HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN RETURN PAYMENTS TO: PLEASE ~'I~E '~:I~I'~S ~AYAE~LE TO: ............ ' Ii CITY. OF BAKERSFIELD HAZAf~OOU$ HATER] ALS D[ V iS iON ..... ¢~ " P.o. BOX 057 CITY 'OE:BAKERSFIELD RSFIELD, CA 93303-2057 ACCOUNT NO: H;~ ~90~ .....:.:~ -~ . Hazardous HaterJals Handling ?ees for roll'1 PrevJ'ous ~AZAR~)OUS' H~T~!AL~ HANDLING F~ STATE MANDATED. PRO6t~A~ ........ .~' '. ' .......... ,.~ .. ~ TOTAL ~AL~CE DUc. 200~OO ',TH[,S BILL-iS OUE _UPON'RECEIPT '-. ' INQUIRIES CONCERNING THIS.BILL, PLEASE PHONE: 3.~-- ~ 9 ?-~/. , ~ '".. GER~AN HOT~RS '-, 600 E OKUNDAGE . '- CUSTOMER COPY .,. ;.., March 2~ 1990 TO: Nine Mayer~ AccoUnts Receivable FROM: Ralph E, Huey~ Hazardous Materials Coordinator SUBJECT: German MotOrs Nina~ account # 460901 has a previous balsnce of $200.00~ this business is no longer in business and has no address known to send statement to. Please void this amount and close this account. Thanks Valerie APRIL 13 1988 Dear Mr. BENNETT NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE IN THE INSPECTION OF YOUR BUSINESS GERMAN MOTORS, LOCATED AT 600 BRUNDAGE LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA 9330? ON 4/13/88 THE FOLLOWING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGULATION VIOLATIONS WERE IDENTIFIED.: 1) WASTE OIL NOT INCLUDED IN BUSINESS~.PLAN INVENTORY. VIOLATION OF CH. 6.96 CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE 25509(A)(1-4) The annual inventory form shall include, but shall ng,t be limited to, information on all of the following ~hich are handled in quantities equal to or greater than /the quantities specified in subdivision (a)of Section / 25503.5: ~ (1)A listing of the chemical name and common ~ names of every hazardous substance or chemical \~ product handled by ~he business. %./ (2)The category of waste, including the general chemical and mineral composition of the waste listed by probable maximum and minimum concentrations, of every hazardous waste handled by the business. (3)A listing.of the chemical name and common names of every other hazardous material or mixture containing a hazardous material handled by the business which is not otherwise listed pursuant to paragraph (1) or (2). {4)The maximum amount of each hazardous material or mixture containing a hazardous material disclosed in paragraphs {1),(2), and (3) which is handled at any one time by the business over the course of the year. · 2)~NTAINERS NOT PROPERLY LABELED 'VIOLATION-OF OSHA 1910.1200 chemical ~ (1)The manufacturer, importer, or distributor shall ensure that each container of hazardous chemicals leaving the ~orkoiace is labe.Led, ta=~ed~ or.' marked ~ith ~the folio~in~, information' (i)Identity of the hazardous Chemical{s). (ii)'ApDropriate hazard warnings; and (iii)Name and address of the chemical manufacturer, importer, or other responsible par.ty. (4)Except as provided in paragraphs (2) and (4) the employer shall ensure that each container of hazardous chemicals in the workplace is labeled, tagged, or marked~with the following information: - ~ ." -.·'i.(i)Identity of the hazardous chemical(s) ' contained therein; and .~.'~ ~"!~:~i~, ~ i'~?: ~.:'~ ~'~( ii.)ADprop~iate hazardl warnings..'- ~"~/;:~"... ~ (5)The employer may use signs, placards, .process : ..~heets, batch tickets, operating procedures, or other ~'-~uch written materials' in lieu of affixing labels to individual stationary process containers, .as long as the alternative'method identifies the containers to which it is a~Dlicable and conveys the information.required by paragraph (2) of this section to be on label. The written materials shall be readily accessible to the employees in their work area throughout each work shift. ('7)The employer' shall not remove of deface existing labels on incoming containers of hazardous chemicals, unless the container is immediately marked with the required information. (8)The employer shall ensure that labels or other forms of warnings are legible, in English, and