HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION March 31,' 1999 Mr. Phil Holland FIRE CHIEF P.O. Box 8039 RON FRAZE Rowland Heights, Ca 91748 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Leak Detection Investigation Report for 100 Brundage Lane, VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 , Bakersfield, California. SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'H' Streei Dear Mr. Holland: Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805)395-1349 This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the results of the site assessment associated with previous gasoline storage and PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. dispensing at 100 Brundage Lane.- Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3951 FAX (805)326-0576 Based upon laboratory data submitted, this office is satisfied with the assessment performed and requires no further action at this time. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Accordingly, no unauthorized release reporting is necessary for this Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3979 closure. FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me 5642 Victor Ave. at (661) 326-3979. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (805) 399-4697 FAX (so5) 399-5763 ~,- ,Jqincere1'', ey, Director Office of Environmental Services REH/dlm cc: M. Magargee, Holguin, Fahan & Assoc. S. Underwood S:\USTFORMS\UST.LI ~1:EI~:91'R'O'NMENT,~,'L:M:~I'~.A'~:F~MENTCC'~':NS:0;L~A'NTS': -': ....... 'Po~tOfficeB~xS03'::" : .~:~ -'. _-- .... '~:~':'. :~ .... ~ - ---" .~:" .... ':,,_~..- :' ' ~-: ~- ~" - -Rowland Helght~-,-C~lifornla 9'~748 ...... -:. .... :: _:,-: ~- : .' .-- ,- :- - .... ~'~-~. :." -}.~ ~.-:.~ubjecf. }.= ~LEAK DETECTION INVESTIGATION:REpORT FOR THEYuMYUM sHOpPIN~:CENIER .... ~ ~ _. ~ : ~-100:BRUNDAGE'~NE,-BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNI~ -.~;. Do~rMr~Moll~n~~'- ~ ~ .~:.. - .¢~._~- .... ~: -__;- : _.:~ ~ _~. ~ .. :'-,; : ~ Hol~uin', Foh~'n & 'ASSOCi~tes,~ln6. (HFA) Is plea~$a 1o Preseht.~e folloWih0~Leok ~Detecfion .... i~v-estigatioa:~(CDi):Repo~ for.the above-referenged site.'-TOe drilling and'soil sampling activities ~.: ~ were~ co~u~ted:~-t~~ assess.::wheth'er '~e ~6p~atib~ :of ~e prevt~us gas0~i~e storage and -~-'.~ .dispensing'. system+. resulted_ .In' ~e: release. . of-~.:gasolineT_. :- hydrocarbOns-, . to:~ ~e._ 'soil-. ~. the -:: - above-refbrenced slt~. lhe ~1 was pofformod-I~ 0~oCiOti~ ~r ~o ~otential salo of tho prdpeCy,~:'C~-:~~:;? - ._. -:- ......- :: . .- ,. .. .... '~ SITE ~' ~ '"' ': ", The sUbjeO~'~ite;:-Is:71OcatSd' ~. :)m Brundage :Lane, Bakersfield~LKern Count, California : '" (?~'F ourg.._l_.~ ~ite.Locati6n Ma~)...-.The site Is: ~ an 'elevation of approxlmateJy 3~ feet abOve MSL, and t~01~pog~aphy'ls r~ativoiy)flo~ With} a slight, slope t° ~e south, 'The prope~ Is located. - ~ , -- wi~in ~ ~bu~b~a~te~h quader of ~-~o'uthedstern:-qua~er of Secti°h 31, Town~hl~ ~ SoUth, ; ;.,. : -' ;~ Range 28EaSf,'MDBM, The'site is located d:~ehodhwestern Come~ offS0'lntersoeti0h' 0f' ~:_ - _~- . Exxon ~SA~So~ico StOtion. lbo so~ico st°flon w-os clo~o~ in 1_979, on~ ~e ~ls '~h~lsPonsOrs ' :Were removed. ~ ~O time. Subsequently, ~e -prope~ was -redegel°ped as the - ~ .... ~U~.Yu~s~opping center In 1~ (see. Figurei2:~ ~lot Plan).~ A reCords search: d;:E~xon ~USA, ; = ':' ",";~ the Kern.;.cou~ Deponent of Env ronmentOLHe01~ ~Se~16es, ond ~e C~ of Bokersfleld Fire -- .. -j -_-: ~ .... . . . .: ~;-. - _ . ~ - . i .~- _ . .Do~o~mon~[nvlr6nmont01 So~lcos Division (g[~[S~)~o~S not;~n~IcotO ~~ ~01~ sOmpllnO , - ~- ~*-' ' :;- lab°F~t~ry ah~lys[s Were performed In assoClation-~h-the;re~o~al of the fueling facilities d the - -,.-.. ~ .. .: -.-.. : .. -. :~ .:= - , .- . . j ;- E . : - _ E 7 _ .- -E_ .- . ~/.---'- . ~ ~ _. _ - .... _ -. -~'. · ._~N~_.iR:ON_M.E:N~TAE:_%SCi. ENTi~'~,2-~._,~GE-'~:, ' ._ .:,:., ~,-~ ::2- ' ~ntu~a, Californi~-9~Ol - ~L;; ~=I{ginS,:Californ~a 92606~ff ~- - ''~Bakersfisl~,'~alifornia 93308_' % ':-~ Phoenix7 Arizona:85034 - _- - , :~ : ~':: : " ' (805) 652-0219 ~-4~' - '.' * ~- 9~9 442-6665~__-.~; ~ .... ;. 2 2~(805)-~P:0~17=''- ~ _~=- ~ ~ .=_ 800 2¢8~-021g;~(6~000; ~;~-~'_ ': :~*. ' '' (805 652:0~¢TFXX;~ ~ 7..~ '-;- ~(~9 72¢0446:F~.;~:~ --' _L~:805=391-0~¢EX~' ~ .