HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK FILE #2 TIME CHARGED BUSINESSFDEAPRTMENT NAME: '7 ADDKESS: I?OO~ PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PROm~ ~MBER: DA~: N~E: PROJECT COMPLETION: DATE: //2~,/~'~ NEXT-FUNC: KEY: KEY DATA PROMPT KIPS #ROLLINQ SECURED ROLL INQUIRY P22241 ATN 008 343~:~.2~,00 6 ACTIVE Roll1 Use Code 1490 File No ....... Lgnd' AGPresv NO ARK 008 343 24 6 Lgl C LGNAS B 4 L PTN Acres CRest SITE 1700 BRUNDAGE LN BAKERSFIELD BPS SD 3 UF NT Ouner KIM HYUNG JUN & YONG SUN Doc 19917 4245 12/08/99 Bill 4613 LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN CT BAKERSFIELD CA 93304 R,B,P, 01 00-1005891-00-8 99-1005879-00-8 TRA-No 001 505 001.505 001 001 CNG DT 12/08/99 Ch9 Type TRANSFER Mineral Land/PZ229,500 225,000 , 200,000 Imprvment 204,000 200,000 250,000 Other Imp Pe~s P~op Exmp Amt Net Value 433,500 425,000 450,000 PFI=HELP 2=NENU 3=RTRN 4:TOG 5=FUTR 9:BILL IO:UFL 11=BUS 12=EVTSEL PF13=NEN 14=ARK HZST 15=ONNERS 16=EXEHPT 17=SUPPL 18=ADDR 19=ROLL CORR PF20:PREV YR 21=NEXT YEAR 22=PRT 23-NEXT 24:PREV 06/20/01 14:22 Food Store #2125-21476 · 1 700 Brundag~e-Lane Bakersfield, CA 93304 SI'ore 7-Eleven Food Store #2125-21476 t Fs FS ® , Turbin .... Vents .......... ~'"I '~:~ ....... Elec Mon .... "' R ~ """"'-. Dispensers U '~i 10k ~n ~0k M/0 ~0k Un~ , ~~ 7-11 #2237-21476 N " WO ~960902 05/13/93 Robert Schneider, Chair Winston H. Hickox Gray Davis Secretat~yfor Fresno Branch Office Governor Environmental Internet Address: http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/rwqcb5 Protection 3614 East Ashlan Avenue, Fresno, California 93726 Phone (559) 445-5116 · FAX (559) 445-5910 31 October 2001 RWQCB Case No. 5T15000776 Mr. Bob DeNinno The Southland Corporation 10220 S.W. Greenburg Rd., Ste. 470 Portland, 'OR 97233 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK RELEASE, SOUTHLAND CORPORATION (7-ELEVEN) STORE NO. 21476, 1700 BRUNDAGE LANE, BAKERSFIELD, KERN COUNTY We reviewed Soil Vapor Extraction Schedule (Schedule) dated 18 October 2001 and prepared by IT Corporation, Concord (IT). The Report describes the design of a soil vapor extraction (SVE) remediation system designed to be operated full time. We requested full time (24-hour per day, 7 days per week) remediation conducted on all screened depth intervals beginning with shallow intervals by our letter dated 21 September 2001. Our letter also requested submission of a brief addendum describing the final remediation system and a schedule for installation and operation of the remediation system. The Schedule does not provide the detail necessary for us to verify the system design. We request that additional information be provided. A Summary of the Schedule and our comments follow. Summary of the Schedule IT proposes to install two 350-pound capacity granular activated carbon (GAC) vessels plumbed in series for off-gas treatment. A blower rated at 5 horsepower maximum will be used to remove soil vapors. Each SVE well screened interval will be individually plumbed into a manifold connected to the blower inlet, allowing SVE to be conducted on all depth intervals individually or in combination. Comments to the Schedule The Schedule does not provide the information necessary for our review of the remediation system design. Your consultant needs to provide additional description and specification for the system and the proposed operation parameters and schedule. 'At a minimum this should include the proposed vacuum, vapor extraction airflow rate, expected daily hydrocarbon destruction rate, and expected project duration. The 350-pound GAC vessels appear to be proposed for the primary removal of volatile hydrocarbons from influent vapor. Calculation of the proposed consumption rate of the GAC vessels should also be provided. Please provide these values, the calculations used, and parameters assumed in the calculations. A Site Plan and Schematic of the proposed remediation syStem should be included. California Environmental Protection Agency ~ Recycled Paper The energy challenge facing California is real.. Every Californian needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy costs, see our Web-site at http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/rwqcb5 Mr. Bob DeNinno 2 31 October 2001 We request that you submit the additional information concerning the remediation system design and schedule by 21 November 2001. We reiterate the following requests provided in our letter dated 21 September 2001. Full time remediation should be implemented. Remediation should be conducted from all screened depth intervals, starting with the shallow screened intervals and moving to deeper intervals when the shallow intervals have been remediated. Influent vapor samples should be collected and analyzed at the end of the first week of operation, and monthly thereafter, as requested by our letter dated 13 July 2001. Vapor samples should be analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons,as gasoline (TPH-g) by EPA Method 8015M, and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) and MTBE by EPA Method 8020. Concentrations of MTBE, tertiary butyl alcohol (TBA), tertiary amyl methyl ether (TAME), di-isopropyl ether (DIPE), and ethyl tertiary butyl ether (ETBE) should be confirmed by EPA Method 8260. A remediation system status report should be submitted at the end of three months of operation. Please have your consultant contact this office at least five days in advance of any fieldwork. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (559) 445-5504. JOHN D. WHITING Associate Engineering Geologist RG No. 5951 cc: Ms. Judi Nash, UST Cleanup Fund, Sacramento ~ Mr. Howard Wines, Bakersfield Fire Dept., Bakersfield~r,~x'o Ms. Shelby Lathrop, IT Corporation, Concord U:\UGTUDW_filesX2000-2001 Correspondence\City of Bakersfield Cases\7-11 21746 10-01.doc ' Robert Schneider, Chair Winston H. Hickox ,, Gray Davis SecretaryJbr Fresno Branch Office Governor Environmental Internet Address: http ://www.swrcb.ca.gov/~rwqcb5 · Protection 3614 East Ashlan Avenue, Fresno, California 93726 Phone (559) 445-5116 · FAX (559) 445-5910 19 July 2001 ' RWQCB Case No. 5T15000776 Mr. Bob DeNinno The Southland Corporation 10220 S.W. Greenburg Rd., Ste. 470 Portland, OR 97233 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK RELEASE, SOUTHLAND CORPORATION (7-ELEVEN) STORE NO. 21476, 1700 BRUNDAGE LANE, BAKERSFIELD, KERN COUNTY You submitted a letter dated 23 April 2001 and prepared by your consultant IT Corporation, Concord (IT). The letter provided a schedule for IT' s submission of reports and requested that the proposed groundwater investigation be waived if IT determines that a limited mass of hydrocarbons is indicated by the soil vapor extraction (SVE) pilot test. We approved the installation of one dual completion SVE well and one groundwater monitoring well, and soil and groundwater sampling and analysis by our letters dated 23 March and 7 May 2001. The installations, sampling, and analysis were proposed by IT in Addendum to March 2000 Work Plan for Further Subsurface Investigation. The letter proposes a date of 1 August 2001 for submission of a report describing the SVE well installation and a date of 15 August 2001 for submission of the report describing the results of the SVE pilot test. We approve the schedule for submission of the SVE pilot test report. The SVE well installation report and SVE pilot test report may be combined. Please submit the combined report by 15 August 2001. IT requests that the Regional Board waive installation and sampling of the proposed groundwater monitoring well if IT determines that a relatively small mass of hydrocarbons with limited vertical extent is present, based on soil sample analytical results and SVE pilo[ test data. We do not approve this request. We believe that the data from previous site investigations does not suggest a large mass of hydrocarbons present in site soils. However, the vertical extent of soils impacted by MTBE has not been defined. 'The persistence of methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) in soil to a depth of at least 150 feet bgs and the estimated groundwater depth of approximately 195 feet bgs suggests that a threat to'water. quality still exists. An investigation of groundwater quality and remediation of impacted soils is warranted. We no longer require that the deep interval (below 125 feet below ground surface (bgs)) be evaluated in the SVE pilot test. Therefore, the monitoring well will not be involved in the pilot test. Please submit the report of monitoring well installation by 15 September 2001. California Environmental Protection Agency ~ Recycled Paper The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut yom' energy costs, see our Web-site at http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/rwqcb5 ~?, ~ Mr. Bob DeNinno - 2 - 19 July 2001 /' Please have your consultant contact this office at least 72 hours in advance of any fieldwork. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (559) 445-5504. Associate Engineering Geologist RG No. 5951 cc: Ms. Sandy Gill, UST Cleanup Fund, Sacramento~ Mr. Howard Wines, Bakersfield Fire Dept., Bakersfield'-o Ms. Shelby Lathrop, IT Corporation, Concord U:\UGTODW_files\2000-2001 Correspondence\City of Bakersfield Cases\7-11 21746 Timeline 7 -0 l.doc California Regmnal Water Quahty Co'roi Board O Central Valley Region Robert Schneider, Chair ~inston H. Hickox ,, Gray Davis Secretary.for Fresno Branch Office Governor Environmental Intemet Address: http://WWW.SWrcb.ca.gov/~rwqcb5 Protection 3614 East Ashlan Avenue, Fresno, California 93726 Phone (559) 445-5116 · FAX (559) 445-5910 2 October 2001 RWQCB Case No. 5TI5000776 Mr. Bob DeNinno The Southland Corporation 10220 S.W. Greenburg Rd., Ste. 470 Portland, OR 97233 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK RELEASE, SOUTHLAND CORPORATION (7.ELEVEN) STORE NO. 21476, 1700 BRUNDAGE LANE, BAKERSFIELD, KERN COUNTY You submitted a letter dated 14 September 2001 and prepared by your consultant IT Corporation, Concord (IT). The letter confirms your understanding that we will not require installation of a groundwater monitoring well at the above referenced site at this time. We waived the current installation of a monitoring well by discussions with Mr. Ed K. Simonis, R.G., of IT, and by our letter dated 21 September 2001. Our letter also commented on the Report On Additional Site Assessment (Report) dated I0 August 2001 and prepared by IT. The Report describes the installation of two nested · soil vapor extraction (SVE) wells, additional investigation of gasoline range hydrocarbon constituents in subsurface soils, and the results of an SVE pilot test. We concurred with IT that the available data do not indicate a large mass of hydrocarbons beneath the site and that SVE will be effective for remediation. However, due to the persistence of detectable methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) at depth, we requested that removal of hydrocarbons in subsurface soils be conducted and we indicated that the need for groundwater monitoring would be reviewed based on the data collected during and after remediation. The letter also indicates that 1T will remove gasoline constituents from subsurface soils over the next ' Several ~-~*. " " '" _ mon~J~o on-a per,_od~c schedule, and that IT will submit quarterly reporting of SVE system performance data to the Regional Boar& We are unsure what opemtion~schedule is implied ~by "periodic." We need to reiterate that we requested full time (24-hour per day, 7 days per week) remediation be implemented by our letter dated 21 September 2001. Please implement SVE system startup by 10 December 2001. We also request that you contact this office during the first week of November 2001 to discuss the progress of SVE system permitting and installation. California Environmental Protection Agency ~ Recycled Paper The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy costs, see our Web-site at http://www.swrcb.ca, gov/rwqcb5 Mr. Bob DeNinno - 2 - ' 2 October 2001 Please have your consultant contact this office at least five days in advance of any fieldwork. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (559) 445-5504. Associate Engineering Geologist RG No. 5951 cc: Ms. Sandy Gill, UST Cleanup Fund, Sacramento ~, Mr. Howard Wines, Bakersfield Fire Dept., Bakersfield" Ms. Shelby Lathrop, IT Corporation, Concord U:\UGTUDW_filesX2000-2001 Correspondence\City of Bakersfield Cases\7-11 21746 ltr 9-01.doc California RegionalcentralWatervalleyQUalitYRegion Control Board Robert Schneider, Chair Winston H. Hickox Gray Davis Secretary for Fresno Branch Office Governor Environmental Internet Address: http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/rwqcb5 Protection 3614 East Ashlan Avenue, Fresno, California 93726 Phone (559) 445-5116 · FAX (559) 445-5910 21 September 2001 , RWQCB Case No. 5T15000776 Mr. Bob DeNinno The Southland Corporation 10220 S.W. Greenburg Rd., Ste. 470 Portland, OR 97233 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK RELEASE, SOUTHLAND CORPORATION (7-ELEVEN) STORE NO. 21476, 1700 BRUNDAGE LANE, BAKERSFIELD, KERN COUNTY We reviewed Report On Additional Site Assessment (Report) dated 10 August 2001 and prepared by IT Corporation, Concord (IT). The Report describes the installation of two soil vapor extraction (SVE) wells, and provides the results of further site assessment and an SVE pilot test. The installations, sampling and analysis were proposed by IT in Addendum to March 2000 Work Plan for Further Subsurface Investigation dated 31 January 2001 and prepared by IT. We approved the installation of one dual completion SVE well and one groundwater monitoring well by our letters dated 23 March and 7 May 2001. We granted your request for a one-day SVE pilot test by our letter dated 13 July 2001. We do not presently request the installation of the proposed groundwater monitoring well. We request that you submit a final remediation design and implement remediation by SVE. A Summary of the Report, and our comments follow. Summary of the Report IT drilled two soil b0-r~ngs, SVE-1 and S VE-2 to 165 and 125 feet, respectively on 18 t019-June 2001. Auger refusal was encountered in SVE-1 at 165 feet below ground surface (bgs). Since groundwater was not encountered in SVE-1, the boring was converted into a double-nested SVE well screened from 20 to 45 and 145 to 154 feet bgs. SVE-1 was installe.d approximately 6 feet south of the east ends of the former underground storage tanks (USTs). SVE-2 was installed between SVE-1 and the former USTs as a triple-nested. SVE well screened from 40 to 50, 60 to 90, and 95 to 125 feet bgs. Soil samples were collected from SVE-1 at ten-foot intervals beginning at 10 feet bgs and were also collected at45, 95, 105, and 165 feet bgs. Soil samples were collected from SVE-2 at five-foot intervals to a depth of 55 feet bgs. The samples were analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-g) by EPA Method 8015M, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) by EPA; Method 8020, methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), tertiary butyl alcohol (TBA), di-isopropyl ether (DIPE), ethyl California Environmental Protection Agency ~ Recycled Paper The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy costs, see our Web-site at http:llwww.swrcb.ca.govlrwqcb5 Mr. Bob DeNinno - 2 - - 21 September 2001 tertiary butyl ether (ETBE), tertiary amyl methyl ether (TAME), ethylene dibromide (EDB), and 1,2- dichloroethane (1,2-DCA) by EPA Method 8260B, and total lead by EPA Method 6010B. Benzene was detected at 0.007 milligrams per kilogram (rog/kg) in one soil sample, SVE-1 at 150 feet bgs. TEX and TPH-g were not detected. MTBE was detected at 1.4 mg/kg at 45 feet bgs in. SVE-1 and at 2.9 and 0.11 mg/kg at 45 and 50 feet, respectively in SVE-2. TBA was detected at 1.2 mg/kg in SVE- 1 at 45 feet bgs. Total lead concentrations ranged from 1.2 to 4.9 mg/kg. IT logged the soils encountered as predominantly fine- to coars$-grained sands. Silty sand with thin silt layers was logged from approximately 40 to 45 feet bgs in SVE-1 and SVE-2. The silty soils were moist to wet and provided the highest field volatile vapor (PID) readings. IT suggests that unconfined groundwater may not be present beneath the site, or if present, may not be part of the aquifer mapped by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR)_.on.the map Lines of Equal Elevation Of Water in Wells, Unconfined Aquifer, San Joaquin Valley, Spring 1999 (Lines of Equal Elevation). 1T calculated a vacuum radius of influence of approximately 40 feet in the sandy soils and approximately 20 feet in the silty soils, based on an assumed minimum effective SVE vacuum of 0.2 inches of water. During the sVE pilot test, effluent vapor samples were collected from each screened interval of SVE-1 and SVE-2. TPH-g, benzene, MTBE, and TAME were detected at 180, 3.2, 370, .and 6.9 micrograms per liter (gg/L, parts per million by volume), respectively, in the vapor sample collected from SVE-2 at 40-50 feet bgs. MTBE was detected at 0.72 gg/L in SVE-2 from 60 to 90 feet bgs. IT concludes that the highest residual mass of MTBE is within the moist silty soils from 40 to 50 feet bgs. MTBE was not detected in soil samples below the silty'soils. IT calculates that less than 5 pounds of MTBE is present in the silty soils. Results of the SVE pilot test indicate that SVE will be effective for soil remediation. Comments to the Report We concur with 1T that the results of soil and influent SVE vapor analysis do not suggest a large mass of impacted soils beneath the site. However, based on the persistence of detectable MTBE concentrations to a depth of at least 150 feet in boring SB4, groundwater has likely been impacted, and MTBE will continue to migrate toward the water table. We request that soil remediation by SVE be implemented to remove the reservoir of impacted soils. IT suggests in the Report that unconfined groundwater may not be present, or, if present is not shown on the Lines of Equal Elevation map. We suggest that IT consult Improvement District No. 4, 2000 Report On Water Conditions (Report on Water Conditions) dated 1 February 2001 and published by the Kern County Water Agency, Bakersfield. Plate 5 of Report on Water Conditions indicates a depth ~o water of approximately 195 feet bgs in the site vicinity. By a letter dated3 July 2001, 1T proposed that we revise our request to install a groundwater monitoring well if soil sample analytical results and SVE pilot test data indicated a limited mass of residual petroleum constituents with limited vertical extent. Based on the soil sample analytical data and SVE pilot test vapor analysis data, we do not currently request the installation and sampling of the proposed groundwater monitoring well. We will request that remediation of impacted soils be conducted by SVE. Based on the analysis of influent vapor samples collected during remediation and analysis of confirmation soil samples collected after remediation, we will determine the need for groundwater monitoring. U:\UG2XIDW_files\2000-2001 Correspondence\City of Bakersfield Cases\7-11 21746 8-01.doc Mr. Bob DeNinno - 3 - 21 September 2001 We request that full time (24-hour per day, 7 days per week) remediation by SVE be implemented. Remediation should be conducted from all screened depth intervals, starting with the shallow screened intervals and moving to deeper intervals when the shallow intervals have been remediated. Influent vapor samples should be collected and analyzed at the end of the first week of operation, and mOnthly thereafter, as requested by our letter dated 13 July 2001. Vapor samples should be analyzed for TPH2g by EPA Method 8015M, and BTEX and MTBE by EPA Method 8020. Concentrations of MTBE, TBA, TAME, DIPE, and ETBE should be confirmed by EPA Method 8260. Please submit a remediation system status report at the end of three months of operation. We request that you submit a brief addendum describing the final remediation design and a schedUle for installation and operation of the remediation system by 21 October 2001. Please have your consultant contact this office at least five days in advance of any fieldwork. Should ybu have any questions regarding this_matter, please contact me at (559)'4_45-5504. ~'jOHN D. WHITING Associate Engineering Geologist RG No. 5951 cc: Ms. Sandy Gill, UST Cleanup Fund, Sacramento Mr. Howard Wines, Bakersfield Fire Dept., Bakersfield Ms. Shelby Lathrop, IT Corporation, Concord U:\UGTUDW_filesL2000-2001 Correspondence\City of Bakersfield Cases\7-11 21746 8-01.doc California Reg onalcentralWatervalleyQUahtYRegion ntrol Board Robert Schneider, Chair Winston H. Hickox Gray Davis SecretaryJbr Fresno Branch Office Goverm~r Enviromnental lnternet Address: http://www.swmb.ca.gov/rwqcb5 Protection 3614 East Ashlan Avenue, Fresno, California 93726 Phone (559) 445-5116 · FAX (559) 445-5910 13 July 2001 RWQCB Case No. 5T15000776 Mr. Bob DeNinno The Southland Corporation 10220 S.W. Greenburg Rd., Ste. 470 - Portland, {JR 97233 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK RELEASE, SOUTHLAND CORPORATION (7-ELEVEN) STORE NO. 21476, 1700 BRUNDAGE LANE, BAKERSFIELD, KERN COUNTY We reviewed Addendum To 4/23/01 Soil Vent Test Workplan (Addendum), dated 15 June 2001 and prepared by your consultant IT Corporation, Concord (IT). By our letter dated 25 May 2001, we requested that you submit justification for the 1-day soil vapor extraction pilot test (VET) proposed in Soil Vent Test Workplan dated 23 April 2001. We required a 3- to 5-day VET by our letter dated 23 March 2001. We required a 3- to 5-day VET in order to determine the influent hydrocarbon, oxygen, c~bon dioxide, and methane concentrations to be expected upon remediation system startup concentrations and hydrocarbon mass estimation. The Addendum indicates that IT's remediation system designs are standardized for use at multiple sites with only minor design modifications necessary, resulting in substantial cost savings. IT will likely remediate the subject site using a 250 cubic foot per minute (cfm) capacity thermal oxidizer. IT therefore contends that a 1-day VET is adequate to determine flow to the extraction well m~d radius of vacuum influence. IT contends that use of the VET to estimate hydrocm'bon mass in the soils is irrelevant since the system is operated until most of the mass of extractable hydrocarbons has been extracted. IT proposes t© periodically collect field measurements· of oxygen and methane concentration during the 1-day test. ' Board staff understands that the mass of impacted soils at many convenience store sites is small enough to warrant minimal design effort and that standardized designs are usually adequate for remediation. We also agree that a 1-day VET is usually adequate to determine well flow rates to the extraction well and the radius of vacuum influence. We require a VET of 3- to 5-days duration to determine whether additional gas species which may adversely affect remediation efficiency are present, to determine the hydrocarbon vapor concentrations to be expected upon system startup, and as a rough estimate of extractable hydrocarbon mass present in the soils. .. California.Environmental Protection Agency ~ Recycled Paper The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. · For a list o1' simple ways you cau reduce demand and cut your energy costs, see our Web-site at htq~://www.swrcb.ca.gov/rwqcb5 ~Vlr. Bob DeNinno - 2 - 13 July 2001 We will grant your request to perform a 1-day VET at the subject site. However, we require that you also conduct influent vapor sampling and laboratory analysis at the end of the 1-day VET, at the end of the first week of operation, and monthly thereafter for the screened interval initially placed under vacuum. Laboratory influent analysis adequate to characterize the decline in vapor concentrations in the deep-screened interval in the monitoring well should be conducted on the same schedule. Vapor samples should be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-g) by EPA Method 8015M, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, and methyl tertiary butyl ether (BTEX and MTBE) by EPA Method 8020. Concentrations of MTBE detected should be confirmed by EPA Method 8260B. Please submit a report describing the results of the VET and proposing the final remediation system design by 29 August 2001. Please have your consultant contact this office at least 72 hours in advance of any fieldwork. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (559) 445-5504. Associate Engineering Geologist RG No. 5951 cc: Ms. Sandy Gill, UST Cleanup Fund, Sacramento Mr. Howard Wines, Bakersfield Fire Dept., Bakersfield Ms. Shelby Lathrop, IT Corporation, Concord U:\UGT~JDW_files\2000-200t Correspondence\City of Bakersl:ield Cases\7-11 21746 VET 7-01 .doc California Regional Water Quality ntrol Board O Central Valley Region Robert Schneider, Chair Winston H. Itickox Gray Davis Secretary.~br Fresno Branch Office Governor Environmental Intemet Address: http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/~rwqcb5 Protection 3614 East Ashlan Avenue, Fresno, California 93726 Phone (559) 445-5116 · FAX (559) 445-5910 25 May 2001 RWQCB Case No. 5T15000776 Mr. Bob DeNinno The Southland Corporation 10220 S.W. Greenburg Rd., Ste. 470 ...... Portland, OR97233 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK RELEASE, SOUTHLAND CORPORATION (7-ELEVEN) STORE NO. 21476, 1700 BRUNDAGE LANE, BAKERSFIELD, KERN COUNTY We reviewed Soil Vent Test Workplan, 7-Eleven Store No. 21476 (Work Plan) dated 23 April 2001 and' prepared by your consultant IT Corporation, Concord (IT). We requested the additional information provided in the Work Plan by our letter dated 23 March 2001. Our letter also required that the duration of the required soil vapor extraction (SVE) pilot test be 3- to 5-days and that you submit a time schedule for completing the pilot test. The work plan proposes a 1-day SVE pilot test. We require justification for the shorter duration of this pilot test. We previously approved the installation of one dual completion SVE well and one groundwater monitoring well, and soil and groundwater sampling and analysis by our letters dated 23 March and 7 May 2001. The installations, sampling, and analysis were proposed by IT in Addendum to March 2000 Work Plan for Further Subsurface Investigation. A summary of the Work Plan and our comments follow. Summary of the Work Plan IT proposes to conduct an SVE pilot test of 1-day maximum duration. The upper and lower screened intervals of SVE well SVE- 1 and the screened interval of monitoring well MW- 1 will be used as vapor extraction or vacuum observation points. Vacuum will be applied to each screened interval during separate test runs using a mobile thermal oxidizer unit. Pressure changes during the test will be monitored using magnahelic gauges attached to the wellheads. Extracted air will pass through a moisture knockout device and air filter prior to destruction by the thermal oxidizer. Influent volatile organic compound (VOC) concentrations will be measured using a field flame ionization detector and by laboratory analysis for total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-g) by EPA Method 8015M, benzene, toluene, xylenes, and ethylbenzene (BTEX) by EPA Method 8020, and methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), tertiary butyl alcohol (TBA), di-isopropyl ether (DIPE), ethyl tertiary butyl ether (ETBE), and .tertiary amyl methyl ether (TAME) by EPA Method 8260. California Environmental Protection Agency ~ Recycled Paper The energy challenge facing California is real. Eve~ Californian needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy costs, see our Web-site at http://www.swrcb.ca.govhwvqcb5 Mr. Bob DeNinno - 2 - 25 May 2001 Each test run will begin after magnahelic gauges have been calibrated and vacuum conditions have reached equilibrium. The oxidizer will be adjusted to extract vapor at maximum vacuum. Vacuum will then be applied until equilibrium conditions have been reached. Extraction flow rates, vapor concentrations, and extraction well and observation point pressure readings will be obtained during each test run. The test will concentrate on the zone of highest hydrocarbon concentrations in soil from approximately 30 to 50 feet below ground surface (bgs). The data produced will be used to determine the feasibility of remediation, and estimate the horizontal and vertical vacuum ififluence, extractable hydrocarbon mass, mass production rate, and duration of remediation. Fieldwork will be scheduled upon written approval of the Work Plan by Board staff. A report of findings will be submitted within 4 to 6 weeks of the pilot test. Comments We required that the SVE pilot test be 3- to 5-days total duration by our letter dated 23 March 2001. The work plan proposes a 1-day SVE pilot test. We required a 3- to 5- day duration for the pilot test in order to determine the influent hydrocarbon, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and methane concentrations to be expected upon remediation system startup and operation, estimate the hydrocarbon mass present in the subsurface soils, and provide accurate data for final remediation system design. 'Vacuum influence would be determined during the initial portion of this test period, followed by continued system operation, influent monitoring, and vapor sampling. The data collected during the later portion of the pilot test are useful for determination of remediation system startup concentrations and hydrocarbon mass estimation. We have concerns that the proposed 1-day pilot test may not be adequate for these purposes. Field or laboratory analysis for oxygen and methane are not proposed in the work plan. Before we can approve the work plan, we need your consultant to provide written statements and documentation supporting the proposed 1-day pilot test procedures. Please provide this information by 18 June 2001. Please have your consultant contact this office at least 72 hours in advance of any fieldwork. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (559) 445-5504. / JOHN D. WHITING Associate Engineering Geologist RG No. 5951 cc: Ms. Sandy Gill, UST Cleanup Fund, Sacramento~ Mr. Howard Wines, Bakersfield Fire Dept., Bakersfield'''° Ms. Shelby Lathrop, IT Corporation, Concord U:\UGTUDW_drafts\7-1121746WPAddend-Exten5-01 .doc Robert Schneider, Chair Winston II. Hickox Gray Davis Secretary.