HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN nspector's Comments): -OFFIC~A~ USE ONLY- BAKERSFIELD CII"Y FIRE DEPARTMENT R E C E I V E D 2150 "G" STREET BA~<ERS~'IELD, CA 9330Z J U L 2 O 1987 (805) 326-3979 ' OFFICIAL USE ONLY HAZARDOUS MATERI ALS BUSINESS PLAN AS A WHOLE FORM 2A INSTRUCTIONS: ~ ~ C E I V E 0 1, To avoid further action, return this form by 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. ~8~ 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. ' ........... 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA A. BUSINESS NAME: S. SA~.OMON P!~gL~ C0~T~UC;I0~ B. LOCATION / STREET ADDRESS: ~ Eerie T~r~ac~ CITY: ~ckers~i~gd ZIP: ~3~9 BUS.PHONE: ( ~C5 ) ~32-9222 SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFiCaTIONS In case of ah'e~ergend~ inyolving the release or threatened release of a hazardous mater,iai, cal'l 911~and 1-800-852-7550 or 1-916-42~-4341. This will notify your local fi~e department and the State Office of Emergency Services as required by law. EMPLOYEES TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF E~ERGENCY: NAME AND TITLE DURING BUS. HRS. AFTER BUS. HRS. A.Servin.Sc~omon, Owner Ph# 832-9222 Ph# 831-8625 B.Samm~' S~omon, Manager Ph# 832-9222 Ph# 834-5549 SECTION 3: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS FOR BUSINESS AS A IGIOLE A. NAT. GAS/PROPANE: On S. w¢~Eljc~t o~,N~ corner of Bldg. B. ELECTRICAL: Center o{ S wall on Bldg. #I C. WATER: Center o~ N property,' line on S side o/ block D. SPECIAL: sAc~-o~s ~or C~oline put, ps on E waf~ of Bldg,, #2 on $ E. LOCK BOX: YES / ?~ IF YES, LOCATION: IF YES, DOES IT CONTAIN SITE PLANS? YES / NO MSDSS? YES / NO FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO KEYS? YES / NO 2A - SECTION 4: PRIVATE RESPONSE TEAI~I FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE O/e wotu~.d build a dike ~ound any spill to contain it and then excavate and reprove co~t~,~inated .soil. The company has the equipment to complete thi~ job. SECTION $: LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE FOR YOUR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE ('J~h the victum wx~h water and then ~a~port to Olhite Lane Medical Cent~. SECTION 6: E~PLOYEE TRAINING EMPLOYERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A PROGRAM WHICH PROVIDES EMPLOYEES WITH INITIAL AND REFRESHER TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS. CIRCLE YES OR NO INITIAL REFRESHER A. METHODS FOR SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS:...- .................................... (~ NO (~ NO B. PROCEDURES FOR COORDINATING ACTIVITIES WITH RESPONSE AGENCIES: .......................... ~ NO ~ NO C. PROPER USE OF SAFETY EQUIPMENT: .................. NO NO D. EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES: ................. ~.F.~N~_0 NO E, DO YOU MAINTAIN EMPLOYEE TRAINING RECORDS: ....... YES N~ YES N~ SECTION 7: HAZARDOUS ~ATERIAL CIRCLE YES OR NO DOES YOUR BUSINESS HANDLE HAZARDOUS ~4TERIAL IN QUANTITIES LESS THAN.500 POUND.~S OF A SOLID, 55 GALLONS OF A LIQUID, OR 2OO CUBIC FEET OF A COMPRESSED GAS .......Y~ NO I, Servin Salomon , certify that the above information is accurate. I understand that this information will be used to fulfill my firm's obligations under the new California Health and Safety code on Hazardous Materials (Div. ~0 Chapter Sec. M5500 Et Al.) and that inaccurate information constitutes perjury. SIGNAT~U TITLE Owner DANTE 7/16/87 BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 OFFICIAL USE ONLY ID# BUSINESS NAME: BUSINESS PLAN SINGLE FACILITY UNIT FORM 3A INSTRUCTIONS 1. To avoid further action, this form mtlst be retul-ned by: 2. TYPE/PRINT YOUR ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answel' the questions belo~ for THE FACILITY UNIT LISTED EEl, OW 4. Be as BRIEF and CONCISE as possible. FACILITY UNIT# ; FACILITY UNIT NAME: SECTION 1: MITIGATION, PREVENTION, ABATEMENT PROCEDURES Instruction on the use of safety rules and proceedures. The company will maintain the storage containers, hoses and equipment in good operating condition. SECTION 2: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES AT THIS U?