HomeMy WebLinkAboutHAZARDOUS WASTE TO : ACCOUNTING DATE FROM · SU;~JECT: CLOSURE OF WORK ORDERS WORK ORDER NAME ~AST DATE WORK 0R~ER WAS UTILIZED PROGRAM MANAGER KERN COUNTY --- OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Accounting Date: March 23, 1993 FROM: Terry Gray SUBJECT: Closure of work orders WORK ORDER NUMBER: 5338 WORK ORDER NAME: HAZ WASTE, COOPER OIL TOOL LAST DATE WORK ORDER WAS UTILIZED: March 23, 1993 REASON FOR CLOSURE OF WORK ORDER: Case closed PROGRAM MANAGER ~,, Cooper Industries · Cooper Oil .Tool Division P,O. Box 1212 Houston, TX 77251-1212 COOPER Cooper OilTool March 10, 1993 Mr. Te~rY L. Gray Environmental Health Services 2700 M Street Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Gray, On February 10, 1993 I received a Notice of Violation from your office for our facility located at 3007 Antonino in Bakersfield. According to the Notice of Violation, we were not incompliance'of California regulations surrounding the proper labeling and onsite storage times for "Waste Oil". In reviewing this situation I believe that an error was made on the part of our personnel at the location in improperly calling the material in question "Waste Oil" to your inspectors. This material is not waste oil. It is the cleaning/rinse water accumulated as a result of steam cleaning valves removed from service at wellheads for repairs. It is approximately 99.9% water with a very small (part per million range) amount of Crude Oil. We have performed'a TCLP analysis of this material and found it to be non-hazardous under RCRA. I spoke with Mr. Joe Canas of your office on March 10th and he stated that crude oil was not regulated as hazardous in California and that it appeared the Notice of Violation was incorrect based on this new information. Please let me know if your thoughts on this matter. I can be reached at 713-939-2868. Sincerely JackP. Holmes o Sr. Environmental Engineer c: Keith Smith 13013 Northwes~Freeway Houston, TX 77040 713 939-2211 Fax 713 939-2620 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH. SERVICES DEPARTMENT STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S. ~ 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 DIRECTOR V~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 (805) 661-3429 FAX March 3, 1993 Cooper Oil Tool 3007 Antonino Court Bakersfield, CA 93308 Attention: Hank McCormick SUBJECT: HAZARDOUS WASTE STORAGE VIOLATIONS LOCATED AT 3007 ANTONINO COURT, BAKERSFIELD, CA Dear Mr. McCormick: A violation notice was mailed to you on January 27, 1993, directing you to correct violations of hazardous waste regulations and statutes. The facility was cited for improper storage and labeling of hazardous wastes. Our records indicate that compliance has not been obtained. In order to avoid further legal action you must comply with the original order dated January 27, 1993, within fourteen (14) days of receipt of this letter. If you have any questions, you may contact me at (805) 861-3636, extension 582. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director By: Terry L. Gray Hazardous Materials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program TLG:cas \GRAYkCOOPER.2ND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES 'DEPARTMENT STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S. '~~.~ 2700 'M" Street, Suite 300 DIRECTOR ~!~mu Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 {805) 861-3429 FAX January. 