~br Fresno Branch Office Governor Environmental Internet Address: http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/rwqcb5 Protection 3614 East Ashlan Avenue, Fresno, California 93726 Phone (559) 445-5116 ° FAX (559) 445-5910 7 May 2001 RWQCB Case No. 5T15000776 Mr. Bob DeNinno The Southland Corporation 10220 S.W. Greenburg Rd., Ste. 470 Portland, OR 97233 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK RELEASE, SOUTHLAND CORPORATION (7-ELEVEN) STORE NO. 21476, 1700 BRUNDAGE LANE, BAKERSFIELD, KERN COUNTY We reviewed Well Construction and Drilling Method Details and Well Construction Details (Details) dated 23 April 2001 and prepared by your consultant IT Corporation, Concord (IT). We requested the information provided in the Details by our letter dated 23 March 2001. We also required a 3- to 5-day soil vapor extraction (SVE) pilot test and requested that yousubmit pilot test procedures and a time schedule for completing the pilot test. We approve the work proposed in the 31 January 2001 Addendum to March 2000 Work Plan for Further Subsurface Investigation and the Details provided that the comments provided in this letter and our letter dated 23 March 2001 are followed. IT has requested a three-week extension for submission of tl~e SVE pilot test procedures and time schedule. We hereby grant the time extension. Summaries of the Details .and ourcomments follow. Summary of Details One groundwater monitoring well and one double-nested SVE well will be'installed using, a Central Mine Equipment (CME) Model.85 drill rig equipped with 10-inch hollow stem augers. The monitoring well will be constructed of 4-inch diameter Schedule 40 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) casing with a screened interval of 0.020-inch slotted casing extending from 125 to 200 feet below site grade (bsg), a filter pack 'of #3 sand extending 2 feet above the slotted interval, and a 3-fOot thick annular seal of hydrated bentonite chips, overlain by cement-bentonite grout. The screened interval will extend at least 20 feet below the water table. The double-nested SVE well will be installed to 125 feet bsg. The screened interval of the monitoring well will be used to extract vapors at 150 feet bsg. The SVE well Will be screened from 20 to 70 feet bsg (upper interval) and 75 to 125 feet bsg (lower interval) using 2-inch diameter Schedule 40 PVC casing with 0.020-inch slots. The filter pack will be constructed of #3 sand extending at least 2 feet above the slotted interval. Annular seals at least 3-feet thick~ and composed of hydrated bentonite pellets will be installed above each screened interval. California Environmental Protection Agency ~ Recycled Paper The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy costs, see our Web-site at http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/rwqcb5 Mr. Bob DeNinno - 2 - 7 May 2001 IT requests a three-week extension to submit SVE pilot test procedures and a time schedule for 'pilot testing.. Comments We approve the installation of the proposed groundwater monitoring and SVE wells and the use of the monitoring well as a deep SVE well. The comments provided in this letter and our letter dated 23 April 2001 should be followed. We hereby grant the requested three-week time extension for submission of pilot testing procedures and time schedule. Please submit this information by 28 May 2001. Please ha~e your consultant contact this office at least 72 hours in advance of any fieldwork. Should you' have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (559) 445-5504. JOHN D. WHITING Associate Engineering Ge01ogigt RG No. 5951 cc: Ms. Sandy Gill, UST Cleanup Fund, Sacramento Mr. Howard Wines, Bakersfield Fire Dept., Bakersfiel'd-.a- Ms. Shelby Lathrop, IT Corporation, Concord U:\UGTUDW_drafts\7-1 l 2 [ 746WPAddend-Exten4-01 .doc O California l eg,onalcentralWatervalleyQUahtYRegion. Ontrol Board Q Robert Schneider, Chair Winston II. IIickox Gray Davis Secretary.[hr Fresno Branch Office Governor Environmenta! Intemet Address: http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/rwqcb5 Protection 3614 East Ashlan Avenue, Fresno, California 93726 ' Phone i559) 445-5 ! 16 · FAX (559) 445-5910 23 March 2001 RWQCB Case No. 5T15000776 Mr. Bob DeNinno The Southland Corporation 10220 S.W. Greenburg Rd., Ste. 470 ' Portland, OR 97233 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK RELEASE, SOUTHLAND CORPORATION (7-ELEVEN) ' STORE NO. 21476; 1700 BRUNDAGE LANE; BAKERSFIELD, KERN COUNTY We reviewed Addendum To March, 2000 Work Plan For Further Subsurface Investigation (Addendum), dated 31 January 2001 and prepared by your consultant IT Corporation, Concord (IT). By our letter dated 14 December 2000, we requested that you submit a work plan addendum for assessment of groundwater, further asseSsment of the extent of impacted soil, and determination of the feasibility of soil remediation by vapor extraction at the above referenced site. We approve the Addendum and request additional information concerning the proposed work. Summaries of the project and the Addendum and our comments follow. Pro, iect Background Three underground storage tanks (USTs) were removed from the site on 12 May 1998 and soil samples were collected from beneath the removed USTs and associated fuel dispensers. Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX), total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-g), and methyl tert- butyl ether (MTBE) were not detected in soil samples beneath the dispensers nor in samples from . beneath the west end of the USTs. Maximum hydrocarbon concentrations were detected at 18 feet below ground surface (bgs) at the east end of the USTs; the concentrations were 48 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg or ppm) benzene, 15,000 mg/kg TPH-g, and 870 mg/kg MTBE, respectively.. The maximum MTBE concentration result was confirmed using EPA Method 8260; MTBE was detected at a concentration of. 510 mg/kg7 During August 1998, Groundwater Technology, Inc. (GTI) drilled three soil borings to approximately 50 feet bgs near the east ends of the former south and center USTs "to verify the vertical and lateral extent of impacted soil beneath the Southeast comer of the former tank pit." The 20 feet bgs sample from boring B-1 (at the southeast end of the former tank pit) contained 6,740 mg/kg TPH-g, BTEX at concen- trations of <2, 380, 119, and 833 mg/kg, resPectively, and MTBE at less than 20 mg/kg. BTEX concentrations in boring B-1 attenuated rapidly below 20 feet bgs to nondetect values from 50 to 65 feet bgs, the deepest interval explored. MTBE concentrations in the 30 to 40 foot depth interval of B-1 ranged from 27.4 to 54.6 mg/kg. The 27.4 mg/kg concentration was confirmed by EPA Method 8260 California Environmental Protection Agency  Recycled Paper The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy costs, see our Web-site at http://www.swrcb.ca.govfiwvqcb5 Mr. Bob DeNinno - 2 - 23 March 2001 analysis, which returned a concentration of 47.9 rog/kg. From 45 to 65 feet bgs in B- 1, MTBE concentrations were significantly lower, ranging from 0.91 to 0.039 mg/kg. MTBE concentrations in boring B-2 increased from 0.18 mg/kg at 20 feet bgs to 1.89 mg/kg at 35 feet bgs, and then decreased to 0.0239 mg/kg at 65 feet bgs. MTBE was detected in all soil samples from boring B-3, drilled approximately 30 feet south of the former USTs and 10 feet east of the former dispenser island. Concentrations increased from 0.139 mg/kg at 20 feet bgs to 0.627 mg/kg at 30 feet bgs, andthen ranged from approximately 0.1 to 0,02 mg/kg from 35 to 65 feet bgs. Groundwater was not encountered during drilling. GTI estimated that depth to groundwater was approximately 100 feet bgs based on Department of Water Resource data. The nearest municipal water supply well was reported to be app~:oximately one-half mile northwest (upgradient) of the subject site. Based on the results of the August 1998 investigation by GTI, the Bakersfield Fire Department (BFD) issued a site Closure Letter dated 26 January 1999-. 'Ho3ever}'-the BFD issued a Closure Letter without review by Board staff, and submitted a letter dated 22 November 1999 requesting Board concurrence for closure. Based on the presence and undefined extent of MTBE in site soils 'and the proximity of impacted soils to groundwater, Board staff denied site closure in a letter dated 21 December 1999. The BFD referred the case to the Board in a letter dated 12 January 2000. IT submitted Work Plan for Further Subsurface Investigation dated 10 March 2000, which proposed to advance up to four soil borings. (designated B-4 through B-7) to 100 feet bgs. The base of the plume would be established by field observation. If groundwater were encountered before establishing the plume base, the borings would be converted into groundwater monitoring wells. Soil samples would be collected every five feet and would be field screened for volatile organic vapor with a PD. Selected soil samples would be analyzed for BTEX by EPA method 8020, and for total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline TPH-g by EPA method 8015M. The samples would also be analyzed for the fuel oxygenates MTBE, tert-butanol (TBA), di-isopropyl ether (DIPE), ethyl tert-butyl ether (ETBE) and tert amyl- methyl ether (TAME) by EPA method 8260. Board staff approved the Work Plan for Further Subsurface Investigation in a letter dated 15 May 2000, with the conditions that all borings be advanced to at least 100 feet bgs (the anticipated depth to groundwater) and that three borings be converted to monitoring wells. One soil boring (SB-4) was installed to a depth of 150 feet bgs in the former t~nderground storage tank/pump island area on 25 September 2000: Soil samples were eollected at 30, 40, 45, 55, 65, 75, 85, 95, 105, 115, 125, 135, 145 and 150 feet bgs. Since groundwater Was not encountered during the drilling, a monitoring well was not installed. The boring was backfilled to grade with concrete-bentonite slurry. Soil samples were analyzed for BTEX by EPA method 8020 and TPH-g by EPA method 8015M. The samples were also analyzed for MTBE, TBA, DIPE, ETBE and TAME by EPA method 8260. Soils encountered in boring SB~4 were logged as predominantly fine- to coarse-grained sands with interbedded clay and silt. Benzene was not detected in the soil samples. Toluene and ethylbenzene were detected in one soil sample at concentrations less than 0.1 rog/kg. Xylenes were reported in three soil samples at concentrations less than 0.1 mg/kg. TPH-g was reported in the soil samples collected from 40, 45 and 145 feet bgs. The highest TPH-g concentration reported, and the only concentration greater than 1 mg/kg, was 8,7 mg/kg at 45 feet bgs. MTBE was reported in soil samples .collected to 150 feet bgs, the maximum depth explored. The maximum MTBE concentration was 20 mg/kg at 45 feet bgs. Mr. Bob DeNinno - 3 - 23 March 2001 Other reported MTBE Concentrations were less than 0.1 rog/kg. TBA was reported in soil samples from 30 and 40 feet bgs. The maximum TBA concentration was 11 mg/kg. IT correlated the highest petroleum constituent concentrations with a silty layer at 40 to 45 feet bgs, Board staff required submission of an addendum to the 10 March 2000 Work Plan For Further Subsurface Assessment in a letter dated 14 December 2000. The addendum was to propose work plan modifications necessary for the installation and sampling of three monitoring wells with screened intervals intersecting first encountered groundwater, and sample collection and analysis necessary to complete lateral and vertical definition of impacted soils. Specifications for the installation and pilot testing of a soil vapor extraction (SVE) well were to also be included. Summary of Addendum The Addendum proposes the installation of one groundwater monitoring well and one double-nested SVE well. Soil samples would be Collected 'from the- monitoring well bor,ing. The monitoring well would be developed, sampled and analyzed for petroleum constituents. SVE would be conducted during quarterly groundwater monitoring events. The groundwater monitoring well would be installed at the location of the former southern UST, would be completed to a depth of 200 feet, and would be screened from 125 to 200 feet bgs. The monitoring well would be constructed using 4-inch polyvinyl chloride (PVC) casing. A sand filter pack would extend 2 feet above the screened interval. The filter pack would be sealed with a 3-foot thick hydrated bentonite seal overlain by neat cement grout to grade. The wellheads would be equipped with lockable caps and traffic-rated utility boxes set in concrete. Additional monitoring wells would be subsequently proposed if MTBE were detected above regulated concentrations in groundwater samples. One double-nested SVE well would be installed next to the monitoring well. The SVE well would be screened from 20 to 70 feet and 75 to 125 feet bgs using 2-inch diameter PVC casing. Soil samples would be collected at 10-foot intervals from 150 to 200 feet bgs in the monitoring well boring. Selected soil samples woUld be analyzed for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX) by EPA Method 8020, total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-g) by EPA Method 8015M, and MTBE, tertiary butyl alcohol (TBA), di-isopropyl ether (DIPE),.ethyl tertiary butyl ether (ETBE), and tertiary amyl methyl ether (TAME) by EPA Method 8260. The monitoring well would be developed by hand bailing followed by purging. Groundwater samples would be analyzed for the same constituents as the soil samples. Soil cuttings, auger decontamination rinse water, and development and purging' water would be temporarily stored onsite in 55-gallon drums awaiting transport and disposal offsite. After the groundwater sample is collected, each SVE well casing would be connected to a mobile 150 cubic foot per minute thermal oxidizer and operated for a period of 2 tO 3 hours. This remediation schedule would continue on a quarterly basis until no volatile vapors are detected using field instruments. Remediation confirmation sampling would subsequently be proposed. Mr. Bob DeNinno - 4 - 23 March 2001 Comments The vertical extent of soils impacted by MTBE has not been defined. The presence of MTBE in soil as deep as 150 feet bgs and an estimated groundwater depth of 190 feet is sufficient information to determine that a threat to water quality exists. An investigation of groundwater quality and remediation of impacted soils is warranted. We approve the installation of the proposed groundwater monitoring well. The drilling method and construction details were not provided in the Addendum. The Oasing should be supported in the borehole to insure that materials are placed uniformly around the casing. The screened interval depth may need to be adjusted in the field based on the depth at which groundwater is encountered. The screened interval should extend 20 feet below the water table. Please provide a well construction diagram, information concerning the monitoring well drilling method, design, and well construction methods by 23 April 2001. We require quarterly monitoring of the proposed well with laboratory analysis of groundwater samples as propOsed in-the Addendum.' ' We approve the collection of soil samples from the monitoring well boring as described in the Addendum. We require that all soil samples collected from 150 to 200 feet bgs be analyzed in the laboratory for the analytes described in the Addendum. Samples should be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-g) by EPA Method 8015M, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX) by EPA Method 8020, MTBE, 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCA), ethylene dibromide (EDB), tertiary amyl methyl ether (TAME), di-isopropyl ether (DIPE), and tertiary butyl alcohol (TBA) by EPA Method 8260B, and for total lead by EPA Method 6010. We approve the installation of the double-nested SVE well. The drilling method and construction specifications were not provided in the addendum. Please provide a well construction diagram, information concerning the SVE well drilling methods, design, and well construction methods by 23 April 2001. The screened interval of the deeper casing should extend to at least 150 feet bgs, the · maximum depth of known soil impacts. We do not approve the proposed SVE system operation schedule. We require that a 3- to 5-day pilot test · of the upper interval of the SVE well be conducted. Pilot test procedures were not included in the Addendum. Please submit pilot test procedures and a time schedule for completing the.pilot test by 23 April 2001. Please have your consultant contact this office at least 72 hours in advance of any fieldwork. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (559) 445-5504. Associate Engineering Geologist RG No. 5951 cc: Ms. Sandy Gill, UST Cleanup Fund, Sacramento_ Mr. Howard Wines, Bakersfield Fire Dept., Bake~ Ms. Shelby Lathrop, IT Corporation, Concord U:\UGTklDW_drafts\7 - 11217463 -01 California RegionalcentralWatervalleyQUalitYRegion Control Board Winston H. Hi~kox Gray Davis Secretary,'hr Fresno Branch Office Governor Environmental Internet Address: http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/~rwqcb5 Protection 3614 East Ashlan Avenue, Fresno, California 93726 Phone (559) 445-5116 o FAX (559) 445-5910 14 December November 2000 RWQCB Case No. 5T15000776 Mr. Bob DeNinno The Southland Corporation 10220 S.W. Greenburg Rd., Ste. 470 Portland, OR 97233 ' ' ' ~1~8' REPORT ON FURTHER SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION/REQUEST FOR NO FURTHER ACTION REVIE~ UNDERGROUND STOOGE TANK RELEASE~ SOUTH~ND CORPO~TION (7-ELEVEN) STORE NO. 21476, 1700 BRUNDAGE ~NE, BAKERSFIELD, KERN COUNTY We received the 27 October 2000 Report on Further Subsurface Investigation/Request For No Further Action (Report) prepared On your behalf by the IT Corporation (IT). The work described in the Report was performed in response to our nonconcurrence with site closure and the subsequent referral of the case to our office from the City of Bakersfield Fire Department. The work was proposed in the 10 March 2000 Work Plan for Further Subsurface Investigation approved by this office in a letter dated 15 May 2000. A review of the report and our comments follow. Background .' Three USTs were removed from the site on-12 May 1998 and soil samples were collected from beneath the removed USTs and associated fuel dispensers. Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and Xylenes (BTEX), total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-g), and methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) were not detected in soil samples beneath the dispensers nor in samples from beneath the west end of the USTs. Maximum hydrocarbon concentrations were detected at 18 feet below ground surface (bgs)at the east end of the USTs; the concentrations were 48 milligrams per kilogram (rog/kg or ppm) benzene, 15,000 mg/kg TPH-g, and 870 rog/kg MTBE, respectively. The maximum MTBE concentration result was confirmed using EPA Method 8260; MTBE was detected at a' concentration of 510'mg/kg. During an August 1998 subsurface investigation, Groundwater Technology, Inc. (GTI) drilled three soil borings to approximately 50 feet bgs near the east ends of the former south and center USTs "to verify the vertical and lateral extent of impacted soil beneath the southeast corner of the former tank pit." The 20 feet bgs sample from boring B- 1 (at the southeast end of the former tank pit) contained 6,740 mg/kg TPH-g, BTEX at concentrations of <2, 380, 119, and 833 rog/kg, respectively, and MTBE at less than 20 mg/kg. BTEX concentrations in boring B-1 attenuated rapidly below 20 feet bgs to nondetect values from 50 to 65 feet bgs, the deepest interval explored. MTBE concentrations in the 30 to 40 foot depth interval of B-1 ranged from 27.4 to 54.6 mg/kg. The · 27.4 mg/kg concentration was confirmed by EPA Method 8260 analysis, which returned a concentration California Environmental Protection Agency ~ Recycled Paper Mr. BobDeNinno - 2 - 14 December 2000 of 47.9 mg/kg. From 45 to 65 feet bgs in B,i, MTBE concentrations were significantly lower, ranging from 0.91 to 0.039 mg/kg. MTBE concentrations in boring B-2 increased from.0.18 mg/kg at 20 feet bgs to 1.89 mg/kg at 35 feet bgs, and then decreased to 0.0239 mg/kg at 65 feet. bgs. MTBE was detected in all soil samples from boring B-3, drilled approximately 30 feet south of the former USTs and 10 feet east of the former dispenser island. Concentrations increased from 0.139 mg/kg at 20 feet bgs to 0.627 mg/kg at 30 feet bgs, and then ranged from approximately 0.1 to 0.02 mg/kg from 35 to 65 feet bgs. Groundwater was not encountered during drilling. GTI estimated that depth to.groundwater was approximately 100 feet bgs based on Department of Water Resource data. The nearest municipal water supply well was reported to be approximately one-half mile northwest (upgradient) of the subject site. The Work Plan for Further Subsurface Investigation dated 10 March 2000 proposed to advance up to four soil borings (designated B-4 through B-7) to 100 feet bgs. The base of the plume would be established by field, observation. If groundwater was encountered before establishing the plume base, the borings would be converted into groundwater monitoring wells. Soil samples would be collected every five feet and would be field screened for volatile organic vapor with a PD. Selected soil samples would be analyzed for BTEX by EPA method 8020, and for total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline TPH-g by EPA method 8015M. The samples would also be analyzed for the fuel oxygenates MTBE, tert-butanol (TBA), di-isopropyl ether (DIPE), ethyl tert-butyl ether (ETBE) and tert amyl-methyl ether (TAME) by EPA method 8260. Regional Water Quality Control Board staff approved the Work Plan for Further Subsurface Investigation with the.conditions that all borings be advanced to at least 100 feet bgs (the anticipated depth to groundWater) and that three borings be converted to monitoring wells. Report Review One soil boring (SB-4) was installed to a depth of 150 feet bgs in the former underground storage tank/pump island area on 25 September 2000. Soil samples were collected at 30, 40, 45, 55, 65, 75, 85, 95, 105, 115, 125, 135, 145 and 150 feet bgs. Since groundwater was not encountered during the drilling, a monitoring well was not installed. The boring was backfilled to grade with concrete-bentonite slurry. Soil samples were analyzed for BTEX by EPA method 8020 and TPH-g by EPA method 8015M. The samples were also analyzed for MTBE, TBA, DIPE, ETBE and TAME by EPA method 8260. Soils encountered in boring SB-4 were logged as predominantly fine- to coarse-grained sands with interbedded clay and silt. The depth of the highest observed hydrocarbon concentrations is correlated with a silty layer at 40 to 45 feet bgs. Benzene was not detected in the soil samples. Toluene and ethylbenzene were detected in one soil sample at concentrations less than 0.1 mg/kg. Xylenes were reported in three soil samples at concentrations less than 0.1 mg/kg. TPH-g was reported in the soil samples collected from 40, 45 and 145 feet bgs. The highest TPH-g concentration reported, and the only concentration greater than U:\UGTODW_fileskJDW~_drafts\7-112174611-00.doc Mr. Bob DeNinno - 3 - 14 December 2000 1 mg/kg, was 8.7 mg/kg at 45 feet bgs..MTBE was reported in soil samples to 150 feet bgs, the maximum depth explored. The maximum MTBE concentration was 20 mg/kg at 45 feet bgs. Other reported MTBE concentrations were less than 0.1 mg/kg. TBA was reported in soil samples from 30 and 40 feet'bgs. The maximum TBA concentrati'on was 11 mg/kg. IT recommends that no further corrective action be taken at the site based on the vertical attenuation of the hydrocarbon plume with increasing depth, the absence of groundwater at the maximum depth sampled, and low risk to nearby receptors. · 'Report Review Comments The California Department of Water Resources map Lines of Equal Elevation of Water in Wells, Spring, 1998, Unconfined Aquifer, San Joaquin Valley suggest that depth of groundwater in the site vicinity is approximately 100 feet. Our review of the Kern County Water A=ency s map Depth to Water In Wells dated October 1999 (Plate 5 of their Improvement District No. 4 1999 Report On Water Conditions dated 1 February 2000) indicates that depth to water in wells in the site vicinity is interpolated at approximately 190 feet. Based on the absence of saturated conditions in soil samples from boring SB-4, depth to groundwater is greater than 150 feet.and 190 feet is a more reasonable estimated depth. MTBE was confirmed by'EPA Method 8260 during three separate samp!ing events. This data indicates that the presence of MTBE at low concentrations in soil is accurate. MTBE has been detected in low concentrations to a depth of at least 150 feet in boring SB-4. The persistence of MTBE at low concentrations with increasing depth may be due to the high solubility of MTBE compared to BTEX. MTBE will migrate from residual gasoline present beneath a release at a much higher rate and to greater depths than BTEX. The vertical extent of soils impacted by MTBE has not been defined. Lateral and vertical definition to the west of the release (southeast corner of the former UST pit) has not been conducted. The persistence of MTBE in soil as deep as 150 feet bgs and an estimated groundwater depth of 190 feet suggest that a threat to water quality still exists. An investigation of groundwater quality and remediation of impacted soils is warranted. Prior to 31 January 2001, please submit an addendum to the March 10, 2000 Work Plan For Further Subsurface Assessment. 'The addendum should propose work plan modifications necessary for the installation and sampling of three monitoring wells with screened intervals intersecting first encountered groundwater, and sample collection and analysis necessary to complete lateral and vertical definition of impacted soils. Specifications for the installation and pilot testing of a soil vapor extraction well should also be included. U:\UGTXJDW_filesklDW_drafts\7-112174611-00.doc Mr. Bob DeNinno - 4 - 14 December 2000 Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (559) 445-5504. · ' 4~. Associate Engineering Geologist RG No. 5951 cc: Ms. Sandy Gill, UST Cleanup Fund, Sacramento N . Mr. Howard Wines, Bakersfield Fire Dept., Bakersfieli]'o Ms. Shelby Lathrop, IT Corporation, Concord U:\UGT~JDW_filesklDW_drafts\7-112174611-00.doc IT Corporation ~ 4,005 Port Chicago l'tighwa), Concord, CA 94520-1120 0 Tel. 925.288.9898 '" group FIELD WORK NOTICE ~ Member or The IT Gro,¢ FOYER 7-ELEVEN INC. SITE September 13, 2000 David A. Sholes '-q,7-' California Regional Water Qualtiy Control Board ~'~ 3614 East Ashlan Avenue Fresno, CA 93726 RE: Former 7-Eleven Store Number: 21476 ....... Stdre Manager! N/A- Store Address: 1700 Brundage Lane Bakersfield, California 93304 Store Telephone Number: N/A IT Corporation Project Environmental Consultant: IT Corporation Office: Concord, California Representative: David Bean Telephone Number: (925) 288-2022 Planned Site Activities: Groundwater Monitoring Well Installation This letter serves as notification that the above referenced activities are scheduled to be completed at the subject site on September 25 through 29, 2000. If you should have any questions, Please call the IT Corporation representative at the above listed number. Sincerely, IT Corporation _ 'D~id ~ean CC: Mr. Bob DeNinno, 7-Eleven Inc., 10220 S.W. Greenburg Road, Suite 470, Portland, Oregon 97223 Mr. Craig Neff, IT Corporation, 1100 E. University Drive # 116, Tempe, AZ 85281 Ms. Barbara D. Willingham, EA, Better Ledger, 117 H Street, Bakersfield, CA 93304 Mr. Howard Wines, Bakersfield Fire Dept., Environmental Services, 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 Ms. Jane Warren, Kern County Environmental Health Srv. Dept., 2700 "M"Street, Ste. 300, Bakersfield, CA Bakebrun.wkl 93301 O CalifOrnia Reg,onalcentralWatervalleyQUalitYRegion C?ntro,. Board Steven T. Buffer, Chair Winston H. Hickox Gray Davis Secretary for Fresno Branch Office Governor Environmental Intemet Address: ht~p://www.swrcb.ca.gov/~rwqcb5 Protection 3614 East Ashlan Avenue, Fresno, California 93726 Phone (559) 445-5116 · FAX (559) 445-5910 28 August 2000 · 4~/;~E,~./,tr~,O Regional Board Case No. 5T 15000776 Mr. Bob DeNinno The Southland Corporation ~'4tl///gr' 'fO c~O~0 10220 S.W. Greenburg Rd., Suite 470 {--'3.( ,~q37///0~,5' Portland, Oregon 97233 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK RELEASE, SOUTHLAND coRPORATION (7oELEVEN) STORE NO. 21476, 1700 BRUNDAGE LANE, BAKERSFIELD,.KERN COUNTY Your consultant, Mr. David. Bean of IT Corporation requested a time extension on your behalf to submit your results report for a soil and groundwater investigation at the subject site. He asked that the due date of 15 August 2000 (established by our letter of 15 May 2000) for the report to be submitted to this office be extended until 20 October 2000. The extension was requested to allow time to complete laboratory analysis and report preparation following the 25 September 2000 field work. We hereby grant you the requested time extension for submittal of the results report. The report is now due on 20 October 2000. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (559) 445-6279. DAVID A. SHOLES Associate Engineering Geologist CEG 1687 cc: Ms. Sandy Gill, UST Cleanup FUnd, Sacramento - 93'~30i``o Mr. Howard Wines, Bakersfield Fire Dept., 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA Mr. David Bean, IT Corporation, 4005 Port Chicago Hwy, Concord, CA 94520-1120 California Environmental Protection Agency ~ Recycled Paper California Regional Water Quality Control Board ~ Central Valley Region Steven T. Buffer, Chair Winston H. Hlckox .... Gray Davis Secretary for Fresno Branch Office Governor Environmental Intemet Address: http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/~rwqcb5 Protection 3614 East Ashlan Avenue, Fresno, California 93726 Phone (559) 445-5116 · FAX (559) 445-5910 25 August 2000 Regional Board Case~Jo. ~g;)~00776 Mr. Bob DeNinno ~4t~ '~b'6"c~,~ ''trio The Southland Corporation '/00~(., . 2ORR 10220 S.W. Greenburg Rd., Suite 470 ~'/?/,,/O,~,.8 Portland, Oregon 97233 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK RELEASE, SOUTHLAND CORPORATION (7oELEVEN) STORE NO. 21476, 1700 BRUNDAGE LANE,:BAKERSFIELD, KERN CO[/NTY ~ Your consultant, Mr. David Bean of IT Corporation requested a time extension on your behalf to submit your results report for a soil and groundwater investigation at the subject site. He asked that the due date of 15 August 2000 (established by our letter of 15 May 2000) for the report to be submitted to this office be extended until 31 August 2000. The extension was requested to allow time to complete laboratory' analysis and repc~rt preparation following the 31 July 2000 field work. We hereby grant you the requested time extension for submittal of the results report.' The report is now due on 31 August 2000. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (559) 445-6279. DAVD A. SHOLES Associate Engineering Geologist CEG 1687 , cc: Ms. Sandy Gill, UST Cleanup Fund, Sacr'amento Mr. Howard Wines, Bakersfield Fire Dept., 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301'~ Mr. David Bean, IT Corporation, 4005 Port Chicago Hwy, Concord, CA 94520-1120 ' California Environmental Protection Agency ~ Recycled Paper Steven T. Butler, 'Chair Winston H. Hickox Gray Davis Secretao'for Fresno Branch Office Governor Environmental Internet Address: http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/~~vqcb5 Protection 3614 East Ashlan Avenue, Fresno, California 93726 Phone (559) 445-5116 · FAX (559) 445-5910 15 May 2000 RWQCB Case No. 5T15000776 Mr. Bob DeNinno The Southland Corporation 10220 S.W. Greenburg Rd., Ste. 470 ,. ~4~ ~t.6. ~'-O . · Portland, OR 97233 WORK PLAN REVIEW VNDERaROVND sTORAaE TASK RELEASE, SOVTHLAND CORPORATtO (Z.E£EVEN) STORE NO. 21476, 1700 BRUNDAGE LANE, BAKERSFIELD, KERN COUNTY The City of Bakersfield Fire Department (CBFD) inadvertently closed the subject site without prior submittal of methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) analytical data to the Board (as required by LG letter 153) and requested Our concurrence with the closure action. We stated we could not concur with site closure and suggested further site investigation was necessary in our 21 December 1999 to the CBFD, the former lead agency for the site. We reviewed a 10 March 2000 Work Plan for Further Subsurface Investigation prepared on your behalf by the IT Corporation (IT). The above workplan was prepared in response to our non-concurrence with site closure and the subsequent referral of the case to our office from the CBFD. Site background information, a review of the work plan and our comments follow. Background . Three USTs were removed from the site on 12 May 1998 and soil samples were collected from beneath the removed USTs and associated fuel dispensers. Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX), total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-g), and MTBE were not detected in soil samples beneath the dispensers nor in Samples from beneath the west end of the USTs. Maximum hydrocarbon concen- trations were detected at a depth of 18 feet bgs at the east end of the USTs; the concentrations were 48' rrfiiligrams per kilogram (mg/kg or l~pm)~benzene, 15,000 mg/kg TPH-g, and 870 mg/kg MTBE, respectively.' The maximum MTBE concentration result was confirmed using EPA Method 8260; MTBE was detected at a concentration of 510 mg/kg. During an August 1998 subsUrface investigation, Groundwater Technology, Inc. (GTI) drilled three soil borings to a depth of approximately 50 feet near the east end of the former south and center USTs "to verify, the vertical and lateral extent of hydrocarbon-containing soil beneath the southeast comer of the former tank pit." The 20 feet bgs sample from boring B- 1 (at the southeast end of the former tank pit) contained 6,740 mg/kg TPH-g, BTEX at concentrations of <2, 380, 119, and 833 mg/kg, respectively, and MTBE at less than 20 rog/kg. BTEX concentrations in boring B-I attenuated rapidly below 20 feet bgs to essentially nondetect values from. 50 to 65 feet bgs, the deepest interval explored. California Environmental Protection Agency 0 Recycled Paper · ~' Mr. Bob DeNinno -.2 - 15 May 2000 MTBE concentrations in the 30 to 40 foot depth interval of boring B- 1 ranged from 27.4 to 54.6 mg/kg. The 27.4 mg/kg MTBE value was confirmed by EPA Method 8260 analysis, which returned a concen- tration of 47.9 mg/kg. From a depth of 45 to 65 feet bgs in boring B- 1, MTBE concentrations were significantly lower, ranging from 0.91 to 0.039 mg/kg. MTBE concentrations in boring B-2 increased from 0.18 mg/kg at 20 feet bgs to 1.89 mg/kg at 35 feet bgs, and then decreased to 0.0239 at a depth of 65 feet. MTBE was detected in all soil samples from boring B-3, drilled approximately 30 feet south of the former USTs and 10 feet east of the former dispenser island. Concentrations increased from 0.139 at 20 feet bgs to 0.627 at 30 feet bgs, and then ranged from approximately 0.1 to 0.02 mg/kg from 35 to 65 feet bgs. Groundwater was not encountered during drilling. GTI estimated that groundwater exists at a depth of approximately 100 feet bgs based on Department of Water Resource data. The nearest municipal water supply well is reported to be approximatelY one-half mile northwest (upgradient) of the subject site. MTBE was confirmed by EPA Method 8260 at this site during two separate sampling events, with analyses conducted by different laboratories. This observation suggests that the presence of MTBE at low concentrations in 'soil is accurate. Based on this observation, lateral and vertical extent of the soil impact has not been completed. The presence of MTBE in soil as deep as 65 feet bgs and an estimated groundwater depth of 100 feet suggest a threat to water quality does exist. Work Plan Review The 10 March 2000 Work plan proposes to advance as many as four soil borings (B-4 through B-7)'to a depth of 100 feet bgs. Soil samples will be collected every five feet and screened with a PID. Based on field observations, selected samples will be analyzed for BTEX and TPH,g using EPA Method 8020/8015M and MTBE, tertiary amyl methyl ether (TAME), di-isopropyl ether (DIPE), ethyl tertiary butyl ether (ETBE), and tertiary butyl alcohol (TBA).using EPA Method 8260. At a minimum, one sample for each 10 feet of boring and the capillary fringe (if encountered) sample will be analyzed. The base'of the soil plume will be established based on field observations. If groundwater is encountered prior to establishing the plume base, the soil borings will be converted to groundwater monitoring wells. The borings will be backfilled'to surface grade with cement/bentonite grout if the ~base of the soil plume is limited to the vadose zone. Groundwater monitoring wells (if installed) will be constructed of 2-inch diameter PVC with 10 feet of screen above and 15 feet below the soil/water interface. Neat cement grout will be used to backfill the annual space above the sand pack and bentonite seal and flush-mount well vaults will be installed. The tops of the well casings will be surveyed relative to mean sea level. The new wells will be sounded and sampled to initiate quarterly groundwater monitoring. Groundwater samples will be analyzed for BTEX, MTBE and TPH-g using EPA Method 8020/8015M and TBA, MTBE, DIPE, ETBE, and TAME using EPA Method 8260. A rePort summarizing the investigation will be submitted within 4 to 6 weeks of fieldwork completion. U:\UG"IXBEIvl_files'~Kem CoW-Eleven#21476_WP rvw.doc Mr. Bob DeNinno 3 15 May 2000 Work Plan Review Comments Review of the boring logs for the previously drilled soil borings B- 1 through B-3 shows that field indications of hydrocarbon presence (PID readings or odor) did not always correlate with analytical detection of BTEX, MTBE or TPHog in soil samples. This is especially evident at low concentrations of MTBE. Therefore, your proposal to establish the base of the soil plume based on positive field indications is not applicable at this site, especially at proposed borings B-5 through B-7 that are up to 40 feet from potential source areas. A more appropriate measure to insure that hydrocarbon-impacted soil is detected, if present, would be to establish a minimum depth for boreholes. The work plan states the borings will be drilled to a depth of 100 feet bgs, but also makes a conflicting statement that the base of the soil plume (implying the maximum depth explored) would be determined from positive field indications of hydrocarbon presence. The work plan does not specifically state a minimum depth of exploration. Because groundwater is anticipated to exist at a depth of approximately 100 feet bgs, and we consider this a minimum depth for exploratory borings, we hereby request that you select three of the proposed borings and complete them as groundwater monitoring wells. Any borings not converted to monitoring wells should be advanced to a minimum depth of 100 feet below surface, regardless of field indications. We approve of the work plan provided the above comments are incorporated. Prior to 15 August 2000, please provide the results of the proposed soil and groundwater investigation. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (559) 445-5504. BRUCE E. MYERS Associate Engineering Geologist CEo cc: Ms.. Sandy Gill, UST Cleanup Fund, Sacramento 4Mr. Howard Wines, Bakersfield Fire Dept., 1715 chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 Mr. Shelby Lathrop, IT Corporation, 4005 Port Chicago Hwy, Concord; CA 94520-1120 U:\UGT~BEM_filesWaan Co\7-Eleven#21476_WP rvw.doc State Water Resources,,, Control, Board, Division of Clean Water Programs 2014 T Street · Sacramento, Calitbm ia 95814. (916) 227-4411 Winston H. Hickox Mailing Address: ?,O, Box 944212 ·Sacramento, Calit'omia. 94244-2t20 ' : ' ': . " Gray Davis Secretary for FAX (916) 227-4530 · Interact Address:' http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/,,-cwphome/ustcf "~ ' . En virontnental ' Governor Prolecl{ott April 27, 2000 ~ ; ~O_~'/[t~' Bob Deninno 7-Eleven, Inc. . POBox711 Dallas, TX 75221-0711 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK CLEANUP FUND PROGRAM, NOTICE OF ELIGIBILITY DETERMINATION: -CLAIM-NI3MBER 014968; FOR -SITE ADDRESS: - 1700 BRUNDAGE_LN, _ BAKERSFIELD Your claim has been accepted for placement on the Priority List in Priority Class "D" with a deductible of $10,000. We have completed our initial review. The next step in the claim review process is to conduct a compliance review. Compliance Review: Staff reviews, verifies, and processes claims based on the priority and rank within a priority class. After the Board adopts the Priority List, your claim will remain on the Priority List until your Priority Class and rank are reached. At that time, staff will conduct an extensive Compliance Review at the local regulatory agency or Regional Water Quality Control Board. During this Compliance Review, staff may request additional information needed to verify eligibility. Once the Compliance Review is completed, staffwill determine if the claim is valid or must be rejected. If the claim is valid, a Letter of Commitment will be issued obligating funds toward the cleanup. If staff determine that you have not complied with regulations governing site cleanup, you have not supplied necessary information or documentation, or your claim application contains a material error, the claim will be rejected. In such event, you will be issued a Notice of Intended Removal from the Priority List, informed of the basis for the proposed removal of your claim, and provided an opportunity to correct the condition that is the basis for the proposed removal. Your claim will be barred from further participation in the Fund, if the claim application contains a material error resulting from fraud or intentional or negligent misrepresentation. Record keeping: During your cleanup project yofi should keep complete and well organized records of all corrective action activity and payment transactions. If you are eventually issued a Letter of Commitment, you will be required to submit: (1) copies of detailed invoices for all corrective action activity performed (including subcontractor invoices), (2) copies of canceled checks used to pay for work shown on the invoices, (3) copies of technical documents (bids, narrative work description,' reports), and (4) evidence that the claimant paid for ~the work performed (not paid by another party). These documents are necessary for reimbursement and failure to submit them could impact, the amount of reimbursement made by the Fund. It is not necessary to submit these documents 'at this time; however, they will definitely be required prior to reimbursement. .... ~ . . . - :~ Compliance with Corrective Action Requirements: In order to be reimbursed for your e'ligible costs of cleanup incurred after December 2, 1991; you must have complied with corrective action requirements of Article 11, Chapter 16, Division 3, Title 23, California Code of Regulations. Article 11 Categorized the corrective action process into phases. In addition, Article 11 requires the responsible party to submit an California En wronmen'tal Protection Agency O RecycledPaper 7-Eleven, Inc. -2- April 27, 2000 investigative workplan/Corrective Action Plan (CAP) before performing any work. This phasing process and the workplan/CAP requirements were intended to:. 1. help the resp6fi:~ible pa ~r[T undertake the necessary corrective action in a cost-effective, efficient and t~mely manner;, :\ .... 2. enable the regulato~ gg~j to review and approve the proposed cost-effective co~ective action alternative be~9re~fihy co~ective action work was perfomed; and 3. ensure the Fund will only reimburse the most cost-effective co~ective action alternative required by the regulato~ agency to achieve the minimum cleanup necessa~ to protect human health, safeW and theenviro~ent. _. ~ -- - -- - In some limited si~ations interim cleanup will be necessau to mitigate a demonstrated immediate hazard to public health, or the enviroment. Pro,am regulations allow the responsible pa~ to unde~ake interim remedial action after: (1) noticing the regulato~ agency of the proposed action, and; (2) complying with any requirements that the regulato~ agency may set. Interim remedial action should only be proposed when necessau to mitigate an i~ediate demons~ated hazard. Implementing interim remedial action does not eliminate the requirement for a CAP and an evaluation of the most cost- effective corrective action alternative. ~ee bids and Cost Preapproval: Only co~ective action costs required by the regulato~ agency to protect human health, safeW and the environment can be claimed for reimbursement. You must comply with all regulato~ agency time schedules and requirements and you must obtain t~ee bids for any required co~ective action. Unless waived in ~iting, you ~e required to obtain preapproval of costs for all future co~ective action worL If you do not obtain three bids and cost preapproval, reimbursement is not assured and costs may be rejected ~ ineligible. If you have any questions, please contact me at (916) 227-4411. Sincerely, Sandy Gill Claims Review Unit Under~ound Storage Tank Cleanup Fund cc: Mr. Jo~ Noonan Mr. Howard Wines RWQCB, Reg. 5 - Fresno Ci~ of Bakersfield Fire Dept. 3614 E. Ashlan Ave. 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Fresno, CA 93726 Bakersfield, CA 93301 California Environmental Protection Agency ~ Recycled Paper State Water Resources Control Board Division of Clean Water Programs 2014 T Street · Sacramento, California 95814 · (916) 227-4411 Winston H. Hickox Mailing Address: P.O. Box 944212 · Sacramento, California · 94244-2120 Gray Davis Secretary for FAX (916) 227-4530 · Internet Address: http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/-cwphome/ustcf Governor Environmenta! Protection February 3, 2000 Bob Deninno 7-Eleven, Inc. P O Box 711 ~ ' Dallas, TX 75221-0711 ~ ' UNDERGROUND STORAG~'flANK CLEANUP FUND PROGRAM, REQUEST FOR FURTHER DOCUME~ DURING iNITIAL REVIEW: CLAIM NUMBER 014968; FOR SITE ADDRES~RUNDAGE LN, BAKERSFIELD After reviewing your claim application to the Cleanup Fund, we find that the following additional information is needed to determine your eligibility for placement on the Priority List: Complete and return page 3 of the application. Provide a complete history of the property owners, UST owners, and UST operators of this site from the date the site was acquired, December 31, 1979, to the present. Provide a copy of the UST removal permit. NOTE: Failure to respond to this request within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of this letter may result in an ineligibility determination of your claim. If you have any questions, please contact me at (916) 227-4411. Sincerely, Claims Review unit Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund ~c: Mr. John Noonan Mr. Howard Wines RWQCB, Reg. 5 - Fresno City of Bakersfield Fire Dept. 3614 E. Ashlan Ave. 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Fresno, CA 93726 Bakersfield, CA 93301 California Environmental Protection Agency .~ Recycled Paper SITE PLAN ' ATTACH A SITE MAP DRAWN TO SCALE WHICH INCLUDES A NORTH ARROW AND DISTANCES RELATIVE TO THE NEAREST PUBLIC ROADS. REGULATORY AGENCY LOCAL UST PERMITTING'AGENCY BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT R~GI'0NAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD (RWQCB) CENT1;~AL VALLEY LEAD AGENCY PROVIDING OVERSIGHT OF CLEANUP ~ (I) RWQCB ~-g~ (2) LOCAL AGENCY ~-~ (3) JOrNT LEAD AGENCY CONTACT PERSON HOWA_I~D 'WINES I TELEPHONE NO. 805-326-3979 SITE HISTORY IF THE CLAIMANT (UST OWNER/U. ST OPERATOR) tS ALSO THE PROPERTY OWNER, LIST TH~ DATETHE SITE WAS ACQUIRED , MONTH DECEMBER DAY 31 YEAR 1979 IF srrE WAS ACQUIRED AFTER 1/1/84, IDENTIFY PERSON(S) FROM WHOM THE SITE WAS ACQUIRED. NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO. IF SITE HAS BEEN SOLD, LIST PARTY(ILS) TO WHOM IT WAS SOLD AND THE DATE SOLD: MONTH DAY __ YEAR ~ NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO. IF CLAIMANT IS FILING AS UST OPERATOR ONLY, LIST DATES OF OPERATION: FROM: To: PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING HISTORY OF THE PROPERTY OWNERS, UST OWNERS, AND UST OPERATORS OF THIS SITE. AT A MINIMUM, PROVIDE INFORMATION FROM THE DATE OF UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE DISCOVERY TO THE TIME OF THIS APPLICATION SUBMITTAL. TIME PERIOD pROPERTY OV~NER UST OWNER UST OPERATOR FROM: NAME NAME NAME To: ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS _pROM:. NAME NAME NAME To: ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS FROM: NAME NAME NAME TO: ADDRESS ADDRESS ~' ADDRESS FROM: NAME NAME NAME TO: ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS UST CLEANUP FUND CLAIM APPLICATION (REV. 5/97) PAGE 3 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAl, SERVICE8 1 ? 1 $ Chester Ave. · Bakersfield, CA 95501 Business Phone (661) 326-3979 · FAX (661) 326-0576 .. FAX Transmittal TO: ~~ ~,.-:'/-. C,. COMPANY: FROM: ~ COMMENTS: ? ~c-~ -l~ ~cc>~,] 02/08/00 17:47 8661 326 0576 BFD HAZ MAT DIV ~001 *** ACTIVITY REPORT *** TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO. 4855 CONNECTION TEL 19162274530 CONNECTION ID START TIME 02/08 17:46 USAGE TIME 00'55 PAGES 2 RESULT OK D January 12, 2000 Mr. Bob DeNinno The Southland Corporation 10220 S.W. Greenburg Rd., Ste. 470 FIRE CHIEF RON ~R~ZE Portland, OR 97233 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101-.' st~t RE: Southland (7-Eleven) Store No. 21476 Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 1700 Brundage Lane in Bakersfield, California F~x (805) 395-1349 Dear Mr. DeNinno, suP~aESS~O. SEmnCES 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 vOiCE (8os)326-3941 This office is in receipt of a letter, dated 21 December 1999, from F^x (805) 395-1349 Bruce E. Myers of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board PREVEN~O~ SElW~CES ("Board"), indicating that the Board does not concur with the former 1715 Cho~ter ^ye. underground storage tank removal site closure issued by this office in a Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3951 JanuaI'y 26, 1999 letter to you. FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Please refer to our January 26, 1999 letter which reads, in pertinent - . 1715 chest,' Ave. part, "Nothing in this determination is intended or shall be construed to limit Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3979 or preclude the Regional Water Quality Control Board or any other agency Fax (~05) 326-o5?0 from taking any further enforcement actions." TRAINING DMSIO. Bakersfield.5642 VictOrcAAve.93308 Therefore, due to the Board's 21 December 1999 letter citing a lack of .-. VO,CE (805> 399-489Z adequate definition of the MTBE detected at the above referenced site, this FAX (~o5) 3~-5763 office is hereby referring the case to the Board for their further examination. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Bruce Myers of the Fresno Branch Office of the Board at (559) 445-5504. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, HI Hazardous Materials Specialist Office of Environmental Services cc: B. Myers, RWQCB D. Bean, Fluor Daniel GTI ia Re gional Water Quality ontrol Board Central Valley Region Steven T. Butler, Chair Winston H. Hickox Gray Davis Secretary for Fresno Branch Office Governor Environmental Internet Address: http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/~rwqcb5 Protection 3614 East Ashlan Avenue, Fresno, California 93726 Phone (559) 445-5116 · FAX (559) 445-5910 21 December 1999 Mr. Ralph Huey Bakersfield Fire Department 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 COMMENT ON CASE CLOSURE, SOUTHLAND CORPORATION (7-ELEVEN) STORE NO. · 21476, 1700 BRUNDAGE LANE, BAKERSFIELD, KERN COUNTY We reviewed your 22 November 1999 letter regarding case closure of the subject site. You provided copies of two reports of investigation and the 26 January 1999 closure letter issued by the Bakersfield Fire Department (BFD) as attachments. You stated in the letter that the BFD had inadvertently closed the site without prior submittal of MTBE analytical data to the Board, as required by LG letter 153, and requested our concurrence with the closure action. Following review of the reports, we ~egret to inform you that we cannot concur with site ciosure at this time. The reasoning for our decision is presented below. Background Fluor Daniel GTI (GTI) prepared an Underground Storage Tank Removal Report and Workplan for Additiona! Site Investigation dated 30 June 1998. Review of that report shows that three USTs were removed from the site on 12 May 1998. After tank removal, twelve soil samples were collected from beneath the removed USTs at depths of 14 and 18 feet below ground surface (bgs); six soil samples were collected beneath the three removed fuel dispensers at depths of 4 and 8 feet bgs. Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes t~,* ~,~j, total petrolemn hydrocarbons 'as gasoline (TPH-g), and methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) were not ·detected in soil samples beneath the dispensers nor in samples from beneath the west end of the USTs. Maximum benzene, TPH-g and MTBE concentrations were detected at a depth of 18 feet bgs at the east end of the USTs; the concentrations were 48 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg or ppm), 15,000 mg/kg and 870 mg/kg, respectively. The maximum MTBE concentration result was confirmed using EPA Method 8260; MTBE was detected at a concentration of .510 mg/kg. The report states that 175 cubic yards of contaminated soil were removed from the site for off-site disposal. There is no mentiOn of over excavation after UST removal. The removed material appears to represent excess soil removed to gain access to the USTs or removed to coll6~t the soil samples.. California Environmental Protection Agency 0 Recycled Paper .-~- M~ Ralph Huey - 2 - 21 December 1999 Based on the distribution of petroleum hydrocarbons noted above, GTI presented a work plan in the 30 June 1998 report for further investigation, The work plan proposed drilling three soil borings to a depth of approximately 50 feet near the east end of the former south' and center USTs "to verify the vertical and lateral extent of hydrocarbon-containing soil beneath the southeast comer of the former tank pit." The results of the above-proposed investigation were presented in a 26 October 1999 Subsurface Investigation and Request for Closure by GTI. The 20 feet bgs sample from boring B-1 (at the southeast end of the former tank pit) contained 6,740 mg/kg TPH-g, benzene less than 2 mg/kg, and MTBE less than 20 mg/kg; TEX constituents were present at concentrations of 380, 119, and 833 mg/kg, respectively. BTEx concentrations in boring B-1 attenuated rapidly below 20 feet bgs. From 25 to 45 feet bgs, BTEX constituents were detected at concentrations of less than 1 mg/kg. From 50 to 65 feet bgs, the deepest interval explored, BTEX was dominantly nondetect. -:MTBE-concentrations in the30 to 40_ foot_depth interval of boring B-1 _ranged from 27.4 to 54.6 mg/kg. The 27.4 mg/kg MTBE value was confirmed by EPA Method 8260 analysis, which returned a concentration of 47.9 mg/kg. From a depth of 45 to 65 feet bgs in boring B-l, MTBE concentrations were significantly lower, ranging from 0.'91 to 0.039 mg/kg. BTEX constituents were detected at concentrations of less than 0.01 mg/kg in the 30 to 45 foot bgs interval of boring B-2 drilled northeast of the former tank pit; other depths were nondetect for these constituents. MTBE concentrations in boring B-2 increased from 0.18 mg/kg at 20 feet bgs to 1.89 mg/kg at 35 feet bgs, then dropped to 0.0239 at a depth of 65 feet. Except for one sample at 45 feet bgs with benzene detected at 0.0016 mg/kg, BTEX was not detected in boring B-3. This boring was drilled approximately 30 feet south of the former USTs and 10 feet east of the former dispenser island. However, MTBE was detected in ail soil samples from this boring. Concentrations increased from 0.139 at 20 feet bgs to 0.627 at 30 feet bgs, then ranged from approximately 0.1 to 0.02 mg/kg from 35 to 65 feet bgs. In all three borings, the soil profile beneath a depth of 20 feet was logged as predominantly well graded to poorly graded sands, with a minor interval of silt or silty sand present in the 45 to 50 foot depth range. Silt/silty sand was also present in boring B-1 in the 30 to 35 foot depth interval. Groundwater was not encountered during drilling. GTI estimated that groundwater exists at a depth of approximately 100 feet bgs based on Department of Water ~Resource-data. 'The nearest municipal water supply well is reported to be approximately one-half mile northwest (upgradient) of the subject site. GT! requested in their 26 October 1998 report that the site be classified as low risk and that residual hydrocarbons in soil be left in place to naturally attenuate. Based in the data summarized above GTI, on behalf of Southland Corporation, requested site closure/no further action. Comment on Closure GTI discussed in their 26 October 1998 report that the detection of MTBE at low Concentrations to the total depth of each boring was most likely due to false positive results of EPA Method 8020 analysis. GTI referenced a case narrative from CORE Laboratories that states "Due to the physical nature of MTBE (light weight), EPA 8020 method is not very reliable. MTBE falls out of calibration quickly and at times provides false positives. Therefore, it is recommended that MTBE should be confirmed by EPA U:\UGT~B EM_files\Kern Co\TEleven#21476_no_concur.doc · 1V~r, Ralph Huey - 3 - 21 December 1999 Method 8260." However, MTBE was confirmed by EPA Method 8260 at this site during two separate sampling events, with analyses conducted by different laboratories. This observation suggests that, in this case, the presence of MTBE at low concentrations in soil is indeed accurate. Based on this observation, the vertical definition of hydrocarbons at the site has not occurred, in contrast to statements by GT! in their conclusions to the 26 October 1998 report. The observed distribution 'of MTBE in site soils is possibly reflective of the unique chemical characteristics of this compound, compared with the BTEX constituents of gasoline. MTBE is 50 to 100 times more soluble than the BTEX constituents. MTBE will migrate from residual gasoline present below a release site at a much higher rate and to deeper levels than its BTEX counterparts. The vertical definition of petroleum hydrocarbons at the subject site has not been completedl Lateral and vertical definition to the west of the release area (southeast comer of the former tank pit) has not been conducted. The presence_of MTBE in_ soil_ a_s deeP as 65 feet bgs and an estimated groundwater depth of 100 feet suggests a threat to water quality does exist. We cannot concur with site closure. Pursuant to conversations with you and your staff, we understand you will be referring this case to our office for further work. Please provide copies of all pertinent documents with' your referral letter. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (559) 445-5504. E. MYERS Associate Engineering Geologist CEG No. 2102 cc: Ms. Sandy Gill, UST Cleanup Fund, Sacramento Mr. Bob DeNinno, The Southland Corp., 10220 S.W. Greenburg Rd., Ste. 470, Portland, OR 97233 Mr. David Bean, Fluor Daniel GTI, 757 Arnold Dr., Suite D, Martinez, CA 94553 U:\UGTXBEM_files\Kem Co\7Eleven#21476_no_concur.doc November 22, 1999 Bruc6 Myers Regional Water Quality Control Board 3614 East Ashlan Avenue Fresno, CA 93726RE: MTBE ' Dear Mr. Myers: Preliminary site assessment results from the Southland Store No. 21476 site located at 1700 Brundage Lane, yield MTBE concentrations confirmed by EPA Method 8260 at 47.9 mg/kg, in sample B-1-35'. The remainder of the test results are below levels that we would normally consider appropriate for no further action status. I have enclosed the closure report, including this preliminary assessment for ye.ur review. Per LG letter 153, any closure involving MTBE must be reported to the Regional Water Quality Control Board prior to closure. This case, however, inadvertentlY received closure without benefit of RWQCB review. I am requesting concuh'ence that this site can be closed with no further action required. Please notify me at your earliest convenience, on-your concurrence, or reasons to require further action. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey, Director Office of Environmental Services REH/dn't enclosure o:.: H. Wines $:\USTFORMS\UST.L6 D January26,1999 Mr. Bob DeNinno The Southland corPoration 10220 S.W. Greenburg Road, Suite 470 Portland, OR 97233 FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE RE: Southland Store//21476 at 1700 Brundage Lane in Bakersfield, CA ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 'H' Street Dear Mr. DeNinno: Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the result of the Subsurface Investigation dated October 26, 1998 associated with the underground SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'H' Street tank system removal. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 Based upon the information provided, this department has determined that appropriate response actions have been completed, that acceptable remediation PREVENTION SERVICES practices were implemented, and that, at this time, no further investigation, remedial 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 or removal action or monitoring is required at the above stated address. VOICE (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 Nothing in this determination shall constitute or be construed as a ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES satisfaction or release from liability for any conditions or claims arising as a result of 1715 Chester Ave.. past, current, or future operations at this location. Nothing in this determination is Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (so5) 326-3979 intended or shall be construed to limit the rights of any parties with respect to claims FAX (805) 326-0576 arising out of or relating to deposit or disposal at any other location of substances removed from the site. Nothing in this determination is intended or shall be TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. construed to limit or preclude the Regional Water Quality Control Board or any Bakersfield, CA 93308 other agency from taking any further enforcement actions. VOICE (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 This letter docs not relieve the tank owner of any responsibilities mandated under the California Health and Safety Code and California Water Code if existing, additio,nal, or previously unidentified contamination at the site causes or threatens to cause pollution or nuisance or is found to pose a threat to public health or water quality. Changes in land use may require further assessment and mitigation. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (805) 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist cc: Ralph Huey Y. Pan, RWQCB UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE (LEAK) / CONTAMINATION Sfl'E REPORT YES RE~RTBEENF~ED? ~ YES ~ ~ R~ORT DATE C~E I :' ::~~?:~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::: :: ?::::::::::::::::::::: ? ::: :::? :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::; ?:: ~ ~ :: :':: ~::: ~AME OF INDIVIDUAL F~I~ ~RT P~E S I~.~s~.~,.~ · ~ow.~.~..~o. ~ ~,o~*~ I~"~°"~"~ '- NAME I ~NT~T PE~ . · F~GILI~ NAME (IF APPUCA~ ~ O~R . ~ P~ CROSS STREET ~T~ L~T (~LONS) ~ U~NO~ DATE DISCO~RED ~W DI~D ~ . INJURY ~R~ DATE DI~HAR~E BEGAN M~ USED ~ ~ CH~ P~E~RE ~URCE OF DISCHARGE T~KS ONLY~I~ MA~RI~ C~SE(S) ~ ~ TANKLEA ~UNKNO~ ~--/~ ~ ~. ~ FIBERG~S ~ OVERF~L ~ R~AILURE ~E~ ONE ONLY ~ NDETERMINED ~ SOILONLY ~ GROUNDWAmR ~ DRI~INGWA~R - (CHECKONLYFWAmR~LLSHAVEACm~LYBEEN~FEC~O) ~HECK ~NF' ONLY CHECK APPROPRIATE ~T~N(S)(SEE B~K FOR ~TAI~) ~ CAP SITE (CD) ~ EX~VATE&D~E(ED) ~ REMO~FREEPR~T(FP) ~ EN~EDBIODEGR~ATION(I~ ~ CONTAINMENTBARRIER(~) ~ EX~VATE&TREAT(E~ ~ PUMP&TR~TGROUNDWATER(G~ ~ REP~E SUPPLY (RS) ~ ~ TR~ENTATH~P(HU) ~ NO~TI~REQUI~D(NA) ~ O~ER(O~ H~(~ FLUOR DANIEL GTI FIELD WORK NOTICE SOUTHLAND CORPORATION SITE Augu~ 10,1998 Shashi& Veena Kamb~ 1700 Brundage Lane Bakemfield, CA 93304 RE: 7-Eleven Store Number: 21476 Store Manager: Sashi & Veena Kamboj - Stor~ Address: ~,700 ~rund~ge Lane Bakersfield, California 93304 Store Telephone Number: (805) 322-8671 GTI Project 103999 Environmental Consultant: Fluor Daniel GTI, Inc. Office: Martinez, California Representative: David Bean Telephone Number: (925) 370-3990 Planned Site Activities: Soil Boring Installation This letter serves as notification that the above referenced activities are scheduled to be completed at the subject site on August 17, 1998. If you should have any questions, please call the Fluor Daniel GTI representative at the above listed number. .. Sincerely, Fluor Daniel GTI, Inc. David Bean CC: Mr. Bob DeNinno, The Southland Corporation, 10220 S.W. Greenburg Road, Suite 470, Portland, Oregon 9723 Mr. Craig Neff, Fluor Daniel GTI, Inc., 1100 E. University Drive # 116, Tempe, AZ 85281 Mr. David Wheeler, Southland Corporation, 5151 N. Palm, Suite 711, Fresno, CA 93704 Mr. David Lisuk, Southland Corporation, 5151 N. Palm, Suite 711, Fresno, CA 93704 Mr. Howard Wines, Bakersfield City Fire Department, 1715 Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakebrun.wkl 757 Arnold Drive, Suite D /Martinez, CA 94553 USA (510) 370-3990 FAX (510) 370-3991 RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Location: /'"~(~)C~) ~£u,~~ C.,O ID# Busin~ N~e: '~ ~ ~ Conta~N~e: ~A~,~ ~ / ~~ ~,C-~ Busings Phone: ~ ~ ~- - ~ 70. ~~ F~: Insp~or's N~e: ~ ~me of C~I: D~e: ~/,~/~ ~ Time: ~ ~ ~ Min: Type of C~I: Incoming ~ .Outgoing [ ] Return~ [ ] Content ofC~l: ~,~ ~5~s~¢.~ ~,~s ~ ~ c~c~c~ ~ Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT July 27, 1998 ~--~. Mr. Bob DeNinno The Southland Corporation 10220 S.W. Greenburg Road, Suite 470 ' nRE CHIEF Portland, OR 97233 MICHAEL R. KELLY ,~MI.