HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK OIT¥ OF EIAKFFISFIELD ~ '/ FIRE DEPARTMENT ~FFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 5X80083 '.~,,,~r,~ ~ ~;~ ~Aw o~r~c~s or ;;T'{/i TST 7~T~r' ~ ,,~m.,,-. TELEPHONE ~6,~ ~-o~6 BAXERSFIELD, CALIFO~IA 93301 (66') 634-0699 F:~:;SI'] BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. · Bakersfield, CA 93301 Business Phone (661) 326-3979 · FAX (661) 326-0576 FAX Transmittal TO: ~___~~-""-~ -COMPANY: FROM: Page Purgeable Aromatics and Total'Petroleum Hydrocarbons ADVAI~CED CLEANUP TECPLNOLOGIES INC. Date Reported: 09/13/2000' 9548 WESLEY LANE Date Received: .08/31/2000 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Laboratory No.: 00-10197-1 Attn: LAREN KAUFMAi~ 805-392-7765 Project Number: STE~-E SOFiER Date Collected: 08/29/2000 @ 10:27 Sampling Location: S-1 ® 2' Date Extracted-8020: '09/07/2000 Sample ID: BELOW TAi~K ~ Date Analyzed-8020: 09/07/2000 Sample Matrix: Soil .Sample Collected By: ERIC MULLEN Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0.01 Surrogate % Recovery 106. % 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S~ / L.U.FoT~ Manual Method - Modified EPA 80!5 Individual constituents by EPA ~ethod 5030/8020. California. Cer~. %1!86 Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All resuils listed ~n [h~$ repo~, are Cot the exclusive use of tt~e suDmitting party,, BC LaDora[ones, inc. assumes no responsii~llity for repor~ alteration, detacnmem or tr~lra pa~ ~mefpre~a~on Laboratories, Inc. Page Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ADVANCED CLEANUP TECHNOLOGIES INC. Date Reported: 09/13/2000 ~5~8 WESLEY LANE Date Received: 08/31/2000 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Laboratory No.: 00-10197-2 Attn: LAREN KAUFMAI~ 805-392-7765 Project Number: STEVE SOMER Date Collected: 08/29/2000 @ 10:33 Sampling Location: S-2 ® 6' Date Extracted-8020: 09/07/2000 Sample ID: BELOW TANK Date Analyzed-8020: 09/07/2000 Sample Matrix: Soil Sample Collected By: ERIC MULLEN Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0.01 Surrogate % Recovery 93. % 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. California/~.~'~S. Cer~t/~l186 Stuart G. Buttram Department Super~;i sor Ali resuils i~ste~ ~n th~s repor~ are for ~,he e~clus~ve use of t~e su[~m~r~in9 par~, BC Laoorator es, inc. assumes no responsii~ility for report aiteration, detachment or m~rd par2/ ~teroretaI~or, 09/22/00 15:05 86§1 326 0576 BFD HAZ MAT DIV ~001 *** ACTIVITY REPORT *** TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO. 7410 CONNECTION TEL 3927782 CONNECTION ID START TIME 09/22 15:04 USAGE TIME 01'10 PAGES 3 RESULT OK D m September 5, 2000 FIRE CHIEF Mr. Steven Ray Sommer RON FRAZE 750 Mabee Lane ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Healdsburg, CA 95448 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661)326-3941 RE: Closure of Underground Storage Tank Located at 2916 Bmndage FAX (661) 395-1349 Lane in Bakersfield. Permit #BR-0263. SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Dear Mr. Sommer: Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the final closure of thc 550 gallon waste oil tank previously located at the above stated address. PREVENTION SERVICE~ 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Based on the information obtained, this office is satisfied that thc tank closure has VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326.0576 satisfactorily been completed and requires no further action at this time. Accordingly, no unauthorized release reporting is necessary for this closure. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Nothing in this determination shall be construed as a satisfaction or release from VOICE (661)326-3979 liability for any conditions or claims arising as a result of past, current, or future FAX (661) 326-0576 operations at this location. Nothing in this determination is intended or shall be TRAINING DIVISION construed to limit the fights of any parties with respect to claims arising out of, or 5642 victor Ave. relating to, deposit or disposal at any other location of substances removed from Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 the site. Nothing m this determination is intended to relieve the tank owner of any FAX (661) 399-5763 responsibilities mandated under the California Health and Safety Code if existing, or previously unidentified contamination at the site causes or threatens to cause pollution or nuisance or is found to pose a threat to public health or water quality. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (661) 326- 3979. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey, Director Office of Environmental Services SOMMER RANCHES STEVEN SOMMER 750 MAYBEE LANE 707-431-8623 HEALDSBURG, CA 95448 ORTH STEVE & CANDY SOMMER Sommer Ranches -' 750 Mabee Lane ~ Healdsburg, CA 95448 (70-~) 431-8623 NOTE TO FILE RE: Witnessed Samples Taken at 2916 Brundage I arrived at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, August 29, 2000 to observe samples taken from a previously removed underground storage tank. Two samples were taken (1) ~ 2' (1) ~ 6'. Samples were taken to BC Labs, along with chain of custody. ACTI Environmental will forward results to our office. Steve Underwood, Inspector August 29, 2000 11:35 a.m. D August 28, 2000 Mr. Michael Lewis Lewis Construction Steven Ray Sommer · 3413 Incline Drive 750 Mabee Lane Bakersfield, CA 93306 Healdsburg, CA 95448 RE: Removal of (1) Underground Storage Tank located aE29X6-_B~ FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE Gentlemen: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 'H' Street The City of Bakersfield has reached a decision regarding the enforcement action Bakersfield. CA 93301 with respect to the removal of the underground storage tank located at 2916 VOICE (661) 320-3941 FAX 1661)395-1349 Brundage Lane, and the subsequent release of waste oil on the city streets between 2916 Bnmdage Lane and 1132 Radcliff Street. We have decided that if we SUPPRESSION SERVICES recover the city's cost to mitigate this incident, we will not pursue a civil action 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 through Kern County Superior Court. VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 The cost of this incident response includes Police Department, Fire Department, PREVENTION SERVICES Code Enforcement and Public Works cost. The total cost of our response was 1715 ChosterAvo. $2,560.00. Payment of this cost of $2,560.00 is due within thirty (30) days of this Bakersfield, CA 93301 - VOICE (661) 326-3951 letter. Please make check payable to City of Bakersfield, Certified Unified FAx (661) 326-0576 Program Agency and deliver payment to: ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES * " 1715 Chester Ave. Mr. Walt H. Porr, Jr. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Deputy City Attorney VOICE (601) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 City Attorney's Office City of Bakersfield TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. 1501 Tmxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93308 Bakersfield, CA 9330 l VOICE (66'1)399-4697 FAX (661)399-5763 Failure to pay the cost of this incident will result in civil action, including penalties for the Health and Safety Code violations identified. If you have any questions, 'please feel fee to contact me at 661-326-3979. Sincerely, Office of Environmental Services cc: Walt H. Port, Ir. Kirk Blair, Assistant Chief State of Californio--Environmentcit Protection Agency ~ F6rm,Approved OMB No, 2050-0039 (Expires 9-30-99)~ .. Seelnstructions,on bat page 6o Deportment of.Toxic Substances Contro~: p~ase'print~or type. Form designed for use an~'elite (12~F,?I[~t~ ~/pe~rite~:. : Sacramento, California  . Generdtor's US EPA iD No. Manifes~ D~ument No. 2. Page I Information in the shaded areas UNIFORM' AZARDOUS ~ ' ' ~)~? : is not required by Federal law. WASTE MANIFEST ~ of ~ 3. Generator's Nome and Mailing Address :~-~'~ ~c' ~, ,~ · '~'~.:,~ ~ 4. Generator's Phone (~ :. ¢ ) -,~,~ .,$ ~;~, .. :¥ 5. Transporter 1 Company Name 6. US ~PA ~D Number 7, Transporter 2 Company Name 8. US EPA ~D Number 9. Designated Facility Name and Site Address 10. US EPA iD Number ¢ 12. Containers 13. Total 11. US DOT Description (including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, and ID Number) Quantity 15.' Special Handling, [n'structions, , and~AdditionaJ~ .~, ,.:..