HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK=ADNNMain Selections ~_~ , =Hazmat Handler Search (Add/Modify) -- Hazmat Handler (Add) SlteID= next in sequence Comm. Code: Business N--e: ~.~~~ :~.%~~~~ ~mF~ Phone:( ') - Location No.:~(~ Dir: Street:~~..~ L~ Un~: Mailing No,:* Dlr: Street: Unit: City: State: Zip: - Billing No.:* Dir: Street: Unit: City: State: Zip: - Business Owner: Phone:( ) - No.:* Dir: Street: Unit: City: State: Zip: - <Fl0> Continue * 'SAME' as above <Esc> Exit ADMN Main Selections = ADMN Report Types =Ad Hoc Report -- Previous Reports Site ID Parameters Site Data Parameters Regulatory Programs Site Milestone Parameters II] Include if mlstn's date is between~--· / / and / / Mlstn [E] Exclude if mlstn's date is between~ Setup [A] Include if mlstn has ANY date [X] Exclude if mlstn has ANY date Current Billing UST Permits UST Corrective Action's UST Surcharge Refund Req. %/t~/~Tank(s)Removed Billing Date Refund Sent' ---Site Asmt Reqd Revised Date PTO Expires On Addl Char Reqd 2nd Notice Ins/Mod Tanks Remediatn Reqd Final Notice Ins/Mod Piping RWQCB Referral '~%[~ Removal Permit Last atry Rept Payment Recv' d Referred Financial Reap Closure Letter <PgUp/PgDn> Scroll Milestones <Fl0> Continue <F3> Output Ops <Esc> Exit BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION . Dote APPLI~&TIOH ~:s)~ic:Gtio. No. in cOnformity with provisions of pe~inent ordinances, codes and/or regulations, applicati°n is made by: N~me of ~ Address to display, store, install, use, operate, sell or handle materials or processes involving ~ creating con- dttiOl~ deemed :l~z~lous to life' ~ property as follows: Permi .: ...... ;...' By...~'.; ..... ;~ ..... -. ::.,.".:;:.. · ,....~.~,-. ,, :. .. ,::,:~':.:.?:.: · -. 1700Flower Street nERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPART ·HEALTH OFFICER Bakersfield, California 93305 Leon M Hebertson, M.D. Telephone (805)861-3636 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE Permit Number A370-20 OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY FACILITY NAME AND ADDRESS: OWNER NAME AND ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: Western Exterminator Co. Western Exterminator Co. McNabb Construction Co. 810 Brundage Lane 810 Brundage Lane 2616 Stark Street Bakersfield, CA 93307 Bakersfield, CA 93307 Bakersfield, CA 93305 License No. 47433! PERMIT TO ABANDON PER~IT EXPIRES February 5. 1988 I TANK(S) AT ABOVE APPROVAL DATE February . 5, 1987 LOCATION APPROVED BY )iarb/~skinsky-~v~p" / .................. POST ON PREMISES .................. CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Permittee must obtain a Fire Department permit prior to initiatinF. abandonment action. 2. All procedures used must be in accordance with requirements of the Standard~' and Guidelines developed for implementation of Kern County Ordinance Code. 3. A minimum of two sets of samples must be retrieved beneath the gasoline tank at distances one-third of the way in from each end at depths of two .feet anc six feet. 4. For all product piping, every 15 linear feet of pipe run must be sampled at 2' and 6' depths. 0ne set of the samples must be taken underneath eack dispenser at the prescribed depths. 5. All samples must be analyzed for benzene, toluene, xyl ene, and total petroleum hydrocarbons. 6. Advise this office of the time and date of proposed sampling with 24 hours advance notice. ACCEPTED BY DATE DISTRICT OFFICES Delano.. Lamont Lake Isabella Mo{ave . Ridgecrest . Shafter . Taft " FILE CONTENTS INVENTORY Facility ~ ~ ~]Permit to Operate ~ Date [-]Construction Permit ~ Date ]~Permit to abandon~ ~)-'~) No. of Tanks / Date ~/5-/~'7 ~]Amended Permit Conditions / [-]Permit Application Form, Tank Sheets, Flow Chart ~Application to Abandon J tanks(s) Date [~Annual Report Forms C]Copy of. Written Contract Between Owner & Operator ~-] Inspect ion Reports ~-]Correspondence - Received Date Date Date ~Correspondenqe ~- Mailed ~.. ~/"~ ~/~.w~ %-~ .Date ~/~ Date Date []Unauthorized Release Reports C] Aba ndonment/C1 osu r e Reports ~Sampling/Lab Reports .