27, 1993 Cooper Oil Tool 3007 Antonino Court Bakersfield, CA 93308 Attention: Hank McCormick SUBJECT: HAZARDOUS WASTE STORAGE VIOLATIONS LOCATED AT 3007 ANTONINO COURT, BAKERSFIELD,' CA NOTICE OF VIOLATIONS Dear Mr. McCormick: On December 21, 1992, an inspection was conducted at the facility noted above. As a result of that inspection, violations of hazardous waste regulations and statutes were identified. Specific violations are listed below. VIOLATIONS It has been determined that the facility is in violation of the following regulations and statutes cited below: 1. The facility is in violation of California Health and Safety Code, Article 8, Chapter 6.5, Division 20, Section 25189.5(a)(d). "The disposal of any hazardous waste, or the causing thereof is prohibited when the disposal is at a facility which does not have a permit from the department issued pursuant to this chapter." "Any person who knowingly treats or stores .any hazardous wastes at a facility which does not have a permit from the department issued pursuant to this chapter." It was determined during the inspection that waste off was stored on site in exceedence of the 90 day storage requirements for small quantity generators. 2. The facility is in violation of California Code of Regulations, Chapter 30, Title 22, Section 66262.34(0(1)(2)(3)(A)(B)(C). WORK ORIH~R Date: ~ Work Order Tracking' '~: WO Category: Hazmats APN: ------------ Reimb.WO Type:: Y RP Code: WORK ORDER NAME: ~ ~ ~ COo ,' __ RESPONSIBLE PARTY (RP) NAME: . RP CONTACT: RP ADDRESS: RP CITY: ~[~l'~ [~ STATE: ~ ZIP: ~~ + RP PHONE NOS.: ( INSPECTOR: EXT · DESCRIPTION: LOCATION: FACILITY NAME: REPORTING PERSON: PHONE NO. COMMENTS: Cooper Oil Tool Subject: Hazardous Waste Violations January 27, 1993 Page 2 "Generators who accumulate hazardous waste on site without a permit or grant of interim status shall comply with the following requirements: the date upon which each period of accumulation begins shall be clearly marked and visible for inspection on each container and portable tank; .. the date the 90 day period begins, for purposes of Subsection (a) attd (b) of this Section, shall be clearly marked and visible for inspection on each container and tanlc All containers and portable tanks shall be labeled with the following information: The composition and physical state of the wastes, statement or statements which call attention to the particular hazardous properties of the wastes (e.g. flammable, reactive, etc.) and the name of the person producing the wastes." It was determined during the inspection that none of the containers storing hazardous waste were labeled in accordance with the above requirements. ORDER TO CORRECT Upon receipt of this letter, the facility owners or operator must correct all deficiencies noted in this Notice of Violation within thirty (30) days, and submit to the Department written documentation that all violations have been corrected. In accordance with Kern County Ordinance Code G-5541, Section 8.04.100 the Department is authorized to charge for inspections, review of repons, laboratory service costs and any other costs incurred in the process of obtaining compliance with any violations noted. Be advised that you will be billed at the rate of $80.00 per hour for time spent to date as well as future oversight costs incurred during the abatement of these violations. The issuance of this notice does not preclude the Department from taking administrative, civil or criminal action as a result of the violations noted herein. If we may be of further assistance to you, please contact this Department at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director By: Terry L. Gray Hazardous Materials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program TLG:cas KERN ¢0 U NT Y OFFICE MEMOHAN~ ~ TO : ACCOUNTING DATE: /~2£-~Z FROM : SUBJECT: CLOSURE OF WORK ORDERS WORK ORDER NUMBER ,~o t3o WORK ORDER NAME Coo~z n o;I r~AST gATE WORK 0~ER WAS UTILI~ /2-~ ~.-~ REASON FOR GLOS~E 0F WORK ORDER (_~.~ PROGRAM MANAGER KERN COb:~it'Y ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICE~ DEPARTMENT " ' SERVICE AND COMPLAINT FORM Date .'~./-~- ~.×'.:'~L.. Tim,:. ..................... ~/~,~.