HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATIONBUSINESS/DEAPRTMENT NAME: ADDRESS: PROJECT COMPLETION: DATE: ASSOCIATES INC. Environmental, Geotechnical and Materials Professionals Mark Ruddis Environmental Technician . , 9620 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 203 ~ San Diego, California 92123 858.569.0692 · Fax' 858.569.0695 _~vww. atc- enwro.com ~ ~ ruddis43@ atc- enviro.com February 14, 2003 Mr. Scott Fletcher Excell Excavating P. O. Box 6176 Laguna Niguel, ~2A 92607 RE: Restricted Waste Material Soil Investigation Southwest Comer of Arrow and Bfittan Streets in Bakersfield, CA FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE Dear Mr. Hetcher: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H' Street This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the result of the Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661)326-3941 Soil Sampling Analysis dated lanuary 5, 2003 associated with the restricted waste FAX (661) 395-1349 (soil & water) removal. SUPPRESSION SERVICES Based upon the information provided, this department has determined that 2101 ur' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 appropriate response actions have been completed, that acceptable remediation vOICE (661)326-3941 practices were implemented, and that, at this time, no further investigation, remedial FAX (661) 395-1349 ' or removal action or monitoring is required at the above stated address. PREVENTION SERVICES s,~m s~nc~s.~,v,~..~,~ts[,v=. Nothing in this determination shall constitute or be construed as a 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 : satisfaction or release from liability for any conditions or claims arising as a result of VOICE (661) 326-3979 past, current, or future operations at this location. Nothing in this determination is FAX (661) 326-0576 . intended or shall be construed to limit the fights of any parties with respect to claims PUBLIC EDUCATION arising out of or relating to deposit or disposal at any other location of substances 1715 ChesterAve. removed from the site. Nothing in this determination is intended or shall be Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696. construed to limit or preclude the Regional Water Quality Control Board or any FAX (661) 326.0576 . other agency from taking any further enforcement actions. FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 ChesterAve. This letter does not relieve any responsibilities mandated under the Bakersfield, CA 93301 California Health and Safety Code and California Water Code if existing, additional, VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 or previously unidentified contamination at the site causes Or threatens to cause pollution or nuisance or is found to pose a threat to public health or water quality.. TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VlctorAve. If you have any questions regarding this matter, Please contact me at (661) Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 326-3979. FAX (661) 399-5763 Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Registered Geologist No. 7239 Office of Environmental Services cc: S. Lathrop, Shaw E&I F. Jones S:~USTFORM S\UST. L8 FAX