HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN )I_~IP P£A.N ~IAP ~/~ SITE DIAGRAM ~ FACILITY DIAGRAM . SITE/F.~CI LI T¥ DIAGRAM - DATE: / / FACILITY N~E; UNIT =: OF t o~-~o5-~-/o~ (CHECK ONE) SITE DIAGRAM FACILITY DIAGRAM , ~ . ', ~ ! ~ t ~ ~ ~k ~-- S~ k~,~,,~ . uN~r,o~ ,,' ~,c~ .- t qOt ,  (Inspector's Comments): -OFFICIAL USE ONLY-,'. PIERCE ROAD BUSINESSES  ~LAm)WmF. U)AJm'Om · ~ Quinta Motor Inn OLn,.. ~,/~ · Super 8 Motel · Dennys Restaurant I,./~ I, TIME · Taco Time · F'SQUA~ · Burger King l--I ~ · Kern River Motor Inn ~ ~ · Home Club 8 I~ * Costco C~ · Grossmans Home Center · California Highway Patrol RouoAUNWY. HWY. m · Rio Mirada Hotel · Marti's Restaurant TRUXTUN · United Parcel Service (U.P.S.) c,,u~.,,A~. NEIGHBORING BUSINESSES · Westinghouse Ralphs "Thc Giant" · Stuart Anderson's MINO "BLack Angus American Grille" · Red Lion · The Hilton ~..-. FORM 5 OF BAKERSFIELD " -3801 Pierce Rcad, ¢:105 [ ~f~,~]./~ Bakersfidd, CA 93308 DATE:,/ / FACILITY N~ME: U (CHECK ONE) SITE DIAGRAM FACILITY DIAGR.~M u,~rr,,,., .,' o~,cex ..' t HOt ,"':[ . Inspector' s Comments): -OFFICIAL ~SE ONLY- r ~ 7 ~ ~ u~ ~ · ~UILDING ~- ~ REAR ~07 {0~ ~ ~o~ ,~ ',~ i ' BUILDING ~ ~~ I ~g ~,~ 3801 Pierce r~ ~105 R~k~mfi~dd. CA 9~0~ F O R L E :?' A S ~ - TiME sOUARF, PIERCE ROAD BUSINESSES I~ MF,.ADOWUI[LI)AIRPDRT ® La Quima Motor Inn ~- TIME ' Taco Time · Burger King ,~ ~ 1211 ·' KernHomeRiverclub Motor Inn I · Costco · Grossmans Home Center i · California Highway Patrol ~H~. , H~n.m * Rio Mirada Hotel · Marti's Restaurant TRUXl'U# ® United Parcel Service (U.P.S.) CAUFDRNIA AVE. NEIGHBORING BUSINESSES L~D ~/: ~ ·· aMAcWestingh°use STOC#OAJfHWY. ~ ® Ralphs "The Giant" · Stuart Anderson's Mrna C -~ "Black Angus American Grille" ~'') ] · Red Lion · The Hilton HM462401 Account Number ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ADJUSTMENT Mamh 11~ 1994 Date New A=count New Address Esther Duran Close Account From Service Chan.qe Other Adjustments X Fire Department- Hazardous Materials Division Department/Division RYAN KAWASAKI Billing Name 3801 PIERCE RD Billing Address Site Address Parcel # (if Applicable) Landlord Name & Address (If Applicable) ADJUSTMENT Last Billed Correct Billing Adjustment to Effective Date of Billing Change 158.00 0 < 18.98> 1-1-94 Appr~ved~ By: Remarks: THIS BUSINESS CLOSED, LEFT NO FORWARDING ADDRESS. Page: 1 Account Billing/Collection Activity Inquiry SUTL108 Acct : 462401 Cyc St: CL Bill St: NO Cyc: 5 Rt: Seq: SSN : Parcel: .... Svc Cls :e Name : RYAN KAWASAKI Svc Add: 3801 PIERCE RD Amt due: 176.98 Current Period Postings Lst Pmt: -146.74 Type Desc Date Amount Receipt # Pmt Dte: 04/20/93 B91 PENALTY 03/01/94 15.80 --.Prior Bills -- B92 FINANCE CHARGE 03/01/94 3.18 Date Balance 01/01/94 158.00 01/01/93 0.00 01/01/92 0.00 01/01/91 0.00 02/15/90 0.00 Enter '/' For Billing History, 'P' To Print Report, 'D' For Detail Page, or '/C' For Credit and Deposit History or 'XX' To Exit RECEIVED O1/25/91 RYAN KAWASAKI 215-000-001233 Page 1 Overall Site with 1 Fac. Unit FEB 19 1991 Ger, eral Informat ior, A~$'d ............ Location: 3801 PIERCE RD Map: 102 Hazard: Moderate Ident Number: 215-0[)0-[)01233 Grid: 23B Area of Vul: Cor~tact Name Title Business Phone 24 Hour Phone- JUDY RYAN (805) 324-0554 x 8(2)5) 323-3252 Administrative Data Mail Addrs: 3801 PIERCE RD D&B Number:~-~}L~} City: BAKERSFIELD State: CA Zip: 93308- Comm Code: 215-001 BAKERSFIELD STATION O1 SIC Code: Owner: PAT RYAN Phone: (805) 324-0554 Address: 2828 ALTURAS State: CA City: BAKERSFIELD Zip: 93305- Summary .81~.~1~0 RYAN KAWASAK I 215-000-001233 Page 3 O0 - Overall Site <D> Not if. /Evacuation/Medical <1> Agency Notification <2> Employee Notif./Evacuation 3A SEC 2) IF ANYTHING SHOULD SPILL OUR STAFF IS TO NOTIFY MYSELF AND A HAZARDOUS WASTE TEAM TO CLEAN UP ANY SPILLED OIL. THE AVERAGE MOTORCYCLE'ONLY CONTAIN 4 QTS OF OIL AND 3 GALLON OF GAS. IT'S BATTERY CONTAINS 6 OZ. OF ELECTROLIE <3> Public Notif./Evacuation <4> Emergency Medical Plan 2A. SEC 5) HALL AMBULANCE 08/22/90 RYAN KAWASAK ! 215-000-001233 Page 4 O0 - Overall Site <E> Mi t i gat i on/PreYent/Abat e~t Release Prevention 3A SEC 1) WE STOCK ONLY OIL IN SEALED 1QT CONTAINERS & STORE WASTE OIL IN A DRUM THAT IS PICKED UP BY A LICENSED DISPOSAL CO. <2> Release Containment <3> Clean Up <4> [)8/22/90 RYAN KAWASAKI 215-0[)0-D£)1233 Page 5 O0 - OYerall Site <F> Site Emergency Factors <1> S~al Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs 2A SEC 3) A) GAS - N REAR WALL OF FRONT BLDG B) ELECTRICAL - NE CORNER REAR BLDG C) WATER - NE CORNER FRONT BLDG D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO <3> Fire Protec./Avail. Water 3A SEC 4) NO PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION 3A SEC 5) FIRE HYDRANT - NE BACKSIDE OF FRONT BLDG <4> ° ~e usa O1/25/91 RYAN KAWASAKI 215-000-001'~''-'~-dd Page 6 O0 - Overall Site Training < 1> Page 1 WE HAVE ~ EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY DO YOU HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE? <2> Page 2 as needed <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use Cll'Y of BAKERSFIELD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TNVENTORY Farm ~nd Agriculture E) Standard Business .[~/ NOI~--TRADF~ SECRETS ~-~ , , Pa~e ~ of I ' BUSINESS NAHE: ~ ak2'xO4/~OZ:>~-'~'1" OWNER NAHE' ~YO~"~ ~xgO-AA- NAHE OF THIS FACILITY: LOCATION: ~%Ot 'q4cx. Z~ ~_(~.~lO~ ADDRESS; -'~¢~.% &~~ ~ STANDARD IND. CLASS CODEr REFER TO~RSCRU~TZONS-~R-'PROPER CODES -- ' Irans ~y~e ~ax Average Annual Heasure I ~y~ C Code Loae ~L A~ EsL Un~Ls on ~e lype Press lemD Co~eStored ~n Fac~~ See InsLru:L~ons Us Physical and Health Hazard C.A,S, Humber ~-ql-~ Component tl Hame i C.A.S. Humber --~Fire Hazard U Reactivity eDe]ayed U Sudden Release ~mmediateC°"p°nent 12 Name ~ C,k.S, Number ~;~0 Health of Pressure Health Component 13 Name ~ C,A.S, Number PhySical ~0d Belith Hazard C,A,S, Humber Component I1 Na~e t C,~,S, Number ComponenL 12 Name ~ C.A,S. Number ~ire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~qelayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate Mealth of PFessure Health Component 13 Name & C.A.S, Number Physica) )nd ~eaith Hazard C,A,S, Number Component II lame t 6,A,S, Number (Check ali that apply) Component 12 Na~e C,A.S, Number ~Fire Hazird B Reactivity B Delayed ~ Sudden Release B Immediate &~ Health of Pressure Hca)th Component'13 Name ~ C,A.S. ~umber Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S, Number Component II Name & 6,A,S, Number i (Check all that apply) ~~ --~Fire Hazard U Reactivity ~,elayed U Sudden Release ~,;%~i?~Comp°nent 12 Name I C.A,S. Number Health of Pressure Component 13 Name ~ C.A.S, Number fertifjatioq ,(Re~ an¢.~ign after completi(]g,all secti~nq) cer~lLy.unoer penamt) o))a~ thqt l nav~personaHf exmmlnqo~qo)m famimlar,~itb the jnlormat~on Submitted in this ~nd at~mC~o.oOcv~ent), mn~ t)mt ~mseo on.my inquiry ¢.those lnoivloumis responsible for obtaining the inrormmuon, I bel)eve that the su~,tceo InTormac,on IS ~ue, accurace, an~ompmece.~~.,~~. ~._ ~ , January 25~ 1991 Mr. Pat Rysn Ryan Kawasaki 3801 Pierce Road Bakersfield, Ca. 93308 Dear Mr. Ryan: In August Barbars Brenner from the Ha~srdcus Msterials Division of the Bakersfield City Fire Department inspected your shop and requested that you revise your Hazardous Materials Management Plan by September 21~ 1990. As of the date of this letter we have not yet received the revision. Enclosed you will find a computer printout of the Hazardous Materials Management Plan that is currently in our computer~ we have highlighted the areas that need to be revised. Also due to a change in the lsw that went into effect January, 1989~ we need to have a new inventory form (enclosed} filled cut. This form along with the computer printout must be filled out and returned to our office by February 15~ 1991. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us at (805) 326-3979. Sincerely Yours~ Valerie Pendergrass Hazardous Materials Division Enclosures BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT g 2130 "G" STREET ~ , // ' BAKERSFIELD. CA 93~.,01 HAZ ~%RDOUS ~TERI ALS ~ FORM 2a · INS~U~IONS: OF BAKERSFIELD 380~ Pierce Road, ¢10~ t. To avoid fu~the~ action, ~etu~n this 'form by Bakersfield, CA 9~08" ~. ~PE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISh. 3. AnSwe~ the questions below fo~ the business as a whole. 4. Be as b~ief and concise as Dossible. SE~ION ~: BUSI~SS ID~IFICATION DATA A. BUSINESS NA~E:~~~ B. LOCATION / STREET .4DDRESS:~~ v. ors. SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS In case of an emergency involvin~ the release or threatened release of a hazardous material, call gll and 1-800-8~2-7550 or 1-916-427-4342. This will notify your local fire department and the State Office of Emergency Services'as required by law. EMPLOYEES TO NOTIFY IN CASE 0F EMERGENCY: NAME A~TITLE _.Di~INJ3 BUS. HRS. AFTER BUS HRS. Ph~Ph~ SECTION 3: LOCATION OF ~ILIR S~-OFFS FOR BUSI~SS AS A ~OLE A. NAT. GAS/PRO~ANE: B