HomeMy WebLinkAboutHAZMAT CORR. NOTICES 10/7/1991 KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT I NVES TI GATI ON 'RECORD ADDRESS ~:~-~'~z,-~ '~gg ~z~J~ -~z~2//~q ASSESSORS' PARCEL ~ ~ CT CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD OF INVESTIGATION DATE DESCRIPTION TIME 1 ? ".:.:~"?~4::.:' '.':.:~¥,::;> ;:¥ .. ...... ' ( ) / LOCAT~ON~ FACILITY COMMENTS LAW OFFICES ............ ROPERS, MAJESKI KOHN BENTLEY, FRANCISCO. C~[.IFORNIA 94105 80 NORTH FIRST STREET ;ACS;~L= (415) 3~?-0997 SAN ~OSE, CALIFORNIA ~5113 ~N r.ANC~SCOOrr~C~ TELEPHONE {408} FACSIMILE (408) ~97-6819 TELEPHONE (4IS) 543-4e00 Susan Gonzales Administrative Assistant Custodian of Records Environmental Health Service Department County of Kern 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93301 Subject: Waste Oil Contamination at 411 East Brundage Lane, Bakersfield, California Dear Ms. Gonzales: We are in receipt of your June 1, 1994 response to our Freedom of Information Act request. Please provide our office with copies of the records for the 411 East Brundage Lane site. Enclosed is our check in the amount of $2.29 to cover your costs. Thank you for your courtesy and cooperation. Very truly yours, ROPERS, MAJESKI, KOHN, BENTLEY, /WAGNER & KANE / I . ~': ? ..;-,t i Annamarie Ob~ ,Legal Assistant to ALAN L. MARTINI Enclosure SJ1\116482. I\AO R'E C E I P'T 'PAGE I 12:27 am KERN CO RESOURCE ~4ANAGE~IENT AGENCY · 8akersfqe.id CA 9¢.01 Type of Order W C}< 014170 CMA 08/no ,n. / NT Order To~a] 2 '~ STEVE McCALLE~. R.E.H.S. ~ 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 DIRECTOR V! Bakerafield, CA -93301 (805) 861-3636 (805) 861-3429 FAX Ropers, Majeski, Kohn, Bentley, Wagner & Kane June 1, 1994 80 North First Street San Jose, California 95113 SUBJECT: WASTE OIL CONTAMINATION AT 411,409 AND 407 BRUNDAGE LANE, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ATrN: Annamarie Obey, Legal Assistant to Alan L. Martini Dear Ms. Obey: We have researched your request for access to our department files related to a waste oil Contamination located at 407, 409 and 411 Brundage Lane in Bakersfield. We are unable to locate any records of contamination at that location. Many of our records are filed by DBA, facility and/or business names but we could find no records corresponding to the addresses you have provided. If you can provide additional information we .will be more than happy to resume researching this request. While researching your request we did locate records of a similar contamination at a site on East Brundage Lane in Bakersfield. Records for 411 East Brundage lane are available; however, the department is conducting open and on-going investigations at 407 and 409 East Brundage. Records of those investigations contain the analysis and conclusions of the investigating officers and are privileged under Evidence Code Section 1040. If these are the documents that you seek they are exempt from disclosure under the Public Records Act, particularly Government Code sections 6254 and 6255.. Any request for records at 407 or 409 East Brundage will be denied; however, if any investigation results in action being taken to hold a hearing or impose legal sanctions against the facility, its owner or operator, the hearing and documents considered at the hearing would be public record. If you have additional information which you can provide to assist us in locating departmental records for the locations/addresses you seek, please feel free to contact me at (805) 861-3435. It is our desire to provide the requested records if they can be located and are not exempt. Sin~..~rely, / Susan Gonzales '¥ .~ ~ . '-. Administrative A'~sistant Custodian of Records I_AW OFFICE~ ROPERS, MAJESKI, KOHN, BENTLEY, WAGNER & KANE SAN UOS[ CALIFORNIA 95113 TELEPHONE (408) 287-6262 FACSIMILE (408) 297-6819 May 25, 1994 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST Kern County Environmental Health Services Department 2700 "M"' Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 " Subject: Waste Oil Contamination at 411, 409 and 407 Brundage Lane Bakersfield, California Attn: Susan Gonzales Dear Ms. Gonzales: Under the provisions of 5 USC section 552, we are hereby requesting access to and/or copies of all the files which are now in your possession relating to the above-referenced sites.. In particular, we request 'the most detailed information which you possess in the form of documents, correspondence, memoranda and reports generated by you or any other pDrson or entity in connection with: 1. The historical use and operation of the above sites; 2. Any contamination, pollution or conditions requiring remediation at the above sites; and 3. Descriptions of the investigation and/or remediation activities which have taken place or are to take place at the above sites. We are prepared to pay reasonable costs for locating the requested documents and for their reproduction. If all or any part of this request is denied, please cite the specific exemption(s) which you thing justifies your refusal to release the information, and inform us of the appeal procedures available to us under the law. ROPERS, MAJESKI, KOHN, BENTLEY, WAGNER & KANE A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION Kern County Re: 411, 409 and 407 Brundage Lane May 25, 1994 Page We would appreciate your handling this request as quickly as possible, and look forward to hearing from you Within 10 days, as the law stipulates. Very truly yours, ROPERS, MAJESKI, KOHN, BENTLEY, WAGNER & KANE Annamarie Obey '~/ Legal Assistant to ALAN L. MARTINI (408) 287-6262 ext. 2969  EnvironmentaLHeaJth Services Department RANDALL L. ABBOTT STEVE ~cCALLEY. REHS, DIrECTOr DIRECTOR , Air Pollution Control District DAVID PRICE !11 WmUA~ J. RODDY, APCO ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Planning & Development Services Departmen~ TED JAMES, AICP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT January 28, '1992 Leonard Ray L & C