HomeMy WebLinkAboutRISK MANAGEMENT 1998/1999BUSINESS/DEAPRTMENT NAME: /V~ T~ ~-~'% ADDRESS: ~ 4C~ ff,Cece_ ~ PROJECT NUMBER: 2-7-~ ~ DATE: NAME: CHGD: COMME~: PROJECT COMPLETION: DATE: DEL TA LIQUID ENER G Y / September 21, 2000 To: Bakersfield Fire Department Att: Howard Wines Re: RMP exemption status Delta Liquid Energy - Bakersfield Delta's primary business centers around the sale of propane to the end user. Our customer base is domestic, agricultural, commercial, and motor vehicle. Approximently 95% of sales include end users. The other 5% of sales include tax exempt customers. Any questions please call Hal Simons Operations Manager Delta Liquid Energy 805-239-0616 .~ SENDER: "~ · Complete items 1 and/or additional services. I also to receive the ~ · Complete items 3, and following ,,s (for an extra ~ · Print your name and addr , the reverse of thais f~so~hat we can fee): ~ return this card to you. · Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, o'r on the back if space 1. [] Addressee's Address '~ does not permit. · Write ;'Return Receipt Requested" on the mailpiece below the article number 2. [] Restricted Delivery ~ · The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date ~3 delivered. Consult postmaster for fee. 'o 3, Article Addressed to: 4a. Article Number ~ P 024 368 592 ~ 4b. Service Type E BAL S]]~[ONS OPERATIONS NANAGE:R [] Registered [] Insured o° ~ GAS BAKERSFIELD j~i[Certified [] COD ~ P O BOX 3068 [] Express Mail [] Return Receipt for PASO ROBLES CA 93447 3068 Merchandise 7. Date of ?.~J~verv_ iRE: 3400 BUCK OI~TI~$ BL'V]) ~ ~ ' 5. Si~.0a~re (Addf'esse, e) ~ .// 8. Addressee's Address (Only if requested _~ PS 'F-,~r~n 38DI 1, December 1 991 wU.S. GPO: 1993--352-714 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT Official Business ... ,,,~ USE TO AVOID PAYMENT OF POSTAGE, $300 Print your name, address and ZIP Code here BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 P 024 368 592 Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided ,~ Do not us~'f~r Ir~arnational Mail (See Reverse) se"tidAL S ~IONS Stre~an~)"~OX 3068 P.O.. State andZIP Code [~ASO ROBLES CA- 93447 Postage ~ .32 Certified Fee 1.10 Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing to Whom & Date Delivered [ ]- . ]. 0 Return Receipt Showing to Whom, i Date, and Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage J a Fees I $ 2.5 2 Postmark or Date STICK POSTAGE STAMPS TO ARTICLE TO COVER FIRST CLASS POSTAGE, CERTIFIED MAiL FEE, ANO CHARGES FOR ANY SELECTED OPTIONAL SERVICES (see frent). 1. if you want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address leaving the receipt attocl~d and present the article at a post office service window or hand it to your rural carrier (no extra charge). i 2. if you do not want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to the right o~r the return address of the article, date, detach and retain the receipt, and mail the article. 3. If you want a return receipt, write the certified mail oumber and your name and a~Jress on a return receipt card, Form 3811, end attach it to the front of the article by means of the gummed ends if space permits. Otherwise, affix to back of mlicfe. Endorse front of article RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED adjacent to the number. 4. If you want delivery restricted to the addressee, or to an authorized agent of the addressee, endorse RESTRICTED DELIVERY on the front of the article. 6. Enter fees for the services requested in the appropriate spaces on the front of this receipt. If return receipt is requested, check the al~pl~cable blocks in item 1 of Form 3811. 6. Save this receipt and present it if you make inquiry. 102595-93-z-0478 May 3, 1999 Hal Simons, Operations Manager MTK Gas - Bakersfield F,RE C.,EF P.O. Box 3068 RON FRAZE Paso Robles, CA 93447-3068 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 'lq' Street CERTIFIED MAIL Bakersfield, CA 93301 vOiCE (805)326-3941 FAX (805) ~96-1349 TEMPORARY EXEMPTION NOTICE SUPPRESSION SEaVICES CALARP RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (so5) 395-1349 Dear Mr. Simons: PREVENTION SERVICES The attached notice from the United States Environmental 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Protection Agency temporarily exempts propane from the June 21, 1999 VOICE (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 Risk Management Plan submission date. EmnRONM£Nm. SmmCES Our records indicate that your facility now qualifies under this 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 exemption:- You will not be required to submit a Risk Management Plan VOICE (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 by June 21, 1999, nor comply with thc additional California Accidental ' Release Program (CalARP), as of that date. You will, however, still be TRAINING DIVISION required to comply with all existing local fire codes and ordinances for the 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 safe storage and handling of flammable gases, but will not be subject to VOICE (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 further regulation involving the new CalARP Risk Management Plan until further notice. If you have any questions regarding this exemption, please call me at (661) 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Office of Environmental Services HHW/dm - attachment _ - ?END~: Complete items 1 and/or--additional seduces. '~" I also wish to receive the ' Complete items 3, and 4t following (for an extra · Print your name and addr~n the reverse of this form so that we can fee): · Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space 1, ~ Addressee's Address does not permit. 2. ~ Restricted Delivery Write "Return Receipt Requested" on the mailpiece below the a~icle number. · The Return Receipt wild show to whom the article was delivered and the date delivered. Consult postmaster for fee. 3. Article Addressed to: 4a. Arti~ 340~ BUCK O~NS BL~ ~ Registered ~ insured B~SFIELD CA 93308 5. Signature (Addressee) 8. Addressee's Address (Only if requested ,~" ~' and fee is paid) ~Form 381 1, December 1991 ~u.s. ~o: ~,,~-~ DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT Official Business : / · ~ ; . .~ PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID PAVEMENT ' ~ ~ ....... OF POS~G~.$300 Print your name, address and ZIP Code here · BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 SERVICES Bakersfield, CA 93301 Ihl,,,,ll,,,Ihll,,,,,,ll,l,,ll P 024 368 430 Receipt for Cert~:l J~ail No Insurance'C~versge Provided ~ Do not use for International Mail (See Reverse) Sent to HAL SIMONS Street and No. 3400 BUCK OWENS BLVD P.O., Stere and Z~P Code BAKERSFIELD CA 93308 Postage $ · 3 2 Certified Fee 1.10 Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing ]-. ]-0 tO Whom & Date Delivered Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date, end Addresaee's Address TOTAL Postage _5 2 & Fees V ° Postmark or Date STICK POSTAGE STAMPS TO ARTICLE TO COVER FIRST CLASS POSTAGE, CERTIFIED MAIL FEE, AND CHARGES FOR ANY SELECTEO OPTIONAL SERVICES (see front). '1. if you want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address leaving the receipt attached and present the article at a post office service windnw er hand it to your rureJ carrier (no extra charae). 2. If ye. do not want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub tn the right of th?return address of the article, date, detach and retain the receipt, and mail the article. ~ 3. if you went a return receipt, write the certified mail number and your name and address~ou a return receipt card, Form 3811, and attach it to the front of the article by means of the gu,'/~tmed ends if st~ece permits. Otherwise, affix to back of mlicb. Endorse front of ert~ RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED adjecent to tho number. 4. if you want delivery restricted to the addressee, or to an authorized agent of the addressee, endorse RESTRICTED DELIVERY on the front of the article. 5. Enter fees for the services requested in the appropriate spaces on the front of this receipt. If return receipt is requested, check the applicable blocks in item I of Form 3811. 6. Save this receipt and present it if you make inquiry. 102595-93-Z-0478 April 20, 1999 Hal Simons Operations Manager MTK Gas 3400 Buck Owens Blvd Bakersfield CA 93308 rmE CmEr CERTIFIED MAIL RON FRAZE IU~MINISTI~J~T1VE SERVICES 2101 'H' Street Se~e~..,~. C^ ~301 60 DAY NOTICE vo,c~ (805)326-3~1 tax (805)398-1~n9 CALARP RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN & PREVENTION PROGRAM REQUIRED FOR SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'H' Street SUBMISSION & IMPLEMENTATION PRIOR TO Bakersfield, CA 93301 vOiCE (805)326-3~nl FAX (8o51395-1~9 JUNE 21, 1999 PREVENTION SERVICES Dear Mr. Simons: 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3951 FAX (805)326-0576 The intent of this letter is to inform you of the rapidly approaching deadline for complying with the California Accidental Release Program ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (CalARP) including submission of the required Risk Management Plan 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 and implementation of the appropriate Prevention Program prior to VOICE (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 June 21, 1999. TRAINING DIVISION Our records indicate that your facility is subject the CalARP 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 requirements. By this time, you should have already completed the VOICE (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 Hazard Review or Process Hazard Analysis, thc Off-Site Consequence Analysis, and have entered the necessary data into your Risk Management Plan (RMP) for submission to this office and possibly the United States Environmental Protection Agency (if also subject to federal regulations). If you have not yet done so, or have any questions regarding the necessary level of coordination between your facility and our office concerning CalARP, please call me immediately at 661-326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Office of Environmental Services SENDEP' I also~l~sh to receive the . Complete items 1 and, for additiona~ services, · 3, b. followintvices (for an extra ° Print your name and on the reverse of this form so that we can fee): Complete items return this card to you. · Attach this form to the front of the mailpie~,.or ,.~l? back if space 1. [] Addressee's Address does not permit. o Write "Return Receipt Requested" on the mailpiece below the article number 2. [] Restricted Delivery · The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date delivered. Consult postmaster for fee. 3. Article Addressed to: 4a, Article Number P-024-368-517 R-/~~' SIl~Ol~S OPBRATIOI~S ~AGER 4b. Service Type ~ GAS [] Registered [] Insured 3400 BUCK OV/ENS BLVD ~1 Certified [] COD BAKERSFIELD CA 93308 [] Express Mail [] Return Receipt for Merchandise 7. D, ate of Delivery 5. Signature (Addressee) 8. Addressee's Address (Only if requested and fee is paid) PS~r~-3811, December 1991 *U.S.~PO: t~-~-~. DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT Print your name, address and ZIP Code here · · BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT O~'!CE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 II,i,,,,ll,,,ll,ll,,,,,,ll,l,l,,,I,i,,,llil,,,,,,ll,hl,ll,,,I P 024 36,~ 517 Receipt.~_~r~ Cert~ied Mail' ~. No Insurance Coverage Provided ~,~ Do not use for International Mail (See Reverse) se~L S])fONS MANAGER Street and No. 3400 SUCK Ok-]Q~$ BLVD P,O., State and ZIP Code BAKERSFIE/~D CA 93308 Postage ~ · 32 c~i~ r~e I. 10 Special Oelivmy Fee Restricted DellveW Fee Return Receipt Showing to Whom & Date Delivered 1.10 Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date, and Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage & Faoa $ 2.5 2 Postmark or Data STICK POSTAGE STAMPS TO ARTICLE TO COVER FIRST CLASS POSTASE, CERTIFIES MAIL FEE, ANO CHARGES FOR ANY SELECTEO OPTIONAL SERVICES (see front). 1. if you went this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address leaving the receipt attached and present the article at a post office service window or hand it to your rural carrier (no extra charge). ~. 2. fl you do not want this receipt postmarked, stich the gummed stub to the right of the retmn address of the article, date, detach and retain the receipt, and mail the article. {, 3. If you want e return receipt, write the certified mail number and your name and address on a return receipt card, Form 3811, and attach it to the front of the article by means of the gummed eeds it spec~ pom~s. Otherwise, etflx to back of m~cle. Embrse hm~t of ~ RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED adjacent to the number. 4. If you want delivery restricted to the addressee, or to an authorized agent of the addressee, endorse RESTRICTED DELIVERY on the front of the article. 5. Enter fees for the services requested in the appropriate spaces on the front of this receipt. If return receipt is requested, check the applicable blocks in item 1 of Form 3811. 6. Save this receipt and present it if you make inquiry. 102595-93-z-0478 March 29, 1999 Hal Simons, Operations Manger MTK Gas 3400 Buck Owens Blvd Bakersfield, CA 93308 CERTIFIED MAIL FIRE CHIEF RoN FR~E 90 DAY NOTICE ,~ug.,sm.~w s~.vicEs CalARP RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN & 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 volc~ (505)326-3941 PREVENTION PROGRAM REQUIRED FOR SUBMISSION & IMPLEMENTATION PRIOR TO su~,~,.Ess,o, s,=.vic,=s JUNE 21, 1999 21Ol 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 Dear Mr. Simons: PRE~NI1ON SERVICES The intent of this letter is to inform you of the necessary deadlines 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 for complying with the California Accidental Release Program (CalARP) VOICE (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 including submission of the required Risk Management Plan and implementation of the appropriate Prevention Program prior to June 21, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1999. 