HomeMy WebLinkAboutHAZARDOUS WASTE KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPAKTMENT INVESTIGATION RECOI~D DBA ADDHESS ADDRESS OF VIOLATION = A~SESSOI~S ' PAP. eEL # CT SPECIALIST/TECHNICIAN: CHRONOLOGICA~ RECORD OF INVESTIGATION TIME DATE I HR) NARRATIVE . ~ . /1- ~,.,~.. ~ ,I~,~1~ .~,,,~,~ ?,~l'h - £~j ~,~~ :~ ,~ <. ' .~ ,. .. .. , ~.{.Lu. ~..~' , , ~ ~-._ ,, - . · KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTA~. HEALTX DEPARTMENT INVESTIGATION RECORD DD ESS ASSESSORS' PARCEL to! ~-~/~-o/ /~,, F~ , CT CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD OF INVESTIGATION DATE DESCRIPTION TIME KERN COUNTY --- OFFICE FIEMORANDUM TO: Accounting Date: February 1, 1993 FROM: Terry Gray SUBJECT: Closure of work orders WORK ORDER NUMBER: 5028 WORK ORDER NAME: Owens Electric LAST DATE WORK ORDER WAS UTILIZED: February 1, 1993 REASON FOR CLOSURE OF WORK ORDER: Case closed PROGRAM MANAGER State of Califomia---~n~iro~mental Protectiofl Agency .~ .~. F~ Appro~ OMB ~. 20~39 (~r~ 9-3G9~) ~' See Instructions on bac~ ~age 6 .~ Depa~m~ o~ To~k Subst~ Contr, ~ prim or ~. Fo~ de~ ~r ~ ~ el~ (12-~ ~r.~ ~cr~to, Califo~a ~ ' UNI~RMwAsTE MANIF~THA~RDOUS II'~ Ge~r~r's US EPA ID ~.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Manifest ~/~ ........... ~ ~1 ~ 2. Page lof ] is not required by Federal Info~i~ in ~e ~aded ar~l~. 3. ~mr~o~s Name and ~1~ Add~ 1229 ~ale, ~sfield, ~ 93305 5. Tr~mr I ~m~ ~ :: 6. US EPA ID Numar ~.,s ua.~ 0mz . cI aI DI 91 81 °I 7. Tr~s~ffer 2 Com~ N~ 8. US EPA ID Numar 9. ~g~ Facili~ ~ and $i~ Add,~, 10. US EPA ID Numar 11, US ~T D~ripl~n (i~ludln9 P~r Shipping N~m~, Hoz~r~ Clo~, o~d ID Number) 12, Co~aine~ 13, T~t~I No. A ' J J ] I J I [ I I I I III 1~, Sp~iol Handling Inslm~s and Addi~nel Intorm~bn ~ING O~Y ~ ~E~I~ GE~ .~OV~ ~ 8760 IN ~E OF SPI~ CALL 805 322-1685 16. GENERATOR'S CERTIFI~TION: ~ hereby d~lare that the con~,~ of ~e consJg,ment are ful~ a.d accurately described above by proper shipping name a.d are classified, packed, marked, and la~d, and are in afl res~c~ in proper condition for transpo~ by highw~ according Io applicable }ederal, stme and ~ntemafional la~. If I am a large quanti~ ge~r~or, ~ cedi~ ~at I h~e a program ~. p~ace ~o reduce the voJume e.d tox~cJ~ of wasle generated fo ~he degree ~ have de~ermJned to be ~onomical~ prac~ceble and that I have ~lected the prac~cable me,od of treatment, storage, or dispo~l currentJy available to me ~ich mJ.Jmizes the pre~nt and fu~re thre~ to huma, heaJth and ~e enMronme,t; OR, if J am a smaJJ q~a.~ gener~or, J hay. ma~ a good faith effod ~o minimize my waste ge,era~on a,d sel~ the best wast~ management me'od ~ Js avaiJable to me a,d lhat I ca, afford. T 17. Transpo~er 1 Acknowledgement of RKeipt of Materials ~ Printed/Ty~d Name Si~ ' ~ J Momh Da~ Yea~ o 18. Tronspoder 2 AcknowledRe~nf of R~eipt of ~ Prlnfed/Ty~d Nom~ 51uno~ro ~ ~onth D~ Yeor · · 19. ~repan~ Indic~ion Sp~e F A C I L I 20. Facili~ ~ner or Operator Ce~flcation of receipt of hazard,s materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 19. T Printed/Ty~d Name J Signa~re Mon~ ~ Year Blue: GENERATOR SENDS THIS COPY TO DISC WITHIN 30 DAYS. DISC 8022A (12/91) To: P.O. Box 400, Sacramento, CA 95812-04~ EPA 87~22 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S. ~ 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 DIRECTOR V) Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 (805) 861-3429 FAX December 10, 1992 Owens Auto Electric 1229 Beale Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93305 Attention: Mr. Arnold Goodwin SUBJECT: HAZARDOUS WASTE VIOLATIONS LOCATED AT 1229 BEALE AVENUE, BAKERSFIELD, CA NOTICE OF VIOLATIONS Dear Mr. Goodwin: On August 19, 1991, an inspection was conducted at the facility noted above. Az a result of that inspection, violations of hazardous waste regulations and statutes were identified. Specific violations are listed below. VIOLATIONS It has been determined that the facility is in violation of the following regulations and statutes cited below: 1. The facility is in violation of California Health and Safety Code, Division 20, Chapter 6.5, ' Section 25250.5. "Disposal of used oil by deposit on land is prohibited" Waste oil has been disposed of to the ground in violation of the above statute. 2. The facility is in violation of California Health and Safety Code, Article 8, Chapter 6.5, Division 20, Section 25189.5(a)(d). "The disposal of any hazardous waste, or the causing thereof is prohibited when the disposal is at a facility_ which does not have a permit from the department issued pursuant to this chapter." "Any person who knowingly treats or stores any hazardous wastes at a facility which does not have a permit from the department issued pursuant to this chapter." January 15, 1993 Owens Auto Electric 1229 Beale Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93305 Attention Arnold Goodwin SUBJECT: HAZARDOUS WASTE VIOLATIONS LOCATED AT 1229 BEALE AVENUE, BAKERSFIELD CA. Dear Mr. Goodwin: A Notice of Violation was mailed on December 10, 1992, directing you to correct violations of hazardous waste regulations and statutes located at the site noted above. Our records indicate that compliance has not been obtained. In an attempt to reach a mutually agreeable resolution to this matter, an administrative hearing has been scheduled. Please appear at the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department, 2700 "M" Street, Bakersfield California. In the event the date listed below is not convenient, please inform this office immediately so that another date may be scheduled. Date: /i/2~J~ Time: ~ ~(2) ~ w-- We encourage you to be present so this matter may be resolved without further legal action. Sincerely, Steve Mc Calley, Director By: Terry L. Gray Hazardous Materials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program (0WEN.HEA) Bear Mt. Auto Repair Subject: Hazardous Waste Violations December 10, 1992 Page 2 It was determined during the inspection that waste oil was stored on site in exceedence of the 90 days storage requirements for small quantity generators. 3. The facility is in violation of California Code of Regulations, Chapter 30, Title 22, Section 66262.34(0(1)(2)(3)(A)(B)(C). ~Generators who accumulate hazardous waste on site without a permit or _grant of interinl status shall comply with the following requiremerlts; the da~e upon which each period of accumulation be_tins shall be clearly marked and visible for inspection on each' container and portable tank; the date the 90 day period begins, for purposes of Subsection (a) and (b} of this Section, shall be clearly marked and visible for inspection on each container and tank. All containers and portable tanks shall be labeled with the following information: The composition and physical state of the wastes, statement or statements which call attention to the particular hazardous properties of the wastes (e.g, flammable, reactive, etc.} and the name of the person producin_e the wastes." It was determined during the inspection that none of the containers storing waste were labeled in accordance with the above requirements. The facility is in violation of California Code Regulations, chapter 30, Title 22, Section 66262.12(a). "A generator shall not treat, store, dispose of, or offer for transportation, hazardous waste without having received an Identification Number." The operator of the facility did not possess an Identification Number. 