HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK FILE #2 ENVIRONME AL HEALTH SERVIC,L DEPARTMENT STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S. /~ 2700 'M" Street. Suite 300 DIRECTOR ~V Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 (805) 861-3429 FAX Mr. Joe Lopez March 4, 1993 Linde Gases of the West, Inc. 2678 Bishop Drive, Suite 200 San Ramon, CA 94583 SUBJECT: Underground Tank Site Remediation, Baker's Welding, 3505 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA Permit No. 050033 Dear Mr. Lopez: The purpose of this letter is to determine the status of the proposed vapor extraction to remediate gasoline contamination at the subject site. A review of our records indicates that the workplan for its implementation was approved in July 1992. In-addition, we requested that information on actual equipment that will be installed on site be provided to this office. To date, we have not received this information. Please submit the additional information within fifteen (15) days from the date of this letter. The status of the workplan implementation must also be addressed at the same time. If you have any questions regarding this matter, I can be reached at (805) 861-3636, Extension 545. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director By: Dolores Gough Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program DG:cas cc: Uriah, Inc. Uriah Environmental Services Inc. ? 2401 East Orangeburg Avenue #675-218, Mc)desto, CA 9S355 ~'~ (510) 455-4991 (209) 551-3591 (209) 551-1200 ~~~ ~n Franc~co~y Ar~ C~tral Valley FAX ~~ ~a~ 10, 1 MS. Dolores Gough Hazardous Materials Specialist '~ ~ ~'~?/ " Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services Hazardous Materials Management Program .... 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 .... Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Remediation of Hydrocarbon Contaminated Soil at 3505 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA. Permit No. 050033 Dear Ms. Gough: I am in receipt of your letter of March 4, 1993. I am pleased to advise that the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District (SJVUAPCD) has approved our application for Authority to Construct and issued Permit No. S-1371-0001-00 on February 19, 1993. Per your request, I enclose our original application, supporting documentation, and supplemental correspondence. I had thought it inappropriate to provide you with information about the remediation equipment to be installed until the SJVUAPCD application process was complete and they had concurred with our proposal (i.e. we knew for certain what we would be installing). The vapor destruction unit has been constructed and awaits the installation of the well casing packers, extraction piping, and electrical connections. I will have a technician in Bakersfield during the week of March 14th to finalize arrange- ments for this work. We expect these tasks to be completed within two weeks and will have the system ready for inspection by April 5, 1993. We will activate the system immediately upon receipt of your approval and the SJVUAPCD Permit to Operate. Sincerely ~ John E. Raper Project Manager JER:ms cc: Mr. Joe Lopez, Linde Division, Praxair Inc. San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District AUTHORITY TO CONSTRUCT PERMIT NO.: S-1371-0001-00 ISSUANCE DATE: FEBRUARY 19, 1993 LEGAL OWNER OR OPERATOR: URIAH, INC. MAILING ADDRESS: 2621 MAJESTIC OAK DRIVE MODESTO, CA 95355 EQUIPMENT LOCATION: SEC. 23, T29S, R27E 3505 PIERCE ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CA EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION: PETROLEUM CONTAMINATED SOIL REMEDIATION OPERATION, INCLUDING 3 HP MASPORT M SERIES MODEL M20F VACUUM PUMP, NOBLE METAL/CERAMIC MATRIX CATALYTIC OXIDIZER, HYDROCARBON VAPOR- WATER SEPARATOR, AND THREE VAPOR EXTRACTION WELLS. CONDITIONS: 1. No emission shall cause injury, detriment, nuisance or annoyance or endanger the comfort, repose, health or safety of any persons or have a natural tendency to cause injury or damage to business or property. (Rule 4102) 2. There shall be no odors detectable at or beyond property boundary. (Rule 4102) -- CONDITIONS CONTINUE ON NEXT PAGE -- his ~ NOT a PERMIT TO OPERATE. Approv~ or den~l of a PERMIT TO OPERATE will be made aRer an i~p~tion to veri~ that the equipment h~ been contacted ~ accordance ~ ~e approved plans, sp~i~atiom and conditiom of this Authority to Construct, and to determ~e ff ~e equipment can be operated ~ compfi~ce wi~ all Rules and Regulatiom of the San Joaquin Valley Unified A~ Pollution Control D~trict. PLEASE NOTWY THE DISTRICT COMPLIANCE DIVISION AT (805) 861-3682 WtIEN CONSTRUC~ON OF THE EQUIPMENT IS COMPLETED. Unless comt~ction h~ commenced pursuant to Rule 2050, th~ Au~ority to Co~truct shah exp~e and ~e app~cation sh~ be canceled two years ~om the date of issuance. The applicant ~ r~pomible ~r comply~g ~ffi ~ laws, ordinanc~ ~d re~latiom of any offier governmental agencies which may pertain to ~e above equipment. DAV~ L. CROW, APCO SEYED SADREDIN D~ECTOR OF PERMIT SERVICES Southern R~ion~ Office * 2700 M Str~, S~te 275 * B~e~fi~d, California ~301 * ~ 861~6~ * FAX ~ 861~060 CONTINUED CONDITIONS F~RIAH, INC. S-1371-0001- Page 2 of 2 3. Ail lines, fittings, pump seals, and appurtenances shall be leak free, i.e. no detectable emissions. (Rule 2201) 4. Vapor extraction wells shall not vent to atmosphere. (Rule 2201) 5. Catalytic oxidizer shall be in.use whenever vacuum pump is operating. (Rule 2201) 6. Vacuum pump shall discharge only to catalytic oxidizer. (Rule 2201) 7. Influent flow rate to the catalytic oxidation Unit shall not exceed 53 scfm. (Rule 2201) 8. Volatile organic compound (VOC) emission rate shall not-exceed 0.01 ibm/hr or 0.22 ibm/day. (Rule 2201) 9. Benzene emission rate shall not exceed 0.0001 lbm/d~y. (Rule 22011 10. Ail monitoring, sampling, analytical, and operational data shall be maintained for a period of two years and made available to the District upon request. (Rule 1070) 11. Collected liquids shall be transferred to closed containers and disposed of in a manner which prevents emissions to the atmosphere, i.e. no detectable emissions. (Rule 2201) 12. Catalytic oxidation burner temperature shall be maintained between 1350°F and 1450°F. (Rule 2201) 13. Exhaust stack shall be at least 10 ft. in height and shall not exceed 14 in. in diameter at discharge. (Rule 2201) 14. Sampling ports shall be provided at the combined vapor inlet directed to the catalytic oxidation unit. (Rule 1081) 15. Total petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations shall be tested using an organic vapor analyzer consistent with EPA Method 21 and recorded once a week. (Rule 1081) Application for Authority to Construct _, ] t '~e..-n ~ Sin loaquin Valley '" . --- ' Uni!ied Air Pollution Conb:ol District  .,~. PLICA ,T, !ON ..FOR: [ ] AU/~OR/TY TO CONSTRUCT (ATC) { ] ATC ]V~ODIFZCATION [ ] PER~OT TO OPE~ ~0) LOCA~ON ~ ~ EQL~}~S~ ~ILL ~E OPi~il~D~ , - ...... [ 5. EQE~,~N% FOR ~CH ' ' *LICA~ON IS ~E ¢~:l~de P~t Nos, ~ PR0~ECT NO.: Sou[beta ~liio;al Offl~ * 2700 Iv[ St., Suit: 275 * ~¢rsfl~Id, ~lifo~l 93301 * (80~ ~61-36~2 * F~ (80~ ~61-2~0 Uriah £nvironme tal Services Inc. ~'~~ 2401 East Orangeburg Avenue 675-218, Modesto~ CA 95355 ~?'~:~'. ~,'~.~ (510) 455-4991 (209) 551-3591 (209) 551-1200 i~:~ ~,~:~ ~n Francisco~y Ar~ C~al Valley FAX ~ Nouember 12, Manager of Permit Services San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District Southern Regional Office 2700 "M" Street, Suite 275 Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Soil Vapor Extraction of Gasoline Contamination within Subsurface Soils at 3505 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA Dear Sir/Madam: Please find enclosed an Application For Authority to Construct. a pilot soil vapor extraction system (SVE) at the above referenced site. The installation of this system is being proposed for the purpose of conducting a study to determine the suitability of employing SVE as the technology of choice to remove Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC's as gasoline) from vadose soils. The source of the subject contamination appears to have been a 10,000 gallon underground fuel storage tank which was excavated and removed from the site following a December, 1987 fuel leak event. Area and site maps showing the locations of the site and the proposed SVE system are included within the previously prepared workplan revision enclosed in Appendix A. As you know, SVE systems operate on the principle that many components of gasoline will volatilize at ambient soil temperatures, with the volatilized contaminants then entering the void spaces between soil particles until equilibrium is achieved. When an appropriate vacuum is applied to the soil the vapors are removed from the soil pore spaces. This partitioning is described by Henry's Law Constant and Raoult's Law. It is our intent-ion to use an electrically powered, three horsepower Masport M Series Model M20F Vacuum Pump with a maximum draw of 53 scfm. Gasoline vapors located between Page 1 15 and 35 feet below ground surface (bgs) will be drawn- through 0.020" slotted PVC casing and into a catalytic oxidation unit. As the contaminated VOC vapor-air stream is discharged from the vacuum, extraction blower it enters the catalytic oxidizer and passes through a burner that pre-heats the vapor-air mixture to 1,400 degrees F. The ,pre-heated air stream then passes over a Noble Metal/ Ceramic Matrix catalyst where an exothermic reaction occurs and the VOC's are converted to carbon dioxide and water vapor. "Clean" hot air is then discharged into the atmosphere. Typical treatment efficiencies for a catalytic oxidation unit are >95%. The top of the 14" diameter discharge stack servicing the trailer-mounted oxidizer unit will be 10 feet above the ground surface. The temperature of the stack exhaust air is estimated at 1500 degrees F (compared to 300-500 degrees F for catalytic oxidizers that utilize a heat exchanger). The maximum exit velocity is 49.6 fpm. Vapor flow rates and pressure readings will be taken at each extraction we]] and, the vapor concentration as Total Petroleum Hydro- carbons as Gasoline (TPH-G), benzene, toluene, ethyl- benzene, and xylenes (BTEX) will be monitored by sampling the air stream periodically with a Tedlar sample bag. A sample will be taken to establish an initial base line and periodically thereafter to determine the progress of remediation. The oxidizer unit and power supply will be contained within a locked fence. The fence will be posted with appropriate notifications indicating the presence of hydrocarbon vapors as well as service provider contact information. The concentration of contaminants in the soil is documented in the summary of laboratory analyses presented in Uriah's January and June 1990 Site Characterization Reports, portions of which are included in Appendix A. The highest level of TPH-G found on site was in boring BK-5 at 20 feet bgs, which contained 190 parts per million (ppm) TPH-G in soil. The theoretical maximum vapor concentration to be treated by the catalytic oxidation system can be calculated from knowledge of the mixture's molecular weight, vapor pressure at the soil temperature, soil contaminant composition (weathered gasoline), and the ideal gas law: Cest = estimate of contaminant vapor concentration [mg.n] Pv = pure component vapor pressure at temperature T [atm] = 0.049 atm Mw = molecular weight of component [mg/mole] = Page 2 111,000 mg/mole R = gas constant = 0.0821 [L arm/mole K] T = absolute temperature of residual [K] = 273 + 16 = 289 K As the extracted vapors are initially in equilibrium, their concentrations will decrease over time due to compositional changes and mass transfer resistances. It is proposed that the SVE system operate 24 hours per.~ day, 7 days per week with an anticipated project life of no more than 1 month. By extrapolating available data, it appears that the area of contamination is no larger than 60 feet x 80 feet x 5+ feet, or 24,500 cubic feet. Assuming 24,500 cubic feet of contaminated soil at 90 pounds/cubic foot, the weight of the soil may be calculated as follows: Wsoil = (Vsoil) (Dsoil) = (24,500 cubic feet) (90 lbs/ cubic'feet) Wsoil = 2.21e6 lbs Wsoil = weight of contaminated soil [lbs] V$oil = estimated volume of contaminated soil [cubic feet] = 24,500 cuft Dsoii = estimated density of contaminated soil [lbs/cu ltl = 90 lbs/cu ft Assuming an average concentration in the soil of 1/3 the maximum level of TPH-G, the weight of gasoline in the soil can be calculated: Wgas = (Wsoil) (TPH-G concentration) = (2.21e6 lbs) (190/3 ppm Wgas = 140 lbs Wgas = weight of gasoline in contaminated soil [lbs] Wsoil = weight of contaminated soil [lbs] TPH-G concentration = average TPH-G level in contaminated soil [ppm] The estimated extraction rate may be calculated as follows: Rest = (Wgas) / (project life) = (140 lbs) / (30 days) Rest = 4.66 lbs/day Rest = estimated removal rate jibs/day] Wgas = weight of gasoline in contaminated soil [lbs] Project Life = assumed 1 month or 30 days As contaminants are removed during SVE, the level of Page 3 residual soil contamination decreases and less volatile compounds comprise a greater portion of the residual contamination. Both of these conditions may result in reduced removal rates over time. As SVE continues and contaminant levels decrease, it becomes more difficult to remove the residual contamination through vapor extraction, however, a significant body of data exists which demonstrates that in-situ biodegradation of hydrocarbon components occurs as the SVE process moves air through the subsurface. This component of the process is particularly effective in dealing with heavier-end hydrocarbon compounds not readily volatilized. Although practical limitations may exist which limit the ability to remove all of the contamination, it is proposed that the vapor extraction and biodegradation processes will reduce the level of contamination by at least 90%. Should you have any questions regarding the information contained herein, or if I may otherwise be of assistance, please contact me at {510) 455-499]. Jeff Schafer Staff Engineer SS/3r enc. Page 4 Uriah Inc. An Environmental Services C°mpan32 June 30, 1992 Ms. Delores Gough Kern County Department of ~ Environmental Health Services 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Revised Workplan for the Remediation of Gasoline Contamination of Soil Occurring at 3505 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA. Kern County Site Permit #050033. Dear Ms. Gough: As a result in the co~'tinued declination of the groundwater table at the above referenced site, Uriah has been authorized by Linde Gases of the West, Inc. to submit this workplan addendum for the remediation of gasoline contaminated vadose soils. Tasks described herein are intended to comply with requirements set forth by the Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services (KCoDEH) and guidelines promulgated by the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). OVERVIEW OF RELEVANT ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE ACTIVITIES As a result of a December, 1987 fuel leak event at the Pierce Road facility, a 10,000 gallon on-site underground unleaded gasoline storage tank was removed and a limited environmental assessment performed by Krazan and Associates· Uriah, Inc. was subsequently engaged to install, develop, and sample eight (8) two-inch diameter groundwater monitoring wells· Six of the wells were installed on October 17 and 18, 1989, November 28, 1989, and May 1, 1990· Two additional wells were later installed on June 27 and June 28, 1991· Compliance monitoring of the wells has been ongoing in accordance with requirements set forth by KCoDEH. During November of 1991, Uriah submitted a Remedial Action Plan (RAP) in which bioremediation appeared as the treatment technology of choice for the decontamination of vadose and saturated soils, as well as groundwater containing significant 464 Lindbergh Avenue · Livermore, California 94550 · (415) 455-4991 concentrations of gasoline and/or its aromatic cons~tuents (i.e. benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes [BTEX]). The biotreatment system featured a fluidized-bed bioreactor vessel into which extracted groundwater would be introduced and thorougly degraded by a consortium of common, non-pathogenic, hydrocarbon-utilizing bacteria. Once free of detectable concentrations of the target contaminants, a portion of the treated water, now oxygen and nutrient rich, and containing large populations of the hydrocarbon-utilizing bacteria, would be reinjected to promote in-situ biodegradation of vadose soil. However, due to continuing drought conditions, the resultant lowering of the water .table, and reduction in levels of dissolved contaminants in groundwater, it has been suggested that soil vapor extraction would be a more appropriate remediation technology. SOIL VAPOR EXTRACTION AND BIOVENTING- TECHNOLOGY OVERVIEW Soil Vapor Extraction Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) of organic contaminants in vadose soils is a process that embraces the principle that many anthro- pogenic organic hydrocarbons, including those contained within gasoline, will volatilize at ambient soil temperatures. Upon partitioning from the liquid to the gaseous phase, these contaminants will enter the pore spaces between soil particles until an equilibrium is achieved. This partitioning is described by Raoult's Law. Partitioning into the vapor phase is determined by the volatility of a contaminant, its solubility in water, and the degree to which it will adsorb to soil and other particulate matter. Henry's Law and vapor pressure are used to determine appropriate volatility for SVE. Henry's Law constants above 0.01 (dimensionless) tend to move from aqueous to gaseous phase. Contaminants with vapor pressures greater than 25 mm/Hg are generally considered as' good condidates for SVE, with vapor pressures as low as lmm/Hg acceptable. The vapor pressure of gasoline is between 37 and 260 mm/Hg depending upon the degree of weathering (degradation). The solubility of gasoline is appropriate to SVE parameters and, while gasoline may adsorb onto soil and other (organic) particles within the soil matrix, sorption is generally not so strong as to preclude efficient SVE remediation. In fact, 2%-5% water vapor is considered necessary to avoid drying of the soil which would lead to a reduction in contaminant vapor extraction efficiency. The basic SVE system is composed of a blower or vacuum pump which draws contaminant vapors to one or more extraction wells and then through surface manifold piping, valves, and a vapor-water separator for subsequent delivery to a vapor treatment unit. Vapors may be captured or destroyed using thermal incineration, catalytic oxidation, internal combustion,. and/or biofiltration. Bioventing Bioventing employs the SVE system concept to promote the in- situ aerobic biodegradation of hydrocarbon contaminants within vadose soils. This is accomplished by using the SVE mediated movement of air through the area of soil contamination to deliver the large volume of oxygen required to develop and maintain the biomass necessary to accomplish the mineralization (thorough aerobic biodegradation) of fuel hydrocarbons. It has been suggested that using air as a mechanism to deliver oxygen to unsaturated soil could be 1,000 times more efficient than transferring it to water (Wilson and Ward, 1986). A number of sources have reported that analysis of SVE systems indicate that 20-38% of hydrocarbon removal is by biodegradation, with the remainder occurring by volatilization. Nutrients (primarily nitrogen and phosphorus) and moisture may also be added to increase biodegradation rates. The biological destruction component .is particularly appropriate to the remediation process when the hydrocarbon contaminant is formed, in part, of compounds that are essentially not volatile. SOIL VAPOR EX~RACTION AND BIOVENTING AS APPLIED TO THE PIERCE ROAD SITE It is proposed that the existing monitoring wells MW-3, MW-4, and MW-5 be converted to vapor extraction wells. This will be accomplished by inserting a packer into each well in order to isolate that portion of the slotted interval appropriate to the extraction of known hydrocarbon contaminants. Each well will be fitted with the piping, instrumentation, and vacuum pump or blower to induce an air flow of approximately 100 cubic feet/minute (CFM) throughout the radius of influence for each. of the three wells proposed for initial SVE conversion. Additional existing on-site wells may be added to the system, or additional wells installed as needed (although we do not now believe this will be necessary). The minimum radius of influence, as estimated for the relatively homgeneous sandy soils at the site, is illustrated in Figure 2. The radial influences illustrated are consistent with the natural air recharge configuration proposed...where air will infiltrate "naturally" from the surface into the area of treatment. System piping will be 4" to 6" diameter Schedule 40 PVC. Flow control valves and instrumentation to measure flow, pressure, temperature, and levels of target contaminants will be installed. Pulse venting is expected to enhance vapor removal efficiencies and will be employed by operating wells only periodically in order to allow vapor to diffuse into larger areas.' Moisture within the extracted air-vapor stream will be removed with a centrifugal water separator. Moisture thus acquired is expected to contain detectable concentrations of fuel hydrocarbons and will either be discharged to the sanitary sewer or decontaminated on-site within a small biological treatment unit. It-is proposed that the destruction of extraction vapors be either by adsorption onto granular activated carbon (GAC) or by aerobic biodegradation within a packed-column biofiltration unit. If used, the GAC units would consist of commercially available drums connected in series. While GAC has a very high surface area for adsorption of hydrocarbQn contaminants, GAC may be quickly spent. Biological destruction of extracted vapors may be considered as a cost-effective alternative. The bio- treatment unit proposed for the Pierce Road site would consist of a columnar biofiltration unit packed with spent mushroom compost- a material known to function as a superior nutrient reservoir (primarily for nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium), moisture retention agent, and source of common, non-pathogenic microorganisms (i.e. bacteria and fungi) known to be capable of the thorough aerobic degradation of a wide range of fuel hydrocarbons. Post-treatment air-stream sampling will be with a hydrocarbon vapor survey instrument such as the GasTech Model 1314 Hydrocarbon Survey Instrument, a portable gas chromatograph, or in accordance with other protocol established by Kern County. Interim sampling of the extracted vapor stream will be conducted and measurements taken of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH), carbon dioxide, and oxygen. These measurements will be used to document biodegradation, determine the need to add moisture and/or nutrients (via injection into the wells), and project the end point for bioventing. Biodegradation may be expected to continue after the light-end compounds of gasoline have volatilized, therefore, documentation of the aforementioned is necessary to calculate mass balance of the contaminant so as to estimate the extent of remediation. At such time as the SVE-bioventing protocol is accepted by Kern County, and the system is constructed and installed, a Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) will be developed upon which project effectiveness and completion will be based. Ail work will be performed by qualified personnel under the direction of a California Registered Civil Engineer in accordance with protocol referenced within the Health and Safety Plan enclosed as Appendix A. Should you have any questions regarding this addendum, or if we may otherwise be of assistance, please contact either of the undersigned at (510) 455-4991. Sincerely, ~ Project Microbiologist Robert Oldham, P.E. Registered Civil Engineer JER/RO:dr enc. Figures 1-3 cc: Central Valley RWQCB Messrs. Barron and Callahan, Linde Gases, Inc. B~ANCHE ST ORANGE St ' ~ Colored Circle Denotes Site Location Figure 1- Area Map for Bakers Welding Supply, 3505 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA North MILES I I I KILOMETERS I J J 0 .25 .5 I Oxygen Tank Nitrogen Tank ~~ Main Building ........ ; Former Underground Storage Tank Pit North Asphalt Payment itoring Well MW-5 0 2O Scale (ft) l" = 20 ft LPG Storage Tank ~ Presumed Minimum Radius of Influence for SVE System Vapor Extraction Wells Figure 2- Site Map Showing Vapor Extraction Wells Proposed for 3505 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA. KCoDEH Site #050033. jSamplinq Port Regenerative Blower Vacuum Gauge__~_~(-~ Flow Meter Vapor Treatment Unit t Sampling Port Vapor Extraction Woll~ ~ ~ Piping Ball Valve Slotted Hydrocarbon Vapor-Water Separator Annular Pack ~ / Figure 3- Schematic of Soil Vapor Extraction/ Bioventing System Proposed for 3505 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA Appendix A Health and Safety Plan HEALTH AND SAFETY PROCEDURES FOR SOIL REMEDIATION AND/OR SOIL BORINGS-MONITORING WELL INSTALLATIONS The following Health and Safety Procedures have been developed for personnel involved in the investigation and/or remediation of fuel hydrocarbon contaminated soils and/or the installation of soil borings, monitoring, and extraction wells. While this protocol is considered generally appropriate, modifications may be made by qualified service providers and/or regulatory agency representatives in response to site specific conditions. PRIMARY HEALTH AND. SAFETY STAFF Mr. John Rapp, Registered Environmental Health Specialist Mr. Jeff Schafer, Engineer PUBLIC HEALTH/ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARD ASSESSMENT Hazards attendant to the performance of tasks associated with the above referenced investigative/remedial activities are: .1) Exposure to the hydrocarbon contaminated soils, 2) The potential for ignition of flammable/explosive vapors, and 3) The physical hazards associated with working with/near heavy equipment. HAZARDS OF CHEMICAL EXPOSURE Some of the soil at the site is known to be contaminated with gasoline. The most toxic constituents present are believed to be the aromatic constituents of gasoline- benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX); with benzene the most toxic of these having been identified as a carcinogen that forms as much as 3.5% of gasoline by weight~ Due to the volatile nature of the aromatics, the most significant route of potential exposure appears to be via inhalation. Secondary routes of exposure include dermal (by direct contact with contaminated soil) and the incidental ingestion of hydrocarbon contaminated dusts. The measures prescribed for the minimization of risks associated with the aforementioned routes of exposure are described below. HAZARDS ASSOCIATED WITH FLAMMABLE VAPORS Although the levels of fuel hydrocarbons within soils encountered A. are typically low to moderate, it is recognized that there is a potential for vapors to collect within the flammable range. The measures for early detection of these vapors are described below. PHYSICAL HAZARDS The physical hazards attendant to the performance of site investigations are those associated with working on/near mechanized equipment. Appropriate procedures attendant to the operation of equipment to be used on this project are already in force and are well known to our staff. Further, work-rest cycles will be established and adhered to so as to provide adequate rest periods; liquids will also be available to preclude problems associated with heat stress. RISK FACTORS AND ASSOCIATED MITIGATION PROCEDURES Type of Risk Route of Exposure Mitigating Factor(s) Chemfcal .............. Inhalation ........... -Air purifying respirators with organic vapor and dust filters. -A hydrocarbon vapor survey meter will be used to determine exposure. Chemical .......... Dermal/Ingestion ......... -Optimum use of equipment to minimize direct exposure to the soil. -Use of protective clothing. -The nature of the project does not involve the uncontrolled release of toxic materials. 'Flammable Vapors ....... --. ................. -A hydrocarbon vapor meter will be used to determine the percent of the lower explosive limit (LEL) present at the excavation. B. Physical ............... --. ................. -Physical hazards attendant to this project are no diff erent from those at drilling or excavation projects involving non-regu- lated materials. -The use of trained and experienced staff; properly attired and using appropriate and well-maintained equipment. WORK AREA Only authorized personnel will be permitted within the work area. This area will be clearly marked and monitored. DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURES General procedures for handwashing and disposal of soiled clothing will be adhered to. MEDICAL ASSISTANCE On-site staff will be provided with a cellular telephone. An ambulance will be requested to respond to any situation involving apparent illness or inury that cannot be appropriately responded to with basic first aid. Uriah lnc. An Environmental Services Company. January 26, 1990 Mr. Sam Rohn Union Carbide- Linde Division 2420 Camino Ramon San Ramon, CA 94583 Re= Site Characterization At 3505 PierCe Road, Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. Rohnl Uriah, Inc. staff have completed the installation of three (3) two-inch groundwater monitoring wells at the above referenced location according to the guidelines and requirements set forth by the Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services and the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board in the area formerly occupied by a 10,000 gallon underground unleaded gasoline storage tank...the focus of a known fuel leak event in December~ 1987, in order to determine the lateral and vertical extent of fuel hydrocarbon contamination of soil and groundwater. METHODOLOGY A literature review conducted by the previous consultant Krazan and Associates~ revealed a report by the Kern County Water Agency, 1987, which stated that "...The groundwater gradient is from the southeast to northwest, perpendicular to the Kern River." The report went on to say that the direction of groundwater flow may reverse seasonally depending upon whether the Kern River is acting as a sou=ce of recharge or discharge. With this in mind, it was decided to place a well to the southeast (#MW-l) in what was believed to be the downgradient position on October ~7, 1989. A second well (#MW-2) was advanced adjacent to the building Northeast of the rank pit.on October 18, ~989. (See Figure ~ for specific well locations). The location of all wel%s was pre-approved by Delores Gough, Hazardous Materials Specialist for the Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services. 464 Lindbergh Avenue * Liverrnore, California 94550 · (41,%) 455-4991 An attempt was made to utilize an existing groundwater monitoring well installed by Krazan and Associates in order to determine groundwater gradient; however, we were unable to utilized the well due to the fact that the screened interval had completely filled with silt. It was also noted upon visual inspection of the well, that no surface cover was in place over the well. This well was subsequently abandoned with the prior approval of Dan Starkey, Hazardous Materials Specialist for the Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services, on November 28, 1989 by filling it with grout and advancing a new well in its place (see Figure l) on that same day. Uriah's groundwater monitoring wells were advanced using a truck-mounted, outside diameter, continuous-flight, hollow-stem auger(s) by employees of BSK & Associates Drilling Company for #MW-1 and #MW-2 and employees of Melton Drilling for ~MW-3 under the direction of Uriah Staff Geologist, Walter Floyd. Soil samples were obtained at 5 foot intervals for lithologic evaluation (using the Unified Soil Classification System) and/or laboratory analysis. The samples were collected within clean brass sampling tubes (1.92 inches in diameter and 6 inches in length) placed within a California Modified Split Spoon Sampler driven through the hollow stem of the drilling auger, immediately upon the opening of the sampler, the ends of the sampling tubes were wrapped in aluminum foil, fitted with plastic caps, sealed with black electrical tape, labeled, placed on dry ice, and transported to a certified hazardous waste analytical laboratory under chain of custody for analysis. soil samples obtained below groundwater were collected using a standard split spoon sampler for logging purposes only. Ail work performed was under the supervision of a Registered Professional Civil Engineer. Ail soil samples collected during the course of drilling ~MW-1 and #MW-2 appeared clean with no discoloration or odor noted to be present. Groundwater was encountered at a depth of 27' in both ~MW-1 and ~MW-2. Soil samples obtained at depths of 5, 15, and 25 feet in both #MW-1 and #MW-2 were subsequently analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline (TPH-G), benzene, toluene, total xylenes, and ethylbenzene (BTX&E) using D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. method for TPH-G and EPA Method 8020 for individual constituents. The third monitoring well (#MW-3) was advanced in the same manner as previously referenced. During the course of drilling this well, a strong hydrocarbon odor of the soil was noted beginning at 20 feet below grade. Groundwater was encountered at a depth of 28.5 feet.' Soil samples were collected at depths of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 28 feet in the sams manner as noted above and then analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline (TPH- G), benzene, toluene, total xylenes, and ethylbenzene (BTX&E) using'D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T, method for TPH-G and EPA Method 8020 for lnOlvidual constituents. ..... Ail three wells were constructed of 2-inch inside diameter, .. threaded, Schedule 40 PVC risers attached to 0.020 inch slotted PVC well screen. In each case, the slotted casing extends above the groundwater surface to account for fluctuating groundwater levels. A 3 foot bentonite seal was placed above the'screened - interval in each well to protect groundwater from surface water £nfiltration. Each well was completed with a cement grout mixture pumped into the boring with a tremie line. Copies of the Boring Logs and Monitoring Well Construction Details are enclosed as Attachment B. All tailings from the drilling were placed on visqueen, covered and stored on site pending th~.results of certified laboratory analysis for the determination of proper disposal. The hollow stem augers were steam cleaned prior to arrival on the site. All sampling equipment was steam cleaned prior to being brought on site and between all samplings. Groundwater monitoring wells #MW-1 and #MW-2 were developed and sampled by Mr. Floyd on October 19, 1989. Monitoring Well .._ #MW-3 was developed and sampled on November 29, 1989. (See The Groundwater Monitoring Well Development and Sampling Report enclosed as Attachment B. - The wells were surveyed by Uriah, Inc. staff using a transit and rod on November 28, 1989. An on site datum was used to obtain an ~l~vation of the wells relative to each other. Groundwater gradient was determined to be South 30 degrees West, or roughly parallel to the Kern River (see Figure 2 attached). This most recent data differs from gradient information supplied by the Kern County Water Agency report on water conditions in -' Improved District #4, 1987 Report. According to the report, groundwater flow was Northwest, perpendicular to the Kern River, which would be the expected direction of groundwater flow when --- free of other influences. The lagoon near the water treatment plant approximately a quarter of a mile away and the Calloway Canal appear to have a significant influence on the hydraulic gradient at this site. LABORATORY RESULTS Copies of all laboratory results as received from the certified hazardous waste analytical laboratory are enclosed as Attachment C. CONCLUSIONS ANp.~R~CO~MMENDATIONS The results of certified laboratory analysis are summarized _B the following chart: CHART I Sample ~ Ma~rix TPH-G ( B T X E. ) ** Concentrations ir, parts per billion- ppb BK~-5' soil N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D, N,D. BKI-15' soil N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. BK1-25' soil N,D. N,D. N,D. N.D. N.D. BKR-5' soil N.D. N,D. N,D, N.D. N.D. BK2-15' soil N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D, N,D, BK2-25' soil N.D. N,D, N,D, N,D, N,D, LB3-5' soil N.D, N,D, N.D. N,D, N,D. LB3-10' soil N,D, N,D. N.D. N,D, N,D, LB3-15' SOil N.D, N.D. N.D, N,D, N,D, LB3-20' soil 1074.09 9.97 134,82 199,55 22.18 LB3-25' soil 53,70 0.50 6.74 9,98 1,11 LB3-28' ~oll <5 <0.02 0.21 0,1C ~0.02 MW-1 (BK1) water ':cD. N.D. N.D. N.D, N,D. MW-2 (BK2) water 125 22,2 2,4 N,D, ~,~7 MW-3 (BK3) w~ter 3~7¢,4~ 90 140 550 990 Concentrations of benzene in groundwater fro~ ~MW-2 and ~MW- 3 were found to be above the Action Level of 0,7 parts per billion (ppb) set by the CaLifornia State D~partmen~ of Health Services (DOHS) for benzene in drinking water. Due to the seasonal fluctuations in the direction of groundwater flow~ --- data obtained to date may not be sufficient to thoroughly .' =~nm the potential extent of soil and groundwater contamination -~t the referenced site, Copies of this report have been included for your convenience, It is recommended that one be forwarded to e&ch of the following Uriah Inc. An Environmental Services Company June 15, 1990 Mr. Sam Rohn Region Environmental Coordinator Union Carbide- Linde Division 2420 Camino Ramon San Ramon, CA 94583 Re: Completion of Site Characterization at 3505 Pierce Road~ Bakersfield, CA. Dear Mr. Rohn: Uriah, Inc. has completed the Site Characterization at the above referenced facility as set forth in our proposal dated March 28, 1990 and according to the guidelines and requirements set forth by the Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services and Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board. METHODOLOGY In addition to The three 2" groundwater monitoring wells installed on October 17 and 18, 1989 and November 28, 1989 (see Uriah's Site Characterization Report dated January 26, 1990), three additional 2" groundwater monitoring wells (MW- 4, MW-5, and MW-6) were installed at the locations shown in Figure t attached on May 1, 1990. Ail groundwater monitoring wells were advanced using a truck- mounted, 8" outside diameter, continuous-flight, hollow-stem auger(s) by employees of Melton Drilling under the direction of Uriah Staff Geologist, Walter Floyd. Soil samples were obtained at 5 foot intervals for lithologic evaluation (using the Unified Soil Classification System) and/or laboratory analysis. The samples were collected within clean, brass sample tubes (1.92 inches in diameter and 6.0 inches in length) placed within a California Modified Split Spoon Sampler driven through the hollow stem of the drilling auger. Immediately upon the opening of the sampler and the removal of the sampling tubes, the ends of each tube were wrapped in foil, fitted with plastic caps, sealed with black electrical tape, labeled, placed on dry ice, and transported to a certified hazardous waste 464 Lindbergh Avenue · Llvermore. California 94550 · (415) 455-4991 analytical laboratory under chain of custody for analysis for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline (TPH-G), benzene, toluene, total xylenes, and ethylbenzene (BTX&E) using D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. method and EPA Method 5030/8020. Soil samples obtained below groundwater were collected using a standard split spoon sampler for logging purposes only. Ail work was reviewed by a California Registered Professional Civil Engineer. .. Ail soil samples collected during the course of drilling MW- 4 and MW-6 appeared free of significant contamination with no discoloration or odor present. However, a strong hydrocarbon odor was noted during the course of drilling MW-5 beginning at 20' below grade. Groundwater was encountered at a depth of 33 feet in MW-4, MW5, and MW-6. All three wells were constructed of 2-inch inside diameter, threaded, Schedule 40 PVC risers attached to 0.020 inch slotted PVC well screen. In each case, the perforated section of the well casing extends 15 feet below and § feet above the first encountered groundwater. The sand pack consisting of #3 Monterey Sand extends from the bottom of the boring to 2 feet above the perforations. A 3 foot thick bentonite seal was placed above the sand pack. The remaining annulus was tremie filled with a grout bentonite mixture. The sidewalls of MW-6 caved in after the sand pack was placed creating a natural sand pack above. the Monterey Sand pack; therefore, the bentonite plug was not emplaced until a depth of 10 feet. Copies of the Boring Logs and Monitoring Well Construction Details are enclosed as APPENDIX Iisi! ~ Ail tailings from the drilling were placed on visqueen, covered and stored on site pending the receipt of certified laboratory analysis for the determination of proper disposal. The hollow stem augers were steam cleaned prior to arrival on the site. All sampling equipment was steam cleaned prior to being brought on site and between all samplings. Groundwater monitoring well MW-4 was developed and sampled by Mr. Floyd on May 2, 1990. Monitoring wells MW-5 and MW-6 were developed and sampled by Mr. Floyd on May 3, ~990. The three previously installed groundwater monitoring wells (MW-l, MW- 2, and MW-3 were also sampled by Mr. Floyd. Uriah's well, MW- 1 installed on October 17, 1989 had silted up as had a well previously placed at the site by Krazan Associates. Tn each case, depth to groundwater was measured using an electric tape and each well was then purged of three well volumes using a WaTerra brand hand pump. Measurements of pH, conductlvity~ and temperature were acquired and recorded as referenced within APPENDIX "C", attached. Subsequent to the development of each well, a groundwater sample was acquired within a clean, disposable, polyethylene bailer lowered into the well just below the water ~urface. Upon being brought to grade, the water sample was immediately transferred into two 40 ml Volatile Organic Analysis (VOA) vials. Each vial was promptly sealed with a teflon-lined screw cap, marked, and placed on blue ice for transportation to a State certified hazardous waste'analytical laboratory under chain of custody for analysis for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline (TPH-G) using TPH by D.O.H.S.' L.U.F.T. method with individual constituents (BTX&E) using EPA Method 5030/8020. Extracted groundwater, in addition to that acquired for laboratory analysis, was placed into a covered DOT drum for on site storage pending receipt of laboratory data. The wells were surveyed by Mr. Floyd using a transit and rod on May 3, 1990. The elevation of the groundwater was measured with respect to an on site datum which was given an arbitrary elevation of 100 feet. The datum selected was the east end of the loading dock located closest to the liquid Argon storage tank. Data acquired by Uriah to date does not support a Kern County Water Agency Report that the direction of groundwater flow fluctuates seasonally. Additional data should be acquired anddeveloped prior to the formation of a conclusion in this matter. Uriah measured the flow direction in November of 1989, and found it to be to the Southwest. At this time, recharge from the Kern River would be expected to be at/near its minimum. The flow direction was again measured during May 1990, a time when Spring runoff from the mountains should maximize recharge, however, flow direction was found again to be Southwest (see Figure 2); although slightly different than when previously measured in that contours were somewhat altered. This is probably due to the water table lowering, exposing a gravel lens with differential flow. This gravel lens is depicted in the Geologic Cross Sections attached as Figures 5, 6, and 7. Also, the water table was found to be five feet lower than when measured the previous Fall indicating that no significant recharge had been supplied to this aquifer. Because of below average precipitation, it is possible that the amount of water flowing in the Kern River was insufficient to supply hydraulic recharge. LABORATORY RESULTS Copies of all laboratory results as received from the certified hazardous waste analytical laboratory are enclosed as APPENDIX "a!~ . CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The results of certified laboratory analysis are summarized in the following chart: CHART I Sample # Matrix TPH-G (B T' X E1 **Concentrations in parts per billion- ppb BK4-5' Soil N.D. 0.60 N.D. 2.5 1.5 BK4-t0' Soil 50 1.3 12 2.4 1.5 BK4-20' Soil N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. BK4-25' Soil N.D~ 3.0 t0 1.31 N.D. BK4-30' Soil N.D. 0.90 1.7 N.D. N.D. BKS-5' Soil N.D. 3.1 2.7 N.D. N.D. BKS-10' Soil N.D. 5.9 N.D. N.D. N.D. BK5-15' Soil N.D. N.D. 0.70 N.D. N.D. BK5-20' Soil 190,000 180 590 5,510 410 BK5-25' Soil N.D. N.D. 0.80 N.D. N.D. BK5-30' Soil 180 t.6 8.7 5.98 N.D. (Please note that the laboratory interpreted the 6 on the chain of custody for the following soil samples as a G. Therefore, soil samples labeled BK6 by Uriah are noted as BKG on the certified laboratory data), BK6-5' Soil N.D. N.D. 17 N.D. N.D. BK6-10 Soil N.D. N.D. 7.7 N.D. N.D. BK6-15 Soil N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. " BK6-20 Soil N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. BK6-25 Soil N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. BK6-30 Soil N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. BK6-35 Soil N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. MW-1 Water N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. MW-2 Water 370 43 33 26.3 31 MW-3 Water 11,000 360 3,!00 1,590 30 MW-4 (BK4) Water 1,900 110 110 406 N.D. MW-5 (BKS) Water 6,000 68 130 968 290 MW-6 (~K6) Water 83 N.D. N.D. 2.06 N.D. N.D .... Non-Detected TPH-G...Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline B...Benzene T...Toluene X...Total Xylenes E...Ethylbenzene Low levels of volatile gasoline compounds were detected throughout the soils encountered during the advancement of MW- 4 (BK-4). This is believed to be vapor phase migration throughout the sands present in the unsaturated zone. Significant levels of soil contamination are present in MW-5 at a depth 20 feet below grade and again at a depth of 30 feet. Low levels of volatile gasoline constituents were detected in soil above 20 feet in MW-5 and are also believed to be vapor phase migration. Only very tow levels of toluene were detected in soil at a depth of 5 and 10 feet below grade in MW-6 (BK6). Significant TPH-G and BTX&E contamination of groundwater was found to be present in the three groundwater monitoring wells just newly installed (MW-4, MW-5, and MW-6), as well as the previously installed wells (MW-2 and MW-3), with the exception of MW-1 which resulted in no detectable levels of contamination. The northern end of the former tank pit (location of MW-3), appears to be the area of maximum contamination. Iso- concentration contour maps are enclosed as Figures 3 and 4. The contour lines between wells were determined mathematically. The lines outside of the wells were approximated. It is believed that the gravel lens in the area of MW-4 and MW-5 i~ providing a conduit for contaminant migration. It is recommended that a computer model be developed and used to design an in-situ bioremediation treatment system utilizing an in~ection-extraction system to detoxify soil and groundwater simultaneously should remediation become necessary. Until the model is developed, it is proposed that we proceed with quarterly groundwater monitoring of all wells in order to determine contaminant plume patterning over time and to assist with the model calibration.. copies of this report have been included for }'our convenience and should be forwarded to each of the following agencies for their review and comment: Supplemental Information Submitted in Support of Original Application U iah Env ronmen aI Services nc.  2401 Mst Orangeburg Avenue #675-218, Mode~ CA 95355 (510) 455-4991 (209) 551-3591 (209) 551-1200 ~n Franci~co,'~v Ars Cen~al Valley FAX January 25, 1993 Ms. Betty Coppersmith San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District 2700 M Street, Suite 275 Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Supplemental Information Concerning Application #0505001- Installation of a Pilot Soil Vapor Extraction System at 3505 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA Dear Ms. Coopersmith: With regard to the request for additional information made by Mr. Thomas E. Goff of your office, please be advised of the following: 1. The vapor destruction unit has recently been tested as it will be configured for the Pierce Road s'i. te. It is designed to use propane as supplemental fuel at a maximum rate of 0.5 gallons per hour. 2. Two forms of bioremediation were mentioned in our permit application. The first was the bioventing that is an inherent (but only recently acknowledged) component of the soil vapor extraction (SVE) process. The bioventing (or in-situ biological detoxification) develops as the SVE system draws air through vadose soils. As the soil column becomes better oxygenated and, perhaps, as moisture is more evenly distributed, the number of indigenous soil bacteria increase. Many of these organisms are capable of the thorough aerobic degradation (mineralization) of fuel hydrocarbons to form the end products of carbon dioxide, minerals, and water...and so as their numbers increase, bacteria inetabolize as much as 20% of the hydrocarbon contaminants remediated at an SVE site. Intermediate metabolic products and the carbon dioxide formed as a result of complete degradation would be drawn into the vapor destruction unit along with hydrocarbon vapors not biologically degraded. All organic compounds would be destroyed in the unit. The second biological treatment component addressed in our application was the remediation of water, potentially contaminated with fuel hydrocarbons, that we expect to collect within the in-line vapor-water separator designed to remove unwanted water from the extracted soil gas prior to it entering the vapor destruction unit. While concentrations of. hydrocarbons within this water are expected to be low enough to permit. the water to be discharged to the sanitary sewer, Uriah is prepared to install a bioreactor to treat the water, if necessary. The enclosed figure provides both flow and equipment information. Air samples taken from the top of the reactor column have, in the past, been free of detectable concentrations of hydrocarbons. Therefore, we anticipate no loss of fugitive hydrocarbons from the bioreactor (water treatment) unit. Thank you for your assistance to date. If you have further questions, please contact me at (209) 551-3591. Sincerely, John E. Rapp Uriah, Inc. JER:ms enc. Nutrient Supply Tank Treated Flow Meter Discharge G.P.M. Nutrient Throttle Pomp Tank Pressure Valve / Chemical Gauge ~ 0 [ " ' . . Air.Supply ~ Water inlet imm ~ Tl~r~fl: Valve-- -- Compressor ~ Solenoid operated /T valve (Timer Operated) ' ! Contaminat~i Water Inlet Fluidized- Bed ~ Uriah Environm~nta~l Service. s I__nc. 2401 E~t Bioreactor System ,3,~,0,~_~ ,~,~,.~,, Uriah ...... Env onrne ntal Services. nc.______ 2401 East Orangeburg Avenue 675-218, Modesto. CA 95355" ~ , /. / 'y ~ Cen.walVaiiev [:AX December 21 , 1992 Ms. Betty Coppersmith San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District Southern Regional Office 2700 "M" Street, Suite 275 Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Permit Application Concerning Soil Vapor Extraction Proposed for Bakers Welding, 3505 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA Dear Ms. Coppersmith: With regard to our telephone conversation of last week, please be advised that I have spoken with Jeff Schafer of my office (the project engineer) concerning the rating of the thermal destruction unit proposed for the above referenced site. Jeff confirmed that is our intention to withdraw hydrocarbon vapors from subsurface soils with a 3 hp electric pump with a maximum draw of 53 scfm. As shown on page three of the November 12, 1992 letter accompanying our permit application, the calculated removal rate of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline (TPH-G) is 4.66 lbs/day. As this figure is based upon our estimate that 1/3 the maximum concentration of TPH-G known to exist in vadose soil at the site represents the average concentration-of fuel hydrocarbon contaminants available for extraction, it is theoretically possible for the amount of the contaminants introduced into the treatment system to be greater than 4.66 lbs/day...with a not to exceed limit of 13.98 lbs/day (3 x 4.66). We do not, however, expect to reach these levels and believe that actual site conditions favor the 4.66 lbs/day rate. Regardless of the actual rate encountered, the SVE treatment unit is equipped with sensors that will terminate extraction should the treatment temperature fall below that which will ensure thorough destruction of all hydrocarbon vapors introduced into the system (which is rated for the full 53 scfm flow possible). If you desire additional information, or if we may otherwise be of assistance, please contact Jeff or me at .(209) 551-3591 or (510) 455-4991. Sincerely, John E. Rapp Uriah, Inc. JER:ms Uriah Inc. An Enoironmental Services Company June 30, 1992 Ms. Delores Gough Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Revised Workplan for the Remediation of Gasoline Contamination of Soil Occurring at 3505 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA. Kern County Sits Permit #050033. Dear Ms. Gough: As a result in the continued declinatioh of the groundwater table at the above referenced site, Uriah has been authorized by Linde Gases of the West, Inc. to submit this workplan addendum for the remediation of gasoline contaminated vadose soils. Tasks described herein are intended to comply with requirements set forth by the Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services (KCoDEH) and guidelines promulgated by the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). OVERVIEW OF RELEVANT ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE ACTIVITIES As a result of a December, 1987 fuel leak event at the Pierce Road facility, a 10,000 gallon on-site underground unleaded gasoline storage tank was removed and a limited environmental assessment performed by Krazan and Associates· Uriah, Inc. was subsequently engaged to install, develop, and sample eight (8) two-inch diameter groundwater monitoring wells. Six of the wells were installed on October 17 and 18, 1989, November 28, 1989, and May 1, 1990. Two additional wells were later installed on June 27 and June 28, 1991. Compliance monitoring of the wells has been ongoing in accordance with requirements set forth by KCoDEH. During November of 1991, Uriah submitted a Remedial Action Plan (RAP) in which bioremediation appeared as the treatment technology of choice for the decontamination of'vadose and saturated soils, as well as groundwater containing significant 464 Lindbergh Avenue · Livermore, California 94550 · (415) 455-4991 concentrations of gasoline and/or its aromatic constituents (i.e. benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes [BTEX]). The biotreatment system featured a fluidized-bed bioreactor vessel into which extracted groundwater would be introduced and thorougly degraded by a consortium of common, non-pathogenic, hydrocarbon-utilizing bacteria. Once free of detectable concentrations of the target contaminants, a portion of the treated water, now oxygen and nutrient rich, and containing large populations of the hydrocarbon-utilizing bacteria, would be reinjected to promote in-situ biodegradation of vadose soil. However, due to continuing drought conditions, the resultant lowering of the water table, and reduction in levels of dissolved contaminants in groundwater, it has been suggested that soil vapor extraction would be a more appropriate remediation technology. SOIL VAPOR EXTRACTION AND BIOVENTING- TECItNOLOGY OVERVIEW Soil Vapor Extraction Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) of organic contaminants in vadose soils is a process that embraces the principle that many anthro- pogenic organic hydrocarbons, including those contained within gasoline, will volatilize at ambient soil temperatures. Upon partitioning from the liquid to the gaseous phase, these contaminants will enter the pore spaces between soil particles until an equilibrium is achieved. This partitioning is described by Raoult's Law. Partitioning into the vapor phase is determined by the volatility of a contaminant, its solubility in water, and the degree to which it will adsorb to soil and other particulate matter. Henry's Law and vapor pressure are used to determine appropriate volatility for SVE. Henry's Law constants above 0.01 (dimensionless) tend to move from aqueous to gaseous phase. Contaminants with vapor pressures greater than 25 mm/Hg are generally considered as good condidates for SVE, with vapor pressures as low as lmm/Hg acceptable. The vapor pressure of gasoline is between 37 and 260 mm/Hg depending upon the degree of weathering (degradation). The solubility of gasoline is appropriate to SVE parameters and, while gasoline may adsorb onto soil and other (organic) particles within the soil matrix, sorption is generally not so strong as to preclude efficient SVE remediation. In fact, 2%-5% water vapor is considered necessary to avoid drying of the soil which would lead to a reduction in contaminant vapor extraction efficiency. The basic SVE system is composed of a blower or vacuum pump which draws contaminant vapors to one or more extraction wells and then through surface manifold piping, valves, and a vapor-water separator for subsequent delivery to a vapor treatment unit. Vapors may be captured or destroyed using thermal incineration, catalytic oxidation, internal combustion, and/or biofiltration. Bioventing Bioventing employs the SVE system concept to promote the in- situ aerobic biodegradation of hydrocarbon contaminants within vadose soils. This is accomplished by using the SVE mediated movement of air through the area of soil contamination to deliver the large volume of oxygen required to develop and maintain the biomass necessary to accomplish the mineralization (thorough aerobic biodegradation) of fuel hydrocarbons. It has been suggested that using air as a mechanism to deliver oxygen to unsaturated soil could be 1,000 times more efficient than transferring it to water (Wilson and Ward, 1986). A number of sources have reported that analysis of SVE systems indicate that 20-38% of hydrocarbon removal is by biodegradation, with the remainder occurring by volatilization. Nutrients (primarily nitrogen and phosphorus) and moisture may also be added to increase biodegradation rates. The biological destruction component is particularly appropriate to the remediation process when the hydrocarbon contaminant is formed, in part, of compounds that are essentially not volatile. SOIL VAPOR EX~q~ACTION AND BIOVENTING AS APPLIED TO THE PIERCE ROAD SITE It is proposed that the existing monitoring wells MW-3, MW-4, and MW-5 be converted to vapor extraction wells. This will be accomplished by inserting a packer into each well in order to isolate that portion of the slotted interval appropriate to the extraction of known hydrocarbon contaminants. Each well will be fitted with the piping, instrumentation, and vacuum um~q~_~_%9.w~ to induce an air flow of approximately 100 cubic feet/minute (CFM) throughout the radius of influence for each of the three wells proposed for initial SVE conversion. Additional existing on-site wells may be added to the system, or additional wells installed as needed (although we do not now believe this will be necessary). The minimum radius of influence, as estimated for the relatively homgeneous sandy soils at the site, is illustrated in Figure 2. The radial influences illustrated are consistent with the natural air recharge configuration proposed...where air will infiltrate "naturally" from the surface into the area of treatment. System piping will be 4" to 6" diameter Schedule 40 PVC. Flow control valves and instrumentation to measure flow, pressure, temperature, and levels of target contaminants will be installed. Pulse venting is expected to enhance vapor removal efficiencies and will be employed by operating wells only periodically in order to allow vapor to diffuse into larger areas. Moisture within the extracted air-vapor stream will be removed with a centrifugal water separator. Moisture thus acquired is expected to contain detectable concentrations of fuel hydrocarbons and will either be discharged to the sanitary sewer or decontaminated on-site within a small biological treatment unit. It is proposed that the destruction of extraction vapors be either by adsorption onto granular activated carbon (GAC) or by'aerobic biodegradation within a packed-column biofiltration unit. If used, the GAC units would consist of commercially available drums connected in series. While GAC has a very high surface area for adsorption of hydroc, arbon contaminants, GAC may be quickly spent. Biological destruction of extracted vapors may be considered as a cost-effective alternative. The bio- treatment unit proposed for the Pierce Road site would consist of a columnar biofiltration unit packed with spent mushroom compost- a material known to function as a superior nutrient reservoir (primarily for nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium), moisture retention agent, and source of common, non-pathogenic microorganisms (i.e. bacteria and fungi) known to be capable of the thorough aerobic degradation of a wide range of fuel hydrocarbons. Post-treatment air-stream sampling will be with a hydrocarbon vapor survey instrument such as the GasTech Model 1314 Hydrocarbon Survey Instrument, a portable gas chromatograph, or in accordance with other protocol established by Kern County. Interim sampling of the extracted vapor stream will be conducted and measurements taken of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH), carbon dioxide, and oxygen. These measurements will be used to document biodegradation, determine the need to add moisture and/or nutrients (via injection into the wells), and project the end point for bioventing. Biodegradation may be expected to continue after the light-end compounds of gasoline have volatilized, therefore, documentation of the aforementioned is necessary to calculate mass balance of the contaminant so as to estimate the extent of remediation. At such time as the SVE-bioventing protocol is accepted by Kern County, and the system is constructed and installed, a Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) will be developed upon which project effectiveness and completion will be based. Ail work will be performed by qualified personnel under the direction of a California Registered Civil Engineer in accordance with protocol referenced within the Health and Safety Plan enclosed as Appendix A. Should you have any questions regarding this addendum, or if we may otherwise be· of assistance, please contact either of the undersigned at (510) 455-4991. Sincerely, John E. Rapp Project Microbiologist Robert Oldham, P.E. Registered Civil Engineer JER/RO: dr enc. Figures 1-3 cc: Central Valley RWQCB Messrs. Barron and Callahan, Linde Gases, Inc. inn L ST OR Colored Circle Denotes Site Location Figure 1- Area Map for Bakers Welding Supply, 3505 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA North I 0 Y~ 'h 1 0 25 .5 I Oxygen Tank Nitrogen Tank Argon Tank Loading Dock '::'".'.: !'.\ Storage Tank Pit Asphalt Pave~ent North ~ onitoring Well MW-5 ~ 0 20 Scale (ft) 1" = 20 ft LPG Storage Tank ~ Presumed Minimum Radius of Influence for SVE System Vapor Extraction #ells Figure 2- Site Map Showing Vapor Extraction Wells Proposed for 3505 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA. KCoDEH Site #050033. Sampling Port Temperature Gauge Vacuum Pump or ~~ ~ Regenerative Blower Vacuum Gauge-~__~( Flow Meter Vapor Treatment Unit Sampling Port Vapor Extraction Well ~ ~ PVC Piping Ba~l Valve To Water Collection/Disposal/Treatment Slotted Hydrocarbon Vapor-Water Separator A~nular Pack~ Figure 3- Schematic of Soil Vapor Extraction/ Bioventing System Proposed for 3505 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA Appendix A Health and Safety Plan HEALTH AND SAFETY PROCEDURES FOR SOIL REMEDIATION AND/OR SOIL BORINGS-MONITORING WELL INSTALLATIONS The following Health and Safety Procedures have been developed for personnel involved in the investigation and/or remediation of fuel hydrocarbon contaminated soils and/or the installation of soil borings, monitoring, and extraction wells. While this protocol is considered generally appropriate, modifications may be made by qualified service providers and/or regulatory agency representatives in response to site specific conditions. PRIMARY HEALTH AND SAFETY STAFF Mr. John Rapp, Registered Environmental Health Specialist Mr. Jeff Schafer, Engineer PUBLIC HEALTH/ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARD ASSESSMENT Hazards attendant to the performance of tasks associated with the above referenced investigative/remedial activities are: 1) Exposure to the hydrocarbon contaminated soils, 2) The potential for ignition of flammable/explosive vapors, and 3) The physical hazards associated with working with/near heavy equipment. HAZARDS OF CHEMICAL EXPOSURE Some of the soil at the site is known to be contaminated with gasoline. The most toxic constituents present are believed to be the aromatic constituents of gasoline- benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX); with benzene the most toxic of these having been identified as a carcinogen that forms as much as 3.5% of gasoline by weight.. Due to the volatile nature of the aromatics, the most significant route of potential exposure appears to be via inhalation. Secondary routes of exposure include dermal (by direct contact with contaminated soil) and the incidental ingestion of hydrocarbon contaminated dusts. The measures prescribed for the minimization of risks associated with the aforementioned routes of exposure are described below. HAZARDS ASSOCIATED WITH FLAMMABLE VAPORS Although the levels of fuel hydrocarbons within soils encountered A. are typically low to moderate, it is recognized that there is a potential for vapors to collect within the flammable range. The measures for early detection of these vapors are described below. PHYSICAL HAZARDS The physical hazards attendant to the performance of site investigations are those associated with working on/near mechanized equipment. Appropriate procedures attendant to the operation of equipment to be used on this project are already in force and are well known to our staff. Further, work-rest cycles will be established and adhered to so as to provide adequate rest periods; liquids will also be available to preclude problems associated with heat stress. RISK FACTORS AND ASSOCIATED MITIGATION PROCEDURES Type of Risk Route of Exposure Mitigating Factor(s) Chemical .............. Inhalation ........... -Air purifying respirators with organic vapor and dust filters. -A hydrocarbon vapor survey meter will be used to determine exposure. Chemical .......... Dermal/Ingestion ......... -Optimum use of equipment to minimize direct exposure to the soil. -Use of protective clothing. -The nature of the project does not involve the uncontrolled release of toxic materials. Flammable Vapors ....... --. ................. -A hydrocarbon vapor meter will be used to determine the percent of the lower explosive limit (LEL) present at the excavation. B. Physical ............... --. ................. -Physical hazards attendant to this project are no diff erent from those at drilling or excavation projects involving non-regu- lated materials. -The use of trained and experienced staff; properly attired and using apDropriate and well-maintained equipment. WORK AREA Only authorized personnel will be permitted within the work area. This area will be clearly marked and monitored. DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURES General procedures for handwashing and disposal of soiled clothing will be adhered to. MEDICAL ASSISTANCE On-site staff will be provided with a cellular telephone. An ambulance will be requested to respond to any situation involving apparent illness or inury that cannot be appropriately responded to with basic first aid. Ce Uriah 1 An Enoironmental Seroices ////I/ Mr. W. J. Callahan ~~'~/~ Linde Gases of the West, Inc. 2678 Bishop Drive, Suite 200 San Ramon, CA 94583 Re: Quarterly Summary Report for Baker's Welding, 3505 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA (Permit #050033) Dear Mr. Callahan: Please find enclosed the Quarterly Summary Report prepared by Uriah, Inc. on your behalf fer the above referenced facility. For your convenience, copies of this report have been enclosed. It is recommended that a copy be forwarded to each of the following regulatory agencies: Kern County Health Department Department of Environmental Health Services 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: Dolores Gough Central Valley_ Region Water Quality Control Board 3443~outier ~oad Sacrament o, flA 95827-3098 ~-~ ~-~ k] 0 At~ntion:/Fuel Leak Section If you have any questions, or if we may otherwise be of assistance, please contact the undersigned at (510) 455-4991. Sincerely, Denise A. Rapp Vice-President, Uriah, Inc. DAR:ms eric. 464 Lindbergh Avenue · Livermore, California 94550 · ~455-499~ Uriah Inc. An Environmental Services Company QUARTERLY SUMMARY REPORT FOR: BAKER'S WELDING 3505 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD,'CA OVERVIEW OF ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE ACTIVITIES In October and November, 1989, Uriah, Inc. staff supervised the drilling and installation of three (3) 2-inch inside- diameter groundwater monitoring wells (MW-l, MW-2, and MW- 3) at the site in response to. requirements set forth by the Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services and the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board in the area formerly occupied by a 10,000 gallon .underground unleaded gasoline storage tank (Figure 2)...the focus of a known fuel leak event in December, 1987, in order to determine the lateral and vertical extent of fuel hydrocarbon contamination of soil and groundwater. The newly installed wells were developed and sampled by Uriah staff on October 19 and November 29, 1989. The wells were surveyed on November 29, 1989 using an on-site datum to obtain an elevation of the wells relative to each other. Groundwater gradient was determined to be S 30o W, or roughly parallel to the Kern River. Certified analyses of soil samples obtained attendant to the installation of the wells resulted in low levels of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline (TPH-G), benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX) in LB-3 only (also known as MW-3) at depths of 20', 25', and 28' below ground surface (bgs). Certified analyses of groundwater samples obtained from the developed wells revealed concentrations of benzene above the Action Level of 0.7 parts per billion (ppb) for benzene in drinking water in wells MW-2 and MW-3. Due to the possible seasonal fluctuations in the direction of groundwater flow, the data obtained to date was not believed to be sufficient to thoroughly define the potential extent of soil and groundwater contamination at Page 1 464 Lindbergh Avenue · Livermore, California 94550 · (415) 455-4991 the site. Please refer to Uriah's report of work entitled "Site Characterization at:...", dated January 26, 1990 for further details. On May 1, 1990, Uriah supervised the drilling and installation of three additional 2-inch inside-diameter groundwater monitoring wells (MW-4, MW-5, and MW-6) at the locations shown in Figure 2, attached to further define the plume of soil and groundwater contamination. Low levels .of volatile gasoline compounds were detected throughout the soils encountered during the advancement of MW-4 (BK-4). Significant levels of soil contamination were present in MW-5 (BK-5) at a depth of 20' bgs and again at a depth of 30 feet bgs. Low levels of volatile gasoline constituents were detected in soil abDve 20 feet in MW-5. Only very low levels of toluene were detected in soil at a depth of 5 and' 10 feet bgs in MW-6 (BK-6). Certified analyses of groundwater samples obtained from the developed wells on May 2, 1990 revealed significant TPH-G and BTEX contamination. Certified analyses of the three wells previously installed in 1989 (MW-l, MW-2, and MW-3) also revealed significant TPH-G and BTEX contamination in MW-2 and MW-3 with the exception of MW-l, which resulted in no detectable levels of contamination. Data obtained to date indicated that the northern end of the former tank pit (location of MW-3), appears to be the area of'maximum contamination. Groundwater gradient on May 3, 1990 was determined to be flowing once again to the southwest. Please refer to Uriah's report of work entitled "Completion of Site Characterization at:...", dated June 15, 1990 for further details. Quarterly sampling~ and analyses of the on-site wells was performed on August 7, 1990 and on November 29, 1990. The results of these analyses are shown in Table I of this report. A Remedial Action Plan (RAP) Was prepared for the site as requested by Kern County dated February 28, 1991. This RAP was approved by Kern County with the additional requirement of the installation of two additional groundwater monitoring wells. The two additional 2-inch inside- diameter wells (MW-7 and MW-8) were installed on June 27 and 28, 1991. Certified analyses of soil samples obtained at 36.5' and 46' bgs in MW-7, and 36' and 41' bgs in MW-8 revealed low levels of some of the target contaminants. The relative elevations of all on-site wells were surveyed and the depths to water measured by Uriah staff on Jul~ 17, 1991. However, the water table was so low on this date, Page 2 that only wells MW-7 and MW-8 contained water and no gradient could be determined. The hydraulic conductivity "K" of the water-bearing formation was determined for both MW-7 and MW-8 using the Hvorslev Method. Groundwater samples were obtained from the developed wells on July 18, 1991. At this time, the levels of hydrocarbon contaminants in groundwater appeared to increase towards wells MW-7 and MW-3 (i.e. to the NW), despite the fact that the hydraulic gradients determined in earlier studies are to the SW. Levels also increase to the SSW (as indicated by relative concentrations at MW-5). In order to finalize the design of the pumping system for the remediation system, the hydraulic conductivities as calculated, porosities, aquifer thickness, the contamination levels as described in well' logs and the December, 1990 reports of laboratory analyses, and the calculated gradient were introduced into the SUTRA software program. Please refer to Uriah's report of work entitled "Report of Groundwater Monitoring Well Installations at:...", dated August 30, 1991 for further information. Quarterly sampling and certified analyses of the on-site wells was performed on November 7, 1991. All wells were dry with the exception of wells MW-7 and MW-8. Initial visual inspection of the site revealed that the half of the yard area in which all eight of Uriah's monitoring wells are located, had been recently regraded and repaved. All monitoring well traffic covers had been replaced with water meter boxes fitted with loose (unbolted) metal covers with a hole in the center for meter reader use (these covers indicate "water" or "sewer" on the cover top). These covers will easily admit surface water drainage into the well casing (see Figure 3). Monitoring well MW-6 has been paved over and could not be located. The condition of each well is described as follows: MW-l: Condition appears normal. The well lock will be replaced with a new P812 Master lock as the present lock is rusty and difficult to open. This well was found to be dry. MW-2: Well appears to be in normal condition. The lock is in good condition. This well was found to be dry. MW-3: The side of the casing is severely caved in about 3" from the top, reducing the opening by about half. It was possible to insert a depth gauge for depth to water measurement, however, the casing will have to be Page 3 straightened to allow a bailer to be inserted for water samples in the future. While attempts may be made to replace only the upper portion of the casing, this will most likely be infeasible. This well will probably need to be abandoned and replaced with a new well. This well was found to be dry. MW-4: On the surface, this well appears almost normal. The aluminum cap on top of the casing is slightly to one side...indicating some impact on the side of the casing. The well integrity may be compromised in this well also. This well was found to be dry. MW-5: This well has an aluminum cap permanently attached to the casing (similar to MW-4). The top 4" of the casing was designed to screw into the top of the casing below so as to provide an adequate casing height. The top 4" of this casing (with aluminum cap) was initially found to be about 3" from vertical position...again caused by a side impact. The casing is broken slightly at the threaded portion. The casing top was rethreaded successfully, but the well may not be secure from the introduction of surface water due to the crack in the threaded area of the casing. The traffic cover contained 3"-4" of debris inside, including asphalt. Most of the debris was removed by Uriah. The well was found to be dry. The lock is intact. MW-6: This well could not be located. It appears to have been paved over. MW-7: The traffic cover was filled with 5"-6" of debris, including asphalt. The top of the casing showed evidence of a hard side impact, resulting in the casing being 2"-3" off center. The l'ocking cap was completely compressed into the top of the casing as if run over. The cap was extricated by Uriah staff and the casing straightened enough so that a depth to water gauge and a bailer could be inserted into the well for sampling purposes. The top of the casing still remains somewhat off center with it being necessary to force a bailer into the casing before the bailer can be lowered into the well to collect groundwater. The casing is cracked about 8 to 10 inches from the top. The bailer hangs up in the cracked area while being removed from the well casing. This well was sampled. The well caps fits loosely. The cap was replaced, covered with plastic sheeting and secured with duct tape to provide a moisture barrier. This well needs a new lock. Page 4 MW-8: A significant amount of asphalt was found in the traffic cover. The cement traffic cover on this well was apparently dropped and broken into several pieces, then loosely assembled back together for installation around the well casing. The well cap, with the lock in place, had been obviously forced open. Material around the side of the locking cap was torn and covered with a tar substance...probably fresh asphalt. The top of. the casing was also covered with tar material. It is very likely that considering the condition of this well, asphalt was introduced into the well casing while the area was being' paved. The well cap was washed thoroughly with Alconox solution and rinsed before resealing the well. This well also needs the lock replaced. A water sample was obtained from this well for certified analysis. In summary, some of the wells may have been compromised by the introduction of foreign material, in particular, asphalt. Wells that suffered damaged casings are at risk for surface water infiltration. Severely damaged wells will most likely need to be abandoned and replaced with new wells. All inappropriate traffic covers will have to be replaced with secured environmental traffic covers. The new traffic covers will need to be grouted inside and around the casings. New covers should be installed slightly higher than the paved surface and cement placed around the outside to secure them from movement. Groundwater from both MW-7 and MW-8 was very turbid. Mw-8 well depth was measured at 67.30' on July 18, 1991, and was 63.68' on November 7, .1991. After MW-8 was purged, the well depth was remeasured and found to be 62.45'...indicating a high sediment content flowing through the well screen. GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL SAMPLING With the prior approval of Ms. Dolores Gough, Hazardous Materials Specialist with the Kern County Health Department, Uriah, Inc. staff collected one groundwater sample from two of the eight existing groundwater monitoring wells (MW-7 and MW-8) at the referenced site on November 7, 1991. Page 5 METHODOLOGY Depth to water and total well depth for each well were measured using an electric tape, and the volume of water within each 2-inch inside-diameter casing computed. Each well was then purged of three or more volumes, using a clean, disposable polyethylene bailer until groundwater was free of sand, silt, and/or other grit material~ and the pH, conductivity, and temperature were stabilized. Measurements of pH, conductivity, and temperature were acquired and recorded as referenced within Appendix "A", attached. In each case, subsequent to the purging of each well, a groundwater sample was collected using a clean, disposable polyethylene bailer lowered into the well just below the water surface. Each sample was immediately transferred into three (3) Volatile Organic Analysis (VOA) vials containing sufficient Hydrochloric Acid preservative to reduce the pH of the sample to <2.0. Each sample container' was promptly sealed with teflon-lined screw caps, labeled, placed on blue ice, and then transported under chain of custody to a State-certified hazardous waste analytical laboratory for analyses for Total Petroleum .Hydrocarbons as Gasoline (TPH-G), benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX) using EPA Methods 5030/8015 and 8020. Extracted groundwater, in addition to that acquired for laboratory analysis, was placed into a covered DOT drum and stored on site pending receipt of laboratory data for the determination-of proper disposal. LABORATORY RESULTS Copies of all laboratory results as received from the certified hazardous waste analytical laboratory are enclosed within Appendix "A", attached. Contaminant levels found in this most recent groundwater sample for each well are compared with those found previously in the table below: Page 6 Table I (Groundwater Sample from MW-1 through MW-8) Ethyl- Total Date/ Depth TPH-G Benzene Toluene benzene Xylenes Well To (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) No. Water MW-1 10/19/89 27.33 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. NoD. 05/03/90 35.60 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 08/07/90 ..... WELL DRY .............. ' .... 11/29/90 WELL DRY- 07/18/91 -WELL DRY-- 11/07/91 -WELL DRY- MW- 2 10/19/89 27~32 125 22.2 2.4 1.17 N.D. 05/03/90 32.96 370 43 33 31 26.3 08/07/90 36.19 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 11/29/90 --WELL DRY- 07/18/91 .... WELL DRY-- 11/07/91 .... WELL DRY- MW-3 11/29/89 29.1 3076.43 90 140 550 990 05/03/90 33.57 11,000 360 3,100 30 1,590 08/07/90 36.78 6,000 220 2,700 84 720 11/29/90 39.~2 !~,000 200 3,800 260 3,110 07/18/91 WELL DRY-- 11/07/91 WELL DRY MW-4 05/02/90 33.16 1,900 110 110 N.D. 406 08/07/90 36.38 120 5.6 35 8.9 N.D. 11/29/90 39.52 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 07/18/91 WELL DRY 11/07/91 -WELL DRY MW-5 05/03/90 33.50 6,000 68 130 290 969 08/07/90 36.79 7,100 48 470 380 1,490 11/29/90 40.25 640 26 19 3.5 154 07/18/91 -WELL DRY 11/07/91 -WELL' DRY ..... Page 7 Table I- Continued (Groundwater Sample from MW-1 through MW-8) Ethyl- Total Date/ Depth TPH-G Benzene Toluene benzene Xylenes Well To (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) No. Water (ft) MW-6 05/03/90 33.28 83 N.D. N.D. N.D. 2 08/07/90 36.51 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 11/29/90 40.00 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. .N.D. 07/18/91 -WELL DRY 11/07/91 -WELL DRY ..... ~ ............ MW - 7 07/18/91 48.63~ ~% 490 6.7 19 N.D. 56 11/07/91 51 !! ~' N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. MW-8 07/18/91 48.85 ,;i..,~A71 N.D. 1.0 N.D. 1.3 11/07/91 51.79 N.D. N.D. N.D.. N.D. N.D. N.D .... Non-detected (<50 ppb for TPH-G, and <0.5 ppb for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes) ppb... Parts per billion TPH-G...Totai Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline ~t...Feet SUMMARY OF OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVITIES PERFORMED DURING THE PAST QUARTER Due to the complexities attendant to the interaction between Linde Gases of the West, Inc. (San Ramon, CA) and the parent company, Union Carbide Industrial Gases (Danbury, Connecticut), Uriah has not received authorization either to provide additional information or undertake work other than compliance monitoring of the existing groundwater monitoring wells. However, during a recent meeting with regional and corporate staff, Uriah was advised that a decision would soon be made. The next quarterly sampling of the on-site groundwater monitoring wells is scheduled for mid-February, 1992. Page 8 This report summarizes all environmental activities undertaken at the referenced site during the past quarter. No activities were performed during the past quarter which would permit calculations of free product and/or dissolved constituent recovery. Robert Oldham, P.E. Registered Civil Engineer_ ~'~ ~,'~-' I" ' ~-~' v ~ ~'~ Page 9 ~L ST §? / ~.~' URIAH ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. II 464 LINDBERGH AVENUE, LIVERMORE, CA AT: Scale: 1"= 2,200 ft. 3505 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA Figure I I Main Building I , I  Looding Dock I ~ ' UW-4 o~1 ~ - ~ I ,~l ~oundwat~r ~ I I .~-~ ~-~ I I i I ~ I ~O~E ~ ~o~ltor~ ~e~ I ' l"=~O' I Bakers ~eldin~ Su~91y ]' '[~~ a 3~05 Pierce Boaa ~ - -- ' Bakersfield, 0~ In Environmental Services Company L ]]i~9r~m o? wcter meter type box currently instaL[ed over ct 3505 Pierce Rood, (Observed on Nov, 7, 1991 ?ie[ol trip) Unsecured (unbolted) me¢at cover with a hole on top ?or meter reader use, Me~l cover inolica~e~ 'Sewer' on ~op, Cement casln9 (:some ape c~ackeot badly) In~erlor o? tr~?~Ic box ts ungrouted ~roun~ p~pe opemnQ ~nd lower portion oF tr~??tC box. Openlng ~o allow For plpe Figure 3 AppenSix "A" 2458 Arrest, tons Livermore, CA 94550 Uriah, Inc. {0,0) A~ ~O~t~ ~e~es Co~u~ (510) 465-4995 F~ CLIENT: , ~J~'P~' DATE: SITE COUNTY B~gFRSFJff£D. CA CONTACTED PRIOI~ TO SAMPLING? ._ .YFR . Note 1: TOTAL WELL DEPTH · DEPTH T0 WATEE measuremen~ are read to an acc~acy of .01' from a s~aight edge placed in a north-sou~ orlen~on on top of the chrlsty box. Note g: The 0,17 fllure used below to convert WA~R COLU~N HEIG~ to .l~lons has unl~ of sallons/l~ear foot, and is for a ~ diameter, Schedule 40 PVC pipe ~ an inside ~ameter of ~,06~'. Similarly, use a conversion f~ctor of 0.66 for a pipe, which has a 4.0~6" I.D. TOTAL ?[ELL DEPTH $$.P, 8' MONITOEING WELL # MF-? - DEPTH TO WATEE ~ l' I l ' = WATEE COL~N HEIGHT .~5. f8' X 0.17 = 2.~8 Gallons (1 ~ell volume} Multiply I well wolfe by ~ to ob~in the minimum number of gallons of w~ter to be pur~ed from monltor~n~ well prior to ta~ samples. 3 X 2.58 = 7.74 (3 well volumes) . · os/em ~39 8 ?O.E 7.4 44~ 1153 8 70,6 7.4 45~ CONTAMINANT ODOR?~ TIME OF SAMPLE COLLECTION: TURBIDITY LEVEL: VERY HIgH WITNESSED BY~ - NO ~JYWff,Y$. SHEEN ON WATER? NONff SAMPLER'S SIGNATURE CLIENT; L/NDoe DATE: NOV~MB£1~ ?. SITE COUNTY ADDEESS: ~$05 /~I~/~C_F /~0AD REPRESENTATIVE: BAK~RSF. f~I,D. CA CONTACTED PEIOI~ TO SAMPLING? Note l: TOTAL WELL DEPTH & DEPTH TO WATER measurements are read to an acouraey of .01' from a straight edge plaoed in a north--south orientation on top of the christy box. Note 2: Th; 0,17 fi/lure used below to convert WATER COLUMN HEIGHT to lallons ha~ ~uits of gallons/linear foot, and is for a fi* diameter, Schedule 40 PVC pipe with an inside diameter of IL067'.. Similarly, use a conversion factor of 0.66 for a 4" pipe, which has a 4.01~6' I.D. TOTAL WELL DEPTH 85.$8' MONITORING WELL - DEPTH TO WATER = WATER COLUMN HEIGHT if. SS' X 0.17 = 2.02 Ga]Ions (1 ~ell volume) Multiply 1 well volume by 3 to obtain the minimum number of gallons .of water to be purl, ed from monitoring ~ell prior to takln~ samples. 3 X 2.02. =_ 8,68 (3 well volumes) TIM~ GALLONS TSMPEEATUI~E p~ CON'~UCT~rY ..... 'F ~nmosfcm 845 0 68.£ ?.0 $00 ~ $7.8 7,~ 477 910 ~ 87.7 ?.$ d?2 922 $ 8/L0 ?.~ CONTAMINANT 0D01~? NO/V~ TIME OF SAMPLE C0v.r.vCTION: 980 TURBIDITY LEVEL: ~RY HICI-I WITNESSED BY: - ~VO FIT~V~$S - SHEEN ON WATEE?, 2fONff SAMNLER'S SICNATUEE:~ LABORATORIES, INC. 41~ AT~S CT~ BAKERSFIELD, CAUFORNIA e~ PHONE (~ 3~491t F~ ~ ~7-1918 Petroleum Hydrocarbons URZA~SNVIR0~AL SERVICES, INC. 111' D&:e of 464 LZNDBEP~3H .. Re~ort: 11/12/91 LIV~RMORE, CA 94SS0 ~ ~ab %: 12070-~ Attn.: WALTER FLOYD 415-%55-4991 Sample De~cripCion: ~'W-7; SAMPLED 11-7-91 ~ 11:58AMBY TF TEST ~THOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Mod/f/ed EPA 8015 Individual const£tuents by EPA Method Sample Matrix: Water Date Sample Dace Sample · Date Analysis Collected: Received ® La~: Co~pleted: 11/07/~ ~/07/~1 ~/l~/s~ N£n~mum Analysis Reporting Reporting Constituents ~eqult6 . ~enzene None Detected ~/kg Toluene N~e Detected Fg/kg E~y1 Benzene None De~ected ~g/kg o-Xylene ~one De~ecCed .p~/k~ m-Xylene None DeCec=ed ~g/kg 0.~ p-Xylene " None Detected ~g/kg 0.S To:&l Petrole~ H~rocarbons (gas) None De:ected ~g/kg ~0. California D.O.N.S. Cert. %1186 Depa~tmen~ Supervie~r' !2-31-91 09:41AM PO2 LABORATORIES, INO. ,7. J. EGUN. REG. C~M. ~NGR. 41~ AT~S ~., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 9~ PHONE (~ 327.491t F~ (~5) 327.1918 ~etroleum Hydrocarbons URIAH ~NVIRONM~NTAL SERVIC;S, iNC. 111 Da~e of 464 LI~BERGH ,.~ Re, or=:. 11/13/91 LI~~, ~ 94SS0 ~ ~ 12070-2 Attn.: W~TER F~ 41S-~5S-4991 S~ple Descr~ption: ~-S& S~D 11-7-91 ~ 9:30~ BY TF T~ST ~THOD: TPH by D.O.~.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual ~ethod - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by E~A Me=hod 5030/8020. Sample Matrix:'" water Date Sample Date Sampie Date Analysls' Collected: Received ~ Lab: Completed: Zl/0?/~l 11/07/~1 =~/1~/~1 Minimum Analysis Reportfn~ Report£n~ Constituents Re.s~I~s , Un~s , Level Benzene None Detected #g/kg 0.5 Toluene None Detected ~g/kg 0.5 '- Ethyl Benzene None Detected ~g/kg 0.S o-Xylene None Detected ~/kg 0.~ m-Xylene None Detected ~g/~g 0.$ p-XyIene None Detected #~/k~ 0.5 Tot&l Petroleum '' Hydrocarbons (~as) None Detected ~g/k~ 50. Camment s: Cal~fornia D.O.H.S. Cert. Departmen~ Supervisor Uriah, Inc.. CHAIN OF CUSTODY (~10) 45~-4991 OFFICE (~10) 455--499~ F~ DATE~ PAGE~ ~ OF // ~oJ. ~o~ff ~0~-~O ANALYSIS REQUEST coMP~ U~ ~. ~DRESS 2~8 A~~ S~et PHONE NO., (5~455-499t // PROJECT INFORMATION: BY': ' I%EL/~QUI:~HED DY: REUNQV. F/SHED BY: Sifu~t~u~o LABORATORY IN~U~ON~/COMMEN~: ~______~__~me m~ Nme T~ ~ouna Time (Cirole One) '%~ -~ Uriah Inc. An Environmental Services Company Report of Groundwater Monitoring Well Installations at Baker's Welding 3505 Pierce Road Bakersfield, CA August 30, 1991 464 Lindbergh Avenue · Livermore, California 94550 · (415) 455-4991 Uriah Inc. An Environmental Services Company August 30, 1991 Mr. W.J. Callahan Linde Gases of the West, Inc. 2678 Bishop Drive, Suite 200 San Ramon, CA 94583 RE: Well Installations at Baker's Welding, 3505 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA. Kern County Site Permit #050033. Dear Mr. Callahan: Upon receipt of your authorization to proceed and subsequent to approval of Uriah's workplan by Ms. Dolores Gough, Hazardous Materials Specialist with the Kern County Department of Environ- mental Health Services, Uriah installed, developed, and sampled two (2) groundwater monitoring wells at the above referenced site on June 27 and June 28, 1991. The tasks described were undertaken in response to requirements set forth by Ms. Gough and were intended to comply with standards for such work established by Kern County and the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). METHODOLOGY A total of six (6) two-inch diameter groundwater monitoring wells (MW-1 through MW-6) were previously installed at the subject site on October 17 and 18, 1989, November 28, 1989, and May 1, 1990. The locations of these wells and the two new wells are illustrated in Figure #2, attached. The newly-installed wells were emplaced in soil borings advanced on June 27 and 28, 1991 using a truck-mounted drill rig equipped with 8-inch outside diameter, continuous-flight, hollow-stem augers by employees of Melton Drilling Company under the direction of a Uriah staff hydrogeologist. Soil samples were obtained at 35, 40, and 45 feet below ground surface (bgs) for logging using the Unified Soil Classification System, and for certified laboratory analyses. The samples were acquired within 464 Lindbergh Avenue · Livermore, California 94550 · (415) 455-4991 a California Modified Split-Spoon Sampler driven 18 inches into undisturbed soil using a standard 30-inch drop of a 140-pound hammer. The sampler was fitted with clean brass sleeves 1.9 inches in diameter by 6.0 inches in length. Immediately upon retrieval of the sampling unit, the brass sleeves were removed and the ends of each sleeve covered with teflon sheeting, fitted with plastic caps, and sealed with black electrical tape. Each sleeve was then marked and placed on blue ice for transportation to a State certified hazardous waste analytical laboratory under chain of custody. Certified analyses were subsequently conducted for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline (TPH-G), benzene, toluene, total xylenes, and ethylbenzene (BTX&E) using EPA Methods 5030/8015-8020. Soil Boring MW-7 was advanced to a depth of 65.6 feet bgs encountering a yellow, brown silty sand between 0.5 feet and 8.0 feet bgs; well-graded yellow sand between 8.0 feet and approximately 20.0 feet bgs, and poorly-graded yellow sand in the intervals between 20.0 and 33.0 feet and 41.0 to 50.0 feet bgs. A gravel and sand mixture was present 33.0-41.0 feet bgs and 50.0-65.6 feet bgs. Slight to strong odors, consistent with fuel hydrocarbons, were noted in the interval between approximately 25.0 and 38.0 feet bgs. Groundwater was encountered at approximately 50 feet bgs. Soil Boring MW-8 was advanced to a depth of 67.3 feet bgs. Soils encountered consisted of a well-graded yellow, brown sand between 0.5 feet and approximately 20.0 feet bgs, and poorly graded yellow sand in the intervals between 20.0 and 44.0 feet bgs and 48.0-52.0 feet bgs. Gravel and sand mixtures were present in the intervals 44.0-48.0 feet and 52.0-67.3 feet bgs. Slight to strong odors consistent with fuel hydrocarbons were present between 25.0 and 37.0 feet bgs. Groundwater was encountered at approximately 50 feet bgs. Soil Borings MW-7 and MW-8 were converted into groundwater wells. Each of the wells was constructed of two-inch inside-diameter threaded blank Schedule 40 PVC risers attached to 0.020-inch slotted PVC well screen. The slotted screen extends approximately five feet above the groundwater surface in each well to account for fluctuations in groundwater elevation. Grade #3 Monterey silica sand was used to pack the screened interval and approximately two feet of bentonite seal composed of ¼" pellets hydrated with distilled water was placed above the screened interval to preclude surface water infiltration. Each well was finished with neat cement grout to grade and fitted with a locking well cap and "christy box" traffic cover. A graphic depiction of each well construction is presented within Appendix "A", attached. The newly-installed wells were allowed to equilibrate and, on e July 18, 1991, both wells were developed and sampled. Depth to static groundwater within the wells was measured with an electrical tape prior to development. Following calculations to determine well casing volumes, a vented surge block was 6sed to surge the wells. Each well was then purged of more than three well volumes using a dedicated polyethylene bailer until temperature, pH, and electrical conductivity measurements stabilized and the water was observed to be relatively non- turbid. Water samples were then acquired within a clean, disposable polyethylene bailer lowered to a point just below the surface of the water table. Upon bringing the bailer to grade, the sample was promptly transferred to two 40-ml Volatile Organic Analysis (VOA) vials containing sufficient HC1 preservative to reduce the sample pH to <2.0, and to a one-liter, amber glass sample bottle. Each container was sealed with a teflon-lined screw cap, labeled, and placed on blue ice for transport to a State Certified hazardous waste analytical laboratory under chain of custody. The samples thus acquired were free of sheen or other evidence of free product. Drill cuttings, and water/soil generated during cleaning of equipment and development of the wells were placed into labeled DOT drums. These drums will be stored on-site pending develop- ment of an appropriate disposal protocol. HYDROGEOLOGIC CONSIDERATIONS The relative elevations of all on-site wells were surveyed and the depths to water measured by Uriah staff on July 17, 1991. However, the water table was so low on this date, that only wells MW-7 and MW-8 contained water and no gradient could be determined. Previous studies (Uriah, 1990a, b, c, d) suggest that the general direction of groundwater flow is to the south- west. The hydraulic conductivity "K" of the water-bearing formation was determined for both MW-7 and MW-8 using the Hvorslev Method (after Freeze and Cherry, 1979, p. 340-342; Fetter, 1988, p. 196-199, calculations detailed in Appendix "C"). The values of "K" obtained were: 3.19 x 10-5 ft/sec (9.74 x 10-4 cm/sec) for MW-7 and 3.77 x 10-5 ft/sec (1.15 x 10-4 cm/sec) for MW-8. Such values are smaller than expected for a well-sorted gravel and reflect the conductivities of the large proportion of sand in the unit being sampled. MODELING In order to finalize the design of the pumping system for the remediation system, the hydraulic conductivities as calculated, porosities, aquifer thickness, the contamination levels as described in well logs and the December, 1990 reports of laboratory analyses, and the calculated gradient were introduced into the SUTRA software program. SUTRA (Saturated-Unsaturated Transport) is a computer program created by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the U.S. Air Force. SUTRA provides solute concentrations, as they vary with time, everywhere in the simulated subsurface system. The model employs a two-dimensional hybrid finite element and integrated finite-difference method. The subject site was mo~led using hydraulic conductivities that varie~ from 3 x 10 - ft/sec in the NNE part of the mesh to 4 x 10-- ft/sec in the SSW part of the mesh. (Figure 2). Two pumping rates (0.04 cubic ft/sec and 0.2 cubic ft/sec) were also used in the model. These pumping rates were selected as they are specific for the biological treatment unit which Uriah has proposed for the site. Additional information regarding the parameters used in modeling are presented in the SUTRA program listing attached. The SUTRA model predicted that concentrations of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline (TPH-G) would be 138-166 parts per billion (ppb) after one yea~__o.f___p~, i~ at a rate of 0.04 cubic ft/sec (Figure C~5~-~-"~'~138 ppb at a pumping rate of 0.2 cubic ft/sec (Figure C-6). The' h~draulic conductivites determined using the Hvorslev Method indicated that a pumping rate equal to or greater than 0.2 cubic ft/sec can be used. RESULTS OF LABORATORY ANALYSES Copies of the reports of certified laboratory analyses are attached hereto as Appendix "B". Results of soil sample analyses are presented in Table I, and the results of water sample analyses are in Table II. Table I Contaminant Sample #-Depth Matrix Analyte Concentrations MW7-36.5' bgs Soil TPH-G 1.3 ppm Benzene 0.0056 ppm Toluene 0.24 ppm Total Xylenes 0.38 ppm Table Ir continued Contaminant Sample #-Depth Matrix Analyte Concentrations Ethylbenzene 0.012 ppm MW7-46' bgs Soil TPH-G N.D. Benzene 0.0051 ppm Toluene 0.039 ppm Total Xylenes 0.055 ppm Ethylbenzene N.D. MW8-36' bgs Soil' TPH-G N.D. Benzene N.D. Toluene 0.0072 ppm Total Xylenes 0.0162 ppm Ethylbenzene N.D. MW8-41' bgs Soil TPH-G N.D. Benzene N.D. Toluene N.D. Total Xylenes 0.036 ppm Ethylbenzene N.D. MW8-46' bgs Soil TPH-G N.D. Benzene N.D. Toluene N.D Total Xylenes N.D. Ethylbenzene N.D. Table II Contaminant Well # Matrix Analyte Concentrations MW-7 Water TPH-G 490 ppb Benzene 6.7 ppb Toluene 19 ppb Total Xylenes 56 ppb Ethylbenzene N.D. MW-8 Water TPH-G 71 ppb Benzene N.D. Toluene 1.0 ppb Total Xylenes 1.3 ppb Ethylbenzene N.D. bgs...Below ground surface TPH-G...Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline N.D .... Below the limits of laboratory detection (aka minimum reporting level) i.e. 1 ppm for TPH-G in soil 50 ppb for TPH-G in water 0.005 ppm each for BTX&E in soil 0.5 ppb each for BTX&E in water ppm...Parts per million ppb...Parts per billion CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The levels of hydrocarbon contaminants in groundwater appear to increase towards Wells MW-7 and MW-3 (i.e. to the NW), despite the fact that the hydraulic gradients determined in earlier studies are to the SW. Levels also increase to the SSW (as indicated by relative concentrations at MW-5). The high-permeability sand and gravel layers observed in all of the well borings, and the pumping simulation developed with .SUTRA, support the selection of aerobic biodegradation as the remediation technology of choice for the detoxification of soil and groundwater at the site. Copies of this report have been enclosed. It is recommended that one be forwarded to each of the following agencies for their review and comment: Kern County Environmental Health Services Department 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: Ms. Dolores Gough Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board 3614 East Ashland Fresno, CA 93726 Attention: Mr. Michael Mangold Should you have any questions regarding the contents of this report, or if we may otherwise be of assistance, please contact either of the undersigned at (415) 455-4991. Valentin Constantinescu, M.Sc. Hydrogeologist and Mi . Registered Geologist VC/MAW:dr enc. Appendix "A"...Boring Logs, Well Construction Details, and Development and Sampling Data Appendix "B"...Reports of Certified Laboratory Analyses Appendix "C"...Determination of Hydraulic Conductivity Appendix "D"...SUTRA Program Listing REFERENCES CITED Fetter, C.W., 1988, Applied Hydrogeology, 2nd Edition: Merrill Publishing Company, Columbus, OH, 592 p. Freeze, R.A., and Cherry, J.A., 1979, Groundwater: Prentice- Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 604 p. Sevee, John, 1991, Methods and Procedures for defining aquifer parameters in Nielsen, D.M., editor, Practical Handbook of Ground-Water Monitoring: Lewis Publishers, Inc., Chelsea, MI, p. 397-447. Uriah, Inc., 1990a, Completion of Site Characterization at Baker's Welding Supply, 3505 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA (June 15, 1990). Uriah, Inc., 1990b, Quarterly Groundwater Monitoring Well Sampling Report for Baker's Welding, 3505 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA (September 28, 1990). Uriah, Inc., 1990c, Quarterly Groundwater Monitoring Well Sampling Report Regarding Baker's Welding, 3505 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA (December 31, 1990). Uriah, Inc., 1990d, Site Characterization at Baker's Welding, 3505 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA (January 26, 1990). tRIAN L ST Bakersfield H~lton Figure # 1 N SCALE OF DETAJL MAPS URIAH ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. ]mCHT022~FE~' 464 LINDBERGH AVENUE, LIVERMORE, CA o ~, '/, M,LESJ I I I "'1 I AT: KILOMETERS 0 .25 .5 BAKER'S WELDING 3505 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA Main Building ! ~ ~~"~ ' Looding Dock ..... __ ,, C~ *~.~.1 roundwater FIO~r_~ '~ (see Figures 13 and 14) Scale: ~ I ~ ~i" =20' I Bakers Welding Supply ]' '[ ' ~ ~" 3505 Pierce Road ~ F1 a ~ ~.. Bakersfield, CA An Environmental Services Company ApPendix "A" I~lC L~T~ MAJOR DIVISIONS I SYM.BOL SYMBOL TYPICAL DF..~CRIIrFION,I I,, · ' 'GW :- 8~NOMIXTUREe, LITTLEOR NO · F,NES, ,~;:~;, ORAVEL~.G.,XTU... COAI~E · OR NO FINES ~ i '.' GRAINEDMORE THAN ~ GRAVEL~ WITH FIN" i~ ~o,u ~ s,Lw 0RAVEU. OR*vEL~".- .",. GM SILT MIXTURF~t . ' · , · OF COARSE FRAC- (APPRECIABLE . T1ON RETAINED AMOUNT OF FINESI ON NO"~'~E' CLAYEY GRAVEL~, GRAVEL--6AND- GC CLAY MIXTURES t ~:_~ WELL-GRADED SANDS, GRAVELLY SAND CLEAN SAND SW SANDS, LITTLE OR NO FINES AND (LITTLE OR NO ~;~:~¢._'~ SP LY SANDS, LITTLE OR NO FINES MORE THAN 50~ ~:.'.'.'.:.:~:.'.+.'.~.~ OF MATERIAL IS ~":~~ LARGER THAN NO. ~00 SIEVE SIZE SILTY SANDS, SAND-SILT MORE THAN 50~ SANDS WITH FINES SM MIXTURES OF COARSE FRAC- (APPRECIABLE TION PASSING AMOUNT OF FINES) NO. 4 SIEVE CLAYEY SANDS, SANO4=LAY SC MIXTURES I INORGANIC SILTS AND VERY FINE ML SANDS, ROCK FLOUR,SILTY OR CLAYEY FINE SANDS OR CLAYEY SI LTS WITH SLIGHT PLASTICITY FINE SILTS ~//~ INORGANIC CLAYS OF LOW TO GRAINED AND LIQUl D LIMIT~ CL MEDIUM PLASTICITY, GRAVELLY SOILS CLAYS LESS THAN 50 CLAYS, SANDY CLAYS, SILTY CLAYS. LEAN CLAYS I I I I I I I I; ORGANIC SILTS AND ORGANIC I I I I I I I I: OL SILTY CLAYS OF LOW PLASTICITY IIIiiiiI MH DIATOMACEOUS PINE SAND OR SILTY SOILS MORE THAN 50% SILI'~ OF MATERIAL IS AND LIQUID LIMIT~ INORGANIC CLAYS OF HIGH SMALLER THAN NO. CLAYS GREATER THAN 50 CH PLASTICITY, FAT CLAYS 200 SIEVE SIZE ~"';//' ~ ~' ORGANIC CLAYS OF MEDIUM TO ~ ~ '///' OH ~'/, HIGH PLASTICITY. ORGANIC SILTS  PEAT, HUMUS, SWAMP SOILS WITH HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PT HIGH ORGANIC CONTENTS NOTE: DUAL SYMBOLS ARE USED TO INDICATE BORDERLINE SOIL CLASSIFICATIONS UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM WELL LOG KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS ~pllng Hethod Cal. Hod. - California modified split-spoon sampler (2" inner diameter) driven 18" by a 140-pound hammer having a 30" drop. Where penetration resistance is designated #P", sampler was instead.Pushed drill zig. Disturbed - Sample taken from drill-return'materials as they surfaced. n/a - Not applicable -/~ SYmbols ,,/--k~ ' -~ - First encountered . /.. ~ ._~ __ ~ ~recovery ,~'~' ~- Static ground sampled .,.,,.,, ,.., Detection SOIL TEXTURALCLASSES GRADE LIMITS GRADE N~E U.S. Standard inches sieve size Boulders --12.0- Cobbles ---3.0- 3.0 in. Gravel ---0.19 No. 4 Coarse 0.08 No. 10 Medium Sand No. 40 Fine No. 200 ....... Silt Clay , ~IL BE]RING LBG ~ LOCATION~ S505 PIERCE ~B,~ BAKE~SFIELD~ CLIENT~ LINDE GASES MONITORING WELL: MW-7 LOGGE~ BY~ VALENTIN CONSTANTINESCU DATE DRILLED JUNE a7, ieel DRILLED BY MELTON DRILLING' DRILLING METHOD H,S, Auger SAMPLE METHOD Spilt Spoon Depth SQMples SOIL DESCRIPTION UnlFled Pene~rotlon Be~o~ Collected So;~ LoQ Cot~ec~ed Construction S~Mp~e Color, Gr~ln size, Texture, ;ur¢~ce INT No, Hols~ure, Consistency, Odor Picotlon BLOWS / 18' Det~;~s ~ry. ~ hy~rocorbon odors _ D. ~ . 5 SM o-<,~ c-° o ( _~ ~0 ........ no hydpoc~o~ odors ~ SLight hydroc~ o~ .v.v.'.v.v.v.v.v, ~ P :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.: :':':':':':':':,:-:':':':':':' :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: no hydrocarbon odo~ , 45 ~ SP :':':':':':':':':':':':':':':' 16~ ~ ~vv~ ~7-46,~ Yarrow 9~v~ty ~a~ ~y, very dense ............... ~pprox~mo~ely ~ ¢t ~ ~ou~ sur¢~ce Leg continued-see followint[ p~.ge m --~IL ]BORING LF]G -- Page LOCATION~ 3505 PIERCE RD,~ BAKERSFIELD~ CLIENT~ LINDE GASES MONITORING WELL~ MW-7 LOOOED BY: VALE~TI~ CONSTA~TI~E~CU DATE DRILLED JUNE 87, 1991 DRILLED BY MELTON D~ILLING~ DRILLING METHOD H,S, Auoer SAMPLE METHOD spt~ spoon Depth S~mples SOIL 'DESCRIPTION UnIF~ed Penetration Well Be[ow Collected Soil Log Cotlec~ed Construction' S~mp[e Color, Gr~ln size, Texture, ~urPoc~ INT No, Holsture~ Consistency, Odor ~;cc~;on BLOWS/ 18' no hy~ odor, } 0 0 55 )00 }0o G~ )0o 60 )00 U Orovel-~o~ ~xtu?e, ~t ) 0 below gro~d ~ur~oce, 70 U 0 U 0 U /ELL DETAILS MONITORING ~ELL: M~/-7 CLIENT: LINDE GASES LOCATION~ 3505 PIERCE RD,~ t~AKERSFIELD~ CA G A, TOTAL DEPTH: 65,6' BGS B, BORING DIAMETER: 8" D DRILLING METHOD: HSA C, CASING LENGTH~ 65,6' H MATER[AL~ SCHEDULE PVC D, CASING DIAMETER~ E, DEPTH TO PERFORATIONS: · .. 45,6' ~GS F, PERFORATED LENGTH: 20' PERFORATED INTERVAL: 45,6' 3GS TO 65,6' BGS A PERFORATION TYPE: 0,0£" SLOTTED SCREEN [ G, SURFACE SEAL: CEMENT O' BGS TO 38' BGS .'.'.'.'.'.'.'i H, SEAL-' BENTONITE~ 38' ]DGS TO 40' BGS I, GRAVEL PACK, .'.'.'.'.'.'.'i PACK MATERIAL: ....... ~3 MONTEREY · "'"'""'" SILICA SAND ...... '. J, BOTTOM SEAL ~IL BI]RING LF1CATIFIN~ 3505 PIERCE RD,, BAKERSFIELD, CA CLIENT~ LINDE GASES MFINITFIRING WELL~ MW-8 LI]GGED BY: VALENTIN CDNSTANTINESCU DATE DRILLEI)JUNE eT, es, 1991DRILLED BY MrCTnN DR~LLINa- DRILLING METHDD H,S, augee SAMPLE METHOD Spti~ Spoon Dep~ch S~mple$ SOIL DESCRIPTInN Unl?led Penetration Belo~ Collected So~ Lo~ Collected Con~tpuctlon S~mple Color, Gr~ln slze~ Texture, CI~s~- Bup~c~ INT No, Moistupe~ Consistency, Odor 10 S~ ........ ~ hy~r~on ~s .',','.'.',','. U ....~ Y~tow poor~y~ade~ ~s, dry, '~:'~' ,,, ~ Sl~h* h~arbon odor ............... H~o~e hy~cobon o~or .v.v.v,v.'.'.v.v, --- ; p ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::3 ','.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.','.'.'.' 3 5 , v ~ ~ NV~ Y~t~ poorl~oded ~ dry, v~y de~e, ,.'.v.v.v.v.v.v.'.' :':':':':':':':':':';':':':':': 0 ~ MV~g Gr~v~ o~ yellow ~d m~ure, ~o~ ~ hy~r~on ~r Lot[ co~tCinued-see folio,wing ~dlL :BORING LOG LOCATION: 3505 PIERCE RD,, :BAKERSFIELD, CA CLIENT~ LINDE GASES MONITORING WELL~ MW-8 LOGGED BY~ VALENTIN CONSTANTINESCU DATE ~RILLE$JuNE a7, a8 i~DRILLED BY MELTBN DRILLING' DRILLING METHOD H,s, Auger SAMPLE METHOD SpU~ Spoon Depth Somptes SOIL DESCRIPTION Unl?led PenetrGtlon Below Corrected Solt Log Corrected Cons%ruction S~mpte Corot, Gr~ln size, Texture, Ct~ssl- ' ;urface INT No, Moisture, Consistency, Odor Plcallon ~[OWS/ 18' Detalts no hydrocarbon ~ ) : 0 6p~vel 6n~ yetlow s~ ~x~upe, ~e~ 0o )0 60 ) 0 )00 0 U Grovel ond yetlow ~5 no hydeoc=rbon )00 ~ E ~ ~d surFoce. 70 U U 0 U WELL ]]ETAILS MONITORING 6/ELLI M6/-8 CLIENT', LINDE OASES LOCATION~ 3505 PIERCE RD,, BAKERSFIELD, CA A, TOTAL DEPTHI 67,3' BGS G 3, BORING DIAMETER~ 8' D DRILLING METHOD: HSA C. CASING LENGTH: 67,3' H MATERIAL: SCHEDULE 40 PVC D, CASING DIAMETERs P' E, DEPTH TO PERFORATIONSi 47.3'3GS F, PERFORATED LENGTH: 20' PERFORATED INTERVAL: 47' 3GS TO 67,3' BGS A PERFORATION TYPE, 0,02" SLOTTED SCREEN G, SURFACE SEAL: CEMENT I O' 3GS TO 38' BGS v.v.'.v. H, SEAL: BENTONITE: · ...... 38' BGS TO 40' BGS I, GRAVEL PACK, ~ ....... 40' 3GS TO 67,3' ]DGS ....... PACK MATERIAL: '.'.'.'.'.'.'. ~3 MONTEREY ....... SILICA SAND .'.'.'.'.'.'.' J, ]30TTOM SEAL 464 Lindbergh Avenue Uri ah, In e. CA 04550 (415) 455-4991 Office A~ E~viro~me~tal Services Co~piz~y (41§) 455-4995 Fax I CLIENT: LINDE GASES DATE: JULY 18, 1991 SITE COUNTY ADDRESS: 3§05 PIERCE ROAD, REPRESENTATIVE: DOLORES GOUGH- BAIC~.RSFIELD, CA 93308 CONTACTED PRIOR TO SAMPLING? YES' Note 1: TOTAL WELL DEPTH & DEPTH TO WATER measurements are read to an accuracy of .01' from a straight edge placed in a north-south orientation on top of the christy box. Note 2: The 0.17 figure used below to convert WATER COLUMN HEIGHT to gallons has units of gallons/linear foot, and is for a g' diameter, Schedule 40 PVC pipe ~ith an inside diameter of 2.067'. Similarly, use a conversion factor of 0.66 for a 4" pipe, which has a 4.026" I.D. TOTAL WELL DEPTH 65.6 ft MONITORING WELL # M~-7 - DEPTH TO WATER 48.63 ft = WATER COLUMN HEIGHT 16.97 X 0.17 = 2.88 Gallons (1 well volume) Multiply 1 well volume by 3 to obtain the minimum number of gallons of water to be purged from monitoring well prior to taking samples. 3 X 2.88 = 8.65 (3 well volumes) TIM]g GALLONS TEMPE RATURE pH C 0NDUCTIyITY °F ~zmhos/cm 11:37 0 80.5 7.75 6.22 11:40 1 80.7 7.74 5.12 11:43 2 80.7 7.77 5.03 11:46 3 81.0 7.73 4.54 11:49 4 81.5 7.71 4.92 11:53 5 81.2 7.55 4.72 11:57 6 81.7 7.60 4.75 12:00 7 82.6 7.62 4.77 12:03 8 81.8 7.69 4.69 12:08 9 82.6 7,74 5.01 CONTAMINANT ODOR? NO TIME OF SAMPLE COI,I,ECTION: 13:00 TURBIDITY LEVEL: MODERATE WITNESSED BY: DOLORES GOUGH 404 Lindbergh Avenue U ri ah, Inc. (415) 455-4991 Office Ar, £~viror~raer~tat Services Compar~y (415) 455-4995 Fax I CLIENT: LINDE GASES DATE: JULY 18, 1991 SITE COUNTY ADDRESS: 3505 PIERCE ROAD, REPRESENTATIVE: DOLORES GOUGH BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 CONTACTED PRIOR TO SAMPLING? YES Note 1: TOTAL WELL DEPTH & DEPTH TO WATER measurements are read to an accuracy of .01' from a straight edge placed in a north-south orientation on top of the christy box. Note 2: The 0.17 figure used below to convert WATER COLUMN HEIGHT to gallons has units of gallons/linear foot. and is for a g' diameter, Schedule 40 PVC pipe with an inside diameter of 2.087'. Similarly, use a conversion factor of 0.66 for a 4' pipe. which has a 4.026" I.D. TOTAL WELL DEPTH 67.30 ft MONITORING WELL # MW-8 - DEPTH TO WATER 48.85 ft = WATER COLUMN HEIGHT 18.45 X 0.17- 3.14 Gallons (1 well volume) Multiply 1 well volume by 3 to obtain the minimum number of gallons of water to be purged from monitoring well prior to taking samples. 3 X 3.14 = 9.41 (3 well volumes) TIME GALLONS TEMPERATURE pH CONDUCTIVITY °F ;zmhos/em 10:48 0 93.0 7.82 5.80 10:50 1 81.4 7.37 5.78 10:52 2 79.6 7.51 4.65 10:55 3 78.3 7.40 3.68 10:59 4 80.1 7.21 4.49 11:02 5 78.5 7.40 4.33 11:07 6 81.8 7.11 4.82 11:14 7 53.4 7.36 4.50 11:17 8 84.3 7.93 4.65 11:27 9 80.4 7.51 4.73 11:30 9.5 52.4 7.45 4.72 CONTAMINANT ODOR? NO TIME OF SAMPLE COI.I.ECTION: 12:40 TURBIDITY LEVEL: MODERATE WITNESSED BY' DOLORES GOUGH SHEEN ON WATER? NO SAMPLER'S SIGNATURE: fi~/~/*.'~/"~ ~<<~'/~'_~-~.'>"~'~ " RESOURCE MANAG A I CY H~~S UA~RR~ ~~ON FOR DEPTH TO GROUI~T[R & FLW DIRECTION PERFO~D BY: (~/~/~ /~~~~ R[GISTbTIOH I: JOB SITE: 40.ACRE DIRECTIONS TO WELL SITE: GENERAL CONDmON$ OF THE PERMIT: 1. Permit aoollCatlons must t)e aubmlttecl to the Em~'onmental Hea~ gervtces Department at least 10 worldna daw odor to the DrOnoMKI ~tm'tfno date. 2. Well ~e epprovaJ IS required before 13eginning any work relatect to well conatrta=~ It ia unlawful to continue wcxk past the Itage at which an Inspection IS requ~'~ unless inspection IS waivecl or complatecL 3, /Ofer requirecl Inspections lnoJucle: conductor casing, ali annulet eeaL~, an(= final cotlstmction 4. ~/'A'A phone call to the Department office Is requitecl on fe morning of fe c~ay fat work is to commence aha 24 hours laefom the placement of any seals or plugs. 5. Constru~on un,er fie Permit is sut~lea'to any instructions 13y Del~rtment reprasentattvea. 6. Any n~srepresentazJon or noncompliance w~ mclutmcl Permit Conditions or Ordinance ~ ma~ in Isauance of a 'Stop WoW Order.' 7. · A copy of the Department of Water Resources Driller's Report. as well as copies of logs and water quality analyaea, must be mal~l~tecl to the Environmental HeaJtrt Services Department within 14 days after completion of fie wotlc 8. A well cleatmcflon application must 13e fllecl with trda Department If a well Is Deing c~asttoy~ that la n~ in conJ~ with a teat hole 9. The permit IS void on the ninetieth (90) caisnclat clay after date of Issuance If wodc has not I~een etuted and reaaona~e progress toward comlolation macle. Fee~ a/e not retundalole nor ttansferaDle. 10. I have re~.cLa~l-ag(ee~to comply with the General Con, Ions notec! al3ove. .? ' ~ ' ,. , ....// .... · ,,;,. ~/ FA~I.LIT~ PLOT KAN - Pz'ovide a aescrip=tcm~ of ~ fac~ ~ ~ ~~, ~l~e 1~~ of ~, ~s~ =~ ~ ~ac~t, m~ ~s ~ a 5~' ~ of fao~. ~1~ a~. ~ D~I~ - ~i~ a det~il~ ~g of ~(s). ~l~e: ~ of ~11, cas~g 1~, sm/fil~ ~ 1~ a=h. ~ ~ 2~~.~-~ ~lu~e f~ ~ ~1 a= e~ site ~ ~ ~= ~e' ~G: cd: f~=~l~m~  Environme~,a I-I~lth Sen~c~ Department RANDALL L. ~BO~ s~ ~=c~ ~ ,v. ~s. D~OR D~ECTOR ~ Po~t~ ~ DASD PRICE II! ~ J. RODDY, ~CO ~1~ D~OR ~ & ~t ~s ~m ~VIRONMENTAL H~L~ SER~CES DEP~E~ ~RDOU8 ~T~RI~ PERM~ ~: ~ M~AOEMENT PROQ~ ~ MON~ORINO W~(8) PERMIT OWNER'S NAME: Bakers Weldinq and Supply DATE: June 18, 1991 FACIETY NAME: I~akers Welding i~nd Supply FACILITY LOCATION: 3505 Pierce Road, Bakersfiel~l, CA. 93,?,08 DRILUNG METHOD: Hollow Stern Auger CONTRACTOR: Melton Drillinq UCENSE NO.: C 57 / 50827 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTRACTOR Uriah TYPE OF. MONITORING WELL(S) ~ Grourldwatqr NUMBER OF WELLS' REQUIRED TO MONITOR FACILITY: Two (2) at this time, GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT: 1. Well site approval is required before beginning any work related to well construction. It Is unlawful to continue work past the stage at which an Inspection is required unless Inspection is waived or completed. 2.Other required inspections include: conductor casing, all annular seals, and final construction features. 3. A phone call to the Department office Is required on the morning of the day that work Is to commence and 24 hours before the placement of any seals or plugs. 4.Construction under this Permit is subject to any instructions by Department representatives. 5. All wells constructed of PVC located at a contaminated site where degradation may occur must be destroyed after 2 yearn or prove no degradation Is occurring or has occurred. 6. Any misrepresentation or noncompliance with required Permit Conditions or Ordinance will result in Issuance of a 'STOP WORK ORDER.' 7. A copy of the Department of Water Resources Driller's Report, as well as copies of logs and water quality analyses, must be submitted to the Health Department within 14 days after completion of the work. 8. A well destruction application must be filed with this Department if a well is being cleatroyed that Is not in conjunction with a test hole permit. 9. The permit is void on the ninetieth (90) calendar day after date of Issuance if work has not been started and reasonable progress toward completion made. Fees are not refundable nor transferable. 10. I have read and agree to comply with the General Conditions noted above. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 1. Approvecl Annular Seal Depth approximately 3:~'. This permit must be signed by either tile contractor or owner. OWNER'S SIGNATURE DATE CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATURE DATE PERMIT APPROVED BY: Brian Pitts, Haz~rd0us Materials SoecJallst DATE: .June 18. 1991 ~'/~ BP: cas \65S.05.mw 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861.3636 lAX: (805) 861-3429 Appendix "B" ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. PETROLEUM J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 ATLAS CT., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE (805) 327-4911 FAX (805) 327-1918 Petroleum Hydrocarbons URIAH ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. 111 Date of 464 LINDBERGH Report= 07/02/91 LIVERMORE, CA 94550 Lab $: 7528-1 Attn.= VALENTIN C. 415-455-4991 Sample Description: LINDE BAKERSFIELD: MW7-36.5 (SOIL) 6/27/91 @ 8=40AM SAMPLE COLLECTED BY VALENTIN Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received @ Lab: Completed: 06/27/91 06/28/91 6-29-91 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituents Units Results Level Benzene mg/kg 0.0056 0.005 Toluene mg/kg 0.24 0.005 Ethyl Benzene mg/kg 0.012 0.005 o-Xylene mg/kg 0.051 0.005 m-Xylene mg/kg 0.059 0.005 p-Xylene mg/kg 0.270 0.005 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) mg/kg 1.3 1. TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. As Received Basis Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 /~ ~nalyst ENVIRONMENTAL LABO RATO RI F._°-,, INO. PETROLEUM J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENQR. 4100 ATLAS CT., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE (805) 327-4911 FAX (805) 327-1918 Petroleum Hydrocarbons URIAH ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. 111 Date of 464 LINDBERGH Report: 07/02/91 LIVERMORE, CA 94550 Lab #: 7528-2 Attn.; VALENTIN C. 415-455-4991 Sample Description: LINDE BAKERSFIELD: MW7-46 (SOIL) 6/27/91 @ 9:lOAM SAMPLE COLLECTED BY VALENTIN Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received @ Lab: Completed: 06/27/91 06/28/91 6-28-91 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituents Units Results Level Benzene mg/kg 0.0051 0.005 Toluene mg/kg 0.039 0.005 Ethyl Benzene mg/kg None Detected 0.005 o-Xylene mg/kg 0.013 0.005 m-Xylene mg/kg 0.016 0.005 p-Xylene mg/kg 0.026 0.005 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) mg/kg None Detected 1. TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. As Received Basis Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 ~NVIRON~ENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. PETROLEUI, f J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 41~ AT~S CT., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93~ PHONE (~ 327~11 F~ (~ 327-1918 Pet=oleum Hydrocarbons URIAH ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. 111 Date of 464 LINDBERGH Report= 07/02/91 LIVERMORE, CA 94550 Lab $= 7528-3 Attn.= VALENTIN C. 415-455-4991 Sample Description= LINDE BAKERSFIELD= MW8-36 (SOIL) 6/27/91 @ 14=50AM SAMPLE COLLECTED BY VALENTIN Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected= Received @ Lab: Completed= 06/27/91 06/28/91 6-28-91 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituents Units Results Level Benzene mg/kg None Detected 0.005 Toluene mg/kg 0.0072 0.005 Ethyl Benzene mg/kg None Detected 0.005 o-Xylene mg/kg 0.0068 0.005 m-Xylene mg/kg 0.0094 0.005 p-Xylene mg/kg None Detected 0.005 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) mg/kg None Detected 1. TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. As Received Basis Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 . . f ~nalyst EN~"IRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. PETROLEU/iI J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 ATLAS CT., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE (805) 327-4911 FAX (805) 327-1918 Petroleum Hydrocarbons URIAH ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. 111 Date of 464 LINDBERGH Report= 07/02/91 LIVERMORE, CA 94550 Lab ~= 7528-4 Attn.= VALENTIN C. 415-455-4991 Sample Description= LINDE BAKERSFIELD= MW8-41 (SOIL) 6/27/91 @ 15=10AM SAMPLE COLLECTED BY VALENTIN Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected= Received @ Lab= Completed= 06/27/91 06/28/91 6-28-91 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituents Units Results Level Benzene mg/kg None Detected 0.005 Toluene mg/kg None Detected 0.005 Ethyl Benzene mg/kg None Detected 0.005 o-Xylene mg/kg 0.0090 0.005 m-Xylene mg/kg 0.014 0.005 p-Xylene mg/kg 0.013 0.005 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) mg/kg None Detected 1. TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. As Received Basis Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 ~ - ~Analyst ENVIt~NHENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. PETROLEUM J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 ATLAS CT., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE (805) 327.4911 FAX (805) 327'-1918 Petroleum Hydrocarbons URIAH ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. 111 Date of 464 LINDBERGH Report: 07/02/91 LIVERMORE, CA 94550 Lab ~= 7528-5 Attn.: VALENTIN C. 415-455-4991 Sample Description= LINDE BAKERSFIELD= MW8-46 (SOIL) 6/28/91 @ 7=40AH SAMPLE COLLECTED BY VALENTIN Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected= Received @ Lab= Completed= 06/28/91 06/28/91 6-28-91 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituents Units Results Level Benzene mg/kg None Detected 0.005 Toluene mg/kg None Detected 0.005 Ethyl Benzene mg/kg None Detected 0.005 o-Xylene mg/kg None Detected 0.005 m-Xylene mg/kg None Detected 0.005 p-Xylene mg/kg None Detected 0.005 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) mg/kg None Detected 1. TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. As Received Basis Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 ~NVIi~ON¥£NTAL LABORATORIES, INO. PETROLEUM J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4'100 ATLAS CT., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 9~ PHONE (~ 327~911 F~ (~5) 327-1918 BTXE/TPH GASOLINE Quality Control Data URIAH ENVIRONMENTAL Spike ID: 7445-3 464 LINDBERGH Analysis Date: 29-Jun-91 LIVERMORE, CA 9455 Sample Matrix: SOLID Attention: JIM COMBE Quality Control for Lab Nos: 7528-1,. 7528-2, 7528-3, 7528-4, 7528-5 Dup Spike Spike Spike Constituent % Rec % Rec RPD Benzene 113.13 122.47 7.93 Toluene 109.,96 111.62 1.50 Ethyl Benzene 107.23 108.09 0.80 QC comments: - '~ ..... ~ ......... ~ 464 Lindbergh Avenue- U~'I , II'~ (415) 455-4992 Office · An Env'-ronmental Services Company (415) 455-4995 F~ Chain of CUstodv £N~*RONJIENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. PETROLEUM J' & EGLIN, REG. ~EM. EN~. 41~ AT~ CT. BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORN~ 9~ PHONE (~ 3~Mll F~ (~) 327-1918 Petroleum Hydrocarbons URIAH ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. 111 Date of 464 LINDBERGH Report= 07/24/91 LIVER/~ORE, CA 94550 Lab ~z 8223-! Attn. z VALENTIN C. 415-455-4991 Sample Description~ LINDE-BAK= WMW-7, 7/18/91 (WATER} TEST METHOD= TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. Sample Matrix= WATER Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected= Received @ Lab= Completed= o?/z8/gz o?/18/gz 07-~9-91 Minimum Analysis Reporting Re~orting Const£=uents Results Units Level Benzene 6.7 Bg/L 0.5 Toluene 19. Bg/L 0.5 Ethyl Benzene None Detected ~g/L 0.5 o-Xylene 11. Bg/L 0.5 m-Xylene None Detected Bg/L 0.5 p-Xylene 45. Bg/L 0.5 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) 490. ~g/L 50. California D.O.H.S. Cert. $1186 Department Supervisor ENVIHONYENTAL LABORATORIFS, INC. P~ROL~ d' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 41~ AT~S CT., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 9~ PHONE (~ ~11 F~ (~ 327-1918 Petroleum Hydrocarbon. URIAH ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. 111 Date of 464 LINDBERGH Report: 07/24/91 LIVERMORE, CA 94550 Lab $: 8223-2 Attn.: VALENTIN C. 415-455-4991 Sample Description: LINDE-BAK: WMW-8, 7/18/91 (WATER) TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. Sample Matrix: WATER Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received @ Lab: Completed~ 07/18/91 07/18/91 07-18-91 Minimum Analysis Reporting Reporting Constituents Re~ul~s Un~t~ Leve~ Benzene None Detected Ug/L 0.5 Toluene 1.0 pg/L 0.5 Ethyl Benzene None Detected Bg/L 0.5 o-Xylene 0.7 ug/L 0.5 m-Xylene 0.6 ug/L 0.5 p-Xylene None Detected ug/L 0.5 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) 71. #g/L 50.0 Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. $1186 Department Supervisor · ~ 45~. Ltxtdber~h Avenue- Urn.ah, Inc. (415) 455-4991 Office · ~ ~o~=~ e,~, co=~ 1~5) ~55-~005 ~ Chain of Custody ......... . ~ ~ , ~, -t -- :~ ~w7~ . v~ ' · Appendix "C" DETERMINATION OF HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY The hydraulic conductivity K of the water-bearing formation was determined for both MW-7 and MW-8 using the Hvorslev Method (Freeze and Cherry, 1979, p. 340-342; Fetter, 1988, p. 196-199) K = (r2 in [L/R]) / (2AT) where K = hydraulic conductivity r = radius of the well casing R = radius of the filter pack L = length of the well. screen below the static water level T = time for water level to recover 37% of its change in level due to the addition or removal of water With the Hvorslev Method, the value K is derived from measurements made as the water level in' a well returns to its original level after the addition or extraction of a known volume of water. The time T is the period required for the water level in the well to recover 37% of the change of elevation resulting from the addition or removal of the water as determined from a graph of the water level versus time. For Well MW-7, the following values were determined: T (from the removal of water) = 24.81 seconds T (from the addition of water) = 25.51 seconds r = 0.083 feet R = 0.333 feet L = 16.97 feet -5 ft/sec. When T = 24.81 sec, K = 3.24 x 10_4 or 9.88 x 10 cm/sec. -5 ft/sec. When T = 25.52 sec, K = 3.15 x 10_4 or 9.61 x 10 cm/sec. For MW-8, the following values were determined: T (from the removal of water) = 19.53 sec. T (from the addition of water) = 20.55 sec. r = 0.083 feet R = 0.333 feet L = 18.46 feet When T = 19.53 sec, K = 3.87 x 10-5 ft/sec. or 1.18 x 10-3 cm/sec. -5 ft/sec. When T = 20.55 sec, K = 3.67 x 10_3 or 1.12 x 10 cm/sec. Please see Figures C-1 through C-4 for data plots. A "best" hydraulic conductivity estimate, using the two K values may be obtained with the following formula: Kbest = (KRH - KFH)2 where: KRH = hydraulic conductivity as determined by the rising- head method. KFH = hydraulic conductivity as determined by the falling head method. (Sevee, 1991, p. 420) Using this formula for MW-7: Kbest = 3.19 x 10-5 ft/sec = 9.74 x 10-4 cm/sec Using this formula for MW-8: Kbest = 3.77 x 10-5 ft/sec = 1 .15 x 10-3 cm/sec Slug Test 1 -Hvorslev Method Groundwater Monitoring Well MW-7 Ratio h/hO 0.1 I iT= 24.81 seconds 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 10001100 120013001400 Time (seconds) at 350§ Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA Slug Test 2 - Hvorslev Method Groundwater Monitoring Well MW-7 Ratio h/hO 1 ~,. I T= 25o51 socond$ 0.001 ~ ~ ~ i ~ 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Time (seconds) at 81505 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA Slug Test 1 - Hvorslev Method Groundwater Monitoring Well MW-8 Ratio h/hO 0.1 T= 19.53 seconds 0.01 ~ ~ ~ ~ i I 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Time (seconds) at 3505 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA Slug Test 2 - Hvorslev Method Groundwater Monitoring Well MW--8 Ratio h/hO 0.1 I ~' 0'011 I :.~ i'" 0.001I 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Time (seconds) at 3505 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA ~-D Distribution of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline After One Year of Pumping (Pumping Rate = 0.04 ft}/s) 0.00 25.00 50.00 75.00 100.00 80.00 N ~ in ~ I 80.00 ~ u~, ~ ~MW 2~ ~ 4 Values on curves in parts per billion (ppb). Pumping simulation performed in both II1~-7 and M~-8 48.00 -3 - 48.00 with the same pumping rate. ~6.oo M~-8~; MW~~_6 Scale (ft) 0.00 0.00 0.00 25.00 50.00 75.00 100.00 0 2-D Distribution of Total Petroluem Hydrocarbons as Gasoline After One Year of Pumping (Pumping Rate -- 0.2 ft}/s) 0.00 25.00 50.00 75.00 100.00 64.00 ~ 64.00 M Yalues on curves in p~rts per billion (ppb). Pumping simulation performed in both M~-7 and M~-It 48.00 3 ~ 48.00 with the same pumping rate. 32.00 - 32.00 M' 16.00 1 fi.O0 i Scale (ft) 0.00 0.00 0.00 25.00 50.00 75.00 100.00 0 [ Appendix "D" ***** Ground-water flow and solute transDort at Linde Bakersfield site +++++++++ gradient=0.003 ft/ft; K=3x10-5 (NNE) to 4x10-5 (SSW); Q=0.04 ft~/s++++++++ SIMULATION MODE OPTIONS - ASSUME SATURATED FLOW ONLY - ASSUME STEADY-STATE FLOW FIELD CONSISTENT WITH INITIAL CONCENTRATIO CONDITIONS - ALLOW TIME-DEPENDENT TRANSPORT - COLD START - BEGIN NEW SIMULATION - STORE RESULTS AFTER EACH TIME STEP ON UNIT-66 AS BACK-UP AND FOR US IN A SIMULATION RE-START 357 NUMBER OF NODES iN FINITE-ELEMENT MESH 320 NUMBER OF ELEMENTS IN MESH 37 ESTIMATED MAXIMUM FULL BAND WIDTH FOR MESH 0 EXACT NUMBER OF PINCH NODES iN MESH .34 EXACT NUMBER OF NODES IN MESH AT WHICH PRESSURE IS A SPECI ':"[ED ,"'-,~,r'--"m~¥m "-:R ~x"W"~' O'v OF TI'qE i EX_'-",_(_'[- :.(i_:~,iBER ,}F }.ODES ,[ ~.'i.~'[C~i :-'[..",./'.ED ?,[FLOW OR OUTFLOW IS :: SPECIFIED CONSTANT OR FUNCTION oF Ti>IE 0 EXACT NUMBER OF NODES AT WHICH A SOURCE OR SINK OF SOLUTE FlAgS IS A SPECIFIED CONSTANT OR FUNCTION OF TIME 0 EXACT NUMBER OF NODES AT WHICH PRESSURE AND CONCENTRATION WILL BE OBSERVED 222 MAXIMUM NUMBER OF TIME STEPS ON WHICH OBSERVATIONS WILL BE MADE ..................... 7r~ 30UNDARY JONDITION FACTOR TEMPORAL CONTROL AND S OL UT I ON C YC L I NG DATA 3 MAXIMUM ALLOWED NUMBER OF TIME STEPS 3.1558D+07 INITIAL TIME STEP (IN SECONDS) ~ ~Z,-z ~c ~ ~960D~+~ MAXIMUM ALLOWED SIMULATION TIME (IN SECONDS) · 3200 TIME STEP MULTIPLIER CYCLE (IN TIME STEPS) / 1.00000 MULTIPLICATION FACTOR FOR TIME STEP CHANGE ~ 1.2960D+25 MAXIMUM ALLOWED TIME STEP (IN SECONDS) 1 FLOW SOLUTION CYCLE (IN TIME STEPS), 1 TRANSPORT SOLUTION CYCLE (IN TIME STEPS) OUTPUT CONTROLS AND OPTIONS 1 PRINTED OUTPUT CYCLE (IN TIME STEPS) - CANCEL PRINT OF NODE COORDINATES, THICKNESSES AND POROSITIES - CANCEL PRINT OF ELEMENT PERMEABILITIES AND DISPERSIVITIES - CANCEL PRINT OF NODE AND PINCH NODE INCIDENCES IN EACH ELEMENT - CANCEL PLOT OF PRESSURES - CANCEL PLOT OF CONCENTRATIONS - CANCEL PRINT OF VELOCITIES - CANCEL PRINT OF BUDGETS ITERATION CONTROL DATA NON-ITERATIVE SOLUTION ~ G >,i ~3 T A 2< Y P R O i? E R T ! E 8 O F ~3 L U I D h i D 11A i R ! X 0.0000D+00 COMPRESSIBILITY OF FLUID 0.0000D+00 COMPRESSIBILITY OF POROUS MATRIX 1.0000D+00 FLUID VISCOSITY 1.0000D+00 DENSITY OF A SOLID GRAIN FLUID DENSITY, RHOW CALCULATED BY SUTRA IN TERMS OF SOLUTE CONCENTRATION, RHOW = RHOW0 + DRWDU*(U-URHOW0) .......... '~.'i ...... ,_,._,,. <RHOWO AT WHICH FLUID DENS ~TY-'S .~lr' BA:SE ~ ALU,r, ~'"~..~0 O.0000D+00 MOLECULAR DIFFUSIVITY OF SOLUTE IN FLUID NODE INFORMATION PRINTOUT OF NODE COORDINATES, THICKNESSES AND POROSITIES CANCELL ED. SCALE FACTORS : 6.2500D+00 X-SCALE 4.0000D+00 Y-SCALE 4.0000D+01 THICKNESS FACTOR 1.0000D-01 POROSITY FACTOR ELEMENT INFORMATION PRINTOUT OF ELEMENT PERMEABILITIES AND DISPERSIVITIES CANCELLED. SCALE FACTORS : 1.0000D-05 MAXIMUM PERMEABILITY FACTOR 1.0000D-05 MINIMUM PERMEABILITY FACTOR 0.0000D+00 ANGLE FROM +X TO MAXIMUM DI RECTION FACTOR 5.0000D+02 MAXIMUM LONGITUDINAL DISPER SIV!TY FACTOR x.0O00D_~_~, ?IIN!MUM LONGITUDINAL DISPER '_.6667D-'42 -PRANSVERSE 0ISPERSIVITY FAC TOR F L U I D S O U R C E D A T A L ?: INFLOWS ,")P OliTw!.Ol4S ARE o TIPiE_VARYiX: - :~O MASS SOLUTE/MASS FLOW RATE OR CONCENTRATION ) 74 -3.3420000E-02 191 -3.3420000E-02 1 '~':~ NODES AT ~'~HIC.~{ '~m¢~Rn~'...~_~..~ ARE SPECIFIED (AS WELL SOLUTE CONCENTRATION OF FLUID INFLOW WHICH MAY OCCUR AT THE POINT OF SPECIFIED PRESSURE) NODE PRESSURE CONCENTRATION 1 4.0000000000000D+01 1.0000000000000D-05 2 4.0000000000000D+01 1.0000000000000D-05 3 4.0000000000000D+01 1.0000000000000D-05 4 4.0000000000000D+01 1.0000000000000D-05 5 4.0000000000000D+01 1.0000000000000D-05 6 4.0000000000000D+01 1.0000000000000D-05 7 4.0000000000000D+01 1.0000000000000D-05 8 4.0000000000000D+01 1.0000000000000D~05 9 4.0000000000000D+01 1.0000000000000D-05 10 4.0000000000000D+01 1.0000000000000D-05 11 4.0000000000000D+01 1.0000000000000D-05 12 4.0000000000000D+01 1.0000000000000D-05 13 4.0000000000000D+01 1.0000000000000D-05 14 4.0000000000000D+01 1.0000000000000D-05 15 4.0000000000000D+01 1.0000000000000D-05 16 4.0000000000000D+01 1.0000000000000D-05 17 4.0000000000000D+01 1.0000000000000D-05 341 4.0240000000000D+01 1.0000000000000D-05 342 4.0240000000000D+01 1.0000000000000D-05 343 4.0240000000000D+01 1.0000000000000D-05 344 4.0240000000000D+01 1.0000000000000D-05 345 4.0240000000000D+01 1.0000000000000D-05 346 4.0240000000000D+01 1.0000000000000D-05 347 4.0240000000000D+01 1.0000000000000D-05 348 ~.0240000000000D+01 1.0000000000000D-05 349 4.0240000000000D+01 1.0000000000000D-05 350 4.0240000000000D+01 1.0000000000000D-05 351 4.0240000000000D+01 1.0000000000000D-05 352 4.0240000000000D+01 1.0000000000000D-05 353 4.0240000000000D+01 1.0000000000000D-05 354 4.0240000000000D+01 1.0000000000000D-05 355 4.0240000000000D+01 1.0000000000000D-05 356 4.0240000000000D+01 1.0000000000000D-05 TIME INCREMENT 3.1558D+07 SECONDS ELAPSED TIME : 0.0000O~00 SECONDS O.0000D+00 MINUTES O.O000D-O0 HOURS 0.0000D+O0 DAYS 0.0000D+00 WEEKS O.0000D+O0 MONTHS 0.0000D+O0 YEARS C O N C E N T R A T I O N NODE NODE NODE NODE NODE NODE 1 1.10000000D-02 2 1.00000000D-02 3 9.00000000D-03 4 8.0 5 7.00000000D-03 6 6.00000000D-03 7 4.00000000D-03 8 2.00000000D-03 9 0.00000000D+00 10 0.0 O000000D+00 29 0.00000000D+00 30 0.00000000D+00 31 0.00000000D+00 32 0.00000000D+00 33 0.00000000D+00 34 0.0 0000000D+00 35 1.20000000D-02 36 1.10000000D-02 37 1.00000000D-02 38 8.00000000D-03 39 7.00000000D-03 40 6.0 0000000D-03 41 4.00000000D-03 42 2.00000000D-03 43 0.00000000D+00 44 0.00000000D+00 45 0.00000000D+00' 46 0.0 0000000D+00 47 0.00000000D+00 48 0.00000000D+00 49 0.00000000D+00 50 0.00000000D+00 51 0.00000000D+00 52 1.2 0000000D-02 53 1.10000000D-02 54 1.00000000D-02 55 8.00000000D-03 56 6.00000000D-03 57 4.00000000D-03 58 2.0 0000000D-03 59 0.00000000D+00 60 0.00000000D+00 61 0.00000000D+00 62 0.00000000D+00 63 0.00000000D+00 64 0.0 0000000D+00 65 0.00000000D+00 66 0.00000000D+00 67 0.00000000D+00 68 0..00000000D+00 69 1.30000000D-02 70 1.2 0000000D-02 71 1.10000000D-02 72 1.00000000D-02 73 8.00000000D-03 74 4.00000000D-03 75 2.00000000D-03 76 0.0 0000000D+00 77 0.00000000D+00 78 0.00000000D+00 79 0.00000000D+00 80 0.00000000D+00 81 0.00000000D+00 82 0.0 0000000D+00 83 0.00000000D+00 84 0.00000000D+00 85 0.00000000D+00 86 1.40000000D-02 87 1.30000000D-02 88 1.2 0000000D-02 89 1.00000000D-02 90 8.00000000D-03 91 6.00000000D-03 92 4.00000000D-03 93 2.00000000D-03 94 0.0 0000000D+00 95 0.00000000D+00 96 0.00000000D+00 97 0.00000000D+00 98 0.00000000D+00 99 0.00000000D+00 100 0.0 0000000D+00 101 0.00000000D+00 102 0.00000000D+00 103 1.50000000D-02 104 1 40000000D-02 105 1.30000000D-02 106 1.2 0000000D-02 107 1.00000000D-02 108 6.00000000D-03 !09 4.00000000D-03 110 2 00000000D-03 111 0.00000000D+00 112 0.0 <)000000D-00 113 0 00000000D+00 '114 0.00000000D+00 (15 O.OO000000D+00 1_16 0 00000000O+00 117 0.00000000D+00 118 0.0 0000000D=(~0 119 0 00000000D+00 120 1.50000000D-02 ]_21 1.40000000D-02 122 'l 30000000D-02 123 1.20000000D-02 124 1.0 0000000D-02 125 6 00000000D-03 126 4.00000000D-03 127 2.00000000D-03 128 0 00000000D+00 [29 0.00000000D+00 130 0 0 0000000D+00 131 0 00000000D+00 132 0.00000000D+00 133 0.00000000D+00 134 0 90000000D+00 135 0.00000000D+00 136 0 0 0000000D+00 137 1 60000000D-02 138 1.50000000D-02 139 1.40000000D-02 140 I 20000000D-02 141 1.00000000D-02 142 6 0 0000000D-03 143 4 00000000D-03 144 2.00000000D-03 145 0.00000000D+00 146 0 00000000D+00 147 0.00000000D+00 148 0 0 0000000D+00 149 0 00000000D+00 150 0.00000000D~00 !_5'!. n ..... n~{~00000D+00_,.. !52 n, 000()00ql'~D~00... .... ~_~._,.~ 0..00000000D+00 't54_ 1 7 )000000D-0'?~_ =~n~, .~ 60000000D-02 ......... ~'~ 'k ':~,"000000D-n2. L57 .L . 400000000-02 L58 L 200000000-02 L59 !.00000000D-02 160 6 0 0000000D-03 161 2 00000000D-03 i62 0.00O00000D+00 163 0.00000000D+00 164 0 00000000O+00 165 0.00000000D+00 166 0.0 0000000D+00 167 0 00000000D+00 168 0.00000000D+00 169 0.00000000D+00 170 0 00000000D+00 171 1.80000000D-02 172 1.7 0000000D-02 173 1.60000000D-02 174 1.40000000D-02 175 1.20000000D-02 176 1.00000000D-02 177 6.00000000D-03 178 2.0 0000000D-03 179 0.00000000D+00 180 0.00000000D+00 181 0.00000000D+00 182 0.00000000D+00 183 0.00000000D+00 184 0.0 0000000D+00 185 0.00000000D+00 186 0.00000000D+00 187 0.00000000D+00 188 1.70000000D-02 189 1.60000000D-02 190 1.5 0000000D-02 191 1.40000000D-02 192 1.00000000D-02 193 6.00000000D-03 194 2.00000000D-03 195 0.00000000D+00 196 0.0 0000000D+00 197 0.00000000D+00 198 0.00000000D+00 9000000D-02 209 6.00000000D-03 210 2.00000000D-03 211 0.00000000D~ 2~2 0.00000000D+00 0.00000000D+00 214 0.0 00000GOD+00 215 0.000000~'DD+00 216 0.00000000D+ 217 0.00000000D+00 218 0.00000000D+00 219 0.00000000D+00 220 0.0 0000000D+00 221 0.00000000D+00 222 1.50000000D-02 223 1.20000000D-02 224 1.00000000D-02 225 6.00000000D-03 226 2.0 0000000D-03 227 0.00000000D+00 228 0.00000000D+00 229 0.00000000D+00 230 0.00000000D+00 231 0.00000000D+00 232 0.0 0000000D+00 233 0.00000000D+00 234 0.00000000D+00 235 0.00000000D+00 236 0.00000000D+00 237 0.00000000D+00 238 0.0 0000000D+00 239 1.40000000D-02 240 1.20000000D-02 241 1.00000000D-02 242 6.00000000D-03 243 2.00000000D-03 244 0.0 0000000D+00 245 0.00000000D+00 246 0.00000000D+00 247 0.00000000D+00 248 0.00000000D+00 249 0.00000000D+00 250 0.0 0000000D+00 251 0.00000000D+00 252 0.00000000D+00 253 0.00000000D+00 254 0.00000000D+00 255 0.00000000D+00 256 1.3 0000000D-02 257 1.10000000D-02 258 1.00000000D-02 259 8.00000000D-03 260 6.00000000D-03 261 2.00000000D-03 262 0.0 0000000D+00 263 0.00000000D+00 264 0.00000000D+00 265 0.00000000D+00 266 0.00000000D+00 267 0.00000000D+00 268 0.0 0000000D+00 269 0.00000000D+00 270 0.00000000D+00 271 0.00000000D+00 272 0.00000000D+00 273 1.30000000D-02 274 1.1 0000000D-02 275 1.00000000D-02 276 8.00000000D-03 277 6.00000000D-03 278 2.00000000D-03 279 0.00000000D+00 280 0.0 0000000D+00 281 0.00000000D+00 282 0.00000000D+00 283 0.00000000D+00 284 0.00000000D+00 285 0.00000000D+00 286 0.0 0000000D+00 287 0.00000000D+00 288 0.00000000D+00 289 0.00000000D+00 290 1.20000000D-02 291 1.00000000D-02 292 8.0 0000000D-03 293 6.00000000D-03 294 4.00000000D-03 295 2.00000000D-03 296 0.00000000D+00 297 0.00000000D+00 298 0.0 0000000D+00 299 0.00000000D+00 300 0.00000000D+00 301 0.00000000D+00 302 0.00000000D+00 303 0.00000000D+00 304 0.0 0000000D+00 305 0.00000000D+00 306 0.00000000D+00 307 1.10000000D-02 30~ 1.00000000D-02 309 8.00000000D-03 310 6.0 0000000D-03 311 4.00000000D-03 312 2.00000000D-03 313 0.00000000D+00 314 0.00000000D+00 315 0o00000000D+00 316 0.0 0000000D+00 317 0.00000000D+00 318 0.00000000D+00 319 0.00000000D+00 320 0.00000000D+00 321 0.00000000D+00 322 0.0 0000000D+00 323 0.00000000D+00 324 1.10000000D-02 325 1.00000000D-02 326 8.00000000D-03 327 6o00000000D-03 328 4.0 0000000D-03 329 2.00000000D-03 330 0.00000000D+00 331 0.'00000000D+00 332 0.00000000D+00 333 0o00000000D+00 334 0.0 0000000D+00 335 0.00000000D+00 336 0.00000000D+00 337 0.00000000D+00 338 0.00000000D+00 339 0o00000000D+00 340 0.0 0000000D+00 341 1.00000000D-02 342 9o00000000D-03 343 8.00000000D-03 344 6.00000000D-03 345 4.00000000D-03 346 2.0 0000000D-03 34? 0.00000000D+00 348 0.00000000D+00 349 0.00000000D+00 350 0.00000000D+00 351 0.00000000D+00 352 0.0 0000000D+00 353 0.00000000D+00 354 0o00000000D+00 355 0.00000000D+00 356 0.00000000D+00 357 0.00000000D+00 RESULTS FOR TIME STEP 0 S T E A D Y - S T A T E P R E S S U R E NODE NODE NODE NODE NODE NODE 9980659D+01 i1 3.999857 ~2D+01 12 3.99989176D+01 RESULTS FOR TIME STEP 1 TIME INCREMENT 3.1558D+07 SECONDS ELAPSED TIME : 3.1558D+07 SECONDS 5.2596D+05 MINUTES 8.7660D+03 HOURS 3.6525D+02 DAYS 5.2179D+01 WEEKS 1.2000D+01 MONTHS 1.0000D+00 YEARS C O N C E N T R A T I O N NODE NODE NODE NODE NODE NODE i 1.56971555D-04 2 1.55770435D-04 3 1.52700132D-04 4 1.4 9288609D-04 5 1.47058784D-04 6 1.45885219D-04 7 1.45010856D-04 8 1.44060954D-04 9 1.42968690D-04 10 1.4 1951920D-04 11 1.40967923D-04 12 1.39937380D-04 13 1.38829285D-04 14 1.37667402D-04 15 1.36547629D-04 16 1.3 5674676D-04 17 1.35332624D-04 18 1.58202945D-04 19 1.57009234D-04 20 1.53905126D-04 21 1.50351856D-04 22 1.4 8067874D-04 23 1.46908593D-04 24 1.46032103D-04 25 1.45060667D-04 26 1.43960984D-04 27 1.42954339D-04 28 1.4 !973395D-04 29 1.40938236D-04 30 1.39823793D-04 31 1.38655707D-04 32 1.37529839D-04 33 1.36645055D-04 34 1.3 6300382D-04 35 1.59543117D-04 36 1.58382743D-04 37 1.55292860D-04 38 1.51370200D-04 39 1.48898376D-04 40 1.4 7796560D-04 41 1.46927521D-04 42 1.45918158D-04 43 1.44837118D-04 44 1.43879340D-04 45 1.42912421D-04 46 1.4 !876944D-04 47 1.40757287D-04 48 1.39586815D-04 49 1.38458814D-04 50 1.37564498D-04 51 1.37204849D-04 52 1.6 0953655D-04 53 1.59871811D-04 54 1.56867213D-04 55 1.52620163D-04 56 1.49539171D-04 57 1.48552478D-04 58 1.4 7675617D-04 59 1.46628333D-04 60 1.45668596D-04 61 !.44768571D-04 62 !.43817578D-04 63 1.42775410D-04 64 1.4 1646270D-04 65 1.40472294D-04 66 !.39342568D-04 67 1.38430382D-04 68 1.38050670D-04 69 1.62412258D-04 70 1.6 t434765D-04 71 1.58684397D-04 72 1.54318405D-04 73 1.50305267D-04 74 1.49090701D-04 75 1.48324026D-04 76 1.4 7322591D-04 77 1.46527894D-04 78 1.45672290D-04 79 1.44717021D-04 80 1.43651664D-04 81 1.42502279D-04 82 1.4 1319202D-04 83 1.40185131D-04 84 1.39249732D-04 85 1.38839957D-04 86 1.63881764D-04 87 1.62952123D-04 88 1.6 0721857D-04 89 1.56608317D-04 90 1.51567206D-04 91~ 1.49806523D-04 92 1.48737137D-04 93 1.48252974D-04 94 1.4 7493652D-04 95 1.46636057D-04 96 1.45631269D-04 97 1.44515107D-04 98 1.43329333D-04 99 1.42127668D-04 100 1.4 0984582D-04 101 1.40023686D-04 102 1.39572781D-04 103 1.65278304D-04 104 1.64382255D-04 105 1.62486173D-04 106 1.5 9637982D-04 107 1.55511566D-04 108 1.51143395D-04 109 1.50210987D-04 110 1.49459364D-04 111 1.48686996D-04 112 1.4 121 1.65577478D-04 122 1.63928725D-04 123 1.61969504D-04 124 1.5 ~820398D-04 125 1.55614~ ,D-04 126 1.52897987D-04~ 127 1.51368089D- 128 1.50085205D-04 12~"' 1.48835538D-04 130 1.4 7543403D-04 131 1.46229137D-04 132 1.44916392D-04 133 1.43641215D-04 134 1.42454978D-04 135 1.41439832D-04 136 1.4 0854591D-04 137 1.67814627D-04 138 1.66502570D-04 139 1.64957109D-04 140 1.63287979D-04 141 1.61196844D-04 142 1.5 ~820015D-04 143 1.55954933D-04 144 1.53504583D-04 145 1.51603276D-04 146 1.49997529D-04 147 1.48497653D-04 148 1.4 7052783D-04 149 1.45659806D-04 150 1.44336068D-04 151 1.43117387D-04 152 1.42075134D-04 153 1.41385847D-04 154 1.6 3111514D-04 155 1.67164141D-04 156 1.65583258D-04 157 1.63933069D-04 158 1.62269997D-04 159 1.60475685D-04 160 1.5 Y955679D-04 161 1.55296715D-04 162 1.52988132D-04 163 1.51072283D-04 164 1.49370854D-04 165 1.47798190D-04 166 1.4 6328009D-04 167 1.44963308D-04 168 1.43724704D-04 169 1.42646505D-04 170 1..41824247D-04 171 1.70591566D-04 172 1.6 7922462D-04 173 1.65867345D-04 174 1.64260460D-04 175 1.62960007D-04 176 1.61292972D-04 177 1.58975290D-04 178 1.5 $420448D-04 179 1.53997198D-04 180 1.51903855D-04 181 1.50047522D-04 182 1.48361900D-04 183 1.46817056D-04 184 1.4 5413141D-04 185 1.44175029D-04 186 1.43157158D-04 187 1.42344920D-04 188 1.70573936D-04 189 1.68192249D-04 190 1.6 5674957D-04 191 1.64400658D-04 192 1.63419825D-04 193 1.61455331D-04 194 1.59312286D-04 195 1.56918835D-04 196 1.5 4603089D-04 197 1.52443502D-04 198 1.50482615D-04 199 1.48694354D-04 200 1.47060642D-04 201 1.45581954D-04 202 1.4 4278705D-04 203 1.43199029D-04 204 1.42410159D-04 205 1.69848276D-04 206 1.67710571D-04 207 1.65787655D-04 208 1.6 4396960D-04 209 1.63121615D-04 210 1.61442958D-04 211 1.59304974D-04 212 1.57096587D-04 213 1.54849368D-04 214 1.5 2692718D-04 215 1.50669597D-04 216 1.48795567D-04 217 1.47069999D-04 218 1.45500500D-04 219 1.44111138D-04 220 1.4 2954634D-04 221 1.42254508D-04 222 1.69201891D-04 223 1.67521922D-04 224 1.65840779D-04 225 1.64336917D-04 226 1.6 2853371D-04 227 1.61159651D-04 228 1.59157507D-04 229 1.57006928D-04 .230 1.54832548D-04 231 1.52690305D-04 232 1.5 0636988D-04 233 1.48699157D-04 234 1.46893861D-04 235 !.45240605D-04 236 1.43775402D-04 237 1.42571610D-04 238 1.4 1947541D-04 239 1.68604581D-04 240 1.67422479D-04 241 1.65823666D-04 242 1.64242720D-04 243 1.62605635D-04 244 1.6 0802831D-04 245 1.58833068D-04 246 1.56740770D-04 247 1.54609828D-04 248 1.52490560D-04 249 1.50423423D-04 250 1.4 8441827D-04 251 1.46572381D-04 252 1.44847054D-04 253 1.43317743D-04 254 1.42090220D-04 255 1.41521878D-04 256 1.6 8065463D-04 257 1.67173365D-04 258 1.65677887D-04 259 1.64057072D-04 260 1.62343490D-04 261 1.60400484D-04 262 1.5 8361390D-04 263 1.56306192D-04 264 1.54210924D-04 265 1.52113310D-04 266 1.50043901D-04 267 1.48033715D-04 268 1.4 6115221D-04 269 1.44331086D-04 270 1.42751838D-04 271 1.41519955D-04 272 1.40994084D-04 273 1.67474988D-04 274 1.6 6747804D-04 275 1.65344370D-04 276 1.63694480D-04 277 1.61913916D-04 278 1.59885099D-04 279 1.57780670D-04 280 1.5 5731904D-04 281 1.53666756D-04 282 1.51590287D-04 283 1.49525065D-04 284 1.47497844D-04 285 1.45543258D-04 286 1.4 3712899D-04 287 1.42096303D-04 288 1.40868922D-04 289 1.40373379D-04 290 1.66753713D-04 291 1.66130374D-04 292 1.6 4783987D-04 293 1.63123980D-04 294 1.61283972D-04 295 1.59240169D-04 296 1.57081836D-04 297 1.55031699D-04 298 1.5 2988551D-04 299 1.50933093D-04 300 1.48876408D-04 301 1.46841281D-04 302 1.44862585D-04 303 1.42998844D-04 304 1.4 2379230D-04 311 1.60507234D-04 312 1.58444241D-04 313 1.56259591D I 314 1.54208351D-04 3] 1.52183350D-04 316 1.5 0147715D-04 317 1.481 ~D-04 318 1.46067480D- 319 1.44076157D-04 320 1.42192279D-04 321 1.40536944D-04 322 1.3 9329159D-04 323 1.38870873D-04 324 1.64873531D-04 325 1.64366537D-04 326 1.63108611D-04 327 1.61452433D-04 328 1.5 9569266D-04 329 1.57499099D-04 330 1.55306817D-04 331 1.53261674D-04 332 1.51253284D-04 333 1.49236259D-04 334 1.4 7205432D-04 335 1.45176704D-04 336 1.43184073D-04 337 1.41293766D-04 338 1.39635733D-04 339 1.38438613D-04' 340 1.3 7990452D-04 341 1.63709166D-04 342 1.63212149D-04 343 1.61988938D-04 344 1.60340764D-04 345 1.58465004D-04 346 1.5 6403434D-04 347 1.54221064D-04 348 1.52189031D-04 349 1.50196960D-04 350 1.48196958D-04 351 1.46181709D-04 352 1.4 .4165995D-04 353 1.42183453D-04 354 1.40300940D-04 355 1.38650835D-04 356 1.37463832D-04 357 1.37021306D-04 RESULTS FOR TIME STEP 2 TIME INCREMENT 3.1558D+07 SECONDS LAST SOLUTION HAS BEEN STORED ON UNIT 66 ~** SUTRA SIMULATION TERMINATED AT COMPLETION OF TIME STEPS Uriah Inc. An Environmental Services Company REMEDIAL ACTION PLAN FOR BAKER'S WELDING SUPPLY 3505 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA FEBRUARY 28, 1994 464 Lindbergh Avenue · Livermore, California 94550 · (415) 455-4991 Uriah Inc. An Environmental Services Company February 28, 1991 Ms. Delores Gough, Hazardous Materials Specialist Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services Hazardous Materials Management Program 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Remedial Action Plan for Baker's Welding Supply, 3505 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA Dear Ms. Gough: This document has been prepared with the approval of Linde Gases of the West, Inc. and is intended to respond to requirements for additional work which you set forth in recent correspondence in a manner which meets the guidelines and standards for said work established by the Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services Hazardous Materials Management Program and the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). WATER QUALITY DATA ACQUIRED ATTENDANT TO SITE C~RACTERIZATION On May 2, August 7, and November 29, 1990, samples of groundwater were acquired from on site monitoring wells previously installed by Uriah and designated as' MW-1 thorough MW-6. These samples were each obtained from developed--wells in a manner consistent with Standard sampling, storage, and transportation protocols and submitted for certified laboratory analyses for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline (TPH-G), benzene, toluene, total xylenes, and ethylbenzene (BTX&E) using D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. and EPA Methods 5030/8020, respectively. The results of these analyses may be summarized as follows: WELL # AND DATE TPH-G BENZ TOL XYL E-BENZ MW-1 5/2/90 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 8/7/90 ............. WELL DRY ............... 11/29/90 ............. WELL DRY ............... 464 Lindbergh Avenue · Livermore, California 94550 · (415) 455-4991 5/2/90 3?0 43 33 26.3 31 8/7/90 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 11/29/90 ............. WELL DRY .............. MW-3 5/2/90 11,000 360 3,100 1,590 30~ 8/7/90 6,000 220 2,700 720 84 11/29/90 18,000 200 3,800 3,110 260 M-4 5/2/90 1,900 110 110 406 N.D. 8/7/90 120 5.6 35 8.9 N.D. 11/29/90 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. M-5 5/2/90 6,000 68 130 969 290 8/7/90 7,100 48 470 1,490 380 11/29/90 640 26 19 154 3.5 MW-6 5/2/90 83 N.D. N.D. 2 N.D. 8/7/90 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.'D. N.D. 11/29/90 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. All concentrations are in parts per billion (ppb). Benz, Tol, Xyl, E-Benz...Benzene, Toluene, Total xylenes, and ethylbenzene. ~4easurements made during December of 1990 indicate that the groundwater flow direction for the area is from North-Northeast (NNE) to South-Southwest (SSW). This flow is influenced by the layer of soil with gravel illustrated within Figures #2 and 3, attached. The hydraulic conductivity and porosity within the referenced layer are higher than in surrounding soils; and so one can expect the primary direction of contaminant flow to be along this layer. A decrease in contaminant concentrations would be expected to the Southwest due to this "washing" factor. The laboratory results are also indicative of a decrease of contaminant concentrations over time at MW-4, MW-5, and MW-6. The differences in depths to water at MW-3 (60.65) and MW-4 (60.76) appears to have allowed contaminant transport and accumulation in the area of MW-3 (an area of improved geological storage to the Northwest) despite the fact that the primary direction of ground%~ater flow is to the SSW. PROPOSED METHOD OF REMEDIATION In consideration of hydrogeological data previously acquired (and summarized above), it is proposed that an injection- extraction system be employed to facilitate biological 2. detoxification of waters and soils impacted by TPH-G and its aromatic constituents (BTX&E). Specifically, it is proposed existing monitoring wells, MW-3 and MW-5, (which are located within the areas of greatest contamination) be utilized as extraction points to remove contaminated groundwater; and that this water be delivered to a surface treatment unit which would consist of a fluidized-bed bioreactor vessel and ancillary equipment (pumps, storage tanks, etc.) contained within a fenced and bermed area. Specifics of the pumping system would be determined through the application of the SUTRA software package developed by the U.S. Geological Survey and the U.S. Air Force. At such time as the SUTRA model is developed, a comprehensive time line for all compliance activities may be developed. The reactor vessel would contain a consortium of non-pathogenic,~ hydrocarbon utilizing bacteria capable of thoroughly aerobically degrading (i.e. mineralizing) fuel hydrocarbons to form the non-toxic end products of carbon dioxide, minerals, and water. A schematic of the treatment unit; an overview of biological detoxification processes in general; and pilot study data are presented herein as Appendix '~C" System efficiency is expected to be such that treated waters ~ will contain hydrocarbons in concentrations no greater than ten times drinking water standards. It is proposed that a portion of this treated water be discharged to the sanitary sewer under permit...while the balance of the water, now "conditioned" (i.e. containing high levels of dissolved oxygen, nutrients, and hydrocarbon utilizing bacteria) be reinjected -~-~dient wells MW-2 and MW-4 in order to facilitate in- situ biodegradation of hydrocarbon contaminants resident in both groundwater and soils within the c~apillary fring~_ Contamination which may persist at 20 feet within soils in the area of MW-5 could also be remediated through the injection of "conditioned" water at this depth, likely during the initial / start up of the system...during which time groundwater would be extracted only from MW-3. It is proposed that confirmation of the effectiveness of the groundwater treatment system be%by the sampling of 500 gallon~ batches of treated waters during the first several days of system operation. At such time as certified laboratory analysis of these samples confirm the effectiveness of the treatment system, it if further proposed that continuous discharge be permitted with confirmation sampling for compliance to be undertaken quarterly. Samples would be introduced into two (2) Volatile Organic Analysis (VOA) vials which would be promptly sealed with teflon-lined screw caps, labeled, placed on blue ice, and transported to a certified hazardous waste analytical laboratory under chain of custody for subsequent analysis for TPH-G and BTX&E using previously referenced D.O.H.S. and EPA methodology. 3. Assurance of sample quality would be provided through the use of blanks and/or duplicates as specified by the Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services. It is proposed that confirmation of remediation of residual '~-~ soil contamination would be through analysis of soil vapors ~ aspirated through 7/8" diameter stainless steel probes which would be advanced to 15 feet and 20 feet below ground surface ~/~ -in the area of MW-5. Samples of soil gas thus acquired would be collected within standard gas sample bags/tubes, marked, and submitted for certified laboratory analysis for TPH-G and BTX&E. ~ On site activities would be Undertaken in accordance with the Health and Safety Plan previously submitted. A quarterly summary report would be submitted every three months which would provide an update of compliance activities; including results of certified and uncertified analyses for degradation rates, biological activity, intermediate product formation, and soil-water chemistry. Should you have any questions regarding this proposal, or if we may otherwise be of assistance, please contact either of the undersigned at (415).455-4991. Sincerely, Valentin Constantinescu, M.Sc. Hydrog eo 1 og i s t and VC/JB:dr enc. Appendix "A"...Area and Site Maps Appendix "B"...Geologic Cross Sections Appendix "C"...Details of Treatment System Appendix "D"...Professional Staff Vitae Appendix "A" " - 'J?. " 3RIAN ~L ST 78 URIAH ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. 464 LINDBERGH AVENUE, LIVERMORE, CA AT: Scale: N 1"= 2,200 ft. 3505 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA (~ Main Building I I I [ (~ Loading Dock I I 60.2~ o~ I ~w-4 I .~ Oroundwoter - 60.1 I I LP~ , i STORAGE ii ~ Monitoring Well J J : TANK Groundwater Gradient :~ Determined on 8/8/90 J J . by Uriah Ine: J Scale: I I 25 FEET I I J Figure ii1 Bakers Welding Supply ~T · . Project Number: 12190WF~~1 a ~ 3505 Pierce Road ' '' Bakersfield, CA An Environmental Services Company Appendix "B" ..: ' :". I A ~$) ~w-4 · ,_..~' ~'~ ~ '" ~"-~ (J) Monitoring Well A' 25 IrEET I B ,, LPG J 510RAgE I URIAH INC. Bokers Welding Supply I Prelect Number: 12190WF .3505 Pierce Road, Bokersfield, CA Date: May 1, 1990 I,Iodh A .A' MW - g MW - 4 MW- 2 I I I SM SW-SP . t0 ML //7 ~.' ML' ' 20 FeeLGradeBelow ", ~ - 30 SP ' 40 Geologic Cross Sec[ion A-A' URIAH INC. Baker's Welding Supply An Environmental Services Company Bakersfield California Job Number: 12190WF ' Dote' May 1, 1990 I I II II B B' M W-- S · MW- ~ MW- 1 SM . tO SW-SP ML '~ ~ ~ 20 Feet Below Grade - 80 s · URIAH INC Geologic Cross ~_e¢:t~on B--B' · An £nvironmontol $orvicos Company Baker's Welding Su. pplv Bakersfield, Cali~.orn. ia Job Number: 12190WF Doto: May 1, 1990 Hose a/4' <~ Hose 3/4' Holding Tank PVC Bio Flow lleter , Pump soils ~ ~ Existing Existing Sewer ~ ~e~ OVERVIEW OF TREATMENT SYSTEM PROPOSED FOR: UI IAH INC. An Environmental Services Company Baker' s Welding Supply 3505 Pierce Road Bakersfieldw CA 93301 DATE: February 28w 1 991 Elevation View SchemaLic Bioreaetor System URIAH INC. Schematic An Environmental Services Co. BIOREMEDIATION OF ORGANIC WASTES IN GROUNDWATER USING A FLUIDIZED BIOFILM REACTOR A Paper Presented To The National Water Well Association Conference In Las Vegas, Nevada May 17, 1990 URIAH, INC. BIOREMEDIATION OF ORGANIC WASTES IN GROUNDWATER USING A FLUIDIZED BIOFILM REACTOR TARLOCHAN So NIJJARw JOHN E o RAPP Contamination of groundwater by anth~opogeniG compounds is a problem which has appropriately received much attention in recent years. As the level of concern regarding this problem has risen, so has the demand for additional treatment alternatives; and many are now available in the marketplace, however, a number of these employ physical and chemical means which simply transfer contamination from one medium to another, or sequester the materials of concern. Remediation through biodegradation processes may reasonably be considered the most notable exception among available alternative technologies. As biological treatment has been a major component in the treatment of municipal and industrial waste waters for many years, the adaptation of biological processes to groundwater contamination events involving fuel hydrocarbons, solvents, or pesticides seems a logical step...one which should be expected to provide particularly efficient and cost effective remedies to a wide variety of public health and/or environmental sensitive problems which involve organic contaminants. This concept is by no means a new one. Data concerning engineered bioreactor systems may be found in technical references dating from the 1960s. These biological process reactors for water and waste water remediation are most often categorized with regard to the nature of the biological growth mechanism employed. When biomass is suspended as free organisms or microbial aggregates, the system is referred to as a "Suspended Growth Bioreactor, while those in which growth occurs on the surface, or within, a solid media are termed "Supported Growth" or "Fixed Film Bioreactors". A particularly efficient form of fixed film reactor is one in which biomass build up takes place on inert support media such as plastic, glass beads, or sand; or upon active media such as granular activated carbon. In both cases with the design utilized here, toxics degrading microorganisms resident on the biofilm support medium move between areas of varying substrate concentrations as contaminated water is introduced into the reactor system in a manner which lifts, expands, and fluidizes the bed. Each particle of support medium becomes covered with microorganisms which can mineralize pollutants to form the harmless end products of carbon dioxide, water, and minerals. The expansion (i.e. fluidization) process makes the bed more porous, allowing for large biomass and rapid contaminant degradation. Media characteristics impacting the performance of the fluidized reactor are particle size, density, surface roughness, and resistance to abrasion. Activated carbon, initially selected as the media of choice for its adsorption and high surface area properties, may prove inadequate under field conditions because of poor abrasion resistance and the tendency of individual particles to break away from' the top of the fluidized, wander through the recycling system, build up on filter surfaces, and clog pumps and valves. Aware of the values inherent in engineered reactor systems, Uriah, Inc. has sought to develop units which harness the positive contaminant degradation features attendant to bio- degradation processes while seeking concurrently to keep construction, installation, and operation costs to a minimum. In essence, to make available for the small site and the responsible party with limited funds, a "user friendly", small capacity, highly efficient system water treatment system. Test data acquired to date has shown that the system pictured in Figure #3 is well suited to meeting the stated goals; with benzene, acetone, and diesel fuel contaminated water have been successfully treated. The reactor was constructed in accordance with standard mechanical engineering principles. It consists of a 7'(H) x .5'(D) clear PVC column with a fluid holding capacity of approximately 6 gallons. The column is serviced by 1" copper piping, a single 1/6 horsepower circulating pump, manual and electronic values, a system of gauges, an air compressor, and nutrient feed system contained within an aluminum cabinet and powered by 110 AC at approximately 0.31 kw/hr. Influent, recycle, and effluent discharge are controlled by a series of valves on an electronic timing system. As nutrient enriched influent enters the column, recycle water/discharge effluent exit the column through a filter located near the top of the column. Adjustments in the rate of recycle and discharge are adjusted on the basis of contaminant concentrations and compound degradability- variables which may be determined through daily monitoring of reactor effluent for 2-5 days following the establishment of appropriate biomass. Subsequent to determining the proper 2. treatment period and discharge rate, other variables e.g. temperature, nutrients, dissolved oxygen, and pH can be held constant or adjusted in response to fluctuations in influent characteristics. Influent, effluent, and recycle water are moved into, through, and out of the system as illustrated in Figure ~1. The introduction of fluids at the column base lifts and expands the support medium which, in the unit described herein, consists of 3mm diameter ABS (TP) plastic cubes ~~y of ~0~ grams er cubic ' ter. The ABS occupies approximately one third of the volume of the reactor column at rest and is expanded approximately 100% during reactor operation. Companion reactors, of similar size and as large as 15 gallons per minute treatment capacity (a system which utilizes a 19 foot high reactor column), have been constructed which employ granular activated carbon (GAC) as a support medium, however, the wandering of random particles of GAC as previously referenced has been a problem which has been successfully addressed only through the utilization of specialized pumps...a system modification whose virtues are still being assessed. Fluidization is achieved by introducing the contaminated influent and recycled water into the base of the reactor column through a diffuser. In the absence of a diffuser, we have found that a portion of the support medium will not fluidize in response to "dead spots" along the base of the column. Upon being introduced as described, water moves upward through the bed at a velocity sufficient to expand the bed beyond the point at which the net downward force exerted by gravity is equaled. Once at, or beyond, this point of minimum fluidization, the particles comprising the support medium are individually hydraulically supported. Expansion of the bed through fluidization also results in mixed-flow conditions where the biomass containing support medium are set into a gentle rolling action which moves each piece of medium first up and then down the column...thus repeatedly cycling from greater to lesser concentrations of contaminants. This process prevents shock loadings to biomass and permits the entire population of hydrocarbon degrading microorganisms to participate in the degradation of significant concentrations of contaminants. Degradation inhibition is also suppressed by preventing the rapid build up of inhibitory intermediates, such as fatty acids, which, in turn, also aids in the prevention of pH depression. Fluidization also contributes to improved flow distribution' and minimizes resistance to mass transport due to reduced thickness of the hydrodynamic boundary layer. In order to maintain aerobic conditions within the reactor column, compressed air is also introduced at the column base through a flexible, tubular sparger of foam-like material. The sparger is formed into a circular pattern on the column floor and provides the high volume of small diameter air bubbles conducive to thorough aeration. The particles comprising support medium, properly fluid- ized and bathed with air, provide such a vast area for microbial growth that biomass concentrations five to ten times greater than those normally maintained in a suspended growth bioreactor system are expected, thus reducing the contact time necessary for. thorough degradation. The bio- reactor column was inoculated with bacterial seed consisting primarily of hydrocarbon utilizing bacteria obtained through culturing and enrichment of isolates from active sludge samples acquired from a muicipal waste water treatment facility. Being located in the San Francisco Bay Area, we had no difficulty in obtaining inoculum containing organisms well adapted to dealing with a variety of hydrocarbon contaminants. By adjusting the reactor's timing system and electronic valves, different volumes of treated water may be discharged at selected intervals. In the cases presented here, approx- imately one liter of water was discharged at 1 to 5 minute intervals after all six gallons contained within the reactor column had been cycled through the column one to five times. This cycling process enhances rapid degradation by providing repeated contact between the target contaminants and the entire biomass. Although the complete breakdown of hydrocarbon materials into carbon dioxide, water, and minerals is theoretically possible in almost any circumstance, real life experiences have shown that thorough detoxification usually requires careful management of biotic and abiotic parameters. This is true largely due to the fact that petroleum hydrocarbons are very complex mixtures containing large number of alicyclic, aromatic, and other compounds. Each compound possesses physical and chemical characteristics which differ in their capacity to serve as microbial substrates (i.e. to be used by bacteria and fungi as sources of carbon and electrons). Bacterial utilization of the hydrocarbons present in the contaminated water introduced into the bioreactor commonly involve oxygenase enzymes (these being chemical compounds whose catalytic action is necessary for the transformation of oxygen). The compressed air supplied to the system supplies the molecular oxygen necessary for this process. While the contaminants are themselves a rich 4. source of carbon, the addition of mineral nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, and micronutrients) is usually necessary and these were supplied to the waters treated to data by metering calculated volumes of commercial fertilizer solution into the influent line. Waters treated . to date have required no pH adjustment, however, significant pH fluctuations are likely with some contaminants. Should this occur, the p~ of the system may be balanced by adjusting the p~ of the nutrient supply. Likewise, no manipulation of water temperature has been necessary; however, heaters _ and insulation may be added for cold wearer applications. Other additions to the basic system may include compounds to serve as co-oxidizers or primary substrates to trigger secondary substrate utilization. Although not necessary in the cases presented here, these capabilities are important features for treatment systems seeking to remediate to drinking water standards, or comply with non-degradation policies specifying detoxification to below detection levels. Co-oxidation is a process in which compounds which otherwise would not be degraded can be attacked by enzymes due to the abilities of the microorganisms producing those enzymes to utilize other hydrocarbons within the petroleum mixture. Secondary substrate utilization is the process whereby a substrate which does not supply sufficient energy or carbon for cell growth and maintenance is used/degraded along with a primary substrate which occurs, or is introduced, in order to meet these needs. Sites where it is necessary to remediate organic contaminants in large volumes and as rapidly as possible favor the use of fluidized-bed technology. Microbial detoxification and degradation of complex organic molecules normally require a long solids retention/cell residence time. This is not the case with a fluidized-bed system. In addition, specific microbial populations capable of degrading particular contaminants may be maintained. This is achieved by selection, enrichment, and application of specified oligotrophic bacteria which are capable of surviving in low substrate environments. In some cases it is possible that an anthropogenic compound in low concentrations may be as easily degraded as at higher concentrations. Should this low substrate threshold effect be encountered due to lack of enzyme induction or activation, secondary substrate utilization/co-oxidation principles may be employed. While a certain amount of biomass is expected to be lost from all biofilm reactors during each treatment cycle, this 5. loss is minimized in the fluidized system as most of the biomass is attached to the support media and is resistant to sheer. In an ideal system, the biomass loss will be less than the rate of growth of new biofilm. Aware of a number of sites at which shallow groundwater is contaminated with gasoline/benzene, and acetone, it was deemed appropriate for these compounds to be introduced into bioreactors in concentrations simulating field conditions. These compounds were excellent "test" chemicals because of their high solubilities in water. The test process consisted of creating a 55 gallon solution containing a known'concentration of the target contaminant and then pumping it through the reactor unit. Recycle and discharge rates of the reactor were set to correspond to calculated rates of degradation. Reactor effluent was collected in Volatile Organics Analysis (VOA) vials from the discharge line. The vials were promptly sealed with teflon-lined screw caps, marked, and placed on blue ice pending transport to a certified hazardous waste laboratory where they were analyzed used specified EPA methodology. Test results are summarized below: TABLE #1- BENZENE, Physical/Chemical Parameters TREATMENT TIME LEVELS OF BENZENE % DO pH TEMP 0 96.0 ppb 17.9 7.5 21 5 2.3 ppb 14.4 7.7 23 10 2.4 ppb 13.8 7.5 25 15 2.6 ppb 14.5 7.5 23 Ambient temperature: 19 TABLE #2- ACETONE, Physical/Chemical Parameters TREATMENT TIME LEVELS OF ACETONE % DO pH TEMP 0 28.0 4.0 7.5 24 1 3.7 - - - 2 4.2 - - - 3 3.5 - - - 4 3.7 - - - 5 3.7 3.5 7.4 25 Ambient temperature 17 ppm...parts per million ppb...parts per billion All temperatures in degrees C Samples were acquired after allowing the reactor column' to fill completely with contaminated water. TABLE #3- BENZENE, Biotic Parameters Nitrogen/Phosphorus Ratio: 5:1 BACTERIAL POPULATIONS TIME (MINUTES) POPULATION (NO/ml) 0 0.88 million 5 1.10 million 10 0.96 million 15 1.70 million TABLE #4- ACETONE, Biotic Parameters Nitrogen/Phosphorus Ratio: 5:1 BACTERIAL POPULATIONS TIME (MINUTES) POPULATION (NO/ml) 5 1.80 million As indicated within the preceding tables, the levels of benzene in water were reduced by 97.3% to 97.6% within five minutes; while the levels of acetone in water were reduced 85.0% to 87.5% in only one minute. While drinking water standards were not achieved for benzene, lengthening the treatment cycle would be expected to result in further significant degradation of contaminants. Acetone 7. displayed the same general degradation pattern as benzene, but was more readily utilized by virtue of its more simplistic chemical structure. Elevated water temperatures recorded during reactor operation are interpreted as indicative of biological heat produced during exothermic metabolic reactions. Also, increases in bacterial populations were as expected when contaminated water was introduced into the column, with an initial drop off consistent with reductions with high contaminant concentrations. Although data acquired to date is somewhat limited, the engineering aspects of the system(s) described, are well studied, with units having been continuously operated for a number of months. Also, additional biodegradation data is being acquired and will be available in the near future. This data is expected to further support the value of low capacity, fluidized-bed units as a cost effective and easily maintained groundwater treatment alternative. 1. Alexander, M. Biode~radation of Chemicals of Environmental Concern, Science #211: 132-138 (1981). 2. Atlas, R.M., Biodegradation of Hydrocarbons in the Environment, Environmental Biotechnology #45: 211-222. 3. D.A.T.A. Inc., The International Plastics Selector, 1986. 4. Rittmann, B.E., et.al., Biode~radation of Trace Organic Compounds in Ground Water Systems, Technical Report No. 255, Department of Civil Engineering, Stanford University, CA. 1980. 5. Rittmann, B.E. and McCarty, P.L., Evaluation of Steady State Biofilm Kinetics, Biotech. Bioengineering, 22(11): 2359-2374 1980. 6. Rittmann, B.E., Comparative Performance of Biofilm Types, Biotech. Bioengineering, #24: 1341-1370, 1982. 7. Suidan, M.T., and Nabhla, G.F., Anaerobic Fluidized Treatment of Hazardous Waste, Environmental Biotech- nology #45: 295-306, 1987. 8. 8. Sutton, P.M., Biological Treatment of Surface and Ground Water, Pollution Engineering, July 86-90. Appendix "D" :--: ' ~'~ [. /... · John RaPP,.'. B~SC. ~ Eavir°nmental' MicrObiology, San Jose -~ " .,. it¥ 1983. · .. ~. '. State'UniVers , . WOrk Experience':..-. ?~...i fr j.' ( . .(:i'' ' ~ .. '-':.. --: :' ' Hr, RaPp.,..h~S~' e~ghtO. Yea~s experience asa :..h&~ard0Us ma~er[als. management professional with local government' and. private -- industry; and has overseen numerous assessment<and remedia~ion-. projects both as a regulator and service provide=. '.He-.'has~ . . developed and/or participated in the development of. a .. of alternative remediation technologies.and, analYtical ~, involving.biological'detoxification of:'soils...and groUndwater. Mr.-Rapp is a State,of. California Registered .Environmental Health Specialist.in good standing; and is the founder'of .Uriah,:In~. AntOny Skorupko, Ph'.D.,.Civil Engineering~",'Odessa SChool of Civil Engineering, Odessa., USSR~ -1965. '"- - .., Professional Contributions: ... Dr. Skorupko has authored more than twenty technical articles and holds a number of patents. Work Experience: Prior to joining Uriah, Dr. Skorupko served for nine years as Senior Engineer for the Department of Hydraulics and Environ- mental Protection, Polytechnical Institute~ Odessa, USSR; fOllow- ing thirteen years of service as an engineer with the Department of Hydraulics, Wastewater Systems Design~ Odessa. His responsi- bilities included design of facilities fo~ treatment and disposal of sludge, groundwater supply and remediation systems~ water and wastewater treatment plants; and biological and physio- chemical process equipment. Michael Wopat, Ph.D., Geology, University of California~ Berkeley, 1990o M.Sc., Geology, University of Wisconsin~ Madison, 1974. Registered Geologist #4445° Professional Contributions: 1. . -Dr~ Wopat-iS theauthor of ten.technical pub~icatio~S and papers~ ~'.-".Work en ". Dr. Wopat"s SerVed.'as a geologist' and principal investigator .... for. regional sCale geologic 'studies with the' Bendix Field : 'Engineer~ng...Corpo=ation, participated, in'fiel~-oriented studies .of neotectonicS!With theLawrence 'Berkeley Laboratory, and .:---- -.instr~cted at .the~'un!versity level~ Additional Work has been 'undertaken. fn'hy~rPge°logy.;, ge°chemistry, petroleum geolog~ : .'"'- 1980.. ' ..... Mathematics~ 'BUcharest~ 1988. .. . -Mr. Constantinescu served With the-Romanian::Institute~"0fGeol°gy and Geophysics, Department of Hydrogeology"and~Geophysical. Methods for Groundwater Detection'from.1983-1990'.:.He.hasserVed as the Senior Geologist and Project Leader in..oil..fiel~ .... ' contamination studies, nuclear power' plant location, studi~s~ and has extensive experience in hydrogeologic"andgeOelectri¢al methods.. ...... Jack Becker, P.E., B.Sc. Civil Engineering (Sanitation 0pt~n)'~.. University of California~ ~953;~'..'" ".-.': Registere~ Professional-Engineer.:#25472o Work Experience= ... .. ,.:....:.~ Mr. Becker, a State of California Registere~ civil. Engine~'~,' has thirty-five years of sanitary engineering, marketing, i'an~ research experience in water and wastewater systems~ hazardous - waste remediation; and surety and property claims'analysis~ Mr. Becket's skills include those related to the management' of soil and groundwater remediation projects~ preparation of'. environmental impact reports, industrial ~ater project'studieS~ and the design of sewage lift stations° . ....... Kevin N. McNemara, B.Sc., Geology, University of New 1979. ,'. Work Experience= .~*.' . Mr, NcNamara'~comes to Uriah. with ten years eXPerienCe as a ~.:.... 'Wellsi'te and consHltin~.'geoiogist i~the oil and gas exploration · i and 'geothermal industries~ a~d is skilled in th~ testing and -/.", analysis of geothermal steam Wells, and hydrogen sulfide f,'. abatement. HAs skills, are now being utilized in the environ- :'.i..' mental services, field .and ~nclude those related to sampl/ng/ .'.:. moni~oring~ si~e characteriZatiOn, and remedial .technology' ~. ..... design, construction~ and operation~ . ,,. __ L ' ' ~ !".'i.:' 'Denise'RapP,[B,S~N~ (Cum~ a~del,' University .of Californiaat · . . ,. ,.~./.:...';.:,.. FreSn0~ 19'77.-:' "" - p ie % .,,"' ..... :' . -" Work Ex er n ~",' ~- - ~';-'- ....... " ' ~. ': "' ' ...'::~-? ·': " ..,- . ... , . '/,' :..:,:. ,.!..... . . ~s,.,'~apP. brings:.li3"-years of' expertense, as a"health' Care--- -. profess!onal.:and'..6-Years,in the'environkental services field"' '.to Uriah'as.its senior..technical write~":and:associate publiC~ i~p ct ' · . health a aSsessor. ' ..... ' ...... ' -'E'. Anthony Faver0~ B.A., Mathematics~ San. joSe;'~sta~e un't~rst~,i. 'Additional Academic Credentials: '' ~';'- ' With a 'minor in physics, Mr, Fay.to holdSa Standard _seCondar~ Teaching Credential in physical sciences and mathematics.. Post-graduate studies include mathematics~ chemistry~.geolog¥;'- and statistics. ,.~ ... Work Experience: Mr. Fay.to has participated in civil engineering and land survey. activities with the United States Forest Service and has considerable teaching experience. Jeffrey C. Schafer, B.Sc., Agricultural Engineering, California Polytechnic State University, ~990o Work Experience: Mr. Schafer has designed heating, ventilating, and air condition- ing systems, and harvesting equipment; and investigated improved methods of plowing, planting, and harvesting corn silage. His engineering skills are now focused on biological detoxification methodology. .... Tar~o~b~n So N~jjar~ M?sc;.', 'BiologiCal Sciences, .... ' ~. . -'- '.Un~versity-~ Amrtstar,. india, 1986 "- ' : ~ ':i.'~.- '' .-. 'B.s'c~ ,,. :BiologY ~ and/.Chem£stry, G.N,Do -- _: Toxic and~cytogenetic 'effects. of common environmental pollutants .. Work Experience: ..... . ,. : . Mutagenic and'.i.~last°genic'effects of s:ele¢ted~pestiCides. Anti- mutagenic'and_anti-Clastogenic effectSof selected oxidants. Management of"the"'microb~ological aspects of"numeroUs..soils and groundwater:remediation, proJects invoiving:aerObic and. anaerobic'procesSes. -Mr. Nijjar also'has sign~ficant eXPerien=e in the development and utilization of .fluidi. Zed~bed.'and':.~acked column.bioreactor:systems. ' '" ""- ? '~''~ .... · ... ".~ ::. , -. Eddy Tabet, M.Sc., Civil Engineering, Columbia:'UniVer~£ty~ 'N,Y'.:,. ~983. ..... ,.. - B.Sc., Civil Engineering, Columbia~.Universit¥,,..]9.~2. ri '"~' Work Expe ence: -- As a California Registered Professional Engineer, Mr~'Tabe~' provides direct service and consulting support to Uriah' On matters of civil and environmental enginee=in~ · Mr;..Tabet'has- ', significant experience in the environmental field,' i~'part£cu'lar as it relates to fueling facilities. He has been responsible.. for the operations of an LPG and gasoline.~hipping and'receiving terminal, specified and installed maritim~ pipelines~.and-has - performed design and analysis tasks for major structures-.- including airports, nuclear power plants~ and bridges. Lewis F. Rapp Work Experience: With 30 years experience in the engineering design and.· development of municipal water and waste ~ater treatment and numerous other civil engineering projects, Mr, Rappbrings... considerable skill to Uriah as the person most responsible the engineering design and construction of Uriah~s fluidized~. bed bioreactor systems .... - Tom! Lacey, B;A. ,. Marketing,.. Christian Bros-, College, ~Illino£s, .'Experience= ': "' -' Work :. - '~-' ': As: a founding member.-of:.. . the/California:MUShrOom' Growers ~ '._:'" CoOperative. and. Ow~.er':of tw~:..'mushroom-~ f.a~., s,. :Mr.. LaCey. ha'S _.---~.. considerable exPerience:Pi-th.mushroom' pr0duc2s,..He'iS the 'developer of! unique .!stra~ns.-Of' comPOst,.' compost .related __ ~' .:"?materials,'and 'soils.handling:'equipment'..which ~ave..pro~en't0 "..--.'be .of.' Significant ...... valUe'in 's~i].s:.and .gr0u~dwater treatment Roger. Debaun Owen, .B.iA'~.j"i. Environm&ntal Plann~ng~ ... -. of California at Santa~Cruz~_1980,. Mr:.- Owen has experience in'both marketing and the..'prepara~i0~ of Environmental Impact Reports, Environmental:-Impact:'Statements,- and Environmental, Urban, and H~storical/Cultural Resource': Planning documents. Environmental impact 'study.emphases included geologic hazard analysis, hydrologic impact'analysis~. air quality monitoring, development feasibili~y, publiccoSt/ benefit studies, and biotic resource surveys and inventories.