HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK-C-6/26/89 ! PE~IT ~: ENV. SENSITIVITY: ~~ Acttvlty Date 8 Of Tanks CommenK~ KERN cOUNTy HEALTH DEPART I' 2700 'M Street HEALTH OFFICER Bakersfield, California ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION Leon M Hebertson, M.D. Mailing Address: DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 1415 Truxtun Avenue Vernon S. Reichard Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 861-3636 June 26, 1989 Interstate Brand Corporation 431N. Brown Street Bakersfield, California CLOSURE OF 3 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE TANKS LOCATED AT 431 N. BROWN STREET IN THE CITY/COUNTY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. PERMIT # A740-150067 This is to advise you that this Department has reviewed the project results for the preliminary assessment associated with the closure of the tanks noted above. Based upon the sample results submitted, this De~artm~D~ ~G satisfied that the assessment is complete~and no s~gnlflcant so~i contamination has resulted from discharues from the sub3ect tanks. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. TURONDA R. CRUMPLER, R.E.H.S., HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SPECIALIST cc:SEMCO DISTRICT OFFICES Delano · Lamont · Le 3bella · Mojave · Ridgecrest · Shafter · Taft 013..."~9/198'B 15:.'3,4 FR01,1 .SEI,II::0 rq0DEST0 C.~. DIU T0 "~.'~=~' 29 · ~. ~,~ 134 P.Ol I 4~ w. l~tO, C'~li Fd~ila 95351 Ceneral l~ngineering Building Contractor License No. 449864 A, B, C-61 B[.'b"'.,~E CALL I'O C_.,ONFZR~ ~I:~T OR ~ TRANb-"~88ION DIFFICULTIES, FAX ~ IS AN ~ PANAFAX UF-],50 AT (209) 52.,7.--Olt~ 03,."0'-)' 198'9 15:39 FROM ~EMF:O Mn[:,ESTO C~, DI~J, 'TO t805561~42'~ P LABORATORIES l~tltotttl¥ t.J. ~o~. 119. CHII~. tl~at " 4100 PlEl~l ilO., I&KEIISlqEL0, CAUFOIINIA 93308 PHONE 39.7-49 ,,, 431 W. Hatch Roa~ lle2:<)~: 23-8e~-88 tab. ~.: ~le tksc: Dolly Maa~ 45~ ~ 'qEMCO MODESTO CA. OIU 'TO 18~58E, 1342.B , p. 11 15:40 F~0H ,~ ,.,.,,,,..,,,. LABORATORIES, IRC. ~I~ttUM 41~ H~E RO,, ~KEISFt~, C~I~RNIA 93308 PHONE 327-491 i mo. ~M 41~ ~ERC~ RD., ~K~tE~, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-491 422 N. ~h ~ ~; 06-~88 T~ Pe~. F~3,.'O'B,'lg,'B9 15:$5 FROM '-E~'-'O MIDC, ESTO CA, DIEU. TO ~ 5~-'"1G429 P.02 ( ,.,~,,.. .-, ,.,, LABORATORIES, InO. ~g~H 41~ PIERCE RD., ~KE~FIILD, (ALIPOBNIA 93308 PHONE ~b ~,: 8252-I ~le~sc.: ~1~~~ 431 ~S~ Tol~e. ~f ~. ~~ O, lO ~1~ ~s ~.~~ o. 1 o ~1~ ~g ~ ~ o. ~0 · o-~1~ ~g ~ ~~ 0.I0 I~1 ~~ , ~ ~ ~ 5,00 ~~ ~ ~ ~ 0.%0 / -~.~,,,..,, LABORATORIF__S, lnG. Klr~10'~Lq/¥ 4100 PIItCE RD., 8AKEKFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 PHONE 327-4911 (~) ~ ~ o~. lg-~-~ t9-~ 02-~ ' ~ ~W ~ ~~ 0.10 ~i ~e ~ ~ ~ O,lO ~1~ ~ ~ ~~ 0.10 ~1~ ~ ~ ,~ 0.10 ~ Pe~. FROm ~[~.7.,..."09,.--l"BtB9 15:4~Z~ FROH, MODESTO CA. DIU. TO I/ ~"~75429 P. 12 · TO 1' 5::~ 13429 83 09...'19,S'9 15:41 FROg'S.-~.b~,-'r MODESTO CA. DIU. ~.,..,,...