HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION Process Equipment 12-28-92 Ms. Lydia Von Sydow R.E.A. Resource Management Agency Environmental Health Services Dept. 2700 'M' St., Suite 300 Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 Subject: Your Visit 12-21-92 Ms. Von Sydow: Per your instructions, please find the attached copy of our 1992 waste oil disposal record. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call upon me at your convenience. /~~g~/~ards,/ A.P. Woodbury Branch Manage~/~ Process Equipment Co. 3001 Antonino Ave. (805) 325-5057 Bakersfield, CA 93308 3LE'S.SERVICES P.O. Box 10764 ~ Bakersfield, CA 93389 EPA-riO. CAL000827775 ' (805) 322-8258 / Waste 011 Hauler ~847 C~ PHONE # '"~2 ('~~)7 QTY. UNIT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT ? Generator Signature . ___ Transporter Signature ~~. ----Z--- FROM WATER OR o'n-IER TOXICS FOUND IN THEIR WASTE OIL. /U/.q,L I ! ! I .;: " I '~,z I I ~'~: I '345 · ? I I ~ IO I ~- I · * ? HIGH SCHOQI. /x'EA'.V COL' Y Ali~POR'I" = .... ~.PPL 8" UNION e',' .... ~- AVl[ ,~ WASHINGION AV ~ ~o~'r~ ... ~OilL OIL CO ~ tlNCOtN '~.. BAKERSF~EL~ DR OLIVE BR~ WL ~ORENE RR~ ~ON~ I A ~AL~ AVE. E~f ~RDSLEYI MacARFHUR  SCHOOL ~ ~ BEARDSLI~ 13 E AVl EDWIN DR RAINB~}W HUS~EY SYCAMORE jR~vervlew RD. . . z( ........... /.;~. ..... "': '... " ." ". ~ '"':":' ' ~etropol~ton gelty ~..: ~ ~ecreohon ~USEU~ GETTY IQ" 2; BRIAN GETTY AVE. )SEDAI HWY. ..JOAOUIN COMM[ CIAL~ '~ DR. cBURR ST [V 'RD. ,, 26 ~ MAIN POST OFFICE: ~P PL . FRANKLIN ~ '.:: '" TRUXTUN . HOSPITAL HA ~ S~ArE : 16TH · ' " , ~ 13TH K E R N ~ 0 U M T ~ - -'- -'0 F F I C E ~ E ~ 0 R A ~ D U TO : ACCOUNTING DATE FROM : /'~ ~ z~, SUBJECT: CLOSURE OF WORK ORDERS WORK ORDER NUMBER S o/.,~ / ~4ORK ORDER NAME LAST DATE WORK ORDER WAS UTILIZED ~EASO~ ~0R CLOSm~E 0Z WORK 0RDZR PROGRAM MANAGER Tracking ~: WO Category: Hazma~s APN:~-~-__-__- WO Type: . ~ · Reimb.: Y RP Code RESPONSIBLE PARTY (RP) NAME: ~S ~ ' ~ ~ ~P CONTACT: RP ADDRESS: ~0 0 I ~O~i~ 0 ~P C~TY: ~ '- RP PHONE NOS.: ( ) (__.) INSPECTOR :' ~T. PROG~: ~MMP-Enfo rcement~ HMMP-Permitting DESCRIPTION: LOCATION: FACILITY NAME: REPORTING PERSON: PHONE NO. COMMENTS: UIC SHALLOW INJECTION WELL CHECKLIST 12/92 PAGE 1 FACILITY NAME: PROCESS EQUIPMENT DATE OF INSPECTION: 12/21/92 TIME: 1:20 PM INSPECTOR(S): TERRY GRAY & LYDIA VON SYDOW ADDITIONAL PARTICIPANTS: I. GENERAL INFORMATION A. INTRODUCE YOURSELF AND ALL OTHERS (SHOW CREDENTIALS) B. EXPLAIN WHY YOU ARE THERE. C. (LEGAL INFO) OWNERS NAME: PROCESS EQUIPMENT ADDRESS: 3001ANTONINO AVE. CITY: BAKERSFIELD STATE: CA. ZIP: 93308 PHONE NUMBER: (805) 325-5057 D. OPERATOR'S NAME: PROCESS EQUIPMENT ADDRESS: 3001ANTONINO AVE. CITY: BAKERSFIELD STATE: CAi 'ZIP: 93308 APN: PHONE NUMBER: 805~325-5057 (SWAP BUSINESS CARDS, ALSO ASK FOR BUSINESS LICENSE) E. PARENT COMPANY: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: ARE THEY A SUBSIDIARY OF A CORPORATION: ARE THEY INCORPORATED IN THE STATE: F. CONTACT PERSON: JOHN H. BURGNER PHONE NUMBER: SEE ABOVE II. INTERVIEW THE OPERATOR/NATURE OF BUSINESS A. HOW LONG IN BUSINESS: 37 YEARS B. ARE THEY A MEMBER OF AN ASSOCIATION: YES C. ARE THEY AWARE OF ANY WATER SUPPLY WELL LOCATION/OWNERSHIP: CALIFORNIA WATER CO. D. SITE HISTORY YEARS OF OCCUPATION: 17 PREVIOUS OWNERS: PREVIOUS OPERATORS: PREVIOUS USES OF FACILITY: PAGE 2 E.. PRODUCTS OR SERVICES OFFERED: DISTRIBUTOR OF PUMPING EQUIPMENT. F. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF ANY PROCESS~ OPERATION, OR MAINTENANCE THAT PRODUCES WASTE: PARTS CLEANING G. WHAT CHEMICALS ARE STORED ON SITE: SOLVENTs OILS. H. DO THEY HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS: YES I. DESCRIBE THE WASTE DISPOSAL PRACTICES: RECYCLING. Jo SOLVENT HAULER: SAFETY KLEEN VERIFICATION RECEIPTS: NO HOW OFTEN: K. WASTE HAULER: UNKNOWN VERIFICATION RECEIPTS: NO HOW OFTEN: L. ASK FOR SITE MAPS OF FACILITY AND AS-BUILTS, PLUMBING PLANS FOR THE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: III. INSPECT THE FACILITY GENERAL SITE CONDITIONS HOUSEKEEPING: GOOD EASE OF ENTRY: GOOD COOPERATION: FAIR SURROUNDING LAND USE: COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL A. GENERAL APPEARANCE OF THE WELL(S): NO WELL AT THIS SITE. B. SUSCEPTIBILITY TO SPILLS: NO C. CLASS V WELL(S): NONE STATUS: YEARS OF OPERATION: D. OIL/WATER SEPARATOR, OR GREASE TRAP USED: E. ARE THE WELLS PUMPED OUT: HOW OFTEN: F. ~DO THE WELLS EVER GET PLUGGED UP: G. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS TOTAL DEPTH: DIAMETER: CASING (MEASURE): PAGE 3 H. ARE THE INJECTION WELLS REGULATED BY A STATE OR LOCAL PROGRAM: RWQCB I. PERMIT: NO J. HOW ARE SPILLS OR ACCIDENTS HANDLED: ABSORBENT K. WHERE DOES THE FLOOR/LOT DRAINAGE WATER GO: LOT DRAINAGE DISCHARGES TO THE STREET L. CAR WASH: NO How IS THE EFFLUENT DISPOSED: CLEANERS USED: M. HOW MANY AUTOS ARE~SERVICED DAILY: DOCUMENTS TO REQUEST 1. MAP OF FACILITY 2. AS-BUILT DIAGRAMS, PLUMBING PLANS 3. DRILLERS LOGS 4. MONITORING WELL DATA 5. FLOW DIAGRAM OF PROCESSES, WASTE GENERATIONs AND DISPOSAL 6. MANIFESTS FOR WASTE DISPOSAL 7. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS UNDERGROUND INJECTION CONTROL PROGRAM INSPECTION REPORT AGENCY~ KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTOR: TERRY GRAY AND LYDIA V. VON SYDOW FACILITY INFORMATION FACILITY NAME: PROCESS EQUIPMENT PARENT COMPANY: ADDRESS: 3001ANTONINO AVE. CITY: BAKERSFIELD STATE: CA ZIP: 93308 CONTACT NAME: JOHN BURGNER POSITION: DESCRIPTION OF WASTE STREAM: PARTS CLEANING EFFLUENT DESCRIPTION OF INJECTION WELL: NONE DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY THAT MAY ENDANGER GROUND WATER BUT NOT RELATED TO INJECTION WELLS OR TANKS (e.g. PONDS, SPILLS): INSPECTION INFORMATION INSPECTION DATE: 12/21/92 NUMBER OF WELLS: 0 WELL TYPE AUTO SERVICE: INDUSTRIAL WASTE: AGRICULTURAL WASTE: STORM WATER: OTHER: STATUS OF WELLS ACTIVE: ABANDONED: UNDER CONSTRUCTION: OTHER: INJECTATE SAMPLED: VIOLATION FOUND: NO FOLLOW-UP NEEDED: NO RCRA FACILITY: COMMENTS: KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPT. INSPECTION CHECKLIST ' ADDRESS: CITY/ZIP: CONTACT: PHONE:( ) MAILING ADDRESS: WASTES GENERATED 1. WASTE OIL iv] 4. BRAKE FLUID [ ] 7. SLUDGES HAULE~ HAULER HAULER FREQUENCY FREQUENCY ........... FREQUENCY ......... MANIFESTS YES[. ] NO[,-~? MANIFE'STS YES[ ] NO[ ] MANIFESTS YES[ 2. SOLVENTS [~'] 5. DIESEL/GAS [ ] 8. UIC/WASH RACK HAULER,:~ ~ ~_.~-~_~.~ HAULER .............. HAULER FREQUENCY /~z~ .... " FP. EQUENCY FREQUENCY MANIFESTS v~e[ ] NO~ ] MANIFESTS YES[ ] NO~ ~ MANIFESTS YES~ 3. ANTIFREEZE [ ] 6. OIL FILTERS [ ] 9 OTHER,~.~ HAULER HAULER PUMPER -"~ FREQUENCY FP. EQUENCY ........... FREQUENCY_~/~ MANIFEMTS YEM ] NG[ ~ .ANI. Ea~ YES[ ~ NO[ ~ MANI..ES~a LABELING 1. WASTE OIL [ ~---] 3. OIL FILTERS [ ] 5. SATELLITE 2. SOLVENTS [ ] 4. ANTIFREEZE [ ] STATIONS OTHER: STORAGE OPEN > 90 DAYS INADEQUATE CONTAINERS CONTAINERS 2. SOLVENTS [ ] [ ] [ ] 3. OIL FILTERS [ ] [ ] [ ] 4. ANTIFREEZE [ ] [ ] [ ] 5. SATELLITE STATIONS [ ] [ ] [ ] 6. OTHER [ ] [ ] [ ] DISPOSAL , SPILLAGE SEWER ' UIC I 1. WASTE 'OIL [ ] [ ] ', [ ] 2. SOLVENTS [ ] [ ] [ ] 3. OIL FILTERS [ ] [ ] [ ] 4. A~T~Z~ [ ] [ ] [ ] 5. OTHER [ ] I [ ] [ ] EPA NUMBER YES [~'] NO [ ] BUSINESS PLAN YES [~] NO [ ] HAZ. WASTE TRAINING YES [ ] NO [.']' HAZ. WASTE STORAGE AREA WEEKLY INSPECTION YES [ ] NO.' [ ] SATELLITE STATIONS YES [ ] NO [ ] Page 2 INSPECTION CHECKLIST CONTAINERS OF IGNITABLE OR REACTIVE WASTES 50' FROM PROPERTY LINE YES [ ] NO [ MANIFESTS ON SITE YES [ ] NO' [ MSDS ON SITE YES [ ] NO [ Process Equipment December 26, 1984 Ms. Clari Binder Kern County Health Department 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Clari: Following is the confirming information regarding the soil cleanup of Process Equipment Company located at 3001 Antonino Avenue, Bakersfield, CA: 1. Vern McDonald, located at 3000 S. CHester, Space 117,. Bakersfield, CA 93304, will do the cleanup using Kern Brothers Trucking, EPA ID#CAD030384267, to haul away the contaminated soil. 2. The contaminated soil will be hauled to the EPA dump site on Round Mountain Road. 3.As mentioned above, the carrier will be Kern Brothers Trucking. 