~ [~]MVF Compliance Check (New Construction Chec'kli'st) [~STD Compliance Check (New Construction Checklist) [-]MVF Plan Check (New Construction) [-]STD Plan Check (New Construction) [-]MVF Plan Check (Existing Facility) [-]STD Plan Check (Existing Facility) [-]"Incomplete Application" Form [-]Permit Application Checklist ~Permit Instructions [~Discarded ~]Tightness Test Results Date Date Da te ~]Monitoring Well Construction Data/Permits [~]Environmental Sensitivity Data: [,]Groundwater Drilling, Boring. Logs [~]Location of Water Wells [~.qtatement of Underground Conduits [~]Plot Plan Featuring All Environmentally Sensitive Data ~] Photos. [-]Construction Drawings Location: [~Half sheet showing date received and tally of inspection time, etc ABANDONMENT STATUS SHEET APPLICATION RECEIVED : Date By APPLICATION CHECK : Date -By APPLICATION RETURNED : Date By COI~iENT : APPLICATION RESUBMITTED: Date By SITE INSPECTION : Date By COMMENT : TANKS TIGHTNESS TESTED : Date By Results TIGHTNESS TEST RESULTS REQUESTED: Date By Due TIGHTNESS TEST RESULTS SUBMITTED: Date By COMMENT : PERMIT TO ABANDON / TANKS: ~ COMPLETE CLOSURE ~ PARTIAL ~EPLACEMENT ISSUED : Date ~- ~ - By ' ' EXPIRES : Date NOTICE GIVEN : Date By COMMENT : TANKS REMOVED: Date By SAMPLES TAKEN: Date '2 -/~,_~ 7 By _/~.~. PRELIMINARY REVIEW: Date , By Hrs. COMMENT : ABANDONMENT C OM P L E T E / I-~C~4~F~. Date 4---z~'- ~: 7 By SITE CHARACTER REQUESTED: Date By COMMENT : SITE CHARACTER RECEIVED : Date By SITE CHARACTER .REVIEW : Date By Hrs. COMMENT : SITE CHARACTER ACCEPTED/DENIED : Date By COMMENT : SITE CHARACTER RESUBMITTED: Date By COMMENT : MITIGATION PROPOSAL RECEIVED: Date By COMMENT : PROPOSAL REVIEWED: Date By Hrs. PROPOSAL RETURNED: Date By Hrs. PROPOSAL ACCEPTED/DENIED: Date By COMMENT : MITIGATION CLOSED/CONTINUING: ~ Date COMMENT : 1700 Flower Street ~£RN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTM - HEALTH OFFICER ~:' ' :. · Bakersfield, California 93305 - Leon M Hebertson, M.D. Telephone (805) 861-3636 ... · ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION . DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PER~,IIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE '.,: ,,· ·' PermJ.~: Number 'A370·-·20 OF UNDERGROUND tlAZARDOUS ~.~-~'':u~ '~. .... ~.'-$UBS?ANCES STORAGE .FACILITY ,?:~.~(.FACILI~ N~E ~D ~DRESS: ~O~ER N~ ~D ~DRESS:. CONT~CTOR: ~es~ern 'Exterminator Co. ~,~es~e~n Exterminator ~.Co..'~:~cNabb ~Cons~ruc~0n Cc ~BakersE~eld, .CA 93307= ,...~ .~b- .Bakersfield, CA 93307 ',.".-~.'Bakersf~eld, 'CA 93305 ' PEEHIT TO ABANDON PERNIT EXPIEES February 5, 1988 .. ".':...:: .':.' ~. :.1 TANK(S) 'AT ABOVE · /:' · ..:t:~......:~...~' ,..':.~,. APPROVA~ DATE -]' :.'February '''~ ,,'" ~9'8~ v.'.:~,-:. ' ' ' .... ' ":' - - '' " - ' '' ~ar~shinsky '/ ,' "'"-.~',"-':'.' .................. POST ON PREHISES .................. .CONDITIONS AS FOLL0~S: 1. Permittee mu'st obtain a Fire Department permit prior to initiatin~ abandonment actlo~. 2 AI'i procedures used must be .in accordance ~ith requirements of the Standard and Guidelines developed for implementation of Kern County Ordinance Code. 8 A minimum of t~o sets of samples ·must be retrieved beneath .the gasoline tanl at distances one-third.of the ~ay in f~om each end at depths of t~o feet an~ six feet. · . 4 For all product piping, every 15 linear feet of pipe run must be sampled a 2' and 6' depths. One set of the samples must be taken underneath eac~ dispenser at the p~escribed depths. 5. Ail . samples must be analyzed for benzene, toluene, xylene, and tota petroleum hydrocarbons. 