~' _%~Z~ ~' ~02 ~28~011&"~AX''~' '¢ :" -~7 ' = '- }-'-J HOLGUIN : "o"a? - FAHAN Yum Yum Shopping Center ~ February 26, 1999 -Page 2 -- ~ &ASSOCIATES, INC. ' : ' -:,: - - _ Lz'C ' ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS SITE BACKGROUND - GEOLOGY . The site is located at an elevation of approximately 395 feet above MSL, and the topography slopes slightly to the south (see Figure 1). The site Is located in the southern portion of the Great Valley geomorphlc province. The Great .Valley Is a north-south-trending valley approximately 400 miles long by 50 miles wide, the southern portion of which is referred to as the San Joaquin Valley. The surface of the San Joaquin Valley Is underlc~in by Unconsolidated, Quaternary alluvial sediments. The alluvial sediments are underlain by older, predominantly lake bed deposits. These deposits lie unconformably on Miocene-Pliocene marine sediments, which extend to a crystalline basement at a depth of approximately' 30j300 fbg (California Division of Mines and Geology, 1965, Geologic Map of California, Bakersfield Sheet)i The Quaternary deposits form a homocline dipping gently to the north-northwest. The alluvium consists of silty sands and fine-grained to coarse-grained sands, with Intervals of finer grained sandy silts and clay. The deposits are alluvium consisting of poorly Indurated and dissected fan and lake bottom deposits. Surface soils are classified by the Soils Conse.rvation Services as Kimberllna - Urban Land - Cajon Complex and are characterized as 35 percent Kimberlina fine, sandy loam with moderate permeability; 30 percent Urban land with Impervious surfaces and altered fills; and 20 percent Cajon loamy sand with high permeability. HYDROGEOLOGY Surface water and groundwater in the San Joaquin Valley are derived predominantly from the Sierra Nevada to the east and are transported by five major rivers, the southernmost being the Kern River. The subject site Is located approximately 2 miles south of the Kern River. The depth to the regional unconfined aquifer is estimated to be In excess of lEVI fbg at the site, and the groundwater gradient Is anticipated to be to the south-southwest, toward the ancient Kern Lake bed (Kern County Water Agency (KCWA), 1998, 1997 Report on Water Conditions, Improvement District No~ 4, February 1, 1998). Perched groundwater at depths as shallow as 20 feet Is known to be present less than 1 mile to the east of the site, along the abandoned course of the Kern River, but Is not known to extend to the site (KCWA, 1998, 1995 Water Supply Report, January 1998). HOLGUIN, Mr. Phli-Holland ~ Yum Yum ShopPing Center ~ FAHAN February 26, 1999 - Page 3 ~ & ASSC~IATES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS - SITE EVALUATION-METHODS - To conduct an LDI, three soil borings (B-1 through B-3) were drilled using a:hollow stem auger drill rig to a depth of 25 fbg in the areas of the former USTs and dispensers based uPon photographs of the former service station provided to HFA by the current property owner (see Figure 2 for the soil boring locations). SOIL INVESTIGATION AND SAMPLING RESULTS Prior to conducting the Current assessment, underground utilities such as water, electricity, and sewer were mapped by Underground Service Alert of Northern'California; HFA performed, the drilling and sampling on January 27, 19991 using a hollow-stem auger drill rig operated by Melton Drilling Company of Bakersfield, California. Soils encountered during drilling Included silt to well-graded sand and minor Intervals of silt (see Attachment 1 for the logs of exploratory borings and Attachment 2 for the soil boring and sampling procedures). Groundwater was not encountered during drilling. Soil samples were collected at 5-foot Intervals, and the soil samples collected from depths of 15 and 25 fbg were submitted .to HFA Environmental Laboratories, a California state-certified laborafory, for analysis. The six soil samples were analyzed for TPH as gasoline using EPA Method 8015 (M) and BTEX and MTBE using EPA Method 8020. Adsorbed-phase TPH as gasoline, BTEX, and MTBE concentrations were not detected In the soil samples collected from soil borings B-1 through B-3 (see Figure 2, Table 1 - Summary Of Soil Sample Analytical Results, and Attachment 3 for the laboratory reporf). CONCLUSIONS 1. Adsorbed-phase gasoline hydrocarbon concentrations were not detected In any of soil samples collected from the three soil borings drilled by HFA at the site. 2. Based on the findings of this soil assessment, the BFDESD will likely not require any additional