES, DOES IT CONTAIN SITE PLANS? YES / NO MSDSS? YES / NO FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO KEYS? YES / NO - 2A - SECTION 4: PRIVATE RESPONSE TEA~ FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE K.E.S. KERN EVIRONMENTAL SERVICES SECTION 8: LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE FOR YOUR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE WHITE LANE MEDICAL CENTER on WHITE LANE (2 Blocks away) SECTION 6: EMPLOYEE TRAINING EMPLOYERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A PRO6RAM WHICH PROVIDES EMPLOYEES WITH INITIAL AND REFRESHER TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS. CIRCLE YES OR NO INITIAL REFRESHER A. METHODS FOR SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS:,..' .................................... (¥~) NO ~ES~) NO B. PROCEDURES FOR COORDINATING ACTIVITIES WITH RESPONSE AGENCIES: .......................... YES ~ YES C. PROPER USE OF SAFETY EQUIPMENT: .................. (~ NO '(~ NO D. EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES: ................. YES~_~ YES E. DO YOU MAINTAIN EMPLOYEE TRAINING RECORDS: ....... YES~ YES SECTION 7: ~Z~OUS ~TERI~ CIRCLE YES OR NO DOES YOUR BUSINESS HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IN QUANTITIES LESS THAN 500 POUNDS OF A SOLID, 58 GALLONS OF A LIQUID, OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF A COMPRESSED GAS: ...... YES NO I, ~~~~~ , certify that the above infoPmation is accurate. I understand that this information will be used to fulfill my firm's obligations under the new California Health and Safety code on Hazardous MateFials (Div. 20 Chapter 6.95 Sec. 28500 Et Al.) and that inaccurate information constitutes perjury. ! BAKERSFIELD CIR' FIRE DEPARTMES~ BAKERSFI LD B-32¢- g300 OFFICIAL USE ONLY BUSINESS N~IE: TWS INDUSTRIES. BUSINESS PLAN SINGLE FACILITY Ill. IT F 01il~l 3A INSTRUCTIONS 1. To avoid further action, this form must be returned by: 2. TYPE/PRINT YOUR ANSWERS IN .ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for THE FACILITY b~IT LISTED BELOW .f:.,'?~...'.. · 4. §e as BRIEF and CONCISE as .possible.'" ' ....... . ....... ~-'7--' . .... ...::-.. FACILITY UNIT~ #C FACILITY UNIT NAME: THE' WAX SHOP SECTION 1: ,MITIGATION, PREVENTION, ABATEMENT PROCEDURES All or any .hazardous materials are stored in appropriate, containers (st'eei .drurn$.}'~.'--: or tanks. ;fl] products .'are kept accordin~ to ~Oi~'~at%qSi'lit~? Or'¥~'~dtqO~-y sePA'f~.'r6~n/- All storage i§:done according to TWS Safe~y Program. All department proceedures'are according to local, state and federal regu|atio, ns. Small spill{, if any will be handl%d by TWS designate personnel and large spills if any will be handled by TWS personnel and Kern Environmental Service and K.E.S. will become primary authority for handling and disposal. ' ............... SECTION 2: NOTIFICATION .~N'D EVACUATION PROCEDURES AT THIS US'IT ONLY Notification within site location will be dome by intercom, inter facility phone or messenger if nec. cessary. Evacuation proceedures are as per TWS Safety Training Program. and per facility diagrams and site diagrams. BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT : ' ' I D t~ FORM 4A-1 Page ;_ .... NON--TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS MATERI ALS INVENTORY ' BUSINESS NAME: TWS Industries OWNER NAME: Jess R. Winters ..... FACILITY_... UNITy., ..... #' ADDRESS: ~at~, A',h'in Ct. Suite A X~S~': .... 3312 Cameron Court FACILITY UNIT NAME: C CITY, ZIPiBakers£ield~ CA 93313 CITY,ZIP: Bakersiield, CA ~3313 PHONE ~:(g05) 397-5274 ,, PHONE #: (805) 834-344~- IOFFICIAL "USE CFIRS CODE I ONLY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN TNIS % BY HAZARD D.0.T CODE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT . WT. CHEMICAL OR COMMON NAME CODE GUIDE .~~P 110 200 Gal 06 15 Center Unit "C" 100 Isoproal Air. Isopropalno, 1i~) FLLQ 1219.~. ~P 55 oL 110 Gal 06 18 Center Unit "C" .100 Denatured Alcohol /c70/~.~ FLLQ 198C~... · ~ P 55 55 Gal 06 18 Center Unit "C" 100 Benzaldehyde [~ 7 CMLQ 1268 55 110 GaL 06 18 Center Unit "C" 100 But_yl Cellosolve /~-c~. ~J ~ CMLQ 1268 ~M 1080 53820 Gal 13 Northeast Wall Unit "C" 70 Super Glaze~(Hydrocarbon mxtor) FLLQ 99 1268 Wax /A 275 2750 Gal 10 39 North wall Unit "C" 30 Desolve/Butyl Cellusolve j~-~-~. ~ CMLQ N/A , ,~)i/.~ M 275 3025 Gal 10 08 West wall Unit "C" 20 529 Swipe/Ethelyne Glycol mong'~h'~l CMLQ N/A ¢i~ ether ~ M 275' 2200 Gal 10 08 North wall Unit "C" 33 White Wall Plus~Vlethozyethonol CMLQ N/A 500 7000 Gal 10 08 West wall Unit "C" 60 . .. ((,.1%) /0.~5(,d /O-?~' CRMT 279 , Wheel=Ezee/Hydroiloric & Hydrocloric a( id I~/M 275 1100 Gal 10 3q North wall unit "C" 70 Glass Guard/Alcohol nos (N-gutanol)~. FLLQ N/A ,) NAME: Sherry Matteucci TITLE: Vice/PreSident SIGNATURE: ._2_~: ~ DATE: F.~P. RC.F. NCV CONTACT: Jess R. Winters TITLE: President PHON~. ~ BUS HOURS: (805)397,3Z/0 ,:~ AFTER BUS HRS: (~o)) EMERGENCY CONTACT: Sherry Matteucci TITLE: Vice-President PHONE # BUS HOURS: (803) PRINCIPAL BUSINESS. ACTIVITY: Light MFG Production Car Care Products AFTER BUS. HRS: (~05) 3 - 4A-1 -