HomeMy WebLinkAboutHAZ-WASTE 12/4/1991  Environmenta] HeaJth 5ewices Department ~DA~ L. ABBO~ s~ McCOY, R~S, DI~CTOR DIRECTOR ~, Poi~t~ C~ol ~t~ DAVID PRICE iil ~ J. RODDY, ~O ~IST~ D~CTOR ~ng & D~ebp~t ~s ~t ~ J~, ~CP, Di~CTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF VIOLATION December 4, 1991 R. W. Drysdale, Manager Baroid Drilling Fluids, Inc. 4730-A Armstrong Road Bakersfield, CA 93313 Dear Mr. Drysdale: On October 16, 1991, the Environmental Health Services Department conducted a generator inspection of your business at 4730-A Armstrong Road in Bakersfield, California. As a result of that inspection, violations of hazardous wastes regulations were identified. Specific violations and required corrective action are listed below, Violations If has been determined that Baroid Drilling Fluids, Inc., was in violation of the following regulations cited below: 1. Baroid Drilling Fluids, Inc., is in violation of California Health and Safety Code, Division 20, Chapter 6.5, Section 66261.2(c): "A material is a waste if it is relinquished by being any of the following: (1) disposal of; (2) burned or incinerated; (3) accumulated, stored or treated, but not recycled, before or in lieu of, being relinquished by being disposed of, burned or incinerated." It was determined on the 16th of October 1991, during the initial inspection of the drum storage area, that the facility management could not identify or have records identifying the contents of the unlabeled drums at the facility. 2. Baroid Drilling Fluids, Inc., is in violation of California Health and Safety Code, Division 20, Chapter 6.5, Section 66262.11(b): "A perSon who generates a waste, as defined in Section 66261.2, shall determine if that waste is a hazardous waste using the following method. The generator shaft determine if the waste is listed as a hazardous waste in Article 4 of Chapter 11 or in Appendix X of Chapter 11 of this division. If the waste is listed in Appendix X and is not listed in Article 4 of this chapter, the generator may determine that the waste from his particular 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 FAX: (805) 861-3429 R. W. Drysdale December 4, 1991 Page 2 facility or operation is not a hazardous waste by either: (1) testing the waste according to the methods set forth in Article 3 of Chapter 11 of this division, or according to an equivalent method approved by the department pursuant to Section 66260.21; or (2) applying knowledge of the hazard characteristic of the waste in light of the materials or process used and the characteristics set forth in Article 3 of Chapter 11 of this division." It was determined during the inspection that none of the apparent waste-like substances had been analyzed or that anyone had knowledge of their hazardous properties. The Department's analysis of Samples BDF-100A and BDF-104A indicated that the substances were hazardous because of their ignitable and corrosive properties. 3. Baroid Drilling Fluids, Inc., is in violation of California Health and Safety Code, Division 20, Chapter 6.5, Section.66262.34(f)(2)(3)(A)(B)(C): '~I'he date the 90-day period begins, for purposes of subsections (a) and (b) of this section, shall be clearly marked and visible for inspection on each container and tank. Each container and tank used for on-site accumulation of hazardous waste shall be labeled or marked clearly with the words, 'Hazardous Waste.' Additionally, all containers and portable tanks shall be labeled with the following information: The compound and physical state of the wastes, statement or statements which call attention to the particular hazardous properties of the wastes (e.g. flammable, reactive, etc.), and the name and address of the person producing the wastes." It was determined during the inspection that none of the waste-containing drums or Other containers were labeled in accordance with the above requirements. 4. Baroid Drilling Fluids, Inc., is in violation of California Health and Safety Code, Division 20, Chapter 6.5, Section 66262.40(a): "A generator shall keep a copy of each manifest signed in accordance with Section 66262.23(a) for three years or until the generator receives a signed copy from the designated facility which received the waste. This signed copy shall be retained as a record for at least three years from the date the waste was accepted by the initial transporter." It was determined that the facility did not have all the manifest copies for the wastes which were observed at the facility in July 1991 and stated to have been disposed of in August 1991. 5. Baroid Drilling Fluids, Inc., is in violation of California Health and Safety Code, Division 20, Chapter 6.5, Section 66265.35: "The owner or ophrator shall maintain aisle space to allow the unobstructed movement of personnel, fire protection equipment, spill control equipment, and decontamination equipment to any area of facility operation in an emergency." R. W. Drysdale December 4, 1991 Page 3 It was determined during the inspection that insufficient aisle space was allowed between drums. 6. Baroid Drilling Fluids, Inc., is in violation of California Health and Safety Code, Division 20, Chapter 6.5, Section 66265.173: ~A container holding hazardous waste shall always be closed during transfer and storage, except when it is necessary to add or remove waste." It was observed during our inspection that the plywood container used to store partially full containers was open. 7. Baroid Drilling Fluids, Inc., is in violation of California Health and Safety Code, Division 20, Chapter 6.5, Section 66265.176: 'Containers holding ignitable or reactive waste shall be located at least 15 meters (50 feet) from the facility's property line." A sample (BDF-100A) obtained from an unlabeled drum located less than 15 meters from the northern property fence line was confirmed to contain an ignitable hazardous waste. ORDER TO CORRECT Upon receipt of this letter, Baroid Drilling Fluids, Inc., must correct all deficiencies noted in this Notice of Violation and submit to the Department written documentation, under penalty of perjury, that all violations have been corrected. The issuance of this Notice of Violation does not preclude the Department from taking administrative, civil, or criminal action as a result of the violations noted herein. If you have any questions regarding this Notice of Violation, please feel free to contact me at (805) 861-3636, Extension 588. Sincerely, J Joe Cafias, R.E.H.S. Haz' v. ardous Materials Specialist II Hazardous Materials Management Program JC:ch/jrw canas~dty~lale.let INVOICE Analytical ~, Consulting Services. 4309 Armour Avenue ~ Bakersfield, California .cl330B [eos! 3~5-o53@ · B ATTN: Accounts Payable M ATTN: Joe Canas L County of Kern . L' Kern County Health Services Dept. D 2700 "1~" Street, Suite '250 . . ~ ........ . D 2700. '~,H'~. .. Street , .. Suite; 300 :- .... TO '~.e-rsfiel-d:;-. CA ..... · '~3301 - . TO Bakersfield, CA ' 93301 i ",-1 Metals "' Total' C°ncentrat'ion '':' ' 290. 00. 290. OO :' 290. oO 1 '~: ..::.i. 48SHOut 'Citrate 'Buffer"'('Ca~s) ~ :. 85.00 ' 8"~'~. OO :, ' 85, O0 1. ' '.'