~'~'* Information 16. GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: h~eby dec are hat the contents of this cd~signment are fully and accurately described above by proper shipping name and ar~cbssified, packed, marked, and labeJed, and are in al] respects i~oRer'condition for transportby highway according to appiicabie internationaJ and national government regubtions. f am a arge quanti~ generator, I certi~ that I' have a program in place to reduce the vo ume and fox ci~ of waste generated ~o the degree ~ have determined to be economically racticabie and that I have selected he aract cab e method of f~atment storaae or disposa curreafly available o me wh ch minimizes the pres~t.a~d:future t~reat to human hea th and the environment; OR, if ~ am. a smaJl quanti~ generator, I have made a. good faith effo~ to mioim~ze my waste generatmn and se[ect the be~t waste management method that available to me and that I can afford. /' '"":~' Month Year 1 Acknowledc ement of Receipt of Materials Pri~tedlTyped Name "Signature ~ - Month Day Year ~ement of Receipt of~teriaJs Printed/Typed Name Signature -' Month Day Year 19 Discrepancy Indication Space T Printed/Typed Name ./ . DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE. DTSC 8022A (4/97} ~.PA 8700--22 CITY, OF BAKERSFIEI 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS CLOSURE CERTIFICATION Page __' of __ I. 'FACILITY IDENTIFICATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) 3 [ PERMIT # i' TANK OWNER NAME 74.0 TANK OWNER ADDRESS 741 TANK OWNER CITY 742 STATE 743 ZIP CODE 744 il. TANK· CLOSURE INFORMATION Tank ID # Concentration of Flammable Vapor Concentration of Oxygen (AEach additional copies of this page : for more than three tant($.) Top Center Bottom Top Center Bottom ~ 74-5 ' 7468 74~b 746c 747a 747b 74.7c INTERIOR , I ~'C~] ATMOSPHERE ' ~2[~. ('d~- 1~ ~7~) ~ 'x...,,~ READINGS :. 749a 749b 749c 750a 750b 7~0~ 2 751 752a 752b 752c 753a 753b 753c 3 i on examination of the tank, I certify the tank is visually free from product, sludge, scale (thin, flaky residual of tank contents), rinseate and debris. I further certify thgc'C~g'e information pro, videO, herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. St GNAT0C,'E OF~RTtF-IF:zP, /'/ STATUS OR AFFILIATION OF CERTiFYiNG PERSON -~ '~.~' "/~' .' ~;'/~/"~' '/(... ~ Certifier is a representative of the CUPA, authorized agency, or LtA: 760 J NAME OF CERTIFIEFQ~'~nt) 754 ~,~.¢.._g.~.~ * Name of CUPA, authorized agency, or LIA: 761 TITLE OF CERTIFIER ?s5 City of Bakersfield Fire Department - Office of Environmental Services d-'-'-'-'~_""~ ...~--J%~ ~L~.~ If certifier is other than CUPA / LIA check appropriate box below: 752 ADDRESS ' [] a. Certified industrial Hygienist (CIH) 1 715 Chester Ave. ~e [] b: Certified Safety Professional (CSP) CITY [] c. Certified Marine Chemist (CMC) Bakersfield, CA 93301 zs? [] d. Registered Environmental Health Specialist (REHS) PHONE [] e. Professional Engineer (PE.) (661) 326-3979 758 [] f. Class 11 Registered Environmental Assessor DATE 759 ' CERTIFICATION-TIME [] g. Contractors' State License Board licensed contractor (with ~>q '[ ~ ~O ¢'~ hazardous substance removal certification) ./- TANK PREVIOUSLY HELD FLAMMABLE OR COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS ~Yes [] No 763 (If yes, the tank interior atmosphere shall be re-checked with a combustible gas indicator prior to work being conducted on the tank.) CERTIFIER'S TANK MANAGEMENT INSTRUCTIONS FOR SCRAP DEALER, DISPOSAL FACILITY, ETC: 764 A copy of this certificate shall accompany the tank to the recycling ] disposal facility and be provided to the CUPA. If there is no CUPA, copies shall be submitted to the LIA and authorized agency; owner / operator of the tank system; removal contractor; and the recycling / disposal facility. UPCF (7/99) S:\CUPAFORMS\dtsc1249.doc "· CROSB¥ & OVERTONi fNC: ~' LONG:BEACFli C~ 908'13 · (562) 4,32~5;~.5 ,,!.' FAX' (562)i 486~754.0~ 1610 WEST 17TH STREET 843G-AMEl. iJ~,~t'l'~.t::t (562) 4,32;5445. (5t m~6~33T-~386; FA)((562) 436~7548 ' · .. MORE THAN 30 DAYS PAST DUE WILl_ RF .~1 lB. IFC, T T('~ A .RI::R~/IC:= ¢:Mz~l~.¢ th, l= 1.~/~)1. =r,;:~ ~4fhl~lTU N? ].0967 D SPOSAL FORM GOLDEN METALS, iNC. P. 0. Box 70158 ' 2000 E. 8rundage Lane IDate Bakersfield, California 93387 Phone (805) 327-3559 · Fax (805) 327-5749 Contractor's Scrap Metals, Pro~ssing & RecycJing ~ License No. !O°ntract°r's ADDRESS: DESTINA~ON: G.S.M. 2000 E. BRUNDAGE LANE · BAKERSFIELD, CA 93387 TOTAL EHSD PERMIT NO: 250 1000 - 6 2000 ,97 ~ RESIDUALS PRESENT (REJECT) 3000 ~ LEL READING sooo 2.42 ~ OXYGEN CONTENT 7soo 3.28 9000 3,82 12000 4.93 TOTAL that tank removal complies with State laws. ~ ~~[ ~ ~ :~ CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATURE , . . CERTIFICATE OF TANK DISPOSAL / DESTRUCTION T~.i$.¢~'T~FY THE ~ECEIPTAND ACCEPTANCE OF THE TANK(S) AS SPECiFiED ABOVE. ALL MATERIAL SPECIFIED WILL 8E COMPLETELY 9'ESTRO~ED~R ~AP RE-~CLiNG PURPOSES ONLY. ¢ '¢ AUTHORIZED REP. ' / WHITE ~ Contractor Copy - YELLOW-- Rte Copy - PINK .-- Perma~nt Copy Memo From: A|-SE~£ION A FIREi tCIDENT REPORT CFIRS 1 FDID I Incident number 15005 I 01-00-005148-000 CORRECTIONS CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE I Multi-agency incident number ADD Date I Dispatch I Arrive I End I Addl days I First in co. District 2/04/00 1215 1215 1442 00 E06 12401 Sit.(s) found I Mut. aid I Met. of alarm Weather I Temp. I Prp. manage. 42 8 7 1 00D 1 Incident address/Location BRUNDAGE LN & CYPRESS ST IN, BAKERSFIELD, CA --~~~ .... i-~-~--i-~~-~-i-~-~~-~erity93304 zone Fire pers°nnel I V°lunteers I Engines I Trucks I Rescue IOther vehicles9 0 1 0 0 4 Gen~6PrP. I Spe~2PrP. I Ocs. type I Str. type I Str. ets. ]Occ. at time SECTION F COMPLETE FOR HAZMAT --~-control Hazmat release Release factors Contrib. factors 00-0538 Area: 92 Level: A01 76 200 ID sources -~;~. materials -~-g~ualty _ CIV casualty 13 19 Inj: 0 Fatal: 0 Inj: 0 Fa%al: 0 Chemical name DOT ID no. DOT haz. class CAS no. USED MOTOR OIL 0000' 3 Physiqal statestored: 2 Rel: 2 I QtY~ rel' I UOM I Ext' °frel' I Sum' any' c°ntam'00 12 7 8 Container I UOM Type: 21 Material: 1 Use: 1 Feature: 0 Capacity: 200 12 Chemical name -~-DOT-ID-no--! DOT ham. class CAS no. MOTOR OIL I 0000 I 0.'~ Physiqal state Qty~ rel. I UOM Ext. of rel. Sue. env. contam. Store~: 2 Rel: 2 200 I 12 7 0 Container I UOM Type: 21 Material: 1 Use: 1 Feature: 0 Capacity: 200 12 Chemical name I DOT ID no. I DOT ham. class CAS no. USED MOTOR OIL I 0000 I 3 --~~-~e.stored: 2 Re±: 2 I QTY'00 rel' I UOM12 Ext.7of rel. Sue. anY.0 contam. Container I UOM Type: 21 Material: 1 Use: 1 Feature: 0 Capacity: 200 12 NARRATIVE: Title Entered by employee Entry date Description Dispatch narrative 2/04/00 INCIDENT NARRATIVE MOORE, GREGORY 2/04/00 E6 RECEIVED A TELEPHONE CALL FROM BPD DISPATCH REQUESTING ASSISTANCE "Title ' Entered by employeejJ ~%~0~ Entry date INCIDENT NARRATIVE MOORE, GREGORy// 2/04/00 FOR A SMALL OIL SPILL AND WANTING A/WASH DOWN. E6 ARRIVED ON SCENE AND FOUND A HAZADOUS CONDITION FO~WHAT APPEARED TO BE AN OIL SPILL IN THE STREET AND AROUND THE BLQ~K. E6 ADVISED THE OFFICER, THE ASSIGNMENT WOULD HAVE TO UPGRADED TO A HAZARDOUS MATERIAL EMERGENCY. THE AREA WAS SECURED AND ISOLATED, TRAFFIC WAS REROUTED AND ADDITIONAL BFD RESOURCES WE~_~EQUESTED TO RESPOND. THE BKSFLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT WAS ON SCENE PRIOR TO E6. THE OIL WAS SPILLED FROM AN UNDERGROUND TANK THAT HAD JUST BEEN REMOVED FROM THE PROPERTY BY LEWIS CONSTRUCTION% A~GENERAL CONTRACTOR WITHOUT A HAZARDOUS MATER'~~6 CONTINUED TO ISOLATED AND DENY ENTRY AND ASSISTED THE BFD HAZ MAT TEAM. NO OTHER ACTIONS WERE TAKEN BY E6. story, of alarm H~_ll .WATTS. E~WARD 2/04/00 upon arrival HM 11 maae con.ac5 with. E-6. We found apprqx%mately 100. qallons or more of wast oil on the street. HM 11 ~receeaed to~attemp~ 59 ~leanup ~he poo~e~ portion~ of the spill. The zollow is a ±ist ofthe equ~p~ment that was useo. ~- Sa~.ple Jars.~.~b~= ~.~ = 6-pairs, rubber gloves (Med Aid tvDe)__ ~1~o 1- pair of PVC Haz Mat Boots ~=~.~. .