HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN 9/20/1996 Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE ......... ,~,~;~,:;,~,~,~?,;,~;~,~,~?~,,,,,,~· ......... This permit is issued for the following: PERMIT ID# 015-0214)01547 ,~:fi?i ~!. i,~ iii:'~i'~ !ii! i::~: .::!!![~:!~!!!!! ;:!iii!ii=~::ii!!!i:!;.:i![i?i?!!!giiiii?,iii~ii!i~k i~agement Program LOCATION 509 B RUN DAG ~"::::::?i~iiii ',i': i ~,iiii~.!i?' BA~ERS'EIELD CA '~ ................. OFFICE OF EN~R O~AL S~ ~CES 1715 Cheaer Ave., 3rd Floor ~ph Huey~ O~ce of ~enml Se~i~ B~ersfiel~ CA 93301 Voice (805) 326-3979 '.~ (s0s)326~5z6 Expiration Date: ~~'$0~ ~000 W]LLIAIVi 1~ GO ~ll~SE REFER TO: GRANADA H/LLS ~WRLY,. ~ GO & ASSOCIATES = TEL: (818) 363-0600 ATTORNEYS AT LAW -~ FAX: (818) 368-0748 1301 S. "H" STREET THOUSAND OAKS Of Counsel: BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93304 la TEL: (805) 494-4085 RICHARD W. ROSS REUBEN SPIVEY BAKERSFIELD ~ON LAFRANCE (Accounting Inquiries) sco'I-r TIMS ~' TEL: (805) 831-0299 JUDY ROLrrLEDGE fax: (805) 831-3176 LANCASTER June 16, 1998 la TEL: (805) 945-4265 MERCED TEL: (209) 725-9540 CULVER CITY la TEL: (310) 83%1044 City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301-5201 Re: Cessation of Business, D&D Radiator ...... Hazmat Permit-and Fees Dear Gentlemen and Ladies, Please be advised that D&D Radiator ceased doing business on or about March 3, 1997. As D&D Radiator is no longer in business the necessity of a Hazardous materials permit is no longer present. Pursuant to the above, please act with all due speed to delete the "HAZ MAT" charge to D&D Radiator and its past owner. Thank you in advance for your courtesy and cooperation in this matter. As always, please do not hesitate to contact this office if you should have any questions or require any additional information. Very truly yours, GO& ASSOCIATES HAZARDOUS MATE=[~S INSPECTION ~// ~ersfield Fire Dept. ,~ Date Completed Business Name: ~ ~ ~ ~ A ~,'~(~ Location: <~% ~ ~ ~ ~~ ,[ Business Identification No. 215-000~ I~-~ ~ (Top of Business Plan) Station No. ~ Shift ~ 'l~pe~or Ar~val Time: ~ ~ ~ Depa~re Time: ~ ~ ~ ~ Inspection Time: Adequate Inadequate Verification of Invento~ Materials Verification of Quan~es Verification of Location Proper Segregation of Material Verification of MSDS Availabili~ Number of Employees: Verification of Haz Mat Training Commen~: Verification of Abatement Supplies & Procedures Commen~: _~ ~ Emergency Procedures Posted ~ Containers Proper~ Labeled ~mmen~: ~ ~ Verification of Facili~ Diagram ~_ ~Special Hazards Associated wi~ ~is Facili~: Xl j' ~"~ ~_ & /'~'O'F "'~ ~ '~~ All Items O.K Business Owner/Manager PRINT NAME SIGNATURE Correction Needed White-Haz Mat Div Yellow-Station Copy Pink-Business Copy . l~'6"~7'.. SITE DIA'GRAM..~ . 'FACILITY,, , DIAGRAM '[--j .. ,'/"- .%,_.$ :.:-.¢s.s :lame: ~ ,., . ' · .. ' '"-'7._~. .......... ' -~:'~"'_.;~ --',lc.-':.". AREA AUTO I,IFT A REA (PAINT & GAf;) WAIST USE]) · ?.I~A .. · HAIN BRAKER PANEI, '' SHUTOFF' VALVE . ...... ...................... FLAHIBLE GAS '" ' . · , ( ox Y GE~,; ) ~ . SHOP ' ])RI VE WAY, F ~/ ~ ,VA'Ti [ METER SHUTOFI~ VALVE ~ ~ . WATER J...ocatfion: 509 .8fRUNDAGE LN Ivlsp:'124 Haz:O "l"~pe: 1 y : ECAKERSF::;i:ELD ' Gnfid: 06 :' '1 AOV Con'tact Name ........................... "l"fi¢ie ....................... I! ........... Contact Nsme .-: ......... : .......... "i"fit'le. ....................... {AI,k.[o"'"'"<" SCI"It~E;I:BI~I7 / OWNER I I1:)1~ . SAIvlUEI.. S (:: !