5. The facility is in violation of California Code of Regulations, Chapter 30, Title 22, Section 66264.173. "A container holding hazardous waste shall always be closed during transfer and storage, except when it is necessary_ to add or remove waste." It was observed during the inspection that containers storing waste oil were open. 7. The facility is in violation of California Code of Regulations, Chapter 16, Title 22, Section 66266.130 (c)(3). "In accordance with subsection (a) of this section, used oil filters must meet the conditions of subsection (b) of this section and are managed and recycled in compliance with the following requirements shall not be managed as a hazardous waste." Owerl~r Auto Electric Subject: Hazardous Waste Violations December 10, 1992 Page 3 '~rhe drained used oil filters must be accumulated, stored, and transferred in a closed, rainproof container that is capable of containing any used oil that may separate from the filters placed inside. Containers shall be labeled as drained used oil filters and show initial date of accumulation or receipt on each container of filters." It was determined during the inspection that none of the containers storing used oil filters were labeled in accordance with the above requirements. ORDER TO CORRECT Upon receipt of this letter, the facility owners or operator must correct all deficiencies noted in this Notice of Violation within thirty (30) days, and submit to the Department written documentation that all violations have been corrected. Failure to comply with order will result in legal action being initiated. In accordance with Kem County Ordinance Code G-5541, Section 8.04.100 the Department is authorized to charge for inspections, review of reports, laboratory service costs and any other costs incurred in the process of obtaining compliance with any violations noted. Be advised that you will be billed at the rate of $80.00 per hour for time spent to date as well as future oversight costs incurred during the abatement of these violations. If we may be of further assistance to you, please contact this Department at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director By: T/erry L. Gray Hazardous Materials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program TLG:cas (OWENS4.LET) ESOcJRCE MANAGEMENI AGENCY  Environmental Health ~ ~nt tANDA~ L. ~BO~ s~ McCa; ~ ~Y, R~S, DIRECTOR DIRECTOR ~i, Pollut~ Control D~t6ct DASD PRICE Iii ~ 8' RODDY, ~CO ~IST~T D~CTOR ~ing & D~ebpment Se~ces ~ament ~ 8~. ~CP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT March 9, 1992 Mr. Arnold Goodwin OWENS AUTO ELECTRIC 1229 Beale Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 SUBJECT: Lead contaminated soil at Owens Auto Electric, located at 1229 Beale Street, Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. Goodwin: The results of the soil samples retrieved on October 17, 1991, by B.C. Laboratories at the address noted above have been received by this office. Our review of the soluble threshold limit concentration (STLC) soil sample results has determined that the hazardous waste toxicity criteria has been exceeded. The soil must now be managed in accordance with State hazardous waste regulations. All waste characterization, profiling and transportation of the contaminated soil to a disposal site must be completed within ninety days of receipt of this notice. Please provide this office with the completed uniform hazardous waste manifest used by the licensed hazardous waste hauler that transports your waste to a hazardous waste facility. Upon receipt of the manifest copy, a reinspection will be made to verify compliance. If you have any questions regarding this order, you may contact me at (805) 861-3636, extension 582. Sincerely, Terry L. Gray Hazardous Materials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program TG:jg Certified Number: P 767 340 703 cc: Department of Toxic Substances Control ...... · ,,, e-,-t,,~,:-r cT .