HomeMy WebLinkAboutRISK MANAGEMENT(In~pec=or', Com~en~,): 'O~F'iC~AL ~ SI T£/~'ACI LIT¥ D~-AGR~ ' ' - SITE/FACILITY D I AGR~2~ SCALE: B~NESS ,.YAME: ~LOOR:/ 0~' / (CHECR~ONE) SITE DIAGR,%XI FACIL/~ DIAGR.%Y '~ {(~.nspector's Comments): .,-OFFICIAL USE OXLY- - ~, - 5A - · .-/ SITE/~ACILIT¥ D ~'ORTH SCALE: BUS I.~ESS NAME: FLOOR: (CHECr ONE) SITE DfAGR.~X[ FACILITY DrAGR.%~[ (Inspecrom's Comments): . -OFFICIAL ~SE ONLY- NORTH SCALE: B/ii[NESS SAME: ' FLOOR:/ O? / (CHECK ONE) SITE DIAGRAM FACILITY DIAGR.~M · .. · ~;,~-~ ~ ~,~ 4. .... ~-- }.~:-~..a-...~ , '-, '.~ -; ..j [ " ; 'L. (Inspector's Comments): -OFFICIAL USE ONLY- I SITE/FACILITY D I AG R.A.i~ FORM 5 NORTH SCALE: BUSINESS NAME: FLOOR:I OFZ ' F (CHECK ONE) SITE DIAGR:~%! FACILITY DIAGR.%M ~'/ l (Inspector's Comments): -OFFICIAL USE ONLY- - 5A - · SITE/FACILITY DI AGRk~ ~O~TH sc~a~: ~US~NESS ~X~: ~aoce:,'~ DATE: / / _~zACILiTY NAME: /~/~2~A~ UNIT ~: OF (CHECK ONE) SITE Inspeator's Comments): -OFFICIAL USE ONLY- ......................... t ........... A ..... l~ ~~~-~~--~~ ~ ~- &- -- .............................. .... ~ ....................... , I CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT D. S. NEEDHAM 2101 H STREET FIRE CHIEF BAKERSFIELD. 93301 326-39~ December 13, i990 Mr. W.J. Callahan Sr. Technical Consultant Linde Gases 2678 Bishop Drive, Suite ZOO San Ramon, CA 94583 Dear Mr. Callahan, I have reviewed the Risk Management and Prevention Program IRMPP) which you submitted regarding the storage of anhydrous ammonia and gaseous chlorine at 3808 Pierce Road in Bakersfield. 'This RMPP satisfies the requirements of Chapter 6.98, Sections 28531 et aec, of the California Health and Safety Code and has been accepted by the Bakersfield Fire Department. Bakersfield Fire will inspect your facility periodically to verify compliance with the' program proposed in your RMPP. Please use the attached forms to update your Hazardous Materials Business Plan to reflect the deletion of anhydrous ammonia and chlorine resulting from implementation of the RMPP. Return the inventory updates to Bakersfield Fire Hazardous'Materials Division at the time the changes take place. Thank you for all of your cooperation during the development .this Risk Management and Prevention Program. Please call me if I can be of any further assistance in hazardous materials planning. Sincerely, Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Piannin~'Technician 2678 Bishop Drive, Suite 200 San Ramon, CA 94583 Caller Service 5161 (415) 277-2100 (415) 866-8618 December 6, 1990 RECEIVED DEC 1 1 1990 Ans'd ............ City of Bakersfield Fire Department 2101 H Street Bakersfield, CA. 93301 Attn: Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Planning Technician Dear Barbara: In order to meet the requirements of the RMPP, we have reduced to zero the quantities of Ammonia and Chlorine stored at our facility located at 3505 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, California. This will be completed as of December 15, 1990. If there is any need for you contact me further, I can be reached, at (415) 277-2163. Very truly yours, W. J. Callahan Sr. Technical Consultant WJC/sll Encl. cc: M. Cooper D.F.E. Davis · ' CITY of BA KERSFfEL D "WE C,4RE" ~ ~ FIRE DEPARTMENT 210i H STREET D. S. NEEDHAM BAKERSFIELD. 93301 FIRE CHIEF . 326-3911 November 20, 1990' Mr. W.J. Callahan Linde Gases of the West, Inc. 2678 Bishop Drive, Suite 200 San Ramon, CA 94583 Dear Mr. Callahan: Thank you for the timely submittal of your plan to eliminate the storage of a~u~onia and chlorine from the Bakersfield, Pierce Road Facility. I must, however, require some amen~Lments to this letter before I can accept it as a RMPP. The proposed plan, to eliminate chlorine and ammonia storage, is the Risk Management and Prevention Plan. The requirement for the completion of a RMPP will not be rescinded due to the elimination of these acutely hazardous materials at the Pierce Rd. facility, but it will be satisfactorily fulfilled by this plan. Your letter will serve as the RMPP and must address the plan for elimination of these products from this point of view. I also request that you clearly state that the quantities of ammonia and chlorine stored at 3505 Pierce Rd. will be reduce to zero pounds. Please state a date by which the plan will be implemented. Call me at (805) 326-3979 if I can help clarify the requirements that I outlined above or if you would like to check the wording of your RMPP · before sending it. Please submit the revised RMPP by December 8, 1990. Thank you for all of your cooperation. Sincerely, Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Planning Technician the ~ · 2678 Bishop Drive, Suite 200 ..... San Ramon, CA 94583 Caller Service 5161 (415) 277-2100 (415) 866-8618 November 13, 1990 Barbara Brenner Hazardous Material Planning Technician 2101 H. Street Bakersfield, CA. 93301 Dear Barbara: We have decided to eliminate both Ammonia and Chlorine from our property at 3505 Pierce Road, this eliminating the need for a RMPP. If you have any questions, please contact me at (415) 277-2163. Very truly yours, W. d. Callahan Sr. lechnical Consultant WdC/sl 1 cc: D.F.£. Davis d.F. Cash M. Cooper CITY 210~ H STREET FIRE CHIEF ~ ~ 326-3911 September Mr. S.J. Rohn Linde Bases West, Inc. 26?8 Bishop Drive San Ramon, Ch 94583 Oear Mr. Rohn, Having revieued your statement of qualifications for the RMPP preparation team, I am left with several concerns regarding the team's experience in the field of chemical risk analysis. Due to the reactivity of ammonia and chlorine wi{h each other and other gases 'which are stored at the facility, this 6dministering hgency requires that one Member of the team have a degree in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering, We also .require RMPP preparers to have prior experience in the fields of rise analysis and hazard evaluation. Specific information documenting this training and experience must be submitted before we can accept the proposed team as qualified for this project. Please submit the information requested above, in addition to the answers to questions )-~ on the second page of the qu&lifications questionnaire, by September 28, 1990. I will also need documentation regarding the WHhZhN air dispersion model. Please ~nctude information defining the Model's capabilities and typical input parameters. This model must be able to adequately handle gases which are denser than air. Please call, 805-326-3979, i? I can be of any assistance. Sincerely, Barbara Brenner Hazardou~ Materials Planning Technician of GASES WEST, INC of Linde Gases West, Inc. 2~78 Bishop Drive, Su/te 200 the ' San Ramon, CA 94583 Caller Service 5161 (415) 277-2100 (415) 866-8618 August 30, 1990 Bakersfield Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA. 93301 Attn: Barbara Brenner SUBJECT: RMPP - BAKERSFIELD Dear Barbara: Union Carbide Linde Division has over 80 years experience in the industrial and specialty gas business. The risk analysis team will be made up of several employees from Linde. The team members will include: Sam Rohn Haz Op Team Leader - BS in Safety/Health. Bill Callahan Senior Technical Consultant Operations - 25 years with Linde. Frank Klipp Manager - Operations Technical Engineer - 20 + years with Linde. The persons listed above will be the primary players in putting together the risk and consequence analysis. Other Linde technical personnel will be asked to assist as required. We have data already established from work done at several other sites across the U.S. involving the acutely hazardous substances at our Bakersfield facility. We will be utilizing the "WHAZAN" air dispersion model for our risk analysis. We will be looking at the IDLH levels for a worst-case episodic incident (ie. failure of the container or valve). As I gather additional data, I will forward it on to you. We are still considering the prospect of eliminating both ammonia and chlorine from our property. If you need more information at this time, please contact the writer. Yours truly, S. d. Rohn LGW SHEA Coordinator SJR/sll May 25. '1990 Baker's IJelding Supply. Bayox [nc. 3505 Pierce Road Bakersfield. CA 93309 Bear Mr. Starr ~ In DeceMber of 1989.~ this Administering Agency requested tha~ your business co~pla~e a Risk Management and Prevention Progra~ in regard ~o your handling of anhydrous a~onia and chlorine g~s. The due date for co~pla~ion of ~he RMPP December ~ 1~90. Our experience ~i~h ~his proces~ thai. ii takes r~ost businesses several ~on~hs to locate 8ccept~ble bid fro~ ~ fir~ or individuB1 qualified to conduct this type of ri~k analysis. The actual risk analysis, review process and RMPP preparation then requires several more r~onihs to conplete. ~e have not heard froe} you regarding your progre~ toward RMPP completion. ~ a. requesting th~t you begin no~. so that you ~ill be able to neet the December deadline. Ii is ~i,e to identify the tea, ~ho ~ill be conducting the ri~k analysis and the tea, leader ~ho ~ill be responsible for confirm, before ~ork begins, that the team you select for this project Meet~ the standards of this ~dMinisiering Agency as qualified for RMPP c~ciificatioo Attached is a questionnaire which we ore using in order to verify that the preparor of an ~MPP is experienced in the field of risk analysis. The second questionnaire, regarding the plan for ci~k assessnent, will give you an understanding of the type of study which ~e require. Please prepare a SUMMary. addressing the attached questions, of ~he qualifications of the risk analysis team and RMPP preparoc. The qualification SUnMary MUSt be submitted by 8ugt~st-l S. 1990 in order to leave adequate time for revie~ and RMPP preparation. ~11 sub, trials should be Made The Bakersfield Fire Depart.eat }{azardous Materials Division 21 30 G St. Bakersfield. C~ 93301 If you have any questions or need help getting started on this process, please call ,e at 393-39V9. Sincerely. Barbara Brenner H~z~rdou~ .aieria~ Planning Technician RECOMMENDED QUALIFICATIONS FOR COMPLETION OF: THE HAZARD-OPERABILITY STUDY THE RMPP CERTIFICATIOH OF THE RMPP The R~sk Management and Prevention Program nust be based upon the findings of R±sk and Consequence Analyses completed by a technically qualified team. The Rlsk Analysis ..... ---, or Hazard and Operability study team ~embers should represent a uariety of disciplines reflecting the specif±c processes and Mater±als applications at 'the facillty . Generally, these teams w±11 include members fron the disc~pilnes of: Engineering Health and Safety Maintenance Operations Depending upon complex±tv of the operations, engineering and naintenance expertise may fall ~nto the areas of chen~cal Mechanical or electr±cal. The tean leader, the responsible party who May ce~t±fV the document as conple~e, nag be a genera11±st. Noueuer, the tean leader Must possess suffic±ent ,anagement ability and expertise to understand the uar~ous components of the R~sk Analys±s, Hazard Eualuat~on and Risk Management and Preuent±on Program. To determine the qual±ficat~ons of the tean it will be necessary to address the folZow~ng questions: 1. Uho ~i11'be members of the Hazard and Operability Study Tea~ ? Protrude the following ±nformation: Na~e of each Member Experience in Hazard and Operability Studies Educational background Process Exper±ence 2. Uho u~11 be the Haz-Op tean leader and wha'~ are the±r qualifications or training ? 3.Oho ~11 conduct the Consequence Analysis and uhat are their qualifications or tra±ning ? Oho uill perform quality control for 'the Hazard and Operability Study and ~hat are their qualifications or training ? A sun.ary addressing the qualifications of the Haz-Op team and RMPP preparor must be submitted to this office for approval bv August 1.S. 1990. The approved team will then need to consider the following questions and submit a plan for the Risk Analysis. 1. How do you propose to estimate the probability of equipment failure ? What external events . in addition to an earthquake of 8.3 magnitude, do you plan to evaluate as a part of the Hazard and Operability Study ? What factors do you plan to consider when conducting a vulnerability analysis ?( Factors contributing to size of and consequence to the vulnerable zone.) 9..Uhich air model do 9ou plan to use for the dispersion analysis ? 5.What Methodology will be used for estimation of human error < operating error ) probabi!lt9 ? Uho will assign the operating error probabilities and what qualifications does this person have for thls assignment ? CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" ~ ~,~.~ -~ December 8, lUU9 FIRE DEPARTMENT 2107 H STREET D. S. NEEDHAM BAKERSFIELD, 93307 FIRE CHIEF 326-3911 Bakers We±d±ng 3505 P±erce Bakersfield, Ca 93309 Dear Don Your bus&ness Ba~ers We±d&n~, ~oo~ed ~ 3505 P&eroe Road, has been 2den~±f±ed &s a handZer o~ Ch±or&ne Gas Anhydrous ABmon±a bo~h Acu~e&¥ H&sardous Ma~er±a±s. I~ has been de~er~±ne~ ~ha~ ~our opera,±on ma~ presen~ an requ&red ~o subm&~ a R±s~ ~ana~emen~ an~ PreYen~±on The RMP~ sba&& &nctu~e ~he ~o&±o~&ng e~emen~s: A DESCRIP?ZON O~ EAC~ ACCIDENT INVOLVING ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS WHZC~ HAS OCCURRED AT THE BUSINESS OF ~ACILZTY WITHIN TBRE~ YEARS FROM THE DAT[ OF T~E R~UEST MADE ?URSUA~T TO SUBDIVISION (A}, TOGETHER ~ITH A D~SCRZPTZON OF T~E UNDERLYING CAUSES OF T~E ACCIDENT AND THE MEASURES TAEEN, IF ANY, TO AVOID A R[CURR~NCE OF A SIMILAR ACCIDENT. A REPORT SPECIFYING THE NATURE, AGE, AND CONDITION OF THE EQUIPMENT USED TO HANDLE ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AT THE BUSINESS OF FACILITY AND ANY SCHEDULES FOR TESTING AND MAINTENANCE. DESIGN, OPERATING, AND MAINTENANCE CONTROLS WHICH MINIMIZE THE RISK OF AN ACCIDENT INVOLVING ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. DETECTION, MONITORING, OR AUTOMATIC CONTROL SYSTEMS TO MINIMIZE POTENTIAL ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS~ACCIDENT RISKS. A SCHEDULE FOR IMPLEMENTING ADDITIONAL STEPS TO BE TAKEN BY THE BUSINESS, IN RESPONSE TO THE FINDINGS OF THE ASSESSMENT PERFORMED PURSUANT TO SUBDIVISION (D), TO REDUCE THE RISK OF AN ACCIDENT INVOLVING ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. THESE ACTIONS MAY INCLUDE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING. INSTALLATION OF ALARM, DETECTION, MONITORING. OR AUTOMATIC CONTROL DEVICES. EQUIPMENT MODIFICATIONS, REPAIRS, OR ADDITIONS. CHANGES IN THE OPERATIONS, PROCEDURES, MAINTENANCE SCHEDULES, OR FACILITY DESIGN. AUDITING AND INSPECTION PROGRAMS DESIGNED TO ALLOW THE HANDLER TO CONFIRM THAT THE RISK MANAGEMENT AND PREVENTION PROGRAM IS EFFECTIVELY CARRIED OUT. RECORDKEEPING PROCEDURES FOR THE RISK MANAGEMENT AND PREVENTION PROGRAM. THE RMPP SHALL BE BASED UPON AN ASSESSMENT OF THE PROCESSES, OPERATIONS, AND PROCEDURES OF THE BUSINESS, AND SHALL CONSIDER ALL OF THE FOLLOWING: THE RESULTS OF A HAZARD AND OPERABILITY STUDY WHICH IDENTIFIES THE HAZARDS ASSOCIATED WITH THE HANDLING OF AN ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DUE TO OPERATING ERROR, EQUIPMENT FAILURE, AND EXTERNAL EVENTS, WHICH MAY PRESENT AN ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ACCIDENT RISK. FOR THE HAZARDS IDENTIFIED IN THE HAZARD AND OPERABILITY STUDIES, AN OFFSITE CONSEQUENCE ANALYSIS WHICH, FOR THE MOST LIKELY HAZARDS, ASSUMES PESSIMISTIC AIR DISPERSION AND OTHER ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS. THE RISK MANAGEMENT AND PREVENTION PROGRAM SHALL IDENTIFY, BY TITLE, ALL PERSONNEL AT THE BUSINESS WHO ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR CARRYING OUT THE SPECIFIC ELEMENTS OF THE RMPP, AND THEIR RESPECTIVE RESPONSIBILITIES, AND THE RMPP SHALL INCLUDE A DETAILED TRAINING PROGRAM TO ENSURE THAT THOSE PERSONS ARE ABLE TO IMPLEMENT THE RMPP. THE HANDLER SHALL REVIEW THE RISK MANAGEMENT AND PREVENTION PROGRAM, AND SHALL MAKE NECESSARY REVISIONS TO THE RMPP AT LEAST EVERY THREE YEARS, BUT, IN ANY EVENT, WITHIN 80 DAYS FOLLOWING A MODIFICATION WHICH WOULD MATERIALLY AFFECT THE HANDLING OF AN ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIAL. THE RISK MANAGEMENT AND PREVENTION PROGRAM, AND ANY REVISIONS REQUIRED BY SUBDIVISION (H), SHALL BE CERTIFIED AS COMPLETE BY A QUALIFIED PERSON AND THE FACILITY OPERATOR. The Health and Safety Code provides that existing businesses handling acutely hazardous materials have t~e!ve months from the time of notification to complete their Dian and submit it. Your Risk Management and Prevention Program will be due then by Decem6er 8, 1990. We would like to review your hazard and operability study, as well as, the offsite consequence analysis for the hazard identified, prior to completion of your RMPP. It would also be appropriate to review an outline of your proposed RMPP at that meeting. Please contact this office to schedule that meeting, allowing sufficient leadtime to complete the RMPP, If I can be of any assistance please don't hesitate to call. I can be reached at 326-3979. Sincerely Yours, RMPPNEW.DOC