4. We will begin the cleanup on January 2, 1985 and complete . the job on January 4, 1985. 5. We would like to have PG&E available to re-wrap the pipe January 3, 1985. Please confirm the date with them. 6. We will remove :the contaminated soil as follows: a. Remove the soil to the two foot level at Sites #3, 4and 6. Process Equipment Co. 1056 No. Tustin Ave. (714) 632-7712 Anaheim, CA 92807 Ms. Clari Binder Kern County Health Department December 26, 1984 Page 2 b. Remove' the soil to'the six (6) fOot level at Site #2. c.Remove the soil to six feet at the Pipeline area, Site #7. d. Remove the soil to the two (2) foot level in the area from Site #4 to the pipeline and to Site #6. 7. Enclosed are plot plan drawings supplied by Vern McDonald showing the cleanup area.and what he will be doing. I believe this covers the necessary requirements for the cleanup. If you have any questions, please contact me immediately. We have notified EPA we will be bringing in the contaminated soil on January 2, 1985. Sincerely, PROCESS EQUIPMENT COPMANY Sandra J. Hc~'l~lis Manager of Administration Enclosures: Plot Plan Drawings- 2 . 1700 mowe, s,~e, COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENr HEALTH OFFICER Bal~ersfieid, Calilornia 93305 Leor, M Hebertson. M.D. Telephone (805) 861-3636 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION DmECTO. OF ENVI.ONME~TAL HE^LTH ' ..~~ ~ Vernon S. Relchare December 4, 1984 Process Equipment Company 1056 N. Tustin Avenue Anaheim, CA 92807 Attention: Sandi Hollis Dear Ms. Hollis: This letter is a follow up of your telephone conversation with this office on November 20, 1984. You were informed at that time that the soil cleanup of Process Equipment Company located at 1001 Antonino in Bakersfield should proceed as follows: 1. remove contaminated soil 'to the two foot level at sites #3, 4 and 6. 2. remove contaminated soil to the six foot level at site #2. 3. remove soil to six feet up to the pipeline area per advisement from P.G. & E. 4. remove soil to two foot level in the area from site f'/4, to the pipeline, and to site ~/6 following advice from P.G. & E. Please contact thiq office as soon as possible regarding a cleanup date and the cleanup company to be used. If you have any questions, please contaCt Clari Binder at this office at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely · ~ ./ Richar~-d-L--a-sagran~, Program Manager ' Hazardous Materials Management Section RC: CB: aa cc: Jerry White, DOHS, Fresno Doug Stearns, P.G. & E. ProcessEquipment· November 8, 1984 Ms, Clari Binder Kern County Health Department": '1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Subject: Bakersfield Site Clean Up Soil'Sample Analysis Clari: On October 11, 1984 Zaico Laboratories Inc. collected !6~il samples and analyzed. these samples for chlorinated' hydrocarbons, pH and total hydrocarbon content. The analysis of these samples is enclosed along with a list of the sites where samples were taken, site map and certification from Zalco Laboratories Inc. After your review, please contact me to discuss completion of the clean up. Sincerely, PROCESS EQUIPMENT COMPANY Sandra J. Hoiiis Manager of Administration Enclosures: Zalco Laboratories' Analysis of Contaminated Soil Zalco Laboratories' List of Sites Sampled for Contaminated Soil Analyses Site Map for Soil Samples Zalco Laboratories' Certification for Sample Testing .cc: Richard Casagrande Process Equipment Co. 1056 No. Tustin Ave. (714) 632-7712 Anaheim, CA 92807 ZALCED ./ E EDFqATEDI II S, I '. Analytical Consulting ServiCes Page 1 of 2 Process Equipment Ccrnpany . Laboratory No: 