HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN Hazardous ,Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE This ~ermit is issued for the followin_a: [] Hazardous Materials Plan [] Underground Storage of Hazardous Materials Permit ID #:: 015-000-001002 [] Risk Management Program PETRO CHEM ENVIRONM .. r-I Hazardous WasteOn-Site Treatment LOCATION: 3207 ANTONINO AVE IELD ,~;.' ., '~; ,.,, OFFICE OF EN~R ONMENTAL SER VICES J}'~ 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd FloOr 'Approved by: Bakersfield, CA 93301 · OmceofEvimn~S~ic= Voice (661) 326-3979' ~~ F~ (661) 326-0576 Expiation Date: '"--' SITE/FACILITY DiAGR~k~4 ~ /~ "' FORM 5 NORTH SCALE: BUS INESS N~ME: FLOOR: OF DATE: / / [AOILITY ~E: ~IT ~: O[ PETRO CHEM ENVIRONMEN SERVICES SiteID: 015-021-001002 Manager : ROBERT DOUGLAS BusPhone: (661) 327-7300 Location: 3207 ANTONINO AVE_~n~ Map : 102 CommHaz : Moderate- City :.BAKERSFIELD '%'L~ Grid: 23D FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: COUNTY STATION 66 SIC Code: EPA Numb: DunnBrad: 'Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title TIM BRENNAN / MANAGER JIM MARCHESINI / CONSULTANT Business Phone: (661) 327-7300x Business Phone: (661) 327-7300x 24-Hour Phone : (666) 1 -6490x 24-Hour Phone : (661) 872-5820x Pager Phone : ( ) x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Hazmat Hazards: Fire Press ImmHlth DelHlth Contact : STEPHEN LEWIS Phone: (310) 717-9978xCELL MailAddr: 3207 ANTONINO AVE State: CA City : BAKERSFIELD Zip : 93308 Owner PETRO-CHEM ENVIRONMENTAL Phone: (310) 717-9978xCELL Address : 3207 ANTONINO AVE State: CA City : BAKERSFIELD Zip : 93308 Period : to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparer: TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs: No ParcelNo: Emergency Directives: ?MAIL P O BOX 2'1416, 93390-1416. ED New phone number for Stephen Lewis 310-717-9978 cell. ?ROBERT DOUGLAS 399-5453? I, Do hereby certi~ that I have f~v~ or print'name) reviewed [he attached hazardous materials manage- ment plan for. and that it along with (Name ol~BuSiness) -- any corrections constitute a complete and'correct man- · agement plan for my facility. 'Date - 1 09/16/2003 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME ,'~C-~2O Ce~-C~'/ INSPECTION DATE '~/ac) ADDRESS ~2-o':3 [~c~/'a~,,to PHONE NO. FACILITY CONTACT ~'go, rs D~ . BUSINESS ID NO. 15-210- INSPECTION TIME NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program ~ Routine J~,,Combined [~ Joint Agency {~[ Multi-Agency ~.~ complaint [~ Re-inspection OPERATION C V COMMENTS Appropriate permit on hand Business plan contact information accurate Visible address Correct occupancy Verification of inventory materials Verification of quantities Verification of location Proper segregation of material Verification of MSDS availability Verification of Haz Mat training Verification of abatement supplies and procedures Emergency procedures adequate Containers properly labeled . Housekeeping Fire Protection .Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand C=Compliance V=Violation Any hazardous waste on site?: ~Ye~ Quesaons rcg~ding this inspec~on? Pi~as~ call us at (661 ) 326-3979~~S~nsible Pa~y White- Env. Svcs. Yellow- Station Cooy Pink- Business Copy InSpector: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES. UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME -~E-xeO ~ca~X INSPECTION DATE Section 4: Hazardous Waste Generator Program EPA ID # [] Routine ~ Combined [] Joint Agency [] Multi-Agency [] Complaint [] Re-inspection OPERATION C V COMMENTS Hazardous waste determination has been made EPA ID Number (Phone: 916-324-1781 to obtain EPA ID #) Authorized for waste treatment and/or storage Reported release, fire, or explosion within 15 days of occurrence ) or maintains a contingency plan and training Established accumulation time frames Hazardous waste Containers in good condition and not leaking Containers are compatible with the hazardous waste Containers are kept closed when not in use Weekly inspection of storage area Ignitable/reactive waste located at least 50 feet from property line Secondary containment provided Conducts daily inspection of tanks Used oil not contaminated with other hazardous waste Proper management of lead acid batteries including labels Proper management of used oil filters Transports hazardous waste with completed manifest Sends manifest copies to DTSC Retains manifests for 3 years Retains hazardous waste analysis for 3 years Retains copies of used oil receipts for 3 years Determines if waste is restricted from land disposal C=Compliance V=Violation Office of Environmental Services (661) 326-3979 Business Site arty White - £nv. Svcs. Pink - Business Copy PETRO CHEM ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES SiteID: 015-021-001002 Manager : BusPhone: (805) 327-7300 Location: 3207 ANTONINO AVE Map : 102 CommHaz : Moderate City : BAKERSFIELD Grid: 23D FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: COUNTY STATION 66 SIC Code: EPA Numb: DunnBrad: Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / .. Title TIM BRENNAN / MANAGER JIM MARCHESINI / CONSULTANT Business Phone: (805) 327-7300x Business Phone: (805) 327-7300x 24-Hour Phone : (805) 872-6490x 24-Hour Phone : (805) 872-5820x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Hazmat Hazards: ~C~J Fire Press ImmHlth DelHlth Contact : ~ ~ '~ Phone: ( MailAddr: 3207 ANTONINO AVE State: CA City : BAKERSFIELD Zip : 93308 Owner PETRO-CHEM ENVIRONMENTAL Phone: (805) 327-7300x Address : 3207 ANTONINO AVE State: CA City : BAKERSFIELD Zip : 93308 Period : to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparer: TotalUSTs: ~= Gal Certif'd: RSs: No Emergency Directives: ?MAIL P O BOX 21416, 93390-1416~. ED New phone number for Steve ~s 310-717-9978 = Hazmat Inventory One Unified List --Alphabetical Order All Materials at Site Hazmat Common Name... ISpooHazlEPA HazardsI Frm I' DailyMax lUnitIMCP COMPRESSED AIR F P IH G 400.00 FT3 Min HELIUM F P IH G 400.00 FT3 Min HYDROGEN F P IH G 400.00 FT3 Ex1 MOTOR OIL F DH L 55.00 GAL Mir NITROGEN ~, --- O0 he.by ¢~i~ ~haI~ have G 4~00.00 FT3 Mi~ SULFURIC ACID ~m,am.) IH L 170.00 GAL Hi reviewed the a~ached haza~ous materials manage- ment plan for and thru i~ along with (Name of Busine~) - . any corrections constitute a complete and correct man- agement plan for my ~cili~. .~ ~i ', :~;-1-? '>., . 05/24/2001 Signature Date MR430101 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 3/08/01 Miscellaneous Receivables Inquiry 10:42:28 Customer ID . . . : 3228 Name: PETRO CHEM ENVIRONMENTAL SERVI Last statement : 3/01/01 Addr: P O BOX 21416 Last invoice : 0/00/00 BAKERSFIELD, CA 933901416 Current balance : 807.50 Pending ..... : .00 A ACTIVE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Previous balance : ..~07.50 ~ / -~ .......... . ..... Type options, press Enter. Open Activity -- 1=Select opt Code Description Current Overdue Total due HM009 HAZ MAT HANDLING FEE I .00 656.00 656.00 HM017 HAZ MAT ANNUAL INSPECTION .00 103.00 103.00 SS001 CA STATE SURCHARGE .00 48.50 48.50 F3=Exit F7=Pending activity FS=Charge hSty Fg=Payment hsty F10=Combined detail Fll=Invoice inquiry F12=Cancel F13=Auto charges F14=Deposit detail F21=Other tasks PETRO CHEM ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES SiteID: 015-021-001002 Manager : BusPhone: (805) 327-7300 Location: 3207 ANTONINO AVE Map : 102 CommHaz : Moderate City : BAKERSFIELD Grid: 23D FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: COUNTY STATION 66 SIC Code: EPA Numb: DunnBrad: Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact /~ Title TIM BRENNAN / MANAGER JIM MARCHESINI / CONSULTANT Business Phone: (805) 327-7300x Business Phone: (805) 327-7300x 24-Hour Phone : (805) 872-6490x 24-Hour Phone : (805) 872-5820x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Hazmat Hazards: Fire Press ImmHlth DelHlth Contact ~: ,Phone: '( ) - x MailAddr: 3207 ANTONINO AVE state: CA City : BAKERSFIELD Zip : 93308 ~ Owner PETRO-CHEM ENVIRONMENTAL Phone: (805) 327-7300x Address : 3207 ANTONINO AVE State: CA City : BAKERSFIELD Zip : 93308 Period : to TotalASTs:' = Gal Preparer: TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs: No Emergency Directives: ?MAIL P O BOX 21416, 93390-1416. ED ~ Hazmat Inventory One Unified List -- Alphabetical Order Ail Materials at Site Hazmat Common Name... ISpooHazlEPA HazardsI Frm~ Da'ilyMax UnitlMcP COMPRESSED AIR F P IH G 400.00 FT3 Min HELIUM F P IH G 400.00 FT3 Min HYDROGEN ~ F P IH G ' 400.00 FT3 Ext MOTOR OIL F DH L 55.00 GAL Min NITROGEN F P IH G 4100.00 FT3 Min SULFURIC ACID I, DO hereby c~i~ that ~3ave 170.00 GAL Hi (Type or print name) reviewed the attached hazardous materials mat;age- ment plan for and that it along with· (Name of Business') any corrections constitute a comPlete and correct man- agement plan for my facility.. Signature Date 'F PETRO CHEM ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES SiteID: 015-021-001002 ~ Fast Format = Notif./Evacuation/Medical Overall Site --.Agency Notification 05/04/1990 CALL 911 --'Employee Notif./Evacuation 05/04/1990 AN EVACUATION ROUTE IS POSTED IN THE LAB AND OFFICE AND EMPLOYEES ARE INSTRUCTED ON THE EVACUATION ROUTE AND MEETING PLACE. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, THE PERSON IDENTIFYING ANEMERGENCY WILL NOTIFY OTHERS IN BUILDING OF THE SITUATION AND CALL THE PROPER EMERGENCY UNITS. Public Notif./Evacuation 05/04/1990 IF AN EMERGENCY OCCURS, ALL EMPLOYEES ARE INSTRUCTED IN THE EVACUATION ROUTES OF THE BUILDING. AN ESCAPE ROUTE IS POSTED ON ALL OUTER DOORWAYS. EMPLOYEES ARE TOLD TO MEET AT A spEcIFIC LOCATION FOR A HEAD COUNT. THE PROPER EMERGENCY (FIRE DEPT., HAZ MAT TEAM, ETC.) ARE NOTIFIED. IN THE EVENT OF A LARGE EMERGENCY, ALL BUSINESSES ON.ANTONINO AVARE NOTIFIED (EITHER PERSONALLY OR BY PHONE) OF THE EMERGENCY AND WARNED TO EVACUATE THE Emergency Medical Plan 05/04/1990 SAN JOAQUIN HOSPITAL 2615 EYE ST 327-1711 -2- 03/08/2001 PETRO CHEM ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES SiteID: 015-021-001002 Fast Format ~ MitiHation/Prevent/Abatemt Overall Site -- Release Prevention 05/04/1990 EMPLOYEES ARE INSTRUCTED IN THE USE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. IN THE EMPLOYEE'S TRAINING PROGRAM, THEYARE INSTRUCTED TO USE THE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS TO LEARN HOW TO USE THE CHEMICAL SAFELY (USING PROPER VENTILATION, GLOVES, GOGGLES, ETC.) PETRO-CHEM HAS EQUIPPED ~THE LAB WITH A CHEMICAL SPILL CLEAN-UP KIT FOR ACID, CAUSTIC AND SOLVENT SPILLS. EMPLOYEES ARE INSTRUCTED IN THE PROPER USE OF THE CLEAN-UP KIT. Release Containment -- Clean Up ~ Other Resource Activation -3- 03/08/2001 PETRO CHEM ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES SiteID: 015-021-001002 Fast Format ~ Site Emergency Factors Overall Site ---- Special Hazards 05/04/1990 WIDE VARIETY OF ACIDES AND OTHER CHEMICALS IN SMALL QUANTITIES ~ Utility Shut-Offs 05/04/1990 A) GAS - OUTSIDE WEST WALL OF BUILDING B) ELECTRICAL - IN SOUTHWEST STORAGE ROOM C) WATER - SIDEWALK ON ANTONINO NEXT TO GATE D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO Fire Protec./Avail. Water 05/04/1990 PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - THE LAB IS EQUIPPED ~WITH A FIRE EXTINGUISHER. FLAMMABLES ARE LOCKED AWAY IN A FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS CABINET. FIRE HYDRANT - CORNER OF PIERCE RD ANDANTONINO AV. Building Occupancy Level -4- 03/08/2001 PETRO CHEM ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES SiteID: 015-021-001002 Fast Format ~ Training Overall Site -- Employee Training 05/04/1990 WE HAVE 10 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING: ALL 10 EMPLOYEES ARE INSTRUCTED IN THE.USE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. IN THE EMPLOYEES~TRAINING PROGRAM, THEY ARE INSTRUCTED TO USE THE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS TO LEARN HOW TO USE CHEMICAL SAFELY (USING PROPER VENTILATION, GLOVES, GOGGLES, ETC.) tHEY ARE ALSO INSTRUCTED IN THE CORRECT PROCEDURES WHICH ARE TO BE FOLLOWED IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY. AN ACCIDENT PREVENTION PROGRAM IS ALSO INCLUDEDIN THE TRAINING Page 2 -- Held for Future Use I ~ Held for Future Use -5- 03/08/2001 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3ra Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME 0c4rCO c~t'tnn ~:~xdtc~n~t.~x~x~ INSPECTION DATE ADDRESS ~0 ? Jtn'~,nn PHONE NO. FACILITY CONTACT BUSINESS ID NO. 15-210- INSPECTION TIME NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program {~1 Routine {~ Combined 1~ Joint Agency [~ Multi-Agency ~ Complaint [~ Re-inspection OPERATION C V COMMENTS Appropriate permit on hand Business plan contact information accurate Visible address Correct occupancy Verification of inventory materials Verification of quantities Verification of location Proper segregation of material Verification of MSDS availability Verification of Haz Mat training Verification of abatement supplies and procedures Emergency procedures adequate Containers properly labeled Housekeeping Fire Protection Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand C=Compliance V=Violation Any hazardous waste on site?: [~] Yes ~ No Explain: Questions regarding this inspection? Please call us at (661) 326-3979 Business Site Responsible Party White - Env. Svcs. Yellow - Station Copy Pink - Business Copy Inspector: PETRO CHEM ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES SiteID: 015-021-001002 Manager : BusPhone: (805) 327-7300 Location: 3207 ANTONINO AVE Map : 102 CommHaz : Moderate City : BAKERSFIELD Grid: 23D FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: COUNTY STATION 66 SIC Code: EPA Numb: DunnBrad: Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title TIM BRENNAN / MANAGER JIM MARCHESINI / CONSULTANT Business Phone: (805) 327-7300x Business Phone: (805) 327-7300x 24-Hour Phone : (805) 872-6490x 2~-Hour Phone : (805) 872-5820x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Hazmat Hazards: Fire Press ImmHlth DelHlth Contact : Phone: ( ) - x MailAddr: 3207 ANTONINO AVE State CA City : BAKERSFIELD Zip 93308 Owner PETRO-CHEM ENVIRONMENTAL Phone: (805) 327-7300x Address : 3207 ANTONINO AVE State: CA City : BAKERSFIELD Zip : 93308 Period : to T°talASTs: = Gal Preparer: TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs: No Emergency Directives: ?MAIL P O BOX 21416, 93390-1416. ED New phone number for Steve Williams 310-717-9978 ---- Hazmat Inventory One Unified List ~ --Alphabetical Order Ail Materials at Site ~ Hazmat Common Name... ISpooHazlEPA HazardsI Frm~'I DailyMax lUnitIMCP COMPRESSED AIR F P IH - G 400.00 FT3 Min HELIUM F P IH G 400.00 FT3 Min HYDROGEN F P IH G 400.00 FT3 Ext MOTOR OIL F DH L 55.00 GAL Min NITROGEN !, DO hereb~c~i~ Mt I havoG 4100.00 FT3 Min SULFURIC ACID Uy~0rp~mnem.) IH L 170.00 GAL Hi reviewed the attached hazardous materials manage- ment plan for and that it along with (N~.me of Business) any corrections constitute a complete and correct man- 1 ' '':~ '>. 04/17/2001 Signature Date PETRO CHEM ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES SiteID: 015-021-001002 = Inventory Item 0003 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~lVUVl~ ~Vl~ / ~ ~.P~J_~ ~Vl~ COMPRESSED AIR Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: LAB SW ROOM CAS# STATE -- TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Pure Above Ambient · FIXED PRESS. CYLINDER Gas Ambient AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container I Daily Maximum Daily Average FT3 I 400.00 FT3 200.00 FT3 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS 100.00 Air ~, I I HAZARD ASSESSMENTS RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No I No No/ Curies F P IH / / / Mit = Inventory Item 0002 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~UlVUVl~ ~Vl~ / ~ £ ~-~_.L~ ~Vl~ HELIUM Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid:_ LAB SW ROOM CAS# Gas Pure Above Ambient Ambient FIXED PRESS. CYLINDER AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container I Daily Maximum Daily Average FT3I 400.00 F~3 200.00 FT3 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. RS . CAS#' 100.00 Helium N° 7440597 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecretl oRSlBioHaz Radioactive/Amount I EPA HazardsI NFPA USDOT# I MCP No N No No/ Curies F P IH / / / Mit -2- 04/17/,2001 PETRO CHEM ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES SiteID: 015-021-001002 ~ Inventory Item 0004 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~I~N N-/'MvI~ / ~±~%_1~ ~Vl~ HYDROGEN Days On Site 365 Location Within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: LAB SW ROOM CAS# V STATE ~ TYPE PRESSURE I TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Gas [Pure Above AmbientI Ambient FIXED PRESS. CYLINDER AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION LargeSt Container Daily Maximum Daily Average FT3 400.00 FT3 200.00 FT3 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. y~ CAS# 100.00 Hydrogen 1333740 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecret ~S Bi°Has Radi°active/Am°Unt I EPA Hazards I'NFPANO N No No/ Curies F'P IH / / / USDOT# I MCPExt ~ Inventory Item 0005 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site -- COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME MOTOR OIL Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: S END OF YARD CAS# 8020835 rSTATE i TYPE PRESSURE [ TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Liquid 'Pure Ambient Ambient DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average 55.00 GAL 55.00 GAL 55.00 GAL HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. ~S CAS# 100.00 Motor Oil, Petroleum Based N 8020835 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecret ~S BioHaz Radioactive/Amount ] EPA HazardsI NFPA USDOT# ' MCP No N No No/ Curies F DH / / / Min 3 04/17/2001 PETRO CHEM ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES SiteID: 015-021-001002 ~ Inventory Item 0001 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on. Site -- COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME NITROGEN Days On Site 365 ~LocatiOn within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: SE STORAGE ROOM CAS# 7727-37-9 STATE TYPE PRESSURE i TEMPERATURE i CONTAINER TYPE Gas Pure I Above Ambient Ambient 'FIXED PRESS. CYLINDER AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum .Daily Average FT3 4100.00 FT3 2550.00 FT3 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt.I ~S CAS# 100.00 Nitrogen N 7727379 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSocrot N~SIBioHaz Radioactive/Amount I EPA Hazards ~ NFPA USDOT# I MCP No No No/ Curies F P IH / / / Min ~ Inventory Item 0006 Facility Unit: Fixed containers on Site ~ -- COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME SULFURIC ACID Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: E SIDE OF SHOP CAS# 7664-93-9 Liquid./Pure Ambient Ambient PLASTIC CONTAINER AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average 55.00 GAL 170.00 .GAL 170.00 GAL HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. ~SI CAS# 100.00 Sulfuric Acid (EPA) N 7'664939 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecret RS BioHaz. Radioactive/Amount, EPA Hazards 'No N° , ,No No/ Curies IH NFPA/// USDOT# MCPHi -4- 04/17/2001 F PETRO CHEM ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES SiteID: 015-021-001002 Fast Format ~ Notif./Evacuation/Medical Overall Site --Agency Notification 05/04/1990 CALL 911 -- Employee Notif./Evacuation 05/04/1990 AN'EVACUATION ROUTE IS POSTED IN THE LAB AND OFFICE AND EMPLOYEES ARE INSTRUCTED ON THE EVACUATION ROUTE AND MEETING PLACE. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, THE PERSON IDENTIFYING AN EMERGENCY WILL NOTIFY OTHERS IN BUILDING OF THE SITUATION AND CALL THE PROPER EMERGENCY UNITS. -- Public Notif./Evacuation 05/04/1990 IF AN EMERGENCY OCCURS, ALL'EMPLOYEES ARE INSTRUCTED IN THE'EVACUATION ROUTES OF THE BUILDING. AN ESCAPE ROUTE IS POSTED ON ALL OUTER DOORWAYS. EMPLOYEES ARE TOLD TO MEET AT A SPECIFIC LOCATION FOR A HEAD COUNT. THE PROPER EMERGENCY (FIRE DEPT., HAZ MAT TEAM, ETC.) ARE NOTIFIED. IN THE EVENT OF A LARGE EMERGENCY, ALL BUSINESSES ON ANTONINO AV ARE NOTIFIED (EITHER PERSONALLY OR BY PHONE) OF THE EMERGENCY AND WARNED TO EVACUATE THE Emergency Medical Plan 05/04/1990 SAN JOAQUIN HOSPITAL 2615 EYE ST 327-1711 -5- 04/17/2001 PETRO CHEM ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES SiteID: 015-021-001002 Fast Format ~ Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt Overall Site -- Release Prevention 05/04/1990 EMPLOYEES ARE INSTRUCTED IN THE USE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS.~ IN THE EMPLOYEE'S TRAINING PROGRAM, THEY ARE INSTRUCTED TO USE THE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS TO LEARN HOW TO USE THE CHEMICAL SAFELY (USING PROPER VENTILATION, GLOVES, GOGGLES, ETC.) PETRO-CHEM HAS EQUIPPED THE LAB WITH A CHEMICAL SPILL CLEAN-UP KIT FOR'ACID, CAUSTIC AND SOLVENT SPILLS..EMPLOYEES ARE INSTRUCTED IN THE PROPER USE OF THE CLEAN-UP KIT. Other Resource Activation -6- 04/17/2001 F PETRO CHEM ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES SiteID: 015-021-001002 Fast Format ~ Site Emergency Factors Overall Site -- Special Hazards 05/04/1990 WIDE VARIETY OF ACIDES AND OTHER CHEMICALS IN SMALL QUANTITIES --Utility Shut-Offs 05/04/1990 A) GAS - OUTSIDE WEST WALL OF BUILDING B) ELECTRICAL - IN SOUTHWEST STORAGE ROOM C) WATER - SIDEWALK ON ANTONINO NEXT TO GATE D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO Fire Protec./Avail. Water 05/04/1990 PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - THE LAB IS EQUIPPED WITH A FIRE EXTINGUISHER. FLAMMABLES ARE LOCKED AWAY IN A FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS CABINET. FIRE HYDRANT - CORNER OF PIERCE RD AND ANTONINO AV. Building Occupancy Level -7- 04/17/2001 PETRO CHEM ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES SiteID: 015-021-001002 Fast Format ~ Training Overall Site -- Employee Training 05/04/1990 WE HAVE 10 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY t WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING: ALL 10 EMPLOYEES ARE INSTRUCTED IN THE USE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. IN THE EMPLOYEES TRAINING PROGRAM, THEY ARE INSTRUCTED TO USE THE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS TO LEARN HOW TO USE CHEMICAL SAFELY (USING PROPER VENTILATION, GLOVES, GOGGLES, ETC.) tHEY ARE ALSO INSTRUCTED IN THE CORRECT PROCEDURES WHICH ARE TO BE FOLLOWED IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY. AN ACCIDENT PREVENTION PROGRAM IS ALSO INCLUDED IN THE TRAINING -- Page 2 --Held for Future Use Held for Future Use 8 04/17/2001 _ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ' UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST " 1715 Chester Ave., 3ra Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME 9C-q-'tE'e)C~ INSPECTION DATE Section 4: Hazardous Waste Generator Program EPA ID # ~'~,a,~ZOO I t ~ ! ~ 'Z~--~ [] Routine [] Combined [] Joint Agency [] Multi-Agency [] ComPlaint /~Re-inspection OPERATION C V COMMENTS Hazardous xvaste determination has been made EPA ID Number (Phone: 916-324-1781to obtain EPA ID ~) Reported release, fire, or explosion w/thin 15 days ofoccurance f Established or maintains a contingency plan and training Hazardous waste accumulation time fi'ames Containers in good condition and not leaking Containers are compatible with the hazardous waste Containers are kept closed when not in use Weekly inspection of storage area Ignitable/reactive waste located at least 50/Eet t?om prope~y line Seconda~ containment provided Conducts daily inspection of tanks Used oil not contaminated with other hazardous waste Proper management of lead acid batteries including labels Proper management of used oil filters Transpo~s hazardous waste with completed manilEst Sends manifest copies to DTSC Retains manilEsts tBr 3 years Retains hazardous waste analysis fi)r 3 years Retains copies of used oil receipts ~br 3 years Determines if waste is restricted fi'om land disposal Inspector:C=C°mpliance ~V=Vi°lati°n(~ ~ Office of Environmental Services ('805) 326-3979 - ' ' le Party White - Env. Svcs. Pink - Business Copy ~p~intortype. Form deS~gned for L (12:pitch) _ :~ - ... UNIFORM HAZARDOUS ~ WASTE MANIFEST ~ 3. Ger,,,~,,;,.,r's Name and Mailing Address .,--~. ' 4. Generator's Phone (~,~j~)) ~ i-7 C~:~"~ ' 5. Transporter 1 Company Name 6. US EPA ID Number 7. T~'ansporter 2 Company Name 8. US EPA ID Number 9. Designated Facility Name and Site Address 10. US EPA ID Number / 12. Container 13. Total 1 1. US DOT*Description (including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, and ID NumberJ Quantily ,~.~)~1 i~t ,<A t..'~' ":; ',," ~,.~ ,'~: ~ ~ · b. ~k~.,t....i ~ ~.,:~ i~'~'~/~ ~'~,.~A'~ '.~' ':'~ .~ ~ ::-~ 15. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16.' GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I :onsignment are fully and accurately described above by proper' ~'bipping name and are classified, packed, marked, and labeled, and are in all m proper condition for ~portby highway according to applicable international and haVana/government regulations. If I am a large quantity generator, I certify that I have a program in place to reduce the volume and toxicity of waste generated to the degree I have determined to be economicall}~ practicable and that I have selected the practicable method of treatment, storage, or disposal currently available to me which minimizes the present and ~uture threat to human health and the environment; OR, if I om o sma{I quantity generator, { hove mode o good faith effort to minimize my waste generation and select the best waste management method that is available to me and that I can afford. · ~:?' .- Printed~Typed Name · J Signature ......... ii[.~'[i~..~"'" -._ "~'. I Month Day Year ............ ~ / , ...~ ...... ~ '-.. , J · Printed/T~,p~.d'iName ~ Signature · '- ) J Month Day Year ' gement of Receipt of Materials Printed/Typed Name /Signature 19. Discrepancy Indication Space of materials covered by this manifest except as noted in Item 19. Printed/Typed Name J Signature I Month Day Year I I ..,. DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE. O'1:SC'8q22A (1/99) Yellow: GENERATOR RETAINS EPA 8700--22 661;;922'8 58': .... "' 661 ,.58= '" 8951" "~'~" "-' "' (: ';';" ''':'~ ' ~''' ":" '" "' ';": 'EPA N0' CAL931~55" ....... "w~e'OitHaUi~':~'239 d .:J';'"; . :..r . ' JOB LOCATION ...... BILLING. INFORMATION. . .- .. . ;~6DRESS'."~' ..': . .--..,-- . ADDRESS .- .' .... .CONTACT (~ ,PRODUCT .... ,'- , MANIFEST~ QUANTI~ UNITS ;' PRICE .' AMOUNT' ' US~ Oil, N0n-RCRA H~ardo0s "~bd~ '.'' ' "' ': : .':, '. '.' ' · W~te, Liquid I~us~ · Gal US~ Automo~e Anafr~z~:,N0n-RCRA H~ous , Gal Waste, Uq'uid ,' ~,, ' :' ' RQ W~te Pe~leum Oil NOS ~mbusable Uquid UN G~ .. '- ' · 1270 IU (Oil ~ntami~t~ w~h halogens)' Oil & Water, Non-RCRA H~a~ous Waste~ Liquid . Ga~ ,: · Waste Solids a~ Sl~s Gal Wa~ut Each Dmin~ Us~ Oil ~ltem Dram .... ~,~: .. ' 1-~)~. ~ ' I ... 30 30 ~.,: Z-~'~'li~ ~ ff~l ~ ~oo~ Z . I~ 570 ,,~EST. ~ 'PASS ~ FAIL D PPM I Test '' ~. ~olle~ion Sation ~ Agricultural ~ume TOTAL ~ ~vemment ~um. ~ Industrial Source NET 30 DAYS ' ...., , ~ CHARGES · PLEASE PAY FROM THIS INVOICE TSDF: ... FIIter. Recy~ll~ ~e~iee ' 180 West Monte (I also acknowledge that i have read and agree to the terms on the reverse side of this form~) Generator agrees that Generator shall be responsible ~' "-'mOommBton, CA 92316 for any and all damages, including without limitation the cost of cleaning equipment EPA ~ CAD 982~B 1 a.~ disposing of ~mingl~ fe~stocks, ~us~ by any ~ntaminants in Generator's waste (including without limitation, polychlorinated biphenyls and other listed h~ardous wastes) Which render such waste unsuit~le for recycling by CS, whether ~S Rlter processing, Inc. o~ not Generator had knowledge of su~contaminants, or othe~ise incurred by CS, P~O. ~OX ~0~86 ., as a result of Generator's failure to accurately characterize its w~te. .~R~U~t~i~J, ~ ~1715-04~6 In the event of any legal a~ion arising out of any breach or alleged breach of this agreement or to enforce any provision of this agreement, the prevailing pa~y shall  be entitled to recover reasonable a~omey's fees and related expenses, including ~;?.,~ ~ arbitration and cou~ costs~ Driver Signature Generator Signature I ~=. ~.~ ~----. --. --- ........ ,--~-.~ ~ ....... .~.. .................. ~, .......... EPA.NO. GAL931~5554. Waste O~l. Hauler~239 m . m · . m m ' '~.. '. '.~.' &. .... . ,L, :.~::.:" ~;; ~-~:',~ ;-' "- " .~': ~'" 4""-~'~.~.-':-'::"' "JOB LOCATION :" ."~:., '.','" ' ~: .':".--'""," ': ........ : ' B~LiNG~NFoRMAT~.N ',~=':::=~: ~;~.~:~: :~:,." Date ~'Z/ NAME .' :' ~' ' .':',~'::;'~ :- :. -:: ':'., .~-- ...". : ~' '. ', ' ' . ':"' : . :NAME: '..-' '-':~' '.' ~ :.~.'."-::'.~:. ::.:?':':" .?'::~ ~.:.-' ::'"':' ADDRESS ' -~ "': '. ~'*-, .: .'"':':. .,: . ..,.'..=. ADDRESS:'.~ "::':'. :..." : .... '-'..~.. CON~ACT. '" '~e CI~ . : ' .STATE . '. ZIP CO.. CI~ ' ,;. .' , . :..... 'STATE', -ZIP /: CO. P~ '.. PHONE NO. PHONE NO. .I. PROFILE NO. ' ,CUSTOMER EPA ID:NO. (/~/) ~ 7/7.-~?~7 ( .). :l': '..:"' ' ' '"' : :" " "'.. PRODUCT. '-' -- '..: '-'. ..... .'1' .... MANIFEST'~ "~:",' ~ 'QUANTI~': ~'' 'UNITS' ~:': PRIGE::'~ ' ;~';:'AMOUNT "' Us~Oil Non~RA~H~atdous Lub~ca~ng · ' '.' "'" ; ' ':G~I ';" -.'' '"'' ' '. · · Waste. Liquid %'~ ~ =~ Indust~ ' ' ' . ' ': ' ' . Gal ..:. ' - ' Us~ Aurorae Antif~-~RA H~us-'' ' ' : ' .:Gal/' .. Waste, Liquid ..... ' '-- : ~' ~ " · :" . ' · ' "''" ~" :. :.; '::"."- ' . ' ' ' ' ' RQ Waste Pe~oleum Oil NOS Combustible ~quid UN /.. '. .- -Gal ' , .' ' .. 1270 IU (Oil ~ntaminat~ with halogens) ~" '/ .... " · ':.' ~7~. ...... ~-~ W~te Sol~andSlu~es ' ' . ' : . " ~1. ,' : ..... .. Wash-out : Each " ' ' Drained Us~ Oil Filte~ : : . ...¥ ...:.;: . Drum ' · ... .. Non-RCRA H~ous'W~te ~lids (oily debris) ' - . ... ... ,~.~... ..... .,.. . . .., .Emp~Drums ' · : ' ' :" . . '.-.: .. '. :..". Drum'..,:.~' .:...:::':. Other: ', ' · . ' " ' · "."': '" · Other: ' :' ...... Other: ~ . · ."::~ .. ~her: . . Other: .. -. TESTC~-b--~.T PASS '~ FAIL~ PPM I ~ 'Test . .:..:. ~ '. '. ~,oo Source ' TOTAL ~ Government ~urce~ Industri~ Source '~;· NET 30 'DAYS-.~ " CHARGES' ' ':~:,~' ~'~' TSDF: ~ ~,~0~ - PLEASE PAY FROM ~lS INVOICE ~'", TranspoSed to: .... ' EVERGREEN ENVIRONMENTAL (I als°'a~knowledge that I. have read and agree to the te~ms on the .4139 No~h Valentine Street 'reverse side of this form.) Generator agrees that Generator shall ~ res~nsible Fresno, CA 93711 for any and all damages including without limitation the cost of cleaning equipment 510-795-4400 ' and disposing of Commingled feedstocks, ~used by any contaminants in Generator's EPA~ CAD 982446882 waste (including WithOut'limitation polychlorinated biphenyls and other listed , h~ardous was~es) which rende['such waste unsuitable for recycling by CS, whether . ':~ · or n~ Generator had knowledge of such contaminants, or othe~ise incurred by CS, as a result of Generator's failure to accurately characterize its waste. ' In the event of any legal action arising out of anY breach or alleged breach of this agreement or to enforce any provision of this- agreement, the prevailing 'pa~ shall be entitled to recover reasonable a~orney's fees and related expenses, including ~~~ ~ arbitration andcou~~. , ' . Drive~ Signature Gonorat°r'~'i~t~( ~ ~~ . .  ~ CITY OF BAKERSFiELI~ OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 H~RDOUS MATERIALS INvENToRY CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION ' ' . (one ~ ~r ma~al ~or bug~ing or ~ NEW ~DD ~ DE~ ~ R~ISE ~ Page ~ of BUSINESS ~E (~e ~ FAClL~ ~E ~ D~ - ~ng B~n~ ~) 3 CHEMI~L LO~TION ~NFIDE~L (EPC~) CHEMI~L ~E ~~- · O~ L ~ ~ subj~ to Epc~ r~ to insulins ~ EHS' STOOGE ~AINER ~ a ~G~UND T~K ~ e ~N~IC DRUM D i FIBER DRUM ~ m G~S BO~E (Check all ~at Db UNDER~UNDTANK ~f ~ ~j ~G ~n P~CBO~E ~r O~ER ~ c T~K INSI~ ~ILDING ~ g ~Y ~ k ~X ~ o TO~ BiN ~ ~EL DRUM ~ h SILO ~ I CYUNDER ~ p T~K WA~N : ~8 ~9 ~ Y~ ~ No 2~ 241 242 2~ ~ Y~ ~ ~ 2~ 2~ MPANY REPRESENTATIVE 246 UPCF (719g) S:\CUPAFORMS\0ES2731.TV4,wixI o ~) CITY OF BAKERSFIELI~ · ~ OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL sErVICES 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 H~ROOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY . CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION (one ~ per mate~al pe~ bu~ing or a~) NEW ~D . ~ DEL~ ~ R~ISE ~ Page __ 8USI~SS ~E (~e ~ FACIL~ ~ ~ D~ - ~ng 8~in~ ~) , 3 CHEMI~L LO~TION ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ ~1~NFIDE~L(EPc~)CHE~L LO~TION ~ Y~ ~ NO ~2 ~ ~ T~E SE~ET ~7 '. ~ EHS* ~0 ~PE ~.~ O = ~ D wWA~ 211 ~O~A~ DY. D~ 212 ~CURIES ~3 PHYSI~STA~ ~ s ~UD ~L~UID ~ g ~S 214 ~GEST~NNER ~- FED ~ ~RIES ~ I FI~ '~ ~ ~ 3 PE~UE ~E '~ A~ H~L~ ~ 5 ~RONIC H~ ~6 (~ ~1 ~t appN) ANNU~ WAS~ 217 ~ ~,~M 218 A~ 219 STA~ W~ ~DE UNffS* ~ ~L ~ d CU~ ~ ;b ~ D m TONS ~ ~YSONS~ ' ~ EHS. ~nt m~ ~ In I~. STOOGE ~AINER ~ a ~VEG~UND T~K ~ ~NM~LIC DRUM ~ i FIBER DRUM ~ m G~S BO~ ~ q ~IL (Check a8 ~at apply) ~ b UNDERG~UND TANK ~ f ~ ~ j BAG ~ n P~C BO~E ~ r O~ER ~ c T~K INSIDE BUI~NG ~ g ~Y ~ k ~X ~ o TO~ BIN D d S~EL DRUM ~ h SILO ~ I CYLINDER ~ p T~K WA~N STOOGE PRESSU~ ~a ~IE~ ~ ~ A~VEA~IE~ D ~ 8ELOW~IE~ STOOGE ~~ ~ · ~IE~ ~ ~ ~ ~1~ ~ ~ BELOW A~IE~ ~ c CRYOGENIC PRINT NAME & COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE DATE 246 UPCF (7/99) SACU PAFORMS\OES2731.'l%/4.w1:x:l From: Steve Underwood To: Howard Wines Date: Wed, May 3, 2000 7:37 AM Subject: Petro Chem Environmental Howard, If you have an opportunity (I'm out a Kern Bluff all Day) you might want to stop by and check out clean up. You might recall, Steve Lewis called me'10 days ago and told me clean up would be completed by Monday, May 1st. If your busy.don't worry about CORRECTION NOTICE BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT N° 9 3 8 Loeatio. L~ :ZO-~ d~ ~ ~0 Sub Div. Blk. . Lot You are hereby required to make the following corrections at the above location: Cor. No i CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Vloor, BakersfieLd, CA 93301 Section 4: Hazardous Waste Generator Program EPA ID # [] Routine ~.Coi'nbined [] Joint Agency · [] Multi-Agency [] Complaint [] Rermspe'ction OPERATION C V COMMENTS Hazardous xvaste determination has been made EPA ID Number (Phone:916-324-1781 to obtain EPA ID#) Authorized ibr waste treatment and/or storage Reported release, fire. or explosion within 15 days of occurance Established or maintains a contingency plan and training Hazardous waste accumulation'time frames ' ' Containers in good condition and not leaking (~ ~.~./~'""~" ~-/9'~ '"~ ~:~' Containers are compatible with the hazardous waste Containers are kept closed ,vhen not in use Weekly inspection of storage area "~i 57~t- iOt?-/IW---'~7 C.~'~>, Ignitable/reactive waste located at least 50/~et from property line ~- Secondary containment provided Conducts daily inspection of tanks Used oil not contaminated with other hazardous waste Proper management of lead acid batteries including labels Proper management of used oil filters Transports hazardous xvaste with completed manifest Sends manifest copies to DTSC Retains manifests lbr 3 years Retains hazardous waste analysis for 3 years' Retains copies of used {)il receipts for 3 years Determines if waste is restricted fi'om land disposal C=Compliance V=Violation Inspector: ~{_) Office of Environmental Services (805) 326-3979 · Business Site Responsible Party White - Env. Svcs. Pink - Business Copy CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3ra Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME ~--'ttd ~--efE.-,"~ INSPECTION DATE ADDRESS 3 ZO7 /~'-~,,tlD PHONE NO. FACILITY CONTACT BUSINESS ID NO. 15-210- INSPECTION TIME NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Section 1: ' Business Plan and Inventory Program [] Routine /~ombined [] Joint Agency [] Multi-Agency · [] Complaint [] Re-inspection OPERATION C V COMMENTS Appropriate permit on hand Business plan contact information accurate Visible address Correct occupancy Verification of inventory materials Verification of quantities Verification of location Proper segregation of material Verification of MSDS availability Verification of Haz Mat training Verification of abatement supplies and procedures Emerg~ures adequate Fire Protection Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand C=Compliance V=Violation Any hazardous waste on site?: )~Yes [] No ~)--r-.n"~---O Explain: Questions regarding this inspection? Please call us at (805) 326-3979 Business Site Responsible Party White- Env. Svcs. Yellow-Station Copy Pink- B-siness Copy Inspector: BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT " ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. · Bakersfield, CA 93301 Business Phone {661)'326-3979 ° FAX (661) 326-0576 .FAX Transmittal TO: ~---.f~, G ~ 'cu'i-'~-~m- , COMPANY: L/c'-' C--"~A' FROM: ~-/~°u'",,vz~ COMMENTS: D FII E March 6; 2000 FIRE CHIEF RON FW~ZE Steve LeWis Petro Chem Environmental Services AOMINtSmAXWE ~mnc,,s 3207 Antonino 2101 ~ S~ ~,~,,~. c~ ~ B~e~field, CA 93308 VO,CE (~) F~ (~1) ~1~9 CEnTreD SUPPRESSION 8ER;CE8 2101 '~ ~t ~,.~,0~. c~ ~: Lc~; Drams of Used Motor VOICE (~1) ~1 F~ (~1) ~1~ NOTICE OF ~OLATION & SCHED~E FOR CO~LI~CE ~,~,~. ca ~ D~ ~'. Lewis: ' "" ~nvmo~at~at a~a~a ~ ~mday, M~ch 2, 2000, at ~pmx~ately 2:20 p.m. ~is office ms cn,~ora~, r~eived on ~on~ous compl~t of le~ing 55 g~lon ~s of acid vo~c~ ~,~ ~ao~ locat~ ~ong ~e fence ofyo~ prope~. ~x {~B ~7. TR~N~NO ~ON D~ng my ~vestigation, ~id t~s were fo~d, but were not le~ing. ~ ~av.. Nmgom violatio~ were fo~d ~ reggd to ~pmper repo~g of vo~ct ~,~ ~7 chemic~ ~vento~ ~d ~proper storage ofh~gdous matefi~s. ~ey ~ t-u ~ ~ follows: 1. You are in violation of Section 25503.5, 25504, 25509 & 25510 of the California Health & Safe.ty Code. Failure to submit a chemical inventory showing the proper chemical inventory onsite. See attachment (A) showing current inventory. 