HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN 1/18/2001 Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste'iUnified Permit CONDITIONS ,OFPE ON REVERSE SIDE '~' i' '".~. ~ ;'~.' ' '" ' '~ ~' ~ :~ ' · ~ ~ This hermit ia issued for the followtn¢~: ? [] HazardousMaterlals Plan ~ermit ID #:: 0~$-000-00200~ ~ [] Ri~kM~n~m~at~ro~mm £AST BRU~ DAGI:: A UIOMOI LOCATION: 213 E BRUNDAGE LN. ! ' ! --' ~ ~'-,....,......~: ,.=: - ~ .. . . . ~, .- Il~ OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SER VTCES' '[[_~f~ 1715 Chester .Ave., 3rd Floor .. Appr0¢edby: '[[t~_~~ Bakersfield, CA;93301 ,i ,~ {: ¥(...Ralpl/Huey;D~i lssueDate .%.~.~=~0~:~=~,~-,,..~:':.~.=<~ ,:~'. .....: ' TechnologY, Inc. Bakersfield, CA P3384-0441 Incorporated (661) 395-1692 Phone "Seming the Environment" (661) 395-1696 F~ BILL of L4Dl/I/i; INVOICE / TICKET # 4 8 SERWCEADDRESS: ~ /~ ~. ~~?e- ~ : : ~ ~ ~ ?~30~ ADDRESS: BILLING IF DIFFERENX' SHIPPER EPA ~: CONTACT PERSON: ~~ SHIPPER PH ~: CUSTOMER EPA ~: ADDRESS: ~.~. ~ ~P: ~ FA~l~l~ PH ~: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: ,,,- / MEMBEr: CAUFO A PROFESSIONALsA~O~ SERVICE COB~ILSm ~ ,;~.. TERMS: NET ~ - n the event eDa act on s necessg~to.recover any amounts due under th s nvo ce it is 1V2% ~TE CHARGE DUE A~ER 15 DAYS agreed that the prevallin9 pa~ in that action will be entitled to recover a reasonable 18% PER ANNUM, MINIMUM FINANCE a~orneys fee and costs of suit as well as all other proper relief." CHARGE $5.50 ,, CELL'S SERVIa:ES ofLading/Invoice P.O. Box 10764 INVOICE k ~'(~'~ Bakersfield, CA. 93389 661-322-8258 · Fax 661-589.8951 EPA-NO.0AL931545554-Waste Oil Hauler #3239- JOB LOCATION BILLING II'FORMATION Date I ADDRESS " . ADDRESS -L ' : CON~ACT -PRODUCT. ..:.,MANIFEST ~ QUANTITY PRICE JNT Used Oil, Non-RCRA Hazardous Lubricating Waste, Liquid Industrial' Used Automotive Amifreeze. Non-RCRA Hazardous Waste. Liquid ,. - RQ Waste Petroleum Oil.NOS.Combustible Liquid UN, 1270 IU (Oil contaminated wit~ halogens) Oil & Water. Non-RCRA Hazardous Waste Uquid waste.5oiid~ ?nd 'Slugged' Wasa-out - ' Non-RCRA Hazardous Waste Solids (oily debris) Empty Orums Transpo~ation Other: - Other: Other: Other: Other: PASS ~FAIL D PPM I Test ,~ Government Source ~ Industrial Source I ' NET30~ .:,DAYS CHARGEs.TOTAL' ._ ~~__~ -- ,.:: ' PLEA SE PA Y FROM THIS I~ICE T s D F TranspoSed to: ' ' EVERGREEN ENVIRONMENTAL (I also acknowle0ge that I have read and agree to the te~ms on the 413g No~h Valentine Street : reverse side of this form.) Generator agrees that Generator shall be responsible .....Fresno, CA 93711 ; for any and all damages, including without limitation the cost of cleaning equipment 510-795'4400 and disposing 0f commingled feedstocks caused by any contaminants'in Generator's EPA~ CAD ~82446882 waste (including without limitation polychlorinated biphenyls and other listed . hazardous wastes) which rehder such'waste'unsuitable for recycling by CS whether or not Generator had know'ledge of such contaminants or othe~ise incurred by CS, as a' r~su t of Generat0r~s f~ lure to accurately characterize its waste: ' n.the event of any legal.action.arising out of any breach or alleged breach of th~s ,. ........ ' ..... ~ ' "' ' agreement or to enforce any provision:of this agreement, the prevailing pa~y-shall ' .~ ./..~ ~~~ ' be entitled'to~.~ recdg~r re'asonabl~.a~rge,'s ~es.. and related expenses, including '.'. . " ~ ' arbitration and cou~ costs~--q ',:Driver Signature Generator S,gnature · COLE'S ........................................................................... SERVICES ' .....................................Bi'il of Lading/Invoice P.O. Box 1'0764 " iNVOICE ~ ~?' Bakersfieldl CA 93389 805-322,8258 · Fax 8'05-589-8951 EPA NO. CAL931545554-'Waste Oil.,,,.