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3979 ~ J FAX (805) 326-0576 Our records indicate that your facility was previously notified of these requirements by Certified Mail dated June 17, 1998. At this time, TR.adNING DIVISION you should have already coordinated with this office on the method of 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 Hazard Review or Process Hazard Analysis to be conducted, the VOICE (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5783 appropriate Prevention Program level to be implemented and the Management System employed at your facility to oversee all such CalARP requirements. If you have not yet done so, or have any questions regarding the necessary level of coordination between your facility and our office concerning CalARP, please call me immediately at 661-326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Office of Environmental Services HHW/dm December 16, 1998 MTK Gas 3400~eree '~acl& 0Wtdl~-~ 'T~lo, k, Bakersfield, CA 93308 FIRE CHIEF ao. ~Raz~ RISK MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP FOR INDUSTRY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 'H' Street ~ke~e~d. ca 933o1 JANUARY 7, 1999, 9:00 A.M. VOICE (S0S) 326-3941 FAX (805)395-1349 OLIVE DRIVE FIRE TRAINING FACILITY SUPPRESSION SERVICES Dear Mr. O'Hara: 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 A workshop conducted by the Governor's Office of Emergency Services FAX (805) 395-1349 regarding the new California Accidental Release Prevention (CaIARP) and PREVENTION SERVICES associated Risk Management Plan programs will be held in Bakersfield on 1715 Chester Ave. Thursday, January 7, 1999 at 9:00 a.m. at the Olive Drive Fire Training Facility Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3951 located at 5642 Victor Street. FAX (805) 326-0576 You have been previously notified by this office that your facility is ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES likely to be subject to the new CalARP requirements, including the 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 implementation of a specified Prevention Program and submission of a Risk VOICE (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 Management Plan on or before June 21, 1999. This workshop should help answer any questions you may have. TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. A letter of invitation, agenda, Request for Comments Letter, and the text Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (805) 399-4697 of the CaiARP regulations are enclosed. You may wish to familiarize yourself FAX (805) 399-5763 with the regulations and bring them along to the workshop for your reference. A map of the workshop location and surrounding restaurants is also attached. Please make every effort to attend this important event. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Office of Environmental Services HHW/dm attachment enclosures RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Location: ~'~ q'OO ~ c~ ID# Business Name: Contact Name: Business Phone: ~.-~ ~3~.~ ~G FAX: Inspector's Name: Time of Call: Datei ~//~;)//~¢~ Time: ~ ~0 # Min: Type of CaJl: Incoming [ ] .Outgoing ~.] Retumed~]. Content of Call: /~S ~eJ ~'I~' ~=~.~,~ ~_.~'¢~J / ~ ~- ~- Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT FAX Transmittal TO: COMPANY: FROM: Office of Environmental Se~ces ~ No. {805} 326-0576 · BU~ No. {805) 326-3979 1715 Cheater Ave. · B~er~field, CA 93301 couu~,s: ............ ~..~..~.~ ........ .~ ........ ~..~ ....... .~.~?.~..~.?~. ................................................................. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 CALIFORNIA ACCIDENTAL RELEASE PROGRAM (CalAgP) GUIDANCE No extensions of the June 21, 1999 deadline for existing subject facilities (§2745.1(d)). · CalARP applicability will be based strictly on threshold quantity of a regulated substance as listed in Table 3 without any further determination required by this agency (§2735.4(a)(2)). · Prevention program applicability will be based strictly on the requirements of {}2735.4 et seq., without any further determination required by this agency. A facility may elect to utilize the applicable Progrmn 3 elements in order to comply with Program 2, but will not be required to do so (§2735.4(¢X3)). · USEPA published guidance and models will be accepted in accordance with CalARP (§2735.5(c)). · Toxic