~,, LABORATORIES, IRC. " J, J. ~UN, ~. CHIM, Ia~, ~1~ 41~ PIE~i ~., IAK~FIELD, CALIgUlA 93~ PHONE 327-4~ 41~ IIIKE ~., IAKI~FIEB, GALIFQRNIA 93301 PHONE 327-491 ! ( flt~(UM 41~ PIEKE RD., ~K~SFIELD, ~LiKINIA 93~ PNONE ~27-4911 To~ ,~i,~,,-,,,,,, F:tATORI~S, II-lC. : NI'I~III~M 41~ Plll~t lO. IAKIRSFIILD, CALIFOINIA 93308 PHONi 327-49 'l,° ~"IOC, ESTO L':I:I. D!U. TO 18,~-'B ¢~ 34.'29 P.07 ~ 3 ," ~ ...... 1 9 $ '" 1 =: ~ 8 F ~'. 13 I'1 ,~,~,,,-,,,,, LABOrATOrIES. Ir-i~.' .. 4100 PlI~I liD,, 8AI(tlISR~I,0, CALIFOIINIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 ~', ~.: ~le ~: ~ ~i~ 431 ~ ~ ........ · .... 03/09.,'1989 15:58 fRAM cqMF',-~ IqO~,ESTO C;Q. OIU. TO 18n~8615429 P.88 41~ PIe~i ~., IAKI~FIELD, C&IFO~IA 9~308 'PHONE 327-4911 ~b ~,: 8252-i3 Tol~ O. I0 05./'09/t989 15:59 FROM ¢.-, MOQESTO CA. OIV. TO 18"'-8&t~429 P.09 ~r~8 41~ PIIKS RD., BAKE~ELD, ~I~RNIA 93308 PHONE · , ~ble (~I~1 :_-.._---~ 431 ~. ~ ~ ~: 13-~88 ~m~, ~ 9536t Benzene u~/~ l<k~ne ~ 0.10 Toluene ug/~ }~ne ~ 0.3,0 Et~ ~zene ~ 'None ~ 0.10 ~1~ ~ ~ ~ O. 10 ~1~ ~ ~e ~ O, 10 o-~ ~ ~ ~ 0.10 ~e ~s ~ ~~ 0.10 To~ ~ ~~ ~~: ~ ~ ~ of ~1 [~~or~- ~. ~.-~, / -" ~~ .-.- ~7oo ;~ s~.,t KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT HEALTH OFFICER Bakersfield, California 9330~ .. Leon M Hebe~o~, M.D. Telephone (805) 861-3638 ENVIRON,MENTAL HEALTH DIVISION · DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Veto, on ~ Relchlrd Facility Name ' Kern County Permit * * UNDI[RGROIJND TANK DISPOSITION TRACKING RI[CORD ~ = This for. Ia to be returned to the Kern county Health Department within 14 ... ._::::days of_acceptance of tank(e) by dieposa! or recyciinE facility,_ The holder of the Per. i-t~'-'#lth ;'humber no,ed abow-"la responsible for ~nsurtnE that this· for~ ia completed and returned. - ' · ' '"'"'~"'~' ~' ': ':~'"~'"'"' ' '" .... :tank ';e~o~al contractor: ' : ,' ~,~.~ -- Ta.k .e.o al Contractor: "' ~ctt~a 2 - To be filled out ~ cont~acto~ :YdecontaainatinE tank(s): Authorized representative of contractor certifies by stEnln~ belo~ tha~ t~(s) have been decont~lnated In accord~ce'.wlth"Kern .~ounty,,aeal~h --"- Department requirements. Title Section 3 -To be filled out and slRned ~ a~ authorized representative of the treatment, storaRe, or disposal facility acce~ttnE tank(s): Date Tanks Receive_ ~~ ~ No. or Tanks (Authorized Re;res~lve) s * * ~ILING INSTRUCTIONS: Fold In half and staple. PostaEe and mailtnE label have already been affixed to outside for your convenience. (Form ~P-150) o~s~ OFFICES : Sta~e of California--Health and Welfare Agency-- '--~"'7~- ','.~'=.~ ~' .... , '~:.'::'. ~':::~'~:?:?.~'~?:.': ' Department of Health Services ~'-",',':", FOrm ~,~toved OMB No. 2050~(X)39 ~.~, ..... -~: ..... ;~:;, . -:.: :- :::~,,.:~.~.::j,:.~,_':' '~' ::,-.:~,.?~.~.~., '~ ":: ..... :: ,: :: :. :. Toxic ,~ubstancee Cont~ .P~_?'-_'_~_ '~,,,~ et type. (~o,~ ~,Gi~d for use on 12-~/;;¢h ~;er~. · . ~c~i,~etn, Califomi; I'":!