HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit .~ CONDITIONS OF .PERMI? .ON REVERSE SIDE : i This _tin, mit is issued for the following: O H~-'ardous Materials Plan [] Underground Storage of Hazardous Materials Permit ID #:: 015-000-0018~6 D RiskManagem~'~t Pro, mm ' ONESOURCE CHEMICAL ~ Hazardous Waste On-Site Treatment LOCATION: 3900 BuCK OWENS BLVD .,;" 14-~. :.. 'OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES' ~ '-' ,~' 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor' .~.-.. Apprpvedby: ...... Bakersfield, CA 93301 ...... :.~/'...:~-:5' · . {,..RaipYHuey, I~~ i Issue Date "' ' ' '~ .!.- OfficeofEvirommmt~Services Voice (661) 326-3979 : ",,'i ~!" FAX,(661) 326-0576 '. ',.ExO',~.tionDate: June 30. 2003 ' ' ~ - - "5'" ENVIRONMENTAL,' SERVICES, iNC * I ¢ost to ffete and oompletion ofpmJ~c~ To I~tlng you to date from our last meting; 1. Ali empty metal drams have been c~ushed, and ix, ly drums Out up, and put into bins. ~t_e.d?a we.re mmv.ecl, and paoka~ed for disposal ~m 8,0o0 gallon end Ball tanks, Tanks vmre tnen cut up am3 aeDn$ was ~ttsolldated Into ~na. 3. V4dous amall qu'antJty oomlne~s ~n the ahop area were Categorlzecl and pac~ged for disposal, C3eneml area has been picked up. All' neecled la'Ofllea have'been wrlttei up and need to ~ ~n4d off. ~~l~l~Ihe ~ached sheets: The first: one la cost to date that have ooourred. Tile second IS for oompletlon of projecL fi,~kj have any queetlons or If I can be of fu~er servlco, Please conteC~t me. (805) 3g2.0113 rettor Cost Incurred From 5117/99 to 7120199 4o4 Imated C~>st to Complete PrOject Bin E~t.6ubk~tal September 27, 2000 Ms. Marcia L. Jenson FIRE CHIEF Pierce Road RON FROZE ~'ropemes 7004 Outingdale Drive ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Bakersfield, CA 93309-2759 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 RE: Property at 3900 Buck Owens Blvd. in Bakersfield (formerly known as 3900 Pierce Road). SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 EPA ID: CASFD09053 99 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 CAT000042218 PREVENTION SERVICES Dear Ms. Jensen: 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (681) 326-3951 FAX (661)326-0576 This letter confirms the completion of a site investigation and removal action for the hazardous wastes formerly located at the above described ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES location. Thank you for your cooperation throughout this investigation. 1715 Cheater Ave. Bakers/field, CA 93301 VOICE {661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 Based on the information in the above-referenced file and with the provision that the information provided to this agency was accurate and TR~.ININ(15642 VictorOIVIaIONAve. representative of site conditions, no further action related to the hazardous Bakersfield, CA 93308 waste removal action is required. VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 Please contact our office if you have any questions regarding this matter at (661) 326-3979. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey, Director Office of Environmental Services cc: K. Terdo, KES D. Hyatt, Ecology & Environment B A K E R S F I E L D FIRE DEPARTMENT M E M'O RA.N D U'M DATE: July 26, 2000 TO: Ralph E. Huey, Director of Environmental Services FROM: ~)0Howard H. Wines, III, Hazardous Materials Technician SUBJECT: Restitution/Cost Recovery in One Source Chemical Case As you are aware, Judgement was imposed by United States District Court on January 31, 2000 against Jeffrey Keller, owner of the defunct One Source Chemical previously located at 3900 Buck Owens Blvd. Keller was sentenced to three years probation and ordered to pay restitution in the amounts of $85,000 to Marcia Jensen, property owner, and $1,826 to Bakersfield Fire Department. I have learned today that the Federal Probation Officer is allowing Keller to pay the restitution at a rate of $100.000 per month, first to Jensen, then to Bakersfield Fire Department. At that rate, it will take Keller over 70 years to pay off Jensen before our department sees its first dime, in this case. I've checked with the prosecuting United States Assistant Attorney, Rich Cutler, and Was informed that there is no other course of action that the City can take to recover its costs. The Judgement has been awarded and a payment schedule approved by the Court. In light of this circumstance, I recommend that future enforcement and cost recovery be handled primarily at the local level for maximum effectiveness and cost efficient results. HHW/dm I tate ~f California~Environmental. Proteclion Agency · arm App. roved OMB No. 2050-0039 (Expires 9-30-99) See Instructions on bock of >age 6. Department of Toxic Substances Contrc I ~ase prm, o, ,),pc. Form designed for use on elite (12-~, ..... ,vrlter. Sacramento, ',..amorn,a ~ UNIFORM HAZARDOUS ~moenerator's US EPA iD No. ManlfestDocument'l~l~? ~ 2. Page i information in the shaded area-~ - ~'~ I/''t I j~ Ij~ is not required by Federal law. WASTE MANIFEST ~ Jn h' ~ J~ J~ I~ J~ J2 JP tS.,., j of 5. Transporter i Company Nome 6. US EPA ID Number C :staJeTronsporler~s D :~&,:'?~ 2500 LOKERN RD BIJTTLrltYl4~[LLBW: CA 932OE Icl nl DI 91 81 01 E,I 71 5 2J 7J 11. US DOT Description linduding Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, and ID Number) 12. Containers 13. Total 14. Unlt NON AgRA HAZARDOUS WASTE SOLID ' E A ' 15. Special Handling Instructlons and :Additional Information t,/E~R PROPER PPE ~HEN HPINDLINB E~ERE}ENCY PHONE 800-458-3~36 16. GENERATOR;S CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above by proper shipping na.~e gad are classified, packed, marked, and labeled, and ore in all respects in proper condition for transport by highway according to applicable inlernational and national governmenl regulations. If I am a large quantily generator, I cerli~y that I have a program in place to reduce Ihe volume and toxicity of waste generated to the degree I have determined to be economically 5 practicable and that Ihave selected the practicable method of treatment, storage, or disposal currently available to me which minimizes the present and future threat to human heohh and the environment; OR, if I am a small quantity generator, I have made a good faith effort to minimize my waste generation and select the besl waste management method Ihat is available to me and lhat I can afford. ,~ Printed,/.~Typed Name ~.- $i'g n a tu~.~/c:~_~.~ · ~.,~~ Mant'h Day Year  17. Transporter 1 Acknowled~emenl of Receipt of Materials A . Prinled/Typy~me ~ . Signature ~ . Mont'h Year O 18,: Transporter 2 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials ~ Printed/Typed Nome Signature Month Day Year £ 19. Discrepancy Indication Space : A I 201 Facility Owner or Operator Certificalion of receipt of hazardous materials covered by this manifest except as noted in Item 19. .DTSc 8022A (4/97) Blue: GENERATOR SENDS THIS COPY TO DTSC WITHIN 30 DAYS. ,.EP,,A 8700~22 To: P.O. Box 400, Sacramento, CA 95812-0400 State of ColifornlaT-Environmental Protecl[on Agency Form:~.pprov~d OMB No. 2050-0039 (Expires 9-30-99) See Instructions on back at e 6o De artment of Toxic Substances Control ]-.~enerator's US EPA ID No. Manifest Document N~'~ 2. Page 1 Information in the shaded areas '~:, UNIFORM HAZARDOUS ~t~ f, ~.~ ~ ,,.~' is not requlred by Federal law. .f WASTE MANIFEST ~ F ~ ~ ~ P r' ~ ~ ~ ~ I 3. '~G ..... tot's N ..... d Mailing Add .... P[ER~E R0flD PR0PERT [E~ ~..State Manifest DOc .... t Number ' ~' C 5. Transporter 1 Company Name 6. US EPA ID Number C. State Transporter% ID : ~. '~ [ -~. , ': ' ,~ ?. ~ 11 US DOT Description (including Proper S~JppJng Nome, Hazar~ Class, an~ ID Num~erJ 12. Containers ~ 13. Total 14. Unit ,? '~ ; . · ', NON RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE SOLID ~:::,~.181. ~-:: 'q '//'! 15. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information WE~R PROPER PPE WHEN EMERGENCY PHONE 16. GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION~ I hereby declare thai lhe contents of this ¢onsigomenl ore fully and accurately described above by proper shipping name and are classified, packed, marked, and labeled, and are in oll respects in proper condition for transportby highway occordiog to appkcable international and holland/government regulations. I[ I am o large quonti~ generator, I cerli~ thai I have o pro~rom i~ p~oce to reduce t~e volume and toxici~ of waste generated to t~e degree I have determined lo be economicol~ practicable and that I have selected the procllcoble method of treotmenl, storage, or disposal currently available to me which minimizes the present and ~uture threat lo human health ..and the environment; OR, if I om o small quonti~ generator, I have mode o good faith effort to minimize my waste generation and select lhe best waste management method " ' available to me and that I can afford. Printed/Typed Nome ~ Si~oture ~ · ~ Month Day Year  1 If Transporter 1 ~ck~o~le~emem of Receipt of Moteriol~ / ~ Printed/T~ Name Signature Month Year B 1B. Transporter 2 Acknowledgemen~ of Receipt of Materials ~ Printed/Typed Name J Signature Month Day Yea~ E ) l 19. Discrepancy Indication Space : A I L I 20. Facili~ Owner or Operator Certification of receipt of hazardous materials covered by this manifest except as noted in Item 19. __'Y.T Printed/TypedName Signature ~ . ~. ~ Month j J Day J j Year : DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE. ' : ~' ~ ~ Blue: GENERATOR SENDS THIS COPY TO DTSC WITHIN '30 DAYS. DTSC~ 8022A (4/97) EPA :8700--22 '. ~L To: P.O. Box 400, Sacramento, CA 95812-0400 State of ~:~Jlfornia--EnvironmentaJ Protection Agency Form Al~pra~ed OMB No. 2050-0039 (Expires 9-30-99J See Instructions on back o e 6. Deportment of Toxic Substances Control Pleas~ p~'int ~r type. Form designed For use on elite (12- t Sacramento, Cali~ornla .~l,~· UNIFORM HAZARDOUS ~ US EPA ID No. Manifest Document: No. 2. Page I InformallOnis not requiredin theby FederalShaded ar~aSlaw. WASTE MANIFEST C(AI TI 01 0l 01 01 al il I I I ~. G ..... ~or's Nome ond Molten9 Add .... PI E~CE RO.~ PROPERT I ES A.: S~te~;~on BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308- 5. Transporter 1 Company Name 6. US EPA ID Number C/~St~i~T~a~sp~i&~,~,ID;~,>~ ~%:.;?: 7. Transporter 2 Company Name ~ ' 8. U~ E~A ID N~mb~r - ' E~;:~Stat~'Tr~hs~f~}~iD 9. Designated Focili~ Name and Site Address 10. US EPA ID Number :G: ~S~f~ Fbcili~[glD 5'~ 5756 ALBA ST ~ 1. US DOT Description [including Proper Shipping Name, Hazar~ Class, and ID Number) 12. Containers No. Type Quanfi~ Wf/Vol -L- F~aste WASTE FL~BLE LIQUIDS, N.O.S.,3, UNi993, PGIII O (DO01 FO03 F005) PI II A 15. Special Handling Instructions and Additional In[ .... tion ~EA~ PgOPE~ PROT.EOTI VE E~UIP~NT ~R~ENOY PHONE 000-4s0-a0a6 ........ ~ i . GEN ATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above by proper shipping ,ome and are classified, packed~ , ~ marked, and labeled, and are in all respects in proper condition for transportby highway according to applicable international and nationa/government regulations, If I am a large quanti~ generator, I certi~ that I have a program in place to reduce the volume and toxici~ of waste generated to the degree I have determined to be economkall~ practicable and t~o{ Ihove selected the proctlcable method o~ treatment, storage, or disposal currently available to me which minimizes the present and future ~hreat ~o human health and the environment; OR, if I am a smell quanti~ generator, I have made a good faith e~fort to minimize my waste generation and select the best waste management method that is available to me and that I can afford. ]. ~ Printed/Typed Name d~' ,/ Month Day Year,, ~ " ' Printed/Typed Name /~"natu re Month I { I { 19. Discrepancy Indicalion Space F A C I L I 20. Facili~ Owner or Operator Certification of receipt of hazardous materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 19. YT Printed/Typed Name Signature :~:{I Monthl { Dayl{ ~Year DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE. :~: DTsC 8022A (4/97) Blue: GENERATOR SENDS TH~S COPY TO DTSC WITH~N ~0 DAYS. EPA 8~00~22 To: P.O. Box 400, Sacramento, CA 95812-0400 State ~f Cai ornia--Envlronmenta~ Protection Agency j Form A~p .... d OM8 No. 2050-0039 Expires 9-30-99) ~ See Instructions On back~t ge 6. Department of Toxic Substances Control lOSe prin~' or type. Form designed for use on el!re (I 2-pitc~rlter. Sacramento, Carifornla ~ UNIFORM HAZARDOUS 1. Generator's US EPA ID No. Manifest Document No. I 2. Page 1 islnf°rmati°nno~ requiredin theby FederalShaded areaSlaw. WASTE MANIFEST CI ^1 TI 01 01 01 01 41 ~1 2i ~l 8J I I I ~A~'st~feMan ~estDocument,~u~e~. ~ ~ ~' ' &'~ ~ ~, ~(' : " ~'~ 3. G ..... ,or'sN ..... dMailingAdd .... ~[~ ~0~ ~O~I~ 3900 PIERCE ~0~~:': ~v~ :'; :'~ ~ ~ 4. Ge ~or's Phone J / 5. Transporter 1 Company Name 6. US EPA ID Number ,C:,iS~te Transporter.s ID ,,- , ~,~ ,; ': ' ,' -, [ J: *~%~ w'. ~', - ~p R~w~o.~, R~v~-:~: ~r:. Jcl ~l~l~lnl nl at ~1 ~l ~14~ ~ ~ 9. Designated Facili~ Name and Sit~ Address 10. US EPA ID ~umber G~State Fac ~/~ ~'~i', i~:~~ ~'~q%'~.'~ i ~,,,'~".~ ~ ~'~, ~ SAFETY KLEEN/LAIDLA~ ~' ~' D~ 5756 ALBA ST ..... : ............... No" Type Quanti~ Wt/Vol .[~ ~ I I. US DOT Description {including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, and ID Number) ' : ~m NON RCRA HAZ~US WASTE, LIQUID 0 5 15. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Inf .... tion ~ PROPER PROTECT I VE EQUI P~NT ~ ~RGENCY PHONE 800-458-3036 - / _ pi .-  16. OENE~{O~'S CE~{IHCA{ION: ~er~y ~mc are l~at ~ ~onlen so[ ~ ~ ~onmignmenl ore ~lly an~ a~urolely ~emct{~ a~ow ~y p~ope~ m~ipp}ng name an~ ate dass{fie~, pa~, marke~, an~ a~eJe~, an~ are n all ce~pmd~ in p~oper con'ilion [ac tmnmpo~t~y ~i9~woy ac~o~ing ~o appJica~l~ }nJe~nufiona. I an~ nmional9ovemmenl regulations. ~ II I am a arge quant ~ g~neralor, I ~mrl{~ l~at I ~ave a p~og~am in pJac~ ~o r~uce t~e va ume an~ toxic W o[ waste generated ~o l~e ~eg~ee I ~ave ~e~ermine~ ~o ~e e~onomically ~ an~ i~e mnv{ronm~nl; OR, ~[I am ~ small quonfi~ genem{or, I ~ave ma~e a ~oo~ [~it~ e~o~t ~o minimize my waste 9ene~afion an~ ~ available ~o me an~ l~ot I can ~[o~.  17. Transporter I Acknowledgement o[ Receipt of Mate 'als ~ ~C~ ~ ~ ~ I ("" '( ':~-~ ..... ~]~]~/~:~' ,/Month /.,,,Oj~:~/ Y .... ~ ~. ~ansporter 2 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Mater'als~g/i"nature ~ ~ Printed/Typed Name J Month Day Year ~ 19. Discrepancy Indication Space " F ~ 20. Focili~ Owner or O~erolor Corfificofion o[ r*celpl o[ hoz~r~ou~ mo*oriol~ cov~r,~ by ~hi~ moni~e~l oxcepl ~ no~o~ in l~om 19. Year ' T Printed/Typed Name J Signature Month Day ~J I I I I ~ DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE.. Blue: GENERATOR SENDS TH~S COPY TO DTSC W~TH~N 30 DAYS. DTSC 8022A (4/97) To: P.O. ~ox 400, Sacramento, CA 95812-0400 EPA 8700--22 · : ..,to, ma--Envlronme,~lal Pro,~chon Agency ~ :.~.~'roved OMB No 2050-0039 (E~p,,es 9-30-99) ~ See Instructions on back__age 6. Dcpurtmem al [axle Subsk, nces Control o, type Fo, m designed ~or use o. el;re II 2.pi~c~pe~r~ 0 ~ ~ - 0 ~ Sacramento. CaliJo,'nla i Gen~ro~odsUS EPAIDNo. Manilest Document No. 2. Page I hdormolion in lhe shaded areas UNIFORM HAZARDOUS ~ is not required by Federal la~. WASTE MANIFEST ~l~g~ ~g~U · A. Slate Mahifest ~cumenl Number . ..... 0os ':: : i1'11 II I. 5. T .... porter I Company Name ~ 6. US EPA ID Number C ~ ,la le-, ra,i port' d slD, Re se ~ed.] .'~ ~': ~:.?:,i.' ::.:':h"¢. .: . .. ~ ' SAFETY-K~EEN SYS INC l II I II I I I I II ?:'~:;<::"::'": .... '800'669-5~4.O'f" 7. Transporter 2 Company Nome 8. US EPA ID Number ;~;~1~1~ tr~nlp~e(I ID [~ese~e~;l''''~" ;.6't,?2t..-: ,; :~..: .::? ... SAFETY-KLEEN (TG), INC. SCD 9875~4647 ,;>t::..:..':~:.;," : ....... ".. ';'-" .:.: t~;~t, li FiI'''j'' '~ ~1~.~ ~ ~.~ ,~ ,~.l..,,t~:.[:.,,:l.~:~'~ ~ ' .:,;t':~:-.. u:~;?~ .:.' 5756 ALBA ST 0~~'80'6~ '":~','~"" ' ".::":" 12. Conlalners ]3. Total 14. Unil :3~;~::~,~,., ;,,' ~']' ]. US DOT Description (including Proper Shipping Nome, Hazard Class, and ID Number) No, Type Quantity Wt/Vol :h?Wasfe Number N~STE B~TTERIES, ~BT,FILLED ~ITH ACID GO I ?~:.:~'~:~V-'~ ~':. 8, UN279~, PGIII (~RH~15~) ~ DF P WASTE CAUSTIC ALKALI LIQUIDS N.O.S. '":':'~'~:~":""~'~', :" 8, UNI7 19 PGII · NAS~B CORROS[VD SOL[D, BASIC, ZHORGAH[C, HASTE 1, 1, 1-TRICHLOROETHANE ..,.~.%.. 6.1, UN2831, PGIII (ERG~ 160) DF P :s:JL ~dilio~6 ~scrlptions tot'S,rials Us~ ~e .-:.r;;,.~,:,~,~.~~(~?~?((~:;~ ?z ,. :,: K. ~li~:~ b~ Wa,les.Listed ~ ~'~ ? u:'?,' ¢~" :::<?;~2~, ': .... · ", , ','- .... '~ '' c. d. :"; 15. SpecialHondlinglnsl ........... dAddhionollnJ .... fion MFST R/T8 97¢O5803 7-O15-O1-¢O21 EMERGENCY RESP 800-468-1760(24 HR). IF UNDELIVERABLE RETURN TO GENERATOR. PROFILE 'S A)LA-MP 3-LP-LA B)LA-MP 3-LP-LA C )LA-MP 3-LP-LA D)LA-MP 3-LP-LA SKDOT~ A: 91945 B: 92652 C: 9663 D: 9~77 16. G~N~A~OR'~ f~RTIFI{A~ION: here~X ~edore Ihat the conlenls o[ t~i~ ~onsi~nmenl are }u~ on~ a([urol.~ 8es{d~e8 a~ove ~y proper shippin~ nome an~ ore do,si[led, rear'eS, ~n8 bbeleS, an8 ore in ~ll respecls in proper condition {or tron~porl~X highwa~ a~cordin~ ~o ~ppli~obl. inlemmiona and nalio.a~overnmenl re~u~ol f om a large quon y generolor, I cerl;~ that I have a program iff place Io reduce the volume and ox c y of was e generaled lo the degree I have delermined lo be economicoll~ practicable and that I have se ecled the practicable method o~ treatment slorage or disposal currently available Io me which minimizes the present and future ihreal Io human heahn and lhe environment OR, if I am a smafl quantity generator I have made a good fa Ih effort to minimize my waste generation and select ~he best waste management melhod thai available Io me and that I can a~ord. I Month Day Year' Printed/Typed Name ~ Signolure ,e. t...spo.,.r ~ Acknowled, .... t O' Receipt of Materials ' 19. Discrepancy Indicalion Space 20. Focili~ Owner or Operalor Cerliflcalion of recei~l at hazardous materials covered by this mani~esl except as noted in Item 19. Prlnt~/Typed Name Signature Month Del ~ or I I DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE. :' " DTSC 8022A (1/99) · Ia i'.,'.) Bu. 3,)0(, ',,,,.,,,,.u,~to. CA 9581: lt.) EPA 8700--22 State of California--Environmental Prolectlon Agency ~Fe, rm Ap~?uved OMB No. 2050-0039 [Expires 9-30-99) See Instructions on back al e 6. Department al Tox~ Substances Control ~ease print or type. Farm designed For use on elite (I 2-pitch) ~ 5 - 0 1 Sacramento, California I- 1. Oe~'""~nerator's US EPA ID No. Manifesl Document No. 2. Page 1 Information in the shaded areas ~ ' UNIFORM HAZARDOUS BAKE R S F I E L D C A 93308 B;. :Sro,, a ..... ,o, ,.~.,..:: .'...-: :~ ..',;:..: ...... -:.. :,. :~::..-~ 4. 5. Transporter 1 Company Name 6. US EPA ID Number ~C?~St~te Trd~porl~¢~.lD [Receded:I: :~ ~ :¢~; '~.~.:,- .::"),~: ~ :?..~.. SAFETY-KLEEN SYSTEMS, INC ILD 98~908202 7. Transporter 2 Company Name 8. US EPA ID Number ;E ~':5 ~t6 Tron~'pOde~'s~ D [Rese~ed ] :[:,,~ '~::F.'-~:'F2-, ~:~ ;~:~'.:-¢~'.';;/~-ust;~ SAFETY-KLEEN (TG), INC. SCD 98757~6~7 ...... ' .... .'~ 9. De,lgnated Facili~ Name and Site Ada¢~,, 0 5 0 ~ ~ 9 10. US EPA ID Number SAFETY-KLEEN ( LOS ANGE LB S :~?~'~'?~?~ '~ :`~:~'~ :::'~': ':'::~ ~`~:' :~;': :;~: ''~: ~:::: 7~ .t.~.;~ ~:~ 5756 ALBA ST CAD 050806850 :u ~'~ ~'i P~0"~?::~;~'. .<':':' .' ;~':::": ~:'q. :;. ..,' ~' '~":" ~' ~':~:"~¢~;~:~':::,'. .. :. ~,:-,.,~ :y: ~: ;;~ ~:~;:~:~x~.;~c .,;~.~ '~',;~:~;-:,:~ :?:.'k:~, 3 2.3, ?2 ~ ~ ~ 26;0 12. Containers 1 3. Total 14. Unit .~ :,-': (~: .'<~L~? 11. US DOT Description (including Proper Shipping N .... H .... d CI ...... d ID Number) No. Type Quanti~ WI/Vol NASTE BATTERIES NET FILLED NITH ACID O OJ ~., E 8 UN1719 PGII DF P T c. NASTE CORROSIVE SOLID, BASIC, INORGAN [C, R I "171° d. 6.1, UN2831, PGIII (ERG~ 160)~l ' DF ..... P I L ~5. SpeclolHandllnglnstructionsandAdditionallnformatlon MFST R/T~ 97~O5803 7-O15-O1-~O21 EMERGENCY RESP 800-468-1760(24'HR). IF UNDELIVERABLE RETURN TO GENERATOR. PROFILE 'S A)LA-MP 3-LP-LA B)LA-MP ~-LP-LA C )LA-MP 3-LP-LA D)LA-MP 3-LP-LA SKDOT~ A: 91945 B: 92652 C: 9663 D: 9477 16. GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above by proper shipping name and are classified, packed, J marked, and labeled, and are in all respects in proper condition for transport ~y highway according to apphcable international and national government regulations. If I am a large quonti~ generator. I certi~ that I have a pro,ram in place to reduce the volume and toxici~ of waste generated to the degree I have determined to be economicall~ practicable and that Ihave selected the practicable method at treatment, storage, or disposal currently available to me which minimizes the present and future threat re human health and the environment; OR, if I am a small quanti~ generator, I have made a good Faith effort to minimize my waste generation and select lhe best waste management method that is available to me and that I can af~ord. - - Printed/TypedN .... ~Si~no~ur~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ Monlh D~7 [ 17.1Transporter 1 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Material~ 0 18. Transporter 2 Acknowledgement o~ Receipt of Materials ~ Printed/Typed Name Signature I Month Day E 19. Discrepancy Indication Space ] F C - 120. Facili~ O ...... Operator Certification of receipt of h .... do .... teri~ls c/ ..... d by thl .... ifest .... pt .... ted in Item i 9. ~:"~ ~ ~r. T Printed/Typed Name Signature Month Da) whffe: TSDF SENDS THIS COPY TO DTSC WITHI , IS. DTSC 8022A ll/99) EPA 8700--22 To: P,O. Box 3000, Sacramento, CA 95812 / PleaJ~e print or type. (Form designed for use on elite~itch) typewriter.I Form Approved. OMB No 050-0039 ~UNIFORM HAZARDOUS ......... · _ __ · ~raUu I ,urmauonlnmesnadea WASTE MANIFEST I cA'Z'OUOO ~ 22 t 8 ~ ~ z2 I is not requi'red by 23. Generator's Name and Mailing Address 'L:~ ~::~ State M~nifbS~:'D0b~m~nt'Ns~be~;~ BAKERSFIELD CA 93308 ' ' ~ 26. Transpo~er Company Name 27. US EPA ID Number ~:P. ,'~ state Transpoder's ID' :: ::..::,~r:':..?~f,;~%~b,~ 28. US DOT Description (Including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard G/ass and ID Number) 29. Containers 3O. 3~. :?:/:~;?~:~;; 5 1, UN1479, PGII (ERG~ 140) / DF b. RQ, WASTE PAINT RELATED MATERIAL 3 UN19g P DF WASTE SOLID ,. NON-RCRA HAZARDOUS 32. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information '. MFST R/T8 O97~05803 C8 7-015-01-~021 A) 991238; B) 990395; C) 92~9; D) 990317; E) 9~30; F) 9026; G) 9OOl11; 96679; I) 9225 33. Transpo~er Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials ~ Date '~:~.:~ Printe~yped Name ~ Signature Month Oa~ '".:~ 34. Transpoder Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials ~ 35. Discrepancy Indication Space :.:, [~ Form 8700-22 {~ov. ~-88) pre~iou~ editions o~soloto ORIGINAL-RETURN TO GENERATOR 90289' Please print or type, (Form designed for use on elite t typewriter.) )roved. OMB No, 2050-0039. Expires 9-30-99 ,~, ~JNIFORM HAZARDOUS J 21. Genera?tot's US EPA ID No. j Manifest Document No. 223 Pag.~ information in the shaded areas)_ WASTE MANIFEST(contlnuation Sheet) CAT0000 ~t 2218 ~--~ ~'~,,~0~-~ ~ of is not required by Federal law. 23. Generator's Name and Mailing Address :.L: i::i'state Manifest Document Number :" ::: '::' 26. Transporter Company Name :>7. US EPA ID Number .P..o State:Transporte~'$.lDi'.'.:~'.:.; 28.. US DOT Description (Including Proper ShipPing Name, Hazard Class and ID Number) 29. Containers 30. 31. HM No. lype Ouantit¥ B/t/Vol ~ d. f. '. 32. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information : MFST R/TS O97~05803 C$ 7-015-01-4021 A) 9224 T 33. Transporter Acknowledgement o! Receipt o~ Materials I Date ~s ~rintedFryped Name I Signature IM°nthl Oa~ ~ Year, o 34. Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials I Date R TE Printed/Typed Name I Signature Month Day Year F 35. Discrepancy Indication Space A C L EPA Form 8700-22 (Rev. 9-88) previous editions obsolete SAFETY-KLEEN CORP. ORIGINAL-RETURN TO GENERATOR ' 90289 (continuation) 6 State of California--Environmental Protect[on Agency F .... Al~r~ved.,~'M8 No. 2050-0039 (Expires 9-30-99) See Instructions on back of page 6. Department of Toxic Subitc~ces Contra(: PI,.~o~ prld't t~p~. Form designed for use on elite (12-pitch) typ~ [ter. ~'~ ' ' ' ' ' ~ Sacramento, California ",'., '. UNIFORM HAZARDOUS Manifest Document Nd 2. Page I I In[ormation in Ihe shaded ar~a~ . WASTE MANIFEST of~ is not required by Federal la~.., 3, G ..... tot's N ..... d Moiling Add .... P I ERCE ROAD PROPERTI ES A' Sta e Manifest D ...... t Number ' ~':;~''~' BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308- State Generator's ID . ¢ : ' ',, ~. O~n~r~to~', eho~e ~ 66~ 392-0113 5. Transporter ] Company Nome 6. US EPA ID Number C..State TrOnsporter's D. : ~ D. Transporter's Phone' ' Nome 8. E~.]State Transporter's D = ~: 9, Designated Facili~ Name and Site Address 10. US EPA ID Number G; State'Faciliys ID , '~ ' .~ . 2500 LOKERN RD 11. US DOT Description (including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, and ID Number) 12. Containers 13. Total ERG 1~1 b. WASTE COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS, N.O.S. 3, (SURFACANT), NA19~3, PGIII ERG WASTE CAUSTIC ALKALINE LIQUIDS~ N.O.S., 8, ' UN1719~ PGIII ERG 154 (SODI~ ~DROXIDE) d. WASTE CORROSIVE LIQUID, ACIDIC INORGANIC, N.O.S. .8, 'UN3264, PGIII ERG 154 ( ~H~O~IC 15. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information WEAR PROPER PPE WHEN HANDLING ENERGENCY PHONE 800-458-3036 16. GENErATOr'S CE~TIFICAIION: I hereby declare that the contents of th s consignment are fu y and accurately described above by proper shipping name and are clas marked, and labeled, and are in all respects in proper condition for transpo~y highway according to applicable international and national government regulations. If I am a large quantiN generator, I certi~ that I have a proaram n place to reduce the volume and tax ci~ of waste aenerated to ~he de ree I h v ' practicable ~nd that I ~elected the ~racticable method o[ treatment, storag .... disposal .... entl~ eva ab · o me ~h ch minimizes th~ ..... ~ · ~?~rm,~d to P~Typed Name Name 2 Ac dqement of Receipt of Materials Printed/Typed Name Month Day 19. Discrepancy Indication Space :,f receipt of hazardous materials covered by this manifest except as noted in Item 19. Printed/Typed Name I Signature Month Day DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE. DTSC 8022A (4/97) White: TSDF SENDS THIS COPY TO DTSC WTH N EPA 8700--22 To: P,O. Box 3000, Sacramento CA 95812 ~le~se pr~ or type. (Form designed for use on elite ch) typewriter.) Form Approved, OMB No. 2050-0039. Expbes 9-30-91 ~UNIFORM HAZARDOUS 1 21. Gener31'Sr's us EPA ID No. i Manifest Document No. 22. Page Information in the shaded WASTE MANIFEST areas is not required by Federal (Continuation Shee~ C A T 0 0 0 0 4 2 2 [ ~ 7 9 2 6 4 2 law. 23. Generator's Name Pierce Road Properties 3900 Pierce Road Bakersfield, Ca. 93308 · 24. Transporter Company Name 25. US EPA ID Number I 26. Transporter Company Name 27. US EPA ID Number I 29. Containers 30. 28. US DOT Description (Including Proper Shipp~g Name, Hazard Clas~ and ID Numbed Total waste Paraformaldehyde, solid, 4.1, UN 2213, PG III, ERG 133 165 Waste Chromic Acid, solution, 8, UN 1755, PG II ERG 154 110 Waste Hydrogen Peroxide, Aqueous solution, 5.1, UN 2984, PG III, ERG 140 110 Waste Hypochorites, inorganic, n.o.s., 5.1 UN 3212, PG II, ERG 140 275 Waste Formaldehyde, solution, Flammable, 3, UN 1198, PG II, ERG~132 20 Waste Nitromethane, 3, UN 1261, ~G II, ERG 129 55 Waste Toxic Liquids, 'n.o.s., (lll-Trichloroethan 8.1, UN 2810, PG %II, ERG 153 8 Waste Oxidizing Solids, n.o.s, (Ammonium Salts and Persulfate) 5.1, UN 1479, PGIII, ERG 140 85 Waste Sludge, acid, 8,(Hydrochloric & Sulfuric Acid) UN 1906, PG II, ERG 153 5 32. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 33. Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Date Printed/Typed Name ISignature Day Year 34. Transporter __ Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Date Printed/Typed Name ISignature Day Year' 35. Discrepancy Indication Space 'Style Fle REV-6 LABELMASTER Div. of AMERICAN LABELMARK CO., CHICAGO. IL 60646 EPA Form 8700-22A (Rev. 9-88) Previous editions are obsolete. UNIFORM HAZARDOUS 121: Generator's US EPA ID No. :' ]ManifestDocumentNa 22. Page' Information in the shaded WASTEMANiFEST' '. ,: .L" '.,'~::. ' : .: "'::!' ':' areasis not'required by Federa~ (continuatiOn sheet)' lC 23. Generator's Name ::: 'Pierce Road p~per'ties Bakersfield,' ca'. 93308 24. Transporter Company Name 25. US EPA ID Number 26. Transporter Company Name 27. US EPA ID Number P.'state,TransPorter's D 28. US DOT Description (Including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, and ID Number) i 29. Containers 30. Total Non-RCRAHazardous Waste'Solid (Sodium Carbonate) S. Add!tional Des.cH i ?.:.::i :. ,.. ,' :'/ .:,J::': i ; ':' .'" :; .'~.' ~"::~' i;.,? .:..;:,. :". T:::Handling Codes for WaSteS;Listed,Abd~;~?,}~;! 32. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information '1 33. Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Date~ Printed/Typed Name [Signature Month Day, Yeti '34. Transporter ~ Acknowl. edgement of Receipt of Materials ..... .... Printed/Typed':' '~. NaMe ~?!?! ~[ Signature [M°nth. ["": Day, .,:' i:'? ' ~''' [" :~ ~ :.., Year :~,~ 35 Discrepancy Indication Space ~'~ ....... :"' ':'~ :' I -~'.7~'maste~. Chicago, 'L 60646 ' ' ' "='"'"~'" Stale o~ Colilornlo:Envlro .... tel Protecllc~r~T.~er~y " Form Approv~ (~?AB No. 2050-0039 (Expire~, 9:30-99} 'Se~.lnMr~clions on back ge 6. Department o[ Toxic Substances Control Please print or ~e. Form designed for ~s'~'bn'ellt~-~. .......... Sa.c~ame~t~ CaliFornia ~: UNIFORM.. ..... WASTE MANIFEsTHAZARDOUS I. Ge .... tor's US EPA ID No.' Manffes~]~-- ..... I No.~ 2. Page I islnfnot .... requlredll°n in theby FederalSh~ded ..... la~. 3. Generator's Nome and Mailing Address ~ ] ~ ~0~D ~'~fJ~:~F~"F ~' ~ ,g,~State'Mon feshDocument. Number~, &:<,.::'/L?;~:,:::,::: ".~ I 1. US DOT Description (indud~9 Proper Shipping Nome, Hazard Class, and ID Number) 12. Containers 13. Total 14. Unit ~-~, ,~' ~..~ ~ ...... NON RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE SOLID A 15. SpeciaI Handling Instruclions and Additional In[actuation WE~R PR~'ER pDE WHEN HANDLING , E~ER~ENCY PH~E ~6. GENerAtOr'S CERTIFICATION: ~ere~ec~are~a~ec~ntent$~(~i~c~nsi~nmen~re~u~X~n~ccurate~X~e~cd6e~ve~v~r~ers~iP~ingn~mean~ared~ssi~e~'~c~e~ marke~, on~ ~a~e~e~, an~ are in ail respects in proper condition ~or transporl ~X ~ig~woy according to applica61e international an~ noliono/government regulations. I~ I am a ~orge quonfi~ ~enerator, I certi~ t~ol I ~ove o program in p~oce to reduce t~e volume an~ toxic~ o~ waste generale~ to t~e ~egree I ~ave ~etermlne~ to 6e economicall~ proclica~le ond t~at I~ave selecte~ the practica61e met~o~ o~ lreatmen/, storage, or ~ispo~al currently ovoilo61e to me w~icN minimizes the present on~ ~ulure t~reat lo Buman ~ealth on~ t~e environment; OR, ~ I om a sma~ quanli~ 9enerator, I ~ove mo~e a goo~ ~a~t~ e~ort to minimize my waste generolion on~ se~ecl t~e ~est wasle management met~o~ t~ot ~ ovo~a6~e ~o me on~ t~at ~ can a~or~. ~ PHnte~/Type~ Name. Signature . ~onl~ ~ ~ Do~ ~ "~' Year ~'~  1 7. Transporter 1 Acknowledgement o~ Receipt o~ 0 18. lron~poder 2 ~c~nowb~emem o[ ~ecei~ o[ M~erlol~ 19. Discrepancy Indication Space F A C L 20. Facili~ Owner ~perator Certification o~ receipt o~ hazardous materials covered by this manifesl except as noted in~ 19. DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE. DTSC 8022A (4/97) Green: TRANSPORTER RETAINS EPA 8700--22 UNiFORM.HAZARDOUS 1. Oehb~'ator',~US EPAID No. M~if}.,s. uDnlNoj . 2. Page l Inf .... tlon !n the shaded ..... .... ' ?~. J ' J is not required'by Federal Jaw. WASTE MANIFEST JC ~ "' 3, O ..... lot's N ..... d ~om.g Add .... ' P' ] ~ ~[]~g gRi]g'~ ~'T [ ~S ~.? st~if~t,~ ~.~ ~' ~-~ .D~,. ~ ~N~b~%~F~%:¢'~~. ,,. 7. Transporter 2 Company Name 8. US EPA ID Number ,E ~State~Trans~Her*l~ .¢~*,'~'~*~a~ 9. Designated Facili~ Name and Site Address 10. US EPA ID Number 1 1. US DOT Description (including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, and ID Number) N0.12. ContalnerSType 1Quanli~3. Total 1Wt/Vol4. Unit r~.~ NON RCRR HAZARDOUS WASTE SOLID II I I Ill 15. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information ~ -¢ w - ' ~ I - ~ -/¢ ¢'~k WERR PROPER PPE,.NHEN HAN~ING ¢~VO (Y EMEnBENCY, PHONE ] &. 6EN[EAfOE'$ CEEflHCATION; I hereby 8ecbre t~ot tke ¢onfent~ o[ thi~ consignment ~re [~lly on8 ~¢curetely 8e~¢ribed obove by proper ~hipping nome ~n8 ore de~ifie8, p~¢ke8, merbe8, eh8 bbele8, en8 ore in ~11 respects in proper ¢onSition ~or tmn~porfby bigkwoy ~¢¢oraing to eppli¢~ble intern~tionol ond nefiono/government regulmion~. If I om o large quonti~ 9enerator,'l certi~ that I hove a pro~ram in place to reduce the volume and loxici~ of waste generated to lhe degree I have determined 1o be economicall~ practicable and th'at Ihave selecled the practicable method al treatmenl, storage or disposal currently available to me which minimizes the present and future threat to human health and the environment' OR if I am a small quanti~ generator, I have made a good faith effort to minimize my waste generation and select the best waste management method that is available to me and that I can afford. Prinled/Typed Name .' ..... Signature "I I I I IM°nth Day Year 17. Transporter 1 Acknowledgement o~ Receipt of Materials , ' ... . ¢~.... ........ , ,--, , , 18. Transporter 2 AcknowJed~emen~ o~ Receipt of Materials I I I I ~ Printed/Typed Name Signature Monthl I I ID°Y Yeor 20. Focifi~ Owner or Op~ro~or Cer~ificolion o~ roc~ip~ o~ h~or~ou* m~erlol~ covere~ by lhi~ moni[~ oxc~?~ ~ nolo~ in I~m 19. OO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE. DTSC 8022A (4/97) Green: TRANSPORTER RETAINS EPA 8700--22 State of Ca-~nla--Envlronmenlal Rrotection Agency· ;,~.,~,,m Apprb~ OMI~.~'I0~ 2050'.-'..00~3~(~J~i~:~i-9_:30:~791 ;! !' ' See Instructions ~n .bq.cl~ le 6.. Department of Toxic Substanc~ Control" P'~ase print or type.! .[arm des;gfied, fo'r~se.[on.ellte ~-{ ~-pit~i ~ ' ' .. ,r . ;r ..... ,....,. . ~ ...... ' -- Sacramento, Coli~ornia ' ' '- "- ;:'~:' > ' '- :" , 1. Generator's US EPA ID Nd. ' Manifest Document No. 2. Page I Information in Ihe shaded areas ' UNIFORM -HAZARDOUS ~s not reqdlred b~ F~derol law. WASTE MANIFEST 3. G ..... tor'sN ..... d Mailing Add .... PIF..RC£ ROAD PRO?£RTI£S 3900 P~ER~£ RD BAKERSFIEL~ CA 9330~- ~. G ..... tor's Phone ~ 66~ 392-01-13 5. Transporter 1 Company Nome 6. US EPA ID Number 7. Transporter 2 Company Nome 8. US EPA ID Number 9. Designated Facility Name and Site ~dress 10. US EPA ID Number SAFETY KLEEN 2500 LOKERN RD BUTTONWILLOW, CA 93206 I 1, US DOT Description (i'ncluding Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, and ID Number) 12, Containers {3. Total Ouanti~ N~N RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE, LIQUID ~ASTE COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS, N.O.S. (SURFACANT), NA1993, PGIII ERG 127 ~ASTE CAUSTIC ALKALINE LIQUIDS, N.O.S., UHI'719, PGIII ERG 154 (SODIUM HYDROXIDE~ d. WASTE CORROSIVE LIQUID, ACIDIC INORGANIC, N.O.S. 8, UN3264, PGIII ERG 154 (! 15. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information WEAR PROPER PPE WHEN HANDLING EN£RGENCY PHONE 80~-458-3036 16. GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare lhal the contents of this consignment ore fully and accurately'described above by proper shipping name and ore classified, packed, marked, and labeled, and are in all respecls in proper condition for transportby highway according to applicable international and nationa~ governmenl regulations. It I am a large quantlty generator, I certi['y lhat I have o program in place to reduce the volume and toxicity of waste generated to the degree I have determined to be economically practicable and thai Ihave selected the practicable method of treatment, storage, or disposal currently available to me which minimizes the present and future threat to human heath and the environment OR, if I am a small quontlty generator, I have mode a good faith effort to minimize my waste generation and select the best waste management method thai is available to me and that I can afford. Prinlqd/Typed Nome ' I Signature ~ '['~.~.--[ ,. ~ , Month Day Year I Acknowledgement Receipt Materials ~i~n~re .. ~' .~i? .... , / · / .... ]JrC(~Q "'' eme~ of Recel o~ ~oleriol~ ~'~' Printed/Typed Name Si~,.~re Month Day Year / Co~ A~cI( ~, :ertfflcafio~ of receipt o[ hazardou~ materiaJ~ covered by this o ires e oep as noted in Ile~. Prlnled/lyped Nome Signature ., Month Day Year .DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS .... ~. OTSC 8022A [4/97} Green: TRANSPORTER RETA~. EPA 8700--22 ,,~ .~ Please print or type. (Form designed for use on eli pit(~h) typewriter.) Form Approved. OMC No. 2050-0039, Expires 9.30-91 - ";' ~" UNIFORM HAZARDOUS 21. Gene[ator's US EPA ID No. Manifest Document No. I 22. Page Information in the shaded I WASTE MANIFEST I '1 areas is not required by Federal '-' ' '* "] ~ :' '"' "'~ q' I "~ law. (Continuation Sheet) '-' ~:' T ~ 0 ~ ~ 4 2 2 ~ ~:~ ~ '~ ': .... :L: St~te.'Manif~t;D~0~fit N O~b~, ~ ;~?;~ :;: ~ :;5 3900 ~'z,;rce ~.;:oad I 24. Transporter Company Name 25. US EPA ID Number I I 26. Transpoder Company Name 27. US EPA ID Number I 28. US DOT Description (Including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, and ID Number) PG Iii, ERG ].33 ?aste Chrrr,',~c ...... Acid, solution, ~I.., q~:,,, [755, PG !I ~:RG 154 }qaste ibydro?n ~eroxide, Aqueous solut-lo~n, 5. i, ~[?.4 29~4, ¢O iti, ERG 140 Waste l{ypochorite(;, i~orgar, ic, ,..o.s., 5.]. U~,! 3212, PG I!, ERG 140 '~¢aste Formaldehyde, solution, ~'la~aaabl. e, 3, 1H'4 1198, PG II, ERG 132 ,, '",J...=,c,.: ....... Nitro~aethane, 3, U"',, 1261, '../~.:st~2 Toxic Liquids, n.o.s., (lll-.rr~cn~or>:. ~h,t ~, g.t, Ui~ 2810, PG i.Ii, EbtG 153 Waste ~dizi'ag Solids, ~.o.s, (.A~maonium Salts and Persulf,?.te) 5.1, ~4 1479, PGII~, ERG ~40 ',.h~.cte s~uut:,e, acid, ,(Hydrochloric & Sulfuric &cid) Ui4 1.9,,0, PG II, ,.~t6 153 *~..:,7 . ::~:::: . ;: .:'4;. 32. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 33. Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Date Printedrryped Name ISignature ~4onth Day Year I I 34. Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Date Printed/Typed Name ISignature fonth Day Year I I I 35. Discrepancy Indication Space Style F16 REV-6 LABELMASTER, Div. of AMERICAN LABELMARK CO., CHICAGO, IL 60646 EPA Form 8700-22A (Rev. 9-88) Previous edilions are obsolete. 'plba~s~ print b't t);pe. (Form designed for use on eli~I~-pitch) t'ypewriter.) Form Approved. OMB i~lO. 2000-0404. Expires 7:31"86 ' .' .UNIFORM HAZARDOUS .I 21. Generator's US EPA ID No. i Manifest Document N~ ] 22. Page Information in the shaded ~ areas is not required by Federai WASTE MANIFEST ~ ~ 3 ~aw. (Continuation Sheet) C A '~; 0 (} 0 ~ 4 2 ';' ~ 8 7 9 2 6 4 Generator's Name IL:: 'Stat~ Manifest Document Numbe'~;'~:?':'~X,,~,~ ~;:~": 24. Transpoder Company Name 25. US EPA ID Number N.:Stat~.Yradspo~et's D' :'; ,~ .-;:'.'~ .~ ~:~..~..'-:..:-~-~,~'~.,~.~, ~ O;'.~r~nsPbQer's Phone ~: ~ ~ '%: ~;'~?:; '~ ;~?~¥~,' 26. Transpo~er Company Name 27. US EPA ID Number ~?st~,t~r~;~P'.~gd~:~::::; "~ ........ -~,, .;~, ,..~.,,~,...,,,;~ ....... '"'~, 29. Containers 30. 28; US DOT Description (Including Proper Shipping Name. Hazard C/ass, and ID Numbed Total Non-RCiLA Hazardous Waste Solid (Sodium Carbonate) !~ ,'.: 32. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 33. Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Date Printed/Typed Name ISignature Month Day Year 4. Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Date :..Printed/Typed Namei II Signature ~fonthl Day I Year "35. Discrepan6y Indication Space .... ~ ,. ....... .; '; "~ler, Chicago, IL 60646 EPA Form 8700-22A (3-84) Calffo'rn[a--Envlrbnme ~ ~ ; ~ Forp~Ap~¥ov~J.OMB No.~ 20~$0-0, See Instructions on ba~k ~ge 6. Dep~rtmenl o[ Toxic Substances Control p~t'O'~pe. :Form'~sig : : /' " "'S~c~am~nfo, Califb~i~ ? '. ~ .... a]0f's US [PA D Nd . Manffes~ Doc .... I No. 2 Page 1 lnformotion in the shaded a .... ' ~'~0 ~2:]~~, ,.~--L ~R" I" ' I o' ~ isnotrequiredbyFederollaw.. 5. T~onsporler 1 Company Name 6. US EPA tD Number ' 5956 ALBA ST CAD 050806850 .LOS ANGELES CA 90058 I ~ ~ q.. I ~ ~ I ~" ~'" ~{;~'. :<~,s~ :~ ~ ~ I1 US DOT Description including Proper Shipping Name Hazard Class and D'Numg~r) J · WASTE BATTERIES,~ET, FILLED WITH-ACID ~% ~AST~ .CORROSIVE SOLID, BAS C, , . ~S=,:,,~..~..~ 5 Special Hon~lln9 In~fruclion~ on~ A~ifiono~ In~ormotion . ' / ' SKDOT% A: glg~5 B: 92652 C: 9663 D: 9~77 6. GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare lhat the con~ents o[ lhls consJ~nmen~ are [ulJy and accuroleJy described above ~y proper shipp~n9 name and ore closs~[Jed, poc~ed, marked, an8 IobeJed, and ore in oH respecls ~. proper condition ~o¢ transport ~y highway according ~o applicable international and notional government re~uJo[ions. I~ I om a Jarge quanti~ generolor, I cer6~ that I hove a program in pJace ~o reduce the voJume and toxicJ~ o} wasle generated to the degree I have delerm~ne8 to be economicaJ[~ practicable and that I have seJecte~ the practicable method of ~reotme.l, s[oro~e, or dJsposoJ currently ovaJ}obJe to me which m~nimJzes the present and future threat to human health and the environment; OR, Jf I om a smoJJ quonti~ generator, J hove made o good [aith e[~orl to m~n~mJze my waste ~enera~[on and seJect the best wosle monogement method that P~ n ed/Typed Name I Signature I Month Day Year J?. ", · t 17. lron~pod~r 1 ~c~now~emeat o[ Rocoip~ o[ Mo~erlol~ ~-:, . Prinled/T~ame~w~. ........ I Sig,o,u~e~ .-"' 5 ...... . .......... ':;' :'> [ Monlh Day .- Year / ': .... '? ' X'";P : "' L' ' I' t8~ R~ip~[ Martials ..~ Pn~ted/Typed Name ] Signature ' I Month Day Year Printe~J~ped Nome .'~1 t . I Signature , '1 ,: I Month Day Year DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE. .) DTSC 8022A (I/99) Green: TRANSPORTER RETAINS EPA 8700--22 'Please print or ty[~. (Form designed'for uS' on el -pitch) typewriter.) Form Approved. OMB No. 2050-0039. Expires 9-30-99 ~k UNIF~RM.HAZARI~OUSwAsTE MANIFEST I'l', 211 'se~er~tOr%cATOOoo4US 2EPA2181D No. Manifest Document No. 222 Page ~ Information in the shaded areas (Continuation Sheet) of~ is not required by Federal law. 23. Generator's N~e and Mailing Address L? .;S{~[~ =M~if~t:"DocUm~n~,N~b'~f,-': :~.~?~?,~ 3900 BUCH ONE,S BA~ E R S F I ~ h D C A 93306 ~?State:GeneratoCs:lD ,' :, :::,, ~ 24. Transpo~er Company Name 25. US EPA ID Number 26. Transpo~er . Company Name 27. US EPA ID Number :RE:;~:!.:St~t~'~r~:~5~rts 28. US DOT Description (Including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class and ID NumbeO 29. Containers 30. · 31. Total Unit HM No. Type Quantity W~ol a. WASTE OXIDIZING SOLIDS, N.O.S. . b' RQ WASTE PAINT RELATED MATERIAL ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 3 c. WASTE FLAMMABLE LIQUID N.O.S 3 E d. WASTE AEROSOLS FLAMMABLE 2. UNI. 95'0 R T e. WASTE ~ELF-HEATING SOLID, ORGANIC, o N.O.S 4. 2, UNZ088, PGII (ERG%135) ~ .., DF /~ P · ~; :~D O O:I~:~:~:~:~ ,f. WASTE CORROSIVE LIQUID, ACIDIC INORGANIC, N.O.S 8 UN3264 PGIII (bO02) (ERGt 154) DF /O P g. WASTE DYES, SOLID, TOXIC, N;"'O.S. 6. I UNZX{3 PG III (DO02)' "-' / DF P.. 9 NA3'077 PGIII (DO10) (ERG% 171) ~¥ ~:~i ~' ~:~:'~:~: ~ ~'~ :~ ?:~ ~ ~:~::::::::::::::::::::::: 32. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information MFST R/T~ 0-9~405803 C~ 7-015-01-~021 A) 991238; B) 990395; C) 9249; D) 99031~; E) 9~30; F) 9026; G) 9OOl11; H) ~r 96679; I ) 9225 T 33. lranspo~or Acknowled~omont o[ ~ecoipt o~ Matorials I Dato ~ ~nto~gpod Ramo 18i naturo Mont~ Da~ o 34. lranspo~or ~eknowlod~omont o~ ~ocoipt o[ ~atorials ~ ' 35. Biscrepancy Indication L Y .-~' SAFE~-KLEEN CORP. EPA Form 8700-22 (Rev. 9-88) previous editions ob~lete TRANSPORTER ffl 90289 (continuation) Please'print or type. (Form designed tot u~e onel~ewriter.) ·~ ~ Form Approved. OMB No. 2050-0039. Expires 9-30-99 ~-~ U~F--0--~M~H~wASTE MANIFEST ~N~.i CATOOO04221g Manifest/. Document. ~ No. 223 Page ] Information in the Shade~ areas (Con,inua,lonshee,} ~ I ~t~ ~-t~.. of ~ is not required by Federal law. 23. Generator's Name and Mailing Address L:~':. ~sta~eM~fiifeStD6C'~ent:Nu~ber PIERCE ROAD.PROPERTIES '~'" 3 9 0 0 BUC H ONE NS ~':' ~"~;: '"'"~"' B AK E R S F I g L D 'C A 9 3 306 .:;:'. :.: :&.:..:~ '~'~;7'~:/. ~" ~,~ '"' · '::~.: .: · ' .. t.;..... 24. Transpoaer~ Company Name 25. US EPA ID Number ~:~=~:Si~'~'~:~;~:=~:b:='~/;':.~:;:':;~:;.:::,~i;,.;.'.~,~,.~.~ .-.. ,,,~: :~, ,. 26. Transpolar . Company Name 27. US EPA ID Number ~9:~a:~;St~t~%Tfah~6ffbff~lD;~:'~:~:: 28. US DOT Description (Including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class and ID Number) 29. Containers · 30. 31. HM No. Type Quantity W~ol a. NON-RCRA HAZARDOUS ~ASTE LIQUID . ~, .... ,.% ..~ 32. SpecisI Handling Instructions and Additional lnfo~ation A) 922~ T 33. Transpolar Acknowledgement o~ Receipt o~ Materials ~ Date R NApS Printe~yped Name [Signature {Month[ Day I Year o ~. Trans~er Acknowledgement of Receipt of M~te~als Date R T' PHnte~yped Name ~ Signature Month Day Year El ~ 35. Discrepancy Indi~tion Space .- c I L I T Y EPA Form 8700-22 (Rev. 9-88) previous editions obsolete SAFE~-KLEEN CORP. TRANSPORTER ffl 90289 (continuation) 6 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. · Bakersfield, CA 93301 Buhiness Phone (661) 326-3979 · FAX (661) 326-0576 FAX Transmittal TO: /'~E~,~ COMPANy:. ....Y(' ~- ~'~ ............. · FAX No. ~ '~ ~; 6~-~ [' - FROM: ~J~~ L,-), ~ ...... ' ......... COMMENTS: ~_0' ~/s~5 'T~ ~c~ ~-~) "· 08/03/00 11:43 8661 326 0576 BFD HAZ MAT DIV ~001 *************************** *** ACTIVITY REPORT *** TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO. 6802 CONNECTION TEL 6316631 CONNECTION ID START TIME 08/03 11:39 USAGE TIME 03'16 PAGES 7 RESULT OK RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVER8ATION Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: 02/16/00 WED 16:24 FAX 559 4987432 U.S,ATTORNEY-FRE ~]001 Eastern District of Ca.lifo~ ~ 1130 O Street, Room 3654 Fresno, California 93721 " ,,,, 5591498-7272 Facsimile T · ' ransnmsxon Cover Page TO: U.S. ATTORNEY FACSIMILE COMMUNICATION CONTAINING INFO~~ON SUBJECT TO ATTORNEY CONFIDENTIALITY The i~formation contained in this facsimi~e m~ge, and any and ali zczompanying documents constitutes Information subject to attorney, confidentiality. This information is the prolxn'ty or the U. $. ARorney's Office. I[ yuu are not the intended recipient of this information, any distil, copying, distrfbutfon, or the taking of any action in rellanm on this informati°n is swiftly pruhiblted: If you received this message in error, ~iease notify, us ..' .umnedlatel~, at the above number to, ~pke arrm~-~..~_,t~ for its ,durg. to us. FROM: -. o ~. ~~' Office of the United States AttorneY, Eastern District of'California Sender's Phone No.: 559/ Date: Pages plus cover sheet 'INSTRUCTIONS IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY SENDER OF ANY DIFFICULTIES IN TRANsMiSSiON. PLEASE NOTIFY SENDER OF RECEIlYr BY TI;_t EPHONE. -~-'- ~-.,._ ( PHONE CALL I _ P.M. oF 3' ' TELEP.ONED YOUR GALL ,...~ , AREA CODE NUM,B~R/~ /~..) EXTENSION ~ PLEASE CALL WILL GALL MESSAGE AGAIN CAME ,,,~' ~ TOwANTsSEE YOU TO SEE YOU ..... ~ s~ ~ ~C 1154D ~ ,,,, ,, .... : ,~-~.~..~ I ~ IIIIIII ~..;. ~ ( PHONE CALL ) '! TELEPHONED RETURNED ~HONE~ AREACODE~5~-~]_¢~ q YOURCALL NUMBER ~XTENSION PLEASE CALL FAX~ t/~ , ,, .~ ~_ AGAIN ]MESSA~'~ ~.~ ,~~.. 