ELECTRICAL: C WATER: D. SPECIAL: % IF YES. DOES IT CONTA[X S~TE PEANS?:.,,;,Y~S;/ FLOOR PLANS? ~'~E~/ SECTION 4: PRIVATE RESPONSE TEAM FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE ,... ~. , SECTION 5: LOCAL ~RG~CY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE FOR Y05~ BUSI~SS AS A WHOLE "' RYAN KAWASAK~ ' "' " · OF BAKERSFI~LD : 3801 piarce Ro~d, ~10~ ~akersfi~d, ~A 93308 SECt"ION 6:' ~%~P50~£ TRAI~L~G,.. "' '~'~'~"~",', .;~. ,'"', 5. T.%~:,.., .~ .., EMPLO~RS ARE REQUIR~O, ~ ~ PROG~ WHICH-PR~VrDES EMPLOYES WITH INITIAL ASD A. ~ETHODS FOR SAFE ~DLING OF ~ZARDOUS ~TERIALS: . . .' .................................... ~O ~S NO B. PROCEDURES FOR COORDINATING ACTIVITIES WI~ R~SPONSE AGENCIES: .......................... ~ N0 ~S NO C. PROPER USE OF SAFE~ EQUIPMES'T: .................. ~ NO ~S NO D. EMERGEN~ EVACUATION PROCEDURES: ................. .~ N0 YES 'N0 E. DO YOU ~INTAIN EMPLO~E TRAIS'ING RECORDS: ....... YES~ YES NO SECTION 7: ~Z~DOUS DdEs ~o~ ~SiN~ ~LE ~Z~RD'OUS~RIAL IN. QUANTITIES LESS ~THAmS00 P~~F A sp~i ~.~'~ 0F ~UZ~.. 9% ~U~c FE~Z 0F A C0~SSgS OAS: .~.. tZS; a~urate. I understand that%this information will be used to fulfill m~ firm's obli~ations under the new C~li~r~ Health and Safety code om Hazardous Materials (Div. ZO Chapter lna~cur~t~ Anf0rma~lo~ %cons~ltUlg~ peroury. BAKERSFIELD C~TY FIRE DEPAR~ZSXT OF BAKERSFIELD 2~30 "O'" STREET 3801 Pierce Road, ¢105 8AKERSFZE%D, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93308 OFY~CTAL USE ONLY BUS I NESS PLAN SINGLE FAC ILI T%' UNIT FORM 3A INSTRUCTIONS 1. To avoid further action, this form must be returned by: 2. TYPE/PRINT YOUR ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for THE FACILi~f UXIT LISTED BELOW 4. Be as BRIEF and CONCISE as possible. -. FACILITY UNIT: i0;-/£'-7 FACILITY UNIT NAME: ~' ~ OF '-'" '"- "-'- ~,~-,bRoFIELD -' 3801 Pierce Road, #105 Bakersfield, CA 93308 .q,v. CTTO% 3: H.A. ZARDOI;S ~,f,XT~RfA.r~s FQR TI4TS f;~fiT [f VES, see B. , '. /'~ ' ' . [¢ NO. continue with SECTION 4. B. Are any of the hazardous materials a bona fide Trade Secret YES If No, complete a separate hazardous materials inventory form marked: NON-TRADE SECRETS ONLY (~hite form If Yes. complete a hazardous materials inventory form marked: TRADE SECRETS ONLY (yellow form ,4~ 2) in addition to the non-trmde secr,,t form. List only the trade secrets on forz 4A-2. SECT!OM ~: PR!VA~ FIRE PRO~CTiOM SECTION 6: KOCATIO% OF ~ILI~ S~-OFFS' AT THIS ~IT ..~. X.~''",. uA~ ~.2ROPANE! , ,' B. ELECTRICAL: C. WATE~: , O. SPEOTAL: ~...,, E. lO~;,Br~.. ... x'rS ....... "vO r~ '/'E~ lOC '~" O' '','c~ . "~ ," ."'r; ~4q;~,-.', . [.F ':'ES. %' .': -,~ .... ::-.~ ..... _' ~"" NON--TRADE SECRETS ..,'..~.~-,,~..