-{17 tE :I: E{ IE~ / ({-;iusfin~ Phone: (E¢O..~) 3..5...-0::.)8'7x Il 8usfines~ Phone: (805) 24-...Houn Phone : (8'05) 838..-'7568x II 24..--HouP Phone : (805) 831-..-6249x PageP Phone : ( ). ..- x !! Pager- Phone : ( ) --- x' "-II Admfinfistnatfive i;)8t8 ~ ............................... . ............................... : .............................................. Ivl~fii Addrs: ~.22 BERNAI:~D S"I" i;)&B Number .. i' C Jr:y: BAKERSI::;[ELO StsCe: CA Zip ..~ ... 4.~ ..~ (-.) (', ... Corem Code: .015-..908 C~UN""Y/B :::D-...S'T'A 8 I.,l::..:)P ..Nol::: S];C Code: '7539 ! · O~nen: S HAikR];S SCHI~E;[BEI~ .. Phone: (805) 831..-.8249 i :,., 00 50:'i ' .... ~¢~: E~AKERSI::::i;ELD , .' ZJP: 93304 .... .~ 'Oq. .... I::.~xed Contafiners at: PLASTIC CONTAINER ~Amb~n~Ambi~r,~ .... Cone .... ~ ...... ~ ........ ' ............................................................. ()ompon~n~ ...................................................... Ixl('; ~ ........ Guide "' ~ G 1 y c o 't L o w 'I00,()~ ! ::~hy'lene 02 ...- 002 ('~ X Y (:; F N G a s 28 '1 i... o w > Pressure, immed Hlth 1:~'1":3 CAS ~: '7'78244'7 Trade Secret: No I:::orm: Gas "f'ype ', ·Pt..Ire I')~ys ,. :365 Use: NEI...O]:N(~; S()L.!:)ER]:N(;' .............. I)afi~ Max F::T:? ................ ~ ........ 1:)8fi~y Average F:T:3 ........ ! ....... Ar, nuaq Amount F:T:3 ........ 28i I 281,00 ! '1,408,00 ....................... ~torage ............................ [ Press I "f'emp .... I ............................................... [..ocatfion ...................................... PKi:::o,..>, C:YL.]:ND:::R 1 Above I Ambient i ' "- ConC '-'i- ............................................................................... Componen'ts ............................................. I'-' i~I'CP ........ IOufi de 100,.0~ !Oxygen, Compressed " I1..-o~ .1 '14 > Reactive, Immed Hlth, I:)elas¢ i--Ilth GAl.. CAS ~: 1:3107:72 'T'rade Secret: .No Form l...fiquid Type: pure .DaYs: :365 Use: (::I...EAN]:NG ........... Daily Max GAl... - .............. ! ........ I;;Jaily' Average GAL. - ....... I ........ Annuaq Amount GAL · ....... 400 ~ 3'~5,00 "! 400.00 .................... Storage ............. ............. I Press ~ 'T'emp ' I ' i...ocatJon. - ....................................... AB()VE GI:~()LIN) 'T'ANK jAmbientjAbove · .[ .... Conc .-.~ .................................................................................. Components ..................................................... MCP ........ ~Gufide I louerate ~ 80 01/17/95 & '"",., I~A D :i: A .... 1 ,.),~'" '"' 015.-..010-... 0 157 t~~ge",- i 00 ... Over'a'J'l S'ite <D> Noti'f',/Evacuation/Iviedica]' <I> Agency Notification F O 1.~ SivlA L.L. C O N T A ]: N E D S P :1: I... L S C O N 'T'A C T: HO't .... ~"ANK SUPPLY C:O (~AS'f'~ D:t:SPOSAL) · 'i0:32[~ 1~3 S;[ERI:~A AVE -- CLOV]:S, CA 9:36'12 F:OI:;! t..A~-,t: .... ' SP ]: t... L.S " ........ f'AC:"I": ........ .... U N I( F: I:~ lq C () U N T Y I::: ]; I:;~ I!!! D E F"T' I'!AL AI.~Lt(..,U .:) I,A [ ~:':F~]:A!...S .... '"'UN , r,,L)l"' "¥'r', '- UN ]; "f' ::~ 6 ~: 2 V ]: C 'T' O I:~ S"f' R I.':'! I:"! "f' <2> l!!mp'toyee Notif,/l:!!vacuation N O .:: Iv. p L O Y E E! .!!3 A"I .... 1" H ]: S "f' :[ Ivl I(!, ALL C:US"I"(.)Ivli!!I.kS t~oui..l:) E{!E ];NS"rI';!UC:"I"I:J![) "f'c) EVAC;UA"f'I:.'-! A"i" Ni!!ARI~!S'T' I!!!X]:"I" AND tvlL:!E]" A'"" "' '~," ,:" ~"' (:' ' ~ t: . . I::: ..................... IvlAi:;~l(l!!!"l' A(..r!-,.(.)..:>..:> 'l"Hl!!! ...