~ 4 ~4" push brooms and handles ~,~-~.,~,,o - ~hese items were used and disposed of. ~az Mat 11 remained on scene until ACTI enviromental assumed cleanup respo~ibliity of the scene. At which time HM-2 oversaw the operation. .. BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPAR RESPONDING PERSONNEL '0nit Time number Employee name B01 TOLER, LARRY E06 NEWELL, SCOTT E06 MOORE, GREGORY E06 FRANCO, ARTHUR Ell WATTS, EDWARD Ell CASAVANT, SCOTT ~ Eli STURGEON, TED L D r June 15, 2000 F~RE C.IEF INVOICE RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Hazardous Spill Response 2101 "H' Strut Date of Incident: February 4, 2000 Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805)395-134~ ' Bakersfield Fire Department SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'H" Street Personnel $1,060.90 Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 Lab Fees 270.00 FAX (805) 395-1349 Items used/disposed of 170.56 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield PoliceDepartment Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3951 Personnel 242.73 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Public Works - Streets Division 1715 Chester Ave. Personnel 152.55 Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3979 Equipment 261.41 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION Total Amount Due $2,158.15 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 PERSONNEL ON SCENE ' ' = RATE TOTAL CAPTAIN @ 23.32 2.75 23.32 64.13 2.50 23.32 58.30 " 0.00 23.32 0.00 0.00 23.32 0.00 122.43 FRINGES AT 53% 64.89 ENGINEER @ 19.52 2.75 19.52 53.68 2.50 19.52 48.80 0.00 19.52 0.00 19.52 0.00 0.00 19.52 0.00 102.48 FIREFIGHTER @ 17.67 2,75 17.67 48.59 2.50 17,67 44.18 0.00 17.67 0.00 0.00 17.67 0.00 0.00 17.67 0.00 92.77 195.25 FRINGES @ 53% 103.48 BATTALION CHIEF @ 28.30 1.50 28.30 42.45 0.00 28.30 0.00 42.45 ASSISTANT CHIEF @ 46.57 0.00 46.57 0.00 0,00 42.45 FRINGES AT 53% 22.50 HAZ-MAT SPECIALIST @26.75 4.50 26.75 120.38 120.38 DIR OF ENV SRVCS @35.43 2.00 35,43 70.86 70,86 191.24 VEHICLES ON SCENE HOURS RATE TOTAL HAZ-MAT VAN 2.75 34.00 93.50 ENGINE 2.50 39.00 97.50 ENGINE 0.00 39.00 0.00 PATROL 0.00 35.00 0.00 BATTALION CHIEF* 1.00 14.00 14,00 BATTALION CHIEF* 0.00 14.00 0.00 ASST CHIEF CAR* 0.00 2.00 0.00 TRUCK 1 0.00 114.00 0.00 VEHICLE TOTAL 205,00 SUBTOTAL 947.23 ADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEAD 12% 113.67 TOTAL INVOICE 1060.90 *Battalion Chief Car and Assistant Chief Car are charged at minimum daily rates. a:~Bill~Cardlock Prepare~. 3/17/00, 16:18:43 Detail Fire Incident Report Page 1 Pro,grain: FIll5L FIRE-INCIDENT REPORTING ........................................................................................................................ Incident number: 01-00-005148-000 Alarm Dispatch Enroute Scene Contain End Incident times ......... 12:15 12:15 12:15 14:42 Incident date ......... 2/04/00 Day of week .......... 006 FRIDAY Multi-agency number ...... Situation found i ....... 42 Toxic condition Situation found 2 ....... Situation found 3 ....... Situation found 4 ....... Mutual aid ........... 8 No Automatic/Mutual aid recieved General property ........ 96 Roadways and Parking areas, see 92 Common name .......... Street address ......... BRUNDAGE LN & CYPRESS ST IN Room~Apart~ent number ..... ~ty/Statg/Zip code ...... BAKERSFIELD CA 93304 ~ea code/Phone number ..... (661) ~ditional days ........ First in company ........ E06 District ............ 12401 Mobile property ........ 98 Not applicable E~uipment involved ....... 98 No equipment involved in Fire hazard severity zone . . . Specific property ....... 962 Paved public street Method of alarm ........ 7 Telephone tie-line to fire departme Weather ............ 1 Clear Air temperature ........ Property management ...... 1 Private tax-paying Census tract .......... Occupancy type ......... 1 Structure or vehicle occupied Occupancy status ........ Structure type ......... Structure status ........ Officer in charge . : ..... 0006000072 HUEY, RALPH Officer in charge review date . 0/00/00 Officer reporting 0000000113 MOORE, GREGORY Officer reporting r~vie~ ~a~e' ~ 0/00/00 Shift ............. 002 B Shift Level of response ....... 002 Responded Code 2 Number of engines Number of trucxs 0 ~,~ of rescue units ..... 0 of aerials ....... 0 ~er of other units ..... 4 Number of fire personnel .... 9 Number of volunteers ...... 0 Number of alarms ........ 1 Prepared~. 3/17/00, 16:18:43 Detail Fire Incident Report Page 2 PrQgram: FIll5L FIRB INCIDENT REPORTING Incident nua%ber: 01-00-005148-000 O.E.S. control number ..... 00-0538 Number of chemicals ...... 1 Area of release ........ 92 O~ or near highway, public way, str Release level ......... A01 1 FLOOR ABOVE GROUND LEVEL Release factor 1 ........ 76 Improper startup, shutdown procedur Release factor 2 ........ Release factor 3 ........ Release factor 4 ........ Contributing factor 1 ..... 200 Insufficient information Contributing factor 2 ..... Equipment involved ....... 80 Insufficient information Hazmat action taken 1 ..... 71 Investigate Hazmat action taken 2 ..... 44 Establish safe area Hazmat action taken 3 . .' ... . eZmat action taken 4 ..... sposition of incident .... 7 Incident scene released to private rsonnel ID source I ..... 13 Hazmat specialist, technician Personnel ID source 2 ..... Reference material ID 1 .... 19 Not classified above Reference material ID 2 .... NARRATIVE: Title Entered by employee Entry date Review date Description Dispatch narrative 2/04/00 0/00/00 INCIDENT NARRATIVE MOORE, GREGORY 2/04/00 0/00/00 E6 RECEIVED A TELEPHONE CALL FROM BPD DISPATCH REQUESTING ASSISTANCE FOR A SMALL OIL SPILL AND WANTING A WASH DOWN. E6 ARRIVED ON SCENE AND FOUND A HAZADOUS CONDITION FOR W~AT APPEARED TO BE AN OIL SPILL IN THE STREET AND AROUND THE BLOCK. E6 ADVISED THE OFFICER, THE ASSIGNMENT WOULD }{AVE TO UPGRADED TO A HAZARDOUS MATERIAL EMERGENCY. THE AREA WAS SECURED AND ISOLATED, TRAFFIC WAS REROUTED AND ADDITIONAL BFD RESOURCES WERE REQUESTED TO RESPOND. THE BKSFLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT WAS ON SCENE PRIOR TO E6. THE OIL WAS SPILLED FROM AN UNDERGROUND TANK THAT HAD JUST BEEN REMOVED FROM THE PROPERTY BY LEWIS CONSTRUCTION, A GENERAL CONTRACTOR WITHOUT A EAZARDOUS MATERIAL LICENSE. E6 CONTINUED TO ISOLATED AND DENY ENTRY AND ASSISTED THE BFD HAZ MAT TEAM. NO OTHER ACTIONS WERE TAKEN BY E6. story o~ alarm HMll WATTS, EDWARD 2/04/00 0/00/00 Upon arrival NM 1~ made co~tact~ith E-6. We found apprgximgtel~_100' gallons or more oz wast oi± on the street. HM 11 precee~ed to a~semp5 to ~leanup ~he pooled portion~ of the spill. The ~ollow is 'a list ofthe equ~p~ment that was use~. ~- Sa~.ple Jars 6- pa%rs rubber gloves (Med Aid type) 1- pa~r of PVC Haz Mat Boots Prepared~. 3/17/00, 16:18:43 Detail Fire Incident Report Page 3 Pro, ram: FIll5L FIR~INCIDENT REPORTING Incident number: 01-00-005148-000 NARRATIVE: Title Entered by employee Entry date Review date Description story of alarm HM11 WATTS, EDWARD 2/04/00 0/00/00 4- 24" push brooms and handles ~hese items were used and disposed of. ~az Mat 11 remained on scene until ACTI enviromental assumed cleanup responcibliity of the scene. At which time HM-2 oversaw the operation. RESPONDING UNITS: Dispatch Enroute At scene All clr. Turnout Response Total Unit number time time time time time time time B01 12:15:00 12:42:00 14:05:00 27:00 1:50:00 E06 12:15:00 12:15:00 14:42:00 2:27:00 HMll 12:15:00 12:28:00 14:58:00 13:00 2:43:00 Incident averages: 20:00 2:20:00 INCIDENT/UNIT PERSONNEL: Unit number Employee name Position Assigned station Time worked B01 TOLER, LARRY Fire Battalion Chief/Supp Battalion Chiefs 1:50 E06 NEWELL, SCOTT Firefighter Station #6 2:27 E06 MOORE, GREGORY Fire Captain/Suppression Station #6 2:27 E06 FRANCO, ARTHUR Engineer Station #6 2:27 Ell WATTS, EDWARD Fire Captain/Suppression Station #11 2:43 Eli CASAVANT, SCOTT Engineer Station #11 2:43 Ell STURGEON, TED Firefighter Station #11 2:43 ............................................................................................... Material name ............ USED MOTOR OIL Chemical abstracts service number . DOT ID number ............ 0 DOT hazard class .......... 3 Flammable, pyroforic or c Physica~ state while stored .... 2 Liquid Physical s~ate when released .... 2 Liquid Quantity released .......... 200 Quantity unit of measure ..... 12 Gallons Extent of release .......... 7 Released beyond general p Suspected type of contamination . 8 No environmental impact Container description: Type ............... 21 Tank or silo Construction material ....... 1 Iron, steel & iron alloys Usage ............... 1 Fixed use S~ecial features ......... 0 Undetermined or not repor Capacity ............. 00200 Capacity unit of measure .... 12 Gallons Prepar~d~ 3/17/00, 16:18:43 Detail Fire Incident Report Page 4 Program: FIll5L FIR~ INCIDENT REPORTING .,Incident number: 01-00-005148-000 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: Material name ............ MOTOR OIL Chemical abstracts service number . DOT ID number ............ 0 DOT hazard class .......... 0 Undetermined or not repor Physical state while stored .... 2 Liquid Physical state when released .... 2 Liquid Quantity released .......... 200 Quantity unit of measure ..... 12 Gallons Extent of release .......... 7 Released beyond general p Suspected type of contamination . 0 Undetermined or not repor Container description: Type ............... 21 Tank or silo Construction material ....... 