3396 1056 NOrth Tustin Avenue Date Received: 10-11-84 Anaheim, CA 92807 · Date' Reported: 10-'31-84 Attention: Sandra Hollis SITES SAMPLED FOR CONTAMINATED SOIL ANALYSES Site #1: 3 feet frcxa fence at 2 foot depth at post #12 Site ~2: 8 feet frcm fence at surface, 2 foot and '6 foot depths Site ~3: 4 feet frcm fence at surface, 2 foot and 6 foot depths Site #4: 2 feet frcm fence at surface, 2 foot and 6 foot depths Site ~5: Background, 3 feet south of pipeline at surface, 2 foot and 6 foot depths Site #6: Dug out area 18 feet frcm fence .at 2 foot depth between posts 7 & 8 Site #7: Extra sample, 2 feet below P.G. & E. pipeline J~shn Zaletel, Ph.D. Manager JZ/sw Armour Avenue .Bakersfield, California 93308 [805) 395-0539 ZALC£ AB© AT©IqlES, Analycical'& COnsulting Services. ' Process Equipment Ccmpany Laboratory No: 3396 1056 North Tustin Avenue Date Received: 10-11-84 Anaheim, CA 92807 Date Reported: 10-31-84 Attention: Sandra Hollis ANALYSIS OF CONTAMINATED SOIL Depth Total Chlori nated S i te of Hydrocarbons Hydrocarbons No. Sample pH wt. % plan 1 2' 8.55 0. 008 <5.~0 2 surface 8.94 0.18 10, 3 2 2' 9.33 0.28 10.5 2 6' 9.48 0.11 7.4 3 surface 9.63 3.22 9.1 3 2' 9.24 0.30 · <5.0 3 6' 9.65 0.21 <5.0 3 9' 10.01 0.16 <5.0 4 surface 5.73 10.2 6.9 4 2' 7.15 4.14 11.2 4 6 ' 9.01 0.29 <5.0 5 surface 7.72 0.06 < 5.0 5 2' 9.01 0.26 <5.0 5 6' 9.80 0.17 <5.0 6 2' 9.58 0.31 10.3 7 2' below 9.83 0.12 6.9 J~n Zaletet f'Ph.D. Manager JZ/sw ~ - 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 i~, [805] 395-0539 1001 Antonino Bakersfield, CA ' 325-5057 ~ SITE MAP Fence Line Post# 12 il id 9 8 7 ' #4 0.~ ~ ().~ e - #3 () ~ $-I 0 P.G. & E- Pipeline Analytioal & Consulting Servioes Collector's Sample No. ~'g~'~ CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD ~Location of Sampling: ~ Producer Hauler .. Disposal Site Other: Sample Shipper Name: Address: number street . city state zip Collector's Name , (~_.~. ~z~/~./ Telephone: ( ) ~__~ s t~na-ture Date Sampled /C$///~/~' '/ ' ~ Time Sampled /_'-~dzF/~ hours Field Info~mation . Sample Receiver: (~name and address of organization r~ceiving'sample 2. Chain of Possession: /~ignatur~/'? ti tle inclusive dates 2. signature title inclusive 'dates 3. signature t~tle inclusive d~tes 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, (8051 395-0539 November 8, 1984 Ms. Clari Binder Kern County Health Department- 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Subject: Bakersfield Site Clean Up Soil-Sample Analysis Clari: On October 11, 1984 Zalco Laboratories Inc. collected s~il samples and analyzed these samples for chlorinated hydrocarbons, pH and total hydrocarbon content. The analysis of these samples is enclosed along with a list of the sites where samples were taken, site map and certification from Zalco Laboratories Inc. After your review, please contact me to discuss completion of the clean up. Sincerely, PROCESS EQUIPMENT COMPANY s'andra J. Holli~ Manager of Administration Enclosures: Zalco Laboratories' Analysis of Contaminated Soil Zalco Laboratories' List of Sites Sampled for Contaminated Soil Analyses Site Map for Soil Samples Zalco Laboratories' Certification for Sample Testing cc: Richard Casagrande Process Equipment Co. 1056 No. Tustin Ave. (714) 632-7712 Anaheim, CA 92807 ZALCC ABOIqATOFIIES, Analytical COnsulting Services Page 1 of :2 -. Process Equipment C~pany Laboratory No: 3:396 1056 North Tust£n Avenue Date Received: ~0-~.84 .Anaheim, CA 92807 Date Reported:~ 10-31-84' Attention: 'Sandra Hollis SITES SAMPLED FOR CONTAMINATED SOIL ANALYSES Site #1: 3 feet frcm fence at 2 foot depth at post #12 Site ~2: 8 feet frcm fence at surface, 2 foot and ~ foot depths Site ~3: 4 feet frcm fence at surface, 2 foot and '~i. foot depths~, q ;~- - Site ~4: 2 feet frcr~ fence at surface, 2 foot and 6 foot depths Site #5: Background, 3 feet south of pipeline at surface, 2 foot and 6 foot depths Site 96: Dug