HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION FILE #4 December 5, 1995 Ms. Dolores Gough Kern County Environmental Health Services Department 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93301 Dear Ms. Gough: Enclosed please find~__..~ copies of the Problem Assessment Report for Hydrocarbon Contaminated Soil and Groundwater for the Leo Black Estate Property at 3909 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, California. Groundwater samples collected from the four monitoring wells installed at the site contained hydrocarbon concentrations which were below detection limits for all constituents analyzed. WZI recommends that the monitoring wells should be sampled quarterly until four successive quarters of monitoring indicate hydrocarbon constituents below detection limits and the groundwater portion of the site assessment should be closed at that time. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Very truly yours, ,,,~' O. Allen Waggoner /'~× ?/ Staff Geologist JAW/er Enclosure 02060010.035 4700 ST3CKDALE HIGHWAY, SUITE 120 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93309 (805) 326-1112 FAX: (805) 326-0191 4100 WESTHE~MER, SUITE 231 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77027 (713) 877-1149 FAX: (713) 877-1923 WZl ,.c. LEO BLACK ELECTRIC PROBLEM ASSESSMENT REPORT FOR HYDROCARBON CONTAMINATED SOIL AND GROUNDWATER 3909 PIERCE ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA December 4, 1995 Prepared for: Leo Black Estate c/o Ms. Donna Roberts 1004 Lorene Avenue Oildale, California 93308 Prepared by: WZl Inc. 4700 Stockdale Highway, Suite 120 Bakersfield, California 93309 ~ .~ Certified Engineering Geologist' , State of California No. 1818 ~. Exp $-30-q~/..~' Expiration Date: 03/30/96 02060010.032 "~., ~o~: ~ ;J-~' 4700 STOCKDALE HIGHWAY, SUITE 120 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93309 (805) 326-1112 FAX: (805) 326'0191 4100 W_%THEtMER, SUITE 231 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77027 (713) 877-1149 FAX: (713) 877-1923 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................... 1 2.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................ 4 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION ......................................... 6 3.1 Ownership ...................................... 6 3.2 Site Location .................................... 6 3.3 Surrounding Properties ............................. 6 4.0 PREVIOUS SITE INVESTIGATIONS .............................. 7 4.1 1987 WZI Preliminary Site Soil Characterization ........... 7 4.2 1991 WZI Soil Excavation ........................... 8 4.3 1993 WZI Soil Excavation ........................... 8 4.4 Additional Investigations ............................ 10 5.0 REGIONAL GEOLOGIC AND HYDROGEOLOGIC SE'I-I-lNG ............ 12 5.1 Regional Geologic Setting ........................... 12 5.2 Regional Hydrogeology ............................ 12 6.0 HYDROCARBON CONTAMINATED SOIL STOCKPILED ON-SITE ........ 14 6.1 Sampling of Soil Stockpiled On-Site ................... 14 6.2 Analytical Results ................................. 14 6.3 Excavation Backfill ................................ 15 7.0 GROUNDWATER SITE ASSESSMENT ............................ 16 7.1 Monitoring Well Installation .......................... 16 7.2 Monitoring Well Development ........................ 17 7.3 Soil Sampling and Analysis .......................... 17 7.4 Groundwater Sampling and Analyses .................. 19 8.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ....................... 21 8.1 Conclusions ..................................... 21 8.2 Recommendations ................................ 22 9.0 REFERENCES CITED ................. ' ....................... 23 EXHIBITS Exhibit 1 Location Map " Exhibit 2 Site Activity Map Depicting Previous Excavation and Soil Boring Locations on Leo Black Estate and Reed Properties Exhibit 3 Detailed Map of Underground Storage Tank Site Exhibit 4 Cross Sections A-A', B-B' Exhibit 5 Site Plan with Monitoring Wells, Cross Sections, Aeration Pile and Sample Locations Exhibit 6 Regional Geologic Map Exhibit 7 Regional Depth to Groundwater Map Exhibit 8 Regional Groundwater Elevation Map Exhibit 9 Site Specific Groundwater Elevation Map TABLES Table 1 Laboratory Analyses Summary - Soils Stockpiled on Remediation Pads Table 2 Well Development - Water Characteristic Data Table 3 Laboratory Analyses Summary - Soil Samples Collected During Monitoring Well Drilling Table 4 Groundwater Sampling - Water Characteristic Data Table 5 Laboratory Analyses Summary - Water Samples from Monitoring Wells APPENDICES Appendix I Agency Correspondence Appendix II Chain of Custody Documents Appendix III Laboratory Analytical Results for Soils Stockpiled on Remediation Pads Appendix IV Monitoring Well Permits Appendix V Monitoring Well Boring Logs Appendix VI Laboratory Analytical Results for Soil Samples Collected from Boreholes and Drummed Cuttings Appendix VII Laboratory Analytical Results for Groundwater Samples 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY WZl Inc. conducted a soil and groundwater hydrocarb~on contamination site characterization investigation for the Leo Black Estate property located at 3909 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, California. The subject property encompasses approximately 0.92 acres and consists of three contiguous parcels which are reported on Kern County Assessors Parcel Numbers 332- 083-3, 332-083-5 and 332-083-7. The property contains one metal building, and was previously occupied by Leo Black Electric, a business which sold and repaired electrical motors and associated equipment. A 500 gallon underground gasoline storage tank was removed from the site in 1987 and hydrocarbon contaminated soil was discovered beneath the tank site. Previous Investiqations A preliminary site soil characterization was conducted by WZl in July, 1987. Five soil borings were advanced to depths of approximately 15 feet below ground surface and hydrocarbon contamination was encountered to that depth. The soil borings were not advanced to greater depths as groundwater was encountered at 15 feet below ground surface. A workplan was prepared by WZi in 1990 to delineate the vertical and lateral extent of the soil hydrocarbon contamination. Approximately 2700 cubic yards of soil was excavated from the site during January, 1991. Approximately 660 cubic yards of the excavated soil was considered hydrocarbon contaminated and was stockpiled on a remediation pad. Analytical results of soil samples collected from the bottom and sidewalls of the excavation indicated that hydrocarbon contamination was still present in the subsurface. 02060010.032 1 Monitorinq Well Installation Four groundwater monitoring 'wells (MW-1 through MW-4) were drilled on the property to a depth of 40 feet below ground surface during September, 1995. The soil lithologies encountered during the drilling of each well were documented by a WZI geologist and the wells were completed using 2 inch (ID) schedule 40 PVC with the lower 30 feet containing 0.010 inch diameter machine slots. Groundwater was encountered at a depth of approximately 15 feet below ground surface during the drilling of each well. Laboratory analyses for TPHG, TPHD and BTEX were conducted on soil samples collected from a depth of approximately 15 feet below ground surface in wells MW-3 and MW-4 as well as on a grab sample of the drill cuttings from each well. Concentrations of TPHG and BTEX were reported as being below detection limits for all the samples analyzed. Samples of drill cuttings from wells MW-l, MW-2 and MW-4 contained Iow levels of TPHD as diesel and motor oil ranging from 15 mg/kg to 55' rog/kg. These concentrations are interpreted to be associated with minor surface hydrocarbon contamination and KCEHSD granted permission to spread the drill cuttings on the surface of the site. Groundwater samples were collected from each well and analyzed for TPHG, TPHD and BTEX. Concentrations of TPHG, TPHD and BTEX were all reported as being below detection 'limits for each of the groundwater samples. No additional soil investigation or excavation is recommended for the subject property. Groundwater monitoring wells should be sampled quarterly until four successive quarters of monitoring indicate hydrocarbon constituents below detection limits. 