HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN 9/30/1992Specimen Label RESTRICTED USE PESTICIDE DUE TO INHALATION TOXICITY For sale to and use only by Certified Applicators or persons under their direct supervision and only for those uses covered by the Certified Applicator's certification. Gas Fumigant TO CONTROL EXISTING INFESTATIONS OF INSECTS AND RELATED PESTS Such As (Or Including) Drywood Termites, Formosan Termites, Powder Post Beetles, Death Watch Beetles, Old House Borers, Bedbugs, German Cockroaches, Clothes Moths, Rodents (Rats, Mice) and the Nymphs and Adults of Carpet Beetles, Oriental, American, Brown- Banded Cockroaches. IN: Dwellings (including mobile homes), Buildings, Construction Materials, Furnishings (household effects) and Vehicles including automobiles, buses, surface ships, rail cars, recreational vehicles (but not including aircraft). When fumigating, observe local, state and federal rules and regulations including such things as odorization of areas being treated, ship fumigations, security requirements, and placement of warning signs. Active Ingredient(s): Sulfuryl Fluoride ................................................................................................................................ 99% Inert Ingredient(s): .................................................................................................................................. 1% E.RA. Registration No. 62719-4 E.RA. Est. 464-CA-1 KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN Immediately remove contaminated clothing, shoes and other items covering skin. Wash contaminated skin area DANGER POISON thoroughly with soap and water, lf ln Eyes: Flush with . plenty of water. Get medical attention. PELIGRO: ,oTE TO PHYSICIAN: Sulfuryl fluoride isa gas which has no warning properties such as odor or eye irritation. (Chloropicrin used as a warning indicator is also the active PRECAUClON AL USUARIO: ingredient in tear gas and will cause tearing.) Early Si usted no lee inglbs, no use este producto hasta qua la symptoms of exposure to sulfuryl fluoride are respiratory etiqueta le haya sido explicada ampliamente, irritation and central nervous system depression. Excitation PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS may follow. Slowed movement, reduced awareness and slow or garbled speech may be noted. Prolonged exposure Hazards to Humans can produce lung irritation, pulmonary edema, nausea and Extremely Hazardous Liquid And Vapor abdominal pain. Repeated exposure to high concentrations Under Pressure · Inhalation Of Vapors May can result in significant lung and kidney damage. Single exposures at high concentrations have resulted in death. Be Fatal · Liquid May Cause Chemical Treatment is symptomatic. Burns, Which May Have A Delayed Onset, Liquid sulfuryl fluoride in the eye may cause damage due to Or May Freeze Exposed Skin · Do Not Get freezing and/or chemical burns. In Eyes, On Skin Or On Clothing · Sulfuryl Fluoride Is Odorless · Exposure To Toxic NOTICE Levels May Occur Without Warning Or Read the entire label. Use only according to label Detection By The User directions. STATEMENTS OF PRACTICAL TREATMENT: In all cases Before buying or using this procuct, read Warranty of overexposure, such as nausea, difficulty in breathing, Disclaimer and Limitation of Remedies sections elsewhere abdominal pain, slowing of movements and speech, on this label. numbness in extremities, get medical attention ~ immediately. Take person to a doctor or emergency IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY treatment facility. If Inhaled: Get exposed person to fresh~ endangering life or property involving this air. Keep warm. Make sure person can breathe freely. If product, call collect 517-636-4400 breathing has stopped, give artificial respiration by arm lift method, not mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Do not give DO Not Ship or Store with Food, Feeds, anything by mouth to an unconscious person. If On Skin: Drugs, or Clothing DIRECTIONS FOR USE professional fumigator and the ship's captain (or owner) shall follow all applicable regulations including those listed It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner in the Department of Transportation, Chapter 1, Parts inconsistent with its labeling. 147A.1-147A.43. No people, plants, or pets may be on board GENERAL INFORMATION dudng fumigation. Befors using, read and follow a, II label precautions and The person responsible for the fumigation must notify the directions, master of the vessel, or his representative, of the requirements This fumigant is a highly hazardous material and should be relating to personal protection equipment and detection used only by individuals knowledgeable of the hazards of this equipment. Emergency procedures, cargo ventilation, periodic chemical and trained in the use of required respiratory monitoring and inspections, and first aid measures must be equipment, detector devices, emergency procedures, and the discussed with and understood by the master of the vessel or proper use of this fumigant, his representative. When used for fumigation of enclosed spaces, such as If leakage of the fumigant is detected, the person in charge of houses and other structures, warehouses, vaults, chambers, the fumigation shall take action to correct the leakage, or shall trucks, vans, boxcars, ships, and other transport vehicles, inform the master of the vessel, or his representative, of the two persons trained in the use' of this product must be present leakage so that corrective action can be taken. at all times during intreduction of fumigant, testing, and Edible commodities shall not be exposed to the chemical. If aeration periods, not removed from the vessel they shall be protected from Do not apply below 40°F. exposure. The vessel must not be moved dudng the Remove edible items from the structure before the fumigation if fumigation and aeration periods. If re-entry is necessary before they cannot be adequately sealed to prevent exposure to aeration is completed, positive pressure self-contained · sulfuryl fluoride. Use chloropicrin as recommended on the label respiratory protection must be worn. to ensure evacuation of structUres by humans or animals WARNING AGENT: To aid in vacating, 5-10 minutes prior to before fumigation, fumigation, place a handful of cotton in a shallow container and set the container in the air stream of a fan. Pour PREPARATION FOR FUMIGATION chloropicrin over the cotton. Use 1 fluid oz/10,000 to 15,000 Structural Fumigations: Remove from the structure to be cubic feat - (30 ml/283 to 425 cubic meters) of space to be fumigated all persons, domestic animals, pets - including fish fumigated. and desirable growing plants. Remove mattresses and pillows Chlorepicrin is registered as a restricted use pesticide, whose completely enveloped in water proof covers or remove covers, properties and effects are different from those of sulfuryl Food, feed, drugs and medicinals (including those items in fluoride. It causes smarting of the eyes, tears, discomfort, and refrigerators and freezers) must be removed from fumigation has a very disagreeable pungent odor at very Iow site or sealed in highly resistant containers such as glass, concentrations. Fumigators using chlorepicrin as a warning metal or plastic such as polyethylene plastic bags of at least agent prior to fumigation of habitable structures must be 4 mil thickness or equivalent such as two, 2-mil bags. certified to do so or under the supervision of a certified EXTINGUISH ALL FLAMES, INCLUDING PILOT LIGHTS OF pesticide applicator. Fumigators must use a chlorepicdn HOT WATER HEATERS, GAS REFRIGERATORS, RANGES, product registered for this purpose, and observe the OVENS, BROILERS, ETC. TURN OFF OR UNPLUG ALL precautionary statements and safety recommendations ELECTRICAL HEATING ELEMENTS SUCH AS THOSE IN appearing on the EPA approved label for this product. HEATERS, PIANOS, ORGANS, ETC. SHUT OFF AUTOMATIC Protective Clothing: Wear full-body clothing and shoes SWITCH CONTROLS FOR APPLIANCES AND LIGHTING that are cleaned after each wearing or disposable protective SYSTEMS WHICH WILL BE INCLUDED IN THE SPACE TO clothing. Do not wear gloves or rubber boots. Sulfuryl fluoride BE FUMIGATED. is heavier than air and may be trapped inside and cause skin Internal doors and internal openings to attics and subareas injury. If full-face respiratory protection is not required, should be open. Open storage chests, cabinets, drawers and wear goggles or full face shield for eye protection when closets. Provide for forced distribution of gas and aeration in handling liquid. basements or other dead air spaces. Respiratory Protection: If the concentration of sulfuryl Provide for forced air circulation using electric fan(s) to facilitate fluoride in the working area, as measured by a detector device rapid dispersion of gas. with sufficient sensitivity such as an INTERSCAN or MIRAN Tarpaulin Fumigations: Open operable windows. When gas analyzer, does not exceed 5 ppm (20 mg/cubic meter), no tarping use a highly resistant material such as a vinyl coated respiratory protection is required. When this concentration is nylon, or polyethylene sheating of at least 4 mil thickness. Seal exceeded, all persons in the exposed area must wear a all seams. Seal all Iow edges of the cover (such as with soil, NIOSH or MSHA approved self-contained breathing apparatus sand, or weighted "snakes'3. To minimize escape of gas (SCBA) or combination air-supplied/SCBA respirator, such as through the soil and to avoid injury to nearby plants, wet soil manufactured by Scott or MSA. Before using any make or outward from foundation to the cover if not sufficiently moist to brand of SCBA, learn how to use it correctly. Determine that it act as a barrier for the gas. has an adequate air supply for the job at hand, that it fits Taped Fumigations: For fumigation sites that can be paper or properly, providing an adequate seal around the face, and that tape sealed, seal adequately around doors, windows, vents, it is in good working order. For more detailed information on and other openings. : the source and use of air monitoring devices and respirators, consult the VIKANE Fumigation Manual. Chamber Fumigation: For chamber fumigation use gas tight chamber with adequate circulation. Prefumigation Check: Check for leaks. Construction Materials, Fumishings (Household effects) DOSAGE AND EXPOSURE TIME: For fumigation to control and Vehicles: Follow preparations as appropriate in above drywood termites and non-egg stages of other insect and for chamber, taped jobs or tarpaulin fumigations to assure related structural~and household pests, the FUMIGUIDE* good confinement of the gas for the recommended period calculator(s) is to be used.for the coordination of fumigant of exposure, rates with soil or slab temperature, exposure period, and fumigant loss rate measured as half-loss-time (HLT). When Fumigation of Surface Ships in Port: Surface ships in size control of the egg stage is also desirable, use the indicated up to and including large ocean-going ships may be fumigated multiple factor of the drywood termite dosage (as determined with VIKANE to control the various pests listed. The by Fumiguides) for pests listed in the following table. Information on VIKANE* Gas Fumigant For Fire Departments, Hazardous Materials Crews, and other Emergency Response Teams NOTE: In case of an emergency endangering life or property involving VIKANE, call collect DowElanco 517.636-4400. 1. INTRODUCTION: VIKANE Gas Fumigant was developed by DowElanco as a structural fumigant for control of drywood termites. VIKANE Gas Fumigant is currently labelled for control of a wide range of pests, including wood-destroying beetles, cockroaches, and rodents, infesting buildings, furnishings, construction materials, and vehicles (not including aircraft). VIKANE Gas Fumigant is registered by the EPA under registration number 62719-4. NOTE: VIKANE Gas Fumigant is a RESTRICTED USE PESTICIDE. L J 2. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: VIKANE Gas Fumigant is an inorganic chemical composed of 99% sulfuryl fluoride CAS# 002699-79-8 and 1% inert ingredients. Sulfuryl fluoride has the following physical properties: COLOR AND ODOR: None (a slight sulfur odor which may be detected at high concentrations of sulfuryl fluoride is caused by inert ingredients) MOLECULAR WEIGHT: 102 VAPOR DENSITY: Sulfuryl fluoride is approximately 3.5 times heavier than air BOILING POINT: -67°F; sulfuryl fluoride is in a gaseous state under normal environmental conditions. GAS SOLUBILITY (77°F, 1 ATM): 750 ppm by weight in water which is in equilibrium with air saturated with sulfuryl fluoride. FLASH POINT: Not combustible; Temperatures exceeding 400°C (752°F) will cause sulfuryl fluoride to decompose to form hydrogen fluoride and sulfur dioxide. [ I 3. DERMAL TOXICITY: Sulfuryl fluoride has Iow lipid solubility and is essentially nonirritating to skin. Laboratory studies have demonstrated no ill effects in animals after dermal exposure to VlKANE. In handbooks on hazardous materials, VlKANE is often classified with sulfuric acid or hydrofluoric acid and is inaccurately described as causing severe acid burns to skin. However, VlKANE as either liquid or gas has not been documented to cause acid burns to skin. Liquid VlKANE contacting eyes or skin may cause freeze damage as it rapidly evaporates. L J 4. INHALATION TOXICITY: Inhalation is the critical route of exposure to sulfuryl fluoride, an odorless, toxic gas. The initial concentration of VIKANE introduced into structures for drywood termite control is generally less than 16 oz/1000 cubic feet, which equals 3850 ppm. ACUTE INHALATION: LC5o values for laboratory rats exposed Time to incapacitation of rats exposed to various concentrations of VIKANE for fixed time periods, to various concentrations of VIKANE Gender Exposure time (hr) LCso (ppm) ppm Time (minutes) male 4 1122 4,000 42 female 4 991 10,000 16 male 1 3730 20,000 10 female 1 3021 40,000 6 The above exposures produced 100% mortality: all rats were dead or moribund within three hours after the end of the exposure. SUBCHRONIC INHALATION: In 13-week studies, rats exposed six hours/day, five days/week to 30 ppm VIKANE showed no adverse effects. A concentration of 100 ppm produced no effects other than mottled teeth. The current TLV and STEL for sulfuryl fluoride are: ACGIH TLV and OSHA PEL: 5 ppm for eight hours/day, five days/week for the life of a working individual STEL (Shortterm exposure limit) (ACGIH): 10 ppm (15 minute time-weighted average) ~ 5. PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: If a person potentially exposed to VIKANE shows any of EYE PROTECTION: Fumigators are required to wear a the above symptoms or unusual behavior, you should: face shield or goggles when releasing fumigant · Immediately take the individual to fresh, from the cylinder. This is to prevent freeze damage uncontaminated air and keep him at rest to the eye by liquid contact. · Help the individual maintain body temperature PROTECTIVE CLOTHING: Skin contact with the liquid · Check breathing and heartbeat may cause freeze damage if the liquid is confined · If breathing stops, start artificial respiration to the skin. Rubber gloves can confine liquid to the · If breathing is difficult, give oxygen skin, and should not be used by fumigators when · If heartbeat stops, start cardiopulmonary re/easing VIKANE from the cylinder. After the resuscitation VIKANE is released and is in the gas form, skin · Immediately have someone obtain medical contact is not considered a problem, assistance, or transport the affected individual to RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: Fumigators are required a medical facility and notify ahead that to wear a NIOSH or MSHA approved, positive- emergency medical treatment will be needed. pressure self-contained breathing apparatus (SCB^) when entering areas where concentrations of VIKANE [ I 7. INFORMATION FOR exceed 5 ppm, or areas where concentrations are PHYSICIANS: unknown. Fumigators are also required to use either The prediction of possible effects of exposure to VIKANE an Interscan or Miran gas analyzer to confirm on human beings is based in part on observations of concentrations of VIKANE of 5 ppm or less before laboratory animals. On this basis, people exposed to permitting reoccupation of structures after fumigation. VIKANE will probably show little evidence of The Interscan is the most commonly used clearance intoxication at first, unless the concentration was detector used by fumigators using VIKANE. Its >400 ppm. CNS depression with slow speech and detection limits range from 0-50 ppm for sulfuryl gait will generally be the first symptoms noted. fluoride. The Interscan operates by drawing an air There is no known antidote for overexposure to VIKANE. sample through a furnace, which converts sulfuryl Keep individuals overexposed to VlKANE at bed rest fluoride to sulfur dioxide (SO2). The SO2 is passed for at least 24 hours. Clinical observations are through an SO2 sensor; the sensor output is registered essential and should be directed at pulmonary, on a direct-reading dial as ppm sulfuryl fluoride. The hepatic, and renal systems. Treatment is based on the Interscan requires monthly calibration to ensure ac- clinical judgement of the physician and the individual curate readings. The unit is manufactured by Interscan reaction of the patient. A post mortem finding in one Corporation, RO. Box 2496, Chatsworth, CA 91311. fatality attributed to VlKANE was pulmonary edema, with death attributed to cardiorespiratory failure. Con- [ ] 6. FIRST AID TREATMENT: vulsions may ensue with respiratory arrest being the IF ON SKIN: If VIKANE is projected onto a small area of terminal event. Assisted respiration may be necessary. the skin, wash the area with water. Any damage to the skin would result from freezing, not from acid burns. If I I 8. FIRE FIGHTING: clothing gets wet with liquid VlKANE, immediately GENERAL INFORMATION: VIKANE is not remove the clothing from skin contact and aerate, combustible. However, in temperatures exceeding IF IN EYES: If VIKANE is projected into the eyes, flush approximately 400°C (752°F), VIKANE will degrade the eyes with water for five minutes. Obtain medical to form hydrogen fluoride (HF) and sulfur dioxide. assistance. Any damage to the eyes will result from Theoretically, the number of oz of HF/1000 cubic freezing, feet produced during a fire in a structure IF INHALED: Humans exposed to high concentrations containing VIKANE would equal 0.4 x number of oz (>1000 ppm) of VIKANE may experience any of the VIKANE/1000 cubic feet~. Nonetheless, amounts of following symptoms: HF actually produced during fires involving Respiratory irritation VlKANE may be insignificant because VlKANE Nausea rapidly degasses from structures. Abdominal pain CYLINDERS OFVlKANE: VlKANE is packaged as a gas Central nervous system (CNS) depression under pressure in cylinders, thus cylinders contain Slow or garbled speech both gas and liquid. Cylinders containing VlKANE are Slow body movements designed not to explode in high temperatures. A Numbness of extremities fusible plug in the cylinder valve body melts at D¢ling of awareness 158-165°F. VlKANE released through this opening will Survival of humans exposed to VlKANE is dependent cool and resolidify the lead plug. In fires, the lead plug upon the concentration of VlKANE and the duration of may intermittently melt and solidify, resulting in erratic exposure. Humans can survive exposure to high release of the fumigant. concentrations of VIKANE, even following convulsions, if the exposure has been brief.. DOWELANCO PRODUCT CODE 01147 MIDLAND, MI 48674 VIKANE* EMERGENCY PHONE: FUMIGANT 517-636-4400 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04/12/90 DATA SHEET DATE PRINTED: 05/01/90 MSD:000506 Page 1 1. INGREDIENTS: (% w/w, unless otherwise noted) Sulfuryl fluoride CAS# 002699-79-8 99% other substances not 'Hazardous' per this OSHA Standard This document is prepared pursuant to the OSHA Hazard may be listed. Where proprietary ingredient shows, .the identity Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200). in addition, may be made available as provided in this standard. 2. PHYSICAL DATA: BOILING POINT: -67°F SP. GRAVITY: 1.36 (20°C-liq. dens.) VAP. PRESS: 9150 mmHg @ 50°F (10°C) APPEARANCE: Colorless VAR DENSITY: 3.5 ODOR: Odorless compressed gas SOL. IN WATER: Practically insoluble 3. FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA: FLASH POINT: Not applicable EXTiNGUiSHiNG MEDIA: Nonflammable METHOD USED: Not applicable FIRE & EXPLOSION HAZARDS: Cylinders exposed to fire FLAMMABLE LIMITS may vent and rupture and release toxic gas. LFL: Not flammable F~RE-FIGHTING EQUIPMENT: Wear positive-pressure, se~f- UFL: Not flammable contained breathing apparatus. 4. REACTIVITY DATA: STABILITY: (CONDITIONS TO AVOID) Cylinders may leak HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Sulfur dioxide or rupture in a fire. and hydrogen fluoride under fire conditions with INCOMPATIBILITY: (SPECIFIC MATERIALS TO AVOID) hydrocarbons. Strong base. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur. 5. ENVIRONMENTAL AND DISPOSAL INFORMATION: ACTION TO TAKE FOR SPILLS/LEAKS: Use respiratory DISPOSAL METHOD: Allow to evaporate in open area away protection in correcting source of leaks. Use positive from people. pressure, self-contained breathing apparatus only. Remove leaking cylinder to open isolated area. 6. HEALTH HAZARD DATA: EYE: Essentially nonirritating to eyes. If liquid contacts eye, tract and lungs. The LC5o for a 4-hour exposure for rats is evaporation may cause frostbite-type injury due to rapid 991-1122 ppm. cooling. SYSTEMIC (OTHER TARGET ORGAN EFFECTS): Excessive SKIN CONTACT: Essentially nonirritating to skin. If liquid exposure may cause lung, kidney, and CNS effects. May contacts skin, evaporation may cause frostbite-type injury cause fluorosis of teeth or bones. due to rapid cooling. CANCER INFORMATION: No relevant information found. SKIN ABSORPTION: Skin absorption is unlikely due to TERATOLOGY (BIRTH DEFECTS): Birth defects are unlikely. physical properties. Exposures having no effect on the mother should have no INGESTION: Ingestion is unlikely due to physical state, effect on the fetus. Did not cause birth defects in animals; Single dose oral toxicity is moderate. The LD5o for rats is other effects were seen in the fetus only at doses which 100 rog/kg, caused toxic effects to the mother. INHALATION: Excessive vapor concentrations are attainable REPRODUCTIVE EFFECTS: No relevant information found. and a single exposure may cause death. Excessive MUTAGENICITY (EFFECTS ON GENETIC MATERIAL): No exposure may cause severe irritation to upper respiratory relevant information found. *Indicates a Trademark of DowElanco The Information Herein Is Given In Good Faith, But No Warranty, Express Or Implied, Is Made. Consult DowElanco For Further Information. DOWELANCO PRODUCT CODE 01147 MIDLAND, MI 48674 VIKANE* EMERGENCY PHONE: FUMIGANT 517;636-4400 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04/12/90 DATA SHEET DATE PRINTED: 05/01/90 MSD:000506 Page 2 7. FIRST AID: EYES: Irrigate immediately with water for at least 5 minutes, unless the concentration is very high (greater than 400 SKIN: Wash off in flowing water or shower, ppm). The initial effect will probably be on the central nervous system; depression with slow speech and gait will iNGESTION: No adverse effects anticipated by this route be the first signs noted. It is essential to keep such an of exposure, individual at bed rest for at least 24 hours. Clinical INHALATION: Remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give observations should be directed at the pulmonary, hepatic mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. If breathing is difficult, give and renal systems. Convulsions may ensue with respiratory oxygen. Call a physician, arrest being the terminal event. Assisted respiration may be NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: The prediction of possible human necessary. Clinical observation is essential. No specific effects is based in part on observations made on laboratory antidote. Supportive care. Treatment based on judgment of animals. It is predicted that persons exposed to sulfuryl the physician in response to reactions of the patient. fluoride will show little evidence of intoxication at first, 8. HANDLING PRECAUTIONS: EXPOSURE GUIDELiNE(S): For sulfuryl fluoride, the ACGIH protection is required for certain operations, use an TLV and OSHA PEL are 5ppm TWA, 10 ppm STEL. approved positive pressure self-contained breathing VENTILATION: Control airborne concentrations below the apparatus. Air purifying respirators should not be used. exposure guideline. Use only with adequate ventilation. SKIN PROTECTION: No skin protection should be-needed. Do Local exhaust ventilation may be necessary for some not wear rings, watches, gloves, or similar apparel because operations. Lethal concentrations may exist in areas with they can entrap material and cause a burn. poor ventilation. EYE PROTECTION: Use chemical goggles. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: Atmospheric levels should be maintained below the exposure guideline. When respiratory 9. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS: SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN iN HANDLING AND SARA HAZARD CATEGORY: This product has been reviewed STORAGE: See label - keep out of reach of children. Do not according to the EPA 'Hazard Categories' promulgated breathe gas. Keep all unnecessary people and pets out of under Sections 311 and 312 of the Superfund Amendment area containing Vikane gas. Store away from heat and and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA Title III) and is dwellings. considered, under applicable definitions, to meet the MSDS STATUS: Revised Section 6-8. following categories: An immediate health hazard A delayed health hazard A sudden release of pressure hazard A reactive hazard *Indicates a Trademark of DowElanco The Information Herein Is Given In Good Faith, But No Warranty, Express Or Implied, Is Made. Consult DowElanco For Further Information. Form No. 132-278-590X ^uPU B35290/492362 ~ PRODUCT INFORMATION ................................. 1.0 ~--~'; VIKANE Gas Fumigant is a product manufactured Stability: Stable to heat normally en- and sold by The Dow Chemical Company for the countered in structural and control of certain pests. ~ other fumigations. Non- flammable under normal THE LABEL ................... 1.1 conditions in all atmos- This product is registered by the E~vironmental pheric concentrations. Protection Agency -- Registration number However, heaters and open 464-236. The label for VIKANE Gas Fumigant is flames must be extin- a legal document. It is illegal to use the product quished as temperatures in any manner inconsistent with the label. Labels over 400°C (752°F) will are periodically revised and sent to registered cause decomposition prod- holders of this manual for inclusion as part ucts to be formed which can be corrosive' and can of the manual m contact your nearest DOw etch glass. (See Trouble- Chemical Company office for copies of the current shooting, Section 9.0.) Sul- specimen label (see the back page of this manual for addresses), furyl fluoride is relatively unreactive. No odor con- COMPOSITION ................ 1.2 tamination or corrosive effects have been detected VIKANE Gas Fumigant is an inorganic chemical when the chemical has .and is composed of: been used as directed. Active Ingredient: Sulfuryl fluoride 99% Heat of (By Wt) Vaporization: 81.1 BTU/pound at -'550C Inert Ingredients: ............. 1% (-67°F) or 4600 cai/mol. 1 100% POund of sulfuryl fluoride = '~,~._~' 4.45 moles. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES ........ 1,3 1.o pound of VIKANE will Structural formula: O ' lower 1,000 cu ft of dry air ~1 2.5°C (4'5°F) F- S- F Volume Per Pound: One pound of gas occupies I~ 3.8 cuft at 25°C (77°F) and O 760 mm Hg. One pound of Color: None gas per 1,000 Cuft of unoc- cupied space equals ap- Odor: None proximately 3,850 ppm at MolecularWeight: 102.07 room temperature and pres- Specific Gravity: · 1.32 at 25°C (77°F) sure (25°C at 760 mm Hg). Vapor Density: 3.52 (air = 1) Hydrolysis: Slow in water, but rapid in basic solutions. Boiling Point: - 55.2°C ( - 67°F) at 760mmHg Reactivity: VIKANE is relatively un- reactive with most mate- Gas Solubility at rials. It can, however, react 25'~3(77°F) and with strong bases such as Pressure = In water 0.075% (750 ppm) some photo developing 1ATM: by weight, only slightly 'solutions. soluble in organic solvents, vegetable oils and stoddard Solvent. USE OFWATER: Evolution of hazardous materials during ~ 10. PACKAGING AND a fire can be minimized by use of water. Water will DISTRIBUTION OF scrub out part of the HF and SO2 formed by VIKANE: decomposition of VIKANE fumigant in the flame. Water also can be used to cool cylinders of VIKANE VIKANE Gas Fumigant is packaged for fumigators in a and prevent discharge of the product caused by standardized container: a white, pressed steel tank 4 melted fusible plugs. Avoid runoff into waterways if ft long and 10 inches in diameter. Each cylinder possible, The toxicity of VIKANE in water for fish is contains 125 lbs of 99% pure sulfuryl fluoride. unknown. VIKANE is made and packaged only by DowElanco at PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (for fires involving cylinders of one location in California. Cylinders of VIKANE, VIKANE): Self-contained breathing apparatus and 12 to a pallet, are transported via truck or ship to encapsulating protective suits should be worn when distribution centers in the continental U.S. and fighting fires in atmospheres containing potentially Hawaii. VIKANE is not transported in bulk by high concentrations of VIKANE. Protective suit railcar. material should be compatible with exposure to hydrofluoric acid. I I 11. DEALING WITH LEAKS INVOLVING VIKANE: I ] 9. FIRES IN STRUCTURES Damaged tanks, an unusual sulfide-type smell, frost on a UNDER FUMIGATION cylinder, or a hissing sound indicate possible leakage WITH VIKANE: of VIKANE from a cylinder. In an open environment, The label for VIKANE requires the fumigant to be VIKANE dissipates very rapidly. Nonetheless, a released from outside the area to be fumigated, person should not enter the area immediately Therefore, it is very unlikely a cylinder of VIKANE will downwind of a suspected leaking cylinder or an be found inside a structure under fumigation. The opened tarp on a fumigated structure unless he is label does provide for special exceptions where this wearing a self-contained breathing apparatus. A/ways practice is not possible, wear a SCBA when entering an environment where the concentration of VIKANE is not known. WARNING SIGNS: By Federal law, a warning sign must be placed at each entrance to the structure under An Interscan gas analyzer will confirm the presence fumigation. Some state laws require additional or absence of VIKANE. Fumigators, distributors, or placarding. The signs must contain information DowElanco representatives for VIKANE have including the accepted common name of the fumigant, access to Interscans; contact these individuals for and the name, address, and day and night telephone their assistance if emergency use of an Interscan numbers of the company performing the fumigation, is necessary. FANS: The label for VIKANE requires the use of electric fans to provide forced air circulation for facilitating rapid dispersion of the fumigant during introduction of the fumigant. WARNING AGENT: Chloropicrin is used to aid in vacating a structure. Five to ten minutes prior to introducing VIKANE, chloropicrin is poured over cotton in a shallow dish placed in the air stream of a fan. Chloropicrin is a noncombustible liquid and is not soluble in water. At temperatures exceeding 112°C (233°F), chloropicrin will degrade to form hydrochloric acid, phosgene, and oxides of nitrogen such as NO2 and NO. The concentration of chloropicrin used during fumigation with VIKANE is 1 fluid oz/10,000-15,000 cubic feet, which equals 17-26 ppm. Due to the small amount of chloropicrin present during fumigations, the amount of decomposition products of chloropicrin formed during a fire would be insignificant. PROTECTIVE CLOTHING: Self-contained breathing apparatus and normal "turn-out" gear should be worn when fighting fires in structures under fumigation with VIKANE. ~ln temperatures exceeding approximately 400°C (752°F), each mole (102 gm) of sulfuryl fluoride will degrade to form 2 moles (40 gm) of hydrogen fluoride (HF). *Trademark of DowElanco Pest; .........................Dosage to be used sliding. Do not use repe slings, hooks, tongs or similar devices (as a Multiple of Drywood Termite Dosage) to unload cylindere. Transport cylindere using hand truck or Carpet Beetles**, Rodents (rets, mice), fork truck to which the cylinder can be firmly secured. Do not and Cockroaches .................................................................... 1 transport any cylindere in closed vehicles where they occupy the same common airepace as pereonnel. Transport securely Bedbugs .................................................................................... .2 Old House Borere and Formosan Termites .............................. 4 only in an upright position. Clothes Moths ............................................................................ 6 Do not remove valve protection bonnet and safety cap until Powder Post Beetles and Death Watch Beetles .................... 10 immediately before use. Replace safety cap, and valve These dosages apply to dwellings, buildings, construction protection bonnet when cylinder is not in use. materials, furnishings, and vehicles. When cylinder is empty, close valve, screw safety cap onto **More than one fumigation may be needed to control the valve outlet and replace protection bonnet before returning to shipper. Only the registrant is authorized to refill cylindere. Do infestation after egg hatch, not use cylindere for any other purpose. Follow registrant's FUMIGUIDE B calculator is to be used for coordination of instructions for return of empty or partially empty cylindere. fumigant rates with temperatures, a 20 to 24 hour exposure Leak Procedures: Evacuate immediate area of leak. Use ~ period, and an estimated HLT. SCBA or combination air-supplied/SCBA respirator, such as FUMIGUIDE Y calculator is used when fumigant manufactured by Scott or MSA, for entry into affected areas to concentrations are monitored and/or there are measured correct problem. Move leaking or damaged cylinder outdoore variations in exposure time. or to an isolated location, observing strict safety precautions. These calculatore and referenced literature may be obtained Work upwind if possible. Do not permit entry into leakage area from DowElanco. by unprotected pereons until concentration of fumigant is INTRODUCING THE FUMIGANT: Release the fumigant from determined to be less than 5 ppm, as determined by a outside the structure, tent or vehicle. (Where this practice is not detection device with sufficient sensitivity such as an feasible, consult regulatory agency(s) and DowElanco). INTERSCAN or MIRAN gas analyzer. For more detailed Release fumigant through a suitable leak-proof tube with a information on the source and use of air monitoring device,~ or minimum buret pressure of 500 psi. respiratore, consult the VIKANE Fumigation Manual. Direct the fumigant into the blast of air from a fan(s) of a total CYLINDER AND PRODUCT DISPOSAL capacity of 1,000 cfm for each pound VIKANE shot per minute. Promptly return all empty cylinders to your distributor of Corrosion of metals can occur if insufficient fan capacity is VIKANE. Follow proper cylinder handling directions above. used for rate of VIKANE shot. The release point should be into Pesticide wastes are toxic. Improper disposal of excess a large open space(s) in the fumigation site.TO PREVENT pesticide is a violation of Federal Law. If these wastes cannot DAMAGE, DO NOT APPLY FUMIGANT DIRECTLY TO ANY SURFACES, be disposed of by use according to label instructions, consult your State Pesticide or Environmental Control Agency, or the Placarding of Fumigated Areas: The applicator must placard Hazardous Waste representative at the nearest EPA Regional or post all entrances to the fumigated areas with signs bearing, Office for guidance. in English and Spanish: 1. The signal word DANGER/PELIGRO and the SKULL and CROSSBONES symbol. 