HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION MAP LEGEND NO TES  APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF (~ SOIL SAMP~ ~H ~o~ ~r¢o~. ~s'~' c~S/~er 5-~o~ CONSOMDATED TESTING ~O~TO~, INC. JOB ~MBg~' /~- ~ Porterville, CA 93257 ' (209) 781-0571 DATE ACTIVITY .- INITIALS TIME Date # Of Tanks Comments RANDALL L. ABBOTT 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Agency Director Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3502 Telephone (805) 861-3636 Telecopier (805) 861-3429 STEVE Mc CALLE¥ 'Oi,ec,o, RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES September 19, 1990 Bay Kern, Inc. 607 Brown Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 CLOSURE OF ! UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE TANK LOCATED AT 611 BROWN STREET IN BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. PERMIT # A1252-15/150034 This is to advise you that this Department has reviewed the project results for the preliminary assessment associated with the closure of the tank noted above. Based upon the sample results submitted, this Department is satisfied that the assessment is complete. Based on current requirements and policies, no further action is indicated at this time. It is important to note that this letter does not relieve you of further responsibilities mandated under the California Health and Safety Code and California Water Code if additional or previously. unidentified contamination at the subject site causes or threatens to cause pollution or nuisance or is found to pose a significant threat to public health. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. MIKE DRIG~OUS MATERIALS SPECIALIST cc: Crisp Construction P. O. Box 1066 'Visalia, CA 93277 GARY J. WICKS 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Agency Director ! Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3502 , ./X..?~.:~.::c.:.:_. Telephone (805) 861-3636 - ~.:..~.:*' -... Telecopler (805) 861-3429 STEVE McCALLEY ' ~;~'::, -*... . , o,,.to, RESOURCE ~-~{:.ENT AG EN CY PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE "~~:.. PERMIT NUMBER A 1252-1.___._.~5 OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY FACILITY NAME/ADDRESS: OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: Kern Cabinet Shop Bay Kern, Inc. Crisp Construction '~ 611 Brown Street 607 Brown Street P.O. Box 1066 Bakersfield, CA 93305 Bakersfield, CA 93305 Visalia, CA 93277 License //567426 (A) Phone: (805) 323-3404 Phone: (800) 359-2747 PERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF PERMIT EXPIRES ,. September 21, 1990 _.1 TANK(S) AT ABovE APPROVAL DATE June 21, 1990 .LOCATION APPROVED BY ~.~~ MiChael Drig~,s Hazardous Materials S list ............................................................................... POST ON PREMISES ................................................................................ CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. It is the responsibility of the Permittee to obtain permits which may be required by other regulatory agencies prior to beginning work (i.e., City Fire and Building Departments). 2. Permittee must notify the Hazardous Materials Management Program at (805) 861-3636 two working days prior to .tank removal or abandonment in place tO arrange for required inspections(s). 3.Tank closure activities must be per Kern County Environmental Health and Fire Depar.t ment approved methods as described in Handbook UT-30. 4. It is the contractor's responsibility to know and adhere to all applicable laws regarding the handling, transportation or treatment of hazardous materials. 5. The tank removal contractor must have a qualified company employee on site supervising the tank removal. The employee must have tank removal experience prior to working unsupervised. 6. If any contractors other than those listed on permit and permit application are to be utilized, prior approval must be granted by the s. pecialist listed on the permit. Deviation from the submitted application is not allowed. 7.Soil Sampling: a. Tank size l~a than or equal to 1,000 gallons - a minimum of two samples must be retrieved from beneath the cenfer of the tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. b. Tank size greater than 1,000 to 10,000 gallons - a minimum of four samples must be retrieved one-third of thc way in from thc ends of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. c. Tank size greater than 10,000 gallons - a minimum of six samples must be relricved one-fourth of lhe way in from the ends of each tank and beneath the center of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. 