~S~U~S;~C~ RE: Laboratory results from preliminary site assessment conducted at the 2101 'H° Street 7-Eleven #21476, 1700 Brundage Lane in Bakersfield, CA. Bakemlleld, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 Permit #BR-0216. FAX (805) 395-1349 SUma~SSIONS~C~ Dear Mr. DeNinno: 2101 *H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 C805) 326-3941 Upon review of the recently submitted laboratory results from your facility, FAX (805) 395-1349 this office has determined that the extent of the contamination plume, associated ~vaNnoN S~W~C~S with the east end of the southern gasoline tank previously located on your property, 1715 Chester Ave. has not been adequately defined. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAX(805)326.0576 This office requires (in accordance with Chapter 6.7 of the California Health and Safety Code and Chapter 16, Title 23 of the California Code of ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Choster Ave. Regulations) that further assessment be done to define the vertical and horizontal Bakersfield, CA 93301 (80,5) 326-3979 extent of the contamination plume. FAX (805) 326..0576 Please submit a work plan for further assessment, to this office, within 30 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street days from receipt of this letter. The workplan should follow guidelines found in: BokersllelO, CA93308 Appendix A -Reports, Tri - Regional Board Staff Recommendations for (805) 399-4697 FAX(805) 399-5763 Preliminary evaluation and Investigation of Underground Tank Sites; July 6, 1990. Additionally, be advised that oversight cost for this project will be billed tO you at a rate of $75.00 per hour. If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 326-3979. Since,rely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist HHW/dlm cc: D. Bean Fluor Daniel, GTI BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT June 3, 1997 FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R. KELLY ~MIN~Z~nVE~W:ES Mr. David Bean 2101 'H" Street Bake~'fleld, CA 93301 Fluor Daniel GTI [805) 326-3941 FAXC~),~9~1349 757 Arnold Drive, Suite D Martinez, CA 94553 SUPPILer. SSIOH SERVICES 2101 'H' Street Bake~fleldo CA 93301 RE: 7-Eleven//21476, 1700 Bmndage Lane, Bakersfield, CA. (80~) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 Dear Mr. Bean: ~EVENI10N SERV1CES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA93301 This is to notify you that the work plan for the above stated address is (805)326-3951 satisfactory. Please give this office 5 working days notice prior to the FAX (80fi) 3260,576 commencement of work. ENViRONMENTAl. SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Please be advised that any work done that is not performed under direct Bakersfield, CA 93,301 (805) 326-3979 oversight by this office will not be accepted, unless previously approved. FAX (805) 326-0576 TIMdNINGDIVISION If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 326-3979. 5642 Vlctor Street Bakersfield, CA 93808 (805) 399-4697 Sincerely, FAX (805) 399-5763 Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist HHW/dlm cc: B. DeNinno BLOCK WALL L PLANTER __./----_____ E X P LANATI 0 N ® TANK EXCAVATION ~AMPLE LOCATION TN-1-14' TN-2-14' ~ ~ oF TANK FILL TN-1--18' TN-2-18' B-2 To TANK TURBINE ~ L_ __ t ~ ........ ~ i ~ APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY OF ? [oF ~ ~To i e ~ TANK PIT EXCAVATION . o DN-4' / DC-4' I ~' Dc-s' ... ~ DS-4' t ~ B-3 N 7-ELEVEN FACILITY NO. 21476 ~ ~ 0 20 40 THE SOUTHLAND CORPORATION 7-ELEVEN FACILITY NO. 21476 ~ 1700 BRUNDAGE LANE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA P~NTER 1 03999 / ~ BEAN 10-2~-98 P~NTER DRAFTED BY: DATE: 11-06-98 ~ ~ /-- CHECKED BYs .-- DATE: 11-~-~ ITE PLAN FLUOR DANIEL Oil BRUNDAGE LANE 'FIGURE 2 21476SP TO: Mr. Howard Wines DATE: 06/23/98 JOB NO. Bakersfield City Fire Department FROM: David Bean Office of Environmental Services RE: Southland Store No. 21476 1715 Chester Avenue 1700 Brundage Lane Bakersfield, California 93301 Bakersfield, California (805) 326-3979 fx (805) 326-0576 We are sending via: ~-~ AIRBORNE ~-~ MAIL ~ FAX ORIGINALS[COPIES I DATE,' I DESCRIPTION 06/23/98 Underground Storage Tank Unauthrorized Release (Leak) Contamination Site Report Transmitted as checked: ~ For Approval ~ For Your Use r~ As You Requested ~ For Comment ~-~ For Resubmittal ~-~ For Your Records Remarks: Dear-Mr. Wines: The following includes an Underground Storage Tank Unauthorized Release (Leak) Contamination Site Report for the subject site. Please call with questions. /--T~an k You. David Bean BCTRNS.WK4 757 Arnold Drive, Suite D/Martinez, CA 94553 USA (510) 370-3990 FAX (510) 370-3991 RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Location: /-) ~ ~~ ID# Business Name: ~-~t ( Contact Name: c~c,~,~ ~.~ Business Phone:. ~"7 5-. ~"70, ~) FAX: InspeCtor's Name: Time of Call: Date: ~/(ro//~. Time: /0o~ # ain: Type of Call: Incoming [ ] Outgoing [~-] Returned Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: / ~ 05/26/98 TUE 09:19 FAX GROUNDWATER ~001 FLUOR DANIEL GTI FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION DATE: ,~'"-/~ ~'/t~f TIME: · o: //.4~-..~'-< FROM: ~~,/~~ ,~x.o: ~~ ~'~ ~-...~_~ ~,. NUMBER OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER). If you do not receive any or all of the pages please, call (510) 370-3990, Ma~inez RegionallDist~ Office. To fax a reply please sent to (510) 370-3991. MESSAGE: 757 Arnold Drive, Suite D / Mortinez, CA 94553 USA (510)' 370-3990 FAX (51 O) 370-3991 0.6/12/98 FRI 15:20 FAX GROUNDWATER ~001 TO: Mr. Steve Underwood DATE: 06/12/98 JOB NO. Bakersfield City Fire Department FROM: David Bean Office of Environmental Services RE: Southland Store No. 21476 1715 Chester Avenue 1700 Brundage Lane Bakersfield, California 93301 Bakersfield, California (805) 326-3979 fx (805) 326-0576 We are sending via: ~ AIRBORNE ~ MAIL ~ FAX ORIGINALS l COPIES I DATE I DESCRIPTION Site Plan and table.showing soil analyticai'.,results from the recent UST removal Transmitted as checked: ~ For Approval ~ For Your Use [----'] As You Requested [~ For Comment ~ For Resubmittal ~ ForYour Records Remarks: Dear Mr. Underwood: The following includes a site plan and a table showing soil analytical results for the samples collected during the UST removal on May 12, 1998, atthe subject site. From the soil analytical table, hydrocarbon concentrations in soil beneath the site appear restricted to the area directly beneath the east end of the former southern and central USTs. The vertical extent of hydrocarbons appears defined beneath the center UST from the decrease in TPH-G concentration in sample TC-2-14' (9,900 mg/kg), collected approximately 2 feet beneath the east end of the center UST and sample TC-2-18' (43 mg/kg), collected 6 feet beneath the UST;however, the vertical extent of hydrocarbons in soil beneath the east end of the former southern tank have not been defined. Fluor Daniel GTI proposes to drill one soil boring beneath the east end of the former southern UST to define the vertical extent of soil containing hydrocarbons beneath the site. If data from the soil boring indicates that groundwater beneath the site has not been impacted with hydrocarbons site closure will be requested from the Bakersfield City Fire Department. A formal report documenting the removal of the USTs at the site along with a work plan for the drilling of the one soil boring at the site will be forwarded to the Bakersfield City Fire Department. Please call with questions. ,..T~ a_Qnk You. David Bean BCTRN$.WK4 757 Arnold Drive, Suite D/Martinez, CA 94553 USA (510) 370-3990 FAX (510) 370-3991 06/12/98 FRI 15:22 FAX GROUNDWATER ~003 TABLE 1 Soil Sample Analytical Results Southland Store #21476 1700 Brundage Lane Bakersfield, California )ispenser Soil Samples DN-4' 05/12/98 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <1 ,O <0.050 -- DN-8' 05/12/98 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0,005 <1.0 <0.050 -- DC-4' 05/12/98 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <1.0 <0.O50 -- DC-B' 05/12198 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <1.0 <0.050 - DS-4' 05/12/98 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <1,0 <0.050 -- DS-8' 05/12/98 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <1.0 <0.050 -- UST Pit Samples TN-1-14" 05/12/98 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <1 <0,050 .- TN-1-18' 05/12/98 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <1 <0.050 - TN-2-14' 05/12/98 <0.005 <0.005 <0,005 <0.005 <1 <0.050 .- TN-2-18' 05/12/98 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <1 <0.050 - TC-1-14' 05/12198 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <1 <0.050 - TC-1-18' 05112/98 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <1 <0.050 - TC_2.14' 05/12/98 <5 170 150 1,300 9,900 <50 - TC-2-18' 05/12/98 <0.10 <0.10 0.17 1.8 43 <1 -- TS-1-14' 05/12/98 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <1 <0.050 -- TS-1-'18' 05/12/98 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <1 <0.050 _- TS-2-14' 05112/98 25 810 240 1,400 9,000 250 - TS-2-18' 05/12/98 48 1,600 500 3,000 15,000 870 510 Stockpile S. oil Samples. -- _.. SP-1,2 05/12/98 <0.50 1.5 1.9 21 170 <5 --. SP-3,4 05/12/98 <0.25 1.1 1.5 16 150 <2.5 .- SP-5,6 05/12/98 <0.010 <0.010 0.033 3.2 18 2 -- SP-7~8 05/12/98 <0.025 <0.025 0.031 4.2 24 0.93 -- IExolanatlonrog/kg = milligrams per kilogram or pads per million -- = Not analyzed/Not available (1,2) = Two composite soil samp[~e TPH-G ,, Total petroleum hydrocarbons-as-gasoline MTBE = Methyl tort-butyl ether File:21476tb1.wk4 Table updated: 06/10/98 05/25/98 TUE 09:2! FAX GROUNDWATER ~007 M~Y-20-98 WED 02:19 PM WEST F~X NO, 916- 10 P, 11/21 Sample Log 18477 Sample: TC-2-18' From : Southland #21476 Bakersfield Sampled : 05/12/98 Dilution : 1:20 Run Log : 4172Z Matrix : Soil Measured Parameter (MRL) ,g/~ Value Benzene (.10) <.10 Toluene (.10) <.10 Ethylbenzene (.10) .17 Total Xylenes (.10) 1.8 TPH as Gasoline (20) 43 Surrogate Recovery 72 % ' Col~n , O.~mm ID X ~ ~tek Rtx-ITOI Senior C~ist 05/26/98 TUE 09:21 FAX GROUNDWATER ~006 M~Y-20-§~ ~ED 02:~§ PM ~EST F~X NO, 916-7~4510 P, IO/E1 Sample Loq 18477 Sample: TC-2-14' From : Southland ~21476 Bakersfield Sampled : 05/12/98 Dilution : 1:1000 Run Log : 4172Y Matrix : Soil Measured Parameter (MRL) ~/k~ Value .,/k, Benzene (5.0) <5.0 Toluene (5.0) 170 Ethylbenzene (5.0) 150 Total Xylenes (5.0) 1300 TPH as Gasoline (1000) 9900 Surrogate Recovery *** Diluted Out 05/26/98 TUE 09:20 FAX GROUNDWATER [~005 1'18Y-20-98 NED 02:21 PM NEST FAX NO, 9~,6- -4610 P. 15/21 Sample Log 18477 Sample: TS-2-18' From : Southland $21476 Bakersfield Sampled : 05/12/98 Dilution : 1:5000 Run Log : 4172Z Matrix : Soil Measured Parameter (MRL) ,~/~ Value Benzene (25) 48 Toluene (25) 1600 Ethylbenzene (25) 500 Total Xyl.n-$ (25) ~~ ~'7 TPH as Gasoline (5000) Surrogate Recovery *** Diluted Out 05/26/98 TUE 09:20 FAX GROUNDWATER ~004 Mfi¥-20-98 ~ED 02:20 ?H ~£S? FA× NO, 916-i-4610 P, 14/21 Sample Log 18477 Sample: TS-2-14' From : Southland #21476 Bakersfield Sampled : 05/12/98 Dilution : 1:2000 Run Log : 4172Z Matrix : Soil Measured Parameter (MRL).~kg Value.g/k. Benzene (10) 25 Toluene (10) 810 Ethylbenzene (10) 240 Total Xylenes (10) 1400 TPH as Gasoline (2000) 9000 Surroqate Recovery *** Diluted Out 05/26/98 TUE 09:20 FAX GROUNDWATER ~003 ~Y-20-98 ~ED 02:17 P~ ~EST F~× NO, 916-~/~-4610 P, 02/21 May 18, 1998 Sample Log 18477 MTBE (Methyl-t-butyl ether) By EPA Method 8020/602 From ; Southland $21476 Bakersfield 'Sampled : 05/12/98 Received = 05/12/98 Matrix : Soil Date Measured SAMPLE Analyzed (MRL) .,/k~ Value ~/~ SP-1,2 05/13/98 (5.0) <5.0 SP-3,4 05/13/98 (2.5) <2.5 SP-5,6 05/13/98 (.10) 2.0 SP-7,8 05/13/98 (.25) .93 TN-l-14' 05/14/98 (.050) <.050 TN-l-18' 05/14/98 (.050) <.050 TN-2-14' 05/15/98 (.050) <.050 TN-2-18' 05/15/98 (.050) <.050 TC-1'-14' 05/15/98 (.050) <.050 TC-i-18' 05/15/98 (.050) <.050 TC-2-14' 05/15/98 (50) <50 TC-2-18' 05/18/98 (1.0) <1.0 TS-l-14' 05115/98 (.050) <.050 TS-l-18' 05/15/98 (.050) <.050 TS-2-14' 05/18/98 (100) 250 TS-2-18' 05/18/98 (250) 870 DN-4' 05/15/98 (.050) <.050 Approved By: Stewart Podolsky Senior Chemist FLUOR DANIEL GTI April 24, 1998 Mr. Steve Underwood Bakersfield City Fire Department Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 ...... . ..........~'~-~'~ .................... -'-"~, Subject: Soil Assessment Work.. ~.--Plan~J-' ......... Southland 7-Eleven'~Store fY22150 Ffld Southland 7-Eleven Store ~21476 4012 White Lane / 1700 Brundage Lane Bakersfield, California ~.. Bakersfield, Ca~ Dear Mr. Underwood: As required by the Bakersfield City Fire Department (TCDEH), Fluor Daniel GTI, Inc. (Fluor Daniel GTI) submits this letter on behalf of The Southland Corporation (Southland) as a work plan to conduct a soil assessment at the subject sites. The scope of work includes sampling soil following removal of a three lO,000-gallon underground storage tank (UST), fuel dispensers, and associated piping. A detailed scope of work is described below. TASK 1: SITE-SPECIFIC HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN/PERMITTING A site-specific Health and Safety Plan has been prepared for the two subject sites by Fluor Daniel GTI as required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Standard "Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response" guidelines (29 CFR 1910.120) (Appendix A). The document will be reviewed and signed by all Fluor Daniel GTI personnel and subcontractors performing work at the site. TASK 2: SOIL SAMPLING During removal of three 10,000-gallon USTs at each site, Fluor Daniel GTI will collect soil samples at a depth of two feet beneath each end of each tank. Soil will be collected from beneath the tank using a backhoe bucket. The soil samples will be collected from a fresh surface of native soil in the teeth of the backhoe bucket in six-inch-long by 2-inch diameter brass sleeves. In addition to the soil samples collected following removal of the UST, soil samples will be collected at a depth of two feet beneath each fuel dispenser and along all product piping runs at intervals not to exceed 20 linear feet. The samples will be collected at each location in brass sleeves using a hand auger and an 757 Arnold Drive, Suite D / Martinez, CA 94553 USA (510) 370-3990 FAX (510) 370-3991 impact sampler. All soil sampling will be conducted in accordance with sampling procedures outlined in the Tri-Regional Guidelines. All sampling equipment will be cleaned in an Alconox solution and dnsed with water pdor to sampling the soil at each location. Each soil sample will be screened for hydrocarbon vapors using a photoionization detector (PID). Soils encountered during ddlling will be logged using the Unified Soil Classification System by a Fluor Daniel GTI field geologist, working under the supervision of a California registered geologist. The sample sleeves from each sample location will be sealed with Teflon sheets, capped, taped, labeled, and placed on ice in an insulated container. Each sample will be analyzed by a state-certified analytical laboratory for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX), methyl-tert-butyl-ether (MTBE), and total petroleum hydrocarbons-as-gasoline (TPH-G) by EPA methods 8020/8015 modified. If MTBE is detected by EPA 8020, the sample containing the highest MTBE concentration will be additionally analyzed by EPA method 8260 to confirm its presence. All sampling will be completed at the direction of the Bakersfield City Fire Department. Standard operating procedures are included as Appendix B. TASK 4: SOIL DISPOSAL All soil generated during removal of the UST and fuel system upgrade will be temporarily stockpiled on site pending characterization and disposal. Two discrete soil samples will be collected for every 50 cubic yards of soil generated. The soil samples will be collected in brass sleeves and will be analyzed for BTEX and TPH-G. TASK 5: REPORT PREPARATION Fluor Daniel GTI will prepare a report summarizing the data collected under the scope of work detailed above. The report will document the methods and results of the work, summarize laboratory analytical results, and include appropriate maps. Soil Assessment Work Plan April 24, 1998 The Southland Corporation Stores 22150 and 21476, Bakersfield, CA.. 2 FLUOR DANIEL GTI ~l~ Please contact our Martinez office at 510-370-3990 if you have questions or comments about this work plan. Sincerely, Fluor Daniel GTI, Inc. Submitted by: David Bean Staff Geologist Attachment A: Site Specific Health and Safety Plans Attachment B: Standard Operation Procedures c: Mr. Bob DeNinno - The Southland Corporation Soil Assessment Work Plan April 24, 1998 The Southland Corporation Stores 22150 and 21476, Bakersfield, CA.. 3 FLUOR DANIEL GTI ~ ATTACHMENT 1 SITE SPECIFIC HEALTH AND SAFETY PLANS FLUOR DANIEL GTI ~ FLUOR DANIEL GTI /~~ TO: Mr. Steve Underwood DATE: 04/24/98 JOB NO. Bakersfield C'..rty Fire Department FROM: David Bean Office of Environmental Services RE: Southland Store Nos. 22150 & 21476 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 326-3979 We are sending via: ~ AIRBORNE ~ MAIL ~ FAX 3RIGINALSI COPIES I DATE.. I DESCRIPTION 1 '04/24/98 Work plan for soil sample collection 1 UST soil sampling protocol 1 Site Specific Health and Safety Plan for each site Transmitted as checked: ~ For Approval ~ For Your Use ~ As You Requested ~ For Comment ~ For Resubmittal ~ For Your Records Remarks: Dear Mr. Underwood: As required for removal of underground storage tanks at the two subject Southland (7-Eleven stores) (4012 White Lane and 1700 Brundage Lane) in Bakersfield, the following includes a brief work plan for soil sample collection during removal of the tanks, standard sampling protocol, and Site Specific Health and Safety Plans for each site. Please call with questions. Copies to: David Bean Mr. Mark Templeton P.O. Box 6176 Laguna Nigel, California 92607 BCTRNS.WK4 757 Arnold Drive, Suite D / Martinez, CA 94553 USA (510) 370-3990 FAX (510) 370-3901 B~ '~SFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 TANK REMOVAL INSPECTION FORM OWNER A~,,4k(.a~ ~ PERMIT TO OPERATE# CONTRACTOR ~( P~^,~{~'~ ~ CO.ACT PERSON ~ ~O~TORY ~ ~&~ ~ OF S~PLES J ~ TEST ME~ODOLOGY ~ TR~ PRELI~ARY ASSESSME~ CO. ~r ~1~ CO.ACT PERSON CO~ ~CIEPT ~ ~ ~,~ LEL% ~ O~% PnOT P~ CONDITION OF TANKS (t~ t(~,,ar~.&l~-- CONDITION OF PIPING CONDITION OF SOIL CO~ENTS ~ ~/. DATE INSPECTOR8 NAME SIGNATURE B~ SFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 TANK REMOVAL INSPECTION FORM FACILITY ?-If ADDRESS OWNER ~,,~k(naJ ~n~. PE~IT TO OPE~TE9 ~O~TORY ~ ~&~ ~ OF S~PLES TEST METHODOLOGY PRELI~ARY ASSESS~ CO. ~c ~ CO,ACT PERSON PLO CONDITION OF TANKS CONDITION OF PIPING CONDITION OF SOIL ~.~ OATE INSPECTOR8 NAME SIGNATURE Permit No. ~ CITY OF BAKERS~LD '~-~1 O~ICE OF ENVIRONMENT[L SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (80~) 326-~979 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SITE INFORMATION SITE '7/./ ~"F'<Dg.~' __ADDRESS /'7(:DO~E.0/Ub~'~'ZIPCODE ~ APN FACILITY NANIE z'7// ,~-O~a_.,~'~' CROSS STREET /-/..~ TANK OWNER./OPERAT~OR _~-/-'At Z-,,'/.-~u~) ~41~P..~O. PHONE NO. ~IA~LI?~ ^OOR~SS_~..'~.X~,u~,U ~',~_._~4~-"Ct'FY ~~' ~'4~/4', ZiP ~O~-~'"' CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPANY ~~'.47'Z,~ /.,~4- PHONE NO.(~/~/) ~/¢-~Z~'~ICENSE NO. ,~,oDRESS "J~O--~_ _~'_~× '~,/7~, cITY ~.~. ~~ Z~P ~ PREI,I~'I~NARY ASSESSMENT INFORMATION COMPANY .~_~0&... a~,'~ ~, PHO~ NO~/o) ~70-~O LICENSE ADDRESS._~7 ~b D~U~u~T~ ~ -CITY ~F/~ ZIP INSURANCE CAR~ER ~ WO~NS CO~ NO. TANK ('LEANING INFORMATION COMPANY AJ/~-'TO ..f._ :~OAJ~, pHONENO, z~/~) ~- ADDRESS ........ ~,O. ~X ~ ___ CI~ yO~ ~b~ ZiP ~VASTE TRANSPORTER IDENTIFICATION ~ER O ~o~ NAME OF RINSA~ DISPOSAL FACILI~ ~e ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ " .... ADDRESS .~ ~, ~~ ~ CITY ~~ ZIP FACILITY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER .__~/~ g~ ~ ~ ~O 1~ ~ ~ .......... TANK TRANSPORTER INFORMATION COMPANY ~/~ ~SO~S PHO~ NO.(~f~_~'~ICENSE NO. ,ADDRESS_ ~O~.~O.~ .... ~ .... CI~ ~~/~D~ ZIP TANK NO. AGE VOLUME STORED STORED PRE~OUSLY STOOD ....... .... ...... Z~ ooo , For O~ici~l I ~ I TI I1.: AI'I'I.IC,.~NT I lAN RECEIVI'I). I ~DRRS'FANq)S. AND W~,[. CO~LY ~H.I ]'l.~ ATTACHED CONI)I'I'IONE ()F TI I'1 ,RMI I' ANI ) AN Y ~ )TI II':R ~'I'A'I I,:. I,OCAL ~D FEDI:t~. ~GULA'I'ION5. FI It~ I'~ )RM I IA~ lii':I{N C()MIq.I'71T{I) [;~I)ER PENALTY OF PER.R~Y. AND TO 'rile BEST ()I: MY ~()Wl.I,])(il~ ,.xi '1'~) AI'PI.ICAN~¢X~ fi~m'~ " APPLICANT THIS ~PPLICATION BECOME A ~E~IT WHEN '0 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME "l't! INSPECTION DATE ADDRESS I'/00 ~t0~?c /~t. PHONE NO. °-x}~] - ~(o FACILITY CONTACT BUSINESS ID NO. 15-210- INSPECTION TIME NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program ~'Routine [] Combined [] Joint Agency [] Multi-Agency [~ Complaint [] Re-inspection OPERATION C V COMMENTS Appropriate permit on hand Business plan contact intbrmation accurate Visible address If Correct occupancy Verification of inventory materials Verification of quantities Verification of location Proper segregation of material Verification of MSDS availability Verification of Haz Mat training Verification of abatement supplies and procedures Emergency procedures adequate Containers properly labeled Housekeeping Fire Protection Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand C=Compliance V=Violation Any hazardous waste on site?: [] Yes [] No Explain: Questions regarding this inspection? Please call us at (805) 326-3979 Business Site l~,esponsible Party While- Env. Svcs. Yellow- Station Copy Pink- Business Copy Inspector: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME '"l-II INSPECTION DATE ~ Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program [~Routine [] Combined [] Joint Agency [] Multi-Agency [] Complaint [] Re-inspection Type of Tank ~t, lJ 5 Number of Tanks Type of Monitoring /¥rro Type of Piping OPERATION C V COMMENTS Proper tank data on file Proper owner/operator data on file Permit tees current Certification of Financial Responsibility [fir Monitoring record adequate and current Maintenance records adequate and current M/ Failure to correct prior UST violations ~'~ Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes No Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program TANK SIZE(S). AGGREGATE CAPACITY Type of Tank Number of Tanks OPERATION Y N COMMENTS SPCC available SPCC on file with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF? If yes, Does tank have overfill/overspill protection? C=Compliance ,q V=Violation Y=Yes N=NO Inspector: ~'",/~ ~J~.~ ~----~ ~ Office of Environmental Services (805) 326-3979 Business Site Responsible Party White - Env. Svcs. Pink - Business Copy BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT February 24, 1998 Jess Simonson The Southland Corporation 5151 N. Palm Ave, Suite 711G FIRECHIEF Fresno, CA 93704-2208 MICHAEL R. KELLY P_E: 7-11, 1700 Brundage Lane ADMINISTi~TIVE SEI~ICES 2101 "H' Street UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UPDATE (805) 326.3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'H' Stroot The City of Bakersfield has some exciting news regarding loan monies, which has just Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 become available through the Small Business Loan Association (SBA). FAX (805) 395-1349 Pollution Control loans, thru the SBA, are intended to provide loan quarantees to eligible I~La/[N11ON SERVIC~ 1715 Chester Ave. small businesses for the financing of planning, design, or installation of pollution prevention Bakersfield, CA 93,301 controls, which includes underground storage tank facilities. (805) 326-3951 FAX (806) 326-0576 The vast majority of businesses are eligible for financial assistance from the SBA. The EN¥11K)NMENTAL SEI~/ICF.$ SBA defines an eligible small business as one that is independently owned and operated and not ]715 Chester Ave. dominant in its field of operation. For those applicants that meet the SBA's credit eligibility Bakersfield, CA 93301 (~35) 326-3979 standards, the agency can quaranty up to eighty percent (80%) of loans of $100,000. Seventy five FAX (805)326-0576 percent (75%) of loans above $100,000. Lynn Knutson, Chief of Finance for the SBA says, "If customers apply immediately, and meet the requirements, funding is available"; TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street Bake~eld, CA 93308 The City of Bakersfield hopes all of our underground storage tank owners take advantage (813,5) 3994697 of this opportunity. For more information on SBA, Pollution Control Loans, please call or write to: FAX (805) 399-5763 Lynn Knutson, Chief Financial Officer Small Business Loan Association 2719 North Air Fresno Drive, Suite 200 Fresno, CA 93727 Phone # (209) 487-5785, Ext 130 Don't delay, start today!!! Sincerely, Steve Underwood Underground Storage Tank Inspector Office of Environmental Services cc: Ralph Huey BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT February 13, 1998 RI~ CHIEF mc~aeur. ~Eu.v AM PM Mini Market 1701 Brundage Lane ADMINISI~AIWESEIWIC'~ Bakersfield, CA 93304 2101 'H' Street Bake~l, CA 9~01 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 ~mvas~ ~a~xa RE: "Hold Open Devices" on Fuel Dispensers 2101 'H" Stroet Bake~fleld, CA 9~301 (805) 326-3941 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: FAX (805) 395-1349 The Bakersfield City Fire Department will commence with our annual 1715 Chest~ Ave. Underground Storage Tank Inspection Program within the next 2 weeks. Bake~-fl~d, CA 9~k301 (805) 326-3951 FAX (805)326-0576 The Bakersfield City Fire Department recently changed its City Ordinance concerning "hold open devices" on fuel dispensers. The Bakersfield City Fire ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 171sc~ave. Department now requires that "hold open devices" be installed on all fuel Bakomfiok:l, CA93301 dispensers. The new ordinance conforms to the State of California guidelines. (SG~) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326.0576 The Bakersfield Fire Department apologies for any inconvenience this ~NI~ mws~oN may cause you. 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield, CA 93.308 (805) 399-4697 tax c~)3~-s76~ Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 326-3979. Sincerely, Steve Underwood Underground Storage Tank Inspector cc: Ralph Huey BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT February 13, 1998 REE CHIEF MICHAELR. KELLY 7 Eleven Food Store 1700 Brundge Lane ~M~n~m~m'~ Bakersfield, CA 93304 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 sum~,~)N ~mC~ RE: "Hold Open Devices" on Fuel Dispensers 2101 'H" Street Bake~fleld, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: FAX (805) 395-1349 The Bakersfield City Fire Department will commence with our annual in5 Ct~t~A~. Underground Storage Tank Inspection Program within the next 2 weeks. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAX (805)326-0576 The Bakersfield City Fire Department recently changed its City Ordinance concerning "hold open devices" on fuel dispensers. The Bakersfield City Fire ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES lnSCh,~.r^ve. Department now requires that "hold open devices" be installed on all fuel Bake~old. CA 93,301 dispensers. The new ordinance conforms to the State of California guidelines. (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 The Bakersfield Fire Department apologies for any inconvenience this ll~MNINe DlVlSK). may cause you. 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 (805) 399-4697 FAX C805)309-5763 Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 326-3979. Sincerely, Steve Underwood Underground Storage Tank Inspector cc: Ralph Huey BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT January 27, 1998 Jess Simonson The Southland Corporation RRE CHIEF M~CH~EL R. KEU.¥ 5 15 I North Palm Avenue, Suite 711G Fresno, CA 93704-2208 ADMINI,~RA~VE SERVICES 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: 7-Eleven Food Store//2 125-21476, 1700 Brundage Lane in Bakersfield (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UPDATE SUPPI~SION SEI~ICES 2101 'H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Simonson: (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 The City of Bakersfield wishes to congratulate those tank owners who P~NnON SErViCES have upgraded, removed or replaced their tanks in the month of January. During 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 the month of January, our office had six. sites (1 4 tanks) which are now in C805) 326-3951 compliance. This is a very big "first step". FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIi~)NMENTAISERVICES For those who have not yet upgraded, I would like to share some thoughts 1715 Chos~or Ave. Bakersfield, CA93301 on why it is so important to act right away: (805) 326-3979 FAX (805)326-0576 1. Licensed contractors are booking up fast, in some cases, up nuuntne D~tts~on to three months in advance. m2 WctorStreet 2. Supplies (pumps, dispensers, leak detection equipment) Bakersfield, CA 93308 (805) 3994697 may be scarce. FAX (80,5)399-5763 3. The cost for upgrading or removing could go up as demand increases. 4. Assembly Bill 1491 will ban fuel deliveries after January 1999 to non-upgraded owners. The good news, is there is still time!!! If there is anything this office can do to assist you in your planning, do not hesitate to call. Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator Office of Environmental Services cc: Kirk Blair, Assistant Chief BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT December 18, 1997 FI~E CHIEF Jess Simonson M~C,^Et R. Kroy The Southland Corporation 5151 North Palm Avenue, Suite 711G ~MIN~nW samc~s Fresno, CA 93704-2208 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 mc~)395-~349 RE: 7-Eleven Food Store #2125-21476, 1700 Brundage Lane suPmas~o, s~c~s Dear Mr. Simonson: 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-39~1 You will be receiving this letter on or about December 22, 1997. One FAX (805) 395-1349 year from today, December 22, 1998, your current underground storage tanks will · ~ea~o, S~,aCES become illegal to operate. Current law would require that your permit be revoked ]7]5 Chester Ave. and, would make it illegal for any fuel distributer to deliver to any non upgraded Bakersfield, CA 93301 (80.5) 326-3951 tanks. FAX (805) 326-0576 EN¥1RONMENTA~$ERVICF.$ However, in reviewing your file I see that you do plan to upgrade your 1715 Chester Ave. tanks by December 1998. We congratulate you on your decision to upgrade your Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 tanks and simply want to offer any assistance we can in meeting your target date. FAX C805)326-0576 Please remember to contact this office for permits well in advance of your TI~INING DIVISION anticipated start date. As we get closer to the December 22, 1998 date, I ··would 5642 Victor Street expect construction lead times to become extended, as well as costs for tank Bakorsfleld, CA 93308 upgrades. (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/dm cc: Kirk Blair, Assistant Chief December 11, 1997 '-,.~<.;.:.~.~.... -,?,9,9,2 City of Bakersfield Haz. Mat'l Division 1715 Chester Ave, Ste 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: TESTING RESULTS Dear Sir: Enclosed please find the results from the recent testing performed in your area. 7-Eleven Station: .' 1700 Bmndage Lane, Bakersfield We are forwarding these reports on behalf of The Southland Corporation. If you have any questions concerning these results, please contact me at (800)964-0180. ectfully,, Jerry Belloli Regional Vice President Tanknol0gy-NDE 1420 West Kettleman Lane · Suite T · Lodi, California 95242 · (800) 964-0180 · FAX (209) 365o1543 CERTIFICATE O~ ~ROUND STORAGE TANI TESTING TANKNOLOGY-NDE 8900 SHOAL CREEK, BUILDING 200 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78757 (512) 451-6334 FAX (512) 459-1459 TEST RESULT SITE SUMMARY REPORT TEST TYPE: VacuTect PURPOSE: COHPLIANCE TEST DATE: 12/10/97 WORK ORDER NUMBER: 2203081 CLIENT: THE SOUTHLAND CORPORATION SITE: 7-ELEVEN #21476 19033 WEST VALLEY HWY., D-104 MARKET %2237 KENT, WA 98032 1700 BRUNDAGE LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93304 ATTN: BOB DENINNO The following test(s) were conducted at the site above in accordance with all applicable portions of Federal, NFPA and local regulations Tank Tests 10K i KEG UNLEAD 10,000 95.00 PASS 0 · 000 PASS 10K 2 MIDGRADE 10,000 95 · 00 PASS 0 . 000 PASS 10K 3 i PREMIUM 10,000 95 · 00 PASS 0 · 000 PASS Line and Leak Detector Tests 10K I REG UNLEAD -. 