HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION FILE #2 4800 Easton Driv te 114 ~ Bakersfield, Call Post Office Box 9217 Bakersfield. California 93389 _ 805/326-1112 805/326-0191 FAX WZl ~,~ LEO BLACK ESTATE SITE REMEDIATION WORKPLAN REVISED TECHNICAL APPROACH July 1990 Prepared by WZi Inc. 4800 Easton Drive, Suite 114 Bakersfield, California 93309 0206.0010A TABLE OF CONTENTS Pa,qe Phase I 1 Excavation 1 Field Determination Regarding Contamination 1 Sample Collection 2 On-Site Health and Safety 3 Soil Aeration 4 Phase II 5 Phase III 5 Analysis of Water Samples 5 References Cited 6 EXHIBITS Exhibit 1 Location Map Exhibit 2 Plot Plan/Monitoring Well Location APPENDICES Appendix I Summary of Laboratory Analyses Appendix II Screening Health Risk Assessment - After consideration of comments received from Kern County Environmental Health Services in a letter dated February 6, 1990 and in technical meetings on January 31 and June 5, 1990, it is proposed to deal with the contamination problem at Leo Black Estate in the following manner: PHASEI Contaminated soil excavation/aeration will be conducted according to Regulation 8, Organic Compounds Rule 40. EXCAVATION A California State Registered Geologist will supervise the separating and stockpiling of the clean and contaminated soil, as well as record encountered geologic and contamination conditions as observed in the field. Field Determination Regardinq Contamination The field determination regarding the presence/absence of contamination will be based on visual sample inspection for the presence of staining, odor and Organic Vapor Meter (OVM) readings. The presence of odor and staining in conjunction with positive OVM readings will be used to establish the presence of contamination in soil samples from the excavation. Determination of the absence of contamination in a soil sample will be based on absence of odor, absence of staining and OVM readings in the range of background values. Background OVM readings will be established at the top of the excavation above the depth of five feet. Page I The estimated volume of soil to be aerated is 416 cubic yards. The soil is to be aerated at a rate of 30 cubic yards per day for fourteen (14) days based on an estimated average degree of contamination (total volatile hydrocarbons) of 1,000 parts per million according to Resolution 8, Rule 40 guidelines. Soil awaiting aeration will be stockpiled and covered with visqueen. The average composition of the contamination is presented in Appendix I. The Screening Health Risk Assessment is presented in Appendix II. Samples representative of the contaminated soil will be collected within 24 hours of soil excavation. These samples will be composited by the laboratory such that representative samples will be analyzed for each 50 cubic yards. All sample collection and analysis procedures will be in compliance with county regulations. The uncontaminated soil removed from the top of the excavation will be returned to the excavation after the contaminated soil is removed. After aeration is complete the soil will be resampled to verify the volatiles have been removed. Page 4 PHASE II Determination of groundwater gradient from adjacent wells as identified in Exhibit 1 in accordance with County guidelines of one-half mile radius outlined in UT-50. Drill and install two groundwater monitoring wells (one up gradient and one down gradient) to characterize the current water quality beneath the property. The drilling, sampling, installation protocols as well as the Health and Safety Plan for this site were previously described in the Work plan submitted to the County on November 29, 1988, supplemented on May 10, 1989 and deemed acceptable on February 6, 1990. The approximate location of the two groundwater monitoring wells located on the Leo Black site are shown on Exhibit 2. PHASE III Analysis of Water Samples Upon receiving the water analyses, all the available data will be integrated within one- half mile of the site, including those off-site wells used to establish the water gradient. A report will be prepared summarizing the field activities, the collection of data and analysis of any groundwater contamination found beneath the Leo Black Estate. Page 5 REFERENCES CITED U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1989, Estimating Air Emissions from Petroleum UST Cleanups: United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Underground Storage Tanks, Washington D.C., June. Wilson Zublin Inc. ONZI Inc.), 1987, Leo Black Electric Site Characterization: unpublished consulting report, prepared for the estate of Leo Black, July. Page 6 ' N / / ~ B' , ,, I ~ .:.&_ x FORM{ER LOC, I -... ------- UNDERGROU? · " ~R~'ERT¥ UNE \ LBM-2 (None A j (None Oetecte"~ 5263 10075' LB 6 LB 3 LB \x 8000 \\ 6000 · \\ \ \.N TOTAL',, · N FIFT£ ESTIMATED EXTENT OF SOIL CONTAMINATION BASED ON 7~87 SOIL SAMPLING '"~ 4000 AND GRADIENT X ' 3~91 , ~ '13 FEE --0 GF A ~ LB 6 LB 3 LB FORMER L(~ATION OF .... Z UNDERGF1OUND TANK I --~ 1 0 - None Det~ed) 'None Deleted) 5~ ~on~ PLAN EW aSPhaLT Oetected) I AL\ VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS FTI~EN FEET BELOW GROUND (ug/g) o (None Detected) I LBM-1 SCALE IN FEET -.- ' FEET BELOW 0 5 ! 