COVER SHEET Phone numbex: 949-233-2789 Fax number: 949-589-7910 E-Mail: vsfletcher~cs.com Send to: Howard NN~ines From: Scott Fletcher Attontion: Date: 01/05/03 Fax Number: 661-326-0576 Phone Number: 661-326-3979 ~2 Urgent r~ Reply ASAP ~ Please comment ~ Please review I-I For your information Total pages, including cover: 6 Comments: Mr. Wines, here are the results of the soil sampling. I will mail you a copy as well. Thank You, Scott Fletcher EXCELL T'd OT6L-68S-6~6 cIO:TI ~0 ~0 uec To~l Pe?oloum Hydroaa~o~ . O. 6. ND ~4~L - Pra~=al ~on N~: AnMyz~ ~ GPA 8~G~ ~ ~C~G ~W~m, . N~:. An~ range Is ~122e ..a~r~ ug ~'uo3 :IG&40 lip LRSF'R3~T ~on~no O,005 T~uene . 0,~5 Efl¥~nze~ 0.~5 ND X~n~ 0.~)5 ND t-Am~ ~thyI ~her (TAME) O,~5 OJ[soprapyI E~ee lO~PEt 0,~5 ND E~y~t-Butyl E~er (~B~) 0,~6 ND Percent Surrogate R~ove~' ! Co TOTAL PET~L~JM HYDrOCARbON5 Total P~ro~um H~ocar~na 0.5 ND N~e: ~ ~t~ ~nst gns~ine. C'd OTG6-GS~-G~G eTO:TT CO gO ueF 0.5 .ND To~ Perm,laura Hydrooe~ . --~Re il~ a~ N~ ~o~d h~ b~ ~ed If pz~t at m abo~ ~he flat~ PGL. ~'d OTOL-GS~-G~6 eEO:TT ~0 ~0 ueF g'd OI6L-68g-6~6 eSO:It 80 ~0 ue~ ~ene O.OQG Xyl~a O, ~ ND t-Amyl Me.vi Ether (TAMEJ t-~utyI Alcohol (T~] 0,0~ ~hVI-;-~u~l ~hez (MTBE) 0.005 ND ~otet Ozygmfl~ ~t ln~udod ~ub~ by, V~Ol R~7 OF AN~I~ ~ULT~ ~ne 0.006 " T~ue~ · O.~S ND E~ylben~en. ~yle~6 O. 005 ND t-Amyl Me. vi E~er (T~MEI 0,~ ~hyl-~-B~l [thm {~TBEI 0.~5 ND ?OT~ PE~O~ HYDP~CAR~ON6 To~l Pe~o~um Hydmca~o~ , '~I~ mo a Per.ne of Fuol N~: Anmyz~ ~ EPA 826D . N~:. AnM~c~ r~ge is G4~1 ~o~t O~yg~es not ~fl~ ~ ~H r~u~. 8.d OT6/._Gec;_6~,6 eE;O:TT E:O ~0 ue[' p1010198.jpg (1280x960x24bjpeg) p1010197.jpg ( 1280x960x24b jpeg) Dec 13 02 Il:ISa 949-589-7910 p.1 FAX COVER SHEET Phone number: 949-7.33-2789 Fax numbc~. 949-589=7910 E-Mail: vsfletcher~cs.com Send to: Howard Wines From: Scott Fletcher Attention: Date: 12/13/02 Fax Number: 661-326-0576 Phone Number: 661-326-3979 rq Urgent ~ Reply ASAP ~1 Please comment ~1 Please review [] For your information Total pages, including cover: 1 Comments: Mr. Wines, I was wondering if you were available this Men. Dec. 16t~ at about 3:00pm for the sampling? I know it's short notice but ATC Associates said they had the opportunity to move up the sampling and it would be great to get it done. If not I understand. The other thing is if you can't do it on Men. 12/16/03 could we possibly move it to Friday Dec. 20th? The time on that would be 8:00-9:00am whichever is better for you. This would be ATC on their way back from other work in Cenlxa[ Calif. I apologize for rescheduling on you, I would really like to get this done. Thanks for your patience and understanding with this matter. Please give me a call when you've had a chance to think about it. Thank You, Scott Fletcher EXCELL November 27, 2002 Mr. Scott Fletcher FIRE CHIEF ,~ON ~R~ZE EXCELL Excavating P:O. Box 6176 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H'Street Laguna Niguel, CA 92607 Bakersfield,CA 93301 FAX: (949) 589-7910 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUP,RESS,O. SERV,C£S RE: Soil Sampling Plan for SW Corner, Arrow St. & Brittan Rd. 2101 "H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 InBakersfield,CA vOICE (661)326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 Dear Mr. Fletcher: PREVENTION SERVICES FI~E SAFET~ SERYICES ° EN~IRONMF. I~N. SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. This is to notify you that the work plan for the above stated Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE(661)326-3979 address is satisfactory. Please give this office 5 working days FAX (661) 326-0576 notice prior to the commencement of work. PUBUC EDUCATION 1715ChesterAv~. Please be advised that any work done that is not performed Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE(661)326-3696 under direct oversight by this office will not be accepted, unless FAX (661) 326-0576 previously approved. FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715ChesterAve. Additionally, be advised that oversight cost for this project ~,ker,,e,~.c^933ol will be billed to you at a rate of $85.00 per hour. VOICE (661)326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 If you have any questions, please call me at (661) 326-3979. TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 S in cerely, VOICE (661) 399-4697 Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Registered Geologist No. 7239 Office of Environmental Services HHW/dc cc: S. Lathrop, Shaw E & I S:~USTFORMS\UST.L3 '.;~ov ~6 0:~ Ol:40p 94B-SOB-?BlO -.~ FAX COVER SHEET Phone number: 949-233=2789 Fax number: 949-589-7910 F~Mail: vsfletcherl~cs.com Send to: Hownrd Wines From: Scott Fletcher Attention: Date: 11/26102 Fax Number: 661-326-0576 Phone Number: 661-326-3979 ~ Urgent I~! Reply ASAP I~1 Please comment I~1 Please review IZI For your information Total pages, including cover: · kC) Comments: Mr. Wines, here is the sample plan and plot plan for the site in Bakersfield. Please let me know if you approve of this plan and if you wish to be present at the time of sampling and we can get that set up. Shelby Lathrop with Shaw E & I mentioned you wanted a sample at the Cai Lowbed location. That area is asphalt that has a dust layer on top. Please advise if sample is needed at that point or 2 samples from Arrow Street location. Thank You, Scott Fletcher EXCELL ~ov 26 02 01:41p 949-589-7910 Sample Pltm for Sampling November 26, 2002 BrJtlan Road t~ Arrow Street and 3900 Buck Oweas Baber~field, CA. Page I November 26, 2002 Mr. Howard Wines Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Avenue-3'a Floor Bakersfield, California 93301 RE: SAMPLE PLAN FOR SURFACE SAMPLES VACANT PROPERTY at ARROW STREET ~ BRITTAN ROAD and CAI, LOWBED YARD at 3900 BUCK OWENS BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Dear Mr. Wines: EXCELL proposes the following sample plan in accordance with your request of November 22, 2002, for surface samples at the above refecenced site. PROPOSED SCOPE OF WORK Purpose The purpose of the work is to determine that no gasoline related impacts have been related to non-hazardous soil cuttings being emptied from 55-gallon steel drums and stockpiled prior to being loaded into an end dump truck. The soil was transported to an appropriate thermal treatment facility as documented by thc Non Hazardrms data forms submitted. Soil Sampling amd Analysis Two soil samples will be analyzed