HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN · .~: ~ TE/F'ACILIT¥ D RAM ~o.~.' 's~' ~us:~ss' ~A>~: d~J_- ~~ ~o{: DATE: ./ / FACILITY N~ME: -UNIT =: OF {CHEC~ ONE) SITE DIAGRAM ~ FACILITY D'IAGR.~M ....." ~ '" ': ....................-~r/'~e~R°~'/>*~lQj : ::-''" z:-~,< ~¢'~'"~'~g~ ............................ .._..~ -~r~.~_~ ' . ' ".:: ~ s Comments): -OFFICIAL USE ONLY- :: ?':::..'::-: .: . - 5A - ::~:::..::::::>:::::: :.,>-:,:~:-: ............... .. [ CB~CK ONE) '"-'- RECEIVED 09/06/90 '~.. CALIBRATION & TESTING CORP 215-000'000601 Page 1 · ' Overall site with 1~ Fac. Unit " SEP 2 7 !990 General Informa~ ior~ H~Z, MAT. DIV, Looation: 3300 ANTONINO AV Map: 102 Hazard: Moderate .' Ident Number: 215-000-000601~ Grid: 23D ~Area of Vul: ~ 0.0~ Contact Name ' Title ~, , Busir, ess Phor, e ~X~EE~E~ JAMES MA~FARL'ANE S~. MGR. (805). 395-31'73 x ~(805) ~dminis%ra%ive Da%a Mai~l ~ddm$: 3300 ~NTONINO ~ D&B Numb~r~ City: BAKERSFIELD State: CA Zip: 93308- Corem Code: 215=001 BAKERSFIELD STATION 01 SIC Code: '- Owner: ~ENNZ~XN~R~N~ GARY ROSENBLOOM Ph,z,r,e: (714) 582- 1223 . Address: ~%XR~ZX~R 2~-285 LAS RAMBLAS ~280 State: CA City: GXNRR~ MISSION VIEdO Zip: ~BDBD~ 92691 Do hereby certi~ that ! have ~"~ ,. ....... .~,^, ,q materi~ls manage- reviewed the aB~ched pl-'an for CAL--~EST~. ~d ti~at it ~iong with merit any ~rre~ons constitute ~-complete and corre~ man- agement plan for my facility. · 09/06/9[) CALIBRATION & TESTING CORP 215-000-000601~ .Page 2 Hazmat Ir, ventory List in Refererice Nut, her Order 02 - Fixed Contair, ers or; Site Pir~-Ref Name/Hazards Forr,~ Quant ity MCP 02-001 NITROGEN ~ GAS 1,000 Mir~ir~al FT3 02-002 TRANSFORMER INSULATING OIL ~ LIQUID440 Mir, i;~al GAL " ~02~003 CHEVRON THINNER NO LONGER H~VE ON SITE ? 110 ~Moderate GAL 09/06/90 CALIBRATION & TESTING CORP 215-000.~)00601 . Page 3 00' ~ Overall Site <D> Notif~/Evacuatior~/Medical <1> Agency Nc,~ification CALL 911 <2> Employee Notif. /Evacuatior~ , VERBAL NOTIFICATION OF EMPLOYEES. NOTIFY ADJOINING BUSINESS. <3> Public Notif. /Evacuatior, CUSTOMERS AND NEIGHBORS ARE NOTIFIED VERBALLY. <4> Emergency Medical Plan LOCAL HOSPITAL. 09?06/90 CALIBRATION & TESTING CORP 215-000~000601 Page 4 OO - Overall Site <E> Mit igat ion/Prever~t/Abater~t <i) Release Prevention AREA MARKED. PROPER~ STORAGE TECHNIQUES. ~ABSORBANTS AVAILABLE. <~>~, Release C°r~tainrJler~t SP-ILLS ARE TO'BE STOPPED BY USING ABSORBANT. MATERIALs THAT ARE KEP_~ ON PREMISES. 50~LBS. O~'ABSORBENT MATERIALS IS KEPT ON HAND AT ALE TIMES. <3> Clean Up AFTER SPILL IS CONTAINED THE ABSORBENT MATERIAL IS ~THEN SHOYEL~D INTO BARREL~.! <4> Other Resource Activation 09/06Z90 ~CALIBRATION & TESTING CORP' 215'000-000601 Page 5 00 - Overal,1 Site~ · ~ ' <F> Site Ernerger~cy FactOrs · <1>Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - SOUTHEAST CORNER OF BUILDING (OUTSIDE) B). ELECTRICAL - SOUTHEAST CORNER OF BUILDING (OUTSIDE) C') WATER - SOUTHEAST CORNER OF FRONT YARD 'D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO <3> Fire Protec./AVail. Water 'PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION -'FIRE EXTINGUISHERS .IN WORK AREA FIRE HYDRANT - ?'?????????? APPROX. 300FT WEST O~ THE SHOP ON THE N~ET~'~ CORNER OF ANTONINO AND PIERCE. <4> Held for Future use 09/06/90 CALIBRATION & TESTING CORP 215-000-000601 Page 6 O0 - Overall site ~<G> Trair, ing <1>~ Page. 1 WE HAVE ?? EMPLOYEES AT -THIS FACILITY DO YOU HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE? YES, IN FRONT OFFICE FILE~ CABINET. BRIE~F SUMMARY OF TRAINING: EMPEOYEES ARE TOLD HOW ~TO HANDLE EMERGENCIES AND W~O TO NO~E~I~FY F~)EPENDING ON TME CI RCUSTANCE'S. {2> Page 2 as r~eeded <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use Mr. Van Hathorn Calibration and'Testing