'x WILLCALL -' ~, CAME 10 S~[ YOU W~IS 02/16/00 }~ED 16:24 FAX 559 4987432 U,S,ATTORNEY-FRE ~002 AU 245B IRev. 8196) Sheet 1 - Judgment in hal Case United States District Court Eastern District of California UNITED STATES OF AMERICA JUDGMENT IN A CRIMINAL CASE V. (For Offenses Committed On or After November 1, 1987~' JEFFREY KELLER case Number: 1:99CRO5101.OO1 ROBERT RAINWATER Defendant's Attorney THE DEFENDANT: *< ~,,.~ ~. ' [*/] pleaded guilty to count(s): of the Indictment ,.I ~='::'.: ~-- [ J pleaded nolo contendere to counts(s) __ which was accepted by the court. "-?, [ ] was found guilty on count(s} after a plea of not guilty. Accordingly, the defendant is adjudged guilty of such count(s), which involve the'}~3ll-*~v;ing o~fense~: ' ~bunt Date OffenseI ~_-i ~ ~"' Title & Section Nature of Offense Concluded 42 USC 6928 Illegal Disposal o'f Hazardous Waste 2/4/99 one The defendant is sentenced as provided in pages 2 through 6 of this judgment. The sentence is imposed pursuant to the Sentencing Reform Aet of 1984. [ ] The defendant has been found not guilty on counts(s) [v'] Count(s) t~wo of the Indictment (is)(are) dismissed on the motion of the United States. [ ]. Indictment is to be dismissed by District Court on motion of the United States. [ ] Appeal rights given. [v'] Appeal rights waived. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the defendant shall notify the United States Attorney ~or this district within 30 days of any change of name, residence, or mailing address until all fines, restitution, costs, and special assessments imposed by this judgment are fully paid. Defendant's Soc, Sec. No.: 059-44-1551 January 31 2000 Date~,,~mposition of Judgment Defendant's Date of Birth: ,7/21/50 .... Signature of Judicial Officer Defendant's Residence Address: 3200 Meadow view Drive Bakersfield, CA 93309 ANTHONY W. ISHII, United States District Judge Defendant's Mailing Address: Name & Title of Judicial Officer 3200 Meadow view Drive Bakersfield, CA 93309 Date 02/16/00 ~D 16:25 FAX 559 4987432 AO-245B ~Re.v, 8198) Sheet 4 - Probation .~ : ~ ~, ' CASE NUMBER: 1:99CR05101-001 DEFENDANT: JEFFREY KELLER .... PROBATION The defel~dant is hereby sentenced to probation for a term of 36 months [ ] Judgement entered pursuant to 18 U.S.C. §3607. The defendant shall not commit another federal, state, or local crime, The defendant shall not illegally possess a controlled substance. For offenses cornrn/tte~ on or after September 73, 75,94: [ ) The defendant shall refrain from any unlawful use of a controlled substance. The defendant shall submit to one drug test within 15 days of release from imprisonment and at least two periodic drug tests thereafter, as directed by the probation officer, [ ] The above drug testing condition is suspended based on the court's determination that the defendant poses a low risk of future substance abuse. (Check if applicable.) [ ] The defendant shall not possess a firearm as defined in 18 U.$.C. § 921, (Check if applicable). If this judgment imposes a fine or a restitution obligation, it shall be a Condition of probation that the defendant pay any such fine or restitution in accordance with the Scheduie of Payments set forth in the Criminal Monetary Penalties sheet of th~s judgment. The defendant shall comply with the standard conditions that have been adopted by this court [set forth below), The defendant sha~l also comply with the additional conditions on the attached page (if indicated belowl, STANDARD CONDITIONS OF SUPERVISION 1) the defendant shell not leave the judicial district without permission of the court or probation officer: 2) the defendant shall report to the probation officer and shall submit a truthful and complete written report within the first five days of each month; 3) the d~fendant shall answer truthfully all inquiries by the probation officer and follow instructions of the probation officer: 4} the defendant shall support his or her dependants and meet other family responsibilities; 5) the defendant shall work regularly at a lawful occupation unless excused by the probation officer for schooling, training or other acceptable reasons; 6} the defendant shall notify the probation officer ten days prior to any change in residence or employment; 71 the defendant shall refrain from excessive use of aicoho[; $) the defendant shall not frequent places where controlled substances are illegally sold, used, distributed, or administered; 9) the defendant shall not associate with any persons engaged in criminal activity, and shall not associate with any person convicted of a felony unless granted permission to do so by the probation officer; 10} the defendant shall permit a probation officer to visit home or her at an time a home or elsewhere and shall permit confiscation of any contraband observed in plain view of the probation officer; 11} the defendant shall notify the probation officer within seventy-two hours of being arrested or questioned by a law enforcement officer; 1 Z) the defendant shall not enter into any agreement to act as an informer or a special agent of a law enforcement agency without the permission of the court; 13) as directed by the probation officer~ the defendant shall notify third parties of risks that may be occasioned by the defendant's criminal record or personal history or characteristicsr and shall permit the probation officer to make Such no¢ificatio~s and to confi~'m the defendant's compliance with such notification requirement. 02/16/00 Y/ED 16:25 FAX 559 4987432 U,S.ATTORNEY-FRE [~004 AO 245B {Rev. 8/96) Sheet 4 Probation Q · ~-rn~r ~EZLLI~I~ Ju(Igm~It - P=gc 3 o[ ~ SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF SUPERVISION 1. The defendant shall submit to the search of his person, property, home, and vehicle by a United States Probation Officer, or any other authorized person under the immediate and personal supervision of the probation officer, without a search warrant. Failure to submit to a search may be grounds for revocation. The defendant shall warn any other residents that the premises may be subject to searches pursuant to this condition. 2. The defendant shall provide the probation officer with access to any requested financial information. 3. The defendant shall comply with the conditions of home detention for a period not to exceed 180 consecutive days to commence when directed by the probation officer. During this time, the defendant will remain at his place of residence except for employment and other activities approved in advance by the defendant's probation officer. The defendant will maintain telephone service at his place of residence without an answering device, call forwarding, a modem, caller ID, call waiting, or a cordless telephone for the above period. At the discretion of the probation officer, the defendant shall wear an electronic monitoring device and follow electronic monitoring procedures as specified by his probation officer. The defendant shall pay the cost of electronic monitoring as determined by the 'probation officer. 02/16/00 WED 16:25 FAX 559 ~987432 U,S,ATTORNEY-FRE ~]005 ..'CASE NUMBER: 1:99CR05101-001 Judcm. nt Page4 or 6 DEFENDANT: JEFFREY KELLER . ..... -- CRIMINAL MONETARY PENALTIES The defendant shall pay the following total criminal monetary penalties in accordance with the Schedule of Payments set forth on Sheet 5, Part B. Totals: Assessment Fin----Aa Restitution $ 100.00 ~ waived $ 86,826.¢4 [,v'] If applicable, restitution amount ordered pursuant to plea agreement $ 86 826,44 FINE The above fine includes costs of incarceration and/or supervision in The defendant shall pay interest on any fine of more than $2500, unless the fine is paid in full before the fifteenth day after the date of judgment, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. §$612[f). All of the payment options on Sheet 5, Part B may be subject to penalties for default and delinquency pursuant to 18 U.S.C. §3612(g). ['] The court determined that the defendant does not have the ability to pay interest and it is ordered that: [ ] The interest requirement is waived. [ ] The interest requirement is modified as follows: RESTITUTION ] The determination of restitution is deferred in a case brought under Chapters 109A, 100, 110A and ] 13A of Titre 18 for offenses committed on or after 09/13/1994, until up to 60 days. An amended Judgment in a Criminal Case will be entered after such determination. ] The court determined that the defendant does not have the ability to pay interest and it is ordered that: [ ] The interest requirement is waived. [ ] The intere'st requirement is modified as follows: [ ] The defendant shall make restitution to the following payees in the amounts listed below. If the defendant makes a partial payment, each payee shall receive an approximately proportional payment unless specified otherwise in the priority order of Percentage payment column below. °° Findings for the total amount of losses are required under ChapTers 109A, 110, 110A, and 113A of Title 18 for offenses commit-ted on or after September 13, 1994, 02/16/00 WED 16:26 FAX 559 4987432 U.S.ATTORNE¥-FRE ~006 AO ;~.4~ S (Kev. 3195) Sheet 5, Part B - Criminal Pcnaltics 'CASE [qUMBER: 1:99CR05101o001 ltldgment - Pagc$ of 6 DEFENDANT; JEFFREY KELLER **Total Amount of Priority Order ~ .., ' .Amo_unt of Loss Res_t_ilu~[on Ordered ~ Marcia Jenson 85,000.00 85,000.00 7004 Outingdale Dr.. Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield Fire Department 1,826.44 1,826.00 Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave, 3~ Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 TOTALS: $ ~ ~ SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS Payments shall be appJied in the following order: (1) assessment; (2) restitution; (3) fine principal; (4) cost of prosecution; (5) interest; (6) penalties. Payment of the total fine and other criminal monetary penalties shal! be due as follows: A [~'] in full immediately; or B [ ] $ _ immediately, balance due (in accordance with C, D, or E); or C [ ] not later than _; or D [ ] in installments to commence _ day(s) after the date of this judgment. In the even[ the entire amount of criminal monetary penalties imposed is not paid prior to the commencement of supervision, the U.S. probation officer shall pursue collection of the amount due, and shall request the couct to establish a payment schedule if appropriate; or E [ ] in _ (e.g, equal, weekly, monthly, quarterly) installments of $ _ over a period of _ year(s) to commence. day(s) after the date of this judgment. Special instructions regarding the payment of criminal monetary penalties: The defendant shall pay restitution in the amount of 886,826.44 due immediately. Restitution is to be sent to the Clerk of the Court, who shall forward it to the victims as described in the Victim Impact section. [ ] The defendant shall pay the cost of prosecution. [ ] The defendant shall forfeit the defendant's interest in the following property to the United States: Unless the court has expressly ordered otherwise in the special instructions above, if this judgment imposes a period of imprisonment, pavmettt of criminal manetary penalties shall be duo during the period of imprisonment. All criminal monetary p.ayments are to be made as directed by the court, the probation officer, or the United States Attorney, 02/16/00 ~ED 16:26 FAX 559 49874;32 U.S.ITTORNEY-FRE ~007 ., ,CA'SE:NUMBER: 1:99CR05 Judgment - Page ti or' ~ DEFENDANT: JEFFREY KELLER STATEMENT OF REASONS T~e' Cou~I~ adopts the factual findings and guideline application in the presentence report° OR The court adopts the factual findin~ls and guideline application in the presentence repor~ except (see attachment, if necessary): Guideline Range Determined by the Court: Total Offense Leveh~ Criminal History Category:~ imprisonment Range:__to~months Supervised Release Range:~to4months Fine Range:$~to $__ [ ] Fine is waived or is below the guideline range, because of inability to.pay. Total Amount of Restitution: ~; 86~26.44 I [ ] Full restitution is not ordered because the complication and prolongation of the sentencing process resulting from the fashioning of a restitution order outweighs the need [o provide restitution to any victims, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 3663(d). [ ] For offenses that require the total amount of loss to be stated, pursuant to Chapters 10gA, 110, 110A, and 31 SA of Title 18, restitution is not ordered because the economic circumstances of the defendant do not allow for the payment of any amount of a restitution order and do not allow for the payment of any or some portion of a restitution order in the foreseeable future under any reasonable schedule of payments, [ ] Partial restitution is ordered for the following reason(s). The sentence is within [he guideline range, that range does not exceed 24 months, and the court finds no reason to depart from the sentence called for by application of the guidelines. OR The sentence is within the guideline range, that range exceeds 24 months, and the sentence is imposed for the following reasons(s): OR [ I The sentence departs from the guideline range: [ ] upon motion of the government, as a result of defendant's substantial assistance. [ ] for the following specific reason(s): BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. · Bakersfield, CA 93301 Business Phone (661) 326-3979 · FAX {661) 326-0576 FAX Transmittal TO: ' .'"']~ ~ h/1E;~E-/,.,1 COMPANY: L)~ ?~~J FAX No. ~'"-S--~". ~--~q~'. 7z4/ FROM: ..~.~ ~a,.v~ COMMENTS: 02/15/00 17:26 '~661 326 0576 BFD HAZ MAT DIV ~001 *** ACTIVITY REPORT *** TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO. 4921 CONNECTION TEL 15594987241 CONNECTION ID START TIME 02/15 17:26 USAGE TIME 00'30 PAGES 1 RESULT OK RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Location: ~ Bu~lne~. Name: . . Contact Name: ~sin~ ~one: ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ t ,, F~: Ins~¢s N~e:. ~me~l: ~:~ ~me: /~ ~Min: _ T~'~ C~I: In.ming [ ] O~oing [ ] R~m~ Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: , B A K B It 8 F !~ Ii L D PlitS DRPARTldSNT F~ Transml~al Office of Environmental Services FAX No. (805) 326-0576 * Bus No. (805) 326-3979 1715 Chester Ave. · Bakersfield, CA 93301 COMMENTS: .... i~_'..'~_,.~.d..~._..~_ff~ ...... .K...~ ...... ...~....~,~. ......... ~,,c.~ ...... ~...._';. .......................... D May 6, 1999 Richard J. Cutler Asst. U.S. Attorney 1130 "O" Street, Federal Building Room 3654 FIRE CHIEF IRON FRAZE Fresno, CA 93721 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE8 2401 'H' st~t RE: Case No.: CRF-99-5101AWI Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 Defendant: KELLER, Jeffrey L. FAX (~05) 395-13)9 (dba Onesource Chemical) SUPPRE881ON SERVICES Heating date: May 19, 1999 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 Dear Mr. Cutler, FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES The following is an analysis of investigative costs in the above referenced 1715 Chester Ave. case: Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-G951 Personnel: FAX (805) 326-0576 Position: Cost/Hr. x /tH_rs. Subtotal ENVIRONMENTAl. SERVICES Fire'Battalioii Chief 57.64 1 57.64 1715 Chester Ave. Environmental Services Director-- 50.37 2 100.74 Bakersfield_, CA 93301 ___ VOICE (805) 326-3979 Hazardous Materials Specialist 37.10 37.5 1391.25 FAX (805) 326-0576-- TOTAL PERSONNEL COSTS: ........................... $1549.63 TR.NNING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93.308 Services and Supplies: VOICE (805) 399-4697 Description: FAX (805) 399-578~ - 42 feet of temporary fence rental (6/27/98 to 7/8/98) 276.81 · TOTAL SERVICES AND SUPPLIES: ....................... $ 276.81 TOTAL INVESTIGATIVE COSTS: ...................... $1826.44 Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, Office of Environmental Services attachment: case file 12/15/99 09:36 8661 326 0576 BFD HAZ MAT DIV ~001 *** ACTIVITY REPORT *** TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO. 4160 CONNECTION TEL 15594987241 CONNECTION ID START TIME 12/15 09:35 USAGE TIME 01'01 PAGES 2 RESULT OK BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES SUPPLEMENTAL INVESTIGATION REPORT Date: May 5, 1999 Prepared by: ~Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Location: 3900 Pierce Road APN 332-110-07-00 Suspect: KELLER, Jeffrey L. dba: Onesource Chemical 2809 Hempstead Lane, Bakersfield, CA 93309 (805) 837-9652 Narrative: (Comprehensive to date, including investigation cost recovery) 12/12/97 Fire Marshal Jim SHAPAZIAN receives citizen complaint from tenant occupying Harley's Hair Salon, also at 3900 Pierce Rd. SHAPAZIAN inspects site and notes "about 100 drums.., some were empty and some were full. Some were marked with flammable labels and some corrosive. There were also two drums marked racing fuel with flammable labels on them next to one building and lying on their sides." SHAPAZIAN refers case to Howard WINES, Hazardous Materials Specialist for follow-up. (Notes on file). [Cost recovery: 1 hour Battalion Chief (B/C) time]. 12/12/97 WINES performs property owner search of the County Tax Assessor's rolls. WINES determines property is listed as PIERCE ROAD PROPERTIES with tax statements being sent to SHAFFER, Robert P. & Marilyn, Trustees at 4120 East Drive in Bakersfield. WINES telephones SHAFFER to ascertain the responsible party for the drums on site. WINES leaves message on answering machine. [Cost recovery: 2 hours Hazardous Materials Specialist (HMS) time]. 12/15/97 SHAFFER returns call and refers WINES to his sister-in-law, Marcia JENSEN as having been given the property. WINES physically inspects site. (Photos on file). WINES phones JENSEN who conversely told WINES that SHAFFER was responsible for the tenants on site. WINES informed JENSEN that SHAFFER had just been spoken with and refered WINES to JENSEN. At this point, JENSEN discloses to WINES that Jeff KELLER is the tenant and provides KELLER's phone # as 837-9652. WINES explains the nature of the situation on the property and "...explained that this Dept. Would require proof of proper disposition of the drums by the responsible party or else hold the property owners responsible." (Notes on file). WINES telephones KELLER and leaves message on answering machine. [Cost recovery: 2 hours (HMS) time]. 12/19/97 KELLER returns WINES phone call with message given to secretary: "Has the flu this week. He isn't ignoring you. Can you get together Mon. or Tues. next week." (Notes on file). 12/22/97 KELLER calls WINES and conversation is memorialized in letter of Dec. 22, 1997 from WINES to KELLER indicating what is required to demonstrate compliance on site, prior to January 15, 1998, with particular references to the applicable Uniform Fire Codes. PIERCE ROAD PROPERTIES was copied on same letter in care of JENSEN. (Copy attached herewith). [Cost recovery: 2 hours (HMS) time]. 1/20/98 WINES telephones KELLER to ask why the required inventory and Hazardous Materials Plan had not yet been submitted. KELLER replied that he "was still needing to draw a map and was waiting on some labels." WINES informed KELLER that the deadline had passed and that the plan should be turned in that week. (Notes on file). [Cost recovery: 30 min. (HMS) time]. 2/4/98 WINES called KELLER to f'md out why he hasn't submitted the plan and inventory. KELLER said that he's filing for bankruptcy and was holding off on submitting anything unless advised by his attorney, Max GARDENER. WINES puts a call into GARDENER's answering machine which was never returned. (Notes on file). [Cost recovery: 30 min. (HMS) time]. 2/13/98 WINES issues Notice of Violation - Schedule for Compliance to KELLER via Certified Mail. (Copy attached herewith). [Cost recovery: 1 hour (HMS) time]. 3/6/98 Certified Letter of 2/13/98 returned unclaimed. (Letter on file). 3/19/98 WINES reissues Order for Corrective Action - Schedule for Compliance and Notice of Administrative Hearing to both KELLER and JENSEN via Certified Mail and also by First Class mail to KELLER only. [Cost recovery: 2 hours (HMS) time]. 4/8/98 Certified Letters of 3/19/98 returned unclaimed from both KELLER and JENSEN. (Letters on file). 4/10/98 WINES places calls to KELLER, JENSEN, and SHAFFER and leaves messages. SHAFFER returns call and provides WINES with JENSEN's work phone # at Kern Co. Human Services. [Cost recovery: 30 min. (HMS) time]. 4/21/98 JENSEN calls WINES in regards to previous phone message. JENSEN said she had been ill and was undergoing medical treatment on the coast which was why she did not receive notice of Certified Mail. WINES informs JENSEN that the property was in non-compliance, a threat to health and safety, and that the matter needed to be resolved promptly, with the assistance of the City Attorney, if need be. JENSEN objected that she did not receive due notice and requested the courtesy of additional time to resolve the matter. JENSEN indicated that she had contacted MP ENVIRONMENTAL COMPANY to provide an estimate on the site clean up. WINES agrees to meet with the representative from MP and also faxes a copy of the 2/13/98 NOV to JENSEN as an indication of the precise scope of work that would need to be performed to bring the property back into compliance. WINES reissues the Order for Corrective Action with a 30 day extension for compliance prior to May 22, 1998, and mails to JENSEN via First Class Mail and prepares a second copy of the same Order for posting on the property itself. (Copy attached herewith). [Cost recovery: 2 hours (HMS) time]. 4/22/98 WINES meets with Greg BRANDOM of MP ENVIRONMENTAL at the site. WINES provides BRANDOM with a copy of the 2/13/98 NOV as indicating the proper scope of work to be performed. WINES posts the Order for Corrective Action on the property while on site. [Cost recovery: 2 hours (HMS) time]. 5/8/98 Administrative Hearing held with property owner, JENSEN, who is willing to proceed with clean- up and abatement. JENSEN states that her insurance company is requesting that the former tenant, KELLER be criminally or civilly cited for responsibility as well. Issue of enforcement is directed to Assistant City Attorney, Walt PORR. [Cost recovery: 2 hours (HMS) time and 2 hours Environmental Services Director (ESD) time]. 5/28/98 MP ENVIRONMENTAL completes their inventory assessment of the wastes on site (Attached). 6/29/98 PORR contacts this Office and advises that this case be referred to the ENVIRONMENTAL CRIMES TASK FORCE for further investigation and enforcement purposes. WINES performs the referral by telefax of the Preliminary Investigation Report to Assistant United States Attorney, Richard CUTLER. [Cost recovery: 30 min. (HMS) time]. 7/8/98 Environmental Task Force Meeting. WINES accompanies United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Investigators Ed TURLEY and Julie WOKOVITZ during their preliminary investigation of the last known whereabouts of suspect KELLER. WINES meets with USEPA On- Scene Coordinators, Richard MARTYN and Stewart SIMPSON for briefing on the hazardous waste sampling activities to ensue the following day. [Cost recovery: 4 hours (HMS) time]. Temporary security fence is removed by BFI Construction Services as a permanent fence has since been installed by property owner, JENSEN. [Cost recovery: $276.81 fence rental charge]. 7/9/98 Superfund Technical Assistance and Response Team (START) members: Robert WISE, Judy SAPP, and David HYATT (of Ecology and Environment Co.) accompany MARTYN, SIMPSON, TURLEY, and WOKOVITZ (of USEPA) in the investigation and sampling of the hazardous waste site located at 3900 Pierce Road (currently named Buck Owens Boulevard). WINES remains on site in the support zone as the local agency representative. [Cost recovery: 6 hours (HMS) time]. 7/10/98 De-briefing between WINES, MARTYN, and SIMPSON on the status of the sampling and investigation at the subject property. USEPA will allow removal action of the hazardous waste to be accomplished by the property owner, JENSEN through the services of MP ENVIRONMENTAL. [Cost recovery: 30 min. (HMS) time]. 