HomeMy WebLinkAboutHAZARDOUS WASTEKERN COUNT~ ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT INVESTIGATION RECORD DBA ADDRESS ADDRESS OF VIOLATION: ASSESSORS' PARCEL # SPECIALIST/TECHNICIAN: CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD OF. INVESTIGATION .. TIME ~,~ '~ , t ' COUNTY OF KERN v MEMO Waste Management To: Supervisor Jori McQuiston, Distdc~~1 SEPARATE ORTGTNAL From: Daphne H. Washington, Director ..,x'~,l~ ~.. PROVTDED TO EACH Subject: Former Rosedale Bum Dump ~/'~ SUPERVISOR Date: January 17, 2002 As you may be aware, the County, with State Waste Board funding and assistance, remediated this bum dump four (4) years ago. The Waste Management Department partnered with North Bakersfield Parks and Recreation District (District), who needed property for a park in the area. It was remediated in such a manner that all burn ash was capped under asphalt and made into a parking lot. The property leased to the District for park 'development, in strict accordance with county & state approved development plans. The District is cUrrently constructing Liberty Park on the remediated Rosedale Bum Dump. This project has attracted quite a bit of attention in the last few days to the point that Channel 23 had it on the news last night. Peggy Whitty,~Jeff Perales and Scott McKee, homeowners in the adjacent subdivision, became upset when the light standards were installed. It seems that when they' purchased their homes, the developer/realtor indicated that Liberty Park would be a'small, quiet community park and not have any lights. ~. These residents are upset with the lights and will be taking this issue to the District on Tuesday night, January 22, 2002. However, because the park plans have been 'part of the public record for over four (4) years, and the' District legitimately went through the entire Conditional Use permit and Building Permit process with the City of Bakersfield, the citizens have now raised the concern of surface glass as a public health and safety issue against the park. We have received calls from Ms. Whitty claiming that there is a significant amount of glass on the ground surface, and that this is a public health and safety issue. The following describes why there is glass on the planting surface and what is being done about it. 1. The Rosedale Bum Dump was farmed for over 11 years. As a result of agriCUltural practices (tilling, etc.), some surface glass from the bum dump and illegal dumping was dragged and scattered across the site. 2. When the Bum Dump was 'remediated, the large trenches of 'ash were relocated and covered by the two large asphalt parki.'ng lots on the site. Miscellaneous tires and other debris were removed from the site, and disposed of at the Shaffer-Wasco Landfill. 3.. The District and the contractor have both stated that, any time they develop a park site on property that has been vacant for many years (particularly one located at an intersection), they find surface glass. People have either illegally dumped on the site or have taken bottles and cans to the site for target practice.' Allan Gospich, the contractor, has indicated that Rosedale Bum Dump has no more surface glass than he normally finds at any other site... ..... ~ b,~PHNE H. WAS~ON, I:)irectm. C0[~Y 2700 'M' Street, Suite 500, Bakersfield, CA 9330t-Z37Z' Telephone: (661) 862-8900 Fmc. (661) 86Z-890t Former Rosedale Burn Dump Page 2 January 17, 2002 ~ . 4. During remediation, cover soil was imported. The soil came from the Rosedale-Rio Bravo water recharge ponds at Allen and Bdmhall Roads. The recharge 'ponds needed to be reconditioned and made deeper to recharge more water, so Granite Construction handled both projects and. used some of the soil as cover at the Rosedale Burn DUmp. It is unlikely that this soil source contributed any glass to the site (Channel 23 inaccurately reported that the soil came from another bum dump). 5. In order to assure that no pockets of ash remained undetected, the site 'was trenched on a gdd system and the irrigation mains were installed as part of the site remediation. 6. The rem'ediation was completed in 1997, but it has taken four (4) years to get the. park 'plans approved by the City of Bakersfield and funding approved by the District Board. In the meantime, the Spring Meadows subdivision has been expanded adjacent to the site and Liberty High School has opened. The area where much of the surface glass is. located is immediately adjacent to' the west parking lot where many high school students pa~ Glass and trash have been a problem in this area since the High School opened. 7. As part of park construction, the surface soils needed to be amended to support the grass and trees. Community Recycling and Resource Recovery donated 110 tons of compost to amend the soil. This material was clean and .did not contribute to glass at the site. 8. The park contractor has intentionally been dragging the site for the last week to bring up any debds to .prepare the fields for planting (heavy construction equipment moving over the site will float any objects to the surface). Following ddll seeding of the site tomorrow (Jan. 18, 2002), 'a crew will walk the site to clear any glass or debds. The site is approximately 20 acres, seven of which are paved. 9.. Once the grass comes in, the grass and root mat should prevent any more debris from floating to the surface~ Dissatisfied homeowners who believe they have been misled are raising issues. Liberty Park, having.previously been a burn dump, has given these residents some additional ammunition. The Distdct and this Department will work to assure that the glass issue is reSolved. H:~DHVWBOS~d-ibeftyPark memo.doc cc: Nancy Ewert David Price III Daphne Washington File - Rosedale Bum Dump COUNTY OF KERN MEMO Waste Management To: Scott Jones, County Administrative Office / From: - . ~,'V~' Daphne H' Washington, Director Subject: Former Rosedale Burn Dump . p,,? Date: January 17, 2002 As you.maY be aware, the County, with State Waste Board funding and assistance, remediated this burn dump four (4) years ago. The Waste Management Department partnered with North Bakersfield Parks and Recreation Distdct (District), who needed property for a park in the area. It was' remediated in such a manner that all burn ash was capped under asphalt and made into a parking lot. The property leased to the District for park development, in strict accordance with county & state approved development plans. The District is currently constructing Liberty Park on the remediated Rosedale Bum Dump. This project has attracted quite a bit of attention in the last few days to the point that Channel 23 had it on the news last night. Peggy VVhittyl Jeff Perales and Scott McKee, homeowners in the adjacent subdivision, became upset when the light standards were installed. It seems that when they purchased their homes, the developer/realtor indicated that Liberty Park would be a small, quiet community park and not have any lights. These residents are upset With the lights and will be taking this issue to the Distdct on Tuesday night, January 22, 2002. However, because the park plans have been part of the public record for over fOur (4) years, and the Distdct legitimately went through the entire Conditional Use Permit and Building Permit process with the City of Bakersfield, the citizens have now raised the concern of surface glass as a public health and safety issue against the park. We have received calls from Ms. VVhitty claimihg that there is a significant amount of glass on. the ground surface, and that this is a public health and safety issue. The following describes why there is glass on the planting surface and what is being done about 'it. 1. The Rosedale Bum Dump was farmed for over 11 years. As a result of agricultural practices (tilling, etc.), some surface glass from the burn dump and illegal dumping was dragged and scattered across the site. 2. When the Bum Dump was remediated, the large trenches of ash were relocated and covered by the two large asphalt parking lots on the site. Miscellaneous tires and other debds were removed from the site, and disposed of at the Shafter-Wasco Landfill. 3. The District and the contractor have both stated that, any time they develop a park site on property that has been vacant for many years (particularly one located at an intersection), they find surface glass. People have either illegally dumped on the site or have taken 'bottles and cans to the site for target practice. Allan Gospich, the contractor, has indicated that Rosedale Burn Dump has no more surface glass than he normally finds at any other site. DAPHNE H. WASI-EN6TON, birectm' COJ~Y 2700 'M' Street, Suite 500, Bakersfield, CA 9330t-237Z Telephone: (66t) 86;?-8900 Fax: (661) 862-8901 Former Rosedale Burn Dump Page 2 January 17, 2002 4. During remediation, cover Soil was imported. The soil came from the Rosedale-Rio Bravo water recharge ponds at Allen and Brimhall Roads. The recharge ponds needed to be reconditioned and made deeper to .recharge more water, so Granite Construction · handled both projects and used some of the soil as cover at the Rosedale Bum Dump. It is unlikely that this soil source contributed any glass to the site (Channel 23 inaccurately reported that' the soil came from another bum dump). 5. In order to assure that no pockets of ash remained undetected, the site was trenched on a gdd system and the irrigation mains were installed as part of the site remediation. 