. '~'.'1 NonaqueOus "SamPle, . 1 :. 1 :DI ~pH · .. ,' 17 '00 · 1.7... O0 " 17; O0 1" :" '1 Free Water .and .Solids ' .25 O0 .2~:'00 25. O0 ~ ~_... ~ . 20. O0 20. O~ 20.'00 S~ple Disposal 'Charge .. " ..... .~- ~ "' :' ~' ' 3. O0 Lab ~ 29266"Po ~ NONE · . . . , · · , , ', .,, ,. . .~... [ .~ . .' ,. . .. . ,, . . : ,, .. ,. VOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET Laboratory Name: ZALCO LABS Concentration: LOW Date Extracted: Lab Sample ID: 29266-1 Sample Matrix: WATER Date Analyzed: 10/29/91 Client Sample ID: BDF-100A0-UD Percent Moisture: Dilution Factor: 50 METHOD 8240 CAS Number ug/1 CAS Number ug/1 74-87-3 Chloromethane ...... 500 < 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane . 250 74-83-9 Bromomethane ...... , 500 < 10061-02-6 trans-l,3-Dichloropropene 250 < 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride ...... 500 < 79-01-6 Trichloroethene ..... 250 < 75-00-3 'Chloroethane ....... 500 < 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane . 250 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride .... 250 < 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane . . 250 540-59-0 cis-l,2-Dichloroethene 250 < 71-43-2 Benzene ......... 250 67-64-1 Acetone ......... 5000 < 10061-01-5 cis-l,3-Dichloropropene . 250 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide ..... 250 < 75-25-2 Bromoform ........ 250 '75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethene .... 250 < 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone . . 2500 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane .... 250 < 591-78-6 2-Hexanone ........ 2500 156-60-5 trans-l,2-Dichloroethene . 250 < 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethene .... 250 67-66-3 Chloroform ........ 250 < 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 250 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane .... 250 < 108-88-3 Toluene ......... 11000 78-93-3 2-Butanone ........ 220000 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ...... 250 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane . . 250 < 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ....... 1600 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride . . 250 < 100-42-5 Styrene ......... 250 124-48-1 Bromodichloromethane . 250 < 1330-20-7 Xylene (Total) . . . 8800 The Lab ID for data on this page is EE17X2661. < - Compound analyzed for but not detected. The reported value is the minimum attainable detection limit for the sample. Billing Code: 9187 · Data Release at : QC report can be made available for an additional fee. Information concerning non-target analytes can be made available for an additional fee for a period of 14 days after receipt of this report. VOLATT~R ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET Laboratory.Name: ZALCO LABS Concentration: LOW Date Extracted: Lab Sample .ID: 29266-1 Sample Matrix: ~ Date Analyzed: 10/29/91 Client Sample ID: BDF-100A0-UD Percent Moisture: Dilution Factor: 50 METHOD 8240 CAS Number'." ug/1 CAS Number 'ug/1 74-87-3 Chloromethane ...... 500 < 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane . 250 74-83-9 Bromomethane ....... 500 < 10061-02-6 trans-l,3-Dichloropropene 250 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride ...... 500 < 79-01-6 Trichloroethene ..... 250 < 75-00-3 Chloroethane ....... 500 < 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane . 250 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride .... 250 < 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 25~ < 540-59-0 cis-l,2-Dichloroethene . 250 < 71-43-2 Benzene ......... 250 67-64-1 Acetone ......... 5000 < 10061-01-5 cis-l,3-Dichloropropene 250 '75-15-0 ' Carbon Disulfide ..... 250 < 75-25-2 Bromoform ........ 250 < 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethene .... 250 '< 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone . 2500 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane .... 250 < 591-78-6 2-Hexanone ........ 2500 < 156-60-5 trans-l,2-Dichloroethene . 250 < 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethene .... 250 < 67-66-3 Chloroform ........ 250 < 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 250 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane .... 250 < 108-88-3 Toluene ......... 11000 78-93-3 2-Butanone ........ 220000 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ...... 250 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 250 < 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ....... 1600 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride 250 < 100-42-5 Styrene ......... 250 < 124-48-1 Bromodichloromethane . 250 ~< 1330-20-7 Xylene (Total) ...... 8800 The Lab ID for data on this page is EE17×2661. < - Compound analyzed for but not detected. The reported value is the minimum attainable de~c~J, on limit for the sample. Billing Code: 9].87 Anal yst: .~.'...~ {.~, ~/'. '~,t..¢'~,' ,..<.'~j.._:~..~_: Data Release"Authorization:-~_. J. QC report can be mad~ ava~l.:,?~l.~" . · '~(!-J~n:.]. fee. Information concerning non-t, arc~' .' : .'re:: ~'. ~e made available for an additional ~ee [ ~' :. "e:':.<:~ .:~ ]4 days after receipt of this report. ZALCO/ABOI::::IATOI:::III S, I Analytical Consulting Seevi Kern County Health Services Department Laboratory No: 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Date Received: 10-18-91 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date Reported: 11-7-91 Attention: Joe Canas Sample: Liquid Sample Description: Baroid Drilling Fluids, Inc., 4730-A Armstrong St, Bakersfield, CA 93313 BDF-IOOA Liquid Unlabeled Drum Sampled by Joe Canas & Dan Starkey on 10-16-91 at 1515 hours Enclosed please find the results of the laboratory analyses for characterization of the sample by the CALIFORNIA ASSESSMENT MANUAL {CAM effective 10-27-84). The guidelines for analysis and characterization are set forth in Title 22, CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, ARTICLE II, Sections 66693 to 66723, the "Criteria for Identification of Hazardous and Extremely Hazardous Waste." Based on the analyzed constituents, the sample would be considered hazardous for the following parameters. IGNITABILITY: The flash point of the sample is less than 140 °F. JZ/tds 430S Armour Avenue 19ekerefield, Cslifornia ~)3308 (805) 395-0539 FAX (805) 395-3069  ZAL00 LABOI~ATOF::IIF=S, INC. Analytical ~ Consulting Seevices Kern County Health Services Department Laboratory No: 29266-] 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Date Received: 10-18-91 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date Reported: 11-7-91 Attention: Joe Canas Sample: Liquid Sample Description: Baroid Drilling Fluids, Inc., 4730-A Armstrong St, Bakersfield, CA 93313 BDF-lOOA.Liquid Unlabeled Drum Sampled by Joe Canas & Dan Starkey on 10-16-91 at 1515 hours Constituent Results MRL Method/Reference Flash Point, °F, PMCC 64 20 D 93/3 Orqanic Constituents Volatile Organics See Attached Report .8240/2 Date Analyzed: 10-29-91 MRL = Minimum Reporting Level Method References: ]. EPA SW-846, 1986 3rd Edition 2. EPA 600/4-79-020 March 1983 3. A.S.T.M 4. California