HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN 11/21/2002 ITE DIAGRAM FA IAGRAM Bu~m Nme: r= ~ ~ · ' ~ 2621 7m Ave. South PRODUCT NAME: RIPPER II Estherville, Iowa 51334 PH: (712) 362-7737 MSDS NO: 51700.00 PAGE 1 OF 2 FOR CHEMICAL EMERGENCY, SPILL, FOR MEDICAL EMERGENCY CALL HEALTH HAZARD: (0 None > 4 Extreme) LEAK, FIRE, EXPOSURE CALL: ROCKY MOUNTAIN POISON CENTER: Health CHEMTREC 1-800-424-9300 OUTSIDE US 1-303-623-5716 Flammability CALL 1-703-527-38~7 Reaetivitv =2 DATE PREPARED: September 5, 2000 SUPERSEDES: October 1, 1997 PREPARED BY: Dean F, Fernholz ..... D.O.T~S!-HPPLNG~L~,SS:-(~aasfie, alkali-liquids~n.o.s.,~(Gonmin~'sedlu~,~Hydroxide.solu~_'t~on,~Sgdiu!n___ _Mg~tas' '_di~a_ ~te) ..... Class 8, UNIT19 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS CAS. NO. .OS,HA PEL ACGIH TLV ORAL LDO0 RAT Per-Cent Sodium Hydroxide ' IJ10-7S-2 2 mg/m:~ 8 hr. TWA 2 rog/mS Ceiling 140 rog/kg ~-10% Sodium Memailkmte 68~4-92-0 NE NE 800 rog/kg 1-5% Terra.odium ethylenedimnine mtnmeetie ~cid 64-02-8 NE NE 6~0 m~,.g 1 -~% Polycarboxyiic Acid 68479-09-4 NE NE > *subject to reporting requirements of Section 313 of Title IH of SARA and 40 CFR Par~ 372. BO1L~G PO~: > 212 ~ F.) SOL~IL~ ~ WATE~ ~ble SPECI~C G~: LIS V~OR P~SS~ m~ 2J ~ 70 ~eg F.) V~OR DENS~ (~1): 1.2 ~A~ ~ WATER: S~t hea[ pH 5% SOL.ION = IL75 ~L~G P~: 10 ~ F.) ~PE~CE ~ ODOR: R~ to bm~ fiq~d, mild odor. FLASH PO~: None ~A~B~ L~TS ~ ~ % BY VOL~: ~OD USED: NA LEL LOWER: NA ~L ~PER: NA A~O-IG~ION TErEnCE: NA ~G~S~R ~D~: Wa~r, DU Chemi~ Ca.on Dio~de, F~ SPEC~ ~ ~G~G PROCED~S: None ~SU~ ~ & ~LOSION ~S: ::,~}:;i~;~,~*~*,tE~D:.ES~,~;~ae.t~'~::~''': .,~"~:;='-':~-:':'=-'." ~.,- , :' ......... '" I! 2:'- :'~"'~ '," ":':~ > ':~' '.'~::""~'?~"=":';' C"n:~':>:";:'~'::?;;di';'~. STABILI~: Smb~ ~CO~ATIBIL~ ~TE~LS TO AVO~): Alumina, ~ acids ~d g~v~d me~ ~OUS DECO~OS~ON PRODU~S: No~ ~OUS POLLUTION: Wffi NOT ~ CO~ITIONS TO AVO~: NA A~E: Comsive to ~ ~y SIGNS & S~OMS OF E~OS~: Ir6m~on, ~DIC~ CO~ITIONS GE~LLY AGG~VATED BY E~OS~: N~ ~ C~C~OGEN OR POTE~L C~C~OGENS: OS~: None ~: No~ ~C: None ACG~: RIPPER II Page 2 of 2 EMERGENCY FIRST AID: EYES: FLUSH MATERIAL OUT IMMEDIATELY, THEN SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION! Flush eyes with large mounts of water for at least 15 minutes, holding lids apart to ensure flushing of the entire surface. Washing eyes within several seconds is essential to achieve maximum effeetiven~ss. SKIN: IMMEDIATELY wash contaminated areas with plenty, of water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contaminated clothing ami footwear and wash clothing before re-nse. Discard footwear flint cannot be decontaminated. SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION ~IATELY! INHALATION: Remove to fresh air, ff breafldng is difficult, have a trained person admlnlater oxy. gen- If respiration stops, give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. GET MEDICAL ATTENTION IMMEDIATELY! INGESTION: NEVER GIVE ANYTH/NG BY MOUTH TO AN UNCONSCIOUS PERSON. If swallowed, DO NOT induce vomiting. Give large quantifies of water. If available, give several glasses of milk. If vomiting occurs spontaneously, keep airway clear. SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION IMMEDIATELY! ROUTES OF ENTRY: INHALATION: Mist or spray may damage upper respiratory tract and/or damage lung tissue. EYES: Destructive on contact. Severe burns can damage or blind. SKIN: Destructive to tissue. A latent period may exist between exposure and sense of irritation- INGESTION: Can cause severe burns and tissue perforation. HANDLING & STORAGE: Store in a cool dry area. Keep ¢losod when not in use. DO NOT FREEZE. OTI-IER PRECAUTIONS: Not, mai good housekeeping practices. IN CASE OF SPILL: Step leak if thia can be done without injury. Contain spill remove as much as possible. Neutralize remaining spill with dilute acid, flush with water. Reuse spilled material if possible. WASTE DISPOSAL: Dispose of in accordance with all Federal, State and Lceal pollution control regulations RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: Use adequate ventilation VENTILATION: Use with adequate ventilation. PROTECTIVE GLOVES: Rubber or iner~ plastic EYE PROTECTION: Goggles or Face Shield OTHER: When handling, wear chemical splash goggles, face shield, rubber gloves and protective clothing. HYGIENIC PRACTICES: Wash thoroughly after handling .? CHEMICAL NAME: ' C.A.S. NO. 1 Water 7732-18-5 _ ~_ 2_ . Sodium Hydroxide 1310-73-2 3. Tetrasodiam e thylenediamine ~tic'~-~d-cid .............. 6~02:8' 4. Polyearboxylic Acid 68479-09-4 5. Sodium Metasilieate 6834-92-0 6. Sodium Xylene Sulfonate 1;}00-72-7 NA = Not Applicable NE = None Established this Material Safety Data Sheet has been compiled fi:om our experience and data preaentad in various tachmcal information provided m publications. It is the users responsibility to determine the suitability of this information for the adoption of safety precautions as may be necessary. We reserve the fight to rexdse Mate-rial Safety Data Sheets ~om time to time as new technical information becomes available. T~ae information h~em is furnished without warranty of any kind. ' MATER SAFETy DATA ~RODU~ NAMe: T M L F L 0 0 R S C R U B B E R CO M ?OUN D MSDS ~;~BER: Pag~ 1 of 2 SECTION i Manufacturers ~ame: Th9 Horsy Corporation, Detergen~ Division Address: 2621 7th. Avenue Sou~h Phone Number: 712-36.2-7737 City, $ta~e & Zip: Es~herviliP, iowa 5~334 FOR MEDICAL EMERGENCY : Rocky Mountain Poison Con,=ok Con=e= 303-623-5718 FOR CHEMICAL EMERGENCY: Spill, Leak, Fire, Exposure o= Acciden= call CH~!P~C: 1-800-424-9300. Ou=side U.S. call 703-527-3887 Person Responsible for Preparation: Dean F. F~nhotz Revision Da~e : October 1, !997 Supersedes : Octobe~ 1, 1996 Heal~h Hazard :Hea!:h 0 > 4 :F!a~abi!i~y [0] None- ~x~r~me : Reaczivity [0] SECTION !i ~ZARDOUS INGREDIENTS HAZARDOUS CAS NO. OSHA ACGiH COMPONENTS PEL TLV Ra= Sodi~ Me~asi!icate ~834-92-0 NE NE 800 rog/kg 7-43 9o lycarboxy4ic acid, sodium sat% 6~%79-0S-4 }~E NE >5000 rog/kg '~' SECTION i!i PHYSICAL A~;D CHEMICAL CHA~CTER!STICS Boiling Point > 212 (Deg. F.) Specific Gravity Vapor Pressure (~/hg) Z3 Vapor Density (Air=~) SoLubility in Water: SoLuble Reactivity kn Wa~er: None nH 5% solu=ion = _~.0 Me,zing Poin~ 32 (Dog F.) Appearance & Odor: S~raw colored liquid, siigh~ odor SE~ION IV FiRE & EXPLOSION DATA Fla=able Limi=s in air % by volume LEL Lower UEL Upper None None Auto-[~ni~ion Tempera=ute: None E::~in~uishe= Media: Wa~e=, Dry Chemical,Carbon Dioxide, Foam Special Fire Fighting Procedures: ~one Unusual Fire & Explosiun Mazards: None SECTION V PHYSICAL ~ZA~S (REACTIVITY DATA) S~abili~y: S~ab!e IX] Unstable [ ] incompa~ibili~y (Materials ~o avoid) : Strong acids, Hazardous DecomposiZion P=oduc~s: NA Hazardous Pol~e=i:aUion: May occur [ ] Will NOT oc=u= Ix] Conditions ~o avoid: NA TML FLOOR SCRUBBER COMPOUND Page 2 of 2 SECTIOM Vt HEALTH HAZARDS Acute: Eye burns, skin irritation Chronic: Eye burns and skin irritation Signs & S~nnp~oms of Exposure: Eye irritation skin irritation. Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure: NA Carcinogen or Potentia~ Carcinogens: NONE EMERGENCY FIRST AID: ~ES: Flu~h with water, ca!! ~h~sician i~edia~ely. SK!~: Flush wi~h wa~er, ca!! physician if ir~i~a~ion INTERNAL: Drink wa~er, call · physician ROUTES OF ENTRY : 1.Inhalation : NA 2.eyes : Undiluted liquid can ~au~e eye or burns. 3.Skin : Undiluted liquid can cause ~kin irri~a~ion SECTION VII SPECIAL ~RECAUT~ONS AND SPILL/~AK PROCEDURES Handling and s~orage: $~o~e in % coo~ dry a~ea. DO NOT FREEZE Keep conZ~iner closed when no~ in use Other precautions : NONE In case of spill : $hu~ off leak. Flush area w%~h wa~er. L~ge ~iLl should be diked wi~h 9arCh; :hen ~ump ~o salvage ~ank Waste Disposal : Dispose of in accordance wi~h al! Federal. $taze. and Loca~ pollution control re.la, ion SECTION VIIi SPECIAL P~DTECTION INFO.AT!ON Respiratory Pro~ec:ion: NA Ventilation : Use wi~h ~dequa~e ventilation Pro~ec~ive Gloves : Rubber or plastic ~" O~her : Waterproof SuiB and Boo~s may be worn Hygienic Pr~otlce~ : Wash ~horoughly afte~ handlin~ Ch~m. ic~.! Name CA~.. No Wa~er ~732-t8-~ Sodi~ Me~asilica~e 6834-92-0 Polycarboxylic acid, sodi~ salt 68479-09-4 NA = Non app~icab!e NE = None established ~ile ~he information and rsco~enda~ions se~ for~h herein are believed ~o be accurate as of =he da~e hereof.T~ CORPO~T!ON, DETERGENT DIVISION. ~KES NO WAR~NTY WI~ ~SPE~ THE~TO AND DISCLAIMS ALL ~IABILITY FROM ~LIANCE THEREON. This produc~ contains ~rac~ l~v~lm ( < .00050% {' of Dioxane whi=h Sga~e of California has found ~o cause cancer, bir~h defects or o~her neproduc=ive harm. ~. PRODUCT NA~: C A R B 0 C H L 0 R MSDS NUMBER: 52050A Page 1 of 2 " SECTION I ManufactUrers Name: The Horsy Corporation, Detergent Division Address: 2621 7th.Avenue South Phone Number: 712-362-7737 City, State & Zip: Esthe~ville, Iowa 51334 ~R ~DICAL ~CY : Rock7 Mountain Poison Control Center 303-623-5716. FOR CH~iICAL ~G~NCY: Spill, Leak, Firs, Exposure or Accident call CHEMTR~C - 1-800-424~9300. Outside U.S. call 202-483-7616 Person Responsible for Preparatio~'.: Dean F. Fernholz Rsvisio~ Date : October 1, 1996 D.O.T.' ~hipping Class: Non-hazardous, ¢le~nins compound, class Health Hazards : Health [2 ] 0 > 4 :Fl~-~-~bil£t~ [0] Nons- Ext~sms :Reactivi~ (0] SECTION II HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS HAZAP/)OUS - CAS NO. O~A AC, GIH OPAL LDO0 CO~PONENTS PEL TLV' Sodium Metasilicate 6834-92-0 NE NE 800 mg/kg 1-5% Ethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether * 111-76-2 25 25 470 mg/kg 1-5% ppm SKIN SKIN Ethoxylatsd Alcohol 9036-19-5 NE NE 1900 m~g 1-5% zsubject to reporting requirements of Section 313 of Title III of SARA and 40 CFR Part 372 SECTION III PHYSICA~ AND CHEMICAL G"~AGTERISTICS Boiling Vapor Pressure (mm/hq) 23 Vapor Density (Air=l) 1.2 Solubility in Water: Soluble Reactivity in Water: NOns pH 5% solution = 11.45 Melting Point 32 (Deg F. Appearance & Odor: Clear liquid, slight chlorine odor SECTION IV FIRE & EXPLOSION DATA Flash Point: None Method Used: None Fl~w~ble L~ts in air % by volume LEL ~r ~ Upper None None Auto-IEnition Temperature: None Extinguisher Media: Water, Dry Chemical,Carbon Dioxide,Foam Special Firs Fighting ~oosdures: None Unusual Fire & Explosion Hazards: None SECTION V PHYSICAL HAZARDS (REACTIVITY DATA) Stability: Stable IX] Unstable £ ] Incomp~tibility (~a~erials ~o avoid) : Acids, Hazardous Decoml~osition ProduCts: Chlorine Gas Hazardous Polymeriza~ion: ~aF occur ~ ] Will NOT occur Conditions to avoid: NA CARBOCHLOR - Pa~e2 ..of 2 HEALTH HAZARDS Acute: EFe burns, skin irritation C"nronic: Eye burn. and skin irritation Signs & SFmptoms of ~"posurs: Hye irritation skin irritation.  Medical Condl~ions Generally Aggravated by Exposure: NA Carcinogen or Potential Carcinogens: NONE . EMERGENCY FIRST AID: EYES: Flush with water, call l~hysician i~=nediately. .. '. SKIN: Flush with water, call physician if irritation persists .... INT~: Drink water, call a physician ~-~-ediatelF. ROUTES OF ENTRY : ..... '.:- - 1. Inhalation : NA ~-': · '~ .' 2.Eyes : Undiluted can cause irritation or burns · ' 3.Skin : Undiluted can cause irritation -4.In~estion : Undiluted can cause stomach irritation ,, ,,, , ,, ,,,,__ . , , , SECTION VIISPECIAL PRECAUTIONS AND SPILL/LEAK PROCEDURES ' Handlin~ and storage: Store in dry area,DO NOT FREEZE. Keep closed when not in uae. Keep awa7 from acids. Other precautions : NONE In' cass of spill : Shut off leak,Flush area with water. Large spill should be diked with samth;thsn pump to-salvage tank Waste Disposal : Dispose of in accordance with all Federal, State, and Local pollution control reEulations. SECTION VIII- ~ECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION Respirator7 Protection: NA Ventila=ion : Use with adequate ventilation Protective Gloves : Rubber --- ETs Pro=ection : Safety Glasses or Goggles Other : Waterproof Suit and Boots ma7 be worn Hygienic Practices : Wash thoroughly after handling SECTION IX COMMUNITY RIGHT TO KNOW LIST Water ?732-1~-~ Sodium Tripoly Phosphate 77~B-29-4 Sodium ~etasilicate ~834-~2-0 EthoxTlated Alcohol 90~-1S-5 Ethylene Gl?col ~onobutT1 Ether 111-?~-2 NA = Not applicable NE = Nons sstablished ~Pnils the information and recommendations set ~orth herein are believed' to be accurate as cf the date hereof,TH~ HOTSY CORPORATION, DETERGENT DIVISION,. ~AXE$ NO WARRANTY WITH RESPECT THERETO A~D DISCLAIMS ALL LIABILITY FROM RELIANCE THEREON. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA PRO~JCT NA~--: C A R B 0 N - ~03-~Zg-ST IS. call ~u~rsedes '~: Se~er ~, D.O.T. ~i~ Class: Ncn-~~, Health H~s. :Eea!~h [2] 0 > 4 ~ ::1 EthcxyLausd A!cch:! ~84~45-Z NE ~ 5!00 ~cnc~=y! E~her z !I!-7~-% 25 25 470 ~cdi~ Me=asili:a=~ 5~34-~2--9 ~ ~ ~00 = ~hjec~ to re~ng ~~n~s of ~ec~ion ~13 of Titls !%i c~ ~olubi!ity ~ Wa=er: ~club!s Reac=ivi=~ ~ Water: None .. .-... NA Au=c--~i=ion T~ra~: NA MAT IAL SAFETY DATA HEET (- · PRODUCT NAME: ¢ A R B 0 N - A T E P L U S MSDS NUMB11R: 5t~00% Page 1 ~ION I ~ufac~e=s N~: ~e Ho=sF ~=~=a=ion, ~e=~en= Division Add.ss: 28~1 7 =h. Avsnus ~=h Phone N~ber: Ci=~, S~a=e a Zi;: Es=hs~ziile, I~ S1334 ~OS-~2S-57 ~R ~C~ ~~: Spill, ~, Fire, ~~e or Acciden~ ~:ai~sg;~. call 202-483-7818 P~mon ~s~i~le for P~tion: ~ F. Revisio~ Date : October 1, Su~=sedes : ~;=~e= ~, 1994 Health H~ds ~: Health [ ~ ] ~~US . ~S NO. O~ A~IH ~N~S PEL ***********************************************************--** Etho~lated Alcohol 884~9-45-2 NE NE 5100 ~ .Ethylene Glycol B~h~Hu~E%her = !!!