HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN (2) · TE/FAC ILI TY ~x~ FORM 5 . ~ ..... ~: UNIT : DATE:~ /~./ FACILITY ~t,,~ ~ OF (CHECK ONE) SITE DIAGRAM / FACILITY DIAGRAM ) ~ ) L I t ~ I i W/LI(IAIS ST. · / Zemi 7 . (Inspe9toz's Comments): ,-OFFIg[AL USg ONLY- ~HMMP PLAIit MAP SIT E DIAGRAM FACILITY DIAGRAM AR'~A C'(~)~L~ NUMBER EXTENSION MESSAGE 15810 Park Ten Place, Suite 300 Houston, Texas 77084 (713) 578-2919 FAX (713) 578-5378 800-444-0682 April 11, 1991 -- City of Bakersfield .................... .. I' P.O. Box 2057 i Bakersfield, California 93303-2057 Regarding: Account No. HM 409001 Hazardous Materials Handling Fees Gentlemen: Please be' advised that SBM, Inc. does not have any operation ongoing in Bakersfield. Our office and Warehouse was closed over one year ago. If you require any additional infgrmation, please let me know. '~n~cerely, ' DM\hw: ba~;;s~ield REFERRAL TO FINANCE DEPARTMENT FOR COLLECTION Referring' Department/Section Person Making Referral Account Number Type of Billing Name(Business Name of Con~nercial Account) Site Address Mailing Address u Telephone Number ~ner ' s N~, Address and Telephone N~E ' : ~nth/Year Month/Year Amount Due u .- { ...., .' ,' u . ¢'/. (j Comments THIS BILLING HAS BEEN VERIFIED AS ACCURATE AND VALID Authorized Signature (Original to Cash Management, copy to Accounts Receivable) NM 6~8/90 Msrch 26~ 1990 Sharon Murray SBM Inc 15810 Park i0 Plsce Suite 100 Houston~ TX 77084 Dear Sharon~ In reference to our phone conversation of March 26~ 1990~ please find enclosed the Hazardous Materials handling fee for the fiscal year 1989-1990. When this fee is paid we will close your account and you will receive no further bills. Sincerely~ ~nator March 26, 1990 TO: Nina Mayer, Accounts Receivable FROM: Ralph El Huey, Hazardous Materisls Coordinator SUBJECT: S B M Inc. Nina, account # HM409001 will be responsible for the current bslsnce of $200.00. However, they are no longer in business in Bakersfield. Please change their mailing address to 15810 Park 10 Place, Suite 100, Houston, TX 77084 with s contsct person of Sharon Murray. The phone listing being (713)578-2919. Then make this company no longer in business and close the account. Thanks Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division R E C E [ I/~ [/ · 5 ~ 2130 "G" Street N0¥ 8 {989 ~)~ ~ '5~)/~ Bakersfield, CA. 93301 /~lls'lJ ...... HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN INSTRUCTIONS: 1. To avoid further action, return this form within 30 days of receipt. 3, Answer the questions Delow for the business os o whole. 4. Be brief ond concise os po~iDle. B~N ESS NAME: S.B.U.I~C. X~OCATION' 1516 E~T BRU~AGE LANE MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. 80X 705~5 SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION: ~' ~'~ CONTACT TITLE BUS. PHONE 24 HR. PHONE ~/ 1, HAROL~ JONES ~rxr COAST oregaTiON SHIRLEY JON~ OFFICE A~UINIST~TOR 322-5594 522-5594 2. FO15':', Bakersfield Fire Dept. ' .... Hazardous Materials Division HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 3: TRAINING: NUMBER OF EMPLOYESS: MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE: YES BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: Immediately call 911 for assistance instruction in handling our materials which are hazrdous. Safety instruction if ac~Ldentally applied to human body or spi~led for clean up. Location and use of MSDS book that contains all