Dept. of Fish and Game President JZ/tds 430EI Armour Avenue Bekersfield, Celifornie EI3308 (805) 395-0539 FAX (805) 395-3069 ZAI_CO I_ABOI IATOI III S, INC. Analytical Consulting Seevices Kern County Health Services Department Laboratory No: 29266-2 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Date Received: 10-18-91 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date Reported: 11-7-91 Attention: Joe Canas Sample: Liquid Sample Description: Baroid Drilling Fluids, Inc., 4730-A Armstrong St, Bakersfield, CA 93313 BDF-IO4A Solid Overpacked Bucket Sampled by Joe Canas & Dan Starkey on 10-16-91 at 1515 hours Enclosed please find the results of the laboratory analyses for characterization of the sample by the CALIFORNIA ASSESSMENT MANUAL {CAM effective 10-27-84). The guidelines for analysis and characterization are set forth in Title 22, CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, ARTICLE II, Sections 66693 to 66723, the "Criteria for Identification of Hazardous and Extremely Hazardous Waste." Based on the analyzed constituents, the sample would be considered hazardous for the following parameters. CORROSIVITY: The pH of the sample or its mixture with an equivalent weight of water is greater than or equal to 12.5. ~m Ether~ ~attons Manager JE/tds · 4309Armour Avenue Bakersfield, Cslifornia93308 (805) 395-0539 FAX(805) 395-3069 ZALOO I_ABOI~IATOI~IIES, INC. Analytical & Oonsulcing Seevices Kern County Health Services Department Laboratory No: 29266-2 2700 "H" Street, Suite 300 Date Received: 10-18-91 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date Reported: 11-7-91 Attention: Joe Canas Sample: Liquid Sample Description: Baroid Drilling Fluids, Inc., 4730-A Armstrong St, Bakersfield, CA 93313 BDF-IO4A Solid Overpacked Bucket Sampled by Joe Canas & Dan Starkey on 10-16-91 at 1515 hours Constituent Results HRL Hethod/Reference pH (1:1DI) 13.3 9045/1 MRL --. Hinimum Reporting Level Method References: 1. EPA SW-846, lg86 3rd Edition 2. EPA 600/4-7g-020 March lg83 3. A.S.T.M 4. California Dept. of Fish and Game President JZ/tds 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, Oalifornia 93308 (805) 395-0539 FAX (805) 395-3069 ZALCO LABOI IATOFIIES, INC. Analytical Consulting Seevices Kern County Health Services Department Laboratory No: 29266-3 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Date Received: 10-18-91 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date Reported: 11-7-91 Attention: Joe Canas Sample: Black Oil (type ii) Sample Description: Baroid Drilling Fluids, Inc., 4730-A Armstrong St, Bakersfield, CA 93313 BDF-IO7A Liquid Waste Oil Drum Sampled by Joe Canas & Dan Starkey on 10-16-91 at 1515 hours CAH - Title 22 Chapter 30, Article 11 Total Extractable TTLC/STLC Concentration Concentration MRL Method/ (TC) mg/kg WET, (EC) mg/1 TC/EC Reference Antimony, Sb 500/15 < 10 10./0.2 6010/1 Arsenic, As 500/5.0 < 0.5 0.5/0.005 7061/1 Barium, Ba 10000/100 < 5.0 5.0/0.1 6010/1 Beryllium, Be 75/0.75 < 0.5 0.5/0.01 6010/1 Cadmium, Cd 100/1.0 < 0.5 0.5/0.01 6010/1 Chromium, Cr 2500/560 3.0 2.5/0.05 6010/1 Chromium, (VI) 500/5.0 0.05/0.05 6010/1 Cobalt, Co 8000/80 < 5.0 5.0/0.1 601C/1 Copper, Cu 2500/25 60 2.5/0.05 6010/1 Lead, Pb 1000/5.0 22 0.64 2.5/0.05 6010/1 Mercury, Hg 20/0.2 < 0.02 0.02/0.002 7471/1 Molybdenum, No 3500/350 < 5.0 5.0/0.1 601C/1 Nickel, Ni 2000/20 < 2.5 2.5/0.05 601~/1 Selenium, Se 100/1.0 0.95 0.05/0.005 774]/1 Silver, Ag 500/5.0 < 1.0 1.0/0.02 6010/1 Thallium, T1 700/7.0 < 10 10./0.2 601~/1 Vanadium, V 2400/24 < 5.0 5.0/0.1 601~/1 Zinc, Zn 5000/250 1100 28 2.5/0.05 6010/1 TTLC - Total Threshold Limit Concentration, mg/kg STLC - Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration, mg/1 in extract WET Waste Extraction Test: pH 5.0 Solution, 0.2 M Citrate Buffer Deionized water for Chromium (VI) MRL - Minimum Reporting Level 430EI Armour Avenue EBakersfield, Californie E)3308 (805) 395-0539 FAX (805) 395-3069 ZALCO LAIgOI~IATOI~IIES, INC. Analytical ~, Consulting Seevices Page 2 of 2 Laboratory No: 29266-3 Other COnstituents ResUlt MRL Method/Reference Free Liquid, ml/lOOg 81.0 1310/1 Solids, g/lOOg 31.3 1310/1 MRL = Minimum Reporting Level Method References: 1. EPA SW-846, 1986 3rd Edition 2. EPA 600/4-79-020 March 1983 3. A.S.T.M. 4. California Dept. of Fish and Game President JZ/tds 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 (805) 395-0539 FAX (805) 395-3069 _ZALOO LABOI~IATOFIII~S, INI~. Analytical ~ Consulting Seevices Kern County Health Services Department Laboratory No: 29266-1 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Date Received: 10-18-91 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date Reported: 11-7-91 Attention: Joe Canas Sample: Liquid Sample DescriptiOn: Baroid Drilling Fluids, Inc., 4730-A Armstrong St, Bakersfield, CA 93313 BDF-IOOA Liquid Unlabeled Drum Sampled by Joe Canas & Dan Starkey on 10-16-91 at 1515 hours Enclosed please find the results of the analysis of the above described sample by E.P.A. Method 8240 for Volatile Organics. If there are any questions, please feel free to call. President JZ/tds 430E) Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California EI3308 (805) 395-0539 FAX (805) 395-3069 THIS IS A FACSIMILE MESSAGE FROM: B. AROID DRILLING FLUIDS, 4750-' a. ~RMSTRON~, ..RD. BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA TEL~.P~ONE NUMS~R: 805/397-4715 FACSIMILE NUMBER: 805/397-9147 FACSIM~L~ N~B~R: ,. NUMBER O~ PAgeS T~NSMITT~D (INCLUDING COVER) FOrm .Approved OMB No. 205~39 (~pires To~ic Substance. Control :, ~ UNIFORM HAZARDOUS ~.' Generator's ~'~A ID NO. Manifest ~ ~, Pare I ~ .~z~ ~uz~ z.c. ,, ,, ,:.',::'<::'.,:,~'"~':~, a'nn~n,a,a~,:':;,".-,:':;',~::..,:',//: ~730-~ ~~G ~0~ ~' ........ ~B,;-~te ~tO~a ~.. ' . ......... ,..... ---'"-"'"-"-~ ~'~'~D'n~ 933~3 . ~ ..... ."' .."':' ': ..... : .... ' ......... .~'"'.'"..' '.' 4, ~ ':~"-:T~e~e~e Pb~e ...... ~'. ,':'. 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I I I I I I I ....~........., ':':., .,:~',,(.. :: I, i Il, ,'~ C : : . " : ., :' , :,:.'' ,, ,,: . ,,:: ,:',' ~,.,: , ,'.~:,, ,, ,~. ,,, ,,,,,"... ~ .... : , ........ : ,, .......... 15. 8pacini Ha~l~g I~elf~tiOflO Ifl~ ~Jo~l IMo~mat~n I 1~. ~ . , ~ GENERATe'/~lCk~: I h~y ~te t~t the ~e~tenf$ ~ ~Js Consignment are f~lly and accurately described abov~ by Dto~f ~h~9~g ~e ~4 ~e ~ified, packed, marked, and labe~d, and ~e In aU reap~le In proper coneltlon Icl teana~n by highway 8ocofdMg to appl~e Internaflonpl and natio~l gov~menl t~tlona. II'1 am a ~rge qeaaf~y ge~rator, I ce~i~ that I have a ~ogram in piece to reduce ~e vol~e an~ to~oiW of waste generated lo t~ degree I have datelined present ~a fuiu~e t~aat lO h~n hea~ and t~ envi~ment; O~, if I am a ~1 quant~y generator, I have made a good .faith effo~ to minim~e my waste ~atJo~ a~d aetect t~ beat waste mae~em~t that ~ availabl~ to me and that I c~ord, --t 1r. ~rana~o~er 1 ~le~ement 0f ~e~t of Male~l~ Pdnted/Tygea Name . Sign ~th Day Year :,. _ . . ,~ PHntod/Ty~ Name ...... I ~ig~ture ~et~ O~y Ye~ E I 19. Di~re~y Ine~t~ Space T y Pri~ed/Ty~d Name [ Signature Moeth Day Year I DHS ao~2 x O/~) Do Not Write Below This Line EPA 87~ ............... (Rev. 9.