-':"' Jl~ UNIFORM HAZARDOUS""' ,.~.~.to,'aUSEPAIO.~ ............ ~' Ua,i,a~-,-' . '...=.P,g,t.I- · , - --:-..-,--- ........... - .......... ~-.-:::'-"::". .......... Docmmmt . :!:~of - :~::: I la eot required by Federal law. '~" WASTE MANIFEST ~ ~*~4l Ct ~ ~ CI /i ~'~ ~t~.~ zA' No. :'~' I~" I /'1.' - 3. Generator's Name and Mailing'Address .................................. A. State Manliest Document Numbel' O ,3: It 'r: r '1":::'::':' 4. ,. ,',' .- .~ ~_~ .-- 7. Transpo~'2 C~pany Name ...... ~., ~:~.:.,:.. 8. -, .... ~S ~A ID Num~ , --.::.-~- ~ State Trane~a ~ ,~::,:~:~-:::.2-- ._ .- ,~ 9, ~n!t~ Fa~ NI~ a~ ~!A~re~ .::~..~:~j;.: 10 ....... US ~A ID N~ ._.~::,.~ ..... ~ State Fa~'a ID - - . ...... ::.:. 12. ~tainers !~ Totali 14 ...... · L ..... 1 t.' ~ ~ D~Pti~ (~l~i~ P~ ~ip~ Nam, Hazard Claes, and ID Numbs) ..... '- Quanti~ I ~ %'' Waste G .... :: :': ..' - '.. _ · .'. .......... ' ..-'- .~t/~<~ ': .... ~ /:' ' ~ b. _: ..... State· .- ~ _' --'. ..-,: ,: .:.' '.: . . ,. '. ~ . .. -.. _~ ...... :~.-',:~:~,'.- :::: . 2. ':' ,,' :. , ,:-..: , ,',: ..~.;, ...~.:,.. - ~-:. .,'~:, ~Z:~S.~:z>,. -. '~..' , .,~,~. ::.?~.-.-':: ', A .. '....:..:~, ~;::C '. :'. ,' _ .:~:.~::.:~[~.-Z.. :, .~' :,'~:Z':-~.~.::~-:-,~':'..6'~?_:::~::' .,-:'. :.';:::..: t:.; - :;::,' .i~ .:L. :~k::,,.~:s:::=~:-'"' ::;'::"6=::~'6 .. ~~A/m~ .._:...:.-.: ~ ~ · .:.: ..... :. ._.~ . - . -: '::.:-: .-'...::. -. -,'- -..- .. -.- .- -.,...._.::....-.::- . ..... : . ...._:..::., . " I I I I I I I '- :"::"' ....... · ~1It -..~-[: -.:--,. - ~ .... .,.:,M.,:..' ..... :,'_U ..... . .... ~?,:':':,'- [.-.-~ .... -.- ,:.' .,, . ................. · ....... "" I' I '! ! !' I ! -' " ..... ~ ~li~ ~ f~ Wastes ~t~ ~e ,. 1~ ~al ~nd~ Instate and Addit~nal Inf~t~ ~._. . ' .. . ',.. .. · .- .... :. :...:: .... · GENERATOR'S CER~FICATI~: I hereby declare that the contems of this consignm~ are ful~ and accurately described above by prop~ shiDping name and are classified, packed, ma~,-and labeled, and are in all raspers in prop~ condition for tra~po~ by highway according to applicable int~ational and national government regulations. . , ,~ If I am a large quanti~ g~erator, I ceHi~ that I have a program in place to reduce the volume and toxicity of waste gen~at~ to the degree I have . datelined to be ~onomically practicable and that I have selected the practicable method of treatment, storage, or disposal cuffently available to me which minimizes the present and future threat to human health and the environm~t; OR. if I am a small quantity generator, I have made a good faith effo~ to minimize my waste g~eration and sele~ the best waste management method that is available to me and that I can afford. Pfint~lTy~ Name ............ '. ~ ~ ~i~at~ .... ~nth Day Year "": IT. Tranapo~ 1 Acknowl~gement of R~eipt of Materials ...... ' .:. R A Printed/Typed Name I Signature / . Month Day Year ~ 18. Transpolar 2 Acknowledgement of R~eipt of Mate~al~. ~ Printed/Typed Name ~.