7/13/98 WINES provides MP ENVIRONMENTAL access to the subject property for the purpose of allowing additional sampling and product compatibility for bulk transport and disposal. Phone call from TURLEY, requesting licence number of trailer parked on subject property. [Cost recovery: 2 hours (HMS) time]. 7/14/98 WINES faxes trailer information to TURLEY. [Cost recovery: 30 min. (HMS) time]. 8/13/98 WINES receives phone call from Chris D'ARMOND of MP ENVIRONMENTAL, explaining that the off-site disposal facility, LAIDLAW, is requesting additional analysis on five certain chemicals prior to acceptance at LAIDLAW's facility. D'ARMOND explains that once LAIDLAW is satisfied with the chemical profiles provided, MP ENVIRONMENTAL can begin removal actions and transport the same to LAIDLAW for disposal. [Cost recovery: 30 min. (HMS) time]. 10/6/98 WINES issues JENSEN a Final Notice for Corrective Action due to the amount of time that has elapsed without any actual removal actions being taken. [Cost recovery: 1 hour (HMS) time]. 10/14/98 WINES on site for MP ENVIRONMENTAL removal actions involving flammable, combustible and other liquid wastes. (4 photos on file). [Cost recovery: 2 hours (HMS) time]. 10/20/98 WINES receives fax report from MP ENVIRONMENTAL of the categorization of wastes for removal and bulk shipment to disposal facility. [Cost recovery: 1 hour (HMS) time]. 11/24/98 WINES on site for MP ENVIRONMENTAL additional removal actions (3 photos on file). [Cost recovery: 2 hours (HMS) time]. 5/3/99 WINES inquires of MP ENVIRONMENTAL for hazardous waste manifests of materials removed from site to date. Manifests totaling 3700 gallons of waste flammable liquids and 1500 gallons of non-RCRA hazardous waste liquids are faxed to WINES. [Cost recovery: 1 hour (HMS) time]. NOTHING FURTHER AS OF MAY 5, 1999. cc: Ralph Huey, Director of Environmental Services u~m-7;k~c[¢ service. ' ? ~' "-~. '.,~~ . i~ Env. i_ronme~tal S~erv!ces, I~ - SENIOR:pROJECT~M~,~.,,,..,,~,, .' -~ ~ - ' .:'.- .-' -.~':. , MPV,LIC. ¢ ~9997. '--_ '-'. ;5 --.~'... .- MPE L C.r¢ '6 t.3706' ' ~ 3400 MANOR STREET '- -- - ~OQOLAND,~C~ · BAKERSF!ELD CA 9~308"~: ~:'~: ' ' ' ' (916) 668-9316 ~(8~5) 393-1151 - - _PHOENIX~ AZ.~. .FAX (805) 393-3834 , '(602) 278-6233 YOUR CALL ~ CODE NUMBER EXTENSION / PLEASE CALL FAX~ . AGAIN ~ ~ / .... TO SEE YOU J WANTS ~ TO SEE YOU ' ',:,~:~ I I  DATE TIME AM 0 E "' SIGNED ' ' PHONED~ ~ ~LL ~ ~ RE~URNED~ ~ WANTS~ '~ ] WlLLCA~~CK ~ CALL SEE~U AGAIN ~ WASIN ~] URG~ o~ J / ~o~o -- YOUR CALL AREA CODE NUMBER E~ENSION ~ PLEASE CALL FAX~ WILL CALL =MESSAGE ~ AGAIN '" CAME [ TO SEE YOU [ WANTS " ~ TO SEE YOU NUMBER EXTENSION FAX~ PLEASE CALL CAME TO SEE YOU WANTS TO SEE YOU ° OF \ -- 0 £ , Dj~ ~ IWILLCALL ~VASlI~' [] URGENT [] P.o.E .ACK ~ . ~ CALL SEEYOU ~ )AGAIN G ) EL~/~"~ RE D~ sIGNED CAL TURNE ~ ~ WILL'OALL ,' AGAIN SEE ~ FOR '~ ~ ~'~'r~t"~' DATE 15 TIME '~ ~P.M.A'IVI''~ OF ~ TELEPHONED ~ YOUR CALL AREA CODE NUMBER EXTENSION ~ PLEASE CALL FAX~ WILL CALL MESSAGE AGAIN CAME TO SEE YOU u~ WANTS 10 S~E YOU FOR DATE TIME t P .M. M OF r~P / TELEPHONED ~-~ ~/~0ff RETURNED PHONE YOUR CALL ~ PLEASE CALL FAX~ i WILL CALL MESSAGE AGAIN GAME TO SEE YOU L WANTS ~ ~ TO SEE YOU TO - ' DATETIM AMi ~0~ ~' - I--'oo/--/~--~:x. ~[ E[ ~~ , ~- ~-~ .... , .... .~ ..... ' / - -- I SlGNEO ~ N ....... MO ~E ...... ................ ~C,./~,._~~ [~ ~ ]RETURNED WANTSTO' WILLCALL IUflGENT .... ,,O,EO ~.o,~ []~ou D" ^~,,. [] W^~.N [] FI; YOUR CALL AREA CODE NUMBER EXTENSION FAX# / PLEASE CALL GAME TO SEE YOU ( i WANTS ~. i TO SEE YOU ] TOWING 24 ~Iour "A POOR BOY'S BEST FRIEND" ITowing LOCAL & LONG DISTANC~ Service FLAT BED or TRAILER ~ SERVICE AVAILABLE ~' 2617 EDISON HIGHWAY (805) 326-1400 BAKERSFIELO, CA 93307 (805) 322-9017 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT· February13,1998 Mr. Jeffrey L. Keller ,RE CHIEF 2809 Hempstead Lane U~CHAEt e. KELLY Bakersfield, CA 93309 CERTIFIED MAIL ADMINISIRATIVE SERVICES 2101 'H* Slreot NOTICE OF VIOLATION - SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE Bake~fleld, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805)395-1349 RE: 3900 Pierce Road in Bakersfield ~IPPI~$$1ON SERVICES 2101 'H' Street Dear Mr. Keller: Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805)395-1349 You are hereby notified that the conditions at the above referenced mVEN~ON StatiCES property are in violation of the following Uniform Fire Code, California Code of 1715 Chester Ave. Regulations, and California Health and Safety Code sections enforced through the Bakersfield, CA 93301 (80,5) 326-3951 Bakersfield Fire Department pursuant to Bakersfield Municipal COde, Chapter FAX C805) 326-0576 15.64. In my letter of December 22, 1997, you were originally'notified of theSe'. requirements and the corrective actions which needed to occur prior to January 15, ENVII~ONMENTAL SEIWICES 1715 Chester Ave. 1998. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 FAX (805)326-0576 In order for the property to be returned to compliance, the corrections needed for each violation shall be performed prior to March 16, 1998. IRAINING DIVISION 5642 Vlctor~eet Continued failure to comply will result in formal enforcement actions to be taken. Bakersfield, CA 93308 (805) 399-4697 FAX (805)399-5763 1) Violation of Uniform'Fire Code Section 8001.3.2: Failure to submit Hazardous Materials Management Plan as necessary t° obtain a Unified Hazardous Materials / Hazardous Waste Facility Permit pursuant to Chapter 6.11 of the California Health and Safety Code. Correction needed: prior to March 16, 1998, please submit the completed plan forms that were previously mailed to you on December 22, 1997. Additionally, pursuant to Section 8001.11.3, the plan shall demonstrate that any hazardous materials which were stored, dispensed, handled, or used in the facility have been transported, disposed of or reused in a manner that eliminates the need for further maintenance and any threat to public health and safety. 2)... Violation of Uniform Fire Code Section 8001.7, i ..' :~':' Violation. Of California Code of Regulations Section 66262.34: Failure to conspicuously and properly label individual' c0nt'ainers~ cartons Jeffrey L. Keller February 13, 1998 Page 2 or packages in accordance with the name of the product, hazard warnings, and the name and address of the supplier for hazardous materials, and the accumulation start date and the words "HAZARDOUS WASTE" for any hazardous wastes on _ site,_ Corrections needed: prior to March 16, 1998, please properly and conspicuously label all drams and containers of hazardous materials, and provide the additional labeling requirements for hazardous waste. Standard "hazardous waste" labels are generally available through any local safety supply company. 3) Violation of Uniform Fire Code Section 8001.4.7.3 Violation of California Code of Regulations Section 66265.175 Failure to properly remove from service, repair or dispose of defective or open-top containers containing hazardous materials and hazardous wastes. Corrections needed: prior to March 16, 1998, please have any defective containers repackaged (such as the materials in the deteriorating metal drums and paper bags), any empty containers properly disposed of, and any open top containers properly closed. A reinspection will be conducted on March 16, 1998 to verify compliance with these and other code requirements, as applicable. Enforcement actions will ensue for continued non-compliance on or after March 16, 1998. If you have any questions, please call me at 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Office of Environmental Services cc: Ralph Huey, Director of Environmental Services Carl Hemandez, Deputy City Attorney SENDER: I also wish to receive the . Complete items I and/or 2 for additional services. · Complete items 3, and 4a & b. following services {for an extra return' PrintthisYOUrcardnameto you.and address on the reverse of this form so that we can fee): · Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space 1. [] Addressee's Address does not permit. · Write "Return Receipt Requested" on the mailpiece below the article number, 2. [] Restricted Delivery .~, · The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date delivered. Consult postmaster for fee. 3. Article Addressed to: 4a. Article Number P-024-368-502 ~ JEFFREY L KELLER 4b. Service Type 2809 ]~]~J~ST~ ~ [] Registered [] Insured [] Express Mail [] Return Receipt for 7. Date of Delivery Merchandise ilS. Signature(Addressee) 8. Addressee'sAddress(Onlyifrequested~i and fee is paid) 6. Signature (Agent) PS Form 3811, December 1991 ¢rU.S. GPO:~9~--~2-?~4 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT STATES POSTAL SERVICE II Official Business PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID PAYMENT OF POSTAGE, $300 Print your name, address and ZIP Code here CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIREDEPT OFFICE OF ENVIROlqI~TAL SERVICES 1715 CllESTER AVENUE SUITE 300 BAKERSFIE~ CA 93301 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT March 19, 1998 Mr. Jeffrey L. Keller FIRE CHIEF 2809 Hempstead Lane MICHAEL R. KELLY Bakersfield, CA 93309 ADMINI$11~ATIVE SERVICES CERTIFIED MAIL 2101 'H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (80,5) 395-1~9 ORDER FOR CORRECTIVE ACTION SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'H" Street AND Bakersfield, CA 93301 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 39,5-13~9 RE: Property at 3900 Pierce Road in Bakersfield PEEVENllON SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Dear Mr. Keller: Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAX (~5) 326-13576 Our records indicate that a hazardous waste, specifically discarded chemical products in unlabeled drums and deteriorated packaging, has been illegally stored, treated ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES or disposed of upon the above referenced property. 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 YOU ARE HEREBY ORDERED, prior to April 10, 1998 to take corrective FAX (805) 326-0576 action with respect to hazardous waste, including the cleanup of the hazardous waste, TRAINING DIVISION abatement of the effects thereof, and any other necessary remedial action. Be advised 5642 Victor Street that all corrective action shall be performed under direct oversight by this office, unless Bakersfield, CA 93308 (805) 399-4697 previously approved. FAX (805) 399-5763 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that you have the right to a hearing before the Director of Environmental gervices for the Bakersfield Fire Department on Friday, March 27, 1998, at 10:00 a.m. to show cause, if any you have, this order should not be complied with as scheduled. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey, Director Office of Environmental Services by: Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Office of Environmental Services SENDER: · Complete items I and/or 2 for additional services. | also to wish receive the · Complete items 3, and 4e & b. following services {for an extra return this card to you. · Attach this form to the front of the rnailpiece, or on the back if space 1, [] Addressee's Address does not permit. · Write "Return Receipt Requested" on the mailpiece below the article number, 2. [] Restricted Delivery · The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date delivered. Consult postmaster for fee. 3. Article Addressed to: 4a. Article Number P 024 368 486 JEFFKEY KELLER [] Registered [] Insured BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 ~ Certified [] COD [] Express Mail [] Return Receipt for Merchandise 7. Date of Delivery 5. Signature (Addressee) 8. Addressee's Address (Only if requested and fee is paid) 6, Signature (Agent) PS Form 3811, December 1991 ~U.S. GPO: ~--,~2-714 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT L~H~'E{~ SVA~'ES POSTAL SERVICE t Of~qciai Business PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID PAYMENT OF POSTAGE, $300 Print your name, address and ZIP Code here * CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 CHESTER AVENUE SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT March 19, 1998 Pierce Road Properties c/o Chris and Marcia Jensen 7004 Outingdale Drive FIRE CHIEF Bakersfield, CA 93309-2759 MICHAEL R, KELLY CERTIFIED MAIL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 'H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 ORDER FOR CORRECTIVE ACTION (805) 325-3941 SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE FAX (805) 395-1349 AND NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA93301 R_E; Property at 3900 Pierce Road in Bakersfield (805) 325-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Jensen: PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Our records indicate that a hazardous waste, specifically discarded chemical Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 325-3951 products in unlabeled drums and deteriorated packaging, has been illegally stored, treated FAX (805) 326-0576 or disposed of upon the above referenced property. ENVIRONMEI~rAL SERVICES YOU ARE HEREBY oRDERED, prior to April 10, 1998 to take corrective 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 action with respect to hazardous waste, including the cleanup of the hazardous waste, (805) 325-3979 abatement of the effects thereof, and any other necessary remedial action. Be advised FAX (805) 32643576 that all corrective action shall be performed under direct oversight by this office, unless nmNINO DiViSiON previously approved. 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that you have the right to a hearing before the (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 Director of Environmental Services for the Bakersfield Fire Department on Friday, March 27, 1998, at 10:00 a.m. to show cause, if any you have, this order should not be complied with as scheduled. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey, Director Office of Environmental Services by: Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Office of Environmental Services attachment: file correspondence BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT February 13, 1998 Mx. Jeffrey L. Keller n~ C,IEF 2809 Hempstead Lane MICHAEL g. KEllY Bakersfield, CA 93309 CERTIFIED MAIL ADMINISTRAtWE SERVICES 2101 'H' Street NOTICE OF VIOLATION - SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE Bake~eld, CA 93301 (80,5) 326-3941 FAX C805) 595-1349 RE'- 3900 Pierce Road in Bakersfield SUPPRESSION SERVICE~ 2101 'H' Street Dear Mx. Keller: I~akor~eldo CA 9&301 (8O,5) 326-5941 FAX (~)3~u9 You are hereby notified that the conditions at the above referenced nvanno, ~,w:n property are in violation of the following Uniform Fire Code, California Code of lnSC~o, Ave. Regulations, and California Health and Safety Code sections enforced through the (~) 3~59Sl Bakersfield Fire Department pursuant to Bakersfield Municipal. COde, Chapter ~Ax (~) a26-0s76 15.64. In my letter of December 22, 1997, you were originally notified of these'. E~m,Mm~a ~c~s requirements and the eon'ective actions which needed to occur prior to' January 15, ms cho~.~ ^~,. 1998. Ik~er~fl~:l, CA 9~01 (80,5) 326-3979 FAX (80fi)326-0576 In order for the property to be returned to compliance, the corrections needed for each violation shall be performed prior to March 16, 1998. IRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street Continued failure to comply will result in formal enforcement actions to be taken. Bakersfl~d, CA 93308 (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 1) Violation of Uniform 'Fire Code Section 80013.2: Failure to submit Hazardous Materials Management Plan as necessary to obtain a Unified Hazardous Materials / Hazardous Waste Facility Permit pursuant to Chapter 6.11 of the California Health and Safety Code. Correction needed: prior to March 16, 1998, please submit the completed plan forms that were previously mailed to you on December 22, 1997. Additionally, pursuant to Section 8001.11.3, the plan shall demonstrate that any hazardous materials which were stored, dispensed, handled, or used in the facility have been transported, disposed of or reused in a manner that eliminates the need for further maintenance and any threat to public health and safety. 2) Violation of Uniform Fire Code Section 8001.7, Violation of California Code of Regulations Section 66262.34: Failure to conspicuously and properly label individual containers/cartons Jeffrey L. Keller Febmary 13, 1998 Page 2 or packages in accordance with the name of the product, hazard warnings, and the name and address of the supplier for hazardous materials, and the accumulation start date and the words "HAZARDOUS WASTE" for any hazardous wastes on site. Corrections needed: prior to March 16, 1998, please properly and conspicuously label all drums and containers of hazardous materials, and provide the additional labeling requirements for hazardous waste. Standard "hazardous waste" labels are generally available through any local safety supply company. 3) Violation of Uniform Fire Code Section 8001.4.7.3 Violation of California Code of Regulations Section 66265.175 Failure to properly remove from service, repair or dispose of defective or open-top containers containing hazardous materials and hazardous wastes. Corrections needed: prior to March 16, 1998, please have any defective containers repackaged (such as the materials in the deteriorating metal drams and paper bags), any empty containers properly disposed of, and any open top containers properly closed. A reinspection will be conducted on March 16, 1998 to verify compliance with these and other code requirements, as applicable. Enforcement actions will ensue for continued non-compliance on or after March 16, 1998. If you have any questions, please call me at 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Office of Environmental Services cc: Ralph Huey, Director of Environmental Services Carl Hemandez, Deputy City Attorney BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT December 22, 1997 Mr. Jeffrey L. Keller n~ cm~ 2809 Hempstead Lane MICHAEL R. Killy Bakersfield, CA 93309 ~MINtSmanVE ~ RE: 3900 Pierce Road in Bakersfield 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 3263941 FAX (805) 395-1349 Dear Mr. Keller: ~r:mON ~-~ Thank you for returning my phone message. As we discussed, the enclosed Hazardous 2101 *H' Street ~k~eU~. Ca 9aa01 Materials Management Plan needs to be completed and submitted to our office prior to January (806) 3264941 15, 1998. Since you explained to me that the business activity at the site involves liquidating the FaX (mS) 395-Ba9 chemical inventory from a former partnership, the plan shall also demonstrate that the hazardous materials which were stored, dispensed, handled or used in the facility have been transported, ~tmno~ ~ner~ disposed of or reused in a manner that eliminates the need for further maintenance and any threat 1715 C~ster Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 to public health and safety. (Reference: Uniform Fire Code (UFC) Sections 8001.3.2 and 8001.11.3). (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 32643576 During my December 15, 1997 inspection of the property, I noticed that, while most of the 55-gallon drums were empty, the several that were still full did not have proper labels with the ENVIRONM~ SEI~%ICE$ 1715 Cne~ter Ave. name of the product, hazard warnings, and the name and address of the supplier. Please properly Bakersfield° CA ~1 label all drums according to the attached regulations. (Ref.: [IFC 8001.7). (805) 3264979 FAX (80,5) 326~576 You may also want to contact a scrap metal recycling company in order to reduce the amount of excess empty drums on site. Any hazardous waste on site should also be diSPosed of . ~NII~K~ DIVISION 5642 Victor Street properly. Please be aware that any deteriorating, unlabeled, or mislabeled containers are Bakersfield, CA 93308 considered "hazardous wastes" by definition. (Ref.: UFC 8001.4.6 and 8001.4.7.3). (805) 3994697 FAX (805) 399-5763 If you need any help in filling out the enclosed Hazardous Materials Management Plan forms, please call our office for assistance at 326-3979. A reinspection will be conducted after January 15, 1998, to verify compliance with these and other code requirements, as applicable. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician Office of Environmental Services attachment: Title 8, Section 5194, Cal. Code of Regulations enclosures: Hazardous Materials Management Plan Forms cc: Pierce Road Properties (w/o) SEN~[:R: I also wish to receive the · Complete items 1 and/or 2 for additional services. · Complete items 3, and 4a & b. following services (for an extra .-~l '~ ' Print¥our'ameandaddress°nthereverseefth'sf°rms°thatwecan fee): return this card to you. · Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space 1. [] Addressee's Address does not permit. · Write "Return ReceiptRequested" onthe mailpiece belowthe article number 2. [] Restricted Delivery · The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date delivered. Consult postmaster for fee. 3, Article Addressed to: 4a, Article Number PIERCE ROAD PROPERTIES C/O CHRIS AND lCtARCL~ JE~SEN 4b. Service Type [] Registered [] Insured 7004 OUTINGDALE DRIVE ~ertified [] COD BAKF. RSFIEI~) CA 93309-27.59 [] Express Mail [] Return Receipt for Merchandise 7. Date of Delivery 5. Signature (Addressee) 8. Addressee's Address (Only if requested and fee is paid) 6. Signature (Agent) ~'PS Form 381 1, December 1991 ~U.S. GPO:~--~-?~4 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE Official Business PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID PAYMENT OF POSTAGE, $300 Print your name, address and ZIP Code here CItY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. OFFICE OF ENVIROI~IENTAL SERVICES 1715 CEESTER AVElflJE SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 Ex-Bakersfield businessman nd cted hazardous waste. FRESNO Aformer Bakersfieidi.i:.ii?. businessman was indicted On charge. Of unlawfully disposing 170 drums of · .:.',.;.. hazardous waste " Jeffrey L. Keller, 39, ihe owner of the' defu OneSo ,' sedof ncr urce is accu ...~.:. - abandoning chemicals at the busin~ site that were corrosive, ignitable or toxic, prosecutors said. ..'- In an indictmignt handed up Thursday by a federal grand jury at U.S. District.;'' Court, Keller is charged with illegal ..;:?:, - disposal of the waste and failure to notifY authorities of the waste. Assistant U.S. A_ttomey Richard J. ~'' .. Cutler, who is prosecuting the case, 'said.' Keller's business bought and sold chemicals to the oil industry. .'" Keller was ordered to appear May 19 for arraignment. He faces a potential '.' sentence of up to eight years in prison and a maximum fine of $500,~ on both counts. . ::; The Bakersfield Californian - Sat., May 1, 1999, Page B2 _ 05]03/99 MON 05:26 FAX 805 393 3834 M P ENVIRONI~IENTAL ~001 MP ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES INC. 3400 MANOR. ST. BAKERSFIELD CA 93308 (661)393-1t51 FAX 393-3834 TOLL FREE ( 800 ) 458-3036 CALIFORNIA-AR IZONA-OKLAHOMA-WASHTNGTON-UTAH FROM: aR.~G BRANDOM DATE ~'~ / ~ / ~ PAGE ONE or :ro: I~OOo/~RD wt~c-~ attachment CC: 05./03/99 MON 05:27 FAX 805 393 3834 ~I P EN¥IRON~IENTAL ~]002 Stot~ c~F cali(oreia.~Enviranmcntal Pra~ectlon ~e~c~ ~ Form ~),~.ed OMB No. ~050-~39 (Expires 9-30-99~.. ~) Se~ Instruction s on bac~ page 6. D,~n~e~ ofTo~c Substonce~ Castro Please print ~r ~. Form d~signcd fat use on e~;le (12-p~p~ri~e~" ; ~cramen~o. CaliFornia : UNIFORM .HAZARDOUS ~. Gcne~o~a,'s us EPA ID No. Moni~es~ D0cumcnt N~. 2. Page 1 in ~e s~aded area, . -.. ~s na~ required by ~ede,al WASTE'MANIFEST ~f [ 3. Gene~tor's Nome and Mailing ~dres~ ....... 