prominently displayed on the container, or readily available in the work area throughout each work shift. Employers having employees who ,speak other langUages may' add the information in their language to the material presented, as long 'as the 'information is presented in English as well. NO HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TRAINING VIOLATION OF OSHA 1910.1200(H) (2)Training. Employee training shall. include at least: (i)Methods and observations that may be used to detect the presence or release of a hazardous chemical in the work area (such as monitoring conducted by. the employer, continuous monitoring devices, visual'appearance or odor of hazardous chemicals when being released, etc.); (ii)The physical and health hazards of the 'chemicals in the work area; (iii)The measures employees can ,~a~e to protect themselves from these hazards, including specific procedures the employer has implemen%ed to protect employees from exposure to hazardous chemicals, such as appropriate work practices, emergency procedures, and personal protective e~uipment to be used; and, (iv)The details of the hazard communication program developed by the employer, including an explanation of the labeling system and the material .safety data sheet, and how employees can.'obtain and .... use the apprOpriate hazard information.· 4) MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS NOT AVAILABLE. VIOLATION OF OSHA ·1910.1200 '-~ (g)The employer shall maintain' copies of the ~' reGuired material safety data sheets for each hazardous ~ ~ ~ chemical in.the workplace, and shall ensure that they employees when they are in their work area(s) (h)(1) INFORMATION. Employees shall be informed of: (i)The requirements of this section (ii)Any operations in their work area where' hazardous chemicals are present; and, (iii)The location and availability of the written hazard communication program, including the be~uired list(s) of hazardo.us chemicals, and material safety data sheets reeuired by this section. 5) SAFETY PROCEDURES NOT.AVAILABLE. VIOLATION OF 'CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE CHAPTER 6.95, 25504(B)' Business _plans shall include all_of the folio.wing: Emergency response plans and p?ocedures in the event of a reportable of threatened release of a hazardous material, including', but not limited to, all of the following: (1) Immediate notification to the adminiatering agency and to aDDropriate local emergency rescue personnel and the office. (o ~) Procedures for the mitigation of a release or ' threatened release to mi'nimize any ootentia! harm or damage to.persons, property, or.the environment. (3) Evacuation plans and procedures, includin.~ immediate notice, for the business site. The above violations must be corrected by MAY 15, 1988 The department will schedule a re-inspection of your facility to verify compliance. If .you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact Ralph Huey at 326-3979. ~{azardous Materials Coordinator 'encl TRAINING BOOKLET ' - ' ' / ' ~. · _ SE No. .: - . . _ ,X4',~/': "'- " ~ PERMI'E REQUIRED ~CUPANCY ~ ' ,~s~ss ~A~ ~' ' . . ... . . HOME PNO~: ' '~ ~' ~- ,: /(1)~ ' (2) - · : . ~-~1~ HHONE ~ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INSPECTION BUSZ.ZSS ~.U~: ~£~4~1 /~O~Z~; VERIFICATION OF INVENTORY MATERIALS V~R~F~C~ON o~ ~o~r~T~ss VERIFICATION OF LOCATION PROPER SEGREGATION OF MATERIAL VERIFICATION OF HAZ MAT TRAIN~ ~--~ W~ VSRn.~c~oN o, ~.SDS ~v~ns 7'~ ~° COMMENTS: VERIFICATION OF ABATEM]~T SUPPLIES & PROt'~r~URES COMMENTS: EMERGENCY PRO(~DURES POSTED CONTAINERS PROPERLY VERIFICATION OF FACILITY DIAGI~a~ ,.- ~ SPECIAL ~ZARDS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS FACILITY'- VIOLATIONS: APRIL 13 1988 Dear Mr. BENNETT ~ T T,', T NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND SCIIEDULE FOR CO~P~NCE IN THE INSPECTION'OF YOUR BuSINESS:'GERMANMoToRs-, LOCATED AT 600~BRUNDAGE LANE BAKERSFIELD,. CA . · ... '~ . ,~ , ...... . .... ., :~-.,~' . , ...~ · ,,.. '~.