2. Ten (10) 55 gallon drums, containing what appears to be waste oil, ~ need to be properly labeled with accumulation dates and, removed. 3. Six (6) 55 gallons drums are currently overflowing onto the ground due to failure of not sealing them, which is in violation of Section 25179.2, Health & Safety Code. This must be cleaned up immediately! 4. Three (3) 55 gallon drums containing a strong acid (PH O), need to be properly labeled and added to chemical inventory. 5. Fifteen (15) 5 gallon containers containing what appears to be paint, waste oil and petroleum products need to be properly disposed-of. ..' 6. Please provide copy of manifest showing i'emoval and disposal of waste products. For your convenience, I am enclosing a new Business Plan Packet witl-/forms to help you update your chemical inventory. To avoid further enforcement action, the above mentioned violations need to be corrected within thirty (30) days. April 2, 2000. Failure to comply will result in further enforcement action up to and, including misdemeanor citation and injunctive relief. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (661) 326-3979. Sincerely, Steve Und~~ Office of Env~mm~ S~ices SBU/dm enclosures PETRO CHEM ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES SiteID: 215-000-001002' Manager .' BusPhone: '(805) 327-7300 Location: 3207 ANTONINO AVE Map :'102 CommHaz : Moderate City : BAKERSFIELD Grid: 23D FacUnits: ,1 AOV: CommCode: COUNTY STATION 66 SIC Code: .EPA Numb: DunnBrad: .Emergency ·Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title TIM BRENNAN / MANAGER JIM MARCHESINI / CONSULTANT Business Phone: (805) 327-7300x Business Phone: (805) 327-7300x 24-Hour Phone : (805) 872-6490x 24,Hour Phone : (805) 872-5820x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Hazmat Hazards: Fire -Press Imm~lth Emergency Directives: ~ Hazmat Inventory One Unified List --~MCP+DailyMax Order Ail Materials at Site Hazmat~Common Name... ISpocHazlEPA HazardsI Frm DailyMax IUnitlMCP HYDROGEN F P IH. G · 400 FT3' Ext NITROGEN F P IH G' 4100 FT3 Min HELIUM F P~ IH G 400 FT3 Min COMPRESSED AIR F P IH G 400 FT3 Min I, Do hereby cgr'.;~y that I have reviewed the attached hazardous -'~ .... ' m~..;~:~lS m~i.age- ment plan for.. and ~ha', i?. along wi~h (A.Lanm ol Buaine~) any corrections constitute a compl~;a~,,. correct man- agement plan for my facility. 04/06/00 09:43 ~66! 326 0576 BFO'HAZ MAT OI~ ~001 *************************** *** ACTIVITY REPORT *************************** TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO. 5425 CONNECTION TEL 14157442494 CONNECTION ID US EPA CID SAN F - START TIME 04/06 09:41 USAGE TIME 01'41 PAGES 4 RESULT OK March 6, 2000 FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE 'Steve Lewis Petro Chem Environmental Services ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 3207 Antonino 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SERVlC;'S~ CERTIFIED MAIL 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, Ca 93301 RE: Leaking Drums of Used Motor Oil VOICE (661) 026-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 NOTICE OF VIOLATION & SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Lewis: VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 On Thursday, March 2, 2000, at approximately'2:20 p.m. this office ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 ChestorAve. received on anonymous complaint of leaking 55 gallondrums of acid Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 located along the fence of your property. FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION During mY investigation, acid tanks were found, but were not leaking. 5642 victor Ave. Numerous violations were found with regard to improper reporting of Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661)399-4697 chemical inventory and improper storage of hazardous .materialS. They are FAX (661) 399-5763 a~ follows: " 1. You are in violation of Section 25503.5, 25504, 25509 & 25510 of the California Health & Safety'Code. Failure to submit a chemical inventory showing the proper chemical inventory onsite. See~ attachment (A) showing current inventory. 2. Ten (10) 55 gallon drams, containing what appears to be waste oil, need to be properly labeled with accumulation dates and, removed. 3. Six (6) 55 gallons drums are currently overflowing Onto the ground due to failure of not sealing them, which, is in violation of Section 25179.2, Health & Safety'Code. This must be cleaned up immediately! 4. Three (3) 55 g~llondmms containing a strong acid (PH O), need to be properly labeled and added to chemical inventory. 5. Fifteen (15) 5 gallon containers containing what appears to be paint, waste oil and petroleum products need to be properly disposed of. ~. 6. Please provide copy of manifest showing ~emoval and disposal of waste products. For your convenience, I am enclosing a new Business Plan Packet with forms to help you update your chemical inventory. To avoid further enforcement action, the above mentioned violations need to be corrected within thirty (30) days. April 2, 2000. Failure to comply will result in further enforcement action up to and, including misdemeaaor citation and injunctive relief. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (661) 326-3979. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey, Director Steve Unde~ood, hspector Office of EnvkomentM Se~ices SBU/~ enclos~es item 4 if Restricted ~Delivery is ~esired. ·Print your name and~ address o~n the reverse so that we can retu.r.n the card_to you. ·Attach this card to [he back of_the mailpiece .... or on the front if sp.ace permits... !. Article Addressed to: STEVE LE3~ S~ PETRO C~E~I~ENVlRO~IENTAL SRVCS 3207 ANTON~IO BAKERSFIELD CA 93308 3. Service Type [2~Certified Mail [] Express Mail [] Registered [] Return Receipt for' Merchandise [] Insured Mail [] C:O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) [] Yes 2. Artic~l~,~,lumber (Copy from service label) Z 4~286 899 ' PS Form 3811, July 1999 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-99-M-1789 · Sender'. Please print yo)L~n~na ,ff~,ad~tess, and BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 -, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Z 410 286~9 US Postal Service Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided. Do not use for International Mail (See reverse S~gVE LL~TS! PF. TRO CHEI~ ~re, e[~LNumber ~..0~.t Office, $1ats, & ZIP Code BAKERSFIELD CA 93308 Postage $ . ..32 Cor~fiod Fee 1. Special DeliYeo/Fee Restricted Deliver/Fee ~ Return Receipt Showing to Whom & Dale Delivered I. lO F letum R~oipt Sho~ to Who~ Date, & kldmssee's Address ~:~ TOTAL Postage & Fees $ 2.52 Postman~ or Dale CUST'I~E & NO. ~__~--~ MISCELLANEOUS RECEIVABLES ADJUSTMENT DATE ~'-/~-~ NEWACCOUNT ADDRE88 CHANGE ., CLOSE ACCT · ~N~CE CH~(~I OTHER ADJ / CUSTOMER NAME ~)~-C© ~x.¢_~ ~P',~[c©cx r'r~,~~ MAILING ADDRESS "~a©~ q~N.JtOO,,; ¢',0 ~/'~ " SITE ADDRESS PARCEL NUMBER (IF APPUOABLE) ADJUSTMENT I CHG DATE i CHARGE CODE ADJUSTMENT.AMOUNT Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE . ,~,,;,?? ?ii~?'77!i??:~, ~,,, This permit is issued for the following: ,?~?~"?~ ~"/, ~::i~::::,=:::;,::::i;~:i,~:::;;~:;:ili:::;i::: ::?'::,i:::Et~Hazardous Materials Plan · ~ ? ~i' .:~':~i::!i:::?"~:::ii iili!i i ili ?iil;;::: iiiiil}i~:~;i~e[ground Storage of Hazardous Materials PERMIT ID# 015-021001002 :~?~ii'"ii: :i:.',:~,,,i~.::i:::: ~i i:" i ! !!!!!!:;:!!!!!i::::!!!i!!?.::!!!!!~ i~=. !i~ ~k ~:nagement Program LOCATION 3207 '~; ......... 'h ·.~[:.. .. ]ssu~ by:  B~ersfield F~e D.mment Approved by: F ~Pte ~;~~ . ' 1715 Chewer Ave., ~rd Floor B~e~fiel~ CA 9~301 - Voice (805) ~979 - F~ (80S) NON--TRADE SECRETS IlAZARDOUS MATERI ALS' INVENTORY ~I}D~ESS:_~~ ~¢%~CD , AllDRESS: FAC!LITYr UNIT NAME: _ ONLY 2 3 7 8 9 IO MAX ANNUAL ~OCATION IN TIllS ~' ~Y IIAZARD AMOUNT AMOUNT FACILITY UNIT CIIEMIqAL OR COMMON {AME CODE GUIDE I',IEIli;'ENCY CONTACT: '-~-~ ~:~,~,~,.3 ,, ' TITI, E:,~Zs~ON)' ~~ /PI~E ~' EU~ IIO]IR~:' AFTER BUS IIRS: 892 ~.~r~R~;ENCV CnNTACT:' ~ ~C~~ TITLE: ,~~~ PIIONE ~ BUS HOuRg: I~IN(:II'AI,.BIJSINES~ ACTIVITY':' ,'-;.~%~ - ~(~a~ ~z~r~ , AFTER BUS. IIR9: ~--~0 __ - 4~-I - ' 2~3o "G, SmEET .. R E C E I VE 13 [~AKERSFIELD ' CA 93S0~//,~~ 0gl' I 9 1987 (805) 326-3979 ~ hs'd ......... '... OFFICIAL USE ONLY BUSINE'SS ~PL~ AS .A. ~OLE ~ INSTRUCTIONS: 1. TO avoid further action, return this form by 2. TYPE/PRINTANSWERS IN ENGLISH.- 3. Answer the questions below fOr the business as a whole.. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. .. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATIONDATA B. LOCATZON / STREET C~TY: ]2~ ~~/&%/~5 ZIP: SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS In case of an emergency involving the release or threatened release of a hazardous material, call 911 and 1-800-8~2-T~50 or I-9.16-427-4341. This will notify your local fire department and the State Office of Emergency Services as required by law. EMPLOYEES TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: NA~E A~D TZTLE Ob~ING BUS. HRS. A~T~R-BUS. SECTION 8: LOCATION OF ~ILI~ S~-OFFS FOR BUSI~SS AS A D. SPECIAL: E. LOCK BOX: YES ,/ ~ rF YES, LOCATION: IF YES, DOES [T CONTAIN SrTE PLANS? YES / NO MsDss? YES ./ NO FLOOR PLANS? YES / ~O KEYS? -YES'/ NO SECT'fo~ %':! PR'~VATE RESPONSE TEi~M FOR BUSINESS AS A wHoLE SECTION $: LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTanCE FOR YOUR BUSINESS AS A ~OLE SECTION $: EMPLOYEE /'RAINING EMPLOYERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A PROGRAM WHICH PROVIDES k-~PLOYEES WITH LNITIAL~\~ REFRESHER TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWrNG AREAS. CIRCLE YES OR ~0 ISITIAL A. ~ET~ODS ~oR SASE ~NOnI~ o~ ~ZARDOCS .