002 P Y P 10K 2 MIDGRADE -.001 P Y P 10K 3 PREMIUM -. 004 P Y P TANKNOLOGY-NDE appreciates the opportunity to serve you, and looks forward to working with you in the future. Please call any time, day or night, when you need us. TANKNOLOGY-NDE Representative: Test conducted by: MARK SHAW WILLARD DEAN LUKEHART J~ Reviewed: Technician Certification Number: 97-1128 Draft 12/11/97 09:10 MSHAW TANKNOLOGY-NDE TEST DATE: 12/10/97 WORK ORDER NUMBER: 2203081 CLIENT: THE SOUTHL,~'D SITE: ?-EI'.~I/EN #21476 Tank ID: 10K i Material: S?EE~. Bottom to top fill in inches: 122.0 Product: ~.¢e ot~,~ Tank manifolded: NO Bottom to grade fill in inches: 128.0 Capacity in gallons: 3.0. 000 Vent manifolded:NO Fill pipe length in inches: 27.0 Diameter in inches: 95. oo Vapor recovery manifolded: NO Fill pipe diameter in inches: ~. 0 Length in inches: 330 Impact Valves Operational: ¥ Stage I vapor recovery: COAX Tank age (years): Ovedill protection: NO Stage II vapor recovery: SAL3~CE Fuel pure rating: Overspill protection: ~z~s Installed: ATe COMMENTS Start (in) End (in) New/passed Failed/replaced New/passed Failed/replaced Dipped Water Level: 0. oo 0. oo L.D. #1 LcD. #1 L.D. #2 L.D. #2 Dipped Product Level: 36. oo 26. oo Make: RED =ACRET Probe Water Level: 0 o 000 0.000 Model: D.~..D. Ingress Detected: Water N Bubble N UllageN S/N: &z18-6335 Test time: 11:01-12:42 Open time in sec: 3.00 VacuTect Test Type: S:l.ngle t~k Holding psi: 3o VacuTect Probe Entry Point: F~.11 Resiliancy cc: Pressure Set Point: -3.. OD Test leak rate mi/m: zs9. o Tank water level in inches: o. OD Metering psi: Calib. leak in gph: 3. OD Water table depth in inches: Determined by (method): Results: Result: COMMENTS COMMENTS Material: Diameter (in): 2.0 Length (ft): 50.0 Test psi: 50 Bleedback cc: 0 Test time (min): 30 Test 1: Start time: 12:30 Finish psi: so Vol change cc: Test 2: Start time: Finish psi: $o Vol change cc: o Test 3: Start time: t2:so Finish psi: so Vol change cc: o Final gph: -0. 002 Result: Pump type ~RESSURE Pump make: RED ~ACKET COMMENTS 8900 SHOAL CREEK, BUILDING 200, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78757 (512) 451-6334 Draft 12/11/97 09:10 MSHAW INDIVIDI TAN LIN EAK DETE TOR T REPO T TANKNOLOGY-NDE TEST DATE: 12/10/97 WORK ORDER NUMBER: 2203081 CLIENT: THE SOUTHLLND SITE: 7-ELEVEN #21476 Tank ID: 3.0K 2 Material: STEEL Bottom to top fill in inches: 126.0 Product: t~'r~xm~OE Tank manifolded: NO Bottom to grade fill in inches: 132.0 Capacity in gallons: lo, ooo Vent manifolded:NO Fill pipe length in inches: 31. o Diameter in inches: 95.00 Vapor recovery manifolded: NO Fill pipe diameter in inches: 4. o Length in inches: 330 Impact Valves Operational: ¥ Stage I vapor recovery: COAX Tank age (years): Overfill protection: NO Stage II vapor recovery: S,~t,ANCE Fuel pure rating: Overspill protection: ~s Installed: ATe COMMENTS Start (in) End (in) New/passed Failed/replaced New/passed Failed/replaced Dipped Water Leve~: 0.00 0.00 L.D. #1 L.D. #1 L.D. #2 L.D. #2 Dipped Product Level: 23.. oo 23.. oo Make: mD JACKET Probe Water Level: o. 000 0. 000 Model: D.L.D. Ingress Detected: Water N Bubble N UllageN S/N: no Test time: 12: ~,9-1&.- 37 Open time in sec: s.oo VacuTect Test Type: tazlt:~.ple Holding psi: 3o VacuTect Probe Entry Point: F:i. ll Resiliancy cc: Pressure Set Point: -1. oo Test leak rate mi/m: 3.s9.0 Tank water level in inches: 0. oo Metering psi: Calib. leak in gph: 3. oo Water table depth in inches: Determined by (method): Results: Result: PASS COMMENTS COMMENTS Material: STEEL Diameter (in): 2.0 Length (ft): so. 0 Test psi: 50 Bleedback cc: 0 Test time (min): 30 Test 1: Start time: z~ ~¢0 Finish psi: so Vol change cc: -2 Test 2: Start time: Finish psi: so Vol change cc: Test 3: Start time: 12~00 Finish psi: so Vol change cc: Final gph: -0.001 Result: PASS Pump type ~RESSURE Pump make: i~ED JACKET COMMENTS 8900 SHOAL CREEK, BUILDING 200, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78757 (512) 451-6334 Draft 12/11/97 09:10 MSHAW INDIVlDI~ TANK/LINE/LEAK DETECTOR '~T REPORT TANKNOLOGY-NDE TEST DATE: 3.2/3.0/97 WORK ORDER NUMBER: 2203083. CLIENT: THE SOUTHLAND SITE: 7-ELEVEN #21476 Tank ID: 10K 3 Material: STEEL Bottom to top fill in inches: 3.35.0 Product: t~z~_~'ru~ Tank manifolded: NO Bottom to grade fill in inches: 143. o 0 Capacity in gallons: 3.0,000 Vent manifolded: NO Fill pipe length in inches: 4o. 0 Diameter in inches: 9S o 00 Vapor recovery manifolded: NO Fill pipe diameter in inches: 4.0 Length in inches: 330 Impact Valves Operational: Y Stage I vapor recovery: co~x Tank age (years): Overfill protection: NO Stage II vapor recovery: ~CE Fuel pure rating: Overspill protection: zzs Installed: ATe COMMENTS Start (in) End (in) New/passed Failed/replaced New/passed Failed/replaced Dipped Water Level: 0.00 0. oo L.D. #1 L.D. #1 L.D. #2 L.D. #2 Dipped Product Level: 20. oo 20 o oo Make: RED JACRET Probe Water Level: 0.000 0.000 Model: D.~..D. Ingress Detected: Water N Bubble N UllageN S/N: ,*o Test time: 12.-49-14 =37 Open time in sec: 3.00 VacuTect Test Type: ~lt:i~)le Holding psi: 30 VacuTect Probe Entry Point: F:1.11 Resiliancy cc: Pressure Set Point: -1. oo Test leak rate mi/m: 3.s9.0 Tank water level in inches: 0. oo Metering psi: Calib. leak in gph: 3. oo Water table depth in inches: Determined by (method): Results: Result: PASS COMMENTS COMMENTS Material: STEEL Diameter (in): 2.0 Length (fi): 50.0 Test psi: 50 Bleedback cc: 0 Test time (min): 30 Test 1: Start time: z3 ;40 Finish psi: so Vol change cc: Test 2: Start time: Finish psi: so Vol change cc: Test 3: Start time: =.4;00 Finish psi: so Vol change cc: Final gph: -o. o04 Result: ~ASS Pump type Pump make: RED JACKET COMMENTS 8900 SHOAL CREEK, BUILDING 200, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78757 (512) 451-6334 Draft 12/11/97 09:10 MSHAW SITE DIAGRAM TANKNOLOGY-NDE 8900 SHOAL CREEK, BUILDING 200 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78757 (512) 451-6334 FAX (512) 459-1459 TEST DATE: 3.2/10/9'/ WORK ORDER NUMBER: 2203083. CLIENT: THE SOUTHLAND CORPORATION SITE: 7-ELEVEN #21476 C-STORE C-STORE 7-11 colortyme ..~=1 PREM MID REGUL z south H stroot Draft 12/11/97 09:10 MSHAW MONITOR CERTIFICATION FORM CUSTOMER: THE SOUTHLAND CORPORATION SITE I.D.: 7-ELEVEN #21476 DATE: 12110197 ADDRESS: MARKET #2237 1700 BRUNDAGE LANE WORK ORDER: 2203081 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93304 1) IN TANK PROBES MANUFACTURER: TIDEL MODEL NUMBER: EMS-3500 SERIAL NUMBER: NUMBER OF TANKS MONITORED: 3 SET UP FOR MONTHLY TEST (Y/N): YES LAST TEST DATE: 12110197 PASSED/FAILED: PASSED DOES THE SYSTEM DISPLAY OR PRINT OUT MONTHLY TEST RESULTS ( Y/N ): YES TYPE (DISPLAY OR PRINT OUT): PRINT OUT OPERATIONAL (Y/N): YES COMMENTS: 2) OTHER PROBES: MANUFACTURER: MODEL: NUMBER OF LIQUID, FLOAT. SW POSITIVE SHUT FAIL SAFE ( YIN ) OPERATIONAL PROBE LOCATION PROBES OR VAPOR SENSOF DOWN (Y/N) (Y/N) ANNULAR PROBE 0 TURBINE SUMP FILL SUMP 0 FIBERTRENCH 0 MONITORING WELL DISPENSER PAN 0 OTHER 0 ANNULAR SPACE FILLED WITH MONITORING FLUID? COMMENTS: PAGE 1 OF 2 MONITOR CERTIFICATION FORM (CONT.) 3 ) PRODUCT LINE PRESSURE MONITOR MANUFACTURER: RED JACKET MODEL' DLD NUMBER OF SENSORS: 0 MECH. LEAK DETECTOR (Y/N): YES MECH. LEAK DETECTOR OPERATIONAL ( Y/N ): YES DOES THE SYSTEM DISPLAY OR PRINT OUT MONTHLY TEST RESULTS ( Y/N ): NO TYPE (DISPLAY OR PRINT OUT): DOES THE SYSTEM GO INTO ALARM WITHNo THE SIMULATED LEAK TEST ( Y/N ): POSITIVE SHUT DOWN (Y/N):. NO OPERATIONAL ( Y/N ): YES 4 ) OVERALL SYSTEM PERFORMANCE DOES THE FUEL SYSTEM SHUT DOWN DO ALL ALARMS INCLUDE BOTH WHEN POWER IS SHUT OFF TO AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS: YES THE MONITORING PANEL ( Y/N ): YES ( Y/N ) ( FAIL SAFE ) THE MONITORING SYSTEM IS CERTIFIED OPERATIONAL ( Y/N ): YES TECHNICIAN ( PRINT ) TECHNICIAN COMMENTS: PAGE 2 OF 2 November 21, 1997 City of Bakersfield Office of Env. Services 1715 Chester Ave Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Sir: NDE Environmental will be performing precision tank testing on the underground storage tanks located at: 7-Eleven Station: .' 1700 Brundage Lane, Bakersfield THE TEST WILL BE PERFORMED ON DECEMBER 10~ 1997 . (Rescheduled from 11/19/97) If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mark Shaw at (800)964-0180. Respectfully, Jerry Belloli Customer Rep NDE Environmental 1420 West Kettleman Lane · Suite T · Lodi, California 95242 · (800) 964-0180 ° FAX (209) 365-1543 0_9/16/96 13:5'5 ~B05 326 0576 BFD I[AZ 5IA'I' DIV ~002 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 APPLICATION TO PERFORM A TIGHTNESS TEST FACILITY 7-~]~n Z.t'./TL~ ADDRESS / 700 ~rnn~tOP Znn~ J OPE~TORS N~E OWNERS N~E ~a~~a ~ / N~BER OF T~KS TO BE TESTED ~ IS PIPING GOING TO BE TESTED~ " TANK 9 VOLUME CONTENTs / F~) J,, ~ TANK TESTING COMPANY ;_'~Ou~Ye~\~o~- k313F ADDRESS TEST METHOD ~aC, h~ CF N~E OF T~STSR~aa~ ~5~ CERTIFICATION ~ DATE & TIME TEST IS TO BE CONDUCTED //-/2-~.~ . v~,~-R~--By: SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT 7,00,.'~00~ 'IlO 'l'l,~]ll.~ 0~I9~£90l~ IV:.l 9~:C.'l 96/9[/60 November 3, 1997 City of Bakersfield Haz. Mat'l Division 1715 Chester Ave Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Sir: NDE Environmental will be performing precision tank testing on the underground storage tanks located at: 7-Eleven Station: 1700 Brundage Lane, Bakersfield THE TEST WILL BE PERFORMED ON NOVEMBER 12~ 1997 . If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mark Shaw at (800)964-0180. ~~.Resg ctfu y ~. Jerry Belloli Customer Rep NDE Environmental 1420 West Kettleman Lane · Suite T · Lodi, California 95242 · (800) 964-0180 · FAX (209) 365-1543 I~''- ' ' insurance Concepts ~ ONLY ~D CONFERS NO ~G~S UPON ~E CE~FtCATE HOLD~. ~IS CE~FICA~ ODES NOT AMID. ~D OR ~ ' 1800 St James Place, ~650 AL~ ~E CO~RAGE AFFQ~ aY ~E POLICIES B~OW. Houston, TX 77056 COMPARES A~ORDfNG CO~GE NDE Environmental Corporation B A~rican Home ~s~an;e{AtG} Tanknology Environmental, Inc. c~P~ 8900 Shoal Creek Blvd. ff2~ c Austin TX 78757 c~P~ D / ~DICAT~, NO~~DING ~Y R~UIREM~. ~RM OR CONDmON OF ~Y CO~ OR O~ER OOCUME~ W~H RESPECT TO WHICH / CERTIFICATE MAY BE IS~ OR MAY PE~AIN, ~E ~SU~CE ~FO~ED BY ~E ~UCIES DE~RIB~ HER~N IS SU~EC7 TO A~ THE TERMS, r..]~ ~NV ~O ~50515~TX 10/25196 1 O125197 1,000,0O0 ~ ~ 0w~ ~os BIND-AUTO CANADA 10125196 10125197 som[~ 8001LY' f~URY  Y A~O 0~ ~N A~O ONLY: AGGfl~ATE $ A ~ ~ eE6061609 10125/96 '~0t2~197 ~c. ~Cu~c; , 10000000 ~5 wo~=o.~,~o WCS8~36550~ .... 12/02/95 12f0~97 v i WCSTAT~ ~- id~.,[:~ ........ . A iTO~UMJTSI 1 E~ ~ ' . ' ' m~ov~' ~ WC88~3~56CA ~ 12102196 12/02/97 ~ ~c.',Acoo;~ , .... ~, 00O, 0~0 ~f ~o.m~c~ ~ ~cc WC8883654TX 1 ZI02196 12/02[97 ~[ O~. ~0ucv u~ ~ 1 P~NE~EC~VE A o~ 10t25/95 10/26/97 POLLUTION~&O 5293650 t2,000,000 BLKT ADD'L tNSD APPUES TO GENE~L ~ AND A~O; BLKT WAIVER APPLIES TO G~NERAL UAB, AUTO AND WORKERS COMP AS REQUJREO &Y WRI~EN CO~CT A ward of Certification This Certifies That Dave Mathie Has SuccessfullY comPlet~t Technical And Field Training In The .Operation Of The Vacutect Tank Testing System, The TLD-1 Line And Leak Detector Testers And Is Awarded This Certificate From Tanknology-NDE Day of March 1997 '1 :e Ward- Dir. Technical Support t'J~-- 'J Callaway - Vice President of Operations Certificalion # 087 Expires Two Years From The Above Date TANKNOL 0 G Y - NDE SERVICE - QUALITY- INTEGRITY, Sou_t~ern Cnlifo.r!lia Re~omtl Office: C_orporate Headquarters.'.. 27576 Commerce Center Drive, Suite 190 8900 Shoal Creek Bird, Suite 200 Temecula, C~ ~;~0 Austin TX 78757 1-~09-308-1213 i~00~0~E I~4664130 140Q~0~633 FACSIMILE COVERS~ET ~LECOPY N~BER: .... ........ O~G~A.L TO FOL~W: YES NO (909) 30~-121~- VOICE PHONE ', (90~) ~0S-12~9- FACS~IL~ mACUlNE COM~NTS: TANKNOLOGY - NDE, WORLDWIDE LEADERS IN UST COMPLIANCE TESTING CONFIDENTIALTIY NOTICE - This message is intended for thc use of the individual or cntity for which it is addressed and rm~y contain information that is legally privileged, c~nfide, mial, and exempt ' from disclosure. If the ~.ader of this message is not fl~e intcaded recipient, you am hereby notificd that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by telephone to arrange for the return of the original material. APR-29-199? 14:04 FROM TANKNOLOGY-SO.CAL TO 9180S3260576 P.02 ' ~ 8900 SHOAL CREEK, BUILDING 200 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78757 ' ' (51z} 451-~34 FAX (512) 459-1459 TEST RESULT SITE SUMMARY REPORT TEST TYPE: V~LT CLigqT-- ~ S~ CQ~KIK)iiULTZON SITE: 7-~ 19033 ~ ~ ~-, D-104 ~ ~2237 ~, ~, 9B032 1700 ~~, ~ 93304 Line and Leak Detector Te~ts 008 ~ ~ ~ TanknologyoNDB apprecisles ~he oiq)oftvniry ~ ~ you, ~d 1~ ~ ~ w~ w~ you ~ ~e fu~, ~ ~ ~y ~mc, ~y or ~ht w~ you n~ u~ TANKNOLOGY-NDE Repr~em~e: Sewices ~u~ b~ Technician Certification Num]:~_r lO 0'/ ea/ao/,, TANKNOLOGY-NDE wort< ORDER NUMBER: C~IENT: '~ ~ SITE: '/-~Z~"i,'a~ ~A:.::._Z:~ ::~:: ~ .................. - ..... " - ..... :::-' ::::::::::::::::::::: - '~_.: T~k I~ ~/~ ~ ~ t~ ~l in I~: Pr~u~ ~ Mate~l: ~~~; B~om ~ grade fill ~ tnch~: ~c~ in ~I~: T~k: RII p~ leah in inch.: Dia~er in in~: Manifol~d V~ Fill pipe dia~ter in i~h~: L~ in in~: v~: Stage I ~r ~ove~: Impa~ Va~s O~ional: St.g. II v=~r ~vew: COMM~ PSI at ta~k bottom: New/pammd El). FalleWReplaced L.I;), Rutd level In ~hes: make: U~: M~I: X.~.~. Fluid ~lume in g~lom: ~: 25~882~7 Water level ~ i~hes: O~n ~me in ~: 2, Oo Test ~me: Holdi~ p~: Number ~ the~i~em R~li~cy ~; ] Oo S~e gm~ T~t le~ rate mVmin: 189. o Water t~;e de~h in i~h~: M~e~ng psi: ~in~ by (~t~): ~b. leak in gph: ~. OO L~k rate in gph: Result: Teat tlme: Material: Ullage volume: Diameter (in): 3.0 Ullage pressure: Length (fi): 50.0 Results: Test pek so Bleedback cc: DATA FOR IJTS~T ONLY: Test time (rain}: 3 o Time of test 1: Te~t I: ~ tiros', z3,05 Temperature: FIni~h Psi: Flow rate. (cfh}: vol change cc: Test 2: StaJl ~lme: z3 Time of test 2: Rni~h i~i: Temperature: ¥~ ~ar~ge cc: Test 3: Start lime: Flow rate (cfh]: Firflsh psi: 48 Time of test 3: Vol change cc: Temperature: Final ~ph: o. oos COMMENTS Flow rate (cfh): Result: COMMENI~ PRESSURE BEC&¥ 8900 SHOAL CRR~, BUILDING 200, AUSTIN, TEF. AS 78757 (51~1 451-6334 APR-29-199? 14:06 FROM TANKNOLOGY-SO.CAL TO 918053260576 P. ~IE~: ~ BO~ SITE: 7-~ Tank ID: MI~ Mom ~ t~ fill tn i~h~; Pmdu~: ~ Mate~al: ~e~8 8offom ~ grade fill In ~c~ in g~o~: Tank: RII pi~ I.n~h in Diameter ~ i~s: Mani~l~ Vent Fill ~pe d~r in i~s: Leah in i~s: vIR: S~gs I v~r ~e~: COMMENT8 PSI at tank bottom; New/passed LD. Failed/Replaced Fluid level In inches: make: UFT/OFT: Model: Fluid volume in gallom: S/N: Water level in inches: Open time in sec: Test time: Holding psi: 17 Number of therrnisters Rssiliancy cc: 300 Specific gmvfty; Test leak rate ml/min: 159. o Water table depth in inches: Metering psi.* Determined by (method): Calib, leak in gph: 3.00 Leak rate in gph: Results: GOMMENT$ Rl~U~ GOMMENTa Test lime: Ma/miat; ~ Ullage volume: Diameter (in): Ullage pressure: Length (ft): se. o Results-. To~t I~i: SO DATA FOR '~T ONLY: Bleedback cc: 140 Test time (rain): 30 '1'1me of test 1: Te~t ~: ~tan ~me' Temperature: Fin~ psi: Vol change cc.' s Flow rate (dh): Test 2: Start ~me: 3,3=3o Time of test 2: Finish psi: 48 vdt ~ange cc; Temperature: Test 3: Sts~t lime: Flow rate (cfh): Finish psi: is Time of te~t 3: Vol change cc: Final gph: 0, Tempermure: Flow rate (dh): Result: COMMENTS PRESSURE ..................................................................................... ~.:,,~-: ..... 8900 S~O~ ~K, ~UZ~DZ~ 200, AUSTIN, T~ 78757 [5Z2) g51-6334 APR-29-199? 14:87 FROM TANKNOLOGY-SO.CAL TO 918053250576 P.05 Tank ID: ~=/~ Bo~om to ~p ~l in inch.: P~ ~~ Mate~: ff~~= Bo~om to grade ~l in inches: ~p~t~ in g~lo~: Tank: Ffll pi~ leah in tnche~: Diameter ~ in~: Manifo~ed Ve~ Fill pipe dia~ter in tn~es: ~n~h in i~h~: WR: S~ge I va~r r~a~: ~ Imp~ Va~ ~emtional: ~ge II v~r ~ove~: ~ ~MMENTB PSI at tank bottom; Newfps~m~d I.D. Falk~l/Replaced L.D. Fluid level in inches: make: UFTIOFT: Model: Fluid volume in gallons: S/N: Water level in inches: Open time in sec; Test time: Holding psi: Number of thermis~rs Resilfancy cc: $oo Specific gravity: Test leak rate mi/rain: Water table depth in inohes: M-I~finO p~i: Determined ]~ (method): Calib. leak in gph: 3. OO Leek rate in gph: Results: COMMENTS Result: GOMMENT$ Test lime: Material; ~ Ullage volume: Diameter (in): Ullage pressure: Length (ft): so. o Hesul~: Te~t pc, i: So Bleodback cc: 155 DATA FOR u'r~4T'ONLY: Test time (rain): Time of test 1; Te~t 1: Start ~tms: Temperature: Rnish !~: Flow rate (cfh): Vol c~nge cc Test 2: 8tart time: Time o[ test 2: Finish psi: ¥ol c~ange t~= Temperatu]l~: Test 3: Stalq time: ~.2 = 4.t Flow rate (cfh).' finish psi: Time of test 3: vol ct~g~ cc.. Temperature: Final gph: o. Result: COMM~I~ Row,rate (dh): ~u~ :7pe C, OMMENTS APR-29-199? 14:87 FROM TANKNOLOGY-SO.CAL TO g1805~260576 P.06 MONITOR'CERTIFICATION FORM CUSTOMER: ~'I-IE SOUTHLAND CORPORATION SITE I,D.: 7-ELEVEN JivZ1476 DATE: Oa/2G/96 ADDRESS: MARKET ~2297 1700 BRUNDAGE LANE WORK ORDER: 9177t~ 1) IN TANK PROBES MANUFACTURER: TiDEL MODEL NUMBER: SERIAL NUMBER: NUMBER OF TANKS MONITORED: :~ SET UP FOR MONTHLY TEST (Y/N): ,YE8 LAST TEST DATE: ?~, 1a/96 PASSED/FAILED: PASSED DOER THE ~Y~TEM DI~'Pt.AY OR PRINT OUT MONTHLY TEST RESULTS ( YIN ); YES TYPE (DISPLAY OR PRINT OUT): DISPLAY OPERATIONAL ( Y/N ): YES COMMENTS: 2) O~TI~ER P, ROBES: MANUFACTURER: MODEL: 'NuMBEI~ OF LIQUID, FLOAT. SW posmvE SHUT FAIL SAFE ( Y/N ) O~RATIONAL PROBE LOCATION PROBES OR VAPOR SENSO~ DOWN (Y/N) (Y/N) ANNUL~I~ TURBINE SUMP FILL SUMP FIBERTRENCH MONITORING WELL DISPENSER PAN OTHER ANNULAR SPACE *FILLED WITH MONITORING FLUID? COMMENTS: PAGE 1 OF 2 APR-29-1gg? 14:88 FROM TANKNOLOGY-SO.CAL TO 9180532605?6 P.O? MONITOR CERTIFICATION FORM (CONT,) 3 ) PRODUCT LINE PRESSURE MONITOR MANUFACTURER: RED JACKET MODEL: XLD NUMBER OF S;ENSORg; 3 MECH. LEAK DETECTOR ( ¥/N ): YE8 MECH. LEAK DETECTOR OPERATIONAL ( Y/N ): YES DOES THE SYSTEM DISPLAY OR PRINT OUT MONTHLY TEST RESULTS ( Y/N ): NO TYPE (DISPLAY OR PRINT OUT)i DOES THE SYSTEM GO INTO AlaRM WITH THE SIMULATED LEAK TEST ( Y/N ): Y~ POSITIVE SHUT DOWN (Y/N~; NO OPERATIONAL ( Y/N ): YES 4 ) OVERALL SYSTEM PERFORMANCE DOES THE FUEL SYSTEM SHUT DOWN DO ALL ALARMS INCLUDE BOTH WHBN POWER 1~ ~HUT OFF TO AIJl311~l F. AND VISUAL ALARM~: THE MONITORING PANEL (Y/N): NO ( Y/N ) ( FAIL SAFE ) THE MONITORING SYSTEM IS CERTIFIED OPERATIONAL ( Y/N ); NO KEN HILL~RY ~~~~- ~ ' TECHNICIAN (PRiN¥') TECHNICIAN ( SIGNATURE COMMENTS: PAGE 2 OF 2 C RRECTION NOTRE BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT N°- 587 Location 7 ' l/ Sub Div. I?00 ~ro~,,~a~,r_ l.z,/. Blk ~t You are hereby required to make the following cor~etions at the above location: Completion Date for Correctiol~s Date 3/I.3/~ 7 Inspector · ~}~kersfield Fire Dept. INSPE& orr~t~ or E~VVIJ~ONMENr~t£ SERVIClrS 1715 Chester Ave. B~ersfield, CA 93301 Date Completed ~13~7 Business Name: ~ - ~ ( Loca~on: 1700 ~t~.~.¢c A~ Business Iden~fica~on No. 215-000 gl~ ~op of Business Plan) StaQon No. Shift Inspector 5~ d¢~rw~ Arrival Time: Depa~ure Time: Inspec~on Time: Adel~te Inadequate Adel~te Inadequate Address Visable [] Emergency Procedures Posted [] Correct Occupancy ~ [] Containers Propedy Labled [] El Verification of Inventory Materials ~ El Comments: Verification of Quantities I~' r"l Verification of Location ~ E! Verification of Facility Diagram I~, Proper Segregation of Material ~ [] Housekeeping ~ [] Fire Protection 133¢, [] Comments: Electrical II~ [] Comments: Verification of MSDS Availablity ~ El Number of Employees: ,~" UST Monitoring Program ~ Iii/ Comments: Verification of Haz Mat Training 1~ [] Permits ~ [] Comments: Spill Control ~ [] Hold Open Device [] Verification of Hazardous Waste EPA No. Abbatement Supplies and Procedures I~ [] Proper Waste Disposal _,. Comments: Secondary Containment 1::~/ [] Security Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: D~ ~ ~eb / All Items O.K - ~ Correc~on Needed Business OmedManager PRINT NAME SIGNATURE ~e-H~ Mat Div. Yellow-S~on Copy Pink-Business Copy UNDERGROUND STORAGE TAI~NSPECTION Bakersfield Fire Dept. Office of Environmental Services Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME 7 -II BUSINESS I.D. No. 215-000 FACILITY ADDRESS /'?~)O ~cdi, l~o,c /-,/V CITY i~,[~. ZIP CODE FACILITY PHONE No. .~;3~1. - ~ 7 / ~D~ ~D~ ~D~ INSPECTION DATE .q/t.~/~' ~ Product Produc~ Pr~uct TIME IN TIME OUT d~' P/'05 ~'tc~,~ d/V Inst Date Inst Date Insl ~ale ,. INSPECTION TYPE: I ~ ~o ( '~ ~ 0 I~ ~o ROUTINE ~ FOLLOW-UP Size Size Size REQUIREMENTS yes no n/a yes no n/a yes no n/a la. Forms A & B Submitted V/ lb. Form C Submitted V/ lc. Operating Fees Paid ld. State Surcharge Paid v/ 1 e. Statement of Financial Responsibility Submitted lf. Written Contract Exists between Owner & Operator to Operate UST 2a. Valid Operating Permit 2b. Approved Written Routine Monitoring Procedure ,V/ 2c. Unauthorized Release Response Plan V/ 3a. Tank Integrity Test in Last 12 Months ~ 3b. Pressurized Piping Integrity Test in Last 12 Months 3, 3c. Suction Piping Tightness Test in Last 3 Years v~ 3d. Gravity Flow Piping Tightness Test in Last 2 Years V/ i 3e. Test Results Submitted Within 30 Days 3f. Daily Visual Monitoring of Suction Product Piping v/ 4a. Manual Inventory Reconciliation Each Month 4b. Annual Inventory Reconciliation Statement Submitted 4c. Meters Calibrated Annually 5. Weekly Manual Tank Gauging Records for Small Tanks ~/' 6. Monthly Statistical Inventory Reconciliation Results 7. Monthly Automatic Tank Gauging Results v/ 8. Ground Water Monitoring V/ 9. Vapor Monitoring 10. Continuous Interstitial Monitoring for Double-Walled Tanks V/' 11. Mechanical Line Leak Detectors .V~ 12. Electronic Line Leak Detectors 13. Continuous Piping Monitoring in Sumps 14. Automatic Pump Shut-off Capability ,v/ 15. Annual Maintenance/Calibration of Leak Detection Equipment V/ 16. Leak Detection Equipment and Test Methods Listed in LG-113 Series V/ 17. Written Records Maintained on Site ...~0t~t.t~,,l~ V/ 18. Reported Changes in Usage/Conditions to Operating/Monitoring Procedures of UST System Within 30 Days 19. Reported Unauthorized Release Within 24 Hours V~ 20. Approved UST System Repairs and Upgrades 21. Records Showing Cathodic Protection Inspection 22. Secured Monitoring Wells 23. Drop Tube ~/' ~ INSPECTOR: }'/~tt~ ~/.~_/~//~ OFFICE TELEPHONE NO. ev 9/95) BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT February 3, 1997 ad e~r The Southland Corp°ration' ~ MC't~-t R. mtv 5151 North Palm Avenue, Suite 711 ': Fresno, CA 93704-2208 2101 'H' Slmet ~,c~9~1 RE: Underground Storage Tanks located at 7 Eleven Food Store/f2125-21476, (805) 326-3941 r~(~) 3~1~9 1700 Bmndage Lane, Bakersfield, Ca. su~on stances Dear Southland Corporation: 2101 'H' Sheet BakersfietO, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 rAxc~)3~-l~a9 As I am sure you are aware, all existing single walled steel tanks that, do not meet the currem code requiremems must be removed, replaced or upgraded to nt~nnnon m~:a meet the code by December 22, 1998. Your tanks do not currently meet the new 1715 Chester Ave. ~, CA 9~1 code requirements and therefore fall into the rmove, replace or upgrade category. C805) 32~3951 Your current operating permit expires on or before that date and of course will not FAX (805) 326-0576 be renewed until appropriate upgrade of your tank system is accomplished. ENVIlK)NMENTAL SE~F,qCES 1715 Chester Ave. In order to assist you and this office in meeting this fast approaching Bokersfielcl, CA 93301 C~5) 326-,3979 deadline, I have attached a brief questionnaire addressing your plans to upgrade FAX (805) 326-0~76 these tanks. Please complete this questionnaire and return it to this office by nOaN,N~ DnnSJOU Tuesday, February 18, 1997. 5642 Victor Stree! BoKe~fielO, CA 93308 (~) 3~7 If you have any questions concerning your tanks or if we can be of any FAX (805)399-5763 assistance, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator Office of Environmemal Services attachment FIRE DEPARTMENT December 4, 1996 F,REC..EF The Southland Corporation ~")~'- ~ MICHAELR. KELLY 295 West Cromwell #404 ADMINISIRATIVE SERVICES210] 'H' Street Fresno, CA 93711 Bakersfield, CA93301(805) 326-3941 RE; Underground StOrage Tanks located at 7 Eleven Food Store//2125-21476, SUPPREmO, SERWCES \ 2~01 'H' S,eet Dear Southland Corporatioh~: Bokersfleld, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (~)09S-la49 AS I am sure you are b, ware, all existing single walled steel tanks that do not meet the current code requirements must be removed, replaced or upgraded to P~EVmnOn SErViCES meet the code by December 22, 1998. Your tanks do not currently meet the new 1715 Chester Ave, Bake~f~et~, CA 933m code requirements and therefor~ fall into the remove, replace or upgrade category. (805) 326-3951 \ . FAX (805) 326-0576 Your current operating permit ex, p~res on or before that date and of course will not be renewed until appropriate upg?de of your tank system is accomplished. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 In order to assist you and ~,s office in meeting this fast approaching (805) 326-3979 deadline, I have attached a brief qu~t,,ionnaire addressing your plans to upgrade FAX (805) 326.-0576 these tanks. Please complete this qu'~stionnaire and return it to this office, by ll~lnlNO5642 VictorDIVl$1ONstreet Thursday, December 19, 1996. Bakersfield, CA 93308 \ ", (805) 399-4697 If yOU have any questions conce,rnmg your tanks or if we can be of any FAX (805)399-5763 assistance, please do not hesitate to contact,,,, ,~his office. Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator Office of Environmental Services ~ ': '*' 4'; '~ ; ' '.'.' i'" '~'' BUREAU.OF'FIRE. PREVENTION. .'..' ;'~ :~;:~;~':.,'~:J;'::~'~':! ; - ' ~: · ' ~- APPLICATION "". :, L~L~Ii~.No.' ' ..':;in':~on'f~i~ -win'pr~iSions of ~inent : .... ord,nances,~ c~es~ and/or mgUiati~S;~.0Ppli~;~;is: ~de display, s~m~ install, u~, o~rate, ,11 or handle materials or pr~e~s involving :or; crying ~CO~.. diti~s ~e~d hazar~us to life or pro~ as follows: - UNDERGROUND. STORAGE INSPECTION ..... , ,.Bakersfield Fire Dept. FACILITY NAME '7- / I BUSINESS I.D. NO. 215-000 FACILITY ADDRESS ~ '7 _.(~C) ~'~_~ r~ ~ c~ FACILI~ PHONE No. ~ ' ~~ INSPECTION DATE [~/~_ ~ /~.__ P~ TIME IN TIME OUT I~ INSPECTIONWPE: ~ 7i~ ~ ROUTINE ~ FOLLOW-UP / REQUIREMENTS la. F~s A & B Su~ lb. F~ C Subm~ lc. O~mting F~ PaM ld. State Sum~rge Pa~ le. State~nt of Fi~l R~sibil~ Su~ lf. W~en Contract E~sts ~n ~ & O~mt~ to O~mte UST ~. ~lid O~mting Pete 2b. Ap~ov~ Wr~en R~i~ ~ng Pr~ure 2c. Una~ho~ Relea~ Res~n~ P~n ~. Tank Int~r~ Test in Last 12 Months ~/~ ~-'~ ~. Pm~ur~ Pipi~ Int~ri~ Test in La~ 12 Months ~. Suction Piping ~ghtness T~t in Last 3 Yearn ~. Gmv~ FI~ Piping ~ghtn~ T~t in Last 2 Yearn ~. T~t R~u~s Subm~ Within ~ Da~ 3f. Dai~ ~sual MonEoHng of Su~i~ Pr~ Pipi~ ~. Manual Inve~o~ R~ncll~i~ Each ~h . ~ / ~. Annual Invent~ R~nciliati~ Statement Su~ ~. Metem Calibmt~ Annually 7. ~th~ A~at~ Tank Ga~ing ResuRs : 8. Ground Water ~n~ing 9. ~r Mon~oring 10. Continuous Intemt~ial MonRoHng f~ Dou~Wall~ Tan~ 11. M~hani~l Line Leak D~om 12. E~mnic Li~ L~k Det~ 13. Continuous Piping MonEoHng in Sum~ 14. A~omatic Pump Shrift Ca~bil~ , 15. Annual Maintena~Calibmtion of Leak Det~ Equi~ 16. Leak Det~tion Equipment and T~t Meth~s L~t~ in L~I 17. Wr~en R~rds Maintain~ on SEe ~~ t8. Re~ Chang~ in U~g~Conditions to O~ti~~ Pr~ur~ of UST S~tem Within ~ Da~ 19. Re~d~ Una~h~ Relea~ WRhin 24 H~m ~. Ap~ov~ UST S~tem Re,irs a~ U~md~ 21. R~rds Sh~ng Cath~ Pmt~ti~ Ins~t~ ~. S~ur~ MonRo~ Wells ~. Dr~ Tu~ RE-INSPECTION DATE RECEIVED BY: ~ INSPECTOR: ~"~?,~ ~ ~ ~,~~~~ OFFICE TELEPHONE NO. ~.,,O*-~ ~ '*~'~*~ C~ ~,'~ ~l~ ~',:~ BAKER-~FI'ELD }'IRE DEPARTMENT ~~"[~ 1715 CHESTER AVE. BAKERSFIELD ~A 93304 ~ RECEIVED (805) 326-3979 HAZ. MAT. DI~LZCATION TO PERFO~ A TIG~NZSS TEST TEST 'METHOD ~/zgz~p'F~-~_-T~ STATE REGISTRATION ~ /-)'_'/).lC)-.' DATE & TIME TEST IS TO BE CONDUCTED Y: DATE SIGNATURE O PPLICANT VacuTectT" TEST REPORT  S.O. # -:-; :: '3~' ~;' - Date n9 / C", ¢ '_;.% Owner .:0JTH_-, ..... . ;'.];:F'~ Site# 2I''-'~- ..=~.. ~ .c:.-- Phone .:.'9:L,~]' ~'="'* F'" t* Invoice Name/Address ,'.-3~2UTHL. AN'~. !::ORP, ,.:'-'-"~ ~a':=*..,., G~T... ........ E: ¢*'cY*-~=' ~]~ SUT'~E ~'~,~ ..... *' ~,~L.={C=' rv *-- :]:OP.]GVA ~ CA 95G70 ?-- · Attn: . Z~[_~ ~' '~ q~" 'r-~'z ~.~ ,.U,~IDA,.~ T_ANE .. ,-: ..... ~.._.r ~ ELD ~ Site Name/Address ?- t'l. !7'.)C .... ~ ~;" ,-r, 'q."':"~¢~ CA 933~'~'. TANKS LINES Leak Det Ullage TANKS and LINES Tested to CFR~40 Parts ~e Tank Dipped Dipped Probe Water Bubble Air Line Final Exist 280-281 & NFPA 329 Spec's. Diag. Dia. & Water Product Water Ingress Ingress Ingress TANK Line Delivery LINE LINE Leak LINE LD(s) NEW For · Material Level Level Level Detected Detected Detected B Material Syst. Type TEST TEST Rate ' · ~ss/ LD(s)  ST/ B B ~ B B · Tight B B ~ B B Tight Fail/ Tested Other: - FRP/ START START START or ST/ START END or. or & Tank Tank Lined END END END Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Fail ' Line ¢ FRP PS/SS/Ge TIME TIME GPH Fail ~ONE PASS ¢ Product Capaci~ ~, .... ,~,t~ ~ Diameter ~. -~ ~[' '"~ _.~"~ ~, ~ ~. ~'~. L[ ~ i~ '~. ~ ~' ~ ExistLDSN/MDL/MFG: ~l[x~_ N~/2nd LO SN/MDL/MFG: Material ~rcent of Fill at Pump LINE TEST PSI Sta~ Time: Time of Test: Mfs.: . End Time: T~t PSI: Ent~: De~r~: O~emte ~es/no~ . ~ ~?~_.;~; Diameter ~ ~ ~ ~-'~'~ ~ ;~; ~ ~ ~: ,~:~ ~ ~ ~',~{{] ~ ~:' --' ExistLDSN/MDL/MFG: ~L~ ~L.~ . New/2n~ LD SN/MOL/MFG: ~rcent of Fill at Pump LINE TE~T PS~ Material Sta~ ~me: Time of Test: Mfg.: End Time: Test PSI: Enid: De~r~s: O~erate)~es/no~ Material ~rcent of Fill at Pump LINE T~T PSI Sta~ Time: Time of Test: Mf~.: Dispenser Shear Valves Tank Probe Inclinometer Operate ~es/no~ End Tim~: Test PSI: ~nt~: D~qr~s: New/2nd LD SN/MDL/MFG:  ~r~nt of Fill at Pump LINE TEST PSI Mateflal Stad Time: Time of T~t: Mfg.: Tank I Probe Inclinometer Operate ~es/no~ End Time: T~st PSI: ~ Ent~: D~r~: Diameter ~ I Exist LD SN/MOL/MFG: Material ~r~ent of Fill at Pump LINE TEST PSI: Stad Time: Time of Test: Mf~.: DispenSer Shear Valves Tank Probe Inclinometer O~erate ~es/no~ End ~me: T~t ~1: En~: p~qr~s: Diameter ~ ~ Exit LB SN~DL/MFG: . I I New/2nd LD SN/MDL/MFG: ~rcent of Fill at Pump LINE TEST PSI: Material S~me: !Timeof Test: Mfg.: ~Tank Probe '~ Inclinometer Operate ~es/no[ End Time: T~t PS: Ent~: D~r~: Tanknology Corporation International ~'":'=~ " Unit.¢ ':.)8'~ State Lic. ¢ 't3'~ ~-' C:A TANKNOLOGY Region: HFS'FERn,'. .... :'~ 9,' ~'- State: 5225 Hollister St., Houston, TX 77040 ~E: Original VacuT~t Data recordings are reviewed by Tanknology's Audit Control Depa~ment and maintained on file. (800) 888-8563 · ' FAX (7 !3) 690-2255 TAK-¢I __~,,~ ~ ~,,,~ BAK~-RSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ~\ .. ,~ ..-..~!~ F. AZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION ~-~,'<k,"T~%~!~.q 1715 CHESTER AVE., BAKERSFIELD 'CA 93304 '~' (805) 326-3979 ' APPLICATION TO PERFORM A TIGHTNESS TEST N~ OS TESTER h~.q'h -~///~ CERTIFICATION ~ ~/~ STAT~ REGIST~TION 8 / ~/S~ ~~ "WE CARE" January 30, 1995 FIRE DEPARTMENT 1715 CHESTER AVENUE M... KE,, Y WA R N I N G ! SAKE,SF, FIRE CHIEF 326-3911 CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REQUIRED 215-000-000814 7 ELEVEN FOOD STORE ~f2125-21476 t700 BRUNDAGE LN BAKERSFIELD, CA 93304 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner:' Our records indicate that your business does not have a Certification of Financial Responsibility on file with this office. Please forward either a copy of your existing State approved mechanism to show financial responsibility or else complete the attached Certification of Financial Responsibility form. An attached letter from the State Water Resources Control Board lists the approved financial responsibility mechanisms required to pay for corrective actions resulting from leaking underground fuel tanks. Remember, most tank owners only have to show financial responsibility for at least $10,000 of clean up liability. The Underground Storage Tank Clean Up Fund (USTCF) may be used as the mechanism to cover the remaining accidental release liability. The total amounts of financial responsibility required (check boxes from section A of form) are as follows: If you don't sell product from you tanks, and you pump less than 10,000 gallons per month, check "$500,000 per occurrence". Else, or if you are in the business of selling from your tanks, check "1 million dollars per occurrence". For owners of 101 or more petroleum underground storage tanks, check the "2 million dollar annual aggregate" box. All others need only check the "1 million dollars annual aggregate' box. Please be aware that failure to provide the financial responsibility document to this office within 30 days will result in your Permit to Operate being revoked. (25285.1 (b) California Health & Safety Code). ' If you have any questions, or would like help in completing the Certification of Financial Responsibility, please contact Howard Wines, H~:,~rdous Materials Technician, at 326-3979. Sincerely, Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/dlm Underground Hazardous Materials Storage Facility Bakersfield, CA' 93301 {805) 326-3979 Approved by: . Ralph E. Huey, Hazardous Materials Coordinator Valid lrom: ~c. ~7- ~'~ to: ~. '?