0 GROUND -- tn o LB 2 GROUND SURFACE I A' LEGEND 5F ~ HYDROCARBON ODOR 1 LS-2~ SOIL BORING [ LE M-~ PROPOSED MONITORING WELLS 0 [;~~ TOTAL VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS (ug/g) 0 5 .......................... SCALE IN FEET INone Detected) WZl INC. LEO BLACK ELECTRIC SITE CHARACTERIZATION MONITORING WELL LOCATIONS DATE 6/90 2137 2' "' ?"' F:~F1 ' '::',TEXAC R E Fl N E POND.~ il O '. ,.';' Sum ' _"/! o 1/2 MILE · ,...~,,~· ',. RADIUS 0 B! i LI,TY = mil ,,W mI / LEGEND .. P.M. ~R ~AONINERY, ~18 PIERCE ROAD: ~INATED SOIL D.C. DAVIES OIL ~., ~5~ 1~ GU~ STREET: FREE PRODUCT PLUME ~~:. WA~ E~A~, ' S~. A.T. A~URED TRmS~RT, 3228 GIBSON ROAD: ~ BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA GROUNDWATER C~INATED LEO BLACK ESTATE V.P. VA~EY PERF~TING L~ATION MAP & NEAR BY ~AMINATION S~ES o ~o00' ~000' DAT~ 4/90 ~DU ~SSS I~XH~ SUMMARY OF LABORATORY ANALYSES APPENDIX I CONSTITUENT LB#1 LB#1 LB#3 PPM 10-11.5' SOIL % 13-14.5' B SOIL % 15-15.5' SOIL % AVERAGE % BENZENE 9.01 0.39 1.9 0.05 38.49 0.73 0.39 TOLUENE 19.21 0.84 25.91 0.7 48.62 0.92 0.82 ETHYL BENZENE 11.84 0.52 47.00 1.27 129.8 2.47 1.42 p-XYLENE 76.82 3.35 ' 115.13 3,12 330.3 6.28 4.25 m-XYLENE 181.92 7,93 260;53 7.06 673.26 12.79 9.26 o-XYLENE 147.11 6.41 266.62 7.22 324.74 6.17 6.6 ISOPROPYL BENZENE ND 67.32 1.82 ND 0.61 VOLATILE HC 1847.92 80,56 2906,47 78.75 3717,99 70.64 76.65 TOTAL VOLATILE HC 2293.83 100 3690.88 100% 5263.2 100% 100% APPENDIX I! LEO BLACK ELECTRIC SOIL AERATION SCREENING HEALTH RISK ASSESSMENT INTRODUCTION Leo Black Estate proposes to treat volatile organic compounds (VOC) contaminated soil from an underground storage tank by excavation and on-site aeration under guidelines contained in Regulation 8, RUle 40 of the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) (Attachment 1). This document has been adopted by the Kern County Department of Environmental Health as the recommended procedure for aeration of VOC contaminated soil. This Appendix addresses the health risk to the public from exposure to benzene emanating from the proposed remediation project. It includes a discussion of the methodology, the results, and the supporting documentation for the health risk assessment. The analysis indicates the expected quantity of benzene released during the soil remediation procedure will not significantly increase the lifetime cancer risk to the public. DESCRIPTION OF EMISSION RELEASES The remediation process will involve the transfer of contaminated soil from the subsurface to the surface of the ground where it will be treated by exposure to the atmosphere. Excavation will result in the release of VOC to the atmosphere. The initial burst of VOC emissions will be relatively high, but the emission rate will rapidly decline over time (Attachment 2). The emission rate of constituent compounds will be affected by the vapor concentration, soil type and moisture, temperature, wind speed and exposed surface area (U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 1989). A synthetic Page 1 cover will be used to control the surface area, and therefore the rate, at which compounds are released. The VOC of concern are benzene, toluene and xylene. Their rates of release will be relative to their concentrations in the soil. Intermittent Releases The excavated soil will remain undisturbed following removal. Consequently there will be no intermittent release of benzene under normal operating conditions. Accidental Releases Accidental releases of benzene might occur from tearing of the synthetic mantel by vehicular traffic or high wind. These risks will be mitigated through the use of fences, durable materials and adequate ballast (see below). No accidental releases are anticipated. Other Release Characteristics Release characteristics are shown in the modeling results (Attachment 3). MITIGATION MEASURES Emissions will be mitigated by controlled releases of benzene contaminated soil as described in the work plan. Each day 30 cubic yards will be exposed as permitted under Regulation 8, Rule 40. The remaining contaminated soil will be covered with visqueen to prevent emissions. Page 2 Terrain Considerations The remediation site is located in Northwest Bakersfield. It is an industrial and commercial area bounded by U.S. Highway 99 on the west and Pierce Road on the east. The terrain is extremely flat, and there are no significant changes in elevation for several miles, particularly in the direction of the prevailing winds. Within the general vicinity of the project there are service and supply company and some light industry. · The Iow level structures supporting these activities are well dispersed. Receptor Data Within a one half mile radius light commercial and industrial activities predominate, and vehicular traffic on Highway 99 and Pierce Road is intense. Most businesses hold normal hours, Monday through Friday. It is estimated that a typical business employees less than 25 persons, many of whom provide services outside the area of potential impact. Human activity in the area is slight evenings and weekends. There is a single dwelling on Pierce Road, approximately 50 meters south of the contaminated area. The immediate vicinity is otherwise vacant. The dwelling is the nearest, and therefore, the most sensitive receptor site. Toxicity of Benzene The major toxic effect of benzene is on the blood producing organs. Chronic exposure of humans to Iow levels on benzene in the work place is associated with