02060010.032 3 _ 2.0 INTRODUCTION WZI Inc. has completed a soil and groundwater hydrocarbon contamination site characterization investigation for the Leo Black Estate property located at 3909 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, California. The property is part of the Leo Black Estate which is administered by Mr. Tom Gilbert and Ms. Donna Roberts. The property was formerly the site of Leo Black Electric, a commercial/industrial business which sold and repaired electrical motors and associated equipment. A 500 gallon underground gasoline storage tank was removed from the site in 1987 and hydrocarbon contaminated soil was found to be present. Hydrocarbon contaminated soils were excavated from the site during previous remedial action operations conducted in 1991 and 1993 and hydrocarbon contaminated groundwater was discovered beneath the site in 1993. No groundwater site characterization was recommended to be conducted for the Leo Black Estate property at the time the WZI report was prepared based on the knowledge that an area of approximately 25 square miles of this portion of the city of Bakersfield is underlain by contaminated groundwater from a number of significant industrial sources which include nearby oil refineries. The California Regional Water Quality Control Board- Central Valley Region (CRWQCB-CVR) was petitioned by counsel representing the Leo Black Estate to release the Leo Black Estate from having to conduct the groundwater portion of the site characterization because of the area-wide groundwater problem. The petition was based on the precept that the Leo Black Estate was a very minor contributor, if any, to the regional degradation of the groundwater compared to the significantly larger potential source points in the vicinity such as oil refineries. The CRWQCB-CVR staff elected to not issue a waiver to excuse the Leo Black Estate from conducting a groundwater site assessment of the property. In correspondence dated February 9, 1995 (Appendix I), Kern County Environmental Health Services Department instructed the Leo Black Estate to proceed with the groundwater phase of the site characterization. A workplan was prepared by WZI outlining the scope of work 02060010.032 4 for a final soil and groundwater site assessment investigation and submitted to KCEHSD in February, 1995. The workplan was approved by KCEHSD in correspondence dated April 10, 1995 (Appendix I). This report outlines the soil and groundwater site assessment work and soil remediation results of the hydrocarbon contaminated soil that was previously stockpiled at the site. In this examination, WZI has assumed the legal capacity of all legal persons, the genuineness of all signatures, the authenticity of all documents submitted to WZl as originals, the conformity to original documents of all documents submitted to WZl as certified, photostatic copies, or telecopies, and the authenticity of the originals. In examining of documents, WZl assumed that all parties had the power, governmental or otherwise, to enter into and perform all obligations under such documents, have further assumed' the due authorization by all requisite action, governmental or otherwise, of the execution and delivery by all parties of such documents, and have further assumed the validity and binding effect of such documents against all parties in accordance with the terms thereof. As to any facts, material to the opinions expressed herein which were not independently established or verified by WZl, oral or written statements and representations of the Leo Black Estate and its representatives were relied upon. Unless otherwise stated, WZl has not made independent investigation or inquiry into the accuracy or completeness of the documents and information supplied to WZl. The members of WZI are State of California Registered Environmental Assessors, Registered Engineers and Certified Engineering Geologists. WZl expresses no opinion as to disciplines, subjects and practice areas outside those specifically enumerated in the first sentence of this paragraph. Further, WZI expresses no opinion herein as to any matters of California law or federal law. 02060010.032 5 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION 3.1 Ownership The property is owned by the Leo Black Estate. The Leo Black Estate is administered by Mr. Tom Gilbert and Ms. Donna Roberts. 3.2 Site Location The property is located at 3909 Pierce Road, in the city of Bakersfield, California (Exhibit 1). The property encompasses approximately 0.92 acres within Section 23, Township 29 South, Range 27 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian. The property is reported on Kern County Assessors Parcel Numbers 332-083-3, 332-083-5 and 332-083- 7. 3.3 Surrounding Properties The property is located immediately to the east of State Highway 99 in a predominantly industrial/commercial area. The site is bounded to the east by Pierce Road and to the north by a vacant lot. Prior to being vacant, the property immediately to the north of the site was utilized as a truck refueling facility. Two houses and a shop area are located immediately to the south of the site. Numerous businesses are located near the Leo Black Estate site which are known or potential sources for soil and/or groundwater contamination. These include petroleum refineries and diesel truck maintenance and refueling operations. 02060010.032 6 4.0 PREVIOUS SITE INVESTIGATIONS A 500 gallon underground gasoline storage tank was installed in the northeast corner of the property, immediately adjacent to the northern property boundary in 1956. The tank was taken out of operation in 1985 when Leo Black Electric discontinued operations. The tank was removed by McNabb Construction on February 10, 1987 and significant hydrocarbon contamination was found at depths of 2 and 5 feet beneath'the base of the tank. A site characterization workplan was then requested by KCEHSD to be prepared for both soil and grOundwater. 4.1 1987 WZl Preliminary Site Soil Characterization WZl conducted a preliminary site soil characterization during July, 1987. A copy of the report of this investigation was provided to KCEHSD. Five soil borings were advanced to a depth of approximately 15 feet below ground surface in the immediate vicinity of the former underground storage tank location. Soil samples collected from the borings were analyzed for total volatile hydrocarbons, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene. In addition, the soil samples were analyzed for oil and grease content. The soil samples were submitted to a California certified analytical laboratory for analyses. Analytical results reported for the soil samples indicated the presence of hydrocarbon constituents at maximum levels as follow: total volatile hydrocarbons (10,075 mg/kg); benzene (31.55 mg/kg); toluene (909 mg/kg); ethylbenzene (323 mg/kg); xylene (2,005 rog/kg); and oil and grease (858 mg/kg). The soil borings indicated that approximately 600 cubic yards of hydrocarbon contaminated soil were present in the subsurface beneath the former underground storage tank location to a depth of at least 15 feet below ground surface. The soil bOrings were not advanced to any greater depth because groundwater was encountered at approximately 15 feet below ground surface. This depth to groundwater is consistent with Kern County Water Agency (KCWA) reports for the period of 1986 02060010.032 7 which indicated very shallow groundwater to be located in this portion of the city of Bakersfield (KCWA, 1987). 4.2 1991 WZI Soil Excavation A workplan to delineate the vertical and horizontal extent of the soil hydrocarbon contamination on the Leo Black Estate property was developed by WZl in 1990. This workplan was designed to remove the identified contaminated soil by excavation and at the same time complete the delineation of the vertical and horizontal extent of the hydrocarbon contaminated soil. An attempt was made at that time to gain access to the property located immediately north of the site which was then owned by Grossman's Inc. with the intent of evaluating the presence of hydrocarbon contamination that may have extended onto the property from the Leo Black Estate site. No access agreement was made between the parties. Approximately 2,700 cubic yards of soil was excavated from the subsurface of the Leo Black Estate property during January, 1991. Approximately 660 cubic yards of the excavated soil was considered to be contaminated by hydrocarbon compounds. The hydrocarbon contaminated soil was stockpiled on a remediation pad located on the west end of the parcel. The remaining clean soil was stockpiled adjacent to the excavation. Analytical results from soil samples obtained from the sidewalls and bottom of the excavation indicated that additional hydrocarbon contaminated soil was still present within the subsurface. 