out area 18 feet frcm fence at 2 foot depth between posts 7 & 8 Site #7: Extra.sample, 2 feet below P.G. & E. pipeline John Zaletel, Ph.D. Manager JZ/sw 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 i ., [805] 395'0539 ZALC© , XB©RATORIES, IN AnalyCioal Consulting Seevioes Process Equipment Cc~pany Laboratory No: 3396 1056 North Tustin Avenue Date Received: 10-11-84 Anaheim, CA 92807 Date Reported: 10-31-84 Attention: Sandra Hollis ANALi~SIS OF CONTAMINATED SOIL Depth Total Chlorinated Site , of Hydrocarbons Hydrocarbons No. Sample pH wt. % p~m 1 2 ' 8.55 0..00j8 <5.0 2 surface 8.94 0.18 10. 2 2' 9.33 0.28 10.5 2 6' 9.48 0.11 7.4. 3 surface 9.63 3.22 9.1 3 2' 9.24 0.30. <5.0' 3 6' 9.65 0.21 <5.0 3 9' 10.01 0.16 <5.0 4 surface 5.73 10.2 6.9 4 2' 7.15 4.14 11.2 4 6' 9.01 0.29 <5.0 5 surface 7.72 0, 06 < 5.0 5 2' 9.01 0.26 <5.0 5 6' 9.80 0.17 <5.0 6 2' 9.58 0.31 10.3 7 2' below 9.83 0.12 6.9 J~n Zalete~ ~Ph. D. Manager JZ/sw 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, C3alifornia 93308 [805] 395-0539' 1001 Antonino Bakersfield, CA~ 325-5057 sz~ M~' Fence Line Post# 12 11 lo 9 8 7 ~ ~6 0'' .. Analytical ~ Consulting Seevioes Collector's Sample No. ~.~ CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Locatioa of Sampling: ~.~ Producer __ Hauler Disposal Slge Other: Sample Shipper Name: Address: number street . city state zip Collector's Name ~ ~~./ Telephone: ( ) Date Sampled 14//14//.~g Time Sampl~ I'Xd~,V .hours Field Infomatfon . Sample Receiver: name and address of organization r~ceivtng s~ple 2. Chain of Possession: 1. ,.. v~.~... ~..~./' ~: "~' ':'  lgnat ure?' I title inclusive dates 2. signature title inclusive dates signature ti tie inclusive dates Z)9 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 83308, [805] 395~0539r i Analytical & Oonsulcing Services Process Equipment Cc~npany Laboratory No: 3396 1056 North Tustin Avenue . Date Received: 10-11-84 Anaheim, CA 92807 Date Reported: 10-31-84 Attention: Sandra Hollis ANALYSIS OF CONTAMINATED SOIL Depth Total Chlori hated S i te of Hydrocarbons Hyd roca rbons No. Sample pH wt. %' ppm 9' 10.0_l_l 0.16 4 7.15 5-k, surface 7.72 0.06 ~/~/;7 <5.0 J~n Zaletet,- Ph.D. JZ/sw Manager 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 [805] 395-0539 ~?oo F~.~.e~S,ree, Al COUNTY HEALTH DEPAR1 H~ALZH OFFiCeR Bakerslleicl, Caltlornia 93305 Leon M Hebertson, M.D. Telephone (805) 851-3636 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION ,/.:q/..~/.....~/... DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH , ~/'~~. Vernon S. Relcherd .~ August il+, 198~ Process Equipment Company 3001 Antonino Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93JO8 Dear Mr. Brakenbill, On August. l, 198~, an inspection of Process Equipment Company at ~001 Antonino Avenue in Bakersfield was conducted by this agency's Hazardous Waste Section. The inspection revealed that your operation which consists of steam cleaning of indus- trial pumps has resulted in off site migration of waste oil residues to the soil adjacent to the south side of your facility. " The California Administrative Code, Division ~, Chapter ~O states that "No person shall dispose of a hazardous waste on land except at a site for which an appropriate Hazardous Waste Facility Permit has been issued by the Department" (of Health Services). Oil wastes are listed as hazardous wastes in Section 66680 of the same Administrative Code. You are hereby advised that your company must cease the practice of discharging rinseate containing waste oils to drain off site to the soil. If you have ar~ questibns or need further information, please contact Clari Binder of this department at (805) 861-36~6. Yours very truly, ~ _ Richard Casagrande, R.S. ~ Environmental Health Specialist IV Hazardous Waste and Toxics Program RE:CB:aa Process pment January 8, 1984 Department of Health Services P. O. Box 400 Sacramento, CA 95802 Subject: Hazardous