HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK .. ' FILE CONTE.~TS SUMMARY Activity Date · 'Of Tanks Cogents 2700 M Street HEALTH OFFICER Bakersfield, California ,. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION · Leon M Hebertson, M.D. Mailing Address'.' , DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 1415 Truxtun Avenue Vernon S. Reichard Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 861-3636" June 12, 1989 Mr. Gordon H. King 2(30 E1 cielo Drive Bakersfield,· california CLOSURE OF 1 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS ,SUBSTANCE STORAGE TANK LOCATED AT 310 BRUNDAGE LANE, IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. ,. =0()01~ PERMIT ~ A92'f--=O - This is to advise you that this Department has reviewed the project resUlts for the pre.!iminary assessment associated with the closure of the tank noted above. Based upon the sample resu.! ~s submitted, 'this Department is satisfied that the assessment is complete and no significant soil contamination has resulted from discharges from 'the subject ta~k, Thank, you for your cooperation TT~RONDA R CRUMPLER, ~ E H ~ ~A~ARDOUS MATERIALS SPECIALIST cc: MC NABB CONSTRUCTION DISTRICT OFFICES 'Delano · Lamont ·,L~J bella ·'Mojave · Ridgecrest ·'Shafter ·'Taft LABORATORIES. InC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHI:M. ENGR. ?EIWOIE~II,~ 4100 PIERCE'RD., BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA 93308 'PHONE 327-491 ~rgeab].e Aromatics -:~ . · ·(SOIl,) McNabb ~nstn~ction ' Da~ of ' ~'. 7808 Ol~tt Ave. 'Re~.: ' 24-MayL89 ~ersfieid, CA 93308 S~le ~sc.: ~..~lgw DATE S~LE DATE S~LE DA~ AN, "~'~ ' ' COLLE~: ~ECEI~ ~ LAB: C~L~ 18-May-89 - 18-May-89 23-May-~ ~ " ' ' 'Mini~ Re~ing ~alys ~ns~i~en~ ~i~ Resul ~ ~vel ~nzene ug/g None ~~ 0.02 Toluene ug/g None ~~ 0.02 Et~l ~nzene ,~/g None ~lec~d 0.02 p-~lene ug/g None ~~ 0.02 m-Xylene ug/g None ~~. 0.02 o-Xylene ug/g None ~c~ ~ 0.02 To~l Pet. ~dr~ar~ns ug/g' None ~'~c~l 5.00 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline ~.~ D.f.'.H.o.L.U.F.T. rr~thod. · Individual constituents ~; EPA rr~th~] 8020. Dry Matter Basis Corr~e, nt~, ~. California D.O.H o. Cert ~1.)... ~. g~._Eg~in ' '[ V Analy..t · J.J. EGLIN. REG. CHEM. ENGI~. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONI~ 327-4~11 McNabb Cons't.t~ctio~ Dat~ o£' 7808 Ol¢ott Ave. Re.port: 24-May-89 Bake~s£±eld, CA 93308 , Attention: Bryan McNabb Lab Nd.: 3796-2 Sample Desc.' 6' Below Tard-;'P~ordons Auto DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYsIs COLLECTED: · RECEIVEr) @ LAP_,: COMPLETED: : 18 -May- 89 18 -May - 89 23 -May- 89 Mini~ - Reporting Analysis Reporting_ r~onstib~ent Units Results Level BenZene ug/g None Detected O. 02 Toluene .ug/g None Detected 0.02 Ethyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.02 p-Xylene ug/.g None Detected 0.02 m-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.02 o-Xylene ug/g None De..tected 0.02 Total Pet. -' Hydrocar?~ns ug/g None Detected 5.00 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline ~g D.O.H.S.L.T.J.'F.T: ~_,thc~l. · Individual constituents by EPA method] 8020.. Dry Matter Basis Co~ents: C~lifornia D.O.H.S. Cert. $102 Bakersfield, California 93305 Leon M Hebertson, M.D. (805) 861-3636 ~' ENVIRONMEN'IAL HEALTH DIVISION ' ' ... ~ o~.ECTO, oF E.V,.O.M~.T^''~^LT' · ' ' ~f~~ ' - -' .' ~rnon ~ .elchard -' '--~~1~~. -' . -... ,..'