gas (e.g. anhydrous ammonia, chlorine, etc.) process facilities which operate under current design to discharge pressure relief valves directly to the atmosphere shall mitigate any such toxic gas releases through a water sparge (or other approved scrubber system) to protect potential receptors identified in the ' Offsite Consequence Analysis under CalARP. Flammable gas (propane, compressed natural gas, etc.) sites shall conform to the current edition of the Uniform Fire Code (Bakersfield Municipal Code Chapter 15.64 et seq.). Any necessary upgrades shall be completed within the time frames specified for evaluatioh review (§2745.2(a)(6)). · CalARP management systems shall be in accordance with the City of Bakersfield's Facility Compliance Plan approach (using standardized Unified Program Consolidated Forms and the format adopted pursuant to Section 25503.4 of the California Health and Safety Code) and may incorporate recognized international or industry standards for environmental management systems (e.g., ISO 9000, ISO 14000, etc.). The qualified person for CalARP shall be the environmental contact as listed on the facility information page (OES Form 2730) or as otherwise specified within the Facility Compliance Plan (§2735.6). · Seismic safety reviews, conducted either as part of a Program 2 Hazard Review (§2755.1(d)) or under a Program 3 Process Hazards Analysis (PHA) (§2760.2(c)(8)), shall include process equipment design, applicable codes and standards, geotechnical engineering reports (if required at time of construction), and any other available information pertaining to seismic safety and the safeguards at the facility for preventing releases caused by earthquake related motion and forces acting upon the process equipment. Year 2000 (Y2K) compliance shall be addressed under safety information or the hazard analysis, as applicable. · Industry specific training certificate programs (e.g. National Propane Gas Association (NPGA), Refrigerating Engineers and Technicians Association (RETA), etc.) are encouraged and any such industry specific standardized curriculum may also be used by this agency to evaluate the adequacy of any "self- certified" or other on-the-job type training provided at the facility (§§2755.4(c), 2760.4, 2760.5(c), 2760.6(c), and 2760.7(b)(4)). · California-only CalARP facilities, (those not subject to federal RMP submission requirements), are not required to prepare a separate RMP document, but may integrate the required RMP information entirely within a single Facility Compliance Plan pursuant to Section 25503.4 California Health and Safety Code (see CalARP management, above). -oo0oo- STATE ~1- ~ALII'URNIA ~v~n~r~ ~ vrrlvr, vr YEAR 2000 (Y2K) HAZARDOUS MATERIALS BUSINESS INSPECTION ClUE ONNAIRE OES DRAFT (NEW 12/98) Contact Information BUSINESS NAME j CONTACT PERSON I ADDRESS (Numl~er and Street) J MAILING ADDRESS (ff Different from Address) CITY COUNTY I STATE ZIP CODE TELEPHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER E-MAIL ADDRESS STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CI..A~SIFICATION COOE NORTH AMERICAN INDUSTRY CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM CODE BUSINESS DESCRIPTION Business Inspection Cluestionnaire 1. Are all essential business systems that have computer elements which could influence chemical loss Y2K compliant? [] Yes (go to question 3) [] No (go to question 2) 2. If not, what percentage of the essential business systems are Y2K compliant? [] Less than 5% [] 5% to 10% [] 11% to 25% [] 26% to 50% [] 51% to 75% [] Over 75% [] 100% 3. Has thc business established a Y2K action plan? [] Yes [] No 4. At what projected date will all business systems be Y2K compliant? [] Sanuary 1, 1999 l-'l Suly 1, 1999 [] Sanuary 1, 2000 [] After Sanuary 1, 2000 5. Has the business identified all "smart instalments" containing embedded chip systems? [] Yes [] No 6. Has the business received assurances from all essential suppliers that essential computer elements are Y2K compliant? [] Yes [] No 7. Is the business currently assisting, or planning to assist, essential suppliers with Y2K compliant preparation? [] Yes [] No 8. Has the business developed a Y2K technical contingency plan to ensure the prevention of accidental releases of h~7~rdous materials? [] Yes [] No 9. Has the business prepared a Y2K contingency plan in any of the following categories? [] Suppliers [] Technical [] Employee [] Increased staff'mg to handle Y2K related problems I"1 Business Process [] Community 10. Has the business involved local government in Y2K contingency planning efforts? I~ Yes [] No I I. Could electric