1 Iron, steel & iron alloys Usage . · 1 Fixed use Special ~elt~r&s' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ 0 Undetermined or not repor Capacity ............. 00200 ~apaclty unit of measure .... 12 Gallons Material name ............ USED MOTOR OIL Chemical abstracts service number . DOT ID number ............ 0 DOT hazard class .......... 3 Flammable, pyroforic or c Physical state while stored .... 2 Liquid Physical state when released .... 2 Liquid Quantity released .......... 200 Quantity unit of measure ..... 12 Gallons Extent of release .......... 7 Released beyond general p Suspected type of contamination . 0 Undetermined or not repor Container description: Type ............... 21 Tank or silo Construction material ....... I Iron, steel & iron alloys Usage ............... 1 Fixed use Special features ......... 0 Undetermined or not repor Capacity ............. 00200 ~apaclty unit of measure .... 12 Gallons DATE TP INVOICE NUMBER CHARGES CREDITS BALANCE 03/20/00 DI 128413 270.00 270.00 Current Over 30 Over 60 Over 90 Total 270.00 .00 .00 .00' 270.00 DI-invoice:CM-CR memo;CP-payment;CA-CR adj.;DA-DB adj.:BF-balance forward All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting pan'y, BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, detachment or thir(:l party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court * Bakersfield, CA 93308 * (t~6'11327-4911 * Fax(661)327-1918 * www.bclabs.com · A STREET DIVISION . PAGE 1 OF '1 STREET CI.~IINO SECTION- SUBPROGRAM 55(rre~e ~,~ Cost for assisting the Fire DepaTfment during an oil spill, which occu b. 2, 2000 at Brundage Lane & Myrtle Street. Cost is for sanding and sweeping service. BLUE COLLAR GROUP DIRECT LABOR COST: MOTOR SWEEPER OPR. (1) Regular Hours Worked 2 Hrs. @ $19.20 Per Hour = $38.40 Overtime Hours Worked 0 Hrs. (~ $0.00 Per Hour = $0.00 LIGHT EQUIPMENT OPR. (1) Regular Hours Worked 4 Hrs. ~_, $17.07 Per Hour = $68.28 Overtime Hours Worked 0 Hrs. (~ $0.00 Per Hour = $0.00 SERVICE MAINT. WORKER Regular Hours Worked 0 Hrs. @ $0.00 Per Hour = $0.00 Overtime Hours Worked 0 Hrs. @ $0.00 Per Hour = $0.00 SUBTOTAL DIRECT LABOR: $106.68 FRINGE BENEFITS (43%): $45.87 TOTAL COST, DIRECT LABOR & FRINGE BENEFITS, IN BLUE COLLAR GROUP - $152.55 GENERAL SUPERVISORY GROUP DIRECT LABOR COST: STREET MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR II Regular Hours Worked 0 Hrs. (~ $0.00 Per Hour = $0.00 Overtime (Straight Time Rate 0 Hrs. (~ $0.00 Per Hour = $0.00 SUBTOTAL DIRECT LABOR: $0.00 FRINGE BENEFITS (36%): $0.00 TOTAL COST, DIRECT LABOR & FRINGE BENEFITS, IN SUPERVISORY GROUP ..... $0.00 GENERAL MANAGEMENT GROUP DIRECT LABOR COST: STREET MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT Regular Hours Worked 0 Hrs. @ $0.00 Per Hour = $0.00 SUBTOTAL DIRECT LABOR: $0.00 FRINGE BENEFITS (37%): $0.00 TOTAL COST, DIRECT LABOR & FRINGE BENEFITS~ IN MANAGEMENT GROUP~ $0.00 COST OF CITY EQUIPMENT USAGE: Motor Sweeper (1) 2 Hrs. ~ $48.00 Per Hour = $96.00 Sanding Truck (1) 4 Hrs. @ $22.00 Per Hour = $88.00 0 Hrs. @ $0.00 Per Hour = $0.00 0 Hrs. (~ $0.00 Per Hour = $0.00 0 Hrs. (~ $0.00 Per Hour = $0.00 0 Hrs. @ $0.00 Per Hour = $0.00 0 Hrs. ~ $0.00 Per Hour = $0.00 0 Hrs. (~ $0.00 Per Hour = $0.00 0 Hrs. (~ $0.00 Per Hour = $0.00 0 Hrs. ~_, $0.00 Per Hour = $0.00 0 Hrs. (~ $0.00 Per Hour = $0.00 TOTAL: $184.00 TOTAL COST FOR CITY EQUIPMENT USAGE ....................... $184.00 TOTAL COST FOR LABOR, FRINGE BENEFITS AND CITY EQUIPMENT USAGE---- $336.55 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - STREET DIVISION OVERHEAD COST (23%) ..... $77.41 SUBPROGRAM-556: TOTAL COST OF SERVICE & EQUIPMENT USAGE = $413.96 BAKERSFIELD POLICI [PARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS CALLOUT 2~4~2000 Name Regular Rate Regular Regular Total Hours ' of Wages Benefits @ Salary & Worked Pay 57% Benefits Francisco 2.250 23.521 $52.92 $30.17 $83.09 Koerner 2.250 23.521 $52.92 $30.17 $83.09 @ 41.6% Smith, K. 1.500 13.834 $20.75 $8.63 $29.38 'Johnston 2.000 16.658 $33.32 $13.86 $47.18 Total 8.000 $159.91 $82.82 $242.73 RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Insets T~e'~ C~I: In.ming [ ] O~g~ng [ ] R~m~ [~' Time Required to Complete Activity # MIn: /~.. ' ..... Roan M. She~ AI~ D. D~el ~,~. ~. s~ RECEIVED W~mr H. Po~, ~=, ~. ~o.~ CITY OF BA~RS~LD FEB 2 9 J~ce Sc~l~ O~CE OF ~ CITY A~EY V~a Genn~ 1501 ~U~ A~ ~~~ ~IST~ ~LEPHO~: ~ 1-326-372 l ~fi A. Aquil~ FACS~E: ~1-852-2020 February 25, 2000 Steven Ray Sommer Michael Lewis, individually and dba 750 Mabee Lane Lewis Construction Company Healdsburg, California 95448 3413 Incline Drive Bakersfield, California 93306 Re: The Removal of the Underground Storage Tank at 2916 Brundage Lane Gentlemen: The purpose of this letter is to advise you that the City of Bakersfield intends to take enforcement action with respect to the existence and removal of the underground storage tank located at 2916 Brundage Lane on February 4, 2000. As set forth in the Preliminary Investigative Report of the Environmental Services Division of the Bakersfield Fire Department dated February 17, 2000, a copy of which is attached hereto, the existence of and removal of this underground storage tank violated a number of provisions of the California Health and Safety Code. Additionally, when the tank was transported, hazardous waste spilled from the tank on the City streets, constituting yet a further violation of additional and related provisions of the Health and Safety Code. As indicated in the Preliminary Investigative Report, civil penalties for the identified violations of the Health and Safety Code are applicable and may be assessed through civil action filed in the Kern County Superior Court. Before the City of Bakersfield undertakes to file said action, it would like to discuss the violations identified herein with you in an effort to see if the matter might be resolved informally without incurring the expenses involved with civil litigation. Steven Ray Sommer Michael Lewis February 25, 2000 Page 2 Accordingly, once you have had an opportunity to review the foregoing, please contact the undersigned to discuss a possible resolution of the violations in question. In the event I do not hear from you by Friday, March 10, 2000, a civil complaint, pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 25299.01, will be filed in the Kern County Superior Court to bring a resolution to the foregoing violations. Very truly yours, '? WALTER H. PORR, JR. Deputy City Attorney WHP:alj Enclosures cc: Ralph Huey, Environmental Sen/ices Director S:\USTs~Co~Sommer-Lewis.2916Brundage.wpd Report To:'-~, Name:~ Project: ~?~ JSL Address:, eot #: = ~ ~ ~ State:~ Zip~3DO ~* _ = =.~ ~ Comments: Report Drinking Water Name: ,~o / j on state Form ? Y / N Address: ! 7/5'' ~4~ /}v~ r..~f~b'.-~o, Send Copy Y / N State State ~ Zip~3o/ .. Date: Time: Attention: - iv ,/. Relinquished by: (Signature) (Signature) Date: Time: PO # Relinquished by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) Date: Time: Time: Miles: Flat . Relinquished by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) Date: Time: Equipment: Rate' Revised 5/97....Sample Disposal by BC Labs may be billed at $5.00 / sample for non-aqueous Samples: BC LABORATORIES INC. SAMPLE RECEIPT FORM Rev. No.6 10/13/98 Page __ Of . j Submission #: SHIPPING INFORMATION SHIPPING CONTAINER D Hand Delivery~__ Ice Chest D Non~ Federal Express UPS BC Lab Field Service D Other D (Specify) / Box D Other D (~ecify). Refrigerant: Ice ~ Blue Ice D Non~ Other ~ Comments: Custody Seals.~.~m~ I I None~Comments: All samples received? Ye~ No  Ice Chest ID Date/Time ~ Ice Chest ID Date/Time Temperature: Temperature: °C Thermometer ID: i Thermometer ID: __ Analyst Init Emissivity ~r~-- /~ Emissivity Container _ Container  SAMPLE NUMBERS PT PE UNPRESERVED QT INORGANIC CHEMICAL METALS PT INORGANIC CHEMICAL METALS PT CYANIDE PT NITROGEN FORMS PT TOTAL SULFIDE 2oz. NITRATE / NITRITE 100mi TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON ~T TO~ PT CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND 1,00mi PHENOLICS 40mi VOA VIAL TRAVEL BLANK 40mi VOA VIAL QT EPA 413.1. 413.2. 