----, ..... llAZARDOUS MATERI ALS' INVENTORY 3 ? g 10 AHNIfA[, COCATIOH IN Tills IIAZARI) :l~.O,T AMOUNT FACICITY UNIT WT. CIIERIQAb OR COMMON HAME ~ ~ ~/T ~o~ ~~ oZ- / ~ r -, AFTER tlU$ fIRS: · ~YAN KAWASAKi - 41~ke~sfi~td, CA 9::3.308 /~ FIRE DEPARTMENT ~~ 2130 G STREET ~ .,R. E. I4UE¥ RYAN KAWASAKI~AKERSFIELD, 93301 FIAZ MAT COORDINATOR OF BAKEFtSFIELD 326-3979 3801 Pierce Road, ~105 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Dear Business Owner: You recently received a packet of information from the City of Bakersfield, detailing, the requirements for compliance with the new California Law concerning hazardous materials. As of this date we have not received your response. If you do handle, store, use, or dispose of hazardous substances, you are required to complete the forms enclosed in the packet and return them. Typical everyday hazardous material you may find in your facility may include, but not be limited to: compressed gases - oxygen, acetelyne, etc.: fuels - all types, including propane; solvents - most solvents would be a hazardous material; oils - waste and new; thinners - most thinners would be hazardous; caustic or corro- sive materials; poisonous or toxic materials; and radioactive materials. If you claim exemption because you do not handle hazardous materials, it will be necessary to complete and return the bottom section of this letter requesting exemption. As indicated in the cover letter for the origional packet, the penalties for failing to comply with any portion of the business plan require- ments shall be civilly liab?e in an amount up to $2,000 for each day in which .the violation occurs. Any business that continues to willfully violate the business plan requirements after reasonable notice of the violations shall be civilly liable in an amount up to $5,000 for each day in which the violation occurs. If we can be of any assistance in completing your business plan, or answer any questions with regard to the current California Laws requiring the plan sub- mission, call 326-3979. Sincerely yours, y /Hazardous Materials Coordinator · I certify under penalty of perjury that I have read the information regarding Chapter 6.95 of the Health and Safety Code, and that my business is exempt from these requirements. I do understand that random checks may insure exemption status. . OF BAKERSFIELd:' · B s Name ~Type of B-u-siness .~ Address mame ~vrin:eoJ '~ Title Phone ~ Signature [)8/22/9[) RYAN KAWASAK I 215-[)[)[)-[)[)1233 Page 1 Overall Site with 1 Fac. Unit Ger~eral Ir~format ion ILocatior,: 3801 PIERCE RD Map: 1[)2 Hazard: Moderate I Ider, t Number: 21~-'r'-'' o~-'. ""~ ~ ~).)0 (.)(.)1~ Grid: .-~B Area of Vul: 0.0 [PAT RYAN ~r~ I (805) d=4-~5~4 x (805) 323-3252 JUDY RYAN ~~0 (805) 324-0554 x (8[)5) 323-3252 Administrative Data Mail Addrs: 3801 PIERCE RD D&B Number: City: BAKERSFIELD State: CA Zip: 93308- Comm Code: 215-001 BAKERSFIELD STATION O1 SIC Code: Owr~er: PAT RYAN Phone: (8[)5) 324-055~ Address: 2828 ALTURAS State: CA City: BAKERSFIELD Zip: 93305- Summary RECEIVED FEB 0 1 1991 HAZ. MAT. DIV. 08/22/90 RYAN KAWASAKI 215-000-001233 Page 2 Hazmat Inventory List in MCP Order 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Pln-Ref Name/Hazards Form Quantity MCP 02-001 SOLVENT Liquid 55 