for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, total xylenes and total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-G) by EPA Melhods 8015/8020, and for MTBE and other oxygenates following EPA Method 8260, Soil samples will be collected at 6" to 12" below grade in two separate locations where the soil had been stockpiled (see attached map for stockpile locations). The samples will be collected utilizing 2-inch- diameter by 6-inch-long brass sample tubes. Samples to be submitted for analysis will be sealed with Aluminum foil, capped with plastic caps, taped, labeled, and placed on ice in an insulated container. All soil samples to be analyzed wilI be delivered to a state-certified laboratory for analysis under a legal chain of custody. ~ov 26 02 01:41p 9~9-589-7910 p.3 ~mpte Plan for ~mpling November 26, 2002 BritOn R~md ~ Arrow Street amd 3900 Buck Owens Bak4~rsfietd, CA. Page 2 Reporting Within one day of receipt of laboratory findings from soil analysis that were submitted, copies of laboratory data will be faxed and a hard copy also submitted by mail to the Bakersfield Fire Department. Schedule Sampling will commence aRer approval of this plan by Bakersfield Fire Department. The Bakersfield Fire Department will be notified at least 48 hours in advance of sampling date. Closure Abstract If analytical data indicates no gasoline impact related to thc activity referenced in thc section entitled Proposed Scope of Work on page one, it is anticipated that no further action will be required. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Exceli at (949) :233-2789. Sincerely, Scott Fletcher Project Manager ce: Shelby Lathrop Project Manager Shaw E & I, Inc. Hov 2S O;~ Ol:41p 949-589-'7910 po,~ , Hov 26 132 12: 14p Exce][ Excava~.ing: In,~ 949 249 ;~265 p. 1 Hov 2S 02 01:41p 949-589-?~)10 Sent By: TPS; 760 246 8004; Nov-22-02 6:15PM; Page ~ ~hno~les ~11 R~ycilng ~o~o~ sous C~nsul~ant I~1~ S~THL~ND 2~ SN ~REENGURC~ RD ~UITE 4'7~ P.O. DOX 6176 ~c,.~r, LETON FAX~: A~ ,~,.y~,,~,~g~,~,~., ,,..,,,.,~..~ ,~,...,,~.,,,~_ ~DELANTD~ t:~ ~1 US~ (760) L SCOTT FLE'rc~:~ Ln~UN~ .~U~L. Cn ~a~e7 ~ us~ "*~: ~"'~E~'L~'',~. ~c~r'~ ~ff~r ~,~l~t~ ~f~: ~ ~rt~ ~t ~ sr~ ~ h~ fs ~y ~, C~lk~l T~,v ~ c~ff: = ~n~,lad~ r~p~ ~ t~ ~aa ~'cH~ d~ ~ TPS FACILITY COPY Hov 26 02 01:42p 949-589-7910 p.G Sent By: TPS; 780 240 BO~; Nov-22-02 6:16PM; Page 317 ~S Technol~ies Soil Re.cling AVG I~S HIBISCUS JEFFREY ADEL~TO, CA 9~3~1 USA C760)~46.-8004 ~COTT FLETCHER O- I~ 0 ~( 0 FACILITY' COPY Hov 26 02 01:42p 949-589-7910 p.7 Sent By: TPS; 760 246 8004; Nov-22-02 6:16PM; Page 417 ~S ~hnol~ Soil Re.cling ~azazdou~ PORTLAND, {]N 9'/;~3;~ USA 7$THL~D EXCELL EXCGW~ZNG, );NC. (714) ~R~ TE~PLE'fDN LAGUN~ NZ~U~L, CA 9~607-6176 LJS~ (714} 2q9-~65 10004~ ~O[.ITHL~D ~ 1 ~'75 "EXL ~0~ ~ 19th S'r iV~. TP$ 'T~CHNOLDB 2 ~ (800) 86~-8~ ADEL~NTO~ C~ 9~301 U~A (760) EXCELL EXC~URT INI3 SCOTT FLE7OHER LAO~A NIGUEL, C~ 9~6~-/ ~%~ USA 7EXCELL *'.Y/J. ;:'RO~/ANSAL/R. DlqERl:t TP8 FACILITY COPY Hov 26 02 01:42p 949-588-7910 p.8 ~ 5en't By; TPS; 760 246 6004; Nov-22-02 6:17F~; Page 5/7 TPS Technologies Soil Recycling ~on-['~l,TJ~doue Soils SOUTHLAND PI]RTLAND OR 97233 USA 7~;THLNr., [[XCEEL EXCRVRTING~ INC. (7I~) P.O, ~OX 6176 MRRK TEMPLETON FA~ Cua~mer An~ Nt~t~ ~N T~: L~UN~ NI~EL., CA 9~6~7-6176 USA (714) ~49-~65 SOUTHLAND ~1~93 1~ W JEFFERSON BLeD 'TK~ TEC~NOLO~ I ES ( 1L~2~ HIBISCUS O. i~ g G~ O p~.