HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK Perm,t ~ ~ ~ ~ "" '~ ~ Date Inspection Time ~; ~ F~ility Name Addra~ '- ' No. of Tanks ~ Is Information on Permi~Appli~tion Corre~? Y~ __ No __ Permit Po~? Yes .... No Ty~ of In--ion: Routine ~ ' ~ Complaint Rein~ion ~ Comments: a. Intercepting end Directing System b. Standard Inventory Control Monitoring c. Modified Inventory Control Monitoring d. In-Tanl( Level Sensing Device e. Groundwater Monitoring f. Vadose Zone Monitoring 2. Secondary Containment Monitoring: a. Liner b. Double-Walled Tank c. Vault 3. Piping Monitoring: a. Pressurized b. Suction 4. Overfill Protection 5. Tightness Testing 6. New Construction/Modification 7. Closure/Abandonment 8. Unauthorized Release -'9. Maintenance, General Safety, and Operating Condition of Facility Comments/Recommendations: Health 580 4113 170 (7-87) · ._ . Date Permit'~ ~ -~' · ~ '~''' ~-~ U~ ~lnspection Time [~nv,ron~taI.S~nslt,vlty RGROLJND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORA~IFACILITY '. * F ac'lity Name ~/~'~ ~.' ; Address ~. ~/~' '~~ ~ ' Is Information on Permit/Application Correct? Yes No ' ' No. of Tanks Type of Inspection: Routine ~ Comments: = ,, · VIOLATIONS NOTE'D:' .... ' .... :*=-'~-" ..... ~ ........... ' . - ........... · '* ITEM I 1' Primary Containment Monit. oringI :~ L~ ,= "~~"'~ ~~' ~ .~- ~ b. Standard Invento~ry Control Monitoring c. Modified Inventory Control Monitoring' ' * d. In-Tank Level Sensing Device ..... a.. :Groundwater Monitoring ...... _" - _ ........................................... f. Vedose Zone Monitoring - . 2. Secondary Containment Monitoring: . a. Line~ b. Ooubl~'Wal~l c. Vault 3. Piping Monitoring: " a. Pressurized ~': b. Suction r.. Gravity 4. Overfill Protection 5. Tightness Testing 6. New Construction/Modification ' 7. Closure/Abandonment 8. Unauthorized Release .' 9.Maintenance, General',~feW, and Operating Condition of Facility Comments/Recommendations: Reinspection ~c y ...... Approximate Reinspec~io~ Date---. Health 580 4113 170 (7-87) ~ ' " ,~ ~ O3UNTY ~IR F~LLUTION C~TROL -~ '~' ~. 2700 "M" Strut, ~Stm 27~ ~'', -' 8mk~rs~Sm]d, CA. .' : ' (805) 861-3682 -6. FILL CAm NOT P~PERLY S~TED ~. :'VA~R ~ 'NOT 'P~PERLY..~TED ] 10 FILL ADAPTOR ~T TImT · j .11, VA~ A~PTOR NOT T]mT ..... , · [ 13. DRY ~R~K ~K~S D~ERIO~TED " [ 14. ~C~IVE VERTICAL P~Y ~N ~IAL FILL ~BE ~ · -. 15. ~IAL FILL ~8E sPRING " . ,- ',- . ; ':-: .' ME~I~ DEFECTIVE '-. - ' " . ,.. -.. ~ .. . 16. T~K DEP~ M~R~JT ~ - t8. DIFFER~CE (~LD BE 6".,Or LE~) ~ ~T~b~JS*R[CT--~LE~S3 209, 412 ' ~ SPECIFI~ P~ALTI~ OF OP TO-$1.000.00 ~R DAY ~ ~ VlO~J_~. TELE~E 80S)' - ~ 861-3682 ~C~ING FINAL R~TI~N OF ~E VIO~TI~(S) . · 1700FIowerSt,..~ .' FY HEALTH D ER Bakersfield, California 93.305 ~ ' ~%~- /{~/ ' Leo~: '.~ Iiebertson, M.D. Telephone (805) 861-3636 ~ ~-- ~NMEN rAL HEALTH DIVISION . ~ . '' ~ ' . ~. ~ ' DIREcToR 0~ EN~RONMENTAL HEALTH : '* * UNDERGROUND TANK DISposITION TRACKING RECO~ * * :~ '" . This for~ Is to be returned to__tbe~ecn_CountF llealth DepaFtment...githiu~l~ ........... : ........ ~-"Of'icc~pta~---fa~k(s) by disposal or recycling facility. Th~.. !re!dec-of the ~permit with number noted 'above is responsible for · that this form is 9qmpleted and returned. Section i - To be filled out ~ tank removal COlltractor: ' Re.oval Contractor: ~~? -' . ..''/ :" ~ .. ' Tank ' ' ' ' ' .................... , ......... :.. ...... .~..:~.,. · . Section ~ - TO'~ filled ,put ~ contracto~ "~eContamlnating tank{s): . . Tank ,Decontamination" Contrac'tor g~V~ ~/~, ,,.~,. _~ ~SF/c~. ~, zip qffgo~ . Authorized representative of contractor certifies by signing bel~ :tl[~'~' :'.' - tank(s) ]]ave been decontaminated .in accordance ~lth Rern'.Cofinty 'Boa]th- :'.. '~"' Department requirements. -- . . _: .. .:_'.. ::.~ - _ :' . '. Sl~oture -' - ,' -. Title ..... , · ' "" ' ':: ~ectlon. 3 - To be filled __out .and. ~ ~ authorized representatlv~- oF ~he ' 't~eatment, ,storage, o~ disposal faclllt7 a~ptln~ tank(a)~ . ._ .- -. - :--. · * * ~ILING INSTRUCTIONS: Fold In half and staple (Form FILE CONTF..~]TS SUMMARY - '~'" ~- .... - ....- ....-PERM'I~ #: NV. SENSITIVITY: Activity Date # Of Tanks Comments GARY J. WICKS · · 2700 M Street. Suite 300 Agency Director "' Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3502 '" .......~ .... Telephone (805) 861-3636 · ,!;.* ~'. , Telecopier (805) 861-3429 STEVE M~CALLEY ~ ~ oi,,~to, R E S O U R C E '~M' ~E N T A G E N C Y DEPARTMENT'0F~~ONMENTAL '*October 19, 1989 State of Caltfornla-O.S.A. 400 "P" Street .Sacramento, California CLOSURE OF ! UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE TANK LOCATED AT 2619 PIERCE ROAD IN BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. PERMIT # A1018-05/050081 This is to advise you that this Department has reviewed the project results for the preliminary assessment associated with the closure of the tank noted above. Based upon the sample results submitted, this Department is satisfied that the assessment is complete. Based on current requirements and policies, no further action is indicated at this t lme0 It is important to note that this letter does not relieve you of further responsibilities mandated under the California Health and .Safety Code and California Water Code if additional or previously unidentified contamination at the subject site causes or threatens to cause pollution or nuisance or is found to pose a significant threat to public health. Thar~k you for your cooperation in this matter. DAN STARKEY, R~/H.S., HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SPECIALIST cc: S.E.M.C.O. ~ ~ ... S£~C0 James C. 'BatemanPetroleum Services I ~31 West Hatch Road, Modesto, CA ~ General Engineering Building Contract License No. ~8~ A, B, C-~I TO: ,,Department of Transpg~tation DATE: September 26, 1989 · ~ P.O. Box 126~ JOB NAME: P~ercm Road Mm~nten~nce Sta~ .~.. Fresno. CA 93778 JOB LOCATION: 2619 P~ere~ Rd. Bakersfield. CA - 93308 ......... '~-' ....... Attention: WaYne P~to-n ................ ,- .......... Gentleman: WE ARE SENDING YOU THE ~OLLOWING ITEMS: XXXX Laboratory Analysis XXXX Copies of ailPermits Chain of Custody Hazardous Waste Manifest Tank Disposition ~ecord These are transmitted as checkgd below: ~or approval Submit copies for distribution ~or. your use Resubmit copies for approval As required Return corrected' prints ~or revie~ and comment ~ ~OR YOU~ .~ILES 8emarks: cc: Kern County 1700 Flower Street Bakersf~eld~ CA 93305 Copy: Off~cm of ~he Sta~e Architect Signed: P.O. Box A 4~ .......... :- .... Camar~llo.- CA - 930II ........................................ '- ' ' ·" ,,ENVIRONMENTAL .. LABORATORIES, INC. PETROLEIJI, I ' J' J' EGUN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Semco Date of 431 W. Hatch Rd Report: 07-Sep-89 Modesto, CA 95351 Attention: Rich Hamilton L~% No.: 6977-1 ~"Sample Desc: Gal Trans Yard - Pierce Rd 05-~p-89 05-~eL~8@ 07-~ep-8@ Benzene ug/g none detected 0.02 Toluene ug/g none detected 0.02 Ethyl Benzene ug/g none detected 0.0~- p-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.02 m-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.02 o-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.02 -Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g none detected 5.00 TEST ~OD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. met~. Indivi~n] constituents by EPA method 8020. Dry Matter Basis Corm'~ents: - California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~102 I~£TROLEUM J' ~ EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. . .- 4100 PIERCE RD., ~KERSFIELD, ~LIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327~911 ~g~ble ~tics (~IL) M~es~, CA 95351 At~tion: ~ch ~1~ ~6 No.: 6977-2 DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPnW. DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED: 05-Sep-89 05-Se~89 07-Sep-89 Min~ · Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g none detected O. 02 Toluene ug/g none detected O. 02 Ethyl Benzene ug/g none detected O. 02 p-Xylene ug/g none detected O. 02 m-Xylene ug/g none 'detected O. 02 o-Xylene ug/g none detected O. 02 Total Petroleum F~vdrocarbons ug/g none detected 5. O0 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O. Individual constituents by EPA method 8020. Dry Matter -Basis - C, or~nts: California D.O.H.S. Cert. $102 LABO RATO RIF , INC. /~ET'RO~£UJ~' J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. · - 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Sem:o Date of 431 W. Hatch Rd Report: 07-Sep-89 Mcdesto, CA 95351 Attention: Rich Hamilton Lab No.: 6977-3 Sample Desc: Cal Trans Yard - Pierce Rd DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLk'LTED: ~IVED @ LAB: 05-Sep-89 05-Sep-89 07-Sep-89, · Reporting Analysis Repox~cing Constituent Units - Results Level ~enzene ug/g none detected O. 02 Toluene ug/g 0.1~- 0.09- Ethyl Benzene ug/g none detected O. 02 p-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.02 m-Xylene ug/g none detected O. 02 o-Xylene ug/g none detected O. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g none detected 5. O0 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. metb~xi. Individual constituents by EPA nmthod 8020. Dry Matter Basis Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. $102 LABORATORIES, INC. P£TROI. EUI~ ' J' J' EGUN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. ' . 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 3274911 BTX/TPH GASOLINE Q~ality Control Data Semco Spike ID: 6930-1 431 W. I-Ia'~h Rd /h'mlysis Da'to: 07-8o1:~89 Modesto, CA 95351 Sample Matrix:' Soil ,~ At'~ntion: P~ch ~ilton IJnit~: ug/g Quality Control for hab Nos: 6977-1, 6977-2, 6977-$ One sample in twenty is selected as a representative mtrix which is spiked. The percentage recovery (% Bec) of th~ spike is a relative measure of the accuracy of the analysis. The comparison of the spike with a duplicate spike is a measure of the relative precision of tbs analysis. Conc. Conc. Dup in Spike ~dded to Spike Spike Spike Constituent ' Sample Spike % Rec % Rec RPD Benzene 0.00 5.01 98.96 86.40 13.55 Toluene 0.00 5.03 102.69 94.92 7.86 Ethyl Benzene 0.00 5.09 94.10 87.39 7.39 p-Xylene 0.00 5.02 97.22 89.56 8.20 m-Xylene 0.00 5.11 99.31 91.99 7.65 o-Xylene 0.00 5.03 99.96 90.63 9.79 TPHGas 0.00 301.06 98.94 101.42 2.48 Spiked S~mple Concentration - Sample Concentration % Recovery = X 100 (Concentration of Spike) RPD (Relative Percent Difference) = Spiked Sample Conc.- Spiked Duplicate Sample Conc. X 100 (Average Conc. of Spikes) .. LABORATORIES, INC. I~ETROLBJ¥ J.J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., ~KERSFIELD, ~LIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 ~g~ble ~ ~ of 431 M~, ~ 95351 At~ti~: ~ ~1~ DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED: P4~2~I~ @ LAB: CC~: 05-Sep-89 05-Sep-89 O?-Sep-89 Re~ortin~ Analysis Re~orUn~ Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g none detected O. 02 Toluene ug/g none de~ 0.02 Ethyl Benzene ug/g none detected 0.02 p-Xylene ug/g, none detected 0.02 m-Xylene ug/g none detected O. 02 o-Xylene ug/g none detected O. 02 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g non~ detected 5. O0 TEST ME'OD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 8020, Dry Matter Basis -- Co~nts: California D.O.H.$. Cert. #102 LABORATORIES, INC. PETROLEUM ' J.J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. · ~ 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Quality Control Data Sero:x:, Spike ID: 6994-5 431 W. Hatch Rd Analysis Date: 07-Sep-89 Modesto, CA 95351 Sample Matrix: Soil .~- At'~ntion: Ri.eh I-I~lton lJrd.'~: -- £or I.~b Nos: 6977-4 One sample in twenty is selected as a representative matrix which is spiked. The l~,rcen~e recovery (% Rec) of th~ spi~ is a relative measure of the accuracy of the analysis. The comparison of the spike with a duplicate spike is a measure of the relative precision of analysis. in Spike ~.~,~1 to Spike Spike Consti~_~ent Sample Spike % ~c % P~c Benzene 0.00 5.01 94.38 101.02 6.80 Toluer~ 0.00 5.03 101.41 104.60 3.10 Ethyl Benzene 0.00 5.09 88.89 95.86 7.55 p-Xylene 0.00 5.02 91.00 98.99 8.41 m-Xylene 0.00 5.11 93.48 101.16 7.89 o-Xylene 0.00 5.03 91.65 102.17 10.86 TPHGas 0.00 301.06 94.86 '87.70 7.84 Spiked Sample Concentration - Sample Concentration % Recovery = X 100 (Concentration of Spike) RPD (Relative PercentDifference) = Spiked Sample Conc. - Spiked Duplicate Sample Conc. X 100 (Average Conc. of Spikes) KES ~ 'SERVICE A Division ol : ~ '- ~ ' ' P.O. BoX .%137 - BAKERSFIELD, ¢~A 93388 Kern Backhoe Service, lac. .. (805) 589-5220 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD , PROJ. NO." ] ~ROJECT HAME s :^~ ~ o, ,. ST.~. ~0. DAT8 I TI~41 ~ STATiOn I.O~T~Oa .... ~/~ d~,/ ' i | .. "~'""'*'"'~'"~ ~-/- ~.,.,,,,,.,,,.,~ ,,,,: ,~,~,,,,.~ ~,,, ~ I I.,i 'CHAIN OFCUSTODY RECORD i ~t/Pmject N~uo Project Location b ~. . ~0~ ~P-.. T~ y~p~ ~' ~4 -2-'~ -~ ~ ANALYSES No. ~eld Log~k No. ' -O Iq ~-~1 .. ]ple~ (Si~a~) Ch~n of Cusl~y Ta~ No~ ~ ~ ". ]uish~l by: (Sil~auu~{) Da~ Time Received by: (Signature) ,' ~ ~mo Remm m C~r ~ R~ .... :~s~r~ ~ 41~ Here Rd. · B~ersfield, CA 93308 / Please print or type, (Form designed for use on elite (.~2-pitch ~pewriter), S.c~ameflto, Califo~n, ' -., ~"i, UNIFORM .AZARDOUS I "e~ret°r's US EPA ID N°' I Manifest (... : 2. Page1 ~ ' Document No. ~ Info--tim ·, ' 3. Generator's Nam~ and Mailing Addre~ ~ ~ · / ~ ~tate ~ ~ ~ *..-. '.' Dept, of Transportation B.~,~,~,~-- I' ~ 9. Designated Facility Name and Site Ad~e~ 10. US EPA ID Numb~ .~ ~t~ FI~I~ -:_.. ).- :'. :,~,,1~::'1, ~.?~.~, ' . ~ 2202 Sp~tng St. ::t~,tal~,i-~-~O~l  - ' ~ ...... ~ ~ 12. ~taine~ 1~ Total 14. '.- .- L t t. US pOT Description (Including Proper ~ipping Name, ~rd C~~, a~ ID Num~) Ty~ ~IV~ a.. ~e:, ~ · ' · ~:..: ~ Vaste 0tls NOS Combustable 'Ltquld ~l 1270-001 ~ ./~ 6 " N II I . E b. ~ ~.' ':'~ T , -,. ~. ; I I I I !111 J. Additive1 Des~ptione f~ ~t~al8 Ust~ ~e j:. ¥' . . ... K. ~ . . -... .. ~ : . '.._ -: .. :. :_: ,. ..'.' .,-, :: ,. ~ - :~ ..: ':.:' .. >::..;,,, '.,,~-: ::,-',.:;.'. . .. .. 16. Special ~ndling Inatm~i~s ~d Add~i~ai Inf~ati~ ~ GLOVES 10. ~ENERATOR'~ CE~F~A~ON: I h~eby d~lare that the oont~t8 of thi8 coflai~meflt ~e fully and accurately descdb~ ~e by and are claaaifi~, packed, ma~, and label~, and am in all reap~t8 Jn proper condition for tranapo~ by hiohway a~ordJ~ to national government regulations. ~ ~ If I am a large quantity generator, I ce~i~ that I have a pr~ram in place to reduce the volume and toxicity of waste oenerat~ lo t~ ~r~ I bye d~e~Jned to be economically practicable and that I have 8el~ the practicable method of treatment, storage, or disposal cuE~tly ava~ab~ to ~ ~h minimize8 the 0 I ~ present and future threat to human health and the environment; OR, il I am a 8mall quantify generator, I h8ve made a O~ fa~h eff~ to ~iz~ ~ wlite oeneratJon and ~elect the beat waste management meth~ that ia avai~ble to me and that I can aff~d. Prifl~yped Name I Sionat~ .... "4" .:' ~ ' ~ :' '~'~' ~J '&- :".'/~; ~"~ ../' ~/ / .... /'-""'" - "1 I I I I I  17. Tr~nspo~er I ~cknowledgemeot of R~eipl ol < ~ Printed/Typed Name ~ ~ Year < ~ Printed/Typed Name I Signature ~ ~y Year I : 19. Diacr~ancy Indicat~n Space F I 20. Facility Owner or Operator Ce~tflcatlon of receipt of ha~rdoua materials covered by this manifest except a8 noted in H~ 19. T y Printed/Typed Name J Signature ~th ~y Year I I I I I I I DHS 8022 A (1/~) Do Not Write ~low This Line ' EPA 870~22 (Rev. g-88) Previous editions are obsolete. YELLOW: .:GENERATOR RETAI~S 2202. Spring'k:. ~et.,:' ·, -~ ~*-.~' O Box 9066- Signal Hill, CA 90806 :. Long Beach, CA 90809 · ~'.** :~*,:: LINES IN,C, · N-°, 01 .27' Generator ....Dept. of_Tr_.ansp.orta_t_.lon~at Address 2619 Pierce 'Time 8.'00 AN City, State..Bakers f'l e'l d, Ca o P.O. #Ve~bal-itl ch Attn: R 1 C h ..~ Phone# .. EPA# ~t~Dl~-(~{~2-{~ Manifest# 88576585 . CommoclitybSentice Waste-Oil Nos. Arnifreeze/Wa~er NA 9189 Used Filters ~ ~ump/Vacuum ,~=rvice OtherService EPA # CAD040370645 Alternate TSD Facility TSD W-H Tank lines HAZ # 0114 2202 Spring Street MCS # 999 Signal Hill, CA-90808. TANK DISPOSAL FORM ~2 ~uth Milllken_Avenu~ ................... D~te: ~. ,19~ .......... . _. OntariA CA 91781 Job ~ ~14) ~7-2~ ' E'G ~ ~NT~~~ )ESTINATION; ._ A.M.R. 2202 S. Milliken Ave., Ontario, CA 91761 TIME IN: BPEClAL IN~R~IONS: TIME OU~ '., "'; '~: ':~"': "~";~ ' ':"' :'~.~'~'~:'~' '~} ~' ~' TANKS RECEIWD · ~ - . , ~,- F* 5' .-; ~ ~ten~lve~lngTime." .. '.~.. · ~; 1~.~ · ~ ...-'~+~ ,..- . ~ ,. ...... ;' '" ~ 2~ ~ ~ .14 --~ ,- .- ,. .. .:.. ~- ,;-. ,~ ,. ~ ~ ~ .24 '~" R~rglasaTank DIs~sal Fee ~rT~k ~: 1~- 12 tr. ~ ~ .... l~-,ft. ~ ~ .61 :~..,...... · :.~, · ...... .....;,',,~. '~,'.. ~ ~~...,. ,., , · . ...... ,, - ...,,~ .... *-. · 1~ ~ ~ .87 ~ · Dellver~: ", ~:'" ..' ~'.~.: 7'<.~: :L~ . .. .. ~ *.;, .:..* :~; · .. ..-,, .... .. ~ O~ . .97 _. '. -~..-. ~' :' ..... :' ~ ~ ~ 1.14 . ~'::.'; ::~ :*. ~ ~ ~ ~ 2.42 , ... ~ ~ ~ ~ 3.~ · ,' ~ B ~ 3.82 All fee8 Ineur~ am per load unless 8p~ifl~. 1~ B B 4.~ Term8 ire net ~ days from date of InvolcL 1~ B ~ 4.~ ~ntra~tor'e 61gnature reprenenta acceptance of te~8 for payment, and confirms that tank N~ OF TANK~ ~AL N~ TONS .: ......... · F -- FIBERG~$~ .... ~S ~ ~EEL106 ~NT~R'S mONATURE , CE~IFICATE OF TANK DISPO~L I DE~RU~ION THIS 19 ~ CE~I~ THE RECEI~ AND AGGE~ANCE OF THE TANK(S) A$ SPECIFIED ABOVE. ALL MATERIA~ sPECIFIED HAVE BEEN GOMPL~ELY DE~ROYED FOR ~GRAP PUR~SE8 ONLY. ~ AUTHORIZED RE~ - DATE CONTRACTOR COPY R E C'E Z p T PAGE 1 08/28/89 Invoice Nbr. 1 22060 11:38 am KERN COUNTY PLANNING'& DEVELOPMENT ._ 2700 ~.M'._~SC~ee.C ................ -~_-- .:- ...... , ~__ .......... ....... Bakersfield, CA 93301 Type of Order (805)' 861-2615 CASH REGISTER ~ SEMCO ';ustomer p O.# I Htn By IOrder Dace I Ship Date I Via I Terms ~M 82889-2 I DLG I 08/28/88 '1 08/28/89 I I NT I I ...........I ......... I .............. I__ ~ne Description Q~nctty --Pr;Ice Unit DISc ......... I TANK PLAN CHECK Total 170A 1 100.00 E 100.00 Order Total 100.00 Amount Due 100.00 Payment Iqade By Check 100.00 THANK YOU! FORM ~70 :. Finance Director BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ~te '~ PERMIT Pe~it In conformi~ with ~rovisions of ~inent ordinances, c~es an~or regulati~s, ~rmi~i~ is hereby gra~ted to: , ' subject ia the provisi~s an~o} limitations as provi~d ~ the rever~ hereof. Vi°lati~ of ~rtin- ~.tnt. :~; ordinances, c~e8 on.or re~lations shall void this ~rmit. 08/~1/1989 10:52 FRO~ MODESTO CA. DIV. TO 613429 P.O1 General Engineering Building Con~ractor License No. 449864 A, B,~ C-61 ~ APPROVE Date ~ 3ames C. ~a~eman Pet~o~eum. Ser¥ices Inc. ~3~ West Hatch Road~ ,,~ '~ License *t~lUcjust 31 ~, 1987 Ke~n County Dept. of Environmental Health 1700 Flower R£~ Underground T~nk Remova~ ~a19 Pierce 8aad Bakersfield, CA Dear Ms. 8teen: .- g & L Vacuum 8ervtce will be triple ~insing the tank a~ this 1ocattQn. -. *: WW Ta~k Lines~ Inc. will be actin~ as .- hazardous waste. Their DOH9 permt~ numbe~ is 011~t ~heir ~acility is TSD approved'. Thank y~u ~o~ your assistance in com~le'ti.ng our application " ~or the removal scheduled for September 5~ 1989. Sincerely~ ................. -,- -Lois Woner .... Operations GARY J. WICKS '' ~- 2700 M St~t, Age~y Dl~ctor Bake~f~d. CA 93301 (805) 861-3502 ... Te~phone (RS) ~1-3E3~ ~' Tetec~er (80S) ~1~ STEVE McCALLEYo RESOURCE MANAGE.MENT AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE PERMIT NUMBER A1018-05'* OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY FACILITY NAME/ADDRESS: OWNER (S) NAME/ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: Department of Transportation State of California S.E.M.C.O. Maintenance Station O.S.A. 431W. Hatch Road 2619 Pierce Road Sacramento, CA Modesto, CA ~akersfield, CA License #449864 Phone:(916) 327-0668 Phone:(209) 524-9633 PERNIT FOR CLOSURE OF PERMIT EXPIRES December 5~ 1989 ! TANK(S) AT ABOVE APPROVAL DATE S~mbe~. 1~89/ Dan Starkey, REHS i Hazardous MaterialsJSpecialist · . ..................... POST ON PREMISES ........................... CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. It is the responsibility of the Permittee to obtain permits which may be required by other regulatory agencies prior to beginning work. 2. Permittee must notify the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department at (805) '861-3636 two working days prior to tank (removal) or inerting and filling) to arrange for required inspections(s). 3. Permittee must obtain a City Fire Department permit prior to initiating closure action. .4. Tank closure activities must be per Kern County Environmental Health .......... Services.Department and Fire Department-approved methods as described in Handbook #UT-30. PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSUR~~ PERMIT NUMBERA1018-05 OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS ~ ADDENDUM SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY 5. Soil Sampling 'Any deviation from sample locations and numbers or constituents .to be ... sampled for which are described below and in Handbook #UT-30 must' receive i~rior approval by .the Kern County Environmental Health Services . Department. ..................... ~a .... (Tank size betwee~_l~0_00 to .10,000'gallons)-.- minimum of four "~ samples must be retrieved one-third of the way in from the'ends of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. 6. , If any contractors or disposal facilities other than those listed on permit and permit application are to be utilized] prior approval must be granted by the specialist listed on the permit. 7. Soil Sampling (piping area) a minimum of two samples must be retrieved at depths of approximately two feet and six feet for every 15 linear feet of pipe run and also near the dispenser area(s)° 8. Sample analysis a. Ail (leaded/unleaded) gasoline samples must be analyzed for benzene, toluene, xylene, and total petroleum hydrocarbons for gasoline. 9. Copies of completed tr.ansportation manifests must be submitted to the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department within five days of waste disposal. 10. All applicable, state laws for hazardous waste disposal, transportation, or trp_atment must be adhered to. The Kern County Environmental Health Services Department must be notified before moving and/or disposing of any contaminated soil. 11. Permittee is responsible for making sure that "tank disposition tracking - record" issued with this permit is properly filled out ~nd returned within 14 days of tank removal. PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLosuRE'~ PERMIT NUMBER A1014-18 OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS ~ ADDENDUM SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY 12. Advise this office of the time and date of the proposed sampling'With 24 hours advance notice. . . 13. R~sults must be submitted to this office within three days of analysis ~C6mpletion. TC: cas \AlO18-05.ptc '-' ]INTERNAL USE KERN COUNTY HF. AL?H DEPARTNENT .'* PTO J~l DIVISION OP' ENVIRON#ENTAL IU~kI, TH *' '' APPLICATION DATE*' 1'700 PLO#ER STREET. BAKERSFIiLD. CA 93305 OF 'rANK (805) 881-3636 , ~. ENGTH O!I~ PIPING I'0 ABANDON. I, i' APPLT :ATT ON C:T~O~T.TR~/~A/'qDON1Vl~ O:La' U*bTD~-IR:C~ROUN'D APPLICATIO~ ' ' ~E ~OVIDE* I~TION RB~D ON R~E SIDE O~ sm~e ~ rz~ , ~ 3. _ ~ DAn (Form ~-140 ) ~ PROVIDE DRAWING OF PHYSICAL .... ~UT OF FACILITY USING SPACE P~r~'~'DED BEIfT~. I' AT,]', OF THE FOLL(/4I. NG"INFOBMATION MUST BE INCLUDED IN ORDER FOR'APPLICATION TO BE :. .... TANK(S), PIPING & DISP]~:NSER(S),' II~ILUDING LRNGTHS AND DIMENSIONS ~/ I~T STREET OR I~ION: ..- :.. , C ~~,~~ , -. ' '::""' .- PAGE R E C E I P T · : ., 11=38 &m'?..- KERN COUNTY-PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT -. 2?00 "M' Street ....... ~. · - · -. . :. . . 'eakerst:ield, CA'-' g330~ Type of. O~der W ~ _- .... - ~. _ - - ~ ~ -; _ .~ ......................... _'_ CASH REGISTER SEHCO {Custamee P.O;~' '~[~-By .O~den 'Date } .Ship Date { ,." Via H~ 82889-2 ..... ' ~ DLG I'"'oe/2s/e~ ;t 0s/28./0~ ) -- _. ~_~.~.~_, · ) _~,'~ ' -; .1'2 -..-----, 1 TANK PLAN CHECK . .'t 100.00 E ' ".." '~ 100,';00'.. . .. ' '-- · 170~ . .' " ',, '""""" ' ' -OpdeP Total -'" Am~ ~n~ Due ', Paymene Made By Check' ... 'lOOiO. O ' . · . . . STAT # DEPT. ,'.-~.L, GENERAL REPORT FORM -"'"@Copyright 1985 TA,.NK # T-p. TR~01 PAGE 1 ~ DATE: 02/10/1989 ° ~ REF. CONTRACT #UT-01 2 5 WORK ORDER #GST-810 I. Owner of storage tanks 'OFFICE OF THE STATE ARCHITECT (bmpany ~presentative ~ CODY BEGELY Title _~_~C~_ y_ Represen_t~t_i_ye 2. Mailing address of owner P.O. BOX 1079 SACRAMENTO, CA. 95812 3. Phone of owner (916) 322-8249 4. _,Station number . DEPT. 40 5..~J~ation name for tanks PIERCE RD MS Location address for tanks 261 9 PIERCE RD. '~ BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 Manager or operator FERGUSON at location 6. Regulatory Agency KERN 7. ·Tank designation or ID # T-PTR-01 8. Date tank was tested 02/1 0/1 989 9. Precision test performed NDE VPLT CCMPTrfERIZED TANK T,FAK SYST~4 Business name of testing SNAVELY ~NTERPRISES, INC. company Mailing address of testing 13381 S. HENDERSON company Caruthers, CA. 93609 Testing company telephone (209) 445-1633(209) 864~949~.~,~ /~__./ 10. Technician conducting test MIKE NIELSEN 11. Capacity of tank 2,00 0 11o 12. Tank construction material STEEL 13. Testing liquid UNLEADED 14.UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SYST~4 IS CERTIFIED TIGHT AT PRODUCT HEIGHT THE GRADE LEVEL. YES Allowable leak resolution of instrumentation or allowable change is in Regulations and Guidelines based on National Fire Protection Association Title 329 ~'.~n~] Numerical Leakage Rate is: +. 0 3 4 Ga] 1 one Per Ho~ Loss (+) or Gain (-). _ ts is within the allowable limits e~hlished in NFPA 329 for a Tight tank or tank sl~bau. NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY SNAVELY ENTERPRISES, INC. 13381 S. H~DEP~C~ CARUTHERS, CA. 93609 (209) 445-1633 (209) 864-9401 CAPACITY gal PRECISION '~DE~GROUND TANK TESTING RESULT('- Patent Pending STAT # DEPT. 40 ' t,. G~NERAL REPORT FORM q-~' TANK #T-PTR-01' ' PAGE 2 TE~T DATE: 02/1 0/1 989 1. Capacity of the tank ~ 2,000 gallons 2. Present or past contents UNLEADED 3. Testing liquid UNLEADED. 4. Tank construction material STEEL 5. a.~ Tank inclination (degrees) 4 ,. b~. Fill pipe inclination (degrees) 4 ............... 6. La.-ifnternal -diameter- of tank ~'' ............ 76 ........... - ~n~..h~-:~-'~. i : - b. Tank bottom to grade level 1 1 5 inches · 7. a. Fill pipe internal diameter 4 inches. b. Fill pipe length '3 5 inches c. Top of fill pipe to tank bottom 1 1 1 inches d. Top of fill pipe to grade level 4 inches ; 8. Air vents 1 number 9. Type of fill pipe cap CAMLOCK 10. Type of pumps associated SUCTION with the appurtenant piping 11. Coefficient of thermal .0 0 0 6 41 0 expansion volumetric coefficient of expansion/deg. 12. Specific gravity .7 4 9 .13. Bulk modulus 188000 14. Type of Phase II vapor DUAL POINT recovery system _. 15. Depth of groundwater from inches grade level 1 6. Date and Time storage 0 2 / 0 9 / 1 9 8 9 date tank system was 1 7: 0 0 time . topped off for testing 17. Total product level 1 2 5 inches from tank bottom NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY ~NAV~.V ~Nn~Ff~, ~ 133~ S. H~E~CN~ ~, C~ 93609 (209) 445-1633 (209) 864-94~ CAPACITY gal PRECIS~r- UNDERGROUND TkNK TESTING R~J~'~' Patent Pending STAT # DEPT..40 ..... TANK # T-pTR201 G~]~%%L REPORT FORM · PAGE ..3 T~ST DATE: 02/1 0/1 989 1. General notes and log entries.. ._~__~3~1 THE TOP- OF THE FILL---PIPE~-WE R~OVED CAMLOCK AND-TOOK SP~UIFIC ~GRA~, -' NEXT PIPE AND ADDED ABOUT FIVE GALLONS TO RAISE ABOVE GRADE, THERE WAS A LOT OF AIR AT THE VAPOR CI~ 'AT OPPOSITE ~D OF TANK. CNCE THIS WAS FULLY PURGED, GOOD TEST. Procedures .... NCNE ~ .' 3. Description of any repairs made to the storage tank system prior to or during the test. · NONE NONE 5. Describe any significant delays not caused by tester that resulted in delays in completing the test. 6. Describe quantity of liquids removed from tank and not replaced or liquids added to tank by tester from tester storage tanks. NONE~-- 7. If tank was subject to sludge deposits during normal use, was it properly ~aned prior to test. NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY ~NA~.~ 5Nnue~,.~.~, ~ 13381 S. ~ ~, C~ 93609 (209) 445-1633 (209) 864-94~ CAPACITY gal PRECISI~' UNDERGRC~ND T~< TESTING RESUI~-- Patent Pending. STAT # DEPT. 40 '~, G~VERAL .REPORT FORM i'<'. ~.ANK # T-PTR-0'I PA(~ 4 TEST DATE.~ 02/1 0/1 989 1. TOTAL TEST Cf~DUCTICN TIME - , 02:03:26 hours 2. Leak Rate Calculation time: .... a) -Star~ ......... ..... --. ....~-~--~ ~ ...... '1-0 - '42~ 07 - - military hours' b) End ' 12: 45: 33 Military hours (Calculated leak rate based on data generated during the final hour of testing. ) -'~ 3. ~ Test performed with liquid 1 0 inches ~. at how many inches above grade 4. Location in the tank system where test was conducted ' 5. Height of water present in tank 0 inches PIPING PRESSURE TEST - Nq~MATIC PRESSURE DATA 6. Piping Pressure Test Conducted NO 7. Amount of pressure initially applied to the system N/A psi 8. Amount of prssure drop, if any: N/A psi 9. Amount of time elapsed during the N/A minutes test. 1 0. Piping Pressure Test Leak Rate is N/A 'gallons/Hour 11. Was turbine pump activated? N/A 12. If full system leakage rates are in excess of allowable limits, were the owners notified of any additional testing procedures necessary to isolate leakage to the tank or tank piping N/A 13. Have-these additional testing procedures been completed? N/A VAPOR POCKET EVALUATION 14. Does the tank show evidence of vapor pockets? If yes, was the owner informed of any additional procedure necessary to release trapped vapor prior to completion of test? N/A NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY ~qAV~Y ~Nlh~.~, ~ 133~ S. H55I~5~CN fkWJ~SqS, C~ 93609 (209) 445-1633 (209) 864-94~ CPACITY gal PRECISt. · UNDERGROUND TANK TESTING RESUL~ Patent Pending STAT # DEPT ~ ' ~0 GI~IERAL REPORT FORM TANK # TLPTR_01 PAGE 5 '~TEST DATE: 02/1 0/1 989 . ~UTERIZED PRINTOUT OF THE TANK SYSTt~I DIGITAL T.WAKAGE RATE DATA Tank Owner ........ = 0.S,6./DEPT¢0 PIERCE RD MS Tank Number ........................ '--,T-PTR-Ot~2K-UNLENDED -. .... - '-~=-Mea-suhem~nt~ Date of Test .................. = 02/10/1989 Time of measurement ........... = 12:4~:33 Tank Temperature .............. = 57.0129 degrees F. ~. Tank Pressure ................. = .8455 psi. ~ Basic Tank Volume ********+**** = 2001.175 Gallons'' ~,. Tempera%ute Correction ******,+ = -~.832 Gallons.' Pressure Correction **,,,***,,, .......... .089 ............... = ...... CorrecteB V°l~e ,,,,,+***,**** = ISB?.~5B Gallons. Total Temperature Change ...... = .0825 de9rees F.' Leak Rate Calculation Time ...-. ~ 01:01:41 SeoMetry Band = .001 Gallons/Hour.. Rate of Temperature Change .... = .8387 degrees F/Hour. Total Fluid Level ............. = 125.0~98 inches. Volume Change ................. = .848 Gallons. Ex~ected Level Change ......... = .5242 inches. Measured Level Change ********, = .0~98 .inches. Primary Rpparent Leak -******** = .04S4 Gallons. Primary Apparent Leak Rate ,*** = .044 Sallons/H°ur. Secondary Expected Level Change = .S4~0 inches. Secondary Measured Level Change = .1S34 inches. Secondary Apparent Leak ....... = .0348 Gallons. Secondary Apparent Leak Rate .. = .034 Gallons?Hour. Strat Expected Level Chan9e ~** = .B231 inches. Strat Apparent Leak ***,****+** = .04B3 Gallons. Strat Apparent Leak Rate ***~*+ = .044 Gallons/Hour. Av9 Measured Level Change ..... = .1910 inches. Avg Volume Change ............. = .049 Gallons. Av9 Expected Level Chen9e ..... = .B310 Inches. .... hvg Apparent Leek ............. = .034 Gallons' Av9 hpparent Leak Rate ......... .033 Gallons/Hour. Avg Strat Volume Change ******* = .04S Gallons. Avg'S~rat Expected Level Change = .G307 inches. ~vg Strat Apparent Leak ******* = .034 Gallons. - Avg Strat Apparent Leak Rate ** = .0~3 Gallons/Hour. ~ .10 x .89 -.Ol ~,./' ' ..... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : : ~ S~A% i -.mZ ) 864-9401' -.03 ~ -.04 I CAPACITY gal'PRECI~..~/1 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTING RES .~..,'. Patent Pending STAT # DEPT. · 40 ~-.~ GSNERAL REPORT FORM ,TANK # T-PTR-01 PAGE 6 , TEST DAT~: 02/1 0/1 989 ' ~ZED ~ OF ~VE~GE T]T~ERATUI~ T[$T TII'IE - MINVTE$ ~ /%/2 ?RIETARY TEST TIldE - MINUTES Owner - O.S.A,r/OEPTt"- PIERCE RD MS Ser ~T-PTR-C'!K UNLENDED h ~ ~EST.TIE ~ MIHUTES. - ' . ' ' .t' ::'"~-'"' '-t,'.'... ' ~" A' ' ' '. '. ' . ' ' ' '~ ~ ,f''' ''" . ,.'l' 'i- ' . ,.'~.~ . .:.. -. ~.'." ..5. . .' . .. - . ~'~.. ~ .:' .. ' .: ..~:~ :?j..'' . .:...... . ~ ~:': ':... :.. ~: . ..':... ..:.. . ...,.. . .. ..... .': . .;(.;'.. . ' ""~':" ~' '~', ' '2 . .. * '2 .,* ..... ,.':~.":.L ::". ' · " " ..' ~ .' ..;. ~: ", ; . ';. ' '.. i."". ':....". f ..: . ' . ... · . :.... ~." . ." .. ,J .' .. ': .'.'. .. ~ '.. '.~ . :· . ;.:. ;.' . :,'. : '."..::,. : ~ . :. , .~ ./.:.:.}. ·, :':. .... ~ "' ' } '~ ' ' · 2 ' , .. . . '? ::. · ': ,. .. ~,,~ .. . .. . · .. ;.. .) '.- :; ,'. · .:./ ~.:j... .,..,..: ... , · , . - Displacement Calibration Volume = 800.0000 Milliliters <mi>, ' ' = ~8.8142 cubic inches. , For tenk ~ I Is the following inforMatioo correct? Press return if ALL information is correct, or enter the line number for ~he channel you wish to bhange. Line Transducer Channel Calibration or Serial ~ Height 2 Temp ~2 1 NDET01 30.0000 inches .. 3 Temp ~3 0 NDET01 48.0000 inches 4 Temp $4 4 NDET01 68.0000 inches ... 6 ~ Tank Press 20 4.00 Volts/psi '.. ?.~ Level 22 10.00 Volts/inch NaMe of Fluid Specific Sravi%y of Fluid = .749 Thermal Coef of Expansion = .0006410 Bulk Modulus of fluid = 188000.0 Tank Prmmsurm Tr~nsd~' Voltage 8tmospheric Pre~sure Transducer voltage = -le-008 ~vel Readings: -7.210100 volts, = -.7210 inchem ~ank Pressure Transducer Voltage = A~mospheric Pressure Transducer vol%mgm ~ 0 Level Readings: 12.S04800 volts, = 1.2BOS inches Tank Pressure Transducer Voltage ~ 3.255 Atmospheric Pressure Transducer vOltage = 0 Level Readings: -9.428?00 volts, =-Tank-P~ssure TFan~u~F-~b~-i{ag~-= -3.~47~-=~ .......... - Atmospheric Pressure Transducer voltage - 0 Level Readings: 10.094000 volts, = l.OBB4 inches Inilial fluid level = -.04287 inches. Final fluid level = 1.00040 Inches. initial Alternate fluid level = 30.07282 inches. Oisplacemmnt Oalibra~ion Volume = 3G.B142S cubic inches Tank Pressure..I~ansdbcer Voltage = 3.316] ~tmospheric Pressure Transducer voltage = -le-006 Temperature Transducer ~1, res = 15887.3000 ohms, tamp = 56.9498 deg F Temperature Transducer ~2,-res = 15890.9000 ohms, tamp = 5G.9405 deg F Temperature Transducer ~3, res = 15911.9000 ohms, tamp = 56.88G5 deg F Temperature Transducer ~4, res = "15889.3000 ohms, tamp = 56.9447 deg F Level Readings: -2.093890 volts; = -.2094 inches NDE Technology, Inc. Copyright 1986,1988. All rights reserved. Tank Owner ... .......... . ........ = O.S.~./DEPT40 PIERCE ~Tank Number .................. - T-PTR-01/ZK UNLENDEO Date of Test .................. = '02/10/1989 ~:' " Time of measurement ........... = 10:42:07 Tank Temperature .............. = 56.9304 degrees F. Tank Pressure ............. = .8290 psi Basic Tank Volume *~,~*+~**~** = 2001.179 6allons. Temperature Correction *,,~*** = -3.93? 6allons. Pressure Correction ~**,****e*+ = .009 6allons. Corrected Volume *--~,~**~**** = 1997.250 6allons. Processtng Tan~ Num~'~-' 1 Tank Pressure T~ansducer ~ol~age = 3.3248 ..... ~tmospher~c P~essure Transducer voltage : -le-006 ~emperature Transducer ~1, res = IS882.7000 ohms, tamp = 56.9616 deg F Temperature Transducer ~2, ~es : 15888.9000 ohms, tamp = 5G.9457 deg F Temperature Transducer ~3, res : 15907.5000 ohms, tamp = 56.89?9 deg F Temperature Transducer ~4, res : -1S887.7000 ohms, tamp = 56.9488 deg F Level Readings: -1.886110 volts; = -.1886 inches NDE Technology Inc Copyright 1986,1988. ~11 rights reserved. Ten~ Owner .................... = O.S.A./OEPT40 PIERCE RD MS Tank Number ................... - T-PTR-O1/2K UNLENDED Date of Test .................. : 02/10/1BBg " ' Time of measurement ........... ~ 10:47:34 ' Tank Temperature .............. : 56.9385 degrees F. Tank Pressure ................. : .8312 psi.. Basic Tank Volume ~,~.,,~.~ = 2001.179 Gallons. '. Temperature Correction ,~-,,,~, : -3°927 Sellons. Pressure Correction +~-+~ : .009 Gallons. Corrected Volume ,+++~,,~,~ = 1~97.2G1 Gallons. Total Temperature Change ...... = .0081 degrees F. Leak Rate. Calculation Time .... = 00:05:28 . Geometry Band ............... = .002 Gallons/Hour. Rate o~ Temperature C~ange ..i. = .0890 degree~ F/Hour. Total Fluid Level ............. = 12S.0208 inches. Volume Change ................. = .010 Gallons. Expected Level Change ......... = o1542 inches. Measured Level Change ********* = .0208 inches. Primary Apparent Leak *****'**** = .0088 Gallons. Primary Apparent Leak Rate **** = .09? Gallons/Hour. Secondary Expected Level Change = .1167 inches. Secondary Neasured Level Change = .0804 inches. · Secondary Apparent Leak ....... = .0032 Gallons. Secondar~ Apparent Leak Rate .. = .05G GallOn~/Hour. S~rat Expected Level Change *** = .1'397 inches. S~rat ~pparen~ Leak **********, = .0092 .Gallons. Strat Apparent Leak Rate ****** = .101 Galions/Hour. Processing TanE Num~"-' 1 O'. Tank Pressure. Transducer Uoltage= 'A~mospheric 'Pressure Transducer voltage = -le-008 ' · ~emperature Transducer $1, res = 15877,3000 ohms, tamp = SB.9?SS deg F ~ Temperature Transducer $2,-res = IS884.6000 ohms, tamp ~ 56.956? deg F Temperature Transducer $3, res = 15901.8000 ohms, tamp = 5G.9125 deg F Temperature Transducer $4, res = ~'15883.3000 ohms, tamp = 58.9G01 de9 F Level Readings: -1.808300 volts, = -.IG06 inches -==- .... - ..... TANK-'LEAK'TEST-PROGRAM ...... ~"-' ............... :' - ' DiSc Number 247~1'8 ..... NDE Technology, Inc. Copyright 1988,1688, Ail rights reserved Tank Owner = O.S A./DEPT40 PIERCE RD MS -Tank Number - T-PTR-01/2K UNLENDED-- Date of Test .................. = 02/10/1989 Time of measurement ........... = 11:04:25 Tank Temperature ............... = 5G.9512 degrees F. Tank Pressure .................. ' = ..8307 psi. Basic Tank Volume ************* = 2001.179 Gallons. Temperature Correction ~+**+*** = -3.~11 Gallons. Pressure Correction ***+***+*** = .009 Gallons. Corrected Volume ************'* = 1997.277 Gallons. Total Temperature Change ....... = .0208 degrees F. Leak Rate Calculation Time .... = 00:22:18 .Geometry 8and ................. = .001 Gallons/Hour. Rate of Temperature Change .... = .0580 degrees F/Hour. Total Fluid Level ............. = 125.0287 inches. Volume Change ................. = .02? Gallons. Expected Level Change ......... = .345? Inches. , . Neasured Level Change ********* = .028? inches. Primary Apparent Leak *~******* = .0248 Gallons. Primary Apparent Leak Rate **** = .OGB Gallons/Hour. Secondary Expected Level Change = .300? inches. Secondary Neasured Level Change = .392? inches. Secondary Apparent Leak ....... = -.0082 Gallons. Secondary Apparent Leak Rate ,. = -.022 Gallons/Hour. $~rat Expected Level Change *** = .3532 inches. Strat Apparent Leak *********** = .0252 Gal'Ions. Strat Apparent Leak Rate ****** = .088 Gallons/Hour, _ ~vg Measured Level Change ..... = ,0016 inches. - '. ~vg Volume Change ............. = ,012 Gallons. Avg Ex~ected Level Change ..... = ' o1540 inches. Avg Apparent Leak ............. = ,012 Gallons, Avg Apparent Leak Rate ........ = .0G4 Gallons/Hour, Avg Stra~ Volume Change ******* = .012 Gallons. Av9 Strat Expected Level Change = .IBGG inches. Avg Strat Apparent Leak ******* = .012 Gallons, ~vg Strat Apparent Leak Rate ** = .065 Gallons/Hour, ....... ~o~al. E.~apsed TAst.Time ............ __00:22; G . Processing Tank~NumbF~ 1 Tank Pressure Tr'ansducer Voltage = 3,~48 ~mospheric Pressure Transducer voltage = -le-006 ~emperature Transducer ~I, res = 15874.0000 ohms, temp= 58,9840 de9 F Temperature Transducer ~2, ~es = 15881.1000 ohms, tamp = S6.9657 deg F Temperature Transducer ~3, res = 15898.8000 ohms, tamp = 56.B202 de9 F Temperature Transducer ~4, res = ~5879.8000 ohms, tamp = 56.9691 de9 F Level Readings: -1.828450 volts, ~ -.1828 inches -'=~ANK-LE-~E-S~-'PROGR~ ........ '=- .... - .... Oisc Number 247118 .' NDE Technology, Inc. Copyright 198G,1988. Ail rights reserved. . .Tank Owner .................... -= O.S.A./DEPT40 PIERCE RO MS ~ank Number .................. -'~-PTR-O1/2K UNLENOED Date of Test ................... = ez/lm/lsmS .. Time of measurement ........... = 11:2~:16 Tank Temperature ............. . = 5G,BSSB degrees F, . Tank Pressure ................. = .S370 psi. Basic Tank Volume *++-*+~*+**** = 2001.179 Gallons. Temperature Correction ~**~**~* = -3.900 Gallons. Pressure Correction +**+**~** = .009 Gallons. Corrected Volume ~+*~-~*+*~*+~ = I~97.288 Gallons. Total Temperature Change ...... = .0294 degrees F. Leak Rate Calculation Time .... = 00:39:10 Geometry Band ................. = .001 Gallons/Hour. Rate of Temperature Change .... = .0450 degrees F/Hour. Total Fluid Level ............. = 125.0285 inches. Volume Change ................. = ° .038 Gallons. Expected Level Change ......... = .4866 inches. Measured Level Change ~,**~**+* = .0265 inches. Primary Apparent Leak ~*~***,~* = .0357 Gallons. Primary Apparent Leak Rate ~*,~ = .055 Gallons/Hour. Secondary Expected Level Chan9e = .4233 inches. Secondary Measured Level Change = .ZB4?. inches. Secondac%_.Apparent Leak ....... = .0115 Gallons. Secondary Apparent Leak Rate .. = .018 Gallons/Hour. Strat Expected Level Change *e* = .4933 inches. S~ra~ Apparent Leak #,,,+***H, = .0382 Gallons.' Strat Apparent Leak Rate ~***+* = .OSG Gallons/Hour. Av9 Measured Level Change ..... = .0124 inches. Av9 Volume Change ............. = .018 Gallons. Avg Expected Level Change ..... = .2352 inches. Avg Apparent Leak ............. = .017 Gallons. Avg Apparent Leak Rate ........ = .053 Gallons/Hour. Av9 Strat Volume Change *~**+*+ = .018 Gallons. ~vg Strat Expected Level Change = .2379 inches. Avg Strat Apparent Leak *****~* = .018 Gallons. ~v9 Strat Apparent Leak Rate ~+ = .054 Gallons/Hour. ~. Tq~Elapsed Test Time .......... = 00:39:10 __ Processing Tan~. Num~ 1 Tank Pressure.~ransdu~er. Voltage = ~.~71~ ~tmospher£c Pressure Transducer voltage = -la-DOG · ~emperature Transducer ~I, res = 158BB.7000 ohms, tamp = 5B.BB?B dog F Temperature Transducer ~2,'res = 15B?B.5000 ohms, tamp = 5B.ST?G de9 F Temperature Transducer ~, res = 15BB~.5000 ohms, tamp = 5G.B~3B dog F Temperature Transducer ~4, res = ~5875.~000 ohms, %amp = 5B.5807 dog F Level Readings: -.515300 volts. = -.0515 inches -~----=="=--~ = -TGNK ~EGK~EST~PROGRRM ' Disc Number 247118 NDE Technology, Inc. Copyright 198B,1988. ~11 rights reserved. · .~L. .. .Tank O~ner .................... = O.S.~.'/DEPT40 PIERCE RD MS · Tank Number .......... ~..' ..... ~ T-PTR-O1/2K.UNLENOED -- , ................ Measuremen~ $-- ~0 ..... '.-. :...' .'. Date of Test .................. = 02/10/1~85 Time of measurement .. = 11:~8:12 Tank Temperature .............. = 5B.9724 degrees F. Tank Pressure ................. = .B42B psi.. ' ' Basi~ Tank Volume ~,.+~-~- = 2001.179 Gallons. Temperature Correction ~+~ = -~.88~- Gallons. =" Pressure Correction *********** = '.009 'Gallons. Corrected Volume ****,********* = 1~7.~0¢ Gallons.. Total Temperature Change ...... = .0420 degrees F. .. Leak Rate Calculation Time .... = 00:GB:OB Geometry Band ................. = .001 Gallons/Hour. Rate of Temperature Change .... = .0450 degrees F/Hour. Total Fluid Level ............. = 125.1178 inches, Volume Change .................. = ,054 Gallons. Expected Level Change ......... = ,BSB7 inches. Measured Level Change -+*~*~*~ = ,1178 inches. Primary Apparent Leak **~**~+ = .0449 Gallons. Primary ~pparent Leak Rate *~ = ,048 Gallons/Hour, Secondary Expected Level Change = ,6061 inches, Secondary Measured Level Change = ,5100 inches, SecondaF~ Rpparent Leak ....... = .cass Gallons. Secondary ~pDarent Leak Rate .. = .009 Gallons/Hour. Strat Expected Level Change *** = ,7050 inches, Stra~ Rpparent Leak ~*~****~* = ,04~6 Gallons. Strat Rpparent Leak Rate ~*~+* = ,04~ 6ailons/Hour, _ Rvg Measured Level Change ..... = .0267 inches, Avg Volume Change ............. = ,024 Gallons. Rv9 Expected Level Change ..... = .3122 inches. ~vg Rpparent Leak ............. = ,022 Gallons, Rvg Rpparent Leak Rate ........ = ,04? Gallons/Hour. Rvg Strat Volume Change ,,*~*** = .024 Gallons. ~v9 Strat Expected Level Change = ,3145 inches. Rvg Strat Rpparent Leak +~**~** = ,022 6allons. Rv9 Strat Rpparent Leak Rate ~ = ,048 Gallons/Hour. Total Elapsed Test _~.lme ....... = 00=5G=06 ...... . Tank Pressure. Tpansducer Voltage = 3.3892 ~tmospheri-'c"Pressure Transducer volt'ge = -le-00G ~emperature Transducer ~1 res = 158GS.G000 ohms, tamp = 57.0056 de9 F Temperature Transducer ~2,'res = 15872.0000 ohms, tamp Temperature Transducer ~3, res = 1S890.S000 ohms, tamp = 58.9416 da9 F Temperature Transducer ~4, res = ~15871.0000 ohms, tamp = 5G.'BBI? de9 F Level Readings: .299393 volts', = .0299 inches -T~NK LEAW-T~ST PROGRam ................ - Disc Number 247118 NOE Technology, Inc. Copyright 1986,1988. ~11 rights reserved. · Tank Owner .................... ~ O.S.A,/OEPT40 PIERCE RO MS -Tank Number ................ ....,_- T-PTR-O1/2K UNLENDED '... ',,~ ..... -~ ~ ......... · ...... ....... Measurement.~ ....... 13 .... - Date of Test '. ................. ~ 02/18/1BBB · Time of measurement ........... ~ 11:54:59 Tank Temperature ' ~ SB.9820 degrees F, Tank Pressure ................. ~ ,8423 psi. Basic Tank Volume ************* ~ 2001.179 Gallons. Temperature Correction ******** ' -3.871 Gallons. Pressure Correction *********** ~ .009 Gallons. Corrected Volume ************** ~ 1B9?.~l? Gallons, Total Temperature Change ...... = ,051B degrees F. . Leak Rate Caiculation Time .... ~ 01:01:43 Geometry 8and ................. ~ .001 Gallons/Hour. Rate of Temperature Change .... ~ .0~86 degrees F/Hour, Total Fluid Level ............. = 125.22Z¢ Inches, Volume Change ~ .051 6allons. Expected Level Change ......... ~ .6584 inches, Measured Level Change ********* ~ .2224 inches. Primary ~pparent Leak ******.** ~' .0338 Gallons. Primary Apparent Leak Rate **** = .033 Gallons/Hour. Secondary Expected Level Change = .5?28 inches. Secondary Measured Level Change = .4?86 inches, Seconda~ Apparent Leak ....... = .8084 Gallons. . Secondary Apparent Leak Rate .. ~ .888 Gallons/Hour. Strst Expected Level Change *** = .BG1G' inches. Strat Apparent Leak *********** = .0341 Gallons. Strat Apparent Leak Rate ****** = ,03~ Gallons/Hour. Avg Measured Level Changa ..... = .1SS8 inches. Avg Volume Change ............. ~ .043 Gallons. Avg Expected Level Change ..... = .SS01 inches. Avg Apparent Leak ............. = .030 Gallons. ~vg Apparent Leak Rate ........ = .036 Gallons/Hour. AvQ Strat Volume Change ******* = .043 Gallons. Avg Strat Expected Level Change = .5S20 lnches. Av9 Strat Apparent Leak *****+* = .030 Gallons. ArQ Strat A~parent Leak Rate ** ~ .O~G Gallons/Hour. ~otal .~apsed Test Time ....... -..-~--~t~.12=S2 .... . - Processing Tank= Num~ . 1 Tank Pressure .Transducer Voltage = ~mospherLc Pressure Transducer voltage = -la-COG i ' · ~emperature Transducer ~1, res = 16881.1000 ohms, tamp = 67.0172 deg F °' Temperature Transducer ~2, res = 1S8BB.1000 ohms, temp= SB.SgBB de9 F Temperature Transducer ~3, res = 16886.2000 ohms, ~emp = S8.9S28 deg F Temperature Transducer ~4, res = -15868.0000 ohms, %emp = 56.9994 deg F Level Readings: .30¢230 volts,'= .0304 inches NDE Technology, Inc. :,. Copyright 1988,1S88. All rights reserved.. ' Tank O~ner .................... ~ O.S.A./DEPT40 PIERCE RD MS [. . Tank Number .......... · ........ - T-PTR-O1/2K UNLENOED_ ......... ..... Measurement ~ - 19 ............ ' . . . Date of Test .................. = 02/10/1989 ..... ,'.' Time o¢ measurement ........... = 12:11:51 ~' Tank Temperature .............. = ~6,991~ degrees F, ' Tank Pressure ................. = ,8417 psi, Basic Tank Volume ************* = 2001,179 Gallons, Temperature Correction ******** = -3.859 Gallons, Pressure Correction *********** ~ ,009 Gallons, Corrected Volume ************** = 1997,32~ Gallons, To,al Temperature Change ...... = .0611 degrees F? Leak Ra~e Calculation Time .... = 01:01:51 Geometry 8and ................. = .001 Gallons/Hour. Ra~e of Temperature Change .... = .0~77 degrees F/Hour. Total Fluid Level ............. = 125.2133 inches. Volume Change ................. = .050 Gallons. Expected Level Change ......... = .~432 .inches. Measured Level Change ********* = .2133 inches. Primary Apparent Leak ********* = .0334 Gallons. Primary Apparent Leak Rate **** = .032 Gallons/Hour, Secondary Expected Level Change = ,5~98 inches. Secondary Measured Level Change = .llSS inches.- Secondary Apparen~ Leak ....... = .0396 Gallons. Secondary Apparent Leak Rate ,, = 038 Gallons/Hour, Strat Expected Level Change *** = 6450 inches, Strat Apparent Leak *********** = 0339 Gallons. Strat Apparent Leak Rate ****** = 033 Gallons/Hour. _ 8vg Measured Level Change ..... = 2212 inches. Avg Volume Change ............. = 050 Gallons. ~vg Expected Level Change ..... = 8438 inches. Avg Apparent Leak ............. = 033 Gallons. Avg Apparent Leak Rate ........ = 032 Gallons/Hour. 8vg Strat Volume Change *****+* = 0S0 Gallons. ~vg S~rat Expected Level Change = 6492 inches. Avg Strat Apparent Leak ******* = 033 Gallons, ~vg Strat Apparent Leak Rate ** = .032 Gallons/Hour. ........... ~p~al.~l,aps~d Test_~ime..~ ...... = .... 01:29:49 ._. - Processing Tank Numbl~- 1 Tank Pressure Transducer Ubl~age = ~mospher~c Pressure Transducer voltage = -2e-008 Temperature Transducer ~1, res = 15859.1000 ohms, tamp = 57.0223 deg F Temperature Transducer ~2, -res : 15BGG.0000 ohms, ~emp = ~?.004G deg F Temperature Transducer ~3, res : 18884.0000 ohms, tamp : 5G.95@3 deg F Temperature Transducer ~4, res : q58~4,8000 ohms, ~emp = 5?.00?? de9 F Level Readings: .??2840 volts~ = .0??3 inches NDE Technology, Inc. Copyright 1986,1B88. ~11 rights reserved. Tank Owner .................... ~ O.S.A./OEPT40 PIERCE RO MS 'Tank Number .................. - T-PTR-O1/2K UNLENOED Measuremen~ ~ ' - I? Oate of Test .................. ~ 02/10/1~@S Time of ~easurement ........... ~ 12:17:30 Tank Temperature .............. ~ 58.SS82 degrees F. Tank Pressure ................. ~ .B~?O psi. Basic Tank Uolume ~+~+~+~ = 2001.179 Gallons. Temperature Correction -++~++++ ~ -3.~0 Gallons. - .' Pressure Correction ,~,+~++~ ~ .009 Gallons. Corrected golume +~++~, = 1997.338 Gallons. Total Temperature Change ...... ~ .OG?8 degrees F. Leak Rate Calculation Time .... ~ Geometry Band ................. ~ .001 Gallons/Hour. Rate of TeMperature Change .... = .038~ degrees F/Hour. Total Fluid Level ............. ~ 128.2802 inches. Uolume Change ................. = ,0~2 Gallons. Expected Level Change ......... = .G?I? inches. Measured Level Change ++++~++~ = .2802 inches. Primary ~pparent Leak ~,++~++~ = .0319 Gallons. PriMary ~pparent Leak Rate ,~+, ~ .031 Gallons/Hour. Secondary Expected Level Change ~ .~@44 inches. Secondary ~easured Level Change = .3511 inches. Secondary ~pparent Leak ....... ~ .020B Gallons. SecondaF~ ~pparent Leak Rate .. = .020 Oallons/Hour. Strat Expected Level Change +~+ = 08?28 inches. Strat ~pparent Leak ,+,~+++~+ = .0320 Gallons. Strat ~pparen~ Leak Rate ++~ ~ .0~1 Gallons/Hour. ~'vg Measured Level Change ..... = .2299 inches. ~vg Uoiume Change ............. = °050 Gallons. 6vg Expected Level Change ..... = oG~8? inches. ~vg ~pparent Leak ............. = °032 Gallons. ~vg ~pparent Leak Rate ........ - .031 Gallons/Hour. ~vg S~ra~ Uolume Change +~ = .050 Gallons. ~vg Strat Expected Level Change ~ .~@2 inches. ~vg Strat ~pparent Leak ~+~+~ ~ .032 Gallons. ~vg Strat ~pparen~ Leak Rate ++ ~ .0~2 Gallons/Hour. Total Elapsed Test Time ....... = 01:38:25 _ _ Processing Tan~: NumbS' 1 Tank Pressure,~ransducer Voltage = 3.~808 ~tMospher£c'Pressure Transducer voltage = -le-006 ~eMperature Transducer ~1, res = 15858.0000 ohms, tamp = 57.0251 deg F Temperature Transducer ~2,'res = 1588G.5000 ohms, tamp = 57.00~ deg F Temperature Transducer ~3, res = ;588Z.9000 ohms, tamp = SG.gGll deg F Temperature Transducer ~4, res = q5865.8000 ohms, tamp = 57.0051 deg F Level Readings: .811750 volts: = .0812 inches ~ANK LEAK TEST PROGRAM .... : ....... ' ...... : ..... "--~'~ --" -Disc:NumbeH hOE Technology, Inc. Copyright 198G,IB88. 811 rights reserved. Tank Ouner .................... = O.S.6./DEPT40 PIERCE RO MS Tank Number - T-PTR-OI/2K UNLENDED ....... Measurement ~ ........ 18 Date of Test .................. = 02/10/1989 Time of measurement = 12:23:08 'Tank Temperature .............. = SG.9987 degrees F., Tank Pressure ................. = .8452 psi. Basic Tank Volume ************* = 2001.179 Gallons. Temperature Correction ******** = -3.850 Gallons, Pressure Correction *********** = .009 Gallons. Corrected Volume ************** = 1997.338 Gallons. Total Temperature Change ...... = .0883 degrees F. Leak Rate Calculation Time .... = 01:01:52 Geometry Band ................. = .801 Gallons/Hour. Rate of Temperature Change .... = .0~?? degree~ F/Hour. Total Fluid Level ............. = 125.2840 inches, Volume Change ................. = .050 Gallons. Expected Level Change ......... = .8439 inches. Measured Level Change ********* = .2640 inches. Primary Apparent Leak ********* = .0295 Gallons. Primary Apparent Leak Rate **** = .029 Gallons/Hour. Secondary Expected Level Change = .5802 inches. Secondary Measured Level Change = .30~0 inches. Secondac~ Apparent Leak ....... = .0229 Gallons. Secondary Apparent Leak Rate .. = ,022 Gallons/Hour. Strat Expected Level Change *** = .8488 inches. Strat Apparent Leak *******~*** = .0298 Gallons. Strat. Apparent Leak Rate ****** = .029 Gallons/Hour. Avg Measured Level Change ..... = .2382 inches. Avg Volume Change ............. = .050 Gallons. Avg Expected Level Change ..... = .64~8 inches. Avg Apparent Leak ............. = .031 Gallons. Av9 ~pparent Leak Rate ...... .. = .031 6allons/Hour. Av9 Strat Volume Change ******* = .050 Gallons. Avg Strat Expected Level Change = .645G inches. Avg Strat Apparent Leak ******* = .0~2 6allons. Av9 Strat Apparent Leak Rate ** = .0~1 6allons/Hour. _ Tote. 1 .~.~eps.ed Test _7. ime ........ = 01:41_:.02 .......... - Processing Ta'nk Num~~-~' 1 Tank Rressure, T~ansdu'cer Uoltage = 3.3886 'A'~mospheric Pressure Transducer voltage = -Is-COG ~emperature Transducer ~1, res = lS8S8.3000 ohms, tamp = S7,0244 dog F Temperature Transducer ~2,'res = 15864.9000 ohms, tamp = B?.0074'deg F Temperature Transducer ~3, res = 1S883.B000 ohms, tamp = SG.BSB3 dog F Temperature Transducer ~4, res = ~IS8G3.~000 ohms, temp' = S?.OllS dog F Level Readings: .GS4780 volts', = .OGSS inches NDE Technology, Inc. · Copyright 1B8G,1B88. All rights reserved. · Tank Owner .................... ' O.S.A./DEPT40 PIERCE RD MS Tank Number ......... .~'.~'.z--t F T-PTR-O1/2K UNLENDED ....... ~ - · Measurement ~ IS Oats o~ Test .................. = 02/10/IS8B ' Time of measurement ......... '.. = 12:28:44 Tank Temperature .............. = S?.000G degrees F. Tank Pressure ................. = .8471 psi. Basic Tank Volume **~+**+**~ ~ 2001.179 Gallons. . Temperature Correction ,*~*~** '= -3.84? Gallons. Pressure Correction ~*~-*~**~ = .00~ Gallons. Corrected Volume ~*~*+~**~**~,- = 1997.~41 Gallons. Total Temperature Change ...... = .0703 degrees F. Leak Rate Calculation Time .... = 01:01:48 Geometry Band ................. = .001 Gallons/Hour. .Rate of Temperature Change .... = .0~46 degrees F/Hour. Total Fluid Level ............. = 12S.2484 inches. Volume Change ................. = .046 Gallons. Expected Level Change ......... = .5912 inches. Measured Level Change **~*~***~ = .2484 inches. Primary Apparent Leak *~*~**~ = .0266 Gallons. Primary Apparent Leak Rate ***, = .026 Gallons/Hour. Secondary Expected Level Change = .SI43 inches. Secondary Measured Level Change = 4121 inches. Seconda~ Apparent Leak ....... = 0091 Gallons. Secondary Apparent Leak Rat's .. = 009 Gallons/Hour. Strat Expected Level Change *~* = 5841 inches. Strat Apparent Leak *********~ = 0261 Gallons. Strat Apparent Leak Rate *~*~+ = 025 Oallons/Hour. Avg Measured Level Change ..... = 239~ inches. Avg Volume Change ............. = 049 Gallons. Avg Expected Level Change ..... = 6~06 inches, Avg Apparent Leak ............. = 030 Gallons. Avg Apparent Leak Rate ........ = 029 Gallons/Hour. Avg Strat Volume Change ******* = 049 Gallons. Avg Strat Expected Level Change = .6~09 inches. ArQ Stra~ Apparent Leak ******* = .0~0 Gallons. ArQ Strat Apparent Leak Rate ** = .029 Gallons/Hour. Tot~._Elapsed~Iest Z£m~ ........... ~_01:4B:~8 Processing Tank~.Numb~~'- 1 Tank Pressure Transducer Uol~age = A~mospheri¢ Pressure Transducer voltage = -2e-006 Temperature Transducer ~I . res = 15BS5.9000 ohms, tamp = 57.0305 deg F Temperature Transducer ~2, res = 15861.5000 ohms, tamp ~ S7.0161 .de9 F Temperature Transducer ~, res = 15880.7000 ohms, tamp = 56.9688 deg F Temperature Transducer ~4, res = r5881.1000 ohms, tamp = 57.0172 de9 F Level Readings: .789420 volts,'= .0789 inches ........ TANK-~LEAK TEST PROGRAM ................... = ..... Oisc Number-2471i8 hOE Technology, Inc. Copyrigh~ 158G,1588. All rights reserved. '" - Tank Owner .................... ~ O.S.A./OEPT~O PIERCE RO ~5 Tank Number .................. - T-PTR-O1/2N UNLENDED ' .......... Mea'suremen~-~ ..... 20 ........................... Date of Test .................. = Time of measurement ........... = Tank Temoerature ............... ~ 57.0077 degrees F. Tank Pressure ................. = .B~75 ~i. Temperature Correction ******** = -3.B3~ ~allons. Pressure Correction ~********* = .00~ Gallons. . · Total Temperature Change ...... ~ .077~ degrees F. Leak Rate CalculatiOn Time .... = Geometry Band ................. = .00] Gallons/Hour. Ra~e of Temperature Change .... = .0~0~ degrees F/Hour. To~al Fluid Level ............. = l~5.~B00 inches. Volume Change ................. = .053. Gallons. Expected Level Change ......... = .$B70 inches. Measured Level Change ********* = .~00 inches. Primary Apparent Leak ********* = .0~31 6ailons. Primary Apparent Leak Rate **** = .032 Gallons/Hour. Secondary E×pected Level Ohange= .S~78 inches. Secondary Measured Level Change = .$500 inches. Secondar.~_Apparen~ Leak ....... = .013£ Gallons. Secondary ~pparent Leak Rate .. = .0]~ Gallon~/Nour. S~ra~ Expected Level Change **~ = .8902 inches. Strat Apparen~ Leak +~+++~+++~ = .03~$ Gallons. 5~rat Apparent Leak Ra~e ~+~ = .032 6allons/Hour. Avg Measured Level Change ..... = .2~92 inches. Avg Volume Change ............. = .050 Gallons. Ay9 Expected Level Change ..... = .8475 inches. Avg Apparen~ Leak ............. = .031 Gallona. Av9 Apparen~ Leak Rate ........ = .030 Gallons/Hour. A.v9 Strat Volume Change ~++~ ~ .050 Gallons. ~vg Strat E×pec~ed Level Change ~ .85S1 inches. Avg Stra~ 8~parent Leak ~+~+~++ ~ .0~1 Gallons.. 8vg Strat Apparen~ Leak Ra~e +~ = .030 Gallons/Hour. Processzng Tank[NumbS. 1 Tank Pressure Transducer Uol%age = 3.~89S 'A~mospheric Pressure Transducer voltage = -2e-008 · ~emperature Transducer ~1, res = 15BS4.0000 ohms, tamp ~ 57.03S4 dog F Temperature Transducer ~2, res = 15882.5000 ohms, tamp = 57,0138 dog F Temperature Transducer ~, res = 15879.6000 ohms, tamp = 5B.9896 dog F Temperature Transducer ~4, res = I58G0.4000 ohms, tamp = 57.0190 dog F Level Readings: .SS1040 volts, = .0551 inches T~NK-EEAK TEST PROGRAM .' ............ ............. NDE Technology. Inc. Copyright 198G,1988. Ail rights reserved. - . Tank Owner .................... = O.S.A./DEPT40 PIERCE RD MS Tank Number .................. - T-PTR-O1/2K UNLENDEO ........ - ..... Measurement ~ ........... 21 ............ · Date of Test .................. = 02/10/1989 Time o~ measurement ........... = 12:~9:S9 Tank Temperature .............. = S?.0094 degrees F, Tank Pressure ................. = .8474 psi. Temperature Correction ***#**** = -~.8~G Gallons. Pressure Correction **********~ = °009 Gallons. Corrected ~olume ,************* = 19S?,3S2 6allons. Total Temperature Change ...... = .07~0 degrees F. 'Leak Rate Calculation Time .... = 01:01:47 Geometry 8and ................. = o001 Gallons/Hour. Ra~e o¢ Temperature Change .... = .0~ degrees F/Hour. Total Fluid Level ............. ~ 125.14BS inches. Volume Change ................. = .04? Gallons. Expected Level Change ......... = .Gl15 inches. Measured Level Change ********* = ,1466 inches, Primary Apparent' Leak ********* = ,0~61 Gallons. Primary Apparent Leak Rate **** = ,0~5 Gallons/Hour, Secondary Expected Level Change = .5S20 inches, Secondary Measured Level Change = ,1882 inches. Secondary Apparent Leak ....... = ',032S Gallons, Secondary Apparent Leak Rate ,, = ,032 Gallons/Hour, Stra.t Expected Level Change *** = ,8073 inches. Strat Apparent Leak *********** = ,03S8 Gallons, Strat Epparen~ Leak Rate ****** = ,0~5 Gallons/Hour, _ ~vg Measured Level Change ..... = .2~S9 inches. Avg Uolume Change ............. = .050 Gallons, ~v9 Expected Level Change ..... = .8411 inches. ~vg ~pparent Leak ............. ~ .0~1 ~allons, Avg Apparent Leak Rate ........ = ,0~1 Gallons/Hour. Avg Strat Uolume Change ***+*** = .050 Gallons. ~vg 5trat Expected Level Change = ,G40G inches. Av9 Strat Apparent Leak ******* = ~0~1 6allon~. ~vg 5trat Apparent Leak Rate ** = .0~0 Gallons/Hour. Total Elapsed..Test Time ....... = 01:57:53 Processing Tank Num~- 1 Tank Pressure. Transducer Voltage = 'Atmospheric Pre~sure .Transducer voltage = -2e-008 ~Temperature Transducer ~1, res = ISB52.7000 ohms, temp= 57.0388 deg F Temperature Transducer ~2,-pes = IS881.1000 ohms, temp= S?.0172 deg F Temperature Transducer ~3, res = 15878.1000 ohms, temp= 56.9?35 dQg F Temperature Transducer ~4, res = ~15859.1000 ohms, temp= 5?.0223 deg F .Level Readings: .?12880 volts', = ,0713' inches .............. TA-NK-LESK-~TEST PROGRSMir~. - === .... OlS~ Numbe~ 2~rT~lB-= ~ ~.~, ,- Copyrzght 1986,1988. ~I1 r~ghts reserved. Tank Owner .~. ...... ~,..q~o.,~ ~ = O.S.~./DEPT4e PIERCE RO MS "Tank Number .... .~.' ...... - T-PTR-O1/2K'UNLENDED , Da e of ~Gs~ .................. = . 02/10/1989 Time of measurement ........... '= 1Z:45:33 Tank Temperature .............. = 57.0129 degrees F. Tank Pressure ................. = .8455 psi, Basic Tank Uolume ************~ = 2001.179 Gallons. Temperature Correction ******** = -~.832 Gallons. Pressure Correction *********** = . .009 Gallons.. Corrected Volume ***********+** = 1997.356 Gallons. Total Temperature Change ...... = .082S degrees F. Leak Rate Calculation Time .... = 01:01:41 Geometry Band ................. = .001 Gallons/Hour. Rate o¢ Temperature Change .... = .036? degrees F/Hour. Total Fluid Level ............. = 12S.0398 inches. Volume Change ................. = .048 Gallons. Expected Level Change ......... = .6242 inches. 'Measured Level Change *******+* = .0398 inches. Primary 8pparent L~ak ********* = .04S¢ 6alions. Primary 8pparent Leak Rate **** = .044 Gallons/Hour. Secondary Expected Level Change = .S4S0 inches. Secondary Measured Level Change = .1534 inches. Secondary 8pparent Leak ....... = .0348 Gallons. Secondary 8pparent Leak Rate .. = .054 Gallons/Hour. Strat Expected Level Change *** = .8231 inches. Strat 8pparent Leak *********+* = .04S3' Gallons. Strat 8pparent Leak Rate ****** = .044 Gallons/Hour.' ~vg Measured Level Change ..... = .1918 inches. ~vg Volume Change ............. = .049 Gallons. 8vg Expected Level Change ..... = .~515 inches. 8vg Apparent Leak ............. = .054 Gallons. ~vg ~pparent Leak Rate ........ = .033 Gallons/Hour. 8vg Strat Volume Change ******* = .049 Gallons. ~vg Strat Eipected Level Change = .6507 inches. 8vg Strat 8pparent Leak ******* = .054 Gallons. ~vg Strat 6pparent Leak Rate ** = .0~3 Gallons/Hour. ............ To~a_~ ~apsed Test Time ....... = 02:03:2~ /*' -' HEALTH OFFICER ,~ 1?00Flower Street ., .,' N COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTME . Bakersfield, California 93305 ' Leon M Hebertson, M.D.. · · - ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION ', - Telephone (805) 8.61-3636 " ' . ~ o .-o P ~- RAT ~.= Ii. IliadS:: ~986 · .FACIZ, ITY: ' J"" oWNER: · CAr. TRANS/PIgRC'E ROAD .I STATE OF. cALIFORNIA : 2619-PIEROE.ROAD [ , P.O. .BOX §816 : ........ - ..... B-AKER~Fi[Y'.D::-- ~'A ..... ' .... l: ........BAKERSFiE~.D ;.': CA":: '93388- '". TANK # AGE{ IN 'YRS ) SUBSTANCE CODE' PRESSURIZED PIPING? i UNK MVF I NO NOTE: ALL INTERIM REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED BY THE .PERMITTING AUTHORITY MUST BE MET DURING THE TERM oF THIS PERMIT .' -NON--TRANSFERABLE * * * POST ON PREMISES DA~ P~ ~K LIST ~: : - ' '_ ' . ' '" "'-~"'"" PERM.~IT C~ECKLIST · FacilityC/~l~//".~l~¢/~ l~. ~~'~ Permit This checklist is provided to ensure.that all necessary packet enclosures were received " and that the Permittee has obtained all ~ecessary equipment to i~plement the first phase of monitoring requirements. ..... ~lease complete this form and return to KCHD fn ~'h~-'se~k'~d~essed envelope provided within 30 days of receipt. Check: Yes No :: __/ ........ A._~he.packet .I.received contained: .................. · 1) Cover Letter, Permit Checklist, Interim Permit, Phase I Interla .Perait ~oni~oring Requirements, Information Sheet (A~eeaent Between ~er Operator), Chapter 15 (KCOC ~G-3941), Explanation of Subst~ce Codes,  Equipment Lists and Return Envelope. " 2) Standard Inventory Control ~onitoring Handbook ~UT-IO. ~ 3) The Following For~s: a) Inventory Recording Sheet b) Inventory Reconciliation Sheet ~ith s~ary on reverse c) Trend ~alysis ~orksheet 4) ~ Action Chart (to post at facility) B. I have examined the information on ~y Interi~ Per.it, Phase I ~onitortng Requirements, and Information Sheet (Agreement between ~er and Operator), and find o~ner's na~e and address, facility na~e 'and address, operator's n~e and address, substance codes, and number of tanks to be accurately listed (if "no' is checked, note appropriate corrections on the back side of this sheet). C. I have the following required equipment (as described on page 6 of Handbook): 1) Acceptable gauging instrument .2) "Striker plate(s)" in tank(s) 3) ~ater-finding paste D. I have read the information on the enclosed "Information Sheet" pertaining to Agreements between O~ner and Operator and hereby state that the o~er of this -facility is the operator (if "no' is checked, attach a copy of agreement between o~ner and operator). E. I have enclosed a copy of Calibration Charts for all tanks at this facility (if tanks are identical, one chart ~ill suffice; label chart(s) ~ith corresponding tank numbers listed on per. it). F. As required on page 6 of Handbook ~UT-IO, all ~eters at this facility have had calibration checks ~ithin the last 30 days and ~ere calibrated by a registered device repairman ~f out of tolerance (all ~eter calibrations ~ust be recorded on "~eter Calibration Check For~" found in the Appendix of Handbook). 6.-Standard-Inventory Control-Monitoring ~as started at this facility in accordance ~ith procedures described in Handbook ~UT-IO. Date Started SiKnature of Person Completin~ Checklist: ~/ ~~ Title: ~~~ ~""rATE OF CALIFORNIA--TRANSPOR'J'ATION AGENCY GEORGE DEUKAAEJIAN, Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ~ P.O. BOX 12616, FRESNO 93778 '~ 1200 Olive Drive Bakersfield, CA 93308 ~ October 14, 1986 . Health Officer County of Kern Dear Sir: On September 24, 1986 three of my supervisors attended a meeting on the proper methods for record keeping on calibration of fuel tanks in Kern County. We have several other locations for which we are awaiting material and permits. When we determine all of our needs, we would like to contract all of our needed repairs and items necessary to comply with the county ' s requirements. At this time I am asking for an extension until all packets are received and a contract can be established to meet compliance. Please let me know as soon as possible as it will be necessary to begin a program immediately if an extension is not granted. ly, South Region Manager _ JLF: sb cc: ER Beck 1700 Plower Street, Bakersfield, 93305 Facility ~ F~ility ~ification bf Facility · Is T~k(s) ~cat~ on ~ ~ricultural Faro? Is Tank(s) Us~ ~rily ~o~ ~r~ltura~r~ses? '~Yes ; T '~ ~ R · SEC (R~al ~atio~ ~ly) ~" S. ~r m ~actlt~ Provid~ 'by ~ ~~ mp~ m' Gro~wamr C. Contractor D/~ ~-~ ~ ~ntractor' s ~ce~e ~dr e~ Ztp ~ le~om Pro~s~ Smrti~ ~te - ~ro~s~ C~pletion ~te .Worker.' s C~~t!~ Certtftca~i~ ~ '. I~urer Z. T~(s) S~re (~k all ~t a~ly): T~ ~ ~s~ Pr~uct ~tor Vehicle Unlead~ R~ular ~i~l. ~sition of ~terlals Stor~ (~t ~es~ry for ~tor ~ehicle ~is) T~ ~ Ch~i~l Stor~ (n~c~rcial ~e) (if different) Date of ~-ansfer _,/'[< ~ Previous Owner Previous Facility Name I, accept fully all obligati'ons of Permit No. issued to I' understand that the Pe~mitting Authority may ~eview and modify or terminate. 'the t~ansfer of the Permit to Operate this ~derground storage ..... facility_ upon_ rece iv lng -this-c~mpleted--form. .... This form has been completed under penalty of perjury and to the best of my knQwledge _is true and c~c~. / ," ... .TANK ~ (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH TANK) '" FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK Ar.r. APPROPRIATE BOXES *" Il. 1. Tank is: i~Vaulted [-INon~Vaulted []Double-Wall ['lSingie-Wall ~ 2. ~ Material --~Carbon Steel [] Stainless Ste~l [] Polyvinyl Chloride [~ Fiberglass-Clad Steel Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [] Concrete !~ Al~in~ [] Bronze ~4~known Other (describe) ~ Dste/~.Ins~al led Thickness (Inches) Capa,9 t ty~~~(~a 11ons) " 4. Tank SeC'ondar~ Co6't~air~ent · [-IDouble-Wall []Synthetic Liner []Lined Vault []None i~Other (describe): '" Manufactur.r: ~'lMsterial -. Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) 5. 'Tank Interior Linln~ ' ........ Ome lic O ay- -'- ~ []Other (describe): " ~'--~_G~luan~ze~*~aa-C1M' ~Pol~Chy!e..?. gt~p []Vinyl ~Tar or ~1~ ~0nknmm. F~l~me []Othe~'(demribe): ,' , 7. Leak Detection-~-.Ronitorin~, m~J ~ . ' ...... ~. ~_~: [:]Visual (vaui~d---~~Groun~mter Nonitoring' I~11 (s) F]V~dose. Zone ~onitorirr~ Well(s) [:]U-Tube Without Liner flU-Tribe wi~h C~p. patible Liner Directing Flow to Monitoring Vapor. DstecCor' [] Liquid Level Sensors ['I Conductivi.t~ F~mor' · [] Presaure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank [:] Liquid Retrieual & Inspection Fcom U-Tube, Honitorir~ ~11 or Annular S~ce ~ Daily Gauging & Invento~ Reconc.iliatio~, l~R~riodic TiqhJ~n~s b. Pipir~ CJFlo~-Res=rictin~ Leak De~c6or(g) ~or Pressurized Pipir~j []Nonitorin~ S~p ~ith Racem¥ ~]Sealed Co~crete Racmmy mm [:]Other · ~ 'mz~._%~n~ ueen Tightness Tasted? ~]¥es ~L~kno~ ~.~ Date of Last Tightness Test ~ Results of Test '~ - Test l~-,e ~--~-- Testin~ O~n¥ ......... _ Date(s) of Repair(s) ~-- -- '. Describe R~pairs 10. Over~111 Protection - ~'Operat:or Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level [:]Tape Float Gauqe ~Float Vent Values F-] Auto Shut- Off Controls  CapaciCance Sensor I-]sealed Fill Sox U1None [-]L~kno~ Other: . List Make & Model ~or Above De~ices -' -- ......... l-lPresS~r~---~F~t"ton C]Gravit¥ ~--~imat~ 'Length of Pi'pe b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : []Galvanized []Fiberglass-Clad []Impressed Current []Sacrificial Anode U~y~thylene Wrap ~Electrical Isolation Ovinyl wrap []Tar or Asphalt own [~None [-]Other (describe): c. Underground Piping, S~econdary Containment: ~ /kn ~-]Double-Wall [-]Synthetic Liner System [-]None own