blood disorders including aplastic anemia and leukemia (Andrews 1986). Benzene associated leukemia has been reported in workers employed in the shoe and rubber industries, chemical plants and other industrial settings. Numerous other epidemiologic and case studies have reported an increased incidence or casual relationship between leukemia and exposure to benzene. Carcinogenicity has been demonstrated in rodent studies Page 3 and chromosomal aberrations have been observed in various tissue culture studies. (IRIS 1989). These studies have established benzene as a human carcinogen (EPA Category A). Human populations are primarily exposed to benzene through inhalation of contaminated ambient air (Andrews 1986). There is nothing in the available literature to suggest that noninhalation pathways will be significant, or that noncarcinogenic health effects will occur, at the anticipated emission levels. The area around the remediation site is zoned industrial, and it is unlikely that livestock and crop contamination from the source will occur. Toluene and Xylene Toxicity Neither toluene nor xylene have been identified as probably human carcinogens. In high doses these chemicals may cause liver injury or central nervous system depression. The EPA has established daily NOAEL/LOAEL levels for toluene and xylene as 151 mg/m' and 4750 mg/m3 respectively (EPA 1990). Emissions of toluene and xylene are expected to be well below these levels. Consequently, no assessment of risk is necessary. Methodology Quantative estimates of carcinogenic risk from benzene exposure consisted of estimating worst case emission rates for benzene and determining off-site concentrations by modeling. These concentrations were assessed in terms of potential cancer risk from releasing the total amount of benzene at the maximum emission rate. A maximum daily allowable volume of exposed soil was determined from tables in Regulation 8, Rule 40, SCAQMD. The surface area of the exposed pile was calculated and a maximum emission rate was determined from nomograms in the EPA manual, . Estimating Emissions From Petroleum UST Cleanups (EPA 1989). Benzene emissions Page 4 were modeled using the Industrial Source Complex Short Term (ISCST) dispersion model (EPA, 1987). Emissions were modeled as a ground level area source using worst cast ISCST meteorological default options. Receptor sites were assumed to be directly down wind with no intervening structures. Average worst case ground level concentrations were determined at 20 meters and 50 meters (nearest residence). The excess lifetime cancer risk at each receptor site was calculated as the product of the maximum atmospheric concentration, the duration of exposure at the estimated emission rate, and the lifetime Unit Risk value divided by the daily risk (IRIS 1989). Formula for estimating risk: (Risk Factor) (Concentration) (Days Exposure) 70 X 365 Calculations Modeling parameters are included in Attachment 3. The calculations are summarized as follows: Parameter Factor Basis Surface Area 1,620 f¢ work plan Horizontal Dimension 40.2 ft calculation Emission Rate 1.6 lb/hr EPA document Duration (total benzene/rate) 2 days calculation Concentration @ 20 meters 30.4 E2 ug/m3 ISCST model Concentration @ 50 meters 1.24 E2 ug/m3 ISCST model Unit Risk Factor 8.3 E-6 ug/m~ IRIS Results Risk @ boundary (20 meters) 1.98 X 10.7 Risk @ resident (50 meters) 0.8 X 10.7 Page 5 The results of the screening assessment show that the proposed project will not pose a significant risk to the public. The results, presented above, indicate that the upper bound lifetime cancer risk to the general public at the property line is less than one in a million. The nearest residence to the project will also have an upper bound lifetime cancer risk of less than one million. This risk assumes modeled worst case concentrations of benzene at the selected receptor sites. Discussion Numerous measurements of atmospheric benzene concentrations indicate urban populations are exposed to a typical range of 2.8 to 20 ppm benzene, and the average inhalation of benzene is in the order of 182 - 1,300 mg per day. Higher concentrations occur from heavy traffic, filling stations, tobacco smoke and industrial processes. Public water supplies contain little or no benzene and although benzene has been detected in food supplies, data is too scant to estimate exposure from these sources (Howard, 1990). The maximum estimated exposure from the remediation project is within the range of observed ambient concentrations of benzene in the urban environment. The health risk assessment was based on worst case assumptions. Actual concentrations at a specified receptor site can be expected to be well below the calculated values. Page 6 REFERENCES CITED U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 1987. Industrial Source Complex (ISC) Dispersion Model User's Guide - Second Edition (Revised). EPA-450/4-88-002a U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 1989. Estimating Emissions from the Petroleum UST Cleanups. Office of Underground Storage Tanks. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) April, 1990. Health Effects Assessment Summary Tables. First/Second Quarter, FY 1990. Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response. OSWER Directive OS-230. Andrews, L. S. and R. Snyder, 1986. Toxic Effects of Solvents and Vapors, Pp 640- 644 in C. D. Klassen, M. O. Amdur, and J. Doull, eds., Toxicology, the Basic Sciences of Poisons, 3rd Ed., McMillan Publishing Co., inc., New York. IRIS. Integrated Risk Information System (data base). 1989 U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research Development. Howard, P. H., ed. 1990. Handbook of Environmental Fate and Exposure Data for Organic Compounds, Vol. II, p. 31, Lewis Publishers, Chelsea, Michigan. Page 7 ATTACHMENT 1 REGULATION 8 ORGANIC COMPOUNDS RULE 4 0 AERATION OF CONTAMINATED SOiL AND REMOVAL OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS (Adopted July I~, 1~8(:,) 8-40-100 ~;ENERAL 8--40-101 Description: The purpose of this Rut~ is to limit the emission of organic compounds From soil that has ~c~n contaminated by organic chemical or petroleum chemic'al leaks or spills.; to describe an acceptable soil .aeral;ion procedure; and to describe an ~cc~ptable procedure for controlling emissions/'rom underground storage tanks intended for removal. 8-~0-1 ~0 Exemption, Stora~ Ptlc~ Calculatic'ns of ~era tion volu me under Section 8-40- 20~ shall no~ include storage pil¢s that are cov~rcd p~r S~ction 8-40-303j nor sh~ll they include active storage pit~ 8~0-111 Ex~ption, Excav~t~ Hole: The exposcd s.u~f~c~ of 'an ~xcava[ed hole shall no~ be included in calculations of aera'ted volume under Section 8~0-112 'ExcmptI~, .Sampling: Contaminated ~il ~xp'o~ed For th~ ~le purpose o~ sampling~hallnotbeconsideredtobea=rat~. :Removal of ~il for sampling shall not qualify ~ pile as 8-40-113' Exemption, ~on-voladl~ Hydr~a~on~ The requlrem,~nts of this P, ules~allnot apply if the ~il is contaminated by a known organic chemical or petroleum liquid, and that chemical or liquid has an initi~Iboiiing point of 302°F or higher, provid,d ~hat thc ~il is no: heated. 8~0-200 DEFIKITI0~S 8-40-201 ActivmSt~agcPilc: A pile of.:on~,minat~d ~it to which ~iliscurrentlybcing added or from which ~11 i~ currently being r~moved. Activi~ must occurred or' be anticipated to occur within one hour to b~ currcn~ 8-40-202 Acratl~: Exposure of exc~wtcd contamlnatcd ~il to the air. 8~0-203 Acratlon Dcp~: The smaller oF the following: thc actual averag~ depth contaminated ~ili or 0.15 meters (0.5 fret) multiplied by thc daily erequmncy which ~ll is turned. The exposed surfacc area includes the Pile of cxca~ated ~il unless the pil~ is covered per Section 8-~0-30~. 8~0-204 Acrati~ Volume: The volum~ of ~il b,ing a~rated shall be calculated follows: thc exposed surface area (In square fcct or square mct~r~) shall multiplied by th, aeration d~pth. 8-40-205 Con~minat~ Soil: Soil which h~s an organic content, as m~asured using thc procedure in Section 8-40'-602, exceeding 50 ppm(w~). 8-40-206 Organic Comp~nd: Any compound of carbon, excluding methanm, carbon. monoxide, carbon dioxide, carbonic aci~ me'tallic carbides or carbonates ~mm~nium carbonate. A1 - 1 8~0-207 0rganic Content: The concentration of organic compounds meauJred in the composite sample collected and analyzed using the procedures in Sections 8-q0- 601 and 8-~0-602. 8-&0-208 Vap<x' Froze: The process of purging gases From a tank using dry Ice to replace organic vapors with an Inert atmosphere. 8--~0-209 Ventilation: The process of purging gases from a tank by blowing or drawing another gas through the tank. 8-J~0-300 STANDARDS 8--~0-301 Uncontrolled Ae~atlon: A person shall not aerate contaminated soil at a rate in excess of' that specified in Table 1 for the degree of organic content. The limitations in Table 1 apply to the entire facility, and indicate the volume of contaminated soil that may be added, on any one day, to sell that is already aerating. Table 1 Allowable Kate of Uncontrolled Aeration ORGANIC CONTENT~' RATE OF UNCONTROLLED AERATION ppm (weight)~T~/JJlr~ Cubic meters/day Cubic yards/day <50 Exempt from this Rule. Subject to Rule 8-2. 50-100 ~59.0 600 100-$00 91.8 120 5oo-lo00 ~S.9 GO 1000-2000 22.9 30 2000-3000 ll.S 15 )000-~000 7.6 l0 qoo0-$000 5.7 8 >5000 0.08 0. I 8-J~0-302 Controlled'Aeration: Soil may be aerated at rates exceeding the limitations of 8- h0-301 provided emissions of organic compounds to the atmosphere are reduced by at least ~0~, by weight. 8-~0-303 Storage Piles: Contaminated soil which is not being aerated shall be covered except when sell is being added or removed. An), uncovered contaminated sell will be considered to be aerated. The soil may be covered with a layer of uncontaminated sol) no less ti.an six inches deep; or it may be covered with a tarp or other covering, provided no head space where vapors may accumulate is formed. 8--~0-310 Undcrgrc~Jnd Storage Tanks--Decommissioning: Any person wishing to permanently decommission an underground storage tank which previously contained organic compounds shall follow the fo)lowing procedure: 310.1 Al1 piping shall be drained and flushed into the tank or other container. 310.2 All liquids and sludges shall be removed, to the extent possible, from the tank. It may be necessary to use a hand pump to remove the bottom few inches of product. ~lO.~) Vapors shall be removed from the tank using one of the following three A1 - 2 methods: 3.1 The tank may be filled with water, dlsplaclng vapors and hydrocarbon liquids. Water used for this purpose must be collected and/or disposed of In a manner approved by the APCO. 3.2 Vapor freeing. 