8. Soil Sampling (piping area): A minimum of two samples must be retrieved at depths of approximately two feet and six feet for every 15 linear feet of pipe run and under the dispenser area. PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE PERMIT NUMBER A 1252-15 OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS ADDENDUM SUBSTAHCES STORAGE FACILITY 9. Soil Sample analysis: a. All soil samples retrieved from beneath gasoline (leaded/unieaded) tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for benzene, tqluene, xylene. and total petroleum hydrocarbons (for gasoline). b. All soil samples retrieved from beneath diesel tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (for diesel, and benzene. ..... ~ c ..... AIl soil samples retrieved from beneath .waste oil tanks and. appurtenances must be analyzed for total organic halides, lead~ oil and grease. d". All soil samples retrieved from beneath crude oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for oil and grease. e. All soil samples retrieved from beneath tanks and appurtenances that contain unknown substances must be analyzed for a full range of substances that may have been stored within the tank. f. All soil samples retrieved from beneath tanks and appurtenances that contained furfuryl alcohol resin must be analyzed for phenols. formaldehyde and furfuryi alcohol. 10. The following timetable lists pre- and post-tank removal requirements: ACTIVITY DEADLINE ................. '-~=-~Complete permit application submitted ........................... -~- ;,-' ...... ..... Al least two weeks'prior to closure ' .... "~ ' :"" ' to Hazardous Materials Management Program ' Notification Io inspector listed on permit of date Two working days · ' ' :'. i ' '~ ~' and time of closure and soil sampling Transportation and tracking forms sent to Hazardous No later than 5 working days for transportation and 14 working Materials Management Program. All hazardous waste days for the tracking form after tank removal manifests must be signed by the receiver of the · hazardous waste Sample analysis to Hazardous Materials Management No later than 3 working days after completion of analysis Program ' - 11. Purging/Inerting Conditions: a. Liquid shall b~ pumped from tank prior to purging such that less than 8 gallons of liquid remain in tank. (CSH&SC 41700) b. Tank shall be purged through vent pipe discharging at least 10 feet above ground level. (CSH&SC 41700) c. No emission shall result in odors detectable at or beyond property line. (Rule 419) ~ d. No emission shall endanger the health, safety, comfort or repose of any person. (CSH&SC.41700) e. Vent lines shall remain attached to tank until the inspector arrives to authorize removal. RECOMMENDATIONS/GUIDELINES FOR REMOVAL OF UNDERGROUND STORAOF. TANKS This depart ment is responsible fo~ enforcing the Kern County Ordinance Code, Division 8 and slate regulations perlaining to underground storage tanks. Represenlatives from.this department respond to job sites during tank removals to ensure that the tanks are safe to remove/close and that the overall job performance is consistent with permit' requirements, applicable laws and safety standards. The following guidelines are offered to clarify the interests and expectations for this department. 1. Job site safety is one of our primary concerns. Excavatiofls are inherently dangerous. It is the contractor's responsibility to know and abide by CAL-OSHA regulations. The job foreman is responsible for the crew and any subcontractors on the job. Aa a general rule, workers are not permitted in improperly sloped excavations or when unsafe conditions exist in the hole. Tools and equipment are to be used only for their designed function. For example, backhoe buckets are never substituted for ladders. 2. Properly licensed contractors are assumed to understand the requirements of the permit issued. The job foreman is responsible for knowing ann abiding by the conditions of the permit. Deviation from the permit conditions may result in a stop-work order. 3. Individual contraclors will be held responsible for their post-removal paperwork. Tracking forms, hazardous waste manifests and analyses documentation are necessary for each site in order to close a case file or move it into mitigation. When contractors do not follow through on necessary paperwork, an unmanageable backlog of incomplete cases results. If this continues, processing time for completing new closures will increase. ........ Accepted By: OWNER OR AGENT ...... ' ................................................ DATE MD:cas \a1252-15,ptc :4, ].990 TANK(S) R/~CEIVED.1- 850 GAr. q; Ui'.~iDERL,'~OUND FUEl, T;UgK(S) TANT{(S) DESTROYED fTN 9/10/90 GENERAT~SR: KERN CABINET SHO? 607 BR~IWN ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA TANK T~UtNSi~T~: CRISP CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 1066 VISA[~ IA, CA NCTE: TANK(S') WILL BE USED FOR SCRAP M~'A[, PURPOSES ONLY, NC~i' ~XDR LrNDERG~RC~dND STORAGe. LEVI'S IRC~ & METAL, INC OFFICE State of C~qiiorma---Hea~th an0 Wmlare Agency See instructions 011 Bac~ o! Page ~ Deoanmem DJ Hea~t~ ~e~ce~ Fo~ A~proved OMB No. 20~39 (Expires ~ Tox~ ~llances Contr~ Division 3. Generator's Name and Mailing Addm~ _ ~ ~tl M~ ~ 5. Tranapo,er , Company Name ~. U~ EPA ID Numb, ~ ~, T~,'. ~ ~ VACU~ TRUCK S~VICE ICl ~ TI 01 01 01 61 21 4~ 21 41 7 o. Tm~,P~ ~ 7, Transpolar 2 Company Name 8. US EP~ ID Nu~ [ S~te Tr~ ~ . ~ GLOVES, ~GGLES, ~ PROTECTIVE OUTER G~NTS ~LmE ~~ I ~NERATOR'S ~F~: I hereby d~are ~et the co~a of this c~e~nm~t are fui~ and accurate~ ~b~ ~ and are claeaifi~, packed, ma~, and label~, ~ are in ail re~s in ~er c~i~ f~ tran~o~ by hi.way