HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATIONBSK JOB B93086 SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT CULLEN PROPERTY - EMO 50566 3315 PIERCE ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CALll*ORNIA & Associates 117 "V" Street Bakersfield, CA 93304 (805) 327-0671 (805) 324-421 8 FAX - & Associates September 28, 1993 BSK JOB B93086 Mr. and Mrs. John Alippi 5904 Cypress Point Drive Bakersfield, California 93309 SUBJECT: Site Assessment Report Cullen Property - EMO 50566 3315 Pierce Road Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. and Mrs. Alippi: BSK & Associates (BSK) is pleased to report the findings of a site assessment for the presence of soluble lead in subsurface soils in the vicinity of a shallow disposal well system at the above- referenced site in Bakersfield, California. Our findings are based upon analytical results of soil samples obtained on August 27, 1993. The investigation was conducted in conformance with the project workplan approved by Kern County Environmental Health Services Department (KCEHSD) on August 19, 1993. Analytical testing of soil samples did not reveal the presence of soluble lead in the subsurface soils at the locations tested. We request that you submit a copy of this report to the attention of Ms. Flora Darling of the KCEHSD. Ms. Darling has granted conditional approval to abandon the shallow disposal well system conditioned on submittal of this report to her office. We recommend that the system be abandoned in accordance with our recommendations contained herein. BSK appreciates the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. If you have questions regarding this report, please contact our Bakersfield office. e pec u,y ~&'~9-~~~'~' BSK.~sociates v'.q/o.'~- ' ~,,X~· hn B. Moore, J '' Engineer BMB/JBM:ds Distribution: Mr. and Mrs. John copies) TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION ............................................ 1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE ........................................ ! BACKGROUND INFORMATION .................................. 2 Project Location ......................................... 2 Site Description ......................................... 2 Site Geology and Hydrology ................................. 3 Site History ........................................... 3 Project History ......................................... 4 INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURES .................................. 7 Liquid and Sludge Removal .................................. 7 Exploratory Boring and Sampling Locations ........................ 7 Laboratory Analysis of Soil Samples ............................ 8 FINDINGS ................................................ 8 Soil Profile ............................................. 8 Results of Soil Sample Analyses ............................... 8 EVALUATION ............................................. 8 CONCLUSIONS ............................................. 9 RECOIvIMENDATIONS ........................................ 9 LIMITATIONS ............................................. 9 APPENDICES Appendix A .... Log of Borings Appendix B .... Analytical Results Appendix C .... Field Sampling and Testing Procedures Appendix D .... Waste Disposal Documentation FIGURES Figure 1 ...... Project Location Map Figure 2 ...... Site Plan Figure 3 ...... Exploratory. Boring Locations TABLES Table 1 ....... Business Occupant History Table 2 ....... Results of Liquid Sample Analyses - April 9, 1993 Table 3 ....... Results of Sludge Sample Analyses - April 9, 1993 BSK JOB B93086 - September 28, 1993 & Associates SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT CULLEN PROPERTY - EMO 50566 3315 PIERCE ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA INTRODUCTION This report presents findings of a site assessment to characterize soils beneath an existing shallow disposal well system at 3315 Pierce Road in Bakersfield, California. The investigation was authorized by Mr. and Mrs. John Alippi on August 3, 1993. PURPOSE AND SCOPE Purpose of the investigation was to assess the presence and/or extent of soluble lead in soils underlying the system in conformance with procedures outlined by Kern County Environmental Health Services Department (KCEHSD). Scope of work for this. investigation included the following: o A Site Assessment Workplan and Health and Safety Plan, dated August 12, 1993 was prepared and submitted to Mr. and Mrs. John Alippi and KCEHSD. Ms. Flora Darling of KCEHSD approved the workplan by telephone conversation on August 19, 1993. o Exploratory soil borings were drilled and soil samples were collected on August 27, 1993 in conformance with the scope of work outlined in the project workplan. o Soil samples were analyzed for soluble lead. o Data obtained from the investigation were evaluated to assess the presence and/or extent of soluble lead in the soil underlying the shallow disposal system. BSK JOB B93086 - September 28, 1993 & Associates Site Assessment Report - - EMO 50566 Page o This report was prepared presenting our findings and _ conclusions. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Information concerning site location, site description, site geology and hydrogeology, and project history is presented in the following subsections. Project Location The project site is located at 3315 Pierce Road in the City of Bakersfield, Kern County, California. The site is situated east of State Route 99 and north of State Route 178 and is bounded by Pierce Road on the east, by State Route 99 on the west, and by industrial development on the north and south. The site is within Section 23, Township 29 South, Range 27 East, Mount Diablo Baseline and Meridian (see Vicinity Map, Figure 1). Site Description The site is level, paved with asphaltic and Portland cement concrete, and enclosed with chain link fencing. There are three structures on the site. A 4,300 square foot metal warehouse building is located in the northeast portion of the site. The warehouse was vacant at the time of BSK & Associates' (BSK) site reconnaissance on August 5, 1993. Other structures include a metal storage shed located near the northwest corner of the property and a wood-frame garage near the southeast corner of the property. A water well is located at the northwest property corner. The well is not in use and appears to be capped. The site is within the service area of California Water Service Company. Sanitary sewage generated from site operations is discharged into a septic system located on the north side of the warehouse building. According to the owner, the septic system is not connected to the shallow disposal well (see Figure 2). The shallow disposal well (system) is located behind the northwest corner of the warehouse building. The system consists of a two-stage subsurface clarifier system connected to a 4-inch diameter cast iron horizontal discharge pipe. The discharge pipe is buried approximately 3 feet below grade and extends for a distance of approximately 25 feet westward along the north BSK JOB B93086 - September 28, 1993 & Assooates Site Assessment Report - Cull,,,=,Oroperty - EMO 50566 Page q property line. The discharge line is connected to a 4-inch diameter Orangeberg pipe leach line which extends southward for a distance of approximately 90 feet. Site Geology and Hydrology The site is located within the San Joaquin Valley of the Great Valley geomorphic province of California. Near-surface site soils consist of sand and sandy silt which are Quaternary alluvial deposits of the Kern River, located approximately one-half mile east of the site. Well soundings from the on-site water well indicate that first encountered groundwater occurs at a depth of approximately 30 feet below site grade. Regional groundwater flow direction is southwest at a nearly flat hydraulic gradient. Site History Information concerning the site history was obtained from our interview with the property owner, a review of the City Directories at the Kern County Library, and of historical aerial photographs of the site. The site was used tbr agricultural purposes from sometime during the 1930's until 1955. Review of an aerial photograph dated 1937 depicted the site as a small vineyard with what appears to be a single family residence located in the southeast portion of the site. The warehouse structure was constructed on the site sometime during 1955 and has been utilized by various types of businesses since that time. Businesses that have occupied the site since 1955 are presented in Table 1. BSK JOB B93086 - September 28, [993 & A550¢iate5 Site Assessment Report - Cul?~'operty - EMO 50566 Page 4 1955-1959 Valley Oil Tools Oil Service 1959-1960 Vacant 1960-1962 Pacific Intermountain Express Trucking 1962-1964 Bakersfield Picker Service Agricultural Equipment Maintenance 1964-1967 Cotton Belt Suppliers Agricultural Equipment Parts 1967-1969 Delta Spindle Co. of California Agricultural Equipment Parts 1969-1992 Warren Charles Diesel ElectricDiesel Engine Parts and Maintenance 1992-1993 Merchandise Exchange Company Wholesale Furniture Outlet Present Vacant Project History KCEHSD, in conjunction with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region IX, is concerned that disposal of industrial wastewater into shallow disposal well systems has the potential to degrade the water quality of the unconfined aquifer which underlies the city and serves as the primary source of drinking water for the community. Because industrial waste streams commonly consist of organic and inorganic compounds, KCEHSD has required that owners of property known to be equipped with these types of systems demonstrate that the soil beneath the system components has not been impacted by organic and inorganic constituents. The proper~ owners were notified by KCEHSD on March 23, 1993 that, as owners of a property, known to be the site of a shallow disposal well system, they must obtain sludge and liquid samples from the system and analyze the samples for specified organic and inorganic compounds. The property owners retained the services of BSK to conduct a preliminary sampling and testing investigation (preliminary investigation). · . BSK JOB B93086 - September 28, 1993 & Associates Site Assessment Report - Culie A ~perty - EMO 50566 BSK obtained liquid and sludge samples from the clarifiers on April 9, 1993, under the direction of Mr. Terry Gray of KCEHSD. The samples were analyzed by BSK Analytical Laboratories for volatile organic compounds, total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline and diesel, total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons, and CCR Title 22 Metals. In addition, a California Waste Extraction Test (WET) was performed for barium, cadmium, copper, and lead to assess the soluble concentration of these metals. Analytical results of the preliminary testing are presented in Tables 2 and 3. Laboratory test results are presented in Appendix A. ::."'"".' ':::.' ":':.': :i:.::?:' .....:::!.!:? ConStituent': ' '' Volatile Organic Compounds (/.t/L) ND TPH - Diesel (/~g/L) ND TPH - Gasoline (/~g/L) ND Hydrocarbon Oil & Grease (mg/L) 3 Abbreviations: ND = None detected tzg/L = Micrograms per liter (parts per billion) mg/L = Milligrams per liter (parts per million) BSK JOB B93086 - September 28, 1993 & Associates Site Assessment Reporz - Culle"'~'operty - EMO 50566 Page 6 Antimony ND Arse~c 4 B~ium 560 4.9 100 Beryllium ND Cadmium 32 0.86 1.0 Chromium 35 Cobflt 14 Copper 740 0.8 ~ 80 [ ad 2S0 5.0 Mercury 0.1 Molybdenum 7 Nickel 15 Selenium ND Silver 4 ~fllium ND V~adium 15 Zinc 460 Abbreviation: ND = None detected STLC = Soluble Total ~reshold Lmit Concen~ation (1) = EPA Me,od 6010, 7040 (2) = W~te Extraction Tesu (Cfi. Code Regs.,tit.22,~66261.24(2)(A)) BSK JOB B93086 - September 28, 1993 & Associates Site Assessment Report - - EMO 50566 Page 7 Based on results of the preliminary investigation, KCEHSD requested that the property owners conduct a site assessment study to assess the presence and/or extent of soluble lead in soils underlying the system. The property owner requested BSK to prepare a workplan and conduct a site assessment. INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURES The investigation consisted of field and laboratory studies. Details of each phase are summarized below. Technical procedures used for equipment decontamination, soil sampling, analytical testing, and quality control are presented in Appendix C. Liquid and Sludge Removal Prior to commencement of drilling and sampling, the liquid and sludge contained in the clarifiers · was removed. Because the sludge contained concentrations of soluble lead exceeding the maximum allowable soluble threshold limit concentration (STLC) as determined by using the WET set forth in Cai. Code Regs.,tit.22,§66261.24.