3.3 Ventllatlon. 8-40-311 Vapcx- Freeing: No person shall vapor free a tank containing more than 0.001 gallons of liquid organic compounds per gallon of tank capacity unless emissions of organic compounds to the atmosphere are reduced by at least 90~;. 8-40-312 Ventilation: No person shall ventllate a tank containing more than0.001 gallons of liquid organic compounds per gallon of tank capacity unless emissions of organic compounds to the atmosphere are reduced by at least 8-40--~00 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 8-1~0-401 Excavation of Contaminated Soil: The person resoonsible for aeration of any contaminated soil shall provide the District, by telephone, with the following information. This shall be provided no less than 24 hours prior to the spreading or heating of any .c0n.tamin~ted soil. The District shall be notified withi.n 2_4__h_o.u.r..~J-f ahy of the parameters change. ;~01.1 Estimated total quantity of soil to be aerated. 401.2 Estimated quantity of soil to be aerated per day. 401.3 Estimated average degree of contamination, or total organ!c content of soil. 401.4 Chemical composition of contaminating organic compounds (I.e., gasoline, methylene chloride, etc.). ~01.5 A description of the basis from which these estimates were derived (soil analysis test reports, etc.). 8-40-600 ~ANUAL OF PROCEDURES 8-40-60! Soil Sampling: One composite sample shall be collected and analyzed for every 50. cubic yards of excavated contaminated soil to be aerated. At least one composite sample shall be collected from each inactive, uncovered storage pile within 24 hours of excavation. Samples are not required if the soil is uncontaminated. 601.1 Each composite sample shall consist of four separate soil samples taken using the procedures described below. The soil samples shall remain separate until they are combined in the laboratory just prior to analysis. 601.2 'Samplesshalibetaken from at least three inches below the surface of the pile. Samples shall be taken using one of the following two methods: 1.1 Samples shall be taken using a driven-tube type sampler, capped and sealed with inert materials, and extruded in the lab in order to reduce the loss of volatile materials; or 1.2 Samples shall be taken using a clean brass tube (at least three inches long) driven into the soil with a suitable instrument. The ends of the brass tube shall then be covered with aldminum foil, then plastic end caps, and finally wrapped with a suitable tape. The samples shall then be immediately pieced on ice, or dry ice, for transport to a laboratory. A1 - 3 8-A0--~02 i~easurementofOr§anlcCo~t, ent.: Organic content, of soil shail be determined by t. he Regional Water Quality Control Board's Revised Analytical l~ethods~ Attachment: 2~ 11/~/85~ or any o~.her method approved by the 8--A0-603 Deter~lnatlo~ of Emissions: Emissions of organic compounds as specified in Section $-40-302 shall be measured as prescribed in the Hanual of Procedures, Volume IV~ ST-7. A1 - 4 ATTACHMENT 2 TIME (DAYS ,-t~,--WEEKS) CHANGE'I'N EMISSION RATES WITH TIME FOR AN EXCAVATED SOIL PILE ATTACHMENT 3 1 ISCST (DATED 87338) AN AIR QU~iI?Y DISPERSION MODEL IN SECTION 1. GUIDELINE MODELS IN UNA~[AP (VERSION 6) JAN. ~N ENVI~NMENTAL ENGINEERING R~.6.3 SESSION INFORMATION INPUT DATA FILE NA]{E: LB30.DTA OUTPUT LIST. FILE NME: LB30.LST 1 *** LEO BLACK BENZENE MODEL 7/6/90 *** CALCULATE (CONCENTRATION=i,DE~OSITION=2) ISW(1) = 1 RECEPTOR GRID SYSTD{ (RECTANGULAR=i OR 3, POLAR=2 OR 4) ISW(2) = 1 DISC2ETE RECEPTOR SYST~ (RECT~GULAR=i,POLAR=2) ISW(3) = 1 TERRAIN ELEVATIONS ARE RFAD (YES=I,NO=O) ISW(4) = 0 CALCULATIONS ARE'~ITTEN TO TAPE (YES=I,NO=O) ISW(5) = 0 LIST gL INPUT DATA (NO=O,YES=i,MET DATA ~=2) ISW(6) = 2 COMPUTE AVERAGE CONCENTRATION (OR TOTAL DEPOSITION) WITH THE FOLLOWING TI~ PERIODS: HOU~Y (YF.S=Z,NO=O) ISW(7): 0 2-HOUR (YES=i,NO=O) ISW(8) = 0 3-HOUR (YES=i,NO=O) ISW(9) = 0 4-HOUR (YES=i,NO=O) ISW(iO): 0 6-HOUR (YES:i,NO=O) ISW(ll) = 0 8-HOUR (YES=i,NO=O) ISW(12): 0 12-HOUR (YES=I,NO=O) ISW(13): 0 24-HOUR (YES=i,NO:O) ISW(14): 1 PRINT 'N'-DAY TABLE(S) (YES:i,NO:O) ISW(t5) = 1 PRINT THE FOLLOWING TYPES OF TABLES ~]OSE TIME PERIODS ARE SPECIFIED BY ISW(7) THROUGH ISW(14): DAILY TABLES (YES=i,NO:O) ISW(16): 1 HIGHEST & SECOND HIGHEST TABLES (YES=i,NO:O) ISW(17): ! RAXIRUH 50 TABLES (YES=i,NO=O) ISW(18): 1 METEOROLOGICAL DATA IHPUT METHOD (PRE-PROCESSED:I,CiPJ3=2) ISW(19): 2 RURAL-URBAN OPTION (RU.:O,UR. MODE !=i,UR. MODE 2:2,UR. MODE 3:3) ISW(20): 0 WIND PROFILE EXPONENT VALUES (DEFAUSTS=I,USER ENTERS=2,3) ISW(21): 1 VERTICAL POT. TEI4P. GRADIENT VALUES (DEFAULTS:i,USER ENTERS:2,3) IS~(22): 1 SCALE ERISSION RATES FOR ALL SOURCES (NO:O,YES>O) ISW(23) = 0 PROGRAR CALCULATES FINAL PLURE RISE ONLY (YES:i,NO=2) ISW(24) = 2 PROGRkM ADJUSTS ALL STACK.HEIGHTS FOR DOWN34ASH (YES:2,NO=i) ISW(25): 1 PROGRAM USES BUOYANCY INDUCED DISPLRSION (YES:I,NO:2) ISW(26): 2 CONCENTRATIONS DURING CALl{ PERIODS SET: 0 (YES:i,NO:-2) ISW(27): 2 REG. DEFAUL~ OPTIO~ CHOSE~ (YES:i,NO=2) ISW(28): -2 TYPE OF POLLUTANT TO BE MODELLED (I=S02,2=OTHER) ISW(29): 2 DEBOG OPTIO~ CHOSEN (YES:I,NO=2) ISW(30) = 2 ABOVE GROOND (FLAGPOLE) RECEPTORS USED (YES=i,NO=O) ISW(31) = 0 NUMBER OF INPUT SOURCES NSOURC: 1 NUMBER OF SOURCE GROUPS (=O,ALLS<XIRCES) NGROUP: 0 ~T{~ ~k'~TOD TMTE3~VAL TO BE PRINTED {=O,ALL INTERVALS) IPERD = 0 NU~ER OF Y (THETA) GRID VALUES NYPNTS = 11 NUMBER OF DISCRETE RECEPTORS NXWYPT = !0 NU){BER OF ~OURS PER DaY IN METEOROLOGICAL DATA N~OURS = 24 NUMBER OF DAYS OF METEOROLOGICAL DATA NDAYS = 1 SOURCE D{ISSION RATE UNITS CONVERSION FACTOR TK =.lO000E+07 ~EIG~T ABO%TE GROUND AT W~ICH WIND SPEED W~S MEASURED ZR = 10.00 METERS LOGICAL UNIT NUMBER OF METEOROLOGICAL DATA IMET= 5 ALLOCATED DATA STORAGE LIMIT = 43500 WORDS REQUIRED DATA STOOGE FOR T~IS PROBLEM RUN MtMIT = 1578 WORDS 1 *** LEO BLACK BENZENE MODEL 7/6/90 *** *** UPPER BOUND OF FIRST TEROUG~ FIFTE WIND SPEED CATEGORIES *** (METERS/SEC) 1.54, 3.09, 5.14, 8.23, 10.80, *** X-COORDINATES OF RECTANGULAR GRID SYSTEM *** (METERS) -200.0, -150.0, -100.0, -50.0, -25.0, .0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0, 150.0, 200.0, *** Y-COORDINATES OF RECTANGULAR GRID SYSTEM *** (METERS) -200.0, -150.0, -t00.0, -50.0, -25.0, .0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0, 150.0, 200.0, *** X,Y COORDINATES OF DISCRETE RECEPTORS *** (METERS) ( 3.0, .0), ( 5.0, .0), ( 10.0, .0), ( 20.0, .0), ( 30.0, .0), ( 40.0, .0), ( 50.0, .0), ( 60.0, .0), ( 70.0, .0), ( 80.0, .0), ( 1 *** LEO BLACK BENZENE MODEL 7/6/90 *** *** SOURCE DATA *** EMISSION RATE TEMP. EXIT VEL. TYPE=O, 1 TYPE=O TYPE=O T W (GRA){S/SEC) (DEG.K); (M/SEC); BLDG. BLDG. BLDG. Y A NUMBER TYPE=2 B~E YERT.DIM ~ORZ.DIM DIAMETER ~EIG}{T LENGTH WIDT~ SOURCE P K PART. (GP3~{S/SEC) X Y ELEV. EEIG~T TYPE=i TYPE=l,2 TYPE=O TYPE=O TYPE=O TYPE=O NO]4BER E E CATS. *PER METER**2 (METERS). (METERS) (METERS) (METERS) (METERS) (METERS) (METERS) (METERS) (METERS) (METERS) 1 2 0 0 .12600E-03 .0 .0 .0 .15 .00 12.30 .00 .00 .00 .00 *** LEO BLACK BENZENE MODEL 7/6/90 *** * SOURCE-RECEPTOR COMBINATIONS LESS THAN 001 METERS OR THREE BUILDING HEIGHTS IN DISTANCE. NO AVERAGE CONCENTRATION IS CALCULATED * - - RECEP~R LOCATION - - × Y (METERS) DISTANCE SOURCE OR ~NGE OR DIRECTION BETWEEN NU~ER (METERS) (DEGREES) (METERS) 1 3.0 .0 -.03 1 5.0 .0 -.68 1 10.0 .0 .32 1 MET. DATA DAY 1 *** LEO BL~CK BENZENE MODEL 7/6/90 *** * METEOROLOGICAL DATA FOR DAY 1 * POT. TEMP. FLOW WIND MIXING GRADIENT WIND DECAY YEC~OR SPEED ]~EIGBT T~P. (DEG. K STkBILITY PROFILE COEFFICIENT HOUR (DEGREES) (MPS) (METERS) (DEG. K) PER METER) CATEGORY EXPONENT (PER SEC) 1 90.0 3.50 2.0 293.0 .0000 4 .1500 .O00000E+00 2 90.0 3.50 2.0 293.0 .0200 5 .3500 .000000E+00 3 90.0 3.50 2.0 293.0 .0200 5 .3500 .O00000E+O0 4 90.0 3.50 2.0 293.0 .0200 5 .3500 .O00000E+O0 5 90.0 3.50 2.0 293.0 .0000 4 .1500 .O00000E+O0 6 90.0 3.50 2.0 293.0 .0000 4 .1500 . .O00000E+O0 7 90.0 3.50 2.0 293.0 .0000 4 .1500 .O00000E+O0 8 90.0 3.50 2.0 293.0 .0000 4 .1500 .000000E+00 9 90.0 3.50 2.0 293.0 .0000 3 .1000 .O00000E+O0 10 90.0 3.50 2.0 293.0 .0000 4 .1500 .O00000E+O0 11 90.0 3.50 2.0 293.0 .0000 4 .1500 .O00000E+O0 12 90.0 3.50 2.0 293.0 .0000 4 .1500 .O00000E+O0 13 90.0 3.50 2.0 293.0 .0000 3 .1000 .O00000E+O0 14 90.0 3.50 2.0 293.0 .0000 4 .1500 .O00000E+O0 15 90.0 3.50 2.0 293.0 .0000 4 .1500 .O00000E+O0 16 90.0 3.50 2.0 293.0 .0000 4 .1500 .O00000E+O0 17 90.0 3.50 2.0 293.0 .0000 4 .1500 .O00000E+O0 18 90.0 3.50 2.0 293.0 .0200 5 .3500 .O00000E+O0 19 90.0 3.50 2.0 293.0 .0200 5 .3500 .O00000E+O0 20 90.0 3.50 2.0 293.0 .0200 5 .3500 .O00000E+O0 21 90.0 3.50 2.0 293.0 .0200 5 .3500 .000000E+00 22 90.0 3.50 2.0 293.0 .0200 5 .3500 .O00000E+O0 23 90.0 3.50 2.0 293.0 .0200 5 .3500 .O00000E+O0 24 90.0 3.50 2.0 293.0 .0000 4 .1500 .O00000E+O0 ! DAILY: 1 24-RR/PD 1 SGROUP~ 1 *** LEO BLACK BENZENE MODEL 7/6/90 *** * DAILY 24-HOUR AVERAGE CONCENTRATION (MICROGRAMS/CUBIC METER) * * ENDING WITH HOUR 24 FOR DAY 1 * * FROM ALL SOURCES * * FOR THE RECEPTOR GRID * * MAXIMUM VALUE EQUAI~ 222.23890 MD OCCURRED AT ( 25.0, .0) * Y-AXIS / X-AXIS (METERS) (METERS) / -200.0 -t50.0 -100.0 -50.0 -25.0 .0 25.0 50.0 100.0 200.0 / .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 150.0 / .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 100.0 / .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 50.0 / .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00687 25.0 / .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .16352 8.74955 .0 / .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 222.23890 124.29890 89.44106 -25.0 / .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00001 .29088 -50.0 / .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00006 -100.0 / .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 -t50.0 / .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 -200.0 / .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 1 DAILY: 1 24-HR/PD 1 SGROUPt 1 *** LEO BLACK BENZENE MODEL 7/6/90 *** * DALLY 24-HOUR AVERAGE CONCENTRATION (MICROGPJ3{S/CUBIC METER) * * ENDING WITH HOUR 24 FOR DAY 1 * * FROM ALL SOURCES * * FOR THE RECEPTOR GRID * * t~XIICOI{ VALUE EQUALS 222.23890 mD OCCURRED AT ( 25.0, .0) * Y-AXIS / X-AXIS (METERS) (METERS) / 150.0 200.0 200.0 / .00000 .00000 150.0 / .00000 .00000 !00.0 / .00000 .00078 50.0 / .27082 1.35601 25.0 / 20.72114 26.17406 .0 / 68.08548 53.48967 -25.0 / 2.78986 7.33467 -50.0 / .02794 .24900 -100.0 / .00000 .00007 -150.0 / .00000 .00000 -200.0 / .00000 .00000 ! DAILY: 1 24-HR/PD 1 SGROUPt 1 *** LEO BLACK BENZENE MODEL 7/6/90 *** * DAILY 24-HOUR AVERAGE CONCENTRATION (I~ICROGRAMS/CUBIC METER) * * ENDING WITH HOUR 24 FOR DAY 1 * * FROM ALL SOURCES * * FOR THE DISCRETE RECEPTOR POINTS * - X- - Y- COl{. - X- - Y- -CON. - X- - Y - CON. 3.0 .0 .00000 5.0 .0 .00000 t0.0 .0 .00000 20.0 .0 304.20920 30.0 .0 179.84710 40.0 .0 141.50100 50.0 .0 124.29890 60.0 .0 113.92730 70.0 .0 106.41000 80.0 .0 i00.20070 i 'N'-DAY 1 DAYS SGROUPt 1 *** LEO BLACK BENZENE MODEL 7/6/90 *** * 1-DAY AVERAGE CONCENTRATION (MICROGRAMS/CUBIC METER) * * FROM ALL SOURCES * * FOR THE RECEPTOR GRID * * ~XI)~3M VALUE EQUALS 222.23890 A~D OCCURRED AT ( 25.0, .0) * Y-AXIS / X-AXIS (METERS) (METERS) / -200.0 -150.0 -100.0 -50.0 -25.0 .0 25.0 50.0 100.0 200.0 / .