>f ...... ':t (")1:;~ :I:N F,'ONT ()F: Eli...()[3 NE')Ct" f'](')('tl:;~ 'I'F Ivl'rN(")t:~ Pl.;~OE~I:..F:Ivl <3> Public Not'it: /Evacuation ~01717/95.' & r'i RADIA"!"!).:~ · 01 ..5--..010....0 7 ' . Pag~ 2 00 .... 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AN LiP. ..c' F'" I... !...S, - ... W.!.' .... ',",' r~"'::~<"(')'"" t!!!N'T',....:, .. ,-,.:: ..... !vlA"!'E! l'~ T Al_.. (':: "W -"'S'T')..~,~ .... ,~., ..................... AN i"~ PU'T' 'r NTC] WA...~ !':'""'::: .... f')RUIq E:I FAN-ANY R E ,S ):" ' ,) l., E IN :1: 'T' H '"' :" :: .. , .... ~.,~ ) I W A'T f:'! R Re. source... Ac't:: i va.t:, i or, <2> Utilit.~/ Shut..-.Offs A~ ,.:,A..:)/, I.,L)PANE tvlA:[N GAS Ivil~"f'El~ AND SHLI'T' ()F:F: i..()(':ATE}I:) AT S E~ACK Si:DE E~AY [:'J A Y D (.),) ,.~ A R E A ~ N E A R ....L ~ .... S .... <:3> F:"ire Protec,/Avs'i'l . NSter P R :!; V A'T E I::: :!: R E P R C;"i" E C 'T' :[ O N C; N P i.;! i'.:. tvl :!: S !!!! S A R E F: ;i; R E E! X'i" :!1N G l.J S ;[ H !:.! R S ( A P P R O V t":'! D ) A !...ON(.i; NA"i"i!!!R HO~!~[:! A"i" i:.!!ACH " t!:. X J: "I" Of:: t:::lLD[.i; AN.D CIUTS:i:Di!!i' WORK ARr.'iA A l::: :[ i;! !:~ HYDI:~AN"I-' AT N~ SI;DE' O1:: "*f'" S"i"!:~I!!!E!'f' AND [';~I~UNDAGE LN A i::: :[ R !!:! i-'-iYi:)RANT AT Nb~ S:t:i.')I!.! OF: "U" STRI!!!I::!'T' AND E~f.~UN!')AG['! LN <3> E!mer', Ag'eno.\/ Coor'ddna't:'ion' <4> E!mer,, ' . - !;:!qu'i <~> ,,;r, I"~Ygh <3> Elementary Schools <4> Private & P're Schools .... / .', . ....... . .: ,.,.. pti - ~ · ~ - .- SITE DI'AGRAM EJ~f' FACILITY' DIAGRA,Vl ~.~ .':' '. ~.'~$ Z--.~-SG :lam-~: GAS MAIN MAIN PANEL ' J ' REAR EXIT T,. o~ ELECTRIC 'i'ANK ~ --WORK SUB PANEL-- STORA GE WORK STATI ON RADIATOR __ 1 · STORAGE - J ,[~./-- RADIATOR TEST .. ~ ." BEN " OLD RAg E BOLT BEN CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" January 11, 1995 FIRE DEPARTMENT M. R. KELLY 1715 CHESTER AVENUE FIRE CHIEF BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 D & D Radiator 509 Brundage Lane Bakersfield, CA 93304 Dear Business Owner: Because of the annexation of the location of your business on November 10, 199zl the Hazardous Materials Business Plan and Inventory reporting requirements of both Federal and State "Community Right to Know" regulations will now be administered by the Bakersfield Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division. We have made arrangements to transfer the plans that you havb previously filed with Kern COunty, to our office. Therefore, we will not need a new business plan and inventory from you at this time. California law does require all inventories to be updated annually and your busin ~s plans to be amended within 30 days of any one of the following events. 1) A 100% or more increase in the quantity of a previously disclosed hmardous material subject to the inventory requirements. 2) Any handling of a previously undisclosed hazardous material subject to the inventory requirements. 3) Change of business address. 4) Change of business ownershipl 5) Change of business name. You should also report any significant changes to your business plan such as contact information, telephone numbers etc. For any of these changes or any questions regarding the handling or storage of hazardous materials on your site, or for any necessary underground storage tank permits, please contact us at 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301, or call 326-3979. Sincerely yours, Ralph E. Huey . Hazardous Materials Coordinator