2. The statement, "Area under fumigation, DO NOT ENTER/NO ENTRE". 3. The date of fumigation. 4. Name of fumigant used. 5. Name, address and telephone number of the applicator. Only a certified applicator may remove placard, and only when the concentration of sulfuryl fluoride in the treated site or commodity is 5 ppm or less. Aeration and Reentry: At the end of the exposure period remove all turps and seals and open operable doors and windows. Fans can be used to help remove fumigant from spaces difficult to aerate. After fumigation, treated areas must be aerated until the level of sulfuryl fluoride is 5 ppm or less, as measured by a detection device with sufficient sensitivity such as an iNTERSCAN or MIl:lAN gas analyzer. No one should enter treated areas if the level of sulfuryl fluodde is above 5 ppm unless provided with a respiratory protection device (SCBA or combination air supplied/SCBA respirator), such as manufactured by Scott or MSA. For more detailed information on the source and use of air monitoring devices or respirators, consult the VIKANE Fumigation Manual. Do not reoccupy fumigation site, i.e. building, ship, vehicle or chamber, nor move vehicle until aeration is complete. Warning signs must remain posted until aeration is determined to be complete. Storage and Handling Store in dry, cool, well ventilated area under lock and key. Post as a pesticide storage area. Do not contaminate water, food, or feed by storage. Store cylinders upright, secured to a rack or wall to prevent tipping. Cylinders should not be subjected to rough handling or mechanical shock such as dropping, bumping, dragging, or WARRANTY DISCLAIMER DowElanco shall not be liable for losses or damages resulting from handling or use of this product unless DowElanco is DowElanco warrants that this product conforms to the promptly notified of such loss or damage in writing. In no case chemical description on the label and is reasonably fit for the shall DowElanco be liable for consequential or incidental purposes stated on the label when used in strict accordance damages or losses. with the directions, subject to the inherent risks set forth below. DOWELANCO MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED The terms of the Warranty Disclaimer above and this limitation WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A of Remedies cannot be vaded by any written or verbal PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY OTHER EXPRESS OR statements or agreements. No employee or sales agent of IMPLIED WARRANTY. DowElanco or the seller is authorized to vary or exceed the terms of the Warranty Disclaimer or this Limitation of Remedies INHERENT RISKS OF USE in any manner. It is impossible to eliminate all risks associated with use of this product. Plant injury, lack of performance, or other unintended 91503-L2 690 consequences may result because of such factors as use of the product contrary to label instructions (including conditions noted on the label, such as unfavorable temperatures, soil conditions, etc.), abnormal conditions (such as excessive rainfall, drought, tornadoes, hurricanes), presence of other materials, the manner of application, or other factors, all of which are beyond the control of DowElanco or the seller. All such risks shall be assumed by Buyer. LIMITATION OF REMEDIES The exclusive remedy for losses or damages resulting from this product (including claims based on contract, negligence, strict liability, or other legal theories), shall be limited to, at DowElanco's election, one of the following: (1) Refund of purchase price paid by buyer or user for product DowElanco bought, or Indianapolis, Indiana 46268 U.S.A. (2) Replacement of amoUnt of product used. eTrademark of DowElanco REVISIONS INCLUDE: SPECIMEN LABEL 86-1156 DATE CODE 690 1) CHANGED REGISTRATION NUMBER FROM REPLACES 86-1156 DATE CODE U 687 464-236 TO DOWELANCO 62719-4 DISCARD PREVIOUS SPECIMEN LABELS 2) CHANGED WARRANTY STATEMENT TO THIS IS AN INITIAL DOWELANCO PRINTING REFLECT TRANSFER TO DOWELANCO 99123 SITE DIAGRAM. ,~ '/ FACILITY. DIAGRAM ", ~lrst In Station: .... Area Mop 8 ...... of ~ · .j~;?.. ~ ~ Inspection S~otlon: .. .... -~ NORTH ~' ~ . lIE DIAGRAM ~ / FACILITY DIAGRAM For 0~I0o Uso Only : First tn ~tatton: ....... Area Map ~ --of Impectlon StatiOn: ............ NORTH PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS RESTRICTED USE PESTICIDE HAZ~RD ~) H~S DUE TO ACUTE TOXICITY AND DOMESTIC ANIMALS: For retail sale to and use only by Certified Applicators, or persons under their direct ~ A ffi G ~ R supervision, and only for those uses covered by the Certified Applicator's certification. EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS LIQUID AND VAPOR UNDER PRESSURE. INHALATION MAY BE FATAL OR CAUSE s a0us METHYL BROMIDE 99.50/0 LUNG OR NERVOUS SYSTEM INJURY. FOR USE ONLY BY PROFESSIONAL FUMIGATORS DO NOT BREATH VAPORS. LIQUID OR EXCESSIVE VAPOR CAN CAUSE SERIOUS SKIN OR EYE INJURY WHICH MAY ACTIVE. INGREDIENTS:. , HAVE A DELAYED ONSET. : INERT INGREDIENTS: DO NOT GET LIQUID ON SKIN, IN EYES, CHLOROPICRIN, ODORIZING AGENT 0.5% ~- OR ON CLOTHING. TOTAL 100.00% THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS CHLOROPICRIN AS A WARNING ODORANT. CHLOROPICRIN MAY BE IRRITATING TO THE UPPER ,RESPIRATORY TRACT, AND EVEN AT LOW LEVELS CAN CAUSE PAINFUL IRRITATION TO THE EYES, PRODUC- ING TEARING. IF THESE SYMPTOMS OCCUR, LEAVE THE ~hem/ca~$ FUMIGATION AREA IMMEDIATELY. Cof[3ofa~[o~ PRODUCTS ~ OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING PRECAUTIONS.. P.O. BOX 782 · HOLLISTER, CA 95024 GENERAL PRECAUTIONS 1. Do not get in ey ...... kin, or on clothing. E.P.A EST. 8536-CA-i~2 3,4;FL-1 2.-Do not spill or discharge contents outside o£ areas confined ~ ° ' for treatment. '" 3. Comply with all local regulations and ordinances. E.P.A. REG. NO. 8536-12 4. It is adv£sable to supply your physician with information on Methyl. Bromide. Literature is available from your dealer or ~i NET CONTENTS ............. LBS. distributor. , , 5. Obtain medical assistance at once in case of illness after exposure, and do not allow conditions which could accidenta11~ cause further exposure unt~l recovery is complete. (See ~ote to RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN If the concentration of methyl bromide in the working area, as measured b~ a direct-read~ng dete¢~or device (such as a Draeger gas detector) does not exceed 5 ppm (20 mg/cu.m), no respiratorF protection ~s required. If this concentration Xs exceeded at any time, ,11 persons in the fumigation area must wear protective DANGER PELIGRO clothing and a NIOSH/MS[ia approved self-con~a~ned breathing ap- paratus. (SCBA) or combination air-supplied/SCBA respirator (such as a U.S. Divers' Survivatr or comparable device). Under normal soil fumigation conditions, the concentration of methyl bromide in the working area will no, generally, .... d 5 ppm POISON as a time-weighted average and no respiratory protection is re- quired. However, there is the possibility of a spill or leak during soil fumigation. Therefore, & SCBA or combination air- PRECAUCION AL USARIO: Si usted no lee Ingles, no use supplied/SCBA respirator must be available and will be required for entry into an affected area in the event of a leak or spill, est. producto basts qua la etiqueta le hays side expli- cada ampliamente. CLOTHING PRECAUTIONS: 1. Wear loose clothing and socks that are cleaned after each wear- IN ALL CASES OF OVEREXPOSURE, GET ing. Do not wear Jewelry, gloves, or tight clothing when hand- ling. Methyl Bromide is heavier ~han air and may be trapped MEDICAL ATTENTION IMMEDIATELY inside clo~h/ng and cause skin injury. If 'full-face respiratory protection is no~ required, wear goggles or full face shield TAKE PERSON TO A DOCTOR OR TO AN ~o~ ~ ~=o~.c=~on when handling ~iq~d. EMERGENCY TREATMENT FACILITY 2. Following exposure, immediately remove clothing, sho~s, and socks. ;Do not reuse con~amin&~ed clothing or shoes un:il thor- oughly cl .... d and .... ted. D .... hsd clo,hing ..... t: be ,de- STATEMENT 'n';'..- PRACTICAL qua~ely decon~amina~ed. 3. Do not .... gloves of any typ ...... bber protec,tve clothing, TREATMENT or rubber boots. 4. If liquid fumigant splashes or spills on clothing, remove them I~ INHALED: Get exposed person to fresh air. Keep at once, as fumes wtll be an Intolerable source of irritation. .... warm. Make sure person can breathe freely. If breath- WARNING SIGNS: structural, Transportation, Space Fumigation lng has stopped, give artificial respiration. Give 1.The applicator must placard or post all entrances to the fumi- oxygen if needed. Do not give anything by mouth to any gated area with signs bearing in English and Spanish: (1) The signal word DANGER/PELIGRO and the skull and crossbones uncons.cious person. Seek medical attention. symbol. (2) The statement, "Area under fumigation, DO NOT ENTER/NO IF ON sKIN: Immediately remove contaminated clothing, ENTRE". shoes, and other items covering the skin. Wash con- (3) The 4ate of fumigation. (4) Name of fumigant used. taminated skin area thoroughly with soap and water. (5) Name, address, and telephone number of the applicator. 2. Do not remove a placard until the treated space is completely IF IN EYES: Hold eyelids open and flush with a steady, aerated. To determine whether aeration is complete, each fumi- gated site must be monitored ~nd shown to contain less than 5 gentle stream of water for at least 15 minutes. ppm methyl bromide. If less than 5 ppm methyl bromide is detec- ted, the placard may be removed. NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: Early symptoms of overexposure are 3. Boxcars' must be placarded with D.O.T. specified warning signs, dizziness, headache, nausea and vomiting, weakness, and Warning signs are available from your dealer or distributor, collapse. Lung edema may develop in 2 to 48 hours SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURE: after exposure, accompanied by cardiac irregularities; 1. Evacuate the immediate area of the spill or leak. Use SCBA or these effects are the usual cause of death. Repeated combination air-supplted/SCBA respirator for entry into the affected area to correct problem. Move leaking or damaged overexposure can result in blurred vision, staggering cylinders or containers outdoors or to an isolated location, gait, and mental imbalance, with probable recovery observing strict safety precautions. Work upwind if possible, after a period of no exposure. Blood bromide levels Allow spill to evaporate. Do not permit entry into spill area suggest the occurrence, but not the degree, of ex- by unprotected persons until the concentration of methyl bro- mide is determined to be less than 5 ppm (20 mg/cu.m), posure. Treatment is symptomatic. 