HomeMy WebLinkAboutHAZARDOUS WASTE ~tate of California-Health and Welfare Agency De~rtment of Health Services  Haz&rclou~ M&terlalJ Management Section SURVEILLANCE AND ENFORCEMENT REPORT FirmNamei ~<'~// ~e:~7~ /~fP ..~>c SiteCla~: ~ I ~ 11-1 ~ 11-2 ~ 311 Addre~: Site Pe~it No. ~. ~. ~o~ ///~ ~ Pr~u~r ~ Hauler Telephone: r- ~ ~her Activity: ONSITE HAZARDOUS WASTE TREATMENT NOTIFICATION FORM FACILITY SPECIFIC NOTIFICATION For Use by Hazardous Waste Generators Performing Treatment [] laitial Under Conditional Exemption and Conditional Authorization, [] Revised and by Permit By Rule Facilities Please refer to the attached Instructions before completing this form. You may notify for more than one permitting tier by using this not,cation form, DTSC 1772. You must attach a separate unit spec~c not,cation form for each unit at this location. There are different unit specific notificatio.n forms for each of the four categories and an additional notification form for transportable treatmeJ~t units (TI7d's). You only have to submit forms for the tier(s) that cover your unit(s). Discard or recycle the other unused forms. Number each page of your completed notification package and indicate the total number of pages at the top of each page ca the 'Page ~ of__'. Put your EPA ID Number on each page. Please provide all of the information requested,, all fields must be completed except those that state '~f different" or 'if available'. Please type the information provided on this form and any attachments. The notification will not be considered complete without payment of the appropriate fee for each tier under which you are operating. (Please note that the fee is per TIER not per UNIT. For example, if you operate 5 units but they are all Conditionally Authorized. you Only owe $1 ;140, NOT5 time~ $1,140. If you operate any Permit by Rule units and any units under Conditional Authorization you owe $2,280.) Checks should be made payable to the Department of Toxic Substances Control and be stapled to the top of this form. -Please write your EPA ID Number on the check. Fill in the check number in the box above. I. NOTIFICATION CATEGORIES Indicate the number of units you operate in each tier. · This will also b'e the number of unit specific notification foff~as~ you mUSt attach.. Condili~nally F-.~mpt :Stnall Quanti~ Treatment operation~ rnay not operate unit~ under any other tier. ~A ~ Nurnber of Units and attached unit specific notificafions . ~ g,,~ ~F~rTier Oltl~~ Wj(n~tp~rurdO A. Conditionally Exempt-Small Quantity Treatment (Form DTSC 1772A) ;~ 100 B. I Conditionally Exe,pt-Speci fled~For~ DTSC 1772B)/~..ff r~.~\ '~'~~~11~~'~ J ' C. _ Conditionally Authorized /e,~.~.e~,' ..... e~,,~_~,b~-m DTS C , 772 C) 1, . / I Total Number of Units \ . ~-~.~,~.,~ / Total Fee Attached $ ,.~.~,.,~, II. GENERATOR IDENTIFICATION '~-./::LiL~ .- " EPA ID NUMBER C^ ~...~/9 8 3 8 9h_ 6 0 BOE NUMBER (if available) HYHQ.~. 6 0 2 2 0 3 1. NAME (Company or Facility) Shelt/ ~estern [&P Inc. PHYSICAL LOCATION. Kern R'iYer F~eld Un'it 3700 glfred Harre] H~y. For DTSC Use Only CITY Baker'sf~e]d CA ZIP 93308 - Region cOut~ry Kern CONTACT PERSON ~/a 1 t Raw~ ~ ngs . PHONE NUMBER( 805 ) 326 5908 (Fire Narr~) (La~a' Name) DTSC 1772 (1/93) " Page I Shell Western E&P Inc. Q An affiliate of Shell Oil Company PO BOx 11164 March 25, 1994 Bakersfield CA 93389-1164 CERTIFIED MAIL # P 131 025 844 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Clyde West State of California Department of Toxic Substances Control /0 P. O. Box 806 Sacramento, CA 95812-0806 Dear Mr. West: = ~"~ --- SUBJECT: NOTIFICATION OF CLOSURE ON-SITE TREATMENT FACILITY (SEKR-COGEN) OPERATED BY SHELL WESTERN E&P INC. ; (CAD 981389760) We are writing to notify the Department that the Conditionally. Exempt - Specified Waste Stream facility operated by Shell Western E&P Inc~ (SWEPI) has .been converted-!o.aD 0~-site recycling ~,~~ .... facility. The facility (SEKR-Cogen) Field Unit) was registered with your. Department solely, for the purpose of obtaining the facility fee amnesty provided by t. he Permit~by Rule legislation.. ~, In response tothe guidance you provided to Mr. Ron Chambers of~, Saf~ and "~~q Environment Department, we hereby notify the Department that th~if~_a.cility was closed (or, in/this / ~ -- case, converted to an on-site recycling facility) in a manner that m~.