Corp. 3300 An. tonino Ave. Bakersfield, Ca. ~93308" · Dear Mr. Hathorn: '.Enclosed you will find a computer printout of the Hazardous Materiais Management Plan that is currently in our comPuter,.'we have highlighted the areas that need~t~ be revised. ' Als~'due,.to. a change in the law that went into effect January, 1989, we need to have a new inventory form (enclosed) .filled out. These .,forms must be filled out and returned to ~pur office ~by/ September· 28,' . If you have any questions ple~se"don't hesitate to contact us at (805) 326-3979. -' .. Sincerely Yours, .: · Ralph E. Huey ~ "~" Hazardous Haterials Coordinator REH:vp Enclosures '- ~/".~~~5e¢~ B~ERSFIELD2130 C~.G,, F)REs~EETDEPAR~ JUL1) .,? ~~ B~ERSFIELD. CA 93301 ~0S'~ ...... ; ..... . l US INESS N~ME ~'-HAZ ARDOUS MATERI ALS BUSINESS PLAN AS A WHOLE FORM 2A I~S~CTIO~S: 1. To avoid further action, return this form by 2. TYPE/PRIST ASS~ERS IN ESGLISH. 3. Answer the questlons belo~ for the business as a ~hole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. SECTIO~ 1: B~SI~ESS IDE~IFIC~TIO~ A. BUSISESS SA~E: CalSbrat~on S' Testing Corporation B. LOCATION / STREET ADDRESS: 3300 ~ton~no Ave. CITY: BakersfSeld ZIP: 93308 BUS. PHONE: (805) 395-3173 SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS In case of.an emergency involving the release or threatened release of a hazardous material, call 911 and 1-800-852-7550 or 1-916-427-4341. This will notify your local fire department and the State Office of Emergency Services as required by law. EMPLOYEES TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: NAME AND TITLE DURING BUS. 'HRS. AFTER'BUS. HRS. A. Van A. Hathorn Ph# 395-3173 Ph# 833-8384 B'~ Kent Persel Ph# 395-3173 Ph# 871-7132 SECTION 3: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE A. NAT. GAS/PROPANE: Southeast corner of building (Outside) B. ELECTRICAL: Same as above C. WATER: southeast corner of 'frofit yard D. SPECIAL: -- E. LOCK-BOX: YES ~O) IF YES ;' LOCATION:- IF YES, DOES IT CONTAIN SITE PLANS? YES / NO MSDSS? YES / NO FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO KEYS? YES / NO - 2A - SECTION 4: PRIVATE RESPONSE TEA~ FOR BUSINESS AS A W~OLE General Manager - Kent Persel Regional Manager - Van Hathorn SECTION 5: LOCAL EMERGENCY'MEDICAL ASSISTANCE FOR YOUR BUSINESS'ASA wHOLE Local H~spital SECTION 6: EMPLOYEE TRAINING EMPLOYERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A PROGRAM WHICH PROVIDES EMPLOYEES WITH INITIAL AND REFRESHER TRAINING IN. THE FOLLOWING~AREAS.2",:' . CIRCLE_YES'OR NO.. INITIAL REFRESHER WITH'RESPONSE AGENCIES: .......................... ~ NO ~ NO C. PROPER USE OF SAFETY EQUIPMENT:..~ ................ NO NO D. EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES: ................. NO NO E. DO YOU MAINTAIN EMPLOYEE TRAINING RECORDS: ....... YES ~ YES NO SECTION ?: ~AZARDOUS ~4ATERIAL CIRCLE YES OR NO DOES YOUR BusiNEss HANDLE HAZARD60s MATERIAL IN QUANTITIES LESS THAN. 500 POUNDS OF_A SOLID, 55 GALLONS OF A LIQUID, OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF A--COMPRESSED GAS: ...... YES. ~O I, Van K~.tHathorn , certify that the above information is accurate. I understand that this information Will be used to fulfill my firm's obligations under the new California Health and Safety code on Hazardous Materials (Div. 20 Chapter 6.95 Sec.-2§500 Et Al.) and that inaccurate information constitutes perjury. ~BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT 2.130 "6"STREET BAKERSFDELD, CA 98301 OFFiCiAL USE ONLY ID# BUS INESS ,. NA~[E: BUSINESS PLAN .SINGLE FACILITY UNIT F~ORM 3A INSTRUCTIONS 1. To avoid further action, this form-must be returned by: 2.'TYPE/PRINTYOUR ANSWERS IN.ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for THE FAC!I, ITY UNIT LISTED BELOW · 4.,Be as,BRIEF and CONCISE as possible. -.FACILITY L~IT# . 1 FACILITY UNIT NAME: '3300 Antonino Ave. Shop- SECTION 1: MiTIGATIONr*PREVBNTiON, ABATEMENT PROCEDURES 1. Area marked 2. Proper storage techniques· ~. . , .. 3. Absorbants available SECTION ,2: NOTIFICATION AN~ EVACUATION PROCEDURES A~ THIS ~IT ONLY 1. Verbal notification of employees 2. Notify adjoining business. SECTION 3: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS FOR THIS UNIT ONLY A. Does this Facility Unit 'contain Hazardous Materials? ...... NO If YES, see B. If SO, continue with SECTION 4. · B. Are. any. of the haz. ardous materials a bona fide Trade Secret YES . If No, complete a ·separate hazardous materials inventory - form marked: NON-TRADE SECRETS ONLY (white form #4A-l) ' if Yes,'complete a hazardous.materials inventory form n~arked: TRADE SECRETS-ONLY (yellow 'fDrm ~4A-2) in addition to'the non-trade secret form. List'only the trade secrets on 'form 4A-2. SECTION 4: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION Fire 'extinguishers located in work.area. No ~prinkler ~ystem Or alarm system. In emergency caontact Van Hathorn (833-8384).or Kent ?ersel (871-7132) SECTION 5:~ LOCATION OF WATER SUPPLY FOR USE BY EMERGENCY RESPONDERS Northeast corner of Antonino Ave. and Pierce' Road~.-" " ....... SECTION 6: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS'AT THIS UNIT ONLY. A. NAT. GAS/PROPAN~] Southeast Corner of building (outside) B. ELECTRICAL: Same as Natural gas. C. WATER: Southeast corner of front yard. D. SPECIAL: none E, LOCK BOX: YES / NO IF YES, LOCATIONi none 'IF YES, 'SITE PDANS? YES / NO MSDSs? YES',/ NO FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO KEYS? YES / NO' - 3B - DATE July 24~ 1987 INTEROFFICE NOTE TO Mr. Huey/Bakersfield City Fire Dept. FROM Van Hathorn SUBJECT MSDS Sheets Requested Please find enclosed the MSDS sheets you requested for the insulating oil and 325 thinner. Van A. Hathorn R~C~)VE~) Regional Manager JUL 2 7 1987 An~'d ............ BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT · ,D. # - FoRM 4A-1 Page ' of,. ' NON--TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS MATERI ALs INVENTORY ,BUSINESS NAME: ' $ OWNER NAME: Dennis Morl'and - PresidGnt. FACILITY UNIT #:, 1'= ADDRESS: ,~O~--~A/~/~-~, ADDRESS: 2131 Ravoli Drive FACILITY UNIT NAME: shop ' -- CITY, 'ZIP: ' ~~ CITY,ZIP: 0xnard, CA 93030 .:,: PHONE ~:~ ~e~. ~/7__~ PHONE *: (805)"98~g7625 OFFICIAL USE CFIRS COO[ 1 2 3 4 5 6 ~ 8 9 10 YP~ HAX A~UAL CO~T USg LOCAT[O~ [~ THIS ~ ~Y AMOUNT 'AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UN,IT WT._. CHEMIqAL OR COMMON NAME,/ CODE. GUII ~DEy HAZARD D.O ~! /~ / ~ ./ ~ / i,~ ~ ~- ~ / / ---' '" - x ,-/ ,- : ' -toS~ ~ ' .' ,- .. ~ ~ '. '- ' ' ' .... I - · ~ . ~' ~.. '~,A~: Van A, Hathorn TITLE: Reg~' - Ma~ag~ SIGNATURE:/~"~~ ' 'DATE: (~;HE'RGENCY CONTACT: Van Hathorn TITLE: .Regional Manager-- . PHONE ~ BUS-HouRs: '395-317~ · & ~,. ., . BUS' HRS:~~ ~833~8384 :: (gHE~GENcY/coNTACT: Kent Perse1 '.:' TITLE: Ganaral Mmnm~ar ' * ' -----'* "~RI~:CIPAL BusINESS ACTI~ITY:~ 'TeSting and ~a~'ibrati°n. ' .' - ~ ·.. ' AFTER BUs HRs-: .~~ ~ '-.~ I~t)ear Customer: Thio MSDS contains important environmental, health and toxicology information for your amplolme~ wko I ~ I. ree~btly ordered this product, Please make sure this information il given to tl~m. If you fesatl thi~ product, tki~ MSDS ekould im J r~ j given to the Buyer. Thio Form may be reproduced without permission. Chevron U.S.A. Material Safety Data Sheet Prepared According to the OSHA Hazard CommunicalionStandard (29 CFR' 1910.1200). *:.' (Formerly Called MATERIAL INFORMATION BULLETIN) .J C. tiE~ON Th£nner 325 CPS 218223 DANGER! HARMFUL OR FATAL IP SWALLOWED