soil Investigation activities and will likely consider the site for closure. hiT HOLGUIN Mr: Phil Holland FAHAN Yum Yum Shopping Center February 26, Page 4 ENVII~ONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS , - Holguin, Fahon & Associates, Inc., trusts that you will find this Leak Detection Investigation Report to your satisfaction. If you hove any questions or require additional information, please contact Mr. Mark Magargee at (661) 391-0517 or cfi e-mail address Mark_Magargee@bk.hfa.com. . .... Respectfully submitted, Kenneth J Mitchell ~,,,.,. Mark R. Magargee,~,~..,~,,,,,~ v Associate Geologist senior H~/drogeologist Holguin, Fahan & Associates, Inc. Hoiguin, Fahan & Associates, Inc. MRM:rri Enclosures: Figure 1 - Site Location Map Figure2 - Plot Plan Table 1 - Summary of Soil Sample Analytical Results Attachment 1 - Logs of Exploratory Borings Attachment 2 - Soil Boring and Sampling Procedures Attachment 3 - Laboratory Report cc: Mr. Howard W. Wines, III, BFDESD ~ HOL© I Yum Yum Shopping Center FAHAN February 26, .1999 - Page 5 & ASSCX2IATES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS LEGEND ' MR. PHIL HOLLAND O 0.5 1 MILE ~ YUM YUM SHOPPPING CENTER ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ f ~ ~ / 100 BRUNDAGE LANE H H ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA OI I----'1 ~ 0.51.__4 1'---t b"--I! KILOMETER j .. FIGURE 1 - SITE LOCATION MAP USGS GOSFORD/LAMONT ?.§ MINUTE SERIES QUADRANGLES 'I HOLOUIN, F./~t~[A.N &: .&.SSOCIATI~S, INC. -- Mr, Phil Holland ~~ [' HOLGUI _ Yum Yum Shopping Center ~ i FAHAN February 26, 1999- Page 6 & ~IATES, INC. - ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT-CONSULTANTS DUMPSTER J ENCLOSURE_ ;:-_ O .- -"~-- _~ (5-- n- _ q) z z r, O - __.~_ ~-- I J __ WALKWAY - ~ ~ t FORMER ~ -- ~ --- -- ~ Z < ~ _ WAL~AY ~ , , ~-3~ ~ - ~11 POSSIBLE I '-~ ~ , ~ ' ~ H I FORMER UST ~ ~ ,, :~-~ .... ~O // / ,~,~, ', ~ ', " ~ ~ ' P~E~ // / , , ............. ~ : .......... ~ ~POSSIBLE FORMER  ............ ~ l_. ......... ~- ) / / USTCLUSTER FORMEI~C, ,NOPY~ ~ : ~ // / LOCATION ' -~ ...... --~-- , .~.tE~ /// FORMER ~ i // / ~ I P~NTER i DiSPENSER~ ~ I /// 2 ~ L SIDEWALK JAPPROACH ~ SIDEWALK ,/ BRUNDAGE ~NE SCALE IN FE~ 0 20 LEGEND ~R. PHIL HOLLAND YUM YUM SHOPPING CENTER ~ SOIL BORING 100 BRUNDA~E ~NE -. BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA FIGURE 2 - PLOT P~N HO~, F~ & ~SOC~T~, ~C. HEVISION DATE: FEBffiUA~Y 24. 1 flgg: ~1 HOLG I - Mr, Phil Holland  ~- Yum Yum Shopping Center ~ FAHAN February 26, 1999 - Page 7 ~ & ~IATES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS ' TABLE 1. SUMMARY OF SOIL SAMPLE ANAL~I'ICAL RESUtlS YUM YUM SHOPPING CENTER, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE TPH AS ETHYL- TOTAL SOURCE SAMPLED DEPTH ID GASOLINE BENZENE TOLUENE BENZENE XYLENES MTBE REF (fbg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (rog/kg) (mg/kg) EPA ANALYTICAL METHOD 8015 (M) · 8020 N/A REPORTING LIMIT 10 ' 0.005 0.005 0.015 0.015 0.02 N/A B-1 1-27-99 15 B-1-15 ND ND ND ND ND ND A 1-27-99 25 B-1-25 ND ' ND ND ND ND ND A B-2 1-27-99 15 B-2-15 ND ND ND ND ND ND A ~ 1-27-99 25 B-2-25 ND .ND ND ND ND ND A B-3 1-27-99 15 B-3-15 NDND ND ND ND ND ND: A 1-27-99 25 B-3-25 ND ND ND ND ND A REF = Re )orr reference. N/A = Not applicable. ND = Not detected. A = Holguin, Fahan & Associates, Inc.'s, current report. & ASSCX2IATES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS ATTACHMENT 1. LOGS OF EXPLORATORY-BORINGS ~-~. v COMPLETION DETAIL SAMPLE CLIENT: Mr. Phil Holland -- WELL POINT , .u PROJECT: Yum Yum Shopping Center ~ - VADOSE WELL o SPARGE WELL ~_~ LOCATION:100 Brundacje Lane, Bakersfield, Ca. ~)z. nvc~ ~ ~ BORING ~ ~ DESCRIPTION AND SOIL C~SSIFICATION ~ ~ CASING: N/A _ m SLOT SIZE: N/A NAME: %gravel/sand/fines, gradatio~plastictty color angulad~ maximum size (gravels), densi~/~nsistency moisture, odor, stain FILTER PACK: N/A ~ 0 %%%%%%4 0 ~ SILT: 0/10/90, Iow plasticity, brown, loose, soft, d~, ML ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ no odor, no stain ~~ ~ 5 no SamDle~ collected, cuttings clean ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 ~ 10 ~~ ~ 10 ~-- 15 SIL~ SAND: 0~80~20, poorly graded, brown, dense, -- 0 SM &&&~&&, _ stiff, d~, no odor, no stain &~&~ _ -- 30 -- 30 -- 35 -- 35 DRILLING METHOD: MobileT~ B-53, 8"-OD holloW-stem auRer DATE DRILLED: JanuaW 27, 1999 SAMPLER TYPE: 1.5"-diameter, California-modified split