390Q PIERCE _~BAKERSFIELD, CA 5. Trans~rter ] Company Name 6. US EPA ID Number ~. Transporter 2 Com~ny ~Om~ O. US ~PA ID Number 9. D~i~natod Faclli~ Nam~ and Sit~ Add,ess lo. us EPA ID Number 5756 ALBA ST LOS ~GELES, CA 90058 1 I. O~ ~T Descdpl[On (Mduding Proper $h;pp;og Name. H~ord C~os~, and ID Numar} 12. Com0iners 13, Total NON RCRA HAZAR~US W'ASTE, LIQUID iS. 5peciolHendlJnglnstrucfi ..... d~dditionalln~ormot;o. 'dEAR PROPER PROTECTIVE EQUIPNENT EHEROENCY PHONE 800-458-3036 .~ . /' ~?~.~. ..,'" P~./~ ..':~ ~ <.~,~'-.~,~,u..=~. ..."' ,.,t~ .... ~-- _~~, , '-' ." '~ I ', ....... . , /' "'/ '~/~-,' marked, and ~el~. and ar~ in o~1 r~specrs in prope~ ~ondifion ~r transpo~ ~y highway aCcording t~ apphcable imerno~;o~ol and naliona~Dovernmen~ r~uJafi~n~ If I a~ ~?rgo quanfi~ g~eralor, I certi~ Ihat 1 ha~e o pr~ram n p ace t~ ~ed~ the volume and lo~ici~ of pr~ch, CaOl~ ~nd rhar [ ~v~?lecied thc ~racfic~le m~th~ d I,eOSm,nL s~oraee, or di~,OI currently avo[labl, to me which minimZzas I~e present and futur~ Ihr~at ~ human h~ah~ . aha rna end,raiment; ~R, ~r I am o ~afl quanh~ generator, I ha~ ~ode o good ~ailh ~arl lg ~iMmlz~ m~ wasle ~ene~ofio~ and select the ~oilable to m, and Ihol I can afford. , ,..(- .. /,.'/.;/;- .'/~ t~; ..' r'~"' '". t, '~'~ "' "'P~':"~' .'. - ...... ' Pr;n~,d/~yp~ N~me [~igna~urc Month D0y Ye0~ iI:,t u{ hazardous matur;als, eu-ered by th;s m0ni{csl excepI as neted ;n Ilem 19. Printed~Vl~N°me~.//,~( , S~gnat ..... Ik40''tk D°y/ ~Teart': '' 1 ,, .-._.~.,.,.,.' , ... ....... ..' · ~' I lO{/ ,,/.-", , DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE. DTSC 8022A (4/9Y) EPA 8700-.22 arran: TRANSPORT[R RETAINS 05f03/99 MON 05:28 FAX 805 393 3834 M P EN¥IRON~ENTAL ~003 . ~' 10. US EPA ID Numbe, 5fOl. f~lli~ ID . - ~.na nsn~r.~, nA ~nn~ Ir:l~l~dnl~lnl~lnlc ~n, ' ~ I I. US ~T Desc~ption l;~l.d;n~ ;,e;e~ Shipp;ng Name. Hat=,d Class, and ID NumSer) 12 Cenmmer, .~ 13, Tolol 14. ~il ' N~ ~ Type , Ovanh,y WI/Vo I. ~as;e Numar ~ 6 (DOOl, FO03, F005) 4~ [~OI, ~m I ~"~6~03F005 I Litled ~. ' K. Hon~ling ~ Im Wastes ti,.d ~ -~ ' !"::' '~'-. · ~-~t .'"' '""': .... -.~ '~,- '" c. d. '~'. =. ,,,.,.,,,, I Primz'd/lyl~c~ Name ~. 17. Oiscre~ncy Indlca~;o~ F C L ? P~nle~/Typcd Nome DO NOT W~ITE BELOW THIS LINE. " '~ · "~c ~o~A ~,'97~ ., . . = Jensen Propezly o Disposal Groups Pierce Rd., Bakersfield No. Result PH tgrfltablttty Other Notes Amt. 400 ,U, ,nkrmwn Orl~anl= 9 non-na..rn~b~e ' ?" . . C.LOR. SOLV, S.TU ~:000 ,t ? $ B.Tank .U,n ,known Orgardo 5 n/a * ? · , POSlBLE PARAFOR_ .MALDEHYDE 0.028 1 ? $ 24 OJl~ $011 & Sawdust n/a fl/a ',E ,-NON-RCRA.S METAL~CHLOFUNATED SOL. 0,750 In w,~oulk3 108 Sand wicontam[nanra n/a n/a °E.NON.R. CRA. S METALS,PCSs, CHLOR. SOLV, 0,5l:10 in w/b~Jr~ ~ 141 ,,,Ferrnakf~le 4 combustible 'OWN PROFILE white pesle-un2213 0.167 $ 475.00 I Melhartol/Elhan<31'/Prop Alco. 7 flammable A.FUEL BLD MEK odor 0.500 2 MethanoVEth~o ,l~PropAlco,, 7 Itammat)le A-FUEL BLD 0.5C~) ._· 3 Chlorober~ene 5 ItamrnaMe A-FUEL BLD 0.667 .EsL Disp ~ 4 Methand/Etl-~anol/Prop Alco. 7 ~ai~,ab;e " A-FUEL BLD ' ' I~I'EK odor I.(XZ) ~ 19~776.34 5 Aoelone 6 ., flammable A-FUEL BLD . ,, 1.000 Wllh Out rs 6 Acetone 6 flammable A-FUEL BLD !.(XX) 400, BT, 7 Melhan°l/E;hanoUProp A~co, . .... 7 flammable A'FUEL BLD marked - isopmpyl a~,, hol 1.000 i 108 & 24 B Acetene 6 flammable A.FUEL BLD 1 · '9 M~hano~E., !,han~l~Prop Nco'.-' 7 Ilarnrnab~, , A-FUEL BED "' MEK odo;' 0,333 I=stim ated lO Methenob~thanol/PropAIoo. 7,, Ilamrnab[e A.FUEL eLD t~CX:X) ,,La, bor/Tran;; 1. t Met~anoL/Elhanob'Prop Aloo.7 flammable A-FUEL BLD 1.000 ~, t0~375.00 12 Me~ha~ol/Ethanel,'Prop A~co, 7 flammable A-FuEL BLD 1..000 13 Acetone 7 flammable A.FU'EL BLD MEK odor "i .OC]O 14 Aoelone 7 garnrnabre............. A-F'UELBI:.,D ME~('odoz .... "' 1.OC]O ' ~,~'~'~'~'~.~~ i6 Turpenline/Unsaturat.ed, 0,, ..... ? A-FinaL.LO 17 Turpenline/U nsaturaled Oil7 oombus'dble A.FUEL BIn marked - safflower oil 22.1 ..... Oil .... nra oombur, lib~ A-FUEL BLD top ph. ,a~e of ~22 0.500 -''- 23 oil n/a c~'~buslllde A-FUEL BLD I,(XX) '- ,e e~et~r/F_~..n.0~'rop ^l°°. 7 ~amrnabre A-PJEL BLO re=keri- iso;xo~ arco~ol O.333 t09.1 I-lydroc. afbon...C, SIoCl0 7 flammable ,,, A4=UELBL6 '' top pl~ase of #109 0.33~ ..... 1,!,4 .... Oil 7 Cemb ,us~rde A-FUEL Bin red liquid . , %000 1' 19 Oil 7 cernbus;ll~e A.FUEL BLD 1 .... 137 , Organ~oSolvent tO flammable A'FUELBLD , , · 1.000 138 Me~ha~ol/Etha~ol/Prop Alto, 1'0 flammable , A-FUEL BID ......... 1,000 157 M~ha~oi/Ethanol/Pmp Al~o, 7 Ilammat~e A. FUEL BLD ..... q .(X)O 158 Organic SolVent ,, 10 Ilammable 'A.FUEL BLD,. , ~ ,CX]O ,,~ JenDispGroup2 1 Seplember 22, 1998 = Jensen Property o Disposal Groups Pierce Rd., Bakersfield No. Re.~ult PH Ignltability O~he~ Nofe~ Amt. 159 Melhanol/Elharm,~q=rop Rico, , 6 flammable A-FUEL BLD 1 .CX~O 163.1 Acetone 7 flammable A-FUEL nm n ' top phase o! #163 0.500 164.1 Acetone 7 namm;bae A-FUEL BLD ' lop ph*~.,of #164 0.500 '165 Organic 8. ervent I0 ~mmable A4=UEL BLD ~olvent oclor 1.000 167 Ac,e{one 9 ~mrnabr,e A-FUEL BLD 1.0C~ 168.1 ,. Soap/De~erge~! 10. non-Ilamma~le A-FUEL BLD top pha~ ~/H68 0,250 168.2 , Unk~..., Organic 10 nonF, I]amrrrabre A-FUEL BLD CHLOR.$O(.V,BTU, 0,250 169.1 'Furpen~lne/U ,t~iurated Oil 7 combusl~. A-FUEL BLD ,. ' ...... top phase o! #1~9' 0.250 173.1 OII 7 combusllb~ A-FUEL BCD top phase of ~173 0.028 Acetone 9 ~mn~sMe -- A.FUEL BLD 1.000 178 MethanoVEthanol~Prop ~loo. g llamrr~bte A-FUEL BLD 1.000 ~ 60 M.e~. anob~tbanr~Prop A~co. 8 ftarnmabfe A-FUEL BID MEK odor" 1 182.1 Acelone 7 flamn~able A-FUEL BLD ... top phas~"of #l~)2 .. 0,5~O I 163.1 Acetone 7 , . flarnmsb]$ A-FUEL BLD lop phase o!#183 0.500 185 .,,Uni~rtown Organ~ 10. oombusllb~e A.FUEt BL, D CHLOR.SOLV,BTU, 1.000 189 Hydrecarbml CS ~o C10 7 Ilamrnabl'e A-FUEL BLO rnmked aa Na~, ha ~ gO Turpentine/Unsaturated Oil 7 ... comtmstibre.. A-FUEL BID I~rpenttne odo~ 0.333 1{)2 .M~anel/E~arml/P~ Ak=. 7 flamtnable A-FUEL BLD marked as MEOH 0,333 I97 Acelone 7 flash, ma, ~e A-FU~L BLD 0..500 198 Acetone g itammab~e A.FUEL BLD ME~( od~ ' 1.O00 , ,lg9 Aoetene 7 ... Ilamrnab~e ..A:F1JEL BLD MEK odor 0.750 200 · Acetone .,, 7 ~amrnabre A4=..UEL e~ .... MEI( odor., 0.750 20,j Acetone 7 flammable A-FUEL BID marked - aoetone 0.750 ... 2C36 Turpenttne~.~nsaturated Oa 7 combu~ble A-FUEL.BID 0.333 _ ~-2tO Acelone ,,, 7 fla.'~,~aMa. A~UEL BLD ma~e~ - MEK t .000 211 Acetoee , 7 .. famrneb~ A4=IJEL BLD MEK odor 212 . Methano~Ethano~.roR A.~o. 7 ~m .n~..bre A4=UEL eLD rnarl~ed. MEK 2 ! 3 Acetone ? flan~rnable A-FUEL BID MEK odin' ~.000 . 2.1,4 , A~!one 7 fl ,a,m, mable A-FUEL BLD MEKodor ~.000 2f$ T .,urp~mfin~u~Ol! 7 oombus~ble , A.FUEL BLD ,, ' ' 0.167 21S .,Acetone 7 namrnaUe A-FUEL eCO ME~ o~or " 218 Methano4/Ethanol/Prop Aim. 7 flammable A~,UlEL I~LD 0.500 21g Aoelort, e ., 7' flammable A-FUEL BID M~K odor "' 1,000 '-~ JenDispGroup2 2 September 22, lgg8 Jensen Property Disposal Groups Pierce Rd., Bakersfield No. Result PH kjnltabllity Other Notes, Amt 221 Unknown .O,r~anlo 9 flammable A-FUEL BLO .C..H. LOR.,SOLV.BTU, 1,i300 222 Acetone 10 flanmlable A-FUEL BLD " tttarked - rne~hartol I.CI00 226.1 Ch~'lnated O[I 7 combtrs~lb~e A-FUEL BLD top phaseol ~ 0.500 229 Me~hanot/F-~ar~VProp A1c°, t0 .,Ilamrnab[e A-FUEL BLD ..... 1.00O 230 Metharm _01~lharmI/Prop Atco. 7 flammabie A-FUEL BLD rna~V, ed - methanol 1.000 232 Acetone 7 flammable A-FUEL eLD MEK o(~or ~ ~ .O00 233 Acetone -' iO flammable A-FU.EL eLO ruH ~, a~on; od~s) 1.0oo 234 Acetone 9 flammable A-FUEL ~m~ 238 Me{hnnol/Ethanol~.mp, Al~'o. 9 flamrnabte A-FUEL BLD 1.000 ~Vac ~) 16bm $ g60.00 239 Acetone 7 t]arn.matee A-FU~'i' BLD ' MEKodor _ 1.000' ' }Crew {;tBhrs ) 96:3.00 2~0 Methano~,.,thalqoUProp ~[co:'.,,, 7 Itarn~abre A-FUEL BLD -'- MEK °do~, 1,000 I '~ 1,920.00 241.1 Turpe~ne/Unsaturated Oil 7 combustible , ,A-FUEL BLD lop p~rase ~#241 , 0,2S0 24! ,2 . ~henol/~lhanol/PmP Alco. 7_, flanmmble . . A4~UEL BLO I:~tom ~* o! ~241 .... O. 243 Acetone 9 fl~nlrnable A-FUEL BLO MEK odor 246 Meihan'°l/Ethan°.l~PrOpAI¢°, _..9.. _~', I1amrnab~e .I A-FUELBLD ....... 247 Acetene 9 flammable A-FUEL BLD I 1.000 250 Ao~on~ 0 ! ~mr~b~ ~.~U~t ~t.~ M£Ko~.r.. !,IXIO 70.ff20 dmm~ 251 MEK 7 flammable A-FUEL BLO ,,. MEK odor 0.500 ,x SSga! perdrum... 21 ~dium Hydroxide .14 n/a B..-CAUSTIC mar~ed L -~ce~ acid O,5CX3 I ILe18.64 116 Sodium H~,, roxide 14, no,n-flamrnel~e B.CAUSTIC ...... 0~7SO ! 17 So,,d,,,,iurn H~Je .... 1 ~ noe-flamrnalt~e B-CAUSTIC ........ 0.750 ! ~8 So.d. iurn ,~ ,. , ,I4 no~.flammab~e B-CAUSTIC ..... 0,750 126 ,I .5~cliurn Hydm~dde 13 .,ri. on-flammable B"cAusT~C ..... 1.CX30 127 Soalp/Dt~r~' 12 ~-flammable B.~AtffiTIC 128 ,,~d, lure Hydm:~de ., 14 ~o~fl~rr~ble .... B~$TIC t29 ...... Soap/Detergent ~ 2 n?nTfl..arnrnabJe It-CAUSTIC , _ am..m0nl, a odo~ .. 0..~33 132 ,Sodium H~, ro,xld,,e,. 14 rmn-llarnmalfle B-CAUSTIC 0.250 ~33 so,lam H~. rc~e ~ 4 ~va e-CAUSTIC st~9 ~r~s o~or ., ~.ooo JenDispOroup2 3 September 22, 1998 densen Property Disposal Groups Pierce Rd., Bakersfield No. Result f~! tgnRablllty ~ O~he~ No~es Arn~ 1~ , ~[um H~ t4 , ,, ~ ,, ~AUST~ ,,, ~ c~ ~or ~ ,~l~m H~e t4 ~m , 8~AUS~c , "' ~ *~ 2~.~ ~ d~ ~ ~1~ ~ ~lum ~e 14 n~ ~AUS~C 0.~ 1~ ~[~ 7 ~bu~l~ C~N~C~ .... ~ !~.., w=. 7 ., ,~>"~br* c~N~c~, 1~ S~~ ,,4 no~mm~le ..,C~N~ .... 0.~ 1~ , ~e~ ~1 ~mm.~e C~N~. ~;d ~m~nd~ ~ ~.~_ , s~,~ .... ~ ~~ c~o,~c~ top ~ ~ . ~~.. 4 ~mm~. c~~ o.~ 1~ ~ , ,4~-fl~ C-~C~ ,. ~ ., O.t~ 147 S~e~ I 0 ~l~ C~N~ 0.~ ~ ~~ -7 ~mm~ ~N~ o~ 1~ . W~ . .. 4 ~flam~e C~C~ , ,*NOTE PH' 0.1~ 1~ W~ 4 no~mable C~ON~C~ M~ - Ar~l~um C~de O~ .~ s~~L.. 6 ~am~ c~a~ . , o.~ JenDis~mup2 4 Se~ember ~, 1998 Jensen Property Disposal Groups Pierce Rd., Bakersfield .N°. Resu# PH Ignltablllty Other Notes Amt. 160 SoapK)ete,,~er~ , I1 non-,,~ammable C4~ION-RCRA , , 161 Soal::u~e~e~t , 9 com]xJstlble C.NON.RCRA 1.(X)D 163.2 So,~.Deter~ent 9 o~,.,b.u, stible .,, C-NON-RCRA .. tx~t~,, phase of #163 . 0.5C0 164,2 Soap/Deter~]ent 9 ooff~buslflfle ,,, C..NON.R. CRA _. bottem phase of #164 0,500 170.. , Water 7 n,on-,fi,=mmable C.NON.RCRA O 171 Water .... 7 n~.?.liammat~ , C-NON ,-RCRA .... ma~d - fonaaktehYde (no ode;) 172 SeapK)eteq~ent .. 3 nomltamrnat~e C-NON.RCRA mafl~ed-oon'oslve/.gluter, a, Ideb~e .. 0.167 173.2 Waler 7 non-gammalx'e C.NON. RCRA botto~ phase ol #17'5 0.02~ 174 ~ Water ~ no~tisrnmab~ C-NON~ 'NOTE PH' 0,667 Wa~er.,, 6* no~-flamr~a ,1~. C-NON-RCRA 0.333 176 Wate~ 7 non.flammable C-'NON'R. CRA 0.500 'J 79 S~p/Delergenl ! 0 hen-flammable C-NON-RCRA !.000 ~,81 Soap/De;ergenl 8 co~lble , C,NON-RCRA t.000 102.2 ., SoepiOe~erge~l 9 combestlbl.e.. C-HO~..RCRA boltom phase o! ~2 O,S~O 183,2, . Soap/Deters, nt 7 co~nbus~bte C..NON-RCRA ....,bottom Pha~,0f#l~3 0,500 .'1. ,84 So?p/Detergenl ,l 7 cembuslfl~e C-NON.-RC..RA .., 0.500 187 Water ..... 7 non-flammable C.NON.RCRA 0.667 188 .,, Water 7 non-flammable C.N.O,N-RCRA ..... $.000 191 Soap/Deler~len! 5 ner~amma~ C-I~, N-RCRA . . 0.333 ,. (~3 ....... So~, p/Detergmt 7 co~, bustible C4~ON.,.~CRA .... marked ~ surfa:clant 202 $oap/Det~gent. . , 7 c.o~bustibl.e.. C-NON. RCRA .... '1.000 2OS S~ap'Oeter ,gent ., ,7 °ombusab;= C-NON-~CRA 0,500 204 Soap/Detergent 7 .... cembus~"b~ C.NON.RORA !.000 205 Seap/Deterg~ 7 oombus~lt~e C.NON.RCRA 0.500 207 ~ $oap/D~.=i ,~,enl .,, .6 ,, cerrlb~=~;;,;e C-NON'RCRA '" 1.000 J C-4.abor + Traits 22D ..... Water 7 non-Ilammstye C.NON.RCRA slight aicehol odor 0.667 IVac {~ 16hfs $ 960.0D 226.2 Waler 4 no~-flamrtmbre C'I~N-RCRA bottom phase ~f #226 " 0.500 IC. rew (~10hrs ,$ f,200,CO 235 ..... Soap/Deterg~t ,., ~0 ._.~mbasl~le .,C.NON.RCRA · ' ma .r~d. -'r. ethanoi . ,1~0C~) 237 Water 9 no~fJammable C~ON.R. CRA 1 242 '" SoaF~e, rge~l 6 non-~JBrnn~ 'a~re C. ,.NOH.RCI~ ..... 0.C~C~ 40! Soel~,te~,.en,.~ 6 ..~mt~stible C'NON-RCRA I,C~0 ~2 Water 6 no~-ITamm ,al~. c'NON'RCRA ..... 0.~ 403 ' Unknown* _ 7 ~embuslib~e C-NON-RCRA organk~, sulfides, cyaflides 0.083 JenDispGroup2 5 September 22, 1998 ~ Jensen Property o Disposal Groups Pie;ce Rd., Bakersfield No~ Result PH Ignltabllity Othe~ Notes Amt. 4o4 Soap~e{ergent ,. ? ! nen-flam..m~de C-NON-RCRA 0.75O C.NON.RCRA 408 S,oa,, pJDe~rgerd 4 no~ltammabre C-NON-RCRA 0.333 3g,504 drums . 410 ,Soep/Oete~el3t 7 non-0amrneble .. C-NON*RCRA 0.66'7 x{~::~al perdrum .. ,411.1 Soap/Detergerd 171 no~.ltammable C-NON.RC.,.R:A rep phase'of~41,,.. I .. , 0.167 2.172,72 gallons 4'41.2 ,Soap/Deterl~fl/ oembusllbie C, .NON-R. CRA, boltom phase, ~f RNII 0.167 $ 2.50 pe~ gallon 1~:2 Bleach 11 nor'flammable F-OXIOIZER41,q bottom 13base of ll-lO~ 0.333 16,431.80 124 Hydrogen Peroxide 4 I n~a F-OXlDIZER41q bubbles in sample container 1.000 al ~-.;- 140 Bteacb I1 .... ilPa F.OXlD~ZER41q, 0.667 6 drums -... 142 O)ddizer ,,U flarr.T, able F-OXi~./?ER41q mltcl oxlclLzer 1,O00 450.00 per drum 153 B~each 11 notl,.l~arnnmble F'~. XIDIZER41q " 169,2 __. Breach 11 ..non-Ilammable ,,,F-OXIDIZER-IIq bo~orn pha~.,. ,el/~'169 0.250 244 Chromic Ackt,. 0 nra F-OXfDIZER. IIq.. p~sitive chromium tes~ 245 Chromic Acrd ! n/a F-OXIOIZER-Uq po, sitive chromium {eM ,. O.OG6 413 Breach t4 n/a F-OXIDI'ZER4Iq,,. no ble~-'h odor - swim. p~,,l hypo? O.100 F-OXlDrZER.solrd f06 Ammonium Salt 7 ,,,,n~, F-OXIDIZER-solid .... selid 1,000 5~al 3 drums .,. 40~ Chlorocyarturate 7 ~ F-OXIDIZER..soIid very ~mr~g oxidizer (s?lld,1 0, !C~O $ 450.00 per drum 412 .... Amrnenlum Sa~_., 4 , n/~ F-OXiDIZER-solid solid 0,333 5gaJ (I,p) $ 1,$$0.~0 .... 416 Amrnonlu.m...perch]orate t 0 n/a F-OXlDI'ZER-eolM O.750 H-CHLOR/SOLV lC6 Unknow~ Organic 7 n/a , ,H,-CHI. ORJSOLV ' CHLOR. S(~4.V, BTU, 1',0C0 5 drums fO7 Unknown Organic ~.7 n/a H-C,,,HLO,,RJSOLV ,, CHLOR. SOLV,BTU, I,O00 $ 250.00 per d,rum 206 ._ T~chlemthane 7 .... flammable ,L H.4;HLOR/$OLV chlodn .a~l 1,1300 $ 'l,2S0~0 ' 236 Trichroreth~_ ene 7 combu~ble H-CHLOR/$OLV 0,167 419 Unknown Organic 7 I~ H-CHLOR/SOLV CHLOR. SOLV,BTU. 0.500 I drum 417 Unknovm Acid 2 tva , I-AClD41q , , METALS,, ,, 1 ,O00 $ , 250.00, per dru,m,, ............ $ 2~0.00 ,, ICrew 20hfs $2,400 ...... ]2-Ton@2m~rs "~ JenDispOroup2 6 September 22, 1098 3400 M; not Street, Bakersfield, Ca., 93308 ............ ...... ~. . ; :~. ! .. ~ds DeACon MP Environmental Sv~ Numar of pages/,cluding ~ver sheet: I~ Howard', Following is the inventory we prepared of the waste materials at the above referenced facility. I have included the' spreadsheet sorted by Safety Kleen profile category and by container number, The "Result" column in each indicates our HazCat test result. The "Other' column in each indicates the Safety KJeen .profile category. Please note that all of the wastes within the "A-Fuel Bid' and "C-Non RCRA" categories were bulked and transported off-site to Safety Kleen in vacuum tankers on 10/15/g8 (with the exception of a minimal number of containerized wastes too thick f~r vacuum loading. These materials will be transported and disposed as individual containers). Feel free to contact me should you, have any questions. Chds DeArmon I00[~ "I¥,Lt~E'J~O~[I.A.N~ & ~ tC~C £6£ ~0~ ~'Y& 0C:~l~ .~ll~I, ~6/0~/0[ o Jensen Property Disposal Groups pierce Rd,, Bakersfield 1 Met~, .n~./E~ha, no4/Prop Alce. 7' flare.hie A~ ~D .,, MEK ~r 2 .~~a~p A~. 7 flammable- . A~EL 8LD ...... 0-~ 3 " C~~e 5 fl~mable A~EL ~D O.~7 ....... , ,, ...... A~EL BLD ME 1.~ 4 ~lh~P~p ~. 7 fl~able..-~ .. 5 A~e 6 ~ma~e ~EL BLO . ~-~ 6 ~e 6 ~ma~ A~UEL BLD' 1 .~ '7 ~h~th~l~,~. 7 fl~m~ , A~u~B~ ,. . "'~r~.~pro~]~ 1.~ .... g ~han~t~o~r~ ~e. 7 ~mm~ ~.BLD M r'- ,. ~ I ~ I1 M~n~t~no~r~ A~. 7' ~mm~b A~UEL B~ 1 .~ ,- ~ 13 A~e 7 ~m~bte A~L B~ K o~ ! .~ o f 4 A~n. 7 ffam~ble -A~U~ ~D MEK o~ I.~ ~ lS Tu~n~u~ Oil 7 c~ible A~U~ ~D mar~- ~ ~ 1.~ ~ c~ble A~ ~D .. ~. ~r oH 1.~ ~ ' ~ 18 ~[~ ~i~ t4 "~a B~S~C 1.~ ~9 ~P, 5 ~-fl~e C~N~ _ ~'r~ ~ FuHu~ AI~;I - 0.~ ~ "~~ 10 ~n-fl~mable,, , ~M~, , , ,. . . , 0,~ 21 Sodium H~'m~ 14 ~ - ~AU~T~ m~ -~c a~.. 0.~ 22.; Oil' ' ~ mm~lb~ '~FUELB~ t~ph~or~ ' ''" O.~ ~ " ..... '' 1.~ ~ ~ Oi ~4 ~lble A~ ~O .............. ~ 24 Oi~ So~ & ~ ' ~ ~ ,, '"~E~'N~ ,.. MET~S,CH~T~ ~L, O,~ ~ 1 ~ ~a~D~g~l 7 bu~e C~O~C~ O.~ ~ ' ", ~GOLV,B~', '" ~ i~ A~nlum S~ 7 . ~a F~XI~R~IM ~lld ~ I~ Sand w/~bmi~; ~a ~ *E~C~ ~ l~.l H~r~n ~to C10 7 ~m~ A~UEL ~ ~ppha~ of Pl~ 0.~ ~ JenD~Gmup2 1 Septembe[ ~, lgg8 Properly Disposal Groups Pierce Rd,, Bakersfield No. ResUl! Pti Ignttablllty Other Note6 knt. ..110 Melhanol/Elha*rl0?,r~ ~c~. 7 I oombu,:JIl?. A.FUEL 9LD ., marked as Ol,ycel Ether , 1il Soap/Oe, ter0ent 7 cembu.~lbre C.NON~CRA,.. , ,, , . -, 0.500 i 12 Water, 7 m~.flamma~ C.NON-~CRA .... 0.3a~ '114 Oil 7 ,, ,c~mb~tlble. A~:UEL BID red I~qu~d,,, 1.000 115 Sodium H~lro~d~ ~4 ~o~41~nm,l~ i~hl~T~ 1t7 8od!u ,m H~r~ids 14 n0,,,,r~am .mable B-CAU$'I~, . , O.'/"J~ ' 1~8 Sodium H~r~xlde 'f4 non-llammable II-CAUSTIC 0.750 ~ 19 OII 7 combuslfl~e A. FUEL BLD .... 1.000 124 Hy~rogert Pero..xide 4 'n/e "F.OXlD~Z ,ER4kI . : I~'b~ In .ample'~lal;"er t,,,.O(X), 125 H~rogen Peroxide 4 n/a F-OXlmZER4~ bul~s ,I,n sample .oonl~, In~r 1,000 no~.flammable B~AUS710 1.000 t27 ,~ap/Detergenl 12 no~-flammable B-CAUSTIO ~2~ Sedlu. rn H),dmx~d'e 14 rmfl-flammaMe B-CAUSTiC ,, O.6~7 t29, $o ,al~e~.~ent 12 non;fla~mable B,~,AUSTIC emm~!.a odor , 0.3~ I:~ ~.o~,.,.~l. er~e~t" I'1, ~n..fla~nmat4e C~.~O,N~RCRA' ~ m~d"*mrr,~nla~n~le~orto~ ~.'250 ~3~ Soe ,p~.er~ent u nonflammable C. ,-~, N4~C,RA , 0.333 i32 So,Jam H~dro~lde 14 n0n. ltammable Ii~CAUSTIC 0.250 133 8odium ~l~dr~!d~.. ~4 l~ ~'~U$11C ...... ".o1[0.~ o[ll~'od~r, . I-.000 '134 Sodium H)Mrc~,. t4 .n~.. ,~ B~AUS71C strong ollrus odor 1,000 136 E-e~__~Detergent 10 non-flarnmab · C.NON.RORA ' ,, ,, : 0,750 '~36 Soap/Detergent 10 non-~mmable C-NO!~!/RG RA i,0O0 i38 anol~th~n~l~rop Noo. ~0 ~ammabI~ ~4~E[ IItIJ~... ._ , , _ . ... .. ~38.1 ' $o .~. eterger~ 7 o0m~ustlbte C-NON-RCRA top-phase of#139 0..~]o 139.2 Soap/De~arflerd ' 9 cem~stible C..NON..RCRA boltom i~h ,ase el ~139 0.6(30 a~ ..... ~,a,h . . . U ....... nt~ ... ~.ox~.aq .. o.~7 t42 O~Jz~ 11 ~mabla F43,XID~ZERalq mild oxidizer 140 s0a-p~, tee~t 4 narvltammabte C.NON-RCRA 0.500 14,1 . . Walm' 6 no~.~mmable C-NON.RCRA ........ O.33~ JenDiSpGroup2 2 September 22., 1998 Pierce Rd., Bakersfield Properly Disposal Groups No, Resul( PH Ignltablllty Olhe~ Notes AmL. ~ 4~ S~pm~ergTe~ 9 c~mb~lb.r. C.,NON-RCRA .... 147' $~ap/D~ergertt 10 corrd~stlb[e C.NON. RCRA . 0.750 148 .$~,..~eteroerd 5 c~mbust!ble - C,....~ON.RCRA ..... 1.000 l~ , s~,~,~em_,,r~ ? .o~..m~,~ C-NO~'~CRA ...... o.~ 150 .... ~r , 4 no~-flammable , C ~-NO~.flCRA .....~. , , ;NOTE PH* ~ '0.:f67 "I5! water 7 ~,o.r~flamrnab~e ' C.NON.RCRA , ,L~.... water , 4 no~.a,.,&,b~. ' ,C. NON~CRA, ,'~.,'~-~.m~.,.'~:.i. ri,., . .. . , ' ., O. S00. . 153 Bleach 11 non-~mmable F.OX!D.iZER4!q - 154 6,Oal~Deterlge~ 7 non-Dammabre. . . ., C.,'~, CRA , Mar,ked- 8~,lum X~ene Sulf~a~e . 0,3~- 155 Soap/Detergerd 6 non-flammabte C,4qON.RCRA. 0,250 156 S0ap/Deterge~t e oo~b~.m6bl~ C"NON-RCRA 0-083 157' Melhml ,(~lharlol/p,r°/A100: '~ 7 flamqmal:de,. ,A'4qJEL:BLD~ . ~.0C]0 159 ' "Methanol/Ethanol/Pro~ AlCO. 8 flarnma~e A-FUEL i~LD 1 .~,~ ~ 6! , $oap~etergent 9 oeml:mstlbie c-NoN-RCRA t,O00 IG~.I Ar, Mene 7 flamrrml~te A4:UEL BLD~ ,. top I~hase~of #163. O.SD0 .164.1 Acetone 7 Itammable A4:UEL m.o tee, pha~,, of#!,~ o.~oo i64.2 Soep/Detergent ' 9 combustible C-NON-RCRA boltom phase of ~.16~, 0.,,~00 166 O~a~io $o1,~., 10 fl~namabla. -., ,_ · i66 Soap/Date~e~ e non. llamnleb~e ~- ' 'J ,0~0 ~'b'7 Acetone * 9 flammable A ,.F,UEL 168,1 ~ml~D~eql~rfl tfl n~n-fl~mn~ A.~UEL 169.2 Bleach I I no~.flammable F-OXIDIZER41q bottom phase of 1~'16~, 0.250 170 Wa~a' 7 non.flammabl~ ..C~ON.RC 173.1 Ol 7 mml~stlUe A.,FUF.~' ELD p~ed#!73 o.o2~ 1T3.2 Water .. 7 .n0T .n,flammatde ,,C"NON'RCRA... boltom ph~e of ~,,1-73 174 Water 4 non.-flammat~ C.I~.RCRA *NOTE PH' 0.667 175 Water , . 0 .0.~m~ JenOispGroup2. 3 September 22, 1998 o Jensen Property Disposal Groups Pierce Rd., Bakersfield No. Resul~ PH Ignltabll;ty Other Notes Am4. 176 YVale; 7 non-flammal~e 'C-NON.RCRA 0,500 177 Aceto~le - 9 flammable A.FUEL BID 1,000 '178 .... 'Methanol/Eib ,an~?. ,~.p Alto. 9 flimmaMe A-FUEL B~L.D '1 179 8,oa~Detegenl 10 non-flammable C.NON-RCRA 1 160 Melhanot/Et ha r~01/P lop Alco. 6 flammable A-FUEL BID M, EK °,d,?[. , 1.000 fSI Seap/Oeterge.l 8 oo.~buse~e C.NON-RCRA 1.000 t82.1 Acetnne. 7 ~lammable A.FUEL BLD. top phase of.#,'16,2 , , 0.500 182.2 $o"~.K), ete.r~enl 9 ~ombu~llble C.NON-RCRA' , bottom ~ase t83.2 ~ap/Ostermnt ..... ? oombt~s,, lible C.NO~,, ,-RC ,RA .bottomph .ass !,~4' ,.~oap~eter.?.~ . 7 , combustible ....... C.NON.RCRA. ,. ~ 0.500 185 Unkn°wn Organic tO cemb~Jstlble A4=UEL BJ.D CHLOR.8OL¥,BTU, 1.00D 187 Water 7 nen-fl~mmaMe C..I~ON,RCRA .... O.667 Water 7 non-flamm~,ble C-NGN.RCRA .... ~ 1, .000 'H ,r,ocarben CS lo C10 Ilammable A4=UEI~ BID marked as ~91 Soap/Detergent 5 nort-flammabre C-NON.ftCRA* 0.333 192 MethanWEIhand/Pmp Atc, o. 7 flammable A'FUEL liiD marled es ME H O.33~3 ~9~ Soap/Oete~l~t .... 7' cornbusliMe . C-NOH-RCRA ' ma~e* as ,!,95 Turpen~n~rated 011, 7 oombus *,lille A-,cuE~ L, BLD ......O'50QT 197 Acetons 7 tiro'mm, hie A-FUEL BLD 0.500 198 Acetone D ftammsflle A-FUEL BID MEK od~r i,OIX) 199 . Acetone 7 fJan~mable p..FUE!. BLD N1EK odor ,, ' 0?30 2~0 'Acetone 7 #amm~bre A4;~.4. mi) MEK 2DI . , A~e~one .... . 7 flammable, ,,. A-FUEL BLD,. marked ~ ~ceto~e ._, 0.75Q 2Q2 6°ap/Delergenl .... 7 c~rnbustlble ¢-NON.RCRA 2(/3 Soap/Delergerfl '7 comt~stibje. ~C.NOfl.RCRA 204 GOeFdDelergerd 7 confl~stible C.NO~.R~IA ~ .C~O 2~6 T~cl~o~v~ane i flar~mab~ ..CHI.OR~SOLV ..... =hl~nated' 208 Turpe~jne/U,'~ 011 . 7 cc~nbuslible A-FUEL BLD 0,333 210 ..... A.,c.~ne . 7 flammable -A.4:UEL BLD m~ed - MEK ! .000 2't I Acetone 7' flammable A.J:UEL BLD MEK odor' 1.000 JenDispGroup2 4 September 22, 1998 Property Disposal Groups Pierce Rd,, Bakersfield No-, Result PH lgrtltabll~ly O1~ I. _ Notes 212. . Methand/Et~anol/Prop Aloo, ? flammable AR:UEL eLD ,marked - MEK 1,000 213 A_~L~. a 7 .flaff~nab)e A-FUEL BLD MEK odor 1.000 214 Acetone 7 flammable, A4=UEL BCD . MEKod~r .... 1.000 21~ TurPenti~eA~nsatufated Oil ? oombuslibte -i A. FUEL BLD O.467 216 A_~_._nfle 7 flammable A4=IJEt. BLD MEK odor 1 "' ;' oP ~ 7 flammable A.FUEL laLD 1.000 218 Methaml/Etha~o~rop 6ico. . 7 llammB~te 'A.FUEL ~,LI) . O.5~)... ~10 , . A.,ce~n8. _ '1 7 flamm~e ..... A.~UL~.BLD MEKod~r 2~ Water 7 ~-flamm~bl, C-NON.80~ ....· ~ ~! ~lool~ o~ " 222 ' Acetone - ll:] flammable - Ad~:L ell) mai~.ed; met~,anot "1,C~;J~ 223 Methanol~than~t/Pr?p AFC0. g fla, .mm. ~,le A-FUEL'gU) ,, mail, ed - memanof l.O00 224 ,?~odlum Hyd~'oxlde , .!4 n/a B.CAUSTIC..'. 'i ..... marked, ca~Uc ~ I~id; 50~' 9.333. ~'~1 Chlorin~ed.Oil 7 combuMl~)le A-FUEL'BLD lop phase o! #226 0.500 2:30 Me4tlenolflElhanotlPro~A!co. ,,, ? fTinlmable ' . A. UELBi~),.'' rnarked-,rnethan~ 1,000 231' Methanol/Elllar~. UProp Aloo; 6 flammable '- A-FUEl. BID mad[ed - methanol ...... 1.(X3D 232 Acetone 7 flammable A.FUEL BLD- MEK odor 1 '233 A~,t0ne IO I. flqmmable A.FUEL BLD ~el' & acetoneoder(s} .1 ,(XX) 234 Acetone 9 ~amm~ble AA: ,J~EL-eLD 1 235 Soap/D ,e~tergent 10 oembuslible C-N0fl-RCRA rnafked- methanol 1 236 Tefchl0v-e~f!ytene 7 ¢ombtratlb~e H,CHLOR/SOLV. 0.167 237 Water g ~.flammabl~ O~ON.RC~ .... ! 239 Acetone 7 flammable A-FUEL BLD. MEK ~ ' ~: 7 flammable A-FUEL BLD ' MEK o, dor '~.O00 241,1 Turpentl.neJUn .saturated oir 7 cornt~stli~. ..... . A4=UEL BLD t~.p,-pheSeof~24! 241.2 Methanol/Ethartol/Ptop Aloo. 7 flammable A.4:UEL BLD bo~lom phase ot ft241. 0,250 2~2 .SoaL~et* ergen! 6 non-Ilammabl~ C4~N~RCRA ..... . -0,066 243 A_ne_!~e 9 flarnmable A.FUEL BLD MEK odor 1 244 Chromic Acid o p./~ , ~ ~mmiam'lest o.066 246 ' ChrOml= AcM I Wa. F.OXID~ZERJkl pos ~ chromium tesl ...... 0,058 JenDispGmup2 5 September 22, 1998 o Jensen Property Disposal Groups Pierce Rd,, Bakersfield 247 ~n* 9 ~mmbie , ~B~ .... ~i MEK 7 fla~a~ :- ~UEL BLD MEK ~or 0.~ ~ ~12 Amino, urn ~ 4 ~ F~XIDIZER~Id t. solid 0.~ ~ ~tembet ~, t ~o , JenDis~mup2. = Jensen Property Disposal Groups Pierce Rd., Bakersfield No. nesull ' gq-I fgnltab~llty Olher Nates 400 Un~ O~mg 9 ~n-fl~ab~ * ? · CLOR~[V,BTU a. Tank Un~-O~n~ ' ~ '' ~ .,. '' ~m~p~'MAmEHY~'" 0.~ '24 Oil. Soil & ~ ~ .,~ ,, ,.,' ' ~C~, -, . , , MET~8,CHLORINATED.. SOL 0.