~) ~evio~ edaiona are ~late. B~e~ GENERATOR 5ENDS THIS COPY TO D~S WITHIN 30 DAYS To, P.O. ~x 4~, ~ram~to, CA 95812-04~ ".. Porto ~MB ~. 2~g (Expires 9,~ ~ Toxic ~bst~ce~ Control ~iv~n ,L uNIFORM ~ZAflDOUS ~ ~-,to,'a us ~A ~ N~. ~i,e,~ __ 2. ~,g, ~ ~ I Doou~nt Ho, Information in th~ sha~eO areaa :' ' WASTE MANIFEST ~1 Xl ~1 ~l RI; I ~l 71 il ~t ~1 ~1 nl nl nl nl ~ o~ tI is nm ~equlred by Federal I~w, ~730 ~"~~G ~ .... ~ 6, Tr~%p~er 1 ~mpahy N~ 6, ~ ~ ID N~be~ .~i¢~a~e~'~? D~ ..'.~ [..~ ~' t'/;:'-'.'~'.':.' .... , ~.AT~T.nV ~~~T. i~1 ~l'nl nl nl nl qF ~1 ?1 ~1 ~ .......... ' ..... ... ............ '. ~ 7. Tranapo~er 2 ~mpany Na~ 8.- U~ ~PA ~D ~um~er ..... a. :state. ~/~o~a~a 1~ ' :~-/~Q~ ~.. ~ · ~ _ I-I I I J I ~ I J.]... 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EPA (Rev, 9,~) Pr~ ~eM ~e oewete. Blue: GENERATOR ~ND$ THIS COPY TO ~HS WITHIN 30 DAY~ To; P.O. ~x ~, ~cr~Ho, CA ~5812~ OMB No. Toxic Substances Control Oivi~ioe ~'~#aae print,.? type. (l'orm ~ee~ne~'tor u~ on e~ ~ z.pitc~ t~ewnter~, ~ aectam~to, Cellfornia,, ~ '[ ~UNIFORM HAZARDOUS . ~.,rat¢, us EPA ID No. Manifest O~.tity Un~ ,. ',,' ,~W~,'~.'~: ' ~, .'. T ........ ~v.;,:h,,.,'.,.~.'..:~ II I I I II .......... 1~, GEN~ATOR'S ~E~A~: I hereby d~l~e that ~ oontente of ~ie oo~lgnment are ful~ and accurately de$~ribe~ above by prope/~Jp~ng name ; ~d aye ~e~, 9a~ked, mork~, ~d lo~d, end ~e in all re~ Je ~=~t c~dltlo~ lef tra~o~ by Nghway ao~ording to applic~le international and nat~nal ~em~nt If I om a large eaam~ generator, I ce~i~ t~t I ~ a ~mm ~ glaCo to toddle the v~ume a~ toxioity et waste generateo to the Oegree I ~ve d~m~od to ~ e~iy praot~aNe ~ that I ~ve ee;eot~ I~ pm~=~ met~ of treatment, etorage, ~ d~eal ~ently available to me ~i~ mln~izea the ~e~nt o~d f~m t~eat to h~n health and t~ ~im~; OR, If I am a ema~ ~Mnfity g~no~lo~ve maee a g~ laJt~ effo~ to minim~e my wasle A P~inte~/Ty~d Name ~ ] ~ 6ignatw~/~ ~ ] ~ Month Day Y~ar O 18, Treasurer 2 ~eegement of ~e~t of ~te~s - ~ PrlntedlT~d Name '"( ~t~e ~t~ Day ~ear E F ,A I ~ ~O::. Fa~il~ ~fl~ ~ ~re~ ~dHi~tlo~ Of ~e~lpt ~l ~d~ materials oovamd by ~le ~n~aat exaept aa n~i~'~ Item" ~. ~ ~22 A (1/~) ~,,~Ot Wrffe ~low This Line EPA , (Rev. e-ac) pmviou= edifies =re ob.o~te, B~e; GENERATOR SENDS THIS COPY TO DOHS WITHIN 30 DAYS To= P,O. ~x 4~, ~cramento, CA 9~12-04~ Form Approved OMB No, 20~0--00~ Toxlo 8ubetan=ee ~ntr~ Dl¥11~fl j [ , UNIFORM HAZARDOU~ 1. ~:~r~toe~ US ePA ID N°. i . m~;;,it~ 2;-~ge i Information ~ the shad~ I · ~ ~um~er ~ , ...... .,~,,:., :,,,, .... . ,.. ~~ ~ ~~, ~C,, ~" ;,I '~i' ~"l":i' ' .... ' ...... CZ~, 93239 ~l":g ~ ~ '" ":':" ...... ' .............. ' R .' '. ' '":. T o I I ,-,I ~1'i a~ are ~ilzed, p~od, ~ed, a~ I~1~, ~ afc ~ afl ~9~8 b proper ~on fo~ Ir~ofl by highwny n;cordiflo to appl~e ~te~tion~ ~d ~ I ~ a hroo q~y Oe~rotor, I ~ff~ I~t I ~va a ~ ~ plaoe to ~e,~e vol~ and t~ity Of W~le Oenerat=d lo the d~oe I ~ve determ~ M ~ ~i~lly ~actica~ and mat I have ;el~t~ ~ pm~le melho~ of ~olfm~, or.ago, or d/~osal ~efltly,a~Uabla to ma Wh~ ~eaem and futura IXOat to ~man ~a~ arid t~ e~r~; OR. ~ I ~ a ~1 quanl~ generator, I h~ve ma~e e g~ faith effo~ ~o mifli~ze my waote u~ation a~ ae$~ t~ be~ wm~e m~anemem m~oa ~ ~ ev~h~e to me ~d that I o~ a~ . ' T 17.-Yr~n~ 1 ~no~nt 6f Re~ipt 0f Mate~m~ ~ prineea/T~ad Nm~ " J~'~t~e ............ ~ ~ ,, , ',-,,, ::. ,,,Y ,,,,,,: , ,'.. ,.,, , ) ~, ,' ',, ,, ,,, ,~:,:, ,~,,:., ~o~2 ~: GEN~AT~ ~ TH~ C~ TO ~ WITHIN ~ DAY~ ~., ' :~"'.qO~l~'),~pmved OMB No. 2060--0t3~9 ' Toxic Subetancel Control Otvlalon = E UNIFORM HAZ~DOUS .... =~.~o~, ~ ~A ID No, I M"nifel' ~ 2; Page 1 I ' ' O~ant No. Infozmat~. In the ~ded WASTE, ,, MANIFEST ~l~l~lol~[ T ~i~l~r ql~l ol ni,~J nl nl ~ .of 1I . ~, ~m~a ~:., :.~' ':? :' ~ , / ' .: . :. ~ .... ' ~J . , . ,- ~,,~,,,. ~, .- ,~.1. . I 11. U~ ~T Oe~crJpt~n (Indigo ProPer $hipp~ Name, ~d Glass. a~ ID N~ber) Ne. Type Quafl~ty UAII ,." W~ ~o',' ' Wt/V~ '.". ~,'.'~' ' :' , E b, . ~ii.. %,, '..~ ,:,'.' _ , ...... I I I,, I I I I ~'~" .... "':"'" ~. ~tmle''''~' :,. ...... ~'~ .,1. I. I I I '. ..... '~..' .. . ' .~, .. . : ..'.: %~,~, ~0%~ CO~~'~~ ... . : .. ... '.' . .. " .. " . ' " . .~,, . ... .., ... ~.r' ... I 16. and are C~eOir~d, ~cked, ~, aM ~l~, and are b aH respects ih proper ~1t1~ foe tflA]~Od by highway accotdi~ to applicable JMemat~ ~tio~l g~er~ant ., if I am a'la~ge ~ ~ator. I c~l~ fhat I havl a ~am in place to red~¢e thQ vOl~l &~ to~y of waste ganerat~ to ~e d~r~ I ~ye to be ec~l~l~ ~a~i~ble afld t~t J ~ aete~t~ ~ pt~eable m~h~ ~ tre~t, at~a~, or dlSpo~i eeffently evaP=blo to mi wh~ mifl~zos p~e~flt ~d ~m t~oat fo h~aa health a~ tho e~r~: 0~, Jf I ~ a ~NI Qva~ity Oe~rat~, I ~ve made a .~ fa~h eflo~ to m~l~e my waste ~eraflofl efta ael~t the be~ waste managa~nt me~ t~t h available to mo and IMf I ~. ' ' Pri~/Typ~ N&~ .... Signs ......~ , . //" M~ Day ~ Pdnted/Typ~ ~e " .. { ~g~e '"' : M~ ,:_ I I I,,,,1,,,i I EPA eT0~22 91~, ~N~?OR SENDS ~1S COW TO ' .... " Department ef H_ellth .,~e~caa' n. ~enenMQr'$ U~ EPA iD Ne, i c, ~m'ofmMh:~ in the shaded amao Document No. _.. WASTE MANIFEST . ~'J A~ 1~ ~ ~ ti ~ 71 /J ~ ~rJ ~ ~ i't ~ '= io n04 req,',iredb¥ Federal law, G~E~FO~ ~IF~A~O~= I h~eb~ d~Am that the ~ata ~ ~M Cona~nma~t afe'f~lly ~ acc~ate~ de~l~e a~ove by ~ro~r ~pin9 net~ ~ regu~na. If I.am a large q~tlty ~nemtor, t cofli~ ~at I ~eve a pr~r~'in pla~ to r~du~ the vo~mo a~ toxlcll~ ~ W~Me gOn~atod to I~ degree I p~e~l a~ f~ure t~eat to'h~an ~ a~ the ,~iron~t: OR. If I ~ a Sm~fl quamlt~ generater. I ~ve ~adw i good faith often lo ~n~l=e my waste ge~mUO~ a~ se~ ~e ~e~ waste management mem~ tMt h ava~M to me a~d t~t I c~d. 17. TrensP~er 1 Ackn~nt 04 R~elpt Of MMeriAla 18; T~en~w 2 Ackn~m~nt 04 Recent of ~tor~ ~ ' ~ -- P~intedlTy~ ~e I 8~a~re .... MOnth ~y Y~ ~7~ ; ~ ~ WrHe ~low ~ U~' ~, ~NE~AT~ ~DS TH~ C~' TO :~+,,P0~m Approved OMB No. 2O~O-'<X~b''" ¥~xi= ~ubltanGeB C~b'o! Oiviaion i.:. !.: Department O.f ~Heelth 8ewlcee : ? 1. U~ ~T De~r~fie~ Gn~uding Pro~ 6~ppi~ Name, ~rd Glass, and ID ~m~r) ~. Type WI/V~ , * *:. GENE~T~ OE~ICATION: I h~eby ~clare t~l ~ ~8nts ~ l~ co~olO~e~ ere f~ly'e~ eO~f&toly ~or~ a~e. bY ~ro~ ~i99i~ ~me" ~d are ola~, pGoK~, marked, and M~le4, =~ ~e h a~ rMpe~= M proper ~lon fo~ tf~ by highway accorWng So ~91~ble iK~natl~al ~ If I am a ~arge qu~ ge~emtor, I cen~ t~l I ~v~ · p~m ~ p~O to r~ce.~e vol~e ~d lox ~ty of wame g~rale~ to t~e de~r~ I.Have ~ ' ' to ~ e~o~lly mac~e~e ~a l~t I have ~l~te~ I~e'pm~ me~ ~ t~n~ ~o~a~e..~ ~epo~l '~rrem~y available to me whloh m~im~ea me pre~t.a~d l~ure t~reat to hu~n ~a~h aa~ ~ O~i~: OR, I1 I ~m ~ ~m~l qu~nt~y ~, I h~ve ma~ a. ~ .troth efl~ to m~im~e m~ ~8te . generat~n ~d S~e~ ~e beat waMO.msnage~t ~thOd ~at · available lo ~o and ~at i ~aff~. . ' ' Prinf~/Typ~ Na~ ' ' I $i~at~ . · t } ' // Momh DaY Year R 17. Ttanop~er 1 A~l~em~t of ~ecei~t Of ~t~ala. ' , / ' ' , A Printe~/_Ty~ed Name_ M~ DaY ~ear ~ 18. Tra~paner 2 ~ement of Receipt of ~t~a~ ...... ~ Printed/~4 Name ~ ~ure ' ., "'M~fh Oly A ~ , prHt~/~'~ '~amo ~ 6~t~e, Mo~m , Day ' DHB~A(1/~e) ~ ~ W~ ~low ~ts Une EPA e70~22 '6~ OEN~TOR S~DS THIS CO~ TO ~H5 W~IN 30 DAYS .................... . ..... .