~,j'~d~£y/.]., i~FiOVP, NSAL/R' DIqE-'RR TPS FACILITY COPY Hov 2S {32 OL:43p 949-589-7910 ~ Se~t By: T~; 760 246 8004; NOV-22-02 6:17PM; P~Oe 6/7 ~S TKhnol~es Soil R~cling N~n-H~a~o~ ~ls PORTLAND~ QR 97~3Z~ US~ 7~THCND EXCELL EXCRV~TZNG, ~NC. P.O- BOX 6176 LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 9~6~7-6176 USA (71~) ADEL~NTOs CR ~381 U~ (76~) ~6-'8~ [ EXE~L EXCRVA'fIN~ SCOTT FLE7C~R CbT 0 ~ ~ 2~-o~ ~ O~ ~ ~- ~ D D~J O ~ion ~ when ~. I~e ~ c~ t~f th~ so~ b ~ing d~ly ~ f~ tM Si~ tatSe Dezt~ Fadlit~ ~thout ~-t~isg. ~dMg to, su~~ ~ in ~ ,.~/~.~ TP$ FACILITY COPY Hey 2S 02 01:43p 949-S89-'7910 Sent ~y: TP~; 760 246 8004; Nov-22-02 6:18PM; Page 7/7 N~a~ou~ ~ HOO~ER BLVD ..... SUITE l~l ~'~ ~ c~= - ' , F~ ~z~ us~ ~'= ~'~t~'~'ff~ T~ ~vllI HAYWARD, C~ ~00 U~A ~,~ TPS TECHNOLOgiES (6~) L~3~8 H~ISCU~ DELLENA JEFFRE~ A~L~NT[I, CA 9~81 USR (76~) $~COTT ~'LETCHER L~UNA NZGUEC~ CA 9~G~7 ~% U~ -/EXCELL 0-1~ O C~ O ~ o ~ 1~.~ ~ ~1 o ~a~rler's ~ f~ Mfl d~c~ d~C a~ ' ~d s~'~l ~ ~ ~n~ de~d in ~aL'tly It~ ~?~Lq=~Y/J. PROUANSFiL/R. I]~RR C, eama~Tra~:~ort from}:. Omtne&addr~ss) ~.,~ ........ Site-Phoae#: BTEX · Levulu · ~er Na~ a~ M¢ilng ~dx~s: . ~er'~ ~ l: Tmn~ott~'s B BA B lO-~ Q Dies~ O Sh~t c~pleted and ~fffi~ ~ me~ ~r t~ ~n~n Site ~ro~ ab~ a~ n~ng ~s ~il ~mt ~uM dt~ it i~J Dan~par~r's certiftcaHon: ' adcra~ledge ~f. the ~t d~n~ [ ~il is ~i~ deH~d in ~tly ~ ~ ~thout ~toadtng, add~g ~, ~ubtracffng ~om or in an1 r to se& ~e. fiov ~2 02 08:~6a 9~9-589-7910 p.5 · . %~ H]BZ~US FROM : CI~L LO~IBED PHONE NO. : 32:3 5Bc34 Nov. 22 2002 01: 2~M P2 ';PS FROM : CRL LDI~IBED PHONE NO. : 323 51!~34 Hov. 22 201~2 Oi:2~PM P3 ~T~ND 1~ SM 6~NgU~ RD SUITE P.O. BQX ~176 ~ ~E~ ~O ~ ..... ,(~ EXC~' EXC~Vn~ ~ ~T F~ETC~R ~ U~ FROM ~ C~L L~B~D ~H~ ~0. ~' 32~ 5~9~ · Nov. ~ 20~ 01~ 3~M ~ LgG~ ~T~, n~ · - , .~ P.O, ~X ~X76 ~ ' ! ' ' ' !~T~ ~ ~=:3 .... u~n .... ,, --- ·"-- ~ T~~ZE~ ~ .. I [~x~ exmv~z~ : ?,~"~/J. PROVi~QI;i~L/R.'DRERR ,."-".. FROM : CAL LOI~BED PHONE NO. : 3~3 5894 Nov. ~2 20B2 OI:3~PM P5 SCOTT FLaTCaR FROM : CAL LOWBED PHONE NO. : 323 5894 Nov, 22 2882 OI:31PM P6 8~nt By: TP$; 760 246 8004; HOv-22-02 18:IOPU; Page 4I~0 TPS PORTLIqND, DR 97~:.t~3 UgH 78THL,Nl) I~X~ EXiTiNG, Z~. t9~ E~T J~ E~UAT ] N~ ~ ~X 6176 :' ...... '"" ' SC~T L~ N~I~_~I. C~ ~ ~X~LL ~ a ~u m.~ NON-CLASSIFIED LABORATORY ANALYSIS CAUTION:', B A K E R S V i ~ ~ HazMatEmerg Spill Re Complaint Haz Mat Incident / Spill Report / Complaint Follow Up Date ~t/E..,/'O~ Time Reporting Party. ~-~ ~ Environmental Services Contact Address Telephone No. ~ 2.7_. 3 ( ~- ( {~ ~'~ Location of the incident ~c ~ ff/~/ ~ ~ Description of the incident ( Chemical name and Quantity ) Responding to Incident ~) N Observations ~--~c~c._ L.~ ~,~& ~o,c_ eo~c~.~&X Special Conditions and / or heal~ risks Haz Mat Team Dispatched Y ~ Van Cellular No. 332-7865 DES Number Requ~ed Y N Number Poss Exposure Victims Medical Attention Required or Obtained Probable Hazardous Waste Clean Up y ~ ~ ~n-C~ ~o~ 9-)~r~ c.J~- Discussion and Disposition Referral ?