HomeMy WebLinkAboutHAZ-BUSINESS PLAN 11/30/1990 RETURN:PAyMENTS TO: .'/. ' . . ' ' ' ' . 'i . :,. ?i'" PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: P.O. ,BOX20$~' · ,~ , B ' , '- CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AKERSFIELD, CA'93303-~,057 ACCOUNT NO. I~N .~gJ.];0Z ' -'~ RETURN THIS COPY WITH PAYMENT ~az~r~us'.~er~ats.Han~.ttng Fees for 011-1~117 ,, '. ~I_~~ Si~,te Ad~r =55~1 ALDRIN, .CT -' STE O ' ~ ' ' -,"": PAYHE~TS AFTE~ 12131/91 NOT 0 ~ .... :~1/28/91 Pay'~ent -12.5'00 ~ ' : ' ' ...... '~' ' :' ' .. ::~'~::~?:~'.:'.:..'C ": -,. '."..." . :-=~4:-... - ...~. .:,,.:: ..:': :-.,-::,?,:,.... ,....~ ... , ............. ,...: : · .~. : - __ .~::,::,~.:,.~: ....,... :.:~, ... - :.:~ ~'~.;... . . ..,.::.. ~..' - , . .. ; ' , "' ~.':..- ..' .'"':, '. .-' ':','-,'n - ,? T~IS '~ .... ~, '. ' ~,-' ~ ~ .... , ..' ,- . .... , , .... ,.: .,. ........ , .:, . .... . '., , · iL,,~, .I~.. ~. ~PO.~ ~E~,~.l~ :. ":.":' ,, - . , . r.,:,,~,, t ;,. - :,...-.,,,*,,. ·, ,, ~ ,; '..,. ...... ..,>. . . , .~. : ' ;' ' *.:., - .... . , ': ' ', . . ,, - .... . . .... ,.., .. :, ,,..,.::,,', :.>,,:., .:.:} :.: ,, ,~ ,,~ , .~ , ,.., .,..:- ,'.*,~ ,,.~.. .~.,, , '~ .... . , ~ C'~ sj~ ..... ' .'~ ~UST ~U~, ~:~S COPY ~-: RETURN PAYMENTS TO: PLEASE N~AKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: ~.0. Box 2057 ~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD, CA 93303-2057 ACCOUNT NO. INQUIRIES CONCERNING THiS BILL, PLEASE PHONE: t: ,' ,,~ ¢' ,' ~ '-' '~ ....... ,/.:~' ..... : ;--~ ,,, ¥!,, ,~ ...... - ~. ,.c~ ,, ,~..-, .... INVOICE NUMBER CUSTOMER COPY BAKERSFIELD P.O. BOX 2057 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93303-2057 ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED DO NOT FORWARD .. BAKERSFIELD. CA 93313 ........ ~ ..~_9.11301 Account Number ' , ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ADJUSTMENT Febrary 6, · 1992 " New Account Date .. New Address i, Valerie PenderRrass Close Account From: Service Chan§E Fire Deoartmen'~ - Ra~. Nar h~v~.~nn Other Adj. ' Department/Division .. '. · . T and L Grin4ing Company" . Billing Name 5501 Aldrin Ct. - STE D~~ Bakersfield,' Ca. 93313 Billing Address . ' .- · . .Same Site Address ' Parcel # (If Applicable) Landlord Name & Address if APplicable .. ADJUSTMENT - Last Correct !Adjustment iEffective Date · Billed.- Billing ' ITc Billing '10f Change ' .i 3s.oo - o ,l' i - · 1-2'92 . Approved By: Remarks: Business relocated to 'a county location before the fiscal year stated did not notify us of. the move_ Bakersfield Fire Dept.  " Hazardous Materials Division R E C E 2130 "G" Street NOV 3 O 1990 / Bakersfield, CA. 93301 An$'d HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN 1. To avoid further action, return this form wi~in 30 days of r~eipt. ~~ - - 3. Answe[ ~e question, below fo[ the busine~ as a whole. _ ~~ 4. Be ~rief and conc~e as po~ible ~ ~ /~ ~' SEC~ON 1' BUSINESS IDENTIFICA~ON DATA _ ~ BUSINESS NAME: T & ~ C~8 Company LOCATION: 550[ A[dT~n Cou~ un~ g BakeTs[~e[d~ CA MAILING ADDRESS: DUN ~ BRADSTREET NUMBER: 95-~309~ SIC CODE: ACTIVIn: msch~,e PRIMARY OWNER: G~be~L J~mes Ne~som, Gene~e~ MAILING ADDRESS: 22~] ~esL ~uLn~m Cou~L ~o~e~v~e, CA 93257 SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION: CONTACT TITLE BUS. 'PHONE 24 HR. PHONE 1. Gilbert James Newsom, Partner (805) 836-3494 (209) 781-7648 2. Thomas L. Newsom, Partner (805) 836-3494 ~11 ¸, FOlS~ Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division · '., ..:. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 3: TRAINING: NUMBER OF EMPLOYESS: 19 'MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE: Yes, in office BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: Ail employees participate in a new-hire orientation program within 30 days of permanent employment. ~he program includes general safety practices, hygiene, and proper handling, storage, and spill containment of oils. Emergency medical and fire procedures are also covered. A refresher course will be provided on a semi-annual basis. SECTION 4: EXEMPTION REQUEST: I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURy THAT MY BUSINESS IS EXEMPT FROM THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 6.95 OF THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE" FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: WE 'DO NOT HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. WE DO HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, BUT THE QUANTITIES AT NO TIMEEXCEED THE MINIMUM REPORTING QUANTITIES. OTHER (SPECIFY REASON) SECTION 5: 'CERTIFICATION: I, Gilbert James NEwsom CERTIFYTHATTHEABOVEINFOR- MATION IS ACCURATE. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE" ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (DIV. 20 CHAPTER 6.95 SEC. 25500 ET AL.) AND THAT INACCURATE INFORMATION CONSTITUTES PERJURY. FD159r Bakersfield Fire De Hazardous Materials Division HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN Facility Unit Name: ? & L Grinding Company SECTION 6: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES: A. AGENCY NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES[ Employees notify business owners, owners telephone fire department, paramedics, or .police. Emergency phone numbers are posted in office. B. EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION: Safety orientation program includes '.evacuation training. Employees are notified and directed to either evacuation area by business owners or shop foremen. C. PUBLIC EVACUATION: In the event of' fire or any liquid spill which cannot be immediately contained by absorbent material, fire department will be notified. D. EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN: Emergency first aid is performed by business owners or shop foremen. · The injured employee is either transported to Valley Industrial Medical Group, or paramedics are called. Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 7: MITIGATION, PREVENTION AND ABATEMENT PLAN: A. RELEASE PREVENTION STEPS: All liquids are stored in closed steel drums as provided by their manufacturer. B. RELEASE CONTAINMENT AND/OR MIN!MIZATION: Oil absorbent floor-sweep is used throughout the shop to maintain dryness. A wet vacuum is available for larger spills. C. CLEAN-UP PROCEDURES: Spills and normal oil loss around machinery is absorbed and dryed with floor sweep, and subsequently shoveled into steel drums for disposal. SECTION 8: UTILITY SHUT-OFFS (LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY): NATURAL GAS/PROPANE: North end of building ELECTRICAL: North-West corner of shop area WATER: North end of buildin~ SPECIAL: none BOX: YES~'~ IF YES, LOCATION: SECTION 9: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTiON/WATER AVAILABILITY: A. PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION: Three extinguishers in shop area, one at each exit door. B. WATER AVAILABILITY (FIRE HYDRANT): North-Eas. t corner of building at street. 4. FDtSq~ ~)I 3IP P LA~' ~IAP SITE DIAGRAM ~ FACILITY DIAGRAM ~ ' Ncr-~h Name cf Ar-_a: _~.t .,~.L r .'-' h ,.A~Ii SITE DIAGRAM ~ FACTLITY DIAGRAM .^ / --- :lc.-..-~ Name CITY of BAKERSFIELD Farm andAgticulture [] StandardBusi~ess ~:HAZARDOUS- MATERIALS INVENTORY · NON--TRADE S, ECRETS BUSINESS NAHE: T & L centerless Grind owNER: NAME' Thomas Newsom' NAME OF THIS FACILITy:T & 'L Centerl~ss Grind L C TION' =5501 Aldrin Ct.# -A D ESS' ~'7"1 5' 3r~. ~ ' ST NDARD IND. CLA S C0DE'~' C?T~. Z115: ,a~erstlel~.Ca/i~ 9~Ji3 · C~T~- Z:tP. Baker~tle/d Calit g~o4DU~ AND BRADSTREE~ NUMBEI~ '---' ....... REFER TO'~N~TRO~rIO~ROPER CODES -- lrans [yRe Max A~erage Annual Measure ItYs Cont ~ont Cont Us I. ocation. Whe[e. ~-67 Hames of ,Code LoDe Am[ Amt. Est Unmts on ~te lype ~ress lemp ColeStored mn rac~m~cy,wt See Instructions ~ixture/co~onents Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number 64741-96-4 Component 11 Name I-C.A.S. Number 80 Oil Mist (~heck ali that m,u . Reactivit~ U Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ im~?