~v ' Dli~ltlment 01 Health Toxlo Sul)etan4=e~ C~on~ol ~u~on ';;' d L UNIFORM HA~RDOU~ a.e~ator'. US EPA IQNO, / ,, Information in the ena~ed ama, . ' Do~ment ~. A and ~e ~ani~. ~. marked. ~d la~el~, and am in nil r~t8 in ~ ~o~fl f~ ,afle0o~ ~ h~ay 8~ofdMg to ,~l~e~o internat~flas ~a  , I aM a b~ q~ti~ ~mtor. I ceni~ mat I havo a Gro~ in pla~ to ~uGe ~ voice.and tox~ ~ ~,to ~nemted to ~e 4~ I.ha~ to ~ economt~ ~a~lo and that I have seated ~ ~t~able mt~d Gl ~eat~t. ,to~ge. ~ d~po~l c~ently ,viileble to me winch ~fl~e~ ~ ~eaent ~d ~.re t~e~t I¢ h~,n he~h an~ ihe e~; ~. Jl I ~ e em=, ~u~y ge~mtO~. I ha~ ~ede · good faith aRon to ~im~e my waste g~tlon a~ eele~ t~ ~ ~aete m~agemem mat~ I~t i~ avai~le to me a~ that i c~ et~ _ A ~PA 070~22 ~= GEN~T~ S~ TH~ C~'TO ~gS W~IN.~ DAYS .~':. From A~Nave4.0~ No. ~e, ' T0xl~' 8ub&t~ee ~nt~ Ouant~ Unit ' W~oJo ~" : :' A ~ are cmooH~a, ~. ~. and laDe~d, and aM ~ ~1 m~t0 iff ~rop~ o~dil~n for trans~ ~V A~ay e0~rdi~ fo appli~le ~mrnat~ ~ ' If I em a fm0e qaan~ ~flemtO;, I ~oflify t~t I have a pr~r~ h ~ia~ lO rede ~e vol~e and toxlo~y of ~0t~ ~atod lo the degree I have date~ ' to be ~flomi~ly Ore~able and mat I ~ve ~e~od the pra~e mam~ o~ ~oalm~, ~t~age, ~ diopo~ ~ aVafl~lO' t~ ~o ~h mi~mAoo ~ prell and fM~e tMeat Io ~a~ hulth and t~ en~r~e~t= OR, if I am n 8m~l quantl~ ~erat0r. I ~ve ~a~ O ~ faiih eff~ to mince my waale gefl~rat~A ~ ~ele~ t~ ~at ~ate m~meflt m~od ~at h av~l~ lO me ~d that I ~afl ,ff~ . ' Prlflt~/Ty~dNaM ' ' ~ % .... ~h Day T ! 17. ttlnl~fler 1 ~k- ~w~t of RI~iilI of Malaria '- [ ' O 18. T~fler 2 AckflowloOm~ ~'flec~ipt of Materhla ~ ..... .. , y P~od/~pad ~M ~'~ture ~h ~y Year ~ ~ a (~ ~) ~ ~t W~te ~low Thb Une ' ' ~A s7~ - 8lue~ G~T~ SENDS THIS C~ TO ~H~ WffHIN 30 DAYS , ................. ,- · ~eo.hmem Approv~M~ N~, 205~39 ~ To~o ~u~t~fl;e~ ~rol O~ion Document No. ' * * . ,,, ~lA I~ln Inln I ~1 ~ I ~ , I~ I~ ',".~,/,,~.' "" q~":~ ~'~':._ ':."..,.,,;?'~/, ~,,., '.:.:...... ,I .. ' ,~i?~' ',.:, .... ~: '.. , ,~' ~ ..~,.., .,..'.' ,:' ' : ." I t , I I I I I '"':,:""." '. ":.:.": , ;;. '~, - ...... ~.,.. .... ...'.,.;:~; .4 '.?" ".",'."/.~ ..' :'.,. I I I IIII '"::":"" "'""':'::"' ,.-:,., ,,, ,, .... , ,.:.~ '~PA)~b~, .: :' },. · . ............................. , ...... , ...... , .......... . ..... ' ...... I, [,. I' I I I I ,v'.'_u_.'_:;..;'~.'.' : , .,, ..: , , ..... , , ,~, ,,, ; . ,: .... ~.' , , ; . .L' , ' . ' ' ..' ..... :...' . ' ': ..... '.':: "' ':.'::'. "' ', '. ~ : ,. :. . .:L' "~'' ~ 1~. ~p~ aiHandli~ Inau~na a~ A~iti~nforma~n ............ l& ' ~OB~ ~A~s I ~y ~e¢~m t~! ~e ~nte o~ ~ie ~ignment ~e ful~ and accurately eescd~ above b~ pr6pef ~ipping name ' ;'" nat~n~ govee~ent regulate. Il I am n lar~ quantt~ ge~tatet, I c~i~ ~at I have a ~o~a~ iB ~iace to ted~e the volume arid t0xi~ity Qf waate generated to fo be e~flO~ica~ pra~i~ arid I~t I ha~ so.ed ~e predicable met~ of treatment, storage, of dJapdnal ~rr~ avaOabie to me which minimtzea ~ralion and eclat ~ beat waale menaOe~f met~ that ~ availSb~ tO ~ and ~at I Pe~t~d/T~d Name ~ '" ~th O~y Y~t 18, ~ra~a~o~ 2 A~ewl=dgem~ of ~eipt al Mal~lal= .... PrintedlTy~e~ N~e "~ ~O~tufe Mon~ Day Year .......... I I I I, I I 19. ~te ncy ~ication ~pace " 20. Fa=~ ~ ~ Opemt~ ~t~en el ~ o] hazard~a ~te~le ~ ~y ~ia ~eat ex~ep~ aa noted re'Item Pr~te~lTyped Na~ , [ SiO~ture ' Mo~tfl Day Y~' A 0/~) Do 'Nm Wrife ~low This Line Pmvlou~ edit~a ore o~olefe. SlU~ GENE~T~ SENDS ~15 CO~ TO ~5 WITHIN &l~o~',ovee UM~I NO, '~0~.{~"003~ ,,, " T~xio I Document 3~251 O~ S~I~ ~ 11. US ~T D~cfiption (M~uding Propel ~hi~Mg Name, H~a;d ~a~, and )D N~) No, Type , I I I I I I I ...... ":" ~ ...... :, ; , ..... 1~,~,. '9~2S~ '~~,SO~ ' " ', '. ' ' ....... :: ... ..,. .:,...., ,, ,., . ... ' ..::". ,...' :.......'.,'.... . '.' . ::,.:~":~:..:,...: . . ..... . ..~. , . ':" , " '' 1~. ~pe~al H~g In~uctto~ and Addit~ Informatloe 16. ~ ~NE~T~S ~RTIFI~; I ~ere~ Oa~W~ ~t ~ contefll~ of f~S C~s~n~nt am fu,y ~n~ ~cc~rately ~cribed above and are cM~sifi~d, packed. ~, a~ labeled, en~ ~e in all r~pe~ · ~pe( tOnd~ion for transpo~ if I am a large quen.~ Oene(OtO(, I ~fl~ t~t I ~ a ~rogram ~ place tO ~CO tho volume and toxicity ol waste ~n~ated to the o~;~ I ~vO d~te~i~d to bo ~~ pr~ct~a~ eno thai I ~vo se~ ~e ~a~abie mo~ of tr~M~, ~torago. or dispo~ pfa~t and f~we t~eal to h~n ~alth and ~e e~v~men~ 0~, If I am a 8mall qu~ntit7 ~ne~ve mode a aced faith effo~ to mJnim~e my wosto ' generation a~d ~elo~ the beet waale ma~ag~em met~ Ihaf i~ ay.liable to ~ ~d ~al I can~ord, ~ , ,. 18. Tr~nI~er 2 ~owJodgemeflt °t ~eceipl of MaterAI8 ' Pr~to~lT~d Name ~ 8igflat~e " Month Day Yea~ ~ I I I I I t 2~ ~ac~i~ ~er ~ Ogefat~ ~t~ al ~e~i~ of ~zard~s ~ta(~lo C~erod ~y ~ia ~test exert ~S ~'~'item 19. P~t~lTy~a Name I ~gnature ' M~th Day Ye8~ ........~ I I I [ I I ~ (~/~) Do N~,~rite ~low Th~ Prev~ua ~io~ are o~oleJe. BI~: GENERA'TO~ SENDS THIS COPY TO ~HS WfffllN To: P.O. ~x ~, ~r~fo, CA 1743 Bakersfield, CA .93389 EPA NO. CA~~S (805) 322-8258 W~te O~ Haul~ ~847 CUSTOMER ~ O~. UNIT DESCRIPTION UN~ PRICE ~OUNT Gtb~on Oil & Refin~ Commercial St. EPA ~CAD980883177 'Generator Sig~tum ~ Tm~er S~nature ~M wA~. o. o~. ~x~ ~.o. ~. w~ o~ TOTAL ZALCO LABORATOFIIES, INO, Zalco Lab # ~L , 4309 Armour Avenue * Bakersfield, .. CA P.O. 93308 (805) 395-0539 Office Page' i of ' I' WS Invoice # Doc # WORK ORDER i'.- i . Company . . ~L~....j Bill To: "f')i,' City Attention:. ~...jO[' ':i.¥t.i ir1 ~i,., Telephone /~' Special Instructions · · .'Col,ector's Name ~fi ti l~.' 4- ~'1~ f'~, ~t/"l ~i_. ~:. y ..Date. Collected`· . i(~ -'t i/-(I I " Sample TyPe . lJi~[ ![.t,.1 ~.'. '":' '.' '." Time Collected ANALYSIS INFORMATION: ~ .. · :'- ... .. Sample Description .. Analysis Requested ' ,';'Code # ,. Customer Signature ~' ,/_~_.¢ ,~., .,...:~";~'~ ~.......... ' -,. . Date ,~'. ,' {/,~.LJ ~;' ,~ ' SAMPLES RECEIVED AT ZALCO .*.. ".. ' - -f~ , ,......'. r --.: ""'" ' ~,~*~'~-~:., Initials , Method of DispOsal · ', ' CUSTOMER' ' DRAFT Facility Name: Baroid Drilling Fluids, Inc. Facility Location: 4730-A Armstrong Road Bakersfield, CA 93313 Subject: Small Quantity Generator Reinspection Investigation Date: October 16, 1991 Reported By: Joe Canas Samples Collected By: Joe Canas Hazardous Materials Specialist, Kern County Environmental Health Services Department Dan Starkey - Hazardous Materials Specialist, Kern COunty Environmental Health Services Department On the 14th of October 1991, a reinspection of the facility was conducted to determine compliance with an earlier verbal order given on July 23, 1991. Upon arriving at the facility I asked to speak with a manager concerning the storage of hazardous materials at the facility. She informed me that the manager was unavailable, and would not return until later in the day. I informed the secretary, Janice Stonebroker, that I was conducting a follow-up inspection to determine compliance with hazardous waste storage regulations. She informed me that all waste observed during my initial inspection in July had been removed by their contractor and presented a transportation manifest to verify Proper disposal. The manifest cited the removal of two types of waste in August. After I