Moderate Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 02-003 WASTE OIL Liquid 140 Low Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 02-002 MOTOR OIL Liquid 55 Minimal Fire, Delay Hlth GAL BUSINESS NAME RYAN KAWASAKI ID NUMBER 215-000-001233 LOCATION 3801 PIERCE RD HIGH HAZARD RATING 3 1. OVERVIEW LAST CHANGE 11/30/88 BY VAL JURIS CODE 215-001 JURIS BAKERSFIELD STATION 01 MAP PAGE 102 GRID 23B FACILITY UNITS 1 HAZARD RATING 3 RESPONSE SUMMARY 2A SEC 4) WE WILL CALL 911 AND HAZARDOUS TEAM AT FIRE DEPT FOR REFERRAL IF NEED SHOULD EVER ARRISE. ALL OF OUR PRODUCTS ARE IN SMALL CONTAINERS. SOLVENT IS COLLECTED BY SAFETY KLEEN EMERGENCY CONTACTS 2A SEC 2) PAT RYAN - 324-0554 OR 323-3252 JUDY RYAN - 324-0554 OR 323-3252 UTILITY SHUTOFFS 2A SEC 3) A) GAS - N REAR WALL OF FRONT BLDG B) ELECTRICAL - NE CORNER REAR BLDG C) WATER - NE CORNER FRONT BLDG D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO 4 . LOCAL EMERGENCtr MEDICAL ASS I STANCE LAST CHANGE 11/30/88 BY VAL 2A SEC 5) HALL AMBULANCE PAGE 1 11/30/88 17:08 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (805) 648-6800 BUSINESS NAME RYAN KAWASAKI ID NUMBER 215-000-001233 LOCATION 3801 PIERCE RD HIGH HAZARD RATING 3 FACILITY UNIT 01 A . OVEI:~A L L HAZARDOUS ~/ATER t AL S INVENTORY LAST CHANGE 11/30/88 BY VAL ID TYPE NAME MAX AMT UNIT HAZARD LOCATION CONTAINMENT USE ~U~ 80bV~N~ 88 GAL ~XTR~MM UNIT 106 SHOP DRUMS OR BARRELS MET.. CLEANING ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LISTS 1203.02 100.0 NAPHTHA SOLVENT EXTREME 2 PURE MOTOR OIL 25 GAL UNKNOWN UNIT 106 SHOP DRUMS OR BARRELS MET.. LUBRICANT ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LISTS 2808.00 100.0 MOTOR OIL UNKNOWN 3 PURE WASTE OIL 140 GAL UNKNOWN UNIT 106 SHOP DRUMS OR BARRELS MET.. WASTE ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LISTS 1598.00 100.0 WASTE OIL UNKNOWN B o FIRE PROTECTION / WATER SUPPLIES LAST CHANGE 11/30/88 BY VAL 3A SEC 4) NO PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION 3A SEC 5) FIRE HYDRANT - NE BACKSIDE OF FRONT BLDG PAGE 2 11/30/88 17:08 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (805) 648-6800 BUSINESS NAME RYAN KAWASAKI ID NUMBER 215-000-001233 LOCATION 3801 PIERCE RD HIGH HAZARD RATING 3 D o EMPLOYEE NOT IFICATION / EVACUATION LAST CHANGE 11/30/88 BY VAL 3A SEC 2) IF ANYTHING SHOULD SPILL OUR STAFF IS TO NOTIFY MYSELF AND A HAZARDOUS WASTE TEAM TO CLEAN UP ANY SPILLED OIL. THE AVERAGE MOTORCYCLE ONLY CONTAIN 4 QTS OF OIL AND 3 GALLON OF GAS. IT'S BATTERY CONTAINS 6 OZ. OF ELECTROLIE MITIGATION / PREVENTION / ABATEMENT LAST CHANGE 11/30/88 BY VAL 3A SEC 1) WE STOCK ONLY OIL IN SEALED 1QT CONTAINERS & STORE WASTE OIL IN A DRUM THAT IS PICKED UP BY A LICENSED DISPOSAL CO. PAGE 3 11/30/88 '17:08 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC~ (805) 648-6800 RYAN KAWASAKI OF BAKERSFIELD 3801 Pierce Road #105 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 KERN COUNTY FI RE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERI ALS BUREAU