~-~ ~nn RAI<VR.~VIEI.D. CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 OWENS AUTO ELECTRIC Date Reported: 01/08/92 1.229 BEALE AVE. Date ~eceived: 12/06/91 BAK~RSFI~.LD, CA 93305 Laboratory No.: 12892-1ADD'N Attn.; A/%NOLD GOODWIN 808-~22-1685 WET TES_~ ~XTRACT CO~TAMIIEANTS ~%NALYZED ACCORDING TO TITLE 22, ~TICLE 11, CALIFORi~IA CODE OF R~GULATIONS FOR HAZARDOUS WASTE .DETERMINATION (STLC} Sample Description: OWENS AUTO ~.LECTRIC CO/4P. SAMPLE, SD/~PLED 12-6-91 · 8:30 AM ~¥ C. NICHOLS Regulatory Sem~le Results Method Criteria Constituents ...mq/liter.__ ~ Method .... STLC , Le&d ?.6 0.5 SW-6010 5.0 Comment: All metals reported above are in mg/llter on a filtrate basis (STLC). These results are based on extracting sample according to Title 22, A~-tlcle 11, California AcL~inistrative Code using a 48-hour citric acid {delonized water for hexavalent Chromium) extraction. P.Q.L. ~ Practical Quantitation Limit (refers tO the least amount of analyte detectable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed. N.D. = None Detected (If constituent is present i= would be less than Che method P.Q.L. listed to the right. STLC = Soluble Threshold Limi~ Concen=ratlon REFERENCES: SW = "Test ~.e=hods for Evalua=in9 Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", SW 846, September, 1986. Department Supervl sot RESOURCE MANAGEMEN'! AGI:.NCY  Environmental Health Services Department RANDALL L. ABBOTT STEVE McC.A! i ~=Y, REHS, DIRECTOR DIRECTOR Air Pollution Control Distdct DAVID PRICE !11 W~UdAM J. RODD¥, APCO ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Planning & Development Services Department TED JAMES, AICP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT January28, 1992 Arnold Goodwin Owens Auto Electric 1229 Beale Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93305 Dear Mr. Goodwin: It has come to the attention of this Department that an inspection has been conducted at the facility located at 1229 Beale Avenue~ Bakersfield~ California. The intent of this letter is to notify you that any future oversight performed by this Department will result in costs being incurred by the responsible party. In accordance with Kern County Ordinance Code G-5541, Section 8.04.100, the Department is authorized to charge $65.00 per hour for time required to obtain abatement of violations noted during an inspection. The types of costs which may be incurred include time required for reinspections, review of reports, and laboratory services. An invoice detailing all oversight work charged will be sent to you on a monthly basis;' Should you have any questions regarding our cost recovery policy, I may be contacted at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Terry Gray Hazardous Materials Inspector I Hazardous Materials Management Program TG:cas ~il~currcd.cos ,-)-Tr~ ,,nh,, Q'n~)T:T::'T' C:TIT'rl: qcu~ I~,Ai~';:I:;)c,T:TP'T ~ t-'bi TI=(")RN]I,~ Q'~R('I1 (la,0fi~ 7. R0~ _ 01,0L19 J?:O~ NO, l? R, 1 E~WI~7ONHEN?AL LABORATORIES, INC. PET~O~E~ J' J' EGUN, REG, CHEM. ENGR, 41~ AT~S CT:, B&KERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 9~ PHONE (805) 3274911 F~ (~ 327-1648 FACSIMILE TRANSMISSSION COVER SHEET BC LJ%BORATORIES, INC. FAX NI/MBERS: (805) 327-1918 (805). 