~L~TERIALS:...' .................................... ~ SO · ~S ~ B. PROCEDURES FOR COORDINATING ACTIVITIES ~rZH ~ESPOSSE A~E~CIES: .......................... V~S .~ ~S C. PROPER USE OF SAFE~ EQUIPMEL~: .................. ~' NO ~ NO n. ~SRGE~CV SV~CU~TZO~ P~OCSDU~SS: ................. ~.~~-~'~S ~ E. DO YOU ~[NTA[N EMPLOYEE TRA[M[NG RECORDS:...L... ~ NO ~3 NO SECTION T: ~Z~DOUS ~RI~ CIRCLE ~S OR NO DOES YOUR BUSINESS HANDLE HAZARDOUS ~TERIAL IN QUANTITIES LESS THAN SOO POLQ~S OF A SOLID, SS GALLONS OF A LIQUID, OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF ~ COMPRESSED GAS: ...... _ I,~i~' ', certify that. the above information is accurate.' I understand ~hat this information will be used to fulfill my firm's obligations under the ne~lifbFnia Health and Safety code on Hazardous Materials (Div. Sec. 25S00 Et Al.) and that inaccurate information constitutes perjury. BAKERSFIELD CI~ FIRE OEPART).tEXT 2130 "G STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 GFF~C.,'A[. [;SE O.h'LY ' [,.... · ID~ BUSINESS NAME: . BUS I N~SS ~L~ SINGLE FAC I L'I .TX~,~ UNIT~ FORM 8A INS~UCTiONS 1. To avoid further action, this form' be returned bY:. .. 2. ~PE/PRINT YOUR. ANSWERS IN ENGLISK. a. AnsweP the questions below fo~ THE FAcILI~ UNIT L!S~ BELOW " 4. Be as BRIEF and CONCiSE as .possible. '- - -~ :. '" SE~ION 1: MITIGATION~ PR~ION~ ABA~ ~OC~ES SECTION 2: NOTIFICATION ANq] EVACUATION PROCEDL-RES AT' THIS r~'iT $~CTTaN 3: [~AZARDOL.~ ...... -_. A. Does this Facility Unit contain Hazardous }[ater~a!?? ...... If YES, see B. %, If NO, continue with SECTION 4. ' " B. Are any of the hazardous materials a bona fide Trode Secret YES XO tf No, complete a separate,hazardous materials' inventorL~ ' form marked: NON-TRADE SECRETS ONLY (tvhite form.:4A-!) If Yes. complete a hazardous materials inventory form marked: T~40E SECRETS ONLY (yellow form ~4A-2.) in addition to the non-trade secr,~t form. List only the tD~(le secpets~on forz 4A-2. SECTIO~ 5: [,OCATI0~' OF WATE-R SUPPLY FOR USE SECTION 6: /OCATIO.%' OF UTILITY S~IUT-OFFS AT THIS U~IT ONLY. .. A..YAT. GAS,,'PROPANE~ B. ELECTRICAL: C.-WATER: 0. SPECIAL: LOCK Br~X: k'ES r: YE~, ' .""~' "' NON--TRADE SEGRETS · . .... IIAZARDOUS MATERI ALS' I NVENTORY :' ' ' IIISINE'S5 NAME: '-r'~¢'~-C.~l-~ ~-.k>L_j~3~6~-rnL O.WNER NAME: FACILITY UNIT .J: ' '~ ONLY 2 ~ 4 S O 7 8 9 HAX ANNIIAI; CI)HT USE LOCATION IN Tills ~ DY IIAZARD I].O.'T AMouNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT:. CIIEMI~AL OR COMMON ~AME coDE GU, filE ~,.. TITLE :.~ak~'.%S~'O¢ SIGNATURE: DATE: II-,RO-Off . 'IEIII;I~NCY CONTACT: TITI, E: IIOURS: AFTER BUS fiRS: ~"q~- '~KRnEN¢Y CnNTACT: ~m~ ~~L~ TITLE: ~.O~%o~%6~%_ _PIIONE t BUS IlOURS: S~7 NON--TRADE SECRETS .... ~ . IIAZARDOUS MATERI ALS' I NVENTORY i \I)I)RE.qS: ~)c~O-'/ ~Nb-~C~I~.3_T.~._3C~ ADDRESS: FACILITY UNiT NAME: " ONLY 2 ,5 4 ,5 n ? , 8 9 10 i'*i^× ^HNII^L ¢:ONT IISF, [,()CATION iN Tills ~ FlY il^7,^R!) i).(.).-T . AMtJUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. CIIEMI~AL OR COMMON NAME CODE GU. ILiE r'.IER(;ENCY CONTACT: Tls ~E~DAL) TITI, E: ~z,,z~z~k~ ~A~ IIODRS: AFTER BUS llRS: ~ - IR'INt:II'AI, BUSINESS ACTIVITY: ~.~n %ao~c~ ~mz~(~ AFTER BUS. iIRS: ~- ~0 ' -" ' ~ - ' ' FORN 4A-I Pa~e of " '- NON--TRADE SECRETS . ' ~. IIAZARDOUS MATERI ALS' I NVENTORY ;'I;~jNE~S NADIR:. -~ OWNER NAME: · FACILITY UNIT.J: ~.. %I~I~RE~S: ~ ~~~ ADDRESS: FACILITY UNIT NAME: "ITY, ZII':_~~~O: ~ q~~ CITY,ZIP: I'll~tNE s: (~ ~Q-~A~ ' PIlONE f: ~OFFI'CIAi, USE CFIRS CODE ...... , ONLY 2 3 4 ~ 8 '- 7 8 g PI: HAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN Tills · BY IIAZARI) [JE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE COUE FACILITY UNIT WT. CliEMIqAL OR COMMON NAME coDE GUIDE o : TITLE: L~ ~ 80NATURE: k DATE: I1-~-~ AFTER BUS lIES: %~-~q~ .~.:RnENCY CONTACT: ~;'~ ~.aaCH~~ TITLE: ~~m~ PIlONE f BUS llOURS: ~IN'clI'AI, IIUSINESS ACTIVITY: ~ ~o,~aCc ~sTzOF~ AFTER BUS. IIRS: ~- - 4n-I - - · FORM 4A-I' . Pase ~i NON--TRADE SECRETS IIAZARDOUS MATERI ALS' I NVENTORY ' ~I~IIRESS: ~ ~0 ~k~c~ ADDRESS: · FACILITY UNIT.NAME: ~: (~O~ ~7-Q%~ PRONE ~: [OFFICIAl, USE CFIRS COUE ......[ ONLY 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 g io MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN Tills · BY IIAZARI) D.U.'T AMOUNT ANUUNT UNIT CODE ~ODE FACILITY UNIT ~T. CIIENI~AL OR COMMON NAME CODE GU. IUE AFTER BUS 'IIRS: ~'- Z T~othy M. Bre~ RECEIVED -(ty~e or prin%, name ) '~'1 5 1989 HAZ. MAT. DIV. ' ' Do he~=bv~ , cert~fv_ , that 'I have reviewed the attached.Hazardous Materials bUsiness plan ' Petro-~ ~viro~tal Services for ....... (name of business) and that it along with the attached additions er corrections constitute a complete and correct Business Plan for. my facility.,  March 14, 1989 na ~{~re ........ cia BUSINESS NAME PETRC HEM ENVIRONMENTAL SERUIOES ID f 21S-0'00-001002 LOC~TiON ;3207 ANTONINO t¥.J HIGH H~Z~RD R,qTtNG 1. OVERVIEW 'EAST"CHANGE-OZ/Z3'/88 BY JURIS CODE 215-001 JURIS BAKERSFIELD STATION 01 MAP PAGE IOZ- GRID Z30 FACILITY UNITS ! HAZARD RATING RESPONSE SUMMARY ZA SEC 4) NO PRIVATE RESPONSE TEAM EMERGENCY CONTACTS ZA SEC Z) TIM BRENNAN MGR. 327-738~ 872-B4BO JIM MRRCHESINI CONSULTANT 327-7300 872-58Z0 UTILITY SHUTOFFS 2R.SEC 3) A) GAS - OUTSIDE WEST WRLL OF 8LOG 8) ELECTRICAL - IN SW STQRAGE ROOM C) WATER -SIOEWALK ON ANTONINO NEXT TO GATE D) SPECIAL - NONE · E) LOCK 80)( - NO NOTIFICATION / pUBLIc EVAcuATION LAsT CHANGE / / BY < NO INFORMAl'ION RECORDED FOR THIS 'SECTION > PAGE i 03/09/89 10:59 MATERIAL SAFETY DRTR SYSTEMS, INC, (805) 648-6800 BUSINESS NAME PETR EM ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ID ER 215-.000-001002. LOCATION '320? :ANTONI'NO AV .HIGH HAZARD RATING 3 3. HAZ MAT TRAINING SUMMARY LAST CHANGE /' /. BY < NO INFORMATION RECORDED FOR THIS SECTION > LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE LAST CHANGE 02/23/88 BY EVAMC SEC S) SAN JOAQUIN HOSPITAL '2G15 EYE ST 327-1711 PAGE Z O~/0B/8B 10:SA MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (80S) G48-G800 BUSINESS NAME"PETR EMENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ID ER Z1S-OOO-OO100Z LOCATION 3207 ANTONINO AV HIGH HAZARD RATING 3 FACILITY UNIT 01 A. OVERALL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY [RST~'"CHANGEOT/Z9/88 BY ESTER ID TYPE NAME '. MAX AMT UNIT H,AZ~RD I_OCRTION CONTRINMENT USE ~ ~. CARBON DIOXIDE ~ ~5~ 800 FT3 LOW STORE ROOM PORTABLE PRESS, CYL. OTHER ID PERC~' cOMPONENTS HAZARD LIST 1~51.00 ~.~ Carbon Dioxide UNKNOWN 2 -F~ NITRIC OXIDE~¢~'~.S~ 800 FI3 HIGH STORE ROOM PORTABLE PRESS. CYL. OTHER ID PER~ COMPONENTS HAZARD LIST Z314.00 ~ Nitric Oxide (EPA) ' UNKNOWN EP 3 ~ SULFUR DIOXIDE ~ ~~ 6~e FT3 MODERATE · STORE ROOM PORTABLE PRESS. CYL. OTHER ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LIST 1Z18.88 -~ Sulfur Dioxide (EPA) UNKNOWN EP 4 PURE NITROGEN 4Se FT3 MODERATE STORE ROOM PORTBBLE PRESS. CYL. OTHER ID PERCENT COMPONENTS H~ZRRD LIST 23Z4.~ l~O.O-Ni~rogen UNKNOWN S PURE HELIU~ ~80 FT3 UNKNOWN LAB SW ROOM PORTRBLE PRESS. CYL'. OTHER ID PERCENT COMPONENTS ~ HAZARD LIST Z027.~ ~.0 Helium UNKNOWN ~ PURE COMPRESSED ~IR ZSO FT~ UNKNOWN LAB SW ROOM PORT8BLE PRESS. CYL. OTHER ID PERCENT cOMPONENTS ,HAZARD. LIST -18Z4.~ 1~.8 COMPRESSED AIR UNKNOWN ? pURE. HYDROGEN Z~ FT3 EXTREME [_RB SW ROOM PORTABLE PRESS CYL. OTHER ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LIST 2~SZ.00 1~.0 Hydrogen UNKNOWN 8 MIXTURE NOZ/COZ/N2 ~ ~~ 680 FT3 HIGH STORE ROOM PORTABLE PRESS. cYL. OTHER ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LIST 2314.0~ ~.~ Nitric Oxide <EPA) UNKNOWN EP 1~S1.00 ~.0 Carbon Dioxide UNKNOWN PAGE 3 ....... 03/097B~"t0'~'S~~ MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (80S) G48-G800 BUSINESS NAME PETRO ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ID ER .ZlS-OOO-OO100Z LOCATION 3Z07 ANTONINO AV' HIGH HAZARD RATING 3 FACILITY UNIT 0t A. OVERALL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY ( ~ CONTINUED * ) . LAST CHRNGE""O?~%~g/~88:"B~' ESTER ID TYPE NAME MAX AMT UNIT HAZARD LOCATION CONTAINMENT USE 8 MIXTURE NOZ/COZ/NZ 800 FT3 HIGH ( * CONTINUED ~ ) ID PER~NT COMPONENTS HAZARD LIST Z3Z4,00 -~Ni~rogen UNKNOWN FIRE PROTECTION/ WATER SUPPLIES LAST CHANGE OZIZ3/88 BY EVAMc SEC 4) THE LAB IS EQUIPPED WiTH A FIRE EXTINGUISHER. FLAMMABLES ARE LOCKEO AWAY IN A FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS CAB!NET. SEC S) CORNER OF PIERCE RD AND ANTONINO PAGE 4 03/09/89 10:59 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC. <80S) 64.8-6800 BUSINESS NAME PETR EM ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES' iD ER Z1S-OOO-OOI00Z LOCATION 320? ANTONINO AV HIGH HAZARD RATING D, EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION / EVACUATION · L. AST CHANGE OZ/Z3/88 BY EVAMC 3R SEC 2) AN EVACUATION ROUTE IS POSTED IN I'HE LAB AND OFFICE AND EMPLOYEES ARE INSTRUCTED ON THE EVACUATION ROUTE AND MEETING PLACE. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, THE PERSON IDENTIFYING AN 'EMERGENCY gILL. NOTIFY OTHERS IN BUIL[~ING OF THE SITUATION AND CALL THE PROPER EMERGENCY UNITS, · E. MITIGATION / PREVENTION / ABATEMENT LAST CHANGE 02/23/88 BY EVAMC 38 SEC l) .EMPLOYEES ARE INSTRUCTEO IN THE USE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. N THE EMPLOYEE'S.TRAINING PROGRAM, THEY ARE INSTRUCTED:TO USE THE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS TO LEARN HOW TO USE THE CHEMICAL SAFELY (USING PROPER VENTILATION, GLOVES, GOGGLES, 'ETC.) PETRO-CHEM HAS EQUIPPED THE LAB WITH A CHEMICAL SPILL CLEAN-UP KIT FOR ACID, CAUSTIC AND SOLVENT SPILLS, EMPLOYEES ARE INSTRUCTED IN THE PROPER USE OF THE CLEAN-UP KIT. PAGE S 03/09/89 10:S9 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, iNC. (80S> G48-G800 CITY of BAKERSFIELD , NON-- T RAD E S E C R E TS ' o,9'.~_of~'~._. ~OCATION: ~ ~~ ~ ADDRgSS: STANDARD Z~D. CLASS CODE CITY, ZlP:*~o[~'~Q& , ~ q~ CI~, ZIP: DUN AND BRADSTR~ET NUMBER C~e C~e ~t ~t Est ~its m Site T~ ~ l~ ~ St~ la f~t Ilty ~ ~ i~t~ti~ HNlth of P~ ~lth U / Hfllth of Pr~su~ ~lth ..............~ ;erttficati~ (Read and si~ after coepJetlng ail sections/ certify ~dee ~lty of 1~ t~t I ~ve ~rs~ellye. aeinff ~ le fHiliir .tth t~ ~nfo~ti~ su~itt~this ~ all ettK~ ~ts. ~ t~t ~s~ m ~ i~t~ of t~e t~tvi~ls ~sible CITY of BAKERSFIELD NON--TRADE SECRETS ~, -- - '-C~ ~~ ~0HNER NAME: NAME OF T~ FRCZLITY: .OCATION: ~ ~,~ ~ ---'~ ADDRESS: STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE ;ITY. Z~P: ~~~ ~ C~ %%~ C~. Z~P: DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER ~ ~ ~U~O~ ~ ~0~ ~D~ ' '-- r--~ r--~ -- r--~ ~t ~ ~&C.A.S. ~ ~lth of P~ ~lth '-- H~lth of Pr~su~ ~ith ...... / 'tificatlffi (Read and s~ after coepJetJnE all sections) · oOtalninq t~ int~ttm. [ .ii.ye t,t t~ au,itt, into--tim is t~. ,ccur,t,. md c.oi~ [/ .... '... T~ Br~ Division ~H~r / I ~ ~ 3-i4-89 CITY of BAKERSFIELD .................. NON--TRADE SECRETS ' P,9,~ of~ LOCATION ~,~~ ADDRESS: STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE CITY, ZrP:' ~~'~, ~ ~~ CZ~, Z~P: · DUN AND BRADSTREET NUHBER ~ith C.A.S. ~ ~ ~ ~t ,, ~ ~ C.A.S. ~ ~lth of P~ ~lth ~tn ~ & C.A.S. ~ P~ic, I ~ ~lth H,~,~ C.A.S. ~ ~ ~ Wt I1 ~ & C.A.S. ~ --~ [--~ r~ r--~ ~t ~ ~EC.A.S. ~ ~lth of ~ ~lth ..... --~ ~--~ r~ r--~ ~t ~ ~&C.A.S. ~ HHIth of P~ ~lth -- ~t 13 ~&CA.S. [;lrtificltJ~ (Read and IJ~ after compJetJnE ail sections) certify ~der ~ity of 1~ t~t I ~ve ~rsmallye~amn~ ~ ~ f~Jltar ~tth t~ Jnf~tJm su~Jtt~ 1n~Js ~ ell ett~ ~ts. ;~ar obtamtn9 t~ mf~ttm, t ~lJeve t~t t~ sumttt~ info. tim ~s t~, accurate, ~ FIRE EVACUATION ROUTE ANTONINO AVENUE ~vacuatio~ · CAL-STATE ELECTRIC/PETRO-CHEM Meeting Area :: Exit ' ' ~ l:'-~N°rth -'"J ~ '/ _-~-- . .,~}1~'~ .~' ~- '"'1 ........ i-~. ..... Yard Gate !,l ' ! "l I 1 I S !,~ TI" , ~ ~1 t ..... q~Evacua'tion :1 I. '- -- "'~'~ Route .,... Evacuation Meeting Area Sliding Doors (always locked) CHEHICAL INVENTORY CHEHI CAL NAHE FORMULA G/L IN STOCK COf.ICENTRATI ON AI',IT, USED/'¥EAR LIQUIDS HY'DROCHLORIC ACID HCl 500 ml 250 ml HYDROCHLORIC ACID HC1 1000 ml O.If'-I 250 ml NITRIC ACID HN03 100 ml O.IN i00 ml NITRIC ACID HN03 3 L 250 ml NITRIC ACID HN03 100 ml 50% 500 ml ~,0 1 NITRIC ACID HN03 5 L z~..,-. "'= m NITRIC ACID, FUPIING HN03 500 ml. ?0% 1000 mt SULFURIC ACID H2S04 3 L 500 ml SULFURIC ACID H2S04 2 DILUT-IT 0 SULFURIC ACID H2S04 1 L 0.1N 500 ml IODINE SOLUTION I2 2.5 L 250 CHLOROFORH CHC13 500 ml lO0 ml IOOlNE/-IODIOE SOL I2 2 L O.1I',l 500 EXTRACT. SOL. NaOH+Na2CO3+H20 500 ml !50 ml ORSAT LEVELING I',1a2S04 + H2S04 SOLUTION + H20 I000 ml 1000 ml THORIN INDICATOR THORIN+XYLENE CYANIDE 250 ml ?00 ml SIUJER 1'4ITR~TE ..... AgI',I03 500 rnl O.1N 3 L TH!0ffYNATE NH4SCN 500 ml 0. IN 3 L FERRIC NITRATE Fe(N03)3 9H20 250 ml 1.OH 750 ml OXSORBENT 1 L 1 L HERCLIRY Hg 1 lb 0.5 lb HEXANE C,_(H14 4 L 200 125 ml / CADPIIf"IUM SUILFATE CdS02 500 ml 1.00 ml SODIUM THIOSULFATE Na2S203 500 ml o.olr4 500 ml STARCH INDICATOR 100 ml 150 ml BARIUM CHLORIDE BaCl 1000 ml O.O1H 20 L 2., 2,4-TR l PIETHYLPENTANE (CH3)3CCH3CH(CH3)2 500 ml 100 ml ACETONE CH3COCH3 .~ L 24 L ISOPROPANOL CH3CH(OH)CH3 56 L 50 Gal. ~ETH'Y'LENE CHLORIDE CH2C12 ?50 ml 500 ml HYDROGEN PEROXIDE H202 4 L 30X 12 L HYDROGEN PEROXIDE H202 100 ml _AY. lO0 ml HYDROGEN PEROXIDE H202 500 ml 3.% 500 ml POTASS ! UM HYDROXIDE KOH 100 ml 50% 250 ml CADIUM HYDROXIDE CdOH 250 ml 0.0i68M ]00 ml METHAI',IOL, ABSOLUTE CH30H 7 L 500 mt IODINE I2 2 DILUT-IT O.1N 1 ampule SODIU~ THIO.SULFATE Na2S203 ! DILUT-IT O.IN 1 ampule SILVER NITRATE AgN03 2 DILUT-IT O,IN 2 ampule SULFURIC ACID H2S04 2 DILUT-IT O.IN 1 ampule A~'~4 ON I UN THIOCYANATE NH4SCN 2 DILUT-IT O.1N 1 ampule. BARIUm4 CHLORIDE 8iiCI 2H20 500 g 20 g CADr4IU[4 SULFATE 3CDS04 8H20 2 Kg. 25 g CHARCOAL 2 Kg 100 g COLUP1N RESIN 500 g 500 g COSORBENT 5 g '10 g DRIERITE 5 lbs. 2 lbs. FERRIC NITRATE Fe(N03)3 ?H20 500 g 10 g ODDINE I2 100 g <5 g 'OTASSIUI'.t L2Cr207 500 g <5 g D I CHROHATE ~OTASSIUM KOH 2.5 Kg lO g PU A~,.,1urt-- .................... ] .... KMh-0-~F-'- .............. 500'-~ ........... <.'5 q P E RMAN GANAT E POTASSIUI't KI2 100 g <5 g IODINE / PHENOLPHTHALEN CdH4600C(6d-4- 50 g '(5 g OH)2 SILICA GEL 2.5 Kg 2.5 Kg '§ODIUM ARSONITE NaAs02 500 g <5 g SODIUM NaHC02 500 g <5 g B I.CA R 80NAT E SODIUPI Na2C02 500 g <5 g CARBONATE SODIUI'I H'YDROXIDE NaOH 500 g 10 g SODIUH SULFATE NAS04 l! Kg 10 g SODIUM NaSCN 500 g ,',5g THI OCYANITE I"IETHYL ORANGE (CH3)NC6H4N:NC& 60 g 45 g H4SO3Na PHOSPHORUS P205 1 Kg 35 g PENTOX I DE STARCH SOLUBLE (C~HiOO5)x 125 g ..',5 9 THORIN (HO)2 A3C6H4N: l0 g 7 g NC1 OH4(OH) (S03Na) 2 2-4-DINITRO- (NO2)2C~H3NHNH2 50 g <5 g !PHENYLHYDAZ INE !XYLENE CYANOLE .C25H27N2NaO&S2 50 g (5 g JULY 13 1988 DEAR MR. BRENN N NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE IN THE INSPECTION OF YOUR BUSINESS PETRO dHEM ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LOCATED AT 3207 ANTONINO STREET, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 THE FOLLOWING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGULATION VIOLATIONS WERE IDENTIFIED: 1) INVENTORY QUANTITIES OF COMPRESSED GASES HIGHER THAN STATED IN YOUR BUSINESS PLANi .PLEASE REVISE YOUR BUSINESS PLAN ACCORDINGLY. VIOLATION OF CH. 6.96 CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE 25509(A)(1-4) The annual inventory form shall includ'e, but shall not be limited to, information on all of the following which are handled in quantities equal to or greater than the quantities specified in subdivision (a) of Section 25503.5: (1) A listing of the chemical name and common names of every hazardous substance or chemical product handled by the business. (2).The category of waste, including the general chemical and mineral composition of the waste listed by probable maximum and minimum concentrations, of every hazardous Waste handled by the business. (3) A listing of the chemical name.and common names of every other hazardous material or mixture containing a hazardous material handled by the business which is not otherwise listed pursuant to paragraph (1) or (2). (4) The maximum amount of each hazardous material or mixture containing a hazardous material disclosed in paragraphs (1), (2),. and .(3) which is handled at any one time by the business over the course of the year. 2) COMPRESSED GAS CYLINDER NOT PROPERLY RESTRAINED. vIOLATION OF UFC 74.107 · (a) General.. All compressed gas cylinders in service or in storage shall be adequately secured to prevent falling or.being knoCked over. EXCEPTIONS: (1) Compressed gas cylinders in the process of examination, ~servicing and.refilling are exempt from this section'. (2) Medical gas cylinders may'be stored and : used in the horizontal position in accordance with nationally recognized standards, The above violations must be corrected by JULY 29th 1988 The department will schedule a re-inSpection of your facility' to verify compliance.. If you have any queStions.regarding this notice., please contact Ralph Huey at 326-3979. Sincerely, ~ . Hazardous-Materials Coordinator encl: Acutely hazardous materials registration, form ~ . JULY 13 1988 DEAR blR. BRENNAN .. NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE IN THE INSPECTION OF YOUR BUSINESS ~ETR0 ~HEM ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LOCATED AT 3207 ANTONINO STREET,-BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 THE FOLLOWING HAZARDOUS~ MATERIALS' REGULATION VIOLATIONS WERE IDENTIFIED: 1) INVENTORY QUANTITIES OF COMPRESSED GASES HIGHER THAN STATED IN YoUR BUSINESS PLAN. 'PLEASE REVISE YOUR. BUSINESS PLAN ACCORDINGLY. VIOLATION OF CH. 6.96 CALIFORNIA HEALTIt & SAFETY. CODE 25509('A)(~1-4) The annual inventory form shall include, but shall not be-limited to, information on all .of the .following which are handled, in'quantities equal to cf..greater than .the quantities specified in subdivision (a) of section 25503.5: · '- -' - (1) ~ listing of the chemical name and common' names.of every hazardous substance or chemical product handled b~ the business. ', (2) The C'ategory of Waste, inclUding the general chemical and mineral composition of the waste listed by probable maximum and minimum concentrations, of every hazardous.waste handled .by the business. (3) A listing of the chemical name and. common names of every other'hazardous material or mixture · containing a hazardous .material handled by the business which is not otherwise listed pursuant to paragraph (1) or (2). . ' (4') The'maximum amount of'each hazardous. ~material or mixture containing a hazardous material disclosed in paragraphs (1), (2),. and (3)~ which is · 'handled at any one time by the business over the course of the year. 2) coMpRESSED GAS CYLINDER NOT PROPERLY RESTRAINED., VIOLATION OF UFC 74.,107 ~. (a)' General., Ali compressed gas. cylinders in service or in storage shall be adequately secured to prevent falling'or being knocked over, EXCEPTIONS: (1) Compressed'gas cylinders in the process of examination, servicing and refilling are exempt' from this section, · (2) Medical gas cylinders, may be stored and' used 'in the horizontal position in accordance with nationally recognized 'standards, The above 'violations 'must be corrected by JULY.29th 1988 The department will schedule a re-inspection of 'your facility to verify compliance,. If you have any questions regarding. this notice, please contact Ralph HueY at 326-3979. Sincerely, ' ' . Hazardous Materials Coordinator encl: Acutely hazardous materials registration fbrm NON--TRADE SECRETS ' '~- ' HAZARDO,US MATERI ALS Z NV'ENTORY , 'ADDRESS:. ~ ~k~ ADDRESS: FACILITY UNIT NAME:' 1 2 3 4 5 6 .7 8 9 i0 TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT{USE LOCATION IN THIS % BY HAZARI) {~.O.T CODE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE ~CODE FACILITY UNIT WT, CHEMIqAL OR COMMON NAME CODE GUIDE NAME: TITLE: SIGNATURE: ("~ ~ :' DATE: AFTER BUS HRS: ~-- , BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT I.D. # FORM 4A-1 Page ~..