~imized the need for t.,~l,u~er maintenance and does not allow for releases of hazardous waste ir~~ By copy of this letter we are also negating the withdrawal notification submitted to your agency on September 15, 1993. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Please contact Mr. Chambers at (805) 326-5641 if ........ y0_u _have any._q_uestions, regardin_g-this correspondence. Sincerely. R. C. Barton Asset Manager - San Joaquin Valley California Division RLC:gem ~.. · .. Cc:.' ~Ms,'Marina Baiza~ ....... :: .... Environmental Health Services Department : ' state of California " ':' ": Hazard0us.Materials Management-Program : DePartment of Toxic Substances Control Surveillance & Enforcement Unit ' P.'O. B(~x 806 2700,-~.M" Street,, Suite 300 .., RECEIVED Sacramento, CA 95812-0806 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Hazard0usWasteManatement " MAR ~ 0 199,1 GM408201.WPD DEPARTMENT OF TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL ~ STATE O~ F~CALIFORNIA--CALIFORNIA ENVIRONM O PROTECTION AGENCY'~--- - O PETEWlLSON, Governor ~DEPARTMENT OF TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL ~ 400 P STREET, 4TH FLOOR P,O. BOX 806 SACRAMENTO, CA 95812-0806 (916) 323-5871 05/10/94 CAD981389760 SHELL WESTERN F.&P INC/KERN RVR FLD UNIT WALT RAWLINGS 3700 ALFRED HARREL HWY PO BOX 11164 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 ATTN: MGR HS&E BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389-5641 .. Dea~ Onsite Treatment Facility: .. The Department of Toxic Substances Control (Department) has received your letter notifying the Department of the closure of your facility or treatment unit(s). The Department considers your facility or unit to be closed and no longer subject to the standards of your treatment authorization tier. The Department will change your facility or unit status in our tiered permitting database to "closed". Your facility will not be billed annual operating fees for treatment under these tiers for the closed facility' or units for future reporting periods. Note, however, that a business is assessed the appropriate fee for being 'authorized under one of the onsite hazardous waste treatment tiers if it was authorized during any portion of a reporting period; a reporting period is a calendar year, Please note that your facility may be inspected by the Department or a local environmental agency to ensure that the closure of your facility or unit was carried out in a manner consistent with the standards for closure under your treatment tier. Any violations of these standards, omissions, or misrepresentation may subject your business to enforcement action including, but not limited to, imposition of substantial fines and penalties. Sincerely, Michael S. Homer, Chief ' Onsite Hazardous Waste Treatment Unit cc: SUSAN LANEY STEVE MCCALLEY DTSC REGION 1 KERN COUNTY SURVEILLANCE & ENFORCEMENT BR. ENVIRON. HEALTH SERVICES DEPT 10151 CROYDON WAY, SUITE 3 2700 M STREET, SUITE 300 SACRAMENTO, CA 95827 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 BOARD OF EQUALIZATION I ~ STATE O~ CALIF~3RNIA--ENVIRONMENT,~L PETE WILSON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL - 400 P Street, 4th Floor P,O. Box 806 . Sacramento, CA 95812-0806 (916) 323-5871 !. . 11/19/93 EPA ID: CAD981389760,~ SHELL WESTERN E&P, INC. For facility loCated at: WALT RAWLINGS ~ ATTN: MANAGER HS&E KERN RIVER FIELD UNIT [ P.O. BOX 11164 3700 ALFRED HARREL HWY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389-5641 BAKERSFIELD,- CA 93308 AuthoriZation Date: 11/19/93 Dear Conditionally Authorized and/or Conditionally Exempt Facility: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF uNITs OPERATING UNDER CONDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION AND/OR CONDITIONAL EXEMPTION The Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) has received your facility specific notification (form DTSC 1772) and forms for Conditional Authorization and/or Conditional ExemPtion for Specified Wastestreams (form DTSC 1772B and/or 1772C). Your notifications are administratively complete, but have not been reviewed for technical adequacy. A technical review of your notifications will be conducted When an inspection is performed. At any time, you may be inspected and will be subject to penalty if. violations of laws or.!egulations are found. The Department acknowledges receipt of your Completed notification for the treatment unit(s).listed on the last page of this letter. These units operating under Conditional Authorization or Conditional ExemPtion