spoon LOGGED BY: M. Magargee TOTAL BORING DEPTH: 25 fbg ~ 30° angle APPROVED BY: M. Ma~argee, RG ~4892 DEPTH TO WATER: Not encountered DRILLED BY: Melton Drilling Company HOmUm, B-1 · LOG OF EXPLORATORY BORING ~ ~SOC~T~S, INC. Page 1 of 1 , v ~ COMPLETION DETAIL SAMPLE CLIENT: Mr. Phil Holland ~- -- WELL POINT UJ U~ VADOSE WELL ~ PROJECT: Yum Yum Shopping Center a.,,, - (~ - U3 ~' C3 >c O SPARGE WELL 'T I-- ~ ~: Z O.. ~ U) X BORING ,=,,,,a-~ LOCATION:100 Brundage Lane, Bakersfield, Ca. o,~ v :3 CASING:-- N/A ~ C3 DESCRIPTION AND SOIL CLASSIFICATION a3 SLOT SIZE: N/A -- NAME: %gravel/sand/fines, gradation/plasticity, color, angularity, maximum size (gravels), density/consistency, moisture, odor, stain FILTER PACK: N/A -- 0 ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0 SILTY SAND: 0/85/15, poorly graded, brown, SM ............, __ -- subangular, dense, stiff, dry, no odor, no stain ,,,,,,,,,,,,, _ -- __ __ -- 5 no sample collected, debris -- aa 15 13,11,13 0 .. -. .. .. .. .. ~ __ · 20 SILT: 0/10/90, Iow plasticity, tan, dense, soft, moist, 6,14,17 0 ML ',',',',',', 2O no odor, no stain · ~ 25 13,14,15 0 ,,,,,,,,,_,,_,,"," ' "- ~ 25 ~ 30 ~ 30 -- 35 ~ 35 DRILLING METHOD: MobileTM B-53, 8"-OD hollow-stem au.qer DATE DRILLED: January 27~ 1999 SAMPLER TYPE: 1.5"-diameter, California-modified split spoon LOGGED BY: M. Magargee TOTAL BORING DEPTH: 25 fb.q APPROVED BY: M. Magargee, RG #4892 DEPTH TO WATER: Not encountered DRILLED BY: Melton Drilling Company ~__ HOI.,GUIN, B-2 'AHAN & LOG OF EXPLORATORY BORING ~ ASSOCIA'I'~_.,S, I~(~. Page I of I w "="' COMPLETION DETAIL SAMPLE CLIENT: Mr. Phil Holland o: : WELLPOINT uJ u) VADOSE WELL -~> -,- PROJECT: Yum Yum Shopping Center ~'U'l(~ r~_ ~ Ou) -- SPARGE WELL ,=, ,,,~-a- ~ ~ LOCATION:100 Brundage Lane, Bakersfield, Ca. o,~ ~z o.. v Q'°- (/):::) CASING:~--- BORING N/A ~ c3 DESCRIPTION AND SOIL CLASSIFICATION rn SLOT SIZE: N/A -- NAME: %gravel/sand/fines, gradation/plasticity, color, angularity, N/A maximum size (gravels), density/consistency, moisture, odor, stain FILTER PACK: m 0 SILT SAND: 0/75/25. poorly graded, brown SM ,,,,,,'`'`'`, subangular, loose, very soft, very moist, no odor, no '`~,~,~,'`'`, -- stain '`'`'`'`',',' -- 5 no sample collected, concrete blocks, cuttings. Field '`,,'`'`'`'`, __ screen clean. ,,,,,,,,'`'`, -- '`,,'`'`,,'`, m lO · ____--- 10 ._ 0 __ '`'` ~,'`'` ~,' L ';;;;;; ~ 15 I-- 15 SILT SAND: 0/80/20, poorly graded, brown, -- 0 SP subangular, dense, soft, moist, no odor, no stain ~,'`,,'`'`'`~. -- ~,'`','`'`'` ~ ~-- 20 '~ __ 20 SANDY SILT: 0/20/80, Iow plasticity,, brown, dense, 0 ML '`'`'`'`~,'`~ stiff, no odor, no stain -- SILTY WELL-GRADED SAND: 0/85/15, tan, SW/SM i-- 25 subangular, loose, soft, moist, no odor, no stain -- 0 ~,,,,,, ~ ~ ~ 25 ---30 ~30 --- 35 ~ .35 DRILLING METHOD: MobileTM B-53, 8"-OD hollow-stem auger DATE DRILLED: January 27, 1999 SAMPLER TYPE: 1.5"-diameter. California-modified split spoon LOGGED BY: M. Magargee TOTAL BORING DEPTH: 25 fbg @ 30° angle APPROVED BY: M. Mac, largee. RG #4892 DEPTH TO WATER: Not encountered DRILLED BY: Melton Drilling Company ~ HOLGUIN, B-3 FAHAN & LOG OF EXPLORATORY BORING PageI of 1 '~-'~-"~'~ASSOCIATES, INC. LFFHOLOGY (UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM) MAJOR DIVISIONS e::OLr' TYPICAL NAMES SYMBOLS WELL-ORAD~D GRAVELS, GF'~VEL-SAND z GRAVEL GRAVELS WITH LI~I'LE GW MIXTURES. LFITfLE OR NO FINES I-- MORE THAN OR NO RNES (~ ~RL¥~D GRAVELS Oa -- GRAVEL.SAND MIXTURES, L[TT'LE OR NO FINES Orr HALF COARSE ~ LM SIL3Y GRAVELS. (.9 FRACTION IS GRAVEL-SAND-SILT MIXTURES E3 cE ~u LARGER THAN GRAVELS WITH OVER LLI <~ ~ No. 4 SIEVE SIZE 12% FINES (~ Ct~EYGRAVELS. Z 03 ~ GRAVEL-SAND-CLAYMIXllJRES < ~ SAND SANDS WITH LIq-FLE SANDS, UTTLEORNOFIN£S (/) <~ Z MORETHAN OR NO RNES ~p POORL¥~PC~OSANOSORGRAVELLYSANOS. n- ~ HALF COARSE LrmE OR NO F,~ES ~(~ III ~ SILTY SANDS. MIXTURES FRACTION IS SAND-SILT . O SMALLER THAN SANDS WITH OVER No. 4 SIEVE SIZE 12% FINES ~ o.A~Y SANDS, SAND-CLAY MIXTURES INORGANIC SILTS AND VERY FINE SANDS, ROCK FLOUR, ~ ,,, ML SILTY OR CLAYEY FINE SANDS OR CLAYEY FINE SANDS ~ ~ OR CLAYEY SILTS WITH SLIGHT PLASTICITY INORGANIC CLAYS OF LOW TO MEDIUM PLASTICITY, Oo3~ SILT AND CLAY CL G~VE,, v c~s, s~o~ c~s, sI~w c~ys, ~. c~ys ~___ ,~ C~ LOW PLASTICITY SANDY OR SILTY SOILS. ELASTIC SILTS LU ~ .