(2)(A), liquid and sludge was disposed as hazardous waste. Liquid and sludge was pumped into a vacuum truck by Advanced Cleanup Technologies, Inc. (ACT) of Bakersfield and transported by ACT to the DeMenno/Kerdoon Recycling Facility located in Compton, California. Prior to transport of the hazardous waste, the property owner was assigned an EPA generator identification number and the material was manifested as hazardous waste. A copy of the waste manifest and bill of lading is presented in Appendix D. Exploratory Boring and Sampling Locations Seven exploratory borings were drilled on the site on August 27, 1993. Borings were located adjacent to each clarifier and at 20 toot increments along the leach line. Concrete pavement at the location of the clarifiers was removed by coring. A boring was located approximately 60 feet east of the leach line to obtain a soil sample to be tested for background level of soluble lead at the site. Two undisturbed soil samples were collected at each boring location. Soil samples were collected at depths of one foot and five feet beneath the leach line and clarifiers. Boring and sampling locations are shown on Figure 3. BSK JOB B93086 - September 28, 1993 & Associates Site Assessment Report - Cul~roperty - EMO 50566 Page 8 Laboratory Analysis of Soil Samples Soil samples collected from Boring B-1 at 4 feet, B-2 at 4 feet and 8 feet, B-3 at 4 feet and 8 feet, B-5 at 7.5 feet and 11.5 feet, B-6 at 7 feet and 11 feet, and B-7 at 10 feet were analyzed for soluble lead by the California Waste Extraction Test (WET) Method by BSK Analytical Laboratories. At the request of Ms. Darling of KCEHSD, other soil samples collected during the field investigation were held by BSK for future testing pending analytical results of the aforementioned samples. FINDINGS Soil Profile Site subsurface soils, to the maximum explored depth of 11.5 feet, generally consist of silty sand to a depth of 5 feet underlain by poorly graded sand. Detailed descriptions of soil types are included in the Logs of Borings in Appendix A. Results of Soil Sample Analyses Analytical results of chemical testing of the soil samples submitted for testing revealed soluble lead below the method detection limit of 0.2mg/L. Analytical testing of a background soil sample for soluble lead revealed background levels below the method detection limit. Laboratory documentation is presented in Appendix B. EVALUATION Results of analyses of soil samples collected from beneath the leach line and clarifiers for soluble lead revealed concentrations of soluble lead below the method detection limit in the soil samples tested. Based on the results of the soil samples tested, it would appear that the subsurface soils wellat the site have not been impacted by leachate discharge from the shallow disposal system and that the potential for groundwater degradation resulting from past use of the system is low. BSK lOB B93086 - September 28. 1993 & Associates Site Assessment Report - - EMO 50566 Page 9 CONCLUSIONS On the basis of our evaluation of the findings, we present the following conclusions. o Soil profile at the site consists of silty sand underlain by poorly graded sand to the maximum explored depth of 11.5 feet. First encountered groundwater is believed to occur under unconfined conditions at a depth of approximately 30 feet. Soluble lead was not detected in the soil samples obtained from beneath the leach line and clariflers. o The existing system should be abandoned in conformance with county guidelines. RECOMMENDATIONS BSK recommends that the existing shallow disposal system be abandoned in conformance with county guidelines to prevent future discharges into the system. The clarifiers should be filled to a depth of approximately one toot below slab grade with a clean sand slurry and then sealed with a concrete cap. LIMITATIONS Findings presented in this report are based on data obtained from our field and laboratory investigations. The report does not reflect variations which may exist between exploratory boring locations and sampling points. Such variations cannot be anticipated nor may they be entirely accounted for in spite of exhaustive additional testing. This study was limited to testing for the presence of soluble lead in the soil underlying a shallow disposal well system. Findings presented in this report are valid as of the present. The passage of time. natural processes or human intervention on the property or adjacent properties BSK JOB B93086 - September 28. 1993 ~ & Associates Site Assessment Report - - EMO 50566 Page 10 and changes in government regulations can cause changed conditions which may invalidate the findings and conclusions presented in this report. This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted engineering and geological practices for the area, based on the guidelines of local and state jurisdictions. No warranties, express or implied, are made. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of the client. Use of or reliance upon this report or its contents by others, without express written consent, is strictly prohibited. BSK & ASSOCIATES BSK/OB B93086 - September 28, 1993 & Associates BSK JOB B93086 September 1993 Figure 1 ORIV~' ,. o,*q ; · m~~ ~'~ ~ .... . '~. i .'." :?.~ ~. - N · · . ~ .'Z' o .... ~ ' ~."./ .... ~"~ ' .. .--- 5 ,~, ..... ~ ~,~' ; ; ,~'.' .... .:..'-.; :..--.- . 18 ~ ..-" ,~.' ?~: . ....:-' , ; ;: · ...'~ ~' ~ou~ ~1~ ~g,X,,,,,..''''~- ' * ~ ' / ~ Project Site .22..' : ~ ~:~ - ~ -. I°= ,' " . . o ~[t' =,,' ' o "1 i ' ~ Vici~ Map Source: U.S.Geological Su~ey, 1977 3315 Pierce Road Oildale Quadrangle Bakersfield, Califo~a & Associates BSK JOB B93086 September 1993 w 1. ~';' ,~ " '~ Figure 2 warehouse concrete slab leach line septic tank ~ parking area garage - ,", x .x, z x x x ~ 0 25 50 Sierra Saw Works Scale in Feet Site Plan 3315 Pierce Road Gilmore Street Bake/'sfield; California & ^ssoc~ates BSK JOB B93086 September 1993 Figure 3 ~' × ¥ X le X ~,~_~c~ × ,X :~ ,, .... B-4 S-5@1~ ,, S-6@5" cuba . S~5'-- clariHers U-6 S-~'~ s-2~5' WARBllOUSB ~-3 s-?~L~ S-8~5~ concrete slab B-2 S-9 @1'~ S-10@5' · ::: DRiVi]WAY ~ B-7 S-15@10' ~ S-12@5' 0 10 20 Scale in Feet S-1 ! Soil Sampling Location = S-2 Boring and Soil Sampling Locations 3315 Pierce Road Bakerstleld, California APPENDIX A LOG OF BORINGS & Associates LOG OF BORING B-I BSK .lOB NO: B93086 FIGURE NO: 4 DATE: 8/27/93 SHEET 1 of 1 LOGGED BY: B. Blylhe WATER LEVEL: No Groundwater Encountered ELEVATION: EQUIPMENT: Mobile B-50 DESCRIPTION REMARKS SILTY SAND: light brown; fine grained; some coarse grains; moist. SAND POORLY GRADED: light brown; fine Boring Terminated at 8 grained. Feet. Tho describ~:d soil conditions may not be representative of those at different locations and tirr~$. [ ~]llkl~ [4~ & Associates LOG OF BORING B-2 ~sK .lOB NO: B93086 FIGURE NO: 5 DATE: 8/27/93 SIIEET I of 1 LOGGED BY: B. Biyflie WATER LEVEL: No Groundwater Encountered ELEVATION: EQUIPMENT: Mobile B-50 DESCRIPTION REMARKS SILTY SAND: ligh[ brown; fine grained; moist. SAND POORLY GRADED: light brown; fine Boring Terminated at 8 grained. Fcc(. The described soil conditions may not be representative of those at different locations and times. [ ~ll~l~ [~ & Associates '" LOG OF BORING B-3--- BSK JOB NO: B93086 FIGURE NO: 6 DATE: 8/27/93 SIIEET I of 1 ~ ~ LOGGED BY: B. Blyth¢ m ~' WATER LEVEL: No Groundwalcr Encountered ~. ~ EQUIPMENT: Mobile B-50 o m m m ~ m DESCRIPTION REMARKS SM ~" -' · S-7 8 SILTY SAND: light brown; fine grained; moist. 5 S-8 8 SW i¥~¥~,. SAND WELL GRADED: light brown; fine to coarse !Boring Terminaled at 8 :~.:..'.:.:, grained; moist. ~Feet. & Associates LOG OF BORING B4 ~SK.IOB NO: B93086 FIGURE NO: 7 DATE: 8/27/93 SHEET I of 1 LOGGED BY: B. Biythe WATER LEVEL: No Groundwater Encountered ELEVATION: EQUIPMENT: Mobile B-50 DESCRIPTION REMARKS SILTY SAND: light brown; fine grained; moist, SAND POORLY GRADED: brown; fine to medium Boring Terminated at 8 grained; moist. Feet. Thc described soil conditions may not be representative of those as different locations and ti~nes. I ~1114~1~ [~ & Associates LOG OF BORING B-5 ~SK JOB NO: B93086 FIGURE NO: 8 DATE: 8/27/93 SIIEET I of 1 m LOGGED BY: B. Blyflie m WATER LEVEL: No Groundwater Encountered ~ ELEVATION: ~ Zm 2: ~ EQUIPMENT: Mobile B-50 ~, m ~ o~ DESCRIPTION REMARKS S4 ...-'.. i'. SAND POORLY GRADED: light brown; fine to !Boring Terminated at 11.5 .-.'.' medium grained; moist. ,Feet. The described soil conditions ~nay not be repres¢,uafive of those at differe,~t locations and times. [ · ~ - & Associates '-' LOG OF BORING B-6 '~' ~sK JOB NO: B93086 FIGURE NO: 9 m LOGGED BY: B. Biylhe m WATER LEVEL: No Groundwater Encountered ~ ~ ELEVATION: ~ ~ Z ~ ~ EQUIPMENT: Mobile B-50 ~ m m ~ m D~CRIPTION REMARKS SM 5 S-I 17 ,. ' SILTY SAND: fighi brown; fin~ grained; moisl. 10 S-2 16 SP '- "" SAND POORLY GRADED: light brown; fine lo Boring Ter~ted al 11 -..'.~ medium grai~gd; moisL Fe~t. & Associates v LOG OF BORING B-7 v ns~: JOB NO: B93086 FIGURE NO: 10 g DATE: 8/27/93 SttEET I of 1 m ~ LOGGED BY: B. Biythe -- m ~ WATER LEVEL: No Groundwater Encountered ELEVATION: ~ ~ Z o ~ ~ EQUIPMENT: Mobile B-50 ~ m ~ m D~CRI~ION REMARKS S-15 11 .- SAND POORLY GRADED: lighl brown, fine Io ~ring Ternfim~ed a~ 10 The de~cdbcd ~oil conditio~ u~y nol b~ repr~n~fiw of tho~e at difl~r~nl location~ and time~. ~ ~ & Associates APPENDIX B MNALYTICAL RESULTS & Associates AN..\I YI'I('A[ 1414 Stanislaus Street  Fresno, California 93706 Telephone (209) 485-8310 I.\H~ ;R.,\'I'¢ )RII _~.FAX (209) 485-6935 1-800-877-8310 BSK-Bakersfield Date Sampled : NA John Alippi Time Sampled : 1015 Date Received : 04/12/93 Date of Analysis : 04/14/93 Report Issue Date: 04/22/93 Case Number : Ch930966 Lab ID Number : 0966-2 Sample Type: LIQUID Project Number : B93086 Sample Description: W-1 Analyses for Hydrocarbon Oil & Grease by EPA Method 418.1 Results Reported in Milligr~a per Liter (mg/L) Analyte I Results DLR Oil and Grease I 3. 1 Hydrocarbon Sample DLR = DLR x DLR Multiplier, DLR Multiplier = 1 D~R: De~:~ion Lim~: for ~he may remuS: in ~lgher dot,~':lon --: Hot. Analyzed Cynthia ~i~n, QA/QC Supervisor Jeffrey Creager, Organics Manager I ..\ ~'.~ ,-~. I Y I- I(' .~ I 1414 Stanislaus Street  Fresno, California 93706 Telephone (209) 485-8310 ~,, FAX (209) 485-6935 I ,".l~.( k.,,.li'd~ll ~'., 1-800-877-8310 BSK-Bakersfield Date Sampled = NA John Alippi Time Sampled : 1015 Date Received : 04/12/93 Date of Analysis : 04/12/93 Report Issue Date: 04/22/93 Case Number : Ch930966 Lab ID Number : 0966-2 Sample Type: LIQUID Project Number : B93086 Sample Description: W-1 Analyses for TPH (Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons) as Gasoline ~¥ Method DHS GC/FID. Results Reported in Micrograms per Liter (ug/L) .......... I S~ple DLR,= DLR x DLR Multiplier, DLR Multiplier = 1 O~: ~on L~ for ~e Pu~m~ of ~ng. ~D: N~e Cynthia P Supervisor JeffrJCreager, ~Organics Manager 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, California 93706 Telephone (209) 485-8310 FAX (209) 485-6935 1.800-877-8310 BSK-Bakersfield 'Date Sampled : NA John Alippi Time Sampled : 1015 Date Received : 04/12/93 Date of Analysis : 04/15/93 Report Issue Date: 04/22/93 Case Number : Ch930966 Lab ID Number : 0966-2 Sample Type: LIQUID Project Number : B93086 Sample Description: W-1 Analyses for TPH (Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons) as Diesel by Method DHS GC/FID. Results Reported in Micrograms per Liter (ug/L) Analyte I Results DLR TPH(D) .......... I 400** 50 Sample DLR = DLR x DLR Multiplier, DLR Multiplier = 1 OLR: De,cOlon L~. for C,he Pur~osem of Excep~.tona~ sample cond.t.t, ione o~ matrix ND: Nons De~ed · -This ~mpLm coa~,atne lo~r moXecular ~m~gh~. h¥~lrocarboae. Note: Visual examination of the TPH-Diesel chromatogram suggests that Diesel is not present in any significant amount. The materials that are present do not display chromatography characteristic of Diesel. Cynthia P n, QA/QC Supervisor Jeff~y Creager, Organics Manager R920213 ~P~DL. ~ ,.\ ~'l -\ I Y I i (' .-\ t. 1414 Stanislaus Street  Fresno, California 93706 Telephone (209) 48S-8310 I .,\t',~, ~1~,'\1( ,l(lt ~ FAX (209) 485-6935 ! -800-877-8310 BSK-Bakersfield Date Sampled : NA John Alippi Time Sampled : 1015 Date Received : 04/12/93 Date of Analysis : 04/17/93 Report Issue Date: 04/22/93 Case Number : Ch930966 Lab ID Number : 0966-2 Sample Type: LIQUID Project Number : B93086 Sample Description: W-1 Volatile Organic Compounds By EPA Method 8240 Results Reported in Micrograms per Liter (ug/L) Compound Name Results DLR ICompound Name Results DLR Chloromethane ............ ND 40.0 trans 1,3-Dichloropropene ND 20.0 Bromomethane ............ ND 40.0 Trichloroethene ......... ND 20.0 Vinyl Chloride .......... ND 40.0 Dibromochloromethane ..... ND 10.0 Chloroethane ............. ND 40.0 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ... ND 10.0 Methylene Chloride ...... ND 125.0 Benzene ................. ND 10.0 Acetone ................. ND ~125.0 cis 1,3-Dichloropropene.. ND 10.0 Carbon Disulfide ........ ND 40.0 Bromoform ................ ND 10.0 1,1-Dichloroethene ...... ND 20.0 2-Hexanone .............. ND 125.0 1,1-DichloroeChane ...... ND 20.0 4-Methyl-2-pentanone .... ND 125.0 trans 1,2-Dichloroethene. ND 20.0 Tetrachloroethene ....... ND 10.0 cis 1,2-Dichloroethene... ND 20.0 !Toluene ................. ND 10.0 Chloroform ............... ND 20.0 Chlorobenzene ........... ND 10.0 1,2-Dichloroethane ...... ND 20.0 iBthyl Benzene ...~ ....... ND 10.0 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ... ND 20.0 Styrene ................. ND 10.0 Carbon Tetrachloride .... ND 20.0 Total Xylenes ........... ND 10.0 Vinyl Acetate ........... ND 125.0 o-dlchlorobenzene ...... ND 10.0 Bromodichloromethane .... ND 20.0 m-dichlorobenzene ........ ND 10.0 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 20.0 p-dichlorobenzene ........ ND 10.0 1,2-Dichloropropane ..... ND 20.0 Sample DLR = DLR x DLR Multiplier, DLR Multiplier = 1 D~: ~T, ec~on L~C ~or ~e Purpoe~ of ~g. ~ce~c~o~l lampll con~C~l ~ ~Cr~ ND: Nome DeT~CC~ --: Not Analyze~ Cynthia Pigman, QA/QC Supervisor Jeff~y Creager, Organics Manager R910909 824~.T  1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, California 93706 Telephone (209) 485-8310 -- I .