Waste Cleanup 3001 Antonino Avenue Bakersfield, CA Gentlemen: Enclosed are State Manifest Document Numbers 84130444 and84501746 document- ing the disposal of the contaminated soil at the subject address. If there are any questions, please contact me at the number below. Sincerely, PROCESS EQUIPMENT COMPANY SaWn d~~o i~1 is~'~ Manager of Administration Enclosures: State Manifest Number 84130444 -~ State Manifest NumYer 84501746 cc: C. Binder, Kern County Health Department Process Equipment Co. 1056 No. Tustin Ave. (714) 632-7712 Anaheim, CA 92807 . . State of Caii'fornla--Healtli ~. ..;..cy L.~I~ f Health Services ~: Toxic Substances Control Dlvlilon Sacramento, California Please mint or ~. (F~m ~sign~ for use on elite (12-pitch) ~iter.) Manifest j[ UNIFORM HAZARDOUS ! 1.~m~'.uSE.AIO~.'.: I~ument N~ 2. Page 1_, Iisi Inf°rmati°n in the shaded areaSnot required' by Federal WASTE MANIFEST ! .... " ' ' ..... ~- ' ' ~' I~aw' ' 3. Generator,s Name 8~ Mailing ~r~ ~S~ ~n~ ~mem NU~r ..... .... 84130444 1056 N, ' ~?... 5. Tr~n~r 1 Com~n~me 8. ~ EPAID Numar 7. Tr&n~~ C6m~ny Name [ ' '. ,.:...~ ~ ~A~Nu~r E. ,. .,.. ........ 9. Designet~ Facili~ Name a~ Site ~m~ '0 I ~AID ~~ ~_ I~ &. · ·~. 1: n. ~. ToIoI Unit I, Q '- ,~~--~ -"-,,~_ No. n T? ~uanti E · . N_O.S. ~ 9189 1 I m "?n' y ~11 ~'b. ' .'." ~ ,..' 0 ) C. : ~ .... , .... ~. . ~ ., .... 16. ~ ENERATOR'~ CERTI ~ICATION: I her~ ~r~ th~ thl ~n~ ~ thil ~ignm~ Ire fully and accuratel~ de.rind a~ by pr~r I~ipping name and are cl,aiti~. ~. ~. ,~ I~1~. a~ ~ in ~1 re~l in proof ~ndition for tran~ ~ highway a~rdi~ 1o a~li~ intel I~ ~1 ~nNntll r~ul,tionl. I Date Print~ Name t 17. Tran~er 1-~~ement of R~ipt ~ ~ter~ / -.//~ ~ 18. Tra~e~'J/~kn~l~e~ent or R~igt ¢ MI~I' z/ 'f ~'~)~ ~. I Date t Print~ Name I SioMture ~ ~U, ~~i.~ ~] Month Day Year 1 g. Di~r~n~ Indi~tion Spa~ F C I L ~ 20. Facili~ Owner or Operator: Ce~ifi~tion ~ r~ipt ~ h~ua~m~ll ~r~ ~ this manifest except as noted in y Item 19. ,.,' I Date Print~ Name I S~ure Month Day Year ,I ' I I I .nanG ~ ~,, ¢ ~ ID,~f,a~ L, rl*.nt of Health Services *' Toxic Substances Control Division :" Sacramento, CIIIfornla ,FMm designed for use on elite (12-pitch) typewriter.) Manifest :,M HAZARDOUS i l. Generator's US EiA ID No. ) .DocumemNo. 2. Page ! I lnformationmtheshadedareas '. STE MANIFEST ~I * ' ' ' m-' IliSlaw'n°t required, by Federal Trens~er 1 Cam~nV Name 6. U~ EPA ID Number C.State .. Transeerter 2 Core,ny Name 8. US, EPAIONumbor E. State Trarmlx~ter's ID 9. Designated Facility Name and Site Addrea~ IO. ~ F. PAID Number G. Stma Facility's lO 11. US DOT De~riptien flr~luding Pro, er Shil~in8 Name, HM ~.~ ID NumeM Total Unit I. -a, ':' -!.., . No. Type Quantity iM/Vo Wa~e No. 8. ¢. 15. Special Handling Instructiona and Additional Infm, matiofl -. 16. GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I herebydeclere that the conterttl Of:this conlignmen< ara fully and accurately described above by proper shipping name and are clallified, picked, marked, end labeled, and Me in III respects in proper condition for transport by highway according to applicable international lad ~ governmental regulationa. I Date 17. Trane)otter I Acknowledgement of Receipt of MateriMI r ~ {/ . I Date Id. Transporter 2 Acknowledgement or Receipt of Materilll' V--- ~ '"' [ Date Printed/Typed Name I Signature Month Day Year 19. Discrepancy Indication Space I 20. Facility Owner or Opirator: Certification of receipt of hazerdoul matlrilll covered by thai manifest except as noted in . Item 19. Month Day Yea/' Blue: GENERATOR SENDS THIS COPY TO lC)OHS WITHIN 30 DAYS 1700 Flower Street N COUNTY HEALTH DEP, ART HEALTH OFFICE" . Bakersfield, Calllornla 93305 Leon M Hebe~'t$on. Tekephone (505) 861-3636 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH ~ ~.