~ SILT AND CLAY CH LL O HIGHLY ORGANIC SOIL Pt SYMBOLS AND NOTES ~ ASPHALT ~ SAMPLE COl I FCTED FOR ANALYSIS ~ ~ ODNCRETE ~' SAMPLE NOT RECOVERED ~ ~GROUT ~ GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED DURING DRILMNG ~ BENTONITE cHIPS ~ FILTER SAND PACK ~1~ STABILIZED WATER LEVEL (DATE) (OATE) ~ NATIVE SOIL 1~ WELL BOX WITH LOCKING CAP PID = PHOTOIONIZATION DETECTOR ppmv = PARTS PER MILLION BY VOLUME BLANK SCHEDULE 40 PVC CASING USCS = UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM ..-- ------ SLO'I-rED SCHEDULE 40 PVC CASING gw = GROUNDWATER WELL, vw = VADOSE WELL -_ -- fog = FEET BELOW GRADE I -- BOTTOM PLUG OD = OUTSIDE DIAMETER ._~.~.__ ~ FAZ-U~ & KEY TO LOG OF EXPLORATORY BORING ~ ASSOCIATES, INC. Revlalo~ 1/96 FAHAN & ASSOC~TB, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS ATTACHMENT 2. SOIL BORING AND SAMPLING PROCEDURES SOIL BORING AND SAMPLING PROCEDURES SITING Soil borings were positioned as noted In the report. TRUCK-MOUNTED DRILLING AND SOIL SAMPLING PROCEDURES Each soil boring was manually drilled for the first 5 feet to establish that the area was clear of subsurface struCtures. The soil borings were drilled with 8-inch-OD, hollow-stem augers to the depths noted in the report. During the drilling process, soil cuttings were continuously monitored in conformance with the monitoring procedures, and data was recorded on logs of exploratory borings by a state of California registered geologist. Soil samples were collected with a California-modified, split-spoon sampler at intervals consistent with the wOrk plan, unless a change in lithology was. noted, in which case an additional sample was collected. The sampler was outfitted with 2.5-inch by 6-inch stainless steel or brass sleeves. When the sample was withdrawn, the ends of the sleeve were covered with aluminlum foil or TeflonTM tape followed by plastic caps. Sample preservation, handling, and transportation procedures were consistent with HFA's QA/QC procedures. SOIL BORING MONITORING PROCEDURES Cuttings from soil borings were continuously classified according to the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) and logged by a state of California registered geologist. Specific geologic and hydrologic information that was collected included stratigraphy (i.e., layer thickness, unit correlation, aquifer thickness, depth to groundwater, and confining units, if any), relative permeability, observed porosity, plasticity, moisture content, soil type, structure, size, and other features that could affect contaminant transport. Specific geologic and hydrologic information that was obtained during soil boring construction includes the following: · Stratigraphlc characteristics: thickness, correlation of units, extent (horizontal and vertical) of aquifers and confining units, If any; · Observed porosity; · Volatile organic content; · Particle-size distribution; · Moisture content; · Plasticity; · Strength; · Mineral composition; · Depth to groundwater; · Soil type, structure, size; and · Distribution of soil type. ~ ~ _ Soil B(~L~..g and Sampling Procedures Page 2 The data was recorded on Individual logs of exploratory borings, including observations regarding the types and quantities of waste materials encountered and any PID readings. This data was recorded on a standardized log sheet.In the Field Log Book. Specific information that was recorded Is listed In Table 1, below. TABLE 1. SOIL BORING LOG INFORMATION GENERAL · Project name · Soil boring location; map and · Soil boring name/number elevation · Date started and finished · Rig type (bit size/auger size) · Geologist's name · Petrologic lithologic classification · Driller's name scheme used (Wentworth, USCS) · Sheet number INFORMATION COLUMNS · Depth · Gradation · Sample location/number · Narrative description · PID or FID Reading · Soil Classification NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION Geologic Observations - Soil/rock type Particle Size - Organic content - Color and stain - Depositional structures - Odor - Gross petrology - Bedding - Suspected contaminant - Friability - Fossils - Discontinuities - Degree of weathering - Moisture content - Water-bearing zones - Particle shape - Formational strike and dip · Drilling Observations - Changes in drilling method - Advance rates or equipment rig - Amounts and types of - Readings from detection chatter any liquids used equipment (if any) - Caving/hole stability - Water levels - Drilling difficulties · Other Remarks - Equipment failures - Deviations from drilling