~ 1~ 8a~ wt~m[~ '-Wa ' n~ 'E~0N~C~ ~,~B~ CHAR, ~V, 0.~ 141 F~~,,., 4 ,,, ~m~tble , , *O~FI~ ,, . ~.u~13 ,~.~67 1 M~a~E~a~Pmp A~. 7 ~m~le A~L B~ M~ ~ . 2 ~a~l/E~a.~pmp ~. 7 ~m~ble A*~ Bm O.~ ~ Chlm~ 5 ~m~,~e .... l~ B~ : O.~7 ...... 4 M~a~E~a~Pmp At~, 7 ~m~ble A~L B~ K ~ 1 5 A~ne 6 ~m~ble ,,A~ B~ .... 't.~ 6 A~ 6 ~m~ble A~ B~ , . 7 ~aflo~a~lP~ ~. 7 flammaMe A*U~ Bm ma - ~ ,1~01 8 A~e 6 flammaMa l~U~ ~ t.~ ........... MEK~ ~0' '~o~lhano~ g~ ~ -fl~ ~ ~ ~.~ 11 ~an~lh~nollP~ A~o, 7 fla~ ~UEL ~O 13 ~e ~' 7 fl~ma~ A~UEL ~D MEK ~or i 15 Tu~in~Un~uml~ Oil 7 ~b~le .A~UEL~LD ' m~d- ~ I~ Tu~in~Un~lumt~ Oil 7 ~mb~lble ....~UEL BLO ~d 7 M~r 17 Tu;~ine~n~u~"Oit. 7 ~m~lble, ,,, A~UEL.BLOT.,. m~d. -, mffi~,,, ,.. . .°ll . , 1 ~.I " Oil Wa ~m~lble A~ B~ ~ ol~ 0.~ ~ ' 011 ~ ~m~l~te ~L 8LD ,~ , ~ ~n~n~mp At~. 7 ~m~ble A~L~ -_ ~mA H~r~n-~ b CIO 7 ~m~ble A*~ Bm ~p p~.d elm . o.~ 1t0 M~a~Pmp A~... 7., .?~ble A~UR ~ m~ as Ol~ Emer !J4 . OU 7 ~e A.U~ ~ , ,. red thu[d ~,~ ~'9 .... OD 7 · ~tible A*UR*~D , ' t,~ 121 M~a~E~a~p ~. 7 fla~a~ ~U~ ~D a~l ~ O.~ 137 ~ 8o~1 ~0 flamma~ ~U~ ~D I !57 '~E~a~t~p~o: ''-~ 7 fla~a~ . :, ~UE[BLD ............ ~,~-i 1~ , O~mnl~S~! ?0 ~a~.. A~UEL~LD , , 1.~ JenDis~mup2. I S~ember 22, 1998 ~ densen Properly Disposal Groups Pim, ce Rd., Bmkersfield ~67 A~ g flmm~ A~UEL ~ *. 1.~ 1~ A~one g ~m~ A~UEL~ 1.~ t~ A~ne 9' flamma~e A~U~ ~ MEK'~r 1.~ 1~- ~ne 7 ~maMe A~EL'~D MEK ~or 0.~ ~ -A~ 7 ~a~e A~UEL ~D MEK ~or 0 ~ 213 A~one 7 flmm~ A~E~ n~ ' MEK 0~ ' I i .~ 214 A~one 7 fl~ ~EL B~ MEK O~ 1.~ 215 Tu~ ~ Og m A~ B~ O.167 ~16 ~~oFPmp A~.. 7 ~mm~e A~EL BLD O.~ 2t9" AcUte 7 ~m~le -- r 'A'F~L B~ MEK~or ~.~ Je~Di~pGm~p2 2 8eplember 22~ ~ 998 Pierre Rd;, Bakersfield Properly Disposal Groups No. ReSUlt PH Ignllabllity ~ Othe~ , - ~,~ ~__. ~ N°les AmL 221 Unlmown O~a~lo 9 flammable· A-FUEL BID ~ .... CHLOR.SOLV,BTU,. , , I ~ A~ 10 flamm~.bie. A.FUEL.BU) ...... marked - melharml 1.000 223 Met~anol/EearmT/ProP Ah°. 9 Ilarn'rnable A4:UEL BLD m. ade~..d.-, me~l ,nel 1 226.1 Chlorir?c~d Oil, . 7 con~,ust~"o~ A-FUEL BID t(~p phe~M ,~26 0500 229 Methan~IEIha~o~/Pmp Aico. 10 flarnmal~le A.FUEL BLD 1.000 230 Me~har~l/ElhanoliProp Ak:o; 7 rammabl8 A-FUEL IUD ' - marked- melhanot 1.000 231 Melb..a~.llEIhanollPro~ AY, o. 6 flamm~__~e A.FUELBLD madmd.- melhimot, 1.000 232 ' Acetone ? flamrr~H,, A-FUEL IBLD MEK odor ' ,, -~ ~ 234' Acelone .9 ~rn .n~..b!e A. FUEL IUD , 1 238 Me~ha*n~bhan~, !/Prop Al°o,. 9 fla .r~,aMe ,, A ,-I~'UEL ,BLD . 1.DO0 239 Ace4oee 7 flammable A4~UEL, BLD MEK odor 1 240 'MellranoFElfla~l/Prop Alco, 7 flammaMe A-F~L BLD MEKOdor , 1.000 2,4 I:1 'TU .rl~e, ntine/U~._mted OII ? c=~, I~,-,=.~',~ A.FUEL BLD .t' "I~p phase,o! #24q 0.250 241.2 ' Methanott;ihano/Prop Alco. 7 flammable A.FUEL BLD traitor1 phase of ~241 0.250 243 ' Acetone,, , . g flanmla,ble A-I:UEL, BLD , , MEKOdor 247' ' Ac, et~ne g flammable A. FUEL BID 1.000 248 Melha~ogEIhanol/Pmp AIcp.. 9 fla~nmabl~, ,,, A-FUEL?ID ......... !.000 249 Acetone 9 flamm~!e ..... A.--FUEL B .LD ,,, MEK-odor 1.000 250 Acetone 9 flamm~ A. FUEL BID MEK.o,dor 1.000 25i' ' ' MEK 7~ flamm~i, .... A.~uF~ Bm MEK odor 0.500 406 F~rmald~yde 2 rda A. FUELBLD st,~,.,~ formakfehYde.0dor t 21. ..... Sodium. Hyd~--~d-e 14 nra ..... B-CAUS'11C ~na~l- ace~[o acicl ' 10'~ If5 ' 8edlum Hycim~fe..~ 14" non. flammal3le IB~AUST~ . . 1.000 i15 8edlum :Hyclmxfde 14 eon-flammable B.cAusTiC 0.750. 117 8odlu. m HydmxTde : ~4 flon-fl..mnnl~blSe. IB~AUSTIC ...... .......... _ 0.750 t18 .. . Sedlum Hydn~de 114 ~on-flarnmalge B-CAUSTIC 0.750 128 ~odium H~mxlde 14 noMammable B.,CAUSTIC ..... . 129 _ $oapa:)etergent 12 non-flammable B-CAUSTIC,, ammoRia odor 0,333. !~ ' 'Sodium Hy~r_,~...de 14 nan-Ila_ tamable , B.CAUIITIC 0,250 JenDispOm_up2 3 September 22, 1998 · ~ Pierce Rd., Bakersfield o Jenson Property Disposal Groups No~ Re~ull PN Ignllab~iJly Other . N~es 415 P~umlS~lum H~ 14 ~ B~AU~iC t.~ ~.~ - W~ 7 ~flammable C~O~ b~m pha~ ~ ~ 0.~ ~ '- 0.~ o · JenD~pOmup2 4 Se~ember ~, 1998 ,~ Piexce Rd., Bakersfield o Jensen Properly -Disposal Groups - No. Resull PH Igrdtablrdy ~her Nole,, Ami. 160 Soap~ergerd ll ~o,r~arnmable C-NON4~CRA .... l-1.930 ~6't $~9,q~ergent- 9 .... oo~bustlb!,e C.NON-RCRA.. , ....... ~ 1.000 ~.2. , s~.~e.t 9 -~b~e C.~ON .~CRA ~oUom ph~ o~#~ omo 164.2 ,, So?p/DMeJ'genl 9 o~q..b,~l.e., C.~, ON.RCRA boffo~l,, ph, ase, o,f ~164 0.~00 ~7o wa~ . ? non.~r, ma~ CaON-~CRA , 0~00 t7! Water 7 no~-flamtrmb~e C.NOtJ.RCRA rn~rl~ed- ~'mrmald.eh)tde (11o od0~) 0/]66 173.2.. ! W.a~r 7 nm~.tlemma--h~e C~.O. I~. CRA. , bottom phase of #'1_73 0.028 t74 Water 4 n°~-flqmnmbi'e C.NON.~CRA *NOTE P.H' 0.66'7 t 75 Water 6 n~n-flammable C4JON-.RCRA O.33~ ,~ ............ 0.1m0 .,~ '176 Water 7 r,~n-flammab!e c'NON-RCRA :~ 'i 79 ~,~aptDetergent 10 m~n-f!.amma._.b.re C4~OI~RCRA , ~ 181 ~aP/D~e~l~t 8 c~mbLIs!lb~ C-NON-RCRA o ,.~etmgent 9 ~mbus~ib~ C-NO~-RCRA .m ! ~2 O.500 m ~82.2 ............. ~ 183.2 Soap/Detergent 7 combL_~!_!_h~e C-NON-RCRA' ' ,,b°tt°m phase.of ~q63 ,0.50O r~ -f 84- Soap/Detergent 7 ~, t87 Wate~ 7 nm~flamma~e C-NON.~.CRA 0.667 :~ les Wate~ 7 non.~fia~mable ' C-NON-RCRA 1.000 ~ so~.~erg"nt ~. n=~m.m,.~. C.NON.~CR~~,,. , ,. , 9 ":~,, 193 ,Soap/De~ent ,., 7 cornl~stlble C-NON.RCRA ' ...~,. , . marked_ es surfacta~t 1..000 20~ ~_-~_~DMergeM 7 c,o~.b~b!e C-NON-RCRA 0 500 .~ ,, , .......... "~ 204' $~q:)etergen! 7 ~omb-~h~e C.NON.RCRA . -,c~mbuslible C.NOH.RCRA 01500 ~ ~ $~r~rg~ 7 o~ 207 $~p?De~ergen! .... 6 oomb,.,~hle c.N ,oN.RCRA 1.000 ~ "~:~ w~, 7 r,o,-f~,au.~.. .-.c...m.,-.~"A' ...... ,, ""~,.~(~o~r.... . .., ' 0.~7 ~ w~ o 226.2 r 4 ~n-flammabla C-NON--RCRA bottom ase of/¢226 0.500 OD i-' ~ 227 Water 7 ~on-flaml"~abie ., C-NON-RCRA , . . , 1.000 .,~ 235 s~ap/Detefgent 10 cembustit~ C,..NON'RCRA · marked, me,bared 1.930 ~ .. -I ....... ~. 237 Waier ........ 9..'m3n-.flammable C.4~RA ........ ,,~ i 242 ' Soep/.Detefgenl ~ ' 40f ,Soap,'Deterge~ ' 6 com. b,__,~..ble C.NON,R3CRA 1,~Ju m 402' W,~ 6' ne~_flarnrnable C..NON.RCRA 0.333 ~" September 22, 1998 "'o JenOispGroup2 5 - ~ Jensen Properly Disposal Groups Pierce Rd., Bakersfield No. Result. PH IgnltaMgt~ Other NMe$ Amt. 404 8oap/Dete~lefl! 11 no~llammable C-NON~CRA 0,750 408 SoapCDetergenl 4 non-I~ammab~ C-NON-RCRA 0,333 41i.1 ,S,~etergent 7 rio~-flammable . C.NO~RCRA t~F) phase of ,~41 t. O.167. 411.2 Goa ,1~, eterge~t 'l f cemb~stible C~/ON~ffClR~ bo{tom i~ase*of/~1t1', .... 0'167 !092 ....... -~leech ,,, f 1 nen-flammal~ F.OXllY~ZER41~I bMtom pha~, of/H09 0.333 124 H~Jrogen Peroxide 4 Wa F~XID~ER-II~ bubbles [n..s.am~e~ container 125 H~lm~n Peroxide 4 n/a F-OXiD~ER41q bubbles ~ sample con4alner 1 140 Bleach 11 n/a F-OXIDtZER4kl 0.667 i42 Oxk~er 11 flammable F.OXI[~2ER-IIq mild o~d'~ef %000 15,.~ eBeach 't t nort-flamrnable F4:)XtOIZER41fl. t. ,C~0,, ~ 169.2 O~ch 11 n°r~rnmabl~ F-OXIDIZER-IkI ' bettom phase0f#169 0.250 ~ 244 Chromic Acid 0 Wa F-OXIDIZER. IQ [~msllNe ohrom[~mlest 0,066 :~ 245 Chromic Acid I n/a F-OXU)IZER4kl Ilx~.ilive cl~om[um. ,.~ .est 0,066 o 4i3 Bleach 14 "~da F~XlDIZER4k~ no bleach odor - swim. po~l ~?,, 0.100 ;> '106 Amrrlonlurn Salt 7 rt/a F-OXIDIZIER.aOtM solid 1.000 m 409 Chror~"yanurate 7 rita F-OXIDX'ZER-6e~d very stro~ oxidizer (sol 'kl) o.10o ~ 412 Ammonium ,.~alt 4 tva F, OXIBIZ~R..eolid se r~ O.3~3 :~ 41'4._. 'Ammonium Pm~do~ale !0 n/a F~XI~-~,Mid. ~11arked-'amrmnlum ~pe~u. Ifad, 1.,.o00 416 AmmOnium' PmcNoraie tO 'Wa F,~XIDIZER-eolId,, O. 750 106 Unk~°w~ Or~..nlo 7 Wa. H~HLOR~OLV ,CHt.OR.$OLV, BTU, I.Q~O 107 Unknow~ Organic , , 7 n/a H.CHL.ORtSOLV CHLOR. SOLV, BttrU, 1 ce 236 T~hloreth~ene 7 ! (~mbusi!ble H.CFO.OR/SO~V 0 t67 ~ 410 Unknown'O~ganlc 7. n/a H.CH[OR/SObV cHI-O~ SOLV, BTU 0.500 ~ 419 Unk~o~m Orga~J~ 7 nra H~HLOR/SOLV CHLOR.$OLV,BTU, ' 0~00 ~ 4 Unkrtow~ Acid 2 ~/a METAL~ 1 c~. "~ JenDispGmup2 6 September 22, 1998 L D October 6, 1998 Pierce Road Properties FIRE CHIEF C/O Chris and Marcia Jensen RON FRAZE 7004 Outingdale Drive Bakersfield, CA 93309-2759 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: 3900 Pierce Road in Bakersfield, CA VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 FINAL NOTICE TO COMPLETE CORRECTIVE SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H' Street ACTIONS WITHIN 10 DAYS Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Jensen: PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Our records indicate that the above referenced property is currently Bakersfield, CA 93301 subject' to Corrective Action requirements regarding the illegal storage of VOICE (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 hazardous wastes. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES You were previously ordered by this office on April 22, 1998, "to take 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 COrrective action with respect to hazardous waste, including thc cleanup of the vOICE (805) 326-3979 hazardous waste..." (emphasis added). Sufficient time has been furnished you FAX (805) 326-0576 to make the necessary arrangements for removal and proper disposal of' the TRAINING DIVISION hazardous wastes. 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (805) 399-4697 THEREFORE, PRIOR TO OCTOBER 16, 1998, ALL HAZARDOUS FAX (805) 399-5763 WASTES SHALL BE REMOVED AND PROPERLY DISPOSED OF, in order to avoid legal action, including, but not limited to referral for federal clean up authority under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act should you fail to comply with this Final Corrective Action Order. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, Iii Hazardous Materials Specialist Office of Environmental Services HHW/dm cc: C. D'Armond, MP Environmental R. Martyn, USEPA RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Business Name: ~ 0 -F-~,~,~*-~4 Conta~ Name: ~__.l~)-, ~ ~ Busings Phone: ~ ~ - ~ ( ~ / F~: Insp~or's N~e: Time of C~I: Date': ~/7 ~5 ~ Time: Type of CNI: Incoming [ ] .Outgoing ~ Return~ [ ] Time Required to Complete Activity Cf Min: ? ~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. · Bakersfield, CA 93301 Business Phone (805) 326-3979 · FAX (805) 326-0576 FAX Transmittal COMPANY:I O-~.~,~/~ Q.~t~O FAX No. FROM:I ~a,-'~ COMMENTS: (5~cc-4_s~,c-~.o~ ~ c}~3c)~ ~o~. '5 '~,4-. 07/14/98 16:09 ~805 326 0576 BFD HAZ MAT DIV ~001 *************************** ,$$ ACTIVITY REPORT TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO. 7647 CONNECTION TEL 19164473140 CONNECTION ID START TIME 07/14 16:08 USAGE TIME 01'12 PAGES 1 RESULT OK 07/13/98 MON 14:46 FAX 805 393 3834 M P ENVIR0hrblE~AL ~001 ;... ' "' '.,' ,. '.This wbrk'outliue and'proposal is being.craff~l,to' ~e'flF, Ct'.~hb:'fact !hat'the USEpA is noW :..',:' {nv01Ved in .this project: ! unde~.t.and that th .g6ing.to.~°W'yOu't~'ebmpie~ethis... :' ." ":" ' ": :'.*proje;e}':as long as. it-is dorieS.on' .a' fast track'baSisi.I d~Seussed' thi~'~th"~;ii-.' 'Wines'witl~.the' .' .... · .' Fire Dept: On Friday, 7/.10/9.'8'"He. is.0h vacation today., 0n Friday. I V'er. ballzed, .. · : our. proposed meth0dologyand 'timing. He stated that' the project shOuld.be completed'by - .. ~'. · the.end.of this m0ntk We believe we. can do tfiiS.'.providing'there exists economic and'. . · administrative assistance from you. ' ' ,,~ '. ,.. Curre, ntly there are approx. 171 55gallon drums with materials ia them,'30+ smaller' comaiaers, numerous bags, over 1 O0 empty containers and even some tanks, Please See :. the invemorY provided earlier. Out'intention is to i.d .eh..tifY and .group these containerized ..... · .... materiais , as few ofbulk categories as possible,.' .., ,', " We See.th~. following basic waste groups ( Onlyto be confirmed .via hazcating and' ' ,'hbWOrk ):' ..- 1 tO bins, California ( N0a-RcRA'):haZard0~S Waste buik solids,.whi~h. ','.'. are; 'absorben~ "oily solids, empty, containeitS..( sn!.,ail ), pPE, 'sampling .~pplies and. other -'.250 tO ~O0'empty drums that meet,state and'fed.~F~.. '.empty d..efi, m'fi0ns. These. Will be .... ' :.. ~ked' for .drum recycling after liquids are.PumPed,iht9 tanker loads. .. . .... - 2 t'o 4 bulk'liquid .waste streamS' that are from.the majority' ofindMdUal drums ( atte~-.. ' ~' ."'hazeatingand COmpatibility tests ) .... .;...'..'.: ... - 30.+ individual contahers.that are not. compatible With bulk waste'streams ( oxidizers, acids and Others.).. ". . ., .." AssUming we' start..work as early as tomorrow,'.the'~olloWing represents our timing and . proposed ,'tasks: .:. 07/13/98 MON 14:47 FAX 805. 393 3834 M P ENVIRONMENTAL ~]002 Pierce P~ad Proposal' Page Two 7/13/98 1. Mark a number on all' containers, bags ( groups may have a single numb~ such as; pallets of identical materials ), tanks, etc. ( actual numbering scheme will be in concert with any identifications used by the USEPA) Sample all unknown chemicals and those that may potentially be bulked into a single waste stream with others. Take all samples to our warehouse for hazcating. Alter bazcating and compatibility testing, we will be able to define all waste groups and initiate waSte samples for labwork and profiles to potential disposal facilities. We estimate this task to take 6-8 work days. 2. Package and or repackage all wastes that will not be incorporated into bulk waste streams due to incompatibility or economics. This task also includes cleaning residuals from tanks as necessary and shoveling up co. ntaminated soil spots. This task includes the placement of a rolloffbin for bulk solids, We expect this task to take 3-5 work days. 3. At, er hazcat, labwork and a complete waste profile process; Pump all compat~Ie liquids into tank trucks per approved waste groups. Finalize all other packaging, manifest and transport all site waste to offsite hsTardous waste disposal facilities. We expect this task to take 2-3 work days. Please note much of the above task work will overlap. Exact sampling and analytical rationale may vary contingent on field findings. It is not poss~le at this point to give you a rum cost to complete your project. We can only do this after sampling, analytical and waste profiling is complete. Based on what we have fotmd initially, we believe we can complete tasks 1 and 2 for a cost not to exceed ;Zll,ooo ~. This will bring you to a point where we can give you a final cost for final packaging, transport and disposal fees. We will start this phase of work based on your statement you would provide a , checlc Our work will be on a time and material basis. Any money not expended will be refunded or credited to you. You may .contact our office and ask for l~ftke Wright who is up to speed and willing to discuss the balance of project cost issues with you. I want to stress the need for continuance of this project so as not to jeopardize your initial outlays due to an USEPA takeover for excessive time expenditures. Greg Brandom cz;: Howard H. Wines IH ( less dollar amounts BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT FAX Transmittal COMPANY: ~'~( FAX No: ~-'~ "~'"'f7~ FROM: '~J~~ (--J""~'¢" <J Office of Environmental Services FAX No. (805) 326-0576 · Bus No. (805) 326-3979 1715 Chester Ave. · Bakersfield, CA 93301 BFI Construction Serv c~es P.O. Box 80894 (805] 588-B383 Bakersfield, CA 93380-0894 /=AX 588.8773 6130/98 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. 1715 CHESTER AVE. 3RD FLOOR Invoice No. 15499 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 FENCE IN & OUT $250.00 ~,,~ 42'PANEL FENCE RENT $25.00 Sales Tax s~.81 Pick Up / Delivery Damage Waiver TOTAL DUE $276.81 Location Reference: 3900 PIERCE RD. Rental Period; 6/=0m8 to 7/27/98 3-14'PANELS (42'FENCE) ORDERED BY HOWARD. Please Reference Your Invoice Number with Your Payment Terms: Net 15 Daye Past ~ue Accounl~ S~l~Je¢! t~ Service Ch~e 'f f~2~; Per Monfh (18~ Per'Year) PORT,~BLE TOILE~' 'SERvIcE' iS PROVIDED aT THE OPTION OF THE LESSEE 7/17/98 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. 1715 CHESTER AVE 3RD FLOOR BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Description Amount 42'PANEL FENCE RENT $25.O0 C ~' ?~ ~ '~['~ ':?' ~'~ :~' ' '] TM" ~'~ Sales Tax Pick Up / Delivery Damage Waiver TOTAL DUE Location Reference: 3900 PIERCE RD, Rental Period: 3.14'PANELS (42'FENCE) ORDERED BY HOWARD. Please Reference Your Invoice Number with Your Payment Terms: Nat 15 Days Peet due Account~ 'SubJeat [~ Service charge 1 ~% Per Month (18~ Per Year) PORTABLE TOILET SERVICE IS PROVIDED AT THE OPTION OF THE LESSEE ;00~ ~3NYNI~ ~ 0 3 ogL£g~sOg ~'Y~ 6B:g0 ~ g6/~T/gO BFI Construction Sew ces P.O. BoX 8{)894 (805) 588-8383 Bakersfield, CA 93380-0894 FAX 588.8773 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. 7/31/98 1715 CHESTER AVE, 3RD FLOOR Invoice No. 15822 ,~.-~ BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Description Amount 42'PANEL FENCE RENT $25.00 Sates Tax Pick Up / Delivery Damage Waiver 3900 PIERCE RD. Rental Period: 7/28/9~ to 8/24/98 $-14'PANELS (42'FENCE) ORDERED BY HOWARD. Please Reference Your Invoice Number with Your Payment Terms: Net I$ Days Pa,! du~ ~4Cc(~unts ~/~ct to Service Charge f 1)2% Per Month (?e~ Per Yead PORTABLE TOILET SERVICE'16 PROVIDED AT THE OPTION OF THE LESSEE £00~ ~0~¥~[~ 9 0 3 09~;9g;S0~ X¥~ 00:60 G~ ~lgIl~O 08/24/98 15:25 ~805 326 0576 BFD HAZ MAT DIV ~001 ACTIVITY REPORT TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO. 8099 CONNECTION TEL 5888773 CONNECTION ID START TIME 08/24 15:22 USAGE TIME 02'07 PAGES 4 RESULT OK BFI Construction Services P.O. BOX 80894 ,~ ¢~¢~" (_8?.5,) 5.88-8383 Bakersfield, CA 93380-0894. // .~ ~ .-~ FAX 588-8773 ' /~ ~ 7/17/98 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. ~' / ~n~ ' 15506 1715 CHESTER AVE 3RD FLOOR Invome No. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Description Amount FENCE IN & OUT $250.00 42'PANEL FENCE RENT ' $25.00 Sales Tax $1.81 Pick Up / Delivery Damage Waiver .......................... ~ ........ TOTAL_DUE ..... $27s-;81 Location Reference: 3900 PIERCE RD. Rental Period: 6/27/98 to 7/8/98 3-14'PANELS (42'FENCE) ORDERED BY HOWARD. Please Reference Your Invoice Number with Your Payment · ' Terms: Net 15 Days Past due Accounts Subject to Service Charge I 1/2% Per Month (18% Per Year) PORTABLE TOILET SERVICE IS PROVIDED AT THE OPTION OF THE LESSEE BFI Construction Servic~i) P.O. Box 80894 (805) 588-8383 Bakersfield, CA 93380-0894 FAX 588.8773 6/30/98 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. Invoice No. 15499 1715 CHESTER AVE. 3RD FLOOR BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Description ...... Amount FENCE IN & OUT $250.00 42'PANEL' FENCE RENT ........ $25.00 Sales Tax $1.81 Pick Up / Delivery Damage Waiver TOTAL DUE $276.81 Location Reference: 3900 PIERCE RD. Rental Period: 6/30/98 to 7/27/98 3-14'PANELS (42'FENCE) ORDERED BY HOWARD, Please Reference Your Invoice Number with Your Payment Terms: Net 15 Days Past due Accounts Subject to Service Charge I 1/2% Per Month (18% Per Year) PORTABLE TOILET SERVICE IS PROVIDED AT THE OPTION OF THE LESSEE RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Contact Name: ¢ ~C,) ~(---uCzf_C-~r) L,r%C.~ ~/'. Busings Phone: ~/G · ~ fi ~ - ~ ~ F~: Insp~or's N~e: ~ Time ofC~l: Date: ~~ Time: ~Min: Type of C~I: Incoming ~] Outgoing [ ] Returned Content ofC~l: ~ ~. ~(c~ ~/~ ~ Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. · ]Bakersfield, CA 93301 Business Phone (805) 326-3979 · FAX (805) 326-0576 FAX Transmittal COMPANY: I ~:~ ~- bi~ FAX No. [ ~(~g ._ ZiPS- FROM: ~ L.~, ~rC:-.~ COMMENTS: 06/29/98 08:18 8805 326 0576 Biff) HAZ MAT D!V ~001 *** ACTIVITY REPORT *** TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO. 7445 CONNECTION TEL 8682135 CONNECTION ID START TIME 06/29 08:12 USAGE TIME 05'23 PAGES 7 RESULT OK I BAKERSFIELD - FIRE DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. · Bakersfield, CA 93301 Business Phone (805) 326-3979 · FAX (805) 326-0576 FAX Transmittal COMPANY: I ~d33 FAX No. FROM: "~;~v~ r COMMENTS: 06/26/98 08:17 8805 326 0576 BFD HAZ MAT DIV ~001 *************************** *** ACTIVITY REPORT *** *************************** TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO. 7426 CONNECTION TEL 12094987432 CONNECTION ID U.S.ATTORNEY-FRE START TIME 06/26 08:10 USAGE TIME 07'12 PAGES 7 RESULT OK BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT June 26, 1998 n~om~ Pierce Road Properties ~'Ua~.R. ~U.¥ C/O Chris and Marcia Jensen 7004 Outingdale Drive 2~m 'H' ~t Bakersfield, CA 93309-2759 (805) 32~,1941 F~X¢~'~-~ COMPLETION OF PHASE I CORRECTIVE ACTION AND 2~o~ 'H'~,~ ORDER FOR SITE SECURITY (805) 32~1 F~(~');~-'~W RE: 3900 Pierce Road in Bakersfield · . ~meamo. m~,~e~ Dear Mr/Mrs. Jensen: 1715 (2~)sh~' Ave. t~0~)a~,,~! This letter confirms that the work described under Phase I of the workplan F~xca0~-) a~,~76 prepared and implemented by MP Environmental Services, Inc. has been completed. Thank you for your cooperation throughout this investigation. Your willingness and ms ~n~. promptness in responding to our inquires concerning the hazardous waste on site are ao~,~, ca v&am. greatly appreciated. (805) 1126-09/9 FAX (80~) In order to protect your property from unauthorized entry, it is hereby ordered matn~n~ tnvmon that you establish the following necessary security measures prior to July 3. 1998: ¢~0~)a,~6,7 1) Secure fencing to isolate the .drum storage area from access by other F~x (~0~)~-,~2ta tenants or the public. 2) Post warning signs indicating the presence of hazardous wastes (Reference: Title 22, California Code of Regulations, Section 66265.14). If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Office of Environmental Services HHW/dm 05/28/98 THU 09:00 FAX 805 393 3834 M P ENVIRONMENTAL ~001 MP ENFIR ONMENTAL SER VICES INC. 3400 MANOR ST. BAKERSFIELD CA 93308 (805) 393-1151 FAX (805) 393-3834 From: ,Greg Brandom 5/28/98 Page One of One To: Marcia Jensen, Pierce Road Properties ( via fax ) Re: Project disposition and ctwren.t.inventory. Between 5/14 & 19/98 we performed the following activities at your property: - Reorganize drams of chemicals that were obviously incompatible, such as oxidizers that were stored near flammables._ ~" - We did not perform hazcating but, did perform some ph and visual inspections to determine if drums appeared to be high or low in pix, possibly organic ( oils, fuels, etc. ). We did utilize some package marking and labeling ( when present ) found on sealed, unopened containers. - We consolidated over 60 partial drums of tainted rainwater into a fewer number of drams. Please see the attached 2 page inventory for details. A gross summary is as follows: - I45 55gal drums which are approx. 60% unknown ( except for basic categories ) - 95-100 empties which are mostly 55 gallon sized - numerous drums and bags of unknown white solids - 30+ I-Sgal size containers along with small bottles and jars needing ID - 1 poly tank that has oily solids ( by rear fenceline ) All but a few conta'mers will need to be repacked due to poor condition or D.O.T. incompatibility issues. Since completing the inventory, we have had a couple of potential disposers out to look at thc wastes. We are awaiting responses from the as to the most economical packa~'ng and disposal options. The next Phase of work will require major hazcating. We would like to persue the option to bulk containerize as many compatible wastes as possible. This will reduce the cost of analyzing individual drams for disposal and cut the cost of replacement drums. The easy answer is to expend labor, equip and drum costs to r~pak every thing and then indivldually analyze and dispose of approx. 170-200 drums at a cost of approx. $1,000 each. This cost is prohibitive. Accordingly, we are pressuring the disposers to provide timely responses ..... ~"-- ............. Howard W'mes ~ PIERCE RD WASTE INVENTORY 5119198 MPE QTY IPCKGE' 1GAL SI~E LIQ/S'6LtD DESCRIPTION .......... ~ST SIDE OF GARAGE ...... 14 ~)F .... 55 ~.IQ.. O!LS, FUELS, .SO. LVENTS, RAINV~TER WITH bRG^N, ,q's MOSTLY UNKNOWNS ) .. 52 DM 55 LIQ. SAME AS ABOVE ..... i 3M 55 LIQ q[TRO METHANE FLAMMABLE 1 DM '" 55 LJ~ ~,NTIFREF_.ZE .... '1' DM .... 