products. Safety products code. Instructions on flushing~body with wat~ for 20 min. to wash away caustic material. Call 911 for medical assistance and t~ansport effected personel to medical facility. SECTION 4: EXEMPTION REQUEST: I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT MY BUSINESS IS EXEMPT FROM THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 6.95 OF THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE" FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: WE DO NOT HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. X WE DO HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, BUT THE QUANTITIES AT NO TIMEEXCEED THE MINIMUM REPORTING QUANTITIES.- ~)/~/' Y',2,~.,~-~- OTHER (SPECIFY REASON) SECTION 5: CERTIFICATION: I, CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFOR- MATION IS ACCURATE. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE" ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (DIV. 20 CHAPTER 6.95 SEC. 25500 ET AL.) AND THAT INACCURATE INFORMATION CONSTITUTES PERJURY. 2. ~D~ 590 Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN Facili~ Unit Name: ZNTERNATZONAL FEEl) ~ FERTZLZZZER CO. SECTION 6: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES: A. AGENCY NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES: I. C~l 911 alert fire ambulance and Police. ' 2. Notify SBM, INC. , Bakersfield- Harold Jones - 322-3394 3. Notify SBM, INC., Houston, Texas- Sampey, Bilbo or Meschi, 713/578-2919 B. EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION: I. Assemble employees at a safe location S.W. corner of complex. Downwind. 2. Head count assertain all per~onel accounted for. 3. Render medical attention to injured employees. 4. Document all employees evacuated and where evacuated too. C, PUBLIC EVACUATION: · Direct evacuation to downwind location. Evacuate upwind public. Turn evacution over to fire & police when they arrive. D. EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN: Call 911 alert medical fa~es to severity of problem. Dispach EMT team to location fo accident. Bakersfield Fire Dept. ~ ..... ~ Hazardous Materials Division HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 7: MITIGATION, PREVENTION AND ABATEMENT PLAN: A. RELEASE PREVENTION STEPS: All material p~letized and shrink wrapped or in 55 gal drums. No liquid dry storage tog~her. Liquids stored outside and Dry materials stored i~ide. B. RELEASE CONTAINMENT AND/OR MINIMIZATION' I. Containment dyk~ around drum material. 2. Sawdust on hand for minor clean up. 3. Adsorbent material for clean up of small spills. C. CLEAN-UP PROCEDURES: Dry material swept up no water added. Liquid to be covered with sawdust and scooped into leak proof contain~ and taken to hazardous materials disposal. SECTION 8: UTILITY SHUT-OFFS (LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY)' NATURAL GAS/PROPANE: 50 ft w~t of office along fence on Brundage Lane ELECTRICAL: SW corner:of warehouse ~I corner of Brunda_qe and Lakeview WATER: 50 feQ~ wQ~. of r~ff~'o~ ~£.rmg f~o~ r,. ~,,~H,g~ ~,,¢ SPECIAL: LOCK BOX: YES/NO IF YES, LOCATION: SECTION 9: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION/WATER AVAILABILITY: A. PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION: YES B, WATER AVAILABILITY (FIRE HYDRANT): CITY of BAKERSFIELD Farm and Agriculture ri Standard Business I~HAZARDOUS HATER[ALS INVENTORY NON--TRADE SECRETS Pa~e 1 of' BUSINESS NAME- q ~ /~ ?NP OWNER