~IT ONLY Everyone would be conta~ed personally. Evacuation for the office would be from the door on the NE corner of building #I. Once outside travel north to the street. Evactuation for the house would be the door on the north side of building #I and then~to the street. SECTION 3: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS FOR THIS UNIT ONLY A. Does this Fac!ltt¥ Unit contain ltazardous Materials? ...... ~0 If YES, see B. If NO, cont,.hue with SECTION 4. B. Are ang of the hazardous materials a bona fide Trade Secret YES {~ If No, complete a separate hazardous materials inventory form marked: NON-TRADE SECRETS ONLY (white form ~4A-1) If Yes, complete a hazardous materials inventory form marked: TRADE SECRETS ONLY (yellow form ~4A~2) in addition ta the non-trade ( secret form. List only the trade secrets on form 4A-2. SECTION 4: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION We have a fi~e extingusher attached to the wall by the gasoline pumps. There is a~o a water ho~e on each side of the storage tan~s. All company vehciles carry a fire extingusher. SECTION 5: LOCATION OF WATER SUPPLY FOR USE BY EMERGENCY RE,PONDERS SECTION 6: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS AT THIS UNIT 0NLY. A. NAT. GAS/PROPANE] On S wall just off NW corner of Bldg. B. ELECTRICAL: Center of S wall on Bldg. C. WATER: Center of N property line on S side of Block Wall D. SPEC [AL: None E. LOCK BOX: YES /O IF YES, LOCATION: IF YES, SITE PLANS? YES / NO MSDSs? YES / NO FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO KEYS? YES / ~ SB - BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT I.D. # FORM 4A-1 Page NON--TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS MATERI ALS INVENTORY BUSINESS NAME: S,. SALOM0~I PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION OWNER NAME: Se~.vx'_n Sa£_omo~, FACILITY UNIT #: ? ADDRESS: 3231 B~le Te~raca ADDRESS: 617 N. El Rio Driu~ FACILITY UNIT NAME: CITY, ZIP: Bake~ie~d, CA 9330~" CITY,ZIP: Bakp~fge.ld: CA 9.~309 PHONE ~: 832-9222 PHONE ~': 831-8625 O'FFICIAL USE CFIRS COOE ONLY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TYPE ~AX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS · BY HAZARD D.O.T CODE A~OUNT A~OUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT ~T. CHEMICAL OR COMMON NAME CODE GUIDE  P 500 20 500 G~ 01 19 , SBiHg.Of SE#~corn~ o~ 100 Ge~oline No Lead /[~ ~ FLL.~.  S o~ SW corn~ o~ 500 7,400 G~ 01 19 Bl~. ~2 100 G~olin~. Reg~ar / ] ~ ~ FLLO W o~ W w~ o~ Bldg. P 1000 41,000 G~ 02 19 ~2" 100 Dies~ /~ CML~ ~ In S storage ~oom of P 330 6,600 G~ 06 26 Bldg. ~2 100 O~ ~~ CMl Q  C~nt~ of S w~ ~f 0~ W 55 6,600 G~ 40 NA~E T~ Cannad~ TITLE: Sa~y En~ine~ SIGNATURE: OATE: 7/16/87 E~ERGENCY CONTACT: Sc~m~ Sc~omo~ TITLE: Manage. PHONE ~ BUS HOURS: 832-92~2 AFTER BUS BRS: 834-55~9 ~.HE~GENCY CONTACT: S~vi~q Si~o~o~z TITLE: 0wne~ . PHONE ~ BUS HOURS: 83,g-9~ '~RINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: Pip~ine Coast~(.c~io~q AFTER BUS ~RS: 831-8625 April 3~ 1990 TOt Nina Mayer~ Aooounts Receivable FROM: Ralph E. Huey~ Hazardous Materials Coordinator SUBJECT: S Salomon Pipeline Nina~ account # HM 386101 should have the previous balance of $150.00 voided. This company is in the county~ we should never of had them in our files. Please void the balance and close this a~ount. Thanks RETURN PAYMENTS TO: PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ~4A~:¥'~L~ ~,~r~[~t &L$ L~[ ~ [~ ~.o. ~ox ~os7 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD, CA 93303-2057 ACCOUNT NO. ~C; 'g~61~t~ RETURN THIS COPY WITH.PAYMENT INQUIRIES CONCERNING THIS BILL, PLEASE P~ONE: " MUST RETUR~ COPY .WIT~. PAYMENT . RETURN PAYMENTS TO: ,' ~ PLEASE/~KE CHECKS ~AYAEILE TO: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ': h.~, ,~ :~ ~'"" " P.O. BOX 2057 ~ - CITY~ OF BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD, CA 93303-2057 ACCOUNT NO. ~4:'~~ .~;f1'~?. ~ " ,' . INQUIRIES CONCERNING THIS BILL, PLEASE PHONE: T~?