-T6~2 2~ 25 470 ~ SKIN SKiN Sodium Dodecyl~enzene Sulfonate 25155-30-0 NE NE 2600 m&/k~ I-5% * ~b~ec= to re~ ~q~n=s of ~c=ion 313 of Title III Va~= Pr~s~ (~) Z3 Va~r ~l~Y (A~=L) 1.2 Solubili=Y ~ Wa=er: Soluble ~activity in Water: pH. 5% solu=ion= ~1.45 Meltin~ Point 32 (~ F.) A~~=e R ~=: G~en li~id,' ~ld ~ION ~ F!~ a ~SlON DATA Flash Po~=: > 200 (~g. F.) ~e~hod Ue~: ~ ~f16 ,- .' ~~she= M~ia: Water, ~ ~emicml,~n S~cial F~ Fi~t~. ~ce~s: None SECTION V PHYSICAL HAZARDS (REACTIVITY DATA) Hazardous Decomposition Pr~blcts: N.A. Hazardous Pol~meriza=ion: May occur [ ] Will NOT occur ix] Gonditions to avoid: NA SECTION VI HEALTH HAZARDS Chronic: Eye burns and skin irritation skin Medical Conditions Generall7 Aggravated ~ F.xposure: NA Carcinogen or Poten=iai ~arcino~ens: NONE EYES: Flush with water, call Dhysician ~e~iatsly. SKIN: Flush with water, call ph~sician if irritation INTERNAL: Drink water, do not induce vomitin~ call a physician lmm~latsly. ROUTES OF ENTEY : \ ~- 1.Inhalatlon : NA 2.E~es : Undi!u=ed can cause irritation/burns ~.Skin :Undilu=ed can cause skin irritation 4.Ingestion : Undiluted can cause stomach irritation S~CTION VI! ~ECIAL PKECAUTIONS AND SPILL/LFAK PROCXDUR~$ Handling ~nd storage: Store in dry area,DO NOT ~REEZE. Keep closed when not in use Other precautions : NONE · ... In case of spill : Shut off leak,Flush area with water. Large spill shoul4 be ~ike4 with " " ear~..h~then _pump. _~ salvage tank Waste Disposal : Dispose of in accordance with S~ats, and ~ocal pollution control regulations. SECTION VIII S~ECIAL PROTECTION INFOR~_ATION Respira=or~ ~rotectlon: NA Ventilation : Use with a~s,faa=e ventilation Protective Gloves : Rubber g~,~ Protection : Safst~ glasses ~r Other : Waterproof Suit and B~cts may be worn Hygienic Practices : Wash thorou~hlF after handling ~CTION IX CO~WJN!TY RIGHT TO KNOW Wa~er 7732-18-5 Sodium Tripoly Phosphate Ethylene ~lycol m~no~ut~l ether 111-76-2 Ethoxylate~ Alcohol ~84~9-45-2 NA= Not applicable NE =' None · ~: ~OItPORATION. ~AKES NO WAKRANTY WITH RESPECT THERETO A~D -._ .,. <.~. DISCLAIMS ALL LiABII~TY FROM ~ELIANCK THEREON. ' M~YERkAL SAFETY DATA SH~ ~z62! 7' Ave. Soaea PRODUCT NAME: RIPPER I Es~, Iowa 513~ PH: (712) ~2-7737 MSDS NO: 51650.00 PAGE I OF 2 FOR C~CAL E~RGEN~, SP~L. ~ FOR ~DICAL E~RGEN~ CALL ~ ~: (0 No~ > 4 Ex.me) LEA~ F~, E~OS~ CALL: ~ ROC~ MO~A~ POISON CE~ER: H~=Z C~C 1~2~9300 O~S~E US I 1-30~23-5716 ~bffi~ ~ CALL 1-70~527-3887 ~ ~ R~i~ ~ DATE P~P~D: ~ptember 5, 2~ S~E~EDES: ~o~r 1.19~ P~P~D BY: D~ L Fe~o~ ~,~OUS CO~O~S CA~ NO. OS~ PEL ACG~ TLV O~L LD$0 ~T pe~-Cent E~oxylated Al~hoi ~394~2 ~ ~ ~1~ m~ I-5% ~dlm Memffi~te ~92~ ~ ~ ~ m~ O~c Phosp~ Esmr $26~95-7 ~ ~ 7~ m~ 1-5% BOILING POLNT: > 212 (Deg. F.) SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Soluble SPECIFIC GRAVITY: LOS VAPOR PRESSURE mmA~g: ~ ~ 70 (Deg. F.) VAPOR DENSITY (Air~l): 1.2 REA_CkY~ ..~ IN. W4TER~: Non?__ .... p H_~S yo. S.O L~ _UT I~O~ l~t.8_ NIELTING POINT: 32 (Deg. F.) APPEARANCE AND ODOR: Purple color liquid, mild odor FLASH POLNT: NA FLAMMABILITY LIMITS IN AIR % BY VOLUME: METHOD USED: NA LEL LOWER: NA UEL UPPER: NA AUTO-IGNITION TEMPERATURE: No~ EXTINGUISHER MEDIA: Water, Dry Chemical, Carbon Dioxide~ Foam SPECIAL FlltE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: None UNUSUAL FIRE & EXPLOSION I-LatZARDS: None STABILITY: Stable IaNCOMPATIBILITY (MATERIALS TO AVOID): Strong acids, oxidizing agents HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: NA HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will NOT occur CONDITIONS TO AVOID: NA RIPPER I PAGE 2 OF 2 ACUTE: Eye burns, skin irritation CI-[RONIC: None Known SIGNS & SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE: Eye irritation - Skin irritation MEDICAL CONDITIONS GENERALLY AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: NA CARCINOGEN OR POTENTIAL CARCINOGENS: OSHA: None NTP: None IARC: None ACGHt: None EMERGENCY FIItST AID: EYES: Immediately. flush with water for 15 minutes. GET MEDICAL ATTENTION IMMEDIATELY! SKI. N: Wash thoroughly, with water. Get medical attention if irritation persists. INHALATION: NA -- ~ ' INGESTION: Drink water, do not induce vomiting, call a physician immediate .iy. ROUTES OF ENTRY: INHALATION: NA EYES: Undiluted liquid can cause eye irritation or burns SKIN: Undiluted liquid can cause skin irritation INGESTION: Undiluted can cause stomach irritation HANDLING & STORAGE: Store in a cool dry are~. DO NOT FREEZe. K~p closed when not in OTHER PRFCAUTIONS: NormM good hou~k~eping pr~cti¢~. IN CASE OF SPILL: Shut offleak, if this can be done without inju~. Flush are~ with water. Large spill~ should be diked with earth; then pump to a salvage tank. WASTE DISPOSAL: Dispose of in accordance with all Federal, State and Local pollution control regulations. --- RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: NA VENTILATION: Use with adequate ,~entilafion. PROTECTIVE GLOVES: Rubber EYE PROTECTION: Safety Glasses or Goggles OTHER: Waterproof suit and boots may be worn HYGIENIC PRACTICES: Wash thoroughly after handling. · ";-' ,~':: ' .~'~_- ~'2: · :. ~ -%~ '.;~ :~£~:; ;'~.~- ~-! ~-' ]~r,' ~.~.~ ..... O RIG~I~, .CHEMICAL NAME: C.A.S. NO. I. Water 7732-18-5 2. Sodium Metasilicate 6834-924 3. Sodium Tripoly Phosphate ~ ..... 4. Ethoxylated Alcohol 68439-45-2 5. Organic Phosphate Ester NA = Not Applicable NE = None Established The information provided in this Material Safety Dam Sheet has been compiled fi'om our experience and data presented in various teelmical pub/icat/ons. It is the users responsibility to determine the suitability of this information for the adoption of safety precautions as may be necessaxy. We reserve the ri.aht to revise Material Safety Data Sheets from tmae to tune as new technical information b(~omes available. The information herein is fia-mshed without warranty of any kin& TERIAL SAFETY DATA SI T "' 2621 7" Ave. South PRODUCT NAME: BREAKTHROUGH! Estherville, Iowa 51334 PH: (712) ~62-7737 MSDS NO: 52650.00 PAGE I OF 2 FOR CHEMICAL EMERGENCY, SPILL, FOR MEDICAL'EMERGENCY CALL I H~ALTH HAZARD: (0 None > 4 Extreme) LEAK, FIRE, EXPOSURE CALL: ROCKY MOUNTAIN POISON CENTER: I Health --2 CHEMTREC 1-800-424-9300 OUTSIDE US 1-303-623-5716 { Flammability =0 CALL 1-703-527-3887 ~ ] Reactivity =0 DATE PREPARED: September 5, 20/10 SUPERSEDES: October 1, 1997 PREPARED BY: Dean F. Fernholz D.O.T. SHIPPING CLASS: Cla~s 55, Non-Hazardous Cleaning Compound. '-" Ethoxylmed Alcohol 6843945-2 NE NE 5100 rog/kg 1-5% Ethylene G .iycol Menobulyl. Ether ~ 111-76-2 25 ppm Skin 25 ppm Skin 470 rog/kg 1-5% Sodium Metasilicate 6834-92-0 NE NE 80~ rog/kg 1-5% Sodium Dodecyibenzene Sulfonate 25155-30-0 NE NE 2600 rog/kg 1-5% ' subject to reporting requirements of Section 313 of Title HI of SARA end 40 CFR Part 372 BOILING POINT: > 212 (Deg. F.) SOLLrBILrYY IN WATER: Solnble SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 1.09 VAPOR PRESSURE mm/lag: 2~ ~ 70 (1~$. F.) V.ad~OR DENSITY (.~k~l): 1.2 REACTIVITY IN WATER: No~ pH 5% SOLIJTION = 11.7 M]~LTING POINT: 32 (Deg, F.) APPEARANCE AND ODOR: Reddish=orange color, no odor FLASH POLITY: > 212 (Deg. F.) FLAMMABILITY LIM1TS IN AIR % BY VOLUME: METHOD USED: ASTM I)-56 LEL LOWER: NA UEL UPPER: NA AUTO-IGNITION TEMPERATURE: NA · ...'i EXTINGUISHER MEDIA: Water, Dry Chemical, Carbon Dioxide, Foam SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: None UNUSUAL FIRE & EXPLOSION HAZARDS: None STABILITY: Stabk Ill, COMPATIBILITY (MATERIALS TO AVOID): Stren~ acids, oxidizing agenu HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: NA HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will NOT occur .... CONDITIONS TO AVOID: NA BREAKTHROUGHI PAGE 2 OF 2 AC~E: Eye bu~, s~ ~O~C: ~e ~o~ SIGNS & S~O~ OF E~OS~: Eye i~m~n - S~ i~m~ ~DICAL CO~IONS GE~LLY AGG~VATED BY E~: NA C~C~OGEN OR POTE~ C~C~ENS: OS~: N~ ~: No~ ~C: N~e ACG~: None E~RGEN~ ~T ~: E~S: ~m~ ~h with wa~r for 15 m~utes. GET ~DIC~ A~E~ON ~D~TELY! S~N: Wmh ~ wi~ wa~r. ~t medal a~n~n ~i~m~ pe.~t~ ~LATION: NA ~GESTION: D~ water, do not ~d~ vo~, ~ a physk~ immed~. RO~ES OF E~Y: ~ATION: NA EYES: Und~md Hq~d ~ ~ i~u~ S~: Und~ed ~ ~u~ s~ ~GESTION: Und~ ~ ~e slomach & ~mat ~L~G & STOOGE: Sto~ ~ · ~i d~ a~m DO NOT ~E~. O~R P~CA~IO~: Nom~ g~d ~p~ p~c~ ~ CASE OF SP~L: ~ut offl~ if~ ~ ~ do~ ~t ~ju~. ~h a~ ~ wamr. La~e sp~ s~d M ~ ~ ~; ~n p~p to a ~v~ ~ WASTE DISPOSe: Dhpose of~ ~rd~ ~ ~ F~e~ Sram ~d ~ ~n ~1 ~. ~SP~TORY PRO~ION: NA ~ATION: Use ~ ad~ venom PROTE~ GLO~S: Rub~r EYE PR~E~ION: .. ~e~ G~ or.~ O~R: Wam~f s~t ~d ~ may ~ worn ~G~C P~I~S: Wmh ~ a~r ~d~ ~CAL NA~: C.~S~ NO. 1. Wamr 2. ~ T~ P~sp~m 77~29~ 4. ~im ~l~ne ~m 2515~ 5. E~y~ G~I M~bu~! E~r 111-7~2 5. E~o~d A~I 6~39~2 NA = Not AppH~bk ~ = N~ Es~b~d ~e ~o~fion ~d~ ~ ~s ~t~l Safe~ Dam Sh~t ~s publimfi~. It is ~e m~ ~ib~i~ to det~e ~e s~b~W of~ ~fi~ for ~ adophon of ~feW ~ufi~ as my ~ n~'. We ~e ~e h~t to ~se ~al Safe~ ~m S~ ~m is ~sh~ re&out w~F of ~y ~d. Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified.Permit . CONDITIONS OF .PERMIT. ON REVERSE SIDE : This =ermit is Issued for the followin=: [] H~=,=rdous Mateflal$ Plan [3 Underground Storage of Hazardous Materials Permit ID #:: 015-000-002021 13 Risk Management Progmm F S I BAKERSFIELD LOCATION: 5501.ALDRIN CT A OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES' ' "" 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor 'Appr0vedby: Bakersfield, CA 93301 Issue Date Voice .(661) -326-3979 i -' ' I ' FAX (661) 326-0576 ;Expi~ationDate: 'June 30. 2003 * :. :~..-*..: ' I . 5 5 '" ': *'.: · ' ' '.' SI'YE DIA FA DIA(~RAM | I CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3r~ Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME /~.~" ~Ret~_,J INSPECTION DATE ADD'SS ~0[ ~[r~ c~ ~ PHONE NO. FACILITY CONTACT -~O~ BUSINESS ID NO. 15-210-~0~ ~SPECTION TIME ~ ~;~ NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Section 1: Business Plan and invento~ Program ~ Routine ~ Combined ~ Joint Agency ~ Multi-Agency ~ Complaint ~ Re-inspection OPERATION C V COMMENTS Appropriate pe~it on hand Business plan contact info~ation accurate Visible address [ ,, , ~ Co e t ........ Verification of invento, materials ~ O ~ Verifisa?on of quantities .................. Verification of location Proper segregation of malerial Verification of MSDS availability Verification of Haz Mat training Verification of abatement supplies and procedures Emergency procedures adequate Containers properly labeled Housekeeping Fire Protection Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand C=Compliance V=Violation Any hazardous waste on site?: ~ Yes ~ No Explain: Ques~ons reg~ding ~is ins~c~on? Please c~il us nt (66 i ) 326-3979 Business Site Responsible Pa~y wh,e- E.~. S~c~. V~llo~ - S~io. Co0y em~- ~usi.~ co0~ Inspector: ~, CITY OF BAKERSFIELD QFFICEOFE .NVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ......... 1715 Chester Ave; Bakersfield, CA (805) 32623979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY -' F^cmrr~ D~scm~,nON ~- CHECK IF BUSINESS IS A FARM [ ] FACrLITY NAME siTE aDDRESS ~'S'~ / /,q' A/,~,'., CITY /~m./~"'~efc/~'/~' '/d/ STATE ~,,4 ZIP NATURE OF BUSINESS ~'~ ;~a~.,,,.,,,/' ..g'-rX.-~ 3'e,,',,,;~ < / / / SIC CODE / /. MAILING ADDRESS .~7'~// k~',.~;A .~w.,~r~5, AUs~. CITY _~,-/~ ¢ STATE EMERGENCY CONTACTS BUSINESS PHONE ~_ 3 / - ~ o / ~- 24 HOUR PHONE NAME /,~,/~ 9,,, ~- //5/,~ ~,f~/' TITLE BUS.SS PHO~ .~ - ~ ~ ~-~ ~ f3 24 HO~ PHO~ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 6: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES A. AGENCY NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES: ~//- ~>¢, /~o/;~/, ~ h'~ ~ B. EMPLOY~.R NoTIFIcATION AND EVACUATION: C. PUBLIC EVACUATION: D. EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN: SECTION 7: MITIGATION. PRE~~N A. RELEASE PREVENTION STEPS: B. RELEASE CONTAINMENT AND/OR MINII~ZATION: co~-;. ~,;?,~ w ,' >~ ~ ~_~,, 5e., 2z ..,,.,,~q-e ,.. ~ ; / - C. CLEAN-UP PROCI~URES: SECTION 8: UTILITY SHUT-OFFS (LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACII., .ITY) NATURAL GAS/PROPANE: ELECTRICAL: /x,/,e,..,z ~,j~// ~,~z.,.;~r~_ WATEa: A/o,,iZ SPECIAL: LOCK BOX: YES~ IF YES, LOCATION: SECTION 9: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION/WATER AVAILABILITY A. PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION: B. WATER AVAILABILITY (FIRE 4 MA I L SAFETY DA% SHEET PRODUCT NAME-- B R K & ~ ~ R 0 U G ~ !. M~S ~: ~ Pa~e ~ ~f 2 Ad,ese: 2S21 7 Cb.Avenue SouCh Phone N~e=: 7~-~62-77~T Ci=y, S=a=s & Zip: Es~e~ille, I~a 51~34. ~R ~ICAL ~~ : ~c~ Mo~t~ Poison ~n=rol ~nter ~R ~I~L ~~: Spill, ~, Fire, ~po~ or call ~C - 1-600-424-9300. ~=side U.S. oall Per~on ~es~onsible for Prep~a=ion: De~ F. Fe~olz ~vision Da=e : Oc=ober i, 1996 D.O.T. ~iDping Class: Non-h~ardous, ole~ com~d, class 55 Heal=h ~ds :Heal=h [2] 0 > 4 :Fl~abi!i=y [0] None- ~=reme : Reac=ivi=y [ 0 ] SE~ION II ~~US ING~I~S ~US CAS NO. 0~ ACGIH O~ ~50 ~ON~T~ PEL TLV Etho~la=ed Alcohol 684a9-45-2 NE NE 5100 m~k~ 1-5% Ethylene Glycol Monobu=yl ~=her * ill-76-2 25 Z5 470 m~k~ 1-5% SKIN ~KIN ~odi~ Me=asi!ica=e 6894-92-O NE NE 800 mg~ Sodi~ Sulfona~e 25155-30-0 NE ~ 2600 ~subjec= ~ r~por~ing requirements of Sec=ion 31~ of Ti=le !II SA~ and 40 C~ P~ 3T2 SE~ION III P~ICAL ~D ~ICAL Roiling Poin= > 212 (Deg. F. ) Specific Gravi=y 1.09 Vapor Pressure (~g) 29 Vapor Density (Air=~) !.2 Solu~!i~y in Wa~er: ~oluble ~activity in Wa~sr: None pH 5% solu=ion = ll.T Mel=ing Po~ 32 (~6 F. Ap~ce R Odor: Reddlsh-O=~e color, no odor SE~ION IV FI~ R ~SION DATA Flash Point: > 200 (De~. F. ) Me~hod Used: A~ Fl-~-~le-~miUs ~ ai~ · by vol~e ~ ~we= U~ Up~r. NA '" NA Au=o-I~itlon Tempera='~e: NA ~=in~ishe= Media: Wa=er, D=~ ~emical,C~bon Dioxlde,Fo~ S~cial Fire Fi~=~g Proced~es: None Unu~al F~ a ~losiun H~ds: None SCabilit~: Stable (X] Un~able [ ] Incompa=ibilit~ (~aterials =o ~void) : S~n~ ~~ ~c~si2ion P~ts: NA ~2io~ ~ avoid: NA ~e~c~ ~n~Cions ~ner~lF ~~ ~ AID: ~S: Fl~h wi~ '~=er, c~l phTsiui~ ~ediaCel7. . ~rs~Cs. I~: ~ water, do hOC ~e v~~ call a 1.I~a=icn : NA ~.Sk~ : Undilu=e~ c~ cause sk~ 4.1n~s~ion : Undilu=e~ c~ cause s~o~h S~!CN VIi ~CL~ ~CA~IONS ;~ND S~!