~ _~ ~-. /~ ,-~,,,~- ............ ~.~.~...L.....~::~~.~.,~ ................................................ ~,,, .......................................................................................... · '""" 7 ................................................................................................................................................................................ Heportln9 ~rson Addreli ~o~rty Owner .................................................... A~dress ........................................................................ ~one Information ...? ..,. RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION.._//..~.~._,4~_ C/'.~C. ,,~..,,,'.~- ~,. /:/'~?,~ ~:.., ..... 'i ',?: ~-",,' ~-"., ::" .... i ""-'~:::,'~'.-%' Cc~mpleinant notified ~,~' ' of results ........................... Investigated by .- · . _ .............. / . .... ~: ............. : ............................................ Date ....... .:,. ..... ':..'.....;:....:. ................ Environmental Health 580 4] 13 2029 (Rev. 9/q9) 332-301-04-00-6 Roll 1 FILE BEING PREPARED 93 STATUS -ACTIVE Area Code 001-017 Name ANTONINO JOHN B & MARGARET TR Deed 05440-0920 02/28/82 801 cd SD 3 % ANTONINO J B & MARGARET TRS Use 38000 CV 78228 Notf 2143 WINGLAND DR KTX BAKERSFIELD CA 93308 Census Bill 2143 WINGLAND DR Coord BAKERSFIELD CA 93308 Zoning Site 3007 ANTONINO AVE BAKERSFIELD S-CD L/S 11B/TP TR/RG 3008 Acres CP *** VALUES *** Mineral Land Imprvmnts Other Imps Pers/Prop Exemptions Market 10,451 34,784 NET ASSESSED VALUE 45,235 VALUES CHANGED 08/16/78 * *~* NO SUPPLEMENTAL RECORDS TO DISPLAY *** · * PF1 TAX INFORMATION PF3 CHANGE ROLL TYPE PF4 PARCEL HISTORY · * PF5/8 NXT/PRE SUPPL PF6 SUPPL. INFO PF7 PEC.SUPPL. EVENT * * PFg/IO NXT/PRE PARCL PF23/24 PRINT WO/W FEED PF17 PRINT LATER IN BATCH * Enter parcel number 332 301 04 O0 6 File - P EVENT- 24-22 SA MW KS IH II S1 KB ' 332-;50 TRACT 3008 SCHOOL DIST. /'-/7 332.-30 -" PTN. OF NI/20F Nl/2 OF' NEI/4- OF SEi/4-OF' SEC. 22, T. 29S. R.27E. , ~ , ® O 8 ANTONINO kVAK ~ ASSESSORS MAP NO 332-30 COUNTY OF KERN UIC SHALLOW INJECTION WELL CHECKLIST PAGE 1 FACILITY NAME: COOPER OIL TOOL DATE OF INSPECTION: 12/21/92 TIME: 1:30 INSPECTOR{SI: TERRY GRAY AND LYDIA VON SYDOW ADDITIONAL PARTICIPANTS: HANK MC CORMICK I. GENERAL INFORMATION A. INTRODUCE YOURSELF AND ALL OTHERS (SHOW CREDENTIALS) B. EXPLAIN WHY YOU ARE THERE. C. (LEGAL INFO) OWNERS NAME: ,ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: PHONE NUMBER: D. OPERATOR'S NAME: COOPER OIL TOOL ADDRESS: 3007 ANTONINO AVE. CITY: BAKERSFIELD STATE: CA ZIP': ~3308 APN: PHONE NUMBER: (805) 323-8183 {SWAP BUSINESS CARDS, ALSO ASK FOR BUSINESS LICENSE) E. PARENT COHPANY: COOPER INDUSTRIES ADDRESS: CITY: HOUSTON STATE: TX ZIP: ARE THEY A SUBSIDIARY OF A CORPORATION: NO ARE THEY INCORPORATED IN THE STATE: NO F. CONTACT PERSON: HANK MC CORHICK PHO:~E :~BER: ,_~ ABOVE II. INTERVIEW THu OPERATOR/NAT,_RE OF BUSINESS A. HOW _.OXG sus : ss- TZARS B. ARE THEY A HEHBER OF AN ASSOCIATION: NO t_. ARE .... ~ n~ v. ~,,' W.~' ~ OF ANY W ~-,T ~ R o~:~ ~, z ~mLL ,-- ....... /, ' ' ~AT~n CO LkJLAT_tL,:x/OhXERSHiP: CALIFORNIA t' ==' . 9. SITE HISTORY YEARS OF OCCUPATION: 35 YEARS PREVIOUS OX;XERS: PREVIOUS OPERATORS: P}~EVIOUS USES OF FACILITY: PAGE 2 E. PRODUCTS OR SERVICES OFFERED: OIL, GAS DRILLING, PRODUCTION & PIPELINE PRODUCTS. F. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF ANY PROCESS, OPERATION, OR MAINTENANCE THAT PRODUCES WASTE: CLEANUP OF PARTS G. WHAT CHEMICALS ARE STORED ON SITE: GREASE, DEGREASERS, PAINTS & PAINT THINNERS H. DO THEY HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS: YES I. DESCRIBE THE WASTE DISPOSAL PRACTICES: DISPOSAL J. SOLVENT HAULER: N/A VERIFICATION RECEIPTS: HOW OFTEN: K. WASTE HAULER: KERN VACUUM VERIFICATION RECEIPTS: YES HOt4 OFTEN: EXCEEDING 90 DAYS L. ASK FOR SITE MAPS OF FACILITY AND AS-BUILTS, PLUMBING PLANS FOR THE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: III. INSPECT THE FACILITY GENERAL SITE CONDITIONS HOUSEKEEPING: GOOD EASE OF ENTRY: GOOD COOPERATION: GOOD SURROUNDING hAND USE: COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL A. GENERAL APPEARANCE OF THE I<ELL(St: NON UIC SITE B. SUSCEPTIBILITY TO SPILLS: NO C. CLASS V ~ELL(S): NONE STATUS: YEAt{S OF OPERATION: D. O[L/t~ATER SEPARATOR, OR GREASE T~AP USED: E. ARE THE I<ELLS PUMPED OUT: HOt< OFTEN: h'HO PUblPS THE I~ELLS: F. DO THE I(ELLS EVER GET PLUGGED UP: G. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (biEASURE) :~AL DEPTH: DI:-~.,~ET~: ~.AoING: Ho ARE THE INJECTION WELLS REGULATED BY A STATE OR LOCAL PROGRAM: RWQCB I. PERHIT: NO J. HOW ARE SPILLS OR ACCIDENTS HANDLED: ABSORBENT K. HOW ARE THE FLOORS CLEANED: SWEPT L. WHERE DOES THE FLOOR/LOT DRAINAGE WATER GO: LOT DRAINAGE DISCHARGES TO THE STREET H. CAR WASH: NO HOW IS THE EFFLUENT DISPOSED: CLEANERS USED: N. HOW MANY AUTOS ARE SERVICED DALLY: DO~U~IENT~ TO REQUEST MAP OF FACILITY AS-BUILT DIAGRAMS, PLUMBING PLANS DRILLERS LOGS MONITORING WELL DATA FLOW DIAGRAM OF PROCESSES, ~A~TE ~zNE..AT~O:~, AND DISPOSAL MANIFESTS FOR WASTE DISPOSAL MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS SITE DIAGRAM N UNDERGROUND INJECTION CONTROL PROGRAM INSPECTION REPORT AGENCY: KERN COUNTY ENVIRONHENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTHENT INSPECTOR: TERRY GRAY FACILITY INFORMATION FACILITY NAME: COOPER OIL TOOLS PARENT COHPANY: COOPER INDUSTRIES ADDRESS: 3007 ANTONINO AVE. CITY: BAKERSFIELD .STATE: CA ZIP: 93308 CONTACT NAHE: HANK HC CORHICK POSITION: SENIOR SALES REPRESENTATIVE DESCRIPTION OF ~¢ASTE STREAH: OILY WASTE FROH CLEANING PARTS. DESCRIPTION OF iNJECTION WELL: NONE DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY THAT HAY ENDANGER GROUND WATER BUT NOT RELATED TO INJECTION WELLS OR TANKS (e.g. PONDS? SPILLS): INSPECTION INFORHATION INSPECTION 'DATE: 12/21/92 NUHBER OF '~fELLS: NONE WELL TYPE AUTO SERVICE: INDUSTRIAL ~{ASTE: AGRICULTUR, AL WASTE: STORb! ~<ATER: OTHER: STATUS OF WELLS ACTIVE: ABANDONED: UNDER CONSTRUCTION: OTHER: INJECTATE SAHPLED: NO VIOLATION FOUND: NO ECRA FACILITY: CO~I}!ENTS: KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 'SERVICES DEPT. INSPECTION CHECKLIST FACILITY NAME: ADDRESS: CITY/ZIP: CONTACT: PHONE: MAILING ADDRESS: WASTES GENERATED 1. WASTE OIL [ ] 4. BRAKE FLUID [ ] ?. SLUDGES ["~ HAULER HAULER HAULER{<¢~__._~~' FREQUENCY FREQUENCY FREQUENCY~ MANIFESTS YES[. ] NO[ ] MANIFESTS YES{} NO[ ] MANIFESTS 2. SOLVENTS [ ] ~. DIESEL/GAS [ ] 8. UIC/WASH RACK [ ] HAULER~.r~v i<~,~- HAULER HAULER FREQUENCV_}~A~__~= FREQUENCY FREQUENCY MANIFESTS ~E~;j~NO[} MANIFESTS YES[] MOl] MANIFESTS YES[ 3. ANTIFREEZE [ ] 8. OIL FILTERS [ ] 9. OTHER [ ] HAULER HAULER PUMPER FREQUENCY FREQUENCY FRE~UENu~ ..... MANIFESTS YES{ ] NO[ ] MANIFESTS YES{ ] NO[ ] MANIFESTS YES{ ] NO[ ] LABELING 1. WASTE OIL [ ] 3. OIL FILTERS [ ] 5. SATELLITE 2. SOLVENTS, [ ] 4. ANTIFREEZE [ ] STATIONS [ ] OTHER: ~/~/f~_ ~/-2z,,_/ ~V ~ STORAGE OPEN > 90 DAYS INADEQUATE CONTAINERS CONTAINERS 1. WASTE OIL [ ] [ ] I [ ] 2. SOLVENTS [ ] [ ] [ ] 3. OIL FILTERS [ ] [ ] [ ] 4. ANTIFREEZE [ ] [ ] [ ] 5. SATELLITE STATIONS [ ] [ ] [ ] 6. OTHER [ ] ~ [ ] DISPOSAL SPILLAGE SEWER ' UIC 1. WASTE OIL [ ] [ ] I [ ] 2. SOLVENTS [ ] [ ] I [ ] 3. OIL FILTERS [ ] [ ] I [ ] 4. ANTIFREEZE [ ] [ ] I [ ] 5. OTHER [ ] [ ] I [ ] NON-CHARACTERIZATION OF WASTE ~ . EPA NUMBER YES [z~ NO [ ] BUSINESS PLAN YES~ NO [ ] HAZ. WASTE TRAINING YES [ ] NO ~ HAZ. WASTE STORAGE INSPECTION YES ~ -NO [ ] AREA WEEKLY SATELLITE STATIONS YES [ ] NO [ ] Page 2 INSPECTION CHECKLIST CONTAINERS OF IGNITABLE OR REACTIVE WASTES 50' FROM PROPERTY LINE YES [ ,] NO [ ] MANIFESTS ON SITE YES~r~ NO [ ] MSDS ON SITE YES NO [ ]