~. . . . Sept~ber 2~, 198~ Helen Strait~f 631 Hillcrest ~verly H~ls, ~ 90310 Dear ~s. St~it~f, ~is letter is a follo~o to a telephone co~er~;~n Sept~ber 20, 198~, between you a~ ~. C~ri B~er of this Depa~ment. ~e co~ersat~n regards to the clea~p of yo~ pro~y located ~tween ~erce a~ ~ow Streets in ~kersfield, ~e clea~p is a res~e to a comp~int to %he K,~rn ~ty Health De~ mer~ from Pac~ic Gas a~ Electric on J~y 16, 198A. ,~n ~pection of ~ocess Equipment Com~'located at i001 A~o~o Avenue in E~kersfield ~ this De~ment r~zealed ri~eate from t~t compa~s ~us~r~l process ~s be~ discharged onto yo~ property. ~e ~ea of disc~rge ..s adjace~ to a Pac~ic Gas.snd Electric ~s t~mission pi~iine. Pacific C~s a~ Electric e~ressed cor~ern as to the effect of this disc~rge on the~ pipel~e. ~e disc~rge confirm.grease and oil '~s%e ~hich a~ co~idered haza~o~ waste acco~ to the Califor~ A~strative []ode, ~tle 22, Cf~pter 30. ~o,~ow the legal ~del~e,; regu~'-ed ~ the S~te 'ih.erefore, the cleanup will ~ ~ for ~zardo~ ~ste dispos~l. E~avation of the piti .~ is sched~ed to beg~ Seotember~ 25~ 198&. You ~,:~1~.. _ be ~t~ied when the ~}~',map is completed. ~ you ~ve a~ questior~, please contac~ C~ri B~er at (805) 86!-3636. Sir~ ereiy yo~s, /' .---"' ' AC: CB:aa DISTRICT OFFICES 1700 Flowe~ Street KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEP. AP~I~NT HEALTH OFFICER bmkt~'~lle;d, California 93305 ~ Leon M Hebert,on, M.D. Telephone (805) 861-3~3~ ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION ~j~~_ DIRECTOR OvFe~EoNnVIsR. ORNe~hEaNr~TAL HEALTH Septe~nber 18, .198A Don ~kebl 1 l Process Equipment Compar~ 3001 Antonino Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93308 Re: Site Clean Up Procedure Dear Mr. Brakeb~ 11: A meeting was held on September IA, 198A to discuss the proposed clea~ap of the property adjacent to your facility located at 1001 Antonino, Bakersfield. Pre- sent at this meeting were Mssrs. Phil Pucci and Doug Stem of Pacific Gas ar~ Electric, Mssrs. B411_ Brakeb~ll and Andy Woodbury of Process Equipment Compare, and Hr. ~ll Scheide and Ms. Clari Binder of this Department. The cleanup is a remedial action ~rected by this department to comply with the hazardous waste req, H-ements of the California Administrative Code, Title 22, Chapter-30. In order to comply with the State Code your compar~ must perform' the following: I. Sample the contaminated soil and submit for laboratory analyses. Test results will be used to verify complete removal of contami- nated soil. The following 'procedure for sampling should be followed: a. Four areas must be sampled. Each area will be sampled at surface, two foot and six foot levels. (see attachment). b. Two samples taken at two foot levels. (see attachment ). c. Soil samples should be analysed for chlorinated hydrocarbons, pH, and total hydrocarbons. Local laboratories capable of these analyses include BC Laboratories and Zalco ~aboratories. Reports of analyses from the laboratory shall be forwarded to this °ffice. d. Further sampling may be req,,~ed depending on visual inspection of soil following excavation of pipeline area by Pacific Gas and Electric. DISTRICT OFFICES Process Equipments -pany Page 2 September 18, 198& II. Upon completion of site cleanup, copies of the hazardous waste manifests used during cleanup shall be forwarded to this office. Cleanup of-this site should proceed as soon as possible following receipt of laboratory analyses since the Pacific Gas and Electric pipelines w~l be exposed and could cause a hazard. If you have an~ questions regard'.m.ng this matter, please contact Ms. Clari Binder of this department at (805) 861-3636. Richard Casagrande, R.S~ Environmental Health Specialist IV Hazardous Waste Mamgement RC:CB:aa Enclosure RN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMEN'i-----/ ' ~ .,,' -,:-,'":' '"" ~':' Division of Environmental Health . _.. ,. . .. ?-/~,-.~ · ~ _-. '~. ,_--=- ...... . ~-.~'. ....... ' '. · . - :'... · ~ , . ' · r ' ~ .' , '' " ' : ~', . ; '. .''.'. '.: . ... ~=t'-'. ' . . . . . . :.: . xx' ~-,~ ~ . .