2. Contaminated soil, water, and other cleanup debris is a toxic hazardous waste. Report spill to the National Response Center See Side Panel For Additional Precautionary Statements. (800-424-8802) if reportable quantity of 1000 lbs. is exceeded. DOSAGE AND EXPOSURE TABLE FOR USE IN FLORIDA FOR SOIL FUMIGATION WITH METHYL BROMIDE cITRus CONTROL OF PHYTOPHTHORA IN SANDY SOILS PSaT CONTROL TYPE OF SOIL DOSAGE* MIN. AERATION TIMZ This is preplant or replant treatment. Trees which are planted in this DESIRED AND/OR CROP EXP. BEFORE PLANTINg treated soil will not bear harvestable fruit for a period of at least 24 months. Use a minimum of I to i 1/4 pounds per 100 square feet. Nematodes TURF RENOVATION, Lawns400-500 lb/a48 hrs 3 days Expose to fumigation for 48 hours, covering treated area with a 4 mil. weed-Seeds And Other Recreational Insects Turf Areas. tarpaulin. Will control disease to a depth of 4 feet. Aerate 2 weeks before setting transplants in treated area. NONPOOD AND NONFKED CROP 400-500 lb/A 48 hfs 3 days AReas: Seed and Plant Beds for Tobacco, Flowers, Shade and Forest Trees, Ornamental Shrubs and Vines, Vegetables for production of transplants GREENHOUSE FUMIGATION to transplants This fumigant may be used in field or in greenhouse. When used in Shlloctonla, Fusarium 3 days If seeded gree{~house, ~the following safety precautions_m~s.t__be s_tric~tly observ, ed:- listed above. Vegetables 3 days if seeded PRIOR TO FUMIGATION: The use of methyl bromide in confined spaces for production of trans- presents a potential hazard to humans and plant life. Special pre- plants only. Floral. and cautions must be made in order that these potential hazards be mini- mixed. It is the responsibility of the individual supervising the Nematodes Permanent Planting For 240-400 lb/A48 hfs 3 days if seeded fumigation operation to see that all safety precautions are strictly Sggplants. Peppers. in treated soil the fumigation Job shall have conducted proper training of all per- Broccoli, Cauliflower sonnel involved in the fumigation (including use of safety equipment), removed all persons from the area not directly involved in the fumi- Nematodes (root knot- clay soils: 40'0-600 lb/A 5-7 days 14 days DURING FUMIGATION: If a wind is blowing, all injections should be made citrus, lesion, pin, control of Phytophthora upwind from a previous injection site. Immediately after injection of ring, and dagger) In light sandy soil and the fumigant and tarping, a qualified person wearing protective equip- Control of Armlllaria sent should monitor the area with a halide leak detector. If excessive in light sandy soils: 400 lb/a 5-7 days 14 days leaks are found, the source of the leak should be resealed immediately. Control of Armlllarla in During this operation, all windows and doors should be open and fans Burrowing Nematodes root rot: 400-650 lh/a5-7 days 14 days "Skull and Crossbones" and the words, "Area under fumigation, do not Control of &rmillarla enter until completely aerated.": the date of fumigation: name of the root rot in sandy light fumigant used: emergency telephone number for contact: and the name and soil and fine textured address of the fumigator. Do not remove warning signs until the fumigated area is completely aerated and safe for entry, as indicated spring PROTECTIVE EQU~IPMENT: Although fumigant contains chloropicrin, the TREE SITES: For control of 1-1~ lb/ absence of chloropicrin does not always indicate the absence of methyl control of Armlll&ris root 1-1% lb/ 30 days after / the fumigated structure without the appropriate protective equipment are obtained using an approved detector. To maintain adequate safety Control of Armillarta In 1-1% lb/ standards, the following equipment must be present on the site during ing apparatus; (2) One of more replacement air bottles per breathing A 5 ppm maximum exposure level for Methyl Bromide has been established. This level has been defined as the concentration below which personal equipment should not enter the fumigated area until monitoring devices show Methyl Bromide concentrations of 5 ppm or less. FOR USE wEsT OF ROCKY MOUNTAINS ONIONS, DIRECT SEEDED APPLICATION: Treatment can be made whenever soil conditions are WARRANTY suitable. In northern states, late summer or early fall treatments are best for land to be planted to NOTICE: Seller warrants that the product conforms to its chemical early spring crops. Follow application directions as description and is reasonably fit for the purposes stated on the label described for SEED AND PLANT BEDS.. when used in accordance with directions under normal conditions of use, USE: For control of White Rot, weeds (grasses) and but neither this warranty nor any other warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or Nematodes. FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, express or implied, extends to the DOSAGE: 300 Lbs/Acre use of this product contrary to label instructions, or under abnormal EXPOSURE: Remove tarpaulin after 48 hours, conditions, or under conditions not reasonably foreseeable to seller, AERATION: Aerate 7-14 days before planting, and buyer assumes the risk of any such use. LIMITATION: Use restricted to west of the Rocky Mountains. Do not treat any field more than once every twelve months. FOR USE IN CALIFORNIA ONLY ..... ASPARAGUS AND LETTUCE APPLICATION: Follow application directions as described for SEED AND PLANT BEDS. DOSAGE AND USE TABLE CROP USE RATE AERATION* Asparagus Fungus diseases 300-400 lbs/A Remove tarpaulin (damping off,Phythium spp) after 48 hrs. Weeds (grasses), Nematodes Lettuce Weeds (including oxalis) 300-400 lbe/A Remove tarp~utin Nematodes after 48 hrs. Big Vein 200-300 lbs/A Remove tarpaulin after 48 hrs. * Aerate 14 days before planting. LIMITATIONS: For use in California only. Do not harvest asparagus dur- ing year of treatment. Use on lettuce fields only once in 2 to 3 years. PRECAUTIONS STORAGE AND DISPOSAL STRUCTURAL, TRANSPORTATION, STORAGE AND HANDLING: OR SPACE. FUMIGATION USE store in dry, cool, well-ventilated area under lock and key. Post as a pesticide storage area. Do not contaminate water, food, or feed by storage. Persons moving or handling containers should wear GENERAL PRECAUTIONS: protective clothin~. Open container only in a well-ventllatea area 1. Keep animals, children, and unauthorized people away from area wearing protective clothing, and respiratory protection if necess- under treatment until area is certified free of methyl bromide sty. Store cylinders upright, secured to a rack or wall to prevent (See Aeration Statement). tipping. Cylinders should not be subjected to rough handling or 2. When ~ mechanical shock such as dropping, bumping, dragging, or sliding. used for fumigation of enclosed spaces (houses and other structures, warehouses, vaults, chambers, greenhouses, trucks, Do not use rope slings, hooks, tongs, or similar devices to unload vans, boxcars, ships, and other transport vehicles, and cylinders. Transport cylinders using hand truck, fork truck or tarpaulin-covered areas), two persons trained in the use of other device to which the cylinder can be firmly secured. Do not this product must be present during introduction of the remove valve protection bonnet and safety cap until Immediately fumigant, initiation of aeration, and after aeration when before use. Replace safety cap and valve protection bonnet when testing for reentry. Two persons do not need to be present if cylinder is not in use. When cylinder is empty, close valve, screw monitoring is conducted remotely (outside the area being safety cap onto valve outlet, and replace protection bonnet before fumigated), returning to shipper. Only the registrant is authorized to refill 3. Do not fumigate with this product when the temperature is below cylinders. Do not use cylinders for any other purpose. Follow 40 degrees F. registrant's instructions for return of empty or partially empty 4. Whenever possible, apply methyl bromide from outside of cylinder. structure or car being fumigated. Make sure the fumigated a~ea is properly sealed and posted. Do not move trucks, trailers, or RETURN OF CYLINDERS: vans during fumigation. They must be completely aerated before Cylinders are the property of: movement is allowed, soil Chemicals Corporation Soil Chemicals Corpora,t-i.om 8770 HIGHWAY 25 2060 East 220th Street AERATION AND REENTRY: Holliater. CA g5023 Long Beach. CA 1. After fumigation, treated areas must be aerated until the level and should be returned promptly by collect auto freight. Do not of methyl bromide is below 5 ppm (20 mg/cu.m), ship cylinders without safety caps or valve protection bonnets. 2. Do not allow entry into the treated area by any person before When a cylinder is partially full and there is no further require- this time unless loose clothing and a respiratory protection ment for the product, contact UCC for return instructions. device (SCBA or combination air-supplied/SCBA is worn. SHIPPING: This fumigant is classified in the U.S. Department of Transpor- tation Hazardous Materials Regulations as Methyl Bromide Liquid or Methyl Bromide and Nonflammable, Non-liquifted compressed gas mixture, Liquid, class "B" poison (inhalation hazard), and no PRECAUTIONS exemptions from specifications, packaging, marking, or labeling are allowed. Describe empty cylinders as having last contained SOIL FUMIGATION USE Methyl Bromide Liquid or Methyl Bromide and Nonflammabie, Non- liquifted compressed gas mixture, Liquid (inhalation hazard). Do PRIOR TO FUMIGATION: not ship with foode, feeds, or clothing. 1. Comply with all local regulations and ordinances. Obtain an DISPOSAL: application permit from Agricultural Regulatory Agencies as Do not contaminate water, food, or feed by storage or disposal. required. Pesticide wastes are toxic. Improper disposal of excesspesticide, 2. Never fumigate alone. It is imperative always to have an assis- spray mixture, or rinsate is a violation of Federal Law. If these rant and proper protective equipment in case of accidents, wastes cannot be disposed of by use according to label tnstruc- 3. Drivers of application equipment must advise other workers of t/one, contact your State Pesticide or Environmental Control all precautions and procedures. In addition, drivers must in- Agency, or the Hazardous Waste representative at the nearest EPA struct their helpers in the mechanical operation of the tractor Regional Office for guidance. and how to safely work with the tractor and driver while fumi- gating. 4. Handle this fumigant in the open, with the operator "up wind" , from the container where there is good ventilation. 5. Check fumigant pressure system for leaks before beginning operation. ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARD 6. TWO trained persons must be present during introduction of the fumigant. 7. When fumigating soil from a tractor, 5 gallons of water-must be '~- --Th~s--pest~ci'de--~s--to~l= tv w~1-~ii£=, bu".,~ dl~h=rg= carried on the tractor and placed where it is readily access- containing this product into lakes, streams, ponds, estuaries, ible. In addition to water available on the tractor, at least 5 oceans, or public waters unless this product is specifically gallons of additional water must be available from the service identified and addressed in an NPDES permit. Do not discharge truck. This water must be potable and in containers marked effluent containing this product to sewer systems without prevt- "Decontamination water not to be used for drinking." ously notifying the sewage treatment plant authority. For guidance 8. Field should he reasonably free of trash before starting the contact your State Water Board or Regional Office of the EPA, fumigation. For space fumigation use, monitor area immediately surrounding the DURING FUMIGATION: fumigation site with a Halide Detector during exposure and aera- 1. This fumigant should not be applied when there is an atmoe- tion periods to establish that dangerous levels of the fumigant pheric inversion. Since uncomfortable concentrations of chloro- are not present (see Aeration Statement for Halide Detector use). picrtn may drift to nearby areas, immediately cover treated area with plastic tarpaulin for a minimum of 48 hours when the The high volatility of the fumigant permits it to be vented from injection depth is less than 10". space being fumigated and to dissipate rapidly with no hazard to 2. Do not lift injection shanks to turn at the end of a pass until surrounding areas with correct monitoring, fumigant has drained from system following closure of shutoff valve. 