plan - Possible contamination - Weather All field logs were typed and presented verbatim In an appendix of the report. The typed log of exploratory boring is on a form Identical to that used In the field log book. Each log of exploratory boring includes a graphic log in which a'symbol for each USCS soil group Is included for each soil Interval. ~ ~ ' Soil B and Sampling Procedures Page 3 DATA REDUCTION The data.'complled from the soil borings has been summarized and analyzed. A narrative summary of the soil characteristics was also presented. The logs of exploratory borings were checked for the following Information: · Correlation of stratigraphic units among soil borings; · Identification of zones of potentially high hydraulic conductivity; · Identification of the confining formation/layer; · Indication of unusual/unpredicted geologic features (fault zones, fracture traces, facies changes, solution channels, buried stream deposits, cross-cutting structures, plnchout zones, etc.); and · Continuity of petrographic features such as sorting, grain-size distribution, cementation, etc. Soil boring locations were plotted on a properly scaled map. The purpose of each soil boring/plezometer/monltoring well/pit/soil sample is Indicated on the map. Depending on the results of this analysis, the soil stratigraphy of the site Is presented In a scaled stratlgraphlc column (if soil stratigraphy is laterally homogeneous) or, more likely, in a scaled cross section or a fence diagram (if soil is laterally heterogeneous). Specific features that may Impact contaminant migration (e.g., fault zones or impermeable layers) are discussed in narrative form and supplemented with graphical presentations as deemed appropriate. DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURES Prior to each Sampling episode, the sampling equipment was decontaminated using a non-phOsphate soap and water wash, a tap water rinse, and two deionized water rinses. The drill string was decontaminated with a steam cleaner between each soil boring. WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL The cuttings from the soil borings were stored In 55-gallon, Department of Transportation-approved drums. Each drum was labeled with the date on which the waste was generated and the numbers of the soil borings from which the waste was withd~awn. The drums were stored at the site of generation until sample analyses were obtained. Sample analyses and an inventory of drums were then given to the client, who coordinated proper disposal of the soil, according to Regional Water Quality Control Board requirements. ~ FAHAN ~ & A~qOCIATE~, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS ATTACHMENT 3. LABORATORY REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 143 South FigUeroa Street a Ventura, CaWomia 93001 a (805) 652-13219 .o FAX: (805) 652~793 REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Feb~ary 11, 1999 Page 1 CLIENTz Analyzed By: T. Karageorge MR. PHILIP HOLLAND Sampled By: K. Mitchell Units: mu/kg Matrix: Soil PROJECT: YUM YUM SHOPP~G CENTER Analysis Methods: BTEX: EPA 8020 TPH: 8015-M CONCENTRATION OF TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) WITH BTEX DIBTINCTION CONSTITUENT TPH- TPH- ' Ethyl Total Percent Lab Sample Dates Sampled, Gasoline Die~el Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylene~ MTBE Surrogate No. No. Received and Tested RL RL RL RL RL RL RL Recove~ 990232 B-l=15 1/27/99 2/3/99 2/8/99 ND ND ND ND ND ND 128% I0 .005 005 .015 .015 .02 990233 B-1-25 1/27/99 2/3/99 2/8/99 ND ND ND ND ND ND 129% I0 .005 005 .015 .015 .02 990234 B-2-15 1/27/99 2/3/99 2/8/99 ND ND ND ND ND ND 130% 10 .005 005 .015 .015 .02 990235 B-2-25 1/27/99 2/3/99 2/8/99 ND ND ND ND ND ND 130% 10 .005 005 .015 .015 .02 990236 B-3-15 1/27/99 2/3/99 2/8/99 ND ND ND ND ND ND 129% 10 .005 005 .015 .015 .02 990237 B-3-25 1/27/99 2/3/99 2/8/99 ND ND ND ND ND ND 127% I0 .005 005 .015 .015 .02 RL = Reporting Limit (may vary with Dilution Factor) ND = Not Detected at or above RL Lab ~ertification: CAELAP ~1878; 1/31/00 Laboratory Manager: . -/ ~ ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 2550 Eastman Ave., Unit 1 Ventura, CA 93003¥(805) 050-7750¥FAX (805) 650-5810 METHOD BLANK REPORT REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Date Analyzed: 8-Feb-99 QC~ Batch ID: 2/8/99 . Analyzed By: T. Kargeorge Instrument ID: HP 5890 GC- 1 Analysis Method: 8015-m/802E~ CONCENTRATION