~..II~)RAI~)I,tlt S FAX (209) 485-6935 I I I 1-800-877-8310 BSK-Bakersfield Date Sampled : 04/09/93 John Alippi Time Sampled : 1015 Date Received : 04/12/93 Report Issue Date: 05/12/93. Case Number : Ch931114 Lab ID Number : 1114 Sample Type: SOLID Project Number : B93086 Sample Description: S-1 bottom of clarifier California Assessment Manual Analyses for Soluble Metals (WET) Results Reported in Milligrams per Liter (mg/L) in Leachate Constituent Results DLR Barium (Be) ................ 4.9 0.2 Cadmium (Cd) ............... 0.86 0.05 Copper (Cu) ................ O. 8 0.2 Lead (Pb} .................. 11 0.2 Cynthia Pigman, QA/QC Supervisor Doug ~eas~, ~nor~anics Manager R920729 CAMWET I 1414 Stanislaus  Fresno, California 93706 Telephone (209) 485-8310 I .'~.lii ~KAI, ~1~:11 ~, FAX (209) 485-6935 1-800-877-8310 BSK-Bakersfield Date Sampled : 04/09/93 John Alippi Time Sampled : 1015 Date Received : 04/12/93 __ Report Issue Date: 04/22/93 Case Number : Ch930966 Lab ID Number : 0966-1 Sample Type: SOLID Project Number : B93086 Sample Description: S-1 bottom of clarifier California Assessment Manual {CAM) Analyses For Total Metals Results Reported in Milligram per Kilogram (mg/kg) as Received Constituent Results i DLR Antimony (Sb) .............. ND 10 Arsenic (As) ............... 4 1 Barium (Ba) ................ 560 5 Beryllium (Be) ............. ND 1 Cadmium (Cd) ............... 32 1 Chromium (Ct) .............. 35 5 Cobalt (Co) ................ 14 5 Copper (Cu) ................ 740 5 Lead (Pb) .................. 250 2 Mercury (Hg) ............... 0.1 0.1 Molybdenum (Mo) ............ 7 5 Nickel (NJ) ................ 15 5 Selenium (Se) .............. ND 1 Silver (Ag) ................ 4 1 Thallium (T1) .............. ND 1 Vanadium (V) ............... 15 1 Zinc (Zn) .................. 460 5 ~y r~ul~ ~ hight deC,ion li~. ~: None --: NO% Cynthia P~n, QI~/QC Supervisor Doug ~e~s~, l~norg~nics Manager R920908 CAM~. T Chenl Name Project or RO.~ Analogs r~uired ~ Use Only ~dress Phone 8 in this City, State, Zip Re~d, attention Sampled by Date T~me sampled sampled Sample de~ri~n Remar~ IMPORTANT NOTICE: No samples will be analyzed without an authorized signature in this section. I am hereby requesting BSK's Normal Chain-el-Custody Procedures lot Ihe above samples. I understand that ~ I am hereDy requesting BSK's Formal Chain-ol-Cuslody Procedures Ior the above samples. I understand that these procedures are generally consistent with those oullined in the U.S.E.RA. SVV 846 and Ihal there is noI Ihese procedures are generally consistent wilh those outlined in U.S. EPA Contract Laborato~ Program Stata- extra charge lot this ~erv~ce. '~ ,--~"~'~'" ~'/ greater.ment of Work, Section F, and Ihal Were is a charge of $50.00 per work order or $5.00 a bottle, whichever is ~ - Aut~ Authorized Signature zed ~tureBy: Signature ~ Print Name Company Dale Time Received by /'"'" Relinquished by Received by ('-'~-- KEY: Type: AQ-Aqueous SL-Sludge SO-Soil PE-Petroleum eT--Other & Associates Chemical Laboratories DISTRIBUTION: WHITE, CANARY - LABORATORY PINK - ORIGINATOR Note: 14t4 Stanislaus Slreet Fresno, California 93206 Samples are discarded 14 days alter results are reported unless other arrangements are made. Hazardous samples will be returned to chent or disposed of at client e~pense. ~ '[ulul)l.)~u (2[)9l 4ttS-U'tlO · Fax (209) 41t5-7427 BSK-Bakersfield Date Sampled : 08/27/93 John Alippi Time Sampled : 1320 Date Received : 08/30/93 Report Issue Date: 09/14/93 Case Number : Ch932291 Lab ID Number : 2291-1 Sample Type: SOLID Project Number : B93086 Sample Description: S-1 B-6 @ 7' 3315 Pierce Road California Assessment Manual Analyses for Soluble Metals (WET) Results Reported in Milligrams per Liter (mg/L) in Leachate Method No. Constituent Results DLR EPA 6010 Lead (Pb) .................. ND 0.2 Cynthia~ Pi~llan, QA/QC Supervisor / 'Inorganics Manager R930909 ~ BSK-Bakersfield Date Sampled : 08/27/93 John Alippi Time Sampled : 1340 Date Received : 08/30/93 Report Issue Date: 09/14/93 Case Number : Ch932291 Lab ID Number : 2291-2 Sample Type: SOLID Project Number : B93086 Sample Description: S-2 B-6 @ 11' 3315 Pierce Road California Assessment Manual Analyses for Soluble Metals (WET) Results Reported in Milligrams per Liter (mg/L) in Leachate Method No. Constituent IResults DLR EPA 6010 Lead (Pb) .................. I ND 0.2 L~a-c~a~e: 0.45~m f~l~ra:e of ~ as per DOHS Was~ ~x~ra~c~on ~08~: Cynthia ,j~gman, QA/QC Supervisor anics Manager · R930909 ~ BSK-Bakersfield Date Sampled : 08/27/93 John Alippi Time Sampled : 1230 Date Received : 08/30/93 Report Issue Date: 09/14/93 Case Number : Ch932291 Lab ID Number : 2291-3 Sample Type: SOLID Project Number : B93086 Sample Description: S-3 B-5 @ 7.5' 3315 Pierce Road California Assessment Nanual Analyses for Soluble Metals (WET) Results Reported in Milligrams per Liter (mg/L) in Leachate Method No. Constituent Results DLR EPA 6010 Lead (Pb) .................. ND 0.2 ND: None De~ac~ed DLR: De~c:ion Liml: for ~he Purposes of Reporting. --: NO~ Analyzed Excep%lanal sample c~dl~,.~on,~ m: ~r~ ~f~m Leac~a~: 0.45~m gtl~ra:e o£ WE~ am per DOg." Waste ~x~rac=lon Te8~ Cynthia F~man, QA/QC Supervisor lnorganics Manager R93Dg09 CA~ET BSK-Bakersfield Date Sampled = 08/27/93 John Alippi Time Sampled = 1240 Date Received = 08/30/93 Regort Issue Dates 09/14/93 Case Number = Ch932291 Lab ID Number = 2291-4 Samgle Types SOLID Project Number = B93086 'Samgle Descrigtion= S-4 B-5 @ 11.5' 3315 Pierce Road California Assessment Kanual Analyses for Soluble Metals {WET) Results Regorted in Milligrams per Liter (mg/L) in Leachate EPA 6010 ILead (Pb) .................. ND 0.2 None I)ataor, ed DLR: Der~tion Limit for the Purposes of Reporting. Not Analyzed ~cap~to~al sample coa~ttiona or matrix may ramult in higher dete~tio~ Leac~ate~ 0.45~m filtrate of WET as per DOHS Waste Extraction Test Cynthia ~i~gman, QA/QC Supervisor Inor Manager _ _.R930909 ~ BSK-Bakersfield Date Sampled : 08/27/93 John Alippi Time Sampled : 1115 Date Received : 08/30/93 Report Issue Date: 09/14/93 Case Number : Ch932291 Lab ID Number : 2291-5 Sample Type: SOLID Project Number : B93086 Sample Description: S-7 B-3 @ 4.0' 3315 Pierce Road California Assessment Manual Analyses for Soluble Metals (WET} Results Reported in Milligrams per Liter (mg/L) in Leachate Method No. Constituent, IResults ] DLR EPA 6010 Lead (Pb) .................. I ND I 0.2 Leaclmte: 0.45Mm filtrate of WE~ a8 per DOH~ Waste Extraction Test -- R930909 ~ BSK-Bakersfield Date Sampled = 08/27/93 John Alippi Time Sampled = 1120 Date Received = 08/30/93 Report Issue Date= 09/14/93 Case Number = Ch932291 Lab ID Number = 2291-6 Sample Ty~e= SOLID Project Number = B93086 'Sample Description= S-8 B-3 @ 8.0' 3315 Pierce Road California Assessment Manual Analyses for Soluble Metals (WET) Results Reported in Milligrams per Liter (mg/L) in Leachate Method No. I¢°nstieue"t I~esu~e~ D~ EPA 6010 ILead (Pb) .................. ND 0.2 ND~ None Detected DI/~: Detection Limit for t~e Pur~osee of ~y result in ~g~ det~t~ 1~t8. ~ac~: 0.45Bm ~il~ate of ~ aa ~= ~ W~ ~actioQ Cynthia ,P an, QA/QC Supervisor ganics Manager R930909 ~ t/ '" BSK-Bakersfield Date Sampled : 08/27/93 John Alippi Time Sampled : 1045 Date Received : 08/30/93 Report Issue Date: 09/14/93 Case Number : Ch932291 Lab ID Number : 2291-7 Sample Type: SOLID Project Number : B93086 Sample Description: S-9 B-2 @ 4.0' 3315 Pierce Road California Assessment Manual Analyses for Soluble Metals (WET) Results Reported in Milligrams per Liter (mg/L) in Leachate Method No. Constituent Results DLR EPA 6010 Lead (Pb) .................. ND 0.2 Leac~ar~: 0.45Bm filtrate of WET as per DOBS Waste Ex~rac:lon Tes: Cynthia Pi~an, QA/QC Supervisor organics Manager 9930909 ~ BSK-Bakersfield Date Sampled : 08/27/93 John Alippi Time Sampled .- 1050 Date Received .' 08/30/93 Report Issue Date: 09/14/93 Case Number : Ch932291 Lab ID Number : 2291-8 Sample Type: SOLID Project Number : B93086 Sample Description: S-10 B-2 @ 8.0' 3315 Pierce Road California Assessment Manual Analyses for Soluble Metals (WET) Results Reported in Milligrams per Liter (mg/L) in Leachate EPA 6010 Lead (Pb) .................. 0.2 ND: None Del:ecl:sd DLR: Det.~ct.t.on Limit for ~:he Purposes of --: Not Analyzed ~xceptional sample conditions or maC=Ix ~n~erferences may resul= in h/gher de~ec~on lim~=s. Leacha~ 0.45~m fllt. ra~e of WET ae per DO~ waste Ex~racl:~on Tee1: Cynthia Pi~an, QA/QC Supervisor &norganics Manager R930909 CA~ET BSK-Bakersfield Date Sampled : 08/27/93 John Alippi Time Sampled : 1040 Date Received : 08/30/93 Report Issue Date: 09/14/93 Case Number : Ch932291 Lab ID Number : 2291-9 Sample Type: SOLID Project Number : B93086 Sample Description: S-11 B-1 @ 4.0' 3315 Pierce Road California Assessment Manual Analyses for Soluble Metals (WET) Results Reported in Milligrams per Liter (mg/L) in' Leachate Method No. Constituent Results DLR EPA 6010 Lead (Pb) .................. ND 0.2 ND: None Detected DLR: Det~ction Limit for the Purposes of P~or~ing. --: Not Analyzed Exceptional sample conditions or matrix i~rferences Leachate.' 0.45#m filtrate of W~ as per DOg-~ Waste Extraction Test Cynthia Pie. an, QA/QC Supervisor Inorganics Manager R930909 CAMWET BSK-Bakersfield Date Sampled : 08/27/93 John Alippi Time Sampled : 1400 Date Received : 08/30/93 Report Issue Date: 09/14/93 Case Number : Ch932291 Lab ID Number : 2291-10 Sample Type: SOLID Project Number : B93086 Sample Description: S-15 B-7 @ 10' 3315 Pierce Road California Assessment Manual Analyses for Soluble Metals (WET) Results Reported in Milligrams per Liter (mg/L) in Leachate Method No. I Constituent IResults DLR EPA 6010 ILead (Pb) .................. ND 0.2 ND: None Detacted DLR; Detect,on L~mtt fo= the Purposes of Reporting. --.. Not Analyzed Excepttona! sample conditions or mat=lx tntarfexences may result in h/gher detec~:/on 11mits. Leac~ate: 0.45~m f~l~rate of W~T as per DOg-~ Waste Ex~ract~on Inorganlcs Manager Cynthia Pig~d, QA/QC Supervisor ' ' R930909 ., ,OOu- 4Sc6 Client Name ~ Project or RO.t ' " - .: o. ~dress /' ' ~ne~ -- - - ~ inthis ~t / / / / / / _~.~/.~ ~.~..2c~ ~ ~ ~ Dale Time ~ /) ~ i~/~,~ Numar ~ Sample sampled sampled ~e ~y ~ ~ - . ~ ~ ~ple~ ~a~ ~) .~p~ d~i~n ~n~n~ ~r {~ · ~1~)~ Remar~ ./~.'/) _~ ~ _~-_~ ~-~ ~ /J ' / ' $~.f' X ~., ./~ ~,.~' ~_ ~ '/~. ~ ~ //. _~ I ~ q. /~ ~) ~.'~ ~'./~ _' _ ... ,~ ~ ~'~:' ~. ~' ~ ,~ ~'~ ,'¥~ ~ ' IMPO~A~T ~OTICJ: ~o J~pl~J will ~ J~l~z~d ~ilhoul ~ ~ulhodzed Ji~lum I~ I~i~ J~aion. I am hereby r~uesling BSK's Normal Chain~l~s~y P~ures lot the ~ ~ple& I und~d thai I ~ h~Jy r~uJng BSK'I B~M C~indCuslNy P~uI~ ~ ~e Ihese pr~edums are generally ~nslstent wilh Ihose oulllned in ~e U.S.E.R~=~ ~ ~d ~ Ih~e is no Ihe~ ~ur~ ~e genem~y ~nt wi~ t~ ~llined in U.~ EPA ~a~ exlCa charge lot Ibis ~ic~ By: ,/~ ,/~.~ '" ///"~ gre~er.menl ~ ~, S~on ~ a~ thai there is a ch~ge M $~,~ ~ ~ ~der ~lh~ized ~lh~N Slgnalae Signature Print N~e ~m~y n~t- ~,. b~ R~eived by ..... Reli~uish~ by ., R~eiv~ by R~eived~ / '7 · ~ J~ -- KE~ ~: ~s SL-Sludge ~il PE-~eum ~ther BSK Seals: P-Present A~nl ~Bm~n & Assodates Ehemi~al Laboratories DI~RIBUTION: WHITE. ~NARY - ~RY PINK - ORIGINA~R ~ · Note: 1414 Slanislaus Street Fresno, Eali~omia 93706 S~ples me d~d~ 14 da~ a~er r~ ~e m~ unle~ ~h~ ~mena ~e m~e. ~ H~dous ~pl~ will be return~ ~ client ~ dis~ ol at client ~ % Celephone (2091 4~5-8310 · Fax {209) 485-7427 aSK . V.,{ ANALYSIS REQUEST/CHAIN OF CUtiTODY RECORD ~-~ Client Name Project or P.O.# Address ,. .... . . c.-~ Lab Uae Only t Numbe~' I~ab Sample ~ampled 8am¢led ~ ~Y . ~ ' -- ~, ~) ar~ - IMPO~ANT NOTICE: No samples will be ~alyzed wllhoul an authorized sign~ure in Ihis s~ion. these pr~edure8 ~e generally consislenl wi~ tho~ ou8in~ in the U.~ ERA. ~ ~ ~.lh~ ~em Is ~ . Ihe~ ~ure~ ~e gener~ ~n~ wilh ~ oullined In U& EPA ~nl~ ~1o~ P~r~ ~tra charge I~ Ibis se~ice. ,/ . . / mere ~ ~, S~on F, ~d Ih~ ~ere ~ a c~e of ~ ~r ~ ordm or Signature Prinl N~e ~m~y Reli~uish~ by Receiv~ by Relinquished by I /" ' ] Seals: P-Pr~ ~ ~Bro~n & Associa{es Chemical Laboratories DI~RIBUTION: WHITE, ~NARY - ~BO~ PINK - ORIGIN~R ~ Note; ~, IJ14 Sl~ni~laus Slreut Fresno, California 9]706 Samp~s ~e d~d~ 14 da~ a~er r~u~ me re~ unle~ ~h~ mr~gemen~ ~e m~ H~ardous ~pl~ will ~ relurn~ to ctienl ~ ~ ol al client -- ~'relephone (209) 485-B~10 · Fax (209} 485-7427 APPENDIX C FIELD S~IPLENG AND TESTING PROCEDURES & Associates APPENDIX C FIELD SAMPLING AND TESTING PROCEDURES TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION ............................................ 1 SOIL SAMPLING ........................................... 1 Exploratory Boring Locations ................................. 1 Soil Sampling Me~hods .................................... ! Equipment Decontamination ................................. 2 Soil Cuttings Disposition ................................... 2 Field Logs/Documentation .................................. 2 LABORATORY TESTING ...................................... 3 Laboratory Analyses ...................................... 3 Laboratory Quality Control .................................. 