I NSPECTI ON REPORT 56~2 Vtcto. St.eet, 8ake~s+ield. CA 93308 (805) 861-2761 FEB 2 0 1990 Business Name: ~~ ~~S~/ Cocation: 3201 ~,~ Business Phone: ~Z~-O~n) ~ ~3 D~TS ~/ ~ /~0 ~e~ ~ap IO~ S~c. INSPECTION SU~RY: ANNUAL ~ ~X~PTION R~-INSPECT[ON CO,PLAINT ALL ITEMS OK: [ ~ VIOLATIOHS NOTED: [ ] 0 - Ooes Not ~pply 1 - In Compliance 2 - Co~recCion Needed 3 - Verbally Named 4 - N.O.V. 5 - Citation 6 - Referred To (Specify) EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES PREVENTION & CLEANUP PROCEDURES A. Local Agency Notification Plan "~ E. Housekeeping & Work Area Safety B. Employee Notification & Evacuation ~ F. Fire Extinguishers & Fixed Systems C. Release Mitigation Procedures ,~ G. Minimization & Cleanup Equipment D. Emergency Medical Assistance I H. Emergency Fire Water Supplies ~('' HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TRAINING INVENTORY & DIAGRAM VERIFICATION I. Employee Training Records ! M. Utility Connections & Shutoffs J. MSDS Availability & Familiarity { N. Aboveground Tank & Container Labeling K. Personal Protective Equipment ] O. Quantities, Locations, & Separations L. Hazardous Material Permits (~) P. Other Clearance GranteO [ Re-Inspection Required [ ~Started l~: ~--~ompleted ]~: 4f Total Time__:~ Fnspector Compa~ Represe~a iv_. , , KERN COUNTY FI RE DEPARTMENT .... ' HAZARDOUS MATERI ALS BUREAU · I NSPECTI ON REPORT ~. -~ , 5~12 Wctor Street, 8ake~field, CA 93308 (805) 861-2761 Business Phone: ~'~4-O~H) ~ ~ DAT~ ~ / ~? / ~;~-~ Key Map {O~,Sec, INSPfCTION SU~RY: ANNUAL ~ EXEMPTION RE-INSPECT[ON CONPLA[NT 0 - Does Not Apply 1 - [~ Compliance 2 - Correction Needed 3 - VerbaJJy Warned 4 - N.O.V. 5 - CitatJo~ 6 - Refe~ed To (Specify) EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES PREVENTION & CLEANUP PROC, EDURES A. Local Agency Notification Plan ~ E. Housekeeping & Work Area Safety B. Employee Notification & Evacuation } F. Fire Extinguishers & Fqxed Systems C. Release Mitigation Procedures t O. Minimization & Cleanup Equipment D. Emergency Medical Assistance ~ H. Emergency Fire Water Supplies .-'i,' HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TRAINING INVENTORY & DIAGRAM VERIFICATION I. Employee Training Records · ~ M. Utility Connections & Shutoffs ~... J. ~SDS Availability & Familiarity ~ N.. Aboveground Tank & Container Labeling K. Personal Protective Equipment } O. Quantities, Locations, & Separations L. Hazardous ~aterlal Permits f) P. Other Clearunce Granted [ Re-Inspection Required [ ] One/__ D.E.~ Started ~: {rE' completed )g. 4~ Total Time : of Facilities I{,sOector Compa~ R6P~e~%a C ive ~i}es on Inspection ~;' Printed Name -,~ ~- 07/05/89 RYAN KAWASAKI Page 010 <F> Site Emergency Factors for: - <4> Held for Future use 07/C)5/89 RYAN KAWASAKI Page 009 <F> Site Er~ergerlcy Fact,-,rs for: - <1> Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs 2A SEC 3) A) GAS - N REAR WALL OF FRONT BLDG B) ELECTRICAL - NE CORNER REAR BLDG C) WATER - NE CORNER FRONT BLDG