~ Component ~3~~SsNumber z.;5_ Chlorinated Health of Pressure : Component 13 Name I C.A.S. Number Physical andHeaIthHazard . C.A.S. Number 6474~- - Com~onenLll Name & C,A,S, Number ~ ~ Reactivity ~ Oelayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Im~pdi~e Health of Pressure Component 13 Name ~ C.A.S. Number (Check al1 that applT) Component Nu~beF ~ FiFe ~azaFd ~ React(vity ~ De)ayed ~ Sudden Re)ease ~ I~medi~te HeaRh of Hea)th NlM I loom:ol:0,0 IOa:l 325 I os '1 : I 4 I OS lNorth Wail Physical and~,lth ~az~rd C.A.S. Nuaber 64741-41-9 C0ap0nent I1 Na~e ~ C.A.S. Nu=ber 85 I~heck ali that apply) .. caroon ~N~ ) .' ~Fire Hazard' D Reactivity D ~elayedHealth D Suddenof PressureRelease D Im~il~ec°mp°nent. ~m~.S. Number ~.5 To~ue,e N0~E** See Attached for ~ontinued components** Component ~33~JcA~S, Mu,bet EMERGENCY CONTACTS ~lThomas Newsom Owner 805-328-9221~2 Dale Downing ~nager 80~589~84~8 .. ~e Tltl~ 24 Hr Phone Name' fertifitioq .(Re~fl ~.nd.~ign af~pr compl~ti(tg.all sec~ton~) .cerM~y.unoer pena~t~ ol]a~ that ~ nave personal ~Y. examlnqoeqa ~m ramJ~at, vitb the ]ntormaupn ~u~mitted in this,end all at~a~neo.a~c~ment~, anO t~ac oasea on. my ~nquiry 9r.~nose InDiviDuals responsible lot obtaining ~ne 3nrormation, I bem~eve tha~ the suomtteo ~nlorma~loo Is'true, accurate, and complete, Name a~d'oficiai [i[ie of owner/operator u~ 0wn~r/operator's authorized representative _ Signature UitF~l{ned -) CITY of BAKERSFIELD ., HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Fare and Agriculture ~ Standard Business [] NON--TRADE ~ECRETS Page ~_ of~ BUSINESS NAME: owNERiNAME: NAME OF THIS FACILITY: LOCATION: -ADDRESS: ' ~ STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: CIIY. ZIP: · CITY.-ZIP' ~ DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER PHONE #:PH0 E#' '- ' ' - _ _ - - R~ ~O--INSTRUUTION$ ~UR PROPER CODES 1 2 3 · 4 5 6 7 8. 9 i0 11 1213 1rahs !yDe Hex. Av~rpge Annual ~easure I~Y~E$i: ~onL Gonb Cont Us _Locatjon.¥hece. ~-by~t ~aeesof~ixture/Coe~onents Code code AeC Amc Est Un,ts on . _ .,, . ,,, ~ype Press lemp Cole See Instructions Stored in tact/icy.. PhvsicalandHellth~azard C.A,S, Num~er 100-41-4 ComPonentll Name&C,A,S, Number -0.5, Ethyl Benzen (Check ali that apply) ./ ~]'FireHazard [] Reactivity D Delayed ~ Sudden Release [] Immediate Component Name I C.A.$. Number H±x Cure XeaJth of Pressure HeaJth " L2 0 C~t · **NOTE** Continue~' ,,from previous page***********C°mp°nentl3 Nmmo&C.A.S, Number 1~ Chlorinated ~olvent Physical and Health Hazard ' C.A.a. Number Component I1 Name A C.A.$. Number ICheck all :ha: apply) : SAH~ AS ABO¥~ ....... ~w?~? ................. ~bnenL Hame & Hu~ber ~ Fire Hazard ~ RescCivity ~ Oelayed ~ Sudden Release [] HeAlth ofPressure,ea~n ~27-[8-4 :0,5 TeLTach[o:o,,,oLhy[~nc , Component 13 Name I C.A.$. Humber Physical and Health Hazard ¢,A,$. Humber Component ii Name & C,A,S, Humber tChec~ ail that apply) Component I~ Hame & C.A,S. Number ~ Fire Hazard ~ ReacCi¥iCy ~ Oelayed ~ Sudden Release ~ [mmedi~C~ ~ .... HeaiCh of PressureHealth Component 13 Name I C,A.a, Number PhYSiCal and Health Hazard C,A,S, Humber Component I1 Name I C.A,S, Number (Check al1 that ~ F(Fe ~azaFd' ~ Reac~iv(t~ ~ ~ela)ed ~ Sudden Release ~ Imm~di~.te¢°mp°nen~ Nm~e C,A.S, Number Health Health of Pressure ....... Component 13 Name I C.A,S. Number EMERGENCY CONTACTS #1 #2 ~ TT:le Lq-Fir ~hofle Na~e '' Tlt'l~ .cerpu.unoer pena~ o~ tn~c i nave pe(sonal~.examlnqqaqe ~m ramil)a(.titb the.!n~o~mac!pn tubmitted in this,and all at)acheD.DOcument), anl t~c eased on.my inquiry ~.cnose IndiviDUalS responsible Tot ODCalfllflg CAe information, I believe that the submitted ]mormmcloA is.true, accurate, efta comp/ace. Na~e e~o bficiAi tide Of%~ner/operator'ua o~ner/o~ratOr'S auchorize~ repre~bnhtlve S~gnature g~:F~T~ne~" -