322-5444 COMMENTS: ' NUMBER OF PAGES 3~ ' " (including cover sheet): ANY PROBLEM WITH TRANSMISSION, PLEASE CALL: (805) 327-4911 EXT. 232 Transmitted by: ,~ ,~ FRO~ ~- 01,?~ 1 17:04 NO,17P, 2 LA B O R ATO R I E S, ! N C. ~'7'.~/,g~/M ,I, J. E~UN, REG, CHEM. 41~ AT~S CT., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93~ PHONE (~ 3~11 F~ (~ 327,1918 O~NS A~0 E~CTRIC Date ReDorted: 12/23/91 Page 1 1229 B~ A~. Date Received: 12/06/91 B~RSFIE~, ~ 93305 L~orato~ No.: 12892-1 Attn.: ~O~ ~DWIN 805-~22-1685 : S~ple Description: * O~NS A~O ~LE~R~C CO~. S~L~, S~n~D 12-6-91% 8:30 ~ ~Y C. NZCHOLS (Title 22, Artlcle 11, Califo~ia Code of Re~lattons) Re~laco~ Criteria Method STLC ~LC Const~tuentE S~ole Result~ Units ~ ~etho~ _ m~/~ m~/k.~ ~sentc 11. m~/k9 1.0 SW- 7060 .. 5.0 500. Ca~i~ 1.7 mg/k~ 1.0 SW- 6010 1.0 100, Chromi~ 24, mg/k9 1.0 SW- 60t0 560. 2500, Lead 89. m9/kq 5.0 SW- 6010 ,5.0 1000. ~X None Detected m~/k9 20. SW-9020 Comment Ail ' ' constituents reported above are in mg/k~ (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet)~samDle basis. Resul=s reported represent to=als (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. P.Q.L. ~ Practical Quanti'tation Limit (refers to the least amount of'analyte detectable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed. N.D. = None Detected (Constituent, if present, would be less than the method P.Q.L.) STLC ~ Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration ' TTLC ~ Total Threshold Limit Concentration SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods" Sw 846, September, 198~. ' Department SuDerwisor LABORATORIES, INC. i~ETROLEU~ J, d. F-.GLIN, REG. CHEM. INGR. 4100 ATLAS CT., BAK£RSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE (805) 327'4911 FAX (~05) 327.~918 ~CBAnalysis OWENS AUTO ELECTRIC Date Of 1229 BEALE AVE. Report: 12/11/~1 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93305 Lab #: 1~892-1 Attn.: A~OLD GOODWI~ 805-322-1685 Sample Description: OWENS AUTO ELECTRIC COM~. SABLE, SAMPLED 12~6-91 @ 8:30 A~ BY C, NICHOLS Test Method: EPA Method 8080 S~ple Matrix: Soil Date Sample Date Sample Date An&lysis Collected: Received ~ Lab: Completed: z2/o~/~ ~2/o~/9z z2/zOl~z Minimum . Analysis Repo~tin~ Reporting Constituents ~esu. lcs ~ ~_Uni~s _ Level__ PCB-1016 None Detected mg/k~ 0.2 PCB-1221 None Detected mD/kg 0.2 PCBoI2~2 None Detected mg/k~ 0.2 PC~-12~2 ~one De=ec~ed mD/kg 0.2 PCB.124~ None Detected mD/kg 0.2 PCB-1254 None Detected m~/kg 0.2 PC~~1260 None Detected mD/kg 0.2 Total PCB's (S~mma~ion) None Detected mD/kg 0.2 California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~1186 Department Supervisor -AGcNCY RESOURCE MANAGEMEN · '  Envbonmental Health ,Sen~ces Department RANDALL L. ABBOTT STEVE McC~ ~ ~'V, roms, ~m~CTO~ DIRECTOR ~u~ Po~u~o~ Contm~ ~ DAVID PRICE [] W~UAM J. RODDY, APCO ASSISTANT DIRECTOR l~anning & Deployment Se~c~ D~l~,tment TED JAMES, AlCP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT November 25, 1991 Mr. Arnold Goodwin OWENS AUTO ELECTRIC 1229 Beale Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93305 SUBJECT: Notice to Sample Waste Oil Contamination Located at 1229 Beale Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. Goodwin: A notice was mailed to you on October 3, 1991, directing you to excavate waste oil contaminated soil at the address noted above, to have the soil sampled and analyzed by a certified hazardous waste laboratory within thirty (30) days. To date compliance has not been forthcoming. In order to avoid legal action you must comply with the original order dated October 2, 1991, within ten (10) days of receipt of.this letter. At the same time, you must supply to this office copies of all receipts