are authorized by California law Without additional Department action, pursuant to Health and Safety Code sections 25200.3 and 25201.5. Your authorization to operate continues until you notify DTSC that you have stopped treating waste and have fully closed the unit(s). You will be charged annual fees calculated on a calendar year basis for each year you operate and have not notified DTSC that the units have been closed. You must notify the DTSC 60 days before first treating hazardous wastes in any new unit. You must also notify the DTSC whenever any of the information you provided in these notifications changes. To revise information, mail a cover letter to the above address explaining the changes, attach only the pages of your notification package that have changed, and i'e-sign and date at the signature space on page 3 of form 1772. . Your status to .operate under Conditional Authorization and/or Conditional Exemption is contingent upon the accuracy of information submitted by you in the notifications mentioned above, and your compliance with all applicable requirements in the Health and Safety Code. Any misrepresentation or any failure to fully disclose all relevant facts shall render your authorization to operate null and void. You are also required to properly close any treatment unit. Additional guidance On closure will be issued and distributed to all authorized onsite facilities later this year. Page 2 EPA ID: CAD981389760 If you have any questions regarding this letter, or have questions on operating requirements for your facility, please contact the nearest DTSC regional office, or this office at the letterhead' address or' phone number. Sincerely, - Michael S. Homer, Chief Onsite Hazardous Waste.Treatment Unit Permit Streamlining Branch Hazardous Waste Management Program .Enclosure cc: . SUSAN LANEY DTSC REGION 1 SURVEILLANCE & ENFORCEMENT BR. 10151 CROYDON WAY, SUITE 3 SACRAMENTO, CA 95827 STEVE MCCALLEY KERN COUNTY ENVIRON. HEALTH SERVICES DEPT 2700 M STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Page 3 EPA ID: CAD9813.89760 ENCLOSURE 1 /In/ts author/zed to operate at th/s/ocat/on.- UNDER CONDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION: UNDER CONDITIONAL EXEMFYION: SEKR1 State Of California - California Environmental Protecuon Agency Department of'Toxlc Sub~es Control ONSITE HAZARDous WASTE TREATMENT NOTIFICATION FORM FACILITY SP£CIFIC NOTIFICATION For Use by Hazardous Waste Generators Performing Treatment [] Initial Under Conditional Exemption and Conditional Authorization, [] Revised and by Permit By Rule Facilities Please refer to the attached Instructions before completing, this form.. You may notify.for more than one'permitting tier by using, this notification form, DTSC 1 772. You must attach a separate unit specific notification forrn for each unit at this location. There are different unit specific notification fortns for each o. f the four eateg,ories and an additional notification form for transportable ti'eatment ,nits (TTU's). You only have to submit forms for the tier(s)that cover your unit(s). Discard or recycle the other unused forms. Number each page of your completed notification package and indicate the total number.of pag,es at the top of each page at the 'Pag,e __ of__'. Put your EPA ID Number on each pag,e. Please provide all of the information requested; all fields must be completed except those that state 'if different' or 'if available'. Please type the information provided on this form and any attachments. ' .. The notification will not be conMdered complete without payment of the appropriat~e fee for each tier under which you are operating. (Please note that the fee is per TIER not per UNIT. For example, if you operate 5 units but they are all Conditionally Authorized, you only owe $1;140, NOT5 titnes $1,140. If you operate any Permit by Rule. units and any units under Conditi° nai Authorization you owe $2,280.) Checks .should be made payable to the Department of Toxic Substances Control and be stapled to the top of this form. Please write your EPA ID Number on the checta Fill in the check number in the box above. I. NOTIleICATION CATEGORIES Indicate the number of units you operate in each tier. This will als~ be the number of unit specific notification forms you must attach. Conditionally Exempt 'Small Quantity Treatm~ operations may not operate units under any other tier. Number of units and attached unit specific notifications Fee per Tier (not per unit) A. Conditionally Exempt-Small Quantity Treatment (Form DTsC [772A) $ 100 B. 1 C0nditionally Exempt-Sfx~~e~, ~, (Form DTsC 1772B) . ' "$ 100 C. Conditionally Authoriz . . (Form DTSC 1772C) $1,140 D. Permit by Rule ~ .