reviewed the manifest, she stated that I could view the storage area if I wished. After performing a quick inspection of the drum storage area, I returned to Stonebroker~s office. She asked if everything was okay. I informed her that I would like to discuss the matter with the manager when he returns. Since the manager would not be available tomorrow, I told Stonebroker that I would return on Wednesday, October 16, 1991. DRAFT On October 16, 1991, I met with R.W. Drysdale in his office. I informed Drysdale that during my inspection on Monday I had noted unlabeled drums which appeared to be storing waste materials. I added that I had met with a representative of Baroid during my initial inspection in July as a result of a complaint received by our Department. During that initial inspection I informed the Baroid representative of the storage and labeling requirements of hazardous waste. We then walked outside to the drum storage area along the fenced property boundaries. We first inspected two (2) pallets of empty drums located near the vehicle entrance gate, which were also there during the inspection in July. In the same area were four (4) or five (5) drums which contained various amounts of oil. Drysdale identified those drums to be used for storage of waste oil which is generated from company vehicles. We then walked along the northern fence property boundary where many drums were stored. I asked Drysdale if he could identify the contents of three (3) unlabeled drums tied together on a. pallet. Drysdale responded that he did not know their origin or contents. In the same area were two other pallets, each with three (3) drums on them. The drums on one pallet showed significant overflow on the exterior. The overflow substance appeared to be a grey slurry. On the drums was a label which indicated an accumulation date of March 12, 1990, and boring numbers which could not be accurately identified. Drysdale said that he believed they were waste materials from borings performed but was uncertain of their origin. The drums on the third pallet located next to the fence were grey in color. Only one of the three (3) drums had any markings printed on it. Drysdale said that he did not know the contents of the drums or what the markings indicated. The three (3) pallets were intermingled with other drums which Drysdale identified as chemical products. DRAFT In another location near the rear fence property boundary was a plywood box approximately four (4) feet by four (4) feet by five (5) feet dimensions. The box contained about ten (10) to fifteen (15) buckets of various sizes. Most of the buckets appeared to be empty; however, some did contain residue. In the'same area was a red polyethylene (poly) drum which contained three or four five (5) gallon buckets with a solid dark material. Nearby on a pallet were three drums which appeared to contain an oily substance. The labels on two of the drums read "Invermul NT" and "E-Z Mul NT." Drysdale indicated that they were emulsifiers which are added to oil well drilling muds. Also in the same area were other buckets stacked on the ground. Drysdale said that he did not know where these apparent waste materials originated. After completion of the inspection, Drysdale expressed his concern about perhaps being in violation of hazardous waste regulations, especially after being informed that' during a previous inspection, the company had been notified of the improper management of their hazardous wastes. Upon returning to his office, Drysdale attempted to contact Baroid's regulatory affairs manager, Paul Stephenson, by telephone. Since Stephenson could not be contacted, I informed Drysdale that further action would perhaps be initiated in regard to the noncompliance noted on this date. I returned to Drysdale's office at about 1400 hours, accompanied by Dan Starkey of our office. Drysdale asked if Stephenson had contacted me at my office. Since I had not been contacted by Stephenson, Drysdale telephoned him. After identifying myself, I informed 3 DRAFT Stephenson of our findings earlier in the day. I told him that during my inspection in July I had informed their company representative that all drums storing hazardous waste must be managed in accordance with the regulations for storage of hazardous waste. Stephenson informed me that the waste which I observed in July 1991 had been removed in August and that any waste at the site on this date had been accumulated since August 1991. I informed Stephenson that it was my belief that some of the drums which I observed in July were still being stored on site. After some discussion whether they were the same drums as the ones observed in July, I informed him that violations still existed in regard to the labeling of drums at the site. I informed Stephenson that we wished to obtained photos, review records, and retrieve samples to determine whether the hazardous waste storage violation existed. Stephenson responded that it would be okay for us to retrieve samples, but that he wanted to know from where we would be obtaining the samples and how many. I informed him that I could not provide that information this time; it would be determined later as part of my assessment. As part of my inspection I advised Stephenson that we wo. uld like to review the manifests which were prepared for the hazardous waste transported off-site in August. Stephenson responded that they did not have copies of the manifest now because their contractor had not sent them their copies. He also offered to provide MSDS sheets for the two product substances identified by Drysdale as being emulsifiers. After my telephone discussion with Stephenson, I also received consent from Drysdale to inspect the premises, review records, obtain photographs, and retrieve samples. 4 DRAFT After determining that seven (7) or eight (8) different waste types may exist at the site, Starkey and I prepared to sample by laying out all of our equipment which we intended to use and donning the appropriate personal protection equipment. A total of eight (8) samples were retrieved from drums and buckets. Each of the samples was obtained in accordance with standard sample retrieval methodology for the type of wastes found and was placed into certified clean glass containers . The location from which each sample was retrieved is identified in the attached sheet. As we were completing our sampling activities, I was informed that Stephenson would like to speak to me again. Stephenson was concerned about our reason for obtaining samples and recording that we were on site on that date. He also asked if we could obtain splits for Baroid ff the containers were still open. I advised Stephenson that most of the containers were probably closed now but that we could still obtain samples. I informed Stephenson that we would allow Drysdale to sign our sample Chain of Custody form and provide Drysdale a copy which would document our presence at the facility on that date, but that the Chain of Custody may change because the number of samples submitted to the lab for analysis will be based on our screening results. Stephenson also