COMBUSTIBLE KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN TYPICAL COMPOSITION- ' . Light Petroleum distillate (CAS 6~7~2-~7-8) containing: . -. · Cp-C~ alk~lbenzene$ (CAS 68515-25-3) " Benzene (CAS 71-~3-2)-= ' ' ' ". ' No Federal OSHA exposure standard or ACGIH TLV .has been established, for this · material.. Based on information reviewed to date, we recommend an. exposure standard :' of 100 ppm for a daily 8-hour exposure. PHYSIOLOGICAL & BEALTH EFFECTS ' EMERGENCY & FIRST AID PR _O~URES Eyes Expected to 'caUse no more than minor eye , Flush eyes immediately with fresh, water irritat of a materi~ slight :. injury. irritation. Application 'similar for at least 15 minutes while holding .the .material into the eyes of rabbits produced ' .. eyelids open.. If irritation persists, see slight membrane irritation without' corneal' a doctor. injury. ' . NOt a primary skin irritant but may cause Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water. skin irritation on Prolonged or frequently See a doctor 'if irritation occurs. 'Launder repeated contact. Application of a similar contaminated clothing. material onto the skin of rabbits produced moderate erythema and edema. The Draize . score was 3.7. See Additional Health Data. Inhalation '. ..Expected to have slight acute, toxicity 'by' If ~here are. signs or symptoms, as ' ' inhalation. The inhalation LCs0 (rat).of. a described in this MSDS, due to breathing ~im£1ar produc~ for a' one-hour' e~po~ure '~hi$ ma%er£al, move person %o fresh air. was greater than 13.3 mg/liter. Breathing If .breathing has stopped, apply artificial the vapors at concentra%ions above the respiration. · Call a doctor immediately. recommended exposure standard can cause '. central .nervous system effects. · See Additional Health Data. Not expected to be' acutely toxic by If- swallowed, give water or milk-tO drink · . .' ".. ingestion. The acute oral LDs0 (rat) for a and telephone for medical advice.' DO NOT similar product' was greater . than' 15.3 make person vomit unless directed to d° so g/kg. XOte'to Physician: ,Ingestion of this by medical personnel. If medical advice product or subsequent vomiting can result ca~not be obtained, then take ~ the :person .,' : in aspiration of light hydrocarbon liquid and product container to the neare$~ ~. which can cause pneumonitis, medical emergency treatment center 'or .... 'hospital. ,- ?-" '.. Chevron'Environmental Health Center, Inc., P.O. Box 4054, Richrnond~ CA '94804-0054 -' X-IRC021 (07-85)' · · ', ' -' .".:" Emergency.Phone Number (415)233-3737 ~"~DDI~ONAL HEAL~I"I DA~A · ' ENVZRO~AL : '~ See ,fOllowing pages Environmental Impact: Certain geographical areas have air pollution restrictions · SPECIAL PROTECTIVE INFORMATION concerning the use of ,materials in work ".Eye Protection: Do not get in eyes.· Eye situatuions which may release volatile contact can be·avoided by wearing chemical' componehts 'to the atmosphere. Air safety gog.gles, pollution regulations·should be studied to Skin ,Protection: Avoid prolonged or determine if this material isregulated in frequently repeated skin contact ~ with the area where it is to be used. material.. Skin contaCt can be minimized by Precautions if Material is Released 'or wearing impervious protective clothing' SpilIed:' Eliminate all open flame in '. including rubber gloves, vicinity of spill or released vapor. Stop 'Respiratory Protection: Wear approved the source of the leak orrelease. Clean respiratory protection such as an organic up releases as soon as'possible, observing vapor cartridge respirator or an air- precautions in Special Pr'otective supplying respirator unless ventilation Information. Contain liquid to prevent 'equipment is adequate to keep. airborne further contamination of soil, surface ,concentrations below the recommended water ·or groundwater. Clean up s~ll exposure standard. Spills using'appropriate techniques such -ventilation: Use adequate ventilation .to as sorbent materials or pumping, where 'keep airborne concentrations of this feasible and appropriate, remove .'