6. The remediation was completed in 1997, but it has taken foUr (4) years to get the park plans approved by the City of Bakersfield and funding approved by the Distdct Board. In the meantime, the Spdng Meadows subdivision has been expanded adjacent to the site and Liberty High School has opened. The area where much of the surface glass is located is immediately adjacent to the west parking lot where many high school students park. Glass and trash have been a problem in this area since the High School · opened. 7. As part of park construction, the surface sOils needed to be amended to support the grass and trees. Community Recycling and Resource Recovery donated 110 tons of compost to amend the soil. This material was clean and did not contribute to glass at the site. 8. The park contractor has intentionally been dragging the site for the last week to bdng up any debds to prepare the fields for planting (heavy construction equipment moving over the .site will float any objects to the-surface). Following ddll seeding of the site tomorrow (Jan. 18, 2002), a crew will walk the site to clear any glass or debris. The site is approximately 20 acres, seven of which are paved. 9. Once the grass comes in, the grass and root mat should prevent any more debris from -floating to the surface. Dissatisfied homeowners who believe they have been misled are raising issues. Liberty Park, having previously been a burn dump, has given these residents some additional ammunition. The' Distdct and this Department will work to assure that the glass issue is resolved. H:~)HVWBos~bertyPark memo.doc cc: Nancy Ewert David Price III Daphne Washington File- Rosedale Bum Dump ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SER]~i ES,~, DEPARTMENT lOSOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S., Director ~ DAVID PRICE III, RMA DIRECTOR. 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 ~ Community Development Program Department BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301.2370 Engineering & Survey Services Department Voice: (661) 862-8700 Environmental Health Services Department Fax: (661) 662-8701 TTY Relay: (800) 735-2929 Planning Department e-mail: eh~co, kern. ca. us Roads Department February 12, 2002 David McArthur, General Manager North Bakersfield Recreation and Park District 405 Galaxy Drive Bakersfield, CA 93308 SUBJECT: Final Construction of Liberty Park 11225 Brimhall Road, Bakersfield Dear Mr. McArthur: On January 11, 2002, our Department received a complaint concerning the occurrence of exposed glass residues on turf areas which are currently under construction at Liberty Park. The 20-acre park facilityis located on property formerly used for agricultural purposes and municipal waste disposal operations. The historic waste disposal site was remediated under the direction of the California Integrated Waste Management Board and the land was approved for post-closure use as a park facility. The construction of Liberty Park has been deemed consistent with this plan. Inspections in response to the referenced complaint were made by our agency on January 14, 18, and 22 and February 8, 2002. The following findings and recommendations are listed for your consideration: 1. The subject glass may be categorized into two primary sources: a. Burned glass residues received as a result of municipal waste operations which occurred prior to 1970. Smaller quantities of glass may also be attributed to farm middens, these dating from the historic period of Rosedale. b. Illegally dumped waste which was disposed or scattered on the site on an itinerant basis following 1970. New glass from adjoining roadways, parking areas, and con- struction sites was found at surface near parking lots and road easements appurtenant to Jewetta Avenue and Brimhall Road. 2. Residual glass found at surface over the 20-acre park site has been removed and quantified. Focused cleanup of graded surfaces at Liberty Park occurred on January 18 and February 8. During these events North Bakersfield Recreation and Park District (NBRPD) staffremoved visible debris, including rock, plastic, cement, wood and glass. In total, less than 250 pounds of residual glass was gleaned as a result of two focused cleanups of the 20-acre facility. 3. Our Department recommends, additional glass clean-up following the final phase of tree planting at Liberty Park. Soil overburden from planting holes should be screened as needed to remove glass residues. DaVid McArthur, General Manager North Bakersfield Recreation and Park District Re: Final Construction of Liberty Park February 12, 2002 Page 2 4. Staff are encouraged to remove surface residues during routine maintenance of the park facility prior to opening play fields for public use. This recommendation is consistent with current litter removal programs being conducted by North Bakersfield Recreation and Parks District. 5. As of the most recent focused survey conducted on February 8, 2002, our Department finds the incidence of glass, rock, or other surface debris at Liberty Park to be minimal. 6. It is anticipated that additional small quantities of glass may be exposed during turf develop- ment and the first mowing. A final inspection of the premises will be conducted prior to public use to verify completion of mitigation measures. Your cooperation and the ongoing efforts of NBRPD staff in the completion of Liberty Park are appreciated. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director By: William O'Rullian, R.E.H.S. Environmental Health Specialist IV Solid Waste Program Supervisor WO:jrw cc: Ron Lewis, Representative of Supervisor Kenneth Peterson Nancy Ewert, Kern County Waste Management Department (solXorullian~nor.wpd) . Daphne H. washington, Director !, ~J~ i 0 ~/ 2700"M' Street, Suite 500 · Bakersfield, CA 93301-2370 (661) 862-8900 ~--.-._. ..... (800) 552-KERN (option 6) · Fax: (661) 862-8901 ............ http://www, co.kem.ca.us/wmd/wmd.htm January 8, 2001 Mr. William O'Rullian Kern County Environmental Health Services Department 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. O'Rullian: SUBJECT: Rosedale Burn Dump Deed Restriction Please review and file the enclosed copy of the Rosedale Bum Dump deed restriction (September 2000). The Rosedale Bum Dump remediation was completed in 1997. The site was remediated above the standards set forth for burn dump remediations at that time and complies with the current recommendations set forth by LEA Advisory #56 (Process for Evaluating and Remediating Burn Dump Sites dated November 4, 1998). The remediation included: · Relocation of ash. · Placing asphalt cover over entire burn ash areas. · Grading ash/asphalt areas to drain. · Site revegetation. The following additional steps have been taken to secure the remediated site: · Post-closure monitoring and maintenance. · Filing a non-irrigated open space deed restriction for the current use of the asphalted ash areas (approved by the Board of Supervisors, September 2000). The WMD will notify you prior to implementing any proposed future post-closure land use other than npn-irrigated open space for the remediated portion of the property containing burn ash. Winner of local, state and national awards for innovation and efficiency. Mr. William O'Rullian January 8, 2001 Page 2 KCEHSD Please feel free to contact me at (661) 862-8957 if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, DAPHNE H. WASHINGTON, Director By: Lyn B. Beurmann Solid Waste Management Specialist III LBB:els I:kLETrERS\01 - 11 -LB B .wpd Enclosure cc: Dane Johnson, CRWQCB -- Central Valley Region 3614 East Ashlan Avenue, Fresno, CA 93726 Jim Tjosvold, DTSC 10151 Croydon Way, Sacramento, CA 95827 File ROS-BD James Maples,As -sot-Record r JASON Kern County Official Records .Pages: 5 9/08/209e DOCUMENT #:0200112986 RECORDING REQUESTED BY 1 4: 00:120 County of Kern I ll]ll[llllll[llll[llll[ll[[lll[llllltllll[ltl[[llll[lllllll WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Fees .... CLERK, BOARD OF SUPERVISORS laxes... Kern County Administrative Center ,oaeel lasas, Other.. 1 ! 15 Truxtun Avenue, 5t~ Floor TOTAL Bakersfield, CA 93301 PAID. APN: a portion of 500-010-01 Stat. lypes: 1 DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS THIS DECLARATION is made by the COUNTY OF KERN, a political subdivisiOn of the State of California ("Declarant"). ~ PREAMBLE: A. Declarant is the owner of certain real property ("Property"), commonly known as the closed Rosedale Bum Dump located in the incorporated area of the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, described as follows: SEE~LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF AS EXHIBIT "A" B. Declarant hereby declares that all of the Property is to be held, conveyed, hypothecated, encumbered, leased, rented, used, occupied and improved subject to the limitations contained in this Declaration, all of which are declared and agreed to be in furtherance of a plan for the protection, maintenance, improvement and sale of the Property. All provisions of this Declaration, obligation, covenants, conditions and restrictions hereof, are hereby imposed as equitable servitudes upon the Property. All of the limitations, restrictions, reservations, rights, conditions and covenants herein shall run with the land and burden the Property and shall be binding on and for the benefit of all the Property and all Persons having or acquiring any right, title or interest in the Property, or any part thereof, and their successive owners and assigns. ARTICLE I 1. Definitions: Unless otherwise expressly provided, the following words and phrases when used in this Declaration shall have the following meanings: 1.1 Declarant: Declarant shall mean the County of Kern, a political subdivision of the State of California. 