55 L~Q 3LY~O{..ETHEE .......... 4'DF ..... '55 LIQ .... EDTA (VERSENEi 25 ~)F 55 .IQ' 5-9 PH APEARING TO BE NON oRG.ANIC~.MANY pOSSIBLE...DETER~3ENTS . ..9 DF ' . 55 .iQ'" pH 11-14 C/~USTICL1QUIDS 1 3F 5 ,IQ .... .CAUSTIC_LIQUID . 1 :)F .. 55 ~OLID ~AUSTIC SOLID 2 )F 55 LIQ JNOPENED bXIDIZERS, POOL"CI~EMS ? 5 3F 5 sOLiD ~MMAONIUM PERSULFATEi OXIDIZER'S ....... 4 3ALLET~ 5Or, BAGS SOLID ~ PARTIAI~ P'A~LETS BROKEN BAGS WHITE INORGANIC SOLIDS' AREA ADJACENT TO GARAGE BY FENCE CORNER ......9 ID.?../DM" j ,~5 SOLID D~_¥~=RIORATED C0.N.T~.tNERS WHITE EAAST SIDE OF GARAGE 7D~ ~' SOLID DRy PAtI~¥ CANS IN PICKUP-BED ......... IDF " 20 SOLID ~ARDBOA'RD .DR.U~I. WHITE I~(~WDER '" 6 BA 50~ SOLID WHITE SOL!pS, BROKEN BAGS t DM" 55 !LIQ VIRGIN MOTOR OIL ...... 1 DM 55 SOLID- 'S011.~WASTE OIL '" 1 DM" 55 LIQ WI3 GAL FURFUI~YL ALCOHOL ' "'1DF 55 LIQ ~ 3 PH cA~Js~"IC LIQUID ............. 2 DF 55 LIQ 9 PH'NO.N..ORGANIC LI(~UID ! DF' " 55 LIQ RAINWATER W/TRACE METHYL MERC~ST'~N 1 DM 5 SOLID LU~E GRE~E ......... 1 I~1~ " 5~'L!Q "' WAStE'OIL, WATER ' INSIDE GARAG~ .................. 1 f BA " 50f~ SOLID H~"I~RATED LIME ..... · ' ~3 DM 55 :LIQ SAFFLOWE[~, OIL .... 1 DM ....... 55 LIQ 111. ~R!C...HLOROF~THANE 1 D'I~ 55 LIQ WASTE OIL ............ ~ DM 55 LIQ METHYL ETHYL KETONE ' ' 1DM " 55 LI~I ' HEPTANE 1DF ..... 55 LIQ [soPROPYL ALCOH0'£ ........ 4 3M 55 LIQ ISOBUTYL ALCOHOL METAL DRUM = DM POLY DRUM = DF BAG = BA ~g PIERCE RD WASTE INVENTORY 5/19/98 MPE " INSIDE GARAGE CONTINUED : '"' 1 ~M 55 ~'io THINNER .., 3 DM 55 JO ..... UNKNOWN FLAMMABLE L.I,.QU1D -,~ ..... - ": 3 BA ' 50~ . ,_ SOLID CAUSTIC SODA BEADS ...... -:-- ..... ~ DF $ ,IQ B~'I'TERY ACID :' . . ~5+ VtlSC 1-SGAL JS - UNKNOWN sMALL CONTAINER~- ....... 3 AR~S OF EMPTY CONTAINERS APPROX. 00-100 EMPTIES, MOSTt-¥ 55 OAL SI~ .; . . ..... ., I /' / ..... AREA NEXT TO EAST FENCE LINE IN BACK OF PROPERTY : 1 IDF TANK L ! iI~UND.PoLY TANK .WITH 2-3 DRUMS 'V~3LUME dl5 OILY SOLIDS INSIpE. .: ' . : ..-. -. '.!..' : : BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT May 13, 1998 Fli~E CHIEF MICHAEL R. KELLY ADMINI$1EA11VE$1:I~VIC[$ Mr. Greg Brandom 2101 'H" Street Bakorsfleld, CA933~l MP Environmental Services (805) 326-394 I FAX (805) 395-1349 3400 Manor Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 SUPPI~ION SEi~VICES 2101 'H~ Street 8akersfle~, CA 93301 RE: Phase I of Workplan for 3900 Pierce Road in Bakersfield (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 Dear Mr. Brandom: PI~VENTION SEINICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfleldo CA 93301 This is to notify you that the work plan for the above stated address is (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0~76 satisfactory. Please give this office 5 working days notice prior to the commencement of work. ENVIRONMENTAL SEINICF.$ 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA93,301 Please be advised that any work done that is not performed under direct (805) 326-3979 oversight by this office will not be accepted, unless previously approved. FAX (805) 326-0576 1P, AINING DIVISION If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 326-3979. 5642 Victor Street BokersflelO, CA 93308 C805) 399-4697 Sincerely, FAX (805) 399-5763 Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Office of Environmental Services HHW/dlm cc: M. Jensen 05/12/98 TUE 14:58 FAX 805 393 3834 M P ENVIRONMENTAL ~001 MP ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES INC. 3400 MANOR ST. BAI~R~FIELD CA 93308 (805) 393-1151 FAX (805) 393-3534 From: Greg Brandom To: Howard H.W'mes III/Bakersfield Fire Dept. 5/12/98 Page One of Two via fax $05-326-0576 Re: Scope and schedule for old chemical handling at 3900 Pierce Rd. Attached is a copy of the Workplan Sc~m'~o that was issued to Marcia J~nsen regarding this project. We propose to start and finish Phase I on Thurs/Fri, 5/14&15/95. Results of Phase I w~l be provided to both the client and your office. cc: Marcia Jensen 05/12/98 TUE 14:59 FAX 805 393 3834 M P EN¥IRON1RENTAL ~002 MP ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES INC. 3400 MANOR ST. BAKERSFIELD CA 93305 (805) 393-1151 FAX (805) 393-3834 FROM: GREG BRANDOM To: Marcia Iensen 4/27198 Page One of One ( via fax 631-6573 ) Re: Workplan scenario to categorize, package and organize old chemicals and hazardous materials at 3900 Pierce Rd. The former tenant at the above property has left approximately 200 drums, numerous pallets of broken bags and smaller containers of hazardous materials. The majority of these materials are unknown due to poor or lacking labels. The Bakersfield Fire Department has ordered a hazardous materials management plan which outlines and documents the removal of these hazardous materials. I spoke with Howard Wines, IH who said a phased plan would be acceptable. To that end, we suggest a 3 phase plan to deal with these materials. - Separate all empty containers and drums. A large number of the containers are empty. Th~se will be set aside, away from the others. - Reorganize and perform a ~omplete container inventory. This will 'tell us exactly how many items and what their volume and physical states are. This task will take about two days with a supervisor and two laborers. We will perform this task on a time and material basis, not to exceed~it From this, we will be able to give you a not to exceed quote, for the next phase of work. - Identify broken bagged materials and small containers ( < 5 gallon size ) through a "Hazcat "field method. Properly package these materials in suitable containers. - Hazcat drum materials, transfer materials from bad containers to good ones. - Properly label all containers. Reorganize all containers by compatibility. - Produce a working inventory from which to propose a final disposal plan and cost quote. - Using Phase II inventory and hazcat results, secure price quotes from offsite disposers. The Phase II hazcat results will satisfy the Fire Dept. for properly storing the materials but, may not be satisfactory for end disposer use. The end disposers may require lab tests on some ofthe wastes. - Waste consolidation may occur in Phase IH. This would entail consolidating like, partial drums into others to reduce the number of drums to be disposed. This can only be estimated after a Phase I inventory is complete. - Actual waste removal and disposal should satisfy the Fire Department unless other concerns on their part are raised. BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION REPORT Date: April 23, 1998 Prepared by: Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Violations: Uniform Fire Code (1994 Edition) (Ch. 15.64 M.C. Ord. 3502) 8001.3.2: Failure to submit Hazardous Materials Management Plan 8001.4.7.3: Failure to remove or repair defective containers 8001.7: Failure to properly label individual containers California Code of Regulations, Title 22 66265.34(f)(3) Mislabeled or no labels on hazardous waste containers 66265.171 Containers not in good condition 66265.173(a) Failure to keep hazardous waste containers closed California Health and Safety Code, Chapters 6.5 and 6.95 25201(a) Unauthorized hazardous waste storage 25503.5 Failure to implement a Hazardous Materials Business Plan 25504 Failure to provide a Hazardous Materials Inventory Location: 3900 Pierce Road APN 332-110-07-00 Suspect: KELLER, Jeffrey L. dba: Onesource Chemical 2809 Hempstead Lane, Bakersfield, CA 93309 (805) 837-9652 Land Owner: dba: PIERCE ROAD PROPERTIES Contact- 1: SHAFFER, Robert P. & Marilyn/TR 4120 East Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93308-6117 (h): (805) 322-5532 (w): (805) 324-9701 Contact-2: JENSEN, Chris & Marcia 7004 Outingdale Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93309-2759 (h): (805) 397-6509 (w): (805) 633-7061 Narrative: 12/12/97 Fire Marshal Jim SHAPAZIAN receives citizen complaint from tenant occupying Harley's Hair Salon, also at 3900 Pierce Rd. SHAPAZIAN inspects site and notes "about 100 drums.., some were empty and some were full. Some were marked with flammable labels and some corrosive. There were also two drams marked racing fuel with flammable labels on them next to one building and lying on their sides." SHAPAZIAN refers case to Howard WINES, Hazardous Materials Specialist for follow-up. (Notes on file). 12/12/97 WINES performs property owner search of the County Tax Assessor's rolls. WINES determines property is listed as PIERCE ROAD PROPERTIES with tax statements being sent to SHAFFER, Robert P. & Marilyn, Trustees at 4120 East Drive in Bakersfield. WINES telephones SH^FFER to assertain the responsible party for the drums on site. WINES leaves message on answering machine. 12/15/97 SHAFFER returns call and refers WINES to his sister-in-law, Marcia JENSEN as having been given the property. WINES physically inspects site. (Photos on file). WINES phones JENSEN who conversely told WINES that SHAFFER was responsible for the tenants on site. WINES informed JENSEN that SHAFFER had just been spoken with and refered WINES to JENSEN. At this point, JENSEN discloses to WINES that Jeff KELLER is the tenant and provides KELLER's phone # as 837-9652. WINES explains the nature of the situation on the property and "...explained that this Dept. Would require proof of proper disposition of the drums by the responsible party or else hold the property owners responsible." (Notes on file). WINES telephones KELLER and leaves message on answering machine. 12/19/97 KELLER returns WINES phone call with message given to secretary: "Has the flu this week. He isn't ignoring you. Can you get together Mon. or Tues. next week." (Notes on file). 12/22/97 KELLER calls WINES and conversation is memorialized in letter of Dec. 22, 1997 from WINES to KELLER indicating what is required to demonstrate compliance on site, prior to January 15, 1998, with particular references to the applicable Uniform Fire Codes. PIERCE ROAD PROPERTIES was copied on same letter in care of JENSEN. (Copy attached herewith). 1/20/98 WINES telephones KELLER to ask why the required inventory and Hazardous Materials Plan had not yet been submitted. KELLER replied that he "was still needing to draw a map and was waiting on some labels." WINES informed KELLER that the deadline had passed and that the plan should be turned in that week. (Notes on file). 2/4/98 WINES called KELLER to f'md out why he hasn't submitted the plan and inventory. KELLER said that he's filing for bankruptcy and was holding off on submitting anything unless advised by his attorney, Max GARDENER. WINES puts a call into GARDENER's answering machine which was never returned. (Notes on file). 2/13/98 WINES issues Notice of Violation - Schedule for Compliance to KELLER via Certified Mail. (Copy attached herewith). 3/6/98 Certified Letter of 2/13/98 returned unclaimed. (Letter on file). 3/19/98 WINES reissues Order for Corrective Action - Schedule for Compliance and Notice of Administrative Hearing to both KELLER and JENSEN via Certified Mail and also by First Class mail to KELLER only. 4/8/98 Certified Letters of 3/19/98 returned unclaimed from both KELLER and JENSEN. (Letters on file). 4/10/98 WINES places calls to KELLER, JENSEN, and SHAFFER and leaves messages. SHAFFER returns call and provides WINES with JENSEN's work phone # at Kern Co. Human Services. 4/21/98 JENSEN calls WINES in regards to previous phone message. JENSEN said she had been ill and was undergoing medical treatment on the coast which was why she did not receive notice of Certified Mail. WINES informs JENSEN that the property was in non-compliance, a threat to health and safety, and that the matter needed to be resolved promptly, with the assistance of the City Attorney, if need be. JENSEN objected that she did not receive due notice and requested the courtesy of additional time to resolve the matter. JENSEN indicated that she had contacted MP ENVIRONMENTAL COMPANY to provide an estimate on the site clean up. WINES agrees to meet with the representative from MP and also faxes a copy of the 2/13/98 NOV to JENSEN as an indication of the precise scope of work that would need to be performed to bring the property back into compliance. WINES reissues the Order for Corrective Action with a 30 day extension for compliance prior to May 22, 1998, and mails to JENSEN via First Class Mail and prepares a second copy of the same Order for posting on the property itself. (Copy attached herewith). 4/22/98 WINES meets with Greg BRANDOM of MP ENVIRONMENTAL at the site. WINES provides BRANDOM with a copy of the 2/13/98 NOV as indicating the proper scope of work to be performed. WINES posts the Order for Corrective Action on the property while on site. NOTHING FURTHER AT THIS TIME. Attachments cc: Ralph Huey, Director of Environmental Services U.S. Department of Justice United States Attorney Eastern District of California Federal Building Room 3654 209-498-727~_..-.~ ~~- ~0 L~ ~ ~ dedStatesCourthouse Fax209-498743~ D~ fE'~-~Wd~'j ~ CA.~i.,,.(-. 'O O Str~et Bo, California 93721 ~un, 17, 1998 Howard Bakersfield City - 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Meeting of the Southern Central Valley Regional Environmental Enforcement Task Force Dear Howard: The neXt task force meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, July 8, 1998, at 10:00 a.m. in Bakersfield~ The meeting will be held at the Bakersfiled Bureau of Land Management Conference Room in Bakersfield. Please see the attached instructions for the specific address and room location. If you have the opportunity, please once again canvass your respective agencies for potential cases or issues that could be presented for discussion on the 8th. I hope that your schedule will permit you to attend. If you have any questions or suggestions for investigations you wish to discuss ahead of time, please call me at (209) 498-7407. Very truly yours, PAUL L. SEAVE United States Attorne~ RICHARD J. CUTLER Assistant U.S..Attorney RJC.:ng .Enclosure From: Howard Wines To: Walt Porr Date: 5~8/98 11:11^M Subject: Haz-Mat Violations @ 3900 Pierce Rd. BACKGROUND: Admn. Hearing held today w/property owner who is willing to proceed w/cleanup & abatement. Property owner states her insurance co. is requesting that the former tenant, Jeffrey L. KELLER be criminally or civilly cited for responsibility as well. KELLER has special knowledge of the identity of wastes on site and could therefore reduce the costs for chemical analysis. ISSUE: Whether KELLER can be cited by the City for the waste violations and/or ordered to specifically perform chemical product identification for his participation in the abatement actions? Please advise. CC: Ralph Huey 04/27/9~ ~ON 10:16 FAX 805 393 3834 ~ P ENVIRONI~NTAL ~00~ MP ENFIR ONMENTAL SER VICES INC. 3400 MA.NOg ST. B~S~ELD CA. 93308 (805) 393-1 t$1 FAX (805) FKOM: G~G ~DOM~ To: ~cia ~sen 4/27/98 P~e One of One ( ~a~ 6~1-657~ ) Re: Wor~l~ scene to ~tego~, p~e ~d org~e old ch~c~s ~d h~dous matefi~ at 3900 Pier~ Rd. The fo~ t~t ~ the ~ove prope~ ~ 1~ appro~tely 200 ~, num~o~ p~ets of broken b~s ~ ~11~ ~nt~ of~dous ~te~. ~e ~jo~ of~se mat~ ~e ~o~ ~e to poor or 1~ l~e~. ~c Bak~eld F~ D~~t ~ ord~ a h~rdous ~te~s m~g~e~ pl~ ~ch ouffines ~d ~~s the r~v~ offfiese h~dous mated~s. I spoke ~th ~d ~m~ ~ who ~d a p~ pl~ wo~d be ~~le. To that we ~e~ a 3 p~ p~ to d~ ~h ~ ~t~. ph~e I - Sep~ate ~ emp~ ~~s ~d d~. A l~ge ~ of~e co~s Thee ~ be s~ ~ide, a~y ~m the - R~rg~ ~d pe~o~ a ~l~e ~~ ~V~O~. ~s ~1 tell us e~ly how mz~ ite~ ~d wh~ ~ vo~e ~d ph~ ~tes ~. T~s ~ ~ ~ abo~ ~o d~s ~ a ~pe~or ~d ~o ~bom~. We ~ pe~o~ ~.~k ~ a time b~ not to ex~ ~ From t~, we ~ be ~le to ~e you a not to quote f~ ~ n~ p~se of work. Ph~e H - Iden~ brok~ b~ matefi~s ~d s~ ~ers ( < 5 ~ ~e ) t~o~ a "~t "field m~. ~o~ly p~k~ ~ ~t~ ~ ~1o ~nt~s. - ~t ~m ~t~ ~ ~te~ ~om b~ ~~s to good ones. - ~opedy label ~ ~n~. ~org~ ~ con~e~ by co~a~b~w. - Produce a wor~ ~v~to~ ~om w~ch to ~opose a fin01 &spo~ p~ ~ ~ ~te. - Using Phase H inver~ory and hazcat results, secure price quotes from off:site disposers. The Phase H haze, at results will satisfy the Fire Dept. for properly storing the materials but, may not be ~fi-_~'actory for end disposer use. The end disposers may require lab tests on some of the wastes. - Waste consolidation may occur in Phase Ill. This would entail consolidating like, partial drums into others to reduce the n-tuber of drums to be disposed.. This can only be estimated after a Phase I inventory is complete. - Actual waste removal and disposal should satisfy the Fire Department unless other concerns on their part arc raised. Judy K. Skousen CHIEF ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY Robert M. Sherfy ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEYS Alan D. Daniel Allen M. Shaw Walter H. Pon, Jr. Michael G. AIIford Carl Hemandez Ill CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DEPUTY CITY A~i'ORNEYS Janice Scanlan OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Virginia Gennaro 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Loft A. Aguilar TELEPHONE: 805-326-3721 FACSIMILE: 805-325-9162 April 30, 1998 Pierce Road Properties c/o Chris and Marcia Jensen 7004 Outingdale Drive Bakersfield, California 93309-2759 Re: Hazardous Materials Violations at 3900 Pierce Road in Bakersfield Dear Mr. & Mrs. Jensen: It has come to the attention of this office that your property located at 3900 Pierce Road in Bakersfield, California, is in violation of provisions of the California Health & Safety Code, the California Code of Regulations, and the 1994 Uniform Fire Code with regard to discarded chemical products in unlabeled and deteriorating drums and packaging at said address. The specific violations and remedial actions necessary to return the property to compliance has been' provided to you in the Order for Corrective Action -- Schedule for Compliance and Notice of Administrative Hearing by the City of Bakersfield Fire Department, Office of Environmental Services, dated April 22, 1998. The purpose of this letter is to impress upon you the need to take immediate remedial action. With that goal in mind, I urge you to return the property to compliance through cooperation with the Office of Environmental Services. I must inform you that failure to correct those violations before May 30, 1998 may necessitate legal action, including, but not limited to, misdemeanor' citations and/or injunctive relief. I thank you in advance for'you anticipated cooperation and, should you have any questions concerning the necessary remedial action or require further information, please contact Howard Wines directly at (805) 326-3979. Ve trul y, s, Assistant City Attorney WHP\bsb cc: Ralph Huey, Hazardous Materials Coordinator S:~IRE~LETTE RS~jensen.ltr BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT April 22, 1998 Pierce Road Properties Fll~ CHIEF C/O Chris and Marcia Jensen MICHAEL R. KELLY 7004 Outingdale Drive Bakersfield, CA 93309-2759 ADMINISI~ATIVE SERVICES 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93,301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805)395-1349 ORDER FOR CORRECTIVE ACTION SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE $UPPRF~ION SEI~VICES AND 2101 'H' Street NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING Bakersfield, CA 93,301 (805) 3264941 FAX (805) 395-1349 RE: Property at 3~go0~Pierce-Road-in-Bakersfield-3 PREVENTION SERVICES Dear Mr. & Mrs. Jensen: 1715 Chostor Avo. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 Our records indicate that a hazardous waste, specifically discarded chemical lAX (806) 326-0676 products in unlabeled drums and deteriorated packaging, has been illegally stored, treated ENVIRONMENTAL SEWICES or disposed of upon the above referenced property. 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 YOU ARE HEREBY ORDERED, prior to May 22, 1998 to take corrective (805) 326-3979 FAX (805)326-0,576 action with respect to hazardous waste, including the cleanup of the hazardous waste, abatement of the effects thereof, and any other necessary remedial action. Be advised 11~.AINING DIVISION that all corrective action shall be performed under direct oversight by this office, unless 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 previously approved. (80~) 3994697 lAX (805) 399-$763 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that you have the right to a hearing before the Director of Environmental Services for the Bakersfield Fire Department on Friday, May 8, 1998 at 10:00 a.m. to show cause, if any you have, why this order should not be complied with as scheduled. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey, Director Office of Environmental Services by: Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Office of Environmental Services Posted on Property BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. · Bakersfield, CA 93301 Business Phone (805) 326-3979 · FAX (805) 326-0576 FAX Transmittal COMMENTS: p 0 2 4 "~3~b 8'~ 418 Receipt for Certified Mail No ~nsurance Coverage Provided ~o~ Do not use for Intemefionat Mail (See Reverse) s~ERCE RD PROPERTIES .o~e : $ · 3: Certified Fee 1.1~ Special Delivew Fee Restricted Deliver/Fee to Whom & Date Delivered 1. II Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Oete, and Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage · , ~,e, ,$ 2.5: Postmark or Date STICK POSTAGE STAMPS TO ARTICLE TO COVER FIRST CLASS POSTAGE, CERTIFIED MAIL FEE, AND CHARGES FOR ANY SELECTED OPTIONAL SERVICES (see front). 1. If you went this receipt postmarked, stick tho gummed stub to the right of the return address leaving the receipt attocl~d and present the article at a post office service window or hand it to your rural carrier (no extra chorge). 2. If you do not want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to the right of the return ndd~ess of the article, dote, detach and retain tho receipt, and mail the article. 3. If you want a return receipt, write the certified mail number and your name and address on o return receipt card, Form 3811, and attach it to the front of the orticle by means of the gummed ~ds if space permits. Otherwise, affix to back of article. Endorse front of article RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED adjacent to the number. 4. If you want delivery restricted to the addressee, or to an authorized agent of the addressee, endorse RESTRICTED DELIVERY on the front of the article. 5. Enter fees for tho services requested in the appropriate spaces on the front of this receipt. If return receipt is ;equested, check the applicable blocks in item 1 of Form 3811, 6, Save this receipt and present it if you make inquiry, lO2595-93-z-o478 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT March 19, 1998 Pierce Road Properties c/o Chris and Marcia Jensen 7004 Outingdale Drive m~ CmEF Bakersfield, CA 93309-2759 MICHAEL R, KELLY CERTIFIED MAIL ADMINLgRATIVE SEWICES 2101 'H" Street Bakersfield, CA93301 ORDER FOR CORRECTIVE ACTION (805) 32~3941 SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE FAX (80fi) 395-1~M9 AND NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING SUPPRESSION SERV]CES 2101 'H' Street Bakerslleld, CA 93801 RE' Property at 3900 Pierce Road in Bakersfield (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Jensen: ~WEN~ON SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Our records indicate that a hazardous waste, specifically discarded chemical Bakersfield, CA 93,301 (805) 326-3951 products in unlabeled drums and deteriorated packaging, has been illegally stored, treated FAX (805)326-0576 or disposed of upon the above referenced property. ENVIRONMENTAL SEINICES YOU ARE HEREBY ORDERED, prior to April 10, 1998 to take corrective 1715 Ch~'tor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 9&301 action with respect to hazardous waste, including the cleanup of the hazardous' waste, (805) 326-3979 abatement of the effects thereof, and any other necessary remedial action. Be advised FAX (805) 326-0576 that all corrective action shall be performed under direct oversight by this office, unless nmn~nG ~)nns~on previously approved. 