~~ ~? ; ' ~,..:,~ ...... ~<'[ /X S. Salomon Pipeline Construction ~,.., .. State.` License No. 1 78819 {1~' Belle Terrace ~"' iERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93307 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD P. O. Box 2057 Bakersfield, CA 93303-2057 lhh,,,Ih,,ll,lh,,,,lli,,hllh,,,I,l,l,,,Ih,.hl SEPTEMBE DEAR HR N£;V.[CE OF VIOLATION ~ND ~CIIEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE IN TIlE INSPECTION OF'JYOUR BUSINESS "S, 'SALOMON PIPELINE COt.~3'I'., LOC. ATED AT 3~31 BELL TERRACE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 ON s}.~. I 28T. THE FOBhOWI~O H~ZARDO~S . HATERI~BS REGUBATION VJ~LATIONS WERE IDENTIFIED:. .~. I I (':t)HPI2ESSEI) GA9 cYLINDERS NOT PROPERLY CHA]NEI).~ VIOLATIONS,OF UFC 74. 107 (a.) Genera1. ~11 comvre~sed gas cyl.~nders service or in storage shall be adequa~'ely secured pr'event falling' or,:}being knocked over'; EXCEPTIONS: {1) COmpressed gas cylinders I:he process of. examS, naLion, servteitt.g and refilling are exempt' from this section. (2} ~edieal gas cylinders may be stored and ~ed in th:e horizon[al position in accordance with ha[ionallyi' recognized standards.-. 2) DRUHS AS WELL AS ABOVE GROUND .TANKS NOT' PltO['ERLY LABELED. VIOLATION OF OSIlA 1910.1200' t 1} The chemical manufacturer, importer, or distributor 'shall ensure that each container of hazo. rdouS chemicals leaving.the work¢lace is labeled, [a. gged. or marked w~th the following information: (i}Ident. i'ty of the' hazardous chemical(s}. (ii)Appropriate hazard warnings; and (iiij~ame and address of the chemical manufacturer, imv0:rter, or .other responsible (4) Exeepg' as ~provided "in varagr, aphs (3) and (4) the e,nploye~ shall:ensure [hat each container of hazar,Jous chemi~als'~!~in the workplace is 1.abeled, tagged, or marked with the ~following< in,formation: (!)Identity of the.!~hazardous chemical(s) contained:~ therein; ~ and (ii)Appropriate hazard warnings. (5) The~ emPloYer may use signs, ~lacards, ~:ocess sheets, batch tickets, oDera~inf procedures, or other such written materials in li&u of affixi~¢ ]_abels to Jndivi~}ua} stationary process containers, as lo~'~ as the alternative method ~identifie~ the contain,ers to ~hich i't is a~3;}].icable and conveys the informatio~ reGuJ, red by paragrnpb (.2.) of this section to be on label. writ'ten materials shall be readily accessible to the employees in their work area~ throughout each work shift. (7) The employer shall not removeo~' deface e}cist'.i;~¢ ].abels. on incomJ, ng containers of hazardous chemJc~ls, unless the container is immed}_ately r}al,ked wi'th the required information. : (~) The employer shall ensure that .]ab~ls or other .f.'orm~ of warnings are le~ibl'e, in. Eng!isb, and. ~'}rom:ine~tly displayed on the.' containe~, or readi.~y avai!~b.]_e in the work area throughout:each work shift. Employers having employees Who speak o%l~er lan,guages may edd the information in their language:to the material present, ted, as long 'as the information.: is ~resented in English as well. b~VENTO[~k~ QUANTITIES -INCORRECT. VIOLATION OF CH. 6.96 CALIFORNIA H.EALTI] & SAFETY CODE 25509(A)(1-4) The annual.' inventory form shall incl,~de, but ~hall ~ot be limited to, information on ail'. of~ th~ fol.]owing which are handled in quantities equal to or grea~'~er than the c]uantities specified in .subdivision (a) of Section 25503.5: .: .~ (1) A listing of the chemical, n~me and common names of every hazardous substance or chemical product handled by the .business. (2) The category of waste, including ~eneral chemical and mineral composi, tion cf the waste listed by probable maximum arid concentrations., of every hazardous waste ha~'~died by the business. (3) A listing of the chemical n~:une and common ~ames of every other hazardous material or mixture containing', a hazardous-material handled by 't:he business ~hich'i~is not other~ise list-.ed purs~lant to paragraph :(1)::!~Or (2). (4) The maximum amount· of each material or mixture conta~.