HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEIFEL'S GeoPlus Consulting Services Thomas W. Ladd, California Registered Geologist #3568 ! '~ ~ . December 4, 1989 Kern County Dept. of Environmental Health Services 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attn: Records keeper Re: Thomas W. Ladd Calif. Registered Geologist No. 3568 Gentlemen: This letter is being written for your records and file to establish the policy of authorization under which I, Thomas W. Ladd, California Registered Geologist No. 3568, shall perform professional environmental assessments. My insurance agent and attorney have advised me that as a result of the liability of the responsible party, GeoP'lus Consul%ing Services, owned and operated by Thomas W. Ladd, shall be the only company authorized to use "Thomas W. Ladd" as its designated California Registered Geologist in performing environmental assessments. Regarding all other companies or individuals in your records which have been previously approved and/or authorized to use "Thomas W. Ladd" as its "staff" California Registered Geologist, I hereby give notice, effective immediately, that such approval and authorization is rescinded. The subsequent use of "Thomas W. Ladd" as its California Registered Geologist by companies other than GeoPlus Consulting Services shall be unauthorized. Regarding field investigation work, only work performed by GeoPlus' professional staff or by individuals approved by the Kern County Department to do such work shall be acceptable as valid and authorized investigations for use in GeoPlus reports. All environmental assessment reports prepared by "Thomas W. Ladd" shall be written only under the letterhead of GeoPlus Consulting Services from data obtained by valid and authorized investigations. Kern County Dept. of Environmental Health Services December 4, 1989 Page 2 I appreciate your attention in reviewing your records and correcting any discrepancies that may occur pursuant to this letter. Thank you very much. Sincerely, GEOPLUS CONSULTING SERVICES Thomas W. Ladd TWL:ss KERN COUNTY -- · ~' Street, Ste. 1300 2700 Bakersfield. CA 93301 ~.nv~o~en~ Health Se~ices Dep~ent (805) 861-3636 March 6, 1989 Geo Plus Consulting Services 1400 Easton Drive - Suite 152 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Re: Policy on Sealing Soil Boring Dear Mr. Ladd: This letter is to clarify our stand on how soil borings shall be sealed at all sites. Please inform all contractors who may be planning borings of these requirements: 1. Soil borings that encounter contamination must be completely sealed with an approved sealant material. (Item #$) \ 2. Soil borings that do not encounter contamination may be filled to within 5 feet of grade with native soil and the remaining hole plugged with approved material. (Item #$) 3. Approved grout type for soil borings are as follows: A. Neat cement qrout shall be composed'of one sack of Portland cement (94 pounds) to 4 1/2 to 6 1/2 gallons of clean water and a maximum of 5% Bentonite may be added to the mixture. B. Sand-cement arout shall be composed of not more than two parts by weight of sand and one part of Portland cement to 4 1/2 to 6 1/2 gallons of clean water per sack of cement and a maximum of 5~ Bentonite may be added to the mixture. Mr. Ladd March 6, 1989 Page 2 4. Ail soil borings that may impact ground water are considered "wells" and a permit from the Hazardous Materials Management Program must be obtained before further work is started. A fee is also-required. If you have any questions, please call 86iT3636. Si.~erely, ~ . ' Dan Sta~key, .REHS [ Environmen%ai Heal'~h Specialist I . Hazardous Material~ Management Program DS:dr March 6, 1989 staff.haz\ladd.ltr KERN COUNTY 2700 "M' Street, Ste. 