according to eppli~ ~at~i ~d ' ' ~alJofleJ govemmenl r~uJBtJo~8. ~ tf ! am s i=rge quant~ ~c~erat~, I ~i~ that I have a ~rogram ~n place to r~uce the v~ume and toxici~ of'~vaete ~er~t~ to ~ d~r~ I ~ve dete~ 0 to be economically practicable a~ that I have ael~ the ~racti~ble method of treating, storage, or di~o~l cu~ently avea~ to me present end future t~eat to human heath and the environment; ~. if I am a small quant~ g~eretor. I have ~de a good fa~h generation and aele~ the beat wa~e mana~emsnt meth~ that ia avai~ble to me ~d that I ~n aff~d. T 17. Transpolar 1 Acknowl~gement ~ R~eipt of Materials / // o ~ ~ 18. Transpo~'2 Ac~o~dgement of R~eipt of Mate~la < Printed/Typed Name Simile ~ ~y Y~t 19. Discre~ncy Indication Space F T ~s ~22 A O/~) Do ~of Wri~ ~low ~i5 U~ . EPA 87~22 (Rev. e-~) Previoua edmona are obao~ete. ~= TSDF SENDS ~1[ ~ TO ~H$ WITHIN 30 DAY To: P.O. ~x 3~, ~ra~, CA 9~812 17OOFlower Street KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT HEALTH OFFiCER Bakersfield, Coll[omla 93305 ~-'~~ Loon M HobortBon, M.D, Telephone (805) 861-3636 · ' ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISI~? ~[~1)~'~ ~ ~XVernon'S. Relchard ' ' Facility Name n C y Permt~ ~' ...':...' address .... ~/ .~~ r~ ..... ~"."".. .... ':: '-' .... ,.- -::~-'/-: .... ':.F::y:: ---- · * UNDERGROUND TANK DISPOSITION TRACKING RECORD * * . ..--.. '"...~:~':::..'.{::' .' :. ' . .:' :'d '."' ."~ Thla for~ 1~ to be returned to the [ern Countg ~ealth Bepaet~ent .: ~ of acceptance of tank(~} b~ disposal or ree~elfn~ faetllt~. ............ ~:: ................. liotde.--of~--'the- per~l-t-~w!rth--nu~bee~-noted abo~e--'ls--~eoponslble -~or that this for~ t~ eo~ploted ~nd returned. . .:.:,::..:~...-:~ 8eetlnn 1 - To be filled out ~ tnnk removal contractor: .. .".. .... :~'...-.~' .. , Tank Removal Contractor: ~,~/5~ .~o ~~~ .~ .... Address /~, /~ /~ ~ , Phone ~ ~? ~~.~/ ~ ~ ~ zip, ~2-/ Date Tanks Removed ~' ~ - ~ ~o. o~ Tank~ / . :.::.?...'. . ~eetton 2 - To ~ filled out ~ eontraetoe "deeonta~lnat!nt ~ank(s): .... - . · . ::..~.~ .. Tank "Deeonta~tnatton"'Contraetor ~~ ~~.~ .~ "" Address ~. ~ _~ ~ Phone ~ ~¢ ~'~'". "'liltlloeized____ __ _ ...... ;' ' ' ' representative ~ contractor certifies by signing be'low that tank(s} have been decontaminated In accordance ~ith Kern. Count~ He~!~h · ~epart~ent requirements, - .... Title Section 3 - To be filled out and signed ~__an authorized re~resentatfve __of .the', , ...,' treatment, storage, er dlsposal faclllty aeee~tlng ~ank~s}: ' Facility Na=e ~U/~ ~~ d ~ "'" : ' Date Tanks Received . . ~o.~.f Tanks (Authorized Representative) · · '- :.:'' :~"":J:: ::~'::' '~'::'' ' ~-'~"-;" ~--~-~--i'~";'*-".~-~*='*-','~ ',--,~. -~',~-~----~,'--~-~'~-'~V- , , · , ~"; '~,'- .- -,--~'.- ,' ~ · , . . .. ,_ ,: ,.2 . ; :' ,~ . · * * MAILING INSTRUCTIONS: Fold tn half and staple. PestaMe and ' mailing' "' label have already been af~txed to outside got 7oue eonv~nlenee. '..' '.. . .. DISTRICT Phone 73~6381 Contractor's License Post Office Box 1066 478335 VISAUA, CAU~-ORNIA 93279 Class AC61 Emergency Phone: (209) 732-0602 Ins. PL & PD A Fuel Station, Maintenance ~ Service Company TRIPLE RINSE CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that I have triple rinsed the described fuel tank below to county and state specifications. Type of fuel Type of tank: J~ Steel [] Glass Est. Size of Tank Tank No. ~ / Address of tank City / State Name of owner of tank ~,'"Z:~,/~'-4.,/ ~'/'~-z5'/-'c/-'5-~'~' ~",,~'~,,'~ Address of owner of tank City/State/Zip //~'~/~.,,~'~:~Cs ,,,c-/~--~/_~_ ~,~ Transporter of Rinse /"/'~.,'~. ~"',,'~'/~'/-~,"~'~ State No. ~'.,,'~ ~'~'~' ,~ ,~' :~ 5/ ~.-~/"'/ Desti n ati o n ~//.-¢,5- ~ ~ ~' / ~_- ~ Signature Witness Date ? - z2/ - ~' SOILS INVESTIGATIONS SOILS AND MA TERIALS TESTING .~.~ FIELD II~/$PEcTION CHAIN OF CUSTODY ~ECORD PROJECT LOCATION Kern Cabinet Shop 611 Brown St. Bakersfield, u.~ ~_ ~ ... TRANSPORTED BY Truck COPRflgl~S ' THEP, HOHETER DEPTH OF DEPTH ~0 COLLF. C~OK~S T~fP. READING SAHPLE BELO~ OF TANK[PI~gLIRrg DATE/TE SAI~PLE' ~ REFOKE SAHPLING F.~TST. GRADE BEL0~ EXTST. GP~DE ANALYSIS REOUIKED SAI~PLE CHAIN OF POSSESSION ~ DATE / TI~E SA/~PLE COLLECTED BY AFFILIATION SAMPLE--RECEIVED BY AFFILIATION SAMPLE RECEIVED , BY AFFILIATION DATE/TIME - TEMP. OF ICE CHEST AT LAB. 1055 W. Morton,.Sui~e C, Porterville, CA 93257 (209) 781-0571 (209) 688-!011 * Tulare, CA ~AX: (209) 782-8389 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTME~ ~! Date APPLICATION Application No. In conformity with provisions of pertinent ordinances, codes and/or regulations, application is made " " N~me of ~om~ny ' Address to display, store, install, use, o~rate, sell or handle materials or pr~esses involving or creating con- ditions deemed hazardous to life or pro~r~ as follows: ~te ~'~ ) Fire GARY J'. WICKS 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Agency Director Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3502 ~.~..,;... Telephone (805) 861-3636 .;~,'." ..... '*::-. Telecopler (805) 861-3429 STEVE McCALLEY Director R E S O U R C E M"" ~'~- -~-:''' '-.E N T A G E N C Y OEP ART~'EN¥!RON M E Nm AL ~c"~": TM''-: ', ~.