418.1 PT ODOR RADIOLOGICAL BACTERIOLOGICAL PT EPA 5~ QT EPA 508/608/8080 QT EPA 515.1/8150 QT EPA 525 QT EPA 525 TRAVEL B~NK 100mi EPA 547 100mi EPA 531.1 QT EPA 5~ QT EPA 549 QT EPA 632 QT EPA 8015M QT ~/QC =QT AMBER ~Z. JAR 132 OZ. ~AR SOIL SLEEVE PCB VIAL :P~STIC BAG October 13, 1999 Comments: Sample Numbering Completed By: ~ Date/Time: ~/~_/~- / ''~ 0 IF,,WPSO, LAa OOCS,FO.MS,SAMREC2.WPD] Laboratories, Inc. Page 1 TOTAL CONCENTP, ATIONS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Date Reported: 03/06/2000 1715 CHESTER SUITE 300 Date Received: 02/04/2000 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Laboratory No.: 00-01498-1 Attn: R.E. HUEY 326-3979 Sampling Location: 2900 BL. BRUNDAGE Sample ID: WASTE OIL Sampling Date/Time: 02/04/2000 Title 22 Waste Type: Type iii: Non-filterable, non-millable sludge. Sample Collected By: TED STURGEON Regulatory Criteria Method STLC TTLC Constituents SamDle Results Units P.Q.L. Method mq/L mq/kq Antimony None Detected mg/kg 50. SW-6010 15 500 Arsenic *67 None Detected mg/kg 0.5 SW-7060 5 0 500 Barium 22. mg/kg 5 SW-6010 100 10000 Beryllium None Detected mg/kg 5 SW-6010 0 75 75 Cadmium None Detected mg/kg 5 SW-6010 1 0 100 Chromium 8.2 mg/kg 5 SW-6010 560 2500 Cobalt None Detected mg/kg 25 SW-6010 80 8000 Copper 36. mg/kg 5 SW-6010 25 2500 Lead 4300. mg/kg 25 SW-6010 5 0 1000 Mercury None Detected mg/kg 0.2 SW-7471 0 2 20 Molybdenum None Detected mg/kg 25. SW-6010 350 3500 Nickel None Detected mg/kg 25. SW-6010 20 2000 Selenium 1. mg/kg 0.5 SW-7740 1 0 100 Silver None Detected mg/kg 10. SW-6010 5 0 500 Thallium None Detected mg/kg 50. SW-6010 7 0 700 Vanadium None Detected mg/kg 5. SW-6010 24 2400 Zinc 870. mg/kg 25. SW-6010 250 5000 Comment: Ail above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. P.Q.L. = Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte quantifiable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed). STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846. Flag Explanations: *67 = Note: Batch precision requirement was not met. California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~1186 Dan Schultz Laboratory Director All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party, BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court * Bakersfield, CA 93308 * (661)327-4911 * Fax(661~327-1918 * www.bclabs.com BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION REPORT Prepared by: Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist File Name: SSFEB 00\Case # 00-05148.wpd Report Date: February 17, 2000 Incident: Bakersfield Fire Department Incident # 00-05148 California Office of Emergency Services Incident # 00-0538 Location: 2916 Brundage Lane APN: 008-072-12-6 Incident Date: February 4, 2000 Violation: Un-permitted ownership, illegal abandonment, and improper closure of an Underground Storage Tank (UST) resulting in an unauthorized release of a hazardous substance and emergency response thereto. Statute: Section 25284 of the California Health and Safety Code (CH&SC) pertaining to failure to comply with UST permit requirements; and, Section 25298 CH&SC pertaining to failure to properly close a UST. Civil Penalty: Section 25299(b) CH&SC specifies, "Any owner of an underground tank system shall be liable for a civil penalty of not less than five hundred dollars ($500) or more than five thousand dollars ($5,000) per day for each storage tank, for each day of violation...," for the applicable violations. Tank Owner: SOMMER, Steven Ray Phone #'s: (707) 431-8623 Address- 1: 750 Mabee Lane (707) 831-2885 Healdsburg, CA 95448 (707) 433-1944 Fax: (707) 433-1948 Address-2: 5110 Highway 128 (Tax assessor's roll) Geyserville, CA 95441-9616 Contractor: Lewis Construction Company, Type B Lic. # 281312 (current & active) LEWIS, Michael Phone #: (661) 871-5321 3413 Incline Drive Bakersfield, CA 93306 Preliminary Investigation Report Case # 00-05148 Page 2 Subcontractors: NEWTON, Randy (Rented & operated backhoe & dump truck) Randy Newton Backhoe Service 8720 East Wilson Road (661) 363-8661 TORRES, Conrad Lyle (Transported UST & rented soil compactor) 1132 Radcliff Bakersfield, CA 93306 (661) 871-5910 ACEVES, Raul Rudy (Laborer for compaction of UST excavation) 2804 Center Street Bakersfield, CA 93306 Witness-1: VU, David, (Tenant of property and owner of A-1 Furniture Store) 2916 Bmndage Lane (661) 323-4546 Witness-2: GARZA, Oscar, Manager A-1 Furniture Store Bakersfield Fire Department Incident Narrative: "E6 received a telephone call from BPD dispatch requesting assistance for a small oil spill and wanting a wash down. E6 advised the officer the assignment would have to be upgraded to a hazardous materials emergency. The area was secured and isolated, traffic was rerouted and additional BFD resources were requested to respond. The Bakersfield Building Department was on scene prior to E6. The oil was spilled from and underground tank that had just been removed from the property by Lewis Construction, a general contractor without a hazardous material licence. E6 continued to isolate and deny entry and assisted the BFD Haz Mat Team. No other actions were taken by E6." Story of Alarm by Haz Mat Station 11: "Upon arrival HM 11 made contact with E-6. We found approximately 100 gallons or more of waste oil on the street. HM 11 proceeded to attempt to cleanup the pooled portions of the spill. The following is a list of the equipment that was used: 2- sample jars, 6-pairs rubber gloves (IVied Aid type), 1-pair PVC Haz Mat Boots, 4-24" push brooms and handles. These items were disposed of. Haz Mat 11 remained on scene until ACTI environmental assumed cleanup responsibility of the scene. At which time HM-2 oversaw the operation." Preliminary Investigation Report Case # 00-05148 Page 3 Narrative of Interview with David VU and Oscar GARZA: At approximately 10:00 am on Friday, February 4, 2000, David VU and Oscar GARZA each arrived for work at A-1 Furniture Store within minutes of each other to discover that the UST removal had already been in process and that the UST was already out of the ground. A white Chevrolet Van (CA Lic. 5X80083), owned by VU, had been parked overnight directly above the UST's location. VU asked how the van was moved, and was informed by Randy NEWTON that the van was moved using the front loader of his backhoe at approximately 8:30 am that morning in order to gain access to the UST site. VU examined.the condition of his van and determined that it had been damaged on the front end. VU got his Polaroid camera fi'om the store, purchased a new pack of film from the nearby Young's Market and began taking pictures of the UST removal operation. GARZA said the construction crew became verbally abusive upon VU's accussation of damage to his van, and at one point, a worker made an obscene gesture toward VU and GARZA by grabbing his crotch and exclaiming, "Bite Me," whereupon VU photographed this gesture. VU also called the Bakersfield Police Department to investigate the damage to his van as a result of it having been moved by the backhoe. BPD Officer Chance KOERNER (#834) is filing a separate vehicle damage report, as BPD Case # 00-04566. Narrative of Interview with Conrad TORRES: The construction crew continued with the UST removal action after VU and GARZA had arrived on site by backfilling the UST excavation and loading the UST into the dump truck for transportation to the LEWIS Construction Company yard for intended storage. As TORRES drove the truck over the flower bed and curb of the property, the UST rolled over in the back of the dump track and began spilling its contents of waste oil onto the intersection of Cypress Street and Brundage Lane. The UST had leaked during the entire trip, and at one point, a passing motorist had motioned to TORRES that the back of his track was leaking oil. TORRES said he pulled over (he couldn't remember exactly where) and shoveled some dirt from near the sidewalk and attempted to absorb the oil in the back of the truck to stop it from leaking further, and then continued on his way. TORRES then drove to the LEWIS Construction Company yard at 40th and O Streets, where he found the gate locked, and then proceeded to the TORRES residence at 1132 Radcliff Street and parked the truck in the alley behind his residence and ate lunch. TORRES was telephoned at home by LEWIS and advised of the incident, instructed to not drive the UST around any further, and TORRES returned to 2916 Bmndage Lane in his personal vehicle to address the incident. TORRES subsequently rode along in a City Streets sand truck and re-traced his route so that the waste oil spilled along the way could be sanded over by the City. Preliminary Investigation Report Case # 00-05148 Page 4 Narative of Interview with Mike LEWIS: Mike LEWIS had been the contractor used by Steven SOMMER when the building was first constructed as a Western Auto Parts store and LEWIS installed the UST at that time as well, which was approximately 30 years ago. SOMMER had recently contacted LEWIS to now remove the UST. LEWIS subcontracted to Conrad TORRES to transport the UST to the LEWIS Construction Company yard at 40th and O Streets. LEWIS said he had no immediate intended use for the UST other than to store it at his yard. LEWIS was instructed by Ralph HUEY, Director of Environmental Services for the Bakersfield Fire Department that the appropriate permit will need to be obtained, the UST rinsed and cleaned by a licenced hazardous waste disposal contractor, and the resulting waste oil spill cleaned -up. LEWIS subsequently contracted with Advanced Cleanup Technologies, Incorporated (ACTI) to perform the clean-up and UST disposal. ACTI was dispatched to 2916 Brundage Lane to clean up the waste oil spilled at the incident location. Conrad TORRES drove the UST from his residence to the ACTI yard and delivered the UST to ACTI for proper disposal. Exhibits: Photocopy of photographs taken by VU NOTHING FURTHER AT THIS TIME. CITY ATTORNEY Bart J. Thiltgen ASSISTANT CITY &~rORNEY Robet~ M. Sherry DEPUTY CITY A'rTORNEY Alan D. Daniel ^~, ~. Sh~. RECEIVED W;dtgr H. Port, Jr. ~c~,, o. ~u~o~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FEB 2 9 2(100 Janic¢ Seanlan OFFICE O~ T~g CITY A'ITORNE¥ V'u'giuia Oeauaro 150! TRUXTUN AVENUE ,'~w c. 