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 150.0 / .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 100.0 / .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 50.0 / .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00687 25.0 / .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .16352 8.74955 .0 / .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 222.23890 124.29890 89.44106 -25.0 / .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00001 .29088 -50.0 / .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00006 -100.0 / .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 -150.0 / .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 -200.0 / .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 1 'N'-DA¥ 1 DAYS SGROUPI 1 *** LEO BLACK BENZENE MODEL 7/6/90 *** * 1-DAY AVERAGE CONCENTRATION (MICROGRAMS/CUBIC METER) * * FROM iLL SOURCES * * FOR TEE RECEPTOR GRID * * ~XIM%~{ VALUE EQUALS 222.23890 A~D OCCURRED AT ( 25.0, .0) * Y-AXIS / X-AXIS (METERS) (METERS) / 150.0 200.0 200.0 / .00000 .00000 !50.0 / .00000 .00000 100.0 / .00000 .00078 50.0 / .27082 1.35601 25.0 / 20.72114 26.17406 .0 / 68.08548 53.48967 -25.0 / 2.78986 7.33467 -50.0 / .02794 .24900 -100.0 / .00000 .00007 -150.0 / .00000 .00000 -200.0 / .00000 .00000 ! 'N'-DAY 1 DAYS SGROUP~ 1 *** LEO BLACK BENZENE MODEL 7/6/90 *** * 1-DAY A%'ERAGE CONCENTRATION (MICROGRAMS/CUBIC METER) * * FROM ALL SOURCES * * FOR TEE DISCRETE RECEPTOR POINTS * - X- - Y- CON. - X- - Y- COY. - X- - Y - CON. 3.0 .0 .00000 5.0 .0 .00000 t0.0 .0 .00000 20.0 .0 304.20920 30.0 .0 179.84710 40.0 .0 141.50100 50.0 .0 124.29890 60.0 .0 113.92730 70.0 .0 106.41000 80.0 .0 100.20070 ! HIGH 24-HR SGROUP; 1 *** LEO BLACK BENZENE MODEL 7/6/90 *** * HIGHEST 24-HOUR AVERAGE CONCENTRATION (MICROGRAF~/CUBIC METER) * * FROM ALL SOURCES * * FOR THE RECEPTOR GRID * * RAXIM1]~ VALUE EQUALS 222.23890 AND OCCURRED AT ( 25.0, .0) * Y-axIs / X-AXIS (METERS) (METERS) / -200.0 -150.0 -100.0 -50.0 -25.0 200.0 / .00000 O, O) .00000 ( O, O) .00000 O, O) .00000 O, O) .00000 O, O) 150.0 / .00000 O, O) .00000 ( O, O) .00000 O, O) .00000 O, O) .00000 O, O) 100.0 / .00000 O, O) .00000 ( O, O) .00000 O, O) .00000 O, O) .00000 O, O) 50.0 / .00000 O, O) .00000 ( O, O) .00000 O, O) .00000 O, O) .00000 O, O) 25.0 / .00000 O, O) .00000 ( O, O) .00000 O, O) .00000 O, O) .00000 O, O) .0 / .00000 O, O) .00000 ( O, O) .00000 O, O) .00000 O, O) .00000 O, O) -25.0 / .00000 O, O) .00000 ( O, O) .00000 O, O) .00000 O, O) .00000 O, O) -50.O / .00000 O, O) .00000 ( O, O) .00000 O, O) .00000 O, O) .00000 O, O) -i00.0 / .00000 O, O) .00000 ( O, O) .00000 O, O) .00000 O, O) .00000 O, O) -150.0 / .00000 O, O) .00000 ( O, O) .00000 O, O) .00000 O, O) .00000 O, O) -200.0 / .00000 O, O) .00000 ( O, O) .00000 O, O) .00000 O, O) .00000 O, O) ! HIGH 24-HR SGROUP$ 1 *** LEO BLACK BENZENE MODEL 7/6/90 *** * HIGHEST 24-HOUR AVERAGE CONCENTRATION (MICROGRAMS/CUBIC METER) * FROM ALL SOURCES * * FOR THE RECEPTOR GRID * , KAXIMU~ VALUE EQUALS 222.23890 AND OCCURRED AT ( 25.0, .0) * Y-AXIS / X-AXIS (METERS) (METERS) / .0 25.0 50.0 100.0 150.0 200.0 / .ooooo ( o, o) .ooooo ( o, o) .ooooo ( o, o).ooooo ( o, o) .ooooo ( o, o) 15o.o / .ooooo ( o, o) .ooooo ( o, o) .ooooo ( o, o).ooooo ( o, o) .ooooo ( l, 1) ~00.0 / .00000 ( o, o) .00000 ( o, o) .00000 ( o, o) .00000 ( 1, ~) .00000 ( 1, 1) 50.0 / .00000 ( o, o) .00000 ( o, o) .00000 ( '1, ~) .006~7 ( 1, 1) .270~2 ( 1, ~) 25.o / .00000 ( o, o) .00000 ( 1, 1) .16352 ( 1, 1) 8.74955 ( 1, 1) 20.72114 ( 1, 1) .0 / .00000 ( o, o) 222.23890 ( 1, 1) 124.29890 ( t, 1) 89.44106 ( 1, 1) 68.08548 ( 1, 1) -25.0 / .00000 ( O, O) .00000 ( 1, 1)- .00001 ( 1, 1) .29085 ( 1, 1) 2.78986 ( 1, 1) -50.0 / .00000 ( o, o) .00000 ( o, 07 .00000 ( 1, 1) .00006 ( 1, 1).. .02794 ( 1, 1) -loo.o / .ooooo ( o, o) .ooooo ( o, o) .ooooo ( o, o) .ooooo ( 1, 1) .ooooo ( 1, l) -].5o.o / .ooooo ( o, o) .ooooo ( o, o) .ooooo ( o, o) .ooooo ( 1, 1) .ooooo ( !, 1) -2oo.o / .ooooo ( o, o) .ooooo ( o, o) .ooooo ( o, o) .ooooo ( o, o) .ooooo ( 1, 1) 1 HIGH 24-HR SGROUPJ 1 *** LEO BLACK BENZENE MODEL 7/6/90 *** * HIGHEST 24-HOUR AVERAGE CONCENTRATION (MICROGRAMS/CUBIC METER7 * * FROM ALL SOURCES * * FOR THE RECEPTOR GRID * * ~XIMUM VALUE EQUALS 222.23890 AND OCCURRED AT ( 25.0, .0) * Y-AXIS / X-AXIS (METERS) (METERS) / 200.0 ...__._.___._...----.--..,.--.----------.--------------------------------,------------------------------ 200.0 / .00000 ( 1, !) 