Automotive 411 E. Brundage Lane Bakersfield, CA 93307 Dear Mr. Ray.' It has come to the attention of this Department that an inspection has been conducted at the facility located at 411 E. Brnndage Lane~ Bakersfield, California. The intent of this letter is to notify you that any future oversight performed by this Department will result in costs being incurred by the responsible party. In accordance with Kern County Ordinance Code G-5541, Section 8.04.100, the Department is authorized to charge $65.00 per hour for time required to obtain abatement of violations noted during an inspection. The types of costs which may be incurred include time required for reinspections, review of reports, and laboratory services. An invoice detailing all oversight work charged will be sent to you on a monthly basis. Should you have any questions regarding our cost recovery policy, I may be contacted at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Terry Gray Hazardous Materials Inspector I Hazardous Materials Management Program TG:cas ~ncurred.cos ' 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 URCE MANAGEMENI:  Environmental Health Sewices Department RANDALL L. ABBOTT STEVE McCA! ! ~:Y, REHS, DIRECTOR DIRECTOR Air Pollution Control District DAVID PRICE !II W~LUAM J. RODDY, APCO ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Planning & Development Sewices Department TED JAMES, AICP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT December 16, 1991 Mr. Leonard Ray L & C Automotive 411 E. Brundage Lane Bakersfield, CA 93307 SUBJECT: WASTE OIL 'STORAGE Dear Mr. Ray: An inspection was conducted at L & C Automotive on October 12, 1991. During that inspection it was noted that there were several 55-gallon drums on site that contained waste' oil. The drums were located at the rear of the shop building, adjacent to the east fence. There were waste oil filters, improperly stored in the same area. It was also observed during the inspection that an employee was scraping oil and grease from the rear cement work pad on the east side and disposing of the waste to the ground. Violations of the following hazardous waste statutes and regulations were noted at the time of inspection. (1) Health and Safety Code, S~ction 25143.9(a). Failure to label the waste oil container as containing an excluded recyclable material. (2) California Code of Regulations, Title 22 Section 66262.34 (f)(1). Failure to clearly mark on each container of excluded recyclable material the date upon which each period of accumulation began. (3) California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66262.34 (0(2). -Failure to clearly mark on each container of excluded recyclable material the date upon which the 90 day accumulation began. (4) California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66262.34 (f)(3). Failure' to label the containers of excluded recyclable material with the .following information: Mr. Leonard Ray December 16, 1991 Page 2 (A) Composition and physical state of the wastes or-recyclable material. (B) Statement or statements which call attention t° the' particular properties of the waste'or recyclable material. (C) Name and address of the person producing the waste or recyclable material. (5) California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66266.130 (c)(3). Failure to contain used oil filters in a rainproof container capable of containing any used oil that may separate from the filters placed inside. Failure to label the container as drained used oil filters and to show the initial date of accumulation of the filter in the container. (6) California Health and Safety Code, Chapter 6.5, Division 20, Section 25250.5, discharge of waste oils to the soil. The above violations must be corrected within fourteen (14) days of receipt of this letter. A reinspection will be conducted on or after the date to determine compliance. Please submit copies of uniform hazardous waste manifests or receipts evidencing proper disposal of waste oils for the past ~twelve (12) months. You, as the operator of L & C Automotive, are responsible for the proper storage and disposal of any hazardous wastes which you generate and you may be responsible for any abatement that may be required. Enclosed is a handout that explains some requirements for generators of automotive hazardous wastes. If you have any questions, you may contact me at (805) 861-3636, extension 582. Sincerely, Terry L. Gray Hazardous Materials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program TG:ch Certified Number P.767 335 954 cc: Department of Tox/c Substances Control' Program Roberto Martinez Enclosure gray~l&cauto.let KERN cOUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH '~ERvICEs DEPARTMENT .,.f'i ,~! ~ ,,' ; ... / ~ ,-. .... SERVICE AND COMPLAINT FORM Date.../.~E.'.'.:.-'......?.~...~......./../... Time:.~./....~..5:.:. :_!.5..: ................................................................................. [] Service Re~lues, [~Co~l:)laint CT No ........................ .o. ssigned to: ' .............................................................................................................. ci,y .......... ___.=..~:.,.:.-.._ ....................... : ................ ,,,e,,o,, ......... ~__..--_~.- ..... ~-~.:>.":~-`~?.--..~-..~z~z:.~::-~.~...'.:.~.~-~......~z...*......~:.:~.::::...`::-::..~:." .......... ~ .............. ~eoortin~ ~r~on/~ ~ ~&~ ~.~.~ .... r~. ~dd~e. ................ - ........................................................ ~ho~e ........................... ....... -, Owner ,~ c"/'~ ,: .'~ TL';' ,-,--, /?~ r ? .' ,~-,t~' ,~. .~:_~ /~'./'__:: - .... ........................................... ;,~ ..................... % ......................... : ......................................................................... , ....... ' :. E ....... : ,..':.,....:.:. Information .r~'~ ....... RESULTS OF ~t~ ~,,,~u~.~p. 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