'rh~.~. s^~.s~, CA 9~o~ I=MVIRI~M. SERVICES ADM]IMISTRATIV~ ASSISTANT TELEPHONE: 661-326-3721 Lori A. Aquilar FACSUVI[LE: 661-852-2020 February 25, 2000 Steven Ray Sommer Michael Lewis, individually and dba 750 Mabee Lane Lewis Construction Company Healdsburg, California 95448 3413 Incline Drive Bakersfield, California 93306 Re: The Removal of the Underground Storage Tank at 2916 Brundage Lane Gentlemen: The purpose of this letter is to advise you that the City of Bakersfield intends to take enfomement action with respect to the existence and removal of the underground storage tank located at 2916 Brundage Lane on February 4, 2000. As set forth in the Preliminary Investigative Report of the Environmental Services Division of the Bakersfield Fire Department dated February 17, 2000, a copy of which is attached hereto, the existence of and removal of this underground storage tank violated a number of provisions of the California Health and Safety Code. Additionally, when the tank was transported, hazardous waste spilled from the tank on the City streets, constituting yet a further violation of additional and related provisions of the Health and Safety Code. As indicated in the Preliminary Investigative Report, civil penalties for the identified violations of the Health and Safety Code are applicable and may be assessed through civil action filed in the Kern County Superior Court. Before the City of Bakersfield undertakes to file said action, it would like to discuss the violations identified herein with you in an effort to see if the matter might be resolved informally without incurring the expenses involved with civil litigation. Steven Ray Sommer Michael Lewis February 25, 2000 Page 2 Accordingly, once you have had an opportunity to review the foregoing, please contact the undersigned to discuss a possible resolution of the violations in question. In the event I do not hear from you by Friday, March 10, 2000, a civil complaint, pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 25299.01, will be filed in the Kern County Superior Court to bring a resolution to the foregoing violations. Very truly yours, ~ ~. · . WALTER H. PORR, JR. Deputy City Attomey WHP:alj Enclosures cc: Ralph Huey, Environmental Services Director S:\USTs~Cor~Sommer-Lewis.2916Bmndage.wlxl BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION REPORT Prepared by: Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist File Name: S:~FEB 00\Case # 00-05148.wpd Report Date: February 17, 2000 Incident: Bakersfield Fire Department Incident # 00-05148 California Office of Emergency Services Incident # 00-0538 Location: 2916 Brundage Lane APN: 008-072-12-6 Incident Date: February 4, 2000 Violation: Un-permitted ownership, illegal abandonment, and improper closure of an Underground Storage Tank (UST) resulting in an unauthorized release of a hazardous substance and emergency response thereto. Statute: Section 25284 of the California Health and Safety Code (CH&SC) pertaining to failure to comply with UST permit requirements; and, Section 25298 CH&SC pertaining to failure to properly close a UST. Civil Penalty: Section 25299(b) CH&SC specifies, "Any owner of an underground tank system shall be liable for a civil penalty of not less than five hundred dollars ($500) or more than five thousand dollars ($5,000) per day for each storage tank, for each day of violation...," for the applicable violations. Tank Owner: SOMMER, Steven Ray Phone #'s: (707) 431-8623 Address- 1: 750 Mabee Lane (707) 831-2885 Healdsburg, CA 95448 (707) 433-1944 Fax: (707) 433-1948 Address-2: 5110 Highway 128 (Tax assessor's roll) Geyserville, CA 95441-9616 Contractor: Lewis Construction Company, Type B Lic. # 281312 (current & active) LEWIS, Michael Phone #: (661) 871-5321 3413 Incline Drive Bakersfield, CA 93306 Preliminary Investigation Report Case # 00-05148 Page 2 Subcontractors: NEWTON, Randy (Rented & operated backhoe & dump truck) Randy Newton Backhoe Service 8720 East Wilson Road (661) 363-8661 TORRES, Conrad Lyle (Transported UST & rented soil compactor) 1132 Radcliff Bakersfield, CA 93306 (661) 871-5910 ACEVES, Raul Rudy (Laborer for compaction of UST excavation) 2804 Center Street Bakersfield, CA 93306 Witness- 1: VU, David, (Tenant of property and owner of A- 1 Furniture Store) 2916 Brundage Lane (661) 323-4546 Witness-2: GARZA, Oscar, Manager A-1 Furniture Store Bakersfield Fire Department Incident Narrative: "E6 received a telephone call from BPD dispatch requesting assistance for a small oil spill and wanting a wash down. E6 advised the officer the assignment would have to be upgraded to a hazardous materials emergency. The area was secured and isolated, traffic was rerouted and additional BFD resources were requested to respond. The Bakersfield Building Department was on scene prior to E6. The oil was spilled from and underground tank that had just been removed from the property by Lewis Construction, a general contractor without a hazardous material licence. E6 continued to isolate and deny entry and assisted the BFD Haz Mat Team. No other actions were taken by E6." Story of Alarm by Haz Mat Station 11: "Upon arrival HM 11 made contact with E-6. We found approximately 100 gallons or more of waste oil on the street. HM 11 proceeded to attempt to cleanup the pooled portions of the spill. The following is a list of the equipment that was used: 2- sample jars, 6-pairs rubber gloves (Med Aid type), 1-pair PVC Haz Mat Boots, 4-24" push brooms and handles. These items were disposed of. Haz Mat 11 remained on scene until ACTI environmental assumed cleanup responsibility of the scene. At which time HM-2 oversaw the operation." Preliminary Investigation Report Case # 00-05148 Page 3 Narrative of Interview with David VU and Oscar GARZA: At approximately 10:00 am on Friday, February 4, 2000, David VU and Oscar GARZA each arrived for work at A-1 Furniture Store within minutes of each other to discover that the UST removal had already been in process and that the UST was already out of the ground. A white Chevrolet Van (CA Lic. 5X80083), owned by VU, had been parked overnight directly above the UST's location. VU asked how the van was moved, and was informed by Randy NEWTON that the van was moved using the front loader of his backhoe at approximately 8:30 am that morning in order to gain access to the UST site. VU examined the condition of his van and determined that it had been damaged on the front end. VU got his Polaroid camera from the store, purchased a new pack of film from the nearby Young's Market and began taking pictures of the UST removal operation. GARZA said the construction crew became verbally abusive upon VU's accussation of damage to his van, and at one point, a worker made an obscene gesture toward VU and GARZA by grabbing his crotch and exclaiming, "Bite Me," whereupon VU photographed this gesture. VU also called the Bakersfield Police Department to investigate the damage to his van as a result of it having been moved by the backhoe. BPD Officer Chance KOERNER (#834) is filing a separate vehicle damage report as BPD Case # 00-04566. Narrative of Interview with Conrad TORRES: The construction crew continued with the UST removal action after VU and GARZA had arrived on site by backfilling the UST excavation and loading the UST into the dump truck for transportation to the LEWIS Construction Company yard for intended storage. As TORRES drove the truck over the flower bed and curb of the property, the UST rolled over in the back of the dump truck and began spilling its contents of waste oil onto the intersection of Cypress Street and Brundage Lane. The UST had leaked during the entire trip, and at one point, a passing motorist had motioned to TORRES that the back of his truck was leaking oil. TORRES said he