power loss cause a f'u'e, explosion, or unplanned release of chemical? [] Yes [] No 12. Would electric, power, or telecommunication loss prevent the business from contacting emergency responders? [] Yes [] No 03/15/99 08:50 8805 326 0576 BFD HAZ MAT DIV ~001 *** ACTIVITY REPORT *** TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO. 0773 CONNECTION TEL 18052391327 CONNECTION ID START TIME 03/15 08:48 USAGE TItlE 02'16 PAGES 3 RESULT OK P 024 36& 537 Receipt f~r~- Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided ~ff~c~ Do not use for International Mail (See Reverse) seaft~l~ O'HARA PRESIDENT str~t4{~(~°'PIERCE ROAD P.O., State and ZIP Code BAKERSFIELD CA 93308 Postage $ .3 2 Certified Fee' 1.10 Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing (0 Whom & Date. Delivered ].. [0 Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date. and Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage & Fees ~ 2.5 2 Postmark or Date STICK POSTAGE STAMPS TO ARTICLE TO COVER FIRST CLASS POSTAGE, CERTIFIED MAIL FEE, AND CHARGES FOR ANY SELECTED OPTIONAL SERVICES (see front). 1. If you want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address leaving the receipt attached and present the article at a post office service window or hand it to your rural carrier (no extra charge). 2. If you do not want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address of the article, date, detach and retain the receipt, and mail the article. return receipt card, Form 3811, end attach it to the front of the ur~ide by means of the gummed ends if space pmmit~ Otherwise, affix to hack of article. Endorse front of article RETURN RECEIPT REOUESTED adjacent to the number. 4. If you want delivery restricted to the addressee, or to an authorized agent of the addressee, endorse RESTRICTED DELIVERY on the front of the article. 5. Enter fees for the services requested in the appropriate spaces on the front of this receipt. If return receipt is requested, check the applicable blocks in item 1 of Form 3811. 6, Save this receipt and present it if you make inquiry. 102595-93-z-047 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT June 17,1998 Tim O'Hara, President mE C,~E~ MTK Gas MICHAEL R. KELLY 3400 Pierce Road Bakersfield, CA 93308 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 'H' ~treet Bakersfield, CA 93301 CERTIFIED MAIL (805) 326-3941 FAX (8o5)age-la49 NOTICE OF RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN (RMP) REQUIRED BY JUNE 21, 1999 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. O'Hara: (805) 326-3941 FAX (805)395-1349 Your facility has been identified by this office as a probable candidate to be subject to the new California Accidental Release Program (CalARP), which will involve among many other PREVENTION SEI~/ICF~ requirements, the submission of a Risk Management Plan to this office, and also to the United 1715 Chester Ave. · Bakersfield, CA 93301 States Environmental Proteciion Agency (US EPA) in many cases, on or before June 21, 1999. (805) 326-3951 lAX (805)326-0576 The CalARP regulations are a merging of the federal and state risk management prevention programs for accidental release prevention of several hundred listed flammable or ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES toxic substances (e.g.: ammonia, chlorine, propane, etc.) which pose the greatest risk of causing 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 death, injury, or seriously affecting human health or the environment if accidentally released. (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 3260576 The rule requires certain facilities to develop and implement an integrated system to identify hazards and manage risks associated with these regulated substances. Since your facility TRAINING DIVISION appears to be subject to this rule, you will be required to analyze worst-case releases, document a 5642 Victor Street five-year history of serious accidents, coordinate with local emergency responders, develop and Bakersfield, CA 93308 (805) 3994697 implement a prevention program that includes, among other steps, identification of hazards, FAX (805)399-5763 written operating procedures, training, maintenance, and accident investigation. If your employees also respond to accidental releases, you must implement an integrated local emergency response program. An informative digest is enclosed for your reference. The text of the regulations, technical assistance, and other information is available from our office by calling me directly at (805) 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Office of Environmental Services HHW/dm enclosure