~/~K H~i~ ~d s~ra~e: Stor~ ~ ~ ~a,~ NOT ~. Keep' closed when noC ~ ~e Other precautions : NONE In c~e of spill : ~u= off le~.Flush ~ea with water. ~Zs spill should ~ d~ed with e~h;~hen ~ ~o salvage =~ Waste Die. sa! : Disuse of ~ accounts with all S~acs, ~d ~cal ~lluCion con=rol re~laCions. ~ION VIII ~ECI~ P~ION INACTION ~spiraco~ Pro=et=ion: NA P~eccive Gloves : H~gienic Practices : Wash =horou~l~ ~ter h~dl~g ~ ~ CAS. ~ Water ~d!~ Tri~ly Phosp~Ce ~58-2~4 ~di~ ~d~71~ene Su!fona=e 25155-30-0 EthTlene Glycol Mono~=71 E~her 111-76-2 E~ho~laCsd ~cohol ~4~9-45-2 NA= No~ applicable ~ = None es~abllshed ~i!e the ~o~Clon ~d r~co~enda=ions sec forth he~in ~ ~lieved Co be acc~aCe as of the ~e he.of, ~ H~ ~O~TION. D~ DIVISION. ~S ~0 W~ MATERIAL SAFETY· DATA ,SHEET P~ODUCTNA~E:. CARBON-ATE ~ON I ~ss: 2621 7 th.A~nue-~u~h ~one N~r:- 30~-62~-5716. c~l ~C- 1-500-424-9300. ~side U.S. c~l Person ~neible for P~p~a=ion: ~ F. ~vieion .Da=e : October 1, Sulfides : ~pte~r 15, 1994 D.O.T. ~2~ Class: Non-~ous, cle~ c~~, clue 55 Health H~ds :Health [2] 0 > 4 :Fl~BilitF Non~ ~=re~ : ~ac=ivi=y [ 0 ] ~US ~S NO. O~ A~IH O~ ~50 Etho~la~ed Alcohol 684S9-45-2 NE ~ 5100 E=hylsne Glycol Mono~%yl Ether * 111-76-2 25 25 470 ~ 1-5% SKIN SKIN Sodi~ Me=asilica~e 6834-92-0 NE ~ 800 ~ks 3-7% $od.l't~ Dod. ecy~ben.~ene Sulfonar, e 25155-30-0 NE NK 2600 * ~b~ec~ to re~r~in~ re~ui~n~s of Sec~!on 313 of Title III of S~ ~d 40 C~ P~t 372 ~ION III ~SIC~ ~D ~IC~ ~~I~ICS ~ill~ Point 212 (~. F. ) S~uific Gravity 1.0~ Va~r P~s~e (~g) 23 Va~r ~i=y (Ai~l) 1.2 Solubili~y in Wa%er: Soluble Reac=ivit~ in Wa=er: None pH 5% solu=ion = 11.45 Mel=~g Poin~ 82 (~ F. ) A~~os & Odor: Green liquid, .mild odor SE~ION IV FI~ a ~SION DATA Flash Point: > 200 (~g. F. ) Me=hod Used: A~ Fl----bls L~its ~ air % b~ vol~ ~L ~wer ~L Up~r NA Au~o-I~i=ion Tem~rature: NA ~~isher Media: Water, ~ ~emical,~bon S~cial Fire Fi~=ing Proced~es: None " Un~ Fire a ~loeion ~ds: None S~CT! PHYSICAL HAZARDS ( Stabilit~: Stable £X] Un~.,able [ ], ~~ibili~2 (~erials ~ avoid) : Aci~ ~o~ Pol~r~ation: ~ o~ [ ] Will ~ ~io~ ~ a~id: ~ A~avated ~ ~~: ~c~o~en o~ Potential ~o~e~: ~S: Flush with water, call physici~ ~dia~el~. SXIH: ~l~h with ~ater, c~l p~sici~ i~ ~i~ion I~~: ~i~ wa~er, do no~ ~duce vo~ c~l a physici~ 4 ~dia~el~. ~S OF ~ : 2.Eyes : Undiluted o~ ca~e ~.Skin : Undiluted c~ ca~e a~in 4.Ingestion : Undilu~ed c~ cause s~o~ch irri~a~ion ~ION VII ~E~ P~CA~IONS ~D ~!~~ PRO~S H~I~g ~d s~orage: S~ore in ~ ~sa,~ NOT Other precau~ona : NOHE In case of spill : ~u~ ~f~ le~,Flush ~ea wi~h wa~er. L~ge spill should be ~ik~ wi~h e~h ~ then ~ to salvage Waste Dis~sal : Di~se of ~ accord~ce wi~h all Federal, S~a~e, ~d ~cal ~llu~ion con~l ~la:ions. SE~ION VIII SPECi~ PRO~!ON INACTION Re~lra~o~ ~o~ec~lon: NA Ven:i!a~ion : Use wi:h ade~:e ven~ila:ion ~o~ec~ive Gloves : ~bber Eye Pro~ec~ion : Safe~y glasses or goggles O~her : Wa~e~roo~ Sui~ ~d ~o~s ~fienic ~ac~ices : Wash ~ho~l~ ~ter h~dlinf Wa~er ~2-18-5 Sodi~ Tri~ly ~ospha~e ~758-29-4 Sodi~ ~e~asilica~e 6~84~92-0 E~hylene glycol ~nobu~yl ether 111-76-2 E~ho~la~ed Alcohol ~84~9-4~-2 NA = Not a~licable ~ ='None es~ablished - · .. ~ile ~he info~=ion ~d ~co~ndations se% forth herein are believed %o ~ mc~ate as of =he da~e ~~TION, ~S NO W~ WI~ ~SPE~ DIS~IMS ALT. LI~ILI~ ~M ~LI~ ~ON. MATE L SAFETY DATA EET PROD~C~ NA~: C AR B 0 N - A · B P L U S MSDS ~: ~ Ad~es: ~21 7 ~.Avenue ~=h P~ne call ~C- ~=side U.S. c~l Person ~s~ible for Prepay=ion: ~ F. Fe~o~ 0 > 4 :Fl-~bi!i~ Non~ ~me : Reac=ivi=~ [ 0 ] ~~US . ~S N0. 0~ A~IH ~N~ PEL TLV - Etho~ia=ed Alcohol ~845~-45-2 NE NE 5100 Ethylene G17col Monobu=yl Ether ~ Iii-75-2 25 SKIN Sodium DodecT1Benzene ~ ~d 40 C~ Par~ 372 Solubili=~ ~ Wa=er: Soluble ~ac=ivi=~ in Water: None pH 5~ solu=ion = 11.45 Mel=ing Po~= ~2 (~g F.) A~ar~ce a Odor: Green li~id, ~!d odor SE~ION !V ~ '~ ~SiON D~TA Flash Po~: > 200 (~. F. ) ~eChod Used: NA NA Au=o-I~i=lon T~ra~: NA' Un~l Fi~e a ~loslon H~: None ~nic: ~e ~ ~ ~ ~i:a~ion Medic~ ~i=ion8 ~net~lF · ~rsis=s. I~~: Dr~ wa=er, do n°~ ~ce v~=~ call ph~sici~ ~a~aly. ~OF~ : 1.I~la=ion : NA 2.Eyes : Undiluted c~ cause 3.Sk~ : Und!!u=ed c~ ca~e 4.In,es=ion : Undiluted c~ ca~e s=o~ch irritation ~ION VII ~ECI~ ~CA~IONS ~ ~I~~ H~d!~ ~d s=ora&e: 5=or~ ~ ~y ~a,~ NOT ~Z~. Keep closed when no= O~her precautions : In case of spill : ~u= off le~,Fl~h ~ea with water. ~Z~ ~ill should be d~ed with e~h;=hen ~ to Was=e Dis~sal : Di~ee of in accord~ce with all Federal. SECTION VIII S~ECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION Respirator! Protection: NA Vent!la=ion : Use ~=h Other : Water. of Sui~ H~g!snic Practices : Wash =horo~l~ after Wa~er ~32-18-~ 8odi~ Tri~Z7 ?ho~ha~s ~58-2g-4 Sodi~ Me~ui!Ica~e ~884-92-0 Ethylsn~ glycol ~no~=~l ether' i!!-76-Z Etho~lated Alcohol 684~9-45-2 ~A = ~o= applicable HE = ~one es~abllshed MATERIAL SAFETY 'DATA HEET PI~0DOCT NAHE: C A R B 0 C H L 0 ~ Cit~, S~=e &. Zip: ~=he~ille, I~a 51334 . ~Bside U.S. call Person ~~ible fora Pmep~ation: ~ F. Revisio~ DaBe : Oc~obe= 1, 1996 Su~meedes : ~pte~r 15, 1994 Health H~ds : Health [ 2 ] None- ~~ : Reac=~vi~F COl ~Z~US - CAS NO. O~ A~IH O~ ~50 ~ON~S PEL ~V' Sodi~ Me~asilica~e S884-9~-0 ~ ~ 800 m~ 1-5% Ethylene Glycol Monobu=~l Ether * 111-76-2 25 25 470 ~ 1-5% SKIN SKIN · ~bjec= to re~r=in~ require~n=s of ~c%ion ~1~ of Title !II of S~ ~d 40 C~ P~ Boilin~ Poin~ > 212 (~Z. F. ) S~cific Gravi=y 1.0~ Va~r Pres~e (~) 2~ Va~r ~nsi=~ (Air=l) 1.2 Solubill=y in Wa=er: Soluble ~ac=ivi=2 ~ Water: None pH 5% solution = 11.45 Mel=lng Poin~ ~2 (~g F. ) Ap~ce & Odor: Cle~ liguid, slight chlorine odor SE~ION IV FI~ & ~SION DATA Flash Point: Nons Me=hod Used: None None Nons Au=o-I~i~ion Temptable: None ~~isher Media: Wa~er, ~ ~emical,~bon Dioxide,Fo~ S~cial Fi~ Fi~=in~ Proced~es: None Unusual Fire & ~plosion H~s: Nons ~ION V ~SIC~ ~S (~IVI~ DATA) S~abill~: Stable IX] Uns=able [ ] Incompa~ibili~ (~a=erials ~o avoid) : Acids, H~dous ~co~si:ion Produc~s: ~lorine Gas ~dous Pol~riza=ion: M~ oc~ [ ] Will N~ occ~ Ix] ~ndi=ions ~o avoid: NA CARBOCHLOR PUs 2 of 2 Chronic: Eye burns and skin ~rrita~ion ' Sifns & S3~n~toms of Exposure: E~e irritation l~ed.tc&l. Cond~.tions ~enero. ll3, Assravated t,F 3bi:poaure: HA Ce. rc:i.nofen o~. l:)oten~::i.e.~ Ce_-.c:~ofens: HONK EYe: Flush w:l. th water', call phys:J.c~Lan 4m,MJcliately. ~HTXRNAL: Dr:ink wa~eF, ca~'! & ph3,'sic4an ~ 0F HI, FrRY : 1.InhaJ.&t£on : HA 2.X~es : Undiluted can cause irritation or' burns 3.Skin : Undiluted can cause ir~itation 4.Infection : Undiluted can cause stomach irri~ation SECTIOH VII SPECIAL PRECADTIOHS AND SPI~'-- P~OCEDURES Handlin~ end sterne: Store in c~ ma,DO Keep closed when not in use. Keep awaF from acids. Other precautions : HONE In case o~ spill : Shut off leek,Flush area with water. L~r~e spill should be diked with Waste Disposal : Dispose of in accordance with all Federal, State, end Local pollution control refulations. " ~ECTION VIII SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION Res~iratory Protection: NA Ventilation : ~ee with adequate ventilation Protective Gloves : ~ubber E~e Pro=s=tion : Safety Glasses or Go~$lee Other : Water~roof Suit and Boots may he worn H~gienic Practices : Wash thoroughly after handling SECTION IX COMMUNITY RIGHT TO KNOW LIST Water 77~2-1~-5 Sodium Tripoly Phosphate 7758-29-4 Sodium Metasilicate 6834-92-0 EthoxTlated Alcohol 903~- 19-5 Ethylene Glycol Monobut~! Ether 111-78-2 NA= Not applicable NE = None established While the information end recommendations set forth he~ein a~e believed :o be accurate as of the ~ate hereof,THE HOTSY COKPORATION, DETERGENT DIVISION ,. MAKES NO WARRANTY WIT~ RESPECT THERETO AND DISCLAIMS ALL LIABILITY. FROM RXLIANC~ T~IEREON. [:BODUCT NAMII: I{ 0 ? ,~ ? ~ 0 G D City, ~tate end =1~: Km~hervtll~, Iowa 51334 300. ~23- ~71G ca) ] CHEMTRE(J 1-~00 ,- ~ ' 93C0 Suv-raedee : D,O.T, Shi~i, tn~ Cie-~: Non-hazardou~ cle.nin~ cu,,~und. 0 > ,t : Ft~aijI lity [1] N,jne- Extreme : ~eo~tlviby ~EC~ION il ~A~US ING~Di~NTS CD~F:'. N~NTZ FSL TLV ~A'f · - CONTAi~S NO KNOWN tlAZARD,]IJS CHEMICALS AT h '~N(.'ENTRATTOH ~c~ltng r.ntnt: < 100 {Da8. F.) ~necili*~ 7ap(:~. Premsuc~ mm/'h~: :, Q.C ~ Vapor I)~-~1. t7 ,At~.-I): 9.7 ?[~mn~bil%~' 7,Jmit~ i:~ .~t.r 7~ by ':cl'..Ime ~IA Extin~,$8~er ~lm,~i,~: Weter. Dry C}l~mical. C~r. hnn l,io:~jd~. ~'cam ~pecia~ Fire Fig},r. in~ t, ,~ Unusual Fir9 &..~xploslon Hazards: Rt~ sc~k~,t ~(~ON V t'~/CAL H~ZARDG (REA[7I?I~I~ DA'Fn ) Et. abel!fy: Sta~.le iX) Une~abLe [ ) InccmFaLibilit~ (H~eriale t,o avoid): Oxidlzln~ ~l~ ~ S~mptoma of ~e~r~: Hone Hed~al Ccndltione ~ner~ii~ k~rava~d b'? E~s.o~u~e: %A~: ~lone or A~I{I: ' None ~RTN: FLueh wi~h wet~r. ~]eb m~dtce! att.,-~C~on INTERNAL: Call a RCUTE$ OF ~NTRY: !. [nhalaDton; Other ~reoautio~t~ : Solvent. Roaked r~gn can wi~h eoe. p 0~' w~ter. We~C~ Di~p~nal ; ?lmpoee o~ in aee~rdence ~e~!~tory ~r~t. ect ic~%: Prot~ctlve Glove8 : Rubber may be worn ~y~iemt(: ~:'ac~icee : W~sh tnerc,.~h]y '~fte~ COfiPO~TION, DETERGB~{'[' DLViS1ON, MAK~S ~IO WARRANTY WTTII ~s~Ec'r ~ERZTO AtlB L~ASC~[HS Al,I, LIA~LL/TY FRCH ~RT,~ANU~ THEREON. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET PRODUCT Na~E: ~ Z R A ¢ L · W, I Z z Ad,ess: 2~21 7=h Avenue-S~h ~one N~be=: ~I~. ~~ : ~c~ ~C~ Poison ~nc~i ~O~2~-STIS. c~l ~C- ~-800-~4-9~00. ~=side U.S. call Psrson Res~ible for P~p~a:ion: ~ F. Fe~olz ~vision Dm:e : Oc=o~m 1, 1996 Su~sedes : SepCe~e= 15, SE~ION II ~US !NG~I~S ~~US ~ NO. O~ A~IH O~ ~50 PEL TLV F~f~l Al=ohol 98-00-0 10 10 Sodi~ Dodecy !be~mns Sui~ona=a 25155- 30-0 ~ ~ 2600 Tecrasodi~ ech~!enedi~s SE~ION ii! P~SICAL ~D ~ICAL ~~I~!CS ~ilin~ Poin= 212 (~. F. ) S~cifi= Grmvtty 1.15 Vapor Pres~e 23 Va~= ~nsi=~ (Air--l) 1.2 Solubilit~ ~ Wa=st: ~lubls ~acUivi=~ ~ Wa=e=: Nons pH 5% solu=ion = 12.3 ~elCin~ Po~= 32 (~g. F.) A~ar~ce a Odor: D~k =ed to bra, ~id odor ~ION IV FI~ · ~SION DATA Flash Poin:: > 200 (~, F.) Method Used: A~ 1.8 23 ~~ishe= ~edla: Wa=e=. ~ ~e~cal. C~bon Dioxide, S~ci~ F~ Fi~Cln~ P~ced~es: None .. Unu~ai Fi~ & ~loeio~ H~s: None ~ION V P~SI~ ~S (~IVI~ DATA) Sbabill=y: $table [X] U~cable [ ] Inc~aCibili=~ (Materials =o avoid) : H~dous Pol~iza=ion: M~ o==~ Ix] Will NOT oc~ [ ] ~ndi=ions Co avoid: Acute: SKK A..T~ACHED Chronic: S~E A~~ ' when no= ~ O~her p~cau=ions : In case of ~ill : ~u= off le~ if =his c~ be done wi=houC should ~ d~ed wi~h salvage =~. W~e Dis~sal : Disuse of ~ acco~ce with all Federal, State ~d ~cal ~llu=ion control re.la=ions. Ventilation : Use wi~h adequate SK~ION iX ~I~ RI~ TO ~OW LiST Wa=er ~32-!8-5 F~f~l Alcohol 98-00-0 Sodi~ ~dec~lbe=ene Sulfona=e 25155-~0-0 NA= No= a~licable -~ = None MI~ ~ZZ Pace 3 of cool w~=e= ~de~ showe~ while re~v~ con2~a=ed ~n-~bbe= shoes. W~h clo=h~ ~fore =o-mou=h-=s~sci=a=lon. ~ ~I~ A~ION ~I~Y. If ~al!owed, ~ NOT I~ VOHIT!NG. Give l~ze occ~s s~n=~ly, kseD ai~ay, cle~. ~ ~I~ A~ION. ~ ~A~: C~ cause tis~e des=~ction ~d ~en= !NG~ION: ~rrosive to ~ccus membr~es of the ~S OF 0~0~ A~: I~ita=ing ~d cor~sive =o eyes, skin, ~cous memories of cause ~en= co~eal ~Nic: No ~ c~=nic effects. ~XI~ DATA: ~oduct ~ ~ co~idered hilly a~l~e. (~~ p,,.,,.,=, p,.0,~,.,,==, Comp=,~, " MATERIAL."SAFETY DATA SHEET I:'-- w : T IC,,,:noN MANUFACTURER'~ NAHE: PENNZOIL PROOUCTS COHPANY CAS NUHBER: MIXTURE M~D~ COOE= 013058 AOORE5~'.~ P.O. BOX* 2967' HOU~TON, l'X 7725Z-Z967 NFPA HAZARD IDENTIFICATION 0EGi~ OF HAZARD HAZARD EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NO.: (800) 546-60,40 0-LEA~T HEALTH: ! Z.-SL[GHT FIRE: i Z-HOOERRTE REACTI¥ITY: 0 4-EXTREME TRADE NN~E: PENNZOIL LONG-LIF~ ENG[NE 0IL - ALL GRADES SYNON~: IOW, 20W-20, 30, 40, 50, 10W-30, BY: FEALTH S£RVIC£~ EFF~J~I'IVE DALE: 0ECEHI]ER 23,. 1998 (800) 546-6227 SUPERSEDES DATE: DECEMBER 0I, 1998 12. INGREDIENTS HAZARDOUS C~HPONENT NAHE [N PEt~CENTAGE COMPONENT CAS NL~ER BLEND MIN MAX EXPOSURE LIMIT UNIT BASE LUBRICATING OIL~ MIXTURE NO Z5 TO .~5 OSHA PEL NO LIMIT ACSIH TLV NO LIMIT OETERGENT/ i'NH'~B Z TOR SYSTEM ,MIXTURE NO < 15 OSHA PEL NO LIMIT ACGIH YLV NO LIMIT VISCOSITY INDEX IMPROVER MIXTURE NO < I0 OSHA ?EL NO LIMIT ACSIH TLV NO LIMIT POUR POINT DEPRESSANT MIXTURE NO < I OSHA PEL NO LIMIT AC~IH TL¥ NO LIMIT 3. HEALTI=I I~-FORi~IATIO~- AiND PROTECTION' EYE CONTACT: THIS PRODUCT 15 PRACTICALLY NON-IRRITATING TO THE EYES UPON OIRECT CONTACT. BASED ~N TE~TING OF ~IMILAR PRODUCTS, ANO/OR COMPONENTS. SKIN CCNTACT: AVOID SKIN CONTACT. THIS PRODUCT IS MINIMALLY IRRITATING TO THE SKIN UPON DIRECT CONTACT. BA.SED ON TESTZNG OF SIMIL~tR PRODUCT5 AND/OR COMPONENTS. PROLONGED OR REPEATED CONTACT MAY RESULT IN CONTACT OERMATIT[S HIgH CHARACTERIZED BY DRYNESS, CHAPPING, AND REDDENING. THIS CONDITION ,~Y THE SKIN MORE ~[J~CE?TIBLE TO OTHER IRRITANTS, SENSITIZERS, AND OISF. ASE. PROLOf~ED OR REPEATED CONTACT MAY RESULT IN OIL ACNE.~HICH CHARACTERIZED BY BI.,~CXHEAOS WITH POSSIBLE SECONDARY INFECTION. SEE HEALTH OATA SECTION BELOW. CODE=. 