1.2 Declaration: Declaration shall mean this Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, as it may be amended and/or supplemented from time to time. 1.3 Property: Property shall mean all that real property described in Exhibit "A" of this Declaration. ARTICLE II I. Use Restrictions: All of the Property shall be held, used and enjoyed subject to the following limitations and restrictions: The Property is known to contain bum ash and has been closed in compliance with the guidelines set forth I~y the California Integrated Waste Management Board's (CIWMB) Local Enforcement Agency (LEA) Advisory #56, "Process for Evaluating and Remediating Burn Dump Sites", dated November 4, 1998. This condition renders the Property and the owner, lessee, or other possessor subject to the restrictive provisions and liabilities of that approved Property closure. The Property and the use of the Property hereafter, shall be maintained as non-irrigated open space and shall be restricted to activities that will not result in penetration of the soil and/or soil cover and will exclude construction of buildings or other structures on the Property. Proposed land uses that violate these restrictions shall require the proponent to apply to the proper governmental enforcement agency for removal of land use restrictions and to the California Department of Toxic Substances Control for a variance or removal of land use restrictions pursuant to section 25233 and/or 25234 of the California Health and Safety Code. This Declaration is dated: sE~, - $ 2000 COUNTY OF KERN By. /~d~~~ ~ Chairman, Board of Supervisors ' File:T-8r.4a\Rosedale Deed Restriction ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF KERN ) On this 5th day of September, 2000, before'me, Judy Denny, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Kenneth W. Peterson, personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed t0the within instrument and acknowledged to me that, he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ~ COMIVL # 1220769 ~..--. Q3 ~,~7 KERN COUNTY Public in and l/or t~he ~~_~.,,~._...~.c~.. ?._E,~p: .,~,, .17:.2~.. State of California DESCRIPTION Rosedale Burn Dump All those portions of the Northwest quarter of Section 31, Township 29 South, Range 27 East, MDM, County of Kern, State of California, being parcels of land more particularly described as follows: Parcel 1' Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Nodhwest.quarter; Thence (1) South 89° 08' 02" East, along the North line of said Section 31, a distance of 677.92 feet; Thence (2) South 00° 51' 58" West, a distance of 58.52 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence (3) South 00° 50' 32" West, a distance of 221.36 feet; Thence (4) South 89° 07' 34" East, a distance of 20.91 feet; Thence (5) South 00° 49" 17" West, a distance of 306.05 feet; Thence (6) North 89° 06' 45" West, a distance of 226.96 feet; Thence (7) North 00° 48' 29" East, a distance of 409.16 feet; Thence (8) South 89° 06' 48" East, a distance of 168.99 feet; Thence (9) North 00° 51' 51" East, a distance of 115.85 feet; Thence (10) North 87° 07' 25" East, a distance of 37.26 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 2.18 Acres more or less Parcel 2: Commencing at the Nodhwest corner of said Northwest quarter; H:~A-WORK\WORD\DESC\WMD~L_FILLS~urn_dmp\rosedale. DOC Printed: 04/26/00 Thence (1) South 00° 16' 36" West along the West line of said Northwest quarter, a distance of 652.70 feet; Thence (2) South 89° 43' 24" East, a distance of 72.88 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; .. Thence (3) South 89° 08' 44" East, a distanceof 122.85 feet; Thence (4) South 00° 16' 37" West, a distance of 644.23 feet; Thence (5) Nodh 89° 08' 44" West, a distance of 148.60 feet; Thence (6) North 00° 21' 29" East, a distance of 45.64 feet; Thence (7) North 88° 35' 27" West, a distance of 8.45 feet; Thence (8) North 00° 33' 47" East, a distance of 2-5.81 feet; Thence (9) South 89° 46' 47" East, a distance of 8.32 feet; Thence (10) Nodh 00° 15' 12" East, a distance of 180.24 feet; Thence (11) South 89° 46' 23" West, a distance of 8.33 feet; Thence (12) North 00° 11' 03" West, a distance of 26.88 feet; Thence (13) South 89° 38' 09" East, a distance of 8.69 feet; Thence (14) North 00° 27' 35" East, a distance of 210.59 feet; Thence (15) South 88° 56' 30" East, a distance of 24.74 feet; Thence (16) North 00° 21' 08" East, a distance of 155.05 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 2.11 Acres more or less Compared By: ~ ~.~ 20~, ~ Approved B~~~~~~20 ~ ~~ H:~-WORK\WORD\DESC\WMD~_FILLS~burn_dmp~rosedale. DOC Printed: 04/26/00 STATE OF,.O2tLIFORNIA Pete Wilson, Governor CALIFORNIA INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARD 8800 Cai Center Drive ~ Sacramento. California 9S826 Mr. Doug Landon Solid Waste Division Kern County Waste Management Department 2700 "M" Street, Suite 500 Bakersfield, California 93301 Mr. William O'Rullian Kern County Department of Environmental Health 2700 "M" Street Bakersfield, CA Subject: Review of Remediation Plans for Various Burn Dumps in Kern County Dear Mr. Landon and Mr.O'Rullian: OVer the last few months, the California Integrated Waste Management Board (Board) Closure and Remediation staff received several burn dump remediation, proposals submitted by the Kern County Waste Management Department. The proposals were accompanied by review comments from the Kern County Environmental Health.Department (Local Enforcement Department [LEA]). Remediation plans were submitted for the following sites: * Buttonwillow Burn Dump, * .Rose,ale Burn Dump, and * College Heights Burn Dump. Based on our review of the above proposals, Closure and Remediation Branch staff concur with the comments and requests for additional information made by the LEA as the result of their review. However, we may provide additional review comments after the revisions and additional background information requested by the LEA have been submitted. Additionally, Closure and Remediation Branch staff would like to express their thanks to the LEA for their efforts to assure Board input into the review of the remediation plans for these sites. Mr. Doug Landon Mr. William O'Rullian Page 2 If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact me at (916) 255-1195. Sincerely, Peter M. janicki Closure and Remediation, South Section Permitting and Enforcement Division cc: Richard'Stewart, Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board KERN CL., 14AST[ AI Aff IEI T O [PART IEtiT Daphne H. Washington, Director 2700 "M" ,Street, `suite 500 Bakersfield, CA 93301-2370 (661) 862-8900 (800) 552-KERN (option 6) Fax: (661) 862-8901 http:/Iwww.co.kern.ca.uslwmdlwmd.htrn June 13, 2000 Mr. William O'Rullian Kern County Environmental Health Services Department 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. O'Rullian: SUBJECT: Rosedale Burn Dump Monitoring and Maintenance Program - April 2000 Please r~view and file the enclosed copy of Kern County Waste Management Department's Rosedale Bum Dump Monitoring and Maintenance Program (MMP) dated April 28, 2000. The purpose of this MMP is to provide a site management plan to ensure the integrity and effectiveness of the steps taken to mitigate the site. The program is designed to reduce and eliminate potential impacts to the surrounding environment resulting from deterioration of the site over time or from extreme weather conditions. Sincerely, DAPHNE H. WASHINGTON, Director By: Lyn B. Beurmann Solid Waste Management Specialist III LBB:els I:~LETTERS\00-185-LBB.wpd Enclosure cc: File RSD-BD Winner of local, state and national awards for innovation and efficiency. .ROSEDALE BURN DUMP MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE PROGRAM Daphne H. Washington, Director · Kern County Waste Management Department 2700 "M" Street, Suite 500 Bakersfield, California 93301 April 2000 Printed on "Recycled Paper" ~,(~ Monitoring and Maintenance Program Rosedale Burn Dump Kern County, California Prepared by:. Kern County Waste Management Department 2700 M Street, Suite 500 Bakersfield, California 93301 April 28, 2000 Table of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION .................. ................................. 1 2 MONITORING .................................................... 1 3 MAINTENANCE .................................................. 2 4 SITE SECURITY . ........................................ ...... .... 3 5 GRADING OF FILL SURFACES (FINAL COVER) ..................... 3 6 SITE MAINTENANCE ............................................. 3 7 DRAINAGE/EROSION CONTROL ......................... ......... 3 8 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ......................................... 4 9 RECORD KEEPING ............................................... 4 Table 1 Inspection Schedule ............................................. 