3 ' BSK JOB B93086 - September 28, 1993 & Associates APPENDIX C FIELD SAx¥[PLING AND TESTING PROCEDURES INTRODUCTION This appendix presents soil sampling and analytical procedures utilized for a site assessment to assess the presence and extent of soluble lead in soil beneath an existing shallow disposal well system at 3315 Pierce Road in Bakersfield, California. Field and laboratory investigations were conducted in accordance with the project workplan and the procedures described below. SOIL SAMPLING Exploratory Boring Locations Exploratory soil borings were drilled at the locations described in the project work'plan. Prior to drilling in paved areas, concrete pavement was removed by coring. Undisturbed soil samples were obtained at each boring location at depths of one to two feet and at five feet below the bottom of the clarifiers and below the invert elevation of the leach line. Soil Sampling Methods A BSK geologist was on site to coordinate the work, to take custody of the soil samples, and to log the soil types encountered during boring operations. Soil types were visually described in accordance with the Unified Soils Classification System and noted on boring logs with penetration blow counts and other pertinent data. BSK JOB 893086 - September 28, 1993 & Associates Appendix C - Field Sampling Procedures Page 2 Drilling was performed using a truck-mounted drill rig equipped with hollow-stem augers. Soil samples were collected with a California split spoon sampler lined with stainless steel tubes and driven through the center of the hollow-stem auger. The lowermost sample tube collected in the split spoon sampler was retained for chemical analyses. Ends of the sample tubes were sealed with Teflon film, covered with plastic caps, labeled, and sealed with a waterproof tape with non-petroleum adhesive. Samples were identified by project number, sample number, date and time of sampling, sampling personnel name, and requested analyses. Soil samples were stored in an ice chest maintained at or near a temperature of 4°C and shipped to BSK's California Department of Health Services Certified laboratory in Fresno, California. Samples were accompanied by a chain-of-custody form. Chain-of-custody documentation included sampler's name, sample identification information, requested analyses, and times and dates of custody transfers. Equipment Decontamination Drill bits, auger flights, and other ancillary drilling and sampling equipment were cleaned with a high pressure hot water washer prior to drilling and between each boring location. Between soil sampling events, samplers were disassembled and washed in a solution of laboratory grade detergent, rinsed with clean water, and reassembled with clean sample tubes to minimize the potential for cross contamination between sampling events. Decontamination methods and equipment used were documented by the field geologist. Soil Cuttings Disposition Soil cuttings generated during boring operations were used to backfill the boreholes, upon completion of each boring. Spent soil samples from laboratory analyses were retained for a period of 30 days from the date of analysis and were disposed of in accordance with applicable state and federal regulations after that time period. Field Logs/Documentation Soil sampling operations, site and equipment conditions, variances from specified sampling procedures, field observations, instrument readings and measurements, equipment and personnel BSK JOB B93086 - September 28, 1993 & Associates Appendix C - Field Sampling aa~Testing Procedures Page 3 decontamination procedures, and soil sampling depths and locations were documented by the field geologist on prepared BSK forms. These forms are retained in the project records. LABORATORY TESTING Laboratory Analyses Soil samples were analyzed for soluble lead by the California Waste Extraction Test (WET) method set forth in Cai. Code Regs.,tit. 3,§66261.126 Appendix II. Laboratory Quality Control Internal quality control checks used by the analytical laboratory to validate data included the following: Calibration Check Standard - A calibration check standard containing all of the analytes to be measured, internal standard, and surrogates was performed at the beginning of each day. Instrument Performance Criteria Instrument performance criteria was demonstrated every 12 hours in conformance with performance criteria defined in EPA methods. Matrix Spike - Matrix spikes to measure analytical accuracy were analyzed at a rate of one for every ten samples analyzed. If calculated spike recoveries did not fall within acceptable ranges, corrective action was taken before further analyses was performed. Analysis of Duplicate Samples - Duplicate samples were analyzed at a rate of one for every ten samples analyzed to measure analytical precision. Control Charts - Control charts prepared for each parameter determined by a method were supplied to each laboratory analyst to assess whether recoveries were within acceptable limits. Internal Standards - A known concentration of internal standard was added to every standard, blank, and sample which was analyzed for organic parameters to compensate for minor fluctuations in instrument response. Surrogate Standards - Samples were spiked with a surrogate closely related to the compound of interest before sample preparation. BSK JOB 893086 - September 28, I993 & Associates APPENDIX D WASTE DISPOSAL DOCUMENTATION & Associates Fo,~, Ap~,o..d o~8 ~o. 20~0-0039 (E.~.~ 9-30-94) · S~nstructions. on back of page 6. ~se p~m~ or ~. F~m des~d for u~ on el;re (12~it~ ~ewrde~. ~ S~ram~lo, Cali~or~a ~ L ~c~or's US EPA ID No. Manifes~ ~,~ 2. Page I Informmi~ in ~e shaded areas UNIFORM HAZARDOUS ~ ~.. :~' ~- ~.- . is not re uired b Federal law 3. Ge~rator's Name and Mailing Address ~ ~a · ~.. ~t ~.~/I .... ). 'A~ StYe ~ O~m~t Numar ......... ..... 5~ TranSfer I Com~ny Name ~ 6. US EPA ID Num~ ~S~ Tr~s D,': 'I~1 ~/... 7. TrQns~er 2'Co~ny-NQm''' 8. US EPA ID Numar 'E.:StM~Jr~/i..l~R~/t;'['~~, 9. Oesignoted Fociti~ Nam Qnd Sile kddres 10. US EPA ID Numar ~ ~ S~ ~'~0~, ':t~' 'z~:~ ?~,'.?~:~:?~ ,.,..,..,,,',,,,.'. IJ ...... ' ........... ' .... ' ........ 2 t 1. US ~T De~ript~n (i~lu~ing Pm~r ~ipping Name, Hazard d~s. a~ ID ~m~t) ~ ,~ ...... ~:~i....~., u~ .~ .~t.: ., ......... ~:. ,~,,~.~,, E v :~.' ~. Additional ~ripl~ns tar M~eHals Lis~d A~ H lng C~d tar Was~:Ust~ - ~l~-~Z, OtZ f~ st.~30~..F~t~ ~t44/>'I~-~;.::':'"'"': o.~' ~.' ~ ~. .... '~ :"' ...... ....... ,:~. ....... : .....-:~ .... .. . . . ... : .. .... ,. _. - · .:,.,::..'.'" . ;:.~ '~'- . ;. ~ ~ · ..:; ~-'-,,:;;:. ' ~.' :.:':' .: .,:~.'~:~: .... "',:, 7 ', .~.; ,:'r:? ,. r ~ .... : .~.., .' t ' 4..9 ~ · ."-' - 16. G~NERATOR'S CERTIH~TION: I hereby ~re *ha* ~e con~ at ~e c~dgnmen* am ful~ and accurately d~cri~d o~ by pro~e shiDp~g name and are clossiii~. p~ked, marked, and la,led, and are in all res~c~ in pro~ c~d~ ~or tran~ by hlghw~ accordi~ fo appl~ob~ federal, state and inierno~nal laws. If I am a large qua~ g~r~oe. I ce~ ~ I h~ a pr~eam in pl~e ~o reduce ~e ~lume and foxici~ of wo~e economical~ pra~cable and that I ha~ ~d ~e pr~able m~ o{ ~ent. storage, or dis~l curr~t~ a~ila~le to fhr~ to human h~lfh and ~e enviro~t; OR. i{ I am a s~ll quan~ g~ofoe. I h~e mode o go~ }ai~ effo~ ~o minimize waste managem~f me~od ~at is a~ilable *o me and ~a* I can at'ord. : Printed/Typed Name Si~mre .t : . . · i./,- ~ ~ . I i, "~ (~' :"~ ; 7' ! ; ,' '. , .< ~:~ . ,. · t 17. Transpo~er I Acknowledgement of R~eipt of Minerals ; i I 20. Facili~ Owner or Operator Ce~ficoti~ of receipt of hazard.s m~erials co.red by this manifest except as noted in It~.'lg. .... ..~ '?. , DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE. ..~ ' · DTSC 8022A EPA 87~22 '. Greem HAULE~ RETAINS cenifl~, who i~ a r~n~ aumoriH of accumw, ~ pr~ ~ Chapt~ 7 (~m~ng' w~ ~ 127~) of D~on 5 of.~ Agflcu~r~ BSK JOB B93086 SITE ASSESSMENT WORKPLAN AND HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN CULLEN PROPERTY - EMO 50566 3315 PIERCE ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA & Associates 17 "V" Street Bakersfield, CA 93304 (805) 327-0671 (805) 324-4218 FAX & Associates August 12, 1993 BSK JOB B93086 Mr. and Mrs. John Alippi 5904 Cypress Point Drive Bakersfield, California 93309 SUBJECT: Site Assessment Workplan Cullen Property - EMO 50566 3315 Pierce Road Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. and Mrs. Alippi: BSK & Associates is pleased to present this workplan for the above-referenced project. It will be your responsibility to transmit a copy of the workplan to Ms. Flora Darling of the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department for approval prior to commencement of our field investigation. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. If you have questions regarding this workplan, please contact our Bakersfield office. ...~ .~t i ~ o~.q,~-~4,~,~n Respectfully submitted, ,..*~x5~- -'~xX-,? BSK & Associates ~~~a'a' ~)Pr°jec~Manage5 ~ ! ~ ~v~ o. [,~ SANDERSON, Sanderson, Ph.D. Registered Geologist No. 4514 BMB/IDS:ds Distribution: Client (2 copies) TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION ................................................. 1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE ........................................... 1 BACKGROUND INFORMATION ...................................... 2 Project Location ............................................ 2 Site Description ............................................. 2 Site History ................................................ 3 Site Geology and Hydrology .................................... 3 Project History .............................................. 3 TECHNICAL WORKPLAN .......................................... 4 Liquid and Sludge Removal .................................... 5 Laboratory Investigation ....................................... 6 Site Assessment Report ....................................... 6 Project Schedule ............................................ 6 LIMITATIONS ................................................... 6 TABLES Table 1 ............. Business Occupant History Table 2 ............. Results of Liquid Analyses Table 3 ............. Results of Sludge Analyses Table 4 ............. Project Schedule FIGURES Figure 1 ............ Vicinity Map Figure 2 ............ Site Plan Figure 3 ............ Proposed Boring Locations Figure 4 ............ Hospital Location Map APPENDICES Appendix A .......... Laboratory Results Appendix B .......... Field Sampling and Testing Procedures Appendix C .......... Health and Safety Plan BSK Job B93086 - August 12, 1993 & Associate_- SITE ASSESSMENT WORKPLAN AND HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN CULLEN PROPER'FY - EMO 50566 3315 PIERCE ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA INTRODUCTION This report presents a Workplan and Health and Safety Plan for a proposed site assessment to characterize the soils beneath an existing shallow disposal well at 3315 Pierce Road in Bakersfield, California. Preparation of this workplan was authorized by Mr. and Mrs. John Alippi on August 3~ 1993. Contents of this workplan include purpose and scope, background information, and a technical approach of our proposed field and laboratory investigations. Three report appendices contain Analytical Results (Appendix A), Field Sampling and Testing Procedures (Appendix B) and a Health and Safety Plan (Appendix C). PURPOSE AND SCOPE Purpose of this workplan is to provide the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department (KCEHSD) with a description of the methodology and technical procedures to be utilized by BSK and Associates (BSK) during the proposed site assessment. Scope of BSK's work includes preparation of this workplan and health and safety plan, a field investigation consisting of sampling the soils beneath the existing clarifiers and leach line, analytical testing of soil samples for soluble metals, and preparation of a site assessment report. BSK Job B93086 - August 12, 1993 & Associate_, Workplan and Health and Safe~lan - Cullen Property - EMO 50566 Page 2 - During preparation of this workplan the following tasks were performed: o A meeting was conducted on August 5, 1993 between Mr. and Mrs. John Alippi and BSK to obtain project information and discuss technical work scope alternatives. o Ms. Flora Darling of KCEHSD was contacted by BSK on August 9, 1993 to discuss sampling and testing parameters. o This Workplan and Health and Safety Plan was prepared. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Project Location The project site is located at 3315 Pierce Road in the City of Bakersfield, Kern County, California. The site is situated east of State Route 99 and north of State Route 178 and is bounded by Pierce Road on the east, by State Route 99 on the west, and by industrial development on the north and south. The site is within Section 23, Township 29 South, Range 27 East, Mount Diablo Baseline and Meridian (see Vicinity Map, Figure 1). Site Description The site is level, paved with asphaltic and Portland cement concrete, and enclosed with chain link fencing. There are three structures on the site. A 4,300 square foot metal warehouse building is located in the northeast portion of the site. The warehouse was vacant at the time of BSK's site reconnaissance on August 5, 1993. Other structures include a metal storage shed located near the northwest corner of the property and a wood-frame garage near the southeast ~ee well~ ro er at, r corner of the p p ty.