of waste oil pick-ups by recyclers for the past twelve (12) months. If you have any questions, you may contact me at (805) 861'- 3636, extension 582. Sincerely, Terry L. Gray Hazardous Materials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program TLG:jg cc: Department of Toxic Substances Control 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY  Environmemai Health Services Depamnent RANDALL L. ABBOTT ST~X,E ~cC_~ ~ ~'Y, m~s. ~ac'ro~ DIRECTOR ~ ~o~o~ con~ D~ DAVID PRICE [] ~ J' ~ooov, ~a, co ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Planning ,e, Development Se~ices Department TED JAMES, AICP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT October 2, 199.1 Mr. Arnold Goodwin OWENS AUTO ELECTRIC 1229 Beale Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93305 SUBJECT: Waste Oil Contamination at Owens Auto Electric Located at 1229 Beale Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. Goodwin: An investigation was performed at the address noted above on August 19, 1991. During'that inspection, it was noted that what appears to be waste oil has been disposed of to the ground. It is a violation of the California Health and Safety Code, (Article 13, Chapter 6.5, Division 20, Section 25250.5), for waste oil to be disposed of in this manner. The discolored soil was noted in the yard adjacent to the south fence. In addition, there are several 55 gallon drums and 5 gallon pails with waste oil in them. To determine if the contaminated soil will be classifiedas a hazardous waste, sampling and laboratory analyses must be accomplished. Within 30 days of receipt of this letter, you are to excavate all visibly contaminated soil, place the soil onto plastic sheeting and cover it securely. A representative sample(s) must be collected and analyzed by a State certified hazardous waste laboratory for the following constituents: lead, arsenic, chromium, cadmium, total halogens, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB's). This office is to be contacted 48 hours prior to any sampling. If laboratory analyses prove to exceed State action levels, remediation must also take place within thirty (30) days of receipt of the test results. A copy of all laboratory results received are to be forwarded to this office. You must acquire an EPA generator number to dispose of a hazardous waste. You may obtain an EPA number by contacting the Department of Toxic Substances Control at (916) 324-1781. 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 Mr. Arnold Goodwin' Page Two October 2, 1991 The waste oil currently on the site must be picked up by a licensed waste oil hauler for recycling. A copy of the receipt evidencing proper disposal must be sent to this office. All Federal, State and local regulations for storage and disposal of hazardous wastes generated at the site must be followed in the future. Enclosed is a flier describing some of the regulations covering, the automotive repair business. If you have any questions, you may contact me at (805) 861- 3636, extension 582. Sincerely, T~rry L. Gray ~' Hazardous Materials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program TG:jg PRGE 93~ · '~ 011-210-13-00-7C RTLIqNTTC RTCHFTEL0 C0 -. 6113-0016-- '" 001-003 ~ I ~,I~..F O J ,, .... 197,47Z ........ "89251 '"8~1 $ "' ' ' " ~' ~020 I~ .~ SI~ ~:)UTH FL0kIER ST 04/1~/88 ~- · - LOS I:tNGELES CR ~0071 - -- ~'~ '" - sis S0uT,~ n.c~R ST ..... '.2 LOS t:IHGELES CFI 90071 , ~' 1~70472 197047Z -- ,.., I~-~0! BE:fiLE RVE 'B,qI<:ERSF]ELD " " ...... 0000 ," 027 '-.. 000 ', roT~qTL~:? "'. 001-003 .=. ! IJ~LF O J ,,, S270-1S76-, 90187 " 87260 . r; ..., - -- -- 10100 871~7 ..~ 12~ BEt~L.