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that you have the right to a hearing before the (805) 399-4697 FAX(80fi) 399-576,3 Director of Environmental Services for the Bakersfield Fire Department on Friday, March 27, 1998, at 10:00 a.m. to show cause, if any you have, this order should not be complied with as scheduled. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey, Director Office of Environmental Services by: Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Office of Environmental Services attachment: file correspondence B A K E R S F I E L D , FIRE DEPARTMENT ' 3(xrO. March 19, 1998 nE cx,[~ 2809 Hempstead Lane M,:~t,. ~"¥ Bakersfield, CA 93309 ADMINISTRAllV~ SE]tVlC:E$ ' ' CERTIFIED MAIL 2101 'H' SITeet (805) 326-3941 FAX (~0~) 3~-1~ ORDER FOR CORRECTIVE ACTION s~,g~.m~ac~ SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE 2101 'H° b'~oot AND ~c~r~a, caqm01 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING (805) 326..,3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 RE: Property at 3900 Pierce Road in Bakersfield 171SC, hmt~Ave. Dear Mr. Keller: (805) 326-3951 FAX (8o5)~2~76 Our records indicate that a hazardous waste, specifically discarded chemical products in unlabeled drams and deteriorated packaging, has been illegally stored, treated ENVIRONMrdqTAL$~iiVICB$ or disposed of upon the above referenced property. 1715 Clleste~ Ave. 8cd(e~sfleld, CA 93301 (805)3264w9 YOU ARE HEREBY ORDERED, prior to April 10, 1998 to take corrective FAX (805) 326..O576 action with respect to hazardous waste, including the cleanup of the hazardous waste, nUaNtN~ D~N abatement of the effects thereof, and any other necessary remedial action. Be advised um wcto~t that all corrective action shall be performed under direct oversight by this office, unless · :,kers~a, cA 9~o~ previously approved. (8135) 3~;~4697 FAX (805) YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that you have the tight to a hearing before the Director of Environmental Services for the Bakersfield Fire Department on Friday, March 27, 1'998, at 10:00 a.m. to show cause, if any you have, this order should not be complied with as scheduled. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey, Director Office of Environmental Services by: Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Office of Environmental Services P 024 368 486 Re ~c~jpt for Certified=Mail. No Insurance Coverage Provided .~..,,~ Do not use for International Mail (See ReyerseY Postage $ .3 2 Certified Fee 1.1( Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing to Whom & Date Delivered I I. Raturr~ Receipt Showing to Whom, Date, and Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage 2. 2 & Fees I Postmark or Date STICK POSTAGE STAMPS TO ARTICLE TO COVER FIRST CLASS POSTAGE, CERTIFIED MAIL FEE, AND CHARGES FOR ANY SELECTED OPTIONAL SERVICES (see front). 1. i! you want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address leaving the receipt attacMid and present the article at e post office service window or hand it to your rural carrier Ion extra charge). 2. if you do not want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address of the article, date, detuch and retain the receipt, and mail the article. .~ 3. If you want a return receipt, write the certified mail ~mber and your name and address on. a return receipt card, Form 3811, and attach it to the front of the article by means of the gummed ends if space permits. Otherwise, off~ to back of article. Eedorse front of article RETURN RECEII~,~ REQUESTED adjacent to the number. 4. If you want delivery restricted to the addressee, or to an authorized agent of the addressee, endorse RESTRICTED DELIVERY on the front of the article. 5. Enter fees for the services requested in the appropriate spaces on the front of this receipt, if return receipt is requested, check the applicable blocks in item I of Form 3811. 6. Save this receipt and present it if you make inquiry, lO2595-93.z-o478 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT March 19, 1998 Mr. Jeffrey L. Keller FII~ CHIEF 2809 Hempstead Lane MICHAELR. KELLY Bakersfield, CA 93309 ADMINIS1RA11VE SEINICES CERTIFIED MAIL 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 ORDER FOR CORRECTIVE ACTION SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE SUPPi~SSION SERVICES 2101 'H' Street AND Bakersfield, GA93301 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING (805) 325-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 RE: Property at 3900 Pierce Road in Bakersfield ~EVENTION SERVICES 1715 Ch~ter Ave. Dear Mr. Keller: Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 Our records indicate that a hazardous waste, Specifically discarded chemical' products in unlabeled drums and deteriorated packaging, has been illegally stored, treated ENVI;ONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. or disposed of upon the above referenced property. Bakersfield, CA 93,301 (805) 326-3979 YOU ARE HEREBY ORDERED, prior to April 10, 1998 to take corrective FAX (805) 326-0576 action with respect to hazardous waste, including the cleanup of the hazardous waste, TRAINING DIVISION abatement of the effects thereof, and any other necessary remedial action. Be advised 5642 Victor Street that all corrective action shall be performed under direct oversight by this office, unless Bakersfield, CA 93308 previously approved. (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that you have the right to a hearing before the Director of Environmental Services for the Bakersfield Fire Department on Friday, March 27, 1998, at 10:00 a.m. to show cause, if any you have, this order should not be complied with as scheduled. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey, Director Office of Environmental Services by: Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Office of Environmental Services P 024 368 5'02' Certified ,Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided ~, Do not use for International Mail (See Reverse) :ss~FFREY I, ~LLER Street end No. 2809 ~S~ ~ ~.S~R~E~ CA 93309 ~°r~iod Fee ~-[0 S~ecial ~livew F~ ReS~[ct~ ~vew ~ ..... Ream Receipt Showing to ~om & Date Del~md [ · [0 RetUrn Receipt ShoWing to Whom, Dote, end Addre~'s Address TOTAL Pos~ge Postmark or Date . STICK POSTAGE STAMPS TO ARTICLE TO COVER FIRST CLASS POSTAGE, CERTIFIED MAIL FEE, AND CHARGES FOR ANY SELECTED OPTIONAL SERVICES (see froul). 1. If you want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address leaving the receipt attachl)d and present the article at a post office service window or hand it to your rural carrier (no extra charge). 2. If you do not want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to the right of the return~.~ address of the ayticle, date, detach and retain the receipt, 8nd mail the article. 3. If you want a return receipt, write the certified mag number and your nome oltd eddl'ess gu a return receipt cord, Form 3811, and attach it to the front of the article by means of the gummed ends if space permits. Otherwise, affix to back of article. Endorse front of article RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED adjacent to the number. 4. If you want delivery restricted to the addressee, or to an authorized agent of the addressee, endorse RESTRICTED DELIVERY on the front of the article. 5. Enter fees for the services requested in the appropriate spaces on the front of this receipt. If return receipt is requested, check the applicable blocks in item 1 of Form 3811. 6. Save this receipt and present it if you make inquiry, lO2595-93-z-o478 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT February 13, 1998 Mr. Jeffrey L. Keller ,.~ c.l~ 2809 Hempstead Lane MICHAEL R, KELLY Bakersfield, CA 93309 CERTIFIED MAIL ADMINISIILMIVE ~ 2101 'H' Sh'eet NOTICE OF VIOLATION - SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE ,. (8o5) 326-3941 FAX(~) 3~1~9 RE: 3900 Pierce Road in Bakersfield SUPPI~S~ON 2101 'H' Street Dear Mr. Keller: Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX ca)39~1~ You are hereby notified that the conditions at the above referenced neannon ~ property are in violation of the following Uniform Fire Code, California Code of Ins Ch~A~. Regulations, and California Health and Safety Code sections enforced through the Bakersfield, CA 93,301 (805) 326-3951 Bakersfield Fire Department pursuant to Bakersfield Municipal Code, Chapter FAX (805) 326-0576 15.64. In my letter of December 22, 1997, you were originally notified of these · ENWZ)NMEN~.Sa~gU requirements and the corrective actions which needed to occur prior to January 15, 1715 Chester Ave. 1998. Bakersfield, CA 9&301 (805) 326-3979 FAX (805)326-0576 Ltl order for the property to be returned to compliance, the corrections needed for each violation shall be performed prior to March 16, 1998. TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street Continued failure to comply will result in formal enforcement actions to be taken. Bakersfield, CA 93308 (80,5) 399-4697 FAX(805) 399-5763 1) Violation of Uniform Fire Code Section 8001.3.2: Failure to submit Hazardous Materials Management Plan as necessary to obtain a Unified Hazardous Materials / Hazardous Waste Facility Permit pursuant to Chapter 6.11 of the California Health and Safety Code. Correction needed: prior to March 16, 1998, please submit the completed plan forms that were previously mailed to you on December 22, 1997. Additionally, pursuant to Section 8001.11.3, the plan shall demonstrate that any hazardous materials which were stored, dispensed, handled, or used in the facility have been transported, disposed of or reused in a manner that eliminates the need for further maintenance and any threat to public health and safety. 2) Violation of Uniform Fire Code Section 8001.7, Violation of California Code of Regulations Section 66262.34: Failure to conspicuously and properly label individual containers, cartons Jeffrey L. Keller February 13, 1998 Page 2 or packages in accordance with the name of the product, hazard warnings, and the name and address of the supplier for hazardous materials, and the accumulation start date and the words "HAZARDOUS WASTE" for any hazardous wastes on site. Corrections needed: prior to March 16, 1998, please properly and conspicuously label all drums and containers of hazardous materials, and provide the additional labeling requirements for hazardous waste. Standard "hazardous waste" labels are generally available through any local safety supply company. 3) Violation of Uniform Fire Code Section 8001.4.7.3 Violation of California Code of Regulations Section 66265.175 Failure to properly remove from service, repair or dispose of defective or open-top .containers containing hazardous materials and hazardous wastes. Corrections needed: prior to March 16, 1998, please have any defective containers repackaged (such as the materials in the deteriorating metal drums and paper bags), any empty containers properly disposed of, and any open top containers properly closed. A reinspection will be conducted on March 16, 1998 to verify compliance with these and other code requirements, as applicable. Enforcement actions will ensue for continued non-compliance on or after March 16, 1998. If you have any questions, please call me at 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Office of Environmental Services cc: Ralph Huey, Director of Environmental Services Carl Hernandez, Deputy City Attorney BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT December 22, 1997 Mr. Jeffrey L. Keller FIRE CHIEF 2809 Hempstead Lane M~X,a[[ ~. KEU.¥ Bakersfield, CA 93309 ~U~MI,IS~a~flVE SERWCES RE: 3900 Pierce Road in Bakersfield 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93,301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395.-1349 Dear Mr. Keller: SUPPRESSION s~mer~ Thank you for returning my phone message. As we discussed, the enclosed Hazardous 2101 'H' Street 8okersfleld, CA 93,~1 Materials Management Plan needs to be completed and submitted to our office prior to January (805) 326-3941 15, 1998. Since you explained to me that the business activity at the site involves liquidating the FAX (80,5)395-1~9 chemical inventory from a former partnership, the plan shall also demonstrate that the hazardous materials which were stored, dispensed, handled or used in the facility have been transported, ~tmnoN SE~C~S disposed of or reused in a manner that eliminates the need for further maintenance and any threat 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 to public health and safety. (Reference: Uniform Fire Code (UFC) Sections 8001.3.2 and 8001.11.3). [805) 326-3951 FAX (805)326-0576 During my December 15, 1997 inspection of the property, I noticed that, while most of the 55-gallon drams were empty, the several that were still full did not have proper labels with the ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES name of the product, hazard warnings, and the name and address of the supplier. Please properly 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 label all drums according to the attached regulations. (Ref.: UFC 8001.7). (80,5) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 You may also want to contact a scrap metal recycling company in order to reduce the amount of excess empty drums on site. Any hazardous waste on site should also be disposed of 1RAINING DIVISION ,5642.Victor Street properly. Please be aware that any deteriorating, unlabeled, or mislabeled containers are Bakersfietd, CA 93308 considered "hazardous wastes" by definition. (Ref.: UFC 8001.4.6 and 8001.4.7.3). (806) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 If you need any help in filling out the enclosed Hazardous Materials Management Plan forms, please call our office for assistance at 326-3979. A reinspection will be conducted after January 15, 1998, to verify compliance with these and other code requirements, as applicable. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician Office of Environmental Services attachment: Title 8, Section 5194, Cal. Code of Regulations enclosures: Hazardous Materials Management Plan Forms cc: Pierce Road Properties (w/o) RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Location: _~c~_~ ~.- ~p ID# Business Name: Con~ N~e: Busin~ Phone: ~3~. ~ F~:' Insp~or's N~e: ~me of Cai: D~e: ~/4, Type of C~I: In.ming [ ] Outgoing ~ R~urn~ [ ] Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Location: % ff 0 0 ~(~.n..c~ Business Name: C3~-h--'~-~ c~ Con~ N~e: ~F~ ~cc~ Busin~ Phone: ~w ~ WCc~ Insp~or's N~e: ~ ~meofC~l: D=e: 2/~Y Time: Type of C~I: In.ming [ ] Outgoing content of c~: ~'~ ~ ~e A~ons R~uir~: ~ ~,/( 0'v~ Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: ? -~f TITLE $ CENEI~L INDUSTRY SAFETY ORDERS § 5194 (~) ~e employer may rely on to comply ~th these r~remenB, ~d~ ~at it meets the c~te~a esta~ ~sh~ ~ t~ sub.etlon. (3) ~e employer sh~ m~e_~e ~tten h~d co~ca~on pro~ av~able, u~n r~uest, to employes, their desi~at~ repre~nta~ves, C~ef, ~d NIOSH, ~ accor~ce ~th the r~remen~ o~S~fion 3~(e). (~ ~ls ~d Other Fo~ o~ W~g. (1) ~e m~ac~er, ~rter, or ~butor sh~ e~e ~at each eon- t~er of haz~do~ subst~ces lea~g the wor~lace ~ la~l~, tagg~ or m~ked ~th ~e foHo~g ~o~a~on: (A) Idenfi~ of ~e h~dom subst~ce(s); (B) Appropriate ha~d w~gs; ~d (C) N~e ~d addre~ of ~e m~aemrer, ~rter, or o~er re~nsible p~. (g) M~ac~ers, ~rters, or ~butors sh~ em~e ~at each con~- er of h~dous subst~ces lea~g ~e workplace is la~l~, ta~, or m~k~ ~ accord~ce ~ t~ s~on ~ a m~er w~eh d~s not ~ct ~ ~e req~remen~ of the H~dom Matefi~ Tr~s~rtaflon Act (18 U.S.C. 1~1 et s~.) ~d re~a~om ~u~ ~der ~at Act by ~e Deponent of Tr~rta- fion. (3) If the h~dom substmee h re~at~ by ~ese orders ~ a ~bstmee- sp~e he~ stmd~d, ~e mmffae~er, ~rter, ~butor, or employer sh~ emure ~at ~e la~ or o~er fo~ of w~g ~ ~e ~ a~ord~ ~th ~e req~emen~ of ~at st~d. (4) ~cept ~ pro~d~ ~ ~fiom 51~ (~ (5) ~d (0 (6) ~e employer sh~ emure ~at each cont~er of h~gdo~ subst~ces ~ the wor~lace h la~l~, tagged, or marked ~ ~e foflo~g ~oma~on: (A) IdenfiF of the h~dom subst~ce(s) cont~ ~ere~; ~d (B) Approp~ate h~d w~gs. (5) ~e employer may me ~, plac~ds, pr~ess shee~, batch ~eke~, o~ra~g pr~M~es, or other such ~tten matefi~ ~ ffeu of ~g la~b to ~du~ stafion~ pr~ess cont~ers, ~ long ~ ~e ~tema~ve me~ iden~es the contacts to w~eh it ~ app~cable ~d conveys ~e ~omafion req~red by ~cfion 51~(0 (4) to ready acce~ble to the employees ~ ~eff work ~ea t~oughout each work (6) ~e employer ~ not r~ed to la~l ~rtable contacts ~to w~ch haz~dom subst~ces ~e ~fe~ed ~om la~l~ cont~ers, ~d whch intend~ o&y for the ~~ate me of ~e employee who ~ffoms ~e ~- fer. (7) ~e employer sh~ not remove or deface e~s~g labels on inco~g contacts of h~dom subst~ces, ~ess the contact is ~e~ately m~k~ ~th the r~~ ~o~afion. (8) ~e employer sh~ emure that la~h or other fo~ of w~g ge leoble, ~ ~g~h, ~d pro~enfly ~splay~ on ~e cont~er, or ready av~able ~ the work ~ea throughout each work s~t. Employers ha~g em- ployees who spe~ other l~ages may add the ~orma~on ~ theft l~age to the matefi~ presentM, ~ long We~. ~4 /? ~.'~ SITE DIAGRAM l .! FACILITY DIAGRAM / Business Name: , Business Address: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME Ut/K- ~)R~o~,t X~ INSPECTION DATE I'Z-'/t~-'dq'7 ADDRESS %'~OO {2t OTcE2- Il.c) PHONE NO. FACILITY CONTACT BUSINESS ID NO. 15-210- INSPECTION TIME .¢ o 4-5' --' ~'L-. oo NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program [21 Routine '~ Combined [21 Joint Agency [2i Multi-Agency 4~ Complaint ~ Re-inspection OPERATION C V COMMENTS Appropriate permit on hand Business plan contact intbrmation accurate Visible address Correct occupancy Verification of inventory materials Verification of quantities Verification of location Proper segregation of material Verification of MSDS availability Verification of Haz Mat training Verification of abatement supplies and procedures Emergency procedures adequate Containers properly labeled Housekeeping Fire Protection Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand C-Compliance V=Violation Any hazardous.?aste on site?: ~ Yqs ~ No Explain: Oxt~$'F~ ot~ ~ u~lg~z.~,l,~d/,~&ll.~ Questions regarding this inspection.'? Please call us at (805) 326-3979 Business Site Responsible Party White - Env. Svcs. Yellow - Station Copy Pink - Business Copy Inspector:. /_,AJt,,d_--~.-q' I CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME .9'c'r*c~ ff,-D p(zo~,'cwy" INSPECTION DATE 1'2-/,5'/':12 Section 4: Hazardous Waste Generator Program EPA ID # U'~ t~---. [~l Routine ~l Combined [~l Joint Agency [~1 Multi-Agency ~l Complaint [~l Re-inspection OPERATION C V COMMENTS Hazardous waste determination has been made EPA ID Number (Phone: 916-324-1781 to obtain EPA ID #) Authorized lkw waste treatment and/or storage Reported release, fire, or explosion within 15 days of occurance Established or maintains a contingency plan and training Hazardous waste accumulation time fi'ames Containers in good condition and not leaking Containers are compatible with the hazardous waste Containers are kept closed when not in use Weekly inspection of storage area Ignitable/reactive waste located at least 50 feet from property line Secondary containment provided Conducts daily inspection of tanks Used oil not contaminated with other hazardous waste Proper management of lead acid batteries including labels Proper management of' used oil filters Transports hazardous waste with completed manifest Sends maniflzst copies to DTSC Retains manifests Ibr 3 years Retains hazardous waste analysis for 3 years Retains copies of used oil receipts for 3 years Determines if waste is restricted fi'om land disposal C=Compliance V=Violation Inspector: ~J r r'a'~---5 Office of Environmental Services (805) 326-3979 Business Site Responsible Party \Vhite - Env. Svcs. Pink - Business Copy RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Location: ID#, . Business Name: Contact Name: Business Phone: FAX: InspeCtor's Name: Time of Call: Date: Time: # Min: Type of Call: Incoming [ ] Outgoing [ ] Returned [ ] Content of Call: .Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION ~ ~00 ~ --re_ ~_ ID# location: Business Name: Contact Name: * ~~- Business Phone: ~ '2.. G - ~ '~ o I FAX: InspeCtor's Name: Time of Call: Date: t ~/I~'/~;'~ Time: o~o # Min: Type of Call: Incoming [ ] Outgoing ~ Returned [ ] Time Required to Complete A~ivi~ ¢ Min: ~0 RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Location: ~ c~r_) ~Ot o'zc e. ID# , Business Name: L)~4- Contact N~e: ~c~ ~ ~c~ Busin~ Phone: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F~: Insp~or's N~e: ~ Time of C~I: Date: /~/~ ~ ~ Time: r~ ~ ~ Min: / Type of C~I: Incoming [ ] Outgoing ~] Returned [ ] Content of C~l: ~ ~ ~ c~/ ~ ~ ~~ ~"~ ~ Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: /~ 1) Property: 4120 EAST DR, BAKERSFIELD CA 93308-6117 C025 APN: 332-141-60-00 Use: LIGHT INDUSTRIAL County: KERN, CA Tax Rate Area: 007-0009 Total Value: $58,161 Census: 5.02 Prop Tax: $808.79 Land Value.'. $12,745 Map Pg: 226-Cl Delinq Tax Yr: Imprv Value: $45,416 New Pg: Exemptions: Assd Yr: 1996 Phone: % Improved: 78% Owner: SHAFFER ROBERT P & MARILYN/TR Mail: 4120 EAST DR; BAKERSFIELD CA 93308-6117 '~'7_'7_ . ~'~'"~- SALES INFORMATION IMPROVEMENTS LAST SALE: PRIOR SALE: Bldg/Liv Area: Transfer Date: 06/17192 10130/90 # Units: Sale Price/Type: # BIdgs: Document #: 66881309 64480682 # Stories: Document Type: GRANT DEED QUIT CLAIM DEED $/SF: 1st TD/Type: Yrblt/Eff: Finance: Total Rms: Junior TD's:' Bedrms: Lender: Baths(F/H): Fireplace: Seller: MILLER ROBERT G Pool: Title Company: CENTURY TITLE & GUARANTY CO. Bsmt Area: Transfer Info: Construct: SITE INFORMATION Flooring: Air Cond: Improve Type: Lot Size: Heat Type: Zoning: Lot Area: Quality: County Use: 3100 Parking: Condition: Bldg Class: Park Spaces: Style: Flood Panel: Site Influence: Other Rooms: Flood Zone: Ground Lease: Phys Chars: Legal: IEXC MR Comments: Copyright © 1996 TRW REDI Property Data Page: 1 of 1 _~ECT PROPERTY INFORMATION 1) Property: 3900 PIERCE RD; BAKERSFIELD CA 93308-4928 C012 APN: 332-110-07-00 Use: STORAGE County: KERN, CA Tax Rate Area: 000-1017 Total Value: $115,880 Census: 5.02 Prop Tax: $1,305.86 Land Value: $59,984 Map Pg: 220-D6 Delinq Tax Yr: Imprv Value: $55,896 New Pg: Exemptions: Assd Yr: 1996 Phone: % Improved: 48% Owner: PIERCE ROAD PROPERTIESlEA Mail: 4120 EAST DR; BAKERSFIELD CA 93308 SALES INFORMATION IMPROVEMENTS LAST SALE: PRIOR SALE: Bldg/Liv Area: Transfer Date: 07/31/78 # Units: Sale Price/Type: # Bldgs: Document #: 50920611 # Stories: Document Type: $/SF: 1st TD/Type: YrbltJEff: Finance: Total Rms: Junior TD's: Bedrms: Lender: Baths(F/H): Fireplace: Seller: Pool: Title Company: Bsmt Area: Transfer Info: Construct: SITE INFORMATION Flooring: Air Cond: Improve Type: Lot Size: Heat Type: Zoning: Lot Area: Quality: County Use: 3790 Parking: Condition: Bldg Class: Park Spaces: Style: Flood Panel: Site Influence: Other Rooms: Flood Zone: Ground Lease: Phys Chars: Legal: -NE4 NE4 S23 T29S R27E / Comments: Copyright © 1996 TRW REDI Property Data Page: 1 of 1 Howard, I received a complaint fi.om a citizen about storage o£drums on a large plot offPierce Road. I went to the location, 3900 Pierce Road, next to Harley's Hair Saloon and about 800 ~'eet east between 2 metal buildings there are about 100 drums setting on the ground. Some were empty and some were full. Some were marked with flammable labels and some corrosive. There were also two drums marked racing fuel with flammable labels on them next to one building and lying on their sides. The property is apparently being rented but I don't know who the owner or manager is. No one was on the premises at the time. Call me to discuss. -3688. Thanks. JMS