013050 NAME: PEJ~ZO[L LONG-LIFE ENGINE' OIL - ALL GEAOES PA6E 02 INHALATION: TH[~ PRODUCT ~ A L~ V~POR PRE3SURE ~ [~ ~T EXPECTED T0 ~ES~ I~ALATION ~ AT AMBI~T G~D[TIONS. CA~I~ ~OULD 8E TAKEN TO PREV~T A~O~LIZATI~ OR HISTING OF ~[S ~O~CT. ~E PERMISSASLE EXPOSURE LIMIT (PEL) AN8 ~RESHOLD L[HZT VAL~ (TLV) FOR ~[~ PRODUCT ~ O~L NI~T KS 5 ~3. EXPOSU~ BELOW 5 ~3 ~P~R TO BE ., SI~IFIC~ ~L~ RI~K. ~[ SHORT-~RH ~P~E LIMIT FOR ~[S PR~T [NBESTI~: O0 NOT INGEST. ~I8 PROOUCT IS RELATIVELY N~-TOXIO BY I~ESTION. ~I~ PRODUCT H~ L~E PROP~TIES A~ HAY ~T ~ ABD~I~L ~AHP~ ~ * DIe,EA. SEE ~L~ ~ATA ~ECTION 8ELOH. HEAL~ OATA: ON RARE OC~S[~, PROL~ED ANO REPEA~ ~OSURE TO OIL )lIST PO~ A RISK OF PULH~ OI5EASE 5U~ A5 CHRONIC L~ INFL~AT[ON. CO~ITI~ I~ ~LLY AS~PTOMATIC A5 A R~ULT OF REPEATED ~ALL ASPIRATIONS. S~E~ OF 8REA~ ~O COUGH ~E ~E HOST CO,ON S~PT~. ~E I~R~O~ ~CY FOR RESEAR~ ~ C~ER HAS C~CLUDED ~ERE INADEQUATE DATA TO ~ALUA~ ~E CRRC[N~ICI~ TO EXPERIH~TAL ANIMALS OF ~I5 CLASS OF PRO,TS. ~US ~I5 PROOU~ 8EL~ TO IARC CLASSIF[~TI~ GROUP 3, "NOT CLR~IF:~SLE ~ TO IT8 CARC~[CI~ TO HUMAn." ~I8 PROOUCT [~ NOT CRRC:N~IC ACCORD[~ TO ~ O~a HAZARD ST~DRRD. FOR ~6SOL[~-~ MOTOR 0IL5 ONLY. AVO~ 5K~ CONTACT WI~ USED ~T~ ~E [~C H~ CONCLUDED ~ERE [~ ~UFFZC[~T EVID~CE ~RT GaSOL[NE-~INE MOTOR OIL3 PRODUCE 9KIN ~RS IN EXPERIMENTAL 4. E I[RGENCY & F ST PROCED S EYE C~ACT: I~EDIA~LY FL~ ~ WI~ LARGE AMOUN~ OF WATER ~O C~INUE FL~I~ UNT:L [RRZTATZ~ 5UBSZDE~. IF MATERIAL Z~ HOT, TREAT FOR ~ERMAL TAKE V[CT[M TO ~[T~L 5KIN C~ACT: REMOVE CONTAHZ~ CLO~ING. WASH CONTaMINR~D aREA ~OROUGHLY aND WATER. [F ,~RIaL I~ HOT, 5U~ERGE ZNJ~ ~REA IN COLD WATER. V[CTIM [S ~EVERELY ~UENED, REMOVE TO a HOSPITAL IMMEDIATELY. [NHRLAT[~: ~I~ HAiR[AL ~ a LOW VAPOR PRESSURE ~ I~ NOT E~ECTED TO PRESENT INHaLAT[ON [~RE aT ~8IENT CONDITIOn. [N&E~T[~: O0 NOT INDUCE V~IT[~. ~EE[ ~DIC~L 5. PERSON-z L ALTH PROTECTION OR [ TION EYE ~O~CTION: ~E PROTECTI~ I~ NOT REQUIRED UNDER C~DITI~ OF NO~AL USE. IF ~IAL I8 HANDLED ~H ~AT [T COULD 8E SPLASHED INTO ~ES, WEAR PLASTIC FACE 8HIELD OR ~PLA~-PROOF SAFE~ GOGGLES. 8KIN PRO~CT~GN: NO 5KIN PROTECT[~ I5 REQUIRED FOR 5IN6LE, ~ORT DURATION EXPOSURES. FOR PROLO~ED OR R~EA~ EXPOSURES, USE [MP~V[~ CLO~ING (800TS, GLOVES, APRONS, ETC.) OVER PART5 OF ~E 800Y SUBJECT TO E~POSURE. IF HANDLING HOT MATERIAL, USE [~ULa~D PROTECTIVE CLO~[~ (80OTE, GLOVES, AFR~5, ~C.). LAUNDER ~OILED CLO~EE. PROPERLY DISPOSE OF C~TAMINATED LEA~ER ARTICLE,., INCLUD[~ ~, ~I~ C~OT 8E DECONT~INA~. COOE: 0130~8 NtlelE: PENNZOIL LON6-LIFE ENGINE OIL - ALL 6PaqOE~ PAaE 03 RESPIRATORY RESPIRATORY PROTECTIOt/ IS NOT RE/)UIRED UI~)£R CONOITIONS OF NORI4AL USE. IF PROTECTION: VAPOR OR MIST IS GENEIRRTEO ~-IEN THE MATERIAL I~ HEATED OR' ORGANIC VAPOR RESPLRATOR WITH A OUST RHO MTST FILTER. ALL RESP£RATORS Hlff3T BE' NIOSH CF. RT:FIED. DO NOT USE COMPRESSED OXYGEN- IN MYI)ROCARBOH .~ A'TI, IOSPHERE/I. YENTILATION: IF VAPOR OR MIST IS GENERATED MIEN THE MATER:AL IS HEATED OR HANDLES, ADEQUATE VENTILAT/ON IN ACCORD~J~ICE WITH. GOOD ENGINEERIN6 PRACTICE MUST BE PROVIDED TO ~INTAIN CONCE. NTRaTIOHS 8EI. OW ~ SPECIFIED E~(POSURE OR FL,MB, tABLE L~HITS. OTHER': CONSUMPTION OF FO00 H~O /lEVERAGE SHOULD BE AVOIDEg IN WOP~ ARE,~S HYOROCA. RBONS ARE Pla~:SENT. ALWAYS WASH HtLqDS ~ FaCE WITH' SOAP AND WATER I]EFORE'ff^TINi3, OR~I~ING. OR FIRE PROTECTION -- OR.MATION FLASH POL'NT: > 400 g TEST HETHO0: AUTOIGNIT~ON TEMPERATURE: NO OATA TEST HETHOD: NO DATA FLAMMABLE LIHIT5 IN AIR % 8Y VOLblflE LOWER: NO DATA UPPER: NO DATA EXTINGUISHING USE ORY CHEMICAL, FOAM, OR CARBON DIOXIDE. MEDIA: SPECIAL FIRE WATER MAY BE [NEBFECTZVE BUT CAN BE U~ED TO COOL CDNTAINER~ E:(PO~E~ TO FIGHTING HEAT OR FLAME. CAUTION .~HOULD BE E×ERCI~ED WHEN U._,IN~ WATER OR FOAM PROC~DtJRE~= FROTH[NO MaY OCCUR, E-:PECIALLY iF 8PRAYED ZNTO CONTAINERS OF HOT, BURNING L ZOU ID. UNUSUAL FIRE DENSE 5MO~E MAY 8E GE]NE,~ATED WHILE 8URNI~. CARBON MONOXIDE, CAR§ON ANO E~(PLODIVE DIOXIDE, AND OTHER OXZDE~ MAY BE GENERATED A~ PRODUCT~ OF COMBUSTION. CQNDITION~: [7. REACTIVITY ~TaflLITY (THERMAL, L~gHT, ETC. ): C0NDITI014S TO aVOID: NONE HAZAROOtJ~ POLYMERIZATION= '#ILL NOT OCCUR CONDITIONS TO aVOID: NONE INOOHPATIBILITY NATER~AL~ TO aVOID= MAY REACT WITH ~TRONG OXIDIZING AGENT~. HAZARDOU~ DECOMPOSITION PRODUCT~= N4314E CODE: 013058 N/~E: PENNZOIL LON6-LZFE ENGINE OIL - ALL GRAOES PAGE 04 5~P5 TO ~ COQUET HEAL~ ~CT INFORHATION IN 5ECTI~ III, PERSONAL HEAL~ TAKEN IF PRO~CTION ~0~ IN SECTION V. FIRE PRO~C~ON INFORHATION, IN " HA~IAL IS SECTI~ VI, ~ R~T~I~ DATA IN' SE~I~ VII. NOTI~ APPROPRIATE RELIED ~' A~ORITIES ~ ~ILL. C~TAIN: SPILL [~DIA~LY. O0 NOT ALLO~ SPILL TO SPILL~: ~R S~ERS OR ~COURSES. R~OVE ALL SO~ OF IGNITION. APPROPRIA~ ~T ~RI~ SUCH ~ S~, CLAY, ~C. LARGE SPILL5 ~Y 8E PICKED UF U~INB VACU~ P~PS, ~OVELS. 8~,~ OR O~ER HEA~ . ,IN OR~ OR O~ ~BLE C~TAI~RS. ~AS~ OISPOSAL ALL O[~POSAL~ ~T C~FLY WI~ FEDERAL, STA~.. ~ LOCAL REGULAtOr. HE~D= HA~RIAL, IF ~ILL~ fir OISCAR~D, HAY aE ~ REGULA~ WASTE. REaR STATE ~O LOCAL ~GULATION5. CAUTIONI IF REGULA~D ~OLV~T5 ARE U5~ TO CLEAN UP 5PILL~ ~IAL, ~E RESULTI~ ~ MIX,RE HAY BE REGULAr. OEPAR~T OF ~PORTATION (DOT) REBULA~ MAY APPLY FOR ~I~ HA~RIAL ~ ~PILLED. WASTE MATERIAL ~Y BE L~OFILLEO OR INCINERATED AT ~ ~PROVED FACILI~. MA~IALS ~OULD 8E RECYCLED IF POSSIBLE. ,9. MISCEL OUS HANOLI~ ~D O0 NOT ~SF~ TO ~R~ CONTAINERS. STO~ ~ CLOSED CONTAINERS AWAY STORAGE FR~ HEAP, 8PA~8, OPEN FI~ME, OR OXIDIZI~ MATERIA[~. ~[5 PRODUCT I3 ~T REqUIRe5: CLABBIFIE5 AB ~DQUB UNDER DOT RESULATI~. FIRE EXTI~UIBHER5 BH~LD BE KEPT READILY AV~ILAflLE. 5ER NFPA 30 AND 0~ lilO.IO/--FLA~BLE COMBUSTIBLE LZ~IDS. AOOITI~L ~lt MIXTURE M~Y 8E F~RMULATED IN PART WI~ C~PONENT5 PURCHASED FROM INFO~ATZ~: O~ER C~P~IES. ~ M~NY INSTANCES, ESPECIALLY ~ PROPRIETARY OR ~E SECRET HATERI~L5 ARE UiED, PENNZOIL COMPLY M~T RELY UP~ ~E HAZARO EVALUATION OF ~ C~P~T5 5UBMI~ED TO P~ZO[L BY ~AT PRODUCT'5 M~NUFAC~RER ~ IMPORTER. ~IS PRODUCT C~A~5 ~E FOLLOWI~ 3ARA TI~E III, SECTION 3~3 CH~ICALS: ZINC CO~O~ CA~ N~E ~. <2% ALL [NGREDIE.NTS OF THIS PRODUCT ARE LISTEg ON THE TOXIC SUBSTANCE~ CONTROL aCT (TSCA) INVE~ORY. DOT{BUlK): NOT REGULATED. DOT(NON-aULK): NOT REGULATED. · CODE: 013058 NPJ~IE: PEI~ZO[L LONG-LIFE'ENGTN£ OIL - ALL (;R~OES 10. P SIC 'PROPERmS 80ILI~ PO~T: > 800 i PERC~T VOL~Tt~: HELT~ PO~T: NOT ~PL[CABLE V~OR ~ . (AIR"Z): NO DATA ~PP~E= CL~R BRITT LIOUID ~OR~ ODOR: .'PE~OLE~ OO~ SPECIFIC ~V~: < VAPOR P~URE: NO DATA AVAILABLE HOLECUL~ ~I~: NO OATA 50L~IL~: ~ULSIFIE5 IN ~, 50LUBLE IN ~ROCARBO~ 0I~CLAIMER OF WARRANTY: THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN I-q 8A~ED UPON OATA AVAILABLE TO US. AND REFLECTS OUR BEST PROFESSIONAL JUDGEMENT. H~,~'VE~R, ~ WARRANTY OF HERO'~ABILITY, FITNESS FOR ANY U~E, OR ANY OTHER WARRANTY [5 EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED REGARDING THE ~CCURACY OF SUCH OATA, ~ RESULT5 TO BE O~TAINED FROM THE USE THEREOF, OR THAT ANY SUCH USE OQE~ NOT INFRINGE ANY PATENT. SINCE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN HAY 8E APPLIED UNOER COflD[TIONS OF USE 8EYO~ OUR CONTROL AND ~/ITH WHICH WE MAY BE UNFAM[L[~d~, WE O0 NOT A~':JU~ ANY RE.=PONSIBIL['FY FOR THE RESULT5 OF 8UC~ APPLICATION. THIS INFORHATION I5 FURN[.-,HED UPON THE CONDITION THAT THE PERSON RECEIVING [T 5HALL HAKE HI50t~ DETERMINATION OF THE 5UTTAB[LITY OF THE HATER~AL FOR HI5 PARTICULAR FURPOSE. AmeriGas Propane, L.P. TRANSPORTATION CHEMTREC NO. GENERAL SAFETY DEPT. P.O. Box 965, Valley Forge, PA 19482 EMERGENCY NO.: 800-424-9300 INFORMATION: 610-337-1000 DANGER2 Extremely flammable l~quefied gas under pressure, Keep away from- heat, sparks, flame, and all other ignition sources. Vapor reduces oxygen avail- ' HEALTH / _ ~"*--'"- HAZARD able for breaflfing and may cause suffocation in confined spaces. Use only with HAZARD ~ ~. )~.. (Red) adequate ventilation. Odor may not provide adequate warning of lc,ks. Use of (Blue) ."~'~~ propane gas de~.ectors in accordance with manufacturer's instructions is recom- mended.. Vapor is heavier than air' and may collect at low levels. Liquid may cause freeze burn similar to frostbite. Do not get liquid in eyes, on skin, or on RfiACTIVITY clothing. Avoid prolonged breathing of vapor. Keep container valve closed when (Yellow) not in use. Do not allow container to run empty. (See "Warning-Limitation of 4- Severe Propane Odorant: You May Not Always Smell L~aking Propane" supplied with 3 - Serious 1 - Sllglat this MSDS.) 2 - Moderate. 0 - Minimal SECTION I -- IDENTIFICATION EYI!: CONTACT: For contact w~th Hq- INGESTION: If swallowed, get imme- uid. flush immediately w/th water. Ob- diate medical attention. PRODUCT: Propane CHEMICAL FAMILY: Paraffinic tam immediate medical attention. Hydrocarbon SYNONYMS: Liquefied CHEMICAL FOamXma: SECTION VI -- PHYSICAL DATA Petroleum Gas; LP-Gas; LPG C3H8 BOILING POINT: ..................................... -44 F MELTING POINT: .................................... '. N/A SECTION II -- INGREDIENTS VAPOR PRESSITRE: ........................ 196 psig (. i00 F MATERIAL CAS NUMBER PERCENT SPECIFIC GRAVITY (H20 = 1): ...................... 0,504 lao0roximate} VAPOR DENSITY (AIR = 1): ........................... 1.50 ETHANE 74-84.0 0-5.0 SOLUBILITY IN WATER: .................. Slight, 0.1 to PROPANE 74-98-6 87.5-100 APPEARANCE AND ODOR: .... Colorless, odorless in natural form PROPYLENE 1:5-07-1 o- .o G H'A/ ODORANT WARNI1WG: Odorant is BUTANES Various 0-2.5 added to aid in detection of leaks. ETHYL MERCAPTAN 75-08-01 0-50 ppm There is a Scratch 'n Sniff panel lo- cated here. One common odorant is SECTION III- HEALTH INFORMATION CO 'fl ethyl mercaptan. CAS No. 75-08-!.. INH.M_~TION: Asphyxiant in high concentrations due to dilution of Odorant is effective for detection of leaks in most instances, but not every.- available oxygen. At excessive vapor concentrations, chis product has fJ~ one can smell the odor. The ability of anesthetic, asphyxiating properties and may cause sleepiness. At people to detect odors varies ~videly. levels above 100,000 ppm (i.e. I0%), propane is mildly irritating to the Also. certain chemical reactions with respiratory, tract and may result in dizziness, headache, drowsiness, nausea, shortness of breath, muscular incoordinauon, excessive t(,~H~,,~ material in the propane system can re- duce or eliminate the propane odor salivation, disorientation, vomiting, and excitation. In extreme cases, resulting in the possibility that a person can be in the presence of leak- convulsions, unconsciousness and death may occur as a result of lng propane and not be alerted by smell. No odorant will be 100'7, asphyxiation. Persons with chronic respiratory, disease should avoid effective in all circumstances. Accordingly, the use of propane gas exposure, detectors in accordance with manufacturer's instructions by you and INGESTION: Liquid may cause freeze SKIN CONTACT: Liquid may cause your customers is recommended. If odor level appears to be weak. bum similar to frostbite. Ingestion not freeze bum similar to fr0srbite, notify your propane supplier immediately. Read and understand "Warning-Limitations of Propane Odorant: You May Not Alway., expected to occur in normal use. OTHER: Produa is not listed by IARC, Smell Leaking Propane" supplied with this MSDS. If you do not hay{ NTP or OSHA as a potential car- a copy of this warning, obtain one from AmeriGas/Petrotane im. cinogen. Propane and some of the minor mediately. EYE CONTACT: Liquid may cause components have been re¢orted to be .~reeze bum similar to trostbite, cardiac sensitizers in experiments. SECTION VII-FIRE :MND EXPLOSION HAZARDfi FLASH POINT & METHOD USED: ........ -156 F (estimated SECTION IV -- IGNITION TEMPERATURE IN AIR: ............ 920 - 1.120 I O C CUPATIONAL EXPO SURE LIMIT S FI.~M_MABLE LIMITS IN .' ~.~.. % BY VOLUME:... LOWER: 2.29 MATERIAL PEL/TWA TLV/TWA UPPER: 9.6~) ETHANE Not Established Simple Asphyxiant NFPA RATING {Under Fire Con- HEALTH: ....... 1 Slight ditions. Does not apply to exposure FIRE: ........... 4 Extremely flammabi PROPANE 1000 ppm Simple Asphyxiant hazards other than during fire}: REACTIVITY:...0Stable PROPYLENE Not Established Simple Asphyxiant FIREFIGHTING PROCEDURES: Eliminate sources of ignitior BUTANES 800 ppm 800 ppm Evacuate area. Notify fire dePartmenr~ Allow only trained, properi protected personnel in area. Shut-off source of gas, if possible. Allo' SECTION V -- EMERGENCY AND fire to burn itself out after gas flow is shut off. If gas flow cannot FIRST AID PROCEDURE shut off, do not extinguish fire. Allow fire to burn itself out using big volume water supply to cool heat-exposed pressure containers an FOR OVEREXPOSURE BY: nearby equipment. Approach a flame enveloped container from INHALATION: Remove ';icfim from SKIN CONTACT: If freeze bum oc- side, never the head ends. Use extreme caution when applying wat~ further exposure and into fresh air. Pro- curs, remove contaminated ctothes, to a container which has been exposed to heat or flame for more than vide oxygen if breathing is difficult. If shoes and jewelry.. Immerse burned short time. For uncontrollable fires and when flame is impinging c victim is unconscious, get prompt medi- area in warm (not hot) water. Keep im- container, withdraw all personnel and evacuate vicinity imm. cai attention, mersed. Get prompt attention, diatety. USUAL FIRE & EXPLOSION HAZ~X~DS~ Firefighters should sources. Do not sn~ak~' do not u~'e a nearby phone or turn electrical wear self-contained breathin~ apparat~ ~ the positive pressure switches on and c ~vacuate area. If possible, remove leaking cma- mode withh full [acepiece when there is~ssibility of exposure to ~ tainertosafe flowofgasorallowvaportodisperseinasafe smoke, fumes or hazardous decompositl~iWproducts. Uncontrolled area. Water used to help dilute vapor concentration in vapors spread rapidly, are heavier than air and are extremely flam- air. The possibility exists that leaks will not be detectable by smell. mable.: ,.Use of propane gas detectors in accordance with manufacturer?, f instructions is recommended. (See Section VI "Odorant Warning.' ) ~:- SECTION VIII -- REACTIVITY WASTE DISPOSAL: Dispose of gas in accordance with applicable" STABILITY: .......... '~ ........ S table laws and regulations. Vent vapor in a safe location and insure that gas HAZARDOUS ..i" dissipates below the lower flammable limit. Controlled burning is POLYMERIZATION: ....... Will not occu~~ preferred.. ~ . - -'. CONDITIONS & MATERJALS SECTION XI -- TO AVOID: ~ . Keep away from highheat, sparks, REGUI~TORY INFORMATION open flame, strong oxidizing agents.. (See Section VI "Odorant Warn- DOTPROPERSHIPPING ing.") NAME: .................. Propane, Liquefied Petroleum Gas. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSI- DOT HAZARD CLASS: ..... Flammable Gas TION PRODUCTS: ......... Incomplete combustion may yield DOT I.D. NUMBER: ........ UN 1075 carbon monoxide, a toxic gas. DOT EMERGENCY RE- SPONSE GUIDE: ........ See Guide No. 22 SECTION IX -- EMPLOYEE PROTECTION SARA TITLE III INFORMATION: This product may contain over CONTROL MEASURES: Use local and dilution ventilation to 1.0% propylene. This is subject to the reporting requirements of Sec- maintain exposures below acceptable criteria, tion 313. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: If concentxa~ions are high HAZARDCATEGORYFORSECTION311/312REPORTING: enough to warrant supplied-air or self-contained breathing appara- Immediate (acute) health hazard. Fire hazard. Sudden release of ms, atmosphere may be flammable (see Section VH). Appropriate pressure hazard. precautions must be taken regarding flammability. For situations · where flammability has been safely addressed and where control RCRA INFORMATION: This producr~ when disposed of by incin- eration or flaring, is defined as an ignitable hazardous waste in measures are not feasible or sufficient to achieve full conformance Federal regulations. Hazardous waste number is D001. Refer to latest with acceptable criteria (Sec:ion IV). use NIOSHAVISHA approved Federal or State regulations regarding proper means of disposal. respiratory protection (supplied-air or self-contained breathing apparatus as appropriate). Respirators should be selected based on TSCA STATUS: All components of this product are listed on the form and concentration of contaminant in air and in accordance with TSCA inventory. OSHA (29 CFR 1910.134). SECTION XII -- HANDLING PROTECTIVE CLOTHING: Avoid skin contact with liquid be- cause of possibility of'freeze burn. Wear gloves and protective cloth- AND STORAGE PRECAUTIONS lng which are impervious to the product for the duration of the antic- Store in an authorized location (outside, detached storage is pre- ~pated exposure, goggles for protection against accidental release of ferred with adequate ventilation). Isolate from heat and igr~ition sour- pressurized products, ces. Isolate from combustible materials. Provide separate storage PROP,~dNE GAS DETECTORS: The use of propane gas detectors locations for other compressed or flammable gases. Inspect cylinders in accordance with manufacturer's instructions is recommended, frequently for leaks, denr~, gouges and corrosion with emphasis on bottom of cylinder. Keep cylinders in an upright position at ail times so that pressure relief valves communicate with vapor space. Some SECTION X -- cylinders have directional arrows indicating upright position. If you EN~IRON1V[ENTAL PROTECTION have questions about the proper position of your cylinder, seek assis- tance from a qualified source. Propane equipment should be used in ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS: Avoid uncontrolled releases of accordance with manufacturer's insu'uctions. Do not drop or abuse this material. Liquid release will have possible effect on plant and cylinders. Do not allow cylinders to run empty. Keep container valve animal life. Large liquid release will quickly vaporize to produce a closed and plugged when not in use: if cylinder runs empty, close [arge. vapor cloud. Vapor cloud is both a fire and asphyxiation shutoff valve immediately. Install protective caps whencylinders are hazard, not connected for use. Empty containers retain some residue, so they SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES: Product is extremely flare- should be treated as if they were full. Read and understand "Warn- mable. Vapor is heavier than air and may collect at lower levels. Flam- lng-Limitation of Propane Odorant: You May Not Always Smell mable concentrations may be present below nose level. If there is a Leaking Propane" supplied with this MSDS. If you do not have a copy leak but no tire, do not ignite the escaped gas. Eliminate all ignition of this warning, contact AmeriGas/Petrolane immediately. The information presented herein is believed to be factual as it has been derived fi`om the works and opinions of persons believed to be qualified experts; however, nothing contained in this information is to be ~aken as a warranty or representation for which the company bears legal responsibility. The user should review any recommendations in the specific contex~ of the intended use to determine whether they are appropriate. PREPARED BY: AmeriGas Propane, L.P. ISSUED: 3/95 P.O. Box 965 Valley Forge, PA 19482 SUPERSEDES: 08/91 )S cvs o , s WARNING- LIMITATIONS OF PROPANE ODORANT: YOU MAY NOT' ALWAYS SMELL LEAKING PROPANE Propane in its natural state is odorless; therefore, a distinctive odorant with a foul smell is added to provide a method of detection in the event of a leak. (This odorant is usually ethyl mercaptan.) No odorant is effective 100% of the time. For a variety of reasons, circ;~mstances can exist when you or your customers can be in the presence of leaking propane and not be alerted by smell. Physical or Environmental Conditions Reduce Ability to Smell. For example, some people, for physical reasons, cannot smell certain odors, including propane odorant. Colds, allergies, smoking, alcohol or age, can affect or lessen a person's ability to smell propane odorant. In addition, strong corn- pet-lng odors, continued exposure to propane odorant, or simple inattention can result in a person failL, ag to detect the odor of escaping, propane. Odorant Reactivity Can Diminish or Eliminate Odor. Odorant such as ethyl mercaptan can fade, diminish, and in some instances, disappear as a result of oxidation, adsorption and absorption. This is often referred to as "odor fade." For example, exposure of propane odorant to rust or scale in tanks, cylinders, or piping can result in the odorant losing its distinctive smell. Tanks, cylinders and piping sur- faces that are not passivated can react with propane odorant causing it to lose its distinctive smell. Cer- tain types of soll can also filter the odorant from propane causing the odorant to lose its distinctive smell. Other reactions exist that, can result in odorant losing its distinctive smell as well. For example, some sug- ~ ~i::~ 7-:": ~:-:e ~d~::~..: ~.:i~e~ c..:.:': :. ih ~r,.~ to masonry floors and walls resulting in the odorant los- ing its distinctive smell. What to Do? Use of propane odorant is the best way to alert you and your customers of the existence of leaking propane, but there are other ~to,~. you should take for your safety and the safety of your cus- tomers. · Prevent leaks in the 5rst place. Maintain and inspect your and your customer's propane piping, tanks, cylinders and equipment to prevent leaks from occurring. This includes the pressure test- lng of piping and equipment when the circumstances dictate, compliance with :N~P,~. Pamphlets 54 and 58, following the procedures recommended by the National Propane Gas ,kssociation, follow- Lng of manu£acvarer's instructions and compliance with other applicable codes, regulations and practices. ° Do not a~ow propane t~nks and c':lLuders to run comple¢ety empty. When a rank or cylinder becomes completely empty, the likelihood of odor fading increases. Warn your customers and employees of this. · If a tank or cylinder does run completely empty, close the shutoff valve immediately. Air can enter a tank or cylinder through an open shutoffvalve or through pilot orifices or other openings in propane piping and equipment. The entry of air into a propane tank or cylinder can cause odor fade to occur. Never use a tank or cylinder that has been allowed to sit empty with its shutoffvalve opened unless it is properly passivated. * Educate your employees and customers. A variety of warning and educational information exists concerning odor fade and propane. You should provide warning and educational information for your employees and customers. AmeriGas can provide you examples of such materials. Please contact us for further information. Another source of information is the National Propane Gas Association, 1301 West 22nd Street, Oak Brook, Illinois 60621. · Some suggest that purging can help prevent odor fade in new tanks and c'ytinders. Purge new tanks and cylinders in accordance with. the recommendations of the National Propane Gas Association Bulletin 133. · Purchase and install gas detectors as a backup warning device. Gas detectors can detect tkxe pres- ence of propane even if the odor has diminished or is not present. Use and install gas detectors in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Warn and inform your customers of the exis- tence of gas detectors. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET PRODUCTNA~E: R I P P E R ~L~DS NU~: ~ Pa~e L uf 2 ~ac=~e~s N~: ~e Ho~ ~r~ion, ~Bem~en= Division Ad.ess: 2621 T ~h.Avenue ~u~h Phons 303-62~-5716. call ~C - 1-800-~4-9300. ~=side U.S. call 202-48~-7616 Person ~e~nsible for Pre~a=ion: ~ F. Fer~olz ~vision' Da~e : October I, 19S6 Su~rsedes : Sop=ember 15, 1994 D.O.T. ~i~g Class: Non-h~dous, cle~in~ com~d, class Health Haz~ds :Health [2] None- ~reme : ~ac=ivi~ SECTION II HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS HAZARDOUS CAS NO. OSMA ACGIH ORAL LD~O COMPONENTS PEL TLV RaC Ethoxylated Alcohol 68469-46-2 NE NE 5100 m~/kg 1-51 Ethox~la=ed Alcohol 52623-95-7 NE NE 1690 m~/k~ 1-51 Ethox~lated Alcohol 9036-19-5 NE NE 1900 m~ 1-5% Sodium Metasi!ica=e 6834-92-0 NE NE 800 mg/kg 5-10% SECTION iii PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS Boiling Point > 212 (Deg. F. ) S~ecific Gravity 1.03 Vapor Pressure (mm/hg) 23 Va~or Density (Air=l) 1.2 Solubility in Water: Soluble .Reactivity in Water: None pH 5% solution = 11.8 Melting Poin= 32 (D~g F.) Appearance & Odor: Purple color liquid, mild odor SECTION IV FIRE & EXPLOSION DATA Flash Point: NA Me~hod Used: NA FI--~-able Limits in air % By volume L~L Lower UEL Up,er NA NA Au=o-Ianition Tempera=ute: NA Ex=in~uisher Media: Wa=er, Dry Chemical, Ca. bun Dioxide, Special Fire Fi&bring Procedures: None Unusual Fire-~ ~xplosion./~azar,~e: None SECTION V PHYSICAL HAZARDS (REACTIVITY DATA) Stability: Stable IX] Unstable [ ] oxidizin& ~sn=s Ha=ardous Decom~osition Products: NA Hazardous Polymerization: May occur [ ] Will NOT occur Conditions =o avoid: NA RIPP~ I ge SECTION VI HEALTH HAZARDS Acute: Eye Burns, skin ~edical ~n~=ione Gener~l~ ~o~en or Po=en=i~ ~o~ens: NONE ~S: Fl~h wt=h wa=er, c~l physici~ S~N: Fl~h with wt=e~, c~l physic~ if 1.I~ala=ion : NA 3.Sk~ : Undiluted u~ cause SE~ION VII ~ECIAL P~CA~IONS ~D SPI~K P~~S Keep conta~er closed when not in use Other precautions : NONE In case of spill : ~u= off le~,Flush ~ea with wa=er. ~ge spill should Be d~ed with e~th;=hen ~ ~o salvage Waste Dis~sal : Dispose of in accord~ce wi=h all Federal, State, ~d ~cal ~llu=ion control re~lations SE~IOH VIII SPECIAL PRO~ION INFO~TION Respirator2 ~ro=ec=ion: HA Ventilation : Use with adequate ventilation Protective Gloves : ~bber ETs Protection : Safe=7 glasses or goggles Other : Wate~oof Suit ~d ~ots ~y Be wo~ HTgienic Practices : Wash =horou~ly after h~dling SE~ION IX ~I~ RI~ TO ~OW LIST Water 7732-18-5 Sodi~ Me=asi!icate 8834-92-0 Sodl~ Tri~ly Phosphate 7758-29-4 Etho~la~ed Alcohol 684~9-45-2 Etho~la~ed Alcohol 9036-19-5 Etho~latsd Alcohol 52S23-95-5 NA= Nc= applicable NE = None established While the information and recommendations set forth herein are believed to be accurate as of the date hereof, T~ HOTLY CORPORATION, DETERGENT DIVISION, HAKES NO WARRANTY WITH P~ESPECT THERETO AND DISCLAIMS ALL LIABILITY FROM RELIANC/ T~ON. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET PRODUCT NA~E: ~ I P P · R. ~ I ~ION E 303-623-5716. ~I~ ~~: Spill, ~, F~, ~o~ or call ~C - 1-~00-4=4-9~00. Revisio= Da=e : Oc=ober 1, sodi~ h~d~xide solo=ion, sodi~ me=asilica=e) Class 8, ~1719, Health Ha=~ : Health [ 3 ] ~CT~CN i! ',{AZ~U.~ INGrafTS HAZARDOUS CAS NO. OS~ ACG!~ CO~ON~TS PEL TLV So~i~ Hy~xids ~ I~!O-7~-Z Z T~A 140 n~g 5-10~ Sodi,~ ~e~asi!i:a=e ~8~4-~2-0 NE NE 800 n~kg l-~ Te=ra~cdi,~ ~h~!~nedi~ne S~ ~d 40 C~ P~ 372 S~ION Iii P~SiC~ ~D ~!C~ Boi!hn~ Poinn > 212 (DES. F. ) S~cific Grav~t-t ~.!5 Va~r Pr~smur~ (~g) Z~ Vapor Denmi?~ (Air=~) So!ubili~'z in Wa=mn: Solu~!e ~ac=ivi~y in Wa~mr: pH 5~ sclu=ion = 12.75 Mel~in~ Poinn I0 (Dog F. ) SE~ION IV FI~ & ~SiON DATA Flash Pu~n=: None Me=hod Used: NA.