4.3 1993 WZl Soil Excavation An amended site characterization workplan was submitted to KCEHSD during 1993 to remove the remaining hydrocarbon contaminated soil from the Leo Black Estate property and the adjoining Reed property (formerly Grossman's Inc.) located immediately to the north. This workplan was approved during March, 1993 and an agreement was made 02060010.032 8 between the Leo Black Estate and the owners of the Reed property to allow access for excavation and remedial action operations. All of the hydrocarbon contaminated soil removed during the 1991 remedial action was sampled for hydrocarbon content. All soil samples from the remediation pad were reported to be below analytical detection limits. Approval was granted from KCEHSD to use the remediated soil as backfill for future operations. The additional excavation of hydrocarbon contaminated soil was conducted by WZI between July 26 and August 6, 1993. The maximum areal extent of the excavation extended approximately 30 feet north of the property line onto the Reed parcel. A total of 3,000 cubic yards of clean and hydrocarbon contaminated soil was removed during the 1993 excavation effort. Approximately 1,000 yards of this soil consisted of - hydrocarbon contaminated soil. This soil was removed from the excavation and stockpiled on remediation pads constructed on the Leo Black Estate property. The vertical extent of the hydrocarbon contaminated soil was found to be present from approximately 15 feet below ground surface to a maximum depth of 45 feet below ground surface immediately below the former underground storage tank location. Analytical results from the soil samples collected from the deeper portions of the 1993 excavation were reported to have the folloWing hydrocarbon constituents: total petroleum hydrocarbon as gasoline (430 mg/kg); benzene (below analytical detection limits); toluene (below analytical detection limits); ethylbenzene (below analytical detection limits); and xylene (below analytical detection limits). In addition, total petroleum hydrocarbon as diesel fuel was reported at maximum concentrations of 680 mg/kg. Groundwater was present in the bottom of the excavation at a depth of approximately 45 feet below ground surface. The water appeared to have a brown color with a petroleum sheen on the surface and a strong hydrocarbon odor. A single grab sample of the groundwater was collected. Analytical results from the groundwater sample were reported to contain the following hydrocarbon constituents: total petroleum hydrocarbon 02060010.032 9 as diesel fuel (2,300 pg/I); benzene (beLow analytical detection limits); toluene (below analytical detection limits); ethylbenzene (below analytical detection limits); x'ylene (280 fig/I); and total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (2,300 pg/I). The 1993 WZl report concluded that all significant hydrocarbon contaminated soil had been removed from the subsurface of the Leo Black Estate property and the adjoining portion of the Reed parcel. The KCEHSD concurred with this assessment in correspondence dated September 30, 1993 (Appendix I), and no additional soil excavation was required. The locations of the 1987 soil borings and limit of the 1993 soil excavation are shown on Exhibit 2. The location and analytical results of the soil samples collected during all of the investigative efforts are depicted on Exhibit 3. Analytical results and the projected limits of the original subsurface gasoline contamination are depicted on the cross-sections, Exhibit 4. The cross-section locations are depicted on the Site Plan, Exhibit 5. 4.4 Additional Investigations In addition to the numerous groundwater contamination source sites in the vicinity of the Leo Black Estate property, it was discovered during 1994 by WZI personnel that the adjoining Reed parcel, then owned by Grossman's Inc. was the former site of a truck refueling facility and had also been the subject of at least one soil and groundwater site investigation. WZI personnel discovered in 1994 that Krazan and Associates had drilled four soil borings and one temporary monitoring well on the Reed parcel during August, 1991. Two additional borings were drilled on the Reed parcel by Krazan and Associates in September, 1991. The locations of the soil borings and temporary monitoring well drilled by Krazan and Associates are depicted on Exhibit 2. 02060010.032 10 _ The analytical results for the soil samples and groundwater sample collected from the boreholes drilled by Krazan and Associates indicated hydrocarbon concentrations that were below detection limits except for two samples which contained minor oil and grease concentrations of 43 ppm and 24 ppm at a depth of 20 feet below ground surface. The temporary monitoring well was abandoned prior to July, 1993. Two 8,000 gallon gasoline and diesel underground storage tanks were removed from the subsurface of the Reed parcel on September 27, 1991 by Kern Environmental Services under the direction of AquaGeosciences Inc. and under the oversight of the Bakersfield ' City Fire Department. Analytical results from soil samples obtained from under the tanks located on the Reed parcel were either below detection limits for hydrocarbon constituents or were reported to be below 1 mg/kg. A closure letter was issued by the ' - City of Bakersfield Fire Department to Grossman's Inc. on October 7, 1991 based on the analytical data. No further action was required to be taken by Grossman's Inc. 02060010.032 11 5.0 REGIONAL GEOLOGIC AND HYDROGEOLOGIC SETTING 5.1 Regional Geologic Setting The site is located within the Kern River alluvial fan system. The area is underlain by up to 3000 feet of the Kern River Formation which is comprised of a series of gravels, sands, silts and clays of Plio-Pleistocene age. The terrain is essentially flat with an average elevation of approximately 405 feet above Sea level. The regional geology in the vicinity of the site is shown on Exhibit 6. The soil lithology directly beneath the site consists of medium to coarse grain sand with minor silt and pebbles. 5.2 Regional Hydrogeology During the site investigation conducted in July, 1987, groundwater was encountered at a depth of approximately 15 feet below ground surface in boreholes. During the excavation of July - August, 1993, groundwater was reached at a depth of approximately 45 feet below ground surface. The drop in groundwater levels during this time period is compatible with the regional drop due to drought conditions. The regional depth to groundwater and groundwater elevation above sea level for this time period are shown on Exhibits 7 and 8. The regional direction of groundwater flow in the area of the site is to the west and northwest at that time. The groundwater flow direction varies depending upon recharge from the Kern River, recharge ponds and withdrawal from groundwater wells. Groundwater was encountered at a depth of approximately 15 feet below ground level beneath the site during the installation of four groundwater monitoring wells in September, 1995. The rise in groundwater levels since the 1993 excavation at the site is probably due to increased precipitation, and several sources of groundwater recharge near the site including the Kern River located approximately 3000 feet to the southeast, the Kern 02060010.032 12 County Water Agency storage ponds located approximately 2000 feet to the northwest and the Calloway Canal located approximately 800 feet to the north. According to water levels measured in the groundwater monitoring wells installed in September, 1995, the direction of groundwater flow beneath the site is to the southwest (Exhibit 9). 