~ ~' ~OKKL~II~N N~ I I~1:: BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT N° 0 4 9 2 You are hereby required to make the following corrections at the above location: Completion Dale for Corrections · Inspector February 27, 1995 Project No. 51-4003-00-N80 Mr. Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Subject: Certificates of Financial Responsibility for 7-Eleven Stores Dear Mr. Huey: In response to your letters dated ~/anuary 30, 1995, copies of Certificates of Financial Responsibility for eleven 7-Eleven Stores located in Bakersfield are enclosed. The addresses of the subject stores are: 7-Eleven Store 16329, 1701 Pacheco Road, Bakersfield, CA 93307 7-Eleven Store 16549, 4748 W'flson Road, Bakersfield, CA 93309 7-Eleven Store 16834, 525 W. Columbus Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 7-Eleven Store 17721, 3601 Stockdale Highway, Bakersfield, CA 93309 7-Eleven Store 18655, 300 North Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93308 7-Eleven Store 20317, 2351 South Union Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93307 7-Eleven Store 21476, 1700 Brundage Lane, Bakersfield, CA 93304 7-Eleven Store 21481, 2636 River Boulevard, Bakersfield, CA 93305 7-Eleven Store 22150, 4012 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA 93309 7-Eleven Store 22647, 33390 Rosedale Highway, Bakersfield, CA 93312 7-Eleven Store 26599, 6529 East Brundage Lane, Bakersfield, CA 93307 If you have questions or require additional information, please call me at 619-541-1145. Sincerely, KLEINFELDER, INC. Linda C. Nebiker Staff'Professional cc: Bob Vasquez - Environmental Coordinator Tim Jones - Market Manager Andrew Chan - Program Manager KLEI,NFELDER 9555 Cl'~esapeake Drive, Suite 101, San Diego, CA 92123 (619) 541-1145 ~ State Water t~.eso~ Co- ~oard !'.' CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILIIY FOR UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS CONTAINING PETROLEUM , A. l ~m required t~ dem_,~?.'a~ F'mancial Respousibiit,/in the required amounts u specified in S~ctiou 7,807. Cha'p~r tS, Div. ~. Title 7.3. ~ $00,000 dolla~ per o~cuf~n~-- ['---] 1 re;Ilion dotlafl annual ag~reglte or AND or ['~ 1 mflllou dollars per o~'urr~noe [~ 2 million dolla~ annual agar,,ate B. ;l~te Southland C'nrr~w~t-~ nn hereby certifies that it is in compliance with the requirements of Section 2807, Article 3, Chapter 18, Division 3, T/tie 23, California Code of Regulations. The mechanisms used to demonstrate financial responsibility as required by Section ;807are as follows: s _u rt~ / ~.~ke=-~ Trust ~[f / No. S-08219 Irrevo- Irrevo- / Yes [ Yes. of 4~ c~. ~ · .-' . , . . ca~e.' . ca];ae.. Part 280 Note: if you are using the ~tate Fund as any pair of your dernonstmtion of financial respons~ilify, ,our execuffon and submission of this cerF~.ation a/so certifies that you are in comDliance wfth all cc 3ditions for ~ar~cipation in the Fund. CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY The Southland Corporation hereby certifies that it is in compIiance with the requirements of Subpart H of 40 CFR Part 280. The financial assurance mechanism used to demonstrate financial responsibility under Subpart H of 40 CFR Part 280 is as follows: Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit No. S-08219, issued by Bankers Trust Company on December 20, 1991, pursuant to 40 CFR 280.99, to demonstrate financial responsibility for taking corrective action and/or compensating third parties for bodily injury and property damage caused by accidental releases in the amount of up to $1,000,000.00 per occurrence and $2,000,000.00 annual aggregate. THE SOUTHLAND CORPORATION By: ~ Name: v n R wi z Title: Assistant Secretary Date: February 19, 1992 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME this /(Y?/' day of '...z ..... , 1992 . NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: . 8 8 ,~C'n, ~'..-~.~% ,. ~&~ 3 ~'~ .... . / i*= Nol3rvPHhhC. SaleolTexas O ('~ '""~ ~: '"L; '" ' " 8 SRSCON1245 UN'DERGRO STORAGE TANK MOAqTORI~PROGtAM%I L WRITTEN MO1NqTORING PROCEDURES 3. Describe the frequency of performing the monitoring method, All Southland tanks, both single-wall and double-wall, are equipped with automatic tank gauges (ATGs). The ATGs monitor the system constantly and test the tanks monthly. The piping systems (single-wall and double-wall) are monitored constantly by mechanical pressure gauges. Additionally, all Southland piping systems receive line tightness tests annually. 4. What method and equipment will be used for performing the monitoring? Quantitative monitoring will be used at all Southland sites. The ATGs test both types of tanks monthly. The ATG system used by the Southland Corporation is the TIDEL EA~S. The piping systems are tested annually with line tightness tests and are constantly monitored with Red ~'ackets or Vapodess LD 2000 which will shut offthe piping if the pressure drops too low. 5. Describe the location(s) where the monitoring will be performed. The Red Jackets or Vapodess LD 2000 are located in the turbin pit. The ATGs are located in the tanks. 6. List the name(s) of the person(s) responsible for performing }he monitoring and/or maintaining the equipment. The individual(s) responsible for monitoring the equipment~the store operator(s). The store operator(s) for this store4s~¥%cr-o%[, 4 ~--b"~% Y-~~ . The Southland Corporation is responsible for maintaining the equipment. 7. Reporting format: The TIDEL EMS unit keeps the results oflezk tests in memory for 12 months. This information can be printed by following the instructions on the unit. g. State the preventive maintenance schedule for the monitoring equipment. Note: The raainfencmce sche&de shall be in accordcmce ~,ith the rnam~_£acturer's instructions. Equipment repairs and replacement will be performed as needed. Additionally, in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, the monitoring equipment will be tested annually to certify that it is functioning properly. 9. Describe the training needed for the operation of both the tank sx, stem and the monitoring equipment. Training is provided for new employees. Training refreshers are offered as needed. The operations manual for the equipment was provided to the store operator when the equipment was installed. Training also includes emergency procedures and spill clean-up. 59ER3-94.WRD Copyright 1994 Kl¢infelder, Inc. Page 1 of 2 51-2104-00 '~ ~ .H. WRITTEN RESPONSE PLAN 10. If'an unauthorized release occurs how will the hazardous substance be cleaned up? If a tank leaks into the secondary containment, the first action would be to notify the Environmental Health Services within 24 hours of the unauthorized release. The next action would be to evacuate the primary vessel and then the secondary vessel. The tank would then be replaced and/or repaired. Any leaking pipes will be treated in the same manner. If an unauthorized release occurs from a single- wall tank and/or piping system, Environmental Health Services will be notified within 24 hours. The faulty equipment would then be repaired or replaced as necessary. Southland would then begin any assessment and/or cleanup activities directed by the local agency. 11. List the proposed methods and equipment to be used for removing and properly disposing of any hazardous substances. Include the location and availabili _ty of the required equipment if not permanently on-site and an equipment maintenance schedule for the equipment located on site. All Southland facilities have absorbent material on site to be used for very small spills. Once used, this absorbent material is collected by a contractor and disposed as oily waste. Ifa larger spill occurs, Environmental Health Services will be notified. Kleinfelder, Inc., Southland's environment consultant for the ¢'¢,L-%MO Region, may also be notified. Kleinfelder will then proceed to clean up the spill (or perform whatever tasks necessary, such as a site assessment) in accordance with guidelines. 12. List the name(s) and title(s) of the person(s) responsible for authorizing any work necessary_ under the response plan. The environmental coordinator for the Southland corporatioh, ~.,~O Region, is Bob Vasquez. All necessary work and coordination with contractors will be authorized by his office. Kleinfelder, Inc., may also be contacted. 59ER3-94.WRD Col~xight 1994 Kleinfelder, Inc. Page 2 of 2 51-2104-00 CUSTOMER: SOUTHLANDiI~ORP (7-11) SITE ID: 2'147~ ADDRESS: 3'146 GOLD CAMP DRIVE - ADDRESS: '1700 BRUNDAGE LANE CITY: RANCHO CORDOVA CITY: BAKERSFIELD STATE: CA ZIP: 95670 STATE: CA ZIP: Testin,q Evaluation Report The USTest 2000 System declares a tank to be leaking when the measured leak rate exceeds the threshold of .05 gallons per hour and has a probability of false alarm of <1% and a probability of detection of >99%. TANK 1 TANK 2 TANK 3 SYSTEM INFORMATION VOLUME VOLUME VOLUME DIAMETER DIAMETER DIAMETER FUEL TYPE REG UNLD FUEL TYPE PLS UNLD FUEL TYPE SUP UNLD TANK TYPE TANK TYPE TANK TYPE FUEL LEVEL FUEL LEVEL FUEL LEVEL WATER IN WATER IN WATER IN WATER OUT WATER OUT WATER OUT SYSTEM RESULTS TANK 4 TANK $ TANK 6 SYSTEM INFORMATION VOLU'ME VOLUME VOLUME DIAMETER DIAMETER DIAMETER FUEL TYPE F~JEL TYPE FUEL TYPE TANK TYPE TANK TYPE TANK TYPE FUEL LEVEL FUEL LEVEL FUEL LEVEL WATER IN WATER IN WATER IN WATER OUT WATER OUT WATER OUT SYSTEM RESULTS " ATG functional: YES I~INO [] TECHNICIAN: MIKE KNUTSON GERTIFICATION #: UST-70~ DATE:OCTOBER 28, J994 tlSTORY REPOR-.'. 'D ~ 21476 ..5:51:51 04/1£~/95 'ANK 1 ~'RODUCT GRADE RUL _AST 1[) DELIVERIES ,)ATE ~-~4 / 09 / 95 "IME 19: ."~9:06 ~ROSS GALLONS 5874 · .',ET GALLONS 5'918 .NITIAL LEVEL 21·(77 £ND LEVEL 66.99 ..NITIAL TEMP 50.96 ?ND TEMF' 49.67 ;,ATE (}4/07/95 "IME 22:15:44 .~ROSS GALLONS ~;076 · ~ET GALLONS .-_",106 ~'4ITIAL LEVEL 6.2(~ ;ND LEVEL 55.12 '.:NITIAL TEMP 55.95 i£ND TEMP 46· 72 )ATE ( .~, / ._., 1/9¢ -IME 22: 24: 5£) ~ET GALLONS 5074 ~:NITIAL LEVEL 23.29 ~ND LEVEL 47.3C) ]NITIAL TEMP 61.48 iND TEMP 55.50 )ATE 05/19/95 '"IME 22: 48:33 ~ROSS GALLONS 6441 · .lET GALLONS 6458 ~:NITIAL LEVEL 23.99 :END LEVEL 74.78 iNITIAL TEMP 64.85 --ND TEMP 56.44 )ATE 05/i 5/95 ?IME 03: 33:22 .DROSS GALLONS 3844 ~ET GALLONS 3837 ):NITIAL LEVEL 14.17 END LEVEL 45.90 !:NITIAL TEMP 64.50 END TEMP 62.58 )ATE 03/05/95 ['IME 21:56:26 SROSS GALLONS 3979 ~ET GALLONS 3977 INITIAL LEVEL 22.37 END LEVEL 53.38 ~NITIAL TEMP 63.20 F:ND TEMP 60.99 }ATE 02/22/95 'r I ME 00: 35: 52 SROSS GALLONS 2875 '4ET GALLONS 2882 ):NITIAL LEVEL 38.36 END LEVEL 60.07 INITIAL TEMP 57.90 :END TEMP 56.85 .}ATE 02/11/95 i'IME 22: :$2:02 ~ROSS GALLONS 598~'~ ,l E'I" GALLONS 6000 iNITIAL LEVEL 19.16 --ND LEVEL 66.23 iNITIAL TEMP 68.67 "_-ND TEMP 55.32 }ATE 02/05/95 FIME 13: 46:44 SROSS GALLONS 2566 · 4ET GALLONS 2557 ~NITIAL LEVEL 17.08 END LEVEL 38.44 i'NI TIAL TEMP 69.64 SND TEMP 64.93 IN-TANK PROBE HISTORY 4ATER DETECT WARNING 16: 28:11 04/07/95 ..OW PRODUCT WARNING 08:46:20 04/07/95 .EAK ALARM NONE .~IGH PRODUCT ALARM NONE i~HEFT ALARM NONE .,,EXTERNAL F'ROBES,,, NONE ~UTOMATIC TANK GAUGE LEAK TEST HISTORY 4 LEAK TEST(S) HAVE ~EEN PERFORMED ON tHIS TANK IN Aor 4 PASSED 100.0% 0 LEAKS O. 0 % .... LAST 3 TESTS: .... ~TART: 04/09/95 00:48:48 END: 04/09/95 02:50:57 )ERFORMED AT 24 % ]APACITY 40 LEAK DETECTED START: 04/04/95 01: 47: 54, SND: 04104/95 03: 49:54 -~'ERFORMED AT 32 % ]APACITY ~0 LEAK DETECTED START: 04/03/95 23: 37:49 END: 04/04195 01: 45:50 ~'-'ERFORMED AT 32 % ]APAC I TY 'RIOR YTD SUMMARY MO. YR PASS ALARM Jan 95 0 0 Feb 95 16 0 Mar 95 28 0 ~AVE THIS REPORT FOR 'OUR REGULATORY ~GENCY .POWER OFF/ON LOG... )n -04/01/95 12:49:25 iff-04/01/95 12:49:2¢) Jn -03/17/95 12:08:16 ~iff-03/17/95 12:08:12 )n -03/16/95 11:01:31 i~ff-03/16/95 11:01:28 -HEFT MODE HISTORY NONE .SELF TEST HISTORY.. NEVER BEEN RUN ~ND OF REPORT (-O14R) ,HISTORY REPORT D ,~ 01476 .5:54:06 04/10/95 ~'ANK 2 ~'RODUCT GRADE MUL .AST 10 DELIVERIES lATE 04/09/95 ~'IME 19:42:14 .~ROSS GALLONS 496 ~ET GALLONS 493 iNITIAL LEVEL 12.53 ~ND LEVEL 17.46 iNITIAL TEMP 67.23 ~ND TEMP 68.00 )ATE 03/31/95 ~IME 22:37:24 ~ROSS GALLONS 1018 ~ET GALLONS 1016 ~NITIAL LEVEL 9.96 ~ND LEVEL 20.42 {NITIAL TEMP 72.97 ~ND TEMP 63.03 .)ATE 03/15/95 ?IME 03:43:56 ~ROSS GALLONS 516 ~ET GALLONS 516 ~]NITIAL LEVEL 20.30 liND LEVEL 24.83 GROSS GALLONS 5! · ~ET GALLONS 5 iNITIAL LEVEL ~-~ --'L . 30 iND LEVEL 24.83 :NITIAL TEMP 73.96 £ND TEMP 59.48 )ATE 03/14/95 FIME 03: 10:32 .~ROSS GALLONS 543 ,JET GALLONS 559 'iiNITIAL LEVEL 16.4A ~]ND LEVEL .-.~ 1 . 47 i]NiTiAL TEMP 75.97 :]ND TEMP 69.08 )ATE 02/22/95 F I M E 00: 50: 02 DROSS GALLONS 1769 ~ET GALLONS 1743 '~NITIAL LEVEL 14. 15 :{ND LEVEL 29.94 iNITIAL TEMP 59. 19 ~ND TEMP 82. O1 }ATE 02/05/95 i-IME 13: 47:42 3ROSS GALLONS 1206 ~ET GALLONS 1212 iiNITIAL LEVEL 16.45 ~ND LEVEL 27. iNITIAL TEMP 60.60 END TEMF' 52.93 ,[ N-TANK PROBE HISTORY '~ATER DETECT WARNING 04: 59:42 02/22/95 01: 56:18 02/22/95 01: 21: 29 02/22/95 ..OW PRODUCT WARNING 08:15:34 04/08/95 20:40:22 03/28/95 14:38:11 01/51/95 _EAK ALARM NONE 4IGH PRODUCT ALARM NONE ..EXTERNAL PROBES... NONE ~UTOMATIC TANK GAUGE LEAK TEST HISTORY .... LAST 3 TESTS: ..... ~TART: 05/02/95 19:19:46 ~ND: 03/02/95 21:21:47 ~UTOMATICALLY 40 LEAK DETECTED START: 05/02/95 05: 54:44 END: 03/02/95 05:56:44 ~UTOMATICALLY 40 LEAK DETECTED START: 03/02/95 01:50:41 END: 03/02/95 05:52:59 ~UTOMATICALLY ~0 LEAK DETECTED )RIOR YTD SUMMARY MO. YR PASS ALARM Jan 95 0 0 Feb 95 45 0 Mar 95 9 0 ~AVE THIS REPORT FOR ~OUR REGULATORY '~GENCY ,.POWER OFF/ON LOG... In -04/01/95 12:49:25 ]ff-04/01/95 1°-49:20~. In -05/17/95 1°-08:16~. ]ff-03/17/95 12:08:12 )n -03/16/95 11:01:31 ]ff-03/16/95 11:01:28 ;'HEFT MODE HISTORY NONE ,.SELF TEST HISTORY.. NEVER BEEN RUN ,I-i-ISTORY" REF'OR-F -- - .6:02:17 04/10/95 i"ANK 3 · )RODUCT GRADE PUL ..AST 10 DELIVERIES }ATE 03/19/95 FIME 22: 50:46 SROSS GALLONS 1488 ,lET GALLONS 1484 !:NITIAL LEVEL 19.78 ~ND LEVEL 32.31 ;' N I T I AL TEMF' 65.02 ~ND TEMP 64.43 i~ATE 03/05/95 FIME 21: 49:14 SROSS GALLONS 1765 ~ET GALLONS 1756 ~NITIAL LEVEL 15.48 END LEVEL 30.96 INITIAL TEMP 69.37 END TEMF' 67.68 [N-TANK PROBE HISTORY ~ATER DETECT WARNING 18:43:41 05/20/95 23:04:37 01/31/95 _OW PRODUCT WARNING 17:~:0~ 04/08/95 14:38:23 01/31/95 _EAK ALARM 11:22:38 03/31/95 ~IGH PRODUCT ALARM NONE FHEFT ALARM NONE ...EXTERNAL PROBES... NONE LEA~ ]'EST HIS~ORY .... LAST 3 TESTS: ..... ~TART: 03/31/95 18:47: 36 SND: 03/31/95 20:49: 40 aUTOMATICALLY · ~0 LEAK DETECTED START: 03/31/95 13:13:34 END: 03/31/95 15: 15:38 aUTOMAT I CALLY ~LT LEAK DETECTED aTTEMPTING TO VERIFY START: 03/31/95 09:20:34 ~ND: 03/31/95 11:22:38 ~UTOMATICALLY ~LT LEAK DETECTED ~ERCENTAGE ~'RIOR YTD SUMMARY MO. YR PASS ALARM Jan 95 0 0 Feb 95 95 0 Mar 95 59 4 BAVE THIS REPORT FOR ~OUR REGULATORY ~GENCY ..POWER OFF/ON LOG... In -04/01/95 12:49:25 ]~-04/01/95 12:49:20 In -03/17/95 12:08:16 ]~-03/17/95 12:08:12 In -03/16/95 11:01:31 ]~-03/16/95 11:01:28 [HEFT MODE HISTORY NONE ..SELF TEST HISTORY.. NEVER BEEN RUN £ND OF REPORT (-014R) LEAK ALARM NONE HIGH PRODUCT ALARM NONE THEFT ALAPJ4 NONE ·..EXTERNAL PROBES... ":" ' NONE -:' ..... ' · -- .. - -'- · ".~: ...... ' ....... "~ .:.....:..:i... , . . :. ":.:...: :: .~'.:...-.. ..,..'- · . . . · . · :::i:~ ".AUTOMATIC TANK 6RUGE :". '::":'::-". '"' ::~:'!:i; ~: .......... i-:. ::i :. ':: .... -:.::.'..:,..,,,.,..:: :., ..... ; . .......~:.. ..... : :...:- ....... ...,.~..... ....... : ..:' -' LEAK TEST HISTORY N PERFOPJ'IED ON 0 I NFLOI~. 33 PASSED. 100.0P. 0 LEAKS 0.0 START: 01/31/95 ~ 05:89:04 { E~: 01/31/95 85:11:04 ~ PERFORMED AT 55 ~ -.. CAPACITY NO LEAK DETECTED ~ END · 02:17:25 ~ P~FORMED gT ~ CAPACITY : NO LEAK DETECTED '. · 4.. ~ START: 81/5~/95 "' ~1:48:89 ::~ END: 81/38/95 NO LE~K DETECTED PRIOR YTD SUMMARY MO PASS ALARM PRIOR YEAR: · ~'- Sep 0 0 Oct 11 ~ 1 Nov 17 0 Dec 18 0 SAVE THIS REPORT FOR YOUR REGULATORY AGENCY ,'. THEFT MODE'HISTORY ..... NONE ¥- ..SELF TEST HISTORY.. .. '~ LAST TESTED: 12:14:11 ' IN-TANK PROBE TEST · ' PROBE 1 PASS ~ PROBE 2 PASS PROBE 3 PASS HISTORY WATER DETECT WARNING 10:~:20- 10/10x94 10:29:07 lO/lOx94 LOW PRODUCT WARNING 12:43:49 01y04/95 15:32:07. lOxO4Y94 LEAK ALARM 09:40:22 11/20x94 HIGH PRODUCT ALARM NONE '! THEFTNoNE.RLARM ...EXTERNAL PROBES... NONE LEAK TEST HISTORY 42 PASSED 100.0% .... ! OLERKS 0.0 % . LAST S TESTS: .... 'i ~' 11:53:45 " PERFOPJ~ED ~T 20 % ~ CAPACITY .! NO LEAK DETECTED ~. ~ START: Oly26y95 ~ 01:16:28 ' ~ END: 01/26x95 , 05:18:28 : PERFORt'IED AT 28 % : CAPACITY NO LEAK DETECTED ~ START: 81/25/95 ":' ~, 21:12:26 . : :.:' ~ END: 81/26/95 ! 81:14:25 - PERFOPJ'IED AT 28 % CAPACITY ' :'">~:':"~"f':~ PRIOR YTD SUMMARY .......... ~ ...... MO PASS ALARM -"' - ............ · ..... --:..'- PRIOR YEAR: ,: --! Sep 8 O .- " .' '."-'".' · . Oct 21 0 -' : { Nov 12 9 Dec 26 4 iNITiAL LEVEL 25.86 END LEVEL 29.56 INITIAL TEMP 76.45, END T EJ'IP 123.0~ I N--TAI'A PROBE HISTORY WATER DETECT WARNIN$ NONE LOW PRODUCT WARNING 8?:48:52 10/15/94 12:88:45 09/29/94 HIGH PE~DIJCT ALARM NONE THEFT ALARM NONE ...EXTERNAL PROBES... ' .... NONE AUTOHATIC TANK GA~JGE LEAK TEST HISTORY BEEN PERFORMED ON THIS TANK IN ~ 28 PASSED 100.0% 0 LEAKS 0.8 ..... LAST 5 TESTS: .... START:81/31/95 08:83:18 END:01/31;95 84:05:18 :':..: ..: ./.~ ;,; ...!i ..'/.. -:':::¥':":" ::' '~::!'[ "- CAPACITyPER'FORt'ED AT 36 ~-' i;;!i .:. :'.i :"..".;;; i;/! !~?~:;~-?.i:!ii:! :: : , ;".::;:. / ';.: .!!i::...;: !.;!:!i,;'.?.:;'i: : '"'.:. 'i;:~..,]:'"] :'i..'.' :.:' :'': .....' NO LEAK DETECTED START: 01/30;95 .o9.02 END: 01/30/95 PER, FORME, Q AT 3? ~. C~CITY HO LE~ DETECTED START: 81/29~95 23: 50: 35 ~ LEAK DE~CTED PRIOR ~D SUMMARY Nov 23 2 s.. ~ ~L~¢T FOR ~NCY · FOR UNDERGROUND STORAGE; TANKS CONTAINING PETROLEUM r'~ 5oo,ooo dolbrs per oeearrenm F--J 1 m;U;oe doibrs annul arrrelme~ 'B. ~ ~c;ou'P_h],~'~ ('Y'~'t-'r~?-~.l-'; r~n hereby cert#ies that it is in compliance with the requirernen~s of ,~'tion 2807, A~ticle 3, Chapter 18, Division 3, Title 23, California Code of Regulations. The mechanisms used to demonstrate financial res;onsibility as required by Section 2807 are as follows: sub~c ~ / sa~s ~ust: ~, / ~' s-082z9 ~'-~evo- ] z~evo- J yesyes o~ ;lO- CI~ [ ·" / cable '. 'L cabZe.. ~ ~a_ld: 280 Note: ff you are using the ~ate Fund as any part of your demonstration of financial responsbi#ty, ~our exectrdon and submission of this cettJficaEon also certifies that you are in com;)liance with all conditions for participation in 8~e Fund. 7-Eleven Store _No. .~pmnrd,~ wtmm a- Ak:~'y - c:;K(o4~') ~ o~.i~d - ~ Aeucy C~m- Fsin~m(s) CERTIFI~ATION OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILIT~ The Southland Corporation hereby certifies that it is in compliance with the requirements of Subpart H of 40 CFR Part 280. The financia~l assurance mechanism used to demonstrate financial responsibility under Subpart H of 40 CFR Part 280 is as follows: Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit No. S-08219,. issued by Bankers Trust Company on December 20, 1991, pursuant to 40 CFR 280.99, to demonstrate financial responsibility for taking corrective action and/or compensating third parties for bodily injury and property damage caused by accidental releases in the amount of up to $1,000,000.00 per occurrence and $2,000,000.00 annual aggregate. THE SOUTHLAND CORPORATION By:~ Name: v n R 1 wi Title: Assistant Secretary Date: February 19, 1992 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME this /:}~¥" day of 1992 · ~; NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires:' ~ ~.~,"~.,,.~, ",~- ~ DEBORAH A. ALL E~ ~ Q SRSCON1245  CITY of BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ~ FIRE SAFETY CONTROL & HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISIONS 1715 CHESTER AVE. · BAKERSFIELD, CA · 99301 R.E. HUEY March 23, 1995 R.B. TOBIAS, HAZ-MAT COORDINATOR FIRE MARSHAL (805) 326-3979 (805) 326-3951 Jeff Simonson The Southland Corporation 295 W. Cromwell, Suite 104 Fresno, CA 93711 Dear Mr. Simonson, Enclosed, please find the results of my underground storage tank inspections at the 7-Eleven's within the city limits of Bakersfield. For each facility, you will find an inspections checklist with "yes, no, and not applicable" columns for each tank, blank forms provided to facilitate supplying information required by the state, a business plan for a store with a new operator, and Correction Notices for each facility, which list items that need correction. Please note that one month was given to complete the required corrections. Also, note that the tank monitor at your store located at 525 W. Columbus showed two tanks in the alarm mode. Investigate the cause of the alarms as soon as possible and notify us of your findings. We are pleased to have only found minor problems, (mostly paperwork requirements) at your facilities. Call us with questions or comments at (805) 326-3979. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey, Hazardous Materials Coordinator by: Mark A. Turk Inspector enclosures MT/dim C( kRRECTION NOT .E BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT :,~ Location 7~/? Sub Div ~ ~ ~-'~; / ';,'~ ~ :~.', ':v' ~BI.~,.' ~: YOU are hereby required to make the fo]lowing corrections at the above location: ' ~,_ "- , "/ ,~' ', :,' :. t ~, ~,' /(~ ",~-~ ~ .~r.~. t'.,.z¢ ~'~ ~ ' ; "' ' ~ --' ' '~ ' t " ' ' ~ 11!~ '% l'/ [.'~,; I . I, t ,' "-~ .~' i'~ ., ~;~ 'I-~L, i .~ ! ~ /' ~ , '~ 1 ! - - "~,"q{,~/~,,'c, ~,~H' '., l~ r~,?~,.../.D '" ' ~ '-~ 4 Completion Date for Corrections. 326-3979 UNO~RGROUI~D*'STORKGE TANi~S,PECTION ,~ ~ ~ ...... .*~-: ,~, ~/, ',Bakersfield Fire Dept. · , ~ B~ersfield, CA 93301 7 := t t. BUSINESS I.D. No. 215-000 FAClLI~ NAME FAClLI~ ADDRESS INSPECTION DATE ' ///~/~ ~ ~ P~ua Pr~ ROUTINE ~ FOLLOW-UP ..... ~ REQUIREMENTS la. F~ A & B Su~ lc. O~mting F~ Pa~ ld. S~te Sum~rge Pa~ le. Statement of Fi~ial R~si~l~ Su~ lf. W~en Contract E~sts ~n ~er & O~mt~ to O~mte UST 2b. Approv~ Wr~en Ro~ine Monitoring Pr~um ~, ~:~ 2c. U~ho~ Relea~ Res~n~ Pan ~. Tank Int~r~ T~t in Last 12 Months ~. Pre~u~ Piping Int~ri~ Test in Last 12 M~ths ~''' '~ ~. Sucti~ Piping ~ghtn~ T~t in Last 3 ~. Gmv~,El~ Piping T~ht~ T~t in ~ 2 Y~m ~. ~R~uRs Subm~ Within ~ Da~ 3f. Dal~ ~sual M~E~ring of Su~i~ Pr~ Piping ~. Manual Inve~o~ R~ncil~tion Each ~th "~ ".-~.. Annual nvento~ R~iliati~ State~nt Su~ ~. Metem Calibmt~ Annually ~ ,~r%~; W~kN Manual Tank Gauging R~rds f~ Small Tan~ ,6~,,T· Month~ Statisti~l Invento~ R~ciliati~ R~uEs 7. Month~ A~atic Tank Gauging R~u~s 8. Ground Water MonE~ng 9. ~r MonE~ing 10. Continuous Intemt~ial Mon~oHng f~ Doubl~Wal~ Tan~ 11. M~hani~l Li~ Leak Det~om . 12. El~tmnic Line Leak Det~om 13. Continuous Piping MonEodng in Sum~ 14. A~atic Pump ShUtoff Ca~bil~ 15. Annual Malntenan~Calibration of Leak Det~~ Equi~t 16. Leak Det~tion Equipment and T~t Meth~s List~ in LG-113 ~ 18. Re~ Changes in U~ggCondEi~s to O~rati~~ Pr~ur~ of UST~$~tem W~hin, ~ Da~ 19. Re~ Una~ho~'Relea~ WEhin 24 Houm Approv~ UST S~tem Re~im and U~m~ 21. R~ds Sh~ng Cath~ Prot~t~ Ins~ S~ur~ MonEod~ Wells Dr~ Tu~ RE~INSPECTIONDATE ~ RECEIVED BY: ~ FD 1~9 FIRE SAFETY CONTROL & HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISIONS 1715 CHESTER AVE. · BAKERSFIELD, CA · 99301 R.E. HUEY R.B. TOBIAS, HAZ-MAT COORDINATOR FIRE MARSHAL (805) 326-3979 March 2 2, 1 9 9 5 (805) 326-3951 Jeff Simonson The Southland Corporation 295 West Cromwell, 104 Fresno, CA 93711 RE: Monitoring requirements for underground storage tanks. Dear Mr. $imonson: Our records reveal that no precision tank testing has been performed on 3 underground storage tanks located at 1700 Brundage Lane. Section 2643 2(A) of Article 4; Title 23, Div. 3, Chapter 16, CCR., requires that all underground tanks that do not utilize automated leak detection shall have a precision tank test annually. Additionally, pressurized piping shall be tested annually and non- pressurized piping shall be tested every three years. Pipeline leak detectors and automated leak detection systems also have to be certified to be in working order on an annual basis. Please make arrangements to bring the tanks into compliance with state law. If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 326-3979. Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician HHW/dlm rmit t, Underground Hazardous Materials Storage Facility '~' CONDITION S,.E . Tank Hazardous G~ii::~??.?~%?:::? Ye:~a~:~?~?:~.~::..:~ ~.~Tank '::~;::;~;~:~:~:~.~:~:~;~:':~:~:~:~. Piping Piping · Piping Number Substance C~.~.~.!i~%.(::?' in'~"i~::li~:?:.'::::.. ~:?'..(Type Uoh'ii~:~:i~;~:':'::':~::~::: Type Method Monitoring -~ ~ ~. 1~ ~"~ ..... .-... ::~.~. · .. ~:: :~: .~ ~.. :: . ~'~:::'~:::: .~'.~ ::~ ...'~.....~ ::?:]'i... ~..:::: ::~ '::~ .~: .::~:].~' '.'..L]~'::]~.:; ::.:. ::~::::~]:~?:~?.~f:.~:~?.]:?~::::?.~:~::::~]?:::~?:?:::~:?:~;:::~ :'..:::~ .::~-.~ ~."...."~?:~ ~~~ Bakcrshcla ~rc Dept. HAZAROOUS ~A?ERIALS DIVISION .............. - ~ ~~~ ~/ ~akerslield, CA 93301  (805) 326-3979 Approved by: Ralph E. Huey, Hazardous Materials Coordinator Valid from: ~c ~'~ ~"~ to: T~c ',"';: ':'~' 0CT--15--94 THU 12:55 P~ WH. GRILL 61g 562 6395 p.06 ~, ~x,~_~.~,~. HAZARDOUS ~ATERIAL DIVIS~O~ r~.~L~¥,,(,~ 1715 CHESTER.AVE..'BAKERSFIELD, ~A 93304 ~ (~os) 3~-~ TANK~ VOLUME CONTENTS n~ DATE ~I~NATURE OF APPLIC~T ' ~ ?.. Bakersfield, California 93305 '. · · : -" :- ':. 'i .... .;<~.,.*Leon M Hebertson, M.D.' :~,~?: ': '" Te e~hone ~805t 861-3636 * ' ,, ENV RONMENTAL HEAL~ DIVISION ~ ~ ',. '~ ~" . ~*~- . ~., .' -.:~ ", .~_~ ~:,~ :.~ ':-:. %: ... :~..2'.< ;::~::.~,:.1~,' :.:~ ..,~ < , -~: ~ ~.: IN YRS ;UBSTANCE 'CODE '?~:'::PRESSURIZED PIPING? . ~' %~'<:~.~S '< ~.~ .: /.. ~ '":L,' . :?':..<:': QU:REHENTS STABLI HED'BY' ' -. '.: :~:':.. , ::F: .-:' : '?":. ,. ' ...... ·" -' '~ ,,' ."~ '" ' '. '~" :" -~' ~ ~:"~ '". ' ..~.<~J~."',?" "~.- :,"' ' ' ,' -~ 'h.:'~.:'::~'''' ": :,~'"-':~:-':k ~ ~,:. ~':-' L:-:.-. - ';::'<::~< NO N-- T RAN S F E RAB L E ~::~* * *./::::'P O S T :'O N .: "P RE M I'S ......... : : ' '...::. -.-, ~ .-. ., , . . . .. . ' . .' . -.: . . . .. ~:.: :,':'. ':'_.... : ... :..,,:. .. :::..'> ......,','..:',. -.,.. · .. .......... . . .... . ..... .::......,, ..,:.. ' .::. , · ...... ',.,j ., .' . · .,,fi,: :,--,- ,. - ... , .~ ..:' :. ::~'~.':.:' .. "'DA~P~IT m:T~: AUG 2 5 1986 -' "'" " ' .... . . · .-?,- ,.., ~ , DA~ P~IT ~K LIST ~~: ' .~ . ~'.~ ~:~ j'-:... ' '"' ': < ~':~ :~ :: ~"~;.~:/:F: ~.. . . . , .. :/-: ,. ::~'~'...~ , ..: .~ ~ ( ': :~ ~ .' Associated Environmental Systems, lng. F'.O. Bo:.,' 8(I)427 Bakersfield~ CA 95:38( (805) ._,9._,-.~.1..' AES -- SYSTEM II PRECISION TANK & LINE TEST RESULTS SUMMARY · Invoice Address: Tank Location: W.O.#: 14125 SOUTHLAND CORP. 7-11 #21476 I.D. Number: 21476 47626 KATO RD. 170(1) BRUNDAGE LANE Technician:JRL FREMONT, .CA 94558 BAKERSFIELD, CA Tech. #: 87152 Van#: 6107 Date: 04-16-91 Time Start: 090¢) ~'~ ""End: 1600 ' "County" KE " Facility Phone#: ~(')~" .... '~ ~(' ~.~-.~....--~ Groundwater Depth: --J'+ Blue Prints: NONE Contact: MGR. " Date;Time system was filled: 04,16-91/0400 Tank ' F~ZZ/Vent P~oduc~ Tzpe O~ Vapo~ · Inches o~ Punp Tank Tank Capacity PP°duct Tank Vapo~ L~nes L~ne ~ecovery Water/Tank Type Hate~a! 1 1OK R/UL PASS PASS PASS ! I (~, 0 TUR9 SNS 2 1OK H/UL PASS .~- PASS PASS. I I O, 0 TURB SNS ~ 10K S/UL PASS PASS PASS l I 0.'0 TURB SWS Additional Information: SUNNY WITH THE TEMPERATURE IN THE 70'S. F'/L'S WERE TESTED HYDROSTATICALLY, AND THE LEAK DETECTORS WERE ALSO TESTED AND FOUND TO BE OPERATIONAL. SITE LOG TIME Set Up Equip: 0900 Bled Product Lines: 1500 Bled Vapor Lines: 0930 Bled Vent lines: OPEN Bled Turbine: 0945 Bled Suction Pump: N/A Risers Installed: N/A a)' This system and method meets the criteria set forth in NFF'A #529. b) Any failure listed above may require further action, check with all ~-e~gulatory agencies. Copyri~ght (c) 1989 by AES, I~nc. California O.T.T.L. Number : 91-1074 Certified Technician Signature : · ~~._~._ Date : ~J--J~-~ ~--',...~.~-_~;.,,',~ 2130 G Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301' '~' (805)' 326-3979 TO PERFORM A TIGHTNESS TEST ~ ~00 APPLICATION OPE.TORS N.E ~~ ~ OWNERS N.E ~~ N~BER OF T~KS TO BE TESTED' ~ IS PIPING GOING TO'BE TESTED~ TANK# VOLUME CONTENTS TEST METHOD ~5 DATE & TIME TEST IS TO BE CONDUCTED' ' ':;': ': TESt DELAY / cANCELLATION RECORD ,] .... , , WORK ORDER ,: .DATE TECHNICIAN ;,",,'.?'.:.' TIME SCHEDULED. O'~'--C~ CERT fj ~X,L%~ VAN '.:,.",,";,,'":,,-,REASON FOR ·BELAY: TOTAL HRS DELAY :." .:' I ACKNOWLEDGE THE ABOVE TEST WAS DELAYED FOR REASONS BEYOND,,gS:HE CONTROL REASON . CANCELLATION AUTHORIZED BY . .;:' Associated Environmental Systems, Inc. P.O. Box 80427 Bakersfield, CA 93380 (805) 393-22i2 AES -- SYSTEM II PRECISION TANK & LINE TEST RESULTS SUMMARY Inv'oice Address: Tank Location: W.O.$~: 16303 SOUTHLAND CORP 7-11 $~ 21476 I.D. Number: 21476 295 W., CROMWELL $$ 104 1'700 BRUNDAGE LANE ' Technician:BNL FRESNO'CALIF 93711 BAKERSFIELD CALIF Tech.~:89165 Van~:O117 Da~e: 04/29/92 Time Start: 08:00 End: 14:00 County: KE ~acility Phone#~ 1-80~-~.-..--8~71 ~roundwa~er Depth: N/A Blue Prints: N/A ~on~ac~: MGR Date~Time system was filled: 04/29/92 10:00 Tank Fill/Vent Product Type Of Vapor Inches of Pump Tank Tank Capacity Product Tank Vapor Lines Line Recovery Water/Tank Type Material 1 9950G NOL PASS PASS PASS PH-2 0 0 TURB S W S ~ 9950G MNL PASS PASS PASS PH-2 0 0 TURB S W S ~ 9950G SNL PASS PASS PASS PH-2 0 0 TURB S W S Rddit lonal Information: SITE LOG TIME Set Up Equip: YES Bled Product Lines: YES Bled Vapor Lines: YES Bled Vent lines: YES Bled Turbine: YES Bled Suction Pump: N/A Risers Installed: N/A a) ALL~!~PRoDUCT LINES WERE TESTED USING THE PLT-100R b) This system and method meets the criteria set forth in NFPA c) Any f.ailure listed above may require further action, check with all regulatory agencies. Copyright (c) 1989 by AES, Inc. Califor~ia O.T.T.E. Number : ll31~IRW[N ~D Certified Technician Signature : / Date AES/Syst II PrecisiOn leak 'Test Invoice No. : 16303 Date: 04/29/92 Time : 11:30:03 Technician: BNL Tank: 1 Tank Diameter(in): 95 Volume(gal): 9950 Grade Level (in): 122 Product Level (in): 120 Water Level On Tank(in): 0 Specific Gravity: 0.75 Coefficient Of Expansion: 0.0006361 ~alibration Value(mi): 190 Channel: 1 Level Segment From: 1 To 225 'Ter~p Segment From: 130 To 300 Change In Calibration Zone = 19 Calibration Unit(gal/unit) = 0.00260 Starting Temperature (F): 74. 316 Head Pressure (col/in (Btm)): 90.0 Surface Area(sq. in): 60. i Temp. Change(F/h) : 0.024 Level volume(gph): 0. 10 Temp. volume(~ph): 0. 14 F','rodu~t Line(~ph): 0.003 Net change(gph) : -0. 04 Copyright (c) 1989 by ~E.., Inc. ** Notes ** 7-11 ~ ~1476, 1700 BRUNDAGE, BAKE.~....~ ].~L~ CALIF. FIRST AND SECOND HOURS. AES/Syst Precision leak Test Invoice No. : 16303 Date: 0g,/2,9/92 Time : 11:30:03 Technician: BNL Tank: 2. Tank Diameter(in): 95 Volume(gal): 99~ Grade Level (in): 1~:~ Product Level (in): 120 Wa~er Level On Tank(in): 0 8pecific Gravity: 0.75 Coef'ficient Of Expansion: 0.0006487 Calibration Value(mi): 190 Channel: ~ Level 8egment From: 1 To 225 Temp Segment From: 150 To 300 Change In Calibration Zone = 10 Calibration Unit(gal/unit) = 0.00494 Btmrting Temperature (F>: 76. 267 Head Pressure (col/in (Btm)): 90.0 ~urface Area(sq. in): 114. 1 Temp. Change(F/h) : 0.017 Level volume(gph): 0. 12 Temp. volume(gph): 0. 10 Product Line(gph): 0.005 Net change(gph) : '0.02 Copyrig~t (c) 1989 by AES, Inc. ** Notes ** 7-11 t~ 21476, 1700 BRUNDAGE, BAKERSFIELD CALIF. FIRST AND SECOND HOURS. ~ ...... ~C 1"t c.~.'~ AES/Sys~em II Precision leak Test Gr Invoice No. : 16303 Date': 04/29/92 Time : 11~30:03 Technician: BNL Tank: 3 Tank Diameter(in): 95 Volume (gal): 9950 Grade Level (in) : 135 Product Level (in): 130 Water Level On Tank(in): 0 ~pecific Gravity: 0.76 Coefficient Of Expansion: 0.0006532 ~alibration Value(mi): 190 Channel: 3 Level Segmen~ From: 1 To 225 Temp Segment From: 100 To 300 Change In Calibration Zone = 17 C}=xlibration Unit(gal/unit) = 0.00291 Starting Temperature (F): '76. 