~,..Hauler,, 5239 t Date / JOB'LOCATION ' ' ' BILLING INFORMATION' /'~r'2/~/ i NAME NAME CASH . .' ADDRESS ADDRESS CONTACT 01~ . STATE ZIP CO. Ol~ STATE ZIP 00. P~ 'PRODUCT ~ MANIFEST g QUANTI~ UNITS PRICE ~OUNT US~ Oil, Non-RCRA H~ardous Lubricating "'~ ~/7~? /.~ Gal ~J//~ Waste, Liquid = Industrial G~I · Us~ Automotive Antifreeze Non-RCRA H~ardous · ,, , .. Gal W~te, Liquid RQ Waste Petroleu~ Oil NOS Combusable Liquid UN Gal 1270 IU (Oil ~ntaminat~ with hal~ens) Oil & Water, Non-RCRA H~ardous Waste, Liquid ¢ Gal . ,. . · .. Non-RCRA H~ardous Waste Solids (oily debris) Drum ,.~ ..... ~f:,~,,..~,. :.._~... Emp~.Drums ...... Drum " Trans~Aation, ,: ....... . .... , .. .......... Hrs. ~.' ....... ..' .~::),~' · . O~er: · ' - ~her: ~her: ~her: ' Other: . ~her: .., ~her: TESTCt~g-~r'T PASS D FAIL D -PPM' I Test ~ Collection Station ~ Agricultural Source NET 30 DAYS ~ Gove[nmentSource .................... '~ Industrial~urce, r ~': ........................ ' ........... .'-CHARGES '~ r o~ ....... :,,.; ................ 4 .................................. 2 ........ : ..................................... · ~ hereby ce~ ~"t~[t a nfbrmaton submi~ in this and ~1 a~ch~ docu~ - ' · · ; menls ~ntams Irue and a~urate descnptjons of the waste. All relevant : - . ' * : '*" ': ....................................... : ......... ~' ...................................................... ; ....................... nfo~at on r~d ~ ~o~ or sus~ h~ds ass~ at~ w~th ~e w~te ' " '. ' has been disclose. This fu~her sewes as notifi~tion that th~'~'li~i~ ................. ; ............. '" ..... ~ .......................... : .................. ~ .............. , ........ ' ~ ................ wastes are banned from and d s~sa pursuant to.~tle 22 S~tip96~2~.7 · ~ .... , :' ' . (a)(lO). I a so acknowl~ge that I have read and agree to the te~s on the ::ig:::ure~~ ~~.~ ~~ [~~~ ..,,...~...-.:,': reversesideof.thisf~.l~8~ . . ~ '~ , ,. -,:.:.z',,,:',' , , CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME ~- {'~d'd~tk-C~ g~FD INSPECTION DATE ADDRESS PHONE NO. FACILITY CONTACT BUSINESS ID NO. 15-210- INSPECTION TIME NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program [] Routine ~,Combined [] Joint Agency [] Multi-Agency [] Complaint [] Re-inspection OPERATION C V COMMENTS Appropriate permit on hand },J~.~ Business plan contact information accurate Visible address Correct occupancy Verification of inventory materials Verification of quantities Verification of location Proper segregation of material Verification of MSDS availabilify Verification of Haz Mat training Verification. of abatement supplies and procedures Emergency procedures adequate Containers properly labeled Housekeeping Fire Protection i,/ c~L~'/X~ ~ Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand C=Compliance V=Violation Any hazardous w a_st_e on site?: [~Yes []No , ~~_//v/.~_~d~ Questions regarding this inspection? Please call us at (805) 326-3979 7'-Bhsiness Site Responsible Party White - Env. Svcs. Yellow - Station Copy Pink - Business Copy Inspector: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROG~RAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3ra Floor, Bakerstield, CA 93301 Section 4: Hazardous Waste Generator Program EPA ID # [] Routine ~ Combined [] Joint Agency [] Multi-Agency [] Complaint [] Re-inspection OPERATION COMMENTS Hazardous waste determination has been made EPA ID Number (Phone: 916-324-1781 to ohtain