HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK-C-5/12/95 CITY of BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPA R TMENT FIRE SAFETY CONTROL & HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISIONS 1715 CHESTER AVE, *'BAKERSFIELD, CA · 99301 R,E. HUEY R.B. TOBIAS, HAZ-MAT COORDINATOR FIRE MARSHAL (805) 326-3979 May 12, 1995 (805) 326-3951 Mr. John Antonino 3304 Pierce Rd Bakersfield, CA 93308 CLOSURE OF 1 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE TANK LOCATED AT 3207 ANTONINO AVENUE. pERMIT # BR-0104 Dear Mr; Antonino: This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the results for the preliminary assessment associated with the closure of the tank located at the above stated address. Based upon laboratory data submitted, this office is satisfied with the assessment performed and requires no further action at this time. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (805)-326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician HHW/dlm cc: Jason Castillo, RWQCB -REMOVAL OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS AT 3304 PIERCE ROAD AND 3207 ANTONINO AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA FOR MR. JOHN ANTONINO AND MR. STEVE LEWIS by Lutrel Services, Inc. January 1995 TABLE OF CONTENTS .Sec.Description Page I INTRODUCTION ........................................................................... ! II PURPOSE AND SCOPE ...................................................................1 III BACKGROUND INFORMATION ....................................................... 2 a. Project Location ....................... : ................................................. 2 b. Site Description .......................................................................... 2 IV SITE GEOLOGY AND HYDROLOGY ......... ' .................................. 2 V SITE HISTORY ............................................................................. 3 VI PROJECT HISTORY ' ..3 a. Laboratory Analysis of Soil Samples ................................................. 3 VII LSI SITE CHARACTERIZATION FINDINGS ........................................ 3 a. Soil Prof'de ............................................................................... 3 b. Results of soil Sample Analysis ..................: .................................... 3 c. Extent of Soil Contamination .......................................................... 4 VIII CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................ 4 IX REMEDIAL ACTION ALTERNATIVES ................................................ 5 X EXCAVATION OF CONTAMINATED SOIL .......................................... 6 a. Suggested Action ........................................................................ 6 b. Findings .................................................................................. 6 c. Conclusions .............................................................................. 6 Cc'rfific~fion ............................................................................................ 7 a Conclusions ................................................ · .............................. 7 b. Recommendations ....................................................................... 