2 Appendix A Local Enforcement Agency's Inspection Form and WMD's Inspection Form Rosedale Burn Dump Monitoring and Maintenance Program Rev.' 4/28/00 Page ii MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE PROGRAM (MMP) ROSEDALE BURN DUMP KERN COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 1 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this Monitoring and Maintenance Program (MMP) is to provide a site management plan to ensure the integrity and effectiveness of the steps taken to mitigate the R. osedale Burn Dump (Site) in Kern County by the Kern County Waste Management Department (WMD). The program is designed to reduce and eliminate potential impacts to the surrounding environment resulting from deterioration of the site over time or from extreme weather conditions, i.e., rain/wind. 2 MONITORING The monitoring schedule outlines the items to be inspected and the frequency of the inspections (Table 1) as instructed in the California Integrated Waste Management Board's (CIWMB) LEA Advisory #56, the applicable sections of Division 30 of the Public Resources Code (PRC) and Title 27 California Code of Regulations (CCR). Based on Geomatrix Consultants' report, the estimated depth to groundwater is 150 feet. The report stated that no contaminant migration other than trace amounts of DDT+ were found in the natural soils below the trenches. The DDT+ concentrations were within the range reported for agricultural soil samples in Kern County. Therefore, groundwater monitoring was not recommended. Based on WMD's experience with other burn dumps, and the age of the site, no significant quantities of waste generated gas are expected and therefore, no gas monitoring is required. Rosedale Burn Dump Monitoring and Maintenance Program Rev. 4/28/00 Page I TABLE 1 ACTIVITY ] FREQUENCY Final Cover Asphalt Inspection 1 Final Cover Asphalt Maintenance 4' Erosion Control Blanket Inspection n/a Erosion Control Blanket Maintenance n/a Survey Monuments Inspection 1 Survey Monuments Maintenance 4 Vegetative Cover Inspection n/a Vegetative Cover Maintenance n/a Vector Inspection 1 Vector Maintenance' 4 Drainage System Inspection .1 Drainage System Maintenance 4 Fence and Sign Inspection n/a Fence and Sign Maintenance n/a 1 =Annually 2=Monthly for first year 3=Quarterly for first year 4=As Needed 3 MAINTENANCE The site will be maintained as deemed necessary, based on the results of the inspections performed by WMD staff and the Local Enforcement Agency (LEA). (Appendix A) Rosedale Burn Dump Monitoring and Maintenance Program Rev. 4/28/00 Page 2 4 SITE SECURITY Not required due to permanent asphalt cap. 5 GRADING OF FILL SURFACES (FINAL COVER) Asphalt Cover The asphalt Cover will be inspected 'for eroded areas, large cracks and holes. Maintenance. will consist of repairing these with materials compatible to the original asphalt cover system. 6 SITE MAINTENANCE Roads Roads will be maintained to safely allow authorized access for routine inspections and maintenance. Survey Monuments Survey monuments will be inspected for damage. If staff identifies damage, repairs will be made as soon as possible. Vector Control The site will be inspected for evidence of rodents and other burrowing animals (vectors). If an excessive number of animals are found, staff will take the appropriate action to ensure the integrity of the site. 7 DRAINAGE/EROSION CONTROL Drainage channels and sump will be inspected for signs of deterioration and overgrowth. Inspections may be performed prior to the onset of the rainy season and after every major · rainstorm. The final grading plan is designed to prevent ponding on the asphalt, promote positive mn-off and reduce deterioration by storm water. Maintenance will include cleaning channels, gutters and down drains. Rosedale Burn Dump Monitoring and Maintenance Program Rev. 4/28/00 Page 3 8 EMERGENCY RESPONSE For emergencies Occurring during business hours, Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., please call the Kern County Waste Management Department at (661) 862-8900. The Kern County Waste Management Department is located in the Public Services Building, 2700 "M" Street, Suite 500, Bakersfield, California, 93301. To report an on-site emergency after regular business hours, please contact Kern County Communications, Control 5, at (661) 868-4000 and follow the reporting directions given to you by the dispatcher. Communications center Personnel will contact the appropriate County departments. 9 RECORD KEEPING Upon request, inspection and maintenance records are available for review Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and are located in the Main File Room of the WMD, 2700 "M" Street, Suite 500, Bakersfield, California, 93301. I:hREPOR TS~,RO_MMProgram .wpd Rosedale Burn Dump Monitoring and Maintenance Program Rev. 4/28/00 Page 4 APPENDIX A Local Enforcement Agency's Inspection Form WMD's Inspection Form Waste Management Department Inactive/Closed Site Inspection Form-Remediated Burn Dump' File Code BD. Inspection Date Inspector Weather Conditions Time In/Out / Site Name Received by Place a check ~/mark in the appropriate box. NA= Not Applicable OK= No Maintenance MN=Maintenance needed. NA OK MN Comment' 20530-Site Security Gate Fence' Sign 20650-Grading of Fill Surfaces (Final Cover) Erosion Contro! Blanket 2 ft Soil Cover Alternate Cover Vegetation 20750-Site Maintenance Survey Markers ~.~ Vector Control 20820-DrainagefEr°si°n C~ Channels Down Drains Sump Other Space For Additional Comments, Diagrams, or Notes. I:~FORMS~MI SC_FRM~ WIVlD_ICSIF-RB D.wpd (3/2000) STA~O~C~ Closed Site Inspection Report Enforcement Agency: Page of ,.C,L~.~--. I ""'"~°°~ ILOCAL = L STAI~ = S MM BISPECTION DATEDo WTIMETIME INOUT IINSPECTION TIME FACILITY NAME RECEIVED BY (OPERATOR) FACILITY LOCATION OWNER INSPECTOR IINSPECTOR SIGNATURE ALSO PRESENT I THE ABOVE FACILITY WAS INSPECTED FOR COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF DIVISION 30 OF THE PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE (PRC) and TITLE 27 CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS (CCR). THE STANDARDS BELOWARE CONSIDERED IN COMPLIANCE UNLESS OTHERWISE MARKED WITH ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: V -- VIOLATION A = AREA OF CONCERN NA = NOT APPLICABLE sITES NOT SUBJECT TO ARTICLE 2 STANDARDS V A NA 20530- SITE SECUpJI'Y 20650 - GRADING OF FiLL SURFACES 20750 - SITE MAINTENANCE 20790 - LEACHATE CONTROL 20820 - DRAINAGE I EROSION CONTROL 20830 - LITTER CONTROL 20919 - GAS CONTROL 21190(c) - POSTCLOSURE LAND USE OTHER COMMENTS {USE s~s-a3 FOR ADornoNkL SPAC~ SPACE FOR ADDITIONAL COMMENTS, DIAGRAMS, OR NOTES. DISTRIBUTION: TOP. CIWMB MIDDLE - EA BOTTOM. OPERATOR DIRECTIONS FOR FILLING OUT Cl~VMB-55 FORM Fill out inspection form completely. Total hours/Time 'In,Time Out is optional, but recommended. Check the boxes to the right Of each law or regulation with 0~e of the following codes: V = Violation A --- Area of Concern NA = Not Applicable All unma~ked laws/regulations indicate compliance. Summarize inspection results in the COMMENTS section, if additional space is required, use roma SWIS-03. Include explanations for determinations of NA when appropriate. Check form(s) for completeness/accuracy and submit to th~ California Integrated Waste Management Board (CF~VMB) within 30 days of the inspection in accordance with 30 Public Resources Code (PRC) 43218. PARTIAL SUMMARY OF APPLICABLE LAWS AND REGULATIONS' This is only a partial summary. Consult Title 27, California Code of Regula(ions (CCR), and the PRC for the complete laws and regulations listed on this form, NOTE: A~icle 2, Closure and Post-Closure Maintenance Standards for Disposal Sites and Landfills, standards may apply if new postclosure activities jeopardize the integrity of previously closed sites or pose a threat to public health and safety or the environment, as required by'27 CCR 21100. TITLE 27t CCR 20530 - The site shall be designed to discourage unauthorized access by persons and vehicles by using a perimeter barrier or topographic constraints. Areas within the site where open storage or ponding of hazardous materials occurs shall be separately fenced or otherwise secured as.determined by the EA. The EA may also require that other areas of the site be fenced to create an appropriate level of security. 20650 - Covered surfaces of the disposal area shall be graded to promote lateral runoff of precipitation and to prevent ponding Grade~ shall be established of sufficient slopes to account for future settlement of the fill surface. Other effective maintenance methods may be allowed by the EA. 20750 - The operator shall implement a preventative maintenance program to monitor and promptly repair or correct deteriorated or defective conditions with respect to requirements of the CFvVMB standards, and conditions established by the EA. All other aspects of the disposal site shall be kept in a state of reasonable repair. 20790 - The operator2 shall ensure that leachate is controlled to prevent contact with the public. 20820 - The drainage system shall be designed and maintained to ensure integrity of roads, structures, and gas monitoring and control systems, prevent safety hazards and prevent exposure of waste. 20830 - Litter shall be controlled, routinely collected and disposed of properly. Windblown materials shall bo controlled to prevent injury to the public and personnel. Controls shall prevent the accumulation, or off-site migration, of litter in quantities that create a nuisance or cause other problems. 