~ · 93307 ON 4/13/88 THE FOLLOWING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS'REGuLA~IoN 11 WASTE OIL {N%UDED-' N BuS sES PLAN-' .- '."VIOLATION OF CH. 6.96 CALIFORNIA HEA~TH ,::-. ~' :"';::'"'i:'::'/:': -' ':"' :'"'". .... , & sAFETy CODE 25509(A)'(I-4)':::'7'"': ...... '.:' The annual inventory form shall' include,, but shall not be limited to, information on all of the following which are handled in quantities equal to or greater t'han the 'quantities specified in subdivision (a)of Section 25503.5: (1)A listing'"of the chemical name and common ~. : names of every hazardous substance or chemical " p~oduct handled by the, business. (2)The category of waste, including the general chemical and mineral composition of the waste listed by probable maximum and minimum concentrations, .of every hazardous waste handled by the business. (3)A listing of the chemical name and ~ommon names, of every other hazardous material or miMture containing a hazardous material handled'by the' business-which is not ot.herwise listed pursuant to paragraph (1) or (2). (4)The maximum amount of each hazardous. I ' disclosed in'~a~graphs (1),('2), and (3) which is ~- handled at any one time by the business over the i course of the year. Z) CONTAINERS NOT PROPERLY LABELED VIOLATION OF OSHA 1910.1'200 (1)The chemical manufacturer, importer, or distributor shall ensure that each container of hazardous chemicals leaving the Workp.Laee ms iabe!ed, tagged or marked with the following informatzon' (i)Identity of the hazardous chemical{s)'. (ii)ApprOpriate hazard warnings' and (iii)Name and address ~of the chemical manufacturer, importer, or other responsible party. (4)Except as provided in paragraphs (3) and (4) the employer shall ensure that each container of hazardous chemicals in the workplace is labeled tagged or marked with the following information: .-~. (i)Identity of the hazardous chemical(s) contained therein; and (ii)Appropriate hazard warnings..~ '/:~'~:[.[:' ' (5)The employer' may use signs,-placards,~p~'0~ess .:~'~Sheets, batch tickets, operating procedures, or other · ;~such written materials in lieu of affixing labels~t0 individual~stationary process containers, as long as alternative methOd identifies the containers to which it is applicable and conveys the information required by paragraph (2) of this section to be on label The written materials shall be readily accessible-to the employees, in their wOrk area throughout each work .shift (?)The employer shall not remove of deface existing labels on incoming containers of hazardous chemicals, unless the container is immediately marked with the required information. (8)The empioyeb shall ensure that labels or other forms of warnings are legible, in English, and prominently displayed on the container, or readily in the work area throughout each work shift. available Employers having employees who speak other languages may add the information in their language to the'material presented, as long as the information is presented in English as 'well. NO HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TRAINING VZOLATION OF OSHA ¢S¢0. Z00(H) (2)Training. Employee training shall include.at. least: (i)Methods and observations that may~be used to detect the presence or release of a hazardous chemical in the work area (such as monitoring. conducte~ by the employer, continuous monitoring devices, visual appearance or odor of hazardous chemicals when being released, etc.); (ii)The physical and health hazards.of the . chemicals in'the'work area; (iii)The measures employees can take to protect themselves from these hazards, including ~. specific'procedures the employer has implemented tO protect emD!oyees from exposure to hazardous ' chemicals, such as appropriate work practices, emergency procedures, and personal protective equipment to bemused; and, (iv)The details of the h~zard communication program developed by the employer, including an explanation of the labeling system and the material safety data·sheet,~ and how employees can obtain and use the·appropriate hazard information. . 