~ I Signature Month Day Year 19. Discr~ancy Indication S~ace A C I .......... ~ .... ~. Facil~ ~er or Operator ce~ification of receipt of hazardous materials covered by this man,est except as noted-i~ltem 19; ....... . Printedl T~ped Name ~S ~2 A 11/87) ~ GREEN: HAUER R~AI INSTRUCTIONS ON THE BACK EPA 87~22 (Rev. 9-86) Previous editions are obsolete. IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY OR SPILL. CALL THE NATIONAL RESPONSE CENTER 1-800-424-8802; WITHIN CALIFORNIA CALL 1-800-852-7550 ' .,~ ERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPA T 2700 M ~trNt HEALTH OFFICER Blker, fiMd, Califotnie ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION Leon M Heb~t~on, M.D. Meding Addre~ . DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 1415 Truxtun Avenue Vernon S. RMchard I~kersfield, C~lifornie 93301 . (805) 861-3~36 -PERNIT FOR P~qI~ANENT cLOsuRE ;?/:i;.,.~:,~:pEI~NIT :NUHBER A740~15 '- -'":..: OF UN~ER~ROUND HAZARDOUS .'PE~T FOR CLOSUE; 0F ~,.: . _...P~IT ~IRES November 1T~ 1988 LOCATION APPR0~D BY __ ~. POST 0N PREMISES '~ " CO~ITIONS AS FOLLOW: 1.It ~s the responsibility of the Permtttee to obtain permits which be =~ir~ by other re~lato~ agencies prlor ~o b~i~lng work. 2. Perm~ttee must obtain a City Fire Department permit prior to Initiating closes action. 3. Tank closure activities must be per Kern County Health and F~=e Department approved methods as descried ~n Hand.ok UT-30. 4.Soll S~pltng ~y deviation from s~ple locatto~ and n~bers or co~tt~en~s ~o be s~pled for which are described below and tn H~d~ok ~-30 " receive prior approval by the Health Department. '- a. A mintm~ of fo~ s~ples ~t ~ retrieved one-third of ~e ~y In from ~he ends of each ~ a~ dept~ of approx~ely' ~o 5. If ~y contractors or die.eel facilities other ~ t~ee ~tst~ on g~t~ ~ the e~taltst ltst~ on the permit. 6. ~tl S~pllng (piping area) A ~tnIm~ of ~o s~ples ~st ~ retrieved at depths of approximately ~o f~t ~d etx feet for every 15 linear f~t of pt~ ~ a~ also .......... ~ar the dte~er area(s) ............................. 7 a. All (leaded/unleaded) gasoline samples must be analyzed for ~nzene, toluene, ~lene, ~d tota~ petrole~ hydrocarbons. DISTRICT OFFICES Delano . Lernont . Lake Itebell,, . Moleve . Rldgecrest . Shaftm' . Taft PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE ' . ~')..-~' ~.~i~-.-< ~;~f. NUMBER A740-1[ 8 .Copies of transportation manifests must be submitted to ..the Healt[ · .'.'/>9..:/-'?~All applicable state laws for h~ardous waste dtspoeal,'~'~'~'~tra~portatton .......... -7:'-;,~;.,~)~racktn~ record"??tssu~ ',with -,this .~r~tt ~ts ;.properly.~ftll~ ;~out '~11.' :.Advise this off/ce of the 'time ~d..date of "the "prOposed ~s~plt~g 'wiry 24 ho~s advice no,ice. .. *. ....... *. , must be submitted to th~s off,ce w~th~n three .days of 12. Results 1700 lq,Okl~q STREET. 