~' -.:;C-~,,~, ': · :,' PERMIT FOR PERMANENT~E PERMIT NUMBER A 1252-15 OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY FACILITY NAME/ADDRESS: OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: Kern Cabinet Shop Bay Kern, inc. Crisp Construction 611 Brown Street 607 Brown Street P.O. Box 1066 Bakersfield, CA 93305 Bakersfield, CA 93305 Visalia, CA 9327~ License #567426 (A) Phone: (805) 323-3404 Phone: (800) 359-2747 PERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF PERMIT EXPIRES September 21, 1990 1 TANK(S) AT ABOVE APPROVAL DATE June 21, 1990 LOC^ o Mi~Chael Drig~s Hazardous Materials S list ............................................................................... POST ON PREMISES ................................................................................ CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. It is the responsibility of the Permiltee to obtain permits which may be required by other regulatory agencies prior to beginning work (i.e., City Fire and Building Departments). 2. Permittee must notify the Hazardous Materials Managemen~ Program at (805) 861-3636 two working days prior to tank removal or abandonment in place to arrange for required inspections(s). 3. Tank closure activiti~ must be per Kern County Environmental Health and Fire Department approved methods as described in Handbook UT-30. 4. It is the contractor's responsibility to know and adhere to all applicable laws regarding the handling, transportation or treatment of hazardous materials. 5. The tank removal contractor must have a qualified company employee on site supervising the tank removal. The employee must have tank removal experience prior to working unsupervised. 6. ff any contractors other than those listed on permit and permit application are to be utilized, prior approval must be granted by the specialist listed on the permit. Deviation from the submitted application is not allowed. 7. Soil Sampling: a. Tank size leas than or equal to 1,000 gallons - a minimum of two samples must be retrieved from beneath the center of the tank at depths of approximalely two feet and six feet. b. Tank size greater than 1,000 to 10,000 gallons - a minimum of four samples must be retrieved one-third of the way in from the ends of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. c. Tank size greater than 10,000 gallons - a minimum of six samples must be retrieved one-fourth of lhe way in from the ends of each tank and beneath the center of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. 8. Soil Sampling (piping area): A minimum of two samples must be retrieved at depths of approximately two feet and six feet for every 15 linear feet of pipe run and under the dispenser area. PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLC~UP..~. PERMIT NUMBER A 1252~15 OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS ADDENDUM SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY 9. Soil Sample analysis: a. All soil samples retrieved from beneath gasoline (leaded/unleaded) tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for benzene, toluene, xylene, and total petroleum hydrocarbons (for gasoline). b. All soil samples retrieved from beneath diesel tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (for diesel) and benzene. c. All soil samples retrieved from beneath waste oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for total organic halides, lead, oil and grease. d~ All soil samples retrieved from beneath crude oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for oil and grease. e. All soil samples relrieved from beneath tanks and appurtenances that contain unknown substances must be analyzed for a full range of substances lhat may have been stored within the tank. tr. All soil samples retrieved from beneath tanks and appurtenances that contained furfuryl alcohol resin must be analyzed for phenols, formaldehyde and furfuryl alcohol. 10.-. The following timetable lists pre- and post-tank removal requirements: ACTIVITY DEADLINE CompDte permit application submitted At least two weeks prior to closure to Hazardous Materials Management Program Notification to inspector listed on permit of date Two working days and time of closure and soil sampling Transportation and tracking forms sent to Hazardous No later than 5 working days for transportation and 14 Working Materials Management Program. 'All hazardous waste days for the tracking form after tank removal . manifests must be signed by the receiver of the hazardous waste Sample analysis to Hazardous Materials Management No later than 3 working days after completion of analysis Program 11. Purging/Inerting Conditions: a. Liquid shall be pumped from tank prior to purging such that less than 8 gallons of liquid remain in tank. (csH&sc 41700) b. Tank shall be purged through vent pipe discharging at least 10 feet above ground level. (CSH&SC 41700) c. No emission shall result in odors detectable at or beyond property line. (Rule 419) d. No emission shall endanger the health, safety, comfort or repose of any person. (CSH&SC 41700) e. Vent lines shall remain attached to tank until the inspector arrives to authorize