EPA lD #) Authorized for waste treatment and/or storage Reported release, tire, or explosion within 15 days ofocctlranc~ Established or maintains a contingency plant and training Hazardous waste accumulation time fi'ames ~ OtC. ~'~C,I'~I)-C/i° Containers in good condition and not leaking Containers are compatible ~vith the hazardous waste Containers are kept closed ~vhen not in use Weekly inspectiou of storage area Ignitable/reactive waste located at least 50 feet from property line Secondary containment provided I Ask For Howard, Ed or Dwight Conducts daily inspection oftanl~s [' East Brundage Automotive Used oil not contaminated with other hazardous waste , :'"* "Honesty & Integrity Is Our Motto Proper management of lead acid batteries including labels }t' . .-,~ Propel' management of' used oil filters [ (805) 323-0657 Complete Auto Service , 213 E. Brundage Lane ~' Tune-Ups · Brakes Transports hazardous waste with completed manifest il- . U0n.-Fri. 8a.m.- 5 p.m. Transmission Service Sends manifest copies to DTSC ~' -'- ~'-:'''~ .... - Retains manifests tbr 3 years Retains hazardous whste analysis for 3 years Retains copies of used oil receipts lbr 3 years Determines if waste is restricted fi'om land disposal Inspector: L/~, Business S~te Responsible Party Office of Environmental Services (805) 326-3979 ' · ' '· ' - - ~,' , ' \Vhite - Env. Svcs. Pink - Business Copy OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES I FII~ ~ 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 -.~---~.,~"' BusINESS OWNER/OPERATOR IDENTIFICATION FACILITY INFORMATION Page ~ of __ ....... ~,,: :. ~. ~:: .... .+,,:~,-,~!.::,.,:~:,,~:~..: ..':::.~::ir: ".~.'i":':;::: ; i~, :'.,''' :"::"'':::' :: :'"''' ~:' ' "::':':!i!:?:?:~i:~>':?! i! :.':i:?;!: ~ ': :'' a BUSINESS PHONE lO2 BUSINESS NAME (~me as FACIL~ ~E or DBA- Doi~ B~i~ ~) SITE ADDRESS 1~ ~ ZIP 105 CI~ ~ SIC CODE ~07 DUN & (4 Digit ~) B~DSTREET COU~ - ' ~ { OPE~TORPHONE ~0 O~ER ~ME ~ O~ER PHONE O~ER ~ILIN~ ~ ~ 3 ADDRESS ~4 STATE ~s ZIP CI~ ~? CONTACT PHONE CONTACT NAME 119 CONTACT MAILING ADDRESS · p ~22 ~20 STATE ' 121I z, ~ME ~= ~ME 13o TITLE ~ TITLE BUSINESS PHONE ~ BUSINESS PHONE 24-HOUR PHONE 127 24-HOUR PHONE 132 PAGER ~ 128 PAGER ~ ~33. . . :.. :::::.. ...... :..... ....... ....~ ~,... , ..... Ce~fi~fion: Bas~ on my inqui~ of ~ose individuals res~nsible ~r ob~inlng ~e Info~afion, I ce~ under penal~ of law ~at I have pemonally examin~ and am familiar ~ ~e info~aaon submi~ in ~is invento~ and believe the info~aflon is ~e, accurate, and ~mplete. SIGNATURE OF O~E~OPE~TOR DATE ~ ~ME OF DOCUMENT PREPARER NAMES OF OWNEI~JOPERATOR (pdnt) 136 TITLE OF OVVNER/OPERATOR 137 UPCF (7~99) S:\CUPAFORMS\OES2730.TV4.wpc OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES t~,At~r,lfl~r 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661)326-3979 "~--'"~~~'*----" HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION (one ~ per ma~l per ~ding or ama) ~ ~ 0 ~0 00ELETE D ~ISE ~ .age __ ~ -- ~ ~E SE~ ~7 FI~ ~DE ~D ~SSES (~e ~ ~ ~y I~ ~ ~ 210 ~ ~ p ~ ~ m M~ ~ W~ 211 ~A~ ~ Y~ ~ ~ 212 J CURIES 213 F~ ~ ~ES ~ 1 FI~ ~ 2 ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ D 4 A~ H~ D 5 ~NIC H~ 216 DAYS ON S~ UNff~ ~ ~ ~ ~ D d ~ D m ~ ~ m TONS STYE ~AINER ~ a ~GROUND T~ ~ · ~~LIC DRUM ~ i FIBER ~UM ~ m ~ ~ ~ q ~IL ( ~ ~ ~t a~) ~b UNDER~OU~T~ Df ~ ~j ~G '~n ~TIC~ ~r OTHER D c T~K INSI~ ~1~1~ D g ~Y ~ k ~X ~ 0 TO~ BIN ST~E~U~ ~a ~1~ ~ ~ ~VE~I~ ~ ~ ~W~IE~ ~4 4 ~ ~9 ~Y~ D~ 240 241 5 242 243 ~ Y~ D ~ 2~ 245 P~l~ ~ & TITLE OF AUTHO~I~D ~PA~ HEP~E~ENTATI~ SIG~TU~E DATE 2~ UPCF (7/99) ' S:\CUPAFORMS\OES2731.TV4.wpd