£ ~ 10/31/81 -- ,- B.C:~ I ELD CR 9330'~ ........ ~ - 1229 BE~LE ~ ..... IL,:tKER<~CXELD CR 93304 '~KE <. 9,~87 9,187-' -- ,,, 1209 BEPLE five RGFXELD " '"' .... ,, 16 ,' 27 -- K~:RN., .q(:TIVE I  iql~'~lLO G & El)DINE R -' ~$00-12~+9- '" 011-210-11-00-3C GOODI~D,I · ', 001-003 -- I ., -- 21.087 ,. S32rJ1 - S ~. ' 10/31/62 ~- -- ;~0~0 83061 17.2~ BEPLE ~ ,,,, B~CEI~-~F I ELD C~t 9330~ ,. - " - 122~ BERLE ~ ' .... '"' ILqKERSFIELD C~ 9330~ .~ -, 26,9'~3 26,9~3 -- . ,', 1223 BE~ILE ~ I:.r, ERSFIELD "' ...... 0000 0" 02,7 "- 000 .' t:IC.I'IVl~ 1 · ..,'01S-210-16-00-&C Iql'LJqNTIC R~CHFIF'LD CO - 6113-0016-- '" .-- 001-003 ,,- I ~ & T TP.X ~ SSa 05526 .', -- 3r~,337 -- 459, T44 ~ ,, 8920~ - $ '~ ' 04/15/88 -.. '~' - 230~,0 ~0178 ~, P 0 eL~X .. LOS FetGELES clq ~00~1 ,' ' 36,G93 .-' '- " =, P 0 BOX Z~*81 ......... LOS I:etGELES CFI 90051 ,, '~' 8r>1,97~+ 8r~I,97~ ,.., -', 910 MONTE~Y ST BRI~EI~aFIELD ~' ""' ...... PTa .- 27 "- KERN ., nCTIVE ~ 01S-210-17-00-~C RTLIqNTIC RICHFIELD CO -. 6113-001~-- "" ,, 00000 ' r; ,.., - -- -- 820~0 ..o.. $1 $ SOUTH FL0e~R ST 0'+/1 r:/88 ~- .~. LOS ~'a~LEC'j Clq .°0071 ,' ' ,.. 51~ SOUTH FLOI~R rot LOS IqNGEL£S C~ ~)071 " ,o, ,... '- 100~ IHT I~ "' "' ... 011-22'0-01-00-r:C HP. LL ~BULP. NCE SiR'VICE IH<: -. 4871~-0608 .... .- 001-003 ~' 1 ..... 8,~90 ,' 00000 '" ~ "' ' -- 3'9c~7 ~ 10190 78228 ..o.. 1001 21roT roT 01/31/7~ o.. ... B~(EI~SF IELD CA ~330t ,r -, 1001 2troT rot BR~EI~roF IELO CFi ~3301 ,',--. 12,~? I~o~7 ~ ..... 100! HILEro rot BRKE~roFIELD .~ ..... ~ 0000 ," 028 ~'. 000 - ~CTIVE 1 '" 01~-200-16-00~3C GHO~I FARID '- 6176-,1147 "001-003 .~. 1 ,', ,- 7.349 '-" ...... 0000 .- 006 -- 00000 - ~Tl~ -- 01S-200-17-00-(C ~RZ~ B~ILI0 ~ I L~IA M -- ~-1731 .... ~IELD CA 93~S ,. ~ ~2,81~ ~2.81~ ~ -- ~0 NILES ST B~FIELD - " ...... 0000 .- 00& -- 00000 - ~TI~ ~ 01~-~0-18-00-~ ~Z F~ L -- ~7-1~ ~ 001-003 ~ I ~ ~ 6,~13 ....... - 0~ ~ ~ 1311 ~E ~ 10/o2/8~ ~ - 1311 BEdE ~ B~IELD Cfi ~3~ .-- ~ 71,~7 71,~7 ...... 0000 .- 006 -- 00000 ~ ~TI~ ~ 01S-~O-I~O0-~ ~O~ ~BERT S & P~I~ R ..... = 001-003 ~ t ~ -- 9,39S - 00000 - 5 ~ - -- 1B, 102 -- - 0~0 ~ ~ I~S ~TR VISTa ~ OOxO0~O0 ~ - I~S ~TM VISTa ~ ~IELD CR 93~ ,' ~ 27.497 27.497 .... ., 0000 .- O0& -- 00000 - · - 001-003 ~ I ., ~ %~1g ....... - 00000 . S ~ - -- 7,4~ ~ · .. B~IELD CR 93~5 -, I60~ ~TR VI~TR ~ ~FIELD CR 9330~ .' ~ 1 ! ,B72 11,872 ...... ........ 0000 ,- OOG -- 00000 - ~TIVE -- 01~-210-01-0C-~ ~IN ~D O & EDDI~ R - ~500-1~ F+0~ ~201 ~ 12~ BEdE A~ t0/3t/82 .... ... B~E~FIELD CR 9330~ ......... -, 12~ BEdE AVE ............ BAKERSFIELD CR ~330~ ..... 32,800 32,800 ~ .- 1229 ~ALE AVE BAKERSFIELD - ~ ...... 0000 ," 027 .... 000 '- ~IIVE · ' m m PAGE KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HF~'ET~....,..~ SERVICES DEPARTMENT SERVICE AND COMPLAINT FORM O~ ~. at~)-'O / ~ oate.:.~.....-..~......~i/'....':..~....~.. ............ T'm.'. ...................... ,.o~o,,o. ..... /~.~.. ....... ~...._..~~ ........ ~ ..................................................... ~,,~_~....£..<.... ...... ~.~..~~ ......... ~,, ~,,o,~.... ~ ...... ~,~.._ ..~:/~ .&. _~ ~ ~_ ........................................................................ ~ .~.: ./. ~.. ~..:.~ ............................. ~eportlng Person ................................................................. Address .............................................................................. Phone ............................. ~roperty Owner ......................................................... Address .......................................................................... Phone ............................. Taken t)y ' : ..................... ~nvironm;~ntal Health 580 4] :[3 2029 ( Rev. 9/~