removal. RECOMMENDATIONS/GUIDELINES FOR REMOVAL OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS This department is responsible for enforcing the Kern County Ordinance Code, Division 8 and state regulations pertaining to underground storage tanks. Representatives from this department respond to job sites during tank removals to ensure that the tanks are safe to remove/close and that the overall job performance is consistent with permit requirements, applicable laws and safety standards. The following guidelines are offered to clarify the interests and expcetations for this department. l. .lob site safety is one of our primary concerns. Excavations are inherently dangerous. It is the contractor's responsibility to know and abide by CAL-OSHA regulations. The job foreman is responsible for thc crew and any subcontractors on the job. As a general rule, workers are not permitted in improperly sloped excavations or when unsafe conditions exist in thc hole. Tools and equipment are to be used only for their designed function. For example, backhoe buckets are never substituted for ladders. 2. Properly licensed contractors are assumed to understand lhe requirements of the permit issued. The job foreman is responsible for knowing and abiding by the conditions of the permit. Deviation from the permit conditions may result in a stop-work order. 3. Individual contractors will be held responsible for their post-removal paperwork. Tracking forms, hazardous waste manifests and analyses documentation are necessary for each site in order to close a case file or move it into mitigation. When contractors do not follow through on necessary paperwork, an unmanageable backlog of incomplete cases results. If Ibis continues, processing time for completing new closures will increase. OWNER OR AGENT DATE MD:cas \a1252-15.ptc SMC Laboratory Ana,ytical Chemistry Client Name: Consolidated Testing Laboratories, Inc. Address : 1055 W. Morton, Suite C Porterville, CA 93257 Date samples received : 09-04-90 Date analysis completed: 09-06-90 Date of report : 09-06-90 Project Name: Kern Cabinet Shop/611 Brown St/Bakersfield,CA Project % : 1909-90 Attention : Mr. Wayne Harris ............. RESULTS OF ANALYSIS: $ 3095 ID: $1 (8') ugm/gm MDL,ugm/gm Benzene ND 0.005 Toluene ND 0.005 Ethylbenzene ND 0.005 p-Xylene ND 0.005 m-Xylene ND 0.005 o-Xylene ND 0.005 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.005 TPH (Gasoline) ND 1.0 3096 ID: ~2 (12') ugm/gm MDL,ugm/gm Benzene ND 0.005 ~Toluene ND 0.005 Ethylbenzene ND 0.005 p-Xylene ND 0.005 m-Xylene ND 0.005 o-Xylene ND 0.005 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.005 TPH (Gasoline) ND 1.0 Method of Analysis: 38i0/8020 (FID) MDL = Minimum Detection Level TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ugm/gm = micrograms per gram ND = None Detected Brian~~)mpson Laboratory Supervisor .......................... 3155 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 39313597 P.O. Box 80835 · Bakersfield, CA 93380 · FAX (805) 393-3623 2?00 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 ~ OF TANKS TO ABANDON: I (805)861-3636 IPIPTNG FT. TO ABANDON: ip (FILL OUT ONE APPLICATION PER FACTLITY) ..... APPLICATION FOR PERNIT FOR'PEFUVb~NENT CLOSURE/ABANDONMENT OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE FACILITY THIS APPLICATION IS FOR ~]/REMOVAL, OR [] ABANDONNENT IN PLACE A: FACILITY II~TIClt PROJECT CCltTACT: ~"~'~,L) /Z~YtYO S J PHONE lh .~_?-,.~ ,,~r?~,x J T/R/SEC (RURAL LOCATICiIS): A g OtTo SS: ,/~/'~Z3E~)Z) ~':"~' NEAREST CROSS CITY: TANK C: ~I~ I~TI~ ~ICAL ~TI~ OF ~TERIALS STORED: T~K ~ V~UME _ ~ICAL STORED DATES STORED ~ICAL FO~ERLY STORED FO FO FO m m m m ~PL~E ~PL~E ~E R~E~E SIDE OF ~IS APPLICATI~ BEFORE ~BMI~ING FOR R~I~ ~IS FO~ H~ BE~ C~PL~ED UNDER P~AL~ OF PERJURY ~D TO ~E BEST OF ~ ~LE~E IS T~E ~D ~RRECT. PROVIDE DRAWING OF P_~.iCAL LAYOUT OF FACILITY .G SPACE PROVIDED 8ELbOw. ALL OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION MUST BE INCLUDED IN ORDER FOR THE APPLICATION TO BE PROCESSED: TANK(S), PIPING & DISPENSER(S), INCLUDING LENGTHS & DIMENSIONS. . .:- PROPOSED SAMPLING LOCATIONS DESIGNATED BY THIS SYMBOL_ "G" NEAREST STREET OR INTERSECTION ANY WATER WELLS OF SURFACE WATERS WITHIN 100' RADIUS OF FACILITY NORTH ARROW RECE;PT 06/t9,/90 ~ vo'i,-~ Nbr 1l:39 am KERN COUNTY PLANNING & D~'¢~1 ~ - 2700 'M' SCr~e~ 8akers¢~e]d, CA 93301 Type o¢ 'Order· 04¢ 861 815 "C'ASH'-REGISTEff:~''- ; ' ................ '-"-'--:' ..... "":":' ..... ~RIsP C-ONSTRUC'TI-ON~vO.!NC ........ H0519901 RAR 06/'19/98 06/!9/90 DD i NT Lfine Oescrfiptfion Quantff~y ~rfice Unfit Dffsc Total '1 TANK PLAN CHECK 1 t00.00 E 100.00 170A : Amoun: Due 100.00 ' P~ymen~ Had~ ~ .... Check 00.0O THAN K 'YOU ..