HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK FILE #1 I .i · ., GROUNDWATER RESOU~££' BIG vr~nr.s~ ?~uc~ sToPs PLATE lNDUST~tES-(80S)835~7700 slls ~cs so~ B~RS~I~LD~ enviror,mer~t~l/~'t~hni~l ~rvl'~ ! ~.~,,...~: o~ LOCATION M . GROUNDWATER RESOURCE BIG VALLEY TRUCK STOPS PLATE I NDUSTRI ES-(805)835~7700 3115 PZ~.RCE BAKERSFIELD~ CA env i r onrn er~tal/r, jeotechnical.. services I LOCATION MAP ' fueling island fueling Island ~uck scale I '(SLANT 25e) [BEARING N35~] (SLANT 25e) [BEARIN6 N3OW] VERTICAL ~IT~IN~ ~LL ' PR~ED B~ING PR~ED SLANT DRILLED B~INGS ~I inch = .12 Feet. 6ROUNDWATER RESOURCE BIG VALLEY TRUCK STOPS PLATE· INOUSTRIE5-(805)8;~$-7700 31 15 PIERCE ROAD environmental/ge°technical services' BAKERSFIELD,' CA. ~. PLOT PLAN  S@Ot AJSS lm!uq3alo@~/tm ua,,,uuo J !,'~ua ~ 'VD '(]13 IJStli)lV[! ' (l¥Ot:! 3Dtl31d ~c:5 1 !£ OOLL-~£~(~O~)-~331~II~R(INI 30~110~3~! ~31¥MONRO~0 3'lVld §dOIS )43A~/A]llVA 918 -I  . S~Oi^JeS [goluqoelo~6/|giuetuuoJl^U~ 'VD '0131JSU3NVfl O¥OU 33U31d ~ ! ! £ 33Uf10S3U U3LV/RQNfl0ug 3/Vld Sd01S N3fllJJ. A3TIVA ~;I g 0 T1]/~ ONlt:IOIINOLI/ONI~Og O]SOdO~d~ I I !' ! $gNI~3g a]331aa INV~S a]SOdO~d iD · N loej ~1 = q3Ul [ 9NIUOO Ci3SOdOSd 0 [:tS£N 9NIUV]G)(~S~ IN¥1S) t-g 0 ?able I (Cont.) ~ample ContsLnere, Holding ?Lmoe and Preservation ~ Holding Parameter ~lotrix . Container Time · . Preservation "'' .... ~''~ ............... ' ....... '~ ........................ ' .......... -'-..L...' ...... Po~y- Soil 8 oz. vide' mouth 7 days1/ Chlorinated glass with teflon 40 days2/ alphsnyls seal Va'tar 1000 ol saber gloss 7 deyel/ 4 with teflon seal 40 days2/ Total Hernia Sell 3'. st&tnloss stem1, 6 months or braes cylinder Vater 1000 al plasCl~ 6 months pH~2 Dissolved HeCals Yatsr 1000 el plastic 6 months pHC2 0.45 H~croN Filtration Pesticides Sol1 3" staLnloss steel, 14 data2/ 4'¢ or brass cTlIndor UlCer 1000 Il glall 7' days2/ 4°¢ Note: 1/ . HSzimum holdlflg t/me for sample (ozCro~C within thio Ciao or afl&lyes tr extraction La not required), ' 2/ · Haxlaue holding CLeo for extr&cc (analyze 3/ within this tine). · HaXXBUN holdLflg time for sample when pH adjusted with HCi.' Table 2 LaboratorY Test Methodology Underground Tank Sites Hydrocarbon Leak Soil Analysis Water Analysts Unknown Fuel TPH G GCFID(S030) TPH G GCFID(S030)' TPH D GCFID(3550) TPH D GCFiD(3510) · BTX&E 8020 or 8240 BTX&E .602 or 624 Leaded Gas TPH G GCFID(5030) TPH G GCFID(§030) BTX&E 8020 Or 8240 BTX&E 602 or 624 ---Optional--- TEL DHS-LUFT TEL DHS-LUFT' EDB DHS-AB1803 EDB DHS-AB1803 Unleaded Gas TPH G GCFID(5030) TPH G, GCFID(5030) BTX&E 8020 or 8240 BTX&E 602 or 624 'Diesel TPH D GCFID(3550) TPH D GCFID(3510) BTX&E 8020 or 8240 BTX&E 602 or 624 Jet Fuel .TPH D GCFID(3550) TPH D GCFID(3510) BTX&E 8020 or 8240 BTX&E 602 or 624 Kerosene TPH D GCFID(3550) TPH D' GCFID(3§10) BTX&E 8020 or 8240 BTX&E 602 or 624 Fuel Oil TPH D GCFiD(3550) TPH D GCFID(3§10) BTX&E 8020 or 8240 BTX&E 602 or 624 Chlorinated Solvents CL HC 8010 or 8240 CL HC 601 or 624 BTX&E 8020 or' 8240 BTX&E 602 or 624 Non Chlorinated Solvents TPH D GCFID(3§§0) TPH D GCFID(3510). BTX&E 8020 or 8240 BTX&E 602 or 624 Waste Oil or Unknown TPH G ~CFID(5030). TPH G GCFID(§030) TPH D GCFID(3550) TPH D GCFID(3510) 0 & O 503D&E O & G 503A&E BTX&E '8020 or 8240 BTX&E 602 or 624 CL HC 8010 or 8240 CL HC 601 or 624 ICAP or AA to Detect Metals: Cd, Cr, Pb, Zn Method 8270 for Soil or Water to Detect: PCB* PCP* PCB* PNA PCP* PNA Creosote Creosote · If found, analyze .for dibenzofurans (PCBs) or dioxins (PCP) qATER RESOURCES, INC. ,5o0 so. uN,oN A,,E. Working to Restore Nature. BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93307 General Er~gineering Contractor Class A/Haz License No. 520768 February 21,1991 Mr. Brian Pitts Kern County Environmental Health Services Department 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, California. 93301 RE: Mainland Pacific Development Co. Big Valley Truck Stop Site 3115 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, Tank Removal (A 1431-05) Dear Mr. Pitts, Groundwater Resources InC. (GRI) removed a 1,000 gallon waste °il tank from the above referenced facilitY on February 15, 1991. The tank was decontaminated using a high pressure steam cleaner and inerted with dry ice. The rinsate was transported under manifest (EPA #CAC 000565648) to Gibson Oil and Refining.· The tank was disposed of at Valley Tree (A & M Disposal and Recycle) in Bakersfield. Soil samples, were taken at depths of 2 feet and 6 feet beneath the center of the tank. These samples were analyzed for Oil & Grease using EPA Method 9071; Total lead using EPA Method 7420; and total organic halides using EPA Method.9020 During the removal process, two sets of remote piping associated with the tank were identified. Soil sampling Could not be performed under these piping systems because they were covered with a thick layer of concrete. It is requested that soil samples be ~taken in these areas (as indicated in Plate 1) after the facility has been demolished.(demolition is scheduled within a month). Enclosed are coPies of the soil sample analysis results, chain of custody, and rinsate manifest, if. you have any questions please call 835-7700. Very truly yours, Thomas A. Mele Project Geologist TAM/tab:macpvt cc: Mr. Calvin Okeya - Mainland Pacific MAILING ADDRESS: P. O. BOX 9383, BAKERSFIELD. CA 93389 (805) 835-7700 FAX (805) 835-7717 fence · N (2) 12,000 Diesel Tanks i i (removed: 12/90) \' .'~ .-' o off,e, · ~ (undergoing a s~e assessment) remote fill ~~ ~ piping~ ?off 8~mpl~ ~ · ~- · (removed 2-15-91) ~ ~; pmpo~ ~ple ~ 2' & 6' ~ ~- ~mpl~ taken during removal ~ 2' & 6'. ~ ~A~.PAC~IC DEVELOP~ CO. PLATE flroundwat~r m~uro,~, ino. (Old BIG V~LE~ TR~CK STOP 3115 P~RCE RO~ 1 environmental/geotechnical semites BA~RS~ELD, CAL~O~ vuoj~c~ ~s~a: ~SOl-Z PLOT PLAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT'AGENCY  Envir°nmenial Health Senfice~ Department RANDALL L. ABBOTT ST£VE McCA! ! Fy, REHS, DIRECTOR DIRECTOR. ~r Po~l-t~ Co~.ol ~t,~ DAVID PRICE !!! w~u.u~ j. RODD¥, APCO ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Ptannina & Development Settees Depa?nem TED JAMES, AICP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE PERMIT NUMBER A 1431-05 OF UNDEROROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY . FACILITY NAME/ADDRESS: OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: CONTRACTORi Big Valley Truck Stop Mainland Pacific Development Groundwater Resources Inc. 3115 Pierce Road P.O. Box 661208 1500 So. Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA Los Angeles, CA 90066 Bakersfield, CA 93307 License #A 520768 Phone: (213) 821-9229 Phone: (805) 835-7700 PERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF PERMIT EXPIRES May 5, 1991 1 TANK(S) AT ABOVE APPROVAL DATE FebrUary 5, 1991 LOCATION APPROVED BY ~ Brian Pitts Hazardous Materials Specialist '. ......... i .......................................................... : ......................... POST ON PREMISES .......................................................... , ............. ? ............... i ....... CONDITIoNs AS FOLLOWS: 1. It is the responsibility of the Permittee to obtain permits which may be required by other regulatorT agencies prior to beginning work (i.e., City Fire and Building Departmelics). 2. Pcrmittee must not i~ thc Hazardons Matcrials Managcment Program at (805) 861-3636 two working days prior to tank removal or abandonment in place to arrange for requireal iuspeetious(s). 3. Tank closure activities must be per Kern County Environmental Health and Fire Department approved methods as described in Handbook UT-30. 4. It is tim contractor's responsibility lo know and adhere to all applicable laws regarding thc'handling, transportation or treatment of hazardous materials. The tank removal contraclor must have a qualified company employee on site supervising the tank removal. The employee must have tank removal experience prior to working unsupervised. 6. If any contractors other than Ihose listed on permit and permit application are to be utilized, prior approval must be granted by the speeialis! listed on the permit. Deviation from Ihe submitted application is not allowed. 7. Soil Sampling: a. Tank size Ima than or equal to 1,000 gallons - a minimum of two samples must be retrieved from beneath the center of the tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. b. Tank see greater than 1,000 to 10,000 gallons - a minimum of four samples must be retrieved one-third of the way in from the ends of each tank al dcptlis of approximately two feet and six feet. c. Tank abe greater than 10,000 galloll~ - a minimum of six samples must be retrieved one-fourth of the way in from the ends of each tank and beneath the center of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. 8. Soil Sampling (piping area): A minimum of two samples must be retrieved at depths of approximately two feet and six feet for evepJ 1.$ linear feet of pipe run and under the dispenser area. 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861.36.~¢ FAX: (805) PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE PERMIT NUMBER A 143i-05 OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS ADDENDUM SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY 9. Soil Sample analysis: . . a. ~- All soil samples retrieved fr°m beneath gasoline (leaded/unleaded) tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for benzene, toluene, x'ylene, and total. petroleum hydrocarbons (for gasoline). b. All soil a~mples retrieved from beneath diesel tanks and ;~ppurtenances must be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (for diesel) and benzene. c. All .soil samples retrieved [rom beneath waste oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for total organic halides, lead, oil and grease.. : d. All soil samples retrieved from beneath crude oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for oil and grease. e. Ail soil samples retrieved from beneath tanks and appurtenances that contain un'known substances must be analyzed for a full range of substances that may have been stored within the tank. 10. The following timetable lists pre- and post-tank removal requirements: Complete permit application submitted At lgasl two weeks prior to closure to Hazardous Materials Management Program Notification to inspector listed on permit of date Two working days and time of closure and soil sampling Transportation and tracking forms sent to Hazardous No later than 5 working days for transportation and 14 working Materials Management Program. Ail hazardous waste ' days for the tracking form after tank removal manifests must be signed by tbe receiver of the hazardous waste Sample analysis to Hazardous Materials Managcmcnt No later than :3 .working days aftcr completion of a~lysis Program 11. Purging/lncrting Conditions: '* a. Liquid shall be pumped from tank prior to purging such that less than 8 gallons of liquid remain in tank. (CSH&SC 41700) b. 'rank shall be purged through vent pipe discharging at least 10 feet above ground level. (CSH&SC 41700) c. No emission shall result in odors detectable at or beyond property line. (Rule 419) d. No emission shall endanger the health, safety, comfort or repose of any person. (CSH&SC 41700) e. Vent lines shall remain attached to tank until the inspector arrives to authorize removal. RECOMMENDATIONS/OUIDELINES FOR REMOVAL OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS This department is responsible for enforcing the Kern County Ordinance Code, Division 8 and state regulations pertaining to underground storage tanks. Rcprescntatives from this department respond to job sites during tank removals to ensure that the tanks are safe to remove/close and that the overall job performance is consistent with permit requirements, applicable laws and safety standards. The following guidelines are offered to clarify the interests and expectations for department. 1. ]ob site safety is one of our primary concerns. Excavations are inherently dangerous. It is the contractor's responsibility lO know.and abide by CAL-OSHA regulations. Thc job foreman is responsible for the crew and any subcontractors on thc job. As a general rule, workers arg not permitted in improperly sloped excavations or when unsafe conditions exist in thc hole.- Toots and cquipmcnt arc to be used only for their designed function. For example, backhoe buckets arc never substituted for ladders. 2. Properly licensed contractors are assumed to understand the requirements of the permit issued, The job foreman is responsible for knowing and abiding by thc conditions of il~e permit. Deviation from the permit conditions may result in a stop-work order. 3. Individual contractors will be held responsible for their po~t-removal paperwork. Tracking forms, hazardous waste manifests and analyses documentation arc neCeSSary for each site in order to close a case lile or move unmanageable backlog of inCOmplete cases results, If this continues, procegsing time for COmpleting new closures will increase. OWNE'"R OR AGENT DATE BP:cas ~a1431-05.ptc SMC Laborato Anal ical Chemistry 'Client Name: Groundwater Resources, Inc. . Address. : 1500 South Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93307 Attention : Mr. Tom Mele Date samples'received : 2-15'-91 Date analysis completed: 2-19-91 Date of report : 2-19-91 Project Name: Kern Project ~ ~ : 2501'2 P.O. ~ : 5676 C RESULTS OF ANALYSIS: Oil'& Grease ID uqm/gm MDL,uqm/qm 789. ~1 Tank 2' ND 20 790 ~2 Tank 6' ND 20 -Method of Analysis for Oil & Grease: EPA 9071 MDL = Minimum Detection Level ugm/gm ='micrograms per gram.(ppm) ND = None Detected An~'~ - Horton Analytical Chemist. 3155 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 393-3597 P.O. Box 80835 · Bakersfield, CA 93380 " FAX (805) 393-3623 SMC LabOratory. Analytical Chemist Client Name: Groundwater Resources, Inc. Address: 1500 South Union Avenue Bakersfieid~ CA 93307 Attention: Mr. Tom Mele Date Samples Received : 2-15-91 Date Analysis Completed: 2-19-91 Date of Report : 2-19-91 project Name: Kern Project' ~ : 2501-2 P.O. ~ : 5676 C RESULTS OF ANALYSIS -TOTAL LEAD Sample ~ ID uqm/qm MDL,uqm/gm 789 ~1 tank 2' 7.0 1.0 790 ~2 tank 6' 7.0 1.0 Method of Analysis: 3050/7420 MDL = Minimum Detection Level~ ugm/gm = micrograms~per gram~' ND = none detected A~gela Ho~£o'n Analytical Chemist 3155 Pegasus Drive · BakersfiekL CA 93308 · (805) 393-3597 P.O. Box 80835 · Bakersfiei~ CA 93380 · FAX (805) 393-3623 SMC Laboratory Analytical Chemistry Client Name: Groundwater Res°urces~ Inc. Address : 1500 South Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93307 Attention :. Mr. Tom Mele Date Samples Received : 2-15-91 Date Analysis Completed: 2-19-91 Date.of Report : 2-19-91 Project Name: Kern Project % : 2501-2 P.O. ~ : 567.6 C RESULTS 0F ANALYSIS TOTAL ORGANIC HALIDES (TOX) Sample ~ ID uqm/qm~ MDL,uqm/gm 789 ~1 Tank 2' 17. 10. 790 ~2 Tank 6' 36. 10. Method of Analysis: EPA 9020 MDL = Minimum Detection Level ugm/gm = micrograms per gram ND = none detected A~g~la Horton Analytical Chemist 3155 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · · (805)393-3597 P.O. Box 80835 · Bakersfield, CA 93380 · FAX (805) 393-3623 1500 S. Union ^venue ~ Bakersfield, CA 93307 groundwater resources, inc. Telephone: ( 805 ) 835-7700 CHAIN OF CU'STODY REcORD Tele-Fax: ( 805 ) 835-7717 LAB DESTINATION: -----~ROJECT NUI'IBER:-~-LT~ PROJECT CONTACT: ~'~'--~ ,AMPLER(S): Signature) : ANALYSIS -' SAMPLE CONTAINER LAB SAMPLE SAMPLE LOCATION REQUESTED TYPE TYPE NUMBER NUMBER DATE TIME POSSIBLE SAMPLE HAZARDS: . //~ I. ReMnquished by: Date/Time: _ Re(~elved by': Date/Time: 1. Rellnqulshedby: Date/Time: _ Received by: Date/Time: Relinquished by: Date/Time: _ - Received by: Date/Time: 'Rev. 10/89) WHITE: LABORATORY PINt~ JOB FILE YELLOW: SAMPLE LOG Vehicle Ucense No, , .Di~ --~ n Handle .. . -.... DriVer signature - Job ~o, -- ...',.' ' Dump At Your Own Ri~k .'- Con~tuction Waste OnlY' ' ~RMS: Ca~ betore aump~g ~e~ pr~lo~ arr~gements ~ave been agree~ O~ b~... · A late payment penal~ ot 1.5% ~11 be applied on pa~ ~ue balances mon~, .' .. I' Cust~ agrees 1o p~ reportable costs, expenses, a~ome~s an~ c~lec~oB, ~..' agenc~ tees as may De Inc~rea In collect~g ~ls In~eDte~e~, . UNIFORM of ~ ~ ~ ,~ .y r~ ~w. WASTI !~ ,0 ' ~r~tm'e Hain~and Pacific Development Company P.O. Box 6~1208, Los Angeles, CA 90066 ~=' T~nep~er I G~p~y N~me e. U~ EPA I0 ~mb~f Vscum 7. Tfafl~e~ 2 ~pa~y N&~ 6. UB EPA lO Gibson Oil & Refining Co., Znc., ~ .. . .... End o~ Commercial Rood '. · . Non-RCRA Haza=dOU~ Nas~Liquid , '~. ~,' · ~.. · ~ . . ~, .F; ... ~, · ":. ':7~". .... ,. .... :.~...,, ? .~: .' · . 1ia · ~oa U, S.T. , ~ ......~ .... '. ~,.~ ,~ :'. '' ..'* ..*: . . ..~. .* '*' , ' " - .':'*.:. . · ' * . .. ;:.~:"~ Waste 0i~ ~ .', ' ,'. ~" . *: * * *' ~**' :.~., :. ...~..: . ~, '.. '.,'.' .~:~, · .,.. '. ~ .? * . .:. ,.', ..~.. ~. . . * GRZ Release ~8245'1 GRZ P=o5 ol TOT~ P. E~A ~. C~4~ (805) 322-8258 ~ Waste ~1 Haul~ ~032 CONTACT PERSO. m ~ ~ V/~ Q~. UNIT DESCRIPTION : UNIT PRICE AMOUNT ~4 I~q o T[anspo~ed To: Gibcon O~! & EPA 4~C~DU60883177 ~nerator S~re ~ St~',e 01 Calilornia--He~dth anc~ Weltare Agency See:InstrUctions on Back of Page 6 Department of Health Services Form Approved OMB No. 205~39 (Expires 9-~ and Front of 7 Sacramento. California Please print or type. (Form designed for use on eh~ - ~ typewriter). UNIFORM HAZARDOUS ~' ~ at~'s US EPA ID NO. Manifest ~ · age 1 J Informati~ in the shaded areas WASTE MANIFEST ~l~0~ ~1~1710~ I~J~°~'/' o, /I is not required by Federal law. 5. Trio.or , Companyfi~e '~ ~. US EPA lO Number C. S,.,. ,,.....,'. ,o /0~ 7. Transpolar 2 Company Name 8. US EPA ID Number E. State Transpoder'a ID 9. Designated Facility Name and Site ~dress - ~10. ' ~US EPA ID Number . . G. SJate Facili~ , 12. Containers 13. Total 14. I. · 11. US DOT Description (including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, and ID Number) Quantity Unit Wa~e No. No. Type Wt / Vol E b. ' / State A ~ EPAI~h~ . R · State .... : 15 Special Handling Instructions and Add tona ~formation ' · GENERATOR'S CE~FICATI~: I hereb~ ~are that ~e contents of this c~aignment are ~1~ and acc~aie~ deacHbed above by proper shipping and are classifi~, ~cked, ma~ed, and I~1~, a~ are in all res~s in pto~er condition f~ transpo~ by highwa~ according to applicable international ~ational government regulationa. If I am a large quant~ generalor, I ~i~.t~t I have ~ ~ra~ in place to r~uce the volume'and to1~i~ of ~aste ~erat~ to the d~ree I have to be economically practicable and that I ha~e sale.ed the practicable meth~ of treal~ent, storage, ~ disposal cu~ent~ a~a~ab~ to me ~ich minimizea T 17. Transpoaer I Ackn~edgement of Receipt ol Male.als '~(/ ~-- ' A ~nth Day Year  - 18. Tr~s~oder 2 Ackno~edg~ent Receipt ~ ~ate~al, .-. o~ ~ Printed/Typed Name [ Signatur* M~ Day Year E n I I I I I I 19. Discrepanc~ Indicati~ Space A C I L  20. Facility ~ner or O~ator ~ification of r~ipt of hazardous martials cover~ by this manifest ex~~ y Pri~Typed Name . Month Day Year DHS (~/~) ~ Not Write ~low ~is tine EPA 87~22 (Rev. 9-~) Previou, editions are obsolete. ~= TSDF SENDS THIS COPY TO ~HS WITHIN 30 DAYS To: P.O. ~x 3~, ~cr=m~nto, CA ,?~,..r.,,.~ ' ~,-,.~RN COUNTY'HEALTH ~EpARTMET~ Telemac (805)861-383S EH~RO~EN~L ~A~ --__ Factl I.ty ~ame Kerb' Co~t~ Permit' = .... ' · . -.; -...,' . .',~.~/..; .,. . ~Z~,~/ -.... ,' ,' / = · UNDERGROU~ TANK DISPOSITION' ~CKING RECORD- ~ ~. ' ' .' '~'~c":.... This fora la to be returned to the Kern County-HaaIth Department"Within' ~ of acceptance of't~k(8) b~ disposal holder of the permit ~Ltk numbe~ noted a~e' La responsLble that this form Ja completed and returned. . . ,,- 1.:..~, Tank-RemoVal Contractor=' ' "" Add, ess-/S~ ".:~ ~,~ _ Phone Date Tanks Removed. _~z/~3.~/... .. , _ ........ v, ....... ._._~, .: -... ;.[ ·. ..... .......~:~... ~-.~,~ .~. :...., .... . Section 2 e: fllied' ~ contractor. "decontamlnatln~ lddre~.: /~ ~,~ -~ ' ~e , . Aut~rized , . ._rep~se~tl~ ~of ~ntractor: ~rtlfle, by sl~ln~ balo~ ~at';~;::.:,, . tank(a) hove been ,decontaminated In accordance-with Section 3 -To ~ f/~ed si~ned ~, ~, authorlz~ representative ~' the'.. - ~~ ~-~ ...... ~ .... ,..., .. -, ...~ ~ -; ~ .. ~ ~-'--" · .e ~ ~ILIHO. INI~UC~Z~$: n a ~ and j~ple,; Pos~ ~ · m~/inl -~,:i .'.' label hflve a:l~ead~ been affixed :to, outside ~ ~ou~ convenience, ' .... :'. "'".' · " (Form $1GIXP-150) , . .... ~ , ."~>?' RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY Environmental Health Services Department RANDALL L. ABBOTT STEVE McCALLEY, REHS, DIRECTOR DIRECTOR ^~r Pollution Control District DAVID PRICE !!! W~LLU~ J. RODDY, APCO ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Planning & Development Services Department TED JAMES, AICP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES ·DEPARTMENT PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE PERMIT NUMBER A 1431'05 OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY FACILITY NAME/ADDRESS: OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: Big Valley Truck Stop Mainland Pacific Development Groundwater Resources Inc. 3115 Pierce Road P.O. Box 661208 ' 1500 So. Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA Los Angeles, CA 90066. Bakersfield, CA' 93307 License #A 520768 Phone: (213) 821-9229 Phone: (805) 835-7700 PERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF PERMIT EXPIRES May 5, 1991 1 TANK(S) AT ABOVE APPROVAL DATE February_ 5, 1991 LOCATION APPROVED BY Brian Pitts Hazardous Materials Specialist '. .......................................... '. ................. : ................................. pOST ON PREMISES ................................................................................................ CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: l. It is the responsibility of the Permittee to obtain permits which may be required by other regulatory agencies prior to beginning work (i.e., City Fire and Building Departments). 2. · Permittee must notify the Hazardous Materials Ma, na§emant Program at (805) 861-3636 two wqrklng days prior to tank removal,or abandonment in place to arrange for required inspections(s). 3. Tank closure activities must be per Kern County Environmental Health and Fire Department approved methods as described in Handbook UT-30. 4. It is the contractor's responsibility to know and adhere to all applicable laws regarding the handling, transportation or treatment of hazardous materials. 5. The tank removal contractor must have a qualified company employee on site supervising the tank removal. The employee must have tank removal experience prior to working unsupervised. 6. If anY contractom other than those listed on permit and permit application are to be utilized, prior approval must be granted by the specialist listed on"the permit. Deviation from the submitted application is not allowed. 7. Soil Sampling: . a. Tank Blz~ l~a than or eXlUal to 1,000 gallous - a minimum of two sampl~ must be retrieved from beneath the center of the tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. b. Tank slz~ g~ater than 1,000 to 10,000 gallorm - a minimum of foursamples must be retrieved one-third of the way in froTM the ends of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. c. Tank size ~'eater than 10,000 gallons - a minimum of six sample~ must be retrieved one-fourth of the way in from the ends of each tank and beneath the center of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and 'six feet. 8. Soil Sampling (piping area)! A minimum of two samples must be retrieved at depths of approximately two feet and six feet for every 15 linear feet of pipe ruin and under the dispenser area. 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 FAX: (805) 861-3429 PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE PERMIT NUMBER A 1431-0~ OF UNDEROROUND HAZARDOUS ADDENDUM SUBSTANCEs STORAGE FACILITY 9. Soil Sample analysis: a. All soil samples retrieved from beneath gasoline (leaded/unleaded) tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for benzene, toluene, xylene, and total · petroleum hydrocarbons (for gasoline). b. All soil samples retrieved [rom beneath diesel tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (for diesel) and benzene. c. All soil samples retrieved from beneath waste oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for total organic halides, lead, oil and grease. d._ All soil samples retrieved £rom beneath crude oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for oil and grease. e. All soil samples retrieved [rom beneath tanks and appurtenances that contain unknown substances must be analyzed for a full r~nge of substances that may have been' stored within the tank. 10. The following timetable lists pre- and post-tank removal requirements: ACTIVITY . DEADLINE Complete permit application submitted At least two weeks prior to closure to Hazardous Materials Management Program Notification to inspector !isted on permit of date Two working days and time of closure and soil sampling Transportation and tracking forms sent to Hazardous No later than 5working days for transportation and 14 working Materials Management Program. All hazardous waste ' days for the tracking form after tank removal manifests must be signed by the receiver of the hazardous waste Sample analysis to Hazardous Materials Management . No later than 3 working days after completion of analysis Program 11. Purging/Inerting Conditions: a. Liquid shall be pumped from tank prior to purging such that less than 8 gallons of liquid remain in tank. (CSH&SC 41700) b. Tank shall be purged through vent pipe discharging at least 10 feet above ground level. (CSH&SC 41700) c. No emission shall result in odors detectable at or beyond property line. (Rule 419) d. No emission shall endanger the health, safety, comfort or repose of any person. (CSH&SC 41700) e. Vent lines shall remain attached to tank until the inspector arrives to authorize removal. RECOMMENDATIONS/GUIDELINES FOR REMOVAL OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK~ This department is responsible for enforcing the Kern Count~ Ordinance Code, Division 8 and state regulations pertaining to underground storage tanks. Representatives from this department respond to job sites during tank removals to ensure that the tanks are safe to remove/close and that the over:all job performance is consistent with permit requirements, applicable laws and safety standards. The following guidelines are offered to clarify the interests and expectations for this department: 1. Job site safety is one of our primary concerns. Excavations are inherently dangerous. It is the contractor's responsibility to know and abide by CAL-OSHA regulations. The job foreman is responsible for the crew and any subcontractors on the job. As a general rule, workers ara not permitted in improperly sloped excavations or when unsafe conditions exist in the hole. Tools and equipment are to be used only for their designed function. For example, backhoe buckets are never substituted for ladders. 27 Properly licensed contractors are assumed to understand the requirements of the p~rmit issued. The job foreman is responsible for knowing and abiding by the conditions of the permit. Deviation from the permit conditions may result in a stoP-work order. 3. Individual contractors will be held responsible for their post-removal paperwork. Tracking forms, hazardous waste manifests and analyses documentation are necessary [or each site in order to close a case file or move it into mitigation. When contractors do. not follow through on necessary paperwork, an unmanageable backlog of incomplete cases results. I[ this continues, processing time for completing new closures will increase. OWN~'R OR AGENT DATE BP:cas ~a1431-05.ptc KERN COUNTY RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ACE]iCY INTERNAL USE ONLY- _ .. ); ENVIRC~MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTM-EltT APPLICATION DATE: ' BAKERSFIELD. CA 93301 # OF .TANKS TO AgANDON:___/- (805)861-3636. - PIPING FT. TO ABANDCN. (FILL OUT ,C~.E. APPLICATION PER FACILITY) '- .... , '-;;-~ .... APPLICATION FOR pERMIT FOR PERMANENT. CLOSURE/ABANDONMENT OF UNDERGROUNO HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE FACIL1TY THIS APPLICATION IS FOR [] REMOVAL, OR [] ABANI]CNMENT IN PLACE A: ' FAClLIB' M~)JEClCeflACT: CaIvin OkeTa . IRJONEI: 213/82]-9229 IT/I~(RURALUT. ATI0tS): FACI[II'f NA~E: Bi~ VaIIey T~t~ck 'Stop A~: 3115 ?ierce Rd. ) NEAREST C~ MI;NE I: Inactive Site CI~: BakersfieId ZiP: CA " . ' 24th O~ER: Mainland Pacific Development' A~R[S~: P.O. Box 66]208 ISTAT£: CA PH~[ ~: 2 ]3/82 1-9229 CIB': Los Angeles 171p: 90066 ~: cChql~l(~ INF~RMATICN 1AN~RDiDVALO)flRACIOR: Groundwater Resources ~nc. IAi~RES~: 1500 $. Union lSi%l[: CA PfE]~ ~: 805/835-7700 I ~IB'.'.. Bakersfield )ZIP: 93307 PR~I~660 STARI DALE: ASAP ! CALIFOI~IA LICE)GE ~ & I: 520768 ! ~'$ ~IlCH I: 1226289-91 ~ 8: 805/835-7700 {;lB': Bakersfield liP: 93307 ~'$~11018.' !226289-91 : State Fund LA~0RAI~I#lll ~YZ[SN~L~; APplied Analytical IeIB'::42501 Albrae St. [~l~E: CA RO~E ~: 4 ]5/623-0775 Fremont ~lp: 94536 CHEMICAl C(~4POSTION OF MATERIALS STORED: TANK ~ VOLU~£ CHD4~CAL STOREO DATES STORED CHEmiCAL FORMFRL¥ STOR£O I 500 _~as~_Oil 7/50 TO ~2/89 --- --'TO TO TO Ii WAIERIOF~ILIB'PR~I[)Fd),rf: California Water Service IISGRCU~TERXI114INS~FEET?YC~N 22' NEA~i N~1ER M~L-GIVE DISTANCE IF NI1HIH 500 fei: Monitor well at s'it~'~)lL TY~ AT FACI[I1Y. sand silts BkSISFa~ILTYI)ENOO~CXlta~TI~I)D)I)II~qTdaMINATICN: Prior site asSessment work ]0T~L ~ ~ ~ l0 ~ ~NALYZ[~: 2 I ~ ~0 8[ N~IYZ[D R~: Oil & grease/ tox/ lead E: DISFCG~L )JF(~MATI~ " · ~' DE)CCNTNIINA1I~ PRDCED.~: Steam clean with pressure wash 'I)ECCI~INA11CNRcNE I: 805/835-7700C~TRACT(~: ~oundwater ~esources Tn¢. r DISM~AL L[r~TICN, I~R RINSATE: Gibson Oil & ~e£ini~ I)i~i~GALl~ql~l)f~lA~(S): Tran'sport to Valley Tree ID1SFO~L~TICNR~TNI(($): Valley Tree-Bake~sf~e I)ISFOSAL At-riCO FI~ PIPII~: No p~ping DI~AL LOCAT]CN F(~ PIPINg: ~PLF_ASE ~ETE THE REVER~)E SIDE OF THI~) APPLIOATION BEFORE SUEIMITTIN~ FOR REVI~.~-~e~- THIS FORM HAS 8EEN COIVIPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF P£1~JURY AND TO THE BE~T OF MY KNOWLEDGE 15 TRUE AND CORRECT. SIONATURE: '~'"'/~ ~ '~l~ TiTLE~___/_~_~_~_' ~a~,~ei"s'f:!e'~,2, 'C~.*' a~3q .... ~c ~omer' '.~.0.'~ I NOn :~y Orde~ Date Lfine Des;c r i ~.%'i o,q Quantity Price ~ PER~,!['T TO CLOGE, A,~ 25~ 00 i '70G Order Tc~aq ° Amount: Due 250.00 Paymen'c Made By Check 2.50%0C.: 'TLi~'.I 2? '90 10:24 AMERI(~..M~TALAA P 1/2 FAX COV~'R SHEET DELIVER FOLLOWING PAGE(S) TO. Tot'~l .num'ber of _..'>ages (incl. cover shee~): .... ~ ' 2~02 -~OL'"-i ,.VlILLIKP~' ,'tVE?~'t.;L ~ : F ~, (/_% 917~5i · (714~) 988-8000 "' .; ~,,~.. , ....... TANK DISPOSAL FOR~ RO,~ 'T ........... ~.~, ~ ~ ,~  6000 G ~ 2 84 T~AL CHARGES' $ .... ~ .... ~soo ~: ~;~ 3.z6 ....... ~-- B000 ~J r~ 3.44 '/:~rm~ for pa,.mor, t :.:.;:; c;r;thm:~ ~ ;ank NO. OF TANKS TOTAL ;~JE c ',~,~ ~. CONTRACTOR't& Slt;NATgR~ 'P -- FIBERGLASS/ 'S --. STEEL 105" CERY~FICATE OF TANK 01$POSAL ~ DE'~Rg~j~'~ .... THiS iS TO CE~IFY THE RECEIPT AND ACCE~ANCE OF THE TANK(S) AS $~ECIFIED ABOVE. ALL MATERIALS SPECIFIED Resource Management Agency , Underground Hazardous Substance Storage Tank ' June 28, 1990· Subject: .J.R. McCan'n Gary Whit·ten, Whitten Excavati'on ~ddress: 3307 Redlands 7217 Durango Way Bakersfield, CA 93308 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Location of offense: Whitten Excavation, 72!2 Durango Way, Bakersfield, .. California 93309 Date of offense: April 7, .1990 AlteRed offense- 1. Violation of Section 8.48.490 of the' Kern County Ordinance Code. FalsifiCation of mon.itoring record showing tank disposition. 2. Violation of Section 25299 (c)' of the California Health and Safety Code. Falsifiction of.monitoring record showing.tank disp'osition.- · 3. Violation Of Section 25299.01 of California Health and Safe%? Code. Violation of permit condition- to return tank disposition record within fourteen (14) working days of the tank removal, permit ~At099-05. 4. Violation of Section 17~ et'. seq. of the Business and Professions Code. Violation of permit conditions constitutes unfair competition as defined in the section cited. Sequence of. Znv,es%i~ation' ' Madch 12, 1990 . Application submitted to the Kern County. Environmental Health Services Department, by Gary Whitten for 'J.R. McCann, for the removal of two (2) 12,000 gallon fuel tanks at Mainland Pacific, 3201 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA. March 20, 1990 Permit ¢A1099-05 issued by Dan Starkey of the Kern County Environmental·Health Services Department for the removal of the tanks to J.R. McCann. March ·22, 1990 Permit ¢A1099-05 was picked up by Katie Whitten. Apr?l 5, 1990 Mike Driggs of the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department conducted the tank removal inspection at Ma4nland pacific, Pierce Road Station, 3201 Pierce -Road, Bakersfield, CA. He witnessed the removal of two (2) 12,000 gallon fuel storage tanks. Tanks were loaded onto trucks belonging to'Whitten Excavation. April 7, -1990 Two tanks allegedly from the above mentioned removal receive'd at'-American Metal Recyclers, Inc. Apri'l !I, 1990 'Underground Tank Disposition Tracking Record received at Kern County Environmental Health' ServiCes Department stating that the two (2) tanks from removal ~A1099-05 were received 'at Amercican Metal Recyclers, Irc. - June 22, 1990 A c'omplaint reinspection was conducted at Whitten Excavation by Terry Gray of the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department. At that time 'he observed about thirty (30) removed underground tanks in the ya.rd. He recorded the various abandonment numbers painted on the sides of'some of the tanks and took some pictures of the tanks. June 25,.1990 Terry Gray and Laurel Funk reviewed the abandonment files associated with the permit numbers painted on the tanks. One large tan.k was discovered to have the number ¢A1099- 05. June 25, 1990 Terry Gray returned to the site and'photographed the tank in. question. June 27, 1990 Laurel Funk spoke to Cheri at American Metal Recyclers, Inc. and requested the disposal form for permit ¢A1099- 05. The requested document was faxed to Laurel Funk at .lO:30am. American Metal Recyclers, Inc. received one (1) 10,000 and one (1) 1,000 gallon tanks allegedly'from the removal in question. 'Exhibits: Exhibit t. Application for the removal of two (2) 12,000 9allon underground fuel tanks submitted on 3/12/90 by Gary Whitten. Exhibit 2. Permit ~A1099-05 issued by Dan Starkey to J.R. McCann for the removal of two (2) tanks. Exhibit 3. Photographs taken by Mike Driggs on 4/5/90 showing the removal of two (2) 12,000 gallon fuel tanks. Exhibit 4.. Underground Tank Disposition Tracking Record returned from A.M.R. on 4/11/90. Exhibit 5. Photographs taken by Terry Gray showing tanks at Whitten Excavation's yard on 6/'22/90. Exhibit 6. Photographs taken by Terry Gray showing the tank with the number A1099-05 painted on it. · Exhibit 7. Tank disposal form, received from A.M.R. on 6/27/90. Witnesses- Gary Whitten Will testify that he 'signed the appiication to remove 2 72!7 Durango Way 12,000 gallon tanks at Mainland Pacfic and that Whitten Bakersfield, ,SA Excavation removed and transported the tanks.. Kati'e Whitten Will testi~y that She signed for and picked up the permit 7217 Durango Way (Number 'A1099-05). Bakersfield, CA · J.R. McCann W.il'l testify that-he was at the job site to Witness two 3307 Redlands 12,000 gallon tanks being removed and that the permit was Bakersfield, CA taken out in his name. Michael Driggs Will testify that he witnessed 0nly two 12,000 tanks 2700 M Street removed by employees of Whitten Excavation on April 5, Suite 300 1990. " Bakersfield, CA Terry Gray Will testify that he saw one 12,000 gallon tank with the 2700 M Street number A1099-05 painted on the side in Whitten Suite 300 Excavations yard on June 22 and June 25, 1:990 and Bakersfield, CA photographed the tank on June 25, 1990. Laurel Funk Will'testify that she reviewed the file and contacted 2700 M Street American Metal Recyclers, Inc. to obtain the Tank Suite 300 DisPosal Form. Bakersfield, CA O~ce Memorandum .. ~~ cOUNTY PAS 580 1151 395-~005 (R. 3-B6) Laboratory Anall~.ical C, hemistry .'- Client N~me: whitten' ~xc~v~t. ion Address : 7217 Du:~ange W~y Bakersficld, CA 93309 Date samples rec,ived t O]/0G/90 Pro~ect,-N~me; ' Date analysis completed: 04/11~90 3201 Pierce Ro~d Da'~e of repo~t : 04,'13/~0 Laborat0r~ No, 1110 through t127 , RESULTS. OF ANALYSIS #1'~10 TD: #13 ugm/~m HDb,u'gm/gm ~. ~0,000 g~10 T~nl~-N,En~-~,0~ ~enzene ND 0,! Toluene ND 0,1 Eth¥lbcn~one ND p-Xylone ND 0,1 m_XY~ene ND o-X~lene . ND 0.1 Isopropylbenzer~e' ND O0l. TPH (Dieoel) ND 10 Method of Analysis for BTX: 3810/8020 (FID) Method of An~iys'is For TPH (Diesel): 3540/~020 (FID) MDL = Minimum Detection Level TPH Z Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ND = Not detected 8t~n Comer ,3]55 Peg~su~ O.'We · B,:kersfield. CA 93308 .' (805) 393-3597 p.O. ~o~ 80835 * . P~kersflel'J, CA 93380 · I' · F~ (805) 393.36Z3 bmbormtor¥ No, 1110 through ]127 RESULTg OF #11~1 ID: %14 ugm~gm MDL,ugm/gm ~, 10~000 gal. Tank-N.End-6,0~ ~ Benzene ND 0.1 Toluene ND 0.I Eth¥1b~nzcnc ND 0.1 p-XFlene ND 0.1 m-Xylene ND 0.! o-Xylene . " ND 0.1 Ieopropylbenzene ND 0.~ TPM (Diesel) 24 10 %11'~ ID: #1~ Ugm/~m MDL,ugm/gm ~0 ~0,000' gal,'T~n'k-S.End-2.0 'Benzene ND 0.1 Eth¥lbcn~cnc ND 0.1 p-Xylene 13 0.1 o~Xylene 8.8 0,1 leoprop¥1benzene ND 0.1 TPH (Dieeel) 62,000 10 #1113 ID: #18 ugm/gm ~DL,,ugm/Wm ~cnzcnc ~V o Toluene ND 0 1 Ethylbenzene ND 0 1 p-X¥1ene ND m-X~'lene ND 0 o-Xylene ND 0 .ISopropylbenzeno ND 0 1 TPH (Diesel) ND 10 Metho~ ~f An~lye~s for BTX: 38~0/80Z0 (FID) Mst'hod of An~ysi.e fo~~ TPH (Dleo.1): 3540/80Z0 (FID) MD~.a Minimum DetecLion Level .TPII ="To%al Petroleum ugm/gm g micro~r~m, per ND : Not detected ..St;an Comer .... Lmbor~tory No, 1110 through 1t~7 R~SULT8 OF ANALYSIS #1114 ID~ #17 ugm/gm MDL.ugm,/gm Center Island - 2.0~ D~nzene ND 0.1 To~u.ne 2,! 0.1 ~%h¥~benzene ND 0.1 p-Xylen. ?.8 0,.1 m-Xylene 8,0 0.! o-X¥1onc 4.2 O,1. Is°pr°p¥lbenzene ' MD 0,1 TPH (Diesel) l-i,'000 10 #1115 ID: #1.8 u~m/gm MDL,ugm/~m Center I.l&nd - 6.0~ Ben~en~ ND 0,1 p-X¥1ene 4.9 0.1 o-X¥1ene ~08 0.! l.op~opylbenzene ND O.1 Benzene ND 0.1 T°lu"n" N~ E~h¥tb.nz.n. ND p~X~l.ne ND 0.1 m:X~l~ne ND O.! o-X¥1ene ND 0,1 Isoprop~lbenzene ND 0,1 TPH (Diesel). 1,~00' 10 Method.of Anal~.i.. For BTX;. 9810/8020 (FID) Method.of An~ly~i~ for TPH (Diesel): 3540/8020 (FID) MDL ~ Minimum Detection Level TP[I :~?otal P~%.roleum ugm/gm,: micrograma per gr~m ND · Not detected L~bor~'tor¥ No' 1110 thr'e'Jgh tiE';; RESULT~ 'OF ANALYSIS 8on,omo- ND ToZu~r~ ND 0 E bhy%~o,~zona hid 0 m--Xyl~ne ,45 0 1 [sopropy t[,enz onE, .. ND O TPH '(O~Ol~no) 1.O I 0 ~Centor oe Prod. L'ir',~ .- 2.0" Oen~ene ND O. 1 Toluene ND O. 1 ' EbhYloon~on~ ND O. P%-Xylene ND O, -. m-Xvlene ND O. o-Xy.% one hid O. TDH .(Die~l) ND i0 ' Canter o.r N. nrod, Lino'6 O' Benzene r,4P '0. -Toluene ND O. L Ethylbenzer~e ND O. ' p-Xy'lene ND 0 .. 1 m-Xylene ND 0. 1 o-.Xylone ND O. ~soPropylt~n~eno ND O. T'PH (Di~o~I) ND 10 Metho~ o'P Aqalys0i.~ For 8TX: .5~i0/OO20 (FID) Method of Anol+'rJi~ fo~- TPH. (Dia~¢)l'): .5540/9020 '(FID) MDL = Minimum Det~c:tior~ Level ugm/gm :'mic, ro,D~-amz, p~ 9~'am ND.~ Not deLeated ~3~c ...... . Laboratory No. i110 through 1127 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS #11~O- ID: #23 . ugm/gm bIDL~u~m/gm 'W.' Island - Centler - 2.0' Benzene ND Toluene ' ND 0.] Eth¥1ben~n~ ND 0.1 p-Xylene ND 0,~ m-XFlene ND o-Xylene ~ ND 0.1 Isopropylbenzene ND TPM (Dio$ol) ND 10 #1121 ID: #24 u~m/~m. MDL,u~m/~m '"-W.- ~Sland - Center - 2.0' Benzene. N'D 0.1 Toluene ND 0.1 Ethyl. benzene ND 0.1 p-Xylene ND 0,1 m'-Xylcp~, ND 0.1 o-XylemS. ND ]eo~vopylbenzene ND' 0.t TPH (Die,el) ND 10 #1122 .'ID: #25 u~z/2m MDL,ugm~gm :i~.~,od, Line Between Tank & left,nd - g.0' '? Benzene .10~ 0,1 Toluene .]! 0.1 E%hylbenZeno ' ND 0.I Pix¥~on¢ ND 0,I mrXyl°ne ,i0 0.l o-Xy~ene ND 0.I Isoprop¥1benzene ND 0.1 .TPH .(Die,el) Method of 'AnalFmte for BTX.: 3810/8020 {FID} Method of Analysis for TP}~ (Oi~el): 9540/80~0 (FID) MDL =.Minimum Detection Lovel TPH = To%al PeLroleum u~m/gm'~.= micrograms*per grmm " ND '- Not,de~eCted L~10ol-.-~tor¥ No. 11~0 Lhr'ou,~h, i!2'7 8~nj~n~ ND O, J. Tolc~n~ ND O, 1 E'bh'/lbe~Zeno ND O. l ~.-XYlene. ND O. Z o-Xylon~ ND O. 1 TPN (DJ.e'~.~l) ND Toluene ND O. 1 p-XyZ ene ND O · .t m-.Xylene hJD O, L o-XyJene ND O. J' TDH (D~e,~el) ND 10 To1 u~m~ ND 0.' t Ethylbenzene ND 0.'1 ~-~ylene ND O. 1 ;n-Xylon~ . hid O, [ o-Xyl omb ND Q. 1 Isoprop'l'kbe~zene fid O. ~ TPH (D~ ~eI) hid 10 Mothod o'~ /~n~ly~i~; F,~r t~'l'~z ~810/80~0 (F]DI Hetl~od' of MDL ; Minimum D~eotion Level ND = Not Laboratory No. i.LiO tk':rou~h 1L27 ' N,']:~-:io,o00 Gal. Tank $.End 2.0' Toluene ,15 O. 1 ~th.yl~et~z~m~ Nb 0.. 1 m-Xylene ,lO o. l O-Xyl~n~ ND O~ I - TPH (D~e~l) Z,300 10 ' N. iO,O00 Qa] , T~r:l< S-Er,,J C,.O' Tolueno - ND 0,~ ' ' P"Xy) en~ 'ND O, .1 m-Xylen~ ND 0. 1 o-Xylen~ ND O, 1 Isom~opylbonz~n~j ND O. l '.' ~pH. (Dio=ol) ND 10 Method/of.: Anal'/~i~: ~o~- TPN ,:D~el): .35aO/E~020 (~ID)' MDL ="Minimum.D~teotic, n L~vul ND : NOt Oeteoted EA~'~RSi~D. CA 93308 BAXERE~'IEI~, C.~ 93380~ ~t~,L~ OF CUSTODY BY ,Da~: ~: Re~iv~ By: ~a~, ~: Co~n~ '" .. .. .... 1700FT°w~.S6eet. ' "~' ' E ' ', '. ." ' .'?~!i>.'".'~,."~.,',.:~': ~.'. ....... ~..'.'r~."S'"..' .:.. .'i. !- ' ~o,,~,C, Wo?~.~33o~ K RN COUNTY H~L~ DEPA~ENT "~L~orn~n Te~e~ (~S) ~!,.383e EN~RONMEN~L H~ DIviSiON ' .,. · OtRECTOR OF EN~NME~ H~ ~rn~ FacJJ~ty Hame "' Kern County Pe~mJt _ Pierce Rmmd ~ta'Yin~ A 1099-05..;:.. ~0~ ' Addte$~ 3 Pierce R~d' ' '?"'~ ~ersfiei~, CA DISPOSITION T~CRIN~ RBC0~ · $ ' .'Th'~'8~,form .Is to be returned to the Re'Va CountF.:Health Department s~lthln 14 dayS~"°f acceptance of' tank(s.)( by dispOSal,,· o~. recycling faclll~F. . :.~'::.. '~ :, ':. :66~r, Lof :the .per.it ~tth nU%er noted:above"~ls,:reaponslble for' Insuring that thls for~ Is completed and returned. ' ~ i ~'i' '~ ~'' ] ~ ~ [~'~; ~; ;~ l ;~; ~ ~'; '" ................ e t o - . ltl e_ u n e o a o t a tr TankRe.oval Contractor:._ ~ , ~~. ~q Address · ~>~.,:~F,~ , C, ~ zip ~3' ' Date Tanks Removed ~ ~ No. of Tanks Section 2 - f .......... .. , . --~ ~ 'o ~ ~.~ . ~~~D /C:.~., zip _; ~>.o o ,;~.. .Authorized representative of contractor certifies by sl~lng belo~ that }:~'- tank(s) have been decont~lnated In accordance ~tth Kern County IIealtb ~;: Department requl rements. ~tgn~tu~J Title ~,~d,~ ~ '-'~ 'b; ~d~' ~,~ ~,~','~;~ '~:. ~: :.:,' :'_ ........ ' ....... ,. ~.~ ,,~, ~'~,'~ .,,. ...._.~,...... . . . · . .... . -- ~ - '~ .... . ................ : ..... .~ ........ (Authorized Representat Jve) · , ~ . . . , . . . . . ' * ~ MAILING INSTRUC'~IONS: Fold In half and staple. .oo ~ su.t. KERN. COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Bake,'~e~d, Ca~:~da g330~ ~ M ~, M.~ T~ (~} ~1'~6 E~RONME~L H~ DI~SION :. : DIRE~OR OF EN~NME~ H~ ~ · Re~ard Facility Name. K~rn County Pera~t Address 3201 Pierce R~d ' ~ersfield, CA ' ' UNDERGROU~ TANK DISPOSITION 'T~CKIN8 REC0~ This fora Is to'be returned to the Kern County Health Depart"eat within days. o~ acceptance of tank(s) by disposal o~ ~ecycllng faclltty. The holde~ of-the pe~it ~lth nu~be~ noted above ls ~eSponslble that th~s fo~ ts Completed and returned. ~ection 1 - To be filled out ~ ~e~oval ..... Tank Re.oval Cont~acto~: ~ ~ ~ , '~~~ ~ Date Tanks Re,Dyed ~ ~/~/~ ' "0 SecttoR ~ - e u onttactot c n na n~ n Tank 'Deconta, inat~'°n- Contractor j~'~ /~~ Authorized representative or contraotor eettlfles b~ siding below that . tank(s) have been 4econt~lnated la accordance .lth gera Cou.t; ~ealth De~rtment requirements.. S ur ~itle-. .' t~eat~ent, sto~a~e, ~ ~ fac~ll~ acceot~n~ ~= (Authorized ~epresentatlve) ~ ~ ~ILING: INSTRUCilONS: Fold la hal~ and staple, GARY J. WICKS ( 2700 M Street, Suite 300' Agency Director Bakerlfleld, CA 93301 (805) 861-3502 .~.~. Telephone (805) 861-3636 ..~~--~..'~... Telecopler (805) 861-3429 STEVE McCALLEY . o,.~to. RESOURCE;,,"~~'~~~. ~~~~E N' T AGENCY '· - · 'DEPART ~~MENTAL PERMIT FOR PERMANENT' CLOSURE '-~:.' PERMIT NUMBER A 1099-05 OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY FACILITY NAME/ADDRESS:. OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS~ CONTRACTOR: Pierce Road Station Mainland PacifiC J.R. M~Cann 3201 Pierce Road P.O.. Box 661208 , $$07 Redlands Drive Bakersfield, CA Los Angeles, .CA 90066 Bakersfield, CA · License #361634 phone: (7-13) 821-9229 Phone: (805) 871-$353/ PERMIT FOR'CLOSURE OF PERMIT EXPIRES June 20, 1990 ,- ~ TANK(S) AT ABovi~ APPROVAL DATE~IV~, rch 20.~9._~/] ' ~---~. LOCATION APPROVED BY Dan Starkey, R.E.H.S. ' ~_ '. · 'HazardOus Materials Specialist ....................................... : ........... i ............ :.~..~ ............ :...POST ON PREMISES ........ '..: .............. ~...: ......... : ...... ~...".' .......... CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: . ·· 1. It is the responsibility of'the Permittee to obtain permits .which may. be. required by other regulatory agencies'prior ~o beginning work. (i.e., City Fire and Building Departments) : - 2. Pcrmittce must notify, the Hazardous Materials Management Program at (805) 86!-3636 two working days prior t'o tankremoval or abandonment in place lo arrange for required inspections(s). '- '~, 3. Tank closure activities must be per Kern ~County Environmental Health and Fire Department approved ·methods'as described in· Handbook..UT- 4. It is the contractor's'responsibility to know and adhere to all applicable laws regarding the handling, tranSportation or treatment of hazardous materials. ' ~' ~ · 5. The tank removal contractor must have a qualified company employee onsit.e supervising the tank removal. The employee must have tank remov~ experience prior to working unsupervised. * '" . 6.- If any contractors other than those listed on per. n~it and permit application are to be utilized, priorapproval-must be granted by the specialisi listed on the permit. Deviation from the submitted application is not allowed..-; ' 'i 7. Soil Sampling: . · . ' '* "· ' a. Tank size less. than or ~qual to 1,000 gallonS.- a minimum of two sample~ must be retrieved fi'om beneatlitbe center of tim tank at deptl~ of approximately two feet and six feet. ' · '. '. '- ' ' '! · b. Tank size greater than 1,000 to lO,O00 gallonS:- a minimum of four s~mples must be retrievedone=third of the. way in from the ends each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet.. .' '.. : c. Tank size greater than 10,000 gallonS - a minimum of six samplesmust be retrieved on-fourth of the way in from the ends of each tank and beneath thc center of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet~ 8. Soil Sampling (piping area): .- · A minimum of iwo samples must be retrieved at depths of approximately lwo feet and six feet for every i5 linear feet of pipe run and under the · dispenser area. PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE ' ' PERMIT NUMBER A 10~-0~ OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS - ADDENDUM' SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY 9. Soil Sample analysis: . · a. All soil samples retrieved from beneath gasoline (leaded/unleaded) tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for benzene,' toluene, xylene, and total petroleum hydrocarbons (for gasoline). b. All soil samples retrieved from beneath diesel tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for total pe[roleum hydrocarbons (for diesel) and benzene. . . c. All soil samples retrieved from beneath Waste oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for total organic halides, lead, oil and grease. d. All soil samples ~etrieved from beneath crude oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for oil and grease. " e. All soil samples retrieved from beneath tanks and appurtenances that contain unknown substances must be analyzed for a full range of substances that may have been stored within the tank. 10. · The following timelable lists pre-and.post-tank removal requirements: ACTIVITY DEADLINE Complete permit application At least two weeks prior to closure submitted to Hazardous Materials Management Program Notification to inspector listed on permit of date Two working days and time of closure and soil sampling - Transportation and tracking forms sent to Hazardous . No later Ihan 5 working days for transportation and 14 working Materials Management Program. All hazardous waste days for the tracking form after tank removal manifests must be signed by tile receiver of thc ': hazardous waste No later than 3 Working days:after completion of analysis Samplc analysis to Hazardous Materials Management ' Program · · 11. Purging/inerting Conditions: - . a. Liquid shall be pumped from tank prior to purging such that less than 8 gallons of liquid remain in~ tank. (Call&SC 41700) b. -Tank shall be purged through vent pipe ,discharging at least 10 feet above ground level. (CSH&SC 41700) , c. No emission shall result in odors detectable at or beyond property line~ '(Rule 419) ' d. No emission shall endanger the health, safety, comfort of repose of any.person. (CSH&SC 41700) e. Vent lines shall remain attached tO tank until the inspector arrives to authorize removal. RECOMMENDA~'IONSIOUIDELINES FOR REMOVAL OF LINDEROROUND. STORAOB TANKS: This department is responsible for enforcing the Kern County Ordinance C0dei Division 8 andslate regulations pertaining to underground storage tanks. Representatives from this department respond, to job sites'during tank removals to ensure that the' tanks are safe to remove/close and that the overall, job performance is consistent with permit req.u!remen, taiapplicab!¢ laws and safety standards... "The~ following guidelines are o{lered to clarify the interests. 1. Job site safety is one of our primary concernS;:-'? EXcavations are inherently danger°us~· It. is.th'elc0ntractor's, responsibility toknow and abide by CAL-OSHA regulations.. The job'foreman isfre~ponsible for, the crew and any subcontractor~ on the job... Aa a general rule workers 'are not . permitted in improperly sloped excavations or whenunsafeconditions exist in the h01e,.. Tools and equipment areto be used.only for ~their designed function. For example,.backhoe buckets arc never'substituted for ladders. · ' .. · -" . i - ['".' ~" -. 2. Properly licensed ~:ontractors are assumed to understand the requirements of the permit issued: The.job foreman is responsible for knowing and- abiding by the conditions of the permit. Deviation from the permit conditions may result in a stop-work.order. - ,' Individual contractors' will be held responsible roi' their post-removal p~perwork~- Tricking forms, hazardous-waste manifests and analy documentation is necessary for each site in order to close, a case file or move .it intomitigatiom~ When contractors do not follow through on, necessary pape.rwork, an unmanageable backlog of incomplete cases results. If. this continuo, processing.time for, completing new clo~urea, wili Accepted S¥.~ ~ - ' ' -- ~ OWNER OR AGENT DATE' ' \DS:cas \a 1099-05.ptc .. KERN COUNTY ENVIRON#ENTAL HEALTI~ SERV[CE~ 0EPARTlqENT "2 _/<~ .... 2700 'lq' STREET, SUITE 300 Aee~,C~?XON OA?t 8AKERSFIEL0, ca 93301 De TANKS tO er (805) 861-3636 ,~ZDTR DP PTPTNG TO ABAH1X)N AppT.,T.C,~,.T2 ON P'OR p~RF4'I '1" 'FOR Pw'RM~2ql~'N'T C LOS URE: / A laANDONIVEE NT OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS - SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACI PROJECT CONTACT PHONE · ISEC/T/R (RURAL LOCATIONS ONLY) PACILITY NAME ADDRESS NEARE~-r CROSS STREET Pierce Rd. Station 1 Pierce Rd t iPHONE OWNYR . _ '~ AD~ES~ 6,~1208, L A. U'~'066 (213 ~21 92Z9 Ma~nlan~ Pacific . . . Box . ~-% - TANK NENOVAL CONTRACTOR ADDRESS PHONE J.R. ~cCann 3307 Redlan~,s ~. Bksf CA (S05)S71-5353 PROPOSED PROJECT STAR?INO OAT[ CALIFORNIA L~C£N.qE ~ WORKER'S CDNPEIISATION · INSURER !- A.'S.A.P. 3~1634 On File On ¥ile PREL~NINARY SITE .ASSESSN£HT CONTR~iOk ADDREss PIlONE t q7~1 ?ie~t:.~ind Dr BZ(§~ C.% (S05 ~32S - 3697 Wilson & As3-nc ...... WORKER'S CIIHPENSAT~ON ~ INSURER IPHONE ( ) -- On file LAnDRATOR¥ T~AT WILL ANALYZE SA#PL~ A~DRESS~ S.I~.C. 3155 . ~egasus, Bksf CA (~05)~9~ '~ - 3597 CIIENICAL COMPOSITION OI~ MATERIAL~: STOR~O Calif. water Service ~ Aoorox $O' ' :T · N6ne ' Sandy aASI5 PON SOIL ~PE ~O GROUNO~AT~ Oi~ll DET~INATION :, ate service , 22 I Benzene,' Toluene, Xyle~e, and T.P.H. Tri'ole rinsed and disoosed of by ~ualitv vaccum at Gibson OiL T~KISI Trucked to A.~.~. PIPING Truc~.e~ to ~.M. 9. KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT ' ~rvice Request ~ ' Comolalnt CT No.. ........................ Assigned to=_ ~. ................................................................... ~one ....................... ~rty Owner ............................ L ........ ~ ......... ~ on for Request SULTS VESTIGATIO Date ................................ .......................... InYestlcjated.l~Y .............. ~ ............. ~ ..................... ~ ...... Environmental Health 580 4! ].3 2029 (Rev. ~..~ c.~.~. ~.~/. ~ GARY J. WICKS 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Agency Director Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3502 .:.::~ - -- Telephone (805) 861-3636 STEVE McCALLEY Telecopler (805) 861-3429 Director RESOUR'CE :-ENT AGENCy NMENTAL PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE PERMIT NUMBER A t099-05 OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS '""'~' ... SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY Pierce Road Station /( Mainland Pacific · D & J Construction . 2 TANK(S) AT ABOVE A~ROVAL ~A~E F~bruarv 7, 1990 CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. It is the r~ponsibility of the Permitt~ to obtain permit~ which may be r~uired by other regulatory agenci~ prior to be~nning work. (i.e., City Fire and Building Department~) 2. Permittee must noti[g the Hazardous Material~ Management Pro,am at (805) 861-3636 two working day~ p~or to tank removal or abandonment in place to arrange [or r~uired impection~(~). 3.Tank cl~ure activiti~ mint be per Kern County Environmental Health and Fire Department approved methods a~ dmc~bed in Handb~k 30. 4. It is the contractor's r~ponsibility to know and hdhere to all applicable la~ regarding the handling, transportation or treatment of ha2ardou~ materials. 5. The tank removal contractor must have a qualified company employ~ onsite ~upe~ising the tank removal. The employ~ must have tank removal experience prior to working unsupervised. 6. ~ any contracto~ other lhan those listed on permit and permit application are to be utilized, prior approval mu~t be ~anted by the sp~iali~t listed on the permit. Deviation ~rom the submitted application is not allowed. 7.Soil Sampling: a. Tank ~i~e 1~ th~n or ~u~l to 1,~ gallon~ - a minimum o[ two sampl~ mu~t be retrieved [rom beneath the center of the tank at depth~ of approximately two f~t and six f~t. b. Tank ~i~e ~at~ th~n 1,~ to 10,~ gailon~ - a minimum of four ~ampl~ mu~t be retrieved one-third each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six f~t. c. Tank ~i~e ~t~ than 10,~ gago~ - a minimum of six ~ampl~ must be retrieved on-foumh of the way in from the end~ of each tank and beneath the center of each tank at depths of approximately two f~t and six.f~t. 8. Soil Sampling.(piping area): A minimum of two ~ampl~ must be ret~eved at depth~ of approximately two f~t and six f~t for every 15 linear f~t ~ pipe run and under the dispenser area. G.S.S. 580 1151 395-5004 (Rev. 4/87) !- PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE PERMIT NUMBER A1099-05 OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS ADDENDUM- SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY 9. Soil Sample analysis: a.~ All soil samples retrieved from beneath gasoline (leaded/unleaded) tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for benzene, toluene, xylene, and total petroleum hydrocarbons (for gasoline). b. All soil samPles retrieved from beneath diesel tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for total petroleum hydr°Carbons (for diesel) and benzene. e. All soil samples retrieved from beneath waste oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for t'otal organic halides, lead, oil ~nd grease. d. All soil samples retrieved from beneath crude oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for 0il and grease. e. All soil samples retrieved from beneath tanks and appurtenances that contain unknown substances must be analyzed for a full range of substances that may have been stored within the tank. 10. The fQllowing timetable lists pre-and post-tank removal requirements: ACTIVITY DEADLINE Complete permit application At least two weeks prior to closure submitted to Hazardous Materials Management Program Notification to inspector listed on permit of date Two working days - and time of closure and soil sampling Transportation and tracking forms sent to Hazardous No later than 5 working days for transportation and 14 working Materials Management Program. All hazardous waste days for the tracking form after tank removal mandests must' be signed by the receiver of the hazardous waste Sample analysis to Hazardous Materials Management No later than 3 working days after completion of analysis Program 11. Purging/Inerting Conditions: a. Liquid shall be pumped from .tank prior to. purging such that less than 8 gallons o1~ liquid remain in tank. (CSH&SC 41.700) b. Tank shall be purged through vent pipe discharging at least 10 feet above ground level. (CSH&SC 41700) c. No emission shall result in odors detectable at or beyond property line. (Rule 419) d. No emission shall endanger the health, safety, comfort of repose of any person. (CSH&SC 41700) e. Vent lines shall remain attached to tank until the inspector arrives to authorize removal. RECOMMENDATIONS/GUIDELINES FOR REMOVAL OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS This department is responsible for enforcing the Kern County Ordinance Code, Division 8 and state regulations pertaining to underground storage tanks. Representatives from this department respond to job sites during tank removals to ensure that the tanks are safe to remove/close and that the overall job performance is.consistent with permit requirements, applicable laws and safety standards. The following guidelines are offered to clarify the interests 'and expectations for this department. 1. Job ~ite safety is one of our primary concerns. Excavations are inherently dangerous. It is the contractor's responsibility to know and abide by CAL-OSHA regulations. The job foreman is responsible for the crew and any subcontractors on the job. As a general rule workers are not permitted ih improperly sloped excavations or when unsafe conditions exist in the hole. Tools and equipment are to be used only for their designed function. Foi- example, backhoe buckets are never substituted for ladders. 2. Properly licensed contra~:tors are assumed to understand the requirements of the permit issued. The job foreman is responsible for knowing and abiding by the conditions of the permit. Deviation from the permit conditions may result in a stop,work order. 3. Individual contractors will be held responsible' for their post-removal paperwork. Tracking forms, hazardous-waste manifests and analyses documentation is necessary for each site in order to close a case file or move it into mitigation. When contractors do not follow through on necessary paperwork', an unmanageable backlog of incomplete cases results. If this continues, proCessing time for completing new closures will increase. ' Accepted By: OWNER OR AGENT DATE DS:cas a1099-05 · D & J 'CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 5202 Bakersfield, CA. .93308 February 8, 1990 Kern County Health Department' 2700 M Street Bakersfield, CA · 93301 Attention: Dan Starky Please find enclosed safety plan for Mainland PaCific Pierce Rd. Facilty'. Remove all flammable liquids frOm tanks. Tank to be triple rinsed with high pressure washer and non- toxic detergent water to be manifested off after completion. There shall be one (1) 20BC fire extinguisher on site at'all times. There;is to be no sources of ignition in area of ~tank abandoning. Tank to be purged with 15 #'s of dry ice after rinsing of tank, minimum of four (4) hours before pull. Tank to be promptly removed to approved location.. No one allowed in excavation unless tank hole is shored or sloped. Soil samples to be obtained by backhoe bucket. Tank to be filled up ASAP for safety reasons.. nk you, · ' ~°~ '3ag~~c tion / DM:nn KERN COUNTY ENV]R~N#ENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT ~ 2?00 'M' STREET, SUITE 300 APPLICATION DA?! 17'"--'-/~ BAK~RSFiELD,.CA 93301 pot TANKS TO.B[ AB~N~N[O (805) B61-3636 LENGTH DP PIPINQ TO ABANDON APPLI CATION I:'OR I:~ER~IIT I:'OR CLOSURE/ABANDONMENT OF UNDERGROUND PROJECT CONTA~ JPHOHE I ~SEC/T/R IRU~L LOCATIONS ONLY) Gary Whitten I n*v"834-8002 I Pierce Rd. Station I 3201 Pierce Rd I Gilmore OWNER . IADDREss , IPHONt Mainland Pacific' I P.O. Box 661208, L.A. 90066I (213~821-9229 TANK N~NOVA~ CO~RACTOR ADDRESS D & J Construction P..O. Box 52.02 p -(805)871_ 3697 ., I 0n f'ile 10n file Wilson & Assoc. ~ 1701 Westwfnd Dr. t805>328~460 ~ORKER'S COHPEHSATION I :NSURER . PHONE ~DORATORY TIlAT ~ILL ANALYZE SANPL~ ADDRESS PIIONE S.M.C. 3155 Pegasus ~05 >393~597 · :IIENICAL CONPOSITION DP NATERIALS STORED WATER TO PAC:LITY PROVIDED BY IDEP~H TO GROUND#ATER Calif. Water ServiCe I Approx. 50' N~REST WATER NELL - GIVE DISTANCE AND DESCRIBE ~PE I~ WITllIN SOO PEET , J$OIL TYP~ AT PACILITY None Sandy I BASIS FOe SOIL TYPE AND GHOUND.ATER UZ~ll DETERNIHATIO# Asked Calif. Water Service ISXNPLES WILL BE ANALYZED FOR: TOTAL20 NuweER.~.~.~OP SAXPLES TO SE ANALYZED I Benzene, Toluene, Xylene, and T .P .H. )ESCRleE IlOW RESIDUE IN TA~IKI$I AND PIPING IS TO Be RENDED AND DISPOSED OF (INCLUDE I'RANOPORTATION ~D DISPOSAL CONlmANIESI: Triple Rinsed and Disposed of by Quality Vaccum at ~ebson Ref. IESCRIBE BOTII TIlt DISPOSAL NE~IOD AK DISPOSAL LOCATION PON: TAtI, EJll , 'rrucKeG to A.M.R. PIPING Truqked to · · -tE.'.:l· "~In~ :NPONN&TYON REqIIE{T~O ON NE~RSE ~!D~ fi~ ]lJ!~ ~l]~ e~ORE slle#I1-FTN~ APPI. ICATTON ,PeR REVIEW ~lS PeRI .,~U OEEN ,'aNPLETZD UN~ER PE#ALTY Or PERJURY AND TO Tile BEST OP WY KNOWLeOflE IS TRUE AND CONNECT. ......... °'" CASH REG...,'[,STFP O-'~ ..i CONSTRUCTION H]'?r~7~a-i~,2 ! · L..JD t2/07/89 !9/07/89 I t NT Amoun~ Due 200 O0 p~yment Made 8y Check 200,00 THANK 'Y'OU " KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMEN', Environmental Health '-'~ ~" -i :il SERVIC~ AND COMPLAINT FORM < Date' ("~ i;;~'Divisi°n :?of · -~..~ .~- .... ,L ....... _{~.;.'~....:' )..~.~. Time:. ..................... ~ ~,vi~e Request ~ Co, lain, · CT~ Assigned to. , -~ ..... ,:--~ ........ ~-.Z~.~.L ~ ...~_~..~___; ....................... City ' . ~,,~,,o., ..... ; .................................. :- ....................................... = ............... ~ ..... ; ............ :: ....... = ............................................ Reporting ~rson Address ' Phone - ~o~rty ~ ' - ............................................... Phone . Ow..r ....... ~ ............. ~ ................... ~UU,~,, ' ' '~' ..... ....... ........................ ~. , -' w .... , ...... ---~ ~ ', .... '~'~ ' .... ._, ::~----~.-~-~-: .....: ........ ,. ..... _, ....... :..2::~_~.~ ?~:.-' .............. ' -- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~/ ' ~ ~ Information - ~ RESULTS OF ~ - ,~ / ,~,/ ,~, ~ ' 7 /~_.~/': INVESTIGATION , ~--~--¥ ,~':'~.~./ /~,.~,::/ [d"J ~' ':~ ,':~ :7 ,';~ :, /-' ~"Z-:~:'-- -- . · --:: ....................... ~ ................................................ :_..,..:.,?= .... ,,~::_ ,., ' / . . . - ,/.> ................... = ........................ -- ............... : .................................... ~ ..... ~7---: ...................................... : ................. ~ ............................................ ~ ..... ~ ...... : ........ - ............... ,. ............ = ................... : ............... ::,: ........................... : ...... : .................. : ........................... :_.:_.~ ............................. Commainant notified .................................. 7:~ ....... ~: .....~':7~-~ .................................... ~ ................................... : ...................... ...... r ..... T7 ............ =-h~ ..................... +'- ....................................... Date " ~-- ' / ,.. - .... '~N COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Division of' Environmental Health sERVICE AND COMPLAINT FORM Date.~_~.~:..~_~...'~:..~.~._.. Time: ~-1~ ~,V ice Re quest i nt CT No. Assigned to: _.~...~~ ....................-- ........- --....- ............. ....................... .......................................................... : ........... Reporting, ~rson ~ ~ ~ ~-' ....... ~ ~ ~.X'-~3 ~ '~ ~ Address ............................................... Pro~rty Owner Address ............................................. Phone ..... Reason for Request ~ ~J ~ '~ '~' ~. ~ ~3 ~ ~,~ ~' ............... .~-~ .............. ~,~ ....~x~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ .................. ~ ................... Taken by RESULTS OF ~NVEST~AT~ON ..................... __ ........................... : ...................... .: ........................................ ComPlainant notified of results .................... Investigated by ............................................... ..._... ............. : ..... Date ..................... .; ................. KCHD 580 2760 372-EH (R.11-80} STA'fE O~: CALIFORNIA GSOiRG-2 DEUKMSJIAN 0(,~,:- ,,,- CALIFORNIA REGIONAL .WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD-- .,.... CENTRAL VALLEY REGION :..,, :: . SAN JOAQUIN WATERSHED BRANCH OFFICE: 361a EAST ASHLAN AVENUE ' ...... ' FRESNO. CALIFORNIA 93726 PHONE: 1209) 445-5116 . 29 August. 1988 Mr. Thomas A. Mele Groundwater ReSources, Inc. 5610 District Blvd., Suite 106 Bakersfield, CA 93313 GROUND WATER CONTAMINATION AT BIG VALLEY TRUCK STOP We have reviewed your letter dated 23 August 1988 which details a revised assessment'plan for Big Valley.Truck Stop in Bakersfield. Two Soil borings and a.monitoring well are proposed in addition to the work outlined in the assessment plan. We find the proposed work to be an appropriate next step in the clean-up effort, with the understanding that additional work may be needed depending on these results. If you have any questions, please telephone .Sue Y. Yee of this office at (209) 445-6127. ,, F. SCOTT NEVlNS Senior Engineer SYY:syy cc: Amy E:;~Gree~~'~y!i:~:&:~t~: DePar~.'men~Ba~ersfieId 5610 DISTRICT BLVD., SUITE 106 groundwater resources inc. BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93313 General Engineering Contractor Class A License No. 520768 August 23, 1988 Ms. Amy Green Kern County Health Department Environmental Health Division 1415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re:' Revised Site Assessment Plan Big Valley Truck Stops Dear Ms. Green, Enclosed is a revised copy of the assessment plan for the Big Valley Truck Stop site on 3115 Pierce Road~ The changes - additions have been made after receiving recommendations sub- mitted by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. After the Board has reviewed our most recent plan submitted, GRI Will-apply for two permits to construct monitor wells~ from the Kern County Health Department. If you have any questions, please feel free to call 835-7700. Very truly yours, Thomas A. Mele · Project Manager TAM:dji Encl. MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 9383, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 (805~ 835-7700 OTHER'LOCATIONS: LOS ANGELES 1213) 724-3147 PLACENTIA (714) 528-2415 5610 DISTRICT BLVD., SUITE 106 groundwater resourcesinc. BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93313 Gene~l Engineering Cont~cmr Class A License No. 520768 Ms'. Sue Yee California Regfonal Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region 3614 East Ashlan Avenue ' Fresno, CA 93726 ' Re: Revision of Assessment Plan Big Valley Truck Stops 3115 Pierce Road Bakersfield, CA I Dear .Ms. Yee, After reading your letter dated August 11, 1988, GrOundwater Resources, Inc. (GRI) is submitting for your approval a revised assessment .plan for the Big Valley Truck Stop in Bakersfield. In addition to the plan that was sent to the Board July 19, 1988, GRI is proposing to drill two soil borings and another monitoring · well at the site. The borings, as indicated on Plate 2a, will be drilled near dispenser #1 and dispenser #3 to adept, h of 20 feet to assess if there has been any product spillage in these areas. A third'monitoring well has been proposed in order to find the local gradient. The well has been placed to the south of the other wells in order to complete a triangular pattern to aid in the gradient computation. GRI }]opes that theadditional work proposed will be sufficient to address the scope of vadose and groundwater contamination. Additional work or remediation alternatives will be proposed once the soil and .water samples are analyzed~ and water levels measured. If you have any questions or require' further information, please call (805) 835-7700. very truly yours, Thomas A. Mole ProJect Manager TAM:dji cc: Ms. Amy Green Kern County Health Department MAILING ADDRE~:P.O. flOX9383, BAKEESFIELD, CA93389 {805}835-7700 OTHERLOCATIONS:LOSANGELESI213J724~3147 PLACENTIAI714) 528_2415 STATE OF CALIFORNIA GEORGE DEUKMEJIAN CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD--. CENTRAL VALLEY REGION · SAN JOAQUIN WATERSHED BRANCH OFFICE: · '-'---"~) 3614 EAST ASHLAN AVENUE .' FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93726 /' / . , / 11 August 1988 Mr. Thomas A. Mole Groundwater Resources, Inc. 5610 District Blvd., Suite 106 Bakersfield, CA 93313 GROUND WATER CONTAMINATION AT BIG VALLEY TRUCK STOP We have reviewed your .letter dated 19 July 1988 and its enclosures consisting of laboratory data sheets, regional water well elevation maps, and sample collection and analysis plans.. This information was submitted as a suPplement to the ~Site Characterization Plan for Big Valley Truck Stop. A copy of our comments is enclosed. As indicated in the attached memo, we have no objections to the additional assessment work proposed by GRI.-The proposed work will be helpful in providing more information on the site conditions. It will not, however, define the extent of the contaminants in the soil and groundwater. Prior to 1 September 1988, please provide us with a work plan to define the vertical and lateral extent of the groundwater and soil contamination at Big Valley Truck Stop. If you have any questions, please telephone Sue Y. Yee of this office at (209) 445-6127. F. sCOTT NEVlNS Senior Engineer SYY:syy Enclosure cc: Amy E- Green,Kern County Health Department, Bakersfield CALIFORNIA REGIONAL ~v,4TER QUALITY CONTROL BOA~II-CENTRAL VALLEY REGION 3614 E. Ashlan SAN JOAQUIN WATERSHED BRANCH Telephone: (209) 445-5116 Fresno, CA 93726-6905 State LeAse Line: 421 -511 6 TO: F. SCOTT NEVINs FROM: SUE Y. YEE Senior Engineer Staff Engineer SUBJECT: GROUND WATER CONTAMINATION AT BIG VALLEY TRUCK STOP Comments: I have reviewed the additional information submitted by Groundwater Resources Inc. (GRI) to supplement the Site Characterization Plan for Big Valley Truck Stop. Introduction: After preliminary investigatory work which showed Contamination at the subject facility, GRI Submitted a plan of action for .. additional assessment work. Our office reviewed that plan and requested supplemental information. GRI responded by submitting .laboratory data sheets, regional water well elevation maps, and sample collection and analysis plans. The sample collection and analysis plans include test boring procedures, monitoring .well sample protocol, groundwater, sampling procedures, pump information, and methods of analysis approved by the EPA or DHS. Submittal of these' plans adequately addressed our concerns in this area.' Laboratory ResUlts: The laboratory sheets show the actual cOncentrations of the constituents in each sample, as well as the limit of detection of the sample analysis. Samples were taken from three borings. Borings B-1 and B-2 were slan~ drilled to a depth of 20 feet, with soil samPles taken every 5 feet. Boring B-3 was drilled to a depth of 40 feet, with soil samples taken at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, .30 and 20 foot intervals. Boring B-3 was also completed as a water well. The results of the analyses are as follows: BORING B-1 Depth Ben Tol EtB P-X m-X o-X TPH 5 ,1 'ND ND ND ND ND 1910 10 ND 2.5 1.2 2'.7 5.1 5.0 4280 15 ND ND ND ND ND ND <10 20 ND ND ND ND ND ND <10 BIG VALLEY TRUCK'STOP -2- 11 AUGUST 1988 BORING B-2 Depth Ben Tol EtB p-X m-X o-X TPH 5 12 14 5.3 24 3.7 9.5 4070 10 11 22 12 29 5.3 9.5 2490 15 ND ND 4.3 12 18 20 3320 20 ND ND 3 7.9 22~ 15 3370 BORING B-3 Depth Ben Tol EtB p-X m-X o-X TP~ 5 1.1 2.5 3.4 5.3 .44 3.4 12,100 10 ND ND ND ND ND ND 5260 15 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 20 ND ND ND' ND ND ND ND 30 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 40 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Ben = Concentration of Benzene in ppm Tol = Concentration of Toluene in ppm EtB = Concentration of Ethylbenzene in ppm p-X = Concentration of p-Xylene in ppm m-X = Concentration of m-Xylene in ppm o-X = Concentration of 0-Xylene in ppm TPH = Concentration of Total Petroluem Hydrocarbons in ppm ppm = Parts Per Million (micrograms per gram) ND = Not Detected No volatile hydrocarbons were detected upon analysis of the ground water with a minimum reporting level of .5 ppb. The analysis did reveal 950 ppb of TPH. The EPA drinking water standards for TPH is 160 ppb. Extent of Contamination: GRI has established that there.is groundwater contamination in the vicinity of dispenser #4. The additional boring(s) proposed will better detail the contamination in the vadose zone, but it does not address the extent of contamination in the ground water. GRI needs t© investigate the vertical and lateral extent of the groundwater contamination. Placement of the Monitorinq Well: It has not been established if ground water has been affected by the leak at .disPenser #2. In .order to ensure the detection of BIG VALLEY TRUCK STOP -3- 11 AUGUST 1988 contamination, GRI needs to justify the placement of the proposed ~ monitoring well. The regional Water elevation, maps show a northwest gradient at the site; this supports the placement of .the well to the northwest of the dispenser #2. The proposed well is adequately- placed for an initial investigation. If the results.of'this investigation show no groundwater contamination, GRI will need to substantiate that the gradient on site is indeed to the northwest. A minimum of three monitoring wells is necessary to find a local gradient. Source of Contamination: GRI needs to demonstrate that dispensers #2 and #4 are the only sources of contamination. To ensure that dispensers #1 and #3 are.not contributing to the contamination, GRI should drill two more soil borings and obtain soil samples at regular intervals. These borings should be slant drilled to investigate the soil conditions underneath dispensers #1 and #3. Conclusion: The analysis shows ground water to be contaminated with total petroleum hydrocarbon. No plan for determination of vertical or lateral extent of contamination has been provided. The' soil samples showed contamination by benzene and total petroleum hydrocarbon. A preliminary investigation into the extent of soil contamination has been submitted. The proposed soil'borings'appear to be an appropriate next step in this phase · of the clean-up process. Depending on the results of those borings,, it might be necessary to perform additional work to assess the degree of contamination. The proposed monitoring well will help define the extent of soil Contamination and the .hydrogeology of' the area. It may or may not determine if ground water has been contaminated'due to the leak from dispenser #2. SirATE OF CALIFORNIA GEORGE DEUKMEJIAN, Governo; CENTRALCALIFORNIAvALLEyREGIONAL'WATERREGION QUALITY CONTROL BOARD-- SAN JOAQUIN WATERSHED BRANCH OFFICE: $614 EAST ASHLAN AVENUE FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93726 ' ' PHONE: (209) 445-5116 ., 7 june i988. Mr. David Fulton Groundwater Resources Inc. 5610 District Blvd. Suite 106 Bakersfield CA 93313 GROUND WATER CONTAMINATION AT BIG VALLEY TRUCK STOP Enclosed for your information is a copy. of a memorandum regarding the 'proposed investigatOry work at .the subject facility. The memorandum provides comments on the ·proposed work plan. We believe that .the work 'is an apPropriate next step in the · investigation prOvided the comments in the memorandum are adequately addressed in the conduct of the work. Additional work may be required to determine the vertical and lateral extent of the ground water contamination depending, on the results of this 0 phase of the work. We request that you submit the results of this investigation by 8 August 1988 or submit your proposed time schedule for completion of the next phase of the investigation. If you have any questions regarding this matter please calI Ken Wilkinsat (209) 445-6191. F. Scott Nevins Senior Engineer KAW ·Attachments cc: Ms. Amy Green, Kern. County Health Department:~ -- emorandum CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD-CENTRAL VALLEY REGION 3614 E. Ashlan SAN JOAQUIN WATERSHED BRANCH Telephone: (209) 445-5116 Fresno,' CA 93726-6905 State Lease Line: 421-5116 TO: F. SCOTT NEVTNS FROM: KEN HIT,KINS , SENIOR ENGINEER . STAFF ENGINEER DATE: SIGNATURE: GROUND WATER CONTAMINATION AT BIG VALLEY TRUCK STOP, SUBJECT: BAKERSFIELD, KERN COUNTY BACKGROUND On 9 July, 1987 a representative of Kern County Health Department discovered fuel puddled beneath two above ground fuel dispensers at the Subject facility. ,The' county required the facility to perform a hydrogeologic investigation at the site to delineate the horizontal and vertical extent of cOntamination in the soil and ground water.'On May 19, 1988 we received a letter from the county giving notification that preliminary investigations at the site had been .completed. The results of soil and groUnd water tests indicate that soil is contaminated down'to the water table (at a'minimum) and that ground water beneath the site has been degraded. The preliminary investigatory work is not sufficient to completely define the extent of contamination. Consequently, more assessment work is necessary. The consulting firm who performed the initial investigation, Groundwater Resources Inc. (GRI), acknowledges that more work is necessary and has submitted a plan of action for additional assessment work to the county. The following is a review of the propOsed' "Work plan". Also included is a summary of the previous investigatory work performed at the site. ' ,, PREVIOUS INVESTIGATORY WORK A total of three borings were completed by GRI during the initial investigation..One 25 degree angle slant boring is drilled under each of the two subject fuel dispensing areas (dispenser'#2, dispenser #4). Both of the slant borings (B-l, B-2) were completed to a depth of 20 feet below land surface. The third boring is a vertical hole drilled adjacent to the dispenser #4. The vertical bore hole (B-3) is 'drilled to' a total depth of 40 feet. See attached map for boring locations. Boring B-3 has also been completed as a monitoring well (MW-i) using 2-inch PVC casing. MW-1 is screened from 10 to 35 feet .below, ground surface,and is gravel packed from 9 feet to 35 feet- with #16 sand. The uppermost ground water occurs 21.5 feet below BIG VALLEY TRUCK. STOP -2- '7 June 1987 ground surface, thUs the total depth of screen that encounters ground water is 13.5 feet. The annulus of the well is sealed from 9 feet to 3 feet with bentonite grout and cement from 3 feet ',to the ground surface. The well construction and screening interval are adequate, for collecting representative ground water samples. '~oil samples in borings B-1 and B-2 were obtained at depths of 5, 10, 15, and 20 feet below ground surface. Soil samples in boring B-3 were obtained at depths of 5, 10,15,20,25,30, and 40 feet below ground surface.. Boring logs indicate that the soils underlying the site are predominantly fine grained silts (ML) from the ground surface to a depth of approximately 15 feet and poorly graded fine sands (SM-SP). from 15 feet to 20 feet. The samples were analyzed for benzene, toluene, xylene, ethylbenzene (BTX&E~ ~and total petroleum hydrocarbons as diesel (TPH). The constituents analyzed for .in the' soil and ground water samPles are acceptable. However, all future- reports need to include the constituent concentrations as determined in the laboratory. Reporting constituent concentrations as "minimal" or "minor amounts" is not acceptable. Laboratory data sheets were not included in the executive' summary. All future reports need to include the lab. data sheets with the sample concentrations and the detection limit for the analysis performed. The results 'of the soil sampling were reported in the executive summary as follOws: Boring Sample BTX&E TPH ~Depth. ppm pDm B-1 5 ft. "ND to minimal" 1910 i0 ft. "ND to minimal" ~4280 15 ft. "ND to minimal" ND 20 ft. "ND to minimal" ND B-2 5 ft. "minor amnts of TX&E; 4070 bnzne abve actn levl" 10 ft. "minor amnts of TX&E; 2490 bnzne abve actn levl" 15 fto "minor amnt of BTX&E" 3320 20 ft. "minor amnt of BTX&E" 3370 B-3 5 ft. "minor amnt; bnzne only" 12110 10 ft. ND 5260 20 ft. ND ND 30 ft. ND ND 40 ft. ND ND BIG VALLEY TRUCK STOP -3- 7 June 1988 One 2-liter ground water sample was collected after.purging five well volumes. The method by which the' samples were collected (e.g~. bailer, bladder pump, etc.) and the type'of container used ~were not 'specified. GRI did not specify if the 2-liter sample was~used for both the TPH and volatile organic analyses or if separate samples were collected for the volatile organics. Since .the sampling procedures and equipment used can significantly ~mpact the results, GRI needs to submit their sample collection and analysis protocol s© that the method 'of sample collection, types of containers 'used, analytical methods, etc. can be evaluated. DISCUSSION OF PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION RESULTS The results from the soil samples from borings B-1 through B-3 and the ground water sample from well MW-1 indicate that petroleum based contamination is present 'in 'the soil and the ground water. The extent and the source of the contamination has not been determined. It is possible that the ground' water contamination is a result of leaking dispensers. It is also possible that the. ground water contamination detected in MW-1 is caused in whole or in part by a source other than the 'leaking dispensers. AdditionaI characterization of the site is necessary to determine the source and extent of the contamination. PROPOSED WORKPLAN: GRI ~proposes to investigate the areas underlYing 'dispensers #2 and #4 separately. For dispenser #4', GRI plans to drill at least one additional slant boring to a depth of 20 feet. GRI notes that the area around dispenser #4 presents unique difficulties for the drilling rig. Because of the physical constraints of the area, slant boring from location' B-1 did not allow for collection of soil samples, directly beneath the dispenser at depths greater than 10 feet (see attachment 2). To alleviate this problem, GRI proposes to locate the new borehole south of location B-1. Locating the' borehole farther away from the dispenser will compensate for the boring angle and enable sample collection directly beneath the dispenser. See the attached map for the proposed boring locations. For dispenser #2,~'' GRI plans to drill three additional borings. One hole will be drilled to a depth of 20 feet immediately to the northeast of' the dispensing area. An additional slant boring beneath the dispenser is also proposed. The slant boring will facilitate collection of samples at the 20 foot level in the area most likely to'be contaminated from the leaking dispenser. The · third boring is to be a vertical hole drilled to a depth of 40 'feet, immediately.northwest of the dispenser. The well is to be completed as a monitoring well similar to MW-1. GRI identifies this location as'being downgradient of the dispensing area and plans to collect water samples to determine if ground water BIG BIG VALLEY TRUCK STOP -4~ 7 June 19'88 , contamination has occurred. Ground water and soil samples will be analyzed for BTX&E and TPH as diesel. .DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED woRKpLAN The proposed workplan will need to be expanded before it can be considered an adequate next step in the investigation of '6ontamination at the site. At this time the ground water sampling portion of the investigation lacks the necessary elements to characterize the.ground water at the site. Of primary conCern is the determination of the ground water gradient at the site'. GRI states that MW-1 and MW-2 are located downgradient of the dispensers but provide no supporting documentation. The site specific ground water gradient at the site needs to be determined from Water' level or piezometric data. The gradient cannot be accurately determined from wells MW-1 and MW-2 only, thus additional wells will need to be installed. Wells installed as part of the gradient determination can also be used to aid in defining the extent -of contamination near· the dispensers provided that the wells are constructed with .discreet screened intervals (10 feet). Discreet screened intervals are necessary to.avoid dilution of contaminants in the samples. The boring locations B-1 through B-3 and the proposed 'boring locations appear adequate for the next step of the.contamination assessment investigation. If the samples do not completely define the extent of contamination, additional soil sampling may' be required. The proposed ~sample depth intervals and constituents to be analyZed for are acceptable. SUMMARY/CONCLUSIONS To recaP, 'preliminary investigations at the Big Valley Truck Stop have revealed petroleum based soil~ and ground water contamination. The lateral and vertical extent of the soil and ground water was not determined in the preliminary investigation. Further investigation to determine the extent of contamination is warranted at the site. After reviewing the summary of the work that has been completed at the site and the workplan, outlining the additional investigatory work to be performed, staff has develOped the following conclusions and comments: 1. The boring'locations B-1 through B-3 and the proposed boring locations appear adequate as the next step in determining the extent of contamination near dispensers #2 and #4. The proposed sample 'depth intervals and constituents to be analyzed for are acceptable. In reporting the results from the proposed work'the BIG VALLEY TRUCK STOP ~52 7 June 1985' actual amounts of the constituents in the sample need to '~ be included. Referring to constituent concentrations as "minor amounts" is not acceptable. In addition, all laboratory analysis sheets need to be included for both the proposed work and the work that was completed as part 'of the Preliminary investigation. The limit of detection of the sample analysis should be included on the laboratory data sheets~ 2. GRI needs to demonstrate that dispensers #2 and #4 are the only sources of contamination at the site. In so doing it may be necessary to obtain one or more soil samples from the areas around dispensers #1 and #3. 3. GRI needs to provide supporting information to justify the placement of the ground water ·monitoring wells. It needs to be demonstrated that the wells are placed in the locations most likely.to detect contamination with respect to the site specific gradient. The gradient should be determined from site specific water level measurements ~or piezometric data. The wells used for the gradient determination'can also be used to'further delineate the extent of contamination provided that the screened intervals are discreet~(10'feet). 4.. GRI needs to submit their sample collection and analysis plan so that the method of sample collection, types of containers used, analytical methods, etc. can'be evaluated. Sampling for volatile constituents such as BTX&E requires p~oper Sampling procedUres and equipment to ensure that the integrity of' the results is not sacrificed. 2700 M STREET KERI,. COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTM T .EA,TH OmCE, MAILING ADDRESS Leon M Hebertson, M.D. 1415 TRUXTUN AVENUE ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 · DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (805) 861-3636 Vernon S. Reichard May 27, 1988 Mainland Pacific Development Company 12536 Admiral Avenue Los Angeles, Calt'fornla 90066 Attn: Calvin Okeya RE: 6roundwater Contamination Detected at Big Valley Truck Stop 315 Plerce Road Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Okeya: The Central Valley Regional mater quallty Control Board has informed the Kern County Health Department that they will assume lead agency status In the investigation of ground water Contamination at the Big Valley Truck Stop, 3115 Pierce Road, in Bakersfield, California. Please forward a copy of all proposals and reports regarding this' Investigation to this department. Feel free. to call this departaent at (805) 861-3636', If you would like any assistance. Slncerely~ ~ . Envlron/~ntal Health ~peclallst Hazardous Materials Managememt Program AEG/gb DISTRICT OFFICES 56 ]0 DISTRICT BLVD., SUITE 106 groundwater resources inc'. BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93313 · General Engineering Contractor Class A License No. 520768 Hay 23, 1988 Ms. Amy Green Kern County Health Department Environmental Health Division · 1700 Flowe~ Street Bakersfield, C'A 93305 Re: Big Valley Truck Stop 3115 Pierce Road Bakersfield, CA Dear Ms. Green, As perour phone conversation on May 23, 1988, I am enclosing for your review a verical cross-section of the sample depths and their rela%ionshlp to the dispensers.. Should you have any. questions, please contact our office at (805) 835-7700. Very truly Yours, David E. Fulton MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 9383, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 {805} 835-7700 OTHER LOCATIONS: LOS ANGELES (213) 724-3147 PLACENTIA (714) 528-2415 ? UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE (LEAK) / CONTAMINATION SITE REPORT YES [~ NO REPORT BEEN FILED ? ~ YES [] NO L~ALAGENCY ~ - -- / ' A~Y~ME ,, ~ ~NTACTPER~N U ~ P~NE (1) ~ ' . ~ .[~ Z NAME , QU~T~ LOST (G~LONS) OA~_Ol~O~R~O ~ ~ , ~ IN~'ORY ~'"OL ~ SU. RF~ M~ITOR. ~ NUISA'E ~NDIT~NS  .~SDI~HARGE BEEN STOPPED? ~ REPAIR T~ / ~ .E~I. P~l~ ~ C~ ~EDURE ~ T~KLE~ ~ UNKNO~ .~'~~~---- ~ ~. ~ FIBERG~S .~ OVERFILL ~ RUP~R~AEURE ~ PIPING LE~ AGE YRS ~ S~EL ~ ~RR~N ~ UNKNO~ OTHER, ~ UNKNO~ ~ O. ER ~ SP,~ ~ O~ER ~E~ ONE ONLY ~SI~IN~STI~TIONINPR~RESS(DEFIN~GE~PROB~ ~ ~INPR~RESS~ SI~ED~F(~P~MP~DoRuN~AR~ ~ NO~TIONT~EN ~ P~T~P~ITOR~GINP~ ~ ~FU~AVA~PR~ED ~ EV~UATI~C~UP~RNATI~S CHE~ ~PROPRIA~ ACTDN(S) (SEE B~K FOR ~TAI~) ~ C~SI~(C~.~. '~ EX~VA~&D~E(ED) ~ REMO~FREEP~T(FP) ~ EN~EDBIODEGR~ATION(I~ ~ CONTAINMENTBA~IER(~)~ EX~VA~&TREAT(E~ ~ PUaP&TR~TGROUNDWA~R(G~ ~ REP~E SUPPLY (RS) ~ TRidENT AT ~P (HU) ~ NO ~mlON REQUI~D (NA) ~' O~ER (O~ KERN COUNTY'HEALTH DEPARTMENT ' ~' '/ '*'~ APPLICATi*0Ni'FO~ A PERMIT. T°. CONSTRUCT, DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RECONSTRUcT,' DEEPEN OR DESTROY A WELL 1700 FLOWER STREET . . .-.' , BAKERSFIELD, CA 93305 PERMIT NUMBER: TELEPHONE: (805) 861-3636 APN: ' ' ~~/~, ~, ~ ., . , ~-... ~ . .... ~ ..... , J~ SITE:-,-r-. ', ..... :[ ". -r ~ , R ~' SEC;" ~gl '-' : 40:ACRE SUB~-'; "", ...... '' BI RECTIONS TO WELL SITE: "~0- !=':.~' ' .'-'.,' : .,c ,-...:., '¢~t, ,'¢~.: ,'~.',¢:¢' ~' _- i .... ,. ~.. '2; ~: ;"2W 5"~; '¢.~%',,'*'. ~'.~"~'~'-:hT~.' ~; ~ '.,:? .V', '~ '* ~: '" ' ' ....... ~ '¢ ~.~5' . "r . .."' · ~PE OF WORK ~NE= :.':~WEbL?W~¢- '~,~ ':~ C¢{L~:?:~E~..,7~.t~¢:~:,.'; h=? ? '' ;:', C,', {CHECKONE} RECONSTRU~ON · D D~TRUCT~ON ~ INTENDED USE: ~TICIPRIVATE · ~ {1 ~nn~n)- C~RUCTION ME.OD: ::. m~ HOL~_ "~'-' . .  -' ~ ;.~ .... , : , ' ., .... ' : ........... ~~'~.~:. -'.'; ... ,~"~ .... - '-::-'5,'--. .... '"' ' ..... :' :~'~ :"':"" '.;7,:.'.':'~'.'~-.'.;'.7' .': " ~AVEL ~PACK' (CHECK- ~ (i ;.' PR~EQ ~'-' CEM/N7 GROUT ' '~- 7 ' > '~' ':. '" . '~:I"~ . ~_ ' .'.,,.. ,* ... .' . .. OTHER . ...... , ............ ~-,.. :.._~ . -¥ .,.~- , .- -, ' · ~- ', g' ' ' ,' PRiED*WEEk" DE~ ............... ' P~ED ~ERFORATIO~ OR ~REEM *9~D=~UG~ .......... ~" -: : '" -' ~ROM;' ':: ' 'n~f FEET OT~R ....... '';-L'*'* *~ '* FROM. ~O ~ D .o ~ ....... . ......."-'- -. · [SEE REVERSE] Healt~ 580 4113 ~ EH (Rev. 5/87) {~. I of 3) GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. Permit applications must be submitted, to t~e Planning De~t'~or zoning, acc..~s ~nd fl..ood plane, clearancea.pri0r to. :' Submission to tl~ Health Depart'merit. : .~"..~.~. ~:.'::,)~ ' ,* ..... ':' ' ....... 2. Permit applications must be submiffed to the Health De~.~t'e[l~110 working days prior to the proposed sta~ing date~ 3. 'Well site approval is required before beginning any work re~t~:~O~ell construction. It is ~la~ul to continue work past the stage at which an inspection is required unless inspection is waived or completed. .. · . ,.; 4. Other re~ired inspections include:.setting'conductor casing, E-Logs, all annular seals, and final construction features. $. Inar~a~whomaw~ll ~n~trat~m~r~than~n~aquif~r~8nd~n~rm~r~fth~aqu~[~r~e~ntain~p~rqu8~it~w8t~r~8n ~hall ~o required to d~t~rmino th~ location o~ th~ confinin~ clay ~.- ~ p,on0 call to tg0 ~pa~mo,t 9ffiC~ i~ r*q Ui r~'°n tn~ momi n~ 'o~ th~ day that ~ork ~ t~commneo'ano 24 hou~ b~ore~~ ;' "placom~nt'o~ any ~al~ or plu~. 7. ~pproval ot wator quality and final construction l~atum, aro required b~lom t~0. W~l~: i~.~ut into.U~, 9. Any m srepresentation or non.~0mpliance with .required Per'ii ~°nditions, .or Ord~e~e. will result in i~uance of a "Stop 10.- A copy of the Depa~ment of Water Resources Driller's Repo~ as well as copies ef E-Eogsand~ater quali~ anal~es mu~ ~.. ~ubmitt~d to th~ H~alth ~a~m,nt within ~ day~ a~.r oom~l~tion of th~ wo~. 11."~ hol~ mu~t b~ pro~rl~ d~troy~d ~ th n t~o {~) ~k~ of drillln~. ~ ~11 d~,tm~ion a~plleafion mu~t b~ fil~d w~th thi~ 12. The permit is void on the ninetieth (¢0) oslendar d~ ~er d~te of i~u~nco if work_h~s not ~n st~ed ~nd res~nsble 13. The Job Card shall be posted and remain at t~e~welLsiteavailable for the ins~ct0r to-agrag off; - 14. Lead pipe shall not be used in construction of any private or public wate~ supply system. 16. I have,read and agr~I¢~omply w~h the General ~n~.n0t~:-abov~. _ :~: FOR OFF~IA~ U~E ONlY ' · . , ZONING .... KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ; CON~TIONS OF PERMIT OR R~NS FOR~ENIAL= DISAPPROVED BY DATE FEE RECEIVED BY SEE A~ACHED CONDITIONS PERMIT APPROVED BY: ~81th 580 4~3 ~6 EH (Rev. 5/87) (~ 2 of 3) 1700Flower Street KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMEI HEALTH OFFICER ' Bakersfield, California 93305 Division of Environmental Health Leon M Hebertson, M.D. Telephone (805} 861.3636 DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Well Permit Application V,nonS. Reichard Parcel No. LOCATION Assessor's Parcel No. A. INDICATE BELOW THE EXACT LOCATION OF WELL WITH RESPECT TO THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: PROPERTY LINES, WATER BODIES OR WATER COURSES, DRAINAGE PATTERN, ROADS, EXISTING WELLS, SEWERS AND PRIVATE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS. INCLUDE DIMENSIONS. B. LOCATION OF WELL IN SECTION LINES. LOCATE WELL BY MEASURING FROM PROPOSED WELL SITE TO 'r~NO (2) SEC- TION LINES OR ~ SECTION IF A ROAD(S) BORDERS THE LAND. THE MEASUREMENT(S) SHOULD ALSO BE MADE FROM THE CENTER OF THE ROAD. One Mile Health 580 4].].3 30~ EH {Rev. 5/87) (Pg. 3 of 3) CHEMICAL ANALYSES I SAMPLE I Laboratory. Field ~-. ~-" '~ ;- in ppm ppm m I:~:::::::~:S "::"::"::' 0 cement ]]] :~.::?:~:::~ _ _ _ .bentonite ~ ~ c ~- ~ ~'"; ' I seal ~ ~ ~ _ '12110 310 9 - S -I B-3-5 ~]~"SM Sand, brn, fine to medium grained,' ~,:~..~ ~ -- -- ::::::::: ~ry silty, slightly clayey, , >~ ~. ] . :::~?:: moderately firm, damp, strong Silt, tan, sandy firm '.'. .... · ~j~]~[ plasticity, damp, petroleum :Schedule 40 '. -- _ ~ .... · __ ND ~ 17 '?: 1 8-3-20 :'"'"': - - - ._ '. __ _ '. ;. coarse grained, dean, moist, W.T, 21'6" I~]; .. -- -~-'. loose, pooMy graded, no Odo~. Bottom ] ~ .' _ ND 32. 10 -'I B-3-30 . '. SP Sand, brn, fine to coarse, slightly Cap ~ .. _ - - silty, saturated, loose, poorly ~ . _ _ _ .' ]-. ] graded, no odor. T.D. 40 FT '-_ ND 20 9 'm: I B-3-40 ] ' SP Sand, bm, coarse grained.with ~ -- occasiona! pebbles, slightly silty, -- _ _ saturated, loose, poorly graded, ~ no odor, ND= N~E' -- DETECTED -- -- SURFACE ELEVATI~: 405 FT L~6EB BY: TOTAL DEPTH: ~ F~ SUPERVISED BY: OEF DATE DRILLED: 1-26-88 OlARETER of B~IN6:8 INCH WATER [NC~NTEREO AT: 21 GROUNDWATER RE~URCE INDUSTRIES L~ATI~ PLA~E (805)855-7700 BI6 VALLEY TRUCK STOP environmental/~t~hni~l ~rvims PR~EC~ NUHBER: .07157 ~d=5 LOG OF BORING B-~ (HW-1) KERN' COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 1700 Flower SIreet AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT LEON M HEBERTSON, M.D. Bakersfield, Cali'fornia 93305-4198 Director of Public Health TelePhone (805) 861-3621 Air Pollution Control Officer December ~1, ]98? Hainland Pacific Development Co. ]2536'Admira'] Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90066 At. tn, l, Ce-J~tn'R. Okeya Re: Site Characterization ProPosal for Biff Valley Truck Stop 3115 Pierce Road Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. Okeya: The Amended 'Site CharacteriZation. Plan submitted to this departmentby Groundwater Resource Industries, on November 16, ]987 for-Big Valley 'Truck Stop, 3115 Pierce Road, Jn Bakersfield, CA was -revl'ewed by a representative of this department. The amended proposal in conjunction ~lth the original proposal, meets the approval of this .department' and may be implemented as written. The Kern County tlealth Department must be notified 24 hours .before samples are retrieved. After all field 'work' ~ls completed, and laboratory results received, .a final report must be written describing the extent of contamination and suggesting mitigation measureS. The flnal report must be submitted to this department .within 30 days of analysis completion. The department's mi'tigation outline enclosed. It may be used as a guide in preparing your final report. Please feel free to -call me at (805) 861-3636, if you have any questions. gnvironmeAJ'~l Ileal . .' ' Hazardous Haterials Hanagemen't Program AG/gb MAINLAND PACIFIC DEVELOPMENTCO · R~: T~amoorar.v Address Change This letter" is. to inform you that over the next months, I will be over'seas on business. I.f yo~. w~sh to ~et in touch with m;~ a~ter Febr%~ar~ 1~ 198'7, t wi]] be in Woo; Kong. The ~o~owing ~.s the address and numbers I can be reached: Ca~vin R, Okeya c/o L.E.J. Ltd. Room 1001-2 Wah Kwon9 Regent 'centre 84-90, Queen's Road, Central Honk Kong, Hongkong Tel eohone: 8._,~._,-~13._~ ..... -~... 103/4 Telex: 62166 LEJ HX Fax: 8525-8450306 My ar~iva~ date back to L.A. has not been astab- ~ ished, so our 'o~ice in Hon~kon~ wi~ ] be the only con- tact in.Asia. .Sincer'el ,i Yr_~ur%, Calvin R. Okeya ~INLANO PA(~IFIC DE1/EI.OPMENT CO. ].2536 ADMIRAL AVE. ANGELES, CALIFORNI~ 90066 ' GROUil 'O ,'4TER 5610 District Blvd., Suite 106 RESOURCE . Bakersfield, California 93313 INDUSTRIES' General Engineering Contractor Class A Lic. #504072 (805} 835-7700 --. Bakersfield (213) 724-3147 --Los Angeles November 16, ~1987 Ms. Amy E. Green Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program ,Kern County Health Department 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Re: Site Characterization'Plan Big Valley Truck Stop 3115 Pierce Road Bakersfield, CA Dear Ms. Green, Please make note of the following amendments to our initial proposal dated September 16, 1987. 1. The initial borings, have been relocated, as indicated on Plate 2, as per your letter to Mainland PaCific Develop- ment Company, dated November 6, 1987. 2. The number Of initial-borings have been reduced from five (5) to four.(4). The planned depth of twenty (20) feet and the five (5) foot sampling intervals shall re- main unchanged. On'site sampling will determine the need, if any for additional samples and/or borings. All other conditions of our initial proposal will remain the same. If you have any additional questions or input, please contact our office at (805) 835-7700. .Very truly yours, Project Manager MJP:dji Encl. cc: Mr..Catvin Okeya Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9383, Bakersfield, California 93389 Other Locations: San Jose * San Ramon · Campbell · Los Angeles 1700 Flower Street : KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTM HEALTH OFFICER Bakersfield, California 93305 Leon M Hebertson, M.D. Telephone (805)861-3636 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH · Vernon S. Reichard November-6, 1987 Mainland Pacific Development Company 12536 Admiral Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90066 Attn: Ca-lvin R. Okeya Re: Site Charact'erlzation Proposal for Contamination at Big Valley Truck St'op, 3115 Pierce Rd., Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr~ Okeya: The sit'e characterization proposal prepared by Groundwater .Resources Industries for the Big Valley Truck Stop, 3115 Pierce Road in Bakersfield, CA, may be utilized, with the following change:' 1. Another site visit was necessary to Confirm contaminated dispenserS.. The dispensers which were located above contaminated soil are oriented as shown on the diagram below: The proposal Submitted, should have boring lodations changed to characterize' the dispenser areas sit:ed above. The change will consist of a shift west of sample borings. An amended proposal should b~ submitted' to this department before work is started. . Once the amended pdrposal has been submitted to -this department, work may begin at the site utilizing the .proposal to determine the vertical and horizontal extent of contamination around, the dispensers. After soil samples are retri'eved and analyzed~ a site characterization/mitigation report must be submitted to this department within 30 days. DIS~I~ OFFICES Delano . ~ont ' ~ Lake I~bella Mainland Pacific Development Co. November 6, 1987 Page 2 ' The report must' describe the contamination plumes and suggest at least 3 mitigation alternatives. The department's outline for site characterization/mitigation'.reports is enclosed. It may be used as a guide for preparation, of your report. Please feel free to call me at (805) 861-3636, if you have any questions. Hazardous Materials Management Program AEG/gb Enclosure RESOURCE Bakersfield, California 93313 INDUSTRIES ' General Engineering Contractor 'Class A Lic. #504072 (805)' 835-7700 -- Bakersfield ,. ~ (213) 724-3147 Los Angeles' September 16, 1987 MS. Amy E. Green ~- Environmental Health~iSpecialist Hazardous Materials Management Program Kern County'Heal'th Department 1700.Flower Street ' Bakersfield, CA 93305 Re: Site Characterization Plan · . Big Valley Truck Stop '· 3115 Pierce Road Bakersfield, CA Dear Ms. Green, Our firm h~s been retained to investigate the a-bove referenced facility. The Site Characterization.was required by your depart- ment after free product was visually observed beneath several dispensers. Initially we plan to investigate the site by obtaining soil samples from borings to define fully both the vertical and horizontal extent of any soil contamination. We have prepared an initial plan as shown on Plate 2, however, additional borings may be.required as determined on site. The initial borings (5) are designed to a planned depth of twenty (20) feet. We have selected an initial pattern to determine vertical and horizontal boundaries. We plan to sample at.five (5) foot intervals. These undisturbed samples will guide the need, as determined on site, for additional samples and/or borings. If the initial planned borings contain obvious contamination, additional borings would be taken at increments of five to ten feet.to determine plume definition. If groundwater is encountered the boring will be filled and sealed in accordance with the require-~ · ments specified in Water Well Standards: State of~ California, Bulletin ~74-81. .During the boring project all borings will be 'logged and additional samples will be taken as determined on site. All samples will be logged and transported to a~State Certified Laboratory. All samples will be analyzed for Benzene and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons. The samples will be cooled and. a Chain of Custody record will be kept. .Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9383, Bakersfield, California 93389 Other Locations: San Jose · San Ramon · Campbell · Los Angeles Ms. Amy Green Environmental Health Specialist Kern County Health Department September 16, 1987 Page Two After the borings are conducted and samples are analyZed, a report will be prepared for your office with all results, logs, laboratory analysis, hydrogeology, definition of the contamination and recom- mendation of remedial action alternatives. We have not-as yet identified the proPer method of mitigation of this site. 'Upon completion of the proposed work, we will explore the site specific alternatives. The final mitigation technique will be de'signed on field results as outlined above. A copy of our company protocol, which will be followed,' is enclosed for Your review. All work will be supervised by either our Senior staff Geologist, Mr. Rex Young~ (state Registration #720) or Mr. Lawrence D. Pavlak, (C.E.G. #1187). In order to conduct the borings, the personnel on site will be equipped with a Draeger PA-80 Air Pack, Gastech D-ii Vaportester or equivalent, fire extinguishers and any additionally required equipment for health and safety 'considerations. If you have any additional'questions or input, please contact our office at (805) 835-7700. Very truly yours, Project Manager MJP:dji Encl. cc:' Mr. Calvin okeya II BIG V~?.?.~.Y TRUCK sTOps PLATE · GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIE$-(805)835-7700 3115 Pferce Road- environmentai/geotechnical service~ BakersfieXd,, 1 LOC^TION Project Number 07157 ~ PROPOSED BORIN6S HI6H CANOPY NO SCALE I FUEL ISLANDS WATER TABLE 6RADIENT ' PERPENDICULAR TO RIVER BI6 VALLEY TRUCK STOPS PLATE GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIE,S-(805)835-??O0 3115 PIERCE ROAD environmental/geot~hnic~l services. BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ,~o~.,,~.~.~ o~,~ -PLOT PLAN 1700 Flower Street KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT HEALTH OFFICER Bakersfield, Califo~'nia 93305 Leon 'M Hebertson, M.D. Telephone (805) 861-3636 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION  ~ DIRECTOR OveFrnEoN?f~cMhEaNr;AL HEALTH ' September 1, 1987 Mainland Pacific Developm~ent Company: 1'2536 Admiral Avenue Los Angeles, California 90066 Attn: 'Calvin R. Okeya Re: ~ontami-nated S°il Beneath Two Dispensers at Big Valley Truck Stop. 3115 Pierce Road in Bakersfield, California Dear Sir: On July 9, 1987 a routine inspectdon was performed by a representa'tive of this. department of the underground tank facility located at 3115 Pierce Road in' Bakersfield. Californi'a. He found the facility to be in violation of the following permit conditions: 1. The facility was not monitoring the underground tank utilizing forms supplied by the Kern County Heal'th Department. 2. The integrity of the fill box could not be inspected. It was filled with soil. An inspection report.was completed, and the original was left at the facility along with a notice and recommendations form requesting the results of recent tightness tests-performed on the underground tanks at this facility. On July 13th, copies of the tightness testing results 'were brought to the Kern, County Health Department by Mr, Calvin ' Okeya. A representative from this department went to the facility on July i3th to see if Mr, Okeya was' there,- and discussed the monitoring requirements provided in a permit packet with the operator. Paul Lingenfelder. Representatives of this department discussed the required retesting of the tanks'and ].ines. after reviewing the inconclusive tightness testing results submitted. The original tests were conducted by A']I American Tank Testing. DISTRICT OFFICES Calvin R. Okeya Page 2 September 1, 1987 On APril 16, 1987 Calvin Okeya arranged to have the prodnct lines tested by Groundwater Resource Industries. 'The test fa~led. This test. was conducted without isolating the tank from the lines. The technician returned to the site to isolate the li. nes and retest them but was not allowed to perform this' test. The operator refused to allow this test to be conducted, the Health I)el)ar tment was notified of the circumstances by Calvin Okeya. Mr. Okeya was ordered to discontinue dispensing product at his facility until he could show that the product piping and tanks were product tight. The order was issued verbally, over the phone . A written order was given -to the operator of the facility.. The operator stopped dispensing product and made arrangements to have a tightness test performed on ail product lines. This tightness test was performed by. Wegener Construction. They replaced leaking shear valves , isolated the pipes and showed the product lines to be within tolerance. Site visits reveal'ed p~oduct puddled 'beneath several dispensers. Both dispensers had problems with leaking' shear valv-es. The' facili.ty was allowed to dispense product after the tightness test for the product lines was complete. The tanks were tested by AES on July 18, 1987. They were' found to be within tolerance. The fa'cJ].ity is now required to perform the following: . 1 . Prepare a site ~haracterization proposal and submit it to the Kern County Health Department within 30 days. 2 The .fac{lity must determine the vertical and horizontal extent of contamination below the. contaminated dispens-ers, utilizing the plan approved by .the. Kern County Health Department. 3 After characterizing the site., a final report must be performed describing the extent of contamination and sugg( s;t. ing three mitigation a.lternativ~s. Enclosed is a copy of an outline that may be utilized as a guide in preparing the site c!~aracterizat ion proposal. Please fee] free to cai] me at (805) 861-3636 if you have any questions. Si n~erely, ' · ~ EnvJ ronme~ta] Health~pecial ist Hazardous Materials ~anagemeut Program ' I I. OCAIION ~ ........ o a °wM R ...... ~ _-..~-__ - - . ........... 3 OPERATOR; .... _2_~- '- 4 REASON ~0R IEST ............. 7 CONIIIACIOH OR COMPANY MAKI~ IEST ~J 14 P~SSU~E IS ~UME 16 TEST flESULTS &ACH lint (MILITARY) NET CONCLUSIONS. REPAIRS AND COMMtNTS '~'~ ~~ ~;~'l~ ~r'l' ...... ,"-1 " / ,,' __ ~~..~'~l Name of CuDDlier. Owne~ of Oealer Address No. end Street(s) City State Oete of Test From  15. TANK T0 TEST 16. CAPACI~ ~ ~/~-- Nominal Capacity /~ ~ capacity chart available Identfly by ~sition -- ~ GIIIons St~k Re~l~s Total Ga~ns 17. FILL-UP FOR TEST Fill up. STICK BEFORE AND A~ER EACH COMPARTMENT DROP OR EACH METERED DELIVERY QUANTI~ · ~ ~. ~ Tank Diameter ~/~ P~ in ~11 tank (up to fill pl~) ' SPEC A C0N0m0Hs AHD PR0CE0U ES T0 TEST TH S TAHK ~ See manual sections applicable. Check ~low and r~ord ~ure in I~ (26). ~ ~ ' ~ I ~ Water in t"nk ~ fll~h wm~ mb~ tn ~nk excsvstion ~ Lin~s) ~i~ resin · om 21. TEMPERATURE/VOLUME FACTOR (a) TO TEST THIS TANK 19. TANK MEASUREMENTS FOR Is Today Warmer? [3 ~lder? ( ~ ~ F ~oduct ~n Tank __' F Fdl-up PrOud 0n Truck __' F Expe~ed Change ( + or - ~ *. TS~ ASSEMBLY Boflom of tank to Gr~* ..................... 22. Add ~' for 4" L ................. · Add 24" ~r 3" L or air ~al ....... ' 23. ~glts ~r 'F in ren~ of ex~t~ chan~ · ' .~- Total~ubingtoas~mble Approximate .. ) ~,~/~ 20. E~ENSION HOSE SE~ING 24. x = t~l qu~tity in mff~ient of expanti~ fm volume chan~ in this tank Tank top to grade'. ................................. ~_ ' MIl tank (i6 or 17) ~volvN p~uct ~r "F E~end hose on s~ion tu~ 6" O~ mo~e ~ [ ~ ~low tank top ..................................... ~ ' ' -' 25. . volu~ ch~ ~r 'F (24) Digits ~r OF in test Velum chi~ ~r d~it. test · If Fill pi~ extends .~ve grade, use top of fill. 26. 30. ,YOaOSTAT,C. 31.- 34. 38. NETV0tUM 39. LOG OF TEST PROCEOURES PRESSURE ~LUE ~UEE~ ~ ~M~TUE ~l~lOI CHANGES ACCUMULATEO CONTROL ~CORD TO Jl ~ ~ FACTOR (a) EACH READINI CHANGE - ' Record detoils of setting up / I b lachss ~.ote bplefld (-) T~rmol I Nq~r + (c) . (o) - ~u~ Menus and running test. (Use full ~ Bogbning Lcfii to ~m[ I length of line if needed.) . r OI which ~ldinO ~lt~ld (~4 ~ I Reodmg bBdmg Rocowrtd ( 14. Name o! Sul)l~ie~. Owne~ ol De. lei Addmfl No. e~d Stflet(~) City SM~ D*M ~ T~I F*om 15. TANK TO TEST 16. ~PACI~ Ch~ Oy'~st ~urate ~ Tank MInufKtu~'I C~K Identify by ~ilion v Gallons GIIIons ~ ~ion "DETERMINING TANK CAPACI~" 17. FILL-UP FOR TEST Stick ~i~s to ~ In. GMIons ee. ~M~g I to 18. SPECIAL CONDITIONS AND PROCEDURES TO.TEST THIS TANK ~] ~I, ~ ~ See ma.ual ,ctions ,pplic,bl,. Check ~low ,nd ~d ~dure in ~ 12S). T~ ~ ~ 21. TEMPERATURE/VOLUME FACTOR (a) TO TEST THIS TANK 19. TANK MEASUREMENTS FOR Is T~ay ~rmer? 13 ~lder? 13 ~' F Produ~ in Tank ~' F Fill-up Pr~u~ on ~ruck ~' F Expe~ed Chan~e ( +,or - ) TS~ ASSEMBLY ' " ~ vol~e c~ ~ "F (2~) ~ts~ "F In test = Volume * If Fill Pi~ extends .~ve grade, u~ top of fill. ~ (23) C~p~e to 4 ~Imal p~es. ~ (~) II ' PRESSUO[ II ' WKUK ~UKK.~) tWl · '~ i CHANGES I AC~oL..Cu I "Record details of setting up · ~ II ' · ' IJ ~....t. Replec,d (-) Thrall Higher + (c) MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 9383, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 (805) 835-7700 OTHER LOCATIONS: LOS ANGELES (2 ! 3J 724-314-7 PLACENTIA (714) 528-2415" Associated Environmen,tal SyStems, Inc. P.O. Box 80427 ,i Bakeps{ield, CA 95580 ~' -' - (8.05) 595-2212 PRECISION TANK &. LINE, TEST RESULTS Invoice Address: Tan;.' Location: W.O.#: 5016 BIG VALLEY TRUCK STOR' BIG VALLEY Technician:D.YO~JNG 3115 PIERCE RD. .'.%115 PIERCE RD. BAI-:iEIESFIELD. CA. BAKERSFIELD,CA. Tech. #: 86116 Van#: 61(1)6 Date: 7/18/87 Time Start: 7:00 End: ll:3(:)'Tech. Signature: Facility Phone#: 323-8747 Groundwater Depth: 20+ Blue F~r~nts: N/A Contact: PAUL NAZAR Date;Time syStem was filled: A5:50 7/18/87 Tank Cap. Prod. Tank Line P/L V/R Water/Inch Pump Mat' Pdia 1 ~2 DSL PASS PASS N/A N/A 0 ' TURB SWS 4" ~'" 2 12K-E DSL F'ASS F'ASS N/A N/A ~ 0 TURB. SWS 4" °" 4 5 6 AdditiOnal' Information: TEST CONDUCTED WITH LIQUID LEVEL 10" BELOW GRADE. THE.SYSTEMS TEST TIGHT FROM THAT F'OINT DOWN. PRODUCT LINES WERE NOT TESTED ON THIS DATE. THEY WERE TESTED ON ANOTHER DATE BY ANOTHER cOMPANY. · SITE LOG 'lIME Set 'Up EqLlip: ()7:(]0 Bled Product Lines: 07:05 Bled Vapor Lines: N/A Bled Vent~ iines: N/A Bled ]'urbine: 07:05 Bled Suction Pump:. N/A Risers. Installed:. N/A a) These results obtained usin9 the patented A.E.S./Brockman system. b)' This system and method meets the c~-iteria set forth in NFPA #529. c) Any failure listed above may require further action, check.with all regula'tory agencies.. AES/Etroc an F'rec i sion ~ak Test Technician D.YOUNG : Calibration Value /~ UNITS =,0~- Gal. Date 1/1/19 : System Variation I UNITS I GF'H -Time Started '~' 0.'.(:)7 I FIIGH LEVEL (FULL SYSTEM) I l Gal ions 12K-W I LOW LEVEL ( ) MID LEVEL. (/~) I -- ~ '.~ (~/~ Tank Diameter 96" ~ PRODUCT LINE I l Ground 'Water 20+ : TEST IS ~PASSED ()FAILED ()-INCONCLUSIVE BIG VALLEY TRUCK STOP. 5115 PIERCE RD. BAKERSFIELD CA'. THE LEVEL DURING THIS TEST IS 10" BELOW GRADE. CAL=2X · A~ES/E~r~oc .~n Pcec ision ~ _=ak Test Technician D.yOUNG : Calib,'-ation Value %~-UNITS =,O~-.Gal. Date 1/1/19 ~ System Variation ~ UNITS I GPH Time Started 02:07 ~ H~GH LEVEL (FULL SYSTEM) ~ ~ Gallons. 12K-E ~ LOW LEVEL( ) MID LEVEL(X) I-~- ~ ~0~ Tank. Diameter- 96" I PRODUCT LINE ~ I Ground Water 20+ I TEST IS ~PASSED ()FAILED ()INCONCLUSIVE BIG.VALLEY TRUCK' STOP. 3115 PIERCE RD. BAKERSFIELD CA. THE LEVEL. DURING THIS TEST WAS 10" BELOW GRADE. CAL=2X MAINLAND " ' PACIFIC DEVELOPMENTCO . ~ :~. ~i! ' July 17, 1987 ~. "~ Miss Amy Green Kdrn Co. Health ,Dept Hazardous Materials Manangement Program 1700'Fl°wer St. Bakersfield, Ca. 93305 .Re: 3115 Pierce Rd. Big Valley Truck Stop Dear Amy, Enclosed are copies of. the various material that were disclosed to us by the various governmental agencies. Please review .these material for your own use and please keep copies for your own files. As per.your request, these coPies were sent to Your office. Very Truly Yours, Calvin R. *Okeya (818) 986-9986 ° INDEPENDENCE BANK BUILDING · 15910 VENTURA BLVD., SUITE A-4' ENCINO, CA 91436 CL,~ORD L. SCHAEFER PACHTER, GOLD MARK E. JOSE~PHe* ATTORNEYS AT ~W RE~ER TO FILE NUMBER: ~36-3664 JUDITH A. ENRIGHT ALEXANDER J. CHEN ~,~ c. ~S.S,A"' July '16, 1987 ~O~E~T D. PAT~I~IA A. BENNEU MA~K. ~. SAY~ BY MESSENGER -Vincent Padua, .Esq.. 2000 East Garvey Avenue, South West Covina, 'California 91791 Re: Big Valley Truck Stop, 3115 Pierce Avenue Owner : Mainland Pacific Development Company · Operators : Bakersfield Truckinq, Inc. Dear Mr. Padua: The undersigned has been retained by the operators of the above-referenced Truck Stop, Bakersfield Trucking, Inc. and Paul Nazar (the "operators'') to represent them in connection with violations recently cited by the Kern County Environmental and Health Department ("Department"). On or about July 10, 1987 the Department. conducted a Spot check of the Big' Valley Truck Stop. A subsequent investigation was conducted on July 15, 1987 which investigation lead the Department to issue an order to the owner, and consequently, the Operator, to cease dispensing fuel at the Truck Stop. This letter will serve as notice to Mainland Pacific-that Bakersfield Trucking, Inc. and Mr. Nazari (the "Operators") will within 24 hours, take corrective measures to repair the defects · cited by the Department in'the tank and pipe lines. Notice is also given that our clients intend to hold Mainland-Pacific liable for all oUt-of-pocket and consequential losses resulting from the shut down and subsequent repair of the facilities. · PACHTER. GOLD 8 5CHAFFER ' Vincent Padua, Esq. July 16, 1987' Page 2 We have received confirmation from the 'Kern County Environ- .mental Health Department that. Mainland Pacific has wilfully violated several Kern County Ordinances relating to the monitor- ing and maintenance of the underground tanks. We have also received confirmation from the Department that your client has failed to properly maintain the permit on the premises, failed to repair the defect in the tanks and the pipe lines 'and has knowingly failed to take.steps to correct, the defects in the underground tanks° · Furthermore, our inVestigation has revealed that certain officers of Mainland Pacific have had actual knowledge of this haZardous and dangerous condition since April .1987 and have wilfully suppressed this information from the Department and the Operators. Your client's failure to disclose this ~dangerous condition to the Operators and its failure to take remedial steps to correct this long-standing hazardous condition has resulted in the shut down of our clients truck stop at the peak of their sale season. · Notwithstanding any provisions of the lease between our clients purporting to place the burden of such repairs on our clients, this office will seek to indemnify the Operators for any out-of-pocket and consequential losses resulting from this shut down from your client. Your client has left the Operators of the Big Valley Truck Stop in a helpless position and has forced them to make these repairs cause by your cleint's neglect. Your client repeatedly failed to turn over and deliver to the Operator the permit package thus making it impossible for the Operators to understand their obligations under the law. Your client's conduct is reprehensible especially in light of the fact that a new lease was executed between our client and your client in June of 1987 at which time your client, once again, failed to disclose to the Operators that the underground tanks and supporting lines were fraught with disrepair. There is absolutely no excuse for this conduct. By way of this letter the Operators are notifying the Kern County EnVironmental and Health Department that they are initiat- ing repairs on the truck .stop premises in order' to bring the tanks and supporting lines to compliance with the requirements of the law. We encourage you to contact the undersigned to author- ize the above-mentioned repairs and reimburse the Operators for any out-of-pocket and consequential losses suffered as a result of your client's wilful neglect to correct this hazardous condition. Please take notice that our'client has instructed us PACHTE~. GOLD ~ 5CHAFFE~ Vincent Padua, .Esq. July 1.6,.1987 Page 3 to file a lawsuit in the event this matter is not resolved in an expeditious manner. Please guide yourself accordingly. Very truly yours, FARHAD NOVlAN FN/ch cc: Mr. Paul Nazar Kern Environmental Health Department Mainland Pacific Development · 17OOF~/.vef:st~'~'r ,N COUNTY HEALI~H DEPARTME HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. Bakersfield. California ~;~3305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 · ENVIRONMENTAL HEAL'F~ DIVISION :' DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH : . . ~' ' ' '~ : VernonS. Reichard ./ HAZARDOUS lVL~TERIALS Tn'spectton Report lVL~NAG E ME mT P R O G R,a~lVl _,[.,,.,.~ , -,,r . --,;,..~, '. ~ ~,,,'t I · "--~ -- ' ' ~..,.~1 ~-"'~ Address ~_~/~'~ ~-')/~~ ~</d'~' · Assessors Parcel # · . ~ ~ ~ t'J~~ ~.~-~/~'/~} Type Fact,J~y '~OT[~ O~ ~[O~A~ZO~ ORDER TO CO~P[Y ~he ~ollo~lng conditions o~. p~ac~lces 'observed ~hts da~e 'a~e violations of one o~ ao~e sections' of the Califo~nta ~ealth and Safety Code, Div. 20, o~ the Caltfo~n~a. Adalnts~a~tve Code, Title 22,. D/v. 4, CAap. '30, ~ela~lng ~o ~he "sto~age, .handling, t~anspo~tation, and disposal o~ hazardous ~aste" o~ 0~dtnance Code o~ Ae~a C0un~y, Div. 8, "Underground S~o~age o~ Eaza~dous Substances." Co~dtttons o~ p~acttces aust be co~ected ~tthl~ the tJ~es o~de~ed below: acknowledges .recelpt of copy' of this repot' samples described above, and is not an admission of guilt. Fa~l~re to fully Comply With this "Notic'e and Order" may result In fUrther legal action ~' ~ officials. (Form ~H~4P-120) .. DISTRICT OF~CES Delano . Lamont . Lake Isabella . Mojave . ' Ridgecrest Shaffer . Taft Kern County Health Department Hazardous Waste t700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California ' 93306 Attention: Amy Green July 15, 1987 On the evening of July 10 and morning of July 11, 1987. I was telephoned by Calvin Okeya, Mainland Pacific Development Inc., regarding Big Valley Truck Stop, located at 3115 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, California. This property is owned by the above named Development company and is leased to the'truck stop. The purpose of both conversations waS to request that alterations be made in certain documentation done by All American Tank Testing. This.company was hired to do required testing of tanks and product lines in accordance with Kern County Health Department regulations. The first testing was done On April~25, 1987 to test the tanks. A subsequent .test was done on May 21, 1987 to check the product lines. Upon completion of each of the tests, copies of the determinations were forwarded to Mr. Okeya. He' was made aware of the necessary corrections that were needed in order to be in compliance by myself and Don MacKelve¥ of D &J Construction. Calvin instructed all parties involved to go no further in resolving the negative test results, until further notice. Upon written notice to Big Valley Truck Stop, Friday, July 10, 1987, Mr. Okeya was apprised of the situation that his property had.been "tagged" for tank monitoring and pending test results. That is when I received the phone calls requesting me to contact those parties Previously involved in.the testing to see if they would possibly alter the test results as well as the testing dates. Thus, reducing the time span for non-compliance with the Health Department. I explained that I would not, nor would any of the other parties subject themselves to that~type of liability for his procrastination on compliance. ~Stuart C. Gentry'~ ' . ......... ": RESOURCE . · INDUSTRIES 3. Water volume is calculated'by, multiplyi~g .total water depth by the inside .diameter of the casing. This figure is one well volume. C. Well Purging .and sampling .. 1. Prior to samplin~,-a ~i~imum of three .to five well volumes are purged from each well. to ensure that water .. sampled is representative of. the groundwater within the .formation. 2. -Measurements °f OH, conductivity and temperature are taken at frequent intervals during the purge. Stablilization .of these values indicates that representative formation fluids are being, removed from the ~ell. 3. In the event that the well is'pumped.dry, an alternate procedure will be followed. Onoe~a well is pumped dry, the water that enters the well during.recovery is,. by definition, representative formation water. The well will, therefore, be pumped dry and.'.allowed to recover to 80% or more of the original water level. 4 Purge water is pumped directly into barrels on site'until the proper method of disposal is determined. 5. Samples pumped directly into sampling'bottles prepared by the state certified laboratory..contracted for the particular ich'were labeled and p~aced in refrigerated coolers for transport to the laboratory... 6. Samples are delivered directly to. the lab on the same'day 'of sampling' by coUrier, whenever ,practical. If next day delivery is necessary, the samples, are. kept refrigerated at 4 degrees C overnight and delivered.to.the laboratory the roil'owing morning. 7. Samples are accompanied by a Chain.of Custody' form.which · documents the time, 4ate and responsible person during each step. of the transportation process. 8. The G.R.I. coded' aamPle numbering system allows identification of. sample and client to G.R.I.,. while not revealing the client to the laboratory or other interested .parties.. ' )WATER RESOURCE · ' INDUSTRIES .. APPENDIX A MONITORING WELL. SAMPLING PROTOCOL II Groundwater Sampling A.' Decontamination The'foll°Wing, pr°cedure aetalls, the routine' that is employed in. deContaminatiOn of groundwater 'sampling equipment prior to sample collection= · .. 1. Exterior surface.of sampling, tubes are decontaminated by steam-cleaning'during withdrawal from every well. 2. Sample pump is disassembled, and the used bladder remoVed. 3. All pump components are then steam-cleaned and rinsed in distilled water. 4. Pump is reassembled with a *new bladder installed. 5. Teflon sampler.lines are pressure washed with 5 to 10 gallons of clean, hot water through direct connection to steam-cleaner. ., ' 6.Five gallons of distilled water are then'~umped through' entire system. '?. Prior to sample.collection,.a minimum'of five well volumes are purged from the well to permit collection of a r~presentative, groundwater sample .from the.aquifer .. penetrated. B. Purge Volume. Determination The following procedure is folloWed to determine the appropr.iate purging volume prior to well sampling. 1. The depth~to-water is measured by a clean, electric water I* level indicator. Measurement datum is the top.of fill' ring or top of weli.protector. i 2. Depth to the bottom of the we1! ts measured by*a clean tape and plump bob. If possible,..this is compared to the well.'construction log to determine inconsistencies, i.e. · damaged casing, sediment 'in casing, etc. RESOURCE INDUSTRIES Appendix A (cont ' d) 6. The tubes are cleaned and prepared in the G.R.I. laboratory. Tubes are scrubbed, inside and outside, with a brush and TSP.. They are next steam cleaned, and packed in clean containers with seals. Tubes are delivered to the drilling site in these closed containers-to Preserve the state of cleanliness. .. 7. After the sample(s) have been removed from the sampler, the sampler is completely disassembled and scrubbed in TSP and tap water.' It is then rinsed in two separate tapwater baths and re- assembled With three clean tubes. 8. Dirty tubes are field washed.in TSP, rinsed with water, and placed in buckets for transport back to the G.R.I. lab fOr cleaning and preparation. 9. The sampler is driven by a 140 pound hammer with a 30 inch free fall. Blow counts are recorded as number of blows per 6 inches of drive. 10. The sampler is driven 18 inches at each sampling interval. The first (or lowest) tube is generall'y retained as the sample for analysis. The other two tubes are retained for..back-up or split samples. A sand catcher is used in the sampler where loose soils are anticipated.. This. will.prevent the soil from falling out of the sampler. 12. After retrieval, the sample is.visually logged and immediately sealed with. aluminum foil .lined caps, labeled, and chilled. Clean field ice chests and chemical ice ("blue ice") are used to keep the samples cold until delivered to the chemical laboratory. Teflonseals are a%so available for. field samples. ~.. 13. Samples are delivered'to, the laboratory the same day they are taken, if physically possible. If the samples must be held until the next day, they-~ are kept frozen in a secure' freezer at the G.R.I. facility. 14. Sample control is maintained by a Chain of Custody form which accompanies the sample. The form documents the time,.date, .and responsible person during each step in the transportation process. GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES APPENDIX A TEST BORING PROCEDURES .I. Soil Sampling Protocol The following procedures are followed during soil sampling operations utilizing the hollow stem auger drilling technique. A. Hollow Stem Auger 1. Soil borings drilled bY the hollow stem auger utilize continuous flight hollow stem augers. 2. Augers, samplers and all downhole equipment are steam cleaned prior to use. In the field steam cleaning is done between borings to minimize the potential for cross-contamination. 3. A G.R.I. geologist observes the work, visually logs the'soils, and co!lects.samples at'appropriate intervals. 4.. The Unified Soils Classification System is utilized to classify soils encountered. Additional geologic observations.are noted as aPpropriate. 5. Soil samples .destined for laboratory analysis are collected by a modified California Split Spoon. This sampler.uses three, six inch long, by two inch diameter (o.do) tubes. Various tubes can be utilized to accommodate the type of analysis necessary:. Brass - Ail organics and general analYses (not to be used for'copper or zinc analysis) Stainless - All organics and metals analyses Steel for copper and zinc (.nOt to be ~, used for chrome or nickel analyses) Plastic - All metals analyses (not to be' used for organics) GROUNuWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES AP. PEND~X ~ S AMP L I NG .PRO TO C O-L E.,,'ironme.t~l Se"siUvity - InSPect UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBST~qCE STORAGE FACILITY : ~ * INSPECTION REPORT ~o. of ~a~k~ ~ .I~ I~for~tton on Per. It/Application Correct? Yea ~ No __ Type of Inspectl'on:, Routine v-' Complaint v 'Relnspectlon ITEM VIOLATIONS NOTED 1. Primary Containment Monitoring: a. Int~ercepting and Directing System '~'~ Standard Inventory Control Monitoring { ~t ' :~_~ ., c. Modified Inventory Control Monitoring { { d. In-Tank Level Sensing Device 1' e. Groundwater Monitoring f. Vadose Zone Monitoring 2, Secondary Containment Monitoring: a. Liner b. Double-Walled Tank c. Vault 3. Piping Monitoring c. Gravity 6. New Construction/Modification ................................ ........................ ........ 7. Closure/Abandonment 8, Unauthorized Release 9. Maintenance, 0eneral Safety and Operating Condition of Facility · Yes Reinapection scheduled? No Approximate Relnapeotion Date 170'J Flower Slreet KERN COUNTY HEALTH Di~PARTMENT' HEAl.TH OFFICER Leon M HebeHson, M.D. Bakersfield, California 93305 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION Telephone (805) 861-3636 DIRECTOR OF EI'{VIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard · ~ IIAZARDOU,S MATF, I{I A[,S MANAGEMENT PROGRAM NOTICE ~D RBCO~ENDATIONS FOR~ ~~S'*,~/(~', (' fl ENVIRONMENTAL IIEALTII SPECIALIST: ENV~ONMEN~L HEALTII SPECIALIST: (EAILEIJ TO' SIgN -= NOTICE' POSTED) , (OWNER, AGENT, CONT~CTOR, EEPEESENTATIVE OF RESPONSIBBE PARTY) ... FORM ~IlNNP- 100 OmTmCT omcEs ' '~" ' ";" ~'" '" ""' "" '"' ' ?' ,', .~: (. ,',': . .... . ..... ., ' : (ERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT · Division of Environmental Health ' · ,',.' / . SERVICE AND COMPLAINT FORM Date. __ Tir"e.- ..... - ,- ,,' ;-',/ / -". [] Service Request [~,' Complaint CT No. Assigned to:__ . ' CitY_ Location ..... *_.~__,~._ ' !' ~" '* Directions . Phone __ ' ..... · Address , Reporting Person_ - .: z.,. ' , . ' "' ' ' " /'": "" Phone · ' -,"~, ' ,. Address ' --- Property Owner ........ ~ ..... ... , :, , :,. Reason for Request_._~L..~4:''~' / '"' {-"' ,: ," , - ,'. I~) , , .. : .... / ,.: ..... .,.- · . ,, ,, ,..'.'.. ,.'.~ ,-: .... ,:" ',, ,: _:::: , . . ,., ,, ;'...,, ,.. · ~ '/ //,' . , f .: , .... .., ,::...:~. , ; % '- ,,~ ~¢ ¢'~' [ ,: ! ,,' . ,, /' : .' · , ~ ,' . ! · ~ . /, .( .::; ,' / / /:~' .: ,.; .. /', ,~ , ~_~. .... ', in fo¢'l~latlon ; , / ' , ~.'. , ' .:,'T~n ~y / ,/. ). . . ~ . , · , ,., '., ,, .,.,.; ,' .'// .,z (. , ,~:. ,. / ',. .~ .- - RESULTS OF · INVESTI6ATION_ Complainant notified Date ~". -~ of results .................... :Investigated by. ' KcHD 580 27~0 372-EH (R.1i-B0) ' .~ ~ .,~..' , '¢, : ,: '. - ... ~'..:.~. ,- ,,. ~. .; : ..i .,~ .~;:,.. :-, . ". ':~' '-'~"':" :~;"~ "'~:'~:'"'~"" .............. ~ , 3-&"J CONSTRUCTION (SO~) 327.1871 Mainland Pacific Development Company 12536 Admiral Avenue Los'Angeles, Ca.~ 90066 Attn: Caivin Okeya -Per our conversation Calvin, and the information on my report of June 15, 1987, I did State th-at a sleeve was present in the west~ tank. Regarding the east tank, I stated that as long as the splash .pad'was removed, we s'hould check the riser, for l'eaks. ' It is not uncommon that if more than one company is involved in .the installation of an underground system, t'hat those items clos-' est to the surface can be damaged or bent. by accident and if not repaired properly, can lead to future complications. Sincerely, Don MacKelvey DM:pw 1 cc P.O. BOX 5202 · BAKERSFIELD. CA 93388 CONTRACTORS LICENSE #428493 · GRADING ,, PAVING · SEAL COATS' · STRIPING RF_¢F_IYED JUl 1 MAINLAND PACIFIC Jul y 3 ~ lC/87 OEVELOPMENTCO Don McKelvy D and J Construction P.O. Box 5202 Bakersfield, Ca,~3388 Re: 3115 Pierce Rd. "S1 eeve Report'.' Dear Don ~ This letter i's to confirm .our conversation' on July 1~ 1987~ concerning your reporting o+ the "Sleeve" discovered in one o+ the underground +iller tubes. This 'report is important .+or our preparation and general in+orma[ion o+ [amperin~ o+ the tanks by the previous o~ner. I believe you also have +eeling khat the +illep tube on the other tank may have been d++ectively placed lng installation. Please comment on this condition too. I ~il 1 be ~ai[ing +or your Mepop[ ~i[h anticipation. Sincerely .Yours~. Calvin R. 'Okeya / (818) 986-9986 . INDEPENDENCE BANK BUILDING · 15910 VENTURA BLVD., SUITE A-4. ENClNO. CA 91436 D & J CONSTRUCTION (805) 327-1871 Mainland Pacific Development Company 15910 Ventura Blvd., Suite A-4 Encino, Ca. 91436.- Attn: Calvin Okeya ' ' June 15, 1987 RE: Big Valley Truck Stop.- 3115 Pierce Road Calvfn, ~ In regards to the underground tanks a~ the above location, after the results from the tests which show that the product lines are leaking, I feel that this is. the major factor in the failure of the first tests taken, which tested the.entire system.. The repairs needed now require the placement of the product lines from the tanks to each individual dispenser. The concrete splash pad over the tanks will have to be removed and repoured. The old product.lines will have to be removed by saw- cutting.the existing ~surfaces and trenching. I recommend replacing the piping in the attached t. rench detail, which would allow the product-lines to be laid in a concrete."U-shaped" channel, back- filled with. sand and them Place an adequate structural, secti°n over the sand backfill. Once the splash pad over the 'tanks is removed', the~connections'of the filler tubes, pump connection, and the. vent lines can be checked~ for'any possible leaks. As I mentioned to you, the west' tank has a sleeve between~the steel riser and the aluminum filler tube. The east tank did not. The' reason fOr-the sleeve is not known other than a surmise that poss- ibly the riser may be leaking and that this sleeve.was placed to P.O. BOX 5202 ,. BAKERSFIELD. CA 93388 · CONTRACTORS LICENSE #428493 · GRADING e PAVING ', SEAL COATS · STRIPING D &'J CONSTRUCTION. (805) 327-1871 -- Page 2 - June. 15, 1987' minimize leakage.- The operator.'sta~ed that the'tanks were no~ ~ top'ped Off, but. alwaYs left beloWlthe~.top o£ the tanks'~by a few ':'" inches'~'?:':; ,; i :.. '"" .-' ~ ... '-": ,~ . . The remOval',. replacement and retesting of the risers, the piping' of the .product lines'and the ~vent lines 'could run around $10,000.00.. This does not inclUde any testing.for contaminated..'.soil and the removal and disposal of said-soil. This testing.and removal would have to be accomplished on a time, equipment and materials 'basis. Sincerely, DM:pw 1 cc-. encl P.O. BOX 5202 · BAKERSFIELD. CA93388 · CONTRACTORS LICENSE #428493 · GRADING · PAVING · SEAL COATS · STRIPING. P.O. BOX 5202:"* ~.'BAKERS~!ELD. OA~ · "CONTRAOTORSLIOENSEt42~93 * GRADING -.* PAVING · SEALCOATS · STRIPING -..~ ....... .:' :. , :..' ..:.: ~. ..-.-. . ...... P.O. BOX 5202:;:.';;~AKERS~;ELD'.:CA 9~ :. ,:?.::CONTRACTORs LiOENSE ~42~93 :-e'::'~GRXDiNG:::.:-:; :.:::'PAVING:'; s~L coATs · STRIPI"G Don McKel vy D and J Construction P.O. Box' 5202 Bakers~iel d, Ca. 93388 Re: 3115 Pierce 'Rd. Tank Inspections Dear Don, I did receive your latest testing Mesults on the product 1 ine testing. 'Thank you ~oP ~he quick response. If you remembeped~ I requested frt)m you a report concerning the sleeve inside our filler spout. I did not see it. in the latest report. Were you going to,send it sepaPatel y? The "Sleeve" is a major factor in my claim to the previous owner as well as to the authorities ~hat was some misdoings and tampering done to the tanks p~iop ~o our ownership. Your report on ,the status of this sleeve as well as to t. he reasons fop it 'is very impor- tant in our allegations. Please'comment on this situa- tion in writing if you please. .I will be in contact with you as ne~ information is received. Please do not commence any ~ork on.the site without our approval. Certain legal steps must be -secured be .fop corrections are made. Sincerely Yours, Calvin R. y D & J CONSTRUCTION (805] 327-1871 Mainland Pacific Development Co. [2536 Admiral Avenue Los Angeles, Ca. 90066 June 5, 1987 Attn: Calvin Okeya " "RE: Big Valley Truck Stol) Dear Calvin, . . Per your request, I went' to the truck stop at [2:30pm and met with a representative of R.L.W. Company, they servi¢.e and install . .~ pump motor.s. .. · . .. . The conversation led'to the problem of a "direct_ electr&cal ground" which is causing the pumps to burn. out. Also that the tests run by my firm has no bearing or effect' on the motors - · i.e. the product line'.test of check valve to check 'valve. :' I~a!so met Paul Nassar, the lessee, he stated in a conversation .that he is "losing diesel out of his underground 'tanks" ~ the .... exact gallonage was not known but estimated to be 100 to 200 . gallons per day. · Calvin, [his. loss-of diesel· out of the tanks.is probably con- taminating the soil and has the possibility of reaching the water table estimated at 30 to 60 feet below surface. We need to expedite the further search o'f .the leakage to minimize the damage to the-soil and/or water table. · ' · Also, if. Mr. Don dames wishes to have a second opinion on our '..:, 'tests, t' want' to be 'present When the testing will be done. · ' .:' '':'Sincerely,' ".i ' ' Don MacKelvey.' P.O. BOX 5202 - BAKERSFIELD. CA 93388 . CONTRACTORS I.ICENSE #428493 - GRADING . PAVING . SEAL COATS - STRIPING ..... . ........... ~,/ uve~'l~t,a ~,[~ rl~lll[Dt~D III [lllJIr t;e~lnlllOn existing as O! tn6 Lease commenc~m~ht date or the date tl~at Lessee takes possession o! Ihs Premises, whichever is earlier, subject to all applicable zoning, municipal. county and state laws, ordinances and regulations'governing and regulating the use of the Premises, end any covenants or restrictions et recoro. and accepts this Lease subject thereto and Io all matters disclosed tlNereby and by any exhibits attached hereto. Lessee acknowledges trtat neJlr~r. Lessor nor Lessor's agent has made any representation or warranty as to the present or future suitability of the Premises for the conducl of Lesseo's business. · 7. Malfltenance, RepairsandAIleratlOns.. 7.1 Lessee'a Obligations. ·Lessee shell keep iff good order condition and repair the Premises and:eVer art thereof, Stru r ,.,aa~,,,, ,ne whether or not the need for 8uti1 re airs dC r ' Pram:---' ' ................... P. ..... cu. saseresullofLlasseesuse, enyprtoruse, theelementsorthea eofsuch .... '-'-a~'~'"~:'uu[ng'w!tn°ut].'m~t~.ngtnegenera~[yoltneloregoing allplumbin~ healino aircon iii 'n~ It~e:~.~eh~llr,g p .0 .0: the ~-u~aue a expense, an air cone Ii · , . . _, ., d Onl_&,,, ........... ,.recurs and mamta,n al fixtures walls (inlertor and exte~notr?g~,~s,Y,S-,t,-,e~,-.m~aJ~e~f~n..c-e .c_o_n.t..ra..ct! ve. nl,lal,.na..ele, ctric.al, lighli.ng.facilili.es and equipment w th n the Premises. w:,k;_ .~._ ~___. .......... ,, .. .... .-.-..,,~....~.,,,,,u.a, ,uu;a tlnterlor :',no exlertor), f dOtS, wmaows, aoors, late glass and skylig s ocatt~c: a,,,.nasc.p,ng, o.veweys..ark,ng,ots, fences end s gns loca,ed o'n,he Pr. raises'and s .'ewa,ks.nd parkwa .'a ia a t 7,2 Surrender. On the last day of Ihe term hereof, or on any sooner termination, Lessee shall surrender the Premises to Lessor in Iha ~,~m(., condition as when receivecl, or~linary wear and tear excepted, clean and free of clobris. Lessee shall repair any damage Io the Premises occ~ © American Industrial Real Estate Association 1980 NET Inlllals: .../__.~. ~_ r elsewhere anc~ st~ail lurtr~er inclemn ¥ ~BnO I'toIQ harm ess L. essor ~i~A~ ....... ~ .~ nh,nAtinn nn Lessee's earl to be ~erformed under the terms of this Lease. or arising from.a~ negligenc~ pf?e~e~see, or, any such claim or any action or proceeding brought thereon; and in case any action or proceeding be brought against Lessor by reason of any such claim. Lessee u~on notice from Lessor shall defend the same at Lessee's expense by counsel satisfactow to Lessor. Lessee. as a material part of the cohslderation to Lessor. hereby assumes all risk of damage to property or inju~ to persons, in. upon or about the Premises arising from any cause and L~see hereby waives all claims in respecl thereof against Lessor.~ 8.7 Exemption of Leeeor from Liability. Lessee hereby agrees that Lessor shall not be liable for inju~ lo Lessee's business or any loss of income therefrom or Ior damage to the goods, wares, merchandise or other pro,arty'of Lessee. Lessee's employees, invitees, customers, or any Other person in or about the Premises. nor shall Lessor be liable for injuw to the person of Lessee. Lessee's employees, agents or contractors. h her such dame e or In'ury is caused by or results from fire. steam, eleclricily, gas. water or rain, or from the breakage, leakage, obstruction or. ~..[t~ ..,..,. ~, .,~[ .... ~n~l.r. wires annliances a umbina air cond lion ng or lighting fixtures, or frOm any oth~r cause, .hethe[the.said ~;'~;0%=~ u'~;~; f~'m"~ ~iliO~; ar,~s~ng upo~ t'h, Prem~e, or upon other podion, of the building of which the .remise, are a part. or ,rom h r rcesor lacesandre ard~ess~fwhe~herthecause~fsuchdamage~rinjU~r~hemeans~repairingthesameisin~ccessib~e~Lessee. ~all not ~e liable Ior ~y damages arising from any act or neglect of any other tenant, if any. of the building in which the Premises are on ' . -~aaui a ~'onsentRequlred. Lessee sh I . . . uutc~i.neo Dy · CUmber all or any Part Of , a inet volufl unreasonably withhold L Less_e? s interest in this L lar. l!y_ o.r.r by_operation of la * · mortgage, encumbran;L,.e..s.s_o.?,hall respond to Less e'.~er~as-..e.-°-r.'.' me Premises . wass[gn, transfer, mort a ._ ..~ ,.,, auoiettina w'th ........ e .... ,~uua[ rorcon=~,~,,.-- ' Wi!hour Lessor's nrj,', ..... ,,._g ge, Sublet, Or utherwi . = i.,,,.,~[ aMC -~,,,.erreu ' . ,' --- .--,un CO . setransfe,,.,~ · 12.2 Lessee Affiliate No · n consent shall be void, and S~l~n--a,~[.m..e_ly mann°rand any a't?~e~n,,t;~w?_i_c_h. Lesso~ Shall not ?.°_reef, Without Lessor'; co:)nt:Withstanding the provisions o .... a-[u,e a breach of this [.easel'~''°u ~l,slgnment, transfer, ~,,u?~o_r_atlo. n resulting from theS,~en-t-Lt~O any corporation whi%fhP,.ar..a_g._ra,ph 12.1 hereof, Less , ~-~erfl or the busjr, eo. ,~ .... ,,,,=rger or col. lsojjd~i,~ .....~-,, ~.,u~iirois, JS cent e~ ..,_,,ay assign or subl . _ [.ease. Any Su~h o--":~°° '"'~[ fs being COndu,-*~.-, __...~,.,-_wlm Lessee or tn ..... [_fO_lied by or ts under cn,-,--.~- _et th.e .Premises, or any f3nrt~A, subletf~,,.',,.-_';--aalgnmenfshalinot ~ .... ~"~uu[l[nePremises nr~,,,~.~_"~".'~'J'.f~raon'orentifYwhic_ho,.'_~".'"su~..control with Less .... u me [erms of this ea~,~ .... ?~"¥way, affectorl' . '~' ~"'.u.~u[naEsaidassi .... .-.qu.r. esa theasse ee,_o_r to any L .... are maieriallv ,,,h ..... Im .t the hablhiy bi eR~ .... ~gne..e assumes tn full tha,~;.,: .... tS Of Lessee as a o' ...... yes or altered with(~ut tLhe~s..s:~ _u_n.~e_r t,/le terms of this L ',- ,-,-,-sen[ uf [. _ _ ease even if after _ this essee, tho consent of who,-,, ,,~,s,u_c_~ .assignment or · ', ,,,,-- Ho( De necessary 12,3 NO Release of Lessee. Regardless of Lessor s con primary liability of Lessee to pay the rent and to Pert'btm a~ent' no Subletting or assl nm Lessor from any other person .n.°tbed. eemedconsen, .... eh.all not be deem°el t, ,._ _ I. othe. r obligations to;..~__.entshallreleaseLesse ...... [nepertormance,.,fo~:'. '..'",.~)y.suosequentassin ,, ~""=.a_walver by Lessor of ~'~ P~r/.o_rmed by Lessee ~'"'~-usseesobligationoralt assignee. Less .... ),_u_, [ne terms hereof L :,n,,,e~_t or subletting. In the any provls[.o.fl hereof. Cons hereu~_der. The acceptance r~enr~t~h,e, or may consent to Subset, ,,L'.~ be-s-s-.Or may Proceed directl,, ~..e~v:e_n_r. ,o f defauli by any assP,,,.~n~ !o one assignment or _ n .... oUule[tin~ of thio ~^-- e...-.uu[ [ne necessj*,, ~ ~_~ -.'.'; ou~.uessor Of Less e n ° ,o~-cdueor '/'-',=xHaus[/n . . e_ ._ N'"r . ' amendments or modification~ ,~ ,,. :g_r, emedles against said ~' ...... ~" Lease wit h_a.,~bxn e..es · '3 ' Initials: ... ~ .... ,, ~,u, ~,~ ,-j~ ,~.teo [o L. esseu oeen exercise0, or ~i Lessee r~i~ possession ol the Premises alter the expiration of the term of this Lease after having failed to exercise an Option, or if said brae the Procuring cause of any other lease or sale entered into between the parties pertaining to the Premises and/or any adjac~rty in which Lessor has an interest, then as to any of said transactions, Lessor shall pay said broker(s) a fee in accord~f said broker(s) in effect at the time of execution of this Lease. lc) Lesso~ only on behalf of Lessor but also on behalf of any person, corporation, association, or other entity havi~d real property or any part thereof, when such fee is due hereunder.'Any transferee of Lessor's interest in fhis Leas er such transfer is by agreement or by operation of law, shall be deemed to have assumed Lessor's obligation under this Paragraph 15. 16. Estoppel Certificate. la) Lessee shall at any time upon not less than ten (10) days' prior written notice from Lessor execute, acknowledge and deliver to Lessor a statement in writing (i) certifying that this Lease is unmodified and in full force and effect (or, if modified,stating the nature of such modification and certifying that this Lease, as so modified, is in full force and effect) and the date to which the rent and other charges are paid in advance, if any, and (ii) acknowledging that there are not, to Lessee's knowledge, any uncured defaults on the part of Lessor hereunder, or specifying such defaults if any are claimed. Any such statement may be conclusively relied upon by any prospective purchaser or encumbrancer of the Premises. lb) At Lessor's option, Lessee's failure to deliver such statement within such time shall be a material breach of this Lease or shall be Initials: NET -- 4 -- .......... ,. ,,, ,~c uverd that there is a guarantor of this Lease, said guarantor shall have the same obligatibns as Lessee under this Lease. 38. Oulet Possession. Upon Lessee paying the rent for the Premises and observing and performing all of the covenants cond tions and provisions on Lessee's part to be observed and performed hereunder. Lessee shall have quiet possession of the Prem ses for the entire term hereof subject to all of the provisions of this Lease. The individuals executing this Lease on behalf of Lessor represent and warrant to Lessee that they are fully authorized and legally capab e of executing this Lease on behalf of Lessor and that such execution iS binding upon all parties holding an ownership interest in the Premisesl 39. Option=. 39.1 Definition. As used in this paragraph the word "Options" has the following meaning: (1) the right or option to extend' the term of this Lease or to renew this Lease or to extend or renew any lease that Lessee has on other property of Lessor' {2) the option or right of first refusal to lease the Premises or the right of first offer to lease the Premises or the right first refusal to lease other property of Lessor or the right of first offer to lease other property of Lessor' (3) the right or option to purchase the Premi°sfes or the right of first refusal to urchase th . first offer to purchase the Premis'~s or the right or otion of Lessor or the rioht of-fir ,,ff~., ......... P topurchaseotherpro~e~.tvof o ...... ,,. ......... P_ . . ePremises, ortherightof o st ,.,,,,=, ,u I.,urcnase omer property of Lessor r .. L~,..,v, v, [~ft~ rlgn[ o1' lira! refusal to purchase other P~perty NET . 5 ' Inillals: _.~ CI, 'e OF BAKERSFIELD BUILDING DEPARTME.. o COMMERCIAL APPLICATION FOR PERMIT .,..,."APPLICANT TO FILL IN BETWEEN HEAVY LINES usezone Oct Ty~Const ..... Builcling P~anmng Legal Trlct,PM// ~ ~-" C.T. BUILDING Oescril:)- BIk. Lot No. NAME ~ ~ Lic. No. ITEM No. Fee .'~ .!Me il A OclrexSJ~ :',ect ~ .... e Motor H P LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION F,.tures I he~'e~y affirm rrlal I am hcel~$~Kf under the prows*O~S of ChaPter 9 { Co~m~t~clng with ,~cllo~ 7~) Df ~. ~ lota~ Fee CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby afl~r~ that there is a Construction lending agen~ fo~ t~e gedormance of the work for which t~is 3 ~lhs G Line permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). ~we~ BK' FP Lender's Name //' To*~ls P~ Fdler Len0e~'s Address California Env,ronmental Qusl~ Act apes not ~pJy. as Prolect is mimste~ial under City of 6akersfie*d enwronmental ~roceOures.. OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION ~vatory SeDhc Tank I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5 :Business and Professions Code: A~y cJ~ or co~ty WhiCh requsres a permit to construct, liter, i~Drove, Oemol~sh or re~air any structure. ~rior to its ,ssuance. also regusfes the applicant toe such permit to file a s~gnee statement t~at he iS licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter ~lar P~l Htr. 9)~commencmg w~t~ Sechon 7000) pt D,vision 3 pi the Business and Prolessions Code) or t~at be is exempt t~erelrom aaa t~e Bas~s for t~e alleged exemptmfl. Any viol~bon of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a ~lar HW Issue 3ermJt SUDleCtS the applicant to i civil penalty 0f not more t~afl five ~unarea dollars (S500)): ., ~ I, as owner of t~e Drope~. or my employees wit~ wages as t~ei~ sole compensation. ~ill ~o the work and tbe structure is not intenaeO or Offered lot sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Cooe: T~e MECHANICAL Contractor's License Law apes not apply to afl owner pt Orogeny w~o builOs or ~mproves thereon, ina m~o does such work h~mself or t~rough his own employees, provioea that such ~mprovemeflts are not ifltenaeB New Umts 1 800 SF Comb H & C - or offered for sale. I~. however, faa ~uil~lng or improvement is sola wl[~l~ o~e year pi complehon, I~e & Under ove~ 3 ton ~wner-builaer will have t~e ~urOen of ~roving that ~e aiO not buil~ or improve lot the gurOose pt sale). New Urals Over C~essor 3 ton ~ I, aS owner 0f the ~r0De~. am exclusively.contraCting wit~ ticenseO contra~ors t0 construct the ~ 800 SF ~roje~ (Sec. 7044. Business and Prolessions Cooe: T~e Contractor's License Law ~oes not aD~ly to an ~eahng 1 O0000 C~e~ over owner 0f prope~ w~o Ouilds or ~m~roves thereon, and who contra~s lot suc~ ~rolacts with a contractor(s) BTU & under 3 t~ hceflse~ ~ursuant to the Contractor's License ~w.). Heahog over H~ Ven~ 1 dO 000 BTU ~ I am e~em~t under Sec.__ B. & P.C. lot this reason Com~ H & C ~ Date Owner 3 ton & un~r Swamp ~ef P~I Hearer . WORKERS' COMPENSATION DEC~RATION Issua~e I hereby affirm lhat I have a ce~fi~te 01 consent t0 self-insure, Or a ce~ili~te of worker's Compensation Insurance, or a ce~hea copy t~ereof (Sec. 3800. LdO. 0.). Total Fee Pnlicy No. ' Company ~ Ce~ihed copy is ~ereDy furnished FEES ~ Ce~ifieO copy ~s htea with tAe ci~ building inspection aeoa~ment. CERTIFICATE 0F EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE Plan Check I' (Th~s section need not De completed if the permit ~S lo~ one ~unOreo 0oilers (S100) Or less) BuilO~ Permit I ce~l~ thal m the pe~ormance of the work toe whic~ t~iS permit ~s ~ssuea. I s~all apl e~loy any person in any manner so ,s ,o become su~lec, to the Wo,,er Compensat,on Laws ot Cah,orni,. E,ect Perm,, Date Applicant NOTICE T0 APPLICANT: Il. a~er making th*s Ce~ific~te ~f E~empt~on: you s~oul~ ~ecome suDlect to t~e P~um~ Permit Workers' Co~pe~sallo~ ~ovJslons o~ t~e Labor Co0e, you must fo~flWlth co~piy with suc~ ~rovislofls or t~s permJl s~Jl De oeemea revo~eO. Mec~ I ce~i~ that I nave read this apDh~hon and state t~at the a~ove reformation is correct. I agree to comply MoDule w~t~ all city and coun~ 0ramances and st~le laws relating lo DuHamg construch0n, an~ hefeDy authorize representatives of tn~s ci~ ideal upon the aDore-mentioned property lor inspection Purposes. S~gn Perm8 .Signature of App~a~or Agent ~ . Date ADorovea BUILDtNG DIRECTOR " BAKERSFIELD FIRE dURF..AU OF FIRE PRBVKNTION .. Dar, APPLICATION. ~d~oth~ ~o. In conformity with provisions of pertinent ordinances, codes and/or regulations, Qpplic~tion is mode by: ! · H~d~el ~avatin~ 31].5 Pierce Road Nome of C. om~y Add~ tO disploy, store,'imtoH, use, operote, sell'or trundle mot~Hols or processes involvir~' or creotin9 co~ d[ttons deemed hozordoos to life or property os follows: .~ra~ tap~a. (T-~atton La st Scott~s ~_~_~no ~tmck ,C;top) l~etlltee, ts . Authorized Representative Fac i 1, i ty Name '.' TANK # '/ ---~'.: (FILL OUT ,qEPARATE FORM FOR F-vi TANK) - ~ F~R E~CH ~E~--i-O~,--~ECK ALL APpRd~RIATE BOXE____~S H. 1. Tank is: I-]Vaulted [-~N°n-Vaulted ~D°uble-Wall ~Single-Wall 2. ~ ~aterial OFrbon Steel [] Stainless Steel [] Polyvinyl Chloride ~ Fiberglass-Clad Steel iberglass'Reinforced Plastic [qConcrete ~Al~inum ['~Bronze [~Unknown her (describe) 3. ~ Containment' Pate Installed T~ickness (Inches) Capacity..iG~llons-) Manufacturer 4.. Ta'nk -Secondary containment .. [']Double-Wall [2]Synthetic Liner [[]Lined Vault [~.ne []~nknown . . . Manufacture ~]Other (describe): Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) []Material 5. Tank Interior Linincj . --]~Rubber [']Alkyd ~Epoxy ~henolic [2]Glass [2]Clay [~]U~li~ed []tlnkno~r~ [[]Other (describe): 6.. Tank Corrosion Protection ---l~Gal~anized' ~ass-Clad' ~Polyethylene Wrap []Vinyl Wrappir~] · ' I Ilmpresseo current system ~aum,~,u,,~ -,,~ System Cathodic Protection: ~]N6he Describe System & Equil~nent: 7. Leak DetectiOn, 'Monitoring, and Interception . a. T-an~: ~visUal (vaulted' tanks only).' [-1Groundwater Monitorin9 WmlX(s) OVadose Zone Monitori~ ~ell(s) ~U-Tube Without Liner ['1U-Tube with Ccmpatible Liner Directing_, Flow to Monitorir~ [] Vapor Detector* ~ Liquid Level Sensor [] Conductivi.t~ Sensor .[-~ P~essure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall._Ta.n~~__--_ []~i'quid Betrieval & Inspection From U-Tube,_Monx~orlr~ wel& or _agn~.a.r ~'Da[ly Gaugirg & Inventory Reconciliation Fq Periodic Tightnm~ · -~ ~] None [] Unknown [2] Other ' ' - ' , . b. Piping: Flow-Restrictin~ Leak DeteCtor(s) for Pressurized Pipir~ [] Monitorir~ Stsup with Race,my [] Sealed Concrete l~ace~mY []Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway []Synthetic Liner Race,my [] Unknown [] Other . *Describe Make & Model: ... 8. ~en Tightness Tested? •Xes ~]N°' Pate of Last Ti~htnsss Test Result~ of T~st ,' Test Name ~sting Ccmpany 9. Tank Repair /-- - pate(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs 10. Overall Protection - UlOpe[a[or Fills,' Controls, & Visually Monitors i~vel . []Tape Float Gau~e []Float Vent Valves [] Auto Shut- Off Controls Capacitance Sensor [']Sealed Fill Box ~None iOther: ~ List Make & Model Fo~ Above Devices 11. Piping . a. 1~derground Piping': ~es [-INo '~Unkno~ Material Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer ~Pressure [~]Suc~Gravity Approximate Ler~th of Pipa ~t~ b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : []C~tganized [-1Fiberglass-Clad []Im[xessed Current I-ISacri~icial Anode : [~}~olyethYlene Wrap []Electrical Isolation .~vinyl Wrap ~JTar or [-]Unknown ['1None ~Other (.describe): .. c; Underground Pipirg, Secondary'Containment: ~ ~Double-Wall [~Synthetic Liner System~_ ne []Other (describe): · ~. ' TANK ~ o~ (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM F '~ TANK) " ~F~R EACH-'b,.CTIO~,~ECK ALL ApprOpRiAtE-B~E~ · 1. Tank is: I'qVaulted [~Non-Vaulted [~Double-Wall ~gle-Wall 2. ~ Material ' ~-~arbon St'eel I-)Stainless Steel [-~polyvin¥1 Chloride i-qFiberglass-Clad steel ~ Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [] Concrete ~] Alu~uin~n [] Bronze [-1Unknown [-]Other (describe) '- -' ' 3. Primary Containment I~ateInstailed T~ickness (Inches) capacity (Gallons) ManufactUrer 4. Tank- SecOndarY Containment [-1Double-Wall [-ISynthetic Liner [-1Lined Vault ~ne [~Unkno~n' Manufacturer: [-1Other (describe): ['1Material Thickness (Inches). Capacity (Gals.) 5. Tank Interior ~ --~Rubber ['1Alkyd [~Epoxy. [-1Fhenoli¢ [-1Glass [-]Clay ~]i~ined I-IUnkno~n [-1Other (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection ---~Ga~va~ized --~T~ass-Clad [-[l~lYethylene Wrap []Vinyl Wrap~ing Cathodic Protection: C]None LJImpressed current ~ys:e~ ~:~c~ Describe System & Equil~ent: 7. Leak Detection, ~Monitoring, and Interception a. Tank: [-l~isual (v~uited tanks only) [-IGround~ater Monitoring' [~]Vadose Zone Monitoring 91ell(s) '['lU-d'ube Without Liner [~u-Tube with Cc~[~,tible Liner Directin~ Flow to Monitoring Wel. l(s) [-I VaPOr Detector* i'1 Liquid Level SenSOr- [-! Conducti~lt~ '[-1 pressure SenSOr in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank- [-I Liquid Retrieval '& Inspection From U-Tube,~Monitoring ~ell or R?u~.a.r Space [~aily Gauging & Inventory ~econciliation I I Periodic Ti~htna~ b. Piping: Flow-Restricting Leak Detect°~(s)' for Pressurized ['lMonitoring S~p with Racevay [-1.Sealed .C~?te.Race_~y ~]Half-~'ut Compatibla Pil~e Race~ay [-ISynthetic Liner Race,lay · Describe Make & I~x]el~ 8. Tank Tightness l~as This Tank Been Tightnass. Tested? []Yes l-INo I'~known Date of Last Tightness Test~ Results of Tast Test Name Testing Company Repal ~ed? ~]Yes Da te (s) o~ Repa t r (s) - Describe Repairs~ 10.' Overfill Protection . [~0perator Fills,' Controls, & Visually Monitors ~vel ~]Tape Fl~oat Gauge f'lFloat Vent Valves i'q~uto Shut- O~f Controls Capacitance Sensor ~'qSealed Fill Box ~qNone ~'qL~kno~ Other: List Make & Model ~o~ Above Devices a. Underground Piping: [~No OUnkno~n Material . : Thickness (inches) Diameter __Manufacturer [-1Pressure [-]Sucti'on [~lGravity Approximate Le.ncjth of Pipe b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection.: ~]Ga~ lvanized [-)Fiberglass-Clad [-]Xmp~essed Current: [-1Sacrificial Anode [~ll~olyethylene Wrap ~]Elect'rical Isolation []Vinyl Wrap ~Tar oir Asphalt' [-]Unkno~n [-]None I-)Other- (describe): c. .Underground Piping, Secondary Contairm~ent: ~ne [~]Double-Wall ['7Synthetic Liner System [] ~Unkno~n [-lOther. (describe): .. ( ,.SPECf,O..ECO.D Inspection Set Back Requirements Foundations Floors BUILD. Walls Roof Framing Roof Diaphragm Roofing Final Sawer Pipe Sanitary Pipe PLUMB. Water Pipe Gas Pipe Sprinkler P il:)e Final Service Temporary Circuits ELECT. Rough Control Panels I Final E. A. Duct S.'A. Duct R. A. Duct C. A. Duct Fire Dampers MECH. ' Heating EouiD. Refrigeration Equip. Final Parking Pavement Curbs and Gutter MISC. Sidewalk D. Overlay Insulation Job Complete: 7~r~ Certificate of Occupancy issued No.: Date: ,. , DiF~RTMEN? ~" ...... BAKERSFIELD 'FIRE ~ ~!:' BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION :.". · D,m APPLIC. ATION A~,ica.on No. In' conformity with p~isiom, of pertiIt ordinances, codes and/or' regulations, application is made ., .,a..! ~-,--v~r~n~ 3115 pierce Road . to display, store, install, use, o~erate, sell or handle materials or processes involving or creating con- ~' '~ CIN~ld hazardous'to life or prof~rt~ as follows: : ... . ..~ . '~ .~ . . .~ ' i" · _u. ........................... ,; .. .~~~ ' .: ~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEfARTMENT BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION ~7 Lebr~ry 1~:'~2 : : 105. · ~t, · APPLICATION ~c~t~:ot~m ~k). In conformity with provisions of piertinent ordinonces, codes ond/or regulotiom, °ppli¢otio~ is tirade by: '3115 Pferce Narn~ of Compony Adclmss to disploy, store, instoll, use, operote, sell or hondle moteriols or processes in¥ol¥i~3 or creotir~ con- clitions deemed hozordous to ·life' or proper~ os fol|ows: ~,,~~....~.n,.~..~...~.~;.''~ ....... X~..~.~ ............ S e c. Corn an · 23 ' ' ~sc~o~ 10891 ~ Relocate ~-1-63 ~ ~~py 4 Ta~S ~ Se~ice station h Ta~S '7-~1~ ~on-~ ~ ~'~-~ ~70~-~ Sign ~er B-B-7302.P Service ~tation 5.12-62 ~-OO21-B Scale Pit 9-17-6~ · B'~171-~ Change location Tower& tank ~--~6~ B-O21~-PS Service Station .... ~-8527-~E Si~n ~0-9-6~ B-8526-E Service Station., 10-14-6~ B-19~99-B FOTIONS STGE. NITROGEN 5/13/66 vis{on o£ Environmenta Heall--- 00 Flower-Street, Bakersfiel~ , 93305 APPLICATION ~ PE~IT ~ OPE~TE ~E~R~ ~~S SUBST~CES S~E FACILI~ ~ of ~ (ch~k): ~~cility ~ification of Facility ~isti~ Facility- ~a~fer of ~ership ' Facil ity ~ ~/"~k ~~''i'~'~ ~er '~e~t~)°f ~~ ~~ ~' Is Tank(s) ~cat~ on ~ ~ricultural Faro? ~Y~ [s Tank(s) Us~ ~i~lY for ~ricultu~l .~r~ses?. ~Yes yactlity ~dre~3//3 /~?~-~', ~'~ Nearest Cro~ , R SEC ' .... (R~al ~at{o~ ~ly) T _ Con~ O~rator ~ ~_.,/~ ~' Zip Tele~ ~dress ~tl ~aracteris%tcs at Facility / - ~sts for Sotl ~ a~ Gro~ter ~P~ ~temtnatt°~ ' '' . Contractor ~,~n[ractor's ~ce~e ~dre~ zip ~ Tele~ , " _ ~rker's C~~tt~ .Certtf[6at[~ f -- [~ure~ . [f ~ts ~mtt ts yor ~tftcatton Of ~ ~tstt~ ~ctltty, Pro~ ' . T~k(s) Store (~eck all ~t a~ly): Ta~ f ~s~ Pr~uct ~tor vehicle Unlea~ R~ula[ Pr~i~ Die~l ;. Transfer of Ownership Date of'~-~nsfe'r Previous Owner ~'dm~.~3 previous Facility Name _~C~a~,ept ' OhS ~[ l~m.it .No, :' .. , "is.s~ed' % I, I understand that the Permitting Aur_hortty may review an~ modify or terminate ~ t~ansfer of the Permit to Operate this underground storage facility upon receiving this completed form. . -- This form has been c~mpleted under penalty of perjury and to the best of my knowledge true and correc/~ ~ ' " . KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT I BilliNG DATE .1700 FLOWER STREET ~ J BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93305 9/26 / 86 P~IT/I~OI~ ~05006~ e~9% % %%%% I ~ ............ AMOUNT ENCLOSED ~ CHARGES PAST DUE ARE SUBJECT JO PENALTY 15910 Vent~a BI~., Suite A-4 DUE DATE J ~cino, Califo~ia 91436 10/26/86 I DETAC~ HERE ~ PLEASE RETURN THIS ~RTION TO INSURE CORREC] PAYMENT IDENTIFI~TION $ 'DETACN HERE S~ PA~ WI~IN 30 DAYS ~ A~ID 50% P~ ' ~s,,~ DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 9/26/86 PERMIT/INVOICE #050064C ANNUAL FEE FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND STORAGE FACILITY WITH 2 TANK(S) LOCATED AT: 3115 Pierce Road Bakersfield, CA $120.00 - STATE SURCHARGE OF $56'.00 PER TANK' $112.00 KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT s~c~ 3eo, ,~ , o : .......... ~'" ,,'~' '" '~. .~_j ......... ,"', ............................ ~ ............... TOTAL AMOUNT DUE 1700 FLOWER STREET . ~~, . BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93a05 .. llealth Department ' pij ~ion o£ Environmental Heal Application O0 Flower Street, .Bakersfiel , ~ 93305 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY TYPe of Application (check): rlNe--~ Facility r~Modification of Facility I-]Existing Facility []Transfer of..0wnership Emergency 24-Hour Contact (name, area code, phone): l~.ys 8~.' 3~'~'F7'4~7 · . __- ~ · ~, - . Nights ~/~ M~,~ . . IsTank(s) Located on an Agricultura Is Tank(s) Used Primarily.for A~ricultural Purposes? l-lyes linc) FaCility Address Nearest Cross St,' T~'- " R' SEC (Rural Locations Only) Own~4~/~----~_c! ! ~' ' /~F. ~ · Contact persan~'~'/F~-/¥, 7~/~;/~;~/~o . ~e;s' · p ?e~e~on'. ~o~-- a~- · ' Namer to Facility Provided by " /~ / L ~pth to' Ground~a~r Soil C~aracteristics' at Facili~-~ _ Basis for Soil Ty~, and Grour~l~t-er Dapth Deteminations . Contractor . CA Contractor's License Add~ ess Zip .. Te lephons Proposal Start'ir~ Date Proposed Ccmpletio~ Date ..... '~orker's C~npensation Certificatio~ ! Insurer ,. If This Permit Is. For.Modification Of An Zxisti~3 Facility~ Briefly Dascribe Modificati~as Proposed . - ...... ' , ' :. Tank(s) Store (check all ~hat aPPly)~ ' ' . Tank ! Wast~ product' Motor Vehicle Unleaded Regular Premium,. Diesel Wast~ - ------'.---~.l ..... ; i' · /,' ' 'O ·0 · ~ [] - [] [] [] [][] .o 8 '8 8 8 Chemical Cc,nposi~ion of Materials Sto~ed (not 'necessary fo~ motor vehicle foels) Tank ! Chemical 'Sto~ed (no~-co~mercial name) CAS ! (if kno~) Chemic,a.1 Pr~?i_ousl.~' Stor~, {ii dif[eren~ Transfer of Ownership ~ _ .~- Date of ~-an~fer ~ previous Owner I, ' accept fUlly all ~ligatio~ of ~mlt I ~ersta~ t~t ~e ~mitti~ ~ority may r~l~ a~ ~ify or temi~te' ~e t~ansfer of ~e ~it ~ ~rate ~is ~dergro~d stor~e facility u~n r~ivi~ ~is.c~pleted fora. ~1s fora ~s ~en c~plet~ ~der ~lty of, ~.rl~y a~ ~ '~e ~st of my ~o~l~ge is ir' a~c°rr~" ''t~ ' ' 'Sig~ Title ~ ~te TANK # ~ (FILL OUT SEPARATE'FORM FOR EACH TANK) FOR EACll SECTION.. CIIECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES ].'Tank i~s: []Vaulted [] Non-Vaulted []. Double-Wall ~Slngle-Wall 2. 'Tan~k~Materiai. · ~'~~teel []-Stainless Steel [] Polyv.inyl Chloride [] Fiberglass-Clad Steel [~ Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [] Concrete [] Aluminum }-} Bronze.[~]Unknown [~' Other'{describe): 3. Primary Containment Date Installed ThickneSs (Inches) " 'i.ty (Gallons) Manufacturer 4. Tank Secondary Containment [~No ['] Double-Wall ['] Synthetic Liner [-{ Lined VaUlt e [] Unknown []. Other {deScribe): Manufacturer: Material Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) 5.:Tank Interior Lining [~] Rubber. []Alkyd [-]Epoxy [~]Phenolic [~ Glass [-] Clay ~nltned ~] Unknown I~ Other (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection  Oalvanized [] FiberglasskClad [] Polyethylene Wrap [] Vinyl Wrapping ' Tar or Asphalt [~ Unknown [] None '['] Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: [~None '[] Impressed Current'System [] Sacrificial Anode System [] Describe System & Equipment: 7. Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception a. Tank: ~'] Visual (vaulted tanks only) [] Groundwater Monitoring Well(s) [] Vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) [] U-Tube Without Liner ~] U-Tube with.Compatible Liner Directing Flow To Monitoring Well(s).* [] Vapor Detector *~] Liquid Level Sensor* [] Conductivity Sensor* [] Pressure Sensor 'In Annular Space Of Double Wall Tank * [-] Liquid RetrieVal,& Inspection From U-Tube, Monitoring Well Or Annular Space ~Oally Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation ~-i Periodic Tightness Testing []None [~] Unknown ~]' Other b. Piping: [] Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) For Pressurized Piping* [~Monitortng Sump With Raceway [].Sealed Concrete Raceway []Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway []Synthetic Liner Raceway ~None []Unknown [] Other · Describe Make & Model:'.. 8. Tank Tightness Has This Tank Been Tightness Tested? [-] Yes [] No~Unkn°wn Date Of Last Tightness Test ResUlts Of Test Test Name TeSting Company 9. Tank Repair Tank Repaired? ~]Yes ~No [-]Unknown' Date(s) Of Repair(s) Describe Repairs' 10. Ove~tll Protection' ".MOpera-~or ~-~s, Controls,'.& Visually Monitors'Level ~'] Tape Float Gauge [] Float Vent Valves [] Auto Shut-Off Controls [] Capacitance Sensor [] 'Sealed.Fill Box [] None [] Unknown [] Other: List Make & Model' For Above Devices a. Underground Piping: s [] No [] UnknOwn Material Thickness(inches) Diameter Manufacturer '~] Pressure []Suction [-] Gravity Approximate'Length Of Pipe Run b. 'underground Piping 'Corrosion Protection: ~] 'Galvanized [-] Fiberglass-Clad [] Impressed Current []' sacrificial AnOde [~ Polyethylene Wrap .[] Electrical Isolation [] Vinyl Wrap ~]Tar or Asphalt [~]. Unknown ~] None ~] Other (describe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: ~] Double-Wall [~ Synthetic Liner System ~.None .[-] Unknown [] Other (describe): .. FOR EACH SECTION. CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BORES i. 1. Tank Is: I-IVaulted l-I Non-Vaulted [] Double-Wall ~Slngle-Wall ~ Carbon Steel [] Stain]ess Steel [] Polyvtnyl Chloride [-] Flberglass~Clad Steel. [~] Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [] Concrete [] Aluminum {-] Bronze [] Unknown [] Other (describe): 8. Primacy Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) _ Ions) Manufacturer 4. ~darY Containment [] Double-Wal~ ~~ttc.Ltner [] Llned Vault ~None [] Unknown ~], Other (describe): Manufacturer: Material Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) 5.'Tank Interior Lining [~] Rubber [-] Alkyd []Epoxy [~]Phenolic [] Blass ~] Clay ~nltned [].UnknoWn [~] Other (describe): '6. Tank Corrosion Protection / Oalvanlzed [~] Fiberglass-Clad []' Polyethylene Wrap [~] Vinyl Wrapping Tar or Asphalt O Unknown [] None [-] Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: ~None [] Impressed Current System [] Sacrificial Anode System [] Describe System & Equipment': 7. Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception a. Tank: [] Visual {vaulted tanks only) [] Groundwater Monitoring Well(s) [] Vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) [] U-Tube Without Liner [-] UrTube with Compatible Liner Directing Flow To Monitoring Well(s)* [] Vapor Detector'*[] Liquid Level Sensor* [] Conductivity Sensor* [] Pressure Sensor In Annula~ Space Of Double Wall Tank* D iquid~Retrieval.& Inspection From U-Tube, Monitoring Well Or Annular Space ally Gauging & .Inventory Reconciliation [] Periodic Tightness Testing []None [] Unknown [] Other b. Piping: [] Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) For Pressurized Piping* []Monitoring Sump With Raceway [] Sealed Concrete Raceway [-] Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway []Synthetic Liner Raceway ~N°ne []Unknown C] Other *Describe Make & Model:. 8. Tank Tightness Has This Tank Been Tightness Tested? []' Yes [] No ~nknown Date Of Last Tightness Test Results Of Test Test'Name Testing Company 9. Tank Repair ~ . Tank Repaired? []Yes ~No [] Unknown Date(s) Of Repair(s) Describe Repairs 10. Ove_~fill Protection. ~Opera-~-~or ~-~s, Controls,.& Visually Monitors Level [] Tape Float Gauge '[] Float Vent Valves [] Auto Shut-Off Controls [] Capacitance Sensor [] Sealed'Fill Box ~] None [] Unknown ~-] Other: List Make & Model For'Above Devices a. Underground. Piping: es [] No [] Unknown Matertal~'~. Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer [~] Pressure F]Suctton ~] Gravity Approximate Length Of Pipe Run b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection: ['] Galvanized [] Fiberglass-Clad [-] Impressed Current [] Sacrificial' Anode ~. Polyethylene Wrap []'Electrical Isolation [~ Vinyl ~rap ~]Tar or Asphalt []. Unknown ~[] None []Other (describe): c. underground Piping, Secondary Containment: ~]' Double-Wall ['[ Synthetic Liner System [] None [] Unknown ~ .~] Other (describe): 7i~lsl n o£ Environmental Health- Application 700 Flower Sureet, Bakersfiel 9]305 ~ -- APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY Type of Application (check'): [-]New Facility ['1Modification of Facility ~Existing Facility [-]Transfer. of Ownershi[~ ~. Emergency 24-Hou~ Contact '(name, area code, phone): Days . ~.~217 Is Tank(S) Located on an Agricultural Farm? [-]Yes ! ~lo - / ' Is Tank(s) Used Prima~.~il¥ for ;~gricultu~l .Purposes? l-lYes T R SEC (Rural Locations Only) · Operator ._.~_-> ~ ~- Contact Person · Addr ess Zip Telei~hone- Soil Characteristics at Facilit~ / · - - Basis for Soil Type and 'Groundwater Depth Determi'natfo'ns .... '7 · cont factor CA Contract°~' $ License 14o. Addr ess Zip Te lephor~ Proposed Start'Ir~] Date Proposed'~aapletio~! Worker's .Compensation certifiCatio~ ~ · If This Permit Is Fol~ Modification Of An Existir~3 Facility, Briefly Describe Modificati¢4~s Proposed · Tank(s) Store (check all that apply): Tank _~ _Wa.S ,re Product Motor Vehicle Unleaded ~ Premium Diesel Waste . Chemical Caaposition of Materials Stored (not necessary t°r motor vehicle fuels) Tank ~ Chemical Sto£ed Cnon-c~m~ercim! name) Ca~ ! (if k.n-~n.) Chemical P~viousl,o $~or~d . Transf.er of ~ Date 0~-~ er-'~~ Previous Owner ~--~~_~ ~.__~ ....... Pr.io~ Facility N-- I, ' ~cept fUlly all" ~ify or temi~te ~ tra~fer of ~e' ~mit ~ ~rate ~ls ~ergr~ storage facility u~n r~eivi~ ~is cmplet~ fora. ~is fora ~s ~en c~plet~ ~der ~mlcy. of true and corr~':'f/~ ., . . . '~' .- . ~ ~ ' TANK ~ / (FILL' OUT' ~EPARATE FORM Ff i TANK) FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES 1. Tank is:. [-]Vaulted [-]Non-Vaulted [~Double-Wall ~Single-Wall 2. ~ ~aterial ~Carb0n Steel D Stainless Steel ~]Polyvinyl Chloride I-]Fiberglass-Clad Steel B Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [] Concrete [] Altm~inum [] Bronze [-]Unk~ow~ Other (describe) 3.Pr i~ma r_~ .C?nta i nment. . . Date Installed ~ Thickness (Inches) . Capacit~,[C~llons). Manufacturer 4. Tank -Secondary ¢ontaim~nt- . []Double-Wall ~]Synthetic Liner .['~Lined Vault [~ne [-lUnknown ~]Other (describe): Manufacturer: [] Ma ter ial Thickness. . (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) 5. Tank Interior Lining ---~Rubber ['lAlkyd []Epoxy Ulmen01ic []Glass []Clay 5]tt{iined [2]unknmm ['1 Other (describe).: 6. Tank Corrosion Protection --]~anized ~ass-Cled '•Polyethylene Wrap ~[].Vinyl or Asphalt []Unknown. []None [~]Other (describe). · Cathodic Protection: '~]N~r{e DImpressed Current System ['lSacrlfl¢'i'al Describ~ System & EquiDment: 7. Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interce~)ti6n ~. 'Tank: DVis~al (Vaulted "tanks only) DGround~ater Monitorir~' Wall(s) []Vadose Zone Monitoring %~ll(s) [~U-Tube Without Liner []U-Tube with C~mpatible Liner Directin~ Flow to Monitorir~ Wall(s)* ~1 Vapor Datector* [] Liquid Level .Sensor' [~ Conductivit~ Sensor* "[-! Pressure Sensor. in Annular sPace of Double Wall Tank- ~_~afq. uid Retrieval & Inspection Fr~m U-Tube,_Monitori~] Wall or Am~ular Space _[[]Dally _Gau~irg & Inventory Reconciliation ~lPeriodic Tlghtnm~ Tmstin~ ~] None [.J Unknown [] Other b. Pipit: Fl~w-ReStricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Monitoring St~p with Race~y r~Sealed Concrete Raceway Half-Cut C~mpatible Pipe Race~ay []Synthetic Liner Race,my [] Unknown [] Other · Describe Make & 8. ~en Tightness Tested? []Yes [-]No. [~'~kn°wn Date of Last-TightneSS Test' ReSults of Test Test Name Testirg Company Repai red? [] Yes Date(s) of' ~epair(s) Describe. RePairs 10. Ove__r~fll Protection . · ' [~erator FtllS~ Controls, & Visually MOnitors []Tape Float Gauge []Float Vent Valves [] Auto Shut- Off Controls B Capacitance Sensor .[2]Sealed Fill Box []None [-]Unknown {Other~ List Make & Model Fo~ A]:ove l)~ic~ 11. Pipi~ a. U~derground Pipir~3: ~Yes ['~No []Unknu~ Material Thickness (inches) Diameter Manu£~cturer []Pressure. [-~Sucti'on' []Gravity ~0P~oximate Ler~c3th of 'Pipe b.' .Underground Piping Corrosion Protection ~ ly nized D-]Fiberglass-Clad [2]Impressed ~%~rrent ' []Sacrificial Anode thylene Wrap [~Electrical [solati~ ~Vlnyl Wrap [~?ar or, Asphalt []Unknown ['~None D']Other' (describe) ~ ' c. Underground Pipirg, Secondary Contairment:~o/ne' ~Double-Wall [-]Synthetic Liner System []Unknown []Other (describe): 1. Tank is: ['lVaulted []Non-Vaulted []Double-Wall [~]~gle-Wall 2. ~ Material ~'rbo6 Stee! [] Stainless steel' [-1Polyvinyl Chloride I'qFiberglass-Clad Steel ~ Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic F1 Concrete D Alu~in~ ' [] Bronze [=7Unknown · [] Other (describe) 3. Primary Containment Dste Installed Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) · Manufacturer 4. . Tank- Secondary Containment [-1Double-Wall [-~Synthetic Liner []Lined Vault ~ne []Unknown [Z]Other (describe): Manufacturer: []Material Th'ickness (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) 5. Tank Interior Lining ,-~Rubber []Alkyd []Epoxy []Phenolic. []Glass []Clay []t~inad []']Other (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection --q~[Galva~ized ~ass-Clad ?q~!y~ylene Wrap [-]~Vinyl ~'r or Asphalt []Unknown []None []Other' (describe): Cathodic Protection: []None []Impressed Current Syste~ ['lSacri'f~i~[al A~ System · Describe System & Equi~ent: 7. Leak Det.ection, Monitoring, .and Int~ a: 'Tank.-- DVisuai (vaulted' ~'~ only) [-]Gr0ur~dwater Monitorirg' Wall (s) []Vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) []U-Tube Without Liner []U-Tube with Compatible Liner Directing Flow to .Monitoring We,ll(s) [] Vapor Detector* [] LiqUid Level Sensor" [] Conductivit~ Sensor '[-] Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank ' [] Liquid Battle, al & Inspection Fr~m U-Tube, Monitoring Well or A~nular Space [~ailyG~'~ugirg & Inventory ReconCiliation [] Periodic. Tightness Testing [] None [] Unknown ~ Other b. Piping: Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized []Monitorin~ Sump with Race~y -[]Sealed Concrete Race,my '... []Half-Cut C~mpatible Pipe Race~ay []Synthetic Liner Bace~ay []~k)ne [] Unknown 77 Other ' *Describe Make & Model: 8. ~en Tightness Tested? ~Yes []No ~known Date of Last Tightness Test Results of Test Test Name Testing Company 9. Tank .~ Tank ~epair~? []Yes. ~ []Unknown Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs 10. Overf.~ll P. rqt~.ction · .. [~0perator FillS~ Controls, & Visually Monitors Level []Tape Float Gau~e. []Float Vent Valves [] Auto Shut-'Off Controls Other List Make & Model Fo~ Above Devices 11.. Piping . Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer DPressure DSuct'~'on DGravity Approximate Ler~jth of l~lpe b.. Underground Pipirg Corrosion .Protect[on : []Galvanized. []Fiberglass-Clad [-]Imp~essed Curren~ [-1Sacrificial A~ode '' [~olyethylene Wrap ~Electrical Isolatio~ [-1Vinyl Wrap []Unknown '[]None OOther (describe): c. Underground Piping~ Secondary Contai~ent: ·~Double-Wa11 []Synthetic Liner System [~ne [-}Unknown []Other · (describe) '.