02060010.032 13 6.0 HYDROCARBON CONTAMINATED SOIL STOCKPILED ON-SITE 6,1 Sampling of Soil Stockpiled On-Site Approximately 3000 cubic 'yards of clean and hydrocarbon contaminated soil was removed during the 1993 excavation effort. Approximately 1000 yards of this soil was contaminated with hydrocarbons. The hydrocarbon contaminated soil was removed from the excavation and stockpiled on two remediation pads which were constructed on the Leo Black Estate property. The remaining soil was used to backfill the excavation. A total of six soil samples were collected from the remediation pads on June 22, 1995. Four samples were collected from the remediation pad located in the northwest area of the site and two samples were collected from the remediation pad located adjacent to the building in the central area of the site. The sample locations are shown on Exhibit 5. Soil samples were collected for chemical analysis in brass tubes, each 2 1/2 inches in diameter and 6 inches long. The sample tubes were labeled and the ends covered with aluminum foil, caped with plastic and secured with plastic tape. The samples were stored on ice pending delivery with Chain of Custody documents (Appendix II) to Sherwood Laboratories in Hilmar, California, a California certified laboratory. 6.2 Analytical Results Soil samples collected from the remediation pads at the site were analyzed for the following: 02060010.032 14 Analysis Method Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline (TPHG) (EPA Method 8015M) Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Diesel (TPHD) (EPA Method 8015M) Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylene (BTEX) (EPA Method 8020) In addition, two samples were analyzed for soluble lead. Laboratory analytical results of the soil samples collected on June 22, 1995 are presented in Appendix III and summarized on Table 1. Concentrations of TPHG and BTEX for all six samples were reported as being below detection limits. The analysis for TPHD indicated Iow levels of diesel and motor oil contamination ranging from 5 to 39 ppm. These concentrations are interpreted to be associated with minor hydrocarbon surface staining. Concentrations of soluble lead were below hazardous levels for the two samples analyzed. The laboratory analyses for the stockpiled soil were forwarded to KCEHSD and permission was granted by KCEHSD to use the stockpiled soil as backfill in a correspondence dated July 10, 1995 (Appendix I). 6.3 Excavation Backfill Backfilling of the remaining excavation at the site was conducted by general contractor Gerald Smith of Bakersfield, California. On-site soils which were stockpiled on the remediation pads were used as backfill material and additional soil was imported to the site to complete the backfill operation. 02060010.032 15 7.0 GROUNDWATER SITE ASSESSMENT 7.1 Monitoring Well Installation Four groundwater monitoring wells (MW-1 through MW-4) were drilled to a total depth of 40 feet below ground surface on September 20 and 21, 1995. Prior to drilling, well permits were obtained from KCEHSD (Appendix IV). The locations of the monitoring wells are depicted on Exhibit 5. The wells were drilled and completed by Melton Drilling of Bakersfield, California with a Mobile B-53 drilling rig using 8 inch diameter hollow stem augers. All drill cuttings were placed in steel drums. The soil lithologies encountered during the drilling of each well were documented by a WZl geologist and a log of each borehole was prepared (Appendix V). The boring logs include a record of the lithology penetrated, sample locations, organic vapor meter readings and a detailed well construction diagram. The wells were completed using 2 inch (ID) schedule 40 PVC with the lower 30 feet containing 0.010 inch diameter machine slots. The annular space surrounding the casing was packed with #3 Monterey sand from depths of approximately 40 feet to 7 feet below ground surface. A two foot thick bentonite plug was placed above the sand and the remainder of the annulus of each well was backfilled to the surface with cement. The installation of the cement seal for each well was observed and approved by Dolores Gough of KCEHSD. A cast aluminum utility box was placed over each well head and set in a concrete pad which was constructed to be slightly above the surrounding grade. The utility boxes were secured with watertight steel covers which are held in place with countersunk bolts and each wellhead was fitted with a locking cap. 02060010,032 16 7.2 Monitoring Well Development Following installation, the groundwater monitoring wells were developed utilizing a Failing mud rotary rig. Water was removed from each well by blowing it out of the well bore using compressed air. The wellbore volume was calculated to be approximately 3.7 gallons. A total of approximately 100 gallons of water was purged from each well (27 well volumes). The temperature, conductivity and pH of the purged water was recorded during the well development and is included on Table 2. All water purged from the wells was stored on-site in steel drums. Upon completion of the development, the wells were allowed to stand for five days prior to sampling to allow remaining sediment to settle out. 7.3 Soil Sampling and Analysis Soil samples were collected at 5 foot intervals from depths of approximately 5, 10 and 15 feet below ground surface in monitoring well MW-3 because of the proximity to the site of two underground storage tanks which were removed from the adjacent property located immediately to the north of the site. Soil samples were also collected at depths of approximately 5, 10 and 15 feet from monitoring well MW-4 as no subsurface data had previously been collected at this location on the property. Samples were not collected from monitoring well MW-1 as it was drilled and completed in the imported fill. Samples were also not collected from monitoring well MW-2 because of the shallow depth to groundwater and the location of the well outside of the area of previously excavated contamination. The soil samples were obtained from the boreholes using a standard split spoon sampler which was fitted with three brass tubes for collection of undisturbed samples, each 6 inches long and 2 1/2 inches in diameter. The split spoon sampler was driven into the soil beneath the borehole auger resulting in an 18 inch soil core which accurately reflects the composition and condition of the formation being sampled. The number of blows 02060010.032 17 _ required to drive the sampler 18 inches was recorded on the borehole logs (Appendix V). Prior to collecting each sample, all sampling equipment including the brass tubes and the split spoon sampler were washed with Trisodium Phosphate (TSP) and water, then double rinsed with water. Upon recovery, the samples were visually inspected and screened with an organic vapor meter (OVM) for hydrocarbon vapors. The middle sample tube was retained for laboratory analysis as it generally had the best sample recovery. Samples of the drummed cuttings from each of the monitoring wells were also collected in brass sample tubes for chemical analysis. Upon recovery, the ends of each of the sample tubes were covered with aluminum foil, capped with plastic caps and secured with plastic tape. The tubes were then labeled with waterproof ink and the labels covered with plastic tape. All soil samples were stored on ice pending delivery to Sherwood Laboratories with proper Chain of Custody documents (Appendix II). The soil samples collected near the top of the groundwater in boreholes MW-3 and MW-4 at a depth of approximately 15 feet below ground surface and the soil samples collected from the drummed cuttings were analyzed for the following: Analysis Method Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline (TPHG) (EPA Method 8015M) Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Diesel (TPHD) (EPA Method 8015M) Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylene (BTEX) (EPA Method 8020) Laboratory analytical results of the soil samples collected from the boreholes and drummed cuttings are presented in Appendix VI and summarized on Table 3. 02060010.032 18 Concentrations of TPHG and BTEX were reported as being below detection limits for all the samples analyzed. Low levels of diesel and motor oil, ranging from 15 mg/kg to 55 mg/kg, were detected by the TPHD analysis of the drummed soils from boreholes MW-l, MW-2 and MW-4. These concentrations are consistent with Iow levels of diesel and motor oil contamination detected in the samples collected from soils stockpiled on the remediation pads. These concentrations are interpreted to be associated with minor hydrocarbon surface contamination which is common at the site. 7.4 Groundwater Sampling and Analyses Groundwater samples were collected from monitoring wells MW-l, MW-2, MW-3 and MW- 4 on September 29, 1995. All samples were collected from the wells using disposable plastic bailers. Prior to collecting samples, the elevation of each well head was measured with a theodolite and the water depth in each well was measured to within .01 inches. Approximately 15 gallons of water (approximately 4 well volumes) was bailed from each well. Temperature, conductivity and pH of the bailed water were measured and recorded to establish stability of the water conditions. These measurements, as well as the water level measurements, are included on Table 4. All of the bailed water was stored on-site in steel drums. Water samples from each well were poured from the bailer into 40 mi. glass VOA's and glass 1 liter amber bottles which were obtained from Sherwood Laboratories. The sample containers were stored on ice and transported to Sherwood Laboratories in Hilmar, California with proper Chain of Custody documents (Appendix II). 