8AKEIISII*IELD. CA,93305- I# O!t TANKS TO Bit ABANDONED , 1805) 861-3836 ILENGTH Oil PTPING TO dIeLI:)PLl CAT'r ON FOR pERIVIT T FOR CLO:SUl~,~B~I~%l'DONIvII~N'L" OZ~' T. TL%TDI~RCRROUL%TD Hg~LI~.DOU$ SUBST~eLL~TCES 8TOI~GE FACT LI THIS APPLICATIQH IS FOR ~ REMOVAL. OR D ABANDONMENT IM PLACE (IFILL 00T ONE APPLICATI0ff PER FACILITY) ,~/~ c~,,~I \ . I~it, ] ~R~'S ~TI~ ~ [~ . ,. P~ ~~ ' ~ - ~[~0 ~o~3z~ -~e)/ ~ IL~  ~1S ~ ~IL ~E ~ ~A~ D~ D~I~TI~  )~IBE ~ ~I~E IN T~(S) ~ PIPI~ IS ~ BE R~ ~ DISUSED O~ (IN~ ~ATI~ ~D~S~ ~l~): 9 ~(s ~ /I ~ ~,"" .... . PROVIDE D__~WING OF P~ ~'OUT OF FACILITY USING SPACE IDED BEDCW. AT.T. OF THE FOLI/TWING INFORMA"TION MUST BE INCLUDED IN ORDER APPLICATION TO BE / ,~/T~(s)I, P:P:~ ~ D:SP~S~(S), :~~ ~~ ~ D:~S~O~S ~ NEAREST STREET OR INTERSECTION ~/~ SURFACE WATERS WITHIN 100' RADIUS OF FACILITY ANY WATER ~z.q OR ENVIRONMENTAl" HEALTH KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPART 2700 M Street HEALTH OFFICER Bakersfield, California ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION Leon M Hebertson, M.D. Mailing Address: DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 1415 Truxtun Avenue Vernon S. Reichard Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 861-3636 July 25, 1988 To Permit Applicant: Dolly Madison Bakery 431N. Brown Street Bakersfield, California 93305 This department has reviewed the application and plans submitted for the underground storage facility located at 431 N. Brown Street, in Bakersfield known as Dolly Madison Bakery. Based on this review, your application has been denied for the reasons listed below: 1. The preliminary site .assessment contractor is not listed. 2. The number of samples to be analyzed Ns incorrect, please see enclosed sampling requirements. 3. Sample analysis is not per Kern County Health Department requirements, please see enclosed sampling requirements. 4. It is not stated how tank is to be cleaned, or where th'e residUe and rinsate is to be recycled. 5. The tanks are to be disposed of at Semco; Semco is not an approved underground fuel tank disposal facility. 6. The plot plan does not show sample locations at the dispenser or for the piping, please refer to the enclosed sampling requirements. In order to expedite the permit processing procedure, please submit a copy of the tank removal, the preliminary site assessment, and the decontamination contractors workers compensation certificates, along with a copy of the tank removal contractor~ state contractors license. DISTRICT OFFICES O~l~no · Lamont · Lake Isabella · Moiave · Ridaecrest · Shafter · Taft Dolly Madlson Baker3/ July 25, 1988 Page 2 We are returning the original permit application and plans. After_making required corrections and/Or modifications, the application may be resubmitted for review. If you have any questions regarding our requirements, please call me at 861-3636. .............. Sincerely, Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program JL/gb cc: Semco