6. Advise this office of the time and date of proposed sampling with 24 hour~ advance notice. DISTRICT OFFICES Delano . Lamont , Lake Isabella Mojave Rldgecrest Shafter . Taft Kern County Health Depar Division of Environmental Health Application Date. 1700 Flower Street, BakerSfield, CA 93305 No. of Tanks to be Aband~ne~ / APPLICATION FOR PERMIT FOR TEMPORARY OR PERMANf~IT CLOSURE/~aaNDO~NT OF ~ND~ HAZARnOUS SUmSTANCES STORAGE Z~CIL~TY ~ype of A_~plication (Fill Out One Application Pe~ Facilit~ [-]~-~porary Clo~ure/Abandonme~-~ ~ ~ ~_Permanent Closure/Aban_do~ent A. Project Contact .(~me, a_~a c~d.e,, phone) ~ Days~.~~ ~-~%~ Nights Facility Addres-% ~i O ~3~~· ~-~3, ~ ~ Nearest Cross St. T ~' R , SEC ~- (Rural~Locations Only) Address -~{ O ~~)~i/-~ .~ ['~, . Zip Operator ~ ~ ~,~. ' Telephone Address - · · . ' ?t_)/%'-''-~ - Zip B. Water to Facility P~ovided by ~' ~~-~2~~. De?_th to Groundwater" /~ - Soil· CharaCteristics at Facili~y-7. ~-)~---~~ ~ ~ , Basis for Soil Type and Groundwater Depth'E~termination~_~_~qL~C C. Tank Removal_ Contrac_kor ~/]~4J/~J~ ~.~.'~7 [~6, CA License No. (//~ Address ~1~ ~~F~ ~i 1~, ~ 7ZiP ¢~%'~Telephone .,i~937/W~ Propqsed Starting Dale ~/~/~/~; Prompt. ~sed C~mpletion Date , f Worke. r's Compensation Cert£fic~tiOh ~ O~d ~l~.. Insurer ,~."~~,~ . . Environmental AS~.ssment C~ntract~4~. ~ ,~-~ ,~D~ CA License No. - - Address (;L~/5'~.~~, ~.~%/ ,~f¢~5~. Zip ~%b~ Telephone Proposed Starti'ng Date f/~/g~il ' Proposed Completion Date ~./~./~ Worker's Compensation Certifi~a/tibh ~ ~ Insurer ~ D. Chemical Composition of Materials Stored Tank ~ Chemical Stored (non-commercial name) Dates Stored Chemical Previously Stored (i~ different) to to , to E. Describe Method for Retrieving Samples .~'/~O /~~. ~ ~: Samples Will be Analyzed for ~3~.~ ~ -7~C~c/,0~; ~/,/I~.A,%~.- r ~~l Address ~fdT~ ~-~ ~: ~.,. ~, Telephone '~,~v'7-~/~Z/ · F.This application Eot: ~r moral or ~abandonment in place · * PLEASE PROVIDE INFORMATION REQUESTED ON REVERSE SIDE OF THIS SHEET BEFORE SUBMI~t'ING APPLICATION FOR REVIEW. This form has been completed under p~nalty of perjury and to the best of my knowledge is true and cor rect~f-'h ~ I~1~ ude All the Following Infomatlon:  Location of Tank(s), Piping. & Dispenser(s) Proposed Samplii]g Locatio~%s Indicating Approximate Dept~ _~ of Samples Nearest Street or Intersection - Any Water Wells or Surface Waters Within 100' Radius of Facility NORTH ~. f..X3~ cO'/ ~ /oc~' ~ · ~AN 1. 6 'J987 I Approved By Scale _~ ' "' ' 1700 Flower Street .- KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT HEALTH OFFICER Bakersfietcl. California 93305 Leon M Hebertson. M.D. Telephone (805) 861-3636 ' ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH  Vernon S. Reichard April 8, 1987 Western Exterminator Company 810 Brundage Lane Bakersfield. California 93307 Re: Tank Abandonment Dear Mr. Sirs: This department has reviewed the laboratory results for the underground storage tank at 810 Brundage Lane. Permit =A370-20. The samples indicated no significant soil contamination at the site. · Based upon this information, the department considers this preliminary site assessment complete and no further assessment is required. Sincerely, Bill Scheide Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program BS:aa cc: NcNabb Construction DISTRICT OFFICES Delano . Lamont . Lake Isabella . Mojave . Ridgecrest Shatter . Taft PETi~otEUA~ ,. J. E~m. ~t~. CH~. MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD. CA. 93308 PHONE 327-491 Purgeable Aromatics . ~ MCNABB CONSTRUCTION ~1~-~, Date of 2616 STARK STREET REPORT:2-20-8? BAKERSFIELD,CALIF~sample Descripti '~ ' LAB No.:2866 NORTH HOLE 2' DATE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS- SAMPLE COLLECTED: RECEIVED 8 LAB: COMPLETED: 2-18-87 2-18-87 2-20-87 Minimum Repot'ting Analyses Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene Hg/g none detected 0.!0 Toluene Hg/g none detected 0.10 Ethyl Benzene Hg/g none detected 0.I0 p-X¥1ene Hg/g none detected 0.10 m-Xylene Hg/o none detected 0.10 o-Xylene Hg/g none u= ..... ~ - - Isopropyl Benzene Hg/g none detected 0.I0 Volati!e Hydrocarbons Hglg none detected O.CO Total Volatile Hydrocarbons Hg/g none detected 0.i0 EPA 502018080: DRY MATTER BASIS COMMENTS: Oil ~ Grease: 54 mZ/kS VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volati~.e hydrocarbens present (c~. to cao~, utilizing a Benzen~ Factor. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined cn this rep'crt. ToEa! volatile hydrocarbon values may be less than, equal to, or greater than any other constituent, or the combined total. TOTAL VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all non-chlorinated constituents on this report. By ---~-.~j.-~ -- 'Ana!ys~ J.J. EGUN, ItEG.CHEM. EHGIL 'PETROLEUM " MAIN OFF,C[: ~100 PIERCE ROAO. BAK[RSFIECD. CA. 93~08 PHON~ 327.4~1 ~ Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) MCNABB CONSTRUCTION Date of 2616 STARK STREET REPORT:2-20-8? BAKERSFIELD,CALIE. 93305 LAB No.:2867 Sample Description: 810 BRUNDAGE LANE NORTH HOLE 6' DATE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS SAMPLE COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED: 2-18-87 2-18-87 2-20-87 Minimum Reporting Analyses Reporting Constituent Units Results Leve~ Benzene Hg/g none detected 0.10 Toluene Hg/g~ none detected 0.10 Ethyl Benzene Hg/g none detected p-Xylene Hg/g none detected 0.!0 m-Xylene ~g/g none detected 0.!0 o-Xylene ~g/g none detected 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ~g/g none detected 0.10 Volatile Hydrocarbons Hgtg none detected 0.50 Total Volatile Hydrocarbons Hg/g none detected 0.!0 EPA 5020/8020.: DRY MATTER BASIS COMMENTS: Oil ~ Grease: 52 m~kg VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C80) utilizing a Benzene Factor. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined.on this report. Total volatile hydrocarbon values may be less than~ equal to, or greater than any other constituent, or the combined total. TOTAL VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all non-chlorinated constituents on this report. " LASORATO - ' AGRICULZZIfl~' ' IES., c. J. J. E~LIN,.REG. CH[M. ENGI~. PETROLEVM MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 PHONE 327-491 ~ Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) MCNABB CONSTRUCTION Date of 261~ STARK STREET REPORT:2-20-8? BAKERSFIELD,CALIF. 93305 LAB No.:2868 Sample Description: 810 BRUNDAGE LANE SOUTH HOLE ~' DATE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS~ SAMPLE COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED: ~-18-87 ~-18-87 ~-~0-87 Minimum Reporting Analyses Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene Hg/g none detected 0.10 Toluene Hg/g none detected 0.10 Ethyl Benzene Hg/g none detected 0.i0 p-Xylene Hg/g none detected O.iO m-×¥1ene Hg/g none detected 0.10 o-Xylene Hg/g none detected 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene Hg/g none detected 0.!0 Volatile Hydrocarbons Hg/g none detected 0.50 Total Volatile Hydrocarbons Hg/g none detected 0.10 EPA 5020/8020: DRY MATTER BASIS COMMENTS: Oil ~ Grease: 42 mg/k~ VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a Benzene Factor. These volatile hydrocarbons mre in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. Total volatile hydrocarbon values may be less than, equal to, or greater than any other constituent, or the combined total. TOTAL VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all non-chlorinated constituents on this report. Analyst MAIN OFFICE: 4100' PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics. (SOIL) MCNABB CONSTRUCTION .--' Date of 2616 STARK STREET , REPORT:2-80-87 BAKERSFIELD,CALIF. 