OF TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) WITH BTEX DISTINCTION · in mg/Kg (soil) TPH- Ethyl . Total Client Gasoline Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes Lab No. Sample No. Matrix RL RE RL RL RE 36140' Method Blank Soil ND ND ND ND ND I0 0.005 0.00'5 0.015 0.015 Volatile fuel hydrocarbons are quantitated against a gasOline standard. Hydrocarbons detected by this method range fromC4toCI2. Analytes reported as ND were not present above the stated limit of detection. RL = Method RePorting Limit ND = Not Detected at or above RL LAB CERTIFICATION: CAELAP # 1878; 1/31/2000 , HOLGUIN, FAHAN &'ASSOCIATES, INC. 'ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 2550 Easfman Ave.,'Unif 1, Venlura, CA 93003¥(805) 550-7750¥FAX (805) 550-58]0 METHOD BLANK R£PORI REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Da'le Analyzed: 8-Feb-99 QC Batch ID: 2/8/99 Analyzed By: T. Kargeorge Inslrument ID: HP 5890 GC- 1 Analysis Method: 8015-m/8020 CONCENTRATION OF TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (IPH) WITH BTEX DISTINCTION Jn rog/Kg {soil) TPH- Ethyl Total Client ' Gasoline Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes Lab No. Sample No. Matrix RL RL RE RE RL 36 t 40 Method Blank · Soil ND ND ND ND ND I 0 0.005 0.005 0.015 0.015 Volatile fuel hydrocarbons are quantifaled against a gasoline standard. Hydrocarbons detected by this method range fromC41oC12. Analylesreporledas ND were nol present above the slated limit of defection. RL = Melhod'Reporting Limil ND = No! Detecled at or above RL LAB CERi'IFICAi'ION: CAELAP # 1878: I/31/2000 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES ~ . 25,50 Eastman Ave., Unit l, Venlura, CA 93003¥(805).650-7750¥~AX (805) 050-68] 0 METHOD BLANK REPORT REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Date Analyzed: 8-Feb-99 QC Balch ID: 2/8/?9 Analyzed By: T. Kargeorge Instrument ID: HP 5890 GC-1 Analysis Method: - 8015-m/8020 CONCENTRATION OF TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) WITH BTEX DISTINCTION in mg/Kg (soil) TPH- Ethyl Total Client . Gasoline Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes Lab No. Sample No. Matrix RL RL RL RL RL 36140 Method Blank Soil ND ND ND ND ND I0 0.005 0.005 0.015 0.015 Volatile Iud hydrocarbons are quantitated against a gasoline standard. Hydrocarbons detected by this method rangetromC4 1oC12. Analytes reported as ND were nol present above the stated limil of detection. RL = Method Reporting Limit ND = Not Detected at or above RL LAB CERTIFICATION: CAELAP #1878; 1/31/2000 , HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~ ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 2550 Easlman Ave., Unit ], Ventura, CA 93003¥(805) 550-7750¥FAX (805) 550-6810 METHOD BLANK REPORT REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Dale Analyzed: 8-Feb-99 QC Batch ID: 2/8/99 Analyzed By: T. Kargeorge Instrumenl ID: HP 5890 GC- 1 Analysis Method: 80 ] 5-m/8020 CONCENTRATION OF TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) WITH BTEX DISTINCTION in mg/Kg {soil) TPH- Ethyl Total Client Gasoline Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes Lab No. .Sample No. Matrix RE RE RE RE RL 36140 Me~hod Blank Soil ND ND ND ND ND I0 0.005 0.005 0.015 0.015 Volatile fuel hydrocarbons are quantitated against a gasoline standard. Hydrocarbons detected by this method range from C4 to C12. Analyles reported as ND were not present above the stated limit of detection. RL = Melhod Reporting Limil ND = Not Detected al or above RL LAB CERTiFiCATION: CAELAP # 1878~ 1/31/2000 HOLGUIN FAHAN & ASSOCIATES INC ~ ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 2550 Eastman Ave., Unil 1, Veniuro, CA 93003¥(805) 850-7750¥FAX (805) 850-0810 Sample ID: MS / MSD Date Analyzed: 8 Feb-99 Lab Iqo: 990202 /v'~atrix: Soil Inslrumenf ID: HPSS,O0 GC-1 Dilution Foc~cr: 1 Matrix Spike Worksheet EPA 8020 Matrix Spike Results Compound Sample Matrix Spike Spike Sol. Recovery Control. Conc.(ppb) Conc.(ppb) Conc.(ppb) (%) Limits MTBE 0.00 21.78 20 109 45:.158 Benzene 0.00 19.71 20 ' 99 59-138 Toluene 0.00 21.25 20 106 59-133 Ethyl benzene 0.00 19.50 20 98 55-123 m,p-Xylenes 0.00 ' 42.05 40 105 53-135 o-Xylen e 0.00 20.41 20 102 59-130 Matrix Spike Duplicate Results Sct. mpound Sample Matrix Spk. Dup Spike Sol. Recovery Control Conc'.(ppb) COnc.(Ppb) COnc.(ppb) (%) Limits ..'-,'.-;S';-. MTBE.,..::f:<'.L;'r. ":: ":.' ..: .._..:" 0.00: ,-..,.:' ';.'