~___A__w _ well is located at the northwest property corner. _is~ ~use and appears to be capped. The site is within the service area of California Water Service Company. Sanitary sewage generated from site operations is discharged into a septic system located on the north side of the warehouse building. The septic system is not connected to the shallow injection well (see Figure 2). The shallow injection well (system) is located behind the northwest corner of the warehouse building. The system consists of a two-stage subsurface clarifier system connected to a 4-inch BSK Job B93086 - August 12, 1993 & Associates Workplan and Health and Safe'lan - Cullen Property - EMO 50566 Page 3 diameter cast iron horizontal discharge pipe. The discharge pipe is buried approximately 3 feet below grade and extends for a distance of approximately 25 feet westward along the north property line. The discharge line is connected to a 4-inch diameter Orangeberg pipe leach line which extends southward for a distance of approximately 90 feet. At the time of our site reconnaissance both clarifiers contained standing water. Site History Information concerning the site history was obtained from our interview with the property owner, a review of the City Directories at the Kern County Library, and of historical aerial photographs of the site. The site was used for agricultural purposes from sometime during the 1930's until 1955. Review of an aerial photograph dated 1937 depicted the site as a small vineyard with what appears' to be a single family residence located in the southeast portion of the site. The warehouse structure was constructed on the site sometime during 1955 and has been utilized by various types of businesses since that time. Businesses that have occupied the site since 1955 are presented in Table 1. Site Geology and Hydrology The site is located within the San ]oaquin Valley of the Great Valley geomorphic province of California. Near-surface site soils consist of sand and sandy silt, Quaternary alluvial deposits of the Kern River which is located approximately one-half mile east of the site. Water well information obtained from California Water Service Company indicates that first encountered groundwater occurs in unconfined aquifer conditions at a depth of approximately 125 feet in the vicinity of the site. x~.~. ~ Project History KCEHSD in conjunction with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region IX, is concerned that disposal of industrial wastewater into shallow injection well systems has the potential to degrade the water quality of the unconfined aquifer which underlies the city and BSK Job B93086 - August 12, 1993 & Associates Work'plan and Health and Safety Plan - Cullen Property - EMO 50566 Page 4 - serves as the primary source of drinking water for the community. Because industrial waste streams commonly consist of organic and inorganic compounds, KCEHSD has required that owners of property known to be equipped with these types of systems demonstrate that the soil beneath the system components has not been impacted by organic and inorganic constituents. The property owners were notified by KCEHSD on March 23, 1993 that, as owners of a · property known to be the site of a shallow injection well system, that they must obtain sludge and liquid samples from the system and analyze the samples for specified organic and inorganic compounds. The property owners retained the services of BSK to conduct a preliminary sampling and testing investigation (preliminary investigation). BSK obtained liquid and sludge samples from the clarifiers on April 9, 1993 under the direction of Mr. Terry Gray of KCEHSD. The samples were analyzed by BSK Analytical Laboratories f~ compounds, total petroleum hydrocarbons as__g_asoline and diesel, to.....~ recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons, and CCR Title 22 Metals. In addition, a California Waste Extraction Test (WET) was performed for barium, cadmium, copper, and lead to assess the soluble concentration of these metals. Analytical results of the preliminary testing are presented in Tables 2 and 3. Laboratory test results are presented in Appendix A. Based on results of the preliminary investigation, KCEHSD requested that the property owners conduct a site assessment study to assess the presence and/or extent of soluble lead in soils underlying the system. The property owner has requested BSK to prepare a workplan and conduct a site assessment. TECHNICAL WORKPLAN Upon approval of this work'plan by KCEHSD, BSK will conduct a field and laboratory investigation to assess the extent of soluble lead in subsurface soils at the location of the on-site system. Technical approach will consist of removing the existing liquid and sludge from the system, drilling exploratory soil borings, obtaining undisturbed soil samples, and analytical testing of soil samples for soluble lead. Descriptions of methodologies for each of these tasks BSK ;rob B93086 - August 12, 1993 & Associate_' Work'plan and Health and Safe~l~lan - Cullen Property - EMO 50566 Page 5 _ are presented in the following subsections. Detailed procedures for soil sampling and analytical testing are included in Appendix B. Liquid and Sludge Removal Prior to commencement of drilling and sampling, the liquid and sludge contained in the clarifiers will be removed. Because the sludge is known to contain concentrations of soluble lead exceeding the maximum allowable soluble threshold limit concentration (STLC) as determined by using the WET set forth in Cai. Code Regs.,tit.22,§66261.24(2)(A), liquid and sludge will be disposed of as hazardous waste. Material will be pumped into a vacuum truck and transported by a licensed hazardous material hauler to the DeMenno/Kerdoon Recycling Facility located in Compton, California. Prior to transport of the hazardous waste, the property owner will be assigned an EPA generator identification number and the material will be manifested as hazardous waste. It will be the responsibility of the property owner to obtain an EPA generator identification number and to sign all manifests. BSK will not be responsible for the transport or disposal of hazardous materials generated as part of the investigation. Field Investigation The field investigation will consist of drilling exploratory borings and obtaining soil samples for analytical testing. A BSK geologist will be on site to coordinate the work, to take custody of the soil samples, and to log the soil types encountered during boring operations. Soil types will be described in accordance with the Unified Soils Classification System. Soil borings will be drilled adjacent to each clarifier and at 20-foot increments along the leach line to assess the presence and extent of soluble lead in the soil beneath the system components. Soil samples will be obtained at depths of one to two feet and at five feet beneath the invert elevations of the components. A soil sample will also be obtained at a depth of one to two feet at a location away from the system and tested for soluble lead to assess the background level of lead at the site. Concrete pavement in the area of the clarifiers will be removed by sawing BSK Job B93086 - August 12, 1993 & Associates Work'plan and Health and Safe~Plan - Cullen Property - EMO 50566 Page 6 - prior to drilling. It will be the responsibility of the property owner to repair the saw-cut areas. Proposed soil boring and sampling locations are shown on Figure 3. Laboratory Investigation Soil samples S-! and S-3 to be obtained from a depth of one to two feet beneath each clarifier and sample S-5 to be obtained at the fn'st location along the leach line will be tested for soluble lead using the WET method. If analytical results indicate levels of soluble lead below the method detection limit at these locations and depths, no further testing of soil samples will be performed and the results will be reported to KCEHSD. In the event that analytical results indicate detectable concentrations of soluble lead in the samples tested, further testing of the remaining soil samples will be performed to assess the presence and extent of soluble lead.. Site Assessment Report Upon completion of the field and laboratory phases of the investigation, a s~essment report will be prepared. The report will include a summary of the analytical data, boring logs, the extent of contamination (if present), a work'plan for additional site characterization (if necessary), and the proposed methodology for abandonment of the system if no significant contamination is found. Project Schedule It is anticipated that the field investigation would commence within one week after approval of this workplan by KCEHSD. Laboratory analysis of soil samples will require approximately ten working days from the time of submittal. A site assessment report will be submitted to the client approximately two weeks after receiving results of the soil analyses. The preliminary project schedule is presented in Table No. 4. LIMITATIONS The scope of work presented in this workplan is based on the assumption that site features and conditions do not deviate significantly from the information provided to BSK by the client. This workplan is presented with the understanding that it is the client's responsibility to transmit the BSK Job B93086 - August 12, 1993 & Associates Work'plan and Health and Safe~Plan - Cullen Property - EMO 50566 Page 7 information contained herein to the appropriate regulatory agency and property owner for approval prior to commencement of our investigation. It will be the responsibility of the client to identify existing underground systems and features prior to commencement of drilling operations. BSK will not be responsible for damage to subsurface features or to the environment resulting from our drilling at locations approved by the property owner. Execution of the scope of work outlined in this proposal may result in the generation of hazardous materials. BSK will not be responsible for the generation, manifestation, transportation, or disposal of hazardous materials. Hazardous materials generated by the work would remain the responsibility of the property owner. This workplan has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted engineering practices for the area, based on the guidelines of federal and local jurisdictions. This workplan has been prepared for the sole use of BSK and our client. No warranties, express or implied, are made. BSK & Associates BSK Job B95086 - August 12, 1993 & Associates 1955-1959 Valley Oil Tools Oil Service 1959-1960 Vacant 1960-1962 Pacific Intermountain Express Trucking 1962-1964 Bakersfield Picker Service Agricultural Equipment Maintenance 1964-1967 Cotton Belt Suppliers Agricultural Equipment Parts 1967-1969 Delta Spindle Co. of California Agricultural Equipment Parts 1969-1992 Warren Charles Diesel ElectricDiesel Engine Parts and Maintenance 1992-1993 Merchandise Exchange Company Wholesale Furniture Outlet Present Vacant Volatile Organic Compounds (tdL) ND TPH - Diesel (t~g/L) ND TPH - Gasoline (/~g/L) ND Hydrocarbon Oil & Grease (rog/L) 3 Abbreviations: ND = None detected /ag/L = Micrograms per liter (parts per billion) mg/L = Milligrams per liter (parts per million) & Associates Date. Sam led..:.Ap~.9~-:i993 Antimony ND Arsenic 4 Barium 560 4.9 100 Beryllium ND Cadmium 32 0.86 1.0 Chromium 35 Cobalt 14 Copper 740 0.8 80 Lead 250 11 5.0 Mercury 0.1 Molybdenum 7 Nickel 15 Selenium ND Silver 4 Thallium ND Vanadium 15 Zinc 460 Abbreviations: ND = None detected STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration (1) = EPA Method 6010, 7040 (2) = Waste Extraction Test (Cai. Code Regs.,tit.22,§66261.24(2)(A)) & Associates Submit Worlcplan for Agency Approval Field Investigation _ .. & Associates riSK JOB B93086 August 1993 . Figure 1 ~-' Primary Sch ~._ · - ~...._ ... , ....;.,..~.. -.~ . . . ._ -' ~ ~ --' o o' ' .... . .. / ,A'"' .,.'~ Vicinity Map Source: U.S.Geological Survey, 1977 3315 Pierce Road [ ~4j~ [, Oildale Quadrangle Bakersfield. California & Associates BSK JOB B93086 August 1993 well . _ ,~ Figure 2 ~ clarifiers ~ -house lshed concrete slab -- 0 25 50 Sierra Saw Scale in Feet x x .". ~" ~ '~ ~ ...... Site Plan '"~~ 3315 Pierce Road Gilmore Street Bakersfield, California 1~5'1 . BSK JOB B93086 ~, ..~,~ / August 1993 /'""i-"~ 5~c~)'-~' Figure 3 / s-~., _ ",, , ~s-~ ' ~., ' "'X ~ ~.clarifiers WARffilOtlS~ ' ~ S-7 o ~ . concrete slab S-10/ vmVuw^¥ 0 10 20 ! . Scale in Feet S-1 roposed Soil Sampling Location S-2 Proposed Soil Sampling Locations 3315 Pierce Road [~~ APPENDIX A ANALYTICAL RESULTS & Associates I III · \~ ',.I , I !~ .\1 1414 $lani~l~u~  Fresno, California Telephone (209) 485-8310 I ,\l:),)IL\lt ;1~11 'S FAX (209) 485-6935 I 1-800-877-8310 BSK-Bakersfield Date Sampled : NA John Al)ppi Time Sampled : 1015 Date Received : 04/12/93 Date of Analysis : 04/17/93 Report Issue Date: 04/22/93 Case Number : Ch930966 Lab ID Number : 0966-2 Sample Type: LIQUID Project Number : B93086 Sample Description: W-1 septic tank Volatile Organic Compounds By EPA Method 8240 Results Reported in Micrograms per Liter (ug/L) Compound Name Results DLR ICompound Name Results DLR Chloromethane ............ ND 40.0 trane 1,3-Dichloropropene ND 20.0 Bromomethane ............ ND 40.0 Trichloroethene ......... ND 20.0 Vinyl Chloride .......... ND 40.0 Dibromochloromethane ..... ND 10.0 Chloroethane ............ ND 40.0 !l,l,2-Trichloroethane ... ND 10.0 Methylene Chloride ...... ND 125.0 !Benzene ................. ND 10.0 Acetone ................. ND 125.0 cie 1,3-Dichloropropene.. ND 10.0 Carbon Disulfide ........ ND 40.0 Bromoform ................ ND 10.0 1,1-Dichloroethene ...... ND 20.0 2-Hexanone .............. ND 125.0 1,1-Dichloroethane ...... ND 20.0 4-Methyl-2-pentanone .... ND 125.0 trane 1,2-Dichloroethene. ND 20.0 Tetrachloroethene ....... ND 10.0 cie 1,2-Dichloroethene... ND 20.0 Toluene ................. ND 10.0 Chloroform ............... ND 20.0 Chlorobenzene ........... ND 10.0 1,2-Dichloroethane ...... ND 20.0 Ethyl Benzene ...; ....... ND 10.0 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ... ND 20.0 Styrene ................. ND 10.0 Carbon Tetrachloride .... ND 20.0 Total Xylenee ........... ND 10.0 Vinyl Acetate ........... ND 125.0 o-dichlorobenzene ...... ND 10.0 Bromodichloromethane .... ND 20.0 m-dichlorobenzene ........ ND 10.0 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 20.0 p-dichlorobenzene ........ ND 10.0 1,2-Dichloropropane ..... ND 20.0 Sample DLR = DLR x DLR Multiplier, DLR Multiplier = 1 DR= Detec~ion L~m/t for ~e ~: None Detect~ --: Not Analyzed Cynthia Pigman, QA/QC Supervisor Jeff 0~yCreager, ganics Manager )10909 82&OL.~ L': '1 ~ I!~ 1414 Stanislaus [ Fresno, California Telephone (209) 485-8310 I ',1;( :V,,',l, :1-,'11% FAX (209) 485-6935 1-800-877-8310 BSK-Bakersfield Date Sampled : NA John Alippi Time Sampled : 1015 Date Received : 04/12/93 Date of Analysis : 04/15/93 Report Issue Date: 04/22/93 Case Number : Ch930966 Lab ID Number : 0966-2 Sample Type: LIQUID Project Number : B93086 Sample Description: W-1 septic tank Analyses for TPH (Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons) as Diesel by Method DHS GC/FID. Results Reported in Micrograms per Liter (ug/L) Analyte Results I DLR TPH (D) .......... 400** I 50 Sample DLR = DLR x DLR Multiplier, DLR Multiplier DL~:Oet~t~on L.f. ml~ for t~e ~rposem of ~ng. ~y result in ~gh~ det~ 1~. Note: Visual examination of the TPH-Diesel chromatogram suggests that Diesel is not present in any significant amount. The materials that are present do not display chromatography characteristic of Diesel. Cynthia Pi~an, QA/QC Supervisor Jeff Creager, ~rganics Manager :920213 TP~:~L. C 1414 Stanislaus  Fresno, California Telephone (209) 485-8310 ~ ',~'? 'E.\I, .'~11 FAX (209) 485-6935 1-800-877-8310 BSK-Bakersfield Date Sampled : NA John Alippi Time Sampled : 1015 Date Received : 04/12/93 Date of Analysis : 04/12/93 Report Issue Date: 04/22/93 Case Number : Ch930966 Lab ID Number : 0966-2 Sample Type: LIQUID Project Number : B93086 Sample Description: W-1 septic tank Analyses for TPH (Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons) as Gasoline by Method DHS GC/FID. Results Reported in Micrograms per Liter (ug/L) Analyte Results DLR TPH(G) .......... ND 50 Sample DLR,= DLR x DLR Multiplier, DLR Multiplier O~: Dete~Cion Limit for the Pttrposee of Ralx~rt:[ng. · xcepC~tonal .~le e~d~t~one or ~tr~ ~n~rf~cea uy result in ~gh~ deC~C~on ~: None Cynthia P Supervisor Jeffr Organics Manager {910909 T~I:IG~r.,. ~ 1414 Stanisiaus Fresno, California Telephone (209) 485-8310 FAX (209) 485-6935 1-800-877-8310 BSK-Bakersfield Date Sampled : NA John Alippi Time Sampled : 1015 Date Received : 04/12/93 Date of Analysis : 04/14/93 Report Issue Date: 04/22/93 Case Number : Ch930966 Lab ID Number : 0966-2 Sample Type: LIQUID Project Number : B93086 Sample Description: W-1 septic tank Analyses for Hydrocarbon Oil & Grease by EPA Method 418.1 Results Reported in Milligram per Liter (mg/L) Analyte Results DLR Hydrocarbon Oil and Grease 3 1 Sample DLR = DLR x DLR Multiplier, DLR Multiplier = OLR: De~cC~on L~.m.t~ for 'the Purposee of l~porC~.ng. Exceptional sample cond~tonl or ma~x ~nt~:ferences may resul~ ~n higher detect,on --1 No~ Analyzed Cynthia ~i,~n, QA/QC Supervisor Jeffrey Creager, Organics Manager · t920302 CX~BL  1414 Stanislaus Fresno, California Telephone (209) 485-8310 .1:( ~l,:'..l~ ~:ll FAX (209) 485-6935 I L 1-800-877-8310 BSK-Bakersfield Date Sampled : 04/09/93 John Alippi Time Sampled : 1015 Date Received : 04/12/93 Report Issue Date: 04/22/93 Case Number : Ch930966 Lab ID Number : 0966-1 Sample Type: SOLID Project Number : B93086 Sample Description: S-1 bottom of clarifier California Assessment Manual (CAM) . Analyses For Total Metals Results Reported in Milligram per Kilogram (mg/kg) as Received Constituent Results DLR Antimony (Sb) .............. ND 10 Arsenic (As) ............... 4 1 Barium (Ba) ................ 560 5 Beryllium (Be) ............. ND 1 Cadmium (Cd) ............... 32 1 Chromium (Ct) .............. 35 5 Cobalt (Co) ................ 14 5 Copper (Cu) ................ 740 5 Lead (Pb) .................. 250 2 Mercury (Hg) ............... 0.1 0.1 Molybdenum (Mo) ............ 7 5 Nickel (NJ) ................ 15 5 Selenium (Se) .............. ND 1 Silver (Ag) ................ 4 1 Thallium (T1) .............. ND 1 Vanadium (V) ............... 15 1 Zinc (Zn) .................. 460 5 DLR: Detection Limit for the Purposes of Re~r=~ng. Exceptional s~ple ~nd~Cio~ or ~ ~nt~ferencee ~y resul~ ~: None --: Not ~alyz~ Cynthia P /QC Supervisor Doug [~eas~, fnor~niC8 Manager 920908 ~.T 1414 Stanisl~us strge Fresno, California ' Telephone (209) 48S-$3 FAX (209) 485-6935 ! -800-877-8310 BSK-Bakersfield Date Sampled : 04/09/93 John Alippi Time Sampled : 1015 Date Received : 04/12/93 Report Issue Date: 05/12/93 Case Number : Ch931114 Lab ID Number. : 1114 Sample Type: SOLID Project Number : B93086 Sample Description: S-1 bottom of clarifier California Assessment Manual Analyses for Soluble Metals (WET) Results Reported in Milligrams per Liter (mg/L) in Leachate Constituent Results DLR Marium (Ma) ................ 4.9 0.2 Cadmium (Cd) ............... 0.86 0.05 Copper (Cu) ................ 0.8 0.2 Lead (Pb) .................. 11 0.2 ND: None Detected DLR: De~ecr.~.on Limit. for thd Purposes of ~por~.~.ng. --: Not Analyzed 8:xcepC~oua~ sample c~nd~ons or matrix ~nterferences may result Leach.: 0.4~m fil~a~e of ~ as ~r ~ was~ E~rac~on Tes~ ~920729 ~ .SK'.o, Number OF CUSTOOY,ECO.O 1000- 4 8 4 2 Name Project or P.O.# Analysis required -- <:~',,~'c~ 5"'~, Kb Use On~y Address Phone # in this section Cily, State, Zip Report. attention Sampled by Time sampled Sample descriplion Remarks IMPORTANT NOTICE: No samples will be analyzed without an authorized signature in this section. Iarn hereby requesting BSK's Normal Chain-et-Custody Procedures tot the above samples. I understand thai I I am hereby requesting RSK's ~-ormal Chain-of-Custody Procedures lot the above samples. I understand that these procedures are generally consislent wilh II, ese outlined in the U.S.E.PA. SW 846 and thai there is noI Ihese procedures are generally consistent with Ihoae outlined in U.S. EPA Contract Laboratory Program State- extra charge ,or ,his ~ervice. ~.~ ~'""~'--~--~....,./..~ .~ ~"" "" ~ greater, men, o, Work, Section F, and that there is a charge of S50.00 pe, work order or $5.00 a bottle, whichever is  By: · lure Authorized Signature Signature Print Name Company Dale Relinquished by ~ Received by Relinquished by Received by I KEY: Type: AQ-/~lUeOUS SL-Sludge SO-Soil PE-Petroleum eT--Other BSI( Seals: P-Presen, A-Absen, B-Broken & Associates Chemical Laboratories DISTRIBUTION: WHITE, CANARY - LABORATORY PINK - ORIGINATOR Note: 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, California 93706 Samples are discarded 14 days attar results are reported unless other arrangement~ are made. Hazardous samples will be returned to client or disposed of at ciient expense. Telephone 1209) 485-~310 · Fax 12t)9) 485-7427 APPENDIX B FIELD SAMPLING AND TESTING PROCEDURES & Associate~ APPENDIX B FIELD SAMPLING AND TESTING PROCEDURES TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION ................................................. 1 SOIL SAMPLING ................................................ 1 Exploratory Boring Locations ................................... 1 Soil Sampling Methods ....................................... 1 Equipment Decontamination .................................... 2 Soil Cuttings Disposition ....................................... 2 Field Logs/Documentation ..................................... 2 LABORATORY TESTING .......................................... 3 Laboratory Analyses ......................................... 3 Laboratory Quality Control ..................................... 3 BSK Job B93086 - Aught 12, 1993 & Associates APPENDIX B FIELD SAMPLING AND TESTING PROCEDURES INTRODUCTION This appendix presents soil sampling and analytical procedures to be utilized for a site assessment to assess the presence and extent of soluble lead in soil beneath an existing shallow disposal well system at 3315 Pierce Road in Bakersfield, California. Field and laboratory investigations will be conducted in accordance with the procedures described below. SOIL SAMPLING Exploratory Boring Locations Exploratory soil borings will be located as described in the project workplan. Prior to drilling in paved areas, concrete pavement will be removed by sawing. Two working days prior to commencement of the work, Underground Services Alert will be notified and on-site underground utilities will be identified and indicated. Undisturbed soil samples will be obtained at each boring location at depths of one to two feet and at five feet below the bottom of the clarifiers and below the invert elevation of the leach line. Soil Sampling Methods A BSK geologist will be on site to coordinate the work, to take custody of the soil samples, and to log soil types encountered during boring operations. Soil types will be visually described in accordance with the Unified Soils Classification System and noted on boring logs with penetration blow counts and other pertinent data. BSK Job B93086 - August 12, 1993 & Associates Appendix B - Field Sampling a~Testh~g Procedures Page 2 _ Drilling will be performed by a truck-mounted drill rig equipped with hollow-stem augers. Soil samples will be collected with a California split spoon sampler lined with stainless steel tubes and driven through the center of the hollow-stem auger. The lowermost sample tube collected in the split spoon sampler will be retained for chemical analyses. Ends of the sample tubes will be sealed with Teflon fLlm, covered with plastic caps, labeled, and sealed with a waterproof tape with non-petroleum adhesive. Samples will be identified by project number, sample number, date and time of sampling, sampling personnel name, and requested analyses. Soil samples will be stored in an ice chest maintained at or near a temperature of 4°C and shipped to BSK's California Department of Health Services certified laboratory in Fresno, California. Samples will be accompanied by a chain-of-custody form. Chain-of-custody documentation will include sampler's name, sample identification information, requested analyses, and times and dates of custody transfers. Equipment Decontamination Drill bits, auger flights, and other ancillary equipment will be cleaned with a high pressure hot water washer prior to drilling and between each boring location. Between soil sampling events, s_amplers will be disassembled and washed in a solution of laboratory grade detergent, rinsed with clean water, and reassembled with clean sample tubes to minimize the potential for cross contamination between sampling events. Decontamination metho~ and equipment used will be documented by the field geologist. Soil Cuttings Disposition Soil cuttings generated during boring operations will be used to baclcfill the boreholes upon completion of each boring. Spent soil samples from laboratory analyses will be retained for a period of 30 days from the date of analysis and will be disposed of in accordance with applicable state and federal regulations after that time period has elapsed. Field Logs/Documentation Soil sampling operations, site and equipment conditions, variances from specified sampling procedures, field observations, instrument readings and measurements, equipment and personnel BSK Job B93086 - August 12, 1993 & Associates Appendix B - Field SampLing ~Festing Procedures Page 3 decontamination procedures, and soil sampling depths and locations will be documented by the field geologist on prepared BSK forms. These forms will be retained in the project records. LABORATORY TESTING Laboratory Analyses Soil samples will be analyzed for soluble lead by the California Waste Extraction Test (WET) method set forth in Cal. Code Regs.,tit.3,§66261.126 Appendix II, Laboratory Quali~ Control Internal quality control checks that will be used by the analytical laboratory to validate data will include the following: Calibration Check Standard - A calibration check standard containing all of the analytes to be measured, internal standard, and surrogates will be performed at the beginning of each day. Instrument Performance Criteria - Instrument performance criteria will be demonstrated every 12 hours in conformance with performance criteria def'med in EPA methods. Matrix Spike - Matrix spikes to measure analytical accuracy will be analyzed at a rate of one for every ten samples analyzed. If calculated spike recoveries do not fall within acceptable ranges, corrective action will be taken before further analyses are performed. Analysis of Duplicate Samples - Duplicate samples will be run at a rate of one for every ten samples analyzed to measure analytical precision. Control Charts - Control charts prepared for each parameter determined by a method will be supplied to each laboratory analyst to assess whether recoveries are within acceptable limits. Internal Standards - A known concentration of internal standard will be added to every standard, blank, and sample which is analyzed for organic parameters to compensate for minor fluctuations in instrument response. Surrogate Standards - Samples will be spiked with a surrogate which is closely related to the compound of interest before sample preparation. _ BSK .rob B93086 - August 12, 1993 & Associate., APPENDIX C HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN & Associate.