NAHE' e ~ ~j ~P NAME OF THIS FACZLZTY- ZFFC0 ' LOCAT[ON:~-~,}uH~n~:i~ 8~¢~H ADDRESS: ~7~ F~'~Y~ p~ q,,~ ~nn STANDARD IND CLASS CODE~3~ CITY. ZIP: cA VbbU/ ~ ~ -"-- CITY. ZIP'--~b~ZOA,'T% 77~Z4 ..... DUN AND BRAD~TREET NUHBE~ " PHONE ~:' ~'~2~ PHONE fl: ' 7~5/ 5'7~-~ ......... Z & - ~ ~ & - A A ~ ~ ~"' "~- .... REFER TO~NE~T~N~ bur PHUHbM UUUb5 ~rans [y~e ~ax Avfrage Annual ~easure I ~y~ Con[ Con: Coat Use tocation?eCe. ~)' ~aees of Code ~ooe Am: A~: Es[ Un,Is on ~ce Type Press Temo Code 5[ored ~n ~ac~cy__ 5~e [ns:rucC~ons ~1 ~ I~ooo I~o I~ooo I~A~I z~o Io6I1 I 4 Ill 10UTSIDE ~ TRURPF~RF ~hysical and Health Hazard C,~,S, Number NONE Co~one~[ II ~a~e I C,~,S, ~u~ber (Check al1 that apOly) ~ AMIDOAMINE Component 12 Name & C.A.S. Humber ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivi[y ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ [mmediale ~ METHANOL CAS 67-56-1 Health of Pressure Health Component 13 Name ~ C.A.S. Number ~ I~ I ~ I 44o I ~ I ~1 ~0 I o~ I ~ I 4 I~ I o~rs~[ r~u Physical ~0d Health Hazard C.A.S. Number Nt)NF Component I1 Naae I C.A,S. Number Component 12 Name I C.A.S. Number ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reac:ivi[y ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release D [m~¢di~.l~ 30 XYLENE 1330-207 Health of Pressure Health Component 13 Name ~ C.A.S. Number Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number Component l1 Name t C.A.S. Number ~ide) (Check all that apply) Component 12 Name ~ C,A,S, Number ~ Fire H~zard ~ Re~ctivit~ ~ 0et~yedHe~lth ~ Sudd~nof PressureRele~se ~ ]m~i~ 20 ~N~E~AL O~L ~ST Component 13 Name & C,k.S. Number 'NlM ,I 600014000 I6000, I~1'~° I 12 I 1 I 4 I11 I ~ TRUEV!St A).~INE TREATED,'' ~h~sical ~ndH. l[h~al~rd C,~,S, ~u~bar Co~onen[ I1 N~ t C.~,S, Number ~ ' BIENTONITE ) (Check all (hat apHyl~ " D Fire Hazard D Reactivity D Oelayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate Componen[ 12 Name & C.A.S. Number ~0 5% QUARTZ I~-60-7 · Health of Pressure .Health Component 13 Name S C.A.S. Number E~ERGEHCY CONTACTS fll HAgOL~ ~O~ES ~EST COAST OP ~A~AGEg 3~2-3394 fl2 5~2~LEY ~O~ES T~?CE A~. .~-5~94 Hame TT:le ~4 Hr Phone ' ~ ~r P~one erti[iptioq ,(Rep~ An~.~fgn after comp7~tf~g.aT1 sectfpn~) cerc1ty under pena~cX ~)aW cnqc J flavepecsonaj[Lexamln~Oaqogm tami~18[Vi[~ the.)nto[mac~pn ~u~mitte~ in this Qnd a11 t~ached.doc~mencs, eno [pat based on.my Inquiry ~Lcnose inDiviDuals responslO/e for Obtaining cae InfOrmation. [ believe that the Uomltteo intormatlOn IS true, Accurate, an~ complete. HAROLD. I. /ONES W~S~ OP~ON. MANAGE~ ~~~tl~ ot o~n~~o~ o~nerloperator's 8ut~or~ze~ rePres~tativ~ ~ur~ Farm and Agriculture ~ Standard Business ~HAZARDOUS HATERZALS ZNVENTORY NON--TRADE · SECRETS P~ge S[NESS NAHE: OWNER NAHE: NAHE OF TH~S FACi'L]TY [Y ZI~: CITY, ZIPT DUN AND BRADS'HtEEi NUNBER , ~n5 ]ype ~ax Average Annual Heasure I ~y~ ConC Cont Cone Use Locat~on.Whe(e. ~w y flames of ~ixture/Co~oonents.. ~de Code X~ Amt Ese Units on 5lee ]ype Press ]e=p Code Stored ]n ~ac]~y See Instructions ~ysicaLand H~¢ith H~Iard C.A,S. Hu~ber NONE Component I1 Name t C,A,S,-Humber L~Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ l~ediateC°~p°nent 12 t~e I ~,~,S, Number Health of Pressure Health Co~ponent 13. Name & C,A,S, Number ": ..... ~¥2ica] and Health ~{azard C.A.S. Number NA Componen~ II Name & C,A.S, Number STYRNIE- BuTADINE '.CheCk all thai apply) - .. Heai[h of Pressure Componen[ 13 Name & C,A.S, Number ~ hysical and Be~]th H~Hrd C.A.