7 MAP #1 GENERAL VICINITY MAP MAP #2 GENERAL PLOT PLAN APPENDIX A EXCAVATION SAMPLING RESULTS FIGURE #1 TANK DIAGRAM AND GENERA117.ED CROSS SECTION SITE TANK REMOVAL REPORT 3304 PIERCE ROAD AND'3207 ANTONINO AvE. BAKERSFIELD I INTRODUCTION This report outlines the underground storage tank removal methods and results of Lutrel Services, Inc. (LSI) operations on the underground storage tanks at 3304' Pierce Road and 3207 Antonino Ave. in Bakersfield, Califoma. The underground storage tank removal was authorized by Mr. John Antonino, Owner/Operator and Mr. Steve Lewis, Operator on July 22, 1994. II PURPOSE AND SCOPE The purpose of the underground storage tank removal was to eliminate the possibility of contaminating soil from the tank. LSI presented one scenario for removal, 1) Excavate, recycle and backf'fll. Scope of work for this remediation project involved the following: · Permits were purchased on September 7, 1994 and then renewed on December 30, 1994. · Excavation of the subject tank began on January 9, 1995. Due to wet weather, the tanks were not decontaminated until Friday, January 13, 1995. The tanks were filled with 98 pounds of dry ice, loaded on a flatbed truck and transported as a non-hazardous material. Samples were taken by having the backhoe bucket excavate to the prescribed depth, 2 feet and six feet below the botom of the tank grabbing the sample with a six inch brass tube from the bucket and capping both ends of the tube with Teflon® tape and plastic. The samples were labeled and sent immediately to Cirrus Labs for analysis. Each sample was analyzed for TPH-g and Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene and Xylene (BTEX).. Groundwater was not encountered during excavation. Data from these analyses were evaluated to assure the client and the Bakersfield City Fire Department that the excavation had no contamination from the removed tanks. · lVlr. Mark Turk of the City Fire Department was on site to wimess the actual removal of the tanks and the sampling of the soil. .: Antonino / Lewis Project Page UST Removal III BACKGROUND INFORMATION Information regarding the site location, site description, site geology and hydrogeology, and project history is presented in the following sections. a. Project Location The project site is located at 3304 Pierce Road and 3207 Antonino Ave. in the City of Bakersfield, Kern County, California. The site is east of Highway 99, bounded by Antonino Ave. to the north and surrounded by light industrial businesses. The site is within Section 23, Township 29 South, Range 27 East, M.D.B. & M. (See Map #1) b. Site Description The site is a level, partially paved, chain-link fence enclosed property. An office / shop building is located directly north of the UST on the Pierce Road property and directly west on the Antonino property. California Water Service is the company in charge of domestic water service. All sewage is discharged into the sewage system. Th$ underground storage tanks were located south of the office / shop building on the Pierce Road property and just east of the office ! shop building on the Antonino Ave. property. (Map #2) The tanks were constructed of steel and set below grade. Each tank was approximately five feet in diameter and the top was four feet deep. (see Figure 1). IV SITE GEOLOGY AND HYDROLOGY The site is located within the San Joaquin Valley Great Valley geomorphic province of California. Near- surface site soils consist of sand, sandy silt, and silty clay which are Quaternary alluvial deposits of the Kern River, located approximately 1.5 miles southeast of the site. According to Kern County Water Agency Water Supply Report, 1992, groundwater is less than 150 feet below grade with a gradient of approximately 0.017 feet per foot in a northwest direction. This shallow unconfined aquifer recharges the deeper confined and semi-confined groundwater basin which provides the community and agricultural water supply for the southern valley. Average rainfall in the Bakersfield area is approximately six inches per year and does not contribute to the groundwater recharge by surface infiltration. Antonino / Lewis Project Page 2 UST Removal V SITE HISTORY Information regarding the site history was