---: ..... F!~Oi~ L!~ :~ ~ air ~ by vol=e ~ ~wer UEL Up~r NA NA Au=o-i~i=ion Temperance: NA ~=~isher ~edia: Wa=er, D~% ~emlca!,C~bon Diox!de,~o~. ~ECTION V PHYSICAL HAZARDS (~IVI~ DATA) Stabi~it~: Stable EX] Un.able C ] ~oua. Pol~eriza=icn: ~aF occ~ [ ]Wlil NOT occ~ Condi=ions 2o avoid: NA Si~ a S~Co~ of ~e: ~ A~A~ Medic~. Conditions. Generally A~avaCed bY ~s: ~ A~A~ ~o~en o= Potential ~~e~: NONE SKIN: ~ A~A~ 2.E~es : S~ 3. Skin : S~ A~A~ SE~ION VI! ~ECIAL ~P~CA~IONS ~D SPI~/~K PRO~S H~dling ~d s~ura~e: SCore in ~y ~ea,~ NOT Othe= ~=ecau=ions : NONE ~n case of spill : S=op !e~ if =his c~ be done ~u~z. Con=sin s~i!l, remove as ~s~ible. Neu==alize ~em~inin~ spill wi~h ~ilu=s acid, flush w~=h wa=~r. ~use Was~e DisDosa! : Dispose of in accomd~ce wish all Feder~l, Respira~or~ Protect!on: Use with adequate ven~ila~!on Ven~ila=ion : Use wi=h adequa=e OCher : ~en h~dling, we~ chemical splash goggles, fa=~ shield, ~hber gloves ~ ~ CAS. N~ Wa=er ~2- !8-5 Sod!~ H2~xide 1310-73-2 64-02-6 So,i= lylens Sulfonate ' laOO-T2-7 NA= No~ a~plicable ~ = None es~ablished HEAL. TH H A Z A H D D A T A ._ THRESHOLD LI~IT VALUE ~ mgJm~ (ceiling. 1Junit) EFF~ OF OVE~~: Extremely corrosive to all body =issue. Con=act will result in severe burns and frequentlF deep ulceration Eye contact will proabace severs and painful ir~ur~. Inhalation of mist wiI1 cause irritation and may even cause damage =o entire membranes to severe.pneumonitis. S~mptoms may not be 4---ediatsl~, painful or visible. ~E~GENCYFIP, T~AID IN CASE OF ~ ~NTA~: I~edia=elF flush eyes ~cludin~ =~e, no= less ch~ five (5) minutes. SPE~ IN ~SHING ES~TIAL. Flush longs= if =here is ~ indica=ion of IN CASE 0F SKiN ~A~: P=omp~!y remove con=~ina=sd wa=er: prolong wash~g in serious cases. See a physici~ ~edia~el7~ IN CASE 0F IN~ION: ~ NOT INDU~ VOMITING. dilu=e by ~ing wa=~r or milk, =hen neu=ralize wi=h v~eg~ or f~i= ~uice. See a physici~ IN CASE 0F I~TION: ~move from e~e of =is=. Ge~ medical ~i~.,ARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORy - ~1~ Page of BusinessNameForklift Specialties. Inc.Ack[r~s 5501-A A .... Ct., Bakersfield CA 9331 3 CIIEI~CAL DESCRZFFION I)INVENTORYSTATUS:N~v[:Z]Addition[ ]Re,in, un[ ]Ddefio~[ ] Ch~ckifchemicali-~aNONTrad~Secr~t[ ]Trad:S~cr:t[ ] 2) Common Nan~ 7'/f/9~3S mO / CS/o/~ /~4'/~ 3) DOT # (optional) 4) Physical & H~alth PHYSIC~ HEAL~ Hazard Categoms F~e [ ] Rea~ve [ ] Sudmm Re, ease of~ [ ] ~...,ai,,~ Health (Acute) [ ] ~ Health (Clmmi¢) [ ] 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3~igit ~ fi.m DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE ScUd [ ] Liquid ~ Gas [ ] Pur~ [ ] Mixnnz [ ] Was~ [ ] Radioactive [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Dai]y Amount ../6 Lbs[ ]Gal[p(.]fl3[ ] a)Canmi.en. Average Daily Amount ~ Cunts [ ] b) Pressu~: Annual Amount ¢) Temp~ramr~ Largest S~e Container ./fi # Days o~ Site 3bJ' Civic Whi~ Muntl~: AIl Y~, $, F, M, A, M, J, ~, A, S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURE: List COMPONENT CAS# % wr AHM chum/cai compone-m or 2) [ ] any AHM componen~ 3) [ ] 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ]Addition[ ]Revision[ ]Deletion[ ] Cheek if dumaieal is a NON Trade Sem~ [ ]TradeSec-~[ ] 2) Common Name: 3) DOT # (optional) Chemical Name: ARM [ ] CAS # 4) Physic. al & Health PHYSICAL HEALTH Haz~rdCat~ories Fire[ ]Reactive[ ]Sudd~Relea~of~[ ] lmm~IiamHealth(Aeute)[ ]DelayedHealth(Ctmmi¢)[ ] 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION . (3-digit coc~ fi~m DHS Form 80=) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE So~id[ ] Liquid[ ] Gas[ ] Pure[ ] Mixture[ ] Waste[ ] Radioactive[ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES · Maximum Daffy Amount Lbs [ ] Gal [ ] fi3 [ ] a) Containe~. Average Daily Amount Curies [ ] b) Pressure: Annual Amoum c) Te~np~amre Largest SL~e Co~,-i-,~ # Days on Sit~ Chv~e Which Months: AU Year. L F, M. A. M./. ~. A. S. O. N. D 9) MIXTURE: ' Lkst COMPONENT CAS# % WT AHM th~ thr~ mo~ hazardous 1) [ ] chemicm compon~ts or 2) [ ] any AHM compone~s 3) [ 10)LOCATION I c~xify under p~ty of ~w, that I have personally e~mined and am fi~mliar with the information on this ~d ~ ~ ~. I b~hcve thc submittal iuformatiun is tru~ accurat~ and complete. William G. McCluret Branch Manaq'er ~~, ~ ~~ 3/27 [2000 PRINT N-me & Title of Authorized Company. R~tative --- / SignatUre Date , ,.,..., ._......._ .,_ ._,, PEN I' DATA SHEET" ~IN~ZOIL~ROI~UCTS ~P.~~j~__ Address P.O. I~X L'~7 NFPA Hazard Identification ~___mT~., ~X 77'Z.~-Z~7 Degree of Hazard Hazard Ratings 0 - Least Health: L I - Slight Fire: ]. 2- Moderate 3 - High Emergency Tetept~one No. 180o I ~ Reactivity:. a 4- Extreme Trade Name ~L® AlT AUTG~T~: ~~ FI.UZD Synonyms ItYORA-FI.a OEXIa~ ~'r, OEXR~I ~ COMPONENT NAME HAZARDOUS PERCENTAGE COMPONENT CAS NUMBER IN BI.=NO kiln MAX EXPOSURE L/MIT UNrT~ 't'1~AOE gEC~E'~' NO < ?. ACGZ~ "~-v NO D,~$CL.,AZHER OF I,t,4RR,4NTY : · HE ~NFORMAI'~ON CON"I'AINED .~IEREJN I~ .RASED UPOI~ DATA AVAIi,..A~L,E TO ~, ~NO RE..F[.EC"J'~ OUR ~IE~I' Pf~OFE~ONAt JUDGEMENT. HOWEVER. NO WARRANTY OF ~ERCH,4N'I'ABILJTY, F~I'NE$~ FOR ANY USE. OR ANY OTHER I~ARRANTY JS E~CPRE$~F.D OR IMP(lED REGARDING THE ACCURACY OF SUCH OATA~ THE RE~[IL~'~ TO BE OBTAINED FROM THE ~E THEREOF OR THAT OF USE ~EYONO OUR CONTROL ~ND ~T/rTH ~HICH WE MAY ~E UNFAMI~AR. ~E ~0 NOT ~$UME AN~ .~N~iBIL]T~ FOR THE RESULT; OF ~UCH ~P~CATION. THIS INFORMATION I~ FURNISHED UPON THE CONDITION THAT 7HE PE~ON ~VING ~ 3HA~ MAKE HIS OWN D~ERMINAT~ON OF THE ~UITABI~TY OF THE MA~ERIA~ ;OR HIS PA~CU~R :Msos cpoe eeaea~. PRooUc~ ~.eaz~® ,T~ ,un~ z~mm=SZaN, n. uz, .AG; 2 oF e' SKIN INHA~A'~ON ~tS ~(DDU~' ~ A ~ VA~ ;RES~RE ~O ~S ~ ~PE~ TO PRES~ ~ I~~ ~D AT ~8Z;~ ~~S. ~ S~U~ aE TAKEN ~O P~ AEROSO~ OR ~I~ OF ~zs ~oou~. ~E P~NIs~ ~suRE ~M~ (P~h) ~O ~R~O~ ~X~ VAtUE (~v) FOR INGESTION OD ,MOT I~GE~T. THIS P~OOUCT, I~ ~E~ELY ~N-~YIC gY I~E~ON. ~IS ~OOU~ ~ MSDS COD, F~'.' ooeoe7 PRODUCT: i~2~L® ATF AUTaHAI'ZC ~aN" FtJ_~_~..: ' PAGE 3 OF- tt L~:~ ~' * SKIN CONTACT REONESS OR ~:RRL"TAT':ON OC~'LIR$. SEEK 14ED:I:P..AL. A'~'ENTZON. AREA ZN COtr~ WATER. ::F V'J:~'~:~q Z~ SA-VERELy iNHAI.~'I"ION ~su~E ,~T ~qsz~..',rr ~ NGE~"CiON . .. EXTINGUISHING MEDIA STABlUTY (THERMAL, s~Aa, ~ CONDITIONS TO LIGHT, ETC.) AVOID HAZARDOUS wzt, ~ oc~a. CONDITIONS TO ~E POLYMERIZATICN AVOID INCOMPATIBILITY MA'/'ERLAL.S TO AVOID HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS HANDLJNG ANC) oo ~ ~FER 1'O UN)lARKED CQNTAZNERS. ~RE TN C:L.QSEQ CQI'I'TAZNERS AWAY FROH HEAT, SPARKS,. STO[~C.~. OPEN ;L,~eE, OR OXZOZZ2~G ~A~:k~L.~. THZS PRODUCt' :s Nor CLASSZF~ AS ~Z. ARDOUS uNDER DOT RC--~UIREME~T~ 1910.10~--f=~;dm,~ASl,~. ANO ~U~a~ ~QUZDS. ~ZS ~RQDU~ ~S ~ A C~O~ BQILJNG POINT ~ OATA PERCENT VQLATILE MELT1NG POINT ~ ;ArA VAPOR DENSITY (AIR-- 1 APPEARANCE aa, OPAeUE EVAPORATION RATE (EE-1)' ND oA'rA ODOR Nz,- ~E ozt. o~xm SPE~IFIC GRAVITY .~, VAPOR PRESSURE ~,m O,~'rA MOLECULAR WEIGHT' SOLU BIL..rT'Y s~..ueu; :N MATERIAL SAFETY DATA 'SHEET PRODUCT NA~E~ ~-~ ~ A ~ E A L ~ P U R P 0 $ R' Ad~ss: 2~2~ 7~ Ave~e. South Phone N~ber: 712-362-7737 City, S~a=~ & Zip: Es~he~il!s, Iow~ 51334 ~03-623-5716. call ~~C - 1-800-424-9300. ~=side U.S. oall 202-483-7616 PerSon ~sponsible for Prsp~a=ion: ~ F. Fer~olz Revtsion'Da=e : October 1, 1996 Supersedes : September 15, 1994 D.O.T. ~ipping Class: Non-h~=do~, cle~g compo~d, class 55 Heal=h' H~ards : Health [ 3 ] 0 > 4 :Fl=--abiI'i=7 SE~ION II ~US ~US - CAS NO. OT~ A~IH 0~L ~50. P~ TLV ~hylene ~lycol * 25 Skin Skin 470 Etho~lated Alcohol Trade Secret NE NE NE - ~ec~ ~o rearing re~iremen~m of Section ~18 of 40 C~ Par= SE~ION !ii P~SIC~ ~D C~!CAL ~~ISTICS Boilin~ Poin~ N.A. Specifi~ Gravity i Va~r Pres~e N.A. Va~r Densit~ (A~=I) N.A. Solubility ~ Wa=er: Soluble Reactivity ~ Wa=er: Nons pH 5% solution = 12.7 Mel=~g Point: Ap~ce ~ Odor: ~i=e ~wder, sli~% ethereal odor S~ION iV FI~ a ~Si0N DATA Flash Point: N.A. . Me=hod Used: N.A. NA NA Au=oT~i=~q~ Tem~ra=~e: NA ~=in~isher Media: Wa=er, C~bon Dioxide, Unu~al Fir~ a ~pl~sion Hazes: None ' ' . of ~ECTION V PHYSIC~%L HAZARDS (~IVI~ DATA) .. Stabili=F: S~abl~ ~X] Uns=able [. ] Inc~a=ibili=~ (~a=erials =o avoid) : NA H~ous Pol~=iza=ion: ~F occ~ ~ ~ Will. N~' oc~ ~nditio~- =o avoid: NA ~ic: ~ A~A~ A~avated ~ ~~e: ~ A~A~ ~~ FI~ AID: S~ A~A~ 2.Eyes : S~ A~A~ ~. Skin : ~ A~A~ 4. Inge~ion : ~ A~A~ SE~ION VII S~ECI~ P~CA~IONS ~D S~I~/~K H~d!in~ ~d s=o=~e: S~o=e in cool, ~ ~ION Vii! SPECIAL PRO~ION INFO~TION Pro=et=lye Gloves : ~bber o= Hygienic Prac=ices : Wash =horou~ly after h~dlin~ ~ION iX ~I~ RI~T TO ~OW LIST ~emical N~e QAS. Sodt~ ~e=asilica:e 88~4-92-0 Etho~iated Alcohol Trade Sec=e= (~o~ a Haas) Ethylene Glycol Monobu=~! Ethe= 111-76-2 NA= No= applicable = None established ~ile ~he ~fo~a=Ion ~d reco~enda=ions se~ forth here~n ~0 ~D DIS~IMS A~ LI~ILI~ ~OM ~I~C~ ~0N. CHE~CA~ ~odi~m Me=aeil£ca~:e Pen~ah~ ~~ A~ P~OSE ' P~S~ 3 of. 3 ~: Ob~ec~ is =o fl~ ~=ariai our ~edia=elF ~hen seek ~dical ~iga=ion of all eye ~d lid. =isle.. Wash~g eyes ~ON ~A~Y! SKIN: ~ ~CA~ A~ON I~IA~Y. Fl~h ~ho~u~ly cool w~er ~der showe~ while remov~ con~a~ed shoes, ~!~ TO ~U~ ~IL ~IC~ A~ION non-~bbe= shoes. Wash clo=h!~ before IN~STION: N~ SI~ ~ING ~ ~ TO ~ ~N~CIOUS P~ON. if ~allowed, ~ NOT IN~ VOMITING. Give wa~er. (If available, give several &lasses of milk).' If vomi~ing burns if no= washed ~ediane!y. ~ CO~A~: C~ cause ~is~e des=~ac=ion if no~ =rea=ed i~edia=ely. INGESTION: Corrosive ~o ~cu~ memories of ~he mou=h, nhroa=, esopha~s ~d s~omach. A~: irri=a=ing ~d ~orrosivs =o eyes, skin, mucous membr~es of the respiratory =fac=, mou=h, =~oa=, esopha~s cause ~en: c~rnsa! C~ONIC: No ~o~ chronic effsc%s. ~XICO~ DATA: SOD Ib~ ~ASILICA~ Acute Oral: ~50 (ra~) = 800 m~g Sk~ Irri=a=ion (mabbit, 24 ~) : ~ 2]O_mg ..... ~=oduc= ~y be =onside=ed hi~ty a~aline. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET PRODUCT NAME: ~TE' G~NKRAL PURPOS~ LIQUID -- ~ SE~ION I H~ufac~ers N~e: ~e Ho~sy~=acion, ~e=~enC Division Address: 2~1 7th.Avenue ~u~h ~one N~=: Ci=y,. Scare & Zip: Es~he~ille, Iowa 51~4 ~R~IC~ ~~ : ~c~ ~o~t~ Poison ~nCrol ~nCe= call ~C: 1-800-424-9300. ~=side U.S. call Person Res~nsible for Prep~ion: ~ F. Fer~olz Su~rsedee : M~ch 1, D.O.T. ~ippin~ Class: Non-h~dous, clewing com~d, class Health ~d :Heal=h [2] Nons- ~=reme :Reac=iv/ty. [0] SE~ION II ~~US ING~IENT~ ~ZA~US CAS NO. O~ A~IH O~L ~0 CO~ON~TS P~. TLV Sodi~ Metasilicate ~834-92-0 NE NE 800 m~/k~ 7-13% Polyc~boxylic acid, sodi~ salt 68479-09-4 NE NE >5000 ~/k~ !-5~ SE~ION III P~SIGAL AND ~ICAL ..... Boiling Poin~ ~'"~12 (De~. F.) Specific Gravi%y 1.15 Va~r Pres~=~ (~) 2~ Vapo= Densi~ (Air=l) 1.2 Solubility in Wa=er: Soluble Reac=ivi=y in Water: None DM 5% solution = 12.0 Meltin~ Point ~ (De~ F.) Ap~arance R Cdc=: Straw colored liquid, sliah~ odor SE~ION IV FI~ a ~SION DATA Flash Poin=: > 200 (De~. F.) Me,hod Used: PMCC Fl~ble L~i=s in air % by vol~e ~ Lower ~L Up~r None None Au=o-I~ition Te~rature: None ~=in~isher Media: Wa=er, Dry ~emical,C~bon Dioxide,Fo~ S~cial Fire Fi~h=in~ Procedures: None Unu~al Fire & ~losion Haz~ds: None S~abili=y: Stable IX] Uns=able [ ] '~' Incompa=ibili=y (Ma=erials'~o avoid) : Strong' acids, oxldizi~ H~dous Decomposi=ion Products: NA Hazardous Pol~e=iza=lon: May occ~ [ ] Will NOT occur Conditions ~o avoid: NA TUB~ATE PURPOSE LIQUID Page 2 of SECTION VI HEALTH HAZARDS Acute: Kye burns, skin irritation Chronic: Eye burns and skin Signs & S:~Pt;om~ of F.,xpo~ure: Eye HedicaI. Conditions Generally A~avated by Exposure: NA Carcinogen o= Potential Carcinogens: NONE E~ERGEN~ FIRST AID: EYES: Flush with water, call physician immediately. SKIN:Flush with water, call physician if persists. IFfE~AL: Drink water, call a physician ~-~-ediately. ROUTES OF ENTRY : 1.Inhalation : NA 2.Eyes : Undiluted liquid can cause eye irritation or burns. 