02060010.032 19 The following analyses were conducted on each groundwater sample: Analyses Method ' - Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline (TPHG) EPA 8015M Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Diesel (TPHD) EPA 8015M Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylene (BTEX) EPA 8020M Laboratory analytical results of the groundwater samples collected from the monitoring wells are presented in Appendix VII and summarized on Table 5. Concentrations of TPHG, TPHD and BTEX were all reported as being below detection limits for each of the groundwater samples. 02060010.032 20 ~1 ~NC 8.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 8.1 Conclusions The conclusion of this investigation are summarized as follows: 1. A former underground storage tank was responsible for gasoline contamination of soil and groundwater beneath the northeast area of the former Leo Black Electric site. A total of approximately 5700 cubic yards of clean and hydrocarbon contaminated soil was removed from the Subsurface during excavations conducted in 1991 and 1993. A total of approximately 1660 cubic yards of hydrocarbon contaminated soil was stockpiled on remediation pads constructed on the Leo Black Estate Property. 2. All hydrocarbon contaminated soil removed and stockpiled from the 1991 excavation was sampled for hydrocarbon content. All soil samples were reported as below detection limits and the remediated soil was approved for use as excavation backfill by KCEHSD. 3. The maximum areal extent of the soil excavation extended approximately 30 feet north of the property line onto the adjacent Reed parcel. All significant hydrocarbon contaminated soil was removed during the 1993 excavation. 4. Hydrocarbon contaminated soil removed and stockpiled from the 1993 excavation was sampled for hydrocarbon content. Concentrations of TPHG and BTEX were reported as below detection limits for all of the samples. The samples did contain minor concentrations of diesel and motor oil varying in concentration from 5 ppm to 39 ppm, which is probably associated with hydrocarbon surface staining. All of the stockpiled soil from 02060010.032 21 the 1993 excavation was remediated to acceptable levels for use as 'excavation backfill. KCEHSD concurred with this conclusion and all of the stockpiled soil was used as backfill material. -~- 5. The depth to groundwater has risen from approximately 45 feet below ground surface to approximately 15 feet below ground surface since the time of the 1993 excavation. Groundwater elevations measured in the four monitoring wells indicates the groundwater gradient is to the southwest. 6. Groundwater encountered at a depth of 45 feet beneath the site during the 1993 excavation contained hydrocarbon contamination in the form of TPHG, TPHD and xylene. Laboratory analyses of groundwater samples collected from the four monitoring wells installed at the site in 1995 are reported as below detection limits for all hydrocarbon constituents. 8.2 Recommendations WZI recommends the following: 1. No further investigation of hydrocarbon contaminated soil is warranted for the Leo Black Estate property and no additional investigation or excavation is recommended. 2. The four groundwater monitoring wells should be sampled quarterly until four successive quarters of monitoring indicate hydrocarbon constituents are below analytical detection limits. At this time, KCEHSD is requested to issue a Closure Letter for the groundwater phase of the Leo Black Estate investigation. 02060010.032 22 9.0 REFERENCES CITED Kern County Water Agency, 1987, Water Supply Report 1986: Kern County Water Agency Annual Report, 70 p. 02060010.032 23 TABLE 5 LEO BLACK ELECTRIC LABORATORY ANALYSES SUMMARY ~A~TER SAM~LES.EROM ~MONITORING.WELLS ~.. ~' SAMPLE WELL DATE TPH GASOLINE TPH DIESEL BENZENE TOLUENE ETHYLBENZENE XYLENE NUMBER NUMBER COLLECTED ug/I ug/I ug/I ug/I ug/I ug/I LAB LB-MW1-1 MW- 1 9/27/95 ND ND ND ND ND ND SHERWOOD LB-MW2-1 MW - 2 9/27/95 ND ND ND ND ND ND SHERWOOD ~,. LB-MW3-1 MW - 3 9/27/95 ND ND ND ND ND ND SHERWOOD .,,,,. LB-MW4-1 MW - 4 9/27/95 ND ND ND ND ND ND SHERWOOD ND = NONE DECTECTED F:\CLIENTS\LEOI~LACK\WATERTBL. WQ2 BCJ t 0/13/95 FENCE I / TANK LOCATION ~( ~, · / I1~ ~ ~% LB- 1 / I ---........ .-.. loo'-11 5' CLEAN FILL ' I , ~ ' ~. TVH - 2294 ppm I '- BENZENE- 9 ppm · v ~ TOLUENE- 19 ppm ~ TOLUENE- 909ppm ( - · ,,' TPH _. ETHYL BENZENE - 324 ppm ' "I.~-1 \\ -G- ND XYLENE - 5973 ppm 13.0;-14.5' \ / LIMIT OF I I TVH - 3691 ppm \ / ,_,,v, I J BENZENE- 2 ppm \~ /"~ EXCAVATION 7/93 I I TOLUENE- 26 ppm / - .~. I ~ ETHYL BENZENE - 47 ppm ' ( ,1 6) TPH-D -'ND' XYLENE -642 ppm .... 'ECTED '~MI"- / ' TPH-G- ND ~'T'~'X'"- 'N'~- ~ ,,, OF CONTAMINATION II ~ BTEX- ND I TPH-D - 680 ppm TPH-G - 430 ppm BTEX- ND TPH-G - NI TPH-G - MW1 CUTTINGS GRAB SAMPLE \ / ' I TPH-G- ND '~ '~' GROUND WATER LEVEL 8/93 TPH-D - 15 ppm Motor Oil BTEX- ND '~' LB-1 ~ X LB-MW3-3 1:3 · 10' E IN FEET ,. MW-4 GROUND LEVEL FENCE ~" GROUNDWATER LEVEL 9/95 ~ LB-MW4-3 15.5'- 16.0' TPH-G - ND TPH-D - ND BTEX- ND MW~. CU'I-I'INGS GRAB SAMPLE TPH-G - ND TPH-D - ND BTEX- ND LB-1 ~ SOIL SAMPLE COLLECTED FROM BOREHOLES - 7/87 X SOIL SAMPLE COLLECTED 5' BENEATH UST - 2/92 LEO BLACK ELECTRIC 3909 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. MW3-3 I::3 SOIL SAMPLE COLLECTED FROM MONITORING WELL BOREHOLES - 9/95 CROSS-SECTIONS A-A' & B-B' DATE 11/95 I 0206.0010 IEXHIBIT 4. ~3 CUTTINGS (~RAB SAMPLE TPH-G - ND TPH-D o ND BTEX- ND B NORTH GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL REED PARCEL MW-1 LEO BLACK PAF SOIL BORING PROPERTY LINE/"'~ LB #1 FENCE/ -- 0 FORMER UNDERGROUND ~,~ ~ TANK LOCATION ~ L~-I ""- -..---. 10.0'-11.5' I ~'""'"" ~. TVH - 22S4 ppm CLEAN FILL J .~' BENZENE - 9 ppm -- lo' TVH- 10074 ppm X TOLUENE- 19 ppm ETHYL BENZENE - 12 ppm Q BENZENE - 32 ppm ~3~ XYLENE - 406 ppm TOLUENE - 909 ppm \ ETHYL BENZENE - 324 ppm .B-1 \ TPH-G - ND XYLENE - 5973 ppm 13.0'-14.5' \ -- 20' I I TVH- 3691 ppm \ I BENZENE - 2 ppm I I TOLUENE- 26ppm i ETHYL BENZENE - 47 ppm TPH-D -'ND XYLENE - 6.~2 ppm TPH-G - ND \ PROJECTED TPH-G- ND BTEX- ND !~. OF CONTAMI~ -- 30' Q Ii TPH-D- 100 ppm I ) BTEX- ND I TPH-D - 680 ppm I TPH-G - 430 ppm BTEX- ND ~"~ -- 40' TPH-G- NI ~x' ~TPH'G - ND MW1 CU'I-rlNGS GRAB SAMPLE \ / I TPH-G - ND 1 ~ TPH'D' 15 ppm Motor Oil BTEX- ND 10' 0 10' SCALE IN FEET A WEST GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL MW-3 -- 0 GROUND LEVEL -- 10' LB-6 lC · TN LB-6 13 LB-MW3-3 TN 15.5'-16.0' B' TPH-G- ND ~ -- 20' TPH-D- ND BTEX- ND ~ PR OJEC 7 OF COIVTA - 30' -- 40' MW3 CUTTINGS GRAB SAMPLE TPH-G - ND TPH-D - ND BTEX- ND NORTH GROUNDWATER A! EAST ;1 GRouNDWATER LL MONITORING WELL MW-2 SOIL BORING LB #2 CLEAN FILL \ LB-2 10.0'-11,0' \ 'I'VH - ND , BTEX - ND / G~ROUNDWATER LEVEL 9/95 )m I 15 0'-16 5' (soil & water) / · ppm ~ LB-2 9 ppm TVH - ND '=' !NE - 324 ppm BTEX - ND 3 ppm ~ LIMIT OF EXCA VA TION 7/93 ppm Proiected 4' TPH-G - ND AMPLE MW2 CU'i-rlNGS GRAB SAMPLE · GROUND WATER LEVEL 8/93 TPH-G- ND ? TPH-D - 27 ppm Diesel 55 ppm Motor Oil BTEX- ND B! SOUTH GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL MW-4 FENCE I · GROUNDWATER LEVEL 9/95 GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL MW-1 SOIL BORING SOIL BORING SOIL BORING LB ~ LB #3 LB,#2 I FORMER UNDERGROUND TANK LOCATION ~ CLEAN FILl FILL I.L::~lO.5'~11.o' LB-3 / LB-2_ 10.0'-11.0' TVH - ND 10.5'-11.0' TVH - ND BTEX- ND ND X BTEX- ND LB-6 13.9'-14.3' // TVH - 10074 ppm LB~3 LB-2 15.0'-16.5' (soil & water) TVH - ND BENZENE - 32 ppm BTEX - ND 15.0'-15.5' TOLUENE - 909 ppm TVH - ND 'T'VH - 5236 ppm ETHYL BENZENE - 324 ppm BTEX - ND  BENZENE - 38 ppm XYLENE - 5973 ppm TOLUENE - 49 ppm ETHYL BENZENE - 130 ppm XYLENE - 1328 ppm I I L/MIT PROJECTED LIMIT I t EXCAVATI~ OF CONTAMINATION '~.I TPH-D - 100 ppm Projected 4' TPH-G - ND Projected 2' \ MW1 CU'rT1NGS GRAB SAMPLE - - · GROUND WATER LEVE' TPH-G- ND L__ . ;~.