3. If trash is inadvertently pulled by the shanks to the ends of CHEMICAL HAZARD the field when fumigating, it must be covered by lifting the shanks, then covering the trash with polyethylene film before Methyl bromide is practically nonflammable. There is no danger making the turn for the next pass. from fire or explosion in use concentrations. However, flame can 4. When changing the cylinders, be certain they are turned off and change-the chemical to produce some corrosive damage to items in fumigant system is not under pressure. Do not open the system the space being fumigated. Pilot lights and glowing wire heaters when there are people or structures downwind where exposures should be turned off. above the permissable exposure levels could occur. Do not apply gas directly to metal surfaces because of possible FOLLOWING FUMIGATION: corrosive effect on certain metals. Do not use containgrs or ap- 1. Post all treated areas with warning signs, available from your plication equipment made of magnesium, aluminum, or their alloys. dealer or representative. 2. No children, unauthorized people, or animals should be in the The following materials can develop an undesirable odor when fumigation area for 48 hours, encountered in structural fumigation and should be removed from 3. When tarpaulin is used, two trained persons must be present the space being fumigated: _ _ ~ dur.iqg_removal of the tarpaulin. ~ 1. Foodstuffs: (a) Iodized salt; (b) Full-fat soya f~our: (c) ~- Any kinds of materials that contain reactive sulfur compounds. SPILL AND LEAK PROCEDURE: such as some soap powders, some baking sodas, and some salt 1. In case of a rupture of hose or fitting while applying fumi- blocks used for cattle licks. gant, immediately stop tractor and motor. Evacuate immediate 2. Certain rubber goods~ (a) Sponge rubber; (b) Foam rubber, as area of spill or leak. Use SCBA or combination a/r-supplied/- in rug padding, pillows, cushions, and mattresses; (c) Rubber SCBA respirator for entry into affected area to correct the stamps and other similar forms of reclaimed rubber. problem. Approach from upwind to make necessary repairs. 3. Furs, horsehair, and pillows (especially feather pillows). 2. Do not reenter area without respiratory protection until spill 4. Leather goods (particularly white kid or any other leather has evaporated or leak has been fixed, goods tanned with sulfur processes). 5. woolens (extreme caution should be used in the fumigation of any angora woolens, and some adverse effect has been noted on NOTE CAREFULLY the fumigation of woolen suits, coats, blankets, hand-knit woolen socks, sweaters, shawls, and woolen yarn). Fumigation may temporarily raise the level of ammonia nitrogen and 6. Viscose rayons (those rayons p~ocessed or manufactured by a soluble salts in the soil. This is most likely to occur when heavy process in which carbon bisulfide is used). rates of fertilizer and fumigant are applied to soils that are 7. Paper: (a) Silver-polishing papers: (b) Certain writing papers either cold, wet, acid, or high in organic matter. To avoid injury cured by sulphide processes; (c) Carbonless paper or Blue- to plant roots, fertilize as indicated by soil tests made after prints. fumigation. To avoid ammonia injury and/or nitrate starvation to 8. Photographic chemicals as used in photo processing darkrooms crops, avoid using fertilizers containing ammonium salts and use (does not include camera film). only fertilizers containing nitrates until after the crop is well 9. Cinder blocks, or mixed concrete which occasionally picks up established and the soil temperature is above 65 degrees F. odors. Liming highly acid soils before fumigation stimdlates nitrifica- 10. Any materials that may contain reactive sulfur compounds. tion and reduces the possibility of ammonia toxicity. THESE PRODUCTS MAY HINDER EFFECTIVENESS OF THE FUMIGANT: Charcoal materials (charcoal absorbs the methyl bromide, reducing the effective concentration and contaminating the charcoal). 11. If there is a question whether a material may develop an odor, DIRECTIONS FOR USE a test fumigati .... y h ..... ith .... ll quantity of the material. It is a violation of Federal Law to use this product in any manner inconsistent with its labeling. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS PREPLANT SOIL FUMIGATION THIS FUMIGANT IS A HIGHLY HAZARDOUS MATERIAL AND SHOULD BE USED ONLY BY METHYL BROMIDE 99.5~ may be used aa a preplant soil fumigant for INDIVIDUALS TRAINED IN ITS PROPER USE. BEFORE USING, READ AND FOLLOW land in which plants maF be grown for nonfeed crop uses. These ALL LABEL PRECAUTIONS AND DIRECTIONS, INCLUDING THE ATTACHED SUPPLE- uses are for seed and plant beds, nurseries and permanent planting MENT. ALL PERSONS WORKING WITH THIS FUMIGANT MUST BE KNOWLEDGEABLE sites for tobacco, lawns, and other ornamental and recreational ABOUT THE HAZARDS, AND TRAINED IN THE USE OF REQUIRED RESPIRATOR EQUIP- turf areas, forest and shade trees, ornamental flowers, vines and MENT AND DETECTOR DEVICES, EMERGENCY PROCEDURES, AND PROPER USE OF THE shrubs and other similar plants. Methyl Bromide 99.5~ may be used FUMIGANT. in vegetable seed beds for production of plants that are later transplanted in untreated soil or soil treated to label directions for registered products, and in orchard and vineyard planting sites and soils where tomatoes, strawberries, pineapple, peppers, muskmelons, cauliflower, broccoli, lettuce, onions, asparagus, and SPACE FUMIGATION eggplants are to be grown for food. APPLICATION SEED AND PLANT BEDS: (Plants Grown For Transplanting) DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Prior to plenting, apply Methyl Bromide at the rate that appears METHYL BROMIDE 99.5% ia intended for professional uae in empty mills, in the dosage table by means of tractor mounted chisels spaced 12 warehouses, boxcars, fumigation vaults, under sealed tarpaulins, flat inches apart and at a depth of 5 - 8 inches below the soil or upright bulk grain storages for the control of all stored product surface. To seal fumigant after application, cover immediately insects including grain beetles, granary weevil, rice weevil, codelles, with a gas-tight tarpaulin by means-of a'"mechantcal .ta~-p-~ayer. Do mites, and meal worms, not remove tarpaulin until after the proper exposure period indicated on the dosage table has passed. Prior to fumigation, the METHYL 'BROMIDE 99.5~ may also be used for the control of structural soil should be in seed bed condition with adequate moisture to insect pests such as dry wood termites, lyctus or powder post beetle, support seed germination. The soil should be worked to the depth old house borer, death watch beetle, and such household pests as it is desirable for the fumigant to penetrate. Plant refuse should roaches, bedbugs, spiders, ants, millipedes, carpet beetles, clothes be worked into the soil and time allowed for refuse to decompose moths, ~ice and rats, in dwellings, garages, barns, storage buildings, before treatment. and other structures infested with these pests. TURF, NURSERIES, AND FLORAL CROPS: RATES OF APPLICATION: Pollow directions for seed and plant beds. If fumigating old turf, For general fumigation at temperatures above 70'F, use 1-3 pounds the soil should be worked up before fumigating. It is desirable Methyl Bromide 99.5~ per 1,000 cu.ft, for 16-24 hours exposure time. that the old turf be incorporated into the soil by rototilling, Under adverse conditions, increase the dosage from 3 1/2 to 3 3/4 discing, or plowing. Bate and exposure time is indicated in the pounds per 1,000 cu.ft, fumigation rate. dosage table. DANGER: TOMATOES, STRAWBERRIES, BROCCOLI, LETTUCE, Thoroughly aerate building after application. Do not fumigate food products other than those specified in directions and do not use MUSKMELONS, EGGPLANTS, ASPARAGUS, PEPPERS, dosages higher than recommended as this can, in some cases, result in ONIONS, CAULIFLOWER: residues in excess of those permitted. Do not use Methyl Bromide 99.5~ Follow directions for seed and plant beds. Rate and exposure time in dairy, cheese, or meat plants, or on fresh fruits or vegaetables. Do is indicated in the dosage table. Row or bed applications may be not fumigate if (1) grain moisture is high; (2) grain temperature is made at the broadcast rates but the amount used will be low (below 60'F): or (3), there is excessive dockage, proportionately less per acre depending on the row spacing and PREPARATION FOR FUMIGATION: width of treatment in the row or bed. Remove from the structure to be fumigated all persons, domestic PINEAPPLE: animals, pets, fish, and growing plants. Remove from the premises or Prior to planting pineapple, apply methyl bromide at a rate place in polyethylene bags (thickness not less than 4 mils.), all foods specified in the dosage table by means of tractor mounted chisels and medicants. Polyethylene bags must be sealed with masking tape or set not more than 5 1/2 feet apart and at a depth of 12-18 inches. clamps. Exptingutsh all flames including pilot lights. Open all doors To seal fumigant, cover immediately withpineapple bed mulch film and accesses to crawl spaces, attics, and sub-floors. For fabric pest dispensed by a sled mounted on the same tractor. Pineapple control, open storage chests, drawers, and closets. Provide for forced propagules may be planted through the bed mulch film 7 or 14 days air circulation of fumigant during the gassing period. For masonry or after fumigation. metal structures, caulk or tape all cracks and other air leaks around doors,_windowa,_venta..