~RN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMI 2700 M Street HEALTH OFFICER Bakersfield, California ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OIVISION Leon M Hebertson, M.D. Mailing Address: DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 1415 Truxtun Avenue Vernon S. Reichard Bakerslield, California 93301 (805) 861-3636 April Bay Kern, Inc. 60? Brown Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Dear Madam or Sim: This letter is an official notice of your non-compliance with state and county laws relating to underground tanks. Upon review of our records, it was discovered that the 1988 Permit to Operate fees for Bay Kern, Inc., 611 Brown Street, Bakersfield, California were not paid. Enclosed is a copy of i988's invoice plus the 50% late penalty required by county ordinance. The second invoice is for this year's Permit to Operate fees. These invoices must be paid within 30 days to avoid further penalties and/or legal action. Be advised that these fees must be paid even if the tanks are no longer in use. If the tanks are not in use, a permit for permanent closure must be obtained from this office. Permanent closure requires either removal or closure in place of your tanks and assessment by soil sampling to determine whether there has been environmental damage as a result of unauthorized releases of hazardous substances from your tank site, The specific requirements for these activities are in Handbook #UT-30, available with your application. No closure activity can be_~_qi__qn prior to the issuanc~ p~ ~ permit from this office. If you have any questions or feel this assessment is in error, or if you would like an application and our handbook on permanent closure please call me at (805)861-3636. Your prompt attention to this very important matter is appreciated. Sincerely, Jane Warren Environmental Health Technician Hazardous Materials Management Program ~)ISTRICT OFFICES Delano · Lamont · Lak~, hella · Mojave · Ridgecrest · Shafter · Taft , 17OO Flower Street .ERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTM~ HEALT~ OFFICER Bakersfield, California 93305 Leon M Hebertson, M.D. Telephone (805) 861-3636 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION · - DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S, Reichard INTERIM PERMIT PERMI T~el 50034(2: TO 0 P't:r'- RAT E: I S S gED: JULY 1, 1986 EXPI RES: JULY i, 1989 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY~ NUMBER OF TANKS= FACILITY: I OWNER: BAY KERN, INC. I BAY KERN, INC. 611 BROWN STREET I 607 BROWN STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA I BAKERSFIELD, CA 93305 TANK # ~GE(IN YRS) SUBSTANCE CODE PRESSURIZED PIPING? UNK MVF 3 UNK NOTE: ALL INTERIM REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED BY THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY MUST BE MET DURING THE TERM OF THIS PERMIT NON--TRANSFERABLE ~ ~ ~ POST ON PREMISES DATE PERMIT MAI~,~D: AUG 2 5 1986 DATE PERMIT CHECK LIST RETURNED: . Kern County itealth Uepa~ume,l ~rmi~i /~"-~-~~ %-' Division ot Enviror~ental Application~ 1700 Flo~r Street, Bakersfield, CA 93305 ~'~PLI~TION ~OR PE~IT ~~US SUBST~CE$ S~E FACILI~ T~ of A~lication (check): ~New Facility ~dification of Facility ~isti~ Facility ~ansfer of ~ership A. ~ergen~ 24-Hour Contact (n~e, area c~e, ~one): ~ys Is Tank(s) ~cat~ on ~ Agriculturgl Fa~? ~Y~ Is Tank(s) Us~ PLimarily for ~ricultural ~r~ses? ~Yes Facility Address ~ ~ ~:~ ~ Nearest Cro~ St. T R SEC (R~al ~ations ~ly) O~rator b07 BROV~ ~R~ Con,ct .... ~dress ~K52~q~={ELD, ~ 9~8~ .... Zip ~il ~aracteristics at Facility ~sis for Soil ~ a~ Gro~ter ~p~ ~teminatio~ ~. Contractor ~%' :f~2}4, }~[C. Addre~ d0? ~3.:{O,M~ S7R5~ Zip Tele~o~ · D. If ~is ~mit Is For ~ification Of ~ ~isti~ Facility, Briefly ~ri~ ~ifi~tio~ Pro~s~ E. Tank(s) Store (~eck all ~t a~ly): Tank ~ ~s~ Pr~uct ~tor Vehicle Unlead~ R~ular Pr~i~ Die~l ~ste P. Ch~i~l ~sition of ~terials Stor~ (~t ~ces~ry ~or ~tor vehicle f~ls) Tank ~ Chemi~l Stor~ (non-c~rcial ~e) ~ ~ (if kn~) ~lcal. Pr~tousl. y S~r~ (if different) G. Transfer of Ownership ~/~ Date of ~-~nsfer. t.~1 ~3~70 Previous OwnerF~q/~. ~al~~ .. Pr~io~ Facility N~ I, accept fully all oblx~tio~ of . I ~dersta~ that ~e ~mitti~ ~ortty ~ 'r~i~ a~ . ~i'fy or temi~te ~e transfer of the ~it ~ ~rate ~is ~dergro~d stor~e facility u~n r~eivi~ ~is c~pleted fo~. ~is foe ~s ~en c~plet~ ~der ~lty of ~rjury a~ ~ ~e ~st of my ~owl~ge is true and corr~t. Sig~ture TANK ~ .(FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM _~ TANK) FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES H. 1. Tank is: [-] Vaul t~d [~Non-Vaul ted I-]Double-Wall ~-] Sing le-Wal 1 2. ~ Materi~l [-]Carbon Steel [] Stainless Steel [~olyvinyl Chloride [~Fiberglass-Clad Steel ~] Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [] Concrete [] Aluninum [] Bronze []Unknown [] Other (describe) 3. Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches)~~_i~-~-~G-~l~tons) Manufacturer 4. ~-~ ~ Co~{tainment ---~Double-Wall ~'~Synthetic Lir~ •Lined Vault SN~..~ [7]Unknown [] Other (describe): ~!/ Mar{~faqturer: •Material ' Th~kn'ess (Inches) " \~ ,~apacity~ 5. Tank Interior Linin~ ' ' ~Rubber DAlkyd []Epoxy []Phenolic []Glass [] Clay '\[~Unlined V']l~known . []Other (describe): · 6. .Tank Corrosion Protection ' '' /// .......... . .;. '" ---~Galvanized -~-ff~-~Tass-Clad []Polyethylene Wrap [2~nyl Wrappir~ . [-]Tar or Asphalt [-]Unknown []None []Other (describe~/.. Cathodic Protection: []None [2]Impressed Current Syst~em~/[]Sacrificial Anode System -~rike System & Equipment: /// 7. mLeak.~Detecti°n, Monitor in~ ,. __and Int~"r'ce p tion~"."