HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK FILE #1 Uriah Inc. An Environmental ~ckaged ~a,es Decembe= 31 2678 Bishop Drive, Suite 200 San Ramon, CA 94583 Re: Quarterly groundwater monitoring well sampling report for 3505 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. Callahan: Please find enclosed the quarterly groundwater monitoring well sampling report prepared by Uriah, Inc. on your behalf for the above referenced facility. For your convenience, copies of this report have been included. It is recommended that a copy be forwarded to each the following regulatory agencies: Kern County Health Department Department of Environmental Health Services 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: Delores Gough Central Valley Region Water Quality Control Board 3443 Routier Road Sacramento, CA 95827-3098 Attention: Bob Turner ~ ~ 0~ If you have any questions, or if we may otherwise be of assistance, please contact one of the undersigned at (415) 455- 4991 . Sincerely, Becker, P.E. il Engineer and 464 Lindbergh Avenue · Livermore, California 94550 · (415) 455-4991 Denise A. Rapp Vice-President, Uriah, Inc. JB: DAR: ms e~c. Uriah Inc. An Environmental Services Company QUARTERLY GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL SAMPLING REPORT REGARDING BAKER' S WELDING 3505 PIERCE ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CA DECEMBER 31, 1990 464 Lindbergh Avenue · Livermore, California 94550 · (415) 455-4991 Uriah Inc. An Environmental Services Company QUARTERLY GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL SAMPLING REPORT: On November 29, 1990, Uriah Inc. staff collected one groundwater sample from each of four of the six existing groundwater monitoring wells located at 3505 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA. Two of the existing wells (#MW-1 and #MW-2) were not sampled as they were found to contain no groundwater at this time. METHODOLOGY The volume of water stored in each well was calculated by measuring the total well depth and the depth to water using an electrical sounding tape. Each well was then purged of three or more well volumes, using a clean, new, polyethylene bailer until the pH, conductivity, and temperature were stabilized. Measurements of pH, conductivity, and temperature are referenced within APPENDIX "A", attached. In each case, subsequent to the purging of each well, a groundwater sample was collected using a new, disposable, polyethylene bailer lowered into the well just below the water surface. The sample was immediately transferred into two (2) 40 ml. Volatile Organic Analysis (VOA) vials, promptly sealed with teflon-lined, screw caps, labeled, placed on blue ice, and then transported under chain of custody to a certified hazardous waste analytical laboratory for analysis for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline (TPH-G), benzene, toluene, total xylenes, and ethylbenzene (BTX&E) using D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. method with individual constituents by EPA Methods 5030/8020. Extracted groundwater, in addition to that acquired for laboratory analysis, was placed into a covered DOT drum for on site storage pending receipt of laboratory data. LABORATORY RESULTS Copies of all laboratory results as received from the certified hazardous waste analytical laboratory are enclosed within APPENDIX "A", attached. Certified analytical results are 464 Lindbergh Avenue · Livermore, California 94550 · (415) 455-4991 summarized in the following chart: SAMPLE # MATRIX TPH-G (B T X E) (ppb) (ppb) MW-1 water --- well dry, no sample obtained--- MW-2 water --- well dry, no sample obtained--- MW-3 water 18,.000 200 3,800 3,110 260 MW-4 water N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. MW-5 water 640 26 19 154 3.5 MW-6 water N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D .... Non-Detected TPH-G...Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline B...Benzene T...Toluene X...Total Xylenes E...Ethylbenzene ppb...Parts per billion CONCLUSIONS All constituents analyzed for in MW-3 and MW-5 were found to be above the limits of laboratory detection. All constituents analyzed for in MW-4 and MW-6 were found to be below the limits of laboratory detection. (~ Main Building ( Loading Dock I YW-3 60.65 ~ MW-4 MW- AF 0 ~ 60.76 (BEY) Monitoring Well Placements On I~E-~l'~----OonerolDirection Of This Site Map Are Based On The Groundwater Flow. Southwest Corner Of Main Building  (See Site Notes). ~.~ o, 60.19 '60.30 I .w-~ SITE NOTES: MW-6 · Site Survey Completed And Ground Water · (DRY) Gradient Determined On 11/28/90 By 60.19 Uriah, Inc. Monitoring Well Positions For This Site Map Were Determined By A Cartesian Coordinate System With The Origin At The Southwest Corner Of The LPG Main Building. STOR^CE Scale: TANK /t) Monitoring Well i I I 1"=20' Bakers Welding Supply U' h I ProjectNumber: 12190WF Fla 3505 Pierce Road Bakersfield, CA An Environmental Services'Company URIAH E}iV!R.3X?.-i>;TAL SERVICES, iNC. ~ "6'~ RGH .......... SITE LOCATION: ScaZe (Hiles N 3505 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL SAMPLING DATA FOR: BAKER'S WELDING SUPPLY 3505 PIERCE ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CA WELL WELL DEPTH TO WELL MINIMUM VOL. TO NO. DEPTH WATER TABLE VOL. BE PUMPED (FEET) (FEET) (GAL.) (GAL.) MW-1 35.36 .... MW-2 39.20 MW-3 43.74 39.83 0.62 1.87 MW-4 41.95 39.52 0.38 1.2 MW-5 44.40 40.25 0.66 1.99 MW-6 44.89 40.00 0.8 2.4 SAMPLE: #MW-3 DATE: NOVEMBER 29, 1990 TIME GAL. pH CONDUCTIVITY TEMPERATURE PUMPED (umhos/cm) (De~rees C) 9:13 AM INIT. 7.2 200 18 9:44 AM 1.0 7.0 220 18 10:11 AM 2.5 7.0 230 18 SAMPLE: #MW-4 DATE: NOVEMBER 29, 1990 TIME GAL. pH CONDUCTIVITY TEMPERATURE PUMPED (umhos/cm) (De~rees C) 8:41 AM INIT. 7.1 210 18 8:49 AM 0.5 7.1 210 18 9:19 AM 1.0 7.2 220 18 10:31 AM 2.0 7.1 220 18 SAMPLE: #MW- 5 DATE: NOVEMBER 29, 1 990 TIME GAL. pH CONDUCTIVITY TEMPERATURE PUMPED (umhos/cm) (Degrees C) 11:26 AM INIT. 7.1 180 19 11:34 AM 1.0 7.1 190 19 12:00 PM 2.0 7.1 190 19 12:22 PM 3.0 7.1 190 19 SAMPLE: #MW- 6 DATE: NOVEMBER 29, 1990 TIME GAL. pH CONDUCTIVITY TEMPERATURE PUMPED (umhos/cm) (De~rees C) 11:15 AM INIT. 7.1 260 18 11:23 AM 1.0 7.1 250 18 11:42 AM 2.0 7.1 240 18 12:04 PM 3.0 7.1 240 19 LABORATO RI ES, {* . - : · *~ ~ - * ? ,-410OATLA~ CT,; BAKERSFIELD, CAUFORNIA'tI~011'PH~NE (805) · : · '. .. * . ,.. -. /. , ._r . . , . . · -~ ., _ .~" .. .'. ,' . . ' *.. . ..; ~Urgeable, . Ar°mat~[cs' · "~" * "'" '*~ .'.. :.":',' · ",.~:"*':': ' ' ' (WATER):- ·. - . .,' ..~ ... .,,.~,_~: , .- (..!:".:[., .': .... :., ... ~ .. _ ' . URI~I Date:'.0f"--:' "": ' 464 LI~BERGH '-,: ".'...: ._'":. ";".' :.. : ::.... -. ... ~""LI~O~, C~ '94550'-.' ~' :' .:f' . ': .' .... '. . .- ...... Attn,: '~'FA~R0. :_ .415-455;4991 "'"~'::':' '- Sample Description: LINDE-B~: ~-3, 11/26/90 ~ 10:16 (~ATER) . Date Sample .. Date Sample Date Analysis Collected~ . ,. ' ,.Received 6. Lab~ Completed~/.-. : . 11/26/90 · " "' "11/29/90 '. 12-3-90': :: ' - -. ' ': ' Minimum RePOrting Analysis ~ Reporting constituents' -' .,' Units' Results ,.,Leveti~ Benzene ~g/L 200. 50. Toluene ~g/L 38000 50~ '- Ethyl Benzene ~g/L 2600 " '50. ', o-Xylene pg/L 1100; ' '50, " m-Xylene ~g/L 14000 50..' p-Xylene Mg/L 610. 50. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) ug/L 18000. 5000. TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method Individual constituents by Modified EPA Method 5030/8020. As Received Basis Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 ENVIRONMENTAL ,,,,-,,,,,- . ------ ..,INC, ' . * . ,- ~- . · J.J. EGUN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. ~" 410O*A~Ut~ CT4 BAKERSFIEED;*CAUFORNL~ ~ PHONE(80~ ~2~-49iI FAX (81~ ~1918 · ' '~". : " '(WATER) * ' ~ - URIl~l. ENVZRONMENTAL. sERVZcEs~ ZNC; - ': ' ' - - Date 'of- -- - 464 LI~B~OH > .'" "~ ...... -' .-' '" '~ ' Re~:s 12/05'/90 LI~O~, '~: 94550" '" '*'" ' :' - ' .... ' ~ttn. ~ ~O~ FAIRS 415-455-499i .... ... S~ple Descrlp~ion~ LI~g-B~ ~-4, 11/26/90 ~ lO~38.~(~A~gR)-- Date 8~ple Date 8ample Da~::'Analysis;'. · ~" "- Collected~ Received ~ ~: ~pleteds. ~/26/9o '~/29/9o 12.~a9o · -~."_ .,.. Constituents Un~ts Results '- ' ' ..... ~vel --- Benzene pg/L None Detectsd: .' - ':~ O~5 . Toluene pg/L None Detected ~,,~ '" ' 0~5. - · . · · Ethyl Benzene pg/L None Detected'- o-Xylene pg/L None Detected ' . .. m-Xylene pg/L None Detected. : '"" 0.5 .: p-Xylene . pg/L None Detected O. 5 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) ~g/L None Detected TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method Individual constituents by Modified EPA Method 5030/8020° As Received Basis Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 BWI~ONM~NTAL - 41~ A~ ~ BAK~D,-~RN~ ~ PHONE ~*~1'i 'F~ ~ ~.19~8 - .(~) .. ~ttn. ~ ~ FA~RO ' .. '.4i5~455-i991 ' ' :" ' ' '*: -/' ~' ~* 1033i~3' Date 8~ple Date 8~ple Date, Analys~s~. ....... - ' ..' 11/29/90 ,12-3-90' --: - ' ' Minimum Re~rting Analysis 'Reporting,. Constituents Units .' Results ' ' -" 'Level Benzene pg/L 26, ,' 2 ,. Toluene ~g/L 19~% 2, Ethyl Benzene ug/L 3,5 ' 2, o-Xylene Mg/L 46, : 2,~; m-Xylene ug/L 60, 2 ~ p-Xy lene ug/L 48, 2, Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) Mg/L 640, 200, TEST METHOD: TPH by D,O,H,S, / L,U.F,T. Manual Method Individual constituents by Modified EPA Method 5030/8020, As Received Basis Comments: California D,O,H,S, Cert, $1186 ~ . ~nalyst . ENVIRON~L Benzene gg/L None Detected "'0.5 ' Toluene ~g/L Rone Detected ", .. . -' O. Ethyl Benzene pg/L Rone Detected m-Xylene gg/L None Detected, -.- p-Xylene ~g/L None Det~cted~" ' ' ..... 0.5- . Total Petroleum Hydrocarbone (ga~) ~g/L Ron~ D~tected · TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method ,-' Individual constituents by Modified EPA Method 5030/80200 As Received Basis Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. $1186 ~ [nalyst . . /~I'R~ . ...:' . J.J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR .... -... · ' - . -- ' ' 4100-ATLAS'CT.~ BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 11~)8 PHONE (805) ~27.4911 'FAX (805) 327',~918 ' · ' .-~-~'~'r~l'. GASOLINE: . , ... ,. :...., . ~uazz~y' .-'... :./ .... URIAH ENVIRONHgNTAL SERVICBS~ .INC.' ·'''' -- .Spike ID:'-103.21~2. 464 LINDBERGH " '~ Analysis Date:" 03-.,Dec~90 '."~:; . .i../' "' ' :' LIVBRNORE, CA' 94550.~ '.,i i ' '" .Sample Natrtx: ~ATRR' "' .. Attention: TONY FAVERO '.~ ' . -- Ouality Control for Lab Nos: 10331-1, 10331-2~ 10331-3, 10331-4 . '- ~ Dup .- Spike Spike Spike Constituent ~ Rec ~ Rec 'RPD Benzene 100,56 93069 7.07. Toluene 88,85 81o33 8.84 Ethyl Benzene 97,57 89059 8053 QC Comments: . ~ (415) 4~5-4991 Office .. · ~ ~o~=~ s~,~ co=~ (~> ~-~oo~ ~ '~}Chain Of CuStody DA~ .~ ,~ ,,, ~ ... xz .- ' :'" ' ' .~' . ' ' ~]~ ~ " .:..] M ~-~ · /o~ _~ ,,, x ' ...,- ~-'~-~ ,~ I~ ~ : """"" "'~':-' ':' .... ..-~' . "' ,-"';*:.' "*- ':"t {~' '~' '"'::' ""' "' .... * "*~;'", ' :: ..... . .: ;: .:. ,,. . .. , . ": ;~' ' ' ';* ' ': " ~*: '"' ~-'"' ' :' *'" 2~, · .. --'"" .... . ' : -" ' RE~ ~ ~~ '." ~...... .. ~"~ -. '.." ~,M~t~ ~,.~; ' -' .' ~ .... ... -- . .... ' . ].~.) : - ,- :- . . ,-.' , : ~ - _ ~ . ., O~ Uriah lnc An Environmental Services Company QUARTERLY GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL SAMPLING REPORT FOR: , BAKER'S WELDING 3505 PIERCE ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CA SEPTEMBER 28, 1990 464 Lindbergh Avenue · Livermore, California 94550 · (415) 455-4991 Uriah Inc. An Environmental Services Cornpan September 28, 1990 Mr. Sam Rohn Regional Environmental Coordinator Union Carbide- Linde Division 2678 Bishop Drive, Suite 200 San Ramon, CA 94583 Re: Quarterly groundwater monitoring well sampling report for 3505 Pierce Road, Bakersfield~ CA Dear Mr. Rohn: Please find enclosed the quarterly groundwater monitoring well sampling report prepared by Uriah, Inc. on your behalf for the above referenced facility. For your convenience, copies of this report have been included° It is recommended that a copy be forwarded to each the following regulatory agencies: Kern County Health Department Department of Environmental Health Services 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: Delores Gough Central Valley Region Water Quality Control Board 3443 Routier Road Sacramento, CA 95827-3098 Attention: Bob Turner If you have any questions, or if we may otherwise be of assistance, please contact one of the undersigned at (415) 455- 4991 . Sincerely, Jeremy Bartlett, MSc Geologist and 464 Lindbergh Avenue · Liverrnore, California 94550 · (415) 455-4991 Denise A. Rapp Vice-President, Uriah, Inc. JB: DAR: ms enc. Uriah Inc. An £ vironmental Services Company QUARTERLY GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL SAMPLING REPORT: On August 7 and 8, 1990, Uriah Inc. staff collected one groundwater sample from each of five of the six existing groundwater monitoring wells located at 3505 Pierce Road~ Bakersfield, CA. One of the existing wells (#MW-l) was not sampled as it was found to contain no groundwater at this time° METHODOLOGY The volume of water stored in each well was calculated by measuring the total well depth and the depth to water using an electrical sounding tape. Each well was then purged of four or more well volumes, using a WaTerra brand hand pump until the pH, conductivity, and temperature were stabilized. Measurements of pH, conductivity, and temperature are referenced within APPENDIX "A", attached. In each case, subsequent to the purging of each well, a groundwater sample was collected using a new~ disposable~ polyethylene bailer lowered into the well just below the water surface. The sample was immediately transferred into two (2) 40 ml. Volatile Organic Analysis (VOA) vials, promptly sealed with teflon-lined, screw caps, labeled, placed on blue ice, and then transported under chain of custody to a certified hazardous waste analytical laboratory for analysis for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline (TPH-G), benzene~ toluene~ total xylenes, and ethylbenzene (BTX&E) using DoO.H.So L.UoFoTo method with individual constituents by EPA Methods 5030/8020° Extracted groundwater, in addition to that acquired for laboratory analysis, was placed into a covered DOT drum for on site storage pending receipt of laboratory data° LABORATORY RESULTS Copies of all laboratory results as received from the certified hazardous waste analytical laboratory are enclosed as APPENDIX "B". Certified analytical results are summarized in the 464 Lindbergh Avenue · Livermore, California 94550 · (415) 455-4991 following chart: SAMPLE # MATRIX TPH-G (B T X E) (ppb) (ppb) MW-1 water --- well dry, no sample obtained--- MW-2 water N.D. N.D. N.D. NoDo NoDo MW-3 water 6,000 220 2~700 720 84 MW-4 water 1 20 5 o 6 35 8 o 9 N o D o water 7, 1 00 48 470 1~ 490 380 MW-6 water N.D. N.D. NoDo NoDo NoD~ N.D .... Non-Detected TPH-G...Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline B...Benzene T...Toluene X...Xylenes E...Ethylbenzene ppb...Parts per billion CONCLUSIONS All constituents analyzed for in MW-3~ MW-4~ and MW-5 were found to be above the limits of laboratory detection with the exception of Ethylbenzene in MW-%. All constituents analyzed for in MW- 2 and MW-6 were found to be below the limits of laboratory detection. The southwest direction of groundwater flow is unchanged from the previous gradient determination performed by Uriah on May 3, 1990 (see Figure #1). The water table was also found to be nearly 3 feet lower than when measured in May~ 1990~ indicating that no significant recharge has been supplied to this aquifer. (x~ Main Building I I,~ I (N2) Loading Dock I I 60.2// ~ I N General Direction of Groundwater Flow ~ ~o ,q I .: I 6o.~ ~D.1 I I STO~O[ il ~ Monitoring Well I TANK Groundwater Gradient ~ Determined on 8/8/90 I Sea]e: J Figure ttl Bakers We]ding Supply ~ ~ . Project Number: i2190WF F l ~.~ ..~ 3505 Pierce Road Bakersfield, CA An Environmenta~ Services Company ~ F 17126 '.' t ~RUXTUN CHESTER ~' i' }PALM ..... ON.i~NTAL SERVICES iNC URIAH --';'VT:~ '~':',~ , . 464 LZ;fZ'~zR~,, AVENUE, SITE LOCATION: Scale (Miles) 3505 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA APPENDIX ""A" GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL SAMPLING DATA FOR: BAKER' S WELDING SUPPLY 3505 PIERCE ROAD BAKERSFIELD ~ CA WELL WELL DEPTH TO WELL MINIMUM VOL. TO NO. DEPTH WATER TABLE VOL. BE PUMPED ( FEET ) ( FEET ) ( GAL. ) ( GAL o ) MW-1 35.36 ........ MW-2 39.20 36.19 0°5 1 °5 MW-3 43.50 36.78 1 ol 3°3 MW-4 42.30 36.38 1 o0 3°0 MW-5 43.75 36.79 1.1 3°3 MW-6 44.40 36.51 1 .3 3°9 SAMPLE: #MW- 2 DATE: AUGUST 7~ 1990 TIME GAL. pH CONDUCTIVITY TEMPERATURE PUMPED (umhos/cm) (Degrees C) 2:41 PM INIT. 6.9 860 22 2:47 PM 1.0 7.0 790 20 2:53 PM 2.0 7.0 770 19 3:00 PM 3.0 6.9 770 19 3:05 PM 4.0 6.9 760 19 3:13 PM 5.0 6.6 770 19 SAMPLE: #MW- 3 DATE: August 8~ 1990 TIME GAL. pH CONDUCTIVITY TEMPERATURE PUMPED (umhos/cm) (Degrees C) 10:38 AM INIT. 7.1 810 23 10:42 AM 1.0 7.0 740 20 10:47 AM 2.0 7.0 750 20 10:50 AM 3.0 6.9 740 19 10:54 AM 4.0 6.9 720 19 10:57 AM 5.0 6.9 730 19 11:01 AM 6.0 6.9 720 19 S~PLE: #MW-4 DATE: AUGUST 7, 1990 TIME GAL. pH CONDUCTIVITY TEMPERATURE PUMPED (umhos/cm) (Degrees C) 4:37 PM INIT. 6.6 900 22 4:43 PM 1.0 6.9 750 19 4:50 PM 2.0 6.9 730 19 4:56 PM 3.0 7.2 720 20 5:02 PM 4.0 7.0 720 20 5:08 PM 5.0 7.1 700 19 SAMPLE: #MW-5 DATE: AUGUST 8, 1990 TIME GAL. pH CONDUCTIVITY TEMPERATURE PUMPED (umhos/cm) (Degrees C) 11:55 ~ INIT. 6.6 730 21 11:59 AM 1.0 6.7 720 21 12:04 PM 2.0 6.8 750 20 12:08 PM 3.0 6.8 640 20 12:16 PM 4.0 6.8 640 21 12:20 PM 5.0 6.8 620 20 12:26 PM 6.0 6.8 620 20 SAMPLE: #MW- 6 DATE: AUGUST 7, 1990 TIME GAL. pH CONDUCTIVITY TEMPERATURE PUMPED (umhos/cm) (Degrees C) 5:53 PM INIT. 6.8 920 22 6:00 PM 1.0 7.0 820 20 6:05 PM 2.0 7.0 800 19 6:10 PM 3.0 7.0 790 19 6:14 PM 4.0 7.0 790 19 6:19 PM 5.0 7.0 780 19 ENRRONIIENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. PETROLEUiI ,L ,L EGUN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE :327-49'11 Purgeable Aromatics (WATER) Uriah Environmental D~te of 464 Lindbergh Report.' 20-Aug-90 Livermore, CA 94550 Attention: Tony Favero Lab No.: 6946-1 Sample Desc: Bakers Welding Supply BK#2 Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received @ Lab: Completed: 08-Aug-90 15-Aug-90 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/L none detected 0.5 Toluene ug/L none detected 0.5 Ethyl Benzene ug/L none detected 0.5 p-Xylene ug/L none detected 0.5 m-Xylene ug/L none detected 0.5 o-Xylene ug/L none detected 0.5 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/L none detected 50 (Gasoline) TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 5030/8020. As Received Basis Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 ENWRONYENT,4Z LABORATORIES, INC. IO~'T/~UII J.J. EGUN, REtt CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CAUFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (WATER) Uriah Environmental Date of 464 Lindbergh Report: 20-Aug-90 Livermore, CA 94550 Attention: Tony Favero Lab No.: 6946-2 Sample Desc: Bakers Welding Supply BK#3 Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received @ Lab: Completed: 08-Aug-90 15-Aug-90 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/L 220 10 Toluene ug/L 2,700 10 Ethyl Benzene ug/L 84 10 p-Xylene ug/L 150 10 m-Xylene ug/L 350 10 o-Xylene ug/L 220 10 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/L 6,000 1,000 (Gasoline) TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 5030/8020. As Received Basis Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 LABORATORIES, INC. ~Z~7~ & ~ EGU~, RE~ CHEM, ~ 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CAUFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (WATER) Uriah Environmental Date of 464 Lindbergh Report: 20-Aug-90 Livermore, CA 94550 Attention: Tony Favero Lab No.: 6946-3 Sample Desc: Bakers Welding Supply BK#4 Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received @ Lab: Completed: · 08-Aug-90 15-Aug-90 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/L 5.6 0.5 Toluene ug/L 35 0.5 Ethyl Benzene ug/L none detected 0.5 p-Xylene ug/L 2.3 0.5 m-Xylene ug/L 4.1 0.5 o-Xylene ug/L 2.5 0.5 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/L 120 50 (Gasoline) TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 5030/8020. As Received Basis Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIF, INC. .I~'TR0/,~I~ J.J. EGUN, REG. CHEM. EHGFI. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (WATER) Uriah Environmental Date of 464 Lindbergh Report: 20-Aug-90 Livermore, CA 94550 Attention: Tony Favero Lab No.: 6946-4 Sample Desc: Bakers Welding Supply BK#5 Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received '@ Lab: Completed: 08-Aug-90 15-Aug-90 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/L 48 20 Toluene ug/L 470 20 Ethyl Benzene ug/L 380 20 p-Xylene ug/L 880' 20 m-Xylene ug/L none detected 20 o-Xylene ug/L 610 20 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/L 7,100 2,000 (Gasoline) TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 503'0/8020. As Received Basis Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 F. NI/IRONYENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. /~7/~7~ll J.J. EGUN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CAUFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (WATER) Uriah Environmental Date of 464 Lindbergh Report: 20-Aug-90 Livermore, CA 94550 Attention: Tony Favero Lab No.: 6946-5 Sample Desc: Bakers Welding Supply BK#6 Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received @ Lab: Completed: .08-Aug-90 15-Aug-90 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/L none detected 0.5 Toluene ug/L none detected 0.5 Ethyl Benzene ug/L none detected 0.5 p-Xylene ug/L none detected 0.5 m-Xylene ug/L none detected 0.5 o-Xylene ug/L none detected 0.5 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/L none detected 50 (Gasoline) TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 5030/8020. As Received Basis Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 LABORATORIES, INC. PETROLEUI/ ~L J. EGUN, REG. CHEM. ENQR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 BTXE/TPH GASOLINE Quality Control Data Uriah Environmental Spike ID: OFW 464 Lindbergh Analysis Date: 15-Aug-90 Livermore, CA 94550 Sample Matrix: Water Attention: Tony Favero Quality Control for Lab Nos: 6946-1 Dup Spike Spike Spike Constituent % Rec % Rec RPD Benzene 104.40 99.18 5.13 Toluene 104.81 99.23 5.47 Ethyl Benzene 107.19 106.03 1.09 QC Comments: ..LABORATORIES, INC. PETI~ZUll J' J' EGUN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 BTXE/TPH GASOLINE Quality Control Data Uriah Environmental Spike ID: OFW 464 Lindbergh Analysis Date: 15-Aug-90 Livermore, CA 94550 Sample Matrix: Water Attention: Tony Favero Quality Control for Lab Nos: 6946-2, 6946-3 Dup Spike Spike Spike Constituent % Rec % Rec RPD Benzene 84.98 86.03 1.23 Toluene 85.14 88.99 4.42 Ethyl Benzene 86.39 86.13 0.30 QC Comments: .F. NW,9OIIMEI~L LABORATORIES, INC. pEmo~_~uu ~' ~' EC~UN. ,ECL c.,,,. 410o PIERCE FID.. BAKEFISFIELD. CALIFOFINIA 93308 PHONE BTXE/TPH GASOLINE Quality Control Data Uriah Environmental Spike ID: OFW 464 Lindbergh Analysis Date: 15-Aug-90 Livermore, CA 94550 Sample Matrix: Water Attention: Tony Favero Quality Control for Lab Nos: 6946-4 Dup Spike Spike Spike Constituent % Rec % Rec RPD Benzene 95.23 98.15 3.02 Toluene 97.22 97.71 0.50 Ethyl Benzene 101.14 100.22 0.91 QC Comments: LABORATORIES, INC. PETR0/,Z/,7~ J' J' EGUN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE FID., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 BTXE/TPH GASOLINE Quality Control Data Uriah Environmental Spike ID: OFW 464 Lindbergh Analysis Date: 15-Aug-90 Livermore, CA 94550 Sample Matrix: Water Attention: Tony Favero Quality Control for Lab Nos: 6946-5 Dup Spike Spike Spike Constituent % Rec % Rec RPD Benzene 92.30 89.14 3.48 Toluene 92.23 89.24 3.30 Ethyl Benzene 98.98 96.82 2.21 QC Comments: CHAIN OF CUSTODY ****For O~£1ce Use Only**..*~:,,,~ ~,"~ ~ro~e~ .~m~, .~_s ~u~~/~7 ~o~ , SITE NAME AND ADDRESS~ ~~6~ ~ Z ,: .... · .... . __ .~~y~&~]~ ~.. ........ A~uU~o~~ Au~.c~' ~S~.~Amrv~ p~{~,~,= ._ _'-. ....... ~j- .REOULATORY AOENCY REPRESENTATIVE TITLE~_ ''" L~B USED~ L~B ON s~TE? yes/no SAMPLE TO L~8 VIA? Lab Rep Uriah's~aff Courier SAMPLE% SOIL/WATER ANALYZE FOR % OF SINGLE/ PRODUCT CONTAINERS COMPOSITE Uriah Inc. An Environmental Services Company COMPLETION OF SITE CHARACTERIZATION AT: BAKER'S WELDING SUPPLY 3505 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA JUNE 15, 1990 464 Lindbergh Avenue · Livermore, California 94550 · (415) 455-4991 Uriah Inc. An Environmental Services Company June 15, 1990 Mr. Sam Rohn Region Environmental Coordinator Union Carbide- Linde Division 2420 Camino Ramon San Ramon, CA 94583 Re: Completion of Site Characterization at 3505 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA. Dear Mr. Rohn: Uriah, Inc. has completed the Site Characterization at the above referenced facility as set forth in our proposal dated March 28, 1990 and according to the guidelines and requirements set forth by the Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services and Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board. METHODOLOGY In addition to the three 2" groundwater monitoring wells installed on October 17 and 18, 1989 and November 28, 1989 (see Uriah~s Site Characterization Report dated January 26, 1990), three additional 2" groundwater monitoring wells (MW- 4, MW-5, and MW-6) were installed at the locations shown in Figure 1 attached on May 1, 1990. All groundwater monitoring wells were advanced using a truck- mounted, 8" outside diameter, continuous-flight, hollow-stem auger(s) by employees of Melton Drilling under the direction. of Uriah Staff Geologist, Walter Floyd. Soil samples were obtained at 5 foot intervals for lithologic evaluation (using the Unified Soil Classification System) and/or laboratory analysis. The samples were collected within clean, brass sample tubes (1.92 inches in diameter and 6.0 inches in length) placed within a California Modified Split Spoon Sampler driven through the hollow stem of the drilling auger. Immediately upon the opening of the sampler and the removal of the sampling tubes, the ends of each tube were wrapped in foil, fitted with plastic caps, sealed with black electrical tape, labeled, placed on dry ice, and transported to a certified hazardous waste 464 Lindbergh Avenue · Livermore, California 94550 · (415) 455-4991 analytical laboratory under chain of custody for analysis for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline (TPH-G), benzene, toluene, total xylenes, and ethylbenzene (BTX&E) using D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. method and EPA Method 5030/8020. Soil samples obtained below groundwater were collected using a standard split spoon sampler for logging purposes only. All work was reviewed by a California Registered Professional Civil Engineer. Ail soil samples collected during the course of drilling MW- 4 and MW-6 appeared free of significant contamination with no discoloration or odor present. However, a strong hydrocarbon odor was noted during the course of drilling MW-5 beginning at 20' below grade. Groundwater was encountered at a depth of 33 feet in MW-4, MW5, and MW-6. Ail three wells were constructed of 2-inch inside diameter, threaded, Schedule 40 PVC risers attached to 0.020 inch slotted PVC well screen. In each case, the perforated section of the well casing extends 15 feet below and 5 feet above the first encountered groundwater. The sand pack consisting of #3 Monterey Sand extends from the bottom of the boring to 2 feet above the perforations. A 3 foot thick bentonite seal was placed above the sand pack. The remaining annulus was tremie filled with a grout bentonite mixture. The sidewalls of MW-6 caved in after the sand pack was placed creating a natural sand pack above the Monterey Sand pack; therefore, the bentonite plug was not emplaced until a depth of 10 feet. Copies of the Boring Logs and Monitoring Well Construction Details are enclosed as APPENDIX IIBll . Ail tailings from the drilling were placed on visqueen, covered and stored on site pending the receipt of certified laboratory analysis for the determination of proper disposal. The hollow stem augers were steam cleaned prior to arrival on the site. All sampling equipment was steam cleaned prior to being brought on site and between all samplings. Groundwater monitoring well MW-4 was developed and sampled by Mr. Floyd on May 2, 1990. Monitoring wells MW-5 and MW-6 were developed and sampled by Mr. Floyd on May 3, 1990. The three previously installed groundwater monitoring wells (MW-l, MW- 2, and MW-3 were also sampled by Mr. Floyd. Uriah's well, MW- 1 installed on October 17, 1989 had silted up as had a well previously placed at the site by Krazan Associates. In each case,.depth to groundwater was measured using an electric tape and each well was then purged of three well volumes using a WaTerra brand hand pump. Measurements of pH, conductivity, and temperature were acquired and recorded as referenced within APPENDIX "C", attached. Subsequent to the development of each well, a groundwater sample was acquired within a clean, disposable, polyethylene bailer lowered into the well just below the water surface. Upon being brought to grade, the water sample was immediately transferred into two 40 ml Volatile Organic Analysis (VOA) vials. Each vial was promptly sealed with a teflon-lined screw cap, marked, and placed on blue ice for transportation to a State certified hazardous waste analytical laboratory under chain of custody for analysis for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline (TPH-G) using TPH by D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. method with individual constituents (BTX&E) using EPA Method 5030/8020. Extracted groundwater, in addition to that acquired for laboratory analysis, was placed into a covered DOT drum for on site storage pending receipt of laboratory data. The wells were surveyed by Mr. Floyd using a transit and rod on May 3, 1990. The elevation of the groundwater was measured with respect to an on site datum which was given an arbitrary elevation of 100 feet. The datum selected was the east end of the loading dock located closest to the liquid Argon storage tank. Data acquired by Uriah to date does not support a Kern County Water Agency Report that the direction of groundwater flow fluctuates seasonally. Additional data should be acquired / anddeveloped prior to the formation of a conclusion in this /~ matter. Uriah measured the flow direction in November of 1989, and found it to be to the Southwest. At this time, recharge from the Kern River would be expected to be at/near its minimum. The flow direction was again measured during May 1990, a time when Spring runoff from the mountains should maximize recharge, however, flow direction was found again to be Southwest (see Figure 2); although slightly different than when previously measured in that contours were somewhat altered. This is probably due to the water table lowering, exposing a gravel lens with differential flow. This gravel lens is depicted in the Geologic Cross Sections attached as Figures 5, 6, and 7. Also, the water table was found to be five feet lower than when measured the previous Fall indicating that no significant recharge had been supplied to this aquifer. Because of below average precipitation, it is possible that the amount of water flowing in the Kern River was insufficient to supply hydraulic recharge. LABORATORY RESULTS Copies of all laboratory results as received from the certified hazardous waste analytical laboratory are enclosed as APPENDIX CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The results of certified laboratory analysis are summarized in the following chart: CHART I Sample # Matrix TPH-G (B T X E) **Concentrations in parts per billion- ppb BK4-5 ' Soil N.D. 0.60 N.D. 2.5 I .5 BK4-10' Soil 50 1.3 12 2.4 1.5 BK4-15' Soil N.D. N.D. 1 .8 N.D. N.D. BK4-20 ' Soil N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. BK4-25 ' Soil N.D. 3.0 10 1 .31 N.D. BK4-30' Soil N.D. 0.90 1.7 N.D. N.D. BK5-5' Soil N.D. 3.1 2.7 N.D. N.D. BK5-10' Soil N.D. 5.9 N.D. N.D. N.D. BK5-15' Soil N.D. N.D. 0.70 N.D. N.D. BK5-20' Soil 190,000 180 590 5,510 410 BK5-25' Soil N.D. N.D. 0.80 N.D. N.D. BK5-30 ' Soil 180 1 .6 8.7 5.98 N.D. (Please note that the laboratory interpreted the 6 on the chain of custody for the following soil samples as a G. Therefore, soil samplas labeled BK6 by Uriah are noted as BKG on the certified laboratory data). BK6-5' Soil N.D. N.D. 17 N.D. N.D. BK6-10 Soil N.D. N.D. 7.7 N.D. N.D. BK6-15 Soil N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. BK6-20 Soil N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. BK6-25 Soil N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. BK6-30 Soil N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. BK6-35 Soil N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. MW-1 Water N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. MW-2 Water 370 43 33 26.3 31 MW-3 Water 11,000 360 3,100 1,590 30 MW-4 (BK4) Water 1,900 110 110 406 N.D. MW-5 (BK5) Water 6,000 68 130 968 290 MW-6 (BK6) Water 83 N.D. N.D. 2.06 N.D. N.D .... Non-Detected TPH-G...Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline B...Benzene T...Toluene X...Total Xylenes E...Ethylbenzene Low levels of volatile gasoline compounds were detected throughout the soils encountered during the advancement of MW- 4 (BK-4). This is believed to be vapor phase migration throughout the sands present in the unsaturated zone. Significant levels of soil contamination are present in MW-5 at a depth 20 feet below grade and again at a depth of 30 feet. Low levels of volatile gasoline constituents were detected in soil above 20 feet in MW-5 and are also believed to be vapor phase migration. Only very low levels of toluene were detected in soil at a depth of 5 and 10 feet below grade in MW-6 (BK6). Significant TPH-G and BTX&E contamination of groundwater was found to be present in the three groundwater monitoring wells just newly installed (MW-4, MW-5, and MW-6), as well as the previously installed wells (MW-2 and MW-3), with the exception of MW-1 which resulted in no detectable levels of contamination. The ~ ~.~,- n ..... ern end of the former tank pit (location of ,~T., 3), appears to be the area of maximum contamination. Iso- concentration contour maps are enclosed as Figures 3 and 4. The contour lines between wells were determined mathematically. The lines outside of the wells were approximated. It is believed that the gravel lens in the area of MW-4 and MW-5 is providing a conduit for contaminant migration. It is recommended that a computer model be developed and used to design an in-situ bioremediation treatment system utilizing an injection-extraction system to detoxify soil .and grOundwater simultaneously should remediation become necessary. Until the model is developed, it is proposed that we proceed with quarterly groundwater monitoring of all wells in order to determine contaminant plume~ patterning over time and to assist with the model calibration. Copies of this report have been included for your convenience and should be forwarded to each of the following agencies for their review and comment: Kern County Health Department Department of Environmental Health Services 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: Delores Gough Central Valley Region Water Quality Control Board 3443 Routier Road Sacramento, CA 95827-3098 Attention: Bob Turner Thank you for having selected Uriah, Inc. as your service provider. If you have any questions, or if we may otherwise be of assistance, please contact us at (415) 455-4991. Sincerely, Walter Floyd Project Geologist Eddy Tabet, P.E. Registered Civil Engineer and Denise A. Rapp Vice-President, Uriah, Inc. WF:ET:DAR:ms enc. APPENDIX "A"- Laboratory Data and Chains of Custody APPENDIX "B"- Boring Logs And Well Construction Details APPENDIX "C"- Well Development Data Figure 1 t~ ~11 t~w- 4 ~ ...... ~ ~ Uonitoring Well ~Tank Pit J .................... Installation Dates MW-1 10/17/89 LPG MW-2 ~'IORI~O[ ~-3 11/28/89 j] T~NI< MW-4, MW-5 and MW-6 were installed on sl~19o Underground UJili%y L.i~e URIAH INC. Bc]kers Welding Supply T Prelect Number: 12190WF 5505 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CAJ Date: May 1, 1990 Nodh Figure 2 ~'~ ~ iq) ~D.O 6 3.4 9~ HW- 4 . ~ MW-g r' " ~ 63 54 · ~ ~) Monitorin9 Well / ~ '"-.~ , , 63.53 ]~1 Genera~ Direction of ~ ~. Gro~d~ter Flow ~ ~w-~ ~ .,,-, ~,~ 0  63.32 63 40 Groundwater Gradient j LPG Determined on 5/3/90 by STORAGE Uriah, Inc. T4 N K I- , ,, J URIAH INC. Bakers Welding Supply T Project Number: 12190WF $505 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CAJ Date: May 1, 1990 N¢,dl"l Figure 3 100 ~ .,. 0.~/ ? .......... '" 1 O0 ~ ~k~,ooo , ~ , ~ ~4w~ / 6000 p~b ( In Water / .......... / URIAH [NC. Bakers Welding ~upply [ Project Numbe~: 12190WF ~505 Pierce I~oGd, ~akeKsfJeld, CA[ Date: Uay 1, 1990 Nodl~ Figure 4 , L~ lO( '~ ~ "' ~ 360 ppb. if0 U~'_~/b ....... ~ ~]) Monitoring Well ~ , ppb 43 p //' MW-- 1 68 ppb ,/.. uw~8 I ~ ~.P- I SIOR~GE Benzene Isoconcentration ~. 'T~NK Contours ( In ~ater I I URIAH INC. Bakers Welding Supply 1' Project Number: 12190WF 3505 Pierce Road, EJakersfield, CA/ Date: May 1, 1990 Figure 5 ~f) ............... E~w-4 ~ ......... ~ .... 6) Monitoring Well A' 25 FEET B MW- 6 .... B' URIAHINC. Bo. kers Welding Supply / Prolect Number: 12190WF 5,505 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA/ Dote: May 1, 1990 Nodh Figure 6 M'W~- 3 MW - 4 MW - 2 "I I . 10 SW-SP Feet Below /.-? ~"~.. ML Grade lV[L -/ ......................... SP ,~· ~ - 30 SP - 40 Geologic C. ross Secti(_,~'~ A-A' URIAH INC. Baker's Welding ,.?.ttpply An Environmental Services Company .Bal<ersfiel,::t. Ca]ifornia Job Number: 12190WF Dote: May 1, 1990 Figure 7 . lO ,.S W - S P M L '~- %% = 30 Feet Below - 30 Geologic Cross Sect,.io~ B-B' URIAH INC. An Environmental Services Company Baker's Weldin~a Supply Baker-sfi,:~ld California Job Number: 12190WF ' ~ofe' May 1, 1990 URIAH ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. 464 LINDBERGH AVENUE, LIVERMORE, CA 0 SITE LOCATION: Scale (Miles) N 3505 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA ENVIRONMENTAL ' LABORATORIES, INC. PETROLEUI~ J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Uriah Inc. Date of 464 Lindburgh Report: 10-May-90 Livermore, CA 94550 Attention: Walter Floyd Lab No.: 3956-1 Sample Deso: BK4-5' Soil Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received @ Lab: Completed: 01-May-90 01-May-90 09-May-90 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/kg 0.60 0.5 Toluene ug/kg none detected 0.5 Ethyl Benzene ug/kg 1.5 0.5 p-Xylene ug/kg none detected 0.5 m-Xylene ug/kg none detected 0.5 o-Xylene ug/kg 2.5 0.5 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/kg none detected 50 (Gasoline) TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 5030/8020. As Received Basis Comments: ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATO RIES INC. i=ETROLELi~ J.J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Uriah Inc. Date of 464 Lindburgh Report: 10-May-90 Livermore, CA 94550 Attention: Walter Floyd Lab No.: 3956-2 Sample Desc: BK4-10' Soil Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received @ Lab: Completed: 01-May-90 01-May-90 09-May-90 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/kg 1.3 0.5 Toluene ug/kg 12 0.5 Ethyl Benzene ug/kg 1.5 0.5 p-Xylene ug/kg none detected 0.5 m-Xylene ug/kg 1.4 0.5 o-Xylene ug/kg 1.0 0.5 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/kg 50 50 (Gasoline) TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 5030/8020. As Received Basis Comments: £NViRON~IENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. .OETRO/.EU/iI J.J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Uriah Inc. Date of 464 Lindburgh Report: lO-May-90 Livermore, CA 94550 Attention: Walter Floyd Lab No.: 3956-3 Sample Desc: BK4-15' Soil Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received @ Lab: Completed: 01-May-90 01-May-90 09-May-90 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/kg none detected 0.5 Toluene ug/kg 1.8 0.5 Ethyl Benzene ug/kg none detected 0.5 p-Xylene ug/kg none detected 0.5 m-Xylene ug/kg none detected 0.5 o-Xylene ug/kg none detected 0.5 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/kg none detected 50 (Gasoline) TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 5030/8020. As Received Basis Comments: ~..~. E~g~in ~[Analyst ENViRONmENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. PETROLEUt~ J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Uriah Inc. Date of 464 Lindburgh Report: 10-May-90 Livermore, CA 94550 Attention: Walter Floyd Lab No.: 3956-4 Sample Desc: BK4-20' Soil Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received @ Lab: Completed: 01-May-90 01-May-90 09-May-90 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/kg -nOne,detected 0.5 Toluene ug/kg none detected 0.5 Ethyl Benzene ug/kg none detected 0.5 p-Xylene ug/kg none detected 0.5 m-Xylene ug/kg none detected 0.5 o-Xytene ug/kg none detected 0.5 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/kg none detected 50 (Gasoline) TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 5030/8020. As Received Basis Comments: F. NViRONI~£NTAL LABORATORIES, INC. PETROL£U# J.d. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911' Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Uriah Inc. Date of 464 Lindburgh ~eport: 10-May-90 Livermore, CA 94550 Attention: Walter Floyd Lab No.: 3956-5 Sample Desc: BK4-25' Soil Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received @ Lab: Completed: 01-May-90 01-May-90 09-May-90 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/kg 3.0 0.5 Toluene ug/kg 10 0.5 Ethyl Benzene ug/kg none detected 0.5 p-Xylene ug/kg none detected 0.5 m-Xylene ug/kg 0.71 0.5 o-Xylene ug/kg 0.60 0.5 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/kg none detected 50 (Gasoline) TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. method. individual constituents by EPA method 5030/8020. As Received Basis Comments: By *?~iin ~ I Analyst £NViRON~£NTAL LABORATORIES, INO. PETROLEUIi~ J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 ~ONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Uriah Inc. Date of 464 Lindburgh Report: 10-May-90 Livermore, CA 94550 Attention: Walter Floyd Lab No.: 3956-6 Sample Desc: BK4-30' Soil Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received @ Lab: Completed: 01-May-90 01-May-90 09-May-90 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/kg 0.90 0.5 Toluene ug/kg 1.7 0.5 Ethyl Benzene ug/kg none detected 0.5 p-Xylene ug/kg none detected 0.5 m-Xylene ug/kg none detected 0.5 o-Xylene ug/kg none detected 0.5 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/kg none detected 50 (Gasoline) TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 5030/8020. As Received Basis Comments: EN~TRON/4ENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. PETROI. EUI~ J' J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD. BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Uriah Inc. Date of 464 Lindburgh Report: 10-May-90 Livermore, CA 94550 Attention: Walter Floyd Lab No.: 3956-7 Sample Desc: BK5-5' Soil Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received @ Lab: Completed: 01-May-90 01-May-90 09-May-90 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/kg 3.1 0.5 Toluene ug/kg 2.7 0.5 Ethyl Benzene ug/kg none detected 0.5 p-Xyiene ug/kg none detected 0.5 m-Xy!ene ug/kg none detected 0.5 o-Xylene ug/kg none detected 0.5 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/kg none detected 50 (Gasoline) TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 5030/8020. As Received Basis Comments: ~gl~fr[ ~ ;Analyst £NV~RON~4£NTAL LABORATORIES, INO. PETROLEUI, f J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Uriah Inc. 'Date of 464 Lindburgh Report: lO-May-90 Livermore, CA 94550 Attention: Walter Floyd Lab No.: 3956-8 Sample Desc: BKS-10' Soil Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received @ Lab: Completed: 01-May-90 01-May-90 09-May-90 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/kg none detected 0.5 Toluene ug/kg 5.9 0.5 Ethyl Benzene ug/kg none detected 0.5 p-Xylene ug/kg none detected 0.5 m-Xytene ug/kg none detected 0.5 o-Xylene ug/kg none detected 0.5 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/kg none detected 50 (Gasoline) TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 5030/8020. As Received Basis Comments: (g .~/:J. ~[in nalyst LABORATORIES, INC. I~E~'ROLE~IIiI J. J. EGUN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Uriah Inc. Date of 464 Lindburgh Report: 10-May-90 Livermore, CA 94550 Attention: Walter Floyd Lab No.: 3956-9 Sample Desc: BKS-15' Soil Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received @ Lab: Completed: 01-May-90 01-May-90 09-May-90 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/kg none detected 0.5 Toluene ug/kg 0.70 0.5 Ethyl Benzene ug/kg none detected 0.5 p-Xylene ug/kg none detected 0.5 m-Xylene ug/kg none detected 0.5 o-Xy!ene ug/kg none detected 0.5 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/kg none detected 50 (Gasoline) TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 5030/8020. As Received Basis Commen~s: ~J ~-J. ,~gl-in- ~ ! Analyst ENVIRONMENTAL c,~,,~,~,~,, LABO RATO RI ES, -I N C. M~TROI.~U~'I J' ~' EGCIH, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Uriah Inc. Date of 464 Lindburgh Report: 10-May-90 Livermore, CA 94550 Attention: Walter Floyd Lab No.: 3956-10 Sample Desc: BKS-20' Soil Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received @ Lab: Completed: 01-May-90 01-May-90 09-May-90 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/kg 180 90 Toluene ug/kg 590 90 Ethyl Benzene ug/kg 410 90 p-Xylene ug/kg 810 90 m-Xylene ug/kg 2,300 90 o-Xyiene ug/kg 2,400 90 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/kg 190,000 9,000 (Gasoline) TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 5030/8020. As Received Basis Comments: ENViRON~4ENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. PETRO£EUI~ J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-49~1 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Uriah Inc. Date of 464 Lindburgh Report: 10-May-90 Livermore, CA 94550 Attention: Walter Floyd Lab No.: 3956-11 Sample Desc: BK5-25' Soil Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received @ Lab: Completed: 01-May-90 01-May-90 09-May-90 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/kg none detected 0.5 Toluene ug/kg 0.80 0.5 Ethyl Benzene ug/kg none detected 0.5 p-Xylene ug/kg none detected 0.5 m-Xylene ug/kg none detected 0.5 o-Xyiene ug/kg none detected 0.5 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/kg none detected 50 (Gasolina) TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 5030/8020. As Received Basis Comments: ENVIRONI~ENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. PETROLEU¥ J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Uriah Inc. Date of 464 Lindburgh Report: 10-May-90 Livermore, CA 94550 Attention: Walter Floyd Lab No.: 3956-12 Sample Desc: BK5-30' Soil Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received @ Lab: Completed: 01-May-90 01-May-90 09-May-90 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/kg 1.6 0.5 Toluene ug/kg 8.7 0.5 Ethyl Benzene ug/kg none detected 0.5 p-Xylene ug/kg 0.68 0.5 ~ m-Xylene ug/kg 2.3 0.5 o-Xylene ug/kg 3.0 0.5 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/kg 180 50 (Gasoline) TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 5030/8020. As Received Basis Comments: ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. PETROLEUM d' d' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Uriah Inc. Date of 464 Lindbergh Ave. Report: 14-May-90 Livermore, CA 94550 Attention: Walter Floyd Lab No.: 3916-1 Sample Desc: Linde BAK 3505 Pierce Rd. Bakersfield BIG-5 Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received @ Lab: Completed: 01-May-90 02-May-90 10-May-90 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/kg none detected 0.5 Toluene ug/kg 17 0.5 Ethyl Benzene ug/kg none detected 0.5 p-Xylene ug/kg none detected 0.5 m-Xylene ug/kg none detected 0.5 o-Xylene ug/kg none detected 0.5 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/kg none detected 50 (Gasoline) TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 5030/8020. As Received Basis Comments: £NVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. Pc'TRO/.~I. II,~ J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Uriah Inc. Date of 464 Lindbergh Ave. Report: 14~May-90 Livermore, CA 94550 Attention: Walter Floyd Lab No.: 3916-2 Sample Desc: Linde BAK 3505 Pierce Rd. Bakersfield BKG-10 Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received @ Lab: Completed: 01-May-90 02-May-90 10-May-90 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/kg none detected 0.5 Toluene ug/kg 7.7 0.5 Ethyl Benzene ug/kg none detected 0.5 p-Xylene ug/kg none detected 0.5 m-Xylene ug/kg none detected 0.5 o-Xylene ug/kg none detected 0.5 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/kg none detected 50 (Gasoline) TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O..H.S.L.U..F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 5030/8020. As Received Basis Comments: · ~J'. ,~.' ~ifl- Analyst ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. PETROLEUM J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Uriah Inc. Date of 464 Lindbergh Ave. Report: 14-May-90 Livermore, CA 94550 Attention: Walter Floyd Lab No.: 3916-3 Sample Desc: Linde BAK 3505 Pierce Rd. Bakersfield BKG-15 Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received @ Lab: Completed: 01-May-90 02-May-90 10-May-90 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/kg none detected 0.5 Toluene ug/kg none detected 0.5 Ethyl Benzene ug/kg none detected 0.5 p-Xylene ug/kg none detected 0.5 m-Xylene ug/kg none detected 0.5 o-Xylene ug/kg none detected 0.5 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/kg none detected 50 (Gasoline) TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 5030/8020. As Received Basis Comments: ~ J2T'. ~I fn II ' Analyst ENVIRONMENTAl. LABORATORIES, INC. METROLEU~ J* ~' EGCIN, F1E6. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 3~?-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SO~L) Uriah Inc. Date of 464 Lindbergh Ave. Report: 14-May-90 Livermore, CA 94550 Attention: Walter Floyd Lab No.: 3916-4 Sample Desc: Linde BAK 3505 Pierce Rd. Bakersfield BKG-20 Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received @ Lab: Completed: 01-May-90 02-May-90 10-May-90 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/kg none detected 0.5 Toluene ug/kg none detected 0.5 Ethyl Benzene ug/kg none detected 0.5 p-Xylene ug/kg none detected 0.5 m-Xylene ug/kg none detected 0.5 o-Xylene ug/kg none detected 0.5 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/kg none detected 50 (Gasoline) TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 5030/8020. As Received Basis Comments: ENVIRONt4ENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. METROLEtI¥ J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Uriah Inc. Date of 464 Lindbergh Ave. Report: 14-May-90 Livermore, CA 94550 Attention: Walter Floyd Lab No.: 3916-5 Sample Desc: Linde BAK 3505 Pierce Rd. Bakersfield BKG- 25 Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received @ Lab: Completed: 01-May-90 02-May-90 10-May-90 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/kg none detected 0.5 Toluene ug/kg none detected 0.5 Ethyl Benzene ug/kg none detected 0.5 p-Xylene ug/kg none detected 0.5 m-Xylene ug/kg none detected 0.5 o-Xylene ug/kg none detected 0.5 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/kg none detected 50 (Gasoline) TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T..method. Individual cons;tituents by EPA ~e'thod 5030,,/S020. As Received Basis Comments: ,'~..'~.. ' ~ .Eh - ~/ I' Analyst ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. PETROLEUM J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Pur~eable AL-oma'tics (SO~L) Uriah Inc. Date of 464 Lindbergh Ave. Report: 14-May-90 Livermore, CA 94550 Attention: Walter Floyd Lab ~;o.: 3916-6 Sample Desc: Linde BAi( SZOZ ['ia~:'ce Rd. Bakersffield BKG- 30 Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received @ Lab: Completed: 01-May-90 02-May-90 10-May-90 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/kg none detected 0.5 Toluene ug/kg none detected 0.5 Ethyl Benzene ug/kg none detected 0.5 p-Xylene ug/kg none detected 0.5 m-Xylene ug/kg none detected 0.5 o-Xylene ug/kg none detected 0.5 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/kg none detected 50 (Gasoline) TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 5030/8020. As Received Basis Comments: ~NWRON~NTAL c,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, LABORATORIES. INC. PETROLEUM J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 BTXE/TPH GASOLINE Quality Control Data Uriah Inc. Spike ID: OFW 464 Lindburg Analysis Date: 09-May-90 Livermore, CA 94550 Sample Matrix: Soil Attention: Walter Floyd Units: ug/kg Quality control for Lab Nos: 3956-1, 3956-2, 3956-4, 3956-6, 3956-7, 3956-9, 3956-11, 3956-12 Dup Spike Spike Spike Constituent % Rec % Rec RPD Benzene 85.40 79.22 7.51 Toluene 76.11 75.76 0.46 Ethyl Benzene 89.45 78.70 12.79 QC Comments: £NV~RONI~ENTAL ~,~,,~, ~,, LAE]O RATO RIES, INC. PETROLEU~I J' J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 BTXE/TPH GASOLINE Quality Control Data Uriah Inc. Spike ID: OFW 464 Lindburg Analysis Date: 09-May-90 Livermore, CA 94550 Sample Matrix: Soil Attention: Walter Floyd Units: ug/kg Quality control for Lab Nos: 3956-3, 3956-8, 3956-10 Dup Spike Spike Spike Constituent % Rec % Rec RPD Benzene 70.43 69.48 1.36 Toluene 72.09 70.43 2.33 Ethyl Benzene 76.72 76.22 0.65 QC Comments: ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. PETROLEUM J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 BTXE/TPH GASOLINE Quality Control Data Uriah Inc. Spike ID: OFW 464 Lindbergh Ave. Analysis Date: 10-May-90 Livermore, CA 94550 Sample Matrix: Water Attention: Walter Floyd Units: ug/L Quality control for Lab Nos: 3916-1, 3916-2, 3916-3, 39].6-4, 3916-5, 3916-6 Dup Spike Spike Spike Constituent~ ~ Rec % Rec RPD Benzene 70.43 69.48 1.36 Toluene 72.09 70.43 2.33 Ethyl Benzene 76.72 76.22 0.65 QC Comments: ~VIRONMEH~L LABORATORIES, INC. ~TROLEU¥ J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM~ ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 3204911 Purgeable Aromatics (WATER) Uriah Inc. Date of 464 Lindburg Ave. Report: 10-May-90 Livermore, CA 94550 Attention: Walter Floyd Lab No.: 3980-1 Sample Desc: Linde Bakersfield ~-1 Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received @ Lab: Completed: 03-May-90 03-May-90 08-May-90 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/L none detected 0.5 Toluene ug/L none detected 0.5 Ethyl Benzene ug/L none detected 0.5 p-Xylene ug/L none detected 0.5 m-Xylene ug/L none detected 0.5 o-Xylene ug/L none detected 0.5 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/L none detected 50 (Gasoline) TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 5030/8020. As Received Basis Comments: Analyst ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES. INC. PETROLEUM d' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., . BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 pUrgeable Aromatics (WATER) Uriah Inc. Date of 464 Lindbergh Report: 10-May-90 Livermore, CA 94550 Attention: Walter Floyd Lab No.: 3958-1 Sample Desc: Linde Bakersfield MW-2 Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received @ Lab: Completed: 02-May-90 02-May-90 08-May-90 Minimum Reporting .Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/L 43 0.5 Toluene ug/L 33 0.5 Ethyl Benzene ug/L 31 0.5 p-Xylene ug/L 14 0.5 m-Xylene ug/L 3.8 0.5 o-Xylene ug/L 8.5 0.5 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/L 370 50 (Gasoline) TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by Modified EPA method 5020/8020. As Received Basis Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. #102 ENVIRON¥£N ~'AL LABORATORIES, INC. PETROLEUB J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (WATER) Uriah Inc. Date of 464 Lindburg Ave. Report: 10-May-90 Livermore, CA 94550 Attention: Walter Floyd Lab No.: 3980-2 Sample Desc: Linde Bakersfield MW-3 Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received @ Lab: Completed: 03-May-90 03-May-90 08-May-90 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/L 360 ~20 Toluene ug/L 3,100 20 Ethyl Benzene ug/L 30 20 p-Xylene ug/L 300 20 m-Xylene ug/L 800 20 o-Xylene ug/L 490 20 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/L 1!,000 2,000 (Gasoline) TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 5030/8020. As Received Basis Comments: ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. PETROLEUM J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD.; BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (WATER) Uriah Inc. Date of 464 Lindbergh Report: 10-May-90 Livermore, CA 94550 Attention: Walter Floyd Lab No.: 3958-2 Sample Desc: Linde Bakersfield MW-4 Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received @ Lab: Completed: 02-May-90 02-May-90 08-May-90 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/L 110 0.5 Toluene ug/L 110 0.5 Ethyl Benzene ug/L none detected 0.5 p-Xylene ug/L 86 0.5 m-Xylene ug/L 210 0.5 o-Xylene ug/L 110 0.5 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/L 1,900 50 (Gasoline) TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by Modified EPA method 5020/8020. As Received Basis Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. #102 E~IVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. PETROI. EUI~ ~' J~ EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (WATER) Uriah Inc. Date of 464 Lindburg Ave. Report: 10-May-90 Livermore, CA 94550 Attention: Walter Floyd Lab No.: 3980-3 Sample Desc: Linde Bakersfield MW-5 Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received @ Lab: Completed: 03-May-90 03-May-90 08-May-90 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/L 68 10 Toluene ug/L 130 10 Ethyl Benzene ug/L 290 10 p-Xylene ug/L 620 10 m-Xylene ug/L 300 10 o-Xylene ug/L 48 10 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/L 6,000 1,000 (Gasoline) TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by-EPA method 5030/8020. As Received Basis Comments: Uj ,~./~g~in Analyst ~VIRONME~£AL LABORATORIES, INC. ~TROLEUB J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 32~4911 Purgeable Aromatics (WATER) Uriah Inc. Date of 464 Lindburg Ave. Report: 10-May-90 Livermore, CA 94550 Attention: Walter Floyd Lab No.: 3980-4 Sample Desc: Linde Bakersfield MW-6 Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received @ Lab: Completed: 03-May-90 03-May-90 08-May-90 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/L none detected 0.5 Toluene ug/L none detected 0.5 Ethyl Benzene ug/L none detected 0.5 p-Xylene ug/L none detected 0.5 m-Xylene ug/L 1.2 0.5 o-Xylene ug/L 0.86 0.5 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/L 83 50 (Gasoline) TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 5030/8020. As Received Basis Comments: E~VVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES. INC. PETROLEUM J' J' EGUN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 BTXE/TPH GASOLINE Quality Control Data Uriah Inc. Spike ID: 4028-1 464 Lindburg Ave. Analysis Date: 08-May-90 Livermore, CA 94550 Sample Matrix: Water Attention: Walter Floyd Units: ug/L Quality Control for Lab Nos: 3980-1, 3980-2, 3980-3, 3980-4 Dup Spike Spike Spike Constituent % Rec % Rec RPD Benzene 87.58 89.08 1.70 Toluene 96.27 93.65 2.76 Ethyl Benzene 90.23 88.97 1.41 QC comments: ~NVIRON¥~NTAI. LABORATORIES. INC. PETROI. EUI# J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 BTXE/TPH GASOLINE Qua!ity Control Data Uriah Inc. Spike ID: OFW 464 Lindburg Analysis Date: 08-May-90 Livermore, CA 94550 Sample Matrix: Water Attention: Walter Floyd Units: ug/L Quality Control for Lab Nos: 3958-1, 3958-2 Dup Spike Spike Spike Constituent % Rec % Rec RPD Benzene 85.40 79.22 7.51 Toluene 76.11 75.76 0.46 Ethyl Benzene 89.45 78.70 12.79 QC comments: Fe 1,~ ' :' BC Alt ~ C ?O[ , L o J3 ",-,_. Client: Sampler:,. Sample Type: Analysis Requested: Name: {3~-{t~k4 ~O(-. Name: W/'rcTek. ~0~19 Water Other: ca Address: q6q (.- t t'd0 {3eiZ.(v~4 Address: Soil ~ (specify) . Attn:.. C:v'e'"'w'o£e_. C/r 'qqS'50 Sludge Lab # Description: Other Tests ~ i~ so' 3Cl5b Relinquished By: Date: Time: Received By: Dat~: Tim~: Comments: --- 70 ~ite: Reye~ow: BCtum to CuStOLab Copy mcr wi, Re.n~~~ CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD ~-lient/Project Name Project Location 'lmpler: (Signature) Chain of Cust~ly Tape No. ~mple No.adentifi~tion Date Time ~b No. ~MARKS Total ~,linquished by: (Signature} Date Time Received by: (Signature) Date Time ,linquished by: ,Signamre, Date Time ~ -<~ IJa~' [ Time - '-- ' ' '~ Date Time ' Reegi¥-ed>y: (~)]~ature) Date Time :ei;mquished ~}(Signamre) Date Time Received by: (Signature) Dale Time .eportTo: BillTo: t,)~LI &l-( _~.kJ(. NO: B.C. ak: Originator Copy 4100 Pierce Rd. · Bakersfield, CA 93308 Client: ~ i ~ %~. Sampler: ~t~ ~ ~ F-~.oh0 Sample Type: ~0 Analysis Name: Name: Water ~ Other: Ad&ess: q~ ~,~&~t, ~. Address: Soil (specify) Lab 0 Description: Other T~sts Relinquished By: Date: Tim~: Re~eiv~ By: Date: Tim~: Co--ems: Client: Sampler: Sample Type: Analysis Name: ~¢lk~[ '¢~C, Name: ~6c~< ~0 Water ~ Other: Lab g ,Description: Other Tests Relinquished By: Date: Time: Received By: Date: Time: Comments: - ~_1~3~ ,- pc'il i~C'T ?,~i-i I t wr E:LlCh!T_ Linde Ga~,u~ L~i%t%F'Ti~.~ ~.RY' "w', ~:Ec'~ HOLE ~','0 ~K-4h4Oh. JiT~R!hi6 w ~ ,., , ''ELL i;A TF D~ILLFD ~-1-~0 bep~h! Sample SaIL DESCR!PTIGN Uni¢'ied' ~ei, ow I Co[ected gall. Log J Cot(ected ' ~ '}~mpt~ Te::<tur~ Co!e?, uir~'~c [NT ...... - ....... , -- SILTY SAND, F'ine 9~olned -- k~own, qO OdOr%. I ~ I ~ S~N~, medlum Qpolned, ' ..... ' ~ t,~n, u, ni¢o~mty g~oded, __~n .'4-i0 -- I'.v.' ' - __ ...........! !.5 " . -- -- I".';"- 1 -- SAND, white coarse ~o ~ .... '~ ' a~! t,,.',e 9pained. no odocs~ [ -- __ c~,~l B~-~ medium dense, .~ __ I -- -- 1 ' G'W' ~: :~ ~l 40 i~F(4_4~ 2ANP, cc, apse, pc, omi,/ 5'~".~>'l I ~ r'.' I . _ .E_I_ Ii'~, i,-'u. ,,'L)WF~ _ ~ ~i-'~ff-i~?.i'-'~P~~ ~ ~ , Pie~'ce, CL!E?.!T Linde G0..,-~- ' ' 3:RE H:LE [',,1:, BK-5 H:N!!U:!NG 'v/ELL NO, 'fRILLING ['4ETHO:2 H,s, au, ge. ::Af""~F*~¢"~ ?'~I:-"[-H~%'~_ Depth ! :~ampie ~iL DESCRiPTI~i".~ t. jnifiedi t Penetration Betow I CoL ec~ed ' Soil. i Log ~ Co~.(ec~ed Construc~lon ~;,.::~e.z~ ".:,x~'~p~ le:.:tume, Co[o?, ~ .... ~ ..... i rjetc:.its I , No, Cor-,si nc?', ~ t I __ ! c, do: s, q' ?'i ~ I .... i o -- BK~ i0 9~.oded' tight ~Fown, ~ no odor', coo. r'se ~o ._> '~ medium qno. ined, !.'' q ~ : c.k..¢ .:ANEb unit'or'm( .... ~ I ~ ~ (M 5:entonlt4 / t ! ~ .... ! -- I i .... I ..... - ' ..... ' ~'-'" '"'~'~ "i ~%.- ..4 t L.IP;'r'~_: LT!",IG. hIETHEiD .... H,S, auqer- ('A',~r-,' 'I,,IF.LF .... .... ~aETHE]TI L.;stlt 3poor [~ep~h i S~mpte SDiL DESCRiPTIDN Uni¢ied t Pene~c~ion Wet[ Betow i CoU, ec~ed Solt L°9 I Co(lected Construction ;u~Po.c~. ~FIT ~npte Texture, Color, Molstume CLo, ssiF ~tows I No, Consis~e r',c~,', Gralr,-s;ze , ~" TY ~AND, Fine grained Chr~s~ ~ b¢o',vn, no odors, , ~ox 5 I BK6-5 SAND, wei( 9¢aded, r,o , ~ ~ SAND, uniFormty graded, ~P" -- light brown, medium -- gmained, no odor.`, 15 I ~K6-~ medium dense, SAN~, weft 9moded, no -- odor',, white, ¢ine to ~ medium groined, dense.. I ~ welt rounded, ~.m,, o --40 IEKS_4~ graded, ~elge. -- SP WELL LOG KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS ~a~pling Method Cal. Mod. - California modified split-spoon sampler (2' inner diameter) driven 18" by a 140-pound hammer having a 30" drop.. Where penetration resistance is designated "P", sampler was instead pushed by drill rig. Disturbed - Sample taken from drill-return materials as they surfaced. n/a - Not applicable ~/~ Symbols · ,/--~__ ~ - First encountered / ' "~ --- ground water ~-~sample ~/ "/ ',,;'-~ ~ - Static ground sampled /"..-'. h~. ;~ . = recovery interval~' ~ A",:'":'.' 7,,..m'~/'~ - , ~/. ~ ~, · ', / ..... ~ - Dr[ll~n~ Metho~ $ ~ '. ' ',:~ ~./~?~'~' ~SA - ~ollow stem auge= SOIL TEXTURAL CLASSES GR~E LIMITS G~E N~ U.S. Standard inches sieve size Boulders --12.0 ...... Cobbles ---3.0 3.0 in. Gravel ---0.19 No. 4 Coarse 0.08 No. 10 Meal i um Sand No. 40 ........... Fine No. 200 Silt Clay PRIMARY DIVISIONS G~OuP SECONDARY DIVISIONS 0 ~ ~ SIL~ ~0 ~YS MH HIGHLY OR.lC SOI~ Pt L Pelt ~ DEFINITION OF ~ERMS- ~S.'.ST~ SE~ES S~E~ CLE~ 2~ 40 ~ 4 3/4a ~ t2a ~O G~L SILTS ~0 CLAYS ' ~8LES ~E~ GR~IN SIZES ~OS~OG~LS ~~Tt ~ SILTS ~OC~t SOn 1/4 - ~ ~ 2 - 4 ' L~E 4 - I0 ~ED~ DENSE W .~ VERY DEN~ ~R ~ ~ ~ I RELATIVE DENS~ C~NSt~ENCY ~tit u~ ~M 0-~586~ ~HIFIED SOIl, ~LRSSIPICATIO~ ~YSTEH (ASTH D-2487~ SolX Color de~ed ~rom the ~SELL Soil Color Charts GARY J. WICKS 2700 M Strut, Suite 300 Agency Director Blkerlfleld, CA 93301 (805) 861-3502 ~ ~~ Telephone (805) 881-3636 -~,~f~~;.~, Telecopler (805) 861-3429 STEVE McCALLEY Dl,~,o, R ESOU RCE ~,~ NT AG ENCY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS '~%..~~'"' PERMIT #: MW0328-05 '~~/.~ MW0329-05 MANAGEMENT PROGRAM MW0330-05 MONITORING WELL(S) PERMIT OWNER'S NAME: BAKER WIELDING DATE: April 30, 1990 .- FACILITY NAME: Baker Welding FACILITY LOCATION: 3505 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA 93308 DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger CONTRACTOR: Melton Drilling Company LICENSE #: (C-57) 508270 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTRACTOR Uriah Inc. TYPE OF MONITORING WELL(S). Groundwater NUMBER OF WELLS REQUIRED TO MONITOR FACILITY: Three (3) GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT: 1. Well site approval is required before beginning any work related to well construction. It is unlawful to continue work past the stage at which an inspection is required unless inspection is waived or completed. 2. Other required inspections include: conductor casing, nil annular seals, and final construction features. 3. A phone call to the Department office ia required on the morning o[ the day that work is to commence and 24 hours before the placement of any seals or plugs. 4. Construction under this Permit is subject to any instructions by Department representatives. 5. All wells constructed of PVC located at a contaminated site where degradation may occur must be destroyed,after 2 years. 6. Any misrepresentation or noncompliance with required Permit Conditions or Ordinance will result in issuance of a "STOP WORK ORDER." 7. A copy of the Department of Water Resources Driller's Report, ns well as copies of logs and water quality annlyaes, must be submitted to the Health Department within 14 days after completion of the work. 8. A well destruction application must be filed with this Department ff a well is being destroyed that is not in conjunction with a test hole permit. 9. The permit is void on the ninetieth (90) calendar day after date of issuance ff work has not been started and reasonable progress toward completion made. Fees are not refundable nor transferable. 10. I have read and agree to comply with the General Conditions noted above. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 1. Approved Annular Seal Depth 17._~', 2. Approved Bentonite Seal 3'. This permit must be signed by either the contractor or owner. OWNER'S SIGNATURe. ,~ D,%,TF/; ~ ' '~-'R~C--TOR S SIGNATURE DATE PERMIT APPROVED BY s Materials Specia tat DATE: April 30, 1990 DS:cas \mw0328-05 GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL SAMPLING DATA FOR: Baker's Welding Supply 3505 Pierce Road Bakersfield, CA WELL WELL DEPTH TO WELL MINIMUM GAL. TO NO. DEPTH WATER TABLE VOL. BE PUMPED (FEET) (FEET) (GAL.) (GAL.) MW-1 33.06 35.60 0.4 2.0 MW-2 39.25 32.96 1.0 5.0 MW-3 43.60 33.57 1.6 8.0 MW-4 42.60 33.16 1.5 7.5 MW-5 44.50 33.50 1.76 8.8 MW-6 45.00 33.28 1.9 9.4 TIME GAL. pH CONDUCTIVITY TEMPERATURE PUMPED (umhos/cm) (Centigrade) Date: May 2, 1990 Sample #MW-2 l:00p 1.0 6.7 780 17.0 1:03p 2.0 6.4 690 20.0 1:06p 3.0 6.4 660 19.0 1:09p 4.0 6.5 660 20.0 1:12p 5.0 6.4 640 20.0 1:15p 6.0 6.4 660 20.0 1:18p 7.0 6.4 660 20.0 Date: May 2, 1990 Sample #MW-4 1:40p 0 7.2 980 21.0 1:43p 1.5 7.1 920 20.0 1:46p 3.0 6.9 850 20.0 1:49p 4.5 6.7 790 20.0 1:52p 6.0 6.6 740 20.0 1:55p 7.5 6.6 730 20.0 1:58p 9.0 6.6 720 20.0 2:01p 10.0 6.6 710 20.0 Date: May 3, 1990 Sample #MW-1 9:00a 1.0 6.7 650 22.0 9:03a 2.0 6.6 630 19.0 9:06a 3.0 6.5 640 19.0 Date: May 3, 1990 Sample #MW-3 9:30a 1.0 6.7 650 20.0 9:33a 3.0 6.6 660 19.0 9:35a 5.0 6.5 660 20.0 9:37a 7.0 6.6 660 20.0 9:40a 9.0 6.5 650 20.0 Date: May 3, 1990 Sample #MW-5 10:00a 1.0 6.8 900 22.0 10:03a 3.0 6.6 720 19.0 10:06a 5.0 6.5 580 19.0 10:09a 7.0 6.4 630 19.0 10:12a 9.0 6.4 580 19.0 10:15a 11 .0 6.4 590 19.0 Date: May 3, 1990 Sample #MW-6 10:45a 0 6.7 880 20.0 10:48a 2.0 6.4 830 20.0 10:51a 4.0 6.3 790 20.0 10:54a 6.0 6.4 780 20.0 1 0: 57a 8.0 6.3 780 20.0 11:00a 10.0 6.3 770 20.0 METHODOLOGY Depth to groundwater was measured with an electric tape after development and recharge as well as before and after the well was purged. The well was developed with the use of a WaTerra brand hand pump until the groundwater was free of sand, silt, and/or other grit material, and the pH, conductivity, and temperature were stabilized. Sample acquisition was by clean, disposable bailer in accordance with protocol described within the attached report. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR COMPLETION OF SITE CHARACTERIZATION AT: 3505 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA MARCH 28, 1990 Uriah Inc. An Environmental Services Company March 28, 1990 Mr. Sam Rohn Region Environmental Coordinator Union Carbide- Linde Division 2420 Camino Ramon San Ramon, CA 94538 RE: Recommendations for Completion of Site Characterization at 3505 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA. Permit No.: 050033 Dear Mr. Rohn: As indicated within Uriah's report of January 26, 1990, "Site Characterization at Baker's Welding...", data acquired and developed attendant to the installation of three on-site ground- water monitoring wells revealed that, on November 28, 1989, hydraulic gradient in the area under investigation was Southwest. Due to the close proximity of the site boundary to the former tank pit, it appears likely that contaminated groundwater has moved off site- possibly beneath Highway 99. As a result of Uriah's investigative efforts to date, work performed by others, and data available from the Kern County Water Agency, it appears likely that fluctuations in the direction of groundwater flow at the Pierce Road site occur regularly; apparently in response to influences imposed by the seasons and surface waters in the immediate area (i.e. the Kern River, Calloway Canal, and water treatment plant lagoon). Thus, to fully characterize the site in question, it appears necessary to study groundwater conditions as they occur 360 degrees around the former tank pit. - In consideration of/the sandy soils at the Pierce Road site and the resultant C~oclivit~ for vertical rather than lateral migration of contami~nan~, the low levels of gasoline and aromatic constituents previously detected within the soil, and the toxicologic and environmental impact potentials typically associated with these levels, Uriah believes that it is most appropriate to complete characterization of the site through 464 Lindbergh Avenue · Livermore, California 94550 · (415) 455-4991 comprehensive definition of groundwater conditions. It is proposed, therefore, that three additional 2" diameter ground- water monitoring wells be installed to the Northwest, West, and Southwest of the former underground storage tank pit. By circumscribing the source of contamination in this manner, and then sampling and monitoring all wells at least quarterly for one year, elevation and water quality data will be acquired which will: 1) Reveal specific seasonal changes in the flow regime if, in fact, such changes do occur. 2) Determine whether contamination is moving as a non-aqueous phase liquid and/or as dissolved constituents. 3) Provide data which will permit development of isoconcentration contour maps which may be used to determine how contaminant migration patterns change in response to seasonal fluctuations in the flow regime. 4) Permit modeling of transport factors, biotic and abiotic attenuation pathways; and the development of a risk assessment which will address fully the potential for public health and environmental impacts. If the proposal for the installation of additional groundwater monitoring wells is approved, each boring would be advanced to a depth of approximately 40 feet, 15 feet below the point at which groundwater is expected to be encountered. Drilling would be accomplished with a truck/trailer mounted rig equipped with 8" outside diameter, continuous-flight, hollow stem augers. Each boring would be continuously logged using the Unified Soil Classification system and samples would be obtained at five foot intervals and at the top of the capillary fringe within a California Modified Split Spoon Sampler driven through the hollow stem of the drilling auger(s). Immediately upon the opening of the sampler, the ends of the 1.92 inch diameter x 6.0 inch long, clean brass sampling tubes contained within would be wrapped with aluminum foil, fitted with plastic caps, sealed with black electrical tape, labeled, and placed on dry ice for transportation to Chromalab, Inc. of San Ramon, CA, or other certified hazardous waste analytical laboratory, under chain of custody. It is proposed that soil samples be analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline (TPH-G), benzene, toluene, total xylenes, and ethylbenzene (BTX&E) using EPA Methods 5030/8015-8020. The limits of detection for TPH-G in soil is li0 parts per million (ppm), and for benzene, toluene, total xylenes, and ethylbenzene 0.05 ppm. Monitoring wells will be constructed in accordance with protocol set forth on Page #1 of Appendix "A". The slotted section of the well will extend 15 feet below and 5 feet above the first encountered water. The sand pack will extend 18-24 inches above the slotted section. A 2-4 foot thick bentonite seal will be placed above the sand pack. The remaining annulus will be tremie filled with grout. Proposed well development procedures appear as Pages #2 and 3 of Appendix "A". Fluids produced from the development process would be held on site in a secured container until laboratory results are received and appropriate disposal protocol developed. Tailings will be stored on site on visqueen and covered also pending receipt of laboratory data. Samples from each developed well would be acquired with a clean acrylic or teflon bailer lowered into the well to a point immediately below the water surface. Each water sample would be transferred to one (1) amber glass sample bottle and two (2) Volatile Organic Analysis (VOA) vials, promptly sealed with teflon-lined screw caps, labeled, placed on blue ice and trans- ported to Chromalab, Inc. under chain of custody for analysis for TPH-G and BTX&E using EPA Methods 5030/8015-602. The limit of detection for TPH-G in water is 30 ppb (parts per billion), and for benzene, toluene, total xylenes, and ethylbenzene 0.3 ppb. Assurance of sample quality will be provided through the use of blanks and/or duplicates of soil and water samples as specified by the Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services. All sampling equipment will be steam cleaned or thoroughly scrubbed with alconox solution followed by a distilled water rinse prior to being brought on site and between all samplings. All professional work will be performed by/under the direction of a Uriah staff geologist supervised by Mr. Eddy Tabet, a Registered Professional Engineer. If you have any questions regarding this proposal, or if we may otherwise of assistance, please contact either of the undersigned at (415) 455-4991. Sincerely, Walter Floyd Project Geologist and D~nise A. Rapp Vice-President, Uriah Inc. enc.: Appendix "A"- Well Details and Logging Format Appendix "B"- Health and Safety Plan Fee Schedule Terms and Conditions ACCEPTED BY: TITLE: TELEPHONE: DATE: Area And Site Maps I Building = Existing Monitoring Well O = Proposed Monitoring Well 0 25 Loading Dock Scale (feet) MW-4 0 / / Tank Pit MW-5 1 MW-6 ** The exa~t placement of MW-5 will Be determined JDirection of Groundwatelr by requirements set forth by the State of /~Flow as Determined on' California and physical limitations ~// 11/28/89 By Uriah, Inc.I attendant to the area in question. I Figure ~1 BAKER'S WELDING SUPPLY ~ DATE:URIAH MARcHENVIRONMENTAL1990SERVICES' INC. 3505 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA 28, North KERN L'OUNTY ! ~****~ ~** AIRI~RT NO, I *~*c~ Figure 2 O Waterways affecting groundwater gradient at the site N BRUNDAGE A D F URIAH ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. 464 LINDBERGH AVENUE, LIVERMORE, CA 0 SITE LOCATION: Scale (Miles) 3505 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA APPENDIX A SOILBORING LOG Page 1 of 1 PROJECTNO. 33289W1MW LO~ATION 3505 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA Walter Floyd- Geologist CLIENT Linde Gases LOGGED BY 8ORE HOLE NO. LB-3 MONITOR HOLE NO. MW-3 ELEVATION t300 DATE DRILLED 11/28/89 START 0830 FINISH DRILLING METHOD H/S Auger SAMPLING METHOD CA .MOD SS DRILLED BY Melton Drilling DEPTH SAMPLES SOIL DESCRIPTION UNIFIED G~AmlC P~NE18AIION %YELL CONSTRUCTION BELOW COLLECTED SOIL LOG COLLECTED DETAILS SURFACE IN]'iOVR SAMP% E 1£ X I uR[, COL ORo MOIST URE CL.ASS4F. 10~ O~ BP~ Christy ' 0 [ , NO. , CONSISIEN£¥. GRAIN-SIZE. E'TC. 6~x~"x6' ]~O'X -- . 2" Grout -- ']] ! '!';i Bl~n.~ -- PVC ~-- 5 ~ BK3-5 SILTY-SAND- fine sands, no SM [['i':~ 2,4 i-- odors, loose, yellowish- · .'! '~L brown. / ~ ~-- 10~ 3K3-10 SAND- well graded, medium 55'7 4,5 __ to coarse sized, yellowish. '." -- bro~n, no odors, loose. .- ,'..' -. t5 ~ BK3-!5 S.~fD- medi,mm to fine craine( .'..' · 3,4 __ loose, musty odor. , '...: ".' Bentonite __ t ' ' "' Pellets 20! ~n~--~u, S.~\~D- coarse, mnifo-~nlv ~.~ ...... 6,7 t-- graded light gray, medium~, / / - {__ dense, strong odors. Slotte ] Monterey i- / / / PVC sand ~-- 25 BK3-25 SILT- dark bro~,~n with fine ~ 4,7 t-- ~ sand, stiff, strong odors. / // i- / .__ -- 28.~, -- 30j ~K3-30 SA3FD- well graded, ,~nae-~_~ ~ am,< . ,.'" 6,8 '__ bro:.m, medium to fine '-- :~rained, medimm dense. '"'..' . 35 ~K3-35 SAND- unable to retain a ~ff . .,:.,'~,9 ~ sample, sands are heaving. "' : ~-- 40 BK3-40 Same. '"" '" ' ' Screw .' ' Cap 45~ BK3-45 Same. , ' WEL'L DETAILS ' - MW-4 MW-5 PROJECT NAMEs Baker,' s Welding Supply.. BOP~/~=. NOJ4W-6 W~.r. PERMIT NO. = SURFACE ELEV'ATII]N~ EXAMPLE (;-5 Vault ~x A.. Total Depth= 42 ' B. Boring D~ameter=, 8" G Drilling me,ho4= H/S Augers C~ Casing Length: . 42 ' .. Material~ PVC. H D. Casin~ Diameter~ 2" E. DetYch to Perforatioas~ 22' F. Perforated Lengths 20 ' A Perforated Interva/.' 42 ' - 22 ' Perforation Types Factory Slot Perforation Size~.. 0.020" G. Surface Seal.- 17' - 0' Seal Material~ Grout }{. Seal.- 20'-17' Seal Material, Bentonite I. Gravel Pack : 42'-20' Pack Mater'ial~, Mont. ere¥ Sand.. J. Bo%txm Seal~, WELL LOG KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS Sampling Method Cal. Mod. - California modified split-spoon sampler (2" inner diameter) driven 18" by a 140-pound hammer having a 30" drop. Where penetration resistance is designated "P", sampler was instead pushed by drill rig. Disturbed - Sample taken from drill-return materials as they surfaced. n/a - Not applicable  S~bols · , ~ - First encountered .~ --- ground water N~sample [ [~recovery ~ Static ground sampled ~'i) :~/ ~ ~'-{i ~% recovery interval~' ~/'....', ." _~. . ,, ,- HSA - Hollow stem auger ,0~.,;~ Cd&"%~9%~ %, CFA- Continuous flight auger Air - Reverse air circulation S01L TEXTURIL CLASSES GRADE LIMITS GRADE N~E U.~. Standard inches sieve size Boulders --12.0 ............. Cobbles Gravel ---0.19 No. 4 ............... Coarse 0.08 No. 10 Med i um Sand No. 40 Fine No. 200--- Silt Clay To Bo PRIMARy DIVISIONS G.our SECONDARY DIVISIONS · $¥MB, OL .' "' ..... S~ Fl~S) GP ~ ,~. ~ t~. T~ ~T. · - , F~CTION IS ~ SM Siltr II~ ~-I~l ~iI~R ~-~lSt~ r~. SM~LER 3H~ ~H ' ' " NO. 4 StE~ f~ SC ~ ~s. ~-cby ~=~ ~ f~. ~ LIOUID LIMIT I$ C L . c,~. ~y c a~. ~,y c,,~. ,4~ c~ ' , GRATER ~ ~% OH ~Ol~ cb~ 01 HIGHLY OR--lC ~1~ Pt Peat o~ ot~t h;ghly DEFINITION OF TERMS. U.S...ST~O S;~tES STEVE C[E~ SQUA~ SIE~ OPENINGS 2~ 40 ~ 4 3/4= 3~ 12= ~D G~VEL ~8LES B~ERS F lNt , MEOIUM COARSE F IN~ ! GRAIN SIZES . ~0 G~S * B~~T~ ' - ' ' ~os StLTS A~O C~YS, . B VE~ L~SE 0 4 ~RY SOFT I , . ~ 0 -~4 ~ 0-2 SO~ 1/4 - ~ ~ 2 - 4 , L~E 4 - I0 FroM ~ - I 4 - 8 ~EDfUM DENSE ~ 10-~ ~ ~IFF I - 2 8 - ~ ~-~ ~ VE~ STIFF 2 - 4 t6 - I ~ OVER 4 · ,~ ~ ,, RELATIVE DENSI~ C~NSI~ENCY J~f ~ ~ of 140 ~ AOMe, fa~ ~ ~s lo d~ a 2 ~h O.D. (!-~8 ~ 1.~.1 ~ tho standard ~fle~rat~ Ic~ ~TM D-I~ ~tet ~t~. IMray. M ~s~ll ~rvat~. ~NIFIED SOl~ CLASSIFICATION SYSTE~ .(ASTM D-2487) Color ~er~e~ {rom the ~SELL So~1 ~olor ~har~s GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL DEVELOPMENT AND SAMPLING REPORT On ., Uriah, Inc. staff collected one ground- water sample from the newly installed monitoring well located at Methodology Depth to groundwater was measured with an electronic tape after development and recharge as well as before and after the well was purged for sampling. The well was developed with the use of a hand pump until the groundwater was clay and/or silt free. The well was then purged using a hand pump until the pH, conductivity, and temperature were stabilized and the groundwater was observed to be relatively free of sandy silt and other grit material. The pH, conductivity, and temperature measurements acquired are referenced on Chart I, attached. The groundwater sample was collected with a new, disposable polyethylene bailer and appeared clean and contained little, if any, suspended soil sediment. The sample was promptly transferred from the bailer into two (2) 40 milliliter capacity Volatile Organics Analysis (VOA) vials and a one liter amber glass sample bottle, immediately sealed with teflon-lined screw caps, labeled, placed on blue ice and transported to a certified hazardous waste analytical laboratory under chain of custody for analysis for using EPA Methods . All development and sampling equipment was cleansed with a solution of Trisodium Phosphate (TSP) prior to use. All produced fluids were contained on-site until analytical results are received, at which time all fluids will be disposed of properly. Laboratory Results The laboratory results as received from the certified hazardous waste analytical laboratory are enclosed. Conclusions The levels of all constituents analyzed for were found to be Prepared By: DAR CHART I (MW-1) GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL SAMPLING DATA: DEPTH OF DEPTH TO DEPTH OF VOL. OF MIN. VOL. TO WELL WATER WATER WELL BE PUMPED (feet) (feet) (feet) (Gal.) (Ga~.) 35.6 22.3 13.3 2.2 6.6 (A minimum of 3 well volumes) Date: Sample #: GAL. TIME pH CONDUCTIVITY TEMPERATURE PUMPED (mohms/cm) (Centigrade) 0 1:24p 6.5 1430 17.0 1 1:26p 6.3 1450 17.0 2 1:28p 6.1 1450 16.0 3 1:30p 6.4 1430 16.0 4 1:32p 6.3 1490 16.0 5 1:34p 6.3 1470 16.0 6 1:36p 6.3 1480 16.0 7 1:38p 6.3 1480 16.0 ** This is an example of the documentation of data acquired attendant to groundwater monitoring well development and sampling. APPENDIX B HEALTH AND SAFETY PROCEDURES FOR EXPLORATORY SOIL BORINGS TO BE PERFORMED AT 3505 PIERCE ROADt BAKERSFIELDt CA: The following protocol for personnel involved in the above referenced project is considered generally appropriate; however, modifications may be imposed by their consultants, and/or the County of Kern in response to site specific conditions. HEALTH AND SAFETY STAFF Mr. Walter Floyd, Uriah Staff Geologist PUBLIC HEALTH/ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARD ASSESSMENT Hazards associated with the performance of exploratory soil borings are those related to: 1). Exposure to the hydrocarbon contaminated soils being explored, 2). The potential for ignition of flammable/explosive vapors, and 3). The physical hazards associated with working with/near heavy equipment. HAZARDS OF CHEMICAL EXPOSURE All soils to be handled are contaminated with gasoline and diesel fuel. The most toxic constituents present are believed to be the aromatic constituents of gasoline- benzene, toluene, xylenes, and ethylbenzene (BTX&E); with benzene the most toxic of these having been identified as a carcinogen and forming as much as 3.5% of gasoline by weight. Due to the volatile nature of the aromatics, the most significant route of potential exposure would appear to be via inhalation. Secondary routes of exposure would include dermal (by direct contact with contaminated soil) and by the incidental ingestion of gasoline contaminated dusts. The measures prescribed for the minimization of risks associated with the aforementioned routes of exposure are described below. HAZARDS ASSOCIATED WITH FLAMMABLE VAPORS Although by and large the levels of gasoline within soil are not extremely high, it is recognized that there is a potential for vapors to collect within the flammable range. The measures for early detection of these vapors are described below. PHYSICAL HAZARDS The physical hazards attendant to the performance of exploratory soil borings are those associated with working on/near mechanized equipment. Appropriate procedures attendant to the operation of equipment to be utilized on this project are already in force and are well known to our staff. Further, work-rest cycles will be established and adhered to so as to provide adequate rest periods; liquids will also be available to preclude problems associated with heat stress. RISK FACTORS AND ASSOCIATED MITIGATION PROCEDURES Type of Risk Route of Exposure Mitigating Factor(s) Chemical .............. Inhalation ........... -Air purifying respirators with organic vapor and dust filters. -A hydrocarbon vapor survey meter will be used to determine exposure. Chemical ......... Dermal/Ingestion .......... -Optimum use of equipment to minimize direct exposure to the soil. -Use of protective clothing. -The nature of the project does not involve the uncontrolled release of toxic materials. Flammable Vapors ....... --. ................. -A hydrocarbon vapor meter will be used to determine the percent of the lower explosive limit (LEL) present at the excavation. Physical ............... --. ................. -Physical hazards attendant to this project are no different from those associated with drilling projects involving non- regulated materials. -The use of trained and experienced staff; properly attired and using appropriate and well-maintained equipment. WORK AREA Only authorized personnel will be permitted within the work area. This area will be clearly marked and monitored. DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURES General procedures for handwashing and disposal of soiled clothing will be adhered to. Ur, An Enuironmental SITE CHARACTERIZATION AT: BAKER'S WELDING 3505 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA JANUARY 26, 1990 464 Lindbergh Avenue · Livermore, California 94550 · (415) 455-4991 Uriah Inc. An Environmental Services Company January 26, 1990 Mr. Sam Rohn Union Carbide- Linde Division 2420 Camino Ramon San Ramon, CA 94583 Re: Site Characterization At 3505 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. Rohn: Uriah, Inc. staff have completed the installation of three (3) two-inch groundwater monitoring wells at the above referenced location according to the guidelines and requirements set forth by the Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services and the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board in the area formerly occupied by a 10,000 gallon underground unleaded gasoline storage tank...the focus of a known fuel leak event in December, 1987, in order to determine the lateral and vertical extent of fuel hydrocarbon contamination of soil and groundwater. METHODOLOGY A literature review conducted by the previous consultant Krazan and Associates, revealed a report by the Kern County Water Agency, 1987, which stated that" The groundwater gradient is from the southeast to northwest, 'perpendicular to the Kern River." The report went on to say that the direction of groundwater flow may reverse seasonally depending upon whether the Kern River is acting as a source of recharge or discharge. With this in mind, it was decided to place a well to the southeast (#MW-l) in what was believed to be the downgradient position on October 17, 1989. A second well (#MW-2) was advanced adjacent to the building Northeast of the tank pit on October 18, 1989. (See Figure 1 for specific well locations). The location of all wells was pre-approved by Delores Gough, Hazardous Materials Specialist for the Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services. 464 Lindbergh Avenue · Livermore, California 94550 · (415) 455-4991 An attempt was made to utilize an existing groundwater monitoring well installed by Krazan and Associates in order to determine groundwater gradient; however, we were unable to utilized the well due to the fact that the screened interval had completely filled with silt. It was also noted upon visual inspection of the well, that no surface cover was in place over the well. This well was subsequently abandoned with the prior approval of Dan Starkey, Hazardous Materials Specialist for the Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services, on November 28, 1989 by filling it with grout and advancing a new well in its place (see Figure 1) on that same day. Uriah's groundwater monitoring wells were advanced using a truck-mounted, 8" outside diameter, continuous-flight, hollow-stem auger(s) by employees of BSK & Associates Drilling Company for #MW-1 and #MW-2 and employees of Melton Drilling for #MW-3 under the direction of Uriah Staff Geologist, Walter Floyd. Soil samples were obtained at 5 foot intervals for lithologic evaluation (using the Unified Soil Classification System) and/or laboratory analysis. The samples were collected 'within clean brass sampling tubes (1.92 inches in diameter and 6 inches in length) placed within a California Modified Split spoon Sampler driven through the hollow stem of the drilling auger. Immediately upon the opening of the sampler, the ends of the sampling tubes were wrapped in aluminum foil, fitted with plastic caps, sealed with black electrical tape, labeled, placed on dry ice, and transported to a certified hazardous waste analytical laboratory under chain of custody for analysis. Soil samples obtained below groundwater were collected using a standard split spoon sampler for logging purposes only. All %~ork performed was under the supervision of a Registered Professional Civil Engineer. All soil samples collected during the course of drilling #MW-1 and #MW-2 appeared clean with no discoloration or odor noted to be present. Groundwater was encountered at a depth of 27' in both #MW-1 and #MW-2. Soil samples obtained at depths of 5, 15, and 25 feet in both #MW-1 and #MW-2 were subsequently analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline (TPH-G), benzene, toluene, total xylenes, and ethylbenzene (BTX&E) using DoO.H.S.L.U.F.T. method for TPH-G and EPA Method 8020 for individual constituents. The third monitoring well (#MW-3) was advanced in the same manner as previously referenced. During the course of drilling this %~ell, a strong hydrocarbon odor of the soil was noted beginning at 20 feet below grade. Groundwater was encountered at a depth of 28.5 feet. Soil samples were collected at depths of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 28 feet in the same manner.as noted above and then analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline (TPH- G), benzene, toluene, total xylenes, and ethylbenzene (BTX&E) using D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. method for TPH-G and EPA Method 8020 for individual constituents. Ail three wells were constructed of 2-inch inside diameter, threaded, Schedule 40 PVC risers attached to 0.020 inch slotted PVC well screen. In each case, the slotted casing extends above the groundwater surface to account for fluctuating groundwater levels. A 3 foot bentonite seal was placed above the screened interval in each well to protect groundwater from surface water infiltration. Each well was completed with a cement grout mixture pumped into the boring with a tremie line. Copies of the Boring Logs and Monitoring Well Construction Details are enclosed as Attachment B. Ail tailings from the drilling were placed on visqueen, covered and stored on site pending the results of certified laboratory analysis for the determination of proper disposal. The hollow stem augers were steam cleaned prior to arrival on the site. All sampling equipment was steam cleaned prior to being brought on site and between all samplings. Groundwater monitoring wells #MW-1 and #MW-2 were developed and sampled by Mr. Floyd on October 19, 1989. Monitoring Well #MW-3 was developed and sampled on November 29, 1989. (See The Groundwater Monitoring'Well Development and Sampling Report enclosed as Attachment B. The wells were surveyed by Uriah, Inc. staff using a transit and rod on November 28, 1989. An on site datum was used to obtain an elevation of the wells relative to each other. Groundwater gradient was determined to be South 30 degrees West, or roughly parallel to the Kern River (see Figure 2 attached). This most recent data differs from gradient information supplied by the Kern County Water Agency report on water conditions in Improved District #4, 1987 Report. According to the report, groundwater flow was Northwest, perpendicular to the Kern River, which would be the expected direction of groundwater flow when free of other influences. The lagoon near the water treatment plant approximately a quarter of a mile away and the Calloway Canal appear to have a significant influence on the hydraulic gradient at this site. LABORATORY RESULTS Copies of all laboratory results as received from the certified hazardous waste analytical laboratory are enclosed as Attachment C. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The results of certified laboratory analysis are summariZed in the following chart: CHART I Sample #~ Matrix TPH-G ( B T X E ) ** Concentrations in parts per billion- ppb BK1-5' soil N.D. ~N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. BK1-25' soil N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. BK2-5' soil N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. BK2-15' soil N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. BK2-25' soil N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. LB3-5' soil N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. LB3-10' soil N.D. N.D.' N.D. N.D. N.D. LB3-15' soil N.D. N.D. N.D. N.Do N.D. LB3-20' soil 1074.09 9.97 134.82 199.55 22.18 LB3-25' soil 53.70 0'.50 6.74 9.98 1.11 LB3-28' soil <5 <0.02 0.21 0.18 <0.02 -~ MW-1 (BK1) water N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. MW-2 (BK2) water 125 22.2 2.4 N.D. 1.17 ~3\. MW-3 (BK3) water 3076.43 90 140 550 990 Concentrations of benzene in groundwater from #MW-2 and #MW- 3 ~ere found to be above the Action Level of 0.7 parts per .4. billion (ppb) set by the California State Department ~'f~-'Health Services (DOHS) for benzene in drinking water. Due to the seasonal fluctuations in the direction of groundwater flow, the data obtained to date may not be sufficient to thoroughly define the potential extent of soil and groundwater contamination at the referenced site. Copies of this report have been included for your convenience. It is recommended that one be forwarded to each of the following agencies for their review and comment: Kern County Health Department Department of Environmental Health Services 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: Delores Gough Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board 3443 Routier Road Sacramento, CA 95827-3098 Attention: Bob Turner Thank you for having selected Uriah, Inc. as your service provider. If you have any questions, or if we may otherwise be of assistance, please contact us at (415) 455-4991. Sincerely, Walter Floyd Project Geologist Eddy Ta~et, P.E. Registered Civil Engineer Denise ~. Rapp Vice-President, Uriah, Inc. ~F:ET:DAR:ms eric. Attachment A- Groundwater Monitoring Well Development And Sampling Report Attachment B- Boring Logs And Well Construction Details Attachment C- Certified Laboratory Results And Chains Of Custody 65.90 65.94 /,'~5.85 J Gradient Determined on 11/28/89 65.81 UR ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, AT: BAKER'S WELDING 3505 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA ~ N -- _ SITE MAP 0 25 Scale (feet) Pierce Road ' ~ ¥ V v 'q :~ I~ ' -- i,, ' · /%-- Fence Loading Building Dock Figure 1 ~ MW- 2 MW- 1 000 ' 02 N2 Ar ' Krazan monitoring well abandoned by Uriah on 11/28/89. ,,'":;' I '- '¥' ,~ ~' X ~, .~o,~..~ OILDA AIRPORT NO. I ~r~,~cM Figure 2 0 Waterways affecting ground~ater gradient at the site A B C D E FRUITVALE .: I / OIL ~ FIELD ~, c~ I DALE URIAH ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. 464 LINDBERGH AVENUE, LIVERMORE, CA 0 ½ SITE LOCATION: Scale (Miles) 3505 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA ATTACHMENT A Uriah Inc. An Environmental Services Compan GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL DEVELOPMENT AND SAMPLING REPORT On October 19, 1989, Uriah, Inc. staff collected one ground- water sample from each of the-newly installed monitoring wells (~MW-1 and ~MW-2) located at Baker's Welding, 3505 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA. On November 29, 1989, a water sample was also collected from the. third newly installed well (#MW-3). Methodology The well depth and depth to groundwater for each well were measured using an electric measuring tape. Groundwater monitoring wells #MW-1 and ~MW-2 were purged using a clean, acrylic bailer. Well ~MW-3 was purged'using a hand pump. Water was purged from the wells until the pH, conductivity, and temperature were stabilized and the groundwater was observed to be relatively free of sandy silt and other grit material. The pH, conductivity, and temperature measurements acquired are referenced on Chart I, attached. The groundwater sample was collected from each well with an acrylic bailer which had been cleansed with a trisodium phosphate solution (TSP) and then rinsed thoroughly with distilled water prior to collecting the sample. The sample in each case appeared clean and contained little, if any, suspended soil sediment. The sample was promptly transferred from the bailer into two (2) Volatile Organics Analysis (VOA) vials, immediately sealed with teflon-lined screw caps, labeled, placed on blue ice and transported to a certified hazardous waste analytical laboratory under chain of custody for analysis for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline (TPH-G), benzene, toluene, total xylenes, and ethylbenzene (BTX&E) using EPA Methods 5030/602. Laboratory ResUlts The laboratory results as received'from the certified hazardous waste analytical laboratory are enclosed. 464 Lindbergh Avenue · Livermore, California 94550 · (415) 455-4991 Conclusions Ail constituents analyzed for in groundwater sample #MW-1 were found to be below detection limits. However, all constituents analyzed for in groundwater sample ~MW-2 and #MW-3 were found to be above detection limits except for total xylenes in sample #MW-2. Prepared By: DAR CHART I GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL SAMPLING DATA: Baker's Welding 3505 Pierce Road Bakersfield, CA DATE: October 19, 1989 and November 29, 1989 WELL WELL DEPTH TO WELL MIN. GAL. TO NO. DEPTH WATER VOL. BE PUMPED (feet) (feet) (gal.) (gal.) MW-1 36.60 27.33 1.5 4.5 MW-2 40.00 27.32 2.0 6.0 MW-3 43.7 29.1 2.34 7.0 Groundwater Sample #: MW-l, MW-2, and MW-3 GAL. TIME pH CONDUCTIVITY TEMPERATURE PUMPED (Mohms/cm) (Centigrade) WELL #MW-1 0 5:15p 8.2 540 20.0 2 5:25p 7.8 520 19.0 4 5:30p 7.2 620 19.0 5 5:35p 6.8 500 19.0 7 5:37p 6.7 520 19.0 8 5:45p 6.6 500 19.0 9 5:50p 6.3 480 19.0 10 6:00p 6.3 520 19.0 11 6:05p 6.4 490 19.0 WET.T. #MW-2 0 8:13a 6.5 720 17.0 2 8:20a 6.5 630 18.0 4 8:28a 6.5 590 18.0 6 8:35a 6.6 580 18.0 8 8:45a 6.6 590 18.0 10 8: 50a 6.6 600 1 8.0 WELL #MW-3 0 8: 34a 7.5 750 1 5.0 2 8:38a 5.9 660 15.0 3 8:40a 6.0 600 15.0 4 8:43a 6.5 600 15.0 5 8: 47a 6.6 570 1 6.0 6 8:50a 6.6 560 15.0 7 8:53a 6.7 530 15.0 9 8: 57a 6.6 520 1 5.0 11 9:02a 6.7 510 15.0 I 3 9: 07a 6.7 51 0 15.0 ATTACHMENT B SOIL LOG Page I of 1 PROJECTNO. 28989W1 LOCATION 3505 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA CLIENT Linde Gases LOGGED BY Walter Floyd- Geologist BORE HOLE NO. MONITOR HOLE NO. MW-1 ELEVATION DATE DRILLED 10/17/89 START 0800 FINISH 1500 DRILLING METHOD H/S Auger SAMPLING METHOD CA MOD SS DRILLEDBY BSK & Assoc. DEPTH SAMPLES SOIL DESCRIPTION UNIFIED GRAPHIC PENEIRATION W~LL CONSIRUCI'ION BELOW COLLECTED ~OIL LO~ COLLECTED DETAILS SURFACE tN1 O%/R SAMP%E 1EXIUP,~, COLOR. MOISIUR~ CLASSIC. blows al~ Christy ~om NO. CONS4SIENCY, GRAtN-SIZ~[, E 1C, 6'X6"X6' BOX -- SILTY-SAND (SM)- fine, brow , '-"'~' loose, no odors ~ ...... 2" -- Gravel lense ~ 4' fGp. <o,..,;,,,o ,..., PVC Cement -- grained, beige SW "-; -- · !~ 10 i~ BKi-10 Becoming uniformly graded, :-' '. ;' 7,8 20./~ BK1-20 Change ~ 20' to SILT, !ight f ×~ 9,1~ -- brown, no odors, micaleous / Bentonite I-- stained with oxides, stiff. ML / / -- / / Native -- 25~ BK1-25! ShNDS- fine to medium /? 9,22 Sand -- -- ' Slotte¢ -- dense. Groundwater '..i. · :'.,'. PVC {-- encountered ~ 27' -. "-' ~3 : ..... Native i__ 35 ~ IBK1-35 Same, but medium to coarse %...~-.. Sand grained " "'' 40 I BK1-4( Boring terminated ~ 40'. .. .:....-,:-,.7,14 Screw .... ~caP ' I ELL DETA! LS' PROJECT NAME: Linde- Bakersfield BORING/W~L NO. MW-1 PROJECT NUMBER: CASING I~r.~;ATION: ~:~'.T. PERMIT NO.: SURFACE ELEVATION:' Vault Box A. Total' Depth: 38 ~ 5 ' B. Boring Diameter-. 8" G Drilling method: H/S Auqer C~. Casing Length.. 38 ' " Material :_ pv~ H D. Casing Diameter: 2" E. Depth %0 Perforations: 25' F. Perforated Length: 13 ' Perforated Interval: 3'8 ' - 25 ' Perforation Type: Factory S10t ~ Perforation Size: 0.020" I G. Surface. Seal: 19 ' - 0 ' Seal Material: 6 Sack Cement H. Seal: 22'-19' Seal Material.- Bentonite I. Gravel Pack: 38.5'-22' Native Sand and Pack Mater'ial:~.~ ~[onterey Sand Size: .~.3 j J. Bottan Seal: __~-~ B---~ Seal Material, SOIL BORING LOG page 1 of 1 PROJECTNO. 29089W1 LOCATION Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA CLIENT Linde Gases LOGGED BY Walter Floyd- Geologist ] BORE HOLE NO. MONITOR HOLE NO. MW-2 ELEVATION DATE DRILLED 10/18/89 START 0730 FINISH 1430 DRILLING METHOD. H/S Au,~er SAMPLING METHOD CA MOD SS DRILLED BY BSK & Assoc. · DEPTH SAMPLES SOIL DESCRIPTION UNI~IEO GRAP~'tlC PENEIRA$1ON %'~LL CONSIRUC~'ION ' iBELOW COLLECTED SOIL LOG COLLECTEO DETAILS ' chri ty ~ 0 4 mm NO. CONSISTENCY. GRAIN-SIZE, ETC. &'Xa~X&' ]~OX i-- Fine SILTY-SANDS (SM), SM ', '['. ..". i-- bro~m to brownish-gray, nc I'~ 2u 6 Sack ~ -- odors, loose, damp. 3lank Cement · -- "' ~ ' '": 3;5 PVC i-- 5 ~ BK2-5 SAND- coarse to fine grainei~ "-~::.. .,__ beige, loose, no odors, SW ..-'.' · __ predominantly quartz, well '.'.:- ' ' : -- graded. :" ~ ?.' ." · ,.-~:: 10 ~ BK2-10 :...:...:. 5,8 ~ ."i: '"' - ·: -- 15 m BK2-15 SAND- well sorted, uniforml; SP '.:...'.':. 9,9' -- graded, medium grained, nc ':'-,' ';' "' .'"'.:i Bentonite, -- odors, medium dense, light :.: .:'.... -- brown. '::.':" -- 20 ~ BK2-20 SILT- light broxm, no odors ~____--~ 20,15 ~3 '__ low plasticity, verticall~ // / 2" Monterey i-- stained with oxides, very ML [/// 3.020" Sand ~ __ stiff. Slotte¢ I-- ~ BK2-2~ White SANDS- fine to mediu~~ 9,11 PVC i-- grained, poorly graded, SP .'~:.":F.'."-'i. ; ~ medium dense, well rounded, ' [".'" i-- approx. 90 pct quartz. .:.:-":":~.. __ Groundwater encountered ~ '" i. 7,10 i-- 301 BK2-3C 27'. :., ] "' :-'" Natural !__ .'- : ::.. I .1.':'-' .:'. Sand t-- Gravel lense ~ 33'. GP ,~,~:'~;',.. Pack I 35 ~ BK2-35 White SgaNDS- coarse to · :' '..-'. 31,50+ 1-- medium grains, dense, SP ', .. · .. 1--' poorly graded. ' . ::,.,'. ,-- 40~ BK2-40 Boring terminated ~ 40'. ..;.:-;;'...7.. 17,25 Screw 1 -- cap ;ELL DETAILS' PROJECT NAME: Linde- Bakersfield BORING/W~.?. NO. MW-2 PROJECT NUMBER: CASING ~.~FATION: W~.T. PERMIT NO.: SURFACE ELEVATION: G-5 Vault Box A. Total Depth: 40 ' B. Boring Diame%er.- 8" G Drilling me%hod: H/S Auger C~. Casing Length: 40' .- Material: PVC H D. Casing Diameter: 2" E. Depth to Perforations: 20' F. Perfora%ed Length: 20 ' A Perforated Interval: 40 ' -20 ' Perforation Type.. Factory SlOt Perforation Size: 0. 020" G. Surface. Seal: 15 ' -0 ' ' Seal Material: 6 Sack Cement Seal Material-. Bentonite I. Grav~l Pack: 40'-t8' Pack Mater'ial: Monterey Sand Size: ~3 j J. Bottcm Seal: ~-- B--~ Seal Material: SOIL BORING LOG page [ of PROJECTNO. 33289W1MW LOCATION 3505 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA CLIENT Linde Gases LOGGED BY Walter Floyd- C~olog'ist BORE HOLE NO. LB-3 MONITOR HOLE NO. MW'-3 ELEVATION 1300 DATE DRILLED 11/28/89 START 0830 FINISH DRILLING METHOD H/S Auger SAMPLING METHOD CA MOD SS DRILLEDBY Melton Drilling DEPTH SAMPLES SOIL DESCRIPTION UNI~I~O GRAPHIC PENE11~.~IOI~ ~L[ CONSTRUCTION i BELOW COLLECTED SOIL LOG COLLECTED DETAILS ,~ :~m NO. CONSISIENCY. GRAIN-SIZE. Elf.- 6"X6'X6' BOX -- Grout --_ '.1':i PVC i-- odors, loose, yellowish- brown. 10 i 3K3-10 SAND- well graded, medium SW .'. "' 4,5 to coarse sized, yellowish- __ bro~m, no odors, loose. .. .... ,' : -- 15 I ~I<3-1~ SAND- medium to fine graine{ , .'.:. :.. ' 3,4 .. loose, musty odor. ".'.. · :.'. Bentonite -- -- ' "' Pellets 201~ BK3-20 SAND- coarse, uniformly SP · "...'.:. 6,7 graded, light gray, medium-------~ 2" __ dense, strong odors. Slot%e.~t Monterey -- / / / PVC Sand ~-- 25I BK3-25: SILT- dark brown with fine ML 4,7 __ sand, stiff, strong odors. ~ / / !-- ~ Groundwater encountered ~ -- --... i-- -- 28.5' "~ ' I ------- 30 I BK3-30 SAND-.brown,wellmediumgraded,to fine°range- SW ,.' ,. "'... ,,' 6,8 ',__ grained, medium dense. : · 35 BK3-35 SAND- unable to retain a S~V · ' 5,9 ~ / sample, sands are heaving. '"' ' t 40 / ~K3-40 Same. ,""'.. '"'.. ' · Screw ~ - ' Cap ___ 45 I BK3-4~ Same. .. i ELL DETAILS PROJECT NAME: Linde- Bakersfield BORING/W~3.L NO. MW-3 PROJECT NUMBER: CASING I~.~ATION: ~.T. PERMIT NO.: SURFACE F~.~rATION: G-5 Vault Box A. Total Depth: 45 B. Boring Diameter: 8 G Drilling method: H/S Auqer C~. Casing Length: 40' -' Material: PVC H D. Casing Diameter: 2" E. Depth to Perforations: 20 ' F. Perforated Length: 20 ' A Perforated Interval: 40 ' - 20 ' Perfcration Type:Sactor_v Slot Perforation Size: 0.020" I G. Surface. Seal: 15'-0' Seal Material: Grout H. Seal: 18'-15' Seal Material: Bentonite I. Grav~! Pack: ?ack Mater'i~l: ;¥~onterev Sand Size: j J. Bottc~ Seal: ~--- B---~ Seal Material: WELL LOG KEY TO ABBREVZATZONS ~am_~.ling. Method Cal. Mod. - California modified split-spoon sampler (2# inner diameter) driven 18" by a 140-pound hammer having a 30" drop. Where penetration resistance is designated "P", sampler was instead pushed by drill rig. Disturbed - Sample taken from drill-return materials as they surfaced. n/a - Not applicable '~/~ SYmbols / ' "%~ = ground water r-~sample ,/ -'_'~* ~ - Static ground sampled C I , -' -1~ A ~ ~/..~', -., ., ~,,~ % Drillino Method ~ . '.'' /A~&~'-~' HS - /~' ~", '. '.'Xs~;%=~ CFA - Continuous flight auger ~o~--~. ,. --~. ,,~., ,,-'~,A~ ~,; ~,. · HND - Hano Auger , ~O~alr~' '- ~""/~'/~/'~'-'~/' '-~. "X~ ND- i No .,.~,.~, ,,,o Detection SOIL TEXTURAL CLASSES o.A u- zs inches sieve size Boulders --12.0- Cobbles ---3.0- 3.0 in. Gravel ---0.19 No. 4 - Coarse 0.08 No. 10 Medium Sand No. 40 Fine No. 200 -- Silt Clay PRIMARY DIVISIONS c;nouP SECONDARY DIVISIONS · $ ¥&*,KX ; ." ~ I~TiON IS ~L G~ Ply fo~b. ~ ~ ~ ~O~,T~N~, (~~ ..... OF C~SE 6% FINES) 8P ~Or~ M~t M OfMI~ t~llb M ~f~. m F~KTION IS S~ SM Sillr ll~ - SM~L[~ ~HAN ~iTH ' - ....... ~ ~0. 4 STEVE F~ 8C C~W ~s. . c~. ~v cMvS. ~,v cua~. ~o~ ~. ' ~o ...... . , . ~ ~'~ UQUID LIMIT IS CH I~...~ of h.h ...~;tv. f.t HIGHLY OR--lC SOl~ PI r.t ~ ot~, h;o~ ~o~~ ~fs. DEFINITION OF ~ERMS' ' U.S...ST~D~O SERIES SIEVE CLE~ SQU~ SIE~ QPENt~S 2~ 40 M 4 3/4u 3" 12" ~O ' G~VEL SILTS ~ND CLAYS " ~ .... ~BLES GRAIN SIZES ~ VE~ L~S~ O- 4 ~RY SOFT I O - ~4 0- 2 I ; SO~ 1/4 - ~ 2 - 4 L~SE 4 - tO FIRM ~ED~M DENSE 10 -~ ~lFF I - 2 8 - 16 ' ~ VERY DENSE ~R ~ ~ ~D . ~ . ~ , , ~ .. ~ELATIVE DENSI~ C~NSI~ENCY }~ ~ bl~ el 140 ~ ~ee b~ ~ ~es Io eiff UNIFIE~ SOIL ~L~SSIFICATION SYS~E~ ~oil Color de~e8 ~rom the ~SEL~ Soil Color Charts GARY J. WICKS 2700 M Slreel, Suite 300 Agency Director Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3502 ..',' ' · Telepholle (805) 861-3636 ,'%T -'- fL ~,~,?'."'~ Telecopler (805) 861-3429 STEVE McCALLEY Director R ESOU RCE ,,r~N;'A:G ~:ENT AGENCY ~i(~.,~'~i!L. '.¢~,~.~"~.",~ DEPARTMENT;;OF"~EN~IRONMENTAL H~~SERVtCES HAZARDOUS MATERIALS PERMIT - MW 016~-05 0163-05 MANAGEMENT PROGRAM MONITORING WELL(S) PERMIT OWNER'S NAME: Union Carbide DATE: October 16, 1989 FAClLrFY NAME: Baker's Welding; and Supply FACILITY LOCATION: 3505 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, California DRILLINO METHOD: Hollow Stem .. CONTIL~CTOR: BSK & Associates LICRNSE #: 490942 TYPE OF MONITORING WELL(S). Ground Water NUMBER OF WELLS F, EQUIRED TO MONITOI~, FACILrI'Y: (2) Two, wells must be placed according to requirements of 9-22-89 letter from Dolores Gough, 1- well upgradient, 1- well downgradient. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF 'ir]tlS PERMIT: 1. Well site approval is required before beginning any work related to well construction. It is unlawful to continue work past the stage at which an iuspection is required unless inspection is waived or completed. 2. Olher required inspections include: conductor casing, all annular seals, and final construction features. 3. A phone call to the Department office is required on the morning of the day that work is to commence and 24 hours before Ihe placement eft any seals or plugs. 4. Construclion under this Permit is subject io any instructions by Deparlmenl representatives. 5. Any misrepresentation or non-compliance with required Permit Conditions, or Ordinance will result in issuance of a "STOP WORK ORDER.~ 6. All wells constructed of PVC located at a contaminated site where degradation may occur must be destroyed after 2 years. 7. A copy of I he Department of Water F, esources Driller's I~,eport as well as copies of logs and water quality analyses must be submitted lo Ihe Health Department within 14 days after completion of the work. 8. A well destruction application must be files with this Department if a well is being destroyed that is not in conjunction with a test hole permit. 9. Thc permit is void on the ninetieth (90) calendar day after date if issuance if work has not been started and reasonable progress toward completion made. Fees are not refundable nor Iransferablc. 10. I have read and agree to comply with the General Conditions noted above. SPECIAL CONDITIONS; 1. Approved Annular Seal Depth 15._~'. This permit must be signed by eilhcr thc contractor or owner. PER~rr APrm, OVED nY: d'a~ey ~t''''~ [ DATE: October 16, 1989 DS:cas \ 162& 163.05 KLHINI dGUN i Y H~EALi-H OEPAH I'FVIENT 2700 M Stree~ HEALTH OFFICER Bakersfield, California ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION Leon M Heberte~. M.D. Mailing Address: 1415 Truxtun Avenue DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Bakersfield. California 93301 Vernon S. Reicherd (805) 861-3636 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AA. u.~. fi- 0 t q N - O S MANAGEMENT PROGRAM MONITORING WELL(S) PERMIT FACILITY LOCATIONL ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C ~ ~. ~. ORILLING METHOD: HO&Lo~ ~TE~I CONTRACTOR: ~~ ~&~ ~ LICENSE ~: TYPE OF MONITORING WELL(S) ~O~ ~~ ~ ~E~ DESTE~CTro NUMBER OF WELLS REOUIRED TO MONITOR FACILITY: (I~ ~ ~ ~.~- ~ ~ DI~- GENERAL CONOITIONS OF THIS PER~IT: ~e]] s~[e aoprova~ ~s re~u~re~ before beginning any wor~ re]a~ed [o wei] construction, it ~s un]a~] wor~ oas~ the stage a~ which an insDec~ion is reauired unless inspection is waive~ or comDie~ed. Other re~uireM inspections include: conduc~or casin~, all annular seats, and final construction features. A Drone call ~o the 0eoartment office is required on the morning of the day that work is to comm~ce and 2~ hours before the Placement of any seals or plugs. Construction under chis Permit is subject to any instructions by Department representative. Any misrepresentation or non-compliance with reauire~ Permit Conditions, or Ordinance will resui~ in issuance of a "Stud Work Order.'' A cody Of the 0eDartment of Nater Resources Driller's Re~ort as well as cooies of logs an~ water Quality anaiyses must De suDmitteN to the Health Oeoartm~t within 14 days after completion of the work. 7. A well destruction application must be filed .ith this Oeoartment if a well is being destroyeM that is not in conjunction with a [est hoie permit. ,~. The oermi~ is void on ~he ninetieth (90) calendar ~ay after date of issuance if work has no~ been s~arteN and resonaDie orogress ~owaro comoie~ion made. ?ees are no~ refundable nor transferable. ~. ~ nave rea~ and aQree [o com~iy with ~he General ConDitions no[eQ above. 3Deciai Conditions: . ADoroved Annular Seal 0eD:h ~~ ~ ~ ~E~ /~- This Permit must be s~gneo by either the contractor or owner. ~ERMIT APPROVED BY:.. " ~ATE: //._~_~<~... DISTRICT 0~1C~5 ATTACHMENT C £NVIRDNI~£NTAL LABORATORIES, INC. PETROLEU¥ J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Uriah, Inc. Date of 424 Lindbergh Report: 22-Oct-89 Livermore, CA 94550 Attention: Walter Floyd Lab No.: 8210-1 Sample Desc: ~29089W1 - Linde Bakersfield BK1 - 5' Soil DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED: RECEIVED@LAB: COMPLETED: 18-Oct-89 18-Oct-89 18-Oct-89 Mininum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent [nits Results Level Benzene ug/g none detected 0.02 Toluene ug/g none detected 0.02 Ethyl Benzene ug/g none detected 0.02 p-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.02 m-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.02 :~-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.02 Total Petroleum Hyd!-ocarbons ug/g none detected 5.00 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. ~thod. Individual constituents by EPA ~r~'th~l 8020. Dz~ Matter ~asis Cor~r~nts: Caiifozmia D.O.H.S. Cert. ~102 £NVlRONYENTAL LABO RATO RI F.?,, INC. PETROLEUM J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENQR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Arorfmtics (SOIL) Uriah, Inc. Date of 424 Lindbergh Report: 22-0ct-89 Liven~re, CA 94550 Attention: Walter Floyd Lab No.: 8210-2 S~ple Desc: $29089W1 - Linde -Bakersfield BK1 - 15' ,Soil DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLY: 18-0ct-89 18-0ct-89 18-0ct-89 Ming~. Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g none detected O. 02 Toluene ug/g none detected O. 02 Ethyl Benzene ug/g none detected O. 02 p-Xylene ug/g none detected O. 02 m-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.02 o-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.02 Total Petroleum Hy~lrc~ar~m~ns ~/g none detected 5.00 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. rrmthod. Individual consti~.~ents by EPA r~thcxi 8020. Dry Matter B~sis Co~r~r~nts: Ca!ifon~ia.D.O.H.S. Cert. $102 ENVIAONM~NTAL LABO RATO RI FF:;_, INC. PETROLEUM J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Uriah, Inc. Date of 424 Lindbergh Report: 26-0ct-89 Livermore, CA 94550 Attention: Walter Floyd Lab No.: 8210-3 S~sple Desc: ~29089W1 - Linde ~Bakersfield BK1 - 25' Soil DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED: 18-0ct-89 18-0ct-89 19-0ct-89 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g none detected O. 02 Toluene ug/g none detected O. 02 Ethyl Benzene ug/g none detected O. 02 p-Xytene ug/g none detected 0.02 m-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.02 o-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.02 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g none detected 5. O0 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. r~thod. Individual constituents b~ EPA r~thod 8020. Dry Matter Basis Corr~ents: California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~102 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES. INC. PETROLEgld J' J' EGUN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Uriah, Inc. Date of 424 Lindbergh Report: 26-0ct-89 Livermore, CA 94550 Attention: Walter Floyd Lab No.: 8210-4 Sample Desc: ~29089W1 - Linde Bakersfield BKR - 5' Soil DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ L~B: CO[~LETED: 18-0ct-89 18-0ct-89 19-0ct-89 Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g none detected O. 02 Toluene ug/g none detected O. 02 Ethyl Benzene ug/g none detected O. 02 p-Xylene ug/g none detected O. 02 rn-X¥1ene ug/g none detected O. 02 o-X¥1ene ug/g none detected O. 02 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ,~/g none detected 5. O0 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA n~thod 8020. Dry Matter -Basis Cor~ents: California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~102 ENVIROI~ENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. PETROLEgII J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 P~rgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Uriah, Inc. Date of 424 Lindbergh Report: 28-Oct-89 Livermore, CA 94550 Attention: Walter Floyd Lab No.: 8210-5 Sample Desc: $29089W1 - Linde Bakersfield BK2- 15' Soil DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED: 18-0ct-89 18-0ct-89 19-0ct-89 Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g none detected O. 02 Toluene ug/g none detected O. 02 Ethyl Benzene ug/g none detected 0.02 p-Xylene ug/g none detected O. 02 m-Xylene ug/g none detected O. 02 o-X¥1ene ug/g none detected 0.02 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g none detected 5.00 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. r~thod. Individual constituents by EPA method 8020. Dry Matter Basis Co~nts: California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~102 £NVIRONYENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. PETROLEU¥ J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD,, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Az~tics (SOIL) Uriah, Inc. Date of 424 Lindbergh Report: 26-0ct-89 Livermore, CA 94550 Attention: Walter Floyd Lab No.: 8210-6 Sample Desc: ~29089W1 - Linde Bakersfield BK2 - 25' ,Soil DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED: RECEIVED@LAB: COMPLETED: 18-0ct-89 18-0ct-89 19-0ct-89 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g none detected 0.02 Toluene ug/g none detected 0.02 Ethyl Benzene ug/g none detected 0.02 p-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.02 m-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.02 o-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.02 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g none detected 5.00 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. rr~t?~xi. Individual constituents ~y EPA r~thod 8020. Dry Matter Basis Co~r~ents: California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~102 ENVIRONYENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. PETROLEII¥ J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD,., BAKERSFIELD, ~LIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Quality Control Data Uriah, Inc. Spike ID: 8238-6 424 Lindbergh Analysis Date: 19-Oct-89 Livermore, CA 94550 Sample Matrix: Soil Attention: Walter Floyd Units: ug/g Qzality C~ntrol for Lab Nos: 8210-3, 8210-4, 8210-5, 8210-6 One sample in twenty is selected as a representative matrix which is spiked. The percentage recovery (% Rec) of the spi~ is a relative measure of the accuracy of the analysis. The comparison of the spike with a duplicate spike is a ~asure of the relative precision of the analysis. C~nc. r~nc. Dup in Spike Added to Spike Spike Spike Constituent -Sa~le Spike % Rec % Rec RPD Benzene 0.00 5.02 92.34 91.60 0.80 Toluene 0.00 5 16 95.57 94.77 0.84 Et?~l Benzene 0.00 5 01 99.37 97.59 1.81 p-Xylene 0.00 5 06 98.34 96.02 2.39 m-Xylene 0.00 5 01 103.22 100.58 2.59 o-Xylene 0.00 5 00 103.38 100.41 2.91 TPH Gas 0.00 301 06 100.09 94.28 5.98 QC Corf~ents: 'Spiked Sa~le Concentration - S~le Concentration % Recovery = X 100 (Concentration of Spike) RPD (Relative Percent Difference) = Spiked Sample Conc. - Spiked Duplicate Sample Conc. X 100 (Average Conc. of Spikes) ENVIRON¥~NTAL LABORATORIES, INC. I~ETROLEU¥ d' d' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 BTX/TPH GASOLINE ~aality Control Data Uriah, Inc. Spike ID: 8218-1 424 Lindbergh Analysis Date: 18-Oct-89 Livermore, CA 94550 S~ple Matrix: Soil Attention: Walter Floyd [~aits: ,~/g Quality (lontrol for Lab Nos: 8210-1, 8210-2 One sample i~ twenty is selected as a representative matrix w?aich is spike~]. The percentage recovery (% Rec) of the spike is a relative treasure of the accuracy of the armlysis. The coT~parison of the spike with a duplicate spike is a T~.asure of the relative precision of the analysis. ~nc. C~.,nc. Dup in Spike Added to Spike Spike Spike Cor~tituent S~r~le Spike % Rec % Rec RPD Benzene 0.00 5.02 90.85 91.62 0.84 Toluene 0.00 5.16 93.36 93.86 0.53 Ethyl Benzene 0.00 5 01 97.15 96.29 0.89 p-X?lene 0.00 5 06 96.22 94.63 1.67 m-Xylene 0.00 5 01 99.58 99.17 0.41 o-Xylene 0.00 5 00 101.23 99.08 2.15 TPH Gas 0.00 301 06 105.53 107.01 1.39 ~ Corr~rents: Spiked Saz~,le Concentration - Sample Concentration % Recovery = X 100 (C~ncentration of Spike) RPD (Relative Percent Difference) = Spiked Sample Conc. - Spiked Duplicate Sample Conc. X 100 (Average Conc. of Spikes) Date Rec'd: ~ 0- l co/ Be CHAIN OF CUSTODY NO. L- Client:' "' Sampler: Sample Type: Analysis Requested: Address:/d ~ q ,L; ~ ~ ~erg ~. Ad.ess: ~a ~'~x e Soil ~ (specify) Sludge R~linquished By: Dat~: Tim~: R¢c~iv~ By: Dat~: Tim~: Comments: , L UR .I~NVIBONIi. BNTAL 8RitVIQBS, ' cHAis ov c.sTo~Y '. ****For orfl~e vse only**** .. SITE NAHB AND ADDR~SSs .... .~~oRv AO~sCY R~.R~S~S~A~XW ~X~LS~ " L~n USEDt_ ~.C ....... .. LAn ON-SxTB~ ~es/n~ SAMPLE TO LAB VIA~ Lab Rep Uriah-Sta~~ Courier SAMPLE~ SOIL/~ATER ANALYZE FOR · ~. OF PRODUCT CONTAINERS , ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. PETROLEUM J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Uriah, Inc. Date of 464 Lindbergh Ave Report: 06-Dec~,~-89 Livermore, CA 94550 Attention: Walter Floyd Lab No.: 9417-1 San~le Desc: Linde Pakersfie!d Job ~t33289 W1MW DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTEII: PdECE!V~ (9 LAB: COMPLET~: 28-Nov-89 ..-:o-Nov-89 01-Dec-89 Mini~ Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ~tg/g none detected O. 02 Toluene ug/g none detected :7. !]2 Ethyl Benzene ug/g none detected O. 02 p-Xylene ug/g none detected O. 02 m-Xylene ug/g none detected O. r ~ o-Xylene ug/g none detected ti!. 02 Total Petroleum Hydroc.mrbons ug/g none de,+~cted ~. 00 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline ~/ D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. rrmthod. !ndivid~al constituents by EPA r~thod 8020. As Received Basis Co~rmaents: Oalifozmia D.O.H.S. Cert. ~102 ENVIRONMENTAL lABORATORIES, INC. PETROI. EUM J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 [%.~rgeable Aro~mtics (,SOIL) Uriah, Inc, Date of 464 Lindbergh Ave ReT~rt: 06-Dec-89 Livermore, CA 94550 Attention: Walter Floyd Lab No.: 9417-2 Sa~mple Desc: Linde Bakersfield Job ~33289 Wi~ LB3-10' DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLEC[~D: P~CEI%q~D e LAB: (I~[PLETED: 2S-Nov-89 .-.o-Nov-89 0!-Dec-89 Mir~mun Reporting Analysis Ret~,~ir~ Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g none detected O. 02 Toluene ug/g none detected O. 02 Ethyl ~enzene ug/g none detected O. 02 p-Xylene ug/g none detected O. 02 m-Xylene ug/g none detected O. 02 o-Xylene' ug/g none detected 0.02 Total Petrole,.un Hydro~ea-bons ug/g none detected 5, O0 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. ~t?,od. Individual constituents by EPA r~thod 8020. As Received B~sis Corrments: Ca!iforr~ia D.O.H.S. Cert. ~102 ENVIRONIi~ENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. PETROLEUM J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (~)IL) Uriah, Inc. _mate of 464 Lindbergh Ave Report: 06-Dec-89 Livermore, CA 94550 Attention: Walter Floyd L~b No.: 9417-3 Sample Desc: Linde 9eakersfie!d Job ~33289 W1FSq LB3-15' DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED: RECEIVED () LAB: Cc?[PLETED: 28-Nov-89 28-Nov-89 0!-Dec-89 MLnim~r~ Reporting Analysis Repor%ing Constituent Lk~its Results Level Benzene ug/g none detected O. 02 Toluene ug/g none detected O. 02 Ethyl Benzene ug/g none detected O. 02 p-×ylene ~g/g none detected O, 02 m-Xylene ug/g none detect~ed O. 02 o-Xylene ug/g none detected O. 02 Total Petroteu~ HydrocsLrbons ug/g none detected .5.00 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. method. Inclividual constituents by EPA r~thod 8020. As Received Basis Continents: California D.O.H.S. Cer't. ~102 3';Ii .:",/J;': E¢~i~/' ~ /[nalyst £NVIRONI~NTAL LABORATORIES, INC. PETROLEU¥ J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 [~rgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Uriah, Inc. Date of 464 Lindbergh Ave Rer~:,rt: 06-Dec-89 Liven~re, CA 94550 Attention: Walter Floyd Lab No.: 9417-4 S~mple Desc: Linde B~kersfield Job ~33289 W1MW ~ LB3-20' DATE SAMPLE DATE ,_AMPLE DATE ANALY,oI,~ COLLECTS: RECEIVED e LAB: COMPLETED: 28-Nov-89 ~o-Nov-89 0!-Dec-89 Minir~r~ Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level ~enzene ug/g 9.97 0.02 Toluene ~/g 134.87 0.02 Ethyl Benzene ug/g 22.18 0.02 p-Xytene ug/g 45. $8 0.02 m-Xy!ene ug/g 100.93 0..)~ o-Xylene ug/g 52.74 0.02 Total Petrole,mm Hydrocarbons ug/g 107 4.09 5.00 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. methr~]. Individual constituents by EPA r~ethod 8020. As Received B~sis Co~ents: California D.O.H.S.. ?.e,z%. ~1 )~ £NVIRONI~ENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. PETROLEUM J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Uriah, Inc. Date of 464 Lindbergh Ave Report: 06-Dec-89 Livermore, CA 94550 Attention: Walter Floyd Lab No.: 9417-5 Sa~r~le £:~sc: Linde -Bakersfield Job ~33289 LB3-25' DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED: RECEIVED (~ LAB: C(.,h~LETED: 28-Nov-89 28-Nov-89 0t-Dec-89 Reporting Analysis Re_~orting Constituent Units Resu!~ Level ~enzene ug/g O. ~0 O, 02 Toluene ug/g 6.74 O. 02 Ethyl _benzene ug/g i. i! O. 02 p-X¥tene ug/g 2.29 O. 02 m-Xy!ene ug/g 5.05 O. 02 o-Xylene ug/g 2.84 O. 02 Total Petroletu~ Hydrocarbons ug/g 53,70 5, O0 TEST ME~,HOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. rrmthod. Individual constituents by EPA method 8020. As Received Basis Comr~ents: Ca!ifon'~ia D.O.H.S. Ce~. ~102 £NVIRON~ENT4L LABORATORIES, INC. '- P~ROLEUM J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Uriah, Inc. Date of 464 Lindbergh Ave Report: 06-Dec-89 Livermore, CA 94550 Attention: Walter Floyd Lab No.: 9417-6 Sample Desc: Linde Bakersfield Job ~33289 W1MW DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED: 28-Nov-89 28-Nov-89 01-Dec-89 Minirtum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g none detected O. 02 Toluene ug/g O. 21 O. 02 Ethyl Benzene ug/g none detected O. 02 p-Xylene ug/g O. 06 O. 02 m-Xylene ug/g O. 07 O. 02 o-Xylene ug/g O. 05 O. 02 Total Fetrole~m Hydrocarbons ug/g none detected 5.00 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA r~thod 8020. As Received Basis Co~nts: C~lifornia D.O.H.S. C~rt. ~102 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. PETROLEUM J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 BTX/TPH GASOLINE ~ality Control Data Uriah, Inc. Spike ID: 9531-1 464 Lindbergh Ave Analysis Date: 01-Dec-89 Livermore, CA 94550 Scruple ~latrix: .Soil Attention: Walter Floyd [~its: ug/g ~a!ity Control for Lab Nos: 9417-1, 9417-3, 9417-4, 9417-5 One sample in twenty is selected as a representative matrix which is spiked. .~T~e percentage recovery (% Rec) of the spike is a relative measure of the accuracy of the analysis. The c'omp,mrison of the spike with a duplicate spike is a r~as~mre of the relative precision of the ,~alysis. Conc, Conc. in Spike Added tr., Spike Spike Spike ~onst_tuent ~,~ le '~ ' 2enzene O. O0 5. !)2 88,62 81.65 $. 17 Toluene O. O0 fi. ..... 18 95 9.~ 29.62 Et?~-! Penzene 0. O0 5.01 10! . .~ ':~ 9~. ._.. ~'g. ~,. 16 opzk~d S.~ple boncentratlon - o~r~le Concentration Recovery = ..V 100 (Concentration of Spike.) RPD (Relative Percent Difference) = Spiked Scmmple ©~nc. - Spiked ~plicate X 100 (Average Conc. of Spikes) ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. PETROLEUM J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 FFX/TPH GASOLINE Quality Control Data Uriah, Inc. Spike ID: 9531-1 464 Lindbergh Ave Analysis Date: 01-?_ec-89 Livermore, CA 94550 Sample Matrix: 'Soil Attention: Walter Floyd Units: ug/g Quality Control for Lab Nos: 9417-2, 9417-6 ()ne sample in twenty is selected as a representative matrix which is spiked. The percentage recovery (% Rec) of the spike is a relavive r~asure of the accuracy of the analysis. The comparison of the spike' with a duplicate spike is a measure of the relative precision cf the analysis. Conc. Conc. [~lp in Spike Added tx-_, Spike Spike Spike Constituent Sample Spike % Rec % Rec ='~q Penzene 0 .... 00 5,0'.~ t02 .03 101 . Toluene O. 00 5.16 1!;)3.24 102.58 O. 64 Et~! ~nzene O. O0 5. O1 102.47 101.57 O. 85 Spiked '._%rumple Concentration - S.~ple Concentration .% Recovery - ~( 100 (Concentration of Spike) RPD (Relative Percent Difference) = ' Spiked S<mmple Conc. - Spiked Duplicate Sample Conc. X 100 (Average Conc. of Spikes) ENVIRONI~ENT~4L LABORATORIF , INC. PETROLEU¥ J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Uriah Environmental 464 Lindbergh Attention: Walter Floyd Livermore, CA 94550 PURGEABLE ORGANIC ANALYSIS Date of Report: 10/28/89 Lab Sample ID No. 8246-1 Laboratory Signature Lab Name: B C Laboratories Director: ~ ~o~ Name of Sampler &ampler: Employed By Date/Time ,Sample Date/Time San~ple Date Analysis Collected: 10/19/89 Received @ Lab: 10/19/89 Completed: 10/27/89 Syst~em ~29189W1: Linde Bakersfield System Name: MW-1 Water 10/19/89 Number: Name or Number of. Sample Sours: Water Ty~: (G/S) 1-1 Station ~.ber: I-I-I-I-I-I-1-1-1-1-1-1-I-I-I-I ~z~alyzing Agency rx~e: I~1~1~1~1 m~ Analysis rm,~leted: 1~191~101~lmI YYMM -DD Submitted bM: Phone ~: an "X" in ~ox to delete all data for this station/date/time. I'"[ Place REGULATED 0RGANI~ CHEMICALS _ _ ~ 0.50 Bromoform ~ _ - _ __ 0.50 ~)ibror~chl o to,ethane ~ .... 0,50 __ i Tot~l trihalomethane~ 82080 -1-I-I --llk0--1 0.50 ~,0~, !m.~ ~o.~o DI_I_I___~I 0.50 (~rbon tetrachloride ~ -[-[-I .5] 0,50 ~'~0.'3,~1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene f-o-~B) 34571 1,1-Dichloroethvlene (1,1-DCE) Total 1.3-Dic?,] oropropene 503.1Monochlorobenzene (Chlorobenzene) 1,1.2.2-Tetrachloroethane 1.1,2-Tr±chloroethone * Detection Limit for Reporting purposes ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. PETROLEUM J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Page 2 of 3 Lab ~:8246-1 (cont.) M~IOD~ ALL CONSTITU~S ~ __~ Tric~o~thvlene (TCE~ ~ 0.50~ ~ m, o-Xvlene 503.1 [ o-Xvlene ~ To~l Xvlenes (m,¢, & o) ~, 0.50~ ~n~zon ( Dibm~om~e Ethylene Dibm~de (~B) Atrazine (~tmx) Molina~ (0~r~) 20 ~zine (~in~¢) 10 ~o~nc~b (~le~) 70 0.80 Endr~ .2 0. O1 Lind~e (~-BHC) 4 O. 40 Metho~chlor Toxaphene ~ 0.50 ~__ 2,4-D 100 10. 2,4,5-~ (Silvex~ 10 1.0 I~R~T~ O~IC 6~ICALS [ TESTC ~ CONSTIT~S~ IE~YI ~YSIS __[ [ M~OD ALL ~NoTI~E~,. B~nzene O. 50 B~~o~t~e O. 50 B~r~th~e (Methyl B~mide) __ 0.50 n-5~tvl~nzene __ ] O. 50 sec-~tvl~nzene , O. 50 *~rt-Satvl~nzene __ ] O. 50 ~%lo~eth~e __ ~ O. 50 g-Chloroethvlvinyl ether ~lo~th~e 2-C~oro~luene 4-C~o~luene Dib~mt~e 1,2-Dichlo~nzene 1,3-Dichlo~nzene (m-~] Dic~o~ifluo~t~e 1,1-Dic~o~t~e tis- 1, ~-Dic~o~ethvl~ne tr~s- 1,2-Dichloroethvlene 1,2-Dic~o~m~e 1,3-Dic~o~o~e £NVIRONf~NT4L L,/NBO RATO RIES, INC. i~ETROLEUi~ J.J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Page 3 of 3 Lab ~:8246-1 (cont. UNREGIFLATED ORGANIC CHEMICALS (CONTINUED) METHODI ALL CONSTITUENTS REPORTED ~J~./L ~ RESULTS __ * DRL 12,2-Dichloroorooane I 1,1-Dichloro~ro~ene I Hexachlorobutadiene -- I Isopro~vlbenzene p-Isopro~yltoluene Methylene chloride Naohthalene n-Propvlbenzene Styrene 1.1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane i .503.1 Toluene , 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene l, 2,4-Trichlorobenzene Trichlorofluoromethane f Freon 11) 1,2,3-Trichloro~ropane Trichloz~triflouroet?~ne (Freon 113) l, 2,4-Trimethvlbenzene 1,3,5-Trir~thvlbenzene Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK, ~utanone) 5.0 ~ Methyl Isobutvl Ketone fMIBK) 5.0 ~ Alachlor fAlanexl Chlordane Heptachlor Heptachlor E~oxide , Bromacil (Hwar) Diazinon Prometrvn (C~oarol) __ C~lorothalonil (Daconil. Bravo) _ __. Dimethoate (Cvgon) ~iet~vlhe,xvlohthalate (DF]{P) ~, 0 Aldicarb (Temik) ~ I - Car~furan ( Furadan ) ~ I - Glvphooate~ ,7.97431 _ __ ND - None Detected California D.O.H.S. Cert. $102 Note any ,.unidentified peaks below. Ar~lvzed by GC/MS Method 524.2 ENVIRONYENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. I~ETROLEUM J' J' EGUN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Uriah Environmental 464 Lindbergh Attention: Walter Floyd Livermore, CA 94550 PURGEABLE ORGANIC ANALYSIS Date of Report: 10/28/89 Lab Sample ID No. 8246-2 (Revised) Laboratory Signature Lab Name: . B C Laboratorie~ Director: ~ ~ ~_~ , Na~ of Sampler Sampler: ~;~loyed By: Date/Time Sample Date/Time Sample Date Analysis C~llected: ~ ReCeived @ Lab: ~ Completed: 10_/27/89 , System ~29189W1: Linde Bakersfield System N=~: MW-2 Water 10/19/89 Number: N~ or Number of Sample Source: Y-Y-M- - ' -MDD Submitted by: Phone ~: Place an "X" in box to delete all data for this station/date/time. I-I REGULATED ORGANIC CHEMICALS ~i~I'HOD{._AI.,L CONSTITUENTS RBI~ORTED ~/L } ~l-~-z~,-I*--~l ~ Benzene ~l- ~ ~ - Zl-I----z-I 0.50 C~rbon tetrachloride ~l -I -{ '5 I ~ 1.2-Dichloroethane ( 1.2-DCA} _- 1~, 1-Dichloroethvlene ( 1.1.DCE3 1,1.1-?richloroethane (1.1.1-TCA) _ _ ~ 0.50 1.1.2-?r±chloro~thane rl.l.2-T~ -I-I-~.-' I 0.50 * Detection Limit for Reporting purposes ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. PETROLEUI, I J' J' EGMN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Page 2 of 3 Lab $: 8246-2 (cont.) (Revised) REGULATED ORGANIC CHEMICAI~ (CONTINUED) I Trichloroethvlene Chloride ' 'I--I , 503, 11 m,p-Xvlene 50.3.11 o-Xylene __ ~03.1 Total Xvlene~ em,p, & o) 1750 i~ I Bentazon CBasa~ran) 18~.u. .2 Ethylene Dibromide (EDB) .02 0.021 Atrazine (AAtrex) ~ ~ 1.00i Molinate (Ordram] 20 2.0! ..... Simazine (Princep) 10 1.0 Thiobencarb (Bolero) 70 O. 80 Endrin .2 0.01, Lindane ( ~amma-BHQ ) 4 0.40: Methoxvchlor : 100 10. Toxa~hen¢ ~ O. 50 2,4-D 100 10. 2,4, $-TF ($ilvex) 10 1.0 UNREGULATED ORGANIC CHEMICALS CONSTITUENTS E~RYI ANALYSIS I~1 ALL CONSTITUENTS REPORTED ,~/L I ~--I * DRL! Bromobenzene 0.50 Bromochloromethane O. 50 Bromomethane (Methyl Bromide) 0.50 n-Butvlbenzene 0.50 sec-Bu?,vlbenzene 0.50 tert-~tv!benzene 0.50 Chloroethane 0.50 2-Chloroethvlvinvl ether Cq~lorome~thane (Methyl Chloride) 2-Chlorotol~ene . 4-Chlorotoluene Dibromomethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene (o-DCB) 1,3-Dichlorobenzene (m-DCB) Diehlorodifluoro~ethane 1.1-Dichloroethane ¢ 1. I-DCA) cis- 1,2-Dichloroethvlene trans-1,2~Dichloroethvlene 1,2-Dichloropro ~mane 1.3-Dichlorooropane ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. PETROLEt/M J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93300 PHONE 327-4911 Page 3 of 3 Lab ~:8246-2 (cont.) (Revised) UNreGULATED ORGANIC CHEMICALS (CONTINUED) I~I CONSTITUENTS ENTRY 2,2-DichloroDroDane 1.1-DichloroDroDene Hexachlorok~tadien~ IsoDroDvlbenzene D- I SODroDvltoluene Methylene chloride Naphthalene n-Pro~vlbenzene Styrene 1.1,1.2-Tetrachloroethane ~ Toluene 1.2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1.2,4-Trichlorobenze~e Trichloro fluoromethane l~chloropropa~ Trichlorotri flouroethane 1.2.4-Tri~%hvlbenzene 1. $. 5-Trimethvlbenzene Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK. ~atanone) Methyl Isobutvl Ketone CMIBK) Alachlor (Alanex) Chlordane Heptachlor Heptachlor Epoxide Bromacil (Hwar) Diazinon Prometrvn (Caparol Chloro%halonil (Daconil. Bravo] Dir~thoate ( Ovmon Diethv lhexv lohthalate Aldicarb (Temik) Carbofuran ( Furadan ND- None Detected California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~102 Note any unidentified _peaks below. Analyzed by C~/MS Me%hod ~,94.2 To%al Petroleum Hydrocarbons = 125.0 j~/L Mini~m~, Reporting_ Level- 0,50 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. PETROLEUII J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aron~tics (WATER) Uriah, Inc. Date of 464 Lindbergh Report: 15-Dec-89 Livermore, CA 94550 Attention: Walter Floyd Lab No.: 9460-1 .Sample Desc: ~33389W1MW3 MW-3 11/29/89 @ 9:1.5 ~, DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED: 29-Nov-89 29-Nov-89 12-Dec-89 Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level ~enzene ug/L 90. O0 O. 70 Toluene ug/L 140. O0 O. 70 Ethyl Benzene ug/L 990. O0 O. 70 p-Xytene ug/L 140. O0 O. 70 m-Xylene ug/L 140. O0 O. 70 o-Xylene ug/L 270. O0 O. 70 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/L 3076.43 20. O0 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. met~x~. Individual constituents by EPA method 8020. A~ Received Basis Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~102 ',~./~. ~in- Analys{ - S~PLING CO~PL~T~D ~ SITE NAME AND ADDRESSt REGULATORY A~ENCY REPRESE~ATXVE TXTLE t " -"- LAB USEDs ~ ~ , LAS ON-SITE? Yes~n~ ' ' SAHPLE TO LIB VIA~ L{~ ReP: UF~ Stu~f Courter SAHPLE~ SOIL/~ATER ANALYZE FOR $. OF SINGLE/ PRODDCT CONTAINERS CO~POSXTE Date Rec'd: [6- I q -~ ~ BC CHAIN OF CUSTODY NO. L- Client: Sampler: Sample Type: Analysis Requested: Name:L/tlc, k. ccnot¥'oam.°~xt-c,[ Name: Water ~' Other: Adclress: zt 6 )q Linc~6.oc,~l,c Address: Soil (specify) Attn: kiuecm.ore, ~j~ qt4 f5"o Oil __ Lab~ Des~pti°n?~q/~q~l ' ~,',.,c¢~ '~ k~ersDe [~ OtherTests Re~nquish~ By: Date: T~e: Receiv~ By: Date: Time: Comments: DateRec'd: !I-,~,Y BC CHAIN OFCUSTODY NO. L- 3800 Client: Sampler: Sample Type: Analysis Requested: Name: '/,{/~ccc. lL~: c¢~ Name: Water Other: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Relinquished By: Date: Time: Received By: Date: Time: Comments: ****For O~£1oe Use Only**** ' . ;~ ~ ...... _,, ~ ......... _,., .... - ,- - ._ BITE NA~E AND ADDRESS~ ~ ~0~'6 ~u?~g~ : ' ' L~B USEDt_ [, C.. ~ ON SITE? SAMPLE TO LhB VIA? 'La~ Rep U~uh- S[u~ Courier SA~PL~ SOIL/WATgR ANALYZE FOR ~. OF PRODUCT CONTAIN~R~ COMPOSITE Date Re¢'d: ~] _.~ti_ ,~5 c~ BC CHAIN OF CUS'TODY NO. L- Client: Sampler: Sample Type: Analysis Requested: Lab g Desc~ption: 't [:~ ~.-~ F~ ci k,~/t ~ L.U .% Other Tests o~ ~ Relinquished By: Date: Time: Received By: Date: Time: Comments: Yellow: BC Lab Copy - Uriah Inc. An Environmental Services Company PROPOSAL FOR SITE CHARACTERIZATION AT: 3505 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA 464 Lindbergh Avenue · Livermore, California 94550 · (415) 455-4991 Uriah Inc. An Environmental Services Company Nay 22, 1989 Mr. Sam Rohn Union ~arbide- Linde Division 2420 Camino Ramon San Ramon, CA ~4583 Re: Proposal For ~ Site Characterization gt 3505 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, California Dear ~. Rohn: Uriah, Inc. is pleased to present the following proposal For a site characterization to de%ermine the vertical and lateral exbent of Fuel hydrocarbon contamination of soil and groundwater at the above referenced site. SITE HISTORY The site is currently occupied as Baker's ~elding & Supply Company and is located along the western side of Pierce Road between Gilmore gvenue and ~otty Street in Bakersfield, California. The site consists of a warehouse/office complex with an attached retail showroom; loading docks; above-ground liquid propane, oxygen, nitrogen, and argon stomago tanks as ~ell as a 10,000 gallon underground gasoline storage tank. The tank is approximately 18 years old and has been used For the storage of unleaded gasoline For company-operated vehicles and equipment. There is a septic system located to the east of ~he building. The entire site is paved ~ith asphaltic concrete and is enclosed by a six-foot chain link Fence. gccordin~ to inFo~mation available, on Novembem 10,000 ~allon underground gasoline sto~a~e tank was precision 464 Lindbergh Avenue · Livermore, California 94550 · (415) 455-4991 tested and was Found to be uncertiFiable by a Petro-tite'line _. and tank tightness test. The tank passed the tightness test after the leak was located and repaired. In December, 1987, employees noticed a sluggishness in the pumping of the Fuel From the tank until on December' 2B, 1987, no Fuel could be pumped From the tank.. Rt that time, Fuel was discovered in a manway around the submersible pump. The Fuel along with a small amount of soil, was removed. From the manway. It was suspected at that time that the Fuel leaked From the union between the sumersible pump and the Red Jacket Leak Detector. The reconciliation of inventory records indicated that between 200 and 600 gallons of Fuel may have been lost. ~ preliminary site characterization was performed by Krazan ~ ~ssociates, Inc. on May 17, 1988 to determine whether fuel hydrocarbons were present in the soil and/or groundwater in the vicinity of the unleaded gasoline storage tank in question. During the course of the investigation, a single soil boring was advanced near the submersible pump end of the underground storage tank to a depth of approximately 40 Feet below grade. ~ groundwater monitoring well was also advanced to a depth of approximately 40 Feet with groundwater encountered at an approximate depth of 24 feet. /'he monitoring well was placed at the end opposite the fill end, or North of the underground tank. (See site map attached). The results of the analysis of soil and groundwater samples obtained from the exploratory boring and the monitoring well and analyzed by BC Laboratories, Inc., a California State Certified Hazardous Waste ~nalytical Laboratory located in Bakersfield, CA, disclosed significant concentrations of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline in both soil and groundwater. (See copies of the analytical data attached). RE6ION~L HYDRO~EOL06IC CONDITIONS ~ccording to Krazan & ~sociates, Inc., the topography of the referenced site is Fairly level with the subsurface materials composed primarily of unconsolidated materials deposited by the Kern River and its tributaries. These ~lluvial deposits are generally composed of sands, silty sands, and some minor gravel derived From Sierra Nevada source rocks. The site is located within the San Joaquin Valley Hydrologic Study ~rea. The area is primarily an arid to semi-arid environment. Thirty-seven groundwater basins and areas of potential groundwater storage have been identified in this area. The storage capacity is known to be approximately 5?0 million acre-feet. There is a two-aquifer system in the vicinity of this project site. ~n upper, unconfined aquifer which is separated from the lower, confined aquifer by an aquitard known as the "300-foot clay". This clay layer is believed to be present beneath the site. According to Krazan & ~ssociates, Inc., the groundwater level below this site is approximately 20 feet. The groundwater gradient is from southeast to northwest, perpendicular to the Kern River. The groundwater level below the project site is highly variable and depends on the volume of water in the Kern River.~ in the Kern River and the Calloway Canal influences the~ydrolic~conditions at the project site by providing a sourc~r-~,g--~'~harge to the unconfined aquifer. SCOPE OF ~0RK In order to define the lateral and vertical e~ent of soil and groundwater contamination known to exist at the 3505 Pierce Road,~rsfield, C~ facility, Uriah, Inc. proposes to advance eight (~e~loratory soil borings around the area occupied by the 1~00 gallon unleaded gasoline storage tank. The borings would be advanced with a truck/trailer mounted 8" outside diameter, continuous-flight, hollow-stem auger to a depth at which groundwater is encountered. Ail borings would be continuously logged by a Uriah staff geologist under the supervision of Mr. Eddy Tabet, a Registered Professional Engineer. Soil samples would be obtained at five foot intervals For lithology and/or laboratory analysis as deemed appropriate by the on site professional. Soil samples would be obtained by driving a split spoon sampler through the hollow stem of the drilling auger(s). The samples would be collected within clean brass sample tubes (1.92 inches in diameter and 6 inches in length) fitted within the split spoon sampler. Immediately upon being removed from the sampling unit, the ends of each brass tube would be promptly wrapped in aluminum foil, Fitted with plastic caps, sealed with black electrical tape, labeled, placed on dry ice, and transported to a certified hazardous waste analytical laboratory under chain of custody for analysis for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline (TPH-G) with benzene, toluene, total xylenes, and ethylbenzene (BTX&E) distinction using EPA Methods 5020/8015 and 8020. ~ grab water sample will be collected From each boring using a clean teflon bailer lowered down into the boring below the water surface. Each water sample will be collected in one (1) glass amber sample bottle and two (2) Volatile Organics Analysis vials, promptly sealed with teflon-lined, scre~ caps, labeled, placed on blue ice, and transported to a certified hazardous - ' waste analytical laboratory under chain of custody for analysis For Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as 8asoline (TPH-G) with benzene, toluene, xylenes, and ethylbenzene (BTXSE) distinction using EP~ Methods 5030/801S and 602. ~11 sampling equipment .will be decontaminated between sampling intervals by First scrubbing with trisodium phosphate (TSP) solution and water and then rinsing with deionized water. The augers used by the drill rig will either be changed or steam cleaned between borings. ~11 tailings From the borinEe will be placed on visgueen and stored on site pendinE results of laboratory analysis. The borinEs will be baokfilled ~ith' concrete or as specified by the Kern County Environmental Health Department. The detection limits of the certified hazardous waste anal~ioal laboratory are as follows: ~N~LYTE DETECTION LIMIT Soil (ppm) ~later (ppb) Total Petrolsum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline (TPH-G) ................ 1.0 30.0 Benzene ............................ 0.05 0.3 Toluene ............................ O. 1 O. 3 Xylenes ............................ O. 1 O. 3 Ethylbenzene ....................... O. 1 O. 3 The proposed locations of all borings are indicated on the attached site map. The location of the borings were selected based upon the known groundwater gradient in the area, seasonal variations in groundwater levels and the potential extent of contamination from information available. Subsequent to its acquisition, contaminant plume boundary data ~ill be developed and a Final report prepared which will present textual and ~raphic representations of contaminant concentrations, provide information re~arding local hydrogeolo~y, predict migration, and public health and environmental impact potentials ~ith the use of computer modeling. Based on the data acquired, a meaningful remedial action plan ~ill be discussed. This site characterization is based on the information currently available. Should significantly greater contamination be encountered, additional work may be required to adequately evaluate the extent of the -- - c o nt ami nat i o n. ~ Health ~nd Safety Plan has been prepared and is attached in ~ppendix C. Uriah will obtain all necessary permits for the proposed work. For your convenience, this document is presented in a form which may be accepted as an agreement. If you find this proposal acceptable, please indicate your concurrence by returning a signed copy with your initial payment. Thank you For considering Uriah, Inc. as a service provider. you have any questions, or if' we may otherwise be of assistance, please contao~ one of the undersiEned at (415) Sincerely, ~alter Flo~d ~eoloEist and Doniso g. Rapp Vice-Presidont ~:D~:~ ~no. ~CCEPTED BY: TITLE: D~TE: TELEPHONE: STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS Uriah Environmental Services, a California Corporation has demonstrated significant expertise in providing cost effective and efficient assessment and remediation services for the past four years. By virtue of the frequency of petroleum hydrocarbon product losses to soil and groundwater, much of Uriah's experience has been in dealing with these constituents. Innovations in assessment and remediation protocols have marked Uriah's rapid growth in the environmental services field. STAFF VITAE- Uriah staff who would bear primary responsibility for the 3505 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA project: 1) Costas Orountiotis, MSc MSc Environmental Engineering, University of Kansas, 1987 BSc Civil Engineering, University of Kansas, 1985 Research: CMAS computer-aided design Previous Work: Pesticide impact on the Equus Beds aquifer from non-point sources. Vadose zone pest- icide migration. Management of biodetoxification of soils projects using thin-spread, forced aeration static pile aeration, and windrowing techno- logies. Design, construction, and operation of injection-extraction systems 2) Tarlochan S. Nijjar, MSc MSc Biological Sciences, G.N.D. University, Amristar, India, 1986 BSc Biology and Chemistry, G.N.D. University, 1986 Research: Toxic and cytogenetic effects of common environ- mental pollutants Previous Work: Mutagenic and clastogenic effects of selected pesticides. Anti-mutagenic and anti-clasto- genic effects of selected oxidants. Microbiological supervision of soils and groundwater remediation projects involving fluidized bed aerobic bioreactor systems 3) Walter Floyd, BSc BSc Earth Science, University of California, Santa Cruz, 1984 Previous Work: Two years experience as a supervising analytical chemist Site assessment, monitoring well install- ation, sampling project supervision 4) Eddy Tabet, P.E. See resume attached EDDY A. TABET 2820 Hillside Drive Burlingame, CA 94010 (415) 952-5551 (O) (415) 347-0802 (H) EDUCATION: April 1987 California Professional Engineer. C 043041. May 1983 Columbia University, N.Y. M.S. Civil Engineering. Emphasis on Structures and Construction Management. May 1982 Columbia University, N.Y. B.S. Civil Engineering. WORK EXPERIENCE: Sept. 1986 - Present Accutite Tank Testing and Maintenance Services. A Division of Olympian Oil Company', South San Francisco, California. Director of Operations. Responsible for the coordination and supervision of underground fueling facilities; new installations, closures, and maintenance. Familiar with state of the art monitoring techniques and precision tank testing methods. Position involves: equipment specification, bid preparation, contract writing, permit applications, and job costing and control. All construction and maintenance work is done within compliance with the' State, County and Local Environmental Agencies. Responsible for the investigation and contamination mitigation of sites, including soil sampling and analysis, the supervisiqn.9_f__monitoring well drilling_.._an~_~d_e_v, elopment, the specificatfo-~--~f-~c~very .systems, and the disposal of hazardous" w~Ste in compliance with EPA standar~i- writi~ of investigation reports to be presented to enforcement agencies (Fish and Games, Regional Water Quality Control Board, Air Quality, Departments of Health Services, Fire Departments and other agencies). Feb. 1986 - Aug. 1986 Universal Gas Co. Middle East Division. Project Engineer on an eight story concrete building. Established a quality assurance program for the company that included the development of standard design details for field use. Operations Engineer. Responsible for the operations of the LPG and gasoline shipping and receiving terminal. Specified and installed a 1,500 feet maritime pipeline. June 1983 - Dec. 1985 Bechtel Civil & Minerals, Inc. San Francisco, California. Structural Engineer. King Fahd International Airport. Involved in the analysis and design of the structural steel and concrete framing of the terminal complex. Developed a computer program for the design of composite beams. This program is still used throughout Bechtel for the design of thousands of beams with tremendous savings in design time. Performed fatigue and vibration analysis for the terminal roadway bridges. Structural Engineer. Hope Creek Generating Station. Performed design check of pipe supports for the nuclear power plant. CAPABILITIES: -Acquired a rational approach to crisis situations and problem solving through job experience and graduate school education. -Good communication and resource management skills. -Proficient in economic and finance principles. -Working knowledge of personal computers and software. -Well introduced in the petroleum and business society, references available upon request. PART~'~L CLIENT L'rST Zaccor Corporation City of Sunnyvale 791 Hamilton Avenue Dept. of Public Safety Menlo Park, CA 94025 700 All American Way Telephone: (415) 363-2181 Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Contact: Mr. Gary Zaccor Tel: (408) 791-0890 Contact: Ron Staricha Karim's Alliance Graniterock Corporation 7428 Mission Blvd. P.O. Box 151 Colma, CA 94014 Watsonville, CA 95077 Telephone: (415) 992-0429 Tel: (408) 724-5611 Contact: Mr. Karim Zarrinnan Contact: Tony Warman Gaither and Company Encinal Marina, Inc P.O. Box 238 2051 Grand Street Redwood City, CA 94064 Alameda, CA 94501 Telephone: (415) 369-5555 Tel: (415) 865-1200 Contact: Mr. Stephen C. Gaither Contact: Curt Bolton Lee and Associates Louis Martini Winery 1800 Mulberry Drive 254 So. St. Helena San Mateo, CA St. Helena, CA Telephone: (415) 595-6965 Tel: (707) 963-2736 Contact: Lester Lee Contact: Art Johnston The Tasha Corporation Cutter Laboratories 4074 Eggers, Suite G 4th and Parker Sts Fremont, CA 94563 Berkeley, CA Telephone: (415) 791-0890 Tel: (415) 420-5322 Contact: Mr. Gene Frank Contact: Truck Wharff Cypress Lawn Cemetery Safety Specialists P.O. Box 397 3060 Raymond Street Colma, CA 94014 Santa Clara, CA Telephone: (415) 755-0580 Tel: (408) 988-1111 Contact: Mr. Serafin Mora Cont: Y. E1-Shoubary Crosby and Overton Accutite Corp. 8430 Amelia Stret 35 So. Linden Ave. Oakland, CA 94621 So. San Francisco Telephone: (415) 663-0336 Tel: (415) 952-5551 Contact: Mr. Dave Sardoff Cont: Eddy Tabet ATTACHMENTS Area and Site Maps Exploratory Boring and Well Construction Data Previous Analytical Data Health and Safety Plan Area and Site Maps ~ ~1 CLAUDE AV ~" J a ~ ~ ' "} E ~ ~ '~ '~/~ ~' ~ ~ ~H I ~ ~T~ ~ ..... ~ ........ ~ ....... ~ .... .~---, .... ' ..... ~--~ ...... ~ r'~.~ ,~ ~ ~-~ -~ =;~ '", .*' ~ ~ : o ~ / d~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '" ~ ~ rH~ I ~T I j ~: ..... ~ I: . , , .~ ,/ .... ~ I .... '~F,~/ . ~ ~-I~t , , ~ . ~~ ........ ~':".1 , . ~ 2s ,.IST .~ =1 -':-'-' ...... +-:~';~-- :-;~-~-/---h-~--f --m~-~'"~;':~--~; .... ~ ~ n .... ',- I I ~" / . .:.. -~ - - ~ - -~ - - r--~ - -~~- -~~~-~ ~ - -¥" ~ ~ -- ~ - ~ ...... ~ ~ - ..... ,~ ..... :;,., ,I i,' ., , ,.. , · J~'~ il~,~.~.-.!.~li.~"~ a~' SlH~,&'-';t~:lT i- ~U li"~F~ ~=, Ii r::'. ", .~ .... I- " R~C~... J / URIAH ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. ~ 464 LINDBERGH AVENUE, LIVERMORE, CA 0 ~ SITE LOCATION: Scale (Miles) N 3505 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA URIAH ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. 3! PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFI Chain Link ~ Q.0! Fence ;'?- Building C loading dock Septic Tark ~istingGroundw~ter Monitoring Well~. LeachandFie~d ~'~-~ Previous Exploratory Boring ' Gate Area '~1~00 gallon unleaded g~oline storage tank LEGEND A= Oxygen storage vessel 0 40 B= Nitrogen Storage vessel I ~ N  Argon storage vessel Scale (feet) Proposed Exploratory Borings Exploratory Boring and Well Construction Data APPENDIX A [::)RING LOG Page PROJECT NO. LOCATION I **- CLIENT LOGGEDBY ~>~h' 'rAI~ET./u~IAH, BORE HOLE NO. BoR~ - ~ MONITOR HOLE NO. S1~ - ~ ELEVATION DATE DRILLED Zq oct ~ START ~:~O ~ FINISH. ~:oo Ho~Lo~ CA DRILLING METHODs~ AuG~ SAMPLING METHOD ~PL~T ~Poo~ DRILLEDBY~TE~q~T~A~ DE~H SAM~ES SOIL DESCRIPTION ~N~Tt~ ~LL CONSTRU~ION BELOW C~LE~ED COLLE~EO DETAILS SU~ACE 1EXTU~, COLO~ MOISTURE CON~STENCY, G~IN-SIZE, ETC. -- ~ S Loos~ · I " ~ ~ ~u~'f ST ~o ~ ~ ~ ~Ro SOIL BORING LOG Page ?_.of PROJ ECl' NO. LOCATION CLIENT . . , LOGGEOBY ~bDY TAb~_..T BORE HOLE NO. ~o~:t ~ - A MONITOR HOLE NO..S~ TI~ - 7... ELEVATION DRILLING METHOD sT~.:~I ~Llbe~. SAMPLING METHOD OEel'H SAMetES SOIL DESCRIPTION eENE1RAI~ON VVEtL CONSl'auC~ION BELOW COLLECIED COLLECTED DEIA~LS suR.~ACE 1Ex1uR~, COLOR, MOISTURE ~.~ T'~ coNsisTencY. ~ula.s,zE. E~c. 0-5 Yau.l.t~ ~ ~ ~si~ ~h~ 26.5' .. ~riml~= $ch .40, PVC H 7/28/88 Well Development Data~g~r~ mumbolt Distributors 21st Street, San Mateo, CA Depth to Water~ 4.99' ~'P~ ~ · .. p~ ~ond. , O. 7.4 ~4 x ~03 Z9.5 10 ...... 7.8 2.2 x 103 19.4 , , ~0 . 7.8 2.4.,X 103 Z7.6 lO 7.4. 2.4, x 103 ~7.3, . 10 7.1 2'.4 x ~03,, 17.0 10 7.4 ~.4 x 103 17.4 zO ~.2 ?.4 x z0~. ~7.2 D~Y ..... ~ ~. 2 ~0 7.8 . 2.4 x ~03. 17.2 Well Development Protocol: The groundwater level would be measured using a stainless steel graduated tape. The well would then be purged using a (nitrogen) gas drive pump until the pH, conductivity, and temperature were stabi~ ized and/or until the groundwater was observed to be relatively free of sandy silt, and other grit material. Prior to the collection of a groundwater sample, the bailer would be cleaned with a trisodium phosphate solution followed by a thorough rinse with distilled water. Previous Analytical Data APPENDIX B I~J'ItOIEU¥ J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGI. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Krazan ~ Associates Date Reported: 06/08/88 3860 North Winery Blvd. Date Received: 05/17/88 .... Fresno, CA 95726 Laboratory No.: $655-3 ' TOTAL EXTRACT CONTAMINANTS BY ACID DIGESTION .. Sample Description: Proj. E88-025,' B1 @"10t Title 22 Total Metals, mg/kg Method Reference TTLC~ mg/kg Lead (-) 2.5 7421 I 1000. Comment: All contaminants reported above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine coca1 levels. (1) "Test Methods for Evaluating Solids Wastes", SW 846, July 1982. (-) refers to "less than". ,. B C LABORATORIES, INC. ATORIES. Inc. I~T~l~lfU¥ J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Krazan ~ Associates Date Reported: 06/08/88 3860 North Winery Blvd. Date Received: 05/17/88 .... Fresno, CA 93726 Laboratory No.: 3655-4 TOTAL EXTRACT CONTAMINANTS BY ACID DIGESTION .. Sample Description: Proj. E88-023, B1 @ 15t Title 22 Total Metal. s, mg/k~ Method Reference .TTLC~ mg/kg Lead 12.1 7421 I 1000. 8 Comment: All contaminants reported above are in mg/kg (unless other~ise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. (1) "Test Methods for Evaluating Solids Wastes", SW 846, July 1982. (-) refers to "less than". B C LABORATORIES, INC. c,,..,,.,.,, BOR, TORIES. I r"lC. IYrI~OIEUM J' J' ~IN, !~. CH~ ENGL - - 41~ PIERCE RD., BAKE~FI~D, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327~911 Krazan ~ Associates Date Reported: 06/08/88 3860 North Winery Blvd. Date Received: 05/17/88 Fresno, CA 93726 Laboratory No.: 3655-1 TOTAL EXTRACT CONTAMINANTS BY ACID DIGESTION Sample Description: Proj. E88-023, MWA @ 15' Title 22 Total Me[als~ mg/kg Method Reference TTLC, mg/kg Lead 3.19 7421 I 1000. Commenu: All contaminants reported above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis, Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels, (1) "Test Methods for Evaluatiug Solids Wastes", SV 846, July 1982, (-) refers to "less than". B C LABORATORIES, INC. RATORIES. Inc::. tYIT~OI[UM J' J' EGLIN, lEG. CHEM. ENGI. 4100 PIERCE liD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Krazan G Associates Date Reported: 06/08/~8 3860 North Winery Blvd. Date Received: 05/17/88 r - Fresno, CA 93726 Laboratory No.: 3655-2 TOTAL EXTRACT CONTAMINANTS BY ACID DIGESTION '- Sample Description: Proj. E88-023,'MWA g 20' Title 22 Total Metals~ m~/k~ Method Reference TTLC, mg/kg Lead 15.1 7421 I 1000. Comment: All contaminants reported above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. (1) "Test Methods for Evaluating Solids Wastes", SW 846, July 1982. (-) refers to "less than". B C LABORATORIE.$,_.J~NC. LABORATORIES. InlE. I'EMOtEUM J' J' EGLIN, 41~ ~EKE RD., BAKE~FI~D, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327~911 ~~ O~IC ~YSIS (Volatiles) ~ of Re~: 5727788 ~b ~le ~ ~. ~713-1 N~: B C ~ra~ries DiOr. N~ of ~ler ~ler: , ~loy~ ~: . ~i~ ~le ~i~ ~le We~ Hol~ ~11~: ~R~iv~ ~ ~b: ~T~s ~e~? Test Metes: ~A 602 ~low q~tifi~? ~ Sys~m Sys~m N~: ~le ~001 5/19/88 % 1415 ~A ~r: E88-02~ ~scription of ~1~ N~. ~ ~le S~tion ~: ~: ~-1-1-14-1-~-1:!-1-1-~4-1-1-1 T~ of I~1~1~1~1~1~~1 W~G/SI4 O~= ~-~-14 ~~ ~ S~S ~le: ~ ID: Place ~ "X" ~ ~x ~ dele~ ~1 ~ for t~s s~tion/~/ti~ ~I~ ~STI~ S~ ~YSIS D~I~ 5/2~/88 . ~vzi~ ~en~ ~e (~b} --- -I ........ In~ive S~ev ~ 1,3-Dic~o~ene 34586 ~ 1.4-Dic~o~nzene ~ _ _ ~~~~~ _ _ Q ~ ~ Q ~ Ethyl ~ene ~ ~ ~vlenes ~]-~ _ _ N~ ~ ~ID~IFI~ ~ B~ ~ = 815. ~ ~,= 0.5 ~ ~ - To~ ~ble No travel bl~ w~ su~t~. AGIIICUI TUli£ ,,,,,-,,,,,,,, .,,,..,,,,,,, LABORAT.ORIES, Ir'lc:::. .... J.J. EGLIN, REG. CHEJ~A. ENGII. ~0¢~ 'J" PET~OL£U¥ 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Petroleum Hydroc~arbons (SOIL) Krazan and Associates Date of 3860 N. Winery Report: O1-Jun-88 Fresno, CA 93726 Attention: Robert A. Martin Lab No.: 3655-3 Sample Desc.: Project $E88-023 B-1 @10° @0855 DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED: 17-May-88 18-May-88 26-May-88 Mini~ Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g None Detected O. 10 Toluene ug/g None Detected O. 10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g None Detected O. 10 p-Xylene ug/g None Detected O. 10 .~ m-Xylene ug/g None Detected O. lO o-Xylene ug/g None Detected O. 10 Isoprop¥1 benzene ug/g None Detected O. 10 Petroleum Hydrocarborm ug/g None Detected lO. O0 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected O. 10 TEST METHOD: California State D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Diesel (Carbon Disulfide Extraction) Dry Matter Basis PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: (~_~_a_ntification of petrole~, hydrocarbons utilizing a diesel standa_~d. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. Tf~se ~etroleum hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all constituents on this report. Chemist PETROLEUM J' J' ~IN, RK. CH~ ENGL 41~ PIEKE RD., BAKE~FI~D, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-491 ! Pet~le~ ~~~ .... ' 3860 N. W~ Re~: 01-J~-88 F~, ~ 93726 At~ntion: ~ A. ~ B-1 ~15' ~905 DA~ S~ DA~ ~ DA~ ~YSIS ~LL~: ~I~ ~ ~: ~~: ~ti~ent ~ Res~ ~vel ~nzene ~g ~ne ~~ O. lO Toluene ~g None ~~ O. lO Et~l ~ne ~g None ~~ O. 10 ~lene ~g None ~~ O. 10 ~lene ~/g None ~~ O. 10 o-~lene ~g None ~~ O. 10 Isop~l ~ene ~g None ~~ 0.10 Pet~l~ ~~~ ~g ~ne ~~ lO.O0 To~ Pet. ~~~ ~g ~ne ~~ O.lO ~T ~OD: ~lifo~ia S~ D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for ~1 (~n Dis~fide ~tractton) ~ ~t~r ~is ~n~: P~~ ~~S: ~_~ntifi~tion of ~t~l~ ~se ~1~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~diti~ ~ ~ ~ti~ s~ifi~ly defin~ on t~s ~. 41~ PIEKE RD., BAKE~FIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Pet~l~ ~~~ .~ F~o, ~ 93726 ~LL~: ~I~ ~ ~: 16-~-88 18-~-88 26-H~-88 Re~~ ~lysis Re~~ ~ti~ent ~ Res~ ~vel ~ene ~g None ~~ O. 10 Toluene ~g ~ne ~~ O. 10 Et~l ~ene ~/g ~ne ~~ 0.10 ~lene ~g None ~~ O. 10 ~lene ~/g None ~~ O. 10 - o-~lene ~/g None ~~ O. 10 Isop~l ~ene ~/g None ~~ 0.10 Pet~le~ ~~~ ~g None ~~ 15. O0 To~l Pet. ~~~ ~g ~ne ~~ O. 10 ~T ~OD: ~lifo~ia S~ D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Diesel (~n Disulfide ~traction) ~ ~t~r ~is ~n~: P~~ ~~S: ~tifi~tion of ~t~l~ utilizi~ a ~esel s~~.~ ~tlin~ ~ t~ ~ifo~a D.O.H.S. ~se ~t~le~ ~~~ ~ ~ a~ition ~ t~ ~ti~en~ s~ifi~ly defi~ ~ t~s ~. ~ ~~ ~~S: ~ s~ ~ of ~1 ~ti~ on t~s ~. Robert Plaisance Chemist P~TtlOZ~U¥ J' J' ~IN, IK. CH~ ENG~ 41~ PIEKE RD., BAKE~FIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 ~g~ble ~ti~ "' ( IL) · ~ ~d ~s~ia~ ~ of ~- ~860 N Hine~ Re~: 01-J~-88 F~sno, CA ~372~ At~ntion: Ro~ A. ~ ~b No.: 3~55-2 ~le ~sc: ~j~t ~E88-023 ~A ~0' ~142~ DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED: RECEI~ @ LAB: ~: 16-May-88 18-May-88 26-May-88 Reporting Analysis Repor%ing Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g None Detected O. 10 Toluene ug/g 1.70 O. 10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g 3.55 O. 10 m-Xylene ug/g None Detected O. l0 o-Xylene ug/g 2.55 O. 10 Isopropyl Ber,~.ene ug/g O. 73 O. 10 Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g 162.40 5. O0 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g 170.93 O. 10 TEST METHOD: California D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Comments: Diesel Petroleum Hydrocarbons are <10.0 ug/g PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: ~:_antification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by California D.O.H.S. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. 4 Analyst NORTH CAL CONSTRUCTION ,"ro,e.,i.g En.iron,,,en, P. O. Box 588 Stockton, CA 95201 209/465-5886 Genera/Engineering Class A License No. 505704 September 29, ].988 Union Carbide Linde 2420 Camino Ramon San Ramon, CA. 94583 Attention: Sam Rohn Dear Sam Rohn: Please review attached soils analysis we had MP Vacuum obtain for us at Baker's Welding, 3505 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, California. As we discussed today by telephone, I will contact Amy Green with Kern County Environmental Health to see what our next steps should be. Thank you for doing business with North Ca1 Construction. Sincere ~, Robert W, Noy~ Vice President/Cenera~ Hana~er RWN/sds Enclosures P.O. Box 7237 CaDistrano Beach, CA 92624-7237 714/493-3994 P.O. Box 214608 Sacramento, CA 95821 916/441-6252 Client Name: MP Vacuum Truck Service Address : 3400 N. Manor St. Bakersfield, CA 93308 Date samples received : 9-]5-88 Date analysis completed: 9-20-R8 Date of report : 9-20-88 Laboratory No. 2007 through 20lO Pro,jeer.: Baker Weldin~ RESULTS OF ANALYSIS ~t2007 ID: l-N-2' ugm/gm MRL., u.~m/.~m Benzene 22 0.1 To tuene 40o O. l Ethylbenzene 90 0.1 p-Xylene i :~0 I~. 1 m-Xylene 320 O. ] o-Xylene 170 O. 1 I sopropy] benzene 5 '~ .~ 0.1 "2()0 ~ 0 TVH (Gasoline) ~, .. TPH (l}iese]) ND Hethod of Analysis: California bOlt.~ I,UF'I' manual MRL : Minimum Reporting IJeve] TVH : Tot. al Volatile llydrocarbons TPH = Total Petroleum tlydrocarbon.~ u~m/gm = micrograms per gram ND = Not. detected St. an (omer 3155 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, CA93308 · (805) 393-3597 RO. Box 80835 · Baker~eld, CA93380 Method of Analysis: *.a!i!',',rni:~ i)C)IIF~ I,UFT manual MRL : Minimnm Rr, I)Ort. in~ TVil : Tot. ak Vol. atii(~ TPtt : Total Pe1.rc~.leum u~m/~m : miero.gt'ams ND : Not. S t.~trJ ( Laborat. ory No. 2007 t. hrou~h 2010 Project: Baker RESUI.TS OF ANAI. YSIS ~2010 ID: 4-S-6 ' t{gm/gm NFtL, ugm/gm B~nzene' N'I) O. 1 Toluene ND O. { Ethyl benzene NI) O. ] p-Xy lene "~D O. ] m-Xyl ene ND O. ] o-Xylen~ ND O. 1 I 9opropy] ben>:ene ND O. 1 'l'¥'l[ (Oasolinel Ni'; 3'!'{{ ({'~iese]l ND 10 51ethod of Analysis: C'alifn~-nia bOllS l,iJl.'[ rear, ual MRL -- Minimum [leport. ing Level 'FYI! = Total Volatile Ily,l~',~carbon~ TPil = Total Petroleum Ilydrocarbon~ ugm/gm = microgr~m~ p~r gr~m NI) = Not detected 41~ PIEKE RD., BAKE~FIKD, C~IFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327M911 DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLL--: RECEIVED ~ LAB: EXTRACTED: COMPLETED: 28-Dec-88 29-Dec-88 29-Dec-88 30-Dec-88 ReportinE Analysis ReportinE Consti%uent Units Results Level ~enzene uE/g None Detected 0.10 Toluene uE/g None Detected 0.10 Ethyl Benzene u~/E None Detected 0.10 p-Xylene u~/~ None Detected 0.10 m-X¥1ene uE/E None Detected 0.10 o-Xylene u~/~ None Detected 0.10 Isopropyl benzene u~/g None Detected 0.10 Petroleum Hydrocarbons u~/g 1646.00 10.00 Total Hydrocarbons uf/E 1646.00 0.10 TEST MATHOD: California State D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Diesel (Carbon Disulfide Extraction) Dry Matter Basis [~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ [~ a~nts: JAN:I 9 1989 I~ HYDRC~AP~: ~un%ifica%ion of petroleum hydr~.~.r~x~ns u%ilizin~ a diesel s%anda~.As ou%lined b~ the California D.O~RS.~.~AND Th~se petroleum hydrocarbons are in addi%ion %0 the consti%uen%s s~ecificall¥ defined on this z~port. TOTAL I~L~ h~: Th~ sum %o%al of all cons%i%uen%s California D.O.H.S. C~r%. ~10Z gzj. ~j. Robert Plaisanoe Che~st ,, ^,z..,- ~ , s s o c,., T ,. s ~ ~,,~, ..... DATE PAGE .... OF . )~ ADDRE~ ~K~NNORTH & A$~IATE~.~iNERY INC. " [ PRESTO, OAUFORNIA ~37~ ~ ~ ~ O~ERVAT~N~ TIME ~ C~ ~ C~ny C~ ;t; REUN~3HEO 4Y bAT~ ' RECEIVED BY DATE REUN~ISHEO i TIME nME nME ~ ~T~ ~ TIME Pnn~ N~ P~nt~ ~a~ m P~nt~ Na~ P~nt~ Na~ C' dy .... ..^ · '. tinofCusto Record , PARAM~ERS .l OTHER ADDRE~ K~N & A~IATES, INC. ~ ' ' ~ ~RTH WINERY ~ FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 937~ ~PLE NO "DATE TIME L~ATION .. ~ ".. .~', ... : . .., ; ,' ... · .'~.~- ::" '.' .;.; .'::..:.- · ... · ...~..~.~.f,..c .:~.~.: .. , . .-.. .- . . :-...'~ ..... .~...,,. ~,.,.....:,:..~ ~,~.':.'.:::,-::' ... , ,.-... . ... . .'. :.:: · :..-,:.... ::..-,.:.. ::.: .. ,-: .. ,. ~.: .., · .F..~:~ C.'~,'-~ :.'.-'. :~: .~' :., ;"'~" "':' ' ' "· ." ' · ' ' ' ':. ' " ' ' : ' :' '~': '":?"?'~'::'?~ :~'~''~'' :' ~'' :..'..::,:,..,. -',, ~' :. i., '~. ::~::..', - .. · :. ...... , . ~, : ..... ~:. ..~, :.~ ~ .. ... .': '. .. .~ -.. .- ..... . . ~,.~,:.2 . .- .~ ~-~. · .. :"~.",~.."? '.... .;:..:. i::'..: .:.' '..'..'.... · ,. ..- ,. '.:, .'. · . · . - . ~.., .... ".." -;/ "~ · ." ':~. '-?,'.,;L'-;, · 'i~.' ~,~ '.:' .-~ : ::.: .-. - '. ..... .': .,':' · .,~..' .... · ' ' '.:~; ..' '~ "-'.-'' ~-:::.f - · , ' -' / :t..-'L '~..',', ,...~;?. ~'~r~'- ~' ' ti' '~' i ":' "': ' :: '"' :'"-' "" ""'"" ''"': ::' ' '" ' "'"' '~"";" :'"" .... ~'" ' ' '::: ' ~n~ Na~ ..: ~ - '..,,:.'.'-'s .... ': ."- ~ ~; ~nt~ Na~ ·... '.. . P~nt~ Na~. · .- .- · ..... ~.. ~nt~ Na~ ... : ' · .' · .~ ~...-~': ~P~AL ~HI~~NG ,:'--. ~ ': , ....... .:.; -...' . .. . ~ . ·, ...... , . .'"',-~,~;:~.t'.,:;~.~,~ ".. t : · :..:" .: ,..:.':' ." .' .':;-'-. ' ' ,~ .'...'. ~'."-'.,." '~" ..'-".."-:...:'r ". -'::','4:: :."' '.%'~t,t):~. :.::'.r?~t:.~., !?~L:'.'-;'~:'.'"~' ":,~:':'"'?~:~"..'"'":"'"~'., - Com~ny .., "4 ' : :., . Health and Safety Plan APPENDIX C HEALTH AND SAFETY PROCEDURES FOR EXPLORATORY SOIL BORINGS TO .... BE PERFORMED AT 3505 PIERCE ROADt BAKERSFIELDt CA: The following protocol for personnel involved in the above referenced project is considered generally appropriate; however, modifications may be imposed by their consultants, and/or.the County of Kern in response to site specific conditions. HEALTH AND SAFETY STAFF Mr. Walter Floyd, Uriah Staff Geologist PUBLIC HEALTH/ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARD ASSESSMENT Hazards associated with the performance of exploratory soil borings are those related to: 1). Exposure to the hydrocarbon contaminated soils being explored, 2). The potential for ignition of flammable/explosive vapors, and 3). The physical hazards associated with working with/near heavy equipment. HAZARDS OF CHEMICAL EXPOSURE Ail soils to be handled are contaminated with gasoline and diesel fuel. The most toxic constituents present are believed to be the aromatic constituents of gasoline- benzene, toluene, xylenes, and ethylbenzene (BTX&E); with benzene the most toxic of these having been identified as a carcinogen and forming as much as 3.5% of gasoline by weight. Due to the volatile nature of the aromatics, the most significant route of potential exposure would appear to be via inhalation. Secondary routes of exposure would include dermal (by direct contact with contaminated soil) and by the incidental ingestion of gasoline contaminated dusts. The measures prescribed for the minimization of risks associated with the aforementioned routes of exposure are described below. HAZARDS ASSOCIATED WITH FLAMMABLE VAPORS Although by and large the levels of gasoline within soil are not extremely high, it is recognized that there is a potential for vapors to collect within the flammable range. The measures for early detection of these vapors is described below. PHYSICAL HAZARDS The physical hazards attendant to the performance of exploratory soil borings are those associated with working on/near mechanized equipment. Appropriate procedures attendant to the operation of equipment to be utilized on this project are already in force and are well known to our staff. Further, work-rest cycles will be established and adhered to so as to provide adequate rest periods; liquids will also be available to preclude problems associated with heat stress. RISK FACTORS AND ASSOCIATED MITIGATION PROCEDURES Type of Risk Route of Exposure Mitigating Factor(s) Chemical .............. Inhalation ........... -Air purifying respirators with organic vapor and dust filters. -A hydrocarbon vapor survey meter will be used to determine exposure. Chemical .............. Inhalation ........... -Optimum use of equipment to minimize direct exposure to the soil. -Use of protective clothing. -The nature of the project does not involve the uncontrolled release of toxic materials. Flammable Vapors ....... --. ................. -A hydrocarbon vapor meter will be used to determine the percent of the lower explosive limit (LEL) present at the excavation. Physical ............... --. ................. -Physical hazards attendant to this project are no different from those associated with drilling projects involving non- regulated materials. -The use of trained and experienced staff; properly attired and using appropriate and well-maintained equipment. WORK AREA Only authorized personnel will be permitted within the work area. This area will be clearly marked and monitored. DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURES General procedures .for handwashing and disposal of soiled clothing will be adhered to. KRAZAN Construction Testing, and Inspection Geotechnical Investigations Environmental Englneering Laboratory Soils Testing MonitOring Wells JUL 1' 3une 16, 1988 Project #E88-023 Baker's Welding & Supply Attn: Mark Cooper 3303 Pierce Road Bakersfield, CA 93308 RE: Preliminary Site Characterization Baker's Welding & Supply Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Cooper: In accordance with your request, we have completed the drilling of an exploratory boring, the installation of a water monitoring well, and the sampling of subsoils and groundwater at the above-referenced project site. The general result of that investigation has shown moderate to high concentrations of petroleum constituents present in the subsoils and groundwater in the vicinity of the underground gasoline storage tank. All work was done with the approval of the Kern County Environmental Health Department. Health Department personnel were present at the time of the soil sampling and monitoring well installation. Main Office: Fresno/Clovis · 3860 N. Winery · Fresno, California 93726 · (209) 291-7337 Bakersfield (805) 393-2343 [] Visalia (209) 625-8251 [] Merced (209) 383-3993 Page 'No. 2 Project No. Eg8-023 If there are any questions or if we can be of further assistance~ please do not hesitate to contact our office. Respectfully submitted~ KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES~ INC. Robert A. Martin Proiect Geologist Bean Alexander Geotechnical Engineer RGE #002051/RCE #3#27# RAM/DA/mdc ' KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES TABLE OF CONTENTS Project No. E88-023 Page INTRODUCTION 1 GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS 2 REGIONAL HYDROLOGIC CONDITIONS 3 PURPOSE OF THE INVESTIGATION SCOPE OF THE INVESTIGATION METHODOLOGY RESULTS OF THE INVESTIGATION 7 Soil Profile 7 Groundwater Conditions 7 RESULTS OF CHEMICAL ANALYSIS 7 Table I 9 Table Il 10 DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS 10 CONCLUSIONS 11 LIMITATIONS 12 Map Vicinity Map (following text) Site Plan (following text) Appendices Logs of Soil Borings A Certified Analytical Reports B KRAZAN ASSOCIA FES, INC. Construction Testir,~, and Inspection ~eotechnical Investigations ~'~ EnvironmentalEngineering ~'~--~ ~ Laboratory Soils Testing ~. ~ \ ~I ! t~ 'J$/~ / Monitoring Wells ~,~.~.1~ ~ / j/iv~' ~]une 20, 1988 Project #E88-023 Baker's Welding & Supply Attn: Mr. Mark Cooper 3503 Pierce Road Bakersfield, CA 93308 Re: Preliminary Site Characterization Baker's Welding and Supply Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Cooper: In accordance with your request, we have completed a preliminary site characterization at the above-referenced project site. It was understood from information provided to this office that this investigati°n was required by the Kern County Environmental Health Department in a letter dated 3anuary 20, 1988. This investigation was to take place in the immediate vicinity of a 10,000 gallon underground gasoline storage tank. INTRODUCTION The project site is currently developed as Baker's Welding & Supply Company and is located along the western side of Pierce Road between Gilmore Avenue and Getty Street in Bakersfield, California. This property, which is owned by Cooper and Bridges of Bakersfield, corresponds with the NWl/t, of Section 23, T29S R27E of the Mount Diablo Base Line and Meridian. The facility consists of a warehouse/office complex with an attached retail showroom; loading docks; above-ground liquid propane, oxygen, nitrogen, and argon storage tanks; and a 10,000 gallon underground fuel storage tank. This underground storage tank has been used for the storage of unleaded gasoline for company-operated vehicles and equipment. The tank is approximately 18 years old. A septic system is located east of the building. Main Office: Fresno/Clovis · 3860 N. Winery · Fresno, California 93726 · (209) 291-7337 Bakersfield (805) 393-2343 [] Visalia (209) 625-8251 [] Merced (209) 383-3993 Page No. 2 Proj. No. ESS-023 The entire site, with the exception of the building areas, is paved with asphaltic concrete and is surrounded by a six-foot chain link fence. On November 25, 1986, this underground storage tank was precision tested and was found to be uncertifiable by a Petro-tite line and tank tightness test. After the leak was located and repaired, the tank passed the tightness test. It was understood from information provided to this office that the contractor who repaired the line indicated that the leak was minor in nature and that he felt that little product had been lost. At the beginning of December, 1987, the employees noticed a sluggishness in the pumping of fuel from the unleaded storage tank. On December 28, 1987, employees were unable to pump gasoline from the underground storage tank, and fuel was discovered in the manway around the submersible pump. The fuel, as well as a_s__m__.al._l._a~_ount of soil, was removed from the manway. It was suspected that the fuel leaked from the union between the submersible pump and the Red Jacket Leak Detector. -.~- Reconciliation of inventory records indicate that between 200 and 600 gallons of fuel may have been lost. However, these values are approximate. The underground storage facility is not currently in operation pending the results of this site characterization. GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS The topography of the site is relatively level. The subsurface materials are composed primarily of unconsolidated materials deposited by the Kern River and its tributaries. These alluvial deposits are generally composed of sands, silty sands, and some minor gravel and are derived from Sierra Nevada source rocks. KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Page No. 3 Proj. No. Eg$-023 REGIONAL HYDROLOGIC CONDITIONS The project site is located within the San 3oaquin Valley Hydrologic Study Area, which is primarily an arid to semi-arid environment. Within. the study area, 37 ground water basins and areas of potential ground water storage have been identified. Storage capacity in this study area is approximately 570 million acre-feet. Useable storage totals 80 million acre-feet. Fresh water bearing deposits (generally alluvium) have a maximum thickness of %#00 feet. The area in which the project site is located is part of the Kern County Basin. This basin currently has a declining groundwater surface problem but the severity of the problem is lessened by utilizing waters from the State Water Project. The Kern County Water Agency is one of the regulatory agencies that govern surface waters in this area. A two-aquifer system exists in the vicinity of the project site. The upper, unconfined aquifer is separated from the lower, confined aquifer by an aquitard known as the "300-foot clay". This clay layer is believed to be present beneath the project site. The depth to groundwater below the site in September, 1987 was approximately 20 feet. This groundwater depth was obtained from Well H53, which is adjacent to the Teamster's Union Hall across the street from Baker's Welding & Supply. The depth to groundwater in Well H53 has been as low as 6g feet in the fall of 1976, and as high as lg feet in September 1956. The groundwater gradient is from southeast to northwest, perpendicular to the Kern River. This information was obtained from the Kern County Water Agency report on water conditions in Improvement District t/g, 1997 Report. The groundwater level below Baker's Welding is highly variable and depends on the volume of water in the Kern River. The volume of water in the Kern River near the site is the sum of the flow measured at the Calloway Weir plus the inflow from Turnout #g. Flow in the Kern River and the Calloway Canal influences the hydrologic conditions at the project site by providing a source of recharge to the unconfined aquifer. Recent flow rates for the Kern KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES~ INC. Page No. # Proj. No. E88-023 River are summarized below. A flow rate of approximately 1,500 acre-feet at the Calloway Weir is necessary for surface flow to occur in the Kern River at Highway 178 (Rosedale Highway). Based on projected flow rates, the water level below Baker's Welding dr Supply should drop until November, 1988. FLOW IN THE KERN RIVER CHANNEL Winter 1987 to Winter 1988 (Flow in acre-feet) Month Callowa¥ Weir Turnout #~ Total Nov. 52 0 52 Dec. 3,360 1,588 %9t, 8 Jan. 4,010 0 %010 Feb. 56 0 56 Mar. 0 0 0 No flow projected until November 1988 PURPOSE OF THE INVESTIGATION The purpose of this investigation was to determine whether fuel constituents were present in the subsoils or groundwater in the vicinity of the unleaded gasoline storage tank at the project site. SCOPE OF THE INVESTIGATION The scope of this investigation was generally limited to the area in the immediate vicinity of the unleaded gasoline storage tank. One soil boring was advanced near the submersible pump end of the underground storage tank to KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Page No. 5 Proj. No. E88=023 obtain soil samples to determine the vertical extent of fuel constituents in the subsoils. Qne §roundwater monitorin§ well was placed near the fill end of the tank, in a historically down-gradient direction, to detect any fuel constituents that might be present in groundwater. Upon installation of this well, water samples were obtained to determine the presence and concentration of petroleum constituents in groundwater. The soil profile was logged during the drilling process, and a literature survey was conducted to describe the regional geologic and hydrologic conditions. METHODOLOGY [n order to investigate those potentials described in the Scope of the Investigation section of this report, the following methods were employed: 1. All necessary permits were obtained prior to the commencement of the investigation. 2. The exploratory soil boring and groundwater monitoring well were advanced by means of a Mobil Drill B-61 truck-mounted drilling rig, utilizing hollow stem auger. Drilling fluids were not used while advancing the boring or monitoring well boring. 3. Drillin§ and sampling equipment used for the installation and sampling were steam-cleaned prior to advancing each soil boring. #. One exploratory soil boring was placed at a location immediately north of the underground storage tank. .5. The soil boring was advanced to a depth of 15 feet below existir~g grade. The depth of 15 feet below grade was selected based upon review of published data regarding depths to groundwater in the vicinity of the project sites and a de§tee of conservatism necessary to leave an undisturbed bu£fer between the bottom of the boring and groundwater. 6. Soil samples were obtained by means of pushing stainless steel tubes at discrete intervals (ASTM D-I587-86, "Thin-walled Tube Sampling of Soils"). KRAZAN 8: ASSOCIATES, INC. Page No. 6 Proj. No. E88-023 7. Soil samples were obtained at 5-foot intervals, commencing at an approximate depth of 5 feet below existing grade. $. Auger cuttings were placed in U.S. Department of Transportation approved [7H barrels and sealed. Each barrel was marked with identification as to the soil boring and depth from which it came. The barrels were left on site pending the proper disposal by the property owner, following results of the chemical analysis. 9. One groundwater monitoring well was placed in a location that is, historically, downgradient from the tank. The well boring was advanced to a depth of approximately 40 feet below grade. Soil samples were obtained at ~ foot intervals for logging purposes and possible chemical analysis. The well was constructed with PVC blank well casing and slotted section. The design of the monitoring wells will accommodate a 20 foot potential fluctuation of groundwater levels at the project site. I0. The groundwater monitoring well generally consists of PVC Schedule 40 flush thread solid pipe above PVC Schedule 40 pipe with 0.020" slotted openings. The filter medium for the saturated zone consists o[ a washed #16 Monterey sand. The filter medium extends to 2 feet above the slotted interval. Above the filter medium, a seal . of 3-foot thickness was established utilizing 3/S" bentonite pellets. The remainin§ annulus (£rom the bentonite seal to the surface vault) consists of a 6-sack sand/cement slurry, with approximately 3% bentonite added to reduce shrinkage away from the well pipe and to reduce the heat generated from hydration. ii. The surface vault provides a flush surface access to the locked well head. 12. Alter well development and stabilization, the well was sampled from the interface to detect the presence o[ free product on groundwater. 13. .All samples were collected, maintained and transported under chain of custody protocol to a state-approved laboratory for chemical analysis. Selected soil samples were analyzed to detect the presence and concentration of benzene, toluene, xyJenes, ethylbenzene and total petroleum hydrocarbons (gas). The water sample was analyzed to detect the presence of purgeabie aromatics and total purgeable hydrocarbons by EPA Method Number 602. 14. All field work was conducted under standards set forth by industry and deemed acceptable by various regulatory agencies. Hard hats, protective eyewear, steel-toe boots, protective clothing'and KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Page No. 7 Proj. No. E88-023 respiratory devices were to be worn by field personnel when deemed appropriate by the field engineer or geologist present. RESULTS OF THIS INVESTIGATION Soil Profile One exploratory soil boring and one groundwater monitoring well were advanced to a maximum depth of #0 feet below existing grade at the project site. The soil profile generally consisted of a fine to medium grained silty sand from the surface to an approximate depth of 9 feet below existing grade. A poor to weJ] graded sand with lenses that contain minor silt and gravel were encountered to the maximum depth of our soil borings~ which were terminated at an approximate depth of #0 feet below existing grade. For more detailed information regarding subsoils encountered at the project site, please refer to the logs of borings included in Appendix A of this report. Groundwater Conditions Groundwater was encountered in our monitoring well boring at an approximate depth of 2# feet below the existing grade. Review of the Kern County ~Yater Agency Report, May 1987~ tends to corroborate our field observations. The project site was located near the Kern River, which provides recharge to the unconfined aquifer. The proximity of the project site to the Kern River and the Calloway Canal, and the historic fluctuations in groundwater level suggest that those features influence the hydrologic conditions at the project site. RESULTS OF CHEMICAL ANALYSIS A total of 4 soil samples and one groundwater sample were obtained for chemical analysis from the project site. The samples were submitted to a state-approved laboratory and analyzed to detect the presence of those KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Page No. $ Proj. No. E88-023 constituents associated with unleaded gasoline. Soil samples were analyzed to detect presence and concentration of benzene, toluene, isopropyl benzene, para-xylene, meta-xylene, ortho-xylene, ethy]benzene, petroleum hydrocarbons and total purgeable hydrocarbons. The results of the chemical analysis on the soil samples obtained during the drilling operations of this investigation are listed in Table I on the following page. KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Page 9 Proj. No. E88-023 TABLE 1 Concentration of Petroleum Constituents in Soils (Concentration expressed in parts per million) Sample I.D. P- M- O- Ethyl- Isopropyl Petroleum & Depth Benzene Toluene x¥1ene xylene x¥1ene benzene Benzene .Hydrocarbons TPH MW-A (a 15' ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND MW-A (a 20, ND 1.70 3.55 ND 2~.5x~5_ ND 0.73 162.#0 170.93 B-I ~ 10' ND ND ND ND ND'lq ND ND ND ND B-I (3 15' ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND = Non-detected TPH = Total purgeable hydrocarbons For more detailed information regarding the results of the chemical analyses conducted on samples obtained, please refer to the certified analytical reports which have been included in Appendix B of this report. Page No. 10 Proj. No. E88-023 The groundwater sample was analyzed to detect the presence and concentration of petroleum constituents by EPA Method 602 Analysis the results of that analysis are summarized on Table II: TABLE II Concentration of Petroleum ConStituents in Groundwater (Concentrations expressed in parts per billion) Constituent Well A Sample Benzene 35.7 Chlorobenzene ND 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND I ,#-Dichlorobenzene ND Ethyl benzene ND Toluene 33.9 .. Xylenes $$.6 c, .- Total Purgeable Hydrocarbons 615 ND = Non-detected For more detailed information regarding the results of chemical analysis, please refer to the certified analytical reports included in Appendix B of this report. DISCUSSIONS OF FINDINGS One soil boring and a groundwater monitoring well were placed in the immediate vicinity of the underground storage tank location in order to obtain data which would help to identify the presence and possible movement of contaminants in subsoils and groundwater. KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Page No. 11 Proj. No. E88-023 The soils encountered in exploratory borings at the project site consisted generally of sands and silty sands. Those soil types are generally associated with having somewhat higher rates of permeability than silts or clays. Groundwater was encountered at an approximate depth of 2~ feet below the existing grade at the project site. Review of published data regarding groundwater conditions in the area of the subject property confirmed our findings. Chemical analysis of the soil samples obtained show moderate levels of petroleum constituents present at depth. At 20 feet below grade~ the concentration of total purgeable hydrocarbons present in the representative soil sample was 170.93 ppm. The chemical analysis of the groundwater sample obtained from the monitoring well has also shown petroleum constituents to be present. The constituents noted from that analysis suggest that the character of the contaminant is that of gasoline. The compounds noted from volatile organics analysis of the groundwater sample obtained from the monitoring well were limited to benzene~ toiuene~ and xylenes. The results of the total purgeab]e hydrocarbons conducted on the groundwater sample confirm the presence of petroleum constituents with a concentration of 61.5 ppb. Benzene concentration in water was 35.7 ppb. CONCLUSIONS Based upon observations made at the time of our field investigation~ coupled with the results of chemical analysis conducted on subsoil samples obtained at the time of our drilling~ and professional interpretation along with interviews with Baker's Welding & Supply personnel, the following conclusions were made; KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES~ INC. Page No. 12 Proj. No. E88-023 1. The soil profile at the subject property generally consisted o£ sands, and silty sands from the surface to an approximate depth of #0 feet below existing grade. 2. The sands and silty sands associated with the subject property were soil types generally associated with moderate to high rates of permeability. 3. Based upon review of published data regarding historic groundwater depths in the vicinity of the subject property, groundwater has been assumed to be at an approximate depth of 20-40 feet below the existing grade. Groundwater was encountered during our drilling operations at a depth of 24 feet below existing grade. Both groundwater level and direction of gradient are anticipated to fluctuate with changing flow levels in the Kern River. 4. The results of the chemical analysis conducted on soil and water samples obtained at the project site had shown moderate levels of petroleum constituents (purgeable hydrocarbons) in soil and in groundwater (170.93 ppm in soil; 61~ ppb in groundwater). ~. Based upon review of the results of chemical analysis, coupled with review of the historic and site specific groundwater conditions associated with the subject property and its vicinity, it would appear that contamination from the underground fuel storage tank at the project site has impacted groundwater resources. The full extent of the contamination present in the subsoils and groundwater associated with this project site are unknown at this time. LIMITATIONS The findings of this report were based upon the results of field and laboratory investigations, coupled with the interpolation of subsurface conditions associated with our soil borings. Therefore, the data are accurate only to the degree implied by review of the data obtained and professional interpretation. The exploratory soil boring and monitoring well were located in the field by review of available maps and by pacing or tape measurement from existing landmarks, as interpreted from available maps. Therefore, the soil boring and monitoring well locations should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the methods used to locate them. KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Page No. 13 Proj. No. Egg-023 Chemical testing was done by labs approved by the State of California Department of Health Services. The results of the chemical testing is accurate only to the degree of the care of insuring the testing accuracy and the representative nature of the soil and water samples obtained. The findings presented herewith were based upon professional interpretation using state of the art methods and equipment and a degree of conservatism deemed proper as of the report date. It is not warranted that such data cannot be superseded by future geotechnical, environmental or technological developments. If there are any questions or if we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Respectfully submitted, KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Project Geologist Dean Alexander Geotechnical Engineer RGE #O02051/RCE tt3~27~ RAM/DA/mdc 2c herewith lc Kern County Environmental HeaLth Department KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Drawn by: .r~.~--, i Approved ~: ~ K~ZAN & ASSOCIAT~ ~e~ .... I Drawing ~o. ~ Merced Fresno Vi~lia Bakersfield Project E88-023 Baker's Welding & Supply Boring No. Bakersfield, California I ~! DATE DRILLED: 5/17/88 TYPE OF BORING: 8" hol low stem IIO~E ELEV: ......................... ] ....... GROUNDWATER LEVEL: Approx 24' ~ · ____ LOGGED BY: T_°_.n_Y._M_'_ ~ ~. 5 ~ SOIL DESCRIPTION a o ~E c3 , O ~ ~. 1 - 2" Asphaltic concrete Fine to medium silty SAND (SM), dark brown, slightly damp, micaceous, drills easily Very fine to fine, light brown at 3' 5- mod XX 18 to- fnt XX 6 Coarse SAND (SP) with minor fine to coarse gravel, medium brown, damp, drills easily Fine to medium silty SAND (SM) with minor fine gravel, medium brown, damp, drills easily ~r,- XX 70 Fine to medium SAND (SP) with minor well-rounded fine gravel, light -- grey-white, damp, micaceous, drills easily BOTTOM of BORING 20-- 2,'i - I(I{AZAN & ASSOCIATES Sheet .__]__. o! ._.~_ .... P'rojec! E88-023 Baker's Welding & Supply Boring No. Bakersfield, California I)ATE DRII. LED: 5/16/88 TYPE OF BORING: 8" hol 1 ow stem IIOLE ELEV: GROUNDWATER LEVEL: Approx. 24' below ___ LOGGED BY:T_°_n.Y._.M_:. .... '-' ~- ~ ~ SOIL DESCRIPTION o ~ ~. 1" Asphaltic concrete Fine silty SAND (SM), light brown, slightly damp, micaceous, drills easily 5-mod XX 100 ~°-mod XX 175 Well-graded SAND (SW) with minor fine gravel, light reddish brown, slightly damp, micaceous, drills easily (gravel is well-rounded) Light grey-white at 14' ~r'-mod XX 140 L. ight brown with minor silt at 18' 20-- st XX 275 Saturated at 24' 2!i -- KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES' Sheet 1 o! 2 Project E88-023 Baker's Welding & Supply ~ Bakersfield, California Boring No. DATE DRILLED: 5/16/88 TYPE OF BORING: 8" ho11 OW stem tIOLE ELEV: GROUNDWATER LEVEL: Approx. 24' below LOGGED By:Tony M_._ grad~, '~ ~- ,'-, SOIL DESCRIPTION 3~, With fine to coarse gravel at 30' 35- BOTTOM of BORING 50_~ I(RAZAN & ASSOCIATES Sheet ._~___. o! 2 LABORATORIES, InD. P[T~OLEU~ J' J' EGLIN, R~. CHEM. E~GR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-491 Petroleum Hydrocarbons (SOIL) Krazan and Associates Date of 3860 N. Winery Report: 01-Jun-88 Fresno, CA 93726 Attention: Robert A. Martin Lab No.: 3655-3 Sample Desc.: Pro3ec% ~E88-023 B-1 @10' @0855 DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED: 17-May-88 18-May-88 26-May-88 Minim~. Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g None Detected O. 10 Toluene ug/g None Detected O. lO Ethyl Benzene ug/g None Detected O. 10 p-Xylene ug/g None Detected O. 10 m-X¥1ene ug/g None Detected O. 10 o-X¥1ene ug/g None Detected O. 10 Isopropyl ~nzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Petroleum Hydrocar?~ns ~/g None Detected 10.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected O. 10 TEST METHOD: California State D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Diesel (C~rbon Disulfide Extraction) Dry Matter Basis Corr~ents: PETROLE[~M HYDROCARBONS: (~antification of petrole~n hydrocarbons utilizir~ a diesel standard. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. These petrole~n hydrocarbons are in addition to the constit~ents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The s~a total of all constituents on this report. .' ~i~- Robert Plaisance Chemist Jll~V ~ 7 1988 A~flI£UI TLIfI£ LABORATORIES, Inc. P£TIIOL£U~ J' J' EGLIN, R~. CHE~. ENGR. 41~ PIERCE RD., BAKE~FIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Krazan [ Associates Date Reported: 06/08/88 3860 North Winery Blvd. Date Received: 05/17/88 Fresno, CA 93726 Laboratory No.: 36SS-3 ' TOTAL EXTRACT CONTAMINANTS BY ACID DIGESTION Sample Description: Proj. E88-023, BI @'10' Title 22 Total Metals, mg/k[ Method Reference TTLC~ mg/k~ Lead (-) 2.5 7421 1 1000. Comment: Ali contaminants reported above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. (1) "Test Methods for Evaluating Solids Wastes", SW 846, July 1982. (-) refers to "less than". B C LABORATORIES, 'INC. · ILIIV ~ ? 1988 LABORATORIES, J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGII. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Petroleum Hydrocarbons (SOIL) Krazan and Associates Date of 3860 N. Winery Report: 01-Jun-88 Fresno, CA 93726 Attention: Robert A. Martin Lab No.: 3655-4 ,Sample Desc.: Project ~E88-023 B-1 @15' @0905 DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED: 17-May-88 18-May-88 26-May-88 Minimmm Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Toluene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 p-X¥1ene ug/g None Detected 0.10 m-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 o-Xylene ug/g None Detected O. 10 Isopropyl benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Petrole,~, Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 10.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 0.10 TEST METHOD: California State D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Diesel (Carbon Disulfide Extraction) Dry Matter Basis Cor~nts: PETROLEI~M t~fDROCARBONS: Quantification of petrole~n [~drocarbons utilizir~ a diesel standard. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. These petroleum ?~drocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on tkis report. TOTAL PETROLEI~ HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all constituents on this report. ~. ~. k~in -' - Robert Plaisance Chemist LABORATORIES. InC. J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGII. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Krazan & Associates Date Reported: 06/08/88 3860 North Winery Blvd. Date Received: OS/17/88 Fresno, CA 93726 Laboratory No.: 3633-4 TOTAL EXTRACT CONTAMINANTS BY ACID DIGESTION Sample Description: Proj. E88-023, B1 @ 15' Title 22 Total Metals~ mg/k~ Method Reference TTLC~ m~/k~ Lead 12.1 7421 ! 1000. Comment: Ail contaminants reported above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. (1) "Test Methods for Evaluating Solids Wastes", SW 846, July 1982. (-) refers to "less than". ~ c ,,~,~o~,'rOR~S, ~NC. ~ ::2 .,-? ~'-~-" .: .< . .,,: _ .-"":-~Z'., ._ I LABORATORIES, In_r-:, PfTIIOI£1JAf J' J' EGLIN, IIEG. CHEM. ENGR. . 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Petroleum Hydrocarbons (SOIL) Krazan and Associates Date of 3860 N. Winery Report: O1-Jun-88 Fresno, CA 93726 Attention: Robert A. Martin Lab No.: 3655-1 Sample Desc.: Project ~E88-023 MWA @15' @1411 DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED: 16-May-88 18-May-88 26-May-88 Mir~i~nm Reporting Analysis Reporting Cons ti tuent Uni ts Resul ts Leve 1 Benzene ug/g None Detected 0 10 Toluene ug/g None Detected 0 10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0 10 p-X¥1ene ug/g None Detected 0 10 m-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0 10 o-X¥1ene ug/g None Detected 0 10 Isopropyl benzene ug/g None Detected 0 10 Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 15. O0 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected O. 10 TEST METHOD: California State D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Diesel (Carbon Disulfide Extraction) Dry Matter Basis Cor~r~nts: PETROLE[?M HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of petrole~, hydrocarbons utilizing a diesel standard. As outlined by t~ California D.O.H.S. These petrole~n k~drocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on tk~is report. TOTAL PETROLE[~fl HYDROCARBONS: The s,~r~ tr~tal of all constituents on t~L~S report. ~. ~. E~n Robert Pla~sance C~emist A~FII£UI TUR~ BORATORIES. IrqC. P[TROI£LIAf J' J' ~LIN, R~. CHEM. ENGR. , 41~ PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Krazan ~ Associates Date Reported: 06/08/88 S860 North ~inery Blvd. Date Received: 0S/17/88 Fresno, CA 93726 Laboratory No.: 36SS-1 TOTAL EXTRACT CONTAMINANTS BY ACID DIGESTION Sample Description: Proj. E88-023, MWA @ 1S' Title 22 Total Metals~ mg/kg Method Reference TTLC~ m~/k~ Lead 3.19 7421 1 1000. Comment: Ail contaminants reported above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. (I) "Test Methods for Evaluating Solids Wastes", SW 846, July 1982. (-) refers to "less than". B C LABORATORIES, INC. ,,'2 ~? ~ ,/- . LABORATORIES, InC. J. J. EGLIN, II(G. CHEM. ENGR. P~TROL£UM , 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Krazan and Associates Date of 3860 N Winery Report: 01-Jun-88 Fresno, CA 93726 Attention: Robert A. Martin Lab No.: 3655-2 Sample Desc: Project ~E88-023 MWA ~20' @1426 DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED: 16-May-88 18-May-88 26-May-88 Mininum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Toluene ug/g 1.70 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g 3.55 0.10 m-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 o-X¥1ene ug/g 2.55 0.10 I soprop¥1 Benzene ug/g 0.73 0.10 Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g 162.40 5.00 Total Petrole~ Hydrocarbons ug/g 170.93 0.10 TEST METHOD: California D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis C~r~nts: Diesel Fetrole~n Hydrocarbons are < 10.0 ug/g ?ETROLE[~M HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by California D.O.H.S. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition the constituents specifically defined on t?~s report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The s,m~ total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. JUIV ] ? 79~ LABORATORIES, In(:::. P~TIIOL£UM J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. , 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Krazan ~ Associates Date Reported: 06/08/88 3860 North Winery Blvd. Date Received: 05/17/88 Fresno, CA 93726 Laboratory No.: 3655-2 TOTAL EXTRACT CONTAMINANTS BY ACID DIGESTION Sample Description: Proj. E88-023,' HWA @ 20' Title 22 Total Metals~ m~/kg Method Reference TTLC, mg/kg Lead IS.1 7421 i 1000. Comment: All contaminants reported above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. (1) "Test Methods for Evaluating Solids Wastes", SW 846, July 1982. (-) refers to "less than". B C LABORATORIES,....[NC. ~ ~ .. ,:.- ...,,~.~,;._~j ~' DATE ,. PAGE OF I PARAMETERS OTHER ,DDR~SS KR~N & ASSOC,AT~S, INC. ; ' ~ ~ ;AMPLER ATU ) · ~ ~_ =~1~=, ,=~ =~ ~ ~ I ~ ' ' .~ ~~Print~ Name Print¢ Name Pfint~ Name SPECIAL SHIPMENT~ANDLING eZ~~~ ~ OR STOOGE REOUIREMENTS RE~NQU~HED 8Y bAT~ ' RECEIVED BY DATE RELINQUISHEO BY DATE/RECEIVED BY~~(la~mlo~) DATE Signature ·., Signature Sig~ture~------- I TIME TIME TIME ' ~&~ ~~ ~ TiME Pri~te¢ Name Print~ Name Pdnt~ Name ~rint~ Name Co~.ny Company Company ~ t Company ~ ' J. J. E~LINo RE~. CHE~. PETROI ELI M , 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Krazan & Associates PURe. FABLE ORGANIC ANALYSIS (Volatiles) Date of Report: 5/27/89 Lab Sample ID No. 3713-1 ~ Laboratory Signature Lab ~ .///~./~ /~_/~ ~ Nan~: B C Laboratories Director .//~/~/~ ~//./~/~ Name of Sampler Sampler: Employed By: Date/Time Sample Date/Tirr~ ,Sample Were Holding Collected: ~Received @ Lab: ~/19/88 Times Observed? YES Were all the C~onstituents listed Test Methods: EPA 602 below quantified? YES' System System N~: S~r~le ~001 5/19/89 @ 1415 MWA N~nber: E88-023 Description of Sampling Point: Na~/No. Of Sa~le Station Source: Ntmmber: I-I-I-I Zl-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I Date & Tirr~S~ple :°f I~l~J ~l~ I~J ~1~ I~1 ~1~ I Type.Wate~r ~ UseriD: J-I-J-I By:Submitted to SWQIS Place an "X" in box to delete all data for this station/date/time I-I =iz S0NS I == Date Analysis Co~r~oleted alalOlalZla -I-I-I-I-I- YYMMDD ..5/26/88 Int.~ms±ve Sur~ev ~anbor ~ ~.~,"L Chloro'l'~nzene ~ Ethyl Benzene "' ~/L Toluene OQI I ,~/L Xvlenes ~ ~ NOTE ANY [~IDENTIFIED PEARLS BELOW TPH = 615. u~/L M~L = 0.5 u~/L TPH - Total ~rgeable Hydrocarbons No travel blank was submitted. NOTE ND = NONE DETECTED dv of Custo Record DATE _~ PAGE : OF ~ PARAMETERS ; OTHER ADDRESS KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ' ' 3860 NORTH WINERY FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93726 Z =. - ~ o OBSERVATIONS/ SAMPLERS (SI,GNATURE) ~:?- SAMPLE NO DATE TIME LOCATION RELINQUISHED~ BY.;-~~//~ DATE RECEIVED. BY DATE '. RELINQUISHED BY DATE '. RECEIVED BY ,. · DATE TOTAL NUMBER '.: · Printed Name:, ,---'; '~'- iPrinted Name Printed Name. Printed Name.. '. SPECIAL SHIPMENT/HANDLING ~ Al~)~' .~ ~ : OR STORAGE REQUIREMENTS ~ompany: I_~ Company i ' Company ' Company · STA~i~: · - - . RELINQUISHED BY DATE RECEIVED BY DATE RELINQUISHED BY .. DATE':' RECEIVED BY (laboratory) DATE ' ~Signature : - . Signature Signature .. ' ' Signature '. '::" : TIME TIME . '" ' ' TIME ' :''" ':!'": TIME ': - ' '- · · '