--Wood structures--slid others that-cannot-be-sealed effectively may be enveloped in a gas cover tarpaulin or polyethylene Prior to planting, apply Methyl Bromide at the rate that appears plastic sheet at least 4 mils. thick. Seal ell edges of the envelope in the dosage table by means of tractor mounted chisels spaced not with moist moil or sand snakes. Soak soil with water i foot from the more than 5 1/2 feet apart. Inject the Methyl Bromide at a depth edge of the envelope as necessary to protect nearby plants, of not less than 12 inches. To seal fumigant after application for disease control, cover immediately with a gas-tight tarpaulin by FUMIGATION: means of a mechanical tarp layer. Do not remove tarpaulin until Release Methyl Bromide from outside of structure through a heat after the proper exposure period indicated in the dosage table has exchanger or suitable leak proof tube (such as polyethylene) attached passed. For nematode control, seal soil immediately after to an evaporating pan to prevent splashing over interior. If it ia application of the fumigant by discing or similar operatiqn. Prior necessary to release fumigant from inside of structure, a S.C.B.A. must. to application, the soil should be ripped to not less than 30 be worn as described in Precautionary Statements. Operate electric inches and the subsurface should be as dry as possible. Excess fan(s) for a minimum of 30 minutes after release to accelerate moisture will block deep penetration of the Methyl bromide. Peat distribution of gas. Relative to the complexity of the structure to be soils and soils very high in organic content should not be fumigated, more than one release location may have to be set up. fumigated to control Armillaria mellea with Methyl Bromide. Clay soils and soils that drain poorly may be dried out by planting AERATION AND REENTRY: sudan grass and withholding water from it during the summer. This At the end of the exposure period, remove all seals and open all doors will increase penetration of Methyl Bromide. Do not apply Methyl and windows that are operational. Allow for complete ventilation. Use Bromide to soil where vines will bear within 24 months. ventilation fans whenever possible to remove fumigant from dead air pockets. After fumigation, treated areas must be aerated until the DECIDUOUS FRUITS, NUTS, CITRUS,--INEYARDS, level of methyl bromide is below 5 ppm. Do not allow entry into the AND OTHER PERENNIAL CROPS: treated area by any person before this time unless provided with loose (Do not harvest crop for 24 months after fumigation). Prior to clothing and a respiratory protection device (SCBA or combination air- planting, apply Methyl Bromide at a rate and exposure time that is supplied SCBA). indicated in the dosage table. To seal fumigant after application Note: Certain materials absorb methyl bromide during fumigation and for disease control, cover immediately with a gas-tight tarpaulin desorption during aeration may call for extended monitoring and sera- by means of a mechanical tarp layer. For nematode control, seal tion periods, soil immediately after application of the fumigant by disctng or similar operation. The soil should be ripped to not less than 30 DRAEGER GAS DETECTOR, BENDIX GASTECH DETECTOR: (Hand Pump and Detector inches and the subsurface should be as dry as possible. Excess Tube) Methyl bromide may be detected at the Threshold Limit Value moisture will block deep penetration of the Methyl Bromide. Peat (T.L.V.) of 5 ppm. Detectors are available from your dealer or soils and soils very high in organic content should not be distributor. - fumigated to control Armillaria mellea with Methyl Bromide. clay soils and soils that drain poorly may be dried out by planting ~HALIDE LAMP__DETECTOR:_Color--of--the~flame ia an index of_~he=concentra-~ - sudan grass and withholding water from it during the summer.-ThT~ tion of methyl bromide present. The following tabulated information will increase penetration of Methyl Bromide. Back hoeing and provides an index of flame color and concentration of methyl bromide augering are alternative methods of applying Methyl Bromide to the present, tree site. Attach a Methyl Bromide dispenser to the cylinder of Methyl Bromide and to it attach a polyethylene applicator tube. The correct dosage can be measure with the dispenser and then METHYL BROMIDE ppm LB/1000 CU.FT. FLAME COLOR (DAYLIGHT*) applied through the tube. BACK HOEING: Field tests have demonstrated that this is an 0 0 None ~ effective method for preparing the replant site for fumigation, 25 0.00625 None especially in areas where a hardpan has developed through 50 0.0125 Moderate Green I compaction of the soil. The size of the prepared site is dependent 125 0.031 Green upon the degree of soil compaction. Deeply compacted soil requires 250 0.0625 Strong Green preparation of a site the size of the "planter box" in which the 500 0.125 Strong Blue-Green Fringe tree is to be grown. For stratified soils, a single cut the width 800 0.20 Strong Blue-Green of the back hoe, 5 feet deep and 6 feet long is satisfactory. Back 1000 0.25 Blue fill site with 2 feet of soil, place applicator tube at this level, complete back fill, and release entire dose of fumigant for * Nighttime color is identical, but allowance must be made for 100 square foot tree site. When fumigant has been released, remove the bluish cast of the flame itself, tube and tamp soll lightly over opening to seal fumigant in the site. AUGERING: This method is suitable in noncompacted'soils or soils that are lightly stratified. Dig hole 5 feet deep with auger, back NOTE: Halide lamp detector is suitable for locating leaks and for fill hole two feet, insert applicator tube, fill hole, and release determining extent of aeration down to approximately 50 ppm. It is not entire dose of fumigant for 100 square foot tree site. When suitable for clearing a structure for reentry, fumigant has been released, remove applicator and tamp or compact hole with soil to prevent too rapid escape of fumigant. RETURN PAYMENTS TO: PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD P.O. BOX 2057 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD, CA 93303-2057 ACCOUNT NO. HM 779201 Hazardous Materials Handling Feed Site Addr: 3400 Pierce Rd, Fund 011-11117,~,~,~: ..... · · SERVICE FOR 7/1/92 - 6/30/93 STATE MANDATED PROGRAM HAZ MAT HANDLING FEE Total Current changes~ ! '?',?~i']'~/']~!~?]~:i'916.,00~ '" ~' ~ ~'~ Current Charges 196.00 BILLING DATE 1/1/93 '::::~: ~ TOTAL BALANCE DUE 196.00 THIS BILL IS DUE UPON RECEIPT. 2 MONTHS FROM~THE'BILLING DATE A 10% ADMIN SERV CHG AND FINANCE CHG OF 1% PER MONTH WILL BE ASSESSED INQUIRIES CONCERNING THIS BILL, PLEASE PHONE: 326-3979 yOUR WAY FUMIGATION HM 779201 -' 3400 PIERCE RD., SUITE D CIl'~ COPY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 ~.~ = ~. HM779201 ~"~ ~ Account Humber ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ADJUSTMENT February 18~ 1993 Date ~New Ac~gunt New Address Esther Duran Clos. e Account From Service Change Other Adjustments X Fire Department - Hazardous Materials Division Department/Division YOUR WAY FUMIGATIOH Billing Name 3400 PIERCE RD., SUITE D Billing Address ** 3400 PIERCE RD., SUITE D Site Address Parcel # (if Applicable) Landlord Name & Address (If Applicable) ADJUSTMENT Last Billed Correct Billing Adjustment to Effective Date of Billing Change $196.00 + $196.00 02-01-93 Approved By: Remarks: THIS ACCOUNT FAILED TO BI~L. WE ARE MAKING AN ADJUSTMENT AND HAND BILLING. Utilities General Account Maintenance PUTLS801 Acct Nbr: 779201 Bill Stat: NO Transfer-from: Page 1 of 6 Cyc Stat: CL Acct Cyc Stat: CL Transfer-to: Due: 0.00 1. Customer Name: YOUR WAY FUMIGATION -~ 1~'00 2. Social Sec Nbr: 3. Telephone: 800-526-8194 4. Service Address: 3400 PIERCE RD -'STE D 5. Service City: BAKERSFIELD 6. State: CA 7. Zip: 93308 8. Parcel ID: 9. Bill Cycle: 5 20. Water Svc Class: 10. Route Nbr: 1 11. Comments : 12. Prev Acct: HM00297 23. Misc Services: 23.1 Fl3 HAZ MAT HANDLING 13. Service Date: 10/02/92 23.2 14. Fund no: 24. Closing Date: 15. Bill-to Addressl: 28981CAPANO BAY CT 16. Bill-to Address2: 17. Bill-to City: MENIFEE 18. State: CA 19. Zip: 92584 Enter Save(S), Cancel(XX), Next Page(/), or Field # to Change ALT-F10 HELP I ADDS VP FDX '1 9600 E71 I LOG CLOSED I PRT OFF I CR I CR UTILITIES FINAL BILLING REGISTER FOR ALL CYCLES RUTL$06 02/02/93 BILL DATE: 02/02/93 PAGE 1 ACCOUNT NAME LAST BILL LAST BILL BALANCE NUMBER ADDRESS TYPE CONSUMP. CHARGES CREDITS PAYMENTS ARREARS AMOUNT DUE 450701 EL PRIMO AUTO CENTER OTHER 11,29 0.00 -105.29 94.00 0.00 0,00 100 BAKER ST TOTAL 11.29 0.00 -105,29 94,00 0.00 0.00 ~ SERVICE OPENED:01/08/93 ~ PRORATE DAYS : I ! 779201 YOUR WAY FUMIGATION TOTAL 0,00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 ~ PRORATE DAYS: 1 ~ CYCLE TOTALS t~ CYCLE 5 WATER TOTALS ~ 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 ** CYCLE 5 SEWER TOTALS *** 0 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ** CYCLE 5 OTHER TOTALS *** 11.29 0.00 -105.29 94.00 0,00 0.00 ** CYCLE 5 GRAND TOTALS ~* 11,29 0,00 -t05,29 94.00 0.00 0.00 REPORT TOTALS ~*~ WATER TOTALS *~* 0 0,00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 *~* SEWER TOTALS m** 0 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ~** OTHER TOTALS *~* 11,29 0,00 -105,29 94.00 0.00 0,00 ~ GRAND TOTALS ~ 1t.29 0.00 -t05.29 94,00 0.00 0.00 INSPECTION RESPONSIBILITY INSPECTOR'S NAME ENGINE CO. BAKERSFIELD F.P.B. " FIRE DEPARTMENT '~q~O,qc:A '~to~ncle.{'- INSPECTION REFERRAL SLIP ADDRESS ~'~CO ~'[CCC.~. ~,~ ,.qO'~..~ ~ ZIP COD[ ~~ BLOCK NUMBER OCCUPANCY ~~Ca ~ k, ~ ~'-a , EMERGENCY CONTACT ~[0~ ~0~ TITLE ~&~C PHOHE:BUSINESS ~~ , ~ 0 EMERGENCY ~1~-~-3~ -, BUILDING OWNER_un~o~U)~ ADDRESS PHONE :BUSINESS /~-~6 -~ ~ ~C~ DATE DATE INSPECTED I~-1_q~ CONDITION ~/~~REINSPECTED CONDITION ~945 Bakersfield. Fire Dept. ~j~ Hazardous Materials Division 2130 "G" Street' ~  ~~ Bakersfield, CA. 93301 HAZARDOUS MATE~iALS~--ANAGEMENT PLAN ]. To avoid further action, return this form within 30 d~ys of receipt. 2. WPE/PEINT ANSWEES IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1' BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA DUN A BRADSTREET NUMBER' SIC CODE: OWNER~~~~¢ , , - ., ~.- ~ SECTION 2: EMERGENCY-NOTIFICATION: CONTACT TITLE BUS. PHONE 24 HR. PHONE ~..~),~.,~!/< ~h,,,~,t~,_ .F,~< ~'/~./-/r~~ ~ ~ ~'~ Bakersi'zeld Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 3: TRAINING: NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE' ,,,~..~ %""-' BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: SECTION 4: EXEMPTION REQUEST: I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT MY BUSINESS IS EXEMPT FROM THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 6.95 OF THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE" FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: WE DO NOT HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. Z~~WE DO HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, BUT THE QUANTITIES AT NO TIMEEXCEED THE MINIMUM .REPORTING QUANTITIES. ~ O TH_ER (SPECIFY I?EASON) , *~-~ ,..~.~/ SECTION 5: CERTIFICATION: -- CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFOR- FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE" ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (DIV. 20 CHAPTER 6.95 SEC. 25500 ET AL.) AND THAT INACCURATE INFORMATION CONSTITUTES PERJURY. w~ ~ ~ ~' TITLE- DATE sfield Fire Dept Hazardous Materials Division HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN Facility Unit Name: ',/,'/-~'~- e,~,~,~ ~.,,~: ¢~._ .~7-~.~_;,,~- ..~L?~. /- SECTION 6: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES: A. AGENCY NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES: B.. EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION' D. EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN: ! .e~-. --I~~ ~, ~~ Z Bakersfield Fire Hazardous Materials Division HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 7: MITIGATION, PREVENTION AND ABATEMENT PLAN: A, RELEASE PREVENTI.,ON STEPS: B, RELEASE CONTAINMENT AND/OR MINIMIZATION: C. CLEAN-UP PROCEDURES:/~'" ~"~ SECTION 8: UTILITY SHUT-OFFS (LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY)' N ATU RA L G AS'/P R O PA N E: "::~"~'° -~'x?"-( "~ }.'G ~/ ,~_~,.~'/~ c. ,J ELECTRICAL: !~1 ~ ~ ~ c ~ SPECIAL: LOCK BOX: YES~) IF YES, LOCATION': SECTION 9: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION/WATER AVAILABILITY: A, PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION' '" , B. WATER AVAILABILITY (FIRE HYDRANT)' C I TY OF BAKERSF I ELD ; HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVE~R¥ ~ Farm and Agriculture ~ Standard Business Page I'o~ ~ NON - TRADE SECRET LOCATION:. ~q~'~ ~'~.~_~. ~f~ ~ ~D~SS:~~3 ~~~~. ST~ IND. CLASS CODE: CITY, ~IP. ~~~ ~[~ CITY, ZIP:~/~~ ~~~ DUN ~D B~ST~ET N~BER/FE~ ID PHONE ~: ~~ ~ ~{~- PHONE,%: 'f-~FY~ ~ ~]~ ' 7~_-~ ;_~ I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ~s ~e ~ Average ~nual Meas~e ~ Days Coat Cont Coat Use Locatioa ~ere % by N~s of M~ture/Com~nents of Pressu~ Hea-ltb_. H~lth Component 8 3 Na~ & C.A.S. N~er · N I ~1.~-~ ~-r~f~ v~Z~ I~JI H I ~ I . I I .. ~,~ ~ · - -,,,. of Pressure~. H~lth H~lth Co~onent ~ 3 N~ & C.A.S. N~er ~ I~ I,~ool 300 I~&o 1~Ss I.