pulled over (he couldn't remember exactly where) and shoveled some dirt from near the sidewalk and attempted to absorb the oil in the back of the truck to stop it from leaking further, and then continued on his way. TORRES then drove to the LEWIS Construction Company yard at 40th and O Streets, where he found the gate locked, and then proceeded to the TORRES residence at 1132 Radcliff Street and parked the truck in the alley behind his residence and ate lunch. TORRES was telephoned at home by LEWIS and advised of the incident, instructed to not drive the UST around any further, and TORRES returned to 2916 Brundage Lane in his personal vehicle to address the incident. TORRES subsequently rode along in a City Streets sand truck and re-traced his route so that the waste oil spilled along the way could be sanded over by the I City. Preliminary Investigation Report Case # 00-05148 Page 4 Narative of Interview with Mike LEWIS: Mike LEWIS had been the contractor used by Steven SOMMER when the building was first constructed as a Western Auto Parts store and LEWIS installed the UST at that time as well, which was approximately 30 years ago. SOMMER had recently contacted LEWIS to now remove the UST. LEWIS subcontracted to Conrad TORRES to transport the UST to the LEWIS Construction Company yard at 40th and O Streets. LEWIS said he had no immediate intended use for the UST other than to store it at his yard. LEWIS was instructed by Ralph HUEY, Director of Environmental Services for the Bakersfield Fire Department that the appropriate permit will need to be obtained, the UST rinsed and cleaned by a licenced hazardous waste disposal contractor, and the resulting waste oil spill cleaned -up. LEWIS subsequently contracted with Advanced Cleanup Technologies, Incorporated (ACTI) to perform the clean-up and UST disposal. ACTI was dispatched to 2916 Brundage Lane to clean up the waste oil spilled at the incident location. Conrad TORRES drove the UST from his residence to the ACTI yard and delivered the UST to ACTI for proper disposal. Exhibits: Photocopy of photographs taken by VU NOTHING FURTHER AT THIS TIME. s ^ K E g 5 v I E L-'~ Haz Mat Emerg Spill Report Complaint Environmental Services ~ ~ ~ Haz Mat Incident / Spill Report / Complaint Follow Up Date Time Reporting Party Environmental Services Contact Address Telephone No. Location of the incident Description of the incident ( Chemical name and Quantity ) Responding to Incident Y N Observations Special Conditions and / or health risks Haz Mat Team Dispatched Y N Van Cellular No. 332-7865 OES Number Required Y N Number Poss Exposure Victims Medical Attention Required or Obtained Probable Hazardous Waste Clean Up Y N Discussion and Disposition Referral ? s ^ K E R 5 F I E L"~ HazMatEmerg Spill Repoti Complaint Haz Mat Incident / Spill Report / Complaint Follow Up Date Time Reporting Party Environmental Services Contact Address Telephone No. Location of the incident Description of the incident ( Chemical name and Quantity ) Responding to Incident Y N Observations Special Conditions and / or health risks Haz Mat Team Dispatched Y N Van Cellular No. 332-7865 OES Number Required Y N Number Poss Exposure Victims Medical Attention Required or Obtained Probable Hazardous Waste Clean Up Y N Discussion and Disposition Referral ? B ^ lc £ R 5 ~ [ E ~D Haz Mat Emerg Spill Repo~. Complaint Environmental Service s ~'~ ~ Haz Mat Incident / Spill Report / Complaint Follow Up Date '~ Time Reporting Party. Environmental Services Contact Address Telephone No. Location of the incident Description of the incident ( Chemical name and Quantity ) Responding to Incident Y Observations Special Conditions and / or heal~ risks Haz Mat Team Dispatched Y N Van Cellular No. 332-7865 OES Number Required Y N Number Poss Exposure Victims Medical Attention Required or Obtained Probable Hazardous Waste Clean Up Y N Discussion and Disposition Referral ? OL102101 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 2/18/00 Ousiness License Selectio~ 14:37:19 Business control nbr : 27960 Business name & address Maillng address LEWIS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 3413 INCLINE DR 3413 INCLINE DR BAKERSFIELD CA 933060000 BAKERSFIELD CA 93306 Type options, press Enter. 1=Select Opt Lic Nbr Classification Status 00 62260 CONTRACTORS, BUILDING ACTIVE 99 62260 CONTRACTORS, BUILDING RENEWED 98 62260 CONTRACTORS, BUILDING RENEWED 97 62260 CONTRACTORS, BUILDING RENEWED 96 62260 CONTRACTORS, BUILDING RENEWED 95 62260 CONTRACTORS, BUILDING RENEWED 94 62260 CONTRACTORS, BUILDING RENEWED 93 62260 CONTRACTORS, BUILDING RENEWED F3=Exit ~his copy is tot the e×ciusive use d \ urnished to any other ~,..reon is to be t .... pt as authorized '~e'rson or agenc~ by ~a~i .~c~SF~ELO TRE~SUR~ oW~s~ON OL100U01 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 2/18/00 s~ness File Maintenance 14:38:47 Type ~nformation, press Enter. Business control number : 27960 Location ID ........ 69230 3413 INCLINE DR BAKERSFIELD CA 93306 Business status ........... A A=Active, I=Inactive Business name ............ LEWIS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Mailing address 1 .......... 3413 INCLINE DR Address 2 ........... Zip code (F4), delivery pt 933060000 __ BAKERSFIELD ~ CA Date opened ............. Federal tax ID number ........ 554569208 . ' Type of ownership (F4) ....... Contractor ............. ~ Y=Yes Business, emergency phone ...... 805 Maintain miscellaneous info ..... * Y=Yes ~,~,~ _~,~_%9~ F3=Exit F4=Prompt FS=License file maintenance ~p co~e maintenance F10=Location ID search F11=Branch maintenance F12=Cance1 OL100U02 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ~ 2/18/00 Bus.ss File Maintenance - Off. rs 14:38:50 Business control, number, name : 27960 LEWIS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Type information and options, press Enter. 4--Delete Opt Corporate Officers Officer title ......... FIRST OFFICER -- Name ........... LEWIS, MICHAEL E Address 1 ........ Address 2 Phone 805 8715321 .......... SSN, DOB, Dry lic .... 000000000 Officer title ......... ........... Address 1 ........ Address 2 ........ 9e~,= .... a~\%hu '" ' Zip (F4) delivery pt , Phone .......... SSN, DOB, Dry lic .... 000000000 More... F3=Exit Fd--Prompt Fg=Zip code maintenance F12=Cance1 OLlllU01 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 2/18/00 Licens~ile Changes - General Inflation 14:38:57 Type information, press Enter. Business control .... 27960 Business name & address Mailing address LEWIS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 3413 INCLINE DR 3413 INCLINE DR BAKERSFIELD CA 933060000 BAKERSFIELD CA 93306 License number .... : 00 62260 63000 Appl, issue, expir 102299~ 102299 License status (F4) AC ACTIVE Classification (F4) 621 CONTRACTORS, Exemption (F4) ..... License comments . . License restrictions ~~no~u~~ Gross receipts 43700.00 Reprint this license N Y=Yes, N=No 9e~s0~ Additional charges ~ Y=Yes, N=No Extra requirements ~ * Y=Yes, N=No Miscellaneous ..... ~ Y=Yes, N=No Sub codes ~ Y=Yes, N=No More... F3=Exit F5=Code description F9=Applicant/Quali~ier F2A=More keys Secretary of State's Office - Corporation Search Results Bffi Jones Disclaimer: The information displa~ed h~ro is current as of "Feb ~2, 2000" and is updated weekly. It is not a ~omplote or ~edified ro~ord of the Corporation. Corporation LEWIS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. Number' C0~ 9753~] Date Filed' 3/28/~945~1 Status' suspendedi Jurisdiction: California Mailing Address Agent for Se~ice of Process · For information about certification of corporate records or for additional corporate information, please refer to Corporate Records. · Blank fields indicate the information is not contained in the computer file. · If the status of the corporation is "Surrender", the agent for service of process is automatically revoked. Please refer to California Corporations Code Section 2114 for information relating to service upon corporations that have surrendered. New California Business Search Need information about the display? How can I find more information about a corporation? 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If fees exceed $20.00, a fee le~er indicating the total amount due will be sent to you. 1 of 3 2/18/00 3:17 PM CA Secretary of State - Corporate Records Order Form http://www.ss.ca.gov/business/corp/corp_ircfbrm.htm i ~ Certificate of Good Standing i~~ @ $5.00 ea iQ Certificate of Name Change ilar'ding i~ Certificate of Suspension / !l~h I Forfeiture ii ~"'~pecial instmcti°ns') '[~ @ $ 5.00 per ,~] Certificate of Listing ~ Idocument listed ~ Domestic fax ~ ~ $ 5.00 per document ~ $10.O0 for il~ International fax Ilthe first pg, $5.00 ~;~ Special Handling:':'::::::' Fee~ (per co~oratio over-the-counter processing except stares printouts) yom ~: ~m~ OF ~usm~ss: ~ (if applicable) city: ~ ~ sz~z~: TELEPHONE ~ER: ~ I FAX ~BER: [ Affix C'~i't and Seal cop~es pax i Other Comparing copies Making first pgs Makin additional pgs i ' CD Certificate of ' FUND /[ I~ Status Inquiry If you have questions or comments regarding the content on this page, please feel free to use our [on:lino form~ Please report any technical problems to the I~!