_, '.., ~. ........... Facility Name '~ ' , ' ' /~~J~~X :' :" Kern County Permit ~ -: .' .:'",.'.< · *'uNDERGROUND T~NK D] ~POSITION TRACKING ~CORD * *- ' ....... :' ' :' '-" =~::' '-' ' ~::,This fo~m Is to be ~etu~ned to the Ee~n County 'i[ealth Department within 14 ::....: ... _ .., .....::.:: of .acceptance of tank(s) .by r:diaposal .:0~ ?:~ecycllng :?::": :::"~: ::" '- '::'holde~ OF the 'permit '~i'th numi)e~ 'n~ted 'abov~"~:l~~' .... : .... :' '~':"~'~" .... 4il..i '~';~'~ hv"-f.nk '~m~va]. Contl-aCto~'":~:~:~:~::.:~ ===================== ..... :::::::::::::::::::::::: ..... : ~~~ ~.~. ~'..-:. ~,, ~ ~ ~:o6 '~ ..... .. Section 2 - T~ be :llled ou~ ~ cmttFacto: "d~contam~natinE ta]~): Authorized ~epresen~a~tve o~ con~r~c[or ce~t~Jes by _st~u~n~ be[otv [ha~ acco~dmme ~J~h Kern County ile~]~h tank(s) have been decontaminated. J~ . Depa~en[~ ~equJ~emen~s'L ~ ~ . . · ~~ ' . '~ ~ .. - Slgna~ure~ ' ' ' Title Sect/on 3 -To ~ filled, out and signed ~ a,~ authorized .representative o~ the t~eatmept, storage, .or disposal f~cillty, accepting tank(s): Factllt7 Name AMER:CAN METAL RECYCL:NG, :NC'. Address 2202 S. M:LL:KEN AVENUE ' Phone · 7~4-~88.,8000 ONTA~:O, CAL:F. z~:::'/'''~'::~:~: .'-<::' ~:~" ~.:'.:.. ..... Date Tanks R,~~~~~E ~ ~9~9 No. of Tanks ~ Signature ~~~~ . Title ' OFF:CE. MANAGER (Authorized Representative) . ' ~., · * - * ~ILIN6 INSTRUCTIONS: Fold tn half and 'staple· ' . ~ : (Form ~mJ~-~O) .. '" " D~ST~JCT OFFICES .. ~ COUSTY OE Environmental Health Servi s Dep ent ~'/00 ,"M" Street, Suite ~ . -' _. : · - PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE -"!:?:"~' ':::: ':"'::':PERMIT NUMBER A927'20 SAzARnOUs ? = '~:'~'~, !'..:~,-:' ~?~' ;~:~T~.~::' ~: ::..~:,z,~:L '.c: '~ :~ Y. :, ':~:~.~ ,~ :iBakersfield," 42,~. ........ .......................... PO81 O~ PRg~ISg8 ....... ' ............................ CO~ITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. A copy of this permit has been 'provided to the Kern County Fire DePartment. ' Permittee must notify the County Enviro~ental Health Depart.ment~at (805) 861-3636 two working days prior .to tank (removal) or inerting and filling) to arrange for required inspections(s).. · 2. Permittee must obtain a City Fire Department permit prior %o' initiating closure action. 3. Tank closUre activities must be per Kern County Enviro~ental Health and Fire Department approved methods as described in Handbook UT-30. 4. Soil Sampling Any deviation from Sample locations and numbers or constitUents to be sampled for which are described below and in Handbook UT-30'must receive prior approval by 'the Environmental Health Department. a. (Tank size 1,000 gallons or less) - a minimum of two samples must be retrieved beneath the center of the tank' at depths of approximately two feet and six feet ' ' '" ..PEPA~IT FOR P~R~N~NT CLOSOP~' - ' PEPd~IT NI~ER A927.20 ' ' ' ' · ' . ' ' .... ' ' '. "". '. ""~'."~'": ~. '"""-. '-- ..... · ~.b the s ec~alzst listed on th p · ,~.~; ..... ~,,~,~:~.~,. ......... :~,~.~.~;~.~:.~.~? -:,?