4) MATERIAL~SAFETY DATA SHEETS NOT AVAILABLE. (g)The employer shall maintain Copies of the '" · required material safety· data sheets for each hazardous .~":'~.?~,;:'~;'-.~i chemical in the workplace, and shall ensure that they ~-'" -are readily accessible during, each work shift to employees when they are in their work area(s) (h)(1) INFORMATION. Employees shall be informed of: (i)The requirements of this section (ii)Any operations in their work area where hazardous chemicals are present; and, (iii)The location and availability of the written hazard communication program, including the required list(s) of hazardous chemicals, and material safety data sheets required by this section. 5) SAFETY PROCEDURES NOT AVAILABLE. VIOLATION OF CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE CHAPTER 8.9~, 25504(B) Business ~lans shall include all.o.f.~·the following: Emergency response plans and.procedures in the event of a reportable of threatened release of' a hazardous material, including, but not limited to, ail of the followings: (1) Immediate notification to the administering 'agency and to appropriate local emergency rescue personnel and the office. (2) Procedures for the mitigation of a release or threatened release to minimize an~~ Dotentia! harm or damage to persons, property-, or the environment. (3) Evacuation plans and procedUres, inciudin.~ immediate notice, for the business Site. The above violations must be corrected by ~AY 13, 1988 The department will schedule a re-inspection of your facility to verify compliance. If you have any Questions regarding this notice, please contact Ralph Huey at 326-3979. Si~rely, .- ~ enCl TRAINING BOOKLET . ~ .... ~ ~.~ ,~..~.~ ..... ~<%.,~.~¢~?~A~U.~. ,%'/ . BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT ~ , V ~. . //' 2130 "G" STREET · ' ~J't~" / . . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 _ RE ' ~[~ '~ (805) 326-3979 OEC'I O 1987. USINESS N~E' FO~ 2A~ INS~UCTI ONS: , , 3 Answe.~ the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. ,. SECTION 1: BUSI~SS IDE~IFICATION DATA BUSINESS NAME: SECTION 2: E~RGENCY NOTIFICATIONS ' In case of an emergency.involving the release or' threatened release of a hazardous naterial, call' gl1 and 1-800-852-~550 or 1-g16-42~-4341. This will notify your local fire depaF~ment and the State Office of Emergency Services. as required by EMPLOYEES TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: NAME AND TITLE~. _[~ DURING BUS. HRS. AFTER BUS. HRS. SECTION 3: LOCATION 0F ~ILI~ S~-OFFS FOR BUSI~SS AS A ~OLE E. LOCK BoxY,. yES.,/~ IF.YES,' LOCA'TION:. , ~F YES, DOES IT CONTAIN SITE PLANS? YES / NO MSDS'S? YES ,/NO FLOOR PLANS? YES ~'/ NO . K-EYS? YES / NO - 2A~ . . SECTION 4: PRIVATE RESPONSE TEAM FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE S~CTION 5: LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE FOR~'YOUR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE SECTION 6: EMPLOYE~,.,TRAINING EMPLOYERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A PROGRAM WHICH PROVIDES EMPLOYEES WITH INITIAL AND REFRESHER TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS."-- "C~RCLE YES OR-NO '- - ..~NITIAL REFRESHER,_ · "A. METHODS FOR SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS "-: .~h~TERIALS Y~' NO YES N0 B. -PROCEDURES FOR COORDINATING ACTIVITIES ; YES (~ YES NO WITH RESPONSE AGENCIES:...'... ..................... PROPER' OF 'SAFET¥ .......... ..... YES NO 'D. EMERGENCY EgACU~TION'-p'ROCEDURES: ................. y~N,~O YES NO E. DO YOU MAINTAIN EMPLOYEE TRAINING RECORDS: ....... YES (N~ YES N0 SECTION ?: }{AZ~d~DOUS IqATERIAL CIRCLE, YES - NO' - NqNE DOES ~0~R'BUSINESS HANDLE'~ZARDOUS ~TERIAL IN QUANTITIES ~ESS THAN $00:POUNDS 0F A '. .... SOL~D,~5$ GALLONS oF/A LIQUID.,. 0m 200 ~CUBIC FEET 0~F; A COMPRESSED GAS: ...... ~ NO certify that the above information is accurate. i '~er~d t~t'~hi~-i~formation wili-be used to fulfill'my firm's obligations under ~..the~ne~--Ualifor'nia Health and'Safety code on Hazardous Materials .