requested that we also provide him a copy of our inspection report. I told him that it was not our normal practice to prepare an inspection report the same day. After my discussion with Stephenson we prepared to obtain the second set of samples as requested by Baroid. The second set of samples was collected following the same procedures as the first. All containers were closed prior to leaving the site. We also informed Drysdale that sample analysis results would be DRAFT available in approximately one month and that not all samples would be submitted for analysis. JC:cas \baroid 'n County Environmental Health Ser~ Department Hazardous Materials Sample AnalysYFRequest (805) 861-3636 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 No. To BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 PRIORITY ( ) · (Explain) PART I: FIELD SECTION Collector Hours Activity: ~ Enforcement ( ) ASP ( ) H.W. Property ( ) Super ( ) Other LOCATION OF SAMPLING: e (Lab ~1~) ~ollectoI',s ~p~e FIELD INFORMATION ~ampm ~o~ . Analysis Requested: Chai~ C~tpd~ 4. Slt~a~urc flue inci~iv~ Da[~ S~ial Remarks PART ii: LABORATORY SECTION Dmc* Simple Alloemdu;): ( ) AfllJ~ll Required rn County Environmental Health Services Department (~) ~1-~ 2700 'M' STREET, SUITE 300 To BAKERSFIELD~ CA 93301 PRIORITY ( ) (Explain) , , PART 1: FIELD SECTION Collector ~ &~ * ~ ~.~ . Dare,am,led /~11,,/~1 Tlme~ ActiHty: (~n~orcement ( ) ASP ( ) H.W. Property ( ) Super ( ) Other LOCATION OF SAMPlinG: ' Name .~J~ ~,'1[~ ~/~ Td. ~o. e f (Lab ~°ly) ~amoleC°lle~t°[~,o. ~ggo~e . . ~IELD INFOR~TION 4. Slgnatur¢ ~-itie tncluslve ~atc~ Special Remarks (e.~. duplicate aampla given to company, etc.} PART II: LABORATORY SECTION Received By. Title Date Sample Allocation: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Other Data Analysla Requlrad e~ndlente whether sample la slud$o, sod, etc. ~o~(analysis~frm KERN COUN NviRONMENTAL ~HEALTH'~$ERVlCES.DEPARTMENT F . · , . I_~ ~ervlce Request (l)~J Compla nt t'T N .... / /,,,~, /'"~.vI...--¢( / /~[ ~ · ~ ~ ~.. ..................... ~ss~gnoa to: ,~[ -///~ / . /~' . --, ..... ~.... ~. ~..~ ~.~.~..~... ~ ................................... . ............. Location .... ~ .............................................. City Directions .. '~~~',, ' ':~' ~'~. ' - -- . .................................. Address ~one ~o~rty Owner * , · ~ ................................... ---~- ~--~...~.~....~.~:.~ ........... ~o,, ..................... ; ............ ~-.~.~..~,~_.~..~.~:...~.~..~...~_~~._~~ ~ ' . '~ ..... / ~'-' - ~ . Information ~ Com~lelnant notified '~" of results .................... Investigated by ................................... . . Date ............................ '-~ ..... , .: ..................... . .... Environmental H~lth 580 4~ [3 2~9 (Rev. 9~9) N HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT '"~'~. ,,, ~r · ' ', . paul M.Regulatow Affairs [ ' '~:~;,,, Date .......... ~.~.J.~..Z~..[-... Time:. Supewisor Environmental Sec'cos ~t /~.-?~?' ' ' ' ~" '": ....... , ...... ~.. ~,,,,n,,,o. ', . ...... ,': ............... ::. ................ .:~ ........ Baroid Drilling Ruids, Inc. ~~~ cny ' - P.O, Box 1675 .... : ........ ~ .............~ ..................... :::::::::::::::::::::::::: .................... 7Z~:Z"-:'~ ..... . - Re,orr ng Pe rso~'~-( '~' '~- ~*'~ ~'.._~ , "' 'Ad~i~'~;'~'' ~ ~ ' Phone . ......... ~.- .............. ........... ~ ..... ,...- ............. ~ ..................................... : ................. ~... ..... '' . ~' ~ ~ f: ' " .................... ~ ........... . ............ : .... ~?: ................................................ : ....... :7 ............v-.. ..... . . ~' . , . ,,.. :,~:~'.~. ~,:~.., ~ :.. . . . ., .. ,,, , ., '". ..... · ,, ',.,,.~, .q:::-. · ;~ ' . ~ .... v ,, · ..' ,' .':'?::??(~::.:: . ':"~{~:~;'?? 7:' 'A,? ~' ~i~;::- ~;::' - .:,~ :. ':: .'':'~ ~"",~ ' ~QO.~k:.. '~', ,~ RESO[Y~'r.:b[~:~': ':':~:'.":;': "~,4'~L'' .' '~" -'..' ?'~::.'-~;, ':~:~' ~ ""C'~'-' :": '" - ~'..',-- '. :~." ~N~;~i~ibN , ~:~ .' :.:.~ .... ~ ~::?~ZO ~i~.~ : ~ '~-'-':':."~.:~, ; F,.q :';:~. ~ ,...', :,.:,.:~ ,, ,' .'~' ,, - ...... ~'--~'~-'~:r--~'~ .......... ~--~,,, ~.~-- ~ ........... ~ ......... ~- ........... --~'~---~'~'~ --~?~7'7~?T? ----'-~FT~ :.~'" '~',~.- ' .......... ~'7'~r. ,4~C-~'~~ ............... ~-~':~T~~ ....... ~ ....~2~?~7~, ' '." ................... ~, , .................. ~....~,~. ............................. ~_ ........ ___ ~~--~,, _~_- . , · · , ' .-' ,,. ,.! "i?'. ~.,. ~.' '.~ .'~: ""C-".':', . ' '".' · ' . , ','. %~?: , ~'f~?:~?"7'.': ' " ' ' ' ' '. ' : -~~~~,.:' ' " '~.' .' · ..... -...:.-" ., ..'....,'..' · :',..' ,..,,,.~'. '.z~ .... ,,~, ~ '-.~ ..' · ~.-. .... '.~...~ . · ·. .~'~ . ..... ~, ...... ..~. ?..~. ',,,',.~, , ,~ ,,,,-~:.,." ....... ~'~:~ ,~J'~z~.~z:.",,,, ....... , .... .-...:~[.v r~nm~.~ IX SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PRECAUTIONARY .STATEMENTS AVOID CONTACT WITH SKIN, EYES AND RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. IF EZ MUL -NT CATCHES FIRE, PROTECTION AGAINST TOXIC FUMES IS NECESSARY. AVOID SPILLING THE MATERIAL WHERE IT MAY ENTER BODIES OR WATER. OTHER HANDLING AND STORAGE REQUIREMENTS STORE AWAY FROM FLAME, SPARKS, AND ALL OTHER IGNITION SOURCES. STORE SEPARATE FROM STRONG OXIDIZING MATERIALS. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION PROPER SHIPPING NAME: FLAMMABLE LIQUID N.O.S. HAZARD CLASS: FLAMMABLE LIQUID, UN 1993 HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE: METHANOL LABELING: FLAMMABLE LIQUID UN 1993 PLACARD 100 LBS. OR MORE- FLAMMABLE UN 1993 PREPARED BY NL Barold DATE MAY 6, 1982 MARKETING TECHNOLOGY IV FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA FLASH POINT: 60°F PMCC EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: WATER SPRAY, CO2, DRY CHEMICAL SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: PROTECT AGAINST TOXIC FUMES. USE A CHEMICAL SUPPLIED AIR RESPIRATOR. V HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION ACUTE ORAL LD50 ACUTE DERMAL LD50 AQUATIC TOXICITY (LC50) ND ND ND ROUTES OF EXPOSURE AND EFFECTS EYE: IRRITATION, BURNS. INHALATION: NAUSEA, HEADACHE. INGESTION: NAUSEA, HEADACHE. SKIN: REPEATED OR PROLONGED EXPOSURE MAY CAUSE SKIN IRRITATION. EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES SKIN: WASH WITH SOAP AND WATER PROMPTLY AFTER CONTACT. EYES: FLUSH WITH RUNNING WATER FOR AT LEAST 15 MINUTES. INHALATION: REMOVE PERSON TO FRESH AIR. INGESTION: DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. CONTACT PHYSICIAN IMMEDIATELY. CONDITIONS CONTRIBUTING TO~TABILITY STABLE INCOMPATIBILITY STRONG OXIDIZING AGENTS. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS CO/CO2, SHORT CHAIN HYDROCARBONS. CONDITIONS CONTRIBUTING TO HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION WILL NOT OCCUR. VII SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IF MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED CONTAIN SPILL. PICK UP WITH SAND OR OTHER NONCOMBUSTIBLE ABOSRBENT MATERIAL. FLUSH AREA WITH COPIOUS AMOUNTS OF WATER. PLACE IN CONTAINER FOR WASTE DISPOSAL. NEUTRALIZING CHEMICALS WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD EPA HAZARDOUS WASTE NUMBER: D001 (IGNITABLE) MATERIALS FOR DISPOSAL SHOULD BE DELIVERED TO A PERMITTED TREATMENT, STORAGE, OR DISPOSAL (TSD) FACILITY FOR LANDFILLING OR INCINERATION. DISPOSE OF ALL WASTES IN ACCORDANCE WITH FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL REGULATIONS. VIII INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE CONTROL MEASURES VENTILATION REQUIREMENTS MECHANICAL ROOM VENTILATION. SPECIFIC PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT RESPIRATORY USE A NIOSH APPROVED CHEMICAL CARTRIDGE RESPIRATOR IN CONFINED AREAS. EYE GOGGLES. GLOVES RUBBER GLOVES OTHER CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT EYEWASH, SHOWER COVERALLS. AND TR _-NSPORTATION SHEET BEST Sh t GENERAL INFORMATION 1507 I PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION SUPPLIER REGULAR TELEPHONE NO. NL BAROID/NL INDUSTRIES, INC. EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NO. 713/527-1447 ADDRESS P.O. BOX 1675 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251 --, TRADE NAME EZ MUL® -NT GENERIC DESCRIFTION -I- PARTIAL AMIDE OF POLYAMINE AND FA'FrY ACID IN A NON-TOXIC SOLVENT. II HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS -r MATERIAL OR COMPONENT ~ HAZARD DATA METHANOL 8 FLAMMABLE, TLV 200 ppm III PHYSICAL DATA BOILING POINT (°F) MELTING POINT I FREEZING .P.(~[.blT I - SPECIFIC GRAVITY (H~O = VAPOR PRESSURE (mm H 0 --- D o ': ~. = ND SOLUBILITY IN H~O, %MODERATEBY WT. VAPOR DENSITY (AIR 1) ~/~ VOLATILES BY VOL. EVAPORATION RATE (BUTYL ACETATE = 1) 30%ND APPEARANCE AND ODOR Density @ 20~C: AMBER LIQUID, SLIGHT ALCOHOL ODOR PH NIA N/A = Not Applicable N/D = Not Determined All information recommendations and su{3c3estion$ aD~)earing herein concerning our nor does NL Baroid/NL Industries. Inc. assume any liability arising out of use. by others, product are based upon tests and data believed to be reliable, however, it is the user's of the product referred to herein. Nor is the information herein to be construed as responsibility to determine the safety, toxicity. 8nd suitability for his own use of tl~e absolutely complete since additional information may be necessary or desirable when product described herein. Since the actual use by others is beyond our control, no particular or exceotional conditions or circumstances exist or because of applicable guarantee, expressed or implied, is made by NL Baroicl/NL Industries, Inc. as to tl~e laws or government regulations. effects of such use. the results to be obtained, or the safety and toxicity of the product ,. nuus ri,,. P.O. Box 1675, Houston, Texas 77001 Safety and Transportat,on Data Sheet INVERMUL-NT I PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION SUPPUER I TELEPHONE NO. NL BAROID 713~987-5900 -n ADDRESS C:: P.O. BOX 1675 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251 .., TRADE NAME .-~ INVERMUL® -NT GENERIC DESCRIPTION -r' NON-TOXIC LIQUID EMULSIFIER FOR OIL MUDS II HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS MATERIAL OR COMPONENT % HAZARD DATA >' ~'o · ~ NZ III PHYSICAL DATA BOILING POINT ('FI ND MELTING POINT .... ND I' FREEZING'>5,,FP(~INT ~v' -. SPECIFIC GRAVITY (H~O = 1) VAPOR PRESSURE (mm Hg) 0194 ND VAPOR DENSITY (AIR = 1) SOLUBILITY IN H20, % BY WT. · ~ N D LOW % VOLATILES BY VeL.DARK COLORED EVAPORATION RATE (BUTYL ACETATE = 1) LIQUID, HYDROCARBON ODOR ND , 33 APPEARANCE AND ODOR Density @ 20°C: N/A N D PH N/A = Not Applicable N/D = Nol Determined based uOon festa and data believed to be reliable, however, if ~s I~e user's responsibility ~o /nc assume any liablhfy a.sfng out Of use, by others. Of fha product referred to fle~'ein. Nor determine the safety, toxicity, arid auilability for his Own use pi the product described ~$ Ihe mlormafion herein to be consl~uea as absolutely complete since ad(]ltiOnal mlorma. herein. Since the actual use by olhefa Is beyond our control, no guatanlae, expressed of lion may be necessary or desirable when par llCular or exceptional cond~hons or c~rcum. Implie~l. is made by NL Petroleum Services, Inc. as Io the etfecla o¢ such use. fr[e results siances ex,si or because et aDphcable laws or government cegulations. NL Baroid BEST-83 eReaistered Trademark of NL Industries. Inc. PO. Box 1675, Houston, Texas 77251 Printed in U,S,A. BEST Sheet " IV FIRE ~'~ID F~PLOSION DATA FLASH POINT: 156°F PMCC EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: WATER, DRY CHEMICAL FOAM. V HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION CARCINOGENICITY -- NOT ON NTP. IARC OR OSHA LISTS ACUTE ORAL LDso ACUTE DERMAL LDs0 AQUATIC TOXICITY (LCs0) ND ND >100,000 ppm ROUTES OF EXPOSURE AND EFFECTS SURVIVAL OF FISH, SHRIMP, AND CLAMS IN AQUATIC TOXICITY TESTING WAS NOT LOWER THAN 90% to 100%. NO 96 HR LCso USING CONCENTRATIONS UP TO 100,000 ppm CAN BE CALCULATED. INHALATION: NAUSEA, DIZZINESS, HEADACHE SKIN: REPEATED OR PROLONGED EXPOSURE MAY CAUSE SKIN IRRITATION. EYES: MAY CAUSE IRRITATION. EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES SKIN: WASH WITH SOAP AND WATER AFTER CONTACT. EYE: FLUSH WITH RUNNING WATER FOR AT LEAST 15 MINUTES. INHALATION: REMOVE PERSON TO FRESH AIR. INGESTION: DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. GIVE IMMEDIATE'MEDICAL A'FI'ENTION. BEST Shcct VI REACTIVITY DATA CONDITIONS CONTRIBUTING TO INSTABILITY STABLE INCOMPATIBILITY STRONG OXIDIZING AGENTS. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS SHORT CHAIN AMINES, .SHORT CHAIN HYDROCARBONS. CONDITIONS CONTRIBUTING TO HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION WILL NOT OCCUR. VII SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IF MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED CONTAIN AND FLUSH SPILLS WITH WATER. CLEAN UP WITH SAND OR OTHER NONCOMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS. AVOID SPARKS AND FLAME. PLACE IN PROPER CONTAINER FOR WASTE DISPOSAL. NEUTRALIZING CHEMICALS WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD DISPOSE OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL REGULATIONS. VIII INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE CONTROL MEASURES VENTILATION REQUIREMENTS MECHANICAL, SUCH AS FANS. USE LOCAL EXHAUST VENTILATION, WHENEVER VENTILATION IS INSUFFICIENT SPECIFIC PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT RESPIRATORY *' USE A NIOSH APPROVED CHEMICAL CARTRIDGE RESPIRATOR IN CONFINED AREAS. EYE GOGGLES. GLOVES RUBBER GLOVES OTHER CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT EYEWASH, QUICK DRENCH COVERALLS, RUBBER BOOTS. BEST Sheet IX SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS AVOID CONTACT WITH SKIN OR EYES. AVOID SPILLING THE MATERIAL WHERE IT MAY ENTER BODIES OF WATER. OTHER HANDLING AND STORAGE REQUIREMENTS STORE AWAY FROM FLAME SPARKS AND ALL OTHER IGNITION SOURCES. STORE SEPARATE FROM STRONG OXIDIZING MATERIALS. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION PROPER SHIPPING NAME: NA . HAZARD CLASS: NONHAZARDOUS HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE: NA LABELING: NONE REQUIRED PREPARED BY NL Barold DATE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES JULY, 1987