~ APPENDIX C LA{i~ HEALTH AND SAFETY P TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION ................................................. 1 PURPOSE OF HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN ............................ 1 APPLICABILITY OF THE PLAN ...................................... 1 RESPONSIBILITIES .............................................. 2 Project Manager (BSK & Associates) ............................. 3 Site Safety Officer (BSK & Associates) ............................ 4 Branch Health and Safety Officer (BSK & Associates) ................. 4 Project Personnel (BSK & Associates) ............................ 5 Subcontractor's Safety Representative ............................ 5 JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS .......................................... 6 Lead ..................................................... 6 Noise Hazards ............................................. 6 Drill Rig Hazards ............................................ 7 Underground Utilities and Overhead Obstructions .................... 8 Traffic Hazards ............................................. 8 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) .............................. 8 Heat Stress Recognition and Control ............................. 9 EXPOSURE MONITORING PLAN ................................... 10 DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURES ................................ 11 SITE CONTROL ................................................ 11 SAFE WORK PRACTICES ........................................ 11 HEALTH AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT LIST ............................. 13 EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN ................................... 13 Fire and Fire Extinguishers ................................... 14 Communication (Telephones) .................................. 14 Incident Report ............................................ 14 Operation Shutdown ........................................ 14 SIGNATURE PAGE .............................................. 15 FIGURES Figure 4 ......... Hospital Location Map BSK Job B93086 - August 12, 1993 & Associates APPENDIX C HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN INTRODUC'HON This plan has been prepared to provide health and safety guidelines for conducting a site assessment at 3315 Pierce Road in Bakersfield, California. The purpose of the proposed investigation is to assess the presence and extent of lead in subsurface soils in the vicinity of an existing shallow disposal well. PURPOSE OF HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN Purpose of this plan is to assign responsibilities, establish personal protection standards and safety procedures, and provide for contingencies that may arise during proposed project operations at the site. This plan complies with, but does not replace, Federal Health and Safety regulations as set forth in 29 CFR 1910 and 1926, California Health and Safety Regulations as set forth in Title 8, California Code of Regulations, and guidance established by the California Department of Health Services. This plan is to be used by BSK & Associates (BSK) personnel as a supplement to such rules, regulations, and guidelines. APPLICABILITY OF THE PLAN Provisions of this plan are mandatory for on-site BSK employees engaged in hazardous material management activities including but not limited to initial site reconnaissance, preliminary field investigations, mobilization, project operations, and demobilization. Invasive work will be limited to exploratory soil borings with hollow-stem augers. Changing or unanticipated site conditions may require modification of this plan to maintain a safe work environment. Modifications to the plan should be recorded in field notes and reviewed with site personnel. Under no circumstances will modifications to this plan conflict with federal, state, or local health and safety regulations. Daily tailgate meetings will be held to emphasize work site hazards, safety procedures, and concerns of on-site personnel. BSK Job B93086 - August 12, 1993 & Associates Appendix C - Health and Page 2 If applicable, BSK will provide a copy of this plan to a representative of each on-site BSK subcontractor in compliance with 29 CFR 1910.120 and will inform subcontractors of potential site hazards. Each subcontractor shall provide a health and safety plan to its employees covering exposure to hazardous materials and shall complete work in accordance with that plan. BSK reserves the right to review each subcontractor's plan for applicability to potential site hazards. BSK reserves the right to suspend its subcontractor's site work and ask the subcontractor's personnel to-evacuate the exclusion zone in the event of deficient health and safety procedures on the part of the subcontractor or if the subcontractor's personnel are, or may be, exposed to an imminent health hazard. The subcontractor shall provide its own safety equipment in accordance with its health and safety plan requirements. The subcontractor will comply with all regulations, including OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 (Respiratory Protection), Title 8, CCR, Section 5192 (Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response), and 29 CFR 1910.120 (Hazardous Waste Operations), and 29 CFR 1910.95 (Noise Hazards and Hearing Protection). RIZSPON$11~ILITII~$ BSK will maintain site health and safety oversight and coordinate responsibilities for BSK employees; however, each subcontractor will be held accountable for the safe and healthful performance of work by each of their employees, subcontractors, or support personnel who may enter the site. Subcontractors involved in handling contaminated soils and groundwater shall require their employees, visitors, subcontractors, and their suppliers/vendors to comply with the minimum standards set forth by OSHA and the subcontractor's site health and safety plan while on the work site and during the performance of their contractual duties. Specific operations not covered in this plan will be governed by other applicable federal, state, and local regulations. The subcontractors are required to know and comply with the safety regulations that apply to their operations. BSK :rob B93086 - August 12, 1993 & Associates Appe~di× C - Health and ~ Page 3 Provisions of this plan combined with applicable regulations issued by governmental entities will be strictly adhered to by BSK. Project Manager (BSK & Associates) The Project Manager (PM) will direct the on-site investigation and BSK personnel. The PM may delegate all or part of these duties to the Site Safety Officer (SSO). At the site, .the PM and/or the SSO has primary responsibility for: o The availability, maintenance, and proper use of appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). o Familiarity of on-site BSK personnel of the provisions of this plan, instruction of on-site BSK personnel in the work practices necessary to maintain safety, and instructing on-site BSK personnel of emergency procedures. o Ascertaining that BSK field personnel have requisite 40 hour health and safety training, 8-hour annual updates, and have been fit tested for the appropriate respirators. o Advising on-site BSK personnel of potential hazards associated with site operations. o Monitoring the performance of personnel regarding safe work practices. o Removing BSK or subcontractor employees who do not comply with safe work practices. o Correcting unsafe work practices or hazardous conditions that may result in personal injury or exposure to hazardous substances. o Directing emergency response operations. o Preparing accident/incident reports. o Halting site operations, if necessary, to correct unsafe work practices. BSK Job B93086 - August 12, 1993 & Associates Appendix C - Healt~ and Page ~ Site Safety Officer (BSK & Associates) The Site Safety Officer's (SSO) duties may be carried out by the PM or other site manager. To protect the health and safety of BSK personnel, the SSO shall: o Implement project health and safety plans, and report changes from the anticipated conditions described in the plan to the PM, and, if necessary, the Branch Health and Safety Manager (BHSM). o Verify that monitoring equipment is calibrated daily. o Maintain air quality monitoring equipment and verify that it is operating correcdy. o Identify site personnel with special medical problems (e.g., allergies, perforated eardrum, etc.) and confirm their suitability to work based on physician's recommendations. o Monitor workers for signs of physical stress such as heat exhaustion, fatigue, or chemical exposure. o Conduct daily tailgate safety meetings. o Approve selection of personal protective equipment and monitor its maintenance and proper use. o Monitor decontamination procedures used by site personnel. o Monitor exposure to chemical and physical hazards. o Control entry and exit to work site during site operations. o Coordinate emergency medical care in the event of an accident. o Be aware of emergency procedures, emergency telephone numbers, and hospital location. Branch Health and Safety Officer (BSK & Associates) The Branch Health and Safety Officer (BHSO) shall: o Review this plan for appropriateness prior to commencement of work. o Audit on-site operations for compliance with this plan. o Provide health and safety support as requested by the SSO and PM. BSK Job 893086 - August 12, 1995 & Associates Appendix C - Health Page 5 Project Personnel (BSK & Associates) Project personnel involved in on-site investigations and operations are responsible for: o Taking reasonable precautions to prevent injury to themselves and to their fellow employees. o Performing only those tasks that they believe they can do safely. o Immediately reporting accidents and/or unsafe conditions to the SSO, PM, or BHSO. o Following procedures set forth in this plan, and reporting any deviations from the procedures described in the plan to the SSO or PM for corrective action. o Notifying the PM and SSO of medical problems or symptoms of exposure to hazardous materials or conditions. BSK personnel associated with the field operations of the project include: Branch Health and Safety Officer ..........Ivan D. Sanderson (805) 327-0671 Project Manager ..................... Bruce M. Blythe (805) 327-0671 Site Manager/Site Safety Officer ........... Bruce M. Blythe Subcontractor's Safety Representative Each subcontractor is required to designate an on-site safety representative. That individual is responsible for safe work practice by his work force and subcontractors. During the subcontractor's activities on site, the safety representative will perform work area safety inspections, conduct daily safety meetings, and orient new employees to safe work practices and site conditions. He will attend daily safety meetings with the SSO. The subcontractor's representative will also investigate accidents involving the subcontractor's personnel and report accidents to the SSO. BSK Job B93086 - August 12, I993 & Associates_ Appendix C - Health and Saf¢ll~n Page 6 JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS Potential chemical hazards include those associated with exposure to lead in soil. Physical hazards that may be encountered on site include those from drill rig operations, cold or heat stress, noise, underground and overhead utilities, on-site traffic, and equipment failures. Lead Workers may be exposed to lead in soil and dust generated from drilling and sampling operations. 