*!~t/~!~-.!] 2 of 3 2/18/00 3:17 PM Narrative Upon arrival HM 11 made contact with E-6. We found approximately 100 gallons or more of wast oil on the street. HM 11 preceeded to attempt to cleanup the pooled portions of the spill. The follow is a list ofthe equiptment that was used. ~- Sample Jars 6- pairs rubber gloves (Med Aid type) 1- pair of PVC Haz Mat Boots 4- 24" push brooms and handles F~b ~? O0 02:28p ECC 661-32~-6557 Event Chronology EVENT : 0005148 DATE TIME TERM' OPER ACTION 02/04/00 12:15:09 fd03 700002 EVENT CREATED: LOCATION: NUMBER: [2900] STREET NAME: [BRUNDAGE] TYPE: [LN] MUNICIPALITY: [BAK] COMMENT: [: @PAYLESS SHOE SOURCE] XSTREETI: [BEECH ST] XSTREET2: [STEPHENS DR] Event: [HAZMAT LEVEL 1 INCIDENT] TYPE: [HM1] 02/04/00 12:15:09 fd03 700002 Dispatch Group: [B1] ETA: [0] beat: [B3] Priority: [2] 02/04/00 12:15:09 fd03 700002 -KEYMAP: 12401A 02/04/00 12:15:09 fd03 700002 30 GAL OIUL SPILL, START HMll AND BB1 02/04/00 12:15:09 comm 700002 REMARK ADDED:LOI search completed at 02/04/00 12:15:09 02/04/00 12:15:14 fd03 700002 UNIT BE6 DISPATCHED 02/04/00 12:15:16 rd03 700002 UNIT BE6 ARRIVED 02/04/00 12:17:06 fd03 700002 UNIT BHMll DISPATCHED 02/04/00 12:17:09 fd03 700002 UNIT BHMll ENROUTED 02/04/00 12:18:30 fd03 700002 REMARK ADDED:BB1 ADVSD 02/04/00 12:23:01 fd03 700002 REMARK ADDED:CONTACT ENVIRO SVC HAVE THEM RESP 02/04/00 12:23:57 fd03 700002 REMARK ADDED:HM2 ENRT 02/04/00 12:28:28 rd03 700002 UNIT BHMll ARRIVED 02/04/00 12:29:21 rd03 700002 EVENT UPDATED: LOCATION: NUMBER: [2916] STREET NAME: [BRUNDAGE] TYPE: [LN] MUNICIPALITY: [BAK] COMMENT: [: @PAYLESS SHOE SOURCE] XSTREETI: [STEPHENS DR] XSTREET2: [CYPRESS ST] Event: [HAZMAT LEVEL 1 INCIDENT] TYPE: [HM1] 02/04/00 12:29:21 ldO3 700002 Dispatch Group: [B1] ETA: [0] beat: lB3] Priority: [2] 02/04/00 12:29:21 fd03 700002 REMARK ADDED:Event Location changed from "2900 BRUNDAGE LN BAK: @PAYLESS SHOE SOUR" to "2916 02/04/00 12:29:21 fd03 700002 BRUNDAGE LN BAK: @PAYLESS SHOE SOUR" at: 02/04/00 12:29:21 02/04/00 12:29:21 fd03 700002 >>>> by: SARAH DAY on terminal: fd03 02/04/00 12:29:22 comm 700002 REMARK ADDED:LOI search completed at 02/04/00 12:29:22 02/04/00 12:29:50 fd03 700002 REMARK ADDED:MOVED TRAFFIC TO METRO...HOWARD WINES HM2 ENRT 02/04/00 12:30:42 fd03 700002 UNIT BB1 DISPATCHED 02/04/00 12:30:47 rd03 700002 UNIT BB1 ENROUTED 02/04/00 12:30:51 fd03 700002 UNIT BB1 HAS AN UNKNOWN STATUS OF [UG] 02/04/00 12:30:51 fd03 700002 UNIT BB1 CHANGED LOCATION TO : MONITORING 02/04/00 12:42:52 fd03 700002 UNIT BB1 ARRIVED 02/04/00 14:05:44 fd03 700002 UNIT BB1 AVAILABLE 02/04/00 14:43:03 fd03 700002 UNIT BE6 AVAILABLE 02/04/00 14:58:44 fd03 700002 Dispatch Group: [B1] ETA: [0] beat: [B3] Priority: [2] 02/04/00 14:58:44 fd03 700002 EVENT CLOSED: 02/04/00 14:58:44 fd03 7~0002 UNIT BHMll AVAILABLE 02/04/00 15:01:36 fd01 700003 REMARK ADDED:OES #00-0538 02/04/00 15:06:30 fd01 700003 REMARK ADDED:200+ GALLONS OF WASTE OIL, ILLEGAL EXCAVATION OF AN UNDERGROUND WASTE OIL TANK 02/04/00 15:07:01 fd01 700003 REMARK ADDED:ACTI DOING THE CLEANUP, 661 392-7765 02/04/00 15:07:50 fd01 700003 REMARK ADDED:RESPONSIBLE - MIKE LEWIS CONSTRUCTION CO., 3413 INCLINE DR, BKFD 93306 02/04/00 15:08:08 fd01 700003 REMARK ADDED:NO WATERWAYS AFFECTED 02/04/00 15:08:47 fd01 700003 REMARK ADDED:OES INFO GIVEN TO TONI ~ 800 852-7550 02/04/00 15:09:20 fd61 700003 REMARK ADDED:ACTI = ADVANCED CLEANUP TECHNOLOGY, INC. 02/08/00 15:00 ~661 326 0576 91:1) HAZ HAT DI¥ /~ /,-% [~002 ~ Permit N CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (805) 3263979 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK ,,qITE INFORMATIOI~I SITE ADDRESS ~ I&, "t~e.~ 0,,~,f ~" ZIP CODE APN FACILITY NAME CROSS STREET 'rANIC OWNER/OPERATOR ~;ey~c' ~c,~?~r~ PHONE NO. 70 ~// f/S/' CONTRACTOR I~N,.~FORMATION ~NSURANCE CARRIER , WOeKMENS COMP NO. _ PRgUMINARY ASS_ _E~_ M ENTIN irO_RM_ _A_~I_ :0 N COMPANY PHO~ NO. UC'L~Sa NO. , .... ADDKF..SS Cfl*Y ZiP I NSURANC£ C'ARMER ....... , .... ~ COMP NO. TANK_CLEANiNG INJr.o.R M AT_I~..N. ' ' WASTE TRANSPORTER IDe'NTIFICAT/O~~ , C. a~ Oooo NAME OF RINSATE DISP(~AL FAC[UTY e.g~,~,q ~ oo~-~_~,.~ FACIUTY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER _ __ ~ ~_oa~/oc~ o f q . TANK TRANSPORTg~ mFORMAT~ON TANK DEb'TINATION ~blO~, ~k,~- TANK INIq)RMATEON CHEMICAL DATES CHEMICAL TANK NO. AGE VOLUME STOP, ED STORED PREVIOUSLY STORED J APPI.,ICATIOIq D&iI' -~:>~ "I-X::) '; .~.,~:~.,:, *,~&~~.~,,~: ": ": ';! ::.'.'*. :., ,*, ;,." ,~tl'O;, OF:T ,AI~I~'' 'et.":: ': '_~..M~. $'~ ~i-JO 'r! II.: A/'I'UC^N'r UA,N RI.:CF:IVlTI), t Ilql)ERSTANT~i. AND WILL C'OMPL¥ WITH TJ~ ATr^cI II-.1) CONI)rIION~ OF Tills tq-:KMfr ANt) ANY ~)'11 II'.'R ,'~I'A'I'i-:. lAX:AL AND FL'DI[RAL Rr~JULATIONS. '1~ IL'4 I;; )K~ I IA.~4 IIl(l'.lq CQMPLI.ql".I) (INI)I.:R PENALTY Oi.- PERRJ~Y, AND TO AlSlqJCAbrr NAMI'*. (lSRINT) Tiffs APPLICATION BECOME A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED Report To: ~,~. ' ~ Name: Pro Address: , z/ '-,~' ;, ,-- '; ?~" Project City: ~, .'-'---~,, ~ State:,'.' Zip:/,.7,~ ¢-; / .... Phone: ,:),-=,¢- ,:.~ '?' Y Comments: Report Drinking Water on State Form ? Y / N ' · J' ) .... Send Copy to Y / N "'?/--~ /-".~'~:-"~'-'~?' /~'"'": "~-':'-'"~" State pf Calif. ,~, ,~. ~_.:,:, ,~..,, State ~'~ ;: Zip X:~.~.'~'~./! ....Relinquisl~d. by;~'(~S_ignatu~;. ~ ~ .;. ,-T~. Received by: (Signature), : Date: Time: "" . · RelinqUished by." (si~aaiare)- Receiv, ed ~ (Signature) Date: Time: PO # Relinquished by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) Date: Time: Time · Miles: Flat . Relinquished by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) Date: Time: Equipment: Rate' Revised 5/97....Sample Disposal by BC Labs may be billed at $5.00 / sample for non-aqueous Samples: NEXT-FUNC: KEY: KEY DATA PROHPT KIPS ~ROLLINQ SECURED ROLL INQUIRY P222d1 ATN 008 072 12 O0 6 ACTIVE Roll 1 Use Code 1306 File No Lgnd AG Presv NO APN 008 072 12 6 Lgl T 1527 65 AcresCPest SITE 2918 BRUNDAGE LN BAKERSFIELD BPS SD 3 UF NT Owner SOHHER RAY STEVEN Doc Bill 5110 HIGHNAY 128 GEYSERVILLE CA 95441-9616 R.B.P. O099-1004958-00-198-1004976-00-4 TRA-No 001 001 001 001 001 001 CHG DT Chg Type HJneral Land/PI 117,964 115,651 113,547 Imprvment 178,332 174,836 171,656 ~Other I~p Pe~s Poop Ex~P ~t Net Value 296,296 290,487 285,203 Dt tax Defaulted: 08/28/96 PFI:HELP 2:HENU 3:RTRN 4=TOG 5:FUTR 6=RDHP 9:BILL IO:UFL 11:BUS 12=E~TSEL PF13=NEN 14:APN HIST 15=ONNERS 16:EXEHPT 17=SUPPL 18:ADDR 19:ROLL CORR PF20=PREV YR 21:NEXT YEAR 22=PRT 23:NEXT 24=PREV 02/08/00 08:23 TRW. REDI sc~,,m~noo~,.c. I ......... I ........ ~1 ........ ;! ......... I ............... '"4 I 800 345 7334 ,, 0-07 TRACT 1527 scuo~ o~ /~ e-O7 . ~ RESUBQ Of LOT I-2-7&8 OF BLO~ 'C'~GREENE'S TR. ,.=,~,, ~ _ ...... " ~0 ']~lW'']l ......................... ~ I ~0 '~ ~ BEECH Sr~¢ ¢m~ t~ ~SORS MAP ~_t-~l ..... - '. COU~ O[ KERH ... z:':z. _~'...._ ~ ~~0:;:~:. ~_~-t-:.: ::::::::::::::::::::::::: ......... :---:: :::.:-: ........ : ............................ . ....... ....: '.~ ..-.'::.::::..-:--:;-J.;: ./:;;:.'.';L..' C:..';~:¢'~:;~'" "~':"' FEB 0~ '{DB O~:O~BPM OE$ HQ S~CR~MEMTO EMERGENCY VICE. S Haza ous Ma als Spill Repo DATE: 02/04~000 ' ~CEWED BY: ' CONT~OL~: I TIME: 1451 JOES, Toni Walthour 00-0~38 [ 0SPR- 1. PER~ON NOTIFYING GOV~OR'~ OK$: a. N~E: b, AGENCY: c. PHONE~: d. Ext~ e. PiG/CELL: Laurie DewiE Bakersfield Ci~ FD 661-t24.4542 2. ~UB~TANC~ TYPE: ' 2, a, $UBSTANC~ b. QTY:>=~ ~a~ M~u~ e. TYPE~ d. OTHKR~ 1. w~te oil = 200 · ~l(s) PETROLEUM e. DESC~PTION: Illegal excavation of ~ ~d~rgro~d was~ oil ~k. ~ ' f. CONTAINED: i. WATER ~VOL~D~ h. WATERWAY: Y~ No 3. s, ~clDENT LOCATION: 2916 B~nbage L~ b. CITY: c. COUNt: d. ZIP: B~rsfield Kern Coun~ 93304 " 4. INC~NT DESC~TION: " ' ' a, DATE:02/04~000 b, TIME (~/ia~): 1215 c. SITE: M~rch~s~e~s d. IN~RIES~ e. FATAL~ ~: f. EVACS ~: g, CLEANUP BY: 0 0 0 Con,acer ~. 'RESPON~IBL~ PARTY: s. NAME: b. AGENCY: c. PHONE~: d. EXT.: Mike Lewis Cons~ction Ce. 661-871-5~21 e, ~IL ADDRESS: f, CITY: ~. STATE: h. ZIP: 3413'Incl~e Drive B~ersfield CA 93306 6. NOTIFICATION I~o~TIoN: a. NRC~: b. ON SCENE: F~ De~. ~ OTHER ON SCENE: d. OTHER NOTIFIED: Enviro~en~l Health e, AD~N. AGENCY: Bakersfield D~pt  OTIFICATION LIST: DOG Uniu RWQCa Unit: 5C