488 Head Pressure (col/in (Btm)): 98.8 ~urface Area(sq. in): 66.2 Temp. Change(F/h) : 0.012 Level volume(gph): 0.03 Temp. volume(gph): 0.07 P~oduct Line(gph) : 0. 002 Ne~ change (gph) : -0.04 Copyright (c) 1989 by AES~ Inc. ** Notes ** '" 7-11, 21476, 1700 BRUNDAGE, BAKERSFIELD CALIF. FIRST AND SECOND HOURS.  ' .ASSOCIATED ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS, INC. ! TM P.O. BOX 80427 BAKERSFIELD~ CA 93380 (805) 393-2212 BILLING ORDER INVOICE NUMBER INVOICE ADDRESS: · TANK LOCATION: rN(EN BY: ~ :)ATE TAKEN: CO. NO~FIEO: P.O.~: CONTACT: PH~E: , PH~E: ~_~_~..~1~ ~ TEST TIME: - START END TEST VOLUME PRODUCT VO IJJ],[E VOLUlV[E PRESSURE DIFF. (GPH) PASS/FAIL DIESEL OTHER CONFIRMATION TEST IF FIRST FAILED TEST PRESSURE IS 50 PSI WITH T,RAK DETECTOR REMOVED & IMPACT CLOSED. ~ ,~ ASSOCIA'~ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS, INC. ~ TM P.O. BOX ~0~27 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93380 (805) 393-22.12 ,.voice AES HYDROSTATIC PRODUCT LINE TEST WORK SHEET TEST PRODUCT START END START END TEST VOL. NO. TIME TIME VOL. (mi) VOL. (mi) DIFF. (el) Divide the volume differential by the test time (15 minutes) and multiple by 0.0158311, which will convert the volume differential from milliliters per minute to gallons per hour. The conversion constant is found by: (60 nin/hr)/(3790 el/gal) = 0.01583ii(rain/hr) (gal/el) The conversion constant csuses the milliliters and minutes to cancel out. Ex. If the level dropped ~ml in 15 minutes then: 3/15 ml./min. X 0.0158311(min/hr)(gai/ml) = 0.003 gal/hr. RESULTS OF THiS WORK SHEET TO .BE COMPLIED ON A.E.S. RESULTS SHEET. ~ ~'~ ASSOCIATE RONMENTAL SYSTEMS. INC. ~ TM P.O. BOX 80427 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93380 (805) 393-2212 .. LEAK DETECTOR TEST DATA TES~ LOCATION: FACILITY #: ~~~~ ~~ TEST DATE: DOES LEAK " ~ESULTS PRODUCT DET EXIST TEST #1 TEST #2 RESULTS P/L TEST ~~ yes ~ Pass ~ Pass %~ yes / Pass ~' Pass yes Pass _ Pass DSL no Gal ,,Gal Fail Fail NOTES: TEST PROCEDURE Test #1: perform for 30 seconds with nozzle in full open position Test #2: perform for 30 seconds after nozzle closed for 10 seconds EXAMPLE OF POSSIBLE RESULTS ~ Test #1 Test #2 Results Test #1 Test #2 Results / Gal, __~ Gal Pass __~ Gal _.~ Gal Fail TECHNICIAN /.. ~ k.~~['~ DATE HAZARDOUS .MATERIALS DIVISION 2130 G Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 . ? (805) 326-3970 UNDERGROUND TA NNAIRE RECEIVED JAN 0 3 19921 I. FACILITY/SITE No. OF TANKS ,~ HAZ. MAT. ~BOXTOINOICATE ~CO~PO~flON ~INDIVIOUAL ~PAR~ERSHIP ~L~ALAGENCYD~IC~ ~COUN~AGENCY ~A~AGENCY ~FEDE~LAGENCY EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON ~PEIMAE~ EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON (SECONDAR~ DAYS: NAME (~S[ FI~ PHONE ~. WI~ AR~ CODE OAYS: NAME (~s[ FI~ PHONE ~. WITH AR~ CODE N[GH~: NAME (~S[ FI~ PHONE ~. W~ AR~ CODE N~: NAME (~. FI~ PHONE ~. W~ AR~ CODE I1. PE'OPEE~ OWNER INFORMATION (MUST BE COMPLETED) NAME~ CARE OF AODRE~ IN~RMA~ON MAILING O~ S~EE AOD~ESS ¢ BOX ~ INO~IDUAL ~ L~AL AGENCY ~ STATE AGENCY III. TANKOWNER INFORMATION (MUST BE COMPpEIED) NAME CA~E OF AOOR~ MAILING OR STREB ADDRESS ~ lOX ~ INOIVIDUAL ~ LOCAL AGENCY ~ STATE AGENCY TO INDICATE ~ PARINERSHIP ~ COUN~ AGENCY ~ FEDE~L AGENCY CI~ NAME PHONE No. WITH A~ CODE OWNER'S DATE VOLUME PRODUCT IN TANK No. INSTALLED STORED SERVICE YIN Y/N ~ Y/N OO YOU HAVE FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILIW? ~/N ~PE h6¢¢ ~ I. TANK DESCRIPTION SPECIFY IF UNKNOWN c. DATE INSTALLED*O' AV' EAR, - D. TANK CAPAO' ' ,N GALLONS: III. TAN K CONSTRUCTION uAa~ ONE I~M ONLY IN BOXES ~ B.AND C, ~O ALL TNAT APPLIES IN BOX D A. ~PE OF ~. 1 ~UBLE WALL ~ 3 SINGLE WA~ Wl~ E~ERIOR LINER ~ 95 UN~OWN SYSTEM ~ SINGLE WALL ~ 4 SECONDARY ~NTAINMENT (VAUL~DTAN~ ~ ~ O~ER B. TANK MATERIAL ~ 5 CONCRE~ ~ 6 mLWINYL CHLOmDE ~ 7 ~U~INU~ ~ a ~, ME~ANOL COMPATlaLEW~RP ~ 1 RUBBER LINED ~ 2 ~O LINING ~ 3 E~ LINING ~ 4 PHENOL~ LINING C. INTERIOR UNING ~ 5 ~. LINING UNLIN~ ~ 95 UN~OWN ~ ~ O~ER IS UNING MATERIAL ~MPATI~ ~mR 1~ M~ANOL ? YES ~ NO~ D. CORROSION ~ 1 ~LYE~YLENE W~P ~ 2 ~ATING ~ 3 ~L ~ ~ ~ FIBERG~S REINFORCED ~STIC PROTECTION, ~ 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION ~1 ~NE ~ ~ UN~OWN ~ ~ O~ER IV. PIPING INFORMATION C~RC~ A IFABOVEGR~NDOR U IF UNDERGROUND. BO~IFA~LICAB~ A. SYSTEM TYPE A U 1 SUCTION A ~2 PRESSURE A U 3 G~V~ A U ~ O~ER B. CONSTRUCTION A~ I SINGLE WALL A U 2 ~UB~ WA~ A U 3 LIN~ TRENCH A U 95 UNKNOWN A U ~ O~ER A ~ 1 ~RE STEEL A U 2 STAINLESS S~EL A U 3 ~LWI~L CHLORIDE (PVC)A U 4 FIBERG~S PIPE C. MATERIAL AND CORROSION A U 5 ~UMINUM A ~ 6 ~NCRE~ A U 7 ST~LW/~ATING A U 8 1~ ME~NOL ~MPA~B~W~RP PROTE~ION A U 9 ~LVANI~D S~ A U 10 CATHODIC PRO~CTION A U 95 UN~O~ A U ~ O~ER D. LEAK D~ECTION ~ AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DE~CTOR ~ LINE T~H~ESS TESTING ~ 3 I~S~L ~N~OmNG ~ 9g O~R V. TANK LEAK D~ECTION I. TANK DESCRIPTION COMPLETE ALL ITEMS - SPECIFY IF UNKNOWN IA. OWNER'S TANK ,. D.,C~ I H"7 (~ -- 7--- B. MANUFACTURED BY: C. DATE INSTALLED (MO/DAYffEAR) ~/~0 D. TANK CAPACITY IN GALLONS: III. TANK CONSTRUCTION MARKONEITEMONLYtNBOXESA, B, ANDC, ANDALLTHATAPPLIESINBOXD A. TYPE OF [] 1 DOUBLE WALL [] 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER [] 95 UNKNOWN SYSTEM ~ SINGLE WALL [] 4 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (VAULTED TANK) [] 99 OTHER B, TANK ~ BARE STEEL [] 2 STAINLESS STEEL [] 3 FIBERGLASS [] 4 STEELCLAD W/FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC MATERIAL [] 5 CONCRETE [] 6 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE [] 7 ALUMINUM [] 8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP (PrimaryTank) [] 9 BRO. NZE [] 10 GALVANIZED STEEL [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER ,r/ . [] , RUBBER LINED [] 2 AL~D UN,~G [] 3 EPOXY LINING [] 4 PHENOUC LINING C. INTERIOR LINING [] 5 GLASS LINING ~ UNLINED [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER ~S UN~NG MATERIAL COMPATIBLE W~TH tOO"/. METHANOL ? YES__ NO__ D. CORROSION [] 1 POLYETHYLENE WRAP [] 2 COATING [] 3 VINYL WRAP [] 4 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC PROTECTION [] 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION [~91 NONE [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER IV. PIPING INFORMATION C~RC~ A IFASOVEGROUNDOR U ~FUNDERGROUND. BOTH~FAPPUCABLE. A. SYSTEMTYPE A IJ 1 SUCTION A(~)2 PRESSURE A U 3 GRAVITY A U 99 OTHER B. CONSTRUCTION A (~ I SINGLE WALL A U 2 DOUBLE WALL A U 3 LINED TRENCH A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER A ~)1 BARE STEEL A U 2 STAINLESS STEEL A U 3 POLYVlNYL CHLORIOE (PVC)A U 4 FIBERGLASS PIPE C. MATERIAL AND CORROSION A U 5 ALUMINUM A U 6 CONCRETE A U 7 STEEL WI COATING A U 8 10~/° METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP PROTECTION A U 9 GALVANIZED STEEL A U 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION ,A U 95 UNKNOWN A U, 99 OTHER D. LEAK DETECTION ~I~'AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR- ~ LINE TIGHTNESS TESTING [] 3 INTERSTITtALMoNiTORiNG [] 99 OTHER V. TANK LEAK DETECTION [] I VISUAL CHECK ~ INVENTORY RECONCILIATION [] 3 VAPOR MONITORING [~ AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING [] 5 GROUNDWATER MONITORING J~6 TANK TESTING [] 7 'NTERSTITIALMONITORING [] 91 NONE [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER I. ~ANK DESCRIPTION COMPLETE/~ SPECIFY IF UNKNOWN III. TAN K CONSTRUCTION MARK ONE ITEM ONLY IN BOXES A. B. AND C, AND ALL THAT APPLIES IN BOX O A. TYPE OF [~] 1 DOUBLE WALL [] 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER [] 95 UNKNOWN SYSTEM [;~"'~2 SINGLE WALL [] 4 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (VAULTED TANK) [] 99 OTHER B. TANK ~ BARE STEEL [] 2 STAINLESS STEEL [] 3 FIBERGLASS [] 4 STEEL CLAD W/FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC MATERIAL [] 5 CONCRETE [] 6 POLYt/INYL CHLORIDE [] 7 ALUMINUM [] 8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLE W/FRP (PrimaryTank) [] 9 BRONZE [] 10 GALVANIZEO STEEL [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER [] 1 RUBBER LINED [] 2 ALKYD LINING [] 3 EPOXY LINING [] 4 PHENOLIC LINING C. INTERIOR [] 5 GLASS LINING [:~'~NLINED [] g5 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER LINING IS UNING MATERIAL COMPATIBLE WITH 100% METHANOL ? YES ~ NO__ D, CORROSION [] 1 POLYETHYLENE WRAP [] 2 COATING [] 3 VINYL WRAP [] 4' FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC PROTECTION, [] 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION ~ NONE [] 95 UNKNOWN [] gg OTHER IV. PIPING INFORMATION CIRCL~ A IFABOVEGROUNDOR U IF UNDERGROUND, BOTH IF APPLICABLE A. SYSTEMTYPE A ti 1 SUCTION A(~)2 PRESSURE A U 3 GRAVITY A ti 99 OTHER B. CONSTRUCTION A ~ 1 SINGLE WALL A ti 2 DOUBLE WALL ~, ti 3 LINED TRENCH A ti 95 UNKNOWN ,~ U 99 OTHER C. MATER[AL AND A~:) 1 BARE STEEL .~ ti 2 STAINLESS STEEL .~ ti 3 POLYVlNYL CHLORIDE (PVC)A ti 4 FIBERGLASS PIPE CORROSION A ti 5 ALUMINUM A U 6 CONCRETE Jt U 7 STEEL W/ COATING A ti 8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP PROTECTION A U 9 GALVANIZED STEEL A ~1 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION .~ t~ 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER D. LEAK DETECTION [~..I'~AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR ~ LINE TIGHTNESS TESTING [] 3 INTERSTITIAL MONITORING [] 99 OTHER V. TANK LEAK DETECTION I I. TANK DESCRIPTION COMPLETE ALL ITEMS - SPECIFY IF UNKNOWN A. OWNER'S TANK L D. ~ B. MANUFACTURED BY: C. DATE INSTALLED (MO/DAY/YEAR) D. TANK CAPACITY IN GALLONS: III, TANK CONSTRUCTION MARK ONE ITEM ONLY IN BOXES A, B. ANDC. ANDALLTHATAPPLIESINBOXD A. TYPE OF [] 1 DOUBLE WALL [] 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER [] 95 UNKNOWN SYSTEM [] 2 SINGLE WALL [] 4 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (VAULTED TANK) [] 99 OTHER B. TANK [] 1 BARE STEEL [] 2 STAINLESS STEEL [] 3 FIBERGLASS [] 4 STEELCLAD WIFIRERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC MATERIAL I~ 5 CONCRETE [] 6 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE [] 7 ALUMINUM [] e 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP (PrimaryTank) [] 9 BRO. NZE [] 10 GALVANIZED STEEL [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER [] , RUBBER L,NED [] ALKYD LINING [] EPOXY L,NmNG [] P. ENOLIC LIN'N C. INTERIOR [] 5 GLASS LINING [] 6 UNLINED [] (35 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER LINING ~s UN[NG MATER~AL COMPATIBLE WITH '~00~ METHANOL .'? YES__ NO__ D. CORROSION [] 1 POLYETHYLENE WRAP [] 2 COATING [] 3 VINYL WRAP [] 4 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC PROTECTION [] 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION [] 9'1 NONE [] 95 UNKNOWN [~] 99 OTHER IV. PIPING INFORMATION C~RCLE A IFABOVEGROUNDOR U IF UNDERGROUND, BOTH IF APPLICABLE. A. SYSTEM TYPE A U 1 SUCTION A U 2 PRESSURE A U 3 GRAVITY A U 99 OTHER B. CONSTRUCTION A U I SINGLE WALL A U ~' DOUBLE WALL A U 3 LINED TRENCH A ti 95 UNKNOWN A U 9g OTHER C, MATERIAL AND A U 1 BARESTEEL A U 2 STAINLESS STEEL A U 3 POLYVlNYL CHLORIDE(PVC)A U 4 FIBERGLASS PIPE CORROSION A U 5 ALUMINUM A U 6 CONCRETE A U 7 STEEL W/ COATING A tJ 8 100% METHANOL COMPATtBLEW/FRP PROTECTION A U g GALVANIZED STEEL A U 10 cATHODIC PROTECTION A U 95 UNKNOWN A U. 99 OTHER D. LEAK DETECTION ]~l AUTOMATIC LtNE LEAK DETECTOR. [-~ 2 LINE TIGHTNESS TESTING [] 3 tNTERSTIT1ALMONITORiNG ~ 99 OTHER V. TANK LEAK DETECTION [] 1 VISUAL CHECK ~ 2 INVENTORY RECONCILIATION [] 3 VAPOR MONITORING [] 4 AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING [] 5 GROUND WATER MONITORING [] 6 TANK TESTING [] 7 ,NTERSTITIALMONITORING [] 91 NONE [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER Monitoring Plan: 1, Monitoring shall be performed through Standard Daily Inventory Reconciliation. This mhall be done by the store operator~ 2. An annual tank and pro~ct line integrity test mhall be done by a licensed tank tester. 3. Product line leak detectors shall be inspected and tested semi-annually by a trained service tecb~ician. 4. Meters shall be checked by a trained service tec~hnician registered with the Department of Weights and Measures semi- annually. Spill Response Plan: 1. Above ground spills will be dealt with by store personnel according to severity, Smaller spills will be absorbed with available material. Larger spills will be dispatched to appropriate fire department. 2. Underground spills (potential, suspected or actual) will be assessed by the Gasoline Supervisor. Potential spills will be remedied by repair of potential problem. Suspected leaks shall be inspected for actual problem or problem with paperwork error. Actual releases will be handed over to our Environmental Services Department for mite assessment and remediation. :em County Health Department~<l-'~ ~ivision or Environmental Heal"~5 Application · 700 Flower Street, Bakersfield, CA 93305 · AI~PLICATION .FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDEBGR(][]ND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY Type of Application (check): [~Ne-~ FacilityDModification of Facility [].Existing Facility DTransfer of Ownership :' ,. Emergency 24;Hour Contact (name, area code, phone): Days ~/1~~///~ ~ Nights ~ of Susiness ~rlbe) ~- Is ?ank(s) Located on an Agricultural Farm? [~¥es ~NO . _ O~a~er ------ ~ ~ " Contact Persc~ .' · ,. Address o p ~ Telephone :': Operator _-<~1~- :Contact Person . . Address Zip ..; ~ Telephone . Basis for Soil Type and Groundwater Depth Determinations ' ' :. cOntractOr CA Contractor"s License No. Address : Zip Telephone Proposed Starting Date Proposed CompletiOn Worker"s Ccmpensatio~ CertificatiOn ! Insurer ). If This Permit' Is For l~xlification Of An Existing Facility, Briefly Dascriba l~odifications Proposed . :. Tank(s) Store (c~eck all that apply)= Tank ! ~aste Product Motor Vehicle ~nleadod eagular Prami,-- Diesel Waste Ch~ical CcmposittOn of Materials Stored (not' necessary for motor vehicle fuels) Tank S Chemical Stored (non-coamercial name) CAS ! (if knc~m) Chemical Previously Stored (if different) ;. Transfer of Ownership Date of ~-ansfer Previous Owner Previous Facility Name I, accept fully all 'obligations of Permit No. __ issued to · I understand that the Permitting Authority may review and m~dify or terminate the transfer of the Permit to Operate' this ~dergrotmd storage facility upon receiving this completed form. 'This form has been completed under penalty of perjury and to the best of my knowledge is true and correct. TANK ~ ~-":" (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM~":'ACH TANK) i'.' ~{. 1. Tank is: []Vaulte~ ~Non-Vaulted ODouble-Wall ~Single-Wall 2. ~ Material' --~Carbon Steel r] stainless Steel D Polyvinyl Chloride []']Fiberglass-Clad Steel ~ Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic []'1 Concrete [] Alu~intm~ O Bronze rlUnknown ~Other (describe)__ ~ ___ .... 3. Primary Containment . pa~e Installed ' ~{ickness (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) Manuf~c~rer 4. .,,. Contairm~ent /~9/. ~]Double-Wall "rlsynthetic Liner []Lined Vault []None [lt~kno~..... . - ~]Other (describe): ~' Manufacturer: rlMaterial Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) 5. Tank Interior Lining .. ' ',: --~m~ber []alky4 [1EEox7 []menolic []Glass [lClaY II.lined 6. 'Tank Corrosion Protection ' ' " .~.. '~ i~.~ '".Cathodic Protection: ~]None ~]Im[~essed Current S~tem [=]Sacrificial 9~x]e System 7. Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception a. Tank: [']Vis~l (vaulted tanks only) ~GroUn°%~ter Monitoring' r]vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) riU-Tube Without Liner ~] U-Tube with C~m. pat'ible Liner Directing Flow to Monitori~ Wa.II(s)* [] Vapor Detector* [] Liquid [~vel Sensor* [] Co~uctivi.t~ Sensor= [] Pressure Sensor ~n Annular Space of Double Wall Tank. · [] Liquid Betrie~al & Inspection From U-Tube, Monitoring Well or ;~mular Space l Daily Gau~ir~ & Inventory Reconciliation [ Periodic Tightnes~ Testir~ . None [] tt~kno~ [] Other b. Piping~ ~ Flo~-Restrictinq Leak Detector(s) [or Pressurized Piping' []Monitoring S~p with Rece~¥ '[]Sealed Concrete Race~¥ []Hall-Cut Compatible Pipe Race~a¥ l']S~nthet~c Liner Race~¥ ~lNone [] Unknown [] Other ~Describe Make & Model: ~O 8. ~en Tightness Tested? ~]Yes [No []Unkno~a~ Date of Last Tightness Test Results of Test Test Name Testing Canpan¥ 9. Tank Re~air Tank ~epaired? []Yes 0~No []Unknown Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs . 10. Overfill Protection ~Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level rITape Float Gauge []Float Vent Valves [] Auto Shut- Off Controls  capacitance Sensor RISealed Fill Box []None []Unknown Other: List Make. & Model For Above Devices a. tt~dergrOund Piping: ~]Yes ~]No [~]Unkno~n Material , Thickness (inches) Diameter Manu[acturer STIPressure ~]Suction ~]Gravit¥ Approximate Length of Pipe b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : []Galvanized []Fiberglass-Clad []Impressed Current []Sacrificial Anode OPolyeth¥1ene Wrap []Electrical Isolation []Vinyl Wrap []Tar or Asphalt ~Unkno~n ~None []Other (describe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Contairment: ~Double-Wall ~synthetic Liner System ~None Ii]unknown OOther (describe): Facility Name ,~, Permit No. ,/ ~ (J~3 ()'?(<'~ TANK ~ ~ ~ (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM FOk 'ACH TANK) FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES M. 1. Tank is: [~Vault~ ~Non-Vaulted []Double-Wall ~Single-Wall :,.. 2. ~ Materia~ Carbon Steel ['1 Stainless Steel [']Polyvinyl Chloride Fiberglass-Clad Steel Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [']Concrete .r"] Alunin~ ~[Bronze [-]Unknown Other (describe) . . 3. Primary. Containment Date In~tal-~ Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) Manufacturer ._ 4. contair ent ' i-ilk)uble-',iall l'"iSy~thetic U. ner rlu. neclVault. ~None []unknown i~Other (describe); · · l,'.~u~Kt~er: . · I"ll~terial Thicknes~ (Inches) Capacit~ (Gals.) $. Tank Interior Linir~j . :.. =.: ' · - - I-IOther (desoribe) ~ ~ '. ........... · ~' ~. ....... · · 6. Tank Corrosion Protection :. .:. :~ ...<..: i"lTar or ;~p~alt ~Unkno~ __K]NOne rlother (deecri~e): :-'~ '-, '" ' :":-':'?' '" · ' '~ Cathodic Protection: JllNone nlmptessed Current System rqSacrificial Anode System .~--~ri~e Syste~ & Equipaent: .... "." .... ' "".'-' '." 7o Leak Detection, Monitoring., and Interce~0tion a. Tank: []Visual (vaulted tanks only) C]Gro~ter Monitoring' ~ell(s) rqVadose Zone Honitoring ~ell(s) rqU-Tube Without Liner [:]U-Tube with Ccmpat~ible Liner Directing Flow to ~onltoring hie.Il(s)* [-! Vapor Detector* [] Liquid Level Sensor* [] Conductivity [] Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double 9;all Tank" [] Liquid Retrieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Monitoring ~ell or Rnnular Space [] Daily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation BI Periodic Tightness Testing C] None [] Unknown [] Other b. Piping.* X Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping' FqMonitering S~ap with Race~¥ '[]Sealed Concrete Race, my [~Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Rece~ay []Synthetic Liner Race,my []None C]Unknown [] Other eDescribe Make & Model.* ~q~J} 8. Tank Tightness Bas This Tan~ Been Tightness Tested? rqYes ~]No FqLt~mown Date of Last Tightness Test Results of Test Test' Name Testing Caapan¥ 9o Tank Re,air Tank Repaired? []Yes BINO · []Unknown Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs 10. Overfill Protection BaOperator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level []Tape Float Gauge []Float Vent Valves [] Auto Shut- Off Controls capacitance Sensor Bi'Sealed Fill Box rqNone l-lUnknown Other: List Make & Model For Above Devices a. Underground Piping: ~]Yes []No []unkno~ Material Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer STIPressure []Suction [~Gravity Approximate Length of Pipe lam b. Underground Piping CorroSion Protection : [1Galvanized l-]Fiberglass-Clad ~7Imlxessed Current []Sacrificial Anode ~'iPolyethylene Wrap []Electrical Isolation [-]Vinyl Wrap []Tar or Asphalt ~0Unkno~ ['1None [~Other (describe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Contairment: [Double-Wall [~]syntheti¢ Liner System ~None []Unknown E]Other (describe): Facility Name - · .(~ permit No. ~ ~d) ~'O '~' ~' (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM ACH TANK) FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ;~r.r. APPROPRIATE BOXES H. 1. Tank is: [']vaulted' ~Non-Vaulted (]Double-Wall (]Single-Wall 2. ~ Material ' Carbon Steel [~ Stainless steel [] Polyvin¥1 Chloride [] Fiberglass-Clad Steel Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [] Concrete [] Al~ninum [] Bronze []Unknown Other (describe) 3. Primary Containment  Thickness (Inches) 'Capacity (Gallons) Manufacturer 4. Tank ~ecoDxiarg Co~tair~ent ' / .... (]Double-Wall C] Synthetic Liner ['lLinedVault B~None []Unknown [~]Other (describe): -. -'-~' .-~ - Manufacturer: rlMaterial Thickness (Inches) +~-.- Capacity (Gals.) ... ~-~Rubber rlAlkyd rqEpoxy rlphenolic 'rlGlsss rqCla¥'"i~Unlined /rqUnknown 6. Tank Corrosion Protectlon _ ,.~-~ ,.~ · ~ .... ,~ ~:~.;.~. ; --~rGalvanfzed ~ass-Clad []Poly~th¥1~n~ Wrap ~l'lVinyl Wrapping _:-.' .' . -. ~Tar or Asphalt ~Unkno~n [~None ~70ther 'Cdescrib~)~ - ...... · ...... .Cathodic Protection-- ~lNone []Impressed Current S~t~m.'.~,~Sa~rl£i¢lal ~ ?. Leak Detection, Nonitorin~, and Interception a. Tank~ ~lVisual (vaulted 'tanks only) nGround~mter Nonitoring' ~Ll(s) ['lVadoee Zone Monitoring W~ll(s) ~lt~l~ Without Liner ~TU-Tu~ with ¢~.n. patible Liner Directing Flo~ to Nonitorin~ ~.ll(s)® [] Vapor Detector' rq Liquid Level Sensor' C] Conductivity Sensor' - [] pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double {gall Tank' · [] Liquid Retrieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Monitoring kimll or Rnnular Space Daily Gauging & I~nventory Reconciliation ~{Periodic Tightness Testing None [] Unknown [] Other b. Pilling-- X Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping' [] Monitoring S~up with Race~a¥ ' [] Sealed Concrete Race~ay (]Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raca~ay [] Synthetic Liner Race~y ~lMorm []Unknown rlOther eDescribe Make & Model: ~1~ 8. ~en Tightness Tested? ~]Yes ~lNo ['lU{~known Date ot~ Last Tightness Test Results of Test Test Name Testing Company 9. Tank Repair ' Tank Repaired? []Yes (]No rqunknown Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs ..... 10. Overfill Protection W~Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors I~vel ~]Tape Float Gauge ['lFloat Vent Valves [] Auto Shut- Off Controls  Capacitance Sensor Bi{Sealed Fill Box ['lNone ~]Unknown Other: List Make & Model For Above Devices a. Underground Piping: ~]Yes l-iNo ' [~Unkno~n Material Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer ~lPressure [-]Suct'ion rqGravity Approximate bength of Pipe lam b. Underground Piping corrosion Protection : []Galvanized [-1Fiberglass-Clad rqImp~essed Current rqsacrificial Anode r'leolyeth¥1ene ~rap rqElectricel Isolation C]Vin¥1 Wrap l-lTar or As~helt ~Unknown l'lNone r'lother (describe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Containnent: []Double-Wall rTsyntheti¢ Liner System [~None ~]Unkno~a~ []Other (describe): i PER~IT CHECKLIST :., 1 y 7-Eleven Stor~ ~2125-21476 .Permit # 190007C This checklist is provided to ensure that all necessary packet enclosures were reCeived and that the Permittee has obtained all necessary equipment to implement the first phase of monitoring requirements. " Please complete this form and return to KCHD tn the self-addressed envelope provided Fithin 3_~0 days of receipt. . Check: ~. The packet I received contained: X ~1) Cover Letter, Permit 'Checklist, I~terim Permit, 'Phase I Interim Permit Monitoring Requirements, Information Sheet (Agreement Between 'Owner and Operator), Chapter 15 (KCOC #6-3941). Explanation of Substance Codes, *"~" 'Equipment Lists and Return Envelope. - . X .~:- 2) Standard Inventory Cohtrol Monitoring Handbook #UT-I'O. a} Inventory Recording Sheet .' .. b} Inventory Reconciliation Sheet with summary' on reverse c} Trend Analysts ~orksheet 4) An Action Chart~(to post at facility) B. I have examined the information on my Interim .Pernit, Phase I Monitoring Requirements, and Information Sheet (Agreement between Owner and Operator), and find owner's name and address, facility name and address, operator's name and address, substance codes, and number of tanks to be accurately listed (if "no" is checked, note appropriate corrections on the back side of this sheet}. C. I have the following required equipment {as described on page $ of Handbook): 1) Acceptable gaugtn~ instrument 2) "Striker plate(s)" in tank(s) 3) ~ater-finding paste ~ X D. I have read the information on the enclosed "Information Sheet" pertaining to Agreements between OWner and Operator and hereby state that the o~ner of this facility is the operator (if "no" is checked, attach a copy of a~ee=ent between owner and operatori. × . ~. I have enclosed a copy of Calibration Charts for all tanks at this facility (if tanks are identical, one chart wil! suffice; label chart{s) ~ith'Correspondin~ tank numbers Iisted on permit). F. As. required on page 6 of Handbook #UT-lO, all~=eters at this facility have had calibration checks ~ithin the last 30 days and were calibrated by a registered device repairman ~f out of tolerance (all meter calibrations must be recorded on "Meter Calibration Check'Form" found in the Appendix of Handbook). × G. Standard Inventory Control HonitorinE was started at this facility in accordance with procedures describedin Handbook #UT-lO. Date Started Oct. 13, 1985 Title: Division Ga$0l~ne Secretary '-' PER,lIT CHECKLIST Facility 7-Eleven Sro,re #2125-21476 Permit , 190007C - This checklist is provided to ensure that all necessary packet enclosures were received and that the Permittee has obtained all necessary equipment to implement the first phase of monitoring requirements. '' .'~...-.. Please complete this form and return to KCHD in the self-addressed .envelope provided I.. within 30 days of receipt. . ' ?.?: '. ..... Check: .': . ..~.~. The packet I received contained: .- ' ........ ..... :": X ~:~: ' 1) Cover Letter, Permit Checklist, Interim Permit. 'Phase I ~Interim Permit : .... :,. ..:-:..~onitoring Requirements, .Information Sheet (Agreement Between ,;..Owner Yand ':~'~ .... " Operator), ""Chapter 15 (KCOC #6-3941), Explanation of SubstanCe -:.Codes, :: .... '-' X '. Standard Inventory Control ~onitoring Handbook #UT-lC.'- ''- , a) Inventory Recording Sheet ,.-. - ,-'~: ., . .,,,.',, ,,' b) Inventory Reconciliation Sheet with summary on reverse :""':".-':~', .... "i:::%?'['.~%: c) Trend Analysis Worksheet ., ,::: -~..,~::~ X 4) An Action Chart (to post at facility) B. I have examined the Information on my Interim .Permit, Phase I Monitoring Requirements, and Information Sheet {Agreement between O~ner and Operator), ,anc find owner's name and address, facility name and address, operator's name anc address, substance codes, and number of tanks to be accurately listed (if "no" is checked, note approprlate corrections on the back side of this sheet). C. I have the following required equipment (as described on page 6 of Handbook): i 1) Acceptable gauging instrument X 2) "Striker plate(s)" in tank(s) i 3) Water-finding paste ~ ~ D. I have read the information on the enclosed "Information Sheet" pertaining tc Agreements between Owner and Operator and hereby state that the o~ner of thi~ facility is the operator (if "no" is checked, attach a copy of agreement between o~ner and operator). E. I have enclosed a copy of Calibration Charts for all tanks at this facility (if tanks are identical., one chart will suffice; label chart(s) #ith correspondtnf tank numbers listed on permit). F. As~ required on page 6 of Handbook tUT-10, all meters at this facility have hai calibration checks within the last 30 days and were calibrated by a registerec device repairman ~f out of tolerance (all meter calibrations must be recorded "~eter Calibration Check Form" found in the Appendix of Handbook). × O. Standard Inventory Control ~onitoring was started at this facility in accordanc~ with procedures described in Handbook tUT-10. Date Started Oct. 13, 1986 $~Kaature o£ Person Co~plet~nK Checkllst: ~j~/l ~ Title: 0iVi$iO~ Gasoline secretary Date:. OCt. 1~._1986 0 ft. 1 ft. 2 ft.. 3 ft,. 4 'ft. 5 ft. 6 fi'. 7 ft. 0 0 729 1980' 3466 5056 6642' 8116;"- 9330 1/4 -2 753 2002 3498 5092 6675 8145 9358 ' 1/2 7 773 2038 3531 5126 6707 817 3 ' 9379__ 3/4 12 798 2068 3564 5158 6739 8201 '~ 9400 1 · 18_.__ 820 2098. 3597/.~'~ 5191,.- 6771. 8229 9421 1/4 26 844 2127 3629 5225 6803 .. 82~57 ... 9441 1/2 34 867 ~ 2149 .3662' 5258 6835 8285 9461 '~4-- 43 891 , ~'2186 .3695 .~-, 5291' .6867 8313 9482 .,~ 2 · 51~ 915 '~ '2"~' 3728.'~0 5324 '6899 8340 i 9501. 1/4 > 62 .936w' 2246 3760- 5358 6931 8368 ,9520 ~-/2' r 73 960 2276 3793 5392 6963~ 8396" '~- 4/~---- 83 987 2306 3826 5425 · 6995 8425 -~ 9558 !,.".' ,~,' "3 9~ 1008-. 2336: 3858 _~ 5458 - '7027. 8452' · 9576__ : 1/4 ' 106 1036 2366 3891 5491 .7059 8479 - 9595 : ¥/2 119 1060 2388 3924 ' 5525 7091 ' 8506 .... 9613 .... '.:':~:!~... 3/4 132 1084 '~':2327 .3957 5558 ' 7122 85.33 - · :,: ' "'""'~:" 4 144 1109 ~2458' ~gq!_J~O ' 559t, 715'3. ' 8559 .... 9649__ "_. ",: ii4 158 1135 ~, 2489 - 4024 562-5- '7184 8586 9666 " ," 1/2r 172 1160 2520- ! 4057 5659 7215 8612 9683 r 3/4. 187 1185 2551 4090 ! 5692 7245 8638 9699 · 5 i 201 1210 '2582' 4123 ~1 I 5725:- 7275- - 8665 9716 1/4 }217 \ 1236 i 2612 . 4157 5758 7306 8692 9732 1/2 1232 ~_.1262 2643 4190 5791. 7337' 8v18 9748 3~4 }247 1288 267/+ /~222 5823 7368 874- 9763 1 264 1316. 5856 ' 7398.. 877o .. ~17,'4 -- .",5i ....... i342 '27~5":-- '--~-:Z~38 .... ~8~0: ..... J~429 8795 ':' 9793 1/2 297 1368 2766 4321 ffz;24 7460 8820 9808 ~z4 314 1394 27?7' /i~g5 5956 7497 8846 9822 7 333 1421- 2828 -~ 35~-"-~. 5989.: ' 7522 8871 9836 1/4 348 1443 28~9 i 4423 602~ 7553 8896 9848 1/2 367 1474 , ._Z.O~ . /*455. [ ~6 7584. 8920 9861 3/4 385 1491 '': 4489..{ ~089' 7634 8944' 9874 8 404 1.528' -' 295'3 -_~_45 23" ({q } 6122', I 7644 8969 9886-- 1/4 422 1556 2976 ..~ ag~-5 ' 6155 7674 8993 9897 1/2 440 1584 301" I. ./~8~ '--' I 6187 770~ 9017 9907 3/4 460 1612 30' --] Z~ q j 'q622. /.{/ 6220 7734 9041 9918 9 479 1640. 3'~81 ....... 6252 776Z~ 9065 9929 ;--~ 4': ' -I 6285 7794 9090 9937 1/41/2 519 500 1695 1667 3145 3113 '7 - ~722 / 6318 7824 9113 9946 10 560 . 1751 3209,' .4789 6383.-' 7882 93.59 9962 .'~' 4/~--~, 580 .1779 3241 4822 64'16 791.2 9Jg2 - ';~'6'~l · 3.'/2---- 601 i807___, 3273' '~ i,]'(55 ¢,'4'/,9----7942 '' 9..2'0'5 ' 9")'7.3--_2- 3/4 622 i835 3305 · 4888 I 646-2 ' 7973 9227 9978 11 ,644 1864' ~l~<- ~'-~ ~',' '6-~1~' ,__ 7996 9249 9980 Y./f'--I-o-a%, 1921 ~"z: '-'~,'~J'vb--I--6'.<7'~ ............ ]- ,,o v _ ................... r"--". I'-I'-I z i ip'72-5 2 I 481 .-.. I c~ [582 2'2.~ 5o I c~ ~r 0 I :z z-z..o 5 · 4. -Franchisee shall implement reporting 'procedures as req6ired by any permit, rule or order issued pursuant to the. Regulations. · - ~ ':$.' ~t its expense, Southland .agrees _to~.train Franchisee in ".the 'monitoring .~of ~the --underground "storage '~-tanks, the '"maintenance of appropriate ~records .and ~the implementation of reporting procedures, as set forth in paragraphs.2,_3'and 4 of .......... th~s Agreement,.and Franchlsee,,..~gr.eesi~to attend .such tra~nlng. 6. Southland shall, prOperly, close the underground, tank's at the outlet as required ,.by any permit, ~,rule or ~ord'e'~"issued ~,~-~7.-~'Southland ~ShalI-'~-r%%~e'~%~:~l-'.h~'e~fy '~Franchise~ ?'~'~a~st' ?any 1lability for ~ civil -:menal~'~es "asse~'~d as ~ a :~"'~esult "o~ ~Franchisee's -failure -,,to.~ comply ~With ~,the >Act or ~Regulations ~,~¥¥.~except ~]~.that .?no ~inde~ifica=ion ~shall ~be ~ provided ~where .th~ ' :-..~'~.~snoncompl~ance ~s caused ~n-~whole_~=o~in 'par=-~byU~Franchisee.s '~ ':~'~'8.W:This'Agreement .shall not be modified, altered, '~amended or ~-'-~revoked except in writing duly executed by_the,parties.: 9. :':-'A . breach '>0f '%his ..... Agreement bY Franchisee shall not ~'~'-'constitute a 'ground for termination ~:o' nonrenewal ::of-the 7- Eleven Store Franchise Agreement by and between Franchisee and Sou:bland, unless :he breach is o:herwise a breach of the 7- Eleven Store Franchise Agreement. .. '~-L .:='::.~- 10. In the eveR: of a dispute or controversy arising out of this Agreement or the breach thereof,- the arbitration provisions of the 7-Eleven Store Franchise Agreement shall apply. IN WITNESS ~E~OF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the day and year firs= above written. F~NCHISEE F~NCHISEE ~, ~,~-7---.."'.,'~. ~,.~,.',~ '. To'~ ~awles / ) ' D~strict handler --Division Manager Kathleen A. Mej Glenn S, Waslien 8~86 4. Franchisee shall ~' implement -reporting procedures 'as required by any permit, rule or order issued pursuant to the Regulations. .- . ~ .' .... = expense, Sou=bland agrees, to =rain. F=an~hisee ..... .the -monitoring -of the ~underground storage ::::~anks, the 'maintenance of appropriate records ,and .the implementation of '~:i' reporting 'procedures as set forth~.i'n._paragraphs..2,..~3 'and 4 of 9~'~ :~'this Agreement ;?'and Franchisee 'agrees ~o attend .such. training. 6. Southland shall .9=oge=ly. close ~he unde=g=ound tanks '-=he outlet as =equated by any 9e=~,.~tule o= ~6r~W~; iSsue~ ':~'~-~7."~-Southland ~'~haII~"~k~W~'6~ly ~'~inde~ifyk~Franchisee ~ga~nst ' any .... ~ liability for ' civil .~penalties -~assess'ed .as ~"a r¥'~result of ./.Franchisee's .failure ,~to comply. With '~.the ~Act .or ~R~iations, - excep~ ~hat. no ~.~ndemn~f~ca~on .~shall ~be _ provided ~-where ~he ~.~.:~noncomplzance zs caused zn ~.:whole ~,~:or~zn par~'~-~,.by eFra~chzsee s '~8.~'~This ~Agreemen= shall no= be .modified, altered, ~am~nded or ~'?~:'~::~"'rev0ked excep~ in writing duly executed by ~he partieS. ~ :;'~:g. t'~'~A ~'~'&'~b~'"~0f ~this ..Agreement by Franchisee shall not ::"i'~:"~':':;:'constitute a 'ground · for termination .:o' nonrenewal :of the 7- Eleven Store Franchise' Agreement by and between Franchisee and Sou:bland, unless the breach is o~herwise a breach of :he 7- Eleven S~ore Franchise Agreement. ~. .,,~ ~,~: .......... :: I0. ~'In the event of a dispute 'or controversy arising out of this Agreement or the breach thereof, the arbitration . provisions of the ?-Eleven Store Franchise Agreement shall apply. IN WITNESS ~E~OF, =he parties have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. F~NCHISEE F~NCHISEE D~s:ric~ hana~r ..-. ~Div~sion M~nager Kathleen A. Meji~ Glenn S. Waslien : 8/86 ~. Permit # ~ ( ' ,laollltYi Name ' Ta~8 ~. '"' ':"18 lnfornetlc 'Pernlt/Appl~cationCe : Routine ' ' ITEM -~.. Inventory Con~rol Nonl~orln~ .'~ Inventory Con~rol ~nl~orln~ Zone Nonl~orln~ ~Nalntenanoe, Oeneral ~afetV and . [" ;' i I" AES/System It Precision leak Test Graph Invoice No.: 14125' ' .Date: 04/16/91 Time : 10:30:27 ~: Technician: JRP' Tank: 1 Tank Diameter(in): 95 ~", Volume <.gal): 10000 Grade Ce'vel(in) ~ Product Level(,in) 120 Water Level On'Tank(in): 0 Specific Gravity: .740 Coefficient 0f Expansion: 0.0006748 Calibration Value(mi): 579 Channel: 1 Level Segment From: 001 To 225 Temp Sesment From: 001 To 225 " I.,,1 Chanse In Calibration Zone = 12 Calibration Unit(.gal/unit) = 0.00821 Startin.9° Temperature (F): 71.446 Head Pressure(col/in (Btm)): 88.8 Surface Area(sR. in): 192.3 Temp. Change(F/h) : 0.013 Level volume (.gph): 0.09 Temp. voiume(.gph): 0.08 Product Line(.gph): -.002 Net chan.ge (.9ph) : 0.01 Res~_l i t ---- :> F'ASS F'/L ----)~ F'ASS Copyri.ght (c) 1989 by AES, Inc. **. Notes ** 7-11 STORE $f21476, 1700 BRUNDAGE LANE, BAKERSFIELD, CA FULL SYSTEM TEST, CALIBRATION = 2X. FIRST HOUR OF A TWO HOUR TEST.. arted~nvi r~c)nmental ystems~ Inc. AES/System It Precision leak Test Gr-aph Invoice N~.: 1~!23~] Date: 04/16/91 Time : 11:31:23 Technician: JRL Tank: 1 Tank Diamete~(in): 95 Volume(~al): 10000 G~ade Level(in): 122 P~oduct Level(in): 120 Wate~~ Level On'Tank(in): 0 Specific G~-avity: .740 Coefficient 0~ Expansion: 0.0006748 Calibpation Value(mi): 379 Channel: Level Sesment Feom: 045 To 225 Temp Segment F~-om: 045 To 225 .... Chan.ge In Calibration Zone = 12 Calibration Unit(.gal/unit) = (3.(')(i)821 Startin.g Tempe~-ature (F): 71.581 Head Pressure<col/in (Btm)): 88.8 Surface Area(sq. in): 192.5 Temp. Chart.ge(F/h) : 0.006 Level volume (~gph)': 0.(:)8 Temp. volume(.gph): 0.(34 Product Line(sph): -.(3(32 Net than.ge (.gph) : (3.(34 Resul I t ----> F'ASS F'/L ----:> F'ASS Copyright (c) 1989 by AES~ Inc. ** Notes ** 7-11 STORE ~2!476~ 1700 BRUNDAGE LANE~ BAKERSFIELD~ CA FULL SYSTEM TEST~ CALIBRATION = 2X. SECOND HOUR OF A TWO HOUR TEST. Assoc ia.ted vi ~-onmen tal~ystems, Inc. AES/System I~ P~ecision leak Test Graph Invoice No.: 14.1-.5 Date: 04/16/91 Time : 10:50 27 Technician: JRL Tank: 2 Tank Diameter(in): ~5 Volume(sal): 10000 Grade Level(in): 126 Product Level(in): 124 Water Level On Tank(in): 0 Speci{ic Gravity: .745 Coefficient 0{ Expansion: 0.0006700 Calib~ation Value(mi): 579 Channel': 2 Level Segment From: 075 To 225 Temp Sesment F~om: 075 To 225 I,.,I .I, . ::" '~ ~:i, ....... ,,' Change In Calibration Zone = 14 Calibration Unit(.gal/unit) = 0.00704 Startin.9 Tempe~'atu~'e (F): 67.715 Head. Pressure(col/in (Btm))': 92.4 Sub-face A~-ea(sg. in): 163.7 Temp, Chan.ge(F/h) · : 0.023 Level volume(~gph): 0~28 Temp. volume(sph): 0.15 Product Line(.gph): -.002 Net chan.ge <8ph) : O. 13 Res~_~ 1 t ----? INCL F'/L ----)- F'ASS Copyri.gh~t (c) 1989 by AES~ Inc. · * Notes ** 7-11 STORE ~21476~ 1700 BRUNDAGE LANE~ BAKERSFIELD~ CA ~FULL SYSTEM TEST~ CALIBRATION = 2X. FIRST HOUR OF A TWO HOUR TEST. ' s e~~r~v i ~- m ~¥stems. AES/Sys,tem II Precision leak Test Graph Invoice No.' 14123A°~' Date: 04/16/91 Time : 11:51:~.3 Technician: JRL~ Tank: ~ Tank Diameter(in): 95 'Volume(~al): 10000 Grade Level(in): 126 Product' Level(in): 124 Water Level On Tank(in): 0 Specific Gravity: .745 Coefficient O~ Expansion: 0.00067¢)0 Calibration Value(mi): 579 Channel: Level Seoment From: 001 To 150 Temp Sesment From: 001 To~ 150 U chanse In Calibration Zone = 14 Calibration Unit(sal/unit) = 0.00704 Startin.9 Temperature (F): 67.853 Head Pressure(col/in (Btm)): 92.4 SurYace Area(sR. in): 163.7 Temp. Chanse(F/h) : 0.¢)37 Level volume(sph): 0.26 Temp. volume(sph): 0.24 Product Line(.sph): -.002 Net chan.se (.~ph) : 0. (:)2 Resut 1 t ---- ]:- F'ASS F'/L ----:> F'ASS Copyright (c.) 1989 by AES, Inc. ** Notes ** 7-11 STORE ~21476, 1700 BRUNDAGE LANE, BAKERSFIELD, CA FULL SYSTEM TEST, CALIBRATION = 2X. SECOND HOUR OF A TWO HOUR TEST. Assc~c ia~ted~nvi r~c~nmen talVSystems~ Inc. AES/Sys~em I'I F'recision leak. Test Gr~aph Invoice No.: 14123 Date: 04/16/91 Time : 10:50:27 Technician: JRL Tank: .*?, Tank Diameter(in): 95 V~lume(gal): 10000 Gr~ade Level(in):. 154 Product Level(in): 132 Water LeveI On Tank(in): 0 Specific Gravity: .750 Coefficient 0~ Expansion: 0.0006641 Calibration Value(mi): 379 Channel: 3 Level Segment F~-om: 075 To 225 Temp Sesment From: 075 To 225 Change In Calibration Zone = 106 Calibration Unit(gal/unit) = 0;00093 Stat'tin.9 Temperature (F): 67. 073 Head Pressure(col/in (Btm)): 99.0 Sub-face A~-ea(sg. in): 21 5 Temp Change(F/h) : -0 Level volume(.gph): -0. 12 Temp. volume(.gph): -0. 14 Pr'oduct Line(.~ph): -.001 Net chan.ge~(gph) : 0.02 Rmst_t I t ---- .':-'- F'ASS F' / L ---- .':*'- F'ASS Copyright (c) 1989 by AES~ Inc. ** Notes ** 7-11 STORE ~21476, 1700 BRUNDAGE LANE, BAKERSFIELD, CA FULL SYSTEM TEST~ CALIBRATION = 2X. FIRST HOUR OF A TWO HOUR TEST. · Asso¢ iated~ nvi ronmen tal stems. Inc. AES/System II Precision leak Test Graph Invoice No.: 141...=,A Date: 04/16/91 Time : 11:31:=., Technician: JRL~ Tank: ."~, Tank Diameter(in): 95 Volume(sal): 10000 .' Grade Level(in): 134 Product Level(in): 152 ~', Water- Level On-Tank(in): 0 Specific Gravity: .750 Coefficient 0.~ Expansion: 0.000664i Calibration Value(mi): 379 Channel: Level Se8ment Fpum: 001 To 225 !emp Sesment From: 001 To 225 U '] ,,, ,,. Chan~ge In Calibration Zone = 1(])4 Calibration Unit(.gal/unit) = 0.00095 Startin.9 Temperature (F): 67. 147 Head Pressure(col/in (Btm)): 99.0 Surface Area(sq. in): 21.9 Temp. Change(F/h) : -0.00% Level volume(.gph): -0.03 Temp. volume(.gph): -0.¢]2 Product Line(.~ph): -.0(]1 Net chan~ge (.gph) : -0.01 Res~$ i t ~ ':~ ~'ASS ~'~L ~::~ ~'ASS Copyright (c) 1989 by AES,~ Inc. ** Notes ** 7-11 STORE .t~21476~ 1700 BRUNDAGE LANE~ BAKERSFIELD~ CA FULL SYSTEM TES]'~ CALIBRATION = 2X. SECOND HOUR OF A TWO HOUR TEST. · ASSOCIATED ENVIRONMENTAL sySTEMS, INC. BAKERSFIELD, CA g3.380 ' (805) 393-2212 AES HYDROSTATIC PRODUCT LINE TEST WORK SHEET. TEST PRODUCT START END START END TEST. VOL. ! NO. TIME TIME VOL. (ml) VOL. (ml) DIFF. (ml) Divide the volume differential by the test time (15 minutes) and multiple by 0.0158311, which will convert the volume differential · from milliliters per minute to gallons per hour. The conversion constant is found by: · (60 rain/hr)/(3790 ml/gal) = 0.0158311(min/hr)(gal/ml) " The' Conversion constant causes the milliliters and minutes to cancel out. · EX. If the level drogped 3ml in 15 minutes then: 3/15 ml./min. X 0.0158311(min/hr) (gai/ml) = 0.003 gal/hr. ~ ~ ASSOCIATED ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS. INC.. m~ TM P.O. BOX 80427 ..'. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93380 ,:::,.. i · . (805) 393-2212 ', ' .. BILLING ORDER ". INVOtCE NUMBER ' ' INVOICE ADDRESS: ' TANK LOCATION: TA~.N BY: )ATE TAKEN: ~4, r-~t.~.-~,~~ ~/')~,,~TZ~. ,~--'// ~ ,'~-/4J7/~)" SALESMAN: TERFL: I'".' '~ :~> . ,. CO. NOTIREO: -- /u .:.., .. . - . .~ . . · ' · '; ,~ '~ ' · ' - :' . P.O.~ /. . :--, .. . . .... :-/~&,/-/ iF. UT TIME: ' .?, .,. -. · . .,:,...: :=. .-. .-.. ...,:.,~.:¥,=:.?.,:..,.~ ~,.,.,...,., , ..-.~.., :_*-,...:; : · ': 'EMERGEN ' ' ' " " ~ ' ' ..... ' · ' : CY CONTACT: . .. -...,:. .-,PHONE. .- ..... . A.E.S. HYDROSTATIC PRODUCT LINE TEST RESULT SHEET START END .. TEST ,VOLUME PRODUCT VOLUME ;:: VOLUME PRESSURE DIFF. (GPH) PASS/FAIL R/UL /~ /~ ~ ~ -. ~ ~ DIESEL ~/~ OTHER ~/~ CONFI~TION TEST IF FI~T FAI~D TEST PRESSURE IS 50 PSI WITH T,~.~K DETECTOR REMOVED & IMPACT CLOSED. ~~ ASSOCIATED ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS. INC.'" ~ ' 3;M~ P.O. BOX 80427 .. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93380 , r , .. (805) 393-2212 ~-- iNVOICE NUMBER ,. LEAK DETECTOR TEST DATA TEST LOCATION:-. FACILITy #: ~--'~/ . · DOES LEAK '- ,- ' RESULTS 'PRODUCT DET EXIST 'TEST.'#1 TE~T #2 RESULTS P/L TEST SERIAL #~,55~ , yes .~c z///E~ ? Pass ~ .Pass R/UL. no ~' Cai Gal Fail Fail' yes ~c /~,~ ?z~,,~T~ . Pass ~C Pass SERIAL # yes Pass pass DSL /~///~ no Gal Gal FaLl ,,, Fail IOTES:.. EST PROCEDURE ' ~st #1:. perform for 70.seconds with nozzle in full open position ".' est #2: perform for 70 seconds after nozzle closed for 10 seconds XAMPLE OF POSSIBLE RESULTS est #1. Test #2 Res.ults Test #1 Tes~ #2 ReSults ..'/__ Gal ~ Gal Pass .~ Gal _~ Gal Fail PERMIT ~ .............................. J..,..~.O.. 0 .~., .................. FACILITY'N ......... ,7..,-:....(( ................. ~,..~...L .~,...7..,~.. .................. .NUMBER OF TANKS AT THE SITE: ~ ENV. SENSITIVITY ......... :' EMERGENCY CONTACT"P'~RSON(PRIMARY): i,~.: NAME: ................................................................................................................................................................................................. ; :"~i:: PHONE NUMBER: ,'. EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON(SECONDARY): NAME: ......................................................................................................................................... : .................... ..7 "' PHONE NUMBER: ............................................................................................................................................................... ..,:., TANK OWNER INFORMATION: '. ,:;-':," . ADDRESS: . . ., .. :.~: PHONE NO.: ' ~" TANK CONTENTS: ... ~ '- " - ' . ' ..... -'-;" , - · :' CAPACITY ~] CONTENTS :,',' TANK ~t MANUFACTURER "YEAR INSTALLED '~. ? TANK CONSTRUCTION: TANK ~ TYPE(dw, sw, sec.cont.) MATERIAL INT. LINING CORROSION PROT. " LEAK DETECTION: TANKS: VISUAL ......... ~ROUNDWATER MONITORING WELLS VADOSE ZONE MONITORING WELLS U-TUBES WITH LINERS ................ U~TUBES WITHOUT LINERS VAPOR DETECTOR LIQUID SENSORS .................... CONDUCTIVITY SENSORS ......................... PRESSURE SENSORS'""f~"ANNULAR SPACE .................... LIQUID RETRIEVAL SYST'~'-"~'"~LTUBES, MONITORING WELLS, OR ANNULAR ................... NONE .............. ~NKNOWN ............................ OTHER ............................................................................................................ PIPING INFORMATION: TANK ~ SYSTEM TYPE I CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL (SUC,PRES.,GRAV,).I (SW,DW,LINED TR) LEAK DETECTION: PIPING' ~ FLOW RESTRICTING LEAK DETECTORS FOR PRESSURIZED PIPING MONJTu~ SUMP WITH RACEWAY S'E~'E'~'6'"~'6~CRETE RACEWAY HALFCUT COMPATIBLE PIPE RACEWAY SYNTHETIC LINER RACEWAY NONE UNKNOWN OTHER TYPE OF INSTALLATION (~ 1. In-Tank Level Sensor (~) 2. Leak Detector '1. IN TANK L~VEL SENSORS .. "' · . '::'' Number of Tanks "~ List By Tank ID .... "~"~"": Manufacturer a Model N~ber ~ -( Contractor/Instal 2. LEAK DETECTORS N~ber of Tanks ~ · List By Tank ID Manufacturer & Model Number Contractor/Installer 3. FILL BOXES Number of Tanks ~ List By Tank ID Name of System Manufacturer & Model Number i~O ~z~ ~// Contractor/Installer ONNEI~ O]~E~TOR . DATE LEVEl1 .. November 20, 1986 .~, , , Kern County Health Department :: '¢~'?/V-~" ~" 3/.oc~ '~>? 1 700 Flower Street .. ' tOo[vi B~ersfiel~, Calif. 93305 ._ Attn: Hr Joe Canas ~ · ~,~ would like to tha~ ~ou ~o~ approving our SCore ~asoline Re~rt ' . is Co be use~ in lieu of ~our I~veACor~ Recording Sheet .. Reconciliation Sheet.' As per our ~eting wi~ ~ou on Nove~er 13, 1986, ~our Inventory Reconciliation Su~ar~ ~d Trend ~al~sis Worksheet will still ~ completed b~ our stores. Enclosed are ten(lO) co$ies of our re, ri ~at Wou c~ distribute to gout field personnel. ;The nu~ers that ap~ar in high-light areas corres~nd to ~e c°i~ headings on gout Inv~tor~ Recording Sheet and Inventory Reconciliation Sheet. Again, ~a~ you for wour ti~ ~d attention. If gou have ang guestions, or if we can be of assistance, to you, please let us kn~. Division Gasoline Sales Manager Western Pacific Division SH :jas cc: Jack Dooli rtle 7-Eleven Stores / Western Pacific Division 1240 South State College Blvd. / Suite 100 1 P.O. Box 6520 1 Anaheim, California 92806 1 Phone (714) 635-7711 ~,~ I ~ CORPORATION ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 6as Stores 4008 WHITE LANE .. C'orp Stores EAKERSFiELD, CALIFORNIA (805) D34-2711 1~05) AAHT CIO ! IAA t PH~E ~ FRANCHISEE STORE AODRESS -,FORH DATE t~q~2F 46~2~ ~23-56~i ~udy Frieelv . :.;.:r::.25~1 Chester Lane~ Bakfd. 93304 1176 06107177 " I~;;&A ;6167 871-5~77 ~arry ~ G~&~il Sin~n .3760 Bernard St., ~aifd. 9330& ' '.".&lA~ 10/02/~5 .... .. 1~2a~ 5~C~t a~2-44:5 Tejin~er ~ ~u~sbtnoer Tak~r 5301 5tock~a[e ~.y., 6~k;d ~.~O~ ,:,,i.~/BB ..0~125185 · '!6.]29A 61034 a:4-~:~ ..Bas Austzn & E~e~nor aiselo, i:/i70! Pacbeco Rd.~ 6ak?d. 9~i07 ~'-:~(::"!4~7~ '05~08/74 tiS4;O 5z52~ ;~:-07:2 6~s Frtnk Oe~irto 4647 ~iison Rd.~ BiHd. ~09 . -.:7180 '06126181 166~qO 62G~1 ~:2-7~7~ ~s Kiren & Jerry Hc6iil 525 lest Coluebas, Bakfd. 9~01 6/8~ 02/25/86 :6946~ 6~01~ ~-~32 . C~rporattan 820 W~ison Ave., Otlda/e 9~08 1772~E 67946 g~4-~G~S ~as JiB Le~endecker ~60~ Stockdale Hey.~ B~kfd. 9~309 6183 t~SSE 7227~ .~-.Tu~ Bas ~ert ~elzer 300 North Chester~ 8akfd. ~Oa ~188 09/061~80~ 2G1!7C ;G4~I ~-~4~ ~s R~j:t & Sn~esner 6re,al 2~51 Soct~ ~nion~ Bik~d..9~07 6/6; 01/04/64'~100~1 ~,.-,,?. Gas Cerpura~ion 26~6 River ~lvd,, 6ak{d, ~05 05/22/65 ~I~A 13;I ~Z4-~Za5 6as Jim ~ Lois F'rice 4012 ~hite Lane~ 6~i.~d. {~30{ 7/60 04i10i8i ~1~ 22~78 252~ 559-0~ ~as Terry ~ {:at~y Stores ~3~90 Rose,aim H~y., 8akfd. ~07 6/8~ 01/0~/~4 ~001 285998 5094 36b-4765 ~s Ben Oas~t~oour 6529 E. 8run~age tn., Baird. 9~07 6/66 O&/15/G7 2~19A 5;Z~ ~,.-8~,. 6as Jo~,n & Rrlayne ~hite Z124 N.C~ester Rye., Oildalm ~3308 0/66 01/0716h 271~R Z7i; 765-703~ 6as J~e i Rata Taro 1224 6tn St., Taft 93268 el.o' a'04/07/86 13~32 18723 !6Z29 ~1476 17721 ~vi 20317 27122 265~ 1~.~,~) STO.I: GASOLINE. REPORT COl~'~i~ STORE NO : O~T~ICT DATE TI~E ~TI~ I - OAILY~LES ., ' ' Pe~ GiII~ REGULAfl PU~ ~, G411~ , P~ Jif fleM*l GALLONS [Tenmll AMOUNT I~nlll Ref.~l GA LLONS ITenf~) A~UNT Retad NO-LEAD PUMP ~elkl __ ~W (If REGU~ ~ LE~ PREMI~ OTHER ~ ~. 8~G~NN~NG ~NVGNTO~Y + '- 2. OELIVEfllES IATTACH 0ELIVERY PA~ERS) 12 ~2 12  &~. ~ TOTAL ILINE 1 ANO 2) 4. ~LLONS~LO )METERED} (--) ~ + ~ ~ + ~ ~ + ~ = 14 or 15 14 og 15 14 ~ 15 14 o~ ;. ' S. IN%*ENTORY ON HAND e. INVENTORY IN TANK (ACTUAL) ~ ~ ~ 7. ovE~ )SHORT) (~) 16 16 16 ~. YE~ERDAY'S MONTH.TO-DATE OVER.,SHCRT, (~) 1~ 1~ Z6 ~ 9, CURRENT MONTH-T~OATE OVERItSHORTt m ~E ~6 ~E I 10. CURRENT (TODAY'S) STICK READING ilNCHE$) ] ~. ] 'iN. ] IN.~ I1. WATER IN TANK - STICK READ)NE (INCHES) ~3 tN. ~3 IN. ~3 ~-} CLOSING GA~LINE + OPENIN( GA~LINE ~LES flECOflOEO ~ ~2. REGISTER READING REGISTER READING -- ON flEGI~ER PUM~ ) .~L~V~RY ) AFTER GALLONS COST OF GA~L~S ' DELIVEREO DELIVERIES UNITS C~T P.O. N~BER DELIVER~U BILL OF ~DING - , , VENDOR NO. vENDOR AMOUNT P 0 NUMBER V~OOR NO. VENOO~ AMOCNT P.O e%~) s!0.E a^SOLS.E c~.e.~.e~ STORE NO D~TPICT DATE ~ J ~ ~CTI~ I - DALLY ~LES " Per GIII~ REGULAR PUMP Per Glll~ ~ PUMP ill ~. Re~ld GALLONS (Te~t~} AMOUNT (~n~U fle~l GALLONS (Ten~tl I. Cu-~t Re~mg ~ 10. Cu-em qe~,~ I ', Sub TO~ ~ S~ Tot41 ,.~.,.,~',~.~,~ j s : · '. ~.,.~', I * ..... "."' ' ' .~,,.to,.~ 'Js~41 ,j 'l ' *THIS AREA ~N ~E USEO FOR OiESEC .~ ~S. GASOHOL .C~ 6M, SUPER ~ LEAO. ~ ~Z. . REGU~R NO LEtO PREMIUM OTHER ", + 4 4 4 4 · I. BEGINNING INVENTORY . ~ 2. DELIVERIES (ATTACH DELIVERY PAPERS) 12 ~2 % 3. TOTAL tLINE 1 ANO 2) 4. GALLONS~LDIMETEREDJ (--J 8 + ~ · + ~ ~ . J4 or ~S ~4 o~ ~5 24 or ~. INYENTORY ON HANO + 6. INVENTORY IN TANK {ACTUAC) ~ ~ (!) I6 16 16 J6 7. OVER (SHORT) ~ YESTEROAY'SMONTH-TO-OATEOV~R.~S~CRT~ (~) ', 7~ I I~ , , 9. CURRENT MONT~-TO-D~TE OVER/ISHORT] = J6 J ~6 10. CURRENT (TODAY'SI STICK READING (INCHES) ] IN. 3 tN. ~ IK. ~ . ti.. W~T;~ ;~ TANK - STICK ;E~O~NG UNCHES) 23 ~N.~ 13 m. ~ENtNG GA~LINE SALES RECOflOED 1~ CLOSING GA~LINE + '* REGISTER READING REGISTER READING .ON REGISTER ffu~ff j ~.~lV~ J AFTER ~L;VERY J OVE8 -- GA~L~E METER INCHES GALLONS J GALLONS IINCHES GALLONE J (SHORT) GALLONS~, :S~' 4 I JOl 2o I 2~ ',1'~ 'l. ~ I ~l,~-. ' GALLONS ~.. ~, ~,~ DELIVERED DELIVERIES ~IT5 C~T ~.0. N~SER DELIVERED ~ILL OF LADING ~2 : 615 ~' ,~ _ , ; :. ~ . ............ VENDOR NO VENDOR AMOUNT P 0 NUMBER VENDOR NO. VENDOR AMOUNT ~.O NUMB~;- ~ J l '~m 61~ 2~1 Environmental Sensitivity ./-~ Inspection Time UNDERGROUND HAZ~A~DOUS SUBST~L~ICE STORAGE FACILITY . * INSPECTION REPORT * . , / No. of Tanks -~ Is Infornatl , Pernlt/Appllcatlon Correct?, Yes ~ No Peralt Posted? Yes ~ No Type of Inspection: Routine ,', Co~plalnt Retnspectlon Com~eBts: - ITEM VI0~TIONS NOTED ~ ,.... ~o.,.,-.', .o.,,.,..: · ',Z a, .,~-'. '.i ,.,.,'. :-'~.' ,...~:': :.-..~.. :. ,:-.~:.: ,-~'f. Vadose Zone' Monitoring .... '--; ......... ~V ............. ~ ......... :r'--;--}-' c, Vault ~ ~lpln~ ~onltortn~ ~ Pressurized b. Suction c. Oravlty .................................................................. ~ ...... ~--~ ................... ~ ..... ~ ................................. ~. Overfill Protection IV:' " . '" '? /''/ f ''~ ,:-. :' ,/,':d, ......................................................................................... ~ Tightness Testln~, "~ /' ~ f /: ,* ~' ...,<, / .................................................................................................... ~ ................................... 6. ~e~ Constructlon/~odtflcatlon ........................................................................................................................................ 7. Closure/Abandonment ........................................................................................................................................ 8. Unauthorized Release ................................................................. L ....................... ............................................... Maintenance, General Safety and ~: ,'.. -- ,~, . , Operating Condition of Facility .... ~: ' · · ........................................................................................................................................ /? ./?, .,. / · ~ '.': ': 'L.~ ~.-'/," , . , ..... ,' .- , "'.,-'~L. ~ ~..~ .--.. Re/napectlon scheduled? '/ Yes ~ No Approximate Retnspectton Date ~.2 "~': .... '~6 ~_, ,~.;' ; / · /... - .......... ...,... INSPECTOR: ~ ~ .- ~ ' ' / ~-'~--;-' R~PORT RECEIVED BY: ~-'. . {Form ~P-17O) ~:.::.... ... - ITeM VIO~AT~ON~ N~ED and DJreotin~ 8yste~ ~'~, i Inventory' Control. ~onltorlng.-/ , . . :~ -~ Nodltled Inventory Control ao~torle [n-T~ Level Sensing Devlce~ 3eoundwnter Honltorlng ~edoae Zone Nonltorlng .;~.~: .'.-~'~ ~ I . ~'. :~, -, ~ '.."- b~, ~uble-Nalled Ta~ :Vault , *~- . .: .... *:=~ , =~., . * .., ,., .:. ?P/ping ~onltorln~ :- '." , . . · ..:. ;-:.: .~. _:,.:.: . ~ ~_~__~---; .~111 ~l~tlon "' .... , ,. ......................................... . l~ ~ltl.l ' ~ ,~ ~ "~-' .%~:' .... ~':-*~ '"' ~'~': :*' ~::- ,:-'"' ' :' ' . '~' -' ~ ~ '?~-' .... ' ' ..... -"'" ............................................ . ............ .~. ? ..... .... = .~ ........... . ..... ,, scheduled? Yes No ( b' - RgPORT. RBCIIIVgD B~/~ ~..., Permit # gnvironmentel Sensitivity .. /~:~ .:.>'} Inspection Time {~ } / . {'IV'_ .~.;~. ' ~ :~ Ho, og T~k~ ~ [~ ~o~ per,It/Application Co~e~? ~e~ ~ . ~o .?~- ~ Type of Inspection: Routine /~ ~ Co~e~ts:., ITA~ VIO~T~O~S ": ~ ~ a. lntercep~ln~ and Dlrec~ln~ S~stea .-~ .' ~ '"~ .. : .... ':d c. Modified Iaventory ~outrol Monitoring .,,,.'?. (:~ " '~ .... .... ...,--,.,.0.,,0,,., . ..~ - .. ... . .. , .'. . '. :~ ::', ".. . '..- .. , :. , ~. 8aconda~y Contal~ent ~onltorlng= ' '' · , .i a. Llnee ] b, ~uble-Walled Ta~ ~ ,, ..1 . o. Vault ' '], . ............................................. I ...........~_M~ .... - Pipin~ ~onltorlng ~'~ -- ~, Premeurl~ed .......... :; b. Suction O, .!~ ........................... 7:;: :;7;¢7;?i-¢72---55:TYY'~-X;j~:~ ~ ............ · " ~- ........... :-':--;: ':j ~. overfill ero~ec ~o~ ' ~' " ~ ' "/" ' ',' / ' " ' " :. f:] ............................................................................. ~ ......... ~ ..... ~ .................................... - ~ . .:~ , 8, Unauthor l~ed Release "~ o. '}~:...~ N~l~e~nce, Oene~l 9~tety ~d ,/ '.~ ........................................................................... ? ....... , ...... ? .............................. ; .......... "7/t/ //;,/.. r:'.-.,.~' ,.-, ( j/ .. / ~,, ~:;~ _ .,, ,.,.' . '..:..,,~ /," ...., ,~ ~,' .t~ E.,t,.,. ..... . .....1 i.,,.~.. )~,,., ,.,,, ;./~,-~, ,,~, ,.//,,.~ '.~; .... ~ z-, ,~ ~ ~. z~l ~ .- " ~'~ .-~ ~,...zt,,. ,-~, ? ,t, ....... ~-~. ,r ~_- . > ,,-. ,..,-, 1,:,.~ ~a. . · -:~ / .... ,'..~, ,/,: ~ "-'~z ...-.o, - "' '",, ~'~' ':' :~ " ~,.:~: .... _ .:;, .... /?~:~': . ...'::.. ... E~ir~nmental Sensitivity ~; ..... :. ; .- -.~,-~' J: .... Inspection h : "' UNDERGROUND HAZARO01~S SUBSTANCE STORAGE FACILITY .' :'L. .:.' -:* '' ' -.:.,.':h.....~-.. ' ' ~ * INSPECTION REPORT * .'-~ ~ · .~ ~ Routine ; ~' ' ~ 't - ' Complaint ...~. '...' ..- ?..~.:.:~-.-:';. · ' '. L Rein~ion Type of In~tion: · ~ ~(~"'*~? :~";': "' -':-ITEM * '~:*'~ ~ '; ~ -' -' * ' :'; ..... :~"** ".:." ' >' · . :, ;~:'' -:VIOLATIONS NOTED · ~ ~'~";'::~:~."~ a. .......... Inter~pt,ng~'~'~*m":~ ~ 'and~. D,r=,ng' ....... ' : .... Sy~em~**~:~' '~'~;*~* J'~'':~ ~ ~. :'~?~.~~¢¢~ ~(~ ~?:: b. Standard ,nventow Control Monitoring .'~* ~¢~.~ ~ ~ } ~:~. ~onda~ Containment Monitoring: ~(',.~. .!4~ :: ,.' ;b. Ooubl~Wall.d Tank :.~?; ..,'.. ....... . ,... ~ . . , . . : .... ' "~.' vault ' ' "' ' '" ' ':~'n; '.: 3.' Piping Monitoring: , - · ' .~,~.~ .,. - c. Gravity . 6. N~ Con.ruction/Modification .~' 7...Closure/Abandonment ~ · 8. ~nauthoriz~d ~l~a~ .... 5~/' "Operating Condition of Facility ~~t~-- ~ ~ C~en~/Reco~mendations:~ ~~Cx ( ~ &~~~ ~ . . REPORT D~ Health ~80 4113 170 17-~71 ' . - - · ' . ' ~ke~s~eqd, .CA. 93301 :..:,..,. ~;:/,: 5.~.~,. :":'*~'"'~t ..... ~ ':~,~ _~_ ~~~ ,~;~': "':' :" ': ..... : '~ ' "' ' ~?'~" ~' '>;"'C~:? ~'~:?x ~"SY"." '~~':''' ...... .... CERT...NOZZLE .: ~.;, ';':;:. ,-?~, ( '"'~ ,' J 'G: ":'~':;~ '~'</ :''~:' ..L:" ~'~:x~ '-,.~.C~?~ ~.:;" i;;.';;- "g"', ..... 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DRY BREAK ~K~S D~ERIO~TED 14'. ~CE~IVE VERTICAL P~Y IN "" '' ~IAL FILL MEn. ISM D~ECTIVE 19. DIFFER~CE (~LD BE 6" OR LE~) ~ "' 20. O~ER 21. ~.~: .... NOTE: A ~ECK A~VE ZNDICAT~ A VIO~TI~ OF KCA~D ~LE PRIOR TO ~RRECTZ~ ~Y ~R~ER ~STI~TE A VIO~TI~ OF K~D SL.on Name ~ -~~ ... S.~on Name ~ ~~ ~ ~ · ':" ....~ W~G ' W~G .... ~ of th~ ~ ~ ~tea ~ ~te Aw and un- . .~ of t~ aeu~ ~ p~ed ~ ~te ~w aha un- autho~d m~l of this ~g or ~ of th~ equipment autho~d remo~l of this ~g or ~ of this equipment ~11 cons~tute a ~o~on of the ~w punishab~ ~ a ~fl connie a ~0~on of ~e ~w pun~hable ~mum d~l fine of $1,~ ~r day or a m~mum ~mum d~l fine of $1,~ ~r day or a m~mum ,.. ~minal fine of ~ ~ day and/or six monks in j~l. ~"~mi~l fi~ of ~ ~ day and/or ~ mont~ in jail. 1 dec,re under ~na~ of ~u~ that the d~ ~d /. ! d~lare under ~na~ of ~du~ that the d~ ~s not ~d, nor ~ the tag m~d, un~l the required ~s not ~d, nor ~ the ~g remo~d, un~l the req~md ~i~ ~re effe~ed and the d~ noUfied. ~im ~re effe:ed and the di~ noUfied. Re~ired ~ .~tle Re~ired ~ .~e (Plea~ print) (~e~ print) Si~ature.. ' i SiDa~re Date ~me ~ Date ~me , Toiler Reading at ~me of R~ir To~l~er Reading at ~me of Re,ir Re~im made Re~i~ ~de B~ORE US~G ~IS D~T~h~e ~ur I~1 air : B~ORE US~G ~IS D~Te~e ~r~l air ~llu~on consol di~ at ~ -'~ · ~llu~on consol ~ at ~ ~ ~' ~'~ if re~im ~e ~de to the no~e ~y ~u mu~ no~ If r~im ~re ~de to the no~e ~y ~u m~ no~ the Coun~ De~ment of Wei~ and Measu~. the Coun~ D~ent of Weigh~ and M~u~. 66137 66~38 ''~ l~ ELEVEn Date: April 2, 1987 TO: Kern County' Health Department Environmental Health Services .1700 Flower. Street ,~: :;?Bakersfield, CA 93305 From: . Jack Doolittle, Division Gasoline Manager ' Please find the attached copies of tank test(s) for our store(~) ':":'"~'i ': 2125-21476 Date 0'f Test: 3-3-87 ."' If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, Jack Doolittle Division Gasoline Manager Western Pacific Division JD:jas attachments 7-Eleven Stores/Western Pacific Division 1240.South State College Blvd. / Suite 100 P.O. Box 6520 / Anaheim, California 92806 / Phone (714) 635-7711 THE SOUTHLAND CORPORATION · LIQUID CONSTRUCTION, INC. March 15, 1987 ~..:----? Ken Green ~!i Southland Corporation -,'? 1240 South State College Blvd. .- .: . .: Anaheim, CA 92806 ' '" . ..Re: 7-Eleven #2125-21476 ,:!! ~ .......': -'' ~?:;', ~: :.:~:?~-~:',:71700 Brundage Lane Bakersfield, CA - .' · · Dear Ken: , On March 3, 17987, a Homer EZY Ch~k System test was performed at the above-referenced location. The test was performed by ~ike Stover, LCI Technician. The NFPA Code 329.02 criteria for a tight system is a m~ximua loss of .05 gallons per hour. B~ause of the almost infinite variables involved, this is not intended to be a mathematical tolerance and is not the permission of actual leakage. During the standpipe test procedure the internal liquid hydrostatic pressure applied to the underground tank system is generally two to' three times greater than normal liquid storage pressures. This increase in hydrostatic pressure will amplify the indicated rate of leak accordingly. SYSTEM TEST Tank No. 1 - South Size - 10,000 gallons Product- Regular The test showed a plus .0100 gallons per hour. Based on the above criteria, we find the tank tested mathematically tight. Tank No. 2 - Middle Size - 10,000 gallons Product - Prem. Unladed The test showed a plus .0186 gallons per hour. Based on the above criteria, we find the tank tested mathematically tight. Tank No. 3- North Size - 10,000 gallons Product- Unleaded The test showed a plus .0021 gallons per hour. Based on the above criteria, we find the tank tested mathematically tight. 1054 North 'J' Street * Post Office Box 1220 · Tulare, California 93275 · (209) 688-1980 Ken Green Southland Corporation .. Page. 2 March 5, 1987 This concludes our test and findings. If you have any questions regarding the results, please contact me. It is your responsibility to notify your local County Health Department, Environmental Health, within thirty (30) days of the results of this test. The notification is required by the California Administrative Code, Title 23 Waters~ Chapter 3 Water Resources Contol Board, Sub-chapter 16 Undergound Tank Regulation, Article 4.30. ~ .~. We have enjoyed working with' you on 'this project. If you need any further information, please feel free to contact our office. La r~r Tank Testing Coordinator LC/meo enclosures PRECISION ,TESTING CO/v~PANYNAME- Liquid Construction Inc. /; ~-..TANK FARM LOCATION 7-Eleven #2125-21476 Thesyslemusedforleslin$is~e"EZYCHEK"LeakDeteoio~$ys~em. This~ ' '~%' Ken Green designedlOme~tlheNFPArt~:luimme~sandi~capableOideteclinSalea~ra~ecd CONIACT T .~ t' rv ~.,q 'r'~l~ 1" - ~ ~i' CONTACT per hour. This criteria cd .0S 8allo~ pe~ hour is nol Io be conurued as a permisud:~ · ~,RESS P.O. Box 1220 "' j'ADbRESS 1700 Br un da ge Lane ~,<~,.~,. We assume no responsibility fo~ any peaduct leakage. "'~,S'~^T~: Tulare, CA ~27~ ~:.C~Y,m^T~ Bakersfield, CA TEU~IO'NE ( ? n O ) 6 ~ m- 1 ~ ~n i?' ~HONE ( 8 0 5 ) 3 2 2 -- 8 6 7 i · ~^a~ OW~m ' Southland~ - ~bor¥ora~ ion .~:- O~E~TOe CO~TACT Ken Green ~'~:': ,if': ^~mr~ 1240 s. State C~llege Blyd. or~, StaTE Anaheim, CA 92806 ;:~i':~ ~' ~;~0~ ( 714 ~ 6 3 5- 7 711 ~ Ci: ' '.~1 to,eeo ' -' ~''`: I.,~:-/ q Ul"J,~' ~'~- I 3.,' .~ ~ ... EZY-CHEK ~.,.~ ~/, WORKSHEET' nk,/. _ , _Testlevel ~C~ , Product ~ 5 CaDaclty/O~'o Cha, calL."FO~' + =,,~O/~ (A) ~easured gravity__ ~' Product temp.. ' Coeffleclent,OOO[~ ~ lemp. cal. 'DO OO ;t level level gain + x(A) ' level tem~__ utem~ :.::?gain + x(B) temp. final ~tad end loss- '~ x(A) result ,, , staff ~ end. ' . ... I, ~. :,'~':::~'~ 0 '" ' · .... - _.c(~_ 1 =Jr ~ ~ .~o,~ ~~ ,>~; _ , >,~::~ : - ation IocatiOR 7-Eleven " :'::~Y ..... : ':' ¥ : " ' Certified tight ': ": ,~ ~ >'" ' · '.. ldress ?" 1700 Brundago Lane ..T ~ ' ~ ..... .,... Leak rate per hOUr :~::';:~V~ Iv, State Bakersfield, CA , .~? ~ ..... ' ' Operator ~~:': ~-' . EZY-CHEK ~ WORK SHEET ~ ,..~ . ,k~ Testlevel. Product. . CaDaclty[~O Chaflcal'.~:',~. ~ = t~O/.~'. ., (A) easuredgravity_ ~/,~ Product temp. Coeffleclent ~o~/~emp. cal.,OO~'~ x /~t~OO = '~ ~ (Bi level level gain + . X(A) · level temp. temp. . .;~aln + x(B)'" lamp. final stad end loss "X(A) result slart ~O o . _ - end. ;" loss a(B) result result . 'Jress 1700 Brundage Ln., :: ~,7,... ,. " Leak rate per hoU ~ · ' Ope~tor : .. ,, ,':. WORK SHEET ' ~ ,2:.i .' . ' ~k~ . _Testlevel, Product ~- Ca~aclty,.ff~i~ Chadcal~'~ leasuredgravity ,~,0 Product temp. ~° =. ' Coeffleclent, 0 c~~emp, cal. . ?:-: · t level level gain + x (A) - level temp. _ o rems' : :;:':~ain + x (B)' temp. final start end loss - x(A) result . start '~D end. ":~:}~ loss - x(B) result result ~,2~.;. I ,, ~5~ - ~?' : 4 CT~ , oo o - ;,;4:.~, .'. -' ::.-:-::q:;. : Average ' :.t~Z~-~ · · ~:, -' :. · ation location 7-Eleven, ~~ Certified tight '~> :~)?. tOmsS 1700 Brundage Ln., .-~ . . . ~ . ~'.:~. , · Leak rate per hoUr. '"~- ' Operator ~ , ~t0~(~ FILE CONTENTS INVENTORY ~Permit to ~perate ~ W?~D~ · Date OConstruction Permit # Date O Permit to abandon~ No. of Tanks . Date O Amended Permit Conditions ~JPermit Application Form, ~ Tank Sheets '~¢~ DApplication to Abandon tanks(s) Date OAnnual Report Forms Dco~y of Written Contract Between Owner & Operator , .Olnspection Reports '.. .:. . .... rlcorrespondence - Received · -~: .... 'Date ' ' ' : ,". - - Da te · ' Date ~lCorrespondence - Mailed Date : Date rJUnauthorized Release Reports rlAbandonment/Closure Reports []Sampling/Lab Reports ~ []MVF Compliance Check (NeW COnstructio'n' CheckliSt) []STD Compliance Check (New Construction Checklist) D MVF Plan Check (New Construction) []STD Plan Check (New Construction) []MVF Plan Check (Existing Facility) nSTD Plan Check (Existing Facility) []"Incomplete Application" Form []Permit Application Checklist [] Permit Instructions []Discarded r~Tightness Test Results .... Date Date Da te []Monitoring Well Constructfo'n "Da~ta/permits [2] Environmental Sensitivity Data: DGroundwater Drilling, Boring Logs DLocation of Water Wells rTstatement of Underground Conduits J~Plot Plan Featuring All Environmentally Sensitive Data r~Photos Construction Drawings Location '~'/~ []Half sheet showing date received and tally of inspection time, etc []Miscellaneous