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Environmental Health Services Department (805) 861-3636 March 6, ~989 Geo Plus Consulting Services 1400 Easton Drive - Suite 152 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Attn: Thomas W. Ladd Re: Site Characterization & Workplan Deifel's Paint 1030 Alta Vista Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. Ladd: After review of your site characterization and workplan outline this Department agrees with your proposal to do the initial~ work which must define the full lateral and vertical extent of the contamination. However, if the three proposed borings cannot define the extent of contamination additional borings will be required. Included is a permit application to complete, 'if groundwater' is encountered and our requirements for soil borings. If you have any questions, please call 861-3636. Sin=erely~ F~ , _ ' ' Dan Starkey, REHSI Environmental Hea~th Specialist I Hazardous Material~ Management Program DS:dr 3-6-89 staff.haz\geoplus.ltr enclosures: Permit application Soil Boring -cc: Deiftl's Paint ~41~ KERN COUNTY HEAL TH DEP 2700 M Street HEALTH OFFICER Bakersfield, California ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION Leon M Hebertson, M.D. ' Mailing Address: - DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 1415 Truxtun Avenue Vernon S. Reichard Baker~-field, California 93301 (805) 861-3636 [AZARDOUS MATERIALS ~ APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT TO {CIRCLE ONE) IANAGEMENT PROGRAM CONSTRUCT, RECONSTRUCT, DEEPEN OR DESTROY A WELL IONITORING WELL APPLICATION EE PAiO '(ES ~ ~ NO ~ ", "'"' FACILITY N~ME HOME PHONE NO. · 7 ~P'CF~N-- ADDRESS WORK PHONE NO. '~TE DRII_L[NG ...... '~ ,.,.A .... ~u~ LICENSE NO. ~ Jr~DcU ~[,u.ca.~ PHONE NO. :TARTING OATE ON ....... ENVIRONMENTAL CONTRACTOR LICENSE NO. :~'O'P~'~ ~OO~,Da PHONE NO. 'OMPLETtON OATE ON APPRu~cu L~=, ~ ) '~'~ :] .. ~0' [THOLOGY LOGGING~cV~c.cu ........... o~: REGISTRAT{ON '~EPTH TO GROUNDWATER 6 Fi OW u~:~,~O. DERFORMEO "Y _ ~ ........ o.: REGISTRATION · 08 SITE: T R SEC. ~0 ~CRF SUB. ;J~=bl~0IiJ TO WELL ~ENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE i. Permit applications must Oe submitted to she Health Oeoartment a~ least l0 workino days prior proposed scart~no ~ate. Z. Well site approval is reouired before beoinnino anv work related to well construction, it is lawful to continue work oas[ ~ne staoe at which an inspection is reouired unless inspection is waiveo DP completed. 3. G~her reouiPeo inspections include: conductor casing, ali annular seals, ano final construction features. ~. A Drone call to tF:: Oeoartmen~ office is reQuireD on t~e mornino of the day that work is to commence and 2~ hours oetore t~e o~acemen[ of any sea~s or OIUQS. D. Construction unde~ this Permit is subject to any ins[ructions by Oeoartmen~ ~eoresentatives. msreoresenta~on or non-compliance with reouired Permi~ Conditions, or Ordinance will result in issuance Of a o~o Work Order. ?. A cody of the Department of Water Resources Driller's Report as well as~cooies of logs and water Duality analyses must be'~;uPmicted to the Health Oeoartmen~ within i~ days after completion of the work. 2. A well destructiontaoolication must be filed with this ~eoartment if a well is 6eing destroyed that is not in conjuction wic~ a ~es~ i~ole dermi~. ~. The permit is void on ~i~e ninetieth {90) calendar Day after date of issuance iT work has not been scarred and Peasonable progress coward completion made. Fees are not refundable nor transferable. iO.i have read and agree to comply with the General ConDitions no~ed above. OWNER'S SIGNATURE DATE CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATURE DATE CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION ~RILLING METHOD WELL 3 ~ELL 3 WELL : WELL ;ELL.u:P,H ;ROUND ELEVATION i~.01') ....... ..:P~H TO u,OUNDWA,c~ (I.Ol') IF KNOWN H)REHOLE DIAMETER ,~S~t~ iNSIDE DIAMETER :ASING MATERIALS & ;AUGE iCREEN MATERIALS & :~UG= FYDE OF >LUG & DEPTHS U~NULAS SEALA~T ~ATE~iAL [ 3EPTH · ~ER PACK & SiZE , ;~ SLOT .... tETHoD~EALANT PLACEMENT ~ELL CAP LOCKABLE . ;~CILITY PLOT PLAN - Provide a demcriD~ion of ~he ~a:iii~y :o be monitoDed, include: iota:ion DroDosed moni:orino ano oiacemen~, neanes~ ~reet or in~eDsec~ion, ioca:ion of an~ ~aEer wells or surface wa[ers ~i~hin a 5GO' naNius of facility. Please a~acn. WELL DIMENSIONS - Provide a de~ailed drawine of weil(~), include: depth of well, casinQ ienoth, screen/filter pack length, ~nnuiar sealants, and well caD. No~e any irregularities. Please at:acD. ZONE OF iNFLUENCE - Provide mathema:ical calculations ~ha~ determine ~he zone of influence for :he soil FOR VAOOSE ZONE WELLS at each site :aking into accoun~ :he monitoring method being used. Please attach. NOTE: If this application i~ not comDle~e i~ will be returned. GeoPlus Consulting Services 1400 Easton Drive- Suite 152 /~?' Bakersfield, CA 93309 Kern County Dept. of Environmental Health Services 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301~ Attn: Records Keeper I1,1,,,,11,,,11,11,,,,,,11,1,,11