~ ~ a,'~ ~,.~ '~ ~'~{Form DTSC 1772D) $1,140 Total Number of Units ¢~ .. Total Fee Attached $ II. GENERATOR IDENTIFICATIONS' EPA IDNUMBERCAD 9 8 ! 3 8 9 7 6 0 BOE NUMBER (if available) HY__HQ~ 6 0 2 2 0 3 NAME (Company or Facility) Shell tqestern E&P Inc. (DBA-Doing B~sin:ss As) ' PHYSICAL LOCATION Kern River Field Unit "' 3700 Alfred Harrel For DT$(2 Us~ Only CITY Bakersfield CA ZIP 93308 COUNTY Kern CONTACT PERSON I~al t Rawl"ings PHONE NUMBER( 805 ).326 . 5908. (Fi~t Name) (Lara N~m~) DT$C !772 (1/93) "" Page i .~, EPA ID NUMBER CAD 981389760 Page 3 of&, VI. ATTACHMENTS: - ~1 ' 1. A plot plan/map detailing the location(s) of the covered unit(s) {n relation to the facility boundaries. ~! 2. A unit specific notification form for each hnit to be covered at this location. VII. CERTIlelCATIONS: This form muxt be signed by an authorized corporate o~eicer or any other person in the company who has operational control and performs decision-making functions that govern operation of the facility (per title 22, California Code 'of Regulations (CCR) section 66270.11). All three copies nmst have Original signatures. Waste Minimization I certify that I have a program in place to reduce the volume, quantity, and toxicity of waste gen6rated to the degree I have determined to be economically practicable and that I have selected the practicable method of treatment, storage, or disposal currently available to me which minimizes the present and future threat to human health and the environment. Tiered Permitting Certification I certify that the unit or units described in these documents meet the eligibility and operating requirements of state statutes and regulations for the indicated permitting tier, including generator and secondary containment requirements.. I understand that if any of the units operate under Permit by Rule or Conditional Authorization, I will also be required to provide required financial assurances by January 1, 1994, and conduct a Phase I environmental assessment by january 1, 1995. I certify undex1 penalty of law that this document and ail attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry. of the person or persons who manage the system, or those directly responsible 'for gathering the information, the information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are substantial penalties for submitting false information, 'including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing Violations. R.C. Barton Asset Manager ,- ~ March 31, 1993 Sigaa(ur~- ~/ - _v Date Signed OPERATING REQUIREMENTS: Please note that generators treating hazardous waste onsite are required to comply with a number of operating requirements which differ depending on the tier(s) under which one operates. These operating requirements are set forth in the statutes and regulations, some of which are referenced in the 7~er-Specific Factsheets. SUBMISSION PROCEDURES: You must subrnit two eopi~ of this completed notification by certified mail, .return receipt requested, to: Department of Toxic Substances Control Form 1772 Onsite Hazardous Waste Treatment Unit 400 P Street, 4th Floor (walk in only) P.O. Box 806 Sacramento, CA 95812-0806. You must also submit one col~ of the notification and attachments to the local regulatory agency in your jurisdiction as lis~ted in the instruction materials. You must also retain a Copy as part of your operating record.. All three forms must have original signatures, not photocopies. DTSC 1772 (I/93) Page 3 · ET4 ID NUMBER CAD 981389760 - - Page ~ of~_. CONDITIONALLY EXEMPT - SPECIFIED WA STESTREAdVIS UNIT SPECIFIC NOTIFICATION (pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 25201.5(c)) - -. ~ NAME SEKR-Coqen ~ ID NUMBER SEKRi ~ER OF TREATlVlENT DEVICES: i Tank(s) ~ Container(s) Each unit must be clearly identified and labeled on the plot plan attached to Form 1772.' Assign your own unique number to each unit. The number can be sequential (1, 2, 3) or using any system you choose. Enter the estimated monthly total volume of hazardous waste treated by'this unit. ' Th~s should be the 'maximum or highest amo. unt treated in any month. Indicate in the narrative (Section II) if your operations have seasonal variations. I. WASTESTREAMS