~ . 1NsDppm Motor Oil BTEX- ND PARCEL GROUND LEVEL CLEAN FILL · GROUNDWATER LEVEL 9/95 /4LIMIT OF EXOA VA TION 7/93 : Beardsley _ i"' ~ --Primary Sch ~ - .. ..' **, . , · ", /: ', Beardsley " SIT~ LOCATIOR ~ / ~- .. /, . ... l.. 0 , / .~ :.o ~ . . . ~ . . ....,~ i~ ,I ' wz~ ~c. . II 129S / R27E 8ooo F~ ~----~8ooo.~__ REED PARCEL GALLON I II I GALLON ~ ~ GASOLINE ,~J II I~ DIESEL ~ / APPROXIMATE FORMER ~ LOCATION OF USI"S ~' - PROPER TY R X X ×E ~_...3......~~~ X/X// X X X BOUNDARY X X ~ X X X X LB-RP1-NW ~ LB-RP1-NE '~,J~/T OF 1993 FORMER EXCA V~.~ AERATION PILE LB-RP1-SW ~' . AERATION PILt BUILDING LEO BLACK PARCEL FENCE LEGEND MW-1 388.89 .j. GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL LOCATION A ...... A' CROSS SECTION AND GROUNDWATER SURFACE ELEVATION 10 20 LB-RP1-NW , ~ ~ SAMPLE LOCATION - SOILS STOCKPILED ON Scale In Feet REMEDIATION PADS B 390.00, MW-2 MW-1 388.89 ,, 390.00 ; 389.50 ', ~ ELECTRICAL · BOX LB-RP2-E 9.00 ~RMER ,TION PILE z ; 388.50 MW-,~;j. 0 387.12 "~ · X × X Y. × X X X ~' [ ,' WZl INC. MI BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, LEO BLACK ELECTRIC 3909 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA ---CTION LOCATION SITE sPECIFIC GROUNDWATER ELEVATION MAP DATE 11/95 10206.0010 IEXHIBIT '9 SITE. LOCATION SEDIMENTARY AND METASEDIMENTARY ROCKS Dune sand ~ Pleistocene nonmarine .... ....~m l~e~l Plio-?ielstoeene nonmari.e Map of Oalifornia, Bakersfield Sheet I m St,earn e~,a,,.e! : m I[--;IW Z I I N C. II ~ .ep~- <~ I~1 Upper1Vfiocene ma. ne IMI BAKERSFIELD,CAL,FOR,,A II I ~' I Faa deposits ~ ! LEO BLACK ELECTRIC l! ~0 I IlO Statute Mtles IJP~II~ 11/95 0206.0010 eX.mI 6 SITE LOCATION ,¥ :: · ~,~ 27E.  BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA LEO BLACK ELECTRIC __.~__ 3909 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA  REGIONAL DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER MAP ~__,..~o_ ~,~ ,_'~ REF: Kern County Water Agency, ID#4, 1992 DATE 11/95 I 0206.0010 IEXHIBIT 7 ~, ., SITE LOCATION ~ ~1 wz, ,NC. BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA LEO BLACK ELECTRIC --'~/-- 3909 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA  REGIONAL GROUNDWATER ELEVATION MAP ~-° "'= .? REF: Kern County Water Agency, ID#4, 1992 DATE 11/95 10206.0010 IEXHIBIT 8 I I REED PARCEL GALLON GALLON GASOLINE DIESEL TANK TANK APPROXIMATE FORMER' v ' PROPERTY LOCATION OF US~S BOUNDARY REMOVED 9/91 X X ~ XX X X X XX X ~...~ ......... / .................. : .... . ...... MW-3 LB-RP1-NW LB-RP1-NE LIMIT OF 1993 FORM ER EXCA VA TION · AERATION PILE LB-RP1-SE LB-RPI-SW ~ ~ ' LB-RP2-W BUILDING LEO BLACK PARCEL FENbE MW'~!)- GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL LOCATION A ...... A' C LB-RP1-NW o lO 20' ~ SAMPLE LOCATION-SOILD STOCKPILED ON i ! I .~,,=~,, i,, ~,,.t REMEDIATION PADS ......... . 'MW-2 ~ \ ~ PROPERTY · ,~ ELECTRICAL '... LB-RP2-E FORMER ;[ATION PILE ~ ; LU BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA x x x x x ~ x - x B' · · LEO BLACK ELECTRIC 3909 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA SITE PLAN WITH MONITORING WELLS, )SS SECTION LOCATION CROSS SECTIONS AND AERATION PILE SAMPLE LOCATIONS BUILDING ~ LEO BLACK PARCEL ~.~-~t~' * BOUNDARY _ ~. ~ Q4o' Location and depth of soil sample collected 7/93  1 Location and number of soil boring drilled 7/87 . Location of soil samples collected beneath former UST, 2/87 Approximate location of temporary monitoring well TW-1 ,~k Grab sample location collected 1/91  Monitoring Well Location BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA LEO BLACK ELECTRIC A ...... A' Cross Section Location 39o~ PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA DETAILED MAP OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SITE o~ ~[ ~r DATE I'~XHIBIT SC, AL.~ IN FEET · 11/95 0206.0010 j 3 TPH-G. ND LIMIT OF 1993 EXCA VA TION TPH-G - NO I TPH-D · ND BENZENE - 32 ~. . ~,~---- ,.x ~ ......... ~.~ MW-3 T~.. BOX AERATION PILE ' C]¥O~d '::3['~ ~ Id I REED PARCEL Former location o! 8000 gallon gasoline & 8000 gallon diesel J I B - 4 underground storage tanks PROPERTY 1~ TW - 1 BOUNDARY Limit o! 7/93 SOIL AERATIOtJ PILE SOIL AERATION PILE LEO BLACK PARCEL ~) B-1 LOCATION OF SOIL BORING DRILLED BY KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, 7/91 (~) TW-1 LOCATION OF TEMPORARY MONITORING WELL INSTALLED BY KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, 7/91 .~1 LOCATION OF SOIL BORINGS · ' DRILLED BY WZl, 7/87 ~1 WZl INC. BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA ~ FORMER LOCATION OF 500 GALLON GASOLINE UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK LEO BLACK ELECTRIC 3909 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA SITE ACTIVITY MAP 0 40' ' SCALE IN FEET DA~'E 11,95 I 0206.0010 IExH'B'T III I I TABLE 2 LEO BLACK ELECTRIC GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELLS r WELL DEVELOPMENT - WATER CHARACTERISTIC DATA WELL SAMPLE DATE pH CONDU~IVlTY TEMPERATURE NUMBER NUMBER COLLECTED (pH units) ~,(uomh~/cm), (degrees F) MW-1 1 9/22/95 8.06 4.15 75.5 2 9/22/95 8.22 2.55 73.4 3 9/22/95 8.32 1.808 71.5 4 9/22/95 8.25 1.844 73.3 5 9/22/95 8.26 1.720 71.8 6 9/22/95 8.29 1.657 71.9 7 9/22/95 8.31 1.611 71.9 MW-2 1 9/22/95 8.11 1.885 83.4 2 9/22/95 8.34 1.71 8 91.6 3 9/22/95 8.24 1.394 75.8 4 9/22/95 8.17 1.304 72.9 5 9/22/95 8.18 1.31 2 72.1 6 9/22/95 8.16 1.298 72.9 7 9/22/95 8.18 1.292 72.2 M W-3 1 9/22/95 8.35 1.664 74.4 2 9/22/95 8.34 1.31 3 74.7 3 9/22/95 8.09 1.237 72.5 4 9/22/95 8.24 1.224 73.4 5 9/22/95 8.26 1.1 69 73.8 6 9/22/95 8.23 1.172 73.9 MW-4 1 9/22/95 8.06 2.05 85.5 2 9/22/95 8.12 1.670 82.5 3 9/22/95 8.02 2.50 80.1 4 9/22/95 8.36 1.799 82.3 5 9/22/95 8.25 1.678 79.4 6 9/22/95 8.24 1.637 78.2 7 9/22/95 8.15 1.603 79.3 8 9/22/95 8.18 1.573 79.5 9 9/22/95 8.20 1.560 79.9 10 9/22/95 8.21 1.595 78.7 F:\CLIENTS\LEOBLACK\WTR DATA2.WQ2 BCJ I 0/16/95 TABLE 3 LEO BLACK ELECTRIC LABORATORY ANALYSES SUMMARY SOIL SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING MONITORING WELL DRILLING SAMPLE WELL DATE, DEPTH TPH GASOLINE TPH DIESEL BENZENE TOLUENE ETHYLBENZENE XYLENE NUMBER NUMBER COLLECTED (feet) rog/kg mg/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg LAB LB-MW3-3 MW - 3 9/19/95 15.5 - t 6.0 ND ~'~ID'.) ND ND ND ND SHERWOOD LB-MW4-3 MW ~ 4 9/19/95 15.5 - 16.O ND ~D~I ND ND ND ND SHERWOOD LB-MW1 -GRAB MW - I 9/20/95 ND 15 MO'T'(~R OIL ND ND ND ND SHERWOOD LB-MW2-GRAB MW - 2 9/20/95 ND 27 DIESEL ND ND ND ND SHERWOOD I~ 55 MOTOR OIL LB-MW3-GRAB MW - 3 9/20/95 ND ND ND ND ND ND SHERWOOD LB-MW4-GRAB MW - 4 9/20/95 ND 20 DIESEL ND ND ND ND SHERWOOD 27 MOTOR OIL ND = NONE DECTECTED GRAB = SAMPLE COLLECTED FROM DRUMED CU~I'INGS F:\CLIENTS\LEOBLAC K\SOILTBL2.WQ2 BCJ 10/13/95 TABLE 4 '/ LEO BLACK ELECTRIC GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELLS GROUNDWATER SAMPLING -WATER CHARACTERISTIC DATA WELL SAMPLE DATE pH CONDU~IVlTY TEMPERATURE NUMBER NUMBER COLLECTED (pH units)____ (uomhs/cm~ (degrees F)__ MW-1 I 9/27/95 7.85 355 75.3 Water Depth (below wellhead): 13.76' 2 9/27/95 7.75 213 73.7 Wellhead Elevation (above SL): 402.65' 3 9/27/95 7.60 215 72.0 Groundwater Elevation (above SL): 388.89' 4 9/27/95 7.47 211 70.9 5 9/27/95 7.56 208 70.3 MW-2 1 9/27/95 7.65 129 71.5 Water Depth (below wellhead): 14.01' 2 9/27/95 7.58 120 69.4 Wellhead Elevation (above SL): 404.01' 3 9/27/95 7.48 120" 68.6 Groundwater Elevation (above SL): 390.00' 4 9/27/95 7.54 120 68.1 MW-3 1 9/27/95 7.56 99 71.8 Water Depth (below wellhead): 14.35' 2 9/27/95 7.60 98 68.5 Wellhead Elevation (above SL): 402.83' 3 9/27/95 7.53 96 68.3 Groundwater Elevation (above SL): 388.48' 4 9/27/95 7.44 93 67.0 MW-4 1 9/27/95 7.41 113 69.1 Water Depth (below wellhead): 14.81' 2 9/27/95 7.48 114 67.1 Wellhead Elevation (above SL): 401.93' 3 9/27/95 7.31 116 67.1 ',," Groundwater Elevation (above SL): 387.12' 4 9/27/95 7.27 114 66.5 F:\CLIENTS\LEO BLACK\WTR DATA1 .WQ2 JAW 10/13/95 VVZl APPENDIX I ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICESDEPARTMENT STEVE McCALLEY. R.E.H.S. ';'. '"~--'-....;'::::::" ~.~~ :'/00 '~,;' street, suit, 300 ::' AT-. DIRECTOR ;: $ ~,akersfield, CA 93301 ~ .