15o.o / .ooooo ( z, 17 1OO.O / .00078 ( 1, 1) 50.0 / 1.35601 ( 1, 1) 25.0 / 26.17406 ( 1, 1) .O / 53.48967 ( 1, 1) -25.0 / 7.33467 ( 1, 1) -50.0 / .24900 ( 1, 1) -1OO.O / .00007 ( 1, !) -15o.o / .ooooo ( 1, 1) -200.O / .0OOO0 ( 1, 1) 1 HIGH 24-HR SGROUP; *** LEO BLACK BENZENE MODEL 7/6/90 *** * HIGHEST 24-HOUR AVERAGE CONCENTRATION (MICROGRAMS/CUBIC METER7 * * FROM ALL SOURCES * * FOR THE DISCRETE RECEPTOR POH{TS * - X - - Y - CON. (DaY,PER.) - X - - Y - CON. (DAY,PER.) 3.0 .0 .O0000 ( O, O) 5.0 .0 .OOOO0 ( O, O) 10.O .0 .OOOOO ( O, 07 20.0 .0 304.20920 ( 1, 17 30.0 .0 179.84710 ( 1, 1) 40.0 .O 141.50100 ( 1, 17 50.0 .0 124.29890 ( 1, 17 60.0 .0 113.92730 ( 1, 17 70.0 .0 106.41OOO ( 1, 17 80.0 .0 100.20070 ( 1, 1) 1 2ND HIGH 24-HR SGROUP{ 1 *** LEO BLACK BENZENE MODEL 7/6/90 *** * SECOND HIGHEST 24-HOUR AVERAGE CONCENTRATION (MICROGRAMS/CUBIC METER) * * FROM ALL SOURCES * * FOR THE RECEPTOR GRID * * MAXIMUM VALUE EQUALS .00000 AMD OCCURRED AT ( 200.0, 200.0) * Y-AXIS / X-AXIS (METERS) (METERS) / -200.0 -150.0 -t00.0 -50.0 -25.0 200.0 / .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) 150.0 / .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) 100.0 / .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) 50.o / .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) 25.0 / .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) .0 / .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) -25.0 / .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) -50.0 / .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) -100.0 / .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) -i50.0 / .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) -200.0 / .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) 1 2ND HIGH 24-HR SGROUP~ t *** LEO BLACK BENZENE MODEL 7/6/90 *** * SECOND HIGHEST 24-HOUR AVERAGE CONCENTRATION (RICROGRkl4S/CUBIC METER) * * FROM ALL SOURCES * * FOR THE RECEPTOR GRID * * MAXIRLTR VALUE EQUALS .00000 kND OCCURRED AT ( 200.0, 200.0) * Y-AXIS / X-AXIS (METERS) (METERS) / .0 25.0 50.0 100.0 150.0 2oo.o / .ooooo ( o, o) .ooooo o, o) .ooooo o, o) .ooooo ( o, o) .ooooo o, o) 15o.o / .ooooo ( o, o) .ooooo o, o) .ooooo o, o) .ooooo ( o, o) .ooooo o, o) lOO.O / .ooooo ( o, o) .ooooo o, o) .ooooo o, o) .ooooo ( o, o) .ooooo o, o) 50.0 / .ooooo ( o, o) .ooooo o, o) .ooooo o, o) .ooooo ( o, o) .ooooo o, o) 25.0 / .00000 ( O, O) .00000 O, O) .00000 O, O) .00000 ( O, O) .00000 O, O) .0/ .00000(0,0) .00000 0,0) .00000 0,0) .00000(0,0) .00000 0,0) -25.0 / .00000 ( o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 ( o, o) .00000 o, o) -50.0 / .00000 ( o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 ( o, o) .00000 o, o) -100.0 / .00000 ( o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 ( o, o) .00000 o, o) -150.0 / .00000 ( o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 ( o, o) .00000 o, o) -200.0 / .00000 ( o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 o, o) .00000 ( o, o) .00000 o, o) 1 2ND HIGH 24-HR SGROUP{ 1 *** LEO BLACK BENZENE 140DEL 7/6/90 *** * SECOND HIGHEST 24-HOUR AVERAGE CONCENTRATION (MICROGRAMS/CUBIC METER) * * FROM ALL SOURCES * * FOR THE RECEPTOR GRID * * MAXIlfO]4 VALUE EQUALS .00000 AND OCCURRED AT ( 200.0, 200.0) * Y-AXIS / X-AXIS (METERS) (METERS) / 200.0 200.0 / .00000 O, O) 150.0 / .00000 O, O) 100.0 / .00000 O, O) 50.0 / .00000 O, O) 25.0 / .00000 O, O) .0 / .00000 O, O) -25.0 / .00000 O, O) -50.0 / .00000 O, O) -100.0 / .00000 O, O) -150.0 / .00000 O, O) -200.0 / .00000 O, O) 1 2ND ~IGH 24-HR SGROUP; ! *** LEO BLACK BENZENE MODEL 7/6/90 *** * SECOND HIGHEST 24-HOUR AVERAGE CONCENTRATION (MICROGRAMS/CUBIC METER) * * FROM ALL SOURCES * * FOR THE DISCRETE RECEPTOR POINTS * - X - - Y - CON. (DAY,PER.) - X - - Y - CON. (DAY,PER.) 3.0 .0 .00000 ( O, O) 5.0 .0 .00000 ( O, O) 10.0 .0 .00000 ( O, O) 20.0 .0 .00000 ( O, O) 30.0 .0 .00000 ( O, O) 4O.0 .0 .00000 ( O, O) 50.0 .0 .00000 ( O, O) 60.0 .0 .00000 ( O, O) 70.0 .0 .00000 ( O, O) 80.0 .0 .00000 ( O, O) 1 F~X 50 24-~ SGROUP~ 1 *** LEO BIACK BENZENE MODEL 7/6/90 *** ~ 50 ~XI}~JM 24-HOUR AVERAGE CONCENTRATION (MICROGRA){S/CUBIC METER) * FROM ALL SOURCES * X Y(METERS) X Y(METERS) OR OR OR OR RkNGE DIRECTION RANGE DIRECTION RANK CON. PER. DAY METERS) (DEGREES) RANK CON. PER. DAY (METERS) (DEGREES) 304.20920 1 1 20.0 .0 26 .00007 1 1 200.0 -100.0 222.23890 1 1 25.0 .0 27 .00006 1 1 100.0 -50.0 179.84710 1 1 30.0 .0 28 .00001 1 1 50.0 -25.0 141.50100 1 1 40.0 .0 29 .00000 1 1 150.0 100.0 124.29890 1 1 50.0 .0 30 .00000 1 1 150.0 -100.0 124.29890 1 1 50.0 .0 31 .00000 1 1 200.0 150.0 113.92730 1 1 60.0 .0 32 .00000 1 1 200.0 -150.0 106.41000 t 1 70.0 .0 33 .00000 1 1 25.0 25.0 100.20070 1 1 80.0 .0 34 .00000 1 1 50.0 50.0 10 89.44106 1 1 100.0 .0 35 .00000 1 1 100.0 100.0 11 68.08548 1 1 150.0 .0 36 .00000 1 1 150.0 150.0 12 53.48967 1 1 200.0 .0 37 .00000 1 1 200.0 200.0 13 26.17406 1 1 200.0 25.0 38 .00000 1 1 150.0 -150.0 14 20.72114 1 1 150.0 25.0 39 .00000 1 1 200.0 -200.0 15 8.74955 1 1 100.0 25.0 40 .00000 1 1 100.0 -100.0 16 7.33467 1 1 200.0 -25.0 41 .00000 1 1 50.0 -50.0 17 2.78986 1 t 150.0 -25.0 42 .00000 1 1 150.0 -200.0 18 1.35601 1 1 200.0 50.0 43 .00000 1 1 100.0 -150.0 19 .29088 1 1 100.0 -25.0 44 .00000 1 1 25.0 -25.0 20 .27082 1 1 150.0 50.0 45 .00000 1 1 .0 -25.0 21 .24900 1 1 200.0 -50.0 46 .00000 1 1 -25.0 -25.0 22 .16352 1 1 50.0 25.0 47 .00000 1 1 -50.0 -25.0 23 .02794 1 1 150.0 -50.0 48 .00000 1 1 -100.0 -25.0 24 .00687 1 1 100.0 50.0 49 .00000 1 1 -150.0 -25.0 25 .00078 1 1 200.0 100.0 50 .00000 1 1 -200.0 -25.0 ~. 86OF (30°C) ~680F (20°C)'T ~ ~ 50°F (lO°C) ~~ ~ 32°F (0°C) ' 1000 2000 3000 SURFACE AREA OF SOIL PILE OR SOIL LAYER (fi2) ' , I ,, ESTIMATED, SOIL EXCAVAIION,,, AIR EMISSION RATES. . FOR BENZENE