~. Number Coaponen~ I1 ~t t C'.~.S. ~u~tr (Check al1 thst apply) ' "'":' Component 12 Name & C,A,S, Number U File.Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Or[,,gyed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate ":*-~" health of Pressure Hea I th ~:,;: Component 13 ~ame ~ C,R,'S, Number · .'.-~ :'. ",'s~c~] ~nd Health Hazard C.A,S. Nu~ber Co~ponen~ I~ Na~e ~ C.A.S. Nu~ber :Check a~l that apply/ l'] Fire H~zard ~ Reactivity ~ De]ayed ~ Sudden Release ~ I~edia~eC°~P°nen~ 12 N~et 6,A,S, Number :- (~ ., : '- Health of Pressure Health Component 13 Name ~ C,A.S, Number .~ ~fv under oensitK o~18'~ th~L l h~v~persona/ly exsmlnq~ndsm famil~sr ~ith the in[orm~t~on ~u~miLte~ in this ~nd 811 ;r~;ed"dgcgmenLs, an~ that bssed on my Inqu~ry of those tnolvldusJs responsible for obtsining the lntOrma~lOn, i believe that the · ~L~ed ~nformat~on is true, 8ccurste, 8nd complete. ~b-,.n¢Efi~T-~le Ot ovF~5oera[~OF-'ow~Cft666ra[or s ~u~norj~eo represen[~ive S'i'~Ei[~5" CITY of BAKERSFIELD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Farm and Agriculture [] Standard Business [] T R AD E S E c RE TS ; Pa~e ....... o'[__ BUSINESS NAME' S.B.M. INCORPORATED OWNER NAME:SAMPEY~BILB0~MESCHI*INC. NAME OF THIS FACILITY: IFFCO LOCATION; ~I~ ~ ~l~&~m~ L~NF ADDRESS;~q~, p~m T~ Pl ~ ~a, $~N~D.~^.~S.~~9 CITY~ ZIP: 5A~K~F~EL~'--C~- 75~7 CITY. ZIP:-fl~S~"~XAS'-77D~ ..... Dun ~nu ~u~cc~ num~ " PtIOIiE #: gO5 ~ZZ-557~ ' PHONE #: /~373/~-ZV~V CODES Z6_ - ~2~ _ - ~ $ ~ ~ REFER TO--INSTRUU~ION5 ~UR PROPER ]rahs !y,e Hax Average Annual Neasure m OYSes,t Cent Cent Cent Us~ location.Whe[e. ,,bYt Ha,es of ,ixturelCc,aonents Code ~ooe Aat Amt Est Un,ts on Type Press Temp CoueStored in ~aclmlty See Instructions N IM"[ 000 I 6000 I 14I IINSIDEWHSE# 4 __ TRUFLO 100 Physic~l ~odBealth Hazard C.A,S, Number Component II Name ~ C,AiS, Number (Check all that apply) NOT AVAILABLE Component I~ Name I C.A,S. Number ll~FireHazard [] Reactivity [] Belayed [] Sudden Release [] Immediate Health o~ Pressure Health Component 13 Name I C,~.S, Number Physical and Health Uazard C,A,S. Number Component II Name I C,A,$. Number (Check a1/ that aPp/yl Component 12 Name I C.A.S, Number [] Fire Hazard [] Reactivity [] Delayed [] Sudden Release [] Immediate Health of Pressure Health Component 13 Name I C.A.S. Number ~hv$ic~l ~nd Health ~a~ard C.A.S. Number Component I~ Name t C.~.$, Number (Check all that aPP~yl Component 12 Name & C,A,S, Number [] Fire Hazard [] Reactivity [] Belayed [] Sudden Release [] immediate Health of Pressure Health Component 13 Name I C,A,S, Number Physical and Health Ualard C.A.S, Humber Component II Name & C,A,S, Number (Check all that app/yl Component 12 Name t C.A.S. Number [] Fire Hazard [] Reactivity [] Belayed [] Sudden Release [] lm~i~ Health of Pressure Component 13 Name I C,A,S, Humber : EMERGENCY CONTACTS #I~m~AROLD JONES WESTT~AST OP MGR. ~4 #2 SHIRLEY JONES Tit~FFICE ADM. 834-0259 Name 2~ ~FT~e Certification .(Re~d ~.nd.~-ign after compl~tiog.all secCipn~) I certify under @enai~[ g~ [n{~ ~navepe(sonalq. examlnqO~q~m lami~lar.~it~ the inlorma~ion ~u~mitt~ in this.~nd all at~acned,docgmen~, an~ ~ oaseo on.my ~nqulry ~.~nose inolvloua~s responsible ~or obtalnin9 the Information, I ben,eve that the suomltteo l~lormatlO~ Is [rue~ accurate, ano complete, , HAROLD L. JONES ~COAST OPERATION MANAGER ~rr~ll--tq~le of owner~u~ o,nerloperator's authorized representative ~l~'~ure B~t.~ji~d