20919 - Gas monitoring and control as required. 21190(c} - All proposed postclosure land uses, other than non-inigated open space, on sites implementing closure or' on closed sites shall be submitted to the EA, RWQC'B, local air district and local land use agency. The EA shall review and approve proposed postclosure land uses if the project involves structures within 1,000 feet of the disposal area, structures on top of waste, modification of the Iow permeability layer, or irrigation over waste. CALIFORNIA REGI(' WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOAW CENTRAL VALLEY i~,,~ION ~ 3614 East Ashlan Ave Fresno, CA 93726-3533 Phone (209) 445-5116 FAX (209) 445-5910 pete Wilson, Governor 20 March 1998 Ms. Marge Rouch California Integrated Waste Management Board 8800 Cal Center Drive Sacramento, CA 95826 REMEDIATIONOF THE ROSEDALE BURN DUMP, KERN COUNTY We have reviewed the construction completion report for the subject site prepared by your staff, and two environmental assessment reports on the burn dump that were previously submitted to our office. Our comments are contained in the enclosed memorandum. Based upon the lack of significant migration of waste constituents from the burn ash, the reported depth to groundwater, and remediation of the site by asphalt capping, the burn ash material does not appear to present a threat to surface or groundwater quality. We concur with the remedial activities performed by the California Integrated Waste Management Board and we plan no further action on the site. If you have any questions, please call Richard C. Stewart at (209) 445-6186. DANE S. JOHglSON · ' Senior Engineering Geologist' CRG No. 4239 DSJ:rcs Enclosure cc: Mr. James Bennett, State Water Resources Control Board, Sacramento Ms. Daphne Washington, Kern County Waste Management Department, Bakersfield Mr. William O'Rullian, Kern County Environmental Health Services Department, Bakersfield Our mission is to preserve and enhance the quality of California's water resources, and ensure their proper allocation and efficient use fi~r the benefit of prese.t and future generations. O~tec;vcled Paper E M O R A N D U Cab'EPA CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD CENTRAL VALLEY REGION 3614 East Ashlan Ave, Fresno. CA 93726-3533 Pete Wilson, G,,vern,,r (209) 4,-45-5116 · CALNET 8-421-5116 · FAX (209) 445-5910 TO: Dane S. Johnson FROM: Richard C. Stewart Senior Engineering Geologist Associate Engineering Geologist DATE= 20 March 1998 SIGNATURE: SUBJECT: REMEDIATION OF THE ROSEDALE BURN DUMP, KERN COUNTY BACKGROUND The Rosedale Burn Dump is located in Kern County on 1.5 acres of land in Section 31, T29S, R27E, MDB&M, approximately seven miles southwest of the City of Bakersfield. The burn dump is owned by the County of Kern, and was operated by the County from prior to 1950 to July 1969. The dump received a variety of residential, commercial, and agricultural wastes from the community of Rosedale and surrounding areas. Waste materials brought to the site were discharged to trenches and openly burned. A total of seven trenches were used at the site for waste disposal. Three trenches were used for burning, three trenches were used for disposal of demolition/construction materials, and one trench was used for tire disposal. The trenches were excavated in sandy-soils to depths of up to ten feet below ground surface. Closure of the site in 1969 Consisted of covering the trenches with a 2-foot layer of soil. Following closure, the burn dump property was periodically farmed and reportedly irrigated by flood and sprinkler systems. Based on water level records for water supply wells installed near the burn dump, groundwater exists at a depth of approximately 150 feet below ground surface. Soils beneath the site are reported to consist of mixtures of gravel, sand, silt, and clay. The site received attention in the early 1990's following plans to develop a school campus near the former burn dump. Remediation of the site was completed in August 1997. Remediation was performed under the Solid Waste Disposal and Codisposal Site Cleanup Program (AB 2136) implemented by the California Integrated Waste Management Board. Site remediation consisted of excavating and relocating 48,870 cubic yards of burn ash to an area on the former burn dump property that was subsequently capped by an asphalt parking lot. ROSEDALE BURN DUMP' 2 KERN COUNTY WASTE CHARACTERIZATION Analytical data characterizing the burn ash sampled at the former burn dump was provided in two reports submitted by the Kern County Waste Management Department. The first report, entitled, Rosedale Burn Dump Assessment, 2 December 1992, was prepared by Kleinfelder, Inc. The second report entitled, Solid Waste Assessment Questionnaire, Rosedale Burn Dump, Kern Count., California, 13 June 1996, was prepared by Geomatrix Consultants. In the assessment report prepared by Kleinfelder, Inc., none of the three samples of burn ash contained concentrations of heavy metals in excess of the total threshold limit concentration (TTLC) for hazardous waste as established by the Department of Toxic Substances Control. Of the three samples .of burn ash analyzed by the WET test, one sample exhibited soluble concentrations of lead in excess of the soluble threshold limit concentration (STLC). Three bum ash samples analyzed by a modified WET test that uses deionized water instead of the standard citrate buffer extractant, did not detect soluble concentrations of lead. Three soil samples collected from native soils beneath the burn ash were analyzed by the modified WET test. Evaluation of the testing results did not detect soluble concentrations of lead. The Kleinfeider assessment also evaluated bum ash and native soils below the waste for the presence of semi-volatile organic compounds, PCBs, triazine pesticides, and chlorinated pesticides. Results of the testing determined that no organic compounds were present in any of the samples. In the assessment report prepared by Geomatrix, eleven samples of burn ash were evaluated for heavy metals. Of the eleven samples analyzed, one sample had a concentration of total copper in excess of the TTLC. Waste extraction test analysis of the eleven samples determined concentrations of soluble' lead in excess of the STLC in seven of the eleven samples and a concentration of soluble copper in excess of the STLC in one of the eleven samples. Modified WET tests were not conducted. Native soils collected at a depth of one foot below waste did not detect any concentrations of heavy metals in excess of the TTLC or concentrations in excess of ten times the STLC. Native soil samples collected at a depth of five feet below waste did not detect any concentrations of heavy metals in excess of the TTLC or concentrations in excess of ten times the STLC. The Geomatrix assessment also evaluated burn ash and native soils collected one foot below the waste for organochlorine/organophosphorus pesticides and dioxins/furans. In the burn ash, the tests detected the presence of the pesticides 4,4-DDE, 4,4-DDT, and dieldrin at a maximum concentration that is one- thirteenth the TTLC for each constituent. Soil samples collected one foot below the burn ash detected the presence of the pesticides 4,4-DDE and 4,4-DDT at a maximum concentration of one-fiftieth the TTLC for each constituent. In both investigations, pesticides were detected in soils covering the burn dump and may be related to cultivated farming following site closure in 1969. Our mission is to preserve and enhance the qualit3' of Califi~rnia'$ water resources, and ~ ensure theirproper allocation and efficient usefi~r the benefit e(present andfi~ture generations. ~ qj~Recycled Paper · ROSEDALE BURN DUM} 3 KERN COUNTY CONCLUSION Based upon the lack of significant migration of waste constituents from the bum ash, the reported depth to groundwater, and remediation of the site by asphalt capping, the bum ash material does not appear to present a threat to surface or groundwater quality. Our mission is to preser~'e and enhance the quali~' of Califi~rnia's water resources, and enxure their proper allocation and efficient use for the benefit t~f present attd future generatit~ns. ~ecycled Paper Castle&Cooke ,tthtt~Jce :: -- :---:~.,.. DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ~-~ ~ ~t--.~__.....~..~ ?~ ',,,,: ~:... /t/:// ~~ o~ ~s~r~ .//~, u~-~ To: Kern Coun~ ~v~en~ H~th D~t. Date: October 1, 1992 2700 M St~t, Suite 300 B~ersfield, CA 93304 Re: Tract 55~ B~h~ Rd./Jewe~ Ave. Attn: Terry Gray We transmit to you: X Enclosed ~ Separately Per your request, please find enclosed the transportation service documents regarding the waste materials that were hauled from the above referenced site by Laidlaw Environmental Services. If you require any further information, please contact me. CASTLE & COOKE DEVELOPMENT CORP. By: Robert W. Hibbs Vice President RWH/rs Enclosures 378-TG-T.rh ' (L ern), Inc..' . .. . ;....%:. r" ~[:] HAZARDouS(NON'RCRA) ":i.': 25'00 Wes{!Loke'rn :Road ~'.~:-' Buttonwillo~' CA 93206''' ?: ('865) 762-73'72 WMU,_:., ,;~ .:: .:LOCATI°N /.S ':' ~'-~.~. - ..~_.~'~ · [] NON HAZARDOUS : -"~PI'! '~"' 7'-'92. '.;77'?.0''~` t.~, E,R DATE ~' / '---- .-' :.? . WEIGH.ASTER CERTIFICATE ::.. 