~_. NON--TRADE SECRETS HAZ ARDOU.S MATERT ALS 'T'NVENTORY BUSINESS NA~IE: '~'T~'''~- Cp~-~ ~ O"NER NA~E: ~ ~ /~~ ~~ FACILITY UNIT g:~ 'ADDRESS: 3~O~ ~W~XXL~ ADDRESS: FACILITY UNIT NAHE: -CITV, ZIP: ~E~F~L~. ~ ~~ CITY,ZIP: PHONE ~: ~-~ ' PHONE ~: ' ., {OFFICIAL USE CFIR~-~ODE I .1 · 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ~ 0 'TYPE 51AX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS · BY HAZARI) I].O.T CODE AHOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. CHEMICAL OR COMMON NAME CODE -' . ,: FCL ,NA.E: '~ . -' { . ~- TITLE: ~ "~. ,IONATURE: C"~~ ~%~~. DATE:. EMERGENCY CONTACT.: %~ ~P.,~b TITLE:~,~,% ~,~¢~ l P~Nb ¢ IU'~oURS: . AFTER BUS HRS: ~-~ EHEEOENCY CoNTAcT: .~' ~~%%~ TITLE:_~X{, ~o~ PHONE ¢ BUS HOURS: ~'-~50~ -: PRINCIPAL BDSINESS' ACTIVITY: ~~ '~~ ~ AFTER-BUS HRS.: · BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT I D. # ' .,. '~' ' FORM 4A-1 Page ~:~ NON--TRADE S'E.C R'E T S HAZARDOUS MATER1' ALS 'r NVE~NTORY 'ADDRESS: ~ ~Z~-vc3t~3~c-3 · ADDRESS: ' FACILITY UNIT NAME: .. CITY, ZI'P: ~~~ ~ ~~ CITY,ZIP: I 2 3 4. 5 6 7 8' 9 .10 ' TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS'- · BY HAZARD 1) O.T CODE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. CHEMIGAL OR COMMON NAME CODE GUIDE ' . - , I~S~ ','NAME: TITLE: ~ ~ SIONATURE: DATE: EMERGENCY CONTACT: ~t~ ~~3~3 ' TITI, E:~m_~o~ ~~ , : . . AFTER BUS HRS: ~0~cv 'cONTACt: ~ ~~~ T~TU~: ~,~,. Co~~' ~.ON~ ~ .US .OU~S:: PRINCIPAL BUSINESS, ACTIVITY: ~~ ~~ ~ · AFTER BUS HRS: I.D. # FORM 4A-~1 Page NON--TRADE SECRETS. ' HAZARDOUS MATERI ALS T NVENTORY 'ADDRESS: ' '~:x~(.D-I ~urrc~,,~x-~.~c3 ADDRESS: ' FACILITY UNIT NAME: PHONE '~: ~n-~A~ PHONE ~: ' .. [OFFICIAL USE CFIR'~""~'ODE I 1 . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS · BY ' HAZARD I):O.T CODE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT coDE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. CHEMIGAL OR COMMON NAME CODE GUIDE PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: ~:s~:~.~, ZE-~cr ~ AFTER BUS HRS: ~D-5~ . BAKERSFIELD CITY, FIRE DEPARTMENT I.D. # FORM 4A-1 Page NON--TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS lVIATE R I ALS INVENTORY BUSINESS NAME:"~O-~-V~ ~..k~'r~OU~Ek.,'W~L~ OWNER NAME: FACILITY UNIT ~:__ 'ADDRESS: ~-~ ADDRESS: FACILITY UNIT.NAME: PHONE ~: ~q-~O~ PHONE'S: ' .. [OFFICIAL USE CFIRS'"'~'0DE 1 2 3. 4 5 '6 7 8 9 1 0 'TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION .IN THIS · BY HAZARD CODE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UN{T WT. CHEMICAL OR COMMON NAME ,,CODE GUIDE NAME __TITLE: Cm~ ~ SIGNATURE: DATE:..7~-~ . ~ AFTER BUS HRS: PRINCIPAL BDSINESS ACTIVITY: ~~ ~~%c~ ~ AFTER BUS HRS': ~qD-~ ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGISTRATICN FORM TI-[IS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE OWNER OR OPERATOR OF EACH BUSINESS TN CALIFORNIA WHICH AT ANY TIME HANDLES ANY ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIAL TN QU .ANTTFIES GREATER THAN 500 POUNDS, 55 GALLONS OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF GAS AT STP. t THIS FORM SHALL BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITFED TO YOUR LOCAL ADMINISTERING AGENCY. (§25533 & 25536 Health & Safety Code) Note Instructions on reverse Business Site Address ~C~ --/ t~ k_)~-Ot~)~ ~,~ c_~ Business Mailing Address (if different) Business Phone '~) ~ - ~ ~ Business Plan Submission Date2 Process Designation3 ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIAL~; HANDt. ED4 -USE ADDITIONAL PAGES IF NECESSARY- CHEMICAL H/~ME QUANTITY GENERAL DI=$CRIPT1ON OF PROOE$$E$ ~ND ~RINClPAI.; £QUIPMENTS: PRINTED NAME ~e. LC)-~T~ '~OC.,%~,o-i'-~ DATE California Office of Emergency Services FORM HM 3777 (1-15-88) INSTRUCTIONS: Superscripts: l. Quantifies for RMPP compliance arc "equal to or greater than" the minimum criteria and apply to chemicals handled "at any one time". 2. Businesses handling reportable quantities of Acutely HaT~rdous Materials that have not submitted a business plan MUST contact local Administering Agencies. The business plan submission date will assure the Administering Agency that a business plan has been submiued and is on file. This will also immediately identify businesses that have not su ~bmiued business plans. 3. "Process Designation" is provided as a reporting option (with the approval of the Administering Agency) for facilities that can most easily report by process. Thus, facility RMPP registration data could be submitted in a similar format to a business plan that is divided by process. "By process" data can initiate an emergency response to a process incident rather than a general emergency response to,a major facility. Process designation can simplify inspections for major facilities and improve fuuu'e emergency response. '4.' ~fer to the EPA list ~fExlrem61y Hazardc~u$ Subst~nce~rom ~e Federal Registe~ (V~l'Ume 52, N°~'~7, ~. 13397 et. se(]_., April 22, 1987). Each chemical has a threshold planning quantity. This list may be changed by EPA on an annual basis. Updates of this list may be available early in 1988. To comply with this element, you may attach a copy of theinventory submitted to your Administering Agency from your business plan and highlight all Acutely I-la?~rdous Materials. It is :ecommended that facilities list all extremely hazardous chemicals handled in quantities equal to or in excess of 1) 500 pounds, and 2) any EPA threshold planning quantity less than 500 pounds.' 5. Do not include Trade Secret information in these descriptions. General: For emergency response purposes, it would be desirable to describe the following to the Administering Agency: 1. Batch Process: a. What raw matexiais? b. What opera~g pressure range? c. What operating temperature range? d. Batch capacity rating? e. Product characteristics? (e.g., chemical state, flammability, toxicity, etc.) f. Critical process points and characteristics? 2. Con~nuous process: (similar informa:~on as above.) NOTE: "Pursuant to §25534, thc AdmipJstefing Agency may ~.~lUim thc submission of a RL~ Mmnagcmcnt Prevention Pro,ram (RMPP), if the Administering Agency detc~xnin .es that thc handlers operation may present an acutely hazardous materials accident risk. The handler shall prepare the RMPP in accordance with subdivision (c) [of §25534]. The RMPP shall be prepared within 12 months following the request made by the Administering Agency pursuant to this section." (§ 25534 (a) Health and Safety Code) An amendment to the RMPP must be submitted to the Administering Agency within 30 days of: 1. Any additional handling of acutely hazardous materials. 2. Any material or substantial alterations to business activities. 3. Change of address, business ownership, or business name. (§ 25533 (c) Health & Safety Code) · EVERY BUSINESS REQUIRED TO SUBMIT AN RMPP SHALL IMPLEMENT THE APPROVED RMPP · California Office of Emergency Services FORM HM 3777 (1-15-88) MARCH 8, 1988 PETRO CHEM ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3207 ANTONINO AV BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 DEAR SIR: THE ENCLOSED "ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGISTRATION FORM" MUST BE COMPLETED BY ANY BUSINESS, HANDLING ABOVE THE MINIMUM REPORTING QUANTITY ANY MATERIAL ON THE EPA LIST OF EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES. (FED. REGISTER VOL. 52, NO. 77, P. 13397). YOUR COMPANY HAS REPORTED HANDLING THE FOLLOWING ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: NITRIC OXIDE SULFUR DIOXIDE PLEASE RETURN THE COMPLETED ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGISTRATION FORM TO: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION 2130 G STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS FORM PLEASE CALL RALPH HUEY AT 326-3979. SINCERELY YOURS, RALPH E HUEY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS COORDINATOR REH:em ENCLOSURE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INSPECTION VERIFICATION OF INVENTORY MATERIALS VERIFICATION OF QUANTITIES VERIFICATION OF LOCATION ^r. ~ PROPEI~ SECTION OF VERIFICATION OF ~Z MAT TRAINING VERIFICATION OF MSD$ AVAILABLE COMMENTS: OF ABATEMENT SUPPLIES & PROCEDORES ~--~ VERIFICATION COMMENTS: EMERGENCy ~.oc~nm~s ~os~sn ~ CONTAINERS PROPERLY LAB~---'~.~ ~ COMMENTS: VERIFICATION OF FACILITY DIAGRAM SPECIAL [IAZARDS ASSOCIATED WIT[i THIS FAcILITy: VIOLATIONS: