HomeMy WebLinkAboutUST #1 9/12/2001 Environmental, Inc. 4800 Easton Drive, Suite 101, Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bus: (661) 327-7429 Fax: (661) 327-1707 September 12, 2001 Mr. John D. Whiting California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region 3614 East Ashlan Avenue Fresno, CA 93726 Re: Holden Truck Stop Diesel Tank Removal 3775 Buck Owens Boulevard Bakersfield, California 93308 Dear Mr. Whiting: A J Environmental, Inc. is pleased to present this Tank Removal Report of the diesel tank that was removed from Holden Truck Stop by Lutrel Trucking, Inc. This is the 12,000 gallon tank that was unaccounted for. It was removed on July 17, 2001. After receiving approval to perform the proposed work, it will be incorporated into the report for the work that was approved in your letter of May 16, 2001. Please contact me if you should have any questions or require additional information. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you. Sincerely, A J ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. Michael A. Feldman, R.E.A. President Cc John Ivy, San Joaquin Bank Cc Chris Burger, Klein, DeNatale, Goldner, Cooper, Rosenlieb & Kimball, LLP ,,'Cc Steve Underwood, Bakersfield Fire Department AJE 4800 Easton Drive, Suite 101, Bakersfield, CA 93309 ~ nvironmentai, inc. Bus: (661) 327-7429 Fax: (661) 327-1707 I I I i SAN JOAQUIN BANK DIESELTANK REMOVAL I Holden Truck Stop 3775 Buck Owens Boulevard I Bakersfield, CA 93308 I September 2001 ! ! I IV~chael A. Feldman Registered Environmental Assessor I State of California No, REA-02251 Expiration Date: 06/30/02 Harold. Sugden I Registered Geologist State of California No. 1954 i Expiration Date: 04/30/02 AJE INTRODUCTION This report outlines the removal and results of soil testing beneath a 12,000-gallon diesel underground storage tank. The services were performed at Holden Truck Stop located at 3775 Buck Owens Boulevard, Bakersfield, California by Lutrel Trucking, Inc. Mr. John Ivy, Senior Vice President of San Joaquin Bank, authorized the operations. SCOPE Permits to excavate and remove tanks (Permit # BR-0271) from this site were obtained by A. J. Environmental on October 17, 2000, from the City of Bakersfield Fire Department, Office of Environmental Services. Five tanks were removed under the original permit. The permit was subsequently amended in July 2001, to cover the removal of this tank. Excavation and removal of the 12,000-gallon diesel tank took place on July 18, 2001. Non-hazardous diesel rinsate of 500 gallons was removed by Cummings Vacuum Service, Bakersfield, CA and delivered to McKittrick Waste, McKittrick, California on July 17, 2001. Turner Crane, Bakersfield, CA, removed the tank on July 18, 2001. Samples were obtained by having the excavator bucket dig to the required depth of two feet and six feet below the bottom of the tank. All samples were grabbed with a six-inch brass tube, capped at both ends with Teflon tape and a plastic cap. Samples were labeled and transported, in a cooler at a temperature of 4o Celsius or less, to BC Laboratories, Inc. for analysis. The samples were analyzed for TPH-D, Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl Benzene, Total Xylenes (BTEX), and Methyl-t-butylether (MTBE). Data from the resulting analysis has been evaluated to determine if there was any contamination beneath the tank. Mr. Steve Underwood with the City of Bakersfield Fire Department, Office of Environmental Services witnessed the removal of the tanks and collection of the soil samples. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Proiect Location The project site is located at 3775 Buck Owens Boulevard in the City of Bakersfield, Kern County, California. The site is bordered by Gulf Street on the north, Buck Owens Boulevard on the east, Getty Street on the south and Highway 99 to the west. It is surrounded by commercial businesses. ! ! 1 AJ Site Description The site is level and completely paved with the exception of several planters. The diesel tank was removed from beneath the blacktop on the south side of the property, fifteen feet south of the steel derrick. Examination of the single wall, steel tank showed considerable corrosion. SITE GEOLOGY AND HYDROLOGY The site is located on the Bakersfield Arch portion of the San Joaquin Valley. The near surface sands, silts and clays were deposited as part of the Kern River fan deposits. Groundwater is currently less than 30 feet from the surface with the gradient to the northeast as shown by measurements taken in July 2001. The average rainfall in the Bakersfield area is less than six inches a year and does not contribute to groundwater recharge. Records obtained from the Kern County Water Agency show that the local water level has changed considerably depending on the rate of recharge from canals, ponds, and the Kern River. To the southeast, the nearby California Water Service domestic water well, #151-01 has had water levels ranging from 129 feet below ground level in wet years to 220 feet in dry years. SITE HISTORY The property has been developed as a truck stop since 1947, with the addition of a convenience store in 1948, scale house in 1950, shop in 1954, and the two story office building in 1992. In order to market the property it was decided to remove the underground storage tanks. This would also determine if any soil contamination was present beneath them. Four underground storage tanks that held gasoline and diesel were removed in October 2000. At that time, an unsuccessful attempt was made to locate this tank. ! AJE ANALYSIS RESULTS Diesel Tank (12,000) gallons Depth II Constituent II North I Middle I South 2 feet Benzene ND ND ND Below Toluene ND ND ND The Ethylbenzene ND ND ND Base Total Xylenes ND ND ND Of MTBE ND ND ND The tank TPH-Diesel 690 mg/kg ND ....... : 6 feet Benzene ND ND ND Below Toluene ND ND ND The N D N D N D Ethylbenzene Base Total Xylenes N D N D N D Of MTBE ND ND ND The tank TPH-Diesel 196 mg/kg 25 mg/kg ~:::::9,~:300:~m~ '::: lk: · ~' g g FINDINGS Laboratory analysis demonstrates that soil contamination above action levels (TPH- Diesel) was found beneath the south end of the 12,000-gallon diesel tank. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons-Diesel results showed that the two samples from the south end of the tank exceed the action level of 1,000 PPM as outlined by the California Fuel Tank Task Force October 1989. site Leaking Underground Manual, Specific features dictate the acceptable level of each of the volatile hydrocarbons. The maximum allowable level is calculated using a weighting system that scores each of five specific site features having to do with depth to groundwater, presence or absence of fractures, rainfall, man-made conduits and unique site features. · Depth to groundwater occurs at less than 50 feet below ground level (On site drilling 2001) and scores five. · Fractures in the subsurface are not anticipated in the thick alluvium and unconsolidated Quaternary age sediments that underlie the surface (Geologic Map of California, Bakersfield Sheet) and scores ten. · Annual rainfall for Bakersfield is 5.72 inches (personal communication, National Weather Service, Meadows Field, Bakersfield) and scores ten. ! ! 3 · There are no man-made conduits for vertical migration present, therefore the site scores ten. · The site has coarse grained, slightly clayey soil to sampling depth of 18 feet. This scores nine. This results in a total score of forty-four (44) that categorizes the site as having a Iow leaching potential. The action levels for these hydrocarbons are benzene (.3 ppm), toluene (.3 ppm), xylenes (1.0 ppm), ethyl benzene (1.0 ppm), and TPH-Diesel (1,000 ppm). Methyl-t-butylether (MTBE) is an oxygenator additive that presently has no established action levels. EVALUATION The Chain of Custody Records and the Laboratory Results is found in Appendix I. Of the six samples analyzed for BTEX, MTBE and TPH-Diesel, two were above the action levels for TPH-Diesel. The TPH-D contaminants above action levels are in the soil to a depth of 6 feet beneath the south end of the tank, 18 feet below ground level. RECOMMENDATIONS The plume centered at the south end of the diesel tank should be characterized. 1. Drill four holes to determine the depth and aerial extent of the plume associated with the former diesel tank. 2. Drill to groundwater (estimated less than 30 feet below ground level) at the south end of the former tank to determine if contamination extends to groundwater. 3. Drill subsequent holes ten feet south of the first hole, twenty feet west of the first hole. Convert the west hole to a groundwater monitoring well depending on results from the first hole. The fourth hole will be drilled ten feet north of the north end of the former tank. Boring #S11 (South end of the tank) Drill to 18' and start coring at 2' intervals to determine the depth of contamination. Groundwater level was found in June 2001 to range from 28 to 30 feet below ground level. If contamination persists to groundwater, obtain a groundwater sample. If a groundwater sample is taken in Boring #S11 then Boring #S13 should be completed as a groundwater monitoring well. Boring #S12 (Ten feet South of Boring #S11) Drill to 4' and take 2' samples to 2' above groundwater. 4 AJE Boring #S13 (Twenty feet west of Borinq #S11) Drill to 4' and take 2' samples to 2' above groundwater. If Boring #S11 is contaminated to groundwater, drill and complete this hole to 50 feet as a groundwater monitoring well. Boring #S14 (Ten feet north of the former tank) Drill to 4' and take 2' samples to 2' above groundwater. All holes will be abandoned with bentonite on bottom, and cement to the surface. The identical laboratory analysis will be performed as the one found in your letter of May 16, 2001. i.~ AJ ! ! ! ! EXHIBITS ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Gulf Street S-10· ,I I TanklO,OOOgall I I ~. gasoline I I Tank 10,000 g;I GW-I· J I ~3 g.s~, Tank 12,000 gal I ~ Tank 12,0~ ga~l I Office Building I os-s I Repair '- 7 o S-4 Shop O V~ 3U21 U G - ._~ Tire °S-6 S-14o J Shop__ Tire L St.---° r a g.~e ~1 S-13o S-11 I  S-12 Getty Curb Street I LEGEND I ~ Underground Tank SEC 23T29S R27E AJEI Easton Drive, #12 Bakersfield, CA 93309327_7429 Fax 18051327-1707 ~ Present Dispenser KERN COUNTY, CA 4100/805t ~ Former Dispenser SCALE: 1" = 50' SAN JOAQUIN BANK · Soil Boring SITE CONTAMINATION WORKPLAN HOLDEN TRUCK STOP · Groundwater Test Well BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA · Tower Corner SITE MAP EXHIBIT 1 ~ DATE: SEPTEMBER 2001 i~ AJE APPENDIX I Laboratories, Inc. Chain of Custo.: F°rm~' nt: ~_~.~r;-7~-I 'i"~'~,.(-/'~'tf;-3~' ectO: ~-t~;[ ~. ~1 .: ~ 5~~ Commen~: . '-. ~": .-~ '~. ..~ · ':. .... ~! Add.ss: -. ~it~! t: "' §8/06/2001 15:44 61139~03; PAGE OB Laboratories, and Total Pe~rolsum LUTRE5 TRUCKING I~C. D&te Re~:~orl.d: 08/01/2001 &3iS SNOW RO~;) Oa:e Reeei~ ~: 07/~8/200! eAKERSFIg~, C.~ 93308 ~otato~ ~o,: Ar:n: ED DYKE~ 399-0246 Sampling ~cation: HO~EN Da=e Collec~ ~d: 07/~$/2001 · 09:10 Sample ID: NOR~ 2' Da~e Extracted-SC ~0:'07/2~/2001 Sample ~atr~x: Soil Da~e ~alyzed-8( ~0: 0~/2~/2001 ~mple Collected By: ED DYKES Date Ex~rac~ed-80X~M I): 0T/1~/2001 DaCe ~alyzed-8015M ~): 07/25/2001 PraccAc~l Benzene None Deteched mg/kg 0.00S *22 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0.00~ '22 E:hyl Ben~ene None DeCe~:ed mg/kg' 0.00S ~e:hyl-t-bu:~le:her None Detected mg/kg 0.02 -22 To,al Xylenea None De:ected mg/kg 0.01 ~,a,a-Trifluorotolu~n~ (Surrogate) $0. % 70-130 uiesel Range Organics (C12 - C2a) 690. mg/kg S0. Tetracosane (Surrogate) 86. % TEST ~THOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. ~ L.U.F.T. ~ual Method - Mo~ifi EPA 8015 Individual constituents ~ EPA Metho~ 5030/8020. PQL's were raleed due to high concentration of targe~ analyte~ re~iring B~ple dilution. Flag E~l~na~ione: · = Sample ~pecific matrix spike recove~(a) are no~ wi~hi~ QC limits. verified through ~20 = Surrogate is low due ~o matrix i~:erference. In:erfer~ ice verified second extracti~/anal~is. '22 ~ ABaocia=e~ Burroga:e :ecove~ ia 1OW. Department Supervisor . 41~ AUBs COU~ ' Bakersfield. CA 93306 ' (6611327~911 "Fax{~11327-1918 ~.~abs.mm Purgeable Total Petrole~ Hydrocarbons LUT=~ TRUCK~NO ~C. Da,e R.port d: 0g/01/200~ A~=n: ED DYKES 399-02%6 Sampling Loca=iOfl: HO~EN Date Collect ~d; 07/18/2001 ~ 09:16 S~ple Matrix: Soil Da~e ~alyzed-8~ ~: 07/~5/2001 Sample Collected By; ED DYeS DICe EMCrlc=ed-g01~M] [): 07/19/2001 Date ~alyle~-i015M ~)= 07/2~/2001 Constituents Results . ai~s Limi~ Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 *22 Toluene None De~ected mt/kg 0.005 Ethyl ~enzene None De=ec~e~ ~/kg 0.005 Total Xylene~ None De~ec~ed ~g/kg 0.01 a,~,a-Trifluorotoluene (Surrogate) 61. Diesel ~ange Organics (C12 - C24) 190. Tenracosane (Surrogate) 79. % 43-144 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual ~thod - ~di~ie E~A 801~ I PQL's were raised due to high concentration of target analytes requiring sample ~ilu~ion. I Fl&9 Explanations: * = Sample specific matrix spike recovery(s) are not within C limits. Accuracy verified through '20 = Surrogate iG low due =o matrix interference. Inter~eze: · verified I second extraction/analysis. -22 = AssOciated surrogate recovery is low. Stuart G. Buttram I Department Supervisor 4100 Atlss Court ' Ba~ers§eld. CA 9330B * ~6~1)327-4911 · F~fe6q)327-191B * ~ vw. bclabe.com I I .. 08/06/2001 15:44 61119903: PAGE 04 I Laboratories, Inc. and I Total Petroleum Hydrocarbone LUTR~L TRUCKING INC. Date Re~ort d: 0~/01/2001 I 631S SNOW ROAD DaCe Retain ~d: 07/18/2001 BAKERSFIELD, CA 9]309 La~ora~ory :.Ol-Oel~7-] Attn: ED DYKES 399-0246 I Samplxng Location: HOLDEN Date Collec! ~d: 07/18/2001 ~ 09:20 Sample ID: M~DDLE 2' Date Extracte~-~( ~0: Sample Ma~rix: Soil Date Analy~e~-8{ ~0: 07/2~/2001 Sample Collected By: ED DYKES Date E~tracte~-~015M [): 0T/19/2001 i Date Analyzed-8015M : Pr&ctical An&lysie Reporting Quantita~ion I Consti~gents Resul~w t~it~ Benzene None Detected m~/k~ 0.005 Toluene None Detecte~ mg/kg 0.005 I Ethyl Benzene None DeteCte~ m~/k~ 0.005 Methyl-t-butylether None Detected mg/kg 0.02 Total Xylene$ None Detected mg/kg 0.01 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene I (Surrogate] 71. % ?0-1~0 Dxesel Range Organics (C12 C24) None DetecCed mg/kg 10. Tetraco~ane (Surrogate} 89. ~ I TEST M~THOD: TPM by D,O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modi~i EPA 801~ Individual constituents by EPA Method $0~0/8020, ! I Flag E~lanations: * = S~ple ~pecific matrix apike recover(s) are not within limits. Accuracy I verified through LCS. $tuart G. Buttr~ I Department Supervisor 4100 Atlas Cou~ ' Bakersfield. CA 93308 ' (~1~327~911 · Fax(~l}327-191B I 15:44 511399031 P~E 85 Laboratories, Inc. Purgeab~e To~l Pa~ro~a~ ~droca~bo~s LUTREL TRUCKING INC. Date Report d: 08/0X/200~ 6315 SNOW ROAD Date Receix ~: 07/~8/200L BAKERSFIELD, C_J% 93300 L&bOrato~ : 0L-081~7-& A~tn: ED DYKES 399-024g Sampling Location: HOLDIN Date Collect ~d: 0?/XS/200L ~ 09:23 Sample ID: MIDDI~ 6' Data KAtFacted-eC !0: '07/25/2001 Sample Matrix: Soil Date Analyzed-S( !0: 07/2~/2001 Sample Collected By: ED DYKES Date Ixtracted-801SM~ i): 07/19/2001 Date Analy~ed-~015~l l): 0~/2&/2001 Analyois Reporting Ouantitation Benzene None Dete~ed mg/kg 0.005 Toluene NOne Detected mg/kg 0.005 Ethyl Benzene None Detected m~/k~ 0.005 Met~¥1-t-but¥1ethe~ None Dotec:ed mg/k~ 0.02 Total X¥~enes None Detected mg/kg 0.01 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene (Surrogate) , 91. % 70-130 Dxesel Range Organics (C12 C2~) 25. mg/kG ~0. ' TEST METHOD: ?PH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. ~anual Netted - Modifi, EPA 8015 Individual constituents by'EPA Ne:hod 5030/~020. I I Flag Explanations: I * = Sample specific matri;( Bpike recovezT(~) are nOt within limit~. Accu=ac~F verified through LCS. I Stuart G. Buttiam 4100 AtI~$ Court ' Bakersfield. CA 93301) ' (861)327-4911 * Fax(661)327-1918 ' I 88/05/2001 15:44 I Laboratories, Inc. ~age Pur~eable AromaS&cs I and Total ~eCroleum Hydrocarbons i LUTREL TRUCKING INC. Date d: 0~/01/2001 6315 SNOW ROAD Dste Race 07/18/2001 BAKERSFIELD, CA ~3308 Laboratory : 01-08177-1 AeOn: ED DYKES 299-0246 I Sampling Location: HOLD~N D&te ,d: 07/18/2001 ~ 09:27 S~mple ID: ~OUTH 2' Date Extr&c=ed- .0: ,07/25/2001 Sample ~a~r£x: Soil Date An&: I0: 07/2~/2001 Sample Collected By: ED DYKES Date ~xCr$cCa~-S01~M I): 07/19/2001 I Date Anslysad-S015M 0: 07/2%/2001 Practica! i Analysis Reporting Qumnti=sCion gonetx~uent~ Results Units ~ Benzene None Detected mE/kg 0.005 *22 Toluene None Detected mE/kg 0.00~ *22 I ECh71 Benzene No~e Detected mg/kg 0.005 *22 ~echyl-c-butylether NO~e Detected mE/kg 0.02 *22 Total X¥1enee None Detected mE/kg 0.01 *22 a,a.a-Trifluorocoluene I (Surrogate) 60. % 70-1~0 *20 D~esel ~ang~ OrganiCS (C12 - C24) 2100. mg/k~ 2000. ~ Terraces&ne (Surrogate) Not Reportable % 4~-l&& I TEST M~T~OD: TPH by D.O.~.$. / L.U,F.T. ~anual Method - Modlfl SPA 8015 Indiv£dual constituents by ~PA Method 5030/8020. ! ! PQL'~ were raised due to high concentration of target analyce~ I requiring sample dilution. Surrogate not reportable due to s~mple dilution. I Flag Explanacfon~: * = Sample spec££ic matrix epfke ~ecover~(s) ate not lfmfts. Acc, Jrsc~ var£fied through LC$. '20 - SOrrogate is low due to matrix interference. Inte~ ue ~erified through I second extraction/analysis. '22 = Associated surrogate recovery ie low. SgUa~C ~. Buttram I Department Rupervieor 4100 ^flas Court" BakeTsf~etd. CA 93308 · (6~1~327-4911 ° Fsx(~l)327-1§18 08/0G/2001 15:56 Gl13990i PAGE 01 Laboratories, Inc. Page Purge~b~e Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons LUTREL TRUCKING INC. Da~e 08/01/2001 6315 ~NO~ RO~ D~e Rece~ 0~/18/200~ BAKRR~IE~, CA 9330~ Laborato~ : 01-08177-2 A~n: ED DYeS 399-0246 S~pl~n9 Location: HOgaN Date C011ec 07/1~/2001 · 09:32 Sable ID: SO~ 6~ Da~e ~x~ac~ed-8 20: '07/2~/2001 Sampl~ Ma~rix: Soil Date ~alyzed-8 20: 07/~S/2001 Sample Collected By: ~D DYKES Date Ex~rac~e d): 07/19/2001 Date ~1~ d): 07/24/2001 ~on~icuen~s Reeul~B Units ~enzene None Detected mg/kg 0.00~ *22 Toluene None Detected m~/kg 0.005 Ethyl Benzene Nons De~ected m~/k9 0.005 -22 Ne=hyl-=-butylether Nons De,coted mg/kg 0.02 *22 Tocal Xylene~ None De~ected mg/k9 0.01 *22 a.a.a-Trlfluorotoluenu (Surrogate) 21. % 70-1~0 Dieael R~ge Org~cs (C12 - C2~) 9~00. ~/kg 1000. TEST METHOD: T~H by D.O.H.S. ~ L.U.F.T. ~ual ~=hod - Modif: d ~PA 801S lndfvfdual constituents by EPA Me,hod 50]0/8020. PQL'$ were raised due to high concentration of Carpet analytes requ~rlng sample dilution. Surrogate not reportable dub to sample dilution. Flag Explanations: * - S~ple specific matrix spike recover(s) are not withil QC limits. At,racy verified through *20 = Sbrrogate ie low due to matrix interference. Interfer~ Ice verified through second ex=racc~on/~alys~. '22 ~ Associated surrogate reco~e~ is low. Califor~H.S. Cer~. ,1186 S~uart G. 4100 Atlas Cou~ ' Bakersfield. CA 933~ ' (~11327-4911 ' Fax(~11327.1916 .~m 1'0/23/00 09:54 ~$61 3J$75 BFD Ii&Z ~A? DIY ~00~ ~~~ CITY OF BAKE~FIELD orrlc or szRvlczs ~ PERMIT APPLICATION FOR ~EMOVAL OF AN UNDERCROUND STORAGE TANK SITE ADD~,3~5 B~ ~ E~d. ZIP ~DE 93~ . FACILI~ NAM~H~en~ St~ ~OSS S~E~ _ Gu~ & ~ · TAN~ OWNER~OPER ATOR Ch~ H. MAILING ADDRESS ~O San Jo~uln B~k ~'BOx e12e c~ Bakem~dON~ ~57~3193 3~21 LICE~E INFORMATION COMPANYADDRESS 6315L~els~[~in~'R~I0;' _ PHONE NO. C~"~ , ZIP 93~' INSURANCE CARRIER ~te G~p:]~. ~und - WO~S COMP NO. ~112-~ P~EL[HIN*R~ASSgSSMENT ~FO~ATI~N COMPANYA. J Envi~nm~talJnc. _ PHO~ NO. 327-7429 LICENSE ADDRESS 41~ EaSt~ ~e. ~ 12 ~ ~akem~ INSURANCE CARmER ~~ ~ CasualN I~.. WO~NS COMP NO. _ .... _ TAHK CLEAN~N~ ~FOeMAT~ ~OMPANy L~el Tm~~ ~O~ ~. ~21 ADDR~S ~15~n~ R~ C~ ~15~R , ZIP w ~S~E ~.smR~e ~D=~m'C,~o~ ~~ ~= NA~IE OF RINSA~ DIS~SAL FAC~ Cr~ & ~ ADDRESS 1610 W. 17~ S~ C~ L~ ~a~: CA '" , . ' ~P ~13 FACILITY IDENTIFICATION NU~ER - TANK TRAN~PORTER INFORMATION C~MPANY ~ T~iM Inn PHONE NO. ~21 ~ LICENSE NO. ADDRESS 6315 S~ R~ _ CI~ ~k~fie~ .... ZIP 9~ TANK DESTINATION ~den ~= Meal R~s' . , TANK INFORMATION ~EMICAL DATES CHEMICAL TAN~ NO. AGE VOLUME ~ORED ~D PRE~OUSLY STOOD 1 ~rs 10.~0 g~ G~o~ 19~- 1~ No~ 15 ~_ J2,~ gal ~i~M ~9~- 199~ ..... None 4 15 y~ 19BS ~o~ Till ,%1'1'1 .I('ANI' I lAS RECKW[q ), [ ~I)E~TA~)S. ~l) W~, COMPLY ~'11 '1'1.1~ AI'I'ACI II;)) CI~i l'l* 1;~11'1' ANI) ANY ( )TI lEK STA'I'I.L I.(~A[. AND I:EI)~(~L ri I1~ I-(rRM I I,%~ III~I~N C'()MPI.I~H~I) IJNI)EI~ PFHAI/I'Y OF PER3URY. AND TO TI [l~ lil%%T ()1: MY KNOWI.I.:IX;E IS TRill; AH'Ri )Vi~ AI,pj.iCA~I' NAZi ~I,R~) - AI'PI:~AN'i' THIS APPLICA~ON BECOME A P~RMIT WHEN APPROVED 4174 TRUCKING, .. .5315 SNOW ROAD ....., .'.: ,AKERSFIELD, CALIEO~iA 93308R ,Phone (805) 399-0246 ° FAX (805) 399-0311 NON~HAZA LS DATA FORM .- ."" ..... ~.""~'i ~ ~'~. .?";?~:~: ....... ,;i: =' ' · · . ~.. ,~.!, ..... ,.:, ?~.~/. ~.. ~ ~PE: ~T. UCK ~ T"UCK ~ DRUMS ~ ~RTONS ~ OTHER .. ~ COM~NENTS OF WASTE PPM ~ COM~NENT$ OF WASTE ~ ,. ~~ /, ~0 ~ ..... o ~ ~PE~IES: DH ~SOLIO LIQUID ~ SLUDGE ~ SLURRY ~ OTHER THE GENERATOR CERTIFIES THAT ' 1~% NON-H~R~US ~ ~O OR "R~N~O ~ULL N~ ~ S~GNA~UR~ ~ - '  C~.STA~.ZIP __- . [ ~ ,,,~UC~ UN"~ I.D. NO.~~ ~~ ~D O" PRINTED FULL NAME& ~GNATURE -- BEN OLD,NEW L A TONS ~..~ .s ~ ~,~ 5 .... I ~O ~/cD H~F NONE D~E~ANCY . --, m mm mm m mm mm m mm mm mm mm mm mm m m ,mm mm ~RIC~ CALIFORNIA · N~ DE~ERED' : .... ' .... · ' . FEE: ~ PD ~ CHG $ '"'' '1 4800 Easton Drive, Suite 101, Bakersfield, CA 93309 ! A J_ _Environmental,Inc. ~us: (..1)~-~.~ ,~x: (~1)3~-~o~ I I I I SAN JOAQUIN BANK TANK REMOVAL I Holden Truck Stop 3775 Buck Owens Boulevard I Bakersfield, CA 93308 I December 2000 I I I ' Michael A. Feldman I Registered Environmental Assessor State of California No. REA-02251 Expiration Dat, e~06/30/01 / .... Harold E..~gden I Registered 'Geologist State of California No. 1954 i Expiration Date: 04/30/01 AJ INTRODUCTION This report outlines the removal and results of soil testing beneath two x 12,000 gallon diesel underground storage tanks, two x 10,000 gallon gasoline underground storage tanks, one x 3,000 gallon waste oil underground storage tank, five dispensers and associated lines. The services were performed at Holden Truck Stop located at 3775 Buck Owens Boulevard, Bakersfield, California by Lutrel Trucking, Inc. Mr. John Ivy, Senior Vice President of San Joaquin Bank, authorized the operations. SCOPE Permits to excavate and remove the tanks were obtained by A J Environmental, Inc. for Lutrel Trucking, Inc. on October 17,2000, from the City of Bakersfield Fire Department, Office of Environmental Services. Excavation of the two x 12,000 diesel and two x 10,000 gallon gasoline tanks began on October 19, 2000. Non-hazardous diesel rinsate of 1,600 gallons was removed by Cummings Vacuum Service, Bakersfield, CA and delivered to McKittrick Waste, McKittrick, California on October 26, 2000 (the two x 10,000 gallon gasoline tanks had been cleaned prior to this work being performed). All four gasoline and diesel tanks were excavated and removed on October 30, 2000. The 3,000 gallon waste oil tank was removed and disposed of on December 4, 2000. Samples were obtained by having the excavator bucket dig to the required depth of two feet and six feet below the bottom of the tanks, beneath the dispensers and beneath the buried dispenser lines. All samples were grabbed with a six-inch brass tube, capped at both ends with Teflon tape and a p_lastic cap. Samples were labeled and transported, in a cooler at a temperature of 4o Celsius or less, to Zalco Laboratories, Inc. for analysis. The gasoline and diesel tank samples were analyzed for TPH-D, TPH-G, Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl Benzene, Xylenes (BTEX), and MTBE. The waste oil tank samples were analyzed for TPH - D, TPH-G, and 17 CAM metals. Data from the resulting analysis has been evaluated to determine if there was any contamination beneath the tanks, dispensers, and dispenser lines that were removed. Mr. Steve Underwood with the City of Bakersfield Fire Department, Office of Environmental Services witnessed the removal of the tanks and collection of the soil samples. ! AJ BACKGROUND INFORMATION Proiect Location The project site is located at 3775 Buck Owens Boulevard in the City of Bakersfield, Kern County, California. The site is bordered by Gulf Street on the north, Buck Owens Boulevard on the east, Getty Street on the south and Highway 99 to the west. It is surrounded by commercial businesses. Site Description The site is level and completely paved with the exception of several planters. The four tanks that stored gasoline and diesel were double walled and fiberglass coated. They were removed from beneath a concrete slab located 50 feet north of the two-story office building. Examination of the tanks showed them to be in excellent condition. The waste oil tank was removed from beneath black top pavement, adjacent to the south side of the shop. Examination of the tank showed it to be in very poor condition. SITE GEOLOGY AND HYDROLOGY The site is located on the Bakersfield Arch portion of the San Joaquin Valley. The near surfaCe sands, silts and clays were deposited as part of the Kern River fan deposits. Groundwater is currently less than 30 feet from the surface with the gradient to the northwest. The average rainfall in the Bakersfield area is less than six inches a year and does not contribute to groundwater recharge. Records obtained from the Kern County Water Agency show that the local water level has changed considerably depending on the rate of recharge from canals, ponds, and the Kern River. To the southeast, the nearby California Water Service domestic water well, #151-01 has had water levels ranging from 129 feet below ground level in wet years to 220 feet in dry years. SITE HISTORY The property has been developed as a truck stop since 1947, with the addition of a in I scale house in 1950, in 1954, and the two story office convenience store 948, shop building in 1992. In order to market the property it was remove underground storage decided to the tanks. This would also determine if any soil contamination was present beneath them. The pit, from which the four underground storage tanks that held gasoline and diesel were removed, previously contained two diesel tanks. In a report to the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department (KCEHSD) at the time of their removal in AJ September 1985, it was stated that the two underground diesel tanks had leaked. It was also reported that some of the diesel contaminated soil was removed from the site and some was buried in a shallow on-site containment area. KCEHSD issued a closure letter in 1997, for the tanks that had been removed in 1985. ANALYSIS RESULTS South Diesel Tank (#1 - 12,000 ~allons) Location Constituent East Middle West 2' Benzene ND ND ND Below Toluene ND ND ND The Ethylbenzene ND ND .0349 mg/kg Base Total Xylenes ND ND ND Of MTBE ND ND ND Tank TPH- Diesel ND 907 m~l/k~ 6' Benzene ND ND ND Below Toluene ND ND ND The Ethylbenzene N D N D N D Base Total Xylenes ND ND ND Of MTBE ND ND ND Tank TPH Diesel ND ~1~890~me 221 mq/kq North Diesel Tank (#2 - 12T0 ~30 ,qallons) Location Constituent East Middl West 2' Benzene ND ND ND Below Toluene ND ND ND The Ethylbenzene N D N D N D Base Total Xylenes ND ND ND Of MTBE ND ND ND Tank TPH - Diesel 21 m,q/kq 6' Benzene ND ND ND Below Toluene ND ND ND The Ethylbenzene ND ND ND Base Total Xylenes ND ND ND Of MTBE ND ND ND Tank TPH - Diesel 69.8 m,q/k,q 673 m,cj/k,q ! AJ South Gasoline Tank (#3 - 10~000 ,cjallons) Location Constituent East West 2' Benzene ND ND Below Toluene ND ND The Ethylbenzene N D N D Base Xylenes ND ND Of MTBE ND ND Tank TPH - Gasoline ND ND 6' Benzene ND ND Below Toluene ND ND The Ethylbe nzene N D N D Base Xylenes ND ND Of MTBE ND ND Tank TPH - Gasoline ND ND North Gasoline Tank (#4 - 10~000 ,cjallons) Location Constituent ' 'East'' ' West 2' Benzene ND ND Below Toluene ND ND The Ethylbenzene N D N D Base Xylenes ND ND Of MTBE 17.8 ug/kg ND Tank TPH - Gasoline ND ND 6' Benzene ND ND Below Toluene ND ND The Ethylbenzene N D N D Base Xylenes ND ND Of MTBE ND ND Tank TPH - Gasoline ND ND " Gasoline: North Dispenser #G-1 Constituents 2' below grade 6' below grade Benzene ND ND Toluene ND ND Ethylbenzene ND ND Total Xylenes ND ND MTBE ND ND TPH-Gasoline ND ND I Gasoline: South Dispenser #G-2 Constituents 2' below grade 6' below grade I Benzene ND ND I Toluene ND ND Ethylbenzene ND ND I Total Xylenes ND ND MTBE 55.4 ug/kg ND I TPH-Diesel ND ND I Diesel: East Dispenser # D-1 I Constituents 2' below grade 6' below grade Benzene ND ND I Toluene ND ND Ethylbenzene ND ND I Total Xylenes N D N D MTBE ND ND I TPH-Diesel 37 mg/kg 99.5 mg/kg I I AJE Diesel: Middle Dispenser # D-2 Constituents 2' below grade 6' below grade Benzene ND ND Toluene ND ND Ethylbenzene ND ND Total Xylenes ND ND MTBE ND ND TPH-Diesel 86.6 mg/kg 26.4 mg/kg I Diesel: West Dispenser # D-3 Constituents 2' below grade 6' below grade I Benzene ND ND I Toluene ND ND Ethylbenzene N D N D I Total Xylenes ND ND MTBE ND ND I TPH-Diesel 4.03 mg/kg ND Dispenser Line Samples (all 2' below grade) Constituents North Sample North Sample South South # 1 # 2 Sample # 1 Sample # 2 Benzene ND ND ND ND Toluene ND ND ND ND Ethylbenzene N D N D N D N D Total Xylenes ND ND ND ND MTBE ND ND ND ND TPH-iesel & Gas ND ND ND ND AJ Waste Oil Tank (#5 - 3,000 Gallons) Constituents 2' below grade 6' below grade TPH-Gasoline ND ND TPH-Diesel ND Waste Oil Tank (#5 - 3,000 Gallons) Heavy - mg/kg Metals Constituents 2' Below Base of Tank 6' Below Base of Tank Antimony <10 <10 Arsenic 12 3.2 Barium 210 55 Beryllium <0.50 <0.50 Cadmium <0.5 <0.5 Chromium 21 5.5 Cobalt 15 <5.0 Copper 68 12 Lead 6.4 <2.5 Mercury O. 16 0.20 Molybdenum 43 11 Nickel 16 4.0 Selenium <2.5 <2.5 Silver <1.0 <1.0 Thallium <25 <25 Vanadium 59 22 Zinc 97 28 FINDINGS Laboratory analysis demonstrates that soil contamination above action levels (TPH- Diesel) was found beneath the two - 12,000 gallon diesel tanks and the waste oil tank. The north diesel tank (Tank #2) had 2,260 mg/kg of TPH-Diesel at 6 feet below the west end. No contamination that exceeded action levels was present at the east end or middle of the tank at 6 feet. The south diesel tank (Tank #1) had 1,890 mg/kg of TPH-Diesel at 6 feet below the middle of the tank. No contamination that exceeded action levels was present at the east or west ends of the tank at 6 feet. I 7 AJ The waste oil tank had 1,900~Z'mg/kg of TPH-Diesel at 2' below the base of the tank. At 6 feet below the base the result was non detect Examination of the diesel tanks upon removal showed that there was no damage or corrosion. The contaminated soil f. ound dur ng the removal was_poss__q~j~zLy~e~ft over from the removal of the prewous d~esel storage tan~s ~n. It ~s known frown the~_1.9_8.5_ tan'---k rem0Va~ r~pOrt, tl~at a quantity of ~ese contaminatedsOil was permitted to be buried on the site. The gasoline component MT~E was found beneath the north gasoline t~,~k and the south gasoline dispenser. (,..'~- /q~r ,~ No contamination was found beneath any of the dispenser lines. None of the samples taken beneath the waste oil tank that were analyzed for CAM Metals exceeded regulatory threshold levels, and are not considered hazardous. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons-Diesel (EPA Modified Test Method 8015) show that six samples exceed the action level of 1,000 PPM as outlined by the California Leaking Underground Fuel Tank Task Force Manual, October 1989. Specific site features dictate the acceptable level of each of the volatile hydrocarbons. The maximum allowable level is calculated using a weighting system that scores each of five specific site features having to do with depth to groundwater, presence or absence of fractures, rainfall, man-made conduits and unique site features. · Depth to groundwater occurs at less than 50 feet below ground level (Kern County Water Agency, February 1, 2000) and scores five. · Fractures in the subsurface are not anticipated in the thick alluvium and unconsolidated Quaternary age sediments that underlie the surface (Geologic Map of California, Bakersfield Sheet) and scores ten. · Annual rainfall for Bakersfield is 5.72 inches (personal National Weather Service, Meadows Field, communication, Bakersfield) and scores ten. · There are no migration present, man-made conduits for vertical therefore the site scores ten. · The site has coarse grained, slightly clayey soil to sampling depth of 18 feet. This scores nine. This results in a total score of forty-four (44) that categorizes the site as having a Iow leaching potential. The action levels for these hydrocarbons are: benzene (.3 ppm), toluene (.3 ppm), xylenes (1.0 ppm), ethyl benzene (1.0 ppm),TPH- Gasoline (100 ppm) AJE and TPH-Diesel (1,000 ppm). Methyl-t-butylether (MTBE) is an oxygenator additive that presently has no established action levels. EVALUATION The Chain of Custody Records and the Laboratory Results is found in Appendix I. Of the 36 samples analyzed for BTEX, TPH-Gasoline and TPH-Diesel, six were above the action levels for TPH-Diesel. The TPH-D contaminants above action levels are in the soil to a depth of 6 feet beneath the middle of Tank #1 and the west end of Tank #2. The site is in an area where there have been numerous leaking underground storage tanks. The proximity to these sites suggests that the upper part of the aquifer would not be suitable as a water supply. RECOMMENDATIONS No action be taken for the following reasons: 1. All of the tanks have been removed and the source of contamination is gone. 2. The area where the tanks have been removed will be covered with blacktop. 3. Concentrations of contaminants will decrease with time due to the natural biodegradation processes in the vadose zone. " I ! AJE I I I I I EXHIBITS I I I I I I I I I I I I Gulf Street 12,000 gal IBuilding I I Tank 12,000gal I Storage ~__Dispenser Shed Line Office  Building .... Truck '~) ~o Repair o c.> u~ Scale -~B Shop Tire Shop :~,000 gal~r-1 Tire waste oil -'u Getty Street AJ E I 4100 Easton Drive, #12 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 327-7429 Fax (661) 327-1707 LEGEND SEC 23 - T29S - R27E SAN JOAQUIN BANK F--'-'--I Dispenser KERN COUNTY, CA UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REMOVAL HOLDEN TRUCK STOP Scale: 1" = 50' 3775 BUCK OWENS BOULEVARD BAKERSFIELD~ CALIFORNIA EXHIBIT 1 ~ DATE: DECEMBER 2000 I I A,JE I I I I I A~PI::NDIX I I I I I I I I I I I I I Chain of Custody Record Bakersfield, California 93308 Project T~le O R. USH By: [661) 395-0539 ~xpedited (1 Week) Fi~dLog# IceChest#~'''''ll'~'.,~ ..... Tempereture,~C 1~3'Routine (2 Weeks) WorkOrder# --~a~,.~_ ' ~ -- '- ~ ~~ ~ll~~~------ 'nple Date Time Typee* 0 0 ?#. Sampled Sampled See Key Below g $ P e ript', / # Type* ~-- 4--' 8 8 Remarks NOTE: Samples are discarded 3O days after results are n~ unlesa olher ar~ are made. KEY: * G-Glass P-Plastic M-Metal T-Tedlar V-VOA Hazardous samples wi, be returned to client or dispos~ of at client's expeme. ** W-Water WW-Wastewater S-Solid P-Petroleum L-Uquid O-Othe~ ~it~. c~ffln~ C..nnv ¥~llnw. I =h C. nnv Pink - Client CoDy *'* A-Acid, pH<2 (HCI,HNO~,I-~S04) S-NaOH+ZnAc C-Caustic, pH>lO (NaOH) / ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. Chain of Custody Recor,~ ..,~ ~.. Bakersfield, California 93308 Prelect Trde ORUSH By:, [661i 395-05:39 " Z {~JExpedited (1 Week) Field Log# L-~quid O-~r ' Chain of Custody Record  ZALC0 LABORATORIES, INC. 4309 A~our Ave. Bake~eld, ~lifo~ia 933DB ~ ~ RUSH By: [661) 395~539 ~ ~ited (1 Week) FindUS ~ax[~]~aos~ ,~,~ I~ .~.~ ,~Ro~n~ ¢ Ws~k~) Wo~O~, lm~ am 3~ Sam ~ ~~'~ ~~$ .'~~(/~,~~ ~~' ~ e~~ "' . ,.. NOTE: Sampiesarediscarded3Odaysaftmresuttsarerefxaleduniesaotherammgementsammade. KEY: * G-Glass P-Plastic M-Metal T-Tedlar V-VOA H~zardous samples will be returned to client or disposed of at cilenrs expense, e* W-Water - WW-Wastewater S-Solid P-Petroleum L-Uquld O-Other ,;~.. C~fl;e.~ ~nnu V~lle*~. I ah p.~nu Pinl¢. C'Jinnf C'.nnv *** A-Acid, pH<2 (HCI,HNO~,H~SO,) 8-NaOH+ZnAc C-Caustic, pH>IO (NaOH)  Chain of Custody Record ZALC0 LABORATORIES, INC. 4309 Armour Ave. ~ '~(~..'~ Turnaround'lime: Zak~ Lab # " Bakersfield, California 93308 Project'ntle I"IRUSH By:. (6611 395-0539 .O~ited (1 Week) riad Log # Fax [6611 395-3069 Ice Ch~t #'~" { ~ , Te=peraur~C: ~.Routine (2 Weeks) Wo~ Order'# NOTE: Samp/esamdiscardecl30daysaffe~resullseterepottedrmlsassther~rangementsaremacle. .; KEY: * G-Glass P-Plastic M-Metal T-Tedlar V-VOA Hazardous samples will be returned to client m' disposed o~ st cliertt's expense. ~* W-Water W~N-Wastewater S-Solid P-Petroleum L-Liquid O-Ott m m m m m m m m m mm m mmm m m m m m ZALCO LABORATORIES. INC. Chain of Custody Record p.g. ~- ~ ~,~ Bakersfield. California 93308 Protect ORUSH By:. (8011 395-0539 'i'; O. Expedited (1 Week) Field LoG # Fax (661) 395-30~.~9 ,ce Chest #'~ lO~1~ .Tempemaxe.oC Jl~outine (2 Weeks) Wc~Order# Sal~'e Sam%% Sa~;% See~wPe~,ow Legal Sample Description / C~ntainer~ ~~-'I §~ RemarkO NOTE: Samples are discarded 3O days after msults are reported unless othe~ anangements m*e made. K~'Y': * G-Gla.,~ P-Plastic M-Metal T-Tedlar V-VOA I eX,. I ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. I Analytical ~ (DonsulCing Services 4309 Armour Avenue (661) 395-0589 I Bakersfield, California 93308 FAX (661) 395-3069 vices Laboratory No: 0010380-1 I ~]21111°ad Date Received: 10/27/00 1~, CA 93308 Date Reported: 11/03/00 Contract No. : Mark Lutrel Date Sampled : 10/26/00 I Time Sampled : 15:00 Sample Type: CAM Solid I Description: #1, Diesel Dispenser 2', Holdens Truck Stop Sampled by Bryan McNabb REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS I Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref BTXEM & TPH-Diesel I Benzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Toluene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Ethylbenzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 i Total Xylenes ND ug/k9 15.0 8020/8015M/8 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 TPH Diesel 37.0 mg/kg 10 8020/8015M/8 ! I I I I CC: Method Reference Jim E~herton, Lab Operations Manager 8, DOHS LUFT Manual;/ I mg/L : miSligrams per Liter (parts per millioni ug/L : m~rograms per Liter (parts pe~' billion~ u~hos/cm~: micromhos/cm at 25 C m~hos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable I NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit ~or Reporting Purposes ! I ZALCO LABORATORIES, INCo IAnalytical ~ Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue (661) 395-0539 IBakersfield, California 93308 FAX (661) 395-3069 Lutrel Services Laboratory No; 0010380-2 6315 Snow Road Date Received: 10/27/00 IBakersfield, CA 93308 Date Reported: 11/03/00 Contract No. : Attention: Mark Lutrel Date Sampled : 10/26/00 I Time Sampled : 15:08 Sample Type: CAM Solid iDescription: #2, Diesel Dispenser 6', Holdens Truck Stop Sampled by Bryan McNabb REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS I Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref BTXEM & TPH-Diesel iBenzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Toluene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Ethylbenzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Total Xylenes ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/8015M/8 IMethyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 TPH Diesel 99.5 mg/kg 10 8020/8015M/8 I I I I I Analyzed 10/31/00 Method Reference ./ Jim Etherton, Lab Operations Manager 8. DOHS LUFT Manual mg'~L : milligrams pe~- biter {parts per million .~g/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billiorl' /'"u~os/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C / mmhos/cm millimhos/cm at 25 C ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes I ZALC;O I_AE)ORATORIES, IN( . IAnalytical ~ Consulting Services 430@ Armour Avenue (661) 395-0539 IBakersfield, California 93308 FAX (661) 395-3069 Lutrel Services Laboratory No: 0010380-3 6315 Snow Road Date Received: 10/27/00 IBakersfield, CA 93308 Date Reported: 11/03/00 Contract No. : Attention: Mark Lutrel Date Sampled : 10/26/00 I Time Sampled : 15:15 Sample Type: CAM Solid iDescription: 03, Diesel Dispenser 2', Holdens Truck Stop Sampled by Bryan McNabb REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS I Constituents Results Units DLR Me. thod/Ref BTXEM & TPH-Diesel IBenzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Toluene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Ethylbenzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Total Xylenes ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/8015M/8 IMethyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 TPH Diesel 86.6 m~/kg 10 8020/8015M/8 ! I I I Analyzed : 10/31/00 JMM cc: / i /..~,/ Method Reference Jim..~therton, Lab Operations Manager 8. DOHS LUFT Manual / I mg/L : ~lligrams per Liter (parts pe~ million' ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion~ ~hos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C ~mhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C /'ND : None Detec[ed N/A : Not Applicable i NSS : Not Suf!~icien~ Sample for Analysis DLR : De~ection Limit for Reportin~ Purposes ! ~1~ ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. I I ?L~ '[ Anal~ical SOonsuICing Seevi°es Ix,! .3o9 Armour Avenue (661) 395-0539 ~')J Bakersfield, CaliforniaI / 93308 FAX (661)395-3069 Lutrel Services Laboratory No: 0010380-4 6315 Snow Road Date Rece±ved: 10/27/00 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Date Reported: 11/03/00 Contract No. : Attention: Mark Lutrel Date Sampled : 10/26/00 Time Sampled : 15:22 Sample Type: CAM Solid Description: #4, Diesel Dispenser 6', Holdens Truck Stop Sampled by Bryan McNabb REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref BTXEM & TPH-Diesel Benzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Toluene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Ethylbenzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Total Xylenes ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/8015M/8 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 TPH Diesel 26.4 m~/k~ 10 8020/8015M/8 ! ! I Analyzed : 10/31/00 JMM . ,.f..~- CC: . .," ! · Method Reference Jim /Ek'herton, Lab Operations Manager 8. DOHS LUFT Ma~ual .:- I m~/L : milligrams per Liter ~parts per million' .-'fug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per biilloni' / umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C I NSS : Not Sufficien~ Sample for Analysis DLR : Detecrion bimi! roi- Reporting ! I ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. I I i/~ ~ll~X.:. i:iAnalytical s COnsulting serviOes I / 4309 Armour Avenue (661) 395-0539 I ~"~ ~..J. S~eld, Calif0rnia 93308 ~ FAX (661) 395-3069 Lutrel Services Laboratory No: 0010380-5 6315 Snow Road Date Received: 10/27/00 I Bakersfield, CA 93308 Date 11/03/00 Reported: Contract No. : Attention: Mark Lutrel Date Sampled : 10/26/00 I Time Sampled : 15:47 Sample Type: CAM Solid i Description: #5, Diesel Dispenser 2', Holdens Truck Stop Sampled by Bryan McNabb REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS I Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref BTXEM & TPH-Diesel I Benzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Toluene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Ethylbenzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Total Xylenes ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/8015M/8 I Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ug/k~ 5.0 8020/8015M/8 TPH Diesel 4.03 mg/kg 10 8020/8015M/8 ! I Analyzed : 10/31/00 JMM % cc: /~- ~ Method Reference Jim//Etherton, Lab Operations Manager" I8. DOllS LUFT Manual mg/L :;milligrams per Liter (parts per million' ug/L :' micrograms per Liter (paris per billion~ umhos/cm : m~cromhos/cm at 25 C / mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable I NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. ! I 21~l~'j..:l AnalyciOal &cOnsulting Services ~:1 4309 Armour Avenue (661) 395-0539 / ~.~1 Bakersfield, California @3a0a FAX (BB1] 3@5-306@ 5utrel Services Laboratory No: 0010380-6 6315 Snow Road Date Received: 10/27/00 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Date Reported: 11/03/00 Contract No. : Attention: Mark Lutrel Date Sampled : 10/26/00 Sample Type:CAM Solid Time Sampled : 15:52 Description: #6, Diesel Dispenser 6 , Holdens Truck Stop Sampled by Bryan McNabb REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref BTXEM & TPH-Diesel Benzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Toluene ND ug/k~ 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Ethylbenzene ND ug/k9 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Total Xylenes ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/8015M/8 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 TPH Diesel ND mg/k~ 10 8020/8015M/8 I Analyzed : 10/31/00 JMM Method Reference Jim.~therton, Lab Operations Manager i 8. DOHS bUFT Mannal "m,~/L :"~illi9rams per bi~er (parts per million} /' u§/5 micrograms per Liter (parts per billion~ · umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C · ' mmhos/cm : mi!limhos/cm at 25 C ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable I NSS : NOt Sufficient Sample ~or Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes I ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. I Analytical ~ Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue (661) 395-0539 I . Bakersfield, California 93308 FAX (661) 395-3069 ~ vi Laboratory No: 0010380-7 Date Received: 10/27/00 I 93308 Date Reported: 11/03/00 Contract No. : Lutrel Date Sampled : 10/26/00 I Time Sampled : 15:30 CAM Solid i #7, Gas Dispenser 2', Holdens Truck Stop Sampled by Bryan McNabb REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS I Results Units DLR Method/Ref ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 I ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/8015M/8 ND mg/kg 10 8020/8015M/8 I : 10/30/00 JMM ..... 7 cc ~_- //' ./ ~ ,.........--~'~' ......... ~ Method Reference // Jim~Etherton, Lab Operations Manager i 8. DOHS LUFT Manual //mg/L : milligrams per Litmr (parts per million, ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion' umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable I NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes I F-11 ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. I /~L~N' i..:[ AnalyCicml ~ Consulting Services / IN~"..I 4309 Armour Avenue (661) 895-0539 -- Bakersfield California 93308 FAX (661) 395-3069 .. Lutrel Services Laboratory No: 0010380-8 6315 Snow Road Date Received: 10/27/00 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Date Reported: 11/03/00 Contract No. : Attention: Mark Lutrel Date Sampled : 10/26/00 Time Sampled : 15:35 Sample Type: CAM Solid Description: #8, Gas Dispenser 6', Holdens Truck Stop Sampled by Bryan McNabb REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref BTXEM & TPH-Gasoline Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Benzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Toluene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Ethylbenzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Total Xylenes ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/8015M/8 TPH Gasoline ND mg/kg 10 8020/8015M/8 I I Analyzed : 10/30/00 JMM CC: " ./ Method Reference . Jlm/Etherton, Lab OperatIons Manager / I 8. DOHS tUFT Manual mg/L :~illigrams per Liter (parts per million · 69/L ~'-micrograms pe~ Liter (parts per bli!ion~ umho~/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmh6s/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND ; None Detected N/A : Not Applicable I NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit ~or Reporting Purposes I ZALCO LABORATORIES, lNG. I Analytical ~ C;onsulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue (661) 395-0539 IBakersfield, California 93308 FAX (661) 395-3069 Lutrel Services Laboratory No: 0010380-9 i6315 Snow Road Date Received: 10/27/00 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Date Reported: 11/03/00 Contract No. : Attention: Mark Lutrel Date Sampled : 10/26/00 I Time Sampled : 16:02 Sample Type: CAM Solid iDescription: #9, Diesel Dispenser 2', Holdens Truck Stop Sampled by Bryan McNabb REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS I Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref BTXEM & TPH-Diesel IBenzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Toluene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Ethylbenzene ND ug/k~ 5.0 8020/8015M/8 iTotal Xylenes ND ug/k~ 15.0 8020/8015M/8 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 55.4 ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 TPH Diesel ND m~/kg 10 8020/8015M/8 ! I Analyzed : 10/31/00 JMM CC: . '"/'~ .~ .............. Method Reference / J~:d Etherton, hah Operations Manager / i 8. DONS LUFT Mai)ual ,. / ~g/L/: milligrams per Liter (parts per million /ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion~ // umh~s/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable I NSS : Not Sufficient Sample ~o¥ Analysis DLR : Detec~io~ Lim~ for Report~g Purposes I ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. I ~ Consulting Services Analytical 4309 Armour Avenue (661) 395-0539 I Bakersfield, California 93308 FAX (661) 3@5-3069 Laboratory No: 0010380-10 I Date Received: 10/27/00 93308 Date Reported: 11/03/00 Contract No. : Lutrel Date Sampled : 10/26/00 I Time Sampled : 16:13 CAM Solid I ~10, Diesel Dispenser 6', Holdens Truck Stop Sampled by Bryan McNabb REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS I Results Units DLR Method/Ref sel ug/kg 5 0 8020/8015M/8 I AID ug/k~ 5.0 8020/8015M/8 ND ug/k~ 5.0 8020/8015M/8 ND u~/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 i Xylenes ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/8015M/8 tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND . TPH Diesel ND mg/k~ 10 8020/8015M/8 I I I ! I Analyzed : 10/31/00 JMM cc: '~""-') /'/ ..................... ~ '~' ~ethod Reference / ~i~/Sther~on, hah Opera~±ons ~ana~er 8. DOHS LUFT Manual / I ~/L/ milligrams per Liter (parts per million' ,~g/~ ~ micrograms per Liter (parts per billion.~ / um~s/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C / m~os/cm : milli~os/cm at 25 C ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable I NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. I Analytioal Consulting Servioes 4309 Armour Avenue (661) S95-05S9 I Bakersfield, Ca~if0rnia 9SS08 FAX (661) ~95-~069 1 CA 93308 Date Reported: 11/03/00 Contract No. Mark Lutrel Date Sampled : 10/26/00 I Time Sampled 16:32 Sample Type: CAM Solid I Description: #11, Pipe Trench 2', Holdens Truck Stop Sampled by Bryan McNabb i REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref LUFT TPH Gas, Diesel, BTEXM I Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Benzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Toluene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 I Ethylbenzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Total Xylenes ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/8015M/8 TPH Gasoline ND mg/kg 10 8020/8015M/8 TPH Diesel ND mg/kg 10 8020/8015M/8 I Analyzed : 10/31/00 JMM Method Reference //'~ Etherton, Lab Operations Manager I 8. DOHS LUFT Manual ~/~ : milligrams pe~- biter (parts per milliol%' ~g~ : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion' /umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C / mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C i ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Furposes ! ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. IAnalytioal Oonsulting Servioes 4309 Armour Avenue (661) 395-0539 Bakersfield, California 93308 FAX (661) 395-3069 I L utrel Services Laboratory No: 0010380-12 6315 Snow Road Date Received: 10/27/00 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Date Reported: 11/03/00 Contract No. : Attention: Mark Lutrel Date Sampled : 10/26/00 I Time Sampled : 16:40 Sample Type: CAM Solid i Description: #12, Pipe Trench 2', Holdens Truck Stop Sampled by Bryan McNabb REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS I Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref LUFT TPH Gas, Diesel, BTEXM IMethyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Benzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Toluene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 iEthylbenzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Total Xylenes ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/8015M/8 TPH Gasoline ND mg/kg 10 8020/8015M/8 TPH Diesel ND mg/kg 10 8020/8015M/8 ! ! I Analyzed : 10/31/00 JMM Method Reference ~'m E~rton, Lab Operations Manager / I 8. DOHS LUFT Manual mg~ : ~ligrams per Liter (paris Del' million' u)fL :/~nicrograms pel' Liter (parts per billion ~mhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmho~/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C i ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficiellt Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes ! ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. Analytioel ~ Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue (661) 395-0539 Bakersfield, California 93308 FAX (661) 395-3069 Lutrel Services Laboratory No: 0010380-13 6315 Snow Road Date Received: 10/27/00 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Date Reported: 11/03/00 Contract No. Attention: Mark Lutrel Date Sampled : 10/26/00 Time Sampled : 16:50 Sample Type: CAM Solid Description: #13, Pipe Trench 2', Holdens Truck Stop Sampled by Bryan McNabb REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref LUFT TPH Gas, Diesel, BTEXM Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Benzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Toluene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Ethylbenzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Total Xylenes ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/8015M/8 TPH Gasoline ND mg/k~ 10 8020/8015M/8 TPH Diesel ND mg/kg 10 8020/8015M/8 Analyzed : 10/31/00 JMM Method Reference /' Jim Eth~rton, Lab Operations Manager 8. DOHS LUFT Manual / ~/L : milligrams per Liter (parts per miliion~ /~g/L : m~rograms peF Liter (parts per billion} /umhos/cm~ micromhos/cm at 25 c --mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND : None De~ected N/A : Not ADplicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes ! ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. I ! ~LL.:.~...I Analytical ~ Consulting Services I / ~,~..I 4309 Armour Avenue (661) 395-0539 I l {~ .~ Bakersfiel~ Ca~fornia 93308 FAX (661) 395-3069 Lutrel Services Laboratory No: 0010380-14 i 6315 Snow Road Date Received: 10/27/00 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Date Reported: 11/03/00 Contract No. : Attention: Mark Lutrel Date Sampled : 10/26/00 I Time Sampled : 17:02 Sample Type: CAM Solid I Description: #14, Pipe Trench 2', Holdens Truck Stop Sampled by Bryan McNabb REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS I Constituents Results Units ~ DLR Method/Ref LUFT TPH Gas, Diesel, BTEXM I Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Benzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Toluene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 i Ethylbenzene ND ug/k9 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Total Xylenes ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/8015M/8 TPH Gasoline ND mg/kg 10 8020/8015M/8 ITPH DieselNDmg/kg10 8020/8015M/8 ! I ! ! I Analyzed : 10/31/00 JMM .......... cc: / 8. DOHS LUFT Manual I q/L/milligrams pe~~ Liter (parts pe~- million~ ~g~/: micrograms per Liter (parts per billion} ~m~s/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C /mm~s/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C NDe: None Detected N/A : Not Applicable I NSS : Not Sufficient Sample ~or Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes ! ! I Analytical ~ Consulting 4309 Armour Avenue (661) 395-0539 IBakersfield, California 93308 FAX (661) 395-3069 Lutrel Services Laboratory No: 0010406-1 i6315 Snow Road Date Received: 10/30/00 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Date Reported: 11/03/00 Contract No. : Attention: Mark Lutrel Date Sampled : 10/27/00 I Time Sampled : 17:00 Sample Type: CAM Solid I Description: #15, Tank #1 (12,000 Diesel) East 2', Holdens Truck Stop Sampled by Bryan McNabb REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS I Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref BTXEM & TPH-Diesel IBenzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Toluene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Ethylbenzene ND u~/k~ 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Total Xylenes ND ug/k~ 15.0 8020/8015M/8 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND u~/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 TPH Diesel ND m~/k~ 10. 8020/8015M/8 ! I ! I Analyzed : 10/31/00 JMM cc: · Method Reference Ji~/~therton, Lab Operations Manager 8. DOHS LUFT Manual I~/L {."milligrams per Liter (parts per m~llion ug/L:i micrograms per 5iter (parts per billio~'L umhos/cm : mi. cromhos/cm at 25 C m~os/cm ~ millimhos/cm at 25 C ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable INSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes ! I AnalyCioal Consulting 4309 Armour Avenue (661) 395-0539 IBakersfield, California 93306 FAX (661) 395-3069 Lutrel Services Laboratory No: 0010405-1 i6315 Snow Road Date Received: 10/30/00 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Date Reported: 11/03/00 Contract No. : IAttention: Mark Lutrel Date Sampled : 10/30/00 Time Sampled : 07:54 Sample Type: CAM Solid I Description: #16, Tank ~1 (12,000 Diesel) East 6', Holdens Truck Stop Sampled by Bryan McNabb REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS I Constituents Results Units DLR. Method/Ref BTXEM & TPH-Diesel IBenzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Toluene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Ethylbenzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 iTotal Xylenes ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/8015M/8 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND u~/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 TPH Diesel ND mg/kg 10 8020/8015M/8 ! I I Analyzed : 10/31/00 JMM cc: ~... .' . .... Method Reference Jim Etherton, Lab Operations Manager i 8. DOMS LUFT ManLlal mg/L : milligrams per Liter (parts per ,ni~lionl ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per bitlion~ umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : mlllimhos/cm at 25 C ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable I NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit. for Reporting Purposes ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. I I /JLa...:! Analytical ~OonsulCing Services / ~1 4309 Armour Avenue (661)395-0539 W 3J Bakersfield, California 93308 FAX (661) 395-3069 Lutrel Services Laboratory No: 0010405~2 6315 Snow Road Date Received: 10/30/00 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Date 11/03/00 Reported: Contract No. : Attention: Mark Lutrel Date Sampled : 10/30/00 Time Sampled : 07:04 Sample Type: CAM Solid Description: #17, Tank #1 (12,000 Diesel) Middle 2', Holdens Truck Stop Sampled by Bryan McNabb REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref BTXEM & TPH-Diesel Benzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Toluene ND ug/k~ 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Ethylbenzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Total Xylenes ND ug/k~ 15.0 8020/8015M/8 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 TPH Diesel 907 mg/k~ 10 8020/8015M/8 ! I I Analyzed : 10/31/00 JMM '-> Method Reference Jim ~herton, Lab Operations Manager 8. DOHS LUFT Manual / I mg/L : mi'~'ligrams per Liter (parts pe~' mi!lion" Ug/L : ~{crograms per Liter (parts per billion umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C ~nrahos/cm : millin~hos/cm at P~5 C ND : .None Detected N/A : Not Applicable I NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes ! ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. I I /~kL..~iiil Analyti°al S(DonsulCingServices I'/ ~:i 4309 Armour Avenue (661) 395-0539 --7~J Bakersfield, California @3308 FAX (661)395-3069 Lutrel Services Laboratory No: 0010405-3 6315 Snow Road Date Received: 10/30/00 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Date Reported: 11/03/00 Contract No. Attention: Mark Lutrel Date Sampled : 10/30/00 Time Sampled : 07:12 Sample Type: CAM Solid Description: #18, Tank #1 (12,000 Diesel) Middle 6', Holdens Truck Stop Sampled by Bryan McNabb REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref BTxEM & TPH-miesel Benzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Toluene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Ethylbenzene ND ug/kg 5~0 8020/8015M/8 Total Xylenes ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/8015M/8 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE ND u~/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 TPH Diesel 1890 mg/kg 10 8020/8015M/8 I Analyzed : 10/31/00 JMM '~ Method Reference //'Ji~"Etherton, Lab Operations Manager I8. DOHS LUFT Manual ~g/L :,/milligrams pet' Liter (parts per million' 'ug/L ~ micrograms per Liter (parts per billion. umho~/cm : m~cromhos/cm at 25 C mmh~s/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C IND /' : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NS$ : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes ! ZALOO LABORATORIES, INC. I Analytical Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue (661) 395-0539 IBakersfield, California 93308 FAX (661) 395-3069 ~s Laboratory No: 0010405-4 1 CA 93308 Date Reported: 11/03/00 Contract No. : Mark Lutrel Date Sampled : 10/30/00 I Sampled : 07:45 Time Sample Type: CAM Solid I Description: #19, Tank #1 (12,000 Diesel) West 2', Holdens Truck Stop Sampled by Bryan McNabb iREPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref BTXEM & TPH-Diesel IBenzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Toluene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Ethylbenzene 34.9 ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 ITotal Xylenes ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/8015M/8 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 TPH Diesel 5960 mg/kg 10 8020/8015M/8 ! Analyzed : 10/31/00 JMM / . cc: / Method Reference ./J±~,.'~therton, Lab Operations Manager I 8. DOHS LUFT Manual //' ,.~g/L : milligrams pe]' Liter (parts per million% /Ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts pel' billion~ // umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C , mmhos/cm millimhos/cm at 25 C I ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. / /]LLil..~ii:il Analytical ~ Consulting Services / ix ...i .30@ Armour Avenue (661 395-0536 -- 71] Bakersfield, California 93~08 FAX (661) 395-3069 Lutrel Services Laboratory No: 0010405-5 6315 Snow Road Date Received: 10/30/00 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Date Reported: 11/03/00 Contract No. : Attention: Mark Lutrel Date Sampled : 10/30/00 Sample Type:CAM Solid Time Sampled : 07:50 Description: ~20, Tank #1 (12,000 Diesel) West 6 , Holdens Truck Stop Sampled by Bryan McNabb REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results .Units DLR Method/Ref ~TXEM & TPH-Diesel Benzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Toluene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Ethylbenzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Total Xylenes ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/8015M/8 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 TPH Diesel ~ 221 mg/kg 10 8020/8015M/8 Analyzed : 10/31/00 JMM / cc: / Jim Etherton, Lab Operations Manager Method Reference 8. DOHS LUFT Manual ~g/L : milligrams pe~' Liter (parts per million~ /u~/L micrograms per Liter (parts per billion! / umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millilnhos/cm at 25 C ND : None Detecged N/A : Not Applicable I NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reportmng Purposes ! ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. I ~, Consulting Services Analytical 4309 Armour Avenue (661) 395-0539 I Bakersfield, California 93308 FAX (661) 395-3069 Vl Laboratory No: 0010406-2 Date Received: 10/30/00 i Reported: 11/03/00 93308 Date Contract No. : Lutrel Date Sampled : 10/27/00 I Time Sampled : 16:55 Solid lbc edTankby ~2Bryan(12,000McNabbREPoRTDiesel)oF ANALYTIcALEast 2', HoldensRESULTsTrUck Stop I Results Units DLR Method/Ref i ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/8015M/8 I Ether (MTBE) ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 21.0 mg/kg 10 8020/8015M/8 ! ! I I ! Method Reference ~ Jim Etherton, Lab Operations Manager i 8. DOHS LUFT Manual m~/L : milligrams per Liter (parts per mil]ion~ ~g/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion~ umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable I NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes I ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC, I !. /~k~i..il AnalYciOal scOnsulcing Services 4309 Armour Avenue 395-0539 l~----"' w. ~j, Bakersfield, California 93308~ / FAX (6611395-3069 Lutrel Services Laboratory No: 0010405-6 6315 Snow Road Date Received: 10/30/00 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Date Reported: 11/03/00 Contract No. : Attention; Mark Lutrel Date Sampled : 10/30/00 Time Sampled : 07:02 Sample Type: CAM Solid Description: ~22, Tank ~2 (12,000 Diesel) East 6', Holdens Truck Stop Sampled by Bryan McNabb REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref BTXEM & TPH-Diesel Benzene ND ug/k~ 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Toluene ND ug/k~ 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Ethylbenzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Total Xylenes ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/8015M/8 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 TPH Diesel 69.8 mg/kg 10 8020/8015M/8 hnalyzed : 10/31/00 ~M -"~ ..... cc: ~ethod Reference /'~im ~therton, Lab Operations Manager 8. DOHS LUFT Manual .' m~/L : milligrams per Liter (parts per mil!ion! l[g/L ~ micrograms per Liter (parts per billion" /umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C / mmhos/cm mil]imhos/cm at 25 C ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes ! ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. I Analytical ~. Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue (661) 395-0539 IBakersfield, California 93308 FAX (661) 395-3069 Lutrel Services Laboratory No: 0010405-7 6315 Snow Road Date Received: 10/30/00 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Date Reported: 11/03/00 Contract No. : Attention: Mark Lutrel Date Sampled : 10/30/00 I Time Sampled 07:08 Sample Type: CAM Solid I Description: #23, Tank #2 (12,000 Diesel) Middle 2', Holdens Truck Stop Sampled by Bryan McNabb REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS I Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref BTXEM & TPH-Diesel IBenzene ND ug/k~ 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Toluene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Ethylbenzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 iTotal Xylenes ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/8015M/8 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 TPH Diesel 1110 mg/kg 10 8020/8015M/8 ! I Analyzed : 10/31/00 JMM cc: "/~ . .............. ----... -...--;/..~--...~ Method Reference Jim E~herton, Lab Operations Manager I 8. DOHS LUFT Manual · mg/L : milligrams pet' Liter (parts per millio~ Ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per biliion~ ." umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C i ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysts DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. I I..'/~k~! I Analyt;ioal ~Consul~ing Services / /\.l4809 Armour Avenue (6611 395-0539 ¢ ~~., ,W)J Bakersfield, California 93306--- FAX (6611 395-3069 Lutrel Services Laboratory No: 0010405-8 63Z5 Snow Road Date Received: 10/30/00 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Date Reported: 11/03/00 Contract No. : Attention: Mark Lutrel Date Sampled : ~0/30/00 Sample Type: CAM Solid Time Sampled : 08:~ Description: ~24, Tank #~ (12,000 Diesel) Middle 6 , ~oldens T~uck Stop Sampled by Bryan McNabb REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref BTXEM & TPH-Diesel Benzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Toluene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Ethylbenzene ND u~/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Total Xylenes ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/8015M/8 Methyl reft-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 TPH Diesel 673 mg/k~ 10 8020/8015M/8 I CC: Analyzed: 10/31/00JMM t__ 'I'~' /~'-----~' Method Reference Jim/'Etherton, Lab Operations Manager I 8. DOHS LUFT Manual '~g/5': Liter million! per (parts per ug/L : micrograms per biter (parts per billion~ / umh0s/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C I ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reportin~ Purposes I ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. I I ./~k~.......I Analytical ~Oonsulting Services / ~i 4309 Armour Avenue (661) 395-0539 ~' 7J Bakersfield, California 93308 FAX (661) 395-3069 Lutrel Services Laboratory No: 00t0405-9 6315 Snow Road Date Received: 10/30/00 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Date Reported: 11/03/00 Contract No. : Attention: Mark Lutrel Date Sampled : 10/30/00 Time Sampled : 07:36 Sample Type: C~ Solid Description: ~25, Tank ~2 (12,000 Diesel) West 2', Holdens Truck Stop Sampled by Bryan McNabb REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref BTXEM & TPH-Diesel Benzene AID ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Toluene N-D ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Ethylbenzene ND ug/k~ 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Total Xylenes ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/8015M/8 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 TPH Diesel 7900 mg/k~ 10 8020/8015M/8 I Analyzed : 10/31/00 JMM Method Reference / J. im Etherton, Lab Operations Manager I 8. DOHS LUFT Manua] /~' /' /L' : milligrams per Liter (parts per million" /ug/L : micrograms pe]- Liter (parts per billion~ umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : mlllimhos/cm at 25 C i ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reportit%g Purposes ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. Ii ~L~:i::~I Analytical ~OonsulCing Services / 4309 Armour Avenue (661) 395-0539 w 7 Bakersfield, California 93308 FAX (661) 395-3069 Lutrel Services Laboratory No: 0010405-10 6315 Snow Road Date Received: 10/30/00 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Date Reported: 11/03/00 Contract No. : Attention: Mark Lutrel Date Sampled : 10/30/00 Time Sampled : 07:40 Sample Type: CAM Solid Description: #26, Tank ~2 (12,000 Diesel) West 6', Holdens Truck Stop Sampled by Bryan McNabb REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref BTXEM & TPH-Diesel Benzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Toluene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Ethylbenzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Total Xylenes ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/8015M/8 Methyl reft-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 TPH Diesel 2260 mg/kg 10 8020/8015M/8 I I I I I CC: Method Reference / Jim,.E~herton, Lab Operations Manager I 8. DOHS LUFT Manual / ,'"' ,~/L :.milligrams per Liter ~parts per millionl //ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per bi].lion'~ / umhos/em : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C I ND : None De~ected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes II ZALOO LABORATORIES, INC. I~ Consulting Servioes AnalyCioal 4309 Armour Avenue (661) 395-0539 IBakersfield, California 93308 FAX (661) 395-3069 Lutrel Services Laboratory No: 0010406-3 I6315 Snow Road Date Received: 10/30/00 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Date Reported: 11/03/00 Contract No. : Attention: Mark Lutrel Date Sampled : 10/27/00 I Time Sampled : 16:50 Sample Type: CAM Solid I Description: #27, Tank #3 (10,000 Gas) East 2', Holdens Truck Stop Sampled by Bryan McNabb REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS I Constituents Results Units DLR Me~hod/Ref BTXEM & TPH-Gasoline IMethyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Benzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Toluene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 IEthylbenzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Total Xylenes ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/8015M/8 TPH Gasoline ND mg/kg 10 8020/8015M/8 ! I I I Analyzed : 11/01/00 JMM CC: '' ....... .~) Method Reference .."' Jim Etherton, Lab Operations Manager 8. DOHS LUFT Manual ..~g/L : milligrams per Liter (parks per million? / ug/L : micrograms pe~' Liter (parts per billioni umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit fo~ Reporting Purposes ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. I I"'./~L~...i~'.! Analytical ,& Oonsulcing Services I / I 4309 Armour Avenue (661)395-0539 I [ { --TJ., Bakersfield, California 9330B ----------- -- FAX (6611 395-3069 Lutrel Services Laboratory No: 0010405-11 i 6315 Snow Road Date Received: 10/30/00 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Date Reported: 11/03/00 Contract No. : Attention: Mark Lutrel Date Sampled : 10/30/00 I Time Sampled : 07:16 Sample Type: CAM Solid I Description: #28, Tank #3 (10,000 Gas) East 6', Holdens Truck Stop Sampled by Bryan McNabb REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS I Constituents -Results Units DLR Method/Ref BTXEM & TPH-Gasoline I Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Benzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Toluene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 i Ethylbenzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Total Xylenes ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/8015M/8 TPH Gasoline ND mg/kg 10 8020/8015M/8 ! ! ! ! ! Analyzed : 10/31/00 JMM cc: ../ Method Reference / Jim."Etherton, Lab Operations Manager i 8. DOHS LUFT Manual /.l~lg/L : milligrams per Liter (parts per miilion~ ~ ug/L : micrograms pet~ Liter (paFts per billion~ / umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhoe/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable I NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reportin9 ~urposes ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. I./ ~.:1 4309 Armour Avenue (6611 395-0539 "" .... ~3J Bakersfield, California 93308 ~----- FAX (6611 395-3069 Lutrel Services Laboratory No: 0010405-12 6315 Snow Road Date Received: 10/30/00 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Date Reported: 11/03/00 Contract No. : Attention: Mark Lutrel Date Sampled : 10/30/00 Time Sampled : 07:29 Sample Type: CAM Solid Description: ~29, Tank #3 (10,000 Gas) West 2', Holdens Truck Stop Sampled by Bryan McNabb REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref BTXEM & TPH-Gasoline Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Benzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Toluene ND ug/k9 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Ethylbenzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Total Xylenes ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/8015M/8 TPH Gasoline ND m9/kg 10 8020/8015M/8 ! ! I Analyzed : 10/31/00 JMM ~7 Method Reference /"Jim.Etherton, Lab Operations Manager I 8. DOHS LUFT Manual / ~g/L : milligrams pc~ Liter (parts per million' ./ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts pe~ billion} umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at ~5 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C i ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes ! ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. I I ~kL/ i~i:! A~alytio~l ~Con~ulCing Seevices / ~,, i 4309 Armour Avenue (661) 395-0539 --.7'1 Bakersfield, California 93308 FAX (661) 395-3069 .,.~ __ -- Lutrel Services Laboratory No: 0010405-13 6315 Snow Road Date Received: 10/30/00 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Date Reported: 11/03/00 Contract No. Attention: Mark Lutrel Date Sampled : 10/30/00 Time Sampled : 07:33 Sample Type: CAM Solid Description: #30, Tank #3 (10,000 Gas) West 6', Holdens Truck Stop Sampled by Bryan McNabb REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref BTXEM & TPH-Gasoline Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Benzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Toluene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Ethylbenzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Total Xylenes ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/8015M/8 TPH Gasoline ND mg/kg 10 8020/8015M/8 ! I I Analyzed : 10/31/00 JMM cc: ~/)/' /./ .. Method Reference Jim.~herton, Lab Operations Manager I 8. DOHS LUFT Manual '"" m9/L : milligrams per Liter (parts pe]-inillion ' ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion" umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C i ND : None Detected N/A : NO~ Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for ReporZing Purposes ! ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. I / ~k~:~...!I Analytical ~ConsulCingServic~s -- 3:j. Bakersfie~, Calif0rniaI / 93308 FAX (6611 395-3069 Lutrel Services Laboratory No: 0010406-4 6315 Snow Road Date Received: 10/30/00 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Date Reported: 11/03/00 Contract No. : Attention: Mark Lutrel Date Sampled : 10/27/00 Time Sampled 16:40 Sample Type: CAM Solid Description: ~31, Tank ~4 (10,000 Gas) East 2', Holdens Truck Stop Sampled by Bryan McNabb REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref BTXEM & TPH-Gasoline Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 17.8 ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Benzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Toluene ND ug/k~ 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Ethylbenzene ND ug/k~ 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Total Xylenes ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/8015M/8 TPH Gasoline ND mg/kg 10 8020/8015M/8 I Analyzed : 11/01/00 JMM Method Reference Gim Etherton, Lab Operat±ons Manager ! · 8. DO~S LUFT Manual /'mg/L : milligrams per Liter (parts per million;. / ug/L ~ micrograms per Liter (Darts peu billion" ~ umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C i ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample fo~ Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes I ~1~ ZALCO LABORATORIES, INO. ! I i'i'~[~.i, ii! A~lytio~l~OonsulCingServioes I / ~.iI ~o~ ~o~ ~w~ue ~ ~-0~ Lutrel Services Laboratory No: 0010406-5 · 6315 Snow Road Date Received: 10/30/00 I Bakersfield, CA 93308 Date Reported: 11/03/00 -- t n Contract No · At e tion: Mark Lutrel Date Sampled : 10/27/00 I Time Sampled : 16:45 · Sample Type: CAM Solid , · Description: #32, Tank #4 (10,000 Gas) East 6 , Holdens Truck Stop I Sampled by Bryan McNabb REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS I Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref BTXEM & TPH-Gasoline i Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 · Benzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Toluene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 · Ethylbenzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Total Xylenes ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/8015M/8 TPH Gasoline ND mg/kg 10 8020/8015M/8 ! ! I ! I Analyzed : 11/01/00 JMM ,cc. -- Method Reference .."'Jim Etherton, Lab Operations Manager · 8. DOHS LUFT Manual m~/L : milligrams per Liter (parts per million' · ,"ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion~ I umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : milllmhos/cm at 25 C ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable I NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes I ~1~ ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. I [. ~LL.."~! A~alytical ~Consulcin~ S~rvices // ~\.1 .309 Armour Avenue [661) 395-0539 ! l ( ~)J Bakersfield, California 93308 -------- FAX (6611 395-3069 Lutrel Services Laboratory No: 0010406-6 · 6315 Snow Road Date Received: 10/30/00 ! Bakersfield, CA 93308 ~r~o~Tdl 11/03/00 Attention: Mark Lutrel Date Sampled : 10/27/00 I Sampled : Time 16:30 · Sample Type: CAM Solid . · Description: #33, Tank #4 (10,000 Gas) West 2', Holdens Truck Stop · Sampled by Bryan McNabb REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS I Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref BTXEM & TPH-Gasoline I Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 · Benzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Toluene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 · Ethylbenzene ND ug/k9 5.0 8020/8015M/8 I Total Xylenes ND u9/kg 15.0 8020/8015M/8 TPH Gasoline ND mg/kg 10 8020/8015M/8 ! ! ! ! Anatyzed : 11/01/00 GMM ...-~") ICC: Method Reference "'' '/'~~~perations Manager a 8, DO}IS i,UFT Manual " ."' · ~g/L :"milligrams per Liter (parts per millionl · 'i~¢~ii~ri!i~ii~!ii~i~ir~!PirtsperbilliOn} -- ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable · NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes I ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. I ~,/~,~i~'! Analyt;ical ~ Consulting Services / 4309 Armour Avenue (661)395-0539 --)J Bakersfield, California 93308 FAX (6611 395-3069 Lutrel Services Laboratory No: 0010406-7 6315 Snow Road Date Received: 10/30/00 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Date Reported: 11/03/00 Contract No. : Attention: Mark Lutrel Date Sampled : 10/27/00 Time Sampled : 16:37 Sample Type: CAM Solid Description: #34, Tank #4 (10,000 Gas) West 6', Holdens Truck Stop Sampled by Bryan McNabb REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref BTXEM & TPH-Gasoline Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Benzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Toluene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Ethylbenzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Total Xylenes ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/8015M/8 TPH Gasoline ND mg/kg 10 8020/8015M/8 I Analyzed : 11/01/00 JMM Me~hod Reference // Jim E~er~on, Lab Operations Manager i B. DOHS LUFT Manual .mg/L : milligrams per Liter (parts per million> =~ug/L : micrograms per biter (parts per billion'~ umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable I NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Pu~'poses I ZALOO LABORATORII S, INC, I Analytical ~ Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue (661) 395-0539 I Bakersfield, California 93~08 FAX (661) ~95-~069 Lutrel Truckin9 Laboratory No: 0012038-1 i 6315 Snow Road Date Received: 12/04/00 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Date Reported: 12/15/00 Contract No. : Attention: Ed Dykes Date Sampled : 12/04/00 I Time Sampled : 11:10 Sample Type: CAM Solid I Description: Holden Project Soil Sample 1 Sampled by Shane Knight C~ - Title 22, Chapter 30 Article II I Total Concentration I Constituents (TC) Units TTLC DLR Method/Ref Total Concentration I Antimony, Sb < 10 m§/kg 500 10 6010A /1 Arsenic, As 12 mg/kg 500 1.0 6010A /1 Barium, Ba 210 mg/kg 10000 5.0 6010A /1 I Beryllium, Be < 0.50 mg/kg 75 0.50 6010A /1 Cadmium, Cd < 0.5 mg/kg 100 0.5 6010A /1 Chromium, Cr 21 mg/kg 2500 2.5 6010A /1 I Cobalt, Co 15 mg/k9 8000 5.0 6010A /1 Copper, Cu 68 mg/k9 2500 2.5 6010A /1 Lead, Pb 6.4 mg/kg 1000 2.5 6010A /1 Mercury, Hg 0.16 mg/kg 20 0.10 7471A /1 I Molybdenum, Mo 43 m~/k9 3500 5.0 6010A /1 Nickel, Ni 16 mg/kg 2000 2.5 6010A /1 Selenium, Se < 2.5 mg/kg 100 2.5 6010A /1 I Silver, Ag < 1.0 mg/kg 500 1.0 6010A /1 Thallium, T1 < 25 mg/kg 700 25 6010A /1 Vanadium, V 59 mg/kg 2400 5.0 6010A /1 i Zinc, Zn 97 mg/kg 5000 2.5 6010A /1 I Date A~alyzed: 12/13/00 SMS ~im E~on, Lab 0perations Manager i cc: Method Reference 1. EPA SW-846, 1994 3rd Edition DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting i 8. DOllS LUFT Manual TTLC : Total Threshold Limit Concentration, mg/kg STLC : soluble Threshold Limit Concentration, rog/1 ill extract WET : Waste Extraction Test ; pM 5.0 Solution, 0.2 M Citrate ND : None Detected ; Deionized Water for Chromium VI ! ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. Analy~cioal ~ Consulting Servioes 4309 Armour Avenue (661) 395-0539 Bakersfield, California 93306 FAX (661) 395-3069 Lutrel Trucking Laboratory No: 0012038-2 6315 Snow Road Date Received: 12/04/00 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Date Reported: 12/14/00 Contract No. : Attention: Ed Dykes Date Sampled : 12/04/00 Time Sampled 11:15 Sample T~e: CAM Solid Description:Holden Project Soil Sample 2 Sampled by Shane Light CAM - Title 22, Chapter 30 Article II Total Concentration Constituents (TC) Units TTLC DLR Method/Ref Total Concentration Antimony, Sb < 10 mg/kg 500 10 6010A /1 Arsenic, As 3.2 mg/kg 500 1.0 6010A /1 Barium, Ba 55 mg/kg 10000 5.0 6010A /1 Beryllium, Be < 0.50 mg/kg 75 0.50 6010A /1 Cadmium, Cd < 0.5 mg/kg 100 0.5 6010A /1 Chromium, Cr 5.5 mg/kg 2500 2.5 6010A /1 Cobalt, Co < 5.0 mg/k~ 8000 5.0 6010A /1 Copper, Cu 12 mg/k~ 2500 2.5 6010A /1 Lead, Pb < 2.5 m~/k~ 1000 2.5 6010A /1 Mercury, Hg 0.20 mg/kg 20 0.10 7471A /1 Molybdenum, Mo 11 m~/kg 3500 5.0 6010A /1 Nickel, Ni 4.0 m~/kg 2000 2.5 6010A /1 Selenium, Se < 2.5 mg/kg 100 2.5 6010A /1 Silver, Ag < 1.0 mg/kg 500 1.0 6010A /1 Thallium, T1 < 25 m~/kg 700 25 6010A /1 Vanadium, V 22 mg/kg 2400 5.0 6010A /1 Zinc, Zn 28 mg/kg 5000 2.5 6010A /1 I.a~~z~:~,~,00S~ / m / erton, LabOperationsManager CC: Method Reference 1. EPA SW-846, 1994 3rd Edition DLR : Detection Limit for Reportin9 8. DOHS LUFT Manual TTLC : Total Threshold Limit Concentration, mg/kg STLC : Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration, m9/1 in extract WET : Waste Extraction Test pH 5.0 Solution, 0.2 M Citrate ND : None Detected Deionized Water for Chromium VI ZALI O LABORATORIES, IN( . I Analytical ~ Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue (661) 395-0539 I Bakersfield, California 93308 FAX (6~ 1) 395-3069 Lutrel Trucking Laboratory No: 0012038-1 6315 Snow Road Date Received: 12/04/00 I Date Reported: 12/15/00 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Contract No. : Attention: Ed Dykes Date Sampled : 12/04/00 I Time Sampled : 11:10 Sample Type: CAM Solid i Description: Holden Project Soil Sample 1 Sampled by Shane Knight REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS I Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref TPH Gasoline (C4-C12) GRO I ND mg/kg 10. GASLUFT/8 I Analyzed : 12/05/00 JMM 1. EPA SW-$46, 1994 3rd Edition 8. DOHS LUFT Manual mg/~ : milligrams per Liter (parts per millionl U9/5 : micrograms per Liter (parts per billionl umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable INSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes 12/26/2000 17:02 66139932 LUTREL TRUCKING II PAGE 01 I Oec-Z6-O0 04..~21~ Zalc~_"abo~ato~les. , Inc. 661-39 069 ~.02 ' ZAL~O ~ORATO~IES, INO. ,~ 4~0~ Armour Avenue (661) 395-0539 8ek~re~el~, Celi~la 93308 F~ (661) 395-3069 Lulre~ Truck ing Laboratory No: 0012038- I Snow Koad Date ~c:v¢d: 12-04-00 B~et'sfieid, CA 93308 Dale Reported: 12-14-00 Att0nt~on: ~d Dykcs I Sml~ple Description: l[oiden Prc~j¢cl Soil Sample l .qa:tllplcd 12/04/00 i)y Slmne IQfight I TPH-Report of A. alytieal Result~ I Analytc RcsnXs DLR [.JllJts 'rPH-Diesc: 1900 50 rog/ks I Heavy Oil 6770 50 I Clu'omato~ra.m show~ a illiXlure of d;escJ and heavy oil l'h~ actual concentration of c~h lllatcrml thc sample is equal to or greater than tile COllCClllJ'atmn detcmlmed. Thc great deal these two prt,ducts makes difficult m~ exact quanbt~tmn. I I n.,c~v,,,.S t ~l pflO(} 120.t ~. 1( I I ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. Analytical Consulting Servioes 4309 Armour Avenue (661) 395-0539 I Bakersfield, California 93308 FAX (661) 395-3069 Lutrel Truckin9 Laboratory No: 0012038-2 I 6315 Snow Road Date Received: 12/04/00 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Date Reported: 12/15/00 Contract No. : Attention: Ed Dykes Date Sampled : 12/04/00 I Time Sampled : 11:15 Sample Type: CAM Solid I Description: Holden Project Soil Sample ~ Sampled by Shane Knight REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS I Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref TPH Diesel (Cll-C25) DRO 8015 I ND mg/kg 10 8015B/1 TPH Gasoline (C4-C12) GRO ND mg/kg 10. GASLUFT/8 ! Analyzed : 12/05/00 JMM ~r cc: Method Reference ations Manager I 1. EPA SW-846, 1994 3rd Edition / 8. DOHS LUFT Manual m~/L : milligrams per Liter (parts per millio~l ~/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion~ ~mhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable I NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes 10/23700 09:54 ~651 3; $?$ BFD H&Z IdAT DIV ~001 ( O ql ~~~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD omc ~ PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SITE INFORMATION ~ITE .... '" .. , ADD~ 3~5 B~ ~ Bl~. ZiP CODE 933~ ~332~93.12 & 13 FACILITY NA~;E ~olden Track Sto~ _ ~Ou~& ~e~ ,,. - TANK OWN;R10~RAToR ~h~ ~,,. dim~ ....... PHON~ NO. ~57~3~93 ,~AII.ING AOORE~5 ~O $a~ Jo=quirt Bank ~0 Box 9129. C~Bakemfi~d CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPANy ~zl T~infl. In~. PHONE NO, ADDRESS ~31~ Sn~ ~Oad ' , . cm~k~d ZmP ~33~' INSURANCE CARRIER State C~p~_I~. Fund _ WO~~ ~- PR[LI~INAR~ ASSESSmEnT IN~O~ATION ~OMPANYAJ Envi~n~ental. Inc. : P~ NO. 327-7429 LICENSE NO. INSURANCE CARffiER A~efl~n ~ C~l~ I~. wo~Ns coMP ~ _ T~NK CL~ANINO INFORMATION ADDRESS 1610 W. 17~ S~ ......... Cl~ on~ ~ach, CA ~{p ~813 - FACILITY IDENTI~iCAT[ON NU~ER ~ _ TAN~ ~RAN. SPORT[~ ~OMpANY L~ T~i~_ In~ ' PHONE NO. ~21 . MCENSE NO. ~0 ADDRESS ~315 Snow R~ - ' CI~ Bak~fie~ ZIP 9~8 TANK O[ST~NXTiON Oo;~n~te~ea~ ~ae~, " . ~ ~ ' ~- TANK IHFQRMATI~ CHEMICAL DATES CHEMICAL TANK NO. AGE VOLUME ~ORED STORED PREVIOUSLY STOOD __~-~.1 15yrs.. 10,~0 9al . ~G~o~ne ~1985' 19~ ~N°~. 2 . 15Vrs 10~0~ ~al G~line 1~ - 1~8 Nq~e .. "- ~ ..... 3S~s ~,ooo ~;~ ~ ~ss- ~ NOne ~ ' ' ~ ' ~ -- . . .... '.,'J . ~..~'C:~;. '"'T::'.: .''.:.':'."'=~=:.:'..'~ '" ."-.... ',~ ' · :-' ' :"."" L I I I III ' I I II I, ~ , .,~, ' , L i "1 . , I _ i Iii i [ I 'ri II AFl I,WANT I IA~ RECEIVI~I), I~I)E~STA~)S, ~1) W~, COMPI,Y ~'11 THE A'I'I'ACI lEI) CONill'I'll)NS ('iF TI IlS Iq-I{~lll' AND ANY ~)'1'1 IER ~'I'A'I'I.:. I.(~A[. AND FI{I}E~L I'1 Il.< I.ORM I I,~.~ IIEEN COMPI.ICI'IEI) IINI)ER PENAI.TY OF PER.II/RY, AND TO TI IE lil~S'l' OF MY KNOWI.EIX}E IS TRI Jl{ THiS APPLICATION BECOME A P~MIT WHeN APPROVED .. ~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ~ OF~t~E OF ENVIRONMENTAL Sk .VICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 I UNDERGROUND STOOGE T~KS CLOSURE CERTIFICATION ~ I. FACILI~ IDEN~FICATION ~K O~E~ ~E '~K O~ER ~DRE~ ' ' 741 ~K O~ER CI~ 742 STATE 7~ ~ ZIP CODE · :. ' II. T~K CLOSURE INFORMATION Tank ID ~ ~n~n~on of Flammable Va~r ~n~n~on of O~gen ~ ~ ~ =~) Top ~n~r Boffom Top ~n~r ~m 7~ 7~ 7~ 7~ 747a 74~ 747~ K 1 ~n examlna[on of ~ ~nk, I ~ ~e ~nk I~ vitally ~ ~m p~u~ dudge, s~le (~in, ~ky residual of ~nk ~nten~), fln~a~ and ~bds. I ~er ~ ~a~ Inf~n pm~ ~min Is ~ end a~mte to ~e ~sl of my knoW.ge. ~ . ~ //] ]///~..,~ ~fier is a mpresen~flve of ~e CUPA, au~o~ agent, or L~: 7~ ~-OF CERYIFIER (~ - 7~ ~ ~es iTLE OF CERTIFIER .... 7~ ClW of ~emfleld Fin De~t - ~ of E~lm~en~l I U~ ~h~ DC~ ~ If ~fler is omer man CUPA / LIA ~ock appmp.a~ ~x ~lo~ DDRESS ~ ~ a. ~fl~ Indus~al Hygienist (ClH) I 1715 Chester Ave. 7~ ~ b, ~fi~Sa~Pmfe~onal(CSP) ~ ~ c. ~fi~ ~Hne Chemist (CMC) Bakersfield, CA 93301 75~ ~ d. R~islar~ Envimnmen~l H~I~ S~alist (REHS) HONE ~ e. Pmfe~ional Engin~r(PE) (661) 32~3979 ~a D f. Cla~ II R~is~md En~mnmen~l ~r ATE ~s~ I CERTIFI~TION TIME ~ g. ~n~c~m' S~te Ll~n~ ~ li~n~ ~n~c~r (~  he~e~ous subs~n~ removal ~fl~on) K PR~IOUSLY HELD F~LE OR ~MBU~IBLE ~TER~S ~es ~ No I ERTIFIER'S T~K ~ME~ INS~UCTIONS FOR SC~ D~ER, DISPO~L FAClLI~, ETC: 7~ I A copy of this cerb'flcate shall accompany the lank to the recycling I dlspmml facility and be provided to the CUPA. If them Is no CUPA, pies shall be submllted to the LIA end authorized agency; owner I operator of Ihe tank system; removal contractor;, and the recycling I disposal facility. I CITY OF BAKERSFIELD I UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS CLOSURE CERTIFICATION ~ I. FACILITY IDENTIFICATION ILISINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME m' DBA. Doing Business As) 3 / PERMIT # ' ! i i i I ' ~ I ,NK OWNER NAME lANK OWNER ADDRESS ' i ;4~ "~NK OWNER CITY ?42 I STATE ?43 . ' ANK CLOSURE NFoRMATION Tank JD # Concenlralton of Flammable Vapor "'Concenlrat~on of Oxygen ~mam man ~m.e mm3.) Top Center , Bottom Top Center Bottom 748 Z46~ 74~ 746c 747a ?4T~ 747c K 1 .D PHE~ ;,4a 74. 14m~ 74~c 7~oa ~50~ ?soc GS 2 ;'51 752a 752b ?52¢ 753a ; 753b 753c herein is true and accurate to the best of m, knowledge. STATUS OR AFFILIATION OF CERTIFYING PERSON Certifier is a representetive of the CUPA, authorized agency, or LIA: 7eD V~ Yes r-I No 'IER (,.m~ 754 Name of CUPA, authorized agency, or LIA: i OF CERTIFIER 7ss City of Bakmlfleld Fire Department - Office of Environmental Services If certifier is other than CUPA ILIA check appropriate box below: ~DRESS t"l a. Certified Industrial Hygienist (CJH) 1715 Chester Ave. ?se ri b. Cedifled Safety Professional (CSP) r-i c. Certified Marine Chemist (CMC) · Bakersfield, CA 93301 rs? [] d. Registered Environmental Health Specialist (REHS) :)NE [] e. Professional Engineer (PE) · (661) 326-3979 z~a [] f, Class II Registered Environmental Assessor TE ?sg j CERTIFICATION TIME I'1 g. Contractors' Slate License Board licensed conlractor (with hazardous subslance removal certJficalion) I K PREVIOUSLY HELD FLAMMABLE OR COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS I~i.,~es r-I No ,e.~, ghe gw~k/nta/fo~ a~m a/~8 be re-c. ltecked wi~ · comb~tible gas Indicator prio~ to work being conducted on Ute tank.) r TIFIER'S TANK MANAGEMENT INSTRUCTIONS FOR SCRAP DEALER, DISPOSAL FACILITY, ETC: re4 I · A copy of thle oertlflcate shall ac, cm~pany the tank to the recycling I dlsposel facility and be provided to the CUPA. If there Is no CUPA, / operator of the system; removal contractor; and the recycilng / disposal facility. I!es shall be submitted to the LIA and authorized agency;, owner tank 6315 SNOW ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 -. Phone (661) 399-0246 * FAX (661) 399-0311 [ NON-HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DATA FORM O CONTAINERS: N* VOLUME WEIGHT. m ~ TANK DUMP Z ~PE: ~UCK ~ T.UCK ~ ORUMS ~ CAeTO.S ~ O~HER . ~ COM~NENTS OF WAS~ PPM ~ COM~NENTS OF WASTE PPM ~ 2 · ~EmlES: ~, ~SOLIO '~LI~ID ~ SLOPE ~ SLURRY ~ OTHER~ THE1 ~o MATERIALSNoN.H~RDousDESCRIBED ARE . {~}~.~,~ j ~PEff OR PRINTED FULL NAME & SIGNATURE . DATE , ~ UNIT, I.D. NO. ~ O~ PRINTED FULL NAME'& SleNATURE ~ ~PED OR PRINTED FULL NAME & 81GNATURE DATE GEN OLD/N~ L A TONS ~NS 8 B C/Q ~/CD H~F NONE DI~REPANCY I *~.'..' Non ~azardous Ma~i£ast ., C~igno~ Ce~fi~on  -- For Material 4233 ~u~ Ro&d B~OEOfIol4, Ca. 93308 I NO. 2750 m ~ ~ ~ ~. . NO HAZARDOUS MATERIALS I A ~ II IJISposal WARNING: Transoortlnn onv unauthorized · - ~ ~ I'JI · hazardous waste FO this'~acil~/far disposal Is ~~. · W · D--,~,w~l~ prohibited by law. Persons violating this ~ ~ -~,~- w w w J-~]r,-,,~ prohibition ore subject to civil and criminal I 4233 Qulnn Rd, Date , Bakersfield, CA 93308 ' - - I (8&5) 399-5575 - Time In: I Customer ~'Out: Carrier ~ I Vehicle Ucense No. Type of Debris Tons Yards Total I Clean Wood Dirty. Wood I Asphalt,, Concrete I Hard to Handle Other ~ - i Totals Remarks ~.,.. ~..~.~ -r~ .z~ I Driver Signature/~f ,~__ J~V C .~?.~Job No. I Dump At Your Own.Risk Construction Waste Only I TERMS: Cash before dumping unless previous arrangements have been agreed on by owners. Payments are due by the 10th of the month following date of purchase. A late I payment penalty of 1.5% will be applied on past due balances monthly. Customer agrees to pay reasonable costs, expenses, attorneys's crud collection agency fees as may be Incurred In collecting this indebtedness. I ' ! ~/EIGHT (LB] TIId£ '*DATE* "mpmdmmmmm-- ' COMMODITY: HAZARDOUS WASTE l~CH~IdICAL wASIT IdAI&M~I~HT. lldc-  ' ~A~ ~d at  ~ NO/ T: ~mhhb~ ~ ~ ~t~ ef ~.u~menl iN[RATOR- i~ANiFEST... ' /' PROFILE NO. '.- '~ ," '"'"~'"' ~ ~ACTOR LICENSE' NO. - TRAILER ~1 UCEN~[ ~. TRAILER 12 LICENSE NO. II I II A~,~Gved OMB No. 2050--0039 (Expires 9-30-99) ~ ~ See In'ructions on back of ~. Department of Toxic Substances Control ese print or ~pe. Form designed ~r use on eli~ (12-pith) ~pewr~. Sacramento, Cali~rnia WASTE MANIFEST "'"'J ':~ ~"'I'X"J ~l' ;: .. ~. , isnotr, uir~byF~erallaw. 3. Genera~r's Name and Mailing. Addres~ ~ A. S~ ~i~t ~umenl Number 4. Genera,or', Phone (""')'::'~:~ ': ".' I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5. Tr*nsporter 1 Compri7 ~,me 6. US EPA I0 Numar C 5~m~r~ ID 7. Trans~rter 2 Company Name 8. US EPA ID Numar E. S~e Tran~t ID J ."' . I I I I I I I I I I I I F. 9. Designated Fo~ili~ Name ond Site A~dress , . 10. US EPA ID Num6er G. S~ F~ili~ ID 12. ~onlainers 13. To~l 14. Unit 11. US DOT Description (including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, and ID Number) N~: Type Ouanti~. WI/Vol I. Was~ Numar  ~. ~ :~ i,' ~' ~'~:' ~ :. '~',~. u ,.. ,~ .~" ~' :'5~5t.. ~ ~ 's~ ~.. ]  b.  E ~' EPA/O~her T c. O ""'"" EPA/~er d. J.' Additional Descriptions for Mater(oil List~ Able ~ K. Ha~l~q~.C~o~s Li~ ~ve 15, Speciol Handlin9 Inslruction~ and Additionul In~ormatlon ." 16:' 'G~NERATOR'5 CERTIFICAtiON: I hereby d~'F;'that the contents of ~is consignment are ~lly and accurately describ~ above by pro~r shipping name and are classified, pack~, m~,.and labebd, and are i~l ~ts in proper condition ~r transport by highway according to applicable inlernaffonal and nationa~ ~overnment regulations. If I am a large quonti~ genera*or, I certi~ that I have a program in place to reduce the volume and toxici~ of waste generated t~ the degree I have delermin~ to be economically pracficoble and tha~ I have sel~d ~e practicable meth~ o[ tr~enl, stora0e, or disposal currenHy available ~o me which minimizes ~e presenl and ~ture ~real to human and the environment; OR, i~ I am a small quanfi~ genera~r, I hove made a g~ faith effort to minimize my waste generation and select the best waste managemenl meth~ ~at availab]e to me and ~at I can a~rd. Prin~d/Typed Name Signatu[e ' ~ [ Monlh Day Year ' L-;:- z'~,t~¢'d'.-: ':'.' ' I:1 I' Ic I~  17. Transpo~er I Acknowl~emenf of Receipt of Materiats . · A Prlnted/Typed Name J Signa~re ~ Month Da5 Y,r · ", ' '" ~" · ...,z....:~',',-, -'~ / ~> Ic I I ~ 18. Transporter 2 Acknowl~emen~ of Receipt of Mafarial~ ........ 19. Discrepancy Indication Space F t , 20. ~acili~ ~ner 0~Opera~r Certification of r~eipt of hazar.d~us ma~rioJs c~er~ b~ th'is mani~,t except as not~ in I~m 19. PF~ted/Typed No~.'~ - i · / ..... I S~ena~re ' J Month ~ay Year '" DO NOT WRITE B~LOW THIS LINE. ':'" ~'SC 8022A (I/99) Green: TRANSPORTER RETAINS A 8700--22