AND TREATMENT PROCESSES: Estimated Monthly Total Volume Treated: pounds and/or 9 ~000~ gallons The following are the eligible wastestreams and treatment processes. Please check all applicable boxes: I-1 1. Treats resins mixed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. I~l 2. T{eat containers of 110 gallons or less capacity that contained hazardous waste by rinsing, or physical processes, such as crushing, shredding, grinding, or puncturing. l-'l 3. Drying special wastes, as classified by the department pursuant to title 22, CCR, section 66261.124, by pressing or by passive or heat-aided evaporation to remove water. [~] 4. ' Magnetic separation or SCreening to remove components from special waste, as classified'by the department pursuant to title 22, CCR, section 66261.124. [~ 5. Neutralize acidic or alkaline (base) wastes from the regeneration 'of ion exchange media used to demineralize water. (This waste Cannot contain more than I0 percent acid or base by weight to be 'eligibie '~°r conditional exemption.) ["] 6. Neutralize acidic or alkaline (base) wastes from the food processing industry. F-] .7. Recovery of silver from photofinishing. The volume limit for conditional exemption is 500 gallons per generator (at the same location) in any calendar'month. -I 8. Gravity separation of the following, including the use of flocculants and demulsifiers if I--I a. The settling of solids from the waste where the resulting aqueous/liquid stream is not hazardous. [-] b. The separation of oil/water mixtures and separation sludges, if the average oil recovered per month is less than 25 barrels (42 gallons per barrel). l-'l 9. Neutralizing acidic or alkaline (base) material by a state certified laboratory or a laboratory operated by an educational institution. (To be eligible for conditional exemption, this waste cannot contain more than 10 percent acid or base by weight.) DTSC 1772B (I/93) . Page 9 EPA ID NUMBER ' CAD 981389760 ': Page ~_ of~ CONDITI LY EXEMPT - SPECIFIED WASTE~AMS UNIT SPECIFIC NOTIFICATION (pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 25201.$(c)) II. NARRATIVE DESCRIPTIONS: Provide a brief description of tb. e specific waste treated and the treatment process used.' 1. SPECIFIC WASTE TYPES TREATED: NeutraliZation of corrosives (H?S04 & Na0H) from reqeneration of demineralizer units. 2. TI~ATMENT PROCESS(ES) USED: Elementary neutralization unit with pH controller. (Note: Unit converted to recycle system in 19'92) III. RESIDUAL MANAGEMENT: Check Yes or No to each question as it applies to all residuals from this treatment unit. YES NO [-1 I'~ 1. Do you discharge non-hazardous aqueous waste to a publicly owned treatment Works (poTW)/sewer? ['-[ I~! '2. Do you discharge non-hazardous aqueous waste under an NPDES permit? [~ I~! 3. Do you have your residual hazardous waste hauled offsite by a registered haTardous waste hauler? If you do, where is the waste sent? Check all that apply. l'--] a. Offsite recycling D b. Thermal treatment I~l c. Disposal to land [~ d. Further treatment [-'l [~! 4. Do you dispose of n°n-ha?ardous solid waste residues at an offsite location? [-~ [-'[ 5.' Other method of disposal. Specify: Disehar§ed to State permitted disposal wells. W. BASIS FOR NOT NEEDING A FEDERAL PERMIT: In order to demonstrate eligibility for one of the onsite treatment tiers, facilities are required to provide the basis for determining that a hazardous waSte permit is not required under the federal Resource Cortservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and the federal regulations adopted under RCRA ('l~tle 40, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)). Choose the reaSon(s) that describe the operation of your onsite treatment units: ~ 1. The hazardous waste being treated is not a hazardous waste under federal law although it is regulated as a ba?ardous waste under California state law. I-'l 2. The waste is treated in wastewater treatment units (tanks), as defined in 40 CFR Part 260.10, aad discharged to a publicly owned treatment works (POTW)/sewering agency or under aa NPDES permit. 40 CFR 264.1(g)(6) and 40 CFR 270.2. DTSC 1772B (I/93) Page I0 EPAiD NUMBER C. AD q~[5~qT(~O .' · : Page ~9 of_~ CONDITIoNALLy EXEMFr - SPECIFIED WASTESTREAMS UNIT SPECIFIC NOTIFICATION (pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section .2520.1..5(C)) IV. BASIS FOR NOT NEEDING A FEDERAL PERMIT: '(continued) ['-] 3. The waste is treated in elementary neutralization units, as defined in 40 CFR Part 260.10, and discharged to a POTW/sewering agency or under aa NPDES permit. 