... ' . ' a. Tank: []Visual (vaulted tanks only) []Gro~er Monitoring ~ell(s) [-~Vadose Zone Monitoring Nell(s) []U~ Without Liner []U-Tube with Ccmpatible Liner Dir ~e~ Flow to Monitoring Nell(s)* [] Vapor Detector* [] Liquid Level .Sen~or* [] Conductivity Sensor* [] Pressure Sensor in Annular Spa~e~ of Double Wall Tank' []Liquid Retrieval & Inspection/Fr~m U-Tube, Monitoring Nell or Annular Space [] Daily Gauging & Inventory Rec~onciliation [~Periodic Tightness Testing []None [] Unknown [] Other /./ b. Piping: Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping' []Monitoring Steep with Race~y []'Sealed Concrete Race~y []Half-Cut Compatible Pip~ Raceway []Synthetic Liner Race~ay []None [] Unknown [] Other · Describe Make '& Model: 8. Tank Tightness ~, '. ~-~-This Tank Been Tightness Tested? [-]Yes []No []Unknown Date of Last Tightness Test '{ Results of Test Test Name ~ Testing Ccmpany 9. Tank ReDa i r Tank R---~-i~ed? []Yes []No []Unknown Date(s) of Repair(s) ' Describe Repairs 10. Overfill Protection [~Operator Fills, Controls, y Monitors Level []Tape Float Gauge []Float Vent Valves. []Auto Shut- Off Controls []Capacitance Sensor []Sealed Fill Box [~None ~Unknown []Other: List Make & Model For Above Devices 11. Piping a. Underground Piping: [-]Yes [-]No ~Unknown Material Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer []Pressure []Suction []Gravity Approximate Lengt~h of Pipe b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : ~Galvanized I-]Fiberglass-Clad []Impressed Current []Sacrificial Anode : []Polyethylene Wrap ~Electrical Isolation ~qVinyl Wrap [qTar or Asphalt []Unknown []None []Other (describe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Contai~nent: []Double-Wall []Synthetic Liner System []None [-]Unknown []Other (describe): Permit QUestionnaire Normally, permits are sent to facility Owners but since many Owners live outside Kern County, they may choose to have the permits sent to the Operators of the facility where they ~re to be posted. Please fill in Permit ~ and check one of the following before returning this form with payment: ~ Send all information to Owner at the address ~ listed on invoice (if Owner is different than ' Operator, it will be Owner's responsibility to provide Operator with pertinent informationl. 2. Send all information to Owner at the following corrected address: 3.. Send all information to Operator Name: Address: (Operator can make copy of permit for Owner). ~ ' KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 'SERVICES'I~EPARTMENT Service Request . [] Complaint CT No.. ........................ Assigned to:._ ~.lepor ting Person ................................................................... A~dress ................... ' ......................................................... Phone I~'oPer t y Owner /~,ddress Phone Reason for Request ' ' Taken by : ... R I NV ESTI GATI ON of results Investlgatecl by.. Oate Environmental Health 580 4l].3 20~9 (Rev. 9/1~9) GARY J. WICKS 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Agency Director Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3502 .... ~.~;~... Telephone (805) 861-3636 .' Telecopier (805) 861-3429 STEVE McCALLEY Director ~:~-"' ~,,E N T, RESOURCE ~ AGENCY DEPARTS! !~,~NMENTAL PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE PERMIT NUMBER A 1252-15 OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY FACILITY NAME/ADDRESS:~ OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: 'Kern Cabinet Shop Bay Kern, Inc. Crisp-Construction 611 Brown Street 607 Brown Street P.O. Box 1066 Bakersfield, CA 93305 Bakersfield, CA 93305 Visalia, CA 93277 License #567426 (A) Phone: (805) 323-3404 Phone: (800) 359-2747 PERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF PERMIT EXPIRES September 21, 1990 1 TANK(S) AT ABOVE APPROVAL DATE June 21~ 1990 LOCATION APPROVED BY M~hael Drig~s ~? ., Hazardous Materials Specialist ............................................................................... POST ON PREMISES ................................................................................ CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: t. It is the responsibility of t'he Permittee to obtain per. mits which may be required by other regulatory agencies prior to beginning work (i.e., City Fire and Building Departments). 2. Permittee must notify the Hazardous Materials Management Program ag (805) 861-3636 two working days prior to tank removal or abandonment in place to arrange for required inspections(s). · 3. Tank closure activities must be per Kern County Environmental Health and Fire Department approved methods as described in Handbook UT-30. 4. It is the contractor's responsibility to know and adhere to all applicable laws regarding the handling, transportation or treatment of hazardous materials. 5. The tank removal contractor must have a qualified company employee on site supervising t he tanl~ removal. The employee must have tank removal experience prior to working unsupervised. 6. If any contractors other lhan those listed on permit and permit application are to be utilized, prior approval must be granted by the specialist listed on the permit. Deviation from the submitted application is not allowed. 