~ ., .* . ~ .. .. " ' KERN C ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 'DEPARTMENT SERVICE AND COMPLAINT FORM ' Da Time: ~ 'Service Request * Complaint CT No. ~ f Alslgned to.' /L./ -"~.:' ~o~ty O~er Addr~s ' ~one, Reason for Request.. / ~ '~,~. ' . · TM .... ' ' ' Information Taken ~y RESULTS OF of results ..................... Investigated by_. ' · __ · .. ,':: Environmental Health 580 4113 2029 (Rev. 9/ll9) . · .. ..... ,~: ?";~'~,; ,'~-": 4 '.: .'~" ,. ...................................... . ...................... U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ~ /~,~P~v.~387 Occupational Safety and Health Administration 'J~ , MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHE Required under USDL Safety and Health Regulations for Ship Re'~J~t~ Shipbuilding, ~nd Shipbreaking (29 CFR i915, 1916, 1917)'C.C~]i~Ty HEALTH DiT. SECTION I' MANUFACTURER'S NAME EMERGENCM TELEPHONE NO. HOTSY OF SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY 805-322-3188 ADDRES, S (Number, Street, City, State, and ZIP Code) ~6 South Bliss Street, Bakersfield, ~ali~, 93307 CHEMICAL NAME AND SYNONYMS I TRADE NAME AND .SYNONYMS CI~EMICALFAMILY I FOR~vIUI-A LIQUID DETERGENT ; SECTION II - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS TLr TLV PAINTS, PRESERVATIVES, & SOLVENTS % {Units) ALLOYS AND METALLIC COATINGS ' % (Units) PIGMENTS BASE METAL CATALYST ALLOYS VEHICLE METALLIC COATINGS FILLER METAL SOLVENTS. PLUS COATING OR CORE FLUX ADDITIVES OTHERS OTHERS TLV HAZARDOUS MIXTURES OF OTHER LIQUIDS, SOLIDS, OR GASES % (Units) THIS PRODUCT IS NOT CONSIDERED A HAZARDOUS MATERIAL UNDER DEPARTMENT OF LABOR DEFINITIONS. SECTION III - PHYSICAL DATA BOILING POINT (°F.) 212°F SPECIFIC GRAVITY (H~O=I) 1 · 05 PERCENT, VOLATILE VAPOR PRESSURE (mm Hg,) BY VOLUME (%) 80 VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=l) EVAPORATION RATE ( =l) 1 SOLUBILITY IN WATER SOLUBLE ^PPEARANCEANOOOOR PINK TO RED WITH SLIGHT ODOR SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA EXTINGUISHING MEDIA WATER, DRY CHEMICAL, CARBON DIOXIDE} FOA~ SPECIAL F~RE FmHTING PROCEDURES UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS NOLTE SECTION V - HEALTH HAZARD DATA THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE · ,,~, -~ ~;!~ NONE ESTABLISHED "~'-? EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE. IRRITATING TO SKIN 'AND EYES EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES FOR EYE CONTACT: FLUSH WITH WATER 15 MINUTES. 'CALLA PHYSICIAN FOR SKIN CONTACT: WASH WITH WATER SECTION VI - REACTIVITY DATA STABIL!TY I I CC~-m!~r!ON$ TO A~'OmD UNSTABLE STABLE X INCOMPATABILITY (Materials to avoid) STRONG ACIDS, OXIDIZING AGENTS HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS CONDITIONS TO AVOID HAZARDOUS MAY OCCUR POLYMERIZATION WILL NOT OCCUR X SECTION VII - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDbRES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED FLUSH AREA WITH WATER, LARGE SPILLS SHOULD BE DIKED WITH EARTH WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD DISPOSE OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL REGULATION CONCERNING HEALTH AND POLUTION. SECTIONVlll - 5?ECIALPHUI'P-.GllUN INPOHMATION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION (Specify type) LOCAL EXHAUST SPECIAL VENTILATION MECHANICAL (General) OTHER PROTECTIVE GLOVES ] EYE PROTECTION GOOD PRACTICE OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT SECTION IX - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN tN HANDLING ANO STORING STORE IN A COOL DRY PLACE KEEP CONTAINER CLOSED WHEN NOT IN USE. OTHER PRECAUTIONS PAGE (2) Form OSHA-20 GPO 930.540 . Aev. May 72 PROCESS EQUIPMENT Plot Plan' -..Soil C 3001.AntoninO A Bal~ersfield, CA .12/26/84 :OMPANY ' ~n'uP :3308 ' - .... -Plot Plah -Soil Cleanup. " PROCESS EQUIPMENT' COMPANY 3001 ANtonino Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93308 12/26/84