- (805) 861-3635 SCmembCr 30, 1993 Tom Gilber~ P. O. Box 121 Wofford Heights, CA 93285 SUBJE~: Underaround Tank Site Remediation, Leo Black Estate, 3909 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA (Permi~ No. 050119) Dear Mr. GiI'ber~: The August 1993 soil remediafion report prepared by '~/ZI Inc. for the.subject si~e b, as ......... been' reviewed. The report results indicate ~ha~ ail~ ~asoline-contamina~ed soil ~o an appro~mate depth or' 45 t'eet has been removed. The groundwater grab sample results, however, showed ~he presence oi' significant levels or' ~otal petroleum hydrocarbons quanfi[ied as gasoline and diesel. Based on our review, the Department does no~ require any additional excavation a~ the ske. We concur with WZI's recommendation t5 remediate ~he contam~ated soil presen~iy stored on site by aeration. Upon successt'ul completion of remediafion, the soil may be ut~zed as backfill for the remaining excavation. ~ to your request to discontinue=~roundwater monitoring., the Department does not concur ~th the e~lanation pro~ded ~o support ~he proposed action. Supporting documentation needs to be provided to prove ~hat only gasoline was stored on site. ~though other sources or' hydrocarbon contamination have been identified in the area, there is sufficien~ e~dence to suggest that Leo Black Estate also has contributed to ~his comamination as sho~m in the work reports to date. To this end, we require ~hat gasoline contamination in the groundwater at ~his ske be investigated further. Please submi~ your plan ~o address ~his matter within 60 days t'rom the da~e or' this le~er. If you have any questions regarding this correspondence, please call me at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director By: Dolores Gough Hazardous Materials Specialis~ II Hazardous Materials Management Program DG:ch cc: WZI Inc. Winifred ~omson Donna Roberts Read Investments, c/o John Sears Central Valley RWQCB ENVIRONMEiqTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT ' STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S. 27oo "M' Street, Suite 300 DIRECTOR Eakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 (805) 861-3429 FAX " February 9, 1995 Leo Black Estate c/o Tom Gilbert & Donna Roberts P. O. Box 121 Wofford Heights, CA 93285 SUBJECT: Underground Storage Tank Investigation, Leo Black Estate, 3909 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA (Permit No. 050119) Dear Sir/Madam: A review of the subject facility file indicates that site closure was denied last year because of the contamination found in groundwater. Further investigation which may involve groundwater monitoring initially was required. To our knowledge this work has not been initiated to date. In order to facilitate site closure and keep the facility in compliance with the state's and our corrective action requirements, the additional groundwater assessment work must be initiated as soon as possible. Prior to beginning field activities, a workplan must be submitted for our approval within 30 days from the date of this letter. As previously discussed, the excavated soil may be utilized as backfill if confmnatory sampling shows that remediation has been successful. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact us at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director By: Dolores Gough Ha?~rdous Mater/als Specialist II Ha?~rdous Mater/als Management Program DG:cas cc: WZI CVRWQCB o Fresno \gough\050119c.clt · ' ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S. .-/.,t~ 2700 *M' Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 DIRECTOR :' : (805) 861-3636 " (805} 861-3429 FAX April 10, 1995 Leo Black Estate c/o Tom Gilbert & Donna Roberts P. O. Box 121 Wofford Heights, CA 93255 SUBJECT: Underground Tank Site Assessment and Interim Remedial Action Workplan for Leo Black Estate, .3909 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA (Permit No. 050119) Dear Mr. Gilbert & Ms. Roberts: The subject workplan prepared by WZI Inc. has been reviewed. The proposed tasks including the methods of implementation are acceptable to this Department. In regard to the stockpiled soil, sampling should be conducted before interim remedial action is initiated to determine if any volatile organics remain in the soil. We recommend retrieving a minimum of three samples composited to one for every 50 cubic yards. The field work for this phase of the investigation must be initiated w/thin 60 days from the date of this letter. Please notify this office at least 48 hours prior to beginning any sampling and]or drilling activities. If you have any questions regarding this matter, I can be reached at (805) g61-3636. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director By: Dolores Gough H~?~rdous Materials Specialist II H~?~rdous Materials Management Program DG:ch cc: WZI Inc. Central Valley RWQCB gough\050119f, clt ~ STEVE McCALLEY, R.EH.S. ~ ~'"~ DIRECTOR C O U N T Y Environmental 2700 'M" Sffeet, Suite 300 Health ~,ersfie~d, C~ 93301 Services (805)~31-3636 Department ¢05~361-3429 FAX 2uly 10, 1995 James Allen Waggoner WZI, Inc. P. O. Box 9217 Bakersfield, CA 93389 SUBJECT: Stockpiled Soil Analysis, Leo Black Estate, 3909 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA (Permit No. 050119) Dear Mr. Waggoner: The'laboratory results of the samples retrieved from the soil piles at the Leo Black Estate have been reviewed. As discussed, the soil may be used as backfill to the existing excavation at the site. Following completion of backfilling activities, implementation of the workplan recently approved may be initiated. If you have any questions regarding this matter, I can be reached at' (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director By: Dolores Gough Hazardous Materials Specialist II Hazardous Materials Management Program DG:cas cc: Tom Gilbert / Donna Roberts Wendy Thompson R~-C~itf~D ~¥ \gough\OSOllgg.clt JUL I 3 ~$5 WZi INC. STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S. RECEIVED BY DIRECTOR C 0 U N T Y OCT i 3 1995 Environmental 2700 "M" Sb'eet, Suite 300 WZ~ t~Co Health 6akemfietd, CA 93301 . Services (805)861-3636 "-' Department (805)861-3429 F~ October 9, 1995 Allen Waggoner WZI, Inc. P. O. Box 9217 Bakersfield, CA 93389 SUBJECT: Soil and Groundwater Sampling Results, Leo Black Estate, Pierce Road, Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. Waggoner: We have reviewed the laboratory results of the soil (drill cuttings) and groundwater samples collected from the newly installed monitoring wells. Based on our review, this Department approves of your plan to spread the cuttings on site. The water may be left to evaporate on site or used for dust control during the soil spreading activities. If you have any questions regarding this letter, you may contact us at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director By: Dolores Gough Hazardous Materials Specialist II Hazardous Materials Management Program DG:cas cc: Donna Roberts 1004 Lorene Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93308 \gough\050119H.¢lt APPENDIX II ... ..... .?4,~o~,=,~..~o,~..s,~,e ~¢ CHAIN OF ,.,JS', ,aD', dO,..JM~_..T , :.' :,:', '/Po~t 01~ ~x 92217 '~ '"' :"' ~. Bakersfield, Calilotnla 93300 ~ .~ (805} 32~1 ~" WZI INC. 7'- ~ PROJECT INFORMATION Project Number: ~o /~ c ~' Analysis Request Special Instructions Results To: invoice To: F~x: Sample - -SamPle.... Number Dale Type Remarks/Sample Condilion ~ A~~ ~ ~ '-¢y ~ .... 'Relinquished By (Sign &Print) Date/Time ~ ~ ~ Rege}ved By (Sign) Dale/Time · ... '' / A~ORNEY CLIENT PRIVILEGED Page Of ~.1 INC, Post Office Box 9217 ~5v326-1112 ~e~ To: ./,~ ~J~,,.~- ~ ~ ,.vo~ ~o: ~ ~,~- >: :' ' . Ddn~ng WaiSt Sudace Water Waste Wa~er Qil Soil ~ Sludge ~her (specify) ~ Sample Number Date Colle~'~d Collecto(s Name T~pe ol Analysis ' ~-~,'~-/ ~ ~ /~, ,'.:/. ,. ~ _~ - ~, b/ ~ . :P/Id ~ 1 ~ ,. I ~a~le(~) Reli~uBhed by: Date: Time: Sample(s) R~eiv~ by: Date: Time: ;ample Co~ion ~en R~eiv~ By Lab: . ~ ]~ ~_ ~Q ~ C.~_~.~ r -. C] IN OF CUSTODY DOCUMEI Zl INC. Post Office Box 9217 ,/--/,~(:"C] ~)~; ~akersfield, California 93389 )5/326-1112 ., Report To: . 5 ,? ~ ,~ df" Invoic~ To: ,Z~.%,; Job Number: 0.2 C ~ , c~ / 0 z'b',~ ~' /'-,"~,-~ /,~'~-- ,.,~.mple Type: (check one) ~ Drinking Water Surface Water Waste Water Oil Soil ~ Sludge ~ther (specify) "'~mple Description(s): 5"-/~,"*~,(' ,~ ~¢__ e.._ Sample Number Date Collected Collector's Name Type of Analysis ample(s) Relinquished by: Date: Time: Sample(s) Received by: Date: Time: ample(s) Relinquished to Lab by' ~,//_~~.~.~//~.~'~'~-~:--7 D ate: ¢~ ,,V/~/~/~,.~' Time: '~: '~r3 ~'' · Sample(s) Received in Lab by: ~t~__..~4~ (./~/,f,...~: ii,.~, .~ '-l~,.('. ~"~:~t.?-'~; Date: /(~/~/F..~."Time: //'.~C) ~,. ample Condition When Received By Lab: APPENDIX I!1 JUN-2?