-:~t.6. , ,~:-:::Sozl Samplzng (pzpzng area)..; ?":'::'.~::'7~::~::~'~::~:a 'minimum of-two samples must'be retrieved at 'depths'of approximately two ;:(:~,~:~,::?~:%?:~{~:~feet and six ~eet for every .~5 :l'inear ,feet, of,pipe run. and also near ~h -.~:~:~:~/~'a '~'~?All 1( leaded/~1 eaded ) gaso I ine 'Samp les 'taUs t. ~be ~nalyzed :f or .benzene, ::. ,., ,~ :.;~:...,,-:?~, :..' ::~-:.,:::.~ ~oluene, - ~lene ,. and total, petrole~. ::.:..:,,,.:::?8'.'::7:?~{:~L;~i-L,~CoOies of transportation manifests must. be submitted t0' .~:~.,,,~,-~:~.~::;~-Heal th De artment .wi thin, f zve .days .o f :~waste ..,disposal.~:~:,~ .~,,~:,~.~:~.9..::~:~:~.~,~.AlI.:applicable .:state .laws ..for¥~hazard . . ,:,,. sp. ,;:~%,: . .p. .~, :. , ~,~,~::'.:~:~::::~:~,..or ..,~reatment must .be adhered :~o ..-,~:The. Kern :Co~ty ~,Enviro~ental,:~Heal.th ' ' ' contaminated soil. ' ...... "~ "':: .".' ~ '.:, 'J<V:' 7',(':.:F~- ..... ,. 2["?' .:q'-"/'~':i~j :':.. ........ ' ..10. ::,:Permittee is resPonsible for making sure'that ,tank 8isposition'~tracking :.~.:: ,,,,:.~::..-:.: record" issued with this permit ts properly filled Out and returned 1I. ['Advise this Office of the time and 'date of .the.'proposed sampling With 4~ hours advance notice. " 12. ~esults mus~ be submitted, to this office within three days of analysis completion. .- .,. - , .,:'.. ~ ~ .. DS: od .. - · s~r~y~927-20, p~ 5-10-87 (~l ~1-383a THIS PROVIDE DR~ING OF PHYSI.C~:i~YOUT OF FACILITY USING SPAC~ AT.T. OF THE FOI. LOWIA~ I~2'I~ MUS~ BE .I~UD~ IN OD~ <~PLI~TION . · T~(S) ,. PIP~. & DISPOSe(S), ~mI~.~~ ~ DI~SI~S ........ ~~ ~ ~.L~ OR S~A~ ~ WI~iN 100' ~IU ~.~'-. ~. ~- ~ :::~.:3TM ~-:. .._.~ .... j..: :j.~. ~:. " r- ,, ; Division of Environme~t~ He~h ~: .~pp~]~'ation Date 1700 Flower Street, Bakersfield, CA 93805 (805) 861-3636 APPLICATIONFOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS'SUBSTANCES 'STORAGE FACILITY -Type Of Application (check): . · [~New Facility,]Modification Of Facility~Existing"FacilitY~Transfer Of ownership A. Emergency 24-Hour 'Contact (name, area code, Phone): Days ~e,O~g,'~ ~o~- Type Of Business.(check): ~]Gaso]ine Station ~Other (describe)'~$3 Is Tank(s) Located On An'Agricultural Farm? [~Yes ~No , - Is Tank(s) Used Primarily Foq Agricultural PurP6ses? [~Yes ~No ~. Faci,lity Address ~'iO ~,~ la~ · Nearest' Cross St. Owner GenOa, ~- K,,h "' Contact Person ~a~- ' .... Address ~nO E~ C~io. O~- zip ~303 - ' ' Telephone ~%~$~1 . Operator £a~. ~s g~ Contact Person · Address Zip Telephone B. Water To Facility Provided By ~l.~ ~ " DePth to Groundwater . ~4~(~ Soil Characteristics At Facility ~ Lk~u{ ~ Basis For Soil Type and Groundwater Depth Determinations C. Contractor ' CA Co~tractor's License.No. Address Zip ' Telephone Proposed Starting Date Proposed Completion Date. Worker's Compensation Certification No. Insurer D. If This Permit Is For Modification Of An Existing~ Facility, Briefly Describ~ MOdifications Proposed E. Tank(s) Store (check all that apply): Tank ~ Waste Product Motor Vehicle Unleaded Regular Premium Diesel Waste Fuel Oil I [] [] ' [] [] 'Il El' [] [] , [] [] [] .