~ I~ I~ I~ I~1 ~c~. N~x~ ~o~,~.. ,h~al and .,l~h ,azard C.A.S. N~er 7~-- ~ 3 --f Co~onent , 1 N~ & C.A.S. N~er ~ ~ctivity' '~ Fire Haz=d udden ~lease ~ I~ediate ~Delay~ co~onent 8 2 Na~ ~_ C.A.S. N~er fl' IH I~,~o I~ I.,~z~ I ~ I ~: I ~ I ~ I ~ i~1 '~~ V~/a~,~ '' (Check all t~t apply} OO~ ¢~ '--~-~ of Pressure H~lth H~lth Co~onent ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.S. N~er N~ Title 24 ~. Phone Title 24 ~ Phone C~tif~eation (~ ~D SIGN AFTER COMPLETING ~L SECTZONS) z csrtif~ ~der p~nlty of law t~t Z hayer ~rsonally ~in~ ~d ~ f~lli~ with the info~ation su~ittsd ~n this ~d all attached d~ents ~d that ~sed on ~ in~i~ of those ~ndividuals res~nsible for obtaining the info~t~on. Z believe that the submitted iafo~ation is t~e, a~ate, and c~plete. 10/15/92 YOUR~FUMIGATION INC 21 Page 1 ~/erall Site with 1 Fac. Ger~era 1 I'rsfor-mat i c,r~ Locatior,: 3400 PIERCF RD D Map: 1(:}2 Hazard: High Commur~ity: COUNTY STATION 65 Grid: 23B F/U: 1 AOV: 0.0 Contact Name ~-~ Title ............ ~ ....... Busir~ess Phor~e ---~ 24-Hour Phor~e] }~RRELL SCHUYLEN IPRESIDENT ~(714) 694-3656 x L(8(}(}) 526-8194~ ~TROY TENBET MANAGER 1(805) 832-4268 x (714) 694-3656 Admir~istrative Data Mail Addrs: 28981 CAPANO BAY CT D&B Number: City: ~:~]'.<~ZRSFIEL~D ~,~ ~#~ State: CA Zip: 92584- Corem Code: 215-065 COLJNTY STATION 65 ~IC Code: 7880 Owr, er: DARRELL SENUYLEN Phc, r,e: (805) 832-4268 Address: 28981 CAPANO BAY CT State: CA c i t y: ' - - ~,~ 'v,~-/~'j'- Z i 92584- p: J' (TYpe or reviewed the attached hazardous materials manage- ment plan for_ (,~,,,ai,.) _and that it along with any corrections constitute a complete and correct man- agement plan for my facility. 10/15/92 YOUR WAY FUMIGATION INC 215-000-0£~0297 Page 2 Haz~at Irsverftory List irf MCP Order O1 - Mobile Corstair~ers o'r~ Site Plr~-Ref Nar~e/Hazards Forr~ Quarft ity MCP 01-001 METHYL BROMIDE Gas 300 Ext re~e Pressure', I~ed Hlth LBS 01-002 VIKANE Gas 250 Extre~e Fire, Pressure, Im~ed Hlth, Delay Hlth LBS 10/15/92 YOUR IGATION INC Page 3 Mobile Corstairsers or, Hazn~at Ir~ver~tory Detail in MCP Order 01-001 METHYL BROMIDE Gas 300 Extreme Pressure, Irnnled Hlth LBS CAS ~: 74-83-9 Trade Secret: No Forn~: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: INSECTICIDE Daily Max LBS ~ .... Daily Average LBS ~ Ar~nual A~our~t LBS --- 300 I 300.00 _ 450.00 Storage Press T Te~p - Locatior~ PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER IAbove IA~nbier, t lON TRUCKS -- Cor, c~ Co~por~er~ts ~ MCP ~ist 99.5% lMethyl Bron~ide (EPA) lExtre~e IEPA 0.5%~Chloropicrir~ ~Extre~ne ~ 01-002 V I KANE Gas 250 E xt reme Fire, Pressure, Irnn~ed Hlth, Delay Hlth LBS CAS $~: 2699-?9-8 Trade Secret: No Forn~: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: INSECTICIDE Daily Max LBS Daily Average LBS ~ Arsr~ual Anlour~t LBS  ~ 7 ~. 00 250 175.00 ~ ~- s Storage I' Press T Te~np --1 Looatior~ PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER ~bove ~nbient~ON TRUCKS -- Cor, o ~ Con~por, er~ts ~ MCP ~ist 99.0~Sulfuryl Fluoride ~Extre~ne ~ 10/15/92 YOUR WAY FUMIGATION INC 215-000-000297 Page 4 00 - Overall Site <D> Notif. /Evacuat ion/Medical <1> Agency Notification DARRELL SEHUYLEN, PRESIDENT, YOUR WAY FUMIGATION COUNTY AGRICULTUR DEPT. FIRE DEPT. & HAZARDOUS MATERIALS CREWS CALL EACH DEPT BY PHONE AS NECESSARY. <2> Er~ployee Notif./Evacuation NOTIFICATION BY VOICE AND COUNT HEADS, MOVE UP WIND. <3> Public Notif./Evacuatior~ KEEP UP WIND, LABEL AND FACT SHEET PROVIDED. <4> E~ergency Medical Plan SEE FACT SHEET, LABEL, LIST OF' HOSPITAL IN THOMAS GUIDE. TRUCK IS PROVIDED FOR EVERY COUNTY AND CITY. 10/15/92 YOUR IGATION INC Page 5 00 - Overall Site <E> Mitigation/Prevent/Abater~t <1> Release Prevention WE FOLLOW LABEL. <2> Release Cor~tainrs~erst CYLINDERS ARE LOCKED. <3> Clean Up TRUCK PROCEDURES ON LABEL. <4> Other Resource Activation 10/15/92 YOUR WAY FUMIGATION INC 215-000-000297 Page 6 00 - Overall Site <F> Site Emergerscy Factors <1> Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - FRONT, ON PIERCE RD B) ELECTRICAL - IN OFFICE C) WATER - BY RESTROOMS D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCI< BOX - NO <3> Fire Protec. /Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHERS IN OFFICE AND TRUCKS. NEAREST FIRE HYDRANT - ON THE BLOCK. <4> Buildirsg Occuparscy Level 10/15/92 YOUR IGATION INC 215-000 Page 7 O0 - Overall Site <G> Trair~ir~g < 1> Page 1 WE HAVE 4 TO 5 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES. WE DO HAVE MSDS SHEETS ON FILE. BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: MEN ARE TRAINED THROUGH SAFETY MEETINGS BY YOUR WAY FUMIGATION, MANUFACTURERS, AND CONTINUING EDUCATION. Page 2 as ~'~eeded <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SCC PRODUCTS · SOIL CHEMICALS CORPORATION P.O. Box 782 · 8770 Highway 25 · Holliste~, CA 95023 EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS: (800) 655~7262 CHEMTREC (800) 424-9300 1'. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME: METHYL BROMIDE 99.5% CHEMICAL NAME AND SYNONYMS: Methyl Bromide monobromomethane, MeBr, MB Chloropicrin trichloronitromethane, PIC CHEMICAL FAMILY: Methyl Bromide brominated hydrocarbons Chloropicrin halonitroalkanes FORMULA: Methyl Bromide CH3Br Chloropicrin CCl3NO2 CAS NO.: Methyl Bromide 74-83-9 Chloropicrin 76-06-2 2. HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS PRODUCT COMPONENTS (Percent Composition By Weight): Product ~eth¥1 BromideS- Chloropicr±n ~eth¥1Brom±de 99.5% 99.5 0.5 PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE LEVELS OF PRODUCT COMPONENTS: Chemical TLV (ACGIH) Methyl Bromide 5 ppm Chloropicrin 0.1 ppm 3. PHYSICAL DATA BOILING POINT: 38.4°F/3°C VAPOR PRESSURE': 1400 mm Hg at 68°F/20°C VAPOR DENSITY: 3.27 (air = 1) SOLUBILITY IN WATER: 1.34 gms/100 ml @ 77°F/25°C SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 1.732 at 32°F/0°C (H20 = 1) PERCENT VOLATILE: 100% (by volume) APPEARANCE: Colorless, clear liquid below 38.4°F/3°C, gaseous abov~ this temperature. ODOR: Odorized with chloropicrin which has an irritating tear gas odor. EFFECTIVE DATE: 5/89 PAGE 1 0F'4 METHYL BROMIDE 9 % PAGE 2 OF 4 4. FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA~ FLASH POINT: None FLAMMABLE LIMITS: (At S.T.P.) Del 10%, Uel 15% with high energy ignition source. EXTINGUISHING: Water fog for cooling; foam; alcohol foam; CO2 a dry chemical. SPECIAL FIRE Cool cylinders.with water fog tb maintain FIGHTING temDerature below 175°C/347°F. Wear self- PROCEDURES: 'contained breathing apparatus and work from safe, protective position. UNUSUAL FIRE Cylinders may rupture violently and release AND EXPLOSION toxic gas due to over pressure when exposed to HAZARDS: temperatures in excess of 175°C/347°F. 5. HEALTH HAZARD DATA ,FOR METHYL BROMIDE EXPOSURE LIMITS: See "Hazardous Components" Section GENERAL Extremely hazardous liquid and vapor under INFORMATION: pressure. Inhalation may be fatal or cause serious acute illness or delayed lung or nervous system injury. Do not breath vapors. Liquid or excessive vapor can cause serious skin or eye injury which may have a delayed onset. Do not get liquid on skin, in eyes, or on clothing. This product cont~ains chloropicrin as a warning agent. Chloropicrin has a tear gas odor and even at low levels may be irritating to the respiratory tract and cause painful, irritation to the eyes, producing watering. If these symptoms of the warning agent occur, leave the area immediately. EFFECTS OF Inhalation: Odorized with chloropicrin which OVEREXPOSURE: will irritate the eyes, nose, and throat. Early symptoms of overexposure to methyl bromide are dizziness, headache, nausea and vomiting, weakness and collapse. Lung edema may develop in 2 to 48 hours after exposure, accompanied by cardiac irregularities. Repeated overexposure can result in blurred vision, staggering gait, and mental imbalanCe, with probable recovery after a period of no exposure. In extreme cases of overexposure, unconsciousness and death can occur.~ Skin and Eye Contact: Liquid can cause severe burns to eyes and skin. Liquid spi~.led on clothing, shoes, watches, rings, bandages, etc. can expose the skin to high levels of methyl bromide vapor which can cause " blistering or burns. Ingestion: N/A ?METHYL BROMIDE 99 PAGE 3 OF 4 EMERGENCY AND Inhalation: Get exposed person to fresh air. FIRST AID Keep warm. Make sure person can breathe PROCEDURES: freely. If breathing has stopped, give artificial respiration. Give oxygen if needed. Seek medical attention. Eyes- Hold eyelids open and flush with a steady, gentle stream of water for at least 15 minutes. Skin: Immediately remove contaminated clothing, shoes, and other items covering the skin. Wash contaminated skin area thoroughly with soap and water. Do not wear contaminated clothing. 6. REACTIVITY DATA STABILITY: Stable CONDITIONS TO Containers may rupture violently in fire or AVOID: high temperatures. INCOMPATIBILITY: Do not use aluminum, magnesium, zinc, or alloys of aluminum and magnesium, or zinc coated steel. HAZARDOUS POLY- MERIZATION: Will not occur HAZARDOUS DEC0M- Phosgene, chlorine, nitrosyl chloride, oxides POSITION PRODUCTS: of carbon and nitrogen, and hydrogen bromide 7. SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES STEPS TO BE Evacuate the immediate area of the spill or TAKEN IF leak. Use SCBA or combination air-supplied/ MATERIAL IS SCBA respirator for entry into the affected LEAKED OR area to correct problem. Move leaking or SPILLED- damaged cylinders or containers outdoors or to an isolated location, observing strict safety precautions. Work up wind if possible. Allow spill to evaporate. Do not permit entry into spill area by unprotected persons until the concentration of methyl bromide is determined to be less than 5 ppm (20 mg/cu.m) and chloropicrin less than 0.1 ppm. WASTE DISPOSAL (i) Return cylinders to the dealer or METHOD: distributor according to label instructions. (2) Do not contaminate water, food, or feed by storage or disposal. Pesticide wastes are toxic. If these wastes cannot be disposgd of accOrding to label instructions, contact .your State Pesticide or Environmental Control Agency, or the Hazardous Waste representative at the nearest EPA Regional Office for guidance. METHYL BROMIDE 9 ~% PAGE 4 OF 4 8. SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION RESPIRATORY If the concentration of methyl bromide in the PROTECTION: working area, as measured by a direct-reading detector device (such as a Draeger gas detector) does not exceed 5 ppm (20, mg/cu.m), no respiratory protection is required. I'f this concentration is exceeded at any time, all persons in the area must wear a NIOSH/MSHA approved self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) or combination air-supplied/SCBA respirator (such as a U.S. Divers' Survivair or comparable device). VENTILATION: Sufficient to reduce concentration to TLV. Local Exhaust: From point of origin of fumes. General: Provide exhaust from inside.of building. PROTECTIVE Do not wear gloves of any type, or rubber CLOTHING: protective clothing, or rubber boots. Do not wear jewelry on hands. Methyl Bromide is heavier than air and may be trapped by clothing or jewelry and cause skin injury. Wear loose clothing and socks that are cleaned after each wearing. EYE PROTECTION: Wear goggles or full face shield for eye protection when handling liquid. 9. SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS HANDLING AND Read label instructions before use. Store in STORAGE: dry, cool well-ventilated area under lock and key. Post as a pesticide storage area. Do not contaminate water food or feed by storage. Store cylinders upright, secured to a rack or wall to prevent tipping. Keep valves closed, and safety caps and valve protection bonnets in place when not in use. Revision Date: 5/89 Supersedes: 7/86 For Additional Non-Emergency MSDS Information, Contact: SCC PRODUCTS · SOIL CHEMICALS CORPORATION .P.O. Box 782 · 8770 Highway 25 Hollister, CA 95023 (408) 637-1992