-I~9~ 16:!2 SHERWOOD LABS, INC. 20966772581 P.02 ' Shewed L Labs C 0 R P 0 R A T I 0 N HILMAR, CALIFORNIA 95324 ~6/2~/~5 DHS Ce~l?l~'atton g 1400 " ANALYSIS REPORT: BTEX/Total Petro. Hydrocarbons as Gasoline CLIENT~ WZ! INC PO BOX 9217 Bakersfield, CA 95389 ^ttn~ Steve Muir Project Name= Leo Black Estate Date Sampled~ 06/22/95 Date Received= 06/23/95 Date Started: 06/26195 Date Completed:06~27/95 Sampled By: Stephen Muir Lab Report #= H5062606 BTEX TPH-Gas'ollne RESULTS: EPA 8020 EPA 5030/8015(M) ug/Kg mglKg Ethyl Total Benzene, Toluene, Benzene, Xylene TPH PH5063189 ND<3 ND<3 ND<3 ND<3 ND<I LB-RP1-NW PH5063190 ND<3 ND<3 ND<3 ND<3 ND<I LB-RP1-NE PH5063191 ND<3 'ND<3 ND<3 ND<3 ND<I LB-RP1-SW PH5063t92 ND<3 ND<3 ND<3 ND<3 ND<I LB-RP1-SE PH5063193 ND<3 ND<3 ND<3 ND<3 ND<I LB-RP2-E' PH5~63194 ND<3 ND<3 ND<3 ND<3 ND<I LB-RP2-W Gloria Poling Laboratory Director OFFICE; (209) 667-5258 · FAX: (20g) 667-2581 · 885; (209) 567~t119 JUN-R?-!99$ 16:lR SHERWOOD ~BS, INC. 20966772581 P.03 Labs DHS ~rtlTic~tlon ~: 1400 ANALYSIS REPORT: Total Recoverable Petro, Hydrocarbons CLIENT~ WZI IN.C PO 80X 9217 Bakersfield, CA 93389 Attn: Steve Muir Da~e Sampled= 06/22/95 Project Namel Leo Black Estate Date Received~ 06/23/95 Date Started= 06/26/95 Samplera Stephen Muir Date Completed~06/27/95 Lab Report #~ H5e62606 RESULTSa TRPH-OieseI~ Kerosenef Dielectric and Motor Oils EPA 3§40/8015(U) mg/Kg PH506~189 11 Motor 011 :' LB-RP1-NW PH5063190 7 Diesel LB-RP1-NE PH§063191 39 Diesel LB-RPI-$W 10 Motor PH5063192 5 Motor Oil LB-RP1-SE PH5~63193 17 Motor Oil LB-RP2-E 'PH$~63194 6 Diesel LB-RP2-W 8 Motor Oil Gloria Poi lng Laboratory Dlreotor OFFICE; (20g) 667-5258 · FAX: (209) 667-2581 . BBS: (209) 687-411g ,/?;. ---- .... RECEIVED BY :' ',.~ ~ !;,,'.¢' I · ,~. '.,~'-'., ,, , b l ~ 8 1995 ~SOC~D ~O~R~S 80~ ~on~ ~- Ot~ge, ~JHo~J~ ~8- 7~/~00 ~ ~/~08.~209 CLIENT Sherwood ~abo~ator~es (50~) LAB NO. G9249~ ~ttn: 9~enda ~e~ 2.O. Box ¢37 ~PORTED 06/30/~5 807~ N. ~ande~ Ave. ~a~ ~ CA ~5324 SAMPLE Soil RECEIVED 06/26/95 IDENTIFICATION WZI Date Collected 06/22/95 BASED ON SAMPLE As Submitted EPA Date Constituent Method Analyst LB-RP1-NE LB-RP2-W Lead (STLC) 6010 06/03 MT 0.13 mg/1 0.60 mg/1 AS~A~ ~LABO~TOR~ES, by: Robert A. Webber Vice President PO.W/gk NOTE: Unless notified in writing, all samples will be discarded by appropriate disposal protocol 30 days from date reported. TESTING & CONSULTING Chemical · T.e reports of tl~e Associated Laboratories are confidential orooerty of our clients and Microbiological · may not De reproduced or used for DuOlication in Dart or in full without our written permission. This is for the mutual protection of tlqe public, our clients, and ourselves. Enwronmentcl · APPENDIX IV STEVE McCALLE~, R.E.H.S. ~~ 01RECTOR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS C 0 U N T Y MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Environmental 2700 'M" Street, Suite 300 MONITORING WELL(S) PERMIT Health Bakersfield, CA 93301 Services (805)861-3636 Department (805)861-3429 FAX PER_MIT #: MW 1531-05 OWNER'S NAME: Leo Black Estate MW 1532-05 MW 1533-05 FACILITY NAME: Leo Black Electric MW 1534-05 FACILITY LOCATION: 3909 Pierce Road DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger CONTRACTOR: Melton Drilling LICENSE NO.: C 57 - 508270 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTRACTOR WZI, Inc. TyPE OF MONITORING WELL(S) Groundwater NUM~BER OF WELLS REQUIRED TO MONITOR FACILITY: Four (4) GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT: 1. Well site approval is required before beginning any work related to well construction. It is unlawful to continue work past the stage at which an inspection is required unless inspection is waived or completed. 2. Other required inspections include: conductor casing, all annular seals, and final construction features. 3. A phone call to the Department office is required on the morning of the day that work is to commence and 24 hours before the placement of any seals or plugs. 4. Construction under this Permit is subject to any instructions by Department representatives. 5. All wells constructed of PVC located at a contaminated site where degradation may occur must be destroyed after 2 years or prove no degradation is occurring or has occurred. 6. Any misrepresentation or noncompliance with required Permit Conditions or Ordinance will result in issuance of a "STOP WORK ORDER." 7. A copy of the Department of Water Resources Driller's Report, as well as copies of logs and water quality analyses, must be submitted to the Health Department within 14 days after completion of the work. 8. A well destruction application must be filed with this Department if a well is being destroyed that is not in conjunction with a test hole permit. 9. The permit is void on the ninetieth (90) calendar day after date of issuance if work has not been started and reasonable progress toward completion made. Fees are not refundable nor transferable. 10.I have read and agree to comply with the General Conditions noted above. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 1. Approved Annular Seal Depth Approximately 37 Feet. OWNER'S SIGNATURE DATE CO~q~RACTOR-S-,~'~TURE ~ dATE' PERMIT APPROVED BY: ~0 ~/~/~ ~[~ Dolores Gough Hazardous Materials Specialist DATE: September 19, 1995 DG:cas ~gough\153 lo05h.m46 ~1 ~NC APPENDIX VI " SherW d ZLabs o ~.~.~×~37 G 0 R P 0 R A T I0 N HiLMA~.,.~ :~.,, 09/29/95 DHS Certification ANALYSIS REPORT: BTEX/Total Pervo. Hydrocarbons as Gasoline CLIENT: WZI. PO BOX 9217 Bakersfield. CA 93389 Attn: Steve Muir Project Name: Leo Black Estate Date Sampled: 99/19/95 Date Received: Date Started: 99/25/95 Date Completed:99/29/95 Sampled By: Alien Waggone~ Lab Report ~: H5092224 BTEX TPH-Gasol ine RESULTS: EPA 8029 -- EPA 5039/8915(M) ug/Kg mg/Kg Ethyl Total. Benzene, Toluene, Benzene, ×ylene TPH PH5092581 ND<3 ND<3 ND<3 ND<3 ND<I LB-MW3-3 PH5~92582 ND<3 ND<3 ND<3 ND<3 ND<I LB-MW4-3 PH5092583 ND<3 ND<3 ND<3 ND<3 ND<I LB-MWl-GRAB PH5092584 ND<3 ND<3 ND<3 ND<3 ND<I LB-MW2-GRAB PH5092585 ND<3 ND<3 ND<3 ND<3 ND<I LB-MW3-GRAB PH5092586 ND<3 ND<3 ND<3 ND<3 ND<I LB-MW4-GRAB Gloria Poling Laboratory Director OFFICE:(209) 687-5258 · FAX:(209)~87-2581 · ~8S:(209) 5~7-4119 Labs P.O. 30× 937 C A T I O N ,, .~ ¢9/29/95 DHS Oertificat,i'on ~: 1400 ANALYSIS REPORT: Total Recoverable Petro. Hydrocarbons CLIENT: WZI INC PO BOX 9217 Bakers¢ield. CA 93389 Attn: Steve Muir Date Sampled: 09/19/95 Project Name: Leo Black Estate Date Received: 09/21/95 Date Started: 09/25/95 Sampler: Allen Waggoner Date Completed:09129/95 Lab Report #: H5092224 RESULTS: TEPH-DieseI~ Kerosene~ Dielectric and Motor Oils EPA 3540/8015(M) rog/Kg PH5092581 ND<5 All Ara ytes LB-MW3-3 PH5092582 ND<5 Alt Ara ytes LB-MW4-3 PH5092583 15 Motor 0 I Range Organics LB-MW1-GRA8 PH5092584 55 Motor Oil Range Organics LB-MW2-GRAB 27 Diesel Range Organics PH5092585 ND<5 All Analytes LB-MW3-GRAB PR5092586 27 Motor Oil Range Organics LB-MW4-GRAB 20 Diesel Range Organics Gloria Poi lng Laboratory Director OFFICE: (209) 567-5258 · FAX: (209) 587-2581 · BBS: (20g) 667o41~g APPENDIX VII SherwOod RECEIVED Labs o c - 8071 NORTH ~NDER AVENUE P.O. BOX 937 C O R P O R A T I O N WZ~ INC, HILMAR, CALIFORNIA 95324 10/O4/95 DHS Certification # 14OO ANALYSIS REPORT: BTEX/Total Petro. Hydrocarbons as Gasoline CLIENT: WZI INC PO BOX 9217 Bakersfield, CA 93389 Attn: Steve Muir Project Name: Leo Black Estate Date Sampled: 09/27/95 Date Received: 10/03/95 Date Started: 10/03/95 Date Completed=lO/D4/95 Sampled By~ Allen Waggoner Lab Report #= H5100303 BTEX TPH-Gasoline RESULTS~ EPA 602 EPA 5030/8015(M) ~g/L pg/L Ethyl Total Benzene, Toluene, Benzene, Xylene TPH PH5100467 ND<.3 ND<,3 ND<,3 ND<.3 ND<50 LB-MW1-1 PH5100468 ND<,3 ND<.3 ND<,3 ND<,3 ND<50 LB-MW2-1 PH5100469 ND<.3 ND<.3 ND<.3 ND<.3 ND<50 LB-MW3-1 PH51OO470 ND<.3 ND<.3 ND<.3 ND<.3 ND<50 LB-MW4-1 Gloria Poi lng Laboratory Director OFFICE: (209) 667-5258 · FAX: (209) 667-2581 · BBS: (209) 667-4119 Sher - C O R P O R A T I O N HILMAR, CALIFORNIA 95324 10/04/95 DHS Certificatio.n #: 1400 ANALYSIS REPORT: Total Recoverable Petro. Hydro'~arbons CLIENT: WZI INC PO BOX 9217 Bakersfield, CA 93389 '- Attn: Steve Muir Date Sampled: 09/27/95 Project Name: Leo Black Estate Date Received: 10/03/95 Date Started: 10/03/95 Sampler: Allen Waggoner Date Completed:lO/04/95 Lab Report #: H5100303 RESULTS: TEPH-DieseI, Kerosene~ Dielectric and Motor Oils EPA 3510/8015(M) yg/L PH5100467 ND<50 All Analytes LB-MW1 -1 PH5100468 ND<50 All Analytes LB-MW2-1 PH5100469 ND<50 Alt Analytes LB-MW3-1 PH5100470 ND<50 A I Analytes LB-MW4-1 Gloria Poi lng Laboratory Director OFFICE: (209) 667-5258 · FAX: (209) 667-2581 . BBS: (209) 667-4119