HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE This ~ermit is issued for the followin_a: [] Hazardous Materials Plan [3 Underground Storage of Hazardous Materials Permit I D #:: 015-000-001188 [3 Risk Management Program WALCO INTERNATIONAL ~ Hazardous Waste On-Site Treatment LOCATION: 4840 E BRUNDAGE LN IELD Issued by: Bakersfield Fire Depa~ment OFFICE OF EN~RONMENTAL SER ~CES  1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Approved by: ~lp~Huey,~~ Issue Bakersfield, CA 93301 omceofEv~~~ic~TM Voice (661) 326-3979 F~ (661)326-0S76 Exp~tion Date: WALC:O INTERNATIONAL, INC. BAKERSFIELD DIVISION BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ENVIROMENTAL SERVICES 1715 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 REGARDING: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS STORAGE AREA AT 4840 EAST BRUNDAGE LANE WALCO INTERNATIONAL SITE ID #1188 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL ARE STORED IN THE NORTH WEST CORNER OF THE FACILITY. ALL HAZARDOUS MATERIAL ARE STORED IN THE MANUFACTURES ORIGINAL COTAINERS. DUE TO SEASONAL CHANGES, MATERIALS MAY VARY THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. MATERIAL IN THIS AREA FALL INTO ONE OF THREE CATAGORIES, 1. LIQUID OR POWDERED SOAPS, 2. LIQUID OR POWDERED ACIDS, 3. LIQUID TEAT DIP. WE HAVE INCLUDED MATERIAL SAFTEY DATA SHEETS FOR OUR CURRENT INVENTORY. SINCERELY DIANA TURNAGE WALCO INTERNATIONAL BAKERSFIELD DIVISION: 1884 So. Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93304 I~4~o1~¢~ Telephone (805) 834-8447 An Employee Owned Company ITE DIAGRAM ~ FACILITY DIAGRAM Bu~fne~a Nmne: ..~,:~ ~ .,,~;~ ,~ .... ~,, _-.- Ecolab Inc. ?~;~F'~~: ~:' ;~'~Ecolab Center St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 ? ~,-~ ~:~;:~:':o..~a .'. · ~TEAT GLO . Page 2 of 2 ~: ;:,~ ~][;~<:',Ec:'olab Food & Beverage Divn. 986414 ~.~:~ ~;::~::'~{~:' MEDICAL EMERGENCY ONLY, 24 HOUR SERVICE: 1-800-328-0026 ~:..,:~fT.0 HEALTH HAZARD DATA / CAUTION ?<':~2.;~,.E'f<fects of:: exposure to Concentrate: ~',T:~{,'~'"~.,?~es:. May cause irritation. :~?'~-'....,,~,t.:.,," '~wallowed:,, . May cause stomach distress, nausea or vomiting. -' ~:~.":,8-;0"FIRST AID / ,~.~8~l~:.Eyesl-,'i:'Flush immediately with:plenty of cool running water. Remove {? ?<~{f?.."-".: 'Contact lenses.' Continue' flushing for 15 minutes. '~.'~:tf{ 8.2 If-Swallowed: Rinse mouth; then drink 1 or 2 large glasses of ~:,:. water. DO NOT induce vomiting. Never give anything by mouth to an ~:. unconscious person. ~:'~:." . : 'I~'.IRRITATION OR DISCOMFORT P~RSISTS CALL A PHYSICIAN .~, '::':-~.'9; 0 P~OTECTIVE MEASURES / E~.os: ,Eye protection is recommended. ADDI"TIONAL I NFO~ATION/PRECAUTIONS / ~,- ~.?:".' "l.. ' '?: ' ' ..~ ~;;. "f'.'10.1 ~Avoid contact with food. ~] ?~L10.2 Purpose of 01/08/97 issue: ~inor editorial changes. ~,, ~,~t~, ~:.. ;~:' :.' .':,,;: ~-', '.-;,:.. -, KEEP OUT OF :REACH OF CHI LDREN ~?.;.~%~The aS.ove.::znformation is believed.to, be correct with respect to the ,[~, ~-:..'fo~muta used to manufacture the product. As data, standards and ~ regulations change, and conditions of use and handling are beyond our :~ congrol, NO ~hRR~N~Y, ~XPR~SS OR IMPBI~D, IS MhD~ hS TO THE ~ CO~PBB~SS OR CO~TINHI~G ~CCHR~CY O~ THIS ~-.: '?~-. · ,:.,. ,.~ ....:. '.:?ir ..'. Ecolab Inc. Ecolab Center St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 ~?.~' ; ~,- *MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET* Page 1 of 2 ,~:~' MEDICAL EMERGENCY ONLY, 24 HOUR,SERVICE: 1-800-328-0026 ..... .~Medicat Calls from Outside of the USA: 612 292 4064 (USA) Food & Beverage Divn. Product Information: 1-612-293-4255 !~ab Ctr. st. Paul MN 55102 Date of Issue: January 8, 1997 ~ I-DENTIFICATION / P.roduct Name: TEAT GLO P~dUct'T~ie: .. Bovine teat dip for mastitis control ~'+~+~SA'RA_ Present, Are Preceded by "~" ++ HAZARDOUS'COMPONENTS / (mg/m3) .... . % PEL TWA .:~2.,-l~'Complexed ~od~ne (Iodine CAS is 7553-56-2) ' * (PEL for iodine = 1 C) ~;?~2~;'2?,Th~s product contains no other components considered hazardous according to the criteria of 29 CFR 1910.1200. '?STEL = 15 Minute Average PEL = OSHA 8 Hour Average in Air = ACGIH 8 Hour Average C = Ceiling Limit in Air; Do Not Exceed ,~PHYS~CAL DATA / .~;3.'l~Appearance: Dark brown liquid; slight iodine odor ~3~2.:.'~;S~olubility in Water:, Mixes with water in all proportions. ,;'PM: 4.0 (100%) ~.;,;~3.4,In,itial Boiling Point: >200 deg F ~ '~. ~.~3.5 ~;SPeC % f i c Gravity: 1.065 .'.::E.~I.RE ~'A~D EXPLOSI ON DATA / ':;;~4il~':~pecial Fire Hazards: None · .F~'xre."Fighting Methods: Product does not support ~ombustion. REACTIVITY DATA / ~S.tability: Stable under normal conditions of handling. ?'~'.;~5:-Z;?Cbndi~ions to Avoid: Do not mix with chlorinated detergents or ' sanitizers ~SPILL .OR LEAK PROCEDURES / USE PROPER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT :Clea.nup: Dike or dam large spills, soak up on inert absorbent or pump to suitable containers. Neutralize residual iodine with ~sod~um thiosulfate or sodium sulfite. Flush residue to sewer with ~Plent'y of.water. Waste Disposal: Consult state/local authorities ~or limits on ch'emical waste disposal. ~,~,,.?!'" .' LA.Co· ~RVISDS #: 969345-07 MEDICAL EMERGENCY ONLY, 24 HOUR SERVICE: ?~:~ :~SECTION 2 -'HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS I I SECTION 1- IDENTIFICATION t 1-800-328-0026 INGREDIENT/ OSHA ACGIH SUFERFUN£ % IDENTITY: W-S 3/8' and 11/16' Paintstik -- All Colors (Except MANUFACTURER: KLENZADE, DiV. OF ECOLAB iNC. C.A.S:'NO:, ~EL TLV RQ Yellow) ECOLAB CTR. ST. PAUL MN 55102 Nickel antimony t~nium N.A. N.A. N.A, MSDS NO,: A132 PRODUCT INFORMATION: 1-612-451-4255 yellow pigment MANUFACTURERi LA-CO iNDUSTRIES, INC./MARKAL DATE OF ISSUE: May 26, 1992 8007-18-9 COMPANY 1.0 IDENTIFICATION pigment contains: 0.5 ' 0.5 5000 lbs. 250 N. WASHTENAW AVENUE * Antimony* mD/m3 m0/m3 CHICAGO, IL 60612 1.1 PRODUCT NAME: Waled Acid Cleaner 7440-36°0 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NO.: 312-826-1700 1.2 PRODUCT TYPE: Acid rinse 7440-02-0 i mD/m3 mg/rn3 INFORMATION TELEPHONE NO.: 312-826-1700 ++ Section 2 Provides SARA Section 313 "'(Nk;kalTPQ=IO.OOO lbs.) DATE PREPARED: June 15, 1993: Reporting Information ++ This pigment Is the result of high temperature calcination of the SUPERSEDES ISSUE DATE: 01/02/91 component substances. Due to its unique crystalline structure the LABELLING: 2.0 HAZARDOUS COMPONENT~ properties of Ufls finished pigment do not necessarily reflect the ','properties of the component metals or oxides. This pigment has ' HMIS: 100 L (mD/m31 'i ;peen teated,for oral and acute oral toxicity and fou nd to be NFPA; 210 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS % · TWA J Other ; non-tOxic. It was also tested for skin and eye irrlaUon and found to WRM.IS (CANADA): None 2.1 Phosphoric acid 35 ! 1 ] 1 · be eon-irritating. S~me comp~onda of the metals contained in this EPA HAZARDS: None ) 7664-38-2 j ', pigment, antimony and insoluble nickel, have demonstrated various ~ ] ~ STEL = 3 · toxic properties. However, there is no evidence that this pigment has O.O.T.: these toxic pr~pertlas. BILL OF LADING: I Th~oduct contains no other component considered hazardous · The indicated toxic chemical(s) are subiect to the reporting U.P.S.: [ according to the criteria of 29 CFR 1910.1200· mqulraments of Section 313 of The Emergency Planning and Community Rlght-To-KnowAct of 1986 and of 40 CFR 372. I SECTION 2 - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS I UNK = Unknown at this time ' STEL = 15 Minute Average C.A,S. NO. I PEL I 'fLY I ~o BOILING POINT: fl.A. No hazardous ingredients under OSHA H~zard Communication ' C = Ceiling Limit; Do Not Exceed '.. 'SPECIFIC GRAVITY {HZ0 = 1): >1 Standard 29 CFR 1910.1200. 3.0 PHYSICAL DATA ,' VAPOR PRESSURE (mmRg): Low I SECTION :~ - PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS } 3.1 APPEARANCE: Medium, bright, red liquid VAPOR DENSITY (AIR = 1): N.A. 3.2 SOLUGILITY IN WATER: Complete · BOILING POINT: N.A. MELTING POINT: N.A. SPECIFIC GRAVITY (H20 =1): >1 3.3 phc 2.0 (1%) :, ' SOLUBIUTY IN WATER: Soluble VAPOR PRESSURE (mmHg): Low 3.4 BOILING POINT: 212 der F ~:~,. EVAP. RATE (butyl acetate = 1): <1 VAPOR DENSITY (AIR = 1): N.A. 3.5 SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 1.222 !:~'i!i,' : APPEARANCE: Solid cylindrical marker MELTING POINT: N.A. 4.0 FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA "~ ' ODOR: Floral ' SOLUBIUTY IN WATER: Soluble 4.1 SPECIAL FIRE HAZARDS: Non'e I ,EcTIoN,-FtREANO EXPLOSION,,=RO DATA 1 ·,AP. RATE ,o l.etate--,: FIRE FIGHTING METROOS: Product does not APPEARANCE: Solid cylindrical marker combustion, I'i! '~' 'i :' ' FLASH POINT (method used): >200 der F ODOR: Floral ' ~" + , FLAMMABLE LIMI'I'~: 5.0 REACTIVITY DATA ,.,. r ~' LEL: N~A. [ SECTION 4 - FIREAND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA [ 5.1 STABILITY: Stable under normal conditions of handling. · '" ' 'UR.: N.A. FLASH POINT (method used): >200 der F 5.2 CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Mix only with water· Can react . 'iL ,EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: C~rbon dioxide, foam, water. FLAMMABLE UMITS: violently with alkaline material or metals· Do not mix with · ' SPECIAL RRE RGHTING PROCEDURES: Use self-contained LEL: N.b. chlorinated detergents or sanitizers - will cause hazardous breathing apparatus. UEL: N.b. vapors. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: N.A, EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Carbon dioxide, foam, water. SPECIAL FIRE RGHTING PROCEDURES: Use self-contained 6.0 SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES / · I SECTION 5 - REACTIVITY DATA I breathing apparatus. USE PROPER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT STABILITY: Stahie UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: N,:A. 6.1 CLEANUP: Rinse small amounts to drain where possible. Dike or dam large spills; pump to containers or soak up on CONDITIONS TO AVOID: N.A. [ SECTION 5 - REACTIVITY DATA I inert absorbent· Flush residue to sanitary sewer; rinse area INCOMPATIBILITY (MATERIALS TO AVOID): Strong oxidizing STABILITY: Stable thoroughly. ' agents. ' CONDITIONS TO AVOID: N.A. 6.2 WASTE DISPOSAL: Unused product as a waste is .- ,, HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Carbon Corrosive (D002) by RCRA criteria, Consult state and local monoxide, carbon dioxide, possible nitrogen oxides. INCOMPATIBILITY (MATERIALS TO AVOID): Strong oxidizing .l.,.~/HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur agents, authorities for restrictions on disposal of chemical waste· HAZARDOUS 0ECOMPOSmON PRODUCTS: Carbon 7.0 HEALTH tiAZARD DATA / DANGER CONDITIONS TO AVOID: N.A. monoxide, carbon dioxide, possible nitrogen oxides. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur 7.1 EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE TO CONCENTRATE: · l SECTION 6 - HEALTH HAZARD DATA I CONDITIONS TO AVOID: N,A. SKIN AND EYES: CAUSES CHEMICAL BURNS· Eye ROUTES OF ENTRY: contact may cause blindness. INHALATION? No [ SECTION 6 - HEALTH HAZARD DATA ] IF SWALLOWED: HARMFUL. Causes chemica, I burns of SKIN? NO ROUTES OF ENTRY: mouth, throat and stomach. IF INHALED: Vapors or mist cause irritation, including a INGESTION? Yes INHALATION? No burning taste, sneezing, coughing and difficulty breathing. HEALTH HAZARDS: SKIN? No People with asthma or other lung problems may be more I!i '.,. EYES: May c~us~'mil{i transient irritation. INGESTION? Yes affected. ,,' ' INGESTION: May cause nausea and diarrhea. HEALTH HAZARDS: ' CARCINOGENICITY: EYES: May cause ·mild transient irritation. I 8.0 FIRST AID NTP? No INGESTION: May cause nausea and diarrhea. 8.1 EYES: Flush at once with coo running water. Remove IARC? No CARCINOGENICITY: contact lenses; continue flushing at least 15 minutes. OSHA'~ NO NTP? No holding eyelids apart to ensure rinsing of entire eye. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE: See 'Health IARC? No CALL A PHYSICIAN IMMEDIATELY. Hazards',abo~'e.~.' ' OSHA? No 8.2 SKIN: Immediately flush skin with plenty of cool running MEDICAL CONDITIONS GENERALLY AGGRAVATED DY SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE: See 'Health water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated EXPOSURE: None known. Hazards' above, clothing and shoes. Wash clothing before reuse· EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES: MEDICAL CONDITIONS GENERALLY AGGRAVATED BY 8.3 IF SWALLOWED: Rinsc mouth at once; thon drink 1 or 2 EXPOSURE: None known, large glasses of water or milk. DO NOT induce vomiting· EYES: Flush thoroughly with water for 15 minutes while EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES: NEVER give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. holding eyelids apart. EYES: Flush thoroughly with water for 15 minutes while 8.4 IF INHALED: Immediately m~ve to trash air. '--/ INGESTION: Drink plenty of water or milk. Contact physician, holding eyelids apart. I SECTION 7 - PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFE HANDLING AND USE I INGESTION: Drink plenty of water or milk. Contact physician, 9.0 PROTECTIVE MEASURES 9.1 CONCENTRATE: RELEASE AND SPILL PROCEDURES: Sweep up and dispose I SECTION 7 - PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFE HANDLING AND USE] RESPIRATORY: Avoid breathing dusts or mists of this of in metal or plastic containers. RELEASE AND SPILL PROCEDURES: N.A. product. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: Dispose of according to local WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: Dispose of as typical household SKIN: Rubber gloves, - protective, c~tt or Oaunt~ottyp~ red ulatJons. ~,ra~te:. prefaced. ~fl~OLIRG ANn ,~TORAGE PRECAUTIONS: Store in cool, d~] HANDURG AND STORAGE PRECAUTIONS: Store in cool, d~] EYES: Use chemical splash goggles. For continued or area. area. severe exposure wear a face shield over the goggles. i OTHER.PRECAUTIONS: N.A. OTHER PRECAUTIONS: N.A, continued on nextpage ... Wt ~l~:~'~10~0'AoomONALINFORMATION/PREcAUTIONS I ;; Secti~"~-2 Provides SARA Section 313 'KEE~P?"O[JT~.~0F,;REACH OF CHILDREN iC~EANERi :.: ::: Reporting Information ++ Thei"a~,e I~fo~;matlsn is believed to be correct with respect to ' the~f0'~m'ula u'sed to menufacture the product As data, K/enzade 2,0 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS s~';~'dards and regulations change, and conditions of use and MSDS #: 943761-06 (mg/m~ 3) "OR~IMPLIED;!haI~dling are beyondts MADE°UrASc°ntr°l'TO THENOcoMPLETENEssWARRANTY' EXPRESSoR MEDICAL' EMERGENCY ONLY, 24 HOUR SERVICE: HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS "~/; TWA1 LOther '~;CON'[INU NG ACCURACY OF TH S NFORMAT ON 1-800-328-0026 2.1 Phosphoric acid ! 1 ." ' -,. · · MANUFACTURER: KLENZADE, DIV. OF ECOLAB INC. 7664-38-2 '" "V ,: * COMPAS Code: 15230570 STEL = .?,~.*.~a~t~c~:C~,,~,tremost,ce~MSOS-,~tyet~c~k,e~. ECOLAB CTR. ST. PAUL MN 55102 PRODUCT INFORMATION: 1-612-451-4255 2.2 Nitric acid 3 5 5 ;,'% .; :~,.~'; ,L..' : ..: .: .: : 7697-37-2 ,:~,~.~,~,~:: .~. ,ii:, ;i..,~ . ~ ~ :. .::.;: . .~*~A~CO.~CA~.STIC:~/ACI~INE CLEANER :::: DATE OF ISSUE: May 26, 1992 STEL = · · ~ ? ': ~'~,;'"~""~ ~?*~:~:!~i~:~;!:~ ;;¢~ ~!:~.~ii!:: :~ :~i;!;::::~:::':~,~ :i::: :~::; :;:.::~i~;;:; :: ::i: ;';'ii,: :.i: ~ .-~;.~;:: i? ::: ',~~;',~!~!;~ ~i~.::~i!!!:~' ;~':;; ~:-'::::::;.~ ::::: ?~;:;:i': ~::., '1 1.0~DENTIFICATION I 2.3 Thispreductcentainsnoothercomponentconsideredhazardous ~.-~, ,,.~..,.*~..~.....,....-~ · ......... - · according to the criteria of 29 CFR 1910.1200. ,";"MSDS'#; 988659-01 1.1 PRODUCT NAME: Waled Chlorinated General Cleaner MEIJlCAI;:EMERGENCY ONLY, 24 HOUR SERVICE: UNK = Unknown at this time ~. 1~'8.100'.,328.0026 , 1:2 PRODUCTTYPE: Powdered alkaline cleaner STEL = 15 Minute Average MANUFACTURER:,KLENZADE, DIV. OF ECOLAB INC. ++ Section 2 Provides SARA Section 313 TWA = OSHA 8 Hour Average "ECO[:AB CFR: ST. PAUL MN 55102 Reportino Information ++ C = Ceiling Limit; Do Not Exceed iPRODUCT INFORMATION: 1-612-451-4255 [ 3.0 PHYSICAL DATA D'ATE~OF ISSUEr's'june 25,1992 2.0 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS '"" '~' '""~"" 3.1 APPEARANCE: Clear, light blue liquid ;:I~'~,~;;" . ':' ':-1.0 IDERTIRCATION I {mo/m3) 3.2 SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Complete I'.i~'PRODUCF,~. NAME: Wales Caustic Vacline. Cleaner HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS % TWA Other { 3.3 pR: 1.9 (1%) 1.2~P.RODUCFTYPE: Heavy duty eausUc cleaner. 2.1 Sodium dichloro- 1 None UNK i 3.4 BOILING POINT: 212 dog F ~"'~"',,.. isocyanurate dihydrate 7 None UNK 3.5 SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 1.18 :~ ~i ++ Section 2 Provides SARA Section 313 5t58o-86-0 :: ?,-,,, Reporting Information +,+ 2.2 Sodium dodecylbenzene- [ 4.0 FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA 'j :... .O,AZAROOUSCOMPO,E,TS sa,,onale 4.1 SPEC,AL FI,E,AZA,OS: None 25155-30-0 24 None UNK 4.2 FIRE FIGHTING METHODS: Product does not support I¥ ~,' (mo/m3) 2.3 Sodium carbonate HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS % TWA Other (soda ash) combustion. 2.1~Sodlum hydroxide 92 2 C 2 C 497-19-8 ~ [ 5.0 REACTIVITY DATA , . This product contains no other component considered hazardous 7. (caustic soda) t..., according to the criteria of 29 CFR 1910.1200. 5.1 STABILITY: Stable under normal conditions of handling. ,~,,~ 1310-73-2 5.2 CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Mix only with water. Can react 2.2,3his product contains ~o ether components considered UNK = Unknown at this time violently with alkaline material or metals. Do not mix with hazardous acco~ltng to the criteria of 29 CFR 1910.1200. " STEL = 15 Minute Average chlorinated detergents or sanitizers - will cause hazardous vapors. ,~,;~. sTE'L = i5 Minute Average C = Ceiling Limit; Do Not Exceed !i'~-'TWA '= OSHA 8 Hour Average . USE PROPER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT ~;!.i'C' ?r~'Ceiling Limit;Do Not Exceed J 3.0 PHYSICAL DATA I 8.1 CLEANUP: Dike or dam large spills· Pump to containers or " soak up on inert absorbent. Flush residue to sanitary sewer· i:i:[ : LOATA ] S.1 APP RA,CE:W,,e treet owin powder WASTED SPOSAL: nusedproductasawaste s :, 3.1*APPEARANCE: White, free flowing heads ;3.2 SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Moderate Corrosive (DO02) by RCRA criteria. ~ 3.2;,SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Moderate 3.3 pR: 10.4 (1%) a.a:.pH:.13.0 (1%) . [ 7,0 HEALTH HAZARD DATA/DANGER [ ~-. 4.0 FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA ] I 4.0 FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA 7.1 EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE TO CONCENTHATE: ' ' SKIN AND EYES: CAUSES SEVERE CHEMICAL BURNS. 4.1:~ SPECIAL FIRE HAZARDS:'None 4.1 SPECIAL FIRE HAZARDS: None Eye contact may cause blindness. .4 22FIRE FIGHTING METHODS; Product does not support 4.2 FIRE FIGHTING METHODS: Product does not support IF SWALLOWED: HARMFUL OR FATAL· Causes chemical c0~bustion. ' combustion, burns of mouth, throat and stomach· .... IF INHALED: Vapors or mist cause irritation, including a [ 5.0 REACTIVITY DATA ] I 5~0 REACTIVITY DATA burning taste, sneezing, coughing and difficulty breathing· :'. 5.1 ~STABILITY: Stable under normal condiUons of handling. 5.1 STABILITY: Stable under normal conditions of handling. People with asthma or other lung problems may be more :i¢ 5.2~:CONDmONS TO AVOID: Reacts violently with acids. 5.2 CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Mix only with water. Do not mix affected. !. Reacts'with soft metals such as aluminum and zinc. with acids or ammonia - will cause hazardous vapors. [ 8.0 FIRST AID ' 5.3 PREPARING SOLUTIONS; To avoid violent reactions, ALWAYS distribute product Over cold liquid. NEVER pour 6.0 SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES / 8.1 EYES: Immediately flush with plenty of cool running water. water directly on dry product. USE PROPER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Remove contact lenses. Continue flushing for at least 15 minutes, holding eyelids apart to ensure rinsing of the entire eye. I §.0 SPILL OR LEAK PR0CEDURES / ] 0.1 CLEANUP; Pick up without rs{sing dust. Flush area witt~ CALL A PHYSiCiAN IMMEDIATELY. USE PROPER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT water. 8.2 SKIN: Immediately flush skin with plenty of cool running 6.1 CLEANUP:. Pick up wlt~out raising dust Flush area wi~ water. 6.2 WASTE DISPOSAL: Consult state and local authorities for water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated 6.2 WASTE DISPOSAl' Consult state and local authorities for restrictions on disposal of chemical waste, clothing and shoes. Wash clothing before reuse· restrictions on disposal of chemical waste. 8.3 IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth at once; then drink 1 or 2 [ 7.0 HEALTH HAZARD DATA / DANGER I [ 7.0 HEALTH HAZARD DATA / CAUTION large glasses of water or milk· DO NOT induce Vomiting· · NEVER give anylhing by mouth to an unconscious person· .~ 7.1 EFFEcT~ OF OVEREXPOSURE TO CONCEN~nRATE: 7.1 EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE TO CONCEN1RATE: 8.4 IF INHALED: Immediately move to tresh air. SKIN AND EYES: CAUSES SEVERE CHEMICAL BURNS. SKIN AND EYES: May cause irritation. CALL A POISON CONTROL CENTER OR PHYSICIAN Eye contact may cause blindness. Harmful contact may IF SWALLOWED: May cause stomach distress, nausea or IMMEDIATELY not cause immediate pain. ++ Immediate water flushing is vomiting. ' vital in case of eye contact. ++ I 9.0 PROTECTIVE MEASURES ' IF SWALLOWED: HARMFUL OR FATAL Causes chemical [ 8.0 FIRST AID 9.1 CONCENTRATE: bums of mouth, throat and stomach. 8.1 EYES: Flush immediately with plenty of cool running RESPIRATORY: Avoid breathing mists or vapors of this IF INHALED: Damages airways and lungs, depending water. Remove contact lenses. Continue tiushing for 15 prod uct. .upon amount and duration of exposure. Effects can vary minutes. SKIN: Rubber gloves - protective cuff or gauntlet type from slight irritation to bronchitis or pneumonia. People 8.2 SKIN: Rus~ skin with ptent¥ of cool running water. Wash preferred. with asthma.or other lung problems may be more thoroughly with soap and water. EYES: Use chemical splash goggles. For continued or ~ectod. 8.3 IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth; then drink 1 or 2 large severe exposure wear a face shield over tl~e goggles. I " 8.0 FIRST AID J glasses of water. DO NOTinduce vomiting. Never give I 10.0 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/PRECAUTIONS 8.1 ELVES: Immediately flush with plenty of cool running anything by mouth to an unconscious person. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN water. Remove contact lenses. Continue flushing for at least IF iRRiTATION OR DISCOMFORT PERSISTS, CALL A 15 minutes, holding eyelids apart to ensure rinsing of the PHYSICIAN. The above information is believed to be correct with respect to the formula used to manufacture the product. As data, entire eye.' CALL A PHYSICIAN IMMEDIATELY. [ 9.0 PROTECTIVE MEASURES standards and regulations change, and conditions of use and hendling are beyond our control, NO WARP, AN-r~, Ev,,PRESS 8.2 SKIN: Immediately flush skin with plecty of cool running 9.1 CONCENTRATE: OR IMPLIED, IS MADE AS TO THE COMPLETENESS OR water for at least 15 mi~lutes while removing contaminated RESPIRATORY: Avoid breathing dusts or mists CONTINUING ACCURACY OF THIS INFORMATION. - clothing and shoes. Wash clothing before reuse, containing product. * COMPAS Code: 15230600 8.;3: IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth at once; then drink 1 or 2 EYES: Use chemical splash goggles, For continued or , Manufacturer ~eq~c~t~ to contirm t~is is the most recent MSDS-reply not yet received. large glasses of water or milk. DO NOT induce vomiting., severe exposure, wear a face shield over the goggles. NEVER give anything by mouth to an unconscious person, yvALco LAUNDRY DETERGENT · 8.4: IF INHALED: immediately move to fresh air. I 10.0 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/PRECAUTIONS ] :l(Tenza~e.; CALL'A POISON CONTROL CENTER OR PHYSICIAN · IMMEDIATELY KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN MSDS #: 916478-07 MEDICAL EMERGENCY ONLY, 24 HOUR SERVICE: I 0,0 PROTECTIVE MEASURES I The above information is beiioved to be correct with respect to 1-800-328-0026 - 9.1 CDNCENTRA~I~: the formula used to manufacture the product. As data, Ecolab Center St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 40920 *MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET* Page 1 of 2 MEDICAL EMERGENCY ONLY, 24 HOUR SERVICE: 1-800-328-0026 Medical Calls from Outside of the USA: 612 292 4064 (USA) Ecolab Food & Beverage Divn. Product Information: 1-612-293-4255 Ecolab Ctr. St. Paul MN 55102 Date of Issue: March 23, 1998 1.0 IDENTIFICATION / 1.1 Product Name: LEGEND CONCENTRATE 1.2 Product Type: Bovine teat dip concentrate for mastitis control 1.3 Hazard Rating: Health - ~ Fire - ~ Reactivity - ~ ++ SARA 313 Toxic Chemicals, If Present, Are Preceded by "#" ++ 2.0 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS / (mg/m3) % PEL TWA 2.1 Nonylphenol ethoxylate 9016-45-9 ~ No No 2.2 Also contains 4.0% complexed available iodine as the active ingredient. The OSHA ceiling limit for iodine in air is 1 mg/M3. PEL = OSHA 8 Hour Average in Air TWA = ACGIH 8 Hour Average in Air 3.0 PHYSICAL DATA / 3.1 Appearance: Dark brown liquid; slight iodine odor 3.2 Solubility in Water: Mixes with water in all proportions. 3.3 pH: 4.4 (100%) 3.4 Initial Boiling Point: >200 deg F 3.5 Specific Gravity: 1.117 4.0 FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA / 4.1 Special Fire Hazards: None 4.2 Fire Fighting Methods: Does not support combustion. 5.0 REACTIVITY DATA / 5.1 Stability: Stable under normal conditions of handling. 5.2 Conditions to Avoid: Do not mix with chlorinated detergents or sanitizers. 6.0 SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES / USE PROPER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 6.1 Cleanup: Dike or dam large spills, soak up on inert absorbent or pump to suitable containers. Neutralize residual iodine with sodium thiosulfate or sodium sulfite. Flush residue to sewer with plenty of water. 6.2 Waste Disposal: Consult state/local authorities for limits on chemical waste disposal. Ecolab Center St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Product: LEGEND CONCENTRATE Page 2 of 2 Ecolab Food & Beverage Divn. 905927 MEDICAL EMERGENCY ONLY, 24 HOUR SERVICE: 1-800-328-0026 7.0 HEALTH HAZARD DATA / CAUTION Eyes: May cause irritation. If Swallowed: May cause stomach distress, nausea or vomiting. 8.0 FIRST AID / 8.1 Eyes: Flush immediately with plenty of cool running water. Remove contact lenses, if used, and flush again. 8.2 If Swallowed: Rinse mouth; then drink 1 or 2 large glasses of water. DO NOT induce vomiting. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. IF IRRITATION OR DISCOMFORT PERSISTS, CALL A PHYSICIAN. 7.1 Effects of Overexposure to Concentrate: 9.0 PROTECTIVE MEASURES / 9.1 CONCENTRATE: Eyes: Eye protection is recommended. 10.0 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/PRECAUTIONS / 10.1 Avoid contact with food. 10.2 Purpose of 03/23/98 issue: Add line 1.3, editorial update. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN The above information is believed to be correct with respect to the formula used to manufacture the product. As data, standards and regulations change, and conditions of use and handling are beyond our control, NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS MADE AS TO THE COMPLETENESS OR CONTINUING ACCURACY OF THIS INFORMATION. ECOLAB Ecolab Center St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 44064 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Page 1 of 2 MEDICAL EMERGENCIES ONLY (24 Hour Service): 1-800-328-0026 Medical Calls from Outside of the USA: 1-651-222-5352 ECOLAB FOOD & BEVERAGE DIVN. Ecolab Center St. Paul MN 55102 Product Information: 1-800-392-3392 Issue Date: January 7, 2000 1.0 IDENTIFICATION / 1.1 Product Name: I-DEAL 1.2 Product Type: Iodine Teat Dip 1.3 Hazard Rating: Health: 1 Fire: 0 Reactivity: 0 Substances Subject to SARA 313 Reporting Are Indicated by "#" 2.0 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS / (mg/m3) CAS No. % PEL TWA 2.1 Surfactant complexed iodine 11096-42-7 10'* * * · Iodine CAS is 7553-56-2; for Iodine, OSHA STEL = lC; ACGIH STEL = lC · *provides 1% available, titratable iodine 2.2 Organic acids mixture 1-5 No No STEL = ACGIH short term exp. limit (15 min) PEL = OSHA 8 hr ave in air TWA = ACGIH 8 hr average C = ceiling limit in air, do not exceed '~'~0--~P-~YSI~A~ D~-7 3.1Appearance: Brown liquid; surfactant/iodine odor 3.2 Solubility in Water: Mixes with water in all proportions 3.3 pH: 3.8 - 4.6 (100%) 3.4 Initial Boiling Point: > 212 deg F / 100 deg C 3.5 Specific Gravity: 1.051 @ 68 deg F / 20 deg C 4.0 FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA / 4.1 S~ecial Fire Hazards: None, does not support combustion. 4.2 Fzre Fighting Methods: Use method appropriate for surrounding fire. 5.0 REACTIVITY DATA / 5.1 Stability: Stable under normal conditions of use and handling. 5.2 Conditions to Avoid: Ready to use, do not mix with other chemicals. 6.0 SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES / WEAR PROPER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 6.1 Cleanup: Dike or dam large spills, soak up on inert absorbent or pump to suitable containers. Neutralize residual iodine with sodium thiosulfate or sodium sulfite. Flush residue to sewer with plenty of water. 6.2 Waste Disposal: Consult state/local authority for limits on chemical waste disposal. EE¢ol~b Oen~er St. P~u~, Minnesota 55102 901771-02 Page 2 of 2 Product: I-DEAL ECOLAB FOOD & BEVERAGE DIVN. MEDICAL EMERGENCY ONLY, 24 HOUR SERVICE: 1-800-328-0026 7.0 HEALTH HAZARD DATA / CAUTION 7.1 Effects of Overexposure to Concentrate: Eyes: Causes minor to moderate irritation. If Swallowed: May cause irritation, nausea, stomach distress. 8.0 FIRST AID / 8.1 Eyes: Flush immediately with plenty of cool running water. Remove contact lenses, if used, and flush again. 8.2 If Swallowed: Rinse mouth; then drink 1 or 2 large glasses of water. DO NOT induce vomiting. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. IF IRRITATION OR DISCOMFORT PERSISTS, CALL A PHYSICIAN. 9.0 PROTECTIVE MEASURES / 9.1 FOR CONCENTRATE: No protective equipment is necessary under normal use conditions. Eyes: If splashing may occur, eye protection recommended. Skin: Rubber gloves recommended for prolonged or repeated exposure. 10.0 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION / 10.1 Purpose of 6/23/2000 issue: Minor formula change; associated edits. Replaces January 7, 2000 issue. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN The above information is believed to be correct with respect to the formula used to manufacture the product. As data, standards, and regulations change, and conditions of use and handling are beyond our control, NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS MADE AS TO THE COMPLETENESS OR CONTINUING ACCURACY OF THIS INFORMATION. Ecolab Center St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 46864 *MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET* Page 1 of 2 MEDICAL EMERGENCY ONLY, 24 HOUR SERVICE: 1-800-328-0026 Medical Calls from Outside of the USA: 612 292 4064 (USA) Ecolab Food & Beverage Divn. Product Information: 1-612-293-4255 Ecolab Ctr. St. Paul MN 55102 Date of Issue: January 5, 1998 1.0 IDENTIFICATION / 1.1 Product Name: MONARCH LIQUID HD-325 1.2 Product Type: Alkaline.CIP cleaner with active chlorine 1.3 Hazard Ratzng: Health - ~ Fire - ~ Reactivity - ++ SARA 313 Toxic Chemicals, If Present, Are Preceded by "#" ++ 2.0 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS / (mg/m3) % PEL TWA 2.1 Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) 1310-73-2 /-~ 2.2 Sodium hypochlorite 7681-52-9 3 * *- · (PEL for chlorine = 3 C; ACGIH STEL = 3) 2.3 This product contains no other components considered hazardous according to the criteria of 29 CFR 1910.1200. _STEL = 15 Minute Ave~gg.___ PEL = OSHA 8 Hour Average in Air 3.0 PHYSICAL DATA / 3.1 Appearance: Clear, light yellow liquid with chlorine odor 3.2 Solubility in Water: Mixes with water in all proportions. 3.3 pH: 12 (1%) 3.4 Initial Boiling Point: Over 212 deg F 3.5 Specific Gravity: 1.204 - 1.206 4.0 FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA / 4.1 Special Fire Hazards: High temperatures may generate hazardous decomposition products including chlorine gas. 4.2 Fire Fighting Methods: Does not support combustion. 5.0 REACTIVITY DATA / 5.1 Stability: Stable under normal conditions of handling. 5.2 Conditions to Avoid: Mix only with water. Do not mix with acids or ammonia - will cause hazardous vapors. 6.0 SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES / USE PROPER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 6.1Cleanup: Dike or dam large spills. Pump to containers or soak up on inert absorbent. Flush residue to sanitary sewer. 6.2 Waste Disposal: Unused product is RCRA Corrosive (D002). Consult state/local authorities for limits on chemical waste disposal. ECOLAB St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Product: MONARCH LIQUID HD-325 Page 2 of 2 Ecolab Food & Beverage Divn. 922296 MEDICAL EMERGENCY ONLY, 24 HOUR SERVICE: 1-800-328-0026 7.0 HEALTH HAZARD DATA / DANGER 7.1 Effects of Overexposure to Concentrate: Skin and. E~es: CAUSES SEVERE CHEMICAL BURNS. E~e contact may cause bllnaness. Harmful con~act may 9or cause immediate pain. ++ Immediate water flushing is vital ~n case of eye contact. ++ If Swallowed: HARMFUL OR FATAL. Causes chemical burns of mouth, throat and stomach. If Inhaled: Damages.airways and lungs, depending upon amount and duration of exposure. Effects vary from irritation to bronchitis or pneumonia. People-with lung problems may be more affected. 8.0 FIRST AID / 8.1 E~.~: Flush at once with cool running water. Remove contact lenses. Continue flushing for at least 15 minutes, holding eyelids apart so as to rinse entire eye. CALL A PHYSICIAN IMMEDIATELY. 8.2 Skin: Immediately flush skin with plenty of cool running water for at Ieast 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes; discard or wash well before reuse. 8.3 If Swallowed: Rinse mouth ~t. onq~; then drink 1 or ~ large g.!asses - o~ water. DO NOS induce vomiting. NEVEr--give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. 8.4 If Inhaled: Immediately move to fresh air. IMMEDIATELY CALL THE MEDICAL EMERGENCY NUMBER, 1-800-328-0026, A POISON CONTROL CENTER OR A PHYSICIAN 9.0 PROTECTIVE MEASURES / 9.1 CONCENTRATE: Respiratory: Avoid breathing mists or vapors of this product. Eyes: Use chemical splash goggles. For continued or severe exposure wear a face shield over the goggles. Skin: Use industrial rubber gloves, other protection as necessary to avoid skin contact. 9.2 This product reacts with reducing sugars in food products to form lethal carbon monoxide gas. Take proper precautions when using this product in an enclosed or sem~-enclosed space; monitor for carbon monoxide. 10.0 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/PRECAUTIONS / 10.1 Purpose of 01/05/98 issue: Add "Monarch" to name KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN The above information is 'believed to be correct with respect to the formula used to manufacture the product. As data, standards and regulations change, and conditions of use and handling are beyond our control, NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS MADE AS TO THE COMPLETENESS OR CONTINUING ACCURACY OF THIS INFORMATION. i~~ll~B Ecolab Inc. Ecolab Center St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 40592 *MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET* Page 1 of 2 MEDICAL EMERGENCY ONLY, 24 HOUR SERVICE: 1-800-328-0026 KLENZADE, Div. of Ecolab Inc. product Information: 1-612-451-4255 Ecolab Ctr.~ St. Paul MN 55102 Date of Issue: March 11, 1993 1.0 IDENTIFICATION / 1.1 Product Name: ULTRA 1.2 Product Type: Alkaline cleaner with active chlorine ++ Section 2 Provides SARA Section 313 Reporting Information ++ 2.0 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS / (mg/m3) % TWA Other 2.1 Potassium hydroxide (caustic potash) 1310-58-3 ~ ~ ' ~ 2.2 Potassium hypochlorite 7778-66-7 3 *- *- * (TWA for chlorine = 1.5; STEL = 3 mg/m3) 2.3 This product contains no other components considered hazardous according to the criteria of 29 CFR 1910.1200. UNK = Unknown at this time TWA = OSHA 8 Hour Average STEL = 15 Minute Average ~ = Ceiling Limit; Do Not Exceed 3 3 1 Appearance: Clear, light yellow liquid with chlorine odor 3~2 Solubility in Water: Complete 3.3 pH: (1%) 12.4 3.4 Boiling Point: > 212 deg F 3.5 Specific Gravity: 1.300 @ 68F 4.0 FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA / 4.1 Special Fire Hazards: High temperatures may generate hazardous decomposition products including chlorine gas. 4.2 Fire Fighting Methods: Product does not support combustion. 5.0 REACTIVITY DATA / 5.1 Stability: Stable under normal conditions of handling. 5.2 Conditions to Avoid: Mix only with water. Do not mix with acids or ammonia - will cause hazardous vapors. 6.0 SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES / USE PROPER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 6.1 Cleanup: Dike or dam large spills. Pump to containers or soak up on inert absorbent. Flush residue to sanitary sewer. 6.2 Waste Disposal: Consult state and local authorities for restrictions on disposal of chemical waste. Unused product as a waste is Corrosive (D002) by RCRA criteria. ~ ~11~ J~R Ecolab Inc, Ecolab Center St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Product: ULTRA Page 2 of 2 KLENZADE, Div. of Ecolab Inc. 975433 MEDICAL EMERGENCY ONLY, 24 HOUR SERVICE: 1-800-328-0026 7.0 HEALTH HAZARD DATA / DANGER-POISON 7.1 Effects of Overexposure to Concentrate: Skin and Eyes: CAUSES SEVERE CHEMICAL BURNS. Eye contact may cause blindness. Harmful contact may not cause zmmediate pain.. ~ ++ Immediate water flushing is vital in case of eye contact. ++'~ If Swallowed: HARMFUL OR FATAL. Causes chemical burhs of mouth, throat and stomach. If.Inhaled: Damages airways and lungs, depending upon amount and .duration of exposure~ Effects can vary from slight irritation* to bronchitis or pneumonia. People with asthma or other lung problems may be more affected. 8.0 FIRST AID / 8.1 Eyes: Immediately flush with plenty of cool running water. Remove contact lenses. Continue.flushing for at least 15 minutes, holding eyelids apart to ensure rznslng of the entire eye. CALL A PHYSICIAN IMMEDIATELY. .~8.2_.S'kin: Immediately flush skin_wi.th, plenty.of, cool running, water for at Ieast 15 minutes while removing contaminated'clothing and shoes. Wash clothing before reuse. 8.3 If Swallowed: Rinse mouth at once; then drink 1 or 2 large glasses of water or milk. DO NOT induce vomiting. NEVER give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. 8.4 If Inhaled: Immediately move to fresh air. CALL A POISON CONTROL CENTER OR PHYSICIAN IMMEDIATELY 9.0 PROTECTIVE MEASURES / -. 9.1 CONCENTRATE: Respiratory: Avoid breathing dusts or mists of this Product. Skin: Rubber gloves - protective cuff or gauntlet type preferred. Eyes: Use chemical splash goggles. For continued or severe exposure wear a face shield over the goggles. 9.2 This product reacts with reducing sugars in food produCts to form lethal carbon monoxide gas. Take proper precautions, especially when using this product in an enclosed or semi-enclosed area - monitor for carbon monoxide. 10.0 ADDITIONAL INFORMATI. ON/PRECAUTIONS / KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN The above information is believed to be correct with respect to the formula used to manufacture the product. As data, standards and regulations change, and conditions of use and handling are beyond our control, NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS MADE AS TO THE COMPLETENESS OR CONTINUING ACCURACY OF THIS INFORMATION. ECOIII~ E¢olab Inc. Ecolab Center St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 42523 *MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET* Page 1 of 2 MEDICAL EMERGENCY ONLY, 24 HOUR SERVICE: 1-800-328-0026 KLENZADE, Div. of Ecolab Inc. Product Information: 1-612-451-4255 Ecolab Ctr. St. Paul MN 55102 Date of Issue: August 5, 1992 1.0 IDENTIFICATION / 1.1 Product Name: TACKLE CIP 1.2 Product Type: Chlorinated caustic cleaner ++ Section 2.Provides SARA Section 313 Reporting Information ++ . 2.0 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS / (mg/m3) % TWA Other 2.1 Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) 1310-73-2 2.2 Sodium dichloroisocyanurate dihydrate 51580-86-0 4.0 Non~ UNK 2.3 Sodium metasilicate 6834-92-0 9 None UNK UNK = Unknown at this time TWA = OSHA 8 Hour Average STEL = 15 Minute Average ~ = Ceiling Limit; Do Not Exceed 3.0 PHYSICAL DATA / 3.2 Solubility in Water: Complete 3.3 pH: 12.6 (1.0%) 4.0 FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA / 4.1 Special Fire Hazards: None 4.2 Fzre Fighting Methods: Product does not support combustion. 5.0 REACTIVITY DATA / 5.1 Stability: Stable under normal conditions of handling. 5.2 Conditions to Avoid: Reacts violently with acids. Reacts with soft metals such as aluminum and zinc. Mix only with water. Do not mix with acids or ammonia - will cause hazardous vapors. 6.0 SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES / USE PROPER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 6.1 Cleanup: Pick up without raising dust. Flush area with water. 6.2 Waste Disposal: Consult state and local authorities for restrictions on disposal of chemical waste. ECOLAB Ecolab Center St. Paul, Minnesota 55102. Product: TACKLE CIP Page 2 of 2 KLENZADE, Div. of Ecolab Inc. 991158 MEDICAL EMERGENCY ONLY, 24 HOUR SERVICE: 1-800-328-0026 7.0 HEALTH HAZARD DATA / DANGER 7.1 Effects of Overexposure to Concentrate: Skin and E~es: CAUSES SEVERE CHEMICAL BURNS. E~e contact may cause blinoness. Harmful contact may not cause zmmediate pain. ++ Immediate water flushing is vital in case of eye contact. ++ If Swallowed: HARMFUL OR FATAL. Causes chemical burns of mouth, throat and stomach. -' " If Inhaled: Damages airways and lungs, depending upon amount and duration of exposure. Effects can vary from slight irritation-to bronchitis or pneumonia. People with asthma or other lung problems may be more affected. 8.0 FIRST AID / 8.1 Eyes: Immediately flush with plenty of cool running water. Remove contact lenses. Continue flushing for at least 15 minutes, holding eyelids apart to ensure rinsing of the entire eye. CALL A PHYSICIAN IMMEDIATELY. 8.2 Skin: Immediately flush skin with plenty of cool running water for ~-f Ieast 15-minutes ~hile removing-conta~ihated 61othing and shoes. Wash clothing before reuse. 8.3 If Swallowed: Rinse mouth at once; then drink 1 or 2 large glasses of water or milk. DO NOT induce vomiting. NEVER give anythzng by mouth to an unconscious person. 8.4 If Inhaled: Immediately move to fresh air. CALL A POISON CONTROL CENTER OR PHYSICIAN IMMEDIATELY 9.0 PROTECTIVE MEASURES / 9.1 CONCENTRATE: Respiratory: Avoid breathing dusts or mists of this product. Skin: Rubber gloves - protective cuff or gauntlet type preferred. Eyes: Use chemical splash goggles. For continued or severe exposure wear a face shield over the goggles. 10.0 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/PRECAUTIONS / KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN The above information is believed to be correct with respect to the formula used to manufacture the product. As data, standards and regulations change, and conditions of use and handling are beyond our control, NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS MADE AS TO THE COMPLETENESS OR CONTINUING ACCURACY OF THIS INFORMATION. Ecolab Center St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 46795 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Page 1 of 2 MEDICAL EMERGENCIES ONLY (24 Hour Service): 1-800-328-0026 Medical Calls from Outside of the USA: 1-651-222-5352 ECOLAB FOOD & BEVERAGE DIVN. Ecolab Center St. Paul MN 55102 Product Information: 1-800-392-3392 Issue Date: June 21, 2000 1.0 IDENTIFICATION / 1.1 Product Name: MONARCH EXTRA 1.2 Product Type: Powdered Chlorinated High Alkaline Cleaner 1.3 Hazard Rating: Health: 3 Fire: 0 Reactivity: 1 Substances Subject to SARA 313 Reporting Are Indicated by "#" 2.0 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS / (in mg/m3) CAS No. % PEL TWA 2.1 Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) 1310-73-2 36 2 2C 2.2 Sodium dlchloroisocyanurate dihydrate 51580-86-0 1-5 No* No* anhydrous 2893-78-9 *chlorine PEL=3C; ACGIH TWA=i.5; ACGIH STEL=3 2.3 Sodium metasilicate 6834-92-0 5-20 No No 2.4 Sodium carbonate (soda ash) 497-19-8 20-50 No No 2.5 Sodium phosphate, tribasic 7758-29-4 16 No No ....... S~EL ~=~ ~ACGI.H_-sho ~t~te-rm-ex-p~_ 1 imi~-_(~.5-m-~n~-- ~E~--=~ ©SHA-~ 8-~hr~a~e -~*n TWA = ACGIH 8 hr average C = ceiling limit in air, do not exceed 3.0 PHYSICAL DATA / 3.1 Appearance: Orange powder; chlorine odor 3.2 Solubility in Water: Appreciable 3.3 pH: 12.3 (1%) 4.0 FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA / 4.1 Special Fire Hazards: High temperatures may release hazardous decomposition product~ including chlorine and hydrogen chloride gas 4.2 Fire Fighting Methods. Use method appropriate for surrounding fire[ Avoid getting product wet if possible, generates significant heat. 5.0 REACTIVITY DATA / 5.1 Stability: Stable under normal conditions of use and handling. 5.2 Conditions to Avoid: Mix only with water, adding product to water. Do not mix with acids, urea or ammonia, causes hazardous vapors. Reacts vigorously with acids. Reacts with soft metals producing flammable hydrogen gas. Adding water directly to dry product causes spattering. 5.3 Reacts with reducing sugars in food products to form lethal carbon monoxide gas. Take proper precautions when using in an enclosed or semi-enclosed space. Monitor for carbon monoxide. 6.0 SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES / USE PROPER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 6.1 Cleanup: Pick up without raising dust. Flush area with water. 6.2 Waste Disposal: Consult state/local authorities for limits on chemical waste disposal. EC~~I~ Ecolab Inc. Ecolab Center St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 922440 Page 2 of 2 Product: MONARCH EXTRA ECOLAB FOOD & BEVERAGE DIVN. MEDICAL EMERGENCY ONLY, 24 HOUR SERVICE: 1-800-328-0026 7.0 HEALTH HAZARD DATA / DANGER 7.1 Effects of Overexposure to Concentrate: Eyes: CAUSES CHEMICAL BURNS~- May cause blindness. ++ Immediate water flushing is vital in case of eye contact ++ Skin: CAUSES CHEMICAL BURNS. Harmful contact may not cause immediate pain. If Swallowed: HARMFUL OR FATAL. Causes chemical burns of mouth throat and stomach. If Inhaled: Causes irritation to bronchitis or pneumonia, depending on exposure. People with lung problems may be more affected. 8.0 FIRST AID / 8.1 Eyes: Flush at once with cool running water. Remove contact lenses and continue flushing for 15 minutes, holding eyelids apart so as to rinse entire eye. CALL A PHYSICIAN IMMEDIATELY. 8.2 Skin: Immediately flush skin with plenty of coo1 running water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated~lothing and shoes. Discard-or wash before reuse~ 8.3 If Swallowed: Rinse mouth at once; then drink~l~or 2 large glasses of water. DO NOT induce vomiting. NEVER give'~ahything by mouth to an unconscious person. 8.4 If Inhaled: Immediately move to fresh air. IMMEDIATELY CALL THE MEDICAL EMERGENCY NUMBER, 1-800-328-0026, A POISON CONTROL CENTER, OR A PHYSICIAN 9.0 PROTECTIVE MEASURES / 9.1 FOR CONCENTRATE: Eyes: Wear chemical splash goggles. For continued or severe exposure wear a face shield over the goggles. Skin: Wear any industrial rubber gloves, other protective equipment as necessary to prevent skin contact. Respiratory: Ventilate to maintain air levels below exposure limits. Avoid breathing dusts of this product. Note: Provide access to emergency eye wash and shower. 10.0 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION / 10.1 Purpose of 6/21/2000 issue: Edit section 2, QC and editorial update. . Replaces April 21, 1998 issue. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN The above information is believed to be correct with respect to the formula used to manufacture the product. As data, standards and regulations change, and conditions of use and handling are beyond our control, NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS MADE AS TO THE COMPLETENESS OR CONTINUING ACCURACY OF THIS INFORMATION. Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE ........... ,,,,~,~,,~,~,~,~.?.~,;,~;,~,~, ............... This Permit is issued for the following: ?,'?:T, ;?'?:'::';;ii i!!?~:. :,.iii:!!!!iii~ iiiiii'~i ii?'i i[i~'iii~':;i~e,[ground Storage of Hazardous Materials PERMIT ID# 015-0214)01188 ~¢i?~iiil ~i ¢!~. !~ ii? ![,.!2!!?:!?i!!:::.:i!i!?.!!~!i?!!):,i[iiii':!!i~!}~kii~pagement Program WALO0 INTERNATIONAL.,,,~,,.,,,,~,,..,~,. ,,,,..,, ...... , ..... ..,,.,, ..,,,::, ..... ,~,~,~.,,..,,,~., ............ ~,. !~i~"-..'"-~ ~ 'i ..- '::::z.."'.... ¢'..' ¢ '- '. ~id~,..:[~i;r ., i ' .'" ' - ~,."-" ..~ ¥ ~. ¢iiii!ii~a ~iiii:il;i~;¢iF' ~J~ .,? ,ii. k,. ",, iii' '%:"--"'"'%. "~%~i!!i~ ~;::':,~;M"':::.,:_-''~':~ ~: 7' ~ ~, ~ "- ,~=~-:~'~'"~]~i~ ¢~ ~. '~ i~? '  B~ersfield Fbe DepaRment Approved by: OFFI~ OFE~R O~AL S~ ~CES 1715 Chewer Ave., 3rd Floor B~e~fiel~ CA 93301 F~ {805) ~6~576 Expkation Date: H ~P PLA_~ MAP SITE DIAGRAM Business Name: For Office Use Only First In Station: Area Map # .of Inspection Station: NOF1TH ~' ~'~HM, M,P PI. ANe MAP SITE DIAGRAM,.'C--'-] 'FACILITY DIAGRAM I"--1 Business Name:. , -' " Business Aclclress: For Office Use Only First In Station: Area Map # of Inspection Station: NORTH I · ' : N WALCO INTERNATIONAL SiteID: 015-021H0%1188 Manager : ROGER FANJUL BusPhone: (661) 832-8011 Location: 4840 E BRUNDAGE LN %5~J Map : 103 CommHaz : Moderate City : BAKERSFIELD ~L~ Grid: 34D FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: COUNTY STATION 41 SIC Code:2834 EPA Numb: DunnBrad:05-958-0480 Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title ROGER FANJUL / MANAGER DIANA TURNAGE / ASSISTANT MANAG Business Phone: (661) 635-3035x Business Phone: (661) 635-3035x 24-Hour Phone : (661) 832-5056x 24-Hour Phone : (661) 833-0647x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Hazmat Hazards: Fire Press React ImmHlth Contact : Phone: (661) 635-3035x MailAddr: PO BOX 70700 State: CA City : BAKERSFIELD Zip : 93307 Owner WALCO INTERNATIONAL INC Phone: (661) 635-3035x Address : 620 S MAIN ST State: TX City : GP~APEVINE Zip : 76051 Period : to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparer: TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs: No ParcelNo: Emergency Directives: ~ Hazmat Inventory One Unified List --Alphabetical Order Ail Materials at Site Hazmat Common Name... ISpooHazlEPA HazardsI Frm DailyMax IUnitlMCP! BACTI-CLOR R IH L 60.00 GAL Hi HD300 ALKALINE IH L 96 00 LBS Mod INTEREST IH S 90 00 GAL Mod MONOKLOR PWD R IH S 250 00 LBS Mod PERFORM ACID IH L 90 00 GAL Hi PROPANE E F P IH G 720 00 FT3 Hi SUMMIT IH S 2000 00 LBS Mod -1- 07/18/2003 F WALCO INTERNATIONAL SiteID: 015-021-001188 Fast Format = Notif./Evacuation/Medical Overall Site --Agency Notification 03/16/1994 CALL 911 FIRE DEPT POLICE DEPT BOARD OF PHARMACY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION -- Employee Notif./Evacuation 07/26/2000 EMPLOYEES ARE NOTIFIED TO EXIT BLDG AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, CUSTOMERS INCLUDED. INTERCOM ON PHONE, VOICE. EVACUATION ALL EMPLOYEE ARE TO LEAVE THROUGH FRONT ENTRANCE AS ALL MATERIALS ARE RECEIVED & SHIPPED THROUGH REAR DOORS OF BLDG. -- Public Notif./Evacuation 03/16/1994 WILL EVACUATE PUBLIC WITH WALCO EMPLOYEES. Emergency Medical Plan 01/08/1999 KERN MEDICAL CENTER - FLOWER ST - 326-2000 OR MERCY HOSPITAL - TRUXTUN AVE - 327-3371. I, ~)~q~c~ '~u~o~,O0 hereby certify that I have ~y~ ~nt ~e) ~ mvie~/~d ~he a~ached h~a~ous materials manag~ ment plan for ~e ~. ~cand that i~ along with (N~ of any coff~ions con~itute a ~mpl~e and ~rre~ man- ~emem plan for my facility. -2- 07/18/2003 ~ /~//)~ ~ / ~] / Bakersfield Fire Vept, UNIFIED PROGRAM I1~ .~PECTION CHECKLIST Enlxonmental Sex,rices ................... ,,,, ............... 1715 Chester Ave SECTION 1 Business Plan and Invento~ Program Bakersfield, CA 9330l Tel: (66 l)326-3979 FACIL..ITY NAME ' . ~INSPECTION~_~ ~--o~DATE INSPECTION TIME '" ADDRESS / .... _~o e. _~t~ ._~ .............................................................. ~~3~__[ .............................. Section 1: Business Plan and Inven~ P~mm O Routine ~bin~ O Joint Agency n Multi-Agency ~ Complaint ~ Re-inspection /C=Comp,a.oe~ OPERATION COMMENTS ~. V=Violation ! APPROPRIATE PERMIT ON HAND BUSINESS PLAN CONTACT INFORMATION ACCURATE ,VISIBLE ADDRESS CORRECT OCCUPANCY VERIFICATION OF INVENTORY MATERIALS VERIFICATION OF QUANTITIES VERIFICATION OF LOCATION PROPER SEGREGATION OF MATERIAL VERIFICATION OF MSDS AVAILABILITYE VERIFICATION OF HAT MAT TRAINING VERIFICATION OF ABATEMENT SUPPLIES AND PROCEDURES EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ADEQUATE CONTAINERS PROPERLY LABELED HOUSEKEEPING FIRE PROTECTION SITE DIAGRAM ADEQUATE ~. ON HAND ANY HAZARDOUS WASTE ON SITE?; {~ YES I'1 No EXPLAIN: QUESTIONS~ EGARDING THIS INSPECTION? PLEASE CALL US AT (661) 326-3979 Inspector Badge No,. White - Environmental Services Yellow - Station Copy Pink - Business Copy MALCO INTER. NATIONAL ~~~ SiteID: 015-021-001188 Manager : Ro~'ER~'~ 'BusPhone: (805) 832-8011 Location: 4840 E BRUNDAGE ~y:~ Map : 103 CommHaz : Moderate City : B~2KERSFIELD ~ ~ 'Grid: 34D FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: COUNTY STATION 41 SIC Code:2834 EPA Numb: DunnBrad:05-958-0480 Emergency Co~tact / Title Emergency Contact / Title ROGER FANJ~L / MANAGER DIANA TURNAGE / ASSISTANT MANAG Business Phone: (805) 635-3035x Business Phone: (805) 635-3035x ~-24-Hour Phone : (805) 832-5056x 24-Hour Phone : (805) 833-0647x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Hazmat HazardS: Fire Press React ImmHlth Contact : ' Phone: (805) 635-3035x MailAddr: PO BOX 70700 State: CA City : BAKERSFIELD Zip .: 93307 Owner WALCO INTERNATIONAL INC Phone.: (805) 635-3035x Address : 620 S MAIN ST State: TX City : GRAPEVINE Zip : 76051 Period : to ~ TotalASTs: = Gal Preparer: TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs: No Emergency Directives: = Hazmat Inventory One Unified List fi -- As Designated Order Ail Materials at Site fi Hazmat Common Name... ISpeoHazlEPA Hazards{ Frm DailyMax IUnitIMcp SUMMIT IH S 2000.00 LBS Mod PERFORM ACID IH L 90.00 GAL Hi INTEREST IH S 90.00 GAL Mod MONOKLOR PWD R IH S 250.00 LBS Mod HD300 ALKALINE IH L 96.00 .LBS .Mod BACTI-CLOR ~ V~5~ R IH "L 60.00 GAL Hi PROPANE l, ~ DO h~eb¥ ce~y~hm k~ave G 720 oo FT3 Hi ~pe or p'Hnt ne. me)~.~ ' reviewed the attached hazardous rna~erials r~anage- men~ plan for ~_.~,~ .and tha~ it along with (Name of Bus~no.~s) any corrections constitute a complete and correc~ man- agemen~ plan for my ~ . ~~~~~/~[~ 07/06/2000 F WALCO INTERNATIONAL SiteID: 015-021-001188 ~ Inventory Item 0001 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site -- COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME SUMMIT Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: WEST WALL CAS# 1310-73-2 ~ STATE TYPE PRESSURE -- TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE I Mixture Ambient ~Ambient I DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL Solid AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container I Daily Maximum I Daily Average LBSI 2000.00 LBS I 1000.00 LBS HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. I RS CAS# 15.00I Sodium Hydroxide No 1310732 15.00 Sodium Carbonate No 497198 10.00 Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate NO 2893789 i TSecret RS BioHazI HAZARD ASSESSMENTS I Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies IH / / / Mod ~ Inventory Item 0002 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site -- COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME PERFORM ACID Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: WEST WALL CAS# STATE -- TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Mixture Ambient I I Liquid Ambient . DRUM~BARREL-NONMETAL AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container I Daily Maximum Daily Average GAL I 90.00 GAL 60.00 GAL HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS 35.00 Phosphoric .Acid N 7664382 10.00 Nitric Acid (EPA) ,No , 7697372 10.00 Sulfuric Acid (EPA) liN° 7664939 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecretl oRS Bi°HaZNo N No Radioactive/Amount No/ Curies EPA HazardsIIH NFPA/// USDOT# I MCPHi -2- 07/06/2000 WALCO INTERNATIONAL ~~~~~ SitelD: 015-021-001188 Inventory Item 0003/~~ Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME INTEREST o Days On Site o o 365 o Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: WEST END OF BLDG o CAS# o 1310-58-3 o STATE EiE TYPE EEEiEE PRESSURE EEEi TEMPERATURE EEiEE~E CONTAINER TYPE Solid o Mixture o Ambient · o Ambient o DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL o {~~~~i AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average o GAL o 90.00 GAL o 60.00 GAL o i~g~i~~ HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. o o RSo CAS# o · 20.00opotassium Hydroxide ONo o 1310583° 4.00opotassium Hypochlorite ONo o 7778677° i/5~8~i~i~/~8i8~~ HAZARD ASSESSMENTS ~i~~i~8i~8~ °TSecret° RS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP o No ONoONo o No/ Curies° IH o /// o OModO Inventory Item 0004 ~~~ Facility Unit: Fixed containers on Site i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ~~~~~i~~~i MONOKLOR PWD o Days On Site o o 365 o Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: WEST END OF BLDG o CAS// O O STATE ~ TYPE ~i~ PRESSURE ~i TEMPERATURE ~i~ CONTAINER TYPE Solid ° Mixture o Ambient ° Ambient o DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL ° i~~~~i AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average o LBS ° 250.00 LBS o 250.00 LBS o i~/~EEEi~E~E~E~EEEE~E HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS E~E~E~E~E~EEi~E~i~EgEE~E~E~E~Ei %Wt. o o RSo CAS// o 25.00oSodium Dichloro-s-triazinetrione °No o 2893789° i~i~i~i~~ HAZARD ASSESSMENTS ~i~~i~~i~i °TSecret° RS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP o N° ONoONo o No/ Curies° RIH o /// o OModO -3- 07/06/2000 WALCO INTERNATIONAL ~~~a~~ SitelD: 015 -021-001188 i Invento~ Item 0005 ~g~g~~ Facili~ U~t: Fixed Conta~ers on Site i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ~~~~~i~~~i HD300 AL~LINE o Days On Site o 365 o ~cation wi~in this Facilky U~t Map:' Grid: WEST WALL o CAS~ o o O STATE ~ TYPE a~i~a P~SSU~ ~ TEMPE~TU~ ~ai~ CONTAINER TYPE Liquid ~ Mixture ~ Ambient ~ Ambient o DRUM/BA~L-NONMETAL Largest Container o Daily Maximin o Daily Average LBS o 96.00 LBS° 64.00 LBS o iEEE~E~Ei~EEEEEEEE~EEE~ ~ZARDOUS COMPONENTS ~EE~EEEEEEEEEEiEEEiEEEEE~E~EEEEEEEi %Wt. o o RSo CAS~ o 95 . 00 o Sodium Hydroxide ONo o 1310732° f~i~i~i~~ ~ZA~ ASSESSMENTS °TSecret° RS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA HazaMs o NFPA o USDOT~ No ~No ~No o No/ Curies° IH o /// o OMod i~ Inventory Item 0006 aa~a~aaaaaaaaa Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ia~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME o BACTI-CLOR o Days On Site o o o 365 o o Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: o WEST END OF BLDG o CAS// o o o 7681-52-9 o ia STATE aia TYPE ~aaiaa PRESSURE ~ai TEMPERATURE ~ai~a CONTAINER TYPE o Liquid o Mixture o Ambient o Ambient o DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL o i~aaa~aaaa~aa~a~6a~aaai AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION o Largest Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average o o GAL o 60.00 GAL o 30.00 GAL o i~g~iaaa~~ag HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS o %Wt. o oRSo CAS# o o ll.00oSodium Hypochlorite ONo o 7681529° o 1.00°Sodium Hydroxide ONo o 1310732o i~aa~aai~i~aaa~aiaaa~a~ 'HAZARD ASSESSMENTS °TSecret° RS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP o o No ONoONo o No/ Curies° RIH o /// o _4_ 07/06/2000 WALCO INTERNATIONAL ~~~~~ SitelD: 015-021-001188 Inventory Item 0007 ~~~ Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME PROPANE o Days On Site o o 365 o Location within this Facility, Unit Map: Grid: o CAS// o o 74-98-6 i~ STATE ~i~ TYPE ~ig~ PRESSURE ~i TEMPERATURE ~i~ CONTAINER TYPE Gas o Pure ° Above Ambient o Ambient o PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER o i~~~~i AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION ~g~~g~g~g~i Largest Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average o 360.00FT3 ° 720.00 FT3 o 720.00 FT3 o i~i~~ HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS ~6~~i~i~~6~6~i %Wt. o o RSo CAS# o 100.00Opropane OyesO 74986° i~E~E~E~i~i~E~i~E~E~ HAZARD ASSESSMENTS ~i~~i~~i~i °TSecret° RS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP o No ONoONo o No/ Curies°FP IH o /.// o.°Hi o -5- 07/06/2000 WALCO INTERNATIONAL ~~6~~6~~ SitelD: 015:021-001188 Notif./Evacuatio~Medical ~~~~~~ Overall Site i i~ Agency Notification ~~~~~~~ 03/16/1994 O CALL 911 FIRE DEPT POLICE DEPT BOARD OF P~~CY o ~ZA~OUS MATE~ALS DIVISION o o i~ Employee Notif./Evacuation ~~~g~~g~ 03/16/1994 O EMPLOYEES A~ NOTIFIED TO E~T BUILDING AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, CUSTOMERS o INCLUDED. INTERCOM ON PHONE, VOICE. EVACUATION ALL EMPLOYEE A~ TO LEAVE o THROUGH FRONT ENT~NCE AS ALL ~TE~ALS A~ ~CEIVED & SHIPPED THROUGH ~AR o DOORS OF BUILDING. o O i~ ~blic Notif./Evacuation ~~~~~~ 03/16/1994 O WILL EVACUATE PUBLIC WITH WALCO EMPLOYEES. O i~ Emergency Medical Plan ~6~~66~~6~~66~ 01/08/1999 O ~RN MEDICAL CENTER - FLOWER ST - 326-2000 OR o MERCY HOSPITAL - TRUXTUN AVE - 327-3371. o o -6- 07/06/2000 WALCO INTERNATIONAL/~66/~/~/5~i5~5~6/5/~/~i~~g~ SiteID: 015-021-001188 i Mitigatio~Prevent/Abatemt ~~~~~g~ Overall Site i i~ Release Prevention ~~~~~~~ 03/16/1994 i o SAFETY MEETING EACH QUOTER. FILL ~ZA~OUS MATE~ALS CONFINED TO ONE LOCATION IN THE BUILDING. o i~ Release Contaiment ~~g~~~~~ 01/08/1999 i o FO~IFT IS NEVER TO CA~Y MORE T~N 1 PALLET AT A TIME. IF SPILLAGE SHOULD ~PPEN - PRODUCT IS 1ST CONTAINED THEN MSDS SHEET ON PRODUCT IS CONSULTED FOR SAFETY PROCEEDURES FOR ~NDLING & CLEANUP. . o o i~ Clean Up ~~~~~~~~ 03/16/1994 i O CONTAINMENT ~TE~AL STOOD WITHIN EASY ACCESS TO ~Z ~T. ALL MATE~ALS A~ IN SEALED CONTAINERS THEY A~ NEVER OPENED AT THE PLACE OF BUSINESS. O i~ O~er Resource Activation o O -7- 07/06/2000 WALCO INTERNATIONAL ~/~~~~~ SiteID: 015-021-001188 Site Emergency Factors ~/~/~~~~ Overall Site O O iE~ Utility Shut-Offs EEEE~EEEE~EEEEiS~EEEEEE~EEEEEE~6EEE 03/16/1994 i O A) GAS - E SIDE OF BLDG o B) ELECTRICAL - E SIDE OF BLDG o, C) WATER - E SIDE OF BLDG o D) SPECIAL - NONE ° E) LOCK BOX - E SIDE OF BLDG ° O ii~ Fire Protec./Avail. Water ~i~i~g~g~~~ 01/08/1999 O PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. o O O O NEAREST FIRE HYDRANT - CORNER OF OSWELL & BRUNDAGE LN. o O i~ Building Occupancy Level o O -8- 07/06/2000 WALCO INTERNATIONAL Training ~~~~~~~~ Overall Site i~ Employee Training ~~~~~~~ 01/08/1999 O WE HAVE 5 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY. o O WE DO HAVE MSDS SHEETS ON FILE. o O BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: AT EACH QUARTERLY SAFETY MEETING A o PRACTICAL ORDER OF BUSINESS IS AS FOLLOWS: o o 1. RECORD OF ATTENDANCE. o 2. CONSIDERATION OF UNFINISHED BUSINESS. o 3. REVIEW FO RECENT ACCIDENTS, INCLUDING NEAR MISSES. o 4. REPORT ON INSPECTIONS. ° 5. PROGRESS REPORTS ON SAFETY PROGRAMS. o 6. REPORT ANY UNSAFE OR UNSANITARY CONDITIONS. o 7. OTHER BUSINESS THAT MAY BE GERMAN TO THE MEETING. ° o O O ~~~~~/~/~/5~~~~eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~f i~i~ Held for Fumre Use O O i~/~ Held for Fumre Use O -9- 07/06/2000 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME G~.]/:~I_EO INSPECTION DATE ADDRESS 'a~CgdO ~' ~dx/'O.t~c~ PHONE NO. FACILITY CONTACT -DtAM~ "V~ BUSINESS ID NO. 15-210- INSPECTION TIME NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program ~.~Routine [] Combined [] Joint Agency [] Multi-Agency [] Complaint [] Re-inspection OPERATION C V COMMENTS Appropriate permit on hand~/ ~t_t._. c.y.W__.~4~5 (:~ Business plan contact information accurate Visible address Correct occupancy Verification of inventory materials IO P t3 tk~t3 ~"T.)fe Verification of quantities Verification of location Proper segregation of material Verification of MSDS availability Verification of Haz Mat training Verification of abatement supplies and procedures k Emergency procedures adequate Containers properly labeled Housekeeping Fire Protection ) Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand C=Compliance V=Violation Any hazardous waste on site?: []Yes ,J~.No Explain: Questions regarding this inspection? Please call us at (661) 326-3979 -/]3usine~s'Site ~espon~ibl~a~ White - Env. Svcs. Yellow - Station Copy Pink - Business Copy Inspector: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT .~ OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES " UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST .. '1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, BakerSfield, CA 93301 ': FACILITY NAME 6~/5q-£O INSPECTION DATE ~,/~/ ADDREss ~z/0 ~ ~c~,.o6 PHONE NO..' FACILITY CONTACT 2)t,ad~' "x'ORe, t~ BUSINEss ID NO. 15-210- INSPECTION TIME : NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory prOgram ~RoUtine I~ Combined '~ Joint Agency 1~ Multi-Agency [~] Complaint [~l Re-inspection OPERATION ' C V COMMENTS . .. , Appropriate permit on hand ~ ct._ e"VEt~ 5 ~:~ Business plan contact information accurate Visible address Correct occupancy ,Verification of inventory materials Lt 0 rS ~'C~C3 ~"'"r_~ Verification of quantities Verification of location , Proper segregation of material . Verification of MSDS availability Verification of Haz Mat training Verification of abatement supplies and procedures Emergency procedures adequate Containers properly labeled ' Housekeeping :,, , 'Fire Protection Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand : · · C=Compliance V=Violation Any haZardous waste on site?: [~l Yes ,~,,.N o'~ ~ f/~"'~ Explain: . ' :Questions regarding this inspection? PleaSe call us at (661) 326-3979 '/ilUsines~'~(te ~$sponsibl~/art~ ' White- Env. Svcs. Yellow ~ Station Copy Pink- Business'Copy .' Inspector: ~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELI~ OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ~A~rr~'r. 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 *'~'~" ~' H~RDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION (one ~ per ma~l per bu~din9 or ama) ~ NEW ~0 ~ OEL~E ~ ~ISE ~ Page ~ BUSINESS ~E (~e ~ FACIL~ ~E ~O~ - ~nG Busin~ ~) 3 CHEMI~L LO~TION ~~NFIDE~CHEMI~L LO~TION(EPC~) ~ Y~ ~ No ~2 ~5 ~ T~E SE~ ~ Y~ CHEMI~L ~E--~~ ~ ~ Subj~ to EPC~ r~ to ins~s FIRE ~DE ~ C~ES (~e ~ ~mt~ by I~ tim ~ ~0 ~PE ~ ~ D m ~ D w WA~ 2,, ~ ~DIOA~ ~ Y. D ~ 2,2 CURIES PHYSi~L STA~ ~s ~LID ~1 L.U,D ~ ~S 2,4 ~RGEST~NER ~ FED ~RD ~RIES ~1 FI~ . ~ 2 ~ ~ ~S~ ~E D 4 A~ H~L~ ~ 5 ~NIC H~ ~6 (~ ~1 ~at ~) A~U~ DAILY ~U~ , ~ DAILY ~U~ UN.S* ~ ~ ~ ~ CU ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~NS ~1 DAYS ON S~ * ~ EHS. ~t m~ ~ ~ I~. STOOGE ~AINER ~ a ~G~UND T~K ~ · ~TI~N~IC DRUM D i FISER DRUM ~ m G~S BO~E ~ q ~IL (Check a8 ~at app.) ~ b UNDER~UND T~K ~ f ~N ~ j ~G ~ n P~TIC BO~LE ~ r O~ER ~ c T~K INSIDE BUI~I~ ~ g ~Y D k ~X ~ o TO~ BIN ~ d ~ ~UM ~ h SILO ~1 ~LINDER ~ p T~K WA~N STO~GEPRE~U~ D a ~IE~ ~ A~VE~IE~ ~ ~ BELOWA~IE~ ~4 STOOGE ~M~ ~ ~IE~ ~ ~ ~VE ~1~ ~ ~ B~OW A~IE~ D c CRY~ENIC ~ ~9 ~ Y~ ~ No 2~ 242 243 ~ Y~ ~ No 2~ UPCF (7/99) S:\CUPAFORMS~OES2731.TV4.wpd I P~ECE~VEDI SiteID: 215-000-001188 ~aLCO~ INTERNATIONAL [ JAN 8 1999 ~ Manager : usPhone- (805) 832-8011 Location: 4840 E BRUNDAGE LNIBy!~ ~ap : 10J CommHaz : Moderate City : BAKERSFIELD rid: 34D FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: COUNTY STATION 4i SIC Code:2834 EPA Numb: DunnBrad:05-958-0480 Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title ROGER FANJAL / MANAGER DIANA TURNAGE / ASSISTANT MANAG Business Phone: (805) 635-3035x Business Phone: (805) 635-3035x 24-Hour Phone : (805) 832-5056x 24-Hour Phone : (805) 833-0647x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Hazmat Hazards: React ImmHlth Contact : Phone: ( ) - x MailAddr: PO BOX 70700 State: CA City : BAKERSFIELD Zip : 93307 Owner WALCO INTERNATIONAL INC Phone: (805) 635-3035x Address : 15 ;J ~UTi~ AV~ f~~, ~q6~_~\~-~- State: CA Period : to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparer: TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs: No Emergency Directives: ~ Hazmat Inventory One Unified List q -- As Designated Order All Materials at Site q Hazmat Common Name... ISpooHaz]EPA HazardsI Frm DailyMax lUnitlMCP SUMMIT IH S 2000 LBS Mod PERFORM ACID IH L 90 GAL Hi INTEREST IH S 90 GAL Mod MONOKLOR PWD R IH S 250 LBS Mod BACTI-CLOR ~, DO horob~ c~ ~t ~ hav~ 60 GAL Hi ~'~i~d ~h® ~achsd hazardous materials manage- e~ ~rr~io~s consfi~u~ a ~mpi~e and co~ man- -1- 12/21/1998 Signa~ro WALCO INTERNATIONAL SiteID: 215-000-001188 ---- Inventory Item 0001 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site SUMMIT Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: WEST WALL CAS# 1310-73 -2 FSTATE TYPEMixture Ambient PRESSURE I TEMPERATURE I CONTAINER TYPE Solid AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container I Daily Maximum Daily Average LBS'I 2000.00 LBS 1000.00 LBS %Wt. RS CAS# 15.00 Sodium Hydroxide No 1310732 15.00 Sodium Carbonate No 497198 10.00 Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate No 2893789 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# I MCP No N° No No/ Curies IH / / /I Mod = Inventory Item 0002 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~tV~Vl~ ~vl~ / ~ ~Z~/~ ~Vl~ PERFORM ACID Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: WEST WALL CAS# STATE -- TYPE PRESSURE --T TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Ambient Mixture Ambient DRUM/BARREL- NONMETAL Liquid I AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average GAL 90.00 GAL 60.00 GAL %Wt. RS CAS # 35.00 Phosphoric Acid No 7664382 10.00 Nitric Acid (EPA) Yes 7697372 10.00 Sulfuric Acid (EPA) Yes 7664939 I IIo HAZARD AiSESSMENTSI USDOT# MCP TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA No N No No/ Curies IH / / / Hi -2- 12/21/1998 WALCO INTERNATIONAL ~&~~&~~A~~~ SiteID: 215-000-001188 Inventory Item 0003 ~~~ Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ~~~~~~~~~~i INTEREST o Days On Site o 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: WEST END OF BLDG o CAS# o 1310-58-3 i~ STATE ~ TYPE ~~ PRESSURE ~ TEMPERATURE ~~ CONTAINER TYPE Solid o Mixture o Ambient o Ambient o DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL Largest Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average GAL o 90.00 GAL -o 60.00 GAL i~~~~~ HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. o o RSo CAS# 20.00opotassium Hydroxide ONo o 1310583 4.00opotassium Hypochlorite ONo o 7778677 i~~~~~~ HAZARD ASSESSMENTS oTSecreto RSOBioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP No ONo o No o No/ Curies o IH o / / / o o Mod Inventory Item 0004 ~~~ Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site i~& COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME MONOKLOR PWD o Days On Site o 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: WEST END OF BLDG o CAS# O i& STATE &~& TYPE &&&~&& PRESSURE &&&~ TEMPERATURE &&~&&&& CONTAINER TYPE Solid o Mixture o Ambient o Ambient o DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL Largest Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average LBS o 250.00 LBS o 250.00 LBS ~eeeeeeezeeeeeeeeeeeeee HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS eeeeeeeeeeeeee~eee~eeeeeeeeeeeeeeei %Wt. o o RSo CAS# 25.00oSodium Dichloro-s-triazinetrione ONo o 2893789 oTSecretO RSOBioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP No ONo o No o No/ Curies o R IH o / / / o o Mod -3- 12/21/1998 WALCO INTERNATIONAL ~~~~~~~ SiteID: 215-000-001188 Inventory Item 0005 ~~~ Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME HD300 ALKALINE o Days On Site o 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: WEST WALL o CAS# O i~ STATE ~ TYPE ~~ PRESSURE ~ TEMPERATURE ~~ CONTAINER TYPE ~i Liquid o Mixture o Ambient o Ambient o DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL ~eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average LBS o 96.00 LBS o 64.00 LBS %Wt. o o RSo CAS# 95.00oSodium Hydroxide ONo o 1310732 ~eeeeeeezeeezeeeeeezeeeeeeeeeee HAZARD ASSESSMENTS oTSecreto RSOBioHazo Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP No ONo o No o No/ Curies o IH o / / / o o Mod i& Inventory Item 0006 ~&~~&&~ Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site i i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~eeeeeeeeeeeee eel o BACTI-CLOR o Days On Site o o o 365 o o Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: o WEST END OF BLDG o CAS# o o o 7681-52-9 i& STATE &~& TYPE &&&~&& PRESSURE &&&~ TEMPERATURE &&~&&~ CONTAINER TYPE o Liquid o Mixture o Ambient o Ambient o DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL o ~eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION o Largest Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average o o GAL o 60.00 GAL o 30.00 GAL o o %Wt. o o RSo CAS# o o ll.00oSodium Hypochlorite ONo o 7681529o o 1.00oSodium Hydroxide ONo o 1310732° ~&&&&&&~&eee&eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeueeeueeeeeeeeeeeeeeef i~~~~~~ HAZARD ASSESSMENTS oTSecreto RSOBioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP o o No ONo o No o No/ Curies o R IH o / / / o o Hi o -4- 12/21/1998 i WALCO INTERNATIONAL ~~&~~~A~~~ SiteID: 215-000-001188 iA Notif./Evacuation/Medical AAAAA~AAAAAA~AAAAA&AAAAAA~AAAAAAAAAA Overall Site iAA Agency Notification A~AAAAAAAAAAA~AAAAAA~AA~AAAA~AAAAAAAAAAAAAA 03/16/1994 O o CALL 911 o FIRE DEPT o POLICE DEPT o BOARD OF PHARMACY o HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION O ~AAA Employee Not±f./Evacuation AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 03/16/1994 O o E~P~OYE~S ARE NOTIFIED TO EXIT BUILDING AS SOON ~S POSSIE~E~ CUS?O~ERS o INCLUDED. XNTERCO~ ON PHONE~ VOICE. EV~CUA~IONALL E~PLOYEE ARE ~O LEAVE o THROUGH FRON~ ENTRANCE AS ALL MATERIALS ARE RECEIVED & SH~PPED ?HROUGH REAR o DOORS OF BUILDING. O £A~AA Publ±c Notif./Evacuation AAAAAAAAA~AA~AAAA~AAAAAAAAAA~AAAAAAA 03/16/1994 O o ~I~L EVACUA?E PUBLIC ~ITH ~ALCO E~P~OYEES. O ~AAAAA Emergency ~edica~ Plan A~AAAAAAAAA~AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 03/16/1994 O o KERN ~EDICAL CEN~ER - FLOWER ST - 326-2000 o ~ERCY HOSPITAL - TRUXTUN AVE - 327-3371 O -5- 12/21/1998 WALCO INTERNATIONAL ~~~~~~~ SiteID: 215-000-001188 Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt ~~~~~~~ Overall Site i~ Release Prevention ~~~~~~~~~ 03/16/1994 SAFETY MEETING EACH QUARTER. FILL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS CONFINED TO ONE LOCATION IN THE BUILDING. i~ Release Containment ~~~~~~~~~ 03/16/1994 FORKLIFT IS NEVER TO CARRY MORE THAN 1 PALLET AT A TIME. IF SPILLAGE SHOUL HAPPEN - PRODUCT IS 1ST CONTAINED THEN MSDS SHEET ON PRODUCT IS CONSULTED FOR SAFETY PROCEEDURES FOR HANDLING & CLEANUP. i~ Clean Up ~~~~~~~~~~~ 03/16/1994 CONTAINMENT MATERIAL STORED WITHIN EASY ACCESS TO HAZ MAT. ALL MATERIALS ARE IN SEALED CONTAINERS THEY ARE NEVER OPENED AT THE PLACE OF BUSINESS. i~ Other Resource Activation ~~~~~~~~~~ -6- 12/21/1998 WALCO INTERNATIONAL ~~~~~~~ SiteID: 215-000-001188 iA Site Emergency Factors ~A~~~~~~~~ Overall Site ~e~e~e~e~eee~e~e~eeeeee~e~eee~ee~eeeeeeee~eee~e~e~ee~e~ee~eeee~ Utility Shut-Offs ~~A~A~A~A~A~AAAA~A~A~AA~AAA~ 03/16/1994 A) GAS - E SIDE OF BLDG B) ELECTRICAL - E SIDE OF BLDG C) WATER - E SIDE OF BLDG °-D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - E SIDE OF BLDG ~e~e~e~ee~ee~e~e~~eeeeeeeee~ee~eeee~ee~e~eee~eeeeeeeee~eee~eeee~ee~f i~ Fire Protec./Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHERS NEAREST FIRE HYDRANT - CORNER OF OSWELL & BRUNDAGE i~ Building Occupancy Level -7- 12/21/1998 i WALCO INTERNATIONAL ~~~~~~~ SiteID: 215-000-001188 i~ Training ~~~~~~~~~~~ Overall Site i~ Employee Training ~~~~~~~~~ 03/16/1994 O o WE HAVE 5 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY. o o WE DO HAVE MSDS SHEETS ON FILE. o o BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: AT EACH QUARTERLY SAFETY MEETING A o PRACTICAL ORDER OF BUSINESS IS AS FOLLOWS: o o 1 RECORD OF ATTENDANCE. o 2 CONSIDERATION OF UNFINISHED BUSINESS. o 3 REVIEW FO RECENT ACCIDENTS, INCLUDING NEAR MISSES. o 4 REPORT ON INSPECTIONS. o 5 PROGRESS REPORTS ON SAFETY PROGRAMS. o 6 REPORT ANY UNSAFE OR UNSANITARY CONDITIONS. · o 7 OTHER BUSINESS THAT MAY BE GERMAN TO THE MEETING. o o o o o o o 8 12/21/1998 .... BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN /~lt ':. ~/~NT ANswer, s ~ ~GUS~. · //~'1 3. Answer the questions below fo'r the business asa w~ole. 10~. ~q 0 . /~.~ 4. Be brief and concise as po~ible. ¢/' p,~ , SECTION 1' BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA ~us~ss ~A~:. ~~k~ DUN & BRADSTRE'ET NUMBER: D.~ ~O¢~O sic CODE: ~,~MA,Y AcTIV~v:' A~~ ~k~k~ ~k. 'SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION: CONTACT TITLE BUS. PHONE 24 HR. PHONE ~ ~ .. ;4.,' ' . ' {~kersfield Fire Dept. .... ~ardous 1V~aterials Division "- HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 3: TRAINING: NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: '~ MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS. ON FILE: '~,,~, BRIEF SUMMARY oF TRAINING PROGRAM: SECTION. 4: EXEMPTION-REQUEST:· ~ · ' ! CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THATMY BUSINESS IS EX~'MPT'FROM THE REPORTING R'EQU~REMENTS OF CHAPTER 6,95 OF THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY. CODE~ FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: WE DO NOT HANDLE HA~RDOUS MATERIALS, WE DO HANDLE HA~RDOUS MATERIALS, BUT THE QUANTITIES AT NO TIMEEXCEED THE MINIMUM REPORTING QUANTa.lES. OTHER (SPEC!FY REASON) SECTION 5: CERTIFICATION: I, _ ~dl~ .~-'~"~, ,% 'CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFOR- MATION i'~ACcURATE. I.U.NO~RSTAND THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE-USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS. UNDER THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE" ..ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (Ol~/.. 20 CHAPTER 6.95 SEC. 25500 ET AL.) AND TH,~,T · INACCURATE INFORMATION.CONSTITUTES. PERJURY. ' S'~NATURE % TITLE (I DATE. .---..-..L .... B~k~rsSelcl Fire Dept Hazardous 1V~aterials Division ....... HAZARDOUS' MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 7: MITIGATION, PREVENTION AND ABATEMENT PLAN: A. RELEASE PREVENTION STEPS: B. RELEASE'CONTAINMENT AND/OR MINIMIZATION: " C. CLEAN-UP PROCEDURES: SECTION 8: UTILITY SHUT-OFFS (LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY)' NATURAL GAS/PROPANE: ,c,~_~'~ ELECTRICAL: ~,'i~'%,~'~,k.c~- c% SPECIAL: Lock aox: YES/NO ,F YEs, LOCATION' SECTION 9: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION/WATER AVAILABILITY: A. PRIVATE FiRE PROTECTION: B. WATER AVAILABILITY (FIRE HYDRANT)' : -' · 4.. ~ ? ' ~Bak Fire Dept "-~ ~ -. - ers~eld . ~ ~.~ ': Hazardous Materials Di~s~on ~ HAZARDOUS, MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SEOTION 6: NOTIFIOATION AND EVACUATION A. AGENCY NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES: .. . M uo, O I IC^TION N CU ION: C. PUBLIC EVACUATION: ~ .... O. EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN: ' ' 3.., ~1~ ! BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE'DEPARTMENT '~;" HAZARDOUS MA,T, ERIALS DIVISION' ' ~ .... 2130 "G STREET ' .. ~ : BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301.. .. :'. :.HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY ..... · ' FACILITY DESCRIPTION CHECK IF BUSINESS IS A FARM []' ... . Cl~ ~~%~~ ~ STATE ~ ZIP NATURE OF BUSINESS ~,~~ '~~(~ SIC CODE DUN & B~DSTREET NUMBER ~'~ OWNER/OPERATOR I~.LJ~~~'~'~'~~. '-~-'~c--''~ PHONE ?~/ 3 ~-/O MAILING ADDRESS ~,'~ Lu~ ~~~ ~~ ' ~CI~~~.~~ ........ -": ...... STATE C~_ . ZIP ~ ~ a~ ' ' ' I '' 'I I' '' EMERGENCY CONTACTS NAME ' TIT~ ~ ':'~ . '.' BUSINESS PHONE ~'S~ .... ~ ~ 24-HOUR PHONE ~ ~~ NAME ~l~,~~'..~~_ TIT~ ..~~ ~~~.'.,,. ........... BUSINESS PHONE ~ S ~':.. ~ S ~ 2.HOUR PHONE 7SS- 0 ~ 77 BAKER iELD CI'I Y 'FIRE DEi I RTMENT" ..... ' HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY ' Page Business Name ~,.~~~ ,. ,.~ Address ..'-'~'~V~.~L~ ~ '~~~ ~ ' ' * . : CHEMICAL DESCRI~ION 1) IN~NTORY STA~S: New [~ AddiSon [ ] Revision [ ] ~letmn [ ] Check if chemi~ is · NON ~E SECR 2) ~.monN.e: ~~,; ~ 3) ~T · (option -. , c,s, 4) pHYSICS.& H~ PHYSICAL . · H~ "H~O CA~GQRIES Fire [ ] .Rede [ } Sudden Rele~e of Pmssu~ ' [:. ] ' Imme~e He~ (~e) 5) WAS~ C~SSIFICA~ON .(~lgit ~de ~m DHS Fo~ ~022) USE CODE '~ ' 7) ~OUNT ~O ~ AT FAC~ UN*TS O~ M~SU,~ S) STO~E COO~S M~mum Dmly~ount: ~ ~ ' ,~ ~ ga [] ~3 [] . a) Con~ne~ ' Ave~e D~N Amount: J~ . -... cudes [ ] . b) Pressure: '~; ~t Size ~nt~ne~ e Oa~ On SAe ~ ........ C~le~i~ Monms: J, F, M, A, M, J, J, ~ S, O, N, O : · ~the three ~st h~dous 1) ' chem~ ~m~or' ..... ' ..... ' .... '~ ~,~ ~~ ~,~,,~ ..,,,. . . ,.. ... .... ,... .-- ,, . . ....... 1) IN.TORY STA~S: New [ ] AddAion [ ] ~e~sion ~ Deletion [ ] Chec~ ~ chemi~ is a NON ~E SECR~ ~ ~E SECR~ 4) PHYSICAL & H~L~ PHYSIC~ H~ H~D CA~GORIES Fire' .[ ] Rea~Ne [ I Sudden Rele~ of Pressure [ ] Immed~e He~h ~e) 5) WASTE C~SSIFICA~ON .(~digit code from DHS Fo~ 8022) ,USE CODE ~. .6) PHYSIC~STA~ Solid [ ] ~quid ~ G~ [ ] Pure [ ] M~ure [~ W~te [ ] Radiosmive [ ] 7) AMOUNT ANO TIME AT FACIUTY .,. , UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE COOES Maximum Daily Amount: qO lbs [ ] ga ]~. ~'3' [.] a) Container. Average Dmly Amount: ~ curies [ ] b) Pressure: Annual Amount: I~.~,00(~ ... c) Temperature: - Largest Size Container: Days On Site --~~' timid Which Months:~e~ J. F. M.' A. M. J. J. A. S. O. N. 9) MIXTURE: List /%. ' COMPONENT ,, CAS ~' ., % WT AHM chemical components or any NlM c.,omponent3 2) N ;3cC[C_ ~ C ;C~, ' submitte~ inforrnalfon i~ true, accurate, ar~ ~omplete. PRINT Name &~l~#e of Au~ho~zed Company Rep~en~e BAKEFJFi DEI RTMENT ' · , ,, ELD ClT:Y FIRE H .I .ARDOUS..,ATERIALS. INVEIq ORY: ' Page of "'EiusinessName LLiC'-["~'__ ~Address ~~ ~ ~~~ CHEM!C~ DE~CRI~ION -. ,. 1) IN.TORY STA~S: New ~Add~mn [ ~ Revision [ ] ~letion [ ~. Check if ~e~ ~ ~ NON ~E $ECR~ [ Chemi~N~e: '~'~m~,~__ ~~ ~3~ , . ~M[ ] C~ 4) PHYSICS'& H~L~ ' PHYSlC~ H~ ' ~RD CA~GORIES Fire [ ] Reac~e [ ] Sudden Rele~e of Pressure [ ] Immedi~e He~ (~e)~] ~leyed 5) WAS~ C~SSIFICA~ON (~ig~ code ~m DHS Fo~ 80~) USE CODE 6) PHYSIC~STA~ Solid [ ] Uqua ~'".~ [ ] . Pure [ ] M~u. N .W~te ['.] 7) ~OUNT ~D ~ME AT FACI~ UNffS OF M~URE ' ' 8) STOOGE CODES M~mum Daly ~ount: ~O ....... i,...' ~" Average DaN ~ount: ~':: ' ' ' . ~ ¢ud~ [ ] b) Pm~sure: I ~'~W Qn Site Circle~i~h Mon~: J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, N, D 9) MITRE asr ~" "' COM~ON~T C % ~ ~M chem~ ~m~ne~ or 3) [ ] 1) IN--DRY STAreS: New [ ] ~dAion [ I R~sion~ ~leaon [ ] ,. Che~ ~ ~mi~ ~ · NON ~E SEC~ [ 4) PHYSlC~ & H~ pHYSlc~ H~ H~D CA~GORIES Fire' [ ] Re~e~ Sudden Rele~e of Pressure [ ] ~ Im~e He~ ~e) ~ ~layed He~ (Chron.) [ ] 5) WAS~ C~SSIFICA~ON (~A ~de ~m DHS Fo~ 8022) USE CODE ~ 6) PHYSlC~STA~ Solid ~ Uqu~ [ ] ~ [ ] Pure [ ] M~re ~ W~te [ ], R~i~e [ ~ AMOUNT AND ~ME AT FAClU~ UNITS OF M~SURE 8) STOOGE CODES OalyAmount: ~ ' t~ga [ ] ~ [ ] a) Con~ne~ M~imum Aver.eDm~ ~um: ~ -- ~d.[] b) Pre..ur.: ~ ~est S~e Con~r: '" · Da. On S~e ~ Cirde~i~h Mon~.: . F,, "..A' M, J, J, A, S, O, N, D 9) MITRE: USt . COM~N~ CAS~ -.,,~ ~M ~hem~ ~m~nen~ er ~) ..... [ ] BAKEI FIELD CI'i:Y ·FIRE D.F- RTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORYi ;' .Page_of__ 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ] Addition [ ] Revision [~ Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET [ ] 'tRADE SECRET 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGQRIES Fire [ ] Reactive [ ] , Sudden Release of Pressure [ ]' Immediate Health (Acute) ~' Delayed HeaJth (Chronic) 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-digit code from DHS Fom~ 8022) USE COOE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid. [:~" Liquid [ ] Gas [ ] Pure [ ] Mixture [~ Waste [ ] Radioactive [] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FAClUTY. C~, '~.~ . ' ' UNffS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Dally Amount: ' ' I1~. ~/~ ge] [ ] tt3 [ ] a) Container. Average Dally Amount: . '...' curies [ ] b) Pressure: Annual Amount: ~ ' c) Temperature: Largest Size Container. ~ " #'Days On Site .-~,~_'~" Circle Which Months: , F, M, A, M, J,' J, A. S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURE: List ~X~ 'COMPONENT' CAS. 0~[7 ~ AHM chemical components or · ny AHM components 2), [ '[ ] CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [~ Addition [ ] · Revision [ ] Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET [ ] TRADE SECRET 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL · HF..ALTH "HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire' [ 5} WASTE CLASSIFICATION {3-digit code from DH$ Fon'n 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid {! Liquid, Gas [l Pure [] Mixture [~ Waste: [] .Radio _a~v.~ e [1 MaXimum Dally Amount: Ib~ [ ] gal J~l It3 [ ] a) Container: .. Average Oally Amount: cu~la~ [ "] b) Pressure:" AnnualAmount: ~: ~ c) Temperature: ~ largest Size Container. # Days On Site ~ Circle Which Months: F, M, A, M.. J, J, A. S, O, N. D' :""' MIXTURE: List chemical components or '..~[./.~ . ' 3) [ lO) Loc~on ~ul~mitted informmfon i$ ~rue, accurate, and complete. PRINT Name & 7Rio ef Auti~rized Company Repr,~enta~ve. Signature Date  CI T Y of BAKER SFIELD~ "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT 2101 H STREET S. D. JOHNSON -- -August 1 AZ, 1993 BAKERSFIELD. 93301 FIRE CHIEF 326-3911 Roger Fanjul Manager Walco International P.O. Box 70700 Bakersfield, CA 93307 Roger: We still need percent concentration data for the sodium dichloro-s-triazinetrione and the sodium hydroxide reported on Walco's hazardous materials inventory. Please contact me .as soon as possible with this information. Sincerely, Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Planning Technician cc: Ralph Huey Utilities GeneralAccount Maintenance PUTLS801 Acct Nbr: 792501 Bill Stat: NO Transfer-from: page 1 of 6 Cyc Stat: CL Acct Cyc Stat: CL Transfer-to: Due: 3.15 1. Customer Name:. WALCO 2. Social Sec Nbr: 3. Telephone: 805-834-8447 4. Service Address: 4840 E BRUNDAGE LN 5. Service City: BAKERSFIELD 6. State: CA 7. Zip: 93307 8. Parcel ID: 9. Bill Cycle: i 20. Water Svc Class: 10. Route Nbr: 52 11. Comments : T-F 12. Prev Acct: 23. Misc ServiceS: 23.1 132 i ,3 YD 2 DAYS/WK 23 2 CGF COUNTY GATE FEE 13. Service Date: 08/01/93 .~ · 14. Fund no: 23.3 15. Billto Adl:P.O. BOX 70700 23.4 16. Billto Ad2: 24. Closing Date: 17. Bill-to City: BAKERSFIELD 18. State: CA 19. Zip: 93387 Enter Save(S), Cancel(XX), Next Page(/), or Field # to Change ALT-F10 HELP I ADDS VP I FDX I 9600 E71 I LOG CLOSED I PRT OFF