40 CFR 264.1(g)(6) and 40 CFR 270.2. ["] 4. The waste is treated in a totally enclosed treatment facility as defined in 40 Ci::R Pa~t 260.10; 40 CFR 264.!(g)(5). [~] 5. The company generates no more than 100 kg (approximately 27 gallons) of hazardous waste in a calendar month and is eligible.as a federal conditionally exempt small quantity generator. 40 CFR 260.10 and 40 CFR 261.5. I-'] 6. The waste is treated in an accumulation tank or container within 90 days for over 1000 kg/month generators and 180 or 270 days for generators of t00 to I000 kg/month. 40 CFR 262.34, 40 CFR 270. l(c)(2)(i), and the Preamble to the March 24, 1986 Federal Register. [--! 7. Recyclable materials are reclaim.ed to recover economically significant amounts of silver or other precious metals. 40 CFR 261.6(a)(2)(iv), 40 CFR 264. l(g)(2), and 40 CFR 266.70.. [~ 8. Empty container rinsing and/or treatment. 40 CFR.261.7. · [] 9. Other. Specify: Wasl~e treated in elementary neutralization uhit, then discharged to State permitted disposal, wells. V. TRANSPORTABLE TREATMENT UNIT: Check Yes or No..Please refer to the Instruction*for more information., YES NO ['-] [~ . Is this unit a Transportable Treatment Unit? If you answered yes, you must also Complete and attach Form 1772E to this page. The Tier-Specific Fact.sheets contain a summary_ of the operating requirements for this category. Please review those requirements carefully before completing or submitting this notification package. DTSC 1772B (1/93) Page Shell Western E&P Ino. tlAZARDOUS MATERIAL PLOT PLAN SEKRDEHY/WATER/COGEN PLANT · ~.~;~ ................................................................ GATE WATER ~OoF~F] o ~"' I NI 0 EAST PLANT __ GATE ~ 0 Il .'"' ........... i ,' I '" 0 0 0 WATER AUTO ~ WELL GATE CONTROL o o, n ROOM ESD '. ............................ STATION '"" COGEN ...' · '.. ~, PLANT / DEHY .... ... ESD STATION ~ CHEMICALS & OILS MANUAL ........... GATE IGO40903:)DR STATE OF CALIFORNiA--ENVIRONMENTAL PROTEC ION AGENCY (~i, PETE WILSON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL 400 P Street, 4th Floor P.O. Box 806~ Sacramento, CA 95812-0806 (916) 323-5871 02/03/94 CAD981389760 SI[ELL WESTERN F.~P INC/KERN RVR FLD UNIT. WALT RAWLINGS 3700 ALFRED HARREL HWY POBOX 11164 BAKERSFIELD~ CA 93308 ATTN: MGR HS&E BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389-5641 Dear Onsite Treatment Facility: You have recently requested to withdraw your Onsite Hazardous Waste Treatment Notification (DTSC Form 1772) for your facility to operate under permit by rule, and/or conditional authorization~ and/or conditional exemption. We . have reviewed your letter, and have approved your request to withdraw your notification. We are also removing you from the Tiered Permitting data system. You stated that you want to withdraw because: CHANGES IN OPERATING PROCEDURES If you treated hazardous waste at any time in the past, you may be subject to past annual fees as a hazardous waste facility for acting in a manner requiring a treatment permit. Most facilities authorized to operate under permit by rule or a grant of conditional authorization or exemption are forgiven these retroactive facility fees. By withdrawing your form DTSC 1772, you will not be eligible for that exemption. These fees total at least $10,000 a year depending on the quantity of waste treated. By submitting a notification under Permit by Rule, COnditiOnal Authorization or Conditional Exemption, you became subject to paYment of the PBR annual fee ($1,140 in 1993) and/or the CA annual fee ($1,140 in 1993) and/or the CE fee ($100). Your fee payments for the withdrawn notification will be refunded under sep ~te cover. If you have any questions or need further information, please call the apPropriate regional office at the number listed on the enclosed map, or call the Onsite Hazardous Waste Treatment Unit at the letterhead address. Michael $. Homer, Chief Onsite Hazardous Waste Treatment Unit cc: SUSAN LANEy DTSC REGION 1 SURVEILLANCE & ENFORCEMENT BR. 10151 CROYDON WAY, SUITE 3 SACRAMENTO, CA 95827 Page 2 · EPA ID #: CAD9.81.389760 ~ STEVE MCCALLEY ' ' KERN COUNTY ENVIRON. HEALTH SERVICES DEPT 2700 M STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION -' ': ' ' STEPHEN R. RUDD, ADMINISTRATOR ENVIRONMENTAL FEES DIVISION P.O.' BOX 942879 SACRAMENTO, CA 94279-0001