~ing a he:~ar,.tous material disclosed 'in ~aragraohs.. (1), (2):~ e~ (3) ~zhich is handled at any one time: by the business ov~ the course of the,?.year. 4) ~() EVIDENCE OF' ANY EMERGENCY PROCEDURES. "VIOLATION'OF CALIFO~.N]~A IIEALTII A}qD SA}?ETY ,: CODE CHAPTER~ 6.95, 25504(B) Business plans shall include all oi'~ the Emergency response ~lans a. nd proced_,.~res in event of a reDo. rtable or threatened release of hazardous material, including, but no% limited t~o, all of the folio.wing: (1) Immedi~ate notification to the agency and to appropriate loca] emergency rescue personnel and the office. (2) Procedures for the mitigatio~ ()~:' a re].e~se or threatened release to minimize ~,~y Dotted, rial harm or damage t.o ~ersons, pro~,:~rt.y, or the environment. (3) Evacuation plans and ~roeedures, i~cl~d.i, ng immediate notice, for the busi~'~ess site. 5) ~ZAS'FE OIL AND DIESEL SPILLED ON THE GROUND. VIOLATION OF CI{.6.5 OF THE CAL~[;?(DRNIA }IEALTll AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 251.79.2 : "(c) The disposal of untreated haz~.~.~d_(~us ~'aste in or onto land without adequate technicaJ, safegua~:ds threatens not only the quality of the state's land, air, and water resources, but poses .a d.i_rect he zard to health and safety.by exposing the public t..o substances ~hat have been found to cause cancer, b:i_r%~h dei:'ects, miscarriages, .nervous disorders, blood diseases, and damage to vital organs ~d genes''. . ~. .:' VIOLATION OF CH.6.5 OF THE CAI,].FOI~NIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 25250.~{ "Used 0il .'regulated by .the departme~,t shal]~ be managed as a hazardous ~ast'e in accorda,~ce ~iih the req,~irements of this chapter until i-% ],as been recycled. Used oil which i.s not recycled shall be disposed of, or transported out of the state, as a hazardous waste in accordance with this chapter". "Section 25250.5 Disposal of used oil by discharge to sewers, drainage systems, s~l['['ace . groundwaters, watercourses, or marine wa. rets; incineration of burning as fuel; or by deposit on land, is prohibited, unless authorized under other provisions of law. the use of used oil as a dust suppressant or weed control agent' is prohibit, ed". 6) I~MPTY DRUMS IMPROPERLY STORED. VIOLATION!I. OF UFC 79. 201(C) Empty Containers. The storage of empty tanks and containers previously used for the storage of flammable or combus'tible liquids, unless free from e?:p].osive vapors, shall be as specified for the stora.~e of flammable liquids. Tanks and containers when emi)tied shall have the covers or plugs immediate].y replaced in openings. '~'~ 7) b~ATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS NOT AVAILABLE. VIOLATION OF OSHA 1910.1200, (g) The employer shall maintain copies of the required material safety data sheets for each hazardous chemical in the workplace, and shall ensure that they are readily accessible during each work shif't to employees when they~ are in their worklarea(s) (h)(1) INFORMATION. Employees shall be informed of: (i)Th'e reguirements of this section (ii)Any operations, i~ their work area where hazardous chemicals are present: (iii)The location and availabi].ity of the written hazard commu~ication including the required list(s) of haz~rdous chemicals., and material safety data sheets required.~b¥ this section. 8) ()PEN CONTAINERS OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ON PROPERTY. VIOLATION: OF UFC 80.103(C) Defective containers which permit ].eaka~e spillage shall be disposed of or repaired in accordance with recognized safe practices: no spilled material shall be allowed to accumulate on floors or shelves. I ,!o unde]"stand that you are moving your busJ,,ess and that a l~e~ business plan will be fi. led fo~- that f:),.'ility. That ne~ bu~-:~ness plan must be file(-{ ~i. thin ~0 days, n,,,'{ the vJ~.{ations 'corrected within theft same time france. ~by OCTOBER 28th 198g The department will schedule a re-inspection o[7 your facility to verify compliance. If you have a~]y questions this notiee~ please oont~ot Ralph Huey at ,~. ~z:-~rdous Ma'terials Coor.dinat v