0~ :.47 PI'I THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the following des~bed commodity was weighed, measured, or counted by a wdghmaster, whose signature Is on this of the California Business and Professions Code, administered by the Division of Measurement Standards of the California Department of ~ Food and Agriculture..' c; Weighed at 2500 W' L°kem Rd" Butt°nwill°w 24240 "' tons f :- .S/ton ,-. LB NET , I'1ENDDUMP [] I~ISFER [] FLATBED .~..$'I'1.1t_t . TRUCKING CO. .'.' ,/ ;'~ '-~ ~ I<)LLOFF~ .:. [] VACUUM _ [] GENERATOR , [ ~ ':' ': ': ~C. , .... COMPANY LOC~TIC~I b'q'ATIC~ I CERTIFY THAT THE DESCRIBED WASTE WAS HAULED BY ME TO THE DISPOSAL FACILITY NAMED ABOVE FOR WAS,ugUT: DRIVER'S INITIALS DRIVER'S SIGNATURE X :;;:' - -' ...................' ........ DESCRFI'I(~: O, SCLID [] SLUDGE [] LIQUID ffrATEID# EPAID$ · . - - P~a3~L~ .- ~ /: .' / ':'"' ~/ '[ESI'il RESULT YES NO TEST# RESULT YES NO TEST# RESULT ? YES'NO %SOIJDS' co~ [] [] s~m) ~ NEG 'D [] ~ PASS F~IL' [] [] %OL' ., LAIDLAW ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ,.. [] [] Ch/a{g ' ';) POS "EG E] [] Fluff ?" ~' .0 [] % WATER:'· , :. (LOKERN>,' INC. pH(~ [] [] F.L.[21} YES · NO q [] .*' [] [] 'To be done on?zadot~ r~uids on¥ WEIGHMASTER COMMENTS: " Gross by. '....-" - .. ..... ~ ': /.. t I~1~.-'~, , .... .--' · ~ .! ,..' . .'. Truck# : - · .: I CERT1FY THAT THE HAULER ABOVE DELIVERED THE DESCRIBED WASTE TO THIS DISPOSAL FACILITY AND IT WAS ACC,,EFTABLE UA. TERIAL UNDER TERMS OF RWQCB ORDER NUMBER 89-150. " ' SAMPLING PROCEDURE Truck ~" ./.'" ........ ' .': i,'~" ' ':' ,e..~. '.,) -,,,,~/ . .... ....:" :' S~A~EOFTSDE OPERATOR"X , , ' "" :' '"":' "¥'" By ~ ..-' -."" Trailer Lic, No, ." ..". v' I CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE DESCRIBED WASTE WAS PROPERLY PLACED INTO THE DESIGNATED WASTE MANAGEMENT ltl Scoop [] Coliwassa [] Thief UNIT UNDER MY SUPER¥1SION AND REQUIRED PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT WAS WORN, 'Trailer Mc. No. x SIGNATURE OF TSDF OPERATOR [] Waste Pile Sampler Grab: [] Top [] Bottom NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE DATA FORM cn'Y. . -- / PHONE NO CONTAINERS: No. / VOLUME WEIGHT TAN~ Du.P ~ £ac~ - OFF TYPE: [] muck [] T,UCK [] DRUUS [] CARTONS OTHER WASTEOESC.,P.,ON gOA) T-- ~'oI/__ ~ENE.AT,N~PROCESS ~/~£' 'ZCE'4~J dP COMPONENTS OF WASTE PPM % COMPONENTS OF WASTE PRM % - P.OPERT,ES: oH OL,D I--t L~OU,D [] SLUDGE [] SLURRY [] O~HER HANDLING INSTUCTIONS: _ THE WASTE AS DESCRIBED IS 100% - ,/'/-- ' ' ' TYPED OR PRINTED FULL NAME & S~GN¢~RE DATE PICK UP DATE TYPED OR PRINTED FULL NAME & S~GNATURE DATE GEN OLD/NEW L A C/Q HWDF NONE DISCREPANCY NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE DATA FORM ADDRESS Y I.D. CONTAINERS: No. VOLUME WEIGHT Zac~ OFF TANK DUMP ~PE: ~ TRUCK ~ /HUCK ~ DRUMS ~ CARTONS COMPONENTS O~ WASTE PPM % COMPONENTS OF WASTE PPM 1 ,,. 5 - 2. 6 NON*HAZARDOUS. ~ ~ _ _ ~PED OR P~INTED FULL NAME & SIGNORE DATE /41~ ~~ E~ ~ ~~ Yl~~ ~.? I~,~,~,o,o,o,~,/,z/1 NAME . NO. ~2 z 7 P~b ~ ~ ~ V ADDRESS ~ SERVICE ORDER NO. CI~. STATE. ZIP . · . ~1 PICK UP DATE - TRUCK, UNIT, I.D. NO. ~ ~PED O~ PRINT~D~L & DATE .,.~/~~~ ~V ~~YI(~ :~l~d,"~¢,~,o~,~?,~ Cl~, STATE, ZIP ~PED OR PRINTED FULL NAME & SIGNATURE DATE 6EN OLD/NEW L A C/Q RT~ HWDF NONE DISCREPANCY [] HAZAHDOUS(NON-RCRA) (Lokern), Inc. ., : ..... WMU #.-"' i'~~ LOCATION' ". 2500 West Lokern Road · Buttonwillow, CA 93206 · ($05) 762-7372 [] NON HAZARDOUS DATE / WBGHMASTER CERTIFICATE '"' ': ' :' '"'~-"- .... THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the following described commodity was weighed, measured, or counted by a weighmaster, whose signature is on this ; ' ~; ~, ~ , :" '" ' ' certificate, who is a recognized authority of accuracy, as prescribed by Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 12700) of Division 5 of the California Business and Professions Code, administered by the Division of Measurement Standards of the California Department of Food and Agriculture. Weighed at 2500 W. Lokern Rd., Bmtonwillow [] ENDDUMP ri TRANSFER [] FLATBED '" COMPANY LOCATION STATION I CERTIFY THAT THE DESORIBED WASTE WAS HAULED BY ME TO THED!_S.pOSAL FACILITY NAMED ABOVE FOR WASHOUT: DRIVER'S INITIALS DRIVER'S SIGNATURE X , ' " '" ,.'i (:.. ~,F .~. (~..>~-.-' - . ¢.' >, DESCRIPTION: J~J. SOLID [] SLUDGE,'U LIQUID., ;" STATED# EPAID~ TEST# RESULT YES NO TEST# RESULT YES NO TEST# RESULT YES NO %SOLIDS' Dior [] [] SuI(BA) POS NEG [] [] Absp(26) PASS FAIL [] [] %OIL' \ LAIDLAW ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Vis..(~_.. : .. 'ri, [] C¥a(9 ;"~ POS NEG J~ [] F~h __OF~ ...[] [] %WATER:' (LOKERN);INC. pH{3} / .. ,'i [] [] F,L.(21} YES .NO J~, []' .' [] [] 'To be done on.hazardous liquids only. WEIGHMASTER COMMENTS: ' '" ~' · .. ,., Deputy I CERTIFY THAT THE HAULER ABOVE DELIVERED THE DESCRIBED WASTE TO THIS DISPOSAL FACILITY AND IT WAS / ACCEPTABLE MATERIAL UNDER TERMS OF RWQ?B ORDER NUMBER 8g-150. "· S/~MPLING PROCEDURE ~ .... " '~ ,. ' ~,. ~-'~" Truck Lic. No.." ,.. ..' SIGNATURE OF TSDF OPERATOR X / /.'/;'..'~ ~ ".. ' ...... ;"" ":" :~,: "..." ~/ ' ..... ' ~ Trailer Uc. No.. I (~ER~'EY THAT THE ABOVE DESCRIBED WASTE WAS PROPERLY PLACED INTO THE DESIGNATED WASTE MANAGEMENT B Scoep [] Coliwassa [] Thief UNIT UNDER MY SUPERVISION AND REQUIRED PERSONAL P~IOTECTIVE F, QI~IPMENT, WAS WORN. ,. /"),. ,"'~' /~" / .;. . { ............. "? Trailer Lic. No. SIGNATUR~OFTSDFOPERATOR X ,"" /' ~'''''''~- '~"" ~"?' '" " ' ' ,' " .......... r~ wRstp. Pile ~mnl~r ~mh' r-] Tnn ~-~ Rrfftnm 52068 90- ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES OF CA, INC. DATE TRANSPORTATION SERVICE ORDER ¢- ' Transpodation ID ¢: CAD000083121 4501 Pacheco Blvd. ~ 3237 Patton Way ~ 221 E. "D" Street Madinez, CA 94553 / Bakersfield, CA 93308 Wilmington, CA 90744 (415) 372-4800 (805) 835-5801 or (213) 518-4700 Customer Name: ~,/~.- Telephone: Billing Address: Contact Person: City: ~ State .~ BCE ~: _ . /(' ,,"~ Sales Person: Type of Mater a Generator: '~ ~' EPA Number: ........ Generator ID Number (State): Facility EPA NO.: Disposal: LES FacilJty ~ Outside Facility ~ None.~ Customer P.O. - ........ Se~ices Pedormed Start Miles: End Miles: Total Miles: Truck No: Trailer No: Net Wgt: Capacity: Driver Time: Start (AM/PM): Stop (AM/PM) Gross Time Meals: Start Time (AM/PM): Stop (AM/PM) Less Time Other Time Detail Adj. Time Ddvers Name Driver No. Total Time Customer Site: Time In Disposal Site: Time In Time In Time Out Time Out Time Out Explanation of Time: E~4.08. 1992 ~0:5~ NO.12 P. 5 FROM ~. Petroleum Hydrocarbons CASTLE & COOKE Date of P.O. BOX 11165 Report: 03/24/92 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 Lab %: 2466-2 Attn.: MR. HIBBS 805-66%-6000 Sample Description: SOIL COMPOSITE (SLUDGE) 03-18-92 © 2:00PM COLLECTED BY DAVID RITTENHOUSE TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Sample Matrix: Soil Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received ~ Lab: Completed: 03/18/92 03/18/92 03/23/92 Minimum Analysis Reporting Reporting Con.stituen~.s Results UniTs. Level Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (diesel) 10000. mg/kg 1000. California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 Department Supervisor cc: KERN COb'NTY ENViROb~VIENTAL HEALTH SERVICE DEPT 4100Atlas 0:, · Eiske.~eld, CA ~3C-C~ · (~--~---J 327-4811 · I=AX (8053 ~?-1 ~t119 April 7, 1994 TO: Hazardous Materials Program, Kern County Health Department~ Attn: Joe Canas FROM: Mike McCabe, Assistant Planner, City RE: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment p~epared by Martin- McIntosh for a portion of the El/2 of Section 20, T30S./R27E, M.D.B.M., March 31, 1994. (Our Project File No. GPA 2-94, Seg. Please find enclosed a copy of the above referenced report for your agency's review. I indicated in our phone call on April 6 that I would be transmitting this document to you. Our department is presently preparing an Initial Study pursuant to CEQA for the related project proposal. Should you have any comments on this study, please return them to our office no later than April 29, 1994. Please contact me at your earliest convenience should you have any questions about the report or the related project. Encl: MJM:4/7/94 WORK ORDER LOG SHEET WO Category - - ae~. ~ Code RESPONSIB?,~. PARTY (RP) NAME." CONTACT: ~P Annazss: ~.o. ~3ox II/~S' RP CITY: B/% ~ r3,z,~( ~ STATE: C ~ ZIP: ¢]~f + RP PHONE NOS: _( ) _( ) ZNSPECTOR: 7"-~¢'r'-7 ~ F..~¥ EXT. PROGRAM: ~A) ~d rc F/y~ , DESCRIPTION: ~/~//~ ~. (_..o . , FACILITY NAME: BAKERSFIELD CA 9~389 BAKERSFIELD CA 933~ '" F~O~ P~RCEL P O eOx lll~ " ~ '"~" '' ~ · '' '' ]0i-2)7 1 ~L~ND DEPT lg~-27O-OO-gO-~" BAKERSFIELD CA S1/2 ~F N1/2 EXCL OF " ' ....... ~ e4KERSFIELD CA 3s9-07 ~ C. LAND CQ SUBD. LOT I OF SEC. 31 T. 29S. R27E.sc"°°~ ~ ~ ~LO~AK ' RD. ~0. /~85 ' ' ' DRIVE ~ MR / 75AC I 2.82~ 2~IC .,~;;:...s,,:,t.,:.,.;~ .;..........::~:~ MR=, . ...F°r 'mob'ie~me,. A.P N see page 43. COUNTY FI RE DE]~..~RT~IENT TO: ~ = Health Department .... ~ ] = Air Pollution Control ~ ~ FRO~: Kern County Fire - Hazardous ~a~erials Bureau (,) Hazardous ~aste - Disposal ( ) Illegal Dump Discovered I I Hazardous ~aste - Storage ( ) Illegal Transportation ~ HEALTH DEPT. ( ) Waste 0il - Disposal ( ) Underground Tank - No Permit { ) W~ste Oil - Storage ( ) Underground Tank - Illegal Instlllition ~ Other ( ) FIRE DEPT. ( ) Exits ( ) Spt. System ( ) Other ( ) Aisle Spacin8 ( ) Stand Pipe ( ) Fixed Ext. System(s) Hood and/or Duces ( ) Hoods $ Ranges ( )PLA~ING DEPT. ( )See Remarks BUILDING DEPT. ( ) See Remarks AIR POLLUTION CONTROL ( ) Modification of Fuel Nozzles ( ) Non Operating Recovery Devices · .. '~ ' ,t'~?.,.i?