(Div. 20 Chapter 6.95 ,'sed~i"25500 E~'AI.) and that inaccurate information constitu%es perjury. BAKERSFIELD CITY FiRE DEPARTMENT 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 BUS~X~SS ' '~: SINGLE FACILITY UNIT FORM INSTRUCT IONS I. To avoid 'further action, this form must be retucned 2. TYPE.,"PR!-XT YOUR ANSWERS IN 'ENGLISH. Answer the questions below for THE FACILITY UNIT LISTED BELOW 4. Be as BRIEF and CONCISE as SECTION 1: MITIGATION, PRE~ION, ~BATEMEN~ PROCEDb~ES SECTION 2: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES AT THIS L~."IT O.YLY SECTION 3: HAZARDOIIS MATERIALS FOR THIS bLNIT ONLY A. Does this Facility Unit cot%rain Hazardous Materials? . NO If YES see B ' ~' "."~J~. ' ~'~ ' ~ ' If NO, continue with SECTION 4. re any of the hazardous materials a bona fide Trade Secret' YES If No, ··complete a separate hazardous materials inventory form marked: NON-TRADE-·SECRETS ONLY (white '"form ~4A-1) tf Yes, complete a hazardous materials inv~]tory form marked: TRADE SECRETS ONLY (')~eliow'form~;4A-2) i~_~'ddition to the non-trade " secret form. List only the trade secrets on form 4A-2. SECTION 4: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION' SECTION.S: .LOCAT!bN OF WATER SUPPLY FOR USE BY EMERGENCY RESPONDERS A. NAT. "~''~ ' B. ELECTRICAL: C. WATER: ' ':' O SPECr E. LOCK BOX: YES iF YES, LOCATION: -I.F YES, SITE PLANS7 YES / NO MSDSs? YES ." NO FLOOR PLANS? YES ." NO KEYS? YES ..'".NO NON'--TRADE SECRETS IIAZARDOUS MATERI ALS' I NVENTOIIY, __. .ONLY 2 3 7 9 /.lAX. ANNUAl, I, OCATION IH TIIlfl · ~t,l()llt~:l' AFIOUNT ~ACI UHIT CIIE~lqA~ OR coNFIOH HAHE 55 7 o~ ~oP i,l,.~f;;~,,lt(~y {:{)rtTAt:T'.J','~v~','5~ '~6'~¢~ TITI,E~ {~~_k ~IJS II(TIJRS: , _ - - AFTER BUS. IIrS: )- 1,1tJ{'ll'AI, IIIISI[II~SS ACTIVITY: ",,-' I CITY R A KE17SFIE£D ~IRE DEPhRT~ENT 2130 G STREEW R. E. HUEY BhKERSFIELD, 93301 Hhg ~AT COORDINATOR 326-3979 Dear Business Owner: You recently received a packet of information from the City of Bakersfield, detailing the requirements for compliance with the new California Law concerning hazardous materials. As of this date we have not received your response. If you do handle, store, use, or dispose of hazardous substances, you are required to complete the forms enclosed in the packet a~d rE'turn them. Typical -e-V~r~da'y'hazard6~s~material-you may'find in your faciYity-m~y include;· but not-be limited to: compressed gases - oxygen, acetelyne, etc.: fuels - all types, including propane; solvents - most solvents would be a hazardous material; oils - waste and new; thinners - most thinners would be hazardou!~; caustic or corro- sive materials; poisonous or toxic materials; and radioactive materials. If you claim exemptiOn because you do not handle hazardous materials, it will be necessary to complete and return the bottom section Of this letter requesting exemption. As indicated in the cover letter for the origiooal packet,.the penalties for failing .to comply with any portion of the business plan.require- ments shall be civilly liable in an amount up to $2,000 forleach day in which the violation occurs. Any business that continues to willfolly violate the business plan requirements after reasonable notice of the violations shall be civilly, liable in an amount up to $5,000 for each day in which the violation occurs. If we can be of any assistance·in completing your business I~lan, or answer any questions with regard to the current California Laws requiring the plan sub- miss.~on, call 326-3979. erely yours,/ HazardoUs Materials Coordinator I certify under penalty of perjury that I have read the information regarding Chapter 6.95 of the Health and Safety Code, and that my busliness is exempt from these requirements..I do understand that random checks may be conducted to insure exemption status. · ' Business'Name-: ,. ._.. Ty~e ~f ~u'.~iness . · - . ~ ' - dA ress · Name t?rlnteo) ' Il tqe Phone ~ '-~'-sTgnaturu