- [] [] [] [] [] ~. Chem~ca! Composition O~ Materials 8toted (not necessary ~or motor ~ehicle £uelsl Tank # Chemical 8toted Ino~-commercial name CA8 #lif knownl Chemical Previousl~ 8toted (if different) O. Transfer Of Ownership -' Date Of Transfer PreViOus Owner . .:: I, ..~. ~. ~% accept fully all obligations of permit No, issued, t(: I understand that the Permitting.Authority may review an(: modify or terminate the transfer of the Permit to Operate this underground storag, facility.upon receiving this completed form. This form has been completed under penalty of :Perjury the best Of my knowledge is true Ir,; ~{ )SECTION, CIiECI( ALL A: .'iff )XES. Tank HaLarial ' '~ (;a,'l)o,., S~ee.t ~ Sta4,'~?~SL. Stee1 ~ I)oiyv.in~I Ch'io,'ide ~ Fiberglass-Clad S~ee] ~ Fiberglass-Rein['oi'ce:ff~as'tic '~' c0,,ere"~:C~ ~! Alumimu,' ~ Bronze '-~ Unknown Date Installed 'thickness (.t:ncl%~s:.) Ca:l)ac.ityo(Gallons) ~lam]l'uctur~r ' ~ I)ouble-~all ~ Synthetic h.ine't~''''~ hJned Vault .~. None .~ Unknmvn'.. ~ - ~' Otl~er (describe): ~Ianufacturer: ~laterial- Thickness' (inches) Capacity (Gals..) Tan~ j}!t~rior Linlj~ ~ Rul)ber ~ Alkyd ~ Epoxy ~ pl~'enOlic ~, 6lass ~ Clay ~ Unlined ~ Unknow~ ~ Oiher (describe).: · Tank Corrosion Protection . ' ' ' ~ Galvanized ~ Fiberglass-Clnd ~ polyethylene.~rup='~ Vi~l.~rap' ~ Tar or Asphatt ~ Unknown. ~ None ~. Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: ~ None ~ Impressed Current System '~ Sacrificial Anode a. '~'ank: ~ Visual {vaulted tanks only) ~ Groundwater ~lonitor~ng Weil(s} ~J Vadose Zone ~onJtorlng ~ell{s) ~ U-Tube Without hinet' ~} t)-'rube .ith Compatible L'iner Dit'ecl:ing Flotv To ~unitoring Well(s}* ~ Vapor l}etector.*~ l.,iquid hevel Sensor* ~ Conductivity sensoP* ~ Pressure Sensor tn Annular' Space (}f Double Wall Tank * ~ hiquid Retrieval & Inspection From U-Tube, .~lonitoring Well Or Annular Space ~i)atlV Gauging ~ Inventory Reconciliation ~ Periodic Tightness Testing ~ None ~ Unknotvn ~ Other' b. Piping: ~ Flow-Restricting Leak De~ector(s) For PEessurized Piping* [~ ~onltoring Sump Wi'th Race~aY ~' Sealed Concrete Raceway ~ tlalf-Cut Compatible Pipe Race~ay ~ Synthetic ti'net Raceway ~ None ~Unl(notvn ~] Ol:hec · l)esCribe Make & ~lodel: llas This Tank Been Tightness Tested? ~ Yes ~ No ~ Unknown Date of' bast Tightness Test liesults. Of Test Test Name TesLing Company Tank Repaired? ~ Yes '~.No ~J Date{s) Of l/el.)alr('s) Describe Rtl)airs Overfill Pt-otection ~ Operator Fll.ls, Controls, & Visual ly ~h)nitors hevel ' ~ Tape Float Gauge ~ Float Vent Valves {~ Auto Shut'Off'Controls ~ Capacitance Sensor ~ Sealed Fill Box ~] None ~ UnRnown List Make & ~lodel For Above.Device' ~ Other: 5t. Underground i)il)ing: ~ Yes ~ 'No ' ~ 'Unknuwn Haterial Thicl(ness (inches) t) iame~et' · ~lanufacturer ~ Pressut'e ~ Suction ~ 6ra(,ity Apt)l~uxintate~ Length of Pipe Run b. Underground Pil)iiig Cot't'osiol~ Protection: . ~ Galvanized ~ Fiberglass-Clnd 1~ Impressed Current ~ Sacrificial Ano ' ~] Polyethylene ~qt'al) ~ Electrical Isolation ~ Vinyl ~rap ~ Tar or Aspha_ ~. Ulfl(t~owt~ ~ None ~ Other (describe): O. Underground Piping, Secondary Conl:ainment: ~ Dout)le-~Va]l · ~ Synthetic "Line]: System: ~ None ~.Unknown ...... ... . OWNER, ' 310 BRUNDAGE LANE · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93304 · . (805) 32,7-3014