-,%,~ [ ] FIRST CHECK BACK / / ! NSPECTOR ~J~ % ~", , ~ __ REVIEWED BY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS BUREAU CAPTAIN [ ] SECOND CHECK BACK__/__/__ THIRD CHECK BACK / / Original to Fire Prevention Bureau Copy to Follow-up File / BUSINESS PLAN MAP I~1 SITE NAP Form 5 ~ J AREA HAP Form 5A " Business Name: If Form 5A Box is Checked: Area Map # of ~-- North Name of Area: ~~_~(~_~j.,. RESOURCE MANAGEMEN AGENCY  Environmental Health ~e~ice~ Department RANDALL L. ABBOTT STEW McCALLEY, REH$, DIRECTOR DIRECTOR Air Pollut~en Control District DAVID PRICE II! W~LUAM J. RODDY, APCO ASSISTANT DIRECTOR P~anning & Development Sen~ces Department TED JAMES, AiCP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT March 2, 1992 Castle & Cooke Development Corporation c/o Land Department P.O. Box 11165 Bakersfield, CA 93389 SUBJECT: 160 acre parcel located southeast of Brimhall Road and Calloway Drive, Bakersfield, CA APN: 369-010-06-00-9C Ladies and Gentlemen: An inspection conducted by this office on February 4, 1992, determined that a minimum of three 55 gallon drums suspected hazardous wastes were abandoned at the site noted above. In addition, a fifty by sixty foot area of soil by the three barrels has been contaminated. A review of the Kern County Assessor's office records indicate that you are the owner of the aforementioned property. As the owner of this property you are responsible for any cleanup that may be required. Within thirty (30) days of receipt of this Notice of Violation, you must characterize the waste present by having it analyzed by a State Certified Hazardous Waste Laboratory, and forward a copy of the results to this office. Upon review by this Department of the laboratory analyses, you will be notified of any further action required. In accordance with Kern County Ordinance Code G-5541, Section 8.04.100 the Department is authorized to charge for inspections, report reviews, and laboratory service costs incurredin the process of obtaining compliance with any violations noted. Be advised that you will be billed at the rate of $65.00 per hour for oversight during the abatement of these violations. If you have any questions regarding this order, you may contact me at (805) 861-3636, extension 582. Sincerely, Terry L. Gray Hazardous Materials Inspector TG:jg Certified number: P 767 340 700 cc: Department of Toxic Substances 27~ "M" STREET, SUITE3~ BAKERSFIELD, CA~FORN~ 93301 (~5) ~1-3~6 DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION t[ '"? March 16, 1992 Mr. Terry L Gray Resource Management Agency Environmental Health Services Department 2700 M Street,. Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: B-C Labs Testing Dear Mr. Gray: As we discussed on the telephone Friday, March 13th, Castle & Cooke has asked B-C Labs to begin the testing procedures you have requested. John Hatzman is estimating the sampling and testing will take 15 days. After we have determined what the material is, we will use a local environmentalist to assist us in preparing a plan of removal. If you have any questions or wish to discuss this issue, please contact me. Sincerely, Robert W. Hibbs Vice President RWlt:rks 159-Lrh I Sample0 z ~ ' m C ' __' Re!i~uished ~: t'S~a:ure} R~e~ by: (S~nalure) Oale: Time:' Address .............................................. ~. Relinquished by- ~S~nature~ ~ R~e~ by: fSOnalure). Dale' BAF~".R~ F 1: ,c: f ,I: "1, 93~89 Lab #: 2466- ] A~: ~n,: M~.' F~ rI~BS 80~-664-6000 Sample i:~,:..~:" i].,l ion: RITTE~OUSZ Sam~,le M,',, : .x Sludge TOt al ~',,t ",~'r ~yd~::. ,: ~.'",:: ~000000. :t;'~/k'! 200000. ; '.'4 I P,O. BOX : I':,~ R,.~por%; 03/24/92 Sample t~r.~.....: ~.~ ion: LIQUID CO~PO~ITE TE.~T METHr~i, 'i'P'.,{ by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.'['. M.=,,,:., ..'.?,~1%~,(t Modifia~ EPA 80~:; S~le M~'~ .: Sludge Date Samp~ Date Sam.t) l.:'. Dat:c~ Analysis Col lect: ,.d Received ~ ],~i. ComDlete(~: 0~.,"18/9.' 03/18/92 C) 3/23/9~ M~'. ' "~ ~ ~ ~ ut'~:: :. ~~.) ~ n .... ~.kLi ~:..~ ........ 1,~ .., TOtal F','t ' ,'~;:~ ~.0 BO'/. !:,'. ~eport : 03/26/92 BAKERSFi~.:~,;'. ,'A ~3)389 Lab ~: 2466-2 Sample ~),.' ,': ~1.,~ :on: SOIL COMPOSITE RITTE~OUSE 53000 P,Q. BI')Z . I.,' Re.~porr,: 03/24/92 BA~:R~F~F~.[,, "]~. 933~9 L~,b ~: 2466.~2 Attn.: ~ ~ [I'~BS 805-664-6000 Sample :),:,~:..~ :,..~ ion: SOiL COMPOSIT?, (5;L~D(;~,: ~ '.,;: ,~., 2 ()OPM COLLECTED ~',' ~ RITT~0USE TE.4T ME':':-I I ':PM by D.O.H,S. / L.U F."' M.'~;~:t~ '4-th~,d Modified E.~A 901" Sa;.~pl e M,.,: Soil Date S~m~.~: · DaCe Sam'.,~L,'. bate Analysis Co!.~ecr..r~ Received ~. ~,,~ ~ompleted: 03 /~S/"~ 03/18/~2 0~,/~3/92 ~na [7~, ... ~,..~orr inq Repr , . TO:al ~'," ' , ~.':, Cal ilo: :,, ;~. s. Cer:. #1186 CC: K~RN ESOURCE MANAGEMEN AGENCY  Env~ronmentid Health Setvk:es Department RANDALL L. ABBOTT STEVE McCA! ! Fy, REHS, DIRECTOR DIRECTOR Air Pollution Control Distt~ct DAVID PRICE !II WLL~ ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Planning & Development Services Depar~nent TED ,lAMES. AICP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT May 11, 1992 Robert W. Hibbs CASTLE & COOKE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION P.O. Box 11165 Bakersfield, CA 93389 Subject: Diesel contamination--southeast of Brimhall Road and Calloway Drive, Bakersfield, CA APN: 369-010-06-00-9C Dear Mr. Hibbs: The laboratory analyses of the samples retrieved March 18, 1992, at the location noted above have been reviewed. According to the laboratory report the waste was a diesel product. The diesel contaminated soil should be excavated to the level of visible contamination. The contaminated soil must be transported to a permitted class two disposal site or a facility capable of recycling diesel waste. The waste diesel fuel in the 55-gallon drums may also be recycled. Please submit a copy of the bill of lading evidencing proper disposal of the waste to this office within ninety days. If you have additional questions, I may be contacted at (805) 861-3636, extension 582. Sincerely, ~erry L. Gray Hazardous Materials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program 2700 "M" STREET. SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CA~FORNLA 93301 (805) 861-3636 :~OH 04,08.1992 10:51 NO.12 P, FACSIMILE TRANSMISSSION COVER SHEET co~: R C E H ~ FROM: KYLE ERNST BC LABORATORIES, INC. FAX NUMBEKS: (805) 327-19!8 (805) 322-5444 NIIM~ER OF PAGES (including cover sheet): ANY PROBLEM WITH TRANSMISSION, PLEASE CALL: (805) 327-4911 EXT. 232 Transmitted by: .... ~l~. 04.88.199~ 1~0:51 ~0.12 P. 2 ~ROM -~ Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons CASTLE & COOKE Date of P.O. BOX 11165 Report: 03/2~/92 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 Lab ~: 2466-1 Attn.: MR. HIBBS 805-664-6000 Sample Description: LIQUID COMPOSITE (SLUDGE) 03-18-92 ® 2:00PM COLLECTED BY DAVID RITTEArHOUSE Sample Matrix: Sludge Method CQ~Stituents Sample Results Units ~.Q,L. Method Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 1000000. mg/kg 200000. EPA-41$.I California D.O.H.S. Cer~. #1186 Department Supervi sot cc: KERN COUNTY E~N-~IRO.N-~L HEALTH SERVICE DEPT 41 OlD A~las Cr~. · ~ker~-f~eld, C3k ~C~D~ · ~0~ 3~7~4911 · F~X (8(2)~ 3~7-1 ~)18 04. Oq_. 1992 t0:52 NO.12 P. ~ '-, ROM - Petroleum Hydrocarbons CASTLE & COOKE Date of P.O. BOX 11165 Report: 03/24/92 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 Lab ~: 2466-1 Attn.: MR. HIBBS 805-664-6000 Sample Description: LIQUID COMPOSITE .(SLUDGE) 03-18-92 ~ 2:00PM COLLECTED BY DAVID RITTEN~OUSE TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Sample Matrix: Sludge Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received ~ Lab: Completed: 03/18/92 03/18/92 03/23/92 Minimum Analysis Reporting Reporting gonstituents Results Units Level Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (diesel) 540000. mg/kg 10000. Note: High reported PQL due to high concentrate of target analyte in the sample. California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~1186 Departmen~ Supervisor cc: KER~N COb'NTY ENVIROh.~ENTAL HEALTH SERVICE DEPT 410(2 ArJ~s ~. · EBake,~'Cie!ct, CA 9~'~--~ · (C--C'~ 3~7-.491 I · F~( (E~D~J ~27-I 91 8 /'ROM " 04.0~. 1992 !._~: 52 NO.12 P. 4 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons CASTLE & COOKE Date of P.O. BOX 11165 Report: 03/26/~2 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 Lab ~: 24~6-2 Attn.: MR. HIBBS 805-664-6000 Sample Description: SOIL COMPOSITE (SLUDGE) 03-18-92 @ 2:00PM COLLECTED BY DAVID RITTENHOUSE Sample Matrix: Soil. Method Constituents Sample Results Units ~ Method Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 53000. mg/kg 10000. EPA-4iS.1 California D.O.H.S. Cert. Department Supervi sot cc: KERN COO'NTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICE DEPT 4~ (DO ~as Cc. · ~eker~e!cl, CA 9C~-~ · (812~--] 3~7~91 I . FAX (~IC~ 327-1 91 8 BAKEr IEL]~ 5].7 F'., .Q T ( ~,~;~~..',~ 32.~'7 PATTON WAY ~~ Telephone: ~(~5-835- 58~LL ~8/'.[I/92 5172~81 ?,.~2~.~ EEDER~L ID NUI.IBER: 65-~121392 Page ~1 921422 - 2 - ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CASTLE & COOK BOBBY SCOTT 39~23 STOCKDALE 39~23 STOC~gALE HWY. BA~RSEIELD, CA 932~6  BUTTO~/I~OW, CA 932~6 SALES: GEORGE Y~R · AIDLAW .N~:E, ]~, Da. ~s ~31.~(?'~ DAYS BIN RENTAL ~6 I-.