93305 LAB No.:8869 Sample Description: 810 BRUNDAGE LANE SOUTH HOLE 6' DATE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS SAMPLE COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED: 2-18-87 2-18-87 2-80-8? Minimum Reporting Analyses Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ~g/g none detected 0.10 Toluene Hg/g none detected 0.I0 Ethyl Benzene Hg/g none detected 0.i0 p-Xyiene Hg/g none detected O.iO m-Xylene Hg/g none detected 0.!0 o-Xylene Hg/g none detected Isopropyl Benzene Hg/g none detected O.lO Volatile Hydrocarbons Hg/g none detected 0.50 Total Volatile Hydrocarbons Hg/g~ none detected '0.10 EPA 5020/8020: DRY MATTER BASIS COMMENTS: ~ Oil ~ Grease: 42 mg/kg VOLAT!LE HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C80) utilizing a~Benzene Factor. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. Total volatile hydrocarbon values may be'less than, equal to, or greater than any other constituent, or the combined total. TOTAL VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all non-chlorinated constituents on this report. LABORATORIES J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. PETROLEUI# MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeab!e Aromatics (SOIL) MCNABB CONSTRUCTION Date of 8616 STARK STREET REPORT:8-20-8? BAKERSFIELD,CALIF. 93305 LAB No.:2866 Sample Description: 810 BRUNDAGE LANE NORTH HOLE 8' DATE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS SAMPLE COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED: '.'. 8-18-87 2-18-87 2-20-8? Minimum Reporting Analyses Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene Hg/g none'detected 0.10 Toluene Hg/g none detected 0.10 Ethyl Benzene Hg/g none detected 0.10 p-Xylene Hg/g none detected 0.10 m-Xylene Hg/g none detected 0.10 o-Xylene Hg/g none detected 0.I0 Isopropy! Benzene Hg./g none detected 0.10 Volatile Hydrocarbons Hg/g none detected 0.50 Total Volatile Hydrocarbons Hg/g none detected 0.10 EPA 5020/8020: DRY MATTER BASIS COMMENTS: Oil ~ Grease: 54 ~/~ VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to ~C20) utilizing a Benzene Factor. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. Total volatile hydrocarbon values may be less than, equal to, or greater than any other constituent, or the combined total. TOTAL VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all non-chlorinated constituents on this report. Analyst LABORATORIES J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGII. PETilOLEUM' MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93300 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) MCNABB CONSTRUCTION Date of 2616 STARK STREET REPORT:8-20-87 BAKERSFIELD,CALIF. 93305 LAB No.:2869 Sample Description: 810 BRUNDAGE LANE SOUTH HOLE 6'~ DATE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS SAMPLE COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED: 8-18-87 2-18-87 2-20-8? Minimum Reporting Analyses Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ~g/g none detected 0.10 Toluene ~g/g none detected 0,10 Ethyl Benzene ~g/g none detected 0.10 p-Xylene ~g/g none detected 0.10 m-Xylene ~g/g none detected 0.10 o-X¥1ene Hg/g none detected 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene Hg/g none detected 0.1'0 Volatile Hydrocarbons Hg/g none detected 0.50 Total Volatile Hydrocarbons Hg/g none detected 0.10 EPA 5020/8020: DRY MATTER BASIS COMMENTS: Oil ~ Gzease: 42 mg/kg VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: Quantification o~ volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a Benzene Factor. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. Total volatile .hydrocarbon values may be less than, equal to~ or gre~ter than any other constituent, or the combined total. TOTAL VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: The sum total o~ all non-chlorinated constituents on this report. Analyst