D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO <3> Fire Protec. /Avail. Water 07/05/89 RYAN KAWASAKI Page 008 <E> Mit igat i,:,r~/Prever~t/Abate~,~t for: - <4> Other Resource Act i vat i or, 07/05/89 RYAN KAWASAKI Page 007 <E> Mitigation/Preve~t/Abatemt for: - <1> Release Prevent 3A SEC 1) WE STOCK ONLY OIL IN SEALED 1QT CONTAINERS & STORE WASTE OIL IN A DRUM THAT IS PICKED UP BY A LICENSED DISPOSAL CO. <2> Release Cor~tair, rNer, t <3> Clear, Up 07/05/89 RYAN KAWASAKI Page 006 <D> Notif./Evacuation/Medical for: - <4> Er~lerger~cy Medical Plar~ 2A SEC 5> HALL AMBULANCE 07/05/89 RYAN KAWASAKI Page 005 <D> Notif./Evacuation/Medical for: - <1> Agency Notification <2> Employee Notif./Evacuation 3A SEC 2) IF ANYTHING SHOULD SPILL OUR STAFF IS TO NOTIFY MYSELF AND A HAZARDOUS WASTE TEAM TO CLEAN UP ANY SPILLED OIL. THE AVERAGE MOTORCYCLE ONLY CONTAIN 4 QTS OF OIL AND 3 GALLON OF' GAS. IT'S BATTERY CONTAINS 6 OZ. OF ELECTROLIE <3> Public Notif. /Evacuation 07/05/89 RYAN KAWASAKI Page 004 Overall Site HAZMAT INVENTORY - DETAILS 01-003 Waste Oil 140 Low > GAL Form: Unkrsown Type: Pure Days i --Daily Max Amt ~ Daily Average Arnt - I Armual Amc, ur~t ~Jnit -- 140 I 200 IGAL -----Cor, tainer }Press~Temp i Lc, catic, r, DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC UNIT 106 SHOP' -- Conc. Cornpor~er~t s .~ MCP --rList-- 100.0% IWaste Oil / 07/05/89 RYAN KAWASAKI Page 003 Overall Site HAZMAT INVENTORY - DETAILS 01-001 So 1 verst 55 Moderate > GAL Forrn: Ur, kr, owr~ Type: Pure Days ir, use: Use: ..... Daily Max An~t Daily Average Amt I Annual Armz, ur~t ~FUr~it -- 55 I 110 IGAL -- Contair, er i PressTTernp1 Locat ic, r, DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC UNIT 106 SHOP -- Cor, c. Compor, er, ts MCP -iList- 100.0% INaphtha Solver, t IModeratel 01-002 Motor Oil 25 Minirnal > GAL Forr~: Ur, knowr, Type: Pure Days ir, use: Use: ~ Daily Max Amt~ Daily Average An~t I Ar, nua1250An~our, t ~~nit -- . I Cor~tair~er ~','.SST~'-- ~ Locat ior, DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC ~ UNIT 106 SHOP -- Cc, nc. Con~pc, r, er, ts .. MCP ~ist-- 100.0% I Motor Oil l Mir, iraall 07/05/89 RYAN KAWASAKI Page 002 Overall Site HAZMAT INVENTORY - LIST 01-001 Solvent 55 Moderate > GAL 01-003 Waste Oil 140 Low > GAL 01-002 Motor Oil 25 Minimal > GAL 07/05/89 RYAN KAWASAKI Page 001 Site as a Whole General Information Location: 3801 Pierce Rd Map: 102 Hazard: Moderate Ident Number: 215-000-001233 Grid:23B Area of Vul: Administrative Data Mail Addrs: 3801 PIERCE RD D&B Number: City: BAKERSFIELD State: CA Zip: 93308- GeoSubdiv: BAKERSFIELD STATION O1 SIC Code: Owner: PAT RYAN Phone: (805) 324-0554 Addrs: 2828 ALTURAS State: CA City: BAKERSFIELD Zip: 93305- Cc, r~tact Title I Business Phone Ii4 Hour Phc, ne PAT RYAN ( ) ~-~.~ ) 3~3-3~5~ JUDY RYAN ( ) ~,=~-.o~ ) ~-~5~ Summary: 2A SEC 4) WE WILL CALL 911 AND HAZARDOUS TEAM AT FIRE DEPT FOR REFERRAL IF NEED SHOULD EVER ARRISE. ALL OF OUR PRODUCTS ARE IN SMALL CONTAINERS. SOLVENT IS COLLECTED BY SAFETY KLEEN 2A SEC 2)