~NIEEST ~ WASTE (,O,_E: 39~758 EQUIPHENT SALES SUBTOTAL EOR INVOICE County Tax NOTE: SERVICES RENDERED BIN RENTAL FOR Jb%Y !992 'lease Relnit To: LAIDLAW ENV. SVCS OF CALiFORNIA,INC P.O. BOX 100026 PASADENA, C!A 91L89-OO26 TOTAl, DII[i ~ I.!~,.~i) BAKE~ 517 s~/c~s BA~RSFIE~, CA 933~8 Telephone: 805-835-58~1 ~8/17/92 51720817~9 FEDE~L ID ~ER: 65-~121392 Page ~1 921422 - 2 - ATTN: ACCOSTS PAY~ C~ & C~K BOBBY SCOTT 39~23 STOC~ ~ 39~23 S~C~ ~. B~RSFIE~, CA 932~O6 B~~W, CA 932~6 S~S: GEORGE Y~ 42 4. 000 ~S T~NSPORTATIO~ 65. O~ 260. ~O ~IFEST ~ ~1 WASTE CODE: 39~758 ~SPORTATION GROUP S~TOTAL $ 26~.~ SUBTOTAL FOR INVOICE $ 260.00 County Tax $ 0.00 NOTE: SERVICES REi{DE~ED 8-7-92 lease Remit To: LAIDL~4 ENV. SVCS OF CALIFORNIA,INC P.O. BOX 100026 BAKERS.; 'LD · ~%~tRO~¥M~'N;"A£ BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Telephone: 8~5-835-58~1 ~7/31/92 5172~731~1 FEDERAL ID NUMBER: 65-~121392 Page ~1 921422 - 2 - BOBBY SCOTT ~'~. '¥~ 39~23 STOC~A~ ~~ ~ B~RSFIE~,cA ~' 932006 ~ .:/ ~ ~ ~ :~ ~.~: · B~ ~36 "1.250 HRS TRANSPORTATION 65.~OO ~FEST ~ WASTE COD~,: 390*S8 TRANSPORTATION GROUP SUBTOTAL $ ~OTR: SEgVTCES RR~ERRD ~ase Remit To: LAIDLAW ENV. SVCS OF CALIFORNIA,INC P.O. BOX 100026 PASADENA, CA 91189-0026 TOTAL DUE $ 81.25 2500 W. LOKERN ROAD $,~v/c£$ BUTTONWILLWO, CA 93206 Telephone: 805-835-5801 O8/18/92 51820818027 FEDERAL ID NUMBER: 57-0891472 Page ~1 921422 - 4 - IioTTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CASTLE & COOK BBY SCOTT CALLOWAY RD. 9023 STOCKDALE HWY. BAKERSFIELD, CA IBUTTONWILLOW, CA 93206 SALES: GEORGE YAAR 12102 16.740 TONS DISPOSAL SOLIDS 1~D.O~O 1674.OO MANIFEST # Wi WASTE CODE, Ml184 DISPOSAL GROUP SUBTOTAL $ 1674.~ SUBTOTAL FOR INVOICE $ 1674.00 County Tax $ 0.~ ~n-Hazardous Solid: 33480.00 LBS 16.74 TON Lease Remit To: LAIDLAW ENV.SVCS OF CALIFORNIA,INC. P.O. BOX 100026 90 5~636 ., ..,ERVIL,.~ ORDER - ENVIRONMENTAL ~E~W~E~ O~ CA, INC. DATE TRANSPORTATION SERVICE ORDER ~ranspo~ation ID ~: CAD000083121 ~ 4SOl ~acheco Blvd. 3237 ~atton ~ay ~ 221 ~. "~" Street ' Ma~nez, CA 94553 _ Bakersfield, CA 93308 Wilmington, CA 90744 (415) 372-4800 (805) 835-5801 or (213) 518-4700 (so5) 5 9-4970 Customer Name: ~~~~~ Telephone: L~t/ Contact per~n~: Billing AddreSs: -_~ O.~Z.~ <~<:~c/~c~,[~ ~ City: .~;q/'~-~'~r ' r~ State / ~ ~oC BeE ~: Job Location: ~ll .... ,~., ~ ~ ~ ~.~ ~.~.~ Destination: Type of Mater a ~,'~., '~ ~,, .,: ~-,~,~ Sales Person: Generator: ~~Z.o ~- ~) ~ EPA Number: Generator ID Number (State): Facility EPA NO.: Disposal: LES Facility __ Outside Facility__ None Customer P.O. Man~est ~ ~ ~ Se~ices Pedormed '" _. , Sta~ Miles: End Miles: Total Miles: T~ck No: / ~ ~ .~'~ Trailer No: ] 7 ~ Z~ 7~ Net Capacity: Driver Time: Sta~ ~)PM): ~(~ Stop ~YPM) ,~ / ~ Gross Time / ~/ Meals: Sta~ Time (AM/PM): Stop (AM/PM) Less Time Other~ Detail Adj. Time Drive. Name ~~!.Q /J_,~m/~- Driver No. TotalTime Customer Site: Time In ~6J r_~ ~isposal Sito: lime In ~me In limo Out ~ ~ ~ lime Out lime Out ~xplanation o~ limo: NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE DATA FORM DUMP ~PE: ~ TANK TRUCK ~ THUCK ~ DRUMS ~ CARTONS OTHER ._ COMPONENTS OF WASTE PPM % COMPONENTS OF WASTE PPM 2. 6. ~/~E~ / 3. 7. PROPERTIES: p" OLID ~ LIQUID ~ SLUDGE ~ SLURRY ~ OTHER HANDLING {NSTUCTIONS: · ¢ · NON-HAZARDOUS. ; ~ ~PED OR PRINTED FULL NAME & SIGNORE DATE Cl~, STATE, ZIP ~ PICK UP DATE PHONE NO. _ TRUC~ UNIT, I.D. NO. ~PED OP PRINTED FULL NAME & SIGNATURE DATE Cl~, STATE, ZIP PHONE NO. ~PED OR PRINTED FULL NAME & SIGNATURE DATE GEN OLD/NEW L A TONS ~R~NS S B C/Q R~tCD HWDF NONE DISCREPANCY LOKF L e.. d'l ~/C'.S OF CALiFOI~,I,IIA~ II,K', ',~; - .... ~.~.~ ~ 2 see w. LOKERN ROAD .... ~,~~~z BUTTONWILLWO, CA 932~6 FEDERAL ID NUMBER: 5-/'-~891472 Page 921422 - 4 - ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CASTLE & COOK BOBBY SCOTT CALLOWAY RD. 39~23 STOCKDALE H~Ff. BAKERSFIELD, CA BUTTONWI~OW, CA 93256 SALES: GEORGE YAAR  '"' .... 2 " CASTLE & COOK 5 1. ~ PROFILING FEE 1.~NIPEST ~ N/A I~A,_,PE CODE: PROFESSIONAL oEP, YICEo GROUP SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL FOR INVOICE County Tax $ {~.eO :'lease Remit To: LAIDLAW ENV.SVCS OF CALIFORNIA,INC. P.O. BOX 100026 Generator Name: CASTLE & COOK BAKERSFIELD Sample Description: SOIL & WASTE OIL Laboratory Number: 9555 Date Received: 6/1/92 Date Reported: 6/3/92 Analytical Metal Name Result (mq/kq) TCLP Result (mq/kq) Method (1) Barium 75 7080 Cadmium ND 7130 Chromium 6.5 7190 Copper 7.5 7201 Lead ND 7420 Nickel ND 7520 Silver ND 7760 Thallium ND 7840 Vanadium ND 7910 Zinc 51 7950 Constituent Spot Test Total (ppm). Reactive Sulfide NEGATIVE Cyanide NEGATIVE Ammonia NEGATIVE Fluoride POSITIVE 3 ppm Hexavalent Chromium NEGATIVE Formaldehyde NEGATIVE Phenols NEGATIVE Halogenated Organics NEGATIVE Absorbancy PASS % Solids 94 % Water 2 % Oil 2 pH *6.28 Specific Gravity 2.06 @ 19.6 DEG. C Flashpoint (PMCC) 1 - "Test Methods For Evaluating Solid Wastes", SW 846, September 1986 Comments: -1:10 DILUTION Laidlaw Environmental Services (Lokem), Inc. 2500 West Lokern Road Post Office Box 787 Buttonwillow. California 93206 Phone 805.762.7372 Fax 805,762.7681 LAIDLAW ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Date Reported: 06/08/92 Page 1 P. O. BOX 787 Date Received: 06/01/92 BUTTON-WILLOW, CA 93206 Laboratory No.: 4835-7 Attn.: PURCHASING 1-762-7372 Sample Description: SAMPLE ~9555 CASTLE & COOKE SOIL & WASTE OIL TOTAL CONTAMINARTS (Title 22, Article 11, California Code of Regulations) Regulatory Criteria Method STLC TTLC Constituents Sample Results Units P.Q.L. Method ~mq/L mq/kq Arsenic 3.2 mg/kg 0.7 SW-7060 5.0 500. Mercury None Detected mg/kg 0.15 SW-7471 0.2 20. Selenium None Detected mt/kg 0.7 SW-7740 1.0 100. TOX None Detected mg/kg 20. SW-9020 Comment: Ail constituents reported above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. P.Q.L. = Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte detectable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed. STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", SW 846, September, 1986. Department Supervisor PCB Analysis LAIDLAW ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Date of P. O. BOX 787 Report: 06/09/92 BUTTONWILLOW, CA 93206 Lab ~: 4835-7 Attn.: PURCHASING 1-762o7372 sample Description: SAMPLE ~9555 CASTLE & COOKE SOIL & WASTE OIL Test Method: EPA Method 8080 Sample Matrix: Solid waste Date Sample Date Sample Date t%nalysis Collected: Received ~ Lab: Completed: 06/01/92 06/01/92 06/03/92 Minimum Analysis Reporting Reporting Constituents Results Units Level PCB-1016 None Detected mg/kg 0.1 PCB-1221 None Detected mg/kg 0.1 PCB-1232 None Detected mg/kg 0.1 PCB-1242 None'Detected mg/kg 0.1 PCB-1248 None Detected mg/kg 0.1 PCB-1254 None Detected mg/kg 0.1 PCB-1260 None Detected mg/kg 0.1 Total PCB's (Summation) None Detected mg/kg 0.1 Note: Raised PQL due to matrix interference. California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~1186 Department Supervisor LABOI=IATO tilE ~ Volatile Organic Analysis (TCLP Extract) LAIDLAW ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Date of P. O. BOX 787 Report: 06/04/92 BUTTONWILLOW, CA 93206 Lab ~: 4835-7 Attn.: PURCHASING 1-762-7372 Sample Description: SAMPLE #9555 CASTLE & COOKE SOIL & WASTE OIL Test Method: EPA Method 8240 Sample Matrix: Solid waste Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received ® Lab: Completed: 06/01/92 06/01/92 06/02/92 Minimum Analysis Reporting Reporting Constituents Results Units Level Benzene None Detected mg/L 0.001 Carbon Tetrachloride None Detected mg/L 0 001 Chlorobenzene None Detected mg/L 0 Chloroform None Detected mg/L 0 001 1,4-Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/L 0 001 1,2-Dichloroethane None Detected mg/L 0 001 1,1-Dichloroethylene None Detected mg/L 0 001 Methyl Ethyl Ketone None Detected mg/L 0 001 Tetrachloroethylene None Detected mg/L 0 001 Trichloroethylene None Detected mg/L 0 001 Vinyl Chloride None Detected mg/L 0.001 California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~1186 Department Supervisor Base Neutrals and Acid Extractables (TCLP Extract) LAIDLAW ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Date of P. O. BOX 787 Report: 06/08/92 BUTTONWILLOW, CA 93206 Lab ~: 4835-7 Attn.: PURCHASING 1-762-7372 Sample Description: SAMPLE ~9555 CASTLE & COOKE SOIL & WASTE OIL Test Method: EPA Method 8270 Sample Matrix: Solid waste Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received ~ Lab: Completed: 06/01/92 06/01/92 06/03/92 Minimum D.nalysis Reporting Reporting Constituents Results Units Level o-Cresol None Detected mg/L 0.02 m-Cresol None Detected mg/L 0.02 p-Cresol None Detected mg/L 0.02 Cresol None Detected mg/L 0.02 2,4-Dinitrotoluene None Detected mg/L 0.02 Hexachlorobenzene None Detected mg/L 0.02 Hexachloro-l,3-butadiene None Detected mg/L 0.02 Hexachloroethane None Detected mg/L 0.02 Nitrobenzene None Detected mg/L 0.02 Pentachlorophenol None Detected mg/L 0.02 Pyridine None Detected mg/L 0.02 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol None Detected mg/L 0.02 California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~1186 Department Supervisor MAR-- ~1--'~°-'~ TUE 11:57 ~C LABS--ORgANIC P . ~l FACIMILE TRAN.qM 1 ~ ...... ~.',\x NUMBERS: (805) ~:.~7 (805) '" ~,.'~ ANY ~"i-' l~,l.:M.q WITH TRA/qSM£SS.[ON, PI,I,iA:~},; 'Ai,H,: (SDS) 327-2911 EX':' q'RAN,q?4 ':"]'i,:l) BY: ---- _ ....... / PAGES(INCLUDING COVF:.~ c:~.;,]E'r): ....... ~.~