7. Soil Sampling: a. Tank size less than or equal to 1,000 gallons - a minimum of two samples must be retrieved from beneath the center of the tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. b. Tank size greater than 1,000 to 10,000 gallons - a minimum of four samples must be retrieved one-third of the way in from the ends of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. c. Tang size greater than t0,000 gallons - a minimum of six samples must be retrieved one-fourth of the way in from the ends of each tank and beneath the center of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. 8. Soil Sampling (piping area): A minimum of two samples must be retrieved at depths of approximately two feet and six feet for every 15 linear feet of pipe run and under the dispenser area. PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE PERMIT NUMBER A 1252-15 OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS ADDENDUM SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY 9. Soil Sample analysis: a. All soil samples retrieved from beneath gasoline (leaded/unleaded) tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for benzene, toluene, xylene, and total petroleum hydrocarbons (for gasoline). b. All soil samples retrieved from beneath diesel tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (for diesel) and benzene. c. All soil Samples retrieved from beneath waste oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for total organic halides, lea(l, oil and grease~ All soil samples retrieved from beneath crude oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for oil and grease. e. All soil samples retrieved from beneath tanks and appurtenances that contain unknown substances must be analyzed for a full range of substances that may have been stored within the tank. f. All soil samples retrieved from beneath tanks and appurtenances that contained furfuryl alcohol resin must be analyzed for phenols, formaldehyde and furluryl alcohol. 10. The following timetable lists pre- and post-tank removal requirements: ACTIVITY DEADLINE Complete permit application submitted ' - At least two weeks prior to closure to Hazardous Materials Management Program Notification to inspector listed on permit of date Two working days and time of closure and soil sampling Transportation and tracking forms sent to Hazardous .No later than 5 working days for transportation and 14 working Materials Management Program. All hazardous waste days for the tracking form after tank removal mandests must be signed by the receiver or' the hazardous waste Sample analysis to Hazardous Materials Management No later than 3 working days after completion of analysis Program 11. Purging/Inerting Conditions: a. Liquid shall be pumped from tank prior to purging such that less than 8 gallons of liquid remain in tank. (CSH&SC 41700) b. Tank shall be purged through vent pipe discharging at least 10 feet above ground level. (CSH&SC 41700) c. No emission shall result in odors detectable at or beyond property line. (Rule 419) d. No emission shall endanger the health, safety, comfort or repose of any person. (CSH&SC 41700) e. Vent lines shall remain attached to tank until the inspector arrives to authorize removal. RECOMMENDATIONS/GUIDELINES FOR REMOVAL OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS This department is responsible for enforcing the Kern County Ordinance Code, Division 8 and state regulations pertaining to underground storage tanks. Representatives from this department respond to job sites during tank removals to ensure that the tanks are safe to remove/close and that the overall job performance is consistent with permit requirements, applicable laws and safety standards. The following guidelines are offered to clarify the interests · and expectations for this department. 1. Job site safety is one of our primary concerns. Excavations are inherently dangerous. It is the contractor's responsibility to know and abide by CAL-OSHA regulations. The job foreman is responsible for the crew and any subcontractors on the job. As a general rule, workers are not permitted in improperly sloped excavations or when unsafe conditions exist in the hole. Tools and equipment are to be used only for their designed function. For example, backhoe buckets are never substituted for ladders. 2. Properly licensed contractors are assumed to understand the requirements of the permit, issued. The job foreman is responsible for knowing and abiding by the conditions of the permit. Deviation from the permit conditions may result in a stop-work order. 3. Individual .contractors will be held responsible for their post-removal paperwork. Tracking forms, hazardous waste manifests and ahalyses documentation are necessary for each site in order to close a case file or move it into mitigation. When contractors do not follow through on necessary paperwork, an unmanageable backlog of incomplete cases results. If this continues, processing time for completing new closures will increase. Accepied By: OWNER OR AGENT DATE MD:cas \a1252-15.ptc