/.: 22.28 ~:.'L:::::..:.: i;.::_.::}'.' 20' :: :,: .:'. :.¥/. 111 · 45-158 :'..,' : .... ,:~ 21~ 54~ HOLGUIN FAHAN & ASSOCIATES INC. ~ ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 2550 Eostmor~ Ave., Unit 1, Venlura, CA 93003¥(805) 650-7750¥FAX (805) 650-6810 Sample ID: MS / MSD Dole Analyzed: 8-Feb-'99 Lab r4o: 990202 Matrix: Soil In,:,trvn-,ent ID: HP5870 GC-1 Diluficn Factor: 1 /',/,ah'ix Spike Worksheet EPA 8020 Matrix Spike Results Compound Sample Matrix Spike Spike Sol. Recovery Control Conc.(ppb) Conc.(ppb) Conc.(ppb) (%) Limits MTBE 0.00 21.36 20 107 45-158 Benzene 0.00 20.09 20 ' 100 59-138 Toluene 0.00 20.60 20 103 59-133 Ethylbe nzene 0.00 17.60 20 88 55-123 m,p-Xytenes 0.00 42.10 40 105 53-135 o-Xylene 0.00 19.89 20 99 59-130 Matrix Spike Duplicate Results Compound Sample Matrix Spk. Dup Spike Sol. Recovery Control Conc.(ppb) Conc.(ppb) Conc.(pPb) (%) Limits HOf_,GUIN' FAHAN &, ASSOCIATES, INC ..~ij.,uil~ ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 2550 Eostmon Ave., Unit I, Ventura, CA 93003¥(805) 650-7750¥FAX (805) 650-6810 Somple ID: MS / MSD Dale Analyzed: 8-Feb-99 Lab No: 990202 Matrix: Soil Instrument ID: HP58,°0 GC-1 Dilution Faclor: 1 /v~atrix Spike Worksheet EPA 8020 Matrix Spike ResuHs Compound Sample Matrix Spike Spike Sol. Recovery Control Conc.(ppb) Conc.(ppb) Conc.(ppb) (%) Limits MTBE 0.00 21.31 20 107 45-158 Benzene 0.00 - 19.79 20 ' 99 59-138 Toluene 0.00 20.55 20 103 59-133 Ethylbenzene 0.00 18.63 20 93 55q 23 m,p-Xylenes 0.00 41.56 40 104 53-135 o-Xylene 0.00 19.89 20 99 59-130 Matrix Spike Duplicate Results Compound Sample Matrix Spk. Dup Spike Sol. Recovery Control Conc.(ppb) Conc.(ppb) Conc.(ppb) (%) Limits MTBEuy'.'"'". ">.-'-':' ::'~,-'-::~0:00'?...::-::.: 7::'uT..-t.: 2_0_.~5.,:.-7 .":L. ' 2Q'i'.!'. i~...".L;..i;ii';. 104_:; :i'..~.:?::~ .:..45-158. ,_- HOLGUIN, FAHAN &s ASSOCIATES INC ~ ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 2550 Eastman Ave.., Unit ], Ventura, CA 93003¥(805) 650-7750¥FAX (805) 650-6810 Sample ID: MS / MSD Date Analyzed: 8-Feb-99 Lab No: 990202 Matrix: Soil Ir~strun;ent ID: HP5890 GC-1 Dilution Factor: 1 Matrix Spike Worksheet EPA 8020 Matrix Spike Results Compound Sample Matrix Spike Spike Sol. Recovery Control Conc.(ppb) Conc.(ppb) Conc.(ppb) (%) Limits MTBE 0.00 20.34 20 102 45-158 Benzene 0.00 18.36 20 ' 92 59-138 Toluene 0.00 20.23 20 101 59-133 Ethylbenzene 0.00 17. t 2 20 86 55-123 m,p-Xylenes 0.00 42.06 40 105 53-135 o-Xylene 0.00 19.78 20 99 59-130 Matrix Spike Duplicate Results Compound ' Sample Matrix Spk. Dup Spike Sol, Recovery Control ..... · ..... ..... . . Conc.{ppb) i Conc.(Ppb) C0n¢.{ppb) (%) ·Limits ' '",,v.: :.:¢,:;,, ~,~'..?i: CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD Page / ol / · ' , :' *¢'".-! !I~.~, -; · : ---- ~", '. ,rgject~N~me ~;~¥,'~...~ - . Client Contac~Phone No. Send repo~to: )N~CT Co'~E~ff~7;~:~~':~:: Holguin, Fahan & Associates, Inc. mple~s Name-.~ .~ z.~.~. · ?,.~.: ",: 2820 Pegasus D~ve, Suite 1 z" ~: ...... %3 ';:~ "":?~?'.;t:;~. ~mp~ignature'~Y'~C '- Date Analyses Requested : ': 't-~;~: ~,, ~;~ :;~:'; '~;~Matdx'(s~ii~ '~::~.Ot~er Info~ation No. and ~ SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS , :'W :' Date; ;]~,~me'{ "g~ ~ter~ [e.g.;,~m¢ing I~tion, depth, T~ of ~mCe ¢' ¢~' ~mpl~ '~mpl~ ':"'air~Twat~r)'~ "~11 ~ring or MW ~, etc.) Contairer~ ~' (i.e., turnaround time, etc.) . . ,.~ ,~.~.,~ ..,~ ,~.. ~ Santa Ba~ara ~un{y ~ SW-~6 :~,,: ~t~ ~ ~t :~is~ see reverse for required detection limits ' ~~ "'~¢;~ :? ~ ~ . ; ~:~:~',;'~,1' SAMPLE RECEIPT ~¢ ,~ ~ ~ ~,~. , .... ,",, ~ L¥?~*tj~ ~. ~;"' ~...~:~.~;,,,: i~.~; Yes NO . ~, ¢ ¢. . .... ~ Sample Temperature Appr~dato ~' ;~.': "f -~: . .~~ ;~,;- ~:;;~. ~ PRESERVATIVE ADDED? ~ ~ . ~ t~t~ :'::~ ~' ~ :~" ~.~i~' ~ All samples slored overnight at HFA are,  '~ ~' ';~' ~- ~ reldgeraled al 4~0. Samples are transpoaed to ' .. ,, :~ ,'~¢ ::.(. '.~ ~{~ '; ~ Ihe la~ratoq in c~lers lill~ with B,lue ::. ~:::. ; .~ '!"~~ 1' Delivered to HFA's refrigerator for lemporar/ ;~"~ (Initials) _~  ' ~'" ~i~ La~ralo~ Name City D~¢ime ~ B~: (~~iza~n) ';. '4' ,~~~ ,B~N~¢y~lgnatur¢Organiza~n) (to~ u~aled 1 q~ d By: :(~~n~)~ :~ ~t~~ ~ ~d~~:~. ,, ,. ¥., . By; (Signature/Organization) Date~lme Include Special H~ards Here; ,~ ¢.~4 ~e~mple(s)/coo!e[.to:.~jHg[~!B~,~Ea~'~ssociates, Inc. · 3157 Pegasus Drive, Bakersfield, California, 93308 · (805) 391-0517 - FAX ¢ (805) 391-0826