3.Skin : Undiluted liquid can cause skin irritation 4.Ingestion : Undiluted can cause stomach irritation SECTION VII SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS AND SPILL/LEAK PROCEDURES Handlin~ and storage: Store in a cool dr~ area. DO NOT Keep container closed when not in use Other precautions : NONE In case of spill : Shut off leak,Flush area with water. Large spill should be diked with earth;then pump to salvage tank Waste Disposal : ~Dispose of in accordance with all Federal, State, and Local pollution control re~ula=ions. SECTION VIII SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION Respiratory Pro'ceo=ion: NA Ventilation : Use with adequate ventilation Protective Gloves : Rubber or plastic Eye Protection : Safety Glasses o= Goggles Other : Waterproof Suit and Boots may be worn Hygienic Practices : Wash thoroughly after handling SECTION IX COMMUNITY RIGHT TO KNOW LIST ~ Name CAS. N__q Water 77~2-18-5 Sodium Me=asilicate 68~4-92-0 Polycarboxylic acid, sodium salt 68479-09-4 NA= Not applicable NE = None established While the information and recommendations set forth herein are believed to be accurate as of the date hereof,THE HOTLY CORPORATION, DETERGENT DIVISION, MAKES NO WARRANTY WITH RESPECT THERETO AND DISCLAIMS ~ LIABILITY FROM RELIANCE THEREON. This product contains trace levels ( < .00050% ) of Dicxane which '. the State of California has found to cause cancer, birth defects or other r~productlve harm. Page 2, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Forklift Specialties, Inc. 5501-A Aldrin Ct., Bakersfield, CA 93313 Quantity (max. on site) Material Location at Facility 10 Gallons Bleach East Wall of Shop 150 Gallons Breakthrough East Wall of Shop ~110 Gallons Carbochlor East Wall of Shop J80 Gallons Carbon-Ate East Wall of Shop v/~0 Gallons Carbon-Ate Plus East Wall of Shop v'/(5 Gallons Hotsy Gold East Wall of Shop 20 Gallons Hotsy 99 East Wall of Shop v/~ Gallons Miracle Whizz East Wall of Shop , v 40 Gallbns Propane S.E. Comer of Shop v/80 Gallons Ripper I East Wall of Shop ¢80 Gallons Ripper II East Wall of Shop _~55 Gallons Sodium Hydroxide East Wall of Shop ,/80 Gallons TML Floor Scrubber East Wall of Shop x/~00 Pounds Tubmate East Wall of Shop 5 Gallons Vapor Corrosion Inhibitor East Wall of Shop Hazardous Materials Inventory (4/00 Page1 r · HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 12qVENTORy FacilityName: Forklift Specialties, Inc. Address: 5501-A Aldrin Ct., Bakersfield, CA 93313 As a handler of Hazardous Materials State law requires that this facility submit an inventory of materials to the local health and fire departments. Listed below are materials and wastes typically handled by automotive repair shops. The materials handled at this facility are indicated by the estimated maximum amounts and their locations at the facility. Quantity (max. on site) Material Location at Faeili~ v/~10 Gallons New Motor Oil Shop South Wall - East 1 ~'C~ons Transmission Fluid Shop South Wall - East -0- Gallons Petroleum Solvent N/A (Parts Cleaner) 12 Gallons New Radiator Fluid Shop South Wall - East ~ff- 120 Pounds Grease Shop South Wall - East tO.4 ¢ ~ ~ 10 Batteri~es New Auto Batteries Parts Next to Counter -~-~ 1 Cylinders Welding Oxygen ~ i Shop West Wall by Door ~ 1 Cylinders Acetylene ~-~ ~ ~ Shop West Wall by Door -0- Cylinders Argon N/A -0- Cylinders Other Compressed Gases N/A -~ 110 Gallons Waste Oil Shop South Wall - East ._~ 55 Gallons Waste Radiator Fluid Shop South Wall -0- Gallons Hot Tank Sludge N/A -0- Batteries Waste Auto Batteries N/A Hazardous Materials Inventory (4/00) Busine~sName Forklift Specialties, Inc.AzkL~ 5501 -A Aldrin- Ct., Bakersfield CA 9331 3 CKENflCAL DESCIUl~ON I)~ORYSTA~S:N~~[ ]~[ ]~[ ] ~ff~maNONT~~[ ]T~~[ 2) C~m~ N~m ~~~D ~/~ ' 3) ~T# (~) z ' 4 ) Ph~ & H~ ~~ ~ ~~m F~[ ]R~ve[ ]S~Rd~of~[ ] ~~(A~)[~~~(C~c)[ s) w~ C~~ON (3~t ~ ~ D~ F~ aon) use CODE 6)~C~STA~ ~U[ ] ~U[~ ~[ ] ~[ ] ~[ ] W~[ ] ~~[ ~ ~O~ ~ ~ AT FAC~ ~ OF ~~ 8) STOOGE COD~ Av~ ~y ~t /~D C~[ ] b)~: g Da~ ~ Si~ ~ C~: ~ M~: ~ Y~, 3, F, ~ ~ ~ ~, 3, ~ S, O, N, D 9) ~: ~ CO~~ C~g % ~ ~0,~A~ON ~j ~ ~MX ~, 1)~ORYSTA~:N~[ ]A~on[ ]R~m~[ ]~l:~on[ ] Ch~~aNONT~S~[ ]T~~[ 2) Comm~ N~: . , 3) ~T ~ (op~o~) Ch~N~: ~[ ] C~ 4 ) Ph~ a H~m P~SIC~ ~ ~Ca~ F~[ ]R~ve[ ]S~Rm~of~[ ] x~i-,-H~m(A~)[ ]~H~m(C~)[ 5) W~ C~S~CA~ON ........... (3~t ~ ~ D~ F~ 8~) ~E CODE 6)~IC~STA~ SoSd[ ] Liqmd[ ] ~[ ] ~[ ] ~[ ] W~[ ] ~~[ 7) ~O~ ~ ~ AT FAC~ ~ OF ~~ 8) STOOGE COD~ . ~~D~y~o~t L~[ ]~[ ]~[ ] a) C~ A~e ~y ~ C~m [ ] b) ~: ~ S~ C~ ~ D~ ~ Sim C~'~ M~: ~ Y~, J, F, ~ ~ ~ L ~, ~ S, O, N, D 9) ~:" L~ CO~~ ~ % ~ ~ ~ m~ ~~ 1) [ ~~~ 2) ['] ~y~~ 3) [ William G. McClure, Branch Manaq'er ~/~~~~ 3/27/2000 BusmessName ForK,lift SPecialties, Inc.Address 5,501 -A Aldrin. Ct., Bakersfield CA 9331 3 CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION I)INVENTORYSTATUS:N~w~Addition[ ]l~vision[ ]D~lefion[ ] Che:kifch~mcali-saNONTradeS~re~[ ]TradeSecrei[ ] 4) Phy~cm &Hemm PHYSI~ HEALTH Haza~Ca~gohes Fke[ ]Rea~ive[ ]Sudden~of~[ ] Imm~fia~Healm(A~e)[ ]De~yedHealm(Chnmi¢)[ 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION , , (3-digit c, od~ from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 6) ?HYSICAL S'rATE Solid [ ] Liquid [>q Cas [ ] Pur~ [ ]lViixture [ ] Waste [ ] ~-4ioa, mve [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY ~ OF MEASURE $) STORAGE CODES Maximum Daily Amount F'~ Lbs [ ] Gal [ ] fl3 [ ] Average Daily Amount Z/D Curies [ ] b) Pressure: Annual Amount c) T~rature Largest Size Container # Days on Site ~_~&~" Circle Which Months: All Year, ~, F, lVl, A, M, ~, 7, A, S, O, lq, D 9) MIXTURE: List COMPONENT CAS# % WT AHM 10)LOCA/ION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ]Addition[ ]Revision[ ]Deletion[ ] Ch~ck if cimmi~al is a NON Trade Secret [ ]TvadeSecret[ ] 2) Common Name: 3) DOT # (opUonal) Chemical Name: AIiM [ ] CAS # 4) Phy~c~ & He~th PHYSICAL HEALTH I4-~-rdCaL-~ories Fire[ ]Rea~ive[ ]SuddenReleaseofPr~sure[ ] tmmedm~H~m(Acu~)[ ]DemyedHemm(Chnmic)[ ] 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3,tigit coc~ f~om DHS F~m 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Sohd[ ] Liquid[ ] Ga~[ ] Pur~[ ] Mixm~[ ] Was~[ ] Radion~ive[ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TiME AT FACH/rY UNIT~ OF MEAS~ 8) STORAGE CODES · Maximum Daffy Amount Lbs [ ] C~ [ ] fi3 [ ] a) Conmin~ Average Daffy Amount Curies [ ] b) Pressure: Annu~ Amomu c) TemIzram~ Largest S~ze Container # Days on Site Circle Which Month~. AII Year, ~, F, Ivl, A~ M,/, l, A, S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURE:" Li~ '" COMPONENT CAS# % WT AHM the mr~ mos~ m,zardous 1) [ ] ~:micai ~x.~m~s or ~) [ ] any AHNt ~x,m~on~txts ~) [ ] lO)LOCATION PRI2Cr Name & Title of Authorized Company' Representative /' ~ '// ~ignature Date . -:. ~ZARDOUS MATERIALS INVEN~RY Page of Busm~sName Forklift Specialties, Inc.Add~ss 5501-A Aldrin Ct., 'Bakersfield CA 9331 3 CHEMICAL BESCI~IFrION I)INVENTORYSTATUS:N~w[ ]Addition[ ]R~vi~on[ ]Del~ion[ ] Cl~ifda~nioalisaNONTrad~Seor~[ ]Trad~[ ] HazardCat~ori~ F~[ ]Ikamive[ ']S.4a-.~of~[ ] Imm,~ia~H~tm(A~)[ ]Delay~tH~lth(Chroni¢)[ ].. 5) wASTE CLASS~CATION (3-ai~it ood~ fr~ DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Liquid [)z.J .Cras [ ] Pure [ ] Mixtm~ [ ] W..V~ [ ] Radioa~ive [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILrrY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Daily Amon-t Arm-age Daily Amount Annual Amount ¢) # Days on Site ~7 &.~ ~ Cimle Which 1Vwnths: All ye,r. j. F. M. A. M. J. J. A. S. O. N. D 9) NffX'IIIRE: List COMPONEKr CAS# % WT AHM 10)LOCATION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ]Addition[ ]Revision[ ]Deletion[ ] Check if chemical is a NON Trade Sec~-t [ ]TradeSecret[ 2) Common Name: 3) DOT # (optiollal) Chemical Name: AHM [ ] CAs 4) Phrasal & Health PHYSICAL HEALTH HazardCo~ohes Fire[ ]Reaaive[ ]Su4d~nReleaseofPresm~[ ] lr. mediate Health (Acute) [ ]DelayedHealth(Chroni¢)[ ] 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-dis/t code fiaan DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solidi ] Liquid[ ] Gas[ ] Puli ] Mixtm~[ ] Waste[ ] Radioa~i.e[ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACII_rrY UNITS OF MEAS~ 8) STORAGE CODES .Maxim,~DailyAmount LI~[ ]Gall ]ft3[ ] a)Contain~. Average Daily Amount Curie~ [ ] b) Annual Amount ¢) Temperature Larger Size Conta/n~r # Days on Site Cirde-Whida Monttm: Ail Year, J, F, M, A. M, J', J, A. S, O, N. D 9) MIXTURE:" Li~t COMPONEKr CAS# % w'r AHM m~ tm~ mo~ ~ ~) [ ] ch=~i~ ~ or 2) [' ] onyAHM ~ 3) [ 1. 10)LOCATION I certify under penalty of law. that I have ~y examin~ ~a am familiar with tl~ information on tim and all ~ domm=m& I believe thc sutnnim~l infonn~on is u-ut, eccurate end ~anple~. PRINT Nam~ & Title of Authorized Compeny ~mfive Page, Of B,t~m~sName Forklift Specialties. Inco~ 5501 -A Aldrin Ct., Bakersfield CA 9331 3 CH~bIICAL DESCRIFI~ON I)~ORYSTA~:N~]A~[ ]~[ ]~[ ] C~ff~~aNONT~~[ ]T~~[ ] C~N~: ~~D~~., ~[ ] C~ ~~~ F~[ ]R~ve[ ]S~R~of~[ ] ~~(~)[ ]~~(C~c)[ 5) W~ C~~ON (3~t ~ ~ D~ F~ 80~) ~E CODE 6) P~SXC~STA~ SoU~[ ] Liqmd[~] ~[ ] ~[ ] ~[ ] W~[ ] ~~[ ] 7) ~O~ ~ ~ AT FAC~ ~ OF ~~ 8) STOOGE COD~ I0~A~ON ~ S~ C~ 9) ~:" L~ CO~~ ~ % ~ 10)L~A~ON ........... ~am G. ~cC~urer Branch ~anag~r ~~~ 3/27/2000 .... FOUS MATERIALS iNVEN~RY Page of .. Busmc~Name Forklift $oecialt~es, Inc.Addr~ 5501-A lldrin Ct., Bakersfield CA 9331 3 CHEMICAL DESCRIFTION I)INVENTORYSTATUS:New( ]Addition[ ]R~vision[ ]De.l~ion{ ] Ch~ckil'chcmicalisaNONTrad~Sccrct[ ]TradcSccr~[ ] 2) C-m,'non Name: /-~0 7-5 "/ ~' 0/-./.~ 3) DOT.# (optional) 4) Physical & Health PHYSICAL HEALTH F-~-,,-dCategories Fire[ ]Rea~ive[ ']SuddmRe. l~aseo£Pressure[ ] rn,~,--ti,---Health(Acute)[ ]DelayedHealth(Chumic)[ ]- 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION, , (3..digit ~ from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Liquid [.,v.]. Gas [ ] Pure'[ ] ~ [ ] Waste [ ] Radioactive [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY UN1TS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximmn Daily Amount ~zo LI~[ ]C-aI[X]R3[ ] a)Contain~.. /~ ~/._ Average Daily Amount / o Curi~ [ ] b) Pressure: Annual Amount , c) Tcmpo-atu~ ~z~ o ~1 # Days on Sit~ ~ ~.3~ Cizr, le Which Months: All Year, $, F, M, A, Ivl, $, $, A, S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURE: List COMPO~ CA,Si % WI' AHIVl the thr~ mos~ b-?-nious 1) /17 ~)/U,~ /<'/d 0 W ~ [ ] chemical components or 2) [ ] my AHM comtxmcms 3) [ ] 10)LOCATION 2) Common Name: 3) DOT # (optional) Ch~m~ N-m~: AHM [ ] CAS # 4) Phy~c~ a Hc~lth PHYSICAL HEALTH F,,,-~tCat~onc~ Fi~[ ]Rca~dv~[ ]$ud&m~of~[ ] lmm~dialeH~alth(Acute)[ ]DelaycdHcalth(Ctm~c)[ 5) WASTE CLASSIacATION . . O-4i~it ~ from DHS Fora 80~) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Liquid [ ] Gas [ ] Pu~ [ ] Mixt~ [ ] Wa.~ [ ] ~a~-ti~ [ ] ?) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES · Mammum Daily Amount Lb~ [ ] Gal [ ] ft3 [ ] a) Contamcn. A~m'ag¢ Daily Amount Cu~i~ [ ] b) ~: Amual Amonm c) Temp(mm~ Larger Siz~ Containc~ # Days on Site Cimlc'Which Montl,-,: All Y~m'. J. F. M. A. M. I. J. A. S. O. N. D 9) MIXTURE: ' List COMPONENT CAS# % wr AHM thc ttu-~ most hazazdo~ 1) [ ] any AHM components 3) [ ] 10)LOC^T~ON -' ! ~ under pe~lty of law, that I have per~m~ly examm~ ami am familiar with th~ informa~on on this and all amml~ ~ Imhcve thc sutnnitted information is m~, a~curam ami complcw.. ~ill±am G. M¢Clure~ Branch Manaq'er 3/27/2000 PRINT Name & Title of Authorized Company' R~tative Signature Date Bu~iocasNamc~.orkl.ift Specialties, Inc.AdcL~ss 5501-A Aldrin Ct:, Bakersfield CA 9331 3 CHEMICAL DESCRIFIION I)~;ENTORYSTA/~S:N~w~Ad~on[ ]Revlon[ ]D~o~[ ] C~~~aNONT~~[ ]T~~[ ] 5) W~ C~~ON (3~t ~ ~um D~ F~ 80~} USE CODE 7) ~O~ ~ ~ AT FAC~ ~ OF ~~ 8) STOOGE COD~ ]) ~ORY STA~S: New [ ] A~O~ [ ] Re~ [ ] ~Ic~ [ ] CS~k ff ~ b a NON T~ ~ [ ] T~ ~ [ ] 2) Co~ N~e: 3) ~T ~ (~O~) , ChrONic: ~[ ] C~ s) w~ c~s~cxuoN , . (3~t ~ ~ Dm ~ ~:) ~E CODS 6)~SIC~STA~ ~d[ ] Liq~d[ ] ~[ ] ~[ ] ~[ ] W~[ ] ~ve[ ] 7) ~O~ ~ ~ AT FAC~ ~ OF ~~ 8) STOOGE COD~ · ~~D~y~o~t L~[ ]~[ ]~[ ] a) Av~e D~y ~t C~ [ ] b) ~: ~ ~o~ c) T~ ~ S~ C~ m~m~~ 1) [ ] IO)L~A~ON ~illiam G. ~eClur~t Branch ~ana~r ~~ 3/27[2000 5 01 Page BuamcssNamcForklift SPeCialties, Inc.Add/css.5 . -A Aldrin Ct.., Bakersfield I CA 9331 3 CHEMICAL DESCR1FrlO~ I)]IN'VENTORYSTATUS:N~Addition[ ]Revimon[ ]~[ ] C~~~aNONT~~[ ]T~~[ c~N~:~ML~/~ ~&-2~//~/~ ~ ~/L~[ ] c~ 5) W~ C~~O~ (3~t ~ ~ D~ F~ 80~) ~E CODE 7) ~O~ ~ ~ AT FAC~ ~ OF ~~ g) STOOGE CODES Av~e D~y ~o~ ~- ~[] b) ~: ~ ~o~t c) T~ ~ S~ C~ //~ 9) ~: L~ CO~~ C~ % ~ ~ ~~ or 2) my ~ ~~ 3) 10~A~ON 1)~ORYSTA~S:N~[ ]A~fi~[ ]R~[ ]~lcfi~[ ] ~ffch~aNONT~S~[ ]T~~[ 2) Comm~ N~c: 3) ~T ~ (opfi~) ChrONic: ~[ ] C~g 4) ~ & H~ P~SIC~ P~-~~ F~[ ]R~ve[ ]S~R~of~[ ~~H~m(A~)[ ]~~m(~c)[ ~) W~ C~S~C~UO~ (~t ~ D~ F~ S0=) USE CODE ~ ~O~ ~ ~ AT FAC~ ~ OF ~~ S) STOOGE COD~ -~~D~?~o~t L~[ ]~[ ]~ ] a) C~ Av~e D~y ~ C~ [ ] b) ~: ~ ~ c) T~~ ~ S~ C~'"~"~ 9) ~:'* L~~ ' CO~~ C~ % ~ ~ ~~ ~ 2) ~~ 3) . 10)L~A~ON ~heve ~e ~~ ~~ is ~, ~ ~ ~l~ Busm~ssName Forklift Specialties, Inc.Add~ 5501-A Aldrin Ct., Bakersfield I CA 9331 3 CHEMICAL DI~SCRIFI/ON I)INVENTORYSTATUS:Ncw[><]Addi~io~[ ]Revim~[ ]Dcl~i~m[ ] 2b~kifchemi~,di~aNONTrad~Se~[ ]TradeSem~[ ] 5) W~ C~~ON (3~t ~ ~ D~ F~ ~0~) USE CODE 6)~S~C~STA~ So~a[ ] ~a[ ] ~ ~[ ] ~[ ] W~[ ] ~v~[ ] 7) ~O~ ~ ~ AT FAC~ ~ OF ~~ g) STOOGE COD~ 10~A~ON 2) Comm~ N~e: 3) ~T ~ ~C~ F~[ ]R~w[ ]S~R~of~[ lm~m,-H~(A~)[ ]~~(~c)[ ] ~) w~ C~S~CA~ON ,, (3~t ~ ~ D~ $~ ~0~) USE CODE 6) P~SIC~STA~ ~d[ ] Liq~d[ ] ~[ ] ~[ ] ~[ ] W~[ ] ~~[ ] 7) ~O~ ~ ~ AT FAC~ ~ OF ~~ 8) STOOGE COD~ . ~~ D~y ~o~t L~ [ ] ~ [ ] ~ [ ] a) Con~ ~ ~o~ c) T~n~ ~y~~ 3) [ ] IO)L~A~ON William G. McClure~ Branch Manaq'er ~/~.~/~ .3/27/2000 Pag~ of' Bu~messName Forklift Specialties, IncoAcktmss 5~ 01-A Aldrin Ct., Bakersfield I CA 9331 3 ~MICAL DESCRIFFION I)]IVVENTORYSTA~S:N~Aaaition[ ]l~v~sio~[ ]D~ti--[ ] Cha~kifch~micalisaNONTrad~S~x~[ ]Trad~[ 2) co o,, Nam,: , 3) DOT.# Chemical Nam,: ,,~/~F,/~ ~ AHM [ ] CAS # ~CAL" 4) Phy~iml & He~th HEALTH 5) W~ C~CA~ON (3~t ~ a~ D~ F~ 80~) ~E CODE 6) P~S~C~STA~ So~U[ ] nqmd~ ~[ ] ~[ ] ~[ ] W~[ ] ~v~[ 7) ~O~ ~ ~ AT FAC~ ~ OF ~~ 8) STOOGE COD~ Av~e D~y ~o~t ~D C~ [ ] b) ~: ~ S~ C~ 10 ~A~ON 1)~ORYSTA~S:N~[ ]A~[ ]R~[ ]~I:~on[ ] C~~isaNONT~~[ ]T~~[ 2) CommoB N~:: 3) ~T ~ (op~) ~ ~m~ F~ [ ] R~ve [ ] S~ Rfl~ of~ [ ~ H~m (A~) [ ] ~ ~m (C~c) 5)W~ C~S~CA~ON (3~t ~ ~ D~ F~ 80~) ~E CODE 6)P~IC~STA~ So54[ ] Liqmd[ ] ~[ ] ~[ ] ~[ ] W~[ ] ~ve[ 7) ~O~ ~ ~ AT FAC~ ~ OF ~~ g) STOOGE COD~ - ~~D~y~o~t L~[ ]~[ ]~ ] a) C~min~ A~e ~y ~o~ C~ [ b) ~: ~ S~ C~ ~ ~m ~ 2) [ 10~A~ON William G. McClure, Branch Manager ~/~~/~ 3/27/2000 P~ N~ a Ti~ of Au~o~ Comfy ~~ve . D~ Page of' Busin~NamcForklift SDecialtieso Inc.Ack~r~ 5501-A Aldrin Ct., Bakersfield CA 9331 3 CHE~CAL BESCRIFrION I)INVENTORYSTATUS:N~,DqA4dition[ ]R~vimon[ ]D~l~ti~a~[ ] Ch~kifch~mi~maNONTmd~Se~-~t[ ]Tmd~S~t[ ] 4) Ph~ a ~ ~C~ ~~m~ F~[ ]R~ve[ ]S~~of~[ ] ~~~m(A~)~]~~m(c~c)[ ] 5) w~ C~S~ON (3~t ~ ~ D~ F~ 80n) USE CODE 6) P~IC~STA~ ~d[ ] Liqmd[~ ~[ ] ~[ ] ~[ ] W~[ ] ~~[ ] 7) ~O~ ~ ~ AT FAC~ ~ OF ~~ 8) STOOGE CODES ~~D~y~omt ~ L~[ ]~[~[ ] a)C~ ~ ~umt c) T~ ~ S~ C~ 9) ~: ~ CO~~ C~t I)~ORYSTA~S:N~[ ]A~fi~[ ]Rehm~[ ]~le~[ ] Ch~~~aNONT~~[ ]T~~[ ] 2) Co~ N~e: 3) ~T g (op~) Ch~ N~e: 4) ~ & H~ P~SIC~ ~G~ F~[ ]R~ve[ ]S~R~of~[ ] ~~H~(A~)[ ]~~(~c)[ ] ~) w~ C~S~CA~ON (3~t ~ ~ Dm F~ S0~) ~E CODE 6) P~SIC~STA~ ~d[ ] Liqmd[ ] ~[ ] ~[ ] ~[ ] W~[ ] ~ve[ ] ~ ~O~ ~ ~ AT FAC~ ~ OF ~~ 8) STOOGE COD~ -~~D~y~omt L~[ ]~[ ]~[ ] a) C~ Av~e D~y ~omt ~ ~ c) T~ ~ S~ C~ a Da~ ~ Sim C~e ~ M~: ~ Y~, A F, ~ & ~ ~, J, & S, O, N, D 9) ~: L~ CO~~ C~ % me ~ m~ ~ I) [ ] ~ ~~ ~ 2) [" ] 10)L~A~ON William G. McClure, Branch Manaqer 3/27/2000 P~ N~e ~ Ti~e of Au~o~ Comfy ~~ve ~---- Si~ D~ ~ ~ I~R. DO US MA TERIALS INVEN~RY Page of Bu.