obtained from owner of the property, Mr. John Antonino. The site was part of the Fruitvale oilfield until it was subdivided into light indusWial parcels during the middle 1970s. The site was developed by the present owner and used as an office and shop doing business as Valley Steel Construction (3304 Pierce Road) and Petrochem Environmental Services (3207 Antonino Ave.) The tanks were used to store unleaded gasoline for company vehicles. The Pierce Road site tank was used up until the actual removal. The Antonino Ave. site tank has not been used in the last 15 years. VI PROJEC'T HISTORY The Bakersfield City Fire Department, in conjunction with Kem County Environmental Health Department is concerned that underground Storage Tanks have the potential to degrade water quality of the unconfined aquifer which underlies the city. Because the tanks commonly consist of organic hydrocarbon compounds, KCEHSD and the City Fire Department has required that the owners of property known to be equipped with these types of systems demonstrate that the tanks are replaced with double walled tanks with leak detection systems and that the soil beneath the system components has not been impacted by organic constituents. a. Laboratory Analysis.of Soil Samples Soil samples were refrigerated and shipped to Cin'us Environmental Analytical Laboratories in Santa Maria, California and tested for BTEX by EPA Method 8020 and TPH-g by EPA Method 8015. VII LSI SITE CHARACTERIZATION FINDINGS a. Soil Profile Subsurface soils in the area of the investigation generally consist of silty sands underlain by interbedded layers of poorly graded sand and silty clay to a maximum depth of 12 feet. b. Results of soil Sample Analysis Laboratory results of the soil samples tested for BTEX, and TPH-g are presented in Table 1. Laboratory documentation is provided in Appendix A. Antonino / Lewis Project Page 3 UST R¢~noval Samples tested for BTEX and total petroleum hydrocarbons revealed that non-detectable levels of benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, total xylene, and gasoline were present in subsurface soils at two feet (2') and six feet (6') below the removed tanks. · c. Extent of Soil Contamination Based on the results of the analytical testing of soil samples, petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline were not present in the subsurface soils to a depth of at least 16 feet. VIII CONCLUSIONS On the basis of the findings, the following conclusions: · Soil profde at the site consists of silty sand, poorly graded sand, silty clay and gravelly sand to the maximum explored depth of 16 feet. · No groundwater was encountered. Antonino / Lewis Project Page 4 UST Removal IX REMEDIAL ACTION ALTERNATIVES KCEHSD requires that three remediation options be evaluated if significant levels of contamination are found. Remediation alternatives for soils containing gasoline include ex-situ and in2situ methods. Soil excavation (ex-sim treatment) is effective for most soils and petroleum hydrocarbons. Excavation is generally limited to depths of 25 feet and can be fi.t~er limited by site development and site operations, however the extent of attainable cleanup is usually more predictable and more likely to be complete. Ex- situ remediation usually requires shorter time periods and is time-dependent on the type of surface treatment selected (i.e., recycling, bioremediation). Environmental impact and site disturbance can be substantial, including risk of chemical exposure and physical contact with chemicals. The potential for damage to nearby structures and other site features can be high. In-situ methods include bioventing and bioremediation. In-sim methods generally are effective in permeable soil types (i.e., sand and sand silt mixtures) and are less limited by depth or by site development.. Site operations are usually only minimally interrupted by system installation and maintenance tasks. Extent of attainable cleanup often varies depending on soil types and type of contaminant and is generally not entirely complete. In-sim methods require long periods of time (sometimes on the order of several years) in comparison to ex-situ treatment. Long-term liabilities may result from incomplete reduction of contaminants. Costs associated with in-situ methods are generally less in comparison to ex-sim methods, especially when deep soil contamination is present. Antonino / Lewis Project Page 5 UST Removal X EXCAVATION OF CONTAMINATED SOIL SinCe no contamination was found on the two sites, no remediation should be required. a. Suggested Action - L.S.I. suggests that the excavation be backfilled with the soil removed during excavation with the addition of I0 yards of sand to account for the tank volume. b. Findings After the tank removal, LSI took samples of the soil for analysis at two feet (2') and six feet (6')below the tank bottom. Samples were analyzed and non-detect levels were reported at both tanks. XI LSI CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS c. Conclusions a. The gasoline contamination located beneath both tanks has been reported as non-detect, resulting in clean closure. These levels are documented by TPH-g and BTEX analyses from samples at the bottom of the excavations. Field observations and measurements, and laboratory analyses indicate that the site does not pose a present or reasonable threat to groundwater due to this report's findings of non-detect or extremely low contaminant concentrations. b. Recommendation As a result of the findings described in this report, we recommend that a clean closure declaration be granted by the KCEHSD and the Bakersfield Fire Department for the underground storage tanks at 3304 Pierce Road and 3207 Antonino Ave., Bakersfield, California. Antonino / Lewis Project Page UST Removal Certification I certify under penalty of law that this documentation and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, I' certify that the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Lutrel Services, Inc. {~~i~~~ l-,acr~tt~ ~ech nical ~ te, Inc. Antonino I Lewis Project Page 7 UST.Removal NORTH ~ I: !.'1.. ,, · ~ PECRE4TIO~ ROSEDALE ~F LUTREL SERVICES, INC. [iii John Antonino and Steve Lewis ' ' / ap #1 - General Vicinity Map Underground Storage Tank Removal January, 1995J NORTH NORTH " I Fuel Pump OFFICE / SHOP AREA ,.,~<: [ / Excavation Fuel Pump ~ Vent Line Vent Line ~ Excavation 3207 Antonino Ave. Site 3304 Pierce Road Site I~( LUTREL SERVICES, INC. -'~ !it · John Antonino and Steve Lewis ~ ap #2 - General Plot Plan Underground Storage Tank Removal ' . January, 1995~J I'-'} 48 Hfs Dale I I~ 10 Working days - Lab~umber r--] Arrangement CLIENT: .~.,'~'l'oNi~l~ & ~W'¢S P~OJEC'i: MANAGER: · "~aK*._i._s'~'elcJ; C,~I;~, 9530~ PHONE NUMBER:Ii '-/ . ANALYSES CbNTRACT / I~URcH~'sE ORDER / QuoTE NO': Lab Sample S~pLE TYPE No.°! /.,~/.(,,*'*~'/~'..,~,~.~/ SampleNo./Iden,ification Date Time Number LJq. Air.iS,,olid ~C~in;rs Sampler: (S~gnature/Da~emme) Received by:. {Signa~ur~'E~.iemme) Report R..~lts lo: I~eL?.~t~ishecl bT. (Signature/Dale/i'i~e) ' Received by:. (Signatur~'Date/T~e) ....... ^[ldress: ' ,S' , ~ .r,t~--?s//tt: .... Method of Shipmenf: / ..o~,+~ Co~;~ -'..~--..... "-'-'-- '" "" "· -- -- · '-' ,.- Environmental [] Phone Results Special instru~ions: [] Fax Resu~ 3130 Sk'y~'ay Drive, Suite 403 S~t~ Ma~a, CA 93455 Biltin~ Notes: 1. Sample di~Posa~ ~ee is ~$~?..00 subjeci 10 arrangement. ..... Phone 805/34~1766 2. Fax ~ee i~ $1.00 per sheeL . , ~. ,Ftu~h ~ork mquke$ mini.m, um 2~ h~. notice: ~pplica~le ~ees assessed, lAX 8051346-15'67 Environmental Anolyt..icoi & Compliance. ,';¢;rv'ce$ [,utrel Services, inc. =.12 South Union Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93307 Qc Keport of GC Analysis for PURGEABLE A/~OMATICS (BTXE) & GASOLINE Ref: USEPA SW-846 (8020, 8015m Combination) :Jab ID Number: Batch 95-0029-1 Spike/Spike Dup 5ample ID: Lewis @ 2' Project: Antonino/Lewis Tank l~ul! Date Sampled:- 01/13/95 Date Received: 01/13/95 Date Extracted: 01/18/95 Date Analysed: 01/18/95 >~atrix: Soil SPIKE SPIKE-DUP COMPOUND RECOVERY RECOVERY QC LIMITS RPD (%) ( % ) ( % ) (%) Benzene 76 85 39-150 11 H:hylbenzene 81 88 32-160 8.3 Toluene 81 90 46-148 10 m,' p-Xylenes 87 95 N/A 8.8 o-Xylene 80 86 N/A 7.2 C;asoline 88 102 50-150 15 C?-lifornia Certification No. 1544 "':'~. Skyway Orlve. Suite 403 · P.O. Ifox ',1.19 · ~n;~l M;:..:. ¢ :. 934,50.7439 , '"-'"-"'"' Environmental Analytical & Compliance Lutrel Services, Inc. 2212 South Union Ave. 3akersfield, CA 93307 Attn: Bill Rosica Report of GC Analysis for PURGEABLE AROmaTICS (BTXE) and Gasoline .- gef: USE?A SW-846 (8020, 8015m Combination) . Lab iD Number: 95-0029-1 Sample ID: Lewis @ 2' Project: Antonino/Lewis Tank Pull Date Sampled: 01/13/95 Pate Received: 01/17/95 Date Extracted: 01/18/95 Date Analysed: 01/18/95 Ma:rix: Solid Dilution: 1 COMPOUND CONCENTRATION DET. LIM. (mg/Kg) (mg/Kg) Aenzene ND 0.06 £thylbenzene ND 0.06 Toluene ND 0.06 m,p-Xylenes ND 0.12 c-Xylene ND 0.06 Gasoline ND 10 bid = Not Detected California Certification No. 1544 :1't0 ,Sky~,voy Drive, Suite 403 , P. c2. I:k,x /,139 · San;o M:',... ,. ~ .', 934~-;,$3'~ * Phone (805) 346-II~ . FAX (805) 3,16-1~6/ "':~": '"- · .- ..-- . ., -- EnJvironrnental Analytical & Compliance Serwce$ T,utrel Services, Inc. 2212 South Union Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93307 A~tn: Bill Rosica Report of GC Analysis for PURGEABLE AROMATICS (BTXE) and Gasoline ~ef: USEPA SW-846 (8020, 8015m Combination) ':Jab ID Number: 95-0029-2 Sample ID: LeWis @ 6' Project: Antonino/Lewis Tank Pull ~ate Sampled: 01/13/95 Date Received: 01/17/95 Oate Extracted: 01/18/95 Date Analysed: 01/18/95 ~4atrix: Solid Dilution: 1 COMPOUND CONCENTRATION DET. LIM. (mq/Kg) (mg/Kg) Benzene ND 0.06 ~:thylbenzene ND 0.06 '7o!uene ND 0.06 m,p-Xylenes ND 0.12 e-Xylene ND 0.06 f;asoline ND 10 Not Detected · Approved by: ~_/~~,~ .. C,:,-lifornia Certification No. 1544 · ~.~'.-0 ~kyway Ddve, S,.Jffe 403 · P.O 804 7439 · Santo Ma..,~...', 9345,~743'~ · Phone (1~i05) 340.17~'.~ ,, FAX -"""-'..- .- -- .- .. .. '" ,,. -- - Einvi ron m e nra I Ama~),'tlcal & Cornpllonc e. '.' er~ ';;es Lutrel Services, Inc. 2212 South Union Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93307 Attn: Bill Rosica Report of GC Analysis for PURG£ABLE A/~OMATICS (BTXE) and Gasoline [,,ef: US~PA SW-846 (8020, 8015m Combination) L~-b ID Number: 95-0029-3 Sample ID: Antonino @ 2' Froject: Antonino/Lewis Tank Pull Date Sampled: 01/13/95 Date Received: 01/17/95 Date Extracted: 01/18/95 Date Analysed: 01/18/95 Matrix: Solid Dilution: 1 COMPOUND CONCENTRATION DET. LIM. (mg/Kg) (mg/Kg) ~enzene ND 0.06 Ethylbenzene ND 0.06 ?oluene ND 0..06 m,p-Xylenes ND 0.12 e-Xylene ND 0.06 Gasoline ND 10 ND = Not Detected Approved by: (~v'%,.~ California Certification No. 15,14 ':': ~.] Sic/way Drive..%.~ite 403 , PO i~ux ;439 · $~'~nta M.~, :. ,' '. 934~fi. 743~ , PhOl3e (80.5) 3,16-17~.5 , ~AX (.~0.b) 34.3-1,'57 Environmental Ancfiytlccl & Compliance Lutrel Services, Inc. 2212 South Union Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93307 Astn: Bill Rosica Report of GC Analysis for pURGEABLE AROMATICS (BTXE) and Gasoline Ref: USEPA SW-846 (8020, 8015m Combination) . Lab ID Nu/nber: 95-0029-4 Sample ID:.Antonino @ 6' Project: Antonino/Lewis Tank Pull I)ate Sampled: 01/13/95 Date Received: 01/17/95 Date Extracted: 01/18/95 Date Analysed: 01/18/95 Matrix: Solid Dilution: COMPOUND CONCENTRATION DET. LIM. (mg/Kg) (mq/Kg) Renzene ND 0.06 E5hylbenzene ND 0.06 T¢~luene ND 0.06 m,p-Xylenes ND 0.12 o-Xylene ND 0.06 Gasoline ND lO k'{) = Not Detected CaLifornia Certification No. lb44 .'~.30 $k),wOy 0rive. Suite 403 ~, P.(). 8¢:x '4139 * Santo I,,w:., ,, ~ , 9345: 743,~ · Phone ('1)05) 340-1;6,6 · FAX (.9(]5,) 344-lA0' '"'"'"':'" Environmental Anolyfical & Comt~lic~nc~:' :.utrel Services, Inc. 2212 South Union Ave. 5akersfield, CA 93307 A~tn: Bil~ ~osica ?.eport of GC Analysis for PURGEABLE AROMATICS (BTXE) and Gasoline ?,el: US'EPA SW-846 (8020, 8015m Cer~bination) Lab ID Number: 01-18-95 Sample ID: Method Blank Project: Antonino/Lewis Tank Puli. Date Extracted: 01/18/95 Date Analysed: 01/18/95 Matrix: Solid Dilution: 1 COMPOUND CONCENTRATION DET. LIM. ~(mg/Kg) (mg/Kg) Benzene ND 0,06 Ethylbenzene ND 0.06 ':'o!uene ND 0.06 m,p-Xylenes ND 0.12 c.-Xylene ND 0.06 Gasoline' ND 10 ND = Not Detected % Apprcved by:~~ California Certification No. 1544 :'., ::~'3 Skyway Drive, Suite 403 · P.O. Bc~x 743<) · $¢,-.ic M,:r'.: ':; ~34~-,~,~-7439 · P~-::~ne (Sr, J$)346-17~:,6 · FAX (~,C,8)346-176'" Surface .... .. ,~ Gallon Storage ~.~.~.~.~.~.~., :::::~:::~8[~:~::>:~::~[~.. ~...x.> q~..~....:~..~.`...~...`>:.~..;<%~q~.``.~.:~.```....`.~q~...:.:.`:~.-~.-.?-..-~-~.`....x...:~..~.`....`~..-.-.~.-.-~.`-.-~..~........~.-.- ........ -~.-~ff~.-~-'---.-.-~J:~:~ff~::~~~~ ~ - ~ ~:~4~'~ Le~,end Clayey Sand Sandy Clay Sand Iilt John Antonino and Steve Lewis · ~,.Figure #I Tank Diagram Underground Storage Tank Removal January, 1995~] P' 390 214- 454 Receipt for  CertifiesL~Mail NO Insu'~an~ge Provided CITY of BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPAR~ ~,~ Do not uae.for 'ntematione! FIRE SAFETY CONTROL & HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ~ (See Reverse) 1715 CHESTER AVE. * BAKERSFIELD, CA · ~,' LMr. John Antonino I Street and No. ~3304 Pierce Roa4 P.O., State and ZIP Code - Bakersfield CA 93308 R.E. HUEY . Postage HAl-MAT COORDINATOR $ .32 (805) 326-3979 May 8, 1995 C~rtified Fee 1 10 Special Delivery Fee Mr. John Antonino "estr,cted Delivery Fee Valley Steel Construction g Return Receipt Showing ~03 to Whom &Oate Delivered 1.10 3304 Pierce Road ., R~eturn Receipt Showing to Whom, -- Bakersfield, CA 93308 g ~Dat .... d Addressee's Address '"~ TOTAL Postage _ ~ 2Fees $ 2.5 2 {:0 Postmark or Date - E RE: 3207 Antonino Avenue & 3304 Pierce Road Dear Mr. Antonino, The intent of this letter is to inform you of the necessary deadlines for the submission of documentation to this office related to the decontamination, ~al, disposal and laboratory analysis for 2 underground tank(s) at the above ref,-.~e...;ed property. Our records indicate that you were required to submit the documentation [o this office within five days after the results are available. Since your underground tanks were removed on January 13, 1995, sufficient time has elapsed for these documents to have been submitted as required. Failure to submitthe documentation in a timely manner may cause the data to become suspect and may result in a full characterization of the site to be required by this office. Therefore, within seven (7) days of this letter, please submit the necessary documentation relating to the aforementioned underground tank removal. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please call me at 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician HHW/dlm cc: Ralph Huey PERMIT APPLICATIO~iPR REMOVAL OF A'N i~, PERMIT NO I UNDERGROUND STOFFAGE TANK BakerSfield Fire DepL. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION UNDERGROUND STORAGE' TANK PROGRAM SITE INFORMATION SITE Petro Chem Environmental ADDRESS 3207 Antonino Ave. ZiP CODE 93308APN FACILITY NAME Petro Chem Environmental CROSS STREET Pierce Road .TANK OWNER I OPERATOR Steve Lewis PHONE No. 327-7300 MAILING ADDRESS 3207 Antonino Ave. CITY Bakeraflleld ZIP CODE 93308 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COIV~ANY Lutrel Service&. Inc, PHONE No. 834-5986 LICENSE No.675587 · ADDRESS 2212 South Union Ave. CITY Bakersfield 71P CODE 93307 INSURANCE CARRIER Commerce & Industry_ Insurance WORKMEN'S COMP. No. 1308690-94 PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT INFORMATION COIV~ANY Lutrel Service& Inc. PHONE No. 834-5986 LICENSE NO. 675587 ADDRESS 2212 South Union Ave. CITY Bakersfield ZIP CODE 93307 INSURANCE CARRIER Commerce & Industry_ Insurance WORKMEN'S COMP No. 1308690-94 TANK CLEANING INFORMATION COIVPANY Lutrel Services,. Inc. PHONE NO. 834-5986 ADDRESS 2212 South Union Ave. CITY Bakersfield ZIP CODE__9330]_ WASTE TRANSPORTER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 0825 NAME OF RINSATE DISPOSAL FACILITY Gibson Environmental Service ADDRESS 3300 Truxtun Ave. CITY ~IP CODE_93,30~ FACILITY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER CAD980883177 TANK TRANSPORTER INFORMATION CObl=ANY Lutrel Truckin~_; Inc. PHONE No. 834-5988 LICENSE No. 0825__ ADDRESS 2212 South Union Ave. CITY Bakera;ield Z]PCODE 93307 TANK DESTINATION Golden State Metal Recy. clefs TANK INFORMATION TANK No. AGE vOLUME CHEMICAL DATES CHEMICAL STORED STORED PREVIOUSLY STORED I 30 YRS 500 GASOLINE 1964-1994 GASOLINE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY :::::~:::: ::.-: :: :: ::: ::: ~.:.<::::::::.- :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .:.:':~ :~:~:-.': ~..'.:: :-:! ~:!-':::::::::::::- ~*--~ ~-~- .-':.: ::.::~ ~ ~:~:~:i:~:~:i:i:i:i:: :::':~: ~ F;~:: ~:.::: ~ ~:i:!:i:i:i:i:~:i:i:i:i:£:i:i:i:i:i:i:~;~-'.-':~:!:i;~:i: ~.:::.:.::..':.":..': ~:':.::.;:.::!:.::~.'.:::. ~ ~ ~ :~ .:.:.:~ ~ ~ ~:~: ~ ~i ~ ~ ~ ~~!~; .~--~----'.-----~----~-----'-'-~'-~ ~ ~..~...~......~.:.:........~..~......................~.~.....~........:....~ .:...:~... ~.................:.:.:.:.......:.:.:.:..:.:.:, :..-.:.:,:.:.:.:<.:<<.:<.:.:.:::~.<.<::$.<:: :¢ .::~::~ ~ THE APPLICANT HAS REClEVED, UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY W1TH THE ATTACHED CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT AND ANY OTHER STATE, LOCAL AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, IS TRUE AND CORRECT. Bi! ! ROSICA AP ~/. /~,~$ APPLICANT NAME (PRINT) APPLICANT SIGNATURE THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED Make checks payable to "CJ~ o~ Raker~fiel~" AKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTME! HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISI 2130 G Street, Bakersfield,-CA 933'01 (805) 326-3979 TANK REMOVAL INsPEcTION FORM' OWNER EI~%,~ ~1~,~,,,~o PERMIT TO OPERATE# CONTRACTOR h,_~%~-a~ _~-~,'~% CONTACT PERSON LABORATORY # OF SAMPLES TEST METHODOLOGY PRELIMANARY ASSESSMENT CO. -- --CONTACT~---- PERSON CO2 RECIEPT ~ ~' LEL% PLOT PLAN,· CONDITION OF TANKS CONDITION OF PiPING(~%~ CONDITION OF SOIL DATE INSPECTORS NAME SIGNATURE CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" ',, ~;'~,,.,¢~4. ?J "-" ~" ', FIRE DEPARTMENT 2107 H STREET S. O. JOHNSON BAKERSFIELD, 9~3301 FIRE CHIEF December 21, 1993 326-3911 John Antonino ~ Valley Steel Construction 3304 Pierce Road Bakersfield, CA 93308 Dear Mr. Antonino: It has'.come to our attention that you currently own proPerty located at 3207 Antonino Ave., Bakersfield, CA which contains one underground storage tank. Our records reveal that the tank(s) have been out of service for more than ninety (90) days. Per 79.116(c) of the Uniform fire Code these tanks must be properly closed. Please make the necessary arrangements to properly close these tanks bY january 28, 1994. If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 326'3979. Sincerely, j ~a~ph E.-Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator Underground Tank Program REH/ed UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK Bakersfield Fire Dept. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PROGRAM SITE INFORMATION SITE Petro Chem Environmental ADDRESS 3207 Antonino Ave. ZIP CODE 93308APN FACILITY NAME Petro Chem Environmental CROSS STREET Pierce Road TANK OWNER / OPERATOR Steve Lewis PHONE No. 327-7300 MAILING ADDRESS 3207 Antonino Ave. CITY Bakersfiield ZIP CODE 93308 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COIV~ANY Lutrel Services,. Inc. PHONE No. 834-5986 LICENSE No.675587 · ADDRESS 2212 South Union Ave. CITY Bakersfield ZIP CODE 93307 INSURANCE CARRIER Commerce & Industw. Insurance WORKMEN'S COMP. No. 1308690-94 PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT INFORMATION COMPANY Lutrel Services,. Inc. PHONE No. 834-5986 LICENSE NO. 675587 ADDRESS 2212 South Union Ave. CITY Bakersfield ZIP CODE 93307 INSURANCE CARRIER Commerce & Industry. Insurance WORKMEN'S COMP No. 1308600-94 TANK CLEANING INFORMATION COMPANY Lutrel Services,. Ino. PHONE No. 834-5986 ADDRESS 2212 South Union Ave. CITY Bakersfield ZIP CODE 93307 WASTE TRANSPORTER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 0825 NAME OF RINSATE DISPOSAL FACILITY Gibson Environmental Service ADDRESS 3300 Truxtun Ave. CITY ~uaker~__ZIPCODE 93301 FACILITY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER CAD980883177 TANK TRANSPORTER INFORMATION COMPANY Lutrel Trucking, Inc. PHONE No. 834-5986 LICENSE No.~ ADDRESS 2212 South Union Ave. CITY Bakersfield ZIP CODE 9 3 3 0 7 TANK DESTINATION_ Golden State Metal Rec.vclers TANK INFORMATION TANK No. AGE VOLUME CHEMICAL DATES CHEMICAL STORED STORED' PREVIOUSLY STORED I 30 YRS 500 GASOLINE 1964-1994 GASOLINE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY i::'":::''~':'': '"'i~P:'"": ::~:~'"'"":":'::'":'": '-'::'.-~':':'-:? ? ~' ~'::i~ :~:~:~:~:~ ¢~:~:~::~::~:~:~:.~¥~:~:~:~:::~:~:~.~:~`~:~::~i~:~: :~:..':~:~:~:~:~:~: ~:~:i:i:~:!:~-'..':~::: :?.'::.:.:: :'::'::'::.: :~:.::~::'::':.:::: :~:~::: :~:~:~ ~:~:~:~:~:-~ "<'-'~? '"""~::'~ ':':':':'-'°' * ' ' < :~:F.:;.:-~.~ ~:.-;'.;!->'.~:~:i ......... :" ' ~:[~~~-'.!i~-:~': THE APPLICANT HAS RECIEVED, UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY W1TH THE A-FI'ACHED CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT AND ANY OTHER STATE, LOCAL AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, IS TRUE AND CORRECT. AP ~/. /~J/,~-$ APPLICANT NAME (PRINT) APPLICANT SIGNATURE THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED Make checks payable to "Ci~ of Flaker[field" UNDERGROUND S GE TANK INSPECTION ~.i:. akersfield Fire Dept. ~ Hazardous Materials Division Date Completed Operating Permit: Business Name: Location: ,~tb'7'. ~,~'-~._~ Business Identification No. 215-000 lDO%.' {lop el Business Plan) Number of Tanks. Containment: Lines: CONTACT INFORMATION Owner: Emergency Contacts: Adequate Inadequate Monitoring Program I'1 n RECORDS ~'-' Maintenance~ CHEMPETRO O ENVIRONMENTAL Testing SERVICES, INC. Inventonj Reconciliation 3207 Antonino Avenue Bakersfield, California- 9-389~Stepher+D~-L-ewis ' (805) 327-7300 Chair~an~ 'FAX (805) 327-3459 ' RESPONSE PLAN Emergency Plan ['1 V,olaflons.' ' ' '~_~ ~,~.,,~ ~/~1[o.~ ~ -0~o.~ ~ b~n~~ . ,~+~ II ..... __~, ~- -- _ / ~ ....... All Items O.K. Busine~ ~er/ Correction Needed White - H~ Mat Div Pink - Business ~py