'Exposure to lead should be minimized because of its toxic effect on humans. The current National Institute For Health and Safety (NIOSH) Permissible Exposure Level (PEL) for lead in the breathing atmosphere is <0.01 mg/m3 based on a 10-hour time weighted average (TWA). Principal exposure routes for lead are inhalation, skin or eye contact, and ingestion. Symptoms of lead exposure include: eye irritation, lassitude, and pallor. Skin contact with potentially contaminated soil or groundwater will be minimized by wearing personal protective clothing. Ingestion of contaminated materials will be minimized by good personal hygiene during work (i.e., thoroughly washing face and hands with soap and water before eating or drinking). First aid for exposure to lead is: Eye: Flush the affected eye with water and seek medical assistance if irritation develops. Skin: Remove contaminated clothing and flush contact areas with water and then thoroughly cleanse contact area by washing with soap and water. If irritation develops seek medical attention. Breath: IF VICTI31 IS NOT BREATHING OR IF BREATHING DIFFICULTIES DEVELOP ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION OR OXYGEN SHOULD BE ADM.hNISTERED BY QUALIFIED PERSONNEL. Swallow: Seek immediate medical assistance. Noise Hazards The primary noise hazard at this site is from the drilling equipment which may produce continuous and impact noise at or above the OSHA PEL in the immediate proximity of the BSK Job B93086 - August 12, 1993 & Associates AppendLx C - Health and Safety Page 7 equipment. Personnel within 25 feet of drill rigs shall wear hearing protective devices (either muffs or plugs). Drill Rig Hazards Safe work practices for drill rig operation include: o When moving a drill rig off-road, pay particular attention to obstacles in the route of travel. Walk the route fa'st. o Providing an assistant to guide the driver when in close proximity to hazards or if clearance is at a minimum. o Setting the brakes and/or blocking the wheels when the mast is raised. o Lowering the mast when moving the rig. o Confn'ming the status of utilities (energized, charged, etc.) prior to drilling. Call Underground Service Alert (800-642-2444) to locate underground utilities. o Considering overhead lines to be energized. Watching for low overhead lines when entering a site; and call the utility for assistance in moving them. o Operating the drill rig at least 15 feet from overhead lines; checking with local utility compames to confirm line voltage and distance requirements. o Clearing the site of obstructions, debris, etc., prior to setting up the drill rig. o Maintaining proper "housekeeping" around and on the drill rig at all times. Tools should be stored in a manner that permits convenient access but also provides for personnel safety. o Keeping platforms, walkways and scaffolding free of obstructions and excess grease or oil that could cause a surface to become slick and dangerous. o Storing gasoline and other flammable substances only in approved storage containers equipped with spark arresters. o Inspecting drill rig equipment prior to starting work; repairing or replacing faulty items. BSK Job B93086 - August 12, 1993 & Associates Appendix C - Health and Safety Page o Handling augers with care. Using proper lifting technique; use a tool - hoist for large or heavy augers. Staying clear of rotating augers and machinery. o Leveling and stabilizing the drill rig prior to raising the mast and prior to drilling. o Watching for slippery surfaces when mounting or dismounting the platform. o Covering or barricading unattended boreholes. o Avoiding drilling during electrical storms. Underground Utilities and Overhead Obstructions BSK will attempt to locate underground utilities prior to the commencement of drilling activities. Resources will include site plans, underground utility diagrams provided by the owner, and hand augering prior to drilling. Care will be exercised when moving the drill rig and other equipment in areas where overhead obstructions are present. Traffic Hazards Traffic cones and/or barricades shall be used to delineate the work/exclusion zone. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Minimum PPE for Site Personnel: o Hard hat o Steel-toed boots or shoes o Safety glasses with side shields BSK .lob B93086 - August 12, I993 & Associates Appendix C - Health and Safety Page 9 Work/Exclusion Zone PPE Requirements: o Hard hat o Eye protection (face shield or safety glasses with side shields) o Steel-toed work boots o Hearing protection within 25 feet of operating drilling rig o Work gloves o Coveralls or long-sleeved shirts Based on subjective evidence of contamination, the following would be donned at the discretion of the SSO or PM: o Tyvek coveralls o Chemical-resistant steel-toed boots o Nitrile gloves (drillers can wear under work gloves) o Surgical latex or vinyl gloves (inner) o Half or full face respirators with organic vapor cartridges. PPE may be downgraded from Level "C" to Level 'D' at the discretion of the SSO. Heat Stress Recognition and Control Heat stress is likely to be a significant hazard when ambient temperatures exceed 85°F. Some effects of heat stress include flushed skin, rash, irritability, faintness, or dry, cool skin. Wearing PPE can place a worker at an elevated risk of developing heat stress. This can result in health effects ranging from transient heat fatigue to serious illness or death. Heat stress is caused by a number of interacting factors including environmental conditions, clothing, work load, and the physical condition of the worker. Because heat stress is one of the most common (and potentially serious) illnesses at hazardous waste sites, rest periods, adequate drinking water intake, and regular monitoring for signs and symptoms of distress are vital. Heat-stress monitoring should be conducted if personnel are wearing PPE (including Tyvek-type coveralls) and the ambient temperature exceeds 70 degrees Fahrenheit. If impermeable garments are not worn, monitoring should commence when ambient temperatures exceed 85 degrees. Heat-stress monitoring should be conducted by measuring worker's heart rate at the beginning of each rest period (i.e. during the first minute). The worker's heart rate should not exceed 110 beats per minute during the first minute, and should decrease by 10 beats per minute for each _ lgig] BSK Job B93086 - August 12, 1993 & Associates Appendix C - Health and Safety Page 10 of the following three minutes. If the heart rate exceeds this amount, shorten the next work cycle by a factor of one third and maintain the same rest period. Suggested monitoring frequencies are shown in the following table. Ambient Temp (°F) Not Wearing PPE Wearing PPE 77.5 - 77.5 After each 150 minutes of work After each 120 minutes of work 77.5 - 82.5 After each 120 minutes of work After each 90 minutes of work 82.5 -'87.5 After each 90 minutes of work After each 60 minutes of work 87.5 - 90 After each 60 minutes of work After each 30 minutes of work 90 and above After each 45 minutes of work After each 15 minutes of work When wearing PPE during warm weather conditions, a personal cooling vest or equivalent is recommended. To help prevent heat stress, site personnel shall drink a sufficient quantity of water to maintain their body fluids at normal levels. Daily fluid intake must be approximately equal to the amount of water lost through perspiration. The normal thirst mechanism is not sensitive enough to provide for sufficient consumption of water to replace lost fluids. The following is recommended during warm or hot weather conditions: o Maintain an adequate supply of drinking water at a temperature of 50° to 60°F. o Drink at least 16 ounces of fluid (preferably water or electrolyte replenishing drink) before beginning work. o Drink a cup or more of water or equivalent fluid every 15 to 20 minutes, or during each rest period. A total of 1 to 1.5 gallons of fluid per day are recommended, but more may be necessary depending on physical condition of the worker and ambient temperature. EXPOSURE MONITORING PLAN Heat stress, noise, and chemical exposures may be encountered at this site. Monitoring procedures for these conditions are presented above. Noise levels will not be monitored; personnel will wear hearing protection. BSK Job B93086 - August 12, 1993 & Associates Appendix_ C - Health and Safety PI Page 11 Drilling operations are not expected to generate a sustained dust cloud. If necessary, a water mist may be applied to reduce dust. Unusual or unrecognized odors or other chemical warnings noticed during work activities will result in cessation of work until the hazard is identified and the risk assessed by the SSO. DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURES A high-pressure hot water washer will be used for decontamination of shovels, auger flights, and other equipment. Rubber boots and gloves will be cleaned with a stiff bristle brush, detergent, and water. Tyvek coveralls, disposable gloves, and spent respirator cartridges should be bagged on site and disposed of with drill cuttings. Respirators will be washed, sanitized, and stored in a clean plastic bag or case after each day's work. Each employee will be responsible for cleaning and maintaining his/her respirator. SITE CONTROL Entry into hazardous areas shall be limited to individuals who must work in those areas and are qualified to do so. Authorized visitors may be allowed to enter the exclusion zone only if they have read and understand this document and have agreed to abide by the requirements set forth, have the requisite health and safety requirements, are willing to follow the instructions of the SSO, and have been informed of the potential hazards and risks associated with them. Traffic cones, barricades, and warning tape will be used to delineate an exclusion zone around the drill rig and work area. The exclusion zone should encompass a 25-foot radius around the rig and work area. SAFE WORK PRACTICES The following general guidelines are presented. o Eating, drinking, chewing gum or tobacco, and smoking are prohibited within the exclusion zone. BSK Job B93086 - August 12, 1993 & Associates Appendix C - Health and Safety PI' A Page 17 o Avoid contact with potentially contaminated substances. Do not walk - through puddles, pools, mud, etc. Avoid, whenever possible, kneeling on the ground, leaning or sitting on equipment or ground. Do not place monitoring equipment on potentially contaminated surfaces. o Field crew members should remain aware of potentially dangerous situations (i.e., presence of strong, irritating or nauseating odors). o Prevent, to the extent possible, spillage. In the event that a spill occurs, contain liquid if possible. o Prevent splashing of contaminated materials. o The number of personnel and equipment in the exclusion zone should be minimized, but only to the extent consistent with work force requirements for safe site operations. o Only personnel trained (Title 8, CCR, Sec. 5192) and authorized will be permitted to work in or enter the exclusion zone. o Personal protective equipment shall be used as specified by the SSO. During drilling and sampling activities, the tbllowing safe work practices shall be employed: o Drilling and sampling equipment will be decontaminated before proceeding to the drill site. o At the drilling or sampling site, sampling equipment will be decontaminated after each use. o Work in areas of Iow expected contamination levels should be conducted first where practical. Work upwind of the contaminated area, if possible. o The minimum number of personnel necessary to achieve the objectives shall be allowed within the exclusion zone. o If emergency and backup subcontracted personnel are at the site, they will remain 25 feet upwind from the exclusion zone, where practical. o Unauthorized personnel will remain outside the exclusion zone at all times. BSK Job B93086 - August 12, 1993 & Associates Appendix C - Health and Safety "~ Page 1'~ HEALTH AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT LIST o Hard hats o Safety glasses with side shields o Ear plugs or muffs o Tyvek coveralls o Chemical resistant steel-toed boots or steel-toed boots with chemically resistant boot covers o Work gloves o Nitrile gloves o Surgical vinyl inner gloves o Half or full face respirators with organic vapor cartridges and dust and mist prefiiters o Traffic cones and/or barricades o Wash tubs, scrub brushes, and detergent o First aid kit o Drinking water or electrolyte replenishing-type beverage o Type ABC f'u'e extinguishers EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN In the event of a fire or medical emergency, the following numbers may be called for assistance: BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ....... 911 AMBUL,~',ICE ..................... 911 SAN JOAQUIN COMMUNITY HOSPITAL 2615 Eye Street, Bakersfield, CA ........... (805) 395-3000 BAKERSFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT .... 911 POISON CONTROL CENTER ............ (800) 642-2442 San Joaqum Community Hospital, located approximately 2 miles east from the project site at 2615 Eye Street in Bakersfield, is the closest general receiving emergency hospital (Hospital Location Map, Figure 4). A first aid kit will be available at the Site for use in case of minor injuries. If direct contact with contaminants occurs, affected skin areas shall be immediately washed with soap and water. BSK Job B93086 - August 12, 1993 & Associates Appendix C - Health and Safety PI A "~ Page 1,l Fire and Fire Extinguishers -- Type ABC fire extinguishers will be available on site to contain and extinguish small f'n'es. The local fn'e department will be summoned (911) in the event of a fire on site. Communication (Telephones) The nearest telephone is available next door to the site at the office of Valley Hydraulics at 3329 Pierce Road. Incident Report In the event of an incident resulting in injury or illness, work is to be stopped until the SSO has determined the cause of the incident and has taken appropriate action. An injury or illness, regardless of severity, is to be reported to the SSO or PM. The SSO will be responsible for completion of an accident report. Operation Shutdown If conditions arise which could result in physical injury or chemical exposure the PM, SSO, or subcontractor's safety representative shall request that operations be suspended until the condition is corrected or controlled. The SSO will have ultimate authority for operation shutdown and restart of operations. BSK Job B93086 - August 12, 1993 & Associates Appendix C - Health and Safety P~"~ Page SIGNATURE PAGE HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN - SITE ASSESSMENT 3315 PIERCE ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA The undersigned employees of BSK & Associates have read this Site Health and Safety Plan in conjunction with the project described above, on the date(s) indicated. Department Manager: Date: Project Manager: Date: Staff Engineer/Geologist: Date: Driller: Date: Helper: Date: Technician: Date: Other: Date: Other: Date: Other: Date: Other: Date: Other: Date: BSK Job B93086 - August 12, 1993 & Associate~, BSK JOB B93086 August, 1993 Figure 4 ~ ~ ;~i r.i "~ i . ~. I$ . · ..... /~' ' ....... ~'"'- I ~ ' '"'"' ..... ~* . Project_ Sim ...... ~ ~..~..,, .,: ....... -~. J ,:~ .......... San Joaqu~ Comu~ Hospital ~ " ' J ' 2615 Eye Street , ~ ~ I qOSEOALE ' '~GHWAY - ROSEDALE HIGHWA~ I · ~.~ ,. _ , Hospital ~cation Map 3315 Pierce Road Bakersfield, California