~nessName Forklift Specialties, Inc.Addre~ 5501-A Aldrin Ct., Bakersfield CA 9331 3 ~C~ DES~ON 1)~ORYSTA~S:N~A~fi~[ ]~[ ]~[ ] C~~~aNONT~~[ ]T~~[ ] 5) W~ C~S~CA~ON (3~t ~ ~ D~ F~ g0n) ~E CODE 6) P~SIC~STA~ SoSd[ ]' Liqmd[ ] ~[ ] ~[ ] ~~ W~[ ] ~~e[ ] 7) ~O~ ~ ~ AT FAC~ ~ OF ~~ 8) STOOGE COD~ ~~D~y~t ~0~ L~]~[ ]~[ ] a)C~ Av~e D~y ~o~t / o o C~ [ ] b) ~ ~ s~ c~ 1)~ORYSTA~:N~[ ]A~fi~[ ]R~[ ]~lefi~[ ] C~ich~aNONT~~[ ]T~~[ ] Ch~N~e: ~[ ] C~ ~ C~ F~ [ ] R~ve [ ] S,,4~ ~ of~ [ ] Imm~i.,, H~ (A~) [ ] ~ ~ (C~c) [ ] s) w~ C~S~CAUON (~t ~ ~ Dm F~ S0n) USE CODE 6) P~S~C~SrA~ SoUa[ ] Liqm4[ ] ~[ ] ~[ ] ~[ ] W~[ ] ~~[ ] 7) ~O~ ~ ~ AT FAC~ ~ OF ~~ 8) STOOGE COD~ - ~~D~y~ .. L~[ ]~[ ]~[ ] a) C~ Av~e D~y ~t Cm~ [ ] b) ~: 10~A~ON William G. McClure, Branch Manager ~/~ ~/~~ 3/27/2000 P~ N~e ~ T/fie of Au~ Comfy R~~ve / .... ~' Si~ D~ .. .~.. '. I~[~EARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORy Page Of Bu~m~ Name Forklift Specialties, Ins ,Address 5501 -A Ct. , Bakersfield CA 9331 3 ~~ DES~ON I)~ORYSTA~S:N~[ ]A~[ ]~m~[ ]~[ ] C~~uaNONT~~[ ]T~~[ ] ~~~ F~[ ]R~e[ ]S~R~of~[ ] ~~~(A~)[ ]~y~(C~c)[ ] ~) w~ C~~ON (3~t ~ ~ D~ F~ aon) use COD~ 7) ~O~ ~ ~ AT FAC~ ~ OF ~~ 8) STOOGE COD~ Av~e D~y ~t ~ ~ [ ] b) ~: 10~A~ON 1)~ORYSTA~:N~[ ]A~fi~[ ]Rehm~[ ]~lefi~[ ] C~kff~isaNONT~~[ ]T~~[ ] 2) C~ N~e: 3) ~T ~ (op~) ' Ch~N~e: ~[ ] C~g F--~ C~= F~ [ ] R~ve [ ] S~ Rm~ of~ [ ] ~~ H~m (A~) [ ] ~ H~m (C~c) [ ] 5) W~ C~S~CA~ON (3~Nt ~ flora D~ F~ 10~) USE CODE 6) P~S~C~STA~ SoSa[ ] Liana[ ] ~[ ] ~[ ] ~[ ] W~[ ] ~ve[ ] 7) ~O~ ~ ~ AT FAC~ ~ OF ~~ 8) STOOGE COD~ - ~~ D~y ~omt L~ [ ] ~ [ ] ~ [ ] a) C~ Av~e D~y ~mt Cm~ [ ] b) ~: ~ S~ C~ m~~~ ~) [ ] ch~ ~~ ~ 2) [ · ] 10~A~ON-" William G. McClure~ Branch Manaq'er 3/27/2000 P~ N~e ~ Title of Au~o~ Comfy R~mfive Si~ D~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (805) 326-3979 .... n~ST~UCT~ONS: \'~" X~ 1. To avoid ~er a~o~ r~ t~s fora ~ 30 days ofr~eipt. 2. T~~ ~S~ ~ ~GLISH. 3. ~er ~e qu~o~ below for ~e bus~s ~ a whole. 4. Be ~ bfi~d ~n~ ~ possible. SEC~ON 1' BUS--SS ~~CA~ON DATA susnvEss NAME: ~, ~'.~. LOCATION: ~n.~G ~D~SS: CITY: .~f/~e/~, , ~ - _ STA~: ~ ~: ~y/~ PHO~: ~.Y l -~ al ~ D~ & B~S~T / SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION CONTACT TITLE BUS. PHONE 24 HR. PHONE ltP-ZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN mJMBER OF EMPLOYEES: ~ MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON Ffl.~: /Ve .¢ BPoe' SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: SECTION 4: EXEMPTION REOUEST I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY' THAT MY BUSINESS IS EJ~-MPT FROM THE REPORTING REQ~S OF CHAPTER 6.95 OF ~ "CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE" FOR TI-IE FOIJ.OWlNG REASONS: WE DO NOT HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. WE DO HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, BUT THE QUANTITIES AT NO TIME EXCEED TI-IE ~ REPORTING QUANTITIES. OTHER (SPECIFY REASON) S. ECTION 5: CERTIHCATION I, ~t/,//~ ~ _/,~ ~ <S/~¢e' ~ CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS ACCURATE. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE" ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (DIV. 20 CHAPTER 6.95 SEC. 25500 ET AL.) AND THAT INACCIJRATE INFORMATION CONSTITUTES PERIUR.Y. / - ~sIGNA~" ' TITL~ ' DATE 2 Hazardous Material Handling Policy Business Name: Forklift Specialties, Inc. · Address: 5501-A Aldrin Ct., Bakersfield, CA 93313 Section. 1: Storage and Handling of Hazardous Materials 1.1 Hazardous ·material shall be stored in their original container. The container shall be labeled with the contents clearly identified. If materials are transferred into other containers the receiving container must be labeled. 1.2 Hazardous materials shall be handled in such a manner as to minimize the amount on site at any one time. 1.3 Hazardous materials shall be stored so as to prevent damage to the containers from vehicle traffic, equipment, etc. 1.4 Compressed (welding) gases shall be stored in an upright position and be secured to a wall or other structure while not in use. The shipping bonnet should remain in place until ready for use. Empty cylinders shall be separated from full cylinders. An "EMPTY" sign shall be posted to designate the storage area for empty cylinders. 1.5 Current copies of the Material Safety Data Sheets are maintained on-site and available for reference by employees and for use during an emergency. Section 2: Storage and Handling of Hazardous Wastes Waste Oil: Waste oils and other lubricating fluids are stored in no more than two (2) 55 gallon drums or others or other appropriate covered container(s). Each container is labeled with a weatherproof label containing the following information: "HAZARDOUS WASTE" "WASTE OIL" Generator's Name (Business Name) Generator's Address Generator's Telephone Number Beginning Date of Accumulation Waste oil is accumulated no longer than 120 days* and is stored in a covered area or is stored to prevent rainwater from entering the container and spreading the oil. Waste oil is picked up and recycled by a properly licensed hazardous waste company. *If less than 27 gallons (1/2 of a 55 gallon dram) is generated in a calendar month, the 120-day time period starts once 27 gallons has accumulated. Hazardous Material Handling Policy (3/00) (1) of 4 Oil Filters: Oil filters are drained of all free flowing oil (typically for 24 hours) then placed into a rainproof container. The container shall be labeled "DRAINED USED OIL FILTERS". Up to one ton of used oil filters may be accumulated on site for no more than one year prior to recycling. Used filters are collected for recycling by a qualified recycler. Antifreeze/Coolant: Waste radiator fluid shall be placed in the appropriate covered container for recycling. The container shall be labeled "WASTE ANTIFREEZE/COOLANT" with the same information noted above for waste oil labeling. Batteries: Stored spent lead-acid batteries are protected so that short circuits are prevented and battery acid does not leak. Spent batteries are stored in one designated location for no longer than one year if less than one ton, or 180 days if more than one ton. Spent batteries are collected and transported by a qualified recycler. Intact spent batteries and properly contained damaged batteries are marked with either the date the battery was taken out of service or the date it was received for transport/storage. The date shall be written in a weather-resistant material such as ink or paint and be legible and conspicuous. Empty Containers: The moment a container is emptied the date shall be marked on the container with a weatherproof marking. Containers previously used to store hazardous materials shall be properly recycled or disposed of within one year of being emptied. Containers of five (5) gallon capacity or smaller may be crushed and disposed of as solid waste. Containers larger than five (5) gallon capacity shall be recycled or reconditioned. Record Keeping: All records pertaining to the disposal and/or recycling of hazardous wastes shall be maintained (available on site) for at least three (3) years. Section 3: Prevention of Discharges to the Storm Water System and Sewer System 3.1 All discharges of anything other than clean water to the street gutters, parking lot or sidewalks are prohibited. Small spills or leaks, which may reach storm or sewer water inlets, shall be addressed, as detailed below. Hazardous Materials Handling Policy (3/00) (2) of 4 3.2 Cleaning and degreasing of engines or related parts shall only be done in areas where run off can be properly treated and legally discharged. 3.3 Floor or shop drains shall not be used for disposal of hazardous materials or wastes. 3.4 Oil water separators shall be managed in accordance with procedures established by the local wastewater treatment facility. Section 4: Spills and Leaks 4.1 Notification: In the event of a hazardous material release, or a threatened release, immediately notify the appropriate authorities. This is to be done as soon as possible without delaying the immediate emergency medical procedures. Make the following notifications: 1. 911 - Police, fire, and medical 2. 326-3979 - Bakersfield Fire Department Environmental Service 3. 862-8700 - Kern County Environmental Health System. 4. 1-800-852-7550- California Office of Emergency Services (OES). Notification shall include the following information: a. Exact location of release or threatened release. b. Name of person reporting and call back telephone number. c. Hazardous material(s) involved. d. Estimated quantity of the hazardous material(s). e. Potential hazards presented by the hazardous material(s). Immediate reporting IS NOT required if there is a reasonable belief that the release poses no significant presence of potential hazard to human health and safety, property, or the environment. Be extremely cautious about reaching this conclusion in the absence of consultation with the proper authorities. If you need assistance in evaluating the significance of a release, you may contact a member of the Bakersfield Fire Department Hazardous Materials at (326-3939) during regular office hours, or (324-4542) after office hours. Hazardous Materials Handling Policy (3/00) (3) of 4 4.2 Emergency Actions: In the event 'ofa large spill the following actions shall be taken: 1) Turn power off at electrical panel, if it is safe to do so. 2) Evacuate employees and customers to the staging area indicated on the facility map. 3) Identify location of storm drain and block it with designated equipment. 4) Cleanup the contaminated absorbent and place it in the appropriately labeled container . or call a cleanup contractor to cleanup the spill. The label must include the facility's name and address, contents of the container, and the date the material was placed in the container. 5) Arrange for proper disposal of the absorbent (hazardous waste contractor listed below). COLE'S SERVICES 661-322-8258 Recommended Spill Kit A kit for cleaning up a small spill shall contain at least the following items: 1) Bag(s) of absorbent as well as absorbent pads or coils; 2) A drum or other suitable container for the storage of used absorbent; 3) A flathead shovel, broom, and dustpan; 4) High visibility cones and hazard tape; 5) Gloves, coveralls, safety glasses or goggles, and protective boots. B D February 28, 2000 FiRE CHIEF ao. Fa~zE Bill McClure FSI Inc. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 5501 "A" Aldrin Court 2101 'H" Street E~kers,e~d, c^ ~33Ol Bakersfield, CA 93313 voice (661) 3~s-a~l FAX (661) 395-1349 RE: Failure to Submit Business Plan. Hazardous Waste Violations SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93.301 NOTICE OF VIOLATIONS & SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE VOICE (661) 326-394 f FAX (661)3~5-1349 Dear Mr. McClurc: PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 An inspection was performed at FSI, 5501 Aldrin Court #A on VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661)s26-o576 February 28, 2000. The purpose of this inspection was to verify reportable ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES quantities of hazardous materials and hazardous waste, and to determine if 1715 Chester Ave. a business plan was required. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 It is noted in the file, that you were given a business plan, back in TRAINING DIVISION 1999, and failed to fill out and return it. 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 Numerous violations were found during my inspection requiting FAX (661) 399-5783 immediate action they are as follows: 1. You are in violation of Section 25503.5, 25503.5, 25504, 25509 & 25510 of the California Health & Safety Code. Failure to submit a chemical inventory, emergency response plan, procedures for mitigation evacuation plans, training for all employees, annual training. 2. Several 55 gallon drams, holding waste oil, antifreeze and waste filters need accumulation dates. 3. Several 55 gallon drams containing a corrosive (Sodium Hydroxide) need to be properly segregated. 4. Excessive oil spills: drams containing waste oil & filters have pools ofoil on the ground. Please engineer something to secondary contain oil spill or change operation to safeguard against oil spills & clean up oil and properly dispose of. 5. Please make arrangements to install a functional eye wash station. Also make sure there is proper PPE( Personal Protective Equipment) to handle corrosives. Please have the above mentioned items corrected within 30 days, March 29, 2000. Failure to correct will result in further enforcement action. Should you have any questions, please feel flee to call me at 661- 326-3979. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey, Director Office of Environmental Services by: Steve Underwood, Inspector Office of Environmental Services SBU/dm enclosures cc: Captain Perry, Station 13