..'.material below the recommended exposure contaminated soil. Follow' prescribed standard, procedures for reporting and responding to ,~ ~ larger releases. " FIRE'PROTECTION Waste Disposal Methods: Place contaminated ,Liquid evaporates and forms vapors (fumes) materials, in disposable 'containers and' , .' .which-can. catch fire and burn with disposeof in a manner consistent with .explosive-~ violence. Invisible vapor ~ applicable regulations. Contact ·local · ,~spreads easily and can be set on fire by environmental Or health authorities for I "' many sources such as pilot lights, welding approved, disposal of this material. ' equipment,· and electrical motors and ,switches. Fire hazard is greater as liquid REACTIVITY DATA , .temperature rises .above 85°F. Stability (Thermal, Light, etc.):'Stable. .. ,Flash Point.: (TCC)105°F(41°C) Min. Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid)·: May . Autoignition Temp.: 500°F (260°C) react with strong oxidizing materials. 'Flammability Limits: 1.0-6.0% Hazardous Decomposition Products: Normal Extinguishing Media: C02', Dry Chemical, combustion forms carbon dioxide and water·. Fo.am, Water Fog. -vapor; incomplete combustiOn can produce SPeCial. ·Fire Fighting Procedures: For~ carbon monoxide. fires involving- this material,, do not Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur I ,enter~any enclosed or confined fire spaces . , . without proper protective.equipment. This 'PHYSICAL PROPERTIES .~ ........ u~¥~ ......include ....... ~sek£~¢ontainecl .... br, eathing,-'~,Solt[bili~y~- ,Miscible with ~ hydrocarbons;. .apparatus to protect against the hazardous, insoluble in water. ,effects of normal products of combuStion Appearance (Color, Odor, etc.): Colorless or oxygen deficiency. Read 'the entire liquid. MSDS. BOiling' Point: 166°C (330°F) 5% Rec. (Max.) spECIAL PRECAUTIONS Melting Point: n/a . See following pages .. Specific Gravity: 0.78 @ 15.6/15.6°C .:'~'.:'~. Vapor.Pressure: '5 mm Hg @.77°F Vapor Density (Air=l).: 4.8 Percent Volatile (Volume %): 99+,. .~ ". . Evaporation: (Bu Ac=I) 0.22 -, Viscosity: 0.96 cst @ 37.8°C ' ": n/a = Not Applicable I': 'The above information ,is based on data Of which we are aware and is believed to be -correct"as of the. date hereof. Since the information contained i, ..: ..herein may be applied under conditions beyond our control and with which we may be unfamiliar and since data made available subsequent to " the..date hereof may suggest modifications of the information, we do not assume any responsibility for the results of its use. This information is . ' furnished'upon the, condition that the person reFeiving it shall make his own determi~tion of the suitability of the material for his' particular PUrPose. ,. >/ '... ' . NO. 47 Material Safety Data Sheet CHEVRON Thinner 325 CPS 218223 · ADDITIONAL HEALTH DATA '.Not expected to be acutely toxic by skin.contact; the acute dermal LD50 (rabbit). for a · ' ,~ similar, product was greater than 19.1 g/kg. Signs and symptoms of central nervous system. effects may .include one or more of the following:.headache, dizziness, loss of appetite, weakness and loss of coordination. Affectedper$ons usually experience complete recovery when removed from exgosure area. SPECIA~ PRECAC"~IONS READ AND OBSERVE ALL PRECAUTIONS ON PRODUCT LABEL. . DO NOT USE' OR STORE near flame,.$parks, or hot surfaces.' USE ONLY IN WELL VENTILATED AREA. Keep container closed. DO NOT weld, heat or drill container. RePlace cap or bung. Emptied container still contains hazardous or explosive vapor orliquid CAUTION!.Do not use pressure to empty drum or explosion may result. ~MIS Hazard Rating: Reactivity: 0, Flammability: 2, Health: 1 ~ ~ . _[~beu Cuslomm: This Bullelin commas impodant environmental, heallh ,~ Io:ic~oO¥ infmmali~ (m y~ ~o¥,e, w~ fee,ally o,dm~ t~ '] ** ' ~ ,l~ct, ~eaSe make sure this ini0rmation is given lo them~ if you resell this product, IMs BuUetifl Im~ld be Given IA I~ Burro, This From may I ' ~% ~-I~%repfoduced withoul permission, ' , . ~l' ' ChevronU,S.A. Inc. Materia Safety Data She ! ' et Prepared According, to the OSHA Hazard Communicalion ~tandard (29 CFR 1910.1200). (Formerly..CBIled MATERIAL INFORMATION BULLETIN) · . I ' ,C~ON Insulating 0il / CPS 2~1403 DANGER! HAI~MFUL OR FATAL IF ~ALLOWED KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN ' TYPICAL COMPOSITION HighlY refined base oil (CAS 64741-96-4/64742-52-5/ 64742-45-6) ~-100% EXPOSURE'STANDARD ... .... The Federal OSHA exposure standard and .the ACGIH.(1985-86) 'TLV for mineral oil .... mists is 5 mg/m3 for-a daily 8-hour exposu~.-:-Chevron Insulating Oils are derived · .entirely from virgin crude oil and are. processed without use of any polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) material. ShiPped under seal, they complY with PCB Regulation 40 CFR, Part'No. 761 (Federal' Register, Vol. 4~, .No. 106, dated May 31, '1979). .. PHYSIOLOGICAL & HEALTH EFFECTS EMERGENCY & FIRST AID PRO~WnURES q~es Expected.to cause no more than minor eye FlUsh eyes immediately with fresh water irritation, for at least 15 minutes while holding the eyelids open. If irritation persists,' see a doctor. Skin Expected to cause no more than~ minor skin Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water. ~rritation following prolonged or Launder contaminated clothing. frequently repeated contact. Application onto the skin of rabbits produced slight · erythema and edema. The acute dermal LD50. (rabbit) was greater than 13 g/kg. !:.. Inhalation' ii' NOt expected to be acutely toxic by If respiratory discomfort or irritation I' inhalation. Breathing mineral oil mist at occurs, move the person to fresh air. See .concentrations in air that exceed the a doctor if"discomfort or irritation Federal OSHA exposure standard can cause continues. respiratory irritation or discomfort. See · Additional Health Data. Ingest£o~ ...Not expected .to have acute systemic. If.swallowed, give water or milk t'o drink toxicity by ingestion. The acute ora!'LD50 and telephone for medical advice. DO NOT (rat) was greater than 22 g/kg. Note to .. make person vomit unless direCted, to do so Physician: Ingestion of this product or by medical.personnel.. If medical advice subsequent vomiting can result in cannot be obtained, then take the person " aspiration of light hydrocarbon liquid and product container to. the nearest which.can cause pneumonitis, medical emergency treatment center or hospital-. ~' *-. Chevron Environmental Health' Center, Inc., P.O. BOx 4054, Richmond, CA 94804-0054 X-IRCOZI (07-85) Emergency Phone Number (415) 233-3737 , . No. 452 1 Rev. 5 09/25/86 -ADDITIONAL HEALTH DATA ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION · ..~-~-5~'~ following pages E~Vl=O~e~tal I~act: This material is not expected to present any. environmental SPECIAL PROTECTIVE.I'NFO~TION probiems other than those associated with Eye Pro2ection: No special eye pro~ec~ion oil spills. is necessar¥. Precautions if Material is Released or 'Skin. Protection: Avoid prplonged or Spilled: Stop the source of the leak or · -frequently repeated skin contact with this 'release. Clean up releases as soon as material. Skin contact can. be minimized possible, observing precautions in Special by wearing impervious protective .clothing Protective'Information. Contain liquid to including gloves, prevent further. Contamination of soil, Respiratory Protection: No special surface water or 'groundwater. Clean~ up respiratory protection is normally Small spills using appropriate techniques required. However, if operating conditions 'such as sorbent materials or pumping. create airborne concentrations which Where feasible 'and appropriate, remove exceed the exposure standard, the use of contaminated soil~ Follow prescribed an approved respirator is recommended.' procedures for reporting and responding~to Ventilation: Use adequate ventilation' to larger releases. keep the airborne concentrations of this Waste Disposal Methods: Place contaminated material below the Federal OSHA exposure' materials in disposable containers and standard. .' dispose of in a manner consistent with applicable regulations. Contact local FI~ PROTECTION environmental or health authorities for Flash Point: (COC)293°F('145°C) Min. approved disposal of this material. AutOignition Temp.: NDA Fl~hility Limits: n/a ~ REACTIVITY DATA E~tinguishing Media: C02, Dry Chemical, Stability (Thermal, Light, etc.): Stable. Foam, Water Fog. Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid): May Special Fire Fighting Procedures:. For react with strong oxidizin~ materials. fires involving this material, do not Hazardous Decomposition Products: Normal enter any enclosed or confined fire space combustion forms carbon dioxide and water Without proper protective equipment. This vapor; incomplete combustion can produce I- may include sel£-co~tained breathing carbon monoxide. apparatus' to protect against the hazardous Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur. effects of normal, products of combustion or oxygen deficiency. Read -the entire PHYSICAL PROPERTIES MSDS. SOlubility: Miscible with hydrocarbon solvents; insoluble in water. 'SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS App~rance (Color, Odor, etc,): 'Pale ,: READ AND OBSERVE. ALL PRECAUTIONS ON yellow liquid. Ii' ~PRODUCT LABEL., Boiling Point: n/a I: '~ Melting Point: n/a ' Contains Petroleum Distillate. specific Gravity:' 0.91 @ i5.6/15.6°C (Max .,) DO NOT weld, heat or drill container. Vapor Pressure: n/a Replace cap or bung. Emptied container VaporDensity (Air=l): n/a · still .contains hazardous or explosive Percen~ Volatile (Volume %): n/a ~apor or liquid. Evaporation: n/a MOlecular Weigh~: 278(Avg.) CAUTION!' Do not use pressure to empty drum Pour. Point: -40°C (-40°F) Max. Or explosion may result. Viscosity: 8.0-9;6 cst @ 40°C , n/~ = Not Applicable .. NDA = No Data Available hereto may be applied under conditions beyond our control and with'which we may be unfamiliar: and since data made available subsequent to the date hereof may suggest modifications of the information, we do not assume any responsibility' for the results of its use. This information iS furnished upon the condition that the person receiving it .shall make his own determination of the suitability of the material for his particular purpose. No. 452 Material Safety Data Sheet CHEVRON Insulating Oil ' CPS 241&03 ADDITIONAL flEALTH DATA Signs and symptoms.of respiratory tract irritation may